#at least that's what i'm gonna tell myself so i can enjoy the last season of aos lmao
all-that-jazz-93 · 1 year
Finally watching Agents of Shield again for the first time in years
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notmorbid · 2 months
hacks: season 1.
dialogue prompts from the first season of hbo's hacks. (some lines have been tweaked for rp.)
i didn't realize it was a shoes-off situation.
did you want a gold star for showing up?
you classist monster.
you're supposed to be on mute.
what are your feelings on the climate crisis?
i explicitly told you not to say my name.
we don't work together, you work for me. and not very well.
it doesn't get better. it just gets harder.
do i have big hands?
i have nothing left to lose.
fuck you, lemony snicket.
why do you keep sending me petfinder links?
i told you you were going to regret over-tweezing in the '90s.
the only thing i regret is not getting emancipated.
just don't do it on my time. or in my chair.
go ahead and disregard the picture i sent you.
i do miss you. as a friend.
you think you know everybody better than they know themselves.
you don't even have to go through security?
stop acting like a hillbilly and sit down.
i guess it's good you can be there for someone's kid.
i always drink too much when you're around.
i can radically accept that my mom is a cunt.
they say if you collect, it's not a problem, it's a hobby.
jesus. was it at least good coke?
let's blow this shit and go celebrate.
watching tv is practically like reading a book, at this point.
you're that girl who never got to sit with the cool kids and never got over it.
what a rush. i should blackmail more often.
i feel like we're about to win a bunch of money together.
do you want to do coke in the bathroom?
i would have had such a crush on you in high school.
sorry to be so blunt. we just did a lot of coke.
who even likes marvel movies, anyway?
you were right. i am a little shit.
i don't really have friends. i think that's a huge red flag about me as a human being.
the real work is in loving yourself for who you really are.
my father's in my phone as 'dickhead'.
i know two things: you are a good person, and we need to do some molly.
i don't think i've ever seen you not wearing pants. did somebody die?
what's going on here? premarital sex?
go get a book on attachment theory and a bottle of ativan.
you don't have my number saved?
this is why your building banned parties.
the keg-shaped hole in the wall could have been made by anything?
i have an amazing idea, but it's kind of insane.
that's such a creepy way to be woken up.
i have some weed edibles on me.
to be honest, i keep forgetting to have an opinion on it.
i think shitty things keep happening because i've been a self-centered asshole.
do you know how to play mahjong?
people would rather laugh at me than believe me.
it was great, until it wasn't.
you haven't even heard about when the vatican had it in for me.
it's the truth. it might be nice to finally fucking say it out loud.
you can make it funny. you can make anything funny.
i drink, like, a glass of water a month.
am i blushing?
maybe it's just because i watched carol last night.
i've honestly never met anyone like you.
pretty soon, you're gonna be the same age as me.
i am a grown-up, and you can't make me.
i'm gonna eat your dessert and go home.
i've never been this close to someone i wasn't hooking up with.
stop waiting for ___ to be proud of you and start doing things that make you feel proud of yourself.
hope you enjoyed the free show.
before you, i didn't care what happened to me.
you always make loving me feel like the easiest thing in the world.
what? i'm literally naked here.
oh, that's horrible. play it again.
you're young. you'll be fine.
the whole soul-baring thing seems awfully off-brand.
let's grab a table and talk some shit. come on.
i would have been more than happy to smoke weed with your mom.
well, anyway, he's dead now.
camping? how do i protect myself from bears?
if i'm not upset about it, you shouldn't be.
it's exhausting, beating everyone else to the punch.
never forgive, never forget, baby.
will you stay off webmd? it's bad for your personality.
i can't tell who's haim and who's just three people.
you've always had my back. that way it's easier to stab.
at least now we kind of get each other.
i promise not to send you unsolicited pornography anymore.
you know you're charming. it's annoying, actually.
true feminism is being able to just come out and say that some women are cunty monsters.
your accent makes everything sound smarter than it actually is.
when you share a sense of humor with someone, it's like speaking your own private little language.
we come into this world completely alone, and that's how we leave it.
i don't pretend. i never have.
did you change your signature scent recently?
can we get pulled over for having too much fun?
it's not from therapy, it's from mental health tiktok.
you do think about me, and i think about you. it's called a human relationship.
you don't get to tell me what's important.
i move forward. i always have. end of story.
who slaps people?
i'm worried if i don't say it now, i'll never say it.
do you want some coffee? i made some.
it involved an ice cream truck and a hot wire, and that's as far as i'll go.
my uncle really doesn't want me to do 23andme, so i'm pretty sure he's a serial killer.
i always felt really, really lonely here.
maybe my entire existence shouldn't just be a response to my shitty childhood.
you need to learn to cry without moving your forehead.
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
okay so I had a really terrible thought and I’ve been following you for a while and I wanted to hear your thoughts (maybe i’m just in a place of doubt rn) BUT
since they’re basically writing the episodes as they go, and are seeing fans reactions (and possibly taking them into consideration as they write), do you think if they see such a positive reaction to buck/tommy, they’ll make him more long term (and possibly endgame)…? again, I could be overthinking it but I’ve been seeing a tON of buck tommy stuff and idk if they’re going to consider that when they write the upcoming episodes for the rest of the season…like buck/tommy is cute ig don’t get me wrong bc we see bisexual buck and him enjoy his first male relationship and like i’m so proud, but…i’m an eddie-girl and buddie has always been my endgame
Okay, hi, ngl, I had this exact thought too when Tim kept insisting there's no plan. But the thing is, I don't believe him. I believe he doesn't have the full plot locked and loaded, but I doubt he doesn't have any idea where the story is gonna take him. Personally, I doubt that a few weeks of excitement over Buck being bi will be louder than 5 years of people BEGGING for buddie to happen. Buck and Eddie have a compelling relationship that's been cultivated for YEARS. And, look, far from me to make Buck's bisexuality about Eddie, but making a character who's HEAVILY shipped with another man for years queer in season 7 while having no plan on following through with the love story they've been building for 6 seasons would be dumb. Buck with a new guy and Eddie doubling down on being straight and ending up with some random woman is the worst case scenario here. This fandom is weird in the way that most of it is mono shipping. It's Buck and Eddie together or nothing. So they would piss off the homophobes, who are already pissed, and a solid amount of the people who have been following buddie for years and that's bad for business. They have the power to have a ridiculously compelling queer love story that's built on a foundation that's been there for 6 seasons. Buck and Eddie getting together could be EPIC. And they made the move to make Buck queer. They didn't have to. I love that Buck is getting a queer storyline, but if we are going there with Buck, what's actually stopping them from going there with Eddie? I don't see how you can have one of them being queer and not go there just because people are excited that Buck is bi. Tim can't say it's gonna go there. That would be a spoiler. A huge spoiler. But narratively speaking, or from a business perspective, Buck being bi has to mean buddie getting together. Because that's what people have been wanting from them. And honestly, if they wanted to play Tommy as having any chance of being Buck's endgame, he wouldn't have so many parallels with Taylor. The TK of it all, the helicopter of it all, the kiss that happens because Eddie is injured, Buck is even wearing a shirt that looks like the one he's wearing when Taylor comes back, like, seriously, what the fuck? And that's not going into the symbolism they have to know is there on the way the loft itself is a symbol of romantic doom, because Buck got it in a relationship that instantly Ended and the 2 times he started something there it went up in flames, so like 🤨🤔 I'm curious to see where it's going, but, personally, don't see them actually lasting the rest of the show. At least that's what I'm telling myself to calm down when I panic and trip into the bad place lol
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loveforlandonorris · 1 year
🎤 Lando's Sky Sports interview after finishing P3 in the Sprint in Qatar:
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Interviewer: Better than yesterday, better than before the race. Your feelings?
Lando: Nah...
Interviewer: No? Tell me why then.
Lando: Because the frustrations of the last two days, they take over everything, you know? I think of the negative things way more than the positive things, so...
Interviewer: (Smiling) Don't do that.
Lando: It's just me, you know? It's not, like, a problem, it's just the way I think, it's the way my head works. But I'm happy, I'm very happy for the team, I'm happy for Oscar. (Smiling) He's beat me to a win, so congrats to him.
Interviewer: Is that what hurts the most then?
Lando: No because... no, like, I'm actually... I mean, of course it's never the nicest feeling. But it's not what hurts me, you know? It just hurts me that I've messed up this morning. I should be on Pole. Should at least be P1 and P2 yesterday for the race tomorrow.
So I guess it's just, you know, when it counts. This is a weekend when it counts, and I've just made too many mistakes. And it just annoys me, like, to such a high level. But I guess maybe it's about trying to reset and refocus and not think of it, but it's impossible for me to not think of it, you know? So just frustrating, I guess. Yeah, it's just the "shoulda, woulda, coulda" stuff. Like I said before, it's a "shoulda, woulda, coulda".
But Oscar's done a better job than me this weekend, and he deserves to be in the position he has done today. I'm starting where I deserve to be because I've just done a bad job, you know? So it is frustrating, especially when the car's so good and the team have done such a good job to improve so many things and give us these chances to fight for Pole and to fight for wins. And then just when I don't deliver on my role, then yeah, it's frustrating, and I let myself down.
So, tough, but to come away with a double podium today kind of makes it a little bit better, and therefore I'm just very happy for the team.
