#banner rpg
a-devious-route · 1 year
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Silenced Whispers
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mimikabii · 9 months
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smrpg but with a splatoon-like victory screen
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Header (hd) | CRIMSON VEIL V.02 https://crimson-veil.forumsrpg.com/
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awonaa · 1 year
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jawnressources · 4 months
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— parce que pourquoi pas.
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gabycantart · 10 months
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vintagerpg · 3 months
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Alas, they aren’t all like Swordthrust and Clockwork Mage. This is Elven Banner (1985), an adventure that combines two things I don’t like very much: elves and time travel. Dawn Wilson’s cover is fine, and previously fronted Terri Wilding’s anthology Faery (1984). Teanna Byerts’ interiors seem rushed.
I honestly can’t parse the way the time travel works. Somehow the titular banner has been destroyed and if the players don’t go back in time and get an undestroyed version of it and bring it to the present, the evil forces will triumph, or something. I don’t think time travel is supposed to work like that? But, whatever. When I was in school, I’d get in trouble a lot because if I thought an assignment was a waste of my time, I just wouldn’t do it. Same feeling applies here.
If you look at the cover, you’ll see that the box that explains the compatibility with D&D, which is on the cover of every Role Aids product pretty much, covers a banner and part of the credit. So careless. I feel like that sums up the module perfectly.
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hellska · 1 year
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Noah Sebastian (4x avatar 400x640 / 4x banner 400x200)
crédit : hellska
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wankyuniverse · 1 year
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silverwolfdesign · 1 year
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🡒 ✨ 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐬 & 𝐊𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐥 • 𝘉𝘦𝘯 𝘉𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴 & 𝘈𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘸 𝘎𝘢𝘳𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘭𝘥.
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mystybelle · 3 months
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I'm gonna work on some asset stuff to start while I'm able to keep solid (not my new body, you'll see that when it's done~), I might work on World Seed(link) stuff with you lot too~
But then we'll play something fun right after 💚w💜
See you there?
btw you have to actually log into twitch to count as a view I think if you just wanna support me quietly 💚
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a-devious-route · 28 days
The more you know:
[FR] J'ai découvert (thanks tiktok) ce petit site bien pratique qui référence des images qui sont libres de droits et/ou maintenant dans le domaine publique!
Je ne crois pas avoir vu beaucoup de gens en parler par ici, mais sharing is caring donc voilà! Si vous chercher des textures/images pour vos créations, je crois que vous allez en avoir pour un bon moment à hoarder le tout et explorer la plateforme!
[EN] I discovered (thanks tiktok) this handy little site that references images that are royalty-free and/or now in the public domain!
I don't think I've seen many people talking about it around here, but sharing is caring so here you go! If you're looking for textures/images for your creations, I think you'll be hoarding and exploring the platform for a while !
See yah!
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easygoingblend · 2 years
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— if it makes you happy, i'll be happy too ! ♡ @destanse ♡ rb/credit if using
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memoriesdesign · 1 year
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Avatars sur Nils Kuesel à le demande de @cfcnemo.
Like and reblog if you like ♡ Créditez Memories si vous utilisez / Credit Memories if you use.
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awonaa · 1 year
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jawnressources · 22 days
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— challenge ne pas faire plusieurs versions d'un même wallpaper (c'est raté) C'est le perso de @mayheminthehaze ♥
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