#at this point its just glass and metal working tbh
elynalime · 6 months
do you think that EVERYTHING rots?
i dont think everything rots per se , but like . everything ends eventually i think . at least natural things . thats just . how the universe works . thats just the way it works .
and sometimes , a lot of the time , its sad and nobody likes it . but its also sort of beautiful in a way ??? personally if i had the choice to live forever , i wouldnt want to , even if all of my loved ones were immortal as well ( so you dont have to watch your loved ones die ) , because the beauty and thrill of life is knowing that it will end one day , and thats what makes the time that you have in this world , with people you love valuable .
tbh time is really unfair , but its also the fairest thing . it happens , it moves on . it doesnt slow or stop or go back for anyone . same thing with death . its really when you have so little time that you realize the importance of it . when you have so much , whats the point ? you waste it , you dont do anything , you waste away into nothing .
also . scientifically everything does sort of rots or decomposes or ends in some way or another . food grows mold , humans die , one day the sun will run out of energy and explode .
its different for artificial / synthetic things though ... but like plastic decompose everntually , metals rust and flake away , glass ... idk , but it can break / melt ...
but yeah all natural things i think will naturally have an end , no matter what , whether in a few days or weeks or in a few decades or centuries .
sorry thats probably not what you meant when you asked that idk why this just got so philosophical but .
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
Falling Away With You | Ch. 23*
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
*CHAPTER-SPECIFIC TW: brief mentions of blood-play*
Chapter Summary: Sebastian’s a bit jealous of how close you are to the wizard 👀
Author’s Note: Seb is super rough and possessive and tbh a bit mean?? when things get steamy in this chapter. It's a short lived thing and they talk it out in the next one but I just thought it would be neat because I'm a horny sicko LMAO
It’s not mentioned in the moment at all as to not mess with the flow, but he’d absolutely stop if she told him to (but our y/n is a little freak so of COURSE she doesn’t want him to)
Enjoy some super intense smut, and a few Seb-heavy chapters!! x
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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“What the fuck are these?!” Abby loudly whispers, her eyes trained on Magnus’ berries as we ascend the stairs to his tower. 
I guess I get to see the resident emo girl in her element – exploration really must be something she yearns for. I smile, watching as she adorably shuffles over to inspect the blue fruits up close. 
Seb strolls up behind her, reaching out to feel one for himself. “Shit, those are sick.” 
I stand by the giant melon and its children. “Check out these puppies,” I quietly invite them over. Ooo, I can say the thing! I deepen my voice to prepare. “Don’t talk to me or my sons ever again.”
Abby snorts, and Seb mutters an amused but disappointed “god damnit” under his breath. Nailed it.
“Stooop. That is so adorable.” Abby takes out her phone and snaps a pic. She better not steal my terrible joke on her socials… “Let’s check out over there!” 
She points in the direction of some trees and wild berry bushes, where there’s a small opening that I never noticed before. We enter the clearing, now using Abby’s phone’s flashlight to guide us, and there isn’t much here. Just a bird bath and some green metallic garden chairs, albeit the flora’s adorned with pretty hanging trinkets. It’s a cute little sitting area, but looks like it’s rarely dwelled in, aside from to maintain the bath.
Abby is inspecting the shrubs, twirling a small decorative ornament in her hand and mumbling something about how she thought it would be creepier and more exciting here. Simultaneously, I hear cautious footsteps behind us.
I look at Seb, who’s peeking over my shoulder. He looks down at me and offers a comforting smile and nod, which I return. I wonder if he talked to Magnus with his big ol’ telepathic brain too. 
Either way, it’s showtime. Magnus is probably too early for my own plan to develop – maybe he’s just as antsy as I am? – so we’ll see how this plays out I guess.
“Who’s there?” Magnus shouts. 
Abby audibly gasps, dropping — and breaking, god damnit Abby! — the glass ball she’d been admiring. “Fuck!” she frantically whispers, kicking it under the bush. We lock eyes, both sets widened. Hers from nerves, mine from the fact that she just broke Magnus’ shit. I hope it wasn’t expensive or important.
The wizard shows himself, his faux black hair scruffy from “sleep” and a flashlight in his hand. He’s wearing a white tee, gray sweatpants, and some total dad slippers. He looks so normal. I can’t help but wonder if this is closer to what he used to look like, before devoting his mind, body and soul to his magical studies.
“What are you doing, trespassing on my property at this hour?” 
I thought he’d ditch the accent for the facade, but he doesn’t. Fine by me, I think to myself, my stupid primal neurons being activated by the rasp he’s added to his tone as he scolds us.
“I’m, w-we’re, um…” Abby stutters. “We’re lost?” She usually comes off pretty confrontational… so strange to see her like this.
“Mhm,” he hums nonchalantly, “I’m sure you—”
“It’s my fault,” Seb pipes up, playing into this. I notice a small nod of his head as their eyes meet. As though he’s trying to greet his old friend, without being too conspicuous about it. “They always thought your house seemed spooky, so I suggested we come check it out. Didn’t think anybody actually lived here.”
Abby and I nod along, just rolling with it. “We’re sorry,” I add. 
I can’t help but let a smile slip as he looks at me with a convincing amount of scorn. I’m so bad at acting. I luckily manage to keep it to the side of my face that Abby can’t see, saving our asses. 
“Careful, my dear,” his husky voice warns from his brain to mine. 
I look down and gnaw at my bottom lip, both to stop the grin from spreading and to distract myself from how warm his words made me feel. Unfortunately, though, I squeak. Fortunately, it’s quiet – might blend with the crickets if you weren’t listening specifically for it.
I seek out Seb, who’s looking at Magnus with furrowed brows now. I’m about to reach for his hand, thinking that maybe the stresses of being reintroduced to his magical former-friend are getting to him, but he grabs mine first. There’s a bit of haste to his movement – like he wants to protect me, or claim me, or something. 
Looking back towards Magnus, I notice his eyes widening at Seb. Then, he clears his throat, turning his attention towards Abby, whose gaze hasn’t left the ground since she last spoke.
What’s going on?
“Just… please leave,” the wizard says, sounding exasperated. “Now,” he adds, with more bite to his tone.
I thought this would need to go on a little longer, but I guess his magic really does work quickly. Us three non-elementals begin to leave, but I wanna make sure Magnus is ok – he seemed a bit disgruntled. I don’t have the energy to try and deliberately enter his psyche again… guess I’ll need him to train me in that a bit.
“Are you ok?” I think, hopeful Magnus’ll be listening. “What happened?” 
“It’s no matter,” he responds after a few short moments.
I take a deep breath. “Well… I’m sorry we did all that work for nothing, kinda,” I offer, hoping the dry and unamused chuckle shines through in my head-voice. “Did you at least get your answers?”
“Indeed. I am without a child, after all.”
“Oh!” My eyebrows raise, and I nod along to Seb and Abby’s conversation, pretending to listen. “Is that a good thing?”
“I suppose having found the end to my wonders is quite nice, yes.”
I peer back, and he’s sitting on his top step, cheek in palm, watching us — or rather, watching me — leave. I let my lips curve into a smile, and decide not to pry, with how glum of a mood this seems to have put him in. He grins back, but it doesn’t meet all of his features. 
“I’ll see you soon?” I ask, pulling my eyes away from his.
“Of course,” Magnus seems to sigh. “Good night, (y/n).”
“(Y/n)?” Abby calls, walking around from the other side of Seb and proceeding backwards so that she can wave a hand before me.
I’d been so focused on trying to see if Magnus was okay that I allowed myself to mentally stray from the other two that’re present. 
“Sorry. What happened?”
“I was asking if you’re all good,” she replies. “Dude kept looking at you kinda funny back there…”
I accidentally let a wide grin slip, happy she cares enough to ask. Maybe my plan worked after all. Maybe I’ll finally have a friend that isn’t a horny man. 
“Yeah, my bad. Just zoned out a bit.”
As if Abby caught herself being nice to me, and had to physically stop herself, she replies, “Whatever.” She does settle close by my side rather than Seb’s after the interaction, though.
The rest of the walk back is just as silent as the trek to the tower. When we’re close to Marnie’s ranch, Abby starts to break off. 
“Uhh. Hey,” she speaks up. I hum inquisitively in response. “Thanks for actually doing this with me, even though I kinda just…” she trails off a bit. “Y’know.”
“No problem,” I smile. “We should try this again sometime. But like, something that isn’t a house.” I shrug. “Preferably.” 
She looks surprised for a sec before crookedly smiling, and saluting me with her middle- and pointer-finger. “For sure. See ya.” Before I can offer to walk with her, she’s already zoomin’ away past the barn.
“So, that went okay-ish, I guess!” I softly announce to Seb with my eyes still on Abby’s back.
“Yeah,” he mutters.
“Seb,” I slow my walk to a halt, hand still clasped in his. He keeps his back turned for a sec before facing towards me. “You okay?”
He nods slowly, but then sighs and shakes his head. “Can we talk about something?”
Not having seen him too shaken by anything in a while, my heart sinks. “Of course,” I frown.
“Can we do it at your place?” he shyly asks. 
I nod, humming my affirmation, as we begin walking again. I squeeze his palm, hoping to offer at least some solace.
As we near my farm, I let out a content sigh. The past few hours were a fucking rollercoaster, and even if this discussion with Seb doesn’t go well, at least I know I can end the day soon. 
I’m about to ask if he wants tea or something as we approach the door, but I can’t. 
His hands wrap around my cheeks and he cranes my neck so that my face can meet his, passionately kissing me the moment my lips are within reach. Feels as if he either hasn’t seen me in years, or he’ll never see me again.
Seb begins to back me up against my porch, and I giggle into his greedy lips before breaking away to toss aside my belongings. Seb lifts me to sit on the top step, uses his right hand to ground himself as he crouches in front of me, and he dips to my neck on the now-free side. He bites down and sucks harshly, emitting a sharp gasp from my lungs. As he’s doing this, he forces a knee between both of mine, allowing himself to take the space between my spread thighs.
“S-Seb,” I half-laugh and half-moan. “What’s this?” 
He licks his way up to my jawline before biting there, too. Bringing his lips back to hover over mine, he finally pipes up. “You’re mine, okay?” 
O-oh. Oh my fucking god.
That is so hot.
But now that I think about our night – the tense stare-off between Seb and Magnus, Seb grabbing my hand so almost-aggressively, the weird overall mood of that interaction he’s had since then – maybe this is about Magnus’... totally sorta flirty way of addressing me. Like, who just calls someone “my dear” like that? Seb probably heard it – like, telepathically, obviously – and then he got jealous, or something. 
Why else would he be so possessive right now?
I let out a shaky breath, scanning his eyes. “Seb…” 
His eyes trace mine right back, until he presses his forehead to my own and shuts his lids. The fingers that are still on my face inch up towards my hair, tangling into a firm grip. It sends a shock through my body, but before we do anything even remotely sexy, I want to make sure Seb’s okay.
“You… heard him, yeah?” I hesitate to ask. Gotta rip the bandaid off somehow.
A few beats pass before he nods against me.
“Do you want me to ask him not to call me that anymore?” 
“How many times has he?” 
I shrug. “A handful, I dunno.” Seb huffs out a breath. I put my palm against his warm cheek, and whisper, “Hey.” He looks up to me, deep indigo eyes dark with lust, but glossed over with grief, too. “I don’t think he means anything by it,” I offer.
It’s true – or at least I think it is. My stupid little totally-not-a-crush on the wizard totally has to be one-sided. There’s no way in hell I’d have Seb, Sam, kind of Alex just in our few passing interactions, and the town’s resident Magic Man all thirsting for me at once.
Seb’s brows furrow and he dives back to my lips again. “Doesn’t matter,” he grumbles between kisses. 
My eyes flutter before they shut, and I’m feeling… hazy, and super aroused? from the sudden wave of jealousy Seb is experiencing. Is that fucked up?
“You’re my dear,” he adds on before sucking my bottom lip between his sharp teeth, drawing some blood. “You’re my fucking princess,” he growls, yanking the hand in my hair down, to expose my throat to him again. 
An airy half-mewl, half-squeak slips from me as I’m overwhelmed by the strange eroticism of the situation I’m in. Gazing up at the full moon and shooting stars that are always fucking there for some reason. On land, the cicadas’ summer lullaby falls upon deaf ears. All I can hear is Seb’s lips smacking against my skin and the rustling of clothes. He lifts my shirt off me, only pulling away from my neck when he needs to slip the collar over my head. 
He greets my lips with his again, as he takes a boob in each of his palms, kneading the shit out of them. It hurts, but it feels so fucking good too. “Seb,” I whisper into his mouth.
He lowers himself, latching teeth onto my left nipple while the other is still occupied by his corresponding grip. He scatters bite marks and hickies all over my chest, soothing the areas with plenty of open-mouthed smooches. Everywhere he kisses sparkles under the moonlight, as though he’s creating art rather than demolishing me.
Seb peers up at me from beneath his long eyelashes. “Rasmodius ever done this to you?” he mumbles.
“W-what?!” I stutter, thrown off by the question. Does he think I cheated?! “Of course not!” I defend, eyebrows upturned. My eyes roll back as he bites down and sucks. 
“Have you ever wanted him to?“ 
“Sebastian,” I plead, shaking my head. “No, I haven’t.” 
Sure, my mind has been a little less than ideal at times around Magnus, but I haven’t thought of anything explicit in regards to him.
Tentatively, Seb rolls down the tight waistband of my leggings. He repositions to a more grounded kneel, lifting me up and shimmying my bottoms, socks and sneakers off my form before gently setting me down again. A stark contrast to how rough he was a few moments ago. 
My boyfriend’s gaze hasn’t left mine since his previous question. It only darkens more when he feels, with a light stroke of his pinky, just how wet I am. The blush on his cheeks contagiously spreads to mine, as I grow embarrassed by how much I’m enjoying this. His atypical ruthlessness, being touched like this outside… being totally naked outside.
He dips his little finger inside me, slowly curls it into my sweet spot, then pulls it out, before bringing it to his own mouth to suck dry. I swallow back a whimper while I watch. In turn, his lips curl into a devious smile. He knows he’s absolutely destroying me right now. The audible breaths coming from me are ragged as I reach for Seb’s belt, yearning to feel his visibly hardened dick.
“No,” he firmly warns, pinning my roaming hands down to the wooden planks on either side of me.
“Baby, please—mmph!“ he cuts me off with a kiss, and grinds his clothed dick onto my exposed slit. 
I struggle to calm my sounds as Seb pulls away, prying further, “Only I can touch you like this, got it?” 
I nod my head to answer him. “Magnus has never–” As I say the other man’s name, Seb wrings a whine from me with another slow grind and a tightening grip on my wrists. “Fuck,” I whisper. ”He’s never tried to do anything to me. I’ve never tried either– Ahh~” I’m cut off once more as Seb grinds again, and I groan, placing my forehead against his. “I’d never do that to you.”
“He might though.”
“Am I missing something?!” I frown, frustrated. “Why aren’t you like this with Sam’s dumb crush on me? What did Magnus do to make you so upset?”
Seb releases one of my wrists from his grip and teases the area around my swollen bud with his knuckles. My knees instinctively tighten on either side of his hips as my hands curl into fists: one in on itself, the other around my discarded top. God, he’s so close to where I want him to be. 
“Why do you keep saying his name, darling?” Seb interrogates. He leans in as if to kiss me, but doesn’t close the gap. I bring a hand to his face, hoping it’ll gravitate his lips to mine, but he doesn’t budge – only smiles knowingly. 
“We can talk about him later,” he purrs. 
Rather than honing in on my clit like I hoped he would, Seb swipes slowly downward, and dips a finger inside me. I roll my head back, moaning into the night air as he deliciously slides a second finger in too.
“For now, I’m gonna make sure my name is the only thing this pretty little mouth of yours knows how to say,” Seb threatens, now very rapidly pumping into me. “Alright, my dear?”
Holy fucking shit. 
“Yes,” I murmur. 
Seb releases his hand from my other wrist, brings it to my face, and kisses me hard, before harshly dragging his thumb down my cheek and wrapping the same hand around my neck. 
My mouth dumbly hangs open as he speaks into it, pathetically breathless huffs escaping me. His deep eyes are concentrated on mine, which are tearing up from pleasure and heat. “‘Yes,’ what?” 
“Yes, Sebastian.” 
He smirks and moves his hand upward toward my mouth. Squeezing my cheeks to prop it open again, Seb fucking spits inside of it holy shit–
“That’s my good fucking girl,” he rasps before rewarding me with a sloppy, almost desperate kiss.
The noises coming from me are absurd. He threads his fingers back into my hair, but doesn’t pull – he simply keeps ‘em there to support me.
“Godfuckingdamnit Seb,” I slur, drunk off his fingers. “I need you,” I beg promptly after, “I’m so fucking close, please—”
Hearing my pleas, he laughs evilly, before halting his movements. I whine as he removes the digits from my core, “S-seb, no!” 
I don’t care how distressed I sound. I was so close to release. So close!!
My legs fall limp, feet now planted against a lower step. My thighs’re vibrating from how tensely they were coiled around Seb’s hips moments ago. Chest is heaving. Pussy’s dripping enough that I can feel my juices trailing to my ass. Ugh.
Seb gravitates down my body, marking his territory every few inches or so. Scratching my sides, nibbling and sucking my skin. His eyes veer from my face to focus on what he’s doing, but every once in a while they flicker up to make sure I’m still watching him. Only him.
“Think about it, baby...” Seb mumbles against the skin near my navel. 
His right hand is softly cradling my hip, and the left is lower, palming my inner right thigh. When I don’t answer or ask what he means, he gives the fat of my thigh a beautifully tight squeeze. 
“If I were to let you finish so soon, you might forget all about me.” He plants another wet kiss near my pubic area. “And then, I won’t get to hear you break for me.” Yoba, save me. After hoisting my legs over his shoulders, Seb lowers himself so that his lips are brushing my labia as he muses again, “Where’s the fun in that?” 
He’s like a fucking incubus right now, what the fuck! 
This is so cool!
“Holy shit,” I airily laugh, nails digging into the wood.
As Seb tattoos the handprint he’d left on my previously squished inner thigh with teeth-shaped dents, he chuckles darkly, before digging into my skin hard enough to draw blood. “Say my name, honey.” 
Eyebrows upturned, I moan out a half-curse, stopping myself by replacing the second half with my lover’s name. Adrenaline’s coursing through me as I revel in the pain. 
“Oh, you love this, don’t you?” Seb questions. He has such a cocky undertone to his voice… Little shit. 
I nod my head in response to his inquiry. I’m reminded that a nod is, in fact, not his name either, as he bites again on the same spot.
“Mnnn!” I moan out, eyes tearing. “Yeah, Sebastian,” I strain.
“There. Not so hard, is it?” His eyes are expectantly locked into mine.
“N-no, Seb.” 
He rewards me for complying by cleaning the liquid crimson that’s trailing down my skin. First he uses his thumb to swipe it, and licks it clean; then, he simply trails his tongue from the bottommost drop-upward, closing his soft lips around the raw wound. 
I cautiously reach the hand that isn’t clutched on my stoop into his hair. When he doesn’t push me away, I ground myself in the jet black strands. Each lap against the broken skin sends a shiver down my spine and into my cunt.
Why am I… so fucking into this? 
Once he’s sure I’ve stopped bleeding, Seb brings the hand that was on my hip back to my folds. Spreading me open, then licking with a featherlight flick of the tongue. 
I can’t help the sigh of relief that comes out of me as pleasure ensues once more. He flattens his tongue against me, presses a little harder, and traces broader circles. My hand instinctively tugs his hair, and he laughs against me – he’s gotta know that he has me wrapped around his fucking finger right now. 
“You want more, baby?” My eyes widen at the telepathic intrusion. Oh my fucking god he can talk to me while literally eating me out that’s so fucking cool I love magic so mu–
I nod, almost too hard. “Sebastian, please” I quickly correct myself, hips wiggling into his touch. 
