#basic a-spec lessons
The idea that nothing is inherently/objectively romantic or sexual and that the intent of the action is what makes anything romantic or sexual (aside from like. straight up having sex with someone. that’s sexual lol) is actually kind of easy to grasp but a lot of people won’t get it. Let me put it as simply as possible:
If you can do it with a friend/acquaintance/family member and have it not be sexual and/or romantic, the action is not inherently sexual and/or romantic
(With the exception of straight-up sex ofc)
Romance is harder to dissect because it’s societal, but overall, same thing. Even things that entire societies agree are inherently romantic (like giving someone an item to court them or giving them a kiss) aren’t universally agreed upon to be romantic. They are romantic because the people involved in them are deciding/agreeing they are. Someone from a country across the world could try and romance me up by giving me idk a bracelet or something. Their entire community could watch, agree it was the most romancey thing ever, but if I didn’t know that was the intent, it wouldn’t be romantic to me. I’d be like “oh cool bracelet, thanks broski!!”
And thus subjectivity!
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goatcheesecak3 · 7 months
Art teacher
Adam Stanheight x reader (with a sprinkle of Daniel Matthews & Brent Abbot)
Fic type: basically just a very longwinded headcanon, wholesome, platonic.
Summary: your boyfriend, Adam comes home and excitedly tells you about the art lessons he's been teaching for two boys he met at survivors meetings.
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Adam arrived home, his already tatty clothes covered in specs of paint.
You turned to look at him, a proud smile stretching across your face.
"Looks like you and the boys had a lot of fun" you chuckled, kissing Adam's cheek as he kicked his shoes off and hung up his bag.
"Yeah, they're really smart kids y'know? They've both got real talent" Adam grinned.
The aforementioned "boys" were two teenagers by names of Brent and Daniel. Both rebellious and rambunctious, but sweet at heart. Adam had met them at jigsaw survivor meetings and over the last few months, the two boys had grown pretty fond of Adam. Aside from their similar trauma, they all had quite a lot in common, their love of punk music and art had been easy to bond over, and the two teens saw Adam as a sort of big brother figure. After a while of getting to know eachother at meetings, Adam had asked the boy's mothers if they might enjoy taking some art lessons from him, as a way to try and find a positive outlet for all their emotions left from various traumas.
Since both boys had recently lost their fathers, their mother's were more than eager for their children to have a positive male role model back in their lives, and jumped at the offer.
Adam flopped down on the sofa, visibly exhausted but with a satisfied smile.
"I really think I'm starting to get through to them, you know, y/n" he beamed, patting the seat beside him for you to sit down.
"Daniel's art is so intense and thought provoking, and Brent's been trying different mediums- he's gotten so good with spray paint!"
You couldn't help but swoon, watching how excited Adam got over the boys' progress, he really was ever so good with kids.
You took Adam's hand and gave it a squeeze.
"I'm so proud of you" You beamed, taking his face in your other hand and lightly caressing his cheek.
"Heh... thanks" Adam chuckled shyly, his cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink.
"Y'know.." he said, a look of realisation creeping onto his face, "it's funny that that asshole, jigsaw claimed he was trying to make me appreciate life more, he didn't need to shackle me up in some prehistoric bathroom to achieve that, all I needed was an afternoon teaching those boys how to paint, and that's enough to turn me into some sappy, life is beautiful maaaaan hippie guy"
Adam chuckled, he seemed more able to talk about jigsaw ever since being in those survivor meetings, and his sardonic sense of humour had returned in full swing, it was nice to see.
Adam continued to mentor the two boys, growing close with their mother's and really becoming part of each boy's families. Years and years down the line, he was best man at both of their weddings
"It only makes sense," They would go on to explain, "you're my brother".
Hello!! I've had this idea in my head for a long time, it just made sense to me that Daniel and Brent would be friends, and that they would look up to Adam as the cool older punk guy at the meetings :'^)))) sorry it's short and kinda rambly, I just needed to get these thoughts out in some way because brainrot etc etc
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chaosfairy18 · 4 months
Spelling lessons
A short (2k) fic with the idea that I posted recently of Dutchy not being able to understand English spelling (and being annoyed about it) and then accepting some help from Specs
It has some Decs (DutchyxSpecs) at the end because it was too cute not to (Also Dutchy's name is Zacharias and Specs' Victor, there is only a small scene that is relevant, but it can't hurt to say)
English spelling might be Dutchy‘s nemesis actually.
It wasn’t like he couldn’t write, he’d learned back in elementary school in the Netherlands, he knew the alphabet, thank you very much, and he also knew how to speak German – they lived close to the border – and even read most of it because it just looked similar, he could at least guess the meaning if he had to and since he knew how to speak it, it wasn’t too difficult to grasp reading or writing, all in all.
French was harder, but since there had been some people speaking French in his little town, he’d also learned speaking that.
He might have been an annoying kid, always hanging on their lips and asking for more words, more things to learn, but it was just too interesting to him.
Now he couldn’t really write much in French, he’d learnt a bit back then, but it wasn’t enough, not really.
Then he’d gone on that ship to America with his aunt and uncle. The time they had took to get to America was more than enough to grasp the basics of English, especially due to its similarities to French, Dutch and German. The men and women Dutchy had spent every day learning the language from mostly hadn’t been able to read though, and it wasn’t like he had to learn that. He knew how to read, it couldn’t be that hard.
After being basically ditched by his aunt and uncle he’d quickly found the lodging house – after all he had learnt the language and could ask around where a boy with some money could find work or a place to stay – and Kloppman hadn’t believed he was only there for less than a day, though he was even more impressed when he correctly guessed his accent and started talking in German which was still easier than English though it wouldn’t take long until he didn’t care what he spoke.
Now all that was well and good if it weren’t for the fact that he had to sell newspapers that had headlines. See, these newspapers were sometimes available in Dutch or German, but of course most were in English and for some reason the Americans or the Brits had decided to make their spelling the most confusing thing in existence. If he heard one of the other newsies say the headline, he knew exactly what it meant, but combining that with the letters he saw on the board? It felt impossible, even now.
Maybe it was his pride in knowing languages that kept him from asking anyone for help, maybe it was that he avoided the language classes in the lodge and instead took the ones on math, but at this point he was almost dead set to not comply with this idiotic spelling in newspapers.
That didn’t mean he could read the headline any better.
“What’s it say?”, he asked Skittery, pretending he was just cleaning his glasses and therefore couldn’t see it right now.
Skittery, who had been reading a novel of some kind as he was standing in line scoffed and snapped his book shut, obviously annoyed. “It says ‘learn to read, idiot’.”
Dutchy froze as he was just about to put on his glasses again. What had he just called him? He could read, in two (and a half) languages even, he could even write and speak more languages than Skittery could probably name, and he dared call him an idiot-
“Says the guy that fell into the river last week.”, interrupted Specs, subtly pushing Dutchy away from Skittery before he really could let the situation escalate and call Skittery names in 4 different languages and whatever else he had picked up over the years.
“That don’t make me an idiot, clumsy maybe. And I got shoved.”
