#au jimmy uso
heart4reigns · 1 year
i wanted to know if i could ask for a Roman Reigns x fem reader imagine. Like based off that one tiktok sound, ‘are you in the mafia? Am i in the what?’ although he’s most definitely in the mafia lol
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warnings: cigarettes, alcohol, guns, violence, curse words, blood, slight age gap, pet names, creepy dude trying to flirt with you
tags: owww mafia roman in action.. i need him
summary: maybe it's okay to be suspicious of your rich boyfriend
THE sun was literally on top of your head. it was a great thing that you decided to buy an extra pair of sunscreen because the sun was going to be the death of you. the wind tingled your skin as you breathed out the fresh air. "hey, do not provoke me, i'll beat your asses in volley if i can!" you heard your boyfriend yelling at his cousins. "they're still going?" you asked. "looks like they're not stopping anytime soon." he chuckled. "a private beach, jimmy, jey, and solo. doesn't sound like a good combination to me."
yes. a private fucking beach. you told him you wanted to go to the pier for a date, but again, he just had to do something out of your reach–your boyfriend, roman, had a private beach near his house. you knew dating him was an extraordinary experience, he was very extra. at certain times you wondered about his life and why he didn't like going out to public places. "i hate crowded places." was always his answer.
you started dating him 6 months ago. the two of you met in a bar, for your best friend's brother farewell party. it was a stretch but hey, you could never decline free drinks. the two of you hit it off right away, finding similarities that you thought was kind of weird at that time. you were the polar opposite of him when you first met. he was intimidating, of course, he had the figure of a man you wouldn't mess with. but when the two of you started talking, he was a totally different person.
ever since your first meeting, your days were never filled with mundane things. sure, he was rich, but the way he treated you, it was like something that came out of the movies. he gave you the full princess treatment, even if you didn't ask for it. roman showered you with love, gifts, affection, and everything you could ask for. you were very lucky to have him in your life and he was very lucky to have you too.
"how are you enjoying this, baby?" he asked, tying his hair. "i love it, thank you, love." you looked at him with a smile. "although, you went very extra with it, i should know by now." you chuckled. roman held your head and kissed your forehead. "you deserve good things in life, baby." the warmth of his love gave you nothing but happiness. he was genuine and it showed. you couldn't help but to wonder about his daily life with you knowing only a little about his life.
you felt the sun disappear for a second. someone was standing in front of you. it was his personal assistant, paul. "sorry to bother you, but you have a call, chief." roman looked confused for a second. "i told you i'm not accepting any calls if i am with (y/n)." "it's from hunter, chief." he immediately let go of his embrace. "babygirl, how about you play with them? i have a very important call." you pouted. "okay."
weekdays came and you were back in you class. not to study, but to teach. you were a college lecturer, teaching criminology. you loved your job and you loved your students. "good morning, as i promised after your finals, we're going to watch a movie." your class was filled with excitement. "jason suggested we watch joker, but no one voted for that movie. sorry jason." you let out a laugh. "asuka suggested the shining, with the highest votes, we are going to watch that today."
"these kids will be the death of me." the lecturer lounge was empty, leaving only your best friend and old college buddy, seth. he was practically your wingman in every scenario. he taught english literature, which was the class next to you. "looking rough, buddy." you chuckled at his distressed hair. "they beat my ass in word games. i'm devastated." he groaned, taking a seat in front of you. "where you going after this?" "home, i have to check their finals." he nodded. "well, stay safe. i think i might be sleeping here."
you checked the time, it was 11 pm. to your luck, roman was going to pick you up in 15 minutes. you pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. it was a bad habit, you knew–but a single cigarette after every lesson was something to look forward to. as you were walking outside the campus ground, you heard footsteps behind you. you felt goosebumps as you looked behind and didn't see anyone.
once again, to your luck, it was very dark. you were practically power-walking. your other hand was inside your bag, trying to look for a pepper spray–incase things went downhill. "hey, you alone?" an unfamiliar voice rang in your ears. "no, i'm waiting for my someone." your voice was laced with venom. "i don't see that someone here, how about you leave with me?" you shook your head. "sorry, he'll be here anytime soon."
"code 03." roman read the text solo sent to him. "fuck." anger boiled inside him. "paul take care of this deal, i got a code 03 from solo." paul nodded and took the paperwork inside his bag. "i don't want the fucking guns from damian, they're a rip-off. if they want to score a deal with us, tell them they shouldn't bring counterfeits in front of my fucking eyes." paul nodded.
code 03 meant that someone in the business was bothering you and he wasn't there to intervene. solo could've step up if things went to an extreme extend, but that would leave you more confused on how he got there in an instance. "dude, please leave me alone!" you yelled at him, looking for someone to help you. "i'm just being nice sweetheart, i can treat you nicely." he kept pestering you. seeing you like this broke solo's heart, he wanted to lunge on the guy but he had to wait for roman's command. the guy had a familiar tattoo on his neck, solo noticed that. the guy reached out for your arm. "come on!"
"she said no." you were relieved to see your boyfriend in front of you. "i don't give a shit about what she said." the guy said, still holding your arm. "get the fuck out of my face and let her go." your heart skipped a beat. you've never seen him like this. he was always a sweetheart to you, even with his cold facade. "just trying to give her a good time." the guy continued. "oh, you're going to have a very good time if you don't let her go now." the sentence was dripped with sarcasm. "let's go." roman slightly yanked your arm, pulling you away from the guy.
roman had to make sure that the guy wasn't following the two of you or he just might whip something out that you weren't supposed to see. he knew that guy, he was familiar with his face. "baby, are you okay?" as soon as you entered the car, he let his guard down. "i'm okay, love." you assured him that you were fine. "i'm sorry i wasn't there... baby, i'm sorry it happened." you shook your head. "love, i'm okay. now let's go back, i have to grade some papers." you gave him a reassuring smile. "let's get you ice cream first."
you passed the street that you were on earlier and the guy was nowhere to be seen. you could've sworn that you saw someone dragging the guy away, but it was probably your mind playing tricks as you were very tired.
after grading your papers and eating ice cream (which you insisted getting a cone but roman just had to buy the entire tub for you), you felt sleepy. "i'm going to bed." you announced, seeing your boyfriend slump on your couch watching football. "go to sleep baby, i'm still watching the game." you nodded and went over to give him a kiss. "i love you." "and i love you too, baby."
you were fast asleep and roman silently went outside your apartment, already thirsty for blood. you were his and no one should lay a finger on you. the drive to his warehouse went quick as he was already boiling with anger. the guy earlier was tied up to a chair, shaken up by the act. "well look who is here." his voice was deep, greeting the guy. "r- roman, i'm sorry." he stuttered. "sorry for what you did or sorry because your sorry-ass messed with the wrong person?"
jey, jimmy, and solo stood by waiting for his command. "i don't usually deal with situations like this. but you touched my girl and you're going to pay for it." roman barked, intimidating the guy. roman was in love, his cousins thought. he could't careless about other people except for his bloodline before he met you. his family business was his top priority, but now, you were always on his mind.
the first punch roman threw sent the guy on his back. all those private trainings pulled off. "who sent you?" he didn't answer. roman picked him up with force. "i said," he paused a second to throw another punch. "who sent you?" the guy cracked. "t- the judgement day! they didn't like how you insulted their shippings! they told me to get your girl to intimidate you." the fucking judgement day. roman clenched his fist, preparing for another punch.
blood splattered across the room. his fist was busted as well. "if you and your little emo band cross our path again, i'll fucking kill you. if i ever see you again, i'll fucking kill you." the guy was beaten up to an extent where he was already begging for roman to stop. "throw him somewhere in the east coast, give the judgement day some warning." jey nodded.
roman was powerful in many ways. he was feared by everyone, no one crossed his path and they knew not to mess with him. as one of the top dog for the mob business, everyone respected him. it was hard hiding things from you. he didn't want you to see him in a different light. so he told you that he was the one in charge of his family's company. there were almost slip ups along the way, but being the man he was, his secret was still safe–not for long.
his cousins; jey, jimmy, and solo all worked for him. they owe him their lives and they were ready to take a bullet for you and him any day. you were special for them, like a shining with light glimmered with hope, you were a breath of fresh air.
you woke up to the sound of his snoring. "love, get up. seth is picking me up today." he groaned in despair. "you know i can drive you or have the twins drive you there right?" you shook your head. "seth and i are going to our weekly lunch, it's a tradition since high school. you've met him countless times, i'm safe with him." roman was still on top of you, unbothered. "i'm going to kick your ass if you don't move in 5 seconds." "i'd like to see you try, babygirl."
lunch with seth was always fun. it was in his nature to make people laugh their asses off. "becky made me workout last sunday, my arms are sore." he complained. "because you never workout and your wife has her own gym." you stated the obvious. "well, you're a criminology lecturer and your boyfriend is a ceo, that doesn't add up too!" he defended himself with a chuckle following his sentence. "that's because i don't pry." you replied.
"i don't know, (y/n). it's kinda fishy." seth shrugged his shoulders. "what's kinda fishy?" you raised an eyebrow. "you've never been to his workplace, you don't know his work life. he doesn't like open places, always takes you on a private date. hell, the dude doesn't even have instagram. what if he's like a mafia or something?" his question made you laugh.
"seth, just because he's jacked doesn't mean he beats up people for a living. he's afraid of cockroaches, for fuck's sake!" you furrowed your brows. "well, i don't know. even my brother doesn't know what he's up to. but as long as you're happy, (y/n)." seth gave you a thumbs up while fixing his sunglasses. "you're thinking about it now!" he pointed his fork at you. "i am not! there's no way my boyfriend is in the mafia, he's just your regular joe!" "i've known you since we were babies, i know when you are thinking about something."
it did get to your head though. but you brushed it off, there's no way your oat milk-loving boyfriend was in the mafia. roman picked you up, exchanging goodbyes with seth. "you owe me a lighter!" seth yelled, waving at the two of you. "i don't owe you shit, rollins!" you laughed. "how was lunch?" roman asked, driving away from the cafe. "it was fun, we gossiped about you." his right arm was on the steering wheel, weirdly enough–covered by bandages, the other was holding yours. "gossiped about me? what'd you say?"
