#aww she's in her cave
Happy Birthday, Sangonomiya Kokomi!
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"I can sense everyone's good will towards me~ I feel blessed, even if I've completely run out of 'energy.' I guess I'll spend this evening reading some new military strategy books to recuperate..."
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eye-of-yelough · 1 year
Once again going insane about doing Legacy right between All That Remains and the last act 2 mission (forgor the name) and headcanon-ing that they all take place within a month
Like imagine. You are Hawke. Your mum just kicked it. You’re in mourning, haven’t left the house since, and you get RAIDED by Carta dwarf cultists. Then, in no particular order, you
- find out about some Really Weird Shit your dad did with Wardens, and that your (recently deceased) mother was almost killed by this guy you sort of trusted
- venture in to the deep roads and kill an Old Fucking God.
Oh and by the way during this, the love of your life, only person you have left, light in darkness is being driven insane by said Old God in front of you, and talking about how you would be better off without him. And then he attacks you.
So your mum just died and your mourning was interrupted by This Shit. You’re nearing the end of your fucking rope down here but by some miracle you survive and get back to Kirkwall to mourn in peace. And now add “process this traumatising insanity” to that list.
eeeexcept you can’t do that actually. You come home to a letter from the Viscount begging for your aid to help his son. Oh, of course, Seamus. He was such a nice boy you can’t let him die. So you go Do That.
And THEN. Aveline, the woman partially responsible for your mothers death like TWO WEEKS AGO shows up in your house with another mess for you to clean up. Also your best friend is there too saying she’s gonna die. And she leaves and you think she’s gonna be gone forever and. Ok this is getting really long.
Fast forward, Arishoks dead, you’re in mourning and every hightown noble feels entitled to your company all of a fucking sudden because you’re a “Champion” now. Hooray.
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charlessainzz · 3 months
(loved loved ‘jealous jealous boy’ btw💅🏼) so can I request another lando one shot but this time like dad!lando showing his baby around the paddock (like feat Uncle Carlos and Oscar and whoever else) maybe it’s too specific so you don’t have to do it but like I can see it so perfectly😩
Twin Oranges
thanks for the love and the request! I hope this is along the lines of what you were looking for.
Lando was a new husband. He was a new dad. He was also a new dad to twins! A boy and a girl, what a perfect pair. When you told him you were pregnant he almost fainted. But when you both found out it was with twins, he actually did faint. Now fast forward almost a year later, you felt comfortable bringing the babies to the paddock after weeks of Lando asking. You decided to bring them to Silverstone. Close to home, and full of family and friends. 
Walking in you felt all eyes on you. Each one of you; mom, dad, and babies decked head to toe in McLaren gear. Baby boy Oliver Norris held by his mom, and baby girl Noelle Norris held by her dad. As you walked by each garage, drivers, mechanics and all poked their heads out to catch a glimpse at the young family. You finally made it into the safety of the McLaren hospitality ready to get the weekend started when the marketing team encircled you and Lando. You both look at each other and groan. 
McLaren’s marketing team wanted to do a video of the drivers showing the new McLaren twins around the paddock. After hearing the case from a newly graduated PR intern, you caved. You hand Oliver to Oscar teaching him how to hold the baby right. Lando laughing as he can tell you are very stressed handing off your babies. He gives you a kiss, and the camera starts rolling. 
First stop, Red Bull. Lando had no worries bringing the twins to this team. Max and Checo were dads through and through. “Max, come meet my kids!” Lando shouts into the garage. Max jogs up to the twins and gives them both a pinch on the cheek. “Here hold Oliver, my arm is falling asleep”, Oscar complains. “Oi! If my wife heard you complaining about the babies, she’d revoke your uncles status.” Lando scolds. Oscar instantly turns beat red, retaking the baby from Max. Max frowns. “Mate, maybe you need a mini Verstappen. You’re a natural father!” exclaims Checo. “In due time.. In due time”, Max smiles. The orange team says their goodbyes and heads to their next stop on the tour. 
The team visited Mercedes, Aston Martin, Haas, almost all the teams. All while collecting baby sized merch. 
Final stop, Ferrari. Lando and Oscar showed the twins their greatest competition. Up came Charles and Carlos. “Look Oliver and Noelle, this is your uncle Carlos and Charles!” Lando says as he’s holding the babies’ hands to get them to wave. “Which one am I the Godfather of?” Carlos asks half jokingly. Lando rolls his eyes as he lets the Ferrari drivers hold the kids. Charles and Carlos begin arguing over who was going to be the better uncle when stewards announce it’s almost time for FP1. “How’s y/n holding up? I’m sure she isn’t loving being away from her babies”, inquires Charles as he gives back one of the twins. “Oh yeah, she almost raged on the team when they suggested a little paddock tour” explained Oscar. Lando swats him on the side of the head. “Of course she was nervous, she hasn’t left their side in almost a year!” Lando shouts. “Come on guys, say your goodbyes to your fun uncles”. 
You anxiously awaited the return of your babies. Eyes darting around watching as they went from garage to garage with their dad and Uncle Oscar. Hearing the oohs and awws as each driver attempted to make the twins laugh. After what felt like 17 hours, they arrived. Jumping out of your seat you run to grab them from your husband. “Lando give them to me”, you grunt attempting to juggle them both. He laughs at your strong mother instincts. 
“Y/n, relax I brought them back in one piece!” he says as he helps you situate both in your arms. Each baby leaning into you, seeking your warmth. 
“They also return with tons of merch!” exclaimed Oscar. He begins showing you the baby onsies from Mercedes, Red Bull, and Ferrari. You eye them knowing Lando would never let Oliver or Noelle wear anything but McLaren. 
“Oooo is that a Leclerc onesie? Keep that one and toss the rest”, you state to Oscar. He laughs as he sees Lando make a sour face. 
“You always had a soft spot for him!” Lando shouts as you walk away into his driver’s room. “Chunk it Osc. Norris kids only wear papaya orange.”
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gejo333 · 1 year
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Miguel x fem! Spider! Reader
Pt. 2
Summary: You spend all your time training the new recruit which makes Miguel jealous. 🤭
Extremely light fluff.
It’s been a while since I did one-shots. But reading so many amazing Miguel fanfics sparked my passion again. I stayed up late finishing it, so I apologize in advance if I made any grammatical mistakes.
Miguel x reader one shots requests are open.
word count: 1.4k
Miguel began to grow annoyed by how quiet his office at the Spider HQ had become in recent days. Before you came into his life, he liked the silence. But for the past year he has heard your sweet voice echo through these walls. Your laugh, your rants…he enjoyed listening to you.
While he worked, you would usually be near him trying to help in any way you could. You would watch one or two of the screens to help find anomalies to help ease his stress. During your early days here you were lost, which at the time greatly annoyed Miguel. But your persistence on helping him, finally had him cave as he then taught you a few things you could monitor. After that, you became part of his daily life. You always tried to ask him questions about himself, which bothered him at first, but now he cherished the conversations he had with you.
Except, in the past five days you have barely been around. Most likely because you were mentoring the newest recruit, Gwen. You were so excited when Miguel brought Gwen to HQ. Finally someone you can mentor. However, your attention towards the young female spider made another spider jealous.
“I don’t get it. How do you shoot your web like that without looking in that direction?” Gwen huffed in annoyance as for the tenth time she couldn’t do what the older female spider could. You chuckled at her frustration.
“It takes a lot of practice Gwen. It took me months to perfect that skill. I only showed this skill to you this afternoon.” You shot your web out, grabbing a water bottle without even glancing in the direction. You then tossed it to Gwen.
“Let’s take a small break and then we’ll continue your training.”
“Awesome!” Gwen tried again to shoot her web out like you did but she frowned when she heard Pavitr yell in surprise. Her web landed on the side of his face, scaring the poor spider half to death.
“Sorry Pavitr.” Gwen cringed which made you laugh at the scene.
“All good Gwen.” Pavitr chuckled as he removed the web.
“I see your learning from the best Gwen.” Hobie walked over, curious about what the trio was doing.
“Yep! Hopefully I can be as awesome of a spider-woman as her one day.” Gwen smiled. You pulled her into a hug from how adorable she was.
“Aww Gwen! You’re so sweet! But you already are an amazing spider woman.”
“Get use to the hugs Gwen. She’s a hugger.” Hobie chuckled as he saw Gwen slightly surprised by your gesture.
“Hey Y/N?” asked Gwen.
“What’s up?”
“Who taught you all your cool tricks?”
“I’m actually curious as well.” said Pavitr.
“I never told you guys?”
“Nope. But I thought you were just naturally gifted.” said Hobie.
“You’re sweet Hobie, but nope. I was once an amaterr too. I was taught by-” You paused when you saw Lyla appear right next to you. “Speak of the devil.” You mumbled out loud. Your comment earned you a few confused glances from the young group of spiders.
“What does he want now?”
Ever since you started training Gwen this week, Lyla has appeared multiple times a day telling you the same thing. Miguel wanted you back at the office.
When he sent Lyla to do this at the beginning of the week you complied. But you quickly realised he only wanted you back in the office for no particular task. Today it was the fourth time Lyla has graced her presence during Gwen’s training today.
“Same thing. I’m assuming it's the same response?” Lyla sighed.
“Yep.” With that she was gone. You sighed, hoping it was the last time she appeared today.
“Wait, hold up. Miguel O’Hara. Mr. Grump. Trained you?” Pavitr's eyes widened, jaw open.
“He did. And he isn’t a grump all the time. You just have to get to know him a bit better.”
“Oh God, training with him must have been hellish.” Hobie chuckled.
You chuckled remembering the first few weeks of your spider training with Miguel. Hobie wasn’t wrong. Miguel was not the most patient and easy-going instructor. At least for the first couple of months.
“It's ok if you need to go back to the office. He seems like he needs your help.” Said Gwen.
“I don’t need to be at the office. My time is more important here, training you to kick-ass!” You ruffled her hair slightly, which she tried to swat your hand away. Gwen didn't have an older sister. But definitely felt like Y/n was her sister.
