#batch of class 11
intellectual6666 · 4 months
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After writing this much I found out I have a spelling mistake right at the beginning of the project, in the first paragraph, third line. What am I supposed to do now 🥹 ?
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jammed-out · 11 months
Hypnovember Day 11 - IQ Reduced
(CW: trans character, mental gap/time loss, teacher grad student dynamic)
“You know what I love most about the new batch of grad students that come in every year thinking they know so much about everything?” Avery’s eyes tried to focus as the teacher paced back and forth in front of the chalkboard. Her steps blurred together causing her to look as though she were moving in slow motion. Avery felt her head hurt with each attempt she made at focusing. Why was it so hard for her to focus, just a few minutes ago she had been so attentive and now she could barely keep her head from falling into her chest.
“They have such high IQ’s. Of course they do. How else would they end up in my class, after all, I designed it for only the smartest of the students, but every so often, one student who just doesn’t quite make the cut stumbles in. Isn’t that right Avery?” Avery blushed, she had taken the class even though her test scores didn’t quite meet the threshold. The guidance counselors had warned against it saying that taking Professor Bindi’s class was only for the most skilled students. But she knew she could do it, she would work even harder than she usually did. Why shouldn’t she be allowed to take the class.
Professor Bindi gripped Avery’s short brown hair and pulled her head up. The teacher looked down at her from above and Avery felt herself groan. The teacher was so smart, she shouldn’t have been here. She was stupid to take the class. She knew that now. She didn’t want to be here, she wanted to go home. But it was so hard to think of how to move. Even as the teacher pulled her head back smirking, Avery couldn’t think of how to move her own head.
“It must be so hard for you to think now. It doesn’t take long for the arrogant ones to show up and break.” Avery opened her mouth to protest but Professor Bindi quickly shoved three fingers into Avery’s mouth. Avery moaned, immediately licking at the fingers. A part of her mind reeled back against her instinct to do so. Why was she doing that, and why did it feel so good to have something in her mouth. Her attempts to complain quickly silenced with soft whimpers from deep in her throat.
“My you are a weak willed one.” Professor Bindi smirked and quickly pushed aside Avery’s notebook and slid onto the long table. Her skirt slid up her legs showing the bare skin where her tights ended just underneath. Avery’s eyes drifted downwards, she was so embarrassed.
“You see, my class is designed for only those with true mental acuity. After all, it is designed to explain how to manipulate those weaker than the smartest there are for our own gain. Subliminal suggestions, mindful triggers, and simple tricks that are designed to break the weakest minds without them even realizing.” Professor Bindi removed her fingers drawing a wet streak over Avery’s cheek before giving her a sharp slap across her face. Avery blinked, her mind focusing for a brief moment as she leaned back against her chair gasping as if she had awoken from a dream.
Professor Bindi was doing something to her. Avery slowly started to push her chair back with her feet trying to put distance between them. Professor Bindi raised one foot and quickly spun on the table, her skirt twisting. Her shoe slammed against Avery’s chest pinning her to the seat, the seat pinned to the table behind her. The heel pressed against the base of her rib cage sharply digging in. Avery gasped.
“Please…I’ll drop the course. I’m sorry for not listening to-“ Avery protested quickly shrinking in on herself.
Professor Bindi raised a hand quickly silencing Avery. Avery found her voice cut off as she mouthed silent words that trailed off into a jumbled mess of thoughts. “Avery dear, I have no intention of you dropping my class. You see, unlike most of the other mindless imbeciles who were already well on their way to being mindless thralls, you managed to write notes on every single thing I said. Even as you stared ahead blankly, lost, your intelligence dropping point by point into blissful oblivion, you managed to stay entirely focused on every word I said.” Professor Bindi lowered her hand and Avery felt her mind slowly start to piece itself back together.
“What- What do you want from me then?” Avery didn’t know why she couldn’t fight the control Professor Bindi had over her. She stumbled over her words, unable to look away from the professor’s face. She was so lovely, even in her older years she had managed to maintain a perfect physical form.
“I want to see how long you’ll last. I want to keep reducing those pretty little IQ points of yours only to let you have them back. I want you to be my experimental project. I want to see how much the human brain can truly withstand.” The older woman smirked, her teeth showing in a wicked grin. She looked like an animal waiting to devour Avery.
“But what will happen to me?” Avery tried to squirm breaking out of the teacher’s hold.
