#spring transits
missvalerierose717 · 1 year
mars into Leo prediction all signs!! ❤️❤️❤️ ♌️
welcome to the Mars in Leo all sign prediction!
The readings are going to be split up in the 3 decans of Leo, with dates ranging from May 20th to July 10th
What is a Mars in Leo like?
“In Leo, Mars is a bold and confident leader with a childlike heart. A performer at heart yet slightly arrogant when in regards to its talents, Mars in Leo's showmanship is incomparable.”
May 20th to June 9th
The energy is starting out with a lot of mental stimulation and strategies. During this time the sun entered Gemini and forming a harmonious sextile exact to Mars.
There is expected to be moments of conflicts involving emotional responses and reasoning. This partially due to Venus being very active in Cancer, along with a lot of activated aspects to Pluto in the 1 degree in Aquarius. This indicates an abundance air element (I.e. intellectual, logical) vs. Water (I.e. emotion, intuition)
Through these days, we will be working through some honest discussions, and how we feel. Learning to except our feelings is a big part of this process.
The full moon in Sagittarius at 13 degree on June 3rd is an Jupiter influenced activation and revealing time of our higher lessons. 13° is associated with Aries. These are both fire elements, so this can be an active time for us all as a collective. in the journey it will be very apparent what we want! It could be a successful time to conquer. fate has brought us everything we’ve wished for. 💞
Bonus, oracle card; the fifth chakra Arcangel Gabrielle. 
This is a perfect  representation of the energy, resembling self expression in speaking your truth. 
It’s a time to focus on your throat, chakra and your heart center, acknowledging your power to communicate. Also, this is a time to speak your truth. Expression of your emotions and ideas in a way that’s honoring your spirit. 
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June 10th through June 29th
We will begin to put in work in today, energy of the three of pentacles.
On June 11th Pluto enters back into Capricorn. Then followed by Saturn in Pisces 13° retrograding on June 17th. This is the time that we are going to be more focused on ambition and goals.
We will consume ourself in projects and collaborations. This is an important time to make use of our knowledge and creating solidify our foundations.
We may be going to feel more at ease as we materialize, and the physical things in life become more pleasurable. We may feel more abundant in regards a more stabilized environment.
Our love life also may be more productive as we put in the effort to be cooperative to one another.
With this decan we experience a new moon in Gemini on June 18th. It’s 26 degrees which is the degree of Taurus. We may be strong, steady and working on matters of love. Making this a time to be willing to compromise.
Bonus, oracle card; happy family.
A time for closeness, fun and caring.  this is about finding and truly loving the value of your family, and what it brings. Prepare yourself for more time involving happiness in the home life.
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June 30th to July 10th
During this time, the sun will be in cancer by June 21st. Even though this is a very emotional setting, we are still living in a way that is wildly untamed.
It is predicted that we will end with the true nature of Leo’s spirit, and the strength card. This is about pride and confidence in all we’ve came to do and conquered.
Linkages to the planet Venus, and strong feelings we are deserving, and unwilling to accept less than our worth. We will be consumed by royalty and goddess tendencies.
 It will be projected that  there’s a fierce energy to go after your truest desires. It’s a power packed force of pride and ambition to follow you heart, Leo, after all does rule the heart.
 We may even make it widely known, how we really feel and what we really want. It’s not a time to be quiet about your pursuits.  We know we are deserving and our romantic relationships may begin to be fuel with fiery romantic flair. 😍
Bonus, oracle card: Ying yang. 
Resemblance of passion and action, versus intuitive and logical. This is where the forces are coming together to emerge as one unified source. Completeness in counterparts. This is the time to be receptive to your partner.
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And the overall card, for the transit is the world. This card will be the main influence during this whole transit.
With this overall energy we are in seek of Achievement, Responsibility, Repayment, Completion, Fresh starts.
Bonus, oracle card;  indecision.
 The overall impact of this oracle card is during this transit we are going to discover what we need in life. Especially with Mars being our planet of action and desires.  This is a revealing time for us as a collective to rediscover, we may need to cut off some things that are unnecessary to manifest our happy life in reality.
