#spn demon growl
mlobsters · 1 month
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supernatural s1e1 pilot (w. eric kripke)
because my brain is jacked up, i'm weirdly anxious about rewatching the show even though that's been The Plan for months. i watched 15x20 a week (plus) ago and every time i think about starting over at the pilot and writing them up proper like i did around s4-5 onward, my chest kind of clenches up and i look for literally anything else to do. i am worried about having feelings that i'm not prepared to deal with. which is fucking ridiculous.
hold onto your butts, this is gonna be a long fucking post
i've mentioned before that babies in peril is my number 1 hard stop on media -- i stopped watching killing eve mid-episode because of one and never went back to it (i intended to but never happened, brain weasels make everything hard.) so i know the very first time i tried to watch spn (several years ago) i almost turned it off because of little baby sam. that first attempt at watching i wasn't actually fully paying attention, i had it on while i was doing other things and so i missed all the character stuff and only saw it as kind of a mid horror schlocky situation so i never finished the first season back then. when i gave it another go in early 2023, i was giving it my full attention.
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one thing this show always got? the cutest, happiest, sweetest babies. 10/10 would recommend
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already freaking out how young everyone is and happy clean shaven john is extra wild
demon growl sound effect / padalecki's accent & jerk bitch moment
hey, it's the first instance of the demon growl noise when mary's burning on the ceiling! ooh i'm gonna be even more insufferable about the musical score and sound effects now that i'm listening for it from the jump
also i have called padalecki's accent/speech pattern the crispy r based on some tiktok i heard describing it that way - i associate it with california (but these clips are almost the opposite where the R is getting almost eliminated but not in the boston accent way), and i'd say maybe it was a choice but i think he spoke this way in gilmore girls too? but anyway, his Rs are just very different and it's a very particular and kind of subtle accent that definitely doesn't carry through the entire series ("bear it" in the second clip, the "sorry" in the third). i mentioned it when they had a clip of a moment from 1x10 as well in the pre-ep recap for 5x09
really well done and effective effects on that fire in the nursery
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so this picture made it out of the lawrence fire (it was on mary's nightstand) but not the stanford one? i don't recall it being in the collection
i never really understood where sam was supposed to be timeline-wise in college, other than he must not have graduated because it was october? so there's me googling when you take the LSAT. so he could have (assuming it hasn't changed that much since 2005) taken it in june or october of the calendar year before he graduated. all right so that makes sense now that i think about it for more than 30 seconds. so he didn't finish his last year really of his bachelor's. and he's 22. i think in that alex irvine john winchester diary novel thing (don't think that that's considered canon but that's a whole other can of worms), it said sam graduated high school at 19 instead of 18 so i think that would make things line up (someone made a timeline that also includes everything in that novel but the post is loudly wncest dni so i won't link it). i do know it was just a mistake that the pilot said sam had been gone 2 years.
the ever useful canon discrepancies article at superwiki:
One of the most frequently debated potential canon discrepancies. Here are the facts: - In the 1.01 Pilot, Sam is about to be interviewed for law school, which could work on the assumption that he's just about to finish a bachelor degree (4 years). Dean also says that he hasn't spoken to Sam in "nearly two years." - In 1.03 Dead in the Water, Dean tells Sam that he spent "Every day for two years with Dad, while you were going to pep rallies." - In 1.07 Hook Man, Dean says "So this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh?" when they are researching in the library. - The original promo dates Mary's death to September 13, 1985, consistent with Sam being twenty and having been at Stanford for two years but out of step with everything else in the series. Eric Kripke acknowledged during a panel at the 2006 William S. Paley Television Festival that they made a mistake in the script -- initially Sam was meant to be 20, then they aged him up to 22, but neglected to change Dean's line from "two years" to "four years." Therefore, it may have been the creators' intention that Sam has been at college for four years.
this is gonna take me approximately forever to rewatch episodes 🤪
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keeping my eye out for hands for drawing. have a general idea of getting something early seasons to go in the set with the 15x20 hands.
SAM Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45. DEAN Well, what was he supposed to do? SAM I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the dark.
classic john
SAM Yeah, I know, but still. The way we grew up, after Mom was killed, and Dad's obsession to find the thing that killed her. SAM But we still haven't found the damn thing. So we kill everything we can find. DEAN We save a lot of people doing it, too.
one thing i'm thinking about is how i definitely was under the impression that they really didn't know any other hunters until they start getting mentioned here and there (dropping bits of backstory about working jobs with xyz while sam was at school etc), and that they barely knew anything about demons. so i'm curious to see how much of that is me misremembering
SAM You think Mom would have wanted this for us? The weapon training, and melting the silver into bullets? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors. DEAN So what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it? SAM No. Not normal. Safe. DEAN And that's why you ran away. SAM I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing.
classic john x2. i know it's the pilot, i know they're bombing us with backstory like they need to, but i'm just like. everything about this ends up being pretty essential to understanding them and how they were raised it's so much 😩
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DEAN I can't do this alone. SAM Yes you can. DEAN Yeah, well, I don't want to.
excuse me while my heart breaks into little bits. i knew that line in 15x20 was a callback to this, and it was heartbreaking then too. well actually it makes feel slightly ill rereading that scene from the finale. too emotionally invested
DEAN It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough. DEAN Then I get this voicemail yesterday. He presses play. The recording is staticky and the signal was clearly breaking up. JOHN Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger.
so he coulda like. told dean he was ditching him for his safety in this sketchy vague voicemail, but then of course we wouldn't have them chasing him down with quite the same mystery. it's just kind of comical.
like this post puts it:
spn season 1 is so funny. they made the main plot line finding sam and dean’s missing father. but like. the guys not missing. he’s just avoiding them.
i'm sure (i hope???) every rewatch post isn't going to turn into a dissertation like this. good grief
hey. i was gonna mention that music was quite inoffensive and not bad at all and was about give old jay a pat on the back, but no! it's christopher lennertz lol. my ear always knows. so that's the originator of the demon growl sound
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SAM It's the greatest hits of mullet rock. DEAN Well, house rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole. SAM You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. SAM It's Sam, okay?
i mean so many classic interactions i can't handle it. also, real shame netflix didn't/wouldn't get the licensing for the music originally aired. i have the blurays but i'm down a functional bluray player so here i am, watching on netflix with shitty replacement music yet again. that scene should have had ramblin man and back in black. travesty. back when they splashed out for the good licensed music (and i usually was on board with lennertz's selections)
the comment about them being a little young for federal marshals (also in their kinda scruffy clothes lol) and wikipedia says:
Marshals Service hiring is competitive and comparable to the selection process for Special Agent positions in agencies with similar duties. Typically fewer than five percent of qualified applicants are hired [citation needed] and must possess at a minimum a four-year bachelor's degree or competitive work experience (which is usually three or more years at a local or state police department).
so i mean, sounds like it's doable! barely. (i'm not even halfway through the episode lol)
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stepping on dean's foot, smacking sam's head. very good sibling stuff
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meanwhile we're gonna pop jackles in some bomb ass golden hour lighting so we can get his pretty, pretty face looking even prettier. lighting doesn't match any other part of the scene, but if you can get them lit up in it, we're using it!
SHERIFF Can I help you boys? DEAN No, sir, we were just leaving. As the FBI AGENTS walk past DEAN, he nods at each of them. DEAN Agent Mulder. Agent Scully.
respect to the og (that was the show of my youth and my forever otp and also my first impression of sam and dean's relationship was mid-run mulder and scully)
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s1e1 r.d. call as sheriff pierce / the x-files s1e18 as sheriff daniels
oh! and this sheriff was a sheriff in an xfiles episode, that's even better! that's brilliant. love to see it
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those jeans and before dean had his signature logger boots which i didn't apparently really notice until s6
DEAN Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. I'm Dean, this is Sammy.
uncles??? lol
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another thing i remember really liking is these random girls aren't like.. tv pretty makeup. they're just random gothy girls with stark harsh eye makeup and lipstick and matte heavier foundation. like real people do! it just makes it feel more grounded in reality to me when not everyone's makeup is tv-perfect
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y'all. look at this! so i have talked a lot about the computer stuff, whenever there's a screen (in any show i'm watching) i'll pause and check out the veracity. teen wolf had laughably fake web page mockups. and one thing i do recall noticing in this episode was real webpage urls! and even in the printouts which comes later. which they did not do consistently in spn seasons after this at all until much later
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classic. truly. more smacks and shoves. it's okay, sammy. i also am a little bit of a control freak especially when it comes to computer stuff. JUST LET ME DO IT.
DEAN Monday. Right. The interview. SAM Yeah. DEAN Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl? SAM Maybe. Why not? DEAN Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done? SAM No, and she's not ever going to know. DEAN Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are.
dean's got a point there. which reminds me, did blurry wife know the truth? i remember there was some blurb about the story behind sam's kid having the anti-possession tattoo
wiki to the rescue
Though Sam's son has an anti-possession tattoo on his arm, there are no other signs of hunting in Sam's life after he leaves the Bunker. Jared confirmed at the November StageIt panel that Sam has not been hunting "in honor of Dean" because Dean wouldn't have wanted him to, but that Sam did tell his son about hunting and about his Uncle Dean, and that the decision to get the tattoo was Dean II's.
so probably yes?
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SAM And who's that? DEAN You're one of us. SAM No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life. DEAN You have a responsibility to— SAM To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back.
oh, sam. these early days he was chafing so hard against what other people wanted him to do. also relatable. and if only we knew about mary🥴
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sam enjoying dean's predicament
SAM Salt, cat's eye shells…he was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in.
cat's eye shells?? don't think that ever got mentioned again
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LOL okay, so the url isn't perfect 😂 missing forward slashes and no underscores in domain names, but they tried!!
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huh. another family picture i don't recall seeing again. kind of backwards, longer brown hair on supposedly dean and short lighter hair on supposedly sam
so did dean grab john's leather jacket at this point? since he showered and changed in john's motel room. i hadn't thought about that. huh
SAM You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been! CONSTANCE You will be. Just hold me.
i know this comes up in fic periodically but i don't think that went anywhere, like the cat's eye shells
LOL i didn't remember that the woman in white resolution was her ghostly murdered children conveniently take her out
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DEAN Hey, if we shag ass we could make it by morning. SAM Dean, I, um... DEAN You're not going. SAM The interview's in like, ten hours. I gotta be there. DEAN Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I'll take you home.
there's so many moments in this episode that i've seen in gifs and didn't realize were all from the pilot. but it's really interesting to me to see how like.. the show really kind of pushed how much dean needed/wanted sam and sam was resisting, and how i think it really set up dean as the more "likeable" character initially, along with showing off his pretty face and charm and all that. on a brain-characterization level, i always relate more to sam but i was definitely charmed by dean initially.
SAM Call me if you find him? SAM And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh? DEAN Yeah, all right. DEAN Sam? DEAN You know, we made a hell of a team back there. SAM Yeah.
the only thing that i think makes this episode not quite paced right is how they crammed jess dying at the end and the we've got work to do thing. it felt really rushed and slapped on. but other than that, what a great pilot. ranks up there with the hannibal pilot
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findafight · 2 years
I am so mad at myself. After writing in the tags "#not spn au just supernatural ok OKAY" on my supernatural au/human Steve au post. I am cursed with thinking of a cw supernatural au for human Steve au. Horrible. My fantasy mechanics work different than the show but fuck it if I'm not thinking about John Winchester sidling up to Hawkins, two boys in the back of the impala, a couple weeks after spring break of '86. Comes in cocksure and confident. It's a small town, someone had to have seen something, even if they had a witchhunt for some poor sap.
He meets the newly reinstated chief of police, (unclear why he was removed if everybody he's talked to loves the guy, calls him a hero and all that shit) and asks about the deaths. John's had a few years to work out the kinks in getting law enforcement to tell him about the weird shit that happens so he's not too worried about this Hopper guy.
He walks into the office and, well. Chief Hopper looks like shit. Sunken cheeks and sallow skin, the guy looks like he escaped prison more than anything. But. John can be polite. He introduces himself. Tries to ask some...subtle questions.
Cheif Hopper isn't taking the bait. Keeps twitching his nose, brows drawing lower and lower. At some point, he leans towards John, and there's a brief, instinctual, second of fear that runs down his spine, before the chief shrugs. Says "I've gotta make a call. I think I know who you're looking for."
John isn't asked to leave the office so he doesn't, just listens as the phone rings.
Someone answers and the cheif says "it's Hop. We've got a...visitor at the station. Figured you'd like to talk to him."
Some talking on the other end. And Cheif Hopper, who has, the entire time John has been in Hawkins, looked no more than fifteen seconds away from growling, huffs a laugh.
"seriously Harrington, I'd say you're the one with the expertise this fella's looking for"
A pause, muffled noise.
"good. Drive safe out there, kid. Oh! And might want to bring that book of yours, hm? See you soon."
The two sit in silence. John feels like he should recognize the name Harrington, he's definitely heard it before, but can't place it for the life of him. The door of the office swings open, revealing a... Teenager.
The kid wears a pastel polo, hair coiffed, highwaisted jeans, and is carrying the largest book John Winchester has ever seen.
He plops it on the desk, Cheif Hopper shuffling papers aside.
"so," he says, pushing his hair back and placing hands on his hips, "why'd you need me to bring this fucking thing here for? Besides the shady looking guy, obviously."
Well. So much for convincing the kid he's from the feds, probably. Couldn't hurt
John shrugs. "I was just asking the Cheif here if he knew anything about those deaths. I'm with the FBI, and we want to get to the bottom of it, especially if that Munson is falsely accused."
Harrington's jam hangs open. Snaps shut. He turns to the Cheif, corner of his lips tugging up. "The. The government. Wants to know about the deaths."
The Cheif nods. "That's right, son. The FBI, here in our own little Hawkins."
The kid. The kid fucking giggles. "I see why you called."
"obviously. Guy's as subtle as a train."
And. What? How'd they figure him out so quickly? Who was this Harrington kid? What was that book he brought?
"listen, buddy, I get that you think your trying to help. I do." John is being condescended to by a fucking teenager. "But we've got it all sorted. Hawkins is fine." The kid pulls out a chair from the corner and sits on it backwards, leaning forwards against the backrest. "I am curious as to what you thought the killings were, though. Vampire? Demon? I don't think anything else would really fit the descriptions in the papers..."
And. Fuck. Did this kid know he was a Hunter? "How'd you know?"
The kid smirks. "I'm Steve Harrington." He sticks his hand out, for john to shake.
It seems rude not to, considering this kid and-and the goddamn Cheif of police in this Podunk Indiana town both clocked him as soon as he crossed town lines, probably. "John Winchester. Hunter."
Steve laughs. It's cold. "Yeah. I figured. I dunno if you're new to the game, mister Winchester, but I'm surprised you didn't recognize my last name. My parents seem to be pretty famous in you circles."
Shit. Bobby has mentioned notable hunters, and the Harringtons were definitely on the list. A hereditary family of hunters going back four generations, impressive for their career choice even without their rap sheet. And John's just met their fucking kid.
"don't worry about offending them, though. I guess I'm just here to tell you to get the fuck out of Hawkins." He says it with a board expression, as though this interaction is barely
Steve blinks at him lazily. "Hawkins is my town. I know most hunters aren't exactly...territorial, but I am. The town is under my protection, and any and all other-natural occurences are my purview."
It's then that John realizes what the Cheif was doing earlier. The odd face he made. He'd been sniffing him. A goddamn werewolf. He stiffens. This was a trap.
"it's not a trap, mr. Winchester. You're free to go. But spread the word. Hunters aren't allowed in Hawkins. Roane county, actually. If I hear about a Hunter coming into my town for anything other than a fuel top-up, they'll regret it."
John is. He's furious at this fucking child who dare to-hes just letting the beasts run amok in town and preventing anyone from doing anything about.
Harrington stands, arms crossed.
"I'd better not hear whispers about Hawkins, either. It's my town. I'll handle it." He grins. Opens the door of the office. "And, you might want to double-check that the government hasn't already been through a town with a shitty cover story already, Mr. Winchester. Might break your cover." He waves with his fingers as John spins on his heel and avoid looking at the glares he's getting for half the folks in the station.
Dean checks the address on a source he was directed to by the witnesses, a one Steve Harrington. He's on a solo Hunt now, since Sammy went off to college his dad had been...tighter. he knows he's not supposed to be in Hawkins, but he's not entirely sure why. No is really sure why, honestly, but it's well known in the Hunter grapevine that Hawkins and greater Roane county is taken care of.
Except, apparently, it isn't. Hence dean being here.
He knocks on the door, which swings open immediately to a thirty-something man who was already talking before the door was fully open, obviously not expecting a stranger.
"didn't know you actually knew how to kno- Winchester." And. Well. Fuck, right? How'd this random guy know dean? The man scowls. "I spoke to your father once. Told him to stay out of my town." He crosses his arms and raises a brow. "So. Want to explain why you're here? I've already handled the whole 'accidentally bewitching people situation, if that's what your wondering."
Dean...isn't actually sure what's happening."uh."
Steve Harrington scowls again. "Fine. Come in for coffee or tea or something. Relax for a goddamn second."
So, Dean sits and let's a cup of coffee be pushed into his hands. He doesn't drink it. Steve rolls his eyes.
"I didn't poison it, promise."
Which now makes Dean think maybe it was poisoned.
"hunters, all the fuckin same" Steve mumbles. Reaches over and plucks the coffee from Dean's hands and takes a swig before sliding it back between his palms. "There. Proof. You'll be fine."
Dean drinks, watches.
Steve watches back.
He sighs. "I'm sorry, about how you grew up."
Steve shakes his head. "Being the child of hunters. It's difficult. Lonely. I'm sorry you went through that."
Dean shrugs. "It's not so bad. Free as a bird."
Steve hums. Sips his own coffee. "Birds have flocks, or gaggles, or whatever other funny words we use to describe groups. Hunters..." He shrugs. "Not so much. Most fly solo or in pairs. Didn't you have a younger brother?"
"how did you-"
"I may not be nomadic, but I still have ears on the ground."
"huh. He went to college."
"ah. Getting out of the life. Good for him."
And suddenly Dean needs to get out. Can't stand this stranger who thinks he knows him, the way his eyes turn down, as though he's sad for Dean of all people. No. No. He needs to leave.
Harrington follows him to the door, leans on the frame as Dean stomps to the Impala. He turns around.
"i don't know what the fuck you think you're doing here, with those monsters on the loose. My dad told me about the wolves you're protecting that're infesting this place. They aren't pets you know. You need a fucking exterminator."
Steve shakes his head. "remember Dean. No hunters in Hawkins. Safe driving."
Dean cannot believe they are going back to Hawkins of all godforsaken places.
Castiel sits beside him in the passenger seat, sam surrounded by papers in the backseat and it should be pleasant, easy and comfortable. But. But they're heading to Hawkins.
As soon as the cross city limits, Castiel cocks his head, interested.
"what is it?"
"I don't...know. something is different about this town."
From the back, Sam huffs. "Yeah, it's got a rogue hunter protecting all the monsters and ghouls."
Castiel hums. "I am not so sure he protects the same creatures you hunt..."
Dean sighs. Fucking great.
Eventually, they pull up to the same house he visited all the way back in '02, and Dean is...sort of nervous. He'd been told not to come back, but really...they needed help. Information. And Steve goddamn Harrington was the best bet they had of getting it.
He rings the doorbell. When it's answered, the door swings open to a man, middle-aged with long greying hair and-shit that's Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin. That's Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin answering Steve Harrington's door and calling,
"Steve, sugar, you've got some... specialty guests!" He turns back to them, smiling, and Dean is trying very hard to not make a fool of himself. Tries not to tell Eddie Munson ofcorrodedcoffin that his first album changed Dean's life. He's going to stick with biting his tongue and nodding. Following Sam and Cas I to the living room, sitting down on the couch. He's fine. He's got a job to do. He's a professional.
Sexy middle-aged men have no power over him. He leans into Cas' space slightly.
Harrington walks in, pecks eddiemunsonofcorrodedcoffin on the cheek, oh god, and sits down.
Dean immediately stands up.
"could I, uh, use your washroom?"
Steve blinks up at him, but nods, gestures to a hallway. Dean strides down and through an open door with the light on. He pulls the shower curtain away, an instinct to always check his surroundings, and immediately jumps back as a seal barks at him. He slams the door shut on his way out.
"there's, um. There's a seal in your bathtub. Sorry guys."
Neither Harrington nor Eddie Munson have normal reactions to this piece of news.
Eddie Munson flings his head back and laughs, hair wild around his head.
Steve Harrington sighs and punches the bridge of his nose.
"sorry about her. I said we'd go to lover's lake for a swim later but living in Chicago with lake Superior right there is really spoiling her."
"one second. Robin!" He yells down the hall. "We have guests! Be decent!"
A few moments of Eddie Munson giggling and Dean decidedly not staring at a metal legend and Steve muttering about seals and soulmates and being impatient pass, and a woman, around the same age as Munson and Harrington most likely, walks down the hall toweling off her hair. She tossed a coat at Harrington.
"oh" this is from Cas. "You are soulmates."
The woman laughs. "Yeah. Figured that one out over twenty years ago." She settle into Harrington's side. "What can we help you with?"
Sam, who is curious but can usually figure out how to ask the questions he wants with out, say, blurting what the fuck do you mean SOULMATES or why is Eddie Munson (of Corroded Coffin) here? And can I get his autograph? It's probably the law school training.
Eddie Munson leans down, covers his mouth with a ringed hand, and whispers into Harrington's ear. Harrington turns to Peck Eddie Munson on the lips and whisper something back, rejoining listening to Sam and Cas as thought they hadn't done whatever that was. Dean grips Cas coat.
All in all, it was actually a successful trip to Hawkins, though Steve give him the same warning when they leave, with very little explanation for it.
