#autistic bessie
verdemoun · 9 days
So sorry for spamming your inbox 😰😰 but you mentioned the gang kinda infantilizing timewarp Kieran and thinking that he wouldn't know what sex is when in actuality that man FUCKS!!! And especially since I think you've said he has anxiety and autism or atleast autistic traits and it's common for allistics to think that autistic people can't make choices or advocate for themselves does he get a bad bitch moment of telling other gang members to STFU!!! And that he has infact been living in modern times for several years and doesn't need to be coddled through everything. Or am I looking into a single line too hard and I'm actually crazy
I am going to kiss your brain that was a very intentional deliberate line congratulations on picking it up!!!!! Yes that was a very conscious seg-way into the gang tending to infantilize Kieran a little and he will absolutely manipulate it.
Sometimes - sometimes he does appreciate it. Sometimes he needs those borderline childish comforts people wouldn't think to offer an adult. If Lenny is struggling they will offer him a whiskey and a night out at the bar, which if Kieran was already not in a good headspace would be Hell. The fact the gang would sooner bring him his safe snacks and hot chocolate and a plush blanket while he watches cartoons is comforting even if it is coming from a place of not entirely seeing him as an adult. But it gets irritating. Being semi-verbal, even when he expresses said frustration it can get brushed off and it just adds to the irritation . The gang freaking out over room shuffling to make room for a new timewarped person: Kieran he would offer his room knowing it was temporary and is fine sleeping on the couch, hell he'd probably enjoy sleeping on a bedroll in the backyard for a few days/weeks: but they won't even consider asking Kieran for anything.
But most of the time he manipulates it. Hosea never lectures Kieran about a job because poor helpless boy could never survive the real world so he gets to live easy staying at Bessie's house or Annabelle's being absolutely spoiled. All he needs to do is flash his big old sad eyes and the gang will give him cash for whatever he wants. Sometimes it's the latest breyer horse model, sometimes it's alcohol and a few galaxy brownies. No questions, no bills, he's living the millennium dream.
Javier is the first one to see through his pouty playing into the infantilization and is honestly just jealous he can't get away with it himself. Calling Hosea out like 'stop telling me to get a job you never tell Kieran to get a job are you saying my patito is less capable because his brain works different despite being you more than willing not to say anything to protect him from being a whipping boy in the old days???' and Hosea has to walk away he is simultaneously stunned and ashamed. Still doesn't start nagging Kieran to get a job and Kieran playfully whacks Javier for even risking putting the idea in his head. He likes easy street and feels he's bloody earned it after his life experiences.
The number one thing that reminds the gang Kieran is not baby boy is any shooting game. He is first pick in paintball or laser tag or anything similar because the Kieran Duffy 'tendency not to mention how capable I actually am' started long before modern era and he is a terrifyingly good sharp shooter. First time the gang realised he was the last man standing and had taken out everyone in pvp they were almost annoyed why didn't you bring this up in canon era and he brushes it off with a teehee I like horses more. Bordering on being a brat about it sometimes and the gang still don't notice how much they tend to infantilize him. He will abuse the assumption he is incapable of things like it's lumbago, he isn't lazy he just doesn't like being expected to work and for the most part won't go out of the way to correct the infantilized assumption he can't do things by himself.
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webs-of-truth · 5 months
Guess I should redo my intro, huh?
My name's Arianne, a combination of Ariadne and Arachne! I'm a Bug Type specialist who used to work at Bugsy’s gym in Azalea Town.
I'm fifteen!!!
My team includes
Thalia the Galvantula
Mosag the Ariados(her nick nickname is Mossie!!)
Bessie the Dewpider
Peppa “Pig” Pig the Surskit
Spinetossa the Tarountula
I'm autistic and fandom trash, and my hyperfixations include spider-like Pokémon, Chuck E. Cheese, and various myths and epics!!
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mustardizer · 9 months
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intro post what.
haiiii call me bessie or betsy!!
idc about pronouns just use whatevers funniest in the moment
im a teenager, i dont check bios very often sorry if i interact with an 18+ blog oopsie
my blog is woefully unorganized but i tag reblogs and fandoms most of the time
im super into undertale/deltarune, pokémon, stardew valley, splatoon, n other fandoms idk i forgor. but thats what ill reblog most often
i have sideblogs woah what😨?!