“Won’t it be interesting to find out?” Professor Bindi removed her shoe. Avery took a deep breath and began to move forward sliding in her seat. She could just run out the door if she tried. All she had to do was quickly grab her bag and make it the first few steps.
Avery quickly jumped to her feet her hand shooting out for her bag. Professor Bindi sprung quickly catching Avery’s wrist in her hand and twisting. Avery felt herself stumble, falling forward. Her mouth hung open as all of the thoughts in her head turned to pudding. She felt so wet and sticky all of a sudden. Everything started to blur, fading down into nothingness.
Avery awoke with a start, her mouth was full of something warm. She blinked trying to clear her head as she slowly woke up. She raised her head, the thing in her mouth falling out with a pop. She looked down at it. It was a dick. She had a dick in her mouth. The last thing she remembered was trying to run out of Professor Bindi’s class. How did she get here?
“Oh good, you’re awake. How are you feeling my teaching assistant?” Avery blinked and looked up. Professor Bindi was sitting on her desk wearing only a bra and her leggings. Her cock hung in front of Avery’s face covered in spit. Avery blinked confused. What had happened, how long had she been out? She looked down at herself and was pleased to see that she was still clothed.
“I asked you a question. If you’re going to be my teaching assistant you’ll need to be better and responding. So how are you feeling?” Professor Bindi clicked her fingers on the desk.
Avery felt her attention drawn to the fingers. They were like a ticking clock. Each rasp of her nails on the wood sent an echo through her brain. She could feel it like a countdown. Each second it was getting harder and harder to focus. Her mind slowly clouding and drifting away.
“It’s like hard to think. My brain goes all fuzzy.” Avery blinked and crossed her eyes focusing really hard. “What you did to me?” She asked shaking her head. The words were all jumbled and messy in her brain.
“Like I told you. I plan to reduce your intelligence down to zero over and over again, bringing you up just enough to see if you can still function. How did my cock taste?”
The tapping stopped. Avery groaned and grabbed her head. It felt so full all of a sudden. Did her head always feel like this? “Ungh. It was fine. Please. My head hurts so much.”
“Describe it to me.”
Avery looked up at the teacher. She had a notebook in her hands and was taking notes with a pen. “It’s so full. I can feel every thought in my head, every single one, remember everything. Why didn’t my head hurt like this before? What did you do to me?”
Professor Bindi jotted down her notes before looking over the notebook at Avery. Avery felt so small. “And would you say you want me to take those thoughts away again? Would you rather go back to being a stupid cock sucking toy then being my teaching assistant?” She smiled and Avery felt like she was trapped.
Avery looked at the professor’s cock, still glistening with her spit. It was so smooth, she could practically trace the vein with her tongue, or remember doing it only a few moments ago. It tasted so good, she couldn’t get enough of it. A good teacher’s assistant wouldn’t leave the job unfinished.
Avery knew the thoughts weren’t hers, but they also were. Some part of her wanted this, but some part of her also wanted to be the smart student who could pass the class. She didn’t know what to do.
“Avery dear. If you don’t decide I’ll have to decide for you.” Professor Bindi slid her legs off the desk and gripped Avery’s head with her hand. She held out the notebook to the girl on her knees. “Take and record your thoughts and my analysis. Eventually perhaps I won’t have to do this by force.”
“By for-“ Avery’s words were cut off as the cock slammed past her lips. She felt it stretch her mouth wide as it pressed against the back of her throat quickly. She gagged but only for a second. It was as if everything in her brain turned off except thoughts of doing a good job sucking the cock.
Her hands reached up taking the notebook. She lowered it into her lap, her fingers fumbling with the pen. Slowly she began to write, she didn’t know what she was writing, thoughts were impossible for her now. She could only do it on instinct alone.
“Now as I was saying, I believe you enjoyed being put into a mindless no intelligence state so much, and who could blame you. Much like the other students who don’t belong in my class, your natural state is to serve and provide pleasure to those of use who are intelligent. However because you possess a beyond average subconscious, your brain is readily able to take over basic functions. I suspect it has to do with your need to prove yourself.” Professor Bindi released Avery’s head pulling her cock free with a loud pop. “Wouldn’t you agree Avery?”
Avery nodded, spit dripping off of her chin, her hair a tousled mess. “Yes…Professor…” She groaned, the life slowly returning to her eyes. She blinked and looked up at the professor.
