#kurt goreshter x reader
If it weren’t a bother, i request 📖🥰🔞💻 :)
Thank you, you do not need to hurry!
Business Merger - Kurt Goreshter/Reader
Warnings: If you aren't in love with Kurt yet this might make you be cause oh my god I love him so much, gender-neutral reader, no use of Y/N, light grinding, oral, slight handjobs and fingering as prep, smut, pillowtalk /)w(\
Wordcount: 5337
Summary: You hated blind dates. Everyone knew this about you. So when your longtime friend claims to have gotten you a date with the hot guy on TV you don't know whether to hit her or kiss her, maybe by Friday you'll be able to tell.
Notes: My first fic with Kurt 💗🥰💗 I love him so much, I was giggling and kicking my feet as I tried to write as much of this at work as I could /)w(\ I also took so long you had a birthday, so ayyy happy birthday! I almost didn't write this one since I felt uncomfortable filling a smut request for a minor, but it all evened out naturally, and I see you in my notes all the time, so thank you so much for the request and I hope you like it 💗💗💗
You'd never been one for blind dates, for starters. Everyone knew this about you, how you preferred to get to know someone first before doing anything like meeting them, but when your longtime friend and co-worker briskly walked up to you that morning you knew you were in for trouble without even needing to know the reason.
‘How'd the merger go?’ you asked the moment she opened her mouth, but your attempts at saving yourself from whatever she had to say would not dissuade her today.
‘Potential merger, and that's precisely what I wanted to talk to you about,’ she told you excitedly; great, you'd walked right into it. ‘Y'know how we all thought they were small-time and this would be an easy buy?’ You did very much so, it was the talk of the office all week, one more small startup swallowed up by the big boys upstairs. ‘Well it turns out that they're the ones who stopped those guys last weekend! Y'know, the ones on TV who got interviewed when Ant-Man was splashing around the bay!’
‘Oh shit, that's who they were?’ You'd watched that report live, fascinated by the explosion on your feed about how one of the rogue heroes who fought alongside Captain America himself was now making an appearance after two years.
‘Yes! They still showed up for the merger, even after all that, and, get this, Harland doesn't even want to take them over anymore, he wants to make them affiliates! They're gunna have a floor here come August!’ She was clearly excited, with how hyperactive she got over normal things it must've been difficult for her to keep her composure while it was all going on, and you felt the need to commend her when she continued and stunned you silent. ‘But that's not the best part; a few of us got to talk with the guys afterwards over dinner, and guess who's got a date for Friday Night.’
‘Hmmm… is it you?’ You raised an eyebrow at her, she was always the one to get the dates growing up since she tended to outshine everyone in the group no matter who you were with, but she just shook her head and bit her lip with a wide grin.
‘Nope,’ she practically vibrated, that feeling that you were in trouble arising again seconds before: ‘It's you! We started talking about some other people from around the office and I brought you up and one of them thought you sounded nice, so you're meeting him in four days!’
You were stunned. You were genuinely, honest to God stunned. She'd known you practically all your life. She was basically an honourary sister to your family at this point. And she still went against your one rule against blind dates and with a local celebrity no less.
‘You're too happy to speak, I knew you would be, it's been a while since the last one, yeah? Don't worry, he might be a little eccentric but he was very nice, I almost asked him out myself, but I figured you might be a better match for him.’
You didn't know whether to be flattered or insulted, at least this date would be with a superhero, that would make for an interesting conversation starter at least. ‘Okay, well, I think I can handle a date with Ant-Man, yeah, that might be doable-’
‘What? Oh, no, your date is with his friend, the hot one with the hand tats.’ Again you were stunned silent, a deep blush spreading over your cheeks in not only remembrance of the man in question and how he was indeed hot, but also because you had no idea how you were going to pull off this not-so-blind-date with someone you knew nothing about other than that your boss almost bought him out. ‘I knew you'd be excited, you're so red- okay okay, so here's the address, it's that nice place over by that coffee shop we like, you know the one, he said he'll be waiting outside so you can go in together so do not be late, do you need me to write all this down, actually? Lemme grab a pen-’
Oh yeah, you were definitely in trouble.
The rest of the week went by in a blur, your thoughts on what the hell you were going to wear to this fancy as hell restaurant he'd picked out and what the hell you'd even say to him. You knew nothing about him other than the basics, that he was Russian thanks to the interview, that he was good with computers and worked with security thanks to your job wanting to buyout his, and apparently that he'd been in jail for five years thanks to the whispered word around the office. All four of them had, including Ant-Man himself which was incredibly interesting, but you'd never even stolen candy from the shop down the street when you were a kid, what were you going to have in common with this guy?
You were decent with computers, but that was only because you liked video games, and you were pretty sure this hardened criminal turned security expert (which now made sense to you) wasn't going to talk to you about the latest mobile games that were advertised to you no matter where you looked. This was why you hated blind dates, all of this was too stressful, everything you planned beforehand was just bouncing back to you as a negative, he wouldn't care, this was going to end in disaster. Hell, maybe the date would go so bad he'd convince the others to not accept the affiliation and they'd find someone else to partner with; you'd definitely be fired for that one, your entire job and livelihood were now on the line thanks to this date, if you didn't impress this guy you could lose it all-
You felt sick to your stomach as you called a cab to the restaurant, your outfit pristine and overly expensive as to impress him, your hair neatly styled and making you look sophisticated, and your stomach so upset that every bump in the road was about to make you ruin the upholstery.
There were already cars lined up outside, the valet taking their keys and switching out with the woman behind him, and you realized that a cab was not the right move to impress as the rich people outside looked down their noses at you. You resisted the urge to look down back at them if only to save the little you had for lunch as you stepped out, your hands clasping together as you nervously scanned the crowd for his somewhat familiar face.
You turned when you heard your name, your cab driving off and revealing the man jogging across the street to stand with you, and your face lit up at the sight of him; his hair was impeccably styled just as it was in the interview, which you definitely hadn’t watched about 50 times for any hint of what to say, and while he did wear a suit he also wore a leather jacket overtop, the collar upturned and making him still look a bit different than the people around you. You couldn't help but stare as he approached, his smile nervous but very excited as he gently grabbed you by the shoulders and kissed both of your cheeks. 
‘I’m Kurt, from the meeting; is nice to meet you, your friend, the loud one with expressive eyes, she show me photo on the phone,’ he explained as his right hand remained on you, and it took you a moment to realize how tall he actually was when he stepped up onto the curb with you. ‘Reservation is for hour from now, I wish to know you better before we settle on whether to proceed with dinner or no, your friend said you would like that more than the “blind date,” as she called it.’
You made a mental note to buy her lunch as you nodded, the people around you staring at him as they tried to figure out if he was dangerous or not between the jacket and the heavy accent and the tattoos, and you felt protective as you took his hand and started off down the street.
‘Did you have anything in mind?’ you asked as you walked, and he looked around before pointing to the café you liked, your steps hurrying in excitement even though you were going to have dinner later.
‘Coffee?’ he just asked, and you nodded as you walked inside, dressed to the nines, and grabbed a table by the window. He pulled out your chair for you before sitting down across from you, the baristas who were already very familiar with you but not your date whispering behind the counter, you saw out of the corner of your eye. ‘Is nice place, I see as I head to work but never been inside,’ he thought as he looked around, his jacket now on the back of his chair and only making him look all the more dressed up without it.
‘Yeah, I come here almost every day, it's my favourite place,’ you said as you gazed upon the familiar decor, the smell of coffee and the sandwiches they made mixing perfectly with the donuts and other treats, your stomach growling as it eagerly waited for you to get your usual. ‘So, uh… what do… I mean I already know what you do for work, and I guess you know what I do? So um, what else do-?’ You were floundering, you were going to going to blow it, you were going to lose your apartment-
‘Forgiving me if I might be making you nervous? Your friend did saying you were preferring to talk beforehand, but when I heard about you…’ You instantly calmed as your expression softened, he was looking at you so genuinely as he rested his arms on the table, was… was he nervous? ‘You're looking so stunning tonight, your picture, it did not do you justice.’
You didn't realize your mouth was a little agape until you snapped it shut again, and when he smiled at you it was almost apologetic.
‘Sorry, is been a while for me, have I offended you?’ he then asked in response to your silence, and you were quick to sit forward and reach for his hand to make sure he stayed where he was.
‘No, no it's not that, it's just… it's been a while for me, too,’ you admitted to him, and he just smiled again before looking a bit more relaxed.
‘Good evening, may I take your order?’ The barista, Moina, someone who definitely did not have Waitress as part of her job, had approached while you were distracted, and you hid your face from her as he looked impressed with the service.
‘No, we're just talking before dinner,’ you tried to say, but your stomach growled again as Moina tapped her pen against her notepad with a smirk.
‘I'll bring you your usual, is there anything you would like, Mr….?’
‘Goreshter,’ he answered, the name sounding so good when said by him that it made you want to hear more. ‘Do you have the menu for to look over?’
‘She's not a waitress, she's just nosy,’ you revealed, and he nodded in understanding. ‘I guess one donut can't hurt our appetites too much.’ You stood together, Moina hurrying back to prepare your coffee while her co-worker eagerly awaited the gossip before the two of you walked over and instantly made her stop. He admired everything in the display cases, the large array of coffee ignored as he eyed up the pastries instead. You had been kidding, there was no way you'd fill up on sweets before what was going to be a painfully expensive dinner, but he didn't hold back as he motioned for someone to come over.
‘I'll be taking two of these,’ he told Moina as he pointed to the red-filled danishes on display, and she nodded as she got out two and placed them on some small plates on the counter. ‘Black coffee, also.’ His order was ready the same time yours was thanks to its simplicity, and you got out your wallet to pay for your own coffee when he held out his hand. ‘No paying, not when we're still on date,’ he just said, and you could only nod as he paid for yours as well and escorted you back to your table. You sat down and went to take a sip when he pushed the second danish towards you, it was a gift, and you were in the middle of trying to refuse when he shook his head and lifted his own. ‘You wish to know me, know I enjoy such desserts.’
‘But dessert before dinner?’ you asked conspiratorially, but he was already taking a bite, so you had no choice but to accept his kind offer. It turned out that the red was raspberry, and you hummed in enjoyment of it as you quickly took a second bite; that was what you loved about the place, no matter what you tried they always nailed it. He nodded in agreement to your enjoyment, and when your mouth was empty you took that sip of coffee, Moina making it exactly the way you loved yet again.
You talked casually as you ate, and you noted how the girls lowered the lights for atmosphere in your corner of the café as you listened intently to him speak. Never once did you bring up what happened at the bay, and only after you'd been talking for almost an hour did you learn that the Scott he was talking about was actually Ant-Man. You didn't realize you were late for your reservation by five minutes until you got a text from your friend, the question of if you'd had a fun time alerting you to the time, and you quickly got up and gathered your things; you'd taken off your own jacket ages ago, his suit coat joining the back of his chair, and he watched you disappointedly before you motioned to the door.
‘It's 8, we're gunna miss our reservation,’ you told him as you went to run your dishes back to the counter, Moina calling for you to leave them from her spot by the espresso machine.
‘You wish to continue?’ he asked hopefully, and you smiled just as hopefully as you nodded at him. He stood and grabbed his coats, his arm outstretched for you to take as you headed back out into the night, thumbs up from your friends the last thing you saw before the door closed behind you. Thankfully the restaurant was basically right next door, the walk over fast as you approached, but the new people heading in took one look at the both of you, linking arms, giddy from the pleasant conversation, with your coats hanging off of your free arms, and decided that you weren't good enough for this place. He straightened himself up, ready to walk in, but you held him back, your cheeks flushing again as you looked up at him.
‘Hey, why don't we do dinner at my place instead?’ you suggested carefully, your heart racing as he looked to the doors and then back at you.
‘I would prefer that, this place too trashy for my date,’ he agreed, the people around you offended as you then flagged down a cab, only for him to lead you to a parked van nearby. It was decaled professionally for his business, and the front seat was high and roomy as he helped you up to it, and when he joined you in the driver's seat he lifted your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles. ‘Where to?’
