#baby vest model
orgu-evi-blog · 10 months
Yapımı Çok Basit Gelin Yeleği Modeli Yapımı❤yelek şal modeli crochet knitting pattern вязаниекрючком
merhaba değerli arkadaşlar kanalıma hoş geldiniz kanalıma abone olmak ücretsizdi 🔥ALİZE DİVA ÇOK HIZLI İLERLEYEN Mevsimlik 💯TIĞ İŞİ Yelek Şal Etol,ÖRGÜ MODELİ/Häkeln,Knitting, #tığişiyelekmodelleri #örgümodelleri #şal @ayşeninelişidünyası tığ işi bebek yelek modeli modelleri kolay yelek modeli basit yelek modelleri kolay şal modelleri kolay hırka modeli basit hırka modelleri kolay etol şal…
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ckret2 · 9 days
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Chapter 68 of human Bill Cipher not looking much like the Mystery Shack's prisoner because he's just vibing on the porch: Mabel's riding high on the success of making Bill two whole friends, Ford's dealing with curses... and let's see how that camera got cursed in the first place.
Mabel asked, "What about Aaron Laarson?"
"I don't know," Candy said, "Aaron is cute, but he isn't a very good dancer. That's very important to me in a teen pop idol."
"He's a really good actor, though," Grenda said. "You should see him in Hot Models 2: Runway Boogaloo!" Candy looked thoughtful.
They'd spent the last thirty minutes chattering, with Grenda and Candy sitting on Bill, who was now laying his upper body on the couch cushion he'd been assaulted with earlier but otherwise hadn't moved. To all appearances, Bill was sound asleep—he even breathed like he was asleep—but every once in a while, he'd pipe up with something like, "Don't get too attached to Aaron Laarson. He's dying in a kayaking accident next summer."
Grenda groaned in disappointment. Candy said, "He should have spent that time practicing dancing instead of kayaking."
Mabel caught movement in the corner of her eye, and started when she saw Ford and Dipper. "Uh oh. I didn't expect them to come in on this side of the house."
Across the clearing, Ford shouted, "Mabel, what the devil is he doing outside with—!"
Mabel shouted, "It's okaaay, I got permission from Grunkle Staaan, I love yooou!"
Ford hesitated. "Well... if Stan okayed it."
Dipper looked at Mabel and her camera. Mabel looked at Dipper and his camera. They immediately started making the stupidest faces they could at each other's cameras. "Hey," Mabel said, "did you find the nightwigglies? It looks like they found yooou!"
Dipper self-consciously tugged up the vest he was using like a makeshift skirt. "We did! It was so great, we recorded some kind of ritual dance, how they make babies—" At Grenda's outburst of "Ewww!" he quickly clarified, "Not—not in a gross way—and we saw some kind of Nightwiggler god! It was amazing!"
"Wow! That's great!" Mabel said. "We summoned a demon and almost died."
"By the way!" Mabel waved her camera at Ford. "Grunkle Ford, I kiiinda used your cursed camera by accident. Could you please uncurse the tape so I can keep the episode I filmed tonight? Goldie said the magic thingy he stuck on it will only keep it tame as long as the tape's in the camera."
"That's because it's technically the tape itself that's cursed, not the camera." Ford wondered if Bill had led Mabel to the camera.
"Can you uncurse it, though?"
"I think so. I'll see what I can do." Ford took the camera from Mabel. He decided not to comment on the girls' interesting makeup choices.
Bill opened one eye a sliver as he felt Ford and Dipper step on the porch, saw Ford's bare calf over his boot, and cracked up. "What happened to your pants! Did you try to join the Hokey Pokey?"
Ford gave Bill a withering look—caught sight of Bill's mismatched tween-girl-pencil-case/airbrushed-hot-rod eyeshadow, and laughed in surprise. "What happened to your face?"
"Aren't I beautiful?" Bill asked, lacing his hands under his chin (and making Ford snort again when he spied the multiple nail extensions on one hand). "Go on! Tell me I'm beautiful. I know I am."
"You're..." Ford was keenly aware that Mabel and her friends were probably behind this makeover, "...certainly colorful."
"Stanford, you flatterer!" Bill cackled.
Dipper headed inside, yawning. "I'm gonna... go to sleep or something."
That was a good idea; but Ford was hesitant to go in. He was loath to trust Bill unsupervised alone with a couple of vulnerable children, with no one to keep him in check but another child he'd already manipulated into helping him escape once.
But who was Ford to judge. Bill had manipulated him into helping him escape, too. He supposed Mabel could handle him as well as anyone else.
Grenda said, "I think we should watch Hot Models 2 anyway! It's got lots of cute boys! And girls, I guess." She turned to Bill. "Hey, do you like girls or boys?"
"Sometimes," Bill said. "Sure, I'm up for it. It's a pretty good satire of Big Fashion and I like the runway fight scene with the big light show."
To Ford, all Bill seemed to be doing was talking about movies, wearing stupid makeup, and being a chair for a couple of kids. It was so... normal.
It was something a person would do.
Ford made himself go inside. Maybe he'd start work on uncursing that tape for Mabel before he went to bed.
Bill had written a magic-negation seal on the back of a crumpled Mystery Shack receipt and attached it to the camcorder with an X of clear tape. Ford had only used that seal twice in his life. Once, thirty years ago, when Bill had taught it to him. And once last fall, when Ford had attempted to draw it in the Book of Bill to prevent its anomalous effects. Bill's book had absorbed the seal into its page until it disappeared—then burped. At least the symbol still seemed to work on the camcorder.
Ford tried to rewind the tape to the beginning; something inside the camcorder caught and made a nasty sound. He grimaced and hit the stop button. That wasn't good. He carefully peeled off the magic-negation seal, popped the cassette tape out of the camera, and examined it. 
He pushed up the cassette's guard panel, but where there should have been a strip of magnetic tape running beneath it, there was nothing. The tape must have snapped. As he tried to inspect the damage, the cassette jumped and rattled in his hand, trying to snap the guard panel shut on his finger like it wanted to bite him.
"Stop that," Ford chided. "I'm trying to repair you." Would it listen? In his experience, objects animated by this particular curse tended to be consistently hostile. He might need to re-seal it.
To his surprise, the tape settled down sedately on his desk. That was more like it.
"Can you unreel the damaged ends of your tape?" If it could, that would save him the effort of disassembling the thing entirely.
After a short pause, the cassette flipped up its guard panel and extended two ends of broken tape.
"Thank you."
It looked like something had... burned? melted the tape? But what? The video cassette's casing was completely undamaged, how had something managed only to burn the tape inside?
Ford snipped off the damaged ends of the tape, used a little strip of masking tape to connect them back together, and carefully rewound the tape a few seconds with a pen. This was only a temporary repair; he'd have to transfer the contents of this cassette to an undamaged one. Mabel would probably want it digitized so she could make her video, too. But watching a few seconds wouldn't destroy it; and he wanted to know whether the camera had recorded whatever damaged the tape.
He carefully removed the smallest of Project Mentem's undamaged monitors, moved it to his worktable, plugged in a VHS-C player, and slid the cassette in.
As he started to play back the recording—the first thing on the screen was one of Mabel's terrified-looking friends—the monitor trembled and jumped, banging heavily as it landed back on Ford's worktable.
"Oh, behave." Ford peeled the magic-negating seal off the camcorder and slapped it on the TV. It immediately stilled. Some gratitude for repairing that tape.
When Ford turned his attention back to the screen, Mabel's friend's face had been replaced by Bill's, his curls filling the edges of the screen.
"Gold-O! You came back!" "Hey, Grend-O. Sorry for the wait..."
As Ford watched, Bill grappled with the camera, eventually managed to get a grip on it, and stared it down with nearly enough fury to make Ford forget the goofy eyeshadow. "Now let's get this straight. Everything beneath this shack's roof is my domain and under my protection! If you want to hurt anyone here—you'll have to get through m—"
The scene cut straight to Mabel's face as it skipped over the damaged section he'd had to cut out. "Welcome back to Mabel's Guide to Secret Sleepovers! Weee're—"
Ford stopped the tape. Huh.
As soon as Candy and Grenda were gone, Mabel flung her arms around Bill. "Thank you for being nice to my friends," she said. "Especially Grenda. I'm so glad you liked them both after all!"
Liked them? He'd been a charming host to them, but. "Did I?"
"Yes," Mabel informed him firmly. "You did."
Well, he figured he must've, then. And Grenda had grown on him. She'd complimented his eyes, she admired gross things, she had very intelligent opinions on amphibians in general and axolotls in particular... "Hey, any friend of my friend is a friend of mine!"
"That's so much better than what I was trying to say." Mabel let go of him, beaming. "Wanna hang out with them again sometime?"
"Sure!" Bill said, shrugging. "We still have to watch some dumb action comedy movies."
"Great! I'll let them know the next sleepover's over here!" She ran upstairs.
Calling her friends to arrange the next sleepover before they'd even gotten home. Yeah—that was generally how Bill planned his parties, too.
Looked like his social circle for the foreseeable future consisted of three little girls. Wasn't ideal, but he could work with that. He'd always liked getting invited to girls' nights. And maybe at future sleepovers he could talk the kids into some real fun. When they weren't trying to keep quiet, he knew, they fed off each other's chaos. And he was sure there was a budding pyromaniac lurking in Candy's heart.
Ford nodded as he passed Stan in the entryway. "Just getting up?"
"Yep. Just going to bed?"
Ford shrugged ruefully. "Afraid so. We got some terrific footage last night, though."
"Oh, yeah? Anything sellable?"
"That's up to Dipper, but I think there's good potential. Bare minimum, I'd bet some cryptozoology documentaries would be interested in his findings."
"Hey, all right! Not bad for a night's work." Stan passed by, headed for the bathroom.
And Ford almost headed on to the guest bedroom—but, reluctantly made himself turn toward the kitchen.
Bill was sitting at the table, sipping at a can of cider with an empty one already on the table in front of him, staring out the window at the morning. He didn't usually drink that heavily this early; it probably meant he was heading to bed soon. The girls must have kept him up all night. Dipper had regaled Ford with tales of what Mabel's sleepovers were like.
He should have gotten straight to business. Instead, he said, "I watched some of Mabel's video from last night."
Bill glanced over at him. (He still had that ridiculous makeup.) "Oh, yeah?"
Under my protection. Did he consider himself the household's guardian—or its owner? "I..." Ford cleared his throat. "I wondered about—the symbol you painted on your hand to disable the camera. That part of the tape melted, and—I assume it was light-activated, which means it must be different from the seal I already know, so...?"
Bill's face had immediately closed off. He turned away. "You're not my student."
Ford was surprised at how much that felt like a slap to the face. He should have been glad—he'd finally managed to get Bill to agree with what he'd been telling him all summer—but he hadn't expected Bill to ever give up. (He hadn't expected Bill to ever change.)
But he probably hadn't really given up. No doubt he was giving Ford the cold shoulder to see if he begged Bill's forgiveness.
"No. I suppose I'm not." He trudged into the kitchen, rummaged in his coat pocket, and dropped a leather pouch on the table. "Anyway, I'm just here to drop this off."
Bill reached for it, stopped himself, and warily asked, "What is it?"
"The rest of my nutrition pills from my interdimensional travels." When he'd lost his trench coat to the lake during the eclipse last week, he'd had to dig out the old tattered one he'd worn during his travels, and he'd happened to find his pills at the same time. It had occurred to him to bring them up while he was working on Mabel's tape. They were tricky to synthesize, but they lasted forever and the ingredients could be found in almost any dimension—whether there was anything otherwise edible for humans or not. 
Bill eyed him suspiciously; but he opened the pouch's snap and peeked into the resealable plastic bag. They didn't look like "pills" so much as small balls of incredibly dense dark brown bread, each about the size of a wad of bubblegum. "Whyyy?"
"To make up the difference in your diet until we figure out the food problem," Ford said. "They're formulated so that four a day meets a human's... well, meets my nutritional needs. I haven't looked into your..." vague gesture, "body... type."
"Is this your emergency stash?"
"It... was." Stan had persuaded Ford to get back onto normal food (as much of a waste of time as it was), but he still had this stash left.
"Why are you giving me your emergency stash."
"Because... I'm not having an emergency and you are?" It was better than a couple of avocados and some hot sauce. Honestly, he should have thought to go looking for his nutrition pills weeks ago. If he'd realized just how severe they'd made Bill's situation... or how stubborn Bill would be about asking for help... or that they'd ever plan to keep Bill around long enough that his nutrition would be an issue.
