#back with more art of my favorite boys who could have predicted it !!
grammars-doodles · 2 years
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Hm, Ingo and Emmet are looking a little different than I remember...
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ratfreecog · 7 months
How was newsies vibrates excitedly
This school has such a big budget drama program it’s insane good on them for actually valuing the arts. The theater was huge it felt like walking into a professional venue in my city not a high school. I wish my old school cared that much our drama teacher got fired for embezzling our club’s funds. Jack, Davey, Katherine, and Crutchie were all so good it was insane. Also, girl Crutchie!! Hell yeah!!
Predictably, a vast majority of the newsies were girls, but instead of trying to hide it and making them dress and act like boys, they just made them girl newsies and used some of the names from Newsies Jr and the Brooklyn girlsies instead. The only exception to this was Albert, who was played by a very femme person with long hair and a skirt, but was still called Albert, which I think is hilarious and I’m hoping that was the actor’s choice.
They also actually had adults play the adult characters which was interesting?? For a highschool production but good for them ig
My favorite moment was in the last Pulitzer’s office scene when Davey goes “since the strike, your circulation’s been down 70%” and Jack, who was currently laying down across the arms of two chairs, did a sit up and whispered “70%” and then laid back down
Also during the Snyder chase scene at the start they had Jack run up one of these scaffolding buildings that were part of the set, realize it was a dead end at the top, turn around and be cornered by Snyder, and then dived between his legs and ran back down to the floor again. Wonderful choreography 10/10.
Speaking of choreography, they actually tap dance during KONY! Holy shit! Was not expecting that! And it was good! Like really good! Hell yeah. All the dancing was really good actually very similar to the Broadway production but like they did a great job at it.
Crutchie also broke my fucking heart during LFTR she actually started crying on the “your sister, Crutchie” line and so did I in the audience
Jack fucking killed Santa Fe he was awesome. Just always he was awesome but Santa Fe was really fucking good
For the seize the day reprise where they’re singing it while Jack Davey and Spot are going to Pultizer’s office, for some reason (I’m guessing running out of time in rehearsal) instead of having the kids sing they played an audio clip from the proshot and it caught me so offguard and im definitely the only person who noticed because I know every single line in this show and have performed the entire thing by myself in box at my haunt to keep myself entertained in between customers.
Overall it was awesome! I do know this show so well that it haunts me and literally every other line an alarm would go off in my brain for whatever they did and how it compared to other versions of the show and what it might mean for their characters so I could probably go a lot more in depth but these were my main thoughts coming out of it. They did a fantastic job!
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the5n00k · 1 year
Choose violence asks: any that Sil didn't include 😅
Y'all making me do HOMEWORK TONIGHT /lh
Again, readmore bc this bitch is heafty
1: I have this problem a lot bc I tend to overcomplicate and project onto my favorite characters but honestly it's Dan from Roommates because the creator has addressed us multiple times to say it's "not that deep" (which is kind of why I went into TGAMM with a surface level understanding and once y'all opened my eyes to the iceberg it was downhill from there I love complicated characters)
2: ... Uh... scratch is ace? This is such an odd question LOL
3: I can't find a screenshot but literally every person who said Molly and Ollie look like they could be related.
5: if I speak I will be shot (owlphibia)
9: worst part of canon? Depends on the fandom I'm talking about. I'll simplify it to TGAMM because that's what most of y'all are here for and simplify that even further by saying the worst part of canon is the fact that The Internship is an episode that exists
11: I think I only filtered Amphibia and Amphibia adjacent tags once on Twitter because I didn't want the finale spoiled for me
12: normally I'd say Ollie but he's picking up some traction in the love department after Frightmares and Unhaunting (nature is healing) so imma say Harriet. Fking love her every time she's on screen I wanna kiss her (it's pride month I can exercise my girl pretty disease)
17: praying coping and seething that we get more corrupted scratch art and fics if I keep making analysis and foreshadowing collecting posts please I am carrying this theory on my back
19: I'm kind of embarrassed that I unironically enjoy Learning With Pibby and some FNF mods like Lullaby and VS Boy and Girl those rock fight me. I'm also really mad I love analog horror. Such a dumb and usually predictable genre but it pulls me in every time (Gemini Home Entertainment, Vita Carnis, and Harmony and Horror my beloveds)
20: uhhhh not much? In regards to tgamm I was never usually bored watching. I think both seasons have been well paced so far although due to my own impatience I do wish for more scratch lore in my veins immediately
21: so funny that I just said that bc I think the answer to this is scratch lore, there's so many other cool things coming this season (jinx, the Chens, the Bizmart guy, Molly's history with street magicians, Sharon's history with musicians to name a few) that it feels like we've gotten tunnel vision (I'm guilty of this too don't worry)
It feels like all we talk about anymore and I don't want to get my hopes up for it, I already have my expectations so high I'm terrified of what we're actually gonna get lol I'm trying to keep an open mind about it
24: APPARENTLY THE PACING OF OLLIE'S REDEMPTION ARC AND THE DISCUSSION SURROUNDING MOLLIE AFTER I WANNA DANCE WITH SOME-OLLIE DROPPED. I SAW SOME ABSOLUTELY RANCID TAKES. Most things surrounding Ollie just. Happen to have some very heated discussions sometimes. It's gotten better but damn it's actually very frustrating (this kid was being compared to every bigoted extremist in the books, he is 13 years old please sit down)
I THINK THAT'S EVERYTHING hot damn y'all put me to work lol /lh
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
jason tell me about dove for that ask meme. because i lvoe him too. i miss him :(
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well. i asked for this.
hi guys welcome to my batman blog where today im going to be talking about niche silver age dc character that absolutely no one gives a shit about but me: don hall! i read all of his comics in the span of like two days and i havent stopped crying about him since
send me a character and ill tell you...
- What made me like them in the first place
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pictured: the precise moment i fell head over heels in love w don. he is just so..... yknow??? hes just such a kind fucking person and i love him so much
- Who I ship them with
no one </3 he literally doesnt talk to anyone long enough. if i shipped him w anyone it would probably be lilith tho they were kind of cute in that single fucking panel lol
- Random headcanon I have about them
he taught an art class he MUST paint i refuse to believe anything else hes definitely an art boy <3
- My favorite moment of theirs
see the above panel but also when he fuckin.g embarrassed himself in front of the girl he lieks and teargassed a bunch of cops and then tripped chasing after a criminal and got called a crybaby and then the comic just ENDED LIKE THAT. dons horrible no good very bad day alkjsndfssdf hes such a loser i love him so much
- Plotline/story I want to happen
if dc hadnt been a bunch of cowardly losers they could have leaned more into dons investigative tendencies and the way he talks to victims about what happened which would have been rad as fuck, just btw. also i wish there had been MORE comics w don and hank working w the teen titans. yes we had a few but what about more. i want don to have friends. fuck you dc
- Any issues or insecurities I think they have
that boy should be more insecure than he is bc wow. he is jsut the biggest loser. i think hes obviously insecure about a lot of things bc hank only picks on him all the time (and he picks back! iconic.)
- Favorite quote
see the above panel (again), but also i think its really funny when he snips at hank, and you KNOW i love all his panels where he defends his pacifism. hes so iconic
- Kiss, marry, hug, or kill
i am kissing him right on the mouth hes so <33333
- Random thing that reminds me of them
just really predictable shit. but yknow i promise you every time i think about the teen titans my brain is always gonna jump straight to him, and thats probably not the case for most people
- Any talents I think they might have
well he knew enough about art to teach a class and apparently hes a pretty good swimmer. i feel like hed probably be good at other things hank would think r super lame, like sewing
- On a rate from 1 to 10 how much I love them
10/10 hes so <33333
- What I think about their family
hank can go fuck himself <3 their dad makes for an interesting contrast to the two of them but i wish both of their parents had gotten the chance to be expanded on more. tragedy of all times
- Who I think should be their bff
i really would have liked to see don and hank become better friends w the other titans who were sidelined, like lilith, and mel. id kill for that actually.
- What animal they would be
.............................i dont need to answer this question
- Three songs that remind me of them
no <3
- Favorite episode/issue/thing centered around them
definitely the cringefail comic where he just fucked up absolutely everything but im also really fond of the hawk and the dove #2
- How badly they need hugs
so badly.
- Favorite thing about their personality
i love that hes every bit as headstrong and snippy as hank is, even tho hes a pacifist. like, yeah, he doesnt believe in violence, but he still gets pissed as hell all the time, and thats so fucking real tbh. ik part of the juxtaposition is bc dc wanted him to seem wimpy and cowardly but it is really fun to see him get humiliated and then STILL whip around and call hank a neanderthal like alsjdlfsndsdfnjsf
- Favorite thing about their appearance
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sobbing. crying. hes so cute i love when they give him curls
the dove costume is BUTT UGLY but i do like the color scheme
- Why I love them so much
he had so much potential. it wouldve been so fascinating to see how dc handled a superhero who was a pacifist and believed strongly in criminal reform and peace. dc tried so hard to make him seem weak and unmanly that they would up creating a guy who didnt fit into the usual hypermasculine superhero archetype and that was just. fascinating, honestly. refreshing. i also just loooove a good angry leftist so you know me. hes just. SUCH a cringefail losergirl its impossible not to fall madly in love w him im going to be mourning what could have been for the rest of my fucking life
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leohtttbriar · 1 year
7, 12, 16, 18, 20 - that's a lot so take your pick, I just always like seeing your opinions
right back at you! was secretly hoping you would reblog the game :)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
never really encountered this phenomena before cobra kai except for the vaguest hint of an aversion to samwise gamgee after everyone kept calling him the "real hero," but that aversion never took, and i'm ashamed to admit such weakness even now.
johnny lawrence was one of my favorite characters in cobra kai season one and then i logged onto tumblr and now i just Do Not Get It. a feeling i think from pre-season 3, even, when he was still a good and consistent character in the show. another character was robby. predictably, he was a bit babygirlified and he got soooo much more attention than sam and tory and even miguel and tbh, that made me pout massively. like. i don't care about him :(
i could be intellectual about this (and, okay, clearly the root of this petty hate is that particular sort of frustration that comes over a girl when all the boys in her fourth grade gym class get mad at her for being faster than them and then they refuse to let her play in their recess soccer game even though she's the best player--and it then sticks with her for the rest of her life) but in a vacuum i probably wouldn't feel the way i do. like, my ire is definitely in response to how other people feel about the bully character from 80's sports movie karate kid.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
you can bet that any female character that has ever been called annoying is at the top of this list. feels like girls like that are always popping up and torturing pop-culture consumers. the only one i can name right now is sam larusso, since that's the most recent model.
but also i read pride and prejudice in seventh grade. didn't get a single word of it, but i did understand that mrs. bennett was extremely annoying. then i read it again a few years later and have been her fierce defender ever since. female characters with high-pitched voices and anxiety: i adore. if you don't like those characters, in my head im thinking you're only as intelligent as me at 13.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
any sort of portrayal of spock as someone who is violent and angry and just holding it back constantly bc he hates being half human--i do Not Get It. any sort portrayal of an alien species on star trek in which the aliens learn to embrace their humanity, or something. like, i can't stand it.
i want spock to be super-duper logical and stoic. i want that to be a good thing. i want all alien characteristics to be embraced and explored. i want the weirdness. new trek just isn't doing weirdness enough! and if human morality and social structures are so universally important, stop being cowardly and explain whyyyyy.
this also applies to fanfic which is, in fact, disastrously worse on this subject. especially fanfic based on the 2009 star trek movie.
but okay it's like---the roswell conspiracy is really fun and stuff cause it is really just the government stoking some nonsense so the russians can't figure out all the special-stupid weapons and spy-equipment they're making. and then it means that everything in roswell, nm is alien themed: little green faces everywhere, three-fingered hands waving at you on billboards, "greetings earthlings," 50's era space-art, and so on. I am very into that aesthetic, especially in the middle of nowhere southwest desert with not a mountain or forest for hundred of miles. of course people were looking up and being like "there must be Something out there. look how big."
all good, yes, and silly. but people really believe it and they really believe that the aliens look the way they do! the way the "witnesses" described little looking men with big ol eyes in a big ol head and extra long arms. sweeties! that's a primate! that's an earth-creature! there's no imagination! there's no weirdness! what if the aliens didn't have a face. what if they didn't have eyes! what if they were made of a chalky substance that molted every few minutes to maintain a needed basic pH and their way of observing electromagnetic radiation was not light projected thru a lens but like little pores of mucous all over their body like the one's on sharks (ampullae of lorenzini) that absorb electromagnetic radiation and also give the creature poles which means they can block all visible light with special mind powers and maybe photosynthesize or something.
i realize that fanfiction is largely concerned with two attractive men going at it, but for all that people claim to be "monster fuckers," that really hasn't borne out in star trek fanfic. explore eroticism with the weird, with the actually alien. i want that. that'd be great. i know octavia butler and others already Did That but i want to see a star trek go boldly, you know what i mean. also, i want something more like eroticism for the sake of the erotic--not as metaphor about feminine subjugation or something (no offense ms. butler).
even if that doesn't happen, would love to read a fanfic or watch a tv show in which, for example, spock's journey is not about how oppressive being a vulcan is, or whatever.
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litcityblues · 10 months
'The Lightning Thief' --A Review
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This is my first attempt at reviewing a YA novel as an adult because spoiler alert friends: I never read these when I was younger. First of all, by the time the first one came out in 2005, I was just about finishing up my undergraduate degree, and second of all, I sort of missed out on Harry Potter as well.
However, had these been around when I was younger, these would have been my jam. I loved mythology growing up. I ate up books of Greek mythology, drowned myself in copies of The Illiad and The Odyssey, and everything I could get my hands on.
So, The Lightning Thief:
We meet Percy Jackson at the start of the book, who is a twelve-year-old boy who has dyslexia and ADHD. He's never been good in school and has a history of being something of a troublemaker and has been expelled from several schools. On a school trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, one of the chaperones, Mrs. Dodds turns into a Fury and attacks him. Percy's favorite teacher Mr. Brunner gives him a magical sword pen to defeat her.
More strange things happen to Percy and he begins to suspect that Mr. Brunner and his best friend, Grover aren't who they appear to be and he ends the school year as he predicted: being expelled from yet another school. His Mom, Sally, takes him to Long Island to celebrate the end of the school year- but Grover shows up and, revealing himself to be a satyr, warns of impending danger and they flee, pursued by something that proves to be a minotaur- they almost reach a summer camp in time when Sally is attacked and disappears in a flash of golden light- but not before Percy kills the minotaur with one of its own horns.
Inside the safety of the camp, he learns the truth: he's a demigod, a son of one of the immortal Gods of Olympus and his mother and the camp is Camp Half-Blood, the only place demigods like him are safe from monsters that seek to destroy them. Mr. Brunner (actually revealed to be Chiron, the Centaur explains that the three eldest male gods, Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades swore an oath at the end of World War II to sire no more children- Percy's birth is a violation of that oath-- the first violation was Thalia, a daughter of Zeus killed by monsters sent by Hades, but turned into a tree, whose spirit helps protect the boundaries of the camp.
Percy's arrival at the camp is greeted with suspicion in some quarters: Zeus' master lightning bolt has been stolen and he, who turns out to be a son of Poseidon, is assumed to be the prime suspect. Eventually, he is given a quest: go and find the lightning bolt, and with him, comes Annabeth, a new friend he makes at camp and the daughter of Athena and Grover. They believe that Hades is the most likely suspect in the theft and make their way to Los Angeles, where the entrance to the Underworld is located.
Along the way, they have to evade attacks by The Furies, Medusa, Echidna, and the Chimera. In Denver, they perform a favor for Ares, who gives them safe transport to Nevada, where they briefly fall into the trap of the Lotus Eaters at their casino.
Eventually, they make their way to the Underworld, where it is revealed that Hades has had something stolen from him as well: the Helm of Darkness- it's why Percy's mother is not dead, for he had sought to use her as leverage to get his helm back. It is then they realize that Hades is not the thief and someone, acting on the orders of the imprisoned titan, Kronos, did the deed. The bolt returned, and they return to the camp Percy is hailed as a hero and enjoys the rest of his summer and on the last day, he finds out the identity of the real thief- Luke, one of the sons of Hermes who believes that the gods are too irresponsible and need to be replaced and wants Percy to join him in his quest to do just that, but Percy refuses and Luke nearly kills him for his trouble.
When he wakes, he is given a choice to stay in camp or go home for the school year and he decides to head home to be with his mother.
Overall: So, as many parents do, I had this grand idea at the beginning of the summer that the Eldest Spawn- who has the graphic novel of this and I would read this book together and it kind of worked for a hot minute, but then life got busy, I got lazy and it just kind of fell by the wayside. But I had checked out the book from the local library and figured I might as well read it.
