#baby rex will always go right to ahsoka
marymary-diva17 · 8 months
new life with her (2)
captain Rex x reader
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It has been two years since you and rex had left the republic had started a new life on neutral planet away from the war. It was a struggle at first but soon life had become good for the both of you, rex had been able to get a identity he kept his name but was no longer seen as clone trapper but a citizen of the galaxy. You were able to change you life as well starting over and finding new happiness. Now the couple had reach a new milestone and year in their lives, since they arrived here they kept in contact with ashoka to hear how everything was going even due they knew not that much has changed, Until now changed had come into the couples lives that will change everything forever.
Rex " ........" rex had never been this worry and nervous in his life then he had ever been even when he was fighting in war. He was standing in hospital waiting for any news about you, and your guys unborn baby. You had become pregnant and now you were in labor rex had about you to the hospital and now was waiting for any news.
rex " I have gone into battle for most of my life and that didn't scare me as that much as this right now" rex was not allowed into the room as doctor and medical droids are attending to you.
????? " rex" rex soon looked up and saw ashoka making her way towards he had called her and it seems like he, got here right away to be supportive of the couple.
ashoka " how is she doing"
rex " I don't know the doctors haven't come out and updated me, now im nerves wrack"
ashoka " it going to be okay rex you and y/n are the most toughest people I know and you have handle everything, that has come your way and now this a new battle or mission for you to experience"
rex " thank you ashoka" soon a cry had been heard that had gotten the duo attention, they soon looked towards the door and soon a doctor came.
rex " doc"
doctor " congratulations sir the labor had went well and your wife have delivered two health babies"
rex " twins are you serious twins" a bright smile had grown on rex face when he heard the news, ashoka was happy as well with the twins.
doctor " yes sir you can go see her now family and friends can see her now and once again congratulations"
rex " thank you doc"
ashoka " well go see her" rex soon went into the room to see the medical droids are with you, they were checking up on you and the babies. They soon made way for rex so he can be near you and the twins.
rex " hello my lovely wife"
y/n " hello my husband I will like you to meet our sons"
rex " we have sons"
y/n " yes two sons healthy and strong will you like to hold one of them" rex had nodded his head he soon took one of the twins and sat down in the chair.
rex " my boys hello my boys"
y/n " it looks like we have a family of our own now"
rex " yes we do and thank you my love for give me to wonderful children" rex smiled towards you and after a while ashoka had came into the room to see the boys.
ashoka " congratulations the both of you on your twins and start of a family"
y/n " thank you ahsoka and thank you for coming it good to have friends here"
ashoka " you two have always been there for me and now I'm here for you two"
rex " what should we name them"
ashoka " I say we should chose a R name so they can match with you"
rex " what about this one here Rowan and his brother Ryder"
ashoka " those are wonderful names welcome to the galaxy town and Ryder, cant wait to see what you two will be in the future"
y/n " I think they will be amazing and follow in their father footsteps"
rex " maybe your footsteps but whatever they do we will be proud of them" ashoka couldn't stay for long as the jedi council and anakin will be wondering, where she she had gone she did give a small gift for the twins and promised to come see the couple again. Later that night the couple had return to their home with their twins, rex making sure to be there for you and the twins. That day the couple had started on their journey of parenthood, as you both had become happy with your new lives here and wouldn't change it for anything.
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eriexplosion · 9 months
Honestly the Ahsoka episode is just killing me right in the feelings, like. Huyang pain hit me first but everything else.
Baby Ahsoka. Itty bitty tiny little baby Ahsoka in the clone wars she was SO SMALL AND CHILD? Being thrown into battle and seeing all of these dead and dying men. When the clone trooper held her hand I sobbed. Stabbed directly through the heart.
Goddddd she was so YOUNG I'm sorry I can't stop wailing. Actual child delivering "they were following my orders, I got them killed" like goddamn.
"Our mistakes cost lives. That doesn't bother you?" "Of course it does." WAILING.
All of this is so much worse knowing that Anakin is a grand total of like 19-20 here himself and every clone here is of course 10 years old maximum, this is an entire fucking battlefield of people that aren't even old enough to legally buy beer.
That shot of Anakin turning into Vader as he walks away into battle fucks me up. Many things built Vader, Palpatine of course getting the biggest share of that, but the entire experience of the clone wars didn't help. Fight, always fight, never stop or you'll die, your men will die, everyone might die. Palpatine really did structure the perfect scenario to weaken the Jedi mentally and physically and prime his built to order apprentice for the ultimate mindbreak.
"Is that what this is about" you go on one 20+ year killing spree and no one ever lets you forget it.
THE MOMENT AHSOKA'S EYES GO A LITTLE SITH FOR A SECOND. Everything Anakin is and was lives in her including this.
Meanwhile Anakin closing his eyes and opening them back up on his normal blue and smiling. I sob.
The rising water as she comes back from the world between worlds was such a good shot.
On the non Ahsoka and Anakin end, Kanan finally got his got dang name drop.
Carson is rapidly rising in my affection levels. I RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE!
Ahsoka communing with the purrgil so that they can hitch a ride Jonah style. And Ahsoka is SO pleased with herself for it too. MOVE US IN :D
"You're certain they know where Sabine was taken?" "I have no idea!"
Ahsoka my babygirl <3 my darling <3 I fucking adore her this is batshit.
"Correct, the whales will transport her and the ship" god fucking bless he really did explain the plan just imagine what this woman is going through listening to this.
No lie this episode had me happy squealing I fucking adore it. ANAKIN. AHSOKA BEING SO MUCH LIGHTER AFTER HER RESURRECTION LIKE A WEIGHT GOT TAKEN OFF. REX!
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jebiknights · 2 years
What are your top five "they either would or should put 'It's Complicated' as their relationship status" ships for Star Wars?
iofjgdfijs OH GOD I feel like a lot of my ships would do that but hmm my top??
(in no specific order tho)
Quinlan/Obi-Wan: this one may seem weird as an "it's complicated" but I think that Quinlan and Obi-Wan probably live in this weird in between world of "we are madly in love with each other" and "we are platonic soulmates/heterosexual life partners" (like the trope not that either of them are straight lol). They're exclusive and they're open. They keep falling in love with pretty girls who could murder them. They have semi-successfully co-parented two children together into knighthood.
Rex/Ventress: oh man I have been thinking about this ship in the back of my mind since you first starting sharing those "romance protag" videos dfijssiths. they are mortal enemies they are allies of circumstance they are both being held back by their lives even when they are feeling like they are doing the right thing they are also probably making out in the middle of a hostage situation when ventress is supposed to be interrogating rex and they are both angry about it afterwards.
Mandocule: (mainly thinking of Boba/Din/Fennec/Luke/sometimes Cobb but others too) I think polycules always make things a little complicated (I say as a polyam person) but especially when you have like... several bounty hunters, two of which turned community leaders, a former son of a "smuggler"/rebel turned Jedi, and a former slave turned sheriff, and it just gets... so chaotic. Especially when you consider the amount of trauma, daddy issues, mommy issues, and more this group has collectively, and they are all trying to co-parent a baby jedi who is older than the majority of them. All of them are probably wanted criminals on at least one planet.
Cody/Anakin: while I do think that they could have an actual "we talked it out" relationship, I think what is almost more likely for them specifically is that... lmao they wouldn't. They are both kinda sleeping with a superior/subordinate. They are butting heads all the time but kind of obsessed with each other. They would kill for each other but also might team up to kill Obi-Wan because he is driving them nuts. They both have extreme little brother energy and have both been usurped by a babier sibling that they are suddenly in charge of (Rex and Ahsoka). They both are a lot deeper than they give the other credit for, and they probably only really figure this out after they've already started fucking.