Interviewer: Yeah, and as you say, the car is really good, and when you have got a good car, and your teammate can make the most of that on a weekend, that makes your challenge this season even harder, does it?
Lando: Harder?
Interviewer: Harder, yeah.
Lando: No, not really.
Interviewer: Just for you, if your teammate is up there as well. In the past, I mean, Daniel couldn't match you a lot of weekends. And this season, you've got somebody there who now will pounce.
Lando: I mean, from that perspective, yes it makes it harder. Like, I've got someone who's pushing me a lot more, and so on. But, like, my mistakes yesterday had nothing to do with my teammate being any quicker. Like, he's doing a good job, he's pushing me, and yeah, it's not the easiest feeling.
But my mistakes this weekend had nothing to do with who's beating me, who's not, whether I'm fighting for 1st or 20th. They're just mistakes which are just... yeah, they've all, kind of, just been a bit different. It's not been, like, the most consistent thing, it's just, you know, I've just done different things at different times, different reasons. So, yeah...
Interviewer: Yeah, I wasn't trying to say that him pushing you was making you-
Lando: No, no, of course (smiles). Having a quicker teammate is always gonna make your life more difficult. It's a good thing for me, it pushes me more, it pushes me more to my limit, which I hate, but I enjoy at the same time. But he's doing a good job, he deserves it, it's as simple as that.
Interviewer: Finally, a word on Max.
Lando: Yeah, I mean, I don't know what I'm meant to say always on TV. I've said congrats to him, he deserves it, you know? He's done a better job than everyone all year, has done for the last 3 years, so congrats to him.
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destinygoldenstar · 24 days
☀️🎵Can We Just Talk?🎵☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 7 “Spit It Out”
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Yeah, I'm back already...
Again, I'm aware of Season 3's finale airing. Didn't watch it obviously.
But I will say, it's kinda difficult to not be sick to your stomach when ALL you hear about something is HATE.
Like, I have not heard a single positive thing about Season 3 and I'm kinda nervous now. (Is it really THAT bad?)
That's why I'm just doing my own thing with the first season and reacting to it in my "Just enjoy it" way. (It's not same as "Turn your brain off" because "Turn your brain off" implies not paying attention)
I will remind everyone, I was NOT recommended this show. The people who replied to me asking if I should watch it said "NO. Don't watch it. It's awful."
So I CHOSE to do this at my own will. I have no one to blame but myself.
I'm enjoying this season so far and I don't want that to be spoiled by people telling me not to.
Cause while criticism is okay, it always is, spreading nothing but hate and spite and nasty threats to anyone involved does a lot more damage than you think. You get a RWBY fandom situation where the only thing going on is harassment and bullying and it drives everyone away and leaves no room for air on takes that aren't majority. I DON'T WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT. ESPECIALLY NOT DEATH THREATS. THAT IS NOT OKAY TOWARDS ANYBODY.
So yeah, hearing any hate towards Disventure Camp about anything, I'm NOT part of it. I am not to blame for anything. I just want to stay in my corner and say what I want to say. (As long as it's not threats, like I said, I can't do that either)
*deep breath*
I just wanted to get this off my chest. NOW THAT THIS IS OUT OF THE WAY,
We're back with Season 1. I beg that there is no double elimination for a THIRD TIME IN A ROW. I'll lose my mind.
Okay, let's get into this, shall we?
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Oh we're starting right where we left off last time.
"My whole team is going to reGRETT voting for me."
"They're going to wish they had never crossed me."
Go off queen!
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What a kind greeting XD
Not the Purple Team becoming the VILLAINS Team!
"I hope that Ellie doesn't have any hard feelings."
Be thankful she isn't Jake, who DEFINATELY would.
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We get to see more of them!!
It sucked we couldn't because they were on opposite teams before. BUT NOW WE CAN!
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And she immediately goes to Jake to introduce herself.
I have no idea why she'd pick that. But you know what? All for friendships.
"If we lose, we can vote for her instead of one of us."
Like, I'm genuinely really tired of him now.
I made a post (that got a lot of hate) about screen time not being problematic for characters so long as they're DOING SOMETHING with that screen time.
Dan is not that. This is my least favorite character in this group. I'm sorry Dan stans.
Everyone else has something to do. All Dan does is push a non-existent alliance and make sexist comments and otherwise has no personality.
"Gabby is a psychotic backstabber, Jake and Tom are a toxic couple, Miriam is a useless old lady, and Dan is a dumb kid who pretends to know things."
She do be right about Jake & Tom though...
"How'd they win so many challenges?"
Because they have numbers.
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"If you promise to never vote for us, we'll help you."
What if your team loses?
Do you vote for the VOID?!
"Okay, I'll read the votes... WHY ARE THEY ALL SCRIBBLES OF FLOWERS?!?"
"Something about the other two makes me feel at home, that's something I haven't really felt before..."
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They're still beefing.
I've been eating toxic yaoi two days in a row now. It's junk food, I'll tell you that.
Is Ellie gonna reason with Jake? Awww
"Gabby told me you and Tom are close, but it doesn't look that way anymore."
They had a fight. It happens.
"Are you mad?"
"Yes I am! Tom has been lying to all of us since we got here! He lied to me like everyone else does!"
I was gonna say "I'm interested in this impulsive and petty anger issues version of Jake"
Like, my god, how can you blame him though?!
Yeah he wasn't right. But his POV.
"I don't want to bother you with my problems."
Ngl, when I was younger I would vent to strangers all my petty problems and yeah, that's a version of me you should be happy isn't on Tumblr. I grew up, I got in a better environment, and I'm in a better place now.
"It's okay, after last night I know what it's like being betrayed. Everything you say is safe with me."
I like this. I like Ellie being nice to him.
"I like Jake, he's a good guy, even if he's a bit dramatic."
"Honestly, a five minute conversation could probably solve this issue."
Yes. Yes it would. But is it that simple with these two?
"I wanted to thank you..."
"For not voting for me yesterday."
Yeah no I want you eliminated this episode. You're selfish.
"You'll wish I'd just gone home."
"We already do."
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I love Miriam.... oh my god.... 😂
That had no right being as funny as a burn as that was!!
This sounds like a VERY complicated challenge. I'm gonna have to see it in action.
"Is everything okay between us Ellie?"
"What do you think?!"
"What do you think Alec?"
She said exactly that XD
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This does NOT look safe!
"Can you help me Jake?"
"I don't think so."
You're STILL salty?
"I took water polo, lacrosse, cheerleading, and even debate."
Debate's not a sport, is it?
Maybe it is and I'm a dumbass.
"What? Debate not a sport? I could debate that."
"Golden, I can debate on your words!"
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This looks like a nightmare to ride
"Things are a bit complicated with Jake, aren't they?"
"That's one way to put it. I know it's my fault but he's exaggerating with his attitude."
Yeah, Tom is right here. But I LOVE that he acknowledges he's at fault for it.
"He's just an immature kid, don't take it personally."
"It's hard not to."
"He'll get over it."
Will he though? Will he?
Grett and Alec are trying to DROWN the child at this point.
"Fiore can't collect water if she's dead!"
Even Alec says it!
Is Grett actually gonna develop from this experience?
"Have you calmed down a bit yet?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just... I can't forget how he lied to me and how that made me feel."
"And have you thought about how that made him feel?"
Ooh, yes. I love that. Call him out.
"I'm just saying it must have been hard for him too."
Yes. Yes it was.
I get both sides. I do. Tom was trying to do a job and got revealed lying about it and didn't consider how that would hurt his friend (for understandable reasons). And Jake got some flashbacks of bad events and overreacted as a result.
"He only used me to go undercover."
"How do you know?"
"Well, I... Grett said so..."
"Did you hear Tom's side? You should ask him. People are... complex. You can't jump to conclusions."
Talk to Tom. Hear his side. Apologize. Make up. Be friends again.
It'll all be fine. I still have my hope.
...and maybe this is why I called their dynamic junk food...
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Also not Tom wearing TWO masks now! That looks so awkward.
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Knew that would happen.
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Though this time it was a block.
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Oh that's just straight up sabotage.
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Fiore told Grett to SLAY yet again.
Really? NO ONE on the team is good with puzzles?!
I say that like I'm good at them, but I'm not either.
Purple Team wins!
It's been HOW LONG since Purple Team won?
"Our team was on a winning streak but suddenly Ellie joins our team and we lose?"
I'm sorry, HOW was this her fault exactly?
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"I want to ask you something..."
"Did you really just approach me because of your job?"
Good question.
"You're asking me this now? Where was this question yeaturday?"
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"So you're just here for your job!"
"And our friendship, was that just to blend in too?! Did you ever care about me at all?! Was any of it real, HUH?!"
...I mean, TECHNICALLY he DID ask this already?
It was a bad wording of asking it cause he was mad, but he DID ask it.
"Yeah, I'm sorry..."
Aww. At least he's apologizing.
See? He recognizes he made a mistake!
"Jake... I'm going to tell you the truth."
"...I really like you."
*I'm gripping my heart from that*
"And the days we spent together fishing, gathering supplies, or just talking at camp... it made me rethink some things."
"Yes, I'm here for work, to investigate someone. My agency doesn't allow me to have contact with anyone here after this investigation is over. But... meeting you felt like we quickly had this connection and I thought... am I really willing to risk everything? My whole career? So we could... be something more?"
