#at least more interesting than 2021 lmao
gorawe114 · 1 year
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i was lazy af this year lmao oh well, maybe the next one will be nicer!
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emj4yart · 5 months
Calling all Oncelings! I need your help!
Greetings, Onceler fandom! Tis I, MJ, just a little guy who wants your help on a big project I'm planning!
Here's the rundown: I want to do a deep-dive video on the Lorax, from its origins to its adaptations, to the cultural phenomenon that it has become, including a HUGE dedicated section to the fandom and its history! And I need your help with it! Keep reading if this interests you :D Rough outline of topics that I'm plannning on addressing:
The Original 1971 Book
The 1972 Short
The 2012 Illumination Movie (And what went WRONG, the cut content, analysis)
The 2015 Musical
The Onceler Fandom's Beginnings and Early Years (2012)
Shipping (Oncest, Normaler, the like)
Onceler OCs and aus! (Possibly an OC feature from those in the fandom!)
The Lorax in Meme Culture
The Resurgances of the Fandom (2015, 2021, 2023 Tiktok Boom)
Where's the fandom at now?
It's a huge project and that's why I want you all to help me with it! What do I want your help with? At the moment this is my list!
Research and Fact Checking on the "Content" Section, especially on lesser known topics like the musical or the cut content! (Pspspsps calling the five of you who actually know what the musical is)
RESEARCH AND FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCES OF THE ONCELER FANDOM'S EARLY DAYS!! I joined this place in 2023 so I don't know much about the early days of the fandom, and I want to know SO much more than I do! I want to know the scope, everything from the in-jokes to the aus to the deoncelerization. If you've been in this fandom since 2012 I would LOVE to hear from you!
Last but not least, I want the end of this video to be a love letter to this community, sharing firsthand experiences of what the Onceler as a character and the fandom means to you! I want to conduct interviews with people over discord (which is going to be a lot less fancy than it sounds so dw, it's not going to be an interrogation LMAO)
Specifics are subject to change but one thing will stay, I want to end the video to be made out of raw Love and Appreciation for this fandom, showcasing the side of this little corner of the internet that people who brush it off as mindless cringe don't see. All I've seen from this community is love and support and I want to be the video essayist who shows it for what it is!
At the moment I don't really have much of a plan (I'm not a very good planner lol), but if enough interets garners I know it'll help me streamline my motivation and come up with a game plan!
Feel free to leave me suggestions for where to go from here, maybe give out my discord? Make a Discord Server? Maybe there's something I can do solely on tumblr? I don't know! I don't know at all how Tumblr works! Help Me! Am just a little guy!
Alright that's all from me for now gamers, if this project interests you all in any capacity or you want to help out, please reblog/reply/message/ask/howeveranythingworksonthissite to let me know! Feel free to ask me questions or whatever as well! Peace out for now ✌️
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whoahoney · 4 months
Alright yall, Deftones/septum piercing boy turned into a ghost, may he rest in peace 💀 but never fear….
the Pizza Guy is here. 😏👀
That’s right, a new white boy of the month in Honeyland but that’s okay, I’ve decided to award him white boy of the month, every month for the rest of the year (at least) because he’s my BOYFRIEND!
he actually asked me and everything, like whaaaat?
I love the story of how we met so much so imma write it out a little bit before I toy with turning it into an Eddie fic like I did with the chilis waiter 💀🫶🏻
Read on if you’re interested in my weird love life, it’s appreciated but never required!
TW: pregnancy sickness, crush on someone other than your shitty ass husband (it’s okay we’re divorced now 🥳😂)
Basically back in 2021, I was heavily pregnant with my second child and alllllways craving pizza. I already order dominos often enough they know my name and order when I come in, but it was much more often than normal while I was growing a human 😂
One day, I go to pick up my order at the dominos hot spot in town and there is a handsome Covid-masked boy there waiting for me.
I’d never seen him before so I knew he was new. I got shy and just accepted the pizza, trying to get back into my car as quickly as possible. But then he gave me the loveliest smile and wished me a good day and I thought about it a smidge longer than a married woman should.
The next time I saw him, he gave me tons of paper plates and napkins and full shakers of pepper and Parmesan, and that became a regular occurrence I didn’t think too much of. (Turns out he was STEALING FROM WORK)
The next time, he asked me about how I was feeling, about my baby, and what his name was going to be.
And then the next time, I was late picking up my order, and it’s protocol to call the customer in that instance, so he calls me and asks if I’m okay. Truth be told, I wasn’t 💀 I had BARFED all over myself (cause pregnant) as I was driving over there. I was so upset, clamoring around my car searching for an old hoodie to pull on, but I couldn’t find anything 🥲
Obviously I wasn’t going to tell him all that, so I told him I’d be there momentarily, that I had just been sick.
He offers to drive it to me, free of charge, but I was almost there anyway.
He didn’t even acknowledge the puke on my shirt and gave me the same smile he always did (that I couldn’t see cause of the mask lmao) and told me to be careful going home.
lemme tell you that when I got back, I had a text from an unknown number asking if I got home okay 🥺 my friend was utterly convinced this dude had the hots for me but I was married and pregnant so I had a hard time hoppin on that bandwagon, “it’s not like anything’s going to happen anyway”
I’d say a month after that, I stopped seeing him and assumed he’d moved onto bigger and better things than dominos.
Cut to January 2024, I’m swiping on bumble, minding my business and I see the cutest guy in a Metallica shirt eating noodles straight from the pot over the sink. I was already set on swiping right, but then I looked further at his profile and lo and behold, a selfie in a familiar domino’s uniform!! It had to be him.
I swipe right, we MATCH, I confirm it’s him, he REMEMBERS ME, and we plan a date.
He suggested that we meet at our “old spot” and he’d bring dinner.
And what does he bring??
A dominos pizza and a dozen red roses. 🥺
Turns out my friend was right, he confirmed that he had a “huge little crush” on me and that he’d bargain with the other drivers to get my order if it wasn’t his to take 😭 he’d give them the tips I’d give him if he ever had to convince someone to switch with him 🥲
I’ve dated some very kind and respectful people since July 2023 but this guy blows them all out of the water 😭
He’s so communicative, his boundaries and emotional intelligence are unmatched, we have the same taste in music, his love languages are the same as mine, he’s also a single father (and absolutely rocks it), we share the same values, every day he’s surprising me with some lore of his, or his kindness, or thoughtful nature 🥺
he plans every date, sends me his work schedule so I know when I can come in for a surprise visit if I want to, he brings me snacks, pays for and pumps my gas, opens every door, and won’t even let me lift a finger in my own house!!! All without me asking.
