#eddies-spaghetti hcs
lovebugism · 1 year
Imagine rough sex with eds and you guys just break the bed and you have to tell wayne
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summary: you and eddie break his bed. the worst part is having to tell wayne. pairing: eddie munson / f!reader warning: smut! eddie being the cutest human alive! a wild appearance from uncle wayne! 18+ mdni! a/n: i need everyone to know that when i wrote this draft, i titled it "breaking bed" and it made me chuckle a lil. anyway, thanks for your request anon! enjoy xoxo
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when eddie muson fucks, he fucks like a wild animal
he grunts with each of his rough thrusts, brown eyes somehow darker with lust while his untamed curls cling to his sweaty forehead
and you just let him drill into you because, truth be told, you love him this way
you hold the backs of your thighs and keep yourself wide open for him while he fucks so deeply into you
he leans over you, one hand white-knuckled where it grips his headboard, and the other wrapped around your throat
not tight enough to choke you exactly, but to make sure your eyes stay locked on his as he fucks you for all your worth
the headboard slams into the wall in time with each of his thrusts, rhythmic bang bang bangs that you’d be scared are leaving a dent in the wall if eddie wasn’t making you feel so good
he tilts your jaw to the side to expose your neck to him
and he hides his face in the sweaty crook of it, seeking refuge there while he nips and suckles at the warmed skin
you just keep begging for him to go harder and deeper and faster as he fucks you more and more stupid
and eddie complies without question
he revels in the way you keen each time he pounds into you and how your face scrunches up and your back arches for him
your toes curl and your legs tense up so hard they start to quiver
and right when you’re about to come, the bed suddenly jolts and dips beneath you, accompanied by loud crashing sound
it scares the shit out of you and you squeal while eddie lets out a grunt of surprise
because his bed just fucking broke
and it isn’t the most surprising thing in the world, the thing is about as old as he is
but it does take the two of you off guard 
all you can do in the moment is laugh about it
and eddie barely wastes another second before he starts fucking you again
because his bed is already broken, who cares if it gets more fucked up?
plus he knew how close you were to your orgasm and you just look so pretty when you come <3
the worst part about it though is telling wayne
because there’s no way he’s not going to notice
and eddie can’t exactly sleep on a crooked bed
so he just comes up with the shittiest excuse known to man “so the thing is... i was… jumping on the bed…”
wayne furrows his brows “the hell were you doing jumping on your bed?”
“well, you see, i was just, you know… trying to… heal my inner child…”
“…what the fuck does that mean?”
but, like, obviously wayne knows
typically you’re good at keeping eddie in check and sometimes he can hear you saying you don’t want to fuck while wayne’s in the house
and that’s a part of the reason he likes you so much bc you don’t want to put him through that trauma
but you guys are young and in love and sometimes keeping your hands off of each other feels like the hardest thing in the world
so he knows exactly how the bed broke
but hearing eddie trying to lie about it is the funniest thing on the planet
shopping for a new bed frame is easily the most adult thing you and eddie have ever done
and the only one he can afford is a star wars themed one in the children’s section
eddie groans and acts annoyed about having to get one that’s so childish but you know he secretly loves it
because the headboard is shaped like the cock pit of the millennium falcon with lightsabers painted on the foot of the bed
you try to put it together without wayne’s help while he’s at work
and you’re like “how long do you give it before we break this one?”
“an hour if you wine and dine me first <3”
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have any blurb requests? send em here if you want!
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eddies-spaghetti · 3 months
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my that’s not my neighbor headcanons!
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poppy-metal · 2 years
anyway.....i hope you know whenever i write mean!dom eddie in my head eddie n reader are in an established relationship and have discussed it at length beforehand because eddie is so genuinely a sweetheart he would never dream of being cruel to the person he loves unless he had their explicit consent. also it takes him awhile to get confident as a dom i think. hes naturally good at it, but it takes a minute for it to set in, for him to know it, and realize his own affect on you. saying "good girl" or "good boy." is second nature to him, but making you do things to earn that praise hes already so willing to give is something he needs to learn about himself. he has his interests and things he thinks hes into, but its not like pulling anybody, so he's never had to worry about acting on those things. mostly, he just wants to treasure you. mostly, he just wants to make you happy. mostly, he just wants to be good enough.