“Beg for it,” he commands with his voice.
For fuck’s sake, dude – as he pulls away, a string of either saliva or my wetness or both droops between his mouth and my cunt. I shiver at the lewd sight. Chest heaving, I do my best to think up a way to just get laid already he is KILLING ME. I’ve been begging, this man clearly wants specifics…
“Sebastian, p-please fill me…?” I stutter, because of course. As if I didn’t sound dumb enough… Like, fill me? Seriously? I avoid eye contact as I feel my whole body blushing, then hiss as Seb bites a new wound into my less-scathed thigh. 
“Eyes over here, darling.”
Oh fuck.
I look him in the eye as he proceeds back down onto my slit. I shudder, eyes flickering between his own and his tongue. Unable to focus my attention on just one or the other. He notices, and punishes me with a featherlight bite on my bud. 
“Ahh!” my eyes roll back and I harshly tug his strands. Vision hazy, I return my gaze to his. His dumb, beautiful face looks so fucking smug. 
He’s so gorgeous. It’s so unfair.
“Now,” he continues, leaving some kisses along my lower lips, “Try that again.”
I shudder, doing my best to hold contact. “Please give me your cock, Sebastian.” I swallow hard, eyebrows upturned, overwhelmed with embarrassment. 
He hums onto me, pleased. A human vibrator. Feels so nice…
“Good start,” Seb encourages. “More.”
I cover my mouth with the back of my hand, lightly gnawing at my knuckle as I hype myself up. “Please Seb, I need to feel you inside me so badly” I roll my eyes back and curse under my breath as he does some cool tongue move that I can’t see from this angle. I quickly return my stare back to his. “I’m yours, Sebastian.”
Something in him snaps at that last line. I hear a growl from his throat, and the next thing I know, I’m being lifted and pinned against the side of my cabin by his hands, his lips, his whole body. 
“Damn fucking right you are.”
Trusting that my shaky thighs will stay wrapped around him, Seb uses one hand to secure my wrists above my head, and the other to undo his belt and unzip his pants. When his dick springs free, it taps against my entrance. A broken hum escapes me at the tantalizing sensation. 
“Never forget it,” he groans against my ear before nibbling the lobe.
He thrusts into me, not giving any time for adjustment before going wild on my pussy. His nails dig into my thigh as he helps me stay propped up. 
“Sebastian, fuck!~” 
Unlike the last time I carved into my palms with my nails during sex, Seb doesn’t stop me. He’s too focused on fucking me senseless. A blessing, truly – I’d be so pissed if he stopped now.
“You belong to me,” he grunts just barely an inch from my lips. His velvety voice curses my name, then continues, eyes stabbing into my own, “You’re mine.”
I nod, “I’m yours, Seb.”
“Fuuuck, (y/n),” he half-laughs, half-moans, rolling his eyes shut. Pressing his forehead to mine. Pulsing even harder, creating wet slaps that echo into the late night air. 
I continue to cry out Seb’s name alongside self-soothing curses, with some “I’m yours”es and “I love you”s sprinkled in. Soon enough, he’s accomplished exactly what he sought out to do: The only thing escaping my lips is his name. Over, and over, and over, until my throat is raw.
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mybiasisexo · 2 years
Entangled - Part 1
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Language | Alcohol Consumption
Word Count: 4.2k
Author Notes: Hello! This is my first series!!!! Idkw I'm so excited, but I am. Nervous too aha. For the past 2 years this has been my damn baby, and tbh its taken me this long because I just love editing it so much haha. But its time to let this baby walk!
If you have read The Wedding, the first 2 chaps are p much the same, but i implore you to give these a read! I've changed quite a few things!
Pls enjoy :)
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“You’ve been staring at that sheet of paper for days now,” Kang Seulgi, your best friend, and roommate, points out. She sits across from you at your pale wooden dining table, hands curling around the warmth of a chipped mug to press against the pout of her mouth. The elegant announcement currently clutched in your hands has your full attention, so you miss the judging lift of her eyebrow.
That being said, you do catch the amusement in her tone.
Biting your lip, you run a finger gently over the thick white parchment. In a dazzling gold script reads, “because you have shared in our lives and supported our love. We, Im Nayeon & Kim Junmyeon, invite you to our wedding….” Above the words is a picture of the two mentioned, smilingly sickeningly sweet at one another as their noses touch, arms wound around each other like the expensive ring around Nayeon’s finger.
You think you are going to be sick. 
“Have you RSVP’d yet?” Seulgi asks, oblivious to your inner turmoil. She swirls her spoon around her drink, the metal drags agonizingly against the bottom of her glass.
Her words yank you out of your dark haze, away from the invite that has been haunting you for days now.
“I will,” you answer simply.
She scoffs, eyes rolling in a dramatic flair. Leaning forward, she places her cursed cup down, focusing on you. “Honey, the wedding is in a couple weeks. You need to RSVP now before he starts harassing you. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t yet.”
You wince. You know Junmyeon well enough to know it’s only a matter of time before he does just that.
“Do you want me to do it for you?” She gently asks. She hums and tilts her head questioningly. Reaching for your hand, she pats it comfortingly and it works in its purpose.
“Please?” You reply timidly. The relief is still evident in your voice, if her pretty laugh is any indication. You pout, rude of her to be getting a kick out of your evident distress.
“Who knew you hated weddings so much.” She shakes her head before pulling out her phone, typing away to Junmyeon no doubt.
You release a slow breath through your flared nostrils and give into the nagging temptation to peek at the invite now laying haphazardly on the table. 
No, you don’t hate weddings.
You just hate that yours wasn’t first.
You wouldn’t label yourself as a bitter person.
But ever since you received the rather abrupt news of the wedding, you have been consumed with bitterness.
Three years ago, you were planning your wedding.
You had a wonderful man in your life who you were mere months away from calling your husband. It was a relationship those around you envied, one that left little doubt for failure. Forever was inevitable. 
Unfortunately, forever was a lot shorter than anyone could have imagined.
Three years later and you now watch as one of your friends takes that dream of yours and makes it their own.
You’re happy for Junmyeon, really truly are, but his wedding is a grim reminder of your failure, only leaving you with this unanswered question:
Where did you go wrong?
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“All packed?” Seulgi asks weeks later.
You nod, dragging your unreasonably overpacked suitcase into the living room.
“Thank god we’re not that close to Nayeon,” Seulgi muses. “We get to wear our own dresses.”
“And get to spend more time on the beach.” 
The both of you cackle.
Neither one of you dislike the bride-to-be, although in the five years you have known her due to her connection to Junmyeon, you haven’t really formed a bond any stronger than being acquainted. You always assumed she was probably intimidated by the fact you both were female and close to her boyfriend, bringing out that strange sense of competition, or boundaries, keeping you all from growing closer despite efforts made. She has a particular distaste for Seulgi, what with her being Junmyeon’s ex and all.
The term “ex” didn’t really fit what she is to him. More like a routine fling throughout college that fizzled out the moment he met Nayeon. The two were never official–although, you are sure, she wouldn’t have minded had they been.
“Speaking of people being in the wedding….” You begin. Seulgi, who is leaning against her suitcase that’s just as overstuffed as yours, stiffens at your tone. Her eyes widen, expectantly waiting for you to reveal the one thought that has been eating you alive since you received the invitation. You take a deep breath, here goes nothing. “Chanyeol will probably be there, huh?”
The color drains out of your best friend’s face.
“I didn’t even think of that!” She yells. Her hands cover her face in shock and she’s walking over to you in a hurry, pulling your hands into her now clammy ones, gripping them for dear life. “It won’t be a big deal, right? It’s been years! Plus, I heard he gained a lot of weight since his time abroad–you know how they like their greasy food there. Nothing to worry about! You look fantastic!”
Tears prick at your eyes as you swallow down the growing lump in your throat. Three years… and now you will have to confront the biggest regret of your life.
“You’re right,” you push through the ball of tears, feigning positivity. “We’ve had time to move on. We can totally be adults about this. I’m fine!”
You clear your throat as the crack in your voice echoes off the walls, it doesn’t ease the burning sensation.
“You’re more than fine!” Seulgi is quick to reassure, swaying your connected hands. “You’re successful and sexy and rich! He’s not worthy of the bottom of your heels.”
You hug her tightly, laughing at her attempt to cheer you up.
Once separated, you take a calming breath and try to smile. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Your taxi arrives shortly after and the both of you wobble your luggage into the vehicle. Seulgi gives the driver the address to the ferry and you throw her a quizzical look. Her little sister is supposed to be joining you both as your shared plus one. Seulgi mentions something about her finding another way there and will be joining you later, much to your dismay.
The closer you get to your destination, the more your apprehension dims as excitement takes its place.
The wedding is going to be held at one of Junmyeon’s father’s swanky hotels on a beach in Jeju Island. You all had spent a spring break there your junior year of college and it was magical, for many reasons.
Despite the bittersweet memories, you are looking forward to being around beautiful scenery and old friends. Life, as always, gets in the way, and it has been a while since the whole gang has been able to spend some quality time together.
You all missed each other so much that you turned the wedding into an excuse to have a reunion vacation with the old gang. Well, minus Junmyeon who will be on his honeymoon. He did go out of his way to pull some strings to cheapen your rooms so that you all could stay longer, bless him. 
That’s all Seulgi and you can talk about on the ferry as you enjoy the cool early autumn breeze on your face, chilly from the stinging spray of water.
Finally, you arrive at the island and hail another taxi, bringing you to the vaguely familiar hotel.
Whistling slowly, you crane your neck, blocking the sun with your hand as you take in the hovering Greek inspired hotel.
“It’s bigger than I remember.”
“That’s what she said,” Seulgi mutters instantly, almost robotically as she squints up at your new home for the next few days.
Her words make you shake your head. “We’re not even with the guys yet and they’re already rubbing off on you.”
She winces, realizing what she just said. “Old habits?”
You both laugh and head inside, checking in easily. You can’t help but glance around every few minutes. One, because, holy hell this place is magnificent, all whites and golds and pillars and painted angelic sceneries on the high ceilings, seriously something straight from a fairytale. Two, because you’re keeping an eye out for familiar faces.
Your suite is on the sixth floor and your jaw drops at the luxuriousness that is your shared room.
“This is bigger than our apartment.” Seulgi states in awe. You agree with a nod, taking in the gentle fabrics of your bed and the rainforest showerheads–yes, heads, plural. There’s three to be exact–and the floor-to-ceiling windows that open up the back wall of the living quarters, revealing the tranquil scene of the beach you are going to undoubtedly be spending the majority of this trip at, hopefully intoxicated. 
You both don’t have too much time to gander, dinner is at seven and it’s already past four.
Junmyeon is a character for sure, so it comes as no surprise that his wedding will be running a little differently than the typical. That being said, the first of Junmyeon’s three day event is what has been deemed a ‘pre-ception’ party, where all the guests will be having dinner and saying hello to the lovely couple. 
Tomorrow, for those involved, will be the rehearsal, as well as the bachelor and bachelorette parties, with the following day being D-day. Both Junmyeon and Nayeon wanted to have a more western type of wedding, so they would be having a ring bearer, a reception, bridesmaids and groomsmen.
You got all of this information from your other best friend, who just so happens to be the best man to the groom, Oh Sehun. He has been texting you nonstop the past couple days, keeping you informed on Junmyeon’s big day. He didn’t want to outwardly lead it on, but you can gather just how happy he is for his other best friend, and takes great pride in having such an important role.
Making this a reunion trip is also his idea.
You are nearly a hundred percent positive Chanyeol is going to be in that group, but have been trying to ignore it and remain optimistic for Sehun’s sake.
After getting ready, you head down to the ballroom where the dinner is being held. It’s just as beautiful as the rest of the hotel. Wide, with gold and tan walls. The back wall has arched windows carved out to show the glowing sunset ahead. A string quartet sits in the far left corner. In that same area, against the far wall, is lined with rectangular tables piled high with different kinds of food, filling the room with a mouth watering aroma. Twenty or so round tables, each one with ten chairs, dot the rest of the floor. One more rectangle table sits at the front of the room where the future bride and groom sit with their close families. 
At least thirty people have already arrived, and you’re glad you decided on the olive-green floor-length silk dress that fell off your shoulders elegantly. Everyone in the room is of higher class and you know ‘cheap’ is a word none of them have heard in decades, if ever.
“We should quickly get our food and grab a table before they all fill up,” you strategize. You both bolt for the food, getting a bit of everything. Once content, Seulgi runs for the closest empty table, while you snatch two enormous unopened bottles of red wine, ignoring the way the server hesitantly tries to stop you, lord knows you’re going to need them.
Junmyeon and Nayeon stand at the front of the table at the head of the room. Junmyeon is glowing, it’s the only way to describe the smile on his face as he embraces everyone that approaches him. As you watch, his gaze is drawn over to you, locking eyes. You jump, startled, and he chuckles before motioning for the both of you to come over.
“Junmyeon spotted us,” you inform Seulgi, who is slurping down an oyster. She nearly chokes. You pat her back a few times as she drains her glass of wine in seconds.
“Alright, let’s go,” she coughs, rushing over to the star couple.
Junmyeon practically cheers your names as you approach. “Thank you for showing! I know it’s quite a distance from Seoul.”
“It’s no trouble at all,” Seulgi dismisses as he pulls her in first. You try not to study Nayeon’s reaction. You do catch her smile faltering briefly before they separate. Junmyeon goes after you next, arms wrapping tightly around your shoulders, swaying you both before letting go. 
“It’s so good to see you guys!” He continues in that gentle voice of his.
“Likewise,” you answer earnestly. It has been a long while since you last saw him.  “Congrats on taking the plunge.”
“Thank you.” Nayeon is the one to answer, wrapping an arm around Junmyeon’s waist. He tucks her under his arm and kisses her hair. You realize then that neither one of you had acknowledged her.
“Can you believe it?” Junmyeon asks in awe. “I’m getting married!”
“You are!” Seulgi cheers, a bit too excitedly. 
“You were probably the most against it amongst us all,” you say, nudging his free arm and you both share a laugh.
“Yeah, but love can change your mind on a lot of things.”
You smile at his words, trying, as always, to not make this moment about you. 
“So, where is the rest of the gang?” You ask, needing to change the subject. “I was sure Sehun would be here by now?”
“He’s here somewhere. I know that most of them just checked in, so they’ll be coming down a bit later.”
“Alright, well, if you see them let them know we’re here! We won’t keep you any longer.”
“Thanks for coming,” Nayeon says to your retreating backs.
You pause once you see a broad figure at your table, right beside the seat that you claimed.
“I knew it was your table because who else would have that much food on one plate? Not to mention the wine….”
You scowl and fold your arms. “Don’t be jealous we have fast metabolisms, Sehun.”
He laughs drily and meets your gaze through the dark strands of his overgrown bangs with mocking eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Dear. You’re not as young as you used to be.”
You scoff and he breaks, laughing his signature laugh that can only be compared to a monkey. He at least tries to cover his mouth with a hand as his shoulders shake. You fight the urge to throw something at him. 
“Are you going to insult me all night or are you going to give me a hug, asshole?”
He swiftly gets up from his seat, his long lanky body hovering over you as he draws you into a much-needed comforting hug.
“God, it feels so good to see you,” he gushes quietly into your hair before pulling away. He’s only ever nice to you in private.
“I miss you every day,” you reply, not needing to say anything else for him to know what you mean.
Sehun moved outside of Seoul for his job two years ago, and since then you have only seen him twice in person. It has been hard on the both of you, since he’s like the big brother you’ve always wanted, and you the little sister he feels the need to protect. 
Sehun is a very stoic individual, not one to show emotion openly, but despite that, there was something about you that allowed him to let his guard down and open up to you rather quickly. Allowing you in during a time in his life when that wasn’t so easy for him to do. You did the same, and it brought one of the most meaningful friendships you’ve ever had.
He goes to greet Seulgi before heading over to the buffet with you trailing after him like an imprinted duckling. You refuse to let up, teasing him until you return to the table, with you sitting between your bestest friends in the world..
“Can you believe he’s actually getting married?” Sehun asks, voice light in mild disbelief.
“It was definitely unexpected,” Seulgi chimes in.
“He’s growing up,” Sehun, who is three years younger than the groom, sniffs. You rub his back comfortingly.
“He looks so happy,” Seulgi continues, attention given to the man of the hour. “I hope to one day be that in love.”
“Goals!” Sehun cheers sarcastically, causing Seulgi to cut her eyes at him.
“Shut up! I’m being serious!”
“I know you are.” He takes a bite and chews it thoughtfully. Once he swallows, he leans back into his seat. “But you’re right. He’s, like, the happiest a person can get.”
“It makes me want to throw up,” you mutter, tasting that familiar sour sting of bitterness on your breath. Sehun glances over at, concern painting his face. He catches your words despite yourself. He doesn’t make any move to get you to elaborate, instead taking another bite of his food.
A loud raucous gains the attention of all the attendees and you watch three guys collide into a server carrying a full tray of flutes of champagne. Everyone and thing goes crashing to the floor in a not so subtle entrance.
“I don’t know them,” Seulgi declares, shielding her face from the trainwreck unfolding to save herself the second-hand embarrassment. The boys try to get back to their feet, but it takes time as they slip on the expensive liquid, legs tangling together as they try to save face.
Now is the perfect time to take pleasure in your friends’ mortification.
“Byun Baekhyun!” Junmyeon hisses. “Kim Jongdae! Kim Jongin! What are you doing?”
The three finally pull themselves off the ground and are bowing profusely to everyone around them when Junmyeon’s stern voice fills the silence, causing them to all wince. Their faces turn beet red as they approach him with tails tucked between their legs. 
Your laughing only intensifies. Baekhyun hears it and immediately turns his head to glare at you. You’re mildly impressed by how easily he finds you, but then realize that’s pretty hilarious as well and double over, stomach knotting almost painfully.
Junmyeon pulls them to the side and reprimands them quietly for a moment before sending them off. They trudge over to your table, inhabiting the majority of the empty seats.
“Well, that’s one way to make an entrance,” Sehun says. Jongdae throws his upper body onto the table, arms sprawled out. His fingers nearly touch your food and you pull your plate protectively to yourself as he groans.
“Jongdae stopped suddenly and we were too close behind him,” Jongin explains with a pout on his little lips and you’re instantly filled with pity towards the man. Jongin out of all people doesn’t deserve this.
Sehun shakes his head. “I would say something, but it seems Junmyeon beat me to the punch.”
“He told us not to embarrass him further, or we’re out of the wedding,” Jongdae informs as he sits up. The same time Baekhyun orders Sehun to ‘respect his hyungs’ before going for Seulgi’s bottle of wine, pouring himself a glass. Seulgi watches in dismay, not enjoying the fact that she’s now apparently sharing. 
As surprising as it sounds, both Baekhyun and Jongdae are the eldest friends you had in college, alongside Junmyeon and one other. Despite their age, they often acted like the children, getting you guys kicked out of many places with their loud shenanigans. Jongin is the same age as you, Seulgi, and Sehun. How he ended up with those two crackheads this day is beyond you, though you’re sending your regards.
“Are you hungry?” You ask him. He sits on Sehun’s right, but that doesn’t stop you from stretching out some noodles from your plate, drawing it to his face before he can even answer your question. He smiles gratefully and takes a bite, humming in gratitude, and you have to resist the urge to coo at him. It’s actually hilarious because he’s a whole ass model! His nickname in school was Adonis because, well, he’s beautiful. When you first met him, not going to lie, you had a crush on him, but the more you got to know the gentle, soft, teddy bear, the more your maternal side came out. Now, he’s just a very well sculpted baby in your eyes.
“Where’s my bite?” Jongdae asks. Jongdae is an interesting character, to say the least. As previously stated, Jongdae, Baekhyun, and--fine, no need beating around the bush--Chanyeol were wild and free in college. Yet, despite him being loud and always down for a good time, he was brilliant, one of your smartest friends, and observant. He loves fiercely and is always aware of his surroundings. 
