#at least from some of my class mates' pov
tkbrokkoli · 7 months
learned today we're gonna have to leave our bags and jackets in a locker room. so far so good
however, there is only one for men and one for women and i'd feel most comfy in a gender neutral one
like i dont wanna be a man in the women's room but i also dont wanna be the masculine woman in the men's room
#not fandom related#personal log stardate#trans stuff#ok so technically im a guy at uni except that i dont pass#like. im out as a trans guy to some class mates and ive introduced myself w a masc name and pronouns#despite that most ppl use she/her for me#so im in a weird kinda limbo where to some classmates im a man and to some im a woman#and either way ill have to be a guy in a locker room full of women or a woman in a locker room full of guys#at least from some of my class mates' pov#so now i could take a stand and use the men's room to affirm and confirm that im a man#but. im not??? like i am but im also not bc im trans masc nonbinary#but to use the men's locker room ill have to be a Man TM#and im just scared of the fact that#a) i have to fit into the gender binary even though i dont#and b) that i wont be taken seriously (bc i dont pass)#like i Do want to be a man in the eyes of society when i can choose it#eg name pronouns medically transitioning#but i don't want to be squeezed into the gender binary#when using the toilet or a locker room y'know#one thing i choose bc it makes me feel good the other one is forced upon me#and theres no way out and on thursday ill have to pick a locker room ugh. ill probably go w the mens room bc it aligns mostly w how i want#my class mates to see me but the fear the fear oh god the fear#this class keeps getting worse ugh. and i cant even skip it bc its mandatory ugh#like i dont think any of the guys will assault me or anything like that theyre all chill but itll be so weird and awkward#maybe some will be like yeah of course youre a real man bro! and itll make me feel good and affirmed but itll also make me feel like shit#bc im not. a real man. but does it matter? do i even want to be a real man and what is a real man anyway#i guess the problem here is my own self esteem? all i have to do is roll w it. fake it till you make it or whatever#but still. where is my gender neutral locker room :(#anyway i have to go to bed now bc ive been having a headache for half of the day now and it keeps getting worse now that its late#maybe ill ask some of my friends tomorrow what they think abt my locker room dilemma
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notti-stellate · 9 months
Hello how are you I hope you have a good day [I want to ask the reader and Jasper Hale]
Jasper was seeing visions of a reader and that they were together, and Alice was also seeing a future for Jasper with reader, but the reader is not yet around him.
And one day in high school, the reader appears as a new student, and he does not know who Cullens or Jasper are, and it seems that someone is trying to flirt with a reader.
Fated Mates
a/n: okay so this wasn't fully what you asked for but I hope you still like it. I'm open to making a part two soon if you guys like it.
Jasper Hale x fem!reader
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Jasper’s pov
It’s impossible. There’s no way my soulmate is here. I can feel it pulsing through my veins the second I walk into the classroom. I’m not exactly sure what it even is, it could be the pull that I feel towards her or the way my head gets foggy everytime she walks by. She smells like something sweet, vanilla maybe? 
I shouldn’t be this surprised, Alice warned me weeks ago about her. Logically, I knew her visions were typically right but I came to terms with not having a mate a long time ago, especially after my time with Maria. In all honesty, I’m not sure I believe in love, actual true love. 
Oh god she’s coming over here
Your pov
Of course the teacher had to put me right next to the cutest boy in class. What should I do? Smile? Wave? Keep my head down and stop looking at him before he thinks I’m insane? Yeah, probably the last one.
He smells really good, kinda like-
“Alright class, today we’re focusing on the different genres of literature. Turn to your table partner and talk about your favorite genre.” The teacher interrupted me mid-thought.
I turned to look at the cute boy but he was already looking at me.
“Hey, I’m Jasper” He said, his southern accent so surprising I missed the way his throat bobbed up and down.
“Y/n” I squeaked out, god why was I this embarrassing
“Pretty name,” he smiled, “so, your favorite genre?”
“Romance, you?”
For some reason the way he smiled seemed to calm my nerves, letting us slip into a somewhat easy conversation about our favorite books. I can’t help but watch the way the corners of his mouth quirk up when he talks about his favorites. There’s something about him I can’t quite put my finger on. Regardless, I can’t stop my heart from fluttering each time our eyes lock.
“Now that you have all had at least one conversation with your partners this is a good time to tell you about your homework assignment. You will be working together to write an essay about your favorite books and make a corresponding poster to present to the class.”
Well this should be fun
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redrydersrequiem · 4 months
The Raven and the Vampire
Chapter 3
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Walking with Angela was nice; she seemed nice, and very smart. The classroom was again in shades of white but did have pops of color from the artwork hanging all around. Setting down your stuff and waiting for the teacher, a familiar figure bounces up and sets down.
“Are you Elara, I'm Alice Cullen. It's so nice to meet you.”
“ You as well” reaching out to shake the girls hand I notice how cold she is, which must be cold if even I notice she’s cold,
“Wow you’re hands sure are cold”
“Oh yeah you know what they say, cold hands warm heart.”
“You know I can already tell we are going to be great friends. I really hope everything comes together for you.”
“Oh thanks and I hope we become friends as well.”
Just as that is said the teacher comes in to begin the lesson. Looking back and forth between the canvas in front of me and Alice I try to not stare at her the whole class but the mystery of what she is to strong, So instead I send out my senses like aunt sif always said “when you can’t use your eyes use your other senses” I can hear all the heart beats in the room the air filling their lungs. Well all except one. Looking towards Alice I can clearly see her moving and blinking as she worked on her sketch. Now that’s new, What on earth are these cullens?
“So elara how old are you” alice asks noticing i was watching her
“Im 853 as of September 13th”
“Sorry I was joking, I’m 18”
“Oh you're the same age as some of my siblings.”
“Yeah, I saw all of you at lunch. I'm sorry for how the people at the table were talking about your family. I'm sure that’s not a good feeling.
“Oh no it's fine they’ve all talked about us since we moved here.”
“ At least what they did say it seems you have an amazing family.
“Thank you, I can tell you're really sweet, you're going to make someone very happy someday.”
“Why thank you thats” The bell rings, cutting me off.
“Have a nice next class elara. I think you’ll really enjoy it.”
Before I can even begin to interpret what she just said she’s gone. Well aren’t the clues just lining up for me. I ponder as I walk to the last class of the day, Cold skin, they reacted to my magic but didn’t know it came from me. Alice didn’t have a heartbeat but I hadn’t checked the others yet so I don’t know if i can count that yet it could just be her, and they seemed really fast. My mind whirling as I walked into the room, the first thing I noticed was him. The very air around him seemed to shimmer.
“Ah miss lane I presume Im Mr Wright welcome to ap history please take a seat over by Mr Hale. Mr Hale please raise your hand so she knows where to come.”
Jaspers pov
Doing as I was asked, trying to mask the internal crisis brewing within. God Edward wanted to kill Bella upon meeting her and I wanted to kill everyone most of the time, and now the new girl is being sent right into the lion's den, damn my luck. I didn't want to breathe or move, but as she got closer, her presence washed over me. A cooling breath of air in the never ending smell of the other students' blood. It was incredible her whole being captured me and it was in that instance I knew she's my mate.
Elaras pov
I was raised in a noble court. I've had over 800 years of speaking experience, but now while I'm sitting shoulder to shoulder with my soulmate I can’t under a single syllable. I'm not even listening to the teacher rampling on, all I can think of are the subtle things I see on him. The way that one curl brushes above his right eye. Speaking of his eyes, his eyes alone are the most beautiful color of ember. The plaid blue shirt he was wearing fit him so well oh for the love of the gods just say something to him.
“Um hi,”
“Im Elara”
“Jasper hale, pleasure to meet you darlin”
Wow darlin is my new favorite word, especially when said in that beautiful accent.
“ Are you enjoying forks?”
“It’s definitely starting to grow on me.”
“I think I can understand that.” The rest of the class I exchange notes and made small talk before that dreaded bell rings and it signaling my departure from him.
“I guess I'll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course, see you tomorrow darlin.”I almost don’t want to part from him, but I know now isn’t the time for us, but it is a start.
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Busting through the front door I call for Mila and Lucas. I have to share all my experiences with them. I have to call mom and dad, I have to…….
“Odins beard, Elara is that you banging around out there.” I hear coming from the kitchen cutting off my inner rant.
“Yes Mila but I have a good cause, where’s Lucas I need to speak to him too.”
“I'm right here princess, how was your first day of school? ' Lucas asks as he steps out of the study.
“I found them, I found my soulmate”
“That's terrific news my lady!”
“Isn’t it. It’s just um”
“I sense a but coming.”
“You’d be correct Mila that's why I need you and Lucas. From everything I’ve observed today his family and him are not human.
“Ok before we start getting into what was just spoken, first at least tell me you know their name.”
“Oh yes sorry Mila. His name is Jasper, Jasper Hale
“How lovely a strong name.”
“I would like to be more focused on the non human part,
“Of course do Lucas.”
“I'm sorry Mila but the princesses safety is my first concern, I promised her father and more importantly the Allfather.”
“Yes yes we shall let you complete your duty, now dear what were you saying about them not being human.”
“From what I observed they don’t have heartbeats and seem very fast. Alice, Jasper's sister, was also very cold, colder than any human should be.”
“Hmmmmm, by any chance did they seem inhumanly beautiful.?”
“Yes actually, they did stand out more than the other children.”
“What about their eyes?”
“ Well my soulmate had beautiful ember almost yellow eyes”
“Then I do believe I know what they may be my lady.”
“You do.”
“Yes midgardians have a legend of an inhuman species that survives on the blood of other sentient beings. While many believe these stories to be just that, the being is very much real. Here the local tribe calls them the cold ones”
“Local tribe?”
“Yes there is a tribe here of children of Fenrir.”
“Oh wolf shifters then, amazing I remember reading of them as a child, I'm glad they are still around.
“Yes they are. Many of them have taken on the charge of maintaining peace
and protecting the humans from the cold ones.”
“Why must they protect the humans?”
“Anciently cold ones while intelligent many would be overcome by their darker tendencies and slaughter full villages. Though from what you’ve told me your soulmate and his family seem to be the other end of that spectrum.
“What do you mean.?
“ Well with the speed, beauty,cold skin but more importantly the gold color of their eyes it would seem your soulmate and his family are in a way vegetarian vampires, meaning they don’t prey on humans but animals instead.”
“Amazing, what else do you know of their species’
“Well a good thing is they are a long lived race they do not age from the time they are turned.
“Perfect I wouldn’t have to worry about out living them, and the aging we could possibly figure out later on but that is so far away.”
“The cold ones can also have gifts my lady”
“They have aesir.”
“No my lady, not really asgardian aesir, it's a special form that we don’t have much knowledge on, all I know is that they can have abilities from telepathy to elemental manipulation and so on from my understanding it all depends on their lives before they are turned and even then not every vampire has a gift.”
“Interesting, mom and dad will be impressed.”
“Elara dear if you contact them please don’t forget to tell them we’ve finished the preparations for the house so they can send over your pet.
“Really, Mila you're the best, Aurelius will love the woods here.”
“Yes, I'm sure your giant pet wolf will love the woods.
“Oh Lucas, it'll be fine. I already decided we’d cloak him to look like that fluffy bread. What was it called again?”
“A husky dear.”
“Yes a husky, to the midgardians he will just be a regular husky.”
“I hope so cause I believe a 12ft silver wolf would upset the locals.”
“I would expect no less from a direct descendent of Fenrir,”
“ Think of it this way, Lucas, he can help you protect me.
“Whatever you say, dear princess whatever you say.”
Cullens pov
The next day at school the cullens including bella all stand by their cars like usual waiting for the new girl to come into the parking lot.
“Jasper are you sure it's her you felt the connection to”
“Yes, I’m sure. She’s the only one around that I don’t feel the urge to kill.”
Her presence alone feels like a cool blanket covering the aching heat in his throat. Not that he’d admit that to his siblings yet.
“Well everyone, how do we think we should handle this.?” Alice asks the
group surrounding her
“ Last time we got involved with a human it didn’t go well, Sorry Bella”
“No offense taken Rue.”
“I haven’t seen anything in any of our futures that suggest she’s a danger and this could be Jasper's chance to finally have the happiness he deserves. I'm not going to let you all ruin that for him.”
“Thank you Alice.”
“I think we should get to know her and if she is a danger we'll speak to Carlisle and go from there.”
“ See rue agrees besides I've already introduced myself to her and I like her. I know she'll be a wonderful addition to our family”
“Just make sure you respect her boundaries babe.”
“Rue Im offended I have great respect for boundaries” Rue shakes her head with the rest of the cullens in a knowing way
“Sure you do sweety. Come on y’all the bells about to ring wouldn’t want to miss another glorious day of highschool.
Elaras pov
Watching the cullens enter the school I feel the smile spread on my face as I lean against the purple jeep Lucas suggested I drive instead of my bike. I can see them all once again watching me from the gourd around their cars. Vampires huh how very very interesting .Most of them i.e. Emmet, Alice and Jasper have smiles on their faces while the others look somewhat grim. It’s almost like they are suspicious of me, but for what i couldn’t figure, i guess we'll see who approaches who first.
The morning was going well when I saw Alice while walking to my next class. She was standing in the hall with her girlfriend rue and their other sister Rosalie. I waited for the rushing crowd of teenagers to disperse a little before making my way over. Alice saw me and shot me a giant smile, gleefully motioning me over to them.
“Elara, good morning.”
“Morning alice.”
“Let me introduce you this is my girlfriend rue and my older sister Rosalie,”
“It’s nice to meet both of you.”
“It’s nice to meet you. Alice wouldn’t stop talking about you yesterday after art. It's almost like I already know you. Rose say hi hun don’t be stiff”
“No, it's fine she doesn’t have to say anything if she doesn’t want to.”
“Sorry I was just thinking to myself, hello my name's Rosalie, it's nice to meet you. I assume you got the whole tour yesterday from everyone.”
“Yeah it was sooo much fun. Especially all the staring and whisper you hear all day ”
“ I can definitely understand that it was the exact same when we all started school here.”
“At least you all had each other. You all seem like a very tight knit family”
“Yeah we can be.”
“elara I'm so excited you just have to sit with us today at lunch and meet everyone. I can definitely tell we all make fast friends.
“Sure Alice I would love that, only if everyone would be comfortable with it.”
“Oh no everyone would be just fine i'll make sure of it. Now I'll see you at lunch. I'll wait for you by the front door”
“Sounds like a plan I respond when he schools bell sounds in the hallway.”
“Ok elara well see you at lunch come on rue we have science class “
“Oh joy, bye elara” rue replies her whole body slumping with disdain or the upcoming class i simply laugh at her.
“Bye good luck,” the two girls walk off more like alice drags rue off. Rosalie is stood beside me still also lightly smiling at her siblings behavior
“What about you Rosalie?”
“I have math next with Emmet but I guess I'll see you at lunch.”
The blond walks off as I now make my way to my own class. It seems that I have a lunch date with the Cullen family now. This will be a more productive day than I thought.
Jaspers pov
“You did what? Alice what in the hell”
“Oh calm down Jasper, this is the perfect opportunity to formally introduce her to our family.”
“Have you met our family? Look what happened when Edward met Bella, we're still dealing with that. I'm not gonna let my mate get hurt.”
“Jasper calm down nothing will happen to elara”
“How do you know? Isn’t she’s a shield like Bella”
“Well I wouldn’t say she’s necessarily a shield. I've seen glimpses of her in your and our future but it's like she’s surrounded by bright light every time I see her. Almost like she muffled in a way”
“Muffled. That still doesn’t mean she won't be hurt by me or anyone else”
“Jasper you can’t live your life in fear or you won't live at all. I want you to be happy and I know she’s what’s going to make you happy, now pull yourself together and she's joining us for lunch.”
Oh lord, I really hope Edward is wrong about all his eternal damnation because I could really use some hope right now.
Elaras pov
Lunch is only fifteen minutes away. The bells blares in my ears, tuning out the fast beating of my heart momentarily. Ok elara you can do this. You're a 853 year old princess of Asgard. You’ve been trained in the mystic arts and fighting from the moment you could walk. A group of midgardian teenagers should not be a problem. Now put on your big girl armor and let's do this. Pep talk done, I head into the lunch room and immediately see alice bounding up to me.
“There you are girly right this way and don’t worry only Edward bites but you can just ignore him. The rest of us do most of the time.”
Slipping her arm through mine I have no choice but to follow her as the whole cafeteria watches. It’s just like a court function back home keeping my head high and taking a step at a time. Till I see the table come into view and there he is, Gorgeous curls and all. Then he turns and the smile he shows is like being hit with the bifrost full force. All of them are beautiful in itself but him, he's even more so.
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“Here she is, everyone. elara you’ve already met, my better half Rue,” you wave and smile at rue which she copies
“Next to her is Bella swan. I don’t know if you have officially meet”
“Hi Bella”
“Hi elara”
“The brooding one beside her is her boyfriend and our brother Edward.”
“He just nods which is fine for me as I reciprocate the gesture.”
“Hey don’t forget about me, I want to say hi too.”
“Yeah yeah emmet hold your horses. elara this is emmet the loud one of the group
“Don’t you mean the fun one of the group?”
