#balam x y/n
luxthestrange · 5 months
WTDSIK Memes#5
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And those are the demons who KNOW...Your human...By now The Demons who know of You and Iruma's truth...their wondering why humans lived so long-
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yayakoishii · 4 months
Picture This | Balam Shichirou x Reader
Fandom: Mairimashita Iruma-kun
Pairing: Balam Shichirou x GN! Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Genre/Tags: Fluff
Summary: You find out about the kind and gentle Balam Shichirou and meet him with a proposition of your own.
A/n: I have known this demon for 3 episodes and I'm in LOVE;; so I basically got possessed by the sudden urge to write something for him. he's the kindest, the sweetest, the BEST TEACHER EVER 😭 I love teachers like him so much, this was very self-indulgent and kinda just me admiring him hehe... I hope you enjoy this short thing I wrote, even though there's a high chance that he might be slightly ooc since I haven't known him for longer than 3 episodes.
also available on ao3!
The chatter in the class was a low hum as everyone worked on their own worksheets that you had just printed out. The Apocalypse Test was close and as a new teacher at Babyls, you wanted your first results to reflect well. If the results were not good then that would mean you had to work harder as a teacher.
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You were walking amongst the students, listening in on their discussions or aiding them in finding where the answer could be found in the textbook. It was an open book, open discussion worksheet solving session and you were pleased with how well the students seemed to be handling it without making too much noise. The abnormal class could be really serious about studying when they put their mind to it, huh?
The bobbing of a blue head caught your attention and you walked closer to Iruma's seat. As always, he was sitting between Alice and Clara but the three of them were referring to their own books. (Except for Clara; you were pretty sure the book in her hand had nothing to do with studying…) The book in Iruma's hand was one you had never seen before but it looked interesting.
"Iruma-kun?" You stopped in front of his desk and looked down at the book curiously. Said boy startled and looked up in panic until he realised it was just you. "Where did you get this book?"
"Oh!" He gave you a warm smile, the kind that always made you smile in return. "Balam-sensei gave it to me because I was… y'know… struggling to understand."
"Can I see it?" You asked, curiosity taking a hold of you. Iruma handed you the book and you leafed through it. Surprisingly, it was a picture book with really easy explanations. Whoever wrote it had your gratitude; these were the kind of books that made learning enjoyable and less daunting. You closed it and looked at the cover to check the author's name. "Huh? Balam Shichirou…? Balam-sensei wrote this book?"
"Yes!" Iruma beamed at you. "He made some of them especially for me."
"That's wonderful," you felt touched even though you had never met the man. When you had aspired to be a teacher, this was the kind of teacher you were aiming for. Somebody who helped even the students who were struggling to understand, from the basics so they could build a stronger structure of knowledge on it. "Is it easier for you to understand this way?"
"It is," Iruma admitted, shyly scratching the back of his neck. You smiled and lightly patted the top of his head, startling the boy a little.
"I'll keep that in mind for my next class," you said. "And while I'm grateful for Balam-sensei… Why didn't you tell me if you were struggling to understand my teaching, Iruma-kun? I would have adjusted for you."
You pouted at him so he knew you weren't seriously mad at him; just a little upset.
"No, no, no!" The boy panicked and shook his hands in a negating gesture. "That's not it, (y/n)-sensei!! I just didn't want to burden you because I was the only one struggling even with your easy explanations… I guess having it in written form like this just helps to remember what you've already taught."
"It's not a burden, Iruma-kun," you reminded him. "It's my job as a teacher to make sure you understand. If you don't understand something, that's my responsibility. If you're worried about being a bother to the rest of the class, you can always come to me after the classes are over to get a quick personalised lesson."
"Eh?" He looked surprised. "Wouldn't that take up your time, sensei?"
"If it helps my students then it's time well spent!"
After your classes for the day were done, you asked around the staffroom for where you could find Balam Shichirou. Kalego gave you the directions and you made your way to his office, curious about what kind of person he must be and how he would look. From whatever Iruma had told you, he already sounded like a kind person and a great teacher. You found the door and knocked on it before looking inside.
"Balam-sensei?" You asked. There was a demon with long white hair sitting on a table, writing something down, who startled at your voice. "Can I come in?"
"O- Oh, yes, please!" He seemed a little confused by your presence but you stepped in and closed the door behind yourself. There was an empty stool across the table so you sat down on it. "Um, (y/n)-sensei, would you like some Hell Grey Tea?"
"Oh!" You hadn't expected him to know your name. Suddenly, it felt embarrassing that you had never heard of him before this. "Yes, thank you for the offer, Balam-sensei."
He nodded and got up to make you some. He worked in silence so you took the time to look around his office. The shelves full of books were eye-catching and your hands were already itching to dig into them and read all the unfamiliar volumes. Your eyes drifted over to the book sitting in front of you that Balam was working on. Your eyes widened when you realised it was another picture book, this one on one of the battles that had occured some centuries ago. Your hands moved to check it before you could even think that it would be rude.
"Here you go– oh, you saw my book," Balam placed the tea just out of the way enough so that you wouldn't accidentally bump it. "Do you… like picture books, (y/n)-sensei?"
"Not particularly," you admitted as you skimmed through what was already drawn and written. "But I like to read so picture books are fun too! I suppose I never got much into them because my home was full of textual books and I liked those just fine so I never had any picture books as a kid. I may not know much about them, but this is really well-written, Balam-sensei! You draw so well too."
"Oh," the other demon pinked at your words as he took his seat. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it. I'm making this one for a student but you could borrow a different one if you're interested."
"Ah! That reminds me why I came here," you beamed at him, gently placing the book back where you had picked it up from. "I saw the picture book you gave Iruma-kun in my class today. Our subjects have a small section that overlaps so he was referring to the book you made for him and I couldn't help noticing it. It was truly so easy to understand and it gave me the idea that such a method would be helpful with other subjects too."
"Really?" He seemed surprised by your words but you could tell that he was also touched. "I would like to share them with all the students too, but for some reason, they keep running away when I try to show them my picture books."
"Ah," you leaned back when you realised that you had accidentally leaned over in your excitement. The other teachers in the staffroom had told you about Balam's reputation amongst the students. "I'm sure they would benefit from it. I could share your books with some of my students if that works for you, Balam-sensei. And, if you would be interested, I wanted to try making a picture book explaining my subject too. It's a huge task and I would compensate you accordingly for your time and efforts–"
"You…" If Balam had seemed shocked before, it was nothing compared to his face now. Although his mouth was covered by a metal mask, you could tell from how wide his eyes had gotten. "You want to… make a picture book… with me?"
"Only if you're interested!" You bit your bottom lip nervously. "I personally really liked your books and I thought it would be a great way to learn for the students who have a weaker or slower grasp of understanding. Since I'm not very familiar with the process, I thought it would be amazing if I could have the aid of your experience. I understand if it's a commitment that you don't have the time for, and there's no guarantee that it will work out but I would love to at least try it with you."
"I would love to," Balam uttered softly and even without seeing his mouth, you could tell that he was gently smiling at you with how his eyes curved just so. The sight made your heart unexpectedly quicken and you fidgeted in your seat, picking up the Hell Grey Tea you had forgotten about. "I didn't think any of the other teachers liked me much but I'm very happy that you thought of me when you wanted to try this out."
"I don't think they dislike you, Balam-sensei," you smiled from behind the cup of tea. "But I suppose people just get so caught up in appearances and assumptions. People who have much to hide seem dangerous at first glance and we don't take time to get to know them if we can help it. I admit I might have fallen prey to the same kind of thinking if I hadn't heard about you from Iruma-kun. I could tell you were a kind and wonderful teacher from the way he spoke about you."
Balam's eyes widened and for a second, you thought his eyes seemed glassy. You blinked and the light was gone but Balam's eyes were still the soft shape. Now that you took the time to study his face, you realised he was quite handsome. The thought made you accidentally slam your tea cup down on the table in panic and the ceramic broke, startling the both of you.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry!!" You were flustered but you hurriedly tried to collect the pieces together without hurting yourself. "I'm so clumsy…"
"It's okay," Balam reassured you, coming over to your side to help you pick up some of the pieces. "I'll take them to the trash. Are you hurt?"
"I don't– oh, just a little it seems," you had a very tiny cut from a sharper piece you had picked up. It didn't hurt. You waved it off as you carefully put the pieces you had collected in Balam's large gloved hands. "Nothing to worry about. It will be healed in a day or two. I really am sorry for troubling you, Balam-sensei!"
"I told you, it's fine."
He carefully threw away the trash then returned to you with an ointment from his desk drawer. You had stuck the finger into your mouth to suck at the blood and stop the flow but it felt embarrassing when you realised that Balam was watching you. You hurriedly removed the finger and tried to find a cloth to wipe it off but Balam crouched in front of you and asked for your hand silently. You ended up placing yours in his and watched him carefully pat it off before putting on the ointment.
"Thank you," you blushed fiercely when he was done and still hadn't let go of your hand. In fact, he was now standing up and holding both your arms in his own; the proximity was making your heart beat unnaturally fast. "Um, Balam-sensei..?"
"Yes?" He asked, blinking down at your comparatively smaller form in his arms.
"Y- You can let go of me now," you mumbled. Your words made him stutter and he let go in a panic.
"I- I'm so sorry, I just tend to do that without thinking!" He was blushing too, embarrassed. Balam didn't want to make you uncomfortable after you had been so nice to him. For once, he was actually getting along with someone new. For that matter, you were the one to approach him first! Not to mention, he had found you really beautiful when he had first seen you in the staffroom, laughing at Dali's joke. You hadn't seen him then, but that brief memory flashed in his mind when you softly giggled.
