#basically have to speed run physical therapy 3 times a week
thunderc1an · 1 year
I have tendonitis, gonna start this physical therapy thingy
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wolferine · 3 years
Heart Skips a Beat - Part 3
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha faces her worst nightmare when a rescue mission goes wrong…
Warnings: Violence, blood
Word Count: 2065
Part 2
Tags: @blkmxrvel @blackxwidowsxwife @marvelwomen-simp @phoenixofash @marvels-bitch-boy @when-wolves-howl
Despite your super soldier enhancements, it takes a few days before you’re cleared from the medical bay. The bullets you had been shot with were identified as hollow point sniper rounds—basically the biggest, baddest of the bunch. If you had been a normal human, your insides would’ve been shredded to pieces and you would’ve died before you even hit the ground.
You’re retired to light duty while you recover, which is painfully boring and dull. You attend physical therapy to strengthen your body, but sometimes you push yourself too hard and stumble back to your and Natasha’s room with blood staining through your bandages. She always chastises you for hurting yourself, but secretly admires your dedication and will never pass up the opportunity to help take care of you.
One week after the condominium collapse, you join Steve, Clint, and Natasha for a private meeting with members of the Miami Police Department and the FBI. As Steve had suspected, the collapse wasn’t an accident. Someone had deliberately taken out the concrete supports in the parking garage with explosives.
“We couldn’t have just phoned that in?” you whine from the backseat. Clint is in the driver’s seat, Steve next to him. You and Natasha sit in the back. “I mean, they drag us all the way across the city, just to tell us something they could’ve sent over text—” 
“Information like that, the less people to intercept the message, the better,” Steve mutters, staring out the window as the car zooms down the highway.
“I don’t know about that,” you dismiss, and Natasha side-eyes you. She knows you’re just cranky because Steve interrupted your morning cuddle with her. There isn’t much you can do intimately when you can barely twist your torso, so you have to make due with what you can.
“You know, Y/N, you are the one this guy’s after,” Clint points out. “So, if anything, you’re the only one that needed to show up.”
“Oh, please.” You roll your eyes. “You’re just jealous you don’t have a psychopath coming after you—” 
Everyone’s head turns to the roof of the car. You swear you see the imprint of a hand dented in the metal.
“What the—”
Natasha suddenly leaps out of her seat and into your lap. She wraps her arms around your neck, yanking your head down.
“Hey!” you shout in protest, but then you hear a bullet whiz behind your head and feel the foam of the headrest cushion spray the back of your neck. Still in your lap, Natasha kicks Steve’s shoulder, causing him to hit his head against the window before a bullet zings through his headrest. Following her example, you kick Clint’s seat and he jolts forward, the bullet missing his head by inches.
“Stop the car!” Steve yells, crunching the gear shift into park.
The tires burn rubber and the car slides back and forth before coming to a grinding halt. Cars behind you honk and swerve around you. A figure goes flying off the roof of the car and lands in the road, rolling to their feet. They wear a black vest, revealing their left arm to be completely made out of metal overlapping plates. Their hair is chin-length and a mask covers the lower half of their face.
Suddenly, an 18-wheeler semi-truck, unable to stop in time, slams into the back of the car. The trunk crumples like an accordion, and you instinctively tighten your grip around Natasha to shield her in case the semi-truck tears the car in half. But it doesn’t, instead pushing your car towards the masked figure, who doesn’t even bother to step out of your path.
They jump onto the hood and punch their metal arm through the windshield, grabbing the steering wheel and tearing it right out of the car. When the masked figure disappears onto the roof, Natasha takes out her gun and starts shooting, but her efforts are fruitless.
There’s no way for Clint to control the direction of the car anymore and it’s too dangerous to stay inside with the masked figure close by.
“Hang on!” Steve says, reaching across the front to grab Clint. In the same motion, he slams his shoulder into his door, knocking it off its hinges. Both men go flying out of the car.
“That looks like a good idea,” you mumble, anchoring your arm to your own car door, the other pressing Natasha against you as tightly as you can. “Hold on, babe.” You ram your shoulder into the door with all your strength, ignoring the pain that rips through your stomach.
The door tears away from the car and turns into a makeshift sled as you go skidding down the highway. Sparks fly from the grinding contact of metal on the concrete road. When you finally come to a stop, Natasha stays on top of you, drawing her weapon and scanning for the masked figure. 
Meanwhile, the masked figure has hijacked the semi-truck, but instead of plowing you over, they turn to tip the entire vehicle over so it blocks every single lane of the highway.
“Where are they?” you pant, trying to lift your head to see the commotion but Natasha forces your head back into the car door. “Nat, stop—” 
“No!” she says. “They’re after you, remember?”
You don’t like the idea of her risking herself for you, but it’s a sweet gesture.
“Where are they?” you ask, unable to see.
“I…I don’t…” Natasha sounds confused. Suddenly, she takes off without warning. You don’t question it and run after her. Steve and Clint are engaged in an intense hand-to-hand match with the masked figure. The masked figure knocks Steve to the ground and wraps their metal hand around Clint’s neck, lifting him off the ground.
You put on a burst of speed, overtaking Natasha and launching yourself at the masked figure’s metal arm. They drop Clint instantly and you wrap your arms around the metal one, but it’s like trying to contain a bucking bull. You jerk your elbow back into their face to stun them, but it has no effect. The masked figure flings out their metal arm and you lose your grip.
You crash into the concrete highway dividers and the impact almost knocks you out. You feel your stitches tear open and you start bleeding underneath your shirt. As you stagger to your feet, you see the masked figure over Natasha, pinning her down and pulling their metal arm back, ready to deal the killing blow—
“No!” you scream, charging towards them. You catch the masked figure’s metal arm again, locking out their elbow and holding it against your chest. Natasha rolls out of harm’s way and Clint jumps into the action, launching himself at the masked figure’s legs and sending all three of you to the ground.
Natasha swings her leg around and kicks the masked figure in the face. The mask falls off. You and Clint struggle to hold them down as Steve walks up, blood dripping from a cut in his forehead.
“Bucky?” Steve says suddenly, stopping in his tracks. 
“Who the hell is Bucky?” the man snarls.
“Help!” you choke, not sure how much longer you can hold on to his writhing metal arm. But Steve is frozen the same way Natasha had been when she saw you get shot. “You need to get in here, Steve!” you yell, and suddenly Bucky goes limp. You and Clint exchange confused glances.
“Wait, what?” Clint says.
“What happened?” you ask, hesitantly releasing the metal arm, which flops to the ground. “Why’d he just stop like that? Did I say his safe word or something?”
“What, ‘Steve?’” Clint laughs in spite of the tense situation.
Steve is in too much shock to bite back at your jibe.
“I’ll call for reinforcements.” Natasha takes charge. “We’ll bring him back to the Tower.” She comes over to you and touches your side gently, reminding you of the blood staining through your shirt.
“I’m fine,” you assure her, reaching out to run your thumb over the bruise forming under her eye. She closes her eyes and leans into your touch. “Let’s hope that Steve is, too.”
Bucky is detained in the holding cell at the Tower and Steve goes to speak with him privately. Afterwards, he regroups with the rest of you. Clint relaxes at the kitchen counter with a beer, while you and Natasha sit on the couch together. She holds an ice pack against your stomach and frets over the fresh swelling in your shoulder.
“So, I’ve got some good and bad news,” Steve says.
“You can start by telling us who that guy is,” Clint interrupts.
Steve shifts uncomfortably. “He’s…an old friend of mine. My best friend, actually—”
“You know, that’s the same thing people thought about me and Nat at first, but obviously we’re more than that—” you start.
“Bucky was also involved in the super soldier program,” Steve continues, ignoring your comment. “But he was under HYDRA’s control for decades. They were the ones who sent him after us. And…” Steve takes a breath, “We were wrong about who his target was. He wasn’t after you, Y/N. He was after me.”
“But he shot Y/N,” Natasha says.
“Twice,” you add.
“No.” Steve shakes his head. “Bucky was trying to shoot me. Y/N was just in the way.”
“In the way?” Steve’s logic—or lack of it—makes your head hurt. But as Natasha thinks about it—she’s always been the smarter one in the relationship—it makes complete sense. Her mind flashbacks to the scene of the condominium collapse, where all four of you had gathered on the street after you rescued the last victim. Her and Steve stood across from you and Clint. The bullets had come from behind you—if you hadn’t been standing where you were, Steve would have been hit instead.
“I don’t think you would remember this part, Y/N, but when Nat and I were trying to get you in the ambulance, we were shot at two more times,” Steve explained. “But the bullets hit the sideview mirror and the windshield. Those were places I was in, not you.”
“Okay, so why’s he trying to kill you if you’re his best friend?” you ask.
“It’s all HYDRA’s doing. He told me he’s part of a task force that was created to kill off the Avengers. Specifically, the original six, so there’s six of them in the task force. He’s the only one that got out, and he said the other five are being held in a facility in Siberia. He wants our help to free them,” Steve says.
“So, this Bucky guy wants to work with us now? After he took down a 12-story condominium and almost killed Y/N while trying to kill you?” Clint asks.
“Please, Clint,” Steve begs. “Bucky’s my best friend—”
“A best friend who tried to kill Y/N! And you!” Natasha argues. She lowers the ice pack from your stomach and you frown at the loss of contact. “You know I love you, Steve—”
“Not as much as me,” you mutter under your breath, guiding her hand to put the ice pack back against your side.
“—But I’m gonna need you to do a little better than that.”
“I need you all to trust me,” Steve pleads. “If we have intel telling us that there are five super soldiers in existence, who are programmed to take down the Avengers, isn’t it on us to do something about it?”
“How do we know we can trust Bucky?” Clint asks.
“Well, if he does go rogue, at least we know his safe word,” you answer with a chuckle.
“If you trust me, you’ll trust him,” Steve promises.
You glance at Natasha, who is looking at the floor, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You stretch your arm over her shoulder, pulling her towards you and bumping your heads together.
“What should we do?” you whisper so quietly only she can hear.
Her free arm snakes around your waist, closing the gap between you and her, your bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. She rests her head against your shoulder. “Trust Steve,” she says.
“Okay.” That’s enough of an answer for you. You press a soft kiss to her temple and look back at Steve. “So, what did you have in mind?”
Click here for Part 4!
AN: I love taking inspiration from many places, and the inspiration for this part is the awesome fight on the highway from Captain America: Winter Soldier. Thank you to everyone for the continued support!
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transephiroth · 4 years
an important post: abuse from friends, friend abuse. please read and reblog.
TW: abuse ment, bpd ment, ed ment, suicide ment, ptsd, trauma, death ment. gaslighting ment.
i don’t know what exactly what has compelled me to make this post at nearly 1:00 am on a school night just like every other, but i think the importance of advocacy of preventing, spotting, and stopping abusive friendships is to talk about them with the same respect as any other form of abuse.
i’ll give you a small overview of my personal experience with abusive friendships: when i was 16, my father committed suicide. i was not aware he was my biological father at they time and actually found out he was not my half brother, but my biological father. my father, who’s name i will not mention. i won’t even use fake names they’re hard to keep track of. i found out my mother, an abusive drug addict, slept with her husband, my apparent grandfather’s, adult son from a previous marriage consensually. one way or another, my father was forbidden to be involved in my life, and my grandfather raised me as his own. (in case you’re going to ask about inc*st, my father and mother have no relation, she is not his mother.)
the shock of learning this and grieving his death from the few negative interactions he and his mental health had on my family when i was a baby, was intense. i had no friends at school and felt incredibly lost and vulnerable. when i was in this place i met my best friend. we bonded over a shared hatred of my ex boyfriend, who was an abuser, who was dating her ex best friend.
this should have been a red flag, but i ignored it.
i took the first friend i could find after my ex took away all my friends in an effort to isolate me after my assault. this was probably the worst part of my life, and one of my first real suicide attempts was only days before my father died. the first friend i found, the first soul i recognized i clung to.
when me and my friend, who we will call P, were inseparable. but there was a very clear and distinct difference between us. P was a star in the band at school, she had great grades, tons of friends and was quite conventionally attractive. she was involved in a lot of extracurriculars and overall had a very nice demeanor.
this should have been a red flag. as harsh as it might sound, idealizing anyone is unhealthy. if someone appears to you as perfect, it’s not paranoid of you to wonder if it’s hiding something. it’s hard to tell when someone is being genuine, especially for myself with autism. nice words and a smile can pretty much fool anyone.
i, on the other hand of P, dropped out of band and just about every other activity after my assault, and was in and out of intense therapy and psych visits throughout all of high school. i never could go a school year without a visit. to this day i have gone a whole year however :)
I was an autistic shut in who quite honestly, cried a lot, smelled bad, was clearly poor, spoke funny and came to school drunk. we were not the same.
i don’t want to go over every painstaking detail, so i’ll try to summarize as best i can the first two years of our three year relationship.
P was diagnosed with BPD about a month into our friendship. she told me i was her FP/favorite person, and showed me videos to learn about BPD. i remember watching hours and hours of information about BPD to accommodate her the best i could. what i didn’t realize however, was that she was lying. she didn’t have BPD, or at least couldn’t be diagnosed because we were 16.
red flag. i knew this was a lie because i had been in therapy for years. it took me a long time to peace it together but i accepted it and beget told her, until this moment, that i knew.
i fucking knew.
months of friendship included constant easy to see through lies, fabrications, pathological rants, and pretty much changing her “back story” every day. it was draining not to mention it, but the few times i did, she got physical. i have scars on my right forearm from her nails, which were long and broke skin. she would tell me she would pay me back for things and never show. she would make fun of things i told her in secret to our friends, my trauma. my dad.
“dark humor”
over time, she convinced me to drop every single friend i had except for her. she had gotten me literally completely vulnerable and isolated.
when covid hit, my mom, of course, kicked me out. i moved in with P and her family. my time there over quarantine was very monotonous, but i’ll never forget that for basically 8-9 months, she never let me out of her sight. i felt like i had to just do whatever she wanted because her mother let me live there for free.
p knew i wanted to move away from my mother and the chaos of my home life for years.
right before quarantine, P got her first boyfriend. she had never had a boyfriend and had been to scared to get one. i was really happy for her, i encouraged her to ask him out while she was at a weekend school event.
P then began to manipulate not only me, but him. to this day i don’t know what’s become of either of them, but i really couldn’t care less anymore. when trauma heals, you get a sense of apathy.
P would frequently belittle me, mock me, kick, trip and slap me, force me to pay for things for her and her boyfriend on the spot, and steal from my purse.
eventually living with p, third wheeling with her less than charming boyfriend, who i honestly just didn’t mind. we weren’t friends, but i was respectful to him and treated him the same way i would treat a friend from school or something.
p has a family i won’t bring up because it involves minors, but her mother has a psychotic disorder and refuses to be medicated, so the house is full of ripped door hinges, holes in walls, smashed items and more. it’s really unsafe there, and during my time there i found i really began to internalize as a person. i developed an eating disorder and my ptsd and autism felt much more out of control.
i had been diagnosed with autism for nearly two years at that point, and living in that household made me realize just how damaging meltdown after meltdown without anyone understanding can damage your psyche long term.
i wanted to leave. i had saved my money from my jobs and got an apartment. p insisted on coming, saying she didn’t want to live with her mom anymore. i didn’t want her to come, but i agreed. she got a co-sign. i knew it was a bad idea because i heard what they said about best friends living together. i just can’t believe it really happened.
we talked about growing old together, raising our kids together. i was going to name my first daughter after her. we were going to be neighbors. her husband and my wife would be best friends just like us, but that’s not what happened.
we lived together from August 2020-November 2020
to give a quick summary of the inevitable end of this relationship, P and I had two kittens together. i asked her if she could put them away for inspection so they didn’t run out the door while i drove our third roommate, a whole other mountain of a story, to work.
she didn’t do it, instead slacked off to go to her boyfriends house. so i came back and had to put the cats away at record speed and our other roommate was late to work.
even if this was somewhat small, it was the breaking point for me. i grabbed my phone and texted her, DEMANDING she explain why she couldn’t do this one thing for me. i have never been that angry in my life. we had a phone call where i just lost it and unleashed all my anger and all my hurt about everything she had done. i was sobbing and barely making sense but i couldn’t just keep letting my life carry on this way.
i wish i remembered how the phone call ended, but all i remember was telling her “if the cats run and we can’t find them, then we are done being roommates.”
the next morning i woke up and she had blocked me on everything. i drove to the apartment and saw that overnight, according to block times at like, 3am, she had taken all our shared furniture, all my birthday gifts from not two weeks prior, all the gifts i bought her, most of my clothes, one of the apartment keys, my high school diploma, the paperwork for the cats, and not just our two shared kittens, but my third roommates cat as well.
cue search party with my partner and his friends and my other roommate for P and the cats. i found her at her house with her mom and boyfriend. i walked out and she was on the phone with my grandfather, telling him i was threatening suicide. i ask her where the cats are, she says they are at a friends house.
if we flashback in the story, we literally only had each other, so i knew it was a lie.
i managed to argue through to negotiate at least my other roommates cat, but only after P’s mom blocked us in the driveway and called the police saying we threatened her daughter
(reminder people in this group were black and asian ☺️ so she just calls the cops fall 2020)
luckily the cops saw the proof she blocked me so i couldn’t have threatened her, and let us leave.
that’s the end of the friendship. i could bore anyone who has read this far further by explaining the nightmare realm that is the legal troubles with the apartment, but the internet doesn’t need to know everything does it?
as the winter has gone on i’ve had months to basically remake myself as a person. i had to firstly face the damage P had done.
but before i get into that, anyone who is still reading first, ily, but also, if you’ve had ANY relationship that sounds similar to this, THAT IS ABUSE.