Padme/Sabe: I wasn't going to put this one on the list originally but the more I thought about it the more I realized it is up there even though I don't talk about it often. It's got so much good potential for juicy undefined tropes. Sabe is literally Padme's bodyguard/knight to her Queen, even moreso than Anakin is. She is hopelessly devoted to her and would do anything for her, and Padme is the same back but is also the one actually in a position of power and is extremely important to society. They're in love and have probably been in love since they were kids, even if Padme marries Anakin. And Duty would hold them back in a way it wouldn't for a lot of other ships in star wars. Their love is always there in the background!
this took me way too long to do but it was so much fun thank u nixy
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leofrith · 2 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
Tagged by @aeide and @ainulindaelynn 💖 I did this one a few months ago but a few answers have changed since then so I'll update those. 😊
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Six now! Four one-shots, a short-ish multi-chapter which was supposed to be a one-shot that got away from me, and my longfic which at this point I should have just waited to post but am definitely still chipping away at.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
33,030 which is almost double my count from a few months ago. Woaaaaaaaaahhhh
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Still Assassin's Creed, now dipping into Baldur's Gate 3 as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Still the same five fics in the same order but with slightly different numbers:
Hideaway - 149
Bright Skies - 139
Press On, Move Along - 94
Out of the Cold - 43
Honor Bound - 29
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Always.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Still Press On, Move Along.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Still Hideaway.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Still hate-free, for now.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do 💀 and I've posted some of it since the last time I did this. I think the only way I can really describe it is emotionally-charged, because if I'm going to horny jail it will at the very least be in service of some kind of character development. 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Still occasionally poke away at the AC x Star Wars AU, but I'm not super invested in it right now. But I'm sure that will change as soon as a new Star Wars thing comes out. Since I last did this I also went digging through the depths of my writing folder and found a Walking Dead x MCU crossover that I must have started when I was like 14 years old. Absolute fucking horror show that I am so very thankful I never wrote enough to post. 🤡
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Still no, as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, except for yelling back and forth about ideas with friends. I would probably be open to it but also maybe not because I know I am extremely unreliable.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Saying "all-time" favourite feels a bit much, but as far as mental real estate and also just sheer number of words written, Leovor far surpasses any other ship I've been into. 🧍🏻‍♀️
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Since I did that ask game a few weeks ago, the Inquisitor Ahsoka/Rex starting a clone rebellion/post TCW AU has been on my mind. But I know that, realistically speaking, I'm unlikely to ever be invested enough to actually sit down and write it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm trying to make a point to read more fiction and while it's possible that the few books I've read thus far lately just haven't been particularly good, it's certainly made me way more confident in my ability to write dialogue that feels like it would be spoken by real live humans and not aliens pretending to be humans. Similar deal with internal monologues. I'm convinced that none of these authors read their work aloud.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Still generally the same—overthinking comma usage, editing while I write and therefore being very slow, going back and forth between being stuck because I didn't plan enough and feeling stifled because I planned too much. Etc etc.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I try to avoid it as much as possible, with the exception being words or phrases that are used a lot in canon.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Still Marvel :(
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Honor Bound is still my baby, but I didn't expect to actually like A Different Kind of Solace as much as I do, mostly because I didn't really go into writing it expecting to hit the emotional notes that it does. Also still Out of the Cold. There are some banger lines there.
Not tagging anyone because this one has gone around a few times recently but if you want to do it, you're welcome to pretend I tagged you. 😌
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rowansparrow · 2 years
The Light Between Oceans: Chapter Seven
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**This series is rated 18+, Minors do NOT interact or you will be blocked**
Summary: While checking on the wellbeing of his men, Rex meets a stranger. Meanwhile, Fives meets a stranger of his own.
Chapter Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentions of character death, grief, some graphic description, drowning/near-drowning, mentions of injury.
Ships: Rex x Female!Reader, Fives x Male!OC, Fives x Female!OC
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: This will be the last update for a few weeks! I have finals coming up for graduate school and because of the holidays I will not be as active on here. This story will be taking a brief intermission after this chapter but will return the first Saturday in December. Thanks for your understanding!
Regular updates come every Saturday.
Thank you very much to @djarrex and @witchklng for their various contributions to this work. I couldn’t have done it without either of you.
Sensitive content is tagged #Ro’s Protected Tag. Please block that tag if you are concerned about content.
Reblogs are so appreciated!
Athena kissed Kiran on the temple. “Wait here for me, baby, okay? We’ll be right back.”
She stood up, leaving Kiran in his bed and instead shoving Fives out the door, shutting it firmly behind them once they were out in the hallway.
Athena narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, glaring up at Fives. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“Yes you do.” Fives insisted. “When we first met, you said you knew her, or at least knew of her.”
“I have no way of contacting her.” Athena replied coolly. “So whatever it is you’re plotting -.”
“Athena, Ahsoka knows Maul better than anyone. If we can contact Ahsoka, she can help us find and defeat him.” Fives insisted. “We can get Ju’Lah back.”
Athena sighed softly. “Fives, let’s just – let’s rest for now, okay? We can deal with this tomorrow.”
“No, no we can’t deal with this tomorrow.” Fives said firmly, grabbing her by the wrist and holding her in place. “Ju’Lah needs us now.”
Athena remained stubbornly quiet, and Fives scoffed.
“Fine,” he snapped, turning away. “If you won’t help me, then I’ll get Rex. Maybe he knows how to get in touch with her.”
“Fives, we can’t contact Ahsoka.”
He paused. “Why not?”
“She’s in hiding.” Athena replied firmly. “Not even Dogma knows how to reach her, and he was Fulcrum. None of us have been able to reach her directly, it’s always just contact through other people. Like Bail Organa for Dogma or the Martez sisters for me.”
“We have to try.” Fives said. “We can’t abandon Ju’Lah.”
“What’s your plan here, exactly? Recruit Ahsoka, find Maul, storm the castle and save the kid?” Athena snapped. “Wake up, Fives. We lost. All of us, we lost everything. Our home, our people, Quill -.”
“Don’t you say his name.” Fives bit back. “You don’t get to use him against me.”
“We aren’t getting Ju’Lah back.” Athena replied, her voice heavy with grief. “She’s gone, Fives. There’s nothing we can do.”
“I can’t believe you.” Fives hissed. “You’d just… give up on her like this?”
“I’m focused on the people I can save.” Athena replied. “You should be too.”
She hesitated, reaching out and touching Fives’ arm. “Saving her won’t bring Quill back.”
“Neither will abandoning her.” Fives snarled, yanking his arm away and storming off down the hallway.
“Where are you going?” Athena called. “Fives!”
He ignored her, disappearing into the darkness of the mines.
You had fallen asleep, your hand halfway inside Calder’s pram, the blankets drawn up around you. Exhaustion had won out, and once you’d curled up in bed, sleep had overtaken you quickly.
Despite your exhaustion, you woke almost immediately when you felt the bed shift, your husband rising from it and pulling his shirt back on from where he’d removed it to hold his son.
“Where are you going?” You asked, blinking the sleep from your eyes.
“I need to check on the others.” Rex said softly, bending over to kiss your forehead. “Go back to sleep, I won’t be long.”
“You need to rest too, Rex.” You tried, sitting up slightly. “Can it wait until dawn?”
“No, love.” Rex said. “I won’t be able to rest until I know all our people are safe.” He kissed your cheek this time. “Sleep. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Be careful.”
“Always.” Rex flashed you a small smile, and stepped out into the hallway.
His first stop was to the medical bay, checking in on the injured. He entered quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleep of those who had survived the carnage on Dantooine, and was immediately greeted by two familiar faces.
“Tech? Echo? What’re you doing up this late?” He asked, pitching his voice low.
“We were getting a reading of Gol’Chek’s vitals, and measurements for his legs.” Echo replied around a yawn.
“The Mandalorians were kind enough to give us some supplies and a workstation.” Tech replied, not sounding tired at all. “We’re beginning work on Gol’Chek’s new legs immediately. We hope to have them completed quickly.”
Rex glanced down at Gol’Chek, who appeared to be asleep. He looked at peace, and Rex relaxed marginally, looking back to the other men.
“Keep me informed on your progress.” He said, and Echo nodded. Tech was already distracted again with his datapad and the monitors around Gol’Chek. “How’s Hunter?”
“Doing better already.” Echo replied. “His hearing was damaged, his ears will need some time to heal, it’s unlikely he’ll be at one hundred percent for awhile.”
“They’ve placed him in a bacta tank for now.” Tech added. “Last I saw, Omega and Crosshair were down here keeping an eye on him.”
“Crosshair too, eh?” Rex chuckled. “I’ll be damned.”
“He appears to have taken it upon himself to watch over Omega in Hunter’s absence.” Tech replied. “Strange. I hardly had him pegged for the type.” He shrugged, going back to his work. “If you’re looking for the others, Wrecker and Gregor have been bunked together, and Dogma is with one of the clones from Captain Howzer’s battalion. I believe his name was Finn.”
“Soteria’s on the Marauder with me and Tech.” Echo supplied. “She’s been helping us with Gol’Chek’s legs. She’s doing alright.”
