harriet-chambers · 2 years
Your Kara tags on the fandom post, LITERALLY what I was thinking about hkgkfkgnvmv I Do Not See It
also i think the reason it pisses me off so bad is because fandoms only ever do this to characters who are more seen as more optimistic or happ. like it happens in others but its especially stupid here because in canon she's so intelligent and it adds 2 her character and idk. people just treat her character as a joke so often when it's literally her show
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lethargicmarigold · 29 days
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hi girl kisser nation i gift all with patsyjen. very important
also follow my IG :3 @lethargic_marigoldd ill prob change my name on here to that just for consistency tbf
also bonus yap session
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neonshrike · 11 months
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what am i even doing anymore
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autisticlenaluthor · 1 month
You're Everything I Want (and I'm all You Dread) - Chapter 1
Lena leans forward, wincing at the pain that shoots through her from the movement.
It’s as if her stomach has been stuffed full of water balloons. There’s no room for them but they don’t care. They grow and grow, mushing into one another, pressing against her ribs and forcing acid back up into her esophagus. If they pop, she’ll feel relief for a split second before she realizes the water is still rising. It’s filling to the brim with nothing to contain it– nothing to keep it down.
Stupid. Lena curses herself. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Kara knows Lena's fighting to survive in a world that resents the Luthor's. But she has no idea Lena's also fighting to simply survive.
Read the fic on ao3!
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daisy-mooon · 8 months
"Why does Captain Marvel emote so stiffly" She's autistic next question
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Hey! Can I request a Carol Danvers x sibling!reader who has autism and Carol is protective of them?
Hey there, anon! Not sure this is exactly what you were looking for... it's more Carol being big-sisterly than protective exactly, but I'm pleased with how it ended up. Hope you enjoy! –illdowhatiwantthanks
Find Your People
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Carol Danvers x autistic!sibling!reader Warnings: general discussion of homophobia, explicit language (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.8k
Summary: You've always struggled with making friends, but you're feeling particularly left out these days. But your old sister, Carol, is back home on break from the Air Force Academy, and she's here to help you feel better.
You stared at the picture on your phone, holding your thumb over it to keep it in place. There was no doubt about what it was–all your friends, together, without you. You tried to rationalize it. Maybe they were doing something they knew you wouldn’t like. Maybe they didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. But deep down you knew the truth: it was probably you who made them uncomfortable.
You felt like you should cry, but you never really knew how to. It’s not that you didn’t feel things, exactly, it’s that when you felt something, you just thought about it a lot. You turned it over and over inside of you, like if you just looked hard enough at it, if you just examined it enough, you could figure out why whatever was going on inside you was so different from everyone else.
You heard a knock on your open door and your head shot up. It was your older sister, Carol. She was home for the holidays after her first semester in the Air Force Academy, and she seemed… different. Not in her spirit, not in who she was–that was the same as always. But her body was stronger, leaner, and you could tell that she’d finally found a place where she fit. Where she felt like who she was and what she wanted were good things. Where other people wanted the same things. And, even though you were happy for her, you missed her. And you knew in your heart, she’d never be back. Not in the same way. Not always.
So it’d just be you, alone in this house, in this place. With your mom who acted like it was still the ‘50s. With your dad who was disappointed in how you’d turned out, even though he tried to hide it. Going to Mass on Sunday where you didn’t fit. Going to school during the week where you didn’t fit. And then sitting in your room, “playing” around with your robotics, as your parents called it, instead of making friends.
“Go away, Carol,” you snapped, pulling your knees to your chest and turning away.
“Ouch,” she shot back good-naturedly, coming in and sitting on the edge of your bed. “And this is how you treat a returning war hero?”
“You’re not a war hero, you’re just in pilot training,” you mumbled. “Also, fuck the military. And fuck capitalism.”
“Okay, well…” Carol chuckled and grabbed the side of your head, pulling you in for an awkward hug. “I’m giving Uncle Sam ten years so I can get out of here without drowning in loans, but then I’ll fuck capitalism with you.”
You moved further away from her. All Carol wanted was to get away from here. Away from you.
“You going to the football game tonight?” she asked, running a hand through her hair.
You traced the patterns on your quilt, thinking about the pictures your friends were posting from the stadium. “You know I’m not,” you whispered.
She shrugged. “You could. You know, if you wanted to.”
“No. I can’t.” Your voice was getting louder now, and you felt your face growing red. “It’s too loud, and there are too many people. And nobody wants me there anyway.”
“You don’t know that.”
Now you really felt like you could cry. “Actually, I do.”
