#babygirl who deserved so much better of all time
bradassholemajors · 7 months
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i feel like columbia would love like kitschy hallmark-style stuff like “screw world peace I want a pony” <3 and she’s so real for that!
(columbia as buttons from the busy beaver button museum website)
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f1goat · 2 months
roommates ; lando norris + part nine
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In which you have to live with your brothers best friend who you really don't like, Lando Norris, and his many 'girlfriends' for a while, but there's always a thin line between love and hate.
masterlist - playlist
lando norris x fem!verstappen reader tw: smut & not proofread
Your nerves are getting out of hand. Lando can come back any second now. It seems silly how much you’ve missed him last days. It’s not like Lando is your boyfriend, or that the two of you are dating… So you really should stop acting this desperate. You almost feel like one of those girls who keeps texting Lando, sending him nudes and invitations to visit (and fuck) them, only to get a bit of his attention. Fuck. You really are getting desperate. 
It’s because of your talk with Max from yesterday. After Max dropped multiple bombs on you (“He has been waiting for this to happen for ages.” And “He was only fucking other girls because he thought he couldn’t get you.”), you have been confused for the rest of the day. Max didn’t want to say anything else about it, but he looked at you as if you’d know what those sentences meant. And normally you would know. Normally you’d be pretty sure that someone who loves you would say stuff like that. But this, this is Lando. You have no clue. 
So, you’re not only being nerves because of Lando coming home and not knowing how to act around him, but also because of the redecorating you did yesterday and today. This morning multiple things came in, which you all gave a place in the apartment. You like the changes, but you can only hope that Lando feels the same about it. Sometimes you stress about that as well, but you’re mostly stressing about talking to Lando. He still deserves an answer as well to his awful question - “What are we exploring?”. You have no answer.
Yes, you do want to tell him that the two of you are exploring more then just sex. Of course you want to tell him that you’d want to be in a relationship with him. Only you just don’t dare to actually say those words. You’re still afraid that Lando meant something else the entire time. What if this is just a sex thing for him? 
Fuck. You’re a mess.
When you hear the door opening, you know all too well what that means. Lando is back. It causes you to shove aside all your stressful thoughts for a bit. There’s a smile forming on your face. You start to feel bubbly inside. He’s back. 
Lando is glad when he’s finally opening his own front door again. It’s nice at the MTC, but he really missed home. Or better said, he missed you. Last days made him realize that he’s even more smitten with you then he already thought. The first day away from you, he was already planning things to do with you for when he came home. He can’t wait to see you again and hold you into his arms. When he walks inside his apartment, he notices some small changes. At least he thinks so. He didn’t decorate the place himself, so he isn’t that sure about everything. However he’s quite sure that there wasn’t a side table and a mirror in his hallway before. Right? When he notices the flowers standing in a new looking vase on the side table, he’s quite sure that this is new. 
He wonders if you had something to do with it. Could it be that you finally start to feel home enough in his place to make some changes? Lando doesn’t even notice the big smile forming on his face. He can only hope that he’s right and that you’re starting to feel home here. Because, if it’s up to him - you’re never going to live with your brother again. 
“Hi babygirl,” Lando greets you while walking into the living room. 
You’re quick to stand up from the couch and to get closer towards Lando. Without giving it a second thought, you wrap your arms around him. Lando is quick to return your moves, taking you inside his arms and hugging you back. He keeps you as close to himself as he can manage. Softly he presses a kiss against your forehead, which causes you to look up at him. Softly you murmur a small ‘Hi.’ back to him. Lando focuses on connecting his lips with yours. 
When Lando pulls back from kissing you, a soft whimper escapes from your throat. It causes Lando to grin. He moves back a little, giving you some space.
“Missed me?” He asks you. 
It surprises him when you actually nod at his question. Before coming in, he told himself over and over again that he shouldn’t expect you to have missed him. It was only two days after all. So your small nod surprises him. 
“Fuck, really princess?” Lando asks again, he needs to be sure that he saw it right. 
“Yes Lan,” you confess. 
Lando lets out a chuckle. He takes you into his arms again. When you feel his hands slowly slide over your body, you can’t wait for the outcome of this. His lips find yours again, softly he presses multiple kisses against yours. It takes too long for you. You need to feel more of him soon. This is driving you insane. Not that you weren’t insane yet. It’s crazy what Lando can do to you in only such a short amount of time. He can make you feel all kind of things within seconds. No guy has ever done things like this to you. 
You grab Lando his hair and try to stop him from leaving your lips alone again. You hear how Lando lets out a soft groan from your movements. When he searches eye contact with you and is met with the desperate look in your eyes, he shows you another grin. 
“In a hurry babygirl?” He asks you. 
“Please Lan,” you beg, “Need you to do something.”
“You must have really missed me,” Lando says with a dangerous low voice, “Already begging for me and I didn’t even touch you properly yet.” 
“Please,” you continue to beg. 
Lando lifts you up. Within seconds you feel the couch under you again. Lando turns you around, making sure that your ass is not leaving his eyes. Softly he gives you a small pat on your ass. It causes you to let out a moan. It amazes yourself that you’re responding this way, Lando however doesn’t seem surprised. 
“Such a slut,” he tells you sweetly before giving you a soft slap on the ass again. It’s a bit harder then the first one, but still not paining you. “Aren’t you babygirl?” He asks you. You don’t reply to his question, your actions do answer it you guess. Not that you mind Lando calling you this, it even arouses you more. That’s crazy. “Answer me,” Lando groans. He harshly slaps your ass again. You let out a surprised yell. This one actually hurt, but then burning feeling is making you feel other things as well. Your own slick must be dripping out of you already. 
“Yes Lan,” you whimper as answer to his earlier statement.
“What yes? What are you?” Lando continues to question you. 
“I’m a slut,” you confess without even thinking about it. This is crazy. Lando is making you say things like this without even thinking properly about what you’re saying. What is this boy doing to you? 
“But, you’re only my slut,” Lando states. He gives another slap on your ass before getting you out of your string. You’re glad about the dress you’ve been wearing today. It’s giving Lando a nice entrance to your body. You hear him loosening his belt and dropping down his pants. He covers his boner in your wetness before sliding inside of your wet cunt. “Aren’t you princess?” Lando continues to ask. 
“Yes,” you whimper, “Only for you.”
Lando can’t hold himself back. He is pounding in and out of you, but questions keep rolling of his tongue. “You’d never act like this for any other boy, wouldn’t you?” He asks.
“No,” you’re quick to reply, “Never.”
That makes him feel even better about himself. Lando increases his pace. He hears your loud moans. When he isn’t asking you questions, he probably matches them. “Did you ever get fucked like this?” He questions you, “Did anyone ever make you feel this good as I can make you feel?”
“No,” you answer, “Only you.”
“Fuck babygirl,” Lando grunts, “You’re mine. My good slut. Never going to share you with anyone else. You’re my bratty girl.”
You almost see starts from how hard Lando is fucking you. His words do however come in. Without thinking about it you speak back to Lando. “I’m yours,” you state, “Never want anyone else to fuck me anymore.” 
That makes the both of you cum. 
Only minutes later you’re pressed up against Lando his body. He’s playing with you hair while giving you some time to relax. In the mean time Lando looks around his apartment. It seems like the hallway isn’t the only thing that changed. He notices some soft looking pillows on his couch. The small table in front of it has standing multiple things on it now. He chuckles when he notices one of his miniature helmets being part of the decor as well. He keeps looking around. His apartment probably never had this many candles, didn’t smell this good and felt so.. so home? He can’t wait to find out what you did with the other rooms. 
You start to notice Lando his gaze shifting around the living room. It stresses you how he keeps looking around the place. This is probably the moment that he notices your changes. What if he doesn’t like it? You start to feel nervous all over again. 
“Did you redecorate?” Lando asks you. 
His question doesn’t give you any clue about how he feels over your redecorations. Unsure you show Lando a small nod. This time a smile shows up on Lando his face. He presses a kiss against your forehead. That seems like a good reaction, right?
“I love it babygirl,” Lando tells you happily, “It feels so much more homey like this.” It causes you to smile. Finally the stressed feelings are fading away from you. Lando continues to compliment you with the changes he made.
“I can’t wait to see the other places, like my bedroom,” Lando tells you excited.
“Oh,” you softly mutter, “I didn’t do your bedroom and office. I didn’t know if you’d be okay with me being there without you? I did buy some stuff for it..”
“Of course, my house is your house,” Lando quickly states, “but what did you buy?”
You start to inform Lando about the last decorations you got for his place. His smile grows when he hears about the piece of fan art that you picked up. When you show it him later that day, he doesn’t stop kissing you anymore. 
That night you sleep together with Lando in his newly decorated bedroom. The both of you know that there’s still a lot to talk about, but neither of you start about it for now. It will come some day, but the conversation isn’t happening now. For now, you’re just glad to lay in Lando his arms (and bed) again. 
The following morning you decided to get some breakfast for Lando and you. After sleeping peacefully in his arms again, you want to spend the day together as well. Lando was still asleep when you left, meaning that you can surprise him with the breakfast. There’s a small bakery close to Lando his apartment which you visited. On the passengers seat from Lando his car lays a box filled with some fresh bread, some sweets and fresh fruit. Carefully you drive Lando his car out of the parking place where you were standing in before.
Yesterday you told Lando that you’ve borrowed his car and how you were almost dying to borrow his custom McLaren once as well. Lando was quick to tell you that you could always take it with you, as long as you would be careful. So this morning you took your shot. You’ve probably never driving as careful as today, but the car is worth it. You enjoyed the short road towards the bakery and now you’re sitting in the car for your way back, you’re already enjoying it again. 
Lando keeps surprising you. It still amazes you that you can borrow all of his expensive cars whenever you want. It’s sweetly how much he wants to share everything with you. So after getting out of bed earlier this day, you also borrowed one of his sweaters. Oops? You can only hope that he will react like he did last time you wore his clothes.
You drive off the parking lot. When you’re waiting for the road to clear so you can drive onto it, you feel yourself falling forwards. The seatbelt pulls you back. Surprised you look around you. What did just happen? It almost felt like .. “Fuck,” you shout when you see a car way too close to the back of Lando his McLaren. Did this just really happen? You almost shout frustrated again. Then you unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car. 
You feel like crying right now. When you see a scratch on the back of Lando his expensive car, you almost start to cry as well. What even happened? You notice that the car who hit Lando’s has pulled back a bit, there’s a guy standing next to it. Quickly you walk towards him. You’re ready to yell at him, to tell him exactly how stupid he is, but that won’t change a thing. 
“I’m so sorry,” the guy is quick to tell you. He’s blabbering about not seeing you while driving out of his parking place backwards. He’s already busy with filling on his insurance forms. While he has collect his calmness again, you still feel ready to messily cry about everything that just happened. 
What’s Lando going to say about this? 
When you have gotten the insurance papers from the guy, you still keep looking at the scratch on Lando his car. This time you can’t stop it from happening, a small tear rolls down over your cheek. You really have to get away from here, because everyone will see you crying in no time. What if the gossip accounts will get information about this? You look around you, but it seems no one is paying attention. 
Annoyed with everything that happened you get into the car again. Quickly you drive off the parking lot. You feel nervous for Lando his reaction. This car is his everything. Fuck. You should never have taken it with you. You doubt about calling or texting Lando before you’re back at the apartment, but eventually you decide that you’ll tell him there. 
When you’re standing in front of Lando only minutes later with the box full of breakfast, he seems so happy that you almost don’t dare to tell him. It’s your own tears who are quick to make you tell Lando what happened. 
“Babygirl?” Lando asks you confused. 
His soft voice cause you to fully breakdown. Within seconds you’re a crying mess. You’re sobbing while multiple tears roll down on your cheeks. You try to explain it to Lando, but the words aren’t coming out. 
“What happened?” Lando continues to ask you. He has no idea what happened to you. 
You try to explain it, but you can’t even form a normal sentence at the moment. Eventually you take Lando his hand and drag him with you to the garage. In the mean time you mutter out different words, which cause Lando to have an idea about what happened. When you show him what happened to his car, Lando seems to finally get what happened.
“You had an accident?” Lando asks you just to be sure. 
“I’m so sorry Lan, somebody drove into the back while he was getting out of the parking,” you try to explain to him. He doesn’t sound mad, but you’re still nervous for when he will get angry. “I really couldn’t help it,” you continue nervously, “but I do have his insurance forms.”
Lando shakes his head in disbelieve. “I don’t care about that,” he tells you a bit frustrated. You suspect that this will be the moment of him getting mad at you. That’s why you’re more then surprised when Lando takes you into his arms and carefully starts to inspect you. 
“How are you babygirl?” Lando asks you. “Did you get hurt or anything?”
You soft shake your head at Lando his questions. “We’re going to the doctor, someone will have to check so we can be sure,” Lando tells you. 
“That’s not necessary,” you speak up softly, “It wasn’t that hard, the seatbelt pulled me back before anything could happen.” 
“You’re really okay?” Lando asks you again. 
“Yes,” you tell him, “but your car has a bit of damage.. Maybe you should look at it?”
Lando softly nods at your words. He does feel a bit sad about his car, but it’s nothing compared with how stressed he is about you. He needs to make sure that you’re actually okay. Without thinking about it Lando takes you into his arms and starts to inspect you again. He can’t find any damage on you, but still. Then he finally walks to the back of his car. With how upset you are he expects the worst and biggest scratch of them all right now.
When he sees one tiny bump and scratch, he almost laughs out loud. 
“Are you this nervous about such a little scratch?” Lando asks you. You can only nod. “They’ll have this fixed in no time baby,” Lando comforts you, “and this is not your fault, okay?” 
“You’re too sweet,” you sigh relieved, “I’d have gotten it if you were mad.”
“As if I can get mad at you,” Lando playfully scoffs. 
“Why not?” You ask confused.
“You’re way too cute,” Lando compliments. 
It causes you to smile for the first time since the accident. Lando shows you a small smile as well. “Let’s go back, I’m in the mood for breakfast,” he tells you. You nod to agree with him. “And maybe after that, we can talk a bit.”
In no time you’re stressed again. 
part ten
taglist: @booksandflowrs @hiireadstuff @likedbygaslyy @dreamsarebig @f1fantasys
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maiiuelle · 1 month
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⋆ ˚。⋆ ᡣ𐭩 ⋆ ˚。⋆
“oh, babygirl. that’s horrible.” jj maybank runs his thick fingers down your back, tsking under his breath at the story you’d just told him. he knew rafe was an idiot, but he never imaged he’d fumble you, no matter how much he dreamed about it. yet, here you are, sitting in his lap with tears streaming down your face as you tell him exactly how rafe had ruined everything. “you doin’ alright after all that?”
“i don’t know.” you sniffle, leaning into his touch and setting your head on his shoulder, peering into the crackling fire in front of the two of you. you came to the chateau looking for sarah, your best friend, to give her the details on how things ended with rafe, but instead you ran into jj. he was always the nicest of sarah’s pogue friends, and turns out he’s a great shoulder to cry on. “i just can’t believe he’d do this to me.”
“yeah, well, dude’s a loser — even i could tell you that.” jj mumbles, holding a joint between his lips as he flicks his lighter open over your shoulder. “trust me, he ain’t worth your time.” he lights it and takes a long drag, turning his head to blow the smoke away from you.
“i guess, but he really didn’t seem that way. maybe i’m too gullible.” you dig the heel of your palms into your eyes, the irritation from crying making them red and raw. the blonde shakes his head as you speak.
“nah, nah nah. you didn’t do nothin’ wrong, cupcake. i bet you he’s cryin’ more than you. shit, i would be.” jj takes another hit, flicking the ash into the fire pit. “he doesn’t deserve a sweet girl like you, clearly can’t treat you right.”
you move your hands to look up at the pogue boy. “you’re such a sweet talker, jj. you know just what to say.”
“s’not that, i just know i’m right. i got no clue how you could even deal with that guy. you couldn’t pay me.” he whistles, offering the joint to you. you accept, brushing your fingers over his as you take it, already giving him heart eyes. “you dodged a bullet, sweetheart. maybe literally. he’s a fuckin’ psycho.”
you laugh, assuming he can’t be serious as you put the joint to your lips. the smoke fills your lungs and sends you into a coughing fit. “sorry, it’s from my cousin’s stash — hydroponic.” jj takes the joint back from between your fingers, starting to rub your back again comfortingly.
he lets you cough it out, looking over your pretty face in thought. “y’know.. you should stick ‘round me. promise he’ll steer clear.”
already getting dizzy from the high, you slump back into your spot against his shoulder. “but, i thought you didn’t like kook girls.” you pout, and he scoffs.
“who told you that?” he takes another hit, cursing sarah for trying to cock block him. “doesn’t matter anyways, i like you.”
“i like you too, jj.” you giggle, rubbing on his arm like a cat. you’re too overwhelmed with emotion to worry about embarrassment, and jj’s making you feel so much better already. “thanks for listening, i dunno what i would’ve done if you weren’t here.”
“it’s my pleasure, cupcake. don’t sweat it.” he smiles that charming smile at you, his eyes flickering between yours and your enticing lips. he clears his throat after a few seconds, his eyes lost in yours. “uh—i could think of a few other things we could do to help get your mind off him. if you uh, catch my drift.”
before the moment can go on for too long, the twinkie pulls up the gravel driveway and parks with a squeak. jj peers over his shoulder, putting the joint to his lips one final time as he smacks the side of your leg. “c’mon, sugar. i got just the thing.” he chats as he helps you to stand, immediately meeting john b’s curious gaze when he hops out of the twinkie.
jj jumps to speak first in hopes of avoiding any uncomfortable questioning, he couldn’t risk anything tarnishing the mood he worked so hard to set. “perfect timing — fire’s already lit, so is a joint, if y’all wanna hop on that.” he points to the set up of lawn chairs around the fire pit lazily, far more focused on leading you across the lawn and up the chateau steps, all the while toying with the hem of your tank top. “poor little lady’s havin’ a bad day, needs some one on one time with papa j.”