Hunters better stay the fuck out of his town.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 8 months
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Cursed or Not
Not Natural ✨ The Devil's Trap ✨ Holy Water ✨ The Demon's Altar ✨ Midnight Meeting ✨ The Hunter's Trap ✨ Sharp Secrets and Bloody Blades ✨ A Hunter's Beast Tamed ✨ No Chick Flick Moments ✨ Witches, Bitches, and Beasts
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: SPN inspired, ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats), demon Kells, hunter Dom, stripping, magic, desperation, panty gagging, cunnilingus, rough sex, aggressive sex (seriously guys- ouch!), spanking, bruising, biting, insults, threats, Kells is FILTHY, naughty boys, I can not stress enough this is pure smut with a tad fluff if you squint, body worship, so much teasing, heavy d/s undertones, rough hand job, nipple play, unnatural speed, terrible Pollock reference, nervous boys, boys not so secretly in love ⚰️ rating: explicit af
One snap and Dom's shirt was gone. The cool air hit his overheated skin and he whimpered. He was almost tempted to crawl away as the other man came closer, stalking up the bed like some jungle cat. A second snap and his shoes and socks vanished. A tap to his ankle and his pants were gone. Kells pushed up on his knees and toed off his own Converse, his palms rubbing down his inked chest before he played with the button of his black pants. The Hunter's breath was coming faster and faster and the thin cloth between his legs was so drenched in slick he thought they might be ruined.
"Gonna dirty dance for me?" He tried to joke but he almost wanted to beg the universe that he wouldn't. He'd basically just realized he truly had ovaries and if Keliphos moved like that just for him he was positive they'd explode.
Kells bit the inside of his cheek not to cackle at his omega's thoughts but it was a hard one to swallow and then it hit him he was trying not to hide anything anymore. "I promise if that happens I'll heal you."
"I bloody well knew it!" Dom huffed, but he wanted to reward his lover for his honesty. Instead of waiting for Kells to magic his boxers away he pushed them down himself, wriggling free of them before he tossed them at his face. Kells growled low, catching the fabric between his teeth and sucking at the mess. He got so distracted by the perfect flavor of his boy that he jumped when Dom started helping him out of his jeans. The human was fast and fumbling but the eagerness drove the devil wild.
"Yeah yeah." He slurred around his mouthful and Dom huffed before tugging his boxers free.
"If you want a taste you can 'ave one, but get naked for me?" He barely got the words out before fingers were gripping his thighs and tugging until he fell flat on the bed. A soft 'oof' escaped him as his spine hit the mattress but he felt enraptured as he watched his man finish undressing. The monster's dick was so red and it looked achingly hard as it hung heavy between his lithe strong legs. The beast was coming for him again but something inside him had him rolling over and pulling his legs up under his belly until his ass was up in the air.
"Oh holy fucking shit fuck- what are you doing?" Kells growled so low his throat hurt. Maybe it wasn't completely healed from before. He dropped himself closer to the bed until he was eye level with his boy's beautiful pink drenched holes. "Do you even know?" He wondered, inching closer. Dom's scent was so fucking thick he was surprised there weren't visible whisps of it drawing him in like some old cartoon. It certainly felt like it was grabbing him by the balls. Dom's thighs spread open until his cockhead was kissing the mattress. He was so hard his foreskin was rolled back and he was leaking a puddle of precum on the ratty sheets. Snap- the fabric underneath them was soft. Egyptian cotton. Black. Of course. "I want to see the stains you leave."
"Oh fuck-" The boy groaned, resting his cheek against the pillow under him and biting it gently. "Keliphos, please?" A hand came down on his ass so hard he cried out, his hips rolling as if he were already getting fucked.
Kells choked on nothing at the sound of his name on his bitch's pillow perfect lips. It didn't sound like the curse it was coming from him. It was supposed to mean a hollow and empty shell but from Dom it sounded like he was something special to be filled with love. Or… whatever the human wanted to put into him. He crawled closer, fitting himself between Dom's long slender feet and he pressed a kiss to his bright red cheek. When his lover shivered he scraped his teeth over the pulsing skin and let his mouth search out his elixir of life dripping between quivering folds. He flattened his tongue and swiped slowly from balls to tailbone and the boy melted into the bed like liquid gold. He was certainly precious.
"Wha' am I doing?" Dom asked. He couldn't help but be curious even when his brain was melting out of his skull. His fingers gripped at the sheet and twisted, he was trying not to reach back and drag the wanker up and inside him. It didn't go very well when he tried to help before. "Don't make me- like- like 'is yet please? You too close." He whimpered softly. He didn't want to admit it out loud but he knew the devil was listening. He wasn't used to all of this yet and he knew he'd be embarrassed to orgasm directly in his face.
"Shut the fuck up. You kidding me? I'd love to make you squirt for me. Shower me in it. Fucking drown me in it babe. Wanna feel you go wild."
"Kells oh me God no, fuck- Tha' word?" The boy full body flushed and giggled nervously against the pillow. The beast could feel the truth in his body though, his pussy dripped honesty like honey for what turned him on. Got him hot and desperate and aching.
"Such a good bitch presenting for me. I get it, you'd rather squirt on my dick, yeah?" His voice was barely more than a rasp, his cock in question was pounding. They both knew he was giving Dom an out but at the same time he wasn't sure he could wait that long to hollow out his space inside him again.
Kells snorted and unglamorously choked on his boy's slick but Dom was so worked up he didn't care. His fingers groped rough at the human's thighs and he shoved his tongue as deeply inside his core as he could before pulling back. "No but… if you want. Presenting-" He reiterated as he crawled up over his omega and pressed himself chest to spine. He tangled one hand in Dom's hair and tugged gently. "-is how you're sticking that pretty ass and tight little cunt out for me like a special treat. The way you're curled up and offering me all the power." He purred, licking a stripe across the kid's shoulder, up his neck, and over his jaw. Dom shuddered and whined so sweet, grinding his ass back. He was definitely searching out Keliphos but the demon took a moment to breathe him in.
"Please?" Dom was trying, he wanted to open up to things he hadn't been able to do before. He had trouble begging, he found it impossible to give up his power or be sweet, this was all new for him but Kells had lowered his walls for him so it was only fair. "Wanna-" He slurred, hiding his face against the pillow though he knew his cheeks were as pink as his ass when he whimpered out- "Wanna squirt on ya cock."
The noise that left the demon's chest was primal but that was probably the kid's point. "Yeah you do." His voice was gravel but he got it almost working as he curled a palm around his dick and started pressing inside his lover. His crown caught against the Hunter's hole when he thrust too soon and slipped up, grinding against Dom's ass hard enough he almost dipped inside. They both froze, shuddering together, but the kid wiggled as if he wasn't sure whether to buck back or pull away. "Fuck- soon but not yet." The devil tried to soothe as he angled his dick down.
Dom nodded fast, a puddle of drool, sweat, and probably even tears wiping across his face. "Wha'ever ya say. Need yas!" He whined, trying to abandon all reticence. There was a heat in his belly and a need burning through his veins that couldn't be quenched until he felt full again. He just knew it.
Keliphos groaned, he could already feel his omega's thoughts quieting and he couldn't wait to feel him blissed out again. He gripped the base of his cock tighter and stroked up until he was teasing the head of himself through his lover's folds. With every tease the boy tried to slur out a beg but he kept playing. Maybe he was scared to lose parts of himself inside the first true warmth he ever felt welcomed inside. Especially after tearing himself open for the kid. "So fucking wet-" His voice dropped somehow lower and his partner answered by trying to fuck back. "Bad boys don't get treats."
"Bad demons get surprise 'oly water blowjobs. Fuck me already." Dom didn't mean to get bratty but it was hard not to. He wasn't used to giving up his control.
"Mmm, kinky bitch. See that's where you seem confused…" He trailed off, holding himself tight to feed just the tip of himself inside the boy before he pulled back out. He relished every broken noise his punk cried. "I'm into that shit."
Dom would have rolled his eyes but he was too lost already. His skull felt like cotton and his brain a sparkling soft mess. He wanted to say he'd file that away for future reference but instead he just mumbled another beg and tried to bounce on his beast's dick. A thought struck him and he knew it was a gamble but if it worked it would be so bloody worth it.
Kells felt his boy working up to something, his jelly-like mind was circling one word but he knew he wouldn't say it. All of this was far too new. Instead of waiting to see what might slip out of his mouth he went back to his game, pushing in until his mushroom tip caught and just to make his bitch blush he circled himself until they squelched.
"Keliphos!" The Hunter flushed even hotter, his palm slapping down on the bed. He could hear the creature chuckle and it caressed over his skin like silk.
"Just wait until I-" He growled low, pulling himself free of Dom's core but he kept the head of himself pressed hard against the kid's skin as he traced precum up over his asshole. "-fuck all of you sloppy open. You'll make such pretty noises for me." He vowed but he didn't know how much more he could tease before he broke too. The omega felt too good not to be buried deep. Always.
Dom waited until his devil was back against his pussy before he uttered one simple word- "Alpha?"
The nephalem's hips jerked rough, his cock breaching the boy's core and hitting home in one quick thrust. The vise-like squeeze was so intense he cursed from the pressure. Dom cried out, his body convulsing like a stripped live wire. The pain was overwhelming but in the most delicious way. He could feel his inner walls pulsing, his guts trying to fit the monster inside. He was quite sure his insides were bruised up. It shouldn't be so hot but the thought of being marked up from the inside out by his devil was intoxicating.
"Dangerous game." Kells snarled, setting his teeth against the kid's pale freckled shoulder. "So fucking human. Can feel your heart in your cunt." He slurred against hot skin and Dom whimpered below him.
"Alpha please?" He wasn't ready for the slap against his hips or the monster strength grip that followed. He tried to take a breath but he couldn't prepare for the way the devil's rock hard cock felt when he slid back and pounded him deep. Nails dug into his skin, blood dripped softly down his trembling thighs to get lost in the black sheets. They bathed in crimson already- Kells wanted to turn the darkness white.
"Say it-" The nephalem grunted between stuttered rough thrusts. Maybe neither of them were ready but fuck- it felt amazing. Perhaps he was an angel because he was certain he was seeing heaven. He sat up enough he could kneel behind the boy and watch where they were joined. The sight of his straining red shaft being swallowed by shiny sweet pink had him shaking. The Hunter's pussy matched his mouth and he couldn't wait to see himself there too.
Dom felt his ass jiggle with every sharp snap of his lover's hips. He knew he was drenched wet and leaking fresh with every move. He felt both wild and calmer than he'd ever been. He felt something he never had before- safe. "Alpha?" He wasn't used to following orders but that was a favor he could grant. Every time he whined it he could feel the devil's dick jerk inside him. The beast was close already and Dom wanted every drop of his spend.
Kells slid his hand under the boy, his fingers teasing against Dom's cock and balls. He wasn't gentle, he couldn't be, but he was closer than he wanted to be and he needed his lover on the same edge. "Again." He demanded, his voice as deep as his shaft. He could already feel his knot threatening to pop, half full and forcing its way inside.
Dom clawed at the sheets, he was overstimulated to the point of too much- just there. It wasn't pain but it was dancing close. He was surprised how much he trusted his man to take him there and keep him safe. "A-al-alphaaa-" He whined long and loud.
Every time the punk called him that it pushed him even closer. He could feel his lover's mind quiet in the rush of hormones drowning them both. It wasn't like either of them could hear themselves think over the noises their bodies made echoing off the walls. "A-a- fuck!" Kells cursed when he tried to ask for it again but he couldn't get anything out besides that. Curses were easy, praise was hard.
Dom felt the devil's palm slide back up his body. His cock fell sloppy wet against the sheet to mess it more. He felt filthy as his partner flattened his hand against his chest and pulled him up until he was sitting in his lap, impaled somehow deeper. He tried to find traction against the mattress to help but Keliphos gripped under his thighs and lifted him like he was nothing. He moved so fast the room became a blur around them and he couldn't tell one thrust from another. His voice wouldn't work past his grunts and cries so instead he thought the title as loudly as he could and he turned his face up to his monster and mouthed wet kisses along his skin.
Kells felt the bite on in his neck and he jerked hard, slamming the boy on his cock. He felt himself filling fuller by the second, his balls tight, his need right on the brink. He stared over Dom's shoulder and watched his dick bounce, droplets of precum making the bed a Jackson Pollock of pleasure. The human panted and suckled loudly in his ear but he finally pushed one more word out. "Cum."
The omega's soul felt the command and he had to unlatch to scream. His rapture rushed through him like a shotgun blast- hard, fast, and incredibly messy. He knew he was doing exactly as his man wanted, his pussy clenching tight as he flooded the bed. He tried to hold on but they were covered in sweat and he couldn't find a spot to grip. The demon kept him off kilter, completely owned.
Kells watched rapt as the human came alive and their minds were so entangled he felt the rush of hormones as if they were his own. Cumming always felt good but it was different for a human and his own mind got lost inside the boy's. Distantly he felt his knot catch, locking him inside his bitch as his tip twitched the first load inside his womb. He could barely focus as his thoughts were drowned out by chemicals he'd never felt before.
They moved through their pleasure, the push-pull-grind of their bodies following their desire but everything inside felt bright. Light. They were locked together in more ways than one and if Dom listened he was almost positive the devil was crying.
They fell forward, Kells driving himself deeper as he wrapped the kid tight in his hold. Their hips rolled, wringing out every drop they could spill together until Dom's belly was swollen with it. The human turned his face, panting and gasping for breath but they held each other through it. Both were thankful they couldn't really speak, oxytocin might have them whispering sweet nothings that meant everything.
Keliphos wasn't sure how long they laid like that but eventually he turned them on their sides to let the boy breathe. Sweat and cum was drying on their skin and sticking them together. He was slowly coming down from the rush but something felt altered inside him. He couldn't feel emotions like people could but now he couldn't make them go away.
"You good Kells?" Dom sighed, keeping his head down. He pulled his lover's hand up to play softly with his fingers though. It was a way to let him know he was there without overwhelming him he hoped.
"I don't know." It was muffled and almost childlike, whispered against wet freckled skin and it made the Hunter's heart skip a beat.
"Tha's alright. I dunno neiver."
The devil cleared his throat and tried to shake it off. There were cobwebs of emotion stuck on the walls of his mind though and he couldn't help but ask- "Are we okay?"
"Wha' ya mean?" The boy asked softly, looking over his shoulder to try and make eye contact.
Keliphos tightened his hold around the kid's chest, his fingers absent-mindedly teasing over his petal pink nipples. He tried to let the subtle clench around his cock from his play distract him, his omega was sensitive and beautifully reactive. "All I said. That I'm not… I'm not made right." He shrugged.
Dom took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh, he wanted to pull off and turn around but there was no possible way. His alpha's knot was keeping him plugged full but even a mild tug would hurt them both. "I'd raver 'ave you Keliphos. Cursed or not. It ain't like tha' was summat I ever fhought about." He lied. He was sure the beast knew he was but the first part was true and he hoped that was enough. "Besides, 'unters don't need families. I jus' need you."
The nephalem felt the ache in his chest lessen and he nodded as he held the boy closer. They weren't cuddling- of course not. They just had to lay that way because of his knot. Part of him hated that he'd gone so soft after such an intense fuck but his lover didn't seem upset. "You never know. It works for some of them." He hummed, it wasn't like he thought the kid would always want to be with him. Forever was different for a devil, he didn't want to try and tie his lover down more than his dick was. He just needed to make the voice in his head shut up that really wanted to keep him and join them forever. It was fine. It was just the fuzzy chemicals.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
Another post too soon, maybe I can let myself rest tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed it and it was worth the smutty cliffhanger yesterday! How is Kells feeling Dom's chemicals? Why is he so scared of being with him even after opening up? What will they do next? Keep reading to find out! 🖤⚰️
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notinthislife50 · 6 months
Chapter 44
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You both fidgeted outside the door.
"Push it, Dean," a low hiss came from you.
"You push it," he retorted.
After a few minutes of back and forth, Dean finally knocked on the door, and as Sam revealed himself, both of you froze like startled deer.
You shoved Dean ahead toward Sam, earning a scornful glance in return.
"Being supportive, huh?" Dean grinned at Sam. "Are we good? There's a job in town; a guy hits the jackpot, then bites the dust playing baseball."
"Our first thought: crossroads demon," Becky chimed in from the room's entrance.
"Becky! Dean, look, it's Beck-Becky!" Your voice high, causing everyone to look at you strangely and all you could do was rub your neck in an awkward silence,
"Well, I do live here," she replied, embracing you. "And then, there's a cursed object," she added, directing her attention to Dean.
"Listen, I don't know what mojo you're pulling, but mark my words, I'll figure it out," Dean blurted.
"That's my wife, Dean!" Sam interjected.
"You married Becky Rosen? Come on, dreams are coming true left and right in this town. Doesn't this feel like a little too much of a coincidence? Or maybe she's part of it. Because for some reason, you're her dream. If you really care about her, I'd be concerned. People who fulfill these fantasies often end up dead," Dean continued.
"I asked her out, Dean," Sam retorted. "Maybe you're just jealous because I don't need you anymore. I think both of you should leave." showing you back out the door.
"Well that went well," you sighed.
When Bobby called, you answered, "Hey, Bobby, what's up? Why would we need another hunter?" Confusion crept in as Dean tried to take the phone.
"Ow!" Dean growled as you swatted his hand away, preventing him from grabbing your phone again.
"What are you doing?" You asked Dean impatiently.
"Let me talk to Bobby," he insisted.
"No, he rang me," you clarified.
Dean reached for your phone once more, but you held it up in the air out of his reach. However, he looked down at you with a smirk, snatching the phone from your grasp.
"Really? You thought that would work?" He chuckled, taking over the conversation with Bobby.
In an attempt to reclaim your phone, you leaped onto Dean's back. "Dean Winchester, give me back my phone now," you demanded, but he spun around, causing you to tumble off.
"Okay, we'll meet him," Dean finally relented, offering you your phone back.
But you crossed your arms in annoyance and looked away.
"Don't huff with me," he teased, scooping you up, and when you resisted, he planted a kiss on your lips.
"You're an ass," you muttered.
"Yeah, but I'm your ass," he quipped, winking at you, kissing you again
@deansgirl79 @suckitands33 @deans-baby-momma @dragony937 @linzerrr @deans-spinster-witch @foxyjwls007 @djs8891 @my-obsession-spn @mikaylalala13 @jackles010378 @spnbaby-67
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Run to You ~ Chapter Twelve
Chapter Summary: The pair are a filthy, sweaty mess. Kasey surprises Dean with an unexpected gift.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Kasey Belmont (OFC)
Warnings: Language; Here, there be smut; and lots of it.
Rating: Mature 18+ NSFW
Word Count: 10,028
Series Master Post
Beta: @princessmisery666 and @wayward-and-worn
Movie Reference/Quote: Titanic
Song Reference: Love Will Keep Us Alive - Eagles
Author’s Notes: This is an AU. While there are several SPN characters mentioned, basically no one has the same connections as they did in the show, and Dean and Sam are not related.
Written for: @jay-and-dean -Jay’s 3K Celebration and @spnaubingo.
SPNAUBingoSquare Filled: Fugitive AU
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Kasey’s chest rises with a deep inhale, legs sliding off him and fingers stilling in his hair. Rolling off her and onto his back, he scrubs a hand down his face and inwardly groans.
What the hell is wrong with me? 
It’s as if she’s cast a spell over him. He hasn’t been able to contain any of the feelings he typically hides away from the world. All he’s done from the moment she asked him to tell her the truth is spout a fountain of thoughts and emotions that he never imagined he’d feel, let alone say aloud. 
It’s astounding how everything fell so quickly into place. Alarming how easy it is to picture himself happy with her, building a life together. So the demons of his mind come calling to remind him that he’d tried for the apple pie life once before, and look how that turned out. Right now, there’s a big red target on his back, and the need to protect Kasey from any more of his crazy life looms heavy in his heart. The thought of harm coming to her as a consequence of simply knowing him causes his breath to catch in his throat and his muscles to tense. 
Dammit, why couldn’t I have met her sooner? Before I got married. Before, my life ended up being a living nightmare.
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Dean feels the mattress shift, and then her shoulder is pressed to his, fingers smoothing back a lock of hair from his face as she murmurs his name.
Turning his head to look at her, he’s greeted with a soft smile, and she confides, “We’ll figure it out. Right? We promised to trust each other, remember.”
It’s not a question. It’s a reminder, and just like that, the anxiety melts away.  
How does she do that?
The grip on his heart eases, muscles loosen and flex, and his breath comes fast but easy. Placing his hand over hers, he kisses her palm, then pulls her on top of him. One arm securing her around the waist, the other wrapped around the back of her neck as he claims her mouth in a bruising kiss, teeth clacking together with the surge of emotion. He pours every bit of that emotion into the kiss because even though he’s been running off at the mouth, there are still words that wouldn’t make sense to say to someone he’s only known for three days.
She kisses him back with just as much passion, hands cradling the top of his head, thumbs massaging his temples. He doesn’t break the kiss until they’re both struggling for breath. Kasey immediately buries her face in his neck, bringing her elbows closer to his body. He hugs her tighter, caging her against him with both arms. Sweat coalesces between them—hot, slick, and admittedly a little gross, but neither moves to remedy the situation.
Until her stomach loudly growls in the weighted silence. Chest vibrating against his with a bubble of laughter, a smile is pressed against his flesh. 
“Maybe I should have let you have a taste,” he husks into her ear. 
Sharp teeth nip at his skin before she pushes off him with a small cry, “Shit, the food!”
Dean reluctantly releases her, each groaning at the squelching sound when their bodies slide apart.
“Why didn’t you tell me it was so damn hot in here?” she grumbles, slipping from the bed. “I would have found another fan for you, or we could have taken the plastic off the windows.”
“Honestly, it hasn’t been that hot until now. You brought the heat with you.” He wiggles his eyebrows at her, earning an eye roll in response. 
Hands ruffling through the twisted sheets, she tilts her head and lightly slaps the side of his thigh. “Lift your leg.” Arching an eyebrow, he obliges, bending his knee. Her eyes scan the space, the corner of her mouth curling up when she apparently finds what she is looking for. Blunt nails graze his flesh, causing his leg to jerk, and he grunts in surprise. 
