#avatar x black!reader
ronwestbreeze · 2 years
becoming jake sully's mate
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
warnings: nothing but fluff and longing from both sides
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you had already been a botanist and biologist and had a slowly developed friendship with mo’at there when jake first arrived. you had a hand in creating grace’s school and had sadly watched it fail after the incident with mo’at’s daughter sylwanin. you felt awful about it and always resented the rda for ruining something that could’ve been good for both the sky people and the na’vi. thankfully, you and mo’at still retained a respectful relationship, although now it was a lot more strained since you, like the rda that killed her daughter, were human.
when coming back from another plant research journey, you meet jake right after grace was done snapping at him and stalking off to talk to the higher ups about him replacing tom sully. knowing how grace can be, you offered a more pleasant and warmer welcome as you had no issue with the other sully brother.
“i wouldn’t let what she says get to you. somewhere in that icicle heart in her there’s a heater. i managed to only crack it just a bit.” you joked.
“jake sully, this is dr. y/n l/n. one of our best biologists here.”
jake nodded toward her and offered you his hand which you shook it happily. he gestured toward your hair, “i like the hair color. very bright.”
you had nearly forgotten your terrible dye job which unfortunately turned it into a fiery orange. you remembered grace laughing at you for hours when she first saw it. “yeah, i keep forgetting to shave it all off.”
“don’t. i think it’ pretty cool.” jake grinned.
you smiled back, “thanks, sully. welcome to pandora. hope you enjoy your stay.”
“i think i will.” he gave you a charming smirk in return.
it was one of those moments you realized you had a crush on him.
and it was way too fast for your liking. it was stupid how fast you had fallen for his boyish charm, his sarcastic nature especially around grace.
you didn’t have anyone really. your parents were dead, you had no siblings. all you had was grace and mo’at, who only reluctantly kept you around despite her dislike for humans. and now jake could be added to that.
he was a lot more outgoing then you were while you always kept to yourself most of the time, studying plants. that was your safe haven.
one day you found yourself at the avatar compound having a discussion with grace about some of the trees you had been studying that day when jake comes barreling through the compound, in his new avatar form.
jake had spotted you first and grinned, “hey, cheetos! check this out!” he was jumping around in his new body excitedly. “crazy isn’t it?”
despite you wanting to grin back, you couldn’t help but raise your brow, “cheetos? wait do you mean—that’s not gonna be a new thing sully—”
“already is, cheetos.” grace smirked playfully, standing over you in her avatar body. “s’not as good as carrots! colonel came up with that one.”
“fuck him.” you roll your eyes while jake continued to laugh. you tried hiding your face as it grew warm. it’s a good thing your face was dark enough for people not to notice the blushing.
when jake got lost in the jungle and met the omaticaya clan, surprisingly enough you were one of the first people he told.
“what you did was reckless, skxawng. but somehow your ass is lucky, i don’t know how, but i’m impressed.” you sighed sitting at the table as he rolled up next to it.
jake looked at you with furrowed brows, “skxawng? that’s what the female na’vi called me. the one i met.”
you cringed, “ah right, sorry, i’m too used to the language here, sometimes it slips out.”
“no, no, it’s fine. maybe you can teach me.”
you try not to smile, “maybe.”
“at least tell me what that word means.”
“uh, i don’t think you want to know.”
jake narrowed his eyes playfully but let it go for now, “next time you should bring your avatar and come out with me.”
you tried ignoring the fluttering in your chest. a delusional part of you thought he really wanted to spend time with you. while the other more rational and professional part of you knew it was probably so she could help him understand the species more.
“maybe another time. i can’t get too distracted.”
you neve realized then how closely jake always watched you. when you weren’t looking or even when you were having a simple conversation. somehow you always missed the certain fondness and affection. and he certainly wasn’t good at hiding it. “nothin’ wrong with distractions.”
again, you smiled stupidly, “just find me some plants while you’re out there.”
jake nodded instantly, “will do.”
you ignored the fluttering again. because the next time you met up again, your mind would be clear when you learned that he was going to be the colonel’s spy and gain information from the people. grace was on board with it of course, always trying to search for the diplomatic way. but you hated every bit of it.
this was the first time jake had ever seen you mad and it especially startled him when it was directed at him. he was so used to your smile, your lighthearted and soft spoken personality. he never expected a woman to get so angry at him so fast. new record.
“tell me what other way there is to get out of this peacefully! i’m all ears, y/n!”
“how about not forcing them to give us their resources! this isn’t our world! we don’t have a fucking right to any of it!”
“we’re trying to maintain the peace here, y/n.” grace added. “if we don’t do this, then you know what the rda is going to do.”
“and you think lying to them will make it any better?!” you fumed hotly.
“not if they don’t find out.” jake reasoned.
now you were beyond angry. so angry you couldn’t even get anymore words out without wanting to scream even more at the both of them.
“you know what, do what you want. i want no part of it.” you hissed before storming out of the room.
it hurt because you loved the na’vi people. it hurt because jake was going to be in on it and possibly cause harm to them. it jut because you actually thought…
no. why else was he here? why else did he take his brother’s place? at the end of the day he was just like the rest of them.
it had been a week since jake had seen you and started becoming one of the people. jake had decided then that he didn’t like you being mad at him and he would do whatever he could to have you smile at him again.
so when he had time to sneak away from the training, in his avatar body, he found your lab deep within the forest. he had gotten a flower that he was sure you would like and brought it to you at your lab.
you were shocked to see him to say the least. but still pissed at him.
“i don’t want you to be angry.” he’d say while looking down at you. there was a heavy look across his face that you couldn’t interpret. but at the time you didn’t care much for it.
you took the flower, “a flower won’t fix it, jake.”
“what can i do to fix it, y/n? just tell me and i’ll do it.”
you didn’t understand why he was persistent, or why he even cared about what you thought at all.
“you know what i want, jake.”
another look crossed his face. “and what if i can’t give it to you? i want this to end just as peacefully as you want it to.”
“i don’t want this at all!” you snapped. “this isn’t right and you know it, jake!”
“i can convince them to relocate!”
“why should they be forced to move from their home because of an outsider’s greed?”
jake of course didn’t have an answer for that. he knew you were right, he knew they wouldn’t peacefully relocate. he just wanted to hold on, find a way. for them. for you. he wanted to make this right. he wanted...
he wanted so many things he couldn’t have right now.
instead, he invites you to his ceremony.
“i want you to be there. please.”
you, despite how stubborn you wanted to be, ended up going. the flower he gave you was still clutched in your hand as you watched him become one of the people. but you studied the culture long enough to know what it meant. you knew long enough it meant that after this he would be able to choose a mate if he wanted to or not, depended on his so-called mission he was given by the colonel.
but your question was answered when you saw him go off with neytiri.
you knew he had made a choice.
when the rda attacked the forest, jake was panicked. for the omaticaya people and for you. he couldn’t find you anywhere. jake wouldn’t know what to do if something had happened to you in all of this mess. and things got even worse when he revealed to the clan that he had known about the attack and they had him tied up next to grace. more destruction came. the hometree was destroyed and he still has yet to find you.
then he got pulled out of his avatar and arrested for treason. for the short time in the cell, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, worrying about you. you were still out there while they were here. you could be gone by now and he wouldn’t even know.
you had been in your lab when the attack on pandora happened. you rushed out of your small lab to take in all of the damage with tearful eyes. you had never hated the rda so much until then. seeing the na’vi die, seeing the nature being destroyed by missiles. it made your heart burn.
mo’at had found you and brought you back to the tree of souls with all the other surviving omaticaya people. you, of course were worried for jake, especially when you hadn’t seen him among the surviving people. you even asked neytiri where he was but she wouldn’t say, clearly too angered at the mere mention of his name. you put together that they must’ve found out about jake. and as much as you wanted to say “i told you so” whenever you saw him, you were still worried that he wouldn’t show up.
it wasn’t until jake had rode in on toruk did you feel immense relief and awe when you saw him. and because of the toruk he had rode on, the people knew he was now the toruk makto, and he had gained their trust once more.
but when he reveals that grace is hurt and that he needed their help, the relief was gone and instead replaced with more worry for your friend.
jake had come straight toward you after, asking if you were okay.
but instead you were rambling.
“what happened to grace? how bad is it?”
“y/n, are you okay?”
“is she dying? you wouldn’t be asking for help if it wasn’t bad, jake, how bad is it?!”
“y/n!” his larger hands cupped your face gently, making you focus on him. he was breathless, you realized. eyes staring at her desperately. “are you okay?”
shocked by this, all you did was respond quietly. “yes, i’m fine.”
mo’at attempted to transfer grace’s spirit to her avatar body permanently, but it was too late. you grieved quietly as jake gave his speech to the people about fighting back against the sky people. days go by and jake recruits many more tribes to join the fight. he had come back when you were back at the tree of souls, hoping to talk to grace’s spirit if she was listening.
he stood close at your side. the height difference between you two was ghastly but you had grown used to the na’vi towering over you. although it was different when it was jake.
“will you fight?” he asked you.
“of course.” you said without hesitation.
jake frowns, “do you have an avatar?”
