#basically just learning the ropes that kinda thing
bigfrogdraws · 8 months
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#macs doodles#oc: fadedheart#sorry this dude was me chewing up couches that how crazy i am rn#PLAY THE LIFEGEN MOD FOR CLANGEN ITS SO GOOOOOD#lore dump:#okay so fadedpaw was the medicine cat but was alligned with the dark forest#basically just learning the ropes that kinda thing#a morbidly curious guy#he would walk in the dark forest in his dreams with his brother- racoonpaw- because racoonpaw was a dream walker#and basically acted as fadedpaw's safety net in the dark forest#the two of them kept it a secret- fadedpaw curious about the dark forest and racoonpaw being deadly protective over fadedpaw#however during a particularly brutal leaf-bare night fadedpaw froze to death right there in his nest#and because of his journey's in the dark forest- thats where he was sent#the clan mourned- and moved on#but the dark forest had big plans for fadedpaw and didnt want to loose their greatest clawhold in the clan#so moons later- early spring- a ragged cat comes lumbering into camp#covered in dirt and thin as a twig#the whole clan is shocked and confused and some even scared#but racoonpaw- now racoontail- BEGS for fadedpaw to be allowed to return to the clan#slipstar reluctantly agrees and puts him back into his medicine cat training#logflare- the medicine cat and fadedpaw's old mentor- is cautious of fadedpaw's return but continues their training#and after just a halfmoon fadedpaw graduates- with logflare naming him fadedheart- a reminder of his past death#the clan can never decide what actually happened to fadedheart#some day he didnt actually die- and was buried alive on accident- and clawed his way out and somehow survived on his own#others day he did die but starclan brought him back- as it wasnt his time yet (close but not quite)#some even say that his spirit still dwells in starclan while his body roams the land of the living#as he is completely different from the fadedpaw they knew before his death#yeah but bascially he has this contract with the dark forest now- where they let him live in his clan again#but in return he was to do their bidding and train in the dark forest#and once he dies for good he has to return to the dark forest
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
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You're struggling a bit to comprehend the fact that you really did agree to this whole week-long thing with him. Luckily for you, Jungkook knows exactly how to ease you into things. But wait- why is he naked?!
Tags/Warnings: Porn with a lot of plot basically, inexperienced!reader, Dom!Jungkook, BDSM themes and elements, non-sexual nudity, safeword discussion, Corruption kink, some backstory on JK, Shibari, wax play, Dom/Sub dynamics (beginner/introductory), minor sub-drop, slight angst, dry humping, cumming inside underwear, massages, mentions of primal play, mentions of pet play, very light orgasm control, hinted praise kink, JK in nothing but dark grey Calvin's for like... 90% of this, hinted big dick!JK, they both in love it's kinda cute,
Shibari: a form of artistic bondage using rope to create visually appealing patterns on the skin.
Wax play: the use of body-safe candles to drop wax onto someone's skin.
Corruption kink: gaining pleasure from corrupting a seemingly innocent person.
Length: 6k words
-> Masterlist
A/N: I'll include a short definition of the kinks in every chapter because I just know someone's gonna ask/complain that I don't explain things enough in my works haha. Also my smut writing is kinda rusty I've noticed, so I apologize for that as well...
"So.." You say through your food, chopsticks seemingly aiming for any piece of meat that could be done next on the barbecue in front of you on the table. "..do we like, need some fifty-shades-of-grey-type contract?" You ask Jungkook, who rolls his eyes.
"Absolutely not." He shakes his head, drinking some water. "Don't tell me you saw that movie too." He asks, and you shrug.
"Saw it with Jimin and Yoongi back when it was in the theaters." You say. "Yoongi said there was a lady who literally masturbated in the front rows, but I don't believe that. Who would do that in public?" You cringe to yourself, and Jungkook watches you for a second.
He's gonna put a no on voyeurism for you then, judging from that reaction.
"I'm surprised Yoongi went." Jungkook chuckles.
"Me too. Wasn't really sure why he did." You tell Jungkook, snatching a piece of meat for yourself. "He just complained over it the entire time anyways."
"Yeah, well-" Jungkook says, reaching for the scissors to cut up some meat. "-he's in the same scene as I am, so I'm not surprised he thought the movie was dogshit too." He explains, and your eyes widen.
"Wait, Yoongi ties people up too?!" You hiss, and Jungkook can't help but shake his head, laughing to himself.
"That's the tamest thing he does." He laughs. "Yoongi actually.. showed me most of the things I know." Jungkook offers, putting the scissors back to the side to instead pick up his chopsticks again. You wonder what he means by that.
"Like.. what?" You ask him, unsure- but you can't deny the curiosity inside of you. You had a hunch about Yoongi for a while now- and in a way, you can see him being in the whole scene a lot more than Jungkook. Jungkook is your fluffy buff but cute best friend- Yoongi has this odd aura to him that feels almost like a warning that he's hiding more of himself than he shows.
"I'm a Dominant person, right?" He asks you, and you shrug. "I like to be in charge, command and take the lead during.. scenes."
"Yeah, that part-" You say, stuffing a steaming piece of meat into your mouth, almost burning your tongue, "-I know about that stuff. Like, dom and sub, top and bottom all that." You nod, and he acknowledges it too.
"Good. Then you probably also have read that the best Dom's have been sub's in the past." He simply tells you.
"… so Yoongi tied you up before?" You ask, and Jungkook lets his head fall for a second.
"You're so cute sometimes, you know that?" He shakes his head, before he continues. "No, he actually didn't. I learned that part all by myself." He explains gently. "But before I could take charge, I had to learn. Someone had to get me into this stuff somehow, right?" He shrugs.
"So you and Yoongi were a couple at some point?" You ask, but he shakes his head.
"Yoongi and I had something similar to.. us, one could say." He explains across from you. "Simple exploration, nothing more than that." He tells you, before his chopsticks reach out to steal a piece of food right from between yours- and when you look up, he's staring right at you. "So now that I think of it, Yoongi and I had nothing like we do." He says.
"H..how so?" You ask, slightly intimidated.
"Because I don't just want to explore and leave you be after this week." Jungkook says. "I hope you know that I'm aiming for something entirely different here."
"For what?" You wonder, and he leans back, crossing his arms, grill in between you both sizzling loudly.
"Your trust." He shrugs. "Your love." He offers.
"What if I can't love the same as you do?" You say, a little defeated. You know Jungkook likes you- it's no secret. And you know he knows that you like him too- because it's no secret either.
"Then we'll search until we find what works." He responds.
"But-" You start, but he reaches out instead, a warm hand over yours cutting you off in midst of your sentence as he speaks to you, voice just as warm as his skin.
"I won't give up without trying first." He tells you. "And neither should you."
"Why here?" You ask, as he adjusts the couch into a makeshift bed for the time being. You'll be staying the entire week with him, and you'd agreed to that, because you've stayed over a lot of times before. Jungkook's apartment is nothing new- it's familiar, like a second home, warm and comforting.
"Because my bedroom is too intimidating-" He starts, tucking in a bedsheet in the corners of the couch. "-and I don't want to ruin your own with memories that might be unpleasant." Jungkook offers.
"Oh." you simply say, unsure. You've not yet thought about the possibility of him doing something you.. don't like. What happens then? Will you have to leave, or will the week end before it's even begun? Will it make things awkward, and weird?
"Hey." Jungkook calls out softly, holding out a hand. You look at him confused. "The blanket?" He asks, and you remember now that you're holding one for yourself to sleep under tonight, giving it to him. He puts it in a corner for now, same with the pillows, before he pats the couch for you to join him on. "Are you scared?" He asks, and you shake your head- albeit a little unsure.
"Just.. nervous." You say. "It'll be weird."
"Maybe." He admits. "A lot of things are weird first time. Nothing wrong about that." He shrugs.
You sit down on the makeshift bed next to him, when he chuckles, and brushes your hair over your shoulder. "I'll go shower real quick, alright? You just get yourself comfortable." He tells you, and you nod, watching him as he leaves to walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
It's clear that he's taking his time in there, because even after an hour, he's not yet returned. Or maybe longer? You're not sure, because you know you've somewhat dozed off on the bed when you feel his hand on your shoulder, simple strap top giving him access to a lot of bare skin there. He smells nice, and when you reach out, his skin is warm.
Wait- skin?
The moment you open your eyes you're greeted with his bare legs- he's only really dressed in some… dark grey, very form-fitting Calvin Klein's that pretty much hide almost nothing, really. It makes you sit up suddenly, body having to take a moment for a second after the rather sudden movement, a chuckle heard from Jungkook who seems entirely unbothered by his almost-nudity. "Sorry I took a bit longer. I had to get some stuff." He explains, sitting up properly himself.
"Why- why are you naked?" You ask, unsure where to look. In his opinion, you're so.. adorably shy just from the mere sight of his bare skin that it makes his inner desire stir a little. The fact that he's gonna be the one to really help you discover some of your hidden fantasies gives him chills- the good kind, of course.
He can't wait for what you might be hiding.
"I'm technically not." He raises his brows playfully, before crossing his arms- noticing the way your eyes focus on them for a good moment. "And considering why you're here, you'll soon have to get undressed too." He shrugs.
"Oh.." You hum yet again today, looking down on your body. You didn't really think about that. Compared to his toned body, you're.. an embarrassment.
"A body is just a body." He tells you. "I know you don't like yours, but I promise you it doesn't look the same to me as it does to you." He reassures you.
"Do I have to.. like.." You mumble, and he understands.
"You don't have to do anything." He promises. "We can just forget about this whole thing-"
"No!" You deny, shaking your head immediately. You do want this. You do want him to.. love you the way he does love others. Or maybe you want to somehow make him love you in a more.. special way. You're not sure- you don't really know what exactly you want right now, but you do know that you trust him.
You trust him.
"I trust you." You say out loud, grabbing the hem of your shirt- when he reaches out.
"..can I?" He wonders, and you nod, raising your arms without thinking so he can easily pull the item of clothing over your head. It's cute, the way you already feed into his own interests and kinks, without even knowing- and is that a piercing decorating your belly button? "Good girl." He purrs, lifting your shirt over your head, before slip out of your leggings, sitting back down. His hands move around your back slowly, fingers easily finding the clasp of your bra to undo it, letting the piece of underwear fall down easily from your shoulders and into your lap. "Hey-" Jungkook says, and you look up at him. "-you're fine." He smiles, and you nod.
You're fine.
"You can keep on the rest." He says, referring to your panties. At least you chose some cute ones, you think to yourself a bit relieved, as you nod. "I know you said you can't imagine it-" He starts, grabbing some pale pink and rather… delicate looking rope from the side. "But I'd like to try it, still." He asks, and you nod. "I won't restrain you this time. I'll only show you what it feels like, so you can decide for yourself if you enjoy the sensation or not." He says, and again, you only quietly nod. "But before that.. we have to address this first." He chuckles, looking at you. "I need.. verbal responses from you. Not just somewhat of an answer."
"Like.. do I need to call you sir, or something?" You ask, and he smirks.