You fumbled your address twice before giving him the correct one, and something in the air changed as he pulled into the parking lot dedicated to your building. He followed you all the way up to your apartment, your nervous chuckle of, ‘Well, this is me,’ making him move a little closer to you as you unlocked the door and pushed it open. You were glad you'd cleaned in your panicked nervousness as he took in your place, your hands shaking a little as you took both his coats and laid them over the back of your couch after hanging up your own. ‘Uh, let's see what I've got in my kitchen, or we could order out? I can make a mean chicken parmesan though, or a burger? Whatever you're up for.’
You were nervously talking again, the change of location had completely reset you but for a different reason as he turned to face you, and behind that serious expression was something else; he was also nervous still, but there was excitement in there as well as the hope from before, and you swallowed when you realized you were backed against your table. 
‘I can also order a pizza, if you'd like,’ you tried to continue, but all thoughts of eating went out the window as he lifted your hand to his mouth again. He took his time, kissing each of your knuckles all the way to your fingertips before placing your hand against his cheek, and the warmth of his skin was electric as he stepped so close to you but didn't make contact, he was waiting to see what you wanted.
‘ты мне очень нравишься,’ he whispered into your palm, and you felt your breath catch at it all, your mind not even processing that it wasn't even English at first. ‘I really like you,’ he clarified when you tried to ask what he said, and your eyes widened in excitement as he moved even closer, ‘I was very much happy you accepted the date.’
‘I am too, I mean, I like- I like you too,’ you whispered, your voice just barely escaping as he brushed his thumb over your jaw, and when he suddenly leaned down to kiss you you felt the sparks run down all the way to your toes. It was chaste, and he pulled away just as fast like he was surprised with himself, his body moving away from yours as he instantly apologized.
‘Forgiving me, I did not mean-’ he started to say, now he was the one panicking about messing everything up, and you just smiled before pulling him back down to continue the kiss.
He relaxed the moment he knew it was okay, your body leaning further and further until you were bent over the table, your back hitting the cold wood and your legs wrapping around his waist to keep him close. He groaned into your mouth, were you really about to do this? But one shift of his hips against you made you realize yes, yes you really were as you tangled your hand into his hair and made him do it again. He obliged, your body shifting up the table with each short thrust, your mouths only leaving the other to moan or pant, and when you could take it no longer you pushed him back enough to work on the buttons on his shirt.
‘Where is bedroom?’ he asked as he helped you, your heart pounding hard as he took off his shirt and stared down at you, and you only pointed down the hall before he was picking you up and carrying you. You kissed his neck the whole way there, and he found the correct door and placed you on your bed before helping you reach a similar state of undress. One by one your fancy clothes were tossed to the floor without a care, your perfectly styled hair a mess the more he kissed you and ran his hands through it. More tattoos revealed themselves to you as you became more acquainted with his bare skin, and they decorated him by staining his arm and chest black, souvenirs from his time in prison along with the ones on his hands. He was fit, with the tiniest amount of tummy, his skin plush under a dusting of hair that trailed down into his boxers, and you bit your lip at the sight of what eagerly awaited you underneath.
He didn't remove them though, just cupped the back of your neck and leaned you back until he was on his hands and knees above you; he spoke in Russian again, catching himself faster this time before telling you that you were stunning, the thrill calming a bit as he just looked down at you. ‘So lovely, from moment I saw I wanted to be meeting you,’ he said softly, a sudden thickness in your throat as you felt more adored than you ever had been before.
‘I was excited when she told me I would be seeing you tonight,’ you admitted, and he smiled gently before leaning down to press kisses from your lips down to your collarbone. You watched him as he worshiped you, his hands trailing over your sides as he moved further down, your chest heaving as he hooked his fingers under the band of your underwear. He spoke in Russian again but he didn't have to translate as you just nodded, your last article of clothing joining the others as he lifted your legs over his shoulders and kissed you again.
Your hands found his head as he moaned against you, not wanting to force him down but also really wanting to do nothing more than that as he gripped your hips, and when he silently encouraged you to move as you pleased you didn't dare offend him by keeping still. He knew what he was doing, his tongue just as talented as his hands must’ve been as your pleasure built, the thought of him slipping a digit or three inside of you making you jolt as a particularly good burst made you gasp. He didn't stop until you warned him, the hand in his hair tugging a little too hard and making him groan again, he wanted to finish but you needed him, you couldn't let him go home without him coming too, and you were not going to let it be via your hand after that.
He licked his lips as he caught his breath, the sight of him between your trembling thighs so enticing that you couldn't hold back, and you sat up just enough to grab his hands and guide him back up to you. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he kissed you, your head swimming as he laid himself flat over you, his weight feeling so comfortable and addicting that just the realization of waking up without him tomorrow morning was suddenly a painful thought even though it'd never occurred to you before. You clung to him then, scared that he might disappear, but he wasn’t afraid of your sudden desperation as he kissed you so softly it nearly made you cry.
‘I wish to have you,’ he asked against your lips, and you kissed him again before nodding, his forehead resting against your own.
‘I wish to have you too,’ you told him back, and when he sat back to slip his boxers over his hips and down his legs you thought that he might be the most beautiful thing on earth. Usually you weren't so sentimental, not for sudden hookups at least, but with him it felt right as he laid beside you and got you to straddle him. You'd seen it but he felt so large pressing against you, your throat thick again as you gave yourself a quick reprieve to grab the lube and condoms you kept in your nightstand, both rather neglected since your last relationship had ended. You felt nervously giddy as you tore open the condom, unsure if you should put it on him or if you should hand it over while you prepared yourself, your mind going blank as he whispered something you didn't understand and guided your hands down.
Wordlessly he helped you roll it onto him, his movements slow and patient as you felt his pulse under your fingertips; he was so hard you didn't know how he could be this calm when it was killing you, your body already aching to have him inside of you. He could sense your readiness but he just chuckled lightly to himself, his large hand wrapping around yours and trapping your palm and fingers around his dick as he led you to give him a slow stroke, then another, and another, his eyes glazing over as you got the picture and continued as he let you go and picked up the lube from where you’d placed it. 
You felt your breath still as he poured some onto his palm, a blush spreading down to your shoulders as he then coated his own fingers in it instead of letting you, and when he sat up and got comfortable against your headboard you crawled on your knees until you were on his lap, your hand still moving over him as he reached between your legs. ‘Tell me if it’s becoming too much,’ he told you, your lips parting before you felt him press against your entrance; instantly your back arched as he held you in place, a hiss escaping through his teeth as you squeezed him a little too hard, and you apologized as you quickly kissed him, each sorry eaten up as he started to finger you in earnest. 
You resisted the urge to ride him as he worked, your hand keeping a steady pace in return as you were stretched open for him, his hands truly just as talented as his tongue as he found that sweet spot inside of you that made your eyes roll back. He spoke to you again as he held you to his chest, but you weren’t sure what language it was this time as your waning orgasm was teasingly built up again. ‘D-don’t,’ you managed to say, needing to warn him not to do it too much, and he kissed your neck as he went back to stretching you instead, a second finger added and scissoring you open. You bit your lip and sped up your hand on him, now you the one to tease as he had to stop, the desperate groan in your ear telling you that he couldn’t wait any longer.
‘ты мне нужен,’ you heard him say before you were toppling to the side and onto your back, your body bouncing just a little before he was pushing your legs to your chest. ‘ты такой замечательный…’
You thought for just a moment that maybe he couldn’t concentrate long enough to translate anymore, English completely forgotten to him now that you were in his arms, and you wanted to hear more as he lined himself up and pushed inside as far as he could go. You share a breath as you both stilled, your arms around him as he clung to you and the sheets, time stopping as you looked up into his eyes. It’d never been like this before, usually if you were lonely enough for a hookup you’d quickly fuck and that would be it, but this was different, he was different as he let you adjust around him, his hand finding yours again as he kissed it before breathing shakily against your palm.
‘я хочу, чтобы это длилось вечно…’ His voice was so soft, his hips jutting slightly with every shift of your bodies, and you brought him back down to you as you wrapped your legs around him again.
‘Please,’ was all you could say back, and he kissed you as he started to move. His hand stayed grasped in yours as he thrust into you, a slow but still deliciously hard pace that had you rocked up towards the headboard with each one. Your nails dragged and dug into his skin as you clung to his back, presumably a curse falling from his lips as his free hand slid from your lower back to your hip. You couldn’t get enough of him, how each kiss still tasted like black coffee and danishes, how he was so big but he still held you soft enough that you wouldn’t even bruise, how even when his pace sped up a little he never stopped holding your hand.
You linked your fingers together and urged him for more, you weren’t even sure if he could understand you anymore as he just opened his eyes to look into yours, but one quick kiss was enough to break the barrier when you nipped at his lower lip. He smirked at you before flipping you back over, a laugh leaving you as you were effortlessly pulled back into straddling him; the top of his head hit the headboard in his excitement and you laughed again as he swore, but still your hands didn’t separate as he kept fucking up into you, his own big smile on his face when he saw yours. You braced yourself on his chest, right over another tattoo as you rode him, the angle allowing him to go even deeper as you arched back, his hand gliding over the expanse of your thigh, your hip, your stomach, your chest, all so he could commit you to memory.
‘ты красивый,’ he breathed, something in his tone making you stop and stare, and something in those words made the lump in your throat return until you were sniffling; you didn’t realize you were crying until he was sitting up, pulling you towards him, your movements stilling as he kissed away your tears and held you to him. He helped you move as you continued to ride him, your chests pressed together while he kissed your neck and held your face to his shoulder, more praise falling from his lips as it all became too much.
You clenched down around him as you came, and he grabbed your hip and guided you so you’d keep moving, your knees aching but you never stopped until he was laying back down again. You let him use you as he chased his own release, your hands now clasped between your chests as you caught your breath, and when he finally came you felt almost disappointed at the fact that you couldn’t feel him come inside you, a thought that had never occurred before now seeming so warranted as he collapsed onto the mattress. You didn’t let him pull out as you remained on his chest, your head in the crook of his neck as you watched his Adam’s apple bob with each swallow, and finally his hand left yours if only to cup your cheek.
‘милая моя… you… you are wonderful,’ he panted, his senses coming back to him as he kissed the side of your head, and you practically melted into him as you held him a little tighter.
‘It’s Saturday tomorrow, I hope you’re not planning on leaving,’ you tried to tease, but you couldn’t help the slight hopefulness that crept into your voice.
‘нет, I took weekend off for date,’ he said, his hand now brushing through your hair. ‘I did not want to hope, but…’ Your face flushed again, the thought of someone like him being so nervous about what you’d think of him making you feel more important than any date or partner had ever before. ‘Monday, we will becoming neighbours together, we start moving our stuffs into floor below yours, I’ll be seeing you more?’
‘Oh you’ll be seeing me a lot more, if you’d like?’ Your finger traced shapes over his chest, that hope arising again as you looked up at him, and when he smiled you had to stop yourself from confessing your love after the first date.
‘I would be liking that, very much.’
Maybe blind dates weren’t so bad, after all.
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how-serene · 5 months
hihi i adore ur work!! could i possibly have a one shot where kurt goreshter takes care of his sick (gn!) s/o?? much love 🫶🫶
Rainy Days
Pairing - Kurt Goreshter x Neutral!Reader
Summary - While you're suffering with the flu, Kurt looks after you.
Word Count - 742
Warnings - reader feeling like a burden, fluff, reader is sick with the flu
A/N - Thank you for your request. Sorry it took so long!
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You glared down at the thermometer, squashing the desire to chuck it across the room. Chills ran up your arms, forming goosebumps on the skin. Despite how tightly you clung onto the blanket draped across your shoulders, your teeth chattered. Trembles coursed through your body every five minutes, until you felt sore and stiff. On top of that, you couldn't stomach so much as a few crackers and some water. 
