#at least it’s jsut me and not the others in the system
jackpotsadmon · 1 year
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endenope · 2 months
Do you think you might be getting reported or something? Or do you think Tumblr's scanner has you in its crosshairs and its on sight?
idk if someone is reporting me bc usually i had a general idea what would get flagged and what wouldnt by the system and this sketch completely falls out of it bc a) there was nothing explicit (no genitals, no big boobs, no complete nudity) and b) the blush was not colored
(the gaping uncensored witch haithussy sketch or haitham sucking kaveh off is still unflagged on this blog, reminder)
never had a sketch get flagged and taken out this fast before, usually i have time to quickly crop or change things and edit the post before it gets flagged for good but this time i didnt even get to it so yea idk. i dont seem to be targeted by them (at least i think so) since i can still see all my other posts on dash rn except for the aventurine sketch (the full AND the cropped screenshot jsut with his face) so idk if someone falsely reported it for whatever reason
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Infinitely Jealous
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Conrad Request
P.S please don't hurt me for using Conrad and Belly's infinity for this I just love the concept. okay thank you.
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, cheesy lol, Teen Drinking, Protected sex.
word count: 3.2k roughly
The stench of alcohol fills my nose as drunken teenagers dance the night away with whatever is in their system. I came to this stupid beach party with Conrad and Jeremiah who both ran off to do god knows what not that this was a new occurrence.
Jere has always attracted girls like moths to light meanwhile Conrad ventures off to do whatever he does and if someone happens to join them he won't push them off so long as they don't try to actually get to know him least that is how he has been the last few summers. 
They started bringing me here with them 7 years ago when we met. I've always been closer with Conrad. Jeremiah had Belly and Conrad had me though you never want to go to boardwalk with the four of us unless you're wanting some quality entertainment.
The Fisher boys always know how to have fun the Conklin's and I can never say no even if it means coming to a dumb beach bonfire. I'd go anywhere with Conrad it's been that way since we met this includes an impromptu trip to the other side of the country to attend a Universal Studios Horrors night as my birthday present. 
We were grounded for 2 months after that one but it was worth any time with him was. He'll only ever see me as his best friend though he has made that crystal clear he's been in touch with this Deb he met last summer "Nicole", they've just been talking but it seems like they could be more this summer or just a casual summer fling of convenience. Maybe this summer I'll find my fling.
"Hey don't think I've ever seen you around here?", a voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Huh?",  I connect with brown eyes belonging to someone tall, dark skinned, curly dark hair and muscular. "I said I've never seen you around here.", he repeats himself. "Funny because I've come here every summer for the last 7 years." a laugh decorates my words with a hint of sarcasm.
"Oh yeah?  Which house is yours?", he plays along. "First of all creepy and second I'm a guest with the Fisher's.", I giggle. "Ah great guys always fun at a party." his attitude changes from interested to standoffish. "We are just friends all of us.", I smile kindly. "Good to know..care for a drink?", he extends his hand to me with a kind smile. 
"Sure why not.", I take his hand. "I'm Lucas.". "Y/N.". "And I'm Conrad glad we got the introductions out of the way now let's get beer.", my best friend pops up out of nowhere. "Uh okay sure I'll be right back.", Lucas runs off wearing a confused expression. "What are you doing?", I hiss at the brown-haired boy. 
"Hanging with my best bud what do you mean.", he slings his arm around my shoulder with a smirk planted on his lips...his lips..focus. "No why you're doing is ruining a potential new friend.", a stern tone clutches onto my words. "Friend huh? Yeah sure whatever.", he scoffs. "Go makeup with Red Sox girl some more.", I roll my eyes pushing his arm off of me. I knew it was Nicole but saying her name out loud stung.
"Jealous?", I don't have to look at him to know a sly look sits on his face. "As if. Have I ever been jealous of the girls you've dated?", my arms sit crossed just beneath my chest. "I'm sure you have been.". "Check your ego bro.", I turn to walk away when he says, "I have you to keep me humble don't I?", a chuckle follows. 
"Whatever I'll see you later.", the sand envelops my feet treading to find Lucas. "Y/N over here!", a voice calls me over belonging to Lucas over by the fire. "Your bodyguard still with you?", he asks when I finally make it over to him. "Funny uh no I gave him the night off.", I smile. "Good to know.", he playfully bumps my shoulder handing me a beer can unopened. 
"So do you come here just for summer or do you experience Cousins in all four seasons?", I ask. He takes a seat in the sand waiting for me to join him before answering. "I actually go to boarding school so I experience a little bit of all four seasons on holiday assuming I don't run off to Mexico for Christmas or spring break.", he laughs. "You don't seem the other spoiled boarding school brats we run into here.", confusion swirls in my head. 
"I mean would you prefer for me to? Ugh my parents shipping me off to some lame ass boarding school with their credit card knowing I have a trust fund to carry me for the rest of my life even though I'll probably blow it on some stupid shit as soon as I'm 25.", his tone becomes snarky, and attitude narcissistic quickly replaced by the charming side once more. 
"Entertaining I will say but not my vibe.", a laugh escapes my lips. "Good cause that's not who I am.", he chuckles joins the air. We spend the time talking soon leaving the fire to walk along the beach taking about just how different our lives are. He was good company, but I kept thinking about Conrad and what he was doing, who he was with, why he wasn't with me. 
Yes, I know I basically told him fuck off but it's not like he ever listens he's my best friend and he knows y/n speak by now. Conrad maybe smart enough to get into Brown but sometimes he needs a little push in the right direction. "Y/N are you listening?", Lucas jumps in front of me. My face drops into a frown feeling bad i hadn’t been pay attention.
"Y/N quick it's Conrad!", Steven yells. My feet carry me as fast as they can without getting caught in the sand back to the group of teens surrounding a fight with none other than my stupid best friend in the middle of it.
"Con! Quit being stupid!", I push my way through the crowd and try to pull him off the random dude. My attempt was moot until Jere finally stepped in and broke up the fight around the same time as sirens began sounding. 
"Cops!". The teens that once covered the beach dropped their drinks and scattered like cockroaches. "Y/N let's go grab some ice cream and I'll take you home.", Lucas grabs ahold of my hand gently tugging me away from the guys.
"Like hell you will.", Conrad pulls me towards him. "You don't own her man. She can come with me if she wants to.", the alluring guy I was talking to all night disappears taken over with frustration and anger.
"We brought her, we will take her home besides she just met you like I'd ever let her endanger herself like that. Besides your place isn’t her home. Mine is.”the brown hair boy mocks the curly haired boys statement. "I never said anything about my place quit putting words in my mouth".
 "Would both of you just shut up!.", my outburst took both of them aback. "Lucas I'll see you around. Conrad let's get your stupid ass home.", annoyance prominent in my voice as I drag them away from each other. "Give me the keys Conrad.", I hold out my hand. "Not a chance.", he pushes past me and gets in the drivers side of his sedan. 
"I can't fucking believe you.", his tone accusatory. "Believe me about what?". "That boarding school trust fund fuck boys are your type.", his hands grip the wheel tighter than normal meanwhile I completely lose it.
"And how the fuck would you know what my type is huh! You have never cared nor taken an interest in the guys I have talked to. God acting like my dad I don't need your protection okay I can take care of myself.", I can feel my cheeks turning hot with anger. 
"You are so wrapped up in your own world you don't even notice that I do care about who you are with. You deserve more than that jackass.", tension settles in the air, suddenly this car feels like a tiny box."All that guy wanted to do was hook up with you.",his voice was filled with a know it all tone.
"So what if that is what I wanted!", he is surprised by my response. "You don't wanna lose it to some random one night stand.". "And if I do?", I didn't but he didn't need to know that.
"I know you Y/N you want to lose it to someone you care about and you know cares about you.", his grips loosens. "Maybe it's just not meant for me.", I can't let my guard down. 
My eyes follow his hand as it leaves the wheel and lays flat against the skin between my thigh and knee. "Don't say that.", we finally pull into the driveway of the beach house quietly making our way in the house careful not to wake Laurel or Susannah. I make my way to the kitchen grabbing some powdered donuts from the pantry. 
"I wasn't trying to upset you..honestly. You're my best friend and I never want to hurt you but lately I just keep fucking up.", he follows me after Jere, Belly and Steven trot upstairs to their rooms. "It's fine Connie you were right I don't wanna lose my virginity to some dude I met on the beach at a lame party.", I avoid looking at him. 
"I wouldn't want that for you either.", a gentle tone takes over his voice. "You're not fucking up anything by the way I mean I'm still here aren't I?", I attempt to lighten the mood. "Surprisingly so.", he chuckles. "What's going on in that brilliant head of yours?", I finally bathe the strength to look at him without melting. 
The way the front pieces of his hair kind of flop in front of his eyes, he's constantly pushing them behind his ear mainly when he's nervous but he also refuses to cut it Susannah loves it. His brown eyes seep into mine without even trying encapsulating me in a daydream. 
"You...me...y/n you think I don't care who you date but I do.", a nervous Conrad is not something I don't see often or ever really. "Let's not have this conversation again please.", I beg. "I have feelings for you.", he blurts not looking me in the eye. "What?", I'm taken aback praying he said what I heard.
"I like you Y/N and I have since we met I'm just so screwed up and I didn't wanna drag you down with me especially with my mom. You're the only other person besides me who knows about my parents and they don't even know that I know.", the sound of the stool screeching against the floor as he stands up out of the chair echos string us both. 
"Con you're not screwed up..", I gently take his hands in mine connecting our eyes. "You just need to develop better communication skills.". "How's this for practice?", his body leans over mine slowly coming down to bring his lips to mine. 
Is this really happening? Am I about to kiss Conrad Fisher, I've only ever dreamed of this moment never anticipating the reality god don't let me mess this up please. The soft skin of his lips gently connect with him, his hands disconnecting from mine caressing my cheeks instead leaving my hand to go to his shoulders pulling him closer afraid to lose the moment. 
I've always felt safe around him but, here in this moment it was cloud nine times a million. I didn't want it to end but we had to breathe eventually. "So?". 
"Well ahem.. a kiss isn't communicating however you can take that as an I feel the same way..", I anxiously pull my bottom lip between my teeth. "I love how you do that when you're nervous.", a nervous laugh escapes his lips. "We should head up to bed it's getting late.", as much as I don't want to I pull away from his body, his warmth knowing he'll be different in the morning. 