“ew, oh my god.” sarah scrunches her nose, having predicted jj would try to get with you. as much as she wants to be angry, seeing you all gooey in jj’s arms rather than her psychotic brother’s is a little refreshing — but she would never tell jj that. she just rolls her eyes and looks the other way. john b gives his best friend a proud look behind her back, flashing a silent thumbs up as he ushers you inside.
the second the screen door slams shut behind you, he’s pulling you back onto his lap on the couch, his big hands sprawling over the back pockets of your jean shorts. you giggle, biting your lip nervously as you climb on top of him. “jj.. right here?”
“gotta take care of you, don’t i?” you can hear his smile in his voice, even with his face buried in your neck as he covers it in gentle kisses. you hum at the feeling of his lips, so sensitive it almost tickles. your little whines only make him want to go further, his hands hooking under your legs to lift you and carry you to the bedroom. “yeah, don’t you worry, m’gonna make you feel all better, pretty baby.”
⋆ ˚。⋆ ᡣ𐭩 ⋆ ˚。⋆
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grapejuicebrat · 14 days
"I love you, i’m sorry”
PAIRING: rafe cameron x reader
SYNOPSIS: could you love me at my worst?
SUMMARY: part 2 of “i miss you i’m sorry”. basically it’s a story about rafe trying to be better just for you. even tho you broke up a few months ago.
WARNINGS: heave angst, mention of addictions, swearing, a happy ending i guess, some smut like you touching each other, grinding and kissing.
NOTES: rafe is such a babygirl again!
my masterlist
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“I love you, i’m sorry”
“We’ve been here before, Rafe. You promised me”.
“I know, and uh, I’m sorry, okay? I just can’t do this”
“I know. But you promised me something”
“Alright, yeah. Sure. Well, tell me something about you.”
“You have something specific in your mind?”
“How is your job?”
“I proved to kooks that a dirty pogue can be so much more than just a piece of shit. I’m not a waitress anymore, I’m the manager now. Fuck, i’m so excited for this”.
Rafe can tell you are smiling right now. So he is. He is really proud of you because you really deserve this. You’ve worked for this days and nights, telling Rafe almost every day about how your work is so stressful. But you love your work and you love people. This job was made for you.
“You’ll never be a dirty pogue, baby. You deserve this. I’m so happy for you”.
“Shit, i’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Well, no, I mean it, I just, uh… I forgot that you’re no more, um-m, my you know. You’re not my baby anymore”
Saying it out loud was so much harder than just thinking about your break up. Sometimes Rafe would even forget about this. But then he remembered and realisation cuts deeper than a knife could.
“Chill, Rafe. Wanna know a secret?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“I still have a habit calling you in the middle of the night when i can’t fall asleep”
“You do know that you can call me wherever you feel like you need me?”
“Sorry, Rafe I gotta go. Bye”
You quickly hang up not even waiting for Rafe to say goodbye.
And then Rafe got a feeling that you’ll never need him again.
“Everything in this house belong to you. Even this fucking pillow belongs to you. That’s why Rafe secretly loves to hug this thing in the middle of the night. Part of him still remembers how Rafe used to hold you through the night, protecting from everything.
Sometimes Rafe would think that this is scary. How easily he would give up on anything just to be with you again. He refused doing drugs again, trying to be better. Rafe still tries to help his dad with business and he is doing his best not to mess up everything. Again.
This is scary how easily Rafe would choose you over his family. Because you were always here instead of his family who refused to believe in him. You were here when he wanted to give up on everything. He opened his rest to you and you were so grateful for this. Rafe could tell it just by the look in your eyes. Your eyes were shining with love and stars.
And that’s what Rafe dreams about. Just to see you smile once again. To hear you laughing and complaining about his mean jokes. To see those beautiful doe eyes. shining just for him.
How bad Rafe wanted to go to the restaurant you’re working in, but god knows it’s damn hard to realise that you’re doing just fine without him. You want to move on and it’s not your fault that he can’t do this without you. Of course he wants nothing more than just to hold you like he used to. On the other hand, he doesn’t want to fuck your life up just like he fucked up his own life.
Rafe can’t completely give up on you, because in the back of his mind he still believes you’ll get your second chance to do it all over again.
“Hey, u-uh, god it is so damn hard not to call you baby again” Rafe nervously laughs, holding his phone with shaky hands. “Do you think you’ll have five minutes after you’re done with work? I need to tell you something”.
It was an hour ago and you still didn’t reply. Of course you are a busy girl and you don’t have time for this crybaby but fuck, Rafe could swear on his life that it is so damn hard not to check his phone every five minutes in case you replied to his voice message.
“Sorry, didn’t have time to check my phone. Sure thing we can catch up. Are you in trouble?”
“No-no, don’t worry. Just want to tell you something, but I don’t want to just send you a message, you know?”
“Yeah, I understand. See you then”.
“Yeah, see ya”
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Seeing you again was a biggest mistake Rafe have ever made. Your eyes were shining with happiness and your smile made Rafe remember why in the first place he fell in love with you.
Your smile.
The way your smile still makes Rafe smile back. The way your laugh makes his stomach do backflips when Rafe speaks to you. You’re the first thing Rafe thought about in the morning.
“Thank you for reminding what butterflies feel like” Rafe suddenly says, hugging you tightly. Feeling your skin under his fingertips was like some new kind of drug. Rafe couldn’t even describe how bad he missed feeling your soft body in his strong arms. He can’t even describe how bad he wants to kiss a top of your head now like he used to. It’s not like he has any right to do it though.
“I missed you, Rafe” you sigh, wrapping your arms around his waist. As long as you can remember, from the very beginning, you were literally obsessed with your height difference. Rafe is so much taller than you, so you could hug Rafe and literally get into his body. Rafe brings you so much comfort just by his presence. Yeah, he still does. Even if you’re the one who broke things up, you still missed him. You still have this stupid habit telling “I love you” to the photo of you and Rafe, hanging on the wall next to your bed.
And you still don’t want to change this habit. That would mean that your relationship is fully gone and you have to let Rafe go. To let him move on, because he deserves this. And no matter how selfishly this sounds, you didn’t want him to move on without you.
“Y/n” Rafe whispers, still not letting you go.
“Yeah?” you speak into his chest, trying not to break into tears.
“You know, this break up made me realise that uh-uh, that.. that i can’t do this without you. When I first met you, I honestly didn’t know you were gonna be this important to me. But somehow I fall in love with you and I can’t forget about you, about us. There are a lot of things we used to do together and I can’t stop doing them because it would mean the end. And call me selfish, baby, but you made me a better person. I quit drugs, I work with my dad. You know, a year ago I would say that you don’t even need a job but now I understand that it’s your life. Your decision. You love your work and I have no right to tell you what to do. The only thing that matters to me is you. Please, baby, come back to me. Give me a second chance. Please.”
You were listening to Rafe and still, you lost your ability to speak for a good minute. He really did change, like he promised. But still he is your Rafe. The same boy, you fall in love with when he hated all pogues but you. Meeting you changed his vision. Meeting Rafe changed your life and turned it upside down.
And honestly, you didn’t want to change your life again.
“God, I fucking love you, Rafe”
And you grab his face, finally smashing your lips against his. Even if he wanted this to be so delicate and sweet, you made this kiss feel like a hungry, animalistic kind of one. You grabbed each other by neck and arms, not wanting each other to let go. Your hands made their way to his buzz cut and god you missed feeling this sharp feeling under your fingertips.
His hot tongue is dancing with yours, exploring your mouth and teeth. You moan into his mouth, already feeling a little wetness in your panties. Sometimes you hate how easily Rafe can make you beg for his cock, or fingers, or mouth but now… you were fucking thankful for this.
Your hands slide under his t-shirt, exploring his chest like you’ve never this before. His veiny hands grab your ass with such passion and you feel like you can come even right fucking now.
In the twilight room your fingers caressed each other's skin as if afraid a heavier touch would break the heady magic. You became one, one mind with one goal and purpose, each utterly drunk with love for the other.
Rafe's finger tips are electric, they must be, for wherever they touch your skin tingles in a frenzy of static. As his hands move over your skin your body has a transitory paralysis, your mind unable to process the pleasure so fast. His head moves around to your left ear and he whispers what's coming next. Suddenly your body is off pause-mode and you pull back for a kiss that's both soft and hard. Both of you move in an intoxicated dance of limbs, never making the exact same moves twice, not in the decade yo’ve been lovers. He's your cat-nip, you are his whiskey on ice.
“I missed your body, baby. Fuck, I fucking missed you.” Rafe whispers, starting to kiss your neck and collarbone, gently massaging your boobs. You tried to grab his neck or hug his back with your hands and it feels like you are genuinely scared of loosing him again. Your legs wrap around his thighs, bringing Rafe close to you.
“I love the way your breathing changes as soon as I touch your body”
Rafe grins and smashes his lips against yours in a loving kiss.
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“I waited for you my entire life and you were worth every minute”
basically this is the end. hope you liked it!
TAG LIST: @maybankslover
205 notes · View notes
thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Hi Aquarius!
I had an idea I wanted to share with you: SAGU creator reader who likes to make little bits and bobs for their acolytes. For example, Childe vaguely mentions that his gloves are starting to wear out? The creator crochets or knits him a new pair-Can’t have his fingers getting chilled in the Snezneyan snow now can we?
(I just wanna give my skrunklis lil gifts and make them happy is all :3)
(Also, could I possibly be 💌anon?)
WHOFOHNJDFjhkbfsgddf Genuine keyboard slam i just kinda slammed my hands down in excitement ahem-
That would be a lovely idea anon, yes very much so indeed,
so im like hella into giving ppl useful but still aesthetic/pretty gifts, like i dont want the things i give ppl to be things that get donated/thrown away (when i genuinely care abt a person)
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU / Isekai Stuff, Platonic Cutenss
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, a couple sentences for each
Stars: Everybody from elements Pyro, Electro and Anemo! Plus Aether/Lumine/Dainsleif!
Please understand that some characters are more “foreground” characters and have more screen time so I may have written some more for them because I knew them better!
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: weapons for gifts?? 16+ Older Teen + Up Audiences Advised, light cussing
& Trigger Warnings: None Known.
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EDIT 9/19/23: WTF HELLO??!!! 1000+ NOTES??!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH?!!!!!! <3
PART 1 (you're here!) / PART 2
ELEMENTS HERE: Babygirls, Pyro, Electro, Anemo
Aether = The most beautiful, amazing, sleek, and functional pretty hairpin that is also a knife! So he can have that badass moment of unsheathing it from his hair and having a surprise weapon and showing off his long hair, acted all shy when you gave it to him, he doesn’t get gifts often, all the birthday letters were for you afterall, i feel like you deffo have walked in on him miming taking it out all badass for practice lol
Lumine = bless her, you handed her this gift and she just looked up at you and u swear didnt blink or look away for a full minute. Then she nearly crushed you to death squeezing you, god she’s muscular, as you made a sort of self-care kit, including her favorite scents you added to like blank soaps/face masks, and towels you initialed with “Lumi”, she deserves a break afterall (and she thinks you deserve it too, and subtly tries to get you to join like *“*oh this is so sweet, something for us to do together”)
Dainsleif = sad little man deserves happy little things, you make him a weighted blanket, in these blankets it’s usually like sand or something that is put into little like quilt squares so it evenly distributes weight, but you used that water from the fountain that soothes Khaenri’ah people’s curse instead. He literally went speechless when you gave it to him. He has not had a single night of insomnia since. He would literally do anything for you, and literally stole you off to the side after a few nights of good sleep to tell you this lmao
Pyro Allogenes:
Diluc = Another bitch who just needs a break, you steal him off one evening and tell him you need a hilichurl camp wiped out, and there’s a cryo mage so you need him, bc thats the only way this workaholic is actually gonna drop everything and actually take care of himself, you have to deceive him, and then surprise him by showing him a hot spring you found. Teyvat has a lot more things to it now that it’s in real life, and that includes natural hot springs apparantly, and you’ve already prepped the place too, with his favorite non-alcoholic drinks, some indulgent foods like chocolate and fruits, and a soft robe. Man’s went wide eyed and nearly fell in LMAO, and then, looking away all pink, said he couldn’t accept this… unless you joined him.
Amber = a pair of comfy shoes, with baron bunny decorated all over them, like you sewed patches over them to personalize it, and the insoles are GODLY good, so she can run to Sumeru at this rate and her feet will feel like she went for a light jog! Some Mondstadt citizens, and knights tbh, are honestly a little afraid of Amber now bc her feet aching was sometimes the only thing stopping her from going 100% all the time lol
Bennett = a lucky charm, yes, yes, I know, basic, but it’s different coming from you! You’ve given him a bandana to wear as a neckerchief around his throat (it’s unprotected and he’s that unlucky?!) and it fits great, you’ve made it from Liyue materials, and imbued it with geo energy, so it actually makes a small shield/barrier around his head lmao, he’s practically thanking you every week and telling you how it helped him that week 💀
Klee = a treasure hunt map you made! every little stop/treasure gives her some candy or a snack, plus the next instructions, and she insists you go with her, and drags you along lol, and you planted them within range of the Mondstadt so she’s not too far off, and the final treasure (bc u planned it so she was supposed to start at a certain time/get to the end in a few hours) she finds at late sunset, and it’s a type of challenge that u were able to make, (bc apparently being the “highest god” means u get dev access, like the teapot functions but more OP). It makes a rainbow of glowing fish appear as targets to better Klee’s bomb throwing skills, and to entertain her, she gives the most dramatic gasp ever, and is just vibrating telling you “The fishes! They’re so pretty! ‘Bedo said that you give the greatest gifts, and he was so, so, so SO right!! Thank you very much!!!” :D in her cute little voice and then proceeds to speedrun you a hug and then starts throwing bombs lmao
Xiangling = HOO BOY- she has nearly every cooking utensil known to man, thanks to her being a young famous chef, and bc her family’s restaurant makes good money bc of it, so it was hard to think of something for her, but you eventually made her a handwritten and sewn together recipe book (look up “how to make zine”, its very easy actually, theres one with sewing the paper and a smaller one with just folding). It’s full of all of your favorites from Earth and what you think could substitute here, and how it should taste. Xiangling literally took your hands and spun you bc she hates luxury stuff, and really loves and appreciates homemade gifts, it’s the first anyone’s heard of your homeworld’s food so it makes her feel special <3 (she will be constantly harassing you with a spoonful of food to try and see if it’s close)
Hu Tao = You remembered one of Shakespeare’s plays and wrote a rough screenplay for Yunjin to adapt, then took Hu Tao with you to see it! She loves poetry and singing, so she loves to see Yunjin play usually, but she hadn’t had the time lately bc of funeral spirit work, (u also brought Zhongli so she could have fun embarrassing him lol), and she literally made a whole bit/joke about getting down on one knee to marry you, which was promptly interrupted by said embarrassed adepti, people even clapped lmao
Xinyan = You made her an aweinspiring outfit to wear onstage, modeled after classic rockstars from your world, she nearly teared up at the sight of it, and then nearly took ur ear out bc she was getting so loud and excited, u try to convince her otherwise, but Xinyan refuses to wear it outside of big occasions like Lantern Rite or performances with Yunjin (looks like this, I tried very hard ok, check it: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/76631631152377154/)
Yanfei = Once again, a written book, or at least 20 rap songs for her to look through. This sounds weird, but she eventually hopes to see a future where people are just better at obeying laws and considers then she’d be out of a job. So, after seeing some of Xinyan’s performances, she decided her back up career would be a rapper. She will literally stop you every time she sees you and lowkey force you to hear her latest rap she’s made, partially inspired from the Earth ones you gave her a lot of the time! She literally talked your ear off for hours, and didnt realize that she linked arms with you at one point and made you both walk at least 3 miles around the port lol, very embarrassed but grateful for the gift, another person who really adores homemade stuff
Thoma = you sewed him a cute plushie of Taromaru, along with a little plushie tea cup set. He literally covered his mouth in shock, and turned away, were those tears?? Very carefully took his gift and nearly bent in half bowing and thanking you for the gift, and was cutely touchy all day, linking arms, guiding you by gently nudging your back in crowds, etc. You once woke him up out a day nap on accident trying to find him, and he walked out half-asleep clutching the plushie Taromaru and nearly jumped a foot in the air at the sight of you lol, all like “HIGH EMPEROR?! OH MY- Oh my gods- Uh- sorry, so sorry about that!” and then proceeds to immediately hide Taro behind his back all red in the face lmao, refuses to acknowledge it, will get even redder if you keep pressing him about it lol
Yoimiya = so Yoimiya canonically really loves to go out into nature and explore, and go for that sunset hike type of person! so you, once again assume all these thru tutorial or teyvat craftsmen help, made her a hammock! She’s apparently really bad about falling asleep outside, and since hammocks can be really lightweight and good for temperate weather (ive tried it, sleepin in a hammock for camping its kinda nice, as long as you dont fall out/toss and turn a lot in ur sleep), and you even added some extra ropes on the sides so she can tie it down and not upend herself while she’s sleeping (keeps the hammock from tilting). She literally squealed and dragged u all over Inazuma trying it out with you, and because she chats with her neighbors/community a lot, EVERYONE KNOWS YOU GOT HER A HAMMOCK, YOU PAINTED IT AND EVERYTHING, DID YOU KNOW YOIMIYA IS ONE OF THE ALLOGENES THAT GOT BLESS WITH A PERSONAL GIFT FROM THE ALL-GOD??!! - everyone in Inazuma near her house, including yoimiya
Dehya = so Dehya likes to upkeep personal hygiene as much as she can between her mercenary job roughness and the general battery of the desert. She also is known to stop by the market place to pick up makeup and other personal hygiene products! So you figured if she’s collected so many of those over time, she might just have a practical bag to carry them in, and you offer her a multi-pocket cloth bag (like for taking makeup when you travel bags) and also attach a mirror inside! She literally covered her face with her hands and Dunyazard lightly teased her for weeekkssss lmao, and the other guys in her mercenary group like “wowww, someone managed to tame the Flame Mane?” which just makes her more shy bc the God of ALL decided to HANDMAKE her a gift, and not just a frilly thing, an ACTUAL USEFUL PRETTY GIFT- she accidentally set her claymore alight when you finished explaining what it was and handed to her (it’s fireproof too)
Electro Allogenes:
Lisa = a decorated tea set! Specifically, you painted it her favorite color, with some of her favorite book quotes across the saucers and her favorite flowers across the teapot. She gave you the prettiest smile, and just “Oh cutie! For little old me? You’re a bit above a librarian like me, but I’ll still accept this with all the grace of a lady courted, haha!” insists on “trying them out” with you all the time, especially when you get too busy from the other allogenes <3
Fischl (they/them Fischl supremacy) = You made a book cover (like how some books will have the paper sleeve and the actual hardcover is just colored? like that) of Prinzessin der Verteilung, but looking a lot more like them rather then the old protagonist! They collectively lost their mind over it for literal weeks, and did the same for you for your most relatable protagonist! :D They insist you two start a fantasy book club now- NO they don’t care if you’re the All Fürst! That makes you all the more qualified for joining the elite literature society they’re starting!