“God is out to kill me.” you muttered, willing the 103 F reading to change. Even shaking the cheap plastic stick didn’t move the numbers. 
This was no doubt the worst flu you’ve had in your life. 
“You’re out of bed.” Kurt said, surprised to see your shaking form standing upright. 
You were hunched over slightly, as if you were an old person left without a cane. The thick plush blanket swallowed your frame, nearly touching the floor. He noticed you swaying slightly, trying to remain balanced. 
Kurt immediately set the mug of tea down, and ushered you back into your shared bed. You whined, protesting against his gentle hold. 
“Stop being stubborn.” 
“I’ve been in bed for three days, Kurt.” You complained, turning to face him. “I’m tired of not doing anything.”
Kurt sighed, “You need sleep, and rest. That’s how you get better.” 
You fought back your protests, as he helped lay you back, propping up the pillow behind your head. His hands felt like a heater against your skin, as he ran them up and down your arms. Concern swarmed in his dark eyes, as he watched another violent tremor rake through your body. It felt as if your bones and joints locked up, causing you to become painfully stiff. 
You let out an exhale of relief as it passed, leaving you to collapse back against the mattress. 
“You okay?” He asked after a moment, soft voice barely reaching your ears. A deep frown was embedded on his face, eyebrows pinched with worry. 
I’m an asshole, you thought. 
“I didn’t mean to argue with you,” You said, reaching for his hand. “I just feel bad about not being able to help around.” 
He tsked, shaking his head at your words. 
“I don’t want to be a burden-
“I don’t mind taking care of you, love” He interrupted, thick accent laced with emotion. He squeezed your hand in ressaunce, tracing the lines in your palm with his thumb. The soothing motion relaxed you, as you focused on the edge of his nail slightly grazing the skin. 
“Here.” He said, shifting to grab the cup of tea from the nightstand. 
Steam rose from the cup, as the string attached to the tea bag dangled on the side of it. You grabbed it, humming at the warmth emanating from the mug. The herbal smell of the tea wafted in your nose, clearing your stuffy nose. 
“It’s chamomile.” He mentioned. 
You smiled, heart thudding against your chest. The sweet drink slid down your throat, as you took a cautious sip. Your eyes flickered up to meet Kurt, who still held onto your hand. 
A certain warmth flooded your chest, not caused by the effect from the tea. The softness in which Kurt took the cup from you, and helped you back into bed caused the corners of your eyes to sting. 
“If I wasn’t so sick, I’d kiss you right about now.” You said, bringing the blanket up to your chin.
Kurt went still at your words, eyeing you. A sudden smirk appeared on his lips, as he leaned forward. You went to shove his chest, not wanting to transfer your terrible illness onto him. 
“No, wait!”
He diverted, bringing his lips up to gently kiss your sweaty forehead. 
“You’re going to get sick.” You whined, gently pushing him back. 
He chuckled, peering down at you. “You’re very dramatic.” 
You rolled your eyes, blaming the sudden heat crawling up your face on the high fever. 
Kurt brought your wrist up to his lips, tenderly pressing a kiss against the pulse. 
Your heart spiked from the action. 
“Get some sleep.” He said, placing your hand on your chest. He dimmed the lamp beside you, and adjusted the pillow behind you. 
You watched as he left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar in case you needed him. The heavy comforter weighed you down, causing you to slowly drift off. 
You could still feel his cool lips against your skin as you fell asleep. 
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finnofamerica · 1 year
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lillywillow · 2 years
A Cure For The Plague
Summary: The survivors of the zombie apocalypse hear of somewhere that may have found a cure.
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 2354
 Square Filled: Y3- What Doesn’t Kill Me Makes Me Mad
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader  
 Warnings: Horror themes, angst, mentions of character deaths
 A/N: Set in the What If… Zombies?! Episode but written slightly differently. Also be prepared for some zombie/ horror related media references.
 Ever since the zombie apocalypse began, people frantically searching for a cure. What was left of the Avengers heard about a breakthrough and headed to a facility upstate by the river. Sadly, they lost friends along the way but maybe there was a chance to bring them back if this rumour of a cure was true. The closer they got to their destination, the more it resembled a jungle.
 The group of survivors cautiously made their way off the train having to make it into the jungle on foot. Bruce carried Hope as she grew progressively weaker. Okoye’s hands were tight around her spear and Bucky’s finger was on the trigger of his gun ready to shoot at anything that moved, his other hand holding up the shield ready to protect. Peter and Kurt were on edge, flinching at any sound. The air had the stench of decay, stagnant water and something chemical.
 “You don’t think there are any giant mutant vampire mosquitos around here that will suck out all our blood, do you?” Peter wondered out loud.
 “Not now!” Okoye hissed.
 “Guys, Hope’s not doing so good. We need to get her inside as soon as possible,” Bruce interrupted.
 Before anyone else could speak, a zombie jumped out the water and attacked. Bucky and Okoye were ready to defend but neither got the chance as the zombie was wrapped in vines and dragged to the gaping maw of the biggest Venus fly traps they had ever seen.
 “It’s like that thing out of plumber brothers!” Kurt cried.
 “What the -”
 “Move, Parker!” Bucky ordered.
 A hoard of zombies started creeping in. Bucky and Okoye held them off but to their surprise, the vegetation around them started attacking the zombies too, picking them off as fast as they were going down. Someone in a hazmat suit ran out of the building towards the group.
 “This way!” she ordered.
 They followed the woman to an elevator, all cramming in. The ride down was full of tension.
 “Can you help? She’s been infected,” Bruce explained.
 “How long ago?” the woman asked.
 “About five minutes…”
 “Has she died yet?”
 “Not yet.”
 “There may still be time… We have to hurry.”
 Once they had reached the ground floor, she ushered them into the lab.
 “Cain! Conners! We got something!”
 Two men came running to assist, taking Hope into another room and hooking her up to machines to check her vitals. One of the men tilted her head to the side and filled a syringe with some kind of fluid.
 “Let’s try 15ccs…”
 The team watched as he injected the fluid into the base of her skull.
 “Now all we can do is wait…”
 The scientists instructed the team to wait outside as they locked the door and monitored from a distance. Every second that ticked by felt like an eternity. The EKG beeped with every beat of Hope’s heart… until it went into one continuous beep. Bucky placed a comforting hand on Peter’s shoulder as the boy tried not to fall to pieces.
 “Give it another minute. If she doesn’t respond, you know what to do,” the woman instructed.
 They waited with bated breath when suddenly, the steady beat returned. Hope began to move.
 “What… where am I? What happened?” she groggily asked.
 The three scientists cheered with the success of their experiment.
 “We’ll run observations, you take them to quarantine,” one of the men instructed the woman.
 She nodded and headed off.
 “Follow me.”
 The group followed her to the quarantine station where they were sanitised and had their vitals checked. Once they were given the all clear, they could be reunited with Hope and formally introduced to the people that had saved her life.
 “I’m Doctor Y/N L/N, and these are my associates, Doctor Curt Connors and Doctor Dan Cain. We were giving lectures in a nearby university when the virus hit. With my work in botany and plant stem cells, Connors’ work in herpetology and regeneration cells combined with Cain’s work in neurosurgery and neuroscience, we were able to come up with a cure. I also developed the plants out there to protect us…”
 The group all introduced themselves to the three doctors who then took them to the rest of the survivors who were mostly students and faculty from the university along with a few others. There Okoye was reunited with King T’Challa and Hope was reunited with Scott, albeit as a disembodied head. The scientists explained their earlier experiments were still in their infancy but they at least had some success.
 “I tried to tell them about that movie where the guy brings back the dead but who would believe a talking head? I should get a job in a sideshow,” Scott laughed. “Sorry. I tend to process traumatic events by joking.”
 “You know, I could probably regrow that arm of yours,” Connors stated, looking at Bucky’s metal arm.
 “I don’t think so,” Bucky replied, tensing up.
 “You sure? We’ve made some remarkable progress,” Connors said, wiggling the fingers of his right hand.
 “Connors, leave him be. If he’s fine the way he is, then he’s fine. Not everyone needs to have their limbs regrown,” you interjected.
 “Suit yourself,” he shrugged, walking off to talk with Peter.
 As it turned out, Connors had given a few talks at Peter’s school.
 “Thanks for that,” Bucky softly smiled at you.
 “You’re welcome. For the record, I think you look great the way you are,” you smiled back.
 “Hey, any chance we can look around this place?” Bruce asked, interrupting your moment.
 “Sure. Right this way.”
 You showed the newcomers around the base which was built to be a bunker during the cold war era but was never used. There were still tunnels running all over the city which was convenient to avoid the zombies up top. You showed them the gardens, both the vegetable and defensive plant ones and explained to them about the complicated Haber-Bosch system that allowed you to grow plants in such a short amount of time. That was one benefit of having a group of mostly academics. The scientific minds of the newcomers understood but Bucky was a little lost. Then you took them to the site of your greatest failure so far. Contained behind glass was a zombie dressed in a red and black suit. When it saw you coming closer, it pressed itself up against the glass and licked it. Bucky turned his nose up in disgust.
 “This was Wade Wilson. We thought his regenerative powers could be the key into creating the cure but instead, they somehow mutated and now we’re stuck with a zombie that can’t and won’t die. We can’t even mulch him like the others…”
 “Wait a minute, you have been turning people into plant food?! That is so messed up! You don’t just feed people to plants unless maybe they’re wifebeaters!” Kurt shouted.
 Bucky watched as you tensed up.
 “You are in no position to judge me; to judge us. I watched some of my closest friends die. Dan had to watch his girlfriend be violently attacked. Curt had his arm torn off. We have had to make decisions that nobody should have to make… the tour ends here,” you calmly stated, trying not to let all your rage boil over.
 You were shaking and your eyes shone with unshed tears. You turned and walked away before you let them see you become emotional. Bucky took one last look at the zombie licking the glass before following you.
 He found you tending to your arsenal of plants. You gently spoke to them as you sprayed them with a fertilizer.
 “What a good little triffid you are. Soon you’ll be big enough to go out and protect us from those nasty zombies. Yes you will,” you cooed.
 “Hey,” Bucky gently greeted.
 “Oh, hello. Come to judge me like your friend?” you bitterly replied.
 “I’m not here to judge you and he’s not really my friend… I just came to see if you wanted some company…”
 You shrugged and continued tending to the seedlings.
 “For what it’s worth, I do know what it’s like to make those tough decisions. I’ve had to take out some of my really good friends. You want to hold back because this thing has the face of someone you once cared about but you also have to remember, this thing isn’t them anymore and it won’t hold back if it gets you first…”
 Bucky thought about Steve and Sam. They didn’t deserve to go the way they did and it certainly wasn’t fair that he was the one who had to face them.
 You turned to look at him and saw the honesty and anguish on his face. With a kind smile, you gently placed your hand on his arm.
 “Do you want to help me tend the garden? I find it can be very cathartic…” you offered.
 “I think I’d like that…”
 For the next few weeks, Bucky helped you to tend the garden finding he had quite a knack for horticulture while also working with the other survivors to help strengthen the base. He also spent as much time as he could with you, learning everything about you. Bucky could really feel himself falling for you.
 With a few recon missions, more survivors were found and brought back and with each successful person brought back, you were one step closer to curing this infernal disease.
 Then disaster struck.
 It was the middle of the night when there was a huge commotion. Bucky woke up, instinctively grabbing his gun and shield as chaos erupted.
 “Wilson’s escaped!”
 Bucky ran to the containment unit to confront the zombie Deadpool. Unfortunately, he had bitten a few of the survivors which were fast approaching. Okoye and T’Challa stepped in to fight off the incoming wave, holding them off while Bucky went one on one with Deadpool. Wade was just as skilled at fighting as he was when he was alive, making him a difficult opponent. He snapped at Bucky, his jaws biting down on his metal arm.
 “Hey, Wade!” you called.
 The zombified merc with the mouth stopped to look at you. You were holding up something that was wet and red.
 “Come and get the chimichanga!”
 Wade stopped, his mouth curling up to something that resembled a smile.
