#back to sea green + he has freckles n more of a tan now !!!
ohshy · 6 months
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Its officially one year ago i started selfshipping with king hippo, so i decided to make a little celebratory piece :]
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Replaced part 2
Part 1
Genre: angst. Angst with a happy ending, fluff
A/N: The 2nd part in the replaced!mc au that I wrote a couple days ago. Enjoy! Its super long: 9 1/2 pages long with a 4.6k word count.
Blinding lights cloud Arella’s vision as she wakes. Her head turns to the side as she blinks, seeing nothing but a white vastness. Where was she? The human pushes herself up as someone calls out to her, a woman- no she’s an angel, Arella is sure of it from the way an ethereal glow seems to emanate from her form. She takes a moment to look over the angel in front of her.
Tan, freckled skin, black hair weaved with golden strands that ended at the middle of her back in soft curls, vibrant sea-green eyes- Arella thinks she’s the most beautiful thing to have ever existed. Her dress and wings are a pristine white save for the singe marks along the outer layers of her wings’ feathers and the bottom of her dress and the arrow that pierces through the center of her chest. It doesn’t take the human long to figure out who the angel standing in front of her is.
The angel only smiles sadly at her descendant. She crouches down next to Arella, brushing her curly black hair away from her face and the tears come forth almost instantly.
“They left me...” Arella’s voice is small. “They didn’t love me anymore.”
“But they do... And they always will.” The angel pulls her into an embrace as she speaks softly. “My brothers have always taken things for granted. It’s only once they’ve lost something important to them that they realize it’s worth.”
“What do I do next? What happens now?”
“Go back to them. Not as a human, but a demon.”
“How- !?” A terrible burning engulfs Arella’s body and suddenly she’s falling. Falling down, down, down, until the bright white light and Lilith disappear from view. Her skin- it feels like its burning away as she plunges deeper.
The next thing she knows, Arella is gasping for breath as air rushes into her lungs and the smell of Mammon’s cologne invades her sense of smell, his hold nearly crushing as he cradles her closer to his chest. She can hear Diavolo speaking but his words are garbled- a jumbled mess of word salad drowned out by the fire scorching her skin from the inside out. The way her entire body hurts is all she can think about as she succumbs to the comforting darkness of sleep.
When she wakes, its two days later. Everything feels sharper. Her sight is better than it’s ever been. She can hear the crows cawing from the aviary on the other side of the house. She can even smell the individual scents of the brothers who were still up in their rooms and...
“You’re awake?” Melissa’s soft voice makes Arella recoil. Even as a whisper, it sounds like she’s screaming at Arella. “Oh no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your ears.”
“It’s... Please... Just let me have a few moments...”
Melissa nods and just sits quietly beside the newly awakened demon. It takes a few moments to get a hold of herself and get her newly sharpened senses in check but Arella manages to push herself into a sitting position.
“Would you like to talk?” The blonde asks softly, “I feel like we should clear up a misunderstanding...”
“What’s there to misunderstand?” Arella asks. “It seems pretty cut and dry to me... they chose you and cast me aside like a broken toy that had lost its novelty.”
“I’m sure it felt like that. And it's my fault, that much I’ll agree to. I should have never asked them to help me land a date with Satan... this wouldn’t have happened, right? I can understand if you despise me.”
Arella laughs at that. She doesn’t know why but despite being mad at six out of the seven brothers for not communicating this to her, it was entertaining to her. Was that all it was? Was all of this caused by something so simple as that? Arella knew her boys often had a one-track mind but this was so ridiculous, both on her part and theirs. She rolled off the bed as she laughed, tears streaming down her cheeks as her demon form manifested itself for the first time. Melissa only peered over the side of the bed at Arella, a worried look in her brown eyes as the laughter died down and the former human climbed back up on the bed.
“Are you... angry? With me?”
“Not with you but-” They were interrupted by the sound of three sets footsteps thumping down the hall above her head and before she knew it, Arella found herself back on the floor but this time pinned under Mammon who’s holding on to her with all of his strength as two of his brothers stood in the doorway having gotten there too late to stop him.
“Hey, Dumbass,” It’s Levi’s voice that she hears as he draws closer, “You’re going to crush her crashing into her full force like that!” The purple-haired demon tried to pull his brother away receiving a feral growl in response.
“Mammon, stop! Right now.” Arella tries to use their pact to enforce the order but.... It’s not there anymore. The Avatar of Greed only holds her tighter to him. There was nothing that would separate him from his mate- not after the way he was this close to losing her.
At some point by working together, Beel and Levi were able to pry the white-haired demon off of Arella and she sat up. That’s right... she had died so she no longer held pacts with the seven brothers. But if she had died, why was she here? Ignoring the chaos happening around her between the three brothers, she looked into the floor length mirror and softly gasped at her appearance.
A set of fluffy, feathered, black wings adorned her back while a set of horns jutted out from her head in a way that was not too dissimilar from Belphegor’s. She had black markings that framed the side of her face and reached out to just under her eyes and a crescent shaped one on her forehead. The newly turned demon only squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. She’s supposed to be dead! Why still breathing and why does she have a demonic form all of a sudden?!
As Mammon and his brothers continued to squabble over Arella, she curled in on herself, holding her hands over her ears. “All of you, just SHUT UP!” Sobs shook her body as the other demons turned their attention to her. Their voices were too loud and her ears were still too sensitive to loud sounds to the point if felt like the sensory overload was going to make her head explode.
“’Rella... I...” The Avatar of Greed, now free of Beel and Levi’s hold, reaches out to place his hand on her shoulder but is stopped when one of her wings slaps his hand away.
“Get out! All three of you... you... you should have just let me die like I wanted...”
And it's with that that the three Avatars look between each other before slowly leaving. Once the boys had gone, Melissa slowly moved over to Arella’s place on the floor, wrapping her arms around the other female as she comforted her.
It’s nearly midnight now as the Avatars sit in silence in the common room. They had met to discuss a way to reforge the bond they had shared with the human-now-turned-demon, but no words had been said. They all knew who should be the first of them to do this but it was the how. How did they even begin to approach her at this point? Mammon was for having no plan at all, just playing the situation by ear. It’s not like she could overpower him in anyway. What’s the worst she could do? Kick him in the shins? Not something he hadn’t survived already.
“Well, since none of ya still have a plan yet- and it doesn’t look like any of ya are gonna come up with one soon- I'm going ta see her.” The white-haired demon stands and starts to make his way toward her room with no objections from his brothers as there was no other alternative they could offer him. He knows what she’s feeling- like she was abandoned, unloved. As her mate he wanted to fix all that- that was his responsibility. His brothers could make up with her later but he needed to do this right now. He was her first after all, he needed to be the first to talk to her.
As he opened her bedroom door, Melissa was leaving at the same time.
“So, you’re back... good I was just coming to find you. I tried to explain everything but I don’t think it worked and she still seems convinced you don’t love her anymore... Obviously this is something only you can fix so I’ll just leave you two to it. Also... I think she needs help changing back out of her demon form... she keeps knocking things over with her wings and getting agitated.”
The blonde gives her friend a pat on the arm as she headed off to find the others.
Slowly, Mammon entered her room. At the sound, the feathers on Arella’s wings puffed up, the wings herself raising to make herself more intimidating to him and he has to bite his cheek to keep from laughing at how ridiculous she looks like that. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it.
“Put yer wings down, baby. Ya don’t scare me. I wanna talk to you.”
“Well, that’s funny. I don’t want to talk to you,” Arella growled. “You made your choice and it didn’t include me.” She crossed her arms as she turned her back to him. It was cute in a way.
“Then how ‘bout I jus’ do the talkin’ then? Will ya just’ listen?” He offered her a deal, watching as her wings drooped slightly and he knew he had her. Even as a demon, Arella was incapable of not lending a listening ear when asked for it.
“Fine,” She huffed. “You won’t leave until you say whatever you want too anyway but I don’t care about whatever lies you have for me. I already know the truth.”
“Sure, whatever ya say, doll.” He moved to sit on her bed, goading her into talking to him.
“What’s that supposed to mean, huh?!” She stomped over to him a pout on her face. “I’ll have you know, I’m very angry with you. You-!”
Mammon cut her off with a kiss as he pulled her down on the bed with him. The surprise was enough to shock her out of demon form as she wrapped her arms around his neck. When he pulled away, he held her gaze with his.
“I’m sorry for not bein’ there for ya... I messed up- alla us did and we’re so sorry but don’t think for a second that I don’t love ya. Ya mean the world ta me.”
“You sure have a funny way of showing it, you infuriating demon. I heard the two of you flirting in the dining room that one night... You didn’t even ask her to stop.”
“Yeah, it sure probably sounded like that, didn’t it? We weren’t flirting with each other. Melissa asked me to help her practice her pick-up lines for Satan. She ain’t interested in me and I made it clear I wasn’t lookin’ for it if she was ‘cuz I had you.” he poked a finger at the center of her chest.
“But... but... You didn’t say anything. Why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped too.”
“’Cuz I’m a idiot and it never occurred to me what kinda impression you’d get from it. C’mon, Treasure, this ain’t news.” He tries to flash her a smile. “’N before I knew it, almost a year had passed... I felt really guilty and tried ta call ya... but you’d already made up yer mind... Ya got me good, kid. I learned my lesson the hard way...”
Arella frowned as she watched his eyes for any sign of a lie. “How am I still alive? How did I suddenly become a demon...? I carved that long gash up my arm deep for a reason.”
“We gave ya my blood... jus’ a small amount but it did the trick. We turned ya and ya healed up immediately.” He pressed their foreheads together. “None of us know what we’d do without ya. And the fact that we almost lost ya two days ago scares us... We’ll make it up to you somehow. Even if it takes thousands of years.”
“You, specifically, can start tonight. Do you know how many date nights or movie nights you’ve missed? How much I’ve missed just having you in bed with me? I’m not letting you go for the rest of the night!” Arella hugs him closer to her. “That’s what you can do start making it up to me.”
“Yeah, sure thing, Babydoll, but we’re gonna sleep in my room. Ya don’t need this room anymore.” he hums as he shifts his arms under her and lifts her up, carrying her up to his room for the night.
The pair sleeps so late into the next morning that they end up missing breakfast. By time they come remotely close to even wanting to roll out of bed, Levi is already banging on Mammon’s door.
“It's noon already, guys! Get your butts out of bed! You’ve had Arella too long! Stop being greedy with her.” It's not the Avatar of Envy’s typical wakeup call but desperate times call for desperate measures. He had a whole stock pile of games he was dying to play but was saving the initial play through to be with Arella and he couldn’t take it anymore. Unlike Melissa, she was actually in to all the niche horror games that were supposed to come out over the past year.
“What’s he ramblin’ about now?” The Avatar of Greed looks up at his door before letting his head fall back on the pillow as he groaned. “I don’t wanna get up yet.”
“Then you can stay in bed.” Arella presses a kiss to his cheek before rolling away from his grasp. “I think your brother is only interested in me anyway considering he’s not saying anything about the money you owe him.
“But I don’t want you ta go,” The demon gives his mate the biggest puppy dog eyes in an attempt to get her to come back to bed with him. “Levi’ll keep ya all day.”
“And you’ll have me all night. I promise. Besides, I missed hanging out with him.” She turns to the door. “I’ll be there shortly, Levi!”
“Fiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee,” Mammon groans, sulking just a little bit and Arella laughs at his reaction.
“Oh? Is that a hint of sulking I detect coming from you?” Her tone is teasing, “You- the demon who’s been ghosting me for the past eleven months to the point where I thought you weren’t interested in our relationship anymore- is sulking because I’m going to end up spending the rest of one day with your little brother? I’m starting to detect double standards here, my dear.”
“Oh, shaddup,” He chucked a pillow at her head as they both laughed. “Just go and get dressed.”
“I will,” She made a ‘hmph’ like sound before running off to change out of her pajamas. “I’m stealing one of your flannels by the way.” She informs him as she walks out of the walk-in closet fully dressed.
“The hell you are!” He scrambles out of bed and chases her down as she leaps up the stairs and makes a break for it down the hall toward Levi’s room. As she runs, Arella thinks maybe being a demon has its perks after all.
“So what games are we playing first?” Arella makes herself comfortable on the floor next to the third born.
“It's another time loop horror game where if you don’t solve the mystery before times up your character has a permadeath and you have to go through everything again with the suspect being a new person each time. I promise this time it won’t affect us... Maybe.”
Arella laughs at that, remembering back to that time where they had to ferret out someone’s wish before the time loop reset. “Let’s just hope for your sake it doesn’t. I dread to see what Lucifer might do to you.”
“Yeah,” the purple-haired demon smiles as they begin the game.
