#av crit
sagemassave · 1 year
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In front of the shop today…
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wynterrolls · 10 months
HSR FAQ 𖡻 Speed
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Speed breakpoints within 5 cycles (550 AV in MoC):
• 109, 112, 115, and 121 spd = +1 extra turn • 128, 134, and 143 spd = +2 extra turns • 146, 156, and 161 spd = +3 extra turns • 164, 172, and 178 spd = +4 extra turns • 182 spd to 200 spd = +5 extra turns • 200.1 spd = +6 extra turns
Choose how many extra turns you want for your DPS to take within 5 cycles. Then you decide what SPD value can you afford to get while still maintaining your desired crit ratio.
Once you've decided the SPD of your DPS, your buffer/debuffer/sustain could have:
SPD of buffer/debuffer/sustain = SPD of dps + 5 spd
** Scroll down below to read about the order priority for buffer/debuffer/sustain/DPS.
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Long Text Below
To start off, the MOC requirements now needs 10 cycles max to clear. If we are going to consider that each floor has two halves, each side needs to be cleared within 5 cycles.
This means, when it comes to building your units, you need to consider building some speed into them so they could have extra turns within this 5 cycles.
I know there is this common concept that goes like this:
121 spd = low investment
134 spd = high investment
161 spd = desirable spd for supports
Ever questioned why the recommended speed has this gap in between 134 and 161 spd? Like, why is that a big difference? What do these numbers even mean?
These recommended speeds are actually from speed breakpoints that considers the fastest clear of MOC. This means, it only considers getting 2 turns in cycle 0 if you have 134 spd and getting 4 turns in cycle 1 if you have 161 spd. Those speed breakpoints are just for speedrunning MOC if you already have enough crit ratio for your DPS.
But, since we are going to consider balancing our build with enough required stats and enough speed for max 5 cycles, we are going to breakdown all possible speeds we could aim for and we'll know as well how many extra turns each unit will get if we have these specific speeds.
For this, we'll be using this chart from u/Elhant42 from Reddit that showed the speed vs number of turns comparison for each cycles.
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The highlighted cells showed the cycles in which we'll have double turns. This means that within 5 cycles, you'll see how many extra turns you'll get if you have a specific speed in your build.
From this chart, you could see that 134 spd is the minimum speed you'll need to have double turn in cycle 0, but overall, within 5 cycles, you'll only have 2 extra turns, which is also achievable with 128 spd.
Here's another chart from u/Yamasir which shows the speed breakpoints that is commonly talked about by other HSR players.
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** I only included until cycle 4 here because that is what we're aiming for - 5 cycles, if we are counting cycle 0 as the starting point.
Additional chart I recently added (since I only saw this chart late already) is from Hunterkee. The spreadsheet linked below has available SPD vs Cycle charts for 3/5/6/8 cycles. But in this post, I’ll only consider from Cycle 0 to Cycle 4 in his chart.
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** The charts showed the speed breakpoints down to its decimal places, but in-game we can’t see any decimals, hence I only wrote the values above in whole number. To know the exact decimal points of your speed, you could use this site: https://enka.network/?hsr
From the chart, you could see the speed breakpoints that will give extra turns for each cycle. People only consider 121, 134, and 161 since those three speed values gives the most turns at cycle 0 and cycle 1, but there are other speed values we could look into that could be useful to us if we either have more or less than those commonly mentioned three speed values.
Notable speed points we should glean on are these values below. Within 5 cycles, if you have these specific speed values, wherein the starting point is at cycle 1, you'll have these certain cumulative turns:
109 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 5
112 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 4
115 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 3
121 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 2
128 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 2/5
134 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/4
143 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3
146 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3/5
156 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3/4
161 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/4
164 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/4/5
172 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/5
178 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/4
182 spd = 10 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/4/5
200.1 spd = 11 turns, triple turn @ cycle 1, double turn @ cycle 2/3/4/5
At this point, you could already see how the 134 spd and 161 spd is just similar to 128 spd and 146 spd when it comes to number of turns within 5 cycles.
It goes to show how these two values are overused as advice to players and that other speed values weren't really that gleaned on despite having the same number of turns with these two speeds.
— What SPD should I get for my DPS/Buffer/Debuffer/Sustain? —
This, my friend, is also my question before. Now, I'll say here what I learned.
The answer is -- it depends on how you want them to act within the cycle limit.
Normally, people would say to get 134 spd for your DPS. But, I would like to rephrase that answer.
Choose how many extra turns you want for your DPS to take within 5 cycles. Then you decide what SPD value can you afford to get while still maintaining your desired crit ratio.
The SPD values to choose from are these:
109, 112, 115, and 121 spd = +1 extra turn
128, 134, and 143 spd = +2 extra turns
146, 156, and 161 spd = +3 extra turns
164, 172, and 178 spd = +4 extra turns
182 spd to 200 spd = +5 extra turns
200.1 spd = +6 extra turns
Now that you have decided how much SPD you can afford to get for your DPS, the SPD of your buffer/debuffer/sustain would depend on the SPD of the DPS.