"If you want to, you can." He smiles. "But you don't have to. A simple yes or no works just fine for me. And-" He adds on, undoing the neatly folded nylon rope in his hands as he speaks. "-We need a safeword."
"A safeword?" You repeat, and he nods.
"Something other than stop or no that you say to end a scene and get you out of whatever position you might be in." He explains. "Preferably something odd, that you wouldn't normally say during sex, so it won't be used by accident."
"So like.. Tiger?" You ask, not really thinking about it, and he nods.
"Tiger it is." He agrees, tapping your folded knees. "Turn around for me, yeah?"
"Yes." You say, moving to sit in front of him, making him chuckle.
"Cute." He comments under his breath, before he positions the rope right under your chest. "Tell me.. what do you usually do?" He wonders, and you don't answer for a moment.
"Like.. when I do it myself?" You ask, and he hums an agreeing reply.
"Yes. I'd like to know." He tells you. "So I'll have somewhat of an.. idea what is safe and comfortable for you." He explains his reasons, while he moves and adjusts the pale pink rope around your torso. You've almost instinctively moves your hands to hold onto your neck so your arms are out of the way, and he can't help but grin about that.
So much to 'I can't see myself enjoying that'.
"Uhm.. I don't know-" You begin, unsure how to really talk about that. "I have like.. toys, n' stuff, and I usually do it in the bathroom cause I get the bed dirty otherwise.." You explain.
"Toys?" He asks, pulling the rope snug in some places- and while it's tight, it doesn't bother you at all, surprisingly. You understand when he said that some people feel some sense of security from it- it feels actually quite nice, even the knots you can feel dig a bit harsher into your skin.
"Yeah like.." You take a deep breath, somewhat to test if that's still a possibility- and you can, while his fingers seem to adjust some knots in the back. "..a normal… dildo." You cringe at saying it out loud, moving on quickly. "And a vibrating.. thing. I don't use anything else." You admit, and he chuckles, as he taps your butt.
"Sit up for a second." He commands, and you do so, letting him guide the two ends of the rope in between your legs before he helps you sit down again. "So other than that, I guess you just use your hand, am I right?" He assumes, and you nod.
"Yes." You add on quickly, squirming a bit at the sensation of the rope between your legs. You have to control yourself. It's clear that he said he doesn't want sex- yet.
"You're free to get.. turned on, by the way." He tells you, teasingly pulling on the ends that run through your legs as if to underline his statement. "After all, this is about you."
"But-" You complain weakly, trying not to move to much. "-What about you?" You ask, and he shrugs, something you cannot see.
"I'm getting my satisfaction, don't worry." He explains. You're not sure how that would work- but you don't question it either. Say.." He starts, tapping your elbows. "How do you feel, right now?"
"Good." You nod to yourself. "It's.. surprisingly comfortable. It feels nice." You say.
"It looks nice, too." he offers, hands moving over your skin, causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. "Very pretty." He praises, and you decide you don't care if he's just speaking about his work- you take this praise for yourself, using it to fuel your own emotional state in this moment. He runs his hands over your arms that are now comfortably down, hands holding yours for a second. "Let yourself go." He chuckles. "You're still tense."
"I can't help it.." You complain weakly, unsure what to do. It does feel nice, you want to move- but in a way, it's not quite right yet.
"Then maybe I can help.." He offers, hands testing the waters it seems like as they run over your thighs, just touching, nothing else. "Would you want that?" He asks, and you nod, eyes closed. "Words, darling." He demands, face close to yours while his fingers suddenly dig into your skin, gentle punishment for not following what he'd told you to do at the beginning.
"Yes.!" You almost gasp out, when one of his hands moves to grab onto the back of the artistically tied harness, pulling you, arching your back for you as he forces you to rest your upper body against his arm. You can practically feel the way your underwear soaks up your arousal, rope suddenly moving a lot more easily with the help of it between your legs.
"Show me how your hips can move." He hums into your ear, and what should feel weird comes naturally. Like in a trance you follow his words, let yourself fall because he's basically seeing all of you right now anyways- and he's seen much more before, so how bad can it really be? You trust him.
You trust him.
You can hear his breathing right next to your ear, and your hand starts to wander- before it stops. "Can-" You begin, swallowing down before you can continue. "can I touch you?" You ask, unsure if the same rules that apply to you apply to him as well. It's only fair if they do, right? It's only fair to ask him for permission, right?
"Yes." He answers, and with that, your hand blindly searches- finds his knee, moves up his thigh, warm skin underneath your rather cold fingertips earning a change in the pace at which he's breathing in. You hold onto his leg for a moment, feel the muscles move underneath the skin for a good while, as you become more and more desperate for a release of any sorts. You want to touch him too, but you don't know how- so you just leave your hand where it is, not moving any further.
His head, meanwhile, leans down into the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses there, while the hand that's not holding onto your harness moves over your chest, grabs onto the soft flesh with almost rough motions. You can only imagine the sight of his inked hand holding strongly onto your skin, thumb running over your nipple as your breathing hitches, legs moving in any way you can imagine to adjust your position.
But it's not enough.
Only when his hand sneaks between your underwear, the rope and your skin do you finally make any progress, breathing heavier as his fingers seem to play around with you just the way you like it. And it doesn't take long for you to come undone, back arching more, eyes clenching shut as he helps you ride it out for as long as you can.
You notice after a moment or two how he has already begun to untie you- and in a way, you're confused.
"What're you doing?" You slur a bit exhausted, surprised yourself how much energy this seemed to have taken out of you.
"Untying you." He chuckles, continuing to undo all the knots while he holds you close to him.
"Yeah but.." You mumble, moving a bit so he can reach your back better. "What about you?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"This isn't about me." He declines. "And I've had my fun, don't worry about me." He reassures, gently pulling out the rope from between your legs, making you cringe as you feel how wet you are down there. "There we go." He softly hums, running his palms over the red skin where the rope has left it's mark here and there. It doesn't hurt- though you do have to admit that your back and neck are kind of sore now. "How do you feel?" He asks, and you shrug- hissing when it stings.
"I think I pulled something, dunno.." You say, sitting up as he rolls up the rope again, setting it aside, before he helps you sit properly for a moment. "I'll go wash up.. sorry for the uhm.. sheets.." You mumble as you see the damp spot where you've sat on.
"No problem." He shakes his head, getting up as well to help you up. It's only when you enter the bathroom and Jungkook is still behind you that you suddenly question what's going to happen next. "What?" He chuckles, amused.
"Uh.. I need to.." You struggle, unsure how to tell him what you want to say. "I wanna shower?" You question almost, and he laughs.
"I know." He confirms. "And I wanna make sure you're fine." He tells you, and you look at him confused. "You might feel fine right now- but once that adrenaline goes down-" He tells you, a finger gently tapping your collarbone. "-you might not be."
But you cross your arms, stubborn as you are. "I'm fine." You tell him, and he smirks suspiciously, looking at you with his arms now crossed as well. "You said a no means no and I'm saying no right now." You huff, and he reacts at that-
though not in the way you thought he would.
Because he simply nods, uncrosses his arms, and sets some towels out for you to use. "Don't worry about running around naked, I'm not bothered." He simply snickers, before he leaves you alone, a moment of silence soon interrupted by him moving around in the living room, presumably changing the sheet over the couch. You slowly take off your pretty soiled panties, putting them in the hamper to wash before you get into the shower to clean up.
And much to your own dismay, Jungkook seems to be right, because suddenly, as the water runs over your skin and you're almost done cleaning up, you're not fine anymore.
Dark, rather upsetting thoughts suddenly grow inside your head, making you feel not shame- but something almost like regret. You should have insisted to do something for him, right? Maybe he wanted to shower with you because he felt like you were abandoning him.. just because he is a guy, doesn't mean that he's without any feelings. Did you upset him? He probably won't tell you even if he did.
A knock on the bathroom door is heard, and you're busy trying to pull yourself together, when Jungkook's still bare arm reaches out to turn off the shower, before he wraps a towel around you. Quietly he dries your hair with a towel before he leads you to your makeshift bed, now with new sheets, where you sit in silence until he returns with brush and hairdryer. Everything goes by in a blur, until you feel Jungkook's hands on your shoulders, his legs next to yours as he holds you close to himself.
You're waiting for the 'I told you so'.
But he doesn't say it.
Instead, he simply silently sleeps on the couch with you, letting you cling onto him throughout the small nap you take in the middle of the day as much as you want.
A few hours later, when you wake up, things are.. weird. Just like you feared.
Jungkook is still sleeping heavily, right behind you with you laying on one of his outstretched arms, biceps serving as a surprisingly comfortable headrest. He smells nice, his body is warm, and he looks relaxed as he still slumbers away.
And yet, you feel odd.
He just quietly took care of you after.. what you did a few hours ago, but you don't understand why you actually felt that way. You know that it was irrational of you- nothing had happened, everything was fine, you made a decision that you felt most comfortable in. So why were you so distraught over it later?
Well, he told you that you might end up like that. You just didn't listen.
He slowly stirs behind you, waking up as he watches you already sitting on the couch, wide awake. He's careful but not overly cautious as he slowly gets up as well, simply observing for a minute or two before he decides to speak up.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, and you shrug. You're not sure. You don't know it yourself.
"I don't know." You answer because of that, because you can't give him anything than that.
"Hm, I can imagine." He hums simply, running a hand through his chaotic bedhair. "I knew you'd drop, but I also knew.. you had to experience it yourself." He shrugs, watching you with still sleepy eyes.
"Drop?" You wonder, and he nods leaning back on his hands.
"Think of it as.." he thinks for a good example, "when people go to concerts. And they end up crying afterwards. It's the same principle, at its core." He says, and only now, as you turn to face him, do you realize you're only wearing panties- just like he's only wearing his boxers, making you snatch up the blanket to cover yourself. You earn nothing but a chuckle from him. "What we did together gave you a rush. And without any aftercare, people crash down from it." He explains softly.
"So that's why.. you wanted to shower with me?" You ask. "Aftercare?" You wonder, and he nods.
"Its important. For everyone involved, not just the.. one receiving it." He offers.
"Were you.. upset?" You ask, and he shrugs his shoulders.
"A little." He honestly replies, and you're thankful for that. It only adds to your reasons to trust him.
"I'm sorry." You say, pulling the blanket a bit closer. "I didn't know."
"Now you do." He simply chuckles, a hand on your back as he gets up, and walks into the bathroom, getting some things you assume before he emerges again. He's still almost naked as he walks back to you, smiling in a friendly manner as he sets down a towel, and tells you to lay down on your stomach on it. You do as told- determined not to push him away this time.
He notices that change in your behavior almost immediately- and he can't help but feel excited about it.
You're swaying your legs a little as you watch him light a candle close by, setting it on a table for now before he leans back and watches you it seems like. You realize it's one of those he'd received in that package earlier today- and you're curious. "What're you doing with that?" You ask, chin on your arms.
"I'll.. let some of the wax drop onto your skin." He says, chuckles when you tense up. "Dont worry. They're body safe, very low melting point. I'm only using things I believe you can handle." He offers, when you feel something drop onto your back- right between your shoulder blades.