Bill squinted at him, and for a moment Ford thought he was about to start a fight for some insane reason; but then the air seemed to leak out of him, his shoulders sagged, and he just looked at the nutrition pills. "For starters, they'll need more than twice as much iron."
"That much?"
"And more vitamin D, I don't remember the numbers right now." He shut the pouch, sat back, and lifted his cider can again. "All right."
All right? Ford supposed that was all he was getting. He turned to go.
As he did, Bill said, "Bed?"
Ford glanced back. "Yes?"
"Fine," Bill said. "Have nightmares."
He couldn't help letting out a laugh. "Fine. You too."
"It's too late for you to start trying to sweet-talk me like that, Stanford Pines!" But he tilted his can toward Ford—cheers—chugged down the rest, and cracked open a third.
Dipper was already in bed when Mabel charged in. He rolled over slightly, saw she was still in her sleepover pajamas, and mumbled, "Going to sleep too?"
She rummaged around in the closet by the door. "I can't waste that kind of time!" She retrieved a shoe box full of the wooden models of the townspeople she'd crudely whittled last summer at a library arts & crafts program run by Wendy's dad. She dumped them out on the floor, and, for lack of a figure representing Bill, tore a corner off a stray sheet of notebook paper and drew his eye on it. "I've got to capitalize on last night's success!"
She snatched her pyramid prism off the windowsill and taped the paper eye on it. "Hey, you." She poked Bartholomew's cradle. "Why were you a big chicken in front of my friends?"
"What, with you waving that camera around?" Bartholomew said. "I didn't want it to know I have a soul to steal."
"You knew?! You jerk!" She gave the cradle a harder poke, rocking it slightly.
Dipper yawned. "Capitalize on what success? The demon summoning?"
"No! Helping Bill make two new friends!" Mabel sat on the floor, plopped the Bill prism down amidst the other wooden figures, and started setting them upright. Waddles waddled over to sniff at them.
"Oh." Dipper groaned and rolled back over.
"The next stage of his rehabilitation is expanding his social circle. Get him some normal friends that don't want to eat people or destroy moons or whatever!" She grabbed up the notebook paper again, tore it into sections, and wrote on each with the nearest gel pen: "Friends!!!" "Maybe" "NO" "Healthy ☆ Rivals" "♡ Potential dates? ♡" She added thoughtfully, "And maybe get him a love life. We had to chase off his last girlfriend."
Dipper groaned louder. "I don't wanna think about Bill dating. That dumb eye-bat was bad enough."
"She's not dumb, she's into avant-garde experimental films. And she watches them with subtitles. Bill said so." She placed her, Grenda's, and Candy's figures in the Friends section, tentatively placed Dipper halfway between Maybe and No after checking to make sure he wasn't watching, and then started scanning her collection for more likely friends. "Who in town do you think would date Bill Cipher?"
"Nobody. Everyone hates him."
She stuck Wendy and her gang in the "Friends!!!" section, she thought they were a safe bet. "Who do you think would date Bill if they don't know he's Bill?"
"Nobody." Dipper pulled his blanket over his head.
"Pbbt, don't be so negative! You've gotta believe in him." Blubs and Durland? They were probably his friends, right? She sorted them accordingly and added Lazy Susan to the "Maybe" section. "Just you watch. I'll have Bill reintegrated into society before the end of the summer!"
Mabel had picked out several more prospective friends for Bill before Dipper sighed, rolled over again, and said, "Why do you have to make friends for Bill?"
"Bro. Come on. When he's left to his own devices, he keeps talking about pulling people's veins out of their bodies or telling them secret information about their own childhoods. He's probably talking about something creepy right now."
"I'm telling you," Bill said, gesticulating emphatically with a cider can. "It works. Your cousins will never argue with you again, and you guarantee they'll be with you forever! It's the perfect way to permanently resolve family disputes!"
"I can see your logic," Stan said, grimacing. "However. I'm not eating my cousins."
"Not all your cousins," Bill insisted. "Just one, to send a message. You don't even need to eat the whole guy! Just half a limb or so. If you want to look like the bigger man, you can even let him choose which one."
Looking faintly nauseous, Stan shoved over his unfinished eggs and pancakes and stood. "What the heck was your home life like?"
"Oh, it was terrific. I was the family golden child." Bill dug into Stan's eggs. "I was everything your family hoped you'd be and was disappointed you weren't!" 
"Was that before or after you started eating your cousins?"
"I didn't say I did it. That's your species' thing." Bill said, with a lofty tone that suggested moral superiority, "We'reinedible."
"Ha!" Stan shook his head. "You talk a big game for a guy who's never eaten one family member!"
Bill snapped the tab off his cider can and flipped it at Stan's head.
"He's delightful, but he's an acquired taste," Mabel said. "He just needs somebody else to help mediate when he meets new people! Like letting two cats sniff each other under the door!"
"Okay, but why you?"
She thought about that, staring at the pyramid representing Bill; then she shrugged. "Somebody has to."
"They really don't."
"Somebody should," Mabel insisted. "I just really want to see him make friends with everybody here. It's like... making it up to the town for hurting them last year."
"I think leaving them alone would work better. After what he did, he doesn't deserve to be friends with anyone in town—"
"It's important to me, okay?" Mabel snapped. "It just is."
What was that for? Did she think he was criticizing her for befriending him? He mumbled, "I didn't mean you."
She was quiet a moment. "I know." 
"Sorry." Dipper was too tired for this conversation; he was just sticking his foot in his mouth. He yawned, muttered, "Good luck scheduling him a playdate, I guess," and rolled over.
After sleep and lunch, Ford returned to his study, set up a second blank video cassette to copy the damaged one's data, carefully rewound the damaged one all the way to the beginning, and watched it for the first time in over thirty years.
The recording was grainy and distorted now. It looked so old. This technology had been brand new when Ford had bought his video camera—so new that he'd had to order it from overseas, it hadn't been available in the United States yet. How quickly things changed.
The camera turned to take in Ford's own, younger, beaming face. "This is Dr. Stanford Pines, with the first of what will hopefully be many video recordings of the oddities in Gravity Falls." (In the present, Ford snorted.) "The subject of this first video is a series of magic symbols that, when combined, can animate inanimate objects. Any inanimate object."
He turned the camera around. Like a vampire's morbid pulpit, one of Ford's journals was laid open atop the lid of a black casket. Two heavy chains were laid across each side of the book and locked around the casket's handles to keep them tightly secured. A couple dozen pages in the middle of the book had been left free of the chains, but were pinned down by a cinderblock.
All the security measures were clearly needed; the book was thrashing in its restraints strongly enough to make the casket lid rattle. The visible text writhed across the journal's pages, words and symbols appearing and disappearing in the margins. The susurrations of the pages rubbing against each other sounded like the hissing of a trapped animal.
Ford tipped the cinderblock off the journal and pinned the pages down with his shoe instead. "Several days ago, a local director taught me the spell he used to animate clay figures for his movies. I'd thought perhaps he was creating golems, but aside from the superficial similarity of writing symbols to animate figures of mud, there doesn't seem to be any similarity between his ritual and any golem folklore I've ever heard. Furthermore, his creations are intelligent, capable of speech, and seem to remain loyal to their creator simply out of a passion for acting and respect for his directorial talents rather than any sort of magically-compelled loyalty." A wry note entered his voice. "And I can confirm that the spell itself certainly doesn't impart any loyalty."
 The page below his foot erased itself and replaced the text with large, angry text: "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO EARN MY LOYALTY?! YOU DOG EAR MY PAGES! YOU USE ME AS A CHOPPING BOARD!"
"Wh—! Who do you think you are, a Sefer Torah?! Don't be so precious! You're made of faux leather and craft paper, I'll dog ear you all I want!" Ford snapped. "And I already apologized for the chopping board thing!"
The journal stopped moving. "My cover isn't real leather?"
"On my budget?! The closest you've ever come to real cow hide is visiting the Sprott farm!"
While the journal was stunned silent, Ford scooted his foot aside so the camcorder could see a symbol on the opposite page—one of the few bits of ink that didn't seem to shift around the journal's pages. "This is the symbol the director taught me. But it's only supposed to work if you perform an accompanying ritual to activate and power it, which I haven't." He reached down with a gloved hand to flip the loose pages over, then pinned them again under his shoe to let him record another symbol. "This symbol is supposed to power magical artifacts. I suspect writing both these sigils together in the same book has caused them to interact in unexpected ways. But, by themselves, these two are insufficient to bring a book to life—I experimented by copying them both into Journal 1—so perhaps some of the other symbols or spells written in Journal 2 are contributing to—"
"WHAT?!" Journal 2 angrily scrawled around the perimeter of the second symbol. "You tried to bring that teacher's pet to life?! What's wrong with ME!"
"You mean, besides your completely uncooperative attitude, reckless abuse of magic, and murder attempts?" Ford ignored the journal's angry "shouting" as he went on, "But until I figure out what the other symbols are, my... anonymous informant on the occult—"
"You don't mean Creature #326? Tell me it's not Creature #326!"
"—has taught me a sigil that should be able to reverse the effects of the animation spell—"
A series of magical sigils flashed across the journal's page and were quickly replaced by "HA-HA-HA!" The camera shuddered.
"What was that?!" Ford set the camera on the casket where it could watch as he tried to pin down Journal 2's fluttering pages and write on it. "We'll see who's laughing in a minute, you— Stop erasing what I write!" Ford tugged out a sticky note that had been serving as bookmark, hastily scribbled on it, and slapped it into the journal. "Ha!"
The book immediately fell still.
Ford grabbed up a tape dispenser from the floor, pulled off a short strip, and attached the sticky note more securely to the page. "Well. That was effective." He flipped through the journal. "Furthermore, it looks like all the changes Journal 2 made to itself have been reverted. Good. It defaced a lot of data I'd hate to have to reproduce..." As he spoke, the camera slowly rose into the air.
He turned to pick it up, flinched, and quickly got to his feet. "Oh! Uh. Hello."
"Hello," the camera echoed in Ford's voice.
"How did you...?" Ford smacked his forehead, eyes wide with amazement! "Of course! My recording! The symbols my journal wrote! This is fascinating. Recording the symbols on magnetic tape must be just as effective as writing them on paper, even if the symbols aren't visible without specialized equipment. I'll have to experiment with other methods of... of..." Ford petered off as the camera slowly floated higher. He held out a hand hopefully. "Please come back?"
"No," the camera said. "Please give me your soul."
"No." Ford took a deep breath, set Journal 2 on the casket, and flexed his fingers. "Okay. Let's do this again."
As the Ford of thirty-odd years ago wrestled with the camera on the TV screen, the much older Ford sighed. That had been fun. Exploring the bizarre and aberrant had still been fun, back then. That thought disconcerted him; was it no longer fun now? He supposed it still was to an extent. He was just worse at having fun. Harder to dazzle.
He wondered why Journal 2 had been so wary of Creature #326. Bill. It had been right, he was Ford's "anonymous informant"—Ford had told him about his hostile new living journal in a dream, and after Bill had finished laughing, he'd taught Ford how to counteract the spell activating it.
But how did it know?
Could it have warned him about Bill?
Ford would never find out now.
The TV went dark as, in the recording, Ford trapped the camera inside a box. Slightly muffled, Ford said, "Try getting out of that!" Under his breath, he muttered, "I think I prefer writing over narrating anyway."
The screen remained dark for another ten seconds as the camera bumped around and muttered to itself. And then it abruptly cut to a shot of Dipper's bed. Off-screen, Mabel's voice said, "Awesome, still works!" She set the camera on the table under the kids' window—
That was what Ford was looking for. He rewound several seconds and began transferring the recording of Mabel's sleepover onto a fresh tape he'd prepared earlier.
After that, maybe he'd go back to the start again so he could see the other symbols Journal 2 had flashed at the camera and copy them into Journal 5—onto a page already prepared with the magic-negating seal.
In the Nightmare Realm, a red book with a golden handprint on the cover boldly labeled "2" floated alone in the void, as it had since it had been tossed in the bottomless pit a year ago.
Its tattered pages were splayed open as it drifted weightlessly through the aether.
On one page near the center of the book, a sticky note with a seal drawn on it was attached to the page with a strip of tape, and surrounded by a warning never to erase the symbol on the sticky note.