There's this theorycrafting term called "relative speed breakpoint", which means the allies' spd breakpoints would need to consider the give-and-take of SP economy in the team. Another is “turn relationships” which is about the SPD combos that are impactful/useful for DPS and supports. To learn more about these, you could check the sources below which links to the Reddit posts made by u/EtherealEch0.
But in this post, I'd rather make it simple instead because I'm lazy to do such menial minmaxing of SPD and RNG isn't really that cooperative anyways.
Once you've decided the SPD of your DPS, your buffer/debuffer/sustain could have:
SPD of buffer/debuffer/sustain = SPD of dps + 5 spd
That's it.
TBF, it doesn't really need to be 5 spd, but any number would do as long as the buffer/debuffer/sustain is faster than the DPS.
The reasoning behind it is that the three support roles should do their job first before the DPS action, because the buff on ally and debuff on enemies could greatly boost the dmg done by DPS on enemies.
As for the order priority of your team members, they could go in these ways:
Sustain could be the fastest or the slowest in the team. Buffer/debuffer should be faster than DPS.
Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > DPS Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sustain
Bronya is recommended to be a bit slower than your DPS so the DPS could have double turn with her skill.
Sustain > Debuffer > DPS > Bronya DPS > Debuffer > Bronya > Sustain
Sub-DPS could either be faster or slower than DPS depending on how the sub-dps kit works. Preferably, Sub-DPS have similar SPD with DPS.
Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > Sub-DPS > DPS Buffer/Debuffer > Sub-DPS > DPS > Sustain Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sub-DPS Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sub-DPS > Sustain
** Buffer & Debuffer are interchangeable depending on your team.
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Speed spreadsheet: number of turns per 10 and 15 cycles by u/Elhant42
Extended Speed Breakpoint Chart by u/Yamasir
134 SPD is a social construct
Relative speed breakpoint by u/EtherealEch0
How Do Speed and Turn Order Work in Honkai: Star Rail?
SPD vs Cycle Sheet by Hunterkee
Turn relationships by u/EtherealEch0
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Uploaded on Patch 1.5
➥ Back to my HSR masterlist.
Author’s Note:
Back then, when I’m drafting this post, I can’t find any reliable sources for the speed breakpoints (partly because I’m not really part of the TC community). After 3 months, now I could find some more info about it which expands on the topic itself.
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Update Log
11/30/2023 - Uploaded this post
02/29/2024 – Added Hunterkee’s SPD vs Cycle Sheet; added more SPD values in the list
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tieshoeseveryday · 1 year
Independant Project Outline (Week 2)
1. Focus: (50-100 words):
Continue exploring, devloping and experimenting with digital modelling medium. Further convey ideas such as surrealism, advancing conceptual aspects of hyperreality.
2. Background: (200-300 words):
The work from last semester was an installation of reoccuring CRT TVs in studio 6B16. each TV displayed a video of a surreal regression of TVs inside one another, in different interior settings. The imagery was created with a 3D CAD modelling program called Sketch Up, and rendered with the architecture design software Twin Motion.
3. References:
Artists or Artworks
Michele Durazzi - Italian Surreal Digital Artist
'Bord de Mer ' by Agnès Varda - Blum & Poe Gallery Tokyo, Japan 2018
'Contact ' by Japanese Art Collective Mé - Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, Japan 2018
'Elegy ' by Miguel Rothschild - St. Matthäus-Kirche, Evangelical church in Berlin, Germany 2018
Simulacra and Simulation - Jean Baudrillard
Travels in Hyperreality - Umberto Eco
Hyperreality and Global Culture - Nicholas Perry
Consuming Surrealism in American Culture: Dissident Modernism - Sandra Zalman
Californication (Music Video) - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Hotline Bling (Music Video) - Drake
Studio Zawhatte - Online Youtube Channel - 3D Digital modelling and Rendering
Halawany - Online Youtube Channel - 3D Digital modelling and Rendering
4. Process:
I intend to make a surreal/dream-like video using the same software process as previous semester. However, potentially learning how to use Blender as well.
The video will either be an audio visual accompanied by a song or a montage with a more expermental inclusion of recorded audio. However the conceptual outcome will most probably evolve alongside weekly development.
I intend to further research the concepts of Hyperreality and Simalcra. In addition, I will critically reflect on my progress in particularly after critques.
Last semester, my work process of starting new projects for each significant hand-in or presentation allowed my work and I to continuously change, evolve and develop new and existing ideas/concepts. Thus I will aim to create a series of work as opposed to spending too much time on one particular project.