True. It's hot- but not unpleasantly so. Maybe like the warmth of a cup of tea maybe.
"After all…" he hums, one more drop under the last falling down. "…You're not only getting to know me.." he continues, voice almost.. sensual as he speaks, another two drops falling in quick sucession of one another onto your skin, straight on your spine. "…but I'm getting to know you, too." He tells you with amusement, free hand softly running over your back. "Your body is talking to me a lot more openly than you do, darling.." he purrs teasingly, and only now do you notice how dark it is in his apartment. How long did you two sleep? It must be almost nighttime by now- led lights and flame from the candle illuminating the room enough to see comfortably, while he runs his fingers over your skin, another set of drops falling down the length of your spine.
It's almost agonizing how slow this all is. Frustrating, even. But you try and stay composed, maybe that'll earn you praise?
It's only when he sets the candle aside, and starts to dig the heels of his palms into your muscles that you sigh out in pleasure, feeling how your sore neck and back relax. Of course he'd know everything about massages. Sometimes, you're convinced he knows everything.
It feels childish to think like that, but sometimes, you've caught yourself looking at Jungkook as if he's the answer to all your problems. As if he can just pick you up and whisk you off your feet, hold you close and fight all monsters like a knight in shining armor ripped straight out of cheesy romance novels. He makes you feel like that, at least. And maybe it's time to let him prove if he can be prince charming.
"There we go." He praises suddenly, hands still moving as he sits behind you, legs pulled over his thighs while he continues to push out the knots in your neck and shoulders. "Let yourself go." He mumbles to you, as if he's hypnotizing you. If he does, it's working, weirdly enough. "I'll take over from here, hm?" He asks, no, states, and you simply sigh, closing your eyes.
"Yes." Is your answer, and you can't see the way his lips twitch.
His arms push your legs closer to him, manhandles you gently to have your core right over what you assume must be his own length, barely contained in his underwear. You wonder what he looks like. You've been told you can't take much- how will he make it work? He feels strong, big- maybe too much to handle. But you want to learn, maybe there's a way. You want to take him, even if it hurts. You've never felt like that before- it had never been something.. attractive to you. But you want him to make you take it. You trust that he will, now that you think about it.
You don't even question if he will. You know he will- the anticipation lays in how.
Are you already realizing it? What you could have with him? Probably- maybe. Or maybe it's just the way his bulge feels pressed against your core that's making you dizzy in the head. Yeah. That could be it, too. The way it's hot and hard, giving you nothing but a teaser of what he's got hidden away from you. How cruel he is. You want to see him.
"So needy.." he hums, chuckles, as his hands move with the help of the oil from the candle, fingers sliding easily down your back, to find their way around your waist to hold you. "Poor thing.." he mumbles towards you, grabs a bit more harshly at your flesh as if to test, and you want to whine-
But you swallow it down, making Jungkook tilt his head a bit with a smirk.
Not quite there yet, he thinks to himself. But I've got six more days to go to make you mine.
"Tell me what you're thinking." He asks- demands, because there's no question about this sentence you notice. It makes your spine tingle, a sudden urge to please and voice out your thoughts boiling up in your throat, as you let out a breath first and foremost, and he can't help but be affected by it, length in his underwear twitching impatiently at the sight of you so lost in pleasure. Oh the things he'd love to do to you make him greedy almost, mind coming up with scenario after scenario he'd love to see you in.
How long could he edge you until you'd cry and beg for him to let you have your release? Or how often could he make you cum until your body would give up?
How far would you go to please him?
Would you let him hunt you down like nothing but prey, just to feast on you, sex all bite and scratch and nothing but primal urges needing to be satiated? Or maybe you'd rather play his pretty little pet, loyal at his feet, patiently awaiting his command?
There's so many ways he can think of to corrupt you.
And he wants to try them all.
"You-" you answer his earlier question, hiding your face in your arms as you move your hips, grinding over his crotch on the hunt for your release. He'll be easy on you today, won't tell you no, will let you have it if you so desire. "I'm.. thinking-" you stutter a bit muffled into your arms, "-of you..!" you press out, and he can't help his smile from forming as he leans back his body, pulls you a little more roughly over his groin, unable to hide his growl as you become more and more shameless, moving erratically to gain any form of friction from him.
"Good." he sighs out as an answer to you, hands grabbing at your bottom, the urge to hit the soft flesh at least once agonizing- but he controls himself, holds back, just as to not overwhelm you too much at once. Instead, he presses you down, helps the movements of your lower body, earns a whimper as payment for it, and he can't help but be affected by it as well. "The only thing you're allowed to think of is me, understood?" he tests out, and much to his delight, you nod.
"yes-!" it feels like you almost want to say something else- and he wonders what your choice would've been, but he doesn't pry. He's got enough time to find out about it soon, after all- and he can be surprisingly patient, especially when it comes to things he's passionate about.
And god, is he passionate about you.
Suddenly, he wants to know. Wants to test you, despite his earlier choice of wanting to take is soft and slow- as his hands reach out, arms hooking underneath your thighs, suddenly lifting you up, leaving you with nothing before he turns you around onto your back, hands on your hips pressing down, preventing any movement. "Please-!" you beg, and he watches in interest how you struggle against him.
"Please, what?" he asks, acting nonchalant. "What do you want?" he wonders as if he doesn't know, and you look at him like you're searching for something, or maybe you're just collecting courage. For what, he doesn't know- yet.
"Please- let me.. cum.." you try, but it's not quite right for him. You also don't seem uncomfortable with the situation- you seem more like you're holding back, like you're unsure, hesitant.
"Hm, that won't do."he shakes his head, leaning further away, though his hold on you still keeps you still. "Try again." he tells you, and you close your eyes, like you're bracing yourself.
"Please let me cum!" You repeat, though this time with a lot more confidence, and he grins at that, one of his hands taking the front of your panties into it, before he pulls it up, fabric slipping between your lower lips, already drenched in your arousal.
"Go ahead then." he tells you. "Give me a good show, yeah?" he almost sings, and you immediately move, frantically so, hips rolling in desperation as he watches, muscles in your thighs stuttering especially when he helps you assist, pushing you towards your orgasm a lot faster than you anticipated.
It leaves you gasping for air, hips stuttering as you try and catch your breath, core clenching around nothing for a good while. The moment you open your eyes you're greeted with the sight of someone more akin to a demon, a predator, Eden's sin recreated as a human person- the sweat on his skin making him look as if he's glowing, eyes sharp and pupils blown wide, one hand carefully running over your thigh while he other is on his-
There's a clear and surprisingly big stain on his dark grey Calvin Klein's, and you turn red as you realize what that must be. It gives you an odd boost of confidence, knowing that the sigh of you had done that to him- had helped him get to this point, even if just a little. It still counts, you still take it- as he smiles, and leans down to gently kiss your cheek.
"Good girl." he praises quietly, and this time you don't mask your whimper of pleasure, this one of different nature as you bathe in the praise clearly directed at you, you, and only you.
You feel drunk.
But this time, you happily let him move you around, pick you up and carry you into the bathroom, where he helps you step out of your underwear, your state leaving no room to feel shy about your nudity in front of him it seems like. He's used to it- it's nothing new to witness, but considering it's you in this state, he's even more gentle than he would usually be in a situation like this. how can he be with anyone else after you?
He doesn't know. And for now, he won't think of that.
All he knows is that underneath the shower, and later on on the couch where you'll sleep for the entirety of the week, he's got you.
And he'll do his best to keep you at his side forever.
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
Okay we see how Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Cass become Yanderes for reader what about Damian, Steph and Babs?
That question is exactly why I'm kind of debating on making a kinda "Part 2.5" sort of thing, and it would show how Tim and Damian got further roped into things like Bruce, Dick, Jason and Cass. Along with how Steph and Babs take the news of "heyyy, um. you know Y/n? yeah that one sibling of ours that's lived here for years that we've barely have like, 10 conversations with collectively? Yeah, that sibling. Uh, we just figured out they've basically been living an entire life without any of us knowing, and might've run away because we were barely involved in their life despite them making multiple attempts to have us be there. So, we kind of need your help to find them. Like. Now-"
Though honestly I'll just put the run down here, so-
Bruce kind of gave Damian the little push he needed before hopping on the train, kind of like what he did with Jason but a little different. With him finding Damian, and some questions being thrown around, before Damian just decides to help look for you.
Honestly I can imagine that Damian wasn't super serious about finding you or anything at first, and was more so just trying to help because Bruce and Dick were looking for you. Hence why he looks for Alfred first with the intention to get the search done and over with. Though, that does begin to change a little when he eventually stumbles upon your room and gets that small glimpse of all he's missed out on after having talked with Alfred.
The room itself doesn't necessarily get to Damian — not like it does with Bruce and Dick — but it's more of the contents of the room itself that get him started on the yandere path.
Honestly, how Damian and Tim begin to develop their more Yandere thoughts and feelings for the reader is through finding something in your room, leading them to find more stuff, and that eventually getting to the thought process of "i didn't know they did this... i would've liked to know about this before/share this thing with them." Which then leads to a more yandere-like mindset.
For Damian (since we're already on the topic of him), he finds that one art award that you got, and becomes curious. Eventually he finds the unfinished art pieces that Bruce had found earlier, and while he isn't impressed or anything at first, the more unfinished pieces he finds the more he kind of begins to see your potential, and that leads to his own thoughts on the matter. With him wishing he knew about how you liked to do art too, and that eventually leads to him thinking that he could've helped you refine your skill, and the both of you could've drawn or painted together.
What strengthens that mindset is when he gets his hands on a notebook that you had used to practice whatever you were struggling with, and left notes for yourself on how you could improve upon certain things as well. Maybe if Damian had known you were into art before, he could've helped you, and you both could've improved together. Refine each other's skills, and just be able to create together. Which Damian really begins to like the thought of. Especially as he sees how you improved the deeper into the notebook he gets.
So, he also sets out to find you, but with a more positive mindset and thought process.
Honestly, out of everyone, Damian is the least worried about you and your well-being. Not because he necessarily has faith in your abilities to stay alive in Gotham, while also potentially being by yourself, but rather he isn't focused on that part? Not as intensely as some of the others, anyway.
Besides, if you were to turn up dead, then he'd have the "you die, I kill you" mindset. You aren't allowed to be dead or 'missing' in his mind, and so you aren't until proven other wise — but even then he's going to need a lot of solid proof to even believe it.
Damian is just more focused on the "we have a common interest and I want to do this thing with them" part of learning that you're into art. Even if you aren't anymore, just knowing that it was something that you used to do is enough to get him jumping on the yandere train. You'll be doing art with him one way or another, and you can't do shit about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sure his reasoning isn't a strong, but it's enough to get him started and to go looking for you with the others when they eventually start tearing Gotham apart in hopes to find you. Damian now has a sudden need for quality time and your his main target, sorry not sorry.
Tim on the other hand just sort of, stumbled upon your room, and thanks to Dick was very quickly roped into this mess (as mentioned in "Not Here").
He actually looks through the box with all of your more personal belongs first as Dick tries to call and text you like crazy, while also trying to figure out more stuff.