“Breaks over! Now let's see how long you can last hanging from your web.”
Gwen began her endurance training as you timed her. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Jess. She looked nervous.
“You alright Jess? What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine. I’m just worried about what's going to happen to you. Miguel is looking for you. And he looks more annoyed than he normally is.” Jess chuckled.
“Thanks for the heads up Jess. I’ll handle him later when I’m done. You got this Gwen. Hold on a little-” You gasp as large hands grab you by the waist and throw you over a well-built shoulder.
“Miguel! Put me down!” You bang your fists against his back. You gasp from him pinching your cheek to make you stop.
“Y/n?!” Gwen asked, confused why her mentor was slinged over the boss’ shoulder. Jess stopped her from going after you as she chuckled. That poor spider was going to get it tonight.
“Pay up Hobie. I won the bet.” Pavitr pushed out his arm towards Hobie, asking for the money.
“Now hold on. You both lose. I said he would get her in five days. You said a week, Pavitr.” Jess grinned, to which both disappointed teenagers handed her the winnings.
“What just happened…” said Gwen.
Miguel enters his quarters where he finally removes you from his shoulder, setting you down. Your cheeks were red, from the embarrassing journey here. Being carried like that in front of all her colleagues. It was humiliating.
You notice Miguel went into his bedroom, coming out a few minutes later already out of his suit and into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt that perfectly shaped him. He handed you a pair of short sweats and tank top that were a part of the few clothes you kept at his place.
After you slipped on what he gave you he gently grabbed your hand as he led you to his bedroom. He got on his side of the bed before you suddenly were grabbed by the waist and laid in between his legs, your back pressing against his chest. Now that you were both settled you finally broke the silence.
“So, what was that all about? Constantly asking Lyla to come fetch me and then carrying me here like a sack of potatoes.”
Miguel knew you were annoyed with him, but this was the first time in a week since he got to see you.
He kept quiet as he left butterfly kisses along your neck. Of course, if you weren’t annoyed at him you would melt into his touch. But he wasn’t going to get away with his actions.
“Miguel.” You groaned as you sat up and turned yourself to face him. “Please answer me.”
“Te extrañé, mi amor. It's been a week since you laid in bed with me. You spent all your time training Gwen.”
Your annoyance with him faded and was replaced with guilt. He had missed you being by his side.
Your breath hitched at the way he sat there in front of you with starved eyes, wanting only one thing. You. You moved back over to him and sat in his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you gave him a loving kiss on the cheek. You chuckled.
“¿Por qué te ríes?” Miguel frowned slightly, eyebrows furrowed. You placed your hand on his cheek which he took and placed gentle kisses on your wrist.
“I think it’s cute that you’re jealous.” You lightly giggle. Your comment made his loving affection briefly stop as he sent you a playful glare.
“I’m not jealous.”
“Baby, you don’t need to lie to me. You totally were.”
Your giggles soon stopped as Miguel flipped you on the bed, now on top of you. You stare wide-eyed up at him as your cheeks were dusted pink.
A grin makes its way to his plush lips. He slowly begins kissing you up from your collarbone to your cheek as he removes your shorts. Now lips right against your ear, he whispers, “You won’t think twice about ignoring me after I’m done pounding myself deep into your pussy until morning.”
Translations: “Te extrañé, mi amor.” = “ I missed you, my love.”
“¿Por qué te ríes?” = “ Why are you laughing?”
My Spanish is not the best so I needed a bit of google translate to help.
But I hope you enjoyed this light fluff one-shot. There will be plenty more to come!
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hamiltonaf · 8 months
Hello ! Can I request a Lewis x reader who's a famous singer and he attend her concert please ? Him reacting to the songs she wrote for him and how it end up a bit smutty with they finf each other backstage ?
Fantasize | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: Slight smut
A/N: Hello my loves ! The song inspo for this oneshot is Fantasize by Ariana Grande. Thank you anon for requesting. Hope you babes enjoy. Requests are open .xx
From long nights in the studio a few weeks ago to now going on tour felt like a breath of fresh air. The tour was starting off at home, in London. Excited, though my nerves took over me - even though I’ve been doing this for so many years now, I should be used to it, but not when I have a special guest attending…my situationship, Lewis.
Our situationship goes back about 3 months ago, when my PR manager thought it would be a good idea for me to date Lewis. I haven’t been in the dating light for quite a hot minute and apparently I needed to get back to it so people had something to talk about, especially since everyone nowadays is a fan of F1. Surprisingly his PR manager had agreed on it and apparently we would make a good looking couple.
It started when I attended the race in Miami, no one questioned it or got ‘suspicious’ because almost every A list celebrity attended. 3 weeks later I attended the Monaco GP, yet again I was a guest for Mercedes so people started to slowly talk about it. Didn’t go to any other race for a whole month since I had song writing and recording to do in studio. People really started to talk when I went to the British GP, not a coincidence to anyone that I’m from England but because my rumoured ‘boyfriend’ is British.
I grew to love the sport and let’s say my feelings also grew for Lewis. It felt a bit forced at first since we were patched by our PR team, but the more time we spent together alone, the more we learnt about each other’s true self. From sweet and shy to daring and flirty.
Lewis’ rizz is unmatched to any man that I’ve met or been with. He can start off as such a gentleman but can so smoothly move onto flirting with me and making me feel weak at my knees. Speaking of weak, we’re back to feeling that way now since Lewis was on a break in between races and decided that he wanted to attend to support me. For some reason he just makes me feel nervous, in a good way of course, I don’t even feel nervous to perform around friends or family or even my fans for crying out loud…wait, am I in love ? I’m pretty sure this is what it feels like to be in love and here I am being in denial about my feelings.
I was backstage warming up my vocals whilst getting my hair and makeup touched up, when we all heard a knock at the door. My manager walked over to the door and stepped aside as she held it wide open without a word, I looked through the mirror to see it was Lewis. “Aww Lew ! So glad you could make it” I smiled as I watched him walk towards me. “I’m so glad to be here. Very excited to see you perform tonight. Nervous ?” He asked as he rubbed my shoulders. My PR manager then escorted everyone out from the room so we were left alone.
“Very nervous but excited for the most part” I smiled as I then stood up to face him. “Don’t be, you got this. I’ll be cheering you on from the side. Just look to your left and you’ll see me” he smiled. “You’re so cute. Thanks for that, I’ll be looking out for you.” Just then my PR manager yells through the door, “(Y/N) you need to get dressed !”
I shut my eyes for a second, “Okay give me 5” I yelled. “Can I stay to watch ?” He smirked. “No, Sir. See you after the show” I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I then turned him around by his shoulders and guided him to the door. “Just a peak” he pleaded as he bit his bottom lip. “Stop or I might just cave in. Bye” I blushed as I held on the door handle. “I’ll try my luck later. Break a leg” he said softly, he then caught me by surprise by giving me a sweet kiss and a wink before rushing out.
I finally got dressed, had another round of touch ups and put on my ear piece before heading out back stage for my entrance. I still felt flustered and I couldn’t stop thinking about Lewis. I really need to get my feelings off my chest after the show.
Out of the thousands of people screaming and looking at me I could feel a particular pair of eyes burning into me, when I took a quick glance to my left, he was right there as he said. His phone in hand, recording me looking his way. I shook my head and looked back towards the fans.
On the last verse, the energy in the stadium was ecstatic.
Mentally, physically weak
Boys blowin’ up my phone
They just ain’t you, ooh, baby
Tryin’ to behave, but I’m feelin’
Some type of way
That just ain’t me
The band and I took a bow before I gave a vote of thanks to the fans for coming, and for all the love they’ve shown on the album. After rushing off stage to my dressing room, my mind was running with thoughts of Lewis. Speaking of the man himself, he was already seated in my dressing room. “Hey gorgeous. You did amazing out there. I’m so so proud of you” he rushed over to me as he pulled me in for a hug. “Yet again, thanks for coming. It really means a lot” he then broke away from our hug with a serious look. “I was supposed to tell you this before you left and I can’t hold it in any longer”
“Okay well same and it’s eating me up inside to hold it back” I said as I took a deep breath. “I love you” we said simultaneously. “Oh my gosh” I lowly said. “Are you joking ?” He asked with the biggest smile on his face. “Lew this isn’t something to joke about” I said seriously. “Then please be mine, officially” he said as he then wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. “I thought you’d never ask” I grinned as I leaned in and closed the gap between us.
“As sexy as this dress looks on you, it needs to come off” he said in between kisses. The kiss got heated by the second as his hands trailed from squeezing my bum to the straps of my dress, pulling them off my shoulders. Just then there was a knock at the door. Shit. “Babe your car is here !” my PR manager shouted. “Damn it” I said frustrated and heated. “Well I guess we’ll have to continue this in the car” he said as he helped me adjust the straps of my dress - he grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me along with him, eagerly waiting to continue this in the car.
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villainousauthor · 3 months
The diver coughed and sputtered for a full minute, gasping for air as the sharp rocks digged into her palms.
"Aww poor human, I forgot how much your kind needs air." The melodic voice didn't sound sorry at all, and the moment she caught her breath, the diver looked at the fantastical and terrifying creature that pulled her down into the murky depths.
A mermaid. Of course, it was common knowledge that they existed, but sightings were rare. She never expected to come face to face with one during what was a normal dive.
"Why...what is this place?" She asked, voice still raspy from the salt water. Looking around, she could see she was in a cavern of some sort. An underwater cave with some chambers of air? Sunlight shone in from a crack high overhead, so she must be above sea level, but water lapped all around her feet.
The creature spoke again, and she could decided that she could put the voice and appearance of the mer as vaguely female.
"This is your new home, silly!" She looked her in the face now, noticing her inhuman appearance. She was beautiful, of course, but the diver didn't miss the sharp teeth, and the flash of a third eyelid when she blinked. She felt herself shudder.
"What do you mean? I don't understand," She sat up, moving the clinging wet hair from her face. "Why did you pull me down?"