After a couple hours of the two demons playing niche horror games, they took a bit of a break.
“I missed days like this... The days where we’d binge anime or play games.... I wish I hadn’t gotten forced into helping the others... Initially, I wasn’t going to since we already have one couple doing gross normie things. We didn’t need another.”
Arella laughs at that. “So, who was it that twisted your arm into helping?”
“Asmo bullied me into it. They were so relentless about it that I just got fed up and caved.”
“You know what, that tracks.”
“I really am sorry... You don’t hate me, do you?”
Her eyes widen at that. “No, Levi. I don’t hate you and I don’t think I can. You know I’ve never been one to hold grudges- especially with the seven of you. I always seem to forgive you guys eventually... And it seems like you all feel remorse for what happened so there’s no need to stay mad at any of you...”
“You know... Lucifer cried for you... when he and Mammon brought your body back to us two days ago... he was crying- they both were... And that’s when we really realized what we had done to you... that you were gone.”
“But I’m back now,” the demon says softly. “And this time, you guys won’t be getting rid of me. I’ll be around for the rest of your lives and I can’t think of a better way to spend it. Now, let’s get back to the game. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to see what happens next.”
Levi only nods in return as he turns back to the tv.
“Arella!” Asmo links their arm with hers as they drag Arella off to their room. “How’re you feeling now? Better?”
“Uh... Yeah, thanks for asking. Where are we going?”
“My room, of course! We’re going to have a little bit of a spa day. No offense, but your skin looks absolutely trashed. Plus, now that you have a demon form, I can show you all the best oils and polishes that I use on my horns and I heard from Beel that you have the prettiest black wings that are just like Lucifer’s- okay, the pretty part I added on but still! I know some inexpensive, but quality oils to use when you preen them that’ll keep them looking pristine at all times.”
“Thank you, Asmo, I appreciate it.”
As the pair sat on the floor in the Avatar of Lust’s room, face masks in place, Asmo pulled out their endless collection of nail polish. They took one of Arella’s hands in theirs as they thought about what colors would work best for her that wasn’t already used for their brothers.
“How would you feel about a magenta? Or maybe- no, Lord Diavolo’s nails are black so it would be a repeat... Oh, oh what about that glittery gold that you like when we pair it with a black base? I bet you’d look good with rose gold nails too.”
“What about black with a gold design? It would be a bit different wouldn’t it plus I can’t remember anyone having designs on their nails. Aside from when you do nail art on yourself.”
“That’s genius! Why didn’t I think of that? Anyway, let’s get started.” The demon sets to work on her nails, letting out a satisfied hum once the first layer is done. While they waited for it to dry, Asmo pulled out some issues of DevilStyle for them to read. Some of their outfits had been featured in the latest issue and since some of them had been ones Arella had helped them refine months ago, they wanted her to see how their hard work paid off.
“They look amazing, Asmo.” She smiles as her eyes shine. “Is that the one we worked on together?”
They nodded. “Mhm. Mammon even modeled one of them. That one specifically, I tailored to him myself so it would look its best.”
“Can I see it? How long ago did he do this shoot?”
“Three months ago.” They turned to the centerfold. “He looked fantastic in it.”
“That he does- but then again when doesn’t he?”
“Oh, you’re just saying that because you’re biased.”
“Mmm, you’re not wrong.” and they both laughed softly at that. “So... I heard you were the mastermind behind trying to get Melissa and Satan together?”
“Yeah... It took forever too. I only thought it would take a few weeks since he’s my brother and I should know his tastes better than anyone but almost eleven months? It feels like a failure to my matchmaking skills.”
“So that’s why you were always busy with Melissa, huh? At least it worked right?”
“Thank the stars it did. But I was starting to think that it would never happen. Sorry we didn’t include you in the planning- we really should have... I really caused you a lot of pain, didn’t I?”
Arella nodded. “It hurt a lot thinking you guys had grown bored of me. Especially with Melissa being so much more than I ever could be.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, look at me...” Arella makes an up and down motion with her hands. “She’s gorgeous. Long legs, blonde hair with pretty brown eyes that bring you in, skinny but not sickly looking. Right off the bat, she looked like she belonged here with you guys. And then you have me who regularly looks like a hot mess. I’m scrawny, far too skinny and I look like a midget standing next to any one of you. I guess for as much as I seem to fit in with you all, there’s always been a part of me that hasn’t. And I guess, once Melissa got here, it felt more prominent. Your little plan which took up everyone’s free time didn’t help.”
“I’m sowwy.... You’ll forgive me, right?” Asmo gave her the puppy dog eyes.
“What do you think, hmm?”
The Avatar of Lust threw their arms around her- careful of their face masks. “I knew you would. C’mon it’s time to get these face masks off.” They offered their hand to Arella as they went to go wash their faces off.
Arella admired her freshly painted nails as she walked down the hall. Unbeknownst to her, she was being stalked by a certain white-haired demon. He was quiet, sneaking up on her before he grabbed her.
“Gotcha!” He laughed as she let out a small squeak. “You’re mine now. C’mon, we’re goin�� out.”
“Out? Out where?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“A date, obviously. Told ya I was gonna make it up to ya for missin’ all them date nights...” he smiled as he set her down and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I’m not takin’ no for an answer.”
“Alright, Alright.” she hummed. “I wouldn’t tell The Great Mammon ‘no’ anyway.” She laced their fingers together. “So, where’re are you taking me, love.”
“It's a surprise, so I can’t tell ya.” And with that the pair made their way out on the first date they’d had in months.
As the days went on, Arella found herself being tugged in all different directions by the brothers. There were days where as soon as they got out of class, Beel was dragging her off to a new café that had opened up that week or Belphie was taking up the rest of her free time with multi-hour-long naps- something Mammon had some choice words about.
Satan and Arella would exchange books for light reading as they sat in the library together and discussed their favorites. Sometimes Melissa would join them too, just as ecstatic about the books she’d gotten from the both of them. Lucifer would leave her teas order specifically from the human world that she often enjoyed. They had even returned to their occasional late-night chats over the same teas.
At school, Luke would often cling to Arella- not caring that she was now a demon as to him she would always just be Arella, human or otherwise- while Simeon only observed them with slight amusement, only to pull the small angel away once they had to split up for classes. The older angel had taken to calling or texting almost nightly to check on her.
Solomon-bless his heart- had started hanging around more, making various dishes for her to try at lunch and asking for her opinions on them. Having never learned from her prior experiences with the sorcerer's cooking, Arella still ate them out of both curiosity and politeness. Now that she was a demon, for some reason Arella had actually come to appreciate and enjoy the meals Solomon would make for her. The pair even joked about Arella making a pact with him but it was just that: a joke.
Now that it was months later, Arella felt even more ridiculous about ever feeling unloved by the people in her life- something they had proven untrue with their actions. Even with Melissa staying with them for an extended period of time after what should have been the end of her exchange year, Arella never felt cast aside for the blonde again. The pair had even begun hanging out together on their own without the influence of their housemates- something that Arella had wanted since Melissa first gotten there.
“So, what would you like to do today, Melissa?” Arella asked as the two women walked down the street. “I know you’re getting close to your return to the human world... its only a few weeks off.”
“Yeah... I don’t even know where to begin.” The blonde sighed. “What did you do during the last few weeks before you left after the initial year here was up for you?”
“I spent most of my time hanging out with the boys. They were all really upset to see me go... Are you planning to come back at some point? And what about you and Satan? Are you two going to keep in touch? You’re very good for each other- like two peas in a pod.”
“We’re going to, yes.” She confirmed. “I’ll still have my D.D.D. when I go back so we’ll talk and video chat through there. I’m going to miss you all though. I’ve had so much fun over the past year and half and it's all thanks to you guys.”
“I’m happy to hear you say that.” The demon smiles. “No one here is going to forget you. Make sure you try to come back at some point. They guys and I would be very happy to have you back.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Melissa hums as they enter the arcade.
After that it seemed like life had gone back to a somewhat normal house hold just with one more added on. Everything was at peace now even with some of the days where Arella feels less than good about herself. But she always had one of her seven demons there to remind her just how precious she was to them. During those times, she couldn’t think of a more suiting way to enjoy the rest of her long life.
Part 3 (the bad ending)
find more on my masterlist
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
Suspirium (Pt.1)
Pairing: Prof!Sam x Reader
Summary: You’re in your last year of your Classics and Mordern Languages studies and you're majoring in Latin and English. Then you get assigned to a different Latin teacher. And damn, he loves his subject. Too bad that he’s also hot. What is just a childish crush soon develops into something way more complicated.
Word Count: 1,210
Warnings: None, yet.
Author’s Note: This is sort of an introduction to the story. The first real chap to get you a bit into the story. The first part of my Professor Sam x Reader series. Finally. Took me long enough. I don’t know how many chapters this series will have. We’ll see. Enjoy and show it some love.
Suspirium - Masterlist
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You dropped on a yellow chair in your favorite coffee shop. Your friends Maddie and Brooks awaited you beaming with joy. Maddie immediately pulled you into her arms, squealing. "Oh, God, you're back finally! I missed you so much." your best friend rejoiced as she squeezed you so tightly you almost couldn't breathe. "Maddie... air..." you gurgled. She pushed you away a little bit and examined you from head to toe. "And you got so tanned! The Italian sun has done you good." She said with a grin. "Were there any cute boys I need to know about?" You laughed at your best friend. It was so typical of her. Always looking for the next great love story in your life. Laughing, you shook your head. "No, sorry, Maddie." You had to disappoint your best friend and, somewhat embarrassed, stroke a strand of hair behind your ear while taking off your jacket and putting down your bag and laptop.
"No cute ltalian boys?" she asked, sliding her lower lip forward like a little kid. Her freckles moved across her face and red strands fell into her eyes as if she was honestly offended, but you saw the mischievous sparkle in her green eyes. It was at that moment that Brooks intervened. His fingers slipped through his black hair, making it look even messier than it already was. A wry grin lay on his lips as he winked at you. "We all know that Y/N will never have another man after such a great catch like me." Then you all burst out laughing at the same time, while you hugged your best friend.
You were interrupted by a waitress. "What can I get you?" she asked. Brooks checked her out immediately and you wiggled your eyebrows at him, which made him laugh again. "I'll have a Pumpkin Spice Latte, please." Maddie ordered with a warm smile. You had a Caramel Frappucino and Brooks a plain, black coffee. You chatted until the drinks came.
"And?" Maddie clapped her hands in supplication. "How was Italy?" Just the memory of that country put a smile on your face. "It was wonderful. This year has been really good for me. I've come so much closer to the language!" you raved and Brooks snorted. "I like you, but you're a nerd," he said with a grin, and you rolled your eyes and laughed, ramming your elbow between his ribs as Maddie nodded in agreement. Then she sighed theatrically. "Now she's studied in Italy for a year and still thinks only of her dead language." You shrugged your shoulders and smiled innocently. "What can I say, there is something magical about this language.Did you know, for example, that Catull-" Both moaned at the same time and you bit your lip laughing as you saw the tortured expressions on your friends' faces. "All right. It's okay. I'll stop." you said and raised your hands defensively, while Brooks playfully wiped the sweat from his forehead in relief. "Phew, I thought we were going to have another monologue on the beauty of Latin." he said with a grin. You snorted.
Your friends knew of your love for this ancient language, even if they couldn't understand your passion. Neither of them had much to do with languages. At least Brooks learnt French in high school. Maddie gave up languages after her poor grades in Spanish almost ruined her degree. While you were sipping your coffee, lost in thought, Maddie was tearing you away from your thoughts.
"Oh, boy, guys! Last year! Can you believe it? I feel like it was only yesterday that I met Y/N in my English class." Smiling, you remembered the feisty student who immediately declared her friendship to you before you even sat down. "Oh, yes, I remember meeting her too." Brooks said, grinning cheekily. Maddie moaned and you blushed. It had been at the first party on campus. Actually, you weren't even planning on going to it, to be honest, you just couldn't find your way back to your dorm again. Long story short. You got really drunk and crashed with Brooks. It had only been a one-night stand, but the whole thing became pretty embarrassing when it turned out that Brooks' room was right across from yours and you met him every day from that moment on.
But a few days later he had shown up in your auditorium completely out of breath and had interrupted the class in the middle of the lecture only to discover that this was definitely not the higher applied mathematics course. Instead, he had barged into your Latin Epic class.
You shook your head and agreed with Maddie. "You're right. It feels like only a few days since I started my Classics and English studies." you agreed with her. You sipped your coffee and for a moment observed the bustle of the café around you. "How was your first day?" you asked your friends curiously. Maddie grinned ready. "In our Creative Writing course we have a new student from England. Henry has such a cute British accent," Maddie raved. Brooks pulled a face. "I had to take that course with Professor Carter again. The others underchallenged me, but I still can't stand Carter." he said, and you nodded sympathetically. The two had not liked each other from the start. What a pity, because Brooks was a rather intelligent student who far surpassed the knowledge of his other fellow students. But he was not in the habit of dealing with it modestly.  That had made him unpopular to Carter.
