#ayyy we know the date now!!
leahswife · 6 months
where do we stand
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summary: you're tired of aitana's mixed signals and someone on the spanish team loves to get you all flustered. aitana is definitely not jealous.
spoiler alert: that someone is none other than jenni hermoso.
a/n: more like fulfilling two fantasies in one
prequel, part one, part two, part three
this national break had come in handy for you and lucy. england was set to play a few matches in spain, so you were able to sneak in a break between trainings to go see your club teammates and you managed to check in the same hotel as them for the time being. 
you were both getting antsy as the game was approaching its end and spain was in the lead by one goal. 
when the referee blows the final whistle, you exhale in relief and lucy stands up, cheering, quickly pulling you up to celebrate with her. 
it takes some time for the stadium to start clearing up, with both teams doing their laps around the pitch to thank the fans, but once it was empty enough you and lucy walked down to the field to congratulate your teammates.
you ran up to ona, the girl grabbing your waist so she could lift you up and down with excitement, "ayyy oni!!" you laughed at being manhandled, when you noticed aitana.
her smile was radiant as she was cheering with salma and mariona. you didn't know if you should approach her or not, your situation a bit complicated as of now. explaining it was no easy task either. 
you were shy around everyone when you first transferred to barça, although over time they managed to crack your walls and gain your trust. especially aitana, the girl getting closer and closer to you each day. you eventually became best friends, until one night aitana drunkenly confesses she wants to kiss you. so then, your friendship changes into a… situationship? the next day you talk about it, aitana doesn't know what she wants but doesn't want to lose you either. you go back to normal as if nothing happened. but something does happen. during movie night at mapi and ingrid's for team bonding, you and aitana are in the corner of the couch whispering to each other, in the dark, when the catalan tentatively kisses the corner of your mouth. when you drop her off at home later that same night, you kiss her. she brings you inside, which turns one kiss into multiple. what could be defined as innocent kisses in each other's houses eventually become not so innocent make out sessions behind closed closet doors at training. but you're not dating. aitana whispers into your secret kisses that she can't date, she doesn't have time, she needs to focus. so you wait, and wait, and wait. until she's pulling away again and national break comes and she barely messages you, apart from the friendly "good luck" message.
so now here you were, in close distance to her again. you were friends, right? so friends congratulate friends. that's what she wants, so that's what you'll give her.
you turn your attention back to ona and squeeze her shoulders, "best defender in the making! just you wait until you have to face our lessi russo." you tease her by patting her cheek. ona rolls her eyes with a smile, "voy a estar preparada, tonta. what did you think of the game?" she now asks both you and lucy, as the latter approached, having been talking to alexia. "ehh, más o menos." lucy answers, banter present in her voice. ona mocks her and you chuckle, leaving them to it as you walk over to aitana.
"nice goal, bonmatí." you lightly kicked her butt with your foot to get her attention. she turns to you and immediately launches herself into your arms with an infectious smile. it must have been the adrenaline of the win, you think, a bit surprised. nonetheless, you hold her in your arms. "i saw you in the stands." she affirms once she let go of the hug to look at you tenderly. "hm, i might have been your lucky charm then." you shrugged nonchalantly and whipped your hair over your shoulder. "sí, obvio." aitana went along with your joke, nodding with a fake serious expression. 
suddenly a body slammed into you both, one tattooed arm being wrapped around your shoulder and the other around aitana's. "entonces, chicas, vamos a celebrar la noche entera?" you look up to see jenni hermoso flashing you a dazzling grin.
you had met jenni a few times before, with her visiting alexia every now and then, but you were never brave enough to start a conversation with the tall woman. truth was, she was extremely intimidating to you, probably because she was also extremely hot. however, you had to admit that, as an opponent, she was in addition, extremely annoying. you'd had some interactions in the field whenever england had to play against spain and jenni knew exactly how you worked. it's like she would previously study your every move so she knew how to push your buttons. if you were trying to get the ball, she wouldn't leave your side, if you were getting ready to receive a corner kick with your teammates, she would stand behind you and place her hands on your waist, if she tackled you she would offer her hand with a smug smirk.
you were terrifically infuriated with how easily she could mess with your head on the field and outside the field after a game, often leaving a dm on your instagram saying she couldn't wait to play with you again, followed by a winky face emoji.
right now, her strong arm around you and the way she was grinning at you only managed to redden your cheeks as aitana took the lead in answering her question with a laugh, "pues claro!" jenni ruffled her hair in approval and turned to you, "can i count with you as well?" she asked with challenge in her eyes. "aren't you a bit old to be partying all night?" you challenged back, forcing yourself to keep a straight face and not smile with amusement. that only prompted her grin to grow even wider and her hand to relocate from your shoulder to the side of your neck, playing with your hair. your breath hitched and suddenly you weren't playful anymore, far too aware of jenni's touch and her gaze. "so you do have a mouth." jenni remarked, the stupid smirk never leaving her face. 
aitana caught notice of this flirty interaction between you two and felt something boil in her chest, an ugly feeling she couldn't quite tell what it was but didn't like at all.
the club was already full when you got in with lucy and ona later that night, music blaring and people filling the dance floor. you noticed aitana dancing with some of the girls, a little too close for your liking. but she didn't want you like you wanted her, that's what you needed to remind yourself of. therefore, you might as well find a way to have fun tonight without her. you three reached the tables where most of the girls were gathered to greet everyone. 
you swiftly made your way to the bar, ready to start your fun. you were waiting for the bartender when you felt a breath on your ear, "you know, standing behind you outside of a football field can be even more exhilarating than i thought." you recognized jenni's voice right away and a smile slowly formed on your face. this, whatever it was, could be part of your fun, right?
you turned around and ignored your instinct to take a step back out of surprise, given how close jenni was to you. your eyes naturally scanned her body before your brain could even scold you for it and force you to put on a nonchalant mask. they finally looked up at her face, blush already visible on yours. the always present and annoying smirk she had on when talking to you turned to the bartender to order you two a drink.
"you know, i always wondered when you were going to finally talk to me, princesa."
"why would it matter to you?"
she cocked her head to the side, eyeing you curiously.
"i like corrupting pretty innocent girls who look like they could rip my head off in the field but then avoid me like the plague." she bit her lip, trying to hold off an amused smile when you roll your eyes.
"why have you never done so before, then?"
"alexia doesn't let me get too close to her players – and it seems she's not the only one." she points her head towards aitana, who's been watching you two interact from the dance floor with a frown on her face. 
you turn back to the bar to grab your drink and begin gulping it down, trying to keep your mind off of the catalan that up to that point had you wrapped around her little finger. "maybe you just have a bad reputation." you bite on the piece of lemon it was given to you and lick the bitter taste off of your lips. you noticed that had caught jenni's attention and asked, now with a small smirk, "should i be wary of that?"
her eyes never left your face as her strong hand carefully moved up your neck to your jaw, pulling you closer. you could feel her breath on your lips when she goes "i want to do bad things to you but i think it's something you should test yourself." 
your heart starts beating faster, blood rushing to your cheeks and your thighs pressing together involuntarily. just one move and your lips would be touching hers.
all of a sudden, your body is jerked away abruptly from the bar and jenni by a hand grabbing your arm and leading you in the direction of the club's exit. you look up to see aitana and let yourself be dragged outside where you pull back your arm, making her face you. "what exactly do you think you're doing, aitana?!" the rush and amount of emotions you had felt in the span of a minute made you question her with annoyance in your voice.
"that's what i should ask you. que haces con jenni?" aitana looked at you incredulously, an angry scowl visible on her face. you had only seen her angry on the pitch, and even then those moments were rare. but now she was pissed at you? for what? that only aggravated you further.
"what do you mean 'what am i doing with jenni'? you and i are nothing. you made it clear yourself multiple times. you can't have me whenever you want me and expect me to wait when you don't feel like it anymore. so do not tell me who i should or should not hang out with."
"but it's not just hanging out, is it?" she puffs air out of her nose, the frown never leaving her face.
"do you actually care or are you just jealous someone other than you is getting my attention?" you bite back.
"i'm not jealous. i'm just curious." she mumbled, crossing her arms and looking away, doing everything now to avoid your furious gaze.
"oh, so you're just curious. that's why you dragged me away from her like that." you say, sarcasm on the tip of your tongue.
she finally looks at you with an exasperated sigh, "and i'm worried. of course i care about you! and i know jenni isn't looking for anything other than–" she cuts herself off for a moment, knowing what she would say next would make her sound like a hypocrite.
"well, then that makes two of you, doesn't it?" the anger in your voice subsides but your tone is still bitter. aitana furrows her eyebrows together, a sad frown taking shape in her face at your words.
"the difference, aitana, is that if you tell me, right here, right now, that you want something with me, that you're not going to rush into my arms one minute and act like nothing happened the next, i'll stay. i won't go back in there to jenni or anyone."
"i–" aitana stutters, you can see her eyes begging you not to go back but her voice can't say the same. "i--i'm sorry. tú sabes que no puedo hacerlo." she whispers, almost as if she's ashamed to say it. 
you nod, fighting back your tears. silence looms between you both before you finally answer back, "that settles it then." you clear your throat before your voice can betray you any further for showing so much vulnerability in that moment. you turn around and start walking away, picking up your phone to call an uber when you see a message.
"28A 3rd floor. i expect to see you there ;) - jenni"
you seriously couldn't understand how this woman was capable of exuding cockiness even through text.
you managed to stay in your hotel room for about 30 minutes before temptation and frustration got a hold of you and you marched your way to jenni's.
you take a deep breath and knock on the door.
immediately you can't resist the urge to roll your eyes when jenni opens the door with a smug smirk on her face, crossing her arms and leaning against the door frame.
"took you long enough."
"shut up." you pushed at her chest and made your way inside.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Replace ass with thighs in husks's drinking game, and charlie would *also* be downing a whole bottle.
one bottle down, a hell of a lot more to go
Charlie: "-and don't get me STARTED on the whole entirely too hot REST of her!"
Angel Dust: "What, like her winnin' personality?"
Husk: "Her temper sure is fucking hot."
Charlie: "ARMS!!"
Charlie: "Her arms you guys. Hhholy shit her arms...."
Husk: "They look normal as fuck to me."
Charlie: "THEY'RE. SO. FUCKING. STRONG. Do you have aNY idea how strong her arms are!? You ever been CARRIED in them???/"
Angel Dust: "She threw me off a roof once, Chuckles."
Charlie: "Throwing isn't the only way those hands and forearms are good at getting people off!"
Husk: "Fuck this. I need you to be knock out drunk in the next five minutes."
Charlie: (swaying in chair) "She wears those looooog fingerless gloves, all fancy, and I loooove... slooowly pulling them off... giving forearm kisses... knuckle kisses... kiss the scar on the palm of her hand..."
Husk: "DRINK."
Angel Dust: "Hold up on the booze Kitten Man, I gotta professional interest in this now. Go on, Morning Starlet."
Charlie: "The way she -hic-" (goat bleat) "-she sometimes gets fed up and drags me down for other, other kisses half way through heheh -hic-" (goat bleat) "HEH."
Angel Dust: "Now THIS I wanna hear!"
Husk: "Well I sure as bleating don't."
Angel Dust: "What's her technique like, Charlie Chip? I gotta whole personality chart based on how someone locks lips an' I've been DYIN' ta get her on there so's I can roast her in a whole new way!"
Charlie: "She drags me down for kisses sometimes, y'know...? ..a lot of the times..."
Angel Dust: "Yeah sure I heard you, but what KINDA kisses-"
Charlie: "The, BEST, kisses! Breast kisses??? Those- those too."
Charlie: "Vagg- HIC-" (goat bleat) "-ieee...."
Charlie: (giggles) (slumps over)
Angel Dust: "Oh c'mon!"
Angel Dust: (shaking her) "Wake UP bitch! What about booby smooches!? Does she start with upper lip or lower? Open or closed? She don't lead with her tongue does she?? Charlie! OPEN YA EYES AN' SPEAK TA ME, YA WAS JUST ABOUT TO GET TO THE ACTUALY INTERESTIN' STUFF!!!"
Vaggie: "What stuff."
Angel Dust: (SCREAMS)
Husk: "Your sex stuff."
Angel Dust: (ducking behind husk) "I DIDN'T HEAR NOTHIN' I SWEAR!"
Husk: "I fucking did, all against my will, like usual in this fucking place. I was just trying to get her drunk off her ass."
Vaggie: "You're both lucky her ass looks great drunk."
Husk: "Don't you fucking start."
Charlie: (flops over and right against vaggie's chest)
Charlie: "... oh??? I knoooow these pecs~"
Vaggie: "Hi sweetie."
Charlie: "Vaaaaagggiiii- HIC-" (goat bleat) "-eee hiiiiii...!"
Vaggie: "Maaaa to you too, babe. I'm picking you up now okay?"
Charlie: "Hhm... I think, maaaybe, you need a better one liner than 'maaaa' if you wanna pi- HIC-" (goat bleat) "-k girls up, Vaggie..."
Vaggie: "Lucky me I'm already dating one."