And don’t get me started on the sex bro… I— I can’t. 🥲🫠😮‍💨
If you read this far, I love you, I hope you’re doing well, I miss my tumblr/eddie hyper fixation so much, but I feel it coming back 🤍 I hope to finish our beloved stories and give them all the endings they/we deserve 😌🥰
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Metallica Anon here responding to Taxidermy Anon's roll call. I'm going to be a little more extensive with my post so grab a snack and a drink. I'm a 31 male and I'm 10 months older than Viv. My story began around November of 2019 when I was (and still am) a member of a forum related to a show that I used to love but completely lose interest in. (If you're wondering what show? Let's just say Blitzø would love it. 😉) Then I noticed a few members had this particular character as their avatars. That character turned out to be Angel Dust of Hazbin Hotel. My curiousity grew and I eventually watched the pilot. I was completely enamored with it. I loved the animation, the characters, the voice acting, etc. Not long after, I began watching Helluva Boss and soon became enamored with show as well. For nearly four years, I was quite emotionally attached to Viv's shows, almost at the level of the cartoons I loved from my childhood. For a while, I thought Hazbin and Helluva could be some of the greatest cartoons in history. Unfortunately, as Phil Collins once sang, something happened to on the way to Heaven.
Actually, three things happened. I'll explain each one.
The Long Wait for Hazbin Hotel: I don't know how or why I managed to hold on for so long, but I did. I've endured HH's signing to A24 in 2020, the voice actor replacement debacle in 2021, and the character "redesigns" in 2022. I remember in November of '22, I had two things to be excited for in '23: the new Metallica album in April and Hazbin in the summer. (At least one of the things happened.)
To occupy my mind, I binge watched a cartoons until Hazbin would air, which I assumed would be as early as June. When June came, a lot of us were expecting at least a trailer. What did we get?  A cheap Angel Dust picture! I think this is when my hype for HH began to deflate. Then in July, Viv announced HH would be delayed due to the WGA/SAG strikes. At first, I thought the reasons were understandable, but then found out A24 can promote their stuff during the strikes. This made me feel suspicious on what’s going on. Once summer ended, I officially gave up on Hazbin Hotel… then the trailer came out with a release date, which is JANUARY 2024!
Did the trailer reignite my interest? HAH! No! I’m wasting any more time waiting for this shit! But that’s not the only reason…
The Decline of Helluva Boss: Up until this year, I loved Helluva Boss. I enjoyed the shenanigans of Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona. I would always find some enjoyment in every episode, even the bad episodes like “CHERUB” and “The Circus.” However, Helluva had long waits between episodes ranging from two to six months. Yet somehow, I endured because at least new episodes were coming out.
Then came the episode “Exes and Oohs.” I hesitated to watch it at first as some previews and clips I saw turned me off. Then I finally watched the full episode… and I absolutely hated it! Unlike the previous bad episodes of HB, I did not find ANY enjoyment in this episode. Then came the episode “Western Energy “and the same happened again. Hesitated to watch at first, finally watched it and absolutely hated it. I began to question myself on why I am I still watching this. Finally came the episode “Unhappy Campers,” and that episode was the final straw for me. That episode made me so angry that I wanted to smash my head into my laptop. Three strikes, you’re out!
Ever since that damn episode, I swore off Helluva Boss. I have not watched a new episode or even rewatched an old episode. It also got me thinking if HB’s writing is this bad, I believe HH’s writing will be just bad or worse. Now let’s get to the source of the shit…
Viv’s True Colors: For a long time, I did not know very much about Vivienne Medrano, her history, or who see really is. I simply viewed her as a regular person who somehow found success in independent animation…
Then came spring 2023 when I learned of the ErinFrost and KenDraws allegations against her by Ayy Lmao’s YouTube videos. Those allegations really got me thinking and my views of Viv began to change. Later in the summer, I began using my abandoned Tumblr account and I stumbled upon the Viv Critical community… and learned everything awful about Viv. Not only is Viv awful, so is her fanbase. I can honestly say that the VivziePop fanbase is probably the most toxic I have ever been in… and this is coming from someone who was apart of another infamous fanbase back in the 2010s. I mean, I have never seen a creator that encourages their fans to attack and send deaths to anyone who has even the slightest bit of criticism.
*sigh* This post has gotten too long so I’m gonna wrap it up. Fuck Viv, she’s a leper messiah. 🖕
-Metallica Anon 🤘
That was a great story, Metallica Anon. Sucks that it had to happen, but if it had to, glad you found your way here!
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spider-man-2o99 · 11 months
ok i’m still On Break do not take this post as a sign that i’m like. Actively Tumblring again yet because i’m still not, 4 the most part, but i have had my ear to the ground for special interest things, of fuckign course, of course, bcuz i’m me, and i. just. i am .i’m so fucking sorry to all the new SM2099 comic fans who are only just now realizing just now how dire the straits are, here, LMAO. it has been this way for Years. earnestly and from the bottom of my heart i love spider-man 2099 so much and also nobody on the goddamn planet Cares About Him At All or can even fucking write him half-decently unless every single celestial bodie in the fucking milky way galaxy comes into perfect fucking syzygy, i think, i think, i think. why did u think we (me) had a psychotic episode after that fuckin movie dropped. fucksake. lord above. because it’s all always “ohhh being yourSELF and telling your OWN story your OWN way” until you Look A Certain Way and ARE A Certain Way and Have Symptoms That Look Frightening and Don’t Move Around Like ‘Normal’ People Should Move, fuckin’ freaky-ass creature beast-thing, and so on and so on and so on, Christ all-fuckin’-mighty. gets tiring. but. anywaygs.
it is far easier to be destructive, than constructive. so. ahem. sorry. refocusing. it seems quite simply that just yet another goddamn story missed the point that 90s future spider-man is a story about very plainly and simply loving each other as people. it’s a story about a severely depressed, miserable, cynical little man who finds new reasons to live in every kind person he meets, and there is an open earnesty to that, if nothing else, that no movie can take away 30 years later. anybody can decide to try and be a better person than the one they were yesterday, and that is goddamn important. to portray anything otherwise was an unfathomably cruel decision, on sony’s part, and as soon as we got trailer evidence that they were leaning into his more “intimidating” features back in ~dec. 2021, i.. pretty much Knew it was what they were gonna be doing with him. why wouldn’t they? i mean. who actually even cares about this obscure nobody, right? c-listers are the tried-and-true adaptational chameleons, anyways; they sure suckered in dumbasses like me, who still took blind hope in hook line and sinker, thinking he’d be important to the film, or at the very least portrayed sympathetically to his 30 years of established comic history as a character who is consciously aware that he is an adult survivor of fucking child abuse. but. c’est la fucking vie, i guess.
