#at a mere 8 dollars.
chemicalarospec · 2 years
Yeah nobody's ever expressed non-plantonic attraction to me, but what they don't know yet that I have the incredibly attractive ability of being able to recite the legal history of homosexuality in the UK from memory 😎 💪
So the 1967 Sexual Offenses Act--
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taffywabbit · 21 days
so like. at what point are we going to stop listening to game companies saying "the game was poorly received and didn't meet our sales targets, and that's why we're removing it from storefronts and taking down all the servers mere months or even weeks after release" for titles that had a long expensive development, were barely marketed, and nobody knew they'd even released until after they heard they were getting shut down and couldn't be played/purchased anymore?
I feel like the prevailing takeaway for anyone who doesn't just conclude "yeah, game was pretty mid, makes sense to me" has usually been "this company just has unreasonably impossible sales expectations and treats every project like a failure if it doesn't print a trillion dollars". but these ARE allegedly experienced business execs who aren't complete idiots, and after this most recent debacle with Concord I'm starting to wonder if a bunch of these "games getting wiped out of existence when they underperform instead of just being allowed to persist as they are and maybe improve with time" cases in recent years might be more of a Warner-Discovery type situation, like nuking an entire animated series or film that was worked on for years and preventing it from being sold because it has to be officially unprofitable for the company to use it as a tax write-off. I look at a game that was worked on for 8 years and only made available for 2 weeks, and it's hard not to see the parallels.
great work, AAA games industry, really normal and sustainable stuff you're doing over there as usual
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puripurin · 5 months
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SHOWMANSHIP [🎊🎉770 Followers Special🎉🎊] [PT. 1]
➥ Yan!Ringmaster x Acrobatic!Reader
➥ Summary :- Like always, misfortune almost always has a choke hold on the reader, so you get sold to a circus for the meer sum of 1,250 dollers.
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— "IS THAT ALL I'M WORTH TO YOU??" You boomed at your parents, grateful for the bars that so kept you a foot's distance from ripping your parents to shreads.
"Honey, listen -" Your father was brutally cut off by your untamed anger radiating off of the walls, screeching so loud that it made the cell bars vibrate momentarily afterwards. There was no way in hell this man was trying to butter you up after selling you off.
"No. YOU listen to me, you wasteful, unwanted sperm doner. YOU could've worked me to the BONE, and I would have forgiven you because we still need a roof over our heads, but to sell me to some random-ass person who probably smells like your fuckin' toe jam for a mere sum of 1,250 DOLLARS!??? You hurled insults at your parents left and right, only recieving furious stares in return.
"[Y/N]! That is no way to speak to your father! We were low on funds, and our payment was due soon." She stepped forward with a sharp expression engraved in her face.
Your intermittent breathing became the only thing that was stopping you from going over the edge of insanity town. Your parents stood without motion, their eyes locked on you as if they weren't the ones who should've been in the cell instead.
"...Don't you want your due payments to disappear? That's rich, how ironic, huh? Or maybe you two were just waiting on an opportunity to make me disappear?!?!"
Without waiting for a response, you slammed your hand on the part of the iron bars closest to their faces, getting surprised fast blinks from your mother. Her pride lasting in all of this was honestly pissing you off.
"Dear, there is no worry for this... thing anymore. Our twin daughters will pave the way for greatness, bringing wealth and fortune to our name. Their talents and beauty hold no bounds." The woman looked over at her husband as you glared at them before you as if they were brainless, dilapidated creatures.
"Keep on sweet talking to them like that, and they'll end up in jail for homicide." You held up a middle finger and walked to a corner of the cell. You heard them spit in the front of the gate to your cell as they left. Silence then engulfed your surroundings.
No more of your parents' nagging and selfish tendancies. It was because of them that you could never look at your early twenties with fond memories. Looking back, you could have been partying and romancing other people, yet all you were promised was work, work, and more work. The pressure of trying to make money for your teen siblings and parents was exhausting, especially when your mother was spending more than you could make. That was how you got an earful from both your parents and siblings when they found out that the family's credit score was so low that it practically nestled right beside the dogshit on the side of the road.
"Fuck. This fucking sucks..." You couldn't hold back the resentment that forced themselves out your eyes in beads of tears. You were already at 26, with no job, no car, no money, no partner, and worth only 1,250 dollars. The path you walked on was not one adorned for the bunnies and butterflies, but rather, was draped in colourless desperation and pure survival.
"At least an arranged marriage would've given me the things I worked so hard for! But no! They just want me to die miserable and poor!"
"Awe, is my new performer preaching about death? My, a face like yours would be a total waste in a casket." The voice of a man echoed through the cell, almost making you jump out of your skin. He appeared almost instantaneously before your cell gate; he was dressed in an array of red, black, and white with an assortment of ruffles.
"You! YOU SCUMMY BASTARD! JUST WAIT 'TIL I HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PLATTER TO FEAST ON!" You stormed your way back to the front of your cell and looked him directly in the eyes.
"Ah... I'm sure you would enjoy that, but alas, that mouth of yours is a bit rotten, would some chlorine and a scrub daddy do the trick?" The man's face held no defining emotion that represented what he was saying to you.
"You... YOU--"
"I suggest you quit the smack talk, unless you prefer to continue and be thrown out of my establishment; can't make quality meat without an obedient animal, am I right?" Even if his facial expression didn't change, you could tell that his words were looking to strangle you if you refused to take heed to them.
"Ah, right, before I leave, I have assigned you as an acrobatics trainee; our last acrobat died of... unforseen events." He paused before chuckling and waltzing out of sight. Making you alone in the cell once more.
You just plopped right on the ground in realization. This was your life now. Just a minute ago you got sold to some freak by your idiotic parents, and now, you were going to be one of the acrobatics in a circus that you didn't even know the name of? You could only pity yourself.
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It had been a few weeks since you came here, and all you had been doing was practicing acrobatics with the help of the others. Furthermore, since that unfaithful day when you were sold, it was your decision to just stop talking altogether. If no one was hearing your voice, then what was the point?
"Ah, [Y/N]... have you finished up on your practice for today?" A young woman came over to you. It was Ellen, one of the acrobatics that taught you all the basics, from balancing on a beam to how to quickly put on different costumes in between performances.
You acknowledged her for her determination, even after entering into the circus at a young age. Though, what you wish you had was her ability to not complain and take things as they were. Alas, that was something Ellen had shown you that you hadn't observed from a person in ages; endurance.
You gave her a small smile and nodded. She brightened up before motioning you to come over to the schedule, which displayed all the events that were to partake following each day. You noticed that there was no last month performance mentioned on the chart.
Last month's performances were big and grand compared to the regular performances, which had more repetitive and basic performances. With all that in mind, you still couldn't participate in them because you were new, but soon you would participate within the next month or so.
"Ah, the other ringmaster has yet to meet you, by the way. He's been gone for a while now. He's the one who can conduct the monthly performances..." Ellen slowly stopped talking, mentally debating with herself with something before refraining on speaking as her grim face turned into one of happiness.
"Ah, right, it's almost time for the show to start, so I need to go this time. You are responsible for ensuring that the children are safe when they are watching the show." Right, you almost forgot about the children that were here. They were either sold to here or just given to the circus. They either had deformities or just had albinism. In total, there were 8 children that you needed to watch over.
You nodded once more and left to change out of the plain acrobatic suit that you wore for practice. Obviously, you had some different coloured ones, but those were strictly for performances.
Once you stepped into the changing room, you deflated and rubbed your face, which was buring from trying to hold back your tears. You sat there as streaks of tears slid down your face.
It was hard for you to just be happy about the situation. It was a struggle to just even have a neutral look on your face, to seem unbothered, to seem as if you were taking the situation well. The reason you gave for becoming selectively mute was only half of the reason. It was partially because almost every day your throat would tighten up from the never ending fear of living like this.