Razor = a bunch of hair ties! You’ve made scrunchies, bows, clips, etc. for him to try and decorate his hair with, all of things he likes, like little wolf puppies, or Andrius’ but cuteified, little symbols of all his friends like little bomb design hairclips for Klee, a red four leaf clover for Benny, a purple rose for Lisa, a golden star for the traveler, and an eight pointed star, like the four-pointed one but with some flare in between its points. A prominent symbol apparently associated with you u found out :0, Razor is giving Barbara and Klee a run for their money bc of how cute he looks walking into town for Lisa’s lessons with all this cute little clips and hair ties and braids in his hair now <3
Keqing = you know. you know EXACTLY what to give her. Plushies of cute animals or creatures in or around Liyue, like the little snow foxes from Dragonspire, a tiny oceanid, the small geovishaps, etc. Keqing doesn’t care if you’re a god, remember! So you better swear to never tell a soul you made her these!! …she sleeps with them too.
Raiden Shogun (puppet) = what to give a cold hard b*tch? …a break. you talk to Ei and make her give the puppet some off days, and you also may or may not have bullied Ei for being a hermit, so she can explore and learn more about herself, instead of being forced into the image, literally, of her god. She tries to write you months in advance for making plans on her days off so you can join her!
Ei (god) = an open window bc she’s a hermit, i mean of course you bring her out on “updates” (she weirdly choked a little over tea when you presented this idea to her, “Ahem- cough- a date? Oh, as in getting more familiar with the world, yes of course,” you basically pull out a map and take her to other countries so she can see how the other gods are doing these days and finally do something new, she is overwhelmed but in a good way? And she's especially willing to do it if you keep calling them that, these “up-dates”
Yae Miko = you were honestly kind of intimidated by giving Yae Miko a handmade gift, it just seemed like she would like something of high quality, which your gifts weren’t always guaranteed to be. So instead, you didn’t. You made a cool little picnic, and in remembering her love of stories from her lore as a kid, you brought some of your world’s stories to show her, the classics, then any favorites of yours, and some you thought she might like, and read them all to her about once a week. You both talk about and discuss the book and let Yae nitpick it and try to give her more context for books like Shakespeare in hope to answer all her detailed questions about the stories. Yae was so fucking smug (and secretly so in love) that she wrote a story for Yae Publishing House about it… “Joining a Book Club with the Akitsu Mikami, a Romance Novel” 💀
Sara = damn another busy woman, you steal her away with the promise of “needing a body guard” and she immediately answers and drops everything (u made sure to choose a slow day, dw ur not a rude god) andddd you’ve got her! Sara literally just stood there in shock when you showed up at your meeting place with homecooked food, specifically new recipes from your world, and some recipes from Xiangling! She would not stop stuttering out thanks yous the entire time, and fumbled with her chopsticks constantly, and she ate a lot, and even shyly asked if she could take some of it with her for later, now anytime you mention food around her she unintentionally starts looking at you with puppy dog eyes, (baby crow eyes??) even if the rest of her posture is perfect/gives nothing away lol
Beidou = A hand woven wine cask holder! a bit more solid so you can paint some designs on it, and you painted the whole crew, with Kazuha in the crow’s nest and Beidou is the biggest figure on it (stylized, u arent trying to paint a renaissance artwork here) and you even put her name on it “Captain Beidou” :) You were rewarded with a tall muscular woman squeezing you with her muscular arms, Beidou only puts her best wine/sake bottle in it, and only uses it for special occasions! she may or may not have had to make sure and hide it in her Captain’s quarters so other pirates won’t steal it, since everybody on the seas heard about the All Mighty giving her a personalized gift, but dont worry! She’s a pirate captain, she’s used to defending her most prized treasures from others <3
Shinobu = a spa day for another overworking woman, you made her another mask and hair tie! They still match her of course, but they also subtly have that eight point star symbol you’ve had associated with yourself before (like the four point but with a little flare), and she literally went so red, she hid behind Itto for a second. who helped morally support her enough to try it on, and it’s definitely her most comfortable mask!
Cyno = you were a little… embarrassed to make this one, but Cyno mentioned wanting it so… You made a TCG card of yourself. With the world in your hands as you hover in the middle of a solar system, you paint yourself giving a small smile down at Teyvat’s world cupped in your hands. One of the symbols they associate with you, the eight pointed star, not equal points, but rather a four pointed star with embellishments, said symbol glows and dangles from a necklace you wear, above it all. You swear he stared at it for a solid minute without blinking, and when you initially offered it, Cyno held it like it was spun glass. He gently laid it on a table nearby, his eyes never leaving it as he got out his deck, and put the card of you, on the very top. The mahamatra then gently set it down, and then gently hugged you and picked you up off your feet a bit (when you said maybe you were too heavy for this, he just raised an eyebrow, and that’s when you remembered that trailer of him throwing a body-builder man, one-armed, over his shoulder. He easily lifted you and set you back down. 💀)
Dori = A herb garden. Strange, but Dori’s sister has a lot of medical issues, and the herbs can be hard to come by, even for Dori, you didn’t tell her that you read some parts of her life, but when she saw the planter box, she knew. You had ventured far and wide, all over Teyvat, and the stuff you had came with you! so you put one of every herb you had or went out and got some because you’ve been exploring Teyvat anyway. And for once… you made sure no one was around, Dori teared up. She carefully set the box full of lively plants aside, and you were in the middle of explaining how to take care of them when she just, wrapped her smaller frame around your lower legs. You squatted down to hug her back :’)
Anemo Allogenes:
Venti = another book you made (look up “how to make a zine” on youtube it’s actually kinda easy) that you filled with all the lyrics to all your favorite songs, and some classics! The bard was ecstatic because he technically had vague knowledge or recognition of most of Teyvat’s songs, but songs from another world didn’t count, hehe! …he may or may not have lightly guilt-tripped you into trying to sing or hum some of the tunes or melodies of the songs, “I need to hear the melody so I may play it for you for eternity, your highness!” That’s his gift back, is that now you can get a Venti medieval sounding cover version of any song you like lmao
Sucrose = you’ve made another book (bought in Teyvat or made, check out “how to make a zine” on youtube it’s easy so I think you could feasibly handmake it!) and filled it with as much information as you can on how things like electricity works, luckily you can still retrieve information from Earth thanks to Albedo managing to somehow get you a signal?? You don’t wanna know, but point is, she’s literally spiraling. It’s been days, Albedo had to be the one to drag her out of the lab and eat, while you are starting to doubt if your gift did more harm then help… as soon as you voice these thoughts to Sucrose she nearly shook your head off from shaking your shoulders so hard while she ranted about phones, telephone poles, paved roads and she actually offered books back in exchange, for leveling allogenes up, as long as you told her more about “Those ships that go underwater again?? Please, Your Highness???” cute puppy dog eyes but worse bc she’s got cute glasses on too, oh no-
Jean = another workaholic woman who just needs a break, god why are there so many of them?? Your first thought was a spa day, but you like to think you can do better than that. In fact, she’s had a pretty heavy load since she was a kid trying to uphold the Gunnhildr clan’s name/knighthood, so you decide that instead of spa day, you should have a fun day! So you decide to take her out some days for some fun around Mondstadt (and recruit Venti to help do things like boost the winds for extra fun), like shield surfing! (look up Breath of the Wild shield surfing video if you dont know what i mean), it's something a lot of young knights do, and it’s perfect for Mondstadt’s hilly landscape! Other things like flying kites, or even rerouting all her work for part of the Windblume festival so she could enjoy it more! THEN you kidnap her all over again, and Barbara, to go to Fontaine! What better way for her to have genuine fun than getting a break to see and have fun with her younger sister and go see a colorful circus/fair? Jean was literally just a constant stream of “thank you your majesty! my gracious god, thank you- this is too much-, All-Fürst I am forever indebted to you for this!” and ur just like :/ Jean that’s the whole point of a gift is that you aren’t indebted to somebody-
Xiao = a friendship bracelet :) since he likes jewelry, and he likes you, it's perfect! and u made it match his necklace. you’ve also put that same water from the fountain that soothes the Khaenri’ah’s curse, and put it in there, and it actually lessens his karma, so for the first time in about 2 centuries, Xiao the Yaksha, can actually sleep through the night. You weren’t looking, but when you turned away to show him your sketches or plans for how to craft it, he sort of, reached out. You felt his hand warm on your wrist before it retreated, you could already feel the callouses, as the small weight of a bracelet was wrapped around your hand, his return gift, so u guys could match 👉👈 Xiao breathes out what sounds like all those years of pain in one shaky, relieved, “…thank you” (he did all that while you were turned around in your bag too, he was too shy to look at you when he put it on lmao)
Kazuha = “So this is what you’ve been up to lately, hm?” Kazuha’s been kind and laidback enough that he’s one of the allogenes who quickly dropped the formal titles luckily. He’s been seeing you sneak around and present your gifts to the others… and he came prepared in case you came to give him something too! Before you can even get out, “Hey, Kazuha, do you have a minute? I’ve got something for y-” boom. He’s beat you to it, he’s saying the same damn thing, and pulling out his gift for you. It’s a lovely Inazuman outfit, decked out in your favorite color, it’s like if you were an Inazuman character yourself- You just accept it half in shock, while Kazuha gives this small smile, but u can see the smug little look in his eyes, that little shit he really prepared a countermove- HE EVEN WROTE YOU REALLY SWEET POETRY AND EMBROIDERED IT INTO SOME OF THE INSIDE HEM LINES LIKE THE COLLAR -//////- ← you rn as Kazu’s all fucking smug, you end up just being like “take ur crummy gift u little shit” and nearly throw it at him lol, sweet asshole that he is, catches it anyway, and you’ve made him new hair ties, some minimal clips that look like maple leaves (like felt fabric stuck onto the clip bit) and the new hairtie is more like a scrunchie with a pretty red knot on top, your own symbol of an eight-pointed star, like an extra four-pointed star not the star of david lmao, sits in the center of the traditional japanese knot. He wears it nearly all the time, and mentions making you one to match (>:/ sweet considerate little shit he is)
Sayu = you’ve made her a quilt! stitched together from all sorts of cute fabrics, so it still matches her color scheme, she wraps up in it now before going into that balled up tanuki form lol, she insists you break it in with her and take a nap with her constantly lmao, and you give in even if you dont always sleep because of her tiny half-asleep smile (sayu knows the grip she has on you lol💔)
Heizou = a mystery novel a friendship necklace! you knew him and his friend had once had something similar, (they were more like matching river rocks or pebbles not jewelry you think) so you desperately hoped it wouldn’t be too offensive. The little shit who saw it coming #2, whereas Kazuha suspected you might offer him something, he didn’t have quite the same intution that Heizou did, so the detective knew you were going to give him something >:/ little snitch- he was so smug and teasing about it right up until he actually saw the necklace, it draped lower so it didnt look weird with his choker, and it was a pretty crystal you’d gotten from a riverbed (you didnt tell Heizou bc of the similarity w/his old friend, but he knew anyway) and he immediately looked the most serious you’ve ever seen him. His grin was less of a smirk and more of a smile when he processed what you gave him, and he wears it all the time :) Calls it his "God blessed good luck charm"
Scara/Wanderer = It was very hard, and you had to learn how from a blacksmith, but you finally got it! You made a small addon that latches onto the outside frame of his Vision, so instead of the sort of teardrop shape it has, you’ve made a heart shape. Since he sees the vision as his heart, you thought it’d be cute to actually see it that way! He was all like “I don’t wear jewelry, I already have some metal holding my Vision, are you trying to embarrass me?” You: “okay, well you don’t have to keep it, I’ll take it back-” Scara: “No? Shut up it’s mine now.” He went pink the first time he put it on, and he only wears it when it’s just you two, or you both and Nahida (bless her, she only lightly teased him, just enough to have him yell a little, not enough to discourage him)
Faruzan = a compass that points towards ruins/magical places, so she can explore all the ruins the desert has to give, and also, more importantly, guides her out, you deffo relied on a blacksmith for this one, and got Nahida to help you add the magic to it. She just got this, soft and bittersweet? look on her face, and redirected the nostalgic look towards you, bowed gently and thanked you, … you offered her a hug. Faruzan accepted, and you could feel the way she exhaled, relieved.
(Throws this garbage at you really late and runs away to my bed)
Hope u liked literally any of that! ;-;
Also im not done as you can see! Im doing all the elements bc i love these skrunklies-
Safe Travels Anon,
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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mandy-asimp · 3 months
Needed me
Emily Prentiss x fashion designer!reader (they/them)
Warnings: angst, fluff, happy ending
A/n: they dragging babygirl through hell this season 😔
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"I'm sorry, but she is not my responsibility anymore. I can't be there to tell her it's going to be ok when she couldn't do that for me." They grumbled as they sat across from Rossi.
He sighed, "she's dealing with a lot."
"And I wasn't?" They didn't let him get further. "I get that you all are going to support her, she's your teammate. But you all didn't know her as your fiancé. The absolute love of your life who for the love of fucks, left you at your lowest."
The old man wasn't going to give up. He believed that there was still apart of them that would cave. "Y/n, you know I wouldn't have flown out here if I didn't think it was serious. She needs you."
It was them who sighed now. Standing up from the table. Leaning across to kiss the old man's cheek. "I'm sorry Dave. Unless she is at the point of tears and just giving up, I will not be roped back into it. Not again. I deserve better. I'll see you around."
And they were off. They never looked back to that table, knowing they were too close to facing...but they couldn't help but wonder what was so bad. Then there was what she did, how it flashed so quickly.
She came home that day to find her fiancé in tears. Body racking with sobs. "Babe? Baby what's wrong?" She was quick to drop her stuff and come crouch in front of her.
"Everything I've worked for it's gone." They got out between wiping away tears that seemed to never end.
Emily frowned, "what? Y/n, what happened?" She was trying to think of anything this bad. Had they been told bad news? Something someone said?
They picked up their phone and with shaky hands pulled up the news, a video of a burnt down building. "The studio...everything in it. All of it...this sets everything back..." they calmed their sobs to hiccups and a few more tears. "I'm absolutely ruined. This was supposed to be it. This was the break I was gonna get and then actually get to enter the real fashion world. I was going to go somewhere and I was going to make it," they spewed out so many worries. Mentions of how much time they'll need to restart, how this was the such an important thing.
Emily though, she froze up. There was so much happening she didn't know what to do. She's never witness them spiral out before. Within the four years, they knew how to keep themselves calm. Even if they couldn't, it's never been this intense. It scared her.
She knew it was a reasonable response to what had happened. Their entire future just went up into a crisp. Everything in her wanted to try and comfort them, truly she wanted to figure it out together.
Yet, the few bricks of the wall she'd built had more impact. She fell back behind it and regretted her next choice before it even happened. After that, Emily swore she blacked out because when she realized what happened, she was in a hotel room alone.
Y/n was just as shocked. The woman they were about to confess their undying love to just walked out. Not a single word said, but just gone. Even when they tried to ask questions, she gave them nothing.
For an entire week, Emily didn't try to reach out or fix anything. Instead she read every text that came through. Even the one that said all her shit would be on the curb for her. The one that set in what she did was calling off the wedding.
That was only a few years ago. The two had completely moved on, or at least Y/n tried to. Never wanting to look back on how much pain was caused, but apart of them wouldn't let themselves fall in love again.
But here they were. Sitting in the apartment, trying to sketch their next line, and only being able to think of Emily. Rossi came and he wouldn't have if it was serious. If they were to go to her, it would be unwrapping the bandages on a wound that hasn't been fully healed.
"No. You are stronger than this." They whispered to themselves. Staring at the sketchbook once again.
If they did...there would be a chance for closure. It would be nice to know why she ran. Why she couldn't just stick it out. They would've been the most badass couple. The FBI unit chief and a famous designer.
If they did...they would get the chance to finally express their anger. But it wouldn't be the right time if she's suffering. How is she suffering? What is going through her mind?