It's a quick read (obviously since it's YA and I am not) but it's entertaining as well- I genuinely enjoyed this book. The blending of Greek mythology with a contemporary setting is really well done-- the Gods of Olympus follow the heart of civilization, which by now is centered in 'The West'. So, Olympus is on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building. Mr. D (Dionysus) is the Activities Director of Camp Half-Blood and is under orders to stay sober from Zeus for at least a century. The gates to the Underworld are beneath a recording studio in Los Angeles. Medusa owns a garden gnome emporium- little touches like that work really well.
But what I loved the most about this book was that it didn't go where Disney went with 'Hercules'-- Hades did not turn out to be the bad guy! (As a mythology nerd I could write a very long and angry post/rant about how much I hated that movie. I get that people have opinions about Kevin Sorbo these days, but at least Hercules: The Legendary Journeys tried to respect the source material.) All the Gods felt true to their mythology and I think I loved that the most.
I wasn't planning on reading this series, but it looks like I'm going to have to start picking my way through these-- and watching the movies again, as I was completely unaware that they had made a second movie- plus, I guess a television series is coming? So I'll look forward to that as well. My Grade: **** out of ****
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
Hi!! Hope we can still send these in :)
Dude, the sience bros would be my clutch lmao. First of all, I think that joining the sience club as someone from our world would just be a slay move in general. I go to an arts school, so I'm not the most involved person out there, but I think even our basic understanding of sience could make for insightful experiences. Just comparing our sience basics to their science basics could be really cool! And hey, if we happen to make an ingenius discovery along the way? Or Just happen to mention Newton's Law and get a Twisted equivelent to the Nobel Prize? I mean... It's the benefits. Maybe we can even decipher a way home lol
But I digress.
I completely agree with anon. Trey Clover because food. If I'm isakied to another world without any money, people who food will be my life-line and absolute favorites. But also, with all the insane shenanigains that go on in NRC? I'm gonna need someone to share an exasperated side eye with. Clover's experience as a junior would just be helpful in general, especially when succeeding from the side lines. I don't enjoy parading my victories around, so being able to take after his example by mostly avoiding conflict while still doing good for ourselves would be nice :) And if we ever wanna prank some people... i think it'd be kinda funny to be the perpetrators AND the least suspected people in the room😂😂
Also, Rook! I mentioned before that I go to art school, so exposure to different media and insightful disscusion/ critique is something I hold dear! In the incredebly survival-of-the-fittest-dog-eat-dog-testostorone-filled-dick-measuring-contest that is our darling NRC, I would heavily consider shrivling away. Still! A lot of the boys can be incredbly passionate about their artistic forms of expression :) From Malleus and his music, and of course Vil and his acting career, I'd respect them so much! But- many of those same boys don't feel the most approachable about more vulnrable discussions. And not even talking about art in a fancy-smanchy way. I wanna talk poetry! Point out how one of my classmate's eyes remind me of nickles, or how the tiles of the school reminded me of hop-skotch! I want to brain-rot about a book and rant about how the thematic elements reflect reality! I concur with Rook's appreciation of beauty in everywhere he looks, and I'd have a lot of fun with him just pointing out the mundane things we admire :) 
Would be weirded out by the stalking though... ha... haha
People I'd dislike? Azul. Probably Azul. Gosh, knowing his backstory as a viewer I want to sweep him into his arms and tell him he's beautiful and has the most darling blue eyes. I mean??? Babe?? An OCTO-mer???? That's so cool!!! Realistically though, I would be a bit disgusted by what he does. I'd still conversate with him, and appreciate his buissnessman-smile face, but deep down I'd try to avoid him. We're already stuck in a world with no money, connections, or information. I don't need the weight of a deal on my back.
Also I want to punt Crowley like a football. At this point I want to high-tail it to RSA and ask them what they know about reality-travelling shenanigains lmao. Hope you're having a good day!!
No worries, you can send them in any time. I was just cooking myself something.
Considering that magic is a profession you can study for in this world, that implies that magic itself is a predictable enough phenomenon that it can be studied, tested and recorded. Though, obviously the main magical classes don't quite account for signature spells since I imagine it would require quite the number of layers in magic spells to be able to replicate them. I know officially signature spells are so unique that they can't be replicated, but in my own head, it's less that it's impossible to replicate and more that it's difficult and tedious to do so with general magic means. The life of an individual, their own stories determine what kind of signature spell manifests in a person, hence why I have the headcanon that ancient magic of old had spell incantations that were fairy tales. Basically, each spell was treated as it's own form of unique magic waaaay back in the day, before more modern, common means of magic were developed.
So yeah, magic science. Any little science nerd would go nuts over this.
"In the incredebly survival-of-the-fittest-dog-eat-dog-testostorone-filled-dick-measuring-contest that is our darling NRC" Yea that really is NRC in a nutshell huh? Funnily enough, I actually had a little short-lived fantasy where the reader comes from an even more testosterone filled world, I'm talking about "gang wars but with colleges" type deal. Buff guys all around wanting to challenge you, to prove their worth and be become the ultra alpha chad or whatever the hell they label it these days. Almost Baki levels of crazy, but not quite, still following some lines of logic. Basically Reader takes one look at Jack, Leona and Rook and go "you are babies to me," not in the adoptive way, but in the, "I would steal your candy."
And speaking of poetry, it's actually my worst skill in all of my writing. See, as you've said, poetry usually does require a certain level of emotional vulnerability, or at least be willing to dip into those emotions and memories and have them come out. Stuffing as much meaning as possible to just a few words. Personal layers that become easier to peel back the more you understand the author, buuuuuut, I'm super private. Incredibly so, and so stuck in this apathetic state of mine that my poetry is bland. It doesn't have any specific details that make it unique. Bare boooones. So rather than remarking on what my classmates eyes remind me of, I'd remark how the sunlight loves the color. Or how the line of the tiles cut through and separate a whole bunch of students apart despite being stuck together. Observer type poems, rather than looking internally.
Wouldn't it be so ironic that the first friend you make was Rook of all people? After avoiding just about everyone "normal," you let Rook talk to you? You're willing to hang out with him? Rook stalks but it's never with the intention of hurting you or controlling you in anyway. If it bothers you enough, Rook is emotionally intelligent enough to leave things well enough alone. Rook stalks Leona but Leona doesn't register Rook as a threat in any way, just an annoyance. Hence why Rook keeps stalking him. So if does give you genuine nightmares, yeah he will stop.
Azul will find those legal loopholes when he can and already that puts him on my shit list. That and I don't like owing that smug motherfucker anything. He lords deals over peoples heads and I refuse to give him any sort of satisfaction just because he was bullied.
Same on the RSA route. Would not hesitate. Like, even if I end up friends with everyone, I would still leave for RSA cause at least their headmage is reliable. I can't stand being under the authority of someone like Crowley even if my friends are there. My well being comes first.
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cactme · 1 year
Fifteen questions for some mutuals!
I was tagged by @toads-treasures and haven't gotten to it right away but I was excited to be tagged!
Tagging @diana-maria @sonaapareeya @dumbfilmschoolkid @curuvari @whoaohblackbettysambalam and anyone else who wants to answer. no pressure tho!
Also, feel free to skip any questions you don’t wanna answer.
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am! I'm actually named after one of my great grandparents! At least, my middle name is. My first name is what it is because my dad couldn't think of a way to make fun of it like he could the other suggestions.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Tonight! My partner and I were talking about trauma :D
3. Do you have kids?
No but I hope to!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes but usually only playfully. Like if I were to kick a soccer ball hard at a brick wall and it bounces back and hits my face I might be like "boy, what an impossible to predict consequence to my perfectly reasonable action".
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played soccer, basketball, American football and track & field (as a thrower). I also played baseball but I was little
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
That's a hard one. Maybe if they are intimidating but that's really more me noticing my own reactions. Probably like height, weight, and temperament. Unless I'm at work and then it's a different dynamic.
7. Eye color?
Blue but sometimes they look grey in certain lights.
8. Scary movie or happy endings?
¿Por que no los dos?
Though I do generally go for the happier endings if I had to pick between the two. I'm not a huge fan of Scary movies.
9. Any special talents?
I'm usually pretty good at picking up on how people are feeling. That's a big part of my job. Not in like an "empath" way but literally just have a lot of empathy. And I'm pretty good at picking up on different perspectives.
10. Where were you born?
The good ol' US of A
11. Free space
When I was a kid my dad let me ride on an actual real life alligator.
12.  Do you have any pets?
No! My parents have a dog that I think of as my own though. He's a good boy. He's actually part wolf! (Supposedly)
13. How tall are you?
I'll skip this one as that feels a little doxxy.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I really liked school in general. Probably literature classes, at least in high school. I liked a lot of the bio classes in college but my favorites were probably the art and folklore type classes
15. Dream job?
Honestly, I've always loved the idea of being an artist of some kind, creating things with my own two hands that are actually meaningful to others. But, my brain doesn't really let me focus on things for more than a couple of minutes so I struggle to develop talents with pretty much anything.
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gettothestabbing · 2 years
Back from the real world!
And I got some venting to do!
SO. I didn’t have Internet except at work (where I’m not supposed to be on it when not on break, a rule I broke a lot and feel only slightly bad about) for about 3 weeks. And this happened about the same time as the death of Kazuki Takahashi. Who created my favorite manga, and the first anime/show I loved as a child that wasn’t something my parents picked out for me.
I know my blog is a heady mix of politics and fanart and real art and a bunch of things now. But when I started out, and I was afraid to post anything political, I was following mostly Yu-Gi-Oh! fanblogs. (And Communismkills. Love her.) I’ve posted a lot less about YGO over time. This is partly because of the Obsession Cycle (see below) and partly because I am influenced by the content that people I like post. Hence why I got more political from following CK, more artistic from following art blogs, etc.
The Obsession Cycle is a cycle of hyperfixations on certain stories that I love more than any others. Although new stories are often added to the cycle, making it longer or shorter, it always includes Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Gravity Falls, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Hey Arnold!, Disney in some form, and Ghibli in some form. The cycle is complete either when I drop all hyperfixations for a period of time, or when I return to the fixation I started with in the most recent iteration. My sister, explaining this concept to her husband, pointed out that I used to cycle through this entirely within 8 months. Then, adding new media in and having more to do in college and law school, the cycle widened dramatically to 3 years. Right now, she estimates that my cycle is about 2 years long. The implication of course is that there has been a regression.
I would agree with that. To be completely honest, I was about to reread the manga when I heard Takahashi had died, and that news hit me very hard. While I am not interested in large swathes of the franchise that Yu-Gi-Oh! spawned, and therefore do not see Takahashi as an ideal, I have always respected and admired his work. It is also easy to sympathize with him losing some creative control over time due to the insane popularity of Duel Monsters, but he found a way to end his story satisfactorily (twice, if we include the Dark Side of Dimensions movie) despite one game taking massive precedence.
So without Internet, having just moved into a new apartment, with a lot of frustration at work, and feeling very isolated and upset, I restarted my cycle and started shoving Yu-Gi-Oh! into my brain as fast and as hard as possible. I have been very very annoying to talk to lately, even to myself. My sister has been delicately asking me “when I’m going to be done” with this phase for at least a week. I don’t really see an end in sight, and I can never predict when the feverish fascination will fade.
Honestly, this is a period of mourning. Even though the story concluded long ago, Yu-Gi-Oh! has always had a special place in my heart. It helped me make friends (through playing the card game w/boys at school) and learn new ways to express myself artistically. (Yes, I wrote fic, no, you can’t read it.) It was something I enjoyed that no one else in my family liked.
It was also my safe place. I was nine when I got into the show. You know what else happened when I was nine? I started puberty ahead of everyone else in my class and I was subsequently molested. I took real comfort and strength from how characters stood up for themselves and made themselves comfortable in their own bodies (or others’ bodies, as the case may be). I liked that they could make stupid mistakes but still have their friends’ support.
I only ever got to see the first two seasons because for some reason the TV station would never air anything past the first half of the Battle City finals. I also owned the first volume of the manga, which is extremely different from the dub I knew and hinted at a wealth of interpretation and content that was beyond my reach. Then my card-playing friend moved away and my mom died. Real life stuff like that got in the way of my exploring the story further until I was in high school and found the abridged series.
I never let myself finish the manga before, because I didn’t have all the volumes. Now I’m waiting on the last one to come in the mail. Because I always expect the cycle to come back again, I try never to fully exhaust any of these media properties. If it appears I will run out of the finite content for any of them, I try to start distracting myself with lesser media, chores, anything else to draw it out. I have to assume other people do this but I’ve never met anyone IRL who does (that would admit it anyway).
Despite all of this, I’m still an adult with a job. I’m trying to manage and balance my hyperfixation with all the other things I need to do. Like if I can’t have any free time, I’ll play instrumental music from the show as I work. I guess I expected to outgrow the Obsession Cycle without having to expend noticeable effort in doing so. Like my dad has told me many times, “it’s a phase.” Sometimes you don’t return to things you used to like, sure. But I resent them applying that label to Yu-Gi-Oh!. It’s really not a phase. It was a part of my childhood (then rapidly vanishing) that helped me learn the person I wanted to be as an adult. It still inspires me so much.
And aside from all that, I think having that break from regular Internet time helped me refine what I want out of that time now that I have it back. I enjoyed how much reading and organizing I was able to get done. I felt less distracted, even as I chafed at my difficulties in listening to music or communicating with friends. I may post less for awhile, maybe permanently. I don’t think I’ll ever really leave Tumblr or the Internet. And I didn’t enjoy being forcibly without it. But I feel like my relationship with the Internet will be healthier going forward.
3 notes · View notes
yoon-kooks · 2 years
how many | jjk | 3
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Pairing: Jungkook x TattooArtist!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, BadBoy!AU
Summary: To Jeon Jungkook, you’re just the cutie who sits across from him in art class. He doesn’t have a clue that you’re also the hidden face of his favorite tattoo artist on social media. When the bad boy notices you’ve taken a surprising interest in his ink, he dares you to explore every inch of his body until all of his tattoos are accounted for. Tempted by his irresistible smile and delicate touch, you might even let him in on your little secret.
Word Count: 6.6k
Parts: 0 ◆ 1 ◆ 2 ◆ 3 ◆ 4 ◆ 5 ◆ 6
Warnings: sexual activity in a hot tub, dry humping, fingering, jungkook touches some boobies, smut from a fluff writer
A/N: we've finally reached the first smutty chapter🦆
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◆ the one you found in the hot tub ◆
“So do you have any plans after this?” your client asks as you finish up the last few details on her shark tattoo. “It’s a beautiful Friday night.”
Usually, your answer would be no. You’ve never really been the type to make hangout plans, but tonight is a little different. You do in fact have plans.
“I’m meeting up with a friend to work on an art project for class,” you say. It might not sound like much to other people, but it took an immense amount of courage to ask Jungkook to spend his Friday night making art with you. Sure, you chickened out of asking him out on a real date, but at the very least, you won’t be procrastinating on school work.
“Aww man, school really ruins all the fun, doesn’t it.” The woman looks like she feels genuinely bad for you. You’d probably agree with her if you didn’t have feelings for the boy you’re meeting up with. In fact, school is the best excuse you have for spending more time with him, so you’ll gladly welcome any and all assignments your art professor wants to throw at you.
“Do you have anything planned tonight?” You feel like it’s only polite to ask your clients the same questions they ask you. It makes the small talk a little easier.
“Since the weather’s so nice, I was thinking about taking a spontaneous trip down to the beach with my boyfriend.” She has a huge grin like the kind you’d find on posters promoting dental hygiene, and her eyes glisten with something you’re envious of. You wonder if that’s what it looks like to be in love. “The weatherlady said we won’t have sun like this again for a while, so this is basically our last chance to take advantage of it.”
You’re reminded of that cute bikini you bought a while back but never wore. All this time, you’ve been waiting for someone to swim with. And maybe you finally have someone.
A hazy image comes to mind. It’s a shirtless Jungkook squeezing squiggly white lines of sunscreen all over his body like mayonnaise on a deli sandwich. It’s all cute and dorky until he starts rubbing it into his muscles and all that skin and asks for your assistance. 
You’d probably be enjoying this brief daydream, but your brain has decided to place a giant mosaic over Jungkook’s entire torso because that part of his body is still very much a mystery to you. He might have a hundred more tattoos under that mosaic, or he might not have any there at all. You’d like to know either way, and part of you hopes he’s just as curious about your body.
Your beachside fantasy suddenly fades away into dark clouds. Based on the weatherlady’s predictions, there’s a 0% chance of seeing the real Jungkook sporting swim trunks in the near future, which means you need to stop drooling over the thought of it.
Unless you decide to make a move tonight.
“Don’t look so worried, I’m not going to swim and ruin this beauty.” Your client points to the completed shark on her thigh and waves off any concern you might have about disrupting the healing process. “I just want to spend a romantic evening at the beach with my man, you know what I mean?”
You nod. Even though you know what she means, you can’t quite relate in a way you wish you could.