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lemonleafloser · 27 days
Reddie HC
I have this strong headcannon that when they have a kid, Richie just gets into rhyming all the time and trying to not swear in front of them. He eventually starts using the phrase “uh-oh spaghetti-o” which annoys Eddie to no end until the day that their kid just blurts it out when Eddie drops an egg on the ground or something.
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phoenixwwitch · 2 years
some eddie munson hcs i have and are very correct because me and him are basically the same person:
he is a cat person and takes care of every stray cat in the trailer park. there is one orange tabby that sleeps on his trailer’s roof that he buys toys for all the time.
he is constantly listening to music, i mean constantly he needs the noise because he hates getting stuck inside his head for too long and he cant focus properly without noise of some kind
he cannot cook jack shit he has almost burned the trailer down like 6 different times. once he forgot to put water in to cook pasta and set the kitchen cabinets on fire
he hates getting angry because it reminds him of his father so instead he digs his fingernails into his palms and tries to memorize his friends facial features
wayne is the one that got him into metal and bought him his guitar because he saw how happy his sweet eddie was listening to iron maiden and only wanted to see him smile like that
he says his favorite color is black but its actually green
he collects rocks he randomly finds in the trailer park or over by lovers lake and sometimes he’d save the prettiest ones to give to a future boyfriend (steve)
he keeps a picture of his mom on his nightstand so hell always remember what she looks like since she died when he was so young, her name was mariann and so he names every cat in the park after her (or variations of it)
he hates getting sick because it reminds him of his mom stuck in bed until she.. he refuses to let anyone help him when he’s sick until wayne finds him crying one night just knowing he’s thinking about her (she was his sister)
he kinda flirts with everyone a little because even though he’s comfortable enough being a “freak” he still craves people’s attention and he wants to be seen out of fear of being left behind
he spent years hating who he was and trying to hide his interests until one day in freshman year when he only had a clean iron maiden shirt left and steve fucking harrington walked past him after 3rd period, looked him up and down and said “cool shirt, munson. their mascot’s name is eddie too right?”
he has admired steve since 6th grade and he skinned his knee during gym class and steve helped bandage him up. they didn’t speak again until that day in freshman year and then once again in eddie’s 3rd senior year.
steve actually made the first move and it sacred eddie to death because he did genuinely think it was a joke. he saw steve’s face fall and he fiddled with a single flower in his hands- a sunflower (eddie’s favorite) and then kissed him.
steve will request eddie to make them fancy dinners and eddie will literally just shove spaghetti noodles in hot dogs and cook them (after many tries and a lot of wayne’s help)
the first time he watches the lost boys he makes it his mission to get steve to dress up as michael and him as david for halloween that year (steve always caves because he cannot resist eddie’s doe brown eyes)
steve had come over once with a book in hand and stupid cute reading glasses on and told him that he finished lord of the rings but he was confused they never got to mordor. eddie stood there shocked, grabbing him by the neck and kissing him but before it turned to a full make out session he handed steve the next two books and burst into laughter
steve and eddie will say ‘i love you’ to each other every waking moment possible because they both need the reassurance and eddie just likes seeing steve blush (and steve is obsessed with eddie’s dimples when he smiles)
eddie steals steve’s tears for fears shirts because he secretly also likes them and thinks steve doesn’t know but he has like twenty pictures of eddie asleep in them
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bunniesnuggie · 2 years
I know you are taking a break from stuff, but I wanted to recommend a possible fic idea or hc with cg! Eddie and fem reader with like playing dress up or dollies or tea parties and just the rough and tough metal guy holding out his pinkie as he sips real or imaginary tea from a plastic tea set....
Now I wanna buy a real people tea set.
a/n: AHHH YES I CAN THIS IS MY FAVORITE TROPE EVER, cue eddie in a tiara. watch as the scenarios get longer and longer :3 btw the stuffies featured here are some of my actual stuffies!
~ princess tea party ~
cg!Eddie Munson x (fem) little!reader
summary: what having a fancy tea party with daddy is like
warnings - readers clothing described as being smaller than eddie’s, over use of the term “princess”, not proofed
as always - sfw interaction only, this is not an ageplay fic. dni if dd/|g or k¡nk variant
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• the first time you asked to play, eddie thought you wanted to play princess and knight, until you shoved a dress in his hands and a tiara on his head
he looked at you with wide eyes, you thought he was gonna shove it off and tell you that boys don’t play dress up. the thought made your lip wobble and you reached to take it off, “sowy….” he quickly pulled back and straightened the tiara. he looked at the sparkly purple dress, then to you, and ripped his shirt off then shoved the small dress on over his head. ignoring the small tearing sounds it made, only focusing on the huge smile you held.