"oh we thought you were in the mafia, so like are you in the mafia?" you joked. for a second you saw him clenching his jaw and the grip on your arms tightened. "am i in the what?" he furrowed his brows. "i don't know, it all adds up." you continued your joke. "you have paul as your personal assistant, i've never been to your work and you rarely talk about it, you have random bruises on your back from 'working out'." yet again, the grip tightened.
he pulled over some random street. "baby, you know i am not in the mafia. that's just insane." roman chuckled. "right? seth is out of his mind, you know how he is!" roman had to be careful, as your best friend was picking up some clues. but he knew he couldn't hurt seth. you'd burn the entire world just to find out who laid a finger on your best friend. "paul has been working for my family since god knows when, you've never been to my work because there's nothing going on, it's just boring board meetings. i rarely talk about my work because i want to be a hearer not a talker, baby. i get bruises because i work out." he explained.
"baby, you don't really think i'm in the mafia right?" "no, that would be very stupid of me, love."
he was relieved. "okay baby, do you want to go somewhere tonight?" roman asked, starting the car again. "let's go watch a movie." he nodded. "right, i'll rent a place." "NOOOO, I DON'T WANT A PRIVATE NIGHT. LET'S JUST GO TO THE MALL NEXT TO MY PLACE." he was sure that you were going to be the death of him. "okay baby, whatever you say." roman would risk his life for yours. but little did you know, the mall was filled with his men. it was never a normal day with the mafia boss of the reigns clan.
"you do realize this is the first time we ever went to a public date?" you teased him. "yes." he was oddly wary of your presence. "are you okay? you look distracted." you furrowed your eyebrows. "baby, i'm okay." he made eye-contact, giving you a warm smile. "i just don't like going out in public places." he confessed. "i'm sorry, love. do you want to go home instead?" roman nodded, feeling very tense at the thought of being out. "okay, love. let's go home now."
the walk back to the parking lot was filled with conversations about the movie that you watched. "thank you for watching barbie with me." you chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "anything for my baby." he stole a kiss from you. "i knew you would like it." the black-haired male actually loved the movie. despite his strong persona, he was a softie. especially to you. "it was a fun date-" before you could finish your sentence, you heard screams coming from... solo? when did he get here? you thought.
there was a sudden bang outside. "GET DOWN!" solo yelled. roman immediately pushed you inside the car. "JEY, DRIVE!" roman yelled, taking off his sweater, revealing a gun strapped to his side. "WHAT THE FUCK!" you yelled in a state of panic. "I TOLD THOSE FUCKING EMO CLUB NOT TO MESS WITH ME, NOW I'M FUCKING PISSED." you've never seen roman like this. "PAUL, CLOSE THE DEAL WITH THEM. THEY FUCKING PISS ME OFF! THEY MESSED UP MY DATE NIGHT." roman yelled at the phone. the two of you almost got shot and you were only the one panicking.
a/n: THANKKK YOU FOR THE FIRST REQUEST <3333 i hope you enjoyed it!!! requests are always open!!
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thlayli-ra · 7 months
RISE OF KNIGHT (part one)
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Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
(Ever gone a bit daft over a nothing match that you've written and drawn a comic that was supposed to be a quick, silly thing and has somehow become an intricate au with detailed drawing requiring research into medieval armour and costume design...?)
(More to come 🥴)
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mostlikelythedevil · 1 year
Look What You Made Me Do. | Complete
Pairing(s): Kevin Owens x Fem!Zayn!Reader, Solo Sikoa x Fem!Zayn!Reader
Warning(s): Angst, Blood, Canon-Typical Violence
Word Count: 1,788
Chapter Summary: The Reader knows well that Kevin would have never interrupted her biggest match to date, even in all of his anger and rejection. She comes to take revenge on those attempting to frame him.
Link(s): AO3, Masterlist
Note(s): Welcome to the second installment of Haunted: Alternate Universes! This is just a quick little rewrite of Chapter 5 of Haunted with an ambiguous ending; I didn't want to make the rewrite too long (but trust me, I could've), nor did I feel strongly about how to end it. Personally, I see two possible endings: the ending where the Reader is saved (my personal cannon), and the ending where the Reader is taken for judgement. As always, let me know what you think!
Tag(s): @crowleysqueenofhell @raeluvshammett @mohawkmama
At the top of the entrance ramp, you stare into the ring with a bloodstained smile adorning your lips; a bandage covers a large cut over the center of your nose to help with the blood, though it appears that the cut is severe enough to need staples based on the blood dripping down from the soaked bandage. Wildfire hair frames your face with the intentions you have come with — a warning to the men fighting in the ring, to the men standing on the sidelines.
Light bruises litter the skin that can be seen through the specially commissioned gear that had been made for the night; yellows and browns poke at your arms, and purple begins to spread around your broken nose and up toward both of your eyes — though the smeared make-up on your cheeks makes it a bit more difficult to see. The intrusion of blinding white stage-light only accentuates the damage done to your body earlier in the night by Liv Morgan.
“My God— is that Sami Zayn’s sister?” Michael Cole bellows, one of his grimy fingers pointing indignantly at his personal monitor. “What the hell could she possibly want?”
The eyes of the fans find you at the entrance ramp, and the noise in the arena becomes near unbearable in a matter of seconds. Screams of love and hate drown out the vicious fighting in the center of the ring, not that either of those men seemed to notice the reason behind such sudden uproar — no doubt that they assume it is for them.
More importantly, though, the attention of your brother is focused solely on your intimidating form. Sami, in all of his faults and mistakes throughout the night, still seems to believe that he can manage to tame you on his own — evidenced by the fact that he alone steps forward, waiting at the end of the ramp with open arms.
“Well, Cole, earlier tonight Miss Zayn went through hell with Liv Morgan,” Wade Barrett comments as you slowly begin your descent to Sami, “and Kevin Owens appeared to try to cost Miss Zayn her match — ultimately failing, but the distraction did cause her to sustain some nasty injuries.”
To the dismay of the crowd, and the joy of Sami Zayn, you wrap your arms tight around him when you reach him. Blood smears onto the area under his shoulder as the two of you hug, one of his hands coming to rest on the top of your head; this is a rare sign of genuine affection from your brother, often reserved for deeply moving and personal moments. It almost makes you tear up.
Sami releases you from his hold, his hands falling to your upper arms to hold you in place. A frown settles onto his lips at the sight of you — a mess, broken and beaten down because of Kevin Owens. You have never looked less like yourself, especially with your bloodstained grin; your natural beauty has been tainted by the pieces of your shattered heart. It makes nausea swell in his stomach.
“I’m here for you— for The Bloodline,” you tell Sami with such genuine giddiness in your eyes that it almost makes him forget the awful condition that you’re in. It’s the only thing he has wanted to hear from you for the last few months.
A smile tugs at Sami’s conflicted expression. “I’m so happy that you saw the truth tonight.”
“I did. I saw everything for what it really is.” The giddiness in your eyes sours, and Sami’s slight smile turns into another frown. “I wish you loved me, your real blood, as much as you love them.”
Stinging sears through your hand as Sami’s head snaps to the side, his cheek red with the imprint of your palm. Excitement fills the arena once more. Sami slowly, with tears and anger in his eyes, turns to face you; his drama is met only with the heel of your foot connecting with his chin, sending him sprawling to the ground.
You love your brother. You’ve never dared raise a hand to him — with the exception of the incident earlier in the night due to your emotional state. But, after hearing the truth of the interference in your match, your love meant nothing. Business would be business, with or without the connection between the two of you. He made his choice… and he was not loyal to you, his sister.
Attacking Sami, though, is still not easy.
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you stare down at your brother, heartbreak written in the lines on your face. Kevin, as much as he hurt you with his words — his brutal rejection, would have never tried to break your spirit by interrupting the most important match you have had to date; he, in all of his faults and flaws, is a good, caring man. Sami, however, is no longer the sweet, overprotective brother he was before The Bloodline; he is so far gone to the manipulation that he would allow The Bloodline to frame Kevin, you’re sure of it.
Looking up, away from the man that was once your brother, you make eye-contact with Jey Uso. He stares at you with the fire of a thousand suns, chest puffed and ready to fight. At his side, Jimmy stands with much less anger — confusion laces the frown on his lips. He doesn’t understand how you could attack your own blood. It’s almost laughable.
You crouch to search under the ring for some kind of weapon; there’s no way that you’ll be able to take the twins without one, and the chance of defeat only lessens slightly with the extra help. Cool metal brushes against your fingertips — and you smile the brightest smile you’ve had all night. Slowly, deliberately, you stand, a steel chair resting in one of your hands. You lock eyes with the twins. Jey starts hollering at you. Jimmy is trying to get the attention of the referee, maybe even Solo.
Sami, still in pain from the heel of your boot, grabs at your ankle. You glance down at him, away from the screaming taunts of Jey Uso, and attempt to shake him from your leg. He does not let go, hanging to the inside lip of the leather. You frown, raising the steel chair above your head. Nothing happens. You can’t bring it down — not on your own brother.
Jey comes running from the other side of the ring, ready to defend the only person that treats him with the respect he deserves. He goes to yell something, probably another taunt, but the steel connects with his head; he goes stiff, his back hitting the concrete floor with an awful thud. His hands raise to cradle his aching head, but he does not attempt to move from the ground.
The urgency of the situation finally sets in as you look up to see the enraged eyes of Jimmy Uso staring you down — with Solo Sikoa by his side, being shown the situation at hand. In the ring, Kevin is sat in a corner, beaten down and very unaware of the ongoing drama. You stomp down on Sami’s arm with your free boot, earning a pained howl from your brother. His hand falls from your boot and into his unharmed hand for examination.
Solo and Jimmy advance from the other side of the ring, each man taking a different route to box you in with no escape route. The referee screams at Solo to get back into the ring. You look back and forth, gripping the steel chair with your life. This isn’t how things were supposed to go down. Jimmy lunges, stepping back as you swing the steel wildly at him. You turn to see Solo advancing, and you swing at him. He catches the chair, holding it firmly as you try to rip it away.
Wide-eyed, you stare at Solo. He stares back.