As you lock up your shop for the night, you check the time on your phone. The appointment was shorter than expected, so you still have a good chunk of time before you need to meet Jungkook at the art building. After running some quick calculations, you figure it’s just enough time to go home and change into something cuter.
As expected, your beachy conversation with your client has you staring at the bikini hanging on your doorknob with the tags still intact. You do your best to convince yourself this is a good idea. It’s a warm Friday night, your art project isn’t technically due until Monday, you’d get to see a shirtless Jeon Jungkook without the mosaic, and he’d get to see you in that cute bikini.
Fuck it. It’s now or never.
So after throwing on a floral mini dress over your bikini, you dash out the door and type up a cute message for Jungkook.
Y/N🍑 [8:14PM] “you might want to bring a swimsuit in case the watercolors get messy👙”
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After an hour of diligent painting, you hear Jungkook drop his brush into his palette. When you turn to him, he’s staring at all the progress you’ve made on your canvas. While he has the early stages of a peaceful waterfall in the works, you’re already fine-tuning your little beach paradise.
“Hey, is there any kind of art you aren’t good at?” he asks, washing his brushes and putting the paints back as if to say he’s done for the night. After adding highlights to the lazy waves rolling up the sand, you join in on the cleaning spree.
“Nope,” you lie. Art comes naturally to you, but there are still plenty of things you haven’t even tried yet, like sculpting or graffiti.
“So you’re even good at body art?” The boy raises his pierced brow.
“That’s my specialty, actually.” It sounds like sarcasm coming from someone like you, but Jungkook doesn’t know it’s the truth. You grab a black marker and hold your hand out, just as he had done on the day you met him. He gives you the hand that isn’t all tatted up with letters and symbols. “What do you want?” you ask.
Jungkook takes his time in giving you a response, but you aren’t complaining about the prolonged handholding. His dark brown eyes fall on your lips and then your neck. And then slightly below that.
“I think you know what I want, Y/N.” Despite the suggestiveness in his words, his tone is playful with only a hint of mischief.
“Yeah, yeah, I think I have an idea.” You start drawing a mythical canine of some sort in typical @snowsleeve fashion, trying hard not to visualize what the boy actually wants.
But you saw the look in his eye. He wants to pin you to the ground, tear that tiny little dress off of you, and taste every last inch of your body until it’s impossible to breathe. That could explain why he was so eager to clean up. 
No, that’s just what you want him to do to you. Ever since he kissed you against your door that one afternoon, you’ve been thinking a lot about what might come next. If a mere kiss felt that good, you can only imagine what it’d be like to have him on top of you. He’d ruin you.
“Wait, this is actually a sick tattoo.” Jungkook flexes his fingers and holds the back of his hand up to you as if you weren’t the artist who drew the design for him. It’s an icy white wolf carrying a carrot in its mouth.
“You should get @snowsleeve to do that for you.” Maybe without the carrot, though.
“Oh, right…” The boy doesn’t sound too thrilled that you brought @snowsleeve up. In fact, he looks a bit discouraged. “She left me on read after I sent that DM, so I don’t know if our highly anticipated appointment is going to happen or not.”
“You were left on read?” You force a laugh. Of all people to leave Jeon Jungkook on read, you can’t believe it was you. It wasn’t on purpose though. You just forgot to respond. “She was probably just busy and forgot about it.”
“That’s what they said about my ex until I never heard from her again,” he says with a straight face. You’re only 90% sure he’s just fucking with you.
“Well, if she doesn’t respond to you soon, I’ll do the tattoo for you myself.” You make a mental note to send a response when you get home. The poor boy needs to be put out of his misery as soon as possible.
“Thanks, I might have to take you up on that offer.” He once again admires the carrot-wielding wolf on his hand without even questioning the legitimacy of your ability to etch an actual tattoo into his skin. “I wouldn’t be too upset if it were you leaving your mark on my body.”
The tattoo somehow holds more weight when he puts it that way. It only excites you more to know that he wholeheartedly trusts you with his body–the same way you’d trust him with yours.
“By the way, were you ever going to explain why I’m wearing swim trunks?” He points at his maroon swim trunks, and you accidentally get a good look at his crotch. You blame his finger for leading your naive eyes in that direction.
“I already told you, Jungkook.” You don’t know why your voice feels so tiny all of a sudden. “Watercolor can get a little messy.”
“But we didn’t really make a mess,” he chuckles, gesturing to the space that’s practically cleaner now than when the two of you first arrived. Then he steps closer to you and dabs something wet and cold onto your cheek. It smells like paint. “Except for right here.”
You hate how freaking cute he is when he grins like that after such a devilish deed. You’re a big advocate of payback, but you already dumped all of the murky paint water down the drain. Instead, you have to settle for wiping the blue paint off your cheek and onto the boy’s oversized black tee. Unfortunately for you, that doesn’t seem to faze him. He’s still waiting on an acceptable explanation for the swim trunks.
“My thought process was that paint would get all over us, and then we’d have no choice but to rinse off at the pool.” You would’ve mentioned the beach instead, but you’d rather not walk in on your client’s romantic evening with her man.
“Sounds legit,” he nods, taking your hand as the two of you exit the art room. Thank god he’s willing to play along with your silly excuse. Though, from the corner of your eye, you see the edge of his lips twitch upward into a smug little smirk. “Or you could’ve just said you wanted to see me shirtless.”
If not for the soft squeeze he gives your hand, you probably would’ve barked back. He soothes you just as easily as he teases you. The very essence of your relationship is cozy intimacy, the perfect balance of warmth and mischief. 
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The locked gates do little to stop Jungkook from helping you up and over and into the pool area on campus. The lights are off, the pool is quiet, and nobody else is around. You’re not sure what the consequences are for sneaking into the pool after hours, but you’d like to think it’s worth it on a rare night like this.
You dip the tip of your toe into the pool and wince. Even in this warm weather, the water is cold enough to send chills down your spine. With a frown, you scurry over to the hot tub and press what you assume to be the on button. There’s a slight delay before the lights flash on and the hot tub starts to bubble.
You crouch down and keep your hand in the water as it heats up, mesmerized by the cascading sounds of the jets. It reminds you of the serene waterfall scene Jungkook was painting earlier.
Speaking of Jungkook, you glance over your shoulder to make sure he isn’t about to pick you up and toss you into the freezing cold pool. By now, you know the boy well enough to anticipate shenanigans like that. But instead, you catch him pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside onto the nearest lounge chair.
His title as a regular at the gym is well represented by his defined muscles and healthy glow. Just by staring at his abs, you feel motivated to make better fitness decisions, and you almost overlook the winged figure on his ribs. At first, you think it’s a butterfly, but it’s starting to look more like an angel. You don’t know how long you’ve been staring or what facial expression you’re making, but Jungkook laughs and says, “You look like you’ve never seen a shirtless male before.”
You snap out of your daze and splash some warm water in his direction. “For your information, I’ve seen plenty of shirtless males in my lifetime.” 
Jungkook cocks his head. “Oh yeah? How many?”
“More than I can count.” You’re mostly referring to your male clients who’ve asked for tattoos somewhere above the belt, but Jungkook can keep thinking you’re a sex goddess for all you care.
He walks up to the edge of the hot tub and stares down at you squatting there. “You must be pretty experienced then,” he says, eyeing the buttons that run down the front of your mini dress. “So were you planning on getting into the water in that dress, or…?”
You believe that’s his not-so-subtle way of asking you to strip. As shy as you’ve been tonight, you hop up onto your feet beside him and undo your dress, one button at a time, until there’s nothing covering your body but a skimpy black bikini. Jungkook watches the whole thing without blinking. “You could’ve just said you wanted to see me undress,” you tease.
The boy nods along to whatever the heck you’re saying, too distracted to speak as he takes in the sight of your bare skin. So much bare skin. His pupils are dilated like a cat ready to pounce on its prey. After a solid twenty seconds, he must realize he’s doing a bad job of hiding his sexual urges because he feels the need to explain why he’s looking at you so intently. “I’m just checking for any hidden tattoos you might have.”
“Find any yet?” You turn your hips and give him a good look at your ass before disappearing into the hot tub. There’s not a single tattoo visible on your body as far as he can see.
He shakes his hair out of his man bun, follows you in, and takes a seat opposite you. “I’m really starting to think you don’t have any tattoos, Y/N.”
“Well, you’re running out of places to check.” At this point, he’s pretty much seen it all aside from what’s directly under the bikini. That either means you have no tattoos at all, or you have a secret one hiding somewhere off-limits. 
The slight possibility of the latter has Jungkook reaching out and pulling you toward him. The momentum of the water draws you right into his lap. His eager hands slip into your bikini bottoms and cup your ass so that you won’t drift away–not that you’d want any sort of distance from him anyway. Lately, it’s been the opposite. You’ve been waiting and wanting to close the gap until your body finally overlaps with his.
“Where should I check first?” he asks. For just a second, he allows himself to admire the contours of your breasts like they’re true works of art. He’d probably free you of your tiny top and sling it over the gates if his hands weren’t so busy caressing you down below.
“Anywhere you like.” You wrap your arms around his neck so that the firm grip on your ass isn’t the only thing holding you in place. Hopefully, that encourages him to use his hands to pleasure and explore the rest of your body.
“I don’t know if I’d be able to control myself with that much power, Y/N.” You feel his words travel up your neck until his mouth finds a nice spot to kiss, suck, and taint with his deepest desires. The sloppy and desperate nips at your skin are a sign that he’s been craving your taste for a while. He’s already lost control.
His hands run up the sides of your waist and flirt with the idea of teasing your breasts. At first, he respects the two triangles covering you up, but the perky little buds poking through are clearly inviting him in. He pushes the stretchy fabric aside and just barely grazes your nipples with his thumbs, sending a friendly warning through your body and down to your core. 
Before you know it, his palms have completely replaced the two triangles, except they’re larger and have a stronger hold on you. His fingers dip into your breasts, longer than a casual squeeze and purely for his own selfish needs. You’ve never seen him so focused on a task. You wonder if he’s trying to run the algorithm to calculate your cup size in that empty head of his. He’s probably getting an error code because you’re starting to feel the frustration building in his veiny grip.
“This okay?” What a gentleman he is for asking while groping the utter shit out of you. 
“Any touch from you is more than okay, Jungkook,” you assure him. That being said, you drag one of his hands from your chest down your stomach. The tips of his fingers are just a centimeter away from entering your bikini bottoms at the front entrance. You look him right in the eye when you say, “But this would be much appreciated.”
His long hair shades his face as he glances down at how you’re still tugging his wrist with a sense of urgency. “I can’t imagine innocent Y/N being this forward with anyone else,” he says, looking smug as ever.
You hate that he’s right. Maybe that’s why your previous relationships all ended the way they did. You never felt comfortable asking for more from anyone, so you’d settle for whatever was given to you, which often wasn’t enough. But these days, you feel like you’re starting to know your worth. And what you deserve is a boy like Jeon Jungkook and his very tempting fingers.
He slows down the pace as he traces the skin between your navel and the string tied at your waist. The slower he goes, the more sensitive you become to the slightest of grazes. At that rate, the two of you could be here all night, still inching toward some form of release. You wouldn’t mind that too much. 
He barely crosses your bikini line before you become acutely aware of how erotic your breathing is beginning to sound. Apparently, it’s loud enough for everyone to hear.
“So naughty.” He presses his hot lips into your collarbone. Your back arches in response and anticipation. Just when you think he’s about to take the plunge, he retracts his entire hand. “But I’m not sure you’re ready for it yet.”
You intend on responding with an irritated growl, but what comes out of your mouth is more like a whimper from a puppy in heat. As it turns out, that needy sound is what sets the boy off. You feel him stiffening beneath your crotch, desperate for more friction. He adjusts himself just a bit so that the length of his erection is pressed right up against your folds. The only thing standing between you and his cock is the fabric of your swimsuits. And boy, can you feel how thin the spandex is.
You pull back from all the attention he’s giving your body to assess his current state. His chest heaves and his skin is flushed, whether from the intensity between you and him or the heat of the water. You must be at that same point if not further along–even underwater, you can feel the slick coating between your legs. It’s almost embarrassing how much you’re dripping when he hasn’t even ventured there yet.
You run your fingers through his damp locks of hair and press your lips against his. Your tongue wrestles with his in a way that’s a lot less graceful than the first time he kissed you, but you aren’t complaining. 
“You taste like cotton candy,” he says, licking his lips. You’re pleasantly surprised that he could identify the exact flavor of your lip balm. What a wholesome detail for the bad boy to pick up on in the midst of something so sinful.
“You taste like green Listerine,” you reply when he gives you another chance to breathe. “And you smell like Old Spice.”
“C’mon, Y/N. You know I can do better than Old Spice.” He frowns and mentions some fancy French brand with notes of vanilla, chestnuts, and cinnamon. It’s intoxicating.
“Well, whatever it is, I like it.” You already know you’ll forever associate that scent with everything you’re feeling in this hot tub. Passion and pleasure. Love and lust.
“Good, because I picked it out with you in mind,” he says before diving back into your mouth. His hands find their way to your hips and rub them in a circular motion. He even lifts you up and adjusts your ass a few times to generate any sort of relief for his erection. He’s getting impatient.
The water swishes about in a choppy manner as you start rolling your hips, grinding your crotch against the solid mass in his trunks. It’s impossible not to feel how large he is. If you had to guess, you’d say his cock is bigger than any of the ones you’ve ridden. But you’ll have to see it to believe it when the time comes.
As the pleasure continues to build, you almost forget that you’re still wearing your bikini in a hot tub and aren’t naked in his bed. Because no one ever told you grinding against him like this would feel better than making love under the sheets. Then again, you’re sure Jungkook would find a way to one-up himself and provide you with the best sex of your life. 
The boy is clearly enjoying himself as well, but something tells you he’s still lusting for more. He moans profanity into your mouth and tugs at the strings of your bikini bottoms. One side comes undone, and then the other. You’d normally be horrified at the sight of your bikini drifting away on the surface of a public pool, but you don’t seem to really mind when it’s just you and Jungkook.
“Are there security cameras around here?” You only ask because it’d be kind of awkward if the security guard just watched your bikini be torn off as steamy events unfolded in the hot tub.
“I don’t know. Probably.” The boy apparently can’t be bothered by the threat of an audience while he’s running his fingers along your inner thigh. Is it a coincidence that your body is the most sensitive it’s ever been as he purposely avoids the place between your legs? Coincidence or not, you need him to cooperate soon because your body is starting to act on its own and you refuse to hit your high before you’ve learned exactly what his fingers can do to you.
“We’re gonna get in trouble if the security guard ever sees this.” Your moans get a little louder and your hips move a little harder against him. His cock must be throbbing and past the point of no return, and yet, he doesn’t ask for any favors from you. Right now, he only cares about satisfying the needs of you and your body.
“You were in trouble from the second I sat across from you in class,” he whispers into your ear. Without warning, he slips two fingers between your legs and rubs your swollen little clit until you can’t think straight anymore. Your head snaps back from the sudden surge in pleasure, and the lewd sound that escapes your throat is something you’d only expect to hear in a pornographic setting. You swear you’ve touched yourself in that same exact way, and yet it feels so much better when he’s the one in control. 
His fingers somehow know the perfect speed and pressure to send you to the edge and keep you there. Fuck, no man has ever touched you like that. Your body has never felt so hot and sensitive, so intense and frenzied, all at the same time. You haven’t even come yet, and he’s already put your entire history of orgasms to shame. Not one single orgasm can compare to what you’re feeling right now, and you’d like to think you’ve had a fair amount of good sex in the past. But not anymore. 
You’re not ignorant, either. Something that feels that good takes a lot of practice. The thought of him fingering and fucking his other female friends isn’t pleasant, but at least it’s you who gets to experience him at his best. In fact, you’ll personally thank the gals of Jungkook’s past for helping him become the sex god he is today.
And then his fingers stop. Everything stops, except for your growing frustration when he doesn’t budge after five whole seconds. You can’t decide if you’re glad or upset that he’s left one finger right on your clit. Either way, you’re going to lose your goddamn mind if he keeps torturing you like this.
“Jung. Kook. Please,” you beg him in your best horny voice. You’re confident you can negotiate with him to get on with it, but when you come back to your senses and take a peek at him, he’s glancing over your shoulder.
You turn your head and follow his line of sight to a large group of friends hopping over the gate and catapulting right into the pool. Startled, you snatch your bikini bottoms from the water’s surface and unwrap yourself from Jungkook. 
His fingers slip out from beneath you as you situate yourself to be sitting thigh-to-thigh with him. You lean in and whisper, “Don’t these people know the pool is closed?” as if you weren’t also guilty of ignoring the padlock on the gate or the twenty signs that clearly said “closed.”
“I’m pretty sure we broke more rules than them tonight,” Jungkook says, straightening the little triangles over your breasts. “It’s a shame we were interrupted, but I don’t mind making you wait a little longer.”