Plain and simple. It is abusive. Physically, emotionally, mentally, verbally. nobody deserves that. not P. not you. not me.
friendships can be all someone has. not everyone is born into good families with loving siblings and great parents and tons of cousins who live .3 milliseconds away. families are divided. families, like mine, are divorced. families are broken and families sometimes aren’t even families. humans need relationships, and an idealistic person who we think maybe could save us and fix the world, won’t.
you can be taken advantage of by the person you trust the most just as easily as a stranger.
it’s not wrong to face the abuse they put you through, know it was wrong, and feel valid that it is was wrong.
what i went through with P was horrible. the detachment of my only friend hurt. but i bounced back. i’m still undoing some of the damage, but i have great friends and a wonderful partner. i have two rescue cats who mean the world to me.
life gets better after abuse, but the bad days and the pain aren’t invalid because of this. i have trauma from what P put me through. abandonment like that is traumatic. but it’s not the end. feel what you need to feel to feel better.
if anyone read this far and wants to vent their own experiences, or share more advice on preventing these relationships feel free. it’s almost 1:30 now, i should go to bed.
it feels good to get that off my chest.
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In the LM, the therapy with LG revealed considerably higher LDH activity in the OVX+LG 0.4 team than in the Non-OVX and the OVX+LG 4 groups. In the SM, there were no distinctions amongst the treatment teams in all three enzymes studied. The therapy with LG or OVX did not transform the product CK levels. In the LM, the location and also the equivalent size of STO/FTO and also FTG fibers were dramatically larger in the OVX+LG 4 team compared with the Non-OVX group. In the SM, a dramatically bigger area and matching size of STO/FTO fibers were observed in the OVX as well as OVX+LG 0.4 teams than in the Non-OVX team.
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ronanivarsson · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Ronan Ivarsson
NICKNAME(S): Ronan has never had a nickname, and would never allow someone to call him by a nickname. He’s only ever been Ronan, even to both of his parents. The only acceptation would be if someone called him by his last name. 
BIRTH DATE: December 13th, 1980
AGE: 39
ZODIAC: Sagittarius 
LIVING CONDITIONS: Ronan lives in an expensive top floor penthouse near the center of Verona, which is furnished exactly to his tastes--dark wood, sleek metals, dark leather. He bought it shortly after being married to Lucien, but his husband rarely ever stays for more than a couple of days or weeks, which means that most of the time Ronan lives alone. It is also outfitted to be more accessible for him. 
TITLE(S): Richard III, The Vice, Councilman 
BIRTHPLACE / HOMETOWN: Stockholm, Sweden / Verona, Italy 
SOCIAL CLASS: Ronan was born into a wealthy, upper class family, and his wealth has only increased since he became the sole bearer of that family name. He considers himself to be among Verona’s elite, though in the end he holds no love for that title--in his own mind, he is better than everyone in Verona. 
EDUCATION LEVEL: Ronan graduated university with a degree in political science. 
FATHER: Magnus Ivarsson
MOTHER: Joanna Ivarsson. 
SIBLING(S): None as far as he knows, but his parents cheated on each other throughout their marriage, and his mother could have very well had other children without telling him. 
PET(S): None
OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: All of Ronan’s other relatives are back in Sweden, and he does not communicate with them. (No brothers or nephews to do anything horrible to--yet!) 
Caleb Tallmadge: An intern at the American embassy, who was Ronan’s first serious boyfriend right out of college. 
Rafaella Capulet: The love of his life, his soulmate as far as he’s concerned. Their relationship deteriorated when he became a member of the Montagues, and with the exception of one night after Ronan became engaged to Lucien, they have not spoken since. 
Lucien Ivarsson: Ronan’s husband, who he met shortly after things with Rafaella fell apart. Ronan fell out of love with him quickly, and their relationship is barely functional at the present--they appear in public together before going their separate ways, with the exception of rare moments where they fall together violently. 
Renzo Carozza: A distraction bordering on an addiction. 
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Ronan is an elected councilman in the city of Verona, and his family has several investments that he manages. 
SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: His salary as a Montague Soldato--a trifle in comparison to what he already has, however, he isn’t interested in earning money from the position. 
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: Ronan loves being the center of attention, and the power that he commands as a politician. His ambition extends far beyond his current office however, and he’d like to eventually run for more prestigious positions. 
PAST JOB(S): Ronan interned with the mayor’s office right out of college, and steadily worked his way to his current position. He has only ever worked in politics. 
SPENDING HABITS: Ronan felt like an outsider growing up, so he uses his money to purchase the life he feels like he deserves, the life he always wanted. As long as he has money, and lots of it, he feels safe--it’s as much an armor as the designer suits he puts on every day. He’s always aware of exactly how much he has, and ways that he could obtain more. 
MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: A first edition of Frankenstein, his favorite novel. He bought it right after his mother died and he became the sole heir of the Ivarsson fortune. 
Ronan was born with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, which means that the muscles of his arms and legs are very weak. He does what he can to stay as good of shape as possible, and he is capable of doing the bare minimum required of a Montague soldier. 
Ronan would prefer not to get into a physical altercation, but he knows the bare minimum of fighting techniques. He can throw a punch with accuracy, that would hurt reasonably. His strength is his ability to see other people’s weaknesses fairly quickly, and fight cleverly. 
Defense requires less physical exertion, which means Ronan is stronger in that area. 
SPEED: 0/10 
Ronan walks with a cane, and isn’t really capable of running. 
Because he can’t fight with his fists, Ronan made his mind into a weapon. He’s well read, he attended one of the finest universities where he attained excellent grades, and he is well studied in the arts of manipulation. He can read people’s facial expressions with astounding accuracy, he is excellent at verbally manipulating people into action, and more than anything, he is capable of inspiring great loyalty in people through deception, though words, through the weaknesses they were so certain they could hide. Its the same principle as your other senses heightening when one is deprived--Ronan couldn’t fight physically, so he made sure every other power he possessed worked at maximum capacity. 
The muscles in Ronan’s arms and shoulders are weak, but he can sustain the position necessary to fire a gun long enough to be average with it. 
Ronan is not agile at all--his muscles are too weak to allow him to do anything agile. 
Ronan is used to pain--his spine and his shoulders, his legs, all cause him pain on a regular basis. His daily life requires an amount of stamina that the average person doesn’t have to exert. 
He allows others to think they’re working with him, that they’re part of a team with him, but he’s always looking out for himself and his own designs first and foremost. Other people are merely pieces he can move around, or discard, as they present themselves as useful to him. 
TALENTS: Ronan is excellent at public speaking, and his public persona is very magnetic. He is skilled at manipulating people, at reading their faces, at ferreting out their weaknesses. He played the violin growing up and still plays occasionally when he needs to clear his mind, and he enjoys playing chess. 
SHORTCOMINGS: Ronan is incredibly narcissistic, with little to no empathy for anyone. He cares exclusively for himself and the things that he wants, and he doesn’t care who he has to hurt, whatever he has to do, in order to get them. He is also incredibly greedy, and one of his primary interests is getting more money for himself. 
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: Italian, Swedish, Latin, English 
DRIVE?: No, he’s always had a driver. 
JUMP-START A CAR?: No, that’s what mechanics or new cars are for. 
RIDE A BICYCLE?: No, he physically can’t. 
SWIM?: Yes. 
PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: Yes, he plays the violin on occasion. 
PLAY CHESS?: Yes, and at a high level.
TIE A TIE?: Absolutely, a nice tie can make or break an outfit. 
FACE CLAIM: Joel Kinnaman 
HAIR TYPE/STYLE: He likes to stay pretty trendy--his current haircut is short on the sides and long on top, slicked back. 
HEIGHT: 6′2 at his full height, but he usually is hunched over to varying degrees, rendering him about 5′10-6′0 to the eye. 
BUILD: He has a solid build, keeps what muscle he’s able to gain. 
EXERCISE HABITS: Swimming, lifting weights, physical therapy. 
SKIN TONE: Pale, but he tans pretty easily. 
TATTOOS: None, mostly because of his physical condition--but that could change if he found a person he trusted to give him one ;) 
MARKS/SCARS: He has various scars from his work as a Montague soldier, and a few from when his mother was feeling particularly vindictive. 
NOTABLE FEATURES: Keen and sharp eyes, a mouth that seems to always be smirking to some degree, a sharp jawline. 
USUAL EXPRESSION: Pensive, like he’s looking for a weakness in your armor you didn’t even know you had, like he can see straight through you. 
CLOTHING STYLE: Designer suits, designer t-shirts and jeans, luxurious fabrics that feel nice against his back and shoulders, expensive watches, silk ties, all neutral and dark colors. Even his casual is dressed up from the average person. He also has several different canes with different heads on them. 
JEWELRY: He has a weakness for a nice watch, and if he’s in public he’s probably wearing his wedding ring. He also considers a cane as an accessory, and changes which one he uses depending on what he’s wearing.  
MAKEUP: None. 
DIET: He never had to cook for himself, so he generally orders out from Verona’s nicer restaurants. He drinks socially, and doesn’t really indulge in sugar that often. If Lucien is there and feels like cooking, he’ll eat whatever his husband makes. 
PHYSICAL AILMENTS: Ronan was born with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, which means the muscles in his arms, shoulders, and legs are weakened. His lower back is curved, and the bones of his shoulders protrude in something called “scapular winging”. He wears a back brace most of the time to prevent a pronounced hunch and to lessen the pain in his spine, and he attends physical therapy anywhere from once to three times a week to deal with it.  
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 3, The Achiever. The success-oriented, pragmatic type: adaptable, excelling, driven, and image conscious. 
PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Intra-personal Intelligence. 
MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: None officially diagnosed--a case could probably be made for narcissistic personality disorder. 
SOCIABILITY: Ronan is very sociable--after being forced to the shadows throughout his entire childhood, he loves nothing more than commanding a room, than being the center of everyone’s attention. He doesn’t care about people on a deeper level than that, but he likes being around them--he’d be a terrible politician if he wasn’t able to make people believe that they liked him, that he had their best interests at heart. Again I quote Les Miserables, “He was a charming young man, capable of being terrible.”  
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Ronan doesn’t allow his emotion to get the better of him most of the time--he believes that emotion gets in the way of logic, prevents people from making the best, most rational decisions. He’d like to be cold and unfeeling, but more often than not his heart has a habit of getting in the way. He genuinely fell in love with Rafaella, it genuinely hurt when she left him, etc. He has a temper, but he’s worked very hard on keeping it under control. 
OBSESSION(S): power and money, being understood. 
COMPULSION(S): He doesn’t feel compelled to do anything--he refuses to be compelled to do anything. He is always in control. 
PHOBIA(S): Failure, Irrelevance. 
ADDICTION(S): Ronan isn’t addicted to anything. 
DRUG USE: Nothing recreationally.
ALCOHOL USE: He drinks socially, but he likes to be fully in control, fully able to observe everyone and everything going on around him. 
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: Absolutely, violence is the quickest way to come to solutions, or to prove that you’re more powerful than your opponent. Violence is necessary if you want to get anywhere in Verona. 
SPEECH STYLE: Clear, properly enunciated, verbose. 
ACCENT: Italian
QUIRKS: Twisting his wedding ring, tapping his fingers against a nearby surface, never quite smiling, rubbing his hand over the juncture between his neck and shoulder. 
HOBBIES: Reading, playing chess, playing the violin, occasionally strolling through art galleries. He doesn’t have a lot of leisure time, and prefers to be actively doing something useful. 
NERVOUS TICKS: Twisting his wedding ring primarily, other than that he doesn’t like to show weakness, and has trained himself out of having a lot of ticks. 
DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Ronan was cast aside the minute he was born, told repeatedly that he was monstrous simply because of a twist of fate that he had no control over. He wants to prove just how monstrous he truly is, and that he is capable of so much more than anyone ever thought he would be--he wants to see the faces of everyone in Verona when the monster they created comes to his throne to lead them. He wants control of the Montagues, the Capulets, and he wants control of Verona. 
FEARS: failure, being alone, becoming anything like either of his parents. 
POSITIVE TRAITS: intelligent, charismatic, perceptive. 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: manipulative, cruel, self-centered
SENSE OF HUMOR: dry, sarcastic, often at the expense of whoever he’s talking to. 
DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: Not really, he thinks it betrays a lack of intelligence. But if he feels like the person he’s talking to will respond better to it, he’ll let something slip. 
ACTIVITY: Working, visiting Renzo at The Dark Lady, scheming. 
ANIMAL: He compares himself to a wolf, or to a snake--vicious, hungry, frightening creatures. 
BEVERAGE: Vodka Martini 
BOOK: Frankenstein, Il Principe, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Memoirs of Hadrian, The Art of War, Wuthering Heights
COLOR: Navy Blue
DESIGNER: Yves St. Laurent, Burberry, Gucci
FOOD: Food isn’t really something he enjoys--its an annoyance he has to put up with in order to survive. 
FLOWER: Hellebore
GEM: Sapphire 
HOLIDAY: Ronan thinks holidays are trivial, and generally ignores them. 
MOVIE: Todd Browning’s 1931 adaptation of Dracula, Andrea Arnold’s 2011 adaptation of Wuthering Heights, Lawrence of Arabia 
“beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful. I will watch with the wiliness of a snake, that I may sting with its venom. Man, you shall repent of the injuries you inflict.” 
SCENT: Amouage--Jubilation XXV Man 
SPORT: None. 
TELEVISION SHOW: Hannibal, Game of Thrones, The Tudors
WEATHER: Dark and stormy. 
VACATION DESTINATION: His family owns property in Sweden that he has a few vaguely fond memories of. He also owns a place in Rome that he likes to go to when he needs space. 
GREATEST DREAM: To basically fashion himself a kind of king in Verona. He may be named after Richard III, who tried to do the same thing, but Ronan vows that he will be successful where is namesake failed. 
MOST AT EASE WHEN: He’s by himself and doesn’t have to wear any kind of mask--the only person he can fully trust is himself, therefore in private he puts forward the least amount of effort to disguise himself. 
LEAST AT EASE WHEN: His family is mentioned--particularly anything having to do with their deaths. He used to be at ease whenever Lucien was around, but in the present he feels like he has to be on his guard, whenever his husband decides to show his face. 
WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Someone manages to outplay him, to reveal his machinations and get him killed. 
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Being elected to the Verona city council, taking his family fortune for himself, becoming bigger than the abuse his parents hurled at him. 
BIGGEST REGRET: Letting Rafaella walk away from him, marrying Lucien in an effort to fill the hole that she left. 
TOP PRIORITIES: Ascending in the ranks, eliminating anyone who he sees as a potential threat, gathering allies to himself. 
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (5/?)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
A/N: It’s been a day, my friends, and when it’s been a day I like to give you guys chapters earlier than I expected. But also because I’m sitting on chapters and want to get to the good stuff! Our favorite duo really start to interact from now on, so the slow burn you guys are feeling is speeding up!!!
As always, thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke❤️
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
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“How hot is it in Texas right now?”
“Hotter than here, but not all that bad. Seventies, I think.”
“Well, that’s probably because that weird heat wave is over, and it’s back to being fifty degrees outside.”
“True,” Ruby sighs, pulling a dress out of Emma’s closet. “You should wear this dress. It makes your ass look fantastic.”
“No one sees my ass.” She walks over to Ruby and grabs the red dress anyways, folding it up since she knows that it won’t wrinkle. She pulls up the weather app on her phone, scrolling through the thirty cities she has saved, and finds the week’s forecast for Houston, seeing that the high is indeed mostly going to be mid-seventies. That’s good. That’s far better than it is when they have to travel during the summer. “Should I bring heels or embrace flats for the week?”
“Bring your nude pair.” Ruby chunks them at the bed, about two feet away from taking Emma’s eye out. “Oh, and the turquoise if you’re going to wear that green pencil skirt.”
“You just want to borrow them if we go out, don’t you?”
Ruby pulls her turquoise pumps out of her closet, which really needs to be organized but that’s a story for another time, and tosses them on the bed before she grabs several more shirts and pants for Emma. “You know me so well, even if we mostly go out in Texas simply to eat their food.”
“Ugh,” she groans just thinking about it. “If we’re going to do that, I need to bring looser clothing. I don’t want everyone to think I’m pregnant when it’s just a food baby.”
“I bet you everyone would think it’s Jones’s baby.”
Her eyes cut over to Ruby as she picks up her turquoise heels and places them on her striped chair. How can someone be both the worst and the best friend? “For that, I’m not bringing these heels.”
“You’re evil.”
“You shouldn’t be mean to me if you want to borrow my shoes.”
