#ava victor
dsi-os · 9 months
heyyy hiii guess who got back into ava :3 (after a VERY long time)
anyways heres my designs for the guys noogai made!!! yayy!!
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victim/victor , the chosen one , the dark lord , the second coming
these designs are specifically for our own stuff/au/fanfic(..?) but! i thought id share, considering i made this 3 DAYS AGO
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(My grandma went out shopping and then remembered she had a Brick TM at home and bestowed it onto me…)
It’s so thick and gorgeous and I can’t wait to read it! The translation is Norman Denny, for those wondering.
Also, I’m a first time Brick-reader. I have seen the musical and 2012 movie. But, I have also heard about the infamous Battle of Waterloo tangents and the Parisian sewer system tangents…
Wish me luck and good luck to the fellow Brick-readers 🙏🙏
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fetchen · 5 months
sometimes i see lake and lucy and scream into my pillow . they are so so cute it makes me genuinely insane
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 2 months
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The line up of the Legends changed year by year more than anyone of the Arrowverse teams. Which Legends team did you like best?
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critrolepolls · 4 months
[Please consider reblogging to help increase sample size! 🗳🐦‍⬛]
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
do you think Dean has survivor's guilt? I'm thinking mostly of 01×12, but I'm also wondering if there's a running theme there that I don't remember
Yes, I do. In fact, I think Dean blaming himself for the outcome of traumatic experiences he couldn't have changed or that aren't his fault is something that happens very frequently, because Dean has a very overactive sense of responsibility—primarily resulting from his parentification (and the people in his life don't always help—sometimes they do, but they also sometimes feed into it).
1.12 "Faith" sets the stage for the entire theme. Dean struggles to deal with Layla not being healed when he is, and how horrible it is that a man died in exchange for his life. At the end of the episode, Dean stops running from the reaper, planning to let it kill him so Layla can be healed, but it doesn't happen because Sam disrupts the ritual before Sue Ann can complete it. (Kya has a great gifset here). What tends to co-occur with Dean struggling with survivor's guilt is the idea that Dean has a job—a responsibility, even—to the rest of the world. This is both why he must survive, and also something that weighs him down with even more guilt in a vicious cycle.
DEAN Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me? ROY Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart, and you just stood out from all the rest. DEAN What did you see in my heart? ROY A young man with an important purpose. A job to do. And it isn't finished.
I've written about Dean's survivor's guilt in the context of season 2—how 1.12 and John's sacrifice in 2.01 are primary motivations for Dean making the demon deal in 2.22. We get dialogue from Dean in 2.04 actually apologizing to Sam for John's death, because he blames himself even though it wasn't his fault and none of this was his choice.
He also blames himself for Sam's death in 2.22, even though that also isn't his fault. The parentification aspect of all of this is screaming loud in the following dialogue from Dean in 2.22:
You know, when we were little— and you couldn't been more than 5— you just started asking questions. How come we didn't have a mom? Why do we always have to move around? Where'd Dad go when he'd take off for days at a time? I remember I begged you, "Quit asking, Sammy. Man, you don't want to know." I just wanted you to be a kid... Just for a little while longer. I always tried to protect you... Keep you safe... Dad didn't even have to tell me. It was just always my responsibility, you know? It's like I had one job... I had one job... And I screwed it up. I blew it. And for that, I'm sorry. I guess that's what I do. I let down the people I love. I let Dad down. And now I guess I'm just supposed to let you down, too. How can I? How am I supposed to live with that?
Dean even as a child felt responsible for Sam, and even for John. We see John blame Dean for his own failures as a father in episodes like 1.18 "Something Wicked" and 1.21 "Salvation", and we see the impact of that tendency reflected in how Sam sometimes treats Dean as well. Hell—we have indication that even before Mary died, Dean was "cleaning up [John's] messes" according to Sam (5.16). We see John apologize for Dean having to take care of him in 2.01 instead of the other way around—an acknowledgement that he knows this has been a source of harm to Dean for a long time... but it's too little too late—and ultimately is ruined by John's next actions, leaving Dean seething with resentment toward John for seasons to come even as he grieves and blames himself for John's death.
Dean's guilt for things that aren't his fault is further explored in episodes like 1.18 "Something Wicked", 5.11 "Sam, Interrupted" and 7.04 "Defending Your Life", where Dean is confronted by his guilt over Jo's death, and feeling responsible for Sam being a hunter, which is absolute horse shit despite the fandom also trying to insist this is the case frequently (see my tags #sam the hunter for a start). He blames himself for Kevin even getting involved with hunting to begin with. Dean blames himself for the havoc Michael is wreaking (14.03, 14.06, 14.14). Dean also blames himself and feels horrible guilt for torturing souls in hell, despite the fact that this happened under extreme duress and literal decades of torture and psychological conditioning—i.e., Dean had no actual choice—he's just presented with the horror of being made to feel that it was his choice when it was deeply and torturously coerced. The very worst part of Hell for him was that he tortured other souls, and I don't think he ever recovers from the guilt of that. He clams up about it after being called weak and pathetic for being guilty about it and then he never speaks about it ever again.