The mermaid inched closer, pulling herself up on the bank, and the diver's eyes looked down the long expanse of her tale, noting her scales and sharp looking spines and fins. This was a dangerous creature.
"I always wanted a pet human. Your species is so fascinating! But I couldn't take just any human," She speaks with such enthusiasm, and if it wasn't for her appearance and strange lilt of her voice, the diver could almost mistake her for one of the upbeat girls she went to school with. "I saw you swimming, and you looked so pretty that it had to be you!" She finishes with a flourish, tail smacking against the water.
"I can't be a pet! I need to go back." She demands, voice desperate. "I'll just swim out of this cave."
The mermaid flashes her another sharp toothed grin. "You can try, but these caves are dark and twisty. You might run out of air before you can."
The divers frown deepens. She knows the statistics for underwater caving. She hasn't even been trained for it yet, never having thought she'd need it. Her breathing apparatus was gone too, ripped away by the mermaid as she dragged her down.
"I'll starve here," She tries reasoning, "What good of a pet am I if I'm dead?"
The mermaid brought her sharp claws up as she rested her own head in her hands. She watched as her gills fluttered. "I'll bring you food. I know you humans can eat fish, and I'm a good hunter." She says this with pride, as if trying to impress.
"Okay, but I need water. Humans will die without water." She tries countering, heart racing as the situation starts to set in.
"You're silly. There's water all around us." The mermaid giggles, her expression playful.
"Humans can't drink salt water. We need fresh water." She deadpans, trying to make this mermaid see logic.
Her lip juts out, as if this doesn't make a lick of sense. "I don't believe that. This water is perfectly fine! I live in it, and others live in it, and you humans swim in it."
She leans closer, her cold and clammy hand going to toy with a strand of the human diver's hair, and her heart jumps to her throat at the close proximity of those claws that could tear her to pieces within seconds.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you. We'll have so much fun together."
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
ughhhh eddie having a nightmare where his gf leaves him only for him to wake up with her drooling all over his arm in her sleep 🥺
“Ugh you’re such a freak, Munson. We’re done,” her words snapped through him like a bullet.
“Please babe, where is this coming from?” He asks, distraught and defeated.
Somewhere deep down he always knew he wasn’t good enough for her but the longer she stayed, his insecurity lessened. He thought maybe they really were meant for each other, he never expected her to do this.
She cackled at his words, a far cry from her usual sweet giggles. He had never heard the acrid sound out of her mouth, it made his stomach turn. “Please, you seriously thought someone like you could be with someone like me?”
“I know I’m not the most popular. But I love you baby, that’s gotta count for something,” he pleaded, going the whole nine yards and getting on his knees to beg.
“I never want to see you again. Not as my boyfriend, not even to buy weed from. Stay the fuck away from me,” she spat, pushing him over from his kneeling position infront of her.
The ground started to crumble around him, bits and chunks giving way to a blank void beneath. The sounds of her chilling laughter echoed through his mind.
He woke startled, hot tears still falling down his cheeks. He was quick to settle down though when he realized his girlfriend was still asleep.
She rested peacefully, head on his bicep. So peacefully that drool seeped out of the corner of her mouth.
She had the most pleasant expression on her face. If he wasn’t worried about waking her he would be kissing every plane of her face and thanking whatever higher power that his nightmare was untrue.
Luckily, he didn’t have to worry about that for long. Almost as if she could feel his unease, her eyes fluttered open and met his. “Baby. What’s wrong?” She cooed, instantly noticing something was off.
The tears continued to flow, his only reprise was pulling her tightly to his chest so she could hear his rapidly beating heart. “I love you so much,” he sobbed, kissing her forehead over and over again likely to the point where it became excessive.
She tilted her head up, grabbing his face in her hands. “I love you too, but why are you crying?” She asked, punctuating her words with a soft kiss to his jaw.
“I had a nightmare,” he admitted, hiccuping slightly with the force of holding back sobs.
“Aww. My poor baby. What do you need from me?” she asked sweetly, pulling his head to rest on her chest the way she knew he loved.
“Just stay,” he murmured and wrapped his arms around her in turn, already satiated by the comfortable and familiar position.
“Ed’s. It’s three in the morning, I’m not going anywhere,” she giggled, playing with a strand of his soft fluffy hair.
“No. Stay forever. I never wanna loose you,” he admitted, his eyes fluttering shut as her fingers ran over a particularly sensitive spot on his head.
“Is that what your dream was about?” She asked, grabbing his jaw in her other hand and tilting his eyes up to look at her.
He nodded his head. Usually he would be embarrassed but she was giving him the most gentle look. He just wanted to freeze this moment and keep it in a bottle for whenever he felt insecure about his relationship, seeing that love in her eyes would chase away his doubts.
Taglist here:
@angelsarecallin @sebby-staan @niviiera @chaoticgurl @evqans @slut-for-matt-murdock @multihaven @tinyboxxtink @hold-our-destiny @weh-heh-heh @battiebabe216 @captain-satan @avril-reblog-cave @dragon-ash13 @stxvercgersslut @fangirl199812
(Lmk if u want to be added)
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fanofstuff02 · 2 months
AU by @rius-cave , although I added my own thoughts into it (For example, her idea was that Lute helping Adam but I wanted it to go more like the actual show, where I think Lute wouldn’t help Adam if he was a sinner.).
Tagging you @fightinsoda and @foreverpeachy2010 , hope you don’t mind.
Everyone’s roles:
People who’s in prison:
Lucifer: You’ll see
Husk/Hunter (I’m basic): Tax evasion/illegal gambling
Angel Dust/Anthony: That guy has a mafia family
Alastor: Spilling government secrets on radio (Still a serial killer)
Sir Pentious: Illegal weapon posession
Vox: Fraud
Valentino: Do I need to say something
Adam: Framed with murder
This is an all male prison yk
People out of prison:
Charlie: Law student
Emily: Also a law student
Vaggie: Fired cop
Lute: Cop
St Peter: Cop
Sera: Judge
Nifty: Canteen lady
Rosie: Prison nurse
Velvette: Crime partner of Vox, but managed to dodge going to prison
Do police officers can both patrol and do wardening? I have no idea. But this goes like that.
Also, sorry if this doesn’t has that much details. I tried not to copy @things-arent-what-they-seem66 ‘s fic. The next chapters will be better I swear.
Also, I’ll post the new chapter of my favorite au a few hours later.
“Dad..?” A little kid came out from behind the desk where she was hiding and looked to his father. Why was his dad covered in red? And why wasn’t the person she didn’t knew moving? “Is he okay?”
“Don’t worry sweetie. It’ll be fine. You’ll be fine He can’t-“
“Stay away from her.” A slightly scared, but determined voice came from behind. “Charlie, come here.”
“Lily, you have to listen! He was going t-“
“I don’t care. Charlie, don’t go near him.” Lilith pulled her daughter to herself harshly and took her arm into her hands.
“I want to stay with daddy!” She fighted against her mother’s grip but she was too strong. Lilith gave Lucifer one more disgusted look and rushed to outside.
“LILITH!” Lucifer yelled as he wanted to go after them, but he froze when he heard someone shout.
“Stay where you are and raise your hands up in the air!” A police officer walked inside and pointed his gun to him.
Lucifer, who was still in shock, did what he said. He handcuffed him and guided him to a police car. He saw multiple polices around. Lilith was talking to one.
“I heard the intruder coming in. It was at my daughter’s room but instead of calling you, my husband decided to play the hero and end him himself. I’m hoping you will put an end to this.” Lilith’s eyes met with Lucifer’s, but she cut the eye contract. She couldn’t look him in the eye. All she saw was a murderer.
“I understand you ma’am. I hope you can get divorced easily.”
Lucifer then looked at his daughter. Oh, he could do anything to go near her, wipe her tears away, hug her and calm her down. Instead, he could just look at her. She teared her gaze from the stone floor and looked at her father. And at that moment, Charlie understood that her father wasn’t a monster like mommy said.
Lucifer only thought about how he failed as a dad while he was taken to prison.
— Today —
“Rise and cry you freaks!” Lucifer woke up with someone running their baton on the bars. It was loud.
“Mmmhm, that’s right! Get the fuck up before I make you.” He said.
Ah, of course. Officer Kadmon. A.k.a. the world’s biggest piece of shit. On his daily wisit.
“That mother fucker.” His cellmate groaned.
“Indeed.” He got up and grabbed one of his rubber ducks. Those always calmed him down.
“Whats the matter Morningstar? *random surname*? Uncomfortable?” Kadmon laughed at them, stopping at their cell.
“Nah, it’s more like a hotel to be honest.” He said calmly.
“Mocking me?” He hit their bars with his baton. “Too bad you’re not on the right position to do that right?”
“Don’t you have a better job to do?” The other guy spoke, annoyed.
“Aww, you don’t want me to break your other fingers? You want me to go the fuck away?” He said in a childish voice “Guess what! This is my fucking job you horse shit!” He laughed loudly, causing even more curse words. Shove that fucking stick up to your ass. Lucifer thought and stood up. Luckily the shithead didn’t realize.
“Goodbye bitches!” He kept walking but was immediately startled when the short prisoner squeaked the rubber duck on his hands near his ears. Nah, startled would be unfair. He literally jumped.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Morningstar!?” He tried to hit him behind bars but Lucifer was fast.
“Oops.” He chuckled and went back to his bed. It was worth it.
“Oh, do you wanna lose the privilege of your sissy hobbies?! I can make that happen!” He growled.
“Sure, sure.” He played with his duck, not caring about the screaming man.
“You’ll see, bitch.” He walked away to the other prisoners. “Back in your place huh, *Alastor’s surname*? I told them specifically to keep your cell empty!” He scoffed at the prisoner at the next cell, who hadn’t been around for a while because he escaped. Hunter said that it was Kadmon who caught and brought him back. Lucifer didn’t like Alastor, heck that prick thought he was being ‘creepy’ with his boring attitude. But at least he knew where he stood. Officer piglet didn’t.
“How nice of you, kind officer.” He could literally hear the smile on his voice. “I hope you had a wonderful week.”