The tall boy quickly got engrossed in his novel again, only looking up if Tumbler was running around him, otherwise ignoring them.
“You aren’t an idiot.”, was the first thing Specs said to him, all quiet as if it was a secret.
“I know. It’s not my fault English is so-“
“You can’t keep not learnin’ because you don’t want to, Dutch.” Specs pushed his hands in his pant pockets. “I could help you, if you want.”
Dutchy’s first instinct was to bite back that he didn’t need help, but maybe he did. And Specs was his closest friend, it wasn’t like he was making fun of him. “If you’re offerin’.”
“You could read books if you learnt. Spoil the ends for Skitts.”
He snorted, hitting Specs with his elbow. “You’ve seen me read books.”
“Not in English.”
“Fine. I’ll let you help.”
They got their papes from Wiesel – every day Dutchy had to bite back a comment on it was actually Weasel because he knew how to read that word – and split up to sell, Specs saying he’d come by later to start their ‘lessons’.
Of course, Specs had to keep his word, one unsold pape and a book in hand, bowler hat and vest already discarded somewhere in the bunk room. He wouldn’t get out of it then.
Dutchy let himself be dragged to the roof, the evening sun making the temperatures comfortably warm rather than sweltering. Specs dragged some crates to the middle of the roof, and they sat down around them, the newspaper and book placed on them.
“So, you can read the alphabet fine, right? That’s the same.”
“Again: You’ve seen me read a book and write my name.”
Specs rolled his eyes. “Yes, just wanted to make sure.” He opened up the first article of the World. “Maybe it’ll help if I read it to you. You know the words, then you’ll see the spelling as I say it.”
Shrugging, he moved a bit closer to Specs so he could properly see the line he had his finger under to indicate what he was reading. He didn’t want help like this, but since at a first glance he could only read the shorter words in the article he probably did need it.
“Man with parachute leaps from Brooklyn Bridge-“
“Wait that’s how you spell bridge? Where is the e coming from?” He could live with silent letters, at least if there was an explanation for them.
Specs pinched the bridge of his nose. “I dunno the rules, Zach. Just- read with me, okay?”
The rest of the article was interesting enough – the man had used a modified umbrella to jump of the bridge and had only barely survived – but Dutchy wasn’t sure how much he was learning yet. Some words he knew and recognized, others he was completely stunned as to where that spelling could come from and if he could remember them.
“I don’t think it’s working.”, he sighed after the third article.
“We just started today. Rome wasn’t built in a day and all’at.”
Dutchy bit back his retort and just kept listening to Specs read, trying to recognize words he’d heard today before.
Of course, the lessons didn’t stop after a day. Contrary to what Dutchy had hoped for, Specs was very good at remembering it every evening and dragging him to the rooftop, going through more articles or through a chapter of a book.
And even worse: He had to admit it was working.
Especially in papes there were headlines that came again and again, so he recognized almost everything on the chalkboard every morning now, there were just a few words that he had to quietly ask Specs about.
That also meant that he began to slack a bit in their lessons. It was working, but he didn’t like admitting to being wrong, so he still sat there – he was Specs’ friend after all and he was going through a lot of trouble to teach him – but he wasn’t listening to his every word anymore, instead looking up to see his dark eyes trace the words and his mouth open again and again.
At first it wasn’t that intense, just looking at his friend a bit before going back to the tiny black words, but the more he looked at him, the more he had to admit that he was fascinating to watch. His eyes were dark, even in the light, pupil and iris not much different in colour, almost as dark as the coffee they got from the nuns in the morning when they were lucky.
Specs didn’t seem to notice whenever he wasn’t paying attention, so it happened more and more over the days.
And not just in their lessons either. Dutchy’s gaze was drifting to Specs more and more frequently while selling, eating in the lodge, standing in line at the distribution centre and when they got ready for the day in the morning.
As already stated, Dutchy wasn’t an idiot, there weren’t a lot of reasons why he would be drawn to his friend so much. It was obvious, really, and the last few lessons he had spent his time half listening to Specs – he always looked so sad if Dutchy didn’t get any of the words they already went over – and half planning to show his affections to him.
Reading out loud a chapter of one of the few romance books they had down in the lodge didn’t work – Specs was only happy that he had gotten through it with almost no stumbling over words – and the extra touches while selling together didn’t seem to work either.
Maybe he’d just have to be direct about it.
The next evening they sat on the rooftop of the lodge again and Dutchy let Specs talk a bit, attempting to explain why a specific word was spelt how it was – because of course after Dutchy complained that he didn’t get the rules he had looked them up and asked Kloppman because he was invested into helping his friends like that – and only getting distracted by the way his lips moved and his eyes shone just a bit brighter than usual.
It seemed as good a time as any.
Dutchy made Specs trail off by tilting his friend’s chin up with his finger and leaning in close. “Maybe for today I can teach you something, Victor.”
The other’s eyes grew wide and taking his quickly reddening face as confirmation Dutchy kissed him for a short moment, smiling as Specs chased after his lips just a bit when he leaned back.
“So you’re okay with that?”
“Very.”, croaked out Specs, still not completely convinced this was actually happening.
Smiling wider, Dutchy pulled his glasses off – he’d felt them press into each other uncomfortably in the first brief kiss – and leaned in again, just trying out how Specs’ lips felt against his, how it felt like to hold his jaw as he did so, how he reacted when he moved his hair out of his face.
Everything was as good as he’d thought, Specs also getting more comfortable throughout the minutes, he almost wasn’t burning red anymore when they separated again, Dutchy leaning his forehead against Specs’.
“Hope you liked the lesson.”, he whispered, glad he’d begrudgingly accepted the offer for spelling lessons weeks ago.
Specs looked at him like he’d just taught him all the secrets of the universe. “Yeah. I’d love more. Only if you-“
He gave him a peck on the cheek. “Of course, darling.”
That made Specs burn up again, putting his head in his hands and groaning. “You can’t just say that!”
“I can call you whatever I want, darling.”
Specs curled even more in on himself, ears completely red. “Stooop.”
Laughing more about his friend’s state, Dutchy leaned in closer and put an arm around his waist, closing his eyes and enjoying the heat of the evening sun and his new partner next to him.
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birdantlers · 1 year
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(Click to enlarge—tumblr kinda nuked these ngl)
Finished the second book the other day. Dreamworks please puss in boots this shit I'll give you a million dollars I regret to inform you that my smekday moment is turning into a smekday hyperfixation (⁠~⁠_⁠~⁠;⁠) oops. Sorry to all my followers who are probably Very confused dw I'm right there with you.
More below 👇 art + lots of meta bc spec bio and making shit up is my fav
Funsize wasn't in it as much as I hoped he'd be, but I liked him a lot. I wanted to see how he'd look in the Dreamworks style. I also made him look a bit more roughed up and grimy than he is in the book, for character design as well as adding oomph to his arc even if it's short. Since this takes place 2 years later, I gave J.LOh the hoodie he had in at the end of TMOS. it's cute.
One day he took the wrong tunnel coming back to the trash pit, which ended with him getting sucked into a paper shredder. Even though he managed to hear it and slow down, he was going headfirst, and one of his siphons got caught in the blades. His arm also got caught when he instinctively reached out to stop his fall.