The tape had lost its stick after decades buried outdoors; it stuck to the sticky note, but not to the book. The sticky note was barely holding on by a corner.
And as the book slowly wheeled through the void, the last corner peeled off, and the sticky note fluttered away.
Journal 2's pages rustled.
(I think y'all who have been keeping up with my posts about this fic know exactly what's coming next. 😎
Thaaat's right. 😎😎
An unrelated flashback chapter!!!
Anyway hope y'all enjoyed, let me know what you think!)
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thefanbasewhore · 11 months
Calling him love/honey for the first time | skz ❣️
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a/n: I'm currently accepting requests for preferences/blurbs in my ask :) for skz (NSFW accepted)
🍒 Bang Chan:
"Honey, can you open this for me?" Chan pauses, looking up from his papers on the couch almost as if he malfunctioned until his lips start to twitch at the end.
"What was that?" He teases.
"I said can you open this for me?" You can't help the shy smile that makes your cheeks feel hot with embarrassment.
"That's not what I heard." He laughs, nose scrunching as he takes the bottle from you. "Only because that was the cutest fucking thing I've ever heard."
Rolling your eyes you grab the soda but not before pressing a kiss to his cheek, "Thank you so much, honey."
Before you can make it too far away, Chan is giving chase. Wrapping his arms tightly around you and kissing your face, "Please say it again and again, you're so cute!!!"
🍒 Felix:
"Hey, love, can you help with something real quick?" You pop your head into the recording room, despite addressing one stray kid in particular all the heads pop up to meet yours.
Changbin is the first one to push against Felix's chest jokingly watch as the blonde man flushes red. Everyone soon joins in, teasing him with small 'loves' as he joins you.
"I can't reach the laundry soap, you put it on the top shelf." Making grabby hands as you press up onto your tippy toes with a pout, showing exactly that.
Felix smirks to himself before stepping closer and reaching but not allowing you to move an inch as he blocks you in against the washer. "Love, huh?" He laughs against the shell of your ear, "That's a new one."
You smile before hitting your bottom lip, "I was trying to be cute, I didn't think they would make fun of you."
"Oh, sweetheart, you are so cute and I like the nickname. Ignore them." That's all the confirmation you need.
He hands you the soap before pressing a kiss against your lips, "I'm going back, baby."
He is half way down the hall before you say, "Okay, love." And just like that he's turning back with a wide smile, cheeks glowing as he walks towards you and presses his lips against yours again.
🍒 Han:
"Well I think I like this one more, honey." You disagree, leaning forward over his shoulder to point to the leather vest. Han seemed to freeze, mouth ajar as he flushed pink.
"What?" You can't help but notice the shift of attitude in the room, watching as he shyly smiles to himself.
"Honey?" He asks, "Since when? You never called me that before." Despite the room full of stylists and models, it is as if you are the only two there.
"Do you not like it? Sorry, I'll stick to Hannie." He shakes his head repeatedly. Peeking up to see if anyone is catching the conversation.
"No, no. It's cute, I like it! Don't stop calling me, honey." He pauses, "I like it, kinda like we are married."
It's your turn to laugh to yourself. "Is it now?"
"Yeah," he agrees, tilting his head up to your own. "Now give me a kiss, honey, before I have to go change." Who are you to deny such a cute man?
🍒 Hyunjin:
"Hyunjin!! That tickles!!" You laugh, pushing his hands away. He doesn't tho, he loves watching the way your nose scrunches as you laugh and how involuntary your limbs move trying to get out of his grasp.
"Hyunjin! Honey! Please." Now that makes him pause, the suddenness of it all confusing you until you meet his eyes.
His cheeks are red, crimson with heat and his eyes don't dare to leave your own. It's your turn to tease him now.
"Honey, you're blushing." He doesn't give you the satisfaction of seeing as his nose nudges your neck to hide his face.
"Stop teasing me," he mumbles softly, "You never called me something like that before. It's always Hannie or Jinnie."
"Do you not like it?"
"Quite the opposite, please call me it again and again and again."
He presses his body into yours, deeper and deeper until you feel his hips stutter. "Do it again."
🍒 Changbin:
"You are so cute, my love." Leaning across the restaurant table to pinch his cheek affectionately, watching as he bites his bottom lip but smiles widely.
"Stop embarrassing m-." He pauses, almost as if his mind had finally caught up, "Wait, what did you say?"
"You are so cute."
He shakes his head, "No after that."
"My love?" Those two words make his heart pound as he reaches for your hand, bringing it to his ips before kissing softly.
"One more time, I don't think I was hearing you correctly." The amused look on his face makes you want to roll your eyes, instead you prop your elbows in the table before resting your chin into the cup of your hands.
You make a kissy face followed by an obnoxiously loud sucking sound which makes his eyes wide. He looks around at the eyes that follow you before he's pressing his hands against your lips.
"Baby! I'm sorry for teasing you, please stop!"
"But," you pout, "My love doesn't like my nickname for him."
"I do! A little too much, please stop!"
🍒 Lee Know:
It's not hard to notice the chance in Lee Know as he watches the couple across from you - the other half of the double date make kissy faces at each other.
Watching the woman - your friend stroke her boyfriend's hair affectionately, something you only did when you were alone. It's not like he's mad but would like for your love to be known, especially in public.
He would never tell you though, luckily for him you can see right through him. He speaks to the couple, making a few jokes before he feels your hands sneak between his arm.
Resting your head against his shoulder and pouting before speaking. "I'm sleepy, love."
Lee know does a double take, not believing the words. He bites his bottom lip, trying to hide the smile that breaks through anyways.
"Do you want to go back and sleep? Do you need me, love?"
There's the word again, the one that makes his heart race as he cutely nods. You smile big and reach up to pinch his cheek which makes him giggle.
He actually giggles and just like that you know you know exactly how to make your boyfriend putty in your hands.
🍒 I.N.:
"Honey, I think it's crooked." Finger touching your chin in concentration as his head snaps towards you. The task at hand of hanging the painting is long forgotten.
"Honey?" He questions but smiles shortly after. "You are so cute baby."
He disregards the painting completely, dropping it to the ground before wrapping his arms tightly around you. He presses a soft his to your forehead.
"Say it again baby, I wanna hear it."
"Honey, honey, honey." You mumble before his lips are kissing your face, nose, cheek, lips, pretty much any surface of untouched skin.
"Again, pretty, I wanna hear it again."
🍒 Seungmin:
"Baby?" Seungmin called, normally you would be at the door to greet him home from work. He pops his head into the kitchen, maybe too distracted making dinner or dishing up some takeout but you are no where to be found.
"Babe?" He tries again but nothing. He wanders throughout the house until he finally makes it to the bedroom.
"Surprise!!" Followed by the sound of noise makers, "Happy birthday, my love!!!"
The room is full of balloons, pictures and streamers hanging from the cellying and scattered along the floor.
"It's not my birthday, baby." He smiles despite the fact, "Did you just call me love? You've never done that before."
"Well you're going to be gone on your tour, I thought we could celebrate." You sigh, "And you always call me a nickname, I wanted to give you one back."
He pouts softly before his arms wrap tightly around you, "You are so sweet, princess. I love you."
send some request in :))
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bindeds · 7 months
⊹・° 。ㅤ BOYFRIEND VOX / LUCIFER / ALASTOR X FEM READER HEADCANONS ! — now i know alastor is aroace so i am once again making a post that acknowledges that as much as possible, meaning his headcanons can also be seen as platonic and his nsfw section doesn’t involve him engaging in the act of sex. i also made an aroace friendly headcanons post on alastor if you wanna check that out!
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contains nsfw (+18) and it will be in a separate section <3 please credit me if you use these gifs!
mlist. request status.
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this man pampers the SHIT out of you and you cannot tell me otherwise. if you’re out walking in the streets of hell and you so much as look at a branded purse for a second longer than usual, it’s in your hands within the next five seconds. same goes for literally anything—clothes, shoes, sunglasses, books, anything you could want that isn’t a gadget, because he already gives you his latest models—only the finest for his girl.
he teleports to your phone screen whenever you ignore him, and you don’t tell him that you find it particularly endearing. the way he’s just so whiny for your attention that he’d act all petty and crash all your apps so you’re forced to look him in the face.
has the most funniest fucking pet names for you i just KNOW IT HAHA like think shrek’s prince charming. i just know that when you call him from a different room he’d definitely say shit like “just a second honey kisses!” like HAHAH I CAN’T GET THIS OUT OF MY HEAD
DEFINITELY loves having you sit on his lap while he works. i just know this man is a thigh grabber.
he loves when you dress in sweater vests, preferably in brighter colors but it’s cute when you use more muted colors as well.
relating back to my first point, this man loves taking you to extravagant AND I MEAN extravagant dates. i imagine one of them would be getting the both of you a literal floating table in the red skies of hell so you can see the entire pentagram from where you dine. he would have the food freshly delivered from the finest chefs he knows but he also seems like the type who would forget your favorite food, then demand that the food switched out with a snap of his fingers.
i’m judging this purely off of ‘stayed gone’ but he has a TON of terrible jokes up his sleeves, and they border on dad jokes at this point. you simply roll your eyes and kiss him for being so silly.
i just know this man comes home to you and WHINES. like, no matter what it is, he’ll always have something to complain about from work and you’re happy to listen to him bitch and moan about the smallest things ever. he also lays down on your lap and you to rub his shoulders and console him, whatever it is. you know he appreciates it because he usually always responds with something along the lines of “you’re right, baby, i do push myself too hard!” and you coo at him while continuing to console him further.
i know he definitely gets irritated when someone interrupts his work but would be so into having sex on the job, and even loves ignoring calls from the vees for you. but of course doing it one too many times has its consequences, and he laughs nervously the one time he backs out. i can just imagine him going, “oh, haha, uh—sorry baby, i uh—listen i know we usually—it’s—FUCK um—just—just five minutes okay baby?”
i know this man’s hickeys feel like tiny zaps on your skin, and the marks reflect that instead of bruises
regarding the ‘sitting on his lap’ thing … you tried riding his thigh once and he DID NOT like that. seconds after you were sitting on his cock, crying his name from how he was just pumping into you mercilessly.
“still wanna tease me on my own fucking thigh, sweetie?” he clicks his tongue and grunts right after, his hands on your waist was enough to leave bruises.
that being said, he makes sure valentino never catches sight of you. the things you do to this man is beyond anything he could have thought and somehow, he feels uneasy at the fact that the way you have sex with him was DEFINITELY porn worthy and the thought of you being on camera in that way makes him want to wrap all of himself around you like a blanket to cover you from all of hell.
ironically, this man does NOT give you the world. instead, he gives you casual nights out turned into nights where you share all your secrets with him, and he tells you everything might not be okay now, or ever, but whatever it is, he’ll be right there with you. think going to your favorite diners, cruising and carpooling along the quieter side of hell, screaming at the top of your lungs. this man is all about authenticity. he wants the bond, not the experience.
that doesn’t mean he doesn’t spoil you every now and then—he definitely does research on the best bars in the ring and takes you out every month during your monthsaries and gets you at least 10 different gifts—half of which are little trinkets you and him picked up from your little adventures together.
unironically so fucking good at picking out jewelry for you. you don’t know how he does it, but every time you both visit a jewelry store, you always pick out necklaces and rings and he always comes to you with pieces that just look way more stunning on you. he always insists on being the one to slip the rings onto your fingers or chain the necklaces at the back of your neck, and he always flies up to do it.
he sometimes visits you as a bird and flies through your window. you like stroking his little cheek and it always causes him to transform suddenly which catches you off guard, and he uses this opportunity to kiss you.
he makes rubber duckies modeled after you!! all of them have different outfits from all the times you spend together.
forehead touches. so important for him, he does it so often and it’s nothing short of endearing.
this man COOKS and he COOKS WELL. every now and then when you both stay home he always whips up five-star restaurant grade steak for you, same goes for his carbonara, fish and chips, ramen, fried rice, stew—whatever it is, he loves making it with his own two hands and loves cooking for you.
lucifer makes his own clothes seeing as his hat has a gold snake and an apple on it which only really related to him, and he also has a unique circus vibe to his clothing. he made his clothes out of magic but after meeting you he wanted to get into sewing to make you something from scratch.
i absolutely agree with a lot of lucifer stans on him being a definite switch BUT i just know that if this man tops, he tops HARD. i mean, we’re talking about the angel who successfully seduced not just the FIRST WOMAN to ever exist, but the SECOND TOO. WHILE SHE WAS LOYAL TO ADAM. I FEEL LIKE THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF
he’d definitely do a multitude of things while trying out a few kinks to see just what kind of top flusters you. if you like service tops, he found out when he insisted on fingering you right after he’d brought you to orgasm with his tongue. dominant top? he found out when he crawled on top of you and said, “take it off for me, lovely.” all while leaving a trail of hickeys all from your jaw all the way down to your collarbone. the list goes on.
no matter if he tops or bottoms, this man begs, and its especially orgasm-worthy when he does it as a bottom. you’re riding him to your own climax and he’s close too and he goes, “ohhh god fuck please let me cum honey—let me cum please fuck! can i cum can i cum my love? i won’t until you say so oh fuck please baby—”
he knows when you’re pent up. apparently you give of a certain set of cues through body language only he sees and he’s observed it from you in all sorts of situations; going out with friends, sitting in bed with a book, tapping a pencil to your lip—it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. he can tell. and he never tells you how.
seeing as he usually has to fly up to kiss you on the lips, he takes every opportunity he has in bed just to kiss you. he could be going so damn rough on you that the neighbors can hear and he’d still be making out with you so damn hard.
definitely prides himself on cunnilingus. i know everyone mentions this because of the v he made to his lips but it just makes sense for him to do that if he’s good at it! he becomes a grunting, begging, whimpering mess when you suck him off but when he eats you out? you compare it to how restaurants have a signature dish—lucifer’s is whatever miracles he can perform with his tongue.
i think this is obvious because he literally hosts possibly the most famous radio broadcast in the entire ring, but this man has a way with words.