Follow me for more astrological updates and predictions www.facebook.com/missvalerierose | IG: miss.valerierose
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dkettchen · 5 months
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she would've told them unlike her canon! version who decided not to be an ally smh
#one piece#trans!sanji#sanji#kiku#yamato#ワンピース#I'm practicing my japanese shhhhhh#(日本語のペラペラ人:俺は文法とか書く方とか間違ったら教えてください😅ありがとうございます)#translation:#Yamato: I'll be able to get as strong as Oden?#Sanji: Probably... 🤔#[meanwhile Kiku is remembering the time in the hot spring]#(Sanji: Nami-chan!!!)#(Nami: Shut up!! The women's bath is supposed to be a peaceful place!)#Kiku: I am also ⚧️ ... o.o#(y'all english speakers had me all to yourselves for a decade it's about time I start to also sometimes make stuff in my next language lol#notably for media *from* that language#same as it made sense to make fan content in english for [american superhero franchise we don't talk abt anymore] back in the day#(happy seasonal reminder that Ren Is Not A Native English Speaker and This Is My 5th Language hi 😅))#while looking up reference for this I learnt that the straps to tie back the kimono sleeves are called tasuki#also I decided yamato get big muscles cause he got them kaido genes in im (I also gave him his dad's young-man-facial hair)#the more I do transition projections for one piece characters while tryna adhere to the style the more I learn that sometimes stylisation#uses bones less as literal determinants for where things go and just kinda exaggerates shapes based on vibes alone instead#meaning trans characters' bones wouldn't literally stay looking the same in that stylisation in the way they do irl#they'd get exaggerated differently based on what the surrounding stuff is doing#I still think oda's transition demonstration when we first met iva was unreasonable even with that in mind tho
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the-moon-devi · 6 months
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Happy Spring Equinox, and Aries SZN! 🐏
🔆 Neptune in 2h: This placement can be very tricky because Neptune rules illusions & confusion. If you have this in your solar return, BEWARE, there's a chance you will experience uncertainty when it comes to things like tax returns and finances in general. This is also the house of self-worth, so this could indicate confusion in this area. Even a loss or drop in self-confidence. 
🔆 Saturn in 1h: This can manifest in many different ways. But usually you may feel restricted in some way this year, this could even lead to you feeling like an elderly person as you become more mature. The universe will send you a lot of roadblocks this year, and it may feel like you are constantly stuck in life. My advice us to roll with the tides literally, and don't get too down. Because this can also lead to depression. If you've already experienced your Saturn return, this may be a bit easier for you as someone who is still in the beginning stages of their life. Saturn may bring up old lessons and test you to make sure you've learned your lesson.
🔆 Taurus/Libra Asc: These Ascendants are ruled by venus. So already we can see that the year will most likely be intel, venusian based events & circumstances. Such as Love, beauty, finances, business, and socialization. The house Venus sits in can show where most of your focus will be. 
🔆 Sun in 3h: May show an increase in popularity, you may be learning a lot, and involved in social media. Talking more with people online, and even meeting people with similar interests. For my 2023 SR my sun landed in the 3rd house, and about a week after my birthday I started tumblr. It got more attention than I expected. I also had the asteroid Webb (3041) in the 1h and Fama at 29° in 11h. So that probably just added a little boost and shows that it was meant for me to start this blog.
Edit: (I actually had a 3rd house stellium)
🔆 Venus 4h: You or your mother may be more interested in beautifying your house, according to the position of Venus in the 4th house. This also indicates that your home life may be more peaceful, unless Uranus or Mars is present, which can show movement. Furthermore, Venus can indicate romance for the year, along with the 7th house. If you engage in romantic conversations, you may experience deep emotional connections with people. Also, you may find yourself meeting very familiar people, even if you haven't met them in this lifetime, and it can feel like you have met them before. The 4th house is very karmic, so it can show partners from the past coming back, whether that be good or bad. However, you can find yourself feeling nurtured within connections or doing the nurturing. Additionally, you may meet romantic partners from home, which could mean that you could meet them online or through family. Overall, your love life will be private and possibly more secure.