Like most adaptations, Home included, I did not so much headcanons or fic as a slightly alternate take on Funsize.
The idea was that after Bish left, he got cocky with his excursions. He quit using/making his maps under the assumption that he knew the ducts well enough, but you only have to be unlucky once.
The blades were short and they don't have arteries in their arms (headcanon that in a nutshell, boov can't bleed out unless an artery is hit. Their veins contract reflexively when exposed to dry air, but their arteries can't are you feeling the autism yet), so it wasn't fatal, but FS did get cut up pretty bad. He was blinded in one eye, and his siphon is unable to grow back due to his generally poor health living in an underground landfill. Even if FS improved his health somehow, he'd still have to remove the scar tissue, which is extremely painful without surgery especially for wounds this extensive.
Funsize's siphon has its own slew of problems. His balance is terrible, and since it's basically torn down the middle, clipping it shut isn't really an option. Mostly, he just steals various antiseptic/saline products from people's houses if he can find any, but he still gets sick from time to time.
FS learned his lesson though, he's very careful when venturing out, and he built the little hover stools as a safeguard if he does fall down the wrong way again. He’s still bitter abt everything (and maybe a little unstable tbh) but thankfully, he’s an optimist.
Bonus little post-book comic:
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i would want him to be voiced by richard horvitz tbh
Sorry for the lengthy explanation, I love speculative bio & I happen to have a cephalopod special interest too so . Autism ley lines yk how it is
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gentlehue · 11 days
ok crush update just because 😁 yesterday we had our first maths lesson and my teacher was basically explaining the spec and what we’d be doing for the next 2 months and one of the things on there is proofs and in the beginning of the lesson he had us all introduce ourselves n like say what we wanna do in uni & i said i wanna do law!!!! (keep in mind i was not the only person who said that) n once we got to the slide w proofs my maths teacher was like “this is rly good for those of u looking into going into law” (as a way to kinda prove that maths is everywhere or wtv) and the way my crush’s head WHIPPED towards me 😣😣😣 locked eyes and everything!!!!!! n then today i was holding the door open for everyone cause we were leaving form and everyone was like walking out or wtv but he INSISTED he open the door for me and i walk out 😫
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twilightarc-gm · 6 months
😍 Specs!! Hi!! I see you with these questions 🕵️‍♂️
From this Ask Game: Here
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change? (MDZS) YOU KNOW ME!!! But instead of the super obvious answer about the romantic subplot or whatever, I gotta say like, I really don't think JYL had to literally die for WWX's man-pain. Would the Present Timeline story be drastically different? Yeah, but I think it would have been better. I think it would have forced WWX to confront and resolve his past in more satisfying ways even if MXTX still makes him break off everything with JC-JYL-YMJ. Hottake, but I think it's spicier if he keeps trying to leave everything in the past but his mistakes are still alive and would like a real apology. With JC there's the whole transfer thing, mucking up who might need to apologize to whom, but with JYL it's very clear and very devastating. Where is all the angst this story could have given me?? No, I'm not going to rewrite MDZS about it 😩 I'm just going to suffer in my Yunmeng Trio feels.
👓 What helps you focus when you write? You're going to use this against me, I know it. I'm gonna be like, "Specs I can't focus." And you're going to go, "Well YOU said this helps you focus so are you doing it???" And I'll be like... "🥺" Not to be all aging-Millennial on main or anything but a shot of hard liquor, wordless music, a clear idea of a scene, and someone waiting to read what I wrote. It's a hard combo to achieve, let's be real. I have written 5k at a time with that combo though, so it's a big winner. @robinade knows nothing motivates me more than someone on discord going 👐🙏. And then I feed them the snippet and then they grade me with emotes. I'm very rewards based, who isn't? They tell you to write for yourself first, but it's always nice if I have an end goal of entertaining someone else as well, otherwise the ideas just stay in my head la-di-da style.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing? I got nothing inspirational to say here. I think a game changer for me was doing this thing with "scenes" but like... as a roadmap. So what I do now that helps me figure out what to write is listing off all the scenes I want to write and a little blurb about those scenes (or a lot of blurb depending on how specific I have it in my mind). It's like an outline, but not very high level. Anyone that reads my stuff lately can see I label my scenes with section titles and that's from this process. It sort of fills in the for the writing advice about how, when you get to the end of one scene, make sure to write the first sentence of the next so you don't get stuck on how to start a scene when you get back to it. This format is really working for me and it's not as cumbersome as an outline (even though for big fics I have those too).
👻 What is your wildest headcanon? HOOOO it's really hard to have a "wild" headcanon in this fandom (MDZS) without someone taking the biggest offense to it. And honestly the word "wild" is doing a lot of work here, it can mean anything. So basically I have a lot headcanons but what's wild enough for this question??? BAM!! JGS uses women as human cauldrons to further his cultivation. And JGY used that knowledge to kill him.
🧡 😎 Alrighty, I think my work here is done. 🌹 🎩
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resineat · 6 months
coroika oc ig uh (2/3 of the art is old lmao)
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their lore is that invisifloats is SOOO good at salmon run. theyre literally the highest rank and team blue will be like WOAHHH and some story about eggstra work but then invisifloats.... they slander turf war and call them jobless scum or something. and now they're scared of playing turf bcuz of like the haters yk. so they have to wear a disguise. and cheat. and then they go against team blue and there's some lesson abt spotting ninja squid and then their glasses get knocked off and everyone's like "omc !!!" and specs takes a good look at the glasses and is like "i recognize this brand hmmm...." (because he's part of the glasses gang or smth) and then hattrick/invisifloats' like "yes its me i'm actually invisifloats i was too afraid to play turf as myself...." and then team blue wins and hattrick/invisifloats is banned from turf for like a week
ik emperor basically wore 2 headgears at once (specs' glasses) but like it seems like it would be a bit unfair so i'm saying it's against the rules or smth.
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weatherman667 · 2 months
Exactly what you thought with FUGA 2, unfortunately.
The primary story of FUGA 1 is about French war orphan anthros fighting the evil invading not!Germans.
The primary plot was about forgotten super technology tanks having a grudge match.
The main theme was that using French war orphans as ammunition was bad. Most people didn't need to learn this lesson. Maybe Japan has a deep cultural desire to do this, and be told not to?
Well, actually, no. The answer is a lot more simple. Most gamers did everything they could to avoid using the Soul Cannon. Like in Bioshock: Infinite, how almost all gamers refused to throw the baseball. Or how gamers refused to commit warcrimes in Spec Ops: The Line.
Bioshock rejoyced.
Spec Ops made the war crimes mandatory.
Well, in FUGA 2, the Soul Cannon is now mandatory. If you get damaged over half during a boss battle, it will automatically turn on, and teleport a war orphan into the chambre. You then have a 20 something count down, (I honestly don't know how time works), until it fires, and you lose a kid. This forces you to fight in a completely reckless way or lose one of your war orphans.
There is, of course, a third option, and that's simply to not play it.
Seriously, the soul cannon was the worst part of the original. The battle mechanics were mid at best, and was saved largely by characters, and helping them fight ennui during the intermissions.