@musturd-artposts art👍
@radioactive-mustard radiation rideblog for when im autistic abt that. i try and queue posts when i feel like it but its dead most of the time sorry
i cant think of anything else to put here buhbyee
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Howard the duck original comics opinions i have that no one really cares about but i have feelings (strong feelings) about:
Howard the duck is autistic both as a metaphor and literally. I once wanted to write an essay on this but i lost inspiration. if it ever comes back istg I'll do it. I'll actually do it.
both Paul and Winda were done dirty by just straight up being forgotten at one point and I'll never forgive marvel for this. bring them back. especially Winda she has so much potential. i would actually die for her
on that note i would even more so die for Beverly but I think that's common knowledge at this point. i mean just look at my url. i am #1 Beverly appreciatior no one gets her like i do
i think dr bong/lester verde can very easily be classified as an incel. also i hate everything about him his name is stupid he doesn't even do actual bong he's just themed around bells and is an entitled bitch and i could treat Beverly better :/ i also hate Gerber so much for trying to imply Beverly ever enjoyed being married to him. that's pretty much the only beef i have with him tbh i respect that man so much but this little writing choice irks me so fucking much
Howard the duck is a love story at it's core Howard x Beverly deniers are cowards
justice for Fifi. i know they brought her back for she-hulk but I think that's really just a different duck dr bong genetically modified to be a french maid. i think originally Fifi did actually die. it does make me terribly sad though
the fact that Beverly's uncle is also called Beverly because his parents wanted a girl but he goes by Lee is the most transgender thing I've ever heard like i get it i get that it's meant to be a joke about how Howard can't escape reminders of Beverly after she got married to bong but like. it's pretty trans to me idc
i don't even know why i started with this but at one point i just decided Howard and Man-thing are ex boyfriends i legitimately have no explanation for this opinion it's just there
i love Bessie the hellcow so much
that's all for now
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Bestie I hope your a six of crows fan bc this one was blatantly stolen from that franchise- I like to just take cool characters and make them black- 🎶💫✨
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Name: Booker
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Unlabelled
Aesthetic: Kaz Brekker with a lovely spices of black horror movies and grumpy x sunshine yet again
Autistic + CPTSD he spent a lot of his childhood on the streets of Brooklyn trying to survive, handling his magic which untrained affected the very core of his heart, he has chronic pain especially in his left leg and hands and is a cane user
He is dating the absolutely BEAUTIFUL Cassidy made by my S/O here is them talking about how wonderful and gorgeous she is 🥺
His cane has a little crow on top, his special interest is Six of Crows and Card games and Escape rooms
He has a little sister, not by blood but by love, Bessie, who is the most badass little 14 year old out there, also type 1 diabetic. Both of them are names after black icons
Reads poetry to the pigeons on his roof
He is S C A R E D by ice machines- - he saw his first one at his girlfriends house and it is so fascinating and terrifying to him-
Absolutely terrified of technology, large techno-phobe, his phone is from the 90s and using modern technology typically leads to a meltdown
His girlfriend makes him tiny origami pieces and he saves every single damn one of them and gives them all a kiss good night
He has a lot of “bizarre” tics and stims but he will punch you and shut down if you make fun of them
Sunlight is the enemy.
Frickin beefy dude he’s like the combo of Vampire hunter Blade and Othello-
Talks with his hands a lot<3
Him and his gorgeous girlfriend love doing puzzles and escape rooms together, they are super clever and very skilful, lots of employees judge them based off their mobility aids but they are so much more efficient than you ever will be Joe-
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emoryinaboat · 2 years
!! !! !!
TYSM Does this mean introduce 3 ocs??? Idk it does now, just for u bestie <33
(Also important info, all my OCs are magic like it started as a Harry Potter thing but then we obviously transferred them to our own thing and here we are, gay idiots at magic schools)
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(Bby ur my -inhale- aNGELLL)
Name: Cassidy
Age: 17
Pronouns: She/her (cis)
Sexuality: Omnisexual
General description: The sunshine in the biggest sunshine x stormcloud relationship we have
- She has spastic diaplegic cerebral palsy, she can walk independently but not for long so she uses crutches most of the time, wheelchair on low energy days
- All her mobility aids are covered in sanrio stickers or is otherwize bedazzled somehow
- She actually always has beads in her braids, picrew is just a bitch and never has her hairstyle :')
- Has an angsty autistic Kaz Brekker core boyfriend named Booker (my S/O made him) and they are disgustingly in love it's very cute
- She's really good at making origami and she's constantly making little lotuses and dinosaurs for Booker and little frog hoppers for his little sister Bessie
- Talks to her stuffies, she has s o many of them.