• it’s a formal event, sunday best and sparkles are required. additionally you must act like gentleman or lady when at the table
eddie wrapped his fingers around the small pink cup before drinking the whole thing in one sip. “DADDY, NOO!” you shrieked, he jumped with wide eyes, his tiara falling to the ground, “oo gots tuh do lady sips, wif or pinky ups, see wash me,” you pickled up saucer as well as the cup by the tiny handle, with your small pinky held high and took a tiny sip, before placing it on the saucer and back on the table. “der see how fancy i was, dada! now oo try it pease!” you filled his teacup back up and looked at him with expectant eyes. he of course copied you exactly, lifting the saucer and cup with his pinkies lifted, then took the tiniest sip he could, “how was that princess? royalty approved?”
• you would have a tea party multiple times a week. it doesn’t bother eddie, he loves playing with you. he just doesn’t want to keep ruining your play dresses :(
“baby, i’m not saying we can’t play tea party, and ill wear the crown! i just don’t wanna keep ripping your pretty dresses, honey.” eddie frowned, trying to explain to his very pouty, teary eyed baby. you didn’t want to be a bad girl so you just nodded, sniffling and wiping your tears. eddie inwardly groaned, he grabbed the already ripped purple dress in one hand and scooped you up in the other. “okay how ‘bout i put on this one ok? it’s already got rips in it, you can help me fix it later and we’ll get dada dresses in his size, how’s that sound?” while he never, ever thought he’d go buy himself dresses in his life, the giggle and smile that came from you was totally worth it.
• that being said you have so many princess dresses and tiaras, wands, play jewelry. all of it. you have a whole dress up box full of princess dresses thank you goodwill
eddie walked through the thrift store, a pile of frilly dress in one hand and your tiny hand in the other. he felt you tugging on his arm every so often to get his attention, “oooh d- um eddie spaghetti wook” you mumbled quietly to him, fingers running along a pink and gold dress. he smiled and pulled you into his side, shoving his face into your neck to blow raspberries, “i see sweetie, wanna add it to the pile?” you giggled and nodded, shoving it into his hands before skipping off to the dressing room. everything fit great except for the last dress, which happened to be the beloved pink dress. you came out with a pout, drowning in the dress, “don fit,” :( eddie couldn’t have you being sad, that’s unacceptable. he took some safety pins off his jacket and pulled the dress tighter around you, pinning it in place. it was still kinda big, but have you the idea. “i’ll make it better princess, you can have your own fancy princess fitting, hmm?” you grin at him, “or dis one can be yours?”
• drink of choice is strawberry milk (or you favorite drink in little space) he would never let his baby handle hot drinks when so small and water is too boring
the eldest munson woke up to rummaging in his kitchen, padding out with furrowed brow he found his nephew pulling out every single box they had in the cupboard, eddie didn’t even bother turing around, only letting out a, “morning!” wayne just smiled, “good morning to you too, champ. uhh - what’re looking for there ?” eddie just let out an humm, not quite processing the question and continued digging. that’s when wayne looked up and saw a pitcher of milk with a spoon sitting in it, he realized what day it was, you were coming over to spend time with your dada (uncle wayne knows and supports bc he’s slay) he immediately knew what eddie was looking for, he pulled the pink and yellow container down from the top of the fridge. “she tried adding it to water last time you weren’t here, i put it out reach to avoid that again.” he laughed remembering your scrunched up face as soon as the potent water touched your tongue. eddie hugged and thanked his uncle before dumping a heap loud of the pink powder into the milk and aggressively mixing.