“I did. Unlike you, pussy!”
— Awhile later —
Adam was on night patrol with Holly. He wished it was Lute, but that gal was nice too he guessed. She might be a gay, but she was still cool. He waited outside of a coffee shop as she got them some.
He was mumbling a song to himself when he heard a human voice coming from the woods. He was saying “You don’t own me.. You don’t own me…” repeatedly. He took his gun out just to be safe, he knew what kind of creeps there were at night. He walked off slowly there. There was an old man looking at him, and he was walking near him.
“Sir? Are you-“
“YOU DON’T OWN ME!” He screamed and made a dash to Adam, causing the officer to back down and pointing the gun at him.
And thats when he heard that. Someone shooting behind. Shooting the old man in the head right where he pointed his gun. He fell down, face all bloody.
Oh no.
“Oh shit. Shit shit shit shit!” Panic rose in Adam as he understood the crazy guy was dead.
“WHO’S THERE!” He shoot his gun at the woods. He heard someone else though.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” A guy, much saner than the old man came from behind. “YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM YOU CUNT! WHAT DID HE EVEN DO TO YOU!?” He pushed him away from the old man and looked at him. Adam couldn’t do anything as he saw the cries of the man.
Oh shit.
“Look, it was-!“
He got up angrily, ready to beat the shit out of the police but then stopped when he saw the person had a gun. Instead, he ran to their police car in order to find another officer.
“WAIT!” He tried to track him down as he ran there. But immediately stopped when-
He heard a high pitched scream coming near him. It came from a woman who was just out of the coffee shop. She looked scared. “Officer, help!”
“No, look, it wasn’t-“
“Sir..?” Holly came rushing, she must’ve heard the woman, and froze when she saw Adam.
“Holly, you don’t-“ He tried to came closer to them but the guy yelled again.
“I DIDN’T! Holly you have to-“ He shutted his mouth in shock as she pointed her gun at him, hands shaking.
“Don’t come any closer!” She stated. “Place your weapons infront of you and raise your hands where I can see them or else!”
“Come on-“ What the fuck?!
“If you don’t, I’ll-“
“Fine.” He did what she told. “Hey, what are you-“ He panicked even more when she reached him with handcuffs.
(Is this how this works? I have no fucking idea)
— After —
Adam was thrown to a court the following days. He came up with a lawyer, but there were evidence. The guy who saw him -he learned that it was his son- testified that it was him, and the woman did the same. And before you know it, he was charged for murder and sent to prison in an orange jumpsuit. He didn’t understood what happened clearly until he was placed in the middle of the general population of prison.
“Wait! I didn’t do that shit! It was a fucking mistake!”
“It surely was, wasn’t it, officer?” He heard voices behind him and felt all the color on his face drain away. He was fucked. He turned around only to be met with a huge group of inmates. They were almost like predators, and in this case he was the prey.
“What are you dirtbags looking at?!” He yelled, trying to keep his threatening posture. Failing miserably.
“Ohoh, a punching bag I’m looking at.” One of them said, mimicking the ex officer’s ex attitude. The others took this as a starting point and threw him to the ground.
Lucifer watched the prisoners beating the shit out of former officer. His cries and pleas were harmonic. It’d be easy to let the prisoners end him to be honest, but he knew a better way to humiliate him. Physical beating was something, but psychological beating… Its harm could never be measured. He decided what to do and jumped up his seat.
“ENOUGH!” He shouted to his fellow inmates. Everyone backed away with disgusted looks on their faces, still not wanting to let go of that fucker.
Adam heard calm steps coming near him and holding his chin. He muttered something and looked up to the other man.
Morningstar. It was fucking over.
Lucifer eyed the pathetic guy. He was either gonna pass out or puke. His face was ruined. Aren’t mister handsome anymore, he thought, he still remembered how arrogant this prick was before. He chuckled, karma had a cruel but pretty good sense of humor.
“Do you hear me?” He asked.
“Then listen carefully.” He whispered sharply. “Because I will only speak once.” He grinned to the scared man.
“I am offering you a deal. You will be protected from physical harm, no one here dares to cross me. In return you’d give me your full obedience. You’ll be mine. You will always do what I say. Deal?”
“Okay, then I’m leaving y-“
“Deal.” He quickly said, hating the sound leaving his lips. He didn’t wanna do this, all of his cells hated this. But this was his only chance. He could still hear the wolves. Cops weren’t welcome inside bars.
“Excellent.” He cupped his cheek.“Now get up. You need treatment. Rosie will do.” He held his hand out. Adam barely stood up but that was it. He passed out to Lucifer’s arms. He groaned, this guy was fucking heavy. He just let him slip and left him on the floor. He could call the nurse later.
“This mean we could end him now?” One of the prisoners asked with hope.
“No. Everyone, listen!” He called out to the crowd at the last part. “You will not be hurting him from that moment. I agree,” He raised his hands as he heard objections. “He deserves it. But I am just saying you can’t physically hurt him.”
“And why would we feel the need to not do that?” One particular inmate spoke. One inmate with a personal hatred against the former guard.
“Think about it, Alastor.” He came closer to the smiling, taller man, still keeping an eye out for his newest toy. “Humiliating him like he did to most of us is much better than simply ending that bitch, right? You must know the damage the words can do much better than everyone.” He looked up.
“You might be right. But it is no guarantee that he won’t try to hurt us.”
“Oh if he does, you are more than free to fuck him up right there. But until that happens, nobody will lay a finger on him. Understood?”
The crowd muttered yeses and okays, although not all of them looked convinced. Alastor just walked away simply. Whatever, he made the announcement after all.
“Hunter, can you help me with getting the big baby to the nurse?”
End of the first chapter! This took a lot more time than I guessed, but it was worth it!
Have a good day/night!
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lumiaxz · 6 months
okokok imagine if baizhu and pantalone tag teamed. They literally look the same just a different mindset 😋
Double Trouble (Slight TW)
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Pairings: Baizhu x Pantalone x Reader
Warnings:, rough sex, Tag-teaming, double penetration, face fucking, Dacryphila, Soft dom baizhu, Mean Dom pantalone, crying, brat taming, Choking, pet names, degrading, (almost) blacking out , hate-fuck. Lmk if I missed anyyyy
A/N: This is kinda…sad? I would definitely read with caution idkk 🧐
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Pantalone is beyond tired of your bullshit, You don’t give 2 flying fucks about anything or anyone but yourself. It doesn’t matter what he does, you don’t care and continue doing it. Fucking you till you can’t speak or walk, does nothing. Choking till you pass out multiple times, does almost as worse of a job. Although Baizhu on the other-hand doesn’t mind it too much, he just ignores you which usually ends things. (usually) The other harbingers suggest just not allow you to come into the quarters nor near him but something about you tells him to not bypass that rule, or anything similar.
After a horribly long and stressful day, Pantalone rants to Baizhu about you, per-usual.
“That girl acts like she’s untouchable, it’s outrageous! How do you manage to just simply ignore her?!”
“It’s quite simple, just pretend you don’t hear her?”
After a few hours of his ranting, You skip into the pharmacy sounding bubbly and ready to cause trouble for both of them.
“Good afternoon, Pantalone and Baizhu!!”
“Not so fast, princess.“
He gets up and harshly grabs you by the hair and drags you into a eerie room. You struggle to get out of his tight grasp. Looking around, you spot things like blindfolds, random toys and seemingly handcuffs bolted to his desk, weird right?
Pantalone throws you onto his desk, but your scrambling allows you to constantly free yourself. Just as you think you’re avoiding these punishments too, Baizhu moves the curtain and enters the room. Baizhu grabs both of your wrists lightly and holds them in place for Pantalone to cuff them on the desk, to completely restrain you.
You assume they’ll try to fuck you to shut you up, which is correct but not in the way you think.
“I’m fed up with you, bitch.” Pantalone curses out
You’re bent over Pantalone’s desk, restrained to is aswell. Pantalone behind you, Baizhu infront of you. Strangely enough, nothing has happened, yet.
Your thoughts were cut short when you felt a harsh blow to your ass, it burned a lot, yet also felt…good? Except your body didn’t react how you felt. Tears streaming down your face.
Baizhu cups your wet face, lifting it up to meet his eyes.
“Aww, don’t cry love. This’ll be over before you know it.”
Enough time had already been wasted, Pantalone was far past patient with you. Your clothes were ripped into shreds within seconds.
Your precious skirt that you valued more than anything, into nothing but scraps of fabric on the floor.
“Come on, Why rip her skirt? It doesn’t take much to just slide it off.”
The wind in the room was enough to make your bare body shiver, not only in fear but cold.
“Stop fucking crying, slut.” Pantalone grunted
You attempt to keep your pride and ignore his order, even if you’re bent over the 9th Harbinger’s desk. Pantalone’s hand makes its way around your neck, tightly. Even with this painful gesture from him, you still don’t cave in.
He slams himself into you. All this time you been laying here, you hadn’t noticed him undoing his pants. He does this as a form of “punishment” all the time, yet this felt different, slightly more painfully than normal.
This sensation has your stomach in a queasy feeling, why?
“Notice anything different, Love?” Asked Baizhu
“Your face says otherwise.” He says with a sweet smile
Pantalone swiftly speeds up his pace to cut your conversation with Baizhu, in jealousy?
The grip on your neck tightened, to the point where breathing wasn’t even a option. Baizhu notices that and releases you from the cuffs, how sweet, right? No, he did that only to flip you on your back and clips them back.
“You done putting on a show for her?” Annoyingly askes Pantalone
The mint haired one chuckles before stuffing your mouth with his cock aswell, Easily catching up to Pantalone’s pace.
“Isn’t quite nice to let your frustrations out on the one who caused it?” Asked Pantalone
“Somewhat, It’s hard to enjoy myself if I feel bad for her.” Baizhu says with a sigh
Suddenly, Their paces change and no longer match. 2 Different cocks moving in and out of you at different paces isn’t fun at all, for you at least.