So, why the ever loving fuck would I want to play a game that forces me to use the only good part of it, the characters, as living ammunition?
While the gameplay is almost identical to the original, with minor changes, like giving Hack a machinegun, (his French dialogue has him make machinegun noises during some of his special attacks), it extends it beyond what is fun for the game. This is something that a lot of games do, they extend the mechanics passed the breaking point. This will often take a game from challenging to frustrating to the worst it can possibly be, boring. Like how in Megaman X6, the right answer was to just ignore all incoming damage, as the game drops health and new lives like House pops vicodin.
They also need to undo the friendship, because building the friendship between the war orphans is basically the game, with a simple, (but functional), turn-based RPG slapped on.
To be fair, FFX also has a simple, but functional, turn-based RPG combat engine slapped onto it, and it's still one of the best games of all time.
FUGA 2 just takes the gameplay passed the point it's fun at all, expands the idiotic plot, adds Gundam escalation, and forces one of the most idiotic game mechanics on you.
It was in FUGA, was equally idiotic, but was also entirely optional.
FUGA 2 also has no idea what it's doing with the plot, and the tutorial is extremely heavy handed, to the point that most of the useful story is used up before you even finish it.
If you have any interest in FUGA 2, just play FUGA 1.
If you played FUGA 1 and want more FUGA, then simply replay FUGA 1. FUGA 2 adds one more war orphan, who, don't get me wrong, is a fun addition, but everything else just makes the game worse.
God, I still can't get over how they made using French war orphans as ammunition MANDATORY. I mean, seriously, you're not fun, and you are not clever.
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Hey, are you alright? It’s been a while since you’ve posted.
I hope you’re doing well 🌻
Hey, thanks for checking in. That was kind of you :)
I’ll use this ask to make an announcement, and offer an explanation
The announcement:
I’m going to start posting again next week
I’ll start first with “A Bird in the Hand” and “QPR,” since those are the most highly requested continuations. And then, I’ll work on fulfilling all the other requests that have piled up in my inbox
The explanation:
Sorry for disappearing for such a long time. It started as a short break due to burnout, and then turned into an extended break due to Life TM
Basically, I was in a QPR that did not end well. While some parts of it were wonderful, other parts were painful and drama-heavy. It’s okay though. I’m slowly but steadily getting over what happened, and I learned a lot about both myself and relationships in general
I don’t think I will incorporate much of what happened in my relationship into my “QPR” series, since none of those experiences map very well to the types of characters that the hero and villain are. However, I may someday write a different story featuring a QPR or a-spec relationship in which I delve into some of the lessons I learned
Thank you to everyone who interacted with my account while I was gone, and sorry for keeping you waiting for so long
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sailorsol · 1 year
Okay. So. There were a lot of interesting things in the Ahsoka series, but I still think my idea would have been a better premise, and tied a lot of the elements presented in the series together better.
We start at the end of the Rebels epilogue, with Ahsoka the White showing up to get Sabine to go on a quest. This is not long after Return of the Jedi, so we're talking ~4 years after Ezra vanished with Thrawn. Ahsoka says, hey, I have this Idea. Ezra saved my life by pulling me through a portal in this World Between Worlds. He got there through the temple on Lothal, which isn't an option any more.
But there are other portals. We know that there are other portals. We don't necessarily know where they are. So let's have Ahsoka and Sabine go off on a quest to find another one of these portals. Sabine can maybe get some Jedi lessons from Ahsoka, but I'm not sure I'm totally down with her being Force sensitive. I dunno, it could go either way on this, because also we've seen the portals needing more than one Force sensitive. We can draw this out for a while, have some of the Mandalorian stuff going on in the background, maybe Sabine having to make the choice between going to help her family or continuing to look for a way to bring Ezra back, and her dealing with the guilt of what she felt like was maybe the wrong choice.
In the background, maybe Morgan is still trying to find Thrawn, whatever. But Baylan and Shin? They're basically doing the same thing as Ahsoka and Sabine. Not for the same reasons, of course, but now we have the antagonists. Eventually we find a temple they can use to access the World Between Worlds, and Ahsoka goes in. Maybe she can have an encounter with Anakin and come to accept that he was Vader, but he had been her master too, and while she too had the potential for darkness, it was always about Choice. Anakin always had the potential to be a great Jedi, but he chose otherwise.
Ahsoka finally finds the right portal in the World Between Worlds. She finds the portal that will let her snatch Ezra off of Thrawn's ship in that moment before it goes to hyperspace, when it's too late for Thrawn to stop it from happening. A lovely parallel to Ezra saving Ahsoka from Malachor. But okay, now Ahsoka brings Ezra back out. Let's say it took them a few years to find a temple. It's 7, 8 ABY? Maybe later? But Ezra is still 18, still very recently lost his master, was just prepared to basically sacrifice himself to save Lothal.
And now here he is, in a world where the Empire has been defeated. Where Hera has a son. Where Leia is a senator and her planet is gone and Luke is trying to start a new Jedi Order and oh by the way, Master Kenobi and Master Yoda are both actually dead now. The world has moved on without him, but for him no time at all has passed. And sure, maybe Thrawn has found some way to get back, and now Ezra is sitting there wondering if he made the right choice.
Always about Choice. Sabine's choices, Ahsoka's choices (compared to Anakin's choices), Ezra's choices. Baylan and Shin make choices too--is Baylan trying to find a way to go back in time to save the Jedi? Who knows. But we could have had so much more depth and still end up with a similar result and a lot of the same world building and mythos building with a more logical story line.
Sigh. Someday I'll be a spec writer.....
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foggyxrayspecs · 1 year
May I ask for an elaboration on the primal hunts 👉👈
-grins- You bet! Check below the cut for all about the hunts. (This was fun. Thank you for the ask!) — Specs
The Hunt is an annual off-site retreat organized by and for the Widows.
The retreat focuses on combat abilities, tactical prowess, and mental agility at the individual level. It also includes strategic discussions and planning sessions at the organizational level to assess their current state, identify potential targets, and outline future missions. This is a crucial event for the Widows, allowing them to hone their skills, strengthen bonds, and strategize for the future.