Dean certainly isn't the only one with these issues. Sam, Dean, and Bobby's survivors guilt is all explored simultaneously in 4.02 "Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester" when people they couldn't save like Meg Masters and Victor are brought back by a curse.
DEAN It's my fault you're dead. I left you [Victor] behind. And the minute I heard about that explosion, I thought, "I should have known." I should have protected you.
This whole episode implicates hunters as a whole with serious survivor's guilt for the people they can't/don't manage to save. Multiple hunters die in the beginning of the episode, killed by the people they're haunted by not saving. This is a natural and understandable result of the work itself. You just barely don't get to someone in time, or you make a choice with an outcome you didn't forsee at the time, or you weren't fast enough or strong enough, or you dodged left when you should have dodged right, or you should have stayed, or you "let" the monster get away and it killed again. You are in a line of work where you are probably always left thinking, "If only I had done [insert hindsight judgement here]". Bobby blames himself for the deaths of two kids in 4.02. He blames himself for his wife Karen's death (3.10). Sam blames himself for Ava (2.11) and they all accept blame for the Devil's Gate even though that wasn't their fault either (and other hunters throw the blame on all of them too) (3.01).
The thing about being a parentified child is that you are, by definition, held responsible for things you are not equipped or qualified to handle—things that are too much for you, that are not actually your responsibility, and that are/were entirely out of your control. Combine growing up being blamed for things you did not actually have the power or authority to make happen or prevent from happening, with the overall tendency within the line of work hunters are in to feel survivor's guilt, and you get Dean. Add in that Dean cares deeply for other people—even strangers—and therefore feels an extra empathy when people are harmed for these things he thinks he could have prevented. You get someone whose moments of suicidal ideation are usually deeply connected to survivor's guilt or guilt more generally.
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ava-of-shenanigans · 2 years
Anyway I’m also kind of dreading Frankenstein daily, too. I know from looking through the tumblr tags for Frankenstein that a lot of people’s first reactions to the book are “I hate Victor Frankenstein so much, fuck Victor Frankenstein” more than any other emotion or thought about the book. And that’s fine, I guess, I can’t control what makes a fictional character annoying to people. But I don’t want the fandom to suddenly be flooded with people who will only talk about how they really hate the protagonist (a very key aspect of the story!) and nothing else.
Also there are the people who try to channel their annoyance at certain characters into “literary analysis”… I really don’t want any more of those either…
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killingfrankie · 5 months
just finished love victor.. thank god lake and lucy got back together 😭 i was going insane watching lake and felix again😭
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zr3009 · 10 months
Animation vs Physics x Loki crossover (SPOILERS AHEAD)
When I saw the new AvA episode, I knew I had to make this crossover. TSC is just too fitting in this part.
(spoilers down below, so be careful)
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limbosava · 2 years
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Starting Ava Ayala’s reading list and I’m on Avenger’s Academy (2010) so here’s some faves so far!
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an-t-hiho · 1 year
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wip I never got a chance to finish (art block is a bitch </3)
(sketch only + lineart only under the cut)
(sketch only)
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(lineart only [unfinished])
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heartlandians · 1 year
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Heartland - 16x09 - True Colours, New Tricks
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fetchen · 5 months
this isn’t fetchenposting but every time i see lake and lucy i actually scream into my pillow briefly i forgot how cute they are
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anyathefandom · 1 year
Random thought: I feel like maybe Victor had hidden cameras in wyndemere and he knows about what ava did to Nikolas (reason why he wasn't super concerned about Nikolas) and now he's giving the video over to Spencer and maybe that will prompt a search for Nikolas.
Sidenote: I don't know i'm just thinking.🙈
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melanieexox · 2 years
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GENERAL HOSPITAL | Nov 10, 2022: Look on the bright side, Ava, at least you’re not responsible for her death now.
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bklynmusicnerd · 2 years
The fact that Cam is only catching these two because Cam heard that Joss' family is going through stuff, forgot his own feelings and ran right over to be her safety net again.
As humiliating as this is for him, it's definitely necessary for Cam to take the rose-colored glasses off when it comes to his assessment of Joss. He's still thinking it's his job to worry about her meanwhile he didn't even come up as a concern for her in her talk with Dex. He is not a priority for her the way she is for him, which is why he needs to start prioritizing himself.
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