That's such good insight on Tom's character too! How long was he a spy? I'm curious. Cause if his missions are all like this, then does that mean Tom has no one? No relationships of any kind? Platonic or romantic?
Cause DAMN that makes too much sense for him to act like this then.
"But the way you've behaved in the last few days made one thing clear to me. I don't really know you. And I can't risk everything for someone who acts so unpredictably."
I do understand that though. At the end of the day, they knew each other for how many days? And if Tom's career is that serious, then of course he can't.
"Tom, I'm... I'm sorry..."
"But I said I was sowwy! And I meant it!!"
"I was so selfish thinking only for myself! I had no idea!"
This is why I love Jake! He actually ACKNOWLEDGES he's in the wrong and owns up to it!
"That's correct. You had no idea. You never bothered to ask."
And Tom doesn't even coddle him and say "No no, it's okay." That wouldn't be in character, I feel.
"Yes. You screwed up. I hope you know you screwed up. Know what you did was wrong and there's not an excuse for it."
I LOVED that scene though. Maybe they will be alright after all.
"See? We CAN talk it out! We're not Gwen and Trent!"
"I think the decision is simple. We vote for Ellie."
No. What did she do?!
"She is the only option."
Do you still have blindfolds on?
"As for Ellie, who even is she?"
She's a wannabe college student with a life of bad labor and debt and has passions to be a designer.
"Gabby, trust me, it's for the best."
"You always do what's best for you and you don't care what anyone else thinks!"
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Oh god it's Blabby! She's back!
"That boy wants to control you just like Grett did!"
Yes. Yes he does.
"I think I need a hug."
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Awwwwwwww 💗
These two are such besties, I love them!
"Uh... I have to go... clean my socks... or something..."
Best excuse ever.
Tom, how did you even become a spy? You suck at your job.
"I'll be back later!"
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*Jumps in a bush*
And Miriam just walks away from him XD
"Nah, I'm too old for this shit. I'm out."
"Agent Smith, I wasn't expecting your call at this time."
Smith? His name is Tom Smith?
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What happened?
Is the guy he's after planning something worse?
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Oh come on Jake. Why Gabby?
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Yeah, we know this one.
I thought Gabby and Ellie would convince Jake to vote with them and tie it or something. But no.
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"I have an immunity totem and I want to use it."
"I want to use this totem to nullify the votes against Ellie!"
Gabby, SLAY. Successfully reading the room, saving her only ally!
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The subtitles XD
"Any votes on Ellie will not count!"
There's three, right?
So this was a successful idol play?
That's Jake throwing his vote.
It's gotta be Dan. He's gotta be gone!
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"Why would you waste your totem on Ellie?"
Dude, Ellie was Gabby's ONLY ally in the game. She didn't protect Ellie, then they'd both be screwed.
"I didn't waste it. I saved her cause she treats me like a person."
That too. 💗
I like good idol plays, what can I say?
And Dan's finally gone!
I'm sorry, but he was the worst character of the cast.
Lasted too long, no personality, and the only thing he did with all his screen time was talk about an alliance that didn't exist, and be sexist.
And before you say his actions and dialogue weren't sexist: GUYS alliance. Is only seen targeting female characters. Downplays Gabby's problems over his own wants.
He rubbed me off the wrong way and I don't regret bullying him.
At least everyone else on that team was interesting in one way or another, but Dan had nothing.
I GUESS the only thing he did was be the foil to Grett for Gabby's development? As he was someone who also tried to use her but was nicer to her so it left her conflicted? But really, you could've given that role to ANY character. You could've had, idk, Tom do that and not much would change.
Actually, that would add onto the 'Tom is only here for work' plot.
Still, THANK YOU GABBY for slaying this show as usual! You are a GIFT, sweetheart and we're so happy to have you!
Anyway, idk if this will get any attention because of the Season 3 finale, but hey, I can continue these if you guys seem interested and entertained by them.
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66sharkteeth · 11 months
Hey there, 66! Hope you're doing great. I have been going through your account for the past few hours (this reminds me of that one time I stayed up till 2 am as I appreciated all the artworks on your Instagram) so I know you've heard this several times, but I wanted to say it myself too: your work is wonderful. Believe me, I absolutely love it!
I found City of Blank years ago, during its first season. I read it all, and was quite impressed with the concept, intrigued by the plot, and in love with the characters. But before the next season started, I dropped out of reading Webtoons completely, as far as I remember. Long story short, I revisited Webtoon recently, read a few episodes of City of Blank, and was hooked. Yep. I binge-read the entire rest of the episodes in... three to five days?
So I want to commend you on your amazing concept, beautiful and eye-catching art, plot that keeps me reading late into the night (and at the dining table, between my studies, every single chance I get), the characters (really, they're very well-written — please don't doubt that — and unique, with different stories and personalities, I just love them), and the themes too (incorporated nicely, and it does make me wonder what it means to be a human). The way you write grey characters is one of the best things in your story, I feel.
(I feel like I should give you specific examples of what I like, but I have a tendency of talking too much, as you can see, so this will get way too long, I think... and sorry about the already huge chunks of text. but I hope this make you feel happy somehow)
Alright, now onto my actual questions. They're actually not related to the webcomic itself, since I really can't think of anything interesting... But your story is really good, so here are some queries I have about writing in general.
Do you have any tips for thinking of ideas? About concepts, plot, whatever; how to really get your brain in that mode, you know.
How do you create such vibrant characters? My characters are so similar... there are at least three pairs of nearly-identical characters. And how do you make them flawed yet still so likable?
They are pretty general questions, my apologies. It's just that, you know, since I'm getting to interact with the creator of one of my current favourite stories, why not learn something from them? You can just answer with your personal processes or whatever, I just wished to know how you do it.
I'm really looking forward to the next episode (but take your time, I'm okay with waiting). Pretty sad that this is the last season though. I'll miss it. Could you maybe tell me the estimated date of return and how many more episodes we'll have? Just a rough idea will do too.
That's all. (At this point it'll come as a relief to you 😂) Have a wonderful week ahead, lots of love, and know that there are lots of people who genuinely enjoy your work, you adorable shark! ❤️
(also, don't know why I'm telling you, but this is my first ever interaction on Tumblr with literally anyone) (cool site, I like the easy formatting)
(If you've read this entire thing, thank you. Did I bother you too much? I hope not.)
Hey there! Gonna do my best to answer this since it's been in my inbox for a while, but apologies if it's not the most coherent as my head's still in a bit of a fog from a cold.
First off, thank you for the kind words. I remember they made my day when I first got this ask, but they made it again as I'm waking up w/ a throbbing head ache and coughing my lungs out from the NYCC 2023 Con Crud™.
Anyway, gonna answer your questions the best I can, especially because I'm not entirely sure what the best way to answer these kinds of questions are-
Do you have any tips for thinking of ideas? About concepts, plot, whatever; how to really get your brain in that mode, you know.
I think one thing I like to shape a lot of my concepts around is making something unordinary ordinary. I've talked about it before, but one of the inspirations behind blanks is shadow people, like the ghosts. They're so horrifying and creepy to me, and I thought it would be neat if I made a world where the most creepy and scary thing to me was just...super ordinary and mundane. Like a world where you go into your living room and you're like "Man, that shadow person is still standing in front of my tv. How obnoxious."
A lot of my upcoming ideas kind of focus around this concept too. What if we lived in a world where demons were just every day citizens that went to work and school with us? What if we lived in a world where nobody feared death and was excited for it? What if we lived in a world where half the population was in prison? I can't say every single story idea I have falls into this, but I'd say a lot of them do and I find it's often a kick off point for a lot of my ideas.
How do you create such vibrant characters? My characters are so similar... there are at least three pairs of nearly-identical characters. And how do you make them flawed yet still so likable?
Do I make them likable? Sometimes I can't tell when I look at characters like Lyss haha. Because I think she's a victim of how I write characters, which is just... I dunno, write them like they're real people. Everybody is mad at the decisions Lyss made but... I'm sorry. I'll forever die on the hill that everyone are hypocrites and 90% of people would have done the same thing in her shoes. Only a flawless, benevolent, and frankly kind of stupid, person would have just...let Rex go in those circumstances, evil other half be damned. He was still a danger who proved he couldn't control himself, and the same way you'd probably report your best friend who was driving raving drunk after he just smashed into someone, she reported a dangerous person. Even if people hate her for it, I wrote what any person would have done in that situation. And that's how I try to write all my characters, for better or for worse. A lot of Rex's stupid decisions are dictated by his anxiety and depression, and I know from firsthand experience how being in that state of mind can influence your decisions and overall outlook on life and the people who love you, despite what you may think. I guess my advice is just to give them human flaws. A lot of people don't like Nia because she's manipulative, but I write her as a character who 100% practices what she preaches. Yeah, she "gas lit" Rex into joining Blan Corp, but she also 1000% believed it was the best thing for him.
Desmond probably comes off as the more "flawless" characters, but his own self-loathing and... catholic blank guilt is a big part of what pushed Rex away. In the time when Rex was questioning and hating himself for being a blank, why would he ever go the one person who hates himself for being a blank more than him? When he could go to the person (Nia) who celebrates him being a blank, and reminds him he can be loved for being one.