 “Ah… Brains…” he gurgled, running after you.
 “Did he just…?”
 You ran as fast as you could to avoid getting attacked by Wade and once you reached the glass cage, you threw the thing into it with a wet smack. Wade gleefully pounced on it and once he was in, you locked the door behind him.
 “Did you really just happen to have a brain on hand to give to him just in case?” Bucky asked, seeing you had the situation under control.
 “Of course not… it was a red dyed cauliflower. He can’t even tell the difference,” you panted.
 “You can’t keep him in here anymore. It’s too dangerous now,” Bucky stated.
 “I know… But what else can we do? He literally can’t die and we can’t let him loose on the rest of the world. We’ve already tried curing him once but the virus mutates and he becomes a zombie again…”
 “Have you tried it with just his head? I mean, you’ve come so far in your research, maybe there’s something to it…”
Bucky’s words made you think. Wade did still seem to have some cognitive recognition and there were a few times he responded to the reagent.
 “That… might just work…”
 You went with Bucky to tell your co-workers the idea.
 With Bucky’s help, you were able to lure Wade to the lab with a trail of cauliflowers. You strapped him down and used the same process you did to remove Scott’s head and placed it in a jar, carefully adding the reagent to it. Starting with small doses first, you gradually added a little more each time until finally, he was normal again. Well, normal as he could get.
 “Hey, you got any brains to eat? I’m starving!” he laughed. “I’m kidding. Sort of. I won’t let it go to my head though!”
 “And now there’s two of them,” Bucky grumbled.
 “Don’t worry about it,” you smiled, going to tend to your garden again.
 Bucky once again followed.
 “Y/N, I’ve been meaning to ask you something…”
 “Yes?” you hummed, carefully repotting a large sundew.
 “What… what is your relationship with those two guys you’ve been working with?”
 “My colleagues?”
 “Yeah… are you… dating either of them?”
 “No. Dan had a girlfriend when this all started happening and is still not over her death and Curt… well, let’s just say he’s not my type…”
 “What… what is your type?”
 You wiped your hands on your pants legs and walked over to him.
 “I like a guy who’s tall… strong… protective… has a gorgeous head of hair…”
 “I see…”
 “Do you really?” you asked, placing your hands on his chest.
 “I… I know this isn’t the most ideal place but… I’d really like to start dating you…”
 “I’d like that too, Bucky…”
 “Could I… kiss you?” he softly asked.
 “Of course…”
 As Bucky pressed his lips to yours, you felt the most alive since the apocalypse started.
 In the days that followed, you and Bucky started dating the best you could given the circumstances. The world was still in a hot mess but as long as you had each other, you felt like you could survive anything. Maybe one day with all the progress you had been making, you could finally be rid of the virus that infected the earth.
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
(ㅅ´ ˘ `) david dastmalchian masterlist
last updated: 22nd july, 2023 newest: latest heart to heart update
rules for requesting: ✮ disclaimer: i do not do smut, i can do dark themes such as stalking, etc. requests are open.
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abner krill/polka-dot man(the suicide squad 2) dating abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff, light angst warnings: mentions of abuse, panic attacks, ptsd, a bit suggestive at the end HEHEH abner with a s/o that has a symbiote genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: mentions of intercourse, very short bc i am pooped out of ideas for this one
yandere abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: yandere behaviour, suggested intercourse, stalking, mentions of murder, abner being a creep, abner being DELUSIONAL heart to heart genre: abner krill x fem!oc, best friends to lovers warnings: mention of experimentation, murder, abuse, manipulation, ABNER'S MOTHER synopsis: after escaping an illegal lab where she was experimented on constantly, number 037 found a new life for her in gotham city, in a quaint little cafe. everything seemed to look up, she even met someone dearly special to her. who knew it would all go bad so fast? kurt goreshter(ant-man) - none yet. johnson(reprisal) dating johnson genre: johnson x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff warnings: drinking, light implications of intercourse lester billings(the boogeyman) - none yet. alonso "lonny" crane(the belko experiment) lift, laugh, love genre: lonny crane x named!fem!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers warnings: reader is emotionless-type character, reader’s name is quinn, panic attacks, reader used to smoke, sorta emotional, making out sorta cause i can mUAHAHAHA synopsis: you and lonny get stuck in a lift and a few confessions happen.
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littleoddwriter · 11 months
Rules, Guidelines, etc.:
[Used to be: ronaldrx]
I'm a hobby writer and mostly write (x Reader) FanFictions and Headcanons. But I am also working on my original story whenever I can, so that I’ll hopefully publish it as an actual book someday. My Ao3.
Here’s a link to my Ko-Fi, in case you want to support me financially. It would mean a lot to me! (Obviously no obligation whatsoever! You never have to pay for anything on my blog, it’s merely an option for donations.)
Also, here are my sideblogs if you’re interested:
Dead Poets Society
Raúl Esparza
The Simpsons
Only ask for the characters I’ve got listed, please. I’ve written down all of the ones I actually write for, and the list is being updated regularly, as I often find new (actors, whose) characters I write for! (And yes, I always write for every character, so don’t ever worry if you wanna ask for one I haven’t written for in a long time, or ever, it’s fine!) Please always be patient with me. If I haven’t outright declined your request, it’s definitely in the works; even if it has been weeks or months since you’ve sent it in! And only send your requests via ASKs. No DMs or comments, please.
If you have a request, send an Ask to my inbox.
NO sexual NSFW requests, please (more details further down).
Requests = CLOSED (Max. Limit: 10)
Current number of requests: 10
Last updated: October 29, 2023
Masterlists are linked with fandoms/actors/characters below. I WRITE FOR:
ALFRED MOLINA characters:
Doctor Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man
Bob Taylor
James Lewis
Kurt Goreshter
Lonny Crane
Philippe/Abra Kadabra
Simon Lynch
Thomas Schiff
ETHAN HAWKE characters:
Arthur Harrow
Ellison Oswalt
Goodnight Robicheaux
James Sandin
EWAN MCGREGOR characters:
Alex Law
Catcher Block
Christopher Robin
Curt Wild
Dan Torrance
John Bishop
Mark Renton
Obi-Wan Kenobi 
Roman Sionis/Black Mask* (Birds of Prey - Masc!Reader only) [Any other version of Roman Sionis/Black Mask can be with a Gender Neutral/Female!Reader.]
HUGH DANCY characters:
Adam Raki
Cal Roberts
Luke Brandon
Executive ADA Nolan Price
Will Graham
KARL URBAN characters:
Billy Butcher
Black Hat
John Kennex
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Markiplier EGOS:
Wilford Warfstache
PAUL DANO characters:
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Edward Nashton/The Riddler
Eli Sunday
Jay (Okja)
Joby Taylor
PEDRO PASCAL characters:
Agent Whiskey
Dave York
Dio Morrissey
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Pike
Max Phillips
Maxwell Lord
Oberyn Martell
Ricky Hauk
RAÚL ESPARZA characters:
Dr. Frederick Chilton*
Jackson Neill
Jonas Nightingale
Rafael Barba
Characters from 9-1-1 (Lone Star):
Carlos Reyes*
Eddie Diaz
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Howard “Chimney” Han
Josh Russo*
Mateo Chavez
Paul Strickland
Bobby Nash
Tim Rosewater
TK Strand*
Characters from Law and Order(: Special Victims Unit):
Detective/ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Sergeant Mike Dodds
Detective Nick Amaro
Executive ADA Nolan Price
ADA Peter Stone
ADA Rafael Barba
Deputy Chief William Dodds
Little Miss Sunshine:
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Our Flag Means Death:
Edward Teach/Blackbeard*
Izzy Hands
Stede Bonnet*
Prisoners (2013):
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Bob Taylor
Detective David Loki
Renfield (2023):
Count Dracula
Robert Montague Renfield
Tedward “Teddy” Lobo
SLASHERS/Horror Film Characters:
Asa Emory/The Collector
Ash J. Williams [I will usually default to Ash from the TV show, unless requested otherwise!]
Billy Lenz (1974)
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface (TCM 1974 and TCM 2)
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Chop Top Sawyer
Corey Cunningham
Dewey Riley
Drayton Sawyer
Herbert West*
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Lawrence Gordon
Lester Sinclair
Luigi Largo
Mark Hoffman  
Nubbins Sawyer
Pavi Largo
Stu Macher  
Vincent Sinclair
William Easton
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
The Girl Next Door:
Characters from The Simpsons:
Cecil Terwilliger*
Fat Tony
Frankie the Squealer
Jack Lassen
Johnny Tightlips
Moe Szyslak
Ned Flanders
Otto Mann
Seymour Skinner
Sideshow Bob
Sideshow Mel
Snake Jailbird
Timothy Lovejoy
Waylon Smithers*
What We Do in the Shadows:
Anton (Movie)
Guillermo de la Cruz*
Laszlo Cravensworth
Nandor the Relentless
* Please note that an asterisk (*) means that these characters are Male/Masc/GenderNeutral!Reader only (including non-binary, of course). Platonic relationships with Female!Reader are possible, but no romantic ones.
If it’s a character that is open to all Readers, and you do not specify in your request what you want, I’ll usually opt for a Gender Neutral Reader by default.
SHIPS, such as:
BlackBonnet (OFMD)
SteddyHands (OFMD)
Black Pete x Lucius Spriggs (OFMD)
Buck x Josh Russo (9-1-1)
Dracfield (Renfield 2023)
Buddie (9-1-1)
Eli x Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Nandermo (WWDITS)
Herbert West x Dan Cain (Re-Animator)
McKirk (Star Trek: AOS)
Oluwande x Jim Jimenez (OFMD)
Barisi (Law & Order SVU) 
Renfield x Teddy Lobo (Renfield 2023)
Sickrent (Trainspotting/T2)
Stobotnik (Sonic Movie)
Tarlos (9-1-1: Lone Star)
AnderPerry (Dead Poets Society)
ZsaszMask (Birds of Prey)
Lastly, I would like to add things I will NOT write (about):
Sexual NSFW fics/headcanons (I used to write those as you can see in my Masterlists, but I have my reasons for not writing them anymore. Any hints at sexual topics are fine).
Anything related to death as the main subject (this includes deadly diseases, anything fatal, really, etc.).
Anything that romanticizes Mental Illness (my Vent Fics about my own disorders obviously do not romanticize any of it and I do not stand for that).
(Recreational) Drug Use
Extreme Possessive Behaviour and/or Jealousy
If you have something you would like me to write for, but you do not see it listed anywhere, please ask me before requesting it, so we can talk about it. I hope you enjoy yourself on my blog and have a good time!
My Asks and DMs are always open for any questions or simply to talk!
- Jesse
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Kurt with a Chaotic Yet Mature Reader
This is a request from @cora-cooks-batteries, and honestly I kind of relate to this because I feel like most of the time I’m a calm person but then other times I’m absolutely feral, so this should be a fun time! If this isn’t to your liking, please let me know and I can make whatever edits are needed! Also the gif is not mine and if it belongs to you let me know so I can give you credit!
Warnings: none I don’t think
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I think that it’s safe to say that you met Kurt through Luis and or Scott
If it’s Luis, he would definitely tell some kind of elaborate story on how you met or how skilled you are *cue his famous story telling montage*
When it comes to Scott it could go a number of ways. Maybe he saw you working away on a laptop at Baskin Robins, or perhaps you babysat Cassie a few times
Either way, Kurt would at least hear about you before seeing you in person
However, the moment you walk into the office for X-Con Security, Kurt would be in awe
He thinks you are the most attractive person he has ever seen, and would definitely be shy, but in the cutest way possible
When Kurt actually sees you in action, figuring out different plans and what not, he is going to be even more head over heels
You give him a suggestion and he is trying so hard not to freak out due to the close proximity
“Have you thought about this option? It’s cheaper and more efficient, which is precisely what the client is working for.”
“Oh, I did not think of that. Smart move, Y/N.”