• gareth comes too of course, he stumbled upon you guys one day mid party, loosing his mind at his dungeon master and lead guitarist wearing a pink sparkly dress (in his size) and a tiara on his head, until you squealed and pulled him to join
the trailer door swung open and a boisterous laughter was heard, “garebear’s here!!!! yay!!!” you yelled and jumped up, ruining into the drummers arms. he immediately grabbed you and spun you in a circle, “wow! look at you, you look so pretty fairy!!” he gushed giving you kisses on your soft cheeks, “and so do you ed’s .” your dada just glared, making gareth laugh harder at the angry metal head trying to look intimidating in his sparkly dress. you clapped you hands, “oh he does?! doesn’t he! oo wan one too, garebear? gots lots of crowns!!” you were running off the the dress up box before he could answer, coming back with a tiara, clip on earrings with a matching necklace, and a tutu. grinning like the cheshire cat, he was ready to say no, until a steal toed boot came into contact with his shin, “ow- yea thank you fairy, of course i would like to play!” he smiled at you, letting you put the sparkly items on him. he just stated at the fluffy skirt for second before eddie spoke up, “put the dang tutu on emerson.” he pulled it on and flicked eddie in the head when you weren’t looking, making him lightly shove back. “dada!” he looked at you with big eyes, worried you saw that, “we gots to show em how to dwink it fancy!”
• your stuffies also attend, of course. in the proper attire because you have an amazing daddy with never ending skills
“dada can you pwetty pease gib pippa a cookie?” you asked oh so politely, with a large grin on your pretty face. “of course i can princess, does mr. sprinkles want one too?” he responded, putting a cookie on the small baby pink plate in front of your brown bunny, who was dress in her pretty pink and purple dress. you giggled and nodded, both of you knowing very well who was gonna eat those cookies in a matter of seconds. he smiled putting another cookies down, this time in front of you large white unicorn. “oo hab some too dada?” you grabbed a cookie reaching it out to eddie. he grabbed the cookie with his mouth, playfulling nibbling on your fingers, making you giggle and squeal. “why thank you my beautiful princess, that was delicious!” you happily flapped you hands and just continued your conversation with your stuffies, pouring them more “tea” and taking bites of the cookies on the plates. he just smiled to himself, he may be a rough and tough metal head but if his baby girl asks him to play princess’ and have a tea party with him, you better hand him a tiara.
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a/n: i hope you liked this, sorry it’s a bit short. and sorry i haven’t written in forever, i just didn’t have motivation for awhile. i hope to work on jealous baby pt 2 some more cuz i’ve started it and i’m pretty excited abt how it’s gonna go!!
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\\tag list\\
@bootlegmothman420 @angelbaby-fics @lil--baby--bat @stardancerluv @lulubooboo @leilanix19 @albino-otaku
(as always just let me know if you wanna be added!!!)
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Inspiration comes from this amazing post
Steve had gotten Eddie babysitting duties. With a psycho basketball player after him he was the safest at Steve's place.
Steve had just placed a plate of pasta in front of Eddie and sat down with his own when Eddie said loudly “I love you, Steve Harrington”.
Steve dropped his fork and laughed dryly at the man who just confessed his feelings for him.
"You don't love me, you love this Steve that i presented to you, this Steve who is an imposter, believe me once you knew just how cruel i can get and how awful i am, just ask Nancy, you won't love me anymore and you're going to leave like everyone else did" Steve said pushing his plate away from him.
The silence was deafening. Eddie knew about the breakup with Nancy and the feeling of betrayal he felt when Tommy dumped him as a friend.
But he was Eddie Munson and if he wanted something he worked for it. Squaring his shoulders he looked Steve right in the eye, stubborn and determined, and said “I've loved you since I was 17 and you were a 16-year-old jackass. I loved you since you were all polo shirts and a varsity jacket with a stick up your ass. I loved you since you were king Steve, looking down on everyone, looking down on me.
I loved you when you were a confused 16 year old not sure how you ended up like that but not having the courage or the right support system to change. I have loved you for the longest time.
But we live in the here and now. Right here right now, this Steve Harrington I have had the honor to meet.
This Steve who is so easy to love that I actually had the balls to tell him how I've always felt. This Steve and all the ones that come with it are who I want to spend the rest of my life with”.
Eddie took a deep breath and just sat quietly waiting for the younger one to say something, anything. At this point, he would even take “get the hell out of my house.
But Steve didn't say anything.
Eddie started to get more and more nervous as the silence lingered.
Suddenly out of nowhere, Steve was in his arms, sobbing like a hurt child because he was a hurt child on the inside.
“How could someone like you Eddie love someone like me? But you do. The truth in every word you said rang in my ears like church bells. I felt the truth.
You know what Eddie, I truly love you too and I hope I don’t do something to scare you away” Steve said between sobs.
Eddie just laughed that angelic laugh he had and said “the only way you'll ever get rid of me is if I die”.