Anyway, that's enough rambling for now. Hopefully that gives you some to chew on.
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orionsangel86 · 11 months
Welp. Okay I watched the last episode of ofmd.
To sum up my thoughts on this season I will say that whilst I enjoyed it and felt the love and passion and respect for its queer fanbase throughout, it didnt hit me the same way the first season did. It felt like maybe a little bit of that season 1 magic was missing and for that I very much blame Max's cutting off 2 episodes and slashing the budget. They had a lot of story they wanted to tell that would have worked so much better in 10 episodes.
I consider the last 3 episodes of season 1 some of the best TV I have seen in my life. From the use of The Chain in ep 8, through the dramatic highs and lows of eps 9 and 10 it was edge-of-your-seat drama and I was in awe at the creators that put it together. But one of the reasons why those 3 eps were so good is because the drama and the pivotal moments were given time to breath.
If those 3 eps were given the same lack of time and budget as season 2, no doubt they all would have been crammed into 1 episode and it would not have had the same impact.
If anything that last episode should have played out across two, with Izzy's death being the half way point and cliffhanger ending leading to a final battle and somewhat happy resolution.
I'm not mad at Izzy's death. If anyone was gonna die, it was gonna be him. His status as Blackbeards enabler and sometimes mentor is over. For Ed to truly be free, I think Izzy always had to go. From a storytelling perspective it makes perfect sense, even though I am sure a lot of fans are absolutely heartbroken about it.
Another casualty of the reduced screentime meant certain original cast members weren't given anywhere near the amount of screentime they should have had. I was expecting a lot more focus on Jim as they were basically the third lead of s1 due to them getting the same backstory as Ed and Stede. All of the crew appear to have had drastically reduced parts which does feel like a big loss to me.
Its funny actually, OFMD S2 suffered from the opposite problem to GOS2. OFMD had too much story to tell in a limited timeframe, GOS2 had very little story to tell outside of the flashbacks and probably too much time given to it. Both shows season 2s suffered from tremendously bad pacing issues.
Also, the one thing the final episode made so obvious to me, is the uncertainty of getting a s3 renewal. It is so clear in the way they tried to wrap things up in a happy bow as best they could, so that if they do get cancelled it leaves fans at least somewhat satisfied. I hate this though. I hate that studios are so fickle and ruthless that creators have to gamble with good quality writing and avoid cliffhangers because of asshole executives who dont actually care about the stories.
Because of the fast pacing, and the fear of cancellation, it felt more like a rush happy ending instead of a part way point in a bigger story, with important character development still to come. Perhaps I need more time to absorb the story in a full rewatch, but im not exactly itching for more at this point, whilst also not really being satisfied with what I got either. I wish we had left Ed and Stede in at least some minor peril, like have them captured and threatened with hanging but at least in a good place romantically, so that we can start speculating about what kind of escape plan they will come up with in season 3. Leaving them in a dilapidated old inn somewhere just felt wrong to me. Instead of ending the season with the stakes sky high (like season 1) it feels like they left season 2 with zero stakes at all, instead of at least a happy medium. At this point we should be turning to fanfiction and wondering what happens next, but instead I'm left thinking "okay then. That was good. What can I watch next?" I don't need to bury myself in fanfic and fanart to feed the hyperfixation this time around, and that is where I feel the most loss.
I'm sure others will have hugely different reactions to me though. Perhaps my expectations were too high? Perhaps my GO obsession just isn't leaving room for OFMD this time? But then again, I think if GOS2 hadn't ended the way it did, I wouldn't still be so obsessed with that either.
Sigh. I dunno. It was a good fun show and will no doubt still be hugely popular with devoted fans, but for me I just can't say it cast the same spell over me as it did last year.
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kafkaoftherubble · 2 months
Hi! I've really enjoyed your tags on the reblog of the screencaps of The Believers on my sideblog @nonkunchanon. I was wondering what are your thoughts on Monk Dol's next move now that he's been rejected by Dear, whether he would disrobe or not. And I think Pup will be back for The Believers Season 2 though, since at least according to this interview, it seems like Pup is ready to shave his head again to be Monk Dol. Also do you think Win has any feelings for Dear?
HOLY SHIT. With this ask you've basically allowed me to ramble about The Believers. THANK YOU THANK YOU SADHU X100 Also, Pup has an interview?! And he's ready to be Monk Dol again?!
SADHU X1000. Thank you for linking it, fella appreciator!
Okay. I'll tell you what I think, but you're gonna have to reblog this and tell me what you think too, because I'm also interested in your thoughts!!!
Monk Dol's next move
Okay! There are two perspectives I can go for: the showrunners' + actor's, and the character's. Judging from both Thai and international fans' reviews and reception, Monk Dol is a really, really popular character, isn't he (who can blame him)? Popularity usually incentivizes bringing a character back for Season 2, and Pup does seem pretty happy playing the character. All that means there are really good grounds to think he'll return, ahahhaha! I'm with you on this one!
However! From the character's perspective, it's a bit more nuanced, methinks!
I, uh, study Buddhist Philosophy for fun, so I can tell you that the biggest reason why I like Monk Dol is that every single dhamma talk/sermon he gave, as well as his character traits and personality, are aligned with Buddhism. In a show criticizing the commercialization of Thai Buddhism (and its relation with politics), Dol provides an example of what Buddhism "is supposed to be about."
I've been rewatching the series every now and then when I'm free, so I got to re-watch his scenes and Dhamma talks. The teachings are actually legitimately correct. Not even "Pop culture-diluted correct" or "I guess it's a correct interpretation," but befitting the dhamma as espoused in Theravadin Buddhism, which Thai Buddhism falls under.
That means Monk Dol's themes and character arc are deliberately woven with Buddhist philosophy, including concepts like anicca ("impermanence") and nekkhamma ("renunciation; letting go"). This makes it harder to write him back into Season 2 without hurting a little of the themes he's supposed to represent, you see?
In his letter to Dear, he talked about how, thanks to his love and attachment for Dear, he realized that "there are many more things about myself that I need to train on." It's a very Buddhist sentiment (the Buddha's last word before death/parinibbana was, reportedly, "strive diligently." You might also remember one of Dol's Dhamma Talks on the importance of self-effort over superstitious reliance on holy objects and the Buddha; it was his first talk since joining Wat Phummaram).
The way he exited the story was him practicing nekkhamma and the sort of "love" he talked about earlier. He also alluded to their interaction as remnants of their past kamma (this is how it's spelled in Pali; it's "karma" in Sanskrit) influencing their current lives.
Just a brief explanation in case you don't understand the "kamma" thing! In a supernatural reading of kamma, the effects of your actions in your past lives with other people can bring over to your current life. Therefore, Dol was saying that him falling in love with Dear/Dear unintentionally "charmed" him was no fault of himself nor Dear, but simply the effects of their collective kamma. He merely saw his experience—of falling in love and being rejected; of being conned and used because of said love; the general dukkha (suffering) of it all—as a lesson illuminating aspects of himself that he should overcome.
Dol recognized that he needed to let go of his attachment to Dear as she never belonged to him; previously, he explained that as part of the Buddhist doctrine of Anattā ("non-self") when he answered Dear's question about love. He also told her not to remember him, which to me, all adds up to him hoping this is it. He's hoping that the effects of their past kamma had burned out.
Now, if they want to continue the Buddhist philosophical theme undergirding Monk Dol's character, then the "good end" will be him not showing up in Season 2 at all. From a storytelling perspective, it makes sense too: his arc has a definite end already.
However, I can also imagine ways to pull Monk Dol back into the fold without costing his underlying Buddhist themes. For one, "kamma," to the Buddha, mostly means "action" when it's not "cause-and-effect." While Dol would like to think his kamma with Dear is over, it's also possible that his actions and interactions with Dear—and to an extent, Win and Game—have planted seeds of their own, with their own effects to be reaped. These effects can be explored in Season 2.
Where should he go? He has already exchanged his forest monk lineage for a city monk's, but his idea of Buddhism is embodied in the Thai Forest tradition, not the city ones. Can he return to his original forest temple, though? We saw that he was "punished" by one of the eminent temple monks when Win and Dear were trying to collect sacred ingredients for their amulet.
His changing of lineage was not without consequences, and it's a bit hard to imagine him being accepted back to his original temple easily. Thai Forest Tradition is a lot stricter than other schools in Thailand, and a monk who pivots from one school to another can be seen as wishy-washy, unreliable, lacking in discipline, and rather disgraceful by forest monks.
Hence, I would imagine that he either joins a very remote forest temple far away from Wat Phummaram and the show's central background region... or becomes a solitary monk.
No matter which way he chooses, though, I can imagine him being even more ardent in his practice, and perhaps rather avoidant of female laypeople. Even if he has no intention to discriminate, he might try to overcorrect his previous lapse with Dear by putting a wide berth between himself and other women no matter their intentions. I can also imagine him struggling with the actual process of renunciation, which is never as easy as it might sound. His experience with Dear is going to affect him a lot. Even dreams of her are possible.
And from there, I suppose there are two ways for him to join with the trio's Main Plot. Either he coincidentally gets roped back into their activities, or he deliberately looks out for any news about Dear and her gang because he still cares about her wellbeing.