🔆 Lilith 7h: According to my natal x Sr chart, Lilith sat in my 1st house while in my separate Sr chart, she was in my 7th house. This indicates that Lilith dominated my experiences in 2023, and as a result, Lilith and I have become friends. Lol. When it comes to relationships, expect the unexpected, similar to Uranus in the 7th house or conjunct the Descendant. Lilith in the 7th house brings taboo experiences when it comes to partners and long-term relationships. Your relationships may have a significant taboo nature to them. In my case, I had vertex and Lilith in my 7th house, which indicates not only taboo encounters but also fated meetings.
🔆 Sun in 9h: Will point towards a year of exploration and studying/learning new things. You may travel a lot during this year, or if you're seeking to study a big topic, expect to learn a lot. This could change your view of life. 9h is traditionally the house of God. More than likely, you'll find yourself learning more about God or feeling a calling to get closer to the masculine part of God.
🔆 Sun 3h: In the previous sun 3h note, I should have mentioned that the 9h represents the house of God, while the 3h represents the house of the goddess. If you have the sun in the 3h house of your Sr, you may find yourself tapping deeper into your feminine side. This can unlock your creativity and help you manifest your desires by using the ancient principles of the universe. Use your feminine charm to attract what you want and your feminine touch to expand your creative hobbies and talents. As someone who already has a spiritual nature and a sun in the 3h house of my Sr, I have felt a stronger pull to tap into my feminine energy, and have learned a lot about this aspect of my life.
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🔆 Sharing the same Sr placement as a partner/friend: If you have this with a person you know, you guys could be super close and/or share a lot of the same experiences that year.
🔆 Vibilia 1h: Vibilia is the name for the Roman goddess of travel. @themedialmercurial made a post on this asteroid. I'll link it below. So you guys can go check your natal placements. However, in the 1h for SR charts, this asteroid can point towards guaranteed travel or even life-taking you through many journeys. The sign may give more insight into how this may play out. Also, it's a bonus if you have planets in the 9h house as well. Vibilia post: 1 2 3
Asteroid number (copy & paste) 
🔆 Juno 7h: May feel a need to commit or get in a relationship this year. Juno represents commitment and partnerships and with it entering the house of pong term partnerships/marriage. It's not uncommon to see these natives getting engaged, married, or entering a long-term connection. This will be even more prominent if you have a vertex here as well. 
SR Ascendant Ruler can show where a lot of your focus will be this year. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 3H: Your focus this year will be learning, traveling, writing, social media, and acquiring new skills. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 6H: Your focus this year will be work, schedules/routines, and health. You may struggle or gain in this area. You may find yourself wanting to create a steady schedule to keep yourself organized. You may also take on more responsibilities this year, this will be a year of working. Putting in those hours to get what you want, you could even be more prone to illnesses/ enemies this year. Your co-workers/work environment will affect you a lot. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 5H: Your focus this year will be having fun, doing what brings you joy, and possibly a lot of short-term flings. You may find yourself attending a lot more outings and parties. If not this then you'll be having a lot of attention and working on creative endeavors. This is a year of pleasure and individuality. So do what your heart desires, and take more of an interest in you. Associate yourself with people who make you happy. On the downside, you could become overly involved in partying, drinking, etc, and this may become detrimental to you. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 9H: Your focus this year will be travel, attaining wisdom, and becoming closer to God. You may be seen as adventurous and knowledgeable this year. People may be to you for advice this year as well. Travel and possibly even moving is a big chance here as well. Education, God, your beliefs, religion or spirituality, and life views will be important as well. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 2H: Your focus this year will be finances, assets, financial investments, financial literacy, and working to improve yourself and/or your worth. You may put a lot of energy towards building yourself up for a valuable future. And also enjoying yourself more or even spending more money. You may make a bug purchase this year that impacts your finances. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 Vertex in your Solar Return shows fated events that you WILL experience this year. These events will be signs of a pivotal point in your life and will affect the rest of your year. 