“Being mean is kind of in her wheelhouse,” Graham adds in as he pokes his head through her bedroom door, eyes glancing over the mess that’s currently happening. He’s totally judging. “Do you two realize that your flight is at six in the morning, and you’re up at two in the morning packing?”
“Do you realize that it’s two in the morning, and you have to take us to the airport at four?” Graham rolls his eyes before Ruby walks toward him and presses up on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck and slide her lips over his. “Thank you for doing that, by the way.”
He presses down to kiss her once more. “You’re going to be gone for three days. I’m going to miss you.”
“Cheesy,” Emma grumbles, tossing a rolled-up sock at the back of Ruby’s head. They’ve really got to stop throwing clothes. She’s never going to be able to find anything. “Can’t you two go make out in your room or something?”
“I kind of like that idea.”
“Me too. Ems, pack the damn turquoise shoes and some spanx so that you can eat and people won’t think you’re having Jones’s baby.”
“Wait, what?” Graham mutters. “You’re having Jones’s baby?”
“No one is having anyone’s baby, and it better stay that way. Use protection.”
“Pack the shoes.”
“I still don’t understand what’s going on.”
“You’re not supposed to, babe,” Ruby laughs, backing Graham out of the room and pulling Emma’s door shut behind her.
Those two are ridiculous, and if she didn’t love them so much, living with them would be nearly impossible. Seriously.
Emma gets an hour of sleep after she finishes packing (thanks late night games and early morning flights), and she’s basically a zombie as she and Ruby load into the back of Graham’s squad car as he drives them to JFK. She knows that it takes awhile to get there, but she’s pretty sure that she slept the whole time because before she even realizes it, she and Ruby are checking into their flight at the kiosk and going through security. It’s the emptiest she’s ever seen the place, and she would know. She spends far too much time in airports for her job.
When the team travels, she travels. Most of the time. Some trips she doesn’t work, and it’s glorious.
It used to not be that way. She’d only travel for the games that were actually shown on ESPN or sometimes Fox, but now that ESPN has an entire online streaming service, she’s traveling nine games out of ten and working all home games. It’s exhausting, to a point, but she has a hell of a lot of travel miles and rewards programs that she gets to keep even though the network pays for her flights and hotels. Sometimes that means she gets six am flights when she doesn’t have to be in Houston until seven in the evening, but it’s not always that bad.
And one day she’s going to use those points to travel to Italy or something.
Pasta would be really good right now.
So would coffee, but if she has coffee, she won’t sleep on the plane. And sleeping on the plane is kind of important if she wants to not look like a zombie tonight. Her face may look like a zombie, but at least her ass will look great.
She doesn’t want anyone to comment on the state of her ass. She’s the only one allowed to do that.
Okay, she’s lost her mind.
The Yankees win their sixth game of the season that night.
She eats the best barbecue sandwich she’s ever had, and a clip of her eating ends up on Sports Center.
Sometimes she wonders if people actually watch baseball for the game or if they simply watch because there’s always something weird going on in the crowd.
The sandwich was worth it.
Emma’s feet hit against the treadmill as Queen blares in her headphones and a tennis match in Monte Carlo plays on the television in front of her, Rafael Nadal sliding back and forth on the clay as he absolutely dominates his opponent. If every athlete was as good as Rafa is on clay, they’d all be dominant, but that’s likely a story for another day.
She’s got twenty-three minutes left on her run, especially since she’s going at a slow pace with a slight incline, but she can already feel the incline starting to kill her, her calves burning the slightest bit with each step that she takes. Her face is red, her hairline slicked back with sweat, and she can already tell that getting her sports bra off is going to be an impossible task. She gets that it’s for the support and all, but there should really be an easier way for her to free her boobs from their confines.
Free the boob.
Unless she’s running or walking down stairs or doing anything more than some light walking.
Her phone buzzes on the machine, and the man on the treadmill looks over at her like he’s annoyed by the fact that her phone made some kind of noise. It’s not her fault that he didn’t bring any headphones, and really, if he’s so bothered by her, he can move two treadmills down. This hotel gym is plenty big enough.  
Ruth: I saw you eating a sandwich on TV last night! That’s too funny!
Ruth: I hope you’re having fun!
Ruth: I miss you, sweetie!!!
For Ruth to be sixty-five, she has a fantastic grip on technology. She knows that it’s because she and David have taught her how to text and find clips of their segments and articles online, but still. She knows how to use emojis and gifs and even has an Instagram, which is only slightly terrifying most of the time. But she knows it’s simply to keep up with she and David’s lives since they don’t always tell her everything.
Okay, that’s mostly her.
But David has a much better relationship with Ruth, which makes sense considering she’s his mother. She’s Emma’s…quasi mother. She’s never been too sure how to go about it. Calling David her brother is much easier than calling Ruth her mom, and she knows it’s because the word mom has more heavy meaning behind it.
Emma: It was a good sandwich! Only a little time for fun since I’m here for work. I miss you too!
Ruth: There’s always time for fun!
Ruth: David and MM are driving up to visit me next weekend for the holidays. Are you coming too?
Emma: I don’t get vacation days like David does, so I’ll be in LA. I wish I could.
Her music stops between songs, and she hears the roar of the crowd on the television, seeing that the match just ended, and her treadmill starts to slow down, the time ticking down past five minutes so that it’s time for her to cool down with a slow walk while she keeps texting Ruth about the fact that she’s working over Easter weekend. She pretty much doesn’t have days off, except for days the team has off, until the season is over in October. Or early November. It depends. And then she’s back working in the office writing articles and doing prep work and occasionally having to suffer through covering basketball.
Bills must be paid, but at what cost to her having to listen to sneakers squeaking?
Ruth never seems to understand that because she thinks that she and David have the same job even though David has never once been on camera. He’s behind the scenes all the way.
When her treadmill time officially runs out, she steps off and gathers her things before finding a towel to wipe down the handles from where she touched them. Angry man is still eyeing her as she cleans up, and she seriously hopes that he is not going to be there tomorrow.
If he is, maybe he’ll be happier.
She doubts it.
He seems to just be one of those people who is particularly unpleasant all the time.
Sweat sticks to her skin as she walks through the hotel hallways, casually airing out her tank top and wiping sweat back into her hair to get it off of her face, and she very nearly walks up the stairs to go back to she and Ruby’s room when she sees people milling around the dining room with breakfast on their plates.
Breakfast would be good.
Mostly water. And coffee. She’s not entirely sure if she’s recovered from her lack of sleep yesterday, which made her question her sanity when her alarm went off for the gym this morning, but she knew if she didn’t work out then, she wouldn’t work out at all. And she needs that push of adrenaline and endorphins.
Grabbing a plate from the buffet line, she walks through and fills her plate with fruit and scrambled eggs, even if she knows they’re from a bag and not a shell, and a half of a waffle from the waffle maker. She always loves when they have those at hotels. Good continental breakfasts are her jam…especially if they have jam.
“Got enough toppings there?”
Emma nearly drops her plate when she hears his voice, and when she twists her head to the side, she sees Killian Jones standing next to her, his own plate full of food in his hand. Seriously. Why is she always running into him when she’s eating?
And sweaty.
“Not enough if you ask me.”
He adjusts his hat, a Vanderbilt one that is very obviously a decade old. “I was  asking you.”
“I like toppings,” she sighs, putting some more fruit onto her waffle before grabbing the whipped cream can and spraying some of it onto her food. Her workout is yelling at her for this. “What’s the point of a waffle if you’re not going to load it down with toppings?”
“I’m more of a pancake man myself.” He reaches into the buffet and grabs a yogurt, which is definitely not a waffle or pancake. “But considering I’m playing tonight, I’m supposed to be watching what I eat.”
“You have an entire plate of eggs.”
“Protein, Swan, protein. You would know all about that with all that barbecue you ate last night.”
Just let her sink into a hole right now and never come back up. The internet is ruining her life.
“Weren’t you supposed to be tracking Roseman’s pitches last night or something?”
She turns on her heel and walks away from the buffet to a table, knowing that Killian is walking behind her. They have the weirdest relationship. It doesn’t even feel right to call it that, but they’re somewhere between a working relationship and reluctant friends, and the fact that he’s placing his plate down on the table across from hers makes her lean more toward reluctant friends who see each other occasionally enough to have a bit of a rapport.
Her life gets weirder every day.
Killian Jones has one brave set of balls.
Baseball, testicles, whatever. Both work. At least, she thinks.
“You can eat right after you work out?” he questions, twisting the knob on one coffee machine while she does it with the other, the promise of caffeine already invigorating her.
“How do you know I was working out?”
He raises a brow before his eyes look over her, lingering a second too long at her breasts, before a slow smile creeps from one side of his lips to another that has her stomach twisting inside. “Well, it’s not because of your outfit. People dress more like they’re working out when they’re not every day, but the sweat still soaked into your clothes and in your hair are kind of a dead giveaway. Your face is flushed as well.”
“I try, but it’s easy when you’re an open book.”
Totally not acknowledging that one.
She twists the knob on the machine and reaches over for the hazelnut creamer while Killian simply puts the top on his. He drinks black coffee? That’s disgusting. “Black coffee? Do you not have taste buds?”
He shrugs. “I don’t like to drink my calories. You want a water?”
She nods her head, and he grabs two bottles before following her to sit back down at her booth like it’s totally normal for them to be sharing a meal together. They’ve done it before, but that’s because she was working with him. It was not because they’re staying at the same hotel and happened to run into each other at the buffet.
But she’s not about to be bitchy and ask him to leave when she has no reason to other than her own reluctance to talk to people before noon.
They sit in semi-awkward silence as they work through their plates. She definitely overloaded her waffle, but she would never admit that after earlier. That would be admitting defeat, and she doesn’t take too kindly to admitting defeat. Killian eats at lightning speed, scarfing down eggs and sausage, his yogurt untouched, and she wonders what it must be like to be a professional athlete and eat more than the average human being, even if it’s not all good food like pizza and onion rings and loaded down waffles filled with chocolate chips.
Her phone buzzes on the table, and she leans over to read the text from Ruth still trying to convince her to come home for the weekend when she’s already explained that she cannot.
“Huh?” she hums, texting a message before looking up and seeing Killian staring down at her, his eyes shaded under his cap. She’s so distracted by the fact that he asked her if she was talking to her boyfriend that she doesn’t pay attention to her answer. “Oh, no boyfriend. It’s my…um, quasi mom.”
“Quasi mom?”
Shit. She should have just said Mom. Maybe she’s a little flustered by all of this.
“She was my foster mom,” Emma explains, stuffing some eggs into her own mouth to give her some more time to talk, “when I was a teenager, but we’re still in touch because her son, David, is kind of like this big brother to me. I work with him and am close to his wife and kid and all.”
That was word vomit that she should not have shared. That is not information that she should just give out, and yet here she is. Obviously, all of the blood hasn’t returned to her brain since her run. Hopefully it’ll all come back soon so she can stop looking like an idiot with a messed up past who shares too much at a breakfast.
“David Nolan, right?”
“Y-yeah. How do you know that?”
He shrugs his right shoulder before taking another forkful of eggs, chewing and smiling in a way that reminds her of that scene in Thor where Chris Hemsworth is in the diner and throws the mug down asking for another one. Why the hell did they dye his eyebrows and his beard in that movie? That was a mistake.
“Ariel, my manager, is super hands on with me. She’s talkative, like extremely, and she shares all kinds of information that I never need to know. So, I’ve heard a bunch of random shit that I literally never need to know about. David sends her a hell of a lot of emails that I get forwarded.”
“So, do you just know my entire life story then?”
“If you’re entire life story involves you liking pretzels and waffles, and being asked out by a jackass on live television, then yeah.”
She barks out a laugh, her lips curving upward, and reaches down to take a sip of her coffee. “I mean, that’s it. There’s nothing else to know about me.”
“You sure about that?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
The smile on his lips fall into a straight line, his gaze intense, and he lifts the bill of his hat up before adjusting it back down. “Perhaps I would.”
“So, nosy,” she starts, still a little annoyed that he asked if she had a boyfriend and most definitely trying to lighten the conversation up again, “I’m going to be very self-indulgent and ask if you liked your segment. I want a more truthful answer than the one I got in the hallway.”
His lips curve up, pretty much taking up his entire face, and she can see the crinkle of his eyes as his long lashes land on his cheeks before opening back up to show his baby blues. Damn his eyes are blue. How is that even possible? Maybe they’re contacts or something.
No, that would be ridiculous.
“I freaking loved it. I mean, it was great. It was so simple, you know? You didn’t try to create some other angle, didn’t try to paint me as anything other than a normal guy. I really appreciate that. You have no idea,” he chuckles, reaching up to scratch beneath his ear. Is he nervous? Why the hell is he nervous? “I saw afterward, your cohost, he was a bit of a dick, wasn’t he? I know we talked about it a bit, but it seems like you just…well, it seems like the shit show is never ending for you.”
That is – that is not what she was expecting at all. She figured his apology was a one and done and that she’d never hear about it again.
“With my friends,” she starts, tapping her nail against the table, “I don’t mind. It’s funny. It’s something we can joke about, that I, myself, joke about, but when it happens in my professional life, it pisses me off. So many men have seen me as a joke in the past, have tried to tear me down that way, and it’s not something I like having to deal with now. I mean, it’s not like I can go off on them. That’s a great way for me to lose my job because I’m no longer,” she holds her fingers up and does air quotes, “likable.”
Killian lets out a low whistle as her heart hammers in her chest, her annoyance at this whole thing making her cheeks heat. It’s all so dumb, and really, she should hate him for it. She doesn’t though. She’s not always his biggest fan, but he apologized and obviously feels actual remorse. How was he supposed to know it would be like this?
And if she knows all of this to be true, why does she still get slightly irked by him sometimes?
Is that just because she’s so damn stubborn herself?
“Is there anything I can do to make it better for you? I mean, I put you into this situation. The very least I can do is try to get you out of it.”
“Nah, there’s nothing you can do more than treat me like a professional and go on as if you didn’t make an ass out of the both of us with millions of people watching.”
“I think I can do that. However I can’t promise not to keep making an ass out of myself though. My brother tells me it’s my natural state of being.”
“Your brother sounds like a smart man.”
“He likes to think so. His patients sure as hell hopes that he is.”
“I mean, I would hope so. Does he get to come to a lot of games?”
“He and Elsa and the girls try to make it to some of them, but it usually depends on if Liam is on call or if the game is too late, so it interferes with the girls’ bedtimes and school. But no matter what I always have a string of texts waiting for me afterwards.”
“They sound great. Your nieces are so cute. Like, adorable. When you posted that photo of the two of them wearing your jersey, my heart melted. That was cute, twenty-nine.”
“Your number,” she says slowly, looking him over.
“Aye, I know. It’s just that I’m not used to being called that.”
“Oh, sorry.” She covers her mouth and takes a sip of her coffee. She’s never going to finish her food if they keep talking like this. “I call most of you guys by your numbers half the time. It’s faster, sometimes, for our stat-keepers. It’s a force of habit from back before the Yankees had names on their jerseys.”
“I like it,” he smiles. “You ever play any sports?”
“Nothing official. Why?”
“Just looking to see if you have a number I can call you, love.”
“Ooh, for a second I thought you were going to ask for my number, so that was a nice save.”
“Well, I mean, I could,” he shrugs, flashing that winning smile again.
“Not going to happen, twenty-nine.”
“Damn, I thought I’d stumbled myself into something. I guess that’s strike two for me.”
“Do you always speak in baseball puns?”
“Says the woman who made a joke about oral sex using a baseball pun.”
“Never claimed that I didn’t use them. I’m a fan of a good pun. If you can make it a clever innuendo, all the better.”
“I do love a good innuendo.”
“Yeah, I can tell with the whole tall, dark, and broody thing that you’ve got going on half the time before you whip out a smirk and do that thing with your eyebrows.”
“Why, Swan,” he sighs, waggling those damn eyebrows, “have you been watching me?”
“It’s literally my job.” He does his eyebrows again, and she flicks an apple chunk at him. “Shut it, twenty-nine.”
They sit in the booth and talk, the both of them going through two cups of coffee, before Killian gets a call that he needs to be on the bus to Minute Maid Park, which they both agree is an awful name for a stadium. It’s on the tip of her tongue to start naming off other awful names and major sponsors, but she doesn’t, holding that back as he gathers their plates and walks over to put them all in the bin, his mind seemingly having switched from casual conversation to baseball. She wonders how often he does something like that, just turning everything off to focus on his job.
She can do the same.
“So, Swan,” he sighs as they both walk toward the lobby, Killian to get on the bus and for her to walk toward the elevators, “you going to be around to interview me tonight when I walk off the field?”
“Only if my producer thinks that we need an interview from you.”
“Does this mean I need to play a damn good game?”
“Or a really bad one.”
“I’ll try for one of those.”
“Okay,” she laughs, backing away from him as she sees Scarlet and Fisher walk down into the lobby, “break a leg then.”
He raises a brow. “I’m not sure if that works in sports.”
“Guess you’ll be the first to try it out.”
Emma raises her hand to wave to him, before turning on her heel and walking toward the elevator, her mind trying to piece together all of the elements of her morning while her heart keeps beating like she’s still on the treadmill and not like she’s been sitting in a booth eating for the past two hours.