There were nice people, of course, but was it enough for you to accept this situation? The pain of realizing over and over again that your family betrayed you for such a little amount was painful. Even if they mistreated you, you only want to go back to the times when everything was much simpler.
You sniffled and checked the time and noticed that 10 minutes had passed. That was enough crying time for today because you weren't going to get beaten for not taking care of the children this time. Babysitting children comes first, money is second, and depression is last. That crazy psycho of a manager won't let anything slide under the rug, so you had to be on your tippie toes.
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There were a bunch of mini humans wandering about, but not out of your sight, of course. You sat on a wooden bench backstage amongst the junk pile, where all sorts of thrown out props and costumes entangled themselves into one giant monster-like concoction. It was enough to keep the children entertained, and so you had a portion of your job cut out for you.
One of the 8 children was a little, baby boy, the youngest of the batch; he snuggled into your chest, feeling the warmth radiating from you.
"Ah, are you babysitting?" A man, with long hair spoke up from beside you. You hadn't noticed when he sat down. You shook your head in reply, raising an intrigued response from the man.
"Not quite a speaker, are you? I see. You must be [Y/n], then. I am Mathew Alabaster, one of the ringmasters in this lovely establishment." You raised a brow at the 'lovely establishment' part, but Mathew didn't mind, well, more like he didn't have the mind to notice.
You hadn't seen him before, and it seemed as though he shared resemblance with that of the ringmaster you met on your first day in the cell.
"Right, so how well are you fitting into your role? I assume it's daunting because you get to be hung high in the air with nothing but your skills and aura whilst the floor's comfort lulls and beckons you to just... drop." The man smiled at you, but for an odd reason; he had an off-putting look in his eyes...
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Pt 1 cus I ain't writing allat rn. Also I'm so so super duper sorry for not posting in decades! (Esp @emptybrain01, it was only recently i saw your comments! Im so so sorry 💀💀💀💀) Obviously I've been on tumblr for a short period of time, but like, I was just lazy on top of me having no time on the weekend because I'm making a cosplay and I have to study during the week, along with upcoming tests and a big exam next year. Basically my hobbies take up more time than I have.
So maybe next year ill disappear for a while cos i hv a shit ton of stuff to do.
But I'll take requests instead of just thinking about a character and making a smol story for them.
Also once more, thank you for following me and getting to 770+ followers (its now 831) even if i don't post much. I would also like to thank my friend Syren, who has access to my account and sees all my shit 💀, for editing this work!
Thank you all!
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lemotmo · 4 months
You know I’ve tried so hard to stay neutral on the whole Lou/Tommy of it all. But he did another cameo, which he apparently upped the prices the 145 a video?? But he did another one and he dismissed all of Tommy’s past behavior as being corny and teasing which…does not sit right with me. Like racism, misogyny, toxicity, silent compliance of it all….is not just being corny and teasing. And then he ends the video by talking about Tommy came in at the last minute to save the day and save Bobby and Athena so everyone should be good with him now….. like now we’re taking credit for Hens stuff too?
Idk none of that sat well with me at all and if he is sticking around for any of season 8 I think I need the show to just be like no more cameos from you or something.
Hi Nonny, hope the rest of your day was great. Don't allow things like this to get to you too much. If you feel you need a break from social media, make sure to take it. There is already enough stress in real life, don't let it seep into your fandom life as well. Take care of yourself first. You deserve only the best.
Now on to your ask:
I haven’t seen the cameo you are talking about. I have no desire to see that cameo either. I’ve watched one of Lou’s cameos, way back in the beginning when he started doing them. I found it funny, if a little weird that someone would pay for that, but to each their own.
I’ve been hearing about these cameos more and more lately. And yes, they have started to bother me. Mostly because it seems that Lou is charging these people up to 125 dollar (I’ve even read 145 dollars) to talk about the things ‘he’ thinks or believes to be true about Tommy or Buck/Tommy. Basically he’s talking about his own headcanons as an actor. Which again, is fine, because if it helps him to act better, why not?
The problem lies in the fact that some people have started taking Lou’s headcanons for reality. They hear what he says and see it as ‘canon’ because (right now) Buck/Tommy is a canon couple. While it is true that Buck/Tommy is canon, Lou’s headcanons are just that, little fanfictions he made up in his head. It’s a dangerous road to go down, because where does it end? When Buck/Tommy eventually break up, a lot of people will feel misled by him. It won’t be pretty.
So therefore, I’ve decided to never watch any of his cameos. I’m not really interested in his fantasies for the guest character he plays on my favourite show. I’d much rather be focusing on what 911 is actually showing us on our screens. I focus on the nuances and little details that they want us to pick up on.
Sometimes there are small things that seem inconsequential, but turn out to be very important episodes later. Everything matters on television. There are no coincidences. The writers craft the story, every single thing is planned out for the scene, the actors act it out and we watch on in complete fascination. There is no room for a guest actor’s headcanons or fantasies in a prime time show like this.
That being said though, if he truly dismissed Chimney and Hen’s plight under Captain Gerrard as mere ‘teasing’, that is factually wrong. If you go back to watch the scenes in question, there is bigotry, blatant racism and sexism. It makes me wonder if he even remembers the scenes in question. Did he rewatch them before he came back for season 7? We’ll never know.
But it does highlight, once again, that it isn’t smart to give this guy a platform to talk about his personal headcanons. He was always bound to say something dumb that would piss people off at some point. And here we are today, pissed off and annoyed.
I also want to remind everyone that it wasn’t Tommy who is the real ‘hero’ in the story of saving Bathena on the cruise ship. It was Hen Wilson, who had a bad feeling in her gut and decided to follow that feeling. She got the ball rolling, then Chimney jumped to her aide, because he always will. Buck and Eddie decided to join in, without hesitation, because again—they always will. Tommy was merely the helicopter pilot who flew them all in.
By that definition they are all the heroes in this narrative, which is why they all get medals next episode. But it is only Hen who was smart enough to follow her gut. If all the others are ‘heroes’? Hen Wilson is the only ‘big damn hero’.
I do believe Tommy might be sticking around for the beginning of season 8, because I’m not sure there will be enough time to deal with a proper break up in two episodes. Unless Tim surprises me and actually does manage to pull it off.
But yes, someone should just tell him to stop doing those cameos if his character is to carry over to season 8. It’s starting to get a little worrisome at this point. Charging people to talk about your own fantasies for your character, feels a little exploitative.
Whatever happens with him in season 8, ultimately I’m not really worried about Tommy to be honest. Lou’s stint on 911 is coming to an end pretty soon, one way or the other.
Consider this topic closed for me now. I’ve said all I wanted and needed to say. I don’t feel like wasting any more of my time thinking about or writing about this man and his cameos. I’d rather spend my precious fandom time on the things that matter: the amazing people I’ve met, watching the show and crying copious amounts of tears over these characters I’ve come to love so much, theorising and speculating about what might happen in the next episodes and next season, and above all talking about Buddie—my favourite pastime. 😊
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hulkingharbor · 21 days
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I don’t think some people realize how big of a failure Concord was. Over a 100 million dollars spent, 8 years of development from actual industry veterans, only to go shut down servers after a mere 2 weeks from release. This was not only supposed to be a live service game, but a whole IP Sony universe. We are witnessing video game history.
