#all sign predictions
missvalerierose717 · 1 year
mars into Leo prediction all signs!! ❤️❤️❤️ ♌️
welcome to the Mars in Leo all sign prediction!
The readings are going to be split up in the 3 decans of Leo, with dates ranging from May 20th to July 10th
What is a Mars in Leo like?
“In Leo, Mars is a bold and confident leader with a childlike heart. A performer at heart yet slightly arrogant when in regards to its talents, Mars in Leo's showmanship is incomparable.”
May 20th to June 9th
The energy is starting out with a lot of mental stimulation and strategies. During this time the sun entered Gemini and forming a harmonious sextile exact to Mars.
There is expected to be moments of conflicts involving emotional responses and reasoning. This partially due to Venus being very active in Cancer, along with a lot of activated aspects to Pluto in the 1 degree in Aquarius. This indicates an abundance air element (I.e. intellectual, logical) vs. Water (I.e. emotion, intuition)
Through these days, we will be working through some honest discussions, and how we feel. Learning to except our feelings is a big part of this process.
The full moon in Sagittarius at 13 degree on June 3rd is an Jupiter influenced activation and revealing time of our higher lessons. 13° is associated with Aries. These are both fire elements, so this can be an active time for us all as a collective. in the journey it will be very apparent what we want! It could be a successful time to conquer. fate has brought us everything we’ve wished for. 💞
Bonus, oracle card; the fifth chakra Arcangel Gabrielle. 
This is a perfect  representation of the energy, resembling self expression in speaking your truth. 
It’s a time to focus on your throat, chakra and your heart center, acknowledging your power to communicate. Also, this is a time to speak your truth. Expression of your emotions and ideas in a way that’s honoring your spirit. 
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June 10th through June 29th
We will begin to put in work in today, energy of the three of pentacles.
On June 11th Pluto enters back into Capricorn. Then followed by Saturn in Pisces 13° retrograding on June 17th. This is the time that we are going to be more focused on ambition and goals.
We will consume ourself in projects and collaborations. This is an important time to make use of our knowledge and creating solidify our foundations.
We may be going to feel more at ease as we materialize, and the physical things in life become more pleasurable. We may feel more abundant in regards a more stabilized environment.
Our love life also may be more productive as we put in the effort to be cooperative to one another.
With this decan we experience a new moon in Gemini on June 18th. It’s 26 degrees which is the degree of Taurus. We may be strong, steady and working on matters of love. Making this a time to be willing to compromise.
Bonus, oracle card; happy family.
A time for closeness, fun and caring.  this is about finding and truly loving the value of your family, and what it brings. Prepare yourself for more time involving happiness in the home life.
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June 30th to July 10th
During this time, the sun will be in cancer by June 21st. Even though this is a very emotional setting, we are still living in a way that is wildly untamed.
It is predicted that we will end with the true nature of Leo’s spirit, and the strength card. This is about pride and confidence in all we’ve came to do and conquered.
Linkages to the planet Venus, and strong feelings we are deserving, and unwilling to accept less than our worth. We will be consumed by royalty and goddess tendencies.
 It will be projected that  there’s a fierce energy to go after your truest desires. It’s a power packed force of pride and ambition to follow you heart, Leo, after all does rule the heart.
 We may even make it widely known, how we really feel and what we really want. It’s not a time to be quiet about your pursuits.  We know we are deserving and our romantic relationships may begin to be fuel with fiery romantic flair. 😍
Bonus, oracle card: Ying yang. 
Resemblance of passion and action, versus intuitive and logical. This is where the forces are coming together to emerge as one unified source. Completeness in counterparts. This is the time to be receptive to your partner.
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And the overall card, for the transit is the world. This card will be the main influence during this whole transit.
With this overall energy we are in seek of Achievement, Responsibility, Repayment, Completion, Fresh starts.
Bonus, oracle card;  indecision.
 The overall impact of this oracle card is during this transit we are going to discover what we need in life. Especially with Mars being our planet of action and desires.  This is a revealing time for us as a collective to rediscover, we may need to cut off some things that are unnecessary to manifest our happy life in reality.