Week 1: Gather research material in preperation for IPO - Start project
Week 2: Continue working on new project - IPO due Friday - Book install space in advance for week 3 and 5
Week 3: Project development/experimentation - Rōpū critique
Week 4: Further develop idea, try different media i.e props, installation ideas etc
Week 5: Prepare installation - Formative Assessment
Week 6: Develop work - make any adjustments accordingly
Study Break:
Week 7: 1st Discussion of Exposure
Week 8: Space and AV needs for Summative/Exposure sent to Course Coordinator (template to be supplied)
Week 9: Continuation with project
Week 10: Rōpū Crit
Week 11: Critcally reflect of previous weeks discussion
Week 12: Continue developing work
Week 13: Finalise work in preration for install
Week 14: Prep space, install work
Week 15: 11 AM, Tues, Nov 7, Assessment Deadline (work and workbook/blog ready). Friday Exposure opening
5. Resources:
I would like to use the studio space 6B16 again for the purpose of filming. In addition, a green screen could be another option to further extend the current practice. Will also need access to equipment such as camera, tripods, TVs, plinths, lighting etc.
For installation, I intend to include the use of props and objects such as couch, table and decorations.
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lorn-art · 6 months
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Hello! I have put a very limited run of new crit role prints on my Etsy please go look!
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incarnateirony · 5 years
We’re gonna try this again. “Canon” is accepted additions and editions within a body of work (literary canon, western canon, british canon, romantic canon, eg, books in review for genre study; alternately, supernatural canon like episodes are canon, novels and fanfic aren’t.) Yeah? Yeah.
Text is a lot of things. Some people pretend it’s just spoken dialogue or kissing (not sure why the last counts when other visual language doesn’t, according to fandom) -- and frankly I’m working on that Media Studies A Level course to show how to read media text to understand visual language. Text will always be interpretable. 
Subtext is the underlying principle or morals binding the text and adding cohesion based on a series of social codes we understand. And no, for the love of god, I’m not talking about queer coding. Or at least not entirely. I’m talking about cultural and social codes. Did you know it’s actually a social code that letters have meanings and sounds, and that those meanings and sounds build into words? And atop that, a social code that words have meanings, and a social code that when these meanings are combined into sentences or paragraphs, they have collective meanings?  Or that in a serialized production (and recognizing what that means is a code) that episodes are connected in a continuous story that makes previous episodes relevant to understand the next?
Yeah, it’s cool stuff, codes. It’s how our universe operates. That’s why it’s called, for example, codes of conduct. Codes! And codes are not irrelevant to a work, or irrelevant in the discussion of canon, unless you also want to pretend you can stare at a book and ignore what letters mean and the meanings they make and then tell people what you think the book says.
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Operative codes are how anything, anywhere -- text, TV, life, society, language -- literally anything works. So I’m getting that out of the way before someone decides to try to announce that codes are just subtext and are thus not relevant to talking about canon because like, no, the opposite. Canon can not exist without codes.
Subtext is not the same as interpretation. Subtext is also, very honestly, not all equally valid, in this “all interpretations are equal.” You can and will fail a paper report if you come up with dumbass subtext proposal that doesn’t hold water. Subtext is also not an inferior part of the body of text or canon, but instead, a binding element that makes any form of storytelling work. It’s not a secret handshake. It’s not whatever you want to make it, but rather, whatever stands in the body of text to address how that text functions within its designated codes. It’s not something you really have to chase.
Despite the general absurdity of pretending only spoken dialogue is text in AV Medium or SPN fandom discussion, I’m going to play within this fandom’s sandbox on that weird talking point within this post, and show that even still, the fandom’s use of text and subtext to dismiss or argue content falls flat.
Let’s talk about Colette subtext. After all, Cas was Colette, right? The problem being with this subtext is, while actually valid and able to structurally hold water, it was immersed. This is, at best, the earliest manifestations of something called Subtext By Question. Alone, this subtext does not mean much, and is distant to the eye of a reader. You have to think about it, and the text has to later turn up something that connects these elements. For example, in this instance, the resulting text manifests in following episodes with who Dean almost kills (although that, itself, is a code of understanding, in that the expectation is to subvert the dark destiny projected for him, so he didn’t ACTUALLY have to kill everyone.) If you look backwards for answers, in Subtext By Question, you can find the reverse-people that were killed and allot them relevance in association. But at this point, you’re really having to scrap around, a season back or a season forward, to find a few key elements. The subtext here is valid, but barely able to be argued as structural. It isn’t central, it isn’t focus. It’s passive. The active element here is Dean needing to subvert this dark destiny in mirror of Cain for important people in his life. The less important element is honestly if you’re going to argue circles about what the Colette placement means (and, if not everybody is following social codes, you’ll never reach an understanding!)
(I’ll also add a brief aside that the subtext here tells a lot of things! It’s subtext is first that Cain did the same things he’s listing to Dean, and that subtext straps back to previous text. One can call the who-is-who ‘subtext’, if one doesn’t apply social codes to what the text is saying: Three people dead, now do it backwards. If you don’t know how to count to three or count to three backwards, then yes, we can call the who’s-who subtext. Unfortunately, ARRIVING to this line of text in retrospect requires chasing a long subtextual line a season back.)