And then he smirks. You knew it. He enjoyed making you squirm and beg for his touch. And you can’t believe you were in such a helpless and horny state, only to be walked in on by some trespassing hooligans. You’re thankful for the shroud of steam around the hot tub because you assume it’s the only thing hiding the embarrassment on your face. 
“Are you still aching for me?” He examines your face closely. The sweat dripping down your forehead is doing a shitty job of disguising itself as pool water. You’re clearly flustered. Maybe the heat can’t save you after all.
To top it off, the ghost of his touch is a tingling sensation you won’t be able to soothe until you get home. The sad thing is that your own fingers won’t be able to make you feel what his fingers made you feel. The lack of action between your legs is pure torture, and Jeon Jungkook is very aware of that.
“I promise I’ll make it worth the wait,” he whispers, confirming that there will indeed be another time for intimacy and everything that comes with it. Without any interruptions.
“Hey, Jungkook!” one of the hooligans shouts from the other side of the pool. The group waves at the campus celebrity beside you.
“You know them?” You squint your eyes, but you don’t recognize any of those faces from your art class.
“No… but I guess they know me.” Jungkook waves his hand in their direction–the same hand that was running circles around your clit just moments before. You’re only a little bitter.
“Of course. Everyone knows you because that’s what it means to be an influ–”
“Y/N, please don’t say it.” He’s burying his face into his hand. That hand.
“Influencer,” you hum. “You know, if I had that many followers, I’d probably end up hiding my face. I’m not really a fan of strangers knowing me like that.”
“Well, not to sound conceited, but I only have that many followers because of my face.” You can barely hear him over the jets. He stares at his muddled reflection on the bubbly surface. The underwater lights illuminate his face. The starry sky has nothing on him. What a beautiful human being. “And while they might know my face, my name, and my tattoos, there are a lot of things those people will never know about me.”
“For example?”
“I’m more than a casual viewer of anime–I read the manga, too,” he admits. “And I used to wanna marry Sailor Mars.”
Who would’ve thought Jungkook was a Sailor Moon fanboy? “Go on,” you chuckle. 
“I watch a lot of those nature videos about the world’s tiniest cat and endangered rhinos. You know the ones, right?” He looks at you with the expectation that you also sit at your computer all day watching similar videos about baby salamanders.
You don’t actually know what the fuck he’s talking about, but you nod anyway. “Okay, what else?”
“I still play Pokémon Go.” He pulls up the app and scrolls through an endless list of captured mons. He has a nickname for every single one of them. “My Pokédex is 87% complete.”
“Probably should’ve kept that one to yourself, you nerd.” You give his thigh a squeeze, only to remember how toned and hard they felt beneath your ass. Must be from all the running around he does while catching Charizards. “Any other dark secrets I can tease you about?”
Jungkook loops his pinky around the one you have resting on his thigh. “I’ll tell you another if you promise not to tease me about it.”
“Whatever it is, I won’t tease you about it,” you promise. “As long as it’s not about you naming your Diglett ‘Dicklette.’” You also saw Psydick, Cockuna, and Cuboner in his Pokédex, but you decide not to mention those.
“I can’t believe you fucking saw that,” he groans. “And no, of course it’s not that.”
“Okay, then it’s a promise.” You snuggle closer to the boy and rest your head on his shoulder. Something about the combined scent of chlorine and Jungkook’s chestnutty cologne is oddly therapeutic.
“Do you think becoming a tattoo artist is a realistic career path?” he asks. The pinky promise has slowly morphed into something along the lines of your hand fitting perfectly into his. You’re honored that he’s comfortable enough to confide in you about an undecided future. You’d love to help him in any way you can.
You smile. “You asked the right person because I’m never going to say no to that question.”
At first, he doesn’t say anything. Maybe that wasn’t the answer he was looking for, but he should’ve already known your stance on this one. You have full faith in his talent as an artist, but you’re starting to think he needs a confidence boost. Especially after he says, “Y/N, I appreciate how supportive you are of our tattoo agenda, but I need you to tell me I’m a shitty artist who should stick with becoming a software engineer.”
“You’re a shitty artist who should stick with becoming a software engineer,” you repeat in your best Jeon Jungkook voice. It takes you an extra second to process the words that just came out of your mouth. “Wait, you’re a comp sci major? I always just assumed you were an art major.”
“I’m double majoring in both.” Jungkook shrugs as if it’s no big deal. Now he sounds conceited.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was practically having sex in a hot tub with the biggest nerd on the planet,” you joke, intentionally leaving out the part about him also being the hottest boy in the universe. “I mean that as a compliment, by the way.”
“Thanks?” he laughs.
“But seriously, I don’t think it’s bad if you want to make tattoos a part of your career, Jungkook.” It takes everything in you to not overshare. Not yet, anyway. But as someone who grew up in the apartment right above a tattoo parlor, you know exactly how it feels to dream of living that life. “If you ask me, I think it’s just a matter of committing and injecting ink into your first willing victim.”
“Are you volunteering to be my first victim?” He tilts his head and follows every movement in your eyes. Why does he have to look so doe-eyed and adorable while talking like a freshly turned vampire?
Of course you’d love a tattoo from Jungkook himself, but you’re clearly not the type to make impulsive decisions when it comes to body art. And you do in fact have a reason for that.
“I actually have pretty low pain tolerance and a slight fear of needles,” you admit. It’s one thing to use needles on the skin as art tools, and an entirely different thing to be the one getting poked. A lot of other tattoo artists and enthusiasts can’t take you seriously because of that. But something tells you Jungkook won’t hold it against you. He might even find it endearing. 
“Is that the reason behind your lack of body art?” Jungkook runs the pads of his fingers along your bare arms. You already know he’s thinking of all the things he could do with a canvas as pure as your skin. The possibilities are endless.
You nod. For a tattoo artist, it’s incredible that you haven’t come up with tattoo designs that would justify the pain you’d have to endure. That is, until Jungkook drew that cute little bunny on your hand. Ever since that day, you’ve been more willing to step outside your comfort zone in more ways than one. “But if you’re serious about becoming a tattoo artist, I’d be down to give it a go.”
“I promise I’ll be gentle.” He plants a kiss on your forehead. You hope he understands that there’s no way to be gentle when it comes to tattoos. Unless he was referring to something else. “And just for the record, I’m still not ruling out the slight possibility of you having a tattoo hidden somewhere. For all I know, you could’ve had a painful first tattoo experience and that’s what’s kept you for getting any more.”
“Hm, maybe.” You casually tiptoe around his theory and point at the winged figure on his ribs. “Did this one hurt? I heard that spot is pretty bad.”
Jungkook looks down and says, “Yeah, this little guy hurt like a bitch.”
“Is it a butterfly or an angel?” You wish the jets would stop for a moment so you could get a better look at the design below the surface.
He stands up out of the water to show you what it looks like without anything obscuring it. The water droplets streaming down his torso are only mildly distracting with how they follow the paths carved out for them by his abs. That must be the science behind what makes lifeguards and swimsuit models exceptionally attractive. 
“It’s called a fairy, Y/N…” He sounds disappointed by your ignorance. Your bad for not being raised by Tinker Bell or Cosmo & Wanda.
“That was my next guess,” you frown, following him out of the water and toward the towel rack. “It’s cute.”
“It reminds me of you.” He stops in the middle of drying off to point to the fairy’s tiny bundle of yellow flowers and the faint black flames that follow her. She’s an odd mix of cute & sexy, compassionate & unapologetic. It’s a feisty little fairy brought to life in an art style you’ve become quite familiar with recently.
“You designed it yourself, right?” Even before he answers, you know your eyes aren’t deceiving you. This is a Jeon Jungkook original if you ever saw one. He’d make a fantastic tattoo artist, and you wish he could see that.
He nods. “I got it after my last breakup. It’s supposed to embody the kind of person I think would be good for me.”
You give the fairy another look. It’s not exactly like looking in a mirror, but you’d like to think you’re just as kindhearted and tough as the person Jungkook envisions himself with.
“She looks like she’d keep you grounded when your ego is too big, and lift your spirits up when you’re feeling down,” you say. You slip back into your dress but feel the now chilly air against your damp skin. The weatherlady was right.
“Exactly.” It’s you. You’d challenge him just as much as you’d adore him. You’re the person who would be good for him. Perfect even. He pulls his black tee over your head, and you snort when it’s longer than your mini dress.
“Are you going to be warm enough like that, Jungkook?” You feel bad that he’s shirtless while you’re walking to the car in two layers.
“I’m fine.” He really doesn’t seem bothered by the drop in temperature, but he holds out his sleeveless arm, the one closest to you, and says, “This arm is a little cold, though.”
You wrap yourself around his arm like a koala hugging its tree. He might be the shirtless one, but so much warmth radiates from him. It feels like he’s keeping you warm, rather than the other way around.
“Hey, Y/N?” His voice is soft again.
“Wanna know one last secret?”
“You’re actually triple majoring in archeology? You were Team Jacob and not Team Edward? You always order Hawaiian pizza but pick the pineapples off and eat them separately?” you guess.
“What kind of weirdo does that with their Hawaiian pizza?” Jungkook narrows his eyes at you. “It’s you, isn’t it?”
“It tastes better that way.” You lift your nose with a hmph, embracing your chaotic energy for what it is.
“I’ll have to try it next time if you ask me out again.” He unlocks his car and opens the door for you. You get a glimpse of the hickey he left on you in the side-view mirror, reminded of the lust that had consumed the two of you in the hot tub earlier. You don’t want to let go of his warmth, but you know you need to get home in order to finish the deed. You might even invite him inside so that he won’t have to go another day without knowing what sex with you feels like from start to finish. Surely he needs that knowledge as much as you do. Especially now that you’ve both gotten a tiny taste of what a night together could entail.
“Ask you out again? I don’t recall ever asking you out in the first place, Jeon,” you feign innocence and let out a yawn. You don’t remember the passenger seat being this cozy, either. 
“So that cute little swimsuit message you sent me was totally not your way of asking me out on a pool date, right?”
“Totally not,” you agree. Before you forget, you pull your phone out of your bag and type out a response from @snowsleeve to Jungkook’s main IG account. After hitting send, you also make the executive decision to give his smaller art account a follow so that he can see that his talent is recognized and respected by fellow artists. “Wait, what was the secret you were going to tell me?”
“The one I was going to tell you before I was interrupted by your accusations about archeology and Twilight?”
“Yes, that’s the one.”
His silence lasts for what feels like a century. You lose track of how many stop signs you pass without a response, and it’s getting harder to keep your eyes open. In fact, you aren’t sure if what you hear next is reality or just a dream.
“I’ve got it bad for the cutie who sits across from me in art class.”
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Hello I really love your writing. I’m glad that you decided to open requests for a bit. I have a personal headcanon that the boys are a lot nicer to MC then they are to everyone else. Could you do a headcanon of the boys being out with MC and they are talking with MC happily. Then a lesser demon sees them with MC and says that the seven brothers have gone weak and they aren’t scared of them anymore. Thank you again!!! 😖 (Also the way you write Levi is great)
Aww thank you!! Levi's kind of my favorite character (if that hasn't become painfully obvious) so I try to write him well, you know? This one was a little hard for me to write because I just have a hard time imagining Asmo and Beel as something intimidating to the masses, but I tried my best! I hope you like it!
Lesser Demons Think the Brothers have "Gone Soft…"
If anybody had something to lose by acting sweet on a lowly human, it was Lucifer. His entire image was built on the back of power and intimidation, so really who didn't see this coming?
He knew there were whispers… Mostly in the RAD hallways. Students would see him with the MC and gossip amongst themselves… 
"Did you see them together again in the courtyard?"
"How did some random human even score a pact with him??"
"And I used to seriously look up to him, too…"
He'd always silence their chitchat with a well placed glare, but this was a symptom of something more… troubling. A decay of his social image if you will.
Perhaps it speaks to how well and truly enamored he was with the MC that this proud creature didn't just dump them the second he started looking bad, but still… a part of him really couldn't stand for this...
So maybe it was a blessing in disguise when he finally got an excuse to establish his superiority yet again!
He and the MC were walking the halls of RAD after school hours and they had just made an amusing joke at the expense of of his brothers. Unfortunately, Lucifer collided into a lesser demon student while he was laughing…
On most occasions, he would have expected someone of such station to pay him deference then offer an apology - they had just ran into Lucifer after all - but the student just scoffed at him!
Lesser Demon: "Oi! Watch where you're going, Lucifer! Or were you too busy sucking up to that human to notice?"
This… was maybe not the best response to have (if the "Oh shit" look on the MC's face was any indication) but for as annoyed as Lucifer was, he was also somewhat delighted.
Finally, he had the perfect messenger for just how cruel he could still be!
Lucifer: "MC, feel free to go home without me for now and tell my brothers to save my dinner for later…" *starts pulling out his favorite rope with a cold, but pleased, smile on his face* "I have a feeling I'll be home late tonight..."
The MC left him and his unfortunate victim to their fate and Lucifer later came home in the night with his uniform in a bad need of cleaning...
A new body decorated the RAD entrance hall the next morning - swinging from the ceiling and making an awful mess on the floor - but still alive enough give a very important message to the rest of the students:
"Lucifer hasn't changed a bit…"
So, not even lesser demons see Mammon as some kind of high-ranking badass… 
Just to be clear, he is, but it’s hard for him to come off that way when he's begging for his next Grimm... Then enter MC into the picture and he somehow lost even MORE cred.
"There goes poor Mammon… Did you hear he got tricked into a pact?"
"Just look at him nipping at the human's heels! How pathetic is that??"
"Well that's Mammon for you… What a shit excuse for a demon."
Like Lucifer, Mammon wasn’t immune to the whispers, but unlike his brother he was able to push them mostly out of his mind. People look down on him? Yeah, what else is new?
To be honest, he didn’t really feel the need to prove anything to a bunch of lesser demon losers… But insulting his MC takes things a step too far.
He and the MC were out at the Devil's Coast, "enjoying" some of the haunted house attractions and generally having a good time…ish. 
Any time they managed to make it out of one, the MC would have to peel Mammon off their back and hold him to assure him they were back to safety (a process he seemed to like enough to repeat the horror that precedes it).
It was during one of these calm down sessions that the two were accosted by a couple of snickering lesser demons, clearly looking for a fight…
Lesser Demon 1: "Hey look! There's the 'Great' Mammon and his little master!"
Lesser Demon 2: "Guess the master fits the demon… Of course someone like Mammon couldn't even score a pact with Solomon and gets stuck with the weakling!"
Lesser Demon 1: "Well how's the babysitting going, Mams? I bet you can't wait for them to kill over, can ya?"
Lesser Demon 2: "Careful! With his luck, they'll probably get eaten by the end of next week! Haha!!"
Now… an important thing to know about Mammon is that you can fling all the mud and stones you'd like at him… but never at his MC. That's just asking for a bruising...
Mammon: *smiling like usual, but his eyes are practically burning with rage...* "Yo, MC… I'm gettin' a little hungry. Can ya go find us a snack over there? I'll meet ya in a bit…"
MC: "Mammon, are you-?"
Mammon: "Don’t worry 'bout me, babe." *takes his glasses off and flashes a fanged grin* "This is'a piece of cake."
And indeed, it wasn't difficult at all. No matter how fast those demons ran, they could never out speed Mammon and he was looking to give more than a warning…
The MC didn't know what he did while they were waiting in line, but they heard the sounds of pleading go silent before Mammon turned back up with a nice bruise on his cheek. Oh, how they fretted and dotted on him…
Meanwhile, the haunted houses just earned themselves a couple new mannequins!… when rigor sets in anyway.
Levi has a… mixed reputation in the Devildom to start with. People who only know him for his titles usually expect him to be some kind of sea-hardened badass. Those who meet him are… well let's say less than impressed.
This isn't anything new to Levi. It does take a blow to his confidence sometimes but even still most people aren't dumb enough to say something to his face… most people.
Unfortunately, "most people" have been getting bolder after seeing him with MC - because Demon Lord forbid Leviathan actually look happy for a change…
He and the MC were out and about for once. There was a raffle for exclusive merch at Anidaemon and he brought them along to boost his chances. They were grinning and chatting about anime but well…
The human couldn’t hear this, but he could - sensitive demon ears and all that. There were a couple guys who were tailing him… heckling him just loud enough that he was CERTAIN they knew he could hear them...
Lesser Demon 1: "Is that seriously Leviathan hanging out with a human? Isn’t he an Admiral??"
Lesser Demon 2: "Ha! The whole family's turned into simps, are you that surprised?"
