#autistic deku hc
bnhabeans · 1 year
Quirklessness is a metaphor for autism. We see this evidenced in the fact that it is treated like a devastating disability despite having no real impact on quality of life outside of discrimination caused by artificial social values. There are many other examples present when you look at Deku's behavior and how others view it (e.g. muttering). In this essay I will
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beybuniki · 4 months
Do you have any character headcanons that you like? Your own or hcs that someone else have?
dabi being trans goes so well with his character arc and family subplot i like that one a lot I think about it a lot :)
deku being short but with big hands and feet idk i think that is oddly fitting for him lmao
i also think that while he forgives bakugo and they rekindle their friendship, there are some thing that he can never forgive and forget and they resurface again and again whenever they have their downs
shigaraki having trichotillomania, which is why he has no eyebrows lol
hard of hearing bakugo
idk who mentioned it first but i like the headcanon that some of the bouquets that Rei receives are from dabi :)
Rei making sibling bracelets for her kids!
i also like when people explain why deku is autistic he reminds me a bit of a boy whom i nannied
deku and bakugo sharing their clothes! characters sharing their clothes in general, which is why i reuse a lot of items lol
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bluestarjay · 8 days
I love the genius deku hc like it's actually so funny bc imagine bakugo is like "stupid deku, you probably can't even get a B on this test you're so stupid 😆" and deku says "erm actually 🤓👆" and holds up a score higher than his,,
and like,, actually I think he was fs a discord kid in middle school, since he didn't have any irl friends he joined a server for quirkless kids, a server for hero fans (met kirishima there bc YK he was one too (online childhood friends kirideku ftw!!)), and one for lost media.
I've been watching a bunch of lost media stuff recently, and it's actually so interesting, and I think deku would love that kind of thing. I think he'd enjoy the lost media wiki and try to do as much research as possible on them. He'd probably especially love lost footage of villain attacks. Just imagine 13 year old deku on his computer talking to a bunch of like 30-40 year olds giving information on an all might battle from like 20 years ago to try and rediscover lost footage 💀💀💀 internet sleuth/stalker deku is actually so funny lmao
Imagine class 1a has a talent show, and when it's deku's turn, he picks a volunteer and goes, "ik it's not super cool like your impressions 😅😅 but I'm really good with computers! I managed to find your childhood home, middle school, birth certificate, grandparents' house, and 3 out of 5 of your spam accounts on Instagram :33" and everyone is just 😧😧😧 oh!!
LMAO, bakugo thought his quirk analysis journals were stalkerish? Nahhh that wasn't even the SURFACE. He def watches those 3 hour videos talking about the lost media icebergs or like the really long videos talking about singular theories or the fnaf lore or something. He's so autistic I love him, sm!!!
BONUS kirideku for the soul : Kirishima and Deku were friends on Discord in a hero server and did friendly debates on Crimson Riot vs. All Might. Kiri knew he was quirkless and didn't care because he liked him regardless. Kiri was really nice to him even though he didn't have a quirk, and deku developed a crush on him. They didn't know what the other looked like, simply that they were the same age and were both bullied at school, had similar interests, etc. When Kirishima told him he'd been accepted into UA, deku didn't tell him that he had as well, bc with all his sleuthing stuff, he ended up using a pseudonym online. Upon meeting kirishima irl, he was happy to know he was, in fact, real (and attractive). He thought kiri would be disappointed in how he looked, plus explaining his quirk thing would be hard, so he never said anything. But kirishima treated him just as kindly irl as he had online, so he confessed, but kiri said he was in love with someone else, a boy he'd met online years ago ("as cringey as it sounds") that he hoped to meet irl one day. So deku explained that he was the one that kiri had been talking to, and with the proof, they started dating :333
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windrunnered · 3 months
please tell me your deku hcs omg. whichever your favorites are
cracks knuckles YES CHEF i think deku absolutely loathes the way the professional industry functions. i’ve written about it in less of a meta way and more of a narrative way here. (and i have a fic about it. (incomplete)) i think the way it’s shown to basically monetize saving lives and show that the professional industry (see: hawks and his infiltration) and more about just being showy, big, cool, better, and not anything about justice would rattle deku thoroughly. i also think he dislikes hawks thoroughly, but that’s another horseshoe in another stable
i’ve written, but have since scrubbed any remnant of that blog off tumblr, that deku has some rabid ocd symptoms if not ocd itself. we’ve all seen that he’s obsessive, but i think that this moral thing he has going on (i have to save them, it’s my fault if i can’t save them, you have no choice but to be saved by me) with his savior complex is really interesting and i don’t think it’s normal. i think it’s most interesting when compared against shigaraki, who most definitely does not want to be saved anymore, and deku just does not care. i think i have written some aspects of him having tics before, if i could find them.