With ease, Solo yanks the steel chair from your hands and tosses it to the ground behind him. There is nothing between the two of you to protect you anymore. Panic invades your body as you step back once, twice, three times before bumping into the body of Jimmy Uso; you’re quick to jolt away, though you can’t go far — Solo has advanced, trapping you firmly between the two of them.
“Not so big anymore, are you, Little Zayn?” Jimmy taunts, his voice so deep that he almost sounds like his twin. You whip around to look at him, yelping when Solo entangles a hand in your hair.
Firmly holding you in place by your hair, Solo pulls you against him. Your neck cranes with his hand, looking up at him despite still facing Jimmy. His breath, much like his entire body, is hot against you; in another universe, you might have found him attractive in the moment — but, here and now, the only thing you can feel turning in your stomach is fear.
Jimmy steps up to you, too close. “The Tribal Chief ain’t gon’ be happy with you.”
“I don’t give a damn about The Tribal Chief,” you hiss as Solo pulls your hair, effectively shutting you down.
Two feet connect with the side of Jimmy’s upper body before he can open his mouth to respond, sending him sprawling onto his twin brother. A smile finds your lips as Kevin stands in front of you, visibly confused but also quite irritated. You’ll have to explain the situation later. The grip that Solo has in your hair tightens, forcing you more against him. Kevin stands still, unable to move against Solo with you in the way.
In your ear, Solo hollers — a vicious battle cry, no words. You try to squirm, to move, to get away from the inevitable attack, but his hold on your hair is far too strong. He pulls you to his side, his free hand going to the opposite side of him, and the world goes dark. All of the breath is knocked from your lungs. You scarcely feel your body hit the cold concrete below. Around you, the noise of the crowd sounds as if it is underwater.
When your eyes blink open and the air returns in full to your lungs, you are being carried. Everything is a blur. You try to make out who is carrying you against the harsh lights of the arena, but ultimately, you fail. Instead of struggling, you hope that Kevin is the victor carrying you to medical, and you allow your head to come to rest against the person’s shoulder. Your eyes close.
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ucetheones · 1 year
"When was the last time anybody hugged you?"
Cold Water
Jey Uso was separated from his birth family at a young age, what happens when he runs into his twin brother, randomly one day?
Will his existing relationship with Jai, his best friend of eleven years fold under the pressure of trying to find his place with them?
*the story will be better than the description, I promise!
"When was the last time anybody hugged you?"
The question was simple, one the average person could easily answer. But for Jey, it felt like cold water had been dumped all over his body. It felt like someone had pushed him out into the winter air without a jacket, because he hadn't been hugged in a long time.
Jey wishes he could say he was last hugged yesterday, or even a week ago, but that wasn't the case. 
Instead, he said nothing, he just rolled his eyes, kissed his teeth and tipped his head back. "Not everybody has mommy and daddy there to coddle them." 
That wasn't Jey's voice. The tone was softer, but always firm.
It was Jai, as usual. They were always the first one to defend Jey, or divert attention away from him. He was always thankful for them, they had a quick tongue and never backed down.
Jey could easily defend himself, he could quickly remind his friend he grew up in the system, having been separated from his birth family after a freak incident. However, he always chose to say nothing. It was easier than bringing down the whole room.
Besides, Jey aged out of the system with Jai a few months ago. It sucked never being adopted, but Jai was there too. Just as alone as Jey, but never one to show how deeply it stung.
While they ended up in the same foster home, their situations were drastically different. Jai had been abused by their birth parents for years before finally being freed of them. 
Their foster parents were nice, thankfully. They'd only been separated twice since they met.
They'd both been in less than ideal homes in their lives, but the last family they found themselves with had been kind, and inviting. They even helped Jey and Jai find a place to stay after their 18th birthdays, not to mention they stayed in constant touch with the pair.
There was a loud 'bang!' before anyone could respond to Jai. 
Jey was more than glad to grab his stuff and Jai, using the distraction to extract his best friend and himself. 
The sound was just one of the other wrestlers in training having hit the mat a little too hard. Everyone should've been accustomed to the sound by now, but it could still be alarming. 
As soon as the fresh air hit his face, Jey was tipping his head back with a small smirk. "Ten bucks says Hawks doesn't last another month."
Jai clicked their tongue, their shoulder bumping into Jey's. "Man, you know I agree with you. Why would I take that bet?" Jey gives a soft shrug, throwing his arm around Jai's shoulders, "A month is real specific, what if he only lasts another week? You just lost ten dollars!"
Before Jai can respond, Jey's body is tugged away from them, a soft 'oof' leaving the taller of the two. Jai is by his side immediately, though when they glare up at the mystery person, their eyes almost immediately widen.
"Um, Jey? Why is your face looking at me?" Their question falls on deaf ears when the person who bumped into Jey speaks, 
One look at Jey confirms Jai's suspicions, though he looks equally as confused as they feel. 
"I'm Jey." He points at himself, his brows pinched.
Jai breathes a deep sigh, their hair falling in front of their face as they do. 
"Are you fucking stupid, Jey? Seriously?"
Twenty minutes later finds them in a cramped booth at a random diner near their training center. Jey is gripping Jai's thigh for dear life, as the guy who they've learned is named Jon, or Jimmy, munches on a plate of lukewarm fries.
He spent about ten minutes trying to convince Jey they were related, but given the fact they were clearly twins, Jai and Jey both felt it was unnecessary. 
Jey had a dozen questions, but there was one question he couldn't let go of.
"Wait, why you here now? You said y'all lived in Florida, so how you end up in Ohio?" 
Jimmy merely shrugged, "wrestling, man. I start training next week." Jey and Jai share a look, which has Jimmy visibly confused.
"What's with the faces?"
Jey chuckles softly, his grip on Jai's thing loosening, "Us too, actually. We moved from Indiana a few months back." 
"We? Y'all a couple?"
Jai can feel their cheeks dusting red, and given the way Jey's fingers twitched against their thigh, they knew he was just as taken aback by the question. 
"Nah, not at all. We're just really close. Been a duo since we were about seven years old!" It was the practiced answer, the one Jey and Jai gave to anyone who asked.
Because it was true, they weren't a couple. They'd always skirted around it, but neither were willing to risk the years of friendship under their belts for a relationship that might not work out. 
Jimmy looked suspicious at the answer, but he held his hands up placatingly and took a sip from his long forgotten soda.
"You wanna know what's funny, Uce?"
Jey wanted to point out this entire situation was hilarious, but he just shook his head and motioned for the other to continue. 
"Our family is wrestling royalty in the WWE,  so the fact you gravitated towards it without knowing is like…destiny or somethin'. 
Aye, but now that I found you, we can be a family again!" 
It was like destiny, and Jey wasn't sure if it was ironic or something else.
He was taken from his parents at the age of three, the reason is still mostly unknown to him. He spent his childhood being put through the ringer, hoping one day his family would return and sweep him away. Hoping they'd save him from the hell hole that was his life growing up.
No such rescue ever came, but his 18th birthday came and went and now the universe decided to drop his twin brother into his lap. A twin he never would've known he had if he hadn't ducked out of practice earlier than usual. 
Years of crying himself to sleep, wishing for his mother's warm touch, coupled with dreams of fleeting touches he'd only known for a short while, were just supposed to be washed away because his twin brother found him, accidentally?
Yeah, right. 
Jai seemed to sense his discomfort, and immediately shook their head. "You gotta give him time, he doesn't even know y'all. I'm his family, you're a bunch of strangers to him."
Jey wanted to wince at the ice lacing their tone, but he couldn't help but agree. Jai had been his only real family. He didn't even know Jimmy, or his parents. It would take more time than Jey was sure anyone would be willing to take.
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todouswife · 7 months
Guardians of Serendipity- pt 4
Well, I think this is at least decent. but for the ppl who are interested in this story, it is deff gonna pick up and turn into more of an action/thriller romance story it's just starting off a little slow. sorry about that. I hope everyone enjoys!!!
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Over the next couple of days, Yasmine made it a part of her routine to grab a cup of coffee with her new friends. They always made time in the morning to stop by and see Yasmine. She appreciated this even if it was short, it was nice. Yasmine was currently sitting on her bed scrolling through TikTok. She had been ignoring the calls and texts from her boyfriend for the past four days. She didn't know how to bring up what she knew. Her so-called best friend hadn't checked up on her since she saw her with her boyfriend. She was watching a video when she got a Facetime call from Shelby, her best friend, she debated on answering the call. Yasmine didn't really want to see or speak to her but figured it would be okay to answer the phone, maybe she would tell on herself and that would be the end of it.
As Yasmine answered the phone she heard Shelby speak, "Hey you haven't texted me in a while, are you okay?" she said, Yasmine sighed trying to figure out how she wanted to go about the conversation. She didn't know if she should bring up her boyfriend to see if Shelby had a reaction. After a brief pause, she decided to keep things cordial for now, not wanting to be too obvious about what she knew.
"Yeah, I'm okay," Yasmine replied with a forced smile. "I've just been dealing with some stuff lately. I haven't wanted to talk to anyone." Shelby seemed to accept the vague answer, but there was an underlying tension in the air. Yasmine couldn't help but feel betrayed and disappointed in her friend, who chose her boyfriend over their friendship.
"I understand, if you ever need to talk or hang out, I'm here for you," Shelby offered, though her words felt fake to Yasmine.
"I know I just haven't felt like doing much," Yasmine replied, masking her true feelings behind politeness.
Yasmine looked at Shelby through the phone screen. Shelby looked so natural while being so insincere to her. Yasmine felt a mixture of rage and sadness swirl within her. She wanted to yell and scream at Shelby through the phone but wanted to see how this would play out. Shelby hums to herself while biting her lip.
"Anyway, I've been meaning to talk to you about something," Shelby said hesitantly, breaking the awkward silence that had settled between them.
Yasmine's heart raced as she anticipated what Shelby might say. Was this it? Was she actually going to tell on herself? How did Yasmine want to react to it if it was?
"What is it?" Yasmine asked, trying to appear casual while her mind was racing.
Shelby took a deep breath, "I've been hanging out with Mekhi a lot lately, and I didn't want you to hear it from someone else, but..."
Yasmine braced herself for what was coming, her pulse quickening as she wondered if Shelby was actually going to tell her.