Follow me for more astrological updates and predictions www.facebook.com/missvalerierose | IG: miss.valerierose
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prudentseer · 6 months
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Mythical Sausage when I catch you...WHEN I CATCH YOU
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lunarlianna · 8 months
Pluto generations
Aries (1823 - 1851)
The presence of Pluto in Aries defines a generation marked by a pioneering and assertive spirit, reflecting a profound longing for independence. Those influenced by this placement often take on key roles in instigating social change and revolutionizing established systems. Historical events from 1823 to 1852, such as the Wars for Latin American Independence, the First Opium War, and the Women's Rights Convention, exemplify the transformative impact of this astrological configuration.
Taurus (1852 - 1881)
Pluto's position in Taurus defines a generation characterized by unwavering perseverance, determination, and a profound connection to the material realm. These individuals prioritize stability, security, and the sustainable use of resources, leaving a lasting imprint on economic systems and environmental consciousness. Notably, during Pluto's transit in Taurus, the Industrial Revolution surged forward, marked by the rise of corporate structures in industries like railroads and steam engines.
Gemini (1882 – 1913)
The generation under the influence of Pluto in Gemini witnessed the dawn of the Second Industrial Revolution, aptly named the Technological Revolution. These individuals, marked by intellectual curiosity and adaptability, excelled in communication and media, significantly shaping cultural and technological progress. The era marked the birth of influential figures like John Maynard Keynes and Benito Mussolini, along with German scientist Robert Koch's identification of the tuberculosis bacterium. Notably, the First World War occurred during this period, bringing significant changes in all areas of life.
Cancer (1914 -1938)
Pluto in Cancer signifies a generation characterized by deep emotional sensitivity, nurturing instincts, and strong family values. Living through World War I, the Spanish flu pandemic, and the Great Depression, they grew up in a challenging era that shaped their conservative outlook. This generation, often referred to as the "Greatest Generation," prioritized family, spirituality, and adherence to societal norms. While their emphasis on politeness and chivalry had positive aspects, it also gave rise to dark elements such as sexist gender roles, racial segregation, and cultural supremacy.
Leo (1939 – 1958)
Pluto in Leo defines a generation marked by a quest for self-expression, creativity, and a hunger for recognition. Born during historical events like the Nazi invasion of Poland and the Battle of Stalingrad, these individuals challenged authority, imprinting their influence on art, entertainment, and leadership styles. Ruled by the Sun, Pluto in Leo symbolizes a fresh start after periods of war and chaos, fostering a sense of self-value and confidence. This prideful, generous, and naturally leadership-oriented generation, however, tends to resist change and stands firm in their philosophies as a fixed sign.
Virgo (1957 – 1971)
Pluto in Virgo defines a generation marked by a robust work ethic, practicality, and an innate drive for perfection. Born during pivotal events such as the first documented AIDS cases and Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, these individuals contribute to societal shifts in health, wellness, and environmental consciousness. Ruled by Mercury, Pluto in Virgo emphasizes efficiency and hard work, fostering reliability, trustworthiness, and empathy. This generation focuses on rebuilding and technology, epitomizing an era of research and preparation, notably during the Cold War.
Libra (1972 – 1983)
Pluto in Libra defines a generation marked by a profound yearning for harmony, justice, and equality. With Venusian qualities, these individuals are inherently social, compassionate, and value connections with others. The events during their time, such as the end of the Vietnam War, the introduction of VHS, and the rise of personal computers, align with their commitment to justice and duty for the collective. This generation, while not necessarily seeking radical societal reshaping, is more focused on preserving law and order, offering assistance to those in need, and rectifying wrongs through the pursuit of justice.
Scorpio (1984 – 1995)
Pluto in Scorpio defines a generation marked by intensity, depth, and profound transformation, playing a pivotal role in societal shifts related to power dynamics, sexuality, and psychological exploration. While the preceding Pluto in Libra generation advocated for balance, Pluto in Scorpio pushed the limits, ushering in events like the Gulf War, the end of the Cold War, and the advent of the World Wide Web. Resilient and empowered, they navigated constant transformations, developing a keen ability to adapt and thrive through each metamorphosis. This generation also contributed to a shifting cultural perspective on sexuality.