“Thank you.”
He paused for a moment, and then continued. “Have either of you spoken to Fives?” 
“Not since we got here.” Echo admitted. “I’m worried about him.” 
“Yeah.” Rex nodded grimly. “Me too.” He sighed. “If you happen to see him before me, tell him I’m looking for him, would you? And let me know when they remove Hunter from the tank.” Rex said, bidding the two men farewell for the night. He made his rounds, checking on Athena’s injured warriors as well before heading back to the halls of rooms.
He ran into Dogma before he’d even made it fully to his room.
“Oh. Hello sir.” Dogma greeted, giving Rex a tired, half-hearted salute. “How’s your wife? And the little one?”
“All is well.” Rex replied. “I’m grateful for what you did to keep them safe.”
Dogma smiled tiredly. “I didn’t do much, other than get them below ground. You should talk to Finn, I hear he’s the one who was looking after them down there.”
Dogma pushed open the door to his quarters, and a young, fresh-faced trooper looked up when he entered. When the trooper saw Rex, he jumped to his feet, standing at attention at once.
“Captain Rex – I mean, Captain Sho’cye, sir.” He saluted.
“At ease.” Rex said gently, stepping further into the room. “I just came to make sure you were both alright, and to offer my thanks.”
“Your thanks, sir?” Finn asked, tilting his head to the side so his ginger curls bounced against his cheek.
“Yes, I’m told you did a great deal to protect my wife and son in the tunnels.”
“Oh.” Finn shook his head. “No, no I didn’t do much. I just saw her with the little ones and thought maybe someone should keep an eye on them, that’s all. She’d been through so much and she was clearly exhausted so I -.”
“It’s alright,” Rex soothed. “Thank you, Finn, was it?”
“Yes sir.” Finn nodded. “I was one of Howzer’s men.”
Rex softened. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Finn nodded, swallowing roughly. “Yeah. Me too, sir. Thank you.”
“Did anyone else from your battalion survive?”
“Negative.” Finn answered automatically, though his eyes were shining. “I’m – I’m the only one left, sir. I only survived because I was underground with the others.” He dropped his gaze, staring at the floor. “I should’ve been there, I should’ve – I should’ve been helping.”
“You did what you were supposed to do, soldier.” Rex comforted, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You protected the civilians underground. You kept people alive. It’s what Howzer would’ve wanted you to do.”
Finn nodded, though he didn’t seem entirely convinced. “Thank you, sir.”
Rex hummed, pulling the boy forward and wrapping his hand around the back of his neck, tapping their foreheads together in a moment of silence.
“It’s hard to be the one who survives.” Rex murmured. “But you aren’t alone, Finn.”
Finn sniffed quietly, pulling his head back. He wiped at his eyes for a moment, inhaling a sharp breath before at last turning back to the bed.
“Get some rest, both of you.” Rex told them. “We’ll regroup in the morning.”
He squeezed Dogma’s shoulder as he walked by, stepping back out into the hallway. Something skittered around the corner a few feet away, and Rex jumped, raising an eyebrow. He followed the sound, poking his head around the corner just in time to see a small child fleeing the scene, a cloak billowing out behind him.
The child stopped once he made it safely behind a pillar. He peeked his head out from around the column, dark eyes framed by dark hair poking out from beneath the hood of his cloak. It was the first time Rex had seen the face of one of the Mandalorians, even if it was just a child.
“It’s alright, I won’t hurt you.” Rex said softly. He crouched down a few feet away, holding out his hand. “Come here, little one. What’re you doing running around by yourself this late at night? Are you lost?”
The child peered out a little further, stepping out from the shadows but keeping his hood pulled up tight around his face, as though he didn’t want Rex to really see him. He looked to be around eight, maybe a little older.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.” Rex said again. “If you’re lost, maybe I can help you get to wherever you’re trying to be.” He offered gently. “Come, I’ll help you.”
“I’m not lost.” The boy said finally, and Rex wondered if he was older than he looked. His soft eyes made him seem young. “You’re a clone, aren’t you?”
Rex nodded. “Yeah, I am.”
“You fought in the Clone Wars?”
“I did.”
The boy frowned, looking at Rex almost accusingly. “Why didn’t the Republic ever come to Aq Vetina?”
Rex blinked. He knew that the planet had been overrun by Separatists late in the war, but the Republic’s forces had been concentrated elsewhere, and the planet fell to the droid armies. “I –.” He shook himself, starting over. “Is that where you’re from?”
The boy stepped a little closer, and then gasped softly, looking at something past Rex.
Rex looked over his shoulder just in time to see Wolffe’s familiar chest plate step up behind him, and the former clone commander sighed.
“Din,” he called quietly. “How many times have you been told to not sneak around the mines at night? Why aren’t you with the other children?”
“I’m not afraid of you.” The boy replied. “You don’t frighten me.”
“You should be in bed.” Wolffe continued, stepping up to Din even as the boy took two steps back, nearly stumbling over his own feet.
“I wanted to meet the clone.” Din insisted. “If you won’t answer me, then maybe he will.” He turned back to Rex. “My parents died because the Republic abandoned our planet, our village. Where were you, then?”
“Easy, Din.” Wolffe said, his voice a little firm. “Go. Back to bed with you. I thought you would’ve been exhausted after training with Paz all day anyway.”
The boy scowled, though on his face, it looked more like a pout, and Rex stood up, watching as Din turned, taking off again down the opposite hallway.
“What was that about?”
“A group of Mandalorians helped defeat the Separatist occupation of his homeworld, Aq Vetina.” Wolffe explained. “He’s a foundling, he was brought here by the warriors who fought in his village. He’s being raised in the way of the Creed, but he’s still young. He has some anger toward the Republic.”
Wolffe sighed again, rubbing the back of his neck. “I suppose it’s not entirely unearned anger. The boy lost his family because we weren’t there to protect them.” He nodded his head in the direction Din ran off in. “When he comes of age, he will swear the Creed.”
“Is that why he can still show his face?” Rex asked.
“For now. He’s still young.” Wolffe groaned softly, cracking his neck.
“Dogma told me you swore the Creed as well.”
Wolffe chuckled. “Yeah, guess their numbers were so low, they were willing to take just about anybody.”
“What is it?” Rex asked. “The Creed?”
Wolffe tilted his head at him. “You have bigger concerns to worry yourself over.” Wolffe replied. “All you need to know is I’ve found my place. Besides,” Wolffe nodded to someone over Rex’s shoulder. “I believe someone needs to speak with you.”
Rex turned. Athena stood in the hallway, her arms crossed over her chest but her expression one of concern. “What is it?” He asked.
“Have you heard from Fives at all?”
“Not tonight, no. I’ve been looking for him.” Rex shook his head. “Why?”
“We – we had an argument earlier, and he stormed off.” Athena explained. “I went looking for him, but I can’t find him. I think he’s left the compound.”
“He’s what?” Wolffe’s voice was urgent behind the helmet. “He went outside? Now?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Athena’s concern only grew deeper. “Why? What’s out there?”
“Lock down the mines.” Wolffe said into his commlink, brushing past both of them. “Seal all entrances and exits, we have a breach.”
“Wolffe.” Rex insisted, jogging to keep up with him. “What is it? Should we go get him?”
“No, stay put, let us handle this.”
“Wolffe, what’s out there?” Rex demanded.
Wolffe turned over his shoulder.
Fives trudged his way through the woods, blindly stumbling along in the darkness. Kriff, he should’ve brought a flashlight, or something to help him navigate the dark. The two moons that shone over Ataxia afforded a fair amount of light, but Fives still found himself tripping, muttering curse after curse under his breath as he stormed through the woods.
Fives had slipped past the Mandalorians guarding the outside of the mine and made his way into the woods, and for what felt like hours, he’d been roaming the wilderness.
He tripped for the second time in as many minutes, but this time he couldn’t catch himself, and he fell forward, his previously injured leg flaring up in pain as he fell.
Tears of pain and frustration sprung to his eyes, and Fives wiped his face with the back of his sleeve. He felt like a snot-nosed cadet again, and forced himself to calm back down, willing the tears to subside.
He sniffled again, drawing his legs up to his chest and setting his forehead on his knees, the tears only growing stronger as he held himself.
“I miss you.” He whispered aloud, the tears dribbling down his nose and onto his knees. “I miss you so much.”