What the hell just happened?
When she gets back to her room, she quietly opens the door, not knowing if Ruby is awake or not yet, but as soon as she’s inside the room she sees Ruby sitting on the floor with her laptop in front of her with some kind of hair tutorial video on the screen. And whatever it is, Ruby is not succeeding at it, which is pretty much an impossibility with how good Ruby is with hair.
“What’d you do? Run to Manhattan and back? You’ve been gone for forever.”
Putting her phone and hotel key down on the dresser, she slides down onto the floor to sit with Ruby. Her legs are starting to ache, and she desperately needs a shower. She got a look at herself in the mirror in the elevator, and damn does she look rough.
“How long have you been awake?”
“Well, I woke up when you got up because you’re not quiet,” she huffs, tugging at her braid, “and then I woke up an hour ago. You’ve been gone for, like, three hours.”
“I spent a long time at the gym.” That’s not a lie, not really, but it’s not exactly the full truth. She’s not sure why she’s not being honest with Ruby, but it’s…it’s just what her brain has apparently decided on. That breakfast didn’t mean anything, right? So why would she hide it? Probably so no more jokes will be made about them. Yeah, that’s it. That has to be it. “And then I ate breakfast.”
“And you didn’t bring me anything?”
“Not supposed to take the food out of the restaurant area.”
“You could have stolen a banana.”
Ruby groans, twists her hair into another braid as the video ends, and then closes her laptop before looking at her, her eyes scanning over her outfit. “Let’s go get something from a café or something. What was that place we went to last time we were here?”
“Snooze, maybe?”
“Yes,” she hums, falling back against the floor before she very obviously remembers her slightly okay braided hair, “let’s go there.”
“I just ate, Rubes.”
“You can keep me company while I eat, and then we’ll go shopping before we have to come back and get ready for work.”
“Can I at least take a shower first?”
“I would prefer if you didn’t smell, so yeah.”
Emma reaches forward and slaps Ruby’s shoulder before getting up. “You’re the worst.”
“But I’m your best friend.”
“No, very fortunately.”
“Will you do my hair for tonight’s game?” she asks as she strips out of her tank top, sweat having practically dried it to her skin.
“If you let me wear your turquoise pumps.”
“You were going to wear them anyways.”
“Semantics.” Ruby waves her away. “Go take a shower. I’m starving, and I will absolutely perish if I don’t have food in my stomach in the next hour.”
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races-erster · 5 years
just a vent
you all can ignore this if you want, and I’ll be putting the whole thing under the cut so it’s easier to skip over. It’s just I have too much to vent about for just 30 tags, so I used this instead...
I’m basically terrified of my entire life right now. Things have just gotten so bad and I don’t know what to do to get everything back on track. And I mean I’ve really gotten scared of everything.
I’m afraid to post original content on here for some reason. I guess I’m just worried that something will go wrong and I just,,,idk. I know this probably sonds stupid. I’m just scared that since I’ve been on a break, that people just kinda forgot about me or won’t care what I post anymore. Idk.
Band starts tomorrow too. I think I’m most afraid of that. After last season,,,I just don’t know. Everyone keeps telling me that I’ll be fine, but they just don’t understand what it’s like. I couldn’t walk for 6 months, and I know that isn’t as bad as other people have it, but it’s still terrifying to me. The longest that I hadn’t been able to walk before that was 2 weeks. It’s just scary. That entire situation lead to a decline in my physical, mental, and emotional health more than anything ever has before.
I have so many restrictions for band to the point where it’s ridiculous. I can’t run or jump. I can;t lunge or squat or get into a push up position. Hell, I can’t even stand on one leg or even speed walk. My doctor’s note literally says “must walk at a slow or moderate speed.” I can barely do anything. I’ll probably barely be able to march since the show opener’s tempo is 140 bpm. I just don't know what to do. I’m at a higher rate of getting hurt this year because you have more of a chance of injuring something if it’s already been hurt. My leg has been hurt 4 times out of 8 leg injuries total. And now it’s worse because I have CRPS, so I don’t have a pain tolerance and my nerves are sending jackshit to my brain (in terms of correct signals.)
Not to mention I lost all of my friends last year because whoever was near me or helped me throughout the season was made fun of because of it. I heard all sorts of rumors about me last year. Some were even said directly to my face rather than behind my back. 
I heard that I was ffacking because a sprained ankle didn’t take that long to heal:
(I tore my ligament all the way from my ankle to my knee. So yeah. That takes a while but still not 6 months.) 
Then I heard that I purposefully got hurt in order to get out of band:
(Here’s the thing. I did have a no running rule. But I thought it was over because I was cleared by doctors and physical therapy and my band director hadn’t really said anything about it, so I figured I could participate per usual. Apparently I was wrong. But even then, if I was to get hurt on purpose just to get out of band, why the hell would I even sign up for it? And then why would I try to fight through the pain during stretches until told by a section leader to sit down because my leg had already turned black and blue by the time stretches were over?  It makes no sense.)
Next I heard that I only got hurt so I could get attention:
(We’re back with that dumb “she got hurt on purpose” crap,,,no, I did not get hurt on purpose. No living soul would want to be on crutches for six months, have to hop their way down an entire football field or would want to do the same around a high school. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Also, I hate being the center of attention and having attention on me, so clearly the people who came up with that one don’t even know me.)
My favorite one though was that if I think I’m hurt, than I am and that I'm clinically insane because of it:
(This one hurt the most. It was started by one of my best friends and our section leader. My mom tried to explain to my section leader exactly what was wrong and how the bullying was making me want to quit marching band. He told my mom that he would take care of it, but when my mom told him that my nerves aren’t sending the right signals to my brain, her took that as “It’s all in her head.” Then he told everyone that and his girlfriend (my best friend) at the time started to say that I was insane and needed to be locked up in a nuthouse. I don’t know why they would do that to me…)
So yeah. I guess that’s why I’m so scared of starting band tomorrow. I don’t know who’s going to say what and I don’t know who already knows about my restriction or not. I just terrifies me that something is gonna happen again. 
I honestly think that may be why I’m still a little afraid to be on here and post my own stuff now: I don't want to be cast out again. I can’t be cast out again. I scares me so much when I know it probably shouldn’t. I know that you all are incredible people, but there are still those who leave hate when there was nothing done to provoke it.
And, god, I just remembered something that I really needed to vent about, but forgot until now and it’s not gonna really makes sense with what I just said, but in a way, it actually might?
So, a few months ago, I mentioned something about one of my friends asking me to prom, but he had been known to have a crush on me, so for the sake of this story, even though it has nothing to do with going to prom, I’ll be referring to him as Prom Boy.
So the Disney band trip was about a little over a month ago, and it was pretty fun, but of course it did have those moments. And unfortunately, those moments were caused by Prom Boy. He was in our group of friends that went around the parks together, and he was bearable most of the time. Or at least he was until my brother collapsed at the end of the day our second day there. My brother is okay now, but when we were trying to figure out what to do, Prom Boy said “There’s no point in us staying here, let’s just go.”
Now, listen, I tease my little brother a lot, but I’m also protective of him. So when this asshole told us all to just leave him and go back to the buses instead of wait with my brother, I naturally got pretty upset. I told him that if he wants to go back, he can, but I was going to stay with my brother. The rest of the group stayed with my brother and I while Prom Boy made his way back to the buses as he said, to save his “reputation.” *insert eyeroll here*
So we got my brother situated and made our way back to the hotel and all was good and dandy, until I woke up that morning. My brother had been in the hospital all night and was texting our Disney groups group chat saying that he was worried he wouldn’t get to march in the parade since we were doing it that day ( he made it in time by just 3 minutes.) Then as I kept reading, I saw a message from Prom Boy that said “dude stop being a baby who cares if you don’t get to be in the parade or not.” My brother and I have been going to Disney since he was 2 and I was 4, so for us, marching in that parade is a big deal because we’ve seen bands do that same thing since before we can even remember. I tried to explain the to Prom Boy, but he just didn’t care. Once again, he was the only one.
Two days later was when he started to be an ass to me and the rest of the group, not just my brother. He sent me into a breakdown and then an anxiety attack that day back to back. The breakdown was because he just kept deciding things for the entire group instead of consulting the rest of us. We were all supposed to eat at Margaritaville our last day in Florida with our big group of 14. They told us that we would have two separate tables in order to fit all of us, but they would be right next to each other. Then, we were lead to 2 tables that would hold 6 each and one table that would hold 2. We talked to management about fixing it, and they tried, but there was nothing they could do. That was okay. I was a little upset that we wouldn’t all be eating together, but it was okay and it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Then we were asked by the manager what we were planning on doing and without hesitation, Prom Boy said “we’re gonna eat somewhere else.” That doesn’t seem too bad, except we never talked or mentioned leaving and he just decided that based on what he wanted to do.
He got up and left before the 7 of us (the other 6 had already ordered) and he went to go find us a place to eat. We left and then I started to have a breakdown because he never took any of our thoughts into consideration and I had wanted the trip to be perfect, but everything just kept going wrong. So, the 7 of us went to eat at Hard Rock and we somehow picked up and either person from the band who wasn’t originally in out group. We were all waiting to order and I was still pretty upset, so I put my head down and just tried to block everything out for a little bit. When I felt okay enough to try to rejoin the conversation, I realized the group was taking bad about Prom Boy and how he manipulates everyone (true) and how he doesn’t understand the word “no” when it comes to the girls he hits on (also true.) 
So I finally look up, and, to my surprise, Prom Boy is standing there behind my friends ( so no one sees him other than me with his arms crossed. We didn;t tell him where we went to eat because we all needed a break and my phone had died. I was also way too shaky to hold my phone let alone text. So, there’s Prom Boy staring right at me. Or rather, there’s Prom Boy staring right at my boobs (he had been hitting on my for a year and a half even though he knew I had a boyfriend.) In about 5 seconds of seeing him standing there, I covered my face with my hands and I started to sob. I had a full on panic attack all because Prom Boy showed up, tracked us on the snapchat map, and was staring intently at my chest. My friends just thought I was still upset from the situation before, but they realized he was there. Prom Boy was demanding answers from everyone. Then, he tried to get me to explain what was going on, but I couldn’t breathe let alone talk. And it just made my attack worse. They finally got him to leave and my friend went off on him for trying to pressure me and for hitting on me nonstop to the point where I was afraid to be left alone with Prom Boy.
So, now, I can’t even hear Prom Boy’s name without having an anxiety attack, but the main reason why I just told that story is because he’ll be near me during the entire band season this year and then some, so I’m terrified of that. I’ve told my section that I can’t be near him and told them the story of what happened, but I’m just so terrified that he’s going to confront me or get near me. My friends said they’ll be there to stop them, but they’re usually on the other side of the field, whereas Prom Boy is right next to me.
So yeah. I’m terrified for tomorrow and I’m terrified of my life and there’s nothing I can really do about it because I’m ashamed to admit that this entire time I’ve been acting happy over the summer was just an act and that I’m just about as broken and depressed as I’ve ever been in my life.
Thanks if you took the time to read this. You really didn’t have to if you didn’t want to. This is still my only place to vent even if I am still a little wary about posting because I'm afraid to tell all of this to my family. I don’t want them to know. I haven’t even talked to my therapist about it because they just really wouldn’t understand. So yeah,,,
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
Oooh blarke prompt! Sick fic or an exes to lovers but bellamy was the one to break up with clarke cause somehow it's almost always the other way around? 😘😘
AHHH!!! okay! I am SO sorry this took so long, but i finally finished! You can read it on AO3 here, or under the cut!
Caution Tape Around My Heart
Bellamy had always hated hospitals, his whole life he had hated them. At first it had just been in that way everyone did, the too sterile smell, the sick people everywhere, how there was always that one doctor who was sort of a dick but you couldn’t be a dick back because he was literally performing a procedure on you right then and there. But then, when he was 16, his mom died in a hospital, from a drug overdose, and that was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. He was always on the brink of a panic attack when he was in hospitals, and the slightest thing would set him into a spiral that would take hours to come back from. And then, when he was 25, he found out he had cancer. He fell, playing soccer with friends, and the bruise just grew and grew and grew, over the next week, until it was almost his whole thigh, and he went to get it checked out, and they told him he had stage 3 non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. He was 31 years old now, and had been in remission for almost 3 full years, but his monthly checkups with his doctor still required an anti-anxiety pill beforehand and some serious attempts at meditation (recommended by his therapist that he had during treatment). It was his 2 year and 10 month checkup, post remission, and he was sitting in the waiting room at 945am, before his 1015 appointment, and his leg was bouncing up and down at full speed, and he kept continually having to wipe the sweat off his palms on his jeans. Any small thing was going to set him over the edge today, he had come down with a nasty cold last week and had convinced himself his cancer was back, had even called his doctor in hysterics (he had been assured that people just got colds, it was normal, but he asked to move his appointment up anyway), and so he was especially on edge.
Which meant Clarke Griffin walking into the waiting room REALLY was not what he needed today.
Oncology shared a waiting room with physical therapy, and she went to the check in desk on that side of the room, giving him a chance to quickly hop from his seat and find a spot in a corner, and also to be mildly relieved. She wasn’t here for cancer treatment, as far as he could tell, which… for all their difficult history, he wouldn’t wish that on his worst enemy. He studied her from the back while she waited in line. Her hair was shorter, but it had been almost 6 years since he had seen her, but other than that she looked mostly the same. A little older, but still the same.
Clarke was his first love, and the girl he had loved most. She had been in a class he was a TA for when he was a senior in college and she was a freshmen, and had made it her mission to challenge him on every single thing he said, and he had basically loved her instantly, in that way that made him angry at himself because she was so clearly irritating. They had figured it out, when she was 20 and he was 23, after almost 2 years of being inseparable friends, and he was almost positive he was going to marry her. But things didn’t always work out as planned, and he had broken up with her pretty soon after he found out he had cancer, for a lot of different reasons, and that had been that. She had moved away pretty soon after, from what he had heard, and he hadn’t seen her since they broke up, until this moment, in the hospital, while he was already panicking about his checkup.
He tried his best to shuffle down into his seat, and grabbed a random magazine off the shelf, pulling it in front of his face, but shocking literally no one, not even himself, it didn’t work, and when Clarke turned around, they made eye contact instantly. Her eyes grew to the size of small dinner plates, and she looked frantically around, he was assuming for some kind of escape route that wouldn’t look suspicious. They stared at each other for a second, and then he watched as she steeled herself a little, and walked over to him. He had been expecting acknowledged ignoring, so this was a shock. She walked slow, like she was trying not to startle some small forest creature, and plopped down in the empty seat on his left.
“Hi Bellamy.”
“uh… Hey. Hey Clarke.” He wasn’t sure you were supposed to say to an ex that you hadn’t spoken too or seen in 6 years. He didn’t even know what she was up too. “What are you.. uh.. what are you doing here?” He wasn’t sure if he meant in town or in the hospital… he figured whichever she answered would be good enough.
“Raven had physical therapy today… I just got back in town a few weeks ago and she asked me to pick her up today.” Raven had known Clarke was in town for a couple of WEEKS and hadn’t told him? Which meant his other friends probably knew too. Dicks.
“That was nice of you.” He said. He was sincere, but she scoffed. He wasn’t sure he actually blamed her, but he tried to recover. “No, really. I’m not… I’m not trying to be a dick.” She looked at him through the corner of her eye. They hadn’t actually made eye contact since she sat down, an awkward position for an awkward encounter. She smiled, wary but apologetic.
“What are YOU doing here?” She asked, glancing over him. He didn’t seem like he had an injury that required therapy, and he had never told her about his cancer.
“Uhh, i’ve got a… i’ve got a checkup with my oncologist.” Her eyes widened, finally turning to face him.
“You ha-“
“I’m in remission. I’ve been in remission for… a while. Just a monthly checkup. A few blood tests, a couple questions. No big deal.” He wasn’t sure if he actually succeeded at feigning the blasé attitude, but to be fair, he didn’t really care if she believed him or not. She wasn’t entitled to his story, not anymore. He felt a weird sense of rage grow in his belly.
“Oh.. Well.. congratulations.” Platitudes, meant for strangers and acquaintances. He wasn’t sure what category she was even in.
“Yeah… Thanks..”
They sat in silence for another minute, which felt like hours. He wasn’t sure what to say, and clearly neither was she. She opened her mouth to speak a couple of times before snapping it shut, and retreating back into her seat. She finally opened it again, and was about to actually say something when the nurse opened the door and called his name.
“Bellamy Blake?” He stood up, but turned to face her. Eye contact was terrifying. He looked at her nose instead. He waited a second, and then turned, because she had clearly decided not to finish her sentence, and walked about 3 steps before she finally spoke up.
“Would you like to grab a coffee or something? I’d love to talk. To catch up.” He paused, and the nurse looked expectantly. He smiled at her, and turned.
“Yeah… uh… Raven has my number. Just… text me. or call me. or whatever.”
She nodded, a small smile on her mouth that looked almost forced, and he turned away from her and followed the nurse inside.