The spaghetti on the table was forgotten as the two headed to cuddle under a blanket on the couch and enjoy the peace while it lasted, together.
Thank you @stevietruther for allowing me to run with your amazing HC.
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So I wrote a thing....
Y/n and Eddie HC
Y/n is Eddie's Asexual Best Friend.
Tw: allusion to abuse. Kinda dirty but only if you really squint.
Y/n and Eddie met about a week after she moved into Forest Hills. He had been tuning up the van and heard someone angrily thudding their way through the bassline of Pat Benetar's Heartbreaker and got curious. He found Y/n on the front porch of her trailer with headphones on, growling at the paper in front of her, rewinding her tape and then nearly jumping out of her skin when he came into her view and waved.
They talked for hours.
He joked that she was so cool that he thinks he may have accidentally summoned her.
When he found out her mom was never home, he started making excuses to get her to come over at night.
"Hey, Do you know how to get NBC to come in? I wanted to watch Knight Rider."
"Hey, Wayne made like fifty pounds of spaghetti, come eat some so we don't die."
"Hey, I miss your stupid face, Come watch Muppets Take Manhattan with me."
It eventually reached a point where Wayne started expecting to see her when he got home.
Y/n ended up telling Eddie everything about her past after they watch a TV movie that makes her burst into tears.
He held her all night and from then on, they were nearly inseparable.
He also started being a little more protective of her. When she would have bad days, he'd take care of her. When she had good days he still will randomly hand her food knowing she forgets to eat.
There was one night where they had a weird moment.
They were a little high. they were curled up on the couch. They were laughing at something so stupid that neither of them would remember it. They were face to face and so close. He put a hand on her cheek and leaned in. They kissed for about twenty minutes.
It got weird for about a week after.
Y/n wasn't coming over.
Eddie tried every day.
He finally broke into her trailer and found her in bed.
"What the fuck, Y/n, you don't talk to me anymore?"
He sat on her bed, she looked awful.
She finally spoke. Her back to him. "I'm freaked out okay? I don't… I don't do that. I don't do that because I can't be the kind if girl that does that. And like, you are the best fucking thing in my life and I can't even do that with you and not feel all fucked up because you deserve someone who can be that for you and I just fucking can't."
He loved her, she loved him but it was different.
He'd enjoyed the kissing.
He enjoyed when they would end up wrapped up with each other watching bullshit on TV.
He just enjoyed her.
And he fucking MISSED her.
Was this something?
He knew about her past.
He knew why she felt like this.
He laid down behind her and carefully pulled her to him. He could feel her crying.
"You know I love you, right?"
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
"Do you love me, Y/n?"
She nodded, shaking a little harder with tears.
"Then why does it fucking matter what we do and what we call it. You're my fucking best friend and if you abandoned me I wouldn't know what the fuck to do with myself."
She turned to him and kissed his cheek.
They leaned their foreheads together.
"We're just us, y/n, and we're pretty awesome."
"I will never make you do anything you don't want to, but I will always care about and for you. Ya got that?"
She nods.
"No more of this disappearing on me for a week bullshit. Got it?"
Another nod.
"Good, it happens again I'm handcuffing you to my bed."
"Don't threaten me with a good time, Munson."
He grabbed her and tickled her until she managed to turn the tables. They tentatively kissed. And just decided that was enough.
Their dynamic is hard to explain.
They are like siblings… but they kiss sometimes.
They are practically roommates, but his taking care of her sometimes could look a little like he's "Daddy" from the outside.
He jokingly says things that are a little dirty to her and she usually throws something at him when he does.
He called her a "Good Girl" once when she had said she didn't skip lunch that day. She threw a shoe at him. "Don't be gross."
When Eddie got a girlfriend. It changed nothing. They were, in a way, a package deal.