He leaned his back against a nearby tree, letting the grief wash over him. Quill was dead. Fives would never again hear his voice, never feel the way his tendrils would wrap around him, holding him close and dear. He would never again swim out to the water with him, listening to the way he called to his gods and goddesses as he -.
Fives gasped, jerking his head upright.
Fives pushed himself to his feet, stumbling around in the darkness again. He could hear insects chirping around him, and the rustle of creatures in the trees, but Fives paid them no mind. He rushed forward, searching blindly for a river, a creek, anything, any source of water.
He found salvation in the form of a small pond, half-hidden behind trees and plant life.
Fives rushed towards it, stripping out of his clothes until he was left in just his underclothes, and he waded out into the water. It was chilly, biting at his skin with every step, mud seeping up between his toes, but Fives didn’t care.
“Nephto.” He said breathlessly into the darkness. “Please… let me see him.”
He took a deep breath, and dove under the water, fully submerging himself. He held his breath for as long as possible, eyes blinking in the murky haze of the water, before he resurfaced, coughing and drawing another deep breath, repeating the same process.
Nephto, please, let me see him. Show me Quill. I beg you.
He repeated this process three more times, until black spots began to swim in his vision, and he came up for air again, sputtering and coughing as his lungs burned.
Let me be part of the water, too.
He grit his teeth, closing his eyes and diving under one last time.
Let me be with you, Quill.
He pushed the air out from his lungs, ignoring the way they burned and screamed for air. He stayed submerged, staring out into the watery dark.
Don’t go where I can’t follow.
He inhaled reflexively, water flooding his lungs, and his instincts kicked him up towards the surface, and Fives struggled, realizing a beat too late that he’d stayed underwater for far too long. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t tell which way was up. He’d kicked up too much mud and he was blind in the darkness of the water. 
Something grabbed his leg.
Fives kicked, panic seizing him as he struggled below the water, tossing up mud into the water with his frantic movements and further clouding his vision. The hand wouldn’t let go, dragging him backwards – deeper? No, no towards the surface. Which way was up? Which way was down? – He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe. He was starting to black out, his vision fading and clouding around him as everything began to drift away.
Whoever was holding his legs switched to instead hold his arms, dragging him back, back, back until Fives’ head at last crested over the surface of the water.
He was dragged backwards onto solid ground again, and he coughed, vomiting up water and gasping for air as he pushed himself to his hands and knees.
Fuck, he’d nearly drowned.
He coughed again, scrubbing a hand down his soaking face as he began to shiver, the cool bite of the night air catching up to him again. He lifted his head, expecting to look into the eyes of his rescuer, and instead was met with a pair of legs.
He kept looking up. And up. And up.
The figure was tall, even standing a few feet away and half shrouded in darkness, Fives could tell it was massive. Its legs were double jointed like that of a bird’s, with long, powerful arms gripping what looked like a bow. Its large head was fanned by two giant ears, both pricked up at attention as a pair of coal black eyes stared Fives down.
“Holy shit.”
The creature tilted its head at the sound of Fives’ voice, cautioning a step forward. As the moonlight washed over the creature, recognition seized in Fives’ chest.
“You’re a Garbak.”
Tag List: @brokenphoenix99 @wild-karrde @theroguesully @jesjestraverse @clonecyaree @book-of-baba-fett @ladykatakuri @djarrex @literallydontlook @bobafettuccini @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @a-c-lee @chromia7567 @embarrassedauthornerd @itsagrimm @seriowan @gotomarvelgal @space-b33 @moonstrider9904 @writingbylee @witchklng​
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cabezadeperro · 2 years
for the prompt thing: Liberosis with Cody and Anakin or Ahsoka (not as a ship, just would love to see you write that dynamic)
hi!!!! i really liked this prompt; i've been meaning to write cody and ahsoka for some time and this finally made me do it lmao.
missing scene during the first year of the war; baby ahsoka and slightly less baby commander cody. T, 850w, canon compliant. the prompt was liberosis: the desire to care less about things.
The one who finds her is the commander, because of course it’s him.
Not Skyguy, or Master Obi-Wan, or even Rex but Marshall Commander Cody, looking whole and steady and put together despite the blood under his nose and on his hairline. He’s not wearing the upper part of his armour, and Ahsoka finds herself thinking he looks—weird. She knows he’s human, but the thing about Commander Cody is that he’s so clever, so quiet, so—so serious. 
Rex likes him, and so does Master Obi-Wan, and Anakin trusts him with his life and with Ahsoka’s, and Ahsoka wants him to like her. He’s very hard to read and she’s learned not to look, but she has a feeling he doesn’t like a lot of people.
She thought she’d be safe there. High up on one of the tanks, curled against the cooling cannon, hidden from view by dusk and by the heavy shadows of the machine, her tired, cold muscles leeching the machine’s warmth. Her head hurts, and so do her feet, and her montrals, and the blisters on her palms burst open while she was fighting one of those nasty commando droids, and she wants a shower and she wants her friends and she wants her bed and she wants to be alone and she wants to go back home.
She doesn’t want to have to face the commander and his dark, sharp eyes and the way he pauses by the tank and looks up at her, a thoughtful frown on his face.
“Commander,” he says. He stops, grimaces. His voice is shot. He clears his throat and sighs. “Everything alright?”
Silence blooms between them: Ahsoka realises he doesn’t know how to talk to her. She shrugs. Her nose feels stuffy, and her face is itchy. She rubs her cheeks against her arm, and hisses when the rough texture of the robe’s sleeve makes them burn worse. 
The commander shifts his weight. He’s very tired. He looks back at the rest of the camp and then up at Ahsoka.
He starts climbing the tank. Ahsoka blinks, surprised, and moves to the side as much as he can so that he can take a seat on the other side of the cannon, plastoid armour clattering loudly in the late evening quiet. 
He stinks, a bit. Blaster discharge and blaster oil and sweat, human sweat. Salty-weird: Master Ri back home says that’s always the food, and Ahsoka thinks she can almost taste one of the bright red GAR ration packs on the back of her tongue. 
They sit in silence. Ahsoka sighs and places her chin on her folded arms, her arms on her bent knees. She stares blindly at the field in front of them. Tanks, more tanks; what remains of the stuff the people from the town by the river were growing among the muck and the mud. Here and there patches of golden grain sway under the pale light of the dying sun, its fat belly brushing the horizon to the west. 
Ahsoka closes her eyes. He reaches out and finds little: bugs and root systems. A few squads on patrol. If she forces herself, her eyes will find the white and blue and orange of plastoid armour, so she doesn’t. 
The commander sighs, and Ahsoka twitches. She forgot he was there. She peers at him from behind her folded arms, and finds him looking at her. 
“You did well,” he says. It’s on the edge of awkward, but he means it. And he means well. He clears his throat and turns to look back at the battlefield, lips pressed tight. “Held the line.”
How does he do it? It was his plan they followed: Master Obi-Wan and Skyguy always listen to him, because he’s almost always right, but even when things go as they should, people die. 
She thought it’d feel worse. But it’s just—absence, sudden and forever. They’re there and then they’re not. Bodies and plastoid, empty blaster charges, mud and blood and other stuff she can smell from where she sits, though she’d rather not. 
She has many questions, but they feel bigger than she is, and he looks so tired: Ahsoka finds herself holding her tongue and wishing she could reach out and poke him in the shoulder like she does with Master Anakin and Rex. 
It occurs to her that she can’t, and she realises it’s because she finds him intimidating, and she scowls, annoyed at herself, and does it anyway.
The commander jumps. He turns to look at her, eyebrows brushing his hairline, and Ashoka offers him the widest, toothiest grin she can manage, her dry lips cracking.
“Thanks. I’ll do better next time,” she tells him. The commander’s eyes flash, and he smiles. 
At first she thought he didn’t care like Rex or Master Anakin care. Now she thinks he tries not to, but does anyway, and it makes her like him much, much better.
“Of course, commander,” he tells her blandly. It’s the exact same tone he uses on Master Obi-Wan. Ahsoka snorts, gross and too loud, and his smile grows.
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thecleverqueer · 1 year
Random Thoughts during The Clone Wars Movie:
*Full discretion: I’ve never watched this before. I’ve watched the series (some arcs I’ve watched an embarrassing number of times). I’ve heard people bitch about this being terrible, so I’m excited about it! Here we go!
*Clone radio chatter… Hmm…
*I find it odd that the Jedi would help Jabba the Hutt, but I’ll let it pass. Oh, but of course it’s Palpatine’s idea. Oh, trade routes, blah, blah, blah. Of course, it’s political.