You and Carol sat in silence for a few minutes, you picking at the fabric of your quilt and Carol watching you. After a while, Carol hooked her pinky with yours and you sniffed, looking away.
Her voice was quiet now, kind. “You’ll find your people, Y/N. They’re out there.”
“I just…” You sighed and tugged on your earlobe, a nervous tick. “I wish I could be like everyone else. It’s so easy for them to make friends and I… I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Something’s wrong with me, Carol.”
“Hey,” she said, tilting her head so you had to look her in the eyes. “Nothing is wrong with you. You’re the coolest person I know.”
You seemed unconvinced, so Carol laid it on harder.
“Look, they don’t know what they’re missing out on, okay? I used to think something was wrong with me, too. But I just had to find people who were like me.”
“Really. Why don’t we go out tonight, huh? Just me and you? I want to hang out with you.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re just saying that because you’re my sister.”
“I’m not,” she insisted, dragging you off your bed. “Who else could I talk to about plane mechanics?”
Your face lit up. “You got to see the engines?!”
“I learned all about the engines. Come on, we can go to the diner. I bet no one’s there because they’re all at the game.”
Breakfast for dinner at Pat’s was a tradition for you and Carol. She’d started taking you after she got her driver’s license, to get you out of the house when your parents were fighting. You were old enough now that your parents fighting was old news, but the tradition had stayed alive.
You’d been so many times that the nighttime waitress knew your order. Banana pancakes for you, with extra whipped cream, and the Thursday special for Carol–an English muffin topped with scrambled eggs and cheese with grits and sausage on the side. They always made it for her, even if it wasn’t Thursday.
You cut your pancakes into careful triangles, feeling better already. There wasn’t much that pancakes couldn’t make better. You watched Carol salt and pepper her grits and felt a surge of love for her. She really did like you. She didn’t have to hang out with you, but she did anyway. Carol was your person. And if she’d found people in the Air Force, well, maybe you’d find people somewhere out there, too.
“You found people in the Academy?” you asked her, mumbling through a mouthful of pancake.
Oh, right, you thought. Context. “At the Air Force. Did you find your people?”
“Oh, um…” She thought about it for a bit too long. She wasn’t trying to find the answer, you realized. She already had it. She was trying to decide whether or not to share it with you.
“Carol.” She startled and blushed a bit as you stared at her. “I can tell you’re hiding something. I’m not stupid.”
“I don’t think you’re–”
“What happened? Did you get a boyfriend or something, and you’re afraid Mom and Dad will find out? I won’t tell, I promise.”
She bit her lip and exhaled deeply, just watching you. She glanced around the diner, then leaned toward you, her voice low and shaky. “I got… I got a girlfriend.”
“Oh,” you said, the words bouncing around in your skull until they finally sunk in and made sense. “Oh.”
Carol looked worried, almost scared. She was never scared. You didn’t know what to say, how to make her feel not scared. You weren’t good with feelings, even your own. You decided just to treat the revelation of Carol having a girlfriend the way you’d treat the news of her having a boyfriend.
“What’s her name?” you asked.
Carol visibly relaxed and, for just a brief moment, you saw the shine of tears in her eyes, but she knew you better than anyone. Knew that neither you nor her were very comfortable with crying. She beamed at you.
“Maria what?”
“Maria Rambeau.”
You nodded approvingly, taking another bite of pancake. “That’s a badass name. Is she in the pilot program, too?”
Carol nodded, growing more and more comfortable, even diving back into her bowl of grits. “She’s so strong. Way stronger than me. And smart. And beautiful.”
At these last words, she blushed and looked around, as if afraid of being overhead. And for good reason. Bethany, Massachusetts, was not the place for a girl to like girls. All these small-town people with small-town minds, going to Mass every Sunday just like their parents had and their parents before them. Your father had hit you just once in your life, and it was after you’d said you didn’t believe in God, that the idea of a higher power didn’t make any sense.
You’d kept your religious beliefs, or lack thereof, to yourself since, except with Carol who said you were probably right.
“Can I meet her sometime?” you asked.
“I hope so,” she said, and you could tell by the tenor of her voice that she really meant it. “I think you would like her, and she would like you.”
You wrinkled your nose. “Why?”
Carol shrugged, chewing thoughtfully. “I don’t know exactly. She’s just… she’s a no-bullshit kind of person, you know? Like you. What you see is what you get. You don’t have to guess where you’re at with her. It’s nice. Refreshing.”
After you finished your meal and a long conversation about the particulars of fighter jet engines, Carol left some cash on the counter, and you followed her out to her old pickup truck, clambering into the passenger seat. She paused and looked at you, the key resting in the ignition.