The first thing he minds is an mp3 player, which, again - as mentioned in "Not Here" held very early versions of songs you were working on at the time, along with some of the very first songs you ever wrote. Which, after listening to a few of them, is immediately a big fan. Though that ends up being both his downfall and how he begins to develop his more yandere tendencies.
Like Dick, you had tried to call and message him about certain performances and such you thought he'd like, and hoped he'd attend, but to no avail. It sucks even more for Tim now because if he had just given your music a chance just a little sooner, maybe things would've been different between the two of you. Maybe you wouldn't have left.
Not to mention that, since he now really loves your music - just knowing that he's wasted so many opportunities to hear more of it, and the completed, fully fleshed out versions of some the songs on the mp3 player makes him upset. He really feels the hit of neglecting you, and that hit only lands harder when he goes through that 'List/Progress' notebook that Bruce had seen earlier in "Not Here".
A notebook which does reveal a lot about you, and how you only did so many activities because you hoped that if anyone in the family was into one of the activities/hobbies you tried, then you'd be able to bond with them over it. Though look at where that got you. Countless awards hung on your walls, with a number of accomplishments to your name - and yet not once were you able to use them for their original purpose. Not once were you able to hold a full, long conversation with any of them about any of the things you've done.
It wasn't even your fault because you tried to put in the work, Tim could really see that now, but you just weren't given the chance to actually put it to good use.
Maybe that's why he ended up helping Dick as much as he did, and maybe that's why he took the time to download some of your songs before heading out to look for you. He wanted to feel closer to you then he really was, and wanted your music to be something shared between the two of you.
Tim wants to not only get closer to you, but to hear everything you've ever made music wise. A want which he fully intends on making a reality.
Stephenie and Barbara are a bit different, however. Since, as stated in "Not Here", both of them are informed of what's going on after everyone else but Damian and Alfred absolutely loses their minds over you not being in the Manor. Though, again, both take the news a bit differently.
Between the two, Steph easily feels the worst. So her motivations and actions — like Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, and Tim — are more out of guilt and regret. She already doesn't like the thought of her own neglect having caused you to keep so many things to yourself that you basically hid yourself away, but the idea of her — along with everyone else — having pushed you so far away that you ran away? That... doesn't make her feel good, to say the least.
Sure, she doesn't feel as bad as Bruce or Dick - who easily feel the worst because of their respective roles in the family, and them feeling like they failed to even be a semi-present figure in your life for you to recognize them as your Father and Older Brother (to which they are correct, but aren't aware of that yet) - but it's still enough for her to try and look for you too.
Kind of like Bruce when he was looking in the Manor, Stephanie doesn't know where to start looking, and that only worsens her regret.
I guess her development comes more with time? Since the more she and the others look, not only do her feelings grow, but she also learns more about you as everyone starts sharing information over the intercoms. Things they just found out about you — like how you spent your birthdays alone with Alfred and had waited for them each year until recently, how you made music, what kind of competitions and such you've participated in, who were your teachers, how majority of what you did wasn't even for yourself - but rather a chance that one of the many activities you did try out was something anyone of them were into, so that way you could actually have a conversation with them - and more. (Which may be shown later? Not in a official post/part to the series but perhaps in a sort of side thing that shows the mayhem going on. But who knows?)
Case and point, while they are all looking for you - Steph slowly becomes more yandere for the reader the more she learns about you and how her and the other's actions impacted you. Like some of the others, she wants to make it up to you, but isn't entirely sure how she'd even go about doing that. The more aware she becomes, the harder she falls.
Barbara on the other hand, I'd say, is more lowkey as of now when it comes to her development as a yandere?
I mean, Dick, while very much panicking, basically told her it was an emergency and he really needed her on the bat computer because he had to look for you. Which, in the same breath, gave a list of locations and possible teachers you might've had in the past (you can thank Tim for trying to figure all of that out) and if she could look into it.
It's safe to say that Barbara's introduction into the whole situation was very chaotic. An emotional, worried, and panicked Dick is never a good one, so that was fun to deal with while slowly drowning in confusion.
Eventually, she got the run down and was quick to help, but like Bruce, Cass, Damian, and Jason - she was more confused at the start.
Ouf of everyone, and maybe besides Jason, Barbara has had the least amount of interaction with you - and the room for possible interactions with you for her were much smaller anyway considering that you aren't a vigilante, and never intended to be. So, it only makes sense that one of the people you've easily had the least connection with, was the person who communicated and mainly interacted with the rest of the Batfam when they're doing vigilante work.
What didn't help is that she barely even saw you at events or even holiday gatherings and such the family would have, with you being so neglected that they just... failed to even notice you missing at the time. The day she was introduced to you was when you were first adopted, and that was basically both the first and last full interaction either of you have had with each other. Other than that, she would hear small comments about you sometimes from the others, but even then it wasn't much and those soon died out as one could've guessed.
Even when she was in the Manor, she might've caught a few glimpses of you, but nothing else - so the beginning of her fall into being a yandere is definitely much slowly and lowkey when compared to the others.
I feel as if this whole situation may encourage Babs to want to get to know you better? After all, your disappearance did cause the whole family to basically start a whole manhunt just to find you, so I feel as if that would be enough to get Barbara interested at the very least. Not to mention all of the things she's hearing about you from everyone - it would be nice to try and actually meet you, not just know about you.
In other words, I feel as if Barbara may develop more as a yandere in part 3, seeing as I can see her more yandere tendencies begin to develop once she actually 'meets' you. Y'know what I mean?
So tldr; Damian becomes a yandere for the reader by finding out they're into art/have done art in the past, and now has a deep need to bond with them.
Steph becomes a yandere through her guilt and regret, and like some of the others, want to make it up to the reader.
Babs, on the other hand, hasn't exactly become a yandere just yet, but will once she 'meets' the reader and see them for herself. As of right now, she's just curious, but we'll get there in part 3.
Also, this is unrelated to the ask, but I would like to point out how pretty much everyone in the Batfam thinks you ran away rather then you just leaving. Do what you will with this information for now :]
Anyways, I hoped that answered your question, even if I got a bit rambly! If there's anything else in particular anyone else would like to know, feel free to send in an ask!
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Portgas D. Ace NSFW Alphabet
@444katsuki threatened me at 8am to do this. 🧍🏾‍♀️🤧
Black Fem Reader in Mind
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
If he doesn’t fall asleep right after he usually gets up and grabs a towel to wipe you off, he didn’t know much about aftercare and he told you about this, but he was more than willing to learn because he always had the instinct to make you feel good and safe. He enjoys pillow talking as well right after, holding you on top of his chest, starting off with a silly comment saying “Fuck you feel too good down there.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his arms and he loves your ass. When he carries you & you can always feel his bicep or hand right under the cup of your butt
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Feral messy man. He loves cumming on your body though. It’s a form of possession he feels pouring his seed all over you as you pant away and eye half shut. You have to catch him sometimes though because if he cream pie’s you he starts to playing inside you cunt with his Dick.
Dirty ass.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He really wants to fuck you in a forest. He doesn’t know why, but sometimes when you both are exploring he just wants you push you against a tree and have at you. Maybe you will grant him that pleasure one day
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He has had no less than 3 women. Two was just blowjobs and the one was a heat of the moment thing. He regrets losing his virginity to anybody that wasn’t you, because you really showed him the ropes on how to make you feel good. He does have his hiccups when he is too excited so he may miss your clit or rub too hard but a lil correction never hurt him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Lotus. He is infactuated by you, your scent, your moans, your body he needs to be as close as you as possible. He will keep your sweaty thighs around his hot waist and slowly pump into you and giving you soft praises in your ear, “You’re so good to me, I love you, baby.”
Once it gets a bit more intense he lays back holding your hands to watch you ride him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It can be either or, he’s a silly guy and he enjoys watching you smile as much as he does seeing your fucked out face. Sometimes he’ll intentionally make a joke while going down on you because he gets so turned on when you laugh, but it gets cut off by a moan. It just so sexy to Ace.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Sooooo. He is kinda like Luffy, but slightly better. His DF burns off any excess hair on his body so he doesn’t have much going on, but sometimes you can just barely feel a little bit of hair when he presses deeper inside you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s a romantic whether he admits it or not, he’s just not great at executing it. He tried to light candles around the bed or give you a massage but he’s clumsy so there were a few times there have been many accidental fires in your room because of this
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Does it a lot before and after dating you, especially if you are not sexually available. He gets riled up so easily he blames you a lot for it. You’ve caught him in your room with your dirty panties in his face way too many times.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Temperature Play: I mean obviously. When he fingers you he will make his fingers hot JUST enough to make you whimper. Sometimes if he is feeling it, he will rub ice on and inside your pussy, he sucks his bottom lip seeing you squirm at the cold touch and wait until you beg for him fingers for him to rub your clit with his burning digits.
Sensory Deprivation: He actually wants you BOTH to be blind while having sex. The feeling is such an overwhelming pleasure he can’t get himself to beg for more while you cry for him to stop while he is inside you blindly.
Exhibition: Like i said he doesn’t actually want to get caught but the THOUGHT and RISK makes him feral. He can most definitely fill you in an alley or even in someone else’s room that he doesn’t like. He doesn’t give af.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He doesn’t necessarily care as long as there is reassurance y’all can’t get caught. Going back to the idea of fucking you in the forest.
He really likes fucking you in areas where enemies are close by. It’s something about the rush of possibly getting caught and attacked that makes him get feral. Granted he would also be mortified if someone actually saw like a random civilian so he is a dumbass on that part.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
YOU. You just swaying your hips ALONE Makes him flustered! He gets more horny when he drinks so if you wanna tease him sit on his lap. (Will Describe more on the Letter U)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Ace is a very jealous guy so he Does not ever want to share you. He has no reason to. You are his and he most definitely is yours, just the thought of you being intimate with someone else’s, man or woman he doesn’t care it pisses him off.
He is open to slapping you, but not in the face. He wouldn’t dream of ever bruising up your gorgeous face.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This man LIVES for blowjobs. The mouth stretching to swallow his cock is a sight to see. He loves leaning back on the bed, one hand holding him up, other on your head holding your hair watching you bob your head up and down. It’s kinda hot seeing how his head is cocked to the side, blushing and lowly moaning your name. when you wake up him with one he is the happiest mf in the sea nothing can piss him off. Bonus points if you start off and kiss his tip he will get hard almost instantly
When he goes down on you he’s a damn menace, he always becomes pussy drunk so be prepared to be overstimulated. His favorite way to eat you is him on his knees and you against the wall. It’s so hot to see his dark eyes just barely showing through his messy hair looking up and you kneeding your ass. One time you moved his hair out of his face to get a good look at him and while he was sucking your clit he winked and pushed your pelvis in more making you cry out.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Surprisingly, he loves making love more than rough sex. Now that doesn’t mean if you act bratty he won’t put that ass in place, but he
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
The only quickies y’all have are oral sex or quick bend over this barrel sex. It’s not often but Ace don’t mind em.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
There was a couple times you’ve done it in the hallway of a Mobydick during a party and you both were horny drunk messes that couldn’t wait to get to your room so Ace took you from the back on a wall. Thatch caught you both, but y’all couldn’t see him from how dark it was. He didn’t talk to you both for a week and you both didn’t understand why.