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beldaroot · 4 years
I hc that Richie jokingly blames all his back problems on Eddie, saying that he has a hunch back because of all the years he spent in childhood and adulthood having to hunch over to be closer to Eddie!
eddie sends him this picture:
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with this message: maybe if you did this you wouldn’t be the hunch back of notre dame. go see a chiropractor. *then proceeds to send richie a whole list of local chiropractors with his personal reviews and recommendations*
but i can also see eddie offering him a back massage and richie freaking the fuck out because he does not know how to handle that much intimacy and touch and then he goes into an existential crisis on whether he needs to get his back shaved slkjfsdf
also richie’s back problems only get worse when he starts dating eddie and he’s constantly hunching over to give eddie a kiss! it’s not like eddie is even that much shorter than him, but richie always exaggerates everything and definitely makes the effort to swoop down so he’s at the same level of eddie’s lips :’) 
so anon you are absolutely correct, richie will definitely blame eddie for his back pain but he knows that it’s really all his own fault for always wanting to be closer to eddie lol. one day richie’s back is so bad he can barely move, and eddie was going to take care of him until richie started whining that eddie had to carry him for compensation for being so short. rip richie 😔
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lovebugism · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about the look Eddie would give you when you flip him over after he comes on top of you and then ride him for the next round 😏
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summary: eddie munson was yours. so it was only right to fuck him like he belonged to you. pairing: eddie munson / f!reader warning: smut! smut! smut! 18+ mdni a/n: i haven't stopped thinking about this request since i got it so now i have to make it everyone else's problem too <3 thanks for the request, anon! enjoy!
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eddie’s always so pretty when he comes
you swear watching him is almost better than the sex
you’re on your back with your legs thrown over his shoulders and he grips your thighs for leverage while he fucks you through your first orgasm and then some
a lazy, fucked out smile pulls at your lips as you watch him drill into you
he’s totally lost in his pleasure
his pink, kiss-bitten mouth is parted to let all of his pretty little moans slip out
he’s babbling total nonsense entwined with mutters of your name
“god you’re so pretty, baby”
“this pussy— fuck— this pussy is so good... always so good to me.”
“fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me come” 
a primal feeling of innate possessiveness settles in the pit of your stomach
because you can’t believe this beautiful boy is yours
you watch attentively as his long lashes flutter shut and his nose scrunches
you feel the way his fingers dig into your thighs, tighter and tighter the closer he gets to his peak
eddie all but buries himself inside of you when he comes
he lets out a guttural moan as his hips still against you, balls warm and wet against the skin of your ass
you’re moaning right along with him and shivering at the warm feeling of him filling you
he drops your legs and settles on top of you, holding his weight on his forearms
you wrap your legs around him to keep him sheathed inside of you
eddie trembles like a leaf above you while you milk him for all he’s worth
“oh fuck— fuck— i think i’m… shit. i’m still coming, baby, holy shit—”
he’s still bottomed out inside of you and pressing further and further into you
forcing you to feel every warm load of come he spits into you
and it’s the most exhilarating feeling
to know that you’re making your boy come harder than he ever has in his life
it sobers you from your pleasure ever so slightly because you realize you’re not done with him yet
not even close
it’s easy to flip him over and onto his back because he isn’t expecting it at all
an audible gasp leaves his mouth when his back hits the mattress
you settle on top of him before he can blink
his hands shoot to your waist when you start grinding against him, your clenching walls hugging his twitching cock
he watches with wide, twinkling brown eyes while you ride him
if he were capable of forming words, he’d call you a minx
say you just had to be a succubus with the way you’re fucking him just now
but he can’t do much more than let you ride him for all he’s worth
his legs are shaking and his mind is floating lightyears away by the time you're finished with him
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kmttp · 6 years
Tell me otherwise that
Richie edition(a little bit of mike and bill)
•When Richie gets braces he got rainbow bands on them
•Ever since Richie got his braces he's been jumping off of things and crouching down afterwards yelling, ”I’M GAY” with the brightest smile imaginable
•Richie needs a full five years of braces
•transgender!Mike & transgender!Eddie are the validest guys in the world
•Even when Reddie was just friends w/benefits, Richie was still over-protective of Eddie
•Bill: I'm pan, mad, and ready to Stan
Bill: Wait What
•Richie came home w/four dogs and eddies like, ”why???” being half-awake
•Richie parents are nice(when Went comes home he asks about Richie’s impression and if he can do them for him) and they accept Richie for how he is and his boyfriend
•Richie gets his inappropriate humor from his father
•Richie loves saying ”chicken butt” jokes(same cause I’m basically 5)
•(based on a true story) Richie & Eddie were at a fancy restaurant & Richie starts giggling saying, ”He-Hey Eds guess wh-what??” Eddie sighs and says, ”What?” ”CHicken BUTt!!!” and he starts bursts out laughing, so much that he started crying
•Richie has freckles. everywhere.