- Has been keeping diaries since she was 6, never doesn't have it on her. She's painted a bunch of little white rabbits on the cover because they're her lucky animal
- When she was 9-12 she put those bicycle beads that go click-click-click when you turn the wheel on her chair
- Adores puzzles, riddles and brain teasers. Her rubix cube record is 31 seconds, she's very proud of it
- Idk man she's just really pretty in an aesthetic way, like she always has cute patterns painted on her nails, she has hearts in her edges and eyeliner, she wears cute pajamas to bed, she's just very cute-
- Feels love pains in her arms, needs to squish something
- Love languages are physical touch, gift giving and quality time
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Name: Milan
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/him (cis)
Sexuality: Bisexual
General description: Leading man but he's a little fucked up actually/lh
- Lead singer and frontman of a famous pop-punk-kindof boyband, at first me and wifey dearest(/lh) couldn't think of a name for the band so we started just calling them Guys Being Dudes but that's what they're called now.
- Is dating his other bandmates, Ruben (mine), AJ and Zach (both my S/O's). Won't shut tf up about them in interviews
- Early diagnosed with bipolar disorder after very nearly decimating their careers.
- Had a really traumatic fanmail incident when they were really starting to break it big. Has some issues with their fans now but he's working on that-
- Has a therapy rat named Eddie (after Venom, not Stranger Things). The band also has one of those crusty white woman dogs/lh named MJ
- He will tell you his favourite movie is Back to the Future. This is a lie, his favourite is How to Train Your Dragon
- Best friends with an Olympic gymnast named Evangeline, she's had to hear his pining for his bandmates for years now
- Was really emo when the band was just starting out. Like bottle blond smeared eyeshadow Set It Off Band-T over striped shirt emo
- He gave Ruben his first haircut and thus saved Ruben from the "Awful First Trans Haircut" narrative because he's been cutting his own hair since he was 11
- Kind of emotionally distant Catholic family. Didn't outright say they don't like his lifestyle but by god they made it known. He only sees them around holidays and he only attends church loosely or for special occasions
- Really loves interacting with fan content, his twitter is a constant spam of fanart and fanfic, he follows back content creators, he reads and hypes up fanfic, all the time
- When he's scared (like harmless horror movie viewing kind) he doesn't scream or jump or anything, he just tenses up and starts crying-
- Colours his nails in with sharpie
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Caio 🏁
(I promise you he is not as threatening as the picrew shows he's just got a ~persona~)
Name: Caio
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/him (Cis)
Sexuality: Bisexual with a bigg male preference
General description: We're genius for this ship trope.
- Drag racer, his cars are his fucking babies
- Yes that's cars plural, his adoptive parents are RICH rich and are away for work a lot so they give him and his sister Genesis more allowance than they know what to do with. So what's an ND adrenaline-seeking teenage boy gonna do? Drag racing of course.
- Autism and ADHD and enough people-pleasing trauma to power a small nation. Most of his past relationships were his partners not communicating their relationship expectations and him wanting more than casual hookups and kinda being used :/ and now he doesn't really know how to value his own needs he's working on it-
- But he has a boyfriend now and they are also disgustingly in love and they're gonna make it everyones problem. His name is Keanu (S/O's) and he's a drag queen and I told you we were geniuses for that
- HoH and always forgets to wear his hearing aids, he mostly relies on lip reading. He has a walkie-talkie-radio-thing in his car that flashes when Genesis needs to contact him mid-race (cos like. Cops)
- When he has meltdowns it creates these magic power surges, he's been known to blow out lightbulbs. Once broke down so hard that he cut off the whole house's power
- He used to be on the cheer team and he can still do the flips and stuff, still super flexible
- Has like. No actual friends-
- He acts big at races and stuff but he is just the embodiment of the autism creature. He is just an excitable affection puppy who intensely autism stares when he's hyped
- Is an awful gossip, he needs to know everything about everyone at all times
- He makes rly good coffee-
- Him and Genesis are both fluent in ASL but his parents never bothered to learn. Genesis goes nonverbal sometimes though so Caio acts as translator when that happens
- Love languages are quality time, physical touch, verbal affection and late night drives
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mainsjoy · 2 years
Minute of islands narrator
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It’s a place where the old and the new live side by side. A place where cities rise phoenix-like from the ashes of fire and where the ghosts of the dead haunt the landscape. EP.4 Aerial Greece: The Northīounded by the rugged fastness of the Pindus Mountains and the blue expanse of the Aegean, this is a land of mystery. This third episode of “Aerial Greece” explores the distinct culture and unique stories of these islands. These places seem remote today, but once they stood at the centre of human innovation. Crete, Samos, Chios, Rhodes and the Dodecanese, many of the values of Greek and western civilization were first born and nurtured here. EP.3 Aerial Greece: Crete & The Eastern IslandsĪt the southern and eastern fringes of the Aegean Sea lie some of Greece’s largest islands. This second episode of “Aerial Greece” explores the birthplace of the Western World as we know it today. This is a land of Spartan warriors, mythical legends and great gods, where the ancient and modern are interwoven like nowhere else. Southern Greece, the home of an ancient civilisation that influenced everything from the languages of Europe to philosophy, politics, art, architecture and even sport. This first episode of “Aerial Greece” explores the stories of nine of these magnificent and enthralling islands. Each island has its own unique story, from the tourist hotspots of Mykonos and Santoríni, to the hidden grandeur of Náxos and Amorgós. The Cyclades Islands of Greece known as the Great Archipelago, are a ring of over 200 islands filled with extraordinary history and ancient myth.