You shrug. “Make your own plate.”
“You’re mean!” He whines.
“You’ll give me a bite, won’t you, sweetheart?” Baekhyun tries his luck, tilting his head flirtatiously. Baekhyun is the mood setter. He has such a magnetic personality and can become friends with a tree, you swear to god. He was on a first name basis with all the professors--including the ones that didn’t even have him as a student. He’s so funny, can leave you in stitches with a simple facial expression, and gets off on making others happy. Despite being a social butterfly, he kept you all close, and there was no denying you were all the ones he chose to be his found family. 
You don’t even spare him a look as you point in the direction of the buffet. You hear him suck his teeth before Jongdae is smacking his shoulder, pulling him up so that the two of them can follow your instructions. Jongin scrambles after them once realizing they didn’t invite him and you chuckle to yourself as they try to shove him away, claiming that you can just feed him.
Nearly instantly, the seat Baekhyun previously occupied on Seulgi’s other side is taken.
“Yerim!” Seulgi shrieks, throwing her arms around her little sister.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” you huff, narrowing your eyes at her accusingly.
She has the gull to blush and grow shy. “I know, I know. We were supposed to come together.”
“Yeah, but then I get the news that you found someone else to come with? And some boy, no less!” You place a hand over your chest. “I’m hurt.”
“He’s not ‘some boy’.” She rolls her eyes before perking up. “He’s a man.”
“Oh, you look absolutely smitten,” Seulgi purrs. Yerim’s cheeks flare once more and you realize that she does, indeed, seem to like this dude, despite this being the first time you’ve ever heard of him.
Yerim is four years younger than you and Seulgi, and despite knowing Seulgi throughout all four years of college and meeting her family a few times during that time, you didn’t really grow close to Yerim until her sister became your roommate. She spends an awful amount of time in your condo, and you now consider her a sister of your own. She isn’t very familiar with your college friends, because once she was introduced you all had gone your separate ways, but you and Seulgi thought it would be nice for her to come to Jeju Island and  meet the boys. That is one reason why you are kind of confused as to how she was not only able to come here without you, but bring a date as well. Though, to be honest, it is very on brand for the wild girl.
“Well,” you begin, voice higher than normal. There are too many successful relationships going on around you lately. “Where is he?”
“He should be coming down soon. Have you all said hello to Junmyeon yet?”
“Yeah. Still in shock this is actually happening,” Sehun says.
You pinch the skin below his elbow, only accessible because he has the sleeves of his black button-down rolled up to his bicep, and he yelps. “Nope. It’s real, bro.”
He ruffles your hair in retaliation and you allow it because he’s letting you off easy.
He gives his attention back to the newcomer as the three stooges rejoin. “I’m Sehun, by the way. You’re Seulgi’s sister?”
“Yerim.” She smiles politely and shakes his hand. “I’m the prettier sister I know. You can tell her.”
He’s visibly taken aback by her words, not expecting them. Seulgi would never say something like that. But it’s only a second before he’s smirking, nodding appreciatively. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
She introduces herself to the other guys who do the same in return and you’re all chatting when a familiar voice chills your blood. “There you are!”
The body that belongs to the voice easily slides into the seat next to Yerim, using her shoulder to steady himself. “You saved me a seat.”
“Of course, I did, Honey.” She rests her much smaller hand over his that still cups her bare shoulder and you think you might’ve blacked out for a second. 
The whole table goes silent as the newcomer finally checks out who he’s sat with.
Once you lock eyes, the color drains completely out of his face and the fear you feel reflects deep within his irises.
It is him.
Park Chanyeol.
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loveandscience · 2 years
1, 2, 7, and 9 for the ask game?
Thanks so much, this is fun! :-D 1. What is your most popular fic? Weirdly enough, the most popular one in terms of 'hits' (9051) on Ao3 is one of the very few I never finished. It's this Mycroft/Lestrade fic from when I was into Sherlock, called "And Goodnight to the British Government Whispering Hush." I started it when my kid was a baby and so at the time I was really into babies (babies like, have to be the greatest thing ever, when you're taking care of one. It's the only way to escape that period of life without losing your mind lol). But then I ended up really disliking Benedict Cumberbatch with some of the crap he was saying, and it just ruined the series for me. In the TF fandom, it's "Cause and Effect." which is one I'm actually proud of. Soundwave dealing with grief and crisis of conscience was really personally meaningful to me to write and marked a point where I actively began to use writing on purpose as a way to process my own 'stuff.' 2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on? Hm, "My Mind is No Longer Mine" got to me in a big way, because I got to write out the recovery and therapy processes for Shockwave. I loved taking someone so on-paper irredeemable and having him suddenly have to deal with having emotions again, and what that could do to someone. I liked exploring the idea that not only can people be traumatized by what's done to them and what they've seen, but also by the things they've done, and how someone could possibly recover from something so difficult. The biggest thing with this fic was that like, while I objectively never did anything so awful, when my depression was at its strongest (a long long time ago) I did hate myself AS IF I had done that kind of horrible stuff. It was very irrational, of course, but there's something healing in seeing meaning being made after coming out of that even if in real life I'd not be having the same reaction as I did for Shockwave in writing this fic. It's not that this fic didn't get a 'good enough' response or anything, I just have such a love for it that I want more excuses to talk about it with more people. There's so much to say about it. Plus, I want more Shockwave/Cosmos shippers, I am literally carrying that entire tag on Ao3, lol! Last thing before I force myself to stop writing about this fic: it was really great to write how a toxic romantic relationship can become healthy through therapy. I enjoy working with couples as a therapist and don't get to do it enough. It was fun to draw from some really old tendencies I had like back in high school for Cosmos and Shockwave, and amplify those to create their mess of a relationship, and then to work through it. 7. What’s a trope you love to write? I'm a huge sucker for characters that are basically breaking down or broken down, and then the other one comes in and gives them so much love and tenderness (romantic or not, tbh) that they realize they deserve to heal. 9. What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written? One from "Cause and Effect" that I go back to read time and time again:
Soundwave’s cables lashed out, smashing against test tubes and the deactivated computer, thrashing about the room. Fury raged in his spark and the destruction wasn’t enough, no, it just took the edge off. Shattered glass flurried across the room, slashing him as he continued to rip apart everything, a tornado of grief and shame and pain.
When his cables had nothing left to hit as they whipped around, and he couldn’t tell what pieces went where anymore, Soundwave sank to the floor. Exhausted. His spark that had felt like it was spinning wildly finally seemed to slow, and he stared at the ground in front of him.
Hours seemed to pass, but then again, he didn’t have the energy to check his chronometer. His helm whipped around at the sound of pedesteps crunching over glass and metal bits, to see First Aid walking toward him with nothing but worry in his optics. Not even judgment, which he deserved.
First Aid kneeled down beside him and drew him into a tight hug that Soundwave didn’t want to let go of. How had First Aid found him?
“You sent me your frequency,” First Aid said softly, answering the question he hadn’t asked yet. “That means you wanted me to find you.”
What? When had he done that? He realized he was clutching the doctor like he was desperate, and maybe he was. He noticed his frame was slightly shaking.
First Aid pulled back and Soundwave let him, wondering if he would finally understand the severity of what Soundwave had done. But he was still holding on to him as he inspected the parts of Soundwave leaking energon, the dozens of small cuts and embedded shards of glass. “ Can you come with me so I can clean you up?” he asked, and Soundwave didn’t think he had the strength to decline anything First Aid asked of him right now. He let himself be led into an adjacent room, where First Aid patted a counter for Soundwave to sit on.
As Soundwave sat, too tired to even wince when First Aid dislodged bits of glass from all along his cables, he decided that the doctor deserved some kind of explanation. So he detailed his culpability, his guilt and shame, without giving away what the mini-cons were. He told him about his failure and not being good enough, and that he would understand if First Aid didn’t want to be around him anymore, knowing these things about him.
First Aid read the messages quietly as he worked, until Soundwave had finished. He set aside the latest shard of glass to reach up to Soundwave’s visor and take it off, carefully placing it on the counter. First Aid rest his servos on either side of Soundwave’s face, and placed their helms gently together. “This, what happened to those mini-cons, was not your fault,” he said seriously. “It just wasn’t. If you had known about them, you would have stopped it, you said so yourself. This was deliberately hidden from you precisely because of that fact. Maybe you could have pretended to be more unethical—what would that have cost? You would have had to allow other things slide to have learned about this, and who knows what that would have led to? Yes, there were other things you ignored because you thought that was for the greater good, but you always had good in mind. Look, I also know you did some bad things in the war, but this? This was not one of them. And I don’t for one nanoklik think you deserve any of the shame or guilt you’re putting on yourself.”
First Aid gave a sharp, short intake as Soundwave’s servos landed on either side of his faceplate and Soundwave started to lean his lips closer. First Aid pulled his helm away. This wasn’t the right time, not when Soundwave was hurting and not thinking clearly. He couldn’t tell if Soundwave was disappointed or relieved, but they each dropped their hands and First Aid stepped back to continue removing bits of glass. But maybe a part of him, despite the situation, was a little bit thrilled at the idea that one day, if Soundwave still wanted to, they might possibly kiss.
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scaredofmyocs · 1 year
My OCs post
(when i say their relationships with other characters i mean MOSTLY because yk if i ever make it its a comic......... time passes......... relationships with other characters could form or resolve or change)
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Quinn (They/Them) (just teenage like 15-17 i didnt give them a specific age) (Character Design up to date)
blue hair and pronouns/j energetic, impulsive, doesnt do anything they dont think is nice to people (unless they think they deserve it), pretty gullible, a little dumb and forgetful, and doesnt understand pop culture references too well. I might make them say a lot of 20s-40s slang for fun idk
you only get basic details of backstories bc im still semi embarrased. this one has bad dad woah!!!
Very acrobatic, super strength, (i dont know if going over 40mph on rollerblades is a unique ability but here is me mentioning it) Yo Yos!!! with metal wires for string!!! i dont know how they work dont ask!!!
Friends with Wally and Moss
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Moss (She/They) (same age as Quinn) (Character Design is out of date)
Intelligent combat tactician and the only one who knows "proper" combat (like practiced fighting and learned it from someone, i say this so vaguely because im not sure what kind yet lmao). She also is very gullible, and is from a completely different universe/dimension thing so a lot of phrases/pop culture references go over their head. She thinks through things a lot more than quinn would, however just as nice.
She worries shes not doing enough!!!!! and magical depression
Master of whatever combat i decide i like (later), Acrobatic, super strength, just as fast as Quinn but would rather ride a skateboard, her glasses can read out important info and weak points and also look cool
Friends with Wally and Quinn
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Wally (he/him) (same age as quinn) (Character Design up to date)
Hes tough and a nerd, and compared to the other 2 hes kind of quiet. Hes not smart but hes not dumb. He is incredibly cautious, and not easily fooled. He makes references all the time (despite them usually not being gotten but he tries to make ones that can be understood by his friends.) Hes pretty chill.
No parents??? no friends???? no social skills??? isolated in every way???????? (no parents, hasnt had many friends in his life, has a hard time talking to people and making friends, has a hard time keeping up with moss and quinn due to not being superhuman in any way)
Strong and has a paintball gun that turns into his fingerless gloves. yeah hes just a guy.
Friends with Quinn and Moss
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Sarah (She/Her) (young adult 19-25) (Character Design up to date)
Girl himbo (strong and dumb and considered attractive by most) shes laid back and plays bass in her band and despite being kind of dumb it doesnt mean she doesnt have useful advice for Quinn, Moss, and Wally.
average young adult problems like being poor (on top of taking care of quinn and moss might i add) and not being able to get an actual job
her bass can do magic things depending on which pick shes using, for example the only thing ive thought of is make explosions come from the ground
dating and in a band with Jenny and Oz, Legal guardian of Quinn (not moss tho)
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Jenny (she/her) (around the same age as sarah) (Character Design is out of date)
also laid back, not very expressive, kind of quiet. helpful to wally
idk what her problem is tbh maybe something similar to wally or being hunted bc she's an angel
Oh yeah btw she's an angel and that's where wally gets his gloves and Sarah got her bass bc she can just make stuff like that. That's also why her natural hair color is main character syndrome pink but she bleached it bc she wanted to be blonde
dating and in a band with Sarah and Oz
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Oz (he/him) (around the same age as Sarah) (Character Design is out of date)
He's also also laid back. the band is his he's the main guy he sings and manages it or whatever (I has never been in a band sadly) he's nice and helps out Sarah when she can't afford things for Quinn and Moss. He'd probably help Moss with feeling like she's not enough/doing enough
Ex issues!!!!
bends metal but it's cool because he has swords that can change into shields wow I'm so creative and maybe x ray vision??? still thinking about if that would even be relevant ever
Dating and in a band with Jenny and Sarah
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Cyclone (he/him) (older than Quinn but still 15-17) (Character Design is up to date, but some pieces of the outfit were added for this drawing only)
crazy bitch that is the embodiment of energetic, quick to upset (any negative emotion really), sometimes violent, generally not ok but tends to be really goofy and regardless
Abandonment issues AND bad dad!!!
Mfer is fueled by emotion and lightning, and can manipulate moisture, electricity, wind, and has telekinesis. That sounds overpowered bc he is. He initially wants to kill Quinn
Ex friends with Quinn before becoming friends again (also kinda siblings like raised together), and kinda friends with QX-A
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QX-A (He/him) (he's a robot so it doesn't really matter but I guess the same age as Quinn technically but actually is like around 1 year old lmao) (Character Design is out of date)
Idk right now hes just hunting Quinn so I haven't had time to think ab it
He will get kicked out by the person that made Quinn (and cyclone) eventually
Quantum dashing (litterally jumping through space a small amount I think I might change it), nearly indestructible much more so than Quinn, random robot weapons, flying.
He's a robot idk who he's friends with
There's also the main bad guy Sycamore but I will deal with that later, just know he is Quinn and Cyclone and QX-As Dad but not biologically he just made them in a lab and Quinn escaped and cyclone and QX-A have to get them back
I think thats it
ill probably update this from time to time but I'll be sure to reblog it if I do
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bunnyai · 2 years
mass sona info dump! i dis this on twt already but i woke up sweatin BAD so have my brain baby
so to start first and foremost this is the idiot in question, my favorite rabbit formally named BUNNY_AIV2.0 (or yknow. just bunny/bun)
by all means xe is a sentient ai who's actually inside this metal core that's programmed to help create a "shell" of some kind
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the science behind it is a Lot but basically a bunch of nanites the core releases can mess with water molecules to make it squishy, kinda like flesh in a way more or less?
xe doesn't remember who created them however due to bad memory from salt water damage
ironically enough, despite being made to be compatible with water, the ocean is what messes with xir innards. this however is the explanation behind xir memory gaps and "short circuits", and xir shortened battery life (it has to charge it's core. a Lot.)
after popping out of the ocean and coming back online, it's taken residence in an abandoned lighthouse on the outskirts of a small town. xe doesn't really talk to the people all that much, but more or less has accidentally convinced people the lighthouse is haunted
despite all this, xe Likes spending time in the lighthouse and has gained Quite a collection of seashells and sea glass from over time. however it's favorite possession is a stuffed rabbit a local kid left at the doorstep. his name is roomba and he's Probably haunted. maybe.
i don't know how it works it's just There for the Cool Factor (tm) but xe can also manipulate water. which tbh makes sense as xe can disperse it's body at any point and go into Core Mode, in which using water to help get around is xir best bet
going More Into This. since it IS technically an ai and therefor electronic in some way xe does conduct electricity in xir own way, however it is Strictly confined to xir body and only travels outside via touch. and water and electricity don't normally work together so Uhm.
I COMPLETELY WENT OVER SOMETHING UH OKAY SO when xe came back online basically it connected itself to the nearest satellite and basically browsed the internet to get up to date and what's happened. sure it's been a few years and xir terrified of people bUT YKNOW
that's more or less where the xe/xir and it/its pronouns came from and the love of dresses/lolita fashion. i promise i'll draw xir room in the lighthouse soon because it did end up making friends with a few humans and they helped make the lighthouse feel like a home
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Damn digitalart and spinning? A renaissance person
tbh at this point its easier to name a crafting based hoby i have than one i dont.
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silkenstarlight · 3 years
wild cherry sweet (part two)
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Summary: Reader is distracted as she and Bucky prepare to embark on their mission at the GRC’s private gala. Bucky decides to help ease her tension.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warning/s: smut (18+ only, minors dni!); public sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, kissing, brief mention of sugar daddy
Word count: 3.9k
Find part one here
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Author’s note: i didn’t plan a part two for this, but tbh bucky is not the type to let a woman pleasure him without even trying to reciprocate on her
Do not repost! Likes and reblogs are welcome and encouraged :))
“Glasses? Really?”
You pressed your lips together tightly, scrutinizing Bucky’s lackadaisical efforts at putting together a disguise: wayfarer eyeglasses with a thick tortoiseshell frame that pressed awkwardly against his brow bone. You leaned across the center console of the car, and when you reached up to his face, he smiled dopily at you, expecting some loving, gentle caress. But, when you ripped the tag off of the glasses he had just bought at the pharmacy, his jaw clenched, lips turning downward into a chagrined frown. You settled behind the wheel again. 
He seemed strangely excited about the prospect of donning a costume for the mission, so unlike his usual disgruntled self. Even so, his efforts at disguise were last-minute and low-effort. Earlier, before you had left the apartment to drive to the gala’s discreet venue, he had flattened his hair onto his forehead in an uncharacteristic style, reminiscent of the neatly-combed 60’s mop-tops donned by the likes of Ringo Starr. And, when you were slinging on your heels, ready to walk out of the door, he had asked you to dust some eyeshadow below his eyes. He explained that exaggerated dark circles would help to draw his face down and make him appear slightly older. 
You obliged, trying not to let the breath stall in your throat as you traced a cool taupe shade below his eyes in faint crescents. You couldn’t ignore the fact that his eyes were trained on you the whole time.
The way his eyes followed your every move had made you suddenly shy and docile, even though just minutes before, you had been on your knees in front of him, his cock shoved down your throat. After he came, he had brought you up from your knees to a standing position, and had kissed you with the fervor of a man who was just getting started. 
But, you had a mission. Which you were already late for.
You had fixed your hair and lipstick quickly after he had tucked himself back into his pants, a brush and a damp tissue working wonders to conceal your tryst. And then, you were both out of the door, climbing into your car and plugging the gala’s location into Google maps.
But, first, he had insisted on making a stop. You groaned, clutching the wheel tightly as he directed you through traffic towards a pharmacy a few blocks away from the venue. You parallel parked and he jumped out of the car, jaunting into the store with bouncing, confident steps. You left the engine running, eager to get to the gala. The sooner your mission was over, after all, the sooner you could both return to the apartment and resume where you left off.
The thought made you ache, the wetness pooling in your underwear momentarily making you forget the jittery tapping of your foot and the sweat that slicked the creases of your palms. Your stomach flipped when you remembered the blissed-out expression on Bucky’s face as your mouth had bobbed up and down his length, lips popping with a lewd smack as you pulled back--
The passenger door opened and Bucky climbed in with a plastic bag in hand, interrupting your daydreaming and making you jump.
He noticed, settling in his seat and shutting the car door behind him.“Pre-mission jitters?” He asked knowingly.
“Uh-- yeah.” You blushed, choosing not to elaborate.
He simply gave you a smirk, as if he could read your every thought, and pulled his purchase from the plastic bag. A pair of reading glasses. He slid them on, and you scoffed.
“Glasses? Really?” You lightly whacked his arm, laughing. “Who are you, Clark Kent?”
He shrugged. “Well, it seemed to work for him just fine.”
“Alright, just don’t come complaining to me when the magnification in the lenses starts giving you a headache.”
You pulled out from your parking spot and rejoined traffic, hoping to find a parking space closer to the venue. You didn’t want to use the valet, just in case things went south and you needed a convenient means of escape. So, when you were two blocks away, you parked.