•Eddie gets out of breath from just counting all of Richie’s freckles on his face
•Eddie is hella ticklish
•Whenever Reddie decides to have fun, Richie makes sure he has 100% approval of what he's doing ”Eds are you sure you want this?” ”Just shut up and fuck me”
Part Four
I’m so sorry I haven’t posted one of these things in a while
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poppy-metal · 2 years
YEAHHH Eddie is not stupid at all, I think he’s just got a lot going on? I hc’ed him as having adhd, possibly having another job which makes it harder to catch up with school. Like bro you really look at Eddie’s big ass eyes and tell me he’s gonna corrupt you?
i said it before but i rlly think eddie has a corruption kink but like in the mosr respectful sweet way? like the thought of helping someone discover themselves through sex and gently guiding them through the motions would get him off so much. BDSM etiquette teacher eddie? im gonna cum in my pants.
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asthmaqueeneddie · 7 years
eddie but with body dysmorphia
-so eddie has always been small -compact, if you will -and he secretly liked being small, being able to fit in people’s (richie’s) arms so well, finding the tiniest of spots to hide during hide and seek -but one day while after he got to high school, sometime after he hit puberty, something changed in him -he got taller and thicker and he wasn’t enjoying it -he started to feel like he was taking up too much space -he kept these thoughts to himself, as he does with most everything -but they all notice eventually -he won’t sit on bill’s shoulders to play chicken anymore -won’t let stan give him piggyback rides -before he started seeing himself this way he used to borrow bev’s sweaters all the time but now he refuses because he’s convinced he’ll stretch them out -he won’t ride on the back of mike’s bike when they travel around town -and richie especially notices when eddie won’t let him wrap his arms around his waist anymore -at first richie thought eddie was slowly distancing himself -trying to slip away -he was so hurt when eddie refused to cuddle or change in front of him -he goes to bev, who is obviously one of his best friends, -“i just feel like he doesn’t love me anymore you know? he won’t let me touch him like ever” -“richie, can’t you see it? it’s not you, it’s him. he feels bad about himself, he’s got body dysmorphia” -and of course she then had to explain what that term actually means -but then it all comes together in the old trashmouth’s head -“you’re a godsend, marsh. what would i do without you?” -“crash and burn” -so he goes to eddie, not knowing if he should confront him straight up or wait til eddie says something himself -but that’s obviously never gonna happen so plan b -they’re chilling in richie’s room, doing homework -richie puts his math book down and starts kissing eddie’s neck -“rich, stop, i’ve got work to do” -then he starts playing with eddie’s hair -“richie you’re distracting me” -“you’re so beautiful, eds. i love you so much” -“shut up, trashmouth. don’t call me that” -richie starts slowly moving his hands around eddie’s shoulders and then slipping them under his sweater -“i mean it, babe. you’re just so beautiful, i can’t believe i wasted all that time being your friend when i could’ve been-“ -“beep fucking beep richie! i don’t want to play right now” -“why won’t you let me touch you, eddie?” -and eddie has to pinch the bridge of his nose -“i have work to do” -“i don’t mean just now. i mean ever. we don’t hug, or cuddle or make out, we haven’t been together in weeks” -“that’s what you’re fucking worried about? that i’m not having sex with you?” -“no you stupid idiot i’m worried that you’re gonna start hurting yourself because you think you’re fat” -“what are you even talking about” -“i’m not stupid, eddie. you’re wearing baggy clothes, you only eat green shit, you won’t let me see you without a shirt on....for some reason you hate yourself and that’s fucking ridiculous because you’re probably the most attractive person i’ve ever met in my life” -eddie doesn’t know what to say because he never thought richie would figure it out -“i love you, eddie. you. the way you are. i love your floppy hair and your sparkly eyes, i love how you can be kinda squishy in the middle, i love your arms and your legs....dear god eddie your ass is literally out of this world” -and eddie laughs through his tears -“i don’t want you to change, i don’t want you to start to disappear” -eddie takes richie’s dorky face into his little hands and kisses the tip of his nose -“i’m not gonna go anywhere. i love you, trashmouth” -“i love you too eddie spaghetti” cool i’m in pain
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guacfinn · 6 years
Two seperate worlds (pt 3)
No one asked for this but if I don't write it soon my lil brain's gonna explode
-it was lunch and Eddie hadn't stooped shaking- curly black hair shifted in his mind every time he closed his eyes
-Jennifer hadn't stopped talking about Richie. In the 10 minutes before lesson that morning he'd learnt everything he'd already knew about his old bestfriend, and more
-Richie had moved away after a traumatic event (eddie had almost broke down after hearing that it was his fault) and tried to start up an acting career-it worked- but apparently he missed home, Eddie Derry.