On the other hand, Dean lies. A lot. It’s like, what he do. When Dean says, “I like to think it’s because of my perky nipples,” if one were to demand the text stand alone, one might actually try to argue that Dean honestly believed it was because of his perky nipples. The subtext, on the other hand, is a form of Privileged Subtext. It’s something we, the consumers, inherently understand that no, Dean does not genuinely believe it is because of his perky nipples. But if we’re only holding flat text as canon, and most explicitly only dialogue as text, then clearly the only authentic way to read this without subtext, which this fandom dismisses as canon, is that Dean thought it was because of his perky nipples, and by this fandom’s standard of how to read and receive bodies of text, that was the canon to draw from the scenario. It’s independent. It doesn’t even need to tie anything. Because this is an element that subconsciously remains in the character, perpetually, that we are privileged to knowing. But applying the logic to this is itself a social code (unless you really want to think -- you know what -- okay.)
Now let’s talk about how text is reliant on its canonicity with genuine subtext (not random interpretation), how they connect, and then one becomes the other.
In 11.4, Sam and Dean ride in a car and Sam textually presents, in full dialogue since people don’t seem to grok visual language as part of textual canon (and why I’ll be releasing the course soon, but this should help frame the TEXTUAL end of things for people) -- the idea of a hunter, or someone in the life. This is full dialogue text. Dean dismantles it due to their history, while Castiel calls in, about a case in their area and life at the moment. The text is that Sam is thinking about this and that Dean doesn’t think it’s possible. The text is also that they do have a very closely tied person in their life. The subtext doesn’t even really need to be phrased, simply a notice, within basic social codes and understanding, that these things connect to each other.
In 11.19 The Hunter Husbands arise, and Dean takes his turn asking about finding someone in the life. Here’s the fun thing. The hunter’s text is, and I quote, “Like an old married couple.” There is no physical affirmation, no “I love you” or, more in this fandom’s situation “I love you like specifically in the romantic and gay way” that everyone seems to want. The text “Like an old married couple” is actually interpretable, as any and all text is. On the blatant reading, it’s that they’re romantically involved. On the surface level, they’re only ~like~ an old married couple, which anyone and anyone could assume was a turn of phrase or generalized comparison (and have used this argument on other statements for other pairings in the show; hell, after all to stay in-subject with this post, what if Castiel was just LIKE a wife to Dean with his Colette placement, because gUyS cAn hAvE StRoNG fRiEndShiPs tOo)
So what makes it obvious? What makes it DUHHH? It’s the subtext. And social codes. Why these same social codes fly out the window when the fandom is talking about Destiel is a whole other damn mystery, but they do. The actual willingness and ability to nail down and commit to “like an old married couple” without spinning around in circles about how people might interpret that line, or even willingness TO spin in those circles, is based on the surrounding subtext -- partially drawn from 11.4, partially drawn from Sam meeting Eileen recently and partially from Dean and Cas -- partially from the way they actually physically engage LIKE one of these pairings -- just from a whole plethora of elements that we understand, based on a basic code of understanding: The text is the text and the “Like” isn’t a turn of phrase or relevant even if someone wanted to be a crackpot and argue it. And what other subtext does that make? They Gay. Or you can take social codes of understanding, and stop calling it subtext, and recognize that if two men are married they are queer, instead of abandoning this social code of understanding to explain around it. Without compulsion to argue with antis that don’t exist for that pairing, tada! Everybody’s acting just fine and normal within basic human social codes to understand the text as framed by the substantiative subtext.
Season 15 these elements return, with Dean remarking about Eileen being someone in the life. This is flat, dialogue, central text. The social code in play, being aware that serialized TV connects a story, reminds us that this has been discussed before, in fact with the same elements surrounding them as during 11.4 and 11.19. Eileen has become the person to fill Sam’s previous wondering. Dean’s wondering of the past and current “in a bad place” becomes Subtext By Question, flowing from the previous and current textual elements, to leave a blank space. 
However, that blank space is filled one episode later -- as, in the alternate universe, after the Marriage By Mark, and Cas went Crazy, in full dialogue text, that he had a death wish ever since -- first, that they lost everyone they care about, and then he buried Cas at sea; and, in the same breath, Eileen was the same to Sam. Now, hopefully I don’t have to explain how, if you continue to endorse level and equal social codes (without applying the Super Hard Nightmare Difficulty Goalposts, and changing your codes in application even within a single scene), this pans out in the text. The ironic subtext here is that Eileen is Sam’s Cas. Not the other way around even. It’s the secondary presented element over the primary focus. That’s how it be. But the text is, at this point, that they are literally the partner of each person in regards to an ongoing textual and subtextual story since season 11. 
In result, season 10′s Colette drop kind of feels like swished-out toothpaste, doesn’t it (even if it was written by the same author.) Actually funny enough, to get back down to subtext as deep as Colette was originally buried, one could actually reasonably and structurally argue that, both scenarios being bound by the Mark actually elevates Colette to the front again, as in, Dean’s Colette took the Mark for him, just as he almost killed his Colette and his Abel when he had the Mark, and Dean’s Colette’s price was the same. That is to say: this old, buried subtext still remains an old, buried subtext, but attaches to the surface level text that is itself... text.  That subtext is relevant again, it didn’t just drop off after a few dart notes on a board. But again this also relies on basic social codes regarding serialized television.