“will you use it?”
“then how can you say you will fight?”
you frown back at him, “it’s my decision, sully. i rather die as a human rather than someone i’m not meant to be.”
“but i do not want you to die.” he hissed, grasping your shoulders. the intense look had fallen on him once more. and this time it overwhelmed you. “if you will fight, fine. but promise me you won’t die, l/n. please.”
you didn’t make any promises but you said you would try. you knew that wasn’t enough for him and he knew he couldn’t stop you from defending the na’vi. because that was what you had always done from the beginning. and you weren’t going to stop now.
you didn’t see jake after that. instead you were alone. after stealing a ship, you had taken down at least two of the rda’s machines before your ship had been hit. right before you crashed, you used your gun to bring one final blow to the colonel’s, making his fall as well.
unfortunately, you were badly injured. and it didn’t look too good, especially when you crawled your way out of the ship and rested against the tree in your final moments. you never imagined dying alone and in the middle of a war. your parents were already long dead, you had no siblings, no children, no lover. regret couldn’t even describe what you felt in that moment.
mo’at had found you before you passed out. she held your face gently and whispered something in her language.
and she said something you never thought you’d ever hear.
“i see you, y/n.” she whispered to you quietly.
the chaos around you had gone silent when she had said those words to you. those familiar words that was only used between their people. and here she was, saying it to you like a mother would a daughter.
“your death will not be in vein.”
you shake your head weakly, “i don’t want to die yet.” but it seemed the world was only darkening as you spoke. it’s as if the more you talked the more energy you wasted. “j-just tell jake…”
“ssh, little one.” mo’at gently patted your head. “rest. he will be okay.”
that’s what you hoped. that’s what you wished.
and before you knew it, darkness enveloped you.
technically, you hadn’t expected to wake up. you hadn’t expected to good as new or have blue skin when you did.
and you certainly didn’t expect to see your dead human body next to you.
mo’at stood next you, saying you were now apart of the na’vi. after risking your life to save her people, she believed you deserved a second chance.
she had pulled you away to the celebration for winning the war. it wa strange being in a whole new body but you were glad. you were happy.
there was just one thing you wanted.
“where’s jake?”
mo’at raised her brows, “jakesully? he should be back soon from meeting.”
so you stayed next to mo’at for most of the day, learning the basics of what to expect now that you were na’vi.
jake had returned later that night and found your body at the tree of souls. he saw the blood, the loss of color in your face. you had been dead for a while. but under the tree of souls?
“y/n!” he called.
he went searching for you. it wasn’t until he reached the camp where the celebration was did he finally see you. the new you.
both your eyes locked. jake came to you first and pulled you in a tight and long hug.
“i told you not to die, skxawng.”
you grinned into his shoulder, ”ah, so you know what that means now.”
he frowned at you though the amused glint in his eyes wasn’t missed. “y/n.”
“next time i’ll pinky promise.”
knowing he couldn’t stay mad at you, he just pulls you into another hug. this one lasting longer than the other. he just couldn’t find himself letting you go any time soon.
a bit of time goes by. you train to officially become one of the people. then you arrived at your ceremony. you officially become a part of the na’vi.
after the ceremony, you go and ride off with jake and his new banshee to a private spot for just the two of you and have a lighthearted chat about how you both were excited for your new lives.
then the topic of mates comes up.
“have you chosen one?” you ask despite already knowing the answer.
jake nods, “yes.”
of course.
you try not to frown as you looked away and said halfheartedly, “it might take awhile to choose mine. tsu’tey doesn’t seem too bad. he could make a good mate just as neytiri is for you.”
suddenly his strong grip wrapped around your arm and pulled you closer to him, surprising you.
“i never said i wanted neytiri.” then he smirked amusingly, “nor did i say who it was.”
you pouted, “you’re being mean.”
he nestled his nose into your shoulder as he mumbled against your skin, “i’m still wondering if she would accept me.”
it could be too good to be true. you wanted to believe it.
almost as if jake read your mind, he cupped your face with his larger hands and pulled her face closer to his.
“will you have me? as yours?”
without hesitation you nod, “yes. i will have you if you choose to have me.”
he smiled then, “i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
then your lips touched. then your heart melted. then your skin was no longer cold.
he was yours. and you were his.
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pseudosis · 8 months
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୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓— 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐢𝐭 ᝰ.ᐟ
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୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀 𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐎 :
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 phone s*x w/ zuko ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 jealous zuko ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 orgasm denial w/ zuko ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 blue spirit mask teaser ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 jewelry 4 his eyes ) — 🖇️ , 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 somno perv ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 pool sex ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 birthday girl ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 retired cougar scratches ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 baby convincing ) — 🖇️ , 🖇️ , 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 burning off clothes ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 his voice ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 his teeth ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 his fingers ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 cheating on him ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 him being obsessed/ weird ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 getting fucked on his desk ) —🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 thigh obsession ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 sub zuko ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 high libido w/ zuko ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 s*x w/ dilf zuko ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 smut alphabet ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 hickies ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 giving zuko top during a meeting) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 honeymoon s*x w/ zuko) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 unfair zuko ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 car sex w/ zuko ) — 🖇️
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୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀 𝐉𝐄𝐓 :
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 needy ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 motorcycle sex ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 SATIVA {plug!jet} teaser ) — 🖇️
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 hooking up in the woods ) — 🖇️
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୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐉𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐔𝐈 :
@(˚☽˚。⋆𐙚 joey making love to you ) — 🖇️
Go check out Nmyphomania for more Zuko works there!
Zuko’s account because he’s kind of new! @thepeoplesfirelord
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 : all of the pages in the masterlist belong to me and so does all of the works, my last few accounts have been flagged so I couldn’t use those to gain much traction. Please do not republish anything on other sites, if you intend on putting a snippet of my work in an edit/making fanart of/ or recommending, please credit me. If you can’t view the links you might need to look at your settings.
Also don’t be afraid to join my discord server if you will! 👅 https://discord.gg/cfcnesZQ
2K notes · View notes
friedchickenluver · 11 months
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n2deep | full-length smut | modern!adult!zuko x f. reader
warning(s): sloppy oral sex (f. receiving), 69 position, mating press, rough sex, light spanking, squirting, dirty talk, car sex, implied recording, belly swells, dick imprint, cervix kissing, choking, ghetto ass bondage, breeding, overstimulation, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), rimming, anal thumbing, not proofread and I can barely write dialogue without cringing
wc: 2k+
notes: yeah i decided to post it on here.
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Zuko is the type of person to have and take you anywhere, all he needs is you and your body and the both of y'all were all set. Currently, your pussy is now being scrubbed over the landscape of his face, eating you out like some starved man. He had you upside down, face down and buried against his own burning arousal, hands gripping the middle of the console to keep you from falling forward, knees kneading into his toned chest and your feet being thrown over his shoulders. A familiar sensation of his smooth tongue slapping itself raunchily in between your lips, licking a prolonged stripe up from your very front making it to the very middle of your ass. He sucked in his cheeks rimming around your hole carelessly sucking in your muscles with help of an eager mouth slurping back up and reusing his bubbled up saliva.
You made a screwy noise once he slapped the sensitive flesh of your ass, every pop of his mouth going straight to a throb in your dripping clit. Your stomach churned up the heat of an oncoming orgasm, subtly mouthing at his dick to lap up the stream of precum spilling from the crest of his tip. It didn’t really have a taste, but you were so intoxicated on the aroma of his expensive cologne. It mingled on the inside of your nostrils, and so did his cum that burned down in there also.
He couldn’t help but to make a variety of content noises, continuing to drink up every drop of your ejaculation against his face, feeling a mouth sucking in the heat of his veins. The clashing temperatures between her seemingly cold mouth on fire that raged throughout his cock caused the man to buck up erratically to meet her mouth for more of the gratifying effect. Zuko pushed his thumb into the taut slot settled below her bottom, planting it there inside to lick back down into her actual nub of nerves. Biting it roughly triggered your head to shoot back up from her ministrations, coughing up a loud noise of pain into the muffled interior of the car.
A lip was pulled to be bitten down in the middle of two rows of teeth, humping back on his thumb made your eyeslashes flutter rapidly, throwing your eyes to the darkness of the back of your head. Clenching so hard around the digit made you squirt violently, coating his face with your intense finish. Everything you felt in that moment mustered up altogether in a drawn out moan of desperation. This is the third time you did that tonight and your body was basically convulsing from overstimulation, legs burning and going numb from the exhaustion of your muscles working tirelessly in one position to support yourself.
Sliding your legs from straddling his head, he instructed you silently to lie down onto the slightly damp leather seats below. You watched with your lips slightly parted and mouth drying up from overuse, Zuko grabbed the specific pair of panties you had worn that evening, tearing them apart to reduce it down to one long piece of cloth to tie your ankles together with. An involuntary flinch shook up the nerves running across her body as she gazed at him tearing up her underwear.