*Wullf Yularen looks so young. Wow. All that dark brown hair and lack of wrinkles (or maybe the lack of wrinkles has to do with the primitive CGI).
*I love how Anakin and Obi-Wan argue like an old married couple. Like, dude… you’re being very, VERY passive aggressive. “Well, it wasn’t MY idea!”
*I’ve never really understood why folks always pet R2-D2’s head. Everyone does it. Literally everyone. Is it because he’s cute, or does he have some sort of circuitry up there that allows him to feel? Both?
*Through all my Ahsoka simping, I don’t talk enough about how much I truly love, LOVE Obi-Wan Kenobi. I adore Obi-Wan Kenobi. He’s such a bad ass. He seems like a guy that should be reading a book quietly in private library some place while sipping tea, and yet here he is out in the galaxy just slaying.
*Why is Anakin being the voice of reason here!? No! He’s right. It absolutely isn’t a good idea to bring a padawan learner into battle like that. It’s war. They’re literally children. You’re making them child soldiers. Stop it! Quit being crazy!
*Holy shit! Ahsoka is so tiny! Obi-Wan is like, “A youngling!?” Oh! Squee! She’s so ridiculously small! Ugh, they should have given the little thing Jedi robes... Poor little ‘Soka!
*Ooo! I didn’t know Ventress was in this. Maybe I did? I don’t know.
*I love Rex. When referring to Ahsoka for the first time, he’s like, “who is this child?”
*Hey! Rex and Ahsoka are having that same conversation from Rebels almost:
Rex says, “In my book, experience outranks everything.” Then Ahsoka goes, “Well if experience outranks everything, then I better start getting some.” Cute. For the record, Rex, she’s definitely going to outrank you… later.
*Obi-Wan is always so quick to surrender. He’s going to choose to charm/ sweet-talk/whore his way out of violence and/ or buy time every time.
*Yikes! Ahsoka f*^%s up royally when attempting to set those charges on that shield generator. She’s just a baby, so you can’t be too mad at her for f*^%ing up like that as she’s really got no business on a battlefield in the first place honestly. “Sorry!” Don’t be sorry, Ahsoka. It’s not your fault.
*Obi-Wan sipping tea. I love to see it.
*That conversation that Anakin has with Ahsoka about her making it as his padawan is so sweet. Then, they start playing Ahsoka’s theme… how adorable!
*Yoda says, “To let go of his pupil, a greater challenge this will be. Master this, Skywalker must.” I get Yoda’s angle here. Anakin’s arduous issues with attachment need to be addressed. It didn’t seem to matter much in the end though. I’d say he did let go of Ahsoka. It was his irrational fear of losing Padme that got him (that and old Palpatine being a manipulative cocksplat).
*The council sending Obi-Wan to make a deal with Jabba because he’s such a smooth talker.
*Wow. A bunch of alien heads on a gurney… This is a kids’ movie.
*Jabba calls his child a “punky muffin.” Interesting. What do the Hutts know of muffins?
*Do monasteries usually have detention levels?
*Holy shit, Ahsoka! A protocol droid calls her a servant girl, and she nearly slices it in half! Not that I don’t appreciate the moment of feminist rage, I do, but, hey, it’s okay there, spunky! Chill. You’ll be a Jedi… well, maybe… jury is still out on that one.
*So, I am 40 minutes in, and I’m trying to figure out why Ahsoka got so much vitriolic hate when people first watched this. She’s clearly stubborn, impatient, reckless, slightly obnoxious and a little arrogant, but she’s just a baby. She’s like 14 here, right? I think? She’s no more annoying than any other teenager would be.
I’m assuming that I’m not being bias here because I fell in love with Ahsoka in Rebels and she can do no wrong in my eyes, but I don’t think that I am? So, what was it? Did folks just have their drawers bunched up so tight about canon breaking or whatever? Could they not overlook her being a typical teenaged turd in this? Was it just because she is a girl?
*Ahsoka already has auntie vibes at 14. IYKYK.
*How dare Ventress force choke Rex! I love his resolve to not do what she says. Oh. Jedi mind trick… never mind.
*OMG! Ahsoka called the droidekas “Rolling death balls.” I can’t.
*Um… aside from “Ahsoka’s Theme” which always brings me joy when I hear it because… Ahsoka… this soundtrack leaves A LOT to be desired. What is this? This kind of reminds me of something I might have heard in The Power Rangers or that X-Men cartoon from the 90s.
*Obi-Wan flirts with everyone. This flirting with Ventress is cracking me up. Now Ventress is flirting back. Is this a ship!? It isn’t as fun as Codywan to me, but hey. Straight ships never are.
*I feel like everyone ends up on Tatooine at some point or another. It’s like a dust-bowl fly trap.
*Yeah. The soundtrack is f*^%ing awful.*Grits teeth*
*Bith Bands on Tatooine > Bith Bands on Coruscant.
*This queer-coded Hutt bothers me. I know I’ve seen him in The Clone Wars, and I know that Filoni tried to sell me on the fact that he was with Sy Snootles, but he’s clearly meant to be a flamboyantly queer, and I’m miffed.
The one constant with homosexual/ queer-coded characters is that we’re ALWAYS the f*^%ing bad guy. Do we make great bad guys? Compelling bad guys? Probably. Gays will go scorched-earth if the occasion warrants it. But, why?! Why must we always be bad? We’re not all bad! Most of us are awesome.
*He’s a southern gay, too. Damn. I just picture him in a swanky gay bar in Atlanta some place hitting on, like, the youngest twink in the room. He probably drives a luxury sedan and is paying for all of the twink’s drinks. Somebody’s getting laid tonight!
*What is up with that feather hat on this queer Hutt’s head? Oh, honey, no…. Why? Why? Why? Filoni should feel shame for this.
*And, what’s going on with that Twi-lek dancer back behind him to the left all but twerking? Get it, girl! Get it! Twerk it!
*Padme getting herself into some shit.
*Okay, Ahsoka calling R2 “artooey” is a little annoying… still not annoying enough to hate her guts.
*I can’t get over this stupid Hutt! Goddammit. Why doesn’t he gurgle and speak Huttese like the rest of the Hutts? Why does he sound like a giant slug from Georgia?! Why, Filoni, why!?
*Awww! Anakin putting his hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder at sunset, and she so stinking cute and small!
*There goes Count Dooku with his force lightning. Force lightning is one of those powers that I wish I had. No. I’d want force storm. To hell with playing around, I want to just lift my hand up and an entire room of enemies drop dead… that was always my favorite power in KOTOR. Just brutal. But, I need to stop. I’m being an evil gay.
*Hold up! Is this Hutt RUNNING a swanky gay bar on Coruscant!? FFS… Ziro shame. Absolutely none….
*Sigh* The luxury sedan is the Star Wars version of a black Cadillac CT5 with white leather interior and a wood grained trim, by the way. He barely fits into it because he’s a goddamned space slug, but he manages. He smokes cheap cigarettes, but only drinks from the top shelf. He has an army of twinks… he won’t remember the name of the one he’s getting wasted tonight... Dammit!
*Dude! Anakin! SMH. He just waltzes into Jabba’s palace and goes, “where’s Ahsoka?” You literally JUST SAW DOOKU’S HOLO OF HER ASS GETTING KICKED BY THREE DROIDS! So… you should have found her before you did anything else. Goddammit man, don’t be an idiot!
*You bring back the slugglet, but Jabba is going to kill your asses anyway (no, not really, we know y’all survive).
*Padme saving the day through diplomacy as Padme does.
*Final thought: it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared.
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
I just finished watching Tales of the Jedi and I have a lot of words so SPOILER ALERT if you haven't watched it.
I don't want to put this under a read more because I feel like that'll just make people ignore the post so please, if you haven't filtered spoilers and don't want to be spoiled, close your eyes and scroll past this fast :D
I'll be as coherent as I can 😅
First off I am blown. Blown away by this. I'm in awe at how much Star Wars can make me feel and how this is the only franchise that will do this to me.