“No i mean loud”
“Hahaha hi emmet it's good to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, elara. I gotta say your bike the first day was sick we'll have to talk.”
“You bet”
“Like you know about motorcycles”
“Hey babe that’s not nice im a wealth of knowledge”
“If you really want to talk about cars and bike I’m the one to talk to”
“Oh really that's really cool Rosalie I would love to talk.”
“Hey see, we're all friends already.”
“Sure Emmett and last but not least is Jasper you can take the seat next to him I'm sure you’ll get along great” The blush that enveloped your checks didn’t go unnoticed by the others but thankfully none of them commented on it.
“Hey darlin, it's nice to see you again.”
“You as well jasper.”
I take the seat next to him that he pushed out, ever the gentlemen that definitely a plus check for him. The table is quiet as everyone settles in, not knowing what to say I wait for one of them to hopefully start speaking and thankfully emmet doesn’t miss his que.
“So elara how's the rain been treating you.”
“I actually like the rain, it's comforting to me.”
“Really wow the complete opposite of Bella. Hahaha” Everyone silently chuckles the brunette glaring at Emmett
“Where are you from Bella I was told you where new last year”
“Yeah I was I came from phoenix Arizona”
“What’s it like there”
“It was mostly like a desert so this was a big change.”
“Oh that's cool.”
“Yeah I was kinda iffy about it at first but now it's really grown on me.” She hugs edwards arm and they both stare at each other with clear love in their eyes”
“Get a room you two, so elara tell us about yourself” rue asks from the other side of the table
“Well I just moved from insert ( fake hometown) and I moved here to travel a little with my aunt and uncle since my parents are really busy.”
“Wow that's cool, but do you not have any siblings or pets or anything?
“No, I have two new baby brothers, Vance and Nate and then my pet dog aurelius actually came with me.“
“Oh you have a pet, what kind of animal are they?” Alice asks from her seat next to rue
“He’s a silver husky. Here I have a photo of him on my phone.”
Pulling up the photo of transformed Aurelius I show the group with a smile”
“Wow , he's really pretty, almost kind of looks like a wolf.” Bella says with aw in her tone, the slight shift from the rest of the table though from her words does not go unnoticed by you. I hope these people don’t have issues with wolfs (foreshadowing lol) But then what Lucas said about the local moon children tribe comes to mind and everything just drops into place in your mind.
“Let's change the subject elara what’s your favorite class so far
“Well rose I would have to say history so far”
“Oh that's the class you have with Jasper right?”
“Alice!” jasper scolds her silently as he sees the blush form on my cheeks
“Yes, that is the class I have with jasper. I must say your whole family is amazing. Jasper has been nothing short of a gentleman to me since he got saddled with me being his desk partner.”
“That’s how my momma raised me, true southern hospitality.”
“I'm glad it’s definitely an attractive feature, I will say.” Alice suddenly Interrupts the staring between you and jasper
“Hey elara you wouldn’t happen to have any plans this weekend would you”
“No I don’t,”
“Then you should come to port a with all of us girls, i think we would all love for you to become a friend”
“I would love that actually.”
“Hooray, ok here let me get your phone number and we'll get all the details finalized.”
It feels so mundane exchanging numbers with Alice,she even whispered she'd give you the others numbers later, only if you wanted them. The rest of the lunch is filled with general small talk. Bella really being the only one at the table eating the rest of us converse. The conversations actually feel pretty easy making time go by faster, the bell echos in the room signaling the end of the lunch period
“Oh shoot there's the bell right when the conversation was getting good to”
“It’s ok alice maybe elara would like to sit with us again.”Jasper asks
“Of course I will. Besides Alice, you and I have the next class together, we can continue talking there.”
“Perfect well then let's go.” She hops up quick kissing rue on the cheek before taking my arm in hers to start walking to our class.
“Bye Elara, I'll see you in last period.” jasper manages before emmet slings his arm around him in a half choke with a giant smile on his face
“Yeah elara he’ll see you last period” Laughs emmet as he drags jasper off
“Bye jasper.” you wave after them just in time to see him look back and give a final kilowatt smile
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The rest of the week eating with the cullens was amazing. I actually had gotten pretty close to everyone including Edward after I bonded off one of his favorite philosophers quotes and the following debate about it. They were all amazing, I was over the moon with the progress, they of course wouldn’t trust me with their family's secret yet but at least they are welcoming, now I just have to get through meeting the cullens matriarch.
It’s finally Saturday morning and i'm ready to experience midgardian shopping, but not ready for meeting my mates parents. Arriving at the beautiful house I arrive at the door but before I can even attempt to knock, the door flies open to reveal a smiling alice.
“Oh elara I'm so happy you're here.”
Alice practically pulls me through the house to the kitchen where the amazing smell of cookies wafts. Behind the kitchen island a beautiful woman stands, she almost reminds me of my grandmother, the grace, strength and kindness just radiating off her in the same waves as her beautiful chestnut hair. This must be Esme Cullen, their mom.
“Esme look who’s here”
“Oh hello there dear, how great to finally meet you, the children haven’t stopped talking about you.” She crosses over to you and pulls you into a quick Hug.
“Oh thank you, it's wonderful to meet you too and I have to say it smells amazing, in here.”
“Oh thank you dear, I'm making some cookies for Carlisle's colleges up at the hospital.
“Did I hear my name?”
A sweet honeyed voice calls as the head of the family walks up to his wife embracing her from behind.
“You did, but now that you're here, introduce yourself to the children's new friend.
“Ahh you must be elara lane” Carlisle greets as he reaches his hand out to shake yours
“That would be me sir.”
“Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad the kids have all made another great friend here in forks.
“They are all amazing, it's sad that the other kids can’t see that.
“Well isn’t that great. I hear you girls are going up to port Arthur to shop.”
“Yes sir, Alice graciously invited me along. I’ve never been up there so i'm sure it will be exciting”
“Oh course it will elara well go to all my favorite stores and find the perfect outfits for everything.
“What about us alice?”
“Oh there you two are. I'm guessing Bella was able to get out of girls trip this time?
“Yeah she’s with Edward today.”
“Oh are they that couple”,
“Yes they are girl! But Rose can’t say much, her and Emmet are about the same.”
“Oh please rue, like you and alice aren’t.”
“I wont say we aren’t I love my little pixiepie ” Rue rushes over to alice to kiss her cheek and squeeze her
“Ok whatever, elara we're gonna go in my car if that's ok, trust me you don’t want Alice to drive.
“I heard that Rose,’
“Good you were supposed to. Come on”
As the girls all say their goodbyes and walks away I can’t help but turn back to again say goodbye to Carlisle and Esme,
“Thank you so much, it was amazing to meet you both
“You too, dear.”
“Yes don’t let those girls bully you into anything you don’t want to do we thought poor Bella would never go with the again”
“I'll keep that in mind Dr.Cullen”
“You can just call me Carlisle. I'm sure we'll be seeing eachother again.
“I hope so”
Honking from the garage signals your retreat from the loving matriarchs in front of you.
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Esme and Carlisle’s pov
Watching the young girl leave i turn to my beautiful wife
“So that's Jasper's mate?”
“Yes and I can already tell shell be an amazing mate for him. I mean I’ve never seen him smile as much as he has this past week. He’s finally coming out of that scared shell of his.”
“I agree dear and all of the others seem to really like her as well. I do hope Rose stays so open with her and we don’t have another repeat of Bella.”
“I believe she will, elara has a very unique air about her, I’m sure good things will come to our family.”
Taking one last look in the directions the girls went I silently agreed with my wife as I pulled her into my side.
Elaras pov
The red bmw drives down the street top down and music blasting . The wind flowing through my hair as Rose expertly drives into town.
All I can really hear is the occasional signing from rue beside me, as alice and rose go on about Alice’s driving skills. After what felt like five minutes we all pulled into a shopping district and the day began. Shop after shop we go and I now have no doubt that these girls are inhuman. So many stores we’ve blown through, it's almost shocking. But the fun and light conversation between all of us keeps driving me. Finally we stop at the food court, they all get a smoothie while I find whatever here seems the most appetizing.
“So elara tell us what do you think about jasper?” I simply look up at Alice a smile on my face
“Alice what happened to any subtlety.”
“Oh come on Rose I know you wanted to ask. So elara tell us.”
“Are you sure you want to know given he’s your brother.”
“Uh yes. Especially since none of us have seen him smile so much in a long time.”
“Rues right you’ve truly had an amazing effect on him.”
“What can I say?”
“Just tell us what you like, it doesn't have to be about jasper.”
“But Jasper is who I like.”
“Aww” Rue smacks Alice’s shoulder at the sound.
“Stop it let her continue, go on elara”
“He’s kind and he’s funny, super smart. Being around him is like being wrapped in my favorite blanket with a cup of tea in hand.”
“Aww that's adorable. I’ve got to tell you that he thinks the same.
“Alice for gods sake stop”
“No Rose, I want my brother and our friend to be together, so this is what’s going to happen. We’re going to beautify elara all up which wont be hard your gorgeous love, show jasper what he’s missing and i promise by the end of the week you two will be together i have it all planned out”
“Oh it’ll work out just like that”
“Yup you leave everything to me, it's the least i can do for my future sister “
“Oh lord alice one step at a time i think we all need to get to know each other a lot more before that. And we still have some family things to take care of remember” rose says chastising the small brunete
“Yeah yeah yeah it's only a matter of time”
“Family stuff is there anything i can help with?”
“No elara it's fine, maybe someday but for now let's just think of prettying you up. Come on girls I hear a Sephora calling our name.”
And just like that rue whisks me away with rose and alice following a smile on all of our faces, and all I can think of is how much I'm ready for all our secrets to be revealed so we all can actually be sisters. But first we may have to get none of them being human out of the way
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cloloveflower2 · 6 months
Chapter 2
Ryusei pov:
As soon as we heard sakuya is back we rushed into the classroom, honestly we had so many questions like why did he suddenly change schools and then come back but most of all why couldn't anyone remember his face. Every time I  try to remember how he looks like my head start to hurt like crazy and there is this ringing sound that feels like it won't go away we you think about it.... so it was easier to just not think about at all....
The second  we walked in and saw his face I was relieved, koyuki looked relieved as well.....That's right this is his face...this is how he looks like....why did we forget....
" hey Jackass where have you been don't just leave and come back so suddenly without saying anything , you could have at least answer your pho- "suddenly a feeling of drowsiness took over me, I looked over at koyuki and he did not look that well but as soon as it came the drowsiness disappeared. Koyuki look at sakuya smiles and begin talking" welcome back sakuya-chan how did your visit at your relatives go, they live near the sea right? How was it did you go swimming?" It felt like he was going to keep going but was interrupted by sakuya's laughter " haha ya it was fun but I was attacked by a giant shark who tried to eat me ahh it was so scary but it's OK cause I faut it off...now how much off that was a lie ha- ouch mahiru that hurts" " shut up" mahiru said looking more annoyed that usually. Honestly this familiar scene was nice, sakuya spouting he usually nonsense and resiving a wack in the head for it by mahiru. Not that he will ever admit out loud but his glad sakuya back from his trip....that's right he just....went to visit some relatives for a while...." hey Ryusei are you just going to stand there class is going to call soon" I was snapped out off my thoughts by mahiru's usually yelling, geez he can be over the top some times     "geez alright no need to yell" I yelled back as I take my seat, lot long after the teacher arrives and starts the lesson and I try to pay attention to what his saying key word try. " hey ryusei hey" i heard a soft whisper next to me " what's up" I whispered back  "you might wanna pay attention if you want your grades to improve or are you content with that sad report card of yours" my seat mate laughed under their breath " oh shut up emma !!!!"
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wordofthewicked · 2 years
Switched- A Fred and George Weasley Fan Fiction
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Fred and George Weasley are the most infamous duo at Hogwarts- you'll never find one without the other trailing close behind. Many people can't even tell them apart, and even fewer try to figure it out. However, there is more to the twins than meets the eye. Perhaps being two halves of the same whole isn't their choice in the first place. When a date with George's longtime crush leads to a new budding romance, chaos ensues within the Gryffindor house. This girl holds some key to George's future, but can he outrun the danger that comes with loving her?
~All characters, places, objects, and events that happen in the Harry Potter Universe are property of J.K Rowling. I own none of them. This book is purely a work of fan fiction.~
General Masterlist
Switched Masterlist (All Chapters)
Chapter Two: The News
Fred's POV:
After walking Stevie back to the Slytherin common room, I rushed towards the Fat Lady's portrait.
"Bauldersash!" I shouted, impatient to go talk to George.
"Hmmph, in a rush are we?" She hummed, crossing her arms.
"Yes! A big rush! Baulderdash!" I repeated.
"Alright alright, don't get your wand in a twist." Her frame swung open, revealing the hole behind it.
I ran straight through, ignoring the questioning stares from those who were heading off towards breakfast. I ran up the stairway on the left, shoving past Ron and Harry who were on their way down.
"Oi- watch where you're going mate!" Ron grumbled, eyes half open.
"You watch it! I've got places to be!" I called over my shoulder.
Once I reached my dormitory, I flung open the door. Lee and George were sitting on one of the beds, in a heated conversation. George hadn't bothered to get dressed, despite him having to be up for over an hour by now.
"Hiya Georgie! Interesting morning?" I gasped, trying to catch my breath.
"Save it. I don't even know if I want to hear what happened after we switched." He groaned.
"Listen, it was great. If she wasn't a Slytherin, I'd say she's perfect for you," I plopped down on the bed opposite of them. "You do, however, have a date with her next Saturday."
George's eyes went wide, horror flooding his features. "A date? A DATE?" He threw the pillow that was in his lap and my head, but I dodged it before it made contact.
"Why would you do that to me? You know how she makes me feel. How do you think I'm supposed to go on a date when I can barely speak to her?" George rambled.
"She's just a girl. You'll be-" I began, before George swiftly continued talking over me.
"And you know what? What if we switch? Then you'll be on a date with her. You know that we're more likely to accidentally switch when one of us is nervous. How do I explain that? And what if it goes well? And she wants to go out again? How do I explain to her that some days I'm not me, but I am me, just in a different body? She'll think I'm mental."
Lee grabbed George's shoulders and shook him gently "Merlins beard George- take a breath. Freddie did you a solid here, don't waste the opportunity.
"I have a plan for everything. I'll be nearby so that if we do switch, which we won't, we can just switch back! She won't notice anything." I ensured him, smiling brightly.
While switches happen randomly and tend to have no distance limit (albeit, we're never far away from each other), as long as we're close by, we can switch on our own accord. When taking exams- it's useful. I'm dreadful at Transfiguration, but George seems to get every spell almost immediately. Likewise, I'm much better at charms, allowing us to at least pass those classes easily.
"You think so?"
"I know so. Now get dressed- Wood wants us on the field after breakfast and I'm not about to let you make us miss food." Standing up, I headed towards the door to leave.
"You're the one who always makes us late!" George argued, climbing out of bed.
"Well I was up bright and early this morning- I even saw the sunrise!" I chortled, before shutting the door behind me and making my way back down the stairs to the common room.
Stevie's POV:
"Weasley? Really?" Blaise rolled his eyes, reaching over Draco for another croissant.
"He's really sweet! I think it'll be fun!" I reasoned.
"Talk about sleeping with the enemy." Adrien joked, shaking his head.
"It's about time you finally talked to him. I'm tired of you ogling over him during meets, instead of cheering us on." Draco sneered, picking his coffee up.
"I do not ogle! I just simply... admire. From a distance. Frequently."
"Whatever you say. I don't blame you honestly. He's quite fit and- 6'4 you said? I'd climb him like a tree too." Pansy snorted, enjoying Draco's disgusted face.
I blushed slightly before stuttering out "I'm not climbing anyone like a tree. It's just a date!"
"Mmm sure. Didn't you say the same thing about Higgs at the end of term party last year? I remember quite well trying to think of a spell to get rid of those love bites." Millicent chimed in, winking at me.
"I hate the lot of you," I stood up from the bench "I'm going back to the common room to start on McGonagall's essay. I don't know how they expect us to do well on OWLs if they're already bombarding us with homework."
"I haven't even thought about starting mine, so I could use the encouragement." Adrian got up from the table and stood beside me. "You four should enjoy how easy your fourth year is before it's over."
"I'll be sure to do just that then, as I spend the whole weekend not having anything to do." Draco smirked, raising his eyebrows proudly.
"I can't wait to watch him flounder next year." I whispered to Adrian, walking away from him.
"He's a prick- it'll definitely be amusing." He chortled back.
As we were passing through the doors of the Great Hall, I saw Fred and George turn the corner, their friend with the dreadlocks following closely behind. George looked just as good as he did earlier, an effortless appeal to him. I waved at him and smiled, meeting his eyes. He immediately waved back, sending a wink in my direction. I blushed a bit before speeding up my walking.
"Oi- you're going on a date with him but you won't even stop to talk to him?" Adrian questioned, catching up with me.
"We spent the whole morning talking on the Astronomy Tower- what's left to say?" I rationalized, my mind drifting to how close we were standing to each other. How for just a moment, when he looked at me and opened his eyes wider, I thought he might just kiss me.