I personally feel that while Kurt is smooth enough to ask the reader on a date, I think that he would come up with some kind of group thing as an excuse in case the reader doesn’t feel the same
“Luis, Dave, Scott, and I are all heading to club after work. Would you care to join?”
A fun night out with the three wombats and Ant-Man? Who would pass that up!
Once you get to the club, things would start off kind of slow, the one dancing the most being Luis
However, once that favorite song of your’s comes on, any and all control goes out the window. You are dancing however you feel and like no one is watching, a huge smile on your face
Kurt is dumbfounded. How is it that someone who is so calm and calculated in the workplace be this crazy and outgoing all of a sudden?
He doesn’t see it as a bad thing though, and Scott notices his shocked state
“Hey Kurt, you feeling okay? I promise there isn’t a Baba Yaga anywhere, and if there is I can handle it.”
“I am in love.”
I think that once you start dating, the chaotic side would become more prevalent
Kurt adores every bit of it, especially when you are cooking dinner for him
He would come home from his shift at X-Con, only to find you dashing around the kitchen
Ingredients would be strung across the entire counter space, flour coating your clothes
You would be frantically stirring one pot while trying to chop vegetables, all the while keeping an eye on whatever dish was already in the oven
Kurt would smile as he came up behind you, leaving a kiss on the top of your head. “What are you making, love?”
“Syrniki and Beef Stroganoff. I know they’re your favorites, and you deserve them after a long shift.”
Kurt would offer to help you, but you insisted that he relaxes for a while
This of course would probably lead to some kind of food fight, considering that the kitchen is already a mess anyway
“Your aim is terrible. Luis could throw better than you.”
“You take that back! You aren’t exactly a pro either.”
Overall I think it’s safe to say that a chaotic reader would definitely be able to bring out Kurt’s more chaotic side, and at some point the others would have to separate the two
This would only last for about five minutes considering that both you and Kurt know how to break out of rooms no sweat
Needless to say, once you are both free, more chaos would be soon to follow
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theoretical-whore · 3 years
Snapshots (Kurt Goreshter x f!OC)
Fandom: Marvel Rating: R (18+ THIS IS SMUT!) Contains: Masturbation (male, female mentioned), nudes, mention of sex toys, mentions of voyeurism, mentions of handjobs, mentions of ball fondling, mentions of oral (male and female receiving), mentions of nipple sucking, mentions of creampies Words: 1.5k+
A/N: Hey gang, been a while. Have your Russian translators open for this one too! In this installment, Kurt gets a letter from his lovely fiancee while he’s in prison. Hope you guys enjoy! I know I did.
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“Goreshter, you got a letter.” The guard tossed a letter through the bars of his cell. “That lady of yours again.”
Kurt got up from where he was laying face down on his cot, swimming in boredom, and picked up the envelope. His heart swelled at the sight of it. The envelope was pink, addressed to him in her beautiful handwriting, and sealed with red wax stamped with a strawberry. Packaged just how she packages her orders. Only he knew that this was more special than a commission order. 
Careful not to tear the envelope or ruin the seal, he opened the letter and sat back on the edge of his bed, a soft smile on his face. 
There was a letter inside, of course, as well as some photographs. He couldn’t help but smile wider. He loved when she sent him pictures. Sometimes it was scenery, or things she thought he’d like. Sometimes it was pictures of her class or her artwork. But he liked it best when she sent him pictures of herself. She would send him photos others had taken of her, even some he’d taken himself. Sometimes she would send him old pictures of the two of them. Or sometimes…
Sometimes she would send him the kind of pictures he had to hide in his pillowcase. The kind of pictures that made him thankful that he didn’t have a cellmate. The kind of pictures no one else would ever be allowed to see. Only him. 
All the pictures she sent him, save for the special ones, were taped to his wall in a collage by his bed. His favorite was one he had taken, shortly before he was locked away. She was upside down, smiling at him over the edge of their bed. It was taped right by where he rested his head when he slept. So he could always see her. Fuck, he missed her. 
He took out the letter first, unfolding the paper that she had clearly sprayed with her perfume. It smelled like her. Sweet, floral, with a hint of strawberry of course. She always said the same things in her letters. Asked the same questions, told him the same pretty words. She asked if he thought about her, and told him how much she missed him. Always the same, but he never got bored of it. He would read the same words over and over, for a million years if he had to. Anything to hear from her.
Dear Kurt,
I miss you. That’s the most important thing. I miss you so, so much.
He missed her too. 
One more year. One more year and then your sentence is up and you’ll be back in my arms. I think about it every night. Every day. While I teach. While I work. I can’t stop thinking about having you back. It’ll be so soon now. And then we can get married. 
His body almost vibrated. She was right! He was four years into his five year sentence! In just another year, he could hold her again! And then they could get married. 
I think about you all the time. Do you think about me?
All the time.
Sometimes at night, I wrap my arms around myself and try to pretend it’s you. Or I’ll hug your pillow. I’ve started wrapping myself in your clothes too. When I need comfort. They still smell like you. It makes me feel safe. Like everything is gonna be okay. I’m lonely, Kurt. I really am. I miss you so much.
His chest tightened. She was lonely. He knew she was, she’d told him as much before. But whenever he thought about her, alone in their bed, the new image introduced of her wrapped in his clothes…his heart broke a little bit. 
Your clothes are so soft. If I close my eyes, sometimes I can pretend it’s your hands on my body. But your hands are so much bigger. Rougher. But still so gentle. I can tell you love me when you touch me. I still haven’t forgotten how it feels when you touch me, even though it’s been four years. But my fingers aren’t long enough to make myself feel as good as you do. 
Something stirred in his belly. 
When I touch myself, it doesn’t feel as good. It never does. You’ve ruined me, you know? It’s like my insides have molded to fit you perfectly, and nothing else works. Not even any toys. I’ve tried. I can still cum, as long as I’m screaming your name.
He felt himself growing hard under his ridiculous orange pants. This was her ploy all along, wasn’t it? He wondered if she included any pictures to go along with this…
“Malen'kaya shalun'ya…”
He set the letter down next to him for a moment, taking out the photographs. The first few were some old pictures of old dates they’d been on, some scenery, a picture of a cat. And then he found the goldmine. 
Five photos of his fiancée in various states of undress. Two in her favorite lingerie, and three of her fully bared to the camera. His cock throbbed at the photo of her in his favorite armchair, her legs on the arms and her fingers inside herself. 
Even in photograph form, the sight of her all spread out and dripping (he could tell, she was glistening) was enough to make him rock hard. He picked the letter back up. 
I bet you’re hard right now, baby. Did you look at my pictures? I bet you did. 
Damn it. She knew him so well. He held the letter in one hand and the photograph in the other, his hungry eyes flicking between them. 
When you touch yourself, I want you to think about when you come home to me. How nice it’ll be. Do you miss being inside me? Do you miss how I taste? 
“Da…” he said aloud. He laid down on his bed, pulling his sheet up over his hips for at least a modicum of modesty. 
God, I’m such a whore. But only for you. I can’t wait until you’re home and we’re married and I can finally get off this stupid birth control. You can breed me like you mean it. Isn’t that a nice thought, Kurt?
She would be the death of him. He managed to kick his pants down just enough to free his aching cock. 
I’m running out of room on this paper, and by now I’m sure you’re dying to get yourself off. I’m sure I’ll hear all about this letter when I come to visit you next. Until then, my love. I miss you more than anything, and I love you even more than that. 
Always yours,
She had clearly pressed a kiss to the paper by her signature, as a red lipstick mark was nearly embedded into the paper. Kurt threw his arm over his eyes.
Well, fuck. 
This was a situation he’d seen a lot over the past four years. He was alone, in prison, on his bed that felt like a brick, with a raging boner, and a letter and naked pictures from his fiancée back home. 
What was a man to do?
Well for starters, a man can wrap his hand around his throbbing cock. 
So that’s what he did. He gave a few soft tugs, trying to imagine her small, dainty hands on him. She was right, though. His hands were so much bigger and rougher than hers. But he had a good imagination, and years of memories stored away like movies to watch when he was away from her. A drop of precum pooled at the very tip of his erection, and he swiped it away with his thumb as he let out a shuddered breath. 
He was sure everyone on his cell block, guards included, had heard him masturbating to thoughts of his precious fiancée a million times over by now, so he didn’t care what they heard. 
His klubnika was so soft, so plush against him. Even if he lived a thousand lifetimes without her, he would never forget her softness. So it was easy to summon the memories now. The gentle curve of her waist, her wide hips, all so soft and silky to the touch. 
He glanced at one of the photos. She held her arms just under her bust, pushing up just a bit in her white, lace bra. 
It had been too long since he’d held her heavy breasts in his large hands, and tasted her sweet nipples on his tongue. It would be so soon…
“Milaya…” He pressed his thumb against the sensitive underside of his cock head, squeezing his shaft just a bit. She would always look up at him through those long lashes of hers as she jerked him off, her eyes full of false innocence. He knew better. He knew his klubnika was his sexy, whorish, little devil. She would smile sweetly at him, her big eyes shining as her long nailed fingers pumped him slow and steady. He reached his other hand down to fondle at his balls. She always loved to do that as she jerked or sucked him off. 
“How do these feel, baby?” she would croon, delicate fingers ghosting over his heavy balls. He could practically hear her… “Are they throbbing, baby? Do they ache?”
“Da…” he whispered to the emptiness of his cell as he jerked himself with one hand and massaged his own balls with the other. “They ache for your touch, milaya, aching with cum to fill you…”
She would laugh sweetly, a small giggle. “Then fill me,” she would say. That was when he would pin her to their bed and enter her, drinking in her whimpers and moans as he pressed inside her. And he would fuck her, he would fuck her so deep and so good. 
But he couldn’t do that now. 
All he had was his own hands. 
His vision went white. 
He choked back a sob as his balls tightened and he spilled into his hand. “Milaya, milaya…” he moaned as his hips bucked up into nothing, no warm wetness, no soft heat. 
Tears spilled from his eyes. When had he started crying? He let out a broken sob. He missed her, he missed her touch. She visited him as often as she could, but there was always that glass wall between them. He couldn’t touch her, couldn’t hear her voice clear and beautiful, only muffled through the phones. 
Only one more year…
That was all he could think of as he rolled off his bed and washed his hands off in the small sink, cleaning up before tucking himself back into his pants. He slipped the scandalous photos into his pillowcase with the others, and taped up the rest. 
One more year. 
One more year and he could hold her in his arms, kiss her cute face, ravage her beautiful body. One more year and he could marry her. 
One more year. 
He could make it one more year.
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fxckin-polkadots · 2 years
okay this one is a lil dumb but like, projection
Kurt with a reader that learned to code purely for modding minecraft?
i think it'd be slightly funny
CANDIECARDS!!!!! it’s nice seeing ur asks in my inbox man !!!
How the hell did you do that? // Kurt Goreshter
Master List
Warnings: None / Not proof read
A/N: Reader is gender neutral (not specified in ask/no pronouns referred with)
Synopsis: Kurt showing the reader something he’s “working” on, and the reader enquires how he learnt to do that.
Translated words: Пчелка – Pchelka = Little bee
“How the hell did you do that Kurt?” You asked, peering over his shoulder that the blue screen of his dinky laptop. You could barely keep up with the amount of pop ups flashing on screen, each filled with information you couldn’t quite take in.
You knew Kurt was an avid hacker, and a good one at that. But you never knew how on earth he learnt to do it, whenever you’d had asked he’d go awkwardly quiet and dance around the question until you have up prying. Hackers never reveal their secrets, you guessed.
You almost didn’t catch his response to your question as you were to engrossed watching his hands flicker across the keyboard, like skilled ballet dancers preforming a routine they’d done a thousand times before.
“Modding Minecraft, Pchelka”
You stared at him, mouth agape, he had stopped what he was doing and was looking right at you. “What?” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, the man you’d seen jack into government owned servers was now telling you he learnt this from a video game. “What? Don’t believe me? I’ll show you”
Ruffling in his back under his desk he pulled out an old, scruffy looking USB, you couldn’t read the russian text scrawled on a sticky label on the front. You assumed it must’ve been “Minecraft” or something like that.