Charlie: "You are??" (tearing up) "So I can't, I can't a-hic-sk you out..?"
Vaggie: (carrying her upstairs) "Charlie. We share a room."
Charlie: "OOOH and we were ROOMMATES??"
Vaggie: "We also share a bed."
Charlie: "ANd THERE WAS ONLY -HIC-" (goat bleat) "-ONE BED!!!!"
Vaggie: "Babe..."
Vaggie: (chuckling) "Always, Charlie. Seduce me later when you're sober though, for now let's just tuck you in."
Charlie: "Okaaaaaa-hic- ayyy!"
Charlie: "...you know what? You look a LOT like my girlfriend..."
Vaggie: "Really."
Charlie: "It's a compliment! She's very preddy~"
Vaggie: "Thank you."
Charlie: "I miss my girlfriend, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Well I'm sure she's around here somewhere."
Charlie: (crying) "I m-hic-" (distant goat bleat) "-miss her sooooo MUCH..!"
Husk: "...."
Husk: "You're one lucky fuck. She could've killed you."
Angel Dust: "She probably will anyway, once her supposedly sexy hands ain't full of dunk as fuck demon lady anymore. I'm living on borrowed time, Huskers."
Husk: "Now that I'll drink to."
Angel Dust: "Bitch~"
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If it weren’t a bother, i request 📖🥰🔞💻 :)
Thank you, you do not need to hurry!
Business Merger - Kurt Goreshter/Reader
Warnings: If you aren't in love with Kurt yet this might make you be cause oh my god I love him so much, gender-neutral reader, no use of Y/N, light grinding, oral, slight handjobs and fingering as prep, smut, pillowtalk /)w(\
Wordcount: 5337
Summary: You hated blind dates. Everyone knew this about you. So when your longtime friend claims to have gotten you a date with the hot guy on TV you don't know whether to hit her or kiss her, maybe by Friday you'll be able to tell.
Notes: My first fic with Kurt 💗🥰💗 I love him so much, I was giggling and kicking my feet as I tried to write as much of this at work as I could /)w(\ I also took so long you had a birthday, so ayyy happy birthday! I almost didn't write this one since I felt uncomfortable filling a smut request for a minor, but it all evened out naturally, and I see you in my notes all the time, so thank you so much for the request and I hope you like it 💗💗💗
You'd never been one for blind dates, for starters. Everyone knew this about you, how you preferred to get to know someone first before doing anything like meeting them, but when your longtime friend and co-worker briskly walked up to you that morning you knew you were in for trouble without even needing to know the reason.
‘How'd the merger go?’ you asked the moment she opened her mouth, but your attempts at saving yourself from whatever she had to say would not dissuade her today.
‘Potential merger, and that's precisely what I wanted to talk to you about,’ she told you excitedly; great, you'd walked right into it. ‘Y'know how we all thought they were small-time and this would be an easy buy?’ You did very much so, it was the talk of the office all week, one more small startup swallowed up by the big boys upstairs. ‘Well it turns out that they're the ones who stopped those guys last weekend! Y'know, the ones on TV who got interviewed when Ant-Man was splashing around the bay!’
‘Oh shit, that's who they were?’ You'd watched that report live, fascinated by the explosion on your feed about how one of the rogue heroes who fought alongside Captain America himself was now making an appearance after two years.
‘Yes! They still showed up for the merger, even after all that, and, get this, Harland doesn't even want to take them over anymore, he wants to make them affiliates! They're gunna have a floor here come August!’ She was clearly excited, with how hyperactive she got over normal things it must've been difficult for her to keep her composure while it was all going on, and you felt the need to commend her when she continued and stunned you silent. ‘But that's not the best part; a few of us got to talk with the guys afterwards over dinner, and guess who's got a date for Friday Night.’
‘Hmmm… is it you?’ You raised an eyebrow at her, she was always the one to get the dates growing up since she tended to outshine everyone in the group no matter who you were with, but she just shook her head and bit her lip with a wide grin.
‘Nope,’ she practically vibrated, that feeling that you were in trouble arising again seconds before: ‘It's you! We started talking about some other people from around the office and I brought you up and one of them thought you sounded nice, so you're meeting him in four days!’
You were stunned. You were genuinely, honest to God stunned. She'd known you practically all your life. She was basically an honourary sister to your family at this point. And she still went against your one rule against blind dates and with a local celebrity no less.
‘You're too happy to speak, I knew you would be, it's been a while since the last one, yeah? Don't worry, he might be a little eccentric but he was very nice, I almost asked him out myself, but I figured you might be a better match for him.’
You didn't know whether to be flattered or insulted, at least this date would be with a superhero, that would make for an interesting conversation starter at least. ‘Okay, well, I think I can handle a date with Ant-Man, yeah, that might be doable-’
‘What? Oh, no, your date is with his friend, the hot one with the hand tats.’ Again you were stunned silent, a deep blush spreading over your cheeks in not only remembrance of the man in question and how he was indeed hot, but also because you had no idea how you were going to pull off this not-so-blind-date with someone you knew nothing about other than that your boss almost bought him out. ‘I knew you'd be excited, you're so red- okay okay, so here's the address, it's that nice place over by that coffee shop we like, you know the one, he said he'll be waiting outside so you can go in together so do not be late, do you need me to write all this down, actually? Lemme grab a pen-’
Oh yeah, you were definitely in trouble.
The rest of the week went by in a blur, your thoughts on what the hell you were going to wear to this fancy as hell restaurant he'd picked out and what the hell you'd even say to him. You knew nothing about him other than the basics, that he was Russian thanks to the interview, that he was good with computers and worked with security thanks to your job wanting to buyout his, and apparently that he'd been in jail for five years thanks to the whispered word around the office. All four of them had, including Ant-Man himself which was incredibly interesting, but you'd never even stolen candy from the shop down the street when you were a kid, what were you going to have in common with this guy?
You were decent with computers, but that was only because you liked video games, and you were pretty sure this hardened criminal turned security expert (which now made sense to you) wasn't going to talk to you about the latest mobile games that were advertised to you no matter where you looked. This was why you hated blind dates, all of this was too stressful, everything you planned beforehand was just bouncing back to you as a negative, he wouldn't care, this was going to end in disaster. Hell, maybe the date would go so bad he'd convince the others to not accept the affiliation and they'd find someone else to partner with; you'd definitely be fired for that one, your entire job and livelihood were now on the line thanks to this date, if you didn't impress this guy you could lose it all-
You felt sick to your stomach as you called a cab to the restaurant, your outfit pristine and overly expensive as to impress him, your hair neatly styled and making you look sophisticated, and your stomach so upset that every bump in the road was about to make you ruin the upholstery.
There were already cars lined up outside, the valet taking their keys and switching out with the woman behind him, and you realized that a cab was not the right move to impress as the rich people outside looked down their noses at you. You resisted the urge to look down back at them if only to save the little you had for lunch as you stepped out, your hands clasping together as you nervously scanned the crowd for his somewhat familiar face.
You turned when you heard your name, your cab driving off and revealing the man jogging across the street to stand with you, and your face lit up at the sight of him; his hair was impeccably styled just as it was in the interview, which you definitely hadn’t watched about 50 times for any hint of what to say, and while he did wear a suit he also wore a leather jacket overtop, the collar upturned and making him still look a bit different than the people around you. You couldn't help but stare as he approached, his smile nervous but very excited as he gently grabbed you by the shoulders and kissed both of your cheeks. 
‘I’m Kurt, from the meeting; is nice to meet you, your friend, the loud one with expressive eyes, she show me photo on the phone,’ he explained as his right hand remained on you, and it took you a moment to realize how tall he actually was when he stepped up onto the curb with you. ‘Reservation is for hour from now, I wish to know you better before we settle on whether to proceed with dinner or no, your friend said you would like that more than the “blind date,” as she called it.’
You made a mental note to buy her lunch as you nodded, the people around you staring at him as they tried to figure out if he was dangerous or not between the jacket and the heavy accent and the tattoos, and you felt protective as you took his hand and started off down the street.
‘Did you have anything in mind?’ you asked as you walked, and he looked around before pointing to the café you liked, your steps hurrying in excitement even though you were going to have dinner later.
‘Coffee?’ he just asked, and you nodded as you walked inside, dressed to the nines, and grabbed a table by the window. He pulled out your chair for you before sitting down across from you, the baristas who were already very familiar with you but not your date whispering behind the counter, you saw out of the corner of your eye. ‘Is nice place, I see as I head to work but never been inside,’ he thought as he looked around, his jacket now on the back of his chair and only making him look all the more dressed up without it.
‘Yeah, I come here almost every day, it's my favourite place,’ you said as you gazed upon the familiar decor, the smell of coffee and the sandwiches they made mixing perfectly with the donuts and other treats, your stomach growling as it eagerly waited for you to get your usual. ‘So, uh… what do… I mean I already know what you do for work, and I guess you know what I do? So um, what else do-?’ You were floundering, you were going to going to blow it, you were going to lose your apartment-
‘Forgiving me if I might be making you nervous? Your friend did saying you were preferring to talk beforehand, but when I heard about you…’ You instantly calmed as your expression softened, he was looking at you so genuinely as he rested his arms on the table, was… was he nervous? ‘You're looking so stunning tonight, your picture, it did not do you justice.’
You didn't realize your mouth was a little agape until you snapped it shut again, and when he smiled at you it was almost apologetic.
‘Sorry, is been a while for me, have I offended you?’ he then asked in response to your silence, and you were quick to sit forward and reach for his hand to make sure he stayed where he was.
‘No, no it's not that, it's just… it's been a while for me, too,’ you admitted to him, and he just smiled again before looking a bit more relaxed.
‘Good evening, may I take your order?’ The barista, Moina, someone who definitely did not have Waitress as part of her job, had approached while you were distracted, and you hid your face from her as he looked impressed with the service.
‘No, we're just talking before dinner,’ you tried to say, but your stomach growled again as Moina tapped her pen against her notepad with a smirk.
‘I'll bring you your usual, is there anything you would like, Mr….?’
‘Goreshter,’ he answered, the name sounding so good when said by him that it made you want to hear more. ‘Do you have the menu for to look over?’
‘She's not a waitress, she's just nosy,’ you revealed, and he nodded in understanding. ‘I guess one donut can't hurt our appetites too much.’ You stood together, Moina hurrying back to prepare your coffee while her co-worker eagerly awaited the gossip before the two of you walked over and instantly made her stop. He admired everything in the display cases, the large array of coffee ignored as he eyed up the pastries instead. You had been kidding, there was no way you'd fill up on sweets before what was going to be a painfully expensive dinner, but he didn't hold back as he motioned for someone to come over.
‘I'll be taking two of these,’ he told Moina as he pointed to the red-filled danishes on display, and she nodded as she got out two and placed them on some small plates on the counter. ‘Black coffee, also.’ His order was ready the same time yours was thanks to its simplicity, and you got out your wallet to pay for your own coffee when he held out his hand. ‘No paying, not when we're still on date,’ he just said, and you could only nod as he paid for yours as well and escorted you back to your table. You sat down and went to take a sip when he pushed the second danish towards you, it was a gift, and you were in the middle of trying to refuse when he shook his head and lifted his own. ‘You wish to know me, know I enjoy such desserts.’
‘But dessert before dinner?’ you asked conspiratorially, but he was already taking a bite, so you had no choice but to accept his kind offer. It turned out that the red was raspberry, and you hummed in enjoyment of it as you quickly took a second bite; that was what you loved about the place, no matter what you tried they always nailed it. He nodded in agreement to your enjoyment, and when your mouth was empty you took that sip of coffee, Moina making it exactly the way you loved yet again.
You talked casually as you ate, and you noted how the girls lowered the lights for atmosphere in your corner of the café as you listened intently to him speak. Never once did you bring up what happened at the bay, and only after you'd been talking for almost an hour did you learn that the Scott he was talking about was actually Ant-Man. You didn't realize you were late for your reservation by five minutes until you got a text from your friend, the question of if you'd had a fun time alerting you to the time, and you quickly got up and gathered your things; you'd taken off your own jacket ages ago, his suit coat joining the back of his chair, and he watched you disappointedly before you motioned to the door.
‘It's 8, we're gunna miss our reservation,’ you told him as you went to run your dishes back to the counter, Moina calling for you to leave them from her spot by the espresso machine.
‘You wish to continue?’ he asked hopefully, and you smiled just as hopefully as you nodded at him. He stood and grabbed his coats, his arm outstretched for you to take as you headed back out into the night, thumbs up from your friends the last thing you saw before the door closed behind you. Thankfully the restaurant was basically right next door, the walk over fast as you approached, but the new people heading in took one look at the both of you, linking arms, giddy from the pleasant conversation, with your coats hanging off of your free arms, and decided that you weren't good enough for this place. He straightened himself up, ready to walk in, but you held him back, your cheeks flushing again as you looked up at him.
‘Hey, why don't we do dinner at my place instead?’ you suggested carefully, your heart racing as he looked to the doors and then back at you.