"I don't understand you," he shook his head slightly "You're the most confusing girl I think I've ever met."
"Well perhaps you're meeting the wrong girls then- huh?" I retorted, taking a sharp left and descending the stairs towards the dungeons.
"I guess so." Adrian shrugged, following me down the stairs.
When we arrived at the entrance, I muttered 'wiggenweld' and the stones in the wall parted, revealing the common room just beyond. Adrian and I stepped through, looking around for other students. The room was quite empty- not unusual for a Saturday morning. Many people were still in bed.
"I have to go grab my textbook and parchment. I'll meet you back out here in a minute." I headed off towards the girl's hallway, my thoughts wandering back to George as I did.
I've had a small crush on him since my second year, though I never felt right acting on it. Aside from the fact that he was a year above me, he's also a Gryffindor and a Weasley. I highly doubt my parents would think he was fit to be friends with me, let alone take me on a date. Still, there was something about him that I couldn't help but be drawn to. He was well known throughout the school as one half of the dynamic prankster duo that set the school alight with fireworks, but he was so much more. Fred always managed to light up a crowd around the Gryffindor table with his animated stories, but it was the way George sat faithfully by his side and only chimed in during certain moments that got to me. It was the fact that he was also so observant, his eyes were always scanning across the room, noticing everything around him. It was stupid to think that someone I never talked to before this morning could be so enticing to me, but he made me weak.
quickly grabbed what I needed from my room and joined Adrien on one of the couches by the fireplace. I set my book and parchment gently on the table in front of me.
"Fuck- I completely forgot a quill and ink." I groaned, sinking down into the couch.
"Here," Adrien handed me a quill "I grabbed an extra for you. We can share my ink pot."
"Ugh- you're the best!" I squealed, sitting forward and opening my book, "I seriously don't know what I'd do without you!"
"Die, probably." He joked.
Our eyes met for a moment, and I let them linger. He kept his head still, staring back at me. I felt him move closer to me, our legs against each other. The weight between us was definitely noticeable to anyone around us, but I didn't know how to stop it. Adrian was good looking, and he'd always been a great friend to me. Finally, I cleared my throat and forced myself to look down at my hands.
"Right- we should probably get started." I muttered, flipping through the first couple pages of the Transfiguration spells.
"Right." He sighed, shifting slightly away from me.
Despite being friends for 5 years now, I know that Adrian's had feelings for me for a while. He asked me out in our third year- but we were barely 16 and I didn't feel old enough to date yet. There'd been some weird moments between us since, including one particularly drunk incident on his last birthday, but he never asked me again. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel fondly of him, and I know he'd be the perfect person to bring home to my parents. Yet, every time I try to give him my attention, George's stupid grin lights up in the back of my mind.
There was something about George Weasley that I just couldn't shake, and he haunted my thoughts day and night. But honestly? I didn’t know if that was such a bad thing anymore.
George's POV
"That was kind of weird, huh?" I observed, sliding next to Ginny on the bench.
Lee sat down across from me. "I'm surprised she didn't talk to you. Nerves maybe?" He offered.
"It's got Pucey's stench all over it, never liked that git." Fred muttered, piling his plate full.
Hermione made eye contact with me from across the table before getting up from Harry and Ron and sitting next to Lee. "What's this I've heard of you finally asking out Stevie?"
I choked on my tea, the hot liquid spilled down my robes as I tried to catch my breath. "Bloody hell Hermione. That just happened like 45 minutes ago- how did you find out?"
"Well, Cho overheard Stevie talking about it this morning at the Slytherin table, so she told Padma. Then Padma asked Luna if she knew anything, and Luna then told Ginny. As soon as Ginny heard, she told me!"
I sighed and rested my head against my hand "News travels fast here, huh?’
"How did you do it? I know you've been pining over her for years!" Hermione's dark brown eyes were wide with excitement.
Despite being Ron's best friend (though the way I saw it, it was only a matter of time before they were something more) I always had a soft spot for Hermione. She was awkward and shy, but she had a big heart once you got to know her. When she wasn't berating me about his grades, she was a pretty great person to talk to. Plus, it only took her until the end of her first year to realize that we switched- something that many of our friends couldn't figure out at all.
"Actually- I did all the heavy lifting." Fred smirked, leaning closer to her. "George and I switched when he was alone with her, so I took a chance. Worked out great though- eh?"
Understanding flooded Hermione's features, before she furrowed her brows. "Have you got a plan for not switching during the date?"
"A poor one, but we're taking a risk. I'm not too worried about it." Fred nodded, puffing out his chest.
"Because it's not your date! I, on the other hand, am scared out of my mind." I ran my hands through my hair, pushing the food in front of me away.
Hermione grabbed my hand from across the table and smiled sympathetically. "You're going to be alright. I know she's a Slytherin and friends with Malfoy, but she seems decent. Even if you tell her, I'm sure she'll be okay."
I nodded thankfully as she got up and rejoined the boys.
"I don't think you should do it." Ginny piped up, anger etched on her face. "She's everything we were raised to not believe in- you're just going to turn your back on that because she's hot?"
"I'm not turning my back on anything. Since when did we judge people based on their houses?" I reasoned.
Ginny gathered her belongings before standing up. "We don't. We also don't hang out with people whose parents are known Death Eaters, either. I guess it's okay to forget that when it's convenient to you, huh?" She stormed out, leaving silence in her wake.
"I don't know what is up with her." I shook my head. "Since when does she care who I date?"
"I don't entirely disagree with her," Fred picked up another helping of toast. "But it's not like you're going to marry the girl. It's one date. Besides- I don't think she'd be going out with you if she agreed with her parents decisions."
I glanced across the Great Hall to the Slytherin table and immediately made eye contact with Malfoy. He had a sour look on his face- which wasn't unusual; he always kind of look like he just smelled piss. He narrowed his eyes at me before promptly turning away and rejoining his conversation.
"I don't know anything about her parents, but there's just something about her I can't get away from. Merlin- I've talked to her once and yet she's lived in the back of my head for the past 4 years. I want to see where this can go. We have some sort of connection that I need to see where it leads." I elaborated.
"Mate- you hit your head? You're starting to sound like Trelawney with her weird visions and premonitions." Lee joked.
"I'm fine, just thinking out loud I guess." I picked my tea back up and held the mug between my hands.
There was something about Stevie Blythe that I just couldn't shake, and she haunted my thoughts day and night. But honestly? I don't know if that's such a bad thing anymore.
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elilovesu · 2 years
Chapter 5~
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Miles’s POV
I’m going crazy.
Gracie Abbott what have you done with me?
The day after we got kicked out of their room was… interesting to say the least.
At breakfast she was whispering and muttering something profusely to Ames but immediately stopped when Theo and I arrived at the hall.
The usually snarky comments and glares were no more at literature which was unfortunate because that was the only thing getting me through class. 
The worst of everything was how I got zero reactions every time I made a playful comment about her. I used to revel at her red face and deep calming breaths but today all I got was indifference. If anything, she seemed to avoid me. 
“And that my friend is how my masterplan will end,” I said as I crossed my hands behind my head and leaned back on my seat.
“That’s a terrible plan,” Theo said in a monotonous pitch as he flipped another page of his book.
“Oh come on, it’s a great plan,” I said, feeling defensive of my brilliant plot.
“Aren’t you dating that girl- Breanna?” Theo said, finally looking up to look me dead in the eye.
“Yeah no, that didn’t work out, busy schedule”
“Your excuses are getting lamer by the day,” Theo replied, going back to reading.
What the fuck-
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” I said, feeling very confused and in the dark.
Theo looked at me, this time in annoyance and it made me furrow my eyebrows as I waited for an answer expectantly. 
He simply sighed before flipping another page.
My face screwed up even further in confusion at the random throw of her name into our conversation.
“What has Gracie got to do with any-”
The realization set in mid sentence and it made me want to barf my intestines out.
“You know what Theo? Your humor has gotten stronger, kudos,”
At the lack of response I felt the need to defend myself, even when knowing very well that I do not have a reason to.
“Are you kidding me? Gracie?”
“Theo, do you hear the words coming out of your mouth? You sound insane, that's what you sound like,” I nod to reaffirm what I said to myself. 
“I would never ever in a million years find someone like Gracie worthy of cutting off my relationships for, and besides, have you seen how she looks? Like, have you really seen how-” 
I was cut off mid-sentence when I looked at the open hallway surrounding the courtyard during my spiel. There she was, the very topic of our conversation, holding her books to her chest as she walked backward, throwing her head back in laughter at something that Amelie said.
I felt my eyes following her path and my lips morph into a barely-there smile.
Happiness looks good on her.
But of course, Theo likes to ruin moments so he snapped his fingers in front of my face, succeeding in getting me out of my trance-like state.
When I looked back at him, he was wearing a cocky smirk on his face.
He’s been hanging out with Ames too much.
“Shut up,” I said, shoving my books into my bag.
“Listen, mate, I’m just saying-”
“Don’t,” I said, getting up from my seat.
“You still carrying out your plan?” He said with a small chuckle as he went back to his reading.
Oh, you cocky mother fucker.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am,” I said firmly to which he replied with a thumbs up, still reading his book.
“Good luck mate,” he said with a soft laugh as I walked away.
I flipped him off hoping he was still paying attention, a small smile of amusement slowly creeping onto my face.
Gracie’s POV
“No, Camille, I don't see it,” I said after letting out a deep calming breath.
“Oh but I do, everyone does,” She said and pointed to ‘everyone’ that consisted of the girls in our class who had gotten some ludicrous information about what Miles was doing in our dorm yesterday.
“But he seems so infatuated with you Gracie, and you looked so cute today, trying to avoid him, didn’t she?” She asked looking around once again, everyone following through by nodding their heads in agreement.
“Please, as if he and I cou-”
“Just tell us what you two did, it isn’t that big of a deal,” Camille said, leaning on her arms that were on my desk.
“We did nothi-”
“Jesus Christ, he spent the night over ok? He does that sometimes. There, are you happy now?” Amelie said with a roll of her eyes, finally breaking from her silence beside me, making everyone get into pairs and groups as they giggled and whispered.
“Ames!,” I said in pure shock as I tried desperately to retract their ideas from what Amelie said.
“W- we did not-do… anything-,” I said hoping to diffuse the rumors I can already imagine getting out of hand.
But alas, it only led them to get more excited with their whispers and giggles as they left the table, ganging up with other pairs and gossiping profusely.
I could only stare at them in fear while Ames let out an amused chuckle beside me.
I turned my head slowly to glare at her as she showed a full-blown grin. I tilted my head in accusation and she followed with a shrug.
“ Hey you wanted them gone, I got the job done,” She said as she crossed her legs and arms in her seat.
I showed her a sarcastic smile in return.
“Sure hun, of course, you did, and made them think I slept with him too!”  I said with a sarcastically cheerful smile that dug daggers into her eyes.
Her smile slowly disappeared as the realization set in.
“Oh fuck-” she said in a whisper and I nodded while shoving my books into my bag.
“Mhm, mhm, oh fuck indeed,”
“Where are you going?” She said as she followed my movements.
“The library, I was hoping to get some shit done there anyway,  it’s also somewhere he will never be, which is good it would be too much if someone saw the two of us even crossing paths today,” I said as I swung my tote bag over my shoulder.
“Oh, do you want me to do something while you’re gone?” Amelie said, slowly getting up from her seat, looking regretful.
“Yes, make sure to shut up any rumors, and please make sure Miles does not hear anything,” I said to which she raised her hand in salute.
“Yes ma’am,” She said in an attempt to get me to smile which she succeeded in.
“Thanks, love,” I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder and left a small kiss on her cheek. 
Ames looked back at me, flustered, muttering a soft ‘no problem’ before rushing out of the room.
It had been about three hours since I had become well settled into my work when I heard the loud boisterous presence I had been dreading to hear all day, making my senses heighten.
I looked up from my assignment research and let my eyes roam around, hoping that my worst nightmare wasn’t coming true.
But remember? God hates me.
Because when I turned my head to look at the library corridor, there he was. Miles, in all his annoying glory.
What the heck is he doing in the library?
“What are you doing here?” I asked in a hushed shout, leaning forward so that he clearly heard me.
He looked around with a smile as he picked up a random book from the cupboard beside him.
“Studying,” He said, waving the book as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
I felt my face heat up in frustration before I took a deep breath to calm myself.
“Ah, the lady finally wakes from her slumber,” He said as he walked over to my once peaceful spot before dragging a chair out and sitting on it, backward.
“You've been very un-Gracie-like today,” He said pointing at me in reply to my face that was scrunched up in confusion to his previous comment.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I said quietly as I went back to highlighting my research.
“Why is your face so red?” He said, tapping on the table obnoxiously loudly and I could just hear the smirk in his voice.
“My face is not red,” I said, trying to subtly cover my blushing face with my hair because it was indeed, quite red.
“Whatever you say, Gracie,” He said as started to tap on the table with his other hand as well, finally getting a rise out of me.
“That’s it I’m leaving,” I said, packing up my things.
“Oh but why? This is so much fun, just you and me hanging out,” He said with an awfully cheerful smile, turning around in his seat, his eyes following my walk out of the hall.
I stopped in my tracks, ready to throw some snarky comment but stopped, letting out my signature calming breath instead.
“I’m tired,” I said as I continued to walk towards the door.
Unfortunately, Miles is dumb so he didn’t get the hint asking him to leave me alone, instead opting to follow me out.
“Milady, “ He said as he did a stupid bow and placed his hand on the doorknob, turning it around.
I watched as he struggled to open the door, jerking it back and forth.
Jesus Christ, what a baby.
I let out a frustrated sigh and shoved his hands away.
“It’s just a fucking door you dumb baby,” I said as I jerked the door backward, almost falling back at it not opening.
“Dumb baby huh?” Miles asked from beside me, crossing his hands across his chest as my panic started to creep in.
“Jesus Gracie, you shouldn't commit too soon to your snarky remarks if you don’t-”
“What’s the time?” I said as I quickly turned to face him.
“Huh?” He replied, caught off guard by my interjection.
I muttered a ‘Jesus’ before gripping his hand and turning it around, looking at the time on his watch.
Maybe it was my nerves trying to comfort me but his mouth immediately shut and I could hear him gulp at my actions.
“What is it?” He asked, his voice quite a few decibels down than normal.
“It’s 11:05,” I said, slowly letting go of his hand.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“The library closes at 11:00,” I said equally as quietly.
“Holy fuck,”
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wolfwing04 · 11 months
As Above, So Below - Rock and Roll
Rin Okumura x OC
Blue heart is Rins POV, Purple is Ren's
Chapter 2
The next morning comes quickly after I close my eyes. Body parts scream at me even as I lie relaxed in bed. One would think stretching would help, but oh no! I just found more screaming muscles to deal with much later. I slip on some shirt from my floor, a hoodie, and a pair of trackies. I may have class but it's Cram only so I’m going to be comfy god damn it.
The washroom is cold in the early morning and echoes the sound of a presence in there. “Morning.” I call to announce my arrival. “Morning.” the muffled voice of Rin responds. Joining him at the sink, I see he is muffled because of his toothbrush. He may be dumb but at least he’s hygienic. “Thanks for your shirt yesterday. I’ll give it back this arvo after I do laundry.” He finishes brushing and flashes a big grin “Sweet! Thanks.” I finish up in the washroom and make my way back to my dorm.
“Hey!” Kamiki shouts from behind. I wait for her to catch up to me, and she hands me my folded flannel. “Thanks for yesterday…you and Rin.” I take it from her outstretched arms. “No problem. How are you and Paku holding up?” “She’s ok now. Hey, don’t tell anyone I was crying, ok?” She shoots me a glare “I wasn’t going to anyways but ok, I promise.” I send her a quick wink before I make my way to the kitchen…then to my dorm which was the actual place I was heading.
That afternoon, we have Cram classes. We are all still tired from yesterday's ghoulish events so attention is lacking and fuses are short. I have moved from sitting behind Rin, to next to. Shiemi said she didn’t mind and "It makes more sense than having to move ourselves to talk properly”. I still feel bad though. After yesterday, I asked Shiemi to be my friend. Poor thing almost died of excitement. Kamiki, though, seems extremely down. After what happened with Paku, I don’t blame her. 
In scripture class, Miss calls on Kamiki to read the te deum assigned for homework. She’s so out of it, she falls over her words and goes quiet. “Oh my, Miss Kamiki! This isn’t like you at all! Mr Suguro, why don’t you give it a try.” and Bon does. Flawlessly. We all can’t help but be in awe. 
When Miss left at the end of class, the usual bullfuckery commenced. Bon makes a snide comment to Kamiki who fires one back and on and on it goes until they are standing at the front of the room with mine and Rins desk behind them. The moment Bon makes a grab for Kamiki, RIn and I are out of our seats. I make a grab for Kamiki while Rin tries to go for Bon. Instead, Rin gets a slap to the face and I get pushed into Rin. “Oi! Watch it!” “Ow that hurt!” We remark. ‘If you're gonna fight, do it outside!’ The thud of a heavy bag hitting the teachers desk snaps our heads in that direction. Yukio has arrived. “Enough with the fighting…” Oh boy does he look pissed.