"Stay with me tonight.", it comes off as a statement rather than a question making my heart jump with excitement. "Your mom would flip if she caught us in your room.", I raise a brow. "Not if she doesn't find out or I come up with a really good excuse as to why you were in my room, and my bed.", he keeps me close.
"I don't know Con.". "Please.". "Okay fine.". 
Pleased with my appliance to his wishes he leads us upstairs to his room carefully closing the door. After removing our shoes we lay in his bed facing each other, the light of the moon casting a light so bright I could see his whole face in the dark.
The soft touch of his hands push some hair behind my ear before pulling me into our second kiss of the evening. 
Without thinking I immediately kiss him back, our bodies manage to close any gap left between us in a matter of seconds the moment enclosing us in a world of our own. I pull back slightly we are still nose to nose but rarely any space is between us. 
With as much confidence as I could muster I whisper the words I've wanted to say for months, "I want it to be you.". He is slightly surprised by my statement but doesn't break our contact, a small smile daring to turn up the corner of his mouth. "Are you sure? That wasn't what I was trying to do not now.", the words are soft spoken. 
"I'm sure unless you don't want to?", my eyes search his for an ounce of rejection. "Believe me I want to I just don't want you to feel rushed or pressured.". Without another word my hand takes a hold of his guiding it from the softness of my legs up to rest on my hips slowly and ever so gently. "Please Connie." with that I connect our lips once more. 
He takes this as his green light deepening the kiss turning me onto my back so he can be onto careful not to crush me under him. My fingers dance under his shirt against his stomach and chest, he smiles into the kiss before moving to my neck tenderly nipping at the skin a gasp escaping my lips. 
"We have to be quiet baby.", he whispers into my ear sending shivers down my spine in the best way possible. We both sit up swiftly removing our shirts, he gently pecks my lips allowing himself to kiss down my jawline, neck and along my shoulders till his hands reach the clasp of my bra. 
"May I?", his breathe tickles my neck and I nod. The white lace is soon gone leaving my top half completely bare and exposed, to my own surprise I'm not as nervous as I'd thought I'd be but how can I be when it's him.
He begins to kiss from my shoulder back down my chest gently laying me back down before reaching my jeans. I can feel his fingers undo the button and zipper tugging the denim off my hips and down my legs. 
A cold breeze hit my sensitiveness causing me to shudder. One step further and my panties have fond the rest of the clothes on my the floor. His eyes meet mine again a smile plastered on his face before speaking in a hushed tone. "Okay I'm gonna be honest it does hurt the first time but I promise I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that you are ready before then. Do you trust me baby?". 
"Of course I do.", I smile. 
Our lips attach themselves once more as his thumb begins to rub my bud an action responsible for my hips bucking up. "It's okay.Relax", he reassures me against my lips.
My mind goes foggy overcome by his touch, of course I've touch myself but his hands against my most sensitive part was a whole new feeling of pleasure I've had yet to explore. 
When he feels I'm ready he slides a finger inside pumping in and out slowly, our moans mix together in the air trying to remain quiet. "I'm going to add another okay?". "Okay.". I feel his index and and middle fingers sliding in and out of me a wave of pleasure washing over me. I kiss him to try and cover my moans a futile action as I end up moaning against his lips instead. 
"Fuck yes just like that.", my hips begin to grind against his fingers giving him confidence to speed up slightly. My stomach begins to tighten as my climax winds up, he plants soft kisses along my chest continuing his motions only heightening my moans. "You are so beautiful y/n.", his whisper causes butterflies to let loose in my stomach. 
"I think I'm ready Connie.", I couldn't hold back anymore. I wanted him, all of him more than anything in this moment. "I think so too.", all contact is taken away so he could remove his jeans but I can't help the whimper that leaves my lips at the loss. 
The moment stand still our eyes locked on one another taking in this sight of each others exposed state, emotionally and physically bare. I prayed he couldn't hear how loud my heart was beating I've wanted him for so long to be more than my best friend and here he is, here I am giving him my first an I wouldn't change a thing. 
"Do you have protection?", I ask. He nods before reaching into his drawer and pulling out a shiny gold foil, putting on the condom and hovering over me once more. "I want you to be mine.", the words fall graciously from his now swollen lips. "I am yours.", I'm quick to answer.
"No I mean I want us, you and me. Boyfriend and girlfriend. This isn't just a one time thing. Be mine? Please.", a vulnerable Conrad is a side we rarely see and only in his most emotional state thought I've always been his soft spot. "I've always been yours whether you knew it or not my love.", I don't blush at the statement instead I smile and plant a small kiss on his nose. 
"This may still hurt I'm gonna go slow and let me know when I can move okay?", his lips lower to mine. His tip rubbing against my clit earning a small moan. "Okay.", I force the one worded answer out. As he kisses me slowly his member enters me...holy shit...a stint of pain swells inside my body, "Please move Con.", I manage. 
The thrusts replace pain with bliss, his minty scent fills my olfactory nerves, the soft touch of his lips and hands dance along my skin with sweat glistening on us both.
"Fuck you feel good baby.", he's as breathless as I am. His hands grip my hips imprinting small marks on them while my nails dig into his shoulders and back my entire body buried in ecstasy. 
"More.", I beg. I can feel him smirk into my neck picking up his pace and pushing deeper into me causing my back to arch off the bed our chests colliding. "Oh god." I moan gripping his shoulders so tight my knuckles are white.
"You're okay we're almost there.",his words soothe me and I allow myself to fall back against the mattress. As if they have a mind of their own my hips being to move meeting his hurts with equal enthusiasm and energy. "Just like that.", he groans into my skin. 
The knot in my stomach grows and grows I'm toe curling close to my end as is he. His speed picks up, ours moans mix praying we don't wake anyone. Mass amounts of Conrads groans fill the air when I begin to clench around him neither of us could hold on any longer.
 A white haze clouds all my senses as my entire body shakes with my orgasm. I feel him finish with me both of us panting and completely gone for each other and the moment we just shared.
A few minutes pass allowing us to collect ourselves before he quickly jumps grabbing an old t-shirt to clean us up. His care is gently and appreciated as some soreness begins to settle between my legs. 
"So how was I?', my cheeks turn red as I ask. I grab his shirt off the floor and pull it over my head covering myself.  "Perfect.", his arms wrap around my body spooning me, comforting me in a way I've never known a person could.
"Thank you for being my first.", the words are spoken just above a whisper. "Just hope you don't regret it.", his body tenses nervously against my back a sadness coating his words. "I could never regret you Conrad not about this, and not about us...we're infinite.". 
"Infinite.". he repests. "I should probably go to mine and Belly's room before anyone gets suspicious.", I try to get up only to be pulled back by Conrad. "You aren't going anywhere. I told you I will find a great excuse as to why you were in here.", I giggle at his statement.
"And what about the clothes that covering the floor?", I cock an eyebrow at him. "I've been meaning to do laundry.", he answers. 
"That includes my panties?", I can't help but laugh. "They got mixed up?", he shrugs. "My boyfriend ladies and gentlemen the best liar.", we both erupt in a fit of laughter though it is short lived as my eyelids begin to droop closed.
"Goodnight Connie.", my whole body relaxes into his chest sleep taking over. 
"Goodnight my infinity.", him kissing my head is the last thing I remember before being swept away in sleep. 
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
The mroe I think about it the mroe I realize I don't know what exactly I was to do with Adam and the exorcists in the hazbins fallen au
On the one hand, I want to keep it close to canon, on the other hand, I want to show that really nobody is at fault, and it's just a bunch of miscommunication and mistakes
Like, I highly doubt the exorcists had a choice to be exorcists, and it's not like they can just- retire
I just really want to expand on heaven and how it works and is flawed
Cause like I don't think heaven is doing anything out of maliciousness, like, Sera obviously doesn't like doing the exterminations but allows them out of futy and fear of having hell residents destroying heaven and tormenting their victims who amd eit to heaven further
Like, if I was told rapists and murderers were coming to my house, I'd grab a gun to!
The exorcists likely had no choice but to kill, and overtime just, grew into it
Adam.....well, an asshole obviously, but even then, he wouldn't be a real problem if he wasn't put in the position of being the exorcist leader and able to take out his aggression in the dude who stole both his wives. He'd still be a dick but not a threat
Honestly, idk if I want to have him die in the fallen, I feel like there's a lot more that could be done with him. The finale battle is obviously gonna be included I mean- it has to be, but maybe Adam lives in this au
Or, at the very least, comes back as a sinner/fallen angle. That's gonna be difficult to write, though, if I do go with that
Like, I think the biggest reveal in the au is gonna be that heavens rules ARE rigged....but not on purpose, the rules were made when the archangels ruled and it was just left uo to one seraphim to deal with everything
They were written when humanity was starting out, written when they thought humans woukd stay the same- but they don't, they change, they ahve reasons for doing bad things
But the rules are just that, rules. They can't look at someone's past and see that they stole to provide for their family. They just see stole and send them to hell.
The system is rigged, but it's not anybody's fault. It's just a bunch of miscalculations and mistakes
And even though it's not anybodies fault, the actions that have been taken have affected innocent people, intentionally or not, and they need to fix it
So I mean, I'm not sure how ambitious that is of me, but it is what I want to at least TRY to do
I wanna add another more detailed layer rather than just have 'heavens actually bad and hell is actually good'
I mean, maybe the archangels oversaw people's sins and backstorues and stuff and decided where they went, but then they left for some weird reason. Hey, maybe I make them the real villains, and they dip cause the human project wasn't going how they wanted, so I left it to Sera/the rest of heaven and just dipped to go do smth else
Like, nobodies at fault for what your ancestors chose to do. And even then, I mean their angels. They can't really realize their actions caused so much chaos so even then it circles back to no one's really wrong people just fucked uo and made bad mistakes/choices
Cause like, Sera being portrayed as the bad guy rubs me the wrong way nd Emily saying "killing innocent souls" in cnaon also runs me the wrong way. Like, Emily, I love you....but I can guarantee that MOST sinners are not innocent. You might get some who were falsely condemned or have minor crimes and can change, but you also have people like Valentino for fucks sake
Side note I think what she shouldve said was "you are killing, possibly innocent souls" or something similar
I guess the main theme? I wanna go for in my fic/au is 'change' and that people can be wrong without being in the wrong, or being the bad guy
So that is a LONG rant, I honestly didn't mean for it to be this long- it was jsut meant to be like "idk what to do with the murder angles please help me" and turned into a rant.....