‘I would prefer that, this place too trashy for my date,’ he agreed, the people around you offended as you then flagged down a cab, only for him to lead you to a parked van nearby. It was decaled professionally for his business, and the front seat was high and roomy as he helped you up to it, and when he joined you in the driver's seat he lifted your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles. ‘Where to?’
You fumbled your address twice before giving him the correct one, and something in the air changed as he pulled into the parking lot dedicated to your building. He followed you all the way up to your apartment, your nervous chuckle of, ‘Well, this is me,’ making him move a little closer to you as you unlocked the door and pushed it open. You were glad you'd cleaned in your panicked nervousness as he took in your place, your hands shaking a little as you took both his coats and laid them over the back of your couch after hanging up your own. ‘Uh, let's see what I've got in my kitchen, or we could order out? I can make a mean chicken parmesan though, or a burger? Whatever you're up for.’
You were nervously talking again, the change of location had completely reset you but for a different reason as he turned to face you, and behind that serious expression was something else; he was also nervous still, but there was excitement in there as well as the hope from before, and you swallowed when you realized you were backed against your table. 
‘I can also order a pizza, if you'd like,’ you tried to continue, but all thoughts of eating went out the window as he lifted your hand to his mouth again. He took his time, kissing each of your knuckles all the way to your fingertips before placing your hand against his cheek, and the warmth of his skin was electric as he stepped so close to you but didn't make contact, he was waiting to see what you wanted.
‘ты мне очень нравишься,’ he whispered into your palm, and you felt your breath catch at it all, your mind not even processing that it wasn't even English at first. ‘I really like you,’ he clarified when you tried to ask what he said, and your eyes widened in excitement as he moved even closer, ‘I was very much happy you accepted the date.’
‘I am too, I mean, I like- I like you too,’ you whispered, your voice just barely escaping as he brushed his thumb over your jaw, and when he suddenly leaned down to kiss you you felt the sparks run down all the way to your toes. It was chaste, and he pulled away just as fast like he was surprised with himself, his body moving away from yours as he instantly apologized.
‘Forgiving me, I did not mean-’ he started to say, now he was the one panicking about messing everything up, and you just smiled before pulling him back down to continue the kiss.
He relaxed the moment he knew it was okay, your body leaning further and further until you were bent over the table, your back hitting the cold wood and your legs wrapping around his waist to keep him close. He groaned into your mouth, were you really about to do this? But one shift of his hips against you made you realize yes, yes you really were as you tangled your hand into his hair and made him do it again. He obliged, your body shifting up the table with each short thrust, your mouths only leaving the other to moan or pant, and when you could take it no longer you pushed him back enough to work on the buttons on his shirt.
‘Where is bedroom?’ he asked as he helped you, your heart pounding hard as he took off his shirt and stared down at you, and you only pointed down the hall before he was picking you up and carrying you. You kissed his neck the whole way there, and he found the correct door and placed you on your bed before helping you reach a similar state of undress. One by one your fancy clothes were tossed to the floor without a care, your perfectly styled hair a mess the more he kissed you and ran his hands through it. More tattoos revealed themselves to you as you became more acquainted with his bare skin, and they decorated him by staining his arm and chest black, souvenirs from his time in prison along with the ones on his hands. He was fit, with the tiniest amount of tummy, his skin plush under a dusting of hair that trailed down into his boxers, and you bit your lip at the sight of what eagerly awaited you underneath.
He didn't remove them though, just cupped the back of your neck and leaned you back until he was on his hands and knees above you; he spoke in Russian again, catching himself faster this time before telling you that you were stunning, the thrill calming a bit as he just looked down at you. ‘So lovely, from moment I saw I wanted to be meeting you,’ he said softly, a sudden thickness in your throat as you felt more adored than you ever had been before.
‘I was excited when she told me I would be seeing you tonight,’ you admitted, and he smiled gently before leaning down to press kisses from your lips down to your collarbone. You watched him as he worshiped you, his hands trailing over your sides as he moved further down, your chest heaving as he hooked his fingers under the band of your underwear. He spoke in Russian again but he didn't have to translate as you just nodded, your last article of clothing joining the others as he lifted your legs over his shoulders and kissed you again.
Your hands found his head as he moaned against you, not wanting to force him down but also really wanting to do nothing more than that as he gripped your hips, and when he silently encouraged you to move as you pleased you didn't dare offend him by keeping still. He knew what he was doing, his tongue just as talented as his hands must’ve been as your pleasure built, the thought of him slipping a digit or three inside of you making you jolt as a particularly good burst made you gasp. He didn't stop until you warned him, the hand in his hair tugging a little too hard and making him groan again, he wanted to finish but you needed him, you couldn't let him go home without him coming too, and you were not going to let it be via your hand after that.
He licked his lips as he caught his breath, the sight of him between your trembling thighs so enticing that you couldn't hold back, and you sat up just enough to grab his hands and guide him back up to you. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he kissed you, your head swimming as he laid himself flat over you, his weight feeling so comfortable and addicting that just the realization of waking up without him tomorrow morning was suddenly a painful thought even though it'd never occurred to you before. You clung to him then, scared that he might disappear, but he wasn’t afraid of your sudden desperation as he kissed you so softly it nearly made you cry.
‘I wish to have you,’ he asked against your lips, and you kissed him again before nodding, his forehead resting against your own.
‘I wish to have you too,’ you told him back, and when he sat back to slip his boxers over his hips and down his legs you thought that he might be the most beautiful thing on earth. Usually you weren't so sentimental, not for sudden hookups at least, but with him it felt right as he laid beside you and got you to straddle him. You'd seen it but he felt so large pressing against you, your throat thick again as you gave yourself a quick reprieve to grab the lube and condoms you kept in your nightstand, both rather neglected since your last relationship had ended. You felt nervously giddy as you tore open the condom, unsure if you should put it on him or if you should hand it over while you prepared yourself, your mind going blank as he whispered something you didn't understand and guided your hands down.
Wordlessly he helped you roll it onto him, his movements slow and patient as you felt his pulse under your fingertips; he was so hard you didn't know how he could be this calm when it was killing you, your body already aching to have him inside of you. He could sense your readiness but he just chuckled lightly to himself, his large hand wrapping around yours and trapping your palm and fingers around his dick as he led you to give him a slow stroke, then another, and another, his eyes glazing over as you got the picture and continued as he let you go and picked up the lube from where you’d placed it. 
You felt your breath still as he poured some onto his palm, a blush spreading down to your shoulders as he then coated his own fingers in it instead of letting you, and when he sat up and got comfortable against your headboard you crawled on your knees until you were on his lap, your hand still moving over him as he reached between your legs. ‘Tell me if it’s becoming too much,’ he told you, your lips parting before you felt him press against your entrance; instantly your back arched as he held you in place, a hiss escaping through his teeth as you squeezed him a little too hard, and you apologized as you quickly kissed him, each sorry eaten up as he started to finger you in earnest. 
You resisted the urge to ride him as he worked, your hand keeping a steady pace in return as you were stretched open for him, his hands truly just as talented as his tongue as he found that sweet spot inside of you that made your eyes roll back. He spoke to you again as he held you to his chest, but you weren’t sure what language it was this time as your waning orgasm was teasingly built up again. ‘D-don’t,’ you managed to say, needing to warn him not to do it too much, and he kissed your neck as he went back to stretching you instead, a second finger added and scissoring you open. You bit your lip and sped up your hand on him, now you the one to tease as he had to stop, the desperate groan in your ear telling you that he couldn’t wait any longer.
‘ты мне нужен,’ you heard him say before you were toppling to the side and onto your back, your body bouncing just a little before he was pushing your legs to your chest. ‘ты такой замечательный…’
You thought for just a moment that maybe he couldn’t concentrate long enough to translate anymore, English completely forgotten to him now that you were in his arms, and you wanted to hear more as he lined himself up and pushed inside as far as he could go. You share a breath as you both stilled, your arms around him as he clung to you and the sheets, time stopping as you looked up into his eyes. It’d never been like this before, usually if you were lonely enough for a hookup you’d quickly fuck and that would be it, but this was different, he was different as he let you adjust around him, his hand finding yours again as he kissed it before breathing shakily against your palm.
‘я хочу, чтобы это ��лилось вечно…’ His voice was so soft, his hips jutting slightly with every shift of your bodies, and you brought him back down to you as you wrapped your legs around him again.
‘Please,’ was all you could say back, and he kissed you as he started to move. His hand stayed grasped in yours as he thrust into you, a slow but still deliciously hard pace that had you rocked up towards the headboard with each one. Your nails dragged and dug into his skin as you clung to his back, presumably a curse falling from his lips as his free hand slid from your lower back to your hip. You couldn’t get enough of him, how each kiss still tasted like black coffee and danishes, how he was so big but he still held you soft enough that you wouldn’t even bruise, how even when his pace sped up a little he never stopped holding your hand.
You linked your fingers together and urged him for more, you weren’t even sure if he could understand you anymore as he just opened his eyes to look into yours, but one quick kiss was enough to break the barrier when you nipped at his lower lip. He smirked at you before flipping you back over, a laugh leaving you as you were effortlessly pulled back into straddling him; the top of his head hit the headboard in his excitement and you laughed again as he swore, but still your hands didn’t separate as he kept fucking up into you, his own big smile on his face when he saw yours. You braced yourself on his chest, right over another tattoo as you rode him, the angle allowing him to go even deeper as you arched back, his hand gliding over the expanse of your thigh, your hip, your stomach, your chest, all so he could commit you to memory.
‘ты красивый,’ he breathed, something in his tone making you stop and stare, and something in those words made the lump in your throat return until you were sniffling; you didn’t realize you were crying until he was sitting up, pulling you towards him, your movements stilling as he kissed away your tears and held you to him. He helped you move as you continued to ride him, your chests pressed together while he kissed your neck and held your face to his shoulder, more praise falling from his lips as it all became too much.
You clenched down around him as you came, and he grabbed your hip and guided you so you’d keep moving, your knees aching but you never stopped until he was laying back down again. You let him use you as he chased his own release, your hands now clasped between your chests as you caught your breath, and when he finally came you felt almost disappointed at the fact that you couldn’t feel him come inside you, a thought that had never occurred before now seeming so warranted as he collapsed onto the mattress. You didn’t let him pull out as you remained on his chest, your head in the crook of his neck as you watched his Adam’s apple bob with each swallow, and finally his hand left yours if only to cup your cheek.
‘милая моя… you… you are wonderful,’ he panted, his senses coming back to him as he kissed the side of your head, and you practically melted into him as you held him a little tighter.
‘It’s Saturday tomorrow, I hope you’re not planning on leaving,’ you tried to tease, but you couldn’t help the slight hopefulness that crept into your voice.
‘нет, I took weekend off for date,’ he said, his hand now brushing through your hair. ‘I did not want to hope, but…’ Your face flushed again, the thought of someone like him being so nervous about what you’d think of him making you feel more important than any date or partner had ever before. ‘Monday, we will becoming neighbours together, we start moving our stuffs into floor below yours, I’ll be seeing you more?’
‘Oh you’ll be seeing me a lot more, if you’d like?’ Your finger traced shapes over his chest, that hope arising again as you looked up at him, and when he smiled you had to stop yourself from confessing your love after the first date.
‘I would be liking that, very much.’
Maybe blind dates weren’t so bad, after all.
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Author's Note: Hey guys! This is a submission for the JujutsuJournal collab started by the super talented @ayyy-pee .
Hope you guys enjoy!
Synopsis: Reader reflects on her divorce after working with her ex husband on a film. But can memories distort reality?
Warnings: Divorce, references to marital issues, implied s*x scene, angst
Suguru stared into your soul through the lens of the camera you had been watching. An uneasy feeling began to creep through you as he ran his fingers through Manami’s hair, kissed her collarbone, whispered things in her ear as she laid beside him. For a moment it was like everyone in the room had vanished, leaving you and your ex husband to navigate this intimacy you hadn’t shared in years. Seeing him with his costar forced you to remember when that was you beside him, a place you thought you’d always be. 
Just in an instant the crew had reappeared and you found yourself taking a deep breath. 
Yu Haibara, your assistant director, led the cast and crew in a celebratory round of applause. 
He waited for the noise to die down before speaking again. 
“I want to thank the wonderful cast and crew. You all did a phenomenal job getting this film made. But I think we can all say our jobs were made infinitely easier with two amazing leads, and an equally amazing director.”
Another round of applause sounded through the studio. You should have been thrilled, but you found yourself fighting back the urge to cry. You looked up to find Suguru staring back at you as the smile you had plastered onto your face deepened. 
“Suguru,” you giggled.
You had your bulky laptop perched in front of you on the bed as your unfinished spec script stared mockingly at you while your husband caressed your waist from behind you, his hand slowly traveling under your shirt and up your torso.
“Can’t you take a break?” he murmured into your neck.
“I wish,” you sighed. But my boss said I have until Monday to get him a finished draft.”
He laid back in defeat onto his side of the bed. “This thing’s been making you crazy for the last two weeks. Have you eaten today?”
“Well my future hangs in the balance. And yes I had a handful of goldfish and a protein shake.”
He chuckled. “Well my day was fine. You know the director says he might have a role for me in his next project. Something bigger.”