If Monk Dol takes a more active role, he might gradually come into the line of fire by standing up against this sort of commercialized Buddhism. He might also try to help Dear (plus Win and Game; it's more understated, but Dol also cares about those two. We see it in the interrogation scene) to get out of their quandary.
I think Dol will be quite punished for his actions, though. As in, he'll suffer quite a bit. Not sure if he might die, per se, but I'll suspect something worse than what he got in Season 1. I hope he doesn't die, but that's only because I'm personally no fan of martyr tropes, ahahha!
There are also significant odds that Dol will manage to change Dear and Game's hearts through his actions and counsel once he rejoins the trio in the Main Plot. It will be harder to reach Win, I assume, because Win is the least receptive and warmed up to religions, and his attitude toward Buddhism has been very irreverent. Throughout Season 1, Win's attitude toward Monk Dol has been that of a tech bro looking at his most valuable asset.
Nonetheless, Dear and Game, being Win's friends, can bridge that gap along with Dol and Win's mother. Philosophically, it will exemplify paṭiccasamuppāda, "dependent co-arising"—causes are interdependent with one another as people are also interdependent with one another. Whether that's enough to change their fate in Season 2 is a whole 'nother thing!
That's as far as I can hypothesize about Monk Dol! I'll expect even more Buddhist-flavored character study, a psychological/philosophical arc, and if Monk Dol inclines, a more active counter-power to the corruptive political forces that have claimed Dear, Game, and Win.
Does Win Like Dear?
It's hard to say. I have to put out a disclaimer that I'm terrible at understanding human emotions and especially love because I... personally cannot feel it nor understand it! I honestly didn't even realize that Dol likes Dear until the Repentance Ritual!
I lean toward thinking Win doesn't love Dear or like her the way she—or us normal folks—hopes for a healthy romantic relationship. Win is a pragmatist who's pretty obsessed with "winning." He has a very strong ego; he wouldn't even talk to Game after the amulet business was booming, almost as if he's hoping to see Game climb back to him and apologize for being wrong and doubting him. He also saw no problem using Dear as an unwitting honeypot trap to control Monk Dol, despite Dear being someone who likes him.
I especially love the flashback scene to Dear's mother's passing. You can see Win's character in detail there; he engaged with Dear on a surface level, thinking it's enough to comfort her by telling her facts about death and failing to realize what she actually needed until Dear requested it upfront (it also served as a great contrast to Win's foil: Monk Dol interacts with other people differently. Dol always tries to address the underlying questions, takes time to listen, and only gives answers he believes are beneficial and helpful. He's like this to Monk Ekechai and even the cop who looks like fucking Robert Downy Jr.).
Win exhibited very little empathy for other people. Remember how he didn't help a granny with her bag until he realized he could talk to her while they walked together, so he could fish out any potential bait to lure Monk Dol into their scheme? If I were to describe this particular aspect of Win's character from a Buddhist perspective, I'd say he displays the near enemy of the concept of mettā, "friendliness." He is capable of caring about people only from an explicitly egocentric view, instead of caring for others for their own sake.
This hinders whatever he could have had with Dear, I think. Even if these two get together romantically, I honestly don't think it will be a rewarding relationship to Dear at all. Win is callous to everyone and is more obsessed with feeding his ego through perceived victories against the odds than anything else.
However, I don't actually think Win is incapable of caring about Dear, Game, or anyone else. I can't point fingers and tut-tut Win when I myself am also really low on empathy. In fact, from my own experience, I know that low empathy doesn't preclude apathy or an immutable lack of care. You can even catch a glimpse of Win's capacity for care in how he treated his cat.
Win also clearly suffers from trauma related to his father's disappearance. In true Buddhist fashion, there is an emphasis on cause-and-effect (i.e. kamma) in the show, telling us that he's the way he is precisely because of his experiences growing up.
We can also use his most obvious show of care as a comparison. Win is fiercely devoted to his mom and loves her deeply, and yet he's also dismissive of her thoughts, feelings, and sentimental offers to deepen their relationship. His care for her only showed when his mom was directly threatened, or when he believed his image in his mother's heart was close to being destroyed.
I think this allows the audience a bit of insight into how Win treats his loved one; he's also dismissive of Dear's feelings, thoughts, and needs... and yet that doesn't mean he doesn't care about her. There were times when he clearly cared and relied on her as a friend; he tried to call her near the end of Season 1 when he was feeling emotionally vulnerable as he was undergoing an onset of PTSD, for example.
Can that platonic care become a base for romance? I don't know. But to me, it really shows us that none of the trio are "evil," unlike what Cop RDJ insisted while interrogating Monk Dol—not even Win. In true Buddhist fashion, Win was just deluded ("moha," one of the Three Poisons) and merely needed more guidance.
Since his past is coming into the spotlight at the end of Season 1, going into Season 2, I think Win's character arc has only just begun. Dear and Game will play big roles in that as his friends and confidants, for sure, but this is also where Monk Dol's role in Season 2 can fit (as stated above).
I can't say if Win will end up falling in love with Dear for real at the end of S2 since it's not gonna be my personal subject of interest. But I'll love to see Win's striving in Season 2. As a certain monk says in his letter, I sure hope Win can also be free from his suffering, ahhahah!
Thank you for reading my ramble!
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #199
I ate a peach today. Saturn peaches are in season. Do you know what those are? They're also called donut peaches sometimes. They look like this:
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They are softer and sweeter than ordinary peaches. I enjoy them a lot, so when they're in the grocery, I try to make it a point to get them. Do you like peaches? Have you ever had one like this? I wonder.
Today I mostly rested. That's because I stayed up a bit too late last night. I really shouldn't have. But sometimes I am not very good at taking care of the soft, squishy animal that is my body. I'll have to apologize and do a little better; after all, this soft, squishy animal carries me and enacts my will, despite all the genetic limitations it has. It earnestly does its best all the time, even when it's scared, tired, and hurting. I have to try to be more mindful of this, and to be more grateful for it.
I played a lot of Dead Cells today. I also tried helping a friend through some things. I feel sluggish, so I'm maybe not doing a very good job of either of these things. I dunno.
I feel empty. Maybe it's just the lack of sleep. Maybe I expended too much energy yesterday doing a thing. Or maybe I ate something weird. But I've been making it a point to hydrate well all day. So that's at least something.
Suppose there's the feeling like there's something I should be doing, but I don't know what it is. I have a vague feeling like I'm running out of time for… something. A feeling like if I don't get… something??? done very soon, something bad is gonna happen, like… like I'll be letting someone down, or like I'm a bad person for not figuring out what is The Thing that I'm supposed to be doing and then doing it.
…But that doesn't make any sense. I wonder if it's just leftover from when my ma used to yell at me for things I didn't think to do for her without her asking. I wonder if I'm just running the old "generalized dread" script because I didn't get enough sleep last night.
…That's probably it. That's gotta be it. Brains resort to instinct to try to protect us when we're low on resources (in this case, neuronal surface area, because I didn't do a good job of sleeping, which means my brain didn't get properly flushed of debris…). Instinct tells me that I'm gonna get screamed at or told all about what an annoying disappointment I am, any second now. Because this is the world I used to live in. And when I get tired, my body and brain forget that I'm not in that place anymore.
Sigh. Well. I guess I'll do my best to cradle the soft animal that is me. It's just tired, and when it gets tired, it gets scared. It gets scared because it remembers old things. And that's okay. We can comfort the soft animal like we would comfort a frightened child. We can be gentle. We can be kind.
Maybe I'll stop playing Dead Cells for now. I'm on three whole Boss Cells at this point, and it's a challenging game even without any Boss Cells. It requires a lot of focus and precise timing, because the way I play, I'm often enough under the influence of a Curse (dead in only one hit), and I'm also always trying to parry enemies so I can get gold from them (so that I can buy better gear). This play style is not very forgiving of mistakes, and I'm probably putting a bit too much pressure on myself to succeed.
...But you know what, Sephiroth? You know what? Do you remember when I said that I got my butt kicked by a Mimic in one of my Dead Cell runs? And then I said I would practice? Well, in one of my runs today, I ran into a Mimic. And this time, the butt that was kicked was not mine!! I did a really nice job of parrying its attacks this time, and I made fast work of it because I practiced!! I wish you could have seen it!! I wish you could have seen...
Maybe I just need to do something wholesome. Maybe I'll get a shower and watch The Zeta Project. The Zeta Project is incredibly wholesome. It's very good. I'd include a link, but I'm not sure if it's allowed.
…I wish the series wasn't cancelled… I wish I could know how it ends. I wish that I could see Zee get the peace and safety that he is so desperately striving for…
I wish I could see you achieve peace and safety, too. Please work towards it, won't you?
Hey Sephiroth? Don't forget that you're loved, okay? Because I'm right here. And lots of people who love you are right here, too, even if I didn't exist. Please keep yourself safe out there. Please don't get killed.
I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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gatalentan · 1 year
So this is largely me thinking out loud and i don't expect anyone but me to care about this but. Ok, my thoughts in order
1. I have... maybe 18 years of Wiki editing experience and I am a good archivist. I admined one of the most popular fan wikis (3mil views per month) for ~6 years where I have 30,000+ edits. Yes that's a lot. No I don't know what grass feels like. But what I'm saying is I'm good at documenting.