He placed it into the side of his laptop, as an old windows screen popped up, the foretold game’s home menu brightly lit up the screen. You watched with mounting anticipation, nothing looked out of the norm though. That was until he opened a saved game file, and once he had the whole game looked different, the textures were more advanced and in the home he had spawned in there was furniture you knew wasn’t already in MC.
He moved around the little area, showing you nick-nacks he had either modded in or collected during his play through, and then he went outside, into a beautiful forest with types of trees you hadn’t even seen before, all you could say was “Oh wow,” you heard kurt chuckle at your remark, “Like it?” he said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, you nodded.
“We should play together some time” Kurt offered, leaning slightly back in his chair, you couldn’t agree more.
This one is slightly shorter - my apologies ^^; i hope you like it though !!
and yes i’m now realising the reader is just standing up the entire time but i have no idea how to slide in a chair somewhere in this oh well 💔
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holmesandtheroman · 3 years
It has come to my attention that David Dastmalchian has a tumblr and so this is my official apology to him if he ever reads any of my silly little fics about Abner Krill and especially about Kurt x Baba Yaga. Please assume I still have dignity sir.
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Piter De Vries x Fem Reader
She fed off happiness. The more she ate the more happiness exuded from her. She did not take the joy away from people, she simply multiplied it. She could bring the dead back to life and cherish their joy. But there was no joy here. Moments of triumph maybe, but no real joy. How did she end up here? The dark walls seemed to cave in around her. Her body was weak. When was the last time she saw a smile? Harkonnen was a nasty place with nastier people to watch her suffer. One man in particular watched her quite often. Piter De Vries. The witch had grown to see him as her polar opposite. Someone who consumed darkness and felt lightened by the pain of others.
The witch wasn’t stupid, of course. Each day when the maids went to check on her she would make quiet conversation. She would ask them about the good times they remembered before this awful tyranny. The women would smile and recall their brothers and sisters, their loved ones and special places that made their hearts double in size. This is when the witch would grow stronger and feed. Then that awful De Vries would come in to her cell and demand that the maids leave,
“There is a solider we need revived. Follow me.”
Then like most days she would sit in a strange room. Water poured from the ceilings into a pit in the center where a body would lay. This time however, along with the body was a weeping man and child. Running towards the pit and sinking to your knees you would begin to chant softly. The dead shoulder began to twitch and then with a gasp of air sit up. The weeping man and his child now had tears of joy as they embraced their once lost love. The emotions they felt were so strong it made you dizzy. Getting to your feet you realized you were no longer weak. Your plan had worked and the awful mentat was none the wiser.
The hard part was pretending to be weak and afraid. Your bones were humming with life and you felt a need to run and sing and destroy every wall of this damned place. Limping you leaned against Piter and whimpered. His body tensed, foolish man. He guided you back to your cell slowly with a hand on your back. His rings making indents in your soft flesh. Flesh, he hated to admit he thought about often. Plagued with dreams of the witch each night. In his mind she would sit there and sing to him, holding him close and telling him how great and powerful he was. Those dreams did get...explicit sometimes but he did his best to force those memories away as he lead you to your room.
Piter let the door slowly swing open and he followed you inside. He was setting up your chains when the door slammed shut. Turning around, he saw you were pressed to the door.
“Move, witch. Or I will have to use force.” She only giggled and clapped her hands. Clearly he was wrong about her state of health,
“You wanna know something De Vries? I love giving life, it’s what I live for!” She grabbed his robes and yanked him forward so that their faces were only an inch apart. His body pressed finely against hers,
“You wanna know what I love more than giving life?” Desperately he tried to throw the mad woman off. Her iron grip was nothing like he had ever felt before. His stomach dropped when she whispered in his ear,
“Taking it.”
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bc omg imagining an awkward friends to lovers situation with him in ant man is SO adorable
Not So Typical Heist - Kurt Goreshter/Reader
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader, no use of Y/N, very clueless reader lmao
Wordcount: 6293
Summary: Folsom State Prison. Once you got out you never looked back, your life of crime over for good. You said that, but then why were you answering a burner email from your former Solitary neighbour when you'd never said two words to the guy? The job must be pretty good to tempt you back into a life of crime, or is it the man himself you want back in your life?
Notes: Back to back Kurt 🥰 WOO sorry this one took so long, it's been a busy week so I was only able to chip away at it a little each shift, but each time I did I was swooning so much. I truly love this man, I love writing him so much, and I hope that this version of awkward ends up being okay and that you enjoy it 😊
To say that your time in Folsom State Prison was a rather… undesirable time in your life would be an understatement. Once you got out you swore you'd go legit, too many smart remarks directed towards the guards eventually scaring you straight when they tossed your sorry ass into solitary to cool you off, and when you saw the sun again that was it, no more hotwiring cars you liked and pickpocketing for you no matter how easy the mark looked. The sun was warm and the sky was blue on the day you walked out of there, and when you hitched a ride a suitable distance away you wished the place and everyone in it good riddance.
So imagine your surprise when, years later and out of nowhere, you get an email from an address you don't recognize with a name you do.
Kurt had been next to you in solitary, the man ending up there almost as often as you with his tendency to slip into the guard room and hack the computer so that a security camera might just glitch at the exact moment someone needed to nab some extra food, or a keycard wouldn't be required to open a gate when he felt like taking a stroll. They'd marked him for it, the tattoo artist in your block staining his skin black as thanks for his hard work, and he wore each one with pride as he was escorted down into the small room next to yours again and again. You remembered him well because of all that, as well as the fact that his hair always perfectly styled despite the shortage of products in prison, but you had no idea what the hell he wanted with you considering you'd never once said a word to the guy.
His English hadn't been as good when he'd been brought in, a Russian speaker from another block his translator as he learned from everyone else, but even when he no longer needed the translator and could speak to everyone freely you still never found the words to say to him, those cold, dark eyes always staring you down whenever you passed in the hallway or ran into each other in the yard. You'd seen that he was friendly, his face usually stoic as he conversed but still was social all the same, and the odd hack job he'd do for those with a problem had made life a little easier for the new guys who weren't as ready to hole up there. You weren't a coward, smooth talking actually one of your strong suits and one of the reasons you'd been locked up in the first place, but the second you opened your mouth to talk to him nothing would come out as soon as he'd stare down at you.
Why in the absolute hell was he messaging you now?
The email was a burner, and the message inside was nonsense, but because you'd been in the same block you knew all the lingo to decipher that he wanted to meet you somewhere to discuss whatever the hell a cuffing might be, you must've missed that one back then. The location was a public park in San Francisco with a large fountain near the entrance, he'd be waiting with more info on Tuesday at noon when it was the least busy. You thought about it, wondering what use he'd have with you when you weren't exactly penpals here, but as you were about to pull up a map of the park on your phone it hit you that he didn't want to meet you for coffee and donuts as a fellow inmate, he wanted to bring you in on a job, that's probably what cuffing meant since he knew you were a pickpocket.
You scoffed, you were done with that life, you weren't about to have some guy you barely knew from years ago just come in and drag you right back again, but still you hesitated when you went to delete it. You pictured him in his orange jumpsuit, the sleeves pushed up and his hands brushing back his hair as passed by, his eyes on you like he was figuring out how to hack you, and you pulled up the map after all to see where this park was exactly, your place almost an hour outside of San Francisco.
You wore something discreet to the meeting, your fingers unfortunately twitching as you watched the odd person walk by, millions of ideas to what the job might end up being playing through your mind as you watched the remaining time tick down on the large clock nearby. When you saw him you were taken back a little, not used to seeing him in anything other than orange as he walked through the gate; he looked the same, a bit older but still exactly the same, and clearly you did too as he noticed you and walked right on over. You remained seated on the ledge of the fountain, your eyes avoiding him as he approached, and when he held out his hand to you you felt almost daring when you took it and shook.
‘So, what's the job?’ you asked as soon as he sat down a little closer than you expected, and he looked at you before glancing down to the polo under his leather jacket.
‘X-Con, specialize in security of all kind,’ he answered in a normally loud tone, and you glanced around before shifting closer so he could lower his voice.
‘Whattaya need me for? You got a bit for me you can't hack?’ You stared down the woman walking by, her coat upturned from the chill of the air as well as your gaze.
He hesitated, those dark eyes making you feel like you were back at Folsom again even as the cloudy sky kept you aware of the fact that you were far from solitary. ‘We're in need of secretary and script writer, someone to talk smooth and win over clients,’ he explained, and while it wasn't pickpocketing or hotwiring you could at least still do that; so they were posing as people who'd need access to this security place, probably so he could hack in and grab some blueprints in their files, gain intel in blind spots, you could do that, you could be a great distraction anyway when you already knew how fast he worked.
‘How much it pay?’
‘We're up to the 50 thousand, plus Dental.’
Damn, heisting had benefits now? ‘I'm in, when do we meet?’
‘I thought we were meeting right now.’
Double damn, this guy worked fast, he always was on top of things back at Folsom. ‘You got the address of the place, then?’ He nodded and stood, your coat collar tugged up high to block out the breeze, and when you started off towards the entrance a couple cops decided now would be a perfect time to take a walk. You moved closer to him, expecting him to give you space, but he just placed his hand on your lower back and casually led you towards the road, the cops looking you over but ultimately not doing anything, you were just two people on a walk, just like them.
It turned out that the place wasn't far from the park, your eyes constantly on the lookout for ways to escape as he brought you to a much smaller building and then even smaller office inside than you expected, this might just be a two-man job at this rate. You waited for him to give you the rundown of how long he needed, five scenarios of who you might be already forming in your mind when he just walked inside, no warning for you at all as you rolled with the punches and walked in right after him. There were two people already inside, the one concentrating so hard on his papers that he didn't even look up, the other just glancing your way before nodding a welcome; nice place, this would be probably the easiest mark of your life.
‘The weather it is much nicer than the morning,’ he told them, the distracted man finally looking up with a start.
‘Ohhhhhh shit- welcome! Yeah he told us you were coming, you in the market for some security? We just got in this new brand of camera, does night vision day vision facial tracking the battery on this thing lasts for like a month if you can't have it plugged in, we can give you a great deal if you need any?’ He said it all so fast you had no time to choose an identity, your mouth falling open as Kurt waved the offer away and steered you towards the display cases.
‘Don't listen, he is always in business mode,’ he said lowly, and you straightened your back and decided on someone just as lively to combat it, keep him talking so Kurt could do his part. You gave him a subtle nod and walked over, extending your hand and flashing him a polite smile.
‘I have been thinking about replacing my own security, I live in the middle of nowhere so there's always punks coming onto my property, what do you have in terms of, say, spotlights to scare them away?’
‘Oh for real, can you look that up for me?’ he asked to his associate before motioning for you to follow him over to the wall behind his desk. ‘We've got a few in our registry for now, but I know these guys tend to be popular right here.’ He gestured towards some pretty sizable spotlights as his associate, Dave, as his nametag read, walked up with a list of prices and specs, and out of the corner of your eye you saw Kurt sit down at another desk and start typing, time to work.
‘My place is surrounded by trees so I need something really bright, do you have anything with maybe a speaker, or a buzzer? I'd love to be able to set it off from my phone.’ You were talking out of your ass, trying to think of what they would use back at Folsom, but they still took you seriously as Kurt kept typing out of sight; he was working fast but usually he'd be done by now, maybe being out for so long had slowed him? You waited until they were done before pretending something else caught your eye, some big and fancy camera with a connection of one helluvan alarm system to go with it, their gazes directed away from him you hummed and asked about it.
They gave you the whole pitch, Kurt still working, and you started to fear that he'd get caught when suddenly the door opened again and another man walked in with two large bags of food. ‘Sorry for the wait, traffic was murder on the way back, nearly had to get out and direct it myself when some idiot ran a light,’ he explained, your skin crawling in fear when you recognized that voice; you'd seen him on TV, his face on books and his voice reading it aloud, he might just be the most recognizable man in all of San Francisco by now.