She holds up the hair band that had been stuck to the back of his shin with a triumphant smile, then quickly pulls her hair into a high ponytail before wiping her body down with a corner of the sheet.
Dean stares hungrily at the smooth, tanned skin covering lithe muscle, the curve of her ass as she bends to pull her dress up her body, the arch of her back as she glides the material over the swell of her breasts to retie the knot behind her neck.
Dick twitching in response, he drops his gaze, pulling the sheet over himself to wipe away the moisture dripping down his chest. She’s already down the hallway by the time he looks back up, calling out to him, “Are you coming?” He chuckles and shakes his head. He probably could come again just thinking about how good it felt to be sheathed inside her.
“Be there in a sec,” he hollers back. Closing his eyes, he commits it all to memory—the sultry air heavily scented with warm bread and cinnamon, the drag of nails over his flesh, the pull and slide of sweat-slicked skin, the softness and weight of her, the lust-filled, honeyed rasp of whispered words and pleading cries.
He’ll keep it securely tucked away in his heart and mind, a happy memory, so when he’s back in that godforsaken cement cage, he’ll have something to remind him there’s light, even hope, out there. Dean heaves himself out of bed and pulls on the discarded pajama bottoms, padding down the hallway after her.
When he enters the kitchen, he finds Kasey poking her fingers into a large round of dough. Leaning against the doorframe, he watches as she folds and reshapes the mass before placing it into a loaf pan next to the other three. She huffs a breath and swipes the back of her hand along her forehead, leaving a trail of flour behind.
“Saved it.” Brushing her hands together to clean them, she gives him a pleased grin which turns into a pout as she looks around the space. “Hmm, not so much the other stuff, though.”
Dean smiles and pushes off the frame. “What can I do?”
“Take care of what’s on the table?” 
Feeling Kasey’s eyes boring into him, he asks without turning, “Like what you see?”
Her reply is swift, voice coated in adulation, “I most certainly do,” and further informs him, “especially since the thin cotton covering that perky ass and those beefy thighs is nearly transparent in the sun.”
Stopping at the end of the table, he widens his stance, hands on his hips, and stares out the large window for a moment, chuckling at the huff of breath and cute grunt he hears in response.
About forty minutes later, he places the last pan in the drying rack. Leaning back against the sink, he follows Kasey’s movement around the room as she hums along to the song on the radio, once again contemplating how ‘normal’ this all feels—the domesticity of it all—something he’s never experienced on this level before. It was never like this with his wife, and he starts to wonder why they ever got married. 
Making a conscious effort not to spiral down that rabbit hole, he picks up a discarded towel from the counter as he makes his way over to her. She scrunches her face when he grips her chin, turning her head so he can brush the powdery streaks from her forehead and cheek. Kissing the tip of her nose, he tosses the towel back onto the marble, asking as he steps back, “It’s like Dante’s seventh circle outside. Why all the baking?” 
“I was frustrated. Baking has always been a way to help me calm down. Besides, it wasn’t quite as hot when I started.”
“Must have been pretty frustrated,” he teases. “How’re you feelin’ now?”
Entirely unprepared for her response, he doesn’t have time to move before being covered in a mixture of flour and crumbs from the scrap pile on the island countertop. Blinking, he feels the silky powder drift from his lashes to float away on the sun-dappled air. “What the-” He shakes his limbs, trying to dislodge some of the dusty mix, but it clings to his damp skin like the mist of heavy fog.
Bent over laughing, she almost misses seeing him lunge for her, but she skirts out of his reach and tries to put the island between them. He’s quicker, though. Snagging his fingers in the back of her dress, he pulls her flush against his chest.
She squirms in his hold as he rubs the side of his face against hers, smearing the sticky mess across her skin, and growls, “That wasn’t very nice.”
Scooping up the remaining floury debris, he mashes the mess into the hair on top of her head. Kasey laughs louder, her ponytail loosening as she struggles fruitlessly against his hold. She shrieks when he spins her away from him, grasping her hand just before she’s out of reach. 
A wispy halo of white surrounds her head, bits of dough are caked in her disheveled hair, and lumpy cream-colored streaks trail from her hairline to her chin. She looks beautiful. Eyes sparkling and a lighthearted smile. 
Feeling his chest swell with his escalating heart rate, he tugs on her arm, and she falls into him, warm and pliant. He immediately captures her lips in a hungry kiss, running his hands up her arms to cradle her neck, thumbs gently stroking along her jawline.
Body trembling with the intensity of the kiss, he tries to ground himself in the feel of her. Kasey’s breath hitches as the tips of his middle fingers lightly brush down either side of her spine unhurried. When he reaches the small of her back, his hands fall to gently rest on her hips, and her entire body seems to sigh as she drapes her arms over his shoulders. 
The song changes, and he sways them to the slower tempo. Breaking the kiss, he presses his forehead to hers. “This is the song that was playing when the power came back on.”
“Hmm, one of my favorites.” She pecks his lips and then lays her head on his shoulder. He reaches back to take a hand in his, and her fingers wrap around his thumb, the other hand resting against his shoulder blade, letting him dance her around the kitchen. It’s easy and comfortable, intimate, and the same feeling of contentment that struck him when he agreed to stay settles in his soul.
Timothy B. Schmit’s high tenor comes around, and Kasey softly sings along. Dean’s heard the song hundreds of times, but as the low harmony of her voice fills the air, he latches onto a new meaning behind the words.
“I was standing, all alone against the world outside. You were searching for a place to hide.”
Kasey snuggles closer to him, and a sense of hope fills him as she slides her hand over his bare skin to wrap around the nape of his neck.
“Lost and lonely, now you've given me the will to survive.”
A lump forms in his throat at the realization of how closely their lives mirror the lyrics- 
“When we're hungry, love will keep us alive.”
-and his pulse quickens over the last line of the chorus. 
She met him at the worst possible time in his life, has seen him at his lowest, yet chose to trust him, is willing to face the consequences of helping him overcome the biggest challenge he’s ever faced, has given him hope, and has shown him kindness.
Time has lost all sense of meaning for him. It’s like she’s always been with him—in the back of his mind, his peripheral vision, his dreams—waiting for him to truly perceive her. The fact that he only saw her for the first time three days ago is incomprehensible. He wasn’t lying when he told her he had been hers the minute he stepped onto the porch. He hadn’t realized it then, too focused on the need to survive, but once he knew he was safe, he recognized the feeling for what it was—it had felt like coming home. She feels like home.
He promised no more running. He promised to trust her and told her this was where he felt he belonged. So he shoves down his insecurities and lingering misgivings and chooses her. Chooses to trust his heart. Chooses to stay with her and fight his demons in the same vein she has chosen to fight for his life.
Closing his eyes, he tightens his hold and brings their clasped hands to rest on his chest. “You know,” his voice is steady, further solidifying his resolve that this is where he is meant to be, “this sounds like us.”
Kasey pauses on the following line but doesn’t say anything right away, and he wonders if he should have kept his mouth shut. Then he feels her smile. 
“Yeah, I guess it does.” She sighs, fingers playing with his hair while she goes back to singing.
The inevitable happens, and the song comes to a close, but even though the faster-paced strains of Traveling Riverside Blues begin to float through the space, he keeps her close, continuing to sway slowly in place, not wanting the moment to end. 
If it were possible, it feels like she melts even further into him as he begins to sing. “Your voice is beautiful,” she whispers into his chest. “I could stay right here like this all day.” Squeezing her hand in agreement, he continues to serenade her as they drift around the room. 
About halfway through the song, though, he feels her body shake just before her laughter reaches his ears. “As seductive as your voice is, I think we should finish cleaning the kitchen and then get cleaned up ourselves.”
Regretfully, he has to agree, feeling the tug on his skin as she pulls away, the flour having turned into a sticky paste between them.
Another twenty minutes later, the dishes have been put away, the countertops are gleaming, the floor has been swept and mopped, and the bread is in the oven.
Dean picks at a dried clump of goop on his chest as he leans against the counter, catching the flaky pieces and tossing them into the sink. Sitting next to him atop the surface, she bumps his shoulder.
“Go get in the shower. I’m going to wait for the bread. It’s almost done.” 
He’d like nothing more than to wait for her so that they could shower together. However, his skin itches, and he feels gross, probably smells gross, too. Pushing off the counter, he kisses a clean spot on her forehead. “Yeah, okay. Feeling pretty disgusting right now,” he grimaces.
“Me too,” she laughs, pulling a chunk of dough from her hair. 
He laughs with her as he heads out of the room, stopping to look back when she calls out to him. 
“You can use the one in my room. It’s bigger. Has the fancy shower heads and everything.” She wiggles her eyebrows with a flashy little show of jazz hands. 
She wasn’t kidding when she said it was bigger. The wide glass door opens into a walk-in stone slab and river-rock-lined space that should be located in a spa or some million-dollar mansion. It’s slightly larger than his jail cell had been and sports a stone bench, recessed niches for storage, a rain shower, and two multi-function shower heads.
Modern and sophisticated, not at all something original to the home. It appears that the only item left of the original bathroom is the cast iron claw-foot tub placed beneath the large window looking over the side yard. 
The update is an interesting contrast to the way Kasey seems to have preserved the rest of the old farmhouse. A unique reflection of her refined yet down-to-earth personality. Perhaps, a piece of the city she couldn’t leave behind.
It takes him several minutes to figure out the controls, but when he finally does, he’s treated to a pulsing cascade of water from almost every angle. He’s just beginning to relax when Kasey surprises him by slipping her slender arms around him from behind, and he nearly elbows her in the side. She squeezes him tighter as he grips her forearms to keep her from slipping. 
“Sorry,” she chuckles. “I couldn’t wait any longer to get this crap out of my hair. I hope you don’t mind.”
Gently tugging on her arm, he pulls her around to face him. “Not at all. Was actually hoping you’d join me.” The smoldering look she gives him as her hand slides over his hip to grope his ass makes his cock swell. 
After helping each other remove the more tenacious gunk from their bodies and a round of satisfying and only slightly complicated shower sex, they head back downstairs to eat lunch. Opting to forego clothing, they’re each wrapped in only a large fluffy towel, which does nothing to diminish his hunger for her. Now that he’s tasted her, felt her around him, he craves more. He’d love to bend her over the counter and rail her.
Turning from putting the dishes away, her eyes spark, and the corner of her mouth twitches when she catches him staring. He feels the heat spread across his chest and neck, knowing that she knows precisely what he’s thinking, but then she covers her mouth to stifle a yawn, reminding him of how little sleep they have both gotten the past couple of days. Standing from the table, he holds a hand out to her, and they make their way back upstairs to her room. 
“Is it always this hot around here?” Dean huffs as he plugs in the fan from downstairs to supplement the ceiling fan in Kasey’s room. Ensuring it’s set securely on the small side table, he momentarily stands in front of it, letting the forced breeze cool his skin.
Kasey laughs as he walks toward the bed to lie beside her. “Not this time of year. It appears you brought the heat with you when you obnoxiously collapsed on my porch.”
“Ha ha, funny,” he grouses, lifting his arm for Kasey to lay her head on his chest. “I could have died.”
“Not on my watch,” she states almost vehemently, causing him to smile at the protectiveness in her tone. He likes the feeling it gives him.
“It seems like this is healing nicely.” Her fingers drift down his body to trace the edges of the fresh bandage she insisted on applying after their shower, where she fussed over the fact that he got it wet. “It feels okay? Doesn’t hurt?”
“It’s fine,” he huffs in exasperation, then yelps and slaps her hand away when she pinches the skin about an inch above the wound. “Hey.”
“Don’t get testy with me,” she derides, but he can hear the humor lacing the edges of her retort. “I’d hate to see it get infected.”
“Seriously,” he grips her forearm and pulls it over his body, “it’s fine. It’s pretty much healed. I got the bullet out and cleaned the wound. I just didn’t have time to stitch it up. Having to constantly do a parkour routine to keep ahead of the law kept opening the wound. That’s the only reason it was still bleeding. I didn’t have time to rest and let it heal properly.”
“You know, you could have made it worse by taking the bullet out,” she sniffs.
“I couldn’t leave the slug in my gut. It definitely would have gotten infected or caused more damage.” Tears dampen his chest, and he tightens his hold, pulling her a fraction closer. “It wasn’t deep. The guy’s hand was shaking; it ricocheted off of a seat, slowed it down. Besides, it’s been over two weeks. If it was going to kill me, it would have already,” and runs a soothing hand over her hair.
Bringing her hand back to lightly rest over the bandage, she mumbles, “Not letting it happen ever again.”
He kisses the top of her head, relaxing into the soft bedding, fingers tracing random patterns on her arm. Moments later, the rhythm of her breathing lets him know she’s asleep, and he follows shortly after.
Dean wakes to a dimly lit room. The sun is low in the sky, deep, vibrant shades of purple and orange painting the view outside the window. Stretching lazily, he tries but fails to recall the last time he’s felt this relaxed. Rolling to his other side, he finds the space next to him empty and a slip of paper on the pillow. Sitting up, he turns on the small lamp on the nightstand. Not sure why he’s surprised to find that her handwriting is just as beautiful as she is, he chuckles.
Get dressed and meet me on the porch. ~K
He’s quick to obey and make his way downstairs to find her lying across the swing, a leg thrown over the side to keep it in motion.
“Finally,” she huffs, sitting up as he steps up next to her. “I was beginning to think I would have to drag you out of bed.”
“Why, what’s up?”
“You’ll see.” 
Kasey holds out her hand for him to help her stand, and he tugs on her arm, making her wobble with the momentum. 
“I’m not big on surprises,” he drolls, setting a hand at her hip to help steady her.
“Oh, I think you’re going to like this one,” she quips, reaching into the pocket of the Daisy Dukes she’s wearing. Coupled with a bikini top, the outfit leaves little to his imagination. “But hey, I can always just tuck these back in your jeans.”
She hooks a finger into his left front pocket, and he bites his lip as she runs it over the fabric against his skin. The jingle of metal draws his attention to her other hand, where she twirls the small ring that holds Baby’s ignition key around her finger. “Thought you might like to go for a drive.”
Stunned, mouth agape, his eyes repeatedly flick between her and the key as he absentmindedly pats down his pockets. A flick to his nose makes him focus, and he rubs a finger over the tip, remembering how she’d done the same thing that first night when they’d been drinking.
“Did I break you?”
“Phftt… No,” he hedges, rolling his eyes like it’s the most ridiculous concept to ever be voiced, then immediately implores, “Are you kidding? Please say you’re not kidding.” 
“I’m not kidding.” Turning his hand, she drops the key in his palm and curls his fingers around the cool metal. “We have a track on the ‘back forty’. It’s dirt, but it’s well-maintained. There’s even a couple of areas where you can get a little heavy on the pedal.” She winks. “Come on, Winchester, take me for a ride.” Taking his hand, she pulls him off the porch and down the steps.
Son of a bitch. 
Dean knows that her comment was about the Impala, but the image that springs to his mind of her moaning his name, tits bouncing and silky walls squeezing, as she comes undone while riding his dick again almost sends him to his knees. He stumbles on the last step, nearly knocking her down when he topples into her.
She holds her ground and manages to prevent him from falling in the process. “Hey, are you okay?” 
Her eyes scan his body, and when they meet his once again, the tips of his ears burn bright. The coy smile lets him know she has seen the evidence of his wayward thoughts.
“Wow. Should I be jealous of the car?” Her lips twitch, the corner slowly curling up.
“I- What? No,” he splutters. The warmth of embarrassment spreads across his chest and into his cheeks. “That’s not- I-” 
She’s full-on laughing now, and he huffs a breath.
Wait. Jealous?
Eyes narrowed, he scrutinizes her demeanor. “Why would you be jealous?” The thought of her being possessive in relation to him makes him simultaneously happy and intrigued. He truly believes that having sex with him is more than a convenience fuck for her, but he never dreamed that her feelings might be on the same level as his.  
Kasey’s eyes widen, and the laughter immediately dies in her throat. “What?” She looks shocked, a little frightened, but quickly schools her features. Turning away, she calls over her shoulder, “Let’s go, or we’re going to miss it.”
“Hey, wait. Miss what?” He has to jog to catch up with her. 
Once inside the building, she doesn’t give him a chance to bring up the subject again, practically sprinting to the back of the barn and disappearing into a room on the left. When he finally catches up, he finds her in a sizable office, leaning over a glass-topped wooden table. “Here, come and look.” 
Dean steps up beside her to find what appears to be a large sheet of paper covered in geometric shapes in various shades of green and brown, sealed beneath the glass. Upon closer inspection, he realizes it’s a plat map of the farm. Golden-yellow lines mark the property lines of each acre. Pale blue squiggles and circles show the creek's path, tributaries, and what he assumes to be a couple of ponds or small lakes. 
“This is where we are.” Her finger taps a small square near the bottom middle third of the area before gliding over the surface to a tan-colored line about a quarter-inch thick that splits in two. “See this?” Not waiting for a response, she continues. “Off to the left is the path we took to the creek the other day. It’s narrower and rougher. But here,” her slender finger moves to the right, tracing over what he assumes is the dirt trail she mentioned before, “see how it’s wider, less curvy? That’s the route we’re going to take.” 
He follows the trail that cuts through the top third of the property before circling back to the fork in the road where she started. It’s almost like a long race track. If it’s as well maintained as she says it is, he could let Baby loose on that top stretch. The thought of feeling the power of her engine, the wheels eating up the dirt beneath them, sends his pulse racing like a freight train and blocks all other thoughts from his mind. 
“Dean, let’s go!” The impatience in her tone and the light slap to his bicep bring his attention back to her. “That’s the second time you’ve spaced out on me. Maybe I’m the one that should be driving?” 
“Oh, hell, no.” Bending, he flips her over his shoulder and heads out of the office door, not stopping until they are next to the Impala. Setting Kasey down on the trunk, he wedges himself between her legs, cradles her face in his hands, then plants a firm kiss on her lips.
When he breaks away, her confused eyes scan his face. “What was that for?”
“For… everything.” Emotions surge through him, but thankfully the tears remain at bay this time, replaced by the ramble of words that spill from his lips. “The bed, the clothes, the food, taking me in, helping me, this,” he waves his hand in the direction of the Impala, “for saving me… for- for being you.”
Kasey stares at him, stunned, lips parted around a word she can’t seem to voice. He shakes his head and adds, “I’ll never be able to repay you.”
Her features morph into a provocative pout, eyes gleaming with mischief. Hooking her fingers into his belt loops, she tugs, sliding closer as she pulls him to her. “Oh, I can think of a way you could start to repay me.” 
Licking his lips, he plants his palms on the cool metal on either side of her and arches a brow. “Oh?” The thin material of his t-shirt does nothing to hinder the scrape of her nails as she dances them up his torso while pressing her core against his still semi-hard cock. He leans into her and growls, “And what would that be?”
The hard shove to his chest is a surprise, throwing him off balance. Kasey’s laughter echoes around the space, “Show me what you can do behind the wheel of this car.” Sliding off the trunk, she ducks beneath his arm and is opening the barn’s large double doors before he even has a chance to comprehend what just happened.
Fuck. She’s going to be the death of me.
He knows there are much worse ways to go, though, so he shakes his head and smiles. Adjusting himself, he walks around the car and slides in behind the wheel, running a hand over the dash as he closes his eyes. The smell of leather and motor oil is tinged with a fresh sweetness that was never there before. He’d caught a hint of it last night, but hadn’t given it much thought, too overwhelmed and lost in memories.
He inhales deeply, trying to identify the not unpleasant scent. It doesn’t take long for him to realize the same scent surrounds him whenever he’s near Kasey. Unlike the murderous sentiments that usually fill every molecule of his body when thinking about someone else driving his Baby, there’s a strange calmness in knowing that she sat in this same seat and had taken such good care of his most prized possession.
A loud whistle breaks his reverie, and he looks up to find Kasey standing in the open doorway with her arms out and a ‘what the hell are you doing?’ expression etched on her features.
Smiling sheepishly, he turns the ignition key, and the engine roars to life. He maneuvers the car out of the garage, stopping just outside the entrance to allow Kasey to get in. 
“You sure you don’t want me to drive?” she huffs before even closing the door.
“No, sorry. I’m fine. Just got caught up in some memories,” he shrugs.
She smiles warmly, getting comfortable in the seat and rolling down the window. “Alright then, let’s roll.”
When they hit the first long stretch, Kasey tells him to floor it, and they shoot down the trail doing eighty-five. It’s exhilarating. He’d missed this feeling—the adrenaline rush, the sense of freedom, of being one with his Baby and the road—missed it deep in his bones. Never imagined that he would ever experience it again. 
The trail is better maintained than he could have imagined. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought they were traveling over freshly laid asphalt.
He sneaks a glance at Kasey. Her arm hangs out the window, hand riding the air currents, laughing as the wind whips her hair around her face. She’s carefree... captivating. He’d give anything to stay in this moment forever, but he needs to pay attention to the road. He’d prefer not to crash and possibly injure Kasey or Baby. Taking the curve at a more reasonable speed, he prompts, “You do this with your truck, don’t you? That’s why the trail’s so smooth.”
“Maybe,” she giggles, brushing the hair from her face. “We race the ATVs too.”
“Oh. Yeah, uh, my friends, the farm workers, neighbors...” She waves a hand in the air like it’s no big deal. “We have a huge celebration after the harvest. Everyone brings food, and there’s a local band that does great rock covers. Usually lasts the entire weekend.”
“Where do all these people come from?” Worry churns in his gut, and his grip tightens on the wheel. A sudden influx of people on the property would not bode well for either of them. She brushes back the hair at his temple but quickly drops her hand when he jerks away. 
“Hey. It’s alright.” Her voice is hushed, and he glances over to see a tender smile. “This is the lull before the storm. We still have a couple of weeks before the bunkhouses start to fill up. We’ll be well into your case to free you by then, and I have an idea about controlling exposure. But we’re not discussing that tonight. Tonight, we’re going to enjoy this beautiful evening and each other’s company.”