You both climbed out, stepping up to the sidewalk and locking the car as you began to walk. You smoothed your hands nervously over the skirt of your dress, breath slightly shaky. Missions like these were a part of the job description, but you would never get used to the nerves they gave you.
Or, maybe, the possibility of impending doom wasn’t what was giving you nerves.
Maybe it was the man walking next to you.
You bit your lip at the thought, turning your head to look at him.
“What?” he asked, still facing ahead, surveying the streets around them for possible exit points they could use if the evening went south.
You just shook your head, pushing the thought to the back of your mind. It wasn’t safe to get distracted like this, on a night as potentially dangerous as this one. Instead, you surveyed his body language, noticing that he had adopted a slouch to accompany his floppy hair, gaunt makeup, and glasses.
You snorted. “You look like an old man.”
“I am an old man, thank you very much.” His eyes slid to yours briefly, before facing forwards again.
“Never said it was a bad thing,” you smirked, trying to get a rise out of him before the serious portion of the evening officially began.
He grabbed your wrist suddenly, pulling you flush to his side and wrapping his arm around you.“Oh, I know that you like it,” he whispered, lips brushing against your hair. You felt your throat constrict, and he squeezed your waist before letting you go. “But we’ll have to save that part of the evening for later.”
“If you insist,” you sighed, lacing your voice with faux disappointment, knowing that if there was even a whiff of foul play at tonight’s event, you would both be cool, composed, and on the job, lewd thoughts far from center stage. But, it was fun to tease him, to hope that the gala would be tame, just so that you could go home sooner and do some not-so-tame things with each other.
The venue was a stocky cement building, gray and brutal and unassuming, the windows surprisingly dark. The only indication that it housed a private event was the presence of two guards, their bulky, muscled figures situated on either side of a nondescript metal door. You grabbed Bucky’s hand, fingers intertwining with his, and took a deep breath before you approached the guards.
You cleared your throat. “We’re here for the GRC event.” You clenched your jaw as both guards swept their gazes up and down your’s and Bucky’s bodies.
“Last name?” The one on the right asked gruffly, not bothering to look at your faces, pulling a tablet computer from behind his back to check the guest list.
“Jancovik. Daria Jancovik.” Your voice was steady despite the nerves, the fake name rolling off your tongue.
The guard raised his eyebrows and looked up, stepping to the side and gesturing to the door. “Ah, of course. Miss Jancovik.”
You smiled warmly. Your plan had worked. The real Daria Jancovik, a foreign informer who reported migrants to the GRC, leading to eventual deportation, was on… vacation. You had paid her an earlier visit, advising her to leave the country, to return home and visit her family instead of attending the gala. Bucky had advised you against this approach, claiming that it was too risky, that it would be better to just find a way to sneak in. But, you told him, it was better to enter where the GRC would least expect: the front door. And, it looked like the real Daria Jancovik took your advice-- she obviously wasn’t here.
“Thank you, sir.” You nodded slightly, leading Bucky behind you, hand still clutching his.
“Wait, Miss Jancovik.” The guard barred your entry with an outstretched arm. “The guest list doesn’t say anything about you having a plus one.”
Fuck. You tried not to let your brows furrow, tried to quash the electric feeling of panic that traveled down your spine. You bit your lip and broke into a shy simper, staring up at the guard through fluttering lashes.
“Oh, so sorry, sir,” you drawled slowly, voice dripping with apology. But, your voice shook, a slight tremor belying your confident tone and drawing a suspicious glare from both guards. You hadn’t planned for this. Your palms began sweating again, and your thoughts ran wild, searching for any plausible alibis that would explain your companion. But you couldn’t focus, thoughts erratic and shapeless. Your mouth dropped open, ready to babble some thoughtless, on-the-spot response, when Bucky cleared his throat next to you.
“Sir, I am what you may call a… generous donor.” He enunciated his last words carefully, adopting some strange, implacable and vaguely European accent. His words lilted and swirled lightly in his mouth, further elaborating his mysterious presence.
In spite of this, the guards weren’t convinced. “If you’re not on the list, I can’t let you in.”
Bucky simply stared back at him and squinted, deciding to try a more blunt angle. “I have a previous arrangement with this young woman. I… help her with personal causes. Of a financial nature. And, I was hoping to witness her fine employer in action tonight. I am… willing to spread my generosity to its cause, if I find it to be convincing.” You tried to conceal the awe that threatened to spill on your face at his quick save. And, you wanted to laugh at the insinuation that Bucky was your sugar daddy, some stuffy, lonely old man with heavy pockets brimming with cash. In reality, he struggled to pay rent and didn’t own a bed frame. It was comical, watching him trying to swallow his inner protests at the idea, managing his microexpressions with a steady, slightly uncomfortable stare.
You both paused, letting the guard’s mind wander. 
His eyes flickered to his partner briefly before settling back on you. 
The guard considered for a moment, and then simply nodded, avoiding further elaboration from you about your relationship. He stepped aside again. “Enjoy your night.”
You smiled sweetly at him before stepping past him and opening the door, tugging Bucky behind you.
“Wow,” you muttered as the door creaked shut behind you. A looming, dark passage stretching out before you, the dimly lit, bright red door at the end your final barrier to successfully infiltrating the gala. The thrumming pulse of music seemed to make the walls vibrate. You looked at Bucky, and he dropped your hand, flexing his fingers. “The plan actually worked.”
He laughed, and you both started walking toward the red door. “Only because my old man costume came in handy.”
“Well, like you said earlier,” you hissed. “You are an old man.”
He just shook his head slightly at your recall, and when you were both a foot away from the red door’s threshold, you paused. You did a mental check on your weapons, ticking them off on your mental checklist one by one. Handgun in thigh holster, check. Knife in ankle strap, check. Baggie of poison tablets in bra, check--
“You ready?” Bucky’s voice interrupted your last-minute internal review, and you turned to face him. His concerned expression ignited a whole new kind of nerves in your stomach, warm, fluttery electricity travelling down your limbs like lightning. It was a delicious feeling, and you longed to lean into it, to allow yourself to be cocooned by its enticing, buzzing embrace. To allow your tense muscles to relax, to press your body against his, melting into the muscled, statuesque contours and comforting stability of his body. 
You were most definitely distracted, but that’s because you hadn’t had a proper outlet for your pre-mission jitters. Sucking his cock, watching him devolve into a euphoric, aroused state, had only gotten you more worked up than you usually were before missions. You felt embarrassment bubble in your stomach, a deep red blush travelling up your neck at the thought that you couldn’t control yourself in this moment. Your judgement was clouded, all because you couldn’t fucking function around a man like Bucky Barnes.
Bucky grabbed your chin and tilted your face up to look at him. “What’s wrong?”
You felt bad, noticing the genuine concern behind his eyes, but figured it was best to tell him. You didn’t want to lie and endanger the rest of the mission with your preoccupied thoughts. “Umm-- this doesn’t usually happen, but… I’m a bit… distracted.”
“What’s on your mind?”
You huffed a laugh and bit your lip, trying to gain the courage to tell him the truth. “Uh-- I guess I’m still… still stuck on what happened earlier tonight. Before we left the apartment?” You said it like a question, sentence nervously trailing up in pitch at the end.
His expression was unreadable, the pressing dark of the hallway leaving his face in shadow. But then, his teeth flashed in a broad smile. “I remember what happened,” he said fondly, as if you two were reminiscing on a shared memory before entering battle together. “But what’s holding you up about it right now?”
You took a deep breath. Time to come clean. “I’m just still a bit worked up.”
He raised his brows slightly in surprise, then nodded, face settling into an expression of understanding. “That makes sense. You didn’t get your release.”
“Yeah.” Your voice broke around the single syllable, your blush now flooding your cheeks.
“Well,” he said, dropping his hand from your chin and tracing his fingertips lightly along the curve of your neck, trailing them down your spine until settling at your waist. He squeezed slightly, making you gasp. “How quickly could you cum? If I helped you right now?”
You blinked in disbelief, shocked by his vulgar words, but when he just continued to stare at you expectantly, waiting for a response, you realized that he was serious. You scoffed. “I-- I don’t know. Probably pretty quickly.”
“Good.” He pushed you back, your exposed skin meeting the cool cement of the wall, pounding beats and indistinguishable lyrics pulsing through you to your very core. He stared at you for a moment, drinking in your neediness and saving the image of your blown-out pupils and parted lips for later. And then, he bridged the gap between you, resting his forehead against yours before pressing his mouth lightly against yours.
The kiss was surprisingly soft, despite your admission to a desire so pressing, so consuming, that you couldn’t focus on your job. And then, his teeth grazed against your bottom lip, catching it in a faint, erotic bite. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth, nipples peaking and wetness pooling in your underwear. You felt his lips curve upwards into a smug smile. You simply pulled him closer, sliding your hands up his chest and wrapping your arms around his neck. He took that as an invitation to push the kiss further, his tongue sliding against your swollen lips, softly prying your mouth open. He was sweet, so gentle and patient, but a sense of urgency drove his actions. He wanted to help you, so that you could release that burning tension coiled inside of you. You had treated him so nicely earlier that evening. He hoped to return the favor. Well, that and he also wanted to watch you cum. 
You shuddered another moan into his mouth and he pulled back a fraction, hands tracing down your sides. He grasped the slinky fabric of your dress, pulling the skirt up until it was bunched around your hips, exposing your thin underwear to the cool air and solid press of cement behind you. He let out a low whistle at the sight, the delicate black lace and your soft skin.
You grabbed his wrist, sudden doubt blaring in your brain. “W-wait. What about the mission?”
He simply met your gaze with his, maintaining eye contact while he slowly sunk to his knees in front of you. He twisted his wrist out from your grip, wrapping his hand around one of your ankles and lifting your leg, bringing it up to rest on his shoulder. Your heart pounded in your chest.
“Yeah? What about the mission?” 
You could feel his hot breath against your clothed pussy as he answered, his voice low and rumbly in his chest. You pressed your head into the wall behind you, trying to fight the urge to twine your hands through his hair and beckon him to where you needed him most. Despite your weak protests, you desperately hoped that he would continue his actions. “Shouldn’t we--”
Your words trailed off into a long, loud moan as he quickly moved your underwear to the side and licked a long, wet stripe up your aching slit. He pulled back slightly to look up at you, and he hummed, pleased at your desperation, your knotted brows rosy cheeks. 
“It’s alright, darling.” He scraped his fingernails teasingly up your other leg, chuckling as it buckled under you at the unexpected stimulation. And then, he settled that hand on your inner thigh, pressing his thumb against the soft skin and circling it lightly in a teasing massage. “We’ll make it quick.”
He waited for you to consent before continuing. You just nodded, not trusting yourself to form words, and he smiled wickedly before dragging his fingers against your wetness and plunging two digits into your center.
You gasped at the sudden intrusion, his thick fingers igniting a pleasant ache as they pushed inside of you, stroking your tight walls slowly until they relaxed around him. When he leaned forward, closing his mouth against your clit and flicking it with his tongue, you sighed. He lapped at your wetness eagerly, lips making an obscene smacking sound. You felt your muscles relax, that enticing, stirring warmth quickly travelling through your body as he teased you into a state of relaxed arousal.
He pulled back yet again to look at you, and you wanted to moan at the loss of his tongue, but he replaced it by circling the pad of his thumb against your sensitive nub. He noticed your hands, balled tightly at your sides, and he laughed. 
“You can grab my hair if you want, baby. I don’t mind if everyone in there sees that I have sex hair.” He jutted his chin towards the door as he increased the pace of his fingers thrusting inside of you.
That permission was all you needed. You reached forward and twined one hand through his hair, bringing his face closer to you and inviting him to continue his earlier ministrations. Your other hand remained rooted against the wall, a necessary point of balance as he made you fall apart at his command. He replaced his mouth at your center, making you shudder.
It was warm, it was rough, and it was everything you needed. You tried not to think about the risk of intrusion, of the guards outside letting in other guests and getting an eyeful of a private moment. Or, if someone opened the red door and wandered in, they would be right on top of you, close enough to smell the musk of your arousal and see the pebbled peaks of your nipples pressing through the satin of your dress. It would be humiliating. Bucky would never let you live it down, forever reminding you on future missions about the time when you were caught with your legs wrapped around his ears. But, if you were being honest with yourself, the thought of someone walking in and witnessing you, drenched and dirty and moaning all because of him, only served to turn you on even more. A loud moan erupted from your lips, wetness squelching as he curled his fingers inside of you and sucked lewdly. You pulled his hair tightly, urging him on as you came closer and closer to completion.
In response to the sharp tugging of your fingers, he moaned, echoing the shameless sounds that were tumbling from your lips. The faint vibrations, the low, gruff sound of him as he lost himself in the endeavor of giving you pleasure, made you clench around him. A glowing pool of warmth began to form in your stomach, tension building and building. You bit your lip. The feeling of his mouth, sliding and sucking against your clit, and the sensation of his fingers spreading you open and coaxing sweet, high-pitched moans from your lips. It was almost too much. You slapped the wall with your free hand, twitching with pleasure as a deep, burning tension began to build.When his curled fingers rubbed against the spongy, sensitive spot inside of you, that was it.
With a high, keening cry, you fell over the edge, your orgasm wracking your body. A copious gush of wetness flooded from your center, likely drenching his face, and your legs trembled, threatening to buckle beneath you. He sensed this, his free hand pressing your hips roughly against the wall, still thrusting his fingers inside of you and suckling your clit. He fucked you through your orgasm, wringing every last ounce of warm, dripping pleasure from your body, not slowing down or stopping until a dull, tired ache bloomed in your center and you had to pull him back by his hair. He grinned up at you, making eye contact with you through his lashes, a slick wetness clinging to his upper lip. He huffed a laugh at the reluctant sucking sound your pussy made when he slipped his fingers out.
You rolled your eyes and he guided your leg off of his shoulder, making sure it was planted firmly on the ground before moving your underwear neatly back into place. He rose from his kneeling position. As he grasped your waist, your skirt fell back down around you in a dramatic curtain, and he pulled you close, kissing you lightly. The taste of you on his lips was intoxicating.
He pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against yours, and stared at you with a half-lidded, deeply satisfied expression. He had liked making you come apart just as much as you had appreciated the release.
“Uh oh,” he whispered, grabbing your chin and examining your face. “Looks like we ruined your lipstick again.”
You laughed, a raspy, tired sound, and smacked his chest lightly, stepping back. “Well,” you sighed, smiling up at him. “I don’t mind. I’ll go straight to the bathroom to fix it. Brought an extra tube of lipstick in my purse for any… potential touch-ups.”
He raised his eyebrows, smoothing a hand over his mussed hair and straightening the cuffs of his sleeves. “Sounds like you planned for this to happen.”
You shook your head. “Only subconsciously.”
He grinned, and you both turned to face the red door. Despite the fact that just moments before, you were writhing around his fingers, wanton moans swallowed by the diffused thump of techno music, you felt serene, ready to jump into action. No more distracting thoughts clouded your mind.
“Ready?” He asked, reaching for the knob, waiting for your confirmation before continuing.
You nodded in affirmation and smiled, eyes crinkling. 
He turned the knob and swung the door open. You walked through the doorway side by side, partners in crime, ready to meet whatever awaited you beyond its threshold.
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Centrifugal Force
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Kinktober 2020 — sex swing
A/N: I struggled MAJORLY with this one and especially because I started a new job around the same time I got stuck on this so I put it to the side for a while (a while means a week, I worked on this for a week). I do hope it turns out decent hhhh
Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x f!reader
Description: An unconventional gift from his friends opened up a whole new world for the both of you.
Warning: sex swing (does this count as some type of bondage idk tbh), face fucking, vaginal penetration, creampie
Word count: 3026
It started as a harmless joke.
The news of the former setter’s successful proposal subsequently revived the Fukurodani volleyball club group chat from the state of a few messages here and there during birthdays and holidays to what could rival its bombard of messages at it’s prime. The messages poured in almost immediately as the news went live with a subtle picture of the silhouettes of your bodies embraced together against the glimmering sea, the subtle spark of the diamond on your finger almost unnoticeable under the dark sky.
“We should do something for Akaashi and y/n!” the former captain said in the chat, accompanied with a dozen of emojis that looked like the text came straight out of a spam bot’s chat history.
And so a new group chat was formed, one without the groom-to-be. At some point, they added people from other schools who might be able to make a valid contribution. It ended up being chaos, utter chaos as they probably should have expected. Suggestions were all over the place, some seemingly more reasonable while others might earn them a stern glare from the one member who was missing from the chat. They ended up listing everything out and doing a draw to see what they should do, handing the job of making the randomisation to poor Tsukishima who really, really did not ask for this.
The chat fell into silence for a while, everyone waiting for Tsukishima to show up again bearing the final results.
The speech bubble popped up, only for it to go back down after a short few seconds before it showed up again. Everyone watched as Tsukishima typed and stopped and typed again, until he sent out a screenshot that had everyone freezing in place.
Until everyone started cussing out the one person who suggested that sending a sex swing to a newly engaged couple was a good idea.
Akaashi was certain that the delivery came to the wrong address when he got the parcel.
“Hm? But it specifically says it’s for mr Akaashi Keiji?”
Akaashi stared at the very tall, very large box with a lot of concern and an equal amount of guesses as to what it might be in his head. It really had his name on the receipt with no sender, so it was not a mistake on the shipment agent’s part. 
He wasn’t sure if he wanted to keep opening the parcel or not when he sliced the seals open to find a card laying on top.
“We hope you will have fun with this but if you don’t, just know that it is Kuroo’s suggestion. Congratulations on the engagement!”
Akaashi felt his head pound at the letters that were scrawled on the piece of paper. He had a bad feeling on what it might be, and it seemed like his predictions were correct when he moved the card away to see the label plastered across the items in the parcel.
Akaashi was not usually a foul-mouthed person, but what the fuck was this supposed to mean?
“Keiji, what is this-” you peered over his shoulder to see what he was crouching over, and stopped in place when you saw what was inside, “why, I didn’t know you’re into this...”
“I did not get this...”
“If I knew you were interested I would have brought it up way earlier-” you paused, your eyes meeting with his widening ones as your hands froze mid-air, “oh.”
He blinked, watching as you slowly flickered your gaze away from him with a sheepish smile. “Oh.”
Akaashi had never really thought much about sex swings, if he had to be very honest. It just didn’t seem practical or all that feasible for apartment living. But that night, when you hooked your legs onto the hooks that dangled off the frame, your face physically burning up with your body being completely exposed under his attentive stare as your legs parted and swayed as your hands gripped tightly onto the handle. The strap sat right below your ass, arching you up and presenting your bare cunt to him as you leaned back against the supportive strap at the back.
“Don’t just stare...” you muttered, feeling very small as he just stood there and raked his eyes all over your frame.
He let out a soft gasp at the way you fell back when he ran his finger up your sex, every heave of your chest and curl of your toe completely within his view as he slowly rubbed his finger against your folds.
You were completely wrecked that night, your voice hoarse after he made you cum again and again on his cock with his hands on the suspensions, slamming you down on him with a brute force that had you seeing stars with each swing of your hips forward. The adrenaline rush he felt when he pulled out of you and watched his cum dripped between your legs onto the floor was unreal, your cunt clenching around nothing as they laid bare for him to see. 
He decided on the spot that he was going to keep the swing as he helped you down from the seat, your body slumping onto his arms immediately as your knees bucked the moment you finally touched the floor again.
“My, my, look at you...”
Your breath hitched at the voice that rang behind you, a soft whimper escaping your lips when you felt his warm palm pressing onto the small of your back.
Akaashi admired the way your body was held up so perfectly by the suspensions as you laid stomach first on the seat. The support on your torso had you arching your back up, your ass perching mid-air as your legs were strapped onto the two cuffs at the side. He could see the way your folds were fluttering from the position, taking note of how you seemed to be turned on just from being laid out on your fours for next time. Your body spun just slightly as the suspensions twisted under your weight, letting him take a good look of you from each angle as he held onto the straps that led to the handles your hands were gripping onto for dear life.