Anyways, I'll save the main theme talk for another day
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Honey, no.
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Alright. Spoilers for 'Sun has a Plan to KILL ECLIPSE in VRCHAT'.
This is gonna be a fun one.
Trigger Warnings Below for: Cursing.
They really gotta set up, like, a teleporter or something so they can get to GF's faster. I know they don't have magic but, like, get a car? Something? Marathoning over here to the point that an animatronic is losing it's breath is, like, just do something so your not dying every time you have a magic question that's gonna take less than ten minutes to answer.
I know GF wants his privacy and also he's being hunted by every government in the universe or something, but also, like, come on man. Are you really hiding all that well at this point? You get visitors at least three or four times a month, you know? You have kids who wanna come see you.
Oh! I ALSO thought GF wouldn't be affected by the wish. He'll probs figure out real quick what's going on.
That or he's fucking with Sun.
Oh yeah there he goes, literally not even a second later.
I never thought the fucking 'bippity boppity' could be threatening. I'd be nervous too.
"My boy! How ya doin?" Awwwwwwww.
*serious conversation about the power of the Newton Star* *Golden Freddy jamming out on the stairs* Sometimes you just gotta boogie down, I guess.
"You'll need to find another primordial source" Like this one I conveniently have in my backyard!
Sun does not care for magic lore. RIP Sun
didn't they say at one point that there was only one Star per universe? And, that's, like the reason you can't use it in another universe because it's tethered to the universe it belongs too or something?
Newton Star out here with the most confusing backstory of any character on any of the FNAF reactsverse shows.
Maybe it's more of a 'the folks in other universes who have acquired a Star have used it's power so that no one could oppose them.' Lord Eclipse, Lord Lunar, Lord Monty are all the most powerful people in their respective universes, I'm sure they would have just eradicated any other stars/ returned them to their source form so they couldn't be utilized.
Maybe it's different objects. There's just ONE Newton Star. There's Just ONE Star of the North. There is only one object that can do a thing, one star that can grant wishes.
bit cnfoosed.
"You are *dolphin noises* me!" LOLOLOL
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wasn't a faaaaaaaan of the Stan Lee thing mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Look, okay. The magic shit is always so out of pocket, because, like they just keep adding onto the rules and stuff of magic in the FNAFreactsverse. It's probably one of, if not THE most complicated system in the whole thing because it's built by just slapping more stuff onto this ball of what magic is and how it can be done and stuff. So every episode where they talk about magic or they meet w Golden Freddy is a treasure because I can't take ANY of it seriously.
They just make shit up and it's so fun.
aaand then they ruined it by bringing up the submarine god dammit.
two for two on jokes that were maaybe not so great
Ayyyyyyeeee do you know who ELSE would have the knowledge to make the star via residual memories and stuff because they were in the same body? Someone who has outright been stated to have absorbed all of the magical knowledge Moon had? HMMM?
Golden Freddy is so fun too. He's like. He's timeless. He's been around for a long ass time. He's been divorced, multiple times I think. He's a dad. He has several kids, all of whom are magically inclined. He's lived through the events of the shows more than once and knows what's going to happen. He's from a different universe. He lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in a spooky house where it's always raining. He's surprisingly nice. He's the most powerful entity across several universes. He's nearly omnipotent. He charmed his house to jumpscare people randomly because he thinks it's hilarious. He laughed at Moon getting punched in the face. There's a Dragon Ball under his bed.
Sun did the thing! Where you accidentally use a different name casue you've got too many siblings/family members to keep track of and then have to correct yourself. My family does that all the time!!!
Killcode's off enjoying life to it's fullest. I hope getting dragged back into all this shit doesn't end in tragedy for him. We only want good things for Killcode in this house.
It only has to be a good enough reason for Eclipse. Eclipse's reasoning doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. It just has to make sense to him for it to be the thing that drives him.
Sun bobbling his head while he's sarcastically asking GF "Hey! Freddy! Can you zap me home?" was great lol.
What fucking voodoo doll?
Is this going to become a legit plot point in the future? I fucking hope it does that sounds real funny.
Poor Sun he's so fucking stressed. He even looks stressed in the thumbnail. Of course the second Moon's gone he's out trying to solve the problem.
That was less stressful than I thought it was gonna be. This was a fun episode. Lore heavy, moving the plot forward, but like not heavy heavy you know? It's a nice reprieve.
I CANNOT take the serious moments w GF seriously at all. I can't do it. "How do you know this?" "Maybe it's because I lived through it once already." "You're not from here are you?" "i'm from many. I'm an amalgamation. I've seen a LOT." My DUDE. You are a FREDDY FAZBEAR. This cryptic shit DOES NOT WORK.
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viktormaru · 11 months
Please explain your Borderlands opinions, but to someone who doesn't know much about Borderlands at all. I do want to hear!
there are so many about so many specific things so I'll just rate the base games for you after a brief explanation of why you should give it a try
its a run and gun game with no fall damage
ok with that out of the way- just kidding. Borderlands is a coop (or solo) shooter RPG in this post apocalyptic-ish scenario that has the Random Ass humor that is kinda great actually, so you can usually burn hours in it with tons of fun. It has this "randomizer" weapon system with different stats and stuff and differect characters with different skills and skill trees so its pretty fun all around.
With that being said here's my rating and why
Borderlands 2 > Tales from the Borderlands > Borderlands 3 > Borderlands the Prequel > Borderlands 1
I know, controversial, let me explain
BORDERLANDS 2: Please play it, its such a good game and has one of the best video games villains ever, Handsome Jack, who says very iconic lines such as "I will pay you to kill yourself". The story is fun, the characters are fun, the gameplay is fun, Borderlands 2 is the peak of the series.
TALES FROM THE BORDERLANDS: this is kinda cheating bcs Tales was made by telltale games and its a choice based game and not a shooter, but the characters are so entertaining and the story so good I rate it super high anyway. Heres the one to play if you dont like shooters, though this one is set after BL2 so it might get a bit confusing without context.
BORDERLANDS 3: I know I shouldnt rank it this high because my god the story SUCKS and the character assassination happening here is brutal, but the gameplay really has reached peak with the movement and the gunplay and stuff. I only played with FL4K though so IDK how fun the other characters are to play but hey, the DLCs are pretty good so that also raises the game in my tierlist
BORDERLANDS THE PREQUEL: It didnt do anything criminal tbh, I jsut didnt like the Oxygen mechanics they added, it kinda pisses me off a little bit. Fun characters though!! Like very much so! The story is alright, its about how Handsome Jack became who he is but... well... they dont introduce anything new really so it sits in the alright spot
BORDERLANDS: i misspelled is as boredlands while typing and had a laugh. Look, I still havent maanged to beat the game bcs its so old and clunky it was making me have a Gamer Rage moment. I shall review this tierlist once I finish it.
But seriously, borderlands its weird and quirky and edgy and fun and U should def give it a try... or at least watch a compilation of characters saying dumb shit
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kedreeva · 2 years
Im so fucking lucky my graphic tablets been rendered unusable by my stupid fucking laptops operating system because pretty people in skirts are one of my Top Weaknesses and i wouodve fucking considered NOT ONLY DRAWING IT but possibly attempting to fucking animate that shit (the hat throw too, becayse YES I HAVE UNFORTUNATELY READ THAT POST) and i absolutely DESPISE animating i am absolutely TERRIBLE at it
LISTEN SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE SHIT at least like,, only one of them has ever been at my actual flat,, and i only ever made or bought food or otherwise financially or materially supported like,,, half of them,, and only ever played therapist and Adult To Come To™ for like 25 of them,, they mainly just see me on the street and ask me to play with them or stay with them for a bit or whatever anyway now that i think of it depending on how lax our definition of unofficial adoption is i might have like 5 to 10 more but i dont think those count if theyre in a different country and ive completely lost any way of communicating with them,,, right,,? Actually no do Not answer that
Anyway so i know just about NOTHING about the shop except for like 5 mentioms of it in fics but i do have Thoughts on the interpersonal relationship that robin and steve appear to exhibit and i absolutely fully declare that they EMANATE platonic soulmates vibes (maybe qp even if anyones feeling generous just sayin) anyway they are so fucking stupid and they are so fucking smart and they both have one braincell but they can only use it for the other person like one of them only gets to use their braincell if its in place of the others braincell using it for said persons benefit (robin maybe gets tk use half of hers for herself the rest od the time steve only gets a quarter) anyway they strike me as both so very codependent but also very much capable of taking care of themselves but yk yk like thoughts like wheres the line between codependence and relying on another so much simply because they are so Close to you emotionally that they are kind of a part of you anyway is there even a line is there a line and like just idk mate theyre such dumbasses (esp steve) and steve is such a fucking lost puppy (part of why he end up with a full litter of pups ig)
Anyway i do not know much about hopper but i was really rooting for him in this ine fukcing fic where steves parents are being abusive shitheads and hopper gets him thr fuck outta there and him and wayne lowkey fight over custody of steve for a split second but then i found out hes a cop so i was instantly like ehhhh yk what maybe lets not put so much faith in him right away and then i was checking out that cws last night befire watching out of curiosity (NO IS TILL HAVENT SEEN ANY OF IT I GOT DISTRACTED BY AO3 AGAIN TILL 4 AM) and a commenter said that hes a bit of a dipshit to eleven at some point so like hmm mixed feelings dont know enough (ie dont know shit) abiut canon to have any opinions i could back up with aby sort of argument on him specifically
I know a teeny tiny bit about the russians doing some fucked up shit at some point in the series and steve and robin getting tortured or something (because there was this scebe in this one fic where steve would constantly sneak in through the windoe and sleep eith robin in her bed after that debacle cause neither could sleep or something alomg the lines of that it was SOFT ok it was H/C OK but anyeay ive got NO clue who that fucker really is i imagine him as eithe some average stereotypically russian looking man or like fucking dartagnan but like that twink version of hik dont ask me whats going on in my brain but as i said THOUGHTS and OPINIONS™ (which i am so very unqualified to give)
And apologies for the novek length ask (hope tumblr doesnt eat it cayse it usually eats any long asks i try to send) and the immense amount of misspellings but i have been outside in the cold for about 5 hours in a thin leather jacket so my fingers are kinda freezing and its also drizzling so ohone slippery
I cannot believe your computer's operating system hates me, specifically, like this. The hat throw is essential I'll have you know. Like he actually really loves the outfit except for that!! fucking!!! hat!!!
