#Hinted at
thenerdperson · 5 days
Ok hear me out, I know we all love talking about how the time period of Grian getting possessed is taking less and less time as things go on, but what if there was a reason for that?
The Watchers did not like Grian's affinity for mischief and rebellion, they didn't realize when they made him one of them that it was inevitable he would rebel but they quickly realized. So, they carved an empty space in his mind, making him oh so easy to possess if he got too out of hand. However, despite this countermeasure, he escaped.
The trauma runs deep, and Grian is secretly constantly scared the Watchers will find him and use that space to possess him and turn on his friends. So he comes to the reasonable conclusion (in his mind) that if he doesn't want the Watchers in that space then he just needs to fill it!
The Mycelium was never malicious and actually quite liked the greenery, however she's never gotten to interact and play with the players before! Grian's deal with her means she gets to play pranks and have fun along with everyone else! She doesn't mind sharing control over Grian's body so long as she gets to be apart of the fun, and had no issue leaving Grian when they won the war because she had so much fun!
The Void was lonely more than anything, and they rarely got so much attention, and the sacrifices were really nice of boatem to provide. (Though the Void was far more interested in Scar than Grian, Scar's mental shields were too great to even think about possessing him, plus Grian gave Scar so much attention the Void hardly had to do anything anyways)
The moon didn't really possess Grian, just occasionally came along riding in Grian's head in the possession equivalent of carpooling. The moon just really liked seeing the man who made a whole cult in their honor through the eyes of someone who loves him. The moon really just sticks around to see the silly little cult man and their favorite moth through the eyes of someone else. (The moon has a long established deal with Pearl but really likes the new perspectives sometimes)
The Entity was more of a kid than anything, and only stayed with Grian long enough to give him instructions on how it wanted to look, and quickly moved to possessing its new body. It took a bit of time for the Entity to learn that players were kind of fragile and squishy unlike Grian, but it quickly learned, and was very happy to finally be able to communicate on a level everyone could hear instead of the frequencies only something as powerful as a Watcher could hear.
The Rift was far more cautious than its younger sibling, but when it saw how Grian treated the Entity, even when the Entity made mistakes, the Rift reached out. While the Rift was far older than the Entity, it was not unlike a touched-starved young adult, old enough to understand things better, but not yet fully matured, and quietly desperate for any contact. (The Rift was Grian's favorite, though he would never admit it, and he felt a lot of kinship to it) The portal to Empires was the Rift's attempt at a thank you, giving Grian an opportunity to see Jimmy again.
The Skulk tried to possess Grian, it was probably going to take advantage to how vulnerable Grian was to possession, however it was a bit to spread out (ha) to give a good effort to overcome Grian and the Rift was too powerful to overcome its stake on Grian. It never got further than one floating bolder.
The Ocean was not unlike Mycelium in just wanting some mischief and the Void in wanting attention. However she quickly realized she was far more interested in the attention the pretty red-head gave her. She was having fun with Grian, but she realized she felt rather bad (she's never felt guilt before and she really doesnt like it) upon messing with Grian by giving Scar the mending book. She quickly decided to fix her mistakes, and gave Grian a mending book of his own, however she does occasionally come over when she is in need of a friend and Grian wants a break (excuse) from the permit office.
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404n1ko · 1 year
First post to celebrate the new Mario Movie release!!
Based on this tweet!
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 5 months
Lee!Vox with Ler!Velvette would be cute :3
Fuck, motivation has gone poof! Anywayyyyyyssss
TW: Mentions of eating disorders and bad self care habits
Getting your mind off things
Lee!Vox, Ler!Velvette
The TV headed demon in question jumped slightly, lifting his head from the desk where he was sleeping and running a hand down his screen. He sat up with a wince, his back aching. Fuck… What time was it?
“Vox, you missed the damn meeting and left me there with Valentino-... Damn, you look like shit. The fuck happened to you?” Velvette asks after she spun Vox’s chair toward her. The Media overlords appearance was very off from usual, looking disheveled instead of pristine.
“Nothing… I’ve just been trying to work on the Angelic Security shit…”
“That random idea you pulled out your ass? Why waste so much energy on that?? The extermination was canceled”
“Yeah, but what about the next one! I want to get this shit out there so the bitches aren’t breathing down my neck over it next year!” Vox said with a sigh.