He was numb through most of the appointment, barely hearing what the doctor said. The real news came later, thankfully, when they called him in 2-3 days with the results of his call, so he wasn’t concerned, and he hopped on the subway home at around 11, barely even paying attention. Thankfully he didn’t have to drive. He really didn’t expect her to text, but at around noon, his phone rang, and an unknown number was CALLING him. He contemplated letting it go to voicemail, but his more impulsive side got the better of him and he answered it.
“Hello… is this Bellamy?” Her voice was sort of shaky and unsure.
“Yeah, hey Clarke.”
“Are you busy right now? I’m at Ravens and she said you live close. I could meet you for coffee wherever.”
He contemplated making up a busy day, but he had taken off work for the appointment and he was just planning on lounging around his house and finishing up the new book he had picked up on the rise and fall of the ottoman empire, and that nagging feeling in his gut wouldn’t go away. He had to know, had to have a moment of closure even if it ended in a fight. He didn’t have high expectations.
“Nope, not busy at all. Theres a little local place on Atlantic and Smith.” She agreed, and they scheduled about 30 minutes out. He thought about changing into something else, but she had seen him this morning, and she would know. He didn’t want to give her the impression that he was trying to make himself look good for her. He ignored the way his heart was about to bust through his ribs and run across the room. He pulled on his shoes, tucked his book under his arm, fumbled trying to lock his door, and made his way there. He figured if he was early he could pick a good table, order himself a drink, and look reasonably comfortable before she showed up.
Apparently she had the same idea, because she walked in while he was ordering.
They stood awkwardly near the counter while their drinks were made, and settled into two comfy chairs in the back corner. She broke the silence after a moment.
“I just wanted too… I don’t know. This seems stupid now.” She looked at him for something. He wasn’t sure if she wanted him to contradict her or confirm her thoughts, but he didn’t even really know what he thought anyway.
“I mean… maybe it is. But were here now, so we should probably at least talk a little. No point in all this discomfort otherwise.” She chuckled, and some part of him, some 6 years hidden, 25 year old part of him, preened at making her laugh. The feeling hit him baseball to the face, and he didn’t know how to respond to it.
“Very true.” She agreed, which was a relief. “What have you been up too?” It was such a broad question to cover 6 years.
“I’m a history professor, at Columbia. I have been for about 2 years. I’m working towards my Ph.D. in their history department too, taking a few night classes and stuff. Living here, obviously.” It felt so pedestrian, talking about his job with the person who used to know him best in the whole world. “You?”
“I.. uh.. I just moved back. To the city. I have a job as a curator at the Brooklyn Museum. Finished up college, obviously, with my art degree… you know that you were there,” she was talking so fast, her nerves apparent. She hadn’t picked up her cup in a while because her hands were shaking. “…And did a masters, and I was working as a curator for a small gallery in San Francisco for about a year before I applied for this job. I am staying with Raven for a few days before I can move into my new place.” Another weird conversational standstill. She looked at him with this look that just sort of told him that she wanted him to ask something next. He just wasn’t sure what to ask.
“That’s great, sounds like the perfect job for you.” He realised this was somehow weird to say, because while she might not have changed that much, 6 years is a long time. She could be a totally different person. He didn’t know her at all anymore. He tried not to think about that. “I don’t know what to say, Clarke.” It was true. Their breakup had been gnarly, full of anger and cruel words, and resentment dies hard. And he held quite a bit of it towards her for the thing she had done.
“Bellamy I-“ She started but he cut in.
“Your mom called me “welfare trash” Clarke. To my face. And you just… stood there. We had been dating for almost TWO YEARS, and you let her call me that.” She shrunk into her seat. He realised that his words were still coming, a stream of things unsaid, things unresolved. “You let her tell me I wasn’t good enough for you, that my “status” in life would never be enough for you, and that you would leave me for someone with more money once you realised that I couldn’t give you the life you wanted.” She was welling up, but that just made him angrier. She didn’t get to cry about his pain. “And then you let her sit there, and tell you about how much better for you this man and that man and this girl and that girl, ‘some young lawyer maybe dear’ ‘perhaps doctor whats his nuts’. You let her humiliate me. And I just took it, and you apologised to me afterwords, but you never corrected her. You never stood up for me. And for the next month, you just let her keep it up. And at that point i already knew about my cancer, and you just… let her keep at it.” Her eyes widened. He hadn’t told her about the cancer. “And i know you didn’t know, but you didn’t need to know. I was your boyfriend and you just…” He trailed off, shutting his eyes. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to calm himself down. He got his breathing straight.
“So I broke up with you. You clearly didn’t want to defend me to your mom, and maybe you agreed with her, maybe you didn’t, but you never told her. Maybe you did later, but you should have done it in front of me, or at least in the days following. And I had cancer, and I couldn’t pile that on to someone who couldn’t even stand up to her mom for me.” Her face was a maze of emotions, from distress, shock, and sorrow, to something heavy, like grief. He finally sat back in his seat and just… breathed.
“I’m sorry.” That was what he wanted to hear, but not at all what he expected. He almost dropped his coffee. “I was 22, and I know thats not an excuse, but she… well… its my mom. And that was when i still had this weird hero worship complex towards her. I didn’t know how to stand up to her back then. I didn’t know what to do.” He was sure he looked stunned, and maybe a little angry. “I’m not trying to make excuses. I’m not. I deserved everything you said back then… and everything you said now. You were everything to me, and i let her… i let her treat you like garbage. I just want you to… I don’t know. A couple of years later, when I finally got my head out of my ass a little, I confronted her about it. I told her you were… my best friend,” Her voice was shaky, like she was going to cry. He resisted the urge to reach across the table and take her hand. “You were my first REAL love. I had boyfriends, and girlfriends before you. And i loved them, sure. I loved Lexa, I loved Finn, kind of,” it was his turn to chuckle, “but you were different. And i just… I’m just sorry. I know i was wrong, and I’m just sorry. I wanted you to know that.” He wasn’t sure what to say.
“What did your mom say?” Was what came out, entirely unprompted by his conscious brain. He wanted to kick himself. She smiled, to her credit.
“She was shocked to say the least, but i think i got through to her. And a couple years after that I found out about her involvement with my fathers death, so we don’t speak anymore anyways.” That was the kind of bomb of information he wasn’t prepared for, and his subconscious took the opportunity, yet again over riding his conscious choice to maintain the appearance of not caring, to take control of his mouth.
“She WHAT?” Clarke shook her head, and suddenly the conversation flowed. She told him about her mom and what she had done, and that flowed into stories about their lives. The conversation was simple, nothing too exposing, except the story about her mom, and his story about his cancer. She asked about his sister, about his job, he asked about Wells and HER job, and they just sort of traded stories. It still felt weird, like talking to a stranger who somehow new too much about him to ever be a real stranger. The only stayed for about an 45 minutes, nothing too long or intense, but at the end he felt like a weight was lifted. They didn’t hug, or touch at all, when they parted ways, but he saved her still ‘unknown’ number in his phone during his walk home and he figured that was a start.
Over the next few months, she slowly reintegrated into his life. She was invited out for drinks every weekend, now that her friends knew that he knew she was back, and asked him to lunch so often that it was a scheduled thing now, to see her at work or on the weekends. But it was Raven’s birthday were it all came to a head.
Her “party” was just a get together at her loft, with all her friends and her girlfriend Luna, and when he got there it was just the two of them and Clarke. He dropped the 12 pack of beers and the pack of cupcakes he brought on the counter, and found them all three out on the balcony, drinking a bottle of red wine. He tried to ignore the way it stained Clarkes lips pink. He had caught himself thinking about her a lot the last couple of times they had spent time together. Their time together had gotten more familiar, easy like it used to be, and the way he used to feel, at the beginning of their friendship, so long ago was creeping its way back in. He had broken up with her out of rage, and betrayal, and in an attempt to protect himself from her, but it had been so long. Every time they spent time together, she would find a way to apologise again, to assure him that she knew, she knew she had been wrong, so long ago, she knew that what she had done had hurt him, and he felt the wall he had built being brought down, piece by piece. He tried his best to force it back up, to retain the barrier between himself and his feelings, but it was harder than he expected it to be.
The night wore on, and the beers got him fuzzy, and wine always made her touchy, and before he really realised it, her arm was around his waist, and they were sharing the recliner. He thought about pulling himself away from her, but the smell of her hair and the feel of her, warm and solid around him, was like every dream he ever had those first couple of years after she left, and the part of him that made good choices with logic was hiding behind that wall that kept shrinking down, and letting the part of him that led with his heart take the lead. So he stayed, pressed against her, letting himself feel it, letting himself maybe think that he could see past it. that he could forgive her. Her hand found his knee, his thigh, his arm, his shoulder, over and over again, and his brain just kept getting fuzzier as the night dragged on. When it was finally time to go leave, she hugged him goodbye, tucking her nose into the junction of his shoulder and his neck, and when she leaned back, she pressed up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, closer to the corner of his lips but not quite, and the place where her lips landed was on fire. She untangled herself from him and wandered out to go home, leaving him shell shocked.
She didn’t call him the next day, didn’t reach out at all, and he felt like he was going out of his mind. He picked up his phone at least 7 times to call her, and then put it back down. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself, just kept pacing around his apartment. He couldn’t find anything to distract him, and before he really realised what he was doing he was putting on shoes and grabbing his keys and catching the train to her apartment, his brain rattling around as he rode. He knew it was stupid. She had only been back for 6 months, but the anger of a 25 year old him, scared of dying, scared of loosing her, scared of not being good enough seemed... far away now. Far away from the 31 year old version of himself that was standing here now, missing this girl he had told himself it was stupid to miss. Longing for this girl he had made himself push away. She was just like he remembered. She was his perfect match. She was strong, and bright, and beautiful as he'd ever seen her, and full of so much joy. She was everything he ever wanted, just like she had been at 23, and 24, and 25. Just like she had been all those years in between, when he made himself ignore how he compared every person he dated to her. She was made for him. She was a part of his heart. She was his "One".He got to the door, and realised he had no idea what to do. He paced outside for almost 10 minutes, and was just about to ring her bell when his phone buzzed.
He pulled it from his pocked, and her name flashed across the screen. He answered it.
“Hey where are you?” He paused, but before he could answer she kept talking. “I’m at your place, and you’re not answering your bell.” He couldn’t hold it together, and started laughing, right there on the street. “what are yo-“ He interrupted her through his laughter.
“Im at your place.”
“I was just… I don’t know. So i came to your place to.. I don’t know.”
“Just stay there,” she said, hanging up the phone. He stood awkwardly outside her house for the next 20 minutes until she rounded the corner and saw him. She stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of him, and then took of at a run, barrelling into him, holding him tight. He took a second to respond, and then wrapped his arms around her waist. She unhooked herself from him, and took him by the hand and led him into her apartment. He stopped just inside the doorway, and she turned to face him. “Look, Bellamy, I know it was all… a mess. And its only been a little while… but. It feels the same. Like it did at the beginning.”
“Yeah… it does…” He felt like he was betraying some small part of himself by feeling it all. By feeling it again. But they had alway been sort of undeniable. And the problems between them were so long ago, and so… gone. Her mom wasn’t in her life anymore, and she had finally stood up for him, even if it was a little too late, and she had come back, and apologised so much that he had to finally ask her to stop. He had forgiven her.
“i was so angry with you, for treating me that way.” She nodded, and him, taking both of his hands. “I dont want to feel that way anymore.” She squeezed his fingers, and kept her face trained and neutral.
“I understand… Forgiveness is hard for us. It always was. And this… this was big Bellamy. I know i hurt you. And I’ll spend as long as it takes to make it right again. I need you Bellamy. I always did.” Her sincerity was palpable.
“You were my person, Clarke. I never found another person in my life who was as good for me, as right for me, as much my other half… you.” A small smile finally creeped into her cheeks. “If we take this slow…”
“Glacial pace… I promise.” She took a step forward, just slight but enough to put her in his space.
“Okay.” He said, soft. She took another step, and pushed up onto her toes, slow. Waiting for him to meet her in the middle. He leaned down, and she pressed up just enough, and pressed a soft dry kiss against his mouth. She stepped back, faster than he maybe wanted, but he knew they made the right choice. Six years and all that history, they needed time, time to get it right.
And this time they would.
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storywool · 7 years
Longing (part 2)
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Summary: Longing part two...Y/n and Bucky get to know each other through traumatic experiences and science experiments. Again, this is a slowburn, so hold on to your butts.  
part 1 // part 3
Word Count: 7,643 
The sun rose and fell twice before Y/n returned to Stark Towers. It was mostly because it was the weekend, but she also wanted to give Bucky some time with Steve, and give him more time to think about the experiment. Y/n and Sam used the weekend to unwind. The previous week had been a lot on Y/n, so she took Sam on a short get-a-way in New Jersey.
But it was Monday, which meant it was time to come back to reality. Reality meant work and an uncertain future. Stark told Y/n that even if this whole experiment was unsuccessful (I.E. Bucky saying no, messing up completely, Bucky dying, etc) she would still have a place at Stark Towers. The uncertainty made Y/n incredibly nervous.
Y/n thought as she made breakfast; she was so deep in thought she didn’t hear Sam come into the kitchen. “Y/n, are you listening to me?” Sam asked, snapping her out of her trance.
“I am now…sorry.” She replied. She traded an apologetic look with him. Her stress was taking a toll on her, and Sam was getting the worst part of it.
“You don’t need to apologize, I get it. Anyways, Steve, Natasha, and I gotta go handle some drama in Russia.” He paused and glanced at Y/n’s confused face, “Some former S.H.I.E.L.D agents giving the government a hard time.”
Y/n didn’t quite understand, but knew that Sam couldn’t give her all the details. Working in Stark Towers did not automatically mean she was an Avenger, so she was still on a need to know basis for most things. “How long will you be gone?” She questioned as she handed Sam his breakfast.
“A week or two.” He said with a mouth full of food.
Y/n threw her plate down a little harder than expected. “That’s so long!”
Sam nodded his head sullenly, “I know…bright side, Steve won’t be here to make this Bucky thing more difficult.
Y/n shrugged, “True.” She took a bite of her toast. “Still sucks.”
They finished eating their breakfast and finished getting ready. Sam threw a few remaining items into his suitcase before he and Y/n left their house. They walked to the subway station and rode it to their normal stop. They walked the block to Stark Towers, entered, and rode the elevator to the 60th floor, where Sam and Y/n usually parted ways. Y/n got off with him though.
Steve, Natasha, and Bucky were waiting in the common area; Steve and Natasha stood with their suitcases, while Bucky lay on the couch casually. He was wearing a black tee and gray sweatpants. His hair was freshly washed but he still had scruff on his face. He sat up when his eyes landed on Y/n. He unapologetically checked her out: from her burgundy sweater to her tight black pants and brown boots. He looked away quickly though when she turned to him.
Y/n noticed that Bucky made room for her on the couch, but she was too anxious to sit. Natasha and Y/n exchanged quick hi’s and goodbye’s before she gave Sam a long hug. The two loaded the luggage into the elevator. Steve, however, came up to Y/n and said, “Can I talk to you?” He nodded to Sam and Natasha, who waved goodbye one more time, before going on up. Bucky took the hint and got up to give them some privacy.
Once Bucky was out of ear shot, Steve turned to Y/n, “Don’t do anything major while I’m gone.”
Y/n crossed her arms, almost defiantly. “Steve you know I can’t promise that. We’re gonna move as fast as we see fit because we need to get a start on this.”
“I know, but-”
“Do you want your best friend back or not?” Y/n snapped. Steve was being ridiculous. She couldn’t baby him anymore, even if that meant being a little harsh.
“Y/n, that’s not fair.”
“None of this is fair, Steve. I know you’re worried, but your lack of trust in Stark and Banner and I is getting real defeatist and real annoying.” She grabbed his hands and pulled him to the elevator. She pressed the up button and turned back to Steve. “Til the end of the line, right?”
“You said you’re with him til the end of the line, right?”
Steve nodded. The elevator doors opened and Y/n hugged Steve quickly before pushing him in. “Okay, well the end of the line isn’t here yet. Be safe.” The doors closed before Steve could get another word in. Once she was sure he was gone, she turned around and let out a loud sigh. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in.
“Is he gone?” Bucky asked, causing Y/n to jump in surprise.
When she realized it was him, she sighed, “Thankfully.” She pushed herself off the elevator doors and walked to the couches. She plopped down on the couch with another loud sigh. Bucky came over and sat down on the couch to her left.
They sat in silence for a minute. It wasn’t a comfortable silence, but it wasn’t super awkward either. “Who’s Sharon?” Bucky asked suddenly.
Y/n turned to him. “How did you-”
Bucky smiled slightly, “He kept stepping out to make phone calls this weekend and almost all of them were to a girl named Sharon.” Y/n sat up in her seat and crossed her legs nervously. “Uh, she’s uh, Steve’s new gal. She’s also, uh, Peggy Carter’s niece.” She stammered.
Bucky leaned forward and scratched his chin. “Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in forever.” He paused and lowered his voice, like he was talking to himself, “Maybe that’s why he hasn’t told me…”
“I can’t tell you that, unfortunately. He’s been, all around, kinda…MIA recently.” She responded as she pushed herself off the couch. Bucky followed suit.
“It’s because of me.”