The sound of your laugh made his heart skip a beat. Balam stared at you as you flashed him a warm smile.
"If you wanted to hold me, you could have just asked, Balam-sensei!" You beamed and opened your arms for a hug. "I don't mind you touching me. I was just surprised."
Balam's hands twitched for a second, the same nervousness he felt when Iruma tried to touch him popping up. But this time, it felt a bit different. The nervousness in his stomach felt like those fantastical creatures called butterflies that he had read about. His heart seemed to be thumping louder than usual too.
It was only when his larger frame swallowed yours into a gentle grip that he realised. He could feel the outline of your smile against his bicep.
Ah, this was what they called a crush, huh?
All likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
Avatar Rick Quaritch x Navi Reader
"Given Enough"
Master list for series
Tags List: @the-wanderer-2022 @zootsutra @anyzandy   @kneelingforvillains @dioriez @mylovelyreblogs @dinobae-replyacc @voodoogoul @freshmoneyalmondathlete @thedumboneforsomereason @world-dominating-kitty @scarletpines @sofiebstar @vampire-hunter @cypherpt5fttaehyung @strangerdeeznuts @simpingfor-wakasa @tranquiiit @ellieparker
Trigger Warnings: Death, Killing, Mentions of death, and derogatory name(s).
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4- The Metkayian
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The village had gathered their warriors and weapons ready to retaliate against the Metkayian. In their history war is rare but also necessary to restore balance. (Y/n) yelled commands instructing the troops on how they are to attack, which hand gestures to look for or sounds to hear. Quaritch helped load their bison now covered in war paint. He knew this had passed the stopping point. It worried him what (Y/n) would think once she discovered the truth. It is not a  matter of if but when. Time has started to tick once more. His game of pretending is over. Cualli approached the Avatar. “Quaritch, I hope you do not fail me in this battle.  By obligation when I die you must take over as Olo’eyktan. May that be in a few hours or years you must protect my daughter and our people. Do you understand? You are one of us.” He spoke with seriousness. 
Quaritch knits his eyebrows together. It all hit hard knowing if Cualli and others died…their blood is on his hands. Perhaps if he came clean now he said could spare their lives. "I need to tell you something. Since I got here-" 
"We are ready, father," Balam announced running up to his father. Rick felt his mate's hand wrap around his. 
"Are you sure about this? That war is the only way?" He asked. 
"Yes. It is the only way!"
"I know your connection was special. But if they can take one down, what stops them from others when we declare war?! Is this the only way?" He asked. 
"THEY STARTED THIS!" (Y/n) screams shoving him. "THEY KILLED HER! SHE DID NOT DO ANYTHING!" She yelled before Rick pulled her into a warm embrace. 
"Shh, my mate. Please do not cry any longer. I will stand by your side. Always. Now let's ride." He called Pup who flew beside them. His bison is also covered in war paint. "After you." He helped (Y/n) on and then climbed aboard connecting his queue. They waited until her Father, now armed, moved his bison to the front. 
"Ichil yáax, le Metkayian yéetel Kamimaljuyú u sido aliados. Mantuvimos jump'éel k'a'am vínculo.Ba'ale' wetailo'ob xan páajtal ku beetubaj a enemigos. Ts'o'ok u kiinsik jump'éel miembro k ch'i'ibalil.Le tu kíinsaj ti'! KÍIMILI' LE METKAYIAN!!!"
(For generations, the Metkayian and Kamimaljuyú have been allies. We held a strong bond. However, your friends can also become your enemies. They have killed a member of our family. Slaughtered her in cold blood. We will not accept this. Now we ride! DEATH TO THE METKAYIAN!)
"KÍIMILI' LE METKAYIAN!" They repeat and hide their bison and ikran to war. Quaritch felt his stomach twist. He knew by dawn things would never be the same. General Ardome is waiting for them. They would have the Sully family right where they needed, but at what cost? His relationship with (Y/n)...It meant everything. The people he loved…Oh Eywa, why did he choose this path? 
(Y/n) stood when the first reef came into sight. Village by village they destroyed heading for the heart of the Metkayian territory. (Y/n) had blood lust in her eyes and vengeance in her heart. Despite the feeling in his heart Quaritch of course fought beside them. Once he was happy terrorizing the Navi and now…He looked in sadness as the innocent people were at war for reasons they did not know. Their homes are on fire and everything they built and worked for is gone. All because of his own selfish actions. 
Finally, they reach Tonowari and Ronal's village, Awa'atlu. She assumed they had been alerted when the first pillage commenced. She noticed the clan leaders and their warriors already prepared for battle. They rest in the ocean on their skimwing. Tonowari made a hand gesture in their language which Cualli understood. 
"Balam, (Y/n), Quaritch, follow me." They moved onto her father's bison before gently landing in the sea. Rick felt unable to breathe seeing Jake Sully ride beside Tonowari, Ronal, and Neytiri not far behind. He knew now that they would see something was wrong. 
"Great friend of Kamimaljuyú. What is the meaning of this war?! Not only that but you bring the demon here?!" 
(Y/n)'s ears instantly went back, she hissed loudly, eyes narrowed as Tonowari spoke so disrespectfully to her mate. "Watch your tongue, sea beast." 
"Rick Quaritch is not to be trusted! I don't know what he has told you…or what he has done. But this man is from the sky people. The bad ones. Why have you come back so soon?! What are you planning to do Rick? What is your big plan?!" Jake snarled. 
(Y/n) growled but looked at Quaritch now. The great Jake Sully knows this man… Maybe in one lifetime, he was bad, but now as an Avatar, no way! Not as one of her people. "This isn't about my mate!" (Y/n) hissed at Jake who looked shocked by what (Y/n) just said. "It's about how your clan started a war. Killing my friend. My bison. Now I am here to return the favor by slaughtering you all." Her tail flicked. 
"I had no idea what you are speaking of." Tonowari looked confused. 
"Your arrows and spears were found in my bison!" (Y/n) gripped her weapon. 
Ronal narrows her eyes growling at (Y/n), "Are you calling Tonowari a liar?" She hissed inching her skimwing closer. Quaritch felt an automatic feeling inside his body. His arm instinctively reached for (Y/n) pulling her behind him. Rick's ears went back hissing at Ronal displaying his large canine teeth. 
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"This man is a liar, he deserves death," Neytiri said, pointing at Quaritch. 
"(Y/n) (L/n), please listen to me. He only wishes to take Pandora for the humans. All those years ago I killed him. Now somehow this demon is back. He wants to kill me by any means. Your mate probably started this all." Jake adds. 
"Rick." (Y/n) looked up to her mate. 
"...It wasn't always about the mission." He sighed. (Y/n) whimpers ears folding. 
"Wh-what mission?" She asked in a voice barely above a whisper. Jake closed his eyes knowing this story all too well. The day he told Neytiri the truth is something that lives in his mind every second. 
"I-I didn't plan it. Until 6 months after I meet you- I fell in love. With you. (Y/n)-" He started to cry for the very first time in years. "I love you. I didn't mean for it to go this far." Rick reached for (Y/n) you slapped him sobbing. 
"How could you?! You betray me and my people. EYWA WAS WRONG!" 
"(Y/n) please we can-"
Before anything could be said the missile landed in the water. It exploded sending many Metyakian into the air. 
"DIVE!" Yelled Tonowari to the Metyakian. 
"FLY!" Cualli screamed to the Kamimaljuyú.
(Y/n), Quaritch and Balam grip the bison's fur as they fly into the air. "NO!" Rick yelled seeing a missile flying directly toward them. The bison had no time to move before getting hit. After that everything went black for (Y/n). 
She opened her eyes, gasping for air she did not have. "Here!" Came a gentle voice putting a mask over (Y/n) mouth and nose letting her take a deep breath. The female closed her eyes leaning against the wall. Just for a moment, she rests. Her head pounds from the explosion. (E/c) eyes scanned the room. There was Tonowari's daughter with 2 Omaticaya children who she assumed were Jake and Neytiri's children. She stood up looking around the space. "Where are we?!"
"I don't know. But it's not good." Said the Female Omaticaya. (Y/n) did not like this. They were inside some building. A human prison she assumed. She then saw herself in the mirror. On the other side (Y/n) could hear voices. 
"LET US OUT!" (Y/n) screamed, hitting the mirror and hissing loudly. She slammed her fists against the mirror over and over screaming in anger. All her pain exploded. "LET US GO!" She bared her fangs. 
On the other side stood Colonel Rick Quaritch and other agents looking at the Navi female. "Damn you really got a crazy bitch." One commented. 
Quaritch growled, grabbing the human by the neck. "Watch your tongue. She is the only innocent one here. I'll be nice once. Then I won't. Understand?" He hissed, letting the scared human down. 
"Quaritch." General Ardome states walking into the room. The female eyes the Avatar suspiciously. "I want you to convince her to give up where the bison's are. They have taken Jake Sully with them. Surely she would know where they go in times of danger. And if she doesn't, you will take us to her village and burn it down." 
He looked down, "Yes General." Quaritch salutes before making his way to their holding facility nearby. The door opened and he locked eyes with (Y/n). "Hey love." He whispered. 
Chapter 5
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lettersvoid · 1 year
Hi there!
Can we get balam x fem!reader fluff?
Reader is a human and is believed to be irumas mother by the school of babylus.
She more relaxed to being a human in the netherworld than iruma is but is quick to throw a punch towards any harm that threatens her son (ex: she grabbed kalego by the scruff and said bad puppy before throwing him out the class).
She gets caught in a harmless plant or something and is just basically chilling upside down.