“Yeahhhh, no. Come on, you haven’t left this damn cave in days.” She responds as she takes Vox’s hand dragging him out of his chair and out the door.
“I’m fine, Vel-”
“Don’t make me get Valentino” That shut the Media overlord up, he loved his husband, of course! But…… Valentino was already on his ass about this type of thing, if he learned the real reason as to why he wasn’t in bed with him at night… God, he did not have the mental capacity to comprehend that lecture.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Come on, I’ll get you something to eat” Velvette says as she pushed Vox into her room/living area. Vox stumbled a little but followed.
“I’m not really hungry right now, Vel” Vox mutters, he knows he should eat something… But the thought of food right now only made his stomach churn…
“Don’t tell me-... That thing is coming back?”
Vox shrugged and looked to the side, fidgeting with his sleeve slightly.
“Have you told Val-”
“No. And he doesn’t need to know, I’m fine.”
“Clearly you’re not, V! When was the last time you ate? Or slept? Or even took care of yourself in the slightest??” Velvette says, concern clear in her voice. “You’re gonna work yourself to your second death at this point!”
“I know, I know… I get it, It’s just hard to suddenly change something you’ve done since you were alive.. For years! I’m trying my best… but sometimes it creeps back…” Vox says his voice going quiet near the end, he sat down on the couch and sighed.
“...Bloody hell, V, I didn’t realize you were this fucked up” Velvette says with a joking smile, trying to lighten the mood as she sat down next to the Media demon.
“Who down here isn’t..?” Vox says with a slight smile, he then jumped and gasped quietly when he felt Velvette run her claws up his side. “V-Vel-”
“Come on, Vox, we both know you need a bit of a pick me up” The fashion designer says with a smile as she squeezes the TV demon’s sides.
Vox squeaked and tried to bring his knees up to his chest but Velvette just pushed his legs back down and started scribbling her fingers over his tummy.
“Nahaha! V-Vehel, nononono NOhohoho! Ehehek!” Vox giggled and batted at the Social Media influencers hands but didn’t really try to push her away.
“Aww, what’s the matter, Voxy, can’t handle what you dish out? Don’t think I forgot when you got me and Val the other day! So take this as a pick me up and revenge!” The fashionista says with a smirk as she started to squeeze and drill her thumbs into the Tech demon’s hips, giggling when he shrieked.
“Shush! God, you’re so bloody loud! At this point, Val’s gonna kick down the door!” “Ihihihi’M SOHOHORREHEHE-” “Blah, blah, blah. Whatever, I’ll slow down a lil, don’t want you passing out on me. Tino will have my head” Vel says with a softer smile as she plays with Vox’s antenna, making the TV headed demon’s giggles melt into something softer.
“Ohoho gosh…” “Yeah, yeah, just take a load off, alright? You deserve it…”
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melestasflight · 7 months
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‘The Golodhrim intend to take the Orc Prince as their leader,’ Cíleth tells him in a whisper.
The Sindar of Mithrim fear Maedhros until they see the person he is in Maglor's presence.
@maedhrosmaglorweek day 2: Trust/Distrust
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fey-woodlands · 1 year
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More parentshield (reshirement) AU for my soul.
Thorin and Frodo on a nice evening stroll.
(Watch me trying to draw backrounds like they don’t drive me absolutley insane)
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aniflowers · 2 months
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The newest FIB-Au fanfic is out! :3
A new member joins the party, in:
"Searching Refuge"
It was a remarkably ordinary day at Pigsys Noodles, considering the world nearly ended not to long ago. Pigsy wouldn’t have minded if the day had continued and ended as calm and predictable as it had started. There was a sort of comfort in this sort of calming routine every now and then. But the entrance of a misterious, odly familiar, young adult takes the day into an unexpected new direction.
(Au Masterpost)
I normaly don't draw backgrounds, but for this one it was kind of a must. And I gota say, I'm quiet happy with how the cover turned out! ^^
The fic itself gave me some trouble... I alredy had it almost finished last year, when my external harddrive died and locked me out of it... Needless to say, I didn't have much motivation to write it all again and held on to the hope to just somehow get my old progress back. Ultimately I decidet to swallow the bitter pill, and finished it after all.