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magicwithclass · 2 months
Herald of Serra is another reserved list rare from urza's saga that has no play value. It has no niche ability or anything unique. The card is merely stats and those stats were not even viable wen herald of serra was first released. A 3/4 flying vigilance for 4 mana is not good enough in the modern era and this card has an additional drawback. Herald of serra has echo so you actually need to invest 8 total mana to keep this angel singing in your chorus. If 4 mana was over costed than 8 mana is a joke. I would much rather pay 6 mana upfront for zephid than 8 mana across 2 turns for Herald of Serra. I also value shroud over vigilance so I would play zephid over this card in almost every single deck. Of course, Herald of Serra is an angel. Did I forget about all the Giada font of hope decks or other angel typal decks? I did not. I simply believe that there are so many angels that you should never feel the need to dip so low even in mono white. The only deck that I would actually play this card is in Radiant, archangel and only if I am making a flavor deck. Clearly, Herald of Serra is a reference to serra angel and the planeswalker serra. Serra does not have a card that can be a commander but Radiant captures a lot of that same flavor and lore. If I was making a fun flavor deck around serra or her realm than I might include Herald of Serra but that would be purely for flavor points. Honestly, Serra angel is the superior card so it seems strange for them to make a weaker version of a card from alpha. Since this card is a collectable and not really a game piece than you would expect this card to have a similiar price history and trajectory as Zephid. After all, they are both reserved list cards from the set and neither will ever be playable. Even ignoring the echo cost, you wouldn't play the Herald. Unless they make a very powerful commander for echo decks this will never see the inside of a sleeve. I just don't see an echo commander in the future as the mechanic was largely seen as an unpopular mistake. I doubt they will return to that well significantly in the future but the only chance Herald of serra has to actually be played is in an echo deck and I just do not see support for that mechanic in 2024 or moving forward. Herald of Serra was bulk until the end of 2020. There was no market movement in 2018 which shows that this is one of the reserved list cards with little speculation in terms of playability. The card did spike in 2021 and it was as high as 29.99 in March of that year. The card could not hold that value and quickly declined. There was a small rebound in 2022 when the card went almost back to ten bucks but the card plummeted back down to near bulk prices. Today, you can pick up a color for about 2 dollars. Why is more expensive than zephid? Well, zephid is an illusion and the Herald is an angel. Illusion has some minor typal support but the only creature type more popular than angels is dragons. People collect angels just for the art or just to have every angel in their collection. The angel secret lair commander deck fed into this fomo by making an angel exclusive to that product. Likewise, people are going to want every rare angel especially an angel on the reserved list that can not be reprinted. That is why Herald of serra is more expensive and I would buyout Herald of serra way before zephid simply because of its association with the iconic serra angel.
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thelyingjoke · 4 months
mashed my 2 favorite games together because from that mere passing reference i made to the other one last week i could Not stop thinking about it. so here. danganronpa v3 crossover with dialtown: phone dating sim :)
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the premise of dialtown is that everyone has an object head, with default Men having Phones and Women having Typewriters, but they can also be swapped out for any other object if someone wants to for whatever reason, like for identity purposes, disability accomodations, jobs, etc. i Highly recommend it!!! it's a very lovable and bizarre game (and i mean it when i say bizarre. just look at the description on steam) and it's only 8 dollars, as well as also having a free demo that has hours of content in it to see if you'd like it!!!!! (also a fun webquiz i got karen tell me who you got in the comments below /j) anyway advertisement over below is a lot of thoughts and art about how i think the v3 characters would fit into the world :)
the things i will do for dialtown (render a drawing)...disclaimer the characters do not Actually have faces. i just think they're cute and like drawing them :) anyway!
For Kaede, as pictured above, I think she'd have a piano keyboard head! She still plays normal piano (she's gotta get her fingers moving), but now she can play on the go! And she plays almost all the time. You can typically hear her before you see her. The music she plays often reflects her mood, and if something surprises or shocks her or something similar she plays a silly little key-slamming noise. I think that, when she had a typewriter head, she would have often been typing too, just as a fidgeting thing—but the constant dings and clicking of the keys would have been too loud and annoying to others, and it would waste a lot of paper. So she got a piano head instead! It suited her a lot more and was more bearable to be around! Not only that, but now she can also play piano duets by herself (though she sometimes thinks it feels lonely and wrong to be the only one playing a song meant for two).
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i started to get tired after that drawing so i didn't do many others, and rantaro was the only other one i shaded, so i will talk about him next!
Rantaro changed his head to a GPS shortly after his first couple of sisters went missing and he dedicated himself to adventuring in order to find them. I think his old head was a smartphone, since his family is rich it would be a status symbol, but while it did have more functions and would certainly house a GPS within itself, it would also be much harder to repair, thus where the status symbol part comes in. He could afford the healthcare fees required to repair it if it ever got damaged, certainly, but if he were ever caught in a tough bind he wouldn't necessarily be able to get to any medical professional skilled enough to handle it. So he switched it out for an older model of a GPS, to make any repairs that would need to be done much easier, and maybe even possible to do on himself if he had to. Some of his sisters would put stickers on his head. Most of them are faded and breaking away now, but he won't ever take them off.
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i was running out of energy at this point so this and one other thing are the last things i drew (though i still have lots to talk about!)
Let's talk about the silly goober on the right first :) It's The Guy!!! D.l.C.E. in this universe stands for Dialtown league of Clown Enthusiasts (the I is secretly a lowercase L). They are a secret group of people that believe in clowns and plan to bring them back from extinction by participating in clown activities themselves. Their current mission is obtaining enough money ($4) in order to hopefully summon Frongles the Clown to them (by calling him on the phone). Nobody believes them yet, but Kokichi is certain that they will soon. He would love to masquerade as an evil supreme leader and cause mischief all around town, which he does, but unfortunately for him those roles are already both fulfilled by two other people (Mayor Mingus and Little Billy), and no one likes a copycat. His main concern right now, aside from the clown thing, is simply to entertain people in the best ways he can. Pretty much anyone who lives in Dialtown would need that. If he can make people smile (metaphorically), that's the greatest success he can hope for.
And now for the fella on the left! That is Gonta! His head is a candlestick telephone, like Abel—similar to Rantaro, it's a status symbol, though in a different way. But Gonta gets a slightly fancier one that Abel, because he is much cooler. I think in the Dialtown universe, it would be possible for reptites to exist. However, I think it's funner to imagine Gonta being raised instead by one of the cryptids in-game. I think Bigfoot would be the best one to do so. He lives deep in the woods and isn't believed to be real by most people, fitting with how the reptites are, and is just caring enough that I could see him actually manage to raise a child. For an explanation to that drawing: Bigfoot's name has been put down as the primary shareholder for a local restaurant business ('bear.', a reference to the developer's FNAF fangame series, Dayshift at Freddy's, which I also love hehe) because the owner doesn't believe he's real, and wants to collect the money himself. However, Bigfoot has somehow figured this out, and now regularly goes to the bank to collect his shares (which are given to him in the form of bananas). I think Gonta would sometimes accompany him on these trips :) I think he would get along great with Karen! They'd be besties! I think that every time Gonta goes with Bigfoot to collect bananas, he and Karen would exchange one (1) cool bug and horse fact each (if only there weren't a line, then they'd talk for ages). The power of two people with animal special interests... They'd also both appreciate each other being so honest (Gonta wouldn't have to lie to her about Bigfoot like he would with other people) and talking to Gonta is so much easier than most people for Karen. She doesn't have to watch out for sarcasm or worry about missing idioms, because Gonta doesn't use either. And he is always so respectful. And he gives her cool bug facts. What's not to enjoy?
