#b banner
soranatus · 2 years
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Absolutely Sensational & Incredible by bruces_bar!
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soosoosoup · 2 months
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ciearcab · 6 months
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colours for an old sketch
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curlyhair-kid · 1 year
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I haven't seen anyone share these banners yet, so enjoy! The artist said we can use them wherever we want (respectfully!) to "spread the good word about Welcome Home!" [ ★ ]
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cowplant-snacks · 6 months
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Movies and manicures! 💅 🎥 Cozy night in waiting for Bobi to come home from work.
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Isn't this new hair (the one on Mia) by @the-melancholy-maiden wonderful?
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roseschoices · 8 months
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˗ˏˋ colorful banners of minors don't interact for writing ´ˎ˗
▸ made by me / free to use / likes, rb and comments are appreciated! / enjoy. *kiss*
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Happy Pride month everyone B*) Allow me to reveal a little behind the scenes detail behind my Banner and Icon. Love was always winning <3
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dilvei · 3 months
SILENT SOLACE [part one]
pairing: fushiguro toji x gn! reader
genre: angst, fluff, hurt and comfort
synopsis: After her death, it didn't take long for him to crumble back into his former self. Gambling the meager remains of their wealth, aimlessly drifting from one woman to another, all while neglecting the child they had brought into the world together. But things changed when he met you, once again.
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It troubles you sometimes when people say everything works out, that everything will fall magically into place, that all will be fine and none of us needs to worry because everyone will eventually find their purpose in life.
You have found no such purpose. And that scares you.
It scares you, as time mercilessly moves on, marching forward without any regard, indifferent to our struggles and desires.
It scares you, that so many people die, alone, every day and no one will bat an eye.
It scares you, because the world is a harsh and terrifying place, and you are but one of the powerless creatures amidst the vastness of humanity that can do nothing but watch.
You feel trapped, a mist covering your thoughts into nothing but a chalky haze.
Somewhere, deep inside the unconscious of your mind, you wonder if one day, you too can find a purpose. If you too can find meaning before your time in this world inevitably runs out.
Because everyone and everything that lives will always share one common fate.
Because death links all of us together. Because death smiles at us all, and all we can do is smile back.
Your first meeting with Toji was not much of an eventful one.
It was a cold evening in the winter of January, and in your desperate attempt to fend off the biting cold as you walked your way home, you visited the nearest convenience store in hopes of purchasing a hot pack to thaw your nearly-frozen fingers.
Like you said, uneventful.
As you waited in line to pay, a string of irritated murmurs and curses could be heard from the people behind you as you silently watched the snow fall outside the glass doors. They were annoyed, glares fully directed towards the man standing in front of you who was clearly taking his sweet time.
Peering your head behind the man's wide shoulders, you realized why exactly that was. He seemed to be a couple of yen short. Your gaze flickered to the side, taking in the small array of everyday items the man intended to purchase—a toothbrush, some heat packs, two bottles of water, and a couple of packets of instant ramen.
Without a second thought, you stepped forward. 
"Want me to pay the rest for you?" The words slipped from your lips softly before you glanced up at him, and in that moment, you truly saw the man's features for the first time. 
Eyes of a warm, dark green met yours, framed by straight black hair that reached to his ears. A scar marred the corner of his right lip, adding a rugged charm to his otherwise smooth features.
Somehow, an urge to touch it welled up within you, though you resisted the impulse as quickly as it appeared.
Faced with such a frank question, the muscular man in the too-tight black shirt all but blinked at you. 
You blinked back at him before turning your gaze to the lady behind the register with a small smile on your lips. "Here, this should cover the rest of his items, right?" you asked, taking out the exact amount of money needed.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" the gruff voice of the handsome man beside you asked, regarding you with his narrowed eyes. "Of course not." You shook your head, and a faint furrow formed between his brows.
After a beat of silence, the man sighed, gathering his items before wordlessly exiting the convenience store. But he didn't exactly leave, no.
Once you had finished paying for your own items, you stepped outside to find him waiting for you, gaze fixed upon the falling snow as he took a sip from the water bottle in his hand.
You raised a brow, the soft crunch of snow under your feet echoing in the winter night as you slowly walked towards him. "It's pretty cold tonight, isn't it?" Your voice was a quiet thing, but he nodded.
"I'm curious," he said, a half-smirk playing on his lips. "Why'd you help me out? A stranger, no less."
"I just felt the need to," you replied with a shrug, a small chuckle escaping your lips. "It was no trouble at all. Besides, it seemed like a lot of people were already pretty pissed at you behind me."
He hummed in response.
"Who knows what they would've done if you took any longer, huh?" you quipped, a playful tilt in your tone as you massaged the hot pack in your hands, eager for it to quickly warm up.