Lesser Demon 1: "Wonder what the human's giving them that's got them all brainwashed…"
Lesser Demon 2: "Well... I've got an idea." 😏
If there were ever a reason for bile to fill his throat, it was now. He might be a shut-in, but those guys were the real creeps…
To be honest, Levi isn't one for public confrontation. Even with how gross and disrespectful those demons were being, he would have let it slide if they had just left it at that… but no…
He and the MC were browsing the ani-music racks in the store when those idiots popped up again. They hovered a while until they MC suddenly left his side to go find a store clerk.
When he saw the other demons move their direction, he naturally put himself between them and the would-be harassers. It was a little telling that despite his ticked off expression, the demons just laughed in his face!
Lesser Demon 2: "Hey look, the puppy's come out to protect its owner! How cute!"
Lesser Demon 1: "I can't believe you're that predictable, Levi… Do you really think we'd be scared of you?"
Well. That settled it.
When the MC came back, they found that Levi had moved from the music racks to the merch tables near the bathrooms. They didn't think anything of it… but...
One body was paralyzed by his venom and stuffed head first in a toilet while the other getting strangled by his tail just underneath the tablecloth… Meanwhile, Levi was cheerfully rambling about the raffle like nothing was happening at all.
Maybe they should have been a little more scared of the shut-in...
This may actually be a case where the rumors have a point… The MC has made Satan "soft."
Well, if "soft" means actually in control of himself, anyway. 
Satan would probably call their effect on him both a blessing and a curse. Though he loved finally having a handle on his inner rage, it flew in the face of a lot of his public image… and people were starting to notice….
"Do you think there's something off about Satan…?"
"I saw the human step on his toes earlier and he didn't even flinch…! The old Satan would have torn them apart!!"
"He's gotten way too nice all of sudden… Wrath shouldn't be nice."
Was it a little frustrating? Certainly. Especially for someone as image conscious as him. But for as calm as he was now, Satan wasn’t any less cruel and he'd be more than happy to remind others of that fact….
His chance came when he and the MC were together having just left the local art gallery. The two were exchanging a healthy dialogue about a curious sculpture they saw on display when a latte suddenly went soaring through the air and ended up all over Satan's sweater… The culprit was plain to see, being the only other demon on the road that night.
Whether the act was intentional or not, the correct course of action would have been to apologize immediately and beg for mercy forgiveness… but all the demon did was laugh in his face…
Maybe he thought that since Satan had mellowed out and his human was right beside him that he'd be lenient… Oh no. Not gonna happen.
Satan's fist slammed into the guy's mouth with the force of a jetliner and knocked him over two benches before his back bent over a lamppost… To say it was a KO move would be an understatement.
He probably could have done a whole lot worse to the guy while he was down, but you know… the MC being there and "self-control" and what not…
The demon survived (barely) and only had to spend a few months in the hospital, if anything he got off light.
Not a soul would gloss over Satan's temper again and really he preferred it that way.
Well, to be fair not a lot of people thought that Asmo was tough to start with… but that's also his intention.
"Scary" is the opposite of "cute" and he prefers to be "cute" at all times! 😊
Buuut that doesn’t mean this scorpion is without a stinger. He CAN be quite brutal when he wants to be, you just have to push him that far and trashing his looks is a good way to start.
Asmo was out with the MC getting his hair done for the week at his favorite salon. They weren't the only people there that day, obviously. There were other customers - one being a lesser demon classmate of theirs - though neither he nor the MC thought much of him at the time...
Well… It was supposed to be a prank. Probably something the guy intended to use for social media clout. While the staff was too busy to notice, he snuck by and replaced Asmo's preferred conditioner with pink hair dye…
Asmo. Was. Furious. And honestly, the dude could have gotten away with it if he hadn't been laughing and recording the whole thing!
When Asmo's ire naturally fell onto him, he hardly looked fazed!
Lesser Demon: "Ah, please! You won't do shit to me with the human still around! You don't want to look any uglier to them do ya?"
Asmo: *freezes, but still furiously eyeing every sharp instrument within arm’s reach* "MC? Darling?"
MC: "Got it..."
Perhaps the prankster should have kept his mouth shut, because suddenly the MC needed to take a looong bathroom break…
They didn't come back out until they heard the sounds of screeching and broken glass finally die down and then they stepped back into a warzone… Broken mirrors and items seemingly flung everywhere in a fit of rage! The guy (and his phone) now nowhere to be seen…
The salon comped Asmo for the botched hair job and touch up… and then billed Lucifer for the property damage (which he got an earful about later). On the bright side though, Asmo actually looks pretty great with pink hair! Silver-linings. 🙂
… The concept of Beel "going soft" is almost an oxymoron. He IS soft, but his personality was never what made him intimidating to start with.
Behind all his kindness, Beel packs more firepower than at least 4 for his siblings combined and most people remember that fact. Hell, the guy looks like he could lift a semi and he probably would if he ever tried. 
However, that doesn’t save him from being underestimated completely... Especially when an upstart or two thinks he's too nice to actually start a fight...
He and the MC were coming back from the grocery store with the usual armfuls of sacks when the MC accidentally walked into a lesser demon on the street. Since their arms were full, several items spilled out from the bags and onto the ground…
The MC was quick to apologize to the demon and try to get down to clean the mess, but the asshole just kept walking… and Beel really didn't like that.
Beel: "Hey! Aren't you going to say, 'Sorry?'"
The lesser demon hardly looked over his shoulder to respond.
Lesser Demon: "Why should I? That's your human. Take care of them yourself."
Well it didn't take long for some of Beel's bags to hit the floor so he could lift the demon up by the back of the neck properly. When he turned the guy to face him, he made sure to bring his face reeaal close so he could hear him growl...
Beel: "Apologize. Or I'll eat you."
And like that, the asshole's mood went from "Do it yourself," to "Yessir Mr. Beelzebub, sir!" right quick!
The MC didn't have to carry a single bag another step and Beel got to keep his free hand so he could link it with theirs!... all while Beel kept mushing their new pack-mule forward like a sled dog back to the House. Thanks, Beel! 😊
Kind of similar to Asmo, Belphie prefers to come off as unassuming on most days. But don't let his, "I'm a harmless sleepy boy" shtick fool you. He will cut a bitch if he's so motivated...
Thankfully for the world, he's generally not motivated. But that can be changed under the right circumstances...
Belphie and the MC were on yet another date to the botanical gardens. It's a peaceful place, though the MC can never go alone because of the frankly concerning amount of flesh-eating plants… Pretty, but also deadly, you know?
The two of them were walking to another rest spot when Belphie heard whispering from a demon behind them, seemingly on his phone…
Lesser Demon: “Yeah, I can see them right now…”
Lesser Demon: “I know right? It's so lame that these guys are in charge of us… They can't even say no to a dumb human!”
Lesser Demon: “What do you mean keep my voice down? Dude, it's fine! This is Belphegor we're talking about, the hell is he going to do if he hears me?”
… Huh.
The answer to the man's question was a simple one. Flash into his demon form for just a moment and whip out his tail... It only took a quick swipe to make him trip and fall right into the foliage. The man-eating… carnivorous… hungry… foliage….
Belphie was back to normal by the time the jerk let out his first scream and the MC almost stopped to see what had happened.
MC: "What the-oh my God!! Should we help-??”
Belphie: *puts his hands on their shoulders to keep them moving, not even glancing back* “Someone else will take care of it. Let's see the roses.”
Even when the desperate cries for help became distant, it took all Belphie had to stifle a smile…
Sometimes, you've got to love irony. 🤷‍♀️😏
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
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meet clay, he knows how you'll die.
intro filler chapter sorry
☾ pairing: dream x reader
☾ cw: interact at your own risk; contains graphic depictions of various character death and violence, suicide, blood, gore, and other triggering material. angst, language, guns, adult content, mentions of sex, slow burn friends to lovers
☾ wc: ~4100
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Clay pulled the strap of his backpack further on his shoulder as he wove through the mindless sea of college students, eyes scanning the crowd for you, his best friend and the only person he could stand at the early hour. His knuckles flashed white as he sighed, taking the blunt impact of someone walking into him. He removed one of his headphones, mumbling a quick apology and swatting off the enthusiastically apologetic sophomore girl. All he could focus on was how much she bit her lip as she stammered on about not seeing him. It wasn’t alluring to him when most girls tried to sway his affections by looking at him with a puppy dog expression; all his mind drifted to was the dead skin across the body of her lower lip.
He finally nodded and reinstated his headphone, turning on his heel and heading for the front of the building. He received a few greetings from his peers as they crossed his path, people who shared past lectures with him and who had cheated off of him during exams. He wasn’t popular by any means, but he stayed out of people’s business and didn’t express his opinions loudly, so people tended to like him. The autumn breeze picked up as he stood in the dwellings of political science majors on the front lawn, acting as if they hadn’t seen one another in years when it had been only a few days. Clay absent-mindedly looked down at his cellphone, flipping through music as he leaned against the cool brick of the hall’s facade, waiting for you to find him.
Clay’s usual brooding manner was often off-putting to outsiders, with the careless-hollow look in his eyes giving bystanders the impression that he was nothing but a machiavellian. But you always saw the brightness in him; the side that you always experienced was specifically for you, and he made sure to keep it that way. You had wedged herself into his life and he was ever grateful for the love you had given him.
Despite the understood truth between the two of you that nothing was to be left unsaid, Clay still found himself keeping one of the most important aspects of his character unknown to you. His bloodcurdling secret was his own curse, something that would only be poison for another soul to know.
“What’s up, stud?” Somehow a flush of relief rippled through Clay’s body as his eyes locked to yours, pulling him from his isolated shell. Your hair looked brighter today against the dark hoodie peeking out from beneath an all too familiar bomber jacket. The wind fluffed your locks slightly as you continued towards him.
His eyebrows perked up as if to signal he was attempting to downplay his excited demeanor. “Stud, huh?” You smirked at his response, taking one of his headphones and putting it in your own ear, her face angled up to Clay as you waited to recognize the song, swaying slightly.
He chuckled as you shrunk away from him after muttering the song’s artist disappointedly and rolling your eyes, pulling on his hoodie pocket to follow you. As chaotic as his life often felt, he could always rely on the consistency of you. You usually attached yourself to one of his backpack straps, handles, his belt loop, or ended up under his arm, wedged against his side. It had gotten to the point that he felt naked if you weren’t within arm’s length of him, which was rare for the two of you. “So, I have something for you.” He smugly looked down at you, green eyes masking a hidden sparkle as you handed him a can of root beer, making him chuckle.
“Aren’t you sweet?” He popped the tab, taking a sip as you waved at a group of girls passing the two of you before slipping your hand against the crook of his elbow where his hoodie sleeves were pushed back.
“Actually, I was hoping it could be payment for later. I need to head over to the cemetery for some rubbings. History 270 has me getting into some weird shit, huh?” He laughed again at you, offering you the drink.
“And you need wheels?” You nodded and smiled politely at him, beaming at his words. “Yeah, alright. I have to sketch something for art anyway.” He thought about the week’s assignment and then about your little project he had dealt with the prior year. You had acted like the two of you hadn’t been to the cemetery on a regular basis, but he was grateful that you wanted him to come along with you.
You quietly jumped once. “You are my hero in faded denim, Clay. You know that, right?”
The two of you parted ways to your select destinations, one of Clay’s least favorite parts of the day, which was only solidified as he sunk into his seat and attempted to look equipped for the lecture. He spotted an unfamiliar kid shaking his knee in a distant section of the classroom. In any other circumstance, he wouldn’t have thought twice, but the sie of the class had given him the pleasantries of getting his own personal curse out of the way on the first day.
He carefully watched the boy speak smugly to a few of the more athletic kids in the room. One of the athletes pointed to the general direction Clay was sitting in and they all moved towards him. He, yet again, took out his headphones, knowing full well that they would be talking to him for the rest of the class.
“Oi, Shaman,” one of the main guys greeted Clay like they always did: a strange pattern of slapping and shaking his hand. He was thankful he had gotten all of their first impressions months prior and didn’t have to worry about getting their scenarios again, but he geared up to meet the new kid.
“How are you, Punz?” Clay took a deep breath as the new kid was gestured to and brought into the light.
“This is Mark. He’s a transfer from one of the commuter campuses. Mark, this is the mastermind you pay for notes.”
Clay sarcastically smiled at Punz. “My, you flatter me more than any girl. Nice to meet you, man.” As soon as he touched Mark’s hand, Clay’s mind flashed to a dingy-looking barn out in the middle of nowhere before an older man in his mid-thirties came into view with a lever-action rifle in his hand. In another flash, Clay was in front of the man, now kneeling with the gun in his mouth, red, blurry eyes looking straight through Clay. A pang of guilt broke open in Clay’s stomach as he pushed against the handguard lever and pulled it back into place, squeezing the trigger and sending Ckay back to the class. He let out a sigh and fought to plaster one of his less absent smiles.
“Speaking of our lovely girls, Mark here has a question about her.” Clay’s head tilted towards Mark, not exactly squaring up to him, but sending him an amused look as if to warn him not to cross a line, knowing full-well this conversation would somehow involve you. “We all know that no guy would ever intrude on her without your blessing, but Mark sat near her on the bus before his first class and was thinking about asking her out.”
Clay bit back a laugh, feeling like the Vito Corleone. “Well, you know her, Punz, and you know she would be mortified if I told some guy to fuck off, so I would just ask her yourself?” Oh, how desperately Clay wanted to bash Mark for not even telling Clay himself and the fact that the boy before him was nowhere near your type, but Clay knew better than to burn bridges and he felt bad for the way Mark would meet his end.
Nobody, not even you, knew about Clay’s gift. In the going-on-five years of knowing you, he came breaths away from letting his secret slip but has always kept it hidden, hoping to bury it with him after being married to you for forty happy years.
The visions started around his fifth-grade year, beginning with vivid dreams of dying in the midst of the Civil War, feeling the warm gushing of blood leaving his system, and the stabbing pain of being shot multiple times beside a woman who oddly looked enough like you that he almost called out your name. He had lived what he presumed to be his death in the life before this one several times, each vision taking him a few clicks further.
Soon, he found himself catching glimpses of others’ deaths before they happened as soon as they touched him, but thankfully it was usually over with no time passing and he only endured the visions once for each person, fate having already sealed itself. The only person who seemed to mix him up was you.
It was love at first sight for him, but as soon as you touched his arm, bleak snapshots of a boating accident raced into his mind, only to have to re-experience the scenario a few months later with you stepping in front of a train. Even as a measly high school freshman, he promised himself that there was no way he was letting you die in the gruesome manners being predicted to you. He didn’t think changing fate was possible until he witnessed you in action. He hated seeing you so young in each of the glimpses, tearing him to shreds as he knew time and time again that there was no way he could change what was meant to be.
There were even times when he quietly promised you that he’d die by your side if he couldn’t stop it.
As his lecture let out, Clay found you tucked into a corner of the library, smiling to yourself silently as knew you had finally found what you were looking for in one of the massive books before you. There were many moments like this that Clay wished he could pause and remember for the rest of his life. He was proud that you were there for him even though you could have left instead of playing your own little game of library scavenger hunts.
Since knowing you, he had taken note of how you treated other boys, usually as first dates and never true pick-ups. You didn’t care if they called you the next day or not and he was sure you had never even been kissed before. Something about your guys’ relationship gave others the nod to leave it the fuck alone, and that your heart truly belonged to Clay; a responsibility he wished didn’t plague you with. Despite this, he couldn’t bring himself to be with you, only worried that what you had would be destroyed because he knew that as soon as he told you about his gift, you might leave.
You always brought a bag of marbles and a bouquet of flowers to the cemetery. You loved to find the tombstones that looked neglected or ones with older dates, knowing that the possibility of having family members who remembered the person was lower. The trees in the graveyard were reds and yellows with the changing season, leaves scattered over the grass, naturally piling in large masses. This was your favorite for how neglected it seemed to always be. You had a knack for making inanimate objects and lost souls feel loved; Clay often feeling like he was one of these disembodied figures.
Clay leaned his back against one of the massive trees a few paces from the tombstone you had picked, smiling as he watched you carry out her routine. He flipped to a clean page in his sketchbook as you sat cross-legged in front of the great stone resting place, pulling the long-dead flowers from the concrete gauntlet and replenishing a few flowers in their place while setting an equal number of marbles along the grass line of the stone. A daisy was tucked behind your ear as you ran her fingers against the worn chiseling of the dates, smiling slightly. He began to sketch you out. Your eyes drifted to him before the corners of your mouth curled up into a smirk and you returned to her previous position, straightening your shoulders. “Who is it?” He asked, blending a rough edge with the pads of his finger as you tilted your head at the script carvings.
“George McAfee. Born 1926. Died 1963.” The wind picked up, blowing your hair away from your face as you pulled your jacket closer around you. “What was happening in 1963?” You turned your head to him momentarily before looking back at the lucky man. “I mean besides Beatlemania and JFK’s assassination?”
Clay outstretched one of his legs, swallowing as he thought, his eyes fluttering from the page in front of him to you. “Well, Alcatraz was shut down, Studebaker stopped production, the USSR sent the first woman into space…” he trailed off, watching you as the gears began to spin in your head.