The luminescent smile she gives him when he looks her way again nearly forces his heart from his chest, and he almost misses the next curve, swerving at the last minute to keep them out of the field. Kasey grips the door frame to keep from sliding off the seat, her high-pitched squeal ringing in his ears. 
“You know, I honestly thought you’d be a better driver.” she taunts.
He would have been offended, except there’s humor feathering her words, and when he looks, her eyes are shining with mischief and crinkled at the corners with glee. Gripping the hand flattened on the seat, he roughly pulls her across the leather and growls, “I’m the best damn driver you’ll ever meet.” 
Putting his arm over her shoulder and hugging her close, he stomps on the gas pedal as they hit the bottom straightway of the makeshift race track, Kasey’s joyful shout urging him on.
After two more laps, she points to a side trail and asks him to take it. The sky is fully dark now. The car’s headlights cut through the eerie reddish glow of the waning gibbous moon as it rises. The path is narrower and rougher, too, so he slowly eases the Impala over the small ruts, not wanting to damage the suspension. A few minutes later, the tree-lined path ends at a clearing containing one of the small lakes he had seen on the map—a little oasis among the acres of corn.
Kasey exits the Impala from the driver’s side, sliding out behind him. Scanning the area, he hears a door of the car open and turns to find her ass in the air as she bends over the backseat to grab something from the floor on the opposite side. He’s really not sure how much more he can take. His dick strains against the soft, worn denim. It hasn’t fully softened since he found her stretched out on the porch swing. He’d love to take her right there on the back seat and have her ride him just like he imagined.
“Stop staring at my ass and come help me,” she laughs.
Shit. Busted again.
“I wasn’t- that’s not-,” he stutters. 
Kasey stands, “Really?” handing him a lantern, then reaches back in to pull out a small green cooler she sets off to the side. “You weren’t just thinking about having sex on the backseat?”
Turning on the light, he places it on top of the cooler. Eyes dragging up her body as he straightens, he nearly bites off his tongue, seeing her tease her nipple through the bright purple fabric barely covering her plump, perfectly sized breasts.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“No? Nothing to say?” Gaze intent on the movement of her fingers, he startles when she palms his crotch and pouts, “Too bad because I was.”
Hips instinctively shifting, he presses into her hand with a moan, ready to lose his goddamn mind over the simple touch. It only takes a couple of seconds for the circuits in his brain to reconnect, though, when she starts to pull away. He flattens her hand along the firm line of his shaft with his own and grinds into it.
“Such a tease.” He wraps his other hand around the back of her neck, eyes scanning her form. “Wearing this skimpy little outfit,” he rolls his hips, “that pretty little mouth so full of sass.” Using his entire body, he pushes into her space, only stopping when her ass hits metal.
Laying his forearm on the roof of the car by Kasey’s head, he leans in until her back is flush with the vehicle, her hand trapped between their bodies. “Maybe I should fill it with something else.” He thumbs over her lips, hears the moan she tries to swallow, feels the rapid rise and fall of her chest, “Or maybe,” he snaps his hips forward, hard, the delicious friction nearly knocking him from his course of action, “you wanna ride this?” 
“Yes.” One thing he’s learned about her is that she’s not one to back down easily, so it’s no surprise when she curls her fingers as best she can and defiantly replies with a squeeze to his sac. “I do.”
Her other hand pushes against his chest, and he doesn’t fight her, amused and turned on by her confidence. He shuffles back a couple of steps as she continues to grip him tight, eyes locked with his. “I want to ride this big beautiful cock,” she forces the heel of her palm against his shaft, making him choke down a groan, “in that glorious black beauty,” her fingers massage the denim covering his balls, and his hand tightens around her nape, “until I’m screaming your name.”
Jesus fucking christ!
There’s no containing the growl that rises from his chest. He has no explanation for how she seemingly knows precisely what he wants exactly when he needs it, but it’s a helluva turn-on. Kasey grips his forearm, the other slipping beneath his t-shirt, fingers popping the button and dipping into the waistband of his jeans. 
With a low grunt, he pulls away. “In the car, now.” Turning her, he gently shoves her toward the open door. 
Kasey’s laugh coasts on the breeze. Eyeing him over her shoulder, she croons, “Yes, Sir.”
The sultry voice, coupled with the innocent bat of eyelashes, is like a backdraft settling in his groin before being ignited by his sharp intake of breath to burn through his veins. He’s never before felt the level of desire she sparks in him and takes a moment to close his eyes and palm himself through the denim, trying to relieve some of the pressure. 
The sight that greets him when he peels his lids open only makes him harder. The tiny shorts she’s wearing barely cover any flesh, the seam pressed into her crack, giving him a peek of the purple lace beneath as she crawls across the seat. When she stops and steps back out of the car, he challenges, “What are you doing?”
She leans back into the car without a response, and he follows the long line of her legs down to her bare feet. Catching sight of the cooler she’d set down earlier, he notices what appears to be a familiar dent. “Hey, this looks like my old cooler,” he states, the tension easing from his voice.
“Probably is. It was in the trunk when I bought her.”
Dean shakes his head, not even fazed that she has yet another cherished object that belongs to him. It’s like an unseen entity has been gathering them up and placing them in her care until he could come along and collect them again. Maybe there is something to all that destiny crap. But right now, he has far less philosophical matters to attend to. 
Bracing a hand on the door, he bucks his groin against her backside, causing her to fall forward onto the blanket she is spreading over the backseat. “A little warm for that, isn’t it?”
Looking over her shoulder, she pushes back against him, stating matter of factly, “It’s this, or we’re going to be peeling our skin off the leather.”
Gritting his teeth against the pressure on his cock, he growls, “Have I told you how sexy that brain of yours is? And that it gets me really, really hard?”
“You may have mentioned it,” she wiggles her ass, “and I can certainly feel it, but why don’t you get those clothes off and show me?” she challenges, folding her arms over her chest as she straightens, leaning against the rear quarter panel.
“Seriously. The death of me,” he grumbles under his breath, but he doesn’t hesitate to quickly rid himself of his clothing. As he steps out of the denim, he laughs to himself. Every time he thinks he has the upper hand, she pushes back and turns the tables, but he can’t deny that he’ll willingly dance this little dance with her for as long as she’ll let him.
“Your turn,” he taunts.
Kasey pushes off the car with her ass, eyes locked with his. Stepping up to his side, she ghosts a hand over his chest, letting her fingers trail down his arm as she walks around behind him. Her movements are slow, deliberate, and his breath quickens. 
Like the stroke of a feather, the tips of her fingers trace the curve of his butt cheeks. His pulse jumps, and the muscles twitch beneath her caress. She comes round to his other side, her chin tucked, eyes roaming over his flesh. He attempts to make a smart-ass comment. The words lodge in his throat, breaths coming shallow and quick, heart pounding against his ribcage when those delicate fingers he’s obsessed with tickle the palm of his hand, and he watches in anticipation as they drift over his thigh only to stall.
The air is punched from his lungs, heartbeat arrested, the moment she drops to her knees in front of him and takes him in hand. His legs nearly give out, and a hand falls to rest on her shoulder for support when she flicks her tongue through his slit. He barely registers her comment over the rush of blood pulsing against his eardrums.
“You’ve already denied me once. I want a taste before anything else.”
Eyes dark with desire, peer at him through thick lashes, tongue continuing to tease before slipping him into her warm, wet mouth and sucking as her plush lips seal around his head.
“Shit.” The pressure builds. His fingers compress into the curve of her shoulder as she sucks him in further and moans. His sac tightens when her tongue massages the sensitive v near his tip. “Fuck.” He stumbles backward, dick releasing from her mouth with a pop.
Dean grunts, mouth agape as he holds her at arm’s length with one hand and squeezes his tip with the other.
“What?” Though her voice is laced with angelic innocence, her eyes harbor a wicked glint. “I just wanted a taste.” Kasey curls her fingers around his wrist at her shoulder and stands, licking her lips. “Yum.”
Roughly pulling her closer, he locks her against his body with one arm around her back and cradles her head with his other hand as he claims her mouth in a searing kiss. Kasey pushes up on her toes, fingers pressing into the flesh of his shoulder blades, the heat of her body fueling the fiery embrace. Dean lifts her and walks the short distance to the car. Once he reaches the open door, he releases her lips and sets her back on the ground, careful not to bump her head as he maneuvers her down onto the blanket-covered seat.
Kasey smiles at him and crooks her finger, summoning him to follow as she wriggles to the other side. He doesn’t need coaxing and scrambles inside, leaving the door open for air. It’s not like anyone is going to see them anyway.
As he situates himself in the middle of the seat, Kasey kneels against the bench, hunched over as she shimmies out of her shorts and underwear. Losing her balance as she kicks them off her ankle, her hand slaps down on his leg, nails digging into the tender flesh of his inner thigh. 
His dick jumps, slapping against his stomach at her touch. “C’mere.” He’s done with the foreplay. He needs to be buried inside her, and he needs it now.
Kasey reaches behind her back to untie her top, but he grips around her waist and moves her until she’s straddling his lap. “Leave it.” She stares down at him, each searching the other’s face, a silent communication of their desire for each other. With a small whimper, she cups his face and smashes her lips against his as she rises to her knees.
Dean takes the hint. Gripping his dick, he runs the head through her wet folds, she’s practically dripping, and he strokes her slick over his shaft. “You ready?” he mumbles against her mouth. When she tilts her hips to catch the tip at her entrance, he lets go to grasp her waist and help ease her down his stiff cock. Kasey, however, isn’t waiting. She slams her ass down on his lap, taking him in completely. 
Swallowing her moan, his fingers clutch at her flesh, holding her in place as she tries to rise again. She feels like tightly wrapped silk around him, and he struggles to keep from immediately blowing his load. “Shit. Give a guy some warning.”
“Hmm,” she nips at his earlobe, “what was it you said?” licks along the shell, and he shivers despite the heat, “Oh, yeah. ‘Why? It’s more fun this way.’” She bites the muscle in his neck, fighting his grip to roll her hips, and whines, “Let me ride you. Let me ride you hard and fast until we’re both screaming.”
“For fuck’s sake,” he growls. “Can’t argue with a request like that.” As soon as he loosens his hold, she’s up and quickly drops down on him again, rolling her hips.
He settles into the seat and runs his hands up her stomach to the soft flesh of her breasts, cupping them beneath the fabric and letting the weight of them nestle into his palms. If possible, the view is even more amazing than the first time she sat atop him. 
Hands flattened against his chest, head tilted to the side, mouth parted around a moan, and body gracefully arched, she’s like a beautiful erotic painting, an image preserved in the throes of delight.
Her beauty should be captured and kept for a lifetime. Yet she’s flesh and blood, hunger and heat, sensual and supple within his grasp. The pace she sets is swift and steady, rougher than the first time, and he can’t help but wonder just how rough she’d be willing to get. 
Within minutes he feels her walls fluttering, and he flicks his thumbs over her taut nipples and rasps sordid sentiments in her ear. She clenches around him, nails digging into his skin, lascivious words and broken pleas falling from her lips, juices coating his shaft. 
He’s so ready to burst, it’s almost painful, and he sits up as she collapses against him, ready to flip her over and fuck her hard like he wanted to earlier. Kasey pushes against his shoulder, stopping him as she pants against his cheek, “I’m not done with you yet. I said we’d both be screaming.”
“Make it quick,” he begs. “I’m ‘bout to explode.” Dropping his hands to her waist, he sucks a mark into the top of her breast, right next to the one he left that morning, and she grinds her clit against his pelvic bone, tugging at his hair, pulling his mouth away from her flesh.
“Settle in, Sugar, ‘cause I’m about to break in a mustang.”
He can’t help but laugh at the over-the-top Texan drawl but howls in surprise with the forceful slap she applies to the side of his thigh. “Hey!” The contact makes his dick pulse in response, and her knowing smirk offers a little more insight into her proclivities. Her countenance turns questioning, and his fingers dent her flesh while giving her a nod.
Gripping his hair tighter, she rises until the very tip of his cock rests just inside her. If either of them moves the wrong way, he’ll slip free. Ever so slowly and with minimal movement, she lets go of his hair and removes her top. Tossing it out the door, she eases down an inch, smiling coyly as her fingers trace lazy circles around his nipple.
She winks, and in that space of a heartbeat, he finds freedom. Freedom to release his remaining doubts, to give Kasey the trust she seeks, lay bare his soul, and open his heart completely. He’d give her anything she asked for and more.
He bites his lip, teeth grazing the swollen flesh as she slides back over him in one smooth motion, reducing his existential contemplations to raw, primal lust.
He shifts lower in the seat, causing her to lean forward, and her breasts hang freely above his face, inciting his dick to twitch inside her.  
She squeezes tight around him, rolls her hips, and then starts a frustratingly slow pace. Her hands roam his body, nails scratching, moist lips and heated breath teasing, every touch leaving his skin tingling like he gripped a live wire.
“Damn, you feel good.” He captures a hand in his, kissing her wrist before setting her palm on the curve of the seat next to his head, then does the same with her other hand. Using the seat as leverage, she speeds up her movements, arching into him, her pelvis tilts, taking him deeper. “That’s it. Shit. So tight.”
Her entire body shudders, followed by a whimpering sigh when he ghosts his fingers up her sides, and he does it again to hear the sweet sounds it elicits. Her breath hitches, “F- f- fuck,” when he palms each breast, kneading the soft flesh, rolling the nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. 
Sliding a hand down her stomach, he laves his tongue over pebbled flesh, and her pace falters. She quickly recovers, though. 
“Guh… that feels good.” Fingers tangle in his hair, “...so f- fu- …big …shit …right there, right there, right there,” she whines as he massages her clit. Nails dig into his flesh when she braces her other hand on his shoulder as her walls ripple and contract. 
On the next downward thrust, he latches onto her breast, teeth grazing over the taut bud. Warm slick coats his throbbing dick as she convulses around him, clenching hard enough to nearly push him out. Squeezing his fingers into the globes of her ass, he plants his feet on the floor and gives a hard thrust upward, staking his claim, burying himself and pulsing deep inside her, shouting her name to the heavens as she curses his.
When they’re both spent, he drops his hands to his sides, and Kasey falls against him, elbows set on his shoulders, chin resting on the top of his head as he presses his forehead to her chest, panting. When his softened cock slips from inside her, she slides off his lap to sit next to him, a knee cracking as she unfolds her legs. 
“Ooof.” She rubs a hand over the joint before picking up his hand and holding it between hers, intertwining their fingers as she kisses his shoulder. “That was one helluva ride.” she breathes.
“Better than riding shotgun in Baby?” he goads.
“Oh, that’s a tough call,” she muses. “I may have to go another round or two on both to ensure I have thoroughly done my research and have all the evidence to make an informed and objective opinion.”
He stares at her in stunned silence, unsure how to take the seriousness of her face and matter-of-fact tone, but when she purses her lips, throwing him a kiss, he bursts out laughing, head tilted back and body shaking. Kasey joins in seconds later, laying her head on his arm and squeezing his hand.
When he’s recovered enough to speak, he kisses the top of her head and asks. “Hey, what were you afraid we were going to miss?”
“Oh.” She leans back to look out the rear window. “Perfect. Come on.” She scurries out of the car, tugging on his hand. 
“Nooo,” he whines, playfully fighting her pull. “Wanna stay here.” Honestly, he’s not sure how she can even stand right now. After all, she did all the work. He feels like a blob of jello. The woman definitely has some stamina. He makes a mental note to test her limits at a later date. When she continues to yank on his arm, he falls to the side in a heap. 
“Fine,” she drops his hand and huffs, “be an old man.”
After a few moments of silence, a low growl escapes him, and he shifts his head, peeling an eye open to see what she’s doing. She’s facing the lake, standing butt naked a couple of feet from the car, staring up at the sky. As quietly as he can, he scrambles from the vehicle, scooping her up in his arms just as she turns at the sound of his approach. He runs toward the lake as she squeals in his arms. 
He knows the lake is deep; she had told him while they were driving how she would spend her summers here as a child, floating on a makeshift raft, acting out grand pirate adventures, pretending to be the lady of the lake, or jumping from the rope attached to the tree a few feet away. So he doesn’t slow as he nears the water’s edge. “Old man, my ass.”
Arms locking around his neck, Kasey shrieks his name over his shout to hold her breath as he leaps toward the center of the water. Letting go of her legs, he holds her chest to chest as they sink. Kasey presses her lips to his, arms still wrapped around him as they drift downward. It's a welcome relief when the water is warmer than he expected, and he gets momentarily lost in the otherworldly quality of it—the seductive silence, the pressure of the water buoying their bodies, the feel of her skin sliding against his as darkness encompasses them.
He jolts when she starts kicking her feet, fingers tapping on his spine, recognition sinking in that they will soon need air. Kicking out, he swiftly propels them upward, each gasping for breath as they break apart when they breach the surface.
Kasey swims to the far side of the lake, pushing herself up onto some kind of narrow platform. Lying on her stomach, she paddles back to him. 
As she drifts closer, he notices the tattered tarp covering a row of slender logs that have been expertly lashed together. Assuming this is the raft she made, he bobs his head in admiration of her handiwork.
“Sorry, Jack, there’s not enough room for you,” she pouts, coming to a stop to float next to him.
“Oh, there was plenty of room for him,” Dean argues. “The issue came down to buoyancy. The added weight would have submerged the wood and made it unstable. Any movement would have made them slide off. Besides, Jack had to die.”
“Seriously?” Kasey stares at him like he just kicked her puppy. 
Dean chuckles, gripping her hand between his he pretends to shiver. “...promise me you will survive....that you will never give up...no matter what happens...no matter how hopeless...promise me now, and never let go of that promise.”
“I promise,” Kasey replies, overly dramatic.
“Never let go,” Dean responds just as dramatically. She squeezes his hand and something shifts in her demeanor.
“I promise. I will never let go, Dean. I’ll never let go.”
The impassioned edge to her tone, the way she grasps his face, eyes boring into his as she says the words are gut-wrenching. He doesn’t miss the fact that she uses his name or that he can taste the salt from her tears when he kisses her.
“Dean, I-” 
She tucks her chin, but he tilts it back up with a finger crooked beneath it. He’s close enough to see the multitude of emotions swirling in her anxious gaze. Just as she can read and decipher what he leaves unsaid, he understands her uncertainty, the hesitancy to voice the words that lie heavy in both their hearts.
“I know.” He thumbs the moisture from her cheek, and she gives him a brief nod before rolling onto her back with a sniff. He takes a moment to calm his heart and swipe away the tear that spills over his lashes. Stars shine brightly overhead, twinkling little dots in the water. Crickets chirp and frogs croak, lending a melodic soundtrack to the charged moment.
Struggling to find the right words, he falls back on humor to break the tension instead. “You know, for someone that doesn’t own a television or any way to stream, your movie quote game is pretty impressive,” he chuckles.
Kasey snorts. Stretching an arm over her head, she reaches for the back of his neck, fingers slipping as she attempts to tug him around to the side. He takes her hand and moves of his own accord, folding his arms on the edge of the raft, keeping her hand in his as he kicks lazily to stay afloat. 
“I worked long hours, and aside from a handful of friends, I kept mostly to myself. Movies were my ‘thing’, plus I have a good memory.” She waves a hand in dismissal of his admiration. “You seem to have a pretty impressive knowledge of movies yourself. Curiously enough, ones that could be considered chick flicks in that repertoire. Titanic?”
He huffs, “There was a girl...”
The little boat rocks with her laughter. “Say no more.”
“Seriously. Made me go see that damn movie five times, but would never agree that there was enough room on that door. If they had just put Rose’s-” 
Before he can finish his explanation, she cuts him off, pointing to the sky and exclaiming, “Look!”
Dean lifts his gaze to catch a thin strip of light streaking across the sky. Two more quickly follow, and then the sky is filled with shooting stars. “Perseids,” he whispers in awe.
He holds her hand as he rolls to lie back and float on the surface. When he starts to drift too far, Kasey pulls him back. Arms on the edge of the raft, chin sitting atop his crossed hands, he gently kicks them around the small lake as they watch the universe's light show. When she begins to card her fingers through his hair, he turns his head to watch her instead.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" she whispers, still staring at the stars.
How the hell did I get so lucky to be pulled into her orbit?
Shifting her glance to him, she softly smiles. “I agree.”
As the meteor shower dwindles, they return to the car. Kasey pulls the blanket from the back seat, spreading it over the ground, while Dean grabs a beer for each of them from the cooler. Relaxed and sated, they let the warm summer air dry their skin as they spend the next couple of hours discussing the classics—music, cars, movies, and cheesy pick-up lines.  
After polishing off the six-pack and the remainder of the pie, they get dressed, pack up, and head back to the house. The return drive is quieter, a comfortable calm permeating the air around them. Once Baby is back in her delegated space and the house is secured for the night, they crawl into bed. 
Kasey falls asleep almost immediately, using his chest as a pillow, and Dean stares at the ceiling, stroking her hair. There’s a lot they need to talk about yet, but that’s a conversation for tomorrow. He still has to deal with what feels like a cosmic battle for his life, but the day was the break he needed to refuel and find hope, and he has her to thank for that.
Sated and content with Kasey tucked into his side, he kisses the top of her head and falls asleep feeling safe in the knowledge that he can survive anything that comes his way as long as she’s with him.
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Love Me Some Pie
@123passwort // @akshi8278 // @asgoodasdancingqueen // @calaofnoldor // @compresshischest09 // @deans-baby-momma // @deaneverafter // @deans-spinster-witch // @deanwanddamons // @flamencodiva // @globetrotter28 // @iamsapphine // @idreamofplaid // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @justagirlinafandomworld // @justrealizedimmascifygurl // @ladysparkles78 // @lyarr24 // @michellethetvaddict // @mrswhozeewhatsis // @mvdeanw // @princessmisery666 // @shawnie74 // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @thoughts-and-funnies // @waynes-multiverse // @wayward-and-worn // @waywardbaby // @weepingwillowphoenix
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hellhound-whisperer · 2 years
A Mark All Your Own: First Born
Pairing | Dean Winchester x female!reader
Warnings | Mark of Cain, spn-level violence mentioned, angst
Word count | 1.9k
Prompt | this
A/N | I got an idea from that gifset, and then when I started writing, all this came out, and I wrote more than I have in a WHILE. I got super jazzed about this idea, and am going to keep writing oneshots & such within this little universe I created. Hope someone out there digs this too, or I’ll just crawl back into my dumpster fire of a brain.