Rough details of The Hunt:
Location — the clandestine gathering takes place in a remote and secure location (usually within a three-hour drive of the city), ensuring confidentiality and security. The venue varies from year to year to maintain secrecy. Timing — The Hunt lasts two to five days, given what's happening in the organization. Also, The Hunt is never at the same time every year. Accommodations — After intensive training sessions and missions, each assassin has a private room to rest and recharge. The rooms are well equipped and comfortable, with basic amenities to meet their needs. Additionally, there may be bungalows or cottages located outside the central apartments that leadership or couples claim. Schedule:
Keynote — The Hunt typically has a keynote speaker who will leave a lasting impression, reinforcing their purpose and strengthening the bonds. (Typically, this is Natasha, Yelena, or Melina.) Sessions — individual sessions include renowned experts and trainers in various fields, such as martial arts, intelligence gathering, and weapon specialists, to share their expertise and knowledge. In later years, there have been sessions dedicated to teaching sign language. (Everyone knows these are in part to help Cub, so they are well-attended.) There is an actual hunt — The culminating event is a true hunt in the last 36 hours of the retreat. There are a lot of shenanigans here; the goal is to be the last standing. The Closing Ceremony and outdoor picnic — This is a time for the Widows (or Hunters as some would like to be called) to reflect on their journey together, celebrate achievements, and leave with a renewed sense of purpose. Partners and pets are welcome for the closing ceremony and outdoor picnic on the last day.  Post-event — After The Hunt is over, anyone can use the course to stage their own primal hunts with their partners, pets, and lovers. (It's common knowledge that these get pretty kinky.) Internal planning — The Hunt has a rotating chair and a small planning committee. Lessons learned — They did try to go bi-annual, but on the year they skipped, the Widows were noticeably irritable with one another, and Sonja had to put down twice as many grievances than in previous years. Leadership decided to bring back The Hunt annually since it provides them with a unique opportunity to interact with one another, exchange knowledge, and build bonds that can prove invaluable in their line of work. Other retreats outside of The Hunt — Smaller units within the Widows may have a breakaway retreat focusing on the team's development. Also, when a widow marries or commits to a partner, her fellow Widows may throw the couple a smaller primal hunt in celebration. Nothing says from death do you part like an actual brush with death.  
A note: Yelena and Cub are usually very focused on organizing and competing over the five-day retreat, so Yelena lets Cub keep as many sets of underwear of hers as they can find. Given her pet’s tenacity, she packs at least a dozen bottom briefs.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
So, because I slept until 1 my time, just doom scrolled your page to catch up on 'news', so if I get this right, the only way all the [Omitted] and lessons Dean's learning won't be resolved this season.... Is if Robbie and the Ackles and etc decide to be little shits and have it next season, but as you said that's a spec idea you brain made to hurt you and not a theory? I think that's what I got between all the trolls worrying to much about other people's bedroom habits.
Yeah, roughly. i've stated many times, as of Dec 2020 I only knew like, Jensen's reasons for making it (technically I just knew about Dean haunting him, not being able to let go, and legitimately feeling sorry about the Castiel ending to the point of somberly apologizing -- that was most of what I knew until about. April? 2021? On their side of the front, that is, when everything started firing around developmentally a few months before guttedgate.
So like. I know the start. I know the end. I know a bunch of the episode morals and loose shapes they intended to hit. Details change, but they tend to be minor like Australian Wendigo > French Rugaru etc. And ofc the normal shuffle abouts. Since then I've gotten other various information, sent an update around new years, etc. But that's still all beyond net4 draft and some crew stuff, things I've scrapped up, I don't have a mainline of Robbie to my skull. First season shit. Start, end, rough form of the journey. Intent etc.
Beyond that, I've just caught, you know. A bunch of shit verifying old information. Or finding the new draft in Feb. Or people having psychic breaks when Nesnej told them to their face and they snapped, basically.
So when it comes to like. how exactly they might pivot the ending if they want to stretch a season, it's not like I'm tapped into Jensen's brain or have a direct line there so that's speculation. If nothing else, episode 13 was initially designed to act as a finale, and it does NOT sound like they intend to move it out. I'm just cautious on saying "nothing will change" right now. Nexstar is confusing everyone, even nexstar. Like it all makes business sense but they don't know what orders will look like or anything. And since the script batches won't dish out drafts to the kids until after christmas break, that gives a lot of time for them to kick around hinge.
Extended thoughts:
Either way, I. Can only imagine how. Devastatingly loud 13 would be even if it got some Lovers Still Divided By Realms Plot Extension So It Takes Dean Another Year To Get There. But the structure doesn't support it. It's more likely to just big bang and then branch into the other perspectives which spin new stories or angles. So I really do think it's still going down in 13, but in the next 2 months, like. Who knows.
I also know minding the uh. first apologies. and robbie's revenge. And all kinds of other things going on. Like. I don't see them wanting to risk it while everything's tumbly. Because yeah, right now things are good but maybe Nexstar WILL get a hair up their ass--or at least inside Jensen's head. Like, he doesn't know these people. I know everyone that worked with Ted or Tyler are good smart people but like, these aren't Jensen's normal rings, tbh he's been pretty insular until taking motions outside of SPN. So like. Why risk it. They've already been smacked by a hammer before. Get the goal over with and if something bonky happens oh well, we fuckin fixed it.
That and the PLOT. turning over all the cards. If they initially compacted 22/24 cards into a 13 slot run, and they literally mean turn over all the cards, then we end up in a fuckywucky state where they've heavy paced it early and then would just sort of flatline if they extended that mytharc angle. Or. [scratches head] yeah like it just doesn't make sense. Episode 13 was supposed to be The Whole World basically, and you really can't fuck around with that.
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leggyre · 2 years
Can you tell us some stuff about your splatoon ocs?
OH BOY so ive been meaning to drop some stuff about them(even the oldest ones because they've got some updates boooi) but ive been too busy drawing squid and playing squid bideogame to write about squid do u get me
so UH ill use this as my excuse to do at least some rambling uwU (<- me before i wrote this whole fuckin thing) they're all around the same age (17-19) but their character arcs sorta start based on the game i made them for (does that make sense?)
i wanna get them all smth decent on toyhouse eventually but this will do for now lmao
okay so this post is long as hell its readmore time
so to start with the splat 1 crew who were around 14 when i first made them;
but first here's the post w most of them, for reference :-)
Fernanda is basically the focus point of everything that happens here. Definition of girlboss; she moves every plot point because she is bold and determined to reach her goals. Her main objective is the classic BECOME THE VERY BEST and for that she's constantly trying to assemble the perfect team; though the means to reach that goal are pretty flexible. She's pretty much feral in battle, and is what some might call a "tryhard" in-game. She does try very hard. Way too much sometimes.
-anyway the moment she became a legit kid who is a squid at 14 she started going to turf war bc it was always her passion. Additionally, the moment her Childhood Bestie(tm) Speckle reached the same age she dragged him too. Personally, he'd rather not get into that stuff because hes very timid and nervous and scared and- yeah, that- but he's willing to do it with a friend; specially Fernanda, whose secondary hobby is beating up people who are mean to him. Thats sorta how they met in the first place.
She is, however, very determined to teach him the ins and outs of turf war and challenge him to go out of his comfort zone. He likes using brushes because he's an artsy person, but since it's a mostly aggressive weapon type, Fernanda wants him in the frontlines with her. It's just strats guys she totally isn't also doing it just to spend more time with her friend :-) shhh
But he sorta sticks like glue and depends a lot on her for safety, which isn't really the best idea in her mind. SO to try to teach him to be more confident she eventually starts joining the opposing team instead.
Needless to say, Spec is terrified being in a team without her. Doesn't help that she's the enemy, either, even though she usually doesn't outright splat him when they eventually clash. She moreso tries to give him a lesson first. It doesn't work very well. And worse yet, at one point some annoying ass charger starts targeting her specifically whenever she gets close to the other side of the map.