"But Mekhi and I are just friends," Shelby continued, the words coming out in a rush. "I know it might seem weird, but we've just been keeping each other company because we've both been feeling lonely."
Yasmine felt a mix of emotions at Shelby's explanation. Yasmine let her face scrunch up at the explanation. She lied but her lie wasn't any better than the truth. Shelby's heart began to race at Yasmine's facial reaction.
"So because y'all have been lonely, y'all have been hanging out enough for people to possibly be suspicious and come back and tell me? That shit is weird." Yasmine says mugging the girl on the other end of the phone.
Shelby's eyes widened, "No, it's not like that. We're just friends, really."
Yasmine couldn't believe the audacity of her to play it off so casually. Anger boiled in her, threatening to spill over. She decided to press further, wanting to see how far Shelby would go with her lies.
"Just friends, huh?" Yasmine replied clearly annoyed and angry. "Funny how you conveniently started hanging out with him right around the time that we started fighting."
Shelby hesitated, her eyes darting away from the camera for a moment. "Look, I didn't mean to neglect our friendship. It's just, Mekhi and I found comfort in each other during a tough time."
Yasmine scoffed, "Comfort? Is that what you call it? You found comfort in my boyfriend while I was dealing with my own problems?"
Shelby bit her lip nervously, realizing she was losing the upper hand in this conversation. "Yasmine, I swear, it's not what you think. We're just friends, and I didn't want to burden you with my own struggles."
Yasmine felt a surge of anger and betrayal. The person she thought she could rely on had betrayed her trust. "I'm not stupid Shelby, I know it was you with him at that cafe. Y'all were hugged up on each other. That's not something friends do. Besides don't you think it's better to put your problems on me rather than act booed up with my man?"
Shelby let out an aggravated sigh, "Yas, I was not booed up with him. You need to calm down, you are working yourself up over nothing." Yasmine decided she didn't want to listen to any more of her lies.
"No, I don't want to hear that shit. I already know that you are sleeping together, you can have him. Fuck you and him have a nice night." Yasmine hung up the phone and blocked Shelby and her ex.
The room was tense as Yasmine sat on her bed, her phone buzzing incessantly with messages from Shelby and Mekhi, probably from social media. She wanted to read them but she knew that it would just upset her more than she already was. Yasmine felt like she needed to talk with someone. Normally her go-to is her roommate and friend Jaleah but she was at work and Yasmine knew she shouldn't disturb her at work. With a deep breath, she dialed Roman's number.
Roman's voice came through the line, "Hey, Yasmine. Everything okay?"
Yasmine hesitated for a moment, her voice cracking some as the anger turned into sadness, "I need someone to talk to. Can you guys come over?"There was a pause, and Yasmine could almost hear the silent conversation among Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and Solo.
Finally, Roman replied, "Of course. We'll be there in a bit."
"Thank you," Yasmine said with tears rolling down her face. Roman gave her a short response before hanging up the phone. Yasmine texted him her address and threw her phone to the side and then buried her face in her knees. It was so frustrating. Why did she have to be the one to go through this? While she had already come to terms with what was going on it didn't make it hurt any less. All the years worth of memories with the both of them were tainted. she spent so long and the two people she trusted the most hurt her in the worst way possible. 
After about 20 long minutes there was a knock on the door. Yasmine drug herself out of bed, she stumbled a bit as she got up, her sight still blurred with tears. Yasmine reached the front door and looked through the peephole. She saw exactly who she was expecting so she opened the door to find Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and Solo standing there, they all looked worried. Yasmine steps to the side and lets them in the apartment. They silently walked in.
"Uh, make yourself comfortable," Yasmine weakly says with a sniffle.
Everyone settled in the living room, Roman, Solo, and Jimmy smooshed on a couch while Jey and Yasmine got comfortable on cushioned chairs.
"Yas were here for you. You just gotta tell us what's up." Jey says in a reassuring tone while looking at Yasmine. Yasmine sighs and looks at the floor as she begins to tell them everything. From what she found on her boyfriend's iPad to the Facetime call with Shelby and everything in between. Yasmine let it all out she needed it. She yelled, cried, and screamed. She felt so vulnerable.
Roman's face showed empathy for her, "I'm sorry you're going through this, Yasmine. I know it's not easy."Yasmine nodded, her eyes welling with tears once again, "Do you need a hug?" he said with his arms extended. Yasmine nodded, and they both got up to hug. Yasmine buried her face into Roman's chest and wrapped her arms around his torso, still slightly crying. Roman stroked her hair while having his other arm wrapped around her shoulders. 
Jey trying to lighten up the mood gets up and wraps his arms around Yasmine's shoulders. "Let me get in on this." Yasmine giggles and pulls out of Romans's chest whipping her eyes.
"I'm actually so glad I ran into you guys," she sniffles again.
Jimmy smiles, "Yeah, and we're not going anywhere. You're stuck with us now." while following his brother's actions. Yasmine couldn't help but let out a small chuckle and hug the brothers back. 
"Solo you gotta get in this hug now." Yasmine laughs, Solo smiles lightly and gets up to join the group hug. Yasmine smiles feeling comforted knowing she at least had a support system to help her. Soon they all separated and sat back down.
"Do you want to get some food and ice cream?" Jimmy asks
Yasmine's eyes brightened at Jimmy's suggestion. She quickly nodded her head yes. Roman chuckled, "Food and ice cream sound like a plan," He said, a reassuring smile on his face. The group quickly decided on a nearby diner known for its comfort food.
As they walked to the diner, the guys continued to crack jokes and share lighthearted banter. Yasmine found herself constantly laughing at the others.
The diner, with its cozy booths and familiar aroma of comfort food, provided a welcoming atmosphere. They ordered a variety of dishes, indulging in a collective feast that somehow made everything feel a little better.
Between bites, Jey asked, "So, what's the plan now, Yas? How do you want to handle all of this?"
Yasmine thought about the question for a second. She never actually got that far. "Honestly, I just want to move on. I don't think it's worth the heartache. I don't need that drama in my life. I think I mourned the relationship a while ago I just needed the push to say something."
Jimmy, with a playful grin, added, "If you need any revenge ideas, just let us know. We got you."
Yasmine chuckled, "No revenge needed. I wanna focus on myself and get myself right. I can't do that if I'm focused on getting my get back."
After the meal, they decided to cap off the night with a visit to an ice cream parlor. As they ate the sweet treats, Yasmine couldn't help but feel grateful for the turn in her day.
Later after Yasmine felt better the men took her back to her apartment and soon left after. On their car ride home they talked amongst themselves, Yasmine was so sweet. She was way too good for her ex, and while she didn't have the energy to do anything to make them as sad as her, that didn't go for her new friends. They were upset that someone had the nerve to do that let alone someone they had grown fond of. The four of them had connections and lots of them, and while they wouldn't let Shelby and Makhi be hurt physically they would be hit where it hurt for sure. They would make sure of it.
__________________________________ Now something small I wrote for it that isn't fully in the story and lowkey i love it, i like my men a little delulu but not everyone does sooooo
Solo sat in the backseat of the car as they drove through the city. The night had taken a turn, and he found himself feeling a mix of anger on behalf of Yasmine. He listened to the conversation in the car, his mind already formulating a plan. Yasmine may not have wanted to do anything but he and everyone in the car did.
Roman, driving the car, glanced at Solo through the rearview mirror. "Solo, you been quiet. What's on your mind?"
Solo leaned forward, his expression serious. "Yasmine didn't deserve any of this shit. It pisses me off they did that. I wanna do something to make them feel the same way."
Jimmy, turned around from the front passenger seat and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we can't let them think they can mess with one of ours and get away with it."
Jey chimed in, "But we gotta be smart about it. We can't risk bringing unnecessary attention."
Roman listened to the input from the twins and Solo, "I agree. We need to hit them where it hurts without causing more problems for ourselves."
As they continued to discuss their plan, Solo's thoughts were focused on the best way to deliver a message that would make Shelby and Mekhi regret their actions. He knew they had connections, and he intended to use them strategically.
Finally, Solo spoke up, "Let me handle this. I know some people who can make their lives a living hell without us getting directly involved."
Roman raised an eyebrow, "You sure about this, Solo? We don't want any unnecessary trouble."
Solo nodded, his jaw clenched. "I got it under control. They messed with one of ours, and they need to pay."
The car fell into a determined silence as they headed back to their usual meeting spot. Solo's mind was already working out the details of the plan. He knew how to navigate the underground, and he had connections that could make things very uncomfortable for Shelby and Mekhi.
As they pulled up to their destination, Solo looked at the brothers and Roman. "Trust me on this. I'll make sure they regret messing with Yasmine."
The twins exchanged glances before Jimmy grinned, "Do your thing, Solo. We got your back."
Solo stepped out of the car, his mind focused on the task at hand. Revenge wasn't always the answer, but in this case, he couldn't let the betrayal go unanswered. 
As he disappeared into the night, the brothers and Roman exchanged a glance. They trusted Solo to handle things. 
they ain't gonna be physically harmed but their reputation may as well be dead as well as their social life but that's if I actually include this in the lore of the story lol :P
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crxssjae · 3 months
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Playing around Canva for the fifth time ish.
One on the left is a moodboard while on the right is an album/soundtrack cover.
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iamknicole · 2 years
A/N: I'm still building this. So, if you're looking for fics of mine and they are not linked below, they're coming soon! Check the tags on this post in the meantime to find them!
Bloodline Family Series
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Welcome Home
Parent Conference
Embarrassing Moment
Parent Conference
Big Boy Simba
Just Say No 2
Just Say No 3
Just Say No 4
Fed Up 1
Fed Up 2
A New Leaf
Wait … Before You Hit Me
Guess What
House Party
Simba’s First Date
Heartbreak Pt. 1
Heartbreak Pt. 2
Daddy’s Got You
Meet the Family
Meet the Washingtons
What’s Done in the Dark
Comes to the Light
Birthday Girl
Early Christmas Gift Planning
Dinner & Dessert
New Blessings
Congrats, Grad
Attack 2
Attack 3
Old Wounds
Old Wounds II
Old Wounds III
Tha Block is Hot
Knock, Knock
Goin’ Off
Let’s Talk
Draft Night
Bloodline Family Series Shorties
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Do You Want It I’ll Buy It For You
Haleigh & Carlito
Auntie A
You Don’t Have To Do All The Things You Do
I’m Not Gonna Stop Poking You
I Fell in Love With My Best Friend
It’s A Real Shame No One Asked For Your Opinion
You’re So Cute When You Pout Like That
That doesn’t Even Make Sense
Child is Sick & Wants Daddy
Bedtime Temper Tantrum
Parental Paragraph
Is That Mistletoe?