Legs instinctively holding themselves up in the air for him, a hand of his grasping your ankles to throw the ruined pair of underwear to bind up your legs along the shape of your ankles, kissing the sides of your feet soothingly to lull your nerves. The kisses were slow and calculated, his still damp right thumb massaging one of your feet as he kissed back up to your wiggling toes. Arousal pressurized within her body just by watching Zuko reciprocating the deep stare of blatant desire, in this small intimate exchange the air shifted slightly as he pulled your legs back with the grip on your panties with the ankles within them.
“Here, keep these in your mouth for me, so you can hold your legs back.”
Zuko took a few hurried intakes of breath watching her struggle to lurch forward to bite down on the thin fabric of her undergarments. All of her hamstrings ignited in a fire of stretch bringing her legs down in the mostly uncomfortable position he guided her into, wincing in acute pain, not noticing how a hand pushed her feet back to lift up her lower half to properly angle himself up to her gaping entrance. He cursed sliding straight into nothing but tightness, he had to ground your hips to keep from jerking away from the renewed connection.
Lumps balled up amongst the canals of her throat, she braced herself for his experimental movements at the edge of her pussy. Zuko had to place his hands digging into the seat on his left side in order to back up his starting pace up into her. Sinking down into her from above, reclining on one foot that dug into the carpet interior of the humid car, the other knee profoundly rubbing into the groaning material of the leather.
Throwing his head back with a long noise of satisfaction, he dipped your thighs back further until they were flush in contact with your contracting abdomen. His thrusts had you fumbling your words and choking on your drool, deep sighs excused as hushed whines. Syllables of all sorts fell from the corner of your mouth with the small starter trail of drool seeping out from your mouth. Suctioning slaps filled up the drums of your ears, easing their way to a faster pace. Zuko was known to have such impatience but god did his impatience know how to please you.
With each and every plop downwards, he exhaled nearly laboriously as sweat condensed around his hairline. Windows began to fog up from the heat of their bodies melding together deliciously, getting more and more reckless by the second he scooted his other foot to prop himself up on the creaking seat.
“That’s right, take this dick pretty girl.”
Nothing but an array of exaggerated moans and whines filled the silence of the car, and sobs that accented his hips landing down to drill through the gummy barriers of your sex. Your breasts bouncing around lewdly created another sight for Zuko to bask in as he never let up plowing inside of her.
Surely, the car had started to rock from his pace ricocheting throughout the entirety of the situation surrounding you two.
“Fuuck me!” You snarled out despite your underwear restricting your mouth, hands flying to scratch at his forearms possibly drawing blood from your nails burrowing past the thin layer of his milky skin. A slimey mixture of your wetness and his blossoming precum combined into a bubbly, translucent blend, his aggression splashed the fluid all over the contents of the car and themselves.
He’d fuck it so voraciously you couldn’t differentiate if you were peeing or squirting actively, whatever, the only thing on your mind was telling him how good his dick is. How his dick is the only one ever meant for you, each time you reassure that what he was doing was perfect, his length would hammer in your walls so good as physically possible. Zuko reached through your open legs to push downward on your throat to let him stand up a little more on his feet to beat down in your soaking wet pussy.
Instantly, the makeshift bound flew from your mouth as you screamed his name like a thousand times over, gritty noises of wailing cries from your soul itself as you tried to shove him out of you. Head slamming down on the door handle from him nailing down on your cluster of nerves just up behind your clit, you could’ve cried from the view of your juices spraying all over his gorgeous body. Your insides felt mixed around, reaching new depths you had no knowledge of being there. The swell of your stomach came from the sheer girth of his massive fucking shaft, rearranging the layout of your guts with such vigor.
“So fuuucking wet, so fucking- good. Cum on it f’me doll.”
His dick’s print bulging out on the inside of your stomach caused your vision to churn, unrhythmic moans in obscene noises displaced from his plunges forward. Zuko sped up impossibly faster, spanking down the underside of your ass with his pelvis viciously. It’s obvious there were some bright red mark down there, you’re now at the peak of your overstimulation twitching and jerking your body around the sticky leather from your sweat and never ending fluids. The jerks came in sprodiac groups, legs shaking violently in the air from sheer muscle exhaustion.
Deciding that you were literally at the crest of passing out, you rapidly tapped on the seat beside you to signal to Zuko that you were trying to tap out this round. Before you could even sit upright to remove yourself from him with slight movements, he hooked your legs with the aid of his powerful arms to pin you down altogether with most of his body weight.
“No, don't run now, I’m not finished with you yet.”
Oh if only you could even grasp at how pitiful of a wail that was punched out from you was, you were genuinely burning from a plethora of emotions, sensations, thoughts, words. It was crazy how he had you at his mercy and his will, if heat wasn’t already there it definitely came to wash in another wave over you. It all felt absolutely amazing on the precipice of an orgasm so great you’d think you died and went to heaven for the first time.
The blood that circulated throughout your veins ran freezing cold, eyes shooting open with your pupils narrowed and thin, back arching up into something practically inhumane. Your body spasmed out vehemently, yet nothing fell from your mouth, just silence for the moment of your climax. And so you officially collapsed back down onto the backseat, limbs all going into a limp jelly feel.
She continued to loudly moan, regardless of her finish, Zuko still hasn’t had his own fill yet. He rutted into her body to fuck her deeper against the material of the seats, thrusts growing reckless and overwhelming in pure force. The pure white ring of her finish accumulated around the base of his cock as he drove it a good inch further every single time he rocked back inside. Their combined fluids grew sticky from Zuko churning them into a disgruntled pulp, the micro-strings of ot all sticking to their bodies, mixing with sweat.
It wasn’t long until after a few more strokes that he came wholly, pressing down on your stomach to cave in his cum in the depths of your womb. Zuko groaned rather quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. The couple’s noises of gratification in sync as she squirted another few times.
Your eyes glittered as you checked out the state of the car in all of its glory, the windows were well fogged over, clothes thrown anywhere haphazardly, and the seat was completely covered in a puddle. The way your entire body quaked rapidly as he withdrew with a loud suction noise, a quiet chuckle came from above you, gaining your attention as he reached for his phone left in the driver’s seat.
“You mind?” Zuko said with a gentle, tired smile. You returned the warm visage, flipping over on your stomach to arch your lower half up in front of him. The flash flickered on illuminating the internal dark aesthetics of the Bentley they were currently in, preparing themselves for another senseless round. His essence leaked down the innermost parts of your thigh as he positioned himself up at your entrance, grabbing a handful of your ass.
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“You owe me a shit ton of Chick fil a for what you just put me through.”
“Why not Wendy’s? It’s ch-“
“Don’t play with me Zuko.”
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nmyphomania · 1 year
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╰┈➤ ❝ [Kinktober Day 3: Breeding]❞
Summary: Some advisors piss Zuko off about a baby, and he decides you’re the only one who can fix this situation.
Warning(s): F! Reader, breeding, mating press, messy kissing, rough sex, snowballing, mouth-spitting, minor dirty talk, dub-con if you read in between the lines, creampie, multiple orgasms
WC: 1.6k
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You never really understood how you and Zuko could possibly go from one situation, to an entirely different one in seemingly mere minutes. More appropriately, an hour or two ago. His advisors were talking to him about how they oh so needed an heir to the throne to be conceived at once. How they preferred a boy to become the next to hold the title of the Fire lord, another preferred that he should be taught extensive firebending training to become as powerful as Zuko was by sixteen. Zuko came back to his quarters pissed as ever just listening to the advisors, he couldn’t believe half of the shit that ran loosely from their ignorant mouths.
The more thoughts of the meeting streamed through his head, the harder he plowed his hips down into you. Thinking about the situation never made his temper falter from any less upset he was in those moments, the bed underneath began to thump against the solid walls unforgivingly. Zuko’s hands went to grip at your fleshy hips, hammering himself forcibly into your salivating folds that could only go basically numb from his assaults. She submitted to his every will during his bout of anger, wails somewhat muffled out due to the thickness of the duvets on the bed, eyes going straight to the back of her head each time Zuko would slam dead on her g spot.
“You want a fucking heir, I’ll give you one, maybe even fucking three.” He spat, more to himself than out loud. You, however, heard this and wholly melted into the mattress with a significantly louder sob than the rest. The man above you lifted his leg up to stamp flatly in the mattress to support his impossibly deeper movements, they sped up smoothly with all his preceding thrusts, greatly affecting the ability to intake a proper lung-full of air. It's like he was a different person when he was upset, there was no negotiation on power play, no playfulness, nothing. He just raw-dogged your insides into a thick pulp with your fucking third orgasm of the night.
His hips spanked fat red marks into the underside of your ass, the rough contact didn’t even hurt anymore. The pain had grown so great that now every time he slapped painfully on your skin, the harsh sting was reduced to a dull, numbed out soreness. From your fingers flying all the way down to your toes felt like pins and needles prickling the surface of your naked body, even your throat started to burn from all the screaming your vocals could barely even support. He finally groaned longingly once your walls came in on his dick, spewing out another trail of juices from the couple’s connection. A strong hand gripped until fingernail marks dug into your flesh, aiding him to propel you back onto his length to intensify his hips’ jolts forward.