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akimojo · 8 months
I'm very happy I found your blog! I absolutely ADORE ff13. The story, the characters, the mythos... it's all so compelling to me. I get frustrated whenever I see people hate on this game because I honestly do not understand why some claim it's the worst ff in existence? I totally get that the combat is not everyone's cup of tea (I personally love it) and that the linearity can be tedious to players who enjoy big open worlds, but in terms of the story itself and its characters I really can't comprehend what all the negative backlash is about. Which sucks because I truly would like to understand where the hate is coming from. My only major criticism is that the exposition could have been better executed, since a lot of it is hidden in the datalog entries. But other than that, I think the characters are very complex and the way the story unravels around them is a wonder to experience. Also as a side note, I can't believe people still hate Hope and accuse him of being annoying and useless when he's arguably the character that evolves and shows the most growth in the entire game 😭 It's almost as if the people who hate on him didn't finish the game. But yeah, I was wondering if you have any criticisms regarding ff13? I'm very interested in your opinion!
GODDD i know right??? subjective opinion is all fine and dandy, but it's the people that claim the game is objectively bad that really frustrate me 😭 ESPECIALLY when they shit on any of the characters (hope my boy </3) because honestly??? ffxiii has THE best character arcs in the whole franchise and that's a hill i'll die on
as for criticisms? i actually do have some, believe it or not fdjsmf
as much as i personally love the gameplay i gotta admit i don't like how slow-paced it can be. boss fights are really really fun, but fighting regular mob enemies when you're grinding (and you really do need to grind a lot after reaching pulse) can get real tedious
i like that not everything is told to us directly and that we have to figure out a lot of stuff on our own, but i do dislike how some important information in the datalogs are not really brought up in the game itself. like the first time i played xiii-2 i was so confused when serah mentioned being saved by vanille once? and then in 2021-ish when i replayed xiii again and read the datalogs i saw that they actually wrote that vanille and fang carried serah out of the vestige after she was turned l'cie and i just!! why was that not at least hinted at some more!!
also, they did vanille's english voice actor so dirty 😭 she does such an amazing job in the sequels and i don't understand why the english localization team made her do all those noises in xiii lmao
speaking of vanille, i'm also really disappointed that her and lightning barely interact!!!!! they're the two most important characters in the first game but they probably have the least interactions together out of any other pair in the group and it bugs me so much ashdfjms
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zanarkandfayth · 3 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @ivorydice, thank you <3
I ignored the rules to make up my own lmao. Doing twelve fics I like a lot rather than the last ten, particularly because I'd like a wider time range to see how things have changed. The actual last ten would just be the first two and then all eight of the fics I did for fatherly love week in 2021 :/ Most of which were written in a very stress-filled, sleepless week right before the deadline haha. Going back to some of my earliest ffxv fics will be more interesting; curious to see how they all start because I know I usually try to make the opening line intriguing, but not always.
o1. "Chocobos! Noct, look at the sign, they have chocobos! Can we go see them?" || Ameliorate
o2. Ignis sighs as he puts his foot on the brake, resisting the strong temptation to close his eyes and bow his head against the steering wheel for a moment. || The Monsters Running Wild
o3. Ding! The noise of the first one cuts loudly through the quiet of his room, rousing him from a heavy slumber, but right now he's more asleep than awake, his eyes still closed. It's easy to ignore. || From That First Moment
o4. "Alright. Ready to not get your ass kicked today?" || Where They Should Be
o5. Noct hesitates, staring with dread at the panel of buttons before him. || Where It Matters Less
o6. The thick, metallic smell of blood is still lingering in Noct's nose when he wakes with a gasp, eyes flying open, wide and startled as he looks unseeing around him. || Everything
o7. "Hey, wanna go to the arcade today?" Prompto slings a friendly arm around Noct as he asks the question, a bright grin across his face as he waits hopefully for the answer. || Heavy is the Burden
o8. Insomnia is a mess. || Under Grey Skies
o9. Coming to this party was a mistake. || Six Ways from Sunday
1o. It starts happening the day Insomnia falls. || The Shadows Growing Tall
11. "I feel like my feet are going to fall off," Prompto whines as they all trudge back to the Regalia. || Dark Corners
12. The first time everyone thinks Prompto and Cor meet is when Prompto is sixteen. || What Lies Below
...so the only two I actually wish had better openings are monsters and heavy. which makes sense. monsters I just started writing at random because at that point it was supposed to be a one-shot and also never shared with anyone other than the bestie. so I didn't care where I started it.
heavy I, uh, stole the opening from nano/aftermath fic LOL. because nanofic was only a chapter and some change then, with a horrible idea I hated, and I thought I was never gonna come back to it so I might as well repurpose the few bits of it that were good. now I have a better idea and I'm actually writing it... but I still haven't changed the opening a whole lot. they're just gonna be similar forever. oh well.
but the rest feel like they either did a decent job at being an interesting hook or at least not being super boring or something. though I feel like I maybe had stronger hooks in my earlier fics, hmm. damn you brain fog.
oh, tagging... hhh I usually never tag people for these things because I am awkward and dunno who is okay with being tagged. so low-key no pressure ignore if you want mutual-tagging @quartzguts, @smallest-turtle, @breakfastteatime, @every-lemon, @elidelio, @thisfairytalegonebad, @tumbleloon, aaaaaand... whoever else is a writer that wants to do this.
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panelshowsource · 2 months
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i agree that the podcast really is so interesting — and imo it's a lot of plain gossip and tv criticism masked as "professional insight", which i live for lmao — but there are times she is really too much... she often mocks or eye-rolls things in a way that, again, doesn't feel constructive and comes off as very rude. mean girl energy. it also bothers me how she will talk at richard instead of engaging in a back and forth, and sometimes that turns into an episode in which she speaks 80% of the time. then again, as content cycles throughout the year, sometimes what's on/hot atm is just more in her wheelhouse than his, so we just have to wait for new taskmaster, new bbc comedies, new doctor who, whatever interests him, and then hopefully he'll have even more opportunities to shine... i do cherish when he gets a chance to speak lmao
but fr take a shot every time she says "a friend of mine who works at _______ told me blah blah"
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i'll work on tracking that down!! it would be fun to watch more of them 😋
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aren't they too much? i was just thinking how amazing would it be if they were a pair on pointless celebs ...........