Vertex in 1h: Your appearance, how others see you, a person you meet may change how you and others view you
Vertex in 5h: You may experience a lot of joy and pleasure, sexual encounters, short-term flings, babies/children, creativity
Vertex in 6h: health, work, schedule/routines, more responsibility
Vertex in 7h: partners, may meet a long-term partner/marriage partner, weddings, and a venus-ruled/dominant person
Vertex in 8h: Strong passionate connections, intimacy, your shadow self, a very big life altering experience, inheritances, and death.
Vertex in 9h: travel, higher education, spiritual teachers, and your beliefs
Vertex in 10h: your career, reputation, authority figures, and accomplishments
Vertex in 11h: friend groups, worldly topics, friends, your goals and wishes
Vertex in 12h: spirituality, dreams, solitude, and illnesses
Vertex in 2h: finances, assets, family/generational wealth, resources. What is valuable to you, and gains
Vertex in 3h: speech, writing, neighbors, siblings/cousins, everyday commute, popularity, and social media
Vertex in 4h: Your mother, your home life, moving houses, your ancestry/roots, women in the family, your womb, and emotions.
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🔆 Valentine (447) 1h: This asteroid represents love and is one of the strongest love asteroids, in my opinion. This occupying the 1h shows that you will most likely be falling in love especially if this conjuncts your asc, because it's also making an aspect to your dsc (7h, the house of partners/relationships). This will sweep you off your feet, and Valentine shows a sacrificial kind of love. Likely, you'll find yourself doing things you never thought you would do for love. This can be indicative of realizing you have fallen in love with a partner. 
🔆 Destinn (6583) 7h: This asteroid in solar return shows what is destined to happen this year. In the 7h, it will be destined for you to meet, get married, or get into a long-term impactful commitment. This encounter will likely feel fated. 
🔆 Sun conjunct Amor (1221) /Cupido (763): You could be a lover girl/boy this year. Amor means "love" in English. So, this being conjunct, your sun can show that some of this year's themes will be love. Cupido shows that Cupid will be shooting you with an arrow of love. You will find yourself deeply admiring a love interest. These are just the beginning stages of the strong feelings you will feel for this person. Expect a year of love. 
🔆 Lovelock (51663) 7h: You will likely meet a romantic partner whom you are deeply attached and form a deep loving bond with. This can show that you'll be locked and in love with this person as well. 
🔆 Union (1585) 7h: Imma keep this sweet & short.... yeah, you'll be coming into union with your person more than likely. This asteroid represents a union. Marriage is also likely to occur. 
Ps: Union conjunct sun can also signify this! 
🔆 Sunshine (3742) conjunct Venus: ☀️ Sunshine conjunct Venus, can show happiness when it comes to finances & love. You can experience great bliss and luck, it'll be like a breath of fresh air.
🔆 North Node conjunct Sunshine (3742): You will experience a lot of happiness this year if you have been having sadness/depression. This shows a forecast of Sunshine! Good days are ahead
🔆 Sunshine (3742) 1h: Similar to the north node, you will find yourself being very happy & satisfied with life and yourself. You could have an increase in self-confidence. You'll also be seen as a beam of light by those around you. Be sure to get a lot of sun, and summertime could benefit you greatly.
🔆 Briede (19029)/ Groom (5129) 1h/7h: likely to meet your spouse or be a bride/groom.
🔆 Boda (1487) conjunct Vertex: This shows a fated wedding happening. 
🔆 Vertex conjunct Alma (390): the point of fate meets the asteroid of the soul/soulmates. These two combined can show an encounter with a soulmate 
🔆 Eros (433) 1h/ conjunct asc: Eros is sexual attraction, in the 1h this shows you will experience sexual encounters & romance. 
🔆 2h ruler in 12h: Your finances may go through losses when it comes to finances. On the other hand, this can also show receiving money from hidden sources, or through spiritual practices. This can also show that manifestation and visualization can help you attract money. Since, the 2h is 11 places away from the 12h, and the 11th house rules dreams, goals, and aspirations. You can set a lot of unreasonable goals for your finances this year. The 12h is also the house of expenditures as it is ruled by Jupiter/Neptune. So you can gain a lot of money but also spend a lot, or either spend more than you have. If traveling abroad, you can spend a lot of money traveling. Be careful not to get scammed this year, and be watchful of your money because it could even get stolen or lost. Also spending money on spirituality. You will value your spirituality and alone time. 