A fuzzy feeling in your stomach adds to the queasy one, this time it burns, alot. Incoherent babbles and “sorry” spew from the corners of your mouth along with a bit of saliva, makeup that you spent hours on, streaming down your face.
Just as you feel yourself building your climax, it just disappears. Almost like it was just ripped from you, They both had pulled out. Baizhu pulling out was more of a relief, Pantalone on the other hand was more of a disappointment.
“Pantalone please I’m sorry..!” You whined
Weird, you were actually begging for him back inside you, almost as if you weren’t crying for him to pull out minutes ago.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” Pantalone says with a grin
Quite ominous of him.
He unlocks the cuffs with a small key that was actually right next to your body. You were stunned, they made the impression that you were trapped but you just had to ask them to unlock it. That thought spun around your mind for awhile as you simple just sat there in utter silence.
Thoughts once again cut short, by Baizhu’s cold hands gently lifting you up from the desk, causing you to shiver. He was holding you like a baby, your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on your ass supporting you.
Pantalone walked around his desk to meet you both on the other side.
“Just relax, alright?” Cooed Baizhu
The black haired male grabbed your ass and also helped support you. Somehow, you were managing your tears to not cry just by the touch of him. You were sandwiched between both of these tall long-haired men, Your tits pressed against Baizhu’s chest.
On the verge of tears, you managed to cough up a attempt to persuade them to atleast go slower than before.
“Pantalone.. I’mm s-sorry, please..” you voice, hiccuping in the process.
“Should’ve said that earlier, too late little one.” Pantalone says in a threatening tone
They both enter a hole of yours at the same time, the stretch is enough to force out a moan from pleasure and pain. The tears you had been holding back spewed out as they thrust in and out of you at different speeds. Incoherent “please” and “sorry” flooded the room, breaking the somewhat silence.
From your constant crying and stress on your body, you feel you mind go fuzzy and your vision start to blur more.
“Don’t you fucking black out on me, I want you and your mind right here the entire time.” Pantalone spits out in anger
You try to lay your head on Baizhu’s shoulder but all this time Pantalone was throwing you around, you forgot you also piss off Baizhu regularly.
“Not here either princess, no blacking out.” Sarcastically coos Baizhu
After a few more harsh thrusts they both come inside of you, filling you to your brim. Pantalone pulls out and cleans only himself up. But Baizhu keeps himself in you for a few more minutes before pulling out aswell.
“You alright, love? I apologize on Pantalone’s behalf. I Hope this reminds you to not bother us, ever again” Baizhu coos but with a hint of humor
You feel Baizhu kiss your forehead as he cleans you up.
Safe to say you never bothered them again.
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gglitch1dd · 6 days
Submitted by @lovedheartsss : Hi! I'm not used to sending asks and this is one of my first without being anon but I love the new story! I love the a/b/o universe and izuku and reader even more, thank you for gracing us with this lovely story ❤️
Aww hello lovely. You're so sweet<3
I'm so glad you guys love it. I LOVED writing it. It's such a cute story. I wanted to add SO MUCH to the a/b/o universe because I feel like I was pretty brief when it came to the dynamics but I wanted to dive deeper into it.
For example:
Reader is actually very prone to Alpha changes and pheromones, although it doesn't bother her as much cause she's courting Izuku. Since she is a Prima, she has a particularly strong scent so often than not she wears at least 4-6 scent patches when outside the dorm. Katsuki also has a strong scent too, but he doesn't wear scent patches just to bother other people
Alphas aren't allowed in the femme side of the dorms without a femme present. The femme part of the dorms is arguably better than the masc side. Thy even have a nesting centre for femmes only. It's quite cute. The mascs have a sort of masc cave in the same place of their dorms.
Kirishima and Midoriya will end up butting heads a lot because they are both Prime Alphas and thus want to "lead" or prefer a specific method of something. Because Midoriya recently presented, Kirishima isn't used to another Alpha butting heads with him.
Alphas are very Omega focused. What I mean is that they make sure that the Omegas in their class are happy, healthy and content. Any Alpha will try to make sure an Omega feels better, but it's just polite if an Omega has an Alpha and you ask them first before attending to the Omega. Omegas are also very prized in classes, so if another pack/class offended or hurt an Omega in another class... EXPECT WAR!
Omegas are naturally inclined to doing a lot of the chores/tasks around dorms, not because Alphas don't want to, but because THEY JUST DO IT WRONG. Like they would clean but Omegas are very particular with their spaces so Alphas usually don't touch certain Omega favourite sports.
Alphas HATE it when other Alphas from other packs enter their dorms without permission, especially from the Head Alpha. It's like farting in a room and closing the door. It's rude.
Same applies for Alphas own rooms. Just don't go into people's rooms unless invited in.
Alphas eat at least 2 times more than Omegas. They just have high metabolism and they've got deep stomachs.
Omegas are colder than Alphas so they typically layer up more and keep the thermostat high.
I could go on but no one wants that.
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natsarrownecklacx · 1 year
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Royal Birthday Present
Princess Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary- You give princess Wanda a birthday present she won’t soon forget.
Word count- 1540
Warnings- Wanda has a dick. Smut. Mommy kink (W) , Dick riding, begging, mention of arranged marriage (attempted) praise kink.
AU Masterlist
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Wanda sighs as she enters her chamber, closing the heavy door behind her as soon as she slips inside. She closes her eyes, leaning her head back against the wood.
The party her parents threw in her honor was more exhausting than she’d thought it to be. They’d invited every prince and princess in the kingdom, hoping to find someone for Wanda to wed.
Her parents, the king and queen of the seven kingdoms, had decided Wanda needs to marry in order to secure her place on the throne. So she’d spent six hours talking with potential husbands and wives, making small talk and dancing around the ball.
She’d tried, for the sake of appearance and her parents, to make it seem as though she was interested in at least a few of the suitors chosen for her. But all she could think about the entire night was you. You who she wants to marry. You who she wanted to dance with. You who she wants more than anything to have in her arms right now, the only thought in her mind as she pressed her back against the closed door of her chamber.
Wanda doesn’t move a muscle, even as she hears you moving about her room, the sound of your steps moving closer and closer to her until she feels your arms wrap around her.
“Happy birthday, Princess.” You whisper in her ear, bringing your hands to hers. You pull her from her place against the door, leading her half way into the room, stripping her of her clothes as you go. You stop when you reach a chair you’d placed in the center of the room, placing your hands on her shoulders and pushing her to sit on it.
A gasp of surprise leaves her lips when her back comes in contact with the back of the wooden seat. “Shh princess.” You mumble, tracing your fingers over her shoulders and down her arms, bringing them together behind her back and binding them.
“I know what you want.” You whisper, your eyes glancing towards the semi hard member between her legs. You swing your leg over hers, moving to straddle her lap with your arms wrapped tightly around her neck, her face mere inches away from yours. You bring your lips to graze over hers softly, your hot breath mixing with her own. “Open your eyes, princess.” You mumble against her mouth.
Wanda hesitates, contemplating your order. The warmth and weight of your body on top of hers begs her to keep her eyes shut. Her mind tells her the sight before her would be to much, that she’d cave and beg to fuck you to fast. But she does so anyway, a guttural moan falling past her lips at what she sees. “Oh baby you look so pretty with your legs open on top of me.” She groans, her eyes raking over you, drinking in your bare body on top of hers.
Wanda’s hands strain against the rope binding her hands together. She wants to touch you so desperately, to grab you by the hips and lower you down onto her quickly growing cock. You watch the way her shoulders shake with effort, trying to free herself. The way her brows knit together, her pupils blown as she tries to raise her hips to yours.
You smile at her, a teasing, knowing smile. “Aww, Honey. What’s wrong? Are you needy?” You ask, fake concern dripping from your voice. Keeping your eyes locked on hers, you lower yourself to grind on her cock.
“Y/n.” She gasps, feeling your slick heat rub on her. She lifts her hips to thrust into yours, her head falling back with a moan. “Please, baby.”
You hum, making a show of considering her plea, all the while keeping the movement against her going. “Seeing as it is your special day, I suppose I can be nice and give you what you want.”
You take her cock in your hand, feeling it pulse in your hold. Wanda whines, bucking her hips into your fist, desperately looking for friction to sooth the ace slowly taking hold of her. “Aww baby, you wanna fuck my hand?” You lightly mock, jerking her off as she continues to buck her hips into you.
Wanda moans, nodding her head and lifting her hips into your hand. “Feels good.” She moans out, jerking her hips off the chair in an attempt to fuck your hand better. “Aww, my poor baby.” You fake pout, Wanda’s eyes fly open hearing the condescending tone of your voice.
“Not today.” You say, ignoring her whined protest as you line her up with your entrance. All her complaints stop as she feels you slide down onto her, the warmth of you enveloping her causing her head to roll back. “Oh god.”
Slowly, you start to move up and down on her, feeling her go deeper and deeper until she bottoms out inside you, your walls stretching to accommodate her size. Wanda moans, her hips jerking up on their own accord. “Fuck, baby that feels good.”
“Oh yeah?” You tease, slightly out of breath from your slow movement up and down her cock. “You like it when I ride you like this?” Wanda’s only response is a whine, nodding her head fast. Wanda’s always loved being inside of you, but watching you take control and hearing the little gasps that leave your lips as you ride her has her damn near feral.
It’s not long before Wanda is continuously raising her hips to fuck you deeper, faster, the way she needs to. “Please baby, faster. Ride Mommy faster.” She moans, begging you with her eyes to do as she says.
You know you probably should, that she’ll get out her binds eventually and probably punish you with edging for hours. But you don’t care, you just wanna enjoy having control over her while you can.
“No.” You say breathily. “Cum like this or not at all.”
You bring your hand down to rub your clit, the added stimulation being what you need to push you towards the edge. You moan out, your head falling forward to rest on Wanda’s shoulder as you pick up your pace on her dick only slightly. Not enough to give her what she wants, but enough to bring you even closer to the edge.
Wanda cries out, the frustration at not being able to come turning to absolute desperation. “Please baby, mommy just wants to come. You feel so good around me, such a good girl. Just give mommy what she needs to come.”