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you know how once you notice an actor then suddenly you start to see them everywhere? (especially on uk tv which is not as big a pool as you'd think it would be...) that was me and charlotte ritchie! it was like wow this girl is everywhere!
anyways, i'm not sure what her aims are atm... she's done quite a bit of comedy but am i the only one who thinks she would body a crime series? or something like broadchurch?
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glad you got a chance to catch my response and watch some fun things! i was thinking a little more about what else to recommend, and i think if you enjoy the quirky nature of repertoire then you should check out huge davies, and if you enjoy the storytelling format like greg davies typically does then you should try out dara ó briain and russell howard (maybe the 2021 lubricant special to start) :) enjoy!!
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hahaha this is funny... it's a good question 😅 there are a few reasons... he's good bantz! he doesn't take himself too seriously, laughs at himself, can be teased, isn't mean spirited. people really appreciate that. plus, he represents a lot of people who aren't otherwise on tv — not primetime bbc, at least. there starts to be an issue when he just...doesn't try, doesn't contribute. he's fallen asleep on like three different shows? didn't he just...not show up to the second-half of his bakeoff special? often he's got nothing to say? mo really carried the convos on his talk show, his teammates carried him on bfq, and so on. he just doesn't seem to have the interest or perhaps the stamina (orrr perhaps the respect) for long records 😅
anyways, he was being pushed for a little while, but that appears to have stopped. he's hasn't been around too much lately 🤔 (tho ngl idk what he's up to!)
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yesss this is a great video and i'll link it here in case anyone wants to check it out! it reminded me that i really need to seek out his celeb hunted episodes hahaha
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when the news came out he would be playing an 'egon spengler type' i was like yep lmao
he and ed mention quite often how many auditions they go to, especially james, for big movies like wonka and ghostbusters — no surprise to me imo! especially since it seems he's focused on films over tv 🤔
can't say i saw ghostbusters tho i'm sorry 😭
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WELLLL now that it's out how have you been enjoying it? 😊🥰 where is your review, anon !!
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susie dent gifs are high on my list, working on those for this week for sure!!! it's just...how to choose...she's just too pretty....
but i love ALL of your suggestions, duly noted 😍
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
hi nic nj hardcore scene historian. could i ask for some essential podcasts of thursday/geoff <3 if you have the time ofc :-)
YES OFC okay i need to warn you that this shit is Potent. you will fall in love and it will get to a point where you need a certain amount of food water geoff podcast just to get you through the day. if you search "geoff rickly" on spotify and sort podcasts i can genuinely say every single one of them is worth a listen. but here are a couple that are a good starting place, from memory:
going off track (october 2012): this one's a classic because it's the first time he appeared on steven smith's (yes, of untitled rock show fame) podcast - he's been on it a couple of times and every one is great but this one covers a good deal of interesting information about the jersey hardcore scene geoff was really involved in (which is really cool to learn about as a my chem fan too!) and the vibes are good bc they all go way back (one of the co-hosts, jonah bayer, is in another grindcore/punk band with geoff)
sappenin' (october 2019): again, vibes are great with these hosts because they've been friends for ages. i'm not sure exactly how in-depth they explain it but geoff went through some real shit in 2014-16 and some of that's referenced in here. two pieces of context just in case: they talk a bit about the band geoff formed with the ex-members of l*stprophets after that lead singer went to jail for some fucked up stuff (major csa warning if you google), and also about the music label geoff created in an attempt to prove that it was possible to run an ethical, artist-first label, which...imploded quite dramatically and publicly because he trusted the wrong investor lol.
cautionary tales (january 2018): the vibes of this one aren't as laid-back and fun but it is very interesting and informative about, like, scene history and politics as it relates to both thursday and my chem
lead singer syndrome (feb 2021): geoff has earned his poor little meow meow title more than anyone else. they talk quite a bit about all the label bullshit thursday/geoff went through in this one
shallow rewards dream life of emo part 1 and 2 (sept 2016): again this one's really interesting in terms of emo/post-hardcore history and situating both thursday and my chem in that, fairly succinct too
and last but not least it's worth mentioning that geoff has his own short podcast on spotify (under geoffrey rickly) about mental health in the arts industry, and this episode specifically features steve from thursday and norm brannon (who is also currently touring with thursday) and they discuss homophobia and being closeted as a touring artist in the scene (nothing graphic or too upsetting, but definitely worth a listen).
okay that's already quite a lot of podcast lol but like i said. you can't go wrong. some of the guys, especially tucker and steve, have done some good ones too which are funny to listen to after geoff podcasts bc both those guys are like eighty times less dramatic than geoff in general lmao. also shout-out to this one by stu, thursday's current touring bassist (and geoff's no devotion bandmate), because he does talk quite a bit about geoff in it, but also because it's just like. a really good listen. they talk about some pretty confronting stuff regarding the l*stprophets situation, im not exaggerating when i say this episode made me laugh out loud and cry in my car within like the same ten minutes.
anyway. have fun good luck not falling deeply deeply into parasocials with geoff after these lol ✌️ and just in general, to mcr fans, i honestly think getting to know a little bit of this kind of stuff can really enhance your enjoyment and appreciation of my chem as well!
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pan-magi · 6 months
I see that youve been a fan of magi for a long time, how do you cope with the lack of content and pretty much dead fandom? Ive been a long time fan or magi too and ive been trying to get my friends into magi.
Hi, Anon! I guess I have. It doesn't really feel like it though? I got into Magi early 2017 sometime and ran this blog for about 6 months or something until I vanished. This was meant to be my hyperfixation dump blog. The first one was Magi, and it... stayed Magi, lol.
This becomes very long but the tl;dr is Magi was more popular once upon a time and you can track down and return to older stuff with the lack of new content. And be honest to your friends about the ups and downs of what you like or what they could like about the series and keep conversations going with them.
At the time, I'll say Magi content was fairly active. The manga was ongoing but wrapping up, the main anime had ended but Adventures of Sinbad was only a year out or so. It wasn't anything to do with the series of why I left. More so I found new shiny things to focus on -- I had recently graduated college, yes, I'm old -- and fell out of love with tumblr more so than Magi and soon was not producing the content or consuming enough to stay interested in the series after it wrapped.
I'd love to give some great advice to stay interested in less popular series because I feel honored you asked. I can't claim to be good at it myself though. I got back into the series when I was sick late 2021 and binged everything. I re-watched the anime and then reread the manga when I got better.
You can try promoting it to your friends as good binge material. Magi does deal with themes you can sink your teeth into but it isn't super heavy. You don't realize how much you've gone through until you have.