“Y/N?” she asked, her voice hesitant again.
“Could you not tell Mom and Dad? About Maria?”
You met her eyes, fully, for the first time that evening. “I would never.”
She nodded, and you waited for her to start the car, but she still just stared into the distance.
“Do you think I’m going to hell?” Her voice was so quiet you almost couldn’t hear it.
“No,” you said bluntly. “I don’t believe in hell.”
At this, she started laughing, out of relief or amusement you didn’t know.
“Even if I did,” you continued as she started the car and peeled out of the parking lot. “Loving someone seems like a stupid thing for God to send someone to hell for.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
“And wouldn’t everyone else who was like you be down there, too? I don’t know, if I were Satan, I wouldn’t punish people for being like me. Wouldn’t I just be like, ‘Yes! These are my kind of people!’ I think if there was a hell, it’d just be a big party with people who don’t like going to Mass.”
She ruffled the hair at the top of your head and you squirmed away, a bit too late. “You’re pretty smart, you know that?” she said, smiling softly at you.
“You’re gonna find your people, Y/N. I promise. And, until then, you’ve got me.”
“Only until then?”
Carol chuckled and shoved your shoulder. “You dork. After that, too.” And you knew that even when she was far away, even when she was hurtling through the air or holding hands with Maria, or laughing with her friends at the Air Force Academy, there was a part of Carol that was yours and always would be yours. Because she was your sister. She was your person. And you were hers.
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For the headcanons thing (that you posted 6 months ago - sorry)
Winn Schott
If you’ve already done him (which is highly likely) give me another character you haven’t done and please tag me in the Winn one :)
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS LMFAOOO thank you for reminding me that's so embarrassing
anyways, I'd had Winn and Lena requested but Kara is my second fav blorbo after Winn so I did her too <33
also, this is going off the premise that both Winn and Kara are autistic, it's canon because I said so I have lists you can fight me on this
Realistic: Winn is notably the only analyst (in the main cortex at least) that wears dress clothes instead of uniform. At the beginning he really did try to stand the uniform, but he ended up convincing J'onn to let him off because he just couldn't deal with the feeling of it on his skin.
Hilarious: Being the only human member of the Legion of Superheroes, Winn got asked A LOT about human culture. A blatant lie that originally stemmed from being asked the same ten questions a billion times, snowballed into a complicated lore about humanology and Gods and belief systems (because he was too embarrassed to admit to the original lie) and he ended up being the accidental cause of organised religion in the 31st century.
tldr: Winn Schott manages to shitpost his way through space and time
Also, he's asthmatic as fuck. He has to carry an inhaler in his bag and he hates it.
Awful: He hates the smell of teakwood and tobacco because it reminds him so viscerally of an abusive foster home that it genuinely makes him physically anxious and nauseous.
Unrealistic: He's actually really good at handling spicy food. He's even out-performed Alex a handful of times.
Realistic: Lena actually really hates chess. She hates how everything needs to be calculated properly, how everything needs to be thought out exactly, and it just reminds her too much of how she was brought up.
Hilarious: She has a peanut allergy. Similar to Winn, she has to carry an epi-pen in her bag. This is not public knowledge, of course, because that would probably bring her quarterly assassination attempts up to weekly.
Awful: Lena can only fall asleep with a nightlight- she isn't really sure why, all she knows is that her bed feels less like frigid, murky water when it's on.
Unrealistic: She doesn't know how to cook or how to drive. Her whole life she's had people cook for her and drive her places, so she never had to learn how to. She'd like to one day, though.
Realistic: Kara LOVES dinosaurs. She didn't have birds on Krypton, which implies either all the dinosaurs were wiped out, or there never were any in the first place, and she was immediately enthralled and fascinated by them when she first learned about them.
Hilarious: She's dyslexic. She relies on Grammarly like it's lifeblood.
Awful: She's insanely afraid of thunderstorms. It takes everything in her not to have a flashback or a panic attack or a meltdown, and she will point blank refuse to patrol if it's storming.
Unrealistic: After Red Daughter was killed, Kara's heat vision stayed permanently purple, and her eyes were purple too for a very long time afterwards.
maybe that first ones a bit of projection, i fucking love dinosaurs
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Plushies the Dead Sea Siblings have
Percy(ft his fave action figure):
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moo9395 · 3 months
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My supergirl autism tier list.
I don't know why I did this.
but I also don't regret it.
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marvels-meme · 1 year
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 5 months
Kara Zor-El Danvers from Supergirl is autistic!