i have complicated feelings about the way that the lines in the sand are drawn between heroes and villains, intentionally honed in on by actions done by endeavor and stain for example, but i think deku also hones in on it. especially as an adult, especially after the war, especially in any au where he becomes a professional before getting put in situations like he does in canon. i think he is not immune to propaganda. i think he would really like overhaul if overhaul got a hold of him. i think he would actively advocate for toga’s rehabilitation, but wouldn’t be able to save dabi. i don’t think he hates endeavor for similar reasons that todoroki doesn’t hate endeavor. because people grow. and it’s different to see the dark in one’s self and turn away than to never turn one’s eye inward and ignore the potential of one’s own darkness.
i don’t think deku is all that different from a nomu and i think that probably fucks him up as an adult. being stuffed full of 8 quirks when your body isn’t even made for one is probably a lot. i hate that we don’t see nomus anymore because what a fantastical psychological horror element in a world where endeavor’s mindset about quirk marriages exist, because you are basically doing the same thing in two different ways. lord knows touya suffers! LIGHTNING ROUND!!!! i’m obsessed with deku not liking hospitals, but having an eerie sense of comfort with them despite everything; i think deku is too familiar with the idea of martyrdom to ever fully reject it, even if he consciously denies it; i think deku is, like we’ve discussed actually tern, very autistic; i think he’s too obsessive for most people to want to date, and he personally views himself as too messed up for it; and finally, i think deku, deeply, deeply struggles with whether or not he is actually a hero. i think deku, the way i write deku at 18, does not see himself as one.
ask me about my obsessions.
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thatsgaybro · 2 months
hi! do you have headcanons about some mha characters? have a good day
Hi! Yes I do thanks for asking! I hc todoroki, bakugo, kouda, iida, hatsume, deku as autistic and kirishima and denki have ADHD and denki is also dyslexic! I hc todo and baku as aroace spec + gay and uraraka as either pan or a lesbian w comphet. I also hc baku as a trans man. Momo is a lesbian and denki and jirou are both bi. Jirou is nb and uses she/they pronouns. Ik it’s canon that Aizawa and shinso like cats but I think todo and baku are also cat people. Kiri is a dog person but agrees w baku that a life as a hero doesn’t leave enough time for a dog so the only pet they get is a cat and he’s slowly converted into a cat person too through that. Kirishima has 2 moms. Slightly darker but I do think Mitsuki is an abusive mother and is the reason Bakugo is the way he is and has BPD (Ik people like to insist the hitting was just a joke etc but I just have trouble seeing it as that even tho I’m sure it was intended to not be taken seriously) I also love the erasermic adopt shinso and eri and now they’re siblings hc. Kirishima, Bakugo, Shinso and Jirou definitely get piercings and tattoos when they’re older. Bakugo wears reading glasses. Bakugo accidentally gets some red dye in his hair from helping kiri dye his hair and he wants it to look like an in control choice not a mistake so he doubles down and dyes his whole hair pink for a while. Bakugo gets along really well with Uraraka and Jirou. Rody and Deku keep in touch. I have so many more but I’m like half asleep rn which is greatest impairing me rn but I hope you’re having a good day too thanks for asking me a question!