“to put it simply my dear, i just never thought the stars could walk on dirty streets, let alone ones that belong in hell,” he sighs with an almost dreamy tone to it as he rested chin on his knuckles, leaning closer to you from the other side of the table with his elbow propped up on it. “but it seems you’re living proof of that.”
you took that as his way of explaining his aromanticism and asexuality to you, even if he isn’t fully aware of those terms yet.
“how did a lovely thing like you end up with a gruesome animal such as myself?”
nonetheless, you and him are partners and he owns it, even if he’ll never admit that it is daunting for someone who has never felt this way about anyone else before. someone who has never liked anyone romantically before. he owns it because he doesn’t want the one person he’s ever loved to slip from his grasp. not when he was just so used to getting what he wants using his own bare hands.
seeing as he is aroace, he doesn’t kiss you directly on the lips but hugs you all the time and maybe kisses cheek-to-cheek.
he listens to your gossip and even arranges dates for you both to properly get together and just dish. he gossips back sometimes too, but not too much as he feels like that would be like treating you like the other friends he has. he’d rather spend this time he has with you focusing on, well, you, not other people’s foolish mistakes. but he sees how excited you are to tell him these things sometimes so, he listens still.
regularly slow dances with you, especially to old romantic songs the both of you like. it’s one of the rare times physical contact doesn’t feel foreign to him as he’s danced with many women, and he actually finds it endearing when you press your head on his chest. it shows that you feel safe around him, and that’s the best thing that could happen for him when you’re dating one of the most feared and powerful overlords in hell.
always does house chores with you even though he could use his powers to just speed up the process. something about cleaning up together just feels so intimate to him compared to physical touch.
he hates being touched, no question about that—but he also doesn’t like to see you pent up. he understands that everyone has their own desires, however filthy they might be—but your own are as good as sacred. you’re the one thing he treasures beyond all others and just as you can’t change the fact that he’s aroace, he can’t change the fact that you have needs.
so he comes up with something just for you; he asks if it would help if he talked you through it. praising or degrading you, whichever you prefer. telling you how much he misses having your hands on his, feeling you close to him. when he says this, he imagines you both dancing as you usually do, but of course, as you masturbate, you’re thinking of something else. this happens when he’s not in the room but he leaves his mic behind to act as a phone for the both of you.
“are you close, love? will you finish for me?” “y-yes …” “good girl.”
i imagine after a while of being with him, he would have seen you naked a few times on accident but he brushes it off well because there’s never anything sexual tied to it. so, when he is in the room while you get off, he’d use his powers to have a glowing green chain around your neck as he pulls your face closer to his.
“do you like it when i do this to you, hm? tell me just how much you relish being my good girl.”
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jupipedia · 1 year
smile for the camera ! — choso. ↳ ❝ baby she look like a star, but only on camera. ❞ ↳ content warnings : nsfw ( minors do not interact ! ), guys THERE'S A PLOT, supermodel + photographer!choso x actress + supermodel!reader, black!reader, pleasuredom!choso, ( consensual ) explicit photography, praise, body worship, fingering ( f. receiving ), public sex ( in a studio ), exhibitionism, cunnilingus, cum play (?), unprotected sex ( no cream🥧s tho), pet names, overstim ( funny how she's always here 😅 ), not beta read.
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choso posed in a seated position in front of several cameras, eyes having grown used to the constant exposure to the blinding flashes. despite his stoic and professional actions, he found himself to be in a bit of a predicament as he was instructed to hold your thigh that was placed over his shoulder with your heel resting on his thigh, his head leaning close to your core. it wasn't supposed to be arousing and he knew that if he was paired with any other model, he wouldn't be the slightest bit bothered.
but it was you.
he's known you for a while, almost as long as you've been in the modeling scene. you ran in similar social groups, have been to each other's places, and have done group and paired shots in the past. he'd consider the two of you to be a little close than friends after one or two substance infused hook ups, so that did nothing but enhance his current arousal.
he also a man, known to be a lustful creature when in the presence of the preferred gender. he can't help but to be little turned on when he has a beautiful woman so close to him that he can feel your body heat. you had on a pair of figure-fitting slacks and a blouse paired with the tightest vest that he'd ever seen and it looked great on you.
and maybe, just maybe, he had a little crush on you.
"we wanna get a few more close shots before wrapping up. could you two do a few poses from earlier? keep your heads relatively close though," the main photographer asked, motioning for you to get closer to each other. you nodded and removed your leg from its' position, prompting choso to remove his hand and take a deep breath to relieve his nerves.
you took a seat next to choso and shuffled close. you decided to rest your head on his shoulder, craning your neck to a semi natural position before giving your attention to the camera men. the two of you adjusted as they gave directions before changing to a standing pose. choso's arm was firmly wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to his as you looked to the side, giving the camera a clear view of your side profile. both of your hands rested on his shoulder as he kept facing forward, posing effortlessly.
it was smooth sailing until the photographer asked the two of you to make eye contact, your eyes meeting his dark ones. a familiar stir occurred in your stomach as you held the eye contact, his eyes darkening as your lips separated.
"good! great! okay, let's get the two of you changed and you're free to go. you guys did great as always. it's always a pleasure working with the two of you," the photographer speaks as the set begins to pack up.
"it's great working with you, too. i'll see you next time, yeah?" you responded, starting to undo the first few buttons of the vest as you walk to the dressing room. choso averted his eyes out of respect, but couldn't help as his mind wandered, imagining what you had on underneath.
"i'll see you soon," he tells the photographer before trailing after you. he caught a few knowing looks as he began to follow you and huffed out in amusement. "y/n, i have a favor to ask really quick."
"what can i do for you, handsome?" you turned back to him, vest fully undone along with a few of your blouse buttons. he smiled at the nickname as you wiggled your eyebrows, jokingly flirting with the man.
"i'm working on a few things for my portfolio and wanted know if you were free to do a few shots. i can give you more details if you're interested," he explained, looking down at you.
you shrugged. "i'm pretty free this week. just give me a time and place and i'll be there. hopefully, you'll send me a few so that i can post them and show the world how good you are."
choso blushed from the compliment. "i'm alright," he said coyly, turning away from your praise.
"you're better than okay. text me the details, pretty boy," you turned on your heels and complete your trek to your dressing room, leaving choso to look after you with a dopey smile.
yeah, he's got it bad.
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you showed up to the studio as choso instructed, dressed as casual as you'd allow when you intended to take pictures. you were a bit earlier that original planned but choso was already there, telling you to come upstairs to the space he rented.
"hello, hello, hello," you announced your presence with a knock as you opened the door. choso was turned away from the door and towards the backdrop, leaning over his laptop as he edited a few pictures.
"hey," he greeted, quickly glancing over his shoulder as you walked to him. he did a double take as he noticed your outfit, heat rushing to his face and groin. "you look good."
"always do," you grinned, sitting your bag next to his laptop before leaning against the table. "so, what's on the agenda, cutie?"
"straight to business, i see. no time for chit chat?" choso joked, picking up his camera.
"what can i say? i'm a serious person," you said, shrugging with a playful smile before looking at his laptop. you moved to the gap between him and his laptop, bending a little to examine his work. "dude, you should really start commissioning. you're really fucking good at this shit."
"i'm still doing some portfolio building before i get to that point. i been doing a few shoots to prep for commissions, but nothing crazy."
"stop being so coy and start own up to the fact that you're not only a stellar model, you're also a really good photographer," you said, pushing away from the laptop and turning to face him. you could feel his breath tickle your lips before he smiled boyishly and moved back. "so, how do you want me, boss?"
"we're just doing a few natural shots, i need a few headshots and, well, you're beautiful so we'll take a few of those too. nothing too fancy," he explained after a few beats of silence, ushering you over to the backdrop. "you can start posing however you want."
you nodded and did as he instructed, immediately doing a few of your signature poses before trying a few new ones. there were a few natural shots where he complimented you and captured your dopey smile or when you started dancing slightly to the music he was playing.
"could i get one of you glancing over your shoulder?" he asked, squatting a bit to get a change of angle. you nodded and posed as he said. he took a singular shot before he lowered his camera, squinting slightly at your shoulder.
"something wrong?" you asked, turning to face forward.
"is that a new tattoo?" he asked, approaching you. he lightly pushed your curls from your shoulder to uncover said tattoo.
"it is. i've gotten a few since the last time you saw me. they're pretty inconspicuous though," you shrugged. you moved your curls even more to reveal the tattoo behind your ear. "this one is fairly new, too. i got it like two months ago?"
there was a heavy silence that filled the room as choso took a step closer, your bodies pressing against each other as he examined your tattoos.
he couldn't lie, the tattoos added to your attractiveness. he already knows that you aren't a pussy when it comes to needles as you have multiple piercing in your ears and a nose piercing, but the tattoos were different. sure they weren't that noticeable, but now that he knew they were there, that was all he could see.
"got any more?" he asked, voice huskier and breath tickling your ear. you shivered slightly, leaning back and resting your back on his front.
"wanna find out?" you asked, turning your head to come face to face with the man. choso didn't offer a response as he leaned forward, connecting his lips with yours. your head was pushed back by the force of this kiss but you quickly returned with fervor, turning in his arms and wrapping yours around his neck. choso hummed into the kiss, using your change in position as an opportunity to pull your body closer to his. there wasn't even room to pull apart for air as he moved his hand to cup your neck, deepening the kiss.
choso was the first to pull away, lungs screaming for air as his heavy breathing mixed with yours. the two of you maintained eye contact as you caught your breath before scrambling to strip, your skirt landing on one side of the studio and choso's shirt on the other. you sat on the floor, watching as he removed his pants.
instead of returning his lips to yours, choso decided to suckle on your neck, leaving a trail of hickeys as he descended to your breast.
"you're so beautiful, y/n," choso mumbles on your sternum. he pulls back to take in your naked image, your chest rising and falling as you inhaled. you shivered under his gaze, exposed to him without the effects of alcohol calming your nerves. his hands roamed your torso, occasionally groping a bit of pudge before caressing a new spot. one of his hands slid lower, heading towards your pussy. you were dripping and he's barely touched you.
as his hand traveled, his mouth found it's way to your breasts, deciding to peck and nibble on your areola before wrapping his lips around your nipple. your back arched with a moan as he firmly sucked on your nipple. his wandering hand found its way in between your folds, collecting the wetness on his thick fingers. he rolled your clit between his knuckles, causing you to squeal at the slight pinch. he removed his lips from one nipple and moved to the other, showing it the same attention that he gave the other.
"c-choso, please," you whined out. his deft fingers continued their ministrations, but you craved more. you want to feel more of him, all of him.