A burning sensation now stinging at his pelvis from the reckless use of his toned hips along with his propped up leg, the ecstatic crescendo of his orgasm peaking just behind a couple more thrusts. Drilling the head of his cock so deep he was sure he made it to her heated womb desperately asking for his cum to breed her to the brim and beyond. To plant whatever he could produce from his depths in the midst of her beaten up insides. Heaving his angry arousal along the embrace of her gummy walls around him.
“‘m gonna, do it in you. I hope that’s alright..” He muttered out almost apprehensively. You choked out whatever intelligible words you could form, “Y-yes…Zuko.”
Zuko abruptly flipped you around to stay put on your back, legs being pushed back until her knees hit the mattress beside her head. Standing slightly above her, he moved closer to re enter inside of her in such a crude position on the surface of the bed. From over her own body, he planted deeply inside of her messy pussy, roughly molding out his dick inside of her pitiful sex like some hungry animal. Tears accumulated at the corners of your eyes from the physically demanding position you were now forced into, your legs felt like they could give out from being pushed beyond their flexibility limits. All liquids being forced out of you splashing on his face, creating a wet sheen over his body.
Long, drawn out keens from the both if you sounded into the atmosphere of the room from your mutual stomach-caving finish. Zuko fucked his orgasm inside of her even further, plunging whatever wasn’t already balls deep inside of her. It's like his cock touched the very part of her soul that made something snap in her mind, continuing his jarring pushes downward. So deep, so big, so amazing, you could virtually feel the thickness of the base of his dick in your throat, never letting up fucking you as passionately as he did.
“Give me another I know you can do it f’me love.”
Everything went impractically faster leaving you a filthy mess, you couldn’t even think straight without thinking about how his dick is currently beating down your guts at the moment. Drool seeped steadily from the corner of your mouth, eyes twitching from the immense amount of pressure and jerks from the overwhelming senses of their sex. You could barely wrap your arms around him as he had you mostly pinned down in this foreign position, so deciding it was best to just lay there and take it like some desperate bitch. Sputters, some bubbles and your eyes glued to the back of your head, your mouth left gaping as he leaned over to kiss you gently on your exposed neck.
“Good angi, give it to me Zuko!”
The breathed-out comment sent something rushing through his veins, he couldn’t decipher it but god, the way she looked him into his eyes taunting; hell even daring him to get her all sorts of knocked up. As knocked up as he could even get her, filling her up until her stomach bulged even more prominently. He grew dizzy, legs failing to keep him up through the process of gaining one more blissful finish, his voice nothing more than hoarse whispers of sighs, pants, all telltale signs of him getting so much closer.
Zuko strokes decelerated gently, allowing him to continue to delve inside her deep, relaxing his body so that he can place a firm hand to wrap itself on the base of her neck.
“Open.” She listened wordlessly, he conjured up a petty strand of saliva to spit into the warmth of her open mouth. Letting her lap at his dribble by sticking her tongue out wide, and flicking at anything that came from him. This urged you two into a languid kiss, breathing frantically against each other’s mouths whilst Zuko resumed his previous pace from before. Their lips would meet every now and then, but not for long. You sucked in his bottom lip, licking up into the unexplored space of his mouth. He took the chance to wrap his lips around your tongue, bobbing his head unhurriedly, almost methodically.
As the night dragged on, the both of you were nearly drunk off each other’s lips, hands, skin even. Another couple of orgasms came out of the time and effort both of you put into loving on each other all of his cum only reserved for going inside of you, now working on the final one of the night, the two of you were pressed on the wall rutting into each other like some hormonal teenagers. She threw her head back on the wall with a thud, swallowing thickly, a slightly painful climax ripping through her sobbing pussy. Zuko pulled out of you entirely once he finally came, making you drop on your knees to catch his cum in your mouth. His whole figure tenses and jerks erratically in the heat of the climax, clouding his mind and any thoughts that seemed to run rampant. He huffed, bringing his hand up to bite down on a fist while he blew his literal bodily capacity inside your tight mouth.
As you took all of the stripes of white flinging all over in both your mouth and throat, his abs convulsed and rolled under his pale skin. You watch as he furrowed his eyebrows, dropping his fist out from between his teeth in awe at how hard he came.
“Don’t swallow, c’mere”
Going to pull yourself up with the use of the nearby nightstand, he brought both of his hands to snake around your neck before pulling you into a deep kiss. He swirled around his own essence with his curious tongue, wiping away the stray trail falling from the side of your mouth. It was thick, sloppy, and almost sweet tasting; and the two of them shared how ever much could be evenly distributed between each other.
His right hand went to trace around your figure that outlined your body he knew all too well, traveling across the stuffed swell of your stomach. Maybe, and hopefully so, that a few healthy babies could be conceived from your bred and worked out body. Some of it dripped along the plushness of your thigh, running out from between your naked folds from the overfill he bestowed on her from the events of that evening. Just beautiful, he never said this aloud but he thought it, sliding his hand down even further to fully palm possessively at your throbbing heat he could most definitely lose his mind over.
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keenzinemugstudent · 7 months
Okay okay but hear me now imagine you the reader you're traveling with Katara, Sokka and Aang along the way you get up your fortune told by Aunt Woo Who told you in the future you will be married to a great and powerful Lord, you of course don't see that happening cuz you don't really have an interest in dating let alone marriage and didn't see yourself as someone worth being loved years go by you and Zuko are friends even though it was hard for you to get used to him being part of the group you two were civil and as you guys got older and became closer to the point that the other word was involved you like Zuko he loved you and you guys hit your twenties he started giving you gifts and other stuff, Katara mentioned that he might be courting you which you were confused about then she mentioned about the time you all went to Aunt Wou and about your Fortune then you start to remember that you were to marry a Lord of course you didn't take this seriously and just shrugged it off and just told Katara that there's no way possible and that you didn't believe it but the whole conversation makes you not be able to sleep at night cuz now you're now in your room pacing that you might get married to Zuko who's the only Lord that you are well acquainted with and around your age it's to the point you start avoiding him and being awkward, and yes he is courting you and is planning to ask you to marry him in the near future when every is right and wants to ask your parents or guardians blessings
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 5 months
I'm tired of being horny,I want love😭😭
can you give us some fluff headcanons with teyam,please??🥹
YES OML! I love writing headcanons sm😭
Warnings~ none! Enjoy the fluff everyone<3
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★ Neteyam is the type of mate to make you stay in bed on a rainy day, no matter if you guys have things to do or not. He just loves spending time with his girl.
★ speaking of which, his family completely adores you. They’re always asking for you to come over and spend time with them(mostly neytiri and Jake saying this bc you’re literally like a daughter to them)
★ tey absolutely ADORES whenever you spend time with his family, especially his siblings and ESPECIALLYY with tuk, you act so well with all of them that it makes him want to give you a family of your own.
★ his love language is definitely acts of service, words of affirmation, and physical touch. So definitely expect to be gifted with things you’ve always wanted while he’s hugging you and whispering all sorts of praises and I love yous into your ear.
★(this hc is for human!reader) if your ovulating/on your period, he will never leave your side, always giving you whatever you need since he knows how painful your periods can be. (And also because your smell gets stronger, and he doesn’t want any of the males in his clan thinking they have a chance with you. Because they don’t.)
★ speaking of this, he definitely is extremely protective of you. Like, yes he knows you’re fully capable of handling yourself, but he just can’t help it. You’re his girl, how could he not protect you?
★ if you need an example of how far this man would go for you, just remember that one time where he came home with bloody fists and a bloody nose because he overheard a group of boys sexualizing you(lo’ak jumped into the fight too bc he didn’t want to hear you or his parents lecture him about leaving Neteyam by himself to get beat tf up😭)
★turns into such a baby when he’s tired. Poor boy will come home completely exhausted, it’s so obvious in his features it makes you sad. He’ll grumble when you ask him how his day was, hurriedly taking off his uncomfortable garments and picking you up and carrying you to the bed, placing you down on the soft pillows before placing all of his body weight onto you. You let out a little huff from the suddenness of it, but it turns into a giggle when you feel him smoosh his head into your boobs.
★“Awh, what needy little babyboy. Just needed some cuddles, hm?” You’d tease while placing a kiss on his forehead, left hand rubbing his scalp soothingly as your other hand trails down his back in a content motion.
★(hc for modern!au) you guys would definitely do a whole bunch of couple TikTok’s tg, and literally everyone loves you guys sm
★ would secretly learn all your favorite foods and make them whenever your sad/on your birthday.
★ does this thing if your walking past a group of people that make you uncomfortable, he’ll put himself between you and the group, so he’s acting as a barrier almost
★ loves the sound of your voice/laugh so much, And it SHOWSSSS. lo’ak made fun of him one time because teyams tail started wagging when you laughed at a joke he made
★ also loves carrying you/manhandling you (gently ofc) js bc he likes to see the surprise on your face whenever he does. All those years of training and building his strength being put to use frl🙌🏼 he also does it bc he has a strength kink and size kink..BUT WE ARENT GONNA GET INTO THAT!!
★he has a sweet spot in the middle of his scalp that makes him purr really loud and kick his leg slightly, you found out about it one of the many times he fell asleep on your chest. You never told him you knew about it though because you know he’d probably get embarrassed, but whenever he does fall asleep on your chest you always massage that spot just to giggle at his reaction.