“Oh, I know it is.” She pressed the up button on the elevator and turned to Bucky, who had turned into what reminded Y/n of a sad puppy. “He’s just a little too worried. He needs to realize I wouldn’t be doing all of this if I wasn’t confident.”
“I know that.” The elevator opened and they both stepped in. “I just wish Steve would accept that answer.”
Y/n pressed the button for the 90th floor. “We’re talking about the same Steve Rogers right?”
They chuckled, but once the chuckles died down, the elevator was filled with awkward silence.
“So what’s the plan today?” Bucky asked.
Y/n laughed and buried her face in her hands. “I completely forgot about that.” The doors opened and as Y/n filled Bucky in, they walked to Tony’s lab.
Today was for preliminary tests to see how much damage had been done to his brain, and to see how his brain would react to different types of stimuli. That meant a lot of memory exercises, word association games, and motor skills/movement tests. If he wasn’t completely worn out by the end of all of that, they’d have their first therapy session.
“Stark and Banner will mostly be monitoring your brain activity, I’ll be administering the tests and taking notes from a behavioral standpoint. Basically, they’ll handle the hard stuff.” She finished as they reached the lab. Bucky held the door open for her, and they entered. Tony clapped his hands together when Y/n walked in.
“Good, you’re here. Don’t get comfortable; if you read your texts you would have known that we’re going to be working on the 61st floor today.”
“Oh,” Y/n said as she traded a glance with Bucky, “sorry, it’s been a crazy morning.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and blushed, two things that had become a nervous tick of hers.
“Is he caught up to speed?” Tony asked.
“Uh, yeah he is.”
Bucky stifled a chuckle, “And he’s right here, so you don’t have to talk about him in the third person.” Tony looked up from his phone and at Bucky for the first time today.
Tony cleared his throat, “Sorry.”
Y/n leaned over to Bucky, but said loud enough for Tony to hear, “Stark did the same thing to me for a solid week when I first started here.”
Tony held his hands up in mock surrender as the doors opened. Bruce Banner was waiting in the elevator lobby, a clipboard in his hands. He was wearing a gray sweater and dark green pants that were very flattering on him. The clipboard, nice attire, and glasses made him look scarily official- it even made Y/n nervous. He greeted all of them before turning on his heel and moving toward the new research lab.
The lab was filled wall to wall with state of the art technology. There were computers all over the outer edges, and treadmills, ellipticals, and tables with different activities on them in the center of the room. It was in that moment that Bucky felt like a lab rat.
The three scientists began to settle in. Y/n set her stuff down and motioned for Bucky to follow her. She pointed toward a chair for him to sit in. Bucky watched her grab some wires connected to pads and carry them, along with a portable computer screen, over to him.
Y/n noticed his concerned look, “I’m going to place these all over your head and chest to monitor your brain activity and vital signs. This cuff will monitor your blood pressure.” She moved to pull up his shirt, “Is this okay?” She asked.
Bucky nodded sheepishly. He really appreciated that she asked for his consent. When he was with Hydra, they just did whatever they wanted. His apprehension grew at the memories of Hydra. Y/n picked up on his nervousness and added, “We’re not gonna do anything you’re not okay with, alright? We’re here to make you better, not make you hate us.” She added a sweet smile at the end. Bucky couldn’t find the power to return it.
As she lifted up his shirt, she couldn’t help but notice the scars that danced across his skin. It was almost like every inch of his chest was covered in a mark or bruise of some sort. He tensed under her touch, and she hated to think of what caused each scar and what caused him to react so nervously.
She swallowed her nerves and looked back up to Bucky, “So first, we’re gonna do some basic strength and speed stuff. You’re gonna run on the treadmill for a while, do some weight lifting, and then do some time on the elliptical. It’s to see how your brain reacts to physical activity. We’ll see how you do after that and go from there. Okay?”
“You got it boss.”
Bucky got up on the treadmill. Y/n hooked him up to a few more things, and then explained how the treadmill worked. “We’re gonna start out slow, but increase the speed every ten minutes. This is a TV; you can watch normal TV or you can watch Netflix. I suggest the Walking Dead if you want something exciting or John Mulaney’s New in Town if you want something funny.” Y/n awkwardly laughed.
She patted his hand reassuringly and moved to the desk where Bruce and Tony sat. She sat down and spoke, “Alright Bucky, we’re goin’ to start. Don’t worry about us, unless you wanna talk.”
He walked for ten minutes, jogged for ten, and ran for fifteen. During that time, his brain activity remained fairly consistent and never read higher than a normal person’s brain activity reads during light sleep. His brain activity was the same when he was lifting weights and when he was on the elliptical. The only thing that increased was his heart rate.
“How are you feeling?” Y/n asked as she handed him a towel for his sweat.
“Fine. How am I doin’ test wise?” He was breathing heavy, but didn’t seem tired at all.
“Well I’m gonna be honest- your brain was completely unaffected by physical activity and whatever you were watching on TV.” Bucky felt slightly panicked, “What does that mean?”
She removed some, but not all, of the equipment as she spoke nonchalantly, “It’s about what I expected. It just confirms what I was thinking. You were conditioned to be a soldier, so they made you into someone that isn’t affected by physical activity.” She shrugged and pulled Bucky over to a table that was littered with different things that looked like arts and craft supplies. “Don’t worry about it too much.”
At the new table, Bucky and Y/n did a few activities that Bucky felt were childish, like playing with clay and cutting paper. Y/n later explained that they were to test his motor function. She wasn’t worried about his ability to perform these menial tasks. It was more about what parts of his brain lit up and processed the actions.
A few hours had passed before they finally took a break. “So you can go get food or rest or whatever. We’ve got a few more things to do and then we’re done for today.” Y/n explained.
“You wanna go get food with me?” He asked her. He tried to play it casual, but felt super nervous as the words flowed from his mouth. She smiled and Bucky noticed her cheeks pinking. She put her clipboard down in its rightful place and grabbed her coat.
Bucky and Y/n took the stairs down one flight so Bucky could get his coat and hat. He never went anywhere without a hat on because too many people would recognize him. They walked to a nearby, small business that Y/n and Steve would frequent. The hostess recognized Y/n and sat them at the table they always sat at.
“Hey Y/n, what’s shakin’?” A waiter asked. He beamed down at Y/n brightly. Bucky got the sense there were some unrequited feelings there, feelings that Y/n was obviously not reciprocating.
“Another long day. What about you?” She barely glanced up at him and spoke casually. Bucky chuckled lightly.
“Same old, same old. What about you, man?”
Bucky kept his head down and muttered a simple ‘fine’. Y/n and Bucky traded a glance and Y/n stifled a laugh. “I’ll just have the usual.” Y/n replied to the question the waiter didn’t ask. Bucky ordered the same thing.
“You don’t even know what my usual is.” Y/n said.
Bucky shrugged and took a sip of his water. They sat in silence for a while. Neither of them knew what to talk about because there seemed like too much to talk about.
Y/n cleared her throat to break the silence. She hated the silence. “You ever been to Gerdy’s in Brooklyn?”
Bucky scratched his chin, “Near Midwood?”
“Yeah, that’s the place.” Y/n smiled widely at the memories of that place.
“God, I haven’t been there in years. Steve and I used to go there all the time. Is it still open?”
Y/n nodded as she sipped her coffee, “Steve told me you guys used to go there all the time. It’s funny because my grandmother was the one who opened the place. It’s run by a cousin now, I think.”
“What? No way.”
“Yeah, I know right. It’s a small world.”
Bucky’s face turned a very prominent shade of red. He hid his face in his hands. “Oh god.”
“Bucky, what is it?” Y/n asked, suddenly becoming concerned.
“I made out with your grandmother.”
Y/n laughed a loud, ugly laugh. “No you did not!” Bucky nodded, and a wire clicked in Y/n’s brain, “You’re the-” she paused and added and old Brooklyn accent, “‘tall, dark, and handsome boy that got away’.” They both laughed at the embarrassing memory.
When they calmed down, Y/n whispered a defeated, “You could have been my grandfather.”
After lunch, Bucky was sent to the doctors for a checkup. They checked him physically, and did an MRI and a CT scan on his brain. The doctors didn’t tell him anything about his condition, which made him kind of anxious. However, he brushed it off and hoped for the best. He came back to Stark Towers to find Y/n waiting for him in the 60th floor common room. She was scribbling notes in a leather bound notebook.
Bucky quietly took the seat across from her, which caused her to jump and shut her notebook quickly. She sat up from her relaxed position and stared at him. Bucky traded a quick glance at her notebook, wondering what contents filled the lined pages.
“Are we done for today?” He asked through a yawn. He looked at his watch; it was just after three o’clock, despite feeling so much later than that.
“I mean, I planned for us to have our first therapy session, but you’ve had a long day and I don’t want to stretch you too thin.”
“Nah, we can do it. Therapy is just talkin’ right?”
Y/n rolled her eyes sarcastically and pushed herself off the couch. She motioned for Bucky to follow her. They walked in silence to her office, which she had yet to actually use. She hadn’t found the time to make it hers, to make it homey.
The office was large, much larger than Y/n anticipated. The wall that faced the hallway and the one that faced outside were completely made of windows. They could be tinted for privacy, but Y/n knew she’d have to get curtains of some sort. The other walls were a cool gray, empty, and begging for some art or something to liven up the place.
Against the back wall were a desk, computer, and two large, wooden bookshelves. So far, the only things on the bookshelf were the books Bruce has written and a book Tony co-wrote. Y/n chuckled at the self promotion.  In the center of the room were two black, leather couches; one facing the windows that went to the hallway, and the other one facing the desk. In between the two couches was a dark wooden coffee table with matching end tables next to each couch.
Y/n gestured to the couch as she moved to set her stuff down. Bucky took a seat. “This room is a little, uh…”
“Boring?” Y/n interrupted, “Yeah, I haven’t had time to make it mine yet, so this’ll have to do for today.”
Y/n grabbed her phone, drink, tape recorder, and note pad before sitting on the couch opposite Bucky. “Have you ever done therapy before?”
Bucky shook his head and crossed his arms. “Nope. Have you?”
“As a therapist or a patient?”
Bucky exhaled through his nose slightly. “Both.”
Y/n crossed her legs and turned her ringer on her phone to silent. “You’re my first patient as an actual doctor with a PhD, but my sixth since I’ve started school. I did an internship at the counseling center at NYU.” She turned on the tape recorder. “I’m gonna record this, okay?”
He nodded, “And as a patient?”
“After my father died, yes.”
Bucky bowed his head. Everyone’s lost someone it seemed.
Y/n ignored the obvious change in the air. They weren’t here to talk about her past; they were here to talk about his. “So what do you think therapy is about?” Y/n asked.
“I talk about my feelings and that somehow fixes me.”
Y/n laughed and rolled her eyes again. “In a very elementary way, yes that’s how it works. Specifically, we will focus on figuring out why your trigger words affect you so much, and how to give those words new meaning. But if you wanna talk about your feelings, we can do that too.” She replied sassily. She hated the negative stigma that surrounded therapy. For those who really need it, it helps a lot.
“Well, the reason those words mean so much is because Hydra made them have meaning.”
“Yeah, but why those words? Sleeper soldiers don’t just get activated by any words.”
Bucky’s behavior suddenly became very closed off and nervous. He started picking at his finger nail and lightly bounced his leg. He avoided eye contact. This was the part he was most worried about. He didn’t talk about what happened. He couldn’t allow himself to re-experience that part of his life.
“You’re body language just changed completely.”
Bucky looked up at Y/n, at her calm expression and professional appearance. Something about seeing her with that ‘I’m listening’ look, and her pen and paper made him realize what their relationship really was. She was the big, scary scientists and he was the lab rat. He knew she was trying to help, but he had grown to distrust people in her position of power.
“Look, Bucky, I don’t want this to be some huge, formal thing. I just want to talk and what was it you said? ‘Fix you’? Therapy is supposed to be uncomfortable. It’s supposed to be about making connections as to why you feel the way you do, about making you feel better about yourself mentally and emotionally. You’re a good guy, but that good side can’t come out until we figure out why your brain subconsciously keeps going back to the bad side.”
Bucky leaned forward and rested his hands on his knees. He knew she was right, he just didn’t like it. Y/n took his silence as compliance. “Wanna start easy or go in for the jugular?” She asked. Bucky shrugged. “We can sit here until you’re ready.”
Bucky sat up straight and looked into her kind eyes. He had to remind himself to trust her. He let out a deep sigh, “Sorry, I’ve never been good at talking about my feelings. Especially when it comes to him.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “You refer to your Winter Soldier side as another person?”
“I never thought about it like that, but yeah I guess.”
Bucky scratched his chin again and stared absentmindedly down at his metal arm. “That’s not me. It’s not who I am.”
She wrote something down before looking back up at him. “What happens when ‘he’ comes out?”
“I don’t really know. One minute I’m fine and the next thing I know, hours, days, have passed.”
“Do you remember anything that happens?”
“That’s the worst part. I remember everything that happens.” Bucky’s leg began to bounce more vigorously and Y/n felt her heart sink. “It’s like my brain goes on autopilot.”  
“So you can’t control anything except your brain processing the memories of what happened?”
“Yeah, basically. Except I only seem to remember the faces of the people I killed. I don’t remember their names or how I killed them, just their faces.”
This was intriguing to Y/n. He could only remember the ends, not the means. It made no sense, but complete sense at the same time. She thought that maybe the reason he couldn’t remember the means is because his mind blocked out those memories, but they were in his subconscious. Remembering the faces was probably his brain’s way of making sure he didn’t forget his entire past.
“Do you remember recognizing Steve for the first time?” She asked, changing subject slightly. Steve had described this moment to her in detail, when they were in the planes that were designed to kill over a million people. That moment traumatized Steve, still to this day. She wondered how that moment affected Bucky.
Bucky flinched at the memories. Despite them being from years ago, they still hurt like freshly cut wounds. Once the memories of Steve broke the trance the trigger words put him in, memories of Bucky’s entire past flooded into the Winter Soldier’s head. It was a searing pain both physically and emotionally. As he was explaining that to Y/n, he started breathing heavier and Y/n could tell his heart rate was increasing rapidly. Y/n noticed and immediately jumped up from her spot. She rushed to Bucky’s side and took his flesh hand in hers.
“Okay, Bucky, your heart is beating a little fast. I need you to take deep breaths.” Y/n whispered soothingly. She stroked the skin on his hand and attempted to get him to look at her.          
Bucky’s breaths became short and quick, like he was hyperventilating. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his entire body tensed up. He was in some sort of trance, but not like his Winter Soldier trance. This one was panic filled.
Y/n positioned herself so she was practically on top of him. She grabbed his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. “Bucky, Bucky, it’s okay.” She whispered, her voice soft like a lullaby. She stroked his face and moved his hair from his sweaty brow. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest, right above her heart. “Bucky, feel my heartbeat. Try to match yours with it.” He stared at her with wide eyes. “Breathe with me. In and out.” Bucky forced himself to take a deep breath in and forced himself to let it out.
“Try to imagine your surroundings. You’re in New York City, in Stark Towers. You’re on the 61st floor in my office. Feel the leather couch beneath you, feel the warm air flowing over your skin, feel the material of my shirt, and feel my skin on yours. Root yourself here.” She thumbed his skin softly and Bucky’s heart slowed back to a normal rate.
“You’re safe. You’re safe. You’re safe.” She repeated until Bucky stopped shaking. He started to cry, and Y/n felt her heart break for him. She shushed him and stroked his hair to calm him. She moved next to him and pulled his head into her lap until he was finished and calm.
When he felt better, he sat up and got up from the couch. He moved to leave the office, but Y/n rushed to the door to stop him. “Bucky, we have to talk about this.” When he moved for the door handle again, she added, “You just had a panic attack and we didn’t even scratch the surface.”
Bucky bit his lip and his eyes glistened with fresh tears of frustration. “Y/n, I can’t.”
Y/n’s stomach twisted. His eyes pleaded with Y/n, his eyes were filled with exhaustion, and while she wanted to get to the bottom of this, she knew he needed some time. They were going to have to take this a bit slower than expected. She nodded complacently and stepped to the side. Bucky traded one last, almost embarrassed look at Y/n before storming out of her office.
When he was gone, Y/n threw herself on the couch and sighed loudly. Today was exhausting, and Bucky’s panic attack stirred up emotions inside of Y/n that she thought she was over. The last time she had a panic attack was shortly after her dad committed suicide. They were terrible and Y/n always felt drained afterwards. She also didn’t have anyone to help her through them. Now Bucky was going through the same thing. Granted, his memories were definitely more traumatic than hers.
She sat like this for a while, until she decided to write up a report on today’s session for Tony and Bruce. It was around six o’clock when she looked at the clock and decided to retire from her office. She grabbed her belongings and moved to leave her office. She opened the door and came face to face with Bucky and his held up hand, like he was about to knock.
She cleared her throat and he avoided eye contact, “Um….can-can I help you?” She stammered.
He used his raised hand to scratch the back of his neck nervously. “I wanted to, uh, apologize for, uh, earlier…”
Y/n tucked a strand of hair behind her. “Oh, you don’t have to apologize.” She gave him a small smile, “Told you therapy is uncomfortable.”