Title Sequence Animation / VFX – Eric DolanĮP.1 Aerial Greece: The Great Archipelago.
Post Production Supervisor – Ciara Walsh.
Researchers – Charlie Smith, Tracy Tough, Niamh Kennedy & Michelle Mc Camley.
Production Assistants – Michelle Mc Camley, Meg Elwood & Megan Murphy.
Location Managers – Argiro Delizona & Maria Powell.
Directors of Photography & Drone Camera Operators – Colm Hogan & Roman Bugovskiy.
Music Composers – Giles Packham & Sarah Lynch.
Editors – Jim Dalton, Dáithí Connaughton & Aaron McGurgan.
Narrators – Eric Meyers & Bessie Carter.
Executive Producers – Smithsonian Channel – David Royle & Charles Poe.
Islands of Genius was produced with support from the National Science Foundation. From memoirs to science, health and popular culture, Soundprint creates a powerful experience the listener will not soon forget. The award winning documentaries are renowned for drawing the listener into the story with compelling interviews, authentic voices and rich sound.
The Soundprint documentary series features the best work of top radio producers. Research on Savant Syndrome is producing new insights on how the human brain works, and how personal intelligence can outwit the IQ test. How can a 20-year-old man who is blind, autistic and still believes in Santa Claus play the most sophisticated improvisational jazz piano? How can a child who appears withdrawn and mentally disabled gaze at a building for only a minute then draw an exact reproduction on paper? Producer Stephen Smith explores the mysterious powers of savants - people with profound mental disabilities who develop an island of genius in music, mathematics or art.
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millie1536 · 4 years
Autistic Bessie meets Maria and Maggie for the first time! I finally finished it!
TW: Mentions of death (accidental, suicide and murder), Spiders, Mentions of tarantula death (AKA why you don’t handle tarantulas more than a foot off the ground)
Disclaimer: I love tarantulas but I’ve never had any as pets (Hopefully I can get one when I’m older) so everything about Ebony is based on what I’ve read and watched about them.
“Bessie, sweetheart,” Joan sighed as she shifted slightly to relieve some of the pain in her leg, “I need to get up, alright?” Bessie whimpered and snuggled closer to Joan. It had been three days since Joan had been able to do anything resembling housework and the house was beginning to resemble a dump.
“Why don’t you go clean Ebony’s terrarium?” Joan asked, trying to coax the young girl off her lap.
“Cuddles.” Bessie mumbled as she tightened her arms around Joan’s shoulders.
“I know, sweetie, I want to have cuddles, too,” Joan said gently, running a hand through Bessie’s long hair, “But I need to wash up and do some laundry and you told me yesterday that you needed to clean Ebony’s tank.” Bessie hummed in response.
“Then cuddles?” She asked, sitting up.
“Yes, once we’ve cleaned up around here we can watch a movie and cuddle for the rest of the day.” Joan agreed, smiling as she watched Bessie jump off her and run upstairs.
 Just as the last of the dish water drained from the sink Joan heard a knock at the front door. She stood at the sink for a moment trying to remember if she had made plans with anyone before a second set of knocks got her moving.
“Oh thank god,” said a voice as Joan opened the door, “I thought we were going to have to break a window or something.”
“Maggie? What-“
“Your mum called,” Maggie told her, “She said you needed help around the house and I figured it was as good an excuse as any for us to meet our new niece.”
“I told her we should have called first.” Maria added.
“But where’s the fun in that?” Maggie asked, seemingly offended by the suggestion that she forewarn her cousin before dropping by, “So, where is this new kid of yours?”