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harriet-chambers · 2 years
If the butch Kara comic you’re talking about was like a farm butch thing I know exactly what you’re talking about and <3333
So it’s not actually “let’s make this character butch” bc like PLEASE GOD YES MORE BUTCH REP it’s specifically the “let’s make this strong nuanced kind woman a flat dumb masc puppy that’s only use is to be an object to validate all these bEtTeR characters” that makes my skin crawl. Bc of a million different real life reasons I think?
Dude the only real human I speak to is my partner atm so like. G-d I really do get it hah.
yea that's the one
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autisticlenaluthor · 6 months
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im writing a high school au and started thinking about what kara and lena would be like once they got to college
maybe I'll continue with another fic when we get there
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cha0ticlesbian · 6 months
It’s autism awareness month which means I’m allowed to be openly insane about my hyperfixations
Please ask me about my hyperfixations
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bullywugprincess · 7 months
Mrs Danvers is black cat autistic lesbian and Beatrice Lacy is golden retriever autistic lesbian, and honestly I think if Rebecca hadn’t got in the way they could have had a cute friendship
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Yo, can you please do something with this prompt? Established supercorp, Kara being overwhelmed by all the bodies of national city and Lena helping her through it.
This is a completely self indulgent Autistic!Kara fic, featuring Lena throwing money at problems because she's a bazillionaire and she wants to spoil her wife. (And yes, I'm still working on the smut fic and Myx part 2, but I'm trying to crank out some volume and clear out some prompts!)
"So, I was thinking we could invite Winn and James over for lunch next weekend, that would be the perfect time to ask them how their trip to Alaska went, because you know Winn is going to have . . ." Lena lets her voice trail off as she studies her wife, realizing by the distant look on Kara's face that nothing she's saying is registering anyway.
Instead, Kara is stopped halfway down the grocery aisle, eyes glazed over as her fingers twirl the pendant charm on her necklace. She's definitely seen Kara take her time on the cereal aisle before, but this is different.
Lena carefully maneuvers  the shopping cart to the side of the busy aisle, watching as the crowd jostles around them.
Kara startles when Lena's fingers make contact with her arm and Lena can't help but wince at the flash of fear that sparks in those blue eyes.
"Are you ok? I think I lost you there for a minute."
Kara's gaze flits around the store before finally settling on Lena, one hand still toying with her necklace.
"Yeah, it's just uh, you know, a lot of people here today. My skin feels twitchy." Kara's shoulders tense upwards in a cringing shrug, and a shiver shakes her body.
"Do you want to go home?" Lena offers. "I can always have groceries delivered -"
"No! No, I mean, I'm fine. I can get through a grocery trip without freaking out, I'm not a weirdo."
Lena  sees Kara's eyes focusing on the cereal in front of them, but she can tell her mind is a million miles away by the blankness behind her gaze.
"You're not a weirdo." Lena insists, reaching for Kara's hand. "The store is busy today, it's hard enough for someone without-" she drops her voice to a whisper - "super senses."
Kara flashes her a grateful smile.
"I'm fine, I can tough it out for a few more minutes."
As if on cue, the overhead speaker blares with static.
"Attention shoppers: register four is now open with no wait."
Kara twitches violently at the noise and Lena makes an executive decision; grabbing Kara with one hand and the shopping cart in the other.
"I'm fine, I swear -" Kara starts but Lena ignores her protests; instead weaving a commanding path through the crowd to the front of the store.
The register lines are backed up, but Lena bypasses them, instead heading for the costumer service desk.
"Can I help you?" The gentleman behind the counter asks with a smile, and Lena answers with one of her own.
"Yes, sorry, I've just had something come up and I need to leave immediately." She slides a hundred dollar bill across to the man. "I trust this is enough to cover your restocking fee?"
The man glances at the money and then back at Lena.
"Oh, ma'am we don't actually have a restocking fee -" but Lena doesn't let him finish.
"For the trouble." she insists, pressing the bill into his palm before turning to the door and pulling Kara with her.
"But Lee, the ice cream . . ." Kara protests, and Lena spins on her red bottom heel, already pulling out another hundred dollar bill.
"For the ice cream." She explains to the customer service rep as she tosses the bill on the counter and reaches in the cart for the frozen container.
Speechless, the man waves, and Lena turns once again to leave,  passing the carton of mint chocolate chip to her wife.
"Better?" She asks with a sly grin, and Kara's thankful smile is the only answer she needs, but Kara punctuates it with a squeezing side hug.
"Have I told you lately that I love you?"
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