While she's upside down balam comes over to help her down and she can't help but say something like the line "your eyes really are like sapphires".
Just some sweet and silly fluff please!
Pretty eyes
Balam x fem!Human!Iruma's mom! reader
A/N: Thank you for requesting! Please forgive me if my writing happens to be bad, I am still somewhat of a beginner and I'm still learning ^^ 
(edit: I did not know how to end it I am sorry)
Being a human in the netherworld isn't all that bad for (Y/n), after all, she is an adult and she doesn't have to work to the bone like back in the human world, but there's always someone at the back of her mind that makes her worry, Iruma a human just like her, who's now her son.
Compared to her son Iruma, she's far bold and more fearless, mainly when she thinks her son is being mistreated. After she learns what his parents make him do and how kind he is despite being mistreated, which made her very protective of him to the point that she displays her boldness and lack of fear when confronting Kalego regarding his harsh treatment of Iruma. 
Being known as the daughter of Sullivan with an unknown rank rumors spread around students of Babyls about her ‘hidden powers’ and how Iruma may just as be scary as her.
“HOLY F-” 
That so-called powerful mother is tangled up with a monster plant which was slowly swallowing her.
Any normal demon with magic could have gotten out of it in no time but (Y.N) is a human and she can’t use magic neither does she has tools to get herself out of the plant’s mouth. 
Then once she was losing sight of the light outside a hand grabbed her.
Two big and surprisingly gentle hands.
Then (Y/N) opened her eyes again to be face-to-face with a tall big demon with white hair and a mask. She recognized him as Balam Shichiro, one of the teachers at Babyls, and the one that Iruma was talking about. 
For a minute she stared back at him as he puts her down.
“Your eyes are like sapphires….” He spoke  
“Oh sorry, I mean are you okay..?” Balam asks as he avoids eye contact with her as he escorts her back to the Sullivan manor. 
She awkwardly walks with him, scratching her neck “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you….” 
They’ve arrived at the gate of the mansion, she turns to thank him.
She notices him looking away like he’s holding back something “You’re Professor Balam, right? Iruma has talked about you..! Thank you, for taking care of him”
He still avoids her eye contact. 
“Your eyes…”
“Your eyes are pretty” 
His words made her smile a bit. “Thank You, Professor Balam, I think your eyes are pretty as well” 
He seems to smile under his mask, this is the first time they’ve talked to each other despite seeing each other around and he saved her from a monster plant. 
“Professor Balam, do you wanna exchange numbers?” 
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Reincarnated! 7 Deadly Sins X Archdemon! Reader Intro and Headcanons
Hi hi! Part two of Love Bugs is on the way but I thought I would right down something just to keep engagement up. BTWs this might become a whole story if enough people request it. You can also ask for the individual characters in requests! Any gender for reader is fine (I'm nonbinary so I feel most comfortable writing gender neutral characters, however request male/female reader if you want) Also guess what their powers might be.
You were an archdemon, a powerful one. During the battle with heaven, you proved your metal and earned your spot as one of the King of Hell's personal guards. You had plenty of muscle and scars to show your dedication to your King, which is why you were confused with his request.
"Puh-lease!" His Highness begged you causing you to roll your eyes. In all your thousands of years of serving your king, he only seems to be this childish around you. It was almost a pitiful sight to see your mighty king reduced to this. "Your highness, please stand up. Groveling will only embarrass us both." You deadpanned towards your master. "Oh, come now (Y/N) no one ever dares intrude on our personal meetings. I wouldn't want anyone else to see what is only for you." You wanted to gag at the semi-flirtatious tone your boss took with you. It almost made you regret betraying God to assist the one you admired so much before.
Your King had called you in for an important meeting which almost made you roll your eyes since most of his "important meetings" were just an excuse to stop your training and spend "quality time" together. You were surprised you weren't an alcoholic yet because every time you were done talking to the king you wanted to forget the syrupy sweet smiles and pet names, he cooed in your direction.
However, this time the important meeting was truly important, as your lord had a vision of the future. On this very day, the stars will align and the Seven mightiest warriors in Hell's army will be reborn as mortals with no recollection of their past lives as demons. Your lord thought it would best to have someone remind them of their past and train them to be their full potential, and he requested you to do it.
As much as you and every other little demon admired the great seven one of whom was the very first ruler of Hell Lucifer himself, you did not want to become a glorified babysitter. You were a warrior, General of Hell's army and right-hand man of King Balam. It was your job to oversee the safety of Hell and fight off any angel brave enough to attempt another "cleansing". However, his majesty was insistent that the mentor had to be you.
"(N/n) please you are Hell's finest and one of the greatest soldiers who ever spawned, only you can handle the massive power of the Seven and teach these little mortals their true potential." Buttering you up typical his majesty. He always gushed about you and your awesome power of sealing holy and demonic powers with your chains. It was very useful in and out of battle.
"I'm busy with protecting you and recruiting and training my soldiers. Find some retired demon to do it for me." You dismissed his plea entirely. That seemed to shut the crying and begging off. Your King got up and brushed off his royal garb "Very well then you leave me no choice." He wouldn't.
Your King grasped your hand, and you were taken to a strange place. It looked like Hell but it didn't feel like Hell. Thousands of figures in white loomed above as millions of screams were heard. Human and demon kind both burned in white flames as the apathetic stares of the holy gazed uninterested at the whole scene.
Like you were nothing...
What made things worse was you saw your dear friend and King barely holding on to life as the tallest and strongest looking angel held a sword to his throat. Michael.
"So, you do care about me!" Your King's voice anchored you back into reality. your face felt oddly wet. Tears, that hadn't happened since you fell. "My liege what vision did you share with me." His majesty chuckled and lifted your face to look up at him and cupped your cheeks.
"I tell you to call me Balam silly, we've been friends for almost a millennia." You shook your head he never changes. "That was what happens if the seven don't reach their full potential. You see Heaven is growing restless as they realize that the Great Virtues are coming back as well." Not the great virtues. You fought only one of them and it almost cost you your life. In fact, the only ones strong enough to defeat the Virtues were the Sins.
"Balam..." You paused searching for the right words.
"Yes, my dear knight." Balam sighed fondly as he stared at you with so much adoration.
"I accept."
The Sins:
Pride: Nalani
Full Name: Nalani Ai’la’ausd
Pronouns: She/they
Nalani Ai’la’ausd was the youngest and only girl of her family. As such she spent most of her time being raised by and cared for by her older brothers and family members. Her Hawaiian heritage meant her entire community was family and were treated as such. Her last name shows her family's rebellion towards the colonization of Hawaii and Christianity. She ended up moving away from Hawaii because of the overtourism and being sick and tired of her family being treated as servants. She is attending university and studying Political Science in hopes of going back to her home and creating policy to stop the overtourism.
When Nalani first started experiencing her powers she was frightened. I mean who wouldn't be a little scared if they started glowing and were able to control fire. However, she tried to remain calm and brave in the face of a storm and even contacted her elders for advice. Or she would have if you hadn't come out of the floor.
"Greetings mortal, I am (Y/N), General of Hell's army sword of the King of Hell. You are the reincarnation of Pride and most powerful of the Sins... can you stop glowing it's hurt my eyes."
"I don't know how to?"
"Dear Satan."
Yandere Types: Harmless, Protective, Manipulative, Possessive, Self-Aware
Nalani at first would be a Harmless yandere as she is not fully taken on her duty as a sin. She feels admiration in a platonic sense for all you've taught her. However, her feelings change as time goes on. It might be because you encourage her to be more confident in her abilities or don't ridicule her dreams. A crush soon blossoms from the admiration. Nalani notices you also interact with her teammates on a daily basis for training.
She doesn't like it...
She's the reincarnation of Lucifer who fell in some myths due to feeling jealous that God favored another over him. She knows what she's doing is wrong, but she can't help it. You make her feel so good and she simply wants to monopolize on that feeling. She's got a silver tongue which allows her to manipulate others to do small things like give you two alone time, or form alliances with the others. Again, nothing that will hurt those close to her and you, but enough to get her fill.
She's Pride the sin above all sins, it make sense for you to choose her.
You have no choice
Fun facts:
Loves Poke and any dish with fresh fish. Would love to take you to sushi bars in the city.
Proficient Surfer- wants to teach you (excuse for some alone time)
Has a fear of crabs
Scrunches her nose when she's happy.
Muscular woman with tattoos (important part of culture)
Works in a tattoo parlor when not attending classes.
Greed: Avaris
Full Name: Avaris Buhl
Pronouns: They/them
Avaris Buhl is the definition of poor, they live in a trailer with their parents and five other siblings. They are used to sharing everything with their family and take it in stride. Bathroom, living space, soap, and other items. Avaris was not very popular and often bullied for being poor. What a terrible thing to do, make fun of someone for being born into an unideal situation. Their only refuge during this turmoil was art. Drawing, painting, sculpting, Avaris tried it all. They personally liked sculpting the best. They were immediately kicked out at eighteen for applying for art school and coming out as nonbinary. Now they live in a crappy apartment and work part time as a barista and doing commissions online.
When Avaris found out that they had powers they were thinking about something that was always the forefront of their mind. Rent was due tomorrow, and that bastard of a landlord was raising rent once again. Turns out Karens don't like when you take breaks as Avaris was harassed about a drink that they didn't even make. One thing led to another and Avaris ended up turning the Karen into a gold statue by accident. While fleeing in fear a large figure appeared from a rift in the ground.
"Greetings mortal, I have come here in search of the reincarnation of Greed. I sense a powerful aura in front of me so I'm guessing it's you."
Avaris promptly fainted.