Then you remembered something, and you reached in your pocket for your notebook. In a hurry, you opened it and flipped through the pages, then you found what you were looking for. "Classic literature - tragedies and comedies of the Romans" with a certain Professor Sam Winchester. Any of you know him? He must be new. He wasn't at this university before I went to Italy." Brooks whistled through his teeth in appreciation and Maddie started smiling. "Oh, lucky you!" she said. "He came to college during your year abroad." "Made quite a name for himself in a very short time. They say he's an expert in his field." Confused, you frowned. "There are many experts in philology. Why are you so enthusiastic?" "Well, well, well," said Maddie. "He's the hottest professor this damn university has ever seen! He's handsome and he's young. Damn young for a professor." You knew Maddie was attracted to a lot of people, so you didn't read too much into it, but Brooks' reaction made you wonder.
"I told you so. If I wasn't straight, I'd hook up with him right now!" Brooks declared, smiling. "How do you know he'd want you, huh? He could have anyone." Maddie teased Brooks. Brooks laughed, then he got serious again. "All kidding aside. He's  a pretty smart guy. Good-looking and young at that. A dangerous mixture. I heard he even attended the diggings of Pompeii as a student. He's also supposed to be fluent in Latin." You snorted and interrupted the black-haired man's tales. "Guys, what's wrong with you? He can't be that great. He's just a human like you and me."
"Just wait till you meet Professor Winchester, honey."
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Tom Holland-The Impossible (1)
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Plot: Your relationship with Tom is on edge. Work, paparazzi and not seeing each other for months is making you tear apart from each other. Thankfully, he’s an amazing boyfriend and propose you what you thought it would be the perfect holidays; Thailandia. The hot sun, the beach, a cute hut and privacy to mend your relationship. Neither of you thought you would be witnesses of one of the greatest natural dissasters of history
Warnings: right now, none. This part only has fluff, but there will be!
The sight in front of you was… indescribable. Tall and green trees stood proud in the middle of that village, where children ran from one side to another laughing and pushing each other. All type of people were there; from elders who were talking between themselves to pregnant women, from natives to tourists like you and Tom.
Birds sang as you looked up to the new country that would be your home for two weeks, a happy smile on your face. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the sun kissing your skin, so different from the cloudy weather back in London.
A feather touch in your hand made you open them again, and you saw Tom beside you brushing his fingers with you. You let out a happy giggle and showed him a full-teeth smile.
“I take that you’re happy” he teased, brown eyes warming your whole body. There was something about him that had you always smiling, even in your worst times. 
“You can’t even imagine how much” you sighed, pecking his cheek quickly. “Thank you so much for this, Tommy, I-“
“Hey, stop with the thanks, alright?” he cut you off. “I’ve already told you. We both needed a vacation.”
For the last month, your relationship with Tom, the man you thought you were going to marry, had been hard. He was away filming and you were busy with your own job, barely seeing each other once a month. And you had noticed that you didn’t kiss good night, made time for each other or something as simple as eat together. Instead of boiling it up until you exploded, you decided to talk with Tom about it. He promised to make it better, and the next day you found two tickets to Thailand; a two weeks holidays much needed just for the two of you.
No castmates, no family, no friends. Just you, Tom and the beach.
“Mrs and Mr Holland?”
You turned to see a short man with glasses looking at you with a kind smile, dressing the yellow overall typical of the hotel’s staff you had seen on the internet. Tom coughed to cover up a laugh, knowing how you hated to have your surname changed. If you did ever get married, he knew there wouldn’t be any legal way of making you take his.
“Actually, it’s-“
“Yep, that us” Tom said, still smiling. He took your hand in his and gave you a soft squeeze.
The man told you he was in charge of showing you around the village and your way to the hotel. As you walked, he started talking about the traditions. How, the night before Christmas, they threw a big flighting lights and let them disappear in the sky; a way of getting rid of everything bad that had happened that year. Tom moved his arm and wrapped it around your shoulders, bringing you closer.
He was the kind of man who didn’t have to use cologne to smell good. Even when he came from training or playing with his brothers, you always admired how well he smelled. Your arm made its way around his waist, and you pinched his stomach softly. It made him squeal away, emitting a strange noise that had the man looking at him with wide eyes.
After assuring him that he hadn’t been ‘punctured’ with anything, the man explained you the different risks of the plants and animals of that country. They were more dangerous, and the government couldn’t assure the proper treatment if you got infected by a venomous plant; although he assured you they would do everything they could.
“I can’t wait to see the beach” you whispered to Tom, a few feet away from the man. He looked ahead and then lowered his head to your ear.
“And I can’t wait to see you in the black bikini I saw you packing” he whispered, and you smacked his chest, chuckling. “What? Or without it, I can’t decide what is better.”
“You’re a perv” you teased, knowing that you would probably end up testing every surface on your hotel room. “We are here to enjoy the beach, the people and the customs. Not to satisfy your endless sexual drive”
“That hurt, love” he faked indignation. “Even more when I know that your ‘sexual drive’ is as big as mine.”
“You’re a weirdo, Holland”
“That’s why you love me, Y/N”
He tilted his head to kiss you, and you closed your eyes for a second. Enjoying the soft breeze that moved your hair, the sound of the leaves moving and the sun shining above you. You teared apart when the man cleared his throat, having stopped a few steps ahead. And you let your mouth fall open.
If you thought that the village and the nature were amazing, you were wrong; the hotel was the most amazing thing you had ever seen. Cute huts were distributed in an uncoordinated pattern around a beach bar and a pool. From where you were standing, you could see the blue and calm sea where some kids were playing with their families, and you could hear the waves hitting the shore. Tom said something to the guide and the man said his goodbyes, wishing you a good time and leaving. Your boyfriend looked down at your stunned face and laughed softly.
“I wish I had brought my phone” he complained, his eyes bright. “I could have you as my lockscreen for the rest of my life.”
“This-This is amazing, Tom” you let out an incredulous laugh. “How did you find this place?”
“Chris told me about it. Elsa and him like to spend their holidays here, with the kids and family” he explained. “It’s a good chance to, uh, you know, get away from the media. And press. To, um…”
“Make things right” you helped him, not wanting to say that the trip was a way of mending your relationship. Because you were sure it wasn’t broken yet. “I can’t wait to see our room.”
“House, actually” he smirked. “Each house is for one family, or tourist that come here.”
“Oh, couldn’t you have booked two then?” you joked, pouting. “I don’t want to be next to your hot ass all the time.”
“Such a shame that it only has a bed, Mrs Holland”
“Shut up”
Tom started walking to your hut, where your suitcases would be waiting for you, giving you a perfect view of his ass. You whistled at him and he blew you a joking kiss, shaking it for you. Running until catching up with him, you linked arms and pressed your cheek on his shoulder.
What a holidays
The two first days passed too quickly for your liking. After the long flight, all Tom and you wanted to do was relax, so you spent the whole morning in the beach. The water was crystalline, and you could see the little fish that swam there. The rest of the day had been uneventful; making love, naps, making love again, going to the beach, almost having public sex, and having dinner. And, at night, making love. For the second day, you decided to go the village; met some people, learn about them and tried different foods, although Tom wasn’t a big fan of the spicy one.
It had been perfect, but your favourite moment without a doubt was the Christmas night. To avoid being distracted by phones, you and Tom had agreed of only bringing one, old enough to not have social media; only to call families and for emergencies. You had called your families and were in the beach, lighting up your flying candle, when you looked up.
Tom’s face was slightly tanned because of the sun, small freckles in both of his cheeks. He had his jaw clenched, focusing of not burning the whole thing down. In his brown eyes the small flame was reflected, which only made his face more perfect.
You smiled when your eyes landed on the necklace that one of children had made for him. Colourful shells with two feathers decorated it, and Tom had refused to take it off. Thinking about him with his own children made your heart swell with love.
“Well?” he asked, and you noticed he was looking at you, smirking. “Have you drooled enough or do I have to do anything by myself?”
“I thought Spiderman could light a candle without any help” you laughed, getting up from the sand.
“And miss a chance to do this?” Tom was by your side and pushed you closer to him, your arms locking behind his neck. “Not even Spiderman can resist that, love.”
You laughed and pressed your lips against him, Tom smiling in between. Laughs and happy screams surrounded you and, as you kissed the love your life, sand covering your bare feet, you found yourself happy again.
When you teared apart, Tom started leaving kisses all over your face. On your cheeks, nose, forehead, chin. You tried to push him away between friendly kicks, what only made him try harder.
“Tom! The light!” you finally pushed him off you, and he was back at trying to light the lamp, a small scoff on his face.
Walking in front of him, you took the stick with the flame and lowered it down, Tom watching you with his head on your shoulder. A yellow light surrounded you, creating a warm and comfortable moment. It remined you to those nights where you would stay over the Holland’s house, in front of the fire and playing board games with the family. The endless discussions between Paddy and Harry, Sam trying to cheat and Nikki not understanding why she was losing. It was your first Christmas away from home, and you missed them the most.
But then, you looked back and found yourself trapped in Tom’s arms, his nose brushing your cheek and eye lashes creating shadows on his cheeks.
You had met him five years ago, when he had thrown a coffee at you. It wasn’t like a romantic movie; it was hot coffee and your skin was awfully sensitive, so you got a serious burn on the middle on your chest. You had thrown every insult you knew at him on the way to the hospital, where he had offered to take you. And, two hours of waiting later and thirty minutes of treatment, you found the same boy who had thrown you the coffee with a guilty, nearly teary, look on his face and a new cup on his hand.
Best friends to lovers, that was your story. You giggled while remembering it.
“I love you” you blurted out, hugging him tight and pressing your ear against his chest, listening how it sped up at your words. It was not the first time you told him, but Tom’s reaction was always the same. “So much, Tom. I love you a lot, and I want to be always by your side.”
“Wow, those are major words” he joked. “Are you sure? Even with my huge sexual drive?”
“With everything you have” you rolled your eyes, and sneaked your hands until they touched his butt. “Especially this awesome ass you have, Mr Holland.”
“I’m glad to know I’m just a fucktoy for you?” Tom smacked your head softly. “Weirdo”
“Gorgeous” he chuckled, knowing that neither of you meant those words.
“Love you Tommy” you closed your eyes, the warmth of the many lights hitting your face and making you go sleepy. “Thank you for this.”
“Love you more, Y/N. You deserve this and more”
In Tom’s eyes, you deserved everything. You had put up with his work since nearly the beginning, didn’t mind his family sticking around always and loved every imperfection he hated. That night, you watched the lights disappear in the sky as you hug each other, whispering sweet words or stupid compliments to each other, as if you were drunk of love.
You convinced Tom to carry you to your room, giving you a piggy back ride, and you almost fell asleep on his shoulder. When he laid you down, he pecked your lips and made its way down your neck, already planning in which way he could surprise you the next day. Because for him, you deserved everything.
Everything expect what was to come.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
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bjnurse · 5 years
Here’s my submission to #RisoDoppiWeek2019 for the Ritual prompt. Part 2 will be coming soon. Trying something different. I ya’ll like it.
Read this on Ao3 here.
Here’s my Ko-fi.
CW: Terror, Nudity and Language. 
Cthulhu!Risotto x Doppio
18+ Only Below
Doppio wakes up. He blinks his pink lashes as he stretches. The light streaming through the curtain is beginning to hold a warm hue. It’s about an hour from sunset. Almost time. Doppio thinks with a smile. He hops out of bed and hisses as his bare feet touch the cold floor. 
He looks dreamily out the window and considers his view. It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... days like these are perfect for bringing about an apocalypse.
With a delighted sigh, he turns and walks out of his room heading to the bathroom to take his ritual bath. He doesn’t bother throwing on a robe. His roommate has seen him make the naked trek like this every day for about month now.
“Morning Diavolo!” Doppio cheerily yells into the living room. 
“It’s 5:00pm. I’d hardly call that morning,” Diavolo calls back without looking up from his notes as he cross references a few ancient books.
Doppio runs a bath for himself, checking the water to make sure it’s just warm enough. He allows the tub to fill while he takes a bit of cheese cloth and places various herbs in it. He ties it at the top, creating a satchel and tosses it into the bath. He also adds a generous pinch of Himalayan sea salt directly to the water. 
He turns his attention to his reflection. He absentmindedly looks at his freckled form as he brushes his teeth. Looking at his reflection, he runs his hands over his body wondering what he’ll feel like. Doppio loses himself in thought, but then remembers the water’s running. 