I have considered, however, Gonta being raised by the other local Dialtown cryptid: Phonegingi. Realistically, I don't think this could happen; Phonegingi lives too close to the town, and has a lifestyle that no human could survive. However. The idea is VERY funny. I think if Phonegingi found Gonta, and decided to adopt him instead of kicking him or using him for child labor, and it somehow managed to keep him alive for 10 years, Gonta would be much weirder. That was the other thing I drew:
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He'd still be Gonta, but, you know...being raised by the protagonist of Dialtown would mess anyone up.
those are all the things i drew for, but i still have thoughts about the other characters:
I think Kaito would be a Motorola StarTAC. Haha get it because Star. He also just seems like a flip phone kinda guy. I think Kokichi likes to terrorize him as a clown. Kaito would be scared shitless screaming "CLOWNS AREN'T REAL! STOP IT!!!" and Kokichi would simply say "Honk honk", leading to Kaito crying, even though he has no eyes. He would also, of course, get along amazingly with Norm. He'd be starstruck to meet not just any astronaut, but the only one who's ever been through a wormhole, and Norm would greatly admire Kaito's strong will and desire to do what's right.
And someone else who I think would have a fascination with Norm is Kirumi! Her interest in the Victorian era lends itself to having an interest in pre-Dialup heads, and Norm being the only person with one left would intrigue her, though she probably wouldn't say so out loud. As for her head...I feel like she could have something that relates to her job as a maid, considering how devoted she is to it, but I struggle to come up with something. I think it would have to be something practical, because I don't think she'd get her head changed unless it meant she could perform her duties better, but I don't really know what that would be. Another thought I have is keeping her as a typewriter head, but have it be the same model as whatever Marla Crown's was. Since she was the woman the typewriter heads were modeled after, with her and Callum being the sort of "Adam & Eve" of the Dialup world, it would be an example of how Kirumi is the "model woman", so to speak.
Maki would have a typewriter head, since her job is supposed to be inconspicuous, but she might have a hidden compartment to keep weapons, or something like that.
Tsumugi I think would have a small flat screen TV head. And she's the One who I think in-universe would have a face that shows up onscreen. It's a little funny—she says she's plain but has possibly the least plain head out of anyone in the group.
Korekiyo would have a hybrid head. The top, visible part would be a phone, and underneath the mask would be typewriter keys.
Miu would definitely have one of her own inventions as a head. Maybe the one that lets you work while you sleep? She gave herself the surgery, for sure.
Angie's an interesting one, because God does actually exist in Dialtown, and he is nowhere near impressive. Angie wouldn't be from Dialtown though, so she wouldn't know that. I feel like she would have a special head, but I don't really know what it is. Possibly one of her artworks? But then, people would keep passing out whenever they see her... It would be interesting to see her interact with Dialtown's God, though. Seeing his absolute apathy. Would she care? Would she deny that he's actually God, like Norm? I honestly have no idea, but it's a fun idea! I think she would creep God out. He doesn't exactly have much desire to be worshipped, especially to that level. The freaky knowledge she does have would scare him, too. Where did you learn those people's family members?!?! ...Maybe she's a void-gazer. Maybe the one she calls "God" is a different thing entirely.
Everyone else I don't have much thoughts on, I think they'd have default heads.
And one last thing—how I think Kokichi would get along with Dialtown's main characters, because of course I have to give him more relevance:
Phonegingi: It would go feral if Kokichi brought up his clown schtick in front of it. Potentially to the point of violence. It refuses to believe in a world where clowns could exist. (My personal thought is that Phonegingi is biologically a clown, and is in denial about this, blocking out all the memories. Kokichi would not be spared its wrath.)
Randy: He would be terrified of Kokichi. He would think "oh fuck, this is it, this is how I die, at the hands of a clown—" when Kokichi so much as approaches him. If Kokichi was not in clown getup, he would still be terrified, it would just take until Kokichi said a word to him, if Kokichi used his usual attitude. I think it would be like a Mikan in UTDP situation though—once he realizes how much of a wet puppy Randy is, Kokichi would actually be kind to him because he's so sad and his life is such a mess, it's not fair to kick him while he's already down. He'd try to get Randy to stand up for himself more often.
Oliver: He would think Kokichi's a blast! They'd have fun being silly little guys with each other! Kokichi would go off on a tirade about his secret evil organization, and how he's a liar, and Oliver would go "Groovy!" They're both a bit freaky. Oliver's also an orphan, who is not at all bothered by the fact that he is an orphan because he has such a swag found family, and I think they could find common ground in that. I think they have a likelihood to be best friends.
Karen: She would find him confusing and annoying at first. You can't get close to her without being honest, and I mean, lying's his whole thing. But I think, also, once she realizes he's joking most of the time, she'd actually find him quite funny, because of her secret love of absurdist comedy. And I think she'd actually notice that despite lying being his whole thing, he is actually very honest, in his own way. Because of her inability to read subtle emotive cues she's constantly putting everything she hears under scrutiny to see if it lines up with everything, and so she can actually detect lies quite easily. If something doesn't make sense, she will point it out and analyze it, and find the things that do make sense. Along with Kokichi's own willingness to admit he's a liar upfront before anything else, I think she'd actually start to almost appreciate this in a way, and be able to tell when he's lying pretty accurately. #Autism. I think this would kind of unnerve Kokichi in a way.
Bigfoot: Even as a clown-believer, Kokichi is still a Bigfoot-denier. This is one of his biggest mistakes and will be his downfall.
Norm: Kokichi wouldn't last long in a conversation with Norm before he threatens to shoot. Kokichi, not wanting to die, would run.
Mingus: Kokichi would be pretty insignificant to her. She thinks that this "DICE" organization is just some teens pranking everyone. Clowns went extinct years ago—no one would actually try to bring them back, right...? Kokichi knows better than to ever approach her, though he wishes to one day overthrow her. He really, really hates people like her.
Tango: Tango is nowhere near a main character, but I wanted to include him anyway. I think he'd be an enigma to Kokichi. Tango is just so incredibly positive and it baffles Kokichi because he means every bit of it. There's no lies. No hidden resentment, not even towards the people who would absolutely deserve it. Tango never has anything bad to say about anyone, and none of that is fake. If this was his DSaF counterpart, at least there's the explanation of how his programming won't allow him to be negative, but Dialtown Tango? He's just Like That! Kokichi can't believe that someone could be that optimistic, so he assumes he must just be really good at lying. Which disturbs Kokichi, because he has no idea what could be going on underneath that cheerful, empathetic, gullible facade. But he will never find out, because there is no facade. Scary stuff!
ANYWAY. that's all the thoughts i have right now. play dialtown
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Just A Project | VII
Nathan Prescott x Reader
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Warnings: slight sexual innuendo… swearing. probs ooc nate
Words: 692
It’s only a few moments later when I arrive at the track field. I see Nathan sitting in the grass with his camera, right in the middle of the track. I walk over to him, he must sense my presence because he’s turning around giving me a small wave. “Hey!” I say sitting next to him, my smile never faltering. “What’s got you all ‘Ms. Sunshine’ today?” Nathan says, noticing my giddy mood. I hum before responding, “What? I can’t be happy?” My smile only widens as he rolls his eyes. “Whatever, let’s just do this.”
I nod my head, “It is a really nice day. Though I don’t think the track field is what qualifies as ‘picturesque’.” Nathan hums in agreement, “Yeah, so maybe we take some shots of each other.” My face distorts in discomfort as I glance down at my appearance. “Eh, I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely not dressed for the occasion.” Nathan gives me a once over, his eyes move over my body in a way that makes my stomach flutter. “What?” He gives me a ‘You’re crazy.’ look. “You look fine.”
He seems to notice my unwavering hesitation as he offers to be the model for today. I give him a grateful look, then he hands me his camera. I don’t take it, I’m not trying to accidentally break his million dollar camera. He rolls his eyes again, “Just take it. If it breaks you’re just giving me an excuse to buy a better one.” I reach for the camera, taking it into my hands, at least trying to be gentle with it.
“Okay, so where do you want me?” Nathan says and I think for a moment. I ask him to lay down in front of me. Simple enough. “I’m gonna trust you on this.” He says skeptically. “Come on, trust me! I don’t exactly think I’d be here if my photos were shit.” I jokingly defend myself. “Yeah, yeah, just get this over with.”