Yandere Types: Clingy, Obsessive, Self-Sacrificial, Possessive, Stalker
Avaris isn't one to let their yandere tendencies show. At first, they were just grateful that someone was there to help them. Having company also wasn't too bad as Avaris isn't the most social person.
As time goes on Avaris notices all your little quirks and starts to admire each one. Do you swing your legs when you sit? Noted. Have a unique laugh? Noted. Do you have feelings for someone? Better fix that.
Avaris is a little (very obsessed) with your every move and action seeing you as their muse. Many of their latest art pieces and sculptures look a little too familiar (many of them smashed to bits for not fully incapsulating you). Incorporating precious stones and gold they summoned to enhance your natural beauty.
Avaris is used to being ignored which never was a blessing until now, in the busy streets of the city Avaris follows you as you explore the human realm. Careful not to get close enough that your demonic senses kick in but enough to keep track of you. They don't like how close the others and some randoms are to your immortal glory. It should be them and only them.
You are encouraging them to be more greedy.
Well they are greedy for you
Fun Facts:
Even though Avaris is an artist they also know how to code (taking a few lessons online)
Loves pudding
Has very long and nimble fingers which make sculpting clay very easy.
Has a short wolf cut that is shaved on the sides, its color changing based on what they want
Extremely near sighted
Average body type and very pasty (twig arms)
Envy: Cain
Full Name: Cain Alvarado
Pronouns: He/they FTM
You know that one kid who has a reputation for being "troubled" that's Cain Model. His parents divorced when he was five, with his mom taking his older and younger sibling, leaving him with his dad. His dad wasn't terrible, but he wasn't great either. Working on a construction site all day left Cain to become self-sufficient very quick. It was learn or starve. He still resents his mom for taking his siblings away and never coming back to check on him or even let him see his siblings. He was bullied in school for being the only openly trans kid and was called some really nasty names. They never got in trouble, only he did when he broke some stupid boy's nose for groping him inappropriately. Left at sixteen to stay with a cousin and finish school. He currently lives with the same cousin and is job searching.
This was it; he was going to die. Cain ran into some very angry gang members of an old rival gang; they recognized him immediately and intended to beat him to death. He wasn't even in the gang that long and they still recognized him.
"You should've known better than to insult us like that maricón!" One of the guys said his comment, causing his buddies to laugh. "I didn't do shit hijueputa." Cain doubled over again as another foot made contact with his stomach. "Shut up bitch, we do what we want." God damn it, someone deity must love to see him suffer. Cain dug his hands into the gravel. If I find that bastard, I'll fuck them up.
Suddenly a fire hydrant exploded, and a wave of water sent the men right into the side of a wall. The water formed a protective dome around Cain. The men ran off talking about "bruja" or whatever. What was happening? Cain opened his eyes to see an imposing demon with their back turned. "I didn't need your help." Cain spoke up to the figure, who turned around with mild fascination. "Clearly not. Are you going to get off the ground?"
"Fuck you."
Yandere Types: Tsundere-Yandere, Overprotective, Impulsive, Jealous, Clingy, Self-Indulgent
Your relationship at first was rocky at best and for good reason. Cain has serious trust issues, and you were tired of having to justify everything you do. A lot of curse words in English, Spanish, and Demonic were thrown at each other. He only stayed to figure out what was going on and because you are strong. However, you kept helping him and not pitying him like everyone else.
He would rather die than admit to himself and others that you've gained a soft spot in his heart. He's never had anyone to depend on so he can't trust that you won't be like everyone else too. Yet at the same time he won't allow you to spend too much time without him tagging along and complaining about how he hates spending time with you (liar). He sees anyone flirting with you and he will cuss them out, same with anyone flirting with him. Would melt internally if you help him volunteer at the animal shelter.
He is a very emotionally driven person and when he becomes jealous, he does many things to stop that feeling making him impulsive. Leading to him being capable of hurting and killing others and you. One of the most dangerous due to his unpredictable behavior. Believes that he should indulge in his obsession with you and will force you along if it means that he is happy.
Don't look to the others for a way out
He might get jealous
Fun Facts:
Volunteers at the animal shelter regularly
Loves sour candy
Low spice tolerance
Great at domestic tasks
Loves visiting the koi pond in the park
Has many piercings
Insecure about his big chest (well-endowed and too broke for top surgery)
Has a cat named Chorizo (rescue with burn scars)
Stocky figure (chubby yet strong)
Maricón= a slur used against gay men in particular. Cain isn't fully gay per se (all of these characters are pretty fruity), but these assholes don't know the difference between gay and trans.
hijueputa= means motherfucker
Wrath: Kali
Full Name: Kali Ramanathan
Pronouns: She/her
Kali comes from a conservative Indian family. Her family longed for a son but instead they ended up with a daughter. They fell into grief when her mother could not have any more children. She became the stain of the family simply for being born the wrong way. Instead of being light skinned and petite, Kali was darked skinned and very tall, towering over her own father. She was dubbed by the rest of the family as "Mannish Girl". Instead of being ashamed of it she wore it like a badge of honor, she would never make her parents proud so why try? Her parents were furious of her love of sports and her average to low grades (despite being very smart). No one would want to marry such a defective woman. Then she confessed to liking girls more than boys, which was the final straw. She was given an ultimatum: Marry a nice Indian boy a seventeen or get the hell out of our family in shame. Much like the vengeful goddess she was named after she stormed away without a second thought. An old girlfriend's parents let her stay with them until college when she left to prove her parents wrong and become a doctor.
Kali had always swallowed her pride; it was best not to argue. She had taken sixteen years of emotional abuse without once complaining. Being compared to cousins, called stupid, called mannish, called the shame of the family. She dealt with a shitty landlord, many rejections to colleges, and working her ass off in undergrad all with fierce determination. Yet her molecular chemistry teacher was what made her snap.
"Honestly I don't understand why you're still in my class you're not very smart and you're wasting a spot that a man could fill." She had lost control and punched him but a single punch that was supposed to just bruise his jaw and ego, shattered all his bones and snapped a few tendons.
This isn't good. Her chauvinist professor had passed out due to the pain and Kali was left panicking. Why did she have to snap now when she was so close to graduating? "Need help cleaning up?" Kali snapped around to see a janitor, except it was a very muscular and handsome janitor with a regal aura and... horns? "I just need to get this man to a hospital." "No need." the person spoke and waved their hand over the broken body a black aura surrounding the body. Kali anticipated something but nothing happened. "I healed him and in exchange for my silence on this matter I want you to come with me."
What had she gotten herself into?
Yandere Type: Harmless, Sadistic, Isolating, Manipulative, Possessive, Protective, Worshiper, Delusional
At first Kali thought you were the shadiest being on the planet. Who else goes out of their way to pluck young people from their lives to train them for...? The end of the world? Were you high? Clearly not as you had some of the best fighting, she'd ever seen. Please teach her!
However, you were one of the first to not belittle her for simply being a woman with her interests. You would listen as she rambled about anything that caught her interest. You also introduced her to boxing (something about channeling her wrath powers). You were her calm her source of peace and she would do anything to keep it that way.
She is never sadistic towards you; she would rather hurt herself then hurt you (physically at least). Others including the other sins are on the table. Got a little too rough during training? She was just really into it. Knocked the tooth out of that girl at her boxing gym? She was asking for it thinking she could flirt with you (she was just smiling at you out of politeness but okay)!
Kali is smart and knows she can't have you all to herself all the time (yet), especially with the other sins. Non sin people however... are fair game. She'll manipulate every situation to make sure others stay the hell away from you and that you come to her instead. She'll also do everything to earn your trust and lure you into feeling more secure around her (good luck with that). She will treat you with great reverence and be your champion.
She would let the world burn
If you'd be there by her side
Fun Facts:
Her poorer grades in grade school were due to undiagnosed ADHD.
Loves jewelry (specifically necklaces)
Got into boxing and working out to release anger (thanks to you)
Damn good at basketball
Is a yoga instructor at a local gym
Loves spicy food
Thinks spiders are cool
Dresses in the goth aesthetic
Knows a frightening amount about the human body (will ask you for books on demon anatomy as well)
Tall and lean (from sports) medium long dark hair that is very soft (has a tiny girl stache), slightly bushy brows
Lust: Désirée
Full Name: Désirée Beaufort
Pronouns: He/him
Désirée Beaufort is a child born of an affair, specifically his father and a maid that worked for him. His father only raised him out of a sense of obligation (not wanting to pay child support). His father's wife hated him and would do everything in her power to remind him that he was a mistake. Has two other half-sisters (that we know of) who were legitimate and hate his guts. Hated the fact that he was prettier than them and would do terrible things to him (chop his beautiful locks and cut his porcelain skin). It didn't help that the other people he met all objectified him, some even trying to assault him. His father's wife did nothing but watch on as these disgusting individuals would touch him where he didn't want to be touched. Luckily, they never went further but it made Désirée terrified of the idea of sex. He asked his father to let him live on his own (to escape the abuse), who agreed just to get rid of him. Currently, living in the wealthier part of the city off the allowance his father gives him.
Désirée noticed how easy it was to get what he wanted. Of course, he always had pretty privilege but now everyone had a foggy look in their eyes when they talked to him. His landlord allowed him to stop paying rent, his coffee was always free, and people would do anything he said. He didn't understand why everyone would act so strange around him, but he just got used to it. That was until a bunch of crazed admirers chased Désirée with obsessive intent. It frightened him so terribly to see their lovesick expressions.
Why won't they go away?