I apologize for such a long answer. Let me try to get to your main point. I don't really think of it as something that's inactive or dead. The anime may be incomplete but the manga is done with. I don't think Ohtaka has much more to say on it, and that's why she has moved on to Orient. The series is wrapped- for better or worse. I'm not here to dissect how good or not the final arcs are. This is long enough and getting off topic XD. If you only have/can watch the anime then that's understandable. Accessibility and availability options are different for manga. For me, knowing the author has a complete version out there in some form and having access to it makes it easier. Content will come and go. Yes, I want more. I at least have a full course meal even if part of the dessert has disappeared into the ether.
Another thing that helps is that Magi is a young series. Not in the age range it appeals to but in how long it has been around. 14-15 years? Baby isn't old enough to drive in most places, lmao. The majority of fandoms I've been in are older or about as old as I am (30s). I am used to droughts in content and things coming in and out of popularity. Both in my ADHD-wired brain and by the fandom at large. I don't mean to say that younger fans are too fickle. As I said, I'm awful at it myself. There's a large gap of time (late 2017-2021) where my interests and priorities were elsewhere. I've only been active in the fandom for a few years at most.
I will say to help out try to explore the backlog of content if you have the chance and haven't already. New fan content may not be the most plentiful. Out of all the fandoms I follow the most relate to Magi and all of the tags are the quickest to breeze through what's new. It's sad. I haven't been active in this fandom for years, and there's stuff in its peak that I haven't gotten around to seeing that is still there for me to find. 14 years may not be that old in the grand scheme of things but that is still a long time for various fan art, fic, and other content to have been put up. If there's not enough new stuff to interest your friends, recommend older stuff you are aware of. Tumblr does not have the best search option and in my experience tags dry up after going back far enough even though I know older stuff exists. That is annoying and don't have a good counter on how to combat it.
Remember the old when you don't have enough new. Cycle through your favorite things at different intervals. Not for Magi specifically, but I reread some of my favorite fic that were over a decade old at the point of me discovering them. Now they're almost twice that age. One day go through one artist's backlog, then the next do someone else's, or read the fic that got you to love the fandom in the first place. If you get tired of older things or seen the same old too often- no worries! You can take a break or watch/read the series again (accessibility or availability again to be determined and yeah that majorly sucks). Scribble your own ideas down, regardless if you want to post them. Scratch that itch for you and no one else.
That is the best advice I can give. Try finding something else you haven't seen before or let yourself enjoy stuff you have. For your friends, this may sound counterintuitive but one thing I do when recommending stuff is give them a heads up as well on stuff they may not like. Like, mine is that I despise Aladdin being a little pervert. I've mentioned before how it turned me off the manga when I first picked it up at random. Don't try to catch them off guard by saying how wonderful something is and leaving out something that may turn them off. In my experience, that leads to annoyed friends. Give them the full picture, with spoilers being whatever you guys agree to, and let the strength of what you enjoy outweigh the caveats they have. Sometimes something is just not for them, and that is okay too. If they do start getting into Magi, keep the conversation up, ask them their favorite or least favorite thing, ship, how annoying and annoyingly charming Sinbad (or anyone) is, etc. Be someone to talk to about it even if they can't find new good shit to enjoy. Be that for each other. I dunno. I don't have friends irl who like Magi. If I did that's what'll I do. *shrug*
I am so sorry for the length and I don't feel as if I have been very helpful. I tried to edit it down and be as concise as I could. I can't do that on short notice or not being able to save drafts on asks. I hope this was a fun anecdotal read at least.
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amourdeslangues · 8 months
hello there!
not exactly sure how to start this blog lmao - but since this is a langblr, i'll just kick it off with an introduction of my progress with each language i'm currently learning. (mostly leaving english and german out of it for now, because those are my native languages, but i speak those as well ofc)
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français /// french
on commence avec le français! une de mes langues préferées et définitivement la langue étrangère que je parle le mieux. je l'apprends depuis environ 7 ans maintenant. à cause d'un voyage en france avec ma famille et d'un guide de la langue que j'avais trouvé dans un magasin, j'ai commencé à apprendre indépendamment quand je n'avais que neuf ou dix ans, mais le début de mes études du français dans un context scolaire - ça veut dire, d'une manière plus structurée mdr - suivait bientôt après cela. maintenant, je pense qu'on peut dire que je parle le français couramment. pas dans le sens qu'on pourrait me confondre avec une locuteuse native, mais je peux me débrouiller dans toutes sortes de situations presque aussi bien que dans mes langues maternelles. comme but, je veux maintenir un niveau assez bien pour (1) passer mon examen oral de l'Abitur (bac) en français avec la meilleure note possible et (2) étudier les sciences de la littérature en france après l'école.
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svenska /// swedish
Hej allihoppa, trevligt att träffas! Jag kan inte säga precis när jag började lära mig svenska - jag började att intresserar mig för språket för 3-4 år sedan, men jag pluggade (?) inte verkligen aktivt förrän våren detta år. Tidigare kunde jag bara säga några små fraser, men jag kunde inte uttrycka mig på svenska. Jag tror att jag [made a lot of progress?] sedan dess. Jag älskar särskilt ljudet av svenska språket, det är väldigt melodiskt och unikt. Mitt [long-term?] mål är att tala flytande svenska. Just nu vill jag:
Läsa en hel roman på svenska för första gången ("I ljuset från gryningen", en deckare som jag köpte för två dagar sedan)
Lära mig nya ord
Bli mer självsäker när jag pratar svenska ([unfortunately?] känner jag inga människor från Sverige, men jag har en vän som läser språket också. Han är nästa flytande och vi pratar ibland på svenska med varandra, men trots att jag förstår nästan allt vad han säger är jag osäker att min uttal är för dålig att förstå när jag säger någonting själv 😅 så jag behöver mer övning med att tala)
farsi (persian) and gaeilge (irish gaelic)
i'm lumping these two into one part (written in english) because i'm not sufficiently fluent in either language to be able to write a full text, lmao
i technically started learning persian about a year ago, but since i keep getting interrupted because of things like having to do too much schoolwork, i'm still at a very low level. i also feel like it's more difficult than learning swedish, for example, because it's from a different language family than any of the languages i speak rn - less loanwords, words related to each other, structural similarities etc. that would help me understand! at least i mostly know the alphabet now, but practically i'm only able to say a few simple things: hello, good morning, how are you etc. however, it's a really interesting language and i'd love to get into actively studying it again! my next goal is to reach A1 level in reading, writing, listening and speaking... let's see how that goes ^^
also, if anyone knows any good resources for learning farsi, please let me know! i'm currently using a combination of a textbook directed at german speakers (called با هم), the Persian course on Memrise and the youtube channels Chai & Conversation and Persian Learning, but it's a bit difficult to find learning materials... (i'm salty that duolingo doesn't have it lmfao)
as for irish gaelic, i (hyper)focused on it for a couple of months in 2021, in particular because part of my family is irish - nobody taught me the language and i'm not really close with my paternal relatives, but i'm still interested in it because... heritage reasons, y'know. also, there are so many fascinating aspects of the language - unique little grammar quirks, pronunciation, all that! i kind of stopped practicing though because i had too little time, so now i just remember random little phrases i learnt off duolingo: dia duit, comhghairdeas (i'm proud of remembering how to spell it lol), ithim cáis (an extremely useful sentence in daily life, i know)...