“She’s upstairs,” Joan said, stepping aside to let her cousin and her best friend past, “I’ll go tell her you’re here. Hopefully she’ll come down once she’s finished with Ebony.”
“Who’s Ebony?” Maria asked, “Has she got a pet or something?”
“Yeah,” Joan nodded, “A tarantula.” Joan couldn’t help but laugh at the way Maria’s widened with fear.
“A tarantula?” Maria repeated, “As in a big fury spider that could kill all of us?”
“No, as in a big fury spider that, if she were to bite us, could hurt us but is definitely not able to kill us.” Despite Joan’s assurance that Bessie’s tarantula would not kill anyone Maria didn’t seemed convinced.
Between the three of them Maggie, Maria and Joan managed to tidy up the main area of the house in less than half an hour.
“Who want’s coffee?” Maria asked as they surveyed their work.
“I’ve only got decaf.” Joan warned as Maria moved towards the pantry.
“You? Decaf?” Maggie stared at Joan in disbelief, “Who are you and what have you done to Joey?” Joan just shrugged.
“I can’t risk a caffeine overdose with Bessie here,” She sighed, “and the easiest way to prevent it is to just take caffeine out of the equation all together.”
“How are you coping?” Maria asked gently, sitting beside Joan on the sofa, the coffee completely forgotten.
“I’m fine,” Joan smiled weakly, “It’s just caffeine.”
“I’m not just talking about caffeine, love,” Maria put an arm around Joan’s shoulders, pulling her into a side hug, “How are you coping with everything? How’s Bessie?” Joan sighed, letting her head fall onto Maria’s shoulder.
“I don’t know,” She admitted, “Bessie seems fine most of the time but it’s hard to tell. I just don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Have you asked your mum? She might have some tips, you were about Bessie’s age when you were adopted, weren’t you?” Maggie asked, trying to remember how old she and Joan were when they first met.
“Yeah,” Joan nodded, “But I didn’t have anywhere near the trauma Bessie has. My dad died in motorcycle accident a few days after I was born and my mum killed herself when I was 3 months old.” Joan shrugged, she seemed to be the least distressed of the trio when it came to her parents’ death.
“Do…” Maria paused, unsure whether or not she had any right to ask her question, “Do you know what happened to Bessie’s parents?”
“You remember John Blount?” Joan asked.
“The guy who went crazy and killed his pregnant wife? Yeah, I remember.” Maria nodded.
“Turns out they had a five year old daughter,” Joan told her friends, “They kept it out of the papers for privacy reasons.” A heavy silence descended on the room.
“And Bessie…” Maggie tried but could seem to get the words out.
“Yes,” Joan said, her bottom lip trembling slightly at the thought of it, “She hasn’t brought it up and I haven’t asked her yet, I’m not sure if I ever will.”
The three women stayed huddled together until the sound of small feet running down the stairs pulled them out of their comfortable silence.
“Bessie,” Joan said, in what was becoming her ‘mum’ voice, “Please don’t run on the stairs.”
“Sorry!” Bessie called out, louder than necessary.
“We’re working on volume control,” Joan said quietly to Maggie and Maria who couldn’t help but smile a little. Then as Bessie rounded the corner, “Bessie, this is my cousin Maggie and our friend Maria.”
“Hello.” Bessie gave a small nod, unsure of what she was meant to do.
“I didn’t know they would be dropping by,” Joan said gently, moving to kneel in front of Bessie, “If I had I would have told you, alright? I promise.” Again Bessie nodded then, leaning closer to Joan, whispered,
“What am I meant to do?” Joan smiled warmly at the young girl.
“There’s no right or wrong. You can stay with us, you can go up to your room or into the backyard, you could take Maggie upstairs to see your collection, or-“
“What about Maria?” Bessie asked, her head tilting to one side.
“Maria isn’t particularly fond of spiders.” Joan told her.
“I bet Ebony could change her mind.” Bessie said confidently.
“I’m sure she could,” Joan agreed, she herself had become rather fond of the spider, “But not today, alright?”
“Alright,” Bessie agreed before nervously looking over to the women on the couch, “Um… Maggie? Would you like to meet my pets?” She quickly looked back at Joan who gave her an encouraging nod.
“I would love to,” Maggie smiled widely, “What sort of pets do you have?”
“Well,” Bessie began as she lead Maggie upstairs, “I have Ebony, she’s a Brazilian Black Tarantula, then there’s…” Joan and Maria exchanged looks as Bessie and Maggie disappeared up the stairs.
“Something tells me the two of them are going to get along just fine.” Maria laughed.