My Parents Will Love You, Don’t Worry
Let’s Bake Cookies!
I Want A Picture with Santa
Daddy, Can you Help Me Write A Letter to Santa?
I Don’t Sing
Baby, Help Me Write Christmas Cards
It’s 1AM, Get Up!
Bloodline Family Series AU
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Netflix and …
Family Ties
Spinoff from BLFS
(I wrote all fics linked here but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
First Day In Cali (Goes with “Todd”)
Just Because
Hear Me Out
Carlito’s First Sleepover
Girl Talk
Let Me Tell You
Morgan & Chenice
Father’s Day Prep
Come Get Her
Family Court
Story Time
Pop Up
Hey Alexa
Family Ties AU
(I wrote all fics linked here but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Water Balloons
But …
BLFS//FT Crossover
Excuse Me Miss
Haleigh’s Appointment
Man to Man
Home Alone
Grandpa King’s Farm
Sour Patch Kid
Birthday Party
Mama Tasha
Like It?
BLFS//FT AU Crossover
Haleigh’s Visitor
New Kid on the Block
Unicorns & Rainbows
Awkward 2
Movin’ Out
Get Right
My Baby
I’m Sorry
Mama Bear
I’m Fine
Take Care of It
Runaway Bride
First Trip
Kid Free
Have & Have Nots
(I wrote all fics linked her but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Officially A Malone
Gotta Go
Mind Your Business
Pop Up
Formal Introduction
The Real Her
My Brother’s Keeper
Family Time
Let’s Talk
The Morning After
Night Out
Engagement Dinner
Another Emergency
Beat Down
Sweeties Day
What Are You Doing Here?
Skeletons 2
For You
To Zion
First Day
Just In Case
Dumb Broad
Lil Thug Life
Old Friends
A Tragic Day
Thin Ice
Empty House
Full Story
Family Dinner
The Last Straw
Gee Wiz, It’s Christmas
Oh You Forgot?
Who Is She?
I’m Pregnant
Back In Town
Stop Playin’ With Me
Oliver & Company
Plan B
Back Off
The First Baby
You’re …
Sibling Rivalry
Another Willis
Have & Have Nots AU
10 Seconds
Trouble Man
Be Nice
New Leaf
Just The Two of Us
Familiar Face
Trial Prep
A Special Victim
The Things We Have to Lose (Pt. 1)
The Canary
Features Roman Reigns & OCs
We All Want Love
Features Roman Reigns & OCs
Chapter One
Line in the Sand
Features Tama Tonga & OCs
Five (Pt. 1)
Five (Pt. 2)
(I wrote all fics linked her but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Prince of Rap
Group Project
Come Here
Faded Memories
Come Clean
Ghost 2
Meeting Ms. Taylor
McIntyre Family Series
Features Drew McIntyre, Montez Ford & OCs
Temper Tantrum
First Night Home
Bonding Time
Daddy, Can You Help Me Write A Letter to Santa?
I’m Pregnant
My Parents Will Love You
Is That A Mistletoe?
Sleeping Headcanon
Anger Headcanon
Kissing Headcnnon
New Years #4
Main Event
Champ 2
Deja Vú
Features Florian Munteanu & OCs
Daddy Daughter Time (Seth Rollins)
Twitter Fingers (Tama Tonga)
Baby’s First Shots (Tama Tonga)
Temper Tantrum (Samoa Joe)
First Day of School (Tama Tonga)
Baby’s First Doctor’s Appointment (Jeff Hardy)
Nightmare (Tama Tonga)
Child is Sick (Jeff Hardy)
Breakfast Time (Samoa Joe)
Daddy Daughter Bonding (Jinder Mahal)
Parental Paragraph (Big E)
Director's Commentary
Haleigh & Messiah
Jey & Apryl
Roman & Kandice
Best & Worst Traits of Characters
Drew & Danica
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kmurpads · 9 months
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Khan-McMahon University is as prestigious as they come. Located in San Diego, CA you can expect many students wanting to enjoy the beaches as well as even take the hour drive to Disneyland. As they are high in the academic scale, there's always a little party.
Dare to apply? Come join the newly opened Discord AU RPG that is not only inclusive, but accepts wrestlers from any company, independents, and even OCs! This is a college AU where you can let some of your creativity fly!!
most wanted males: roman reigns, ricky starks, wheeler yuta, jey uso, jimmy uso, sami zayn, ethan page, matt jackson, nick jackson, kevin owens, jungle boy jack perry, bron breakker, solo sikoa to name a few!!
most wanted females: alexa bliss, mercdedes mone, toni storm, tegan nox, tay melo, allie katch, scarlett,dakota kai, skye blue,maxxine durpi, sonya deville, ruby soho, carmella, bianca belair, shotzi, thea hall, emma, chelsea green, jade cargill to name a few!!
Wanna apply? Drop a DM and we'll direct you to the discord to apply!!
0 notes
kyleoreillylover · 7 months
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Welcome to my Account! I am a wrestling/true crime blog that has a special love for womens wrestling, Jey Uso, Dominik Mysterio, and many others:) I take requests for WWE and NXT wrestlers. I will not take requests that are homophobic, racist, islamaphobic, anti-semetic, sexist, etc. No hate is welcome here :) My master list is below!
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Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
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Jey Uso
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Attention (ft. Sami Zayn)
Show, Don't Tell 📸 (ft. Sami Zayn)
Protectors(w/Sami Zayn)
Monster (w/Roman Reigns)
𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 ♡
What's it like being the female member of the Bloodline?
Keep My Hands to Myself
Beat Them or Join Them
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Sami Zayn
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Always Take Care of You (ft. Kevin Owens)
Attention (ft. Jey Uso)
Polaroids And Kisses📸
Anger Management (ft. Kevin Owens)
Show, Don't Tell 📸 (ft. Jey Uso)
You look so Good Under Me
Protectors(w/Jey Uso)
Hotel Room(ft. Kevin Owens)
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Dominik Mysterio
Proud of You
Addicted to You
Three's a Crowd (w/Carmelo Hayes)
Dominik Mysterio Headcanons
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 1
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 2
Instagram AU! Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Black!Reader
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Rhea Ripley
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 1
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 2
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Finn Balor
In Sickness and In Health
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Roman Reigns
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Monster (w/Jey Uso)
Carmelo Hayes
Relationship Headcanons
Kiss and Make up
Three's a Crowd (w/ Dominik Mysterio)
Besties with Carmelo
Instagram AU! Carmelo Hayes x Fem!Black!Reader
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Tiffany Stratton
A Few More Minutes
What's it Like Dating the Center of the Universe?
Wake Up Call 🩷
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Kevin Owens
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Always Take Care of You (ft. Sami Zayn)
Hotel Room (ft. Sami Zayn)
Anger Management (ft. Sami Zayn)
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Jimmy Uso
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
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Kyle O'Reilly
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Undisputed Era
Fem!Reader winning the Royal Rumble
Comfort in Losing
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mostlikelythedevil · 1 year
Only Love Can Hurt (Like This) | {Part Two/Final}
Pairing(s): Kevin Owens x Fem!Zayn!Reader, Solo Sikoa x Fem!Zayn!Reader
Warning(s): Explicit Language, Angst
Word Count: 2,887
Chapter Summary: The Reader hashes things out with Solo — and the rest of The Bloodline.
Link(s): AO3, Masterlist
Note(s): Please remember that this is not cannon to the Haunted Universe! I want to explain this in a way that doesn’t spoil anything, so bear with me. This is the alternate universe where I picture The Bloodline (minus Sami) being a bit more possessive and sharing of The Reader amongst themselves, so if you notice someone acting a bit differently than you might believe for them to, this is why. Oh, and consider this my return to writing!
Tag(s): @crowleysqueenofhell @raeluvshammett
All of the muscles in your body tense, and you find yourself staring forward at the couch where the twins sleep peacefully — unable to face the potential consequence of your stupidity. Somewhere behind you, most likely sitting on the leather chair by the door, you can feel Solo’s eyes staring straight through you.
 “I just went to the vending machine for a drink. I’m sorry if I worried you by not being in bed when you woke up,” you say quietly as you turn with the intention of finding Solo despite the lack of light, hoping that your bold behavior would convince him of your innocence.
 Though the silhouette of Solo is certainly sitting in the dark leather chair in the corner, you cannot begin to assume his expression in the darkness — not from this far away. With his legs spread wide against the chair and his arms crossed against his chest, though, you’re certain that he’s nothing short of irritated with you.
 “What— the vending machine sending out texts now?” The irritated quip comes a bit too loud for your liking as you throw a nervous glance at your brother. He does not move, to your relief.
 The thought of Solo watching you the entire time that you contemplated going to meet Kevin is something that causes your stomach to churn. How were you going to talk your way out of this if he had been awake since the beginning, cleverly fooling you into believing that he was asleep? Is it possible that he had been the door that you heard closing as you darted into the stairwell? Did he follow you? How much did he know?
Solo grunts at the silence on your behalf. “Over an hour. That’s how long you been gone.”
 “Look, can we do this in the morning? I need a shower.” The request is more a dismissal as you turn away from the corner and begin toward the bathroom.
 On the other side of the room, the leather chair cracks and creaks with disapproval; the aching sound covers the bare padding of Solo’s feet across the room. His hand finds your forearm, stopping you in your tracks. Had it been any other time or situation, you would have caused a ruckus over his insistence, but you would rather not wake any of the other people in the room.
 Turning you to face him and backing you against the door of the bathroom, Solo has you essentially pinned from moving. “We’re doing this tonight,” his warm breath fans your face with a whisper as he leans a forearm against the door above you, “now, do you wanna tell me where the hell you been?”
 Being so close to Solo, despite the lack of light, you can see the stern frown laced over his lips — which, admittedly, is nothing new, but the anger in his eyes makes the frown so much more intimidating. Not being able to move away from him for the hand wrapped around your forearm and the other securely above your head does nothing to ease your nerves.