Episode one, I cried. Baby 'Soka, I shall protect you from everything even though you shall be the one protecting me even with thou chubby baby legs. But when the end credits rolled and Ahsoka's theme played, I teared up. I hadn't cried with Star Wars ever since Crosshair was left on Kamino!! For a moment, I was nine years old watching The Clone Wars in the movie theater with my brother all over again 🥺
Now... Dooku. I hate him. I love him. I love to hate him. I hate to love him. I love Yaddle more (seriously, Yaddle my beloved, I'm not over that). And the way I howled when I realized some of the events were set in TPM?! I mean, animated TPM Qui Gon?! MY CHILDHOOD-
The sadness that Dooku felt at losing Qui Gon, and the scene at the tree felt so surreal. I would have loved to see Dooku's fall to the Dark Side in much more detail but this is in no way a complaint; I love the execution and the short story format, and I felt the setting was exposed pretty clearly and just- AGH.
Also, that scene where Dooku tells the guy from Raxus he can kind of understand his point of view, and while he talks, his face is lit red and the background behind him is dark - *faints* I love it when a scene can visually reflect a character's inner turmoils. 10/10
I still love Yaddle more.
and Mace Windu was fuckin' amazing in this, as he always is. We stan Mace Windu in this house - holy crap.
Now. Now. NOW.
Tales of the Jedi is truly special because, while many will like to dismiss nostalgia factor as pure frivolity, it's the reason I and possibly others feel so intensely right now.
We saw Ahsoka again, as well as Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex, Jesse. Characters I watched as a kid, who have shaped me in one way or another; we see them grwo with the course of the mini series, and we can tell the context and feel either joy or pain, mostly pain by the end. I had no clue that the training montages with Rex and the boys would lead so smoothly (and so painfully) back to Order 66.
There's a sequence I will now watch with even more pain!! Thank you, Felony.
Also DEPA BILLABA AND CALEB DUME. Guys. The incoherent noises I made at seeing them. I yelled and cried and fangirled and asdkjhañksjdghañsdbgj it was gorgeous to see them. Their cameo didn't even have words, they were just there and it made sense and it felt nice and I love it. Same with Plo and Yoda.
And I respect Ahsoka way more now knowing she worked hard days under the sun. Respect to my queen. UGH and the pain of knowing she was at Padmé's procession because they were friends, having Bail tell her there was nothing she could have done for them (isn't Bail Organa just the best, most comforting character in the franchise?)
And that inquisitor - I was bummed that it ended so quickly. People, I'm a slut for Percy de Rolo, and then you give me an inquisitor with a bird like mask and a deep voice? AÑISDJHGFAÑSBJGFDA anyways ummm Ahsoka was a badass, as usual, and I really wanted to smack the dude who turned her in.
Hehes, I really hope not to have rambled too much. I'm still not over it, these are just my thoughts on the whole series. Soon, I'm going to rewatch it with a bag of popcorn.
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hawthornsword · 1 year
Today on Bad Batch! (2x12):
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I guess it's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, because I was honestly prepared to completely dislike Crosshair and settle in to him being a villain, but then we have seen so little of him that I was getting antsy like, "Where is he?! What's he doing?! What's he thinking?! I need to know!" And then I squealed with delight when the episode started with him.
Nolan: exists
Me: Can we kill him?
Yay new named clone boys!!! (They are just resting safely. They are perfectly fine.) Mayday has a fuckin presence, no? (*swoons a little*) Maybe just a personal preference, but I am digging all the bearded boys. Yes. Good.
"no point carrying dead weight."
"remind me not to die on your watch."
*Crosshair realizing maybe this is why people don't like him and that maybe his batch were a lot more tolerant of his behavior than most and maybe he took that for granted, and he is desperately lonely and seeking connection and has finally realized that he is the one pushing everyone away. 😭😭😭
Oh hey, the huddling for warmth trope, that's usually used for like, romantic confession- Oh, my god I'm dying, my heart. The absolute tenderness. This may be the best huddling for warmth scene I've ever seen. Good job animators! I'm just -
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Mayday protected Crosshair and treated him as a brother even though Crosshair was prickly, just like Cody did, and he's finally got it through his thick head that he doesn't belong with the empire, he belongs to the empire - he's just equipment to them - and that belonging with his brothers who actually care about him is worth so much more than than any false sense of grand purpose the empire might temporarily give him. Personal connection will always trump ideaogical bullshit.
And I suspect the thing about Crosshair is that once he commits to something, he's committed. That's it. Now that he knows the truth in his heart, nothing will stop him from acting on it. So he doesn't go subtle, like Cody slipping out in the night. He goes out guns blazing, killing that worthless empire motherfucker, because that's The Bad "when have we ever cared about orders? Batch Way.
That was so satisfying.
I am also glad we are going to pretty much immediately get back to whatever the heck is going on at Mount Tantis. Hemlock is creepy af, I love it. I really want to know what they plan to do to Crosshair tho???? They don't need him to make more clones, they're phasing them out, so what, clones are just convenient for shits-and-giggles experimentation? Like, they've got cloning down. And yeah, we know from Mandalorian/sequels Palps is trying to do Force sensitive cloning, but they don't need Crosshair for that, unless they've already got force sensitive dna and they're gonna shoot it into him to see what happens??? I somehow doubt that they'd risk a force sensitive supersoldier though, so I bet it's something else.
Predictions/wishlist for the rest of the season: I'm guessing Omega will get captured soon and then Crosshair will be like, "okay, let's bust out of this joint baby sis!" And Taun We will probably get killed helping them escape, then the Batch and Rex and Echo and Gregor will arrive, and I hope Omega (and Wrecker and Tech) will be like, "We can't leave the Zillow Beast! It's just a baby! The last of it's kind! Treated awfully just like us! (Big tooka eyes)" and Hunter will be like, "okay fine, we can rescue the beast." And Crosshair and Echo and Rex especially will be like, "wtf, force preserve us Hunter, you can't be serious right now - she makes big tooka eyes once and you do whatever she wants?!?!?! (Because Rex and Echo have experience denying Ahsoka's cuteness, so they have learned already that no good comes from indulging the chaos babies.) And then Omega and Crosshair befriend and get to ride the Zillow beast while it squashes all the imps as it escapes and then they find a nice uninhabited planet to drop it off, and the Batch is reunited and we get a happy ending of the season (and after credits hemlock escapes to be creepy again later, obv).
I still need to know where Cody is. Please.
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rainintheevening · 11 months
13, 20, 24 for Promises of Fools
Hum, I've talked about Promises of Fools so much on here, what is there left to say? Lol. Let's find out...
(From these asks.)
13 - Write a lil snippet set in this verse.
(Reminder that Ahsoka is Obi-Wan’s padawan in this 'verse.)
"No, Skyguy, you're supposed to rest!"
"I can't, I know where they are, I know how to end this!"
"You did end it! The Sith Lord is dead! Palpatine’s gone!"
"But the Separatists aren't. And I know where they are! All the leaders. If we get there now, we can get a surrender! We can truly end this!"
"How do you know this?" Mace's voice was quiet.
Anakin shrugged, reached again for the commlink in Ahsoka's clenched fist. "I don't remember. Palpatine–" the name tasted bitter and he bit his tongue for a second. "The emperor might have said something? Or perhaps it was the Force. Maybe it was Qui-Gon? I don't know. Just please, Soka. Let me bring them home." He met her gaze, went for her heart. Both their hearts, really. "Bring him home."
Her shoulders dropped, and she smiled involuntarily, dropped the comm into his hand. "Let me guess: You won't let me come with you."
Anakin sighed, thumbing the comm over to Rex’s frequency. "I need to know someone's watching Padmé's back. She'll be under a lot of pressure right now. And with the babies..."
Ahsoka nudged him in the Force, calm, determination, trust me. "Sure thing, Skyguy."
He paused before hitting the call button, glanced over at Mace. "Do you trust me?"
Mace stood, looked him in the eyes. "Completely. Go. I am needed here. Much has been broken, and there is much to repair."
Anakin huffed, hit call. "Literally and metaphorically."
Rex’s voice was sharp, loud.
"You're alive! We saw everything on the holonews, but they kept saying you'd been killed!"
Ahsoka winced. "Should have thought of that," she muttered.
"Pardon me, sir, but what in Corellia's hells happened?"
Anakin grimaced at the memory of Palpatine’s leering face. "The emperor was the Sith we were looking for. And I... had to stop him." He heard Rex’s sharp intake of breath, and hurried on. "But it's not over yet. I know where the Separatist leadership is." A deep breath, and Anakin sat up straight on the edge of the bed, some of the power of his next words beginning to sink in.
"Rex. Captain. Would you like to go end this war?"