Ace doesn’t think about trying new things. If you tell him about it he’s open minded, as long as it isn’t something he can’t do back to you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has fallen asleep inside you. Many times. So after waking him up he is recharged to finish what he started. Sex with Ace usually last about….15-20 minutes and that’s because his ass can knock out at anytime.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No. He always talks about getting one but never gets around to do it and you seem to always forget so if y’all want to use one you can, but it wouldn’t make much difference between how you both have sex.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Okay so you both like to tease each other. You can tease him by sitting on his lap while he drinks and with nobody watching you will grab his hand and guide it making him feel that you in fact are wearing no panties. You witty smile starts to fade when he raises the temperature on his finger tip as they do teasingly draw circles inside you, he smirks while sipping his drink knowing the more you buck your hips in his hand the further away his hand moves. Eventually you or him have a competition on who can break first and you both always end up losing, but it’s worth it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
SUCH PRETTY PRETTY MOANS. Probably the top three prettiest male moaner in the entire OP verse and he ain’t 3. He gets so embarrassed knowing his noises turn you on, but he doesn’t stop because the way you clench down on him when he spills his soft whimpers makes him more riled up.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He can draw really well. Ace calls them doodles but he is super good at realism. He mostly draws you and gives you the drawing very casually at the end of the day. It doesn’t mean anything to him. That was until he found your drawer full of his mini drawings through out the years. Damn near fell in love with you all over again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
About 5-6 and a half all around. It looks way fucking bigger through because he is girthy and hard. It curves slightly and it’s very pretty and even has a few tiny beauty marks on it. He can be a cocky ass hole when he sees you struggle to take him inside you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Once he got with you his libido just sky rocketed more than it was before I’m sorry. He can’t get enough of your whimpers and your body. He will contact his self the best of his ability if you are not a very sexual person, but if you’re down I take it you guys may have sex about 3-4 times a week quickies not included.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If he doesn’t pull you into his chest afterwards he wants you to hold him. He loves falling sleep right after sex in your chest, but if you’re just too hot best believe after a nice good cleaning he is knocked like a light
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odetodilfs · 1 year
Pairing: Joel Miller x hispanic!male!reader
Warnings: none but this has A LOT of Spanish (translations at the end)
A/N: I'm sorry that it's kinda shitty, but I tried to keep descriptions as vague as possible as well as many thing cause I want this to be readable for every hispanic no matter what your country is from
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It was a quiet afternoon with Joel in Jackson, cuddling, kissing each other when you felt like it. Ellie was in her room, probably flicking through some magazines you’d managed to find in an abandoned home. Your head was on Joel’s chest, you were feeling really cozy in that position, his warm breathing on your hair, it was heaven. You still had a hard time believing this was real, how you had a beautiful boyfriend, how you had adopted a beautiful girl, it was all so perfect, of course, it wasn’t really, it was very far from it, you did live in a world where raiders and clickers were less than 1000 meters away from the city, but it was good compared to the realities of many others.
“Can you teach me Spanish?” he said out of the blue. He’d heard you speaking it, he knew you were proud of your *(insert hispanic country)*’s heritage, your culture, and the fact that he wanted to learn it was kind of cute. “It’s hard, do you really want to?” you made sure, 
“I’m very sure” he smiled, “Hola” he said, you laughed and rolled your eyes with a smile, “Oh wow”
“I’m trying my best, tell me something in Spanish” he asked, and you obeyed, “Joel, eres el hombre más hermoso que he visto en mi vida” you said, “Something about me” he smirked
“Yeah,” “Good or bad?” he asked “Hmmm, I could just not tell you,” “No, please tell me” “What’s the word?” you teased slightly 
“P-¿ Por favor?” he begs you 
“I just said that you were the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen” you smiled, Joel blushed slightly, “I am?” “Sí, lo eres” you kissed him sweetly on the lips.
“But can you teach me Spanish?” he asked again “Of course, querido” you said as you roped him in for a hug. His warmth filling you, you looked up at his eyes, those beautiful brown eyes that kept you alive, “My beautiful brown eyed man…” you smiled at him, he just looked down at you with a smile, “I could say the same about you” he smiled, looking down and kissing your forehead again, he lost himself in your dark hair.
Two months went by and Joel’s Spanish was surprisingly amazing, he clearly enjoyed learning just for you, you had a simple system, every time he got something right you kissed him on the lips sweetly, that proved to be very effective…
“Ok pues Joel, dime cómo te gusta tomarte el café” you asked, trying to have conversations in Spanish, “Me gusta con poca azúcar y poca leche” his words tinted with that cute southern accent of his, but you didn’t mind, “Correct!” you exclaimed and went to kiss him on the lips, enjoying that mustache against your upper lip, “Me gusta tus besos” he said, incorrectly, “Nope, you like my kisses in plural, so how is it?”  he thought about it,
“Ugh… I can’t remember…” he said, “You add a letter at the end of “gusta”” you hinted but he still didn’t get it, “I’ll kiss a part of your body that starts by it, you slowly went in and kissed his arched nose, he sighed in slight pleasure and it clicked for him, “Me gustan tus besos…” he corrected himself.
“Precioso” you kissed his forehead and hugging him, giving him his reward for his minimal thinking, you really just wanted to feel his touch, “look at you, you’re basically a ranchero now!” you joked, he laughed “or huaso, or gaucho” “What are those?” he asked
“Cowboys but from other countries” he smiled at the thought, “I see you, you’d look cute with a poncho and a hat” you teased, he blushed like mad
“I would?” “Yeah, you would,” you said as you kissed him on the cheek.
“Mi pololo” you said
“What does that mean?” “It means boyfriend in slang really, but you can pretty much use it for anyone you love” you smiled at him, he said “Po… lolo?” he repeated “Yes, pololo” you smiled at him, “but one day, we could be esposos” you smirked at him because he knew what you were saying, “Yeah, one day” he smiled and laughed to himself, as he knew that tonight would be the night he’d propose to you in your language.
TRANSLATIONS (won't translate what's already done in the fic)
Querido = Dear
Sí, lo eres = Yes, you are
Ok pues Joel, dime cómo te gusta tomarte el café = Ok so Joel, tell me how you like your coffee
Me gusta con poca azúcar y poca leche = I like with little sugar and little milk
Me gustan tus besos… = I like your kisses...
Precioso = Precious
Ranchero = Basically, the Mexican version of a cowboy
Huaso = A cowboy too, but from Chile Gaucho = Yet another cowboy, but from Argentina
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eeclare · 1 year
Bobby Burgers headcannons that I will not argue about
Teddy is autistic and that’s why he feels so attached to the Belchers and why he has literal meltdowns whenever is routine is interrupted (i.e. when the belchers close the restaurant for a day)
Marshmallow takes Gene under her wing when he gets older and introduces him to the underground music world
And as a result Gene becomes a DJ by night and works at the restaurant by day
Even as an adult Gene lives at home with Bob and Linda
AND Gene becomes a drag queen on occasion, his stage name is Misty Gish
Gene is also Gederfluid but prefers He/Him pronouns (aged up)
I get queer vibes from Louise, especially because of how enamoured she is with Nat (seeing an out and proud lesbian is probably really euphoric for her as a young closeted queer girl
Louise is a K-pop stan! Season 8 episode 2 “The Silence of the Louise” Louise is seen singing K-pop with Millie and it just makes sense for her
In addition to that, Millie is Louise’s best friend aside from Tina and Gene
Teddy and Kathleen get married and Bob is the caterer
Mr. Fishoeder takes Louise under his wing as an adult and shows her the ropes of running a successful business
And as a result Louise takes over the restaurant
Tina becomes a kind of popular novelist/ghostwriter, especially in the romance department
I know that this is cannon but Tina writes fanfiction and posts it on the internet. She becomes a popular fanfic author
Tina is a true 2015 tumblr girly
Jimmy Pesto has depression, which is why he seems so bitter and aggressive all the time
He also secretly likes when Andy and Ollie give him hugs and J-ju’s dancing too
Bob has depression too. I mean come on, you can just tell that’s basically just cannon
The belcher kids learn sign language to have secret kid meetings in front of their parents
Tina and Zeke are end game
Zeke starts working at the restaurant in the later years of high school
Tammy has a major crush on Jocelyn but doesn’t know how to express it so it comes out as passive aggression and standoffish
Gayle is probably Autistic lol but she’s actually diagnosed
Tina is a swifty I don’t make the rules
Gene and Courtney figure things out and they date all through high school
They break up after graduation and Gene takes it HARD. He doesn’t date anyone else for years afterwards
Maybe they get back together a few years later maybe they don’t I don’t have my heart set on anything
Rudy asks Louise out at some point in their lives and Louise says no. They remain friends but it’s never really the same after that
Mr. Fishoeder is bi and super into dudes
Ron is gay and in love with Hugo
(Maybe Hugo kinda reciprocates)
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eminsunnytoons123 · 24 days
Emin's baldi's basics recast meme with class of 3000 characters
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Dedicated to @splashy900 @sayuri-does-skits @nia1sworld @aquamarine-dream-queen @ducktoonz903707 @blo0st4r @iggyguyy @nightkit92 And all my other besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, And my two girlfriends And my boyfriend that always support And love me And even love my Projects And ideas, heres another recast meme I had in mind Today =^_^=
So, I was playing baldi's basics on my phone, And I started imagining the class of 3000 characters as the characters because when I was a 9 year old boo-boo, I always watched lots of youtubers playing lots of baldi's basics mods, so I thought: "what if there was a baldi's basics mod but with class of 3000 characters?" So heres a recast meme of it =^.^= And this is called "Sunny's musics in education And learning" And I'll make this as Journal series AU =^_^=
And heres some explanation of the characters:
Number one, Lil' D as the protagonist - lil' D would honestly really fit the role of the protagonist because of his personality And all that, And I know that he is a big fan of Sunny but imagine that this is just like an act for them all
Number two, Kam as the protagonist's friend - Kam would definetly fit the role of the protagonist's friend, I know that protagonist's friend didnt appear in the game, but I imagine that he actually did And Kam appearing in this story as Lil' D's a.k.a protagonist's friend (I know lil' D And kam are already friends btw ^///^;)
Number three, Sunny as Baldi - Sunny would really fit the role of Baldi, but ofcourse Sunny will be music teacher just like on the show, And I feel like he would have his SAXOPHONE to probably slap in his Hand like how Baldi slaps his ruler in his Hand, I know its kinda weird for Sunny to really slap his saxophone in his Hand but oh well ^///^;
Number four, Madison as playtime - all the class of 3000 fans know why I chose Madison as playtime, Its obviously because of madison's playful, optimistic And quirky personality, And in my AU she actually loves playing with The jump rope. And like playtime, she would get sad when Lil' D a.k.a protagonist cuts her jump rope
Number five, Principal Luna as principal of the thing - Principal Luna is the principal like principal of the thing ofcourse, so thats why I decided for Luna to be principal of the thing. And I feel like in the story, he would Pick Lil' D by his shirt And get him to his office for detention And say: "when will you tweens And teens learn?"