You whimpered when he slid the metal frame of his glasses off the bridge of his nose with two nimble fingers and he chuckled at the reaction. You could see the glint in his eyes clearly now that the two lenses were gone, goosebumps rising on your skin at the amused smile that accompanied the glimmer in his slanted eyes.
A soft peck on the lips when he kneeled down in front of you set your skin aflame, the barest bit of contact making you ache for more when he pulled back after the light touch. He cooed when you chased his lips after pulling away, his hand running along the suspension belt to trace along your fingers that were latching onto the handle.
“Gonna be good for me?” he hummed at your eager nod in response to his question, the way you arched your ass up further did not go unnoticed by him.
“Good girl,” he muttered under his breath, his hand going down to take his cock in hand as he gave it a languish pump. He let out a content sigh and the sound made your mouth run dry, poking your tongue out to wet your lips as he deliberately distanced himself as his length filled and warmed in his hand. 
Your body was pushed back when he fisting your hair in his free hand and yanked your head back. A slight tap at your cheek with his hard tip was the only signal you needed to open your mouth up, holding back the urge to whine when he placed his cock on your tongue that was flat against the base of your jaw. Your drool was pooling up in your mouth as he just held it there, the weight making it hard for you to focus on your breathing as heat spread across your face from the burning shaft against your warm muscle.
An unexpectant thrust had you gagging around his girth, the snap of his hips jerking you away from him before gravity slammed you right back down. The soreness at the back of your throat shot right up to your nose, prickling tears at the corner of your eyes. 
He gritted, through clenched teeth, pulling your hair taut against your scalp as he set a vigorous pace, each gag as the tip of your nose brushed past the tuff of hair at his base sending vibrations to the center of his stomach. His hand that was holding on the suspension that held you up clenched around the rope, swinging you back and forth simultaneously with each move of his pelvis, the tightening of your throat had him shoving you down just a little deeper at a sudden lack of control. The handle that was in your hand was the only thing you could hold on for leverage but it did nothing to stop the way your body met him mid-thrust as you swayed helplessly on the swing. 
You felt your inner walls clench at the rough treatment, the burn in your throat prickling through the back of your scalp and melting into a numbing shock. In this sate, you were nothing but a few holes for him to use and the sheer control he had over you made your next gag came out as something resembling a whimper.
The sound of his cock gliding against your drooling lips was sloppy in your ear. He grunted when he pulled away all of a sudden, feeling a power rush at how you still hung your jaw slack with your tongue lolled out even as you had nothing to wrap your lips around. Your eyes were glassy from the tears, the silver string of spit that coated the tip of his cock and your bottom lip was nowhere near graceful. You huffed, struggling to regain your breaths temporarily as he held your head still. You whined when he rubbed his tip around the rim of your mouth, the leaking bead of pre-cum and your drool messing you up as the substance threatened to slide down your chin.
He arched your head back, admiring his handiwork as he stared down at you. The sharp gaze as he inspected your opened-mouth and white trails darting all over your chin had you letting out a muffled whine, your tongue still extended and slack against your bottom lip in an attempt to please him.
“Ah...” he let out an approving note from the back of his throat and the gravel lingering his voice made you shiver, “keep that mouth open for me, won’t you?”
You could not utter a word of response, only able to let out a muffled whimper when he took a stride until he was right behind you. Jolts of numbing shock rushed through your body when he trailed the very tip of his index finger along your spine as he moved, the lightest of contact eliciting goosebumps on every inch of your skin. You still felt the phantoming feeling on your back when he lifted his finger with a tread, the edge of his well-trimmed nails barely scraping against your skin. 
Your back arched uncontrollably under the tingles and pushing your ass further up, which was met with a pleased caress of his palm against your perched hips.
A firm smack against your flesh had your entire body swinging forward, the force that brushed past your skin when you rocked backwards from the swing had you clenching and moaning through parted lips as the sting settled in. Akaashi took in the way your ass jiggled and especially how your core was glistening with the sheen of your arousal right in front of his eyes. You whimpered when he held you still by your thighs, hilting the swinging of your frame to a stop as he lined his tip at your drooling cunt. 
Your eyes rolled back when he pushed in inch by inch, his eyes glued onto the sight of your folds sucking his cock in greedily as your spit that coated his length mixed in with the mess that was dripping down from the root of your thighs. He let out a sigh when he sheathed inside of you, the plump curves of your hips pressing right against his pelvis as he hilted balls deep in you. Your shoulders were tensing up as your hands gripped vice at the handle, each huff that slipped off your lips made his blood curl. The soft whimper you let out when he took his hands off your legs was like a mewl, your walls clamping down around him as you were once again at the mercy of nothing holding you up but the seat and cuffs.
One push of his hands on the sling shoved you off his cock only for you to slam down in full force when he rocked you backwards. You let out a broken cry at the sudden stretch, throwing your head back when he pulled out all the way only to plow deep in you as the swing sent you jolting back. You could do nothing but moan and scream as he took advantage of the swing, his fingers curled around the suspensions that linked to what cuffed your legs down with each handling of your body. 
Each push and pull was in perfect timing with his thrusts, the swoosh of the seat meeting his bucking hips midway to pulse into you until his hard tip was kissing the spot right below your cervix. He showed no sign of slowing down, grunts and hisses seeping from his gritted teeth as he was wrapped around your warm walls, feeling your insides taking him in like it could not get enough every time he threatened to pull out with a shove of your body forward.
He could not get enough of seeing your shaking frame and the soft flesh of your body jiggling under his force, your skin heating up with each slam of his pelvis against you and his balls slapping against your clit that was already puffy from the sensation. You were sure to feel him in you for days even after he pulled out, his cock drilling in you like he was determined to bruise you up until you were reminded of how he could make you break for him with each buck of your knees even as your feet touch the ground once again.
You were panting with each slap of his skin against yours, the erratic breathing made all the more difficult as you struggle to keep your mouth open as he had asked you to. The violent sway of your body together with each hilt of his cock in you made you feel light headed, as if your world was spinning both literally and figuratively. The waves of your orgasm ripped through your body as a numbing chill, making the tip of your ears heated up until you could not feel it within your burning senses anymore. Akaashi grunted at the feeling of your fluttering folds around his girth, your pulsing walls that hugged him closely from you crashed down making him all the more eager to have his way with you. You let out a weak whine when you felt his fingers digging into your hips, roughly parting the flesh to watch as his cock disappeared in you with each slam. Without his hands controlling the swing, the way your body moved with gravity was much sloppier but so much more forceful as it swung back and forth from nothing but the snapping of his hips.
You whined when he held you close, the sudden stop making your head dipped forward and your body tilting down. The strings of warmth that filled you up with a choked moan from the man behind you had your vision hazy, his cock pulsing in you as he shot his load inside your abused walls in the intimate position. He pressed you against him for a brief moment, drinking in the feeling of your bodies being so rawly connected before finally letting gravity took its charge.
Your jaw was slack as you lazily retracted your tongue, a whimper rolling off your lips at the sudden emptiness when he pulled out of you. Sparks lit up on your skin when he put his thumbs on both sides of your slip, pulling it apart to see your fluttering folds pushing his cum out of you. The sticky substance seeped out of you bit by bit, dripping onto the floor as you laid on the seat limply and too fucked out of your mind to even push yourself up.
“Think you need help getting down?” he asked with a light chuckle, his hand running along your leg in a soothing manner before carefully uncuffing your ankles and rubbing against the marks that were left.
“Please do...” you muttered, leaning into his touch when he got in front of you and leaned your upper body against his chest. You nearly put all your weight on him when he helped you down from the seat, your hands flailing to grip onto something only for him to prop you up with his hand under your arms.
You laughed when he slipped his hand under your knees, using the last bit of energy in you to hop up so he could carry you in his arms.
“We should really let them know that they picked a really good gift...” you mumbled as he carried you to the bathroom.
He paused, before shaking his head, “No, I think it’s better to not give them any more ideas.”
There was no way he was going to let anyone know what you were up to in the bedroom, less he wanted them to never stop bringing it up.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
BSD x university au hc’s | pt. 1
hi i am an absolute slut for university au’s in case you couldn’t tell so i just had to write some for my first BSD post. also this is going to be slightly ooc because i am a crackhead
check out pt. 2 here
Atsushi Nakajima:
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he’s definitely the kind of guy who still had no idea what he’d take up in university even after he was accepted 
either wants to not major in anything at all or just major in everything because he’s also scared that he’ll eventually not like what he’s majoring in
so for his first two years you’d probably find him jumping around different classes 
also he still calls the professors ‘teacher ____’ like a high school student and everyone laughs but thinks its cute
eventually, because of his *cough cough* traumatic childhood he decided he wanted to help children by becoming a guidance counselor
he ends up taking Child Psychology and bOY does he love it so much
well he actually just loves all of his classes because Learning is Fun
although because of his *cough cough* traumatic childhood he’s the one in class that people are all like 👀👀
atsushi: *talking about children’s responses to fear and emotional abuse by talking about his own emotional abuse*
the professor, under their breath: wait, do you need help?? 
i can definitely see atsushi as a Roommate of the Year kind of guy. he’s just so polite and tidy with his room. also he’d definitely be the type to take care of plants inside the dorm room and put them on the windowsill
in terms of extracurricular activities, he’s definitely a sporty type of person so i can see him joining a varsity (something like Frisbee because he likes things that go whoooosh) but he’d probably join a student org that does stuff like community outreach
because of all this, he is a Very Busy Boy but his friends do manage to drag him out to parties once in a while
although atsushi would probably sit in a corner and drink only one beer for the entire night 
he’s notorious for helping drunk people though. most of the time he’ll be putting blankets on people and making them drink water
if he knew how to drive he’d definitely be the designated driver
Akiko Yosano:
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omg i’m so excited for this i love yosano so much 
she’s the friend who’s just effortlessly awesome all around and a fricking MED STUDENT to top it all off
she gets a bit too excited when it’s dissection time but it’s alright she has good intentions 
probably the only one in your class who doesn’t go and throw up whenever a cadaver is being used (actually do they still use cadavers i have absolutely no idea)
she also interns at the local hospital as part of her degree program but OMG yosano will not stop telling disgusting stories about the patients she’s had
everyone: *eating lunch peacefully in the dining hall*
yosano: so i pulled a guy’s toe out of a meat grinder this morning
everyone: sHUT UP
for some reason she still has a social life despite being a med student and it’s one of the mysteries of life i guess
yosano LOVES going out clubbing on friday nights. if you have the fortune of being her roommate, be prepared for make-overs and being dragged with her out to the city
she’s such a social butterfly like at every bar you go to, the bartender knows her name and her regular order. she’d probably end the night befriending a couple more people
also she’s amazing at karaoke i kid you not
as for extracurricular life, i don’t think yosano’s the type to join an org that’s related to her major cause like ‘what’s the point?’
instead, she’d probably go wherever her friends are because to her, she’ll enjoy any activity as long as she’s with people she loves
but when it comes to her own interests, i can definitely see yosano as someone who loves the outdoors, especially hiking after having to be cooped up inside clinics
it just makes her love and appreciate the value of life more
Kunikida Doppo:
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ok, i KNOW he was a math teacher before he joined the ADA bUT i can’t help but think of him as a political science major ??
i can definitely imagine kunikida as someone who’d want to become a lawyer someday and would take political science as a pre-law
he does like the idea of following in the footsteps of great men but omg kunikida would absolutely hate the exclusivity of white, male political theorists
he is such a good student except for when his professor has some sketchy values then kunikida will !! fight him !! every !! chance !! he gets !!
raises his hand constantly to contradict his professor if they even tRY to defend thomas hobbes and authoritarianism
but other than that he’s probably the most diligent student out there. kunikida genuinely enjoys doing the readings for class and writing essays
also has such a balanced schedule that he can make time for anything and everything
except for when his friends dazai drag him out to parties and get a social life
despite how rigid he is, kunikida has absolutely no problem helping out others with learning. he often holds study sessions in his dorm room or in the library before exams
he also likes to volunteer in tutorial centers because he’s just like that
OH OH some of his ‘students’ suggested that he make crash-course type videos for political science and it took some convincing but eventually kunikida decided to go for it
he’s not the most tech savvy or photogenic person so it took some time for him to get used to things but after seeing all the comments from people who benefited from it, he decided to continue with his crash course videos
whether or not he’s the best or worst roommate is completely up to you. if you like someone who’ll basically micromanage your life from your daily schedule to your study habits, you’ll absolutely love him
he doesn’t like to go out for parties that much but he will if his friends convince him enough (kunikida’s an utter lightweight when it comes to drinking though)
Osamu Dazai: 
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i genuinely have a hard time thinking about what this guy’s major would be and tbh even his friends have been wondering what dazai’s major was for TWO YEARS
that’s because he keeps taking the most random ass classes like Basic Pottery or Intro to Molecular Biology in the same semester
idk how he even plans to graduate at this point
although to be honest, i can definitely see him as a philosophy major despite the fact that i LOATHE every male classmate i’ve had who’s a philosophy major (idk they’re always so condescending)
i feel like dazai’s just taking that because it’s somewhat challenging for him but to him, university life is just more of crazy experiences rather than learning
and oh my god has he gotten up to the weirdest shit
the number of times he had to climb gates or sleep on benches at three a.m. is too many to count
dazai also loves volunteering for random things like people’s thesis projects (once, he offered to be a snake venom tester to a bio student and they told him that was illegal) or even being the school’s mascot in games
also he and kunikida probably met each other in freshman year at an intro to philosophy class and oh my god did dazai get on his nerves
what’s worse was that they had to work on a group project together and dazai was MIA most of the time and it drove kunikida crazy
that is until dazai showed up last minute to pull an all-nighter with him for their paper and kunikida just couldn’t help but be impressed by dazai’s ~~intellect~~
they don’t exactly get along but they do have some mutual respect for each other enough to work on projects well
omg if dazai ends up being your roommate I WISH YOU LUCK 
the first time you walked into your room dazai was microwaving a metal bowl and you had to run to stop it in time
also he has a tendency to wear his headphones and sing his favorite double suicide song out loud 
kunikida please come pick him up
Edogawa Ranpo:
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i love this one man so much i swear to god 
ranpo is definitely the kind of person who just didn’t like school so when college applications came around he was just like ‘why bother though ???’
his friends did convince him by saying that he wouldn’t have to do subjects he wouldn’t like and just focus on his major (this is a lie btw)
is it a surprise that ranpo would choose forensic science ?? NO
he thinks its cool that he can learn about something he’s already super good at and it just gets him really pumped up to show off how good he is
LOVES getting praised by his classmates and professors
ranpo probably thinks lectures are boring as hell so sometimes he just,,, doesn’t,,, come,,, to class
if attendance IS required you can bet he’s bringing snacks and game consoles with him and sitting WAAAAY in the back of the room
Mukbang at a Lecture Hall with Edogawa Ranpo
his classmates think its cute that he puts on glasses before doing exams or answering his prof’s questions as a way to hype himself up
everyone calls him ‘The Greatest Detective’ and ranpo LOVES IT
despite that, he’s not too overly social he just likes being with his close group of friends UwU
he’s also someone you can drag around to places like the fair or an aquarium, but he’s not into clubbing or drinking for that matter
he DOES enjoy seeing his friends get drunk and mess with them though
ranpo isn’t into joining student organizations BUT he gets scouted a lot by detective agencies and he likes interning for them
i’m saying detective agencies because police are gross
ranpo did end up joining a baking club with the assumption that he would just be EATING the cake and not BAKING the cake
yeah he was just there for less than half a semester
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @tpwkatsumu @laure-chan​
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hajimesh · 3 years
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[ 𝘀𝗸𝘆𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹 ] — sunrise
◌ ⁺ ˖˚ 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚜 [6:38]
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⥅ word c. 1.8k
⥅ warnings. fluff, iwa refuses to drink water >:( kinda a filler chapter tbh
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you grimaced when iwaizumi’s loud voice disrupted the peaceful morning. it was pretty early, streets empty and void of other souls besides the nature blooming around you, waking up to another spring morning. 
but besides the white cat climbing down the roof and the trail of ants on the wall, it was just you and him.
shaking your head disapprovingly, you placed a finger on your lips before giggling, the handsome smile on his face causing your chest to expand and shrink at the same time.
blowing him a kiss from your spot, you snickered as you watched his grin widen while he walked faster towards the building. good thing he seemed as eager as you were, it always felt like hours before he made it to the door.
as soon as he got inside, he came face to face with you and immediately went for your lips. both mouths meeting in a soft kiss as you stood at the door, iwaizumi still with his shoes on.
your surroundings seemed to blur around you, his scent invading your mind and his touch melting on your skin. the emotions stirring in you were so strong that almost had you in tears, it was becoming too much and yet you refused to part from his lips, knowing that it would only make room for the emptiness again.
a soft sigh escaped your lips, eyelashes fluttering as you slowly opened your eyes and gazed at him, his tender gaze already fixed on you. 
“i smell food,” he murmured against your lips, pecking your nose afterwards, “waffles?”
humming, you buried your face in his chest, allowing his warmth to envelop you, “you probably haven’t had a decent meal in weeks.”
his hand rubbed circles on your back as he chuckled. you really didn’t want to let go of him, but the food was growing cold so, against your will, you squirmed away from his grasp and started dragging him by his hand.
the kitchen was just a few steps away, a small table sitting in the centre with a single plastic flower on it and two plates full of freshly cooked food. it had taken you a trip to the grocery store since there only seemed to be leftovers of fast food in the fridge, quite unusual of him and you were actually planning on asking him about it later.
“what do you think?”
you watched as his eyebrows raised slightly, olive irises shining with hues of amber thanks to the sunlight filtering through the window. those same eyes switched from the food to your face and your knees faltered, there was a glee in them that you hadn’t seen in a long time and it filled your soul with butterflies until they threatened to spill out of your mouth.
“i fucking love you, you know that. right?” he said after cupping your face in his hands, his gaze unwavering and refusing to look away from you.
the laugh that bubbled in your chest only made his grin widen, raw adoration and happiness emanating from the both of you. standing on your tippy-toes, you left a light peck on his jaw and then pushed him towards his seat.
“you’re gonna love me more once you try the food.”
the stupid smile refused to leave your lips, cheeks hurting and muscles cramping. but, unluckily, that was iwaizumi’s effect on you, his mere presence was enough to make you smile like a fool.
he groaned after taking the first bite, “this,” he said after swallowing, pointing at the half-eaten waffle with his fork, “this tastes heavenly. i missed your cooking so much, baby.”
taking the compliment with a bashful smile, you chose to focus on your food and began to eat as well. 
“i noticed you’re walking now, what happened to your car?” you said trying to start some small talk and at the same time, it was one of the many questions you had sitting at the back of your mind.
“i’m trying this new thing called being eco-friendly.”
a dramatic gasp left your throat, “you’re such a hypocrite! if you cared about that, you wouldn’t ask for straws at restaurants.”
“hey,” he pointed a finger at you, “that’s for the turtles, not the planet.”
“uhh? even worse?!”
the look of amusement that took over his features only enhanced his attractive looks, even if it was that early in the morning and after a night shift, he always managed to remind you what a handsome man he was. you huffed and pouted involuntarily, it truly wasn’t fair.
“relax, i use the metal straws you gave me,” he reached out across the table to pinch your cheek, “i’m not that evil.”
still with a slight pout on your lips, you stood up and went to the fridge in order to fill your drinks. 
“could you pass me a redbull?” he called from behind you and you frowned.
“hajime, it’s seven in the morning.”
he hummed, “yeah, and i don’t want to fall asleep during my 9 am lecture.”
“then drink cold water,” you offered, closing the door of the fridge after fetching the jar of juice for you and filling his glass with water, “you’ll get an arrhythmia one of these days.”
you saw him sigh once he saw you return with no sight of a redbull in your hands, but you weren’t backing down. with a pointed look, you silently stood your ground until he seemed to give up.