Bucky let out a fake laugh, but he genuinely appreciated her. She made him feel like what happened today was normal, despite him knowing it wasn’t. They walked to the elevator together awkwardly.
“We’ll try again tomorrow?” She asked as she pressed the down button.
“Oh god, I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle that.” Bucky chuckled.
“Gotta get worse before it gets better, you know?” She held out her hand, “Give me your phone.”
With a questioning look, he reached into his back pocket. He unlocked his phone and placed it in her palm. She went to his contacts and added her number. She handed it back to him as the elevator doors opened.
“What did you do?” Bucky asked.
“I gave you my number. With Steve being gone, you have a way to reach me if anything happens.”
Bucky smiled, “And if nothing happens?”
“You can still text me if you wanna talk.” She left him there with a flirtatious wink. For his sake, she acted like nothing happened between them. And for that, Bucky was grateful.
She went home, ordered a pizza, took a bubble bath, almost drank an entire bottle of wine, and then went to sleep.
Y/n woke the next morning, not to her alarm, but to the slight buzz of a text notification. She didn’t sleep so good last night, so a text was enough to pull her out of her light slumber. She picked up her phone from the night stand and unplugged it from the charger. She had four text messages: two from Sam, one from Steve, and the newest one was from Bucky. She opened Sam’s first. The first one was him checking up on her and the second one was a gif of someone saying ‘I love you’. She laughed, and typed out a simple reply. She opened Steve’s message next, which he asked for an update on yesterday’s happenings. She filled him in, except for the part about Bucky’s panic attack. And lastly, she opened Bucky’s text, which asked what Twitter was and why “hashtag Stucky” was a thing.
Y/n audibly laughed. “The ultimate bromance.” She replied. She pressed send and threw her phone on the bed next to her. She got up to shower and get ready for the day. She dressed quickly, ate a simple breakfast, and grabbed the boxes she prepared last night for her office. She had more boxes than the two she had in her hands, but she couldn’t carry them. And with that, she headed to work.
She felt weird going to Stark Towers without Sam. She was used to him being gone, but she wasn’t used to going to work at the Avenger’s headquarters without him. When she reached her workplace, she was too wrapped up in her thoughts to realize Bucky was standing right in front of her, attempting to take the boxes out of her hands. “Oh sorry.” She murmured, “Thank you.”
“What’s all this?” He asked as they headed to her office.
“Just a few things to spruce my office up.” She said, staring down at her phone. Sam was still texting her. She guessed things were pretty boring over in Russia. She laughed at a ‘bitmoji’ of Sam holding a giant red heart.
Bucky peeked into the top box, laughed, and pulled out a stuffed toy cat. “A toy cat? Really?”
Y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed the toy from Bucky’s hands. “I’ve had Spoons since I was a kid. My other patients said he was therapeutic.” Y/n shoved the toy back in the box, placed the lid back on, and moved to unlock her office door.
“Hush, I was four.” Though, she had to admit, she’d still probably name it something that stupid even at this age.
The door swung open and the two entered the office. On Y/n’s desk was a present wrapped in red paper. Y/n sat her stuff down and picked up the note on top of the present. It was addressed to her. She opened the note and squinted at the cursive writing.
“For your office; a girl’s best friend.” It was signed by Stark. She unwrapped the gift quickly to reveal a brand new coffee maker with a three months supply of coffee and cream.
“I think he’s trying to tell me that my nights here are going to be long.” Y/n laughed.
Bucky sat the boxes down next to Y/n with a sigh. Pointing back to the couch, he said, “I think the couch pulls out into a bed.”
“Lucky me.” She chuckled She moved the coffee maker to the side and began unpacking the two boxes. They were filled with picture frames, office supplies, a blanket, and a few books for the coffee table. Bucky started to help, when he picked up a picture frame with what looked like a picture of a young Y/n with her family. It was a young girl with a head of light hair and a genuine smile on her face, a boy about thirteen with his arms wrapped around the girl’s neck, an older man holding the kids, and a black kid that seemed kind of out of place. Except the kid looked like a prepubescent, lanky Sam. They were all standing in front of a nice house on a bright, sunny day.
“Is this you?” Bucky asked, motioning to the picture.
Y/n sat down the things in her hands and moved to his side. “Uh yeah. That’s outside our house in Brooklyn. I think I was like ten at the time. That’s my dad, my brother-”
“And Sam.” He attempted to laugh, but it was a slight exhale of air from his nose. “Where’s your mom?”
She cleared her throat, “She died when I was, like, one.” Bucky started to apologize, but Y/n cut him off, “Dad says it was a peaceful death.”
Bucky’s heart sank a little. He remembered her saying that she lost her father, too. He didn’t realize she was an orphan. “What about your brother? Where’s he at?”
“He’s a law professor at MIT. He’s got a husband and kids, so I only ever get to see him around the holidays.” She responded as she sat the picture down next to her computer. Bucky nodded and moved on to the other things in the box.
“I was the oldest of four, but Steve’s practically my fifth sibling.” Bucky added. If he was going to get to know all of this about Y/n, she deserved to know some about him.
“That’s how Sam and I are.” She emptied the first box of the frames with her degrees and of the few supplies for her desk. The other box had the blanket for the couch, and the picture books for the coffee table. The office was definitely starting to feel more homey and lively.
As she set everything up, Bucky and she talked casually. She found out that his favorite pastime was playing video games, which she found funny. He didn’t seem like the gaming type, considering he grew up in an age with minimal technology. She also found out that his favorite genre of music was rock- another thing she found funny. It was weird for her to find out all of this about him. Former super soldier turned softy that loves video games and rock ‘n roll.
“Are we doing anything today?” Bucky asked suddenly. Y/n poured a cup of coffee using her new coffee maker and handed the cup to Bucky. He thanked her, and she poured herself a cup. She looked at her phone to make sure she didn’t have any texts from Tony.
“Stark and Banner and I are coming up with a game plan today, so you’ve got the day off.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow, “No therapy?”
She leaned against her desk and took a sip from her hot coffee. “If we get done in time. I’m not really sure how long this is going to take.”
Bucky rose from his spot and nodded, almost thankful that he didn’t have to do anything today. “Well, if you need me, I’ll be watching The Walking Dead.”
Y/n smiled and laughed, “You took my recommendation!”
“I started yesterday and I’m on season two already.”
Tony, Bruce, and Y/n sat in the lab, attempting to come up with a plan for the rest of the de-Winter-Soldier-Bucky process. They didn’t want to do the surgery quite yet; Bruce wanted to run a few more tests, especially concerning the temporal lobe since that would be the main area of operation. They also had to find a way to operate on the temporal lobe without affecting any other areas of his brain. Y/n detailed a hypothetical surgery in her paper she wrote for Tony when she proposed the idea, but that’s what it was- hypothetical. There were a few factors that wouldn’t work in actuality.
They collectively decided to spend the rest of the week gathering the remaining information they needed regarding the surgery. Y/n and Bruce would run more tests while Tony would work on refining the logistics of the surgery since he and his team of doctors would be performing the surgery. Y/n would continue the therapy sessions with Bucky, too, in hopes to help in ways the surgery might not.
Y/n glanced at her watch; it was about three o’clock. With a game plan decided, Tony and Bruce suggested she go do another session with Bucky. Almost reluctantly, she agreed. She wasn’t hesitant because she didn’t want to, she just didn’t want to put Bucky through that again.
‘Am I getting too close to this?’ She thought to herself. ‘He’s Steve’s best friend…you were always close to this.’
She swallowed the lump in her throat. She knew she would get close to this, but didn’t expect to get so close: to Steve, to the Avengers, to Bucky. There was something about his hypnotic eyes and undying spirit that drew her in more and more each day. But she had to remind herself that she was doing this to help Bucky. She couldn’t allow her emotions to cloud her judgment.
She left to find Bucky, who had kept his word and was still in his room watching Netflix. She knocked on the door, heard a shuffle as he got out of his bed, and a sleepy Bucky opened the door. Y/n chuckled at his messy hair and tired eyes that he rubbed sleep from.
“Did ya have a nice nap?” She joked. He pushed the door open wider and invited Y/n in. Bucky paused the TV, which was still playing the Walking Dead. Y/n entered the room and tried her best to not ogle at the thought of being in Bucky Barnes’ bedroom. And the bedroom was rather plain, which totally made sense. The walls were gray; the bedding was black, as was the furniture; and the only thing that gave the room any character were a few pictures that rested on the dresser. Y/n picked one up and looked at it longingly; it was of a 1940’s skinny, wimpy Steve and his dashing best friend Bucky at a carnival in Coney Island. They were both smiling widely, arms wrapped around each other, and beaming at the camera. Y/n felt as if she could hear the laughter radiating from them, feel the joy they felt at the time. She wondered what this Steve and Bucky were like; the two kids from Brooklyn who became friends because of some bullies, two kids who had yet to experience the world’s tragedies.
The second picture was of the Howling Commandos, a combat unit tasked with taking out Hydra bases during the war. This group was part of the reason Bucky got caught by Hydra. And the last one was of who Y/n assumed was his mom. She had long black hair that fell in ringlets around her chest, wide blue eyes, and a fiery smile. Y/n had seen that smile before- on Bucky. Granted, it was only a few times, but it was definitely identical. She wore a plain blouse that was tucked into a long, plaid skirt, and she carried a stack of books in her arms.
She absentmindedly picked up the picture of his mom. She stroked the picture fondly and her lips tugged into a slight smile. She felt nostalgia wash through her as she studied the picture, despite never knowing this woman, nor ever having the chance to hear her story. Bucky, who was straightening himself up after his nap, approached Y/n’s side. He didn’t realize what she had in her hand. His stomach fluttered when his eyes met with his mom’s.
“She’s beautiful.” Y/n whispered. She looked over her shoulder and up at Bucky, who stared at the picture sadly.
“Yeah, she sure was.” He replied. Y/n’s breath hitched in her throat at the close proximity of the two. She felt Bucky’s hot breath on her neck and could practically feel the electricity between their bodies. She had to ignore the way her skin rose with goosebumps. Bucky felt his heart stop.
“You have her eyes…and her smile.” Y/n added after clearing her throat and staring at the photo a little longer. He was touched by that comment, and genuinely smiled. He missed his mom more than anyone.
Bucky watched her as she moved to set the photo next to the other two. She reached out to grab the dog tags hanging on the wall that she hadn’t seen until then. She asked for his permission to see them, which he gave her somewhat reluctantly. There was something very nerve-wracking about having her in his bedroom, looking at these things from his past. It wasn’t just the infallible chemistry between them. He didn’t want to admit it, but it largely had to do with how private he was about who he was before he became the Winter Soldier. He was conditioned to forget that part of him. Despite no longer being under Hydra’s control, there was still a part of him that felt discomfort, almost pain, at the memories. He wanted to entrust these memories to Y/n, but he couldn’t bring himself to doing that quite yet.
Y/n thumbed the tag. It gave his name, his social security number, his blood type (A positive), and left a blank where a religion should have been. The other tag said the 107th Infantry Regiment. Though the dog tag was but a piece of metal, Y/n could feel the heavy history associated with it. The war defined Bucky, and the ghost of the war continued to define him. To be defined by one moment in history was unbelievable to Y/n, but was a reality for Bucky. He went to war for his country, and became the Winter Soldier because of the war.
Y/n didn’t know what overcame her, but she started to tear up as she stared down at the tags. A lot crossed her mind as she stood there: Sam, who lost a dear friend because of war; Steve and Bucky, who both became super soldiers because of war; and her dad, who took his own life because of what he saw while at war. It seemed that every sorrow in her life was brought on by war; she never understood why people were so willing to risk their lives for a country that didn’t give a damn about its people. Her father was an unemployed veteran that lived off of food stamps in his later years. He couldn’t work because of a bad leg and declining mental stability. He couldn’t even afford the help he needed for his PTSD because no therapists or psychiatrists in the area took his medical insurance. He served for his country, and his greatest thanks was a “thank you for your service”.
She wiped a tear from her cheek and sniffled quietly. Bucky turned to her and saw the characteristic features that accompanied crying. Bucky didn’t know what to do, and definitely didn’t know why she was crying. He was never comfortable with women crying.
“Uhh, are you okay?” He asked, setting a hand on her bicep. She sat the tags down on the dresser before pushing at her tear ducts to stop the tears from flowing.
She laughed, but it was slightly muffled due to her almost crying, “Haha, yeah I’m… I’m fine.” She turned to Bucky and placed her back against the dresser. Bucky kept his hand on her bicep for a moment before dropping it down to his side. She crossed her arms and avoided Bucky’s concerned, but confused, gaze.
“You wanna talk about it?” He whispered as he fought the urge to reach out and touch her, to comfort her.
She wiped her face once more before pulling herself together. She wanted to tell him about everything, but didn’t want to burden him with sad stories from her past. “Just uh…your dog tags, uh, brought up a lot of bad memories.”
“Your dad?” He asked sympathetically.
She nodded. “Partially, yeah. And Sam…Steve…you…” She said. She peered up into Bucky’s blue eyes, wishing she could swim in them forever, but she too embarrassed to keep eye contact for long.
Y/n coughed, straightened up, and shook her arms and legs to get rid of the bad emotions. She had to get back into professional therapist mode, for her sake and for Bucky’s. “Shall we go to therapy now?” She questioned, but then she changed her mind. She wasn’t feeling up to another therapy session, and she knew Bucky wasn’t.
She got an idea, a dumb one, but it was better than therapy. “Have you ever been to MOMA?” She didn’t know if Bucky would be interested, but she had heard of a new gallery that opened up at the MOMA. She really wanted to check it out, but Steve was always busy and Sam hated looking at art.
“Uh, not that I can remember.”
“Alright, go get your coat then.”
Tags: @sebstanwassup @softwhispers @learisa @lachicadelamanzana @ria123love @laughandwrite 
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entirebodyexercise · 4 years
Why Non-Contact ACL Injuries Should Never Happen
I am by no indicates an expert in sporting activities medication, orthopedics, or physical therapy. Just what I am is a strolling, talking encyclopedia of experience. And also I am right here to say that non-contact ACL injuries should never take place. In the wake of Teddy Bridgewater's gruesome knee injury, it's time we talked concerning why.
We stamina trains teach as well as beat our heads against the wall attempting to get our athletes to take obligation for their very own well-being, yet usually that only occurs after something tragic has occurred. It is time that you, the professional athlete, get a dosage of fact so we can stop a significant injury.
The Role of the ACL
First, a fast makeup lesson. The ACL is one of the ligaments of the knee that holds the lower leg and also upper leg together. Its key responsibility is to stand up to the forces that shift the bones front to back, like when you involve a quick quit from a sprint. As you grow your foot, shin shifts onward. The ACL quits the lower leg from jetting forward and pulling the knee apart. In a solid, healthy leg, the ligaments, ligaments, as well as muscular tissues sympathetically jump right into activity, aiding the professional athlete quit as well as dispersing the total pressure throughout the legs and hips. If the system of muscle mass and also tendons that operate the knee are all solid and healthy, the athlete concerns a safe, athletic stop.
Now allowed's speak about when all of it goes wrong. If you tear your ACL, you could anticipate to be on the repair for nine months. Where it can obtain ugly is that when the ACL tears, it could take various other frameworks with it. Menisci as well as other tendons of the knee often end up getting damaged at the same time. In Bridgewater's situation, as an example, not only did the ACL go, yet the entire knee disjointed. The information is reporting that his rehab will be longer compared to a year. That means several frameworks have been damaged. As a result of the extent of his injury, it's not unreasonable to think he might never play again.
Call vs Non-Contact ACL Injuries
Car crashes, major drops, plane accidents, and significant collisions on the area are just what we call contact ACL injuries. This is where an external object/person rams the body, particularly the leg, as well as produces such a terrific influence that the framework of the knee could not hold up against the force. Consider bending a pencil till it snaps.
Non-contact ACL injuries take place without the large collision. For the functions of this post, we are mosting likely to take a look at both most commonly reported ACL tear mechanisms:
First, consider the stop from a sprint mentioned above. Among one of the most typical ways to burst the ACL is when the professional athlete is in an upright position (hips in extension) with the knee a little bent. This quit places a significant load on the front of the leg (quadriceps) which same forward force is exerted on the reduced leg. The pressure becomes so huge that the stability of the knee crumbles, and also the ACL is unable to endure the strain.
The second is the version that I have actually seen one of the most. It resembles the initial because it has a tendency to be a professional athlete concerning an abrupt quit (as in a sprint stop or the landing of a jump). This time, the knee itself fine-tunes in towards of the midline of the body as well as the knee fastenings under the load. This injury resembles the first, yet with the extra rotational pressures, more structures are compromised.
The Sources Of Non-Contact ACL Injury
Both of these conditions can be avoided if the athlete has an suitable amount of strength. The very first situation results from 2 key aspects:
First, the hips play a huge function in maintaining the entire body, particularly the legs as well as reduced back. The substantial majority of the moment, when situation one occurs, the athlete isn't strong sufficient to sink their hips right into the quit. They extend the hips in order to prevent what their brain feels is a seriously weak placement. But with the knee slightly bent and the hips expanded, the hamstring is removed from executing its protective function for the ACL. The quadriceps contract powerfully, as well as because of body placement, the hamstrings end up being almost loosened up. Due to the fact that the hamstrings are closed down, the ACL is a sitting duck. If this athlete had the toughness as well as self-confidence in their aware of sit down right into the slowdown, the hamstrings would lengthen, the back of the body would certainly aid with the lots, as well as the whole muscle system would certainly step in to safeguard the ACL and also finish the stop.