“I mean that was never not an option, really. You know what Maggie’s like.” Joan grinned but there was a hint of something else in her eyes, sadness? Anger? Maria couldn’t place her finger on it but she decided that whatever it was it was between Joan and Maggie.
 “She’s beautiful,” Maggie gasped as she looked at the large spider on the other side of the glass, “But I thought you said she was a Brazilian Black?”
“She is.” Bessie told her.
“But she’s brown.” Maggie said, not taking her eyes off the spider.
“Oh, that’s because she hasn’t moulted yet,” Bessie explained, “Sometimes they are brown until their first moult and then they turn black.”
“They can really change that much?” Maggie asked, looking to Bessie.
“Yeah, it’s really cool.” Bessie said proudly.
“Is she friendly?” Maggie asked, wanting to keep the conversation going. Bessie shrugged.
“It depends on the day. Tarantulas are kind of like cats,” She explained, “Sometimes they want to be near you and sometimes they don’t.”
“So, it’s an eight legged cat that can kill you?” A voice asked, Maria and Joan had been watching from the doorway as Bessie talked about her spider.
“The four legged ones can kill you, too,” Bessie told Maria, “People get scratched and they don’t realise how much bacteria gets under a cats claws and so they don’t clean it properly and sometimes people get really bad infections and some have died.” Maria turned to Joan.
“Remind me never to get a cat.” She said.
“You don’t have to be scared of animals,” Bessie said as she picked up a paintbrush, “Watch this.” Carefully so as not to spook Ebony Bessie removed the lid from her terrarium. Maggie and Maria watched in awe as the girl gently tapped the spider’s abdomen.
“See?” Bessie didn’t take her eyes of the animal, “She’s very docile today, if she had turned around and tried to bite the paintbrush then it means she wants to be left alone but she didn’t so I could pick her up if I wanted to,” Bessie giggled at the look of horror on Maria’s face, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to pick her up here. Whenever I handle her I move the tank to the floor so that if she falls she won’t get hurt. Tarantulas are actually really fragile, if I were to drop her from this height,” She held her hand level with her waist, “She’d die because her abdomen is so big that it would burst on impact with the floor.”
“You know a lot about tarantulas.” Maggie told the girl, again Bessie shrugged.
“They’re not like dogs and cats where you can kind of learn how to look after them as you go. You need to know what to do before you get them because some of them are really sensitive to temperature and humidity and stuff.”
 “She seems like a nice kid.” Maria said after Bessie had gone to bed that night.
“I think she likes the two of you, too,” Joan sounded relieved, “She wouldn’t have told you all that stuff about Ebony if she didn’t like you.”
“Do you know what you’re going to do when you go back to work?” Maggie asked, it was clear that she had a suggestion.
“I’m not sure, I don’t want to start her at school right away.”
“What if we looked after her?” Joan chuckled at the mischievous glint in Maggie’s eyes, “We could move in here and help out with housework, too.”
“I don’t know, Mags.”
“Hey,” Maria said encouragingly, “Remember what we always used to talk about at Uni? We all said we wanted to move in together and no seems like as good a time as any.”
“Better than some, even.” Maggie added. Joan sighed and held her hands up in defeat.
“Alright, I’ll talk to Bessie about it.”
“Yes!” Maggie cheered.
“Just for the record,” Maria said seriously, “I will be legally changing my name to Auntie Ria.”
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somelazyassartist · 3 years
Honestly baffling to me that my mom still vehemently denies any notion that I might be autistic when I literally had like a solid four year long hyperfixation on the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Like the signs were all there idk what else I can say
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She Can’t Stop (2/?)
tw: Sensory Overload (once again, based after my own, making them a little hard to describe)
When Parr and Bessie were backstage and the two alternates were on stage, Parr took a deep breath. She knew that Bessie would be even more scared later when she realizes that they had to stop the show because of her.
There’s been many cases where shows have had to be stopped. Anne falling of the stage, Parr having a Sensory Overload, Kitty lost her hearing aids at one point, Jane had a seizure. It’s not uncommon for a performance to be stopped due to medical reasons.
But it’s the first time it’s been stopped because of the ladies in waiting having something,
Parr knows she has to focus on getting Bessie to fully calm down. She’s not sobbing as bad as she had been earlier, but it’s still bad.
“Bessie. Can you hear me?” Parr asked the girl in her lap softly.
Bessie slowly nodded her head but didn’t look up. She’s still crying and she can’t stop. She wants to though. Her head is starting to hurt and is scared she’ll pass out if she keeps going.