“fine, no energy drinks.“ 
you nodded, relieved that he was listening to you. god, when did he become that stubborn? 
he took a sip of his water, a tiny smirk stretching his lips around the rim of the glass as he stared at you, “i’ll buy a coffee on my way to class, then.”
watching iwaizumi sleep had always comforted you. a dreamy sigh left your lips as you observed the way his dark eyelashes rested above his cheekbones, hiding those beautiful eyes you fell in love with just a few years ago.
it hadn’t been long since you woke up, the room dark and barely illuminated by the setting sun. the shadows of the trees danced all over the walls as they swayed thanks to the wind, a low whistle coming from the windows as the wind picked on its strength and clashed against the glass.
you thought it couldn’t get any more peaceful than that. 
in a matter of minutes, the sky began to turn darker, which meant he had to wake up soon. moving closer to his side, you pecked his cheek, whispering a soft ‘hi’ once you felt his arm drape over your waist.
“hello, pretty girl,” he said in a hoarse voice, smirking lazily before he noticed the pendant hanging from your neck, “where did you find that?” 
your hand automatically wrapped around it, smiling to yourself as you looked down to examine it, “oh! it was in your drawer. so weird because i thought i had it with me.”
“you must’ve left it.”
his tone was dry which made you look up from your chest, noticing the distant look in his eyes, which immediately confused you. he seemed fine just seconds ago?
“remember when you gave it to me?” you shuffled closer, wanting to keep at bay whatever thoughts he was having since it was clear they weren’t pleasant, “honestly, i still had my doubts. back then, i mean.”
you had been texting for a few weeks after meeting at the bar where he worked, and when he finally grew the courage to ask you out on a date, you instantly agreed. 
he said he had prepared a picnic and he would take you to the lake near the campus, but when you arrived there was a yacht waiting for you. everything seemed out of a dream, the sky was clear and the weather was perfect, you remembered he wore a burgundy button-up that made his green eyes stand out, and when the sun began to set, its rays pierced through his irises and made pecks of gold glimmer in them. you had to take a pause to admire the beautiful sight in front of you.
iwaizumi behaved like a true gentleman throughout the entire date, refiling your drink and making sure you ate as he told you stories of his family and friends back in his home country. there was a notorious fondness in his tone, as well as the bittersweet smile that easily let you know that he missed them.
“how do you cope with it?” you asked after he admitted feeling homesick.
“there are days where i want to drop everything and go back just so i can taste my mom’s cooking again,” he shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant and you could only imagine how he was feeling, “but i’ve met wonderful people here as well, and i don’t plan on leaving them behind any time soon.” 
music blasted from the radio and when a slow song came on he quickly offered you his hand and asked you for a dance. at the time, you had no idea what the future had in store for you two, but you hoped that he would bring much more happiness into your life.
and when you saw him inch closer, stroking the side of your cheek while the sky turned into shades of orange and coral behind him, you could only close your eyes and allow him to kiss you.
iwaizumi hajime captured your heart in a matter of weeks, and a year later, on your first anniversary, a nervous hajime clasped a necklace at the back of your neck at the same lake and on the same yacht.
your entire body warmed when you caught him smiling at the heart-shaped pendant, noticing the way it rose whenever you took a breath.
“take a deep breath and you’ll feel my heart right against yours,” he had said.
and since then, you had been carrying a piece of him with you.
“doubts about what?”
“us,” you smiled and he mirrored it, “i never thought you’d like me back and i was always waiting for someone to tell me it was a bet or a dream.”
and it had truly felt like one. as silly as it sounded, it all seemed too perfect to be true which meant you were bound to have your doubts. 
he caressed your cheek lovingly and you closed your eyes, “i know i’m a broke college student, but i’m not that broke.”
you quickly stood up to pick up a pillow and throw it at him, laughing as he scrunched up his face before he received the hit. 
iwaizumi laughed and watched you walk away once he removed the pillow from his head, “sweetheart.”
“we should go back again,” you said as you turned your head over your shoulder to look at him, the last rays of sun hitting your body and casting an ethereal glow around you, “our anniversary is close.”
“yeah, we should.”
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thesarcasticside · 3 years
He could have been anything. When he looked inside his own mind, he dug through darkness. Memories like ashes, the particles filling his lungs were all that were familiar to him—and those only felt like nothing. No fragments, just a fine powder.
Janus is a cyborg who works for the Dragon Witch, a criminal mastermind who runs a company that designs cybernetics.
He meets Remus, a self-taught biomedical engineer, and a variety of other robotic and alien characters, all of whom are trying to convince him that he is more than just a cybernetic puppet.
But who is “Dee” if not an empty husk created only to be controlled?
General warnings
Psychological horror, body horror, cybernetics, missing limbs, artificial limbs, Non-consensual forced medical treatment, physical abuse, blood, violence, guns, mind control, permanent amnesia, manipulation, emotional abuse, gaslighting, nightmares, streams of consciousness, unreliable narration. Content that resembles depersonalization, derealization, or dissociation
More notes, links, and chapter text under the cut
AO3 Anything, AO3 series, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18
This is my story for the 2021 Storytime! Big Bang! @ts-storytime Thank you to @ben-phantomhive-trash, who is the artist I was partnered with for the event! They created this fantastic art!!!! I love it so much I can't even.
Thank you to PunkRock for helping me figure out the shorts characters and other plot things. Also thank you to AryaSkywalker, Thembo, and Carrotflowerking17 and the Big Bang 2021 discord for additional help!!!!
This fic is an alternative entry point to my (In Other Worlds) Series. This fic happens at the same time roughly as Millennia, a companion novel. You can read this fic and then check out the rest of the series, or check out the series and then read this.
Also, I don't use Janus's actual name throughout the fic for thematic and narrative reasons. You'll see. I hope that does not put you off too much. Consider it part of the angst.
Clarification of general warnings and pairings, minor spoilers
I added the tag unreliable narrator, but I will clarify that the narrator is not actively lying to the audience. This tag relates to Janus's memory issues and the uncertainty resulting from that. tbh I would not worry too much about the events being untrue, and more be concerned about these being Janus's imperfect recollection of events.
I think this fic is a bit more violent than Millennia at times, hence I added the archive warning for violence. I still feel like a teen would be fine reading this, so I am keeping the rating Teen and Up. This fic focuses the most on what I dub psychological horror (angst, mind control, memory issues, consciousness, nightmares, etc.). I also tagged this story with disassociation, and content in this fic may resemble derealization and depersonalization.
If you think I should warn/rate this fic differently, I am happy to hear feedback and reconsider.
I tagged this as Remus/Janus, but like, ya gotta squint. Mostly banter and being soft. I love romance, but I have a hard time writing it. Could be seen as platonic too.
HINT 2: "kind of" not "kinda"
NAME J. D. Dedrick ID 25:35--25:44 / 51:09 ALIENRACE Dūcesnaca OCCUPATION Robotics Researcher
Chapter Warnings cybernetics, missing/artificial limbs (eye, legs), forced medical treatment/experimentation, amnesia, depersonalization/derealization/dissociation, unreliable narration, psychological horror, swearing Chapter Characters Janus, the Dragon Witch, Virgil (not by name)
He could have been anything. When he looked inside his own mind, he dug through darkness. Memories like ashes, the particles filling his lungs were all that were familiar to him—and those only felt like nothing. No fragments, just a fine powder.
He woke up to yellow in his eyes, stinging and unfocused. Lights beyond the veil flickered. He saw a figure move; he looked small. After a brief glance into the world, he began to drown. He threw everything into the yellow encasement, and after an agonizing struggle, the rush of acceleration threw him to the ground.
When the air touched his face, black fireworks exploded in his hazy vision, and the first memory he had was gone.
He woke up again, like a corpse left in the stale air for vultures: beaks plucking out his skin piece by piece. His vision blurry and halved, he stared up at the birds breaking his body into bits.
Reports say he was involved in a huge space crash. DRACANA has generously sponsored his artificiality.
That sounded like a lie. That sort of blatant untruth where there was no connection to reality tied to it. Everything his senses told him felt unreal, everything except the pain that grounded him like a shot duck.
Whispers like gossip broke into his mind between droughts of consciousness. His senses were pieced together and broken apart, like pieces of clay in a kiln shattering. Memories of vultures and lab coats glued together by agony floated through space until eventually he was awake.
Probably just one of her business rivals
Dei’dra—he knew her name—loomed over him, to his right. He could see nothing to his left. The light stung, he squinted and blinked his eye. He could feel nothing on the left side of his face. Dei’dra smiled at him.
“Wake up, dollface. Didn’t think you’d make it, but you pulled through.”
He did not know where he was. He did not know who he was. All he knew was that this woman was Dei’dra, the Dragon Witch, and he hated her.
“Well, he seems to be doing well. Might as well put him under and move onto the next stage.”
He lived out his days creating sand sculptures in his mind. He saw himself running in place, downloading skills and targets and concepts. The sand would blow away each day, leaving him with nothing to remember them by.
Between bouts of black unconsciousness, he saw grey, and white, and pale pink, brown, and blue. Abstract shapes morphing into creatures that prodded at him. Cold metal seething, machines twisting his body together like crochet. He gave nonsense names for some, not even names consisting of words, just pure thoughts.
Slowly, he lost sight of the sand in his brain, yet the grains still dripped from his ears when he shook his head. He became a part of reality. Or perhaps he became part of a hellish dream.
Darkness huddled in the damp sides of his eyes, danger snapping at his bruised joints and soles. Deep inside his chest, his heart damned, words mixed with intuitive instincts, daring his body to live beyond the yellow veil.
Stage One of Project $DEE has been completed.
$DEE was not his name. It was what he was called. One of the words that would echo in his brain. Dee. Dee. Dee. Like a rhythm, like the beeping machines. Like the ringing of the heart monitor. It was embedded in his ears. Baby words jumping around, forming pictures, babbling him into nothing.
Dee, his brain still a desert, started to make better sense of this reality he lived in. He could control his body sometimes. He could move his arms. Or what was left of his limbs. Or what they had lent him.
The second picture in his brain, the one after the yellow veil: it was the artificial lights on Lab C’s ceiling. Grey illuminated by white, he stared up at the square tiles and textured glass, like undulating waves of melted sand.
With how long he was locked in place staring up at this picture, he memorized it. He could close his eyes at any moment and picture it in its exact detail again.
“Time to get up, Doll-face. It’s time for your first mission.”
He saw Dei’dra’s face again. He felt his restraints loosen and break away.
His first mission was not all that glorious. He was lanky, unused to moving in his body. He was a wall of meat. Disposable. He followed a trail like a zombie. He barely spoke to the team he was placed in. He remembered their orders regarding him.
“He’s still pretty out of it. Give him some good experience, but we’d like to keep working on him so bring him back in one piece.”
Dee felt like a puppet, simply put. Some machine inside him aimed his cannons and lasers. He stood in place, shooting at targets. He was guided by an invisible leash by the team he was assigned to. He saw sepia shapes. Blurs of bodies. All he could feel was the emotions in his gut telling him, repeatedly:
He was kept suspended in place while his body completed the mission. And then he was back in Lab C, mind clearer.
He was thinking in sentences now. He could monologue, like any great villain. That is what he had become, hadn’t he? Why a villain? Where had he learned that word? The more he sifted through the sand, the more words he could find he no longer remembered learning. They were just there, connected to nothing. No memory. No past life.
He kept thinking these words. And then he decided that since his jaw was not glued shut, he would give speaking a try. Garbled and slurred at first, he kept talking as much as they let him.
They made him run between ceilings of grey. They made him speak between illuminated square tiles. He practiced lines of a script. Subterfuge settled in his brain like a mirage in the distance between the settled sand.
He could walk on the unsteady ground once again. He could see. He could hear. He could experience the world around him. He gazed up at the ceiling but was interrupted by a splotch of dark violet.
Another blot. Another vulture. He stood there out of the corner of his artificial eye.
“What are you waiting for? Get on with the tests.” His voice sharp, cutting through his tongue.
This was an unusual time of day for tests. To say it was a time of day was generous. It was more like he would be experimented on for hours upon hours and then suddenly they would stop. Nothing to do but bask in the nothingness it brought.
At this point, Dee thought that he was done with most of the tests. He had his limbs. He had an eye, which he opened wider to get a better look at the violet blotch. Something about the blotch was connected to something else in his brain, but he could not quite place it.
“Well, whatever it is, get on with it, it certainly could not have waited until morning.”
It shuffled closer to him. Less of a blotch now. He could make out shapes. He could recognize his face now if he saw him again.
Air escaped his lungs, and then he said again, asking, “Whatever might you need from me today, doctor?”
The blotch was shaking. “If you are just here to sight-see, I am going back to sleep.” His eyes weighed heavily on his face, eyelids falling through his willpower.
“Are you… okay?”
No, I am not ‘okay’. I am ‘$DEE.’
“Do I LOOK okay? Yeah sure, I am right as rain, having a grand old time—feeling peachy, even.” At this point, the words just spiraled off his tongue and through his teeth. The blotch made a sound, and Dee’s frustration grew, the pain of today’s tests ricocheting in his body.
“If you aren’t here to run another one of your little tests, then just get out. Go tell your superior, or better yet, go tell Dei’dra to go fuck herself and leave me alone.”
And he left him alone. He wondered vaguely what that was all about. He then fell asleep.
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
first time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: The party, finally. Nerds be nerds. They're all dorks tbh. Booze and partying. Clint is a disaster. Natasha is a queen. I beg for comments from y'all cuz I'm short on serotonin 🥺🥺🥺💚✨
This is a Spotify playlist I made for the first half of the party. Sets the mood 😌
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The party was booming, the room was flooded with a large amount of people dressed in various extravagant outfits. It was enough to sweep my eyes over the crowd only once to take notice of the thought and money people had put into their outfits. I hardly noticed any cheesy "angel/devil" or "sexy cat" ensembles, my eyes caught on gemstones and feathers and floor-length gowns instead.
First Avenger to catch my eye was Thor - only because the people surrounding him barely held back from drooling. Hell, I did a spit-take: the usually graceless giant stood casually posted at one of the snack tables, wearing silver robes embroidered with tiny sparkling gemstones; a sleek, angular crown rested atop his head, his blonde hair was longer, lighter and straight. One look at his ears and the realisation struck me: Thor was Thranduil, the Elven king. It made sense since Peter had the thunderer hooked on the Lord of the Rings movies a couple of weeks ago...
Both Loki and Wanda cleaned up no less nicely. The Witch was wearing a midi dress, airy and soft, in pastel tones that brought out the natural rosiness of her cheeks and the scarlet undertones glimmering in the strands of her hair. Unlike me, she chose to wear a sparkling tiara, which Loki had created after a short debate - it was an intricate material illusion meant to last for at least ten hours.
Loki himself was a work of art: dark and macabre fantasy painting. I could barely tear my eyes away from the pale, tall man clad in dark green silks and brocade. The candlelight threw shadows on his angular face and his sharp cheekbones stood out more than ever: twenty minutes I spent on convincing him to let me put make-up on his face paid off spectacularly. Flickering lights toyed with the emeralds and forest greens of the shiny silk of his vest, giving Loki an ethereal glow. His eyes shone crimson red, making nearby people throw equally startled and appreciative looks.
As for myself, the stares I got were no more and no less than I expected. The dress I'd been aching to wear fit me perfectly, earthen tones, hand-embroidered blossoms and delicate golden threading. The layers of my skirt were just voluminous enough to give me the extra airy, floating walk, the medium-height platforms of my shoes lightening my step. The ropes securing them to my legs were decorated with flowers so delicate they looked real.
The peak of my outfit took an arm and a leg in bribery of the resident sorcerer-turned-vampire, but in the end, even Loki himself could hardly look away from his creation. An hour of research and some serious magic voodoo shit was what it took for the fluttering fairy wings to sit between my shoulder blades. I felt them as an extension of my own body, and whilst flying was definitely out of the question, I could flicker them and felt the delicate brush of Wanda's fingers as she admired the translucent, blue-green, marble-patterned sheen of pure, concentrated magic.
In hindsight, I should have simply bought a set of pre-made wings and asked Loki to enchant them to move on their own. Hindsight... I wasn't good at that. So, in this moment, with the wings syncing up with my jittery nerves, the shiny traitors shook with the force of stares directed at our little trio. There was an absurd amount of gorgeous people and breathtaking costumes, yet even then, we stood out like Mona Lisa in an indie art gallery. Muted 'woah's and 'oh-my-gods' traveled across the room, turning even more heads towards us.
"And you wanted to wear Walmart," I weakly chuckled in Wanda's direction, seeing her wide eyes and Loki's arm rapidly wrapping around her waist, catching her a brief moment before she stumbled. The trickster looked unimpressed and bored for all the world to see, but to me, the slight twitching of his eyebrow told me he wasn't feeling that much different from us girls either.
"Brother!" Thor gestured us over with a drink in each hand, parting the crowd of people easily.
Noah, et tu? I had no choice but to swallow my unease, hoping my concealer and highlighter did their job and my face hadn't lost the sublime glow I was aiming for. For a girl like me, the Fae aesthetic wasn't easily achieved: naturally, I wasn't innocent, I wasn't playful... However, I was mischievous. Plenty of that.
Spotting a semi-familiar face in the crowd of partygoers, I gave the man a lopsided grin and a wink without actually taking note of who he was. Tonight, I would be a fairy. I would play.
"King," Wanda mock-bowed with a laugh, carefully embracing Thor. Even Loki did a brief, composite left-handed tilt with a slight smirk.
"Where's the rest of the gang?" I giggled, immediately making grabby hands for the nearest brightly coloured, fruity concoction that fell into my eyesight. Being sober at a party was not something I had planned to be: first drink went down like water as Thor explained the whereabouts of our various friends.
"Steven and James are with Lady Natasha, there is a knife-throwing contest outside on the patio," As soon as those words left his mouth, Loki immediately perked up, not-so-subtly turning his torso towards the large open area.
"Go," I ushered him. "Win us something, good sir," With a chuckle of my own, I grabbed Wanda by the hand for both of us to give a chaste good luck kiss to each of Loki's cheeks. He smiled as I threw a tiny amount of sparkles at him, shouting "GOOD LUCK!" to his retreating back.
"Princess?" I heard a curious voice pipe up behind me, an arm carefully wrapping itself under my wings. Said arm jerked as the sensitive matter of my wings fluttered away from the touch, shivers running down my spine and making me shuffle in place awkwardly.
"Tickles," I breathed out, voice pitched.
Tony's utterly perplexed face came into view as he gave me an open-mouthed once-over. "Darling..." He cleared his throat. I had managed to rob Tony Stark of his words! "You look... Exquisite." His eyes critically surveyed the amount of make-up and glitter on my face before he lifted the inside of my wrist, touching his lips to the pulse point for two long seconds, stealing my breath away with the simple, intimate gesture. It was by far more powerful than having to get glitter out of his beard if he'd kissed me on the lips, or even on the cheek.
"Congratulations, you've caught a Fae," I grinned mischievously, my own eyes widening at the amount of tiny little details on Tony's costume. Delicate, moving clockwork gears and metals interwoven with dark brown, harsh leather; he wore a tophat decorated with a pair of glasses and both his arms and harnesses had moving details of polished, dull-grey chrome. It was unreal, like Tony had stepped out of a Steampunk graphic novel, like he'd just got done filming the Wild West movie. "Nerd," I affectionately brushed my fingers - glitter-free hand - along the handlebar mustache he'd grown out.
Tony spoke over Thor's laughter, pressing himself closer to me, this time careful around my wings. "Do I get to make a wish?"
"Don't be rude, Tony. The Fair Folk should be treated with politeness and respect," Bruce's amused voice signaled his arrival before I even saw him. His costume and Tony's complimented each other: whereas Tony the wngiy obviously was some sort of inventor, Bruce was a doctor, or perhaps, a chemist. Instead of moving gears, he had an array of brightly coloured vials attached to a gold-and-green embroidered belt, and a single monocle replaced his usual rectangular glasses. The scientist gallantly raised my palm to his lips, fighting a smile of his own. Utter nerds! "You're the most beautiful thing in this room, Princess. Everyone can't take their eyes off you," With that, a brief, bright flash of green blinked in his eyes and then I knew, Bruce and Hulk would be on my back, watching out for me wherever I would decide to go.