★(black!reader hc..so me!) love to play with your hair and braid it, also loves to participate in your wash days. Like this mf will be more hyped to wash your hair than you are(you barley lift a finger during your wash days because he insists you just sit down and relax while he does everything)
★ made a wash day playlist with all your favorite songs on your phone without you knowing, so when you asked him where the playlist came from he just giggled at you before telling you where it came from. (You cried and hugged him because..he’s a fucking sweetheart?)
★ always talks about starting a family with you, and the look in this man’s eyes whenever he talks about it is completely adorable. You’re literally the love of this man’s life
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A/N~ I need a man like teyam frl🥹 also I’m flattered you guys love my neteyam works sm, it really means the world to me<3 but could we mayhaps send in requests for different characters? I’d love to hear what you guys have in mind for them. Other than that tho, stay safe and hydrated. I love you guys sm💕
Taglist~ @tallulah477 , @hotdsworld , @itchaboi-itchyboy , @blue-slxt , @etherial-moon-blog , @criticallybella , @rivatar , @aperiraa , @professional-yapper , @plooto
(If you’d like to be added to or removed from my general taglist, lmk by commenting on this post or sending me a dm! And if your tag isn’t working please check your settings💕)
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ang3lik · 2 years
spider with a girl that grew up with him start noticing that they have feelings for each other just really sweet fluffy smut pls
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ HOME IS A PERSON.
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avatar masterlist. spider socorro x fem!human!reader.
warnings. vaginal unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), grinding, handjobs, fingering, slight edging, mentions of mating (na’vi) and mentions of death.
a/n: exopacks are not a thing for this fic, just pretend humans can breathe on pandora. this was a lot and is kind of long but i love it. if you’d like to be added to any taglist you can send an ask or dm !! enjoy ! (i haven’t proof read this so if there’s any typos or warnings missing, just let me know, sorry !)
spider had always been fascinated by the na’vi. pandora itself as he explored the wonders of life each day. but he never felt exactly at home. he saw the way neytiri judged him from afar, he understood your reasoning as his own kind destroyed your home.
but he just wanted a family, a family to feel like home. his relationship with jake was quite comforting, very much like a father figure to him. spider felt as if they had an understanding of each other in sorts.
when jake would tell stories of earth at night around a warm fire, he would be so intrigued. jake saw the way spider would listen more intently than his children, the comforted but excited gleam in his eyes, guilting him slightly.
even though jake’s stories fascinated him, he didn’t think he’d ever want to leave pandora though. his relationship with the sully brothers was just the same.
they both saw him as a brother and spider the same. neteyam was very protective of his family, spider included, he knew how much trouble lo’ak and spider would get into and would scold them both equally.
neteyam taught him many ways of the omaticaya clan, he taught spider to train, his body gaining muscle and building strength. he also taught him to shoot arrows with a bow.
they would often also tussle, neteyam a lot gentler considering his height, but he must admit he thought spider was strong for his kind, fearless too just like a warrior.
lo’ak loved spider. he loved to explore his home just as much as spider did. however the two were quite this mischievous pair. often receiving scoldings from his older brother and father.
they hung out a lot. running around like children all the time. they’d do anything for each other, just like brothers. his relationships with kiri and tuk were both adorable.
he was very protective of the girls, he knew as sisters. just like neteyam and lo’ak, he protected kiri when boys would talk to her. he always kept a watchful eye on both sisters as he knew kiri loved to explore and tuk would never be far behind her.
but his relationship with you however, was way more special. you both grew up together, playing as babies, growing into toddlers and changing into teenagers.
but no matter your age, you only grew closer. he knew his mother had died shortly after his birth, just like yours had died during your birth. you both kept pictures of your mothers, sticking them above your beds and making up stories at night at what you’d think they be like.
the way he talked and interacted with you was way different to any of the relationships he’d had. however around the age of 13 he started to develop a nervous feeling around you.
spider always thought you were beautiful, but one day you looked prettier, if that was possible. each day from then you only got prettier. now at the age of 18, you were the most beautiful human being he’d ever had the pleasure of being able to look at, the fact that he got to even touch you, hug you, hold your hand, kiss you still was unrealistic to him.
you always knew you’d had feelings for spider from a younger age. much like spider it did happen just one day, where you looked at him different.
you were making dinner with norm, spider stood next to you as he cut vegetables too. you’d just gotten back from hanging with the sully kids again.
however, spider was off with neteyam training with him and lo’ak, as you helped kiri collect some substances from plants for her tsahìk training. your eyes gravitated to his calloused hands, holding the sharp knife, his veins slightly bulging out.
they travelled upwards along his forearm to his biceps as they strained, his muscles had grown. his body was covered in a light sheen of sweat as all the running and laughing you had done on the way home had tired him.
you’d catch yourself looking at his lean torso sometimes too, your mouth watering just a little as you thought about touching his body just a little.
he’d catch you at times too, his body heating up under your gaze. eventually, the lingering gazes, touches, thoughts had proved enough for you both.
when you were both 16, under the stars one night you had laid closer staring into each others eyes as they both sparkled in delight. he had shocked you with his confidence as he leaned closer, looking down at your lips, his nerves quietly eating away at him as your hearts heated faster in tandem as your lips connected lightly.
he pressed soft pecks to your lips, experimentally. testing the waters as each kiss grew longer. eventually you broke apart, breathing heavier as rosy blushes set into both your cheeks as you giggled slightly.
from then on you and spider had been “together”, never really making it official, he just knew he was yours and you his. small make out sessions, turned into light grazing touches along each others skin, and the make out locations changed. from the forest at night to in your bed.
you and spider didn’t share a room but it wasn’t usually for you to sleep in each others beds. you had both done it for comfort starting at a very young age, so norm never suspected a thing.
the kisses grew hotter and faster though as you’d explored each other. you’d never had sex however. always stopping when your hips would jolt up or his hips would grind down into yours.
however as you both grew so did the sully boys. everyone now knew that you and spider were together. sharing small pecks around the family and it came to no surprise that they didn’t bat an eye either.
of course, kiri had pulled you away as did the boys to spider, kiri squealing on delight as you told her the new development. the boys were also very happy for spider and you.
congratulating their brother on getting over his nerves and confessing to you his feelings. it wasn’t long until neteyam also found his mate, mä'reyna and lo’ak found his too, äìset.
it was quite normal for the boys to bring their problems to each other, confiding into each other for advice. they shared experiences. no problem was too embarrassing or complicated and they figured it out together.
but after neteyam had told his brothers that he had officially completed his mating with mä'reyna, he had felt eager to try more with you. neither of you had ever minded or were scared to go further you just thought it should be something special, just like the na’vi.
after lo’ak had told him of his mating with äìset too, he knew he had to create the perfect setting to decide he wanted to touch you again. as it began to get late he found you with kiri, “it’s getting late, i think norm would want us back.”
you were confused as it was only eclipse, usually you could stay for a while longer but you didn’t question him so you said your goodbyes, hugging kiri goodnight before following him.
you were looking down at the floor as spider led you home, but you looked up in shock as you bumped into his chest. you looked around, this wasn’t home, it was higher up in the forest, ‘the lookout’ everyone called it, a safe spot high in the forest above the hills, a spot through the trees where the stars shine down into a wide path of grass.
spider led you to sit down in the middle. His body collapsing down next to you. the air was warm, the sky getting darker, little noises of animals around you croaked.
his hefty arm crept around your shoulders pulling you into him gently. you laid back looking up at the sky, your head on his chest, hearing the thump of his heartbeat which oddly grew faster by the second.
you tilted your head up at him to ask what was wrong, but before you could get a word out, he spoke, “i love you.”
you smiled at his words, before he continued, “but, I want you even more.” you sat up, leaning over his body a little, your hair framing his face as you looked down at him.
“what do you mean?” you asked.
“i love it when we kiss, when we’re alone together always…” he grabbed your hand gently, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. “but i want to do more.”
he signed out heavily, feeling a little more relaxed as he hit his feelings of his chest. his eyebrows rose slightly in surprise as you let out a light laugh.
“why didn’t you just say? are you ready for that?” you asked him.