Sagittarius (1996 – 2008)
Pluto in Sagittarius shapes a generation marked by a thirst for knowledge, cultural exchange, and a global perspective, contributing significantly to societal shifts in education, philosophy, and belief systems. This generation, embodies the archer's bravery and fearlessness, fostering a spirit of rebellion and outspokenness. Sagittarius' affinity for networking and socializing with individuals from various nations aligns with the rise of the internet, a tool that facilitates global connectivity. Key events during this period include the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep, the introduction of the Euro to financial markets, and the groundbreaking launch of the iPhone in 2007.
Capricorn (2008 – 2023)
Pluto in Capricorn defines a generation marked by ambition, pragmatism, and a distinct focus on challenging traditional structures, leading to transformative changes in politics, business, and governance. Ruled by Saturn, this era, encompassing events such as the launch of Bitcoin, the Syrian civil war, Edward Snowden's revelations on mass surveillance, and the COVID-19 pandemic, unfolded amidst the Great Recession and the rise of social media. The influence of Saturn instils a commitment to rules, regulations, and social changes that align with a desire for structure and order.
Aquarius (2024 – 2044)
Pluto in Aquarius heralds a generation marked by innovation, individuality, and an impassioned pursuit of freedom and social progress. The current era unfolds amid a new global order, carrying both anticipation and uncertainty. Emerging from the constraining Capricorn era, Aquarius brings a promise of hope, healing, and a future-focused mindset.
Pisces (2044 – 2067)
Pluto in Pisces gives rise to a generation marked by empathy, spirituality, and a deepening of the collective consciousness, contributing to societal shifts in compassion, art, and transcendence. As one era concludes and another begins, this period signals the resurgence of spirituality, with people connecting profoundly to the universe through meditation and prayer. Anticipated as a peaceful time with minimal conflict, technological progress may temporarily slow after the Aquarius era's boom. This wise generation is poised to challenge traditional norms, potentially leading to the disappearance of gender roles, marking a significant chapter in human evolution.
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hellohellowelcome · 2 months
Feeling very optimistic about the final chapter because I am dying for Izuku to finally be able to unpack his feelings about everything he's experienced on his hero journey, and with regards to Katsuki (and All Might, respectfully everybody else get back). We've only gotten very small bits of introspection on his end, and with one chapter left, I hope that it's all given the space it deserves. Shipping aside, bkdk's relationship is core to the series and it would be extremely confusing for hori not to give them some semblance of proper closure or signal as to what their bond is going to evolve into after the events of the story.
(But on the other hand, slightly worried about the pacing based on the last few epilogue chapters...just pictured me sitting, reading, waiting for a bkdk handhold and the here comes cementoss and company for multiple pages 😭)
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papermonkeyism · 6 months
It't over 11°C and sun is shining and I AM LIVING!!
Fuck the plantar fasciitis I'm going for a walk and won't return untill I've outdoored a proper amount. Probably visiting a coffee shop to not breat my foot have some coffee and cake time, maybe with a sketchbook.
Spring!!!! Summer hat time!
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
With Birthdaygate pretty much confirmed, here are two moments from 4x02 Vecna's Curse that hit different...
(1) First we have Jonathan stopping Will as he goes into Rink-O-Mania to tell him something. Will turns around quickly and almost looks, dare I say, hopeful?
But why would that be the case? Unless of course there's something Will's waiting for Jonathan to say, that he hasn't said yet? Happy Birthday perhaps? Surprise Will! We didn't forget your birthday! We're coming in! We have a party planned and everything! Meet you inside! (interesting that there were birthday decorations in there as well...)
Unfortunately, all Jonathan does is tell Will that they'll be back to pick them up at 6:00. And so Will goes from sad, to hopeful, only to go back to looking sad again...
I think a lot of fans attributed Jonathan's concerned looks in this moment as him knowing about Will's feelings for Mike. And I do still think that's present, especially as he's telling Will they'll be there to pick them up later. In that specific moment he sounds sympathetic like Sorry buddy, that sucks.