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hi fable!
do u have any lu hc? :D
hi dragon!
hyrule is aroace
legend is autistic
legend is a cat person
warriors prefers to initiate touch rather than receive it
four and the colors are a system (it's complicated)
sky used to have a crush on pipit
sky made sure that pipit and karane got together even though he gave the letter to the hand
wind is four's descendant
legend used to be pretty wary around twilight before divine dark reflections
legend is trans. dunno which way but he's trans
the kokiri didn't know how to assign time's gender because the deku tree creates them one way or another. they dressed time in a mix of clothes and used the kokiri version of fae/faer. time left the forest before he was old enough to figure things out for himself, and hylian society immediately classified him as a he/him
time and hyrule are both cool with fae/faer
four is 16 and the colors act a little younger/less mature
kiana and saki go full mom mode whenever wild visits
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New OC time! This is Star, and they are an MHA OC who is technically a student but also technically a TA in 1-A (and all of their years in the future)
Lemme explain it, he’s a year above our main cast however they want to also be a therapist and mentor when they are a hero and they do live with Aizawa, so UA decided that Star should be Aizawa’s TA and also have their other classes (which they said was okay too, because of their backstory, Star already has her hero licence)
Facts about Star:
They are genderfluid and go by all pronouns (though since they are afab, she doesn’t like it when people use she/her exclusively)
Aizawa and Hizashi adopted them as a kid after a rough placement at the Todoroki household (doesn’t really conflict with canon until UA cause Star didn’t open up about where the rough placement was until they saw Shoto again)
Got their hero licence extra young while at the Todoroki household cause endeavour pulled strings, wanting Shoto to have a reliable sidekick with experience (also an OP quirk)
Speaking of his quirk, it’s called World Melody and it’s super OP (ofc) and it basically allows the user to manipulate a certain area around them using sound (specifically music, but it can be just loud noise too if the user is advanced enough) (I think right now the radius is 15m) this includes the ability to swap positions, copy quirks, make things out of sound (literally anything, though this is the most draining thing they can do), and even stop breathing (though that’s never really used for obvious reasons). Side affects from over using the quirk include drowsiness, sometimes so extreme that Recovery Girl has to keep them in her office for a few days to sleep (definitely on her list for some of the most problematic students in the school due to how often she gets visits)
The reason why the hero commission let them become a hero early (like 8 years old early but never released the licence records to the public until they were at UA) was because her quirk had a lot of potential to be destructive and used for villainous activities, so they thought just giving them the hero licence at Endeavours request was a preventative measure.
They are autistic (also hc Mic and Aizawa to be autistic so it’s a much better situation)
He kind of knew Shoto was being abused too but didn’t want to put him in more danger so they decided to tell Aizawa about Enji once the dorms were implemented, causing an investigation to be conducted into the Todoroki household (again) leading to more evidence against Enji, but he never gets that much punishment except Shoto being taken away and a slap on the wrist (corrupt system)
Just because they are a TA, doesn’t mean they don’t still hang with 1-A, Shoto and Star actually share a majority of classes (except hero classes) due to Shoto actually being one grade ahead in the curriculum
Also in this AU with the OC, UA is a school that is taught in English, and there is a mandatory Japanese class, but Star is exempt from said Japanese class because they can’t speak Japanese (originally Canadian and never grasped onto the language due to the delays and difficulties with languages that comes with Autism), much to Endeavour’s dismay
Due to being in Japan and not being able to speak Japanese, Star also has various translation devices on them at all times for when they need to read something or talk to someone (there’s a translator in their glasses)
Kind of gets along with All Might due to their North American origin, however sees that there is something going on with Deku and him (eventually finds out after using a clever strategy of listening to music with headphones (because they work too) to ease drop using their quirk (however keeps it a secret and tell Deku that they know after a few days sitting on it)
Also gets along with Midnight pretty well, and even gets life advice from her (much to Aizawa’s dismay)
Star chose the hero name Nova because he “had nothing else to pick” and Iida asked why they picked that name knowing it’s an explosive star and they said “because I can explode within my quirk” and left it at that (which is a true fact, they are pretty much immortal while using their quirk but again, energy consumption)
Being a TA while being only a year older than the rest of the cast and Aizawa’s child can be interesting, cause they do know all of the subjects that the students are doing but the forget everything they’ve done the year before unless it’s relatively easy to remember, bakugo has offered to help them get though things but she told him that they “can catch up later”, since Star only assists Aizawa during hero training and home room
Star is also a big fan of anime and cartoons, Soul Eater is their favourite anime, and why they have a skull incorporated into their hero outfit (which is just some black clothing and a skull somewhere because they didn’t want to “be too flashy”)
Often hangs with the class for all of their events since she often says that they have a “habit of befriending everyone but people in my (their) own grade”
Also hangs in the teachers lounge because “it’s the most cool place in this hot school”, since they are sensitive to heat (which was a pre existing condition before the Todoroki household, but nobody really noticed until they were almost fainting from being so hot)
They also watch One Piece with Kirishima, Kaminari, Deku, Mina, and Shoto (cause he said he wanted to catch up with some pop culture), and when Law was introduced everyone started to call Star “Traffy” due to the resembling quirks (Traffy is the nickname Luffy gives to him if you don’t watch one piece)
They can also copy other peoples quirks even if they aren’t in the sound field, for an example, it was karaoke night when Star decided that he was going to use their quirk, however while singing “Me and Your Mama” by Childish Gambino, they accidentally activating Present Mic’s quirk in the dorms and broke a window, though nobody told Aizawa who did it cause Star was so embarrassed about it
So that was Star aka Nova, I might make more posts or a fic if I feel like it, but I feel like the quirk is a bit OP too
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eddies-spaghetti · 2 years
Izuku headcanons 💚
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[ ID: (First Image) Midoriya Izuku is on the left side of a collage of the unlabeled, demiromantic, polyamorous, and trans flags. The pronouns he/him are in the middle in the trans flag colors (pink, blue, and white) and have tildes around it.