You peeled your eyes away from the screen and gave him a sweet smile. “I’m proud of you.”
He leaned forward and kissed your cheek before pulling himself out of the bed. “I’m proud of you too. But I also need to feed you. Any special requests for dinner?”
“Surprise me.”
Later that night you sat at the hotel bar while the cast and crew partied in the ballroom. You repeatedly checked your watch, giving yourself an hour window before you came down with something and excused yourself for the rest of the night. 
“Hiding from the chaos in there?” a familiar voice asked.
You tapped your finger on the rim of your champagne glass. “Well if I am, I must not be doing a very good job.”
Suguru stood beside you with his hands in his suit pockets. “I can leave.”
“It’s fine,” you assured him. “Only a few more minutes until I develop a migraine or food poisoning.”
He sat beside you and ordered a scotch on the rocks.
“When do you start editing?” Suguru inquired.
“Are you trying to make small talk so you don’t have to go back inside?” you asked.
Suguru smirked at you. “Well think of it this way, the longer we talk the less time we have to spend in that very loud room with those very drunk people.”
You sighed in defeat. 
“Well excuse me but it’s hard to make small talk when you’ve been revisiting your failed marriage from all angles for the millionth time since we began production.”
Suguru tightened his grip on his scotch.
“I thought we agreed that this wouldn’t be a problem before I signed on.”
“Well that was then and this is now.”
“What’s different now?”
Suguru gestured towards the ballroom. “Manami? You knew we dated after the divorce.”
You scoffed. “This isn’t about Manami. I like Manami. I casted her.”
“This movie wouldn’t have been produced without me. You should be thanking me.”
You said nothing for a moment and Suguru worried that he had gone too far. Much to his surprise you laughed. 
“Can you believe it? I thought I’d finally reached a point in my career where I finally had a voice in this industry.”
You turned to face your ex. “I know the only reason the producers greenlit this was because they knew you were a big selling point. But why did you agree?”
“I liked the script.”
You scoffed as you handed the bartender back your unfinished champagne.
“The script is shit.”
“And I wanted to see if we could work together again. Maybe regain a little of what we lost.”
You pursed your lips. “Why are you so damn charming? It makes it harder to hate you.”
Handsome son of a bitch with his perfect face and considerate nature that used to make you weak at the knees. 
You looked into his brown eyes for a second longer than you should have. You found yourself leaning closer towards him.
“You look beautiful,” he murmured. 
The uneasy feeling you had felt this afternoon had returned, and as much as you wanted to indulge in Suguru’s candor you pulled away from him. 
“I think we should stop this before we do something we regret.”
“Please tell everyone I said goodnight.”
You hastily threw some bills on the counter to pay for the drinks and left without another word.
Suguru was practicing lines when you came barreling through the door in a flurry of excitement. 
“Suguru! He bought it! My boss bought the script!”
Your husband shot up from his place on the couch, racing towards you and taking you into his arms. A hysterical laugh escaped your lips as he picked you up and spun you around. 
“I knew you could do it (Name)!”
Once the two of you managed to calm down you proposed a celebration.
“Let’s go out to dinner. My treat.”
Suguru’s face dropped a little.
“Actually, I have to go in for reshoots.”
“Oh,” you murmured. 
Instead of allowing the disappointment to show on your face you quickly shrugged it off.
“Another time.”
He stared at you for a moment before nodding. “Another time.”
You opened your eyes as the plane touched down on the tarmac. Memories flooding your mind and painting softly lit moments in your sleep. You had loved Suguru, but your separation was inevitable. As your careers began to flourish you found yourself growing in opposite directions. 
Rainchecks voided into unfulfilled dinner dates, sleeping in separate rooms, fights, making up, therapy, excusing yourself from work to go cry in the bathroom. It was easy to look back at the past through the nostalgic film lens when you couldn’t see anything but two unblemished people in a single moment of bliss. 
The two of you had made your choices and you wouldn’t allow anything to jeopardize the lives you had established since then, even if a part of you would always love him.
The End. 
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thepouletgalactique · 11 months
Annular Eclipse Fairy / Kreslas Reference
I'm finally releasing a little project I've had in mind for a long time. @ayyy-imma-ninja's incredible universe inspired me, so I decided to make a crossover between our two universes.
I hope you like this little project, @ayyy-imma-ninja 🥺
For now, this is just the prologue. The plot will feature @ayyy-imma-ninja's 3 fairies as well as characters I've invented myself for the sequel. Please be patient~
Warning: this little story is not canon to @ayyy-imma-ninja's, please don't associate what I do to what Meg does. My work is less qualitative than what she produces, so please consider this plot as fanfiction. Respect her work.
Now good reading~✨
(Production dated 11/02/2023)
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-- Prologue Part 1 --
Kreslas : You're not in bed yet?
Gysper was leaning against what looked like a miniature handmade desk, lit by a firefly set against the wall of their den. 
He quickly turned his gaze to where the voice emanated from.
It was Kreslas, crouching at the edge of the entrance.
The two fairies lived in a tree cavity with other congeners of several different species. Fairies tended to live alone; nevertheless, over time, they had organized themselves into a community, like an isolated village in the middle of a forest. Each had its own den to live in, with the exception of the Rain Fairy, who had long since decided to take in the wild Eclipse Fairy, which was frowned upon in the village.
Gypser : And you're back late from your rounds.
Night had now fallen for several hours and darkness had blanketed the sleepy village. Only the gleaming pupils of Kreslas and his imposing silhouette stood out in the night.  
The Eclipse fairy went inside and answered.
Kreslas: The surveillance team and I were quite busy this evening... 
For Kreslas, strange things had happened today, but he preferred to avoid the subject, as Gypser was usually quite anxious. He turned the conversation to what was keeping his companion awake... He approached to look over his shoulder, placing one hand on the other, and asked.
Kreslas: What's keeping you up so late? 
Gypser hurriedly put away the parchments he'd been scribbling on a few moments ago. 
Gypser: Nothing special, I had things to do.
Kreslas raises an eyebrow with an amused smile, he wasn't fooled. In fact, he knew what the little fairy was up to. 
Kreslas: Ho "nothing special” ? Like how to organize food supplies for this winter? You know there's still 5 months to go.
Unmasked by his intentions, Gysper tried to justify himself by stammering. 
Gypser: Autumn is approaching soon, I can feel the seasons changing. Rainy, cold weather is just around the corner. We need to make sure all food stocks are full for the village. And also calculate the expiry of food; organize stocks by type of food; calculate rations; above all plan for emergency reasons; also plan for potential problems and...
Still smirk on face, the big fairy watched him explain himself, gesturing all the while. He straightened up, then crossed his arms, unconvinced by his answer.
Seeing that Kreslas didn't approve of his excuses, he stopped, sighed and placed his hands on the desk. His fingers tightened slightly in concern over the parchments on the desk. 
Gysper: I'm just forward-thinking... And worried... Especially after the thefts that took place there a while ago…
Kreslas: I know, I just don't like to see you so stressed... Don't worry, we'll find who did this.
He says, trying to reassure him. 
Gysper: I'm not so much worried about who did it, but about the repercussions it could have. I've got a bad feeling about this. I don't want the village to be endangered in any way.
Anxiety growing in his voice as well as in his being, he closed his eyes, calmed down for a moment and then smiled slightly. 
Gypser: But I don't doubt you, you've always been a good hunter.
In a burst of tenderness, he rose from his chair and embraced the waist of his partner. 
Feeling those tiny hands clasping me, his heart vibrated from within his chest. Teasingly, he continued.
Kreslas: On the other hand, when the prey come to me on their own, things simplify considerably.
Easily, he lifted him up and nibbled lightly on his neck with his sharp teeth, all the while making comical mouth noises that made Gypser burst out laughing. 
Their sizes were very significant. Kreslas usually towered over the other fairies by a head, measuring around 20 cm/7.9 inch, while Gypser was a head shorter than the others, measuring more like 13 cm/5.2 inch.
They enjoyed the moment embracing each other for a few seconds, before Gypser asked curiously.
Gypser: Tell me what happened, it's not often you're home this late...
Kreslas lifted his head from his shoulder to stare at him. Hesitant to answer, he put him down. 
Kreslas: The patrol and I found a trap... In the stock that was stolen a few weeks ago...
He tilted his head.
Gypser: Do you think it's the same fairy who came to steal? Could it have come from other villages in the area?
Kreslas: No, I don't think it was a fairy, the trap was far too... heavy and sophisticated to be a trap built by a fairy. I also found footprints. Footsteps from "bigger than us".
Gypser jumped.
Gypser: Could they be fairy hunters?! I thought there hadn't been any for a long time! 
Kreslas: It could be one of them. The "bigger than us" are evolving, but we're still desired creatures. The village has faced hunter attacks in the past, so we need to be on our guard. The theft last time may have been a way of knowing that this stock belonged to fairies or an animal, so I was stupid to suggest that the village ransom the entrance...
Gypser: You're not stupid, you wanted to do the right thing to keep the village safe. It's a good thing this stockpile isn't close to the village. We need to alert the other villages around here. 
Kreslas: I don't understand why they didn't warn of a potential intrusion earlier. The day shift hasn't heard from them for a while... They've sent signals again today, with no response.
Gypser: That's really strange... I hope nothing's happened to them. 
A few seconds of thought passed before the Eclipse fairy spoke again.
Kreslas: Tomorrow I'll go and check on you, flying high in the foliage so as not to attract attention. You, spread the word in our village and try to get out as little as possible. We have to be careful.
His heart raced at the idea of Kreslas moving away from the village; he'd done it to parts before, but not in such an urgent situation. 
Gypser: Please, be careful... 
Seeing Gypser's anxiety grow in his eyes, he smiled slightly and stroked one of his petals.
Kreslas: I promise. 
Gysper remained tense all the same. Staring into space, he was already thinking the worst, biting his thumbnail in stress. Kreslas took his hands, slipping his fingers between his own. 
Kreslas: But now it's time to rest.
Trying to dodge Kreslas' directions, he turned back to his desk. 
Gysper: But first I just have a couple of things to finish-
He let out a small gasp of surprise before finishing his sentence. Kreslas had already caught him before he could reach his chair, pinning him down with his arms and lifting him off the floor. A teasing smile played across his face. 
Kreslas: Where are you going? No more excuses now. At ease! 
The little fairy jiggled as she tried to shake him off. 
Gysper: Hey, it'll only take a few minutes!
Kreslas: You always say the same thing and end up falling asleep with your nose on your desk! You can continue tomorrow with a clear mind. 
A small chuckle came from Gypser's mouth, then he sighed, defeated. 
Gysper: Okay, okay, but I need you to put me down so I can change. 
He chuckled before putting it down gently and setting up his extinguisher. Gysper looked for something to change into for the night. 
Krelas, for his part, didn't have any specific clothes to rest in, so he contented himself with watching his partner frantically rummaging through his belongings.
But his attention was suddenly drawn to something outside, far away in the gloom. He began to stare intently at the outside of the den.
An unexplained shiver ran down his spine.
Something was bothering him, the wind was blowing abnormally for him, but he couldn't explain it. Krelas was very familiar with the sounds of foliage from his wilderness days, before he met Gysper. The sound of nature was no longer a secret to him. 
He continued to examine the void, unable to look away. A bad feeling was slowly creeping up on him. Was it paranoia?
Gypser had chosen his outfit and was about to put it on when he watched Kreslas furtively scan the entrance. Curious and concerned, he asked. 
Gypser: Is everything all right? Did you see anything? 
His companion's voice roused him from his torpor, and he shook his head to regain his composure. 
Kreslas: No, everything's fine. I'm just a little tired. Let's get some sleep...
He didn't want to worry any further with unfounded premonitions. 
Yet Gypser's anxiety had not subsided. Kreslas still had some wild attitudes, including his sensitivity to the dangers and things around him.
Just as he was about to ask the same question, a rumbling sounded behind the trees. Something was approaching at high speed, a creature looming up in front of them. The two fairies had never seen anything like it before. 
The creature before them was black with spinning wings, linked on either side by metal rods, producing a deafening din. It also had a sturdy, smooth black frame. A silver logo representing two Laurel branches, a crown and a pistol bullet were visible on its sides. Finally, an intense red light resembling a eye seemed to be watching them intently with lifeless and emotionless.
The creature was facing them. Blocking the only exit, pointing something at them.
Taken by surprise, both were frozen, time seemed to stand still for a moment. Gypser's eyes widened. Petrified on the spot, he clutched his clothes tightly. For Kreslas, the only priority was to protect Gypser. Instinctively, he rushed towards Gypser, hoping to reach him in time. 
Kreslas: Gypser! Get down!
In his rush, the metal monster fired. An explosion followed by a dazzling flash then a thick cloud of nauseating smoke gradually filled the room. 
Kreslas was thrown against the wall of their lair and lost sight of Gypser.
Other vermin of the same type arrived on either side of the village and fired into the other dens. Taken by surprise, few fairies managed to escape. Those who did were either captured by nets and dragged to the ground, or crushed by the flying things hurtling at them.