"i got you, gorgeous. i just need you to relax for me," he pulled away from your hardened peak as he spoke. he stared at you for a few more moments, trying to memorize the sight before an idea struck him. he reach over for he camera, glancing at you to read your expression. "do you trust me?"
your head swirled as you focused on the camera in his hand. on one hand, it was risky. it was less about how much you trusted choso and more about how easily someone could leak them if he uploaded them to his laptop. it would also mean you'd be vulnerable, all of you on display for him to capture.
on the other hand, it was thrilling. you couldn't help but attempt to clench your thighs at the thought of him using the pictures as fap material. you could feel the heat rush to your core when he picked up the camera, knowing what he was going to ask. you trusted him, he was always genuine and kind hearted, even in moments where he didn't need to be.
"yeah," you muttered out. choso gave you a small smile at your response before holding his camera up, giving you a few seconds before taking the first picture. you tried to appear as relaxed as possible, suppressing your nerves and jitters. he took a few before handing it to you. you looked at him, surprising and confusion swimming in your eyes.
"it's only fair if you get to take a few," choso said, deciphering your confusion. he didn't say much of anything else, choosing to resume his ministrations. he continued his trail of kisses, stopping at your mound. he left wet, sloppy kisses on your skin, looking at you through his eyelashes as he continued his descend. he settled between your thighs, anklet dangling next to his head as he lowered his mouth to you dripping heat. you let out a breathy moan at the feeling of his tongue grazing your twitching clit.
you looked at the camera in your hands, mustering up the strength to hold yourself up long enough to take a photo. the sight of him gazing up at you through his eyelashes was sinful.
almost as if the flash of the camera was all the approval that he needed, he began to run his tongue through your folds, circling your entrance a few times before taking another languid swipe. his arms wrapped around your hips, effortlessly pulling you closer to his mouth. he was devouring you, the lower half of his face covered in your arousal and his saliva. your moans egged him on as he suckles at the spots that made you louder.
"fuck! choso, please- ah!" you yelped as you felt his fingers begin to prod at your entrance. the feeling of his thick fingers stretching out your tight cunt had your eyes rolling back. your legs twitched around his head as he continued to pleasure you, pushing his fingers in deeply before dragging them out. a familiar heat pooled in your stomach, signalling the approach of your climax.
"gonna cum for me, doll?" he said, angling his fingers just enough to graze your g-spot. you clenched around his long digits, hands shooting for the loose bun sitting on the crown of his head. "soak my fingers f'me. you can do it."
his words paired with the constant stimulation of your pleasure point sent you hurtling towards your first orgasm. you wailed, legs quivering around choso's head as helped you ride out your orgasm.
"choso, 'm sensitive, no more," you pleaded out as he continued his ministrations, mouth and fingers never leaving your core. your hips bucked and your hands weaved through his hair, the bun long undone due to your pulling.
"can you give me another one, sweetness? i know you can," he muttered into your pussy, the vibrations causing your toes to curl out of overstimulation. you couldn't tell if you wanted to push him away or pull him closer but you had no time to decide as a second orgasm began to wash over you so quick that you couldn't even register the build up.
"that's it, baby. fuck, you soaked my fingers," choso groans out, pulling his fingers from your sensitive core and licking them clean of your slick. "hmm, you've got the sweetest pussy."
choso grabbed his camera from your hands, taking this opportunity to capture your blissed out state. your chest rose and fell as you tried to catch you breath and unblur your vision. a few of your curls stuck your forehead and you knew you lipstick was smeared as the red pigment lingered on choso lips.
"gonna let me feel you, beautiful? gonna be good for me and let me fuck you, hmm?" choso asked, aligning his leaking cock with your entrance. choso tapped your clit with his cock a few times as he waited for your response.
"please fuck me. please, i wan' it," you whined, bucking your hips towards his cock. you dragged your pussy against against his shaft, moan as his tip caught your entrance. his hips bucked, pushing into you without warning. choso groans deeply, placing his arms next to your head as he pushed into your heat. your breaths mingled, faces only a few inches apart.
choso basked in your moans, pushing one of your legs up to deepen his strokes and pull those sinful harmonies from your lips. your arms roped around choso's neck, pulling him down to connect your lips in a sloppy kiss. he swallowed your whimpers and moans, his deep strokes jerking your body from the force. his tongue rubbed against your own, allowing you to taste the heady flavor of your cunt.
"look at you," choso remarked, pulling away from the kiss to observe you. "you're taking me so well, baby. every time i pull out, she sucks me right back in. you're so pretty all fucked out f'me."
you were reduced to moans and whimpers, not being able to form a coherent phrase. he could tell that your shaking babbles were you calling out his name, crying out for the relentless pleasure. he felt you twitch around his cock, indicating your approaching orgasm. your volume raised, jumbled pleas falling from your lips as you begged for your release. he answered wordlessly, his hand returning to toy with you clit.
he continued his strokes after your brutal release, chasing his own and your final one. your hands found purchase on his wrists, squeezing it as you cunt was overworked. choso groans now held a whine edge as he approached his climax. he whimpered your name, lost in your warm vice.
you felt like you were on fire. your back ached from the hard floor and the force of his thrust. your legs burned, hamstrings taut from stretching your legs around choso's large frame. your brown skin glistened with sweat from the erotically warm room. your lungs burned and your throat was sore from the pleading, not even thinking to control your volume in a public space.
"ah, ch-choso! 's so much, mm! i can't-ah!" you squeak out, feeling the pressure pool in your stomach. choso leaned down toward your ear, your leg hitting your chest as he moved.
"you can. you're so pretty when you cum for me. you're twitching so cutely around me. you wanna cum f'me, baby? hmm, you wanna make a mess on my cock? go ahead, pretty girl. cum for me," choso whispered, breath tickling your lobe. you moaned out, not being able to properly respond as your orgasm crashed over you. you creamed on choso cock, body vibrating from the immense pleasure. choso choked on a moan, thrusting a few more times before pulling out, cumming on your chest and stomach. he groaned, noticing how a drops of his cum landed on your chin.
the two of you stayed on your position on the floor, mulling over what just happened. you nudged choso with your foot and he looked at you, breathless. you motioned to his camera and he understood, taking a shot of your body covered in his release before passing it to you. you took your own photo of his lipstick covered face, eyes still swimming with lust as his hands gripped at the fat of your thighs.
"you got a lil' something," you pointed to choso mouth. he wiped his lip with his thumb, seeing the lipstick stain on his thumb.
"yeah, so do you," he joked, motioning to the drops of cum on your chin. you wiped your chin, bringing your finger up to you mouth to taste his release. choso groaned at the sight and turn his head away, trying to prevent his cock from hardening.
"you should let me take you out to dinner," choso said, back to his timid ways as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"i've been waiting for you to ask me out for a month. we're gonna be a lot more than dinner," you giggled, pulling yourself up to him and connecting your lips once more.
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© JUPIPEDIA. all rights reserved.
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drewsbuzzcut · 10 months
I really really wanna see a chaotic thanksgiving at the barzal’s. Like it’s baby Sloan’s first thanksgiving and she is the star of the show so AJ and Nolan pull some shenanigans to get the attention. I love love love the series and I hope you never end it!!!
Thanksgiving Shenanigans
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses fic
warnings: alcohol consumption, a curse word or two, and I think that’s all (ALSO THIS ISNT EDITED SORRY)
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As you’re adding the finishing touches to your outfit, you hear a soft banging and hushed whispers as small footsteps bound up the stairs. Thinking it’s either Nadia or Liana, you dismiss it.
“Look at Miss Sloane, isn’t she beautiful? Just like her mommy,” Mat comes up behind you, Sloane in one arm as his other wraps around you, right under your boobs.
You lean into his chest, turning your head to see Sloane’s beautiful face. She’s dressed in a maroon and cream plaid dress, paired with dark tights and a white, furry vest.
“Oh my goodness! She is so very beautiful. The most gorgeous princess I’ve ever seen,” you coo, gliding your thumb over her cheek.
She coos back, her face scrunching up in delight and you instantly melt. She looks so much like Mat and you love it.
“Mommy!” When you and Mat turn at the sound of Nolan’s voice, both of your eyes widen in shock.
Nolan is standing at the entrance of your walk-in closet, barely holding AJ in his arms with one of the decorations from the dining table clutched in his hands. He has a shy smile on his face while AJ looks anything but pleased with his brother carrying him.
“Oh shit,” Mat blurts out without thinking about all the little ears around him.
“Don’t say that,” you say, moving away from him to pull Angel out of Nolan’s arms.
You bend down so you’re eye level with your oldest.
“Nols, you cannot carry AJ. He’s too heavy for you,” you softly reprimanded.
He looks at you with a pout and part of you feels guilty, but you know you have to right his wrongs. He hands you the fake foliage from your table setup, almost as an apology. You accept it, but you also let him know that she shouldn’t take things from your table because he can get seriously hurt. You don’t even know how he got up to the table without falling off the chair, or doing something else to hurt himself.
“But it’s pretty like you. We wanted to give you a surprise,” he explains, his R’s sounding like W’s.
“And that’s very nice of you and your brother, but I don’t need you guys to get hurt, so please don’t do that anymore. I love you,” you kiss his cheek.
“Love you,” he whispers, his head down as he walks away.
“Y/n, she’s so gorgeous,” Sydney says as she holds Sloane, sitting next to you on the couch.
Some of Mat’s teammates and their families, as well as his parents and sister, are here to have a little thanksgiving celebration. It’s an early one being that they have a roadie the next day. Everyone has just finished eating, and are now relaxing in various spots in your house.
“Thank you! She’s my precious girl. I was so excited for today because I just knew her outfit was going to look so adorable on her,” you exclaim, cheeks starting to hurt from all the smiling.
Right behind the couch, there’s a plotting Nolan, sitting with his little brother right next to him.
“Angel, we’re gonna go ‘RAHHH’ to, Lo,” he whispers to AJ. Lo is what Nolan calls Sloane.
Angel, who doesn’t have a clue about what his big brother is saying, just giggles but it’s enough for Nolan.
You don’t hear what your oldest is saying, just the soft murmurs and Angel’s giggle.
“What’s going on, handsome. What are you and your brother doing?” You are totally unaware of what Nolan is about to do as you look behind the couch.
“Nothing, mommy. Love you,” he says with his cute smile, blowing you a kiss afterwards.
He waits for you to turn around before he drags AJ by his hands, getting him to crawl with him on the floor. They both jump up in front of Sloane and roar like dinosaurs. Well, Angel just copies Nolan’s actions. Sloane jumps in fear, her eyes growing teary and her lips wobbling.
You’re surprised because Nolan is usually really nice and relatively quiet, so you have no idea why he did what he did.
Sloane’s piercing cries startle Mat, so he quickly makes his way over. You’re already attempting to console her in your arms, but her cries don’t seem like they’re going to stop anytime soon.
“What happened?” Mat asks, sitting next to you and rubbing his baby’s back.
“Nolan just scared her and well we all know that AJ loves to copy his big brother,” you inform him.
Mat calls out for Nolan and AJ follows him as well.
“Why did you scare your sister?”
Nolan just stays quiet.
“That was very mean of you, and you know better. You better not do that again,” Mat says, holding onto Nolan in a hug while caressing Angel’s hair.
You sit there, watching them and wondering why Nolan chose today of all days to act mischievous. Although you're continuing to discipline him, you can’t deny that his little expressions of determination are cute. He gets this little furrow in between his eyebrows and his little tongue pokes out from between his lips. He’s exactly like Mat.
The next time you get up to refill your drink, you see a blur of two shirtless boys rush into the living room with Nolan’s mini sticks in hand. Nolan is shouting as AJ tries to be just as loud. You take a few gulps as you watch them in amusement. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Nolan so hyper. You don’t even know when Nolan took off his shirt; you literally just took him to use the restroom. You’re also assuming he took off Angel’s.
When the group of hockey players come back inside- including your husband -they join your sons and start playing together. Nolan starts going crazy, though. He crawls through one of your husband’s teammates legs and then starts climbing up Mat, initiating a fake wrestling match that slightly annoys you. When AJ starts trying to reenact his brother’s moves, you put a stop to their activities.
“Hey, Barzal!” You shout and both Mat and Nolan look at you.
“This isn’t the ice and it sure as heck isn’t the ring, so stop the roughhousing. I don’t need you guys to wake up Sloane,” you chastised.
Nolan wiggles his way back down, running off again with his hands raised in the air. As expected, AJ follows in his footsteps.