“Shit!” He whispers as he turns around to turn off the faucet. 
Doppio lowers himself into the warm water. He bats at the floating satchel of herbs and squeezes it forcing out every drop of herbal essence. Every bit counts. He needs it all. Doppio reclines, letting the water reach his mouth and his knees bend, touching the cool bathroom air. 
Enjoying the warmth of the water and the smell of the herbs, he closes his eyes and remembers his dream. The same dream he’s had for a month now. Each night more details are revealed to him. At first it was a question, Join me? He woke that night in terror of a dark shadow looming over him. He only remembered the eyes black with crimson at their center and tendrils. So many tendrils. Each night more and more was revealed. Upon waking each morning, he had to force the memory from his mind’s eyes. What surrounded this being was chaos and despair. After a time, Doppio grew to love the screams of terror he’d hear in his dreams. Those cries of desperation are glorious. He could get off on it, but the voice in the dreams specifically told not to. 
As he lays in the warm tub, he can’t help but let his hand gravitate to his hardening cock. He takes hold of himself and wonders how much it would really matter? Would his new master really know? It was too much to risk, but the defiant thought tempts him. 
“Doppio! Hurry up!” His friend knocks at the door, making Doppio shriek and nearly take in a mouthful of water in his surprise. 
“Alright, Diavolo! Be out in a minute!” He hurriedly cleans himself as he remembers what it was like in the beginning. To think he actually ran to Diavolo the first night he had the dream. They nearly ran into each other in the hall both awakening from what they had called a nightmare. These days he looks forward to the dreams. Hearing the voice call his name and feeling those eyes upon him. He enjoys the company of his master as he slumbers- as they both slumber. The thought excites him and he bites his lip.  
Diavolo and Doppio arrive at the beach they had scouted to make sure it was remote and far from civilization. The two worked in synchronized silence setting up the altar that neither of them had spoken about but both of them had seen in their dreams. 
As Diavolo lights the last few candles on the altar, Doppio walks a few feet away and starts drawing in the sand. He makes a large circle, about three feet in diameter. Along the outside, he scrawls glyphs that he had been seeing in his mind’s eye, since he woke up. Having finished his own task, Diavolo watches. Being the one who spent years studying the R'lyehian language, he recognizes a few of the symbols, ”protect” and ”tribute.” The rest are a mystery to him. Doppio inscribes one more ”devotion” then stands and turns to smile excitedly at Diavolo. A blush covers his freckled face. He’s filled with glee, as if it were Christmas morning. 
“Ready!” Doppio speaks joyfully, breaking the silence between them. With a giggle, he hops into the circle and he removes his cloak. Being fully naked underneath, Diavolo can see how truly excited Doppio is, but he quickly turns his attention to his tome. He flips to the marked page in the well worn book.
“C’ai Risothulhu c-uln! Goka c-gotha! Nog n shugg! C-sll’ha nnn hai! Uaah!” Diavolo reads from the tome, projecting his voice towards the ocean. 
The words Diavolo recites were once foreign and archaic to Doppio, but now they reach his ears as a beautiful melody. At the sound, he’s filled with a joyful familiarity. Pride swells in his chest and butterflies flutter in his stomach as if being reunited with a lover.
Diavolo breaks out into a cold sweat as he finishes his incantation. He looks to the ocean, straining his eyes in the last bit of daylight before the sun fully sets. Diavolo exhales with a frustrated sigh, looking over the spell and the list of components. Everything is in order. It should have worked! Discouraged, he looks over to Doppio. 
Doppio is looking out to the ocean, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. 
“I guess it didn’t…” As Diavolo tries to break the bad news, he’s cut off. 
“He’s here.” Doppio says confidently as the ocean breeze picks up. The candles of the altar are blown to the ground. Diavolo shrieks, picking up the ancient tome to remove it from danger. The lit candles fall to Doppio’s feet. The small flames dance around the circle and illuminate the sigils. Doppio giggles from within the ring of fire, feeling the wind caress his bare flesh. When he stops giggling, he puts his hands out in front of him and they meet an unseen barrier forming a circle around him. He grins maniacally as his gaze to the ocean resumes. 
Diavolo follows the brown eyes to find the water swirling and waves swelling, their ebb and flow are erratic. The unrelenting winds usher in storm clouds, devouring any remaining light. The only remaining light source is Doppio’s circle, providing them enough light to make out a figure rising from the water before them. 
Each passing second, it gains height, slowly revealing how massive and incredible it is. 
Each passing second, Diavolo’s mind screams, Flee while you still can! He’s filled with terror and his legs refused to follow his command. 
Each passing second, a warmth coils tighter at Doppio’s core. He’s grinning wide. If the arcane restraints of the circle weren’t holding him in place, he’d have run to meet his master- his desire. Doppio giggles maniacally as he remembers the visions of his dreams: people running with faces contorted in terror, the delectable sound of their screams, the mouth watering smell of the city burning, and civilization crumbling beneath him. 
From the depths of the waters, shrouded in shadows the thing moves towards them. Diavolo can start to make out a form: head, shoulders, torso, and tentacles. There’s more tentacles than he can count. He sees the sickly green-grey form with black eyes like a void with glowing red ember at their center. Where a mouth should be, its face is covered in smaller tentacles writhing and coiling upon themselves. Diavolo releases the breath he had been holding in a shriek as two large leathery wings extend at the thing’s back then fold neatly behind it. At that, Diavolo crumbles. He falls back screaming. He clings to his last shred of sanity as he crawls away then struggles to get to his feet. He runs stumbling to the car, leaving his friend behind. 
“Bye Diavolo! Thanks!” Doppio calls out. He gives a half hearted wave over his shoulder to his absent friend. His eyes are transfixed on the gorgeous man before him. Towering over him now is this ancient God with short white hair, tanned skin, muscular body and eyes like a black void with the red ember center. Those eyes are the ones he’s been dreaming about. They’re just as he remembered them. 
The familiarity in the tone instantly touches Doppio’s heart and he melts, as the voice from his dream speaks to him- finally in person. 
“Hello, my little morsel.” 
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marveliter · 5 years
Summary:  Roberta Ross has the best life living with her mother and spending the summer with her best friend, but what happens when a certain someone shows up and flips her life upside down? She's asked to join a team of incredible people and fight alongside her incredible father, but does she want to?
CHAPTER ONE Characters: OC + Marvel characters Warnings: ocean, underwater snorkeling, barracuda & rash A/N: wow okay first story on here! I've tried doing stories before, so I hope this one works out! I'm much better on wattpad, and if you guys are interested in checking it out I can link it in the next chapter (if there will be one). Enjoy :)
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If I could go anywhere in the entire world, anywhere I wanted, I'd stay right where I am. I don't want to go far for college, I don't want to move out of state, I want to stay in Key Largo, Florida, my home. I've lived here all my life and never see myself leaving. The beach is my second home, my safety; I don't fear anything under the dark blue waters. The unsolved mysteries of the ocean don't frighten me, it inspires me, motivates me to learn and solve. I imagine being a marine biologist and discovering a new species of fish or crustacean. Of course, I couldn't do it alone.       "What are we looking for today, Captain?" Ollie shouts from the steering wheel. I turn around from the bow of the boat, letting the wind fling my brown hair over my shoulders. The wind was casting Ollie's long brown hair behind him. My hair was longer than his shoulder-touching curls, but his was brighter thanks to spending numerous days in the sun. His smile was wide with lines and perfect white teeth. His eyes were darker than the ocean, a nice pristine dark blue almost laced with black.        I smile and turn my head out to the big blue ocean, letting the choppy sound of the engine fill my ears and the small spray o ocean hit my cheeks.        "Out there," I call back to him, pointing to dark rocks that just peak out from the waves.       "Great choice, Cap," Ollie shouts. The boat lightly swerves to the left, and soon we are a yard or so from the rocks.       Ollie cuts the engine and emerges from the steering wheel.       "Can't get too close now,"       I laugh, "Defiantly, learned that the hard way,"       "You'd think the current isn't strong enough to haul a boat away," he shrugs and smiles.       "I thought you meant the boat hitting the rocks," I say as I squat in front of the white cushioned seats that double as a chest.       "That too, thank God for O'Malley boat repairs!" he exclaims.       "Stop sponsoring you grandpa's business," I giggle as I toss him a snorkel mask. 
      Ollie chuckles as he sets down the mask and takes off his cut-off shirt. He was tall and semi-built, mostly in his arms and legs; his chest was flat like a cheeseboard. He was built but skinny; he looked like an optical illusion without a shirt on. Ollie was funny about it, saying that he looked like a twig, and making fun of himself. Some girl in my class had told me that he looked like a stoner with the long hair and distorted face. His "distorted' face wasn't imperfect at all; his jaw was square but appeared narrow because it was so structured, and his long hair created shadows around his cheeks.        I was different in body type: I have curves and more defined muscles, a big chest, and like him no abs. I don't mind though, just more of me to love.       "I wish I was as tan as you, the only color I get is on my shoulders, and then I get even more freckles."        I laugh and shake my head as I pull a fuzz ball off my pink bikini bottoms. "I don't know why I get so tan, Mom has lighter skin than I do."       "Is it. . .never mind," he says while pulling out flippers from the other cushioned bench.       "From my dad? Maybe, but who knows - who cares? Look where I am now, having the time of my life with my favorite person! And, if we get eaten by sharks I know that I'll die with my best friend," I smile.       Ollie shoots me a look, "Funny of you to assume that I'm going to be anywhere near you if a shark comes around,"       "Oh, please, like we're going to be eaten by a shark,"       "What scene in Jaws don't you understand? Actually, what don't you learn from the whole series?" Ollie asks.       "Come on Skipper," I laugh as I pull on my flippers and strap my goggles over my eyes, "we've got some discovering to do,"       Soon after we throw the anchor down, we both jump in the cold ocean, but it wasn't so cold to me. The sun was always blistering, but I'd grown used to it, and now nothing bothered me. When I emerged from under the waves, Ollie was struggling to get his snorkel clear of salt water. He inhales deeply, presses his mouth against the mouthpiece, and blows into it, letting the water shoot out from the top like he was a whale. I laugh before biting onto the mouth piece and diving under the waves. Ollie swam next to me a few seconds later, taking my hand so we wouldn't drift too far from each other or end up in a current. We didn't wear life vests because we weren't that far from the rocks, and we could climb up on them to take a break.       As we swim close to the rocks, schools of Yellowtail Snappers part to let us through. It was so exciting swimming in such a colorful ocean, filled with corals of all shapes and sizes, fish of different bright colors, and seashells scattered everywhere on the bottom floor. My favorite fish would have to be a puffer fish, because they look so innocent until you make them mad, and they blow up into a huge ball of spikes. Great White Sharks are my second favorite, just because they're like the kings of the ocean - in my opinion at least. Ollie likes Manatees and Blue Tangs more, he's not one who wants to learn about the dangerous creatures and discover what's deep down in the Hadal Zone.       After we take a few laps around the rocks to explore and admire the ocean life around it, we start diving to pick up seashells. Every once in a while when swimming back up to the surface, we realize that someone's still living inside. I love collecting seashells, and I do it every time I head to the beach. When I was younger, my favorite type of seashell to collect were broken sand dollar shells. One day I imagined finding all the broken pieces of one shell and piecing it back together. The only whole seashell I've ever had is one my mother found for me; she wouldn't tell me where she found it, which at first I thought it was one she bought from a gift shop. I was wrong because it was real, and I wondered for years how she attained it. Over the years I brushed it off, because she's done so much for me as a single parent and I never know how to thank her.       As I grab a white cockle shell with a blue stripe, my eyes catch sight of an abandoned queen conch, which was a light pink with dark oranges around the edges. I thought it was beautiful, but I didn't have time to grab it because I couldn't hold my breath for more than ten seconds. So, I pushed myself off the sand floor and torpedoed up to the waves, where up on the rocks sat Ollie, mask on his forehead as he counted all eight of his shells and piled all sixteen of mine next to him.       "Conch!" I spit water out of my mouth frantically as I swim up to the rock and place my cockle shell in my pile. Ollie gives me a surprised and confused look as he leans in closer.       "What did you just call me?"       "No!" I laugh, propping my elbows on the ledge of the rocks. "There's this beautiful conch shell right below me in between the green brain corals. It's so gorgeous but I'm not sure I can carry it with all my other shells." Ollie throws his mask back over his eyes and grabs a hold of the snorkel.       "That sucks, is a slug in it?" I shake my head as he gathers up his and half of my shells. "Maybe we'll come back tomorrow and get it, Grams is gonna be pissed if I'm late for dinner," I nod as I gather up the rest of my shells and swim with Ollie back to the boat. As I climb the ladder, I place my shells in an empty bucket next to the seats. Ollie tosses his in, then stands up straighter and flips his mask up once more.       "You said the seashell was over there?" he asks, pointing to the general area where we were a moment ago. I nod as I pull up the anchor. The boat rocks slightly before Ollie starts the engine, and slowly drives the boat. Usually he does this as a warm up until he can get the boat to go faster. He stays slow as he turns the boat in the wrong direction for home.       "Ollie," I say. "I don't mean to be a backseat sailor, but you're going the wrong way,"       "I know," he calls back before turning near the rocks and cutting the engine off again. I watch as he placed the mask, which he never took off, over his eyes one last time before he grabbed the snorkel, and without flippers, jumps into the ocean.       "Ollie!" I scream as I lean over the boat's railing. He emerges from the water, flinging his long brown hair out of his face.       "Green brain coral, right?" he asks.       "What?" I ask. Ollie smirks before taking a deep breath, biting onto the mouth piece and slipping under the water. I grab only my mask and climb down the ladder, but stay clinging to it even as I go under the water.       Ollie swims towards the circle of brain coral where the conch shell is resting on the ocean floor. I watch him take hold of it, and he turns around to see me looking at him. He gives me a thumbs up and I do the same back with a smile he probably can't see. Suddenly, a big long shadow moves behind him, and I start pointing behind him. It was a barracuda, a long rusty blue one that blended in with the ocean water. It's mouth was slightly open to reveal sharp teeth, something I found terrifying in fish. Although I've eaten barracudas, I'd never want to swim with or near one.       Ollie turns around in time to see it circling him, but instead of staying calm and unmoving - probably because he was couldn't breathe - Ollie took off from the sea floor. I emerged from the water and hastily climbed up the ladder. Not a second later Ollie was climbing up it, throwing himself over the step and falling on the floor of the boat. Immediately, I'm at his side.       "Ollie! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have pointed! - are you okay?" All I hear is deep breaths and he tosses his mask off. His blue eyes looked into my brown ones as he smirks, and holds out the conch shell to me.       "For you, oh Captain my Captain," he says.       I sigh with guilt as I took the conch. "You didn't need to do that," He raises an eyebrow and chuckles, shaking his head.       "And see my captain sad? Never," We laugh as I hug him tightly, but as he tries to move his feet, Ollie hisses in pain. Looking to his feet, I see the side of his left foot and big toe swelling up with redness.       "You stepped on fire coral!" I scream as I take the next empty bucket and lean over the boat to submerge it under the waves. After I haul it back up filled with sea water, I help Ollie onto the bench and stick his left foot in it.       "Time to go home, Mom can help you out with that," I say, turning to the wheel of the boat and starting up the engine. "Don't let your foot rest on the bottom of the bucket, you could have a stingers stuck in your foot."       Through all the pain hisses and wincing, Ollie says, "You should be a doctor, just like your mom, you'd be good at it,"       "This isn't the right time to discuss my mother's dream of 'Dr. Ross and Ross, family doctors,'" I say as I turn the boat in the right direction of home.        "Dr. Roberta Ross," Ollie shouts over the engine. "I like the sound of that,"   
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mswisegal · 6 years
A/N: another late night one-shot that came out of my head, it’s unedited so yeah, it’s horrible. also, sorry for the lame title, it’s just that i really want to get drunk rn.