Number six, Lil' G as its a bully - Since Lil' G is clearly Lil' D's rival like how Salieri is a rival to Sunny, I thought that this role would perfectly fit Lil' G. And he is a bully-looking Guy just like Salieri, Brooklyn Bill, Addison, Freddie, Bambi, jim And Jam. And I imagine Lil' G saying things to Lil' D like: "Oh, no items? You dont have anythin'? Then you get no pass."
Number seven, Cheddar man "Charles" as gotta sweep - I just thought of cheddar man "Charles" being gotta sweep, I know he isnt a janitor on the Show (neither in the reboot). And I imagine in the episodes of 'SMIEAL' (short for 'Sunny's basics in education And learning') stories, when Lil' D would Open the room where cheddar man "Charles" is in, he would just stand here with his arms crossed And probably be like: "why do I still work here" X3
Number eight, Philly Phil as arts And crafters - I imagined philly Phil being arts And crafters And being first kinda embarassed or not really wanting to interact with Lil' D, but then after lil' D collects all notebooks, just like arts And crafters he becomes more aggresive And mad And chases after lil' D in the way to help Sunny
Number nine, Jim as 1st prize - I know she is pretty rude, but she likes giving tight hugs And pushing others in my AU, And since she didnt really speak in 'westley side story' episode, her voice would be the same like Kim but a little more pitched. And in the episodes, whenever Lil' D gets away from her, she gets mad And says: "hey! How rude!" And she would just go away
Number ten, Salieri as Filename2 - I honestly thought Salieri would fit this role as Filename2 a.k.a 'Null'. And he wouldnt really be corrupted like how Null is, but he will often appear in the episodes of the story series
And if y'all have any more ideas or suggestions for this new AU, then y'all can say it either in replies, reblogs, ask box or private messages =^_^=
I hope y'all will like this =^////^= 💛🧡 I'll draw them all tommorow just like 'class of 3000 animal au', 'class of 3000 agent au', 'dark folklores of class of 3000 au', 'class of 3000 musical au' AND 'class of 3000 haunted School au' =^_^=
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bleue-flora · 1 month
Well since everyone’s doing staged duo headcanon I might as well follow @dr3amofagame [post] and @elmhat [post], and throw in my two cents, which is probably less headcanon and more interpretation of canon.
c!Dream and c!Punz’s insistence on answers and power is only half true. Or at least not the full picture. They do want knowledge and answers but not because of power or greed, but because they were hurt by random people like c!Tommy and c!Wilbur showing up with no explanation. The power they strived for wasn’t a ruling, controlling power but the ability to protect what they value, whether from the rest of the server or death.
c!Dream did tell c!Punz about the torture. Debatable on how much detail he goes into but he does tell him, even if prompted first. I think this for a couple reasons. Firstly, to c!Purpled, c!Punz says, “But they were, Dream told me how Sam let him in freely and allowed him to do unspeakable things to him, that wasn’t a prison that was Hell in a box,” basically telling us that c!Dream told c!Punz and while this could be argued as manipulation, it also just makes sense. He also says “And Quackity was allowed to go in and torture him Every. Single. Day. Purpled, do you know what that does to a man, do you know the limits that people have it—it goes beyond those limits, it's not okay,” and his highlight of it being daily is telling to me. It didn’t have to be daily to be brutal and horrible and have lasting effects. Unless he watches Quackity go in and out covered in blood Every Single Day, at which point would cause some serious concern, then how would he know it was daily unless c!Dream told him? And I am of the opinion that if he had noticed Quackity coming in and out of the prison covered in blood, suspecting c!Dream was being tortured then he would have said something to c!Dream or in his own inner thoughts during the Jailbreak stream. Secondly, as someone with the Revive book it’d be kinda reckless to not inform c!Punz about what happened. He kinda should know who is a major threat and what lengths people are willing to go. After all, should they find out he has the book somehow he needs to be informed on what that could mean for him. But even so, I don’t think c!Dream just offered up that information without c!Punz either asking or doing/saying something that persuades c!Dream to tell him. c!Punz definitely suspects first before he learns more details.
c!Punz did not know why c!Dream wanted Quackity’s location or what he intended to do with the information in the scrapped lore. So, he didn’t take time to scope it out, it was more of - here’s where he lives sorta deal (like if c!Dream asked where Kinoko Kingdom is, then it’s not like c!Punz is going to scope out the place for booby traps and such, he’d just give the location). So, he doesn’t learn about the torture till after, when c!Dream is way worse for wear and tells him what happened in Pandora’s Vault, but I do agree, not about what exactly happened in the scrapped lore (it would make him look too weak).
I think I do have to agree with dr3 and elm on c!Punz going behind c!Dream’s back when going to Purpled. I don’t think c!Dream would risk c!Punz’s exposure like that after everything he sacrificed to keep them a secret and yea c!Dream definitely doesn’t have the info on c!Purpled and c!Slime to put together that plan. I could definitely see it as c!Punz’s own like redemption for the failed first attempt at revenge that he is inadvertently at fault for. Like after finding out about the torture and why c!Dream wanted to know where Quackity was, he is upset and goes to form a plan for better revenge, which after a certain point of success he ropes c!Dream in.
c!Punz does visit the prison, but not before Dream breaks out and not like all the time but just because c!Tommy or c!Sapnap may be watching the place doesn’t mean c!Punz can’t sneak it. He’s a spy after all, it’s kinda his job. I get this impression based on how c!Punz and c!Dream seem to show off the prison together in the finale - ‘let’s show them a part they haven’t been to before.’ And while the deterioration of the prison is a great parallel to Tommy’s overgrown home, both representing the poor mental states of the characters, I think it is worth noting that it’d be really suspicious if the prison was all nice. Like yea ideally no one gets in, but if they do it’s a good deterrent for the place to look dirty and abandoned. After all, who would live in such a mess? Is similar to the mindset or who chooses to live in their own torture box? Who chooses to live in their own hell?... 
c!Punz is jealous of c!George.
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traffic-light-eyes · 10 months
Ninja as Marvel Superheroes
To me, this is the most obvious. He would be Spider-Man; Spider-Man is young, witty, and learning the ropes along the way. I'd imagine he'd make his design off of a green lynx and still keep the ninja motif with baggier pants, maybe. I just genuinely think he'd be Spider-Man if anything.
Hear me out. Iron Man. Her being iron man makes so much sense!! It calls back to her days as Sam X with her mech. And don't even bother talking to me about how it's Iron Man, I really don't care. She'd be, like, Iron Samurai or Iron Maiden (because I totally think she'd name herself after a killing machine). She's techy, incredibly smart, and resourceful! Maybe a bit prickly at first, but that's her <3
This one is kinda a tie between Hawkeye and Vision. Skill wise, I feel Hawkeye would fit more, but personality and being, well, a robot, Vision fits better. So, I think I'll go with Vis! Like I said earlier, both are robots/nindroids/synthezoids, and both have a very similar personality! Even the Ice Chapter could fit in with what happened to Vis in WandaVision (I won't spoil!). It's definitely a good pick!
He was a bit difficult. I feel like he gives Black Widow vibes, though. He is very skilled, stealthy, and not above killing for the people he loves. He's a fierce protecter of his people from the shadows and a bit standoffish at first - just like Nat! I just feel that Nat is way more suave than he could ever be.
FALCON!! It calls back to when he tried to make wings from the junkyard! This was probably the easiest one to choose!!! I think that instead of his wings being from the military, he made them himself. He loves his people and wants nothing more than to do what is right. I don't think that a single person could fit him better.
Hulk or Cap! I feel like using Hulk is a bit of a cop-out because, well, big strong man smashes things woah. Seems too easy. He doesn't have much in common with Bruce aside from strength, really. So I didn't want to fully choose him. Cap, however, seems like a much better fit. Cap had spent his days as a show-pony, basically. Singing, dancing, the likes. This feels similar to Lou's pushiness to the arts. Similarly, Cap (if you didn't know) loves to draw! Two confirmed drawings in his sketchbook are the monkey riding a unicycle and a little sketch of the city in the corner of the page. This really draws back to Cole. Not to mention, both Cap and Cole seem like the grounding glue holding the team together. The mother-hen. The face of the team. (Don't even lie to me and say he isn't. You don't have to be the main character to be the face - he's not even my favorite character, and I completely agree that he's the face. Everyone I know, when asked, says that they had a crush on Cole. It's ridiculous.) I just love the idea of Cole as Cap!
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bodyguardbracket · 10 months
Round 1: Guy (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!) vs Link (Legend of Zelda)
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[Propaganda Under Cut]
Guy: it's kinda hard to talk about guy without spoilers from a3’s main story act 8 so yeah take caution. anyway guy is introduced as a bodyguard from the fictional south asian kingdom of zahra, of which citron is the crown prince. it’s a very long complicated story but basically citron fled from zahra before his coronation ceremony was to take place and planned on travelling around the world for a while, but he ended up in japan and decided to stay bc he got roped into joining a theatre troupe (most normal thing in a3 tbh). guy spent a year scouring the ends of the earth to find him and finally did so in act 8, which speaks to his dedication to protecting his liege. also guy is introduced as an android which is a whole other thing
anyway guy is super-duper capable! he’s fluent in english, japanese, and zahran; he can fight and handle weaponry; he’s good at karate and teaches one of the other main characters karate; he can act; and later on in the story he even opens his own bar, meaning he can cook and mix drinks!
also his loyalty to citron is unparalleled. in act 8, citron returns to zahra on his own volition—but plot twist he leaves guy on his own and guy can’t return bc citron falsely branded him as a criminal and accused him of kidnapping him which was why he was missing from the kingdom for a year (citron had some complicated reasons for doing so but it wasn’t out of malice). stuck with nowhere else to go, guy decided to join the theatre troupe that citron was part of—the MANKAI company—and he spent a good portion of the story act trying to figure out what’s going on in citron’s mind. eventually he and the sub-troupe he joined—the winter troupe—successfully put on a complete run of their adaptation of ‘phantom of the opera’ where guy played the phantom. even so, guy wasn’t satisfied and still wanted to see citron and show citron his acting, so with the help of the other MANKAI members (one of whom forged a passport for guy so he wouldn’t be arrested on sight upon going through customs in zahra), guy and like 12 other people go to the kingdom of zahra as performers for citron’s coronation ceremony, where eventually guy gets to reunite with citron. it’s all very complicated but citron doesn’t ascend to the throne and is instead appointed the minister of arts and culture and is told by the king to return to japan and continue learning about the arts at the MANKAI company so he can bring back what he learned to improve zahra’s art scene. and even though citron is no longer a prince, guy still vows to stay by citron and watch over him bc their bond goes beyond just a prince and retainer 🥹
Link: HE FOUGHT THE INCARNATION OF EVIL TWICE FOR HER!! granted he did fail first those two times, and his ward became a light spirit god thing to hold said evil back the first time, and for the second she time-traveled back >10k years and became a dragon, but he did fight ganon!
anyways link was assigned as zelda's personal guard for a While. we dont know how long ago it was, but it's probably a span of 1-2 years pre-ganon. if we include the ganon years and the time travel then it's been +10k years. he does a fantastic job of it, he saves her from yiga (assassins) and the incarnation of evil (ganon, twice). they become friends. they bond. zelda tries to feed him a frog. link actually dies for zelda and then he comes back to save her. he catches zelda as she turns back to human
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ffcrazy15 · 4 months
I'm kinda getting just...burnt out, man. I don't know what it is, but the fanfic community these last few years has just been really difficult to engage with. There are a lot of reasons, but I think among the biggest is this: (warning: long vent incoming):
So. I've been writing fanfic for...gosh, fourteen years now. And back in the day, we had our fair share of problems, I won't lie. Now I came in after the major flame wars of the '00s, but still, there were the shipping wars and the shit-stirrers and the people who took other people having a different opinion on their faves WAY too personally.