A brief silence, followed by an incredulous, nearly-whispered, "Sir?"
Anakin’s reply was equally soft. "Truly, Rex."
He had never heard Rex laugh like that, before the soldier caught himself. Anakin could almost see him, pulling himself up straight and steady.
"It would be the greatest honour of my life, General Skywalker."
Anakin exhaled, stood. "Comm Appo. Resolute up in 30. We're headed for Mustafar. But we'll need to set up a rendezvous point with Obi-Wan. I'll comm him from the ship."
"Yes, sir!"
"Skywalker out."
Anakin lowered his hand, turned to Ahsoka and Mace, found himself smiling faintly. "Alright, you two, where are my clothes?"
20 - Share THREE headcanons! But about different characters.
- Qui-Gon and Padmé have tea once a week during the war. They talk about everything, but they also keep each other's spirits up about Obi-Wan and Anakin.
-Artoo recorded Anakin and Padmé's wedding, and sometimes when Anakin is stressed or angry and alone, especially after Qui-Gon dies, Artoo plays some of that footage. Sometimes it makes Anakin cry, but it always helps him re-centre himself.
-Boga survives!!!! Because Order 66 never gets activated. She gets gifted to Obi-Wan, and although she stays on Utapau, he visits once every year.
24 - Ramble about something you haven't gotten to talk about yet.
Honestly, I feel like I've rambled about it all, except for a couple things that deserve their own posts. There is this one fun thing I mentioned to Adi (@clawedandcute).
We were talking about Padmé and Qui-Gon, and I mused on their relationship in this AU.
I wonder if she would call Qui-Gon 'Grandpa' too? Anakin calls him that sometimes, mostly to tease him about how old he is, but also when he's feeling particularly emotionally vulnerable, like a code for 'I need to talk, can you just listen?'. Anyway, after they get reunited with Padmé, and ESPECIALLY after she and Anakin get married and she's part of the family, I like to imagine her calling Qui-Gon 'Grandpa'. Oooo, I'll bet during the war, when Anakin and Obi-Wan are away, Padmé and Qui-Gon often have tea together. And whenever Padmé gets anxious or stressed out, she comes to visit Qui-Gon in the Temple and they'll walk in the gardens until she's feeling better.
(Yes, I copied the text because I'm kinda lazy.)
Okay, that was fun!!! Thanks for the asks, love. 😘
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graylinesspam · 10 months
Well well if it isn’t the foreshadowing of the clone rebellion on kamino we’re witnessing (is it? IS IT??? Please be it).
No but really, are you actually planning on writing this kind of ending or you’re sticking to the canon?
DID REX OFFICIALLY ADOPT AHSOKA MANDO STYLE ???? Did the rest of the torrent do the same omfg they’re literally family 🥹🥹🥹
Rex trying to keep teenage cadets away from Ashoka is both cute and hilarious. He is such a dad.. ahem… brother material 👀
And I absolutely love the way you characterized Shaak Ti. Everyone always portray her as this wise Jedi that cares about the clones just like Plo Koon. And that’s true to some extent but she is so wrong for sitting in her own bubble and refusing to see the way kaminoans and trainers abuse them. She's a kind soul and means well but she totally lacks critical thinking. (but also yeah I would love to see her finally being able to adopt a few baby clones and raise them as her own sons. Such a touching moment it was, right until the aiwha baits ruined it that is)
And Kamino being compared to the eye of the storm is such a poetry honestly yk it rhymes
In conclusion, wonderful chapter as usual.
Okay. So much happened this chapter. Let me bullet point my response.
I likely won't get around to writing a clone rebellion in SH, though one is definitely planned for ASOI. I just can't see the war ended (without the empire's rise) and there nit being a clone uprising. But yeah ask me about that for ASOI and I might tell you my plans.
Yes, Rex officially adopted Ahsoka previously in SH. Off-screen. He knows her name as his sister and all that. I chose Rex partially because he's more traditional and sentimental than a lot of her other brothers. Kix has also said the vows but the rest of Torrent didn't feel the need to. They heard that Rex adopted her and basically went,"Sister? Ah ok, sister." *vigorous nodding*
I don't like to focus too much on Ahsoka's relationships with boys, but also y'know everyone (within age or developmental range) had a crush on her during the war. Cal, Kannan, Lux, Korkie, some clone cadets. She's just a pretty girl. But yeah no Rex overheard like one remark about her and moved an entire class and had them running laps for hours. He does not play.
He is absolutely her Dad-ish in the beginning. They develop a more on par relationship as she grows up and then eventually he fully relinquishes social rank to her. IE not being her elder anymore. But the whole Brothers raising brothers, line was the most important from that section.
Shaak Ti is traumatized and depressed. That's what this is. The Jedi never should have been in a war. That's it. And trying to run a war when you're completely unqualified hurts everyone. Which isn't to say they have a lot of choice. Realistically if she stood up one day and decided that the Kaminoans needed to surrender all of the clones to the jedi and stop producing them she'd be removed from her station and ignored. There's really nothing she can do. And she knows it. Which is why she lives with her hands over her "ears". Because if she just holds on and does a little good every day maybe she can actually change something one day. (the pessimistic view being it's futile in the face of the rising empire of which she's an active participant in building.) (and the more optimistic AU view being that Ahsoka succeeds in ASOI and the clones go free but they have to unpack their abuse in a plee for citizenship forcing the galaxy to realize what Kamino did and what Shaak participated in. Likely resulting in her retirement.) either way not pleasant for her.
Maybe she does end up with some sons, depending in which older clones decide they want to ally with her. It's all gonna be communal raising of the children.
The whole theme of this arc was really that there is no peace in war. So long as the storm rages you'll always have to step back into it. Only by pushing through to the other side can you escape it. But yeah I put SO much effort into the environmental symbolism. I was planning this for months before I started writing it.
So thank you so much for the ask and for reading the latest chapters. I had a blast writing them. Fingers crossed no one is too mad about my characterization of Shaak, I guess we'll find out.
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eriexplosion · 11 months
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
I actually love the way this starts out with the voices shouting over the LucasFilm logo but also I hate it because oh god the clone boys sound SO panicked.
"Skywalker should have attacked by now!" "Don't worry, he knows the plan!"
Ah but Obi-Wan will he FOLLOW the plan is the question. We all know he KNOWS the plan. But this is Anakin we're talking about.
Christ though it's been like ten seconds and we've already lost so many clones. One of them punches a droid and hurts his hand just before getting shot and it's clearly supposed to be comic relief and I'm so much of a clone sap that I'm like ;A; NO!
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SMOL. God though please put some armor on there is a war going on. There are blaster shots Ahsoka. Who dressed her in this. Why. Anyway shout out to Anakin for living the nightmare of suddenly being assigned a whole child to take care of without your permission.
I am however living for Rex's reaction to her. Meets his future beloved baby sister and all he can do is make this face.
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Ew, a child.
And I... I forgot that the way they got through the barrier. Was just. Hiding under a box. Metal Gear Solid ass plan right there. Just get in the box. Thank god battle droids aren't very smart.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan takes a moment to do a little war crimeing with his fake surrender. I know Star Wars doesn't have the Geneva Convention but that doesn't make it less funny that Obi-Wan has canonically violated it.
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GOD I LOVE THIS HIDEOUS SQUEALING ORB. WORST SOCCER BALL OF A CREATURE. I want fifty. While watching the sprinkler outside of my apartment window gurgled on and for a solid ten seconds I thought it was coming from Rotta.
I do wish the movie was SLIGHTLY less action oriented just because it leaves very little room for anything else, and I think it would have been interesting to see more of Anakin wrestling with justifiable distaste for the hutts. Obviously we get to see some of it, but only in a very limited scope since most of it is focused on the pewpew of it all. (Still, justifiable issues with hutts aside. Anakin. Don't DRAG THE BABY.)
Best moment in the movie - that poor droid getting yeeted into oblivion by Ventress screaming WHYYYY all the way down.
"Don't worry about us General, we'll be alright. The mission always comes first sir."
Okay but I hate that it does at least I know Rex comes out fine but GOD. Anyway coming off of Hidden Enemy and Slick talking about his brothers being cannon fodder and then seeing them drop like flies here is A Lot.
I ALSO. FORGOT ZIRO WAS INTRODUCED HERE. Ziro the hutt sure is. A character. Every time he is on screen I am certainly glued to him.
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Very normal things to say when the 'treachery' is stopping you from killing a baby.