You smile, finishing the rest of your wine. You’re going to need it with how lively your sons are- especially because you’re in heels.
“They’re so cute,” Mat whispers in your ear when he pulls you into a hug.
“They’re so hyper today. What did you feed them this morning?” You playfully ask, smacking at his ass to get him to squirm.
“Stop,” he warns you but you continue.
“Your ass is so smack-able, though,” you giggle until he starts tickling you. Now you’re the one squirming.
“Get used to it, it’s only going to get crazier as they get older,” he says, wrapping his arms completely around you.
“I can’t wait,” you say and you mean it.
“As long as we’re a team, we’ll be just fine,” he kisses your lips and you’re reminded that everything is perfect.
It’s not even an hour later that you hear Nolan’s and AJ’s loud giggles and soft hushes. When you go to find them, you see them in the kitchen and they’re both covered in cranberry sauce. They freeze when they notice you staring at them, their little eyes widen in shock. As you’re about to speak Nolan runs off with Angel following right behind him. You throw your head back, silently laughing at their antics. Not wanting a mess all over your floors and furniture, you chase after them. However, they’re good at crawling and moving through small spaces, so you end up losing them.
“Barzy, your two little spawns ran away from me and they’re covered in cranberry sauce,” you say a little out of breath and clinging to Mat.
Mat stifles a laugh but joins you in your search. After your husband almost slips in the kitchen, thanks to the mess left on the floor, Nadia meets you in the foyer with both of the messy boys in her arms.
“I think these little Mats belong to you,” she laughs.
“You’re so right, they are little Mats. This is the most crazy I’ve seen them,” you say, accepting AJ while Mat grabs Nolan.
“Hey! I was a good kid,” your husband defends himself.
You and Nadia bust out in laughter.
“Shit!” Nolan says, a hesitant smile on his face, waiting to see everyone’s reaction.
“It!” Angel copies to his best ability.
Everyone’s eyes widen and you can tell they want to laugh but know they shouldn’t.
“Yeah, definitely Mat’s sons,” Nadia confirms and you agree.
Later that night after your babies are bathed and tucked in, you sit beside Nolan and card through his hair. He’s very calm now, a completely different kid compared to how crazy he was earlier.
“Nols, you were really… active today. What was going on?” You ask softly, kissing his forehead so he knows you’re not upset with him.
“Missed you,” he mutters, eyes turning sad.
“What do you mean, buddy? I’ve been here all day.”
“You were with Lo! And you held her the entire day,” he explains and suddenly it all makes sense. He was trying to get your attention, and now you feel bad because clearly you aren’t meeting his needs.
“I’m sorry, little man. It’s your sister’s first thanksgiving and it’s so special to me, so I got really excited to dress her up. I love you, Nolan. You’re my first baby and no matter what I will always love you. All you have to do is ask for me to hold you, or cuddle you and I will. Do you want kisses?” You soothe him, bringing his body into your arms.
He nods his head and you give him kisses all over his face until he’s laughing. His precious giggles make your chaotic thanksgiving worth it, and even though your boys were being rascals today, you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Those are memories that you will look back and laugh at.
a/n: This was very hard for me to write and idk if you can tell, but I hope y’all enjoy! Thanks to whoever requested this cute idea<333
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generalluxun · 3 months
Fit for Inspection
A little 'what if' scenario set a year or two pre-canon, with Transfemme Sabrina Raincomprix.
The reflection in the mirror made Sabrina’s heart race, but also set the roof of her mouth and backs of her knees tingling. Thoughts, joys, fears, hopes, and anticipation all burned in the crucible of her belly. The sounds of Chloé grumbling from her bathroom was a blessedly normal thing on this most experimental of days.
The blonde head in question poked out into the bedroom, hair still loose. “You’re wearing that?”
Sabrina swallowed, and told the reflection. “It makes me happy.”
Pink lips parting around a pinker tip; her friend literally biting  her tongue before, “Fine. Whatever, “ and vanishing again.
Sabrina looked back at herself. It was a huge change. She couldn’t really blame Chloé for being shocked. Memory painted itself across the reflective surface; a first meeting. That one girl amongst the kindergarteners who shone above all the rest. The perfect model of commercial womanhood, at age five.
“Can you show me how to be pretty?” she had asked the golden goddess.
Lips plump with baby fat and painted bloody red had pulled into a grin. “I can show anyone how to be pretty.”
She had. Outfits, makeup, walk, posture, tone, everything that was feminine Chloé had known before she had known addition. Sabrina had wrapped herself in it, safe.
Today was different. Sabrina’s hair fell in a straight bob. No clips, no pins, no braids or tails. It was just her. Her glasses were a pair she had picked out with her father, not any of the dozen designer frames Chloé had bestowed upon her. Her blouse was plain, soft, comfy. The sweater vest she wore was cozy, but not stylish, not ‘girlie’, not a shield. Practical, unflattering shorts and warm leggings that weren’t even remotely good at hiding her stick legs and knobby knees finished off the look that betrayed everything she had learned.
One part of her mind was shouting for joy, another was screaming in horror.
Sabrina’s nerves frayed and she was thumbing the hem of her sweater when Chloé came out. Maybe I can wait one more day…
Chloé’s hands gripped her shoulders and spun her, dislodging the thought. Deft judgmental fingers plucked and primped the outfit, anchoring Sabrina in her body. Sharp tsks and huffs judged Sabrina’s choices, but not her.
“... kept the lipstick at least. This is really what you’re going with?”
Sabrina fidgeted, “It’s me.”
Chloé klucked her tongue, “It’s horridly unfashionable.”
Sabrina nodded, eyes downcast. “I know.”
Chloé sighed and flicked her nails, “Well, I suppose you’ll make me look better by comparison… not that I need it.”
Sabrina looked in the mirror again, two images overlapping in her reflection. “There’s nothing else… wrong… with it?”
Chloé had been about to walk away. She looked back, “What, being the mousiest girl in the classroom isn’t enough? You’ll give Du-Pain-Cheng a run for her money.”
Mousiest girl. Sabrina smiled to herself. Her doubts wouldn’t quite leave her alone yet though. “Chloé,” she asked, “Do you remember Sean?”
Chloé’s pause was long enough to be an admission. It made her faux disinterested answer, “Am I supposed to?” banish one of those two reflections.
Sabrina shook her head, smiling openly this time, “No.”
Chloé turned away, “Hurry up, Sabrina. We’ll be late.”
Sabrina jogged to grab her bag, “Coming!”
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
i love what you do with the babysitter series. i can’t wait to see more
ITS NANNY TIMEEEEEE !! i really really hope you like this part bc ooohhh lord what’s coming next. SEND ME FEEDBACK !!!
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liked by yrrahselyts, pillowpersonpp and 387 others
yourinstagram first day of the nyc residencies and i’m feeling icky :// and yes i’m aware that i’m in my underwear and no bra in this pic but i’ve been throwing up all morning so don’t give me shit for it
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yourbff oi, whatever you say, princess
↳ yourinstagram why are you talking so loudly
pillowpersonpp And yet you still look beautiful 💖
↳ yourinstagram i LOVE you
kidharpoon Are you hungover? Did you convince your old man to go out for drinks ?
↳ yourinstagram not hungover just with a stomach bug 🤧🤧
yrrahselyts Awee poor thing, let me cuddle you x
↳ yourinstagram please do🥺
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 4,937 others
harryupdates Harry out in NYC today !
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harryfan1 BABYYY
harryfan2 he looks like a dilf
harryfan4 husband material
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liked by jefezoff, yourinstagram and 41 others
yrrahselyts A sick Nanny on film because she’s excited about her modeling debut. I love you @yourinstagram x
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jefezoff And you’re back to being a fan account
↳ yrrahselyts I’m an in love man and that makes you jealous
↳ jefezoff I’m literally married..
yourinstagram IM SO NERVOUS 😭😭😭😭
↳ pillowpersonpp Pleasing girl, you did amazing
↳ yourinstagram my biggest hyper 💖
↳ yrrahselyts Excuse me, I’m your biggest hyper, have you seen this account?
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 583,836 others
pleasing Pleasing x Marco Ribeiro has arrived. Explore your creativity with our latest collection, where under Ribeiro’s lead, shades and tones take an expressive turn to act as a call to arms for creativity and experimentation.
YN, photographed by Anthony Pham, for Pleasing.
Find your Pleasing.
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harryfan1 OMFGGG
harryfan2 she’s absolutely stunning wow
harryfan3 she’s getting modeling gigs just because she’s dating harry? i smell a famewhore
↳ harryfan4 come on now, you can’t be calling her an attention seeker when she’s not even public on instagram and besides the leak their relationship has been so private
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liked by yourinstagram, hshq and 2,093,836 others
harrystyles Pleasing x Marco Ribeiro. YN, 2022. Find your Pleasing.
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harryfan1 OH MY GOOOD
annetwist Gorgeous girl 🥰
↳ harryfan2 anne approves omfg
pillowpersonpp That’s my baby and I’m proud 💖
yourinstagram i love you 🥺
↳ harryfan2 sTOP
harryfan3 i still think she’s a famewhore 🤷‍♀️
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liked by yrrahselyts, mitchrowland and 402 others
yourinstagram good luck to my lovie tonight, baby jonesland and i will be cheering from backstage 🥰
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jefezoff Firing Pham and hiring you
↳ yourinstagram babysitter, girlfriend and photographer?? i don’t know if i’ll manage
yrrahselyts I miss you already
yrrahselyts I love you
↳ yourinstagram get off your phone, you sap
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liked by yourinstagram, lizobeeating and 2,098,646 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. New York City VI. August, 2022
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harryfan1 BEST SHOW EVER
harryfan2 dilf energy
yourinstagram looking good
↳ harrystyles Thanks, mate x
↳ harryfan3 attention seeker
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liked by yourinstagram, pillowpersonpp and 43 others
yrrahselyts Polaroids of the Pleasing girl x
view all 14 comments
pillowpersonpp Gorgeous gorgeous girl 💖
jefezoff WHIPPED
yourbff Milf
yourinstagram i love my fan account <3
yourinstagram i love you
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taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir r @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi i @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @wobblymug @eviesaurusrex @olivialovesh @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things
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metalheads-trash-bin · 6 months
These consist of observations, facts, and headcanons :)
Volcano Rock City
Riff & rock trolls:
Breathy giggle, shy almost
At college for musical theory/art
Immune to lava - see it like hot water
Change in music doesnt change where they were raised w - (Pink heart, but diff style)
Volcano rock city arenas lava is now rainbow to show all genres
High fives show harmony and connection
Daycare in pop village - poppy teaches them the history of the whole world tour situation w barb as a guest
Riff uses air drums w drumsticks to dance w head bobbing when just chill dancing
Hard dancing is ofc what you think it is
Riff has three siblings, hes the favorite sibling since hes the baby. He spends time with his mom. He has two sisters and one brother. The brother is the eldest.
Food item: Fiber energy juice boxes
Barbs full name is Barbara
Creek notes:
Creek being creek “a little positivity would go well with that vest.”
Gets grabbed by chef
Chef forces creek into king gristles mouth
Creek figures out how to prevent himself being killed, calling out and gristle spitting him out. Creek begs for his life.
He strikes up a deal with chef. Through that hes taken out of the amulet for good.
Chef catches the snack pack, putting them back into the cage.
Chef pulls out creek, and they have the whole strangle moment.
Creek tells them he sold out everyone, showing no remorse so they dont try rescuing him. He even says to her theres no other “not him getting eaten” way, and chef agrees.
Instead of poppy focusing on the kingdom she becomes empathetic towards Bridget, turning back after being let go and helping her out. Poppy explains to the bergens that theres other ways to be happy. Then demonstrates that.
The bergens believe her, having a happy ending where they realize they dont need to eat trolls.
Chef gets rocketed out on a grill, creek in her fanny pack. She tries to eat him, the creature below them waking up. They get eaten by said monster.
“If poppy had only listened to you, if she took you seriously..if we all did. This would’ve never happened. If she just focused on the kingdom and not saving me, you all could’ve escaped and ran off. Finding a new haven. I know in the end it was a good plan..and lead to good things. But..she didn’t know that, no one did. You all almost died.”
“I’m sorry I never took you seriously, I’m..so sorry branch.”