However, the look Jonathan makes after Will turns away, as Argyle starts driving off, doesn't look like sympathy or pity from someone witnessing unrequited love. It looks like confusion and almost deja vu being experienced by Jonathan himself. As if he's forgetting something, but doesn't know what it is...
(2) Next is at the very end of Will and Mike's fight. Mike sort of echoes the same level of frustration he had during their rain fight, when he said It's not my fault you don't like girls. We know the scenes parallel each other, and how after both of those things are said, there's this silence that takes over, making clear that this is as far as they can go, otherwise they might risk hurting each other beyond fixing. We see both of them make faces of deep emotion here, because they probably are also being reminded of their fight last summer.
And so Will's options here were to, either (A) take it even further and risk hurting Mike more than he's hurting him, or (B) just don't say anything and let the argument end there before it gets beyond repair.
But the thing is, it almost looked like Will was going to say something. He quite literally mouths the word But-- only to cut himself off all together, looking defeated.
Here's what I think. THIS would have been the perfect moment for Will to say, But, you forgot my birthday, Mike. If it was genuinely something as simple as Mike and everyone simply forgetting and needing a reminder, without any supernatural implications involved, I think this would have been the moment to do it.
It would have also mirrored their rain fight even better because it would have been Will saying something and likely walking away, leading to Mike being like OH SHIT I have to fix this! I messed up.
But we all know it's not that simple.
As far as Will knowns, EVERYONE forgot his birthday, not just Mike. And so him calling out Mike here, might have felt slightly unjustified in that it wasn't just him who forgot.
It's almost like they're not the problem here, he is. (WILL POV ANGST)
That's what truly makes the scenes at Rink-O-Mania so heartbreaking. Because it wasn't just about Mike and El ignoring him, it was the fact that it was his literal birthday. All the most important people in his life, who used the literal memory of his birthday to bring him back bc they cared about him so much in the past, have now apparently forgot about him in the present.
Not to mention, the story not blatantly acknowledging his birthday being forgotten in the narrative of s4, means that it was framed this way bc the whole point was they only wanted it to be hinted at in s4, saving it as a surprise revelation in s5.
And so, if Will did say here, but Mike, you forgot my birthday, how would that have impacted the conflict in s4 and Vecna's plan as a whole, specifically for Will? All it would have taken was them connecting the dots after that, figuring out Vecna's plan before he could even reach Will, rendering s5 plotless?...
S5 is likely going to jump right into this, there's too much incriminating evidence about unused footage at the Rink-O-Mania location. It also fits with them not mentioning it in s4 if it's intended to be an early s5 revelation.
TBH with all the storylines going on in s4, them exploring the depths of Will's connection to Vecna just wasn't an option, bc they wouldn't have been able to do it justice. He needs to be front and center for that.
They're clearly saving the best for last...
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8thhousepriestess · 5 months
[ Libra - Pisces ] PT. 2
☄️✨ All Signs Horoscopes May 2024 🪐
[ Astrological forecast for all 12 zodiac signs ]
💫 Read for your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign. Or all 3! Rising Sign will be most accurate overall.
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🩶 Find me on Instagram @8thhousepriestess for witchy / boho inspired wire wrapped Crystal gem jewelry & oddities, Tarot & Astrology insights!
For my other platforms & socials check out my Linktree https://linktr.ee/8thhousepriestess
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constantvariations · 1 month
Watching RWBY Chibi for the first time for this essay and I'm in absolute agony. Do people actually find this funny?