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anony-man · 11 months
Some Delphi doctor Pharma thoughts because, well… why not? More specifically, a thought-out explanation for successfully hiding the very, very illegal business of organ harvesting (or cog harvesting, if you’re Pharma). Very, very long, and mainly Pharma-centric. Also TW for mild mentions of gore below (near the end):
It would have been a very, very good question to ask how in the world he’d managed to get into the practice of harvesting cogs for the enemy, but that isn’t exactly the focus here. What it came down to, for the most part, was being stationed at Delphi of all areas. It was a rough place to work, and it had quite the reputation of being the worst of the worst when it came to practitioners AND survival rates. The extra factors were probably due to the fact that an ex-Decepticon and a war frame were both in high ranks of the medical staff (not to mention the awful habit Cybertron’s governors had of actually making sure funds went to keeping heat and lights on in the building), but none of this phased Pharma. When the offer—well, not so much offer as it was threat to end his life and career if he didn’t accept—came up, he wasn’t exactly in a place to decline.
It was easy work, really. All he had to do was stay after hours and harvest cogs from dead patients before they left to be cremated, or buried, or recycled, or… well, whatever their loved ones chose to do. He was practically running the hospital at that point, and no one had ever questioned his authority. Besides, no medical staff outside of himself and Ambulon had ever worked at Delphi for more than a few months tops. Delphi’s hospital was severely understaffed with one or two medical drones patrolling the area outside of himself and Ambulon, but that’s the way Pharma would have had it. After all, it’s what made his awful situation possible.
Besides… If push came to shove, and by some miracle someone found out about his forced ties with the DJD, he could always blame Ambulon. It would be easy enough to frame him, after all. No one would believe him, anyway. Not with his past as an ex ‘Con. Pharma wasn’t much better, being built a war frame despite his work in the medical field, but what choice did he have?
Things were going well, at first. Pharma was averaging at about three to four cogs a month, give or take a few. Despite what outsiders said, Delphi was typically the place where those too far gone came to live their last moments in the peace and comfort medical support was able to offer, so the supply was always steady. That is, it was steady, until Pharma got a rather threatening letter in the mail. The DJD had begun to demand four times what he was averaging, and that number was expected every two weeks.
The first time he took a life with his own hands, Pharma had felt physically ill. He spent the rest of the day locked up in his office, ignoring Ambulon’s pestering concerns with the complaint that he was feeling unwell, which was true, but that he didn’t require support, which was… well, sort of true. He’d barely managed to make it through a ration of energon that evening, and he’d spent most of the night forcing down bottle after bottle of cheap alcoholic drinks. The overwhelming guilt didn’t last long, however, since Pharma knew he couldn’t physically keep it up. He’d have to tough it out, take in a few extra cogs from living patients, and maybe—just maybe—his circumstances would change.
As expected, things most certainly did not change. At least, not for the better. Enter First Aid, who soon became a sort of Achilles heel to Pharma’s process. The new doctor was young and inexperienced, practically fresh out of the academy from what Pharma had heard. For the first few weeks, Pharma was absolutely relentless in his blatant dislike of First Aid, and he took every chance he could get to publicly disapprove or humiliate the young doctor when he could. It felt awful, it really did. But given the very dangerous situation he found himself in, he couldn’t risk having more than one other doctor around the hospital floors.
First Aid wasn’t supposed to have lasted as long as he did. One week became two, which became four, which turned into one month, but still, Pharma relented. He chastised the young medic every chance he could get and occasionally gave crude, condescending remarks about question just how long First Aid would last before he, too, dropped out of the Delphi work force. Would he even remain a doctor, Pharma wondered? Would the stress from his experience at Delphi turn him away from any and all future medical endeavors? He’d hoped it might end that way—not for his sake, but for First Aid’s safety. Still, his nagging coworker who still struggled to turn over a new leaf was also relentless, but in the aspect of helping the new recruit. Before Pharma knew it, Ambulon was taking First Aid under his wing, showing him the ropes. It was infuriating, and it posed a very, very great threat to Pharma’s new business.