 “What do you want me to say? We both know what I was doing,” the answer comes with an eye roll— after all, there’s no point in dragging things out.
 The hand on your forearm raises to your hair, carelessly tossing it to the side in order to expose your neck; the frustrated exhale from Solo tells you that the hickey is worse than you initially thought it would be. “Yeah, we both know what you was doing,” his voice is absolutely pissed, “but that ain’t what I asked you. I said I wanna know where you been.”
 You stand in silence for a moment, wondering just what it is that Solo is asking when it hits you like a freight train — he wants to know who you went out to fuck. After everything that Kevin had put The Bloodline through; after everything that he put your brother through; after everything he put your through, you went to him in the middle of the night and allowed him to seduce you. There is no outcome where telling Solo the truth would be any kind of favorable for you, so you can only shake your head at the question.
 “You wouldn’t know him,” the lie falls from your lips without thought, “he’s nobody.”
 Solo rolls his tongue over his teeth, giving a small shake of his head. “He must be somebody for you to let him mark you up like that,” his eyes flicker to the purple on your neck before scanning your exposed bits. “I bet that ain’t the only one, is it? Where else did you let him touch you?” His free hand trails down your side, squeezing your thigh tightly.
 Your nose crinkles at the touch, with a stinging pain lacing through your inner thigh. “He is nobody. He will always be nobody, okay? Just someone that offered sex,” you insist with growing agitation, “and I don’t know why you care so much about where he touched me. That’s not your concern.”
 “No?” Solo huffs an angry breath, his body leaning closer to your own. “We both know that there’s something here. I see the way that you watch me, and I know you see the way I watch you,” the words bring a tinge of red to your cheeks. It’s the first time Solo has acknowledged the spark between the two of you. “And yet here you are, running off in the middle of the night to fuck one of our co-workers. I think that makes it my concern.”
 Despite the blush coating your cheeks, you roll your eyes once again. “Oh, I see what’s going on here,” you huff out an agitated laugh of your own, “big macho man needs to beat down the guy that I slept with to prove to himself he’s better. Am I right?”
 The anger in Solo’s eyes grows brighter, and his nose twitches at your senseless comment. “What do you think would happen if it got out to the Tribal Chief that you went out fucking in the middle of the night without so much as a note, huh? You think he would be happy with you?”
 Nausea pools in your stomach. “Are you threatening me, Solo?”
 “I wanna know where you were,” Solo demands once again, though you’re not entirely sure that you want to tell him — even with the threat of Roman looming above your head. Roman knowing you went out for a quick fuck is one thing, but Roman knowing that you went out for a quick fuck with his most hated enemy for the last however long? God, that is a disaster waiting to happen.
 Solo inhales, trying to calm the anger growing in him; the last thing that needs to happen is for him to lose his temper. “Why you protecting him so much, huh? I thought he was no-one.”
 The suspicions catches you off-guard, and you find yourself looking away from Solo for a moment to gather your thoughts. How are you going to get out of this — especially if he’s starting to question the reasoning behind your hesitation to tell him the truth? If he thinks about it too hard for too long, he’s going to deduce it; it’s right there, dangling in front of him.
 “The Bloodline has other things to be focused on. There’s no reason to start a war over a hook-up when we’re already in the process of fighting Kevin Owens — and soon, whoever wins the Royal Rumble,” you mutter, finally looking back up at Solo. The fire in his eyes has yet to leave him, burning with the same rage he often used in the ring.
 There is a pause. “You care about him.”
 “I did — once.”
 Solo clenches his jaw, nodding his head in angry thought. “Give me your phone.”
 “Give me your phone.”
 Shaking your head firmly at Solo seems to do nothing as he uses the hand on your thigh to search the front pockets of your shorts, ignoring your silent protests for him to stop. He snatches the device out of your back pocket before walking away from you, coming to a stop in front of the door. It is in this moment that it occurs to you that maybe you should hide your messages from the lock-screen.
 Standing there by the door, Solo reads what he can of your messages with the unknown number. The glow of the screen allows you to see the way his nose flares as he reads. You know that he plans on going to the room number provided — why else would he have stationed himself by the door?
 “Don’t— don’t you fucking dare,” the warning slips from your lips louder than you mean for, and your brother stirs on the other side of the room.
 Solo’s eyes leave the phone, landing on you with a menacing glare. “You got one more chance to tell me who this piece of shit is before I go find out myself.” His voice is nothing short of deadly serious — and your brother stirs again at the loud interruption to his sleep.
 Panic settles in your veins, running a throbbing through your ears. “If you leave this room, I’ll wake everyone up,” you threaten, even though the result would be having to tell everyone where you had been. You could lie; you could put some poor fool into the cross-hairs of The Bloodline without second thought and hope that the poor fool would be too beaten down to deny your claims.
 “You better hope it ain’t who I think it is.”
 Solo storms out of the room, tossing your phone onto the dresser with a thud. Without waiting to see the potential reaction from the others, you run out after Solo — snatching your phone off of the dresser in the process. Roman is in the room at the end of the corridor, opposite from the elevator and the stairwell; Paul is in the smaller room next door down.
 As much as you want to follow Solo, to somehow stop him from finding Kevin, you run to the other end of the corridor and begin banging on Roman’s door. He’s going to be irate with you, but there’s no other way to stop Solo; he has to listen to Roman, or he’ll face consequences that no-one would ever want to be subject to.
 Behind the door, the locking mechanism clicks and clacks angrily. Roman pulls the door open, hair wildly puffed around the corners of his face; he almost looks cute, save for the immensely pissed off look in his eye. “I— I’m sorry to wake you, my Tribal Chief, but— but it’s Solo,” tears that you were unaware of stream down your cheeks, “he’s on a rampage. He’s going to hurt someone.”
 Roman runs a hand through his hair, sucking on his teeth in annoyance. “Where?”
 Shaking, you point in the direction of the elevator. “He— he’s going down to 203.”
 Without another word, Roman begins down the corridor with a somewhat calm rage about him; his whole demeanor seems to scream anger despite his casual gait. You follow behind him, unsure if your presence is wanted. As the two of you pass your room with the boys, you notice that the twins are having a quiet, perhaps confused discussion, in the doorway.
 “What the hell happened?” Roman’s voice cuts through the air as the two of you enter the stairwell, bouncing heavily off of the barren interior. “It’s the middle of the night.”
 You swallow. “I went out to see someone— we, well, we slept together, and Solo— he was waiting for me when I got back. He’s pissed— I begged him to let it go! He wouldn’t, though, and he saw messages on my phone, and now he’s assuming that it’s someone — I don’t know who. I promise I didn’t mean to cause anything, my Tribal Chief! I’m sorry,” your meek little voice rambles as tears continue down your cheeks.
 Roman turns to you and presses you against the door to the stairwell, hovering above you with a clenched jaw. “I understand that you’re not yet accustomed to the way that The Bloodline does things,” his voice is deep and commanding, “but I don’t want to ever hear about you going out with anyone again, do you understand me?”
 “Yes, sir. It won’t ever happen again.”
 “Good girl.” Roman puts his hands on your cheeks, wiping away your tears. He looks down at you for another moment, perhaps a moment too long as an embarrassed red tinges your cheeks, before backing away from you and exiting the stairwell.
 You follow Roman through the door, heart thudding in your chest and mind muddied with confusion and panic. Down the corridor, Solo bangs against the door housing Kevin; it’s shocking that his jealous rage has yet to wake everyone in the immediate area.
 In the stairwell, there are footsteps — the twins, possibly with Sami in tow, no doubt. You consider staying behind to catch them up on what’s happening, but seeing Roman storming toward an unknowing Solo is enough to get your feet running frantically to catch up with the Tribal Chief. You’re not sure you want to see the inevitable punishment happen before your own eyes.
 Solo’s head snaps toward Roman, eyes wide — though, shocked is certainly not the emotion that you would describe him as having. His eyes travel to find you trailing Roman, and a scowl finds his lips. “She been out here fuckin’ our co-workers while we sleep. I’m doing my job as Enforcer.”
 “What?” The voice of your brother is shrill, horrified.
 “Oh shit, uce, I don’t know if you need to be here for this,” one of the twins comments.
 The other twin laughs. “This about to be a fucking mess.”
 Roman stops in front of Solo, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. “I’m telling you to let it go. She and I will talk.” His voice is firm, yet much more gentle than you would have expected given his attitude leading up to this.
 Sami audibly gasps when Solo shakes his head firmly at his cousin. “Let it go? Have you seen her? She’s covered in marks! Look at her,” he sneers, eyes never leaving you.
 All eyes turn to you in the bright lights of the corridor, and you feel much more aware of just how much of your skin is showing. From all of the running, your pajama shorts have risen up, revealing several purple bite marks on your thighs; yellow bruises can be faintly seen on your arms from Kevin’s hands; you’re not even sure if they can see the purple mark on your neck — though, you’re not sure it matters anymore, either.
 “She’s fucked up, uce,” someone comments, and you feel yourself flush.
 Sami, though, wastes no time coming up to you. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
 “Stop,” you mutter, pushing your brother’s hand away when he tries to move your hair for a better look at the purple on your neck. “Sami, stop.”
 Solo and Roman mutter to one another, as do the twins. Someone’s phone rings.
 “What were you thinking? Were you even thinking?” Sami continues, looking down at you with immense disappointment in his eyes. “You’ve never done anything like this — ever.”
 You look away from your brother, deciding to stare at the floor in fear of making eye contact with someone else in the corridor. Regret fills your belly for waking Roman. “I didn’t— we were just going to talk. It escalated. What are you, our fucking mother? Can you please just drop it?”
 Suspicion creeps onto Sami’s face. “You were just going to talk? With who?”
 “It doesn’t matter. It won’t happen again.”
 Roman steps forward, putting himself between you and Sami. His brows are furrowed, and he’s looking down at you with much more anger than he did in the stairwell. “You put that hotel room in your name to disguise who it was. That matters.”
 Your brows furrow. “What—? No, no— I’ve been with Sami all day. He knows I didn’t put that room in my name,” you look to your brother for him to defend you.