Disoriented, Krelas got to his feet despite the pain. His head was spinning and nausea was rising in his throat, the shock had weakened him. He groped the walls for his companion. His vision was blurred by the thick smoke and the wounds inflicted by the explosion. 
After a few minutes of fruitless searching, his strength suddenly left him due to the cloud of gas.
Sore and feeling his body getting heavier and heavier, he collapsed to the ground while, outside, the cries of other fairies echoed under the explosions. 
The cold ground kept him slightly awake.
Powerless, he used the last of his strength to concentrate on the surrounding noises, the cries and explosions continuing for a few minutes until silence returned. Then the ground began to tremble, as something climbed the tree where he was standing. A white light blinded him and swept across their now messy dens. Unknown voices broke the silence.
??? : There are still some here. 
??? : They are completely stunned? 
??? : Yep! The drones did their job well, I see.
Kreslas felt his body leave the ground as a large, warm hand reached out to examine him. He barely had time to make out the man's silhouette before he lost consciousness. 
This was the beginning of the end...
-------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Part 1 - Prologue Part 2 (Soon) - Chapter 1 (Soon)
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nortism · 7 months
doctor who liveblog pt 39
s7 ep13 nightmare in silver
- classic heads poking out the door one by one
- i’ve not seen classic who but that guy looks the amalgamation of all their doctors
- always the fucking cybermen
- hello warwick davis
- obviously they’re gonna wander off
- uh oh cyberman
- uh oh cyberbugs
- uh oh the cyberman got the little kid
- no blowing up this planet is good advice tbh
- uh oh half cybermen.
- uh oh he got cybered
- they really need a new companion handbook so clara can get how serious cybermen are
- oh that is quite a few cybermen
- oh no the most thing didn’t work
- porridge is the emperor?!
- i think i would have taken him on up on the marriage proposal
s7 ep14 the name of the doctor
- ayyy gallifrey
- oh the first doctor hello
- omg all the classic doctors
- impossible girl lets go
- RIVER!! i’ve been wondering where she got to
- trenzalore sounds like an anti depressant
- JENNY?!!?!::)/£ NOOOOOO
- oh i don’t like these guys
- what do u mean an ex, u guys just got married??
- uh oh he’s crying, this is unsettling
- oh shit we’re going to the doctor’s grave
- the tardis always the most sensible person around
- oh giant tardis
- hello river
- yay jenny
- oh this fucking guy again
- this is not good
- strax omg
- omg clara no
- oh she said the line
- goodbye river
- ohhh the leaf
- this whole name business feels very much like a trans allegory
- hello john hurt as the doctor
mini episode - the night of the doctor
- i’ve been told there’s other mini episodes but this is the one that’s on iplayer
- not sure i got that but crazy stuff
the day of the doctor
- ooh the old intro
- she’s a teacher now??
- also hello david tennant or whatever
- hello billie piper??
- is this meant to be rose?!
- wait she’s the conscience??
- ohhhhhh
- i forgot he married elizabeth i
- oh hello painted david tennant
- david what has happen to your hair?!?
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- this is so silly
- uh oh zygons
- jack harkness mention!!
- yes then clara !!
- that’s a lot of dead children
- ofc the door was unlocked
- oh this is hype as hell
- ohhh the war doctor turning into nine
- i think i supposed to know who the curator is but i don’t
- that was a crazy crossover, i loved it. i just wish eccelston didn’t hate being the doctor bc i would have liked it if all three of them showed up
the time of the doctor
- oh yes fake dating subplot
- ohhh gallifrey
- oh great the silence
- the tardis should work by remote
- oh great the wall crack
- shitttt trenzalore
- oh he pulled a the parting of ways on clara
- how has he aged??
- oh he’s only got a finite number of lives, like a cat
- not again, poor clara
- oh he’s old old
- oh bonus regeneration power
- that’s not peter capaldi??
- oh he’s still cooking
- aww amelia
- AMY 😭😭
- oh the bow tie
- PETER CAPALDI!! i hope he treats clara better bc my girl has been through the wars
- tragic we didn’t get to see him looking awkward in the bow tie, that’s always my favourite part of each regeneration
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bluedillylee · 4 months
Hexer episode 5: A Shard of Ice
expanded scene from the very first episode of Geralt fighting the stink monster in the sewer. Have I mentioned that the fight scenes are very funny? I love them
he looks so wet and pathetic 😂 classic stinky boy
Geralt is the OG tummy ache survivor
and we have the title drop
Geralt really does just go through life getting told he smells like shit.
If this episode goes like it does in the short stories I really feel that bringing up that Yennefer willingly kissed and slept with him even tho he stinks proves her love is true
uh oh some idiots want to pick a fight with him
ayyy we got bathhouses! And Geralt looking hilarious sitting in his bath with linen over his head. Guess the jabs about smelling bad got to him
oh my god this is the third time now that Geralt has just happened to be in the same place secret conversations are happening. Every time it has something to do with Gwidon/Falwick. If anyone’s fates are intertwined it’s these two
“I’d like to see you take my sword one day” my dudes that’s some of the gayest shit I’ve ever heard. This ex witcher got Geralt heated
I love watching Geralt negotiate. He is so tired and just exasperated with this mayor guy I’m loving it
“give me the sword or you’ll feel it” ok Geralt 😏
Geralt/Durbot hate sex when?
What do tv shows have against Yennefer dressing in black and white? I don’t dislike her red dress but it puzzles me
Jaskier!? I don’t remember him showing up in the short story interesting change from the books.
god I love Yennefer 💜 what is she scheming 😍
Aaaaahhhh yennskier are going for the throat. What an argument both thinking the other one is hurting Geralt and not treating him right it’s amazing 🥲 this is delicious especially if I mix in jealousy and resentment of what the other has with Geralt 🤩
look I know yen just kicked Jaskier out onto the streets where riots are about to break out but she just crumbled up and cried so jail for Jaskier for a thousand years ok
Geralts out looking for his man the throuple is in shambles
the snail conversation 🐌😢💔and then he hugs Jaskier awwww
“I haven’t met a better man than you” oh my god
Istredd hmmmm def not as pretty as Netflix Istredd but he could grow on me. The corpse in the middle of the room however… ew
so Istredd wants to help Yennefer cure her infertility?
yen and Geralts convo is breaking my heart 💔💔💔 my blorbos!
it’s an interesting change from the books to have Geralt decide to break up but I’m not sure I like it over the book version. In this one there’s this sense of ‘silly woman and her silly feelings not like us men’ while the book version shows how stupid Istredd and Geralt are acting for thinking they could fight it out and make the choice for Yennefer.
this Geralt has a sense of humor messing with that guy who was following him
aw they have a date for the hate sex lol Geralt/Durbot 4ever!
well they got to embrace? Hahaha Geralt/Durbot I’ll never 4get u
well Geralt I think Istredd is a little in love with you now so a silver lining maybe?
where I’m watching this episode
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
ayyy helloo silver! it's been a while since i slid into your askbox👀 ahah
about the stormbringer character requests,, how about a first kiss with pianoman? (or any character of your preference), but with a dash of spice? ;) sjsjsjs i hope this is not too abstract
Ayyy indeed it has been a while! And oya oya oya?👀 I like how your mind works 😏
The image used is not mine. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: Suggestive content, mentions of past relationships for Pianoman. Please don't read if you are not comfortable with it. Also sorry if it’s bad ;w;
First kiss with Pianoman (with a dash of spice)
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"Oh, right! Y/N! You've been dating Pianoman for a few months now, how's your relationship with him?" Albatross suddenly said, lips curled up into an energetic smile. You startled a bit at the sudden question, but you smiled back. You were currently hanging around with a few members of the Flags, chilling and talking about whatever came to mind.
"It's good. We haven't gone on a date in a while since we've both been busy, but we're still going as strong as ever. In fact, it still seems like it was just yesterday when he confessed to me." Albatross's smile widened as you spoke.
"That reminds me, this must be your first relationship that you've ever had, right? How is Pianoman treating you? I hope he's not as clueless as you when it comes to relationships!" You laughed as Lippmann lightly whacked Albatross on the head.
"I assure you, everything's fine. He treats me well, and he does have more experience than me when it comes to relationships. But don't tell him that he's my first, because it'll make me seem inexperienced and awkward." 
Albatross leaned forward, eyes shining with curiosity.
“So? Is he a good kisser? I’ve heard a few tales from his previous relationships that he was particularly well-versed in that area, but I want to hear it from you. It adds more spice to the stories!”
Your cheeks burned as you thought about the idea of Pianoman kissing you. Not that you minded, it was just that you were so inexperienced that anything involving romantic affection made you flustered and awkward. Even the act of kissing him on the cheek took you a long time to get used to.
“W-We haven’t even had our first kiss yet. The farthest we’ve gone to is just kissing each other on the forehead.” Now that you thought about it, you seemed more inexperienced and awkward by the minute. This must’ve been the longest relationship that Pianoman had been in without a kiss. You were surprised that he hadn’t brought it up yet.
“Ohoho? That’s a first! Usually Pianoman doesn’t last a few weeks into a relationship without a kiss! You must be quite special for him to last for several months! Hey, if you need any tips on kissing, just ask Lippmann! I’m pretty sure he’s had enough experience on the topic already!” Lippmann chuckled a little, and Chuuya clicked his tongue, glaring at everybody.
“You all are starting to disgust me.”
“Oh? Is it because you’re jealous that nobody wants you yet?~”
“Shut the hell up! I’ve never said anything of that sort!”
“But you didn’t deny it~. Hey everyone! Chuuya’s jealous because nobody wants to date him!”
“I said shut up already!”
You smiled as you watched them all banter with each other, however the thought still lingered in the back of your mind.
“You’ve been a bit quiet today. Is something on your mind?” You were leaning against Pianoman on the coach, your head on his shoulder. Normally, you would’ve engaged in small conversation with him, but today you had just sat with him in comfortable silence. Not that he minded though.
“You know you can tell me anything.” You bit your lip, albeit a bit nervously as you thought how to express your thought without being too embarrassing.
“Well...” you started, your cheeks starting to burn a little. “We’ve been dating for a few months now, and everything has been going well, but... we haven’t even kissed yet. A-and I’ve never been in a relationship before. Ever.” You took a breath before continuing.
“But I’ve been thinking about it, and simply speaking... I want to kiss you.”
You held your breath, awaiting his answer.
But what you didn’t expect was for him to laugh a little and stare at you with adoration in his eyes. You stared back at him with a slightly confused look on your face.
“Oh, phew. I thought that it was something much more serious, like you wanted to break up with me.” You huffed playfully, whacking him on the shoulder. Pianoman chuckled, but he placed his thumb and his index finger on your chin, tilting it up to meet his face.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” he whispered. “Because I don’t want to hurt you.” 
You nodded, and he slowly started leaning in. Your heart was beating loudly, but you maintained calm. You weren’t going to run away this time.
His lips met yours, and your chest burst into an explosion of feelings.
Closing your eyes, you kissed him back. His more experienced lips guided yours in a dance, melting and moulding into each other, and you didn’t even have to worry about messing the kiss up since Pianoman was taking the lead. Your hand came up to grasp at his shirt, while his fingers threaded through your hair. He tasted impossibly sweet, like honey that was freshly made. Nothing could ever replace him; you were drunk on his taste and his taste only.
You broke apart from the kiss, flushed and panting. Pianoman smiled, his hand slowly sliding down to cup your cheek.
“Wow... that was... incredible.” You chuckled. You looked in your boyfriend’s eyes, full of love and affection. A moment passed before you leaned in and captured his lips in another kiss.
Pianoman was a bit surprised, but he quickly reciprocated the kiss, the same sweet taste returning to your lips. This time, the kiss was more passionate, more hungry, yet it still was quite lovely. It didn’t take long for it to become quite heated.
His teeth nibbled slightly on your lower lip, and you opened your mouth slightly. His tongue entered and you tried to fight for dominance, but as he was more experienced than you he won the battle easily. His tongue explored your mouth, his teeth sometimes grazing your lips. You didn’t mind losing the battle; because as long as you were with him nothing else mattered anymore. Your arms came up around his neck, his encircled around your waist, and your hand came up to pull slightly at his soft and silky hair. He let out a small moan, and you blushed a little at how deep and sexy that was.
Pianoman broke the kiss, but he wasn’t done yet. He immediately started peppering a trail of butterfly kisses on your jawline, slowly making his way down towards your neck as you giggled at the ticklish feeling. You gasped as he bit down on the sweet spot on your neck, leaving a mark. His tongue licked at it, causing you to shudder in pleasure.
A moan left your lips, making you immediately blush afterwards at how loud and lewd it was, but Pianoman only chuckled. Your tiny whimpers and moans drove him crazy as he marked your neck, knowing exactly which spots to bite to make you squirm. You tilted your head up, begging him to give you more, which he obliged. He then moved onto your collarbone, the bruises getting darker as his more possessive side came out. He wanted to show the world that you were his, and his only.
Pianoman’s cunning and sneaky fingers had already unbuttoned a few buttons on your shirt. He slid one side of it off your shoulder, and immediately moved on to the newly exposed area. You shuddered as he planted kisses on the sensitive skin, each touch sending your mind whirling.