But! There were rules of engagement. People might not have always followed them, but back then you could say to someone, "hey, you're not behaving in the way we all agree people should behave in this space. You're being a jerk." And people would either lose their shit at you and you'd block them, or they'd apologize and not do the rude thing moving forward.
This went especially for new writers/readers. They'd make a mistake, people would inform them, and they wouldn't make the mistake again moving forward. That was how we built a health community back then.
*Now: a disclaimer. I know not all new fans are like this, and to those of you who do listen when people inform you of the etiquette of fandom spaces, I want to give a sincere thank-you. The following does not apply to you.
However, and not to be an old woman yelling at the kids to get off her lawn, but:
I see people trying, politely, to tell newcomers the basic rules of engagement for how to interact in fandom. "Don't complain about things that are clearly marked in the summary or tags." "Do not get into dumb shipping wars. Ship and let ship." "Don't leave harsh or unasked-for concrit." "Don't demand updates in the comments."
And instead of saying "Oh wow, sorry, I didn't know about that, I'll do better next time"—I see some new folks responding with things like "Well this just makes me NEVER want to comment/engage/participate!"
And writers are so scared of not getting ANY engagement in this landscape of already dwindling comments and reblogs—or worse, ruining things for other writers—that they immediately capitulate and say oh, we're sorry, we shouldn't have told you you were being rude, please don't stop commenting on fics, we were in the wrong.
And I'm here to say: No. Enough! It is our job as the older citizens of this space to set the expectations for community behavior. If the new arrivals get mildly embarrassed for being politely informed (key words there) that they've committed a faux pas, then that's okay! It's a growing experience. Learning how to be polite in new social settings isn't traumatizing them or causing them emotional harm. They will survive the couple seconds of embarrassment, and then they will go on to be kinder and more conscientious citizens of the digital landscape.
Now, if you're a newcomer who is intimidated by people telling you the rules of etiquette in fandom spaces:
Look. I get it. I was new to fandom once, and I know that that can be intimidating! But sometimes there are going to be situations where you will be new to a social setting and have to awkwardly feel things out, and you will make mistakes and be corrected by others. That's just part of life. Thankfully, fandom is a space where folks have really tried to cultivate clear rules of engagement and want to hand it on to new people! There are guides on the "ao3 etiquette" tag of how to leave polite comments and interact in fandom, and there are lots of people who will help you learn the ropes if you ask them nicely.
I promise you, you have the ability to learn the rules of social etiquette in this online space. You will be able to emotionally withstand the minor embarrassment; all of us have before you, and you will too. And if you are not able to emotionally handle someone politely taking you aside and informing you that you're making some social mistakes and how to fix them, then you are not mature enough to participate in fandom spaces.
Now, for folks who've read this far and would like some quick tips on fandom etiquette, here they are. Remember, none of this advice is meant as a criticism, and if you've done some of these things without knowing better, then that's okay, we all make mistakes! This is simply to help us all have a good time in this space and build each other up as readers and writers!
"Don't like, don't read." — The most important rule of fandom. If you come across a fanfic that has something in the summary or the tags that you don't like, then do not click on that fic. If you do choose to read it anyway, you have no right to blame the author for your reading something you didn't enjoy.
"Dead Dove: Do Not Eat." — A more extreme version of "Don't like, don't read," this means that there is content in the fic that most people would find disgusting, frightening or morally objectionable. Do not read that story if you do not want to read that sort of content.
"Ship and let ship." — Other people will like different ships or romantic pairings of characters than you do. Their doing so is not an insult to you or to the characters in question. If you do not want to engage with stories/fanart/etc. of that ship, then do not read those fics, and block those tags here on Tumblr. Do not go onto other people's fics/art/etc. and tell them that they are wrong for liking that ship (This includes if you find the ship morally objectionable; see "DL:DR" and "DD:DNE" above.)
Tagging – If you are a writer, make sure to tag your story appropriately. This includes the romantic ships (indicated with a slash, / ) and the friendship ships (indicated with an & or the word "and"). It also includes things like graphic depictions of violence, non-consensual or dubiously consensual sexual content, characters who are under the age of eighteen engaging in sexual situations, and major character death. It also includes "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" (see above), which you should include as a tag if you have content in your fic that the majority of people would find disgusting, frightening or morally objectionable.
Rating – Make sure to rate your story appropriately. If there is explicit sexual content or graphic violence in your story, it should be rated as "mature" or "explicit." Do not label it as "teen" or "general" (or K, K+ or T on FF.net). If there is any sexual content or more-than-cartoon-violence in your story, it should not be rated as "general" (or K or K+).
Bookmarking — Be aware that unless you set the bookmark to "private," the author can read any comments or tags you leave on the bookmark.
Commenting — Almost all writers love comments, and many writers depend on comments for their motivation to continue a story. Leaving comments is both a great way to show a writer that you enjoy their story, as well as provide the writer with motivation to keep writing! A comment can be as elaborate as you like and list every detail you loved about the story, or as simple as "this was good, I really liked it!" Either of those is fine. Keyboard smashes are also fine, as are emojis if you're too shy to write a full comment.
Commenting on Older Stories — Is absolutely fine, and in fact highly appreciated!
Demanding an Update — Do not, however, demand that a writer update quickly or ask them when the next chapter will be. Writers are doing this for free, and demanding an update is considered impolite at best and guilt-tripping at worst. (Examples: saying "This is really good, excited for more!" is fine, since this does not put a timed expectation on the writer. Saying "This is really good, when is the next update!" is considered mildly impolite, and simply writing "Update" is considered highly rude. It is seen as demanding another free gift right after you've received one.)
Concrit/Constructive Criticism — Different writers' mileage will vary on how much they like constructive criticism, so best practice is to check their author's notes, summary, or author page to see if they say they are okay with concrit. If they do not say so, then default to assuming they don't want concrit.
If you do provide constructive criticism, make sure to include at least two compliments as well (preferably more). State the criticism politely and briefly.
Also, be aware that an author might disagree with your advice and choose not to take it. This is not a slight against you personally, and you should not treat it as such.
Do not offer criticism that is not meant to be constructive or help the author grow in their writing skills.
Do not offer "constructive criticism" about you disliking things the author has clearly tagged or noted in the summary. That is not constructive criticism, that is just flaming. (See "DL:DR" above.)
And finally: Never Ascribe to Maliciousness What Can Be Attributed To Ignorance. — If someone is rude to you, remember that they might be new to the space and not be aware of the rules of etiquette. Politely inform them that they've screwed up, and assume that everyone is well-intentioned until they prove otherwise.
And there you have it! By following the above advice, you can help to build up a thriving fan culture of happy writers and happy readers. Remember, we're all here to enjoy our favorite works together and create fan content for them, so let's all work together to create a pleasant digital space for one another. :)
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Hello! This is the first time I've made a request on one of these blogs so sorry if it's not explained very well lol
So basically I had the idea for a platonic rottmnt headcannon thingy with a GN reader who is still quite young. About 13-14 and they're kinda like some kind of mix of Donnie and Mikey? Like mostly Donnie but also overflowing with energy.
Also ask them a simple question about anything they're intrested in and you're gonna have to listen to a relevant but also not 4 hour rant. Again sorry if it's kinda weird. The idea popped into my head like a week ago and it has just been bouncing around in there ever since
TMNT Boys x Platonic!GN!Reader Headcanons
Pairings: Rise!TMNT x GN!Reader
Summary: How the boys would react to a friend who is a mix between Mikey and Donnie
Warnings: None!
Type: Platonic 💛, Fluff ☁️
A/N: Sorry they're a bit short. Hope you enjoy <3
Headcanons start below cut
Rise of the TMNT Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Rise!Raph x Reader
Being the oldest of the brothers, Raph tends to baby you a lot
You remind him a lot of Mikey, so he can get pretty overprotective
Raph developed a pretty high level of patience from dealing with three younger brothers, so he'll always listen to your rants and even ask questions to show he's engaged
Raph doesn't always understand what you're talking about when you go on rants, but he tries his best to pay attention and be engaged
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Rise!Donnie x Reader
Donnie sees you a a younger version of himself, and always tries to rope you into his experiments -- some of which are slightly dangerous
Raph doesn't leave to two of you alone for too long so that Donnie doesn't indoctrinate you into planning world domination
The two of you spend a lot of time working on new inventions, and upgrading Donnie's tech
Donnie also tends to go on long rants that no one understands, so he enjoys being around someone with the same quirks as him
The two of you are the only ones that can understand each other's rants, so you spend hours together rambling about your latest hyper-fixations
Since you're younger than him, Donnie sometimes gets into the habit of babying you and overexploiting simple concepts
He doesn't mean to be patronizing, but he sees you as a younger sibling and treats you as such
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RIse!Leo x Reader
Leo is always excited to hang out with someone who matches his energy
Leo is typically very hyper, which tends to annoy his brothers
The two of you have an endless supply of energy
If you enjoy pranks, the two of you would relentlessly prank Leo's brothers (mostly Donnie)
Leo can have a pretty short attention span, so he often struggles with paying attention to your rants
If any of your rants go on for more than five minutes he'll lose focus and start spacing out
However, he does have a very good memory, so he remembers most of the things you tell him
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Rise!Mikey x Reader
Mikey is really excited to hang out with someone his age
His brothers and April are all older than him, and tend to treat him as if he's a lot younger than he is
The two of you bond over this, as well as your hyper-active personalities
Mikey really enjoys learning about new things, especially if he learns it from someone he cares about
He loves listening to you rants, and will ask you lots of questions about
Your overly-energetic personalities complement each other very well, and the two of you will spend hours rambling to each other about your respective interests
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spicyraeman · 11 months
ᴏᴄꜱ - ᴛʜᴇɴ & ɴᴏᴡ
Saw a buncha chooms doin this lil trend and remembered that I had an old draft doing this very thing! Spiffied it up with even newer shots of my babes and it really makes me realize how far both me and my OCs have come :]
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March 25, 2022 || June 24, 2023
The shot on the left is legit my very first oc shot in cyberpunk. Id taken some landscape shots before this but this was where the blorbo brainrot started. Vons definitely come the farthest in terms of design, from big beefy maelstrom to like.. wet rat white boy energy I guess lol. She still got a long way to go though, probably gonna be working on her forever, she's my favorite little passion project😌
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June 2, 2022 || June 2, 2023
Didn't even realize these were exactly a year apart till I checked the dates!