“i am,” he answered. “i just thought maybe you weren’t yet ready so i held off.” you both snickered at each others responses as you continued to look into his eyes.
if he wanted something you’d always try your best to give it to him and if he wanted you, who were you to complain? you leaned down connecting your lips to his slightly as his hands went straight to your hair.
softly running his fingers through your locks as he groaned and sighed in pleasure. he loved kissing you. probably too much. but just the feeling of you so close to him, your lips on his moving together was the best feeling he’d ever felt.
he wasted no time in turning you over. his hands caging you in on the green grass, his dreads hanging over your face. he moved to your neck, sucking light hickies into your skin.
this was perfect, exactly how you’d imagined it. under the stars in the peace and quiet, warm and comfortable with the boy you loved. he got bolder, kissing down onto your chest.
you guys wore human clothes at times, especially in colder seasons. things like sweatpants, shirts, shorts. but spider preferred his own loincloth to anything.
but he still thought you looked beautiful in your loincloth and a shirt. he pushed your shirt up, raising your arms up so he could pull it off, throwing it to the side.
his lip’s immediately gravitated towards your nipple, sucking lightly as you let out a small moan. you felt him smile at your sounds against your chest.
your hands left gripping the grass, raising to his shoulders as you gripped his shoulders. he moved fast and eager, kissing down your navel, his tongue peeking out lightly to leave a cold trail on your stomach.
as he got closer to your clothed centre, goosebumps raised on your skin, you arched up into his touch. he came back up to your face, kissing you heavily again.
god he felt so good and he made you feel so good, without barely touching you. you spread your legs slightly, letting him kneel between them as his hips pushed down onto yours.
you could feel his cock harden through his loincloth as a wet spot grew on yours. your hands trailed down his sides before untying the sides of his loincloth, pushing it down his thighs, as you still kissed him fast.
you felt him up as you grabbed his length lightly, moving your hand up and down slowly, gripping the base tighter on the way down. he broke the kiss, looking down and watching your hand jack him off slowly and he breathed heavily.
leaning up on his left elbow, he lives his own hand down to the centre of your loincloth, looking to your face for confirmation. you nodded quickly at him before he moved the length your loincloth to the side, trailing his thumb over your clothed centre.
his thumb pressed down above your clit as he circled it, the friction of them cloth rubbing against you, making you moan loudly. he couldn’t wait any longer, the noises you made and your palm still gripping his length that hardened even more became painful.
he rose up on his knees, leaning back on his ankles as he untied your loincloth, pulling it off and throwing it again. he pushed your thighs further apart as he moved closer his fingers coming back down on your clit as he circled it quickly.
he watched the way you squirmed beneath him, soaked and leaking more witness from under his fingers, he covered his middle and pointer finger in your slick as he gently pressed around your hole, dipping one of his fingers in up to the first knuckle, checking your face for any signs of pain.
you didn’t wince and your face didn’t express any pain, you only tightened around him wanting more as he pushed it all the way in slowly. you only made a small gasping noise, one of newfound pleasure, as he thrusted his disgust in and out slowly.
you clenched again as he pumped faster, your noises growing louder as his pushed his middle finger in alongside his pointer. you winced a small bit as his fingers immediately stopped, but you looked at him, giving him a small smiles, “it’s okay, i’m fine,” you managed to speak out.
he started to pump his fingers again faster and deeper as you got wetter and louder. his cock grew red and painful, precum sliding out of his tip as his body heated up.
your body grew hotter, tingling in all the right places, about to cum, before he stopped. you opened your eyes in confusion and annoyance before you could see him, holding his cock and sliding it through your folds, up and down your slit, he leaned down, kissing you sweetly.
“sorry, i couldn’t wait,” he said, sheepishly.
“you promise to tell me if it hurts?” this is why you loved him, because even in such an exciting moment his first and only priority was your safety. you lifted your head kissing him again before saying, “of course.”
he nodded, processing everything that was happening before slowly sliding into you. a long, hefty groan left his lips, as he felt the warmth of your cunt, tight and wet around him.
your moans were singing in his ear as he filled you up. he attempted shallow, gentle thrusts at first, but his hips lost control as you begged him to fuck you faster.
you moved your thighs to sit atop his hips the new angle allowing his cock to push in deeper, hitting that spongy spot deep inside you. every time he pushed in, the tip of his cock grazed it, edging you closer to your orgasm.
you felt heavenly and your orgasms crept up once again, fast, as you tried to tell him. small screams and moans leaving your mouth. he was moaning too.
deep and loud, as his cock twitched, the feeling of so much pleasure all at once overwhelming him. you came around his cock, clenching around him, shaking slightly underneath him as your eyes rolled back.
he came fast, spilling inside you, his body hot, all his limbs trembling, trying to keep himself up. you breathed out opening your eyes, watching him still thrusting, riding out his high.
he slowed, collapsing down on top of you and rolling to the side. as you lay together, his hand gripped yours. you imagined this was the first of many firsts you’d share together, because you could never feel it with anyone else.
as he lay next to you, a new warmth spread through his chest, not just one of love, one of belonging. a feeling of home, as he realized hime didn’t have to be a place, home was a person and you were his home.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @astarborntowrite @liyahsocorro @gr4veyardg1rl
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korizzybee · 11 months
Imagine being Jake Sully’s and Neytiri’s adopted daughter, child of someone who was an old friend of Jake’s:
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Info: reader’s mom’s avatar had darkskin black features (Afro hair + dark eyes + dark blue skin) so reader also has those features, reader has an Jamaican accent, reader is Navi Avatar hybrid and has 5 fingers and eyebrows, reader is 13 years old
Boom your mom was 5 years old when she moved from Jamaica to North America, she and Jake became childhood friends (more like they became soul siblings)
The same day the RDA recruited Jake, they recruited your mother too
She also spends time observing the Navi and learning their ways with Jake, but Tsu’Tey was her teacher instead
As she lives there for months, she and Tsu’Tey fall in love and mate at the tree of spirits (JAKE N NEYTIRI DUUUUPE)
She and Neytiri actually became pregnant at the same time, literally shortly after they both mate with their men at the spirit trees
Your dad dies during the war yada yada yada, they win and skip boring stuff
For some reason when Neytiri has her baby, your mother is unable to give birth to you and she remains pregnant for 2 more years
The pregnancy drains her energy, making her look even skinnier and her skin color fade as her cheeks become hollow
When she finally gives birth and before she dies she whispers a name that’s a mixture between her’s and Tsu’Tey’s
Neytiri holds your small crying form silently shushing you while Jake cries over your mom’s dead body, she was like an older sister to him
Jake adopts you and when you’re old enough he starts teaching you about your human culture as it was a big part of your mother’s life and she loved her culture more than anything
This leads him to also explaining why you’re different from all the other Omaticaya, but he also explains it’s not a bad thing
You growing up with mixing your life with both your Navi and Jamaican cultures
You are the closest to Neteyam, he’s SOOOOO protective over you (you are his favorite shhhh don’t tell Lo’ak)
Since you’re a lot shorter than your older siblings, you often get carried by them
Jake teaching you so much about humans, pop culture references, music tastes n everything!!!! (Girl you literally take inspiration from his teachings and make your own clothing style out of Navi clothes)
Neytiri making you the most beautiful song cord ever about the love story of your mom and Tsu’Tey and your birth
You and Kiri bonding over both being adopted
You and Tuk are so goofy together, always making Neytiri laugh n shi
You two also bond over being the babies of the family
You and Lo’ak always playing tag in the forest
You immediately loved spider when you all first met him as little kids, (I mean, your mom was once human so you didn’t hate them at all)
ALWAYS wearing your mother’s Na’vi and human hair pieces and your father’s necklaces
Jake teaching you how to fight the human way because your mom was better than everyone in the RDA at that
Going to the Lab with Kiri to see videos of your moms together (they also grew to be close friends and would sometimes just make videos of them being stupid together)
Jake and Neytiri are the only ones allowed to do your hair (your mom taught them how to take care of Afro hair once), they make sure your hair is always healthy
You look so much like your mom but you get your smile, eye shape, and bodily markings from Tsu’Tey
When you can’t sleep, Jake would tell you his childhood memories about your mom
You’re a very spiritual child, always talking with a calm voice, you’re a little shy and always have a good opinion on everyone (girl while Neteyam finna future clan leader, you’re the future Tsahik)
Boom Quaritch bitch ass shows back up (YALL IM SORRY BUT HIS AVATAR IS SO FINEEEEE) and y’all have to flee
You have your own Ikran and she’s named after your mother (let’s just call her Irie)
Y’all make it to the lands of the Metkayina and Ronal starts hating on y’all for being different then she points out how your hair and looks over all are different from your family’s
Neytiri hissing at her as Neteyam and puts you behind him side eyeing Ronal, Jake defending your looks (W DAD)
Y’all get to live among the clan and lowkey….Rotxo he kind of crushing on you I mean not tryna be that one writer butttt uhhh you are the prettiest member of your family (behind Neytiri no one beats her)
You and Rotxo lowkey be flirting with your eyes, giving each other shy looks and blushing like middle schoolers
BUT ANYWAYS THAT’S IT FOR PART 1 IMA DO A PART 2 (this has been marinating in my drafts for months)
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zafrinaxyz · 8 months
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paradise 💐
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pseudosis · 6 months
I come from the abyss to say this:
Shower sex with Zuko would be so intense. Pinned between the wall and him, feeling the water dripping between you both as he hikes your leg higher on his waist...
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Something about steaming hot water spraying on the both of your bodies, creating such an intense fog around the both of you is what gets Zuko going in some way. Being so close and glimpsing at the body he knew oh so well from many practiced times of exploration, every nook and cranny of that gorgeous figure all wet, exposed. His need stood tall before he knew it, fighting the craving to just get you going already as an excuse to tend to his own urges.
Breathing in the heat rising up out of your pores as he dragged his tongue over the crook of your neck to get a long, thoughtful taste of skin. The slight taste of soap over your body, the both of your surely connected so lewdly again. His tip was certainly licking into your g spot dead off, leaving your body struggle in overwhelming pleasure.