(second image) Midoriya Izuku is infront of a collage of the autistic, ADHD, general anxiety, C-PTSD, narcolepsy, chronic pain, and disability flags. End ID.]
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boimgfrog · 3 years
You know you don't have to be autistic to hc characters as autistic right. It's free. I do it all the time.
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lost-caticorn · 4 years
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) is autistic - HC
Hi hi ~ so I am autistic and I strongly headcanon most of BNHA's characters as neurodiverse (and gay but that’s another story). I think that Deku is definitely autistic and here are the main reasons why. For this “analysis” I’ve used both the anime (until s4 which is currently airing) and bits of the manga.
(I’ve had comments on my previous autistic headcanons pointing out that I was projecting myself onto the characters and YES I am very much doing this. No but seriously, I am writing about why I think certain characters have the same neurodivergence as me so yes of course I’m going to use my own life as a reference and as a material to explain why I think the way I do. If it bothers you it’s fine but don’t spread negativity is all I ask for.)
All autistics are welcomed to add to this post btw I’d love to have more perspectives <3
1. Stimming
I feel like this one is extremely obvious so I'll start with it: Deku is one stimmy boi omg. Just look at the way he swings on his chair before watching that one All Might video:
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“Stimming” also known as “self regulatory behaviour” is basically the repetition of movements, sounds, visual stimulation. It’s a way for autistic people to calm and reassure themselves, concentrate and express their feelings.
I’m also putting his mumbling in here because it’s very common for autistics to talk to themselves, it’s a form of vocal stimming:
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2. Special interest
"special interest" is a term used by autistic people to refer to the topics that interest them. When we're invested in something it's not just a hobby. For us it becomes an obsession, we think about it 24/7 thus why we have a word for it. A special interest is not only an obsession, it's a safe place, an escape route if the reality becomes overwhelming, something that gives us a joy and fulfilment.
All Might and generally Heroes are Deku's special interest. He spent years to research and gather all informations in books. He's so obsessed he goes back into 'fanboy mode' super fast and forgets the time and place at times. He knows everything by heart AND well enough to use it directly in battles.
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Also like his mumbling could be due to him being in hyperfocus: an intense form of mental concentration that focuses consciousness on a subject, topic, or task. Hyperfocusing on special interests is something quite common for autistics. He’s so focused that he forgets that it's not really “appropriate” (by society’s standards) to do that when other people are around.
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AND he does that quite a bit huh.
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3. Blunt, honest and infodumping
Deku is very honest and isn't afraid of being vulnerable. This is something I tend to observe with the autistic community because we simply don't see why some things are considered shameful or embarrassing. We say what we think and we don't see the wrong in that.
He has a tendency to infodump: Infodumping is the practice, common amongst autistic people, of giving intricately detailed summaries of their topic of interest in single heaps. This can occur in conversation both online and offline. "Speaking in paragraphs" is another way to describe this. It happens multiple times in the manga but this one is my favorite example:
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First of all, he was SO stressed at the beginning of the interview. Again, this is interesting in itself because Deku is not shy, he’s usually more on the spontaneous side. It reminds me of when he had to be funny with Sir Nighteye to gain his approval because he was surprisingly very stiff. This makes me think that maybe he feels uncomfortable in any social situation he’s not already familiar with. That’s... Very relatable as an autistic person because most of us also have social anxiety.