I take position, lowering myself to the ground, trying to get a good angle of the side of his face. I take a few shots then instruct him to look at me. He does, and I snap a few more. As I’m doing so he makes a silly face for a mere second. If I blinked I would’ve missed it. I move my face away from the camera and sit up giving Nathan an incredulous look. A grin stretches across his face. It’s my turn to roll my eyes, as I move again to find another angle.
I want to get a good shot from above. I think that will look really artsy. I’m positioned on my knees at his side but I just can’t get the angle I want. So, without thinking I move my leg over his body, straddling his waist. I’m too caught up in taking the photos that I don’t even recognize the compromising position we’re in. Nathan’s breath hitches a bit, but I don’t notice… Obviously.
But on the brightside, the shots are great, the lighting is really on my side today. I move the camera away from my face to click through all the photos. They’re all really good, I’m actually pretty proud of myself. “I hope they’re worth it.” I hear Nathan mumble from underneath me. I look at him, brows furrowed, until he glances down to where our waists almost meet. I glance down as well, suddenly I’m overwhelmed with embarrassment. I hurriedly get off of him, stuttering out quick apologies, sitting back down next to him.
Nathan lets out a snort, sitting up from the ground, brushing off some grass off his back. “Chill the fuck out, nerd.” He’s acting like the situation was ‘whatever’ but I notice the blush on his cheeks. He stands up, “Let’s get out of here. It’s hot as balls today.” Good cover up, dude. But, I’m not above it so I use the same excuse for my ever growing blush. “Yeah, it is.” I stand up as well. “To my dorm?” I ask. He nods and gestures for me to lead the way.
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maledollmaker · 2 years
“Smiling Bots” Part One
By Maledollmaker
The overcrowding of prisons was always an issue. Dr. Blue was working hard on a new rehabilitation program for the local prison system of Brightwood. The warden was gathering some likely candidates for Dr. Blue. Dr. Howard Blue had final say. He would whittle down fifty likely candidates to a mere five or six. The warden would have wanted them to all be candidates. It was Dr. Blue’s final say of course. The warden Charles Murseldow was hoping for one particular inmate to be the candidate. Murseldow didn’t know much about the new rehabilitation program but had heard create things about Dr. Blue and the scientific community. The inmate that Murseldow had in mind was Hershel Fowlings, who is convicted of manslaughter even though the victim’s family wanted him to go down for homicide. Dr. Blue had specific criteria for his subjects and Fowlings didn’t quite meet the criteria.
Murseldow was upset at Dr. Blue and wanted to restrict him in some way, but unfortunately, he couldn’t do much as Dr. Blue had special jurisdiction due to Brightwood County’s regulations. This peeved Murseldow. When Dr. Blue met Hershel Fowlings, the convict Murseldow wanted for the program, Hershel was over two hundred pounds, not in good shape whatsoever, full of acne scars and badly combed long oily hair. He was not only displeasing to the eyes but also of unpleasant personality. A sorrowful and surly young man. Probably these are the reasons that did not meet Dr. Blue’s criteria.
Who did meet Dr. Blue’s criteria was Devon Shire, a shortcut blonde muscle bound hunk. He had a yellow five o’clock shadow and black tribal tattoo sleeves. Devon was intimidating at six feet tall, and he was convicted for spousal abuse. He beat up his best friend to near death, he thought was cheating on with his wife. He inadvertently hurt his wife. He swore he never hit his wife before, but she had month old scars and evidence of abuse. He wouldn’t admit to much, but he already had around nine-year sentence in the prison. Dr. Blue had selected him, and he was ambivalent about the situation. He didn’t know what to expect and maybe had a bit trepidation, but his face would not convey this. He barely ever smiled. Dr. Blue was intrigued by Devon and found him a beautiful specimen.
His second candidate was Marshall Dowlings, a mixed-race light skinned fellow in short light brown dreadlocks. Marshall swore he was innocent, he went to prison for a white-collar crime. Embezzlement and the such, he came from a “Cosby” household and worked at one of the largest hedge farm firms. He swore he was framed. He could be a model; he had the pouty lips and thick frame. He had a big booty, thick thighs, six pack abs and vascular biceps. He had hazel eyes that were green-brown pools one could become lost in. He almost all the time spelled like mint. Dr. Blue would often sniff Marshall which would unnerve him a bit. He would often frown because of this.
The third candidate was Tyson Morrow, a redheaded and goateed slender fellow. He had freckles, creamy skin, washboard abs, light blue piercing eyes and the only one without tattoos. His red hair was curly and wrapped up in tight curly tendrils. He looked almost baby faced and innocent. He was involved in a rash of robberies. The amount of money stolen was large. He had stolen from convenience stores, gas stations, banks and even some dollar stores. He swore he wasn’t the leader of the gang but all evidence led that way. He did smile more than the other candidates, but he did seem mentally unstable. Tyson also laughed inopportune times.
The fourth and fifth candidates were Dominican twins Jose and Juanito Morquis. They had tan skin, deep chocolate brown eyes, clean shaven heads, and thick black mustaches. They were around 5 feet and 8 inches tall. Their large biceps were shown off by their white tank tops and black jeans. Their tattoos were disorganized and random. All of their tattoos matched except Jose had a tramp stamp and Juanito had a octopus on his right butt cheek. Funny enough, Juanito was the bisexual one and Jose swore he was straight. Jose and Juanito were convicted on stealing various cars, dismantling them, selling them for parts and junking the junk. Dr. Blue was fascinated by the two. He wanted to study them.
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Dr. Blue called upon his first candidate Devon Shire. Devon Shire’s blonde hair glisten in a dim light from the tiny windows high up on the walls. Devon looked tough as ever. He walked past the other candidates into Dr. Blue’s secret room. The room was dark and there was mist rolling in. The room was freezing. Devon didn’t let this convey on his face. He was told to remove his clothing which he did with no consequence. He showed off his muscled back, tight ass and hung even when flaccid penis. His dick was cradled by blown pubic hairs. Dr. Blue had assistants that laid Devon on a silver cold table. He didn’t let anyone else know he was freezing. One attendant got a needle and injected his left bicep. He didn’t even wince. That is all Devon remembered as he was knocked unconscious. Dr. Blue caressed Devon’s yellow haired chin. Devon looked so sweet sleeping. Dr. Blue’s assistants then put cables with suction cups all over Devon’s body. Various computers were revved up.
Hours later, the second candidate was called into the room. Marshall wondered what happened to Devon. But it was too late, he was already asked to undress in the dark cold and misty room. He was placed on the same cold steel table and administered the needle to go unconscious. Meanwhile, the warden Murseldow asked to see Dr. Blue’s candidate. Dr. Blue said he was almost ready. He brought out Devon Shire. He was in a large human-sized black box. Murseldow thought he was dead. Dr. Blue assured him that was not the case. Blue opened the latches from the black box and opened the door to reveal a human size figure that resembled Devon. It looked like Devon but his skin was pale and shiny. His face was groomed. His blue eyes shone brightly. Devon had a cold stone face as always. Blue pressed some buttons on his tablet and Devon moved out of the black box robotically. He was stiff and unfeeling. Blue pressed some buttons.
Murseldow was shocked to see something he never seen before, Devon’s face suddenly changed. He was actually smiling. Murseldow’s bones shivered from head to toe. Devon shone perfect white teeth. It was arousing and unsettling. Murseldow asked, “What did you do to him?” “Nanobytes entered his bloodstream, he was sort of a cyborg as he was human but his body is mostly silicone and metal now. His brain is now a CPU, most of his organs and anything organic are now artificial.” “Amazing," Murseldow said walking around Devon. He touched Devon’s arm and it felt strong. “He will now obey without any complaints,” Blue said. “Is it reversable?” “Yes, but would you want him to be?” Murseldow smirked. He know understood why Fowlings was not a candidate.