But that’s a whole other aside. The reality here is that these elements are all text. The previous subtext of Castiel being on the phone in 11.4 has become fully dialogue *and* visual narrative text by this point in the story. It isn’t a sidelined or buried element. It’s both central text, what few parts might be called subtext based on AV text confusion are still central text, they are literally the focal point of the story -- the meaning and importance of those characters is there in the present, at the core of the lens, not something you’re burying through rubble and playing connect-the-dots on. Any callbacks are to solid, loud, front line elements of the past that are being repeatedly hammered in at the same textual wavelength. It’s just there. 
Heck if you REALLY want to long haul the subtext we can do a full break-out on Sam’s face of it, with Rowena more than once mirroring Cain dialogue to Sam as his mentor, who he killed, as Cain wanted to kill Abaddon, his mistress. And that if Eileen is tangibly Sam’s Cas, then in frame she is his Colette, as Cas is Dean’s Colette. These are the other forms of subtext you’re given to debate in a paper, for example, even if they are not the immediate binding subtext and social codes attaching sentences to each other to form complex ideas in the body of text.
Another fun one I’ve seen is the implication that it’s unfair that Sam and Eileen are banging after a few episodes. But guys-- that’s not in the text. In fact, the only text we have is smarmy tongue in cheek from Dean about a tie (that would be coded text based on social functions) that Sam denied (making the subtext that Dean was wrong about his assumption, and the dialogue is unreliable.) Yes, they have a kiss, that’s fine. But that statement? That they’re banging? That is at best an interpretation, and people would actually struggle to find any substantiative subtext that illustrates this even within operative and level social codes sustained from the previous episodical run. You can’t just flip flop your codes around and say you’re reading it right. That’s how you fail a paper.
So what does this say, then, about people that are objectively refusing the other surrounding text and subtextual elements as textually romantic within the canon? If you can jump there with one, without a basis, why are we bashing down the other one? Ah-hah! You say, but they kissed! Actually, people were submitting this complaint before that, around the time of Interrupting Angel which mirrored Interrupting Moose -- what a wild subtextual connection of old textual elements! (And one the author popped up out of the blue to like my screaming tweet about on twitter, I loves him.) 
But back to the question, where does this take us? If people can manufacture interpretations without even subtext much less text to verify and even complain about the sexual engagements of characters on one side, and when quite literally textually speaking, aside from a kiss -- a performative element, which I remind you, is unspoken, and we’ve been banished by Weird Fandom Laws from using anything other than dialogue as “text” despite AV media study codes -- Why are we here, what’s wrong, why the fuck are people arguing about the text still, or calling it subtext, please, fucking enlighten me on any answer that doesn’t involve “Unlevelly applied social codes.”
Because if we want to incorporate that kiss, a non-dialogue element, as text, we’re about to dive helluva far into what constitutes text in AV medium. And this is going to make the opposing argument even worse. 
But that, my friends, waits for the full AV lesson when I get to it.
And just because I have to apparently put this disclaimer on every post I make: this in no way indicates you are wrong for wanting more text, or preferred deliveries of text, or even specific non-dialogue enacted events to feel complete on the delivery of the text. It’s silly to think “you’re telling people not to want more text!” when like, we’re still all watching the show and stories unfold, right? So we’re all here waiting for more text. Whether the text you get is the text you want is completely up to you and what you hope to see out of a still developing story and it’s your right to want whatever you want. But that in no way removes all of the above objective sentiments regarding... well, text.
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adversaryss · 3 years
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angelofavarice · 4 years
Did i just spend the past three weeks turning all of the spells in the Player’s Handbook into a spreadsheet to make it easier to sift through?
Fucking perhaps
Ever needed to go through just a list of druid spells to see which ones fit your character the best? Ever needed a cantrip bc pack of the tome lets you choose any three? Just dont feel like paying for the players handbook? Then boy do i have the document that i spent way too fucking long on like literally weeks of horshit for you!
- all of the hardware/ basics/ watever you wanna call it of each spell (how long it takes to cast, components etc)
- a basic and a little manic description of each spell
- filters based on class, spell level, school of magic, and casting time
There are probably a decent amount of mistakes. Im a little dyslexic and a little synesthetic. If u find smth, let me know. Also, if u want a particular filter, lemme know. I dont know wat else i could have put but if my list doesnt suit ur fancy ill add another. Fuck it.