“The hell is up with this damn rock? It’s getting heavier by the second!” Rin grits through his teeth. As punishment for fighting, Yukio is having us sit with a demonic rock, bariyon, in our laps that keeps getting heavier. Surely this counts as corporal punishment, right? Nonetheless, my posture is perfect. Sam would be proud. 
It hasn’t stopped the arguing though, which I’m sure no one saw coming (sarcasm). Yukio goes on a spiel about teamwork in the field. He’s not wrong but there's also a moth in the room which is arguably more interesting. “Ok, I have to leave on a 3 hour long mission. Now, because of the attack yesterday I’m taking extra measures and locking the entrances and putting up wards.” Yukio smirks way too smugly. Asshole.
The moment Yukio shuts the door behind him, Kamiki and Bon are at it again, with Rin and I in the middle yet again. “Will you quit fighting with us in the middle?” “Bon, mate, I’ll deck you so hard you’ll find your teeth in Kyoto. Shut up.” Bon looks at me slightly shocked, Rin a little impressed. The electrical system even had a reaction. It shut itself off. Lovely, now we’re all in the dark.
We all stand up in a hurry, Rin dropped his bariyon on his foot. “Is it a blackout?” “I can see lights outside.” “So it’s only us?” “Should we call someone?” “Ow! My foot…” Shima declares he’s going to look outside. “I love scary things like this!” “Man, you’re gonna get yourself killed.” We watch in silence as he opens the door, stares at the ghoul, and closes it again. Hairs stand up and the air drops a few degrees. “My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Either that or we have a de-!” the ghouls arm bursts through the wall to make a grab at Shima, who screams and darts back to us. “Good one, dickhead!”
The rest of its body slinks through the wall’s hole into the room. We are frozen in place trying to work out what to do. None of us are trained for this and Yukio is gone. The large mound on its shoulder bursts open to form a second, flower-shaped head. A bunch of its fluid is sprayed onto the 9 of us. Kamiki shrieks in disgust. “Ew, ew!” I repeat, trying to rub it off my arm. No matter how hard I rub, it still feels like it's there, deep in my skin, seeped into the flesh. Rin gently takes my arm and makes me stop rubbing “I know, but we need to work out what to do.” We make ‘eye contact’ and I start to feel a little better. 
Shiemi’s little Green Man sprouts a giant thorned wall between us and the ghoul. “Hey! Good one Shiemi.” I clasp her shoulder in approval. “Damn, for a dead thing it’s pretty lively.” “That's because it’s stronger in the dark.” I explain to him. Glancing around the room everyone, except for the two weird students, have their fear plastered on their face. Suddenly, Shiemi begins coughing hard. “I feel…dizzy…” She collapses to the ground under my hand. I go to catch her but ultimately end up gently guiding her down. Everyone else starts coughing too, except Rin and I. I’m fairly certain I’m not affected by the ghoul’s fluid because of my…lineage but Rin…Rin is human…right?
“Hell of a good time not to be picking up, Yukio!” Rin sasses his phone. I turn away to check on Shiemi for one second, and when I turn back Rin is making his way to the thorn wall. Self-sacrificing asshole. I leave Shiemi and follow after him. “Ren, stop!” Bon grabs hold of my arm. His eyes scream that he doesn’t want to risk losing someone else. “Someone’s gotta keep him out of trouble.” I slip his grip and dart after Rin. 
Down the corridor I chase them, slowly catching up. Walls get demolished as we go, and when the ghoul moves in such a way I can get past, I do. “Ren?! What the hell?” “Just keep going!” I shout back. “I’m going to try and turn the power back on.” “Aight! I’ll distract the bastard.” And hopefully I can figure out why it’s after me, and maybe Rin too. 
I take out my daggers and have at it. Rin takes off down the rest of the hallway to check the fuse box. Yesterday was one thing fighting this with Rin. Today it’s one on one, but it might as well be one on twenty. I pray that Rin will get the lights soon, and try to focus on landing hits. Easier said than done. I may be well trained but the ghoul is a crafty motherfucker. “His Soldier…” it groans. “How do you know about me?” Instead of answering, it grabs my hoodie and uses it to throw me down to the end of the hall and into Rin. The ghoul follows, eager to finish us off.
We both stand to fight against the ghoul; daggers and…a sheathed sword. “You could draw that you know! Might help.” Rin ignores me. The back and forth bores the ghoul and once again takes it out on me by backhanding me down to the ground. I’m out.
They’re out. Ren isn’t moving. The ghoul turns back to me and all I feel is a burning, seething rage. “Don’t mess with me!” I burst.
Blue. Bright, burning blue. I’m used to this now but…I didn’t draw my sword. What’s happening? The ghoul stumbles back “Excellent. That’s what I’ve been wanting to see.” Wait…that’s… ‘Those brilliant blue flames you keep hidden away.’ Noihaus knows…I don’t understand. All I know is Ren can’t wake up and see me like this. “How’d you find out? Who told you? Hang on, are you the one who’s behind these attacks on us?!” His laugh just pisses me off more. Cocky asshole. He almost seems proud. “Actually I am. But enough about me. I wanna see more of that power of yours.” 
The ghoul and I begin the song and dance all over again. But this time, I’m finishing it. And finish it I do by driving my sword deep into its head. Pushing all the anger I have into it. Please…please don’t wake up yet. 
Blue. Bright, burning blue light. Not at all concerning to see when you open your eyes for the first time after being unconscious. “…Rin?” I know he was here when I went out…I hope he’s still here. Though, if the light is burning it could be fire so maybe he's not. It abruptly stops and I’ve got to rub my eyes to readjust to the darkness again. “Hey…you alright?” It is Rin “Thank god you’re here…I was worried I was dead.” I nervously chuckle. He flashes me a sheepish smile and we share a forehead touch. I worried him? “What was that blue light?” He tenses up and looks away. He knows something. “I don’t know. But I know who’s behind this. Come on!” He helps me up and fills me in on the way, but not before turning the lights back on. 
We make a detour to check on the others and make sure they’re ok and the other half of the demon is dead. “Hey!- what happened to the other half of the ghoul?” All eyes are on us. Stunned.“But your ghoul…??” Bon trails off“Huh? Oh I killed it!” Rin grins. “I attempted to help but ended up unconscious instead.” I admit, a little too casually. “Guess y’all got yours too huh? Sweet.” “Ren…you went unconscious?” Bon asks, genuinely concerned. “Yeah. I don’t think it was for long though. Just long enough for Rin to have all the fun and kill the ghoul.” I shrug before I go and check on Shiemi while Bon tries to murder Rin for being stupid and taking on a ghoul alone. And just like that, we’re all back to normal.
It's not long before Yukio returns from his mission. Is 3 hours really over that quickly? “Hey Yukio! Where the hell have you been? We’ve-“ Rin falls silent when he notices Noihaus walk in. The vibe of the room changes and grows thicker. My gut tells me things are getting really bad.
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absolutebl · 2 years
BLs with the most interesting & unique premises
I like me some pretty standard romance trope foundations. We Best Love is one of my favorite BLs, and there is absolutely nothing unique about the story. But there are a few BLs out there that really do have something DIFFERENT going on with their narrative. Not just different as BLs but also different as romances. So much so that I would pull them out of the BL universe, and put them up against the best romance dramas and romcoms on the basis of concept. And I don’t say that about BL often. 
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Color Rush
For a reader of genre fiction the premise of this world is a very in your face allegory, but in BL we NEVER get this kind of thing. Magical realism isn’t completely absent from the BL cannon, but this type, were it’s a blatant representation of the homophobia experienced in a hostile society is really fascinating and rare. Especially as we get to watch Korea dance around its own social norms so dexterously. I’m reminded of Star Trek’s “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” (1969). Like that episode, from an outsider/future perspective, Color Rush probubly could be regarded as clumsy, but also like that episode it’s important in context: for what is says about the time it was made and the culture it’s sitting inside. Both shows got to be brave BECAUSE of their SFF elements. As a long time geek about high concept genre narratives tackling subversive materials in interesting ways, I am HERE for Color Rush and will never not support it.
Also from Korea?
First Love Again - I just love the gay twist on the tired reincarnation trope, it’s a clever new way to get at bisexual awakening and identity crisis, it was just that the shortness of this series didn’t allow for it to be adequately developed and Korean social norms didn’t allow it to to be full explored and focused on. Review here. 
Love Class - a university class focused on relationships is an interesting twist on fake dating and forced proximity tropes, but ultimately I found that aspect the least successful thing about this show (it probubly would have been better as a longer treatment with more time spent in the classroom and on the assignments). Review here. 
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding - Korea is famously fond of a crossdressing historical, this was our first man crossdresses as a woman version and one of the first blatantly BL historicals. I really enjoyed its almost fairy tale execution. More are coming, so it’s about to be rendered mundane in retrospect, but at the time it came out it was revolutionary. Review here. 
In general, Korea really enjoys high concept romance with a strong POV that’s sometimes considered a bit in your face (on messaging) by mainstream western audiences (but which is very successful when applied to genre, see Squid Games or Uncanny Counter). So I expect to see more and more from them in their BL too. Fingers crossed. 
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Until We Meet Again 
Fated mates (or soulmates) and reincarnation aren’t unusual. in fact they’re particularly popular as they activate both long term pining and reunion romance narrative foundations. (Not to mention being the ultimate version of “the only one for me.”) However, the way UWMA handles the red thread trope, and the cleverness of its interweaving past/present story structure is entirely unique and vitally gay, not just in BL but in fiction. I’ve never read anything as tidy and well executed. It’s a genuinely awe inspiring narrative structure. 
Also from Thailand?
Cutie Pie - this one is noted for taking the SUPER classic romance trope, arranged marriage, and doing a BL based on it. Is that absurd? Yes. Also turning ARRANGED marriage (by its nature disallowing choice) into a propaganda piece for marriage equality (all about choice) was very much an “oh, Thailand” moment. But hey, it’s utterly unique as a BL, and likely to remain so. Review here. 
Ingredients - look it’s a weird long form advertisement Gold Blend couple style only gay, in lockdown, and hella domestic. Yet we loved it. But as a premise, pretty fucking unique. As a narrative? No there isn’t one really, but do we care? Nope. Review here. 
Love Sick - it is unique for its time and IMHO the world’s first gay YA soap opera. Sure we got gay soaps (Queer As Folk, L Word) but not set in high school. Certainly more are happening now with Heartstopper etc.. but Love Sick happened in 2014. Never forget, never surrender. Everyone should watch this show. It’s messy as all get up, but it holds up, and it’s a great example of emotional chemistry. We unquestionably watch these two boys fall deeply in love and then have to deal with the fallout. 
Lovely Writer - the first BL that stuck to its guns as a BL and still decided to take the BL industry and fandom to task, there were others coming out around the same time (Call it What You Want) and since then a few have been doing this in more subversive ways (Not Me, Bad Buddy, Secret Crush On You) but Lovely Writer was the first super successful attempt. Review here. 
Like with Cutie Pie, Thailand has done a lot of classic romance tropes first in BL: the reaper lover (Dear Doctor), lots of body swap (Great Men), kink (DSN), time loop (Triage), it’s just these tropes are ubiquitous to romance in general and I’ve kind of always expected them to transition to BL. You see, they often work better with a bit of queer coloring them up for range. Arranged marriage, on the other hand (outside of a historical cross dressing sitch, which probubly wouldn’t work for Thailand given their period clothing options), none of us really expected this one. Honestly it’s why many of us are patently waiting for Thailand to give us the gay Boys Over Flowers. Making popular Asian romance tropes gay is what they do best. 
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Seven Days
Speaking of clever. The premise on this (what amounts to a very simple) contemporary YA romance, is so perfectly tight and unusual that there’s an “idea theft” scandal around it. (An author wrote an English language book that is clearly derivative. Before we get into it, you can’t copyright ideas, and if you see the tropes tracked in this blog I hope you can see why. There are no new ideas, there are only twists on old ones.) Review here. 
Also from Japan?
Cherry Magic AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii - another magical realism take, like Color Rush, but without the allegory. Still it’s utterly charming and unusual, although of a style we see in manga and het Japanese romcoms a lot. 
Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru - probubly one of the first BLs to tackle disability, ultimately (I feel like) the source material (manga series starting with I Hear the Sunspot) is successful but this adaptation is not. It’s sad because the cast is great and the premise solid, it just didn’t push itself enough. 
Japan doesn’t really like high concept so much as they love exploring the boundaries of romantic subversion, kink (particularly fetishes), and just plain weirdness. Trying to describe Japan’s relationship to the romance genre (especially romcoms) to someone unfamiliar with their oeuvre is exhausting. I usually point people at the popularity of Kimi Wa Petto and back away slowly. I recently watched Ase to Sekken and the degree to which I enjoyed it I think says more about my willingness to swim through the mires of Japan’s quirks than it did about the success of the show. Which is a long way of me saying, I’m not sure how good I am at judging Japanese stuff anymore, since I seem to be firmly stuck in the weeds. But I can confidently say that even with BL, Japan is more likely than not going to push your expectations and limits of what romance actually even means. The best example of this in BL form is Utsukushii Kare. If you watch that, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. 
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DNA Says Love You
This is a BL that tackles subject matter that usually makes said BL fall out of BL-dom by becoming too queer and realistic (and often depressing). The fact that DNA brought it around and made it end happily (and made it very BL) is part of it’s uniqueness. Because it’s a twist, I can’t really talk directly about it but trust me, it’s pretty darn unique in the arena of BL. And you’re safe, it is a BL with a very happy ending. 
Now, there are a few queer dramas out of Japan and the west that tackle this particular subject matter more directly. But I don’t want to spoil anyone by naming them, because they are all known for what they rep. If you want recs I can put some in the comments. 
Also from Taiwan?
Innocent - short but VERY unusual take on romance in, around, and (in certain ways) WITH an extreme neurological disorder, and yes it’s happy in its way (and more honest about mental health than usual for Taiwanese or Chinese romances) - or romance in general, for that matter (and yes I am looking at you, The Tuxedo) 
Papa & Daddy - less a BL than a slice of gay life, I’m mentioning it because it’s so different and so very queer - the narrative, however, is still pretty pat 
Taiwan actually has the social capacity to push this more than any other country, but they don’t have the funds or the industry. I’d LOVE to see them put a love rivals to lovers tope on screen, for example. Speaking of which... 
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Hay Rival, I LOVE YOU! 
Two boys (jock & nerd) learn that they are both dating the same girl. At first they hate each other, but then they decide to get together and take revenge. In the process they fall in love with each other instead. This is a classic love rivals to lovers story, which by its nature MUST be queer. It’s my favorite trope of all time and it’s so rare to find in use. (Waves and Jack & Koh in Gen Y 2). To my knowledge this short is the first time it’s been put on screen ever, maybe. 
Also from Vietnam?
My Lascivious Boss - it’s fake identity, but the queerest take ever. Look we have gotten some falling in love with a cross dressing “boy,” but I wouldn’t call it ubiquitous. And mostly they deal with a trans identity. This one is about drag, and falling in love with a drag persona. In that regard, i think this is a first, certainly the first pure romance based on this premise, and unquestionable the first BL. Review here. 
Honestly, Vietnamese BL has a lot of unique qualities married to premise, it’s one of its charms (in addition to their ultra high domesticity). It’s just that there is so little VBL, it’s hard to make firm judgement calls on taste and trends.  
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This is notable for being not just the first lockdown romance we got in BL but one of the first lockdown romances the world got at all (on screen). Certainly plenty were written. But a combination of speedy production and engaging cast made this (originally intended as a fun webs series) get picked up for wide distribution pretty much instantly. Not everyone wanted to experience love in lockdown, many viewers who might have watched didn’t because they wanted escape from reality. But plenty of others wanted to watch the possibility of love in lockdown. They wanted the see two adorable boys find love virtually in our times, and then end happily, so they had hope for themselves. And this show did THAT perfectly and with such an honest queerness it found a home in people’s hearts all over the world, well beyond BL fandom. 
Also from the Philippines?
Rainbow Prince - the first high production Disney-style BL. There have certainly been gay musicals before (see Were the World Mine) but this one set out to be very BL about it. Was it successful? That depends on your tolerance for such cartoony things. Mine is low, and i don’t love musical theater or singing feelings, so for me they didn’t manage to limbo under it. 
Like Taiwan, the Philippines has the capacity for greatness in regards to unique premise and story but not the capital. I’m hoping Rainbow Prince was successful enough to give us more, but I’m afraid it was not and might be taken as a bellwether for them to retreat to less experimental safer (cheaper) arenas of BL. 
Sirs Not Appearing on The Above List
I just know someone is gonna jump into my comment thread and mention some of these. Now, I don’t entirely consider many of these BLs but as there is a case to be made. And as they are on my spreadsheet of doom and certainly tangential to the genre, they get shout outs. 
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Manner of Death
Gay romantic suspense is common in the romance world, basically it’s own sub genre. But this is the first time I’ve seen it coupled to the BL market. I wouldn���t necessarily say it’s successful as a show in balancing the two, neither the suspense/mystery element nor the romance elements were particularly well done by modern standards, but it’s still a REALLY fun show. The action sequences are decent, and the chemistry cannot be faulted, even though the show depends on MaxTul’s established chemistry rather than bothering to establish it itself. You read me going though the rollercoaster of figuring out this show here. 