Scott goddamn Lang was placing the bags on one of the displays without a care, the logo the other two were wearing on his shirt as well as he handed out the food, his jacket tossed onto the glass and his eyes instantly going right past you to where Kurt was still at the computer.
That was it, you were so screwed, heist over, time to go back to jail, Ant-Man of all people just busted the both of you.
You were in the middle of holding out your wrists for the cuffs so maybe he'd kick your ass a little softer if you went easy, but instead of suiting up he just walked him over a container and placed it down next to him. ‘So, how'd it go?’ he asked nonchalantly, Kurt opening up the lid to confirm that his order was correct to your pure and absolute surprise.
‘Very well, we have new secretary now,’ he told him as he picked up his plastic fork in his right hand, his left gesturing to where you were standing with not your targets but his co-workers apparently. 
‘Ohhhhh so that's why you're here! My bad, I'll get the paperwork ready, but you might have to learn all this stuff if you're gunna work here anyway, do you have some free time today? Wait, we just got lunch, we'll order you some and then start, that sounds good?’ Again you were stunned as Luis, who was also his co-worker and not your target, you couldn't even believe all this, pulled up a form on his computer and printed it out for you for read and sign, Scott coming over to pull up the restaurant's menu on his phone so you could decide on what you wanted while Dave just grabbed his food and sat down to eat.
Somehow, while you were trying to heist them, they ended up heisting you; guess you had to find a place in town and fast so there'd be no hour-long commute, because you sure as hell weren't about to admit to any of them that you did not wanna be their secretary after all of that.
They ended up helping you find a decent place not only in budget but nearby, and it wasn't until you started moving in that you learned it was only a floor higher than Luis’ apartment, which is where Kurt and Dave stayed as well. It almost felt like prison again being this close and running into him in the halls on your way to the lobby or the laundry room in the basement, and even though you'd been working together for almost a month already you still barely talked. When he wasn't preoccupied with his own work then you were answering the phone or writing scripts, which turned out to be for commercials and whatnot, and when you finally had a moment to breathe he'd be working on the webpage or setting up some code to make incompatible systems work together based on what the customer wanted.
It was a busier job than expected, and it felt weird that first month having all those cameras on you even though they were off and unplugged, but the more you clocked in the more used to it you became. Luis and Scott were easy to talk to, which really helped, even if Luis had a tendency to ramble until you lost the plot. Dave was easygoing and preferred to listen, his answers were always pretty short which made you have to do most of the talking, but he didn't seem to mind or care all that much.
But Kurt, even though years had passed, still never had anything to say to you directly. He would talk to the others just fine, but whenever you'd talk with him there'd end up being some kind of miscommunication that led to you doing an errand together like heading to the bank or post office, or you going with him to pick up lunch. You were spending time together, but talking was still an absolute mystery to you, which is why you were currently sitting with him alone at what you thought was a work get-together to celebrate two months on the job.
The way he'd worded it had sounded like the others had already agreed to it, so when you'd showed up to the restaurant you'd expected them to show as well, but instead you'd just found him there all dressed up and ready to escourt you to your table. You didn't pry, they'd come eventually, but when he started ordering you just figured they'd had to cancel and ordered as well. It was a nice night regardless, he was much easier to talk to outside of work distractions, so when he'd asked if you wanted to get together again next weekend you'd accepted without the promise of the others you'd realized after you got home.
He was quiet all week leading up to it, but this was a new type of quiet, his gaze softer as he glanced up at you and gave you a small smile. He'd been nicer as well, he'd always picked up donuts for everyone before work but now he also grabbed you a coffee, everyone else handling their own on the way there since they left at different times based on the availability of their shared bathroom for the most part. It was exactly how you liked it too, and you had to wonder if he'd asked Luis since he sat closest to you or if he was just that perceptive, but either way he got his information somehow and it was to your benefit. 
After a week of coffees you wanted to do something nice to thank him, so you made sure to get up early and race for the bakery before he could. Your phone was out by the time you got to the counter, and the moment you were wished a good morning you swiped to the photo Luis took after you'd signed the papers. ‘If he walks in, tell him it's already been paid for, please,’ you told her, a crisp $50 bill slapped down on the counter, and she looked you over before recognition came to her eyes and she smiled wide.
‘Of course, would you like your change? He usually just gets the same thing,’ she grinned, but you shook your head and glanced back to see if he was walking up.
‘Nope, I don't wanna get the wrong order so offer him something to drink, or more danishes, maybe? Anything he looks at when he walks in, this is my thank you.’ She grinned again, her elbows on the counter as she already started to prepare the box for him as she always did. 
‘You got it, should I say it was you?’
‘No thanks, I… I wanna surprise him myself, when he gets into work.’ You found yourself trailing off, like it'd just caught up to you that you wanted to be the one to see his smile when you told him, and you were so distracted by that that you almost missed her signal for you to hide. He was approaching the door, just barely seen through the glass, and you panicked just a moment before ducking into the bathroom nearby and shutting the door just as he opened his.
‘Good morning, dear Mocha,’ he said almost monotonously through the wood, but you could hear that he was happy.
‘Still Moina, will you be having your usual today?’ you heard her ask cheerfully, and it went silent as he thought before her voice cut in again. ‘We're actually having a sale on those, buy one for half price or get two and as well as a free coffee.’
‘Yes, very good, my friend would be liking this,’ he told her softly, and you felt your heart skip a beat as you pressed your ear to the door as he kept speaking, but you couldn't hear unless you opened it which you were not about to do. You didn't leave until you heard the bell ring along with Moina's overly loud goodbye, and you peeked out to see her grinning again at you from the counter.
‘Better hurry before he beats you to work,’ was all she said before pushing a bag with the largest treat she had towards you, a silent encouragement to gift him again thanks to your change, and you grabbed it before racing down the street without being seen.
You just managed to beat him thanks to cutting through an alley and circling back, the other three looking up as you burst in all red-faced and out of breath, and they just didn't say a word as they got back to turning on their computers and getting everything ready for the day. You sat down at your desk and caught your breath, the treat thankfully still preserved as you set it beside your temporary laptop until they got you your own computer next month, and by the time he walked in you were pretty much back to normal again. You gave him a wave as he opened the door, and you were about to give him the extra large cannoli topped with frosted sugar and chocolate drizzle as your big thank you when he gave you yours first, your eyes widening as he placed it in front of you along with your coffee.
‘Bakery was having sale this morning, thought you might enjoy,’ he said almost nervously, and you stuttered before giving him his, no second one telling you that he'd only had you in mind when he'd accepted the fake sale.
‘I… I saw, you like sweets so I wanted to thank you, for all the coffee I mean,’ you told him, the others silent as he set down the box for them to tear through before grabbing his chair and pulling it up to your table. He opened up the bag and held up his treat, waiting for you to do the same, and as the powder and chocolate got all over your fingers he tapped his against yours in a toast before taking a big bite the same time as you. It was totally delicious, they nailed everything about it from the flakiness of the dough to the sweetness of the cream, and you laughed when you both ended up with your faces a mess. 
The others started conversing with each other over the danishes and the big sell you were in the middle of finalizing, Kurt sliding his chair a little closer as he wiped off his mouth and offered you a napkin. ‘I am excited for our drinking together, there is place just down the street we like to go to, very good atmosphere, you will like,’ he told you as you took a sip of your coffee, the flavour of it only enhancing the treat even more. 
‘I bet I will, clearly you have good taste,’ you joked as you held up your drink, but you paused when he actually blushed a little, something you had never ever seen before in all the years you'd known him. He took another bite and choked a little thanks to an unfortunate inhale, and you offered your drink to him so he could clear his windpipe again. He just looked at it before accepting, and you swallowed as he did when you saw the way his lips curled over the rim of the cup so he wouldn't spill a drop. 
‘Thank you, I might be having to switch from my usual,’ he grinned as he handed it back, and when you took it you let your fingers linger over his for just a moment before you quickly pulled it back and nearly spilled. He just smiled before taking another bite, and when you stood to toss out the pastry bag you noticed how the other three quickly pretended they weren’t watching you as they turned back to their screens. 
You blazed through your work that day, all four of you piling into the van while Scott took off for his own apartment, and you started to zone out when Kurt sat beside you but didn't say anything after a whole day of stolen glances. You didn't know when it'd happened, but you were realizing that you were starting to get a crush on the guy when Luis hit a bump and your leg bumped into his. You both tensed as you looked down at the contact, but neither of you moved until he pulled into the parking lot out back and Kurt stood to open the door. He jumped out first, his hand outstretched for you to take, and you did just so as you also hopped out and headed to the back door.
‘I'll be ready in about a half an hour, unless you'd rather go later?’ you suggested nervously, Dave hurrying Luis up the stairs first before he could start whatever he was going to say.
‘Am ready now, just need to change shirt to something more comfortable.’ His hand hovered over his chest as he straightened said shirt, and your eyes refused to look away until you reached his floor and he had to split off from you so you could continue to your own.
‘I'll just change my shirt too, then,’ you quickly said as he opened the door, the dawning realization that once you met up again it would be on purpose, this was now a date, wait, was it always a date? You pondered it as you raced upstairs, your keys clanging loudly as you fumbled them from your jacket pocket and tried to unlock your door; you started going over everything as you threw open your closet and tried to find something that was nicer than casual but not too fancy for a bar meet-up, your head swimming with everything that'd happened since you got there. You came up blank, other than the cannoli from this morning you couldn't place any difference in him that would've led to him asking you out a week ago, so you decided to play it safe just in case your feelings were reciprocated. 
You nodded at your reflection as you made sure you looked okay, the door locked again as you pulled your jacket back on and headed back down as calmly as you could manage. He left right as you reached his floor, Luis still talking about something as the door shut, and he couldn't help but look you over and make you doubt your memories again.
‘The walk is fast, we can order some food to be going along with the drinks if you're hungry,’ he said as you stepped back outside, the sun already setting thanks to the fall turning to winter, and you pulled your jacket a little tighter as he led the way to the bar. You were glad he knew so many places within walking distance because it gave you a good chance to try and see if he really was acting different towards you, but the only thing he really did the whole way there was keep pace with you despite his long legs making him naturally faster than you as well as getting the door when you finally arrived. It was cozy inside, just a normal bar with a casual atmosphere as something played on the TV by the counter, a few tables pushed against the wall so people could sit together and eat something while they drank. You did like it, and you let him know it as you picked out a table and checked out the small menus.
They didn't offer too much since it was mostly drinks, just the typical bar food like fries and wings and such, but you were indeed hungry amidst the nerves so when the server came over you made sure to grab an order of fries to go along with your favourite drink. To your surprise he ended up ordering a virgin mule, skipping the vodka entirely as he asked for some various sauces to go alone with your fries, and when the server had left you leaned in curiously. ‘I didn't know you didn't drink,’ you said before you realized how it sounded, and you floundered a little as you tried to clarify. ‘I mean, you asked me to a bar, I thought you might’ve-’
‘Quit during aftermath of The Snap, as they call it, when I was realizing the dependency.’ His voice was soft and serious, quiet and painfully honest, and you looked at the table as you played with the corner of the menu.
‘What… what was it like? Those five years, I mean, when everyone was…’ You didn't want to say it, to say it would be confirming your own death during that time, something you had fought so hard to avoid ever since you came back and found yourself without a home in the blink of an eye. ‘I never knew you were one of the ones who didn't…’
‘Get the dust?’ He said it so easily, and you found yourself subconsciously holding your arms like you were afraid you'd disappear again. ‘It was… lonely, not having the others around, I was managing to keep the business floating but I was finding myself being unprofessional at work, drinking at all of the hours to forget they were gone.’ He looked so sad, you couldn't imagine what it'd been like for everyone during those five years, and after spending so much time around the others you could understand how lonely the office would feel without them there.
