#babygirl and babygirl is a 6'1 grown man
junespriince · 4 months
Winged heart au
Wally, walking out of his bedroom, in Nightwing gifted PJ set: Nightwing, it's 3am I swear to— ah shit it's the rest of the clowns, is.... My window!? You broke it!
Jason, to Tim: see, he's exactly his type, pay up.
Tim, fishing out his wallet: well his driver's license ain't flattering I thought he was fugly.
Wally: insulting me in my own damn home, AND BROKE MY WINDOW! you're paying for this, or I'm sueing.
Damian, at Wally's turtle terrarium: good size, good bedding, looks healthy. Well, I like him for his excellent reptile care, he may date Nightwing.
Bruce: we can't decide that on reptile care, he could be a villain.
Wally: I'm about to be, stop eating my food! Get out!!
Duke, eating warmed up leftovers: damn he can cook, Nightwing needs to bag him before I do.
Bruce: no... You're 16...
Cass: plus, Wing will kill you if you take his man
Steph: def def, but dibs on coming here for breakfast!
Wally: no! No dibs!! Leave!!
Dick: hey babygirl... Why are you guys here.
Jason: scoping out our new brother in law, duh.
Steph: babygirl? Really?? Jesus you're a simp.
Wally: that's it! I'm calling my mom.
Jason: ha! We know your not in contact with your abusive bios.
Wally, on the phone: I wasn't talking about her.
Bruce, knows Iris: ... Shit shit shit get me out of here the kevlar not strong enough against that woman!
Iris, bust through the door: Batman, what the hell did I just told you about bothering my baby boy!?
Bruce, trying to get out but kids in the way: IT WAS THEM THEY DRAGGED ME WITH THEM PLEASE, HAVE MERCY!
Jason: damn, no loyalty with this man.
Barry: not when it's Iris.
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gipsyavnger · 1 year
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@kaitaiga like you said...oc x canon? No. oc x your friend’s oc
(She's wearing one of Damien's jackets. The woman is 5'4 and the man is 6'1 and build like a friggin freight train. It's going to hang off her)
She lay staring at the ceiling of their shared bedroom, hands fidgeting with the blanket as she nibbled at her lower lip.
He’s coming home today.
Flipping to her side, Isobel Williams made eye contact with the dog they’d adopted, her sweet face bringing a smile to her lips.
“Babygirl…Dad is coming home today. You excited?”
No response.
She was out cold, but Isobel knew the moment she got out of bed, Apache would follow her like a heat-seeking missile.
Rolling back to lie on her back, she chuckled softly. Damien had given Apache her name. His eyes filled with love as he glanced up and whispered, “Apache. Her name is Apache.”
It referenced Isobel’s former military career when she belonged to the United States Army. Flying AH-64D Apache helicopters had been her life for the longest time before joining Task Force 141. Even then, she’d resigned herself to only being close air support until Price had taken a chance on her and sent her into the field.
They’d met because of a bet. A stupid one made by two old men constantly trying to one-up each other. Price had bet Lachlan that his operator could beat Lachlan’s operator. Lachlan had taken the bet, and the next thing Isobel knew, she was being pulled into the gym to spar against a ridiculously handsome Australian Commando.
“The amount will determine how badly I thrash him.”
“Evicerate him, Medusa. Put him in the ground.”
“Copy that, sir.”
She’d done just that, and Damien (having admitted this to her) was smitten when she slammed him into the mat. It had taken Isobel some time to warm up to him, but they'd grown closer during the two-week joint training exercise. Once it came time for him to leave, she’d been smitten herself.
“Apache. Breakfast.” Using a firm voice, Isobel rose from the bed and walked to the kitchen, her body on autopilot as she scooped dog food from the bag. Her mind was racing a mile a minute, eyes glued to the stove clock as the minutes ticked away until he landed.
Six months. He’d been gone six months.
She’d desperately tried to go with him when the orders came down. The problem was that they were from two different countries. Price had explained it to her. He already had operators in the country, there was no way he could send her without being a person short.
The day Damien left, Isobel had cried. Normally a stoic woman, she rarely let her emotions get the best of her.
But he’d given her the sweetest kiss upon his departure, whispering, “I’ll come home to you, gorgeous.”
She’d been an absolute mess for a week, bursting into tears randomly. The worst one had been when she was picking up more dog food. The memory of the day they’d adopted Apache flashed across her mind, and she’d ended up sobbing quietly between the wet and dry dog food.
The sound of Apache skidding into the kitchen pulled at the corners of her lips as she leaned against the counter briefly before heading into the bedroom to get dressed.
“You here for your husband?”
Isobel glanced to her left, the sweet-looking girl with a massive smile staring at her as they awaited the plane. She couldn’t have been more than nineteen. Just a baby.
“No…” She paused, biting back the sarcastic remark desperate to leave her lips, “I’m here for my man.”
She left it at that, turning her attention back to the flight line where the plane had finally landed. The minutes felt like hours as she waited for the door to open. To catch a glimpse of him. Of Damien. 
Her heartbeat rapidly increased, every fiber of her being on edge as her breathing slowed. Her vision tunneled as the adrenaline hit her system. The world dropped away the moment the ramp lowered. Her muscles were screaming, her entire body tensed up.
A mop of golden hair appeared, carrying a large duffle bag as he exited the plane, and she couldn’t think straight, but her military training told her to remain still. Wait until he notices you. It didn’t take long. He scanned the crowd, immediately landing upon her as she gave him a small smile.
Damien dropped his duffle bag, sprinting toward her without a sound as he scooped her up in his arms.
So this is what home feels like.
The thought flashed across Isobel’s mind as Damien’s lips found hers, her arms wrapped around his neck to pull him tight. The feeling of his body against hers set her on fire, the lonely nights and tear-soaked pillow suddenly forgotten.
“Welcome home, love.”
“I missed ya so much, gorgeous.”
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