-so niw he was back for good
-and Eddie's plan of avoiding him was going to be harder than he thought.
-especially as jennifer was his girlfriend
-Eddie pulled himself from his thoughts as his other cheerleader friend Amy shook him vigorously
-"Eddie im trying to explain what happened with Josh at the party!" She whined.
-"Oh yeah, sorry, umm where's Jessica?" He asked hoping she'd dissapeared with Richie never to be seen again.
-"she just text, she'll be here in a minute with her new boytoy" and Amy punctuated it with a sarcastic eye roll
-Eddie internally panicked, what would happen when Richie saw him?
-he didn't think he could stand watching them cuddle all day, his lunch looked suddenly unappetising.
-he was about to interrupt a still yapping amy with an excuse to leave when his arms darted to the opening cafeteria doors as Richie and Jessica walked through- arms linked.
-their eyes locked
-Richie stumbled for a moment under his gangly legs, his eyes still in Eddie as he caught himself and carried on.
-Eddie suddenly couldn't breathe
-he needed his inhaler for the first time in years and his onsetting panic subsided as he realised he probably only needed it because of the way richie looked at him in the years before.
-Richie was still looking and his eyes widened at Eddie's state but he hesitated under Jessica's tight grip
-Eddie was fine, he was fine, oxygen was slowly startung to filter into his lungs as he pulled himself together
-by the time he was normal again the couple had reached the table, Jessica already in conversation with Amy as she joined her on the opposite side of the table
-there was only one seat left
-and in the great cliche of things it was roght next to Eddie
-nostalgia filled his mind as richie sat next to him
-he smelt the same, better even
-Eddie nervously bit his lip as he snook a glance at Richie
-Richie was already staring at him
-"Hey Eds, remember me?"
-"Don't c-call me that"
-They turned and smiled and each other and for the first time in a long time Eddie felt whole again
-and then they went back into the awkward silence
-"Shou-should we maybe talk? In private?" Eddie asked tentatively, there was so much he wanted to say. So much he wanted to ask and know. But most importantly- it was time.
-he'd left Richie in the lurch
-he'd been selfish and scared his friend wouldn't accept him
-it was time to tell him the truth
I didn't expext this to reach a part 3 or 4, maybe even 5? I've just got so much to say and the plot hasn't even fully developed yet. I might make this into more of a fic than a hc. If you want to be on the tag list just message me or send me an ask etc. Tysm for actually reading this x (UNEDITED IM SORRY)
Tags: @geckolover001 @brenda-wolfy @fuckin-reddie23
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tastyfearx · 6 years
modern richie would sing mine by bazzi to modern eddie like twice a day and we all know it~💟
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edsiekaspbrak · 7 years
just listen,,,
Mike Hanlon: the strong tall farm boy not afraid of getting dirty and would do anything for his friends to make sure they’re okay.
Eddie Kaspbrak: the short asthmatic hypochondriac that would go to any length necessary to ensure the safety and good health of his friends.
Mike Hanlon rushing to the quarry in the midst of a panic attack after being forced to kill his first animal at the farm. he immediately threw up all over the dead body that had splattered blood on him. he got there to be presented with none of the losers around. his panic started growing more as he quickly brought himself to the closest house to the usual meeting spot. Eddie Kaspbrak.
Eddie was in his room singing along to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun when his mom called him downstairs because of the knocking at the door. He didn’t think anything of it, and honestly just assumed it was Richie coming to bother him again. Eddie did a little dance before going to open the door as he muttered the song lyrics under his breath. That was until he saw Mike trembling while covered in blood in front of him.
Eddie helped him clean off all of the dirt and blood in the shower upstairs. (OBVIOUSLY NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED THEY ARE TOO PURE FOR THAT)
he threw Mike’s clothes in the wash, but didn’t have any clothes that would fit the other so he had to make do with one of his mom’s shirts and a pair of boxers that were once his dads.
Eddie and Mike cuddled through the night as Eds kept him calm and reassured him that he wasn’t weak for what happened. 💛
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