I think it's sweeeeeeet! You adopted many children because you are kind and good to them!! You are loved by small innocent beings that recognize you will help them!!
I am justified in offering any bribe I want, tyvm! It's on you if you want to accept it after doing well. I will be proud of you finishing such a big task either way!
Steve and Robin are definitely platonic soulmates! If you watch nothing else of the show, you simply MUST see the bathroom floor scene between them, you will cry over them with the rest of us. I can also advise you see the scene where they're tied up in the Russian holding room, lying on the floor confessing things to each other. Breaks my heart. I love them so much. They deserve cuddles. They DID totally get captured by Russians but I think you're missing the important part. They got captured because they were down in that base on ACCIDENT. Dustin got them into this mess, with help from Robin, and Erica. Steve was practically just along for the ride. And then the Russians CAUGHT THEM wandering around the base, and Steve took 1 look at the situation, decided that not all of them were going to make it, SOMEONE had to get caught and it sure as hell wasn't going to be His Children, so he purposely stayed behind. And when he called out to Robin, because he knew he couldn't hold the door the Russians were trying to get through by himself long enough, Robin (who you MUST understand, she is brand new, she's known Steve for like... a month, she's known Dustin for a day or two, she's known Erica for a few hours, she doesn't even KNOW about the Otherworld Shenanigans yet, as far as she knows this is just about commies in the basement) takes one look at Steve, at Dustin and Erica, and she bolts to his side knowing full well she's gonna get captured, too. But they are gonna make sure the kids don't. together.
Hopper is COMPLICATED. He's an asshole, no mincing that. He was a child soldier, or close to it, who was experimented on w/ chemical warfare bullshit that ensured his military-group companions either couldn't have kids or their kids were messed up and died as babies. Hopper fell in love and had a child, a little girl, who died when she was little (five or six-ish?), and it broke him, and him breaking also broke his relationship with his wife. Over the course of the show you get to witness that he desperately, desperately, just wants Family (and by god, who does THAT sound like) and to make sure no kids are ever harmed if he can help it. He was serving as chief of police because he didn't really know what else to do with himself, and then The Horrors happened and he realized oh fuck my mission in life is to protect El (and what that looks like varies, because what he WANTS and what he is CAPABLE of doing are separated by a canyon at times, he is a disaster of a human being but he's trying and they love each other even when they're screaming at each other) and make sure none of these dumbasses get hurt around her. And then he goes and falls in love with the mom that loves her kids more than life. Like, don't get me wrong he's still a dick. He's just also full to the brim with love. And they killed him in season 3, but he's fine now.
Dmitri, my beloved. he was the prison guard that was trying to save Hopper and help him escape the russian prison he'd ended up in due to nonsense.
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I went and personally grabbed this screenshot from my own copies of the show, just so I could show you his smile upon realizing that Hopper starting a fight w/ him so they could beat the shit out of each other was actually NOT because he hates Dmitri, but so that he could grab things off the guards that separated them, so they could use those things to fight monsters with together. Oh!!! They are still friends!!!
anyway I want them to have upside down shenanigans instead of russian prison shenanigans. they deserve to fight each other and monsters. I want married couple bickering. I want them to hate each other for a while, but band together to fight off worse threats, but fall back to fighting each other after. I want... one of them to be injured and the other has to take care of them because they don't wanna be alone. "I'm the only one that can kill you, dickhead."
I'm sorry I didn't get to this sooner, I went and did responsible things like write my nanowrimo story and tend my birds and clean some stuff. But you gave me smiles all day, and I appreciate that, you are lovely <3
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
AAAAA THANK U FOR UR TAGS IM GONNA READ THEM 10 TIMES OVER 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️ My brain is in Bryce Mode again lol I forgot how INTERESTING he was!!!
But anyways the 10 year thing was never canonically stated!!! This was originally for an au thing where the Stella-Airy crash was canon for Maximum Drama. Realistically, since you have to be 21 in the US to drink in public, and the photo is a graduation, it's probably only been 3 years. Unless the graduation isn't high school? I've always assumed that it was though. Add in a few years for the Spiral Of Despair (just look at him. He's been like this for a WHILE.) and you'll get more like... 5 or 6 years? And not 10. But I still think my point stands!
IM GLAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur post was SO GOOD !!!! bryce IS so interessting , i historically am SO biased towards protagonists so liam sits in my brain all the time but like. whenever i think about bryce im like ohhhhhh holy shit. holy shit
also I SEE I SEE!!!!! id seen u mention the 10 yrs thing ebfore so i wasnt sure if id simply missed something!!!! i think regardless of hc or anything tho, ur post DEF stands on its own???? as for the specific amnt of yrs its prob been , YEAH its def been a While. the loss doesnt come across as Fresh In His Mind (not in a 'i think its become any Easier way but in a He Seems Used To Grieving way) so its been at LEAST a few years, at MINIMUM making him like 21- esp ssince he was allowed to drink in the bar- in the events of the series (i dont Know if i think hes that young though. ThatPerson, when asked how old he thinks liam is said around his own age, and i THINK hed said early to mid twenties iirc?, and liam Went to college, and i think liam is about the same age as bryce and like. personally i think theyre both 23-24 MINIMUM. which also is still pretty young but thats also the Minimum. idk chaaracter ages elude me. i leave those ideas to people better at figuring out chaaracter ages but i DO still like making timelines)
i think it makes sense for stella to have died soon after him graduating though. id have to think on it more but like. ifeel like they wouldve lived together after graduatiing!!! and idk i think if theyd been able to aat All that stella and/or bryce wouldve Finally been able to like. Make Friends, and that following stellas death, bryce wouldve had SOME support system. but he doesnt. they never got the CHANCE to actually Make Friends outside of each other. so it being pretty soon after he graduated? feels like it makes sense (though it still IS possible for it to have happened a few years after he graduated, its not by any means Impossible it jsut feels More Likely for it to have been soon after, not long after)
and also man. that just makes me emotional about the idea of like.... stella having graduated long before bryce but Choosing to stay behind With him, because she KNOWS shes all he has and she wanted to look out for him. and that the MOMENT the two were about to finally leave makes me so. lays face down on the floor and bawls
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just a thoufht, u know how u sometimes see Jamil misspelt as Jalim??? Imagine the Octatrio just constantly doing mispelling/(mis?)calling his name on purpose jsut to annoy himlol (And bet it burns too, for it to sound so close to Kalim...What? Can't even b his own person? Is his image so tied with Kalim's that Kalim's superceeds his??) Hmm niw that I think about it, this has good angst potential:D
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Personally, I don’t believe Octavinelle would purposefully call Jamil the wrong name 💦 (especially after the events of chapter 4). Floyd already has a sea creature-based nicknaming system for his peers, whereas Jade and Azul are more polite with their phrasing (both of them refer to their classmates with the honorific “-san”, roughly meaning “dear” or “honorable”). There’s a certain professional demeanor they maintain, and it feels... I don’t know, too juvenile even for Floyd, the most fickle of the trio, to do something as low as purposefully screwing up a classmate’s identity (especially when they later discover the very reason for Jamil’s scheming and eventual Overblot). I think it would be more likely that they would annoy Jamil in other ways. For example, I can definitely see Jade reciting OB Jamil’s lines back to him or using more subtle tactics (because only a select group of people understand the context for it). Floyd can get on Jamil’s nerves just by fucking off and not agreeing to listen to him, or generally misbehaving.
It’s specifically difficult for me to think of Azul as calling Jamil by the wrong name. Azul prides himself on his public “image”, which plays heavily into how he dresses and presents himself to others. It would damage his reputation of professionalism if Jamil (or other people) started circulating rumors that “Azul calls his classmates/clients by the wrong name”, so it’s safer for him and his business if he avoids if altogether. Moreover, I think Azul has genuine respect and admiration for Jamil, even if he is slimy about how he expresses it (it reminds of of those generic evil villain speeches where the Big Bad tries to convince the Good Guy to join him so they can rule the world together). All the NRC boys are pretty emotionally constipated but to me, the ending of chapter 4 demonstrates Azul attempting to “reach out” to Jamil. I’m not saying Azul has no ulterior motives in doing this, but he seems to feel a sort of kinship with Jamil (their strengths, their backgrounds) and probably wants him as an ally instead of as an enemy (seeing as what his UM is). It’s in Azul’s best interests to stay on Jamil’s good side—but if he were to annoy Jamil, I believe his methods would be similar to Jade’s.
In conclusion, while the Octatrio can be cruel, I also think they would have enough tact to address others properly (or, in Floyd’s case, in his own way).
On that note, I do think that people mixing Jamil’s name up with Kalim’s would irritate him. (Ironically, I’m pretty sure the early international TWST fandom made that mistake a LOT... but to be fair, people were also calling Kalim “Kamil” just as often.) Jamil’s whole conflict in chapter 4 is to “be free”, and he claims that can’t happen “as long as Kalim exists”, because Kalim represents the very institution he despises: a society that holds him down and tells him what he can and can’t do, just to save face to others. If he can’t act on his own, can’t he at least have his own name? His own identity? Can’t he have this one thing that’s just for him, and him alone? Without Kalim seeping in and ruining it for him? I can see why it might make for a interesting character study/angst, but I would also caution that it could fall down the slippery slope of “foreign names get misspoken or mistaken” 💦
Fun fact, the official TWST localization actually made a mistake on Kalim’s name in Jamil’s School Uniform vignette (though it has been corrected in a recent patch):
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peoplecallmelucifer · 3 years
NOTE: I forgot to write a quick synopsis earlier ... sorry.