‘I'm glad you were able to pull through, you're stronger than me, I think,’ you admitted, thinking about how you'd taken the news that you were gone for so long and how everything had changed so easily without you, and you didn't realize you'd said it out loud when you felt his hand over yours.
‘I was always wondering if you were still out there,’ he said softly, his fingers closing over your hand that you didn't realize was shaking, and again you had to know if he was saying it because he remembered you from Folsom or if he had feelings for you. You flipped your hand around so you could hold his, reciprocated feelings or not you didn't want to lose him in that moment, and when the server came back with your fries you made sure to ask for a nonalcoholic drink instead.
You spent hours at the bar, sipping your drinks and eventually getting some wings to go along with the fries when one hour turned to two and the hunger possessed you both, the room filled with not only yours but his laughter as well as you kept talking. You didn't know why it was so hard to talk to him before, he still kept those deadpan remarks but he had a genuine reply for everything you said, every question you asked, and when it was you who asked if he wanted to maybe do this again sometime his reply came so fast it almost winded you. 
‘Yes, I would very much be liking to, there is event coming up that you may like, I will grab the information on the phone,’ he quickly said as he did indeed pull out his phone, but before he could show it to you you just placed your hand over his and got him to look at you.
‘Kurt… is this a date?’
He blinked, too stunned for words, and he looked around before giving you the most incredulous look you'd ever seen him make. ‘Were you not wanting it to be?’ he asked self-consciously, and you just as quickly shook your head as you scooted your chair closer to the table, your stomach pressed into the wood.
‘No! I mean, I wasn't sure, like I thought it wouldn't be just us at the dinner, so I thought this was-’ He looked away from you, he was taking it the wrong way, and you held his hand with both of yours to get him to look at you again. ‘Hey, if it is, I'm really happy you asked me out,’ you finally told him, and he muttered something in Russian before holding your hands up to his mouth to kiss them.
‘I've never known how to talk with you, you are such the mystery,’ he confessed with a smirk, your jaw dropping in surprise. ‘I ask you out months ago and you ask for job, I bring you to dinner and you expect others, I invite you along with me every chance I get but you no talk, I give you coffee with my number on the cup every time and you no call, I ask you out for drinks and you think as friends,’ he lists, and you feel your face heat up from the absolute embarrassment of missing signals so bad that you were now his co-worker instead of his partner. ‘Just like in Folsom, I try giving you signal and you just look away when I get close, how much more the obvious can I make it that I'm liking you?’
Your eyes widened as he kissed your hands again, every single moment you were together playing in your head again as you finally saw the signs, even all the way back when he was looking at you the way he was now the first time you saw each other in the halls at Folsom. He was so stoic you'd just assumed this was his face, his normal expression since he never spoke to you, but you knew now that he was just quiet, it was the company that brought out his voice as need be, and since you'd never said a word he hadn't either, and still he'd fallen for you just from that alone. He waited for your answer as he lowered your hands back to the table, and without a word you stood and leaned across the whole thing to press an experimental kiss to his lips when the words still wouldn't come out.
When you parted you saw that he'd closed his eyes, he was a romantic under all that stoicism, and you chuckled when he reached up to place a hand on the back of your neck to bring you in for another, then another, like he really had been waiting for this for years. You tasted the time on his tongue, the five years at Folsom, the two you were out just after him, the five he wondered if you were still alive out there, and the two months he waited to see if you would ever feel the same as he sat across from you, all of it conveyed in how much he thought of you until you had to part again for air.
‘I thought I was good at reading people, you were the only one I could never crack,’ you whispered against his mouth, and he chuckled as he let you sit back down again.
‘I'm glad you accepted my first date, the others they convince me to reaching out when I saw your photo in the paper,’ he told you as he finished off his drink and the last of the fries, and you were confused until he pulled up a picture on his phone and showed it to you; there you were, walking in the background of a photo about some new business opening, your face turned slightly towards the camera to see what the commotion was about. You remembered that day, you'd come into town to run some errands, and your heart pounded at the thought of him happening to see this and needing to find you so bad that he apparently hunted down your email to reach you. You couldn't fault him, he was an ex-con hacker after all, only him able to get away with such a thing and make you smile about it as he put his phone away again. 
‘I wish we'd been able to talk at Folsom, this whole time I thought you didn't like me,’ you admitted with a laugh, but he didn't find it as funny as he admitted the same. ‘Well, the cat's outta the bag now, so what do we do?’
‘First,’ he started as he took your hand again so when he stood you had to follow, ‘I will do the asking out of you proper, so the next date can be confirmed.’ He took out his wallet and tossed a few bills onto the table, your coats grabbed as he then led you to the door. ‘Second, we will be needing to make space in your apartment, you are too far from me for my liking.’
‘Oh, so you're gunna move in, just like that?’ you teased as the cold wind nipped at your cheeks, his coat also around your shoulders to keep you warm.
‘Only until we're finding the house nearby, something like Scott's, so as to keep walking to work and my favourite places.’ His mind was completely made up and you could only laugh at his vision, he must've been imagining this for quite a while.
‘Sounds reasonable, any places for sale nearby?’ He unlocked the door to your building and held it open for you so you could hurry in first.
‘Scott's, he is to be moving in with Hope, he give me good price for love.’ He slung his coat over his arm as you ascended the stairs together, your paces still matched.
He stopped as he reached his floor, his hand still holding yours as his back rested against the wood, and when his other one cupped your cheek you leaned into it. ‘For long time I've been missing you, I wish to know you even better, the best, I don't want to let you go again,’ he said softly, and you gave his sleeve a little tug as you backed up towards the staircase leading up to your place.
‘The night's still young, you could come home and tell me everything you wanted to say back at Folsom,’ you replied just as gently, and there was no missed signal as his eyes shone with relief and happiness as you both headed upstairs together, no more barriers keeping you apart now that you'd found each other again.
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how-serene · 5 months
⁺⁎˚ M A S T E R L I S T ˚⁎⁺
Last Updated - 08.18.24
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finnofamerica · 2 years
Requests Open!
Hey beautiful people! Just reminding everyone that my requests are open for Stranger Things, Marvel, Jurassic Park / World, Harry Potter, & The Hobbit.
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mesa3 · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
I want to give Kurt Goreshter a kiss.
21 notes • Posted 2021-09-10 02:06:53 GMT
The weirdest part of the ATJ fandom is the fact that we all just collectively pretend that he did in fact play James Potter.
33 notes • Posted 2021-03-24 21:09:35 GMT
Sometimes you win and sometimes you fall in love with the guy from Kick-Ass.
41 notes • Posted 2021-04-01 04:35:24 GMT
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Such a good picture of me with Aaron
47 notes • Posted 2021-06-26 16:48:05 GMT
It’s kinda weird to me that I got to experience WandaVision being one of the most popular shows. This must’ve been what it felt like to watch Game of Thrones in 2016 or something.
58 notes • Posted 2021-03-13 06:58:00 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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💻🍭🥰🤔- if you want to! hope your day is nice 😽
Donuts by the Bay - Sweet/Romantic Kurt Goreshter Headcanons
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Warnings: Fluff Q//w//Q
Notes: You don't even know how happy I am that Kurt is next in my queue I love him so much 🥰 I tried to keep all my hc requests between 10-20 but then I keep just going to 20 so that's what I'm gunna keep doing lol I hope you enjoy and thank you for your patience~ I hope your day is nice too! 💗💗💗
the first time you see him, you think he might be the type to mug you in a dark alleyway, between his tattoos and his haircut and his outfit you end up sweating nervously as he gets closer to you, and you're so busy trying to avoid him that you don't even notice yourself get mugged by a completely different guy until he's grabbing the thief by the arm and getting your attention, giving you back your wallet with a thick accent
you run into him again as you're waiting in line for donuts to bring to work, and he has the same idea it turns out as you properly thank him, and when you end up asking for the same thing coincidentally he gives you such a big smile you don't know how you were ever afraid of him
you see him repeatedly as you both stop for morning treats, and you chat while you stand in line each time until he tells you about his job at a security business, a start-up he and his friend own, and when he gives you his card in case you ever need some home security his personal number is written on the back
the next time you see him (after chickening out of calling him repeatedly) you sum up all your courage and ask him out for coffee, and you learn that while the pastries aren't just for him he does have quite the sweet tooth, another thing to contrast your first impression of him, and you can't believe how incredibly wrong you were as you sit with him in the corner of the café without realizing you're actually swooning as he speaks
after you start dating he greets you with kisses to your temple when you meet up at the shop each morning, kisses to your cheek when he takes you out to lunch, and a kiss to your hand when you finally have dinner together
he's surprisingly affectionate despite his more or less stoic nature by default, not the type to climb onto the nearest table and sing your praises to the world, but more the type to casually have his hand on you in some way no matter if you're sitting or standing, needing to be close to you until it becomes so second nature you don't even realize you've started doing it back
he's smart, so much better at computers and tech than you, and he's always ready to help you with something no matter how small or silly, he never laughs when you think you're asking a dumb question, just listens to your problem and takes a look, and without fail he has yet to not fix whatever task you bring to him
his friends mean a lot to him, the only people who had his back when he was dealing with getting out of Folsom State Prison, and when he opens up enough to let you meet them not just in the 'come check out our business' way but the 'let's all get dinner together one night' way you see just how much they compliment him even though they're all so different
whenever they need to work on a new commercial for X-CON, since Luis loves to keep changing it up purely due to nerves, you're the one he offers up as their test audience, since he trusts your opinion so highly, and while he is unbearably cute as he reads off his cue cards and curses in Russian when he messes up, you're always ready to give them pointers and adjust their scripts so it flows more naturally, which they really appreciate
you end up deciding that you could use a bit of home security after you've been together a while, an unintentional paranoia arising in your stomach after spending so much time around them all and their stories of break ins, some caused by them back in the day ironically enough, but he just holds you close, presses kisses to your forehead and promises that he'll never let anything happen to you
when you do order some cameras to put outside he's the one to personally install them, and he sneaks in a few extra bonuses for you without the others knowing, just to make you feel safer
whenever he visits he always waves at the camera by your door, just because he knows you'll eventually see it, and you keep a small collection of each one because you can't imagine letting them be lost to time
he loves cooking old family recipes from back home, sharing things he was taught by his mother, grandmother, telling you all about what each one means to him as you sit on your counter and watch him, and when you eat together he always lets you try it first so he can see your reactions
as you lay together on the couch or in bed he loves to link his fingers with yours and tell you about his tattoos, where he got his ring and necklace from and how the latter's been passed down through the men of his family for generations, and he teaches you the words for them in Russian
when you're held close he'll whisper things to you that you don't understand, and when he translate them you get him to teach you how to say them too, and his eyes shine when you tell him you love him in his native tongue for the first time
on the nights where you're anxious and can't sleep he brings you hot cocoa in bed and holds you to his chest, softly singing lullabies from when he was a child until your heart calms and you relax into his arms
for your birthday you find out that he's been planning a surprise party for you for weeks, he needed to ask Scott and Cassie to help most of all since Luis and Dave have horrible ideas, and aside from a beautiful cake and dinner they all helped make he also gifts you a box of the pastries you always get with a little ribbon on top, and for some reason (you know why) they taste even sweeter than usual as you all share them together in your living room
for his birthday you also need to go to Scott and Cassie, but only because you have no idea what he wants, but they're also stumped and can't help, so when he shows up at your place you feel bad that you have nothing to give, but he's just happy to make his favourite foods together, just the two of you, and spend the night with you while he shows you a movie from his childhood, and he translates every single line as you watch without subtitles
you never talk about marriage, not even when you date long enough to move into a brand new place together that's big enough for the both of you, but you think he might want it as much as you do when you wake up one morning and find him already awake and looking at you in the dawn's light, his hand brushing gently against your cheek as he wishes you a good morning in Russian, and you don't even realize til later that you understood him and wished it right back, English not even crossing your mind as he then kissed you in response
when he proposes to you he uses his own ring, a stand in until he can afford the one you want, but you just say yes and kiss him and tell him that you want to keep his, he's never getting it back now
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