Hearing Wanda refer to herself that way always does something to your brain, turning you into a mindless, whore. The honorific along with the praise turns your brain to mush. Without even thinking you pick up your pace, riding her with little thought for anything else. Your hand picks up its movements against your clit, the other one gripping tight to Wanda’s shoulder. “Mommy.” You moan out, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. “That’s it baby. Keep riding mommy like a good girl.”
You cry out, your high washing over you. You keep up your movements riding her cock. Wanda gasps, feeling your walls clenching around her until she comes inside you.
She jerks her hips into you rapidly, needing to prolong your high and her own. “Feels so fucking good, Dekta. Such a good girl for me.”
Wanda continues fucking into you, the drag of her cock against your walls pushing you steadily towards another orgasm. You whine, slightly lifting off of her but keeping her side you. “Sensitive.” You mumble against her shoulder and Wanda immediately stops her movements.
You reach around and untie her, your arms resting around her shoulders once her hands are freed.
Wanda stands, holding you in her arms while carrying you over to the bed. She settles you both on the mattress, your body curled into her with your head resting on your chest.
“Did you like your birthday present?” You ask jokingly, smiling to yourself when you feel her chest rise and fall with laughter. “Yes, Dekta. I loved my birthday present, thank you sweetheart.”
The two of you sit in silence for a minute, enjoying being wrapped in each other’s arms, until you break the silence. “How was the party?” You ask, drawing random shapes into the skin of her stomach. “Tiring.” Wanda answers honestly, releasing a sigh at the thought of the six hours she spent there.
“Did you meet anyone?” You ask shyly, turning your face into her chest to hide your discomfort with her parents trying to marry her off. “No.” She answers firmly. “And it wouldn’t matter if I had.”
“Why not?” You turn to look up at her and Wanda smiles down at you, leaning in to place a kiss on your forehead. “Because the only person I would ever accept a marriage to is you, Dekta.”
You smile up at her, leaning up to place a kiss against her lips, once, twice and another one before pulling away. You rest your head back on her chest, Wanda’s fingers lacing through your hair trying to lull you to sleep.
“I wanna marry you too someday, Princess.” You mumble against her skin, missing the blissful smile that covers her face as you drift off to sleep.
ᗢ <3 ᗢ <3 ᗢ <3 ᗢ <3 ᗢ <3 ᗢ <3 ᗢ <3 ᗢ <3 ᗢ
A/n- This isn’t my favourite thing I’ve ever written but it’s been in my draft ages so I had to get rid of it. Hope ye like it anyways
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honeykaes · 2 years
—𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫)
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✦ various nsfw prompts with genshin girls feat jean, ganyu, ningguang, yae miko, dehya, eula
✦ warning: smut, 18+ content, minors do not interact
✦ disclaimer: afab!reader with no set pronouns, tongue fucking (jean), dom!reader (jean), sub!reader (everyone else), office sex (jean), cunniligus (jean), semi-exhibitionism (jean), face-sitting, overstimulation (multiple), body worship (ganyu), pet play (ningguang), collaring (ningguang), master/ma'am kink (ningguang), strap on (multiple), electrostimulation kink (yae), edging (yae), degradation (dehya, eula), riding (dehya), impact play (dehya), bondage (eula), shibari (eula)
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Jean clasped her hand tightly around her mouth preventing her low moans from reverberating throughout her office. Her sapphire eyes gazed down where you say between her legs, nails tightly gripping her smooth thighs.
She whimpered feeling you pitch her throbbing clit, tweaking the nub back and forth as your continue pushed through her soft folds into her velvety cunt. Back arching, her body shivered feeling your tongue continuously fuck her—body desperate to clench down on the muscle. She grinder her pelvis against your face, cheeks hot seeing her slick drip from your chin.
She dug her teeth into her bottom lip, feeling the vibrations of your laughter under her.
“Oh, I wonder what the knights would think of their acting grandmaster being fucked in her office chair? You think they’d be irritated or…” you whispered, rubbing circles against her clit now causing her to gasp.
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Ganyu couldn’t help smiling as your cunt finally graced her hungry lips. A moan ripped from her lips, tongue eagerly lapping up the juices dripping from your cunt. Your body shivered, lips trembling feeling her tongue flick and suck anything she could.
She worshiped your cunt, thought ever ounce of you was as divine as the blood that ran through her own body.
Pressing soft kisses on your clit, she enveloped her lips on the nub with fervor, causing your legs to cave in squeezing her head. Your body jolted against in pleasure as your hands made way to her horns causing her to gasp in delight.
With yearning hands making their way to your hips, pushing you further against her face—tears developed in your eyes, grinding your core desperate for realize.
Please cum on her face, she’s absolutely begging you to. She wants nothing more than that, and no amount of tears are going to change that.
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Your lip trembled, balling your fist against the softest sheets Liyue could buy as you rested your head against the soft plush thighs of Ningguang. The woman simply laughed, brushing your hair to pat your head.
A rapidly vibrating dildo pressed itself deeply inside of you, gyrating which such fervor, it wasn’t a surprise you could barely walk or pay attention to her at all. But this was one her tests, she always loved to test you after all.
“Aww, is my pet too tired? I thought you wanted your Master to grace her tongue with your pussy? Seems my little pet isn’t taking their punishment well,” she cooed. Using her index finger, she hooked it under your chin so your tired, drooling face looked up at her. Her ruby eyes gazed down to your collar, shining with jewels that complemented your skin and eyes before sighing.
“Fine fine, one more minute, baby. I know you can take it,” she sighed. She watched as you rubbed your thighs together causing her to chuckle once more
“Now what do you say?” she hummed.
“T-Thank you m-m-‘am,” you stammered out. Her hand went over patting your head again.
“That’s a good pet.”
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Yae admitted she was a bit of a sadist. She couldn’t help it, it was amusing to see you whining and begging for her as you laid under her.
Your upper body strength had given up awhile ago, your head pushed against the plush futon dazed as you cried the yokai’s name again. Yae chuckled, bucking her hips as your body jolted with her pace.
The dildo strapped onto her, buzzed with fervor—pressing itself deep inside of you grazing your cervix with every rough thrust.
One hand grabbed the globe of your ass, massaging the plush skin—watching it bounce and ripple as she gently slapped onto it while her over hand hooked underneath her. Electro buzzed against the tops of her fingers, tenderly brushing them by your clit causing you to shake every time.
Feeling your inside cave in, she suddenly stopped all of her movements—not moving an inch as you blinked out and shook your hips trying to encourage her to continue. She tried so hard to contain her laughter of your desperate attempts.
“Y-Yae!” you stammered out.
She laughed again, just how helpless you were under her.
“Aww, what’s wrong lovely? Patience is a virtue after all,” she cooed. Knowing you had lost your high, all of a sudden she continued all of her movements as you croaked out her name again.
She could do this all night <3
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Dehya forced your legs open, the thickness of the dildo on her strap stretching you out wider and wider as you held onto her tightly yelping. She teasingly rolled her eyes before capturing your lips, darting her tongue inside of your mouth.
Your eyes snapped wide as she grabbed onto your hips and smacked you down on the rest of the dildo, quickly bottoming you out with a yelp. Dehya left your lips, a string of saliva connecting the two of you as she pulled you off of the dildo before snapping you down over and over again.
You choked up as she thrusted inside of you, grazing yourself cervix every time she plunged in. You hide your face in the crook of her neck, gyrating your hips meeting her pace.
“Awww come on darling, why so shy all of a sudden,” she chuckled before smacking down hard on the globe of your ass as you yelped. She leaned into your ear again.
“Don’t think I can’t feel how wet you are bouncing on me like this? Come on, show me how much you have the hots for me.”
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“You know when I was in Inazuma with the traveler, I learned a bit of their culture through light novels. It’s quite shocking when they…like over there,” Eula hummed, amber eyes flickering down to you sucking on the dildo of her strap.
Her eyes narrowed, admiring the cyan ribbon intricately adorning your skin in various patterns, bounding you—helpless to the Lawerence’s touch.
“But I must admit, they do have taste,” she finished. She pushed you away, admiring the shine of her newly lubricated strap before prodding it at the entrance of your dripping cunt.
Her hands grabbed onto the globe of your ass, spreading you out wider watching your body shiver as she judged the tip of the phallic item against your throbbing clit.
You gasped feeling her quickly thrust into you and bottom out, feeling it stretch your walls out with dull pain. Her finger hooked against a ribbon on your neck, pulling you closer to her face.
“Come now, why don’t you tell me how much you appreciate my gift…” she murmured beginning to plunge herself inside of you causing you to croak her name out. Her lips curved knowing your velvety walls were fluttering against her strap.
Her thumb pressed against your trembling lips.
“Well? I’m waiting. If I don’t hear how thankful you are, this gift will turn into a punishment.”
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readercognito · 3 months
Lantern Plankton Migration
Nereus x Reader
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(Y/n) shot Flora a withering look, not to be combated with Flora’s famous puppy eyes. But (Y/n) held her ground…For ten seconds.
“Fine! I’ll go to the stinking party!” (Y/n) caved, throwing her arms in the air.
Flora cheered, choosing to ignore (Y/n)’s next comment “Who knew that zooplankton migration was Andros’ version of summer solstice…” 
“I’m so glad you're coming! No one else can, other than Aisha. And I’ll get to show you off as the newest member of the winx club!” Flora said excitedly.
“And here I was hoping to have a quiet Saturday after all that Trix nonsense…” (Y/n) said grumbling, but couldn’t help the smile that shone through. “Well, at least it’ll be a fun Saturday with my BFF!” (Y/n) said, jumping into the excitement right along Flora.
“Right?! And I have the perfect outfits for us!” Gushed Flora.
“Oh, is it…?” (Y/n) said, hyping her best friend up. Pointing to a certain set of outfits in Flora’s closet.
“You guessed it! We’re splitting the co-ords!” Flora squeed. 
“YAAS! But I call dibs on using the top.” (Y/n) said, and grinned with mock cunning.