The knots in my back, in my stomach, slowly began to unwind, the feeling accelerated by the warmth of alcohol sitting low in my belly. I was happily sandwiched between my two men, chatting with Wanda and Thor, nibbling on the spooky treats that Tony's catering services had provided. They were delicious.
Sam appeared, dragging a flushed Clint in tow. The archer had evidently gotten well into his drinks, seeing as he was holding a horn in one hand whilst the other still barely held onto his head. Despite the costume fail, he seemed to be having the time of his life.
"We need glue," Sam announced, smiling in our direction. "Well, hello, ladies," Briefly, abandoning his bird bro, Sam kissed a giggling Wanda on the cheek and wrestled one of my hands from Tony to peck it, too. "My, my eyes have been so blessed!"
"What are you?" Wanda asked the man curiously, pointing at his... a sort of toga, brown leather shoes that looked more like hooves and a crown of... grapevine?
"Dionysus," Sam mock-bowed, "And this is my Pan. Who happens to be a lightweight and enjoys annoying witches that can throw knives with scary precision!" The man announced, annoyed, whilst Clint just drunkenly giggled as he was helped by Thor - the Asgardian-Elf was doing something to the archer's headdress and putting the wonky horn back in its place, hands steady despite Clint's swaying and squirming.
"Classy," I toasted Sam. "Who's the knife-throwing witch?"
"Natasha," He grabbed a drink of his own. "She went as Yennefer, both fossils are Witchers and Pietro is Jaskier. He looks like a proper court jester in that purple... Thing," The dark man was giggling, too, somewhat tipsy.
"The Ass of America could fit his sizeable rear end in leather pants? How much KY jelly did they use?" Tony snorted mockingly as all of us laughed. I remembered seeing an interview with Henry Cavill and his troubles regarding the leather pants - Tony's question was valid and you can fuckin' quote me on that.
"Man, don't ask me. I've already seen more than enough of him and Barnes in the supply closet," Sam winced, downing the remainder of his drink in one go.
"And what were you doing in the supply closet, Wilson?" Natasha was absolutely breathtaking in the black mesh dress. Pietro next to her looked like a masquerade attendee - in a good way. He had gone with the video game version of Jaskiers outfit and was a bright addition to or our mostly black and pastel coloured party.
Sam grumbled something unintelligible, striking a conversation with Pietro and Clint, pulling the rest of us into it one by one. People came by and went, saying their hellos and asking to take pictures - the party was attended by mostly SI and trusted SHIELD employees with the exception of a few B-level celebrities Tony knew personally, no press was allowed beyond their designated area so all of us could afford some degree of frivolity.
Steve and Bucky - oh my God their costumes were tight - shared kisses and heated glances over the tops of our heads. Bruce's hand snuck under the highest part of my skirt, caressing my legs and Tony's soft pecks on the top of my head filled me with the warmest sense of adoration. Loki, being the gentleman he was, had won both me and Wanda each a stuffed spider which we gracefully accepted, thanking the trickster with a dance.
Or three. Wanda went first, eyes sparkling and smile ten miles wide as she soaked up the admiration, the envious stares of the people in the room. The witch looked simply stunning, she was glowing, and Loki next to her shared the sentiment wholeheartedly - a small grin decorated his face, eyes kindest I'd ever seen them. In that moment, Wanda truly was a princess.
Three and a half drinks in, I swayed gently to the music, unbothered by the smile creeping on my face as I watched the two magical people dance and mingle. "You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey..." Singing along was a pesky habit of mine that manifested itself after a certain amount of liquor circulated through my system. It wasn't like I was a bad singer - my parents had made me take music classes until I was sixteen - but it was generally an embarrassing moment nonetheless. In that moment, I didn't give a damn. "You're as sweet as strawberry wine..." Trust Tony to pick the kind of music I actually knew and liked.
A flash of purple and my glass was snatched out of my hand and promptly downed. Shamelessly grinning, Pietro gave me a look with that cocky tilt of his lips, blonde hair in utter disarray. "That your work?" He nodded towards the dancing couple, giving the empty glass to Bruce who was now watching my swaying with a careful eye.
"My and Loki's," I replied dryly."Thank you," Pietro replied sincerely. "Wanda needed this," Briefly looking me over (fuckin' glitter! I was missing out on so many hugs!), the blonde settled on squeezing my hand between his own. "May I steal your lady for a dance?" He addressed Bruce, seeing as Tony was immersed in a conversation with some dude dressed as Marty from Back to The Future. IT department, maybe?
"You may, but no funny business," Bruce looked godly in his outfit with the stern expression: eyebrows drawn together, lips pursed and irises having just a tinge of green. Hulk watching me added an unexpected sort of spice to our interactions. It made me feel...
"Let's go, Printsesa," Pietro unceremoniously dragged me to the dancefloor, all but stomping over other people's feet, shoes, tails and various other accessories. Boys will be boys... And we danced, and we laughed - until Loki and Wanda floated over to us, promptly swapping partners with fluidity I didn't expect from either of the twins. I watched Pietro spin Wanda with a smile as the Witch shrieked and cursed at her overenthusiastic brother.
"How's it going, Lokes?" I addressed the resident vampire, placing an arm on his shoulders. Tall ass bastard.
"Better than I expected," He admitted. "Although I cannot say I appreciate intoxicated Midgardian males."
"Nobody likes drunk dudes," I rolled my eyes. "I've lost count how many faces I've punched and balls busted at parties. They just don't learn."
"Oh, indeed, you're a fighter, little one. How could have I forgotten?" Loki teased me, doing an elaborate twirl to narrowly avoid the slap I was aiming at his chest. Tall, cheeky bastard.
I definitely should have put salt in his tea sugar.
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stormcallart-blog · 4 years
|| A Sliver of Moonlight ||
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Life is pretty boring serving for the slowly decaying villa in the countryside in Toussaint. It's when a Witcher comes clamoring into your life that it all changes. Grabbing a few herbs from the city shouldn’t be that bad, right?
Geralt x Reader, Mature content: depictions of injury, gore, violence, animal death, unresolved sexual tension. 
This is based off of the Witcher 3 DLC, but no real spoilers! I just love the vibe of it so much. Tbh this is old, wrote it about a year ago but love it so much that I thought I’d post it. Not too sure if I’d do another chapter, but maybe if the mood strikes!
The estate known as Corvo Bianco Vineyard had been your home since you could remember. Your parents had grown tired of the cold in Skellige when you were but a babe and had made the journey to the endless heat and beautiful landscapes of Toussant. Years had come and gone and with those years so did the owners of the Vineyard. You went from plucking grapes to planting olive trees to tending the grounds as the owners made one financial mistake after another. Where once was beautiful herb gardens there was now only crumbling leaves and rotting wood, the stables were now empty and the once beautiful main house began to peel and fall apart. The last owner had dumped all his coin into just keeping the Vineyard afloat and when he couldn’t anymore handed it off to the Duchess, who luckily saw it fit enough to still need the workers.
No longer needed for picking the Vineyard stock you were tasked to look for herbs for the cooking staff. Even with spending most of your days in the sweltering summer heat searching for various herbs you were thankful, especially since you had gained a new found interest in Alchemy. How a certain concoction could heal wounds or cure illnesses fascinated you to no end and you were desperate for more of that knowledge.
When the whispers of the Beast of Toussant emerged you were hesitant. Whispers of the beast deep in the cellars of Corvo Bianco spiked your interest a little too much. All the workers on the estate stayed far away, sometimes in the night you could hear it scrape its claws against the stone, sending shivers down your spine. Your novice knowledge of alchemical things made it impossible to even research any kind of repellent against the beast, not like it would help since not a soul knew what the beast actually was.
One warm night it came, hissing and slashing through the Duchesses guardsmen as it barreled back into its den as you watched shaking from your chamber. It was terrifying as it moved, slashing and gnawing at the duchesses men as if they were nothing more than paper. All hope seemed lost until a man clad in black with a sword so bright it seemed to hold the moon, silver no doubt, made his way after the monster. His hair as white as his blade and yes, you were sure of it, even from your bedroom there was no mistaking those golden eyes. A Witcher.
Never before had you seen one, your heart leapt at the thought. They were master swordsmen and even better alchemists , expert monster hunters in every way. You had no doubt he would be the one to slay the monster of Toussant .With bated breath you waited for the silver haired man to emerge victorious, tapping your fingers against the windowsill in nervous excitement. Just when you thought maybe the Witcher had fallen prey to the beast a flash of white hair stepped out into the moonlit night once again.
However before you could get a good look at him he was gone from sight, riding off on a dark horse into the warm night air. You sighed, noting the amount of bloodshed and work that awaited the villa in the morning.
That night you tossed and turned, dreams filled with the man they call the Witcher.
After the gorey cleanup you stomached with a handful of other workers the following day, all was quiet. No beast stirred from the depths of the vineyard and it seemed like life would continue just as boring as it had been before you set eyes on that White Wolf.
You heard it from one of the kitchen maids first. A new owner was on their way with the deed to Corvo Bianco! It was hard to remember the last time the estate had ever been governed, which made you both nervous and excited at the same time. Curious of the new owner you wanted to get a good look when they came striding down the street.
Busying yourself with some wild mint that grew from the picket by the road you waited, peering up every few minutes to keep an eye out. The sounds of hooves beating against the stone pulled you from your harvesting as you watched in awe as he neared. The Witcher. The Witcher was head of the estate at Corvo Bianco? Your jaw clenched to keep from hanging as he strode by, yellow cat-like eyes regarding you for merely a second before he continued towards the main house. So it was true!
Your fellow workers were… less enthused about the new owner. Most just scoffed and went about their work, while others tossed around names you’d never heard before but were sure they were not meant endearingly towards the Witcher.
You found him interesting. Knowing very little about them you were less inclined to see them as sub-humans as most others seemed to suggest. If anything he just seemed… exotic. And there was no denying that what you had seen of him so far was attractive.
The smell of fresh mint tickled your nose, peering down to see you’d driven your nails into its soft leaves, pushing the smell into the air. Surely the main quarters kitchen would need some for dinner tonight, a perfect excuse to learn more about the Witcher. The servant entrance was easy enough to slip into, silently greeting the cook who pushed her finger against her lips as you entered. Laughing softly you both listened in.
The Majordomo introduced himself but you weren't prepared for what came next. The deep timbre of the man who spoke nearly knocked you sideways from just a mere greeting. That was definitely … not what you had expected, but not that you were complaining.
The rest was fairly boring conversation which explained the updates needed for the estate to which the Witcher stood silently and listened.
“He’s called the White Wolf.” The cook whispered with a cheeky grin, “ Arrived in Toussaint only a few days ago on orders for the Duchess.”.
“Imelda, you are shameless!” You teased as she smiled, “How do you find this out so quickly?”.
“Advantages of working in the main house kitchen, my dear. ” she said with a wink. “Here child, take this bowl of fruit and set it in the dining room for me , would you?”
Squinting at her smile you took the small bowl of fruit from the table, taking a deep breath before opening the door and stepping into the center room. Walking around you saw the Majordomo first, dark circular glasses facing you. The Witcher had his back towards you, listening as the Majordomo spoke, shoulders square and standing much taller than you first would have thought. His silver hair was shoulder length and lay against the metal chain padding across his broad shoulders. You must’ve been staring because the Majordomo coughed, shocking you out of your daydreaming, prompting the Witcher to turn to see the disturbance.
His golden irises met your own, the slits of his pupils striking as they flared in the firelight. It was impossible to speak while caught in his gaze as he examined you silently. His light brows furrowed , proud nose flaring as he peered down at the fruit bowl you undoubtedly had in a death grip. His grizzled face split into a wry grin as his armored hand reached into the bowl and plucked out an apple. “Thanks.” He spoke flatly, holding the apple up with a slight nod of his head.
You didn’t speak, you couldn’t. You felt trapped, entranced even. Instead you nodded back before hastily placing the bowl down on the dining table.
“I’d like to work on revitalizing the herb garden first.” The deep thrum of the Witcher’s voice bounced off the barren walls. The very mention of the herb garden had you turned on your heels to meet the steely cat-like gaze once again.
The Majordomo nodded excitedly as the Witcher handed over the coin, “That is a good start, sir!” he added in cheerfully, “Y/N here is our closest thing to an herbalist, surely she wouldn’t mind picking up the necessary ingredients.”
The Witcher's creased eyebrows flicked slightly in a mute expression of surprise, “So you know herbs, hm?” his gritty voice almost seemed amused.
“Y-yes.” You spoke finally, a small smirk lined his features, peeking out over a white beard. He let out a chuckle that seemed almost cold, “So tell me then, how does one harvest Ribleaf?”.
The question almost made you laugh. You weren’t professionally trained but certainly not that much of a novice. It surprised even you how confidently the words left your mouth, “Cut from the bottom of the stock, try to pluck or remove from any other point and it’s practically useless.”.
If the Witcher was impressed he was damn good at not showing it. “Very good.” His deep voice bellowed in an even tone, eyes studying you even still. “I’ll leave it to you then.” Was all he managed before he turned for the exit.
Hastily you turned to exit through the kitchen, so caught up in thought you didn’t catch the Witcher’s eyes trail after you as he exited into the sunlight. Imelda was already smiling as you closed the door behind, trying hard not to laugh at your flustered expression, “So? How is the famous White Wolf?” she said lightly, stirring the soup she’d been working on.
“Almost as intimidating as staring down a Gryphon.” You breathed out, mind still reeling from that look. Whatever Imelda said next was lost on you, mind still lingering on the golden irises that seemed to read your mind. Could Witchers read minds? Gods, you hoped not. It was amazing how quickly the workers began tending the Herb Garden as soon as the White Wolf forked over the funds. The Majordomo followed suit and bid the Witcher farewell before the armor-clad warrior mounted his steed and took off into another great adventure no doubt. You heaved a heavy sigh, almost jealous that his life seemed so filled with adrenaline whilst you sat around most days picking ingredients or tending to the ground's needs. The Majordomo turned to you quickly, withdrawing a list from his little notebook, “Ah, there you are! Here is the list. Please go into town and gather these seeds and plants from an Alchemist.” he finished by dropping a good sum of gold into your open palm , eyes widening at the weight in your hand. You had never held so much gold in your life.
“Do you wish for me to go now?” You tried not to sound ungrateful, for any chance to go into town was a welcomed one, but half a day's walk nonetheless.
“Preferably while the day is still young.” He spoke with a high dialect.
“Of course.” You said without a pip of disobedience, you’d walked those roads before and with a knife strapped across your thigh you were confident you could make it there and back.
You grabbed a sizable satchel and placed a good amount of gold in several hidden pockets, just in case. Luckily it was much cooler this morning than it had been all week, the smell of grass and ripening fruit blowing through your tresses as you set off up the hill. The walk to Beauclair was long and uneventful. You stopped briefly here and there to take a break or spotting a herb that was marked on the list , finding it easier to pluck than spend the extra gold for it in town. The Quiet of rolling hills slowly gave away to idle chatter of the city, smells quickly turning sweet to sour, always was a stark contrast to the countryside life. You enjoyed the capitol but the rose-tint seemed to fade quickly while within its walls. Spotting the Alchemists shop sign you weaved in and out of beggars and Duchesses men alike, Rich and poor mingling into a sea of endless faces. There was only one word for the crowds of people, overwhelming.
The shop was a cozy hideaway, empty save for the shopkeeper and her wares. The smell of incense wafted into the air , its smoke crowding at the ceiling, mingling with the earthy smell of plants. Greeting her plainly you read off the list and examined the herbs thoroughly before making a sale, walking back into the late afternoon sun a few gold coins lighter but with quite a sizable workload to haul back. The thought crossed your mind to stop by one of the taverns and have a refresher before returning, with your own coin of course, but you knew if you waited much longer night would fall on your journey back and that’s the last thing you wanted.
All tension faded with the chatter as cobblestone streets gave way to dirt roads and open fields once again. It was nice to breathe without feeling boxed in. Your steps were slower this time, sweat rolling down your temples as the bag seemed to only gain weight with every passing minute. You stopped, pulling the small glass container of water you’d stored away and took a few refreshing gulps before totting the satchel over your shoulders and continued on. At this pace you may not make it back to Corvo Bianco before nightfall and the thought alone made your stomach sink.
It was an arduous journey back home, cursing yourself for picking up a few extra things as the leather strap bit into your shoulder. You guessed you maybe had another hour to go before you could finally unburden yourself, but dusk was nipping at your ankles. Trying to take your mind off the weight you looked out into luscious fields, grateful that the journey had been void of monsters when you saw it. The long stalks of red poking out in a lone field was like an oasis in the desert. Eyes lighting up you stared in disbelief, taking a few extra seconds to confirm what you’d seen. It was Winter Cherry. One of the rarest herbs to come across, something not even the Alchemist shop had in stock. Your heart swelled, remembering the many benefits you’d read not so long ago on your last trip to Beauclaire.
Hoisting the bag higher you set out towards the plant, long blades of grass tickling your ankles and knees, the patch of land long forgotten. You withdrew the blade from your stocking strap, thumbing the blade over the leaves of the rare plant, remembering that the Alchemy book had mentioned it had to be cut from the root or otherwise it would be completely useless.
The blood red petals swayed , knife cutting clean through its roots and you bubbled with pride. This certainly was a treat, a rare find to add to the new herb garden, the Witcher would be undoubtedly impressed. Your excitement was snuffed out in an instant when the blood-curdling howl echoed in the night.
“No.” You whispered, hands beginning to shake as you hastily stuffed the Winter Cherry into the already full satchel, nearly tripping over your own dress as another howl screamed into the now Twilight sky, blade still in hand. “No, no, no!” You continued as you made for the road, as if it was a safe haven from the gathering wolves. The sound of rustling dry grass began to double, triple, before you were keenly aware there was no getting out of this. Heart pounding in your ears you turned, oval eyes reflecting through yellowing foliage as the soft crunch of grass slowed, the animals circling in.
“Come on you bastard.” You growled in your own way back, knowing there was no way out but like hell if you wouldn’t try your best to fight them off. As if responding to your threat the first one lept, jaws snapping and snarling as it went. Dodging to your left it missed your arm by just a hair, the hot breath of the beast tickling the hairs of a limb that could have easily been its next meal.
The next time you weren’t so luckily, the second wolf snapping down hard on the skirt of your dress, yanking you almost completely over as it ripped and tore at the material. Swiping the small blade wildly the animal retreated, eyes still trained on your every movement. Heavy breaths left your dry mouth, adrenaline pumping through every vein as senses heightened. You were going to die.
The third wolf was too quick, coming toward you from the side as you focused on the others. Its Black fur barreled towards you, ferocious teeth biting through your thick dress and into your thigh, ripping a shriek from your throat as it sunk its razor-like teeth into the meat of your leg. You swiped at the wolf, jutting the knife into the scruff of his neck as it whimpered and recoiled, but the damage had been done and now you were merely a game to the hungry canines.
“FUCK OFF!” You howled, which startled them momentarily before the first one jumped you again, pushing you to the ground , shoving your fist into it’s open mouth just in time to keep it from getting a killing blow. Its fangs scrapped at your knuckles, sharp claws digging into your soft skin. A faint sound of a horse barely registered, knowing no matter how proficient the rider, there was no way of saving you. The only thing you could do was take one of the wolves down with you. The wolf atop you bit down, teeth sinking into the flesh of your arm as you let out a pained cry, its pack surprisingly absent. The cries you heard were not your own and soon the wolf that pinned you down with your fist in its mouth seemed dazed, drunk even, eyes glassy as the moon reflected off its dark eyes. It’s jaws relented, your blood now oozing from open wounds. Puzzled at first you seized your only chance, ramming the pathetic blade into the top of its skull, piercing thick pelt and bone. The wolf swayed, eyes rolling back as its blood soaked your hand, pushing it off just before it pooled over your already ruined garments.