A heavy weight pressed on his arm and he was yanked into an alley as the admirers continued running past him. Désirée looked up in fear of what the person behind him might do. "Are you okay?" "Huh?" Désirée tilted his head to the side, no one had ever asked him that before. "Those people looked like they wished to murder you so I want to know if they hurt you." This person cared? Désirée pulled away from the strong persons grasp and stared at them. Before him stood a terrifying beast with a commanding aura.
"Do you love me?"
"Why would I? I just met you."
"Oh thank the stars!"
Yandere Types: Worshiper, Obsessive, Clingy, Manipulative, Self- Sacrifice, Harmless(?), Desperate, Delusional
Désirée was grateful to find someone who didn't throw themselves at him. He could have a conversation with someone as an equal rather than an object and he was overjoyed. You were equally strict on everyone you trained equally which Désirée both loved and hated. You were a savior in his eyes and someone to admire for your dedication to your cause.
Désirée fell hard and fast, maybe even the first person to go yandere for you. He was surrounded by people who mistreated him so doing the bare minimum was enough to make him fall in love with you. Désirée wanted to be around you 24/7! He found out about demon contracts and begged to enter one with you. Broke down sobbing when you explained that 1. He couldn't enter a contract as the reincarnation of Lust and 2. You wouldn't do it anyways (you serve no one but the King of Hell).
Normally very touch adverse but with you Désirée is the definition of clingy. Wraps himself around you as soon as he sees you, kisses your cheek, and drowns you in compliments. He adores you so so so much, how can he not express it?! Accidentally guilt trips you into being more accepting of his advances (he becomes very depressed if you seem nonreceptive). Learns all sort of magic to impress you and uses his secret ability to make sure that his dream comes true (you and him together forever).
He always hated lust but...
He feels compelled to it by you
Fun Facts:
Bilingual (speaks fluent English and French)
Favorite food is breakfast food
Likes heavy death metal
Loves to craft (crochet, sew, knit, needlepoint)
A very good swimmer and proficient fencer
Loves horseback riding
Loves romcoms (will try to reenact them with you)
Beautiful man: Tall and lithe (most likely to malnourishment) with Long wavy blond hair and icy blue eyes has two beauty marks under each eye
Gluttony: Gwyn
Full name: Gwyn Bex
Pronouns: ALL OF THEM
Gwyn Bex and their background is nothing to sniff at. She had two supportive mothers who love him no matter what, they have a successful career as a high fashion model, and they have more wealth than others of his age group could say. However, she is not satisfied with this life, it was all so hollow. The only time that he ever feels a thrill is when something is at stake, someone challenges their comfy life. When that is not happening, she is going on a diet to it the newest body trend after all their looks are what gave them this life and he can't be anything less than perfect. They have a severe case of binge eating and purging which has caused many health complications, oh well not like she cared much about himself.
Gwyn reclined in a red leather seat of a beauty parlor getting their hair done, smoking a cigarette. Smoking was against the rules but who was going to stop him? Their next photo shoot was coming up and she had to look flawless. The hairdressers were chatting about unimportant things until he heard a rival model's name. A string snapped internally as they heard those insects praising that ghastly creature. Gwyn sighed and tried to keep things together.
They wouldn't stop.
Gwyn dug their manicured nails into the armrests of the styling chair. How dare they speak of another who couldn't hold a candle to them and her beauty. Their multicolored eyes held nothing but malice for the people talking in front of him.
Large lightning bolt followed by wall shaking thunder landed in front of the shop. The lights in the shop began to flicker on and off, freaking out the customers. A humming sound came from the walls themselves. Bursting from the vents came a swarm of locusts swirling around Bex causing patrons and workers to scream in terror. How amusing.
Even more intriguing was the brief yet ominous silhouette that appeared near the window. Ignoring the chaos around her she walked out the door and was greeted with the intense scent of ozone. Some of the locusts leaving the store and following them, one in particular landing on a stranger's finger. "You know locusts aren't often found swarming in the city, they often flock to where there are crops to be razed. Gwyn cocked his perfect brow at the strangely alluring person in front of them, smirking. "You're going to be fun."
Yandere Types: Sadistic, Monopolizing, Controlling, Unpredictable, Self-Indulgent, Manipulative
Is the most dangerous yandere upfront. They know what they want and what she wants, what he craves is entertainment. It almost scares you how differently Bex approaches things than the rest of the sins. Beelzebub was known to be very dangerous but the reincarnation more dangerous than Lucifer's. That's new. Gwyn flirts with everyone in this strange little 'family' at first not really caring for their fate or anyone's feelings. You change that.
Foxy little minx you are
How dare you fill their mind when they should be focused on other things? You must pay by being their little play thing. Too bad your so stubborn and defiant. No matter... makes things more fun.
Unlike the other sadists Gwyn's sadistic tendencies can and will be turned on you. You're the big bad general, of course she wants to test your mettle (you're not having any of it). They like to playfully tease you, predatory gaze trained on your figure consuming your every action. It's so sweet how you worry for their health (you don't you just need them to embrace Gluttony further), you should be rewarded for that (you don't want his rewards).
Cain might kill others by accident but for Gwyn it's all a calculated game and everyone must play their part. Your part is to be her precious little general, their toy.
Gluttony is all about overindulgence
Well let them overindulge in you
Fun Facts:
Has heterochromia (one blue eye, one eye that is half blue half brown)
Is jealous of the King's power over you
Likes testing their abilities in his spare time
Great singing voice (is a triple threat)
The only sin who is on board with embracing their sin
Actually hates bugs (especially flies)
Knew Duke before all this (you'll find out ;))
Weight fluctuates from anorexically thin to fat (can pull off any weight), foxlike eyes, pretty strawberry blonde hair, average height
Sloth: Marmaduke
Full Name: Marmaduke Skelly (prefers to be called Duke)
Pronouns: "The guy ones" (any pronouns besides she/her)
Duke's a chill guy, he's very go with the flow type guy. Grew up in middle class suburbia with two loving parents and a cute little sister (very big age gap between siblings). Was very insecure of being short and skinny (was the shortest boy in his middle school), which lead to a lot of teasing from his friends and classmates. When you've been thrown through a basketball net you decide it's time to bulk up. Got his first set of weights at thirteen as well as a gym membership at fifteen. He aspires to be just like his first gym bro who helped teach him how to use all the equipment and figure out a routine. Joined his high school wrestling team and quickly became MVP. Was a golden boy jock at his school and would report any jock to the coach who was found bullying or harassing girls. Got in on a sports scholarship to the city university and is studying Early Childhood Education (minor in Philosophy).
Duke was having one of those sleep paralysis episodes again he was sure of it. He had no problems getting sleep in his whole life until recently. Every night he would fall asleep and would wake up unable to move or speak. A large dark figure would whisper to him calling him Belphegor for some reason. He was never really that religious, sure his parents dragged him to church as a kid but he never believed in demons.
Until he saw one in his frat's kitchen. "Ah you're awake finally, you know you talk in you sleep, correct?" Fuck. What was he supposed to say? "Uh are you a demon?" Duke asked. Idiot that must be such a rude question to ask a demon. The demon laughed as their eyes squinted in amusement (which Duke thought was pretty cute). "What do you think?" The demon asked flexing their powerful wings and sweet gains. "That you should teach me your routine cause you got some sweet gains." The demon stared at Duke in disbelief. Did he say something wrong. "Gains? Routines? Human what are you talking about."
He's jealous
Yandere Types: Harmless, Obsessive, Clingy, Overprotective, Delusional, Lovesick
Bro is just happy to be along for the ride. He a reincarnated demon represented the cardinal sin of Sloth. Sick... what is sloth? IT'S WHAT?! Bro's straight up offended. He did not put all this work into a healthy bod to be told he has to throw that all out the window. Hell no! Not only that but sloth is one of the least respected and powerful of the sins. How come Nalani gets to be Lucifer Freaking Morningstar and he just... he doesn't even know! You're pretty much the only person who can calm him down.
Bro is whipped for you anytime spent with you is good time. Wanna go to the gym? The movies? The gym? That new burger place? The gym? Please go to the gym with him! He wants to learn some new moves and teach you some of his own (also see you covered in sweat).
Delulu for real. You can do nothing wrong in his eyes. #1 (Y/N) apologist and defender. Will fight anyone who disagrees. He also believes that you love him the most deep down so that's why he's fine with you interacting with everyone else. Does many things to attempt to convince you that you he should be your mate. (you are his but more importantly he is yours)
Your number one hype man will shower you with compliments all day long. You didn't have an ego problem before, but you'll have one after interacting with Duke for too long. Bros always praising your muscles (using that as an excuse to squeeze them).
Freaks the fuck out if you get even the tiniest scrape. He doesn't underestimate you, he just never wants you to feel pain. Oh my god you have a paper cut?! CALL THE AMBULANCE! Don't worry baby he'll make sure to hold your hand the entire time. You're just rolling your eyes.
Seems the most normal out of all of them but he's still a yandere (just unintentionally sneaky).
Sloth is all about apathy but
He'll never sleep on you
Fun Fact:
Is intersex
Total gym bro (but a wholesome one)
Has fairy princess tea parties with his little sister like a real man
Professional body builder
Terrible cook
(insert the Knuckles feminist rant here)
Loves the Rocky movies (sister is convinced he's a ginger Rocky Balboa)
Huge anime nerd
Knows Gwyn (unfortunately in his eyes)
One of the only ones willing to share darling
Bros literally been called a buff leprechaun (cause he is short, ginger, and built like a tank). No one thinks this man would be 5'2 (158.496 cm) but he is. Hairy arms and cannot go anywhere without putting a crap ton of sunscreen on. Covered in freckles and has the nicest hazel eyes. Heart is as big as his muscles bro.