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Not Me 
I talk a lot about why I don’t really think this is BL but, like it’s forerunner (3 Will Be Free), it is a very special and unique take on... everything. The romance is underdeveloped and secondary to the plot, but that plot is not quite strong enough to carry a show. Still, what it’s trying to do is very interesting and what it accomplishes as a queer narrative is kinda remarkable. Like Manner of Death, though, it’s lazy about establishing the romance arc, relying on OffGun’s established chemistry to make the couple pop off the screen. And they do pop. Review here. 
I feel bound to mention the excellent 3 Will Be Free, which is so unique and different I really don’t think it qualifies as BL at all. It is excellent though, I highly recommend it. 
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Parallel fantasy world, or what amounts to urban fantasy with superhero elements and a police procedural foundation is actually not uncommon in gay romance (we’ve even got police procedural before from China as a censored bromance see S.C.I Mysteries), but I’ve never seen it on screen before in this guise. Of course it’s China so its censored. Still it’s a very interesting series. I don’t love it the way some do and, as with everything not-het out of China, be wary of the ending. 
Untamed and Word of Honor probubly also should go here. I just don’t personally consider either of them that interesting or unique since I’ve seen both the setting and the romance pairing archetypes quite a few times before. Also, since they were so censored and caused such scandal within China, I don’t see them impacting the BL genre going forward, and I don’t think we’ll get more like them for a long while, if ever. They are unique because of oppression, and that makes me sad to think about. 
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harley-sunday · 2 years
omg congrats!!! got a little Drabble idea for you 👀 perhaps you went to school with dan and you’ve finally reconnected with him when he’s home on break
A little drabble, sweets?
Yeah. No. I can totally do that. I can totally just write a quick little drabble and not turn it into 2k worth of angst that's also sort of hopeful but doesn't have my usual happy ending epilogue. No problem. No problem at all...😐
Seriously though, thank you for this idea. I hope you like what I came up with 😊
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader (Dan's POV) Warnings: language Word count: 2k AN: Please don't hate me.
Michael makes him go. 
Daniel doesn’t really care about it. Doesn’t really feel like this is something he has to be at. Doesn’t really feel like showing up to his fifteen-year high school reunion just so he can be the centre of attention all night. Which is- It’s weird. And so unlike him. He’s very aware of that. During the season he loves to have all eyes on him, even makes sure they are most of the time but here? No. He’s finally made it home after two years of being locked out of the country, what with the pandemic and the travel bans and all that, and so the last thing he wants to do is talk about racing all night with people who don’t really know him and have this idea of him that he’s not sure he can live up to anymore.
Maybe that’s just it. Maybe, when he’s back in Perth, he doesn’t want to be the honey badger, doesn’t want to be the world famous racecar driver everyone thinks they get to have a piece of. Maybe, when he’s here, at home, he wants to be just Dan and have that be enough. 
Then again, being ‘just Dan’ wasn’t enough fifteen years ago when he- When he so selfishly did what he thought was right and broke so much - trust, at least a hundred promises, and a heart - in just one night, that the possibility of that- Of being confronted with the consequences of his actions, even after all this time, almost makes him cancel at the last minute, some bullshit excuse about a migraine ready at the tip of his tongue.
But Michael makes him go. Tells him he’ll regret it if he doesn't even though Daniel thinks that’s highly unlikely because he’s been doing just fine without seeing all these people for the past fifteen years.
Michael made him go and so here he is, tucked away in a corner of the courtyard at Newman College, peeling the label of a bottle of beer while Michael keeps rattling off the names of people he recognises as they walk past them. Dan tries to at least look as if he’s having a good time but the pieces of torn paper scattered across the table tell another story. 
It’s- There must have been someone in charge of decorating the place but he thinks they did a shit job. There’s a big ‘Class of 2007’ banner hanging from a tree but the seven has half fallen and he thinks the two also might not make it to the end of the night and- Honestly, it’s just pathetic. There’s a bar on his left and a dance floor in front of him but there’s no DJ and the music that has been put on over the speakers is too soft and so there’s no one dancing either, most people just standing around and talking loudly, catching up with old friends and forgotten crushes.
Daniel’s still on his first beer of the evening but already too many of his classmates and people who he doesn’t even remember being in his year have come up to him to ask him what it’s like, going that fast on those circuits, and travelling the world, and- Each and every one of them saying how they wish they could swap places with him because, “Mate. You are living the life!”
He has to bite his tongue every single time, has to keep from telling them it’s not all they’ve made it out to be. Because if the G-forces alone don’t wreck enough havoc on your body, the constant jetlag most definitely will. Add to that the constant pressure of the team, the fans, and, most of all, himself, and it’s a wonder he hasn’t retired yet. He doesn’t say that, of course he doesn’t, because sometimes it’s better to keep the dream alive. Instead he gives them one of his thousand-megawatt smiles, pats their shoulder a little too hard, and says, “Yeah, you’d absolutely love it.” 
The scarce moments there’s no one talking to him, and Michael doesn’t fill his mind with useless trivia about whoever walks by them at that moment, he lets his eyes wander across the room, searching for- Something he lost fifteen years ago. Even though he’s not sure he’ll ever find it again. 
After two hours or so, Michael spots one of his old teachers on the other side of the yard and tells Daniel he’ll go over to have a quick chat and that he’ll be back in a minute and that after they can go home if he wants. Daniel nods, tells him, “No worries,” even though he can’t wait to get out of here. He watches as his best friend makes his way through the crowd, shaking his head when he sees Michael greeting everyone he comes across with a smile and a hug and a genuine, “Hey, how have you been?”
People always think Daniel is the more outgoing of the two but in reality Michael is much more of a social butterfly than he’ll ever be, definitely less guarded and more open, and not as worried about ulterior motives hidden behind kind words and bright smiles as Daniel is. 
He sighs and focuses on peeling off the last bit of label still stuck to his beer but it proves to be a resilient fuckin’ piece of paper and so he curses quietly and has to fight the urge to throw the bottle against the wall behind him in frustration. However, he’s not a quitter - hence why he’s still in Formula One, he thinks wryly - and so he doubles his efforts, determined to strip this bottle of both paper and any glue residue that’s left. 
A laughing voice comes from somewhere on his left then, “Are you ok?”
He looks up from his art project, a little confused by the fresh beer that suddenly appears in his field of vision, but when he sees who’s handing it to him he can’t help his jaw from dropping. He's the least eloquent he’s ever been because all he says is, “Holy shit, what are you doing here?” 
She laughs even harder and the sound of it is like music to his ears- It feels as though she’s putting him back under her spell again, pulling him in with the sweet sound of her laughter and the promise of hope renewed, and he’s never been more willing to let himself fall off the deep end and into the unknown. Not the unknown, he thinks. Unfamiliar territory maybe. Or is that the same thing?  
He watches her shrug, “It’s our fifteen-year high school reunion, Daniel,” she says and his name, rolling off her tongue so effortlessly yet sounding so different from anyone else saying it, drags him under- “Someone needs to play the scapegoat for them to take pity on.” 
He flinches at her words, wants to tell her that’s not true, that no one is taking pity on her, but he can’t. Because if he does, that’s exactly what he’ll be doing too. And so instead he points at himself and says, “Yeah, no shit. That’s why I’m here, babe.” Because fuck it, two can play this game and they’ve always been right up to par as far as self-deprecation has been concerned. 
She eyes him suspiciously and takes a sip of her beer before she shakes her head, “No.” 
“No,” she echoes with a sad smile. “No, Daniel-” she looks down at the bottle in her hands and he wants nothing more than to put his hand over hers, take some of her pain away, but he knows she’ll never let him because fuck, it’s fifteen years too late, “-you’re not the loser here. You’re not-  You didn’t run away from- You were running towards something. Bigger things. Better things.” She looks up at him then, a sad smile playing on her lips, “You became a star.” 
She doesn’t notice the way he swallows hard, or maybe she chooses not to, and instead continues although her voice is a little more quiet now, “I’m the one who ran away. The one who left everyone and everything behind to no avail because I now know that I’ll always carry with me what I was running from. Turns out the hurt stays the same, Daniel, no matter where you are.” 
He wants to tell her. Wants to tell her about his own life and how he’s been running away from everyone and everything for the past fifteen years as well. The only difference is that he’s been doing it under the guise of something he claims he loves.
It isn’t. Not anymore.
What he loves is right here.
He knows that now. Now as in, this exact moment when she looks up at him again and gives him a weary smile, “It was really good to see you again-”
Daniel just nods, not trusting his voice right now even though there’s so much he wants to say. Fifteen years worth of- 
“I should go,” she says all of a sudden, eyebrows knitting together and scrunching her nose the way she always did whenever she tried to justify her actions. “I shouldn’t have- Maybe it was better if I-”
“Hey, no.” Daniel does reach out this time. Puts his hand on hers and doesn’t miss the way she freezes under his touch and so he quietly berates himself because he should have known better. “Shit, sorry-” he pulls his hand away, letting it hover over hers awkwardly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
“It’s ok,” she tells him quietly. “I just wasn’t expecting it to-” she takes a deep breath as if she’s trying to find the courage to say what she’s about to say next, “I wasn’t expecting it to hurt this much. Not- Not you touching me but this-” She waves her hand between them, “Us.” 
He swallows hard, a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that he’s only ever experienced once before, right before he sent his car into the wall during FP2 in Austria two years ago. Back then there was nothing he could do to change his trajectory. He hopes this time there is, “Can we-” he tries to smile but knows he fails miserably. “Can we talk? It doesn’t have to be right now but- I’m here for another two weeks, maybe-”
“Dan,” she starts and he never knew. He never knew three letters could hold so much promise. That’s what he holds onto anyway, not wanting to hear the hurt and anger and disappointment he also thinks he hears. Maybe there’s love too, buried somewhere deep under all the other stuff but- 
“Please?” He hangs his head and because he realises his fate is completely in her hands he does something he knows he’s not going to be proud of but desperate times and all that. He puts his hand on the table, close to hers, their pinkies almost touching when he says, “I miss you.” 
“Dan,” she says again but this time it’s- Different. Lighter? He’s not sure. Maybe he’s imagining things. Before he has a chance to think about it some more she surprises him. Like she always did, “I missed you too-” 
Of course he notices she uses past tense. And of course he notices the way his heart skips a beat at whatever it is he thinks she’s implying. Still, he pulls back a little and searches her face for- What, he’s not sure. He tries again, “Please?”
She nods, “Now? I don’t want- Maybe it’s better if we don’t get to think things over and come up with rehearsed excuses and-”
“Now is good,” he agrees quickly, not wanting to lose her to the hands of time. He takes his phone out and shoots Michael a quick message, nothing more than a ‘I’m going to try to make things right. No need to wait for me. I’ll see you tomorrow.’
It’s vague but he knows Michael will understand and so he puts his phone on silent and pockets it again before his best friend even has the chance to text him back.
She looks up at him then and smiles a hesitant smile, “Promise me one thing?”
One thing. Everything. The world. Whatever it takes, Daniel wants to say. He nods instead.
“Don’t make me miss you again.” 
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intercoursefluids · 3 years
You Lied to Me?
The Wayne Enterprises building was the most beautiful building Marinette had ever seen. The tour guide was a very sweet man and he loved telling jokes to try to get the class to laugh.
Unfortunately, Lila was on a roll today, lying about knowing the Waynes and growing up with the youngest son, and finding out that they were true mates.
Even if she was claiming that her true mate was Prince Ali a week before the trip was announced, god forbid Marinette points that out and makes Lila shed her crocodile tears.
Even Adrien, her own mate, took Lilas's side and yelled at her for pointing out her lies when she should just stay quiet.
It ended up leading into a huge argument between them that Marinette had to apologize for to get him to talk to her after 3 long weeks of him ignoring her existence.
“Bruce Wayne funds multiple charities around the world in honor of his late parents, he has several adoptive children and a single blood son. Bruce typically keeps his children out of the spotlight and most Gothamites are very good about keeping pictures with them off of the internet.”
As the tour guide talks, Marinette reaches out her hand for Adrien's just for him to brush her off and step away from her.
Wrapping her arms around herself she leaves his side to stand next to the tour guide. At least he tells jokes and tries to make this interesting.
Damian's POV:
“Master Damian, you should start heading to the office if you want to catch Master Dick before his lunch break is over.”
Running his hands over his face he thanks Alfred before grabbing his jacket and starting his car up.
He needed Dick to sign off on his trip to Paris, France since he was his temporary guardian until Father got back from his honeymoon with Selina.
Pulling up to the building he stops. Not because of the bright yellow bus sitting in the parking lot, no, it's because of the intoxicating scent of baked goods, plants, and rain wafting through the air.
Following the smell leads him to the tour group Grayson is leading into the cafeteria.
Walking to Grayson's side he passes him the permission slip, trying to understand why he wants to be near the Blue haired angel getting a lunch tray.
“Grayson, how can you tell if you’ve found your true mate?”
Grayson startles looking up from signing the papers.
“Well, their scent is one way, they will smell like absolute heaven to you and you can’t help but follow it. Another way is that when you see them you want to touch them so you can get your scent on them as well, and when you do touch them, it's electrifying. Literally and figuratively. Do you think you found them?”
Damian nods, his eyes following his mate as she looks for a table to sit at.
“She’s right there. The one with the blue hair.”
Grayson smiles, clapping Damian on the shoulder.
“She’s pretty.”
Damian snorts responding without even thinking.
“She’s beautiful, Grayson. ‘Pretty’ doesn’t even scratch the surface.”
Grayson coos at Damian, being thoroughly ignored.
Damian starts walking towards her, intent on introducing himself when he catches another scent just beneath hers.
Another male’s scent.
He freezes in place making Grayson stop his cooing to instead question him.
“What's wrong? Is it not her?”
Damian watches as she walks to a seat at an empty table away from the rest of her group.
Damian cuts off as he watches someone stick out their foot and trip her. Her lunch spills everywhere as she falls to the floor.
Not thinking twice he rushes over to her, holding out his hand and helping her up.
Just like Grayson said little shocks travel up and down his arm and he finds himself never wanting to let go.
She has the most beautiful blue eyes he's ever seen and the most angelic voice he's eve- Oh wait she's talking.
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going and tripped, I’m so sorry!”
Damian just shakes his head, motioning for one of the janitors to come over and clean up the mess.
When he arrives she automatically drops down beside him to help pick up the mess muttering apologize the entire time.
Damian shifts his hand to her shoulder, subconsciously marking her with his scent and trying to overpower the other males.
“It’s fine honey, this stuff happens all the time. Why don’t you go hop back in line and get another tray? We wouldn’t want you to go hungry now.”
With the janitor's gentle prodding she finally stands up and gets another tray.
On her way back, Damian makes sure to keep an eye out for anyone else who wants to trip her.
The rest of lunch goes smoothly as she takes a seat at the table she was heading to and Damian watches her from his spot next to his brother.
Everything goes fine until they are about to finish the tour. A guy with blonde hair roughly grabs the girl with blue hair pulling her off to the side.
“Ow! Adrien, what’s wrong?”
Damian watches from Grayson's side, wanting to go help but certain she can handle herself.
“You know exactly what you did, Marinette. Don’t play stupid.”
A low growl leaves his chest as his mate is insulted.
“Adrien, you’re not making any sense. What did I do?”
He grabs both her wrists, shaking her violently.
“You belong to me! You are mine Marinette! Trying to get me jealous by flirting with that other guy? Really?! How low can you sink?! It's pathetic!”
She pushes away from him, rubbing at her wrists with the start of a bruise forming.
Damian starts to make his way over, a low, vicious rumbling in the back of his throat.
Grayson, seeing how mad Damian follows him.
“What the hell are you talking about?! I wasn’t flirting with anyone! I fell because Lila stuck her foot out and tripped me! It wasn’t my fault!”
Their argument starts to attract the attention of the other workers, a few running to find security.
Damian starts running as he watches the guy's hand clench before raising it.
He strikes her. Hard.
‘Marinette’ being caught off guard, loses her balance and falls to the ground, turning to look at him before he roughly grabs her by one of her pigtails and pulls her up to his face, and screams at her.
“Don’t talk back to me! I own you and you will do as I say! Do you understand?!”
She pushes him away.
“Whoever decided that you were my true mate was wrong. Dead wrong!”
He snarls, pulling his fist back to strike her.
Damian gets there first.
The next thing everyone knows is Damian Wayne is standing protectively in front of the girl and the guy is several feet away clutching his cheek and groaning.
Grayson kneels next to Marinette, helping her to her feet and taking Damian’s coat from his outstretched hand to wrap around her shoulders.
“Are you okay?”
She nods as he pulls her closer to him away from the fight that is likely to break out before a loud screeching voice cuts through the air.
“True mates? With him? Please Marinette, I knew you were ignorant but I didn’t think you were stupid. I am Adriens true mate. Not you.”
Damian stands up making his way to Marinette, taking her in his arms as she starts to shake.
“What are you talking about Lila? Adrien was there on my birthday, he said we were mates!”
‘Lila’ cackles as other people gasp, some with their phones out recording the entire thing.
“Oh please, did you just take his word for it? Why didn’t you just check his scent? That’s always been the easiest way to tell. Go ahead, I won’t even mess with you.”