#rwde#on the 5th ep and i have been able to predict every joke so far and probs will continue to do so#cannot believe the amt of jokes that are literally just 'haha blake is a cat'#esp since the writers obviously understand that those kinds of jokes are in universe racist like WHY ARE YOU LEANING INTO THOSE JOKES THEN#you KNOW you tied black american racism to the faunus so why are you making fun of blakes identity as a faunus???#you can really tell its written by men too#the 3rd episode was viscerally uncomfortable every time jaune came on screen#that episode contained more realistic warning signs of an abusive man than anything the writers did w adam or jacque#like. hes straight up LIVID at his perception of being ignored and then destroyed weiss's scroll to preserve his dignity#probs bc he knows that any person who listened to his pathetic whimpering would file a restraining order bc he cant take a no for an answer#i hate jaune so fucking much#i remember reading in the xover comics that team jnpr was kidnapped and saying 'thank god jaune wont be in this'#technically he was but he wasnt hogging the screentime so its a win! throw that man in the garbage where he belongs!#also that bit where ruby screamed at blake that her book was filth whilst also keeping it is really disturbing#esp now that purity culture is becoming exceedingly more prominent#that has some v concerning implications for the society of remnant#if religion aint that common anymore why is ruby suddenly catholic?#'oh lighten up its a joke show' jokes need to be good and all the rwbyverse needs to be held accountable for its crimes against media#3d chibis are abominations and should be killed w fire
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aeriondripflame · 10 months
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house of the dragon (2022), the hours (2002), kate chopin’s the awakening, florence + the machine — what the water gave me.
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not ppl saying the mohg reveal in sote wasn’t foreshadowed sob
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leqclerc · 10 months
Re: John elkann - was it just me that was expecting a sainz re-signing then? I think they're definitely planning to resign. I just think he won't get a long term deal like charles one. Which obviously won't make him very happy (which means we'll have to put up with a whole lot of tantrums from him/his family). But definitely think he'll be around for 2025, after that I think they'd be silly to hang on to him
(well, 80% of me is sure they're going to re-sign him, the other 20% is clinging onto some hope that Ferrari will surprise us and get Alex or someone for 2025)
Looks like you might be right, as per the journalist 'leaks' (if you can call it that.)
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I guess it's the expected scenario, but it's still disappointing, because lbr while he and his posse are there not much is going to change internally. He's been in the team for three full seasons now, he's not some unknown factor—which is both a good and a bad thing. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't, but that devil has proven he can be an obstacle in a scenario where Charles has a chance to fight for the title. He's shown he's reluctant to put the team first if he sees an opportunity to finish ahead of Charles (disruptive in qualifying, reluctance to go along with the agreed strategy if he thinks it favours Charles, little to no understanding or recognition for the other side of the garage, etc.)
Sure, things might be a little different under Fred's leadership should they find themselves in a similar position to early 2022, but there's really no guarantee. Delaying a contract extension is really the only way to keep him in check. But then if his performance suffers he'll just blame that on job insecurity I guess, like he did when he was way off Charles's performance and pace last spring 🙄
So, on one hand I guess it was to be expected, but on the other, I think they'd be naive to not at least start considering alternatives or knocking on some drivers' doors to gauge interest (like you said, Alex springs to mind as a solid option, if he can be tempted away from Williams in the near future.)
But also damn, 2028 is a long term commitment on Charles's part and I'm a bit skeptical about it ngl. I was/am hoping he gets some kind of option deal (a contract extension to take him up to 2026 and then an option for +2 years if everything seems to be going in the right direction.)
As a fellow '97 baby I'm a bit concerned about the implications, should Ferrari continue to flounder, and should he come away empty-handed after nearly a decade with the team. 31 isn't old (at least, it shouldn't be seen as such, ahem, society) but it also isn't young, especially in this sport. With young talent coming in practically every year and, like in Oscar's case, being very promising from the get go, I worry about what the driver's market will look like by then. Will he still be as coveted and highly rated as he is today, or will he be passed over by capable teams in favour of the shiny new thing? Fernando and Sebastian came into the team as champions. No matter how their run with Ferrari went, they had their titles, and that's something nothing and no one could take away from them. And yet we still saw how things ended for Seb at Ferrari, how public opinion shifted at the lowest point in 2020, how people were chasing him off into retirement and obscurity at the age of just 33. We're already getting endless debates about "is Leclerc really all that or is he just overhyped and mid?" and I fear they will never end until he has something to show for his time at Ferrari. I get it, he loves them, he's determined, he's committed, he has a dream and a vision and it's red but also like—please be careful 😭😭😭
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
just realized there's probably a lot of new people in sunnyblr so im gonna shill again the sunny spec script I wrote in 2020 in 2 days
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Jupiter transit
Jupiter enters the fixed sign Taurus on 16 of May and will remain there until 25 May 2024 when it will make its movement into Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion, optimism and spirituality. Taurus is a fixed earth sign that represent stability, steady growth, fertility and like to experience the world through the 5 senses. With Jupiter here we can expect embracing a slower pace in our everyday life, realizing that we need to take care of ourself and our bodies. Since Taurus it’s related to finances we can expect growth on the financial market, especially in June when Jupiter will join Uranus, on the negative note a rise in inflation and taxes is also possible. The shadow side of Jupiter in Taurus it’s insatiable desires, overindulging and greed. We need to practice grounding and mindfulness in order to don’t fall on the shadow side of this transit.