🔆 2h ruler in 7h: Your finances will likely go towards a partner or a relationship, you could be the provider for your partner/spouse. This could show spending money on a business, or a wedding. This shows you will value your relationships. 
🔆 2h ruler in 2h: The 2h lord in the 2h, shows you will value money a lot this year, you'll have tunnel vision when it comes to finances. You can spend money trying to make money and investing. This is honestly pretty good for investing. You could also be wanting to spend money on things that have great value and bring you quality.
🔆 2h ruler in 8h: This combination, shows that you may be sharing your money, or even joining your assets with a close partner. This is the house of shared finances and joint ventures. So don't be surprised if you and your partner open up a shared account. This can show spending money on businesses. There may be inheritances, or loans involved this year. 
🔆 4h ruler in 12h: This year may indicate spending a lot of time at home, alone. This can also show deep emotional problems coming up. You can find your origins within spirituality, and even experience loneliness in your home life. The 12h rules foreign settlement, and the 4h is the home, so this may also show moving abroad, or finding a home in a foreign place. This can also indicate a strong spiritual connection to your ancestors. With the 4h showing what brings us comfort, this can show that spirituality, alone time, and water/foreign travel will bring you comfort. 
🔆 4h ruler in 9h: Similar to the 12h but less emotional, this can also show traveling, and find comfort, in traveling or settling in a place that is foreign to you. You will be expanding your horizons this year, and more than likely finding a new home. This can even show not having the most stable home, like you may travel a lot this year!
🔆 4h ruler in 7h: You may find yourself moving in with a partner, or being in a relationship that brings you a lot of comfort, and emotional security. This may be the year where you establish a long-lasting relationship. 
🔆 Pluto conjunct IC/ 4h: Your home life will change, and go through a transformation. This is an indication of moving to a new home! Your sense of security will be shaken up. This will be softened if you have the moon or Venus in the 4th house as well because Pluto can be super intense.
🔆 Uranus conjunct IC/ 4H: This is another big indicator of moving, and most likely a long-distance travel and it could be random. Because Uranus represents unexpected shocking changes, and it'll most likely happen very fast. 
🔆 Uranus conjunct DC/7H: This shows your partnerships, which will be surprising. There may be something unexpected happening in this area, this doesn't always have to be horrible especially if you have benefic planets here as well. If it's here alone, then this may show a long distance or relationship that has a lot of ups and downs. This can show your partners may be unconventional in any sense, they could even be from a different caste than you. With Venus and Uranus here, you may unexpectedly get engaged, or married. This can show an unexpected/ surprising love meeting as well. 
🔆 Fortuna (19) in 1h/conjunct ASC: This placement, can indicate fortune and luck coming to you this year!
🔆 Fortuna (19) in 2h: Fortune when it comes to your finances, and extra money. 
🔆 Atira (163693) in 1h/conjunct ASC: This asteroid represents prosperity through selflessness, so this year you may find you do things for others that bring you abundance. You may have to make sacrifices this year to gain something bigger & better. 
🔆 Midas (1981) in 1h/ conjunct ASC: Everything you touch this year will turn to gold. Your skills/talents will bring you a lot of abundance. Others will see you as a source of good luck. Expect major fortunes this year. 
🔆 Amalthea (113) in 1h/conjunct ASC: Amalthea represents infinite abundance, so this one is pretty self-explanatory. This year, money will find you regardless of circumstances, you could receive massive amounts of opportunities, and lucky situations coming towards you. This could even show blessings when it comes to your physical appearance. 
🔆 Opportunity (39382): Depending on the house placement can show where you are likely to receive the opportunity this year. In the 1st house you will be brought many opportunities, you can have many chances to go towards your goals. In the 2h, your finances, and how much money you spend. This could result in having many opportunities to make or spend money, or even save. This could also be great for investments.
🔆 Tyche (258) in 2h: Luck in finances...