right now, i don't anticipate irish being a major focus of this blog, but i'm going to dublin in two days (aaaa!!!) and maybe that'll reactivate my slight obsession with the language, so who knows...
about me
i love everything related to languages - obviously foreign languages, but also things like linguistics and literature... i also write a lot in my free time!
on the rare occasions where i'm not doing anything language-related, i'm also very interested in chemistry. i like listening to music (i mean, who doesn't) & my favourite genres are rock, indie and melodic death metal - but i'll listen to almost anything, especially if it's in one of my target languages (really into swedish and persian pop rn). i enjoy hiking and cycling, and i've been learning how to dance for about a year.
i'm really looking forward to getting to know other people in the langblr community and exchanging ideas, progress, tips for learning... on y va :D
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allalrightagain · 9 months
Fic Stats Game
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
Thanks for the tag @bluestringpudding and @lunapwrites !!!!
Most hits:
DIWF/We’re all Monsters (Living in a Dream), not surprising given it's my only multichap and it's been posting since 2021. (In general, this is where all my highest stats are lol). This fic is my baby and I love how much everyone seems to love it too <3 (WIP, Remus & Harry, T, gen-- Werewolf!Harry gets parented by Remus, and also they're disabled)
Second most kudos:
If logic beat hate (by only a little) My first fic posted to Ao3 (upon request 🥰) originally posted to pillowfort when I was hanging out there, and written entirely while I walked my dog lmao (Petunia & Harry, T, gen-- basically the answer to the question "how would Harry actually end up in Slytherin?")
Third most comments:
Hospitality this one is wild to me because it hasn't even been up for a month yet and was only revealed last week. Written for HPFC's Untagged Fest, it has effectively no tags and was a new character for me to write, and also as close as I've gotten to smut (Amelia/Narcissa, M-- Narcissa and Amelia reconnect under suspicious circumstances)
Fourth most bookmarks:
we begin in the dark ALSO written for HPFC's Untagged Fest, but last year's. In a minor mixup, won Best Gen and then was corrected to Best Slash, as well as Most Interesting Characters. It has apparently sold a lot of people on Pegulus and it's probably the standalone fic I'm most proud of. (Peter/Regulus, T-- Peter and Regulus against the world)
Fifth most words:
whatever you do (come back) written for HPFFWG's Comfort Zone Fest (are you noticing a theme yet?) Not actually that long in reality (2.5k) it's just that most of what I write is very short lol. My one true attempt at writing fluff! (Tonks & Dean Thomas, T-- platonic soulmates AU, post war)
Fic with least words:
dollops of paint on a new work of art All of the Pocket Dad updates trend very short (<1k) but this is the shortest so far at 263 words. (Peter, G, gen-- Peter Processing Some Shit circa OotP.)
Some fun bonus stats I realized while looking these up:
Of 17 total works, roughly half of my total wc is in DIWF, and more than half of the works are less than 1k. I also have exactly the same number of Peter fics and Harry fics. Sirius and Remus tie for second, and Ron and Regulus tie for third.
Tagging: @mkaugust @luxuriousmalfoy @sandervansunshine @twentysevensummers
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 year
Anybody else feel like there's going to be a major shakeup on the grid for next year? I say this now and guaranteed the grid will be identical to this year but anyways 💀💀 here's my predictions as we get closer to silly season;
Red Bull; Max for definite ain't going nowhere. Now Checo I feel like it's make or break from here until the summer break. Either 1 he's there for another year or 2 he's choosing to leave the red bull umbrella or Helmets demoting him to alpha tauri. I don't see any other way. I could see Yuki getting the call if the seat becomes available and he's definitely earned that phonecall from his work with alpha tauri. The lastest video red bull posted of him and Max racing each other could be them trying to soft launch it and trying to test the waters of public opinion but they have had Yuki and Max do media videos just the two of them before. Daniel's been mentioned but I'm not sure if I see that happening, alpha tauri seems more likely, I do see Helmet using him as a threat to Checo similarly to how Toto used talks with Daniel and Esteban to push Bottas to sign quicker (the talks were never serious on mercs end, resigning Bottas was always the main goal up until and including when he made the decision to leave the team and go elsewhere in 2021) but Helmet Marko is many things, predictable, ain't one of them. The tests at Silverstone will be interesting though. I wouldn't be surprised if the seat becomes vacant and they try to get Alex back, he definitely impressed a lot of people with his performance at the last race and his work over the last two years with Williams and he did so much work to help red bull develop two championship winning cars. Alex has recently said that's not the plan in the short term so I think his position with Williams is secured for at least the next season but who knows what might happen when silly season kicks off properly. Prior to Charles' contract extension news, I could've seen red bull also pursuing him, they've talked a little too much about him and Ferrari recently for it to be accidental (Helmet going from "he's inconsistent" to praising Charles for taking risks in order to bring the best performance possible out of an inferior car... Interesting) so maybe in the future they'll try to bring Charles onto the team. I do genuinely think GP would recommend Charles as a possible new red bull driver purely so that he knows Max will at least get to race Charles and then have less time to talk to him on the radio to distract himself lmao.