“Very good. Back to it then.” The professor guided her cock back into Avery’s mouth. Her hands gripped either side of the student’s head. She rocked her hips roughly, her balls slamming against Avery’s chin. “My goodness your mouth is fantastic. I look forward to how much time we’ll be spending together this year.” She panted and pulled Avery’s head tightly against her stomach.
Avery could feel the cock twitch in her throat as the older woman unloaded into her stomach. Avery swallowed every drop hungrily. She would be diligent in her duties for the professor. In fact she would do anything for the professor. She would prove that she was worthy to take the class and maybe one day she could be smart too. If Professor Bindi allowed her to be.
The professor removed her cock with a heavy sigh. She held out her hand towards Avery. Avery quickly raised the notebook and pen, handing them over to her. Professor Bindi looked over her work, studying it. “Very good job Avery. I’m pleased with your work. You may wake up now.”
Avery blinked rapidly gasping for air. She suddenly felt fully in control again. It was as everything had been put back into its place correctly. She didn’t feel confused or heavy anymore. She missed the feeling a bit. Slowly she pushed herself up to her feet, standing there confused. Professor Bindi slowly turned around, her bare ass on display. Avery could see her cock still dripping a bit onto the floor. She felt as though she should say something, do something, but what was she supposed to do. It was as if Avery didn’t know herself anymore.
“Avery. Be a dear and fetch me my clothes from your desk.” Avery nodded and quickly walked over grabbing them. It was so strange, she hadn’t felt this docile in her life. She picked them up and slowly carried them back across the room. Why wasn’t she leaving or running or even telling someone?
“My office hours begin at eight tomorrow morning. I expect you there at exactly that time. We have quite a bit of work to do to get you prepared to be my assistant. If that is something you’d like. If not, I would suggest you drop my class. It tends to be quite a bit hands on as the year progresses.”
Avery blushed and stumbled over her words. “Professor I…I don’t think-“
“Precisely my dear. You don’t think. In fact I believe you spend to much time thinking rather than just doing. So if you would, just decide right now.” She raised her hand snapping her fingers.
Avery whimpered and crossed her hands shoving them between her legs. “I would like to be your best student and assistant. Please let me serve you in any way I can. I know I’m not good enough but I will do my best!” Avery quickly covered her mouth surprised at the outburst.
“Much better.” Professor Bindi pet Avery’s head smiling. “Walk me to my car Avery. We have much to discuss.
Hope you enjoyed that. I’ll be following @h_sleepingirl prompt list for the entire month because I really like a couple of the prompts on the list. You should also definitely check out and support them.
You’ll also be able to find all of my writings under the tags on my page. But if you did enjoy this story, I will probably be continuing it on my ROM page so be sure to check it out there. Hope you enjoy and see you tomorrow!
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twstgameplay · 7 months
[JP] 4th Anniversary
March 11th 16:00 - March 24th 23:59 (JST)
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Twisted Wonderland’s 4th Anniversary Campaign has begun! With this event, the players are receiving a brand new SR Apprentice Chef Grim card!
Information found below:
Grim Card Requirements
Stamp Card Info
Shop Info
We’ll be getting the following new functions:
Part 1 (beginning 11 Mar):
Event Recall - Previously completed stories will be available to enjoy in the same way the original events were presented (instead of just the story in archive form). If the event story has not already been unlocked through normal play through, it will require gems to unlock. Missed rhythmics will be made available in the RHYTHMIC page once cleared. This is available through the Story tab.
Memory Shop - Items that were previously available during events (such as extra cards and groovy items, etc.) will be available in the Memory Shop. Memory Medals are required to purchase items from this shop, which can be bought in the gem shop, or during this event in the Tuna Can 2024 Shop. You must have finished the event either via the original run or from the Event Recall for items to be available for purchase.
Crewel/Trein/Vargas Item Gacha - New Item Gacha will be available that require "Reward Medals" to roll in. These Reward Medals will be dropped during lessons. The Item Gachas will have items from those respective lessons available. In addition, Crewel's Item Gacha will have the new Buddy Lv Up Items.
Buddy Lv Up Items - The Friendship Herb Tea will be available to increase Buddy Levels of cards. There will be three tiers (L, M, and S) and will be dropped during Alchemy and Special classes.
Other Changes
Up to 25 teams can be saved for use during battles. Support or Guest cards cannot be saved in a team.