 Sami glowers at you. “She’s not lying. I’ve been with her all day; I would have been there with her if she signed for another room — the twins, too.”
 “It’s true, uce.”
 “Does someone want to explain to me how else that room could have come to be in her name?” Roman asks, his voice little more than a snarl. His teeth are clenched so hard that you worry he might break them.
 Solo looks at you. “The only other way is for someone to know her I.D number.”
 Instinctively, your eyes go to your brother. He is already looking at you, and with your essential confirmation of his fears, the expression on his face twists into an awful, angry shock.
 “Are you fucking kidding me?”
 “Sami, please—”
 “Tell me I’m wrong.”
 “Can you please just—?”
 “Tell me!”
 The door behind all of you opens.
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afterdarkprincess · 8 months
🌙🌟 Fic Masterlist 🌙🌟
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Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Explicit Summary: Sami and Jey dealing with the aftermath of Tribal Combat at Summerslam -------- Jey had no right to ask Sami for help in the tribal combat match. No right to think that Sami would help anyway. He’d done his damndest to make sure that DIDN’T happen. But his damn stupid heart had hoped, had some faith that maybe in his hour of need Sami would be there for him.
And instead he got…well, what he got.
Masterpost AO3 Link
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Tangled Up With You All Night (Burning It Down)
Relationship: Jon Moxley/Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns Rating: Explicit Summary: Shield Era 2012 Seth has an encounter with 2023's Jon Moxley and Tribal Chief. Sexytimes ensue. ------ He drops his gaze, avoiding Roman’s eyes.
“I dunno, Ro- I don’t understand...” it sounds like weak protest even to his own ears, and Roman’s not having it.
“What’s not to understand?” Seth’s chin is gently lifted and held to meet Roman’s gaze again. “Look if you wanna leave, we’re not gonna stop you. But we’ve been wanting to get our hands on you for a long time, baby. Let us take care of you.” -----
Post AO3 Link
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The Devil's In the Details (But You Got a Friend in Me)
Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Explicit Summary: Royal Rumble AU- Sami gets injured at the Rumble and never betrays Roman. Friends to Lovers through SummerSlam ------ “Yeah, Uce. I know Roman was probably jokin’ back then, but you really Sami Uso now. You stuck with us.”
That earns a laugh, “Can’t say I’m complaining.”
“Damn straight,” Jey grins. “And you don’t have to prove nothin’ to nobody.”
Sami’s eyes glisten as he nods. “I like that, ‘Sami Uso’”
“Me too.” ------ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 AO3 Link
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Relationship: Roman/Jey/Jimmy/Solo/Sami Gangbang Rating: Explicit Summary: After WarGames, Roman decides what Sami Zayn's place is in the bloodline, a willing hole for them to use. ______ “You see boys, our ‘Honorary Uce’ here has been struggling to find his purpose in our family.” Roman looks at Jey directly. “It took him a while to earn our trust, but he’s done so with hard work and dedication. I decided it was time for him to finally take his rightful place.” He gestures back to the bed.
Post AO3 Link
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Can't Keep My Hands to Myself
Relationship: Sami/Jey/Cody Rating: Explicit Summary: Things get a little heated in the bus after the Fastlane Press Conference, Sami facetimes his boyfriend to get in on the action.
---- “Yea, Boo- we was just getting cozy…” Jey’s dick brushes against the warm bulge in Cody’s pants and he lets out an unmistakable groan.
Cody freezes beneath him, looking at Jey in alarm.
There’s a pause before Sami speaks again. “Oh we’re getting cozy like that, huh? Baby, you know the rules.” ----- Part One Part 2 AO3 Link
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Sweet Like Justice Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Gen Summary: Backstage at Crown Jewel, Jey and Sami hatch a plan to subvert the Judgement Day ---- “Just hope Damien doesn’t use this to his advantage. I don’t think I could stand to see another belt on the Judgement Day.” Sami sighs, frustrated at all the chaos that the group has caused over the last few months.
Jey turns Sami to face him, a wide grin on his face as he shucks off the black hoodie he’s wearing. “Think I got an idea, Sami.” ----- Post AO3 Link
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A Moment Backstage Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Gen Summary: Sami and Jey share an interaction backstage before the Tag Title Rematch (set during Nov 13th 2023 Monday Night Raw) ---- “They were trying to mess with us, Jey. Don’t let them get in your head.” Sami’s face is soft, and the understanding look in his eyes is doing nothing to assuage Jey’s guilt.
“Sami, I messed up wit’ you. Big time.” ---- AO3 Link Post
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todouswife · 7 months
Guardians of Serendipity -Pt3
Yasmine walks through the doors of the cafe looking around to find Roman. She couldn't find him so she ordered herself a coffee and sat at a table to start on a book she had been meaning to read. The jingle of the bell caught her attention she looked up to hopefully see the man she came to meet. When she saw it was her boyfriend with her best friend she felt queasy. Her heart started beating out of her chest and tears filled her eyes. She had known that they were seeing each other behind her back but to be so public is disgusting. Yasmine saw the texts and videos between the two. One day while Yasmine was at his place she had her boyfriend's iPad while he was out getting some food for them, a text was sent to his iPad and she read through their text messages. They had been seeing each other for some time now.
  Yasmine mentally gagged and gathered her things to leave. She didn't want them to see her upset over them out together. As they were occupied with ordering she tried to slip past them however, without fail, her boyfriend caught her arm as she tried to get past. That was exactly what she didn't want. Her head started to spin she didn't want to do this right now. She looked up at him with watery eyes and before he could get a word out she tore her arm out of his hands and ran out the door with tears in her eyes. As soon as she gets out of the door she knocks on someone almost falling backward if the person hadn't caught her.
"I'm really sorry," she says looking up while wiping her tears. Just great she thought, all she wanted was her phone and now she's having to confront her boyfriend and this was something she didn't want to do.  When she gets out of her thoughts she sees a frowning twin looking down at her. He was worried about her. Just last night she needed their help. And now she's crying and running away from whoever was inside.
"It's okay love; but what's wrong?" The short-haired twin asks concerned for her. She looks around to see the guys from last night plus one other guy in front of her. 
"Oh, hmm it's nothing," but before she could get an excuse out as to why she was crying her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend opened the door behind her the short haired twin swiftly pulled her behind him and slowly backed away from the man that just came out. Yasmine sighs upset over this whole interaction.
"Who are you?" the long-haired twin questioned suspicious of guys coming after her because of the other night. She seems to just attract the bad guys he thought to himself.
"I should be asking you that. I'm her boyfriend!" Mekhi, her boyfriend, said making himself known. The boys looked back at Yasmine for confirmation on the subject. They were suspicious and didn't want her in a worse position than she was in. Mekhi Scoffed, trying to figure out who these guys think they are and why Yasmine is just letting them do this. he wishes he could push them out of the way and get to Yasmine so they could talk but there were too many of them. Yasmine just slowly shook her head yes. She nervously bit her lip at the thought of having to deal with this right now. She gave a pleading look to the long-haired twin as she softly spoke so that only the people she wanted to hear her heard her.
" I want to go, please, I can explain later." Nothing else had to be said for Roman to turn and look at her boyfriend.
"No, it doesn't seem like now is a good time. If she is your girlfriend you can talk to her later." with that they walked away from Mekhi who was screaming for them to come back. He absolutely could not believe what just happened. It made him angry. She is just leaving with some guys she just met. Mekhi was furious he went back into the coffee shop and found Mia, Yasmine's best friend.
"I believe this belongs to you," Roman smiles handing Yasmine her phone back. She smiles taking her phone and putting it in her purse. 
"Thank you, I really do appreciate everything you guys have done for me. I don't know what I would do if not for you guys," Yasmine says softly still shaken up. "You guys are like angels sent to me." she joked with a giggle. there was a short silence when Yasmine realized she hadn't introduced herself; "oh my name is Yasmine. I'm sorry I kinda forgot everyone's name besides Roman."
"Nah you're all good," Jey says laughing, "Im Jey and that's Jimmy," He says pointing at his twin. "And that's Solo. He's our brother he wasn't with us last night he was at work." Jey explains pointing at the new face. Yasmine nods her head at the explanation. they walk down the road quietly for a minute not knowing where to go or what to do, that's when an idea popped into her head. She works at a little cafe/bakery she could treat them to something to show her gratitude. 
yasmine softly starts to speak, "We should go to Quiet Gardens Cafe! The pastries are to die for, and I would love to treat you for helping me so much. It's only like two blocks away," Yasmine looked around for assurance that they wanted to go there, in return she got hums of formation so she took the lead of the group walking in front of everyone to guide them to the cafe. yasmine felt so glad to have had this group with her at such convenient times. it was like they were sent to her. yas was trembling from the altercation just moments before, yet she felt at ease with the group surrounding her. they eased her mind, she decided that she would try and forget about the last couple of days and enjoy her time with hopefully new friends. 
On the way there they all chatted getting to know a little about one another. Just the basic things like food and coffee they like. Things fell quiet after no one knew what to talk about anymore. The silence was comfortable it wasn't as awkward as someone would think. As they approached the cafe Yasmine smiled at the smell of baked goods and coffee hitting her nose. It was a similar smell she had come to enjoy. Yasmine calmed down more and got more comfortable with her surroundings. Solo opened the door and Yasmine thanked him. She walks into the cafe with the men following closely behind her. The cafe walls were a light green with the menu being a chalkboard that had flowers drawn all over it. There were plants and flowers fake and real all around the cafe. The lights were dim and it was quiet. The smell of coffee and fresh pastries filled the building it was calming.
She points at the menu above the counter. "That's the menu I can order, what would you guys like?" The group looks at the menu for a moment. They tell her their order and go find a seat while she walks up to the counter to order. There is a small wait for the drinks as the barista she doesn't know too well makes the drinks. once she pays she grabs some of the items expecting to make two trips to get everything. However, Jimmy comes up to help get the rest of it. They go sit and get settled, and Jey immediately digs into the muffin.
"Damn this is good," He says stuffing his face with another piece of the muffin. Everyone laughed at his outburst.
"He got a point this shit is good," Jimmy says. Yasmine giggled.