"Fuck." They shouted before getting up. Heading into their room to start packing a suitcase. Dialing Dave at the same time.
"When are you flying back to Virginia?"
"I'll have the car there in ten. Thank you Y/n."
The call ended quickly, and Y/n was left to grumble. "Oh thank you Y/n! Thank you for having to be the damn adult once again. Thank you for willingly putting yourself through hell for her!" They had a nasty taste on their tongue as they spoke. It's honestly what silenced them.
Throwing a few outfits into a suitcase with the basic needs, they zipped it and began to pack a second bag. Grabbing everything needed to continue working on their summer line. This was done more carefully, with more precision on where everything went in.
Their eyes scanned over the packed bag, making sure everything was in there right. Right before Dave texted the car was out front.
One more sigh was let out before the apartment was locked up. The start of what might be either the biggest, or best choice made.
Emily was in her office. She was lost. She was loosing her mind over this case. Her wack-ass neighbor had hit a nerve she would've never expected.
It was just a mess now. Whoever was behind all this was winning and she couldn't figure it out. She was just fucked.
"Hey...how bad?" Rossi had popped into the room. Watching as the woman pulled out a box of cigarettes and lit one. "That bad?"
"Restricted duty until they see fit, so the BAU is yours." She tried to act calm, trying to keep it together infront of him.
Rossi huffed, "I don't want it. I'm not fit for it."
Emily pinched her nose. "None of us are! Hell! Me most of all. I need you to step up here Dave." She just needed him to make this easier.
"There has to be something?"
"This is happening." She shook her head and turned her back, her purse being a lame excuse for a distraction . The walls couldn't stay up as she felt herself begin to crumble.
A soft hand on her back made her gasp. She expected to turn and see Rossi, someone who she could only go so far with. Yet, her eyes were met with Y/n. She couldn't help it. Her legs gave out as she just sobbed into their chest on the floor.
It killed Y/n to see her like this. Emily was known for her tough demeanor and being able to keep it together at work. But that's what the team knew. Y/n knew her as their fiancé. They saw her breakdown at least once a month from the case build ups.
This however, Y/n could tell this was months on months of a build up. This was a low point, one that they would be there for.
It was half an hour before Emily could get out anything. Her brown eyes, wide and glassy, looked up to them. "What are you doing here?" Her voice was weak and defeated.
"I was told you needed me." Was all Y/n answered with. Naturally, their thumb wiped away the tears. "Why don't you sit on the couch and I'll make you some tea, hmm? Then you can tell me what's got you so...low."
The older got up and moved towards the couch. Y/n leaving the room to make the drink, remembering how Emily liked it like it was their own preferred. Within five minutes they were back and handing over the tea.
They stood, leaning against the desk. "Was it Brian again?"
"How did you...?" The question trailed off as Emily took her first sip. Trying to not let the warm feeling rush through her. They remembered her tea flawlessly.
Y/n glanced out the window, "I saw him lingering on the way in." Emily laughed a little at that. "But really....are you ok?"
"I've failed as a team leader. This job has corrupted me into breaking laws and lying to my team. I'm chasing with nothing but a conspiracy theory. I sounded crazy to the biggest conspiracy theorist in Virginia. I've been benched because of him. I just...I don't know what to do anymore." She so easily confessed. Her head falling into her hands for what felt like the millionth time today. "This can't be how I go out."
Internally, Y/n battled with going over there and holding her or keeping this distance. It put them back once again. They wouldn't be able to live with themselves if they did what she did, it just wouldn't make anything right. So they went over and held her again. This time placing an understanding kiss to her temple.
"It's not. I mean, it will be if you let it. And trust me when I tell you, you're going to want to let it. But that's not Emily Prentiss. She has been through so much worse than some theorist. This will be a fresh start. A chance to start anew. You will take it, and you will figure out this case. You will get your guy or whatever you call it, unsub? This is not your lowest. It's gonna feel like it, but it's just a low before the high. It's all going to be ok." They spoke from their heart. Even as it ached to be back in this position. Even as tears fell from their own eyes.
They were sharing her pain without wanting to, but needing to. Needing to let her know this wasn't it. Needing to let her know that someone was her to share her burdens again.
For the first time, both felt connected entirely. Beating with one heart. Thinking with one mind. Feeling with one body.
That night they had fallen asleep on the couch in her office. Holding onto one another like it would all go away as long as they were together.
Y/n had woken randomly, searching for any source of time. Rubbing their eyes as it was two in the morning. Emily didn't have to be back her till at least eight. They let their eyes fall to Emily. How she seemed so peaceful lying on top of them. She needed this more than Y/n had thought.
So, without much debate, Y/n was carrying the sleeping beauty and her bags out. Doing everything to prevent her from waking, which wasn't hard as she was out cold.
They drove in silence back to where they were staying. Knowing that if it came to it, they could drive to get her an outfit. The silence gave them time to really think. What were they doing? This is the exact opposite of what they were expecting.
Was Emily going to easily fit her way right back? It wouldn't be fair. She caused them the pain and yet they still love her. They would, without a doubt, let her as well. All she had to do was ask. It was just unfair, and they were going to live with it.
Emily stirred in the nice duvet. Confused as it wasn't hers and far too nice to be a hotel. She knew this duvet. She slept in it many times before.
"The coffee is being made. And breakfast is on the way." That voice she missed hearing in the morning.
She hummed while stretching, "how long have you been up?" She finally opened her eyes and seeing Y/n in sweats and a baby tee. Their casual lounge wear.
"Since maybe five. These sketches don't finish themselves unfortunately." They sat down at the desk that was perfectly illuminated by the sun at anytime of the day. "Oh, also your team is coming here tonight. You're taking the day according to Dave. He said it's his order and you should follow it."
"Why are they coming here?" She swung her feet out the bed. Her head turning to take in the room. "You kept your apartment here? What about living in New York?"
"My home in New York makes this look like a doll house. Smallest is the home in California. I move with the seasons." They simply explained. Frowning when Emily laughed.
"You're such a snob. Three houses? Really?" She got up and came to look at the sketches. Not saying anything as Y/n just began sketching again.
She couldn't help but stare at them. They made that concentration face still. Where the creativity would float in their eyes as the rest of their face was resting.
Y/n could feel her eyes on them. It wasn't anything out of their routine. Oh how they fell so easily into the routines.
"I'm a big fashion designer. I'm constantly doing something somewhere else. It's like you, Ms. FBI. Always away doing something," they hummed. Never once did they look up to her, they seemed to be battling the inevitable.
Emily didn't say anything, she just took in the sketches one more time and was off to the bathroom.
Both in their own thoughts and silence. Neither one knowing how to approach the situation of each other. Emily not knowing how to go about work. Y/n not knowing how to go about the designs. There were many thoughts floating in the air.
They let the silence stay around as they waited for breakfast to show up. Emily still clueless on why the team was coming. And she could've asked, but the thrill of a surprise put together by Y/n seemed to make her against it.
Y/n had been trying to sketch within the silence, but knowing Emily was only a few feet away made it hard.
"Babe! I'm home!" She called into the apartment. Noting how quiet it was. "Y/n? Are you even here?" A text saying 'study' came through, leading her through the quiet home.
When she pushed open the door, she found several mannequins with different outfits all lined up. "Isn't it beautiful?" Y/n hummed from the table of gems. They seemed to have been hand sewing each one on.
"Stunning. You didn't have all this done before I left?" Emily came to get a closer look. Being able to see the glimmer of proudness in Y/n's eyes. "What's it inspired by?"
Y/n didn't answer, instead just took int their work. Each outfit was inspired by their favorite memory with Emily. Between outfits they wore that night, or how they felt in the moment. The line was a collection of their love.
"Alrighty, leave me in the dark till it's released. Are you hungry? I imagine you've been to busy working to eat?" Emily left, getting comfortable.
Y/n looked over the sketches one more time. Sighing and dropping their head with a loud bump. They hadn't struggled this hard with sketches since when the two had first split.
They pushed up from their spot and headed into the kitchen. Rubbing their eyes to try and see anything clearly. They lost focus as they stared at the working coffee pot. This trip was already off on a different path than they wanted.
"If you want...I can leave." Emily's voice broke into the silent kitchen. Her head hung low and her hands picking at each other. She looked out the window briefly, bracing herself to meet the others stare.
Only, it wasn't on her. Instead Y/n moved around to get coffee, their back to the woman. "If you want to, I can drive you. But by no means are you gonna get kicked out." Two mugs got pulled down. They were matching ones Emily had gotten for them once upon a time ago.
They frowned to the memories of both mugs. There was a moment with a sigh. They forgot how much they avoided coming here and how they left everything almost the same.
The coffee was poured and the mug was handed over. Now they met each other's eyes. Emily wearing a frown as Y/n tried to keep their shit together.
"Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, I couldn't kick you out even if you stabbed me. But I wouldn't try, we both have too much to loose for that." Y/n kept their distance still. Eyes either on Emily or anywhere else in the house. It was getting quiet again and it wasn't enjoyable. They rubbed their eyes again, "I need to get back to work. Feel free to make yourself comfortable but not too loud."
They were off and back in their study before Emily could even get anything out. "What about breakfast?" She called out and after, following herself.
Y/n flipped over their phone, "it's about ten minutes away." Their voice was cold and stale. Short of the comforting Emily had heard last night.
It confused her. "You are so confusing." She mumbled. Her head shaking just a bit at the cold demeanor.
"Funny coming from you." Y/n shot back almost instantly. A nasty taste washing over their tongue again. They sucked their tooth before turning around. Eyes immediately locking Emily in. "If this is confusing for you, let me tell you what's confusing for me. The fact that when my entire future burnt into literal crisps, the only thing you, my fiancé at the time, quite literally walked out and said nothing. For a week you then ghost me, mind you I was the one you were marrying in less than a month, and then after years of not looking back, David Rossi shows up. You know what THE David Rossi asked me? To come help you. And here I am, trying my absolute best to keep my shit together so you don't have to worry about another thing. Because you know what Emily? I care for you enough to be there for you." They spewed everything out, hands being thrown around in dramatics as their chest heaved.
Emily was too stunned to speak. What was she to say? Y/n was right. She left when they needed her the most and left without a word. And yet, here they were giving her nothing but what they always have, love.
"I'm sorry," was all that she could manage.
They only scoffed, "whatever. Breakfast is almost here." Y/n shook their head and sat back down at the desk. "You can put my food in the fridge."
"Y/n..." Emily sounded broken, even more than last night. It killed Y/n, but they deserved their reason, and she knew that.
Cautiously, she moved in closer. Coming to Y/n's left and sitting down on the floor. Her knees bent just enough to rest her arms on.
"I panicked...I had never seen you break down like that before..I didn't know how to respond and I just fell behind a wall and did what I always did..I ran from it instead of facing it. And it wasn't fair to you. I truly have no excuse for what I did, except I was a coward." She spoke quietly into the air. Feeling tears prick her eyes as the feeling of guilt and embarrassment kicked her hard. "I only can say sorry, and I say it knowing it will never be enough to make up for all of the pain I may have caused you."
Both had taken the next moment to sit in silence and process everything. Y/n had tears falling from the moment Emily had sat down next to them. Emily had let her tears fall once she finished.
A few beats had passed and Y/n had let their hand fall to Emily's head. Sliding to her cheek as she looked up. "You Emily Prentiss, have caused more pain than I can bring up again. And I hope you have learned from it. I hope you didn't do it to anyone else and you won't do it to anyone else." They had this frown she had never seen, one she knew she had caused.
"I'm so sorry Y/n.." she quietly cried leaning into the touch. Feeling the warmth of the designers hands. "I'm so sorry."
"I know," they hummed as tears fell down their rosy cheeks. "I know you are."
Hours had gone by. Filled with nothing but tears and sniffles. Emily had moved from the floor when she began sobbing, into Y/n's lap. Her face buried into their neck as they shushed her to asleep.
Y/n had tucked her back into bed and continued to work on the designs. Pulling out the old sketches from their scrapped line. Staring over each outfit that was designed after their love.
The mannequins were in the studio, locked in a specific room. They questioned if now was the right time to bring them all back out. If it was, they knew it was ready to be launched, giving them more time on the line that sat unfinished.
They picked up their phone, "Jackie? I need you and Joana to bring me Project L.E.P. The key is in my desk, bottom left drawer, hidden under her picture, tied with a red ribbon. It's hard to miss, the ribbon has L.E.P in gold on the end."
"Are we launching it?!" The assistant grew overly excited. "Oh! Y/n you have no idea how wonderful this is!"
"Is that Y/n?" The other assistant, Joana came into the room.
Y/n assumed Jackie nodded, "yes! They want us to bring L.E.P to their home."
"They're launching it? But then that would mean Em- Oh my God!" The phone was snatched and it was Joana now. "Did you guys talk?! I want to know everything! How did you lay it down?!"
"Joana." Y/n simply cut the assistant from bombarding with questions. "When I see you, I will answer your questions. I need that line, bring the truck with them all. We're going to review them."
"Yes boss!" They both said before hanging up. Y/n knew they were geeking out in the studio at this point.
They assumed it would be at least half an hour before the two got there. Giving enough time to finally take a well needed break and eat something.
While they warmed up the breakfast, Emily had stirred awake. She laid in the bed, taking in the familiar smell of Y/n's shampoo on the pillows. She began to think over everything they had said.
They said it was unfortunate that they couldn't kick her out even if they wanted to. What did that truly mean?
Emily realized, they've already gone through the hardest conversation, this one would be nothing. She swung the covers over and began to look for Y/n. Checking the study first.
Her curiosity for the better of her. She came close to the desk, looking over the designs. There were a few that had yet to be finished, and then there was one in red that really caught her eye. She picked it up, scanning over the paper and realizing she's seen it before. On the bottom had L.E.P written in gold. Emily couldn't place where she's seen it, but she knew for a fact she had.
Placing it down, she left to the kitchen next. Finding Y/n dancing slightly to their own tune. She watched as they prepared their food before acknowledging her entrance.
"Would you like yours as well? I can heat it up?" They offered without even looking over before grabbing the second meal. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good...I do have a question though," she came in closer. Leaning against the counter while staying out the way. Y/n looked over, showing she had their attention. "When you said..."
"I meant it." They knew her thoughts better than anyone. Emily swore in another life they were either a profiler, or a mind reader. "If you want to stay, I'm not going to stop you. If you want to leave, I will drive you. I'm here because you needed me, and I think....apart of me still needed you. If I wanted to be over you, I would've been. I know I would've been. I would've cleaned out everything that ties to you, but I didn't."
"When we ended...I thought that everything was going to go to shit. My career was caught in a fire, my relationship was ending, and I began to spiral. I began to just accept that this was how I was going out. Would never be a big fashion designer, never have a love life, nothing to live for....but I thought of it as letting you win without a fight. And that wasn't how I wanted you to win."
"I don't deserve you," she had whispered. Her head tilting and her silver waves fell to the side.
It was the first time Y/n had actually taken her in entirely. How she aged and yet was still the most beautiful woman they had ever come across. It made them want to just kiss her and tell her that she was welcomed home always.
"And yet...you have me." They sighed, hand coming to cup her cheek. "And maybe thats why I've been so confusing. Because I'm supposed to be mad at you, I really really want to..but anytime I try to, this nasty taste fills my mouth. Like I don't mean anything bad I try and say. And I don't."
"Y/n..." she furrowed her brows. This was more confessing than she had expected. "You don't have to tell me anything-"
"Damn it Emily," they groaned. "I'm not telling you this because I think you need it, I'm telling yo this because I need it. I'm being selfish. I'm loosing my shit with you just standing here. Do you know how easy it is for you to walk right back into my life? When I said I was going to love you forever, I meant it. I meant it with everything then. And I'm going to mean it with everything now." They had their own tears now. Finally caving into the painful feeling of being in love.
Emily was stunned, but she wasn't going to miss her second chance. She pulled Y/n in by the pockets of their sweats, standing on her tip-toes to meet their lips in a passionate kiss.
They both felt airy as they got lost in the feeling of home. Holding each other so impossibly close that it was undeniable they were staying together.
Once they pulled apart they just stared at the other. Both trying to find some answer to what they were feeling. Was there anything to say now?
Y/n came out the trance first, a smile gracing their lips. "Why don't we eat? Jackie and Joana are gonna be here soon and will probably want to question us."
"What are they bringing you?" She held Y/n there for a little longer. Enjoying the closeness and safeness. "Fabrics?"
"Project L.E.P." Was all they answered before heating up the other box of food. "I think I'll release it before the one I'm working on now."
Emily watched them move, "what does the L.E.P mean?"
Y/n was quick to shrug. "It's just the name that Jackie and Joana gave it." They dismissed the topic. Eyes trained to the microwave as it counted down the minute. But the small smirk they held told her they knew exactly what it meant. "I got you your usual."
They handed over the box and the two prepped before heading to the couch. Sitting knee to knee as they ate and watched whatever was on.
It was an enjoyable moment, and one Y/n would remember. And that's when the next line came to them. They tried to be subtle to finish up their food before rushing into the study. They grabbed a sticky note, it was red, and they scribbled on it before slapping it against the window.
Soon designs started to be taped up to the windows. The evening sun peaking through the papers. The ideas began to flow and make sense again. They felt relieved at the feeling.
The front door had opened, and the two assistance were quickly to make their presences known.
"Oh my! Y/n! You dog!" Jackie's voice filled the entire apartment at the sight of Emily. Her head snapped to Joana. "This is so not real!"
Y/n forgot how young her assistance were compared to them. They walked out shaking their head. "How many mannequins did you bring?"
"We figured you still had six here, we actually know you do because you never returned them. So we brought the other six. Then each piece is stored in its own bag and box." They stood tall and in line. "We just need to grab everything."