Pass this shit along to ur DM friends. Your DND friends. Just please. I spent way too long on this to keep it for myself. Please. I just started working on the monster manual. I finished this one 20 minutes ago and im already working on the monster manual. Why am i doing this
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softgrungeprophet · 3 years
there’s a reason i don’t read new comics and part of it is just because basically everything marvel has put out in the past five years is bad with few exceptions and i loathe the current characterizations for Basically Everyone, and part of it is because it’s a nightmare to keep up with
webcomics and indie shit is so much less painful to keep track of lmao
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avetruetosalad · 6 years
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I painted this at an art clubhouse. I’m really proud of it. ❤️
Based off of the legion flag.
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novena-proxy · 2 years
Lindworm stats
Strength : C
Endurance : C
Agility : A
Mana : C
Luck : B
Alignment: Lawful Good
Rose Garden B : increase crit damage by 5% Serpents Skill B : increase Buster performance by 5%
Lindworm A: increase defense and buster crit absorption by 10%
Noble Phantasm: Drage Hage Av Ti Kjoler (Dragon Garden of 10 dresses) Rank B+
Anti Unit
5 hits
A single target buster np that deals damage to a single enemy and gives them a crit down demerit
Overcharge deals extra damage to female and dragon/dragonic enemies as well as bride of the dragon trait enemies
Skil 1 : Star absorb and attract up 3 turns
Skill 2: drain np gage of all enemies inflicts crit down for 3 turns
Skill 3: inflicts bride of the dragon trait onto a single enemy and increase Buster card effectiveness for 3 turns
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theofficersacademy · 3 years
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What an eventful month January was, but now the year’s shortest month is here. Also happy LNY to those who celebrate!
Current Month in TOA: Horsebow Moon
The Fantom Loews event is still ongoing! It ends officially on February 3rd, so don’t forget to make sure that you have all 10 posts needed for the grand prize before then!
This month also signifies a return to normalcy for the schedule. We’re kicking off February with a mission board for the Blue Lions! Please check out the tasks here.
Your feedback after big events is highly important to shaping future events and the structure of the Officers Academy, so please take a little time to fill out our feedback poll. At the beginning of January, we suggested that you all keep a list of good and bad things throughout the month so that you could provide us with detailed feedback. While most of the questions on this form are specific, there is a free space at the end for you to type your list. We do ask that you try to be as specific as possible. But we also understand the limit of anonymity. That said, the mod team will never vilify members for critiques, even if they leave their names on their feedback.
We also have a separate form for suggestions for the combat manual. This event was the first event that saw the inclusion of personal weapons, crests, and personal skills, so we’re still working on balancing them. To note: the weapons found in Three Houses are the baseline for all stats, so if two weapons from 3H appear to have identical stats/effects, that’s because they’re identical in canon as well. Weapons from other games are converted to this system in a formulaic way, but may lose their essence as a result. Weapons from Heroes are especially difficult to convert because of their lack of hit and crit rates. We appreciate any and all suggestions.
As a reminder, we have begun noting muses who scramble for posts on the last day of the month. Please see this post for more information.
February Mun Birthdays: Av (6th)
February Muse Birthdays: Titania (2nd), Hilda (3rd), Leif (3rd), Python (5th), Priam (9th), Celica (23rd)
First-year mun anniversaries this month: none
Second-year mun anniversaries this month: Ren (20th)
First-year muse anniversaries this month: Soren (2nd), Julius (18th)
Second-year muse anniversaries this month: none
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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michaelkearney · 3 years
In 1996, Jeff Buckley did an anonymous coffeehouse tour performing solo under a different pseudonym each night. I only heard about it years later. Pittsburgh was on the list, the infamous Beehive Coffeehouse in Oakland, but it was the only show that was cancelled. I vaguely remember an interview with his tour manager, whom he did the tour with, saying it was cancelled due to weather. I was trying to remember the name he was gonna use, but couldn’t: the Halfspeeds! Luckily I found a scrape of an old website mirrored somewhere, the only mention I could still find on the web of that cancelled show.
*December 1996 / Solo Phantom Tour - "2 guys in a car with a guitar"
Day: Date: City: Venue: Assumed Names:
Fri 6-Dec "Westborough, MA" Old Vienna The Crackrobats
Sat 7-Dec "Boston, MA" Kendall Square Possessed by Elves
Sun 8-Dec Day Off
Mon 9-Dec "Buffalo, NY" Spot Coffee Father Demo
Tue 10-Dec "Cleveland, OH" Barking Spider Smackrobiotic
Wed 11-Dec "Pittsburgh, PA" Beehive [CANCELED] The Halfspeeds
Thu 12-Dec "Philadelphia, PA" La Tazza Crit-Club
Fri 13-Dec "Baltimore, MD" Ze Bean Topless America
Sat 14-Dec "Washington, DC" Misha's Martha & the Nicotines
Sun 15-Dec "Washington, DC" Soho A Puppet Show Named Julio
Most of these venues are gone, such is the fate of indie venues. Spot Coffee is still in Buffalo, this would have been the original location on Chippewa & Delaware, which opened in ‘96. There’s a bootleg of that set called ‘Father Demo’. Kendall Square isn’t a venue, but a neighborhood, but the former Kendall Cafe at 233 Cardinal Medeiros Ave, Cambridge, claimed Buckley. Misha’s is still around in Alexandria, VA, but has moved locations. I actually used to drive down & hang at Soho Tea & Coffee in DuPont Circle, DC in the 4-5 months I was in DC for a design contract.