This time, it was the man himself who chuckled at your words. It's a nice sound, you thought to yourself.
"I would've been fine. You can trust me on that," he replied, finally turning to look at you, gaze steady. "Say, what can I do to thank you? You couldn't have just done all that for nothing, could you? Got too much money on your hands or something?"
You gave him a wide smile. "Just consider it as a random act of kindness."
"Really now?"
You nodded in response, barely containing the urge to burst into laughter as the man appeared momentarily stunned into silence. You were being truthful though, it was simply a random act of kindness on your part.
And, to be completely honest, he had hit the nail on the head with his last question.
With your wallet being the way it was—bulging with cash, to be precise—covering a stranger's purchase at a convenience store wouldn't even make a dent in your finances. It was only a mere drop of water in the ocean of your wealth.
The man took a step toward you, followed by another, leaning down slightly to meet you at eye level. "Thanks a lot then," he said, gratitude evident in his tone as he offered a small nod of appreciation. "I'll pay you back someday. Name's Toji, by the way."
"No last name?"
"...No," Toji answered back, gaze heavy with unspoken weight. You thought it best not to pry, it was clear that Toji didn't want to discuss the circumstances of his family, a sentiment you understood all too well, given your own family history.
"All right then," you said, extending your hand for a handshake. "You can call me [Name]. A pleasure to meet you, Toji."
Toji shot your hand a long and silent stare, cautious, as if waiting for something to happen, and when no such thing happened, well, a handsome smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Likewise, [Name]."
His hands weren't warm, but they weren't cold either. The perfect temperature to hold on to, one you wouldn't mind not letting go of if you had to be completely honest.
As you felt the calluses scattered on Toji's palm, you couldn't help but wonder. What kind of hardships had the man in front of you endured that had left such marks on his hands?
"So, no last name either, huh?" he asked, smirking down at you, eyes fixed on your lips.
You laughed, and wiggled a brow at him for good measure. "Interested in me that much?"
"Don't push your luck, [Name]." An exasperated laugh escaped his lips. You felt his hot breath touch the tip of your nose. "I'm just a curious man, that's all."
"A curious man, huh?" you repeated before you both let go. "Well, if we happen to meet up again, I'll be sure to tell you what it is, Toji."
"Looking forward to it then," he casually answered back, and so you reciprocated by giving him a small nod in return.
The two of you parted ways soon after, exchanging phone numbers without even a wave goodbye. It was a fleeting encounter with a stranger, a random act of kindness done for no particular reason.
It wasn't until six years later that your paths would cross once more.
He hasn't changed much since you last saw him, at least from what you remember years ago anyway.
The man called Toji still exudes the same indifferent aura to those around him, his ruggedly handsome face adorned with a hint of stubble. His choice of attire too remains predominantly black, just as you recall it to be.
"Seat next to you taken, Toji?" you say as you approach him.
His ears catch the sound of your footsteps against the floor loud and clear, but it's the call of his name that causes him to slowly whip his toward you.
You expected those calculating green eyes to be clouded with confusion and lack of recognition, but to your surprise, it's only one of those things. A smile tugs at your lips involuntarily. "It's been a long while hasn't it?"
He scoots away to make room for you to sit down, and you gladly take the seat next to him. Despite sensing a hint of familiarity behind his eyes, he then asks you with a smirk on his face, "Sorry, do I know you from somewhere?"
You play along with him, a playful glint in your eye. "Forgetting me already. Maybe you'll recognize me by the time this game is over, hm?" you say, cocking your head towards the field in front of you both.
Despite the night sky casting its dark hues above, the horse race being held on the field is as lively as ever, excitement palpable everywhere by the chorus of cheers in the air.
You flicker a gaze down, directed to Toji's hand. "Betting on the public's favorite today, aren't you? I thought you more of a gambler than this," you remark.
He narrows his eyes at you, but you sense no hostility, only amusement evident in the smirk on his lips. "Hey, now. I'm just making money with money here. Why would I bet on a losing party?" he retorts.
You laugh. "I guess we'll see who wins then."
The two of you exchange no further banter as you wait for the race to end, and when it finally does, you shoot the familiar man a smirk of your own, a stark contrast to the cute scowl on Toji's face.
"I guess I'm the only one between us bringing home some money, huh?" you say, teasingly waving the betting slip in your hand in front of Toji's face. "I'm sure we could've changed that if we had reunited sooner."
Toji rolls his eyes, then casually inclines his body to rest on the chair, one arm hanging off with an air of nonchalance. "Well, go on."
"You came here knowing exactly where to find me. And I'm guessing you're not here just for small talk. What do you want?" Toji's tone carries a blend of suspicion and intrigue.
You blink slowly at him, carefreely resting your chin on the palm of your hand. "I'll pay you back someday. You told me that last time we met. Do you remember, Toji?"