“Aww…so mean.” Flora said with false disappointment.
And that’s how the girls showed up to the party. (Y/n) wore a flutter sleeve tube top with a tropical floral pattern and a pair of white high-waisted shorts. While Flora was rocking a maxi skirt of the same pattern, with a slit to the mid-thigh and a black lettuce edge crop top. Aisha came swayed over to the girls,
“Well, well, don’t you look like a pair of baddies!” She said, hugging both girls. “So glad you guys came.”
Flora gave nothing but a smile, (Y/n) laughing “Like we would miss it! Plus Flora threw those puppy eyes at me… Can’t ever say no to that.”
The girls all laughed at (Y/n)s’ little joke. Aisha turned towards the moon pool in the center of her family's pavilion walking (Y/n) and Flora over to greet her cousins.
“You haven’t met my cousins yet have you (Y/n)?” Asked Aisha as they made their way over.
“Can’t say I have, I was in Linphea College during that whole ocean… fiasco.” (Y/n) said, shrugging. Waving her arms around a bit when mentioning the betrayal of Tritannus.
“Well you’ll get to meet them now!” Aisha said as the girls got to the pool, turning and gesturing to two of the mer-people within the moon pool “Hey guys! I know you know Flora, but we have a brand new member of the winx club! This is (Y/n).” She said, presenting (Y/n) to the merman and mermaid. (Y/n) smiled and gave a little wave. “(Y/n), these are my cousins Tressa, and Nereus!” Aisha said pointing to the mermaid, and merman respectively.
“OH! So you’re fishlips’ brother!” (Y/n) said before she could stop herself. Seeing Nereus and Tressas’ confused glances she continued “Sorry, little nickname I gave him during Flora and I’s talks. So sorry about that whole thing by the way, it must have been devastating for you three. I just wished he didn’t get pushed to that point, ya know?” (Y/n) said a bit melancholy.
Nereus gave a solemn nod in agreement. Her sentiments (and playful insult) instantly endeared (Y/n) to him.
Tressa decided to lighten the mood, “Ah, it’s all in the past now… Come on! the lantern plankton are about to arrive!” She said diving into the moon pool.
Aisha and Flora transforming into their sirenix forms and diving in after her, Nereus hesitated with (Y/n). Waiting patiently to follow after her.
“What’s the matter?” asked Nereus when (Y/n) made no moves to enter the moon pool.
“Would now be a bad time to mention that I don’t have any spells to help me breathe underwater?” (Y/n) said, gesturing towards the pool where her friends disappeared.
Nereus laughed, it was a little funny to see someone so confident get nervous so quickly. 
“Here, stay next to me. I think I’ve got something for that.” Nereus said gently, pulling (Y/n) into the water.
(Y/n) chose not to protest, even though her clothes were getting wet. She was curious to see what the ocean prince would do. Nereus gently placed his arm around (Y/n)'s waist, amazed at her immediate trust in him, wondering aloud.
“You trust quickly,” he said.
“Oh no I don’t! But Flora trusts you.” (Y/n) said her expression turning serious “Which means you're someone worth putting at least a little faith in.” (Y/n) said, instantly returning back to her lighthearted teasing.
Nereus felt his cheeks warm a bit at the statement. He wasn’t sure why, since most people he knew praised his good character. But hearing from (Y/n), who was such a bombastic and friendly person herself, made it feel like guppies were swimming around in his gut. Realizing that (Y/n) had been patiently waiting for him for a bit he hurriedly placed an underwater breathing spell on her. Tucking her to his side and swimming her into the open water. Which made (Y/n) realize something about the spell rather quickly…
“You jerk! Ya could’a told me that the spell keeps you dry!” said (Y/n) playfully, slapping Nereus on the arm.
“Oh, my apologies! I guess I don’t really consider these sorts of things…” Nereus said, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
(Y/n) couldn’t help but laugh, covering her mouth trying to hide her smile. “Relax, I’m not actually mad. Now come on, take me to this plankton march… thing.” she said,
“The lantern zooplankton migration?” Nereus said, raising a playful quizzical eyebrow. 
He wasn’t used to people talking so relaxed with him, being a crown prince and all. But he was enjoying it. (Y/n) brought out a playful side to him that he hadn’t had since his brother's banishment.
(Y/n) just rolled her eyes with a laugh, allowing Nereus to swim her to the observation area. Meeting up with Aisha, Flora, and Tressa. They talked until the plankton appeared. It was a beautiful sight, it was like glowing living smoke. The colors shifted with the twists and turns of the zooplankton colony. Everyone was quiet with awe, the occasional sounds of wonder murmuring through the crowd at a particular color shift or swirl of the plankton.
Then something amazing happened, while the rest of the spectators with a large swath of the lantern plankton, a small arm of the colony meandered it’s way to (Y/n). Swirling around her (Y/n) reached out to them, playing with the little creatures pushing them to and fro. Nereus gazed at her, smitten. It was like an aquatic halo of multicolored light surrounded (Y/n), highlighting all her glorious features. Nereus could only equate what he was witnessing, to the magnetic beauty of a siren. Her light hearted genuine laughter was music to his ears. Nereus was bewitched by her, body and soul. Only the lantern plankton hurrying back to their migration was what returned him from his stupor. The tail end of the colony disappears into the ocean waters, causing the spectators to return to their homes.
The swim back to the party was a jovial one. Aisha gushed about (Y/n) and the lantern plankton, since it was something that no one had ever seen before. (Y/n) described how wonderful it felt to be amongst such amazing creatures. And it wasn’t until the trio of girls started making their good-byes that Nereus realized he might not see (Y/n) again for quite some time. It was now or never.
(Y/n) heard Nereus call her over, when got closer to him he waved her down to his level. However when (Y/n) leaned down, she felt lips on her cheek and heard a splash.
“Nereus! I’m so gonna get you back for that!”
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bingo6776 · 1 year
Amber Freeman x Reader
disgustingly unedited, ive never written for Amber freeman before but shes bae and hot so yk heyo. if theres any feedback or ideas, my asks or dm are open
probs ooc? again idek im just sleep deprived 
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You were tired.
You were completely and totally exhausted.
 You had barely slept last night after you had heard about the murders, another fuck face trying to make a name for themselves whilst hiding under the Ghostface mask. Why did you still live in Woodsboro? Fuck knows.
 You were scared shitless, who knew who the next victim was going to be? Whilst as far as you knew, you had no ties to the original Woodsboro murderers or actual reason to be targeted, that didn’t prevent the anxiety that consumed your entire being, feeling like you were edging closer and closer to a break down as said anxiety played ‘keep aways’ with your sleep.
 So yeah, its suffice to say that 8 hours of the barbaric education system was not good for your health, mental or physical.
 Hence, why you were more so dragging your feet than actually walking through the hallways. You didn’t even have the energy to dodge most of the students that were too caught up in their own worlds to pay attention to the fact that other people actually existed and wouldn’t just part like the red sea for them. Instead, you made a mental list of the all the people that slammed into your shoulder, swearing that one day you’d smite them down – the kind of thoughts only a sleep deprived, and still overly caffeinated person would have.
 All you wanted to do was go home, get into the baggiest, most homeless looking outfit you had and watch movies.
 And at some point spam Amber until she ‘caved’ (jumped in her car the first chance she got) and came over to indulge in your lazy evening.
 Which is why, when your eyes finally laned on your girlfriend, you felt some of your tension leave your body, a warmth filling its place.
 She was leaning up against one of the wall lockers, a scowl on her face as she watched Wes and Mindy argue you with one another, rolling her eyes occasionally as if they were something much more important she should be doing than listen to the childish bickering her friends had daily.
 As you shuffled closer to the group, you let a small smile tug at your tired features as Amber’s gaze landed on you, her bored, aggravated expression softening slightly at the edges as her face relaxed, her lips titling up slightly in a smirk instead of an actual smile.
 Amber Freeman may be soft as fuck for you, but she was very much still the dark, brooding Amber everyone else knew. Just with you, she was slightly warmer, less sharp edged.
 Once you had gotten close enough to the group, she wrapped an arm around your shoulder, the other hand simultaneously pulling your bag from you as she flung the backpack across her own shoulder, ignoring the teasing look from Mindy and the eye roll from Wes as he tried to reegange Mindy in their conversation.
 At seeing the way your body seemingly slumped in on itself, every movement taking more energy than it plausibly should, she placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
 “Is everything okay, my love?” she uttered lowly, looking at you with such an openly worried expression you almost melted on the spot.
 You simply hummed in response as you leant into her body, your face landing in the crook of her neck as your arms encircled her waist, “just tired.”
 “Aww, would you just look at these adorable little love birds we’ve got here?” you heard Mindy tease, no doubt a cocky grin on her face. If you actually cared, you’d pull yourself away from Amber’s grounding embrace to flip her off, but did you care? Honestly, not a single fuck was given.
 You were far too sleepy, and much more comfortable with the warmth Amber exuded to give a fuck about anything, actually.
 One of Ambers arms left you shoulders, probably doing the flipping off for you. “If you don’t shut the fuck up, and fuck off right now, I’m going to kill you,” the sweet voice Amber forced on made the threat seem even more haunting. “Very slowly.”
 You lightly poked at her side, you knew she’d never actually hurt one of her friends, but you’d spoken about the right time and place to threaten people with death. School after an attempted murder was most definitely not one of them.
 “C’mon, Amber, you know I could take your ass,” Mindy quipped, knowing full well that whilst you had wrapped yourself around the taller girl, Amber wouldn’t move a muscle until you let her go.
 “You fucking wish,” you girlfriend practically growled out. “You wouldn’t even last two minutes.”
 “Oh, yeah, wanna bet? Come at me right now then, if you’re so big and bad.”
 Sighing heavily, you placed a soft kiss on Amber’s neck. “I swear to all that is good and holy, if you even think about moving right now, I’m going to be the one killing you, do not test me.”
 Mindy could barely hold back the laugh that overtook her body at the murderous glare Amber shot her way instead of, well, actually shooting her – unbeknownst to Mindy it was a very real, and a rapidly growing, possibility.