Meanwhile, the third candidate Tyson Morrow was sent into the freezing, dark and smoky room. He saw the glow of computer monitors in the room. He was sent to the center of the room and told to remove his clothing. He undressed to his pale white nude slender body. He was placed on the titanium cold table. He did complain, unlike Devon. He shivered a bit and was scared when he saw the large needle an attendant had. “This will not hurt,” one attendant said. They placed the needle slowly into his skin and he winced. His teeth gritted tightly. Then slowly he fell unconscious. Wire were placed on him with suction cups and nanobytes were inserted in to his body. Marshall was the next one for Dr. Blue to show off. He was almost ready. Devon’s shiny smiled could beam out like a lighthouse in a dark din.
To Be Continued…
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omegaremix · 16 days
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Artoffact Records; 2024.
There’s been two times this year that I bought music. Both of them were industrial-label mail-orders made in June. Both of them were posted on social media and took only 20 minutes to purchase. Both of them were eight titles each. And…both of them were delayed and took two months to receive.
Artoffact is the industrial / synthwave label of the moment; home of legacy acts and also Ayria, Kanga, Actors, plus more. Once a year, they literally give away most of their catalogue free to download. I saw that they posted a ‘warehouse finds’ sale: unearthed copies for $6.66 apiece. If the price tag doesn’t tell you where Artoffact’s allegiance stands…
So, who am I to pass up this deal? Especially when I’m missing cEvin Key’s latest Back & Forth entry, a Front Line Assembly album, two of three Decree releases, and finally an opportunity to score some Controlled Bleeding albums; one that I missed horribly at the Port Jefferson Music Den lifetimes ago? If you have a chance to support your native hero Paul Lemos, then why not?
I submitted my payment and got my order confirmation. It said I should have them by next week. ‘Should’ is the key word. It’s been two weeks and I’m wondering where it is. A message from the post office said that it’s been sent back to the carrier. What?! Why? I took a look at the receipt and fuck me: I left out a numeral from my home address. Great!
I e-mailed Artoffact and they have my package. One of Artoffact’s staffers who answered was having a label trip and wouldn’t return for a week. He’d take care of it when he did. I gave him two because my nerves wouldn’t handle it should I misfire and e-mail him right when he walks into the labels’ doors. That’s the anxiety life for you. Then three weeks pass, then a month, then two months. Nada.
“What’s going on?” I thought to myself. I sent him a kind follow-up e-mail to see what’s happening. He simply lost track as he’s human and a busy man, but he apologized (no need to!). The goods were still there. I sent him the corrected address, and within mere days it was now in my hands. I sent him a return “thank-you” note, because you don’t want to be seen as self-centered, rather grateful.
It’s been two years since my last record-store victory tour. I promised one for myself this year, but I haven’t felt like doing anything. Then, I thought of something: in lieu of throwing away thousands of dollars on music shopping sprees, why not spend a tiny fraction of it on label sales? Because it’s a great opportunity to snatch up some artists and / or titles you been waiting on, plus support the labels and artists in the process. I did this before for Italians Do It Better, Invisible, DHR, and RRRecords where they offered the best bang for the buck, and makes it easy to breathe a little better by spending. It never hurts to treat yourself and shell out $65.00-$70.00 here and there. Expect for DHR. That one was a $300.00 hit.
Cevin Key: Brap & Forth Vol. 8
Front Line Assembly: WarMech
Decree: Fateless
Decree: Wake Of Devastation
Controlled Bleeding: Larva Lumps And Baby Bumps
Controlled Bleeding: Body Samples
Controlled Bleeding: Distress Signals I
Controlled Bleeding: Carving Songs
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caffeinesam · 1 month
My bank charged me something like 12 dollars as monthly fees for my account, with something like 39 free transaction. I looked and noticed I merely used 7 or 8 transactions monthly, so I went with the cheaper plan with 12 free transactions, and now for some reason the number of transactions went from 7-8 to about 20.
What the hell?
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icyhotheartwritings · 4 months
Tl;dr of the unasked for Pat Parelli rant
-Pat Parelli is a con artist who beat his wife and scams people out of their money using extremely clever language
-Don’t even get me started on Parelli’s use of “horsenality” which assigns the stupid left-brain right-brain thing to horses. Along with introvert/extrovert but that’s semi-excusable. But, seriously… he’s advertising these horses as left-brain extroverts and right-brain introverts. Which, as I’ll touch on later, appeals to one market which makes the whole thing feel a bit suspicious.
-Liberty work IS an extremely valid way of working with horses, I partake in some level myself, but Parelli touts his methods as the only valid way while charging hundreds of dollars to “move up” levels in his program (where you aren’t even “allowed” to ride until level 3).
-Parelli’s website will sell you the same shit you can get at Tractor Supply or your local feed store for double the price, sometimes more.
-The most egregious item might be the Pat Parelli’s Rancher Roper, priced at $6,250. You can get a custom saddle fitted to your horse for less. My most high end saddle cost a staggering $600.
-Don’t have a horse? Don’t worry, Pat Parelli has your back! For the low low price of $5000-$150,000 (NOT a typo), you can get your very own Parelli trained horse! Purchases less than $25,000 even get levels 1-3 of the online program for free! Wow! Purchases above the price of a small down payment can claim 10 whole days of training with Pat Parelli himself! Just think, what else would you have spent that money on? I mean, a normal trainer costs about $3k/mo, what a deal Pat Parelli is giving you! For the cost of 8-50 months of training you get ten whole days with him and a horse!
-The most expensive horse at the moment, a 12 year old German Warmblood priced at $150k, only scores an 84/100 on the Parelli assessment… with a 6/10 on “Parelli Training.” It might just be me, but if I was buying a horse for more than some homes cost I would want that number to be a little higher in the training department than the 9.5/10 he got in “Look.” I’ve seen him sell an 11 year old gelding for $300k whose top characteristic was “very handsome.” Over half of this year’s highly bred Kentucky Derby horses cost less than that.
-For a quick horse price reference I have never paid $1k for a horse and my current budget is a bit over $5k. For $5k I had the opportunity to buy a dead broke papered quarter horse gelding under 10 years old. I would be hard pressed to pay $5k for a horse over maybe 13 years old unless it had like, insane breeding and/or training. Pat Parelli is selling a 16 year old mare for $15k.
-If you need more Pat Parelli in your life, you can join his campus program for 24-48 weeks for just $1000/week, where you’ll perform exciting horse training activities like building fences, a skill specifically mentioned in the application! Of course, you can only apply for this course after you’ve paid your hundreds to thousands for mere access to the online courses and additional materials and your $60 fee for each video application to move up a level! What a bargain!
-For his next in person event, you can lease a horse for the bargain price of $600/week on top of the $6500-10000 tuition for the two week program!
-Parelli’s program very clearly appeals to new, young, inexperienced horse owners. On the application to join his $1000/week program it’s asked how many hours you have spent riding a horse across your life. I’ve owned my own horse since I was 5 and started taking lessons at 4. My horse riding experience is old enough to join the US military. No way in hell would I be able to even BEGIN to calculate the amount of time I’ve spent riding. (I’m sure there’s something to say about the fact that this mostly appeals to women, and the former comments about how he treats his wife…)
-Pat Parelli’s cult feeds off of some weird form of elitism. Everyone who follows another method is wrong and abusive. Only members of Parelli’s program are good horse owners, and the more people you can convert to his methods (and website) the more good you do for horses. You’d never see a fan of Monty Roberts saying that.