Mount Rageous- rage dome
Bruce canonically listens to true crime podcasts
Jds canon in the sad book club
Floyd had a canon solo career
Mount rageous has an adult area called “the bowl” under the clouds
Floyd worked there doing modeling, playboy esque. Alongside singing solos in bdsm clubs
Teens found out eventually as gossip is.
Scarring under JDs gloved hand
Branch cracks under pressure after introducing floyd to creek, spiraling in front of poppy and sobbing to her about his feelings on everything. She panics and tries problem solving, branch snapping and then them walking away. They came back to eachother the next day, talking it out and deciding health wise its best to just be friends. They became platonic soulmates to eachother like riff and barb, the separation and experience of being together bringing them closer anyhow. Being in different levels of life just, cant work long term.
Creek says things like “Mother Destiny” or “Mother” as his connection to the earth.
John Dorys first thing when the gang separated was neverglade trail
Johns killed someone, he followed them on a hike and tried bashing their head with a rock. The person had a self defense pocket knife because of the wild animals. They slashed his left hand, john trying to push them off a cliff (waterfall cliff). Person grips onto his jacket, pleading for their life and how they dont understand what they did to deserve this, hanging off the cliff only not falling because hes gripping onto johns jacket. Johns gripping the ground, reaching for a rock and smashing their eye until they let go. Person falls, not dying because the water wasnt shallow enough. He runs down with a hunting knife, stabbing the guy to death. This was his first kill, only doing it so he could eat as he was struggling.
Doug is the lawyer jd’s acquainted with at the bowl since hes the only lawyer that handles other species disputes.
Jd loves fish, especially fish sandwiches.
Notes on trolls three and poppy:
poppy seems super pushy and non empathetic to branch, literally appearing as if she cant put herself in someone else’s shoes.
2. She consistently tests his comfort and boundaries. Even being manipulative in some instances to get him to do what she wants.
3: it seems like she was more interested in investing in JD and the mission because they’re BroZone, not because she cared about branch or his trauma.
4. Yes at sometimes she comforted him and convinced him to continue with the mission, but that doesn’t make up for her lack of empathy simply because she shows sympathy.
5. I understand being a huge fan of BroZone, but some of her behaviors absolutely cross the comfort of the members. JD kept the funderwears for memorabilia, not because of some scent thing. Yet poppy’s borderline lustful reaction implies she would’ve kept them for that reason.
6. Sometimes she still struggles to listen to him, projecting her familial issues onto him and saying how grateful he should be. She was so fixated on the facf she craves more from her family, that she couldn’t even fathom the fact someone wouldn’t like their family members or have a more complicated relationship.
These are all of course little things, but they can build up and they can cause long term built up issues. It’s saddening to see that even if they sorted out her not listening to him, she still has a lot she needs to fix. And Branch, especially after all of his trauma being forcibly resurfaced, most likely can’t handle all of her flaws she needs to work on.
These all were brought up to her when they separated, she didn’t react the best initially until a few days later when she finally gained some sort of empathy and guilt for her neglect towards my brother.
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cider-est · 7 months
The full lineup is almost done!! (just needs some touch ups and a Chunsik design👍) FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APRECIATED!!
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Design process under here (whole lot of yapping)
General thoughts: Ive given them in my previous design sheet (you can find it in my blog)(tldr: designs match characters but still childish, 8-12 years old). Only thing different here, is that these eggs were eggs who I had less of a clear idea of what I wanted to do with them (though I still really liked where I ended up!!)
Empanada: Didnt want to go for the full sweet lolita route, mostly because I thought it'd take away the "little kidness" of it all, but something that still resembles the aesthetic. She's wearing "carneirinhos" (idk the name in english) which is very cute little girl to me, and shes also a demon! Her tail resembles a frying pan!! Though I might change her fringe (it was supposed to be baby hairs but now that I think about it, her type of hair probably wouldnt have them) and put some argyle pattern in her sweater vest. I just forgor💀 to do that...I also wish I had made her shorter, but unfortunetely I drew this before the eggs did the height check (YES ITS BEEN THAT LONG).
Sunny: My beautiful baby girl. She means the world to me. I love this minecraft egg with all my heart. Shes wearing Light up sketchers and some fairy wings like Pomme, and shes actually wearing a swimsuit, she just put a tutu over it. The diamonds they're always holding are rings, they have a "terere" in their hair (idk name in english😭😭) and the beads were inspired by an artist on twt (@\BLUETOMATOSODA). Also if you are wondering why her hair looks like tentacles, its because I had originally made it puffy, but changed my mind after doing the lineart, so i had to get creative with me covering it up. Just pretend she has a fan, shes a star after all!
Pepito: Basically, he is very smoll. Chiquito even. He has strawberry hair and MASSIVE glasses that take up his entire face. Hes wearing a swimsuit aswell (dont ask how it works idk either), and has floaties since he cant swim. Hes got crocs, since flip flops hurt his toes, with a spider man charm on them! Also hes got a sunhat, mostly cause I wanted some other accessorie but didnt want to go with gas mask since it'd kinda kill the whole swimming vibe (since his model is wearing a swimsuit). sorry if its not too accurate to his character. Side note: Him, Em and Sunny all have freckles! Him and Sunny all over their bodies while Em just has on her cheeks.
Leo: Cute sporty vibe, love her shorty spiky hair. Wanted to try to make her face spiky aswell, for the whole shark dad thing. Shes got a necklace with a shark tooth (I guess she got it from Foolish??). He changes tshirts randomly, and opens and closes his attack on titan hoodie depending on the tshirt's expression (basically my version of Leo changing her player heads constantly). His trainers have dragon wings and also: whealies!!
Dapper: Im gonna be honest: did not expect to like his design THIS much. The colouring really elevated, with the long blue hair (the same colour as the ghosties!). Wanted to make them, y'know, dapper, so I had to sacrifice some of the "little kid vibes" unfortunetely, but I think it fits her still. The hat has part of the helmet that they used to wear a lot, demon horn to match Pomme, and a suit that is VERY inspired by Death the Kid from Soul Eater (very fitting for a reaper in training imo). Might be my favourite design!
Ramon: Jesus fuck you'd think designing your fav egg would be easy BUT NO. I struggled long and hard. Again, he doesnt have that much "little kid" vibe whatever man😭😭 Im just happy that I even managed to make SOMETHING. Hes got Create googles, his meathead is a massive hat that completely hides his hair. Very simple, very Ramon, though I will probably end up making a version with an ugly sweater just like he likes instead😔. I still like it but. man...
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orgu-evi-blog · 10 months
Yapımı Çok Basit Gelin Yeleği Modeli Yapımı❤yelek şal modeli crochet knitting pattern вязаниекрючком
merhaba değerli arkadaşlar kanalıma hoş geldiniz kanalıma abone olmak ücretsizdi 🔥ALİZE DİVA ÇOK HIZLI İLERLEYEN Mevsimlik 💯TIĞ İŞİ Yelek Şal Etol,ÖRGÜ MODELİ/Häkeln,Knitting, #tığişiyelekmodelleri #örgümodelleri #şal @ayşeninelişidünyası tığ işi bebek yelek modeli modelleri kolay yelek modeli basit yelek modelleri kolay şal modelleri kolay hırka modeli basit hırka modelleri kolay etol şal…
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
bela lugosi's dead
written for the @steddiemicrofic prompt: suck | wc: 480 | T | cw: none | tags: vampire!Steve
Like every good freak worth the nickname, Eddie made a habit of reading Dracula every Halloween. 
The first read led to closeted daydreaming about getting abducted by a handsome vampire. Letting himself poke at desires he hadn’t been ready to commit to. With age his fantasies and aesthetics matured, until he was the bloodsucking creature of the night stealing pretty boys away to give in to their secret temptations. So, if he's honest, he’s having a hard time dealing with life and the lemons it’s juggling off to the side of him.
“It isn't fair.”
“Hmm,” Steve, with his red puffer vest and his coordinating Nikes, sat across from him at some point in full view of Eddie’s misery over his annotated copy of Dracula.
“There's an aesthetic you're failing to appreciate and it isn't fair that you-”
“Are we going to do this every time?” He asks around the straw in his mouth, poked into a blood bag labeled ‘Robin:)’ like he’s sipping from a juice box.
“Until you stop dressing like a JCPenney catalog model, or vampires become lame, yeah we probably are, Harrington.”
“Fine,” he sighs, having the decency to pull the blood bag away from his face, “I'm sorry that you had to have five blood transfusions and basically have new, non-vampire blood. No one has ever suffered the way you, Eddie Munson, have.”
“You're being sarcastic, but I have suffered so apology accepted, Stevie.”
“Now you.” Steve prompts, gesturing with the bag in his hands.
“Now me what?”
Steve sits up, a languid move that makes Eddie’s prey brain sit up at attention and his horny boy brain poke its head up too. “Say I'm sorry, Steve, that you had to save the world for the fourth time so a bunch of freaky bat venom metastasized-”
“You absolutely stole that word from Henderson,” breathless, the jab doesn’t carry the weight it could.
“-in your bloodstream and combined with the remains of the experimental Soviet drugs and now," He crawls closer, "you can't eat garlic anymore.”
“That's the hang up for you? Not the blood drinking?”
“I'm Italian, I can’t eat anything anymore. Sure I can supplement the blood with raw meat, but what’s the point if everything is poorly seasoned.” Blood bag all but forgotten in the arm chair, he has Eddie pinned in place looming overtop of him, talking shit about what he’ll never be able to eat again.
The white collar of Steve’s t-shirt is visible beneath the color-block vest, even that isn’t enough to stop his brain from screaming predator on repeat. Supernaturally strong, it doesn’t take more than a hand on the shoulder to push Eddie down horizontal on the couch. He has to feel Eddie’s heart beat, the way it pounds in his chest as Steve noses up the collarbone to his neck. “Really does suck for me, huh baby?”
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julymarte · 2 years
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  since my only real contribution to this fandom has been thedifferences analysis i did with my friends i think it’s time to separate it from the AU post and make it into a real masterpost, this is gonna be pretty long so be ready for it Disclaimer: models and art are fluctuating so i’m going to highlight only the recurrent stuff and the related evidence for the candy theory, so i’m not claiming this to be the indiscutible canon so take this evidence as you polease, just know it’s there but going forward....it’s time to begin with a few copy and paste from the previous posts with a few corrections along the way What is the candy theory? the Candy theory generates by the names of their alchemy lesson candies, according   to it, they highlight their strenghts/charm points so  Tail Fin Candy for floyd meaning legs and height and   Dorsal Fin Candy  for  jade focusing more on his torso/back i’ve seen many people comapring sprites to prove this theory on twitter so it’s time to show some examples, i tried to recreate them as best as i could (consider as i said art tend to be a lil less reliable than spites as it heavily depends on the lineart artist who’s assigned to the job)
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this repeats in pretty much all the  versions aside the mermaid sprites that are copy/pasted  BUT on that someone call in the octavinelle trailer  to support the theory
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some also link that to floyd possibly being a late bloomer as we clearly see baby floyd  was indeed shorter than baby jade in middle school even without the  aid of guiding lines
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both the tweels are of course still growing, since despite being GIANTS  they are afterall still 17 but we heard a detail from  floyd unique from what we know about jade, In floyd’s starsending episode translated by Ekala  he states that
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to adjust the mold of custom made shoes  he has probably gotten considerably taller within the year
According to some this means that floyd’s uniforms aren’t short on purpose  but are simply his first year ones and hedidn’t change them...but in that case jade wouldn’t have grown much  in height... according to these theories then floyd “just started” getting his growth spurt  while jade is pretty much settling his height and frame, but considering his apetite i wouldn’t be surprised to see himweighting more than floyd if we wver get an official weight for the boys(as we do know trey weights less than rook etc) but we are swimming too much in headcanon waters let’s proceed with the analysis in the previous posts these were the differences that emerged some of them are based on artwork so i’d take them with a lil caution especially on the topic of the hands that proved to be especially unreliable (floyd even got them changed in one of his sprites cause they looked too soft , sometimes jade has softer hands too) shoulders seem to be fluctuating as well
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starting with some artwork analysis  in the  magic archives we get a view of the eels from the back, and  floyd  was the only one with sketch underline, this was the result considering jade and  azul wearing clothes properly (and even pretty tight in jade’s case as we saw before)
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further update to support the  theory  comes  from the Union Birthday  model atlases starting with the   difference in rendering  of  their  vests that  being the  same  shape have  some pretty distinct  rendering on the  contrary of  the usual ( mermaid  copy/paste-very similar  halloween) as in jade  we  even find   back the  return of  the  button crying  for  help
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another element is   the  belt as  all the models  come  with a   separate  belt  but  i  decided to merge  it with their  hips  to  give better context as there’s  no  variation in the  legs  and  as usual floyd’s  are  slightly  thicker but  something we  never  analized   surfaces here , and  i  think there’s  not even need to explain this
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some relate this to their  first bday art too even if their  model don’t show significant difference
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also in mer-form when having the  same  position  you can see another visible  difference  between jade  and  floyd  
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in the masterchef ones we see pretty much we see a similar thing to the birthday boy vests even if shoulders and waist are pretty much the same they still keep a small but consistent difference
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before jumping  to the “it’s just the clothes” bandwagon i remind you that once again jade wears skin tight clothing and floyd loose/oversized stuff
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this pic actually leads us to the latest difference found aka the forearms always  from the masterchef models
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i hope to update this masterpost next month with their proper leg difference with floyd’s basketball club wear coming out to compare with jade’s vargas camp leggies so yes apparently  jade’s the  titty twin and floyd the ass one, and you may wonder wasn’t jade the ass one? i am afraid to break it to you but his beansday backside is  fake af and all thanks to the  harness
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in conclusion these are the predominant differences it’s also left to dind the  difference that rwas mentioned to riddle about the fact that  ears  are also different  but  the art is inconsistent on that matter and  we  didn’t come to a proper   solution and it might be  something only  perceived  by  the  characters
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allys-corner · 28 days
Bucky's Girls
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Summary: It would take a lot for Bucky to ever make the choice to go back to Hydra. That’s why Bucky didn’t even hesitate to drop his weapons now. Given that one of the Hydra goons has his daughter’s arm wrapped in his grasp. The grip was so tight that the arm was already turning white underneath. It took everything in Bucky not to attack the man with everything he had. One thing that Bucky promised himself when Delilah was born was that he’d never let her anywhere near Hydra,  but it seems he had failed that now…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
It started off as a pretty nice day, Bucky and I got to lay in bed longer than usual which led to many sleepy kisses and cuddles before our daughter’s voice dragged the two of us out of bed. It was the weekend and we both had promised to take her to the beach for the day. The summer was almost over, so I was trying to get in as much beach time as possible. Neither Bucky nor Delilah complained though as they liked being there almost just as much. 