“Do you think he died in the Coliseum explosion?” You wet your lips and he couldn’t help but smile at you.
“Maybe he died in the USS Thresher sinking?” He was thankful that he could capture your thoughtful gaze in this picture.
“You’re smart, Dream. Have I ever told you that?” He chuckled at the sigh in your voice. He detailed the bomber jacket you were wearing---which you’d stolen from his closet god knows when---a bit as you placed a piece of paper over the engraving and rubbed a crayon against the stone, his name coming to life on the paper as you came to life on Clay’s. It didn’t matter why you two would be in the cemetery, you always had a type of bond with the dead, surprising Clay due to how bright you were and your power of holding onto so much compassion. He threw his sketchbook into his backpack and slug in over his shoulder, moving to help you up. You decided to give the rest of the flowers to George as Clay stood next to you, gazing down at his grave.
A high-pitched moan startled the two of you, snapping your heads to look over the hedges separating your section of graves and the one beside it. Clay’s eyes widened as they fell to a girl in all black with porcelain skin propped on top of one of the tombstones. You clasped your hand over his mouth pulling him onto the ground next to you as you peered through a hole in the bushes. His mind noticed your arms first. One of them was secured over his chest and the other wrapped around his shoulder from beneath his arm, holding onto him as he steadied himself in the weird crouching position. “Are you enjoying this?” He jeered, looking over his shoulder slightly as he heard you snicker. The girl began to ride the stone harder.
“How many times in your life are you going to see a girl humping a gravestone? Honestly, Clay, how many?” He shook his head as you both looked at the girl, giggling to yourselves. You dug her face into his shoulder trying to stifle the next laugh trying to rip through your body as the gothic girl moaned, letting out more labored breaths. Clay’s face contorted into a twisted look of disgust as the girl tugged on her own hair. “Oh, do you think that hurts?” You took the words out of his mouth, tightening your arms around him as he shrugged.
“I doubt it’s any rockier than sex with a human.” He bit his lip, a hollow sound interrupting him quietly laughing at his own joke as you thumped him in the chest. The girl moaned louder. “Alright, she’s climaxing. I’m uncomfortable now.” Clay stood and Willow popped up next to him, lacing your fingers with his, bringing color back to his cheeks as you slipped the remaining marbles into his pocket.
“Oh, hi!” In the midst of holding hands with you again and trying to slink back to his car, he hadn’t even realized that the moaning had stopped. The girl now stood near the two of you in what seemed to be a black slip. Clay found it hard to make direct eye contact with her. “Are you guys looking for someone?”
“We were, but we couldn’t find him so-” you began, gesturing for Clay’s car and pulling him next to you.
“Well, I can help. Who are you looking for?” A thousand sarcastically vulgar comments ran through Clay’shead but his eyes flickered from her face to the tombstone she was on previously.
“Uh, my grandpa. His name was Rupert Daniels,” Clay managed to choke out. Your nails dug into his arm while your hand squeezed his. The girl looked around at the surrounding stones.
“I don’t see him right now, but I can look?” You both shook your heads quickly and muttered various responses before finally slipping away from her and getting into his car. Neither of you said anything as you pulled off the gravel driveway until crossing the railroad tracks when Clay burst out laughing.
“Do you think she even knew who it was she was gettin’ it on with or did she just pick somewhere random?” Clay laughed harder at your stunned response. “I’m serious. Clay, what the fuck. How can someone even get off in a cemetery?”
“I don’t know, man. Would you hook up with someone in a cemetery?” Clay quipped, wiggling his eyebrows at you, causing you to laugh. You dug into his console, pulling out a bag of M&Ms you had stashed in there last week, popping one in your mouth.
“Only if it was you.”
He giggled. “Excuse me, what?”
“There are just some things you do with certain people, Dream. You know what I mean.”
“I don’t know if I should be flattered I’m the only one you would have sex with in a cemetery, or like, disgusted?” You laughed at his reaction.
Within ten minutes the sun had begun to set and Clay sang loudly with you to the song playing over the radio as Clay sped along one of the county roads near your apartment complex, not wanting the night to end. He loved these moments with you. You turned down the radio and threw your hair back into a ponytail. “So, what do you think of that new kid, Mark?” Something in Clay shifted, taking away the free feeling he had recently possessed next to you. He thought carefully.
He chewed his bottom lip. “Depends on what you think?”
“Well, he seems like a wannabe Punz. And he asked me out. Naturally, I said ‘yes’ because maybe he’s different?” Clay chuckled at your sarcasm, putting his car in park on the side of the street your flat was on and getting out with you. The radio still hummed in the air lowly. “He insisted on Friday, though.” Clay dramatically acted like you had stabbed him in the heart, even though it did hurt. Friday night was their night. It had been a running tradition for movie night every Friday since your freshman year and you had never canceled on Clay for a date. “I know, I know. But I figured that I’d tell him I had diarrhea when it hit eight o’clock and be over at your place with an extra pizza? Your roommate’s working right?” He chuckled with a nod, walking you up the first three steps to your place as you made it to the concrete landing. You turned to him. “And he said he was taking me somewhere fancy, so I’ll snag you some breadsticks.” He tilted his head at you as you winked at him.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Wanna be Punz might be fun. Maybe I’ll call up Minx and hang out with her?” He joked. Minx was a friend of yours that hung out with the two of you sometimes. He had never really liked her, but she was friends with you and thus he was always civil.
“You’re still my number one, babe.” You pushed him slightly as you climbed a few more steps, leaning on the railing as he waved to leave. “Hey, Dream?” He turned on his heel as you forced yourself to make eye contact. He stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets. “You could kiss me, you know? For science.” You smiled softly at him from where you were perched. He wet his lips as his heart hammered in his chest. He wanted to scale the steps and close the space between you, to knock you off your feet and show you just how much he was in love with you.
He hated himself. “A first kiss should have more magic in it than just for science. As a romantic, you should know first hand.” You smiled at the ground in front of you.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” The two of you seemed to shake off the serious moment as you stuck your tongue out at him and slipped inside your house as both giggled.
“I love you,” he murmured as you left, punching himself in the shoulder as he got back into his car.
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Clay’s heartbeat pulsed in his ears, making him truly believe he was going to pass out. He had lost his gun at least a mile back. He was running mindlessly now, not knowing how long or where he was going. He trudged through the forest, hearing dogs barking and gunshots erupting around him, the ringing in his ears building with every step he forced himself to make. He wanted to rip open the front of his jacket to release the body heat drenching his collar, but he didn’t move other than propelling his body further and further away from the soldiers. You ran beside him, holding your skirt up while your hair danced around your shoulders like a great waterfall. As soon as his body felt like it might just give out, he would look at you and somehow find more of a drive to pull forward. His breaths were brittle and hoarse as he drew in borrowed oxygen. His lungs felt shallow like they were giving out on him.
You reached back, grasping his hand and pulling him into a sharp corner, hoping to lose the group. You both had managed to weave into the forest, but the dogs were somehow still picking up on your scent. The pair of you finally came upon a clearing and kneeled down out of sight, spotting a house in the middle of a glen. Bullets were streaming through the air. The forest was catching fire and cannons were echoing through the distant air. You squeezed his hand tightly, looking at him with terror in your eyes. He had gotten the two of you into this mess, but he was glad he was beside you.
He pulled you to your feet as the pair of you sprinted for a distant house. A sharp pain stabbed into Clay’s back, making him drop to the ground. How did he not hear the gun? You dropped to your feet, your eyes welling with tears, ripping at his jacket, but he pushed you off, telling you to leave quickly. He leaned forward, eyes locking on the soldiers in gray coming towards them, reloading their rifles. He groaned, pushing himself up, but only having the same stabbing sensation two more times in his chest. He heard you scream, but he couldn’t see you.
His hands were going numb as he touched where the bullets entered, feeling the warm and sticky crimson substance seep between his fingers. The soldiers reached you before you had made it to the house, pulling you to the ground next to him. You were crying heavily as you looked at him. Everything began to run quiet as you held onto him tightly. You were saying something to him, but he couldn’t hear you. He was only aware of his jacket soaking with blood. He coughed, wanting to tell you he loved you one last time, but you were tugged away from him, pressed to one of the men in gray. He raised a hand to you as you fought against the man. And then everything went dark.
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Dream Tag List: (hopefully this works)
@karlkitten @pluto-dizzz @more-like-reyna @honk-izzie-was-taken @marrymetheonott @froggyy06 @ghoulandghost @savingpluto @marshmallow-babe @drunkpumpkincake @unstableye @tinyegg @behzzyboo @twist3dtinkerbell @sparkletash @shroomieissmall @clubfairy @camerondiaz48104 @victory-is-here @rat-poisin @alm334 @acidluvs @pachowpachowbucket @bbigbbrainn @cdizzlevalntyne @idiotinnit @generallysleepdeprived @sacvf @phsychopathetic @froggerrrr @robinslie @essencee @jemalovesmarvel @sbi-is-my-onlysanity @jenlouvre @victoria-a567 @miilliiie @bunnylotl @thegirlwhowritesawksh-t @carlyferrell @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @nyxieahh @quivvyintheclouds @sarcasticmichelle @book-of-anarchy @millavalntyne @lightdreamy @baddiesforcorpse @sunnynapp @fantasy-innit @rat-poisin @wreny24 @deepestofwaters @exenestea @indecisivehusky @fallxnly @alm334 @skaratjung @punzcanrailme @sap-naps @denki-exe @angeltears18 @silvemistxe33 @andreamalik6 @kris-stuff @sun-fiower-seed @where-thesundoesntshine @dilfdream @esmegregory04 @itsparasocial @mlqcool @mcgoddess404 @rinatdawn @chaoscait @peppermintkisses @libbynotfound @speedrunningtherapy @lunxramour @aoonai @loraleiix @ghoulpixiie
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haitanirindo · 4 years
zukka fics that live in my head rent free! 
1. what did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth (what were you digging) by draco_sollicitus status: complete (18k words) rating: mature pairing(s): sokka/zuko  summary: Sokka is immortal; it's been tested, he knows that he can't die. He's immortal, but he's not quite a god like his sister, Katara. He's immortal, but he's not quite powerful like his friends Aang and Toph. He's just sort of Sokka: good at fixing things, good at playing pranks, good at helping people. When a bet against Toph goes horribly wrong, and an attempt to save him goes even worse, Sokka finds himself the unwilling guest of the Lord of the Underworld. And, strangely enough, every story Sokka's heard about Lord Zuko seems to be ... completely wrong. (Also, he's really handsome. Why does he have to be handsome?)
mythology nerds come get y’all juice. a very good fic. 10/10
2. Where I Want to Be by through-the-stars-to-the-pavement status: WIP (83k words) rating: explicit pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: "'The fog was where I wanted to be.'" Everything is different. The pitch of his voice, his posture. The auditorium goes silent. No one can take their eyes off of him.… He's amazing.  Zuko had to perfect the art of acting as a child to survive the horrors of his homelife. When he got older, it was only natural to take his talent to the stage for entertainment and escape. Enter Sokka, a craftsman and set designer with a giant heart who is haunted by plenty of ghosts of his own. A tale of trauma, disability, family, creativity, and love. 
this is one of my all time favorite fics. it’s seriously so good and i think about it often
3. Teaching a Heart by @i-write-shakespeare-not-disney status: WIP (114k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Sokka is asked to go to the Fire Nation to teach the crown prince how to sword fight. When he arrives, he's surprised to learn he has to pose as a companion before he can teach the stubborn prince because he rejects every teacher. Far from home and among new customs, Sokka struggles to gain the prince's trust and friendship despite the uncertainties of the customs and dynamics he sees. As he slowly finds answers to his questions, his bond with the prince grows until it becomes something far more ardent than friendship. Doomed as it may be with the prince's approaching wedding ceremony and coronation, Sokka and Zuko find themselves consumed by what they find in each other.
i have no words, i just love this fic and it makes me weep.
4. The Road Between Action and Inaction by @donvex status: complete (17k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Sokka does a shitty k turn in the parking lot across from the bus station, pulls up to the curb where the boy is looking determinedly at his phone, and rolls down the passenger window. “Hey! Which way were you going?” He may die, but at least his conscience will be clear. The guy blinks at him. “Don’t.” Oh, he’s prickly. Or: the hitchhiker au, featuring Sokka and Zuko falling in love without even realizing it.
a classic. roadtrip fics own my ass. 
5. purrfect for eachother by lesmiserablol status: complete (3k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: “Let me teach you how to be a cat person,” Zuko says. “Learning from the master himself,” Sokka grins. “Alright, this can’t be too hard. Show me what you got.” (because sometimes, it takes going to a cat café four times to realize you're in love with your best friend)
this whole series is adorable, reading it is self care
6. Ashes Inside When You Finish Your Song by @muncaster status: complete (47k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko, aang/katara, mai/ty lee summary: Sokka writes lyrics for his sister’s band. Zuko plays piano and is unnecessarily nice. Fellas, is it gay to write love songs about your friend and his golden eyes? (AKA, a modern band AU featuring The Gaang, crappy software equipment, homoerotic lyrics, and the realization that maybe, if you think about a guy every night before you sleep, you just might be in love with him.)
i think this is the longest one-shot i’ve ever read and it’s so worth it
7. a study in matchmaking by @verdanthoney status: complete (12k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko, aang/katara, bato/hakoda summary: Zuko and Sokka try to play matchmaker, but things don't go exactly as planned.
this fic makes me want to scream, in the best way. it’s so cute
8. A Predictable Story by mindbending status: complete (7k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: "On this night, you shall share a kiss with a great love of your life!” That lying, scummy Aunt Wu predicts a grand romance for Sokka. To disprove her "fortunetelling" once and for all, Sokka decides to spend the night with least romantic person he knows. Zuko.
again, i have no words. this fic is cute as hell
9. that’s murder, buddy by @bisexual-atla status: WIP (14k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Throughout the streets, on quiet nights, it was rumored the screams of those missing could be heard. Some say the sounds were coming from underground. Where were the young girls? And what was happening to them? Was an evil spirit haunting Gaoling, or something more human? More sinister? My name is Zuko, and you’re tuning into another episode of ‘That’s Murder, Buddy’. Or: Sokka has no idea that his crush is the host of his favorite podcast. (But everyone else knows.)
i love the entire concept of this one, we love oblivious sokka
10. We’ll play hide and seek (to turn this around) by @crosspin status: complete (5k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko, bato/hakoda summary: Sokka gave him a sheepish smile. “It’s…well, you see, there’s this boy…” Hakoda sighed and set down the sports section. This was going to take a while. “He works at Barnes & Noble. At the big information desk in the middle. Every Saturday. And I really want to ask him for his number, but it’s super awkward because there’s always this other guy working the information desk at the same time. He’s old, like you. But I have a plan." Sokka’s eyes lit up deviously. “You come with me to Barnes & Noble today when they’re working and distract the old man. And while you have him distracted, I’ll swoop in and get the goods!” Sokka has a plan to ask out the cute boy at the bookstore. Hakoda is a begrudging participant until he meets the boy's beautiful older coworker.
this fic!! this fic! adorable, incredible, magnificent
11. feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe status: WIP (88k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: [Time passes oddly. Between one second and the next, Sokka has the Fire Lord pinned to the wall with his hands around the bastard’s throat. Golden eyes (one gold eye, his mind whispers) widen in shock. “Sokka?” he chokes out. And then he smiles. What the fuck? “Sokka, I—” Sokka slams his head against the wall, once, twice, and the smile wipes off his face. Good. “What,” Sokka bites out, “have you done to my sister?”] Or: An injury leaves Sokka with amnesia. His last memory is of the failed invasion, of leaving his father behind in enemy territory on the Day of Black Sun. Of hopelessness. Rage. But then he wakes up, and the war is over. Suddenly, he must come to terms with the fact that years have passed, and that he's somehow the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. He is also supposedly friends with banished-Prince-turned-Fire-Lord Zuko, of all people. Close friends. Yeah, nah.
if you’ve been following me for a while you know this fic fucks me up beyond belief
12. breakable heaven by @fruitysokka status: WIP (43k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: With his twenty-first birthday looming just around the corner, the Southern Water Tribe Elders have decided that Sokka, next in line to be Chief, needs to get married. Sokka does not want that, but he does need to get them off his back until he can figure his way out of it. What better way to do that than to pretend to date his best friend (and newly minted Ambassador to the Southern Water Tribe) Zuko? Seriously, this is a foolproof plan. Maybe one of Sokka's best. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
this just in: sokka and zuko being oblivious makes me want to yell
this turned out a bit longer than i expected but it also doesn’t even cover all my favorites. i had to stop somewhere, or i’d be here forever. maybe i’ll make a part two someday.
anyway, enjoy!