“Mm... mmph!”  You let out a small squeak as you felt his teeth on your shoulder, and tried your best to hold back the rather inappropriate sounds that threatened to spill from your mouth. You felt him smirk against your skin as he laid another hickey on your shoulder, successfully drawing another moan out of you. You grasped the front of his shirt and pulled him closer; you needed him so much right now. He chuckled, his fingers already working to unbutton the rest of your shirt.
“So desperate for me already~”
You were now laying on your back, Pianoman’s arms caging you. He hovered above you with a smirk, looking at your flushed and marked up form with a rather... new emotion in his eyes. One would call it hungry; like how a predator looks at it’s prey.
“Why don’t you say we finish off what we’ve started, hm?~”
Suffice it to say that your body had a lot of marks afterwards~
I’ll leave it to your imaginations on what happened next :)
@pixyys @pianotross @yuugen-benni @nekokinax @angolicious
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tumblingghosts · 3 months
hi, backpacks!! hope you don't mind the message, but i just had an idea that i'd love to share w you! i was thinking of a scenario two (or three, since we have your' time travelling kiddos take) and what if it was marcella friend, sol moss-ring, and antonia ring-anderson, and seneca crane (arachne's nephew & aelia's bf) who time travelled?
marcella and aelia hate each other, lol. and she's only there because her gf (antonia) told her to. and i'm thinking that it was sol's idea, since she's super duper kind. (also her secret crush on plutarch haha)
i imagine the four of them are just forward with it and go up to the friend group and go like: we need to talk.
it takes a lot of convincing for the friend group to believe them. somehow, they do.
and imagine how awkward it is for seneca telling your gf's dead father that your dating their daughter, so i imagine seneca just goes: er um uh i'm aelia's friend? (he only mentions aelia and not the other kids and he has a tone which suggests that maybe he's not just her friend which is suspicious 👀)
felix would be like: 🤨 ok? and clemmie would be like: ooh, friend ☺️☺️☺️☺️
also, seneca, marcella, sol, antonia definitely tell them about their childrens' love lifes and their 'problems'. like: er, president ravinstill put aelia in therapy. achilles and athena definitely have a crush on each other. plutarch's doing drugs. also they all have a smoking addiction. and the friend group is horrified. absolutely horrified, haha.
ayyy more time travelling kiddos!!
okay so assuming it’s the main kiddos who built the machine already (but just haven’t time travelled yet), maybe aelia tells seneca about the plan and seneca wants to do something for her. getting her parents back by preventing the guy who killed them from every becoming evil - that would be a nice gift right? but seneca is not exactly sneaky, and he hasn’t the first clue about how to go about actually using the time travel machine.
so he’s still working that out when in comes sol, who has a pretty similar idea, except she actually has a plan. marcella gets wrapped up into it because she spots seneca and is sure he’s up to something - she plans on foiling whatever it is (because she doesn’t like him and is sure that he’s probably screwing something up), except antonia keeps the peace for long enough to allow sol to explain what’s going on.
antonia is in to help with the ‘preventing murders’ plan. marcella would be fine with the plan if seneca wasn’t there. seneca has zero (0) plans of leaving. sol has to diffuse the situation before a fight breaks out and gets everyone to settle down with the ‘compromise’ that they could all talk to the main kiddos and properly work out a plan.
surprise, surprise - that doesn’t happen.
seneca wanted to make this a nice surprise, so he’s not telling aelia he’s getting involved until her parents have been brought back. marcella and aelia hate eachother, so she’s not approaching either (and antonia might be able to get her girlfriend to be civil, but she knows well enough not to provoke a situation by purposefully bringing marcella and aelia together). and with sol’s crush on plutarch, she’d rather not accidentally embarrass herself in front of plutarch with his young parents as witnesses (she decides she can confess to plutarch after his parents murder his undone - whether she actually does is up to debate)
so they all sneak back to the time machine and go back in time. but since they snuck back at different times, they don’t realize the others are back in the past until later. marcella and antonia are doing pretty well at being subtle, right up until they’re confronted with seneca. marcella and seneca draw both attention & mention things they definitely should not know during the ensuing argument of ‘what are YOU doing here?’
sol gets wrapped up into it because she was just quietly befriending her parents under the disguise of a ‘new transfer student’ and now she has to awkwardly explain that ‘heyyyy i’m actually your daughter, these are my classmates from the future i’m from, it’s all true, i’m not crazy i swear’. somehow, coriolanus misses this argument (maybe he’s off somewhere with sejanus, idk)
so those four have filled in the mentors who were present (diana, genie, arachne, felix, clemmie, livia, vipsania, hilarius), even if they’re skeptical about it still. so seneca starts off by trying to make a better impression on felix and clemensia by telling them about their daughter - explaining aelia and what she looks like and what her personality is like. he rambles to aelia’s parents quite a bit before he realizes, that oh, these are aelia’s parents, and panics.
clemmie: you seem to know her well
seneca: yeah! she’s my - uhhh.
seneca: she’s my friend. we’re really good friends. haha… ouo’’’’’
felix: hmmm… >:\
anyway, the kiddos should definitely be filling in the mentors with why they’re here, except arachne/livia are the gossip queens and now that they’ve gotten a bit of detail from seneca, they start pressing for more. the conversation gets derailed very quickly into all the drama that’s going on in the academy. sol says a bunch of flattering things about plutarch to try to get vipsania and hilarius’s favor (she wants her maybe-future-boyfriend’s parents to like her after all!) and it works out a lot better for her than seneca’s attempt with felix/clemmie.
diana is vibing with her niece and a bit gushing over the fact that antonia and marcella are dating. “aw, you’re with florus and palmyra’s kid?? i guess i should talk with them more if our families are going to get married… :DDD”
the issue with these four not telling anyone that they were time travelling AND taking too long not actually doing the thing they came back for is that the main four kiddos (aelia, plutarch, achilles, athena) show up as ‘transfers’ (it’s not the most creative excuse, but in their defense, they didn’t know that others can already used that excuse before them).
aelia: seneca???
seneca: ….hi….
once those four are all caught up on how long they’ve been there and what they’ve already said (the main four are not impressed that sol, antonia, marcella, and seneca haven’t actually stopped coriolanus from anything), they join in the convo. aelia does not have the same reservations about keeping their relationship a secret from her parents.
felix: boyfriend, you say?? >:0
now that there’s eight of them, there’s enough of a commotion to draw the attention of the rest of the mentors over the following week (no way of keeping a secret that big for very long) and it’s basically an open secret among the mentors (but kept from the staff, because no one wants gaul to catch wind of the time travel stuff)
after the kiddos realize how horrified their parents are getting at their regular gossip, they start to make up things - particularly about coriolanus. lots of terrible things said with a complete sincerity, because they figure they can scare him out of doing bad things if they implying they may or may not ruin his life and all his plans if he can’t just be content with his nice life with his wife and daughter (both names they do not mention, just in case).
i like to think the kiddos stay for longer just to bond with their parents more in this one, just because their arrival was less of a mission and more of a gossip session. and everything works out because now that the mentors have met their kids, they’re going to be way more attentive to make sure that they get to be part of their kids’ lives. if coriolanus wants to kill them, well, he might just be killed first, because with all this bonding, there is NO WAY they are going to be separated from their future family easily.
thanks for the ask! :DD
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charlottedabookworm · 2 months
Dawntrail Day 7+8 (part 1/2)
spoilers up to: lvl100 msq quest Dawntrail
original draft date: 4-5/7/24
scheduled release for: 31/7/2024
working on day 7 so i’m merging these. since i’ve only got a couple hours i'mma do my tribals on picto and then do the instance i stopped at yesterday, hopefully get close to a dungeon/trial unlock but really not got much time. day 8 i'm finishing up msq 100% no matter how long it takes me and then hopefully doing the two optional dungeons!
…completely forgot that zoraal ja gave the order to kill all the civilians in solution nine
nice way to start the morning
“I have no more use of you, begone”
hmmmm thats an odd thing to say considering you were claiming he wasn’t your son before
fingers crossed nothings up with gulool ja
annnnd fade to black with the echoing sound of an execution shot lovely haven’t heard that since shadow ringers
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pfft that last one!
except i really don't care what sphene thinks ngl
otis is back!
really didn’t want to kill him
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he was a good guy
okay but-
where is erenville?
they wouldn’t kill him off offscreen i know that much but we’d better not find him dying i swear to fucking everything I will-
*stares at crying child*
fuuuuck i really hope you're not a trap
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oh thank fuck he's alive
also sorry your mums dead and has been a probably a long time mate
he didn't mention it
why didn't you mention it erenville, what are you thinking rn?
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no, please
this actually is important information to have
considering your mum is possibly the same sort of endless otis is and she had to end up that way somehow
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love looking at this ngl
so much easier and nicer doing it as you progress through the zones
i made it to the fifth dungeon unlock but since there's almost certainly a trial afterwards and i have barely enough time to do the dungeon if i zoom through it, i'mma wait and do it in the morning
soooo wondrous tails time for picto ig
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thats just rude we didn't need that
ayyy alphi esti and shtola!
only reason theyve shown up just before i should be unlocking a trial is cos it can be done in trust? maybe? pls?
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fuuuck that looks like a voidgate to me
zoraal ja wtf have you been doing
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could it maybe lead to whichever reflection the alexandrian's are from
final zone in another shard? maybe?
so ig it’ll be like ‘we beat him he flees we chase’
boom final zone and trial and dungeon?
either that or sphene will actually be the final boss which still wouldn’t surprise me
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the framing reminds me of hades ngl
like it tho
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i know you're having a crisis but has it occured to you that you were born because your dad liked kids? like i know your entire existence is like. a miracle and gulool ja ja didn't know he could have bio kids til you were born but that man obviously lived for being a dad
this music-
just gonna sit here and listen to this for a bit before i enter the trial lol
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genuinely forgot that y'shtola used to run around as a conjurer
it feels like so long ago now lol and i half expected them to have rdm healer ali again
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okay his second phase actually looks cool
and isn't a massive floating head sitting at the edge of the arena which gives many bonus points
zoraal ja looks pretty dead to me and we still have a dungeon and trial to go so-
sphene, cachuia, or some third unknown threat? taking bets now
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yeah it’s sphene 100% isn’t it
‘deliver my people’ huh
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yeahhhh there we go
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once again, i agree with ali
how many will you slaughter, sphene, so that your endless (yourself included) will live another day
how many children will you sacrifice so that your may live your hundredth lifetime
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but they aren't remembered
i'm gonna scream how dare you say that when your system removes the memories of a deceased person from everyone who knew them
how dare you-
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how dare you bring his mother into this
his mother, who everyone from his village has forgotten because of your system-
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don't worry koana, it's not the first time
this is basically a tuesday for me i'll keep your sister safe
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i love him he's so sweet
i'm so glad gulool ja didn't turn out to be a trap
that probably would have broken my heart
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that graphics update really looking peak on the af gear
look at that metal
(now to time glam back over it)
so thw question is
another dungeon immediately?
huh nope
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ooooooo it so pretty
it has canals
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cachuia i'm guessing
i see where erenville gets the pretty from
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oh erenville love you're not going to take this well
your mother is dead and alive (did she get a choice? did they just pluck up her memories adn make her endless?) and she wants them all to die again
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i love this
but also raha breaking my heart every expansion he's in
love him for that
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oh so we're continuing to traumatise both erenville and wuk lamat i see
thank you very much for that square
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screaming crying throwing up why are you doing this to me
"I'm put in mind of Lyhe Mheg"
a tribe quest reference? in my final fantasy 14 msq?
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this cutscene is legit one of my favourite parts of the expansion
sure we gotta shut down the memories of all these kids but we'll give them something nice before that
ayo wtf
those are kriles bio parents
so i see we’re spreading the trauma to krile to join with erenville and wuk lamat
glad she can maybe get some closure tho
love raha running up to krile and her parents and just chomping down on ice cream to break the ice between her parents
he’s such a good friend
....oh i hit the image cap.
alright part 2 incoming
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AAAHHHHHHHH Y'ALL losing it :)))
Hi Bobby :)!!
Hi Athena :D
Hi Maddie 🥰🥰!!
She looks so beautiful :D
Hi Hen :))!
Oop yeeeah they're late o.o
Now pretending I know nothing
Uhhh guysss xdd
Hi buckley parents lol
OKAY PHEW they're here :D
Oh of course 80s xD
Oh gosh guys lol
Oh and
Hi Buck :DD!
Hi Eddie 🥰
Ayyy the bachelor party :D
Ahh hi clipboard Buck xD
LOL poor Eddie xD man just wants sliders slfkjdh
Hi Tommy :))!!
AWWW stop they're so cute 🥰🥰
To be fair lol he did actually know Chimney before any of you guys xD
Yep lol exactly xD
Ahh not an official date anyway
"But his wedding is?" XDD
Ayyy hey guys :DD!!
Hi Karen :)))
LOL a bloody stump xDD
Hi Ravi :D
SLGJDS carful my guy xD
Uh ohhh
Uh. Chimney o.o
Wait he didn't even want it??