She stays frozen looking straight at the boy claiming to be her mate.
“I can’t. I lost my sense of smell when I was a kid. I couldn’t check even if I wanted to.”
Lila looks surprised now, before looking on sadly.
“You really had no idea he was lying, did you?”
She starts shaking, taking a hesitant step towards Adrien.
“Adrien? W-what's she talking about? It’s not true. Is it?”
Her voice ends in a broken whisper, eyes tearing up as he slowly stands up and walks to her.
“You are mine, Marinette. You were mine the moment you put on those earrings. I mean seriously if I don’t take you who will?”
She flinches as he steps closer, his voice getting louder with hysteria.
“Nobody likes you, Mari! I am all you have left now! You want to leave me? HA! I’d like to see you try it.”
At the end of his ‘speech’ he roughly grabs her arm pulling a whimper from her and a very, VERY dangerous sounding snarl from Damian.
Ripping Adrien's hand from her arm while being as gentle as possible to not hurt her he pulls her behind him handing her off to his brothers entrusting them to take care of her.
“Who do you think you are grabbing her like that?”
The words are accentuated with the deep growl rumbling from his chest.
“I don’t see how it's any of your business, what I do with MY personal belongings.”
Damian picks Adrien up by his neck slamming him against the nearest wall.
“Don’t talk about her like she's an object.”
Adrien, being the Buffon with no sense of self-preservation he is, laughs.
“Oh yeah? What's it to you how I treat her? Not like you would want her for anything other than her body anyway.”
Adrien sneers down at Damian, even as he slowly starts to turn purple in the face from his grip on his neck.
Slowly tightening his grip even more he watches as the blonde idiot starts to flail from the lack of breathing. Fighting to get a single breath of air.
“Do not act as if I would ever treat my mate in such a way.”
His voice is deadly, sending shivers down even the security guards spines.
Everyone watches on, some with their phones recording, certain that they are about to see Damian Wayne, their bosses son, about to commit a murder in the lobby.
And no one is even going to try and stop him.
That is until a small pale hand lands on his arm, shooting sparks all the way to his heart.
“Is it true? Are you really my true mate?”
Damian nods ever so slowly, never taking his eyes off the blonde who is slowly losing consciousness.
Two thin, lethal arms wrap around his waist from behind.
“Please stop. I just want to leave right now. Will you take me?”
Without another word Damian drops the barely conscious man, taking his coat off and wrapping it around Marinette's shoulders, tucking her into his side as he swiftly walks her out of the building.
Adrien slowly gets up, trying to chase after them only to be cut short by the three eldest Wayne brothers.
All armed with glares that could kill.
Behind them stands all of the Wayne enterprises employees, making a human barrier between the newly found mates and Adrien.
The brother with the white piece of hair steps forward pushing Adrien back down to the ground.
“I think we need to have a little talk.”
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
Tumblr media
Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! < This is Part 20!>
Donate to Move to Higher Ground HERE!
A/N: There’s not going to be an update on Wednesday (it’s the day after my birthday and I’m going to go cry at the space station) lol. The next two parts will be like - alternative timeline/pov/intermission posts. Which will just be to add some depth to the story I guess. Stay safe! See you next Saturday!
* “Get out”
* You can’t have been parked more than five minutes before Jessica prys the driver side door open from the outside
* You’re hunched over the binder in your lap, hurriedly scrawling answers onto the worksheet
* Edward just sighs, moving to get out of the car
* “Wait-“
* You stop him by placing your hand on his shoulder
* Edward grins, so these are boyfriend privileges huh?
* You’re going to pick him over your human friends. Well he would be lying-
* “Give me the answer to the last question before you go.”
* Edward deflates
* Guess somethings don’t change.
* “It’s sin(x) equals 18”
* You nod, quickly writing down the answer
* “Thanks Edward.” You mumble learning over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek
* “Now get out”
* He stands outside the jeep a goofy grin on his face, a hand touching the place your lips were on his cheek
* Well at least some things change
* You don’t miss Jessica’s gaze on you as you put your binder into your backpack
* “So... what do you want to talk about Jess?”
* You don’t miss the incredulous look she gives you
* “So about Edward then”
* “Yeah, no duh”
* You let out a deep sigh
* “Where do you want me to start?”
* How far back does this story even go?
* Probably when you saw him that first time in Denali
* His angular face, and those deep amber eyes
* And those butterflies in your stomach
* “You can start with what happened after you guys left the party!”
* So you’re going to have to fast forward a bit
* “Well he was mad because-you know two against one- if it was anyone else it would have been a traumatic experience waiting to happen”
* She nods, thinking you’re talking about you
* You’re talking about something transitive happening to those boys
* For those boys if they tried something with you that is
* You were pretty far gone, you might have actually killed them if Edward hadn’t come to get you
* Not out of anger, just negligence
* At the very best they might have cried if you weren’t able to control your emotions
* “And then after - we were arguing- and then it was just happening”
* “You guys had s*x?”
* You sputter
* “Geez no! We were kissing, get your mind out of the gutter Jess.”
* “Well I don’t know (Y/N/N), he’s been pinning after you since freshman year a kiss just seems anticlimactic all things considered ”
* Besides you guys have this vibe around you-
* Like a sort of intimacy or something-
* You’ve both always had a sort of closeness.
* Like it was the two of you in one world, and then everyone else in another
* But now there’s a physical closeness to you both
* The kind of vibe people who are sleeping together usually give off.
* She saw it when you were together at the aquarium
* “Nah that’s impossible” you let out a long sigh
* “I’m pretty sure he wants to wait until marriage”
* Jessica sputters at that
* “M-marriage? Holy crap (Y/N)-“
* You nod, it’s such an antiquated notion.
* Especially considering you’re both technically dead
* Honestly, what could be more awkward than a couple of virgins fumbling around in the dark for a few hours on their wedding night?
* “He wants to marry you?!?”
* Oh
* Yeah that would be the normal thing to be concerned about
* “I’m not really sure” you scratch the back of your head
* “You’re my soul mate”
* He had said it so causally, like he was talking about gravity or the weather
* Like it was a universal fact
* The words make your stomach flutter
* Ugh you don’t have time to think about this
* “Well that’s what happened, and now Carlisle is always crying in the house and Esme is already planning weddings. Now come on we’re going to be late for class”
* You get out of the car before Jess can get a word in edgewise
* So this is really happening
* She sighs
* Well she’s be lying if she said she didn’t see this coming
* She knows there’s a lot of people competing for your affection
* Hell even Conner dropped his f*ck boy tendencies for you
* But Edward is the only one who looks at you, and only you
* Jessica’s guilty of it too, she’ll admit that
* You’re her first choice, don’t get her wrong, but if you don’t return her affections
* Well that’s fine, she’ll just date Mike, or Conner, or Bella or whoever
* It’s the same for the rest of them
* Conner will be bummed when he finds out-
* Mostly because he can’t believe he dropped his other side pieces
* But he’ll get over it
* Just like Mike did
* But Edward-
* There’s no one other than you for him
* She see’s it in the way he looks at you.
* If it’s not you, it’s just not any good
* So he’ll wait, maybe even his entire life, until you’re ready to love him back
* A small smile twitches on her face
* She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t happy for you
* “I wonder if anyone will ever love me like that” she mumbles to herself, right before flinching in surprise when you swing the passenger door open
* “Oh my god you scared me!”
* “I scared you?!? Jess this is my car, how am I supposed to lock it if you’re sitting inside?”
* “Oh right”
* You make it to class by the skin of your teeth, taking you seat between Edward and Alice in English
* “So what did you two talk about?” Edward whispers with a small smile while the teacher calls roll
* You roll your eyes
* “Like you don’t know”
* He has a sly smile on his face and you’re not sure why
* Alice starts obviously stifling laughter beside you
* Rude but okay
* Edward leans close to you, so close his lips are only a centimeter away from your ear
* Does he mind?
* Maybe he’s immune to sexual feelings, but being that close is doing things to you
* “I’m actually not waiting for marriage by the way”
* You can practically feel the grin on his face
* You look up to him, your golden eyes meeting his
* You were right he is smiling
* His smile takes a mischievous turn, and you feel his hand slide onto your thigh and give a teasing squeeze
* “Didn’t want you to have any misconceptions” he says with the same sly grin as he removes his hand from your leg and leans back in his chair
* Ah
* So that’s why Alice was laughing
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
* “Hey”
* Bella looks up to see the Jessica standing by her locker as she pulls her books out
* “Oh hey, did you get to talk to them?”
* “Um yeah, it’s about what we were thinking.”
* Bella nods, if she’s sad she’s not showing it.
* “It’s good that they’re together. He loves them a lot, I’m sure Edward will treat them right”
* Jessica nods, Edward does love you a lot.
* She watches Bella try to cram books into her bag
* She is kinda pretty now that she looks at her, in that angular face- snow white kinda way
* She’s no (Y/N)
* And she’s no Mike
* “Hey did you finish the trig homework? I was having tr-“
* But maybe-
* “Hey, Angela and I are going dress shopping in port a, do you want to come with?”
* Maybe they can be friends
* They both liked the same person, so they’ve already got something in common
* Bella looks at the blonde
* To be honest, she’s been holding everyone here at a distance
* In a few years she won’t see any of these people ever again, there’s no need to get attached
* Not after what happened in Arizona
* But still-
* “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
* Guess she never learns
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa @werewolflover3252​ @teenagezombiekryptonite @shynz​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @monkeyluver4546 @wonhomarshmallow​ @bwbatta @bubblyabs​ @thatwaspossesion​
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zeehewrotelikethis · 2 years
Pov: Y/N is a Slytherin wizard in the fifth year same year as Draco Malfoy and the others. Even though y/n is a Slytherin...you just simply seem to irk your head of house so much to the point where...
If Harry Potter wasn't four eyed, he could've easily seen the difficulty in Snape saying , "Detention and ten points from Slytherin!" every time y/n acted up in his class.
It was the umpeeth time this week.
And Severus was not having.
If you knew the onyx eyed man, you knew he had at least some expectation if you were a Slytherin. That's a huge deal. To him, if you're Slytherin there's a slight possibility of you not being a bigoted simpleton.
The rest of houses? They could yeet themselves off the Astronomy Tower for all he cared.
But y/n.
Y/n was a special case. You just seemed to get under his skin more than Harry Potter has ever gotten since the year has started. Even Harry himself appreciated you having Snape breath down your neck instead of him.
You saw your house mates glared at you but you didn't care. They did that every time. Snape can go fuck himself from behind. You just saw it as another way of avoiding the void that was so constantly eating you alive.
Even if that meant terribly failing a subject and getting detentions.
Other times Severus would have quickly dismissed y/n behavior but this time he has had enough. The potions master was even beginning to think that something had happened to you ...like they dropped you on your head at birth or something.
You were just that special.
Rolling your eyes, you sat slump on your stool as you waited for the lesson to end. You didn't even pay attention too much just merrily using your quill to make doodles on the side of your parchment.
But you're thinking what's another detention?
It's like a walk in the park. At least it wasn't with McGonagall. She scared the living day lights out of you when she just suddenly shifts from her cat form to human.
When the class ended, you gathered all your things using your wand to shrink them before stuffing them into your pocket. You knew better to wait behind so Snape could tell you the protocols. Well at least you were trying to not let him see it fit to give you a 15 inch essay to write.
You waited for everyone to exit the class before you slowly dragged your feet up to Snape's desk where he was now sitting down.
"Mr. Y/N this behavior is surely getting out of hand. I expect to see you here right after your last class.", The man drawled in acknowledgement without looking up from whatever he was reading.
Even though he wasn't looking, you resisted the urge to roll eyes. "Yes sir.", You said before walking out.
As you entered on the corridors you heard "Y/N! There you are you little cock sucker."
Right how could you forget that insufferable Ravenclaw you have for a best friend. That's one of the many reasons your house mates didn't like you - you're gay and have a Ravenclaw as a best friend. That was like social suicide.
Rolling your eyes, you turned around to face the shorter witch a few feet away from you.
"You bitch."
She grinned at you as she linked your arm with hers walking in the direction of your next class which you had together.
"Love you too, y/n. So let me guess you got another detention didn't you?"
"Yes.", You answered a little too quickly.
Belle whacked you in the arm which you rubbed at.
"What was that for?"
"You need to stop y/n your parents are going go get involved."
At the mention of your parents, your face fell. Belle seemed to notice but she quickly lighten the mood. "Besides if I didn't know any better I'd say you got the hots for the dungeon bat. Not too bad at all, y/n. Not bad at all."
Your face turned into a scowl. "As if. I like my men older but not gits Belle."
You and your best friend walked into transfiguration.
It seems as if you were beginning to regret getting detention. It was the end of the day and you're tired. As soon as transfiguration was over, Belle gave you sympathetic kind of look and watched you walked off to the potions classroom.
There you would be spending detention before dinner. Not so yay for you.
Walking into the classroom, it was empty but you had the feeling the onyx eyed man was in here somewhere. As soon as you thought that, the said man walked out of the storage closet.
"On time I see Mr. Y/n. I suggest you get to work.".
He handed you a broom which you cocked a brow at confusingly.
"This classroom is to be cleaned before dinner every cremisis and corner.", The potions master looked down on with much indifference.
You hesitantly took the broom not understanding why you needed it...
You watched as the onyx eyed man took up some parchments while mumbling incomprehensible words. With a flick of his wrist, you were certain he just casted a charm.
"No magic is to be used. If you so as much burn down my classroom y/n I will decapitate you and feed you to the theresals. If you're not dying them don't send me for in the headmaster's office.", The man lashed out and went out the door.
You scoffed looking at the spot where the man just stood moments ago.
You began busying yourself with actually doing the work. It sucked that you couldn't you magic. Now you had to scrape gum from under desks, wipe table tops and clean the cauldrons just as Snape ordered.
You went at it for what felt like hours but your nearly done. Perspiration was damping your robes that you had to remove them placing it on the back of Snape's chair. Leaving you in just your school sweater and slacks.
You were so caught up that you didn't hear the door open nor did you see when a certain blonde wizard walked in.
This time you had a glass flask in your hand which you dropped because the moment you looked around there he stood cane symmetrical to his body wearing an expensive black suit.
You cursed yourself internally as you tried to pick up the glasses carefully. A shard of glass pricked your finger as it bled but not a great amount.
Great you just had to make a fool of yourself.
Right infront of Draco Malfoy's father.
As if you aren't pathetic enough already.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't see you there.", You mumbled while you got up.
You placed the broken shards on a piece of parchment which you thought of disposing on your way out.
The man stayed rooted in his spot watching your every move it was intimidating. Well almost. You felt like cowering as his intense gaze makes you feel naked and vulnerable infront of him. Maybe if he had looked any longer your knees would've have buckled beneath you to be bowing before him.
Not that you would mind.
He didn't comment on what had just happened.
"Do you know where your professor is?", He coolly asked.
It was just a simple question yet it was so velvety it made a shiver run down your spine. You damned your self not to stutter or turn red.
How can you not when Malfoy's dad is this hot?
"He had gone to the headmaster's office sir.", You answered.
A look of indifference was on his face but went as quickly as it came. You had the impression that he didn't like Dumbledore very much. You could second him on that.
"Ah well thank you ...?"
"Y/N.", You finished for him.
"y/n ...", He repeated it slowly.
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Pining John Pt. 2
Please if you have any pining!John fics (like Sherlock accidentally hurts him like he did molly with the Christmas gift) I would absolutely love that!! Thank you so much😊(submitted by @thediamondwoman)
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: hi! New Johnlocker here, this is a fic rec ask, but do you have any fics where John is pining/suppressing/ignoring his feelings for Sherlock? Preferably after TRF, and without Mary in the way, and a slow burn one (sorry for all the preferences just one with pining John would be fine) and thank you for being a blog currently reading all your metas and they are amazing <3333
@i-love-books-and-so-do-you asked: hullo!! *waves* i’m in the mood for some pining john, so i was wondering if you have any good ones? preferably with a happy ending
and may i just say your blog is GORGEOUS like all your fic recs *chef’s kiss* thank you for the literal best johnlock content <33
Hi Lovelies!!!
First of all, thank you for your love for my lists! LOL! These asks just keep coming in, so it looks like I’m overdue for another pining John list!!
That said I do actually have pining John fics, and enough to start a second list! As I re-read fics, I’m able to keep adding all the old ones I didn’t tag ages ago to lists, so that’s fun, hahah. Hope you guys don’t mind me just combining all the pining into one list, hahaah. I get more fics that way LOL!
Enjoy, and feel free to add your own, friends!
See also:
Pining John
Mutual Pining
Mutual Pining Pt 2
John’s Away (and Sherlock’s Not Okay)
Caffeine and Adaptive Programming by DemonicSymphony (E, 5,540 w., 1 Ch. || Androids AU / Bond Fusion || Android Sherlock, Coffee Shop AU, Pining John Hinted Bond / Q, Toplock) – Sherlock is a coffee shop android slowly falling for a regular customer. But he's not supposed to be able to feel emotions.