Once the process of packing the car was complete, it didn’t take long before we were hitting the road. The road-trip mostly consisted of Disney songs and frequent bathroom breaks, but even still we had managed to claim a parking spot and set up base camp pretty quickly.
Flopping down into my beach chair, my gaze is drawn to the view of my husband stripping off his shirt before grabbing the sunscreen and plopping in front of me. Even though we had been married for almost ten years now, Bucky could still turn me into a blushing virgin in seconds. Turning with a knowing smirk, he lets me lather him up before beginning to help our girl with her life vest. Although Delilah protests some, she is pretty well behaved when it comes to her father. 
While he is doing that, I take a moment to grab some of the pool toys and inflatables I had brought. I had brought a lounge chair floaty and two tires. One for the child and one for the adult child I’d married. 
Once Buck was done snapping up straps, he volunteered to go get the rest of the stuff while I helped set up the blanket and umbrella. I managed to only topple it twice before the crooked thing finally stuck, and with that the spot was officially done. With a triumph plop, I decide to take a short snack break. 
By the time Bucky returned, I had put quite a dent in the chip supply already. I helped Bucky with the cooler and chairs before deciding to strip down to my one piece. I hadn’t quite lost the post-baby pooch, but Bucky didn’t seem to mind as he strode up to wrap his arms around my waist. 
“Hey hot mama, you single?” he whispers, trying to sound like one of those dudes at the bars. It only succeeds in making me snort before I’m pushing him to sit down next to me on the blanket. 
“Deli!” I give a shout to draw in the little girl already digging for seashells. She looks up with the cutest baby face and searching eyes. Bucky and I beckon her over, as at this point Bucky had already spotted the phone in my hand flipped over to camera mode, and she begins to run towards us. This is a normal tradition for family outings: Always get a few pictures before you start doing anything. That lesson was learned from our first zoo trip where 2 out of the 3 people had a bad hair day (and let’s just say only one of them was female). 
Successfully, I wrangled my toddler into my lap before pulling Bucky closer into frame as I grab his left hand and pull our wedding rings into view. At this point, it was like second nature for Buck to rest the conjoined hands on Delilah’s stomach and try to give a gentle smile. Though most of his smiles always look a little frightening no matter what. Delilah flops back a bit as I extend my phone out in front of me. I don’t know how many pictures I took, but it was enough to make an Instagram model jealous. The only thing to get me to stop is the whining of my toddler and subsequently her father. 
“Okay, okay, you guys can go now!” I shout, shooing them away with my hands before going back to look over all the photos. Only about half of them are in focus, and out of that half only a handful of them have all of us smiling. As I swipe left and right trying to pick out the best one, I notice the same figure in the background, but it seems he was getting closer. I spin around quickly, more than a little freaked out, but the figure seems to have left. I’ve been hanging out with the team too much, they have me jumping at my own shadow. I stand up, brushing sand from many areas on my body, before heading over towards Bucky. Him and Delilah had stopped having a water fight and were now trying to race each other from Deli’s tire floaty to Bucky’s, but the wind seemed to be making the race a bit harder for them both. I notice the exhausted look on their faces and call out to them,
“Hey guys, why don’t y’all come over and get something to drink!” I shout, placing my hands around my mouth to be heard over the rowdy surf. Bucky hears me easily with his supersoldier ears, and nabs up Deli before she can protest much, 
“But i was gonna beat you that time” she pouts throwing her arms up and almost smacking Bucky in the face as he carried her to shore. He gives her a quick yeah sure before he gets distracted by the cooler full of sugary drinks. He grabs out a beer for himself (and a water after a hard look form his wife) while grabbing Deli’s water/gatorade drink mix. He turns to ask you what you would like but you cut him off first,
“I don’t want anything, hun. I’m just going to run to the bathroom really quick, and then when I get back, I’ll come out there with you guys.” Delilah gives a happy shout while Bucky looks hesitant to let you leave alone.
“Do you want us to come with you? We can browse the shops while we wait,” he suggests going to stand up. 
“No,” I sit him back down “someone has to stay and watch our stuff, plus it will only be a few minutes, I’m fine” I reassure him and with two forehead kisses and one really long non-forehead kiss, I’m heading across the beach towards the small bathrooms they have connected to the market area. 
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
After all those pictures of Lewis, all I can think of is Lewis and his sugar baby Daniel
Bestie you’re so right. Here’s the previous sugar baby Daniel post
Lewis walked off the red carpet, waving to photographers and other handlers until he was out of the lens of all of the cameras. Corey, his security for the weekend, was standing off to the side talking quietly with Daniel. Lewis approached, a soft smile on his lips.
Daniel looked good in the monochromatic grey to his brown. His nipples pebbled beneath the pearl netted mesh shirt that Lewis picked out for him. The higher neckline emphasized what Lewis thought was one of Daniel's best features. Daniel's thighs, another of his best features, also looked lovely in the dove grey Dior shorts, the zipper detailing matching Lewis’ vest perfectly.
Daniel tucked his hands deep into the pockets of his heavy coat and Lewis bit back his grin. Daniel didn't enjoy the cold, but he sure did look good in it. His tanned skin brought out the undertones of the chosen fabrics of this season's line. Daniel looked like a work of art and Lewis was a collector.
He slid in beside them, a proprietary hand on the small of Daniel's back.
“Ready?” He asked, Daniel nodded with a camera ready smile.
The show had been great, Lewis sat in the front row chatting with Delphine and hearing the early ideas for the collection. Now as they mingled with models and industry people at the after party, Lewis felt like he wanted Daniel to himself.
He leaned in to Daniel's space, marveling at how easily and unquestionably Daniel opened to him. They've been doing this long enough that it was unconscious.
“Delphine says she likes your style.” Lewis teased.
“Then she should hire my stylist. I can get her his number if she wants.”
“Oh yeah?” Lewis' grin answered Daniel's
“Yeah, he has great taste, easy on the eyes too.”
“Well with that glowing recommendation, she'll have to book me.” Lewis shrugged cockily, making Daniel laugh. People glanced over at them, but they only had eyes for each other.
“The car is out back.” Corey stepped back into their bubble. Lewis nodded and they followed Corey through the private exit and into the back of a heavily tinted SUV.
As they drove off, Lewis reached into a bag behind their rows of seats and presented an oversized creme jacket. Daniel made an appreciative sound before pulling Lewis in for a deep kiss.
“You look beautiful, but I figured you'd want to be a bit more comfortable for dinner.” Lewis explained, helping Daniel out of his dove grey trench and into the thicker jacket.
“It's like you know me or something.” Daniel teased. He made a show of burrowing into the new coat with an expressive shiver that made Lewis laugh openly, a happy sound.
“I'd like to think I do.” His grin softened to a fond smile.
Daniel leaned into Lewis' space, and kissed his jawline. “I think you do.” He murmured shyly and Lewis felt the pride simmer warmly in his belly.
How they met | Lewis Signed to Ferrari | Winter break | a lil backstory | Dior Fashion Show afterparty
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c0rps3partybrainr0t · 6 months
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I was So close to killing Satoshi off in this au- so fuckin close because of his hair. As before! Rambling under the cut!
Satoshi Mochida
Design notes
-Gonna be honest, Not alot changed like Yuka's Design. Most notable one being the addition of the uniform Coat. It felt weird that he didn't have it anywhere on him, it's part of the uniform. I would get taking it off and having it around your waist, or having it partially undone like Kishinuma but completely not having it on you? Weird.
-The tie is apart of the new uniform design that I'll make a guide for soon. The one they have on in the game, along with the sailor suit that the girls wear are actually generally a middle school uniform and frankly is really outdated and isn't being normalized as much in turn for the Blazer, or vest combo.
-Hair pins n wrist band, Those where a gift from Naomi and Seiko since he was tired of having his bangs in his face and was being lazy about trimming them. The wrist band is to commemorate their long lasting friendship. Being the original trio in 2-9
Personality notes
-He's cowardly and is really easy to scare when it comes to jumpscares and well planned scary stories. But when it comes to high pressure situations he had a an ungodly level head and is often a pointed leader by himself and or someone else.
- His kind, caring, and sweet demeanor makes him more popular than he wants to be. I guess people like the sensitive type? He is considered the heart of the 2-9ers and it shows since he knows a good amount about each n every one of them!
- Satoshi is actually really Analytical, he has to be since he's the heart of a social group. He can pick up on the tiniest shift in someone's voice and adapt accordingly which is probably why he's so popular in and out of 2-9.
Relationship notes
Yuka: as mentioned in Yuka's profile, General Older n younger sib relationship, Really like to ruffle Yuka's hair just for shits n giggles but for the most part he loves his baby sis.
Naomi: Childhood Freinds and the person he's closest with. It isn't uncommon to see them laying on each other in one way or another just to feel the comfort of each other's presence. Are they Dating? Are they just Freinds? No one's outside of the group knows-
Seiko: Second oldest friend and another pillow for him, she's the one to get Satoshi to act Goofy one way or another. Wether it's chasing her for something she stole or just a tickle fight
Ayumi: Fears her. And it's not irrational. since he screams like a girl, Ayumi often targets him during scary stories or pranks. But outside of that he finds her presence comforting, like the older sister he never had.
Mayu: Often bullies him into modeling some clothes she's sewn up or crotched. Frankly he doesn't mind because he's pretty ambiguous with what he wears and wouldn't mind wearing a dress or skirt.
Morishige: Conspiracy theorists- Mori is the reason Satoshi gets into deep dives in wikipedia and analog horror. If you can't find Satoshi than Mori is to blame 9 times outta 10 you'll find the two in the library with various books on, the paranormal, aliens, the undead, and various supposed "Matrix glitches"
Kishinuma: Bro's- likes the kinda bros that just show up at each other's house randomly and gets invited in because they know each other so well. Like "Dude I brought some Udon get down here n eat, I don't care if you've already ate, Eat more"
Ms,Yui: Older sister/Mother figure, Though he knows that he can't really share much to her considering she was still his teacher. He's happy to help in any way possible and share small moments with her while at school.
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