warning: a bit nsfw??, angst, bad grammar and spelling??
Pairings: Charlie/MC
“It’s beautiful here in Romania.” Muttered (Y/N) who laid on the soft velvet cushions on the floor in Charlie’s small but cozy house. It was cold out and the fire he started was giving enough warmth for the both of them.
Charlie was laying next to her with no clothes on and (Y/N) bit her lip. She noticed that he lost a bit of his baby fat, probably because of his job. She wouldn’t admit it out loud but she kinda misses it.
She remembered being pressed snuggly next to him, all soft sweaters and light-hearted kisses in the morning. It felt like being hugged by a domesticated bear.
Now it's all hard muscle, strong calloused hands, and warm tanned freckled-covered skin. However, despite the big difference from his younger self to his current self, he never lost the gentleness and softness of his youth.
(Y/N) feared at first that he changed drastically over the years and that she had lost him completely but when Charlie ran towards her with open arms and spun her around, gave her the most bone-crushing hug she had ever received in her entire life, she knew he was still the same dragon-loving red-head she met at Hogwarts.
The trio, Bill, Jacob, and (Y/N), had decided to stop and rest in Romania for the meantime since their last hunt for a cursed vault in Hungary. She had been ecstatic, to say the least.
And now she’s here in the arms of a long lost lover, hidden away from prying eyes, slightly drunk, and filled with what she could only describe as love. Blue eyes met her’s and she saw the sad smile Charlie gave her.
Tomorrow she’s leaving and she doesn’t know when she’ll ever go back to Romania again, to see him again...
“Don’t think about it for right now love. Come here.” He sat up and put a hand on her waist to pull her closer and she happily obliged. “There’s still more time,” Charlie whispered, more to himself than (Y/N).
Once she was close, he leaned down to give her a soft kiss on the lips. Scenes flashed behind his eyelids when their lips met and triggered a long, but never forgotten, memory.
He remembered one summer evening with nothing but blue sky, a kiss under a tree and a promise no one had the opportunity to witness. A young love lost in the sea of responsibilities.
Charlie wanted to mourn for the loss of what could have been.
“Are you alright?” Asked (Y/N) when they pulled apart, the action almost painful as a hex. Charlie, with glassy eyes, only nodded. “I’m alright, with you here, I’m always alright.”
He took her hand and kissed it, hoping that she would read between the lines of his unspoken declaration of love. (Y/N) looked up at him, understanding that he was in as much pain as she was. “Charlie,”
Their eyes met again, “Kiss me.” Charlie didn’t hesitate.
This kiss was not as gentle as the first one, it was desperate, taking as much as they can off of each other before they lose one another. Tomorrow will be a new day but it will never be the same, they both don’t know if they’ll live the same way they did before, before everything.
Charlie pulled away briefly to move on top of her, the sheets covering his body had slipped, a few scars and burn marks on his skin and (Y/N) admired and touched them before he dives back down again to kiss her.
“Charlie,” (Y/N) said, young-faced and still filled with this unwavering innocence and hope. “What do you plan to do when you grow up?” She asked as they both sat on a picnic blanket.
Charlie, who was searching through the picnic basket looked with a smile, a twinkle in his eyes. “I want to be a Dragonologist if you can’t already tell.” He chuckled before pulling out the ham, bread, and cheese. “What about y- wait- is this wine? Merlin’s beard (Y/N), where did you get this?”
“Mama wouldn’t mind don’t worry, it’s just wine anyways. We always have that during dinner.” She took the corkscrew inside the basket to open the vintage wine her mother would surely be looking for. “Well, if you're sure...” Charlie said warily but didn’t protest any longer.
“What I want to be? I actually have no idea, I mean, being a Curse Breaker is good and all but I feel like the only reason why I want to be is that it’s the only thing I know I’m good at.”
“The only thing you’re good at- That's absolute nonsense! Where did you get that idea?”
“I don't know. I’ve been doing this since I was eleven Charlie, it became a part of me that I can’t get rid off. Like a nasty habit.”
(Y/N) looked at her hands, suddenly losing her appetite.
Charlie gently took her hands and brought it up to his lips to give it a reassuring kiss. “You may have grown up dealing with something so dangerous and conquering it but that doesn’t mean it’s your only best asset.”
(Y/N) only gave him a confused look but Charlie was more than happy to bring his point across.
“You’re a good friend, a good teacher and a lover. You’re excellent at Charms and has no trouble learning difficult dueling spells. Not only that, the skill to escape Filch and hide all evidence regarding your various endeavors still cease to amaze me up until now.”
“Okay, okay! I get it!” She laughed, hitting him in the arm playfully, her mood suddenly lifted but the weight in her chest was yet to be released. 
“I still don’t know, maybe my mind would change in the future about what career I’ll pick but right now I just want to eat and spend time with you.”
(Y/N) looked up with a sly smile, grabbing the wine bottle and taking a drink from it. Charlie was about to protest but he was silenced with a kiss. It tasted bittersweet.
They both parted, breathless and giggling. “Am I part of it? Your future, I mean.” Asked the flushed ginger boy. 
“You are never not apart of my future Charlie. I promise you that.”
Charlie’s heart bled. 
Time flies far too quickly, just this morning he has (Y/N) in his arms as she clings to him tightly, skin to skin as they dread the day ahead of them. 
She didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want her to leave.
And yet there she was, beside the two people he trusts to help her in her journey, both looking at him with remorse in their eyes as they waved to him goodbye.
They entered the Floo network to Spain, they heard something about a Cursed Vault hidden under the grounds of Madrid somewhere and they have to go there as quickly as possible.
With a last longing look, (Y/N) blew a kiss, a smirk on her lips. A mask that barely hid the tears forming in her eyes.
Charlie caught the imaginary kiss and placed the hand he used over his heart. Wishing it to be a healing spell so that maybe it will help his chest to stop aching so much.
A minute passed and they both didn’t break eye contact. A tear escaped from (Y/N)’s eye and Charlie desperately wanted to wipe it away. He took a step forward, but before he can do anything drastic, the green flames engulfed the three bodies, sealing their fate forever.
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thewnchstrs · 6 years
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*not my gif
Pairing: DeanXreader
Disclaimers: mentions of self harm, self harm scars, crying, fluff
Word Count: 1,628
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“You really don’t want to swim, Y/N?” Dean shouted from the lake, his wet hair sticking to his forehead after Sam had dunked him under the freezing water. 
I looked up from my phone, shielding my eyes from the sun to see them clearer since my sunglasses didn’t seem to be enough. I shook my head, “No, I’m good. The water’s freezing.”
“Aww, c’mon! You’ll get used to it!” Dean shouted back, a goofy smile playing on his face. My stomach twisted with uncertainty, subconsciously tugging down my shorts over my upper thighs, my still healing skin itching against the denim material.
“No, I’m...I’m alright.” I went back to my phone, praying that he wouldn’t prod any farther on the subject. 
Even though he was just a smudge out in the middle of the water, I could practically see his shoulders fall slightly but nevertheless he let it go, continuing where him and Sam left off with tossing a football back and forth.
I sighed, relieved even if it was just momentarily. I discretely pulled the material of my shorts away to reveal the horizontal lines across my thighs, my fingers dancing across the upturned skin. They stared their ugly faces back up to me as if they were taunting me, daring me to do it just one more time-
“You alright?” 
The voice nearly made me jump off of the towel on the sand, my heart pounding behind my ribcage. Sam towered over me as he reached for the sunblock laying a few feet away. Droplets of lake water rolled off of his nose and flung from his hair as he shook it around.
“Jesus, warn a girl next time.” I sputtered out, my hand clutched over my heart as I searched for my phone that had been in my hands not three seconds ago.
“Sorry,” Sam laughed, now reaching for his water bottle when he stopped in his tracks. I turned to look back at him, but his eyes seeming to get caught on the bright red lines across my thighs, his eyebrows cinched together in confusion. 
My heart sunk as I quickly moved to roll the jeans back down, my throat beginning to knot at the thought of what I’d just allowed him to see.
I shook my head, “stop.”
“Y/N, what is that-”
“I said stop.” I nearly growled, making Sam flinch. There was no denying he knew what it was. His eyes desperately searched my face for some kind of explanation. I bit the inside of my lip, my eyes darting to where Dean was still in the water and then back to Sam who was now looking more concerned than I’d ever seen him. “Sam...Sam, please don’t tell Dean.”
His eyes widened slightly, “he doesn’t know?”
I didn’t answer him, ashamed of myself for letting this carry on for so long. I watched as he hung his head low between his shoulders, “you need to tell him, Y/N.”
“I know, I’ll get around to it-”
“No.” Sam said firmly, “You need to tell him tonight because if you don’t, I will.”
I was slightly taken back, “you wouldn’t-”
“I would.” He nodded, “I would tell him in a heartbeat, Y/N...you’re hurting yourself-”
“Okay,” I said, swallowing past the lump in my throat. “I’ll tell him tonight.”
Sam sighed, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder, an oddly comforting gesture. “Y/N...if you...if you ever need to talk about it. I’m here. I know how hard this life can be, and I- I may not be the first person you want to talk to, but I’m here.”
I willed myself to keep my tears at bay as I nodded, not trusting myself to say anything in fear of breaking down.
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The entire ride back to the bunker, my mind raced with all of the ways I could finally come clean to Dean. Any way I looked at it, I knew it was going to be one of the hardest things I’d have to admit to, and I’ve had to admit to a lot of things.