"Well let's get to it. Six mannequins and twelve boxes are not getting up here that easily. Em, you'll stay up here and make the trips from the elevator back. Joana you'll be on elevator duty. Jackie you're unloading and I'll carry everything to the elevator."
It was the perfect team work. And within no time they had everything upstairs and the three were working on setting them up facing the window. Emily, having no hand in sewing or fashion just watched the three move in harmony.
Joana and Jackie worked to just get the outfits on the mannequins as Y/n did touch ups. They worked until the night fell. And it was perfect.
"Y/n you've outdone yourself still. Are we really ready to release project L.E.P?" Joana walked around the designs and took in every seeming detail. "Truly a genius."
Y/n had a glimmer of pride in their eyes. "Yeah. I think it's time." They only broke away to look at Emily who sat on the couch. "What do you think?"
She had dropped her gaze to look at the twelve outfits. "They're absolutely beautiful. They have been since when you first had them all laid out." She stood to come next to them. "Are you ready to release them?"
Y/n inhaled with a smile, exhaling their worries. "Yeah." They grabbed Emily's hand. "I am ready." They were confident.
"So...what are you gonna call it?" Emily went closer to examine the detail as well. The room was silent as everyone thought of something.
Jackie hummed, "mmm what if we keep L.E.P?" She threw out. "It holds meaning, it's cute, it's secretive, secretive is sexy."
"L.E.P in gold writing, your writing. We tease it with close up pictures first. Then we host a big launch party and have them all come out on a runway." Joana began to plan everything out. Already seeing a vision.
"But what is L.E.P?" Emily butted in. Getting silence and all eyes on Y/n, who was looking down to Emily.
"Loving Emily Prentiss," they only could smile even kinder at the reveal. "It'll be the start of a collection. The E.P collection. It's bright, it's new, it's warm and giving. That's how it'll start."
The doorbell had rang. "That must be your team. You two are dismissed. Thank you for the help today. Start your magic and fill me in in the morning. Love you both," they bowed their head. Watching as the two assistants began to pack up.
"Um, Y/n? I have nothing to wear?" Emily glanced down at the big t-shirt and sleep shorts.
"Your outfit was laid out on the bed before we even started touch ups. You go change and I'll greet everyone." Y/n shooed as they moved to the door. Opening and being greeted first with Dave.
"How is she?" He placed a kiss to their cheek before leading everyone in. They all seemed worried at first.
"She's better today. And that's what matters." They hummed. Moving towards the kitchen to begin cooking for everyone.
Stopping at the instant gasp and whispers. The team had seen the designs lined up. "Wait..your the Y/n? Like designer Y/n?" Penelope stared in awe at the outfits.
"Guilty. That's the next line. I guess a sneak peak." They shrugged, smiling as Dave began to prep to help cook. "You can get close, everything is set in stone at this point."
Just then Emily had walked out in a one-of-one dress. Y/n had designed it and worked the first night to make it for her. Telling themselves that it was either a goodbye gift or a welcome home gift.
She looked stunning, and Y/n could take their eyes off of her. Their best model walked into and began to get wine glasses down.
"Emily, you never mentioned Y/n was a fashion designer?!" Penelope was still caught on the fact. Earning a laugh from Y/n.
"Ouch, four years and almost married and you didn't tell them about my job?" They came near Emily, crouching next to her to get out some seasonings.
Emily looked down to them, taking in the moment of being taller for once. "She would've flipped out. I also figured she would've down a background check on you without my knowing." Both glancing to the bubbly woman.
"I...I didn't because I wanted to respect her boundaries." She got out, looking to everyone else who seemed to have knowing looks. "Don't tell me..."
"We all...kinda knew." Tara broke the news, hugging the friend as the look of betrayal washed over her.
Y/n had shrugged from their spot. "I had no part in this." They cleared their name.
That night the team had laughed, eaten, drank a few bottles of wines, and enjoyed a nice round of desserts.
A few months has passed and Emily and Y/n began to work things out. She appreciated Y/n's efforts as well even with all the press and media.
There had been an article that really stood out.
And why did you name it L.E.P?
Well....when I had made it I was with this amazing woman. Each piece was meant to represent a moment of our relationship.
And why are you just now releasing it?
We had honestly gotten into a fight a month or so before our wedding. We ended up splitting and I just couldn't come to scrap it. So I locked it into a room until now.
And what made you choose now?
Because she needed me and I realized I would always need her. And this is my gift to her. A token of my love with what I was meant to be doing. Fashion. And what better way than to express love through fashion?
Emily had came over and smothered Y/n with all the love she could after reading that. It made her look at the entire line differently and hold it near to her heart just as well.
They laid next to each other in bed, just staring and having a wordless conversation. But Emily could see it written on Y/n's face. They loved her. And that made her see everything worth fighting for.
"I love you." She had whispered before realizing.
Y/n smiled. "I know." They switched to a cocky smile. Pulling her closer by the waist and bending her just slightly back. "And I love you too. Always will."
They shared one of their most passionate kisses that night. It sparked a new sense of love. Mature, mannered, and workable. As long as they had each other, it would always be workable.
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okaerina · 1 year
#사랑 enhypen as your bf !
warnings!...none just pure fluff and affection, lowercase intended.
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notes : fun fact this was the first work i wanted to post but got distracted :)
genre : fluff, established relationships, slight angst
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soft flirty bf huhu he's literally gonna flirt so hard and on top of that if you're shy he's absolutely gonna shapeshift your cheeks into a tomato/strawberry whatv red stuff you prefer :) i mean we all know hee is a pro at flirting so good luck to your sanity RIP
lots of singing fs this man's gonna sing for you like can't sleep? dw babe he's got a soty typa lullaby, bored/stressed? who needs a lofi playlist when you got lee hee :) hEAR me out he's definitely gonna write songs for you jsjsjs he's gonna sing em to you randomly cause It's romantic right?? he'll look deep into your eyes, throw that signature smirk of his and sing oh so lovingly cause he knows he's driving you nutz ;)
lotsss of movie gaming dates he'll beat you at every game heyyy he's an ace i don’t make the rules 🥱 but time to time he'll chill down and let you win few rounds intentionally but you don't need to know that
he loves to kiss you sm, your cheeks are his fav place to smooch uwu. but don't forget to smooch him back hehe.
his love is is a mix of quality time and words of affection !
omg he's gonna be so caring and protective towards you he's basically your second momma 😭
but don’t get fooled by his strong facade deep inside he's your lil kitty ready to be taken care of so plz do check on him and give him the affection he deserves
he gets seriously jealous whenever your paying too much attention on maeumi and she's reciprocating it with heavy affection. "cats are best" he would literally blurt out of nowhere and you can't help but laugh at his silly tantrum.
there will be times where won wouldn’t be feeling his best. all the stress, work and commotion tires him out sm yet he still feels like he's not the best. on those days he only seeks for your comfort. knowing very well all he needs is you beside him to make him feel better plz always love this boy he's gonna be a mess without you :(
his love is a mix of quality time and soft physical affection !
rich sugar daddy bf but he actually acts like a dad lmao
if your eyes lingers on a item from more than 0.00001 seconds he'll buy it for you no matter what
he makes you lots of healthy homemade meals and does all the chores for you plz he's such a material man I want him 🛐
jay loves you alot and is always there to guide in every situation he'll be both mature and goofy cracking silly dad jokes to lighten up your mood girl you better appreciate this man and love him back 😾‼️
his love is a mix acts of service and words of affection !
so how does it feel to have a rizzmastser as your bf 😃? /j
he's so cute goofy and babygirl you wanna gatekeep him
he'll get excited over all sorts of lil things. will take you out on various fun dates like arcades, amusement parks, pet cafes but his most fav date place and activity is going out on a walk with you and layla in a nice, less crowded, green park uwu!
you’re basically layla's mom now. he'll let you play with her and take care of her in his absence (layla's so cute noo 😭)
another smooch lover but his fav place is the lips ;) his lips are basically glued to yours.
his love is a mix of quality time and physical affection !
awkward ahh goofy bf 😃
he's gonna be so unserious in general but dw he gets pretty mature and serious when he needs to be :)
he'll be a bit awkward at initiating affection first so if you take matters in hand and initiate affection first he'll be over the moon ahaha.
once he's opened up to you he'll be quite a affectionate guy but he isn’t a pda lover so behind closed doors he's all lovey dovey ^^
he'll let you play with gaeul and then he's gonna be like "gaeul is so lucky to have visual parents aka me n you 😌💅" and you’re like 😀👍 lmao
ice rink dates uwu. he's gonna be your personal figure skating coach &lt;3
his love language is definitely quality times !
the slayest bf ever im jealous 🥺
king of affection boy's literally gonna bicker about who's the most affectionate one or who's more slay lol.
lots of tteobokkie dates and self care nights
yall will do sleep overs and do each others skincare. he's practically gonna turn into your special dermatologist 💅
but he can be very serious and understanding. whenever your having a hard time he'll be there in a flash of light he understands you better than anyone in this world and is always there to cheer you up &lt;3
his love language is a mix of physical affection and quality time !
A 6'3" TEASE
but first he needs time to open up to you to get friendly enough to tease relentlessly
so when he gets all warmed up say bye bye to your life 😈 /j
he teases you and is very playful but dw he respects you alot too and is very understanding and serious when needed to be &lt;3
lots of piggyback rides from him, he loves to cuddle you and play footsies lol.
he loves to lay on your lap cuz in that position he can admire your pretty face and relax too 😍
he'll call you in his late night solo practices to showoff but it'll turn into a goofy dance session and filled with laughs and affection he's so 😢
he'll take you out on arcade or bowling dates and would tease the he'll out of you if you suck :D
insists on playing video games with you but it ends up with him doing some stupid bets you always keep losing 🙄 but dw he'll let you win time to time intentionally ;)
he'll be such a sillygoofy fun boyfie plz I want him he's so cool and cute
he's love language will be a mix of quality time and physical affection !
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© aenfilmz /2023 !
taglist : @solarwoniii @shiningstar-byulxx @wtfhyuck
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linos-luna · 1 year
Yandere Stray Kids Profiles 🔪
My headcannons for Yandere Skz.
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—————————— 🔪 ——————————
Bang Chan
Manipulative and controlling
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Chan doesn’t need to hurt you. He can charm you into doing whatever he wants. He can control who you talk to or where you go and you wouldn’t even realize it. He love bombs you and hits all your insecurities. On the rare chance that he does get mad, he’ll punish you by a spanking. But he apologizes afterwards and makes you believe you deserved it.
• He’s so sweet and loving
.• gives you everything you could ever want.
• spoils you and tells you nice things.
• he has successfully cut off your friends and family. But you don’t know that. He says they abandoned you.
• you might develop Stockholm Syndrome
• he’s all you need.
• Always gaslighting you
• you call him Daddy.
• A rule he’s very strict about
• He’ll spank you if you make him mad.
• and make you explain what you did wrong
• then tell you it hurt him more than you.
• and you believe him. He’s so loving! How could you make him so angry?
“Daddy is very disappointed in you…”
“Why would you do that, babygirl?”
“Whatever you want, I’ll buy it for you!”
“Do you want daddy to touch you? To make you feel good?”
“Daddy would never hurt you.”
Unhinged but controlling
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Unhinged is putting it lightly. He loves you desperately and believes you love him too. Unlike Chan, he is not so subtle when controlling you. He loves being in control. And he’s not afraid to hurt you.
• He’ll snap at you at random.
• obsessed with everything you do
• rarely lets you go out but when you do, he always stalks you.
• rules he expects you to follow
- call him oppa
- kisses everday!
- wear only what he wants you to wear
- NO talking back…
• He WILL punish you
• lock you in the closet or spank you
• actually, he looks for any excuse to do so
• He loves to bend you over his lap and spank you, making you count each one
Violent… sometimes unintentional
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Changbin is very short tempered. Being with him is like walking on eggshells: but he doesn’t want to hurt you. Not at all! But sometimes he fails to realize his strength.
• He just wants you by his side all the time
• Always hold his hand in public
• or else he’ll pull you close.
• might dislocate your shoulder.
• but he doesn’t mean it!
• but sometimes you make him snap and he’ll yell or slam fists on the table.
• you better hide before you end up in his crossfire
• He will spank you you as a last resort
“Come here, why are you so distant?”
“Why did you make me hurt you?!”
“Im sorry that I love you so much!”
“You make me crazy.”
Delusional and hopeless romantic
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Hyunjin believes you are soulmates. He believes you are the love of his life and wants to please you. Rather than facing reality, he rather stay in this delusion…
• desperate for you
• cherishes and practically worships you
• not very violent but immediately remorseful if he hurts you
• will do everything for you
• you don’t even have to walk
• but you can’t go out without him, even in the backyard
• keeps you away from windows
• can’t taint your skin to the sun rays!
• easily jealous
• writes you poems and makes you are
“Sorry! Sorry! Darling, I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
“You’re the love of my life!”
“Anything for you, love.”
Psychotic and Craves attention 24/7
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He’s very needy and constantly wants your attention. If you don’t give it to him, he get mad- no. Furious. How dare you reject him. You’re supposed to love him! I mean, he takes care of you right?
• give him all your attention!
• never mention another boy around him!
• even if it’s like a brother or cousin
• if you don’t give him attention, he’ll get very accusatory
• He’ll think you’re cheating!
• then he gets crazy
• starts speaking nonsense
• and getting violent.
“Why did you leave?? Were you cheating??”
“Noona, who are you talking to?”
“Hey! Get off your phone! Love me!”
“Cheater! How dare you!”
Subby yandere?
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Felix acts like an innocent boy. There’s no way he’s bad. He just wants you to love him and take care of him. But sometimes he gets angry and loses his composure.
• Wants you to be with him all the time. Why would you leave him?
• he’d never hurt you right?
• well if he loses composure, then he will.
• he wants to be your cute subby boy…
• for you to love him and cuddle
• and if you break that he’ll get angry.
• He’ll throw a fit and kick and punch
• Play along if you wanna keep the peace
“No that’s not right! I thought you loved me!”
“Don’t leave me, I’m sowwy 🥺”
Stotic and unpredictable
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It’s a little unnerving how calm Seungmin can be. You’re never sure what exactly he’s going to do at any given moment. Sometimes he’s fine, but then he’s yelling at you.
• he’s obsessed with you but doesn’t outwardly show it
• gives you lots of rules
• some you didn’t even know were rules until he gets mad
• he likes making you nervous
• likes controlling you
• hates when you don’t listen
• will suddenly yell in your face.
• threatens you with violence but won’t actually do it
• but then be calm and want to cuddle
“Sweetheart… what are you doing?”
“Did I say you were allowed to talk to her?”
“Bad girl!!”
“Sit down!”
“C’mon baby, let’s go lay down and watch movies ☺️”
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Jeongin knows he’s cute. He knows you find him adorable. So he uses that to his advantage. He’ll get you to do anything he wants.
• He would prevent you from going to see family or friends by coincidentally getting hurt
• Your baby is in pain! You must help him!
• constantly injures him actually
• will do anything for your attention
• Says your friend is mean to him. Of course you believe him! Maybe she’s jealous. No need to see her anymore.
“Noona! Where are you going? My stomach hurts. I think I’m sick.”
“I missed you all day. Why don’t you spend time with me?”
“I didn’t mean it, noona! I’m sorry!” 🥺
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
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first podiums * aa23
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it’s her first win in formula one as a female driver and her boyfriend can’t be any happier for her
pairings: alex albon x reader!driver
notes: NOT in any way, shape, or form related to vettel reincarante calm ur horses.. i also sincerely apologise to all the anons sending in requests while i just keep posting logan shit 😭😭 i’m genuinely trying my best please forgive me!!
also um… this is VERY like… so mediocre… i’m so sorry for this babygirl… i will post another fluff alex fic tomorrow i sweaRRR I’M BETTER THAN THIS
(f1 masterlist)
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you hadn’t even realised you’d won the race. all the cheering your engineer and team principal had screamed into your ears through the radio hadn’t fully registered. not until you drove into parc ferme and you were guided to the signage with the number one on it.
you couldn’t even climb out of your car, until a figure towered over the halo, causing you to look up. the driver you’d held off for the better part of the last ten laps of the race greets you with a wide smile, gesturing for you to get out of the car and says something about celebrating.
once you climb out of you car, you’re immediately greeted with a tight hug and praises from the veteran driver.
“oh, you raced that so well! i couldn’t find a way past you in those last laps,” max says to you, patting your helmet firmly. “you deserve this. congrats.”
“thank you,” you’d answer him before he walks away to greet other drivers driving into parc ferme.
but you waste no time. you quickly run over to your team, held back by the barricades, and throw yourself into the sea of arms where they sing you praises and pat your back. it’s exhilarating to be on the receiving end after a long weekend.
it’s not been kind to you: starting the race in the midfield, only to fight your way up and be graced by a yellow flag to chase after max for that fight to your first win in formula one.
and being the first to do it other than max this season, it’s a good look for you and the team that’s brought you here today.
you thought the hugs would never end when you tried to pull away but the only wrapped their arms around you tighter, until there was a pat on your shoulder. your feet touch the ground and you’re immediately twirled into another warm hug.
you had no idea who it was until you opened an eye to meet the bright blue race suit you’ve known and loved the entire season. you had no confirmation until he spoke: “i’m so proud of you.”
"alex," you manage to squeak against his race suit, your helmet uncomfortably being held in alex's arms.
you can hear him giggle as he reaches beneath your helmet, unclipping the harness before he helps you to pull off your head. "hey, race winner! you were amazing out there!"
"how'd you get here so fast?" you laugh, looking around for his car.