Your head was swimming, jolting up as you frantically searched for the other two wolves only to find an empty field and a man.
A man with hair as silver as moonlight.
Adrenaline left your body quickly, eyesight dotting with bright white before fading to black completely.
It was all a blur, the hard motions of a horse galloping faded in and out for you, unconscious to the strong arms that encased you.
You awoke with a start, instead of dry grass beneath your touch there were soft sheets instead. A bed? "Oh, you're awake." The deep rustling voice spoke from the corner , nearly startling you out of the bed. Everything hurt and you peered down at the bandage around your thigh soaked in blood. "How'd i-" you barely managed before the White Wolf intervened, "lucky for you I was on my way back here and heard you off in the distance. Witcher sense does wonders. Have to say you put up quite the fight.". Was that… praise?
"Thank you." You managed, wincing as you sat up against the headboard, "how long was I out?"
He shrugged with heavy shoulders, "Long enough to haul you back here give a few hours or so. It's well past midnight by now. What the hell were you doing in the middle of nowhere at nightfall?" He seemed irritated by that.
You sighed, "getting herbs from the alchemist." You stated plainly, hoping he picked up your satchel, otherwise it would be all for naught. Warmth spreading across your cheeks realizing he had carried you unconsciously and rode all the way back to Corvo Bianco with those large hands around you.
"You won't find an herb shop in a field." He spoke plainly but with just enough sarcasm for your brow to quirk.
"Majordomo sent me into Beauclaire to get supplies for the herb garden you ordered. I found some Winter Cherry in the field and that's when I was attacked by wolves. Was that… a joke?" You should have been more formal, but seeing as you were laying in his bed with half your body bare, it seemed almost pointless to be.
He chuckled, "An attempt at one at least. Witchers have subdued emotions, call it a blessing and a curse." He sat back in the wooden chair he had propped in the corner, " Shame, Winter Cherry is useless unless-"
It was your turn to interrupt "Unless you cut it off at the roots." He looked to you with a hint of a smile.
You gaped, so that's why he seemed so calm and collected. That was definitely something you weren't expecting. "I should have been quicker on the walk back. But I'm glad you were there, otherwise I might've had to kill all those wolves on my own."
He let out a half laugh as did you, Geralt always appreciated a strong woman and you were fastly becoming more and more interesting to him with each passing moment.
"Geralt." He muttered as he stood, metal from his armor clinking and the wood of the house creaking under his shifting weight.
"Hm?" You asked inquisitively as he neared, drawing your legs closer , confused at what he was doing.
"My name." He sat on the edge of the bed, removing his gloves, "I need to check those wounds.".
You nodded, giving him permission to touch you, giving your name with a wince as his large warm hands unbound the bandage around your thigh. You watched Geralt transfixed, breath catching at just how high up his fingers traced since the bite had been dangerously close to your hip. He seemed to feel you tensing at sweeping touches , golden eyes looking up to yours with a muted smirk across such handsome features. "It tickles." You lied and he only let out a small puff of air that hinted at humored before continuing. It was amazing watching a Witcher work. He'd rooted through his belongings finding ingredients for the healing salve without needing any type of recipe. Casually mixing ingredients that, had you attempted, would have surely given you a headache.
"So" your name rolling of his tongue made it hard to concentrate, "you're a bit of an alchemist?" He spoke casually as he transferred the salve into a large bit of wax paper.
"Afraid not, I know but a few things from experiments and what little I've read while in Beauclaire."
Geralt hummed at that, " Well it looks like you'll survive. I've made some salve that'll help heal the bite , but it's only enough for one or two days. Put it on in the evenings and when you run out come back. Maybe then I'll even teach you a trick or two." The last part made your heart leap as he rebandaged your wound, blood now completely stopped. "Thank you for saving my life." You said as you stood, leg in agony but unwilling to show any more sign of weakness.
"I got you into this mess, only fair I should rescue you from it." Geralt replied coolly, eyes transfixed on your heart rate that had thumped harder as you stood. You were in pain but far too stubborn to show it. He liked that about you.
"Goodnight Geralt." "Goodnight. "
You turned to leave, hobbling across the main house stairs and towards your quarters which luckily weren't too far. The plants you'd brought back were already laid on in the garden and you thanked the gods that geralt had brought back the satchel so that your near death had not been for nothing.
Finally in your quarters you bathed and added the salve , teeth clenching at the sting of it sanitizing the wound. You were pretty much asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.
Dreams emerged from the fog of your mind that night. Large scarred hands gently skating across your legs, pulling up your nightgown forcing a weak whimper from your throat. A deep rustling of a laugh accompanied with cat-like eyes as slightly chapped lips graced your skin. It was heaven , feeling the white beard scrape along your neck, sending you into a moaning fit. "Stop that, you're injured." His voice playfully mocked as you squirmed under him.
…"Geralt" you awoke with his name on your lips. Eyes wide and hand slapped over your mouth you scanned the room. It was bright, so bright. Almost midday by the way the shadows casted along the floor of the small room. The biggest mistake was moving, which nearly had you wailing in pain from the tender wound. Removing the covers it had bled through only a little in the night , of which you were thankful.
When finally dressed and on your way to the main house you waved off concerned workers as you hobbled by, far too tired to give them the entirety of the story of what happened the night before. Instead you stepped into the kitchen and shut the door with an exasperated sigh.
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hiimbloblos · 3 years
The Red Mass
~590 words || horror || gore || blood || basically being consumed alive
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I wanted to make a horror-ish ficlet/animation with one of the hermits for a long time and today was the day I finally got to do it. Tbh the fic was written to accompany the animation and I didn't really have anything in mind, but whatev.
There's a gif at the end of the ficlet :]
All my works are here ✨
"What the hell is happening to me?"
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The creeper hybrid violently coughed, almost spitting out his lungs. The whole organic body felt hot, even the mechanical parts felt like melting together. He couldn't feel his legs. The only light source – his red eye – was jumping from surface to surface, making the hybrid sick.
— --oc! Doc! I heard you, please give me a hint where you are! Do--
— Wait, Zed, sto--
The voice went silent as fast as it appeared. A loud gasp shattered the sticky silence and a beam of light jumped out of the speaker's hand, bringing the room back to the darkness. The red eye stopped and lit up a terrified face of two men: one with glasses and in a lab coat and one with distinct dog ears. The second one quickly took the light source from the floor and, shaking off some kind of goo, turned the flashlight back on.
— Doc! Why didn't you freaking answer! Me and Z were looking everywhere for you! — he stepped forward and his shoe got bogged down in something sticky, — What the...
— Ren, wait! Don't come closer — Zedaph rather harshly pulled Ren's jacket back, leaving the shoe stuck on the floor.
— What the heck, dude?!
— Sorry for your shoe, but look!
A pair of eyes was staring at them, which made Zed feel uneasy. The light from the flashlight slowly lowered to reveal the rest of their friend's body; metal parts, wires and flesh were covered in some kind of red substance, living substance, that dissolved everything on its way. Everything except bones, apparently: part of a femur bone stuck out of the red mass, steadily getting pushed out onto the floor. Ren's shoe got dragged closer to half-conscious half-body and quickly sunk, as if it was cotton candy in the water.
— It's...
— It's eating him alive and I don't think we can do much about it, — Zedaph stepped away from the goo, cautiously looking around.
— I'm gonna throw up, — Ren couldn't avert his gaze from that horrifying image, stunned by the pure terror of the situation.
— Come on, answer, I know you see my messages, — Zed was fiddling with his communicator, trying to contact Xisuma in case Doc's respawn won't be automatic. "Pff, what are you thinking about, of course he will respawn! Just because he's half-conscious now doesn't mean it will screw up the respawn cycle, right? RIGHT?!"
— Stay... — Doc's vocal module was hissing and cracking. His eyes started to shake, mechanical eye flickering with a very bright red light, — S̬͚t̢̫͔͝à̴̵̼͖́y̧̢̢̎ͬ̔́͘ ̷͎̯̫͚͗ͭ̓̐̄͂b̶̶̦̘̟̩͍̩̹͟͜ả͖͖̙̳͉̝̟ͩ͟c̶̮̦͍̰̞͓͍̩ͥ̆̽͒̎̏͒̉ͯ̄͗̊̋͟͏̛́͝͞͏͏̶̡̨͢͢͠kͣ̕͡͝҉̴̷̴̡̢͘͜͜͝.̭͓̺̗͛̏̉ͩ̾͒̊͑̓͝ͅ͏̸̨̛́̕͢͡.̛̦̬͚̙̗̪̬̙̠̤̯͙͍̺ͤ̊̀̔̀҉̶̨̢̡̡̡̨̢̛͘̕͢͝͝.̷͓̏̍̉͋̓ͥ͞͡҉̵̴̧̀́͞͠
— We'll get you out of the data, bro! Please don't get lost in numbers!
Voices were quieter and quieter, until the dissolving sound of sticky goo eating him alive completely filled the sound-receiving modules. Doc prayed to respawn, for this nightmare to end. His vision went bloody red, brain flashing with visions. His body was probably screaming in agony, but he couldn't perceive anything at this point. He coughed and his throat filled with blood, splattering all over the goo, finally turning off Doc's consciousness.
The red light of the eye slowly went out and a dead body fell on the floor. Red mass mixed with blood, metal and flesh, only leaving bones on the concrete/bone block floor. Silent slurping rested in the room.
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Thanks for reading! Here's the bonus gif as promised ;)
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barschter000 · 3 years
I have been encouraged to post some of my fangan peeps' appearances and I shall do so with gratitude
Baiko Omori - Ultimate Lucky Student
Fitting his talent, Baiko looks average. His skin is tan from working in the sun and under his clothes, he is built quite wiry. He has an oval face and clean skin. His slim lips are always curved into a mysterious, blank smile and has a small, straight nose; the rest of his facial features are hidden by his bangs. He has rectangular, attentive, deep and soft blue eyes that display his emotions very clearly.
Baiko wears a dark blue turtleneck sweater and a used-looking light brown trench coat with a stand-up collar and big buttons that reaches his knees. Latter belonged to his grandfather. The collar of the turtleneck conceals an old scar across his throat that was stretched as he grew. He wears straight dark brown suit pants and shiny brown business shoes. He also carries a golden pocketwatch around his neck.
Baiko has long, dark brown hair and his slightly-tousled bangs reach over his eyes and up to the middle of the bridge of his nose. His hair dips a little into the collar of his coat, then bends and continues outside of the collar until his waist. He has an ahoge which curls to a square with soft edges.
Ei Hagakure - Ultimate Ghost Whisperer
Ei is a tall and lanky girl. She has dark skin and in her underweight phases, her bone structure becomes visible. She has a long face with half-closed eyes that make her look smug. Ei has three earlobe piercings on each ear. There are a hanging golden star and moon, a glob of green goo, an eyeball, a cartoon ghost, dango-like puffy balls colored gradient purple and a button.
Ei has dark-brown, almost black, frizzly hair that she keeps in two big buns on her head. Strands are falling into her face and framing her jaw. Inside her two buns, she keeps the antennas of her gear. They extend when she is scared.
Ei wears a lab coat that she has dyed pink. The symbol of her university is printed on the coat's lapel. Under her coat, she wears a loose t-shirt with a light-blue and yellow batik design that is stuffed in her pants. Her sweatpants-like pants are dark purple with a sand-colored strap and (the area on the end of a sweatpants where it tightens around the leg).
Ei's ghost detection device hangs around her neck. It is a vintage lunchbox with a surreal motto on it. One side is filled with a monitor, the other with three speed-indicator-like displays and a foldable keyboard.
Etsuya Iwata - Ultimate Opera Singer
Etsuya has an average body build and a slim face. He wears make-up, dark lilac-blue eyeshadow and thick eyeliner. He also added an artificial beauty mark above his upper lip. Etsuya has brown, rectangular eyes, so dark that they seem black.
As for clothing, Etsuya wears a mix of costumes for his roles. He wears a white loose shirt which is stuffed inside a dark red long and wide skirt with a golden vine pattern. A golden, glittery matador jacket is draped over his shoulders. A tag saying “Prop for: Etsuya Iwata'' is attached to its collar. Additionally, he wears dark brown slippers.
He has blond hair and styles it to round, big curls into a ponytail. A rose is tucked behind his ear.
(Etsuya is kinda just entirely based on the opera "Carmen" aksjjs)
Hideaki Yukiyama - Ultimate Mathematician
Hideaki is a small, thin boy. He has a round face and big, circular bright green eyes. He has a button nose and is usually seen with a wide grin. Hideaki styles his red hair to part in the middle and stick to the side like a clown or an owl.
Hideaki’s daily attire consists of a button-up shirt that looks three sizes too big for his frame, shorts and mid-calf high socks. The shirt is half black and half white, the black part is made out of velvet and has arithmetic operators in all colors and sizes on them. A cheap squirting prank flower is attached to the collar. His socks are green and red striped. His shorts and shoes are part of the uniform of his boarding school, his shorts are therefore strictly gray and straight and his shoes neatly shiny black.
(tbh I'm not satisfied with Hideaki's design yet. His early design was way too bright and chaotic but this one is kinda.... too dark and gray when I imagine Hideaki? I can recolor the shirt in also green/red but I fear that that's too much on the eye??? Idk man I'm an absolute fashion disaster and so is Hideaki am9sjehe)
Ichini - Ultimate Robotics Engineer
To be honest, I have a vision of Ichini but I don't have details since I haven't really done much with robots before. What I know that Ichini is absolutely massive and mostly uses angled shapes. Xe is a robot from the neck down. Xe has square, bulging shoulders, thick arms and giant hands. Instead of feet, xe just has flat metal clumps. In general, xe is very unproportional, wide torso, slim hips, short legs, also considering that xir head is still human and way too small for the rest of xir body. Xir hair is jet black with a cyan stripe, it's styled into one giant spike or multiple spikes that stand up from the back of xir head.
Jun Nagao - Ultimate Escapologist
Jun is of nearly average build, just a little thinner and smaller. His complexion is sickly. He has a round face. Due to his facioplegia, his expression is always stern, almost annoyed. His thin, straight eyebrows, slim lips and empty, light-gray eyes play a role in that. His brown hair is shaven. At the back of his head is a bald spot where the weapon hit that knocked him unconscious.
(The same weapon (probably a bat, a pipe or a baton) caused his head injury that lead to the paralysis of his face. It was the first abduction incident.)
He wears a long-sleeve shirt which is a bit oversized and of a yellow that almost seems dirty. The sleeves end in black leather and have a leather strip with a small buckle attached to them. The leather ends are folded up as not to hinder Jun's hands. The sleeves can be fixated like a straitjacket like a belt on several points on his chest and back, the other straps lined up in two rows like trench coat buttons. The leather looks used.
His tight pants are black and gray striped, horizontally but swirling down his legs. They're held up by an old brown leather belt with metal-rimmed holes on the entirety of it. On each belt loop hangs a different type of lock. Jun wears a chain around his neck like a necklace. The keys hanging from the chain fit the locks on his hip. In between the keys, two bobby pins can also be found.
He wears clunky-looking black boots that reach a little over his ankle, so that the ends of his pant legs disappear in the shoe. The black and yellow shoelaces are tied strangely and differently on each boot.
Kaida Tsutsumi - Ultimate Stock Broker
Kaida is small for her age and has inherited the classic looks of her family: slim, blonde hair and semi-rimless glasses. Her hair is cropped short and parted to a formal side parting. Her clothes are very formal as well: She wears a full, dark green suit, a white shirt and a tie that is held in place by a silver tie pin.
(Hm, I feel like Kaida needs more details in her designs and I really don't know what since they gotta relate to her talent somewhat.)
Kyo Kido - Ultimate Horror Author
Kyo is tall but his bent posture decreases his height. Though he is lanky, he has broad shoulders that don't quite fit him.
Kyo has a long face with slim features and high cheekbones. There are dark circles from tiredness under his white eyes. His hair is straight and dark blue; one side of his head is shaven, the other grown out to his shoulder.
He wears very casual clothing, a black t-shirt with a grey skull on the breast pocket stuffed into black ripped jeans, and worn, dirty white sneakers. Over the t-shirt, he wears a blue checkered flannel shirt. The t-shirt and jeans have strange red stains on them.
(idk if I'll add that as "OfFicIaL" but I just had the most random thought, what if the stains were soup stains that didn't wash out and that's why he doesn't like soup kjwjeheehe, everyone is like "Oh my God, that's probably blood on his clothes, eek, that's so creepy!" and Kyo is just standing there with his soup stains)
Maxis von Läuterbach - Ultimate Knight
Maxis is tall and wiry, however, seems slender. Because they are half-German, half-Novoselic, their complexion is accordingly Caucasian. They have yellow eyes with slits which makes them look dragon-like. They also have a big hawk nose and slim lips. Their hair is of a rather dirty blond, reaches to their chin and is parted in the middle. A golden circlet is placed on their brow.
Maxis' outfit is inspired by German medieval fashion and is mostly in blue and green. They wear a light blue tunic with a damask pattern and a golden belt where they keep their sheathed sword, a long cape, tight leggins, and loose brown leather boots.
(For reference, I searched up some medieval clothing, found this and took inspiration from the guy with the green cape in the bottom right corner. Fun fact, that guy is labeled with "Fürst" which translates to "prince", so yeah even in their clothing, Maxis goes full "You have reached the house of unrecognized talent.")
Miyoko Iwata - Ultimate DJ
Miyoko dresses in loose, mostly white clothing that is splattered with neon green, blue, yellow and pink paint. Her outfit consists of an old jeans jacket, a loose top, and wide ripped pants. She has styled her white hair into many independent ponytails. Most of her face, meaning half of her forehead, her eyes, and half of her cheeks, are covered by her visor. It is a black display with a white rim that displays kaomoji-like eyes in correspondence to her current mood. She has brightly painted nails.
(Yeah, Miyoko just goes >o<. Also when she is so utterly disappointed by something that she doesn't even have words for it, I imagine her visor just displays "......" Also I may or may not have stolen that visor idea and design from Godot from Ace Attorney but yeah, I did.)
Rokuro Nakatani - Ultimate Fraud
Rokuro has a slim, femininely shaped body and a chiseled face. He has slick black hair, one strand is falling into his face. In the style of a true con man, he wears a black suit without a tie and a long coat with a fur collar over his shoulders. His eyes are colored like emeralds and there is always a smug smile on his thin lips. Rokuro wears elaborate earrings and a myriad of big rings with gemstones set in them.
Shiori Ishimaru-Owada - Ultimate Team Captain
Shiori is tall and is built athletically, so she has broad shoulders and is decently muscular. She has an angular face, round eyes and short bushy eyebrows. Her eye color is a sort of pinkish. She has thin faded cut scars on her entire face. Her hair is brown-blackish, sorta shaggy and tamed into the stump of a ponytail. Bangs still fall in her face.
Shiori is dressed according to her talent and mostly in the colors of her ice hockey team: blue and orange. She wears a training jacket with the name of her team on the front and her surname and her number, 11, on the back, orange sport shorts which expose her toned legs, blue sneakers and a simple white shirt.
In addition, she has an elastic sport bandage around her left ankle and blue boxing bandages around her wrists and palms.
Tamae Shiroma - Ultimate Whistleblower
Tamae is a small, chubby girl. She is snuggled into comfortable clothing: a dark blue hoodie, black sweatpants and sneakers. She mostly wears her hood up and under it, a baseball cap that she can pull into her face to hide it. Under her cap, some of her locks spring out onto her forehead. Her hair is dyed lightly purple and she has an undercut at whose sides the dye is fading and her natural hair color, black, is coming through. Most of her hair is hidden under her cap though.
She has a round face, a big nose and squinting ink-black eyes. Her eyebrows aren't dyed and bushy and slightly bent upwards.
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