The nearly two and a half hour car ride back to the bunker seemed to fly by and before I knew it, we were pulling into the garage, Dean racing out of the car, “I call the shower first, there is sand in places sand should never be.”
This left Sam and I to unload the car, and I pretended not to notice the way he glanced at me every five minutes as if if he were to let me out of his sight too long I’d disappear completely.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Whatta ya say to a movie night, huh?” Dean asked as he came back from his shower, his body bathed in a beautiful tan, his freckles now seeming to protrude from his cheeks and nose like I’d never seen them before.
I cleared my throat, Sam glanced at me, probably knowing where this was headed, “Actually, can I talk to you for a second?”
Dean’s demeanor instantly changed, his face contorting into confusion and then to worry, “is everything alright?”
“Just...sit down,” I said, my voice coming out as a whisper. 
Dean’s eyes bounced from me to Sam, unsure as he slowly sat down next to me and at the same time, Sam stood from his spot, “I’ll be in my room.”
Dean watched as his brother made his way down the hallway, I didn’t speak until I heard his door shut behind him, “Dean, I- I have to tell you something.“
He watched me carefully, taking my hands in his, rubbing the tops of them with his thumbs, “Y/N...what’s going on? You’re scaring me.”
I breathed in deeply. I knew I had to tell him. “It’s just, um...I haven’t exactly been...feeling like myself lately, and I...I didn’t know how to tell you-”
My words began faltering, tears clouding my vision. I couldn’t even look at him, my eyes glued to our hands. I felt Dean’s hand on my cheek and I instinctively leaned into it, something that used to bring me so much comfort.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Please,” He shook his head, not even sure what he was pleaded for me to do. I blinked twice, trying to pull myself together when I realized that showing him might just be simpler.
I slowly pulled my hands from his, my shaky hands moving to the bottom of my shorts as I rolled them backwards, praying to every God out there that maybe this was all just a horrible dream.
However, as I watched Dean’s reaction, I was slammed back into reality. His tender fingers tracing the small incisions from all of those times I’d felt so useless.
“Y/N...Y/N please don’t tell me this is what I think it is.“ His voice was beginning to shake which only made me feel worse. I was the absolute worst human alive.
“I’m sorry,” I cried, “I’m so sorry.”
Before I could process it, Dean pulled me close to his chest, one hand on my back and the other on the back of my head. “Shhh, you don’t have to apologize.”
My tears stained his grey t-shirt, my heart shattering as I let out months of pent up anger and sadness. I clutched his shoulder as if he were a live preserver and I was stranded at sea.
After a while of letting me cry, Dean slowly pulled away, holding my face in his hands, he was so hurt. “I don’t understand...Help me to understand, baby.”
I clenched my jaw, wishing that I could rewind the clock, wishing I had never done this in the first place. I shook my head, because at this point I didn’t even know. “I was just so sad. And I don’t know why because I know I shouldn’t be- I have you and Sam and Cas and I have such a good life for a hunter but for some reason it just all seemed to catch up to me and I didn’t know how to deal with it and I just feel so hopeless-”
Dean pulled me in again, resting a soothing hand on my back. “I wish you would have come to me.”
“I know and I’m sorry-”
“Stop apologizing, Y/N. This isn’t your fault. How you feel, hell I feel that way too sometimes. You can’t help it, you can’t control it. I would never want you to apologize for something like this.”
Just the words seemed pull a weight off of my chest because he’d finally said what I had been desperate to hear for so long. This isn’t my fault.
“But hey,” Dean said, pulling me away again, his green eyes searching mine. So full of love and concern I could nearly drown. “You’re my girl, right? And I love you, I love you so much. And if you ever, ever start to feel this way again, I need you to tell me, okay? And it has to stop. It’s going to be hard, but you’ve accomplished harder things.”
At first, I was reluctant. Hurting myself was a way for me to feel human, a way for me to remember I was still alive. But as I looked into Dean’s eyes, the eyes I fell in love with at that food truck in Pennsylvania, I knew he was right. And I knew that when it came down to it, I would do anything not to hurt him again.
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Forever Tag List
@spnbaby-67​ | @octo-cow52​ | @luciferslucille​ | @winchesternco​ | @anti-social-club​ | @search-bar​ | @mellorine-paprika​ | @wholelottajackles​
Dean Tag List
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
Inktober Day 13: Guarded Demon
Title: Soul of a Siren
< Day 12 | Inktber18 | Day 14 >
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Jin x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: The boys have a photoshoot by the beach and are allowed to freeroam after they’re done. Jin enjoys some time by himself, but soon finds out he’s not alone after all.
The blonde man had gone for a walk early this morning and stopped at the sea. It was as if a voice had called him here. Looking around, he saw ocean blessed hair adorned with a crown of seashells and pearls. She was absolutely beautiful and magical, so much so that Jin had to wipe his eyes to make sure he was really seeing scales. Purple and green scales that made a fishtail where human legs would supposedly be.
“Come to me. Darling come to me. My love come to me. Come to me. Come to me.” She sang and stopped when she saw the human. “Hello there. Did you hear my song, little human?”
He nodded. “Hi?” Jin pointed to her tail. “Is that real?” She laughed, “Of course it’s real, silly. I’m a mermaid.”
“Don’t you have to hide it to humans or whatever? I thought--” “Human movies are based off false history. We can show ourselves to whoever we want. We get to be on land as long as we want if it’s under 24 hours or we die, though. That is unless we fall in love with a human and a human falls in love with us. It doesn’t have to be romantic love either.”
“Oh wow. I never knew that.”
She smiled, “They never do. You’re very handsome by the way.” Jin blushed, “Thank you. I know. My name is Jin by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” “Call me Gia. Do you have time to see my kingdom? I want to show Papa my new song mate.” Jin furrowed his brows, “Song mate?” “We’re connected musically. No one but my song mate can hear my song.” Her eyes reflected the falling moon. “Fate?” “Yes. Come with me.” She held out her hand. Without hesitation, she grabbed Jin’s hand and made him jump into the water with her. His first instinct said he was going to drown since it had all been so sudden and unexpected, but instead his eyes met hers. He was fine. He could breathe. “Don’t let go.” She said.
The two swam to the depths of the sea. After getting through a particularly seedy sand bar, they were there. It was a beautiful underwater kingdom. Everyone’s scales were shining and the greeted the princess with a lowering of their eyes and kind smile. Gia took Jin to a special room and there were bracelets hanging on a candelabra. They were made out of seashells and bound by brown kelp.
“Put this on. You’ll be able to breathe and understand our language.”
He put on the Bracelet of Breath and made a joke about the item, calling it a Breath-let and laughing to himself about it. The Princess Gia laughed too and then told him to follow her to meet her father. He had just finished handling some business with some local children and a couple whose business got attacked during a feeding frenzy. He didn’t seem in the best mood and so Jin suggested that they do it later. Gia wasn’t listening, so she tugged him along.
“Papi, I have good news! This is Jin, he’s my song mate! I found him!”
The king was a very fit man, his abs had abs, his pecs had pecs, and there was a scar on his neck and on his eye, and he was a very scary man. However, when he smiled, it seemed like none of that mattered. He welcomed Jin as graciously as possible.
“Oh, my darling child, I am so glad you were able to find your song mate before your vocal cords gave out.” He held her cheeks and then put a large arm over Jin’s shoulder. “You, my measly land fleshling, are someone my daughter has looked hard and long for. She sang every day for years trying to find you...just like her sister.”
A sadness came over him and Gia rolled her eyes but swam to comfort her father. He thanked her and composed himself, turning his attention back on Jin.
“Just where the fuck have you been?”
It was odd hearing such a rough man say rough words with such a blinding smile. Jin explained that he was a idol, so he didn’t have much time to go to Korean beaches because he was always so busy and in other countries while on tour.
He gave a hearty laugh, “Well, I am grateful you finally decided to show up! Give this man the best room! We’ll host a party for you tomorrow. You’ll find we don’t have many rooms here, only one that you’ll need to heed until further notice.”
“What’s that?” Jin asked.
The king’s face became very dark and grim. An ominous red light seemed to surround him as he got face to face with Jin, “Don’t you dare leave your damn room without a fucking escort.” He smiled and it was all cheery and bright again with his smile. “Ok? Good.”
The Princess and several guards took Jin to his room on the third floor and made sure he had food to eat and a few backup bracelets in case anything were to happen. They didn’t want him dying on accident.
Alas, Jin couldn’t just follow the directions to stay in his room. And he didn’t really want anyone following him since he wanted to explore the castle with no intrusions. So he searched the walls for a secret exit because all castles had that, right? He found one under the coral rug and it was a set of stairs. A voice fit for heavy metal was down there, or maybe a rock ballad if they just calmed down a bit. Being Jin, he was a bit nervous but more curious to see where this path led. Going down the sandy staircase, he decided swimming down would be easier.
Was it that song bringing him here? Maybe, but he still swam. Everything had been going swimmingly, so he decided to take a chance. Once settling on the floor, Jin felt as though he needed to take a left instead of a right and two rights after that. This led him to a girl with freckles and a beautiful face in a eerie glow. He felt safe there, though. It wasn’t until then that he realized he had been so on edge. It was a new world to him after all, so he thought it was normal to feel such a way.
However, looking at this glow, this being that didn’t even seem to know he was there, Kim Seokjin felt protected. Her long dark hair floated in the atmosphere. There were two sleeping guards on either side of entrapment.
“Who are you?” The girl asked, not looking.
“Jin.” He continued to walk towards her and become part of the glow.
“No, stop!” She said right before he reached the cage she was trapped in.
Jin stopped. He could see that she had tan skin that flowed seamlessly into a glittering lavender tail.
She turned around and looked at him, “I’m (Y/N). You’re in danger. We both are, but I know how we can get out of here, song mate.”
He was confused, “I thought I was Gia’s song mate.”
“She uses that excuse all the time. Her voice can call any human she wants. You’re not safe here. Gia hasn’t told you the real reason why you’re down here. She wants you to marry her.”
“She what now? How do you know this?”
“She’s my older sister, and she tries to get cute guys to marry her by saying they are her song mate, that it’s fate. If they say no, she drowns them or locks them up. They die down here, Jin. I try to get them to come to me by using my Heart Song. That usually doesn’t work, so I just use the Come to Me song like Gia does. This is the first time my Heart Song has worked.”
He blinked, “So you’re actually my Song Mate?”
The trapped girl nodded.
The confused idol was now scared, “Ok, I believe you. I don’t wanna get married to anyone but you. I have a life that I quite enjoy on the surface that you’re obviously supposed to be a part of. How come you’re down here in the first place?”
(Y/N) sighed, “My magic is stronger than my sister’s since I’m a Siren and she’s not, so I’ve been locked up here to make sure I can’t do anything to stop her. I’m pretty sure she faked my death in order to get the throne.”
“She did, but Sirens are bad. They’re basically demons.”
She looked away, dark hair twisting and hovering around her head, “Only if their hearts get consumed by darkness.”
“Well, I can already tell you’re not like that. There’s too much light coming from you.“ Jin said, getting her to smile. “Alright, so how do we get you out? How do I stop her?”
“You have to sing. I know it’s dumb, but you have to sing that melody on the wall to help me get out of here. I can take it from there. Once they see I’m still alive, they’ll throw her in here instead and I can fix things.”
Jin scratched his head, “How come no one else has been able to free you?”
“They don’t have the range.” She pouted. “If you can’t do this, at least try to get out on your own.”
The talented idol chuckled and sang the high notes carved into the wall. As soon as he did, they disappeared and the cage went away. (Y/N) was free.
“Let’s get that bitchy fishy, huh?”
Jin laughed, “Nice.”
The two then entered the castle’s main room. They arrived during an argument between the King and Gia. She wanted the throne and was irate that she wasn’t getting it yet. He said that the search for (Y/N) wasn’t over yet, and so she wasn’t getting the crown until her sister’s death had been confirmed.
“You can call off the search, Papi. I never died.”
He started to cry, “(Y/N), is that you? My darling baby girl! Gia said you died!”
“Your daughter has been trapped in a cage that Gia put her in.” Jin stated and folded his arms. He then gave an unforgiving glare to the traitor.  “Also, I’m her Song Mate, not yours!”
“Is this true?”
The innocent Siren nodded, “It is. That puta in a puka necklace trapped me!”
Within seconds, Gia was thrown into the Trench and a celebration was held to welcome the rightful princess back to the people. Jin was having a great time, but he pulled his Song Mate to the side in the middle of it all.
“I have to go back to the surface. I’ll come back when I can so we can plan a wedding--”
She giggled, the pearls in her hair glistening in the light.
(Y/N) held his hands, “A Song Mate is something that is so much more than a betrothed. Not everyone can find theirs, so even if I never see you again it’s enough to know that you’re mine and that we have an irreplaceable connection. Also, I thought Land Males hated getting married.”