"Six years is a long time, [Name]."
Your heart beats a little louder, its rhythm echoing in your chest. "You didn't answer the question, so I'm assuming that you do remember. How sweet," you say, a genuine smile gracing your lips.
"It's not every day a stranger helps me out in the convenience store, out of all places, especially when people tend to stay away," he adds, a note of genuine appreciation underlying his words.
Your gaze finds itself on the ground, avoiding his piercing gaze. After a moment of silence, during which you fiddle with the betting slip in your hand, you sigh softly.
You extend your hand, offering him the paper.
Toji arches a brow at your gesture, but he takes the betting slip nonetheless, turning it around in his hand with a thoughtful expression. "You paying me or something?"
The chair creaks as you push your body to stand up, your eyes locked on the expansive field before you, now gradually thinning out as the people disperse. "Something like that," you answer quietly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Toji waits in silence, his gaze burning hot against the view of your back.
When you're finally ready, when you've mustered the courage within your heart, you turn back to face him, your voice finally found, steady and resolute.
"I need your help. I need you," his eyes lock onto yours as if the two of you are the only ones here, "to kill someone for me."
The smirk he sends you is answer enough.
< next part >
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moonchildesny · 7 months
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soranatus · 1 year
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The Avengers - 1963, by Luis Valero-Suarez
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mastermindmp3 · 27 days
Chloe et al.
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus (hereby referred to by Chloe et al.) is a very classic Taylor Swift song. With a strong emphasis on the lyrical twists on phrases, distinct visual imagery, and an understated backing track (the piano is crystal clear, and the later backing vocals are so lovely.)
We see that idea of a distinct visual in the opening lines. The speaker describes "Your hologram stumbled into my apartment, hands in the hair of somebody in darkness, named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus, and I just watched it happen."
Describing her (presumably, lover) as a hologram implies that they are not, truly, real. They are not grounded, not a physical thing she can have. Later in the song, she mentions a lover who "needed drugs more," so this hologram-state could also imply that they are under the influence. Her lover has their hands in another person's hair; they are bold enough to bring their affair almost to her door, with someone the narrator can't even see. The names dropped in this opening are not literal people, but the kind of exasperation of "who is it this time?" names listed from the top of a hat. They are, also, rather generically common English names.
And I just watched it happen. The narrator, knowing that her lover is not solid, not real, doesn't seem to bother to stop them. She goes on to describe how the two drift over "the decade," and how her lover, too, "just watched it happen."
(Also, I love the use of the phrase "saw my bones out with somebody new." If her lover is a hologram, unreal, then she is bones - solidly real but dry, dead.)
An interesting point in all of this is ambiguity. The narrator doesn't know who her lover is seeing in darkness, and she addresses this song directly to her lover(s?) I did see an analysis bringing up that the speaker could be addressing two different people, as the chorus's main refrains imply different types of relationships.
If you want to break my cold, cold heart, just say "I loved you the way that you were." Here, it sounds like the narrator and her lover have been together for a very long time, and her lover no longer loves her present self, longing for her before the change. If you want to tear my world apart, just say you've always wondered. This, on the other hand, implies a lover who is returning, who is tempting her with old times.
This reading is also propped up by other songs from the Tortured Poets Department which confirm the idea (Who's going to stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames) However, I like that it is also left in the dark, even for the listener. Who is left wondering if they could've made it? Who said they loved her the way she was?
The final verse ponders her lover(s), and has my favorite extended metaphor I think Swift has ever written. "Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses, cooler in theory but not if you force it to be; it just didn't happen." It's so direct: We tried to force this relationship to work, and it broke down. The idea of phantoms as past lovers (dancing phantoms on the terrace / my beloved ghost and me / well, me and my ghost, we had a hell of a time ) is scattered throughout the Tortured Poets Department.
Yet, the question goes unanswered - all her questions do. She doesn't know if it'll be enough to "float in your orbit," if the memory can fade from this "scarlet maroon." Chloe et al. much like its title, is a song uncertain, and in that uncertainty, the speaker reveals a bit of her heart, the held anxiety like a breath underwater. The only actual conclusion the narrator comes to that she will wonder.
"Will I always wonder?"
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made a little inclusionist graphic ^v^
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sincericida · 1 year
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Andrew Garfield by Brantleyg on Instagram (NEWS/OLD)
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alexxmason · 2 months
Tagged by @efingart 💕 decided on three babies this time. Had to stick w my favorites and had include a certain nepotism baby this time cus I’m 😀😀😀
tagging @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @bbrocklesnar @aceghosts @marivenah @finding-comfort-in-rain @josephslittledeputy @simonxriley @cassietrn @mctvsh @adlerboi @tacticalhimbo @direwombat & anyone else.