Aww yeah wholesome karaoke
I mean yeah that's valid lol
Why are you guys such idiots XDD
Oof guys xdd
Aww I'm sorry Buck :(( D:
And Tommy's gonna get called in isn't he xd
Yeeep xd
Oof I'm sorry Buck :((
Yeah there is a literal fire xD
Yep there it is lol
Awww the hug 🥺🥺🥺🥰
Yeah be safe honey <333
Ope o.o
Guysss XDD
SLFJGHDKS Y'ALL they don't know him xD
Oh gosh they're gonna break the door down aren't they
You guys xD
Y'all are idiots oh my gosh lol
Uhh ohhhh
Guys xd
Okay so xd that's rough lol
Aghhh :(((
RIGHT find my friend :D
Okay PHEW at least we can find it
Is he sick??
Did somebody drug him??
What the heck is going on o.o
Nahh I don't trust this guy xd
He's gonna steal your car Chim- yep there it is xD
OPE the phone o.o
Oh crap and that's Maddie's call 😭😭
Okay well either grab it or don't go near it Chimney you should not be walking through those cars
Aww D':
His death anniversary :((?
Aww that's beautiful <33
Aww guys :'))
Yep wedding :D
That's suspicious o.o
Oh gosh yeah so he has been feeling weird o.o
Ohhh gosh
Uh oh :(((
Okay phew-
Okay but at least grab the phone 😭 xD
Chimney 😭 and she just let him on xD
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aamalaaa · 2 years
tiny dancer (an ode to life)
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pairing: jungkook x reader, hoseok x yoongi
genre: bandmates au, fluff and cheese, with an extra layer of chedar, this story takes place in 1971
warnings: none
a/n: I was feeling soft today, ayyy<3
word count: 1.1k
“How much time left?” You sigh, throwing your head back against the headrest.
You’ve been on the road for eight hours now, drifting in and out of consciousness here and there, writing ideas in your notepad, sighing again and again at how slowly time passes.
It’s not that you’re ungrateful, on the contrary, you’re so happy to be able to drive around the country doing what you love the most, accompanied by your chosen family.
It’s just that today has been so hot, and the air conditioning has stopped working in the rundown van you’re using to tour around the country, Jungkook’s van. And god, your ass is so sore from sitting down for such an extended period of time. You need to get out of this fucking van now.
Jungkook’s light airy laugh reaches your ears as soon as your whining stops and you send him a murderous glare. He quickly glances at you before focusing back on the road ahead, sneaking one hand on your thigh and giving it a squeeze while the other stays on the steering wheel.
“What’s so funny? My ass is sweating and as your loving girlfriend, I’m appalled by your lack of empathy.”
“Oh I’m sorry baby, I’m such a terrible boyfriend,” He coos, running his hand up and down on your soft flesh. You shiver, despite the insufferably warm temperature.
You cross your arms and pout as hard as you can, earning a loud chuckle from the man you love. You’re not really mad, it’s not his fault. You’re just a big baby and he knows it very well, hence his unserious reaction.
“My ass is sweating too,” Hoseok exasperatedly sighs, you nod solemnly in understanding.
Yoongi huffs in annoyance. “Everyone’s ass is sweating, stop complaining.”
You shoot him an unimpressed look. “I’d really like for us to stop talking about our sweaty asses please,”
He shrugs, completely unbothered. “You started it.”
“I don’t mind talking about your ass,” Jungkook grins.
You flush a bright shade of pink and slap his arm,
“Fucking gross, the both of you. I can’t believe I’m in a band with you guys,” Hoseok whines in fake annoyance. You know because he’s always been so supportive of your couple, being the one to convince your dumb asses to finally start dating a few months ago.
“Oh that’s rich coming from you, you guys can barely keep your hands off each other.” You smirk as you notice his ears reddening. Yoongi only rolls his eyes, shooting his lover an incredibly enamored smile.
“We can take a short break, though we only have like an hour or two left before we reach the hotel,” Jungkook shoots you a dazzling smile, you can only swoon at the sight.
Yoongi hums. “Probably best to do so if we want to stop hearing them both complaining.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You couldn’t stop complaining last week when we were heading to Oklahoma.”
“True,” Jungkook adds, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Just stop at the next exit, yeah,” Yoongi groans, prompting a loud laugh out of both Hoseok and Jungkook. You giggle quietly at his flushed features.
God you love these people so much.
You soon stop at a gas station and immediately head out the door, chatting with your friends and stretching widely as Jungkook takes advantage of the break to fill up the tank.
You buy sodas and fifteen minutes later, you get back in the car, a little less annoyed than you were before.
“Thanks baby,” You lovingly say as Jungkook fastens his seatbelt.
The young man smiles bashfully,
“We needed to fill up on gas anyway,” He mumbles under his breath.
“Thanks anyway,” You reach out for his right hand and lean in to leave a soft kiss on his incredibly soft lips, smiling as you do so. He presses back, grinning in the process. You’re so in love with this absolutely endearing man.
You lean back against the seat, fastening your own seatbelt.
“Are we all good to go?” Jungkook cheerfully asks, his mood absolutely infectious. You don’t know how he manages to be so damn positive and radiant no matter the situation, you just know you couldn’t do this without him.
Everyone nods and your boyfriend drives away, turning the radio on as you embark once again on the highway. Only an hour or two, you can do this.
You all drive for a while, Hoseok and Yoongi playfully argue in the backseat as you try to the best of your abilities to decipher the road map in your hand, giving vague directions to a confused Jungkook.
The scorching hot afternoon slowly draws on, the sun soon starting to set as it paints the horizon all shades of orange, ochre and pink. It’s a beautiful spectacle and suddenly you feel very grateful for this chance you’ve been given to spend so much time with the people you love the most in the world.
You stare out the road and suddenly feel a warm large hand pick up your dainty one, engulfing it in a safe hold.
You look up to your lover, suddenly overcome by emotions as he lifts up your hand, leaving short sweet pecks on each of your knuckles.
You perk up as you hear the first few notes of one of your favorite songs playing on the shabby car radio, the sound a bit distorted but you couldn’t care less.
You squeal in delight as you turn the volume up, swaying to the melody in delight. Jungkook chuckles adoringly at your reaction, hand still holding your own.
“Oh I fucking love that song, turn it up,” Hoseok excitingly exclaims, you smile widely and up the volume again.
“Oh it’s Elton John’s new song right?” Yoongi perks in interest.
You turn towards him. “Yep!”
When the pre chorus embarks, you can’t help yourself and start singing along, the moment too beautiful for you to care about anything but here and now.
Jungkook squeezes your hand as he joins you with his harmonious voice, and soon, the four of you are loudly singing alone, smiling from ear to ear as you do so.
‘Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today’
You look at your loved ones, happily singing together as love quietly fills the air, and almost shed a tear.
Because this day is beautiful, the bond you share is as sturdy as steel, and as much as you like to complain, you wouldn’t like to be anywhere else but here, wrapped in a loving untouchable embrace.
You think these are the moments that make life worth living, moments that could easily pass you by if you didn’t bask in them.
You promise yourself to truly cherish them more.
taglist: @bwormie @fragmentof-indifference
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cinnamoodles · 1 year
🍾 — bubbly soda with steven Conklin?
we love stevie
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DEB BALL DATE ( we’re getting drunk ) 🪩
bellyball AYYY that’s my girl (and my brother but we won’t cheer for him)
-> sconklin05 you’re actually stupid belly
-> bellyball this is sibling abuse im reporting you
-> connonball you guys are so immature
-> ynssupersecretspamm but you love us ofc
-> jerebearr he only loves belly actually
-> bellyball aww ly too con
-> sconklin05 he fainted lmao
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predeb (ft. stevie reading ) @sconklin05 @connonball @bellyball
jerebearr nERDDDDD
-> ynssupersecretspamm the boy goes to princeton ofc he’s a nerd
-> sconklin05 not you too babe?
-> jerebearr ooh are we in babe territory now??
-> ynssupersecretspamm literally k!ll yourself jere
-> i.am.tay ur so mean @ynssupersecretspamm
connonball we look so good stevia
-> sconklin05 darling i know you’re a health nut but you can still call people sweetheart
-> bellyball darling?? sweetheart??
-> ynssupersecretspamm we’re not talking ‘bout stevia??
-> jerebearr you guys are more gay than me and i made out with a dude once
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laurelparkwriting.official awww they’re all grown up now :))
-> jerebearr not me??
-> susannahf12 you’re always such a grown up jere
-> jerebearr thx maaa
connonball we’re so awesome @sconklin05
-> sconklin05 thank you darling
-> connonball anytime sweetheart
-> yn.yln.06 don’t start this up bruh!!
sconklin05 looking zesty bros
-> bellyball zesty?? changing ur contact name immediately
-> yn.yln.06 lmaooo changed it to zesty boyfie?
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we are ballin we are fearless we are boyfie’d up on birthday din
sconklin05 happy birthday darling ❤️
-> ynssupersecretspamm oh so now im darling??
-> bellyball fight fight fight
-> connonball let’s be honest steven would lose he’d just be staring into yn’s eyes and get punched or smn
-> sconklin05 this u?? 👩🤜 👱‍♂��
jerebearr HAPPY BIRTHDAY YN!!!
-> ynssupersecretspamm AWWWW ILYYY TY
-> jerebearr we’re getting so drunk
-> sconklin05 spare us please @bellyball
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bad kaihil au for @citruscloudsandmoon since she’s been missing it and i haven’t done this ship in a loooong time
It’s like one of those ships I struggle to write lol 
this relationship takes forever to set off 
LIke I’m fond of the idea of mid-20s Kai and Hiromi getting together, but it’s hilarious and fluffy and cute. 
Kai sold the family business and starts his own small company which makes top tier beyblade parts. 
Also his office allows stray cats. Cats. Cats everywhere. 
He’s fond of overworking ayyy gooo to sleep, you lil twerp. 
Hiromi actually loses touch of the Bladebreakers for a bit, like she wishes Takao for his birthday. He got married. He invited her for the wedding. She cried buckets because it was amazing, and then laughed as she talked about all his embarassing moments she had to put up with. 
In any case, she’s like probably working at a high position in a company 
Kai and Hiromi find out that they literally are working across the street from each other. 
She also finds that he skips meals
Hiromi is SO PEEVED. 
Kai is very sheepish.
This man is a mess. 
Hiromi brings meals for him, and tells the secretary that if he’s not eaten it by the time she comes back, she’s going to force feed him. 
Kai sends her chocolates and flowers. For no good reason.
Everyone’s like ???
Hiromi goes over and whacks him over the head with the flowers, and he chuckles and says “I just had got those today from someone we do business with, and I thought, oh Hiromi liked flowers and she liked chocolate right?”
“So they were gifts for you, and you just hand em over to me.”
“I can get you fresh flowers and chocolates?” he asked her with a grin. She slapped the bouquet on his head. 
Kai as a teen was a weirdo, looking back. But he was understandably going through a lot. Kai as an adult just can’t give a damn anymore. So she must certainly irritate him into giving a damn  about his health.
She writes threatening notes on his lunch. “Eat this or I’ll take your beyblades.” “Eat this or I’ll take your cats.” 
He drops her off home. She invites him over.
Oh, look? They ended up being friends. 
Hiromi is in a bit of a bind. She’s been catching accursed feelings. 
This is KAI. She’s giving herself a pep talk as she walks to work. Like it’s KAI. Yes, he’s not hard to talk to. She’s not seventeen. He’s not a teenager going through stuff. They are friends. He’s actually kind of lost his edginess. But that doesn’t mean you have to catch feelings for the guy who you were crushing on when you were 14. 
She nearly runs into Kai, because she’s giving herself this pep-talk, and he makes fun of her. It’s like not anything mean. “Watch it! You’ll ruin my crisp suit!” 
She holds her nose. “I think I hurt my nose. Gee! Outta my way!” 
“Sorry sorry.” His tone shifts to concern. “Are you okay?”
She can’t show him his face because she’s beet red. Hiromi gives him a hard nod. 
He stares after her as she scurries away. 
The office friends tease Hiromi brutally about the CEO who keeps sending her flowers and chocolate. 
EVERYONE knows about it.
They all think Kai is trying to woo her.
Everytime she tries to explain. Nope.
Hiromi just eats her chocolate grumpily while everyone snickers.
“Gonna need you to stop sending chocolates.” 
“Because I’m watching my weight.” 
“But you’re perfect.” 
He did not just smoothly slide that in there, Hiromi thought. At her silence, because she doesn’t know what to say. He just looks at her. She pokes his cheek in the awkwardness. 
“Thanks. Didn’t know you could be sweet.” 
This tension is weird. 
“I can be sweeter.” 
“A real charmer huh?” Hiromi is blushing again.  
Now if there’s one thing Kai Hiwatari does not do, it’s being patient. He’s a largely impatient person. 
“Hiromi,” he asks her. “Would you like to see a movie with me... as a date?” 
Hiromi freezes. If there’s one thing Hiromi Tachibana doesn’t do, it’s subtlety.” 