"i finished p4 today," he smiles.
you throw your head back in a softer laugh, yanking off your balaclava. you tear away the hair tie that held your hair up, fluffing it out after it'd been stuck to your head for the better part of the past two hours.
"that's amazing, alex! that's a good race!"
"yours is even better! you won!" he beams. "speaking of that, i do have a surprise."
"what are you talking about?"
alex reaches for something behind him, probably held onto by somebody else. you try to move your head around his body to see what it is, but he's quick to counter your gaze by moving himself to where your eyes wander.
"congratulations," alex smiles, moving his hand between your bodies, presenting to you the biggest bouquet to flowers you've ever seen in your life. "these are for you. there will be more later after the podium."
"aren't we going to the nightclub with the guys after the podium and press?" you whisper, taking the flowers into your hands and taking a step towards him. "you guys have got that new race winner tradition, don't you? since you guys kinda run the grid now?”
"you're not much of a drinker - i'm sure they'll understand," alex shrugs with a small smile. "besides, would you rather spend the evening with tons of drunk losers, or just one sober loser - whom you're very much in love with?"
“i guess the latter does sound very romantic,” you smile sweetly, letting him pull you in with a hand on your waist. “you are planning something romantic, right?”
“of course. it’s my baby’s first win in formula one,” alex smiles, leaning down with puckered lips.
you wrap a hand around his neck, reeling him in to connect your lips. the moment is so intimate that you almost don’t notice the flashing lights that surround you.
but it doesn’t go past alex. if he could have all the privacy in the world and do whatever he wants with you, he would. so, he does the one thing he thinks would help him avoid headlines and your pictures plastered everywhere in the morning.
he lifts his helmet to hide your face away from the cameras, allowing you to share whatever’s left of your intimate moment. he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. “you’re a race winner. when we get back home, we can make our trophies kiss.”
“that’s cute. they’re like our little kids,” you giggle, nudging his nose with yours. “i’ll see you in the car after i’m done with everything? look cute, okay?”
being on the top of that podium step was more exhilarating than you could ever imagine. to hear the crowd chant your name, to listen to your national anthem being blasted for everyone to hear and to watch your loved ones huddled together in the crowd for you is a feeling you’ll never be able to shake off.
in the far corner, you could see alex forcing logan to take a video of you, probably telling him off about which angle to hold the phone at to make you look flattering.
you almost burst into tears when you watched the rookie shove the phone back into your boyfriend’s hands and walk away, shaking his head in disappointment.
with every step you took in the paddocks thereafter, somebody is quick to stop you in your tracks. whether it’s for a picture, a short greeting for your performance, or just a hug. it’s all managed to make you feel a little overwhelmed.
and tired. because by the time alex managed to get you all to himself, it’s practically midnight and all the remaining energy had been squeezed out of you.
you weren’t even able to make a friendly appearance at the nightclub that max had invited you out to. your boyfriend had to practically drag you out of your driver’s room before you passed out in there entirely.
here you are, in your hotel room surrounded by takeout and a pint of chocolate ice cream. your ipad is propped up by several pillows with a random youtube video playing in the room.
“love,” alex hums, reaching out to pause the video. he rolls on his stomach, tapping your shoulder. “i hope you were able to enjoy your first win. i know you’re quite tired.”
of course, you’d been dozing off with the takeout box in your hand. but alex had put in so much effort in making his hotel room feel like a celebration after all your efforts throughout the evening that it would have felt rude — illegal, even — to politely decline from how drained you are.
“love, of course, i enjoyed everything,” you smile, putting a hand on his cheek. you tilt your head and let your hair fall past your shoulders. “i’m sorry, i wish i had more energy to go out and do something. we could have gotten some drinks and celebrated with the guys.”
alex leans into your touch, closing his eyes momentarily. “i hope my simple setup didn’t disappoint. i would have gotten us some wine, but ya know… you don’t really drink.”
“hey, i love cranberry juice,” you grin, pinching his cheek very slightly. “thank you. for all of this, and the flowers. you really didn’t have to — it’s not like i’d won the championship?”
“oh, you’re aiming for that next,” alex smiles with a nod. “not before me, though! you’re going to have to fight me for that championship.”
“ah, i wouldn’t speak so much for someone who can’t beat me in mario kart,” you roll your eyes playfully.
alex raises his eyebrows, sitting up in disbelief. “yeah? you got the energy to beat me in mario kart right now?”
“i always have the energy for that!” you shriek when alex yanks you into his body, trying to avoid spilling the food onto your white bedsheets. “alex, the food!”
“eat faster so we can play mario kart! come on!”
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hakogyi · 5 months
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BREAKING: the most toxic duo is currently rotting your brain and you need to see more of them NOW!
keep reading for my very incoherent thoughts about these two
i'm crying idk why i'm so attached to ginkir suddenly but they are currently my guilty pleasure brainrot. i know gin is so so so toxic to kir (and to everyone else. what's new) but i don't ship them in the "i want them to fall in love and kiss" way i need them in the "gin is strangely and inexplicably obsessed with kir and the series will end with kir killing him with his own gun" way (incoming spoilers for movies 20 and 26 + the kir arc/the shuichi akai special collection)
i'm probably reaching with this but bear with me. gin is an impulsive, violent man. his first instinct when faced with anything is to take out his gun and shoot. he's shot kir multiple times - in the darkest nightmare, when she and bourbon were chained to a pole for being on the NOC list, then in black iron submarine, when she was standing in between gin and the eur•p•l agent he wanted dead. OKAY. but he's never shot her with the intent of killing her AND I KNOW THAT'S A LOW BAR BUT BEAR WITH ME.
gin kills as a safeguard!! he killed akemi because of her relationship with an fb! agent and she'd become a liability. he wants to kill haibara because she escaped and is a liability. but after kir gets literally captured by the fb! AND is suspected to be a NOC, gin doesn't...gaf?? gin goes through so much trouble to get her back alive when he could've just blown up all the fbi vans and gotten rid of not only kir, who may have become a liability at this point, but also a bunch of fb! agents to snipe their manpower?? ok gin
"she's an absolute beast when she's cornered" ok gin. ok. is it also because she's the only woman apart from vermouth who dares to manhandle you. is that it. ok gin. i'm nowhere near done with this quote yet i fear i've truly lost my mind. gin is so clearly impressed by the lie she told him about brutally murdering the c!a agents but from what he actually sees of her firsthand he knows she's doesn't like to kill. he literally has to keep telling her "don't hesitate". gin's not dumb! he should have caught on to her lie by now! he should already know in his BONES that kir is a NOC! AND SHE'S STILL ALIVE?? ok gin
the close-up shot of kir's hand on gin's in black iron submarine as she stops him from pulling the lever. people d!ed (me). on a side note i feel like i understand gin on a whole new level after these revelations. i mean have you seen kir
to conclude i think gin is really, really strangely tolerant of kir and i love thinking about him having some sort of weird confused one-sided obsession with her that he doesn't know how to express apart from doing what he always does and holding her at gunpoint. i want this series to end with kir shooting him dead because YES i know gin's true long-established rival (cough 恋人 cough) and the one who will probably actually do him in is shuichi but shuichi's not the one who's been subjected to gin's impulsive bloodthirsty whims as part of his little evil squad ok. rena deserves this just as much as shuichi does
ok about the actual art. sorry i probably could've translated all of my ginkir thoughts into a much better more intense and analytical comic but then i started giggling like a crazy person and this happened. sorry i made gin too babygirl. i need kir to kiss me
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emmyrosee · 7 months
“Toji!” You giggle, squirming away from him as fast as you can, only for a beefy hand to wrap around your ankle and drag you back.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He smirks, catching your other flailing ankle before lifting them in one hand, his now free one smacking your butt playfully. You whine at the playful little hits, but you shriek with laughter as his blunt nails drag down the back of your knees, his grip on your ankles tight as you yank. “This is personal now.”
“I’m sorry!” You manage between giggles.
You’re loud enough you don’t hear the door open and close, nor the footsteps slowly coming up the stairs, and through your teary eyes, you see two figures standing in the doorway.
“Help me!” You whine.
Toji moves his tickling from your knees to your hips, then turns to the two dark haired men in the doorframe. Rintaro merely smirks at him while Suguru crosses his arms. “‘Sup?”
“Nothing,” Rintaro chuckles. Then, he tips his head and gives you a fake pout, “and how did we poke the bear this time, troublemaker?”
“I dihihidnt!” You giggle, knowing full well you are more than deserving being punished.
“I call bullshit,” Suguru confesses.
“You should!” Toji shakes his head, “little fucker had the nerve to call me old after i did her oil change!”
“Annnd there it is,” Rintaro teases. “The truth comes out.”
“Make him stohohop!” You beg, using your weaker grip to try and dislodge his hands from your hips. “I-I’ll be good, I promise!”
“Alright, alright,” Suguru chuckles, making his way to the bed. He sits down next to you and kisses the giggles falling from your lips, and you let your mind appreciate the kiss and stop struggling in Toji’s wrath. He hums at Toji, “better call it. She’s all whiney now.”
“I would argue that’s when she’s at her best,” toji grumbles, but he ultimately does let you go, and you scramble away from him and into Suguru’s arms.
He snorts and holds you close, “it’s alright baby, I won’t let the bad man torture you anymore.”
“You’d better,” you huff. Your eyes shift to rintaro, who you also make a grabby hand for.
He pulls a face “ew, I don’t want to sit next to suguru, he’s gross.” He teases as he makes his way to the bed.
Suguru rolls his eyes, “you’re the one who just got out of practice.” Rintaro mimics him as he plops down on the other side of you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
Toji crosses his arms, “I hope you learned your lesson, brat,” he grumbles.
“I was just teasing you,” you huff. “You’re not old. Or not that old anyways.” When he furrows his brows, you snicker and curl into Suguru more.
“I can only protect you so much, babygirl,” he chuckles, letting his thumb smooth over your hip as he cradles you. “You know toji never strikes unprovoked.”
“Yuh-huh he does!” You grumble. “All the time! Like if you don’t love me, just say that.”
“Oh don’t give me any of that,” toji smirks. “As if I don’t fold for your shit constantly.”
“Lover boy,” rintaro snickers, ignoring Toji’s glare. Then, he turns back to you and rests his head on your shoulder, “he didn’t get you last night when you jammed your cold ass feet in his sweats.”
“Only because you wouldn’t let me do it to you,” you giggle.
Suguru hums, “he also didn’t strike when you blew a raspberry at him when he asked for a bite of your ice cream.”
“I wouldn’t have given any of you a bite,” you hum. It earns you a poke from Suguru, and you yelp and skitter into Rintaro’s side now; he happily wraps his arm around you victoriously. “Rinnie, protect me.”
“Yeah, let me protect you against Mr body builder and Mr has the house under his name,” he snorts. “I have a death wish, but not by them.” He nuzzles at you with his nose, “but it’s okay. I still love you even though you fuck around and constantly find out.”
“Thanks, Rin.”
@throwmethroughawindow @reverie-starlight @lithielana LOOKIN AT YOU THREE-
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attyrocious · 8 months
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cross posting yesterday's rambling thread for posterity and because tumblr lets me edit things. anyway this is a sorta long thing and i might add things i forgot to mention in the twt thread
i tend to draw on-model canon because im a coward + just personal preferences. but the way i convert the canon designs into my artstyle is that i take the distinct features oda gives them and then combine it with personal headcanons to complete what should look like a unique human. Starting with Trafalgar Law, who is unfortunately a bland-ass conventionally pretty boy
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someone commented a while ago the law hat drawing tutorial i made a while ago didn't make much sense and i realize its bc of the specific way i draw law's face: heart shaped (ba-dum-tss). That meaning, a narrow chin widening into a mild defined jaw, wide cheekbones, and up to his know-it-all brain dome.
given that, the pudgy guitar pick shape of his head i mentioned here should make a lot more sense.
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i don't think this design point is unique to me, as most conventional pretty anime boy gets given jaws like this. a lot of law artists tend to veer into this head shape. just how life be sometimes. other points: flat, thick eyebrows is bc im a hairy gal and i need to feel better about myself.
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Killer gets to be more interesting, because he shouldn't be considered conventionally attractive. my idea behind killer's is that those individual features is smth he would be insecure with enough to hide himself in a helmet but i draw him with all the love in the world actually. i'd like to think its how kid sees him or yknow, law, bc he's my kin assigned blorbo and maybe you ship lawkill as a guilty pleasure too i mentioned before (and ruined people's days) when i said whenever i draw killer he looks like griffith before i put on his goatee. the upper half of his face is distinctly feminine, with the lower half kinda over compensating. other than that uhh...idk. stan killer
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Kidd is the bane of my existence, i feel like i can never draw his face consistently. yet at the same time he's so damn fun to draw everyone gotta try it.
my problem with kidd is that this mf does have eyelids. most kidd painters out there interpret this as him having deep set eyes (think Matt Smith or jeffrey star) . and yeh skill issue on me i should practice that. other notes, i try to make him younger than canon makes him look. he is my babygirl and he deserves to look cuddly. my band au kidd version has the honor of being allowed some chubs. he's just tries to look older and more menacing with edgy makeup. also i try to give him dimples when i can because, well i can.
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Rosinante last bc i lost steam after kidd. the thing abt cora is that aside from not having eyebrows, everything is structured with the generic one piece man template. which means i gotta do everything myself doffy is there bc the way to figure out how to draw these two is to give them minor differences from each other, that being doffy gets slightly sharper features. in canon, these two are also rly wide boys (more of an oda style feat tbh) but i make them long. though bigger brained donquixote artists know that of these two brothers, doffy should be the wiry-er built. anyway that's it. in conclusion, i need to draw more girls actually i feel like im becoming misogynistic by osmosis from oda's style and now i draw girls all looking the same too.
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supermarvelgirl15 · 1 month
The Stripper's Bodyguard
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Summary: Wade tricks you into dressing as a stripper to get information for a merc job. Logan isn't too thrilled about it.
Pairing: Logan Howlett × f!reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Slight Deadpool and Wolverine spoilers, Wade being Wade, alcohol tw, light violence, perverts, and reader has self-doubts for a moment
A/N: I too have become a victim of the Logan Renaissance ™. This is my first time writing for Logan and Wade, so I apologize for any inaccuracies. I love my little angry babygirl <3
Main Masterlist
You didn’t want to be here. To be fair, you’re sure the only one that wanted to be here was Wade, but his vote didn’t count. Not to you anyway, or Logan for that matter. The place was crowded, loud, and the floor was sticky, you dare not to think with what. 
   The hell, although heaven to some apparently, you were currently in was a strip club. Wade had persuaded, no, dragged you to join him. It was obvious that he was here for something other than the gorgeous, half-naked women because he was dressed head to toe in his suit, despite hiding his weapons from view and some petite bag he was carrying. Sure, he could just be covering his face for—ahem—other reasons, but you knew how Wade played these games. Besides, the only stripper he went to anymore was Vanessa, and this wasn’t her place. 
   Before his little mid-life crisis, you were Wade’s “guy in the chair.” You were the one that would find Wade his merc jobs, always finding the biggest asshole with the biggest number on their head. There were a fair share of targets that were done for free, but those were usually the ones that deserved a fate worse than Wade’s sword. 
   During his time as a car salesman, however, you just became an information distributor, selling knowledge to whoever was willing to buy. You always did your research on the buyer of course, never letting info get into the wrong hands. The job wasn’t fun without Deadpool though. Especially when the rent usually fell onto just you and Al, because who in their right mind would buy a vehicle from a raisin with what looked like a baby Ewok stapled on his head. 
   Then one day, Wade pranced back into the apartment accompanied with a dog dressed in a matching Deadpool suit and a man that seemed vaguely familiar. Apparently, the two of them had just saved your universe, and the scruffy man, Logan, was from another Earth in a separate timeline. You were just happy that Wade had found himself again. 
   Slowly, but surely, you grew accustomed to your new roommate. Logan mostly kept to himself, but he was always kind and polite towards you. The ideal roommate really, unlike a certain mouth. He was easy on the eyes too, so bonus. 
   It was nice to have someone else around while Wade started seeing Vanessa again. You loved Al to death, but when she didn’t have her “white girl interrupted” time, not even the Wolverine dared to get in her way. You’d like to think Logan liked the company as well. 
   Logan didn’t share any of his past with you, but from what you gathered from Wade, you didn’t blame him. You just hoped that this Earth treated him better than the last. Even though you didn’t know too much about him, he seemed like he had earned it. 
   He honestly felt like a personal bodyguard at times, which was great for the creepy guys at the grocery store. One instance when it was your turn to go food shopping, Logan decided to tag along—it was either going with you or risk getting roped into helping Wade give Mary Puppins a bath.  
   While at the store, a guy had come up behind you, making a comment about your ass. Before you could even get a word out, Logan stepped in between you and the guy, looking down at him with an expression that usually meant that he was about to stab Wade with his claws. A “beat it, bub” was all it took for the creep to hightail it out of there. The butterflies that came to life in your stomach after that hadn’t flown away since. 
   You eventually got back the title of Wade’s—and now sometimes Logan’s—guy in the chair, and you were ecstatic to go back to your roots. Between the three of you, rent was no longer a problem, which was relief to Al’s ears. You all made a pretty good team, even with Dogpool. 
   It was earlier that day when Wade came to you, asking if you were free. At the time you had said yes, but now you wished you had lied. He just clapped and ordered you to get ready, that he was going to take you out for a girl’s night—ha! You should’ve known better than that. 
   Logan had overheard you crazily caving into Wade’s pleas to go out with him. He didn’t need heightened senses to know that Wade had an ulterior motive to getting you to go out. That’s why he invited himself to come along. Someone had to make sure Wade wasn’t screwing you over. 