 It was honestly comical to see the sarcastic and at times outright scary, Amber Freeman trying to intimidate the other girl, whilst you were clinging to her body like Amber was your saving grace, the only source of warmth in the middle of the Antarctic.
 Yet, as amusing as it was, even Mindy eventually got bored of the banter which eventually simmered to one sided taunts as you silently soothed Amber’s simmering anger. So, being the mature person Mindy believed she was, she wandered away to go see how riled up she could get her twin instead.
 Once you heard Mindy’s steps retreat in the emptying hallway, you pulled away slightly from Ambers body, keeping your arms around her waist.
 “You know, if you keep wishing death on your friends, people might start to think you’re the new Ghostface,” you looked up at her, eyes trailing how her lips drew up in a lazy smile, your eyes eventually locking onto her own, and the all too familiar feeling of falling into the dark orbs encompassed your body.
 “Please. Little old me? I wouldn’t hurt a fly,” her voice was gentle, her gaze soft as she slowly leant down, her lips grazing yours as she whispered the last of her sentence before she finally planted a soft kiss onto your waiting lips.
 it only lasted a few seconds before Amber pulled away, one of her hands running through your hair before landing at your neck. For a few seconds you just stood like that, arms around each other, letting the rare instance of quiet fall over you.
 You knew for sure that if you had walked in on such a seemingly intimate moment between another couple at school, you’d gag and cringe as you poured bleach into your eyes.
 But with Amber it was different, everything was just so overwhelmingly perfect that at times you found yourself wondering when it was all going to go shattering to the ground, leaving you heartbroken. As soon as those thoughts would take hold, Amber would be there. Whispering sweet nothings to you as she held you close.
 Before you fell too deeply into your thoughts, you felt Ambers arms leave your body, her hand clasping onto one of your own as your arms fell to your sides.
 “So, go ahead. Spill, what’s got you so tired today, hm?” she gently ran her thumb up and down your hand as you began walking towards the parking lot, where your friends where waiting before the group eft for the lunch period.
 “After everything that happened with Tara, its been hard to do anything, let alone sleep,” for a second you saw something flash across Amber’s face, but it was gone as quick as it had come, the only sign that anything had changed at all was in the way she pulled you close as she stopped walking.
 Placing a delicate kiss to the back of your hand, Amber tried to keep her voice steady, “as long as you’re with me, I promise you with every ounce of blood in my body that you’ll be safe,” she looked deeply into your eyes, trying to convey that she’d lay her own life down if it meant you could keep yours, “I’ll protect you.”
 Shocked by the sudden deepness to her words, a deepness you didn’t completely grasp, you only blinked up at her.
 After a beat of silence, you smiled up at her. “I know, I know. I trust you,” not liking the heavy silence that weighed on your shoulders, a far cry from the way you could both usually spend hours in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s presence, you smirked up at her, “plus, you know I’d have Ghostface on his ass before the bitch could blink.”
 A mischievous smile crept onto Amber’s face, “oh, really?” she jokingly leant back slight, as if she was assessing how likely that would be – you both knew it was complete bullshit, but hey, you never know right?
 “You best bet, bitch,” you resumed the walk to your friends, tugging your girlfriend behind you as she let out a loud laugh, the sound you rarely ever heard outside of the confines of one of your bedrooms leading you to laugh alongside her as people around you both gave you concerned look as the ever so stoic girl laughed in a way that sounded… free of sadistic intent?
 Yeah, Amber was most definitely a simp.
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quitealotofsodapop · 14 days
Had a thought, can't ignore it.
Imagine the Noodle Gang doing a bit of clean up around FFM (could be pretty much any au but im thinking Slow Boiled or Century Egg simply because its been awhile) and come across some very interesting portraits. This is pre-season 4 and the whole Brotherhood incident so they have no clue about the Brotherhood even existing, which makes it extra embarrassing for Wukong when the kids come across an image of him as a cub wearing the extremely adorable little tiger skirt outfit and yellow bonnet he had in his Brotherhood days. If it's Slow Boiled then Mei is absolutely delighted to see Wukong as a cub because she's so adorable!! In Century Egg au it's primarily the adults reacting, but they think it's cute too. Like seeing someone's baby pictures
truth I need to give some of my other aus some love
but yeah; younger Wukong was adorable
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The little yellow head wrapping looks like it's containing long hair which is really cute. Also he's already rocking a tiger-skin skirt XD
The timeline implies this is around when he just left Subodhi, and now I'm thinking that he's default outfit in the FFM troupe was literally tiger skin and yellow headwear.
Now I'm imagining the paintings of Wukong when he was just a cub - likely done by one of the Stalwarts or another troupe member. Just a ball of orange fluff wearing a yellow bonnet or bow to keep his hair out of his eyes. At least one has him as a freshly-hatched baby with a butterfly perched on his nose.
The Noodle Gang are "aww-ing" so hard that the Monkey King starts blushing with embarrassment. Macaque gets an evil smile on his face and shows off some older cave drawings he did personally; chibi-like recreations of him and Wukong as cubs. The aww-ing and laughter gets louder. Wukong is furiously embarrassed.
If Mei is there, she's taking photos of the paintings with her phone. Or barring her; her parents.
Macaque: "And you know what his name was before it was Sun Wukong? Xiǎo-Shíhóu [little stone monkey]. Sometimes the elders just called him Shíhóu [stone monkey]." The Noodle Gang: "Aww!!" Tang: "I knew it!" Wukong, little annoyed: "Seriously guys? It was in the book!" Tang: "Yeah but most people assume it was just a descriptor." Sandy: "What about you Mr McQuack? What was your baby name?" Macaque, suddenly defensive: "Nothing. It's always been "Liu'er Mihou" [Six Eared Macaque]." Wukong, sly smile: "Is that true my dearest Yuè Huā [moon flower]?" Macaque: (*splutters with a blush on his face*) The Noodle Gang: "Aww!" Pigsy: "Oh, 'cus of your baby fur being white. Makes sense." Wukong: "And 'cus he came from the moon." Pigsy: "...What?"
You know if photographs were a thing, there'd be an ungodly amount of baby Wukong photos lying around. Chang'e may even have a few baby paintings of Macaque lying around her lunar home. She busts them out when the gang are visiting (after Wukong brings them up) and Macaque gets a taste of his own medicine. >:3
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 2 months
Lee!Vox with Ler!Velvette would be cute :3
Fuck, motivation has gone poof! Anywayyyyyyssss
TW: Mentions of eating disorders and bad self care habits
Getting your mind off things
Lee!Vox, Ler!Velvette
The TV headed demon in question jumped slightly, lifting his head from the desk where he was sleeping and running a hand down his screen. He sat up with a wince, his back aching. Fuck… What time was it?
“Vox, you missed the damn meeting and left me there with Valentino-... Damn, you look like shit. The fuck happened to you?” Velvette asks after she spun Vox’s chair toward her. The Media overlords appearance was very off from usual, looking disheveled instead of pristine.
“Nothing… I’ve just been trying to work on the Angelic Security shit…”
“That random idea you pulled out your ass? Why waste so much energy on that?? The extermination was canceled”
“Yeah, but what about the next one! I want to get this shit out there so the bitches aren’t breathing down my neck over it next year!” Vox said with a sigh.
“Yeahhhh, no. Come on, you haven’t left this damn cave in days.” She responds as she takes Vox’s hand dragging him out of his chair and out the door.
“I’m fine, Vel-”
“Don’t make me get Valentino” That shut the Media overlord up, he loved his husband, of course! But…… Valentino was already on his ass about this type of thing, if he learned the real reason as to why he wasn’t in bed with him at night… God, he did not have the mental capacity to comprehend that lecture.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Come on, I’ll get you something to eat” Velvette says as she pushed Vox into her room/living area. Vox stumbled a little but followed.
“I’m not really hungry right now, Vel” Vox mutters, he knows he should eat something… But the thought of food right now only made his stomach churn…
“Don’t tell me-... That thing is coming back?”
Vox shrugged and looked to the side, fidgeting with his sleeve slightly.
“Have you told Val-”
“No. And he doesn’t need to know, I’m fine.”
“Clearly you’re not, V! When was the last time you ate? Or slept? Or even took care of yourself in the slightest??” Velvette says, concern clear in her voice. “You’re gonna work yourself to your second death at this point!”
“I know, I know… I get it, It’s just hard to suddenly change something you’ve done since you were alive.. For years! I’m trying my best… but sometimes it creeps back…” Vox says his voice going quiet near the end, he sat down on the couch and sighed.
“...Bloody hell, V, I didn’t realize you were this fucked up” Velvette says with a joking smile, trying to lighten the mood as she sat down next to the Media demon.
“Who down here isn’t..?” Vox says with a slight smile, he then jumped and gasped quietly when he felt Velvette run her claws up his side. “V-Vel-”
“Come on, Vox, we both know you need a bit of a pick me up” The fashion designer says with a smile as she squeezes the TV demon’s sides.
Vox squeaked and tried to bring his knees up to his chest but Velvette just pushed his legs back down and started scribbling her fingers over his tummy.
“Nahaha! V-Vehel, nononono NOhohoho! Ehehek!” Vox giggled and batted at the Social Media influencers hands but didn’t really try to push her away.
“Aww, what’s the matter, Voxy, can’t handle what you dish out? Don’t think I forgot when you got me and Val the other day! So take this as a pick me up and revenge!” The fashionista says with a smirk as she started to squeeze and drill her thumbs into the Tech demon’s hips, giggling when he shrieked.
“Shush! God, you’re so bloody loud! At this point, Val’s gonna kick down the door!” “Ihihihi’M SOHOHORREHEHE-” “Blah, blah, blah. Whatever, I’ll slow down a lil, don’t want you passing out on me. Tino will have my head” Vel says with a softer smile as she plays with Vox’s antenna, making the TV headed demon’s giggles melt into something softer.
“Ohoho gosh…” “Yeah, yeah, just take a load off, alright? You deserve it…”
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