"I'm so glad to know that. I work here and we put a lot of time into our pastries." Yasmine explained. As she sits there she looks at the men around her getting a better look at them now that there wasn't so much going on. Roman was tall and very buff he had a thick beard and a natural scowl on his face. His hair was just past shoulder length wavy black hair, he had caramel skin and tribal tattoos going down his right arm. She then looked at Solo he was paler than the rest and heavily set. it was still very apparent that he worked out often. he had tribal tattoos going down both of his arms and he had a blond mohawk. He looked serious but relaxed at the same time. Jimmy and Jey were similar considering they were twins they both had tattoos going down both arms however Jey had some grey streaks in his beard and short hair with an undercut. His facial features were quite different from his twins once you look at them closer. and Jimmy had long hair and the ends of it were dyed red. They were a handsome group and they looked to be more than a couple years older than Yasmine.
"I hope this isn't rude but how old are you guys?" Yasmine looks down away from them putting her attention on her cup of coffee. She was embarrassed about her sudden question. They seemed much older than her not only from looks but also their demeanor and how they carried themselves. They were confident and handled themselves well they had a very mature aura to them. they almost seemed luxurious. Roman laughed as she looked down, none of them took offense to the question.
"No it's not a rude question," Roman chuckled, "I'm thirty-eight, the twins are thirty-seven, and Solo is thirty. How old are you?" Roman answers, Yasmine panics as she is only twenty-six. She grabs one of her long pigtails and starts to play with it nervously. She was worried that they would think of her as young and dumb if they didn't already. She knew that they were older but not over ten years older. Yasmine felt a little silly, though they hadn't shown the slightest bit of judgment to her in the situations she was in she felt like she might be based on her age.
"I'm only twenty-six." She looks up at the guys who looked unphased. seeing this reaction lifted a weight off of her shoulders, maybe they could become friends she thought to herself.
"Really I thought you would have been a little older." Jey chimes in. Yasmine smiles softly happy they didn't view her as some young naive girl. As they enjoy their pastries and coffee, the atmosphere lightens. Yasmine learns more about the men as they all chat and exchange stories and small talk. 
"No there was this one time when the twins were having a prank war, or whatever they called it," Roman laughs remembering what happened, "And one of them put oil on the bathroom floor and solo slipped and fell in the tub," he says with a smile.
"I had a bruise on my back for a week." solo laughs, Yasmine laughs with them getting to know the four. they were very nice and funny. their personalities shining through individually.
After finishing their treats, Yasmine insists on not taking any money from the bill. The men reluctantly accept, and they all leave the cafe with smiles on their faces. As they walk, Yasmine thinks about how her day turned around, thanks to these unexpected allies. She's grateful for their kindness and protection, and a new friendship begins to form.
"Hey, we had a great time. Thanks," Roman says, patting Yasmine on the shoulder.
"Yeah, thanks for everything," Jey adds.
Solo nods with a smile, expressing his gratitude in his own silent way, and Jimmy playfully ruffles Yasmine's hair. She chuckles, feeling a genuine connection with the group.
"Well, if you ever need anything or just want to hang out again, you know where to find us," Roman says, handing Yasmine a piece of paper with their contact information.
"Sure thing. You guys are like my guardian angels," Yasmine teases, causing the group to laugh.
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btcad · 23 days
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it's no secret that being a professional wrestler is hard work, but what keeps them going ? the fans, the drive to become a champion, to make history. here, YOU portray and decide what happens in the day to day lives of your characters without their jobs in the lights of the wrestling arena.
a non au & semi kayfabe wrestling rpg that is looking for roleplayers just like you !
most wanted: jon moxley, seth rollins, julia hart,roman reigns, hook, daniel garcia, tiffany stratton, skye blue, solo sikoa, mercedes mone, jamie hayter, alexa bliss, gigi golin, jayce jayne, kip sabin, penelope ford, becky lynch, rhea ripley, finn balor, damian priest, tatum paxley, jey uso, jimmy uso, jay white, austin gunn, colten gunn, max caster, wardlow, adam cole, jack perry, cm punk, hangman adam page, bayley, kris statlander, tama tonga, iyo sky, cathy kelley, dakota kai, chelsea green, zelina vega, orange cassidy, malakai black, ricky starks, kenny omega, matt jackson ,nick jackson, tay melo.
home | canon application | oc application | taken superstars | most wanted
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cumxxslutt · 2 years
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Request Rules
-The request should tell you if it’s open or closed
-I mainly write for : Roman reigns , jey uso , jimmy uso , solo sikoa , but I also do extras
-what I do write , SFW , Platonic , Relationships , Cheating , au’s , polyamory , blackreader , any other race reader , chubby reader ,
-What I will not write , x white reader , rape , incest , gore , x sibling reader , NSFW , body fluids ,  bestiality , sa .
-I only write for wwe
-I will start writing , NSFW , x sibling reader
-I’m sorry for not writing x white reader but I can’t write for something I know nothing about and that is not my race so I am not  comfortable
-Warnings: the term “nigga” will probably be used in some of my fics , there will most likely be a a lot of cussing , and maybe some playful jokes
-I am Black duhh . 🥴🎀
-And the request is now Closed/Open
Roman reigns
Edit . 🎀
Really . 🎀
Please . 🎀
Period pains . 🎀
Drunk Reader HC . 🎀
My Heart . 🎀
No More . 🎀
Jey uso
Edit . 🎀
Period pains . 🎀
Oh shit! . 🎀
Jey Uso Hc [Age Regression ] .
I can’t skate . 🎀
Jimmy uso
Edit . 🎀
High and light / HCS . 🎀
Period pains . 🎀
I can’t skate . 🎀
Oh shit! . 🎀
Edit . 🎀
Period pains . 🎀
What’s wrong mama . 🎀
Fuck . 🎀
The Bloodline HCS . 🎀
Ew . 🎀
Hi . 🎀
Ow . 🎀
Solo sikoa
Coming soon . 🎀
Coming soon . 🎀
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kmurpads · 9 months
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Khan-McMahon University is as prestigious as they come. Located in San Diego, CA you can expect many students wanting to enjoy the beaches as well as even take the hour drive to Disneyland. As they are high in the academic scale, there's always a little party.
Dare to apply? Come join the newly opened Discord AU RPG that is not only inclusive, but accepts wrestlers from any company, independents, and even OCs! This is a college AU where you can let some of your creativity fly!!
most wanted males: roman reigns, ricky starks, wheeler yuta, jey uso, jimmy uso, sami zayn, ethan page, matt jackson, nick jackson, kevin owens, jungle boy jack perry, bron breakker, solo sikoa to name a few!!
most wanted females: alexa bliss, mercdedes mone, toni storm, tegan nox, tay melo, allie katch, scarlett,dakota kai, skye blue,maxxine durpi, sonya deville, ruby soho, carmella, bianca belair, shotzi, thea hall, emma, chelsea green, jade cargill to name a few!!
Wanna apply? Drop a DM and we'll direct you to the discord to apply!!
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~ Bienvenue sur ta Ligue simulée ~
Ce blog sera une fédération simulée sur la puissance montante du catch américain! La WWE ( World Wrestling Entertainment ! Créée en 1952. Sur cette fédération vous pourrez choisir uniquement des Superstars de la WWE ou bien d'anciens de la WWE. Je n'autoriserai que quatre superstars &/ou Womens par personnes. Je vous souhaite un excellent moment sur cette ligue virtuelle et vous souhaite bonnes chances pour votre carrière!
Attention, parmi vos 4 superstars vous devez au moins choisir deux superstar ou Womens sous contrat avec la WWE. Les deux roster seront réuni, c'est à dire qu'il n'y aura plus que un Show par semaine
 General Manager: Sonya Deville
- Adam Cole - AJ Lee - AJ Styles - Aleister Black - Alexa Bliss - Alicia Fox - Aliyah - Andrade - Angel Garza - Apollo Crews - Asuka - Austin Theory - Baron Corbin - Batista - Bayley - Becky Lynch -Beth Phoenix - Bianca Belair - Big Cass - Big Show - Billie Kay - Bobby Lashley - Big E - Brandi Rhodes  Brad Maddox - Brody King - Corey Grave - Brie Bella - Cameron - Candice Michelle - Carmella - Cash Wheeler  - Cesaro - Charlotte Flair - Christian - Chris Jericho - CM Punk - Cody Rhodes - Damian Priest - Dana Brooke - Daniel Bryan - Daniel Garcia - Darby Allin - Dean Ambrose(Jon Moxley) - Dolph Ziggler - Dominik Mysterio - Drew McIntyre - Edge - Elias - Emma - Enzo Amore - Eric Young - Eve Torres -  Eva Marie - Finn Balor - Jeff Hardy - Golderg - Iyo Sky - Jack Swagger - Jeff Hardy - Jey Uso - Jimmy Uso - Jinder Mahal - Joey Gacy - John Cena - John Morrison - Johnny Gargano - Jungle Boy - Justin Gabriel - Kairi Sane - Kaitlyn - Kane -  Karrion Kross - Keith Lee - Kelly Kelly - Kevin Owens -  Kofi Kingston - Lacey Evans - Lana - Layla El - Lita - Liv Morgan - Madcap Moss - Mandy Rose - Maria - Matt Hardy - Maryse - Melina - Max Dupri - Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) - Mia Yim - Michelle McCool - Mickie James - Montez Ford - Murphy - MVP - Naomi - Natalya - Nia Jax - Nikki ASH - Nikki Bella - Otis - Pac - Paige Vanzant - Peyton Royce - R-Truth - Randy Orton - Rey Mysterio - Rhea Ripley - Ricochet - Riddle - Robert Roode - Roman Reigns - Ronda Rousey - Ruby Riott - Sami Zayn - Sarah Logan - Sasha Banks -Scarlett Bordeaux - Seth Rollins - Shanna - Shawn Spears - Shayna Bazler - Sheamus - Shelton Benjamin - Shinsuke Nakamura - Shotzi - Solo Sikoa - Sonya Deville(GM) - Tamina - Tegan Nox - TJP -  The Fiend'' Bray Wyatt - The Miz - The Undertaker - The Rock - Titus O'Neil - Toni Storm - Trish Stratus - Trey Miguel - Wade Barrett - Xavier Woods - Zack Rider (Matt Cardona) - Zahra Schreiber - Zelina Vega - 
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