-For context on training prices I’m taking an hour lesson with a trainer on my buddy’s horse to see if I mesh with the trainer for $70. Highest I’ve personally seen was under $200 a lesson and she’s a HUGE name in a specific breed. Dominates the show scene. Everyone knows her. Even the aforementioned Monty Roberts, one of THE big horse training names for DECADES only charges $300/hr for a 1-on-1 video call. Sending your horse off for training with 1-3 lessons a week usually runs $3k/mo.
-Pat Parelli isn’t fit to kiss my fucking ass.
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galerymod · 3 months
Imagine you are so extremely rich that you can afford anything!
How stupid do you have to be to put your personal reputation on the line to profit from what exactly?
Power over people or is it really just pathological greed for the save of money?
British billionaire clan on trial for exploitation
They belong to one of the richest families in the UK. But they apparently only had a tip to spare for their domestic workers. Four members of the Hinduja clan are now on trial in Switzerland for exploitation and human trafficking.
The public prosecutor's office accuses them of possibly not always treating their servants appropriately.
The Hinduja family, whose fortune is estimated at around 47 billion dollars, owns a villa in the wealthy town of Cologny in the canton of Geneva.
They apparently recruit their domestic staff mainly in India. According to the public prosecutor's office,
It is said that Prakash and Kamal Hinduja, along with their son Ajay and his wife Namrata, compensated the victims with a mere $8 each for 18-hour days.
Wow 8 ÷ 18 = 0,4444444444
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In a nutshell: Minimum wage in SwitzerlandIs there a statutory minimum wage in Switzerland?
No, there is no statutory minimum wage in Switzerland. However, as trade unions have repeatedly called for a Swiss minimum wage, there is now a minimum wage in five cantons: Neuchâtel, Jura, Geneva, Basel-Stadt and Ticino.
How high is the minimum wage in the different cantons?
In Neuchâtel, at least CHF 20.08 must be paid per hour of work. In Jura, the minimum wage is CHF 20 per hour, while in Ticino it has been CHF 19 since 1 January 2021. In Geneva, the hourly pay must be at least 23 francs; 21 francs must be paid as a minimum in Basel-Stadt (expected from 1 July 2022).
Why is there no statutory minimum wage in Switzerland?
There is no question that there are a number of reasons for and against minimum wages. As many Swiss people voted against the introduction of a minimum wage in a referendum, it was ultimately decided not to do so.
Again, in plain language, referendums are not always for the good of all. So it was legally compliant to pay fucking low wages,
it was just morally and ethically reprehensible. Evil world of good people with their morals and ethics, smile.
It is also alleged that they confiscated their passports and restricted their freedom to leave the house.
The family's lawyers partially admitted the allegations, but at the same time tried to relativise them by referring to the free board and lodging.
As far as the financial exploitation is concerned, an agreement has already been reached, reports the BBC.
However, the accusation of human trafficking remains. The confiscation of passports and the strict curfew could possibly be categorised as human trafficking. In Switzerland, human trafficking is considered a serious criminal offence.
To be really evil now! British society likes to bet what would you bet that this can all be settled with a paltry financial penalty?
Being rich means taking responsibility for society at all levels and not exploiting it at all levels.
This only comes from these ***** elite schools and universities where profit maximisation is put before ethics and moral responsibility.
We can't eat as much as we want to vomit!
Incidentally, this is just one example of so many, it is sad how our elites and our academic cultural elites hand in hand hardly represent moral values if not for self-expression.
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inkfishie · 1 year
Masterlist of my Trigun Fic
Hey, all, just wanted to post a masterlist of my Vashwood fic. Some of it is rather old, but again with the resurgence of the Trigun fandom I thought it would be fun to post a list and descriptions. List goes from newest to oldest :)
I'm not a Psycho (I'm Just Trying to Get Laid) Rating E
V/W Stampede characterization, developing relationship. Takes place directly after the incident with Zazie.
"So. You always follow strangers into the desert?" Wolfwood asks as they approach the fueling station, mirroring Vash's thoughts. "Only the pretty ones," Vash counters with a shrug, unsure of what possesses him to say it. His ears get hot immediately afterward. Wolfwood merely grins a sharp-toothed smile as they keep walking. "This could be the part where I shoot you in the back of the head and steal all your money."
Vash and Wolfwood decide to get to know one another better following their first meeting and the incident with the grand worm. Things get interesting and immediately become too much.
A few times Wolfwood tried to get off with Vash, and the one time he actually did.
Semi-public sex, Coitus interruptus, blow jobs, kissing, touch-starved Vash, not so casual casual sex.
Status: Complete
My Restless Heart Remains (With You) Rating E
V/W Established relationship. Trimax characterization. No established timeline, takes place sometime in manga verse before the final showdown with Knives. No major spoilers.
Arching a brow, Nicholas pauses and then drifts after Vash, drawn in by the gravity of him and the silly, besotted smile on his face. Honestly, that's probably Nicholas' second mistake because he doesn't pay a lick of attention to the odd tension or sudden strange silence that makes the hair on the back of his neck prickle. A stop over in a small town escalates into a bigger problem when a group of ruffians get it in their heads to go after the 60 Billion Double Dollar Man. Vash and Wolfwood make the best of it, all things considering.
Religious imagery, Hurt/Comfort, canon typical violence, tending to wounds, multiple scenes of sexual intimacy, not so obvious love confessions, sweetness & angst
Status: Complete
Midnight Hallelujah Rating E
V/W Established relationship. Trimax/Multiple Bullets spoilers. Takes place after the events in the official Multiple Bullets story.
"I could.." Vash begins, only to become distracted by how Nicholas' clever fingers manage to pop the buttons on the collar of his coat with one hand. "I could... Help you feel better?" Nicholas' breath is hot on Vash's neck, and the chuckle that follows sends a shiver down Vash's spine. "Yeah? How you gonna do that, Tongari?" After the showdown at Honeycombed Village, Vash and Nicholas sneak off for some alone time.
Hurt/Comfort, sexual intimacy, kissing
Status: Complete
Equinox Rating M
V/W Established Relationship. Vaguely TriMax. Takes place after the Fifth Moon Incident. Very, very mild spoilers for that.
Angelina breaks down in the desert forcing Vash and Wolfwood to take shelter in a nearby town. A secret lurks somewhere beneath the dust and grime.
Spooky-Time vibes, Atmospheric setting, mild angst, hurt/comfort, emotional intimacy, intimacy, lots of kissing
Status: Complete
Long Night Searching for Grace Rating E
V/W Slowburn. Takes place after between episode 8-10 of Trigun Stampede. Very mild spoilers for TriMax.
Somewhere out in the great sand ocean, the worms devour Livio's flesh. Meanwhile, in Hopeland, Nicholas waits for Vash to return to the land of the living. A story about grief, guilt, and maybe, just maybe about love.
Angst, hurt/comfort, emotional constipation, sexual situations
Status: Complete
Crash Rating E
V/W Badlands Rumble aftermath. Spoilers for TriMax/Badlands Rumble.
Unbidden, Vash thought of the threat that the preacher had made earlier when they’d been toe to toe with Gasback out in the desert.
I’ll take this out of your ass later
Angst, hurt/some comfort, doomed love, not-so-happy ending, suppressed feelings.
Status: Complete
Bonus! Podfic of Crash by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid
Worlds Apart Rating M
Collection of V/W drabbles spanning TriMax/Trigun 98. Spoilers for both. Originally written in the early 2000's.