Summary | To protect Dean, you take on the Mark of Cain, much to Dean’s dismay.
You followed Dean into the war room, both of you quiet after the events of the last couple days. You were still trying to come to terms with it yourself - the Mark of Cain was now seared into your forearm. You weren’t sure where Sam was at that moment, or what he would think when he found out, but Dean? You know exactly how Dean felt, silently seething the entire drive home. You knew he was trying to calm down lest he really lose it, but you honestly weren’t quite ready for this conversation yet.
You followed him to your shared room, stopping in the doorway as he sat heavily on the bed, letting his head fall into his hands.
“I’m going to take a shower, and then you can let me have it,” you whispered. He raised his head, holding his hands as if in prayer, resting his chin on his thumbs, staring straight ahead. You figured you would be getting much more of a response, and left for the privacy of the shower.
Turning the knob to start running the hottest water you could handle, you stripped, consciously avoiding looking at the Mark as you stepped into the spray. You tried to concentrate on the droplets raining down on you, but it couldn’t erase the memory from your mind, starting with the disbelief on Dean’s face when he saw you finally stepped out from your hiding spot on the other side of the wall.
“Y/N? What are you…?”
“Crowley,” you interrupted.
“Y/N, I was wondering when you’d turn up. Heard you two never travel alone,” Cain pointed between you and Dean. “You know Dean, after seeing you here earlier, I thought it would be you. But now that she’s come along…” Cain’s dark gaze settling on you. You did your best to remain unfazed, but you could feel Dean’s glare like it was a slap to the face.
“She wasn’t supposed to be here, that wasn’t part of the plan,” Dean growled at Crowley, who only shrugged.
“Had to hedge my bets,” Crowley replied. “Figured you two were the best candidates, and I’d let the big man decide.”
“And decided I have,” Cain answered, coming to you and resting a hand on your shoulder. You stifled a shudder, reminding yourself that you were doing this for Dean. He’d done enough for this shitty world, he shouldn’t have to do this too. You heard one of the doors from the other side of the house open and close quickly, but you knew at least a couple demons snuck through. Dean and you started heading that way, but Cain held you back, whispering in your ear.
“I can give you the Mark, Y/N, if it’s what you truly want. The Mark can be transferred to someone who’s worthy.” He moved to stand in front of you, in between you and Dean, who was preoccupied with the demons Cain undoubtedly let in.
“You mean a killer, like you.”
The corner of his lips twitched. “Yes.”
“Can I use it to kill that bitch?” You snarled, thinking of Abaddon.
“Yes. But you have to know with the Mark comes a great burden. Some would call it a great cost.”
“Spare me the warning label, you had me at kill the bitch.”
“Good luck, Y/N. You’re going to need it.”
Cain grasped your forearm just as Dean returned. You heard him shout in the background, but you couldn’t make it out as you fought against the pain, managing to keep the scream contained in your head. Your arm felt like it was on fire, and then all at once, the feeling disappeared. You looked down, seeing the Mark red and angry against your skin, unable to ignore the rush of power that seemed to come with it.
“And the blade?”
“Nothing can destroy the blade, so I threw it to the bottom of the deepest ocean.” You rolled your eyes, turning from Cain to face Dean. His jaw twitched, worry and fury fighting for dominance in his gaze. Cain continued, stepping between Dean and Crowley.
“You find the blade, kill Abaddon, but you make me a promise first.” You eyed him, wondering what in the hell he would want from you, when Dean and Crowley disappeared. “When I call you, and I will call, you come and find me, and use the blade on me.”
Your face scrunched up in confusion. “Why?”
“For what I’m about to do.” Cain reached forward, and suddenly you were outside standing beside Dean. He looked down to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the Impala, Crowley following behind.
Knowing you couldn’t put off the impending shouting match much longer, you finished your shower, got dressed, and walked back to your room to find it empty. You sighed, trying to decide if Dean wanted you to join him in the library, where he was likely downing whiskey. Your bed seemed more inviting though, so you climbed in, waiting for him to join you when you fell asleep.
Instinctively, you stretched your arm to Dean’s side of the bed to find it cold and empty. Sighing, you crawled out of bed and wandered to the library. You’d probably only dozed off for an hour or so, but you still had no idea what you were walking into as you turned the corner.
Your boyfriend was sitting in his armchair, glass of amber liquid in his hand as expected, the decanter on the table half gone beside him. You stopped at the entrance, unsure of what to say. Based on Dean’s blank expression, you were pretty sure he wasn’t sure of how to start either, so you took a deep breath and spoke.
“You’re probably right to be mad, and I’m sorry for that. Crowley told me where you were, what you were going to take on, and I just…”
“You just what, Y/N?” Dean’s voice was dangerously low, but at least he didn’t seem to be completely lost in his bottle.
“You’ve done enough, Dean. If Cain was willing to give it to me, I thought this was one thing I could do to protect you for once.” Dean simply nodded and took a long sip. You were surprised at his next words.
“What did Cain say after he zapped Crowley and I out of there?”
You sighed heavily, knowing he’d want to know sooner or later. “That one day he would call, and I would have to kill him with the blade.” Now that got Dean’s full attention.
“What? He wants you, to kill him?” He asked in disbelief, emphasizing the last three words.
You shrugged. “I was just as surprised as you.” Dean scoffed, exaggerating his own shoulder shrug.
“So that’s it then, huh? Just, shrug it off, act like this is no big deal?” His voice roared, starting the fight you knew you couldn’t avoid.
“I know it’s a big fuckin’ deal, Dean! Why do you think I took it?” You shouted back, strutting over to stand in front of him. You took the glass from his hand, slamming it down so hard you were shocked it didn’t shatter. He shot up to his feet, towering over you.
“You shouldn’t have done it! We have no idea what we got into…”
You snapped back, cutting him off. “So that means you should have taken the risk?” His jaw clenched, and you knew he had nothing to come back with, so you continued. “I know you’re mad Dean, and I get it…”
“Mad?” Dean angrily whispered. “Sweetheart, I’m not mad, I’m fuckin’ furious. At you, at Crowley, at,” he faltered, “this whole damn thing. But more than that, I’m terrified.” You raised an eyebrow, not expecting that, nor the tears that were starting to well in his gorgeous green eyes. He took a long breath, and his hands cupped your face. “We have no idea how this ends, Y/N/N. And I can’t lose you.” His voice was no longer angry, but desperate as his thumbs brushed across your cheekbones.
“I couldn’t lose you either Dean,” you admitted, feeling your eyes start to water as well. He sighed, searching your gaze for an answer you didn’t have.
“I’ll figure this out.” You gave him your best bitchface, and his plump lips thinned into a straight line. “We’ll figure it out, okay?”
You nodded, and he pulled you in, tucking your head under his chin. You knew he wanted to believe that, and right now, you needed that feeling of safety from him. So you tilted your head back, hoping he’d take the hint. His lips captured yours in a soft kiss, causing a tear to fall down your cheek when you closed your eyes. You didn’t know it, but one escaped Dean too as he poured all his love into that kiss, praying to anyone who might be listening that what he said would prove true.
You didn’t sleep much that night, worried your inevitable nightmares would wake Dean. So instead, you lay there quietly, trying to stop your thoughts from running wild. Needing a break from staring at the ceiling, you turned your head to glance at Dean. He was actually sleeping peacefully from the looks of it. His jawline relaxed for the first time that evening, soft lips closed. You were tracing his freckles in your mind when he startled you.
He swallowed, lips pursing as he did. Sleep hadn’t completely let go of its hold on him yet, his eyelids fluttering open just a fraction at first. You’d always thought he was adorable when he first woke up, and this time was no exception, right up until the events of the last day seemed to come back to him, and his gaze snapped to meet yours.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked, green apple orbs filled with concern. Your heart skipped a beat, knowing you were the reason for that worry. He turned to rest on his side, facing you, skilled fingers tucked stray hair behind your ear.
You did your best to smile at him. “You know me too well.” You inched closer, burying your face into his strong chest. His arms pulled you in tight, one hand tangling itself in your hair.
“I’m sorry,” Dean murmured. You could feel the deep timbre of his voice, and you melted into the comfort he was providing. “I know you’re scared too, even if you won’t say it.”
“I believe the word is terrified,” you replied, half-jokingly. He kissed the top of your head.
“I promise you, Y/N/N, we will figure this out.” You nodded enough that he would feel it, afraid to speak and let out your fear. “But you have to sleep, okay? I’m right here.”
Him reminding you how much he loved you was the last straw, and you felt the sob eek out before you could stop it. He didn’t say anything, simply pulled you impossibly closer, as you breathed through your moment of panic.
Once your breathing evened out, he loosened his hold so he could rest his forehead on yours. “I love you, Y/N.”
You captured his lips in a sweet kiss, not trusting your voice yet.
“I know you do, sweetheart,” he mumbled against your lips before pulling back slightly, tucking your head back under his chin. “Now close those pretty eyes. I’ve got you, alright? You’re safe.”
He stroked your hair until he knew you had fallen asleep before he let his own tears fall, searing the memory of your body against his into his mind.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Grey Asmo here
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Ik im late
Just realised that in 12 monts, its gonna be 2025.
Anyway, since hell may be overpopulated do you think some Hell born like Satan and fallen angels stay in the Devildom while most sinners and lower class demons stay in hell.
Would the King of Hell and the Crown Prince of the Devildom unite the two realms. (YES) LUCIFER MY LIEGE.
also the song how bad can I possibliy mean gives of Mammon VIBES.
My greedy demon
Also in another fandom we finally got revealed of Lucifer va...and omg he is so sweet, such a sweet and honey like voice not deep like OM Luci, but not like SPN luci, or DC Luci,
OM devs didnt lie about their voices
At first i was like meh its okay but now 2 years in I simp just to hear Mammon growl or Luci's laugh
In addition my Asmo (the asshole)
Someone gave him quite a good voice and the fandom is like we hate you but you look and sound good. But your a bitch
Hello there, Grey Asmo!
Happy new year! And yo we just started 2024 don't make me think about 2025 yet lol!
I actually think a lot about the population of the Devildom and so on. I would say that it seems like most human souls end up in what they seem to call the Underworld... it has the rings and everything. Then demons live in the Devildom. But other things also live in the Devildom, like reapers and I think they mentioned vampires at some point?
So I'm not sure but I think of it as the main area of the Devildom is the city in which RAD is located, along with the Demon Lord's Castle and the House of Lamentation and everything. I think this is where most demons live and it probably has a high population density, kinda like a big city. But then as you move outward, that changes. Things become more wild and rural. I imagine there are smaller cities and towns where demons live, too. Some of them might just hang out in the forest or whatever. They talk about trains and buses so the need for long distance transportation says to me that there are probably multiple larger cities and such. I would just think that where RAD and the castle are is the biggest one.
It kinda sounds like the consider the Underworld to be part of the Devildom already? But it's kinda vague, so I'm not sure. However, I do love the idea of Lucifer and Diavolo getting married for political reasons lol. Like Lucifer is considered one of the Lords of the Underworld because of Cerberus right? And obviously Diavolo is the prince of the Devildom. So if those two areas weren't already united, they could totally get married and combine them.
I really love all the VAs for the game! I've thought about what it might be like if they ever did an English translation of the spoken lines. Mostly because I think I'd lose my shit over some of the stuff those guys say lol. But I don't think I'd like it. I think it'd be upsetting unless they had the same VAs doing the English. Because if they did what they normally do and hired English actors to do the English lines, they'd all sound too different. I think that'd be painful. Because I looove their VAs so much and their voices are so distinct and familiar to me now!
Every time I used to get a notification from my phone when I forgot to put it back on silent and it was Barb talking to me from another room, I used to freak out. It scared the shit out of me every time. Now I'm so used to it that I'm just like oh okay thanks, Barb. Like yes I want to listen to that soothing man's voice all day every day. Sometimes I just open the app and let it run for a bit so I can hear Barb saying his home screen dialogue when you ignore him for too long lol. It's really cute in the OG when he hums to himself.
Anyway! I think the VAs can really bring a character to life and I love them for the great work they do.
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nevospitanniy · 2 years
Hey remember when I thought I could read all of the ao3 sterek tag lol
The show just ended, we were all excited, the tag hit 50k, I wasn’t thinking clearly. That went nowhere fast, but I did get through a couple of thousand, so here are my favorites from that time. Some links are broken, use way back machine for those.
What you will find here: angst, fluff, humor, character death, porn, non/dub-con, underage (duh), emissary!Stiles, bonding, fuck or die, h/c, pack dynamics, knotting, AUs and more!
What you won’t find here: classic a/b/o, mpreg, halecest. Got nothing against those concepts, just don’t find them to be a favorite.
Read author tags, as you would. I usually forewent full tag/warning descriptions and summary quotes in favor of a short personal opinions to save space.
entanglednow gets multiple mentions. Not sorry.   
Why Won’t Somebody Think Of The Children (G)
Hypocrite by LLitchi // Stiles was the Hales' emissary and everyone loved him.
Never Been Kissed (T/teen)
Pick Ourselves Undone by elegantwings, orphan_account // technically not rated // lovely little introspective story
I just want to keep this dream in me by orphan_account // Stiles and Derek have something in common - a dead mother
Find (Me) by kototyph // forever mad Stiles/Gerard encounter has been so neglected in the show. Hurt!Stiles, what’s good. 
Entrapment by Saucery // the boys get real close, bring your crowbar
Things Thicker Than Water by Cheshyr // Stiles inherited his mother’s eyes, and her smile, and her antidepressants.
Good Intentions by Helenish // Sheriff totally misunderstands things, but also doesn't
If I could be Someone (Within an Hour or a Day) by Finduilas // Stiles doesn't want to be turned into a werewolf, but he kind of wants Derek to want to.
puppets on strings by kameo_chan // a two-parter, T and E // this one hurts, kids. Brain trauma. 
And Now I'm Sunk by pandacowhipster // Derek finds a new anchor
Between The Lines by witblogi // five times Derek played connect the dots and Stiles was unamused
Sometimes I Dream Of You by veritas_st // technically unrated // Stiles is right, Derek doesn't want him gone
They'll Take It All by someonelsesheart // friends, benefits and a lot of lies
Chase Away Every Monster by wangler // Gerard comes and goes, but the fun lasts
9/10ths of the Law by tsukinofaerii // one of the few demon!Stiles fics I genuinely enjoyed. A SPN crossover, no less. 
Pre-Emptive Strike by Brigantine // give me emissary!Stiles or give me death
Blackbird by skoosiepants // quoth the Stiles “Nevermore.”
Like an Anchor That Drags You Down by lindenmae //  “What did you do to me, Stiles?” Derek growls, and it’s so guttural even to his ears, he doesn’t recognize his own voice.
Almost There (M/R)
And Dwell Beneath My Shadow by lielabell // Lydia saves the day for insecure Derek
If You're Wondering, If I Want You To (I Want You To) by pandacowhipster // funny, fluffy, has Twilight jokes. Ladies. 
Of sharing shirts by sephirothflame // they also share bodily fluids
Quit Talking (or I’m going to rip your throat out with my teeth) by Kayevelyn // # shawty what that mouth do 
I Can Taste It, It's My Sweet Beginning by fio // petty Stiles is the best Stiles
And Yes, I Swallow Glass by lightning and a lightning bug (spoons) // 2x07 coda // talking about your shit is Good, as Derek finds out
you're my perfect little punching bag by lanyon // honestly, with the amount of canon head injuries, I’m surprised Stiles can still talk
Lone Wolf by Spikedluv // Derek needs help oh boy does he ever and Stiles obliges
Writ in Hecate's ink on willing skin by Lenore // Finger Painting: not just for small children
last night's dress (tiptoe out of this mess) by hito // an incredible delight of a fic with fake relationship 
And I Followed You Home by entanglednow // resistance is futile
I Could Find My Way Back by entanglednow // oops, we are bonded now: the fic
Aversion Therapy by entanglednow // his shoulder may be hurt, but the dick still works
To Have Outlived the Night by stillane // hunters are assholes, water is wet
Stop Crossing Oceans by howl-to-the-wind (greenleaf) // I love a well-executed broken pack fic and, by God, did this one deliver
Integral to Survival by asocialfauxpas (fuzzytomato) // nothing brings people closer together than shared torture
Lock All The Doors Behind You by entanglednow // it’s almost like getting a pet, only the pet is a grown-ass man with claws
Red-Handed Man by proxydialogue // #where Stiles gets to be a nerdodactyl and a badass and the two are not mutually exclusive
You know how it is with spaghetti ™ (E/NC-17)
Sluice by GoddessofBirth // keepitwet.gif
rifle to the heart by sunsetpanic // AHS: Cult wishes it was this (there is also no Lena Dunham)
Holy Water Cannot Help You Now by affectingly // a missing scene/coda to 2x02. Stiles should just go to his happy place.
Want by tylerfucklin (orphan_account) // two words - angry. spanking.
He Hit Me and it Felt Like a Kiss by Loz // *Kiss With A Fist by Florence+The Machine playing in the distance*
Outer Dark: A Pornographic Fever Dream by ahab2692 // man, none of the drugs I ever did were this lit 
know just where you've been by morphosyntactic // ooh, something smells good! It’s Stiles.
The Perils of Fungi by the_deep_magic // #traumatisedScott2020 
Never Been by Lenore // Stiles is saved from his Virginity, and there is also a magic cave
Shake my ash to the wind by rufflefeather // just a whole lot of firsts happening
I'm Coming Over Tonight by burntotears // he can be quiet, see? 
Red Velvet and Fur (A Hanky Code for Gay Werewolves) by orphan_account // I was hooting and hollering the whole way through, utter crack
I Forgot All The Rules Today by entanglednow // One of them is probably going to die before Stiles reaches eighteen anyway.
And Now For Something Completely Different by Ark // intense car sex with a touch of dubcon
Little Red Riding Hood (you sure are looking good) by aohatsu // Stiles dresses up as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. It's supposed to be ironic.
Hale of Heart by Nahara // one of the most interesting (conceptually) fics I’ve read in TW, Christina Perri is weeping
Camaro '68 by ZainClaw // absolutely iconique hitchhiker AU
Mercy Has a Human Heart by the_deep_magic // usually the tag ‘established relationship’ is not my favorite, but I’m glad I stayed for this 
i fall, i fall, i falter by affectingly // normal relationship who? love-hate car sex
A Wild of Nothing by BewareTheIdes15 // feral!Derek is a God’s gift
How to Date Your Best Friend's Brother by veterization // All things considered, his best friend's brother is pretty cool.
Hide Of A Life War by Etharei // required fandom reading, as stated by me and supported by roughly 400,000 other people
We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) by notthequiettype //  As his eyes slip shut, the last thing he thinks is, "This is going to kill my dad."
Professional Misconduct by Calico, Habernero // this is some quality AU smut, y’all
Bonus! Ra-Ra-Rasputin (fics in Russian)  
Плохой день, ночь ужасна (Bad day, horrible night) by мобиус // T // это мой самый любимый фик в этом фандоме на русском и легко в топ-5 в целом. Его нет смысла описывать, его надо читать. Без спойлеров. 
В первый и не последний раз by fioletova // E // кноттинг в душе. Ты, да, вот ты, кому это нравится - это для тебя <3
Тот, кто меня целует by Sabira // M // АУ, где Стайлз и Айзек попадают в психушку по стечению обстоятельств. Практически на 100% состоит из диалогов, но от этого шарма не теряет.
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Blood in Heaven and Hell - Chapter 2
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Chapter 1| | Chapter 3
Summary: A small town where some dreams come true and others lead to murder. Alex decides to have fun while on call as backup at the bunker.
Pairing: Sam Winchester x OFC!F!Alex (Undercover)
Cannon: Supernatural (AU), Season 10.
Characters: Bobby, OFC!Alex, MOC!Dean, Sam. OFC!Sarah (FWB), Townies
Word Count: ~5k
Warnings: Cursing. Flirting. Fluff. Mentions of previous smut and innuendos. 18+.
Author’s Notes: AU Spn. Bobby Lived. Charlie lived.
Beta’d: @myloversgone and @fluffiest-dreams
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The next morning in the map room, Bobby sat down with a cup of coffee in hand and skimmed through a few books.
“This is a bad idea, Bobby,” Alex said, hands on her hips. “You’re not entirely certain this is even a demon, let alone a djinn. They look way too alike.”
“And this is why I didn’t ask for your help on the case. I know how you feel about possibly encountering djinns,” Bobby yawned.
Alex yawned in response and glared at Bobby for a moment then threw her hands up, “Fine.” She turned and walked to the kitchen, “I don’t appreciate being dragged a few States away to a fucking concrete hole in the ground dug by a bunch of dead people who know way more about monsters and such for your stupid research.” She grabbed a clean mug and filled it with black coffee half way then gave a loud throaty growl in frustration at him, surprising Dean who had just walked around the corner from the hall with his hands up and out as if about to pounce on what made the sound.
“Shut up, ya Idjit,” Bobby hollered back.
When he realized the growl came from Alex, his eyebrows shot up concerned, “You ok?”
“No, I’m not Ok. I think Bobby going after this demon alone is a bad idea. I know demons. I know the fucking mythology and history ridiculously well. Why else would I be here you may ask if not to work on the case? Because he has to fucking babysit me, like I’m a fucking child.” She spoke through gritted teeth staring towards Bobby and then walked past Dean towards her room. He opened his mouth then closed it, thinking better than to get involved, as his gaze followed her down the hallway and he watched her round butt and hips gently sway as she walked. Sam came out of his room, looked at Dean then peered behind him to see Alex almost at her room. He quickly walked up to his brother smacking him on the chest, his eyes saying stop it.
“What?” Dean responds innocently.
Sam rolled his eyes and stopped at the steps from the kitchen up towards the main entrance to tie his shoes. He walked to Bobby, “How’s it going?”