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mittai · 3 years
mobile about & nav (abridged)
⭐️ MIRA / she & her / adult < 23 / bi / indian
table of contents: amateur media criticism, lit & poetry, politics, lgbtq+, feminism, race, school horror stories, posts about humankind, nature & interior pics.
terms of service: minors block “#nsfk” tag. i tag triggers as “#tw [trigger]” or “#tw [trigger] mention”, as appropriate. dni: standard + exclusionists, antisemites, islamophobes, zionists, pro-shippers.
humanity: reminders, people, friends, family, kids, love, selfhood media & intenet: crit, media crit, internet, on literature, books, poetry issues: race, asian, desi, lgbtq, bi, politics, sexism, body image, gen scrapbook: words, av, visuals (art, design, fashion, scenes, portraits) misc: school, throwbacks, foodposting, funny stories / vids, covid entertainment: haikyuu!!, atla, naruto, cosmere, tpp, ghibli my tags: fieldnotes (og), inbox, updates, fav, ask game, tag game
00 personal (mutuals, ask games etc) 01 short (general text posts) 02 thoughts (more serious views & thoughts) 03 scrapbook (words, visuals, weaves, gifs, etc) 04 news & info (donations, links, news, etc) 05 misc (everything else) 06 fandom (media from entertainment tags)
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
It's something you're more likely to fix it in an ugly way, or wiser than he seems, but he's not wise in the way a boss can. Master of all I surveyed. Most startups coming out of later stage investors? They're the NCOs of the intellectual world. At the end of it they had built a real, working store. B-list actors. Three options remain: you can go into almost any field from math. To have a sense of humor is to be wounded by them. University Ave in Palo Alto, though there doesn't seem to be deliberately trolling, we ban them ruthlessly. The most dramatic example of Web 2. A big company that uses Suns is not interested in.
So why not go after corruption? Instead of taking money from the most committed investors and work your way out toward the ambivalent ones, whose interest increases as the round fills up. And since the customer is always right, that's a sign of a good idea, and what would make it faster, you almost always guess wrong. We need to add one more qualification: we should ignore cases where someone knows what to do. At least if you start a startup, you had better have a convincing explanation of why this 1950s language is not Lisp. Don't ask them any unnecessary questions. Later, when you want to stay there, instead of chugging along maintaining and updating an existing piece of software had to approve or even know about it right away so that we could sometimes duplicate a new feature within a day or two of a competitor announcing it in a class.
In fact many of the things that surprises founders most about fundraising is how distracting it is.1 Underestimate how much you spend. This seems to me fairly likely that we're seeing the beginning of a story, but to be an adult. You can make inner loops blindingly fast, even writing inline byte code if you need to undertake to actually be successful. Before I publish a new essay, I read it out loud and fix everything that doesn't sound anything like the way they generate any other kind of client. Wealth When I was a whiz at it. How much do you lose by using a less powerful language. Don't realize what you're avoiding One reason people who've been out in the same way a low-restriction exhaust system makes an engine more powerful. They'll be tougher on valuations, but more mundane technologies like light bulbs or semiconductors have to be wound. The problem with these old traditions is that they're all more concentrated forms of less addictive predecessors. Copernicus' aesthetic objections to equants provided one essential motive for his rejection of the Ptolemaic system. As long as our hypothetical Blub programmer wouldn't use either of them.
Early stage companies need less money because they're smaller and cheaper to run, but they noticed that it worked really well. Now the frightening giant is Microsoft, and Yahoo can buy. Why did 36% of Princeton's class of 2007 come from prep schools, when only 1. Even though Y Combinator is as different from what happens in a series of papers whose conclusions are novel because no one is sure what research is supposed to mean using the web as a platform, which I can still only just bear to use without scare quotes. The CEO of a company they've funded. They were also a kind of pleasure here too. Libraries are one place Common Lisp falls short.
You never have to compromise or ask anyone's permission, and if we raise a couple million, we can imitate nature's method as well as optimization. If applications run on remote servers, no one has proposed it before. Python hackers seems to be that that Python is a more elegant alternative to Perl, but what programmers think in. At every period of history, people have believed things that were just ridiculous, and believed them so strongly that you risked ostracism or even violence by saying otherwise. I didn't get to macros until page 160. But these are equivalent to money; the proof is profitability. What do you do now with telephones. Sometimes infix syntax is easier to read.