Primus, he grew so nervous during that time, so very, very nervous. He shouldn’t have been doing it at all. Everything, all of it—the manipulation, the twisted work, the criticism to both First Aid’s character and his career, it was all so fucked up in the worst way. It was unethical. It was awful, it… it was—ohh fuck. Fuck, what choice did he have? He didn’t have one. He had no choice at all, and this was how things would end. A well-known, well respected medic who’d risen above the hierarchy and racism, only to destroy it all after doing such dirty work for the DJD.
Despite his petty and discreet efforts, First Aid relented. It was nearing six months into the young medic’s employment at Delphi when Pharma realized he needed to do something different, and fast. He had already experienced one too many close calls, what with the nosy little doctor running into him after hours on the wrong floor at the wrong time. Sexual innuendos and workplace relationships had only gotten him so far with Ambulon, and after an awkward interface session in the washracks while bodies lay decomposing in locked bathroom stalls mere feet away, Pharma simply couldn’t take it anymore. Drastic measures had to be taken, unfortunately, and despite the medical oaths he’d sworn to observe and the many, many moral boundaries he’d never wanted to cross, Pharma was no longer against twisting the tables in his own favor.
He started out innocently enough. Aid was a smart one, of course, and Pharma caught the skeptical looks the young medic gave him every time he dared to bring up Delphi’s sketchy past. Despite the visor covering his optics and the mask he wore nearly all the time, it wasn’t hard to gauge First Aid’s reaction, and given a few weeks, Pharma knew it was starting to take a toll on the new medic. It was only when Ambulon had begun to scold him behind closed doors for “scaring” First Aid that Pharma realized he needed to push things up a notch.
He wasn’t a terrible person. Truly, he wasn’t. He never meant for any of it to happen, and he had never intended for First Aid to be affected so deeply or for his own reputation to be tarnished. He’d known his fate was sealed the moment he was given over to the DJD as their own personal provider of anything organ-related, but that didn’t make him a bad person, right? He was only doing his job. He was doing what he had been forced to do. He was still a doctor, a good person. Right? He was still him. He still saved lives, he still helped others, he still held the role and responsibility of being a strong, confident medic. He was a good person, right? Right?
He hadn’t been thinking all that clearly when it had happened. Still, the pieces just so happened to fall into place, and Pharma knew that his secret was sealed for at least a few months. He had been in the process of dragging the most recent body into a storage closet for safe keeping while he dealt with other more impending issues when it had occurred. Of course, shoving a dead corpse into an old closet wasn’t the best course of action, but with his mind starting to crack under the pressure and his options starting to slim, Pharma knew he didn’t have much of a choice.
He could hear the sound of quiet pedesteps entering into the washracks. It was First Aid, he knew, stopping to get cleaned up after a long shift. He always came into the washracks at this time, after every shift. Primus, he did it almost daily. How could Pharma have forgotten? How could he have forgotten?
Never mind that, he supposed. Pharma had waited until First Aid was rifling through his belongings and getting everything unneeded placed into a locker (really, with there only being three bots capable of making it to the washracks, what was the need for the locker?) before making a run for the shower stalls. He had thrown the body over one shoulder as he headed there, and as expected, it made quite the sound. Instead of hearing a bout of silence to follow the sudden interruption of First Aid’s prep-work, he was instead met with a small, startled gasp from the young medic. He paused in the middle of pulling the curtain shut and waited, just in case his cover was to be blown. He would hate to do it, but if he needed to take out one of his fellow medics—
“Is someone out there?” First Aid had called out, the anxiety practically dripping from his voice.
If Pharma hadn’t been so busy with not getting caught carrying a corpse around, he would’ve felt a little bad for the poor doctor’s frazzled nerves. Still, a job had to be done, and a job was what he was going to do. Pharma laid the corpse down onto the shower stall and, after quietly drawing the curtains back to hide it, made his way towards the exit. He managed to escape without running into First Aid, which would end up being a blessed accident for him in the next ten minutes.
Pharma was nearly halfway to his office when he heard it. A guttural, blood-curdling scream that sent a chill racing down his spine. He knew what had happened, of course, but the sound—Primus, the sound, the palpable horror and fear in the air as First Aid screamed—it would stick with him for a very, very long time. It didn’t take long before Ambulon was rushing down the hallway, a mixed look of confusion and concern plastered across his face as though First Aid—a disposable, inexperienced waste of space on their hospital’s floor—could have actually meant anything to him.