Quite beneficial this transit will be to all Taurus personal placements and happy Jupiter return for those that have a natal Jupiter in Taurus, this year will be very abundant.
Right after it’s movement in Taurus, Jupiter will make a square with Pluto on the 17 of May and on 22 of may a square with Mars but more on this on the following days. This is how each rising sign can receive blessings from Jupiter in the following year.  
 Aries rising: with Jupiter transiting your 2nd house of wealth, material possession and self-worth, you can have a confidence boost and financial gains for the following year. Some of you may receive a raise or a promotion. Be careful on overspending and put some money away for the rainy days.
Taurus rising: this transit will happen in your 1st house of self, you’ll receive a boost in your optimism, self-confidence and you may start to be more generous with those around you. You may have the opportunity to relive events that happen in 2011-2012. Some of you may have the tendency to overindulge in food, be mindful about it.
Gemini rising: 12th house of spirituality and hidden things it’s activated with this transit, you may have the tendency to be a bit more introverted and you’ll discover any spiritual gifts that you have. For most of you it’s a good time to let go of any type of addiction that you may have. Meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices and highlighted during this time. Listen to your intuition during this time because it’ll help you overcome anything.
Cancer rising: this transit will highlight your 11th house of friendships and community, during this time you may notice a social growth. Most of you will meet with the right people at the right time which will help you in your future endeavours. You can start being less worried about the future and more hopeful about your dreams. Some of you may volunteer more and come up with new ways on how you can help the community.
Leo rising: your 10th house of public image and career it’s activated during this time, some of you may receive awards, recognition and even fame during this time. Most of you will experience professional growth, higher level of productivity and a better relationship with your colleagues and managers. It’s best to don’t shy away from the public eye and practice gratitude every day. A career changes it’s also possible especially when Jupiter will conj Uranus later on this transit.
Virgo rising: this transit will take place in your 9th house of higher learning, philosophy and travel, during this time you’ll see an expansion on opportunities to travel, settle legal issues or embark towards a spiritual journey. For some of you it’s a good time to return to school for either to finish a degree or start a new one.  Along your travels you may meet people that can help you rediscover the creativity that lies within you. Some of you may publish papers, books or articles and receive very good feedback.
Libra rising: 8th house of intimacy, transformation occult and shared resource gets activated during this transit. Some of you may start a healing journey of deep psychological issues and intimacy related problems that you may have. Others may see an increase in wealth from passive incomes or partner income. An interest in the occult will be quite high during this transit and a deep need for profound transformation.
Scorpio rising: this transit will activate your 7th house of relationships and partnerships. During this time, you may wish to deep the bond that you have with a current partner or meet a new one that can be a soulmate connection. Engagements, marriages and proposals are very likely. Business partnerships are also possible. It’s a time to understand who you are through someone else’s eyes and honour you. It’s best to don’t compromise and be truth to yourself.
Sagittarius rising: 6th house of health, pets and every day routine it’s activated during this time. You may be prone to start a new workout routine and eat healthier. If you had difficulties with an illness or with your health, during this time recovery and healing it’s easier to happen. Some of you may want to adopt a new pet, others may see an improvement on your current work or a change of job it’s also possible.
Capricorn rising: during this transit 5th house of creativity, romance and pleasures it’s activated make you want to have more fun and explore your creative side. You can benefit immensely if you follow your heart. Some of you may conceive a child or it’s easier to get pregnant during this time. Your imagination will be expanded and you may wish to take a new hobby. Some of you may get lucky in gambling games.