2. The Abbott Elementary wiki has excellent episode pages, but very poor character pages. This is absolutely not a neg against the wiki or the contributors, far from it. The episode and transcript pages are very well done and comprehensive, and as someone who has done transcripts myself and knows how long it takes, they have so much of my respect. As a heavy-user wiki editor you tend to find your particular editing niche you enjoy and that's your thing you do, and you do it well. It's like any other type of fan creation, like finding a type of fanfic you like to write, or a particular art style you enjoy drawing in. That's what they're doing over there and they're great at it and I use those pages a lot.
3. Character pages are the ones that take a ton of time and archival, much more than I think most readers understand. For a good, solid page, probably 6-10 hours of writing minimum is required to write a chara page from scratch, not including the time spent rewatching the material. To update post episode for all charas from all charas different perspectives, at least 2-5 hours per episode (for an uncomplicated series, for high fantasy series with tons of lore... yikes). For this reason, poorly maintained chara pages is true of most wikis that aren't EXTREMELY active (the majority of wikis, believe it or not, have maybe 2-5 contributors at best, oftentimes just one guy with autism (me, i'm the guy)). People think they can do it, cause why wouldn't it be easy? so they try, then realise just how long it's gonna take and then bail and they're never seen again. It's why most wikis (except for Big series) are an unupdated ghost town. It's unpaid volunteer work for no praise or reward, so it's understandable. It's also very demoralising work. There's no kudos or comments or likes, nobody tells you good job. So it's a huge timesink just for the knowledge you contributed to the fandom, and hoping someone finds it useful, but never hearing if it was. "Anyone can edit a wiki" is true, but I can tell you point-blank that the reality is that most Good wiki pages you've ever seen were 95% written by just one person, and it's Work. The burnout is real and I've felt it, it's why I've been on effectively a wiki hiatus for nearly 2 years.
4. Because the Abbott cast is significantly smaller than the one I used to work on (52 main charas over 4 games vs a core cast of 6+1), writing good chara pages is something I could theoretically realistically do, because it's not as large as I am used to in my last experience, but it would, as I said, still be a huge time commitment.
5. I wish the pages were better, because there's so many times I've wanted to look up a fact and have been unable to do so - and making this a reality is within my means and totally within my experience. But:
6. Because the wiki hasn't had effectively useable chara pages for 2 seasons I'm not sure whether long-time active fans would think to consider the chara pages a resource after seeing them previously and knowing they're empty (I am guilty of this, I don't bother looking at them). So I'm not sure if the time commitment would be worth it. I also don't know if I would be able to commit to iterative updating once S3 rolls around, but at least there would be a stronger foundation for other people to contribute to?
7. I'm also not sure how the admins over there would feel about me blustering in out of nowhere, lol. Having been on the other side of that table I would understand the hesitation of someone coming in swinging.
I don't know. I'm considering it.
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s1e9 home (w. eric kripke)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
if you've heard me talk about watching stuff for any length of time you probably know i.. struggle with watching things. can't engage, then i'm thinking and that's the last thing i need 🥴 and i get all up in my head about things that i enjoyed watching, or at least had a habit of watching. and it's like pulling teeth getting back to it. ye olde mental block has reared its ugly head with spn now too. so i'm forcing myself to do it, i know that's what i need sometimes. why must my brain fight me on everything??
part of stalling ended up being this project where i tried to collect every instance of family photos in the series, spurred by the photos in the lawrence house basement here
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confess to throwing this in lightroom because all i saw was a skin blob of dean and could not figure out what was going on. lying on his stomach explains it. it's a pretty shot of sam, when you can see more than black
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always a little surprising seeing a brand name on this show, doesn't happen often. still with the skateboard chest thing for desktop background
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1x09 / 1x12
like that plaintive puppy face he makes in faith (have a screenshot of that one in my little painting wip ideas for ages)
SAM No, I dreamt about the blood dripping, her on the ceiling, the fire, everything, and I didn’t do anything about it ‘cause I didn’t believe it. And now I’m dreaming about that tree, about our house, and about some woman inside screaming for help. I mean, that’s where it all started, man, this has to mean something, right? DEAN I don’t know. SAM What do you mean you don’t know, Dean? This woman might be in danger. I mean, this might even be the thing that killed Mom and Jessica!
a) poor sammy b) i dunno if it was the writing or the acting or what but this felt clunky
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DEAN All right, just slow down, would ya? I mean, first you tell me that you’ve got the Shining? And then you tell me that I’ve gotta go back home? Especially when…. SAM When what? DEAN When I swore to myself that I would never go back there?
admit i snorted the second time i watched this (rewound for sam's part), it's just very over the top. and they are collectively in love with jackles's pretty+sad face. sam gets up, says we gotta do it 🥺 long, slow focus on dean.. jaw clench.. i know we do. it's a good face, i get it. especially when he gets all wet eyed
thing i do like about this scene are that sam is avoiding and dean pushes him and forces him to explain what's going on. could have used that energy a lot more in subsequent seasons.
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pretty sure the first time i watched this i also paused and cranked up the brightness to see if sam's hand was behind on the seat lol ridiculous
JENNY That’s Ritchie. He’s kind of a juice junkie. But, hey, at least he won’t get scurvy. Sari, this is Sam and Dean. They used to live here.
dude, this is so funny. one of my kids stopped drinking juice and i seriously was concerned that he could end up with scurvy because he has such a limited selection of stuff he'll consume so i had to find vitamins he would 100% like. NO SCURVY UP IN HERE, BITCHES
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sam's so fired up about this maybe being yellow eyes he's practically stepping in front of dean while they're walking, cracked me up. meanwhile dean's freaked out about sam's visions being real, understandably so
ok so we go from sam ranting to him chilling out, per dean's instruction, and padalecki's voice is a lot lower. so i wonder if that's part of what makes it feel forced and weird to me? like in the scene before this one. hmm. or maybe he's just still working on his approach/delivery. gonna be keeping my eye on you, sir
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DEAN Not much. I remember the fire…the heat. And then I carried you out the front door. SAM You did? DEAN Yeah, what, you never knew that? SAM No.
i feel like that would be a big part of family lore, if nothing else dean would want to tell sam about that. a point of pride, something to lord over him, etc. anyway, it's a nice moment regardless if i don't find it super believable personally :p
some more padalecki crispy Rs on "figure" (a lot in this episode) and other weird voice modulations from jared. and man, dean got emotional so much more in earlier seasons. i imagine it was a character choice how he kind of hardened throughout the seasons, kept himself in check better. but sneaking away from sam for a minute, sounding like he's on the verge of tears calling john for help is so vulnerable (and can't let sam know he's scared/lost) and john still of course thinks it's safer/better to stay no contact
also i don't particularly like the music when sam and dean are talking (generic ~emotional~ music), but i do moreso the music on the phone call. it reminds me a smidge of some score from the magicians (which i don't think i talked about much, but i enjoyed and was very distinctive). this is a lennertz episode
ah yes, and the dreaded hand in the garbage disposal moment. unplug it before you jam your arm down there, bro. of course, if it's ghosts, it doesn't need power, right? anyway. i could go my whole life without any more of that final destination type nonsense :p
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ah, missouri!! i wish they could have had her be a recurring character. one of my favorites. sam and i both gleefully enjoyed her reading dean to filth
SAM Okay. So, our dad –- when did you first meet him? MISSOURI He came for a reading. A few days after the fire. I just told him what was really out there in the dark. I guess you could say…I drew back the curtains for him.
really thought he knew about the life from mary being a hunter but skimming his wiki article and apparently not
also forgot about the baby getting trapped in the fridge. huh, and a little demon growl sound effect mixed in there too. at least it gets resolved quickly, stressed me out
DEAN What are they doing here? MISSOURI They’re here because of what happened to your family. You see, all those years ago, real evil came to you. It walked this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds. And sometimes, wounds get infected. SAM I don’t understand. MISSOURI This place is a magnet for paranormal energy. It’s attracted a poltergeist. A nasty one. And it won’t rest until Jenny and her babies are dead.
far as i can see, this and swap meat are the only episodes with poltergeists and it's also not terribly clear how it's different from other vengeful spirits but there we go
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everyone loves to choke out sam
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okay i totally talked shit about that DISPUTED HUG in this episode and have to admit, it was actually a brief embrace of the almost dead sorts after dean gets the lamp cord off sam's neck. which is what made me start grabbing all the hugs to make gifs of them. which i'm sure has been done tenfold but sure why not. anyway, i got like. halfway done with that. since i just finished a painting, maybe i'll pick that little project up
see missouri was after dean a bunch but if she'd come back, she coulda knocked some sense into our sam when he was being an ass too! like bobby but more charismatic to me personally :p
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carrying two kids like that down the stairs is no easy feat, friends. sam to the rescue! and it's nice little reciprocity that he gets to carry the kids away from the (ghost on) fire since dean did it for him, twice
i know it would be faster and less dramatic but dean really maybe should have broken a window instead of chopping through her door 🤪
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funny seeing her and hearing her talk, because we got to know her quite well in the later seasons so her voice is so familiar. but used to seeing her look a good bit older
that made... very little sense LOL. she shows up, she wipes out the bad guy poltergeist or whatever??? and then she's gone? so she what, has been attached to the house for 22 years and just now got to go to heaven?? (and her saying i'm sorry to sam, could be sorry for dying, sorry for making the deal that got me killed and you whatever'd by azazel, etc - i wonder how much of the canon long game story was determined by this point -- all of which, none of what happened was her fault)
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MISSOURI That boy…he has such powerful abilities. But why he couldn’t sense his own father, I have no idea. JOHN Mary’s spirit –- do you really think she saved the boys? MISSOURI I do. John Winchester, I could just slap you. Why won’t you go talk to your children? JOHN I want to. You have no idea how much I wanna see ‘em. But I can’t. Not yet. Not until I know the truth.