“Can you tell me four things you can hear?” Parr had to hope Bessie hadn’t gone nonverbal. Both the women would do so occasionally either during or after an overload, but it makes getting fully calm harder.
“Show, you, me, heartbeat.” Bessie mumbled
“Can you tell me three things you can feel?” Parr held back a laugh when she felt Bessies fingers rubbing her side. trying to differ skin from costume she thought.
“Your costume, my costume, skin.” 
“Two you can see.”
“You, wall.” Bessie let out a shaky exhale, she wanted to stop talking but doing this helps.
“And finally, one you can taste.” Bessie stopped for a moment. This one was always weird. Why would she taste anything, no one gave her food.
“Salt?” Parr nodded her head and started to talk to the small girl in her lap.
“You did good Bess. You can change out of your costume and we can stay back here for the rest of the show.” Bessie shook her head.
Sure, her costume wasn’t the most comfortable thing she could be wearing and she had more comfortable clothes but, Parr’s lap was comfortable and she didn’t plan on leaving it
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Since The Mighty B! is now 10 years old, can we finally talk about how Bessie Higgenbottom was most likely autistic?
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has a special interest in collecting Honeybee badges
makes plans on how to collect said badges and can have a one-track mind about it
has hyperfocus when it comes to what she loves
can give infodumps about her goals and interests to complete strangers
gets upset and can even have a meltdown when her routines as a scout are messed with
doesn’t like major changes to anything about her scout troop (see the episode where her mom becomes the troop leader)
doesn’t like breaking the rules of the Honeybee Handbook
doesn’t get social cues from kids who don’t like her (namely Portia and Gwen)
can have difficulty in social situations, even if she doesn’t realize it
can have different reactions to things than other people
sensitive to taste (there was a whole episode about her tasting a change to her troop’s signature taffy that no one else noticed)
I’m sure there’s other common autistic traits I’m forgetting, but this alone makes it pretty clear that Bessie K******* Higgenbottom is on the spectrum.
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i get so frustrated with buzzfeed-like “your favorite cartoon characters have mental illnesses!!” lists made by neurotypicals because some of them bring up actually valid reasoning for why certain characters could be neurodivergent but they ruin it with a tone of “haha childhood ruined, they all belong in the mental ward!!!”
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pikapals16 · 3 years
Broadway Daycare AU!
hiiii @insanity-times-10 and i came up with this and decided to share with you all! musicals included are Hamilton, Six, Mean Girls, Heathers, and Dear Evan Hansen (and technically TGWDLM). PS, not in any particular order, my notes from this are a mess
Paul and Emma watch over the kids and are absolutely done and pretty much hate it.
Jane hoards the kitchen set and is VERY protective of the dolls. She likes to play by herself and when others try to play with her, she hisses at them.
Anne is the little baby gay who has baby crushes on the girls
Kit and Peggy are only 8 months old, they can walk and are absolutely best friends.
Catalina and Eliza are the absolute neat freaks and Eliza is Lina’s neat freak protégée
Heathers start things with the Plastics and there's definitely a Monster High vs Barbie thing going on (respectively)
Plastics try and get Jane to play with them because of said hissy thing earlier
Heathers TRY to play croquet but they're really bad. Also, it's inside, so Paul and Emma are pissed and absolutely done
Zoe plays her little guitar and Maggie will fight with Zoe over said guitar
Connor and JD play with nerf guns, need I say more?
Angelica is the cool older girl, she's in kindergarten but stays in the daycare after school because her parents don't come until later. Kinda hangs with Lina sometimes.
Kurt and Ram through things across the room, nuff said.
Hamilton hogs all the legos. He also built a big fort with those really big legos and he with Laurens, Lafayette, and Hercules accidentally summon a demon
Anna is the one who replaces the r with w so no one can take her seriously (ex. "You better wun I'm gonna cats wuu!") She always wants to help take care of the babies and always plays with the lonely kids.
Quote from @insanity-times-10 , "Burr is constantly in the corner having a breakdown", my addition: Aaron is next to him trying to calm him down
Jared is definitely the prankster of them all and Anne helps him with basically all of them.
Janis hides the art supplies, Damian and Alana are her accomplices. Joan, Bessie, and Maria are alway mad at them for doing so, so they hide the play-doh.
Cathy is autistic so she doesn't like the absolute chaos that is the main room. She likes to "read" in the hallway (no surprise there). Anna frequents playing with her and is now deemed Cathy's little sister
Ronnie is the ringleader for her friends Martha and Evan. Sometimes she'll hang with Cathy, and Cathy will read to her (and subsequently, Martha and Evan). They all think Cathy's actually reading, but she's really making up words based on the pictures.