“Still no luck,” he responded.
“Bobby,” said Dean with food in the side of his mouth, “Why are you looking this up? We got a demon-killing knife, the first blade if it’s needed, and we can exorcise them.”
“Yeah, that second one isn’t a usable option,” Bobby stated with an eyebrow up, staring at Dean like he was stupid. “Always good to have back up options, kid.” He returned to reading through the book in front of him and sipped his coffee.
Sam looked to Bobby, “Then we’ll come with you and Alex as back up.”
“If it looks even remotely like a djinn, Alex won’t go,” Bobby stated keeping his eyes on the book. “She wouldn’t come until its been confirmed it isn’t a djinn.”
“What?” Dean said sarcastically. “Seriously?!” Sam looked at him like he should be ashamed of himself.
“Yes,” Bobby responded flatly. “While it isn’t a competition of who has had it worse, she could keep up with you two.” Bobby paused, “Possibly even with the Mark.”
Dean furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Sam questioningly, who shook his head. “Ok,” said Dean. “We will go. I don’t see leaving her in the bunker to be an issue. The safest place there is.”
Sam interjected, “Let me research online some more and if we can’t find anything, then we can go and just do what we do.”
Later, Sam, unable to find anything, informed Dean and Bobby of the lack of new information, so they decided to pack and head out the following morning.
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Bobby knocked on Alex’s bedroom door with no response. He knew she was there. “ALEX!” He yelled. “I KNOW YOU’RE THERE! ALEX!” He pounded on the door waiting a few seconds and no response. Sighing, he covered his eyes with his cap and slowly opened the door, “Alex?!” He peaked to see her in her sleep clothes, shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt.
She appeared to be swaying her hips and butt as if listening to music which Bobby confirmed when he saw her gamer-style headphones covering her ears. She took small steps around the room with a closed book in her hand.
Not wanting to startle her, her called her name loudly a few times. The last one caused her to pause and look behind her. Her mouth opened and eyebrows rose. She pulled her headphones down to rest on her neck revealing she was listening to “Oh My Dear Lord” by The Unlikely Candidates—
o| …My future used to shine, it's bright as a diamond/Where'd the time go, I was too high, it was frightening/ Know I messed up but there's no use in crying/ No use in crying/ (Oh my dear Lord)… |o
She quickly grabbed her phone from her back pocket and paused the music. “Sorry, Bobby. Is everything OK?” She asked, concerned.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, dropping his hand to his side. “Just didn’t want to startle you,” he explained. “I want to let you know the boys and I are gonna head out in the morning.”
She crossed her arms, leaned on her hip, furrowed her brow, and drew her lips into a thin pale line. “Bobby,” she warned.
He raised his hands up as he tried to soothe her, “I know. I know. The boys are coming with me, so I’ll be just fine.”
She sighed and relaxed. Her hands falling to her side, “Ok,” she said and shrugged. “You call or text the moment you can confirm what it is and or if you need any help, even if it’s just research, promise?”
Bobby smiled at her concern, “Yes, I promise.” He chuckled, “I cannot believe you still do that after all these years.”
She half grinned, shrugging again. “Am I OK to stay here by myself?” She asked.
“Yeah, just don’t mess anything up,” he warned.
“One time. One time and you won’t let me forget it. I was 16. I got everything back in order and even bought you a brand new tv,” she defended.
He rolled his eyes and half smiled, “Ya idjit.”
“Stubborn old man,” she responded and chuckled.
She went up to him and hugged him, “Night, Bobby.”
“Night.” Bobby returned the hug and left the room. Alex went back to listening to her music.
It was a little after midnight before Alex turned off the lamp and went to sleep. She slept on her side with her hand on the hilt of her throwing knife under her pillow.
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Approximately four thirty in the morning, Alex sat up straight and looked around, noticing the time on her phone light up at her movement on the bed. Her breath came out in pants, sweat dripping down her face and in between her breasts with the AC blasting cool air making her shiver. She pulled the blanket up to her chin and looked around. Within a few minutes, she was able to start taking deeper breaths and calm her racing heart, she groaned quietly at the realization of the time and laid back down on her bed. She wrapped her weighted blanket back around her shoulders, slid her hand back under her pillow, grasped the hilt, and closed her eyes in an attempt to get some sleep.
After lying in bed for another thirty minutes, she gave up. She turned on her lamp, got dressed to her boots— a thin long sleeve shirt and her usual jeans, made her bed, and headed to the kitchen. With a flip of the switch, the light in the pantry was on leaving the kitchen dark, and she took out various ingredients as she decided what to cook, then off to start whipping food together.
By the time the guys all woke up the lights had turned on throughout the bunker, bacon was in the oven and plates of scrambled eggs, pancakes, syrup, butter, along with dishes and silverware were in each place setting.
She said good morning to each one as they entered while she stood by the stove and cooked and oven waiting on the bacon. The men had all sat down with their cups of coffee and began putting food on their plates.
“This is wonderful. Thanks, Alex. You gonna join us?” Sam asked.
“I already ate while I was making the food. Eat up.” She put on a smile and motioned to the guys at the food on the table. Suddenly, Alex pulled out a pan sheet of crisp bacon on top of a cooling rack with her covered hand. She grabbed a plate lined with paper towels then carefully placed the bacon on it and set it down on the table. “Enjoy.”
“Oh! Sam, I forgot.” She opened the fridge and brought out a clear cup with a green viscous liquid inside. “I recall Bobby telling me that you prefer healthier breakfasts, so I made you a shake with the fresh veg you have in there. I hope you like it; totally ok if you don’t, honestly. I like shakes and smoothies myself but it's been a while since I made one. It seemed to taste good to me but I don’t know how you like them.”
Handing him the shake, Sam smiled and tried it. “Mmm hmm,” he responded positively and drank more. He licked his upper lip. Alex smirked slightly at the sight and stared at his lips a moment then looked at his eyes, “Glad you like it. I don’t always make breakfast but I try to when I’m up before everyone else.”
“You’re usually up before everyone else,” commented Bobby in between sips of coffee.
Alex stuck her tongue out at Bobby and turned around to clean up the kitchen counters and put the dirty dishes away in the side of the sink full of soapy water. “I don’t always make breakfast though,” she explained.
Bobby nodded silently as he had food in his mouth.
“Well, it’s really good. Alex,” said Dean with his mouth half full of food as he spoke.
Alex grinned and chuckled at Dean and quipped, “You know Dean, it’s not nice to talk with food in your mouth but I’ll ignore it since you complimented my cooking.” She winked at him and bit her lower lip then returned to the grin as Dean just kept chewing his food with a smirk on his face.
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At six am, the Winchesters and Bobby packed up the trunk and headed out in the impala. Bobby sat in the front passenger, navigating Dean to the small town a few hours away they were investigating.
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Dean parked on the street next to a diner and a coin slot newspaper machine when he saw the headline: MAN SLAUGHTERS GIRL OF HIS DREAMS.
“Hey,” Dean said and pointed to the headline. “Got any change?” He asked them.
Sam dug in his pocket and gave Dean a few coins as he came around the car. He looked around at the section of town they were in, noticing a large church further up away from the downtown area. “Sammy, make sure to put coins in the times,” Dean told Sam. Sam looked at Dean glaring, “What? I don’t carry change.”
Scoffing at him, Sam did what he asked and made sure to feed the parking timer for three hours, “Ok. We got three hours. Let’s see what we can find out.”
“I’m getting some grub,” said Dean who walked towards the diner.
“Not a bad idea,” agreed Bobby, who followed. Sam put a few more coins in the newspaper machine and got his own newspaper out to read. He followed the guys into the diner and they sat in a booth, the boys across from each other and Bobby next to Sam.
Ordering some food, Dean and Sam skimmed through their newspapers. “The murder seems to be the front page news.” Sam put it down, allowing Bobby to skim through and he dug out his smartphone, searching online for any similar news articles. Except the town’s newspaper was not online or any mention of the town at all, except an obscure news article from another town for their annual May Day and Halloween festivals.
“Looks like we need to go to the library to get more information on the town, they’re not online. Other towns reporting on them and it’s just town festivals,” Sam explained.
“Ok, you can go to the library and Bobby and I will hit the police station to see if we can get more information on the case and any others like it,” Dean advised.
“Look at the town history too while you’re there, Sam,” Bobby said. “More might be going on than we are aware, with their lack of technology.”
“True,” Sam agreed
Their food came and they ate. Refill of coffees for them all as Sam continued on his phone.
“Excuse me, Miss,” Sam said, with his usual endearing smile. “Where’s the library?,” he asked, looking into her eyes.
The young waitress giggled, “If you just go down the main road and turn right at Turner’s store, it’ll be about a mile down the road.”
“Great, Thanks,” Sam said smiling.
After Dean and Bobby dropped Sam off at the library, they found the only motel in town and got rooms, and then changed to their suits before going to the Sheriff’s office.
Bobby’s phone buzzed to find text messages from Alex:
Alex: Hey, Bobby. Is there a gym here?
Bobby: I told you not to mess with anything.
Alex: You didn’t answer my question and it’s: do they have a gym?
Bobby: No, they don’t have a gym. Do NOT mess up the bunker.
Alex: 😈 It isn’t messing up if it’s beneficial. 😝
“Balls,” said Bobby. “You guys are gonna have a gym when we get back.”
“How?” Asked Dean. "Alex?"
“Yes, Alex,” Bobby confirmed. “She likes to work out and has found makeshifting or jury rigging a gym not satisfactory. She makes one whether you want her to or not.”
“You have a gym at your place?” Dean questioned.
“Yes,” Bobby replied incredulously. “She tried to put it in my panic room, then my basement and then I finally thought I got her to stop. Nope. I was away on a case for a weekend and she renovated my house with the Sheriff and the girls who were just as excited, so I have an indoor gym now with its own window ac unit and a working sink.” He crossed his arms with ‘grumpy’ written all over his face.
Dean busted out laughing at the comment and Bobby’s reaction, and worked to calm himself. He grinned and chuckled, then said, “I like her.”
“Do I look like I have time to work out?”
Dean glanced at Bobby and tried to hide his grin. “Do you want to?“
Bobby ignored him and replied, “We got a case to work.” He walked into the building with Dean quickly following.
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Sam walked into the library and asked the librarian at the desk where the town history was. He went to the section and grabbed a few books. Finding an empty table, he put them and himself down, and began reading.
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“Thanks,” she called to the guy and brought the giant box down the stairs carefully. Her phone rang. She answered it once she got down the entrance stairs, not looking to see who called. “Hello?”
“Hey, Sis,” said her brother on the other end.
Her stomach dropped and her chest instantly felt tight and knotted. Her breath hitched in her throat for a moment before she could speak again.
“Surprised?” He asked.
“What do you want, Aloy?”
“Just called to check in on my little sister. I’m not allowed to call?”
“Bullshit. No, you’re not,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Just thought you might wanna know what Dad’s been up to?” Aloy explained.
“Ok. I’ll bite.”
“He’s been in Hell chatting up the King, Crowley. All hail the King, Baby.” he grinned.
“Ok, and?” She asked flatly.
“Just thought you might wanna know is all. After all, you’re stuck with his friend, Bobby, aren't you?”
“Leave Bobby alone—“
“Don’t need Bobby,” he stated.
She remained silent for a few moments. “So, Dad’s in Hell. I care, why?”
“He’s relenting what he said originally,” Aloy’s grin turned to a smirk as he spoke.
“You’d kill him before letting him join you,” she spoke incredulously. “I’m not gullible, moron.”
“You sure about Dad, Lizzie? You sure you know him well enough?”
Alex rolled her eyes silently. Just trying to instigate me. Bastard, she thought.
She grunted at his inquiry.“Is that all you called for, what, to lie to me and try to piss me off? I’m hanging up.”
“Wait,” he almost sounded desperate.
“She’s going to kill me,” his voice sounded desperate the moment he spoke. “Just like the angels and demons. I have to get out of here, please,” he confessed quietly. “This was never a team effort. She’s going to destroy it all by herself. She’s making a bomb.”
“Whatever, Aloy. Boy who cried wolf. Go look it up. You might learn something,” she spoke sarcastically and hung up. “Psychopathic asshole. Making a bomb. With what? Grace and demon blood? They don’t even function that way.” She shrugged and then picked up the boxed gym equipment moving it to the room she picked. It was surrounded by a few other smaller boxes that had arrived.
She went back to her room and picked up where she left off in her book; however, her brother’s words bothered her as much as she tried to ignore them.
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Bobby and Dean walked into the Sheriff’s office flashing badges and asking to see the information on the murder mention in the newspaper.
“It’s an open and shut case, Agents. He killed her in self-defense. Manslaughter, easy,” the Sheriff explained.
“We are here to review and make sure of that. Please provide all the paperwork and please point us in the direction of the Coroner’s office,” said Dean assertively.
The Sheriff nodded and handed over the paperwork on that specific case as well as related cases.
“Thank you,” said Bobby flatly.
“We share the building with the Coroner, so it’s on the other side of the building; go back to the entrance and follow the signs,” sighed the Sheriff, still seated.
Bobby and Dean walked out of their office and followed the directions to the Coroner.
After looking at the bodies, there was nothing unusual about them other than their organs seemed somewhat older than their actual age.
Dean called Sam as Bobby and him got into the car. “You’re on speaker. Find anything?”
“The church has been here longer than the town, so it might be a good place to look,” he replied. “Especially since these cases seem to go back every 33 years since the American revolution.” He added, “Looks like Alex might have been right. This could be the demon.”
“Ok. We will come and get you, then head to the church,” Dean stated to Sam and hung up.
Bobby looked to Dean, “I’m calling Alex.”
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A few hours later, Alex’s phone rang. It showed Sarah and she answered. “Hey, you get my text a few days ago?”
“Yeah, you know, I live in Topeka. I could come visit since you’re alone,” she grinned.
Alex pursed her lips and confessed, “True but it is like a three hour drive and…I think I kind of like my roommates a little too much.”
“Are they there?” Sarah asked.
“No,” Alex replied and thought. Sarah remained quiet waiting for her to speak again, knowing she would give in and invite her over. “Ok. Come over,” she said with a smirk.
“I’ll be there in an hour,” Sarah responded.
“You sneaky bitch,” Alex exclaimed. “You were gonna just show up if I had said no?”
“You’re my best friend, and honestly, being able to play with you when you’re single is the height of my own singleness.”Sarah explained.
“Oh my God, Sarah, you’re terrible. You do taste pretty good though,” Alex grinned and giggled. “Oh, you’re gonna need to stop and get alcohol.”
“The usual?”
“Yep. Get lime too.”
“Okie doke. See you in an hour and a half,” Sarah said and hung up.
As soon as Alex hung up, it rang almost immediately. She raised her brow then wrinkled her nose as she saw it was Bobby. “Pizza Hut, what’s your order?”
Bobby snorted, “Hardy har har. It’s the demon.”
“Seriously?” Alex asked exasperated. So much for fun times with Sarah.
Sam closed the door loud enough for Alex to hear. He asked, “What’s the plan?”
“Was that Sam? Let me talk to him.” Bobby hands the phone to Sam.
“Hey, so, it’s the demon?” Alex asked Sam.
“Yeah, I realized when looking at the town's history. The church has been here since the American revolution which also happens to be when these weird murders-attacks have happened, every 33 years or so.”
“Shit. Gimme Bobby back.”
“Go for Bobby,” he said.
“Text me the motel address and give me 20 mins.”
Bobby hung up. “Head to the motel. Alex is gonna meet us.” He started typing away on the phone when he was interrupted.
“She’s three hours away,” exclaimed Dean.
“She’s not,” replied Bobby. “She’s meeting us at the motel.”
“Oh,” said Dean, confused but complied anyway. He glanced at Sam in the rear view mirror who shrugged in response to his facial expression.
In the bunker, Alex texted Sarah the town she was going to since the case was confirmed and recommended for Sarah to head home since it’s only a little ways outside of Topeka. Alex texted before Sarah could respond, asking if she could pick her up since she would probably be tired and didn't want to ‘blink’ anywhere after finishing a case.
In her room, Alex stuffed her duffel full of her armor, a work dress and heels in a suit bag, and a few weapons as well as the charms from the cigar box. She put on her boots and did one more look around her room. Grabbing her phone, she did the address search in the map app finding the motel and went to street view to see where she could drop in at. She found an alleyway between the motel room building and front office which was a small separate building.
After a sudden knock at the motel room door, Dean opened it to find Alex with a duffel bag over her shoulder. He moved out of the way and she walked in, placed her duffel next to the tv. “So, where we at?”
“The plan is to go to the church and find the demon,” said Sam.
“Ok, so,” she looked at Dean and Bobby then Sam, “are we doing this suited up or casual?”
The guys looked at each other.
Alex spoke, “I think casual would be best being a church. Looks weird for FBI or whatever to investigate a church when you wanna be inconspicuous in the long run.” She added, “If not, I got a dress.”
Bobby looked at Alex then Sam.
“Alex,” he began, “which dress did you bring?”
“Why?” Alex asked and then sat down on the other bed.
“Town hasn’t really seen you two. I figured you and Sam—“
“No, I hate doing the fiancé-newly wed thing. Faking all that lovey dovey shit,” she crossed her ankles and her arms in protest.
“That’s not a bad idea,” said Dean. “The latest guy, he had this huge crush on this chick and they finally got together.”
“If it’s the demon, it could be a way to identify them. Grant their wish and everything,” Sam added.
“That reminds me,” Alex got up and dug in her duffel. “Abraxas charms are supposed to help against their magicks.” She got out three and handed one to each of them. “Just keep it on you. You should be good.”
She looked at Bobby who gave her a look. Alex rolled her eyes as she got up, grabbed her duffel and went into the bathroom. “Gimme five mins.”
Unzipping and shifting clothing could be heard and then Alex yelled from behind the door, “Can I wear my boots?”
“Do they go with the dress?” Bobby called back.
There was a long pause then “Damn it” heard from the door.
“Sam, you’re gonna need to change too,” said Bobby.
“When she’s done,” he nodded.
Alex came out of the bathroom a minute later with her hair clipped to the side, natural tones of makeup wearing a pale peach colored dress with princess puff sleeves and fluffy, flowing skirt that stopped mid-calf and cream colored closed-toed high heels. “How do I look?”
Sam shook up and walked over to her with a large grin, “You look beautiful.”
Alex blushed lightly and cleared her throat, “Um, do you need to change?”
Sam nodded and grabbed a hanger from the closet. He glanced back at her before going in the bathroom. She just grinned as she watched him go into the bathroom.
Bobby cleared his throat, “Practicing?”
Alex immediately looked at Bobby’s eyebrows raised, “Yup.” She walked over to where Sam had been sitting and sat waiting for him.
“You look amazing,” Dean finally replied to her question. His eyes were a bit wide and he was sporting a genuine smile.
She looked at him with furrowed brows at first but realized it was meant as a compliment, not an afterthought like it seemed. She smiled chastely, “Thanks.” She looked at Bobby as Sam exited the bathroom in a long sleeve striped button up shirt.
“So, fiancés looking for a church to wed in?”
“Sounds good to me,” said Sam.
“Are there any of those little toy vending machines about?” Alex asked.
“I think the front off had a few. Why?” Asked Dean.
“Did it have rings?”
“I think so,” replied Sam. “Why?”
Alex got up and dug in her duffel bag again, she brought a clutch out, “because everyone loves silly little love stories and I have never been able to top the one I heard. I’ll be right back.”
Bobby shrugged.
Sam finished getting ready as they waited.
A few minutes later, a knock came at the door again and there was Alex with a lollipop encased in a smile as she held up a small round plastic container. Her clutch on her shoulder, “And then she said ‘I do.’ When Alex popped open the small toy container a plastic rhinestone ring was revealed.
“What?” Dean looked confused.
“So,” she began as she put it on her left ring finger. “My third ever case was this elderly woman who was this amazing upstanding citizen, everyone knew her and loved her, and her husband had died like a year before. It was odd because it was thought to be suicide; however, she was actually haunted by her dead husband who was turning vengeful spirit. The thing was she wasn’t wearing a ring; she had told me she pawned both of them for money to help pay for his funeral like a year before, so it couldn’t be the rings. When I sat and talked to her claiming it was for a school project, she told me how they grew up together and when she was six and he was seven, he gave her a toy ring as a promise to marry her. This is the early 20th century so life happens, war happens, and eventually he moved back to town. They met again and he kept the promise. She kept the ring which they had put in a picture frame along with their main wedding photo.” She paused and added, “That sadly I had to burn since the husband didn’t want to move on freely.” She shrugged, “Anyway, everyone loves the story and thinks it’s the sweetest thing ever. Few people know about it. If they do know about it, you can say that one of us heard the idea from a grandparent.”
“That’s so cute,” Sam agreed. “Right? Super sentimental stories always calm and relax people unless they have some terrible experience related to the object or situation, and then you tend to be screwed but I haven’t come across that happening yet in the, what, 20 years I’ve been doing this..?”
Dean looked at her confused, “How old are you?”
Alex rolled her eyes, “Oh my God, Dean. I’m legally allowed to…” she held up a finger for each item as she stated them, “drive, see an R and X rated film by myself, drink, smoke, rent a car and hotel room by myself and have sex without it being a legal issue.” She paused trying to think what else has age limits, “I guess joining the military and having to pay for my own health insurance would be in there too. Anything else I should add? “
Bobby and Sam chuckled at her as she listed off the typical age ‘milestones’ for an American.
Dean gave Alex an irritated look, and she cheekily grinned in response.
“So you know I’m at least 23 or is it 26?” She shook her head and shrugged. “I need one more thing before we go, Sam.” She dug in her duffel again and pulled out a thigh holster with five throwing knives in it and sat down on the bed. She raised the dress up her left thigh and clipped it in place then lowered the dress.
Bobby groaned and got up. “You’re all teenagers,” said as he caught the brothers watching Alex then looked elsewhere for a moment or two.
“What?” Alex asked, confused, as she got up and grabbed Sam’s hand. “Let’s go, Darling.” She opened the door, “Shall we, everyone?”