Anyway the rewatch was definitely more coherent than the first time I watched it, because now I'm invested enough in the characters for it to hold my attention. I want to see the little slug child again some day.
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airasilver · 1 year
Headcanons, also AU:
Tup is always the baby of Torrent, Dogma is Echo’s baby (in that he is exactly like him before Echo realized things), Echo is the oldest out of him and Fives, Jesse is the second oldest but acts like he’s younger, Hardcase is the middle child, Kix is also the middle child but he’s the only one other than Rex they listen to (if Kix gives orders even Rex listens), and Rex is Buir/ori'vod depending on who’s with him. (Tup, Fives, and Echo for sure he’s Buir.) I also, thanks to fanon, headcanon Kix and Jesse as both married and siblings. Same with Echo and Fives being twins/in a relationship. Dogma and Tup are usually brothers to me.
Appo is really in charge with Vaughn being SIC. The two of them decided that they rather not deal with the craziness. So Rex, who's as crazy as the rest, he just doesn't act like it most of the time, was nominated to be 'in charge' by them. Jesse can actually be really mature, he just likes being a nuisance, which is why he's the SIC. Appo still fills out all the paperwork. It's an open secret but no one does anything because it works.
Anakin is close to Padme and yes they married but they aren't really together. It was a ruse in a way. They're going to divorce/annull it after the war. He also is calmer and never killed the Tusken children or their mothers. Just the men.
Ahsoka knows she can get away with anything....until Cody or Obi-Wan get involved. She stays with Anakin and calls him master but everyone in the two battalions know that she's Obi-Wan's Padawan. Since Obi-Wan is in charge of the 7th Sky Corps he's in alot more serious battles than Anakin, it's safer for her to stay with the 501st.
I got nothing on the others.
Wooley is the baby hands down, Longshot is actually older than everyone except Cody and more put together, Boil and Waxer are in love/siblings. Crys is technically the medic of Torrent but when Kix came along he asked for a transfer. He thought it be quieter in the 212th, Crys forgot, until it was to late, that most of the 501st was part of the 212th to start with. Not to mention Obi-Wan is actually worse than Anakin. He just looks like he is better when they are together.
Cody won't admit it but he said the adoption vow to Anakin as soon as he could, like two minutes after meeting him. This was after meeting Obi-Wan face to face and before falling for the red head. Anakin knows he's adopted by Cody, he just doesn't want to admit it. Ahsoka though was adopted as soon as Cody could do it after Christophis. It was while on a com with Windu and Plo and no Wolffe, she's my daughter, not yours.
Obi-Wan never hid the fact he had to fake his death from Ghost, he tried to hide it from his kids but Cody told Anakin and Ahsoka after the 'funeral'. (Anakin was more mad at the fact that Obi-Wan wouldn't tell them but the Vode than he was that Obi-Wan was 'killed'.) Obi-Wan does sleep and eat. It just doesn't seem like it. He and Cody alternate on who answers comms and etc, it's just always Obi-Wan that people see.
The Wolfpack:
Wolffe got his name not because of his biting or howling, that's something they all do, the Wolfpack is the only one to admit it, but because of his eyes and grin.
Comet might have come late into the pack but he's never left alone or wondering if he belongs. He's their baby, Wolffe adopted him right away. Contillary to belief Plo doesn't adopt all his battalion. That's Wolffe. Plo adopts but he also shares with others (Ahsoka, Anakin, Bant being examples).
Corrie Guard/Quinlan:
Boba was 'technically' never in jail. Palpatine and the Senate were told he was. He was visiting his family/hiding when Obi-Wan went in. The escapes? Was part of Fox's plan to help Obi-Wan. Quinlan will say it was his plan but it was Fox's.
Boba stays on Corescant because that is where Jango is stationed. He just hides because of Sidious and Dooku trying to get him to use him against his siblings.
Fox is in charge of the Vode when on Corescant. The Alphas are over all, even Cody, with Jango, pretending to be one of his ad, actually in charge.
Quinlan just showed up at the Guard station one day and never really left. If he did another Shadow took over his duties, the Guard didn't have a Jedi at first but when Vos showed up they got one.
Jedi/other Vode:
Yoda talks about commitment and love but he adores everyone of the Jedi. His favorite is not Obi-Wan surprisingly. He is a favorite but not his favorite. That privilege goes to Cal, Grogu, and Feemor.
Feemor might seem as if he doesn't know Obi-Wan, Anakin, or Ahsoka but he does. They all live together with Torrent and Ghost always rotating in and out.
Mace had adopted Depa and Caleb is his baby grandson, no I'm not giving him back. He's also adopted Obi-Wan which means he's technically Anakin's grandfather.
Depa knows Mace is in love with Ponds but won't do anything. So she and Grey conspire. They are now married with Caleb and Stance as two of their oldest (Mace loves the fact that he has more grandchildren). Ponds is the first who makes a move, he was captured but not killed since it was to get Sing, after Grey and Depa get married. Neyo is not interested in relationships so he and Adi Gallia just laugh at all the chaos.
Cal, Caleb, and other Padawans are not allowed on battlefields if under a certain age, 16. The Council uses technology that Tech made with other vod to make it seem as if they are there when they aren't. It's usually a shiny pretending to be the Padawans. The Vode consider it to be a honor to be chosen. (Jabiim was where the technology was first used. The Padawan Pack is 'dead' but actually with Mandalorians that Jango trusts.) While the Council and the rest of the Jedi know it's used, no one ever is told for certain to protect themselves and others. Even Ahsoka uses the technology except when she can't.
Omega is not on Kamino. She's with Arla who is the one that disperses the Padawans, cadets, littles, and younglings among the Mandalorians.
Satine is the figure head but she, doesn't like it, goes along with Jango's orders. Death Watch is still around but Pre isn't in charge/part of it. He and Jango did fight for the Darksaber and when Jango won, Pre went to, with Jango's permission, the Children Of The Watch. It's keeping his family safe.
Children Of The Watch are the spies of Mandalore. They are in a lot of the galaxy so they send information back all the time. They are also where brings who want to disappear but still be Mandalorian go. Basically the Mandalorians version of witness protection.
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padawansuggest · 5 years
Modern AU Obi-Wan as a daycare owner (he ended up being good with kids when his adopted dad wouldn’t stop dropping his new stepbrother off at his house in college and was all ‘okay’) who won’t stop flirting with single father Jango when he comes to drop off his 57 sons who all look shockingly alike while exasperated workers Anakin (baby all grown up now 😭) and HS teenager Ahsoka drown under a pile of children behind them and curse their very existence.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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cabezadeperro · 10 months
7, 10, 16, aaaaaaaaaand 64 from the “get to know your fic writer” ask meme!
hi!!!!! thanks for sending these ♥️✨
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
it depends! there are a few characters whose POV i really enjoy, and those are the characters i always end up writing stuff for. but then sometimes i like changing it up, just to make it harder/more challenging for myself, and then there's also an element of. spite. (for example: i think there're enough fics written from obi-wan's POV in this fandom.) and i usually also take into account what will be the best and most effective option depending on what i want to do with the story/what i want to make people feel.
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
The kid blinks, and her smile wavers. She glances at Rex, quicksilver quick, and then she sets her shoulders and lifts her chin, and she’s cute, in an undercooked, spiky way—Rex stood no chance.
you've found the Baby Ahsoka of Luck!!!! congrats!!!!!!!
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
i am writing the codex persuasion au (very slowly--i've had a very busy summer). i also have a bunch of shorter projects in my wips folder: a very cursed/problematic codywan idea i don't know if i'll actually get to writing, a post order 66 codyfox/codyquinlan/foxquinlan fic, a bunch of not-sequels/spin-offs for other projects, the not-actually-kenfetti soulmates au. and the prompts, of course.
i want to write more cal/boba short stories, but the big project i think i'm going to focus on After the persuasion au is the last kenfetti fic--i miss them and it's a lot of fun. it's an soulmates au with a twist, kind of. canon divergence (jaster doesn't die, jango is rescued from the slaver a couple years after getting captured), it takes place during the satine mission and it respects jango and obi-wan's canon age difference. it's not actually kenfetti, and i think it's more lighthearted than my usual fare. i'm very excited.
64. Something you love to see in smut.
i do love it when they're in character (with all that implies) 😶 also: make it! visceral!!! tell me how and what they feel!!! not just what they see! there are five senses! use them!
get to know your fic writer ask meme
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