Support Cards can be pinned, so that they will be easily accessible whenever you need that support.
There will be an option to favorite specific story chapters available from the Archive screen.
Single Magical Keys can now be converted to a Tenfold Magical Key, given that you have 10 single keys available.
Lesson Skip Tickets will become available. This cannot be used for Special lessons.
Collect Battles can be completed in a batch similar to Tests.
Magic Lv can be increased multiple levels at once instead of one at a time.
Battle Speed can now be set to 3x.
AP, BP, and RP can be refilled in batches instead of one at a time.
The Trouble sequence in the Guest Room can be skipped.
The Guest Room invite time will be reduced.
Part 2 (Beginning 15 Mar):
Second Floor of the Guest Room - A second floor to the Guest Room will be added that can be decked out with its own theme, furniture, and BGM. This will unlock at room rank 31.
Event BGM added to Guest Room - The BGM Shop will have previous event BGM available.
Other Changes
New voice lines for alchemy and flight classes.
New voice lines for when changing attire form on the home screen.
Room rank maximum raised to 40.
Part 3 (Beginning 18 Mar):
New Cumulative Missions - Missions regarding cards/lessons/exams will be added to the Missions tab.
Weekly Missions Updated - Clearing Rhythmics 3 and 5 times will be removed, and instead will be replaced by Win 5 and 10 Collect Battles.
Grim Card Requirements
Grim is a temporary card and will disappear if you don’t complete some requirements:
Collect 500 Tuna Cans [2024]
Read 「4th Anniversary」 Event Story Episode 2
The Tuna Can [2024] is an event drop and you can get 1, 2 or 5 randomly by completing lessons (History, Flying or Alchemy). You can see how many you have on the bottom of the Event Page. Left is how many you have right now (so if you spent some, the number is lower), right is how many you have collected until now (this is what you need to make Grim permanent).
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To quickly go to Grim’s lessons from the event page, click on the Lesson button on the Main Event page or go all the way to the right on the Lesson Page, right after Diasomnia.
When you click on Grim’s card to level him up, you’ll get a message reminding you that he isn’t permanent yet, so items and madol spent on him will also disappear if you don’t make him permanent in time. Just click the black button to proceed.
One of the missions is to level up one of Grim’s magic to Lv.5 and we suggest you start with his M1 if only to complete the missions faster, because you use Tuna Cans to level up magic and the amount needed for each magic is different. (To level up magic, just click on the 4th tab: 魔法Lv)
Stamp Card Info
On the bottom left of the Event Page you’ll see a Stamp Icon, click there and complete some missions for rewards.
The event ends on the 25th, but the First Stamp Card only goes until the 15th 14:59 (JST), so pay attention to the time limit.
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The Second Stamp Card goes until the 25th 14:59 (JST)
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Shop Info
In Sam’s Shop, you’ll find the following shops:
Anniversary Medal Shop
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Extra Chef Grim copies will be available in the shop after you collect 500 Tuna Cans and make him permanent.
Anniversary Medals are obtained by pulling/rolling on the Anniversary Showcase. You get 1 medal per roll (10-roll = 10 medals), so you’ll need to roll 100 times to grab that beautiful Anniversary Magical Key and 150 rolls to get the Limited Rerun SSR Magical Key and choose any of the already released Birthday Boy SSRs, Union Birthday SSRs, and Event Rerun SSRs.