You could barely catch your natural breathing rhythm as it caught up in your throat from him properly lifting up both of your legs to wrap around his waist. Suddenly feeling the urge to snapped back and forth venomously in and out of you to saitate his animalistic hunger for your gummy walls clenching around him perfectly.
Almost like his dick was fucking made to fit inside your pussy, he couldn’t stop himself from readjusting your calves to rest on his shoulders to nail deeper inside you. Up until he could feel the slick of your womb caressing his sex to completion, your mouths enveloping the other’s as if either one of you would disappear in due time. Lips sliding messily and carelessly against the gestures that stemmed from the heated kiss, tongues licking down each other letting combined drool to dribble out of your mouths. Nails raking across his translucent skin out of ecstatic satisfaction ran throughout your all as he gripped your hips at the same time.
Now he was pulling out of you, snatching the air away from you both’s lungs, turning you around to press flush down on the wall originally positioned behind you. He lined himself up and slammed all back in forwards to only be met by your cervix, groaning loudly in unison with you. Pulling back out just enough to lean back and spit on the surface of his dick, then starting anew with his drilling pace.
Leaving burning spanks imprinted into your ass from his hips knocking into contact with your sensitive skin, biting down hard enough to leave marks that wouldn’t typically appear, show up undoubtedly. He was like some starved man the way he tried to devour your all and claim whatever his mouth found, even after finishing fucking you so senselessly until cum was splattering over your bodies past from the connection in between your legs.
Zuko relished the scent of sex and soap, both of you getting clean up, but so dirty all at once.
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distressed-devilsitter · 11 months
Saw someone say that Mammon wouldn't eat MC out...lies and slander.
NSFW Blurb Below. Minors DNI. 🔞
Mammon is so so desperate for your cunt. He begs to go down on you. He's obsessed with it. The way it smells. The way it tastes. The way it pulses around his fingers...
Beelzebub may be the avatar of gluttony, but Mammon is ravenous. He eats you out like a starving man, your slick dripping down his chin and pooling on the sheets beneath you.
Mammon loves overstimulating you. He could spend hours between your thighs, tongue pressed into your folds. You try to pull him away, tugging on his hair (joke's on you he's into that shit.) He just moans and stuffs his face closer to your heat.
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nmyphomania · 1 year
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╰┈➤ ❝ [Kinktober Day 1: Breath Play]
Summary: You and Zuko have been teasing and picking at each other all day since that morning, flirting, kissing, and touching each other at the most inappropriate times. It finally all backfires on you once Zuko is actually able to do as he pleases that night.
Warning(s): F! Reader, harsh choking, squirting, minor dirty talk, reader nearly passes out, v. fingering, cervix kissing, rough sex, missionary position, sloppy kissing
WC: 1.5k
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Two digits slipped past his lips and into the warm, slickness of his mouth; fingers massaging around on the surface of his tongue teasing his gag reflex. Circling his tongue around for a moment, Zuko let a petty wad of spit fall down onto your glittering pussy gently. Eyebrows furrowing in undivided attention on the sight of you clenching erotically around nothing, his fingers breached your resistant entrance carefully as he watched your body language for any signs of aversion. They angled themselves upward to knead deeply against that delicious bundle of nerves, leaving your mouth to fall agape to silently moan out into the bedroom interior.
Pushing a palm up to settle on your warm clit, you couldn’t help but to let your own hands go to pinch at your perky nipples softly babbling incoherently. You rolled your hips needily against his calloused palm, its erratic texture mixed with his knowing fingers stretching you out caused your tongue to run over a stripe along the softness of your lips. A sharp inhale pushed your eyes to roll into the back of your head while he lifted your legs to hold themselves up in the air. His digits made a final plunge fully in your already thickening insides as the man above you looked into your eyes intently, no signs of playfulness present.
“You feel like you can take it now?”
Eyelashes fluttered open coyly to reveal a set of pretty eyes, she teasingly clenched around the thickness of his fingers still shoved deep inside of her.
“You that impatient m’love?” She slurred lazily, moving her head over on the pillow to bare the expanse of her neck to his lingering gaze. Zuko let a few sparkling embers breathe out of his nose in annoyance, taking his fingers from out of her to rest his hands on her thighs.
“Well, when you’ve been getting led on since this morning…”
He dipped down to land an array of open-mouthed kisses that threatened to latch down onto her delicate skin hotly along her beautiful neck. Letting a hand go to press her neck down to meld within the plushness of the mattress below, leaving her breathless satisfyingly. Her self-control broke, allowing her to jolt up to fight the weight of his own heavy body settled stubbornly on top of her. You brought your hands to venture all over the flexing muscles of his back, fingernails taunting to scratch healthy red lines into his pale skin. For a moment when the base of his dick would slid recklessly around where you needed him most, it successfully elicited a long whine from you.
“Zuko, c’mon put it in already.”
Zuko could only muster a complacent laugh, letting his soft lips land on hers in a hurried, wet, kiss. He shifted his hips around to rest his solid tip in her entrance’s comfortable embrace of muscles. You reached down to guide him inside past your sopping wet, swollen, lips in turn prompting him to push in sluggishly with your aid. Once his pelvis met the swell of your ass, the two of you made sounds of contentment. Wasting no time his thrusts began at a reasonable pace, forcing your legs open and back with the grip of his strong hands.
Using the force of his hold on the undersides of your thighs, Zuko leaned back into his prior position sitting completely up above you to fuck himself into you. Each time he landed a stroke back into the confines of your walls, your throat stung, running dry at the seemingly endless amount of times you would cry out. An arch jerked up newly to meet his quicker pace, her eyes buried just above the back of her eyelids. Placing her calves to lock around his neck to keep his movements steady and precise, he readjusted his hold around the length of her neck to throw off her moans. The hold closed up her windpipe, patterns of all sorts danced around in the darkness of her closed eyes.
It’s all so much, Zuko rutted relentlessly stretching out every tight corner he could possibly reach within you. Sounds of their skin slapping grew sticky, impatient, the connection between them suctioning in attempts to preserve a bond no other could ever understand. He threw his head back as his inhibitions rotted away surely, she cried helplessly underneath him, body burning laboriously from their hot collison of something they’d teased each other with starting this morning.
“Tell me where you want me my love.” Zuko’s eyes shifted quickly between his hand on her neck and her teary gaze, he smiled very slightly scoffing at the pitiful sight laid beneath him.
“If you can.”
Releasing a strained choke of a sob air out from your burning lungs, sweat prickled skin rubbed desperately past each other longing for acute proximity. Finally letting your eyes fall open to meet the sight of the glazed over state of his body, never once did his pelvis fail to execute his movements any less than perfectly. He put his all into each intricate stroke, mirroring the moves she seemed to scream the loudest at. Her juices splattered messily, left gasping and struggling for a humane amount of air to pass through her airways. All she could feel was his arousal desperately mixing up her his insides, turning them out into a battered, oozing mess.
“You like the way I lay it in your guts like that?” Zuko faltered back over to pant out ruggedly, the filth of his question ringing through your ears with a certain bass that sent your nerves going into a frenzy.
The sensations of something snapping around in your stomach induced a breathy “yes” to sanction you to submit all of your corrupted words to his listening ears. With every last slam that punched out your shallow breaths, winding you of half of your bold words, vision swaying on the premises of unconsciousness. Tipping over his upper half to support his hammering rebounds that sent fires of passion to swirl dizzyingly over the couple, he craned his body forward to rest his hand onto the headboard. Motions of him moving back and forth, led the bed with his raw aggression filled with a sinful amount of lust brimming his mind and soul.
Tears had dripped down from his lover’s eyes and soaked the back of his hand, barely audible pleas balling up pathetically in her throat. A white-hot orgasm conjuring up behind her beaten up clit, Zuko readjusted so that he would curve up into her g-spot head on. His tip drooled translucent precum as it licked woefully in the likes of her gummy slick insides, leaving his burning mark all over her cervix. Her hand quickly flew to grasp around his hand that bruised an harsh grasp on her neck that urged tears to accumulate in the inner corners of her reddening eyes. The lack of air alas caught up to her, the longer her breathing was restricted, the more intense she felt her orgasm build up. She literally felt like she was going to explode, pressure affecting her heat oozing out all types of mellow juices that he easily wrung out from you, overloading itself in the depths of her own pelvis.
Every single type of noise that sounded like an unintelligible beg for release that she could possibly create fell in sync with his wavering thrusts. Zuko slowed down entirely to drive the tip of his cock down by the far reaches of her womb, the urge to stay like that and just fill her up with his cum was tempting as she clenched longingly around his thick base. He grounded down inside of her, moving her head to the side by squeezing her face to bite her neck gently but possessively.
“Good agni baby, cum f’me.”
You cried out, significantly louder than all other times prior, feeling the patterns that danced vividly behind your eyes glow as you convulsed all over his sex. All of the liquids that salivated over the rigidness of Zuko opposing the gooey interior of her pussy now squirted unforgivingly all over him, some shooting so far between them some of it made it dripping down the muscles of his thighs. The sheets under them, now vastly darker and entirely damp from your abrupt finish.