“I’ve never felt so attached to someone in my life, (Y/N). If I don’t marry you, then I won’t marry anyone.”
“Then the next time you come to the ocean, we shall get wed. Until then, you have a life on land to get back to.”
It wasn’t long until Jin was flying to California for K-con. He had tried to go to the beach more often to see her again, but he never saw her. They were Song Mates, so they would find each other when the time was right. Still, he missed her so much. The day after the convention, the boys had 24 hours to do whatever they wanted. Most of them slept or played games. Jin got a slushie and went for a walk.
That’s when he heard it again. (Y/N). He ran to the closest ocean until she was right there waiting for him.
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divine-identite · 8 years
RULES. repost, don’t reblog. tag ten. TAGGED. @thegreatunxter  thank you Lari :) TAGGING. anyone else who wants to do this.
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FULL  NAME.   Paddra-Ballad Caius, Caius Ballad NICKNAME.   none AGE.   2,000+ BIRTHDAY.   December 27th  ♑  Capricorn ♑ (Capricorn Sun / Scorpio moon) ETHNIC GROUP.   Indigenous/Aborginals/Paddran NATIONALITY.   Pulsian LANGUAGE / S. canon: Pulsian  ;New World: French, Italian, Russian God of Death: Nigh-omniscience  SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   Heterosexual  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   Demiromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Single (canon) / in a relationship (AU) CLASS.  N/A HOME TOWN / AREA.   Paddra CURRENT HOME.   The New Unseen Realm PROFESSION.   Seeress’s Guardian, God of Death
HAIR.  Long purple hair, goes down to her mid-back. Smooth with light purple tufts of hair. EYES.  a vivid purple, almond-shaped. His eyes are normally sharp, stern, and intense usually some moments, which may intimidate some people who see them NOSE.  Wide bridge but slender nostrils it's also tall and straight  FACE. His face is kinda of square, prominent, strong jaw, open forehead, and subtle high cheekbones. LIPS. Full lips, the bottom is a bit more full COMPLEXION.  tanned - earth tones mostly, smooth, and soft with some weathering. BLEMISHES. He has freckles when looked upon closely have lightened up over the years but are distinguishable under a keen eye SCARS.  A few but they have faded possible or just non-existent due to the nature of the heart of chaos. TATTOOS. N/A HEIGHT.   6′4″ WEIGHT. 197 lbs BUILD.   Athletic, slender FEATURES. My seem imposing, vivid purple hair  ALLERGIES. N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE. Usually let down, held in place by his headband a large sweeping bang from the left. USUAL FACE LOOK.   Stern, unmoved and confident, even seen smirking arrogantly. While it’s not rare nor is it a common occurence, her features tends to soften up when he’s around people such as Yeul USUAL CLOTHING.  Armour made by Etro reverence of Bahamut
FEAR / S.  Failure, in the past many perhaps not being personal worth. ASPIRATION / S.  To end his and her suffering and free themselves from this accursed torment given by the Goddess Etro POSITIVE TRAITS.  Determined, Persistent, Dutiful, Practical, Wise,  NEGATIVE TRAITS.  Apathetic/Callous, Dogged, Blunt, Manipulative, Merciless, Cruel, Nonsense, Dogged MBTI.   LOGISTICIAN (ISTJ-A) ZODIAC.   Capricorn TEMPEREMENT.   Phlegmatic/ Choleric SOUL TYPE / S.  Hunter/ Caregiver ANIMALS.   Sable VICE HABIT / S.  N/A FAITH.  Agnostic GHOSTS? Yes AFTERLIFE? Yes REINCARNATION? He has none ALIENS? No. POLITICAL ALIGNMENT.  N/A  ECONOMIC PREFERENCE. N/A SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION. EDUCATION LEVEL.  Home-schooled 
FATHER.  N/A MOTHER. N/A SIBLINGS.  N/A EXTENDED  FAMILY.  N/A NAME MEANING / S.   Caius is classical and serious but also has a simple, joyful quality. There was a third century pope named Caius, as well as an early Christian writer, several Shakespearean characters, and a Twilight vampire. We would pronounce the name to rhyme with eye-us though at Cambridge University in England, where it's the name of a college, it's pronounced keys. Caius is currently Number 164 on Nameberry. 
BOOK. N/A MOVIE. N/A 5 SONGS.  “ Heavy” - Florence + The Machine, “Caius Theme” - Final Fantasy XIII-2  “Oblivion“ - Bastille Sun and Steel” - Audiomachine “ Dawn ” - Skyrim DEITY.  N/A HOLIDAY.  N/A MONTH.  November, December SEASON.  Fall, Winter PLACE.  Paddra WEATHER. Fair temperatures, little  humidity, weather with slight forecast SOUND. Rainfall, night-time cricket ambience, the night, THE QUIET SCENT / S. like night, like fresh after a rain storm night. Coupled with a bit of sea water, jasmine, metal and earthy tones.  TASTE / S. Salt, Honey FEEL / S.  Leather, animal hide, scales ANIMAL / S.  Bahamut NUMBER.  N/A COLOUR. Green
TALENTS.  Piano, creating metal sculpture art BAD  AT.  Critical, Self-Expressing, Fastidious, Judgemental, Conservative, Apathetic TURN  ONS.  An interesting personality, a good rival, determination, passion, being vigilant and perhaps just someone battling the odds.  TURN  OFFS.  Ignorance, constant nonsense, terrible personality, invading personal space, Weakness HOBBIES. Reading, taking long walks, training, stargazing TROPES. Papa Wolf: Seriously, do not mess with Yeul when he's around. That includes you, universe and you too, Etro. AESTHETIC  TAGS.   Moon, rain, mountains, forests, charcoal, feathers, leather, time, Fog GPOY  QUOTES.  “ Forever isn’t bright; it isn’t like that. Forever is cold and hard and final. .” - Deathless, Catherynne M. Valente
MAIN  FC / S. N/A ALT  FC / S.  N/A OLDER  FC / S.  N/A YOUNGER  FC / S. N/A VOICE  CLAIM / S. Liam’ O Bren
Q1.   if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?  A1.  Walk to Oblvion - that explores the boundaries of morality between what is typically good and evil, and understand what is truly human in character in our core. I think perhaps a western movie or a high fantasy movie which Caius cause’s destruction for a greater purpose.
Q2.   what would their soundtrack / score sound like? A2.   Oh, boy I say Dawn - Jeremy Soule, Skyrim. 
Q3.   why did you start writing this character? A3.    From long story to short, it started when I was in yoga class when Book 4 was still airing. My muse for her came out of nowhere and I told myself the feeling is going to go away, but that night…I ended up making a blog for her. And here I am now.
Q4.   what first attracted you to this character? A4. Oh boy, this is a long explanation you’re demanding from me lol but I’ll bite. Well to star,t I picked up Caius out of curiosity and perhaps chance, I originally wanted to do Noctis - but Tumblr was so oversaturated with Noctis that I didn't want to be a clone. So, I had to go through the “fishing for a muse” phase.  I roleplayed a bit as Riku from KH , Kefka from FF6 and thus Caius. Now I chose Caius because from what I was told usually people pick him up and drop him like a dime - it sounded like a role I could take to see how it went since he was my first villain (at that point was a bit insecure at the time  ) At first, I was unsure if I would be good with him when I went on a massive study on him, he was this compelling villain and seem always to have a recognisable appearance which i was worried I would not master or convey into my other rps. Later,  I learned he was the most human of all final fantasy characters out there; with him wanting to destroy time for just one person, which other final fantasy 13 character such as Lightning, Fang wanted cocoon destroyed just to save those they loved and that kind of drew in more the more I realised it; the whole grey spectrum and his personality I could just connect with it off the bat ( I don’t know something about stoic attitude that always kinda makes me want to roleplay them so well and it always works for me, funny as it was since I used to RP Cloud Strife back on myspace). Though I think me and Caius have many differences we do have many similarities which made me fancy the character and got me to portray him to this level where. It’s perhaps easy to know  So, I guess you can say I roleplayed him as a mistake?
Q5.   describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5.  Being cryptic and generally just being callous so many things that some people would be, pretty much an asshole to people and his unfiltered honesty. Not being expressive
Q6.   what do you have in common with your muse? A6.   quite blunt lol and down to earth actually, i guess being practical at least.
Q7.   how does your muse feel about you? A7.  cool dood just needs to lighten the fuck up sometimes and be less blunt and callous, he would make a lot of friends if he did that.
Q8.   what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with? A8.   Kuvira (Avatar. Legend of Korra), Alex Benedetto (Gangsta), i think mostly Moana (Disney’s Moana), Fang ( Final Fantasy XIII trilogy), Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Q9.   what gives you the inspiration to write your muse? A9.  SE not fleshing out Caius, a lot of gothic horror pieces of literature, Lovecraft and Poe to flesh out his emotional states in some of my rps and what not. To expound upon such an amazing character is an honour and give my perspective on certain events, ones even sensitive, that have shaped his bleak future which he woefully remembers most of his life.
Q10. how long did this take you to complete?