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fatfuckingcatstuff · 2 years
Balam Shichiro X Reader
Gift for my friend, full of fluff
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Ok so first off, he's well known for his urge to just pat people's heads. Whether it'd be one of his students to a random grandma. Now let's take that fact and put it into a relationship with him.
Every second in your life, your head will never be alone. The only time you don't have a giant hand on your head is when both of you are at work.
Whenever you're in a bad mood or just tired in general he'd always somehow know and give your head a nice massage. Maybe 10 seconds or so after his big hands move around on your head you fall instantly into a coma-ish sleep.
Quality Time
He's quite huge, like I actually mean it. His canon height is 95 feet tall which makes him 9 foot 6 inches...
tall bitch
I can imagine him just lying on the bed, starfish position and a Y/N also in the same position on top of him. It's like a person stranded on a big ass island.
Standing next to him you are nothing but a small insect. A pathetic tiny creature.
I Headcanon he likes to put you on his shoulders and just walk around.
Piggybacks would NEVER work. You're too fucking short for it and he's too fucking tall.
I mean sure he could carry you but the only view you'd get is HIS BACK.
(Before short hair)
He would absolutely love it whenever you styled his hair. Not only does it help him see better he also gets to look pretty like the babygirl he is.
Everyday he would show up to the school with either brightly coloured bows and his hair tied in a long ponytail or other stuff.
He would be the centre of attention and he knows he looks good because of his Y/N making sure he looks fabulous everyday.
(Short Hair Arc)
He cut his hair. How could he. The absolute betrayal. You could no longer style his long silky hair with your Jojo siwa bows, no more cute ribbons or anything.
He felt that his long hair was a big inconvenience for both him and you. Luckily his hair is still fluffy enough to put random hair accessories in it.
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bleuhisteria · 1 year
It's back! I rewrote my story, Kalego x reader, Love, was it all in Vain? Now available to read in both Wattpad and Ao3!
Love, was it all in Vain? Naberius Kalego x Reader (Rewritten) (14179 words) by PotatoThatIAm Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: 魔入りました! 入間くん | Mairimashita! Iruma-kun | Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (Manga), 魔入りました! 入間くん | Mairimashita! Iruma-kun | Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Naberius Kalego & Suzuki Iruma, Naberius Kalego & Original Character(s), Naberius Kalego/Reader, Naberius Kalego & Reader, Suzuki Iruma & Reader Characters: Suzuki Iruma, Suzuki Iruma's Parents, Naberius Kalego, Naberius Narnia, Balam Shichiro, Lord Sullivan (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Opera (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) Additional Tags: Demon King Suzuki Iruma Summary: Left without a family after a tragedy that had happened, covered up by the netherworld police to save face, (Y/N) (L/N) seemed to have disappeared from existence after graduating from Babyls, no one knew that she was now the adopted daughter of their one and only Lord Sullivan. Even then, she disappeared from his eyes for many many years, returning to find that now--SHE HAD A SON?! Welcomed back by Balam, pushed away by her long time crush, Kalego, (Y/N) now works at Babyls as a temporary teacher as she researches a curse that plagues her while trying to patch things up with the one and only demon lord. Will her chances be screwed up by having him find out that she's related to the troublesome bunch that is Iruma's family? Who knows! We're in for a ride~! SPOILER WARNING, MANGA SPOILERS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!! https://www.wattpad.com/story/337596692-love-was-it-all-in-vain-naberius-kalego-x-reader
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demon-guardian · 3 years
Slip up in Words
So I wrote an entire Balam x reader Fanfic. First time writing a full blow one so I hope it turn out good and hope you enjoy!
It was a normal day after school at Babyls Demon School. All the students had left and the teacher was cleaning up and getting ready to head back to their homes. You and Balam were cleaning up and packing up for the day in his office. He had a lot of paper he had all over the place from his research. So you were helping him pick it all up and put it away.
You were putting some of his research paper on birds into a file, when Balam turned to you and said, “Thank you (y/n) for your help again, I would usually ask Kalego but he is busy with the principal.”
“It's no problem, Balam, I don’t mind at all,” You say as you pick up another set of paper, “Now where do these papers go?”
Balam let out a hm and walk over to see what paper you were talking about. He leans down and gets closer to you causing you to blush. You do have a crush on Balam. Even though Balam can be intimidating he is truly a kind, and gentleman. But with his profession he is touchy so he does get close so it always makes you nervous and blushes.
“Oh, these go in the imaginary creatures file.” He said looking at the paper.
“Really what imaginary creatures are these?” You asked, looking at the paper.
His eyes light up as he starts telling you all about the imaginary creature. You were not ever hearing what he was saying but you were watching his expression as he was talking. As he was excited and his eyes were sparkling brightly like a star. As well even though you can't see the lower half of his face you know he is smiling underneath the mask.
Without even thinking you say, “You're cute when you talk like that.”
Balam's face went wide, eyes hearing you say and his voice went silent as he just looked at you with what you said. Your face goes into the same look as him but your face is covered in blush.
“What did you say?” Balam asks, walking closer to you.
“Well um.” You say backing stumbling over your words trying to explain and pick them back up from what you say.
As you try to get your words and back away from him as he tries to get closer to you. As you continue to back away from him the paper of his research on the imaginary creatures falls to the ground and in turns causes you to trip and slip from the papers causing you to fall. Balam tries to catch you but ends up falling as well, ending up falling on top of you.
So Balam was on top looking down at you with some of his hair covering his face. He looks at you and then takes off his mask. So you see the lower part of his mouth with the one half of his mouth ripped off showing off his large sharp teeth. He starts to lead down and before you know it he places a kiss down on you. And before you could do anything he pulls away and there is a giant red blush on his face.
You stare at and pull his face down and kiss him. The kiss was awkward maybe because either of you doesn’t know how to kiss or from the scar on his face. The kiss was soft and slow and it felt like time almost stopped for us. Even though it lasted for a few moments it felt like it lasted a lifetime. Balam pulled away first and as he pulled away you saw the pure happiness and love he had on his face. After a few moments of staring at each other Balam seemed to finally remember the position you two were in and immediately got up and then helped you up as well.
Though the blush on his face Balam awkwardly asks you, “So (y/n), would you like to go out after we clean up maybe get some drinks?”
“Yeah, I would love to.” You say.
He had a big smile on his face as he put his mask on and started cleaning up the papers. You two finish cleaning up with both big smiles on your face.
(It is also on AO3 if you want to read it there)
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rosa-qing · 3 years
Pairing: Marius X f!reader
Plot: Marius didn't know what he did wrong and why did he lose that big investor. He keeps on balaming himself. But luckily you were there to comfort him.
Notes: This is my first character x reader so I hope it's good enough 😊
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Marius ran his fingers through his hair for the nth time that afternoon. How could this happen, damn how could he have lost that big investor for PAX.
What did he do wrong, everything was perfect but still he declines his offer. He leans back on his chair as he closes his eyes, a sigh left his lips.
He's such a failure...
A knock on the door interrupted his revelry. Marius didn't answer, he doesn't want to see anyone except you. He needs the comfort that you give to him
“y/n, I wish you're here”
Another knock on the door interrupted him, but this time a sweet voice called out to him
“Marius is everything alright?” The voice that he longed for all day is calling out to him
Without wasting a minute he stands and walks towards the door and quickly open it. You were there standing looking at him.
You could clearly see the distress look in his eyes, the moment your eyes met.
Before you could finish the sentence, he pulls you inside and lock the door behind you. He wraps his arms around you as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. You rub circles around his back to soothe him
Being in your arms, Marius starts to calm down. He tightens his arms around your waist, making you gasps for air
"Marius I ca-n't b-reathe" as you tap your hands on his back.
"Sorry" as He pulls away from you
Reaching out you cup his face, while you look into his eyes. Brushing your thumb across his cheeks. Marius leaned to your soft touch
“Babe you could tell me anything. I'm here for you always” you don't usually call him that but when you do it's during a tender moment between the two of you
Another sigh left his lips, he knew you're going to ask about it since the moment your eyes met. He's just been waiting for it
Marius since its a long story, grabs your hands and pull you to the directiinnof the sofa. You sit beside him while he lay his head on your lap that he loves so much.
Marius began telling how the meeting goes and how the investor declines him. While you gently brush your fingers through his hair that never fail to soothe him
“I'm such a failure” you could feel the heaviness in those words.
“Listen, you work hard on that proposal. Even I was amazed by it. Don't ever think it was not good enough just because he declines it. Maybe he has his own reasons. Marius remember you're not a failure as a president of PAX and you'll never be. The amount of success you bring to this company cannot be compared to this. I don't want to hear you say that again.”
Marius is speechless, his heart is beating like crazy. How did he ever lucky to have a girlfriend like you, he wouldn't know what to do without you by his side.
He props his self up and grabs your face as he kisses you passionately.
“I love you so much” is the only thing he could mutter after you break the kiss
"I love you too" smile touches the corner of your mouth, and press another kiss on his lips.
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beebubb · 3 years
My creepypasta AU! I really wanted to make my own creepypasta world where i can come up with ideas for the characters as to designing and coming up with their personalities and other stuff!
But before I describe my AU/world here are a few things I want to mention first
1. Some of these ideas are inspired by vivziepop, snuffbomb(I do not support what he did in the past, I just like the characters from the comic Creeps), and pastamonsters
2. There are ships that I will include with my OCs but it DOESN'T mean that I'm one of those fangirls that are like "BEnY iS mInE aNd nO oNe eLsE CaN hAvE him!!" and go after other fans! I respect if you ship yourself or your own characters with the same pasta that I like or if you like someone else! Also I might post some headcanons later on that will be based off of my AU and also I might do those Y/N x *insert your creepypasta love interest here* later on as well! So if you like this and wanna ask something or request something later on you can!