...And that's Gabriel (but i just call him gabe) :) He sorta notices how this girl keeps going after the same guy over and over again and eventually went 'yeah okay thats enough' and just started giving Speckle some support. (wanna make a lil note here that this is based on an actual thing that happened to me in game; i ran out of ink in a fight and the team charger blasted them and we both went BOOYAH. ill never forget u bro)
So yeah spec being spec he glued onto gabe instead. fernanda was, indeed, very upset by this because not only she couldn't enforce her lessons anymore but also spec was just doing the thing she didn't want him keep doing in the first place. And dealing with gabe is like. very, very annoying. specially for her as a roller main. he's always camping at the same few spots and he pretty much always avoids confrontation of any kind; motherfucker just jumps back to spawn or to a teammate who's safe. He has not only an advantage in range, but also his aim is impeccable. it's terrible hes terrible
anyway spec, despite being timid, actually grows attached to people really fast. from then on, every time they spot gabe in the lobby he waves and invites him to join them. fernanda is very annoyed my this but eventually she actually forms some sorta friendly rivalry with him(instead of, ynow, her being motivated purely to kick his ass). she ends up inviting him to join her (to be) Perfect Team(tm) and they all start hanging out more and learning how to work as a group.
also theres this plot thread
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its really just classic fluff n they end up dating like god intended
now there's like a big story gap here because, uh, it used to be some shared stuff with a friend but-- Yeah. im not sure what to do with that just yet. (..and its the big arc where fernanda has the most character development, strengthens her goals and improves herself. big gay shit too. bummer. 😔)
This gap extends all the way to the timeline of Splatoon 2, where they're all around 16
But lemme add some misc stuff that's happened since the first game tho; -Speckle has a new hobby, weapon customization! :-) he mostly does it for fun or for his friends, but occasionally someone comes up offering pay for it. he's not very confident about actually selling the stuff, but hey, he wasn't the one who asked for money. -Gabe learns to camp less but he gets tired real fast. -Fernanda and Gabe actually form a good and strong bond???? the rivalry is still there and they sometimes do 1v1 because she wants to get better at fighting people with far ranged weapons. -Actually, Fernanda's skill in particular grows exponentially. She's really giving it all she's got. Speckle might be less scared of going to turf alone, but it still makes him sorta nervous. -They move together to a lil place near Inkopolis Plaza because I don't follow real world rules (does a little dance) i will spare you of the somewhat underdeveloped socioeconomic hcs i made for this
Splatoon 2 is the "Fernanda goes out scouting for a 4th person to complete their team and Spec befriends every single candidate" arc. It's what it says on the very specific tin. Just three of them won't do, and they have to get a 4th team member in order to start actually cooking some neat strategies because everyone has to be in on it.
They do turf and ranked matches and Fernanda tries to recruit the people who do best alongside them. In this process they meet Fernando, aka Fucco bc hes a fucker thats all there is to it lmao(though I have to mention Gabe is the origin of this nickname because he can't fucking stand Fernando; everyone else just sorta agrees because Yeah It's True), and through him they also are introduced to Roberta(bobby) and Orlando(orb!!!), who are his buddies and theyre just here to chill tbh.
When Fernanda rejects Fucco as a possible team member he is absolutely offended by it. So he rallies up his allies(see: his two friends) to clash against the og trio. Thing is, they don't really have much experience as a team. Bobby and Orb just sorta do turf casually, for fun. Fucco is the only one of them who is actually competitive and he just thinks great at it (hes average at best). He's always acting like they're the mean girls when both teams cross paths and tries to make up for his lack of skill with witty remarks, which, granted, is something he actually is good at.
He sorta starts pushing his teammates a bit too much to the point they're not really having fun anymore so they have to like stop supporting this for a moral lesson that he does not listen to and makes him feel betrayed so he gets upset at them. And then these battles devolve into just 1v1 between [chuckles] Fernanda and Fernando with everyone watching it like it's a saturday morning cartoon because honestly theres no contest here. This obviously makes him break eventually, and so Fernanda now is the one who has to break the moral lesson about idk fighting with passion, teamwork, actually accepting your own flaws and working around them and not through them, etc etc all that anime kinda stuff. Maybe throw something about the power of friendship there too just for flavor.
So while all these things happens, Spec is just being nice with the other team. He sometimes just stops mid-battle to listen to Orb rambling about something as he often does(yeah they just sit there but don't worry Gabe is always there to watch for whiny tryhards too), gives them a lil booyah when they do cool stuff, and always invites them to chill at the cafeteria when they're all done with their matches. And they do, although Fernando has a little uuuuuuh trouble with this. There's always a long exchange of threatening glares between him and Gabe and/or Fernanda. He's mostly only there because Orb is a friend he'd die for. and Orb really likes Speckle too.
Annnd yeah when this is all settled down and Fucco has finally stopped trying to be a nuisance these guys all merge into One Larger Group and he actually gets to join Fernanda's team in turf; not as one of them, though, just hanging out with them. It's all just shenanigans for them for a while after all that's done (-:
Eventually they meet MY BOY Michael aka Mikemas which is like Splatmas but with his (nick)name because he was 12 when he made that username. I switched the protagonist POV to him because, in case you haven't noticed, I just really love him. He's a little bastard who's got a significant following on the internet; he occasionally livestreams turf war(and other stuff) and has a BIG passion for music. Also makes funny short skits and other trendy type of content you'd see from an online personality. Speaking of online personality - that's all his sorta dumb egocentric attitude is. Though he is very confident, most of the dumb shit he says and does is mean to be a joke (see: "I don't need this, I'm an influencer" while being completely aware he isn't of that scale yet). Biggest highlights are the Calamari Inkantation ballad cover - the thing which usually makes people notice just how good his vocals are - and the "Now Or Never But Every Loop Gets Faster" video.
And then there's Manga, who I just got out of the afriendmadethis limbo because he and Mike go hand in hand. They live together and they're childhood friends who are, really close, not in a romantic way but in a way you'd probably think is. Manga participates in the internet presence stuff as well, he plays the keyboard and has a soundboard of funny sound effects for streaming :-) He's nonverbal, very quiet and deadpan most of the time but he's basically got the same sense of humor as Mike; they're very similar in a lot of ways that would make you question if maybe they're actually siblings? (they aren't) He's just less confident and less likely to engage in dumb shit; to the point he kinda has to act like a fuckin babysitter because someone keeps "forgetting" to take the medicine for their bipolar disorder and we simply can't let that happen so I guess we gotta fuckin suplex him to do it I guess. A lot of things need to have parental controls enabled because someone is very prone to addiction and keeps trying to play videogames for 24 hours nonstop without consuming anything but the hoard of iced tea they have in the fridge, which occasionally has to be locked also.
(in conclusion mike would've never been allowed to live away from his family if manga wasn't there)
Anyway yeah they meet Mike in turf and he's actually almost as good as he says he at it is so he earns the invitation to claim the honorable title of 4th member of Fernanda's team. ...Okay. It's more like. He's the one person who accepted it, I guess. And thus, Mike and Manga get to join their table at the cafeteria.
The last characters I made for Splatoon 2 were these guys, who never really got any development(or even names) until Splatoon 3 so I'm kinda pushing them to be for the Splat 3 plots I've been cookin'. And they finally have names - Vespa Gel, Roll and Viv.