Aquarius rising: 4th house of family and home it’s activated during this time and with Uranus there, a change of homes it’s quite likely to happen or a change of countries as well. You may understand how your roots and family helped shape the person that you are today, some of you may reconnect with family member or heal the bonds that you have. For those that want to buy a new home or sell this it’s a very auspicious time.
Pisces rising: with Jupiter in your 3rd house of communication and siblings you can expect an increase optimism in matters related to short travel, education and relationship with the siblings. Some of you may be more chatty than usual and may wish to learn a new skill. Buying or selling vehicles it’s very auspicious during this transit. It’s a good time to start a podcast, write a book or simply just share your ideas and hopes with others.
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hermitknut · 1 year
Title: The Michen Emperor
No Archive Warnings Apply  // Mature
Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Injury to Child; threat to child; everyone will be okay I'm just putting them through the wringer; Found Family; Alternate Universe; the details of the content aren't far off canon-typical; but it may be more distressing due to Maia's age; so please tread carefully re the additional tags
When Varenechibel IV and his three eldest sons are killed in an airship crash, the eyes of the court turn to the only surviving heir: the nine-year-old Maia Drazhar. Facing down the near-hopeless precedent of child emperors, however, is not something he will have to do alone.
Please note that, due to the structure of the fic, all tags apply to all chapters.
So I've been putting off posting this for. About four hundred years. It's not entirely finished, but tbh it's more finished than most of any of my multi-chapters usually are when I start posting, so hopefully I'll be able to get the whole thing up in fairly reasonable time.
It both is and is not darker than Stairs and Tower Stones - strictly speaking, some of the content in those two is at least as dark as this. But this one drops you in it right at the start and doesn't have nearly as much softness to balance it out, so it will feel different.
It's nice to be posting again :)
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dashiellqvverty · 4 months
my opinion on season 11 is that ian and mickey were all over the place from episode to episode and i ultimately wasn’t very happy with where it ended for them
#just felt kind of incomplete and boring in terms of their getting an apartment arc#like mickey was still genuinely very unhappy about it and they just left it like that?#and obviously i didn’t love how they did the terry stuff.#i think. there’s something to it because you can never truly predict how you’re gonna feel about something like that#even if it’s a piece of shit who you truly hate like. feelings happen.#and that could have been interesting to explore but it wasn’t done in a way that felt interesting#it just felt like a waste of time when we could’ve been doing other stuff with their screentime#and the beginning was so good i was having sooo much fun when ian was like yeah let’s steal an ambulance and yes we can have guns again.#let’s fuck in the ambulance. etc.#that was so hot and then they ruined it both in that scene that i wanted to SEE and with where they took the story after#like how quickly ian jumps back to ‘well we won’t do crimes then :)’ i thought he was having FUN doing crimes#like are they still doing their security shit? are they still working with stolen equipment?? i want them to do crimes :(#(when i lay it all out like that i’m like perhaps ‘ian being exited about doing crimes’ is not a Good Sign for him. but#it really wasn’t presented that way in context. like i don’t think that’s what they were going for there#and he can be doing better and still have fun doing stupid shit#a la their little outing before he got arrested by the military#yes that was like. 5 years earlier but i’m still like what happened to THAT ian he got boring#and i’m not saying like. him being healthy is boring. i’m saying let him be healthy and also have fun.#anyway.)#also like. signing a lease on the spot against mickeys wishes. kind of fucking impulsive and reckless. but no it’s bc he wants#to have a better life or whatever so it’s fine.#idk i just want to see them steal shit and fuck in an ambulance#and i mean like OVERALL ian has not been as much of a Crime Guy as others. certainly not compared to mickey#like he’s DONE crimes obviously but not in a. it’s his lifestyle way. i guess?#so idk why i’m like i want him to go BACK to that if that wasn’t exactly what he was doing in the first place#but he LIKES doing shady shit with mickey and having fun and idk why they bothered showing us that#if they were gonna drop it by the end of the season that i can only assume they knew would be the final season#it just felt like they didn’t know what to do with the two of them all season and they ended the season in a less satisfying place#than they started#r.txt
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pochapal · 1 year
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battler's just a hater because he never experienced the unique emotion of Being Fourteen and relying on supernatural powers to survive.
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