London Gods by a_different_equation (E, 11,092 w., 5 Ch. || American Gods Fusion || Magical Realism, Sex Magic, True Love, PTSD John, First Kiss/Time, Marathon Sex, Sensuality, Genie Sherlock, Human John, Internalized Homophobia, Star-Crossed Lovers, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes is a jinn who does not grant wishes. However, when Dr. John H. Watson, recently returned from the war in Afghanistan, gets into his cab by "accident", it might not even need magic to grant both men their deepest wish: love.
There's So Much Labour Just in Breathing Lately by Susan (E, 12,708 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF / Mentions of S3 Events, Romance, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Grieving John, Mutual Pining, Meddling Mycroft, Therapy, Ambiguous Hopeful Ending, Infidelity) – The dreams he hated most – the ones that left him a sweating, shaking mess when he woke – were the ones in which Sherlock was just Sherlock. Laughing or drinking tea. Sitting across the table from him at Angelo’s eating pasta. Trailing his open hand behind him on the way to the bedroom. “C’mon, John. I’m about to have my way with you.”
On The Fence by BeautifulFiction (T, 13,770 w., 1 Ch. || Fencing, Case Fic, First Kiss, Insecure John, Pining John, Hug, Greg Finds Out) – The murder of the King's College fencing champion leads to revelations about Sherlock's past. Will it be the point that tips them from friends to lovers, or will they remain on the fence?
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John,  Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
Division by MrsNoggin (E, 19,542 w., 11 Ch. || Coffee Shop AU || First Kiss/Time, Fluff, Barista Sherlock, Clingy Sherlock, POV John, John’s Limp, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sensuality, Touching, Virgin Sherlock, Insecure John) – John likes mysteries. And every morning he dips into the local independent coffee bar with his newspaper and ponders another... one Sherlock Holmes.
Insanity in the Middle by DotyTakeThisDown (E, 28,010 w., 8 Ch. || Equestrian Sports AU || Alternate First Meeting, POV John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Clueless Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Passionate Kisses, Hand Holding, Caught Making Out, Bed Sharing, Spooning, Blow Job) – John is a world-class eventing rider with a gold medal and several four-star wins to his credit, but he's never won at Rolex. Sherlock is an up-and-coming rider taking the sport by storm.
Deck the Halls by itsalwaysyou_jw (T, 31,018 w., 24 Ch. || Advent Fic / Multiple One-Shots, Assorted Tags) – One Johnlock ficlet for every day leading up to Christmas. Who is ready for pining, first kisses, established Johnlock, and everything in between? This collection of stand-alone ficlets will have it all.
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Post-TRF, Case Fic, UST, Homophobia, Friends to Lovers, Pining John, Showering Together, Couple for a Case, Sherlock’s Bum, Fantasies, Jealous Sherlock) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
Only To Be With You by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (M, 40,768 w., 4 Ch. || Black Mirror / Future AU || Character Death, Future Technology, Sickness/Cancer/Illness, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending, First Person POV John, Pining John, Heart-Wrenching Angst) – I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black. I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all.
Inscrutable to the Last by DiscordantWords (M, 48,842 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, Alternate S3, John’s Blog/S3 is a Story By John, Divorce, Marital Difficulties, John is a Mess, Emotional Reunion, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Grief / Mourning, Pining John, First Kiss, Adorably Clueless Sherlock, Nostalgia, Love Confessions, Eventual Happy Ending) – He wasn't Sherlock, he couldn't work miracles. All he'd ever been able to do was write about them.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
Isosceles by SilentAuror (E, 56,609 w., 7 Ch. || Post-S4, POV John, Original Male Character / Sherlock Dates Another Man, Love Triangle, Jealous John, Virgin Sherlock, Sexual Coaching, Angst, Romance, Domesticity, Unrequited Feelings, Miscommunication, First Kiss/Time, For a Case, Friends With Benefits, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Spooning) – After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date...
White Knight by DiscordantWords (M, 69,840 w., 13 Ch. || S4 Compliant/Post S4, Marriage For a Case, Jealous John, Pining John, Janine / Sherlock Fake Relationship, Serial Killers, Case Fic, Undercover as a Couple, Weddings, John is a Mess, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Jealousy, Drunkenness, Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending) – Green. The word green was used to convey a great many things. Illness. Envy. Inexperience. Standing there amidst Janine's chattering bridesmaids, watching Sherlock furrow his brow and study fabric swatches, watching him smile and simper and flirt, John thought it a remarkably apt colour choice. Because he felt quite sick to his stomach, he feared the source of said sickness might very well be jealousy, and he had absolutely no idea at all what to do about it. Or: Sherlock needs to fake a relationship for a case. He doesn't ask John.
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w., 37 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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oingo233 · 3 years
Rapture is a Boy (6)
Summary: Remus and you have always had a playful, loving relationship but his behavior around the full moon leads you to assume the worst. A huge fight ends with the two of you heartbroken. Will Remus reveal the truth behind his behavior?  And will you still love him afterwards or has he truly lost you forever?
Young Remus Lupin x Reader (Neutral)
Warings: cussing in this one (words such as whore -but not in a negative way really, just the boys “joking” with one another- and other potty mouth words), mentions of cheating(but we all know the truth), overall angst and if I missed any pls let me know
Authors Note: I think we only have ONE more part left!  So lets both rejoice and cry hahaha. This series has had an overwhelming response and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you guys as friends on here and supporters, like you light up my day and I love you so much.  We recently hit 100 followers!!!! So watch out for a celebration post and what would you like to see for a celebration? Let me know.  I LOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN YOU’LL EVER KNOW!  ANyways, enjoy reading my dears....
Word Count: 2.2k
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight
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                                                       Part Six
                                     ****Take a Chance on Me****
I haven’t seen Remus at all, in roughly a day and a half since the morning we broke up.  He missed 1st period yesterday, and I make sure to avoid him in the halls.  I fear that if I caught even a glimpse of him, that my mind would silence itself and my body would fall into his, searching for some type of happiness we once had together.  Hoping it would return.  He hasn’t been to lunches or dinners, never in the common room.  Lily said she saw him often in the library, but refused to tell me more when I pressed for answers.
“You’re just hurting yourself (y/n).  I know it’s hard, but you have to at least try to ease your mind of him, not search for more ways to think of him,” She says, not looking up from her homework at the breakfast table. We just sat down together in the great hall for breakfast, and I asked once again about Remus. 
“I just want to know...I just- was he with her?” I ask dead out, despite the beating and grieving of my heart. She looks up at me with a soft smile.
“No, he wasn’t. I haven’t seen them together since the break up actually. Marlene says she heard her crying yesterday, just round 1st period.” She watches me take in this information with a slow nod. Though she has seen Remus, she has yet to speak to him, holding her own grudge for the way he treated me.  
“Guess he's an all around grade A heartbreaker and prick,” I say, she nods with me.  The mood turned somber at the current topic of conversation. I make quick work to change it, sick of the pitying looks and silence. “But aye, how’s James doing?” I smile, knowing she at least enjoys talking about him.  But my smile fades quickly as hers turns into a deep frown. 
“aven’t spoken to him since... just can’t believe he’d let Remus do such a thing.  Or not tell me or you!  They’re both daft pricks if ya ask me.” She grumbled, scowling as the doors burst open and as if we summoned the whole lot of them...The Marauders walked in.
First it was Sirius.  He strut in with his dark hair bouncing around his shoulder, his Gryffindor tie is like a headband around his forehead which he usually only sports in the common room, teachers tell him way too often to put it back in order. “More of a hassle than a fashion statement during classes, really...” He always says. A tired yet trademark smirk written across his face at the piles of food before him that would easily stir anyone's mood.  The smell alone was fantastic, and he rushed to his seat quickly and wasted no time in setting up his plate. 
Then, as if fate wanted me to suffer, Remus walked in slowly.  His head held high and shoulders pulled back, he is wearing a button up shirt that seemed rather bulky and his robes cascade behind him like rolling waves as he runs a hand through his slightly messy hair.  His wide doe eyes find mine and in them the truth is revealed.  
He is not as relaxed as the ease in his walk may suggest, he was not as happy.  Deep within his eyes I seemed to get sucked into a whirlpool of heartbreaking sadness, anger and what seems to be a plead.  Look at me, he pleads, try and understand me once again.  I break away from the eye contact and time resumes itself.  We are no longer lovers stuck in resign, no, we are now just stuck in our own minds.
I was so caught up in thought that I didn’t see the next two marauders walk through the door.  Was Remus wearing sparkly eye shadow? Looks nice, I think, ugh no you don’t like cheating pigs (y/n), I tell myself.  I question to myself and analyze our first encounter in two days so much that I miss the way Lily cleared her throat as Peter and James sat down in front of us. Scooting the giggling girls out of the way with their wiggling bums, just to fit. But I did not miss the way Lily’s hard voice rang out.
“What do you want?” She said. Shuffling nervously in her seat as James gives her a desperate and sad face, a frown tugging at his lips until he forces it into a smile.
“Nice to see you too, Evans,” He says, he turns to me and now both him and Peter were staring up at me.  “How are you (y/n)?” Peter asks, the whole table could feel how hard he was bouncing his leg. I grit my teeth trying not to get annoyed with them, Lily was right, maybe they knew about Remus and Lucy and kept it from me.  I raise a brow at the pair and smile sweetly.
“You here as a friend of mine, or a friend of Remus’s?” I ask, my tone dropping to sounding almost blunt and cold, but I keep smiling so to mask my true emotions.  Disappointment and betrayal, all of course stemming from my sadness.
“Uh...” Peter hesitates for just one second too long, James jumps in.
“Here for you of course!” He smiles, bouncing in his seat once with anxiety, smiling into his hand that cupped his chin. Lily narrowed her eyes at him, he was too suspicious, trying too hard. Peter nods quickly but over his right shoulder I glance at a peeking Remus, who quickly turns away and curses under his breath.
“Bullshit.” I say. Laughing to hide my feeling of hurt. They wince with the realization that they’re worse liars than they thought.  “But if you’re going to report this all to Remus, tell him he should check up on Lucy and any other, other partners he may have, instead of wondering about the one that hates his guts.” I continue casually, picking up my toast and biting into it cheerily.
“Well, as Remus’s friend, (y/n), I know that he has only ever loved you.” James says, pushing himself off the counter looking rather upset at my words. James nods at me before walking away, leaving Peter to stare at me blankly, as if trying to figure me out, then looks off sadly to the ground and gets up himself.  
James’s words echo in my head.  Remus has only ever loved me.  I felt dizzy.  None of this makes sense.  Instead of trying to think through things, I let my mouth and emotions take over, I go to say something but my voice cracks.  I clear my throat softly and hastily, before trying again.
“And don’t bother talking to me again unless it is as my friend.  I miss you guys and you’re just breaking my heart too...” My voice became thick despite my anger, I was devastated at the lost of the boys friendship, and above all Remus.  It only hurt more for them to try and use our friendship as some sort of way to console and heal Remus. What about me?  I was their friend, was I not?
3rd POV
James swallows thickly, cheeks blushing at the hard glare Lily gave him.  Both Peter and him slump in posture, seeming to drag themselves shamefully back to their seats with the other two boys.  Peter wanted to cry, he never meant to hurt you.  James wanted to cut off his own tongue, could he do anything right? The two boys continue to think badly of themselves, not even noticing the way Remus was chewing on the skin of his thumb and staring them down for answers and details.
“Well?” Remus says, pulling his thumb back as it began to bleed, filling his mouth with a rather unpleasant taste. Sirius watched as Remus’s face contorted with anxiety and impatience. “What they say?” He asked again, this time lightly bumping his knee into Peter’s who sat closest to him.
Peter only slumps further, sinking his spoon into his bowl of cereal.  James is the one to finally answer him, Sirius and Remus lean closer as James begins to speak.
“Well. To sum it up for ya mate, you’re an asshole and so are we.” Remus and Sirius sink back, Remus stares at James until Peter speaks up.
“They said you...” He shakes his head, not wanting to say further when Remus already looked on the verge of madness.  But then the sly satisfaction of repeating the words to Remus sank in, if Remus was just honest and didn’t ignore you every goddamn second then they all wouldn’t be in this whole mess and you would be feeling a lot happier.  But it was ultimately the look on Remus’s desperate face that broke him.  “They said you should check up on Lucy instead-”
“Or your other girlfriends, or boyfriends or other partner.  As in you’re a whore” James adds both dully and trying to pull a humorous smile from the sullen group, he wanted to quickly take it back with the angry faces of all the boys looking back at him.
Peter gives one last glare to James before continuing “-and to not ask them because they...they don’t currently like you.” Peter finishes. James snorts.
“And that’s putting it lightly.” He says. Sirius ribs him and tries to gauge Remus’s reaction from across the table.  When silence falls over them and Remus looks like he might throw up and cry like yesterday, Sirius begins to speak.
“Except Moony isn’t a whore,” Remus looks up at him almost hopefully, and Sirius continues, praying his speech is as encouraging as it is in his head. “But you were always a whore for (y/n), and they have always, and I mean always, been a whore for you too.” Remus releases the breath he was holding with a roll of his eyes, wanting to just tear their plans for this morning into shreds.  Sirius deflates upon realizing his speech, was infact not at all very inspiring.
But none of the boys had any time to dwell on how colossally bad the morning is already going, instead their was an anxiety welling up in their bellies.  They were going to pull a prank.  Well, not really a prank, but something just as drastic and silly and surely the whole school will see.  But unlike their other pranks, everyone will no without a doubt, that it will be them to blame.  Yet it was something they had to do nonetheless, because it was more than a prank, it was a plan.
A plan to win you back. 
Remus had the idea some time early yesterday, and spent the rest of his hours planning it to perfection, getting components ready, and of course convincing the boys to help.  By the end of the day his hand was cramped and sore from writing all day, his stomach and eyes protesting for both food and sleep, he spent all day in the library getting everything ready. 
 He also owes Peter any chocolate he wants every time they go down to Hogsmeade now and to play fetch with Pads whenever Sirius wanted to get “more exercise than you ever will get in a lifetime. None of you will understand the wonder that is a dog playing fetch, AND I look majestic as hell.” 
But James agreed to do it free of charge. He missed Lily dearly and wanted her back just as much as Remus was hoping to win you back. Of course, none of the boys really cared what they got out of it.  They just wished to see you and Remus happy once again.
The boys all glance back at your table.  You were hunched and your toast was untouched since being with James and Peter, bags heavy and prominent under your eyes and Lily, though trying to be cheerful for you, looked just as gloomily.  James, Sirius, Peter and especially Remus felt absolutely awful. They felt as if heavy rocks of guilt and sadness was being laid upon their chest and they would soon be crushed to death.
“This better work...” James grumbles, dipping his fingers into his pockets and pulling out sparkly blue eye shadow. Quickly, as if scared to get caught, he slips his fingers past his glasses and decorated his eyes with the color. 
 Sirius grabbed the makeup next and even went as far as smearing it messily across his lips. 
 Peter went after, applying it to his cheeks like blush, and if you looked hard enough you’d see actual pink under the blue. They looked gorgeous, though some of the boys felt embarrassed(they all secretly enjoyed it though, Sirius the most). Girls were giggling beside them, James wanted to crawl under the table and hide.  
Remus grabbed gold makeup from his own pocket, already having it on his lids he now placed it on his lips so he looked like both the David Bowie and ABBA that you liked and spoke so highly of. Taking a deep breath he turns to James.
“It will” he says. They all pocket their makeup as music begins to play softly, getting louder until levitating speakers they charmed earlier bursts through the door and blasts the great hall with ABBA ‘Take a Chance on Me”.  The whole of the great hall fell silent as the song shook their breakfast plates and suddenly a button hit one kid in the head and robe was strewn across another.  Everyone stared as The Marauders climbed atop the Gryffindor table...
@crazylokonugget​     @beyondprincess​     @1975weasley​    @nicodoesntexist  @goto-hi-this-is-my-brain    @yoyoitsbella​    @ftwert   @sognatrice-as-a-hobby​   @dontjudgemyobsessionpls​   @blackpinkdolan​​    @holdenviolet​​  @katie-lupin05   @acoustic-archie​
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snowgoldwaylon · 3 years
And That's When You Came - Naga X Reader
So this is my first Naga x reader fic, I'm a bit nervous about it y'all. I hope you guys enjoy!
TW: Violence, kidnapping, murder, drugs, strong language.
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This time around, druglords were swarming parts of the Jungles around the world. This sometimes made working with the CIA and Marines hard trying to tie up loose ends.
So, of course, you took a leadership role, and assembled a small, efficient team to head out to the Jungle, and clean up some of these businesses.
You had gotten word over enemy comms that there was a possibility of trafficking coming up, just a few days short of today. So you know today was the day to make the right move and head out.
You gathered the team up, and took off right there and then. You had to head Northeast until you reached the heart of the Jungle. The plan was to ambush whoever was doing this and make them lead your team right to the main compound.
After 4 hours of constant flying, your heli touched down a few clicks North of the potential location. You took out the evidence from the comm broadcast and looked around.
The druglords were smart around these areas. They communicated in code. Morse code, to be exact. Thankfully you could read and understand morse code like you could in your native language. Looks like some classes pay off!
You took a minute and looked over the past conversation between these unknown individuals. You read the morse code with ease, and quickly you understood what was said.