   Now, the three of you were hanging out on the outskirts of the club, the music blaring through the speakers around you. You weren’t even one of the working girls, yet you could still feel multiple pairs of eyes on you. It must’ve been a coincidence that Logan moved himself closer to you then.  
   “Are you going to tell us why you dragged us here?” You questioned Wade over the music. You had to repeat yourself a second time for him to hear you. 
   Wade turned to you, holding up two fingers. “Two things. One: I dragged you here. Real Steel came on his own, which isn’t a new thing for him. Don’t worry, pal, we’ve all been there.” He attempted to give Logan a reassuring pat on the back, but Logan’s warning glare made him rethink it rather quickly. 
   “Two: Remember Mister Bad Guy we’ve been looking into? He’s here getting his rocks off with some friends of his, like some evil orgey thing.” Wade made a gesture with his hands, one making you scrunch your nose up in disgust. You’d think you’d be used to it by now. 
   The “Mister Bad Guy” Wade was referring to was a man named Ramone Grimm—his name even sounded evil. He was one of the homicidal leaders of a trafficking ring that both you and Wade had been keeping tabs on. You’ve been looking tirelessly for where their operations were being held, but kept running into a dead end. How Wade even found out he was here was beyond you. 
   Your eyes widened in surprise. “What? How? More importantly, what does that have to do with me being here?” You never went out into the field, that was strictly Wade’s area of expertise. He knew that too, so now you definitely knew something was up. 
   “Everything, sweetums!” Wade excitedly reached into the bag he had been carrying, pulling out a two-piece set that looked similar to lingerie. “I hope you don’t mind that I know your size. Blind Al’s always getting our bras mixed up in the laundry.” He held up the outfit up against himself to display the look for you. 
   Bile rose up at the back of your throat. “What, what do I need that for?” Your eyes had to be bulging outside of your head. It really didn’t help that Logan was here witnessing all of this. You were going to find a way to kill Wade. 
   Wade just dipped his head, looking at you like he was annoyed that he had to spell it out. “For your promotion to exotic dancer, silly.” He threw the set back into the bag before rubbing his hands together. “Now, what should your name be? Candy’s too cliché. Buttercup? Nah, too Robin Wright-y. How about—” 
   Both you and Logan spat out the word, though you’re sure his held more venom in it. Logan’s fist clenched at his sides, along with his jaw. He looked more pissed off at Wade than you were, if that was possible. 
   Holding his hands up in surrender, Wade took a step back. “Whoa there, Mickey and Mallory. No need to go all Natural Born Killers on me. It’s just a cover so you could get close enough to Grimm and his buddies. Believe me, if I could get away with wearing this,” he held up the bag that now hung on his finger, “I’d already be out there struttin’ my stuff, baby girl.” 
   Logan stepped in between the two of you. “She’s not wearing that,” he seethed through his teeth. This had to be Wade’s most idiotic plan yet, and Logan wasn’t about to let you be a part of it. 
   Wagging his finger, Wade clicked his tongue. “That’s not very woke of you. I know you were alive before women were even allowed to wear pants, but come on, James, get with the program.” Wade’s life flashed before your eyes when Logan roughly grabbed him by the collar. 
   Before he could take it any further, you snatched the bag out of Wade’s hands. “I’ll do it,” you muttered, rubbing the material in the bag between your fingers. At least it was thick. 
   “You don’t need to do this,” Logan tried to reason with you as he let go of Wade.  
   You just shook your head. “It’s fine, Logan. Besides, you and Wade will be here to watch my six, right?” You let out a dry chuckle at an attempt to make him believe you were actually fine with it, but you knew he could see through your facade. Still, he reluctantly nodded in agreement. 
   The bathroom mirror did nothing to hide your discomfort, both from the lack of clothing in a place full of men with bad intentions and that Wade did in fact get the right size. It was going to be worth it though. You were doing this to save lives. It was just like wearing a bathing suit, right? Right. 
   After several minutes of psyching yourself up, you emerged from the bathroom, the immediate stares burning holes into your skin. There was nothing like being the new blood at a strip joint. You already regretted going along with this. 
   “Well, look. At. You! If I knew you were going to look this sexy, I would’ve started buying you lingerie a loooong time ago.” Wade used his hands as a pretend camera. “Might have to save this mental image for later. I know Wolvie here definitely is, you filthy animal.” 
   The daggers you were using to stab Wade repeatedly in your mind wasn’t enough. 
   You had to make yourself look at Logan, just to see his eyes raking over you, soaking you in. The expression on his face was unreadable. Maybe the outfit wasn’t so bad after all.  
   “What do I need to do now?” You asked as you scanned the crowd, locking eyes with a few different men instantly. Ew. The other women that walked around had a confidence that made your insecurities start to claw their way up to the surface. How could Vanessa do this for a living? 
   Wade made a gesture for a group huddle, but just ended up putting one arm awkwardly around Logan and a hand respectfully on your shoulder. You were surprised that Logan even let him go that far, but you just found that his eyes were still on you. Hopefully he’d think your elevated heartbeat was because of your nerves. 
   “Here’s the gameplan, team. You’re gonna work your magic and make your way to the back where the VIP tables are while we play the stripper’s bodyguard. Once you hear Grimm’s dirty little secrets, we ride off into the sunset. Capiche?” Wade looks at you expectantly. You swallow past the lump in your throat, forcing yourself to nod. “Great! Okay, on three! One, two, three! Go Dragons!”  
   With that, Wade took off skipping across the club, leaving you with your self-doubts. Why did you let him drag you here? Why did you agree to do this? This is why you stay at home, where it’s safe and away from the real danger of this job. You’re not cut out for this. There’re too many people. Are you freaking out now? Oh, no, you’re freaking out— 
   “Hey. Look at me.” 
   Logan gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. His touch stopped your inner turmoil, your focus zoning in on him. His eyes glanced over your face. “You look fine,” he assured you. At least you wouldn’t hyperventilate now because you’re pretty sure you forgot how to breathe. 
   “Anyone touches you, says anything to you, so much as looks at you the wrong way—you come get me, and I’ll set ’em straight. Understand?” Logan’s voice is low as he speaks to you, the sound comforting to your ears against the obnoxious music. You slowly nod, not trusting your voice enough to respond verbally.  
   He keeps eye contact with you, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your chin, until he’s sure you’ll be okay. It isn’t until then that he finally let’s go of you, reluctantly pushing himself through the club in the opposite direction that Wade went. You didn’t take your eyes off his back until he disappeared into the sea of people. 
   You take a deep breath, coming back to your senses. You could do this. You looked hot, you were confident, and Logan or Wade wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you. Everything would be fine. 
   Your shoes had trouble with clinging to the questionable floor as you made your way towards the back, ignoring the cat calls from other patrons. You picked up a discarded tray with drinks from a table to make it look like you had a reason for being in VIP. It was surprisingly easy to get in, with you just telling the bouncer that you were the new blood. The way his eyes raked over your body was nothing like the way Logan had looked at you. This one left you nauseated instead of elated.  
   The bouncer just let you in with a mumbled “good luck” and closed the rope behind you. Now, you just had to find Grimm’s table. His face was practically burned onto the back of your eyelids from all the times you’ve been researching him and his group. How did Wade find him here when you didn’t? You probably didn’t want to know. 
   Once you slipped pass the VIP rope, Logan lost sight of you, which made his heartbeat pick up some. It was hard to focus on just your scent when there were so many others mixing together within this place. He was going to stab Wade in the dick for this. You shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t have let you do this.  
   One way or the other, this was going to end with him mauling somebody. Everyone in this place should be praying to God that someone doesn’t lay a single finger on you. He needed a drink. 
   Grimm’s table were a bunch of disgusting bastards. They were all drunk and held no respect for the girls that were working their table. Then again, what else would you expect from assholes that ran a trafficking ring. 
   It didn’t take long for one of them to mention something about transporting “products” to a warehouse a couple states over. You tried your hardest to keep your expression neutral as you mentally jotted the location down while also ignoring the unsavory comments from the other men. This whole mess was actually going to be worth it. 
   You were luckily able to slip back out just as easily as you had slipped in, acknowledging the bouncer with a small smile. All you had to do now was find Wade and Logan, get out of here, and put on some more clothes. You were actually amazed at how smoothly this had worked out. 
   “Where you off to, darlin’?” 
   Maybe you spoke too soon. 
   Everything in you went into overdrive as you slowly turned to face the guy that had spoken to you, seeing that he was barely even able to stand on his own. He took a long sip from his beer, his eyes glued to everything on you but your face. 
   “Sorry, my shift just ended.” You offered him an uncomfortable smile before turning away from him.
   The guy immediately grabbed your arm, pulling you back towards him. “But we just got started,” he slurred, his breath alone enough to intoxicate you. His grip didn’t waver, even when you tried to pull away. Frantically, your eyes scanned the crowd, hoping to find either Logan or Wade, but neither of them were in sight. Where were they? 
   “Let me go.” You said the words with as much malice that you could muster, but they might as well had fallen on deaf ears. If anything, they just seemed to entice him more. 
   “Oh, ’m like it when ya talk back.” His face was way too close to yours now. The smell of his breath—and his words—were going to make you puke right on him. Good. 
   You barely even registered it when the guy was suddenly slung backwards off of you into a table, the commotion capturing the attention of the nearby clubgoers and workers. The cause of the pervert’s sudden take of flight was none other than Logan, who now stood in front of you, his chest heaving and eyes filled with a rage that not even you had seen before. 
   “What the hell?!” Perve guy yelled as he clamored to stand back up, someone beside him eventually helping him. “What do you think you’re doing?!” 
   Logan’s hands twitched at his sides. “She said let her go.” You were worried his teeth were about to break with how hard he clenched them together. 
   Perve guy scoffed. “’M money means I can touch her if I want, jackass.” He attempted to push past Logan to get to you, but he didn’t get too far before Logan pushed him backwards until his back hit the wall with a loud thud. Logan’s claws unsheathed against the man’s neck, earning gasps and screams from the crowd that now surrounded them. 
   “You wanna try that again, bub?” Logan spat, his claws only just grazing the perve’s bobbing Adam's apple. The guy shook his head, his eyes wide. He seemed to sober up almost immediately. 
   When Logan didn’t make a move to let him go, you slowly approached him, calling his name. “Let’s get out of here.” You placed your hand on his arm gently, moving your head so he would look you in the eye.  
   Slowly, Logan retracted his claws and let him go. He gestured with his head for the guy to beat it, which he did not hesitate to do. Logan turned to you then, delicately grabbing your arm where the guy had had a hold of you. “Did he hurt you?” He still held a bit of anger in his eyes, prepared to gut the guy if you said yes. 
   You shook your head. “I’m fine. Can we just get out of here?” If anything, you’d have a bruise in the morning. You’d just try to hide it from Logan if so. The two of you had already created a big enough commotion as it was.  
   Logan stared at you a moment longer, making sure that you were actually okay. He shrugged off his jacket, placing it over your shoulders before directing you towards the door. Not a single person even dared to look in your direction while he was with you. 
   Wade had met you at the door, a few bills tucked into his belt. “I heard there was almost a murder on the dancefloor, and not the kind that gives you a salt burn either.” He paused when he noticed you in Logan’s jacket, and that Logan had a protective arm wrapped around your shoulder. “O. M. G. Did y’all have a 1992’s The Bodyguard moment? You totally did, didn’t you? You have to tell me every detail. Now, who was Whitney and who was Costner?”  
   Both you and Logan shared a look with each other before glaring at Wade. 
   “Shut it, Wade.” 
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bugs1nmybrain · 1 year
shigaraki fucking you in front of some of the LOV members (im about to climax)
This is SO funny because I've thought of this prompt so many times. I've been scared that it would be out of pocket but I consider Shigaraki my safe place to get crazy with my nsfw work. If I'm honest the only LoV member I'm down to write watching Shiggy and the reader fucking is Dabi, because Spinner and Twice don't seem like the type to get much into that. I hope you Dabi bitches like this.
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Minors do NOT interact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warnings: NSFW, fem-reader, exhibitionism, voyeurism, Dabi doesn't even touch the reader but he watches Shigaraki fuck you silly, rough sex, blowjob, overstimulation, dub-con, humiliation, reader is shy and doesn't talk much, masturbation (Dabi), possessive Shiggy, blue-haired Shigaraki (season 3ish era), Shigaraki and Dabi call the reader a slut/whore, not proofread (I also wrote this while listening to nsfw Shigaraki audios so it could be jumbled), Dabi flirts with reader, reader has long enough hair for a ponytail, Shigaraki calls reader babygirl, praise kink, slight aftercare, unprotected sex
"I can't believe you pulled one, Shigaraki. Not your disgusting ass."
"What? Jealous?" Shigaraki cackles.
"Yea okay. I'm just saying you're ugly as fuck and an incel at best. How you managed to get a girlfriend is beyond me."
You've been hanging around the league for a couple of months, via your relationship with Shigaraki. Honestly, you didn't even talk to them much. You were just there to keep Tomura company. Shigaraki, in his own twisted way, surely loved you. However, you felt as if he was making you his trophy at times.
Shigaraki never had a girlfriend until you. He hadn't even had sex. Sure, he watched a criminal amount of porn and somehow managed to get a few blowjobs from sex workers when he conned Kurogiri into giving him money for "online gaming packages." Aside from that, he had no experience. Especially no romantic experience.
So, yeah. He felt a bit of pride when you came into his life. As much as what Dabi was saying was pissing him off, Shigaraki found himself asking the same questions. Look at him. Dry, itchy, chapped lips, bony, a brat, and above all else, his quirk. But you chose him, and you were so beautiful that he had a hard time not popping a boner around you frequently. You were just so cute, how could he control it?
"You act like you're any better. Burnt flesh? Staples? Who'd want to fuck you?"
"At least I'm not annoying. Or pathetic."
That got Shigaraki, you could tell. You could see the rage in his eyes and you saw a fist forming. Shigaraki has gotten to a point where he wouldn't threaten life against his comrades, but that didn't mean he wouldn't beat their ass if they gave him lip. It's happened before. You reach out and grasp his wrist, gesturing him to calm down.
Shigaraki turns his face at you with a scowl. You give him a look that screams, "chill the fuck out." He digresses, slumping behind on the couch with a pout.
"I bet he's awful in bed, huh?" Dabi scoffs at you. If Shigaraki wasn't pissed before he sure was now. He doesn't get physical, though, just mouthy.
"Listen, patchwork. You better mind your business before I piss in your cheerios tomorrow morning!"
"All I'm saying is that a good-looking chick like her deserves to be with someone more competent. You seem like the type to get in and go haywire. I bet, I know, you have no technique. You're an incel."
"You're a broken record. Who are you to assume anything? Also, you better lay the fuck off! If you try anything with her I'll kick your ass out with no hesitation!"
"No need to get defensive. You wouldn't be getting so pissed if I was wrong, would you?"
If you're honest, if Dabi had brought this up a couple of months ago, he'd be right. Shigaraki had no clue how to fuck a woman when you first had sex. He knew where your clit was but didn't know how to use his fingers meticulously. When he penetrated you, like Dabi said, he let loose and just used you like a pocket pussy. Surprisingly enough, Tomura took your constructive criticism well. He was bratty and defensive but ultimately he did want to make you cum, quake, whimper, and scream for him. So he learned and he learned well.
"I'll have you know I made her cum a total of eleven times this week!"
"You count?"
This was awkward, them talking like you weren't even there.
Tomura growls in frustration. It was apparent that he wanted to take out his frustrations and he begins itching his neck.
"You better watch your fucking mouth. I don't need some rude dickhead like you judging my sex li-.."
Shigaraki stops talking, and the anger he is expressing turns into a sinister smirk on his face. Like he snapped in the complete opposite mood. Shigaraki leans against your side and slips an arm around your waist, pulling you to become smothered in his embrace.
His lips hover beside your ear and his raspy voice slips a seductive comment out, "would you say I'm bad at fucking you, Y/N?"
Your heart paces unexpectedly. Tomura always got you with those sly murmurs in your ear. Some people would consider his voice annoying, maybe cringy, but to you it was hot.
"Um...no.." you blush and your form closes in on itself. You couldn't help but feel very shy in this scenario.
"Right, don't I know how to make my babygirl feel good?"
Dabi cocks an eyebrow in curiosity, picking up on your timid demeanor. You can feel a quick pool of arousal forming in your panties, completely proving him wrong.
"Is that true? How good is he?"
You couldn't manage to really say much. This was a confusing situation. You felt a tad objectified. As they sat here and talked about if Shigaraki made you cum or feel good you felt in limbo. Yea, he did, but why was it Dabi's business?
"I mean.."
"We could show him, couldn't we?" Shigaraki begins stroking your hair affectionately, doing all the things he knows to make you melt. Dabi perks up, certainly intrigued by Shiggy's proposition.
"I don't know, Tomura.."
"Shhh it's okay. I'll treat you good, just let him watch. Let me show him how pretty you are, yea?"
Your face was flushed and your eye contact glued to your thighs, to which Shiggy began stroking the insides. He firmly seperates your right thigh to the side, leaving your pussy on display (which was covered by your panties, of course). You were wearing the prettiest black skirt and tank top, which showed off your beautiful cleavage. Tomura actually had some complaints about it, not wanting anyone but him to see how pretty you are. This situation you were in certainly contradicted that.
With your panties on display, Dabi could see the wet spot formed in between your thighs.
"Heh..she's already wet.."
"Really?" Shigaraki hadn't even noticed, being sitting beside you. He reaches his fingers down to glaze your panties, looking for the evidence. Surely enough, you were wet. "Heh.."