3. You don't have to completely like or agree with every single thing I write or make in my AU! This is just for my entertainment and for others!
4. This is includes demonology so I have like princes/kings/Dukes etc of hell so yes that does mean I include stolas but it is not the same stolas from helluva boss (made by vivziepop)
5. The entities I mention that are part of Demonology, each have their purpose as well.
OK now that I got that out of the way here is a bit of my AU!
The world is divided into 3, which is the earth world, underworld, and hell. What's the difference?
Earth world: this is the normal human world, where people like us exist etc
Underworld: this is where all monsters and killers live and exist (I was inspired by this part by the Creeps comic sense I really liked the concept of having an underworld for killers to live at)
Hell: this is where prince's, queens, kings, princesses, of hell exist. So pretty much rulers of hell.
What happens in the underworld?
(this was also inspired by Creeps) in the underworld it is kind of like the earth world, but of course like I mentioned before, this is where killers exist and all that.
The difference is pretty much what you do, what you can study for, what you do for work, and lifestyle.
What can you study for and work for in the underworld?
Here you can study for careers like morticians, hitman, bounty killers, professional stalkers, and killer apprentices(can also be known as studying to be a proxy), or a demon's apprentice (what you dedicate for is depending the demon you decide to work for)
There are also normal jobs of course, like surgeon, CEO, entrepreneur, and pathologist.
What's the difference between hell and the underworld?
In the underworld it is pretty much normal people that became killers, ghosts, etc.
In hell, only royalty and rulers live there.
Who are in hell?
Queen: lilith
Kings: bael, paimon, asmodeus, purson, belial, viné, balam, zalgo, zagan
Dukes: amduscias, Agares, eligos, astaroth, valefar, barbatos, gusion, zepar, bathin, saleos, aim, buné, berith, focalor, vepar, vual, crocell, allocer, murmur, gremory, vapula, flauros, dantalion.
Princes: vassago, sitri, ipos, gaap, stolas, orobas, seir, beelzebub, lucifer, slenderman (he is zalgo's son here)
Marquises: gamigin, aamon, leraje, naberius, ronové, forneus, marchosias, phenex, sabnock, shax, orias, andras, andrealphus, kimaris, decarabia.
Earls: furfur, malthus, raum, bifrons, andfomalius
Knights: furcas
President: barbas, buer, botis, morax, glasya-labolas, foras, malphas, haagenti, camio, ose, Amy, valac.
How can you get to the underworld?
There are a few ways that you can get to the underworld which are
1. You get brought by a demon from hell or by slenderman himself (very common and popular way). This usually happens once the underworld would be a much better place for you (for example, for Ben drowned he was brought to the underworld by slenderman after he died sense well he's a ghost now and was literally part of a hunted legend of Zelda video game so he was basically a bit of a poltergeist)
2. If you have any background with a killer that already lives in the underworld that was or is still related to you, you can also be brought to the underworld (kind of like when will Grossman was brought to the underworld and Isaac was looking for him (Isaac was his great great great grandpa I think))
3. Once your time has come to be in the underworld, you'll be teleported here, if you are dying then you would just wake up here, and if you are still conscious, you'll black out and get teleported.
What happens once you get to the underworld? Do you change?
Not much is changed, you still have the same personality and physical appearance that you had when you were in the underworld, the only physical change varies depending on how you died or why you came to the underworld (kind of like hazbin hotel and helluva boss, that depending on how you died you get left a mark that shows) or depending on what you did to yourself, a few examples are these:
-Jeff the killer: sense he killed his family and cut a smile on to his face, then when he's in the underworld, that smile does become permanent and a part of him, so it won't heal like a normal cut
-amari (my OC) didn't do anything to herself like Jeff did, but she was just power hungry and thrill seeking out of killing, so sense she has no self inflicted physical marks, once she came to the underworld, she had a skull in the iris of her eye (this kinda came out of the "the eyes are the Window to the soul" thing, and sense she literally wanted the death of others, she had a skull on her eye)
What pastas will I include? (if you are interested in having me do a y/n x creepypasta thing and you wanna know who I am including then this list is for you!)
-Jeff the killer
-Ben drowned
-Jane the killer
-Will grossman
-laughing jack
-nina the killer
-hoodie/Brian (I won't include marble hornets so here hoodie/Brian are the same, same goes for masky/Tim)
-sherry(my OC)
-eyeless jack
-ticci toby
-amelie/lady(my OC)
-amari(my OC)
-Damien (my OC)
-hobo heart
Info of the demons
They all have different personalities, morals, and different beliefs. So just because they are demons, it doesn't mean everyone is evil (except for zalgo, he's an evil mf)
-Some of them teach at the institution or schools
-they can make deals with anyone from the earth world and underworld
-sometimes they can take someone under their wing when they see potential in them
-Some of them have businesses, safe houses, proxies, etc just like slenderman
-sometimes they hire hitmen, bounty killers, and stalkers
Well that's it for now! I hope you like this concept I made!and like I said, I this is just for fun! Nothing of this is Canon for the original creators of the pastas or other characters, it's just something I made for my own entertainment and others!
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years
Holi Hai! 
Pairing: Loki x Desi!F!Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Pure Fluff
Requested: By @marvel-madness
Hi there! Could you do a Loki x Desi American!reader where she takes everyone to a holi festival? And it’s super adorable and kinda crack!fic at the same time?
Summary: Y/N, an American born Desi, takes her friends, the Avengers, to India to show them what a real party looks like.
Author's Note: Hi!!! A huge thanks to @marvel-madness for requesting this fic and sending the prompt! It was amazing to write! For the Indian friends, I used the names of my own friends (and I oop). I hope y'all desis reading this enjoy it! Sorry if it's crappy I tried my best—
Loki stared at his girlfriend of 8 months in confusion. He was confused as to why she was staring at the calendar so longingly. "Um, love, is anything—" She groaned loudly, startling him. "I wanna go! I wanna go home so bad! Haaye mein mar jawa…" That phrase was spoken in Punjabi, even though Loki knew his girlfriend was of Marathi origins. 
He didn't understand it, but her sadness was clear. "What happened? Where do you want to go?" he asked soothingly, wrapping his arms around her. "Back to India! The festival of Holi is in a week and my family is inviting me. I want to go, but…" she sighed, turning around in his arms. Y/N was a second generation desi American, her parents having moved to New York. 
Y/N was born here, but she had a lot of family back in India. She loved Bollywood, the Indian festivals, the culture, the food, everything. Every year, she went to India during the festival of Holi, it being her favorite one. This year, though, things seemed difficult. Now she was a part of the Avengers and had a lot of work. If only she could get a 2 week break. 
"But what? You have to go! It's your favorite festival, you've told me that a hundred times," Loki scoffed as she buried her face in his chest. "I know! But the Avengers, my work…" she whined. "Don't worry about that, we'll be fine," Loki laughed. Suddenly, she had a brilliant idea. They should go to India with her! "Why don't you come with me?"
"Me? Uh… okay, I don't have plans, visiting India sounds nice…" Loki stammered, taken aback. "Not only you, all of you! Thor, Tony, Steve, Nat, Bruce, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Sam, Bucky… I'll take you to a brilliant Holi festival! You'll have a lot of fun," Y/N said excitedly, jumping up and down. Loki smiled softly at her excitement. 
"Why don't we call a meeting and ask them?"
Fifteen minutes later, all the aforementioned people were assembled in the sitting room, smiling at the couple. "So, did Loki propose? Are you getting married? Is Y/N pregnant?" Loki and Y/N rolled their eyes at Tony's questions while the others laughed. "This one is pretty mild. I have a question to ask you all." Steve beckoned for Y/N to go on, everyone listening attentively. 
"As you all know, the festival of Holi is a week away, and I've been to India for the festival every single year of my life. This year, too, there isn't a problem with me going there but I wanna ask… any of you interested in tagging along?" For a few seconds, all was silent. Y/N grew nervous, should she not have asked? She got startled badly when everyone cheered loudly.
"We're going to India! We're going to India! Finally!"
A wide smile bloomed on Y/N's face; she glanced at Loki to see him already looking at her with a smile of his own. "Okay, my dudes, start packing! We leave tomorrow! Can we borrow your private jets, Tones?" He agreed instantly, hugging Y/N. "We better get to packing," Steve laughed, running out of the room with Nat, Wanda, Sam and Bucky. 
"Ugh… so… hot…"
"It was your idea to come to India, Y/N."
"Yeah, we feel fine."
Y/N glared at her teammates, which caused them to look at her smugly. Their jet had just landed at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, in Mumbai. One of Y/N's relatives lived in a huge apartment complex in Mumbai, and she had invited their other relatives, too. Every year, that complex saw the best Holi party ever, complete with water, colours, bhaang, songs and dance. 
Y/N had been there a couple times. The Avengers and herself had decided to stay at a nearby hotel. Being 12 people, they had booked 6 double rooms in one of the hotels at the airport, called Grand Hyatt. The entire trip was sponsored by Tony Stark. Since Tony and Bruce spoke Hindi a little bit and Y/N… well, she was Indian, they decided to get 3 cabs. 
In one cab sat Loki, Y/N, Thor and Vision, in the second sat Tony, Steve, Wanda and Nat while in the third cab sat Bruce, Clint, Sam and Bucky. Their cab arrived at the hotel, they checked in and went to their rooms. 
"Loki, Lokes, wakey-wakey!"