Alpha Tauri; I'm sorry but unless Nyck completely turns his season around from here to Abu Dhabi, I don't think he has a chance in hell of getting a contract renewal from Helmet Marko. There's a lot of talk about Daniel coming in, which I do get them wanting an experienced driver given the issues alpha tauri has had the past two seasons but I do admit, despite my love for Daniel, I'm setting the nostalgia glasses down a second, I would be a little annoyed because that's another year alpha tauri, one of the few teams actually set up for developing young drivers, doesn't bring up one of said developing drivers. But do I see it happening? At the moment I do. It's also important to note that as Alpha Tauri is losing Franz Tost as tp, I do see how having an experienced driver at least for the new tp's first year would be beneficial. I mentioned Checo possibly being demoted above but I wouldn't be surprised if Checo simply walked from the red bull umbrella entirely rather than go to alpha tauri. Yuki and the team work so well together so I don't see him leaving for another team unless he gets the red bull seat, he could maybe be pursued by other teams such as Alpine or Aston but I don't see why those teams would change their lineups as of now. If Yuki moves up to the main team and Nyck loses his seat, Liam Lawson should definitely at the very least get a call. I wouldn't put it past Helmet to try to offer the seat to Mick either (there's multiple valid reasons why I think Helmet might pursue him but the funniest and pettiest reasons why I see him doing so is just so he can piss off Toto and to try to lure Seb back into the fold and work with the team bts, two birds with one stone lmao).
Ferrari; I don't see Carlos leaving. Before this year and last year I would've laughed at the possibility of Charles leaving Ferrari and while I don't believe he'll leave them anytime soon especially not with the new contract extension, Ferrari is his dream and he wants a championship with them, but it's been shit show after shit show for so long now. Ferrari desperately needs to get their shit together and reward the trust and faith he has in them before they push him into pursuing the championship with someone else because that is what will end up happening if they don't make some positive progress.
Aston Martin; no changes unless Fernando Fernando's again lmao (arguments against him doing that; good relationships with team, his teammate, he's been in the podium places pretty consistently and he might get to battle for a race win at some point this year. arguments for him doing that; his contract history, Aston is going to be getting a Honda engine). If Fernando does that, Felipe will probably get the call.
Williams; I don't have any particular feelings regarding Logan but I don't see them changing their lineup next year. Alex's work has definitely impressed so I do see Williams may have to fight to hold onto him but I think his seat is secure for at least 2024. If Alex is successfully pursued by other teams, then maybe Mick will get a call but I think Williams' lineup is settled for next year.
Alfa Romeo; Bottas and Zhou are a good lineup together so I don't see any immediate changes here but given that audi will be taking over Sauber in 2026 and Alfa Romeo will effectively be no more, there's a possibility that either Bottas or Zhou or both could be replaced by a driver line up backed by Audi in preparation for that but I would think that they would want to hold on to ar least Zhou and I think any changes are more likely for 2025 rather than 2024. There has been a lot of discussion about Mick being in contention for a seat since the Audi announcement.
Alpine; I don't see any changes for next year. So far Esteban and Pierre have worked well together and as yet they haven't had any major issues such as infighting so I don't see why there would be any changes.
McLaren; I see zero changes for 2024. After the pr mess last year which harmed any progress they've made with their image post Ron Dennis, they genuinely can't afford to lose Lando who is a major draw in for the team, but I do see him at least entertaining other offers for longer than he has in the past given how much issues his latest cars have had. Every time Red Bull have had talks with him, he's then announced a contract extension with McLaren lmao but I don't see another extension being added this year, at least not until McLaren makes some headway with their car. Oscar has been performing well so I don't think they'd replace him but if I was Mark Webber/his manager I'd be pushing him in red Bull's direction (I blame whoever said he was red bull coded because that's all I can think about since) but I don't know if he'd take the alpha tauri seat and I don't think he'd get an immediate to ticket for the red bull one just yet, I think if red bull wanted one of the McLaren drivers for the red bull seat they'd pursue Lando first. All in all I don't think there's going to be any changes here.
Merc: unless Lewis pulls a Nico and unexpectedly retires, I don't see any changes. Could see Toto trying to pursue Charles and at least giving a call to Esteban if Lewis does pull a Nico but I don't think that scenario is likely.
Haas; unless Haas redos what they did at the end of 2020 to kmag (which would be doubly cruel) and Romain Grosjean or what they did at the end of 2022 to Mick, I don't see any changes.
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thompsborn · 7 months
Hello!!! i’m so interested in the HB2 plot! I feel like we see peter angst way more commonly than Harley—so if you ever feel up for rambling about it under a cut or a spoiler tag this is a free space to do so! He really is my blorbo and you’re my favorite fic writer so I know whatever happens it’ll be amazingly done but I’m dying for hints at more of what that’ll look like! Are we talking, like, caught in the literal crossfire or devastating hostage situation 😂
okay before i do the harley rambles i!? I’m your favorite fic writer??? my guy what the FUCK that’s so sweet but also have u read any of sarah’s fics?? oddy’s parkner fic or oddy’s parksborn fic??? ANY of the Classic Iconic parkner fics circa 2020-2021?
i’m actually very VERY slowly making a parkner fic rec list to post at some point but just. WHAT. there are So many INCREDIBLE fic writers and saying i’m your favorite is BONKERS to me but also so nice i ??? thank you??? oh my god???? ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
okay anyway sorry to what the ask was actually about pfkfj, HARLEY!!! i agree it’s definitely a lot easier to come across peter angst than harley angst, which most likely has to do with the fact that there is a LOT of material to draw from for peter’s character—various movies, comics, shows, timelines and universes and the games. it’s a lot easier to come up with angst for peter because there’s a lot of canon angst to choose from AND there’s so much content for him that it’s a lot easier to get a grasp on his character and create angst based on that, you know? but as a fandom we have definitely created many ideas of harley based on when he was a kid in im3 and his cameo in endgame, plus the WEB comics + ride at avengers campus, so harley angst is for sure out there but like you said it is NOT easy to come across lmao
as for the HB2 plot—i have an ask in my drafts from like a month or two ago asking for more information about hb2 and i’m gonna try to finally finish answering that and post it sometime today, so that post will definitely include some insight in what to expect from the sequel, but harley in hb2 specifically? i GOTCHU.