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I hope you guys enjoyed this! Happy New Year, and let me know if you want to see my solar return chart for 2024!
𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐞'𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐞
𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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nordsea-horizons · 5 months
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🌱hillside community farm leading to nook’s cranny🥕🍃
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seafoamreadings · 4 days
sun into libra
happy birthday libra suns, and happy equinox to all :) enjoy the changing of the light, the quality of the air as the season shifts. embrace staying balanced and poised in times of change.
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chrissy-kaos · 1 year
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Spring vibes are in full effect!!! 🌻🌼🌷🪻⚘️
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toyastales · 6 months
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I like how they incorporated the modern addition to the existing architecture.
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thetypewriterdaily · 8 months
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✨gentle reminder: winter always transitions into spring. your internal hardships will soon subside and you will enter a season of renewal and growth ❄️🌼🌿💌🫧
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stuckinapril · 7 months
Going to the gym in nothing but a sports bra but also being armed with both a sweater and a crop top depending on how the weather turns out later today. A girl prepares herself for any and all possibilities truly
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Waiting for all that Spring will present by Shelly Lynn Hachey O
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bigdumbbambieyes · 9 months
a little something for @akioukun ☀️🤍🍂
the summer always wakes up before the autumn, warming those cool winter mornings out of spite — a reminder that it can burn, it’s dangerous if you get too close
and yet
Billy sleeps and stirs to feel a familiar breeze through the hoar frosted trees, still on his skin where it places it’s temporary and fleeting touch, cooling him in the way only Steve can
kissing Billy’s furrowed brow as he rouses, wrapping around him as Billy yawns and opens his eyes, sun rays spilling from them as his fire grows from its embers
Steve’s there, sometimes, in the spring — transitional, temporary, but always there wherever Billy looks, sometimes he can’t tell the difference between winter and spring
the cool, sunny days with barren meadow grounds is where they make their love
and his love returns to him once the first leaf falls
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jelleebun · 2 years
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spring is coming
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bonefall · 9 months
some ideas: nico’s rise (like sunrise), nico’s dawn, nico’s spark (like the fire)
I want it to be more about chronology. Like, the passage of time, the "natural" change of things. There's a sense in this book that the change is welcome, but a bit... dreaded. Because in the end, it's like she had no agency over the way her Clan's tune changed.
As inevitably as the sun rises, as the ice thaws in spring, things got better. She was able to finally see the changes she could make, but was still frustrated by all the things still out of her reach.
She's the same as she always was, but it's like the world turned around her. She's entered into a new season in her life, and only now will she decide what that means, going foward. She could not choose when the winter melted into spring, but maybe now, she will be able to select which flowers she will allow to grow.
So... maybe Nightcloud's Dawn, but something doesn't capture it quite perfectly yet.
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cooki3face · 6 months
Accountability is the word we use when we describe the act of saying we are going to do something with intention and keeping that word to ourselves or being the energy we have set forth into the universe by making whatever statement we’ve just made. You keep yourself accountable by setting the intention to do something or be in an energy and then embodying that energy. Whatever shift you’ve just made or have been working towards making thus far or whatever manifestations you set forth or wrote down (some of you felt called to write them and hold them close to you and you have) spirit wants to see you embody that energy and meet them half way in your intention to see that excellent turnout. The other day, I had received an important message regarding my spirit guides taking care of things behind the scenes and making a way for me and guiding me not to change what I’d been doing to push myself closer to what I had asked of them to secure for me, that manifestation did indeed come through. As we wait for others that we may not be able to see the full outcome of do your best to set the intention to move towards what it is you envision for yourself at this time and do so in your actions and energy. Someone’s spirit guides are holding secrets from them or aren’t telling them what’s in store for them or you cannot possibly imagine what’s to come out of a current situation or see what is coming from where you’re standing this is on purpose. Trust in your ancestors and your spirit guides heavily at this time. Surrender your control. Worry not about anyone else, pour all energy and intention into yourself at this time.
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nordsea-horizons · 7 months
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🍃green forest details☘️
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werebutch · 14 hours
Crazy how my music taste rotates with the seasons every year like clockwork
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