Like a week lol because I was so on and off and doing multiple things
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moonhawk147 · 8 years
What are you afraid of? Part 1
A/N: So, I rushed the ending a bit so I'm going to redo it later but here @boyishlydogsled and @acecosmos!! [[More]] It was a crisp autumn morning when I woke up in the best way possible, my puppy's rear end right next to my head, “Urgh… Brock get your ass out of my face,” I groan, lightly shoving my wolf and corgi mix dog farther down the bed. Naturally, Brock decided that didn’t want to move from his warm spot and instead just did his butt wiggle right back to my face. Groaning again, this time more from annoyance then anything, I slowly rise from my oh so comfortable twin sized bed. Brock looks up at me with his heterochromatic eyes and tilts his head as if to ask ‘Why did you move master?’. His left eye is a deep sky blue (I swear you could see stars in them, but my mom says it just because of my pills making me loopy) and his right is a bright emerald green. He is built like a corgi, the long body and short nubs for legs and ears, however his markings that show off his wolf mother. The easiest way to explain it is, have you seen school carpet? The avocado color floors with the red, dark green and black noodly swiggles designs? That's pretty much what he looks like, only gray instead of dark green and red. I have only had him for a year now. I had found him in an alleyway nearly starved to death and convinced my Oba (Aka my Aunt Ith) to let him stay. Luckily she agreed because “Hey, at least it’s not drugs right?”. Standing up and walking away from my grey fur covered bed, I pass by my full body mirror and pause in front of it. Now, I know what you’re thinking “How very teenage girly of you Moon!” but I’m not gonna look at it and think down on myself, that would be cliché of me. I do this instead because how else am I supposed to cover the scars around my body without a mirror? I take this small break in time to really look myself over. I have an average body type, maybe a bit chubby in the stomach but not overweight. I stand proud at 4’9”, something I inherited from my mom. Unlike the rest of the girls in my family, I am very flat chested. I don’t complain about it because from what my sister used to say “They are very uncomfortable and shopping for bras are the worst!”. I have honey brown hair that fades into white near my tailbone and ends at the back of my knees. My bangs end at around the end of my slightly pointed ears and fade into a dark red. Why do I have my hair like that? Aesthetic. My eyes, however, are the best part of me. They are a greyish sea blue color with a thin golden orange ring around the pupil. I have a celestial type nose and thin pink lips that form a natural smile with high cheekbones and a rounder chin. Around my hips and torso are where the burn and bite mark scars are I was talking about earlier. I… I would rather not talk about how or why I got them. I'll get into that later but for now just know that I have them. Right next to the mirror is the clothes I laid out for me the day before. Quickly putting on the white sports bra and matching boy-style panties, I put my grey hoodie on and dirt stained boot cut jeans. Slipping on some white socks I walk out of my bedroom and into the hallway of me and my Obas cozy home. In reality it really is more like a cabin then a home but it works for the two of us (three counting Brock). “Oba, I'm gonna head out to meet Tyler and Ray!” I call to her, as I make my way into the living room. Stepping into the room, my Oba becomes visible. She has long curly black hair that ends at her waist and tan skin. She has eyes as blue as the sky with thin lips that always have some color lipstick on them (It's blue today!). She wears a white tank top and a blue pencil skirt that starts at light blue and faded to dark blue on the bottom. She is just a bit smaller then be at 4’7 and most of her height comes from her supermodel esque legs. She has on some white flats with no visible socks on, “Alright hon, take Brock with you and be back before eleven.” Nodding I walk to the front door and slip on my blue and black sneakers. “Come on Brock! We’re gonna go for a walk!” I call out to him, “Oh! And put some warmer clothes on Oba! It’s the middle of fall!”  About two minutes later after I called for Brock, I could hear the little pip-pap of his paws racing down the hallway, stopping right in front of me and his tail going a million miles an hour. Chuckling to myself, I put a black collar and leash on him, opening the door into the bright, cold, and unforgiving outside world. Happily walking down the asphalt road into town, I can’t help my excited squeals, “I can’t believe it Brock! I’m finally gonna meet them after a year! I hope they like my face… Okay that sounded weird out of context, but considering how shy I’ve been and not showing my face or pretty much anything it is a rational fear. Urgh! I sound like I’m meeting the president. It is just Tyler and Ray… Why am I telling all this to a dog? God if people didn’t think I was crazy before they do now…” I dryly laugh to myself. Brock ‘borked’ at me. ‘You always look crazy to me master,’ I could almost hear him say. Sighing I run my fingers through my bangs to help ease my nerves. Finally mustering up enough courage to continue the journey into town, I continue walking into the barren town. The trek to the town's hotel isn't anything to note. Just a few shops and a large grocery store along with a small park and a school that goes from preschool to graduation. The town in all honesty isn't that big, maybe Klamath Falls big. Everybody knew everybody and there was very few crimes (maybe a robbery every century but there hasn't been a murder since I was here.), it was the perfect town for a sixty year old Oba and her mentally unstable niece. Surrounding the town is a large forest. Stopping once I reach the hotel, I wait by the sign for my two friends, “Do you think they'll be happy to see me Brock? Like, what if I'm not who they thought I was and want to leave… I mean they did only come for the weekend…” I ask my dog. Naturally, Brock doesn't respond and instead lays on my feet, “Good talk Brock. We'll have the do this again sometime.” “Who's Brock?” I hear a male voice ask me. Turning around I come face to face with two strangers. The stranger who I assumed asked the question stands at around 5’8, making him look like a giant compared to myself. He has curly light brown hair that ends where his neck meets his head along with mossy green eyes trapped behind gray glasses. He has a blue sweater on that ends at his wrists and dips at his neck to reveal a very pale yellow collared shirt. He has on some lighter gray shorts that are folded up at the ends to reach his knees. His legs had numerous scrapes, cuts and bruises with some cuts covered in some band-aids. He wears blue sneakers that laces have been tied up into a pretty boy. He has on some plain socks that match in color with his undershirt. The stranger next to him is a 4’10” girl with tanish skin and some dark freckles along her face. She has very long curly brown hair that reaches her knees and it's up in maroon ponytail. In her hair two blue stars and an aromatic flag heart hair clip. She has amber eyes along with thin glasses. She has an asexual flag colored open hoodie, a blue and pink yin yangish gray shirt, blue shorts and gray cat faced socks with darker gray stripes. She has plain white sneakers. “Brock is my dog, feel free to pet him. He's a total sweetheart,” I say, keeping an eye on the two strangers. The amber eyed leaned down and started to pet Brock's head. “I like your shoelaces,” The male said. “Thanks, I stole them from the president,” I grin. They both look up at me, wide toothy smiles. I felt safe, wanted, with their smiles. It was then that I knew, I would do anything to keep them smiling. It was a little after noon when we had decided to to a bit of exploring of the woods. I knew these woods inside and out so it wasn't like we could get lost, and Brock was a decent scent dog.  the president,” I grin, “Glad to finally meet the two of you.” Tyler, the male, nods and smiles warmly, “Glad to meet you too! Ray and I were wondering if you would ever show up.” After an hour of soaking up their appearances, talking about life and all that cliché bullshit, I decide I want to take them to the surrounding woods. For the past week or so, it has felt as if something in the woods was calling me, beckoning me to enter it with its calm feeling. I had heard rumors of kids getting lost or “trapped” inside the woods but I never earnestly believed it. Oba had forbidden me from entering the woods but armed with my two friends and my sometimes helpful dog, I had decided now would be a good time to find out if the rumors are true. “Hey… I know a trail down the road that leads to an old house with the most beautiful garden,” I say, lying right to their face. Ray nods, “Alright! Let us go then!” She tells me, trusting me with her whole being. I internally cringe, ‘Damn it Ray. Please stop looking at me warmly… You don’t deserve this…’ Making our way to the path I previously mentioned, I stand in front of them seeing how I am the oldest at 15 while the two behind me are only 14. Brock stays at my side, attached to my left foot like a magnet. To my surprise, an old house sits a little to the edge of the path beyond the city. “We will have to enter the house, I’ve been in there a hundred times and it’s safe,” I lie again, slowing my walk to nothing more than a small stroll. The two nod, trusting me wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Picking up Brock easily (Like I said, I lied and have no idea what could be inside that house, I don’t want my dog to get hurt), I walk up the old wooden stairs onto the empty porch. The house is about two stories high and made completely of wood. I am honestly surprised it hasn’t fallen down yet. The only two windows are cracked and seem to be in the attic. “Are you sure this is a good idea Moon…?” Tyler asked me, fear and uncertainty radiating from him. “Trust me okay? This is completely safe.” If I had known how wrong those words were, I would have confessed my lie sooner. Entering the house, the atmosphere completely changed. All of a sudden it felt like it was ten degrees below zero instead of the 70 we just left from. Brock whimpered, shaking and obviously scared. Even if we had wanted to leave, it would have been impossible due to the fact the door is now gone. I don
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
Rock ‘n’ Roll, baby
Pairing: Jensen x Male!Reader
Summary: Jensen has always been such a flirt. There has always been a chemistry between you that neither of you can deny. But no-one makes the next step. What is only a flirt for fun soon turns out to be more.
Word Count: 1,438
Warnings: Fluff, smutty comments
Author’s Note: We all know that the touring times of Led Zeppelin are long over, but for the sake of this story they are at least 30 years younger and alive and touring. Based on this request by @outofnowhere82​ I didn't have too well of a thought out prompt, other than another Jensen x male reader. They're friends or colleagues in some capacity. Some sort of secret pining going on. They've never done more than flirting, so when something happens (physical or confession of feelings) it comes as a surprise. Enjoy reading and show it some love.
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Dance in the dark of the night, sing to the morning light. - Led Zeppelin
"There are my favorite boys!" you said when you finally found Jared and Jensen on Jensen's terrace. You had had an appointment with the actor, but when nobody opened the door for you, you let yourself in without further ado. You quickly crossed the spacious living room and noticed the open terrace door. Laughter echoed through the leaning door and you recognized Jensen's deep laughter.
"Hey there, man." Jared greeted you with a hearty handshake and a brotherly embrace. Jensen smiled at you and sipped his beer bottle. "We all know that I am your absolute favourite." He winked at you and put down his beer bottle. You rolled your eyes and smiled as well. "You wish, Jay." Jared burst out laughing and Jensen's eyes went wide open as he playfully grabbed his chest wounded. "That one hit right into my heart." he said in a fake tortured voice as he twisted his face painfully. "You'll get over it, buddy," said Jared and patted his colleague on the shoulder.
"Give me two more beers, Jared. We don't want our friend here to die of thirst." Jensen laughed and nodded at you. Jared took two bottles of beer from the cooler and slipped them over the table. Jensen caught and opened the bottle at the edge of the table. You also took a big sip of the alcoholic drink and enjoyed it flowing down your throat. It had been an exhausting day and you sighed.
"Dude, do you sound like that during sex?" Jensen asked laughing. This time it was your turn to grin and wink at him. "Wouldn't you like to know, huh?" "Oh baby, I bet I could make you make sounds you didn't even know you could do." Jensen said and his voice became even deeper than before. "Go ahead, show me." you challenged him. Jensen was about to counter when Jared interrupted your little exchange of blows in annoyance with a disgusted grimace. "All right, guys, enough. Jens, we got it." he stepped in. Jared was used to all that banter from you guys. Since he had introduced you to each other a few years ago, you and Jensen had never missed an opportunity to annoy each other. It had become quite normal for you and the people around you. After all, they were just words with nothing behind them. A friendly teasing among buddies. Nothing more. At least that's what you tried to tell yourself so as not to get your hopes up...
The sun slowly set and threw an orange glow on you. It sparkled in the brown beer bottles and got caught in Jensen's blond hair, which made it shine like gold. His eyes sparkled in a pale green. He didn't notice your look, Jared did, but he didn't say anything. Whatever was going on between you and Jensen was none of his business.
You spent a men's night on the terrace and talked about this and that. It was a mild summer evening and the crickets were chirping somewhere in the grass, while regular laughter came from the terrace. "Okay, guys. The reason why I invited you-" Jensen now began. "I'm going with some buddies to a Led Zeppelin concert and I've got an extra ticket. I thought maybe one of you would like to go." He looked at you while Jared put his beer bottle back on the table. Jared noticed the look. "When is it?" he asked. Jensen looked at the ticket in his hand. "In two days." Jared whistled through his teeth. "No, sorry, mate. I've got a date with Gen." A lie that neither you or Jensen could see through. Jensen nodded, and his eyes went back to you. "What about you, pal?" You thought for a moment. Led Zeppelin wasn't your favorite band, but you thought the music was okay.
"Sure, why not?" you agreed. Jared seemed to be the only one who saw the joy in your eyes and hid his grin behind his beer. "Cool, if you want a ride, I'll take you." You nodded. "I'd love to." "Cool." Jensen repeated and ran through his hair, sheepishly.
Two days later Jensen was standing at your door in a Led Zeppelin shirt from the 1971 tour. "Are you ready?" he asked you. "The others are already there. They wanted to save us good spots in the standing room." And you looked up at him. He was leaning in the doorframe and his shirt had slipped up a little, exposing his well-defined, sun-tanned abs. "Like what you see?" He teased you while you grabbed you jacket. "Not a bad view," you replied, leaving him standing in the doorway while you took a seat in his car. He followed you a few seconds later. Soon Led Zeppelin sounded out of the speakers, the volume turned up all the way and Jensen tapped the steering wheel with his fingers in rhythm. The ride didn't take long and soon you were squeezing through the crowds looking for Jensen's friends.
"Guys, that's my man, Y/N." Jensen winked at you as he pushed you forward towards the group of his friends. Some of them introduced themselves, but you couldn't remember their names. Jensen and you were handed beer in plastic cups and a euphoric mood prevailed. Although they were all Jensen's friends, he always stayed with you. Sometimes, when he took a sip from his cup, your elbows touched and his aftershave went up your nose, that's how close you were. And the stadium wasn't even packed. "Don't you want to talk to your other friends?" you asked and looked at him in surprise as he shook his head. "Nah, you're more than enough for me, honey," he replied and his deep laughter sounded. Before you could respond to the nickname, the first notes of 'Thank you' sounded. Immediately cheers broke out around you and carried you along like a wave.
The people around you began to dance and sing. Even Jensen wrapped an arm around your shoulder and you started dancing. You might not have been the best dancer, but you weren't miserable either and it was almost dark, so you didn't care. But you felt Jensen's look on you. When you raised your gaze, it stuck to his eyes, then it moved to his mouth. Jensen started to sing along with the first lines without even looking forward to the stage.
If the sun refused to shine I would still be loving you When mountains crumble to the sea There will still be you and me
You were mesmerized by the look in his green eyes. His lips moved and he looked at you intensely as he sang the words. You could hear his deep voice above the noise. Closer and closer you came, as if an invisible power was drawing you together. You were now so close that you could count his freckles.
Kind woman, I give you my all Kind woman, nothing more
His lips were still moving. His eyes moved across your face, as if he was trying to imprint you in that moment.
Little drops of rain whisper of the pain Tears of loves lost in the days gone by My love is strong, with you there is no wrong Together we shall go until we die My, my, my inspiration is what you are to me Inspiration look, see
You were also fascinated by him and could not tear yourself away. His breath brushed over your lips and his stubbly chin scratched across yours. He sang as if he could feel and understand every word exactly.
And so today, my world it smiles Your hand in mine, we walk the miles Thanks to you it will be done For you to me are the only one Happiness, no more be sad Happiness, I'm glad
Then your lips met. Jensen's hand buried itself in your hair and you wrapped an arm around his neck to pull him closer. Jensen tasted like alcohol, cigarettes and sweet like Jensen. It was a wild mixture, but you were sure you had never tasted anything better. His kiss became more demanding. It was your first kiss. As you broke apart and gasped for breath, he pressed his forehead firmly against yours. "Damn, I've wanted to do that for a long time, baby. I love you," he said with a wry grin.
If the sun refused to shine I would still be loving you Mountains crumble to the sea There will still be you and me
Wanna get tagged? Head to my bio or drop an ask.
Jensen/Dean tags: @vicariouslythruspn​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @zizzlekwum​ @ashthefirefox​ @outofnowhere82​ @rintheemolion​  @myopiamystical​ @vicmc624​ @imaginationisgrowth
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