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theseusurus · 3 years
Lost in a Haze, Fighting Fate | Part 2
Summary: Y/N Raven has always suffered from their sight, From a young age Y/N could just always seem to predict the future however they just thought they were lucky, after attending Hogwarts and discovering their Seer Roots they began to trust it more and more however that can not be said for others. When Y/N fled Hogwarts they left everything behind, their teen love, their friends, family, and now with what seems like all sides against them, will they be ignored like seers before them and feed into temptation or will they fight for the good in the wizarding world and their love?
Warnings: Mentions Bullying, slight hint at emotional abuse, and possible tw derealization (very short)
Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader (Slow Burn)
Word Count: 2.4k
When you arrived in Professor’s Trelawney tower to prepare your lesson for the day you didn’t expect her to be all over you introducing herself as Sybill and gushing about how she was excited to work with you and how it was an honor. You waved her off with a smile before you got a feeling, it was like your heart was being pulled out of your chest and you grabbed at your chest with only one thought in your mind, Moody.
You ushered Trelawney an apology and called that you would be back but with that, you rushed to where you remember Trelawney had shown you where the Defense against the Dark arts classroom was and sprinted as fast as you could before you slammed open the door.
“Professor Moody, that iz quite enough! What in the great heavens do you think you are doing? I can hear your class telling you to stop from down the hall and performing Unforgivable curses in front of children?! This iz extremely inappropriate!”
Your Cry caused the students who were crying for him to stop and Moody himself to be startled and stop the Cruciatus curse, before storming over to Moody and slapping him across the face. He jerked and placed the Spider down as you walked over to the student who he forced to watch the curse, he seemed obviously uncomfortable at the curse, looking Almost downright paralyzed you placed a hand on his shoulder, and the other on his arm, you whispered to him “Are you alright Monsieur?” He shook his head No and you sighed.
You began to lead the boy out of the door before turning to Moody and sneering at him, “You should be Ashamed, I have NEVER seen such a disgusting teaching method, expect to hear from me again, next time I see this display I will personally inform Dumbledore, Are. We. Clear?”
He cleared his throat and nodded at you before turning to A bushy brown-haired girl who was also obviously uncomfortable, You turned away from him and continued to help the boy out of the classroom before leading him into an Empty Hallway, he looked sickly and as if he was about to throw up or pass out at any second, staring blankly into the wall, You reached out and rubbed his arm.
“Monsieur? Are you okay? It was disgusting what he did in there and I am completely sorry, are you doing okay? Do you need to sit? Here let me help you..”
You helped lower him to the ground and sat beside him smoothing out your robes, you didn't say anything for a good few seconds before sighing and turning to him.
“I know it might be hard but please talk to me, are you okay? Do I need to take you to the Medic?”
He shook his head no again, “You know, my parents were tortured with the Cruciatus Curse, Moody knew that too.” You released a deep sigh before shaking your head in disbelief.
It was quiet for another pregnant pause before you whispered to him, “You know I was hit with a Cruciatus Curse once, it's why I can't hear too well in my Right Ear and can't see too well, one of the many reasons I wear this Veil.” “Really?” “Mhm, Teenagers can be Cruel, they didn't get much trouble for it either..” “Oh…” “Oh Indeed Monsieur..., what exactly your name I never quite got it, sir?”
“Ah, it's Neville, Neville Longbottom.” “Well, Monsieur Longbottom are you feeling any better?” “Just a little bit, not by much..” “Well Monsieur, you are free to join me in my Classroom until you feel better and You are always welcome to come in at any time if you feel like you need to do so, especially in Moody’s Class, now come on I'll brew you some Warm Tea.”
When the Fourth Years came in Professor Trelawney´s correction- Sybill and your classroom for their Divination lesson they certainly did not expect to see you sitting on a cushion on the floor with Sybill and Neville by your sides, you sat with your veil covering your face as you poured Neville and Sybill tea and shook your head and laughed.
“Can't be a hidden Seer and have an unknown identity if I lift my one concealing item for some Tea Now can I dears”
This caused Neville to blush before getting up and getting ready start to walk to his desk but you called out and he handed you his teacup before leaning over and watched as you swirled the cup and nodded, ¨Very promising Monsieur Longbottom, Very Promising Indeed, see that? Mhm, Indeed a Butterfly, Success, and Happiness are coming in your near Future.¨
Sybill stood up and smiled at you before turning to the class ¨Good Evening everyone, Let's take a Seat Please, Now today is a very special day! Thanks to the Triwizard tournament we are having a very special guest coming to visit us from France, This is the Head Seer at Beauxbaton and A relevant Figure in the Divination field, who was one of the best accuracy rates for Seers in Europe, This Is Professor Delphi¨
You nodded your head at her before walking over and standing at the front of the class, ¨Bonjour! My Name is Professor Delphi or Delphi, I have been a Seer for as long as I've been able to walk and Have been a practicing Seer since just about your age, Today I will be giving you all free readings however I will warn you all before my word is true and clear however if you choose to acknowledge fate and fix your mistakes you may be able to change it. Now, Any Questions?¨
Multiple hands shot up and you looked around the room before nodding at the Bushy Brown haired girl who you saw in Moody´s Class earlier in the day
¨Speak up for me Madame! Thank you, Now please say your name and your question?¨¨Hermione Granger Professor, How exactly are you ´Head Seer´?” ¨Wonderful Question Madam Granger! I am head seer as I have the most accurate Sight in my district let alone France and most of Europe, in my 24 years of living, and 13 of Being a known Seer I have gotten Two Predictions wrong, two out of thousands.¨
She seemed to be distrustful but nodded along anyway ¨Next Question?¨ More hands shot up this time, You called on a Brown haired boy and he responded with a thick Irish accent.
¨Name Monsieur?” ¨Seamus Finnigan Professor, Why exactly do you have a veil? Covering on?¨ You nodded and placed your hands down on the table for support, leaning down and feeling for a chair to sit in as the boy beside him knocked into, sighing ¨Seamus! That's rude!.¨ ¨Amazing Question Monsieur Finnigan do not be afraid to ask the hard questions!¨
You paused ¨However I wear this for multiple reasons, One to hide my identity being a professional seer can be hard and sometimes dangerous, Some people refuse to accept the fate and turn their anger towards me, some have threatened to hurt my family so this helps protect my identity and my family´s as well, even the name Delphi is a cover-up name Monsieur!¨”
Which got a few curious and surprised looks from the students, you looked around the room soaking it in before allowing yourself to continue. ¨Two, I use it to hide identifying features especially with my condition, A special someone in this class found out why today but for those who don't know I am Hard of seeing in my Right eye and almost completely deaf in my left ear.¨
You paused again before clearing your throat and swiping at your eye under the veil as you feel them begin to gloss up with potential tears, ¨it was due to an attack on me during my youth and while it did help me develop my higher senses it made me extremely vulnerable Physically, That is why I do not do big trips like this however I am here to teach the youth and inspire you all to look into the divination field so it is worth it.¨
Sybill patted your arm and asked quietly if you needed a break, you shook your head before turning back to the class ¨Any more questions before we continue?¨ A few students shook their heads no, hands sinking after the big questions were asked you nodded, ¨alright Madames, Monsieurs and all others let us begin! You all have a Teacup in front of you, I want ALL of you to drink your tea and come sit with me one at a time when you are finished if you wish, I assure all of you we have a lot to talk about.¨
You nodded at all of them, wishing them all good luck before sliding fully into the chair and feeling around for the teacup that you had left to your right, you heard someone sit to your right as they pushed the teacup in front of you.
You turned and saw A Blonde girl with fluffy wavy hair smiling at you. You returned the smile under your veil and took the teacup in your hands before sliding it up under your veil to inspect it.
¨Good Evening Professor, My Name is Lavender Brown! Divination is my favorite class. I've believed in it after Professor Trelawney predicted my poor rabbit´s death and predicted Neville would break a cup and it came true!¨
You smiled at her before giving a little chuckle ¨I'm glad dear so let's inspect this together, hmm oh yes that's interesting, you are going to be in love in the near future¨ This excited the Girl before you cut her off ¨However dear, do not force the love, let it come naturally or you will taint it and sweet child be safe, you will face danger in the future, never walk alone am I clear Madame?”
She nodded before turning to you and hugging you tightly, ¨Thank you professor¨ You returned the Hug and whispered ¨I believe in you child, let your heart soar freely but be smart!” she giggled at this and ran back to her friends that began to gossip to one another.
The Next student made you smile before he even sat down you could recognize that red hair anywhere ¨Monsieur Weasley, it is a great pleasure.¨ He sent you a look before you chuckled and ushered him to sit down ¨I knew your older brother Monsieur, you could say we were close when he attended here.¨ With a smile, remembering how Handsome Bill looked the last time you saw him.
¨You knew Charlie?” You smiled before shaking your head ¨Next one dear, but let's focus on you Monsieur Weasley let see this cup of yours.¨ You picked up the Cup and swirled it ¨Oh yes, hmm indeed, I sense self-doubt, You doubt you are worthy as those around you but oh how wrong you are. I see great things for you Monsieur Weasley, oh work in the Ministry it seems, oh how loyal you always return to your family hm?¨
Ron frowned at the mention of the ministry and smiled when you praised him for his loyalty especially to family, you extended your hand to him, ¨You may love your friends and they might be ´special´ but never doubt your worth Monsieur, I sense greatness in your presence doesn't let me be wrong due to jealousy.¨ With that, you placed your hand down and bowed your head to him ¨Do not forget my words Monsieur¨
You hear someone run over before whimpering out a sigh, looking up its Neville ¨Monsieur Longbottom, what do I owe the pleasure, hmm? Now let's see this.¨ The tea swirled before it cleared, ¨Oh how marvelous, Monsieur Longbottom you sure are meant to be a Gryffindor! You have an amazing spirit and loyalty, you have confidence under all that shyness, you must let go of your worries, I see greatness and passion in your future, A leader, hmm a teacher? We will see!¨
He stuttered and pointed to himself ¨Professor? Me? But I'm not brave!” ”Oh False indeed! You just haven't unleashed it yet, you are more than a house title anyways my boy, you are a son, a friend, a student, someone who brings light into anyone's life, you make your parents proud my boy, be you!¨ You wrapped his hand in your own and bowed to him ¨My word is truth, fate has foreseen your greatness my boy don't forget that. Be brave.¨
You didn't have to look up to tell who had shuffled up to your desk, you could tell by the voice having heard the same voice talk to Ron and call said voice harry.
¨Monsieur Potter, what do I owe the pleasure hm? From what I've heard you do not believe in my craft and often lie for a good grade hm?¨ He stiffened at the jab you made before you smiled.
¨Sit sit Monsieur I know how hard Seer classes can be for non-seers, this is no easy class Monsieur however you are special in other ways and it shows, you have a great burden on your shoulders, Fate will be cruel to you but you have great friends and a family, hmm protect those around you good sir, and Monsieur tell your godfather to find me for me, the oracle needs him, Oui?”
He seems shocked at the final statement but you merely smiled to yourself and bowed your head to him which he stiffly returns before hurrying over to Ron and Hermione, ah they are friends you remark to yourself and smile at the trio as they began muttering to each other quietly as soon as he returned, Oh how fun this trip will be.
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harryspet · 4 years
secret service | bucky barnes
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[Warnings] secret service!bucky x reader, reader is vp’s daughter, bodyguard!bucky, agegap, noncon/dubcon sex, brat tamer bucky, dominant x submissive, rough sex (wear protection kids!!)
A/N: this is for @nsfwsebbie​ ‘s dream fic challenge. Happy b-day sab! this is @mypoisonedvine​ ‘s dream fic and the prompt was “I would love anything dark bucky, especially if he starts out all nice and stuff but then he's all manipulative and it gets worse and worse until we're in heavy dub con/non con territory”. hope you enjoy bb!
In which a political trip to London allows you to be reunited with your favorite secret service member, Bucky Barnes. 
taglist: @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckybarney @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything​ @saharzek​ @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet​ @what-is-your-wish​ @marvelslut-musicalnerd​ @brattypeony​ @hermayone​ @buckysugar​ @mandiiblanche​ @cherienymphe​
word count: 3.9k 
main masterlist
“You’ll need to be on your best behavior this weekend. We can’t have an incident like last year.”
You didn’t meet your mother’s eyes as you looked out the window of the private plane. Surprising to most, this time you spent watching her read her millions of paperwork was the most time you spent with her. Your mother cared for you but she was not warm. You didn’t believe a warm person could make it so high in the government. Being the daughter of the Vice President, you saw the kinds of dirty, manipulative politics that went on behind the scene. 
You wanted little part of it but, here you were, about to land in London for an important public event. 
“Y/N? Are you listening?” She continued to talk despite your lack of an answer, “That means you tell your agents when you’re going somewhere. I don’t care if you’re only walking down the hall to the ice machine, you tell them. You’ve known this since you were a little girl, I don’t know why you always give me a hard time.”
“I’m already here alone, Mom. Must you torture me further by suffocating me?”
“I know you must think it’s fun to rendezvous with some foreign prince but I must ask you to keep your legs closed for this trip and listen to your security.”
Your mouth parted. She thought of you as some whore but the truth was that you were far from the persona she forced upon you, “You don’t know me at all. And Alden isn’t a prince, his father is a prince. He’s just a duke,” You faked a smile and she scowled at you. 
You weren’t expecting her next words, “I have a surprise for you when we land.”
You paused for a moment, trying to read her face. She was perfect at disguising her true emotions and, as her daughter, the thought that you didn’t really know your mother was saddening, “A surprise? I thought you were lecturing me.”
“You won’t listen unless I bribe you, Y/N,” Just as the words left her mouth, the pilot spoke on the intercom. The plane was beginning its descent and in a moment you’d be landing. One of your mother's assistants had to approve all your outfits for this trip. After some discourse, you decided on a light pink dress for your arrival look. It hugged your curves the way you liked but it reached down to your knees modestly as your mother preferred. 
When you were finally stepping down the stairs to the plane, watching your mother wave to the press, and the diplomats ready to greet her, you realized what your surprise was. Two sleek, black cars waited at the end of the red carpet and the sight of the man standing in front of the second one made your heart race. 
It took everything in you not to run to him. His dark hair was styled neatly, his arms folded over his nicely pressed black suit and a soft look of happiness was displayed on his strong face. He was just like you remembered him, the earpiece in his ear and the gold pin on his lapel reminded you of his position. 
“This is my surprise?” Your mother turned to you with a grin. 
“I know how much you like Agent Barnes, maybe you’ll actually listen to him. You’re going straight to your hotel room, I will see you later tonight.”
“Of course, my beloved mother.  Like all teenagers, I love sitting in my hotel room and doing nothing while I’m on a trip.”
You watched your mother walk away from you, going to the first car while you approached the second car. Your speed picked up as you neared him. He opened the door for you, winking, “Girl Scout is in the Stage Coach. I repeat, Girl Scout is in the Stage Coach.”
Everyone the secret service protected had a codename. You’d been a proud girl scout for most of elementary school and then middle school when your mother went from Senator to Vice President. The name stuck and you thought it was annoying now that you’d grown out of that phase but you liked the name on his lips. 
As you carefully slipped inside the car, you were beaming and, as Bucky slipped in beside you, you had to wait to pounce. You attacked him with a hug as soon as the doors closed and none of the crowd could see you through the tinted windows. You felt his hand against your back, hugging you tightly and it was then that you realized how touch starved you had been. 
Everyone you came in contact had to go through your guards and that was often an intimidating process for most guys. Even though you had started college, you decided to avoid boys altogether because of this. 
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Your eyes were wide even as you pulled away from him, “How?”
Bucky gave you a soft smile, “Well I can’t tell you all the details since they’re top secret but, let’s say, my mission didn’t take as long as predicted.”
Your eyes narrowed at him in curiosity, “So you killed the bad guys and they let you come back to play babysitter?”
Bucky shook his head, giving you an amused look, “So crass. I see nothing has changed,” He leaned over and, for the briefest second, you thought his face was leaning into yours. Instead, he had reached over to grab your seatbelt as he safely secured it around your waist. Your cheeks heated up and you found yourself looking into the rearview mirror where you could see the two agents sitting in the front seat, “I apologize for being gone so long.”
“You didn’t miss much,” You said to console him, “Just senior year which was nothing special.”
Seeing him now made you think about meeting him those six years ago. He was so young then, just having served in the Army, but somehow aging had made him look even better. You had a feeling he was just as king and loyal as before. You were just a middle schooler at the time, hormonal, and constantly fighting with your parents about your lack of freedom. Maybe you hadn’t changed much either. 
You watched him fasten his own seatbelt as the car began to take off, “Nothing special, hmm?” He cocked his eyebrow, “What about prom? Graduation?”
“Oh, it was effectively ruined by my arch-nemesis. He stole my spot as Salutatorian, my prom date wouldn’t stop talking to him about nanotech for the entire evening, and guess who got into Stanford for early admission just like yours truly?”