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Name: Selena Valdez
Nickname: “Bell”, “Thorn” (Perseus alias), “Little Thorn” (only one man beside her father can call her that but dont ask 🫣), “Sel” (only Adler calls her that), “Lenny”/“Lenita” 
Gender: Female :)
Star Sign: Leo 
Personality Type: Evil Neutral, Choleric (terrorist era) // Neutral Good, Melancholic (post-1981)
Height: 5'7
Orientation: Bisexual 
Nationality/Ethnicity: Puerto Rican-Mexican
Fave Fruit: Mangos 🧡
Fave Season: Fall/Winter
Fave Flower: Pink roses
Fave Scent: Anything rosey or foral (reminds her of her mother)
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Tea only.
Average Hours of Sleep: 5-7 if she’s lucky
Dog or Cat Person: Cat person
Dream Trip: Somewhere warm and sunny. Maybe the beach
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 1 and maybe a light sheet some days.
Random Fact: She has a matching tattoo with someone but she never discloses who.
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Name: Ariel Herrera
Nickname: “Ary”
Gender: Female :)
Star Sign: Aries
Personality Type: Melancholic, True Neutral or Neutral Evil, whatever she’s in the mood for :)
Height: 5'7
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: Mexican 
Fave Fruit: Blueberries and Blackberries
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: None
Fave Scent: Fire/ campfires
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee
Average Hours of Sleep: 8-10, she loves her sleep
Dog or Cat Person: Dog person
Dream Trip: Somewhere green. Anywhere with a lot of forestry.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: just 1, she gets too hot sometimes.
Random Fact: She couldn’t swim for almost her whole life and didn’t learn till she was an adult.
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Name: Joel Weaver
Nickname: None :(
Gender: Male :(
Star Sign: Aquarius
Personality Type: Melancholic, Neutral Good
Height: 5’11
Orientation: “I don’t label myself”
Nationality/Ethnicity: Mexican-Russian American
Fave Fruit: Apples
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: Moonflower
Fave Scent: Cooking and bread
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee
Average Hours of Sleep: What is that?
Dog or Cat Person: Neither
Dream Trip: A beach vacation!
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: just a light sheet for him, sweats too much.
Random Fact: He has a fear of the ocean and will avoid it if he can.
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roseschoices · 7 months
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˗ˏˋ colorful mdni banners for writing ´ˎ˗
b&w version [as bonus]
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▸ made by me / free to use / likes, rb and comments are appreciated! / enjoy. *kiss*
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daenerysies · 6 months
it’s hard to take some individuals seriously on this app (or ANY social media app since they use the same talking points that can be disproved with a quick google search or idk OPENING THE BOOK) when they go on and on and on about how the series as a whole is only about ‘feudalism BAD’ which YES it is but this is a fictional f a n t a s y series and deliberately choosing to ignore that grrm is known for using his work to critique multiple points of interest and maybe, just maybe, he can critique the monarchy and still bring up other talking points; like how rhaenyra was usurped due to misogyny (it’s also weird the number of people that don’t seem to care about grrm creating the amethyst empress and the bloodstone emperor as direct parallels to rhaenyra and aegon and how each event affects the world of asoiaf but whatever).
it’s ridiculous to claim you’re team green (which means you want aegon to be king, not that you like tg characters) and in response to those on the other side try to take the ‘moral high ground’ by ONLY mentioning how the monarchy is bad when rhaenyra, a potential female ruler, is involved (which is a bit on the nose, don’t you think?) stanning team green and being anti targaryen is almost point blank the definition of hypocrisy. trying to claim you support them bc they were being neglected/abused (even though most of the abuse came directly from their mother and grandfather) which apparently gives them the ‘right’ to steal the throne, or the use of andal tradition (not law) as a way to demean rhaenyra’s position as heir, or even how they only want what’s ’best’ for the realm and aegon is that; despite how he very much would have been aegon the unworthy before we even made it to aegon iv’s generation; and no, you can’t use ‘he had a better council!’ when he fired anyone who didn’t immediately give him what he wants i.e. removing otto as hand bc of him not wanting to resort completely to bloodshed during the dance.
so feudalism is fine if it benefits alicent? aegon? aemond? but i thought all targaryen’s are evil and should go extinct? and aren’t alicent’s children TARGARYENS? so by spreading anti targaryen rhetoric you should be happy that the green’s entire bloodline was wiped out, right? it’s normal to like/dislike certain characters but to state that an entire house should be obliterated whilst liking the characters that exacerbate the worst traits of said house (or are enablers of said behavior) is especially rich, and would really be downright hilarious if it didn’t showcase how insincere and sanctimonious some can be in this fandom. stop constantly moving the goalpost and just admit that your views contradict one another regularly, it would make it a million times easier to engage with you.
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