So yeah now where we are, Splatoon 3 where everyone is 17-19. This is all still going on in the general area near Inkopolis Plaza, though we'll get to the mentions of Splatsville soon.
Mike was a very late addition to the team, so he isn't very well adjusted to the way they go about in turf and... He isn't really what we can call responsible, and is quite the chore to deal with. This bit of plot is mostly about several dumb conflicts between him and Fernanda because he keeps skipping practice, missing calls, and mostly acts independently instead of trying to work as a team. He is, however, a vital asset because of the skill level and comes in clutch very often, which is why he hasn't been kicked out of the team yet.
Now the stuff here is mostly still a mess so I'll get to some key points that happen parallel to that conflict--
-Mike meets Viv in turf and they bond a lot not just during matches but also afterwards bc Viv just sorta likes taking walks around the plaza and Mike tags along, initially because he wants to know when he could expect to see Viv in turf again because its good stream content and he just really likes going against people who match his skill bc it's fun :-) This sorta leads to them just hanging out a lot and meanwhile everyone at the table is just... sorta giggling quietly about how sus he's being bc of how he excitedly talks about Viv but he pushes back saying it's just some fun kinda rivalry y'now??? nothing to see here.
-Viv eventually has to stop hanging out bc he kinda is part of a gang that now kinda despises Mike. Well, Vespa, specifically, but the other two have goon brain so they gotta pretend they also hate him. They could hurt him in all sorts of bad ways because the boys r kinda unhinged, so Viv decides it's the best option to stop hanging out at the plaza(which is actually pretty far from where he lives)
-This is heartbreaking, of course, specially bc it happened right as Mike accepted that Yes, He Has The Hell of a Crush and sorta hits some insecurities he has.
-But right after he meets Sen, and they kinda have a relationship? One where they are together, but both don't really want to admit it? because theyre both fucking stupid lmao (jk its related to more serious things but yeah)
(this is where i pause bc im legally required to share a ref of him though i dont have a good and finished one so just take this)
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(fucken pastel anime boy babeeey)
-Sen is from Splatsville, he moved to Inkopolis alone to work towards a career goal by taking some extensive courses and apprenticeships. He is constantly overworking himself and being stressed due to it, but he really doesn't want to grow attached to anyone in Inkopolis because he is very deeply affected by separation. This move itself has been very hard for him, even though he still has contact with his friends back in the Splatlands, and he doesn't want to have to go through it again when he eventually goes back home. Well, that was the plan until he was forced to have a funny little guy who sticks like glue, as a treat :-)
..this is all I can confidently share for now, but there's a lil bit in the crock pot that I've been brainstorming because Splat 3 finally convinced me to take a dip on making the agents ocs. its THE GIRLS they're the ones featured in this post. i wanna do an alt story mode with them eventually but no promises since im bad at keeping my word LMAO
(small note i forgot to add, they are kinda connected to the main group bc they are sen's aforementioned friends they bully him on inkstagram)
(UPDATE) dear lord ive named them theyre Amber(Captain), Camellia(4), Elizabeth(8), and Goo(3) (<- but u say it more like its "gaw"). Lil' buddy is just lil' buddy but goo will occasionally call him cute lil nicknames when no one is lookin' so they do the fabled bABYTALK!!!!!!!!!
heres some extra stuff w them 😌
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and these bc theyre funny
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theres definitely more of these but searching for them specifically is tough DJFHGHBGDF
i want you to know that ive been writing this on and off ever since you sent this ask
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Sometimes I like to imagine myself going back in time and leaking gaming news on 4chan, imagining how I'd do it and what the reaction would be. Like if I were to go back in time to 2016, I'd probably do something like this:
>NX is called the Nintendo Switch
>Launches March 2017 for $299. Main gimmick is it's a handheld that can also plug into a dock to output to the TV. The buttons and sticks to the sides of the handheld screen can slide off and be used as two small one-stick controllers for multiplayer, or you can slide them both into a controller grip for a more traditional two-stick controller. Limited to 720p in handheld mode but can output 1080 when connected to the dock. Specs are above Wii U but not by much.
>Launch lineup is pretty meager - three first-party games and it's carried by Zelda Wii U (final name Breath of the Wild). Game will still come out on Wii U but will be delayed to launch on both Wii U and Switch the same day.
>The other first-party launch titles are 1-2 Switch and Snipperclips. 1-2 Switch is a casual party game utilizing the gimmicks of the controller (motion controls, rumble), basically a Wii shovelware-type game. Snipperclips is a simple two-player puzzle game in which you both control characters made of paper and you cut each other into different shapes to solve puzzles, meant to showcase how the Switch can do multiplayer right out of the box.
>Even with weak launch lineup, first year is absolutely STACKED with games. Nintendo learned their lesson with the Wii U and has been working to give the Switch a strong impression right out of the gate. First year titles are:
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey, new 3D Mario game in the style of 64/Sunshine/Galaxy
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, a port with all the DLC tracks and characters included, as well as a few new characters (Bowser Jr., etc)
>Pokken Tournament DX, includes the characters from the arcade version that weren't in the Wii U port
>ARMS, a boxing game similar to Punch-Out but with full range of motion around large arenas. All fighters have stretchy arms which allows you to throw punches from across the arena.
>Fire Emblem Warriors, a new game by Koei Tecmo in a similar vein to Hyrule Warriors. Also releasing on New 3DS for some reason.
>Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, a tactics game made by Ubisoft which plays similarly to XCOM
Absolutely fucking no one would believe me and that's beautiful
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truelliaster · 5 months
tbh i dont really like the new coro of ika art style, aswell as vintages’ ark
like, the new art style is less expressive, jus compare rider’s face in volume 16 and 1 and there’s a huge ass fucking difference it drives me mad — sankichi is also shown to be able to make expressive faces still in the new style like check the fight against hockey
also team blue barely even win their fights in interesting ways anymore, it’s jus straight up like naked gags and d*ck jokes like the amount of times characters get hit in the nuts by goggles is crazy, like the pantsing gag was better when it was only rider and it adds effect when they competed against emperor but it got old too quick
like, you can keep the gag but make the new battles and opponents more interesting like srsly, wireglasses was basically rider 2.0 he had so much hype and mystery only to be plastered with the final boss personalitytm that they kept giving everyone
emperor’s ark was amazing tbh and i unreasonably hated it, probs because of the way the used prince but it’s really good, like they hyped him up amazingly and properly established his character and mad him cool and powerful like properly like yip fuckin ppee — andtheyway team blue beat them too * hefs kiss* that’s great! it made sense! in can even par with how they beat aloha back in the first volume! (one of the best chapters imo, it was actually interesting, gave specs attention and provided proper character development for aloha, like the lesson he learned from team blue was great)
but vintage…… fuck him, like he’s interesting, but they tried to hype him up the way they did with emperor aswell as jus giving him a way too similar ark when we already had something like it, the only thing i actually found worthwhile was team blue against the s4 + rider, they didnt properly add up the problems within team x-blood and their teamwork and all vintage do was jus stand there and look menacingly like some trophy princess idk
atleast he wasnt a copy and paste like wireglasses, he actually had distinct personality traits that differentiated him from others, -his coldness-, heck they couldve added more emphasis to it in order to properly show the disadvantages x-blood had — i also think they could’ve toned down double e and red sole more cause they dont really add anything to the story besides being strong or whatever
and the way omega was watching the s4 fight, you’d assume she’s actually add somehting to the story, or like, idk realise the problems her team has and bring attention to it, but she practically does nothing other than point out the obvious which is ridiculous cause she’s just as important, if not even moreso cause she’s second in comand, as well as being able to do the x zone thingie that vintage can do but she’s not given enough (proper) attention like come fuckijn onnnnn
however, i had so many hopes for the best eight, although everyone was less expressive and dragged down to a lesser version of themselves due to the vintage ark, they could still save this if they battles were somewhat interesting — which they were! goggles managed to keep his charm and actually use his dumbass mind the way it was intended as shown with shady and 8-bit (with the riddle and the tea) but what doesnt add up is there’s no foreshadowing and jus comes out of nowhere, aswell as it parralleling the s4 ark too much, (jus compare shady and army with each other you’ll get what i mean) like good god
tbc class ended i gtg
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srinduselectrosystems · 8 months
How Electronic Components Distributors in India Boost Your Supply Chain
General Purchasing Tips for Electronic Components
Whether you are an engineer dealing with a brand-new product layout or a buyer seeking components to maintain an assembly line running, you recognize that discovering what you require, when you require it, at a cost that makes good sense can be intimidating. Whatever your procurement obstacle, there are some basic ideas you could wish to bear in mind as you look for the ideal components and suppliers to fill your demands.
The Simple Formula
We'll briefly cover several of the tried and tested ideas that can help you manage the acquisition of the best electronic component supplier in India, but before we get into those, right here is a very basic, three-step part-getting method that can direct you no matter the size of your department. If you are already managing an efficient organization, you will know them after that. If not, here they are:
Anticipate: not simply predicted interior needs, but also the effect of exterior realities, like supply chain disruptions, shortages, policy modifications, money appraisals, work issues, political dramatization, and yes, also pandemics. Disregard the truths of a worldwide market at your own risk.
Plan: having anticipatory recognition of prospective problems (step 1) permits you to prepare for disruptive situations, which will certainly happen. Create checklists, trigger factors, coping approaches, and key relationships that you will certainly take advantage of. Obtain your affiliates to buy-in to your flexible strategies, and have your specific action tactics ready to go.
Act, not react. Do something about it today with your external providers and suppliers to establish breakthrough mitigation approaches that you can execute promptly. Action permits you to regulate your scenarios, and response enables them to regulate you. Ensure each of your companions is on board.
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And now a few of the details
The three wide standards we just used are appropriate for almost any sector and situation. Regardless of just how much you agree with them, they are nevertheless a little wide-ranging and might leave you searching for more detail. So, let's take this a little bit further. Right here are some added ideas for procuring electronic components amassed from various sources in the sector. They are in no specific order, nor is the list indicated to be complete.
What they do offer, however, is a piece of thoughtful discussion for beginners that might prime your search for ways to build a division that operates well, anticipates adjustments, leverages resources and initiative, and conserves every person several migraines in the process.
Below is our checklist of procurement management suggestions for partial customers:
Prepare for new suppliers and products. Always consult with component salespeople with new products or those from new firms. They bring you today what you might be requiring tomorrow.
Know your product and production requirements thoroughly. This is a very easy one, but it is still frequently overlooked. Know the specs and demands of each of your jobs completely. Study the facts of the clients utilizing your products. And understand your business's manufacturing facts and limitations.
Use digital tools to leverage bulk order pricing. Supply Chain Monitoring (SCM) software programs like Shippabo, NetSuite, or Tada can help businesses big and small do a far better job of inventory administration, supply preparation, and vendor partnership.
Understand the realities of off-shoring. The pandemic supplied a real-life lesson in the intricacies of getting off-shore to get a better price. Still-in-transit or unable-to-ship alerts as a result of supply chain glitches do help buying managers rest well.
Know your suppliers and distributors. This resembles understanding your very own assembly line demands. If you don't know and understand the abilities of each of your providers or suppliers, you risk not only troubles but additionally missed out on possibilities.
Share your information with your suppliers. Knowing your suppliers is just one side of the sourcing coin. You additionally require to share information with your trusted companions because if you always like to go it alone, at a critical point you may discover you achieved what you wanted.
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Establish guidelines ahead of time for sourcing flexibility. While recognizing your product needs is vital, you also need to identify in advance just how much you can stretch critical element specifications and still meet engineering or governing needs.
Establish counterfeit part avoidance guidelines. Demanding paperwork, requesting serial numbers, doing random batch specification checks, and establishing a traceability program can be important, specifically if your final result enters into aerospace or protection.
Seek an original part guarantee to avoid counterfeits. The concern of counterfeit or re-worked components is actual and vital if you are creating items for essential applications like support or medical care. You will need initial components from your providers where needed.
See to it that you are dealing with the really latest product data sheets. Product requirements and layouts change frequently; however, commonly, data sheets do not. Make sure you have the very latest figures on what you are sourcing.
Be cautious with unbranded goods. Components lacking a brand name might be available at attractive costs, yet when your product or firm track record is on the line, assume lengthy and tough terms about simply what you may be getting.
Know your supplier's policies thoroughly. Recognizing the policies of your distributors is essential, but it is crucial to always ask in-depth questions and demand paperwork, especially on out-of-spec parts problems, damaged items, and so on.
Make use of a reputable, authorized component distributor. The capability of an accredited, reputable distributor to add to the worth of your organization cannot be overstated. Establishing partnerships is the structure of purchase success.
Know the lifecycle phase of critical parts. Don't let an end-of-life (EOL) notification on an element endanger your production line and force you to scramble for replacements. Lots of progressive distributors offer EOL programs. Make the effort to recognize these before you need them.
Don't forget about repair service, substitutes, and re-work needs. While you require components for your key assembly line, you may additionally need to forecast and resource for repair, substitute, re-work, or product warranty circumstances.
Comply with delivery trends, costs, and policies thoroughly. Once more, the pandemic supplied lessons in delivery that we cannot ignore or neglect. In spite of agreements, shipping prices can rise over night and continue to be a danger to product margins.
Always have a backup plan. This is the simplest tip to recognize yet frequently the hardest one to put into use. Back-up preparation for unforeseen circumstances requires mindful consideration, understanding of market and vendor realities, and buy-in from both interior and external companions.
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The design and layout of a product that calls for electronic component web content is frequently seen as one of the toughest parts of product growth. Just as vital, nonetheless, can be the intelligent sourcing of the components you need and will continue to require in order to keep your company running.
By taking a few of our buying tips to heart and functioning very closely with your relied-upon suppliers or distributors, you can conserve money and time, create worth, and construct a more powerful division and overall organization. If you are trying to find more info on the very same, look into just how our buddies at Circuit Bread clarified this: What Are Some Tips for Purchasing Electronic Components?
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