#autism question
finnslay · 9 months
Autistic, ADHDers, and AuDhHDers. Which are you and what's it like when people have the same name? For example, if you knew 2 David's, how would your brain react. Would you get them confused? Would you create different nicknames? Are you great at telling them apart? Just wondering. Thanks!
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bwbawa · 6 months
i always see info on autistic kids vs autistic adults and stuff, but what's it with autistic teens? how r they different from the other mentioned?
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I saw someone else do this and it seemed helpful so here goes
Things That I Don't Think Neurotypical People Do But I Don't Know If They're Autism
autistic people your input would be very appreciated but no pressure of course
Crying and feeling like I need to throw up when loads of people are screaming around me
Constantly being told I'm "making a face" when I'm just existing
Spending most of my waking hours thinking about 1 specific show (The Owl House)
Needing to think about and imagine scenarios for said show to relax and fall asleep
Unbalanced noise??(like that thing when audio only plays through one earphone) makes me feel liek there are bugs crawling all over me
I want to flip tables and scream and cry when I have to hear people chewing (school cafeterias are hell)
Menus and the possibility of there not being something I'll eat on the menu stress me out to an unreasonable extent (idk this might just be a socially awkward thing)
I mirror people ig?? I think everyone kinda does thta though right??
Flappy hands and jumping around to get out excited/happy energy
Rehearsing scripts for social situations
I hate 3/4 length leggings, like I need to wear really long socks and pull them up if I have to wear them (the temperature difference becomes really distracting and I can't think at all)
Was bullied for being "weird" for like 4 years (I don't think this is that relevant but have been told it might be)
Need to be leaning against or touching the wall in some way when I'm walking in corridors (I end up stumbling or banging into people if I don't)
Bright lights >:[
When someone says something so blatantly incorrect and just fucking lacking any human compassion with so much condescension I get so fuckinv angry I'm still upset abt it days later
An inconclusive list but this is all I can think of right now
Big dessert spoons feel too big in my mouth hate hate hate hate them D:<
My dog went to a groomers and stopped smelling if Dog and started smelling like puppy shampoo and it threw me off for weeks
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dannydevitosthiccdog · 7 months
Any Autistic peeps have any tips for wearing glasses? Like a specific frame or tips to stop sensory overload?
Or any neurospicy lovelies tbh.
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solarpunkradio · 1 year
plspls only answer if u are nonverbal
can alters in intermittently verbal systems that are in constant states of not being able to speak use the term nonverbal ?
(pls answer in reblogs , we sometimes arent notified of comments)
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 4 months
I am autistic and I know everyone stims differently!
And I was wondering how you guys stim.
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starkid256 · 7 months
im scared.
so, im scared about my audhd. i think i might not have autism. and, the thing is, i have symptoms of it. thats true. like the hyperfixations, the stimming, the hyposensitivity, right? but the only symptoms i have of it are the ones that overlap with adhd, and im sure i have adhd. but, all these symptoms of autism that people are relating to. (such as sensory overload, routine stuff, and stuff like that) and to think that all this time that ive been telling people im autistic and have been a part in autistic communities, it mightve all been a lie.
although i do have a diagnosis for both but it mightve just been a mistake where the doctor saw the overlap and just added on autism but i do have SOME symptoms that are exclusive to autism such as slow thinking but thats really the only one i can think of right now.
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sviancontrast · 6 months
Oh, sages of the 'tism, I have come here asking a question
(Ok that's weird, it was just an urge 💀 excuse me brain)
I'm low support, and I really want to know how is it like for people who aren't completely non-verbal (semi-verbals) to go from one to the other.
I also want to ask because there's times I feel my mouth closed and, despite thinking I should talk, I don't. I don't open it. I don't make the noises. I feel like I could any moment then, but I don't. I may hum a bit, do some noises from the back of my throat, open my mouth and let out a noise (thing that feels utterly wrong and makes me close my mouth again) or start "mumbling", maybe even actually mumbling, but it's to myself and about not talking, and not even full sounds. Just... The half-whisper, the sentences, but low. Almost air.
Thinking about it, it just sounds like executive dysfunction saying "don't change from silent state", but I'm simply curious about y'all's experiences and if anyone else has this thingy.
(This totally ain't a question coming from me being in this state right now)
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thecelestialsystem333 · 7 months
Okay does any other autistic person do this/did this either now or as a child?
when I was younger I used to type in stories in segments into google translate and see how badly it was messed up
is that just me?
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autistic-duck · 1 year
This is something I'm just curious about, but did any other autistics have some of their stims randomly sexualized by strangers?
One of my favorite stims is rocking. It helps me calm down quicker than almost any other stim, but I've definitely had times, especially in middle school, where someone (in my case always a boy) pointed out what I was doing and implied I was acting in a sexual way in public.
Or one time someone noticed one of my stims and asked why I did it. I told them, "I don't know. It just feels good."
And for some reason, they interpreted those words in a sexual way. I couldn't have been older than 10 when this happened. I legit didn't even know what the hell they were talking about, only that it made me extremely self-conscious and uncomfortable.
Was this a common thing for anybody else?
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evanonpluto · 1 year
so i recently got evaluated by a professional, because i suspected i had autism. i had done tons of research and all of my symptoms lined up with those of afab people who were on the spectrum. so i was really confused when she told me that i'm not on the spectrum. i know shes a trained professional but it really doesn't feel right and it feels like something isnt adding up? should i trust this?
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bwbawa · 1 month
having so many thoughts abt how i might not be autistic!!! it's so stressful.
I don't WANT to be autistic, I don't need to fake it, but it worries me to not be it because:
1. it means a waste of money, good money
2. it means that i would have no idea of why i am like i am, why things bother me how they bother me and why i act how i act!!!!
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lifeofafrogblog · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder how a neurotypical person would do their hobbies. For me, a level 1 autistic, I can only do my activities by sitting down for hours and doing it nonstop until I get too tired or eventually bored and want to lay down. Ive never been one to do an activity (one that I actually really enjoyed) for like 30 minutes and be done with that for the day. Either I spend 5 minutes doing it, or I spend 3-5 hours doing it and there's not really an in-between.
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atlasly-disabled · 7 months
Help me!
How often (in actual measurable terms—days months years etc) would you say every once in awhile is?
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pansy-placebo · 7 months
I'm autistic and I struggle to brush my teeth
I hate the sensory aspects- the taste is too strong, the sensations of the bristles are bad, and I hate getting my hands wet in any circumstances.
Does anyone have any ideas about how to make it easier to brush my teeth?
I *try* to pick more mild toothpastes but they're all pretty bad tbh. I also buy bamboo toothbrushes for the softer bristles, but it's not enough tbh.
if anyone has ANY suggestions, please let me know! Any ideas would be great. Also I live in the UK so if your suggestions are product-based, bare that in mind.
Also I hate gum and never use mouthwash because the taste is nightmarishly intense.
Thank you!
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usernamesarehard1 · 1 year
I just need to ask someone because I am so confused. Does anyone know if there is any weight to this "Tylenol and metals in baby food can cause autism/adhd" thing I keep hearing about?
It doesn't seem like it makes sense since both autism and adhd are supposed to be something you're born with, and the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing was debunked.
But I keep hearing about this and seeing psa's all over television and YouTube about it so i am very confused. And it's kinda hard to research on Google because I'm not sure if the sources that come up are trustworthy.
Like I said, I don't think it's true, but it's become such a big deal that I feel like I need clarification.
Also, does anyone know why people believe metals and Tylenol are somehow linked to autism/adhd?
*I have autism and adhd myself, btw
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