Pharma turned around quickly enough to see First Aid bursting out of the washracks, his entire frame rattling with choked sobs that even Pharma could see the plating shift and grind from such a long distance. He couldn’t quite make out the words—not that the poor medic was saying anything legible, but still—from where he stood, but from the way First Aid all but collapsed against Ambulon’s front, wailing about a “dead body” and the poor soul he’d just checked on so and so minutes ago and the guilt he felt, oh the guilt. What could have he done differently? Was it his fault? Was he to blame? God, why couldn’t he stop crying? He couldn’t breathe, Ambulon, he couldn’t breathe—
It ended up being too much to bear, too much to witness. Pharma slipped past with a distant pat to Ambulon’s shoulder and muttered something about giving First Aid a little something to take the edge off before he headed in to “take a look.” Of course, Pharma took the chance to properly dispose of the body so that nothing else could be said about the standalone incident, and when Ambulon had come in sometime later and informed him that First Aid was in the medibay sleeping off some heavy sedatives, Pharma was more than willing to show him the now-empty and pristine shower stalls. Every one of them, too, not just the one that had just so happened to inhabit the… the victim.
It didn’t come as much of a surprise when, a week later, there was a new medic among their ranks. First Aid had hardly even gone to the third floor—the floor where the incident had occured—at all during the week, and he had barely managed to keep himself moving throughout the normal shift changes. At first, Pharma expected him to drop out of the hospital staff like all of the other medics before him, but no. Instead, he was treated to a new recruit.
Ratchet was his name, Pharma recalls. Ratchet, Ambulon’s acquaintance, First Aid’s temporary mentor, and Pharma’s mortal enemy. Well, mortal enemy and secret obsession. If there was one thing Pharma had become good at during his many months spent harvesting the cogs of helpless victims, it was casting illusions. Though he had taken a deep, almost toxic, interest in Ratchet, Pharma knew he was more than capable of keeping up the charades.
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error0cat9-art · 10 days
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battiegutz · 2 years
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if i like a character they get the trans autism beam .fact 👍
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frank-a-mori-son · 2 years
I steal-a ghost
I kiss-a ghost
I am promptly murdered by Micheal
10/10 worth it
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"Oh dear, now you've done it..."
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persona-ramblings · 2 years
Adding on to my prior post…Akira is very determined to make Goro eat on trips to the meta verse to the point of Joker labels a Tupperware with Akechi’s name on it and shoves it at him in the first safe room.
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novaneondream · 1 month
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Anyways what kind of music do you think Eri listens to
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thatsbelievable · 11 months
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fumifooms · 5 months
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The fabled, infamous buckled collar shirt… Opens. He’s usually always wearing his cowl and vest so you can’t usually tell. He does love wearing shirts with open/low collars, which you can esp tell by the Daydream Hour outfits Kui designed for him, so makes sense. And yet… The buckle collar…
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If u don’t think this is the same shirt btw he actually does up his collar when meeting the canaries. Just 1 scene difference before after, below. He likes to open up his collars when the setting is more casual but business or action happens and it’s back to being all proper and laced up
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Btw idk if it’s a mistake but that screentone on Chilchuck’s chest in the second picture of the post… Is Kui telling us he has body hair. Idk is he dirty does he need a shower?? Kui doesn’t draw Senshi with much body hair in the manga for practicality reasons but she did draw in a Daydream Hour once how much she actually thinks he has, so it wouldn’t be crazy if this was the case for Chil too, and then in a final chapter in a close shot panel where she even details the seams of the shirt she can go all out more. Kui talks about peach fuzz and whatnot for elves so maybe they’re just finer or paler in his case. Please please please— Sigh ok it’s a screentone mistake
Anyways while I’m here, low collar comp. Third one is that shirt he wears sometimes where you have to tie up the strings like in bottom row middle outfit of the first one…
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dirtflunk · 2 months
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they mean everything to me!!!!!!
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battlecrazed-axe-mage · 8 months
Not "I can fix him (romantic)" or even "I can fix him (platonic)" but "I can fix him (with an air of soul-deep weariness, taking on a great burden)"
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