SLAP HIM, MISSOURI! so i think the regular justification for john not being in contact with them is that it's not safe because the demons could get to them through him or something? but this, if there were a time for the truth this is it, would be indicating to me that no, he's just too hot on the trail of the revenge quest to do it. yet another reason early on we're set up to not like him. his explanation makes no sense to me.
this would also be a prime mushy music moment, but nope! i know it happens in 2x1 after my little investigation so i'm very curious if/when it shows up in s1
Missouri was originally meant to appear in the season one finale, 1.22 Devil's Trap, but scheduling conflicts with actress Loretta Devine forced the production to create a new character, Bobby Singer, as a fill in.
if only... like, bobby was great in that he was introduced as someone who had a history with the boys as kids, and that definitely was a nice layer of backstory, and really great for them to have a better parental figure. so i think it's not that i take issue with bobby per se, i just never connected with jim beaver. any of my fondness came directly from feelings they had, so i grieved when he died because of how it impacted them more than about the character himself. what would have been actually great is rufus's actor, steven williams, could have been bobby. because now that man has charisma to spare, damn. ah well.
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myloveforhergoeson · 8 months
what's your favorite canon (and non canon!) ships from the show/tasw canon? least favorite?
also just caught up and ahhhh so glad roxy and camille finally made up! are we gonna see the girlies at a sleepover next chapter? 👀
SUCH A GOOD QUESTION AHH! thank you! - as per usual i have a very long answer and i don't really know ship names so bear with me and find it under the cut
from the show:
its so hard for me to put my feelings about this into words because i enjoy most ships coming out of the show both canon and noncanon but i wish there was more of a space for the canon relationships to be developed. like i love jo i think she's great but her only personality traits are acting and kendall's girlfriend, you know?
if i had to pick fav canon ships, i think logan and camille are so funny and despite a few bumps in their relationship they really are made for each other. something about the nerdy guy and his batshit girlfriend get me every single time across most pieces of media.
as for non canon ships... i have many favorites... james and kendall COME ON like. come on. you all know what i mean. come on. i'm not sure if carlos and stephanie counts as non canon but i thought the dance episode in the first season was super cute and i wish they kept her around to develop that relationship more. out of all four boys i think carlos is like. made of boyfriend material and it's shocking to me they play him up to be the most inexperienced romance wise. maybe it's because my himbo opinions lean more into the predominant thought process of this decade than the last but. i love carlos and stephanie! i also remember the first time i watched the show, being a bit surprised they didn't have any relationships for mrs. knight after making a big deal about it in the first season. she and buddha bob had potential i think. can't explain it. james and jett also. hm. hear me out yall. they give catty gay couple on a reality tv show that everybody loves. if jett wasn't so busy trying to bag jo he'd see his perfect match was right there all along...
least favorite canon - james and lucy. i don't know if this is a popular opinion and i do believe that the two had potential if their story had been written differently. but james' borderline obsession with her was creepy and i don't think she'd stop her tour and fly all the way back to america to be with him. if there had been more time to develop their relationship... maybe. but how i interpret lucy's character tells me she wouldn't be all that into him and that her career is more important to her than some guy. and this is not because i love james diamond btw bc i love lucy stone far more! she's to good for all of the boys
least favorite non canon... i'm not sure. i haven't really seen anything that i didn't like while perusing the btr ao3 tag. are there any gustavo and kelly shippers? i'm not sure i'd be on board with that just because gustavo doesn't always treat her very well but otherwise i can't think of any at the moment
from tasw:
obviously james and roxy are perfect this is the only ship that matters and nothing else can top this. lmao!
jokes aside, most of my opinions about ships from the show carry over into the story. i like logan and camille very, very much, i think jo and kendall are cute, i will bring stephanie back eventually once i plot my chapters better
i'm in big debate with myself over some relationship things that could happen in the future, so i don't want to spill and spoil. i feel like dr strange in endgame when he's looking through all the timelines to find the perfect one and i am struggling very, very hard to come to conclusions.
if james and roxy weren't together, i think she and lucy would have a pretty good shot at forming a romantic relationship. they have similar interests for one, i see them writing music together all the time and generally enjoying each other's company. punk rock gf and pop punk gf for the win! she and logan also probably, if camille weren't so madly in love with him
@selangkir wrote an amazing au of tasw in which big time rush was a girlband and james and roxy swapped duties! their characterization of james and dak zevon cut me to the core. they might be my favorite non canon even if they break my heart hehe
honestly the more i think about it the more i think roxy could be happy with everyone LMAO as long as she's in the ship its my favorite bc she's my special perfect girl :)
phew. that was a lot. i'm not very picky.
ahh! i'm so happy you were able to catch up on the story. i hope you're enjoying it as much as i am! i was going back through some of my old posts and realized roxy and camille had been fighting since like october i'm so happy they're back!
while it's not quite a sleepover this chapter, they do get to spend some quality time together talking about the upcoming holiday season! i'm almost done with the first section of the chapter and i'm planning on posting the preview soon. a proof of tasw life post if you will, so keep your eyes peeled for our girlies!
but what do yall think? what are your fav/least fav from the show and from my story? id love to know!
thanks so much for reading and thank you for the ask! <33
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unforth · 1 year
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Okay, so, during the holiday season (during which I celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, and my birthday... in 2022 all within the same 8 days... ) my mom gave me a "I don't know what you want so over the next year just tell me some things you want and I'll pay for them" gift, and I've already cashed that in twice - once for something I'll scream about excessively whenever it finally gets here (I have. no idea when that'll be. I just checked Amiami and it says "processing shipping," whatever the fuck that means.) The other time was to put in an order from @shandian-go's in-stock sale (which appears to be closed again?). The "must have" item that got me to make that purchase was 2ha Vol. 3 Chinese, which I wanted no matter what (and which I've already posted a little about the extras, but I'll gather them all some time and take pics, it came with SO MUCH STUFF ASFADFADG).
But if I'm already getting stuff, might as well get more, right? So I went through the rest and ordered a few things. The expensive parts were actually not for me - a book a friend wanted, and a birthday gift I'll also send to that same friend. But I treated myself to some lucky bags, because like... there's always a lot of merch that I like but don't love enough to pay the premium on "I MUST HAVE THAT SPECIFIC THING." I figured if I got a random assortment, odds were high I'd be entirely happy with everything in that random assortment, and it'd be cheaper than picking out specific individual items.
That order arrived nice and quick, since it was all things that were already with Mel in Canada, and yeah I was right, I'm happy with my lucky bags. I got three - one for TGCF, one for 2ha, and one for "all priest excelt TYK/SHL" (mine ended up containing two Guardian things, a SPL thing, and a Mo Du thing, which is about perfect since the fourth fandom option was Lie Huo Jiao Chou, which I'm least familiar with of the four).
Since they arrived (several weeks ago) I've been, uh. Savoring? Because I'm super busy and don't have time to really enjoy but just. poking at the box for a few minutes every few days has really helped keep my mood up.
Today I stole a few minutes to really start going through things, though. So, here's my TGCF lucky bag! A cute Hualian key chain of Hua Cheng comforting Xie Lian, a pretty pin, an adorable Xie Lian wedding chibi standee, and that gorgeous soldier Hua Cheng/God Please Crown Prince Xie Lian art.
As expected, I am utterly satisfied with this purchase. I'm gonna add the key chain to my keys today (where it'll join the Hualian chibi key chains I bought from ShanGo last year), and I really need to finish the quilt I've been working on specifically as a place to hang pins so I can hang the pin.
Whenever I next feel like I can ask mom for a little money, it'll be this - https://koonbooks.com/products/global-examination-chinese-comic?_pos=2&_sid=a2e0144e2&_ss=r. Which has been on my list for months and was what I wanted next no matter what, but has definitely gained a lot more urgency since I started reading the book, lmao. Now I want it like air. Probably over the summer...
(I also just today got a shipping due notice from ShanGo? I have. no idea what it's for, oops. I thought my only outstanding order was the Yanshen plushies but my memory is shot idek. God, this makes it sound like I buy So Much Stuff I swear I don't. With what money would I???)
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blackautmedia · 8 months
Are you watching it when it airs on Disney channel if you have cable the ratings where low last season , cause Disney sucks at marketing their animated shows. But we also have to  watch it on Disney + on February 3 the most, and when they air it on YouTube. I’m not just saying only cable I’m saying please support this show. They are airing 2 episodes a week just like last season. Please watch the episode when they air too.
Unfortunately they are dropping 14 episodes on Disney + so watch them all in one day ,then but also when they air the first time. I’ve been told it will help Season 2 is going to be more story driven ,it’s at risk of getting canceled after 2 seasons,If the ratings arnt better. Especially on Disney + Disney is judging the show views on how many binge the show on February 3. Please don’t Disney screw this show over like the others.we need all the views we can get so help spread awareness of the series and what’s at stake here.