Loki blinked his eyes open at the persistent awakening, turning over on the hotel bed. Y/N grabbed his shoulder, shaking him. "What? It's… 7 in the morning!" he whined shamelessly, pushing her hands away. "It'll take us 15 minutes to reach the apartment complex but the celebrations start early there," Y/N insisted. He sighed, right, today was the day of Holi.
"Fine, I'm getting up," he muttered as he sat up. Y/N stood in front of him, wearing a white kurti and white pants underneath. She looked so beautiful, he couldn't resist pulling her on his lap. "Loki," Y/N chuckled bashfully as he kissed her cheek. She turned her head to face him and placed a proper kiss to his lips. "That dress is beautiful, like you," he whispered to her.
She giggled, giving him a hug. "Okay, go get ready, I need to wake the others up," she smiled, pushing away from him. He nodded and stood up, stretching. He picked up his suitcase which was kept in the corner of the room while Y/N left to wake the others up. He picked out a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. 
Y/N had explained to the others how wearing white during the festival was the best option. Everyone had brought along a white tee to wear. He first cleaned up and wore his clothes, finally sitting down to apply some oil to the exposed parts of his body. Y/N said it helped the colours come out faster. After preparing, he grabbed the room keys and left, locking the door. 
"Y/N! How are you? I thought you wouldn't visit this year," Krsna, one of Y/N's friends, grinned as she moved to hug her. The Avengers quietly stood behind, taking in all the beautiful sights. The buildings were decorated, there was a drinks table nearby, the colours were neatly kept on another table and nearly 30 other people there. Many children, a few adults and even fewer oldies. 
Since Y/N visited the apartment complex nearly every single year, you could say she practically grew up with the kids there, meaning Krsna and a few others. They had formed a strong bond.
Most of the kids were staring at these foreigners in shock and awe. "Hell no! I wouldn't miss my favorite festival for anything. Meet my friends." Krsna gathered a few of her friends too, namely Shruti, Drishti, Harsh and Ritvik. "This is Loki," Y/N introduced first. Loki moved forward to wrap his arms around his girl from behind, smiling at her Indian friends. 
"Oooh," Harsh smirked, which earned him a slap on the arm from Krsna. "Kadhi pasun?" Drishti asked cheekily, crossing her arms. "Since 8 months," Y/N replied, shaking her head. She quickly introduced the others too. They were a bit surprised, because holy hell, the Avengers but they got over their shock immediately. "This place looks nice," Wanda commented. 
"Thank you! We usually start preparing a week before Holi," Ritvik grinned. Harsh, Drishti and Ritvik decided to give the Avengers a tour of the apartment complex and they readily agreed to go along with them. Loki, Y/N, Tony, Natasha, Krsna and Shruti decided to stay back. "Tujhya mom dad la mahiti aahe?" Shruti questioned, motioning towards Loki. 
"Ho! Tyana kahi farak nahi padla," Y/N laughed, sending a smile in Loki's direction. "New York ka kya? Isne hi kiya tha na? News mein dekha meine…" Krsna asked worriedly. "Don't worry about that! Abhi thik ho gaya hai ye…" Y/N winked. Loki was trying his hardest to decipher what they were saying, but all in vain. As Tony stood to the side, listening to the three ladies talking in their native tongue, he noticed a few people walking up to him. 
They were small kids, around 8-9 years old. "Happy Holi!" one boy grinned, raising his colour filled hands up to wipe them on Tony's cheeks. Tony grinned broadly, taking some colour to return the favor. "Happy Holi, kid!" he said happily. Natasha joined him, applying some red colour to the kids' cheeks. The kids led them somewhere and the two of them went readily. 
Y/N looked around the place, trying to find her friends. She smiled proudly when she saw everyone enjoying themselves. A few of them were talking to the adults, most of them were playing with the kids and Wanda was following Drishti, who was teaching her a dance step to the songs that were playing. The scene warmed her heart. As she enjoyed the scene, a water balloon collided hard with her back.
She turned, shocked, only for Loki to cover her face in pink colour. He ruffled her hair, screaming 'Happy Holi'. "Grr, get back, a-hole!" she screamed, quickly wiping her face before she took off running after him. Krsna handed her a water balloon and with expert precision, Y/N threw it at Loki. It hit his back. He turned around and smirked at her. 
She grabbed a handful of colour and went to each of her friends, applying colour to their faces and wishing them a happy holi. She chatted with some of the aunties of the society, and also wished her relatives. Soon, the volume of the songs increased and party, holi songs started playing. The first song was Balam Pichkari. Y/N cheered loudly, dancing along with some of the others. 
"Balam pichkari, jo tune mujhe maari, toh seedhi saadhi chori sharabi ho gayi!" Y/N sang along, enjoying very much. Loki stood to the side and took out his phone, discreetly taking a few photos as she enjoyed. By the end of 2 hours, all the Avengers were soaked in water, every single colour visible on their clothes, their faces and their hair. They were a bit drunk, having had nearly 4 glasses of bhaang each. Still, they had huge grins on their faces. 
"Stay for lunch! We also organize lunch! After lunch and ice cream, we also have a game of housie but I'd understand if you—" Y/N scoffed, cutting off Ritvik's trail of words. "We're staying for as long as we can! We'll be back in about an hour, after cleaning up." She checked the time, it was 12 noon. "Sure, sure. We'll be waiting. Bye!" Harsh, Krsna, Shruti, Drishti and Ritvik waved as the Avengers walked out of the complex. 
"Did you enjoy?" Y/N asked the Avengers immediately. "Of course we did! This was the most fun I've had in years. I wanna celebrate Holi every year now," Wanda squealed. Everyone agreed with her. "See? Indian festivals, always the best," Y/N winked. They booked cabs, went to their hotels and cleaned up, taking a bath and wearing fresh clothes. 
They went back to the apartment complex just in time for lunch. Everyone there had also cleaned up. As Y/N watched her friends mingle with her Indian friends, she made up her mind— to bring the Avengers to every single Holi party from that year onwards. 
A/N: Yeeeee!!!! I'm sad because I couldn't play Holi this year [one of my relatives passed away, RIP :')] but writing this released dopamine in my brain.
For those of you who don't know-
Balam Pichkari is very famous Bollywood song related to Holi
Bhaang is kind of an alcoholic drink prepared from milk (?)
I've mostly used Hindi and Marathi since those two are the Indian languages I speak (I can also speak Gujarati and understand Telugu, which is my father tongue) but yeah :/
I hope you like this!!
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luxthestrange · 3 months
WTDSIK Memes#6
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Kalego*Face palming seeing the gift Sullivan brought to his son*...WHEN I SAID YOU CAN BRING ONE GIFT-I OBVIOUSLY MEANT SMALL!?!
Balam*Happily positioning baby Iruma next to his new teddybear*He seems to like it~
Y/n*Trying to calm down your husband*Calm down 'Lego! your gonna have another panic attack!
Kalego: I AM CALM!?!
Balam & Y/n*Both hug Kalego and pat his head and back*There there~
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luxthestrange · 10 months
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#44 Cuddle-buds
Y/n: When Me and Legos are cuddling I’m too scared to move-If I move not even an inch he might get up and decide that cuddle time is over...
Y/n: Opera is the opposite- The more I move the tighter their hold becomes...It’s like they’re daring me to try to escape...
Y/n: Balam is like that too...but he doesnt know it-He almost suffocated me the other night-...but a worthy death to die by asphyxiation by his man boobs...
Murmur: … I need a cuddle buddy dammit-STOP FLAUNTING YOUR LOVE ENDEAVOURS DAMMIT!?
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luxthestrange · 2 months
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Coming into the nursery and opening the curtains ...and waiting up your blueberry...everyone is hit with cuteness beam-
Baby!Iruma*Sees his Crib Mobile and then he spots the four faces of his parents, Happily flapping his arms around in glee*!!!!
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luxthestrange · 3 months
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#52 GET OUT-
Sulli*Burst into your bedroom without knocking*
Y/n:*Only wearing your underwear, super embarrassed and nervously looking between your adopted father and your closet* D-Dad, I thought you went out to eat with Uncle Bel and Auntie Levi?
Sulli: yeah, but I forgot my wallet and wanted to give you another goodbye hug to you again!~- wait, why are you not dressed?
Y/n: i-i have nothing to wear...
Sulli*opening your's closet* don't be ridiculous my child Opera came just did the laundry,-ah, look, you have trousers, sweaters, oh- hi, Balam and Kalego, t-shirts, sweatpan-
Sulli*slowly turns back to stare at a very naked Kalego, Shichiro in your closet* WAIT A MINUTE*Smiles Evilly at you*...Im going to tell Iruma-kun he is gonna be a big brother!~
Y/n: DAD GET OUT!?!?
-After You managed to kick your father out...You three have the mood killed by being caught-
Opera*Coming out from under the bed also VERY naked*Shall I make us some tea master/mistress?
Y/n*Covering face and squints eyes at them*Opera...your lucky your so cute otherwise I'll be so angry at you for being the only one who didn't get caught-
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#46...No More snacks
Baby!Iruma: Mah...
Kalego*Looking at his child*No
Baby!Iruma*"Glares at his Papa*abUA ama bu!
Kalego*Frowns at the baby, with a gasp*Dont you talk back to me
Baby!Iruma*Starts pouting and turns his face away from pushing himself from Kalego's hug*ABU!BUH BUH!
Kalego: I said "NO" and I overrule you youngling!
Balam*Is being used as a ...demon mattress by you whose hands keep squeezing his pecs like stress balls, sighs looking at kalego*Would you please stop arguing with our child...
Kalego:...I might as well Shichirou, think he is winning...
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part 8 of:
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