“Little Peter Parker?” Bucky chuckled. 
“He’s not so little anymore,” You crossed your arms, pouting, “He’s only jealous that my mother was chosen as Vice President and his uncle was chosen for the lousy Secretary of Labor position.”
“Seems he must like you a lot to follow you to Stanford. To move all the way across the country,” You gave him an incredulous look, “C’mon, princess, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
“Of course I’ve noticed,” You rushed out your words, trying to ignore that feeling you got when he called you princess. If anyone else had said that, you’d probably feel disgusted but … you couldn’t help but think that term of endearment had changed its meaning. The truth was that you never thought Peter liked you and now you were worrying that your lack of social awareness had caused you to ignore the warning signs, “The last person I want to talk about is Peter Parker, Bucky.”
“Fine,” He folded his hands in front of him, sighing. 
“Besides,” You side-eyed him mischievously, “I have someone far more important who feigns for my attention.”
“Oh yeah?” Bucky leaned in. 
“A duke,” You finished.
Bucky’s face seemed to fall, “I can’t imagine you as a duchess,” You couldn’t imagine yourself as one either but you liked the excitement that Alden brought you, “And your mother informed me of what happened last year. I’ll probably lose my job if something like that occurs again.”
“You’d tattle on me? I thought we were friends, Bucky.”
“That was when you were a harmless little girl. Now, you’re …” His eyes seemed to roam over your face then they fell to your neck but they moved back to your eyes before they could travel any lower, “You’re going to make this hard on me, aren’t you?”
You reached out to tap his cheek playfully and smirked, “I missed you.”
You weren’t sure exactly what holier-than-thou charity that these rich people had gathered in ball gowns to donate to. It was probably a minuscule fraction of their wealth and they most likely were only here to keep up appearances. Still, you enjoyed a chance to dress up. 
You moved through the historical museum in a red ball gown, admiring all the expensive artifacts, as Bucky escorted you. You expected your mother to be with you during the event she’d forced you to attend but it seemed that she was once again too busy. You would’ve felt lonely if Bucky hadn’t been there. The other agents kept their distance, wearing tuxedos to blend into the rest of the crowd as they watched you from a distance. 
Every now and then your conversation with Bucky would be interrupted by a message coming through his squiggly earpiece. 
He looked quite handsome tonight and by the outline of his biceps against the fabric of his tuxedo jacket, you could tell he had bulked up over the last year. 
“Madam Vice President had a run-in with the Prime Minister's wife. Turns out they’ve been dying to talk. She’ll meet you once the auction begins.”
“Oh, an auction, is that what this is? What endangered species are we saving tonight?”
“Funny,” Bucky added sarcastically, “... I don’t see your prince around. Perhaps he found another famous daughter to entertain for the night.”
You gave him a venomous look, “That cannot be possible when I look like this,” You emphasized your glamorous look that had taken nearly five hours to get on, “Now, would you please escort me to my table? I’m sure he’ll come and find me once you’re not standing beside me like a big tree.”
The truth was that you had no idea if Alden even remembered you from last year. He did make out with you but who knows how many famous daughters he had tried to entertain before. You hated how right Bucky seemed. 
Bucky didn’t add anything to your harsh words as he escorted you into a large ballroom. It was so elegantly decorated that the room smelled like money. Blue stripes of light wavered through the room making it feel like you were in the middle of the ocean. You couldn’t help that the feeling of drowning that she experienced was a bad touch on the organizer's part. 
Of course, your mother’s table was right near the front of the room. As Bucky pulled back the white chair, you took a seat, not meeting his eyes, “You’re dismissed, Mr. Barnes,” You spoke over your shoulder. 
To your surprise, he leaned down to whisper into your ear, “You cause any problems tonight, princess, and you deal with me.”
Your mouth pinched into a thin line as you were left speechless. When you looked back, he was already walking away, taking his position by the far wall. You looked away quickly, mentally cursing. So much for having the upper-hand. You slouched in your seat, looking around the hall which was now flooding with people. 
A few people you vaguely remembered having a conversation with approached you to talk. Hollywood celebrities, European politicians, and even famous designers hoping to get you to wear some of their designs. Lately, the paparazzi loved to follow you as you walked to class and gossip sites loved to talk about what you wore. 
Everyone was so busy trying to get your attention that you hadn’t noticed someone slip in the seat beside you, “You look like you need something to drink,” You were a bit startled but you immediately recognized his voice. It seemed a year had made him more handsome as well. With one hand he grabbed yours and kissed it and with the other he handed you a glass of champagne. 
“Your grace,” You greeted him, accepting the glass. You had almost forgotten that you could legally drink here. Despite that, you knew it would be improper to your mother. That’s why you took a sip, “Thank you so much-” You winced at the bitter taste but continued to sip. 
The young duke was tall and red-headed, his face peppered with adorable freckles. His royal get-up was even more attractive. 
You looked back at Bucky who was staring intently, “Is a night of fun in the cards for us?” You turned back to the Prince. 
“I’m not supposed to rendezvous with royalty anymore. My Mom was not happy with me.”
He leaned back casually in his chair, his leisurely nature was surprising to you, “Is she usually happy with you?”
“Touche,” You took another painful sip, “Still, I’m not supposed to leave this table and I’m supposed to go straight back to my hotel room. No funny business.”
“No shenanigans whatsoever?” He frowned and you wondered why the British accent was so heavenly, “You must, at the very least, keep me entertained through whatever ceremony this is-”
“An auction, your grace.”
“What endangered species are we trying to save this time? It won’t be enough money anyways since they decorated this place with literal diamonds,” You smiled as you saw him reach into his jacket pocket and pulled out a flask, “Something stronger, perhaps?”
Bucky tapped his foot, starting to tune out the voice in his ear. 
The room was now full of socialites, Madam Vice President had been escorted to her seat, and now the auction was beginning. The Vice President hadn’t so much as hugged her daughter so Bucky doubted she had noticed you were drinking yet. The young Duke would refill your glass with a clear liquid every time it ran low. 
You were now giggling and laughing with him as a serious speech was given. You had to be at least six shots in. You played with his hand in your lap, leaning over to whisper in his ear, as you had the time of your life. 
Bucky didn’t panic, only made a quick decision, “Girl Scout is in need of some rescuing. Clear the exit.” 
Bucky scanned the room and his men began to follow his orders, as he approached your table. Before you could take another sip of your drink, his hand was on your shoulder. Your mother flashed him a concerned look but Bucky gave her a look to tell her not to worry. Luckily, she hadn’t noticed yet that you were about to go off the rails. 
“Want some?” You smiled lazily as you lifted your glass. Bucky took it from you, setting back on the table. 
“I think you need to use the bathroom, Miss Y/L/N,” You gave him a confused look. You wondered why he was being so stern with you. 
“Nooo, I think you have the wrong woman, officer,” Bucky grabbed onto your hand, urging you up from your seat, “Let me deal with this rude man, your grace, I’ll be back soon.”
It seemed the Duke was in a similar, drunk state and simply replied with, “Return soon, my darling. I shall wait for your return-” You couldn’t respond because Bucky was trying to pull you away. Luckily, Bucky hadn’t managed to cause a scene but he knew you’d end up getting blackout drunk and embarrassing your mother if you continued. 
Agents flocked around the two of you as you were guided out of the room. You almost tripped on the long skirt of your dress though Bucky easily caught you. You held onto him, giggling, “You couldn’t make it one night, could you?” You walked through a long hallway, staff carrying large plates of food passed and stared. 
He brought you to the bathroom which was ginormous in itself, chandeliers hanging across the length of it, and completely empty, “I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here, officer.”
He leaned against the wall, “Walk around. Splash water on your face. Sober up.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning against the sink counter, as you stared at your makeup. As if you would ruin your makeup to “sober up”. 
You pouted, staring at him through the mirror, “I didn’t mean to make you mad, Bucky. Only my mother.”
“Your mother is my boss. When you upset her, she’s upset with me,” Bucky was terse, and you wondered where that soft side was starting to disappear to, “You shouldn’t be drinking anyway.”
You huffed, hating that this conversation was starting to ruin your buzz, “I’m not a child. Don’t tell me you never had a sip of alcohol before you were twenty-one.”
“You think you’re more mature than you actually are,” You couldn’t help the scowl that formed on your face, “You’re not drinking for fun. You’re drinking to spite your mother.” 
He moved closer, his hands behind his back as he sunk his words into you like a knife. You turned to him, taking a challenging step toward him. He towered over you but you clung to that anger and turned it to what you thought was confidence. 
You grinned up at him, reaching out to play with the buttons of his jacket, “I thought you knew me better, Bucky,” You looked up at him with longing eyes, “I’m not a little girl anymore and you know that. You look at me differently. Your eyes linger on places you shouldn’t even be watching.”
Bucky grabbed your wrist tightly, suddenly, “Stop,” You knew you had touched a nerve. 
“See, I know these things now,” You teased, “You like it when you can swoop me up and save me.”
“It’s my job, Y/N,” He spoke sternly. He was still holding you despite his words. 
“What is it that you really want from me?” You pressed yourself closer to him, “A kiss maybe? Or something more forbidden?”
His eyes were dark with lust and you watched them linger on your lips at the mention of a kiss. What exactly did you want from him and what hole had you just dug for yourself? The alcohol was giving you courage but you weren’t actually sure how to finish what you started. 
Bucky decided for you. He turned your body quickly, pressing your back into him, as a hand tightened around your throat. He faced you toward the mirror and the two of you were illuminated with bright lights. Your eyes widened as you watched him lean into your ear, “You’re such a brat ….”
Maybe part of him wanted you to mess up. Maybe he wanted a reason to get you alone with him and away from the royal douche that you were talking to. Maybe he let you get to this point ... 
“Bucky, what are you-” His hand tightened around your throat and you felt your knees go weak. 
He shushed you, “You asked what I really wanted. I want to punish you, princess,” Shivers went through your body as his warm breath tickled your ear, “I want to fuck you speechless so you can’t talk back with that smart little mouth of yours anymore.”
You started to struggle against you but you felt his fingers tighten around the sides of your throat. His hands were so big that they wrapped perfectly around your neck, “Hands on the counter,” He loosened his grip but only so he could push you forward. Like instinct, your hands held the sink counter. You turned your head to look back at him but he grabbed your hair, forcing your face forward, “Look forward, I want you to be able to see your pretty face while I fuck you.”
“Bucky, I’m sorry,” You forced out shakily as you felt the back of your dress being slowly unzipped. Through the mirror, you watched as he carefully took in the view of your body, “Please don’t hurt me-”
“Have I ever hurt you before?” He interrupted you, his hands traveling over your bareback, “I’ll always protect you, princess. I just think, if I’m going to keep doing my job, we need some new rules.”
The straps of your dress fell down your shoulder, exposing your breast. Again, as you tried to look away, he forced your face towards the mirror again, “Don’t be shy now,” He pulled down your panties, slapping your now exposed bottom, sending a stinging pain through your skin. 
There was aching between your legs and part of you feared what he’d discover when he took a closer look. As you watched him undo his belt, a dark look in his eyes, you knew that he was going to push you all the way. He slapped your ass again, watching your body convulse as you tried to run from the pain. Surprisingly, his intimate touch only made that aching grow. 
Upon closer examination, Bucky did discover the wetness between your legs. You bit down on your lip as his fingers roamed over your sweet spot, rubbing your sensitive bulb. You bent over further, allowing him more access which caused Bucky to smirk. 
Something switched in him once again because suddenly he was pouncing again, positioning himself behind you as he pushed you further against the counter. He wanted you to see his face as he entered you, roughly grabbing your hair as he teased you entrance with his hard, throbbing cock. 
“Please what? You want me to fuck you?” You closed your eyes, unwilling to answer, only to receive another smack to your bottom, “Don’t worry about what you want, princess, I’m making the decisions here.”
He stretched you as he slowly entered you and you tightly wrapped around his member, “Fuck, Y/N,” He cursed, moving deeper inside of you. At that moment, he was all that could feel, and all that consumed your thoughts. He moved torturously slow in and out of you and you gasped every time he sunk his entire length within you. 
“Bucky!” You cried out, your mouth wide as you gripped the counter for dear life, “Ah, t-t-too big … p-please. Ah!”
He moved faster now, reaching around to grab ahold of your breast as he thrust inside of you. You called his name again and that only made him speed up his pace. He was torturing with his ferocity and now you wished he’d go back to taking it easy on you. You watched in the mirror as he split you apart, taking whatever innocence you had left within you, “Good girl, princess,” He praised you, “Taking my cock. So. Good.”
He was moving too fast now. With each thrust, he was hitting the right spot and sending pleasure in cascading waves through your body. You couldn’t take it, already tightening around his cock as you orgasm. You tried to run from it, trying to pull your body forward but he grabbed your arms, forcing you back onto his cock. Tears stung your eyes as he went even deeper. 
When he finally came, he grunted hard, his moaning deep and heavy. You were defeated, conquered, though you didn’t understand why being violated could feel so good. 
You leaned against the counter as you tried to catch your breath. Bucky ran his fingers through his hair, breathing heavily, before pulling up his pants and tightening his belt again. He adjusted his earpiece before looking at you over again. Shaking, you were pulling up the straps of your dress.
“Sober now?” He asked, a wicked smile on his face. “Let’s try yes sir and no sir from now on. Understand?”
“Yes… Sir.”
i love the whole secret service concept so i hope you enjoyed it too!
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cobrakiin · 2 years
Ask memey thing, 001 Pokemon, 002 Cojeel, 003 Sokka
Send me a fandom, ship, or character ask meme!
001 | Pokemon
Favorite character Pokemon: Absol and Bulbasaur :)
Least Favorite character Pokemon: idk... Pignite?
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Kukui x Burnet, Archie x Maxie, Chloe x Dawn, Ash x Goh, Steven x Wallace (+ Bonus: Leon x Raihan)
Character(s) I find most attractive: ORAS!Archie is 👀 but Talia do be kinda cute
Character I would marry: idk
Character I would be best friends with: Leon or Brock seem fun? idk
a random thought: i'd like Nanu's job of sitting around with cats all day and getting paid for it
An unpopular opinion: I liked Tracey and want him back
My Non-canon OTP: i think maybe,,,,, Adman and Warden!Ingo should kis... just a lil,,,,, uwu
Most Badass Character: Cynthia. She may not be my favorite champion but I respect her.
Most Epic Villain: it's ya boi GUZMA
Pairing I am not a fan of: Anything with Piers? He's ace? sorry i don't make the news i just report it
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Lance. No, I won't explain.
Favourite Friendship: Pikachu and every other electric rodent
Character I most identify with: I can't say I identify with any specific character
Character I wish I could be: When I was little I liked to pretend I was a Vaporeon when I went swimming :) . I, as an adult who has seen unspeakable things in greentext format, know better now.
002 | Cojeel (Cobra x Gajeel)
When I started shipping them: Been on this ship since 2012 babey!!!
My thoughts: punk bfs w/ a lot of chemistry, they've both been through plenty of traumas in their own lives and sorta understand where the other is coming from...... (also this ship is how i met you @zephiraz my loving partner of 8 years *heart eyes emoji*)
What makes me happy about them: they're not pretty boys except for when they want to be (SO much eyeliner and hair products, their bathroom is a MESS), their relationship feels natural for them, they very lovingly insult each other yet they also don't let the other get away with shit, but also sometimes they're just content being lazy gay snakes dragons together
What makes me sad about them: they deserve happiness but shit keeps happening, who would have predicted that past misdeeds would have future consequences :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I guess if Cobra's dialogue is hard to distinguish from Gajeel's? His vocab does get more relaxed post-timeskip, but not that much,,,,
Things I look for in fanfic: .... new fanfic. There's 15 works on AO3 and 4 of them are from ME. FFnet is practically just me.... oTL
My wishlist: More fic or art in general? Maybe some more canon teamups? <:3c
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Laxus x Gajeel x Cobra polyship... it's technically not just them ;)c
My happily ever after for them: They have a very private wedding or just straight up elope
003 | Sokka (Avatar)
How I feel about this character: this boy has adhd 100%
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I like most ships with him, but I don't really have a favorite?
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I like his relationship with Katara. Especially when they pick on each other, because I will always be tired of the "siblings always get along perfectly" trope in fiction
My unpopular opinion about this character: He's obviously bi, but is a little nervous about the whole liking boys part bc of his upbringing. That being said, it's something he definitely gets over later in life.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish caffeinated beverages existed at that time period, because he definitely seems like the kind of person who should not consumer caffeine because then he sees all the time all the time
Favorite friendship for this character: Him and Aang are always fantastic idiots when it's no braincell day and it's great
My crossover ship: Sokkoya. (Sokka x Naoya Itsuki) It happened because of the rp that originally inspired Hiraethean Prophecy, and is one of the "canon" ships in the panfandom crossover fic version. :3x
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