Zuko removed his hand from around the base of her neck, the sound of her discreetly gaping for a breather to inflate her struggling lungs. A whine escaped from past her lips as the place where Zuko happened to have his hand rested grew sore but in an oddly enjoyable way. A reminder to mark at how she just fucking loved how he would just press down on her throat, despite feeling like she was going to pass out wordlessly.
Few more slides into and out of her triggered his own overwhelming finish, pulling out to tip completely over the edge over the smooth skin of her stomach. His essence fell down along the contours of her naked torso, sliding all over the edge and into her bellybutton to pool inside the small orifice.
Zuko pulled your face in by your chin to steal another sweet kiss from you this time. He ran a hand down along the outline of your figure soothingly to bring you back down from the post-coital bliss you two shared in that moment.
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paisholotus · 2 years
for the past three days I've been having people come into my inbox being disrespectful and asking me why I only have black OC characters, and why don't I never put an X reader.
I've said this multiple times, if I ever write a book or one shot whatever the case may be. THE CHARACTER WILL ALWAYS BE A BLACK WOMAN!
I'm sorry not sorry that my books aren't X- reader, but my books aren't to cater to everyone. I have no problem with anyone who isn't black that reads my stories, I have zero problem with that. My issue with y'all is the ENTITLEMENT that y'all think you have to come into MY INBOX AND DEMAND I MAKE AN X READER BOOK.
like WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! For the people who aren't black, there are plenty of X reader books and one shots you could read to feel included. But on MY PAGE it a safe haven for BLACK WOMEN! my girls deserve to feel included in something too! STOP HARASSING BLACK WOMEN ON THIS PLATFORM, BECAUSE EVERYTHING ISN'T CATERED TO YOU FOR ONCE!
Because imma start posting y'all pages if you keep this shit up. Because I promise you I ain't the one you finna bully.
Thank you and have a good day. 🤎
Also to the one's that follow me and got good sense
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ellsarchive · 5 days
Spot the difference (makes me sob my eyes out edition)
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liyawritesss · 4 months
ᴋᴏʀʀᴀ ᴡ/ ᴀ ꜱᴘɪʀɪᴛ-ʙᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ꜱ/ᴏ
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-> synopsis: you're a bender who's dedicated your life to the art of spirit-bending. along the way, you've seem to have caught the eye of a certain avatar.
-> pairing: avatar korra + black!gn!reader
-> contains: pure fluff, 2nd person ('you', 'your', 'yours')
-> a/n: my very mild (not mild at all I am feral atm) obsession with korra has a returned and so you all will now feel the brunt of it lmao. also, semi-new format for the posts? what do we think?
-> join my taglist!
-> tags: @badass-dora-milaje @uranometrias @lees-chaotic-brain @jacuzziwaters
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• Morning meditations become a thing, and this is huge because Korra isn't a morning person. If she could, she'd sleep well into the afternoon, but being an all powerful spiritual being that deals with the world's political and humanitarian problems doesn't let you sleep in as often as you'd think. So it's begrudgingly that she adopts an early rise schedule. But upon meeting you, she sees the far earlier morning rises as a way to spend as much time with you as possible, so she cherishes them greatly and learns to love waking up before dawn and heading out to the rooftops to be greeted by the sunrise.
• Does little things she knows that you know aren't like her to do because she wants your special attention. This is usually during training and will consist of her purposefully messing up her form or messing up in the middle of spirit bending (in the beginning this was less of a joke and more of a reality, but as she got better at it, she'd casually play as if she didnt know what she was doing) . Korra will always have this cocky little smirk on her face when you come over to help her, and all you can do is roll your eyes and do your due diligence to the Avatar.
• Korra loves your voice and will do anything to keep you talking. Will ask you history questions about origins of spirit bending or even asks you about theories and hypotheticals to hear you speak passionately on it. On the flip side, she's ironically helpful when it comes to research papers and articles you'd write about Spirit Bending. She doesn't try to distract you but ultimately helps test out your theories and their credibility.
• While protective of you and the dangers that could be faced with accompanying the Avatar, she wants you to come with her on her excursions. You're a valuable asset to the team with your spirit bending, knowing much more than she herself does, and it helps to have an extra set of hands on the job. There's also the added perk of you being a source of comfort for her that she never knew she needed until meeting you.
• Upon being part of the Avatar Krew, a lot of public appearances come with you being at her side as a sort of consultant. With the new age of human-spirit interaction, Korra believes that now, more than ever, the people need more examples of how to handle themselves and how to interact with beings they've only ever heard stories of. Even she admits that your calming presence and knowledge about the spirits as well as how to commune with them has gotten her out of a couple of publicity jams.
• You have matching charm bracelets that glow whenever one of you is spirit-bending, or just bending in general! When she had them carved Korra had no clue that the wooden beads would ever be able to do that, but upon seeing it the first time the two of you spirit bended an agitated dark spirit together, it gave her a revelation of just how deeply bonded the two of you had become during her journey and trials as the Avatar.
• Sleeping together is absolute heaven. After a long day there's nothing either of you want more than to rest in each other's arms. She feels the most comfortable and safe in your shared bed with you next to her, watching over her during the night. After engaging in your wind down routine, which usually either consists of you reading a book and her listening to the pro-bending match on the radio, or both of you talking about your day, snuggling up together under the soft sheets helps you two slip away into sleep in mere seconds.
• With her nightmares, they can sometimes get extreme, and when they do, she may slip into the Avatar State as a defense mechanism. She never feels it herself and at first didn't believe you when you mentioned to her the one time you really caught it; which was when she was sleep on her front with her shirt off one hot summer night and the outline of Rava appeared for a split second, before fading away as you attempted to wake her up. Though around the times of year when those traumatic instances happened, Korra could feel that she was a little tense and her spirit harbored some unease.
• Though not much could be done about those memories and those nightmares, there are times where you feel Korra slip away to meditate to calm her mind. Some times she will break her meditation to see that you've joined her, either with a book to keep yourself entertained and to watch her, or on a blanket next to her in a state of half-sleep.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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yesimilkdamilkman · 9 months
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-`♡´-𝐒𝐨'𝐥𝐞𝐤 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐍𝐚'𝐯𝐢! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-`♡´-
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: I literally finished just now. Thanks again to @neteyamsyawntu for making Kinkmas! All of the kinkmas prompts will be posted at the same time every day! (5:30 PM CST time) 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠.
summary: You were freezing even being close to the fire, so So'lek helped the only way he knew.
WARNINGS: Spanking, cursing, p in v, unprotected sex, cum-shot.
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Words: 546
The forest had gotten extremely cold, these past few days. Winter was approaching, and animals were going into hibernation, or going south to warmer climates. But the na'vi stay in the forest all year, even when it gets cold. You and So'lek were heading back to the camp, but you both needed somewhere to rest for the night. Y’all had found a tree to rest under for the night.
But even with the fire you both were freezing, you were as close to the fire as you could be, but you were still shivering; teeth clattering against one another. So'lek was bothered by the cold, but he knew how to hide it.
But he hated seeing you suffer, so he helped out in the only way he knew. Now you're still next to the fire for any extra warmth. just with your face buried into the dirt, and ass in the air. With one of So'lek's hands planted firmly on your waist pulling you back to meet his hips. And the other holding yours together.
"ah-, fuck!" you gasp, as his pelvic bone slams into your ass. "So'lek slo-slow d-down," you pleaded with him as you choked out a few moans. He heard, you know he did. He ignores you, picking up the pace as he rolls his hips in a circular motion; groans spill from his mouth, as he feels you clench around him.
You were all sweaty, hot, and tired. Tears run down your face as you whine and moan, at the feeling of So'lek's dick hitting your spot repeatedly. So'lek took the hand that was holding yours together and slapped your ass a few times. Making you put both of yours on his hips, trying to push him away. "Move your hands," he stated, you didn't. "Move your hands,' he said coldly, but you kept them there.
"Move. Your. Fucking. Hands," but once again you kept them there. (You should've moved your hands, babe.) He grabbed the base of your kuru and pulled it; harshly. You yelped moving your hands, one in front of you and the other started rubbing your kuru. He pulled out of you, and pushed you on your back, forcing you into a mating press.
Before you could react to anything else, he was stuffing himself back into your velvet walls. He started pounding you senseless, " wai- ahh." You tried speaking, but couldn't due to So'lek's relentless pounding the only thing you could do was scream as hot tears ran down your face. He was hitting your spot perfectly; too perfect. You felt a knot forming in your stomach, you were gonna cum. So'lek's strokes started growing sloppy, he was close too. He knew you were going to cum soon, he could tell by the way you tightened around him. 'Fuck, you're tight" he spoke through a strained groan.
"Im gon- gonn-," you were cut off, as a wave of pleasure hits you, your walls spasming, muscles cramping, as you gush around him. He thursted a few more times, before letting out a moan, pulling out with hot, sticky ropes of a blue-tinted cum land on your stomach.
"Are you warm now, tìyawn (love)?" He said, laying down next to you, and pulling your body closer to his.
Taglist: @pandoraslxna, @neteyamsyawntu
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