They piled into the impala with the lovebirds in the back. “You clean up really nice, Sam,” she said with a smile. “Very handsome.”
He blushed, “Oh. Thanks.”
“Ok. Was that ok with the endearment? I don’t want to call you something you find funny, stupid or just uncomfortable. I’m ok with you calling me: Dear, babe, baby, sweetie, and sweetheart. I was screening around with darling before. Don’t call me that. My parents do and it’s creepy when others do.”
“Noted and same,” Sam replied.
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Chapters are posted weekly.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Tag list: @riley-phoenix @myloversgone @fluffiest-dreams
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s12e19 the future (w. robert berens, meredith glynn)
feel like i'm finally getting into the home stretch of this show. i know, three full seasons that i have not heard great or even mediocre things about to go but still. i've got a lot behind me
and we're finally dealing with wtf cas is doing up in ye olde heaven. why didn't he at least like. send a text. "going to heaven, be back at some point, i'm fine"
you know i have feelings about suicide in media and it's a common trope on this show but the music is especially mismatched with this (kelly getting in the tub with a shard from the mirror), but maybe it's for the best because it is less affecting. the voiceover also a weird choice. surely she's not actually dead...?
legit laughed out loud when cas just casually opens the door. like, hey guys... 🤷‍♂️
CASTIEL I was in Heaven. I was working with the angels. When I saw Dagon had captured Kelly, I-I thought they could help. SAM And? CASTIEL Nothing. SAM Well, at least you're back. We're glad you're back. DEAN Really? No, I'm sorry. Okay, 'cause while you were striking out in Heaven, we had a shot at Dagon, and we lost. CASTIEL I know. I received your messages. DEAN Oh, you did – you did receive the messages? Okay, that's good. CASTIEL Dean. DEAN So not only were you ditching us, but you were also ignoring us? That's great. 'Cause we really could've used the backup. But, uh, you were too busy with, um (Clicks tongue) What was it? Nothing? CASTIEL Dean, I – DEAN What the hell is wrong with you, man? You know, whatever. That's--yeah. Welcome back. (walks away)
SO. dean's being pretty harsh and i'm sure it won't last because it never does, but it reminds me of someone who like.. you're at the end of your rope with in general, and then small fuckups ending sending you into a fit. because it's like COME THE FUCK ON, MAN. even though in the grand scheme of things it isn't a huge transgression. i am unfortunately guilty of that too, so maybe it's just projecting, but that's the vibe i'm feeling. but he always forgives him pretty quickly even when he's pissed like this.
but also, i think it's pretty reasonable that he's upset vs sam's acceptance and happiness he's back (which seems a little extreme the other end, like disappointment but glad he's safe seems more reasonable-ish to me). it's one thing if he's tied up in heaven, but being tied up in heaven getting nothing done, and knowing that they actually had a bead on dagon and doing nothing seems super absurd because that was the whole reason he was in heaven??? unless he's not telling us something relevant to why he couldn't act, which would also be pretty typical of how this show operates. getting me riled up. good grief this is pointless
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CASTIEL Sorry, Dean. Um I just wanted to return this. DEAN It's a gift. You keep those.
what. "traxx"? really?
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DEAN Cass, you can't – With everything that's going on, you can't just go dark like that. We didn't know what happened to you. We were worried. That's not okay. CASTIEL Well, I didn't mean to add to your distress. I – Dean, I just keep failing. Again and again. When you were taken, I searched for months and I couldn't find you. And then Kelly escaped on my watch, and I couldn't find her. And I just wanted I needed to come back here with a win for you. For myself. DEAN You think you're the only one rolling snake eyes here? Me and Sam, we had her. We had Kelly and we lost her. CASTIEL And if you find her again? DEAN Sam's working on it. Of course, he's hell-bent on finding something that doesn't mean killing her or her kid. CASTIEL Right. And if he doesn't find something? If you run out of time, could either of you kill an innocent? DEAN We will find a better way. CASTIEL You mean, we? DEAN Yes, dumbass. We. You, me, and Sam, we're just better together. So now that you're back, let's go, Team Free Will. Let's get it done. CASTIEL I'd like that. DEAN Great. And I'd like a beer.
well i'm sure this can be read very shippy, what i pick up is just upset and freaked out that he disappeared without any notice (trying to imagine like, bobby just goes dark when they need him and how dean would react). and wanting him back because he needs the resources in this fight. and cas being kind of desperate for dean's approval. which is kind of a shitty space to be in. dean's "let's go Team Free Will" is pretty sarcastic sounding and the "great. and i'd like a beer" is really dismissive. the scripts linked on the wiki both say he smiles (which he doesn't), this has totally different tone.
(surprise surprise baby nephilim wouldn't let kelly die)
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for the love of god get a couch already
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SAM Well Okay, the baby's half-angel, right? So remember Gadreel? DEAN The psycho angel who took your body for a test drive? Yeah, what about him?
kinda hard to forget, sammy
trying to remember how that whole grace extraction ritual thing went down and was cas on the up and up with him? buh can't remember. looks like it, skimming 9x11
SAM So what if Cass used it on Kelly's kid? I mean, a-a Nephilim's just a human soul with angelic grace, right? So you remove the grace –
if the kid is half grace wouldn't you end up with a half a kid :p
all right well reading the script gave me a heads up that cas was lying -_- but stealing the colt to give to the angels, great. good call, castiel
KELVIN You're doing the right thing, you know. Committing to Joshua's plan, putting angelkind above the Winchesters. I mean, your reputation in Heaven is – CASTIEL This has nothing to do with my reputation. I am doing this for the Winchesters. I-I stole the Colt to keep them out of this mission and to keep them safe from Dagon, and I – I will kill this girl so that Sam and Dean don't have to.
mmmk. well, good on you cas, not being able to kill the pregnant lady either. maybe give sam and dean a call, if we're going down this road
CASTIEL No, it isn't. I used to believe in a plan. I used to believe that I had some mission. But I have been through enough now to know that everyone is just winging it. Some of us quite badly.
(writers included, ahem)
KELLY I know my baby can be good for this world. CASTIEL Kelly, if he's born that is not something you can survive. So even if you are right, and even if the worst isn't inevitable, then who will care for him when you're gone? (Sighs) Who? Who is strong enough to protect him and to keep him from evil influences and to keep him on the righteous path?
bunker baby? lol
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she got the demon growl sound treatment too
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ok. weirdly noncommittal slam into the wall
DEAN Well, while you were scamming me for the Colt, Sam put a tracking app on your phone. SAM Cass, when you came back, you didn't even look us in the eye. You wanna explain what's going on here?
LOL ok, sam was secretly on the up and up
CASTIEL I know. I wanted to keep you out of this. I-I was trying to keep you safe. DEAN You're not our babysitter, Cass, okay? That is not your job. And when in our whole lives have we ever been safe?
neverending theme of choice being taken away by everyone everywhere all at once
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definitely a good idea to give them the keys and leave them alone in the impala while they both want to go to the holy sandbox and she's got some nephilim mojo
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dumbasses :p
KELLY You asked me who would protect him, guide him when I'm gone. I know now. It's you. CASTIEL Me? That's I am not someone that you should put your faith in, Kelly. I couldn't kill Dagon back there. I lost two of my men. I betrayed my friends, my family.
LOL papa castiel
DEAN Well, he hasn't exactly had a banner year. I mean, think about it. Between Lucifer, killing Billie, Ramiel, everything's been blowing up in his face. And he's so desperate for a win right now, he can't even see straight.
were there consequences to killing billie? i can't even remember lolsob useless
i didn't see dagon melting (ish?) the colt coming. good call though, girl
all right well i'm including this because cas got the demon (and nephilim apparently) growl too along with this oboe (maybe? i don't know i can actually tell the difference between oboe clarinet and i dunno, french horn? lol) music that i dislike but they do use semi-regularly :p
anyway, cas got his win. why does dean seem so surprised by cas healing his arm? don't they hit cas up for healing on the regular these days?
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DEAN Are you okay? CASTIEL I am. I've been so lost. I'm not lost anymore. And I know now that this child must be born with all of his power. SAM You can't actually mean that. CASTIEL Yes. I do. I have faith. We have to go. SAM Hey, Cass, wait a second. Wait, hold on. Just - CASTIEL You have to just trust me. DEAN No, no, no, wait. Okay, whatever that thing did to you, we're not just gonna let you walk away. SAM Yeah, that's not gonna happen. CASTIEL Yes, it is.
who needs to explain things and try to win arguments when you can just boop them on the forehead and make them go sleepytime in the park, at night. exposed.
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(script linked on wiki)
made me laugh. cas and kelly all juiced up on faith, together
so i finally made the mental leap figuring out who the baby will be (i had all the info but was embarrassingly slow to connect the dots) so like. i'm very unclear how this is going to play out. cas constantly lying and going off-piste generally is not something to be rewarded with being doing the right thing, but feels like that's the path that will need to be taken? even if they're painting it as him doing a bad thing now? i dunno. maybe not. the problem with half knowing small or general big picture details without context via fic :p
grateful for no bmol bullshit i guess, this ep
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cookiedoughmeagain · 1 year
Fic games
I was tagged to post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3, and I'm curious what this will look like, so here we go...
Dean woke up with a groggy head, sore wrists and a complete inability to move. (Exactly Like a Men Of Letters Move, SPN, Rated E)
Dean drove the Impala into his assigned parking space in the massive underground lot. Its familiar growl was cut through with a disquieting rattle that made him frown: the repairs he'd made at the side of a dusty road a few hours before would need some further work before he got back out on the road again. (Bit of Rough, SPN, rated M)
Duke Crocker had never had much of a regular sleep schedule. (Watched His Lovers Sleep, Haven, rated T)
This is a story that differs only a little from the original. Or rather, which differs a lot, but only in one specific way. (A Miracle Powered by Centuries of Troubled Aether, Haven, rated T)
The Troubles set Nathan up to fail, long before he ever heard of a woman called Audrey Parker. They set him up to fail in ways he didn’t even know about; from his own family history to what his father knew was coming, and simply the way the Troubles work. (This is not a fic as such but rather some meta about Haven, rated T)
"Why do I always go for the shy ones?" Something in her voice makes me turn around, and something in the view makes me not want to leave. (Somehow The Same, Haven. I've just been working on the next chapter for this! Currently rated T, though that might change.)
For lack of anything better to do one afternoon, Duke and Nathan sat on a rock at the edge of the beach, drawing pictures in the sand with sticks. “It’s going to be 1990 soon,” Duke said out of nowhere. “And then it’ll be The Year Two Thousand,” he added. It had an inevitable ominous ring to it. (The Things You've Done, Haven, rated T)
“I'm not saying you need wine, but I'm saying it wouldn't be a bad idea,” Jess said, amused as she poured him a glass of red. (Sunshine, Haven, rated M)
Dean walked through the library to his room. For once the place was quiet; Sam and Bobby were out on a beer run, Charlie was already asleep, Garth and Kevin would be back tomorrow. There was of course their additional, hopefully temporary, houseguest. But since losing all of his demonic powers Crowley had become surprisingly useful. (Not Entirely By Mistake, SPN, rated E)
Dean pulled the Impala up outside the Roadhouse. “This place is starting to feel like home,” Sam said. (Outside the Roadhouse, SPN, Rated E)
Honorary mention for the last thing I updated; Everyone I know lives here (hoping to update this one soon too): It was one of those rare quiet days in the bunker where there was no imminent apocalypse, no one they knew was in immediate danger, and no obvious case-worthy news stories had presented themselves. The building was relatively full, though even when all of its semi-permanent residents were at home still only a fraction of the bedrooms were occupied. (SPN/Buffy crossover, rated M)
Thanks for the tag @misscrazyfangirl321
Tagging ... anyone who wants to play!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 9 months
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Holy Water
Not Natural
The Devil's Trap
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: still new so not many, a hint of slow burn, spn inspired, alpha/omega dynamics, demon Kells, hunter Dom, teasing, insults, blood, pain, mentions of a curse, unsafe driving, boys being playful and mean to each other, threats, innuendo, edging if you squint, flirting ⚰️ rating: mature
"Do you play with yourself?" Dom was so shocked by the purred voice and sudden appearance of a demon in his car that he swerved into the other lane and cursed as he tried to right the wheels. Thankfully it was a long stretch of straight highway and late enough no one else was around but he was still annoyed. The bastard disappeared after making him feel weird about his curse and that was his first question back?
"The fuck you on about?" He grumbled back, cracking his neck and clenching his fingers around the steering wheel. He had been getting sleepy but he certainly wasn't anymore. His heart was racing and he couldn't help but squeeze his thighs.
"Do. You. Play?" The demon asked, his voice dripping with something akin to lust but Dom knew it couldn't be for him. The wanker was just teasing him, he was sure of it.
"Don't everyone?" He huffed back, completely ignoring the point of what the beast asked. He knew what Kells was asking but he didn't have to share everything.
"I'm talking about- Do you touch your pussy Dominic?" Kells didn't know why it was bugging him so much and he tried to sound nonchalant but he knew he was failing. He'd tried to leave and focus on anything else all fucking day but the image of those plush spread thighs was burned into his retinas. Since finally talking to the Hunter he couldn't seem to stay away for more than a few hours.
Dom clenched his thighs again, his breath coming a little faster. He'd gone years barely ever thinking about the extra hole between his legs- he ignored it as much as he could. For a few days every month he would notice himself a little extra tingly but otherwise he acted as if it didn't exist. Now it felt like a near constant buzz as if he'd shoved a toy inside himself, something he'd never actually done. Not that a monster deserved to know.
"Do you get wet?" Kells asked, his voice low in the darkness. The car was starting to feel too small for such an ancient rumbling giant of one. There was more than enough space but neither of them felt like it anymore. The demon took a deep breath and turned sideways, sprawling himself across the bench seat. His sunglasses slid down his nose as he watched the boy. The human. The thing that should be his enemy. Why did he care? How long could he say-
"For science." Yeah that didn't work. "Why are you scared to answer? I'd tell you all about it if I had one. Let's just say I'm curious."
"Yeah but you a slut." Dom teased and in the shadows he could see that Cheshire grin spread across the demon's face.
"And you're a fucking prude. Come on, you can tell me. I'm amazing at keeping secrets." He sighed as he eased across the seat, inching closer to the human whose scent wouldn't leave his mind. "When it's late and you're stuck in those ratty old beds and you're lonely, do you explore yourself? Do you touch yourself and soak yourself and bury your fingers in that pretty tight cu- shit!" Before he could reach the kid Dom swerved the car again, sending him tumbling back against the door to hit his head on the window. Hard. He was pretty sure he heard it crack but that might have been his skull. Shit.
"Contrary to your fucking massively inflated ego- I ain't trying to fuck you Kells. You don't get to ask shite like tha' outta the bloody blue. Now be a good bitch and stay." Dom growled, his nostrils flaring with his soft plush lip raised in a snarl.
The demon couldn't help but laugh, no matter what Dom said he could taste his desire in the air. Kells knew he was hot. Besides, he knew the demon who had cursed Dom, the monster the boy had almost had a relationship with. He knew he was the punk's type. He'd meant to just fuck with him but he found himself more turned on than he'd been in so long. There was something about the faux omega that tickled his instincts and it bugged him. Attraction gave someone power over you. He was just trying to take his power back. "Oh Domie, I'm not the bitch here. Besides, I already know the answer. You're too much a fucking prude to have any fun but you do get wet. I can smell you."
Dom's blood was boiling. He hadn't asked for help. He hadn't asked for the bastard to tag along and pick at every insecurity he had. He hadn't asked to be slipped that crimson mickey that he was sure was the only reason he was looking twice at the literal demon in his car. That was the problem here, the blood. That's all that was making him- "Oh god." The beast was right- he was wet. He'd never really been wet. It wasn't much but enough to feel sticky and warm between his legs and he was starting to regret wearing his pants so high. The ridge of his inseam was riding up between his folds and driving him mad.
"Mmm, definitely not that bastard." Kells teased, he knew he was in trouble but it wasn't like the kid could actually hurt him. He didn't have the weaponry. Everything else he tried was honestly just foreplay, even the hot blood trickling through his blonde hair to soak into the back of his shirt felt like a display of lust. A pleasurable tease. A first step to them finding their way to bed together but he knew he shouldn't. He truly had come to help the Hunter find their shared enemy.
"Cute. Why you back Kells?" Dom huffed, trying not to squirm too much in his seat. He wouldn't give the monster the satisfaction.
"We're hunting together." He shrugged, taking his glasses off and folding them before he slipped them into his pocket. He tried to lean back and get comfortable but it was difficult. His pants were too tight and his cock too hard. He was just glad the boy didn't know how much a fuck up he really was, how disgusting he was. Being a demon was one thing but the thoughts he had about the kid? Shit.
"No, you're stalking me while I'm 'unting."
"Same difference."
"It's really not. If I told you to fuck off again?"
"Did it work last time?" The demon grinned, sticking his tongue out as the boy sighed deep. "Do you need to ride?"
Dom choked on spit and spluttered, stuttering a moment as he glanced to the monster with wide eyes. "Wha'?"
The human almost shrieked but he could feel his blood inside him all rushing south. "Do you need me to drive for a while? What the fuck dude? Settle."
"Oi! No one touches me car." Dom knew he had to have done that on purpose. He wasn't sure why he was being tortured with the demon but he knew logically the fucker could help. "I'm stopping in a bit. Found a job nearby. We can find a motel and you can fuck off."
"So you can touch yourself?"
"So I can bloody sleep!" Even Dom didn't know his voice could go so high pitch but the beast brought something out in him.
"Nah, I think I'll stick around for a bit. Don't worry, I won't steal your blankets but I might use all the hot water." He couldn't help chuckling as the human whined for him but he didn't say anything against him staying.
Suddenly there was a hand under Dom's ass, those long fingers were groping and squeezing and the trickle of heat between his legs felt like a flood. His breath caught in his chest as the tingling became a live wire and he made a noise that sounded a little bit too much like a moan. He froze, he couldn't help it. There was something that went soft in his mind but as quickly as it was there the touch was gone. "Did you jus' take me wallet?" His voice was thready but laced with annoyance and when Kells laughed and patted over his thigh he kept himself from jumping.
"I'll go ahead of you and get us a room. Last one there gets to bottom!" The demon disappeared, his deep sensual laugh echoing in Dom's ears as he tightened his fists and pressed down on the gas. He knew he'd get there too late but he didn't know why the thought almost excited him. The devil was joking and he wouldn't allow it anyway. Fuck what was wrong with him? It was going to be a long fucking night.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
Sorry, I know this was short but I'm really sick after the past few days. Bad flare. Big bad 😅 I didn't want to leave y'all with nothing though and I'm having fun just getting these boys set up in this story. I hope you enjoyed it! I have a lot of ideas for this one⚰️🖤
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adamraisedcain · 3 years
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It’s death from the beginning to the end of time / And I'm the cosmic champion and I hold a mystic sign / And the whole world's dying and the burden’s mine / And the black sword keeps on killing 'til the end of time
Dean and the Mark of Cain // Black Blade - Blue Öyster Cult
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so i am very slowly getting back into my spn phase and i would very much enjoy a oneshot from your prompt list. any of the reader is pregnant or the S/O is gonna be a father one’s, you can decide, with an afab (assigned female at birth) reader?
I can try my best👍 I’m hoping this is good and to your liking! I'm going use Cas, just cause I love him and I wanna see if I can write him well.
Baby Daddy
Castiel has been distant ever since you told him the news. One day, he just couldn't take it.
#71 “I’ve been waiting forever to hear that.”
#89 “Your pregnant, that’s all. You’re beautiful.”
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It’s been how many months now. Seven? Eight? Honestly, you’ve stopped counting. However, all you did know, was that Castiel was gone. Ever since that day, when you told him the news. 
When you told him you were pregnant.
The angel had literally zapped out into thin air. He had no parting words, no nothing. Only a couple seconds before he vanished. You couldn’t even read his facial expressions. It all happened so fast.
Plus, your eyes were blurry from the tears.
Ever since then, you’ve been under careful supervision from Bobby and the boys. I mean, a child created from a human and an angel could have extreme power and could be hunted down by both demons and angels. The last thing you would want was for someone like Crowley to have your baby. Sam and Dean were determined to keep you safe, especially if Castiel wasn’t going to.
“I’m going to kill him.” Was the first thing Dean threatened after hearing what Castiel had done after you told him.
“Angel blade?” Sam inquired him, knowing full well the answer to that question.
“I’ll find a way.” Dean growled as he paced about the room. You were sitting on the couch, Sam nearby as Bobby was digging through his notes, trying to find something on the situation that could ease your minds.
“Guys...just let it go.” You pleaded while placing your head in your hands, rubbing your temples. Dean immediately stopped his angry pacing while Sam looked at you sympathetically. 
“Well, Y/N, if Cas is going to be an absent father, we better find someone who can deal with a nephilim’s power. Says they can destroy entire worlds.” Bobby explained while giving his forehead a tired rub. You sighed before slowly nodding. Then you got up and decided to retire to your room. You were quite tired.
“She’s got us.” You could hear Dean tell Bobby in an angry tone. The older man’s response was faint, but you could barely make it out.
“Well, idjit,” the use of that word causing Dean to sigh, “unless you know how to harness of the power of an angel, I suggest you think of some other way to be helpful.”
Dean just pinched the bridge of his nose, the stress starting to get to him. Sam sighed, the only one really remaining calm.
“Try calling Cas again.” Sam told Dean when you disappeared. Balling his fists, Dean made his way to the kitchen to grab a beer. 
“Castiel, you better get your ass down from heaven before I climb up there to get you...you know I will...” He muttered. The boys were rather protective of you, especially now and the days following.
However, what you didn’t know was that Castiel has been there through all those months. He’s just never shown himself.
It’s not because he was scared of Dean (although maybe a little), but rather he was more afraid of the child within you. Take away the fact that he had no idea what a father was supposed to do, but a nephilim would have enough power to destroy the world.
And that responsibility terrified him. 