Martha and Evan only hang out with Cathy because Ronnie does, but they all eventually become friends! :)
feel free to add things (or ask questions lol)
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People I as a autistic person headcannon as autistic in no specific order
Spencer Reid -criminal minds
Emily prentiss- criminal minds
Penelope Garcia- criminal minds
Luna lovegood- Harry Potter
Charlie weasley- Harry Potter
Adora-shera princess of power
Entrapta- shera princess of power
Keith kogane- voltron ledgendary defenders
Pidge -voltron :legendary defenders
Castiel- supernatural
Junie B. Jones - Junie B Jones series
Sherlock Holmes -bbc Sherlock
Abby Sciuto -NCIS
Kagami Tsurugi -miraculous ladybug
Henry- Oswald
Midoriya izuku- Baku no hero academia
Shoto todoroki- Baku no hero academia
Princess bubblegum- adventure time
Charlie Kelmeckis- perks of being a wallflower
Olive -ant farm
Mollylou melon- MollyLou Melon
Amelia Bedila- Amelia Bedila books
Bessie higgenbottom - MightyB!
Pete -Human Resources
Sally Walden - cat in the hat (mike Meyers version)
Felix Weston - love victor
Patrick Bateman- American Psycho
Sister Monica Joan - Call The Midwife
Bill - The Last Of Us
Temperance “bones”- bones
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hyperfixatinglove · 3 years
Headcanons about Blazkowicz in my Canon take 2
Blazkowicz has head trauma due to the metal chip in the back of his head
Also most of his muscle mass is gone after 14 yo of catatonia
I feed him so, he loses his sixpack or whatever and gains tummy but his arms are still Beefy
He’s nonbinary (he/him, neopronouns thon/thons) and heteroromantic polysexual
Because of his injury he loses his tasting sense and has difficulty learning math, but especially has trouble writing like he used to.
Has Depression and PTSD and is Autistic
Blazkowicz likes to read poems and recites them to himself or Fay whenever possible
He also has appreciation for paintings and has collection inside their shared home
William’s fave petnames are Shorty and Princess for Fay
Used to accompany her mother Zofia everywhere when tiny boy, like prince escorting princess
Autistic things:
Needles are Sensory Hell
He likes to rub the surface of guns as stim
Playing with knives (touching the tip, throwing it) as stim
He’s fine with gun noises and smells, but strong taste and texture is Bad
Hyper-empathic but has hard way of showing it
Owns stuffed dog plushie that reminds him of his dog Bessie
Loves the colorful, itchy type of sweaters, bc he had grandma who knitted him a pile of them
Also loves feeling leather hence the brown leather jacket and weight TM
Hyperfixated on poetry as young boy and it just never left him, also social justice
Used to hyperfixate on working out to be the way he is, when he was younger, before getting to military
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millie1536 · 5 years
Autistic Bessie AU HCs
Joan meets Bessie when she goes to visit a children’s home
Bessie immediately started telling Joan about all the other kids and why she should adopt one of them
Bessie thought Joan was pulling some kind of evil prank when she said she wanted to adopt Bessie
Bessie tried to convince Joan to adopt someone else
Bessie wanted to help other kids who had been abused but realised that she struggled with social interaction
So she decided to help animals instead because she feels safe with them
All of Bessie’s animals have something “wrong” with them
She has a cat that lost its tail, a dog that had both its ears torn off in a fight, a raven with a crooked leg and a blind spider to name a few
Joan was more than happy to let Bessie take in these animals
Bessie had one backpack when she moved in with Joan
The backpack held two old t-shirts that were far too big for her, a photo of her and her mother, her baby sister’s ultrasound and a small teddy bear that was so worn it had no fur left and had lost most of its stuffing
Joan loves Bessie but quickly realised she needed help to look after the girl
Maria and Maggie offer you move in with Joan and Bessie to help out
Joan’s mum adores her new granddaughter
Joan was adopted when she was little and wanted to give another child the chance that she’d been given
Jane adores her new granddaughter but struggles to connect with the girl
Bessie looks up to Maggie more than anyone else
She asked Maggie to teach her guitar but Maggie ended the lessons after Bessie’s third meltdown
Maggie suggested that Bessie try bass and Bessie loved it
Bessie doesn’t like physical contact most of the time
But when she’s in a cuddly mood she’ll curl up on top of someone and not move for hours
No one ever tries to move her because they are too busy savouring the cuddles
That’s why Joan needed help
Because she couldn’t get anything done when Bessie attached herself to her
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