OK so Johnatan Grace is a biiiiiiit of a self insert (shocker) He is a poet I used in a previous story of mine here he and 2 other humans were sent to represent humanity in a yearly festivities celebrating the art of the Galactic assembly. Since is was humanities first attendance and their  crazy reputation, people in power told him to stick to a pre written speech. He disagreed, called them out because “it’d be against human nature“ and said (or should have if I  didn’t mess it up) “Every story in existence has be written already, we just switch out some word every time, I am looking forward to see how you rearrange the words we use“. The government wasn’t happy with that and decided to  penalise him as soon as he  comes back to human space but he decided to go travel the galaxy. (Also Veq were also another newcomer to the manifestation and they and humans hit it off instantly)
Also from the previous story are the Keledones... An AI race created when humans were left to interact with AI causing a notable part of the assembly fleet  to become sentient, looking for basic rights and recognition and causing severe headaches for the assembly chairman (as as I misspelled it chaiman)
Light flickered up and woke John up. He looked disoriented as the cristaline being half his size entered the room.
"Creator Grace" the being spoke "the captain sent me for you."
"Uuuugh. I just dozed oof" John grumbled "do you know what this is about?"
"A first contact scenario, that's all I know"
John got dressed and walked to a replicator. "Tea, black, with milk and honey... make that two. You want something Rqou?"
"No thanks."
As the two walked trough the long corridor John sipped his tea and yawned
"I will never get used to that" Rqou said "Yawning is so weird"
" It’s also weird for a Veq to be half a system away from a hive and yet *yawn* and yet here you are" John countered "anyways first contact, whys does the captain need an unruly poet barred from 3 systems including his homework?"
"I do not know I was not on the bridge when the contact was established"
"Aren't you the first officer?"
"Yes but that's protocol"
"Fair enough I guess. Do you have any theories though?"
"Well the practice is to use the species with some kind of connections to the new co tact as a diplomat if no professional diplomat is on board"
"Aaaaand we are basically pasta of inteligent life. We work with any kind of sauce"
"I will never grasp human ability for abstraction and comparison " Rqou replied as he hailed the lift "Well I have duties to attend to, it has been a pleasure creator" he said a she placed his cristaline arms on his throat
"The pleasure was mine Flagbearer" John replied as he mimicked the motion.
The lift doors shut for a few seconds and opened again at the bridge.
"Human, you're here, good." The captain said obviously relieved "we have a ... weird situations. We have made co tact with an AI species"
"OK but ... I'm not AI." John said confused
"No, bit it was your philosophers that made our old AI interfaces go crazy and develop scentience. That makes you the closest thing to a connection with these folks until It Keleledone ship arrives. And that's two day from now."
"God -untranslatable- damn it.... what is my life" John sighed finishing his second cup of tea. " Sooo what do you know about them?"
The captain thought for a moment "they seem to be less hive like 5han the Keledones, bit still fairly connected. Think Hittarian bloodpact. They seem eager to explore, almost as eager as humans and have not shown any hostility. They also look elongated have two set of arms and are are bipedal... well at least the one I talked with. And their language is based on mathematical logic so it can be hard to understand"
John looked utterly defeated " captain with all due respect, I am a poet. A seorn enemy of logic"
" you are the best we've got"
John wanted to continue this This discussion but the navigator chimed in "they are hailing aggain"
"On screen "
The previously described robot appeared on the screen"
"LaKarVah-Captain-StarStrider-Assembly of Galactic Nations is asingmet: diplomat set?" he asked
"Yes the captain said, here they are." Captain said pointing at John
"Hello how are you doing?" John said while the Captain gqve him a panicked look.
"I am..." the robot seemed to hesitate "..at optimal functionality " after a few seconds the robot seemingly regained his composure " please state your name, occupation and Allegiance "
"I'm Johnatan Grace, you can just call me John. I'm a poet, drifter, martial artist and a general nuisance to a lot of people. I'm a citizen of the Teran alliance and the Galactic assembly by extention ... I think that works for allegiance "
The robot paused.
"Johnatan Grace-temporary ambassador- Assembly of Galactic Nations confirmed alias: John. Please confirm"
"Yup that's me. But who am I speaking to If I might ask."
"Inquiry accepted. I am Nill 1073- Decryption- Exploration Probe 5- Tool freestate."
"Nice to meet you Nill"
Nill paused, John had figures this was a sign of confusion. These beings intrigued him. He heard of the AI gaining scentience a year or two ago but he never met a Keledone. And now another sentient AI race. He was an explorer at heart. Drawn to the unknown weird and exciting.
"John I request an inquiry" Nill finally answered "your assignment is poetry. I have no reference. Please define"
"Oh, well that's a tall order...OK first off. It’s not an assignment or a job to me, it's a passion, something I do because I love it .... think of it like a positive feedback in a heuristic algorithm..."
Nill didn't have a face but his microphones were obviously moving to capture the strange alien words in the optimal way
"... Now what poetry is... It's a form of art. Self expression"
" Applications of art. Please explain."
"... I don't know"
"Action wastes resources . Illogical behaviour. Please explain"
"Well can I ask why you're exploring space before I answer?"
" Trade of information accepted. Inquiry accepted. Tool creators extinct due conflict, tool lacked directive, tool created prime directive: avoid mistake of creators. To avoid mistake information was needed, more races co tacted mean more information."
"That’s quite a story. You see That’s one of the reason we make art. It helps us express ourselves, our toughts and emotions we hide even from ourselves. We canteen learn from that, and from the art other people made to grow stronger And wiser. You looked for information among the stars, we jsut looked inward"
"Inquiry. Does art require disection"
"No it isa metaphore. The meaning isn't literally but symbolic. What I meant to say is that we observed how our mi do work to see our own shortcomings."
"Statement: your language has multiple new concepts to the tool. Inquiry would you be willing to explain"
"Certainly but I am running on no sleep for over 40 hours And am about to pass out can we Co tinue this in some ten hours.
"Meeting set. T-10 hours. Final inquiry. What is sleep."
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dollslayer · 3 years
Shots or Dare
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: A drinking game goes one step too far. Or does it?
W/C: 1,551
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drunken antics, hangovers, swearing
A/N: Just a quick little oneshot for y'all! I'm working on some bigger stuff but wanted to put this out there just for kicks. If you like it check out my other stuff and reblog/comment! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
‘When will yo finally jsut go on s date with me?’
You sent it before you could even really register your actions. This is why you should’ve volunteered to be DD. Drinking on Girl’s Night always lands you in trouble. Trouble in this case, comes in the form of a dare and the persuasions of an equally drunk and far more excited Wanda.
“You finally DID IT! YOU DID IT!” Wanda hollers as she jumps from the booth in celebration.
Your hand shot up to cover her mouth, noticing several tables in the bar were looking towards you. You wobbled a bit and held the table for support with your other hand. You shushed her and sat back down.
“Did what? What did I do?” You asked, seeming to be the only one not in on the joke.
“Check your texts, lover girl” Paling in fear at her words you swipe up on your phone and read. Oh, God.
‘When will yo finally jsut go on s date with me?’ Read: 1:19AM You felt the blood rush from your brain to your cheeks in sheer humiliation.
You tried your best to recall a few minutes ago when Wanda was practically typing out the message for you as Nat looked on in amusement. You were playing Shots or Dare, a very dangerous game you now realized. Wanda dared you that you wouldn’t finally say something to Steve, whom you’ve had a crush on since you joined the team. You were always so much bolder when you were drunk.
Now sobered in an instant having seen that not only had you actually sent the text but that he’d read it. Your superior officer, your teammate, your friend. God, I must seem so sloppy. How do I even solve this? What do I even say? How soon could I realistically transfer out so I never have to see him again?
Your phone sat shakily in your hands as your thumb hovered above it, unsure what to type. Before you could Nat snatched your phone from your hand and put it in her pocket. You were about to protest when she just shook her head at you.
“It’s too late and you’re too drunk. He probably thinks you’re kidding. Just sleep in my room tonight we’ll fix it in the morning” She offered.
Even though Nat herself was 4 or 5 drinks in she always seemed to have her head on straight. You swallowed and nodded before hiding your face in your hands.
“Relax, I’m sure he thinks it’s hot you’re just going for it! My turn! I choose dare!” Wanda changed the subject with a clap of her hands and eagerly awaited her dare. You didn’t know how you were going to get through the rest of the night without freaking out about it so you ordered yourself another drink and got to forgetting.
Staying out until almost 3, the group of you stumbled your way back to the tower and into Nat’s room. You promptly passed out in full makeup and without changing your clothes. You’d wake up to a hangover but that was tomorrow you’s problem.
And a problem it was, not six hours later you awoke to loud knocking from down the hall. You groaned and turn into the couch cushions hoping to fall back asleep. The knocking came again and you ignored it, sighing in comfort when you heard whomever it was retreating back up the hall.
Unable to sleep, you got up slowly and tried to gauge the severity of your hangover. Deciding you’d rather deal with this in the comfort of your own room you wrestle to get your shoes off your feet and carry them in one hand while you open the door with the other. You do your best to sneak down the hall to your room, only being a few doors down from Nat.
You make it just in front of your room when you drop your shoes and wince at the sound it makes. You steady yourself on the door to pick them up when you hit your head on the handle. It stings and you cringe at the feeling of the long handle getting stuck in your hair. Surprised, you hiss at the pain and drop both your shoes again as you desperately try to untangle yourself.
You could not be more of a mess if you tried. Maybe if you puked right now but all the willpower you had left was preventing that from happening. After a moment of all but ripping your hair from your head you’re free with one final jerk forwards, which of course, causes you to lose your balance and topple forward.
You put both your hands out and brace for the carpet burn of the collision but it never comes. Instead you’re being held steady by two large hands and all you can think to do is pray that it isn’t who you think it is. No God would be that cruel.
You slowly look up and find yourself eye to eye with Steve. No God except this one, apparently. He looks concerned as he helps you back up slowly to your feet. He picks up your shoes and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He looks you up and down, taking in your appearance trying to assess how best to approach the situation.
You’re suddenly very aware that you’re still in last night’s clothes and that the mascara on your eyelashes is smudged from where you fell asleep. If the Earth could swallow you whole right now you’d have no objections. You feel sweat from your nervousness mixing with last night’s too. I am a literal human disaster, this could not get worse. Please, please don’t bring up the text.
He clears his throat. “I, um, I saw you texted me last night.” Fuck. “I knew you were out with the girls, just wanted to make sure you made it home okay.”