Angst, fluff, hurt/no comfort, not actually unrequited love, character death
Status: Complete
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coasthq · 1 year
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hello  and  good  morning  libertalia  ! 
is  the  humidity  here  in  india  treating  you  well  ?  for  me  mumbai  has  been  an  absolute  whirlwind  of  excitement  and  adventure  !
the  chaos  of  the  bustling  streets  is  mesmerizing.  honking  horns,  colorful  saris,  and  the  scent  of  street  food  filling  the  air  create  a  symphony  of  sensations  that  is  uniquely  mumbai.  i  beg  you  all  to  try  pav  bhaji  or  panni  puri  at  any  of  the  local  food  stands.  the  culinary  scene  is  unforgettable.
the  people  here  are  incredibly  warm  and  welcoming.  connecting  with  the  locals  has  allowed  me  to  earn  a  firm  insight  about  their  lives  and  cultures. one  family  was  kind  enough  to  extend  an  invitation  to  their  daughter's  wedding.  enclosed  in  this  package  you  will  find  the  invitation  as  well  as  a  short  description  of  the  bhavnani  family.
the  bhavani's  kindness  is  an  extension  of  my  own.  though  i  understand  their  wealth  may  make  your  mouth  water  more  than  the  pav  bhaji  i  mentioned  earlier  ;  i  expect  all  of  you  to  act  on  your  best  behavior.  no  thievery  ,  no  scams.  but  alas  the  warning  may  be  mere  words  to  you  all.
signed, the professor.
please  join  us  at  a  reception  to  celebrate  the  wedding  of  DIMPLE  &  VIKRAM  
AKSHAY  BHAVNANI  is  an  indian  billionaire  businessman  who  is  currently  the  chairman  of  assurance  industries.  assurance  is  a  multinational  conglomerate  that  deals  in  energy,  petrochemicals,  natural  gas,  retail,  and  more.  they  are  the  largest  public  company  in  india  earning  a  net  income  of  $9.2  billion.  akshay  inherited  the  business  after  his  father's  passing  in  1996.  since  then, assurance  has  found  itself  in  multiple  controversies.  most  recently,  they  are  being  investigated  for  stock  manipulation,  criminal  conspiracy,  and  corruption.
akshay's  only  daughter  dimple  will  be  marrying  vikram  singh  at  his  multi-million  dollar  estate  right  here  in  mumbai.  guarded  well,  the  bhavnani  estate  is  littered  with  priceless  artifacts,  art,  and  jewels.  while  none  of  which  are  useful  in  finding  avery's  treasure,  they  are  just  as  appetizing  for  those  in  search  of  treasure.
welcome to our first event ! we kept it simple as this event is meant for our characters to get to know each other ; as well as establish where our characters are at the moment.
the event is a formal event. all characters should be dressed to reflect that. unlike western weddings , the bride will be dressed in red. not white. your character should refrain from wearing red !
our event will begin when in character interactions do on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND @ 12:00 PM PST.
all event starters should be tagged: at:eventone
if you'd like to post your characters outfits: at:outfits
the event will last FIVE DAYS. it officially ends on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 26TH.
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tyrranux64 · 1 year
"Holy Diver"
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Welcome to Providence City America, cirta 2364 AD. Spanning about 200,000 miles in diameter hanging just off the coast of California like a cancerous growth. A fully realized technological marvel and a “paradise” of late stage capitalism, offering the mere illusion of a more “evolved” civilization no longer adhering to the old ways when in truth the old status quo is very much alive still feeding off the lower class like a parasite. And now going against the system is punishable by having your very alienable rights stripped from you and being treated as a pariah on social media, death would be much for favorable…..so naturally the suicide rates are at an all time high (and a frequent source of meat for fast food chains). Truly is a wonderland of stagnant progress……much better than the alternative. About 80% of North America lies in ruin, terraformed into a hellscape of alien crystal and bio flesh following the events of the Great Cataclysm, details of which are now lost to time. Anyone who cannot afford to leave the continent will have to brave this hellscape for a chance of freedom. Such is the sad state of affairs that two very unlucky street rats find themselves in. Forced to live day by day under the oppressive rule of corporate greed. Waiting for the last straw to give them cause for unleashing the strange power that they each possess to burn this nightmarish status quo to the ground…..and then they are contacted by a mysterious freedom fighter, one Poppy Quocks, who has a proposition for them both…. _______________________________________________________
Chrost Matoi {HOLY DIVER}[Colleen Clinkenbeard] Japanese, age 12, non binary, pending. 4 feet 3 inches. Quiet and reserve right down to the overgrown hair obscuring their eyes, has a hard time communicating with even other kids their age. A kid in every sense of the word, right down to the iron clad attachment towards their adoptive brother Frisk. It is no mere codependency, it is a bond between two kindred spirits that have nothing else in this terrible shit hole known as Providence City, nothing but each other a couple hundred Providence Dollars to their names. Because of the circumstances Chrost is especially protective of Frisk, taking care of his wounds, making sure he eats right, being over lenient with his knuckleheaded decisions, willing to maim anyone that harms so much as a hair on him. If anything were to happen to Frisk there is no telling what Chrost would do….especially since it turns out that Chrost is in possession of a dangerous power that could destroy the world… _______________________________________________________ THE AEONS The fallen angels of destruction, diving down from the heavens upon the world to destroy it and rebuild it anew. So the legends say. Thought to have been mere myth, the recent appearance of the infamous Holy Diver has people now paranoid that all these doomsday prophecies, conspiracy theories and hokum might actually be cold hard reality. There have also been rumors of other such monsters, sharing the Holy Diver’s mouth only face with no eyes, boasting powers that could only be describes as…..eternal……
-[HOLY DIVER;] The Titan of Wrath. Bearer of the Hecatonchires Driver transforming them into a humanoid of shimmering gold. “Herculean” doesn’t quite do justice to this humanoid beast’s terrifying strength, amplified by its ability to stretch its limbs and grow additional arms. Wields the power of light with such ferocity that it can atomize solid matter in one full power blast. Height in this form is 8 feet 3 inches.   
-[VOID DIVER;] The Slothful Assassin. Bearer of the Gashadokuro Driver transforming them into a skeletal nightmare of pale ivory. His bone like body makes him virtually invincible and incapable of feeling pain. A master of the blade who is able to grow bone protrusion weaponry from his body, any protrusion they grow is sharp enough to cut through solid diamond. Height in this form is 8 feet 6 inches. -[MEGA DIVER;] The Avarice Wyrm. Bearer of the Jormungandr Driver transforming them into a Herculean dragon god. Sheer power and strength concentrated into their fists and their very skin cuts through even steel like a thousand blades, has heightened senses able to see in full three dimensions at once. Can channel great water like chi energy for devastating attacks. Height in this form is 10 feet 4 inches.   
-[NOVA DIVER;] The Lustful Psychopath. Bearer of the Cerberus Driver transforming them into a feminine lycan of reddish obsidian. Has three heads, two of which are massive shoulder pauldrons spewing out intense flames which then take whatever animal like shape that they desire. Armor is constantly giving off intense radiation and can even outright become like molten rock. Height in this form is 7 feet 9 inches. 
 -[ZERO DIVER;] The Jealous Nightmare. Bearer of the Leviathan Driver transforming them into a disturbingly beautiful fishman of crystalline blue sapphire. Is easily identified by the fifty foot long “serpent tail” protruding from the upper back and neck, able to reduce the very temperature of the immediate area to sub zero within seconds causing living flesh to become like frozen rock. Height in this form is 25 feet 5 inches.  
-[GAEA DIVER;] The Gluttonous Beast. Bearer of the Behemoth Driver transforming them into a towering quadrupedal beast. The very concept of devastation and genocide made manifest, able to destroy an entire city with its sheer animalistic fury and hunger. Also has the ability to spew poison that causes hideous decay and mutation. Height in this form is 40 feet 10 inches.   
-[CHAOS DIVER;] The Vain Antichrist. Bearer of the Sephiroth Driver transforming them into a demonic humanoid seraphim with six wings of bleeding blades. Easily the most dangerous of the Aeons simply for having the power to unleash the Rot, but even without that power this beastly terror is exceptionally powerful in raw strength and speed. Height in this form is 20 feet 10 inches.   
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