The angel has been silently watching you since the day you told him you were pregnant. It was hard to explain how he was feeling. Castiel wanted to protect you and the child, but he also felt ashamed to face you after his vanishing act. 
However, seeing you so distraught was starting to nag at him.
It’s been around seven to eight months since he fled, or so you thought. Your body has changed drastically, something Castiel couldn’t help but be fascinated by. 
You, on the other hand, weren’t fascinated one bit.
After Castiel left, you felt rather alone. You knew you had the boys, but it wasn’t the same. They gave you support, but not the kind you needed. You needed to hear those loving words that gave you confidence about how you looked. The added weight gain because of the pregnancy made you feel insecure and maybe even a bit disgusted by yourself.
And no one has told you otherwise.
“I can’t believe this...” You whispered to yourself, a frown on your face as you wiped the mirror of steam. You had just taken a nice hot shower and slipped a robe on when you decided to view yourself in the mirror. Castiel kept a close eye on you as per usual, but you didn’t know that.
However, he perked up more upon hearing your words.
“How did I become so unpleasant?” You asked yourself as you stood sideways, looking in the mirror. You caressed your stomach, a frown on your face when you realized you couldn’t even see your toes. You tried to focus on your child, but you couldn’t help but have a couple tears go down your face. 
“I just...hate this...” Whether you were talking about the pregnancy or being lonely, Castiel didn’t know. All he did know, was that he couldn’t take this anymore.
“Your pregnant, that’s all. You’re beautiful.” The sound of a familiar voice that you haven’t heard in months, followed by the sound of flapping wings caused you to shriek slightly which in turn made him flinch a bit.
“My mistake...um...�� The angel was at a loss for words at this point. You had calmed down, but still held a hand to your racing heart. He was here, right in front of you. Castiel finally showed up, and actually spoke to you.
The expression on your face was unreadable as you hesitantly took a couple steps forward. Soon, you stood before him and your eyes met. It was like that time long ago when you guys first met. Gently, you brought a hand up to his cheek, and Castiel couldn’t help but nuzzle into its warmth. He’s missed your touch more than you thought.
Perhaps you took his absence better than what he saw.
Then you slapped him.
Of course, that didn’t do much to him, but it did cause him to look surprised. He didn’t understand your sudden change in emotion. You were happy to see him, but now you slap him. The poor angel had just been introduced to mood swings.
“What the hell, Cas?! Where have you been?!” You said to him, a frown on your face. You tried shoving him a bit to get his attention because right now his face was equivalent to a fish out of water.
“Say something!” You semi-shouted at him, your patience running thin as he continued to be at a loss for words, his eyes occasionally drifting to your middle before quickly looking back up at you.
“I...I’m sorry...you have every right to be angry with me.” Castiel finally said, looking like a kicked puppy. Head lowered and all.
“Damn right I do.” You growled while crossing your arms over your chest. He deflated a bit more at that, shoulders slumping.
“I want you to know...I’ve been watching over you ever since that day.” The angel confessed, glancing up slightly to meet your eyes. You couldn’t help but soften a bit at that. Here you thought he abandoned you, when he’s actually been by your side the whole time.
“Then why...why didn’t you show yourself? I needed you.” You emphasized, tears almost threatening to fall as you gestured to yourself. Castiel sighed, feeling even worse about his decision.
“I was ashamed...and afraid...to face what I’ve done. If I could take it all back, I would.” He confessed while looking around the room, obviously a bit nervous about what he said. You just gave him a pitiful look.
“It wasn’t just you Cas...it was me as well. Don’t you think I was scared? We’re stronger together than apart, you’ve known this.” You told him with a sad smile. A smile flickered on his face before disappearing. You were right, but the angel didn’t know how to respond to that.
However, before he could, you gasped while grabbing your bump.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Castiel was quickly by your side, hand on your shoulder as he searched your face for any sign of pain. Any negative feelings or tension that was there went out the window as you smiled a bit.
“She’s kicking...want to feel?” You said gently, a sweet smile on your face. Castiel was hesitant, afraid your sweetness might turn sour again, but you just grabbed his hand and put it on your soft skin. Slowly but surely, he felt the movement of a tiny life.
“Now is your chance to turn things around. Prove to me that you seriously...seriously want to try and be a father.” You told him as his blue eyes softened from the touch of his baby.
“That was...the most incredible feeling I’ve ever encountered.” Castiel said with a smile, bringing his other hand to caress your belly. You swore he was about to cry whether it be from the kicking baby or the fact you were giving him a second chance, you didn’t know. 
“I’ve been waiting forever to hear that.” You told him, fearing he would never get to encounter the kicking of his own child. Now you were nearly ready to cry as you watched your man get all cute. Then, he stood to his full height and hugged you as close as your stomach, and the baby would allow.
“Please know that I’ll never leave your side again.” At first, his words made you smile as you hugged him back. However, the seriousness in his voice made you worry a bit.
“Cas...I need some space.” You said with a bit of a laugh as you pulled away. Then you realized that the two of you have been hiding out in the bathroom the whole time.
Maybe for good reason.
“Perhaps it’s best you don’t show yourself to Sam and Dean just yet.” You told him with a bit of a grin as Castiel squinted at you in confusion. Then it dawned on him.
“Right. Dean wants to kill me.” He stated in that neutral tone, and you assured him that you wouldn’t let that happen. Then he smiled a bit at you.
“Good thing I kept my angel blade with me.” You laughed a bit at that before another realization came to you, causing the smile to vanish. Instead, you crossed your arms and gave your angel a side-eye.
“Wait...if you’ve always been watching...Have you seen me shower every single time?” You questioned, a bit of anger in your voice for him invading your privacy.
The disappearance of Castiel along with the sound of wings gave you your answer.
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snuff-loves-men · 3 years
A Distance
Dean x Male!Reader
Summary: The trio of the two Winchesters + Reader almost die on a hunt gone wrong, Sam gets a big owie, reader also has big owie but says nothing, angst ensues
CW: Angst, Near Death, Arguing, wholesomeness at the end dw
Word Count: 2k
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It was dark, nerves were high, flashlights stopped working. Everything was rapidly going downhill and now the two oldest men couldn’t find Sam. What was supposed to be a normal hunt proved to be more than the three bargained for when the spirit turned out to be a demon. Things got complicated quickly and Sam was the result. “We need to find Sam and get the hell out of here. We’ll come back tomorrow or something.” (Y/n) whispered to a very tense Dean. Meanwhile he smacked his flashlight in hopes it would work. “We can’t just leave the job unfini-“ “The hell we won’t.” He trudged forwards with his dim light. Hoping Dean would follow, he scoured for the massive man. Begrudgingly the oldest followed suit, if looks could kill, he would be a murderer.
The two searched the confined area, crouching with their backs rubbing against the old wood. Gruff voices called for Sam, trying to be quiet so they aren’t heard again. After many minutes and lots of frustration, he’s found in horrible shape. Blood seeped through his jacket along with the knee of his pants. The deep crimson immediately set alarms in both of the olders’ heads. Big brother mode was on. “Sam!” Dean called, scrambling to get to his wounded brother. “Hey Dean.” The younger was hoarse, his voice hardly audible. The situation just went from bad to horrendous. By the looks of it the youngest’s knee was busted and his arm had a deep gash. Other scratches or bruises were overlooked as the two frantically tried to aid the largest wounds.
His artery was severed, the brachial artery was currently dumping out blood by the gallon. “Holy shit, okay.” (Y/n) breathed out the words, his eyes wide and clearly swamped with fear. Quickly rummaging through his saddle bag he pulled out gauze and bandages, hoping to slow the bleeding. “We need to sew this shit up and slow the bleeding. He needs a hospital like now.” The whisper was harsh, his hands fumbled with the bandage roll as Dean pulled out stitching materials. Dexterous hands made quick work of the stitching, but the blood just would not stop. Gently applying gauze and wrapping him up in bandages, (Y/n) tried his best to hurry. Every bone in his body was practically vibrating with anxiety as he wasn’t exactly well either.
Dean found him sprawled out on the dirt ground, unconscious. “(N/n). (N/n)!” His voice came out as a raspy grunt. Each shove or slap didn’t seem to work, neither would calling for him. “(Y/n)! Get the hell up!” Dean ended up punching him in the arm, waking the other up with a start. “Christ. Don’t hit so hard, you ass.” He growled while sitting up. Everything was blurry, and concerningly dark. Where was he? Last he remembered they’d just seen the spirit and went after it. Now he’s here? “Get up. We need to find Sammy.” The dismissal in his tone was clear as day, his slumped form was crouched. Great. They were in a basement.
Once he finally got to his feet he had to hunch over painfully. A sharp pain shot through his side, toppling him to the ground. “Ya alright?” Dean called back to him worriedly. “M’ Fine. Just excellent.” The other groaned back. He must have hit something on the way down. Softly, he touched the offending side, pulling his hand back to reveal deep crimson blood. Even better. He shed his zip-up to wrap around his waist. The fabric added needed pressure to the gash. It also really fucking hurt. A seething breath left him as he tightened the sleeves, deciding to move forward to find the other brother.
After addressing the most worrisome gashes, the two hooked their arms under the wounded man. “I gotcha.” Dean mumbled, trying to give some semblance of comfort to his younger brother. (Y/n) was too busy trying to balance the hulking man as well as keep himself upright. The deep tear in his side started to get to him, gradually getting more and more painful. Any move he made stung. Each step was like getting prodded with a sword. Eventually they made it to the surface and plopped Sam onto the decrepit floor. “Call Bobby. I’ll drag him to the car.” (Y/n) groaned while he leaned to pick up the younger once more. “I’ll help you.”
The air in the ER was stagnant. Each inhale felt like sniffing plastic, and both of the older men despised it. They both sat in opposing chairs, both violently uncomfortable in their own respects. (Y/n) was still writhing in pain while Dean just hated the stupid chairs. They made his ass numb. “I hope they fix him up soon, I should really apologize for our shit stitches.” He tried to joke, his laugh coming out forced and clearly strained. “You sure you’re okay?” Dean ignored the pathetic attempt at humor and chose to check his friend’s wellness instead. The check-in was denied. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine dude.” He waved off his worried ally, lying through his teeth. He knew they’d be pissed about it later, but why add more stress? “Mister Gabralt? He’s awake.” A short nurse stepped out of the previously silent room. When she opened the door, both men heard Sam whining about something. They looked at each other and chuckled, it surprisingly added much needed comfort to hear him complain.
The trio arrived at their motel, never being as happy as they were now to see the withered building. Rigid mattresses held necessary comfort to the brothers, while (Y/n) shuffled off to the bathroom. Shedding his long stained shirt and grimacing at the blood, he took a gander at the damage. His lower back had a laceration about the size of his hand with crusted blood decorating the outskirts of it. Red had never looked so ugly before. Hesitant hands moved to close the lesion with fishing line, the stiff material proved difficult to work with. Each puncture of the needle and each string of the line stung like hell. Stiff fishing line pressured the tender skin causing an uncomfortable feeling of tension.
The final loop was strung, tied and cut. He was fixed up. Satisfaction flooded through his body. Also pain but that could be ignored. Turning to face the door he was met with a pissed off Dean. “Holy shit! Don’t scare me like that.” A dry chuckle left him, the desperate attempt at cutting the tension was fruitless. “Uhm, is Sam holdin up okay?” No matter how long he looked away, he felt the oldest’s eyes glaring into his soul. “Why didn’t you tell me? We were literally at a hospital! They could’ve fixed you properly!” His fury was obvious and valid. Any sane person would be upset about someone hiding pain from them. Though Dean didn’t know (Y/n)’s side yet.
“You were already dealing with Sam getting badly hurt, and you too! There was no reason for me to add onto that. You two are stressed enough, I can take care of myself without you guys babying me.” The defensive man shoved past his older counterpart to reach his bag. He shoved his small medical pack into the distressed rucksack. “You don’t have a right to keep that from me! What if you bled out or had a punctured organ or something? What would we do?” The shouting was ceaseless, to him it really was unfair. It made him feel worse that one of his close friends would withhold his own pain to make him feel better.
“None of that happened! What ifs aren’t relevant right now.” Zipping up his bag violently, he plopped onto his designated couch. “I’m fine, Sam’s fine, you’re fine. We all turned out okay, Dean. Let it go.” His tone was hushed, almost submissive. It was clear he didn’t want to fight. Neither of them really did, they were tired and emotionally drained. None of that mattered. The conversation had to be had. “Let it go? My brother almost died, again. You got hurt, again. This is a cycle!” Pain reverberated in his voice. No matter what the other thought, it pained the older Winchester that he was lied to. That’s what it was, he was lied to, straight to his face. “We’re fine now.” (Y/n) wasn’t even paying the argument any mind, he was so tired. He just wanted to sleep.
Morning was tense. The oldest pair didn’t sleep much, having fought back and forth a majority of the night. Dean couldn’t sleep at all. The guilt and anger he felt about the whole situation ate at him until the wee hours of the morning. In his mind it was his duty to care for his brother and his long-time friend. His, and his alone. No matter what (Y/n) said nothing could change that. Meanwhile Sam slept like a baby. The painkillers they gave him had him sleeping like the dead. Eleven in the morning was the time he woke up, while his older counterparts woke up at eight.
“Finally you’re awake. Your food’s cold.” Dean grumbled without even looking up at his brother. He remained seated at the small table with long cooled coffee before him. Deep purple covered his under eye. Stiff muscles had him stuck in his slouched position over his book, it was obvious he hadn’t read a page in a while. Green eyes held exhaustion and muddled emotions within them. “You look dead.” Sam chortled, earning him a glare from the oldest brother. “Right back atcha.” The rebuttal was barely even a breath. Each blink was slow and forced, clearly having difficulty being kept open. “You didn’t sleep at all, did you?” The question was muffled by his mouthful of cold breakfast food. His expression and tone was genuine, sure. It was just hard to take him seriously as he shoveled the hours old food into his mouth like a starved animal. “Nope.” The older grimaced at the younger’s messiness, immediately retracting said expression when he realized the hypocrisy. “Where’s (Y/n)?” A long, jarring pause rested between the duo.
“I don’t know.”
Heavy rain thudded against the cracked sidewalk. The sheets of water did nothing to stop (Y/n) from reaching his destination. Loose change rattled in his pockets with each fierce step. He was a man with a purpose, and that purpose was to make an apology pie. While he thought keeping his wounds to himself was helpful, how terribly wrong he was made him insanely guilty. So he decided to pick baking back up. Forever ago his sister taught him, but he’d long stopped the hobby. The quarrel he’d just had with his best friend proved to change that. What seemed like hours passed as he came up to the small grocery store. Automatic doors opened to reveal the aisles and aisles of items. It’d been a while since he’d been inside a full grocery store. The clerk greeted him but went ignored by the sopping wet, lumbering man. He had tunnel vision. Just get pie ingredients. That’s all. Row by row he collected the needed factors for an apple pie, he had a plan. Get the ingredients, call them and tell them where there’s an alleged vengeful spirit, return to the motel and bake the pie. Flawless plan.
The plan did not work, in fact it was a disaster. All of his ingredients got soaked in the rain. His phone died. The rain never stopped, leaving him literally dripping wet. Not to mention he was now humiliated and defeated. Violently throwing open the door, he greeted his flatmates. The pair looked at him wide-eyed. “The hell happened to you? What’s in the bag?” Dean prodded at the obviously disgruntled man. “Went shopping. It started to rain.” He murmured flatly while peeling off the wet layers of fabric. In the process he dropped the plastic bag containing the fixings for his forgotten pie. Sam got up to grab (Y/n) clean clothes, while the older rummaged through the bag like a mischievous child. Once he changed out of the sopping wet clothes, he faced the scavenging Dean. “Was gonna make you a pie. Shit got all wet.” He truly sounded defeated, the fact that his try at an unspoken apology was ruined furthered the guilt he held. The oldest sighed dramatically while rocking on his heels. He stood to face his friend, sad eyes looking up at his. “It’s okay, we’ll go buy one. Just stop keeping shit from me.”
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Feral Need
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Title: Feral Need
Square filled for @spnchristmasbingo​​​: Coming home for Christmas
Square filled for @j3bingo​: Feral
Summary: Dean goes after you as you are the one not looking for him. Did you give up on your alpha?
Pairing: Alpha!(Demon)Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Castiel
Word Count: 1,2k
Rating: Mature
Warnings: angst, language, mentions of stalking, written in Dean’s PoV, true mates, feral alpha, fluff, cuddling & snuggling, hurt & comfort
SPN Christmas Bingo Masterlist
2021 J3 Bingo masterlist
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My omega is close, I can feel it in my guts. Our bond is calling for me so I push my car to its limit, not caring if I total it tonight.
It’s just a car – right? 
My old version tries to claw his way into my mind, tries to take over control, and tells me to leave Y/N alone and not risk crashing the Impala.
That sentimental fool loved his car.
I smirk darkly, knowing he won’t take over control ever again. I like the new me, admire the man I see in the rear-view mirror.
“Soon, sweetheart,” I purr low in my throat, ready to reclaim my omega. I will be damned to let anyone touch and claim what’s mine. Maybe she forgot about me as I ran with the enemy for a while, but she’s still mine. “You are going to be mine again.” 
Again, the old Dean tries to fight for control. I can feel him in the back of my mind, scratching at the walls, howling for his omega. That guy is almost feral as he can’t go without her sweet cunt for long.
“Soon, we will have her back, needy bastard,” I look in the mirror again, only to find my eyes glowing. “Shit, I gotta hurry before he takes over control.”
I can’t let the alpha in me take control. “I’ll let you knot her, and then we are gone,” he grins in my mind, telling me the moment his omega is close I will be gone. He’s yearning for his omega, cries in my mind as I try to not give in to his primal needs. “Dream on, fucker. I will not mate with her…maybe we cuddle a bit.”
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I can smell her a mile away. She’s close and I am going to have so much fun with her. While I sniff in all directions, hoping to catch her scent, my body feels heavier than usual.
My head hurts, my muscles strain, I sweat like I ran a marathon, and I can’t keep my nails from scratching along the walls. “Omega,” I try to lure Y/N in to get her in my clutches.
I cannot control what’s happening to me.
Somehow my body moves on its own, guiding me toward my omega. I inhale deeply, howling as her scent gets stronger. She seems to be the one luring me in like a siren, calling for a lost sailor.
I end up on the ground, walking on all fours like an animal as I slowly lose control. The alpha takes over and that fucker is not pleased as I kept him away from our omega for too long.
“Mine,” it’s not my voice growling her name nor my hand reaching for the door handle of the room we used to share. “Omega, mine…”
“Alpha,” I hear her whimper and, before I can stop my inner alpha, I kick the door open to find her on my bed. “Dean? Alpha?” she cries, as she jolts up on her nest. “My alpha came home.”
“Mine,” I do not recognize my voice any longer. “My omega didn’t even look for me. How could you not look—” I back paddle as the blanket covering Y/N slips from her grasps, revealing her sweet secret to me.
“I—I couldn’t,” she whimpers, desperately holding out her arms. “Please. Sammy said I must stay here. He wanted me to stay safe. Me and your pups.”
“My pups,” fuck I kick my shoes off. My clothes end on the ground next to my shoes before I pounce on my omega to cover her trembling form with my body. She whimpers and whines, as her hands grasp for me.
“Alpha,” she sniffs at my neck, happily lapping at the mark she left years ago. “I’ve missed you…so much, Dean. I wanted to look for you, but Sam didn’t let me out of sight.”
“I’m sorry for leaving,” I give in, let the alpha within taking control over my body, and sit back to watch him take care of our omega. 
I hate to admit it, but it feels right to be close to her and to scent her again. This time, I won’t back down nor hide my feelings.
“Alpha—” she cries.
“I’ve missed you too, omega,” she nods against me, fingers fisting my plaid harshly. Y/N doesn’t want to let go of me. “How far are you, Y/N?”
“You’ve missed so much,” my omega sniffles silently. Fuck, when I was still human I had problems expressing my feelings but now, I’m lost. I don’t know how to calm her so I start to hum a Christmas song, hoping she will stop crying, “but you came home for Christmas, right?”
“Right,” I lie, hiding my instinct drove me toward her. How can I explain her alpha fights for control, and that I’m willing to give in as she feels too damn good in my arms? “I came home for Christmas and you, sweetheart.”
She whimpers, and I feel my heart swell as she snuggles into my chest. “My alpha is back,” she sighs happily, and I don’t have it in me to argue. 
Well, my alpha wouldn’t let me either. I almost ended up losing my mind. My body still feels odd as I try to relax on my omega’s nest. Going feral ain’t funny, I can tell.
She did a great job. If not for my black eyes, I would admire her handiwork. Y/N used all my clothes, soft pillows, and warm blankets to create a safe place for my omega and pups.
“Will you stay with us now?” her question catches me off-guard. Honestly, I didn’t think about what will happen after I reunited with my omega. Now I lie on her nest, my omega in my arms, and I’m going to be a father soon.
“Good question,” my brother’s voice makes me growl, but I try to tame the angry alpha inside my mind. I know, one step too far and I will lose control forever. “Will you stay and let us help you or run for the hills.”
“It’s Christmas,” growling at my brother I make sure he knows I will not let him get close to my pregnant mate. “I will stay. Anything else is—negotiable.”
“No, it’s not,” Castiel steps inside the room. “I will not allow a demon near your pregnant omega,” the angel states, giving me a stern look. “Do you remember the promise I gave to you years ago?”
“I—” swallowing thickly I nod, but I tighten the hold on Y/N.
“You made me promise that I will never let any monster, or demon get close to your mate. I will keep that promise. So, what will it be?” I snarl at my friend as his eyes flash blue. “You can stay here with your mate and let us cure you or, you will leave.”
“No!” clawing at me my omega tries try to keep me as close as possible. “He must stay. Dean can’t leave again. Please…”
“I will stay,” I state, matter-of-factly. No one will ever part me from my omega again. 
Not my brother. Not my angelic friend. Not the king of hell. Not the demon hiding inside of me. 
I will fight them with all I’ve got to stay with her.
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