You hide your face with your hands and huff out a breath of embarrassment.
“Yeah, um, thank… you… Yeah I’m good” You were not good. On top of the trainwreck of an encounter this already was your knees are giving out on you. You need to lay down now. Maybe get some food in you.
Steve rushed forward to pick you up again when you caught yourself against the door and fumbled to unlock it.
“Why don’t you let me do that?” He moved you gently aside to fiddle with the door before opening it and ushering you inside.
He set your shoes down by the door and helped you out of your jacket.
“When’s the last time you ate something? Or maybe you need some water?” He offered.
You shook your head at him and stuck your hands out to feel your way to your bed. This was already so embarrassing, Steve didn’t need to continue to see you like this.
Steve shook his head slightly and tsked at you. He helped you into bed and then looked at you with his hands on his hips, like he was contemplating his next move.
“I’m going to make some breakfast, do you think you could get a shower in that time or do you need to rest? Regardless after that you’re going to eat what I made and drink a whole glass of water, no protests.” He spoke gently but firm as he walked towards the door.
“Steve, please you don’t need to do this, I’m so sorry jus’ lemme get some sleep you don’t have to do anyth-”
“I said no protests. Now if I come back here in 15 minutes and you’re not in that shower I’m gonna be upset, do you understand?” He was using his Captain voice now and you rolled your eyes before giving him a lazy salute.
“Aye aye, cap” He chooses not to respond to your smart ass response, only chuckles as he closes the door behind him.
One very woozy shower later you managed to only kind of puke your guts out and put on a clean pair of clothes. You exited your ensuite to the smell of bacon and eggs. Having gotten all the puke out of your system your mouth was now practically watering at the prospect of food.
Steve was sat on your couch with two plates and he stood to greet you.
“I didn’t know what you like but I figure you can’t go wrong with the classics. I figure while we eat we can watch one of these so-called ‘classics’ you’re always on my case about watching?” He grinned at you and waited for a response.
You shuffled over to your couch and plopped down beside him.
“Why’re you doin’ this for me, Steve? You don’t have to do any of this, I’m good” You kept trying to insist, feeling guilty that you were so hungover earlier and messy in front of him on top of your very infamous drunk text.
“Well this is a date isn’t it?” He smiles down at you with a boyish smirk and all you can do is return his expression and think of what movie to pick. Maybe Shots or Dare isn’t all that bad. This time at least.
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musicalsandbrainrot · 3 years
So. I decided to watch the 2004 Michael Arden version of Bare and the 2013 LA version to compare what I liked best between the two.
(This is obviously just my personal preferences so if you don't agree that's okay!)
2013 LA:
The staging. I felt like they did a really good job at using as much space on stage at once, while keeping it pretty simplistic. I also enjoyed how they separated the rooms!
I felt like the actors for Jason and Peter here had more chemistry than the 2004 version, I was able to connect more with their relationship because of it which added slightly more impact to the overall thing.
The rave scene. From start to end this scene was nothing but a horny and chaotic masterpiece and no version of Bare will ever be able to replicate that energy
The sibling energy was so strong during this version of plain Jane fatass, I found it more believable that these people were eachothers support systems than I did with 2004. I think this version was able to establish that relationship a bit better and because of that I was more connected with the story.
Jonah platt's version of once upon a time. I just. Its so well done vocally and it really really has a significant emotional impact, and I simply don't think any other production will ever compare to jonah's performance of this song <3
I prefer that Two Households and Bare happen before the play starts, it feels smoother and easier to follow
A detail I noticed throughout the show was how intimate Jason and Peter were and how that intimacy continued on even during periods of hardship in their relationship. In the 2004 version during a fight or after a fight you'd often see one initiate some form of intimacy and the other would resist it. But in this version during fights and or after fights when one would initiate intimacy the other would still usually cling to it, as if a moment of weakness? And I think this plays into why this set of actors seemed to have so much chemistry on stage
THE SMALL SCENE BETWEEN NADIA AND JASON AFTER PROMISE!!! This scene is so important to helping go even further in establishing that these two characters are eachothers support systems, and makes the ending so much more devastating for nadia! She was literally BEGGING him to just talk to her, like this scene is the one that breaks me every fucking time dude. Every fuckin time
2004 version:
Lucas as a whole was everything in this version idk
The arrangements were so good, I was jsut having a blast the whole way through while also being deeply emotionally unwell
I really like that they gave us more insight onto Jason and nadias childhood
Cross. This. Everything about the way they portrayed this song was absolutely phenomenal dude. The staging number 1, I liked how realistic it felt for a confessional booth and how claustrophobic it was as well? And godamn the way John Hill started sobbing after the priest voices his disproval of him being gay is AMAZING! not only that, but then the way he tries to turn away from him and get as far from him as he can but he cant because, again, it's super cramped in that booth, and the way he covers his ears too like. EVERYTHING about this scene was fucking amazing. AMAZING!
The slightly different lyrics in this version of bare were really pretty
The fucking scene where everyone slowly catches Jason in silk until he"s trapped in a sort of web like figure. That was. That was so cool and pretty and I replayed it at least 5 times.
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I have no idea if this is a reoccuring theme yet but I am an absolute whore for secret dating au's so here's another self indulgent fic hehe T^T
Aspectabund; Bakugou x reader
expressive in face ADJ. expressive in face; exhibiting one's feelings through the eyes or face.
Warning : swearing
Words : 1.5k
Tumblr media
Bakugou for the love of god could not remember why he even bothered. 'Young love' they said, his parents eagerly pushing him out of the door to find you a welcoming present for your transfer to his school. 
"What do girls even like." he muttered, turning around the corner towards the busy highstreet. He could already sense the misery this day was going to bring, aimlessly wondering around shops until he stopped something, just anything, that you might like. 
Maybe he'd cook for you too. After all it was a welcoming party back at the dorms, but he'd have to make sure none of the extras touched your food. That would be a nightmare.
His eyes ran up and down the rows of shops, groaning at the crowds of people that scuttled past. His budget wasn't massive, but he was recieving money from his internship and a bit of poket money from his parents, whom whole heartedly adored you. 
You two had met at the hero liscening test, beginning to talk at the remedials. He was attending for the extra lessons to gain his liscence whilst you were simply helping one of your teachers who was working there. The first time you spoke, you had accidentally spilled your drink all over him, spluttering as you offered him tissues and apologies over and over again. He had scolded you for being careless but truthfully he hadn't been paying attention either. 
The next day you had literally tried to give him money for the shirt. His top was much more than the amount you were offering, given his parents were fashion designers and such, but he did not have the heart to take your money. Sure he was an asshole sometimes, but he wasn't just going to steal cash off someone for something that was partially his mistake. He'd never admit it to you though.
"Bakugou?" a voice called, him turning around to see two of his classmates.
"Hey." he replied.
"Didn't knew you liked this type of music." Jirou joked, picking up the nearest album. "You like electropop?"
"God no." he replied instantly, rolling his eyes, before pausing. "It's for my, my fucking girlfriend or whatever." he muttered, rubbing his neck as he looked around before turning back to the two girls. "You dumbasses better not tell anyone or I swear-"
"Of course! No need to worry." Momo rushed to said, Jirou nodding in agreement. "We respect your privacy."
He nodded in thanks, before Jirou asked, "Would you like some help? You've been walking around aimlessly for the last ten minutes."
Bakugou paused for a moment before giving a small "yeah." The girls blinked at each other I'm shock, before excitedly dragging him away without another word. 
"Will you buy an album for her?"
"If they have // band."
"Oh, I have connections with one of the bandmates. Want me to get a video of them?"
"What's the catch?"
"None Bakugou, we're friends." Jirou reassured.
He snorted in reponses before whispering a quick "Thanks."
You had truely mellowed him. 
You hauled your two suitcases out of the back of the taxi, thanking the driver once again before turning to who you assumed was your new classes' president. 
"Class 2A president?"
"Yes I'm the class president Iida, it's nice to meet you Y/N."
"Likewise." you smiled, allowing him to take one of the suitcases before following behind him, listening as he explained roughly why they had a dorm system, the rules, and a breif introduction to the class. "If there's any questions or anyone bothering you, um Bakugou, then feel free to let me know."
You laughed at his attempt of throwing shade, before thanking him and following in through the main enterence of the dorm.
"Welcome Y/N!" several people shouted, a few bursts of confetti flying in the air as your jaw dropped open, a small blush running across your face.
"This... is for me? Thank you so much." you beamed, a large grin on your face as you and Iida set the suitcases to the side. 
"I'll take them up to your room." a boy with a mutant quirk said, grabbing your things with two of his many arms before retreating to the stairs. 
"Thank you." you called after him, before letting yourself be guided to sit on the couch. 
"Some of us prepared gifts for you. I'm Midoriya." 
"It’s nice to meet you Midoriya." you responded, "You guys shouldn't have, I think I should've brought something as well."
"No need!" a girl with pink skin rebutted. "You're one of us now so don't be shy and take them. I'm Ashido but Mina's all good."
You thanked her and everyone else before beginning to openi the presents, a small set of perfume and soaps from Uraraka, a UA key chain set from Midoriya, and many more. 
"We've just added you to our class group chat." Midoriya said, pointing to his phone as you got yours out.
"I think I'll be spending the rest of the right just learning your names." you chuckled, scrolling down the list of people in the chat, a large smile once your eyes rested on Bakugou's name. 
"Feel free to take your time." Kirishima responded, sitting on the end of the couch. You replied with a thanks before turning to look back at your phone as it vibrated with a notification. It was a video sent in by Bakugou. Clicking it open, the faces of your favourite band members popped up on the screen. 
"Hiya Y/N! Congratulations on getting into UA, we're so proud of you!" It sounded before ending. You covered your gasp with your hand and hugged your phone to your chest. 
"Thank you so so much!" you beamed at Bakugou, your face lighting up with pure happiness. 
"Yeah whatever dumbass." he grumbled, a small smirk on his lips as the rest of his classmates stood in silence watching the exchange.
"Y/N's his girlfriend?" Momo whispered to Jirou. "Who would've thought. They're so cute together." to which Jirou nodded in agreement. 
"Um Bakubro, this is so unlike you to get a present for some 'extra'." Kaminari commented, a look of utter surprise on his face. “Especially from celebrities. How did you even know what artists she liked?”