OKAY !!! let's do this!!
so homeward bound, as i've said before, is PETER'S story post no way home, right? but in hb2 it's peter AND HARLEY'S story post homeward bound. the first chapter is a recap of the first fic from harley's pov with a lot of extra bits thrown in, starting on the day that thanos first snapped and ending either where the first fic ends or maybe in the summer between school years. unsure as of now but one of those, for sure. so that's going to offer a lot of perspective about harley's character in homeward bound - his thought processes, how he was feeling in a lot of key moments during the first fic, things he was doing while peter wasn't around, etc etc etc.
but in hb2, after the recap in the first fic, it picks up at the start of their second year at ESU. he might still be roommates with harry. he might not be. it won't be the same room at the very least, so no matter what, there's going to be some changes, right? but also:
everything is different.
there are the small changes - not the same room, harder classes as they climb their way through the pre-reqs, potentially a different roommate, some stuff happened over summer, etc.
but also there are the BIG changes, like his dynamic with peter, and knowing that peter is spidey and now being a part of keeping that a secret due to peter not wanting anyone else to know. he also knows about the spell and he knows that peter is someone tony loved, someone that pepper and morgan and happy and rhodey knew and cared about, and none of them remember him, but they know harley.
with harley's pov comes the reintroduction of the rest of the world, basically. peter has no one, right? his old life was completely destroyed and erased, leaving no connections to the people he used to know, so he's been VERY closed off from everyone and everything.
harley, however, still knows pepper and morgan and happy and rhodey. he still talks to them on a regular basis. he has his mom and his sister. he isn't closed off in classes like peter is, actually having conversations with his classmates, even if he has no interest in befriending them. peter's pov has been very limited because his world has been completely changed. harley's has been changed too via the loss of tony and him being dead for five years while his mom and his sister had to adapt to a life without him there, but it's not been changed to the extent of peter's, you know?
harley is going to have a few struggles in hb2, some centered around peter, some not. there's going to be family stuff. there's going to be this urge to tell pepper and them about peter because he thinks that peter would benefit from having these people in his life again but also he wants to respect the fact that peter doesn't feel ready to do that.
there's going to be some conflict about the people in his life learning that he's involved with spider-man's business somehow. there's going to be people getting angry at spider-man because of it.
a lot of mental and emotional turmoil is going to come out of all this. but, in the physical sense, he's not going to be entirely safe, either. again, people are going to realize he's somehow connected to spidey. he's going to want to do whatever he can do to help peter, to the point where he's going to get a little reckless with it sometimes.
caught in the crossfire? yeah.
hostage situation? no. at least, not in hb2. not that i currently have planned. that could change, but as of my current plans, no.
hope that's enough information to build some intrigue >:)
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
artist ask meme answers
i deleted the reblog to keep my space uncluttered but for reference the meme is here
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3. What ideas come from when you were little?
The main characters in the Mez/medieval mech setting - the two knights and two smiths - are all characters from my first writing project. Which didn't resemble Mez at all, it was an alt Earth in which people had powers, and each of the characters I mentioned lived in different parallel dimensions. The story was about "first contact" between parallel dimensions. I started writing that in 2008 (age 14) and finished in 2015. The setting had a lot of technical problems (unsurprisingly) but I couldn't abandon those characters and felt they deserved better than what I had given them
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
Human faces in general. There's a reason I keep blanking out people's features and it's not because I want to be mysterious. I'm highly face blind and have immense trouble even looking at photos of human faces lmao
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
I was gonna say physical block printing but actually I do that now (did my first prints yesterday lol). Second place is definitely sculpture, I adore sculptures but it was always my least favourite medium to try myself
12. Easiest part of body to draw
Torso for animals, legs for humans
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
One of my favourite artists on tumblr is @mech-monster .. I've admired their work for years and as a lover of biomechanical art and aeroplanes it's right up my alley. I think their style is pretty emblematic of "art styles nothing like my own" lol but it's so wonderfully precise and technical. Love it
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4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
I mentioned faces in general but for a character I find challenging, I really struggle with drawing Pantera!
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how could i possibly have known what I was setting myself up for when I made this design. A lot has changed true but its visor helmet thing is a key part of what Pantera is to me, so I can't get rid of it. But drawing that thing head-on is nightmarish
14. Any favorite motifs
I draw a lot of fleur de lises in the Mez setting because I like the design and think it's a nice visual shorthand for the time period. But each knight has their own motif - Victory's flames, Heaven's rounded more floral designs, etc. These reflect Pantera and Leun's primary weapons respectively.
One motif I'm sure everyone has spotted is the barley pattern that accompanies Pascal (modern inver setting), and one or more of his eyes are usually visible in the bg of any art of him (behind his body)
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3. What ideas come from when you were little?
Another idea - honestly, the holy beasts (the mechs) in general. I was a massive zoids fan as a kid and I used to collect and build them. I was always fascinated by the setting, particularly the contrast between "ancient" advanced mech technology and the humans' relatively low-tech society (in the original anime/toy line). I wanted to make something like that. I still really enjoy contrasts like these. I mean the holy beasts WERE sort of just.. dug up out of the ground, exactly the same as zoids were
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
Hrm honestly traditional painting. It's been years since I did it and I don't have the space or time to pick it up (i chose block printing instead) but I love it
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
If I REALLY want to listen to a certain podcast, I'll often start drawing just so that I'll be able to focus on the podcast and have something to do with my hands at the same time. A lot of my art comes from me just wanting to get through an episode of whatever. In early 2021 that was the magnus archives, these days I'm getting through Candlelit Tales Irish Mythology podcast which i SUPER recommend if you're interested in that kinda thing. It's on spotify
But generally I listen to music. I have a playlist for each setting, and each character in those settings. So if I'm drawing Pascal I'm listening to his playlist which is largely disco these days. Gets me in the mood
anomalydetection asked sanctus-ingenium: 30, 19, 25
30.What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Finbarr & the Moon tarot card!
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This is from before I aged up Finbarr from early 20s to mid 40s lol but you could say this is just him as a kid I suppose. But I really like it and all the details I managed to sneak in, and it was what got me started wanting to draw watery scenes more
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Armour!!!! Who doesn't like armour. I also really enjoy drawing clothing from historical eras. Modern clothing and most futuristic/sci-fi ish takes on clothing are solidly boring to me though.
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
ohhh god where do I start. I got an ask comparing it to dangan ronpa recently lmao. Bluecifer. Disco Elysium. The Last Unicorn. Nope (2022 movie). I have nothing against any of them and I enjoyed those last three a lot but my art was not inspired by them and has nothing to do with them.
Also western/cowboy stuff in general. A LOT of people tag my horse art with #cowboy or related tags. I don't mind it but it is something that is not on my cultural radar, and not ever at the forefront of my mind when I draw horse things
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3. What ideas come from when you were little
Round 3! Most of the Inver setting is very new (relatively, I mean it has no legacy characters from earlier stuff and I made it all within the past few years) but the decision to use the Púca as the main supernatural entity to base the story on did come from my childhood. My mother used to use Púca interchangeably with Taibhse so there was a lot of talk about him around hallowe'en in general when I was very young. I didn't realise that Púca and Taibhse meant different things until I was older lol but I still associate the Púca with hallowe'en and going out as a kid dressed in a black binbag (I was a scary witch). Because it had this nostalgic connection with my childhood and an era where I believed in scary ghosts and faeries around every corner, it was a very easy decision to make for my Inver setting, where there are in fact scary faeries around every corner
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