Hey! Apologies for waiting to reply to this. I held off from replying to asks due to protesting.
While I have a lot of series I enjoy from an artistic standpoint, I can't bring myself to support the platforms like Disney that go with them.
What I do as a compromise is do my best to advocate for the artists that make the shows we enjoy. My next project after finishing my current video is actually going to be about the ways people de-value artists in their reviews and discussions of animated TV series.
Disney has had way too many issues as a company on top of their current position in supporting Israel for me to support, so I feel the better alternative is to lend my support to artists rather than trying to support them through. I remember how awful Disney treated the Owl House both in its production and in getting those last episodes distributed.
With the issues of crunch and exploitation like with Across the Spiderverse on top of Marvel and Disney's corporate issues, the reactions people had to Invincible having the second half of its episodes coming out later than the first batch, and the way reviewers are currently talking about Sonic Prime as if it's just lazy garbage, if I cover things on YouTube or engage with them, I always want to be an advocate where I can for artists.
I wish more reviewers talked on this side of things in their reviews or at the very least put their criticisms in perspective.
So for anyone really, I don't think you should stop enjoying shows but our support should at least come from a love of people.
I'm not gonna tell you I don't enjoy Moon Girl, but it's because someone had to put labor into it that I support the artists. Disney won't respect a lot of its artistic projects no matter how much better they deserve because they don't see "art" they see "content."
I recognize that this comes from Producer Steve Loter and I get the sentiment why, but people before programs.
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mauannacreates · 1 year
Flufftober August
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Gosh, sorry for being late on this rendition of Flufftober by @flufftober month. I was working quite a bit on my later WIPs, and busy with real life stuff that this one kinda swpt by until last minute.
I have to admit, I quite enjoyed working on this one. Especially with exploring the dynamics between the characters here, I couldn't help but want to do it with Elaine and Marielle, and even did a quick sketch of the surroundings they could be at. So I hope you guys enjoy this one!
Elaine struts by, collecting all the things she could find. Weapons, armory and jewlerry. All the things she has found scattered on the floor. Well, so much for try to have a neat room. And when she twists around, she could see the girl who is no more than half her height, reaching to her hips. 
And mind you, she ain't a girl. 
"Lainy! Hi~!" the girl with her eyes barely showing under her pink domed head says, "Oh goodie, it's so nice to see you today!" 
"Do I even want to know how you got into my room?" 
"Nope." despite her sweet smile curving through her lips, something tells Elaine that would probably be the case that she has done something. And despite her small size the tentacles from her sides swirl around. Elaine tenses her lip. She's definitely a lot more dangerous than she's letting on. 
"so… What are we going to do today?" 
"what do you mean?" she gives a forced laugh as she narrows her eyes for the owl that should be there by now. "actually, where's Tynan?" 
"Oh, Ty? We're going to him now." she says "I thought that we can both go to him, like we're badass, sister style." 
Elaine gives a cackling laugh, "Marielle. You know I have more duties to do than to pretend to be your younger-" 
"actually older sister." she gives a stretched smile… Older…?
"How… How old are you?" 
"A hundred and fifty six years old." What the…!? "At least, it'd probably translate to… Twenty one cat years?" twenty one what..? Before Elaine could begin to understand it, she thrusts her hand to her fists. 
"Stop trying to be funny with me." Elaine says. 
"Oh, no, no. It's not me being funny to you at all. It's all seriousness." good grief. Even the way she's facing her with her mouth drooped doesn't make it any easier to say anything that she said is a joke. 
"You know… I'm twenty six, but that…" I stare at her. ”That doesn't make any sense."
"You know how you have cat lives…?" 
"You mean as in cat lives, right…?" 
"yeah, yeah." she says. "I have that sort of thing, but… Limitless." What the hell…?! 
"how in the hell is that possible…!?" Elaine says, and her mouth tenses, but then scrunches up.  
"I, uhh… regenerate…?” Why is she saying it like it’s the most obvious thing…? “It's complicated to explain, but after getting tired or really hurt, I just… Revive myself?" This is sounding more ridiculous by the minute. "I'm sure you'll see it one of these days!"
"I am going to pretend I never heard you say that." 
"Lainy~!" Marielle gives a chided laughter. She is probably the second weirdest– no scratch that, the weirdest Elaine has ever encountered. 
"Look, I don't really care how you revive yourself. Just…" She searches her, but then Elaine gives a sigh as she twists away from her. "Let's go and look for Tynan."
"Okay! Cue the music!" the music? What mus– 
'My, my, how the seasons go by
I get high, and I love to get low
So the hearts keep breakin', and the heads just roll
You know, that's how the story goes'
God, why does she have to sing? And… Where the hell is that music coming from…!? 
'One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
'Cause I'm the best baby that they never gotta keep
One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
They always wanna come, but they never wanna leave –'
"Marielle, stop!" Elaine says, and gosh, what is with her and laughing so much…? 
"Hey, I've got to have some backbeat music somewhere." her smile inches just that bit wider. "especially since I'm walking with my cooler and younger sister~!"
"Yeah, but…" Elaine takes a breath in. If she could only strangle that jellyfish…! But then, something's telling her it would be a mistake if she did that. So she takes a breath in. "We are at a palace. Not at a bar." Elaine says "and I am not your little sister!"
“I know.” She says, “I just like to make you laugh and allll stressed out.” Oh, what…!? So this jellyfish is really doing this on purpose…? She will–  “Just joking.” Marielle gives a soft smile, before her big round dress wavers to the side. “Let’s go Lainy. It’s a nice August day, and hey. It’s soon Spring… or Autumn...?” 
“It’s fall here.” And her pink dome stares up at her for what seems like a few seconds. Even as the other people are walking past the corridor. Who knows what she’s thinking. 
“I knew that.” No, she didn’t. She didn’t. But then she’s turning away…! “Lainy, we have to find Ty soon. We don’t want to keep him waiting.” Of course Marielle doesn’t. But then, Elaine herself didn’t want to keep Tynan waiting either.  
“Fine, but you better explain how you got into my room sooner or later.” and Marielle gives a laugh. Something is telling her she won’t get an answer. But it doesn’t matter. It’s different than with all those other people in Lanz’ castle. Serious, rigid and fine. Well, it ought to be time that Elaine herself did something different around here besides sitting still and acting like a princess the whole day.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
PMSing laryngitis anon back. One other complaint. I saw a subtweet about how 911 isn't the Buddie show and you can't complain just because of Buck and Eddie, and like...I don't watch just for them but I most certainly the eff CAN complain about derivative, boring, uninspired, terrible romances for them (and even if I did just watch for them, I would still be entitled to complain). Fandom policing is so annoying. The premise of having to shut up about Buddie or you're not a true fan of the show or must only watch for Buddie? Ridiculous.
My favorite episodes this season had little to no Buddie. The Hen/Karen backstory was top, and I also really liked Bobby/Athena in Florida and Bobby in recovery. I also liked the premiere quite a bit and was (probably stupidly) optimistic that the show was getting back on track. But it didn't, at least not for me. Because only liking a few episodes, or a few moments within an episode...that's not how I used to feel about the show. And that's not enough. O know I can stop watching anytime, but it's truly hard to give up a show that I used to love and still has glimpses of its past glory. But the truth is, if the finale ends with Natalia as Buck's couch and Eddie having a cafecito with Marisol, I will finally have the motivation to stop watching...because there's no coming back from that. I can still watch clips of Hen and Karen, Athena, Maddie, etc. online without subjecting myself to inconsistent and annoying plots, or the joke "relationships" that Kristen keeps forcing on Buck and Eddie. But while I'm here, I'm GOING to speak up about how I feel.
I made a post that naturally I cannot for the life of me find right now that said basically yeah it's not "The Buddie Show" but that doesn't excuse the show sidelining their friendship or giving them shitty arcs any more than it excuses them having most of Madney's development since s4 ended happening off screen.
6x03 is the only episode of this show I have never watched and I don't plan to. If I wanted to watch women and young girls get preyed upon and murdered I would watch Criminal Minds or SVU or something like that. That said, while it may not be For Me, I can appreciate that people enjoy it as a good/important episode of television. I agree that Tomorrow was Top Notch and I was glad to see Bobby get a story and that most of the episode focused on him but I am still rolling my eyes that they tried to tell us this man we had literally never heard of before has been around since season 1 and was a fully engrained part of Bobby's life to the point that he was also good friends with Athena. But as an episode to itself taking the build up factor out, it was a good episode. I personally really loved 6x10 and I looooved all the Ravi/Chim, firefam and Eddie/Peppa softness moments in Performance Anxiety and Lost and Found had so much good firefam! But overall, if all the plot points can easily fit into a 2 minute "here's what happened last season" video and you wouldn't actually lose out on anything by not watching the whole season? It's got too much filler.
And there is still so much I love about the show and I truly love all these main characters and the actors being as good as they are it I think the thing saving the show right now, but it's not gonna be enough if they don't turn things around next season and that starts with who is running the show and how they are running it. I have a few people I know that are casual viewers and they have all been bored to tears by this season. Something's gotta give. And I don't think it's a bad thing to talk about how it's boring or doesn't feel like it used to because the show can't fix what they don't know is broken 🤷🏻‍♀️
Edited to add that thanks to @randomwhee reblogging it, I found The Post.
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