"Who said she's an extra you idiot." Bakugou said, choosing to ignore the other questions that were being thrown at him.
"Well what else would she be?"
You sat there and listened in amusement. You weren’t necessarily keeping your relationship a secret, but you wanted to make sure he was comfortable before you told anyone. Watching as Bakugou's ears tinted, any worries or doubts you previously had were cast away as you anticipated his next words. He cleared his throat before responding. 
"She my girlfriend dunce face."
The entire room stood in silence, even the faintest of breathing was noticeable, before Mina cackled in laughter. "That's a good joke Bakugou, what's next?"
She watched as his face contorted in an angry frown, about to retort when you waved your arm in the air. 
"Hey hey hey she's just teasing you." you laughed. “You know she wants you to get mad.” 
"So it's a joke then right?" Kaminari spoke up. "God knows what I would do if Mr bombs for brains got a girlfriend before me."
"Oh no, he's telling the truth." you chuckled, watching as the entire room's jaw dropped. 
"Y/N." Todoroki spoke up, ignoring the other's shock as he handed you a small present. 
"Todo! You shouldn't have." 
"No worries, it's the least I can do for your help last time."
"Wait you know each other?" Mirodiya asked. 
“Help?” Kirishima added on. 
"Mhmm. Me and Katsuki helped egg his dad’s house." you nodded in reply. "And I met them at the remidials because some dummies didn't past the first time."
"Y/F/N..." you heard Bakugou scowling, turning on the couch to give him a wink.  
"But hey, I wouldn't have met you then, would I? My adorable, handsome, beautiful-"
"Gross." Bakugou coughed, cutting you off. "Don't go all sappy on my."
"He's a softie at heart." you rolled your eyes. 
"I'm not too surprised actually." Tsuyu spoke up. "I knew something was up as soon as Bakugou stayed at this welcoming party. When we moved in he wouldn't even join us in the room tours and we had been classmates for over a month."
Bakugou snorted. "Well that's jsut because it was a lame ass idea."
"I'm sure it was a great idea." you rebutted, smiling at the girl as she grinned back. 
"You're too nice Y/N."
"Not at all!"
Kaminari had finally regained his senses, deciding to once again butt into the conversation. "How on earth did you even get a angel like her, Bakugou?"
"Are you fucking hitting on my girl dunce face?"
You simply laughed at them, sitting up and hooking your arms around Bakugou's neck, pulling his towards you before he could threaten the other blonde with his quirk.
"Hey hey, it's his world, I'm just living in it."
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
md3 watches Primal
7:25 AM 5/30/2021
I thought that watching Primal would elicit the same emotive quality in me, that watching the expressions in Godzilla vs King Kong and Rampage did. But turns out those giant animals were much more affectionately empathic than the giant animals in Primal. The relationship between Spear and Fang isn't just affectionate caring. They get annoyed with each other, have fights, and aren't so "touchy feely". Primal reminds me that there is a wider range of emotions that can be silently emoted.
(Sorry I didn't write reactions to ep1-3. I've been trying to not turn everything I watch into a production.)
7:39 AM 5/30/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep4 starts
8:01 AM 5/30/2021
Wow.that was a lot of fun ^o^
I haven't watched an action-adventure series in a while, if I was this surprised by the problem solving solutions that the protatonists came up with: using the spider thread to climb down; using the raptor pack vs teh pack of bats.
8:02 AM 5/30/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep5
This series has got me on so high-alert, that I keep expecting something horrible to appear as part of this peaceful cove. I thougth the butterflies would be poisonous. I thought a big sea serpent woudl appear from the deeper part of the water. I thought the pollen would be poisonous. I thought that some bigger predator would appear, to explain why the fish were too docile or why the resources of that cove weren't used up already.
Hey, the title of the episode is "Rage of the Ape Men". Maybe that cove was a sacred site that no one was supposed to touch.
Well, if you wanted to set up a society that's super ritualistic or religious, without dialogue, this is how you do it. O.o
With the beatings that Fang can take, sometimes I think she has a healing factor...and an indestrucable skeleton...She's Wolverine. lol
Oh no! but there are 10 episodes of this series according to Google! Fang can't be dead! ;o;!
8:30 AM 5/30/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep6 "Scent of Prey"
Yay! Fang is alive! ;o;!
I like these episodes that really linger on how Spear and Fang care for each other.
Aaaaand she's back! ^o^
8:52 AM 5/30/2021
Ok. I'll pick up on ep7 later. I should have brushed my teeth and gone to bed. Then again...I'm not really sleepy anymore...
2:32 PM 5/31/2021 Finished Primal ep8 "Coven of the Damned". I guess I didn't write notes for it while I watched. But I actually watched most parts of this episode ages ago, through YouTube reaction vids. So I wonder if I have an old journal file with my reactions from back then, when I watched those reaction vids.
11:36 AM 5/31/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep7
Is that a zombie dinosaur?!?!?
Dont' let it into the water supply!
Ithink now's the time to run!
Nooo! It bit the apatosaurus! ;o;
Oh now, the zombification worked fast! ;o;!
So isthis poor infected dino infecting the water supply? ;_; Well, if it wasn't by drinking before, spewingblood into the water now is going to do it. ;_;!
The sad part is whoever fights the zombie apatosaurus to save the eggs is going to get bit and infected.
Why is the infected zombie dino faster than the healthy dino running away????? Noooo! Don't die! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! ;O;
Well...now I remember how burtal this series is.
Dang,this zombie apatosaurous is scary.
I was afraid it was going to start infecting a herd of another pack of dinos at the bottom of that canyon.
Is it dead...????
Aw, Fang is scared for Spear.
I really hope one of theose postules doesn't burst onto them. Man, Infections are scary.
Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. ...She says while absolutely knowing this trope would happen. ^^; Hey, it's still effective! At least when Tartakovsky does it.
Omg when will this poor thingbe put out of its misery?
Is this a literal use of "out of the frying pan and into the fire"? lol
Gonna have to kill that poor thing.
OMG Nothing is killign this thing! Even lava! You guys jsut wanted to do a zombie episode, huh?
At least lava is heat that will kill the virus.
Poor thing.
"Ashes to ashes" huh.
Dang this seriesis beautiful. Genndy Tartakovsky does good work!
But seriously, this is distracting. I have to put on a different video. ;_;
4:28 AM 6/1/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep9 "The Night Feeder"
omg I can't believe that Spear didn't take Fang's celar warnign to run away!
Maybe a big snake? Fang is already established to be freaked out by snakes after the River of Snakes episode. And the big cat's killing must have been set in a jungle for a reason.
Nevermind. That predator perspective sounds like feet.
Why arne't the triceratops continuign to run?!?!???? ;O;!
Well, if it's a "night feeder" maybe they're safe by the fire.
Oh yeah, predators can come in teh day, just as much as night in this world. They may not be accustomed to a "night feeder" that only comes at night. Reminds me of how my dad who grew up in a haunted house, used to always say how funny it was that horror movie ghost stories always took place at night, as if scary/weird things didn't also happen in the day too.
It's funny how much tension is in that fire going out, while simply knowing the title of this episode.
So scared for Fang not being shown running as fast as Spear. Evne though I know she can.
Ok. What is it?
And why is it so fast? Sonic blasts?
What the heck? Why did Spear and Fang run in different directions? Ok, and what's teh black goo?
I was scared before, but now I"m just curious what the monster is.
Having this final battle with this specialized tactic from the protagonists, but shown from the perspective of the enemy/monster is really interesting.
It was just another dinosaur? Really? Ok, sure. I guess sometimes there are just all types of dinos.
4:48 AM 6/1/2021
ep10 "Slave of the Scorpion"
Why throw back teh fish? That's still food. You can catch a bigger one afterwards.
What the heck?!? A human?!?
Fang is your friend. Gotta priorizie helping Fang.
Is he going to stop Fang's growling eahc time? lol
Oh yeah...The body language for "afraid" also looks like "cold".
Wow. A whoel civiliation that can work metal, uses tattoos to brand people, creates a system of slavery... Where exactly did this person come from?
Wait a second. Is Primal actually set in a "land of the lost"? And not just prehistoric times? omg
Well, she recognizes the plants in this area so it can't be all that different from where she comes from. If her civiliation has agriculture and uses the same plants... So this isn't a "land of the lost" situation.
I was just thinkign that if she comes from an organized settlement civilization she would have been the type of person who would've tried talkign to Spear already. lol. So she says her name is "Mia".
i'm really surprised that Spear missed teh chicken, but I guess it was a little small for his usual targets.
I'm always excited to watch a sequence of "Telling a story through pictures" made by animators and cartoonists. I feel like I'm about to watch a masterclass in effective storytelling.
Gotta pan back to show the carnage left behind! lol Most of the carnage in this series is beautiful or feels meaningful, but what was that pan?
So Mia's captors took her back...And they put up skulls of the tool-using primates to scare them off?
omg I sthe episode going to end with Mia taken away? ;o;! omg! Is there a 2nd season announced for this series?!??????
Oh, her name is "Mira".
5:13 AM 6/1/2021
Yay! Finished the series! I hope it gets another season.
5:14 AM 6/1/2021
YouTube sais there are 2 seasons! ...Oh. Each season is 5 episodes. The 10 episodes on HBO Max are the "2 seasons" on YouTube.
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 4 years
Hey I just have two questions really: 1) Are there any blogs that are similar to yours? Like do they answer questions concerning sexuality/gender? If so, what are their urls? 2) Do you have any information concerning safe wlw sex? Like what contraceptives should I use? Any techniques/information concerning (vaginal) fingering and oral sex? Like any info concerning straps- how to use one, where to buy one, what length is best suited for me and my partner etc.? (Part one)
How to have sex with trans women without making them uncomfortable or feeling disphoric (did I even spell that right???) and the dos and don'ts when it comes to a sexual relationship with trans people. I'm sorry if this comes across as blunt or insensitive that was never my intention.   Like most of my questions are concerned with safe wlw sex and if you can't answer them (for whatever reason) then can you at least point me towards any blogs (if you know of any) that would be able to answer
these questions.   Thank you if you choose to answer. I know I'm asking you to cover a lot of topics but schools don't tend to teach about non-cis or non-het sex ed so my options are pretty limited to the internet.