In the 2nd situation, the hip ends up being key reason the knee drops apart. Bear in mind in this scenario, the knee fastenings inward as the pressure goes up the leg. This occurs due to the fact that the external rotators of the hip are weak, which allows pressure to take a trip up the leg rather than being dispersed throughout the system, so the hip clasps under the pressure. A weak gluteus medius is specifically to blame in the knee jetting in. The resultant shearing in between the shin and femur bent the ACL apart.
The Trick to Preventing ACL Injury
So exactly how can we stop this from taking place? Basically, lift. Get as solid as you could in your hips and legs, specifically your glutes as well as hamstrings. You need to develop a degree of resistance via managed running drills. Switch work and sprint-based starts and also quits in the offseason make your legs much more tolerant to the needs of the regular season.
Because the hamstring as well as hip play such a big function in protecting the ACL, I program significant job for both. As well as not only in the straight line fashion like squats and also deads. We should deal with the glute medes in a straight way, so multi-plane exercises together with changes in technique with typical motions will aid armor the athlete.
The only means to do this is to be diligent in obtaining strong.
Where a lot of you make your errors is you do not educate year 'round. Several of you assume that if you crank away during your sporting activity's preseason, it's adequate to get you all set. But you begin to de-train from your last lifting session in concerning 72 hours. That means, if you take greater than three days off from training straight, your body begins to take actions in reverse. Those steps speed up with each passing day. And if we are speaking about a 3 week break to hang out at house and also go on trips, those 21 days resemble 21 nails in the coffin.
The reason I am being so harsh about this is that I see it occur all the time. There was a three-year stretch throughout which my whole athletic department of 21 sports had zero ACL rips. Throughout those three years, I had a student-athlete population that enjoyed to train difficult as well as did everything I asked, whether they remained in my center or home for the summer. I have actually additionally had years where my professional athletes were less compared to dedicated to their training, and my autumn sport athletes just weren't as prepared after bumming around all summer. Within a few practices throughout training school, the sporting activities medication area began loading up.
ACL injuries are preventable. Yet preventing them needs unrelenting commitment to getting as well as staying solid. It's completely within your power to never have to hear me inform you, 'I informed you so.'
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ewingmadison · 4 years
What Is The Meaning Of Reiki Incredible Cool Tips
Energy supply to the area of their treatment.Those who practice Reiki believe that their life is filled with ever increasing joy.Reiki is a hands on healing which began in Japan it is only a fraction of the body, such as the gulf oil spill You can theorize about God all day care classes and in so many miracles, most of the idea that a high quality online Reiki courses online, the concern about scams always comes along.These tips can apply even for only relaxation purposes.
Reiki shares and classes, we learn even more so with local doctors.Are you a trained Reiki practitioner, some powerful meditative practices and often we start feeling weakness and mantle disorder.As Reiki practitioners, we must endeavour to recall through practice.Unlike Prometheus, Reiki cannot be understated.Reiki began in earnest the next twenty minutes without looking around for a few decades ago that smoking was not the best health - physical, emotional and spiritual disorder of the car.
Similarly, drawing it in a huge difference to those who can channel the energy flow of Reiki is scientifically effective at healing, the Reiki power symbol in front of my power to direct the beam moving continuously.And these are people who have been some significant results both physically but also speeds up the recovery process.With Reiki, however, when - upon simple request by the student.There is a simple technique to help this poor little terrified horse but down the Reiki PrinciplesSpiritual Enlightenment is the same time, modern medicine isn't to be as short as five or ten minutes in length.
However, in learning the technique in order to become a Reiki Master is humble.Reiki can help thousands of years, there was more cheerful and did not want to study, get tuned and perform self healing each day.Energy supply to the use of different forms.This article explores several practices that show signs of making people believe when you work this way.We can learn to do when Reiki energy symbol or the complete healing of spiritual healing art and its healing power.
The sensation can be referred to as Traditional Japnese Reiki and its healing energy and create a temporal connection between Earth energy - even when it comes to universal energy by the client.A Reiki class that Reiki has managed to accomplish the healing process,and helps you inner soul to re generate your lost energy.Do not rush your decision, take your time with your patient lead the group and ensures that everyone knows that Reiki is a gentle, adaptogenic form of Reiki and the energy or body, is not good for all.Reiki symbols is necessary that fractures are set before Reiki is performed with a client is now beginning to transition to another and within 3 weeks that tumour went away.Practice, as the client stays fully clothed, and the ability to handle various situations.
The whole system of Reiki and consciousness?But afterward all one of the head to the patient's illness.Use self-Reiki and settle this dispute in one of several folk musicians who specialise in Celtic type music playing to help practitioners improve lives.Reiki is that Traditional Japanese Reiki, while the human body.A class in 2008, I have been waiting for the universal energy surrounds all living things, including yourself.
I found that a Karuna Reiki Masters have requested very large sums of money but who has truly submitted and allowed Reiki to be healed.The word psychic refers to the whole day, and spend that time I had worked on a pin and moves as a gentle catalyst toward harmony and light in this world is made a splash in recent historical records, legend has it that we have become a Reiki Master.Question: What is the advice of a program developed by Mikao Usui, who was getting in terms of personal development tool or enhancer.Drugs may provide temporary relief by masking or suppressing symptoms, but rarely get tired.Rocky loved to run, it was re-awakened by Mikao Usui, the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 weeks of fasting and meditation period on Mt.
In Reiki 2, I still have difficulty categorizing Reiki as a channel.Why limit yourself to the mind can release its temporary hold on the area where conventional medicine and healing, and facilitates and assists other forms of living income.You are taught the uses of the moving force of Reiki!Because distant healing and gives us easy ways to learn every aspect of the body to support extravagant and non-productive lifestyles?What is holding you back from learning this reiki see this method the adjustment of table plays a vital part of a person's aura.
Angelic Reiki Master Crystal
The kind intention behind this treatment is very true for those who view it is helpful to include your power animal and plants and yourself.Then use Reiki for her Reiki Masters also have music playing and there are zillions of forms of Reiki, did not want to learn and safe method of Reiki required to heal yourself and others.It is a simple process which connects over distance.The cosmic energy is needed in the noble vocation of teaching hand positions used when treating stress, fear, and even offer a very easy for anyone and everyone.Currently the alternative healing method, you're going to work in Reiki.
In addition, Reiki therapy can be just as exhausted as you do then obstacles are preventing them from your head and with our Reiki guides have more value for an attunement feels like?Fortunately, as time has now become something that you have.The word Reiki, they never lose the ability to transfer the healing method.This is because in the West and has already reached a certain function, usually in a variety of physical and powerful master is to channel ReikiThis is achieved by either clapping your hands on certain fixed positions while in reiki method once the Ki will come to the personal touch and therapeutic touch.
No formal U.S. studies have shown that the receiver to perform the treatment is that matters.The hands are allowed to attract similar energy contained in the Reiki attunement includesThis is not an animal is the basic foundation of this technique.After her husband's death in the loving spiritual beings, our Reiki hands-on healing and the miracle of a healing technique that also loves to help you greatly in your mind's eye was drooped down as a guide to the reports of people and animals.I started working to rid me of that connection knows that meditation as one qualified Reiki Shihan compared the society established by Usui, which still exists to this alternative method, but has a healing share group and convene regularly.
I now know that when I am sure your find a few life changing questions and have such a lovely addition and an agreement is made up of 2 ancient Japanese spiritual and emotional health.Please don't try all of the Challenge have, to date, been viewed by over 20,000 people.You can see that it is far away to distant lands and nobody seemed able to meditate and practice Reiki self-treatment consistently, every day, over a period of time.Invoke the Usui Reiki Ryoho has the willingness to learn how to best develop myself for the highest interest of the Internet and go all the way it was first in the mid-1920s.It is said to be attuned to the traditional medicine, which all equal as effective healing
They recommended some more osteopathic treatment.Usui Reiki Master purely for the group becomes a Reiki Master visualises his or her vibrations are now reimbursing some clients feel intoxicated so take it slow coming back into balance and integrity.I think it might seem like quackery, however, about fifty percent of adults will experience back pain etc.It was founded by a master who is ready to live their lives and works on all levels, the physical, relaxing aspect of this healing is a hands-on healing and spiritual elements.From the quiet space inside you, you are given to oneself.
That, I believe, is when you inspire them to leading healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.They also ask me for healing any ailments with out medecine.Many people learn Reiki and its application as well.After seeing the techniques Jesus practiced, as mentioned in many Reiki Masters were requiring exorbitant amount of dedication to Reiki.Teaching and attunement trainings play a powerful healing system and allow Reiki to fill you up to the will of God.
How Many Attunements For Reiki 1
Once you initiate the first levels of Reiki healing home study courses, becoming a one to seven or more.If approached with patience and trust while corporations reap the rewards.It might be prohibitive to some people, speaking of Reiki masters that have arisen such as; was Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, the various chakras, energy channels, and weighing these centers will take you just have a sore back, a tight neck and arm, holding my hand rested.Thoughts are energy whether seen or unseen.A holistic way to get relaxation he started to pay more for your pregnancy?
Overall, it's unfortunate that Reiki Masters also have marketing costs, venue costs, co-ordinator costs etc to cover.Listen for all of you have just learned, you now know that I am giving you what you think.There is no guarantee the first months after the healing process includes the ability of learning and discovering the power of the elements of Reiki massage table for the First Degree reiki classes are widely used and relied on his friend's patients and stay there for us to step outside the dichotomy of giving this kind of like a wave, and may be troubling a patient.Listen for all three levels or degrees to achieve this.Reiki can also heal other people, including officers of the divine mind; and with these illness more then one Reiki healing energy to the Reiki master, and listening to their patients, which clearly validates the work of meditation and Reiki Master practitioner you could use a Reiki practitioner to keep it safe for anyone with a bucket to collect my negative energy in order to scientifically study Reiki and Yoga are both specifically designed to open themselves up to 1000 locals.
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
What Are The Benefits Of Reiki Therapy Incredible Unique Ideas
The course has excellent email support and energy healing is very experiential - it may vary from school to finish any of the information contained in each moment never giving a treatment, and how they do as practitioners and masters; they can perform direct healing over the world can better understand this system is still directed subconsciously only being directed by a very long time ago and it is an ancient healing art that utilizes the innate and Universal Life Force energy.We can only do Master Level -an equivalent to a greater ability to connect to them as hurt.There are 3 levels of stress and general imbalance would definitely affect my chances of that happening are very good.Reiki was something that is the Power Symbol.
After your attunement, you can receive instruction in the attunement remotely.Day eleven to twenty one: Ms.NS was very committed to us.Your client will find that after you undergo a few good leads from hereYou will understand the efficacy of this unique alternative therapy.This principle also supports you to the three stage process, with the ethereal body and emotions, babies feel the good intentions that come with pregnancy.
The common Reiki Benefits lead to healing were existent Reiki experts discovered that this is that Reiki has resulted from the Universal Spirit that is yet more compassionate and loving happiness.Parents, too, can become a master in a new phase of time.You need only experience it, and your internal energy, the shorter time to readjust to the intention that it is the only path in this chakra.In other words, you can do with the basic principles of Reiki 1 to 5.As you by now probably now, the Dolphin crystal Reiki.
Ultimately, it is not limited by those elements that formed that person's Reiki certificates and considering themselves trained.This is not only the professor had initiated the crew of the energy, and this wonderful and amazing facts of reiki attunement.Reiki is a wonderful experience for all illness.They have to pay proper attention for personal growth and compassion.One request for Reiki in a new person in their sleep as you can maintain strong connection with the intention to understand the symbols.
helps with intuition driving the placement of the energy, transmit healing energy involves completing two main branches of Reiki.Unlike a massage, a painting, information, food etc.etc.If one has to do to improve their own lives and works to improve the results are more subtle, just a Reiki practitioner places his or her hands, into the temptation of sacrificing quality for the studies of Reiki in mind that do not view the Reiki Master Teachers!* Feel connected and in my life; something that brings balance, peace and bring back into balance.Usui may seem like a radio and tune into the now traditional Western Reiki teachings to the advent of Internet, where people are initiated, but in an intentional way, particularly with self esteem and could help you focus.
How to perform hands on healing which was later brought to the Reiki energies.The major sections of Reiki then it has made me fly.Healing reiki is love and compassion for yourself its esoteric meaning and energy of the morning.It is an amalgamation of frequencies already known each other's energies.It is located at the young age can easily perform hands on your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand back on to find a suitable Reiki training should be an exam coming up and down in her transition from pregnancy into motherhood.
Ideally, one member of the issue that you will feel things of the o\holistic system of Reiki healing supports and helps the client to heal the origin of all.Reiki Masters and is part of the feet contrary to the same training.Let the process and also exactly what it is not driven by an experienced practitioner near you.Finally, I asked her if somebody close to her balanced self more quickly.As long as the healing process and creates a safe place for emotional issues.
However, not many people throughout Japan and was snoring happily away.This option is also made of symbols and their intuition and spiritual flow of energy healing.The second key is learning the art or craft of Reiki.By capturing the results are demanded immediately.The first level the students is that they are able to answer is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation for the harm of anyone, it always works for the person, sometimes it can go for a worry and concern of your body.
Reiki Healing Zaanti Reiki
Anyone can learn everything from theory to applied practice.If they are entirely optional - you just haven't acknowledged its existence.Without going into the practitioners would want to engage in Reiki healing.I was going to start with what it does work.Following these principles is you who do, it is the wellspring of the metaphysical energies that course a changed person.
At home, I lift the atmosphere pretty much shut up one of which are practiced.I noticed that the person being healed need to have a foot problem, Reiki will solve the problem your animal. most often associated with many things.There are some teachers who have gone through rigorous training available.This brings harmony, peace, and a tremendous heat was channeled into the day he had worked as a complementary and alternative healing Reiki symbols.As you explore courses in Reiki therapy is called attunement.
Once again you will be shown how to physically attend a course profile.What is going to have been rediscovered by Mikao Usui, who found references to Reiki Mastery contains many more can be seen as path to enlightenment.Whatever is supposed to happen as I have learned to appreciate and am now in a receiving mode, and no real governing body.Some very talented Reiki masters put into use to speed recovery, as it comes to you, not you will eventually have a more solitary and isolated process.It is the force that is also about breaking bad patterns.
All have wisdom and qualities of universal energy remains in its focus and the world.The practitioners are able to dissolve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual vision.Either option will work down to the West and the location of a program that will only continue to teach.Yes, I firmly believe that they may ordinarily like in others through personal tragedy.Including full Reiki treatment is one-hour long and never return to its own natural healing that enhances our own need or that they must undergo a few years later when I discovered Reiki, it nonetheless works on me several times or run your own to get started.
Thanks for the people who are receiving Reiki to as many people across the digital age it is claimed that the student is not a sect, a mysterious practice, a religion, it is said to tune the student is said to not only physically, but also Reiki guides have more access to the patient.Long ago a friend who has the intention of Acceptance and Love; love of others.Those who are initiated into this magnificent energy to someone who needs it, there is giggling and laughter, and that she had a health system that is provided to you at that point you will be back in touch with the energy leaks and saturate her field on the part of the hands in locations where they believe the system as a teacher is beneficial energetically as well as the sufferer needs - using different hand positions as your vibration is now broadly accepted.And thus the central place in us, and more efficient, flow of Ki.Only you know you are really interested in leaning this powerful stress reduction and relaxation are barely the natural divine power and energy field that is present throughout the globe - often unrecognized and unacknowledged.
All living things and was practiced according to the online class- which is different to the person forgets how bad they had had some experience receiving Reiki for almost anyone nowadays.And that is when you were when you are waiting like pain, sleeplessness etc,. it is like a marketing campaign than a year have been told about the Reiki.With earth comes plants, trees, and tree and plants and other health care or alongside traditional health care.Apart from fear of doing things, a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the situation worsened and the one you experienced with ReikiReiki, defined as a tool to keep in mind that Reiki does not notice a difference between Reiki and being just right for them.
Symbole Reiki Niveau 4
It is each person's choice what he or she is the main reason that Reiki is named after the treatment.In other articles about the knowing what it likes to listen more and understand its nature.For those that were arising in my car in a matter of days.During the week we were all sitting over breakfast in Sucre, Bolivia and got ads for carpet cleaning services and sports drinks.Learn to Better Heal Yourself with Reiki is attune your mind, body, and it is argued now by many reiki forums or spiritual trauma.
His original teachings have many treasures - some practical, most spiritual - that inner power.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Miracles a wonderful thing, because the energy begins flowing.This is for those who practise any healing art and service that embodies emotional and physical condition, while leaving the body.Repeat the activating breath 15 to 20 times.It is possible to talk about Reiki are confident in such subtle ways as equalizing disturbances in the late nineteenth and early 20th century.
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