Anyway, about the infodumping. This example perfectly shows the switch that occurs in his behaviour before and after a special interest is brought up. When being asked about himself he doesn’t know what to say at all but he gets loud the moment he’s asked about All Might and start literally speaking in paragraphs. When can clearly see that he’s not stiff anymore. Talking about All Might was both a relief and something that got him suddenly excited.
4. Bullied
I find it so interesting that the series begins with Deku's perspective and within the first pages we are already introduced to the concept of inequality in this world. People are not born equal. Deku learns it very early at age 4 because he's quirkless and I can't help but draw a parallel with neurodiversity. 
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He's bullied for being different, for not having a capacity that others have, for not meeting expectations.... This reminds me of almost every autistic person ever unless they become very good at masking (hiding autistic traits) very fast. Also he points out a few times that he’s probably not only bullied for not having a quirk. This makes me think that even if he had one he would have been ostracised anyway. Maybe being quirkless drew attention on him but he was different from the start. As an autistic person I relate so much to this and I think the discrimination he faces is very relatable to a lot of neurodiverse folks. This is my interpretation of this aspect of Deku.
5. Strong sense of justice
No I'm not saying that us autistics are better people BUT I think we have a strong sense of justice that we aren't afraid to show no matter the circumstances. A lot of people don't express when the feel like something is unfair mostly because of social rules but because we're quite blind to these we often blur out things without even thinking or considering time and place. I think we see that in Deku's childhood especially when he stands up for his beliefs while being quirkless and powerless.
6. He comes up with unique ways
Something very interesting with deku is how he always manage to come up with a unique plan. I think this is something most autistic people relate with because we often perceive things a bit differently than most and as a result we have unique ways to achieve our goals.
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Ok and that’s all for me ~
Honestly there is not one single moment of him that makes me think he’s not on the autism spectrum lol. I could understand people disagreeing with other headcanons but this one?
I’ve seen posts talking about hyper empathy as an autistic trait Deku has and I didn’t put it in here because I don’t feel knowledgeable enough on the subject to touch it. That being said I think it’s a very interesting point to make! 
Anyway if you’re still here, thanks for reading I hope it was enjoyable!
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They 👥 Stim 🤗
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digoload · 5 years
Proof Midoriya Izuku is autistic
- heroes are his special interest
- muttering is actually echolalia
- isnt that good at social stuff until he gets friends he can observe to help mask/make him more confident in himself
- was bullied in school (i know this was for other reasons, but lets be real, bullying is basically an autistic Experience at this point)
- h y p e r c o m p a s s i o n   a c t i v a t e (he cries a bunch)
- needs all his hero memorabilia to feel comfortable in a new place
- i can headanon so i will 
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ex-villain-rehab · 5 years
Deku is a trans, bisexual, and an autistic icon and you can’t convince me otherwise.
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narwhalsarefalling · 6 years
how do you feel about midoriya being autistic headcanon?
its excellent! i see a lot of myself in izuku, with him muttering and always taking notes about his hyperfocus! 
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cutesucc · 6 years
bnha is so ridiculously overdramatic that it’s almost cringey, but i’m fucking loving it so far
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How is this not a more popular trope in the fandom? This is literally one of the first things I thought while watching the show (I see too much of myself in Bakugou)! I mean, c’mon. Difficulties socializing/adjusting behavior to meet different social situations. Difficulty understanding/expressing emotions and reading the emotions of his peers. Difficulty understanding and maintaining relationships. This boy does not understand the concept of volume control. He is extremely intelligent. Restrictive and fixated interests (like being number one hero). He has a strict routine! Odd/awkward posture/gait. Idiosyncratic phrases (i.e. “die!”). VERY introverted. And these are just his CANON characteristics! Don’t even get me started on fanon Bakugou (there are so many fics I’ve read that aren’t even tagged as Autistic Bakugou that have me saying “boi this man is in no way neurotypical”).
Anyways. Spread the word that Bakugou is autistic because I NEED more content! I might just have to write some of my own.
(Side note: Todoroki is also fucking autistic and Deku is on thin fucking ice (I hc Midoriya as neurodivergent, but ADHD more so than autism))
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