“Yes!” she says way too enthusiastically. “I mean No.” He blinks. “I mean yes.” She coughs, smooths out her skirt and awkwardly darts her eyes towards him. He’s grinning.
She wilts. “Yes.” He’s smirking. “You’re terrible. Why do I put up with you?” 
“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”  
He’s teeeeerrrible. 
They end up getting together. And she’s at her place cooking for the pair of them, and he’s like “By the way, um. Those flowers and chocolates were not gifts for me.” 
Hiromi throws a cushion at him while he’s snorts. 
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
With Tycoon back in the game, this presents us with an interesting question for future episodes: "How long can Keiwa play by the rules?" His and Neon's sudden reintroductions to the DGP seem to set the stage for a grand status quo shift, doubly so when paired with the staff actively going against Geats and the steadily growing prominence of Jyamato's gardener Archimedel. ...great name, by the way.
I hear there's a new Buckle introduced this episode! ...so soon after Slot Fever, kinda odd but okay!
-Well of course he won, you guys didn't exactly sabotage him in the smartest way. Besides, no way he was gonna die with a kid relying on him for protection.
-Undefeated Ace.
-"Why doesn't Grandpa Game Master like me, I do what he tells me to :("
-Like an episode of Boundary Break, Ace is peeking behind the curtains and loading zones to see where all the spawns and events are stored.
-Awwww, Tsumuri-neesan does care :)
-Shaddap Win, jnmljmhb
-Hello, Archimedel! I really like your Jyamato Rider Troops, they're really cool.
-Ace, you sly fox! Trying to get yourself a date so soon?
-Ayyy, Keiwa!
-He's got a jorb!
-Who dat?
-Free Core!
-Hello, Naoto. I... forgot your first name Mr. Kurama, but you're always gonna be TimeFire to me, so.
-Aaaaaand off Neon goes!
-Michinaga too!
-Ah yep, it's game time!
-Jesus, aren't you a smol one?
-Aaaaand here comes Punkjack with the jump.
-Don't gotta say Henshin there.
-Got robbed by a little girl. Good job, Hareruya!
-"Wow, you're shit at sabotage, huh bear boy?"
-Driverless behavior.
-Musical chairs.
-So, does the girl just... exist as a member of the Jyamato?
-I'm gonna be real with you, Tsumuri, it kinda seems like these games are just being made up on the spot.
-...I mean, they might be!
-"You're only getting so far ahead because your dad is the admin! And as a mod, I am very angry about this bias!"
-Are you that thirsty for Tsumuri, Win?
-Reeeeeeed hat.
-Awwww, Neon-san :)
-Riders should help each other out!
-Good job, you guys!
-Hot damn!
-Love these untransformed fight scenes, love them.
-Michinaga says "Where the FUCK is that kid?", whereas Ace says "Now, how can I find that little lady?"
-Welp, if you say it like that, it was nice knowing you, Punkjack.
-Best laid schemes of mice and men, they say.
-"Fine, help me, I don't even care!"
-Sick ninja beats.
-Yeah, this episode's really been spiling me.
-Who're you?
-Jetto, Jetto, Jettoman?
-Ohhhh, hacked item.
-"Can I like... rent your driver for the rest of the episode? I'll give you all my rare drops for it."
-Ohhhhhhh, theme song time
-One buckle at a time, huh?
-Hot damn, that's good!
-Love Rider Swords, love them, love them.
-Twin Set!
-Take Off, Complete! Jet and Cannon!
-Ready, Fight!
-Hooooly shit, that's a cool suit.
-Now this feels more like a proper first upgrade!
-Daaaaaamn, those cannons!
-Too much even for you, huh Ace?
-Pawn it off on Keiwa then, gotcha!
-To be fair, he'd absolutely want a crack at it too.
-"The players aren't respecting my DM authority."
-Ahhhhh, the ID Cores make the Rider. ...y'know, obvious
-smh, I thought we were friends.
-Giroli... Girori, meaning "glaring"... That's where Glare, of course, comes from. Kinda gives me Para-DX energy with this name.
-Where'd you even get that, though? I mean, I expected you to be able to bend DGP rules a bit, but this?
-Did you make that yourself, or did you have that commissioned?
-No, better question, when am I gonna see Tsumuri throw down? Kamen Rider Blink. Her name comes from "Tsumuru", "close one's eyes", so it'd make sense if that were here Rider name. In the fairly likely event that Toei doesn't let her kick ass, that's gonna be the universe I live in.
-...y'know, unlike the Tsuki who talks endlessly about Kamen Rider Shinobi, that's another another universe.
-Right, so. That totally threw me for a loop, but I very much enjoyed this episode! Can't wait for shit to get real soon, that'll be very fun to watch. Until then, I'm gonna take a little power nap, yeah? Have fun now, drive safe, don't get eaten in the Mirror World, don't eat suspicious fruits, all that jazz.
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duck-in-a-spaceship · 2 years
say it back: Chapter 4
Ayyy we made it to the end folks, and you know what that means: It's time to find out who wins our dumbass game of gay chicken. Place your bets now!
Summary: What if when House tells Wilson he loves him, Wilson says it back?
Well, naturally they turn to humor until “I love you”, “I love you too” becomes the most convoluted, gayest inside joke ever. And then of course they realize they mean it.
Word Count: 1607
Warnings: None
Chapter 4: Off-Script
House runs into Wilson.
It’s not his fault. He simply wasn’t expecting his best friend to be lurking just around the corner like the world’s worst Halloween decoration. Yet Wilson’s there all the same, awkwardly steadying House so he doesn’t fall over, grabbing onto his arms before disaster strikes.
House stares at him, mentally recalibrating. His face is surprisingly close to Wilson’s, and the idea half-forms into his mind to say those words again. Just to fuck with him.
Instead he blinks, and swats Wilson’s hands away. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Shhhhh,” Wilson hisses, swatting the air like he can bat away House’s words. He cranes his neck to look around House, spying out for Cuddy, probably. Once her absence has been confirmed, he looks back down. “What am I doing?” he repeats incredulously. House notes that he hasn’t stopped whispering, stupidly enough. “What are you doing?”
“Didn’t you hear? I’m having sex with you!” House raises his voice, and Wilson gets halfway through shushing him again before he seems to realize that it’s a pointless endeavor. He’s right.
Instead, he runs a worried hand through his hair, doing a little spin before he faces House again. “That- that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Cuddy thinks we’re dating right now.”
House nods, eyebrows knitting together in mock concern. “Yeah, I’m sure I’m the one that gave her that impression. Not the guy that kissed me. Wait, maybe I have that backwards…” He starts to walk off as he talks, heading for his office, which was exactly what Wilson would be doing if he actually wanted privacy. Wilson immediately trails after him, seamlessly continuing their conversation.
“Alright, fine, but I didn’t- I wasn’t thinking.” A sideways glance over at Wilson reveals that he’s gone red again, as if the sudden stuttering wasn’t enough of a clue. He points an accusatory finger at House. “You, on the other hand, you’re always thinking. You have intent and agendas and manipulations.”
“Is your argument really that you accidentally kissed me? That’s the best you got?” Sometimes House wonders how he, who got his degree in Lying, Trickery and Deceit at Harvard, was friends with Wilson, who shared every secret he’d ever been told, very often including his own.
“That’s… not what I said.”
“So then you’re just arguing it’s my fault you kissed me.” House punches the button to the elevator with his thumb, leaning against the wall. “You know, Wilson, it’s important to take responsibility for your actions.”
Wilson sighs heavily. “I don’t want to hear it. You’re the one that started this when you started parading around in front of Cuddy.”
The doors to the elevator slide open, and they wait for its occupants to shuffle out before stepping in to fill the space.
“What do you care, anyway?” House asks once they’re in the elevator, doors safely shut in front of them. “Half the hospital thinks we’ve been doin’ it since we’ve both been here.”
“They- what?”
“Uh duh.” House makes a show of leaning in towards Wilson, punctuating his point. “Are you- and I have to ask this for medical reasons- fucking blind.”
Wilson huffs, refusing to meet House’s eyes and instead looking around the elevator, clearly frustrated. He doesn’t talk again until the doors slide open and they step out into the hall. House silently notices that Wilson doesn’t even make an attempt to turn towards his own office, not even subconsciously. He just follows House into the next set of doors.
“Well why don’t you care? Do you- do you want them to think we’re..?” He trails off, making a vague set of gestures that House knows he should be interpreting as dirty, but he honestly can’t figure out how.
“Fixing a car engine?” he guesses instead.
“No, not that. What? Y’know…” Wilson trails off again, before apparently summoning the courage for what he has to suggest. “Doin’ it.”
“Oh that. I thought that was a wrench and- Nevermind.” House waves a dismissive hand through the hair, smiling at his own pretend naivete. Then he shrugs. “I mean, maybe I do. You know, near death experiences really change people. Maybe I’m gay now.” He approaches his desk, but lingers off to the side instead of sitting down. It’s not like it’s his first time sitting at it since he almost died, but it would be the first with Wilson present. House decides to stand.
Wilson points at him, suddenly triumphant. “So you did see something!”
Oh goddamnit. House pinches two fingers together, holding them up in front of his face. “Little bit.”
“What?” Wilson presses immediately, leaving no room for hesitation. “What did you see, House?”
In a sweeping motion, House gestures across the entire room. “I saw this. Well, sort of. There was a different differential on the board, nice white void outside, you were-” His cane taps against the side of Wilson’s leg. “-a little more to the right.”
Wilson doesn't move. He looks up at House. “I was there?”
“I’m about to reveal the secrets of the afterlife to you, and you want to know about yourself?”
“Well sorry I don’t have more questions about the white void. What happened, House?”
House shrugs, as if it was a question hardly worth answering. “Exactly what you’d expect. You wanted to know what the hell was wrong with me, I hit you with my cane, you called me an idiot.” He half turns to his desk, smacking one hand against the back of the chair. “Then we made out, right here.”
Wilson chuckles, half turning away from him and shaking his head. “You know, if you’re just going to lie to me, we don’t have to do this.”
There’s not much to say to that. House raises an eyebrow.
Wilson falters, his eyes suddenly going wide. “Wait, really?” House nods. “You-? We? Right there?” Another nod. Wilson presses a hand against his forehead, reeling from the shock.
“And for the record, you kissed me.”
“Dream me kissed you,” Wilson corrects, but he sounds absentminded. He turns back to House. “I mean was it… was I…?” he trails off, once again waiting for House to finish his sentence, or simply infer his meaning and continue the conversation from there. House refuses. “What did you think?”
“Seven out of ten.”
“Are you offended because that’s too high or too low? Because I’m just being honest, and honestly you were a little too-”
“Is that why you said it?” Wilson’s dropped his hand from his head, dropped the sudden shock. He’s just standing there, looking at House. When there’s no response, he takes a couple steps forwards, closing the gap between them. House has the urge to sit down. “After you woke up, when I was getting you more pain meds and you said- you said you loved me. Was that the meds or was that…?”
He trails off again, but this time House couldn’t finish his sentence, even if he tried. Was that because of the near death experience? Because he kissed Wilson, in some version, in some way? Because he really meant it?
“Yeah,” House says.
“I love you.”
House leans against the desk, points his cane at Wilson. “That’s my line.”
Wilson shrugs, breaks eye contact. “Maybe it’s time we go off script.”
There’s a lot he could say to that, too much, actually. Possibilities spiderweb off in House’s mind, overwhelmingly vast, overwhelmingly vital. There’s no audience, there’s no jokes, there’s no game, there’s no performance, there’s not even a script, not anymore. The curtains are closed, they’re sitting backstage.
There’s just Wilson, standing far too close and not close enough, hopelessly and hopefully genuine.
“I love you too.”
Wilson steps forwards again, enough that they’re standing toe-to-toe, that their faces could be pressed together if either of them had the willpower for it. Wilson stares at him with that sort of careful curiosity he so often possesses around House. It’s the look he always gives him when House comes barging into his office, utters the first insane words of a sentence, and Wilson has to figure out where he’s going to go next.
House had never realized it, but apparently it’s the look Wilson likes to give people before he kisses them, too.
The kiss is gentler than Fake Wilson’s had been, or at the very least more hesitant.
There’s a hand on House’s face again, holding him like it thinks one of them might break. His lips are soft, softer than the fake’s, softer than House had been able to imagine, apparently.
He reaches out and grabs Wilson’s waist, curling his fingers into one of his belt loops, pulling him close so he can deepen the kiss, can cast aside some of that gentleness.
Wilson gives in for just a moment, lets House pull him closer, presses harder against his lips, right before he pulls away entirely.
It’s over a moment too soon, this time House is certain.
And sure, he gets it. They’re in a room with walls made of glass, afterall, and just a couple of minutes ago Wilson had been getting antsy about a kiss on the cheek.
House is still mourning the fact that they’re both wearing clothes, but he gets it.
“We should go off script more often,” House suggests.
Wilson laughs, that small chuckle he loves to indulge in around House, the one where his head dips down a little and his eyes crinkle with humor. "Well, we never were very good at having a social contract."
Then he’s kissing House again, and, yeah, he could get used to this.
Point to Wilson.
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