Luis is basically the exact same as when I first made him, just the perfect design from the moment of creation😌He's the OC that really started my VP journey, I made him just to take pretty pictures of and learn the ropes. Glad I finally have the skills to show off his full beauty!
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September 12, 2022 || June 14, 2023
Lynk's design is one that feels both entirely different and very much the same to me. Same overall vibe and style, but more refined I suppose. Less scrungly mess of wires and more sleek and sharp borg. Really love their current design now, still wanna make 'em custom tattoos but it gonna be a while till i'm at that modding level!
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December 12, 2022 || June 1, 2023
Dallas was a design first backstory second kinda OC. I love her old design, think all the cyberware and makeup are really cool, but as I fleshed her out it just wasn't Dallas. Found myself in a comfy spot with her now though, even ended up making her her own custom complexion!
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December 5, 2022 || July 9, 2023
Technically there's an even farther back design I could use for Sunny but it's so different I can't even consider it him. His old design looks so similar yet so very different its kinda weird😅Sunny's design now is probably the one I'm most content with, I might try and add back his arm tattoos but until then he's pretty much perfect.
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December 8, 2022 || April 23, 2023
When I first made Midas my main goal was a dark moody playboy, which definitely stayed the same just in a radically different way. His OG personality was a playful and dramatic womanizer which I loved but I needed a straight man in this group of idiots and he had to be it. So instead he became a mysterious and gruff guy that has ladies falling over him whether he likes it or not, also he's a vampire now.
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alpaca-clouds · 9 months
Why I got obsessed with Comparative Mythology
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I have now gotten the question too often, so let me quickly answer it here: No, I (sadly) do not work in comparative mythology. I just so happen to be autistic and as such have my sweet little collection of hyperfixations. One of which happens to be mythology and comparative mythology.
Basically, as a kid (like kindergarten age) I started obsessing about Ancient Egypt, which very much included the mythology, too. Later on I had a brief stint with the Tolkien stuff (though that never got a hyperfixation for me - but a classmate had this specific hyperfixation) and I learned through Tolkien about philology and comparative linguistics. Which kinda got me already set in that direction. And then, as I talked before, the entire "Izanagi and Izanami kinda mirror a lot of cthonic Greek stuff" thing got me into the comparative mythology stuff.
But really, what got me into high gear with the research was... writing my Urban Fantasy.
Urban Fantasy to me was always one of the genre that spoke to me the most. Partly because it really made for great escapism to imagine that indeed magic was real in our world. Partly because it was the kind of fantasy where you actually could get queer stories.
But within Urban Fantasy I was always frustrated with one thing: How Urban Fantasy would usually make use of a lot of mythological stuff... but only in the most generic way imaginable. Most Urban Fantasy never engaged with actual vampire or werewolf mythology, rather it used vampires and werewolves inspired by Schlock Horror films. And if Urban Fantasy used gods (most of the times Greek or Norse gods) it used them in the most generic way possible, sanding it down and removing all the interesting bits. Or, for that matter, really doing much with which gods showed up were (Stray Gods so far sits alone with American Gods in the category of: "Actually gives a good explanation of why European deities are hanging around in America") This got me in my early 20s to start thinking up my own Urban Fantasy universe, which I called Manmade Myths. Or M³, because I am a cheeky idiot bastard.
It should be noted: Out of my Manmade Myths stuff I got one book published in German, though by now the book is out of print and the publisher never paid me a cent for it. So, yay. Technically though I have several books within the universe written - and there are a couple of published shortstories as well as my written webseries with four seasons... Though I never fully published it, even though it is all prewritten on my computer. Mostly due to the lack of interaction and stuff.
But basically Manmade Myths is "Comparative Mythology as Urban Fantasy". Playing around with the ideas of the development of myths and the meaning of remembering mythology.
The general concept is, that it is an Urban Fantasy world working on the concept of "Clap your hands if you believe"... But a bit differently. While in this world gods get their powers out of believe and veneration (and are originally created by it), they also do not disappear as soon as people stop believing in them. Rather they hang around and slowly become corrupted. Many of them being angry with the humans who have forgotten them - though some of them also have a big issue with the Abrahamic God, who supplanted so many of them.
The world at large was very much influenced by this conflict, which tied back both to colonialisation, but also to the pegan hunts of the early Christian period. With a lot of the old gods being angry at the Christian God.
A lot of (more or less) mortal characters kinda roped into that entire conflict through the concept of "chosen ones". Basically, gods and all sorts of named characters from mythologies hanging around, would have "chosens", with whom they shared their powers, and who - whether they wanted or not - got roped into that conflict.
And there was a whole thing going on about the mythological apocalypse being close but most of the gods being too caught up in their conflict, that they did not see it or did not care.
Only some gods and heroes actually realized how the world actually worked and how a lot of stuff was linked to the development of myths.
But... yeah. Problem really is that as a no-name author you do not get to publish a multi-series urban fantasy thing that is fairly high concept and also features a majority queer cast. lol Especially not in Germany.
Which is why I have a total of six written books in this universe (four within one series, two standalones) here, out of which only one got published.
Now, I have started uploading the first few chapters of the webseries Mosaik in English on Ao3, though kinda forgot about it due to a lack of engagement. Though I absolutely could be convinced to continue uploading it. It shough be noted, however, that the entire god-conflict related stuff does only show up midway through sequence two and then only slowly gets more pronounced throughout sequence three, with the characters understanding what kinda bullshit they have gotten themselves into. xD
But yeah, it is that entire universe that really, really got me reading all those books on comparative mythology and development of myths. And it is why I love this topic so much.
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atouchofireland · 2 months
Since I want some things to really change, and I know many other things have to within an adaptation, I have been trying to predict rather than speculate for s3 of Bridgerton after having read book 4 a while ago and following s3 of Bridgerton recently.
I just want to speculate on information from the book & show, using photo stills, the trailer and their book. And I really can't tell if the "unmasking LW" plot will be part of the story, or if that drama with Cressida and Colin knowing was shifted to Eloise entirely. I do really want the Pen & Lady D bonding to still happen though!
Ep 1: Colin returns from abroad, Pen is snubbed by Eloise at an outdoor occasion (and possibly Colin). She sets up her whole new wardrobe she debuts at the ball. Colin asks her to dance and Pen says no (rmb), Penelope is mocked by Cressida (possibly dress torn) after seeing her buddy up with Eloise, Pen heads outside leading to the famous sneak peek. After that ball, Pen feels alone and more determined than ever to marry.
Ep 2: Colin goes to the Featherington garden to apologize to Penelope and she remains sure of herself, let's him know she needs to take a husband and he offers to help. Then (the succession of these events are kinda fuzzy) the two promenade for suitors, Pen is embarrassing/embarrassed, they go to that fair where he reassures her in the tent, then she asks for "dating help" basically. They're in the B family drawing room... in the middle of the day... ALONE, practicing flirting- Hence the freak out at the end of the sneak peek. He gets her to hide/to the study and the HAND INJURY SCENE occurs in some capacity. Important things that would transfer: Colin is thinking "Why am I so desperate to kiss this hot woman in front of me??" and Pen asks for a kiss.
Now, here's where I think it differs based on all the promo: Pen immediately takes it back/Colin refuses on account of her honor. THEN, they go to the ball where Pen is wearing the cute snowflake necklace and they're laughing. Colin realizes suitors still aren't really courting Penelope/maybe he is accidentally scaring them away. SO, in his guilt, he agrees to kiss her but it has to be later that night in private. (He might not tell her this, but just decide this then show up and tell her, then kiss her) This would be the chin-hold in the garden still.
Ep3: Oof so here's where things take some turns, based on spoilers of sequence of events and certain scenes. In my head, the episode starts with the confirmed dream of C & P in the garden, and instead of the more chaste kiss he most likely gave her in Ep 2, he goes a little... more feral. And that leads to the clip of him shooting up in bed. There's an event in one of the houses where Pen meets Debling. Then, the outdoor festival where the boys are pulling ropes and something goes wrong leading to the Pen & Debling super close in public still. From screeners, this ep is apparently another time Colin is with sex workers BUT this time is different and he can't get it up. The is a ball (of course) and Pen dances with Debling, Colin's sad and broody.
Ep4: Gotta be honest, feel like this episode was shown the least in the trailer, obviously for good reason. So, in the book Pen doesn't have a suitor so this narrative shift a lot of the Polin stuff I think. I believe this is the episode with the scene of Colin asking his mother if friendship is the best foundation for love. And my kind of out-there prediction is that: Colin confesses he has some feelings, Debling tries to propose, Pen is overwhelmed and doesn't accept, Colin rushes out after her and..... the CARRIAGE SCENE happens and the cliffhanger is him proposing.
I believe the second half will be a lot about the tension with Eloise, the families learning of and accepting the engagement, Colin maybe finding out about LW, and Colin finding himself and his passions.
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tikitsune · 2 months
Uh hello? Godzilla x Kong...
Rating: 9.9 out of 10
Would recommend to anyone who is okay with violence, guts, death and anything gory.
Note:Godzilla x Kong spoilers under the cut. You have been warned.
Masterpiece, the only thing that was bad about it was that I was kinda bored in the beginning. Don't get me wrong, the entire movie was entertaining and there needs to be some kind of build up but I don't really remember the first like 20 minutes of the movie. I only remember the parts with Kaylee Hottle (like the queen she is, girl getting me wanting to learn sign language) and the Dr. asking Bernie for help.
Other than that, I can find nothing to complain about.
Like I shit you not, the moment that Skar King came out with a rope dark wrapped around his torso, I shoved the popcorn into my sibling's lap and and sat all the way forward in the reclined chair.
My sibling and I loved Tiamat. Called her a pretty dragon and was kinda sad when she was killed. Although with Godzilla's new form coming into light, my sibling kept calling it Gay Godzilla and I would never fail to laugh.
While I loved the rope dart incorporation, the fact that Shimo was being basically abused hurt. When we saw Kong pet him like a dog, I was just like, 'awh cute'.
Also the baby ape... So cute and like, I think Kong adopted him, as a child or brother, idk but Kong and the baby ape are family.
Also Mothra. Just Mothra. My mom think that Mothra died in another Godzilla movie but idk. Like normally i don't like moths and I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Mothra is she were real but I would admire her from a respectable distance.
Also Jia summoning Mothra? Girl has my heart. And the unison of the three's roars was oh. After I shoved the popcorn to my sibling, my eyes were glued to the screen til the movie was over and the credits were playing.
The 2v2 fight scene has me saying 'bye bye Brazil's. And then Shimo finally get free of the Skar King's control and then freezes him, we were cheering in out hearts. Also baby ape came in clutch there.
Ugh I could gush about so many things in this but, like always, I can't find words to express my thoughts.
I just want people to know that this is a extraordinary movie and I loved every part of it.
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