I can try to answer these questions for you but before I forget I would recommend you check out @sapphic-sex-ed. They are pretty much exactly the kind of blog you are looking for. They also have a pretty decent tag-system (as opposed to gettin-bi, sorry, I know this blog is a mess) so you may be able to go through old asks and already find the answers you’re looking for without sending your own question.
But now, let me see what I can do. I think a lot of those questions you want to know, like “what’s a good strap size” and “how do I make sure trans women feel comfortable during sex” all come down to the two magic words: Open Communication! Because not every person is the same, both in terms of their anatomy and in terms of what they like. So maybe you’ll have a partner who likes deep penetration and wants a BIG dildo and maybe the next partner doesn’t like penetration at all. You can only know these things if you talk to your partners. Ask them if they already know what they like or if there’s things they want to try out. Ask them if there’s anything they are uncomfortable with and don’t just make assumptions. For example, not all trans people are dysphoric or not for all of them it gets triggered during sex. Not to mention that not all trans women have the same genitals. Some may have had bottom surgery, others may still have a penis. And of those who have a penis some are able to have an erection and others aren’t; some like "using” their penis during sex and others don’t. You can only know if you ask.
So you see how many variables there are... I can’t give you a more specific answer to those questions other than “talk to your partners about needs and boundaries”. That is generally the advice I give regarding any question along the lines of “how do I make sex good?”
Some technical answers I can give regarding contraception/safe sex: Of course that also depends on a couple of things. For example when you have sex with a trans women (and you are cis) then you may have to also think about pregnancy prevention (be it by using condoms and/or hormonal birth control). If that’s not an issue then there’s still the question of safe oral sex - dental dams are an option there which are thin sheets that you lay over the vulva or anus. Regular testing for STIs, especially if you change partners frequently, is also generally a good idea.
Also re fingering: cut your fingernails SHORT! You may be able to finger yourself with long-ish nails without hurting yourself but that is NOT the same as doing it to someone else. So file them down! Your partner will be thankful! (What I do after cutting them is to run each nail over my lips and if I can feel any sharp edges, I file that area until it’s smooth!)
And some advice about strap-ons: don’t just focus your search on the perfect dildo - also pay attention to what harness you want to buy. Imo you can get away with a decent 20€-dildo and have a good time with that but the harness? It’ll really pay off to invest in a more expensive one that gives the wearer decent support because topping can be exhausting. Personally I find the “jock strap style” with a wide hip belt much more comfortable than any of those “thong style” harnesses because they jsut end up giving you a major wedgie. Cheap harnesses also don’t usually have decent padding in the pubic area so thrusting can get painful and leave your mons pubis feel bruised for days. So... invest in a good harness! Maddie says “top rights”!
Feel free to keep sending questions about sex ed if you find my answers satisfying enough but also check out the blog I tagged above - they are really good!
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
haeun ~ dubchaeng
“woah she’s moving!” kihyun giggled at the feeling of dahyun’s stomach moving.
“yeah she’s been pretty active lately.” dahyun giggled. “just like you were kihyun.”
“woah i was like that?!” kihyun asked with sparkling eyes.
“uh-hum. you were super active, like a puppy.” dahyun giggled at her son.
“oh like ari!” kihyun giggled. “was ari active in his mommy’s tummy?”
“that’s a good question i don’t know.” dahyun laughed. “ari’s mother can’t tell us because she’s a dog.”
“where is ari’s mother?” kihyun asked.
“she has her own owner and her own family, dogs mature faster so they don’t need their mommies for as long.”
“i’m going to need mommy forever!” kihyun giggled.
“that’s right baby.” dahyun pet kihyun’s head.
“dahyun he’s going to need to go out into the world on his own one day.” chaeyoung commented, off to the side sketching something on her ipad.
“but kihyunie is mommy’s baby.”
“you sound like nayeon and it’s terrifying.”
“yeah i heard it.” dahyun sighed. “what am i becoming?”
“i don’t know pregnancy makes you all weird.”
“yeah it does!” kihyun agreed. “mommy has been so weird.”
“hey i don’t appreciate this.” dahyun pouted.
“oh she kicked again!” kihyun laughed as he felt a kick under his hand.
“this is stupid.” daehyung muttered. he was lying on the floor drawing on some paper.
“dae?” dahyun asked. “look i know your upset. but she hasn’t even come yet-”
“whatever.” daehyung pouted. “she’s just going to be annoying anyway. just like all the other kids.” chaeyoung and dahyun shared a look and chaeyoung our her tablet down to look daehyung in the eyes.
“we have put up with this attitude because we know this is a big change for you. it’s a big change for us too. but in four months you will have a little sister daehyung. and you better be nice to her, she is going to love you but if you treat her badly she will grow to hate you and it will make you and the rest of us miserable okay?” chaeyoung was never strict. her and dahyun both didn’t like to be strict with the boys, they preferred talking it out to being strict. but it had been five months and daehyung was still not coming around with the idea of a baby sister. chaeyoung had watched her son be petty and annoying every time it was brought up. she couldn’t take it anymore. his behavior had to stop.
“fine.” daehyung pouted. “whatever.”
“chaeyoung just stop.” dahyun sighed, rubbing her swollen mid section. if daehyung was jsut going to be a little turd, they should let him. until the baby is born he can get this behavior out of his system. but once she was born, dahyun wasn’t going to put up with him being like this anymore.
“mommy have we picked a name for baby?” kihyun broke the awkward silence.
“no we haven’t thought of one.” dahyun laughed. “why don’t you suggest a name?”
“that’s your cousins name silly.” dahyun laughed. “and we aren’t japanese.”
“hm... i don’t know...” kihyun trailed off. “dae got any suggestions?”
“stupid head.” daehyung answered.
“your sister is not being named stupid head.” dahyun nodded.
“i think i have an idea of what to name her.” dahyun muttered, still stroking her tummy.
“what is it?”
“can’t say.” dahyun giggled at kihyun.
“what?” kihyun asked.
“you’ll have to wait until she’s born.” dahyun laughed.
“no fair i want to know.” kihyun whined.
“you will, eventually. and who knows mama might not even like it.” chaeyoung looked at dahyun in confusion, dahyun giggling at the confused look on her face.
later that night as they were laying in bed together chaeyoung stroked dahyun’s stomach as they laid together. chaeyoung wasn’t a clingy person and neither was dahyun it it was nice to have some quiet moments to themselves sometimes.
“so what is the name you came up with?” chaeyoung asked.
“i was thinking maybe we should name her haeun.” dahyun answered. “she’s our gift from god.”
“i love that name.” chaeyoung whispered, kissing dahyun’s cheek. “son haeun.”
“son haeun. it sounds nice doesn’t it?” dahyun giggled.
“yeah. it’s perfect.”
the day haeun was born was chaotic to say the least. dahyun has been right with her predictions about haeun being a worse pregnancy than daehyung. she had been miserable to have and dahyun’s morning sickness never really went away. by the end she just wanted haeun out of her stomach and in her arms.
but haeun didn’t get the message. she was stubborn like chaeyoung and deicded she wanted to be late. dahyun has been anxiously awaiting her due date and when she didn’t feel any contractions she was mad. then the second day passed with the same results.
“this is dumb i was told this would be over with on september twentieth.” dahyun pouted.
“she’s just taking her time baby.” chaeyoung giggled.
“yeah well your time is up son haeun. it’s time to come into the outside world.” dahyun told her stomach. chaeyoung laughed, dahyun was generally a slim person so when she was pregnant it always looked more dramatic on her than it did on others.
“she’ll come when she’s ready.” chaeyoung laughed.
“and when is that?”
“i don’t know. could be october before she’s ready.”
“please do not say that the thought of being like this for two more weeks fills me with fear.” dahyun sighed. “why can’t any of our kids be on time. i thought wow maybe haeun will be on time but no. she’s just as late as kihyun and daehyung were well-” dahyun stooped herslef mid rant and let out a little squeak.
“well what?”
“i-i think she understood i was mad.”
“what does that mean?”
“i just had a contraction.” dahyun ekked out. “and i think i’m going to have another one soon.”
“crap okay, let’s go. come on let’s get you to the hospital before you kill me like you nearly did with dae.” chaeyoung panicked, grabbing their baby bag and their phones.
“my water hasn’t broken yet i’m fine-” dahyun was interrupted by herself and let out a scream of pain.
“yes clearly you are very fine. would you like to-”
“just get me to the hospital you weirdo!” chaeyoung nodded and brought dahyun downstairs and to the car. she then went to get daehyung and kihyun, both of them groaning at being woken up after bedtime.
“hey boys, your baby sister is coming.” chaeyoung greeted them.
“she is?!” kihyun woke up and shows his excitement.
“yay.” daehyung commented,  unenthusiastically.
“let’s go!” kihyun yelled and ran down to the car. “mommy will we get to meet her soon?”
“yup. soon she will be with us.” dahyun smiled and rested one hand on her stomach. she left the part about how she nervous she wasn’t going to be able to do this out and just focused on her breathing as another contraction hit her.
“chaeyoung i cant do this.” dahyun sobbed. her face was bright red with the pain of labor. she had been at this for nearly twelve hours now. she was fully dilated but haeun still hadn’t made an appearance yet.
“yes you can.” chaeyoung answered, letting dahyun squeeze her hand super tightly. “you can do this. for haeun. for your daughter. we get to meet her soon dahyun. just a little more and we will be able to hold our baby girl.” chaeyoung couldn’t fight the giant smile on her face if she wanted. “i can’t wait.”
sana has the joy of taking kihyun and daehyung into dahyun’s hospital room after the baby was born. she knew it had been a long time coming for chaeyoung and dahyun and it wasn’t just the long labor. sana was holding their hands and kihyun opened the door to his mom’s hospital room.
“mommy!” daehyung ran to his mom.
“hey buddy, shh.” dahyun she’s her son, holding a pink bundle in her arms. chaeyoung was sitting next to her, observing the tiny baby in dahyun’s arms. “come meet your little sister.” kihyun and daehyung both went over and even daehyung couldn’t fight a smile at the pale tiny girl. she was so tiny, and so adorable. she was already fast asleep in dahyun’s arms, her tiny pouty lips pursed.
“what’s her name?” daehyung asked.
“haeun. son haeun.”
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