You felt a sick, sinking feeling when it mentioned skulls. Now you knew that you were about to walk a thin line with danger, or possibly even death.
You looked back at your team who geard up. You turned your radio on and spoke to the one man you could trust.
"Lazar, I might not come back from this. If I don't, please send a search team. I'm about to broadcast you my current coordinates." You said calmly.
"Y/N, you will come back. I promise to come to save your ass myself." Lazar said.
"Appreciate that, I'll keep in touch. 2-3 out." And off your radio went.
You rounded your team up and stood upon a rock so they could hear you loud and clear.
"Okay Strike team, we are going in. You will follow me and my orders, we stay together at all times. This could potentially be a large threat, and I will not have any deaths today. Now, follow me. Keep an eye out for any potential harm. Form the formation we talked about. Always check those corners and look back!" You said, strapping your MP5 around you tightly.
You led your team off in the direction that the morse code told you about. You came to the red stream and decided to take a look around and see if you saw any possible movement or another break in the case.
You took your binoculars and scanned the area. In the distance, you saw a small, white building. It was covered by trees, well hidden if you didn't have good vision.
"Hey Houston, take a look over there, almost 3 and a half inches to the left. See the white building?" You said, handing the binoculars to your teammate.
Houston took them and looked, he turned back to you and nodded.
"I see it. Do you think we should go check it out?" He asked.
You thought for a moment. What if this was another building with possible evidence or even someone in there you could question? You looked back towards him and nodded.
"Yeah, I think we should. Let's get in there and at least check it out. It'll be worth it if we do I think." You reasoned.
He quickly gathered the team, and you made a slow but steady movement towards the building in question. There was no doubt you were nervous, you had a really bad feeling and you weren't sure why.
When you came up to the building, it was a garage. It had a large, retracting door and a small door for someone to walk into. But there was no house, just a garage.
"Okay Houston, we're gonna walk into this place very carefully, and slowly." You said.
After getting confirmation from everyone, you walked up to the small door. You carefully took the handle and twisted it. The door creaked open as if this was some sort of horror movie and the killer finds the person hiding.
You took a few steps in and checked all the corners. Your team followed behind and within minutes, the whole place had gotten a clean sweep. There was nobody to be found. So, you quickly gathered everyone in the middle.
"Okay, so this place is clear. What we are going to do next i-" You were cut off by a large bang.
You drew your MP5 and took a protective stance. Suddenly, thats when a loud and frantic banging started to happen. What took you off guard was the cries for help that followed.
"PLEASE HELP, I'M DOWN HERE!" The male voice cried out.
You looked all over the room, and noticed a hatch to what looked like a cellar, the doors chained shut with heavy rocks on top.
"Commander, I don't like the feeling of this..." One of your team, Leon shuttered out.
"Cover me, we must save this man!" You said with no hesitation.
You ran over to the doors, and ripped the rock off with brute strength. You smashed the chains off with the butt of your gun, and yanked them off. You could now open the door.
"Houston, Leon, with me!" You commanded.
They stacked up behind you and took stance. You ripped the doors open, and out came a man fell out, wearing some sort of uniform. And behind him was a some of two dozen men, armed. You had been tricked.
"Commander!" Houston yelled, jumping in front of you as a bullet as shot. It ripped through his heart like a dagger. He fell to the ground, going limp.
"You fuckers!" You shouted.
You went to shoot, but a rock came flying and hit you right in the eye. You heard everyone else struggle and a few gunshots. When you came back from the hit, you were grabbed and restrained.
The man you first saw, immediately tied all your team up, but a couple of the guys had you in a hold, rather than tied up. You were so scared, for everyone. The first guy who came out grabbed his walkie and talked into it.
"Naga, this is Blade. I have their Commander. Waiting your order."
"Good, bring their Commander to me. Take the rest to the pit. We have work that needs done." The mysterious voice spoke over the radio.
"Got it."
When your team started to get taken away like cattle, you got pissed. You saw the bodies of a few crew mates and it made you almost get sick. Houston and Leon were dead, all because of you.
When you started to be dragged away, you began to kick and scream.
"Get off me you rat fucking bastards! I'll kill you all!" You shouted.
The men only chucked, and kept walking.
You were able to get an arm free and sucker punch one. The other, you kicked straight in the teeth, which made him double over. You took the opportunity and snapped his neck with ease.
The other man though quickly recovered and tackled you. You both fought for a minute until you somehow got on top, flipping him to his back. You restrained his arms with your leg and grabbed his face.
"I fucking told you, asshole. Now, join your friend." You said with anger. You quickly pulled his head back, killing him. You got off and took a rifle he wore.
You looked around and started to gather your surroundings. Now you were kind of confused. First thing first, you had to find your team. You ran back to the garage and went to the corpses of Houston and Leon.
"I'm so sorry you guys." You said, picking up their dog tags. This was the only way to identify them now.
You left and followed a blood trail to a nearby meadow. There, in the distance, you saw thick trees. You came up to a set of some, and in front of you was a 4-way split.
"Fuck! I'll be fucked if I go the wrong way...." But before you could even think, you felt a presence.
Like, somebody was watching you. You looked up into the trees, and that's when you saw a man wearing a strange cap, sunglasses, and a bandanna. He held a tube in his mouth.
Before you could run, he put air into it and shot out a dart at you of some sort. Luck was not with you today though.
It sucks right into your neck. And it felt like a rock had just dropped on you from a great height. You fell to your knees and collapsed. You tried to crawl, but the world went black around you.
The man jumped down from the trees and came over. He removed the dart and rolled you over to see your face. When he saw it was you, he picked you up and carried you towards his large camp.
"Finally got you."
Meanwhile, back at the safe house
Lazar came up to Adler and Sims.
"Doc, Y/N was supposed to come back 5 hours ago. I was even told if I don't hear anything, to come to find them." Lazar spoke with worry.
Adler almost brushed it off, until he heard your name.
"Wait, as in Y/N Y/L/N? Commander of Strike team?" He questioned.
"Yes, remember they went into the Jungle for the possible compound raid. I think something is wrong." He said.
Adler put out his cigarette and got up. He walked over to a plan made out by you. His eyes went large, and he immediately started to pack up and get ready.
"Lazar, you are right. There is a good chance they are in danger. We leave right now! Get everyone rounded up and locked and loaded." He commanded.
Lazar did as he was told, and got everything in line. The crew left within 5 minutes.
One day later, Y/N POV
You finally woke back up, but you were changed to a wall. Your clothes have scratches, and your head felt like a bobblehead. The room had a bright, uncomfortable light above the head. You looked around and saw so much drug paraphernalia.
You were about to pass out again until the door opened, and the same man from before stepped into the room. You both made eye contact, and you saw a slight smile behind his bandanna.
He came over to you and ran his hand over your face.
"Well, look who is finally awake. I thought you weren't going to ever wake back up, my precious little dandelion." He said in a creepy tone.
You revolted to his touch and tried to kick. But, you were held in place by the tough shackles.
"No no no, little one. You won't be leaving now. Do you know how long I waited for you? And here you fall right into my lap...." He trailed off.
You still kicked and screamed, until he finally walked away over to a projector.
"Oh Y/N, I've been watching you for months now. I knew you had been tracing people like me to raid their compounds. Well, I didn't want you fucking up my business." He said, pulling up the images on the projector.
You looked at them in horror when you realized they were of you, in many different states. You at your own home, on a date with Lazar, out with the safe house team for bowling and drinks, even you in the shower. The fucking shower!
You began to cry. You were very afraid.
The man only laughed upon seeing your tears and started playing audio logs of you calling your family on holidays.
"Don't cry, little one. I've always wanted you in my life." He spoke, slowly walking towards you. You began to panic, and started kicking and muffled screaming again.
When he reached you, he ran his hand up your side, and to your face.
"Don't worry. My name is Naga and I'm here to keep you forever. You are mine now, you know." He said.
He stepped back and turned on an older song. He kept the pictures up as he walked towards you with a knife. Your heart sank.
"Do you see this, honey? This is what you'll get when you misbehave. Understand?" He spat at you.
"I'm going to undo your gag. Don't do anything stupid." Naga said.
As soon as he did, he smiled.
"There. Now, why don't you tell me something with that gorgeous mouth?"
You looked right at him, and spit right into his eye. He jumped back in disgust. That pissed him off, and his gaze turned cold.
"You fucking bitch! You'll pay for that!"
But before he could even lunge, a man came from behind and wrestled him to the ground. That man was none other than Lawrence Sims.
You started to wiggle as you saw Lazar and everyone else behind him. He quickly ran over to you and got you free. Adler jumped in with Sims and restrained Naga. He put up one hell of a fight though.
You were carried away to the EVAC chopper, where Mason sat.
"Y/N!" Mason shouted, helping you get onboard.
You sat up and coughed. Your body hurt so much, you felt drained.
"Please Mason, clean up this cut on my leg. It's getting infected." You pleaded.
Immediately, he started to tend to every wound you had. It stung like hell but you were relieved it was over. Lazar sat with you and held your hand. You felt like you were in shellshock.
After about 10 minutes, everyone came back to the heli. Lazar didn't look happy.
"What the hell? Where is he??" He questioned.
Adler pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Sims just signed.
"He got away. The bastard is like a snake. Plus not to mention, he turned my balls into innies." Adler said with defeat.
You sat up and hugged the blanket tighter around you. You looked around at everyone as the heli flew off.
"Wait, what about my team? They still might be down there...."
Adler nodded at you.
"We sent in spec ops to recover survivors. But we are glad to see you back here safe."
You nodded with relief and lay back against the heli. You looked out over the dark skies and the now ominous trees below. You knew, deep down inside down there, this wasn't over.
Naga still roamed these trees. You looked down over the treetops and clenched your fist tight.
"I promise, this isn't over. I'll be back, even stronger."
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Taking Chances
Pairing: College!Drew Starkey x Plus Size!Reader
Summary: The basketball star seeks help from the girl he’s been crushing on for two years...will she reciprocate his feelings?
Note: I really hope you guys like this! Please let me know what you think and if you want me to continue this!
AlSo, how I describe the college locations and classes is based off how MY college is! Just for reference so no one is confused!
Part 2
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They say that college is supposed to be the best time of your life…
Well, that might be the case for some. For me, being plus size has left me out of a lot of the college experience. I didn’t have a lot of friends, at least not any that I actively talk to. I kept to myself most of the time, observing life around me. I watched the blonde, preppy girls with their Starbucks as they threw themselves at the Alpha Si whatever dudes. The Sorority and Frat people didn’t give me a second glance, always giving me a look of disgust when I walked by one of the tables near the Student Center. 
At this point in my life, the stares and the whispers didn’t bother me so much as they annoyed me. It’s 2020 and 80% of the population is a size 14-16, so I didn’t understand why people still acted like that. I was making my way to class, spotting some of the school’s basketball players. One in particular always stood out, Drew Starkey. We had a lot of classes together since we both majored in Psychology.
Drew’s POV:
I watched as the girl I had crushed on for the past two years walked by, my eyes trailing down her gorgeous body. She was perfect, and I wanted her all to myself. She was way out of my league though, no way would a beautiful woman such as her give me the time of day, but I was determined to prove myself. 
“Dude, are you ever gonna grow some balls and ask her out?” my team mate Brady asked.
“Man look at her, she’d say no in a heartbeat...she’s way too hot for me.” I sighed.
“You won’t know unless you try! It’s been two years, at least you could be her friend.” he suggested, bumping his shoulder to mine. 
I looked back at the girl one more time, her pretty face coming in view as she ducked into the same exact building I was going to for my first class. This was the sign I needed, if we had another class together I knew that the universe was telling me to make a move. 
“Better make a move before someone else does Starkey,” Brady called as he walked the opposite way.
Jealousy surged through me immediately of the thought of any other guy touching her. She was mine, well not yet, but she was going to be mine. I was sure of it, or I hope so. What if she thinks I’m a typical douchebag jock? What if she thinks I’m not funny? 
I had a million other thoughts running in my head, but quickly shoved them to the back of my brain as I got closer to the classroom. I peaked in and sure enough, there she was.
This is my chance...
Back to Y/n POV:
It was the start of a new semester of my junior year, so I was pretty deep in my major. This also meant I would be having classes with a lot of the same people. I made my way to the back of the classroom which was always where I sat in every single class I’ve taken. 
I don’t like people looking at me, so I chose to sit where no one could actively be staring at the back of my head. It was no surprise when Drew Starkey came sauntering in, talking to a few people before his eyes landed on me. I quickly averted his gaze, looking down at my notebook I had laid out. 
I grew more tense when I heard footsteps approaching me, a chair being moved made me jump. My head shot up when Drew plopped down next to me, grinning widely at my confused face.
“Hey,” Drew greeted, nodding his head.
“Um, hi.” I replied, looking over my shoulder to make sure he was talking to me.
“We’ve had a lot of classes together, so I figured it was about time I introduced myself, I’m Drew.” he smiled.
“Y/n, um I guess it’s nice to officially meet you.” I chuckled, even earning one from Drew.
Drew accompanied me after class to the school’s coffee shop a block from campus. I didn’t want to admit the butterflies it gave me, quickly shutting that feeling down as soon as it entered my body. I was not even going to entertain the thought of what I wanted(was)to feel.
 I went through too much trauma in my life and spent years building the exterior so that no one could enter, not even for love. I didn’t believe in love at this point in my life anymore, all it did was crush you and leave you disappointed. 
“What do you want?” he asked, glancing at me quickly before looking back to the menu.
“I get the same thing, pink drink with sweet cream foam and strawberry puree mixed in.” I rattled off, excitement brewing since I really loved that drink.
Drew went before me, and to my horror, he ordered his drink...and mine. My mouth hung open, I was in such a state of shock that I didn’t have time to object. I just really hoped the mean look I was sporting showed him I did not like what he did, but the sly bastard winked at me. He fucking WINKED at me.
“Drew,” I growled, and he smiled his toothy grin at me.
“What?” he asked in mock confusion.
“Don’t pull that shit again.” I snapped, stomping over to a nearby table. He grabbed our drinks, thanking the barista as he made his way over to me.
“A simple thank you would do sweetheart.” Drew smirked, sliding my drink over.
“Thanks,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes as I took a sip.
“So, what’s big star Drew Starkey want with someone like me?” I asked, swirling my drink around.
“A guy can’t take a beautiful woman out for coffee?” he questioned, arching his brow.
“He can, but why do I feel like you have something else in mind?” I hummed, squinting my eyes at him. 
“I actually need your help,” he sighed.
“What could I possibly help you with?” I laughed.
“My GPA last semester went down and if it gets lower after this semester, I won’t be able to play.” he admitted, poking his straw through his drink.
“And what makes you think I could help?” I inquired, now my turn to arch my brow.
“I just know you’re insanely smart, it’s a feeling.” he chuckled, leaning back in his seat.
I became acutely aware of the other people we went to school with eyeing us, making me retract from my leaning position. I could tell Drew noticed my change of mood almost instantly, looking to see that I wasn’t crazy with the fact that people were indeed staring. He glared at the first person he made eye contact with to which they turned away quickly.
“So will you help me?” he pleaded, reaching over to grab my hands.
My hands were engulfed in his, long fingers pressed into my wrists. Electricity shocked my skin, my hands automatically returned his grip. I stared into his pretty blue eyes, the pleading behind them sweet enough that it almost made my heart melt….ALMOST. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt anything since he seemed genuine enough, but I also would be lying if I said I didn’t want to get to know him better.
“What’s in it for me?” I smirked, leaning further towards him.
“Whatever you want sweetheart,” he winked, and I knew then that this was going to be quite the adventure.
@jeyramarie​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @drewswannabegirl​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sexualparkour​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teamnick​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jiaraendgame​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @agirlwholovescoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @outerbongs​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jaxxandcomet​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @velyssaraptor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @baby-pogue​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @must-be-a-weasley-92​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @kaitieskidmore1​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @ma10427​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @ifilwtmfc​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @lasnaro​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @justcallmesams​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @judayyyw​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @lonely-kermit​​​​​​​​​​​​ @gviosca​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @iamaunicorn4704​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @fernweh-fangirl​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @runway-to-my-aid​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @eb15​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @hurricane-abigail​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @tangledinsparkles​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @haley-talks-too-much​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sunwardsss​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @http-cherries​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @bibliophilewednesday​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @evaporatedrosepetals​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @thetomatosaucee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @tomatosauceagent​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redosmo​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @obx-direction-sos​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mxltifandoms06​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​​​​​​​​​​​​ @gracielou0518​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @hannahhistorian92​​​​​​​​​​​​ @lemur46​​​​​​​​​​​ @ohdangitsjay​​​​​​​​​ @screechinglawyer​​​​​​​​​ @leasly​​​​​​​​​ @sambucky8​​​​​​​​​ @babebenhardy​​​​​​​​​ @poguestyleskye​​​​​​​​ @joshy-obx​​​​​​​​​ @harryswigss​​​​​​​ @simpingforrudypankowonly​​​​​​​​ @x-lulu​​​​​​ @starrystarkey93​​​​​​​ @teenwaywardasgardian​​​​​​​ @nina1800​​​​​ @theotherscottishgirl  @5sos-xmalumx​
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