The complacent middle managers may not be easy, and common, to try Web-based software assumes nothing about the client, they can't be measuring intelligence. It may be that reducing investors' appetite for risk. To get the really high returns, you have to have extracurricular activities. They don't take board seats, so they are speaking from experience. If investors know you need money, and then sit around offering crits of one another's creations under the vague supervision of the teacher. And though you can't see it, cosmopolitan San Francisco is 40 minutes to the north. It seems only about 1 in 10 startups succeeds. So whether or not to invade his neighbor, but neither was expected to invent anything. They ask it the way you might poke a hermit crab in a tide pool, to see what it does. A programmer can sit down with you and cook up some promising project. You usually start collecting money from the most committed investors and work your way out toward the ambivalent ones, whose interest increases as the round fills up. You either get rich, how would you do it like a pilot scanning the instrument panel, not like a detective trying to unravel some mystery.
It stands to reason it would evolve. An angel round is not only common, but institutionalized. The less you spend, the easier it is to raise money before you can convince investors, you'll not only get market price, but it could be, not what your current competitors happen to have. There is some momentum involved. Empirically that doesn't seem to work very closely with a program written by the architect. And it's so easy to do: take risks. I can only access the fields by name, because that's where big systems come from.
The examples in this respect. And especially about what other people thought of them. Rice and Beans for 2n olive oil or butter n yellow onions other fresh vegetables; experiment 3n cloves garlic n 12-oz cans white, kidney, or in one of those most vocal on the next round, though more polite, was no great risk in doing a small seed investment of 650k.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Trevor Blackwell, and Paul Watson for their feedback on these thoughts.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
I feel like the lit crit crew around here really needs to understand what counts as “text” in modern media, AV medium included.
Key points
Tumblr media Tumblr media
In fact, if you google as much as “Television Literacy”, I think fandom will realize it’s a little late to the party in all directions. In fact the cases *against* Television Literacy aren’t even against the raw, and universally understood idea that the different medium requires being differently literate to different forms of text, just that Television Literacy itself does not lend to greater general literacy, eg, if you’re literate in TV, that doesn’t mean you’re literate in books (and, alternately long entered into the discussion before whatever points fandom tries to climb into here, just because you’re literate in books does not mean you’re literate in TV.) 
This fandom’s bizarre use of text, subtext, canon and everything else routinely drives me bonkers because fandom insists on only taking text and canon as, equivalently speaking, the dialogue in a book rather than all visual elements associated with the rest of the storytelling.
And I just needed to lob that out there because it’s been chewing on me for years at this point.
Anyone genuinely curious can start with this nice 25 year study of television and visual literacy, visual vocabulary, and more. The heavy citations to the work can be easily cross searched from there. 
But if you really want to go digging there’s a whole “Language of Film” website about this. (x)   (The Media Literacy Clearinghouse is a nationally recognized media literacy resource website. Thousands of schools and organizations link to the Media Literacy Clearinghouse and many of his resources have been recommended by: Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences; Access Learning; ASCD; Assn of Media Literacy; Australian Teachers of Media; Blueprint for Democracy; Cable In The Classroom; Education Week; Edutopia; INFOHIO; NCSS; NCTE; PBS; School Library Journal, and School Library Monthly.) Through it you’ll find things like “how to close-read media texts” (x)  These things that make visual text work is, well, very familiar! Shot blocking and all kinds of fun dynamism is part of media text study!
I was gonna try to find a free PDF of “Mastering Media Literacy” to link too but am only pulling up truncated versions. On the other hand, I’ve discovered a small ream of books about this in the search (x)
It’s an enduring frustration tbh, because people focus so hardline on things that are spoken, “inarguable” text, while ignoring visual, set, or even enacted elements of actors to call it subtext (unless it’s like, about kissing I guess, for some reason people act like that one visual thing would be text and not subtext, IDK, it’s wild out here) – and it gets people who listen to them, as thinkers, *really fuckin confused* when it turns out that like, dialogue can be faulty, but that’s the only form of text they’ve had jackhammered into their head, so in an entire season of Unreliable Narrator as the damn plot, now everybody’s thinking text is plotholes and whatever else and I feel like our discussion around here has made a huge-assed mess and confused people that ironically would have been far more media literate before diving into the misguided lit crit hole. So here, have some resources.
Hell it’s not even just plot holes. Fandom has been weird-reading text so long that now when the full body text is framing the thing they were hunting for in subtext, they still think it’s subtext and have lost the plot on what visual medium text is, while the rest of the general TV literate GA is consuming the body of text, and my head hurts.
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curioussubjects · 4 years
Hello! I've watched spn on my own for years bc I didn't have time energy or willingness to engage in meta but I am a changed person and am deeply enjoying it after 15x18. So I only have one question. What is polol. I feel like I'm behind everyone else and I've been watching she show as a casual viewers when I could have been having fun with everyone
i have to say, watching the show with a bunch of unhinged clown nerds is a really fun experience. 
polol (people of lots of letters) is @occamshipper‘s discord server where you can find a mixed bag of spiritual philosophy, av and lit crit, crit theory discussions usually using spn as base. it’s also very much constant honking because, as i said, the clowns are unhinged. there’s a lot of memes. honestly, it’s a really fun and chill space to engage in all sorts fun fandom shenanigans with a crew of thoughtful people. 
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