Shiggy runs his middle finger up and down your pussy over your panties, making sure to rub your clit upwards when he reached it. You whimper uncontrollably. He hardly did anything to you yet, but being in front of Dabi with Shigaraki showing you off like this? Your body was having instinctual responses you couldn't help.
Shigaraki begins circling your clit before crumbling away your panties, giving him full access to your heat, and displaying it to Dabi. You tense up, nervous and feeling exposed. He continues stimulating you, whispering sweet, empty nothings in your ear, "relax.."
Tomura pleasures your clit perfectly, not missing a beat in his attack on it. You begin moaning at the pleasure, which sends a shock of arousal to Dabi's cock.
"You wanna show him how much you love my cock?"
Your eyes shot wide open and without much warning Shigaraki pulls your tanktop below your tits, exposing both of your intimate areas. Your pussy grows more wet, and your clit twitches in excitement. Dabi notices how flushed your pussy is and continues to watch smugly, "Damn, I'm a little jealous, boss."
"You should be. She's gorgeous, right? Don't get any bright ideas, though. This is a privilege for you."
Shigaraki stands up and unzips his pants before encouraging you to kneel in front of him. You comply, getting on your knees and taking responsibility yourself. You grope his cock from the outside of his pants before pulling them down, revealing his cock.
"You've got a short dick," Dabi slys.
Shigaraki turns and shouts at him, "You have a real hard time with shutting the fuck up don't you?"
You turn your head the other way and chuckle a little. Their banter was funny, if you were honest.
"Hey chuckles..how about you use that pretty little mouth the right way?" Shiggy tilts your face towards his cock and presses it against your lips. Dabi wasn't wrong. Shigaraki didn't have the biggest dick. Maybe a little under 5 inches, but he had a decent girth that more than made up for it. You loved him just as he was, though. It wasn't a bother that he was a bit small.
You open wide and Tomura pushes his dick to the back of your throat slowly. You gag immediately, eliciting a laugh from him.
"What did you say, Dabi? Short dick?"
"That doesn't count, you know it."
Shigaraki scowls and grunts, but you distract him by wrapping your fingers around his base and dragging your mouth along his dick. You bob your head beautifully and pull up to lick around his tip. Shiggy groans with his raspy tone and forms your hair into a ponytail while you suck his cock.
You were able to catch a glance at Dabi and you saw him sitting there with his cock out, fumbling with his glans while he watched you suck Tomura's cock. You yelp on Shigaraki's cock, to which he thrusts in deeper.
"Mmm...you adore my cock, don't you?"
Yes, you did. It was hard to feel totally into this, though. While being watched and objectified. You knew that Shigaraki loved you, but he was clearly using his love for you to his advantage. He knew that because his love was somewhat sincere he could win you over to do pretty much anything. You never said no, though.
You look up, confused.
"It's your turn, Y/N. Up."
We were going all the way then, huh? You supposed it couldn't be helped and you stood up. Shigaraki pulled you into a sloppy kiss, while he glanced at Dabi with a competitive spirit on his face. Shigaraki turned you around and rested his hand on your back (but making sure to avoid a finger for obvious reasons). He pushes you down and presses his cock against your ass and you felt utterly exposed and vulnerable. You refused to look at Dabi, but you felt his burning gaze on you regardless.
Shigaraki ran his cock up and down your folds, teasing his cockhead along your clit. You whine in pleasure and embarrassment. Shigaraki coos at you, "shhh..."
He probably knows you're embarrassed, but he can't get enough of one-upping Dabi like this. He slowly guides his cock inside of you, savoring the warmth of your wet pussy. You moan in response and quickly enough, Shigaraki begins plunging his cock in and out of you at a musical rhythm.
"You're so pretty, Y/N. Such a good girl, taking my cock in front of him like this. Maybe I'll buy you that cute pink headset you've been wanting as a reward," Tomura chuckles.
"Good girl? Try slut. Out on display like a little whore," Dabi comments.
"Fuck off. She's only my slut. An obedient one, at that. Isn't that right, babygirl?"
"Mhm~!" There we go. That praise from Tomura was just what you needed to get you nice and comfortable. He knew it too, he wasn't stupid. He takes one of your hands and holds it backwards while he fucks you fast. Your tits dangle and bounce in front of Dabi and your pussy is dripping in arousal, running down your legs and dripping on the floor.
"Aah! Tomura!"
"That's it. You're going so well. Doesn't she look so sexy?"
"Mhm...can I have sloppy seconds when you're done?"
"Go fuck yourself. You wish."
At least Tomura had enough decency to know that you wouldn't like that at all. You only wanted him. Though, he may have only said that out of his own possessive nature, not for your comfort.
You continue to pant and cry out in embarrassment and arousal. Shiggy keeps smacking his hips against your ass and filling you with his cock. His dick certainly wasn't too short, as he rubbed up against your g-spot nicely, and he angled it the exact way you liked it.
Some sick part of you was beginning to feel a creeping orgasm approaching. Typically, you needed clit stimulation to cum, but the way Tomura was fucking you and how exposed you were was causing a newfound pleasure you hadn't experienced before. Your breath becomes heavy and you begin speaking gibberish.
"Tomura..Mm! I-, I'm, I'm gonna-"
"That's it..cum all over my cock. Show him how good I fuck you!"
Dabi strokes his pierced cock fastly and clenches his teeth, amused at your submission to Shigaraki. He fucks you even rougher and hits your G-spot in repeated rhythms. Your clit begins to spasm as you feel an internal wave of overwhelming pleasure surge throughout your whole body. You cum heavy on Tomura's cock, and the twitching walls of your pussy almost send him to a high as well, but he fights back for a bit.
Shigaraki fucks you silly even after your orgasm. Your sensitive cunt trembles as his cock continues it's assault. The sensations are overwhelming and almost hurt.
"Tomura..it's too much.."
"Just a little longer, baby. I gotta get my serving, too."
Your pussy keeps being pounded by Shigaraki as he has no restraint now that he's made you cum. Still, he hits your spot perfectly. His thrusts are desperate and yearning. He eyes Dabi with a cocky grin, "Told you. I told you I fuck her good. You oughta think before running your mouth."
"Mmff..you may be right. My apologies.."Dabi chuckles with a heavy sigh. As Shigaraki keeps fucking you unapologetically, Dabi cums all over himself watching you as you're being used as a trophy for Shigaraki to show off. It's not long after before Shigaraki also releases his load deep in your pussy with a heavy growl. He grips your hips as he holds you down on his cock, not missing a drop of his cum.
Your body is shaking from the intensity and you fall to your knees. Shigaraki bends down to pull you in his lap and strokes your hair.
"You did a good job..."
You had no words and could only bury your face into Shigaraki's neck for comfort. Tomura looks at Dabi with a look of victory on his face.
"Who's awful in bed, again?"
"Hey, I accept defeat. I guess you aren't as pathetic as I thought, boss." Dabi puts his cock back in his pants. "You got yourself a pretty one, you better treat her good."
"I plan on it."
Dabi gets up and goes to his room, closing the door. Tomura looks at you and messages your neck with as many fingers as he can.
"You're sticky. Come on, let's get in the shower."
"You know I love you, right? Even though I fucked you in front of that punk, you're my babygirl, and only mine."
"I know, Tomura. I love you too," you smile at him, feeling more content now that it's only you and him.
"Good. Let's get clean. You stink of cum."
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imfinereallyy · 2 years
The Long Con
I saw this tik tok edit of Rachel McAdams in the movie Hot Chick where she gets a milkshake on house (and she's just totally playing the guy) and for some odd reason this spiraled me into thinking about Conman!Steve and Mob Boss!Eddie. So here is my brainrot I guess. Maybe I'll do more parts or make something longer on ao3 if people like it.
Steve wasn't one to not think things through. Yes, he was aware that it was a double negative. He played up the dumb part quite often, but Steve wasn't actually stupid. So it was all part of the game, really.
Steve loved the game. The rush, the push, and the pull of tricking someone, getting them for all their worth. Steve loved the game because it was fun. Steve loved the game because he got to use horrible people for his very lavish lifestyle. There was nothing like living rich by feeding off the rich. Well, he was trying to do that, at least. See, Steve, although good at what he did, he burned through money faster than you could say savings. It wasn't his fault, really. He used to be better at keeping track. Always made sure to have enough, just in case. Hadn't needed to worry about anyone but himself. Because the only thing Steve truly loved for a long time was the game itself.
But then he met people along the way, misfits and criminals like himself that he couldn't help spoiling. The only person who seemed to catch his problem was Robin, but even she couldn't resist a new hard drive for her computer. It's how she made her own money, after all.
Despite his problem with spoiling everyone, Steve always thought things through. He followed the rules of the game without rules and continued to fill his pockets, scamming the deserving and cruel. But sometimes, sometimes for Steve... his abilities and bad habits sometimes, well, overlapped. Sometimes, Steve could have been better at choosing the right people to care about. He was getting better at it, he swears. He let go of the wrong ones a long, long time ago.
But sometimes they came back begging.
Tommy had been someone from his life before. Before being on his own, back when purple and blue were his father's favorite colors to paint him with. It was a time before the game, a time that, although he tries to forget, had a grip on him.
So when Tommy called, seeking forgiveness, seeking help, Steve caved quickly. He would always be that same little boy, looking for love from a past that wasn't there. Tommy wasn't his parents, sure, but it was as close as he would get.
So, yes, steve normally thought things through, but there was the rare occasion, there was the exception to the rule, where Steve majorly fucked up.
He was in Boston when it happened. Even though years ago, Steve swears he would never be going back. He's in a small diner two blocks away from main street. And he had just finished getting Tommy's money back. Steve always celebrated with one of three things: drinks, sex, or milkshakes.
And Steve wanted out of Boston as fast as possible, so he went for his quickest and sometimes tastiest tradition.
"How much do I owe you?" Steve smiled innocently at the waiter, giving his best babygirl face.
The waiter bit his lips as he tried not to stare at Steve's mouth, "It's okay, it's on the house."
Steve licked part of his free milkshake off his finger, "Really?" Steve's voice was an octave higher just for the waiter. He could tell he was someone who had a preference for men, and most likely had a problem with letting go of his masculinity. So Steve knew the more feminine, the better. Steve couldn't help the sly grin that stretched across his face when the waiter got flustered. He was an attention whore; sue him.
His waiter—huh, Andy, according to his name tag—looked like he was about to say something when a throat cleared behind him.
"Andy, doll, you might be wanting to get back to the kitchen for a minute." A deep voice said behind Andy. It sent chills down Steve's spine. The Boston accent with a slight tilt of Irish was enough to captivate him. Andy moved faster than the speed of light at the command.
When Andy disappeared, with his tail between his legs no less, the most beautiful man Steve's ever seen revealed himself. A tall, pale, curly brunette stood before him in a suit with a ripped-up band tee underneath. It shouldn't look good, and it shouldn't look professional, but it did. Steve saw tattoos peeking out from exposed skin, piercings all over his ears, and enough jewelry to start a store. Steve was bewitched.
The mystery man smiled, hands in his pockets, and leaned down slightly into Steve's space. "Oh, sweetheart, I have been looking for you everywhere."
Steve stayed silent, drinking him in; he smelt of mint, smoke, and morning rain.
The man slid into the booth, put his arms on the table, and made a little beat with his knuckles on the plastic. Then, Steve noticed the words "Hell Fire" across his knuckles. Steve's heart sunk to his stomach. He had heard of those hands before. Those hands were famous.
The man leaned his face against his right fist. "Hell" pushed into his cheekbone. "The name is Eddie Munson, love." Eddie looked Steve up and down. "But I think you've already figured that out by now, haven't ya?"
Steve steeled himself. He should be okay. He hadn't wronged this man before, but something, something was telling Steve that he most definitely had. The look in his sweet abyss of eyes told him as much.
A smirk stretched across Eddie's face, and suddenly he kicked the leather bag next to Steve's feet under the table. Steve's cheek twitched slightly for a millisecond, but it was enough to give him away. "It seems here... like you and Hagan have stolen quite a bit of money from me." Eddie tsk-tsked while Steve's heart dropped from his stomach to his feet. Tommy screwed him.
"And that love, well, that just won't do."Steve had never seen such a sweet smile feel so deadly. "So, Sunshine, I am going to make you a deal, and you would be smart to take it."
Steve wasn't actually dumb, but yes, he most definitely did not think this through.
Sooo thoughts? I was going to write more but if this was a flop, I didn't want to put my heart in soul into it. But I did spiral a bit with it. Whoops!
edit: I made some grammatical changes but that's it. I realized I kept switching tense changes when I was writing in present, so I changed it to past. I'm much more comfortable with it. Let me know if there are any more errors.
part 2: here
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comfortless · 6 months
He definitely has a complex about being considered middle aged. Me personally, I see him as one of those guys that tell you they're a couple of years younger than they actually are, in the beginning, cause be feels too old for someone younger and (in his mind) 'cooler' than him.
I feel like joining the army at such a young age must've made him feel like an adult way too soon, and maybe back then he must've felt superior like 'All the people my age only care about love and having fun, I'm way too mature for those silly things'. (Could be a copping mechanism to deal with the fact that he wasn't getting love anyway, and wasn't included in all the fun his peers were having. Rejecting those things altogether are a way to take back control and make himself feel better, he's too busy becoming a real man anyway). But now that he's older he does feel like he missed out on things, and regrets not being a silly teenager when it was acceptable and expected at that age.
He makes me think of that one Yves Olade quote that goes like "I thought so many things & never said a single one aloud. I choked on such longing I couldn’t spit out. Yes, desire is so different when God bore you hungry. I could have devoured anything and still have been starving." When you get no love from your parents is one thing (still hurts) but when you get cast out in other social circles also, it makes you feel bitter like nothing else on this earth. It creates this feeling that you're the one that it's being inadequate for even daring to want connections to other people and you begin to resent people and yourself for wanting to be around them. There's this shame that settles on top of your chest when you want love but you feel like that's the cause of all your suffering in the first place, like you're doing it to yourself. This reminds me of another quote : "in front of my mother and my sisters, i pretend love is cheap and vulgar. i act like it's a sin- i pretend that love is for women on a dark path. but at night i dream of a love so heavy it makes my spine throb- i dream up a lover who makes love like he is separating salt from water." (Salma Deera, "salt"). I feel like this might apply to younger Konig, when convinced himself that love is for weak man to protect his poor heart. But now that he's older and has the money, the position and the body of a real man he needs to get a taste (just a small one, just once) of what he had missed out on in his youth. He finally feels deserving enough to attempt to have real intimacy with someone, not just quick hookups that leave him more hungry.
FEEL FREE TO NOT ANSWER THIS I'm just in a silly mood and had to psychoanalyse my babygirl real quick. Also, sorry for my English =))
how could i possibly just leave this in my inbox, anon?! this is all so correct…
thank god he wears that hood, because even on the field the sun isn’t hitting him too much - (he thinks) he can pass for early thirties. not that any lady who takes an interest in him is really considering his age much anyway, it’s always the shy “how tall did you say you were, again?”s or “what is your real name?”s that are telltale signs of interest. they ogle his build, the accomplishments he will prattle on about given the chance, the haunted look in his eyes and the strange lilt to his voice, the scars and lines only make him look cooler. if only that wasn’t such a rare treat.
he’s just in his head about things always. he missed out on the sweet, awkward dates: the mutual rush of adrenaline from holding someone’s hand for the first time, sneaky pecks in the schoolyard, passing notes and calling throughout the night. he never got to experience having his parents drop him off at the theater to take some girl from class out or… hell, even getting to go with a friend who wasn’t gossiping behind his back. König’s never gotten to live like any other, normal person, he’s been denied that since being birthed into a world that did not want him as much as he did not want it.
so, of course he’s bitter. he’s horribly bitter even now when things have finally started to fall into place for him. he’s got a stature even Adonis would be nervous around, a savings account so stocked he isn’t even sure what to do with the money, an impressive title, his own place, a car, and some of the soldiers even consider him a friend. he gets invited out every now and then, doesn’t mind downing jäger and listening to his men talk about their current affairs: what women they’re seeing, or how their children are, where they plan to go on leave. he takes to living vicariously through them. he even finds it fit to lie, pulls up a picture of some random woman every now and then to boast about how he made her come undone on his bed last leave with a stupid laugh. the truth is that no, last leave he bought a nice fleshlight, took a thirteen hour depression nap, maybe went on a long hike and had a film marathon on his own.
having a woman show him any interest immediately activates some self-destructive behavior: he’ll hound her (screw double texting, it’s moreso in the dozens. little “miss you”s and stupid accusations he immediately wishes he hadn’t sent), either withdraw into himself if he even feels slightly abandoned or become even more intense and clingy. no one’s ever loved him, not properly, so how is he supposed to know how? if his own parents hated him, then who is going to have the patience and understanding to teach him? his approaches are almost childish, the way he goes from boyish and giddy to closed off and pitiful. /: and the self-loathing only amplifies during these times, because my god he should be more disciplined than this by now. all that being said, i do think he would settle and be as well-behaved as a neglected bull could be if he feels his affection is being reciprocated. he just needs time (and a good therapist).
squealing at the poetry and how much thought you’ve put into this message. <3
Yves Olade is sooo good to quote from for him! i think that “You can have my heart if you have the stomach to take it. Kiss me hard enough to invert me.” suits him just as well, especially when it comes to the trepidation and fear amidst the sparks of him finally, truly having someone be selfless and loving with him.
König in love is a very special topic to me!! there are so many different ways this rabid dog could take to handling it and by and by he always seems to choose the most aggressive / uncanny approach, held back by a leash that no one’s ever thought to untie, constantly growling and leaping at anything that gets too close just to simmer down to whimpering and begging the second he’s pet just once!!
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