Tuna Can Shop
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The Event Background will be available in the shop after Mar 18th 0:00 (JST)
Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop
The Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop has a list of all Birthday Boy, Birthday Jacket, and Bloom Birthday SSR Cards. Keep in mind that you can only pick one from the Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop
Magical Key (Limited Run SSR) Shop
The Magical key (Limited Run SSR) Shop has the following Event Rerun SSR cards:
Halloween Riddle
Groom Ace
Starsending Deuce
Halloween Cater
Gala Leona
Camp Ruggie
New Year's Ruggie
Beans Azul
Masquerade Azul
Halloween Jade
Beans Floyd
New Year's Kalim
Silk Jamil
Boa Jamil
Halloween Vil
Silk Jamil
Boa Epel
Halloween Rook
Groom Idia
Masquerade Idia
Masquerade Malleus
Halloween Silver
New Year's Sebek
Keep in mind that you can only pick one from the Magical Key (Limited Run SSR) Shop
Magical Key (Limited Run SR) Shop
The Magical key (Limited Run SR) Shop has the following Event Rerun SR cards:
New Year's Cater
Halloween Trey
Halloween Leona
Beans Jack
Halloween Jack
Halloween Ruggie
Halloween Azul
Camp Floyd
Gala Jamil
Masquerade Jamil
New Year's Vil
Groom Epel
Masquerade Epel
Beans Rook
Starsending Ortho
Silk Malleus
Masquerade Sebek
Boa Sebek
Halloween Lilia
Keep in mind that you can only pick two from the Magical Key (Limited Run SR) Shop
Anniversary Pack (Paid Gems) Shop
For 200 Paid Gems, you can get a pack with the following:
1 Magical Key (10-Set)
10 Starshards L
10 of each elemental Grimoire
20 of each elemental Textbook
100,000 Madol
Anniversary Pack (Gems) Shop
Other Anniversary Packs are available in the usual Gem Shop for 50 Gems apiece:
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96 notes · View notes
badbatchsprincess · 4 months
Heated ~ pt.18
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14 ~ Pt.15 ~ Pt.16 ~ Pt.17 ~ Pt.18
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Violence, gore, kidnapping, Tarkin is a creepy hoe, Crosshair being a dick, Dom!Crosshair, smut, orgasm denial, spanking, mate bonds, Pip is influenced by Crosshair’s presence
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
“I can’t believe she’s alive, sir.” You heard a woman’s voice echo in your mind. Her sound was unfamiliar to you. 
The second thing you noticed was the mechanical whirl of the cold floor below you, everything was cold. Except for the warm softness under your throbbing head. Staying entirely still, you waited for your body to catch up with your hearing. You recalled your trauma training, wiggling each toe inside your boot, then moving up each joint and muscle throughout your legs before testing the response in your other extremities. It helped get your mind grounded in your body again as you lay on the cold ship floor.
Based off the smells, you knew you were no longer with your pack. This was new territory which only means one thing….
You’re in imperial custody. 
You heard Crosshair’s familiar silvery voice mumble something back to the woman but decided you were going to try and figure out your situation first, listening before acting. He was close by you deduced, probably standing guard over your pallet on the floor. You were also aware that you had very limited time before you’d get to wherever they were taking you. 
Listening a little closer, you heard plastoid armor shuffling all around you, there must be soldiers in the jumpseats lining his transport vessel. You heard the whirl of the ship knowing the engines were located on the under belly making it a newer model. Tech told you about their engineering. Usually the engine cores are located on the back of vessels, but new military class ships with loading ramps build the engines into the floor. 
“What happened to her?” The woman asked again probably referencing the cut to your head and whatever sorry state you were currently found in. 
“She got injured from that helmet they had on her.” Crosshair said shuffling his boots, he was standing right above your head. 
You felt the air shift around you and sensed someone was coming near you, “She looks…stronger… than most omegas.” She said skeptically. You could feel the woman kneeling behind you as he observed your form. 
“She wasn’t like that the last time I saw her, but she has been running with mercenaries.” Crosshair put a toothpick back into his mouth. 
“That doesn’t seem normal for her kind.” You felt her lightly brush a curious finger tip over your collarbone but Crosshair’s snarl stopped her. 
That was when you decided to act. 
Crosshair’s second in command let out a startled gasp when you suddenly flew up off the pallet wrapping your legs around her neck in a vice grip making her claw at your legs as you squeezed the life from the soldier. 
“Kriff.” Crosshair shot up off the wall but you got up quickly knowing you’d have to keep your distance from him. The second in command rolled her side, heaving, trying to get oxygen back into her lungs. 
You sprung into action, taking the other storm troopers by surprise. You reached into your back belt where Hunter had put his blade and you gripped the handle firmly bringing it to your front. The first trooper that tried to grab you got his forearm slashed deeply making him scream and retreat. You then brought the knife down harshly into his neck kicking him away from you to bleed out. 
“Get her under control!” Crosshair barked out nearing you. 
You grabbed another trooper kicking him in the chest sending him backwards into Crosshair while you turned on the others using your blade to cut and slash your way through the mob. 
“What the fuck!” One of the soldiers exclaimed as you expertly kicked out his knees and brought him to the ground using the knife and your vast knowledge of the human body to end his life in an instant. 
“Omega!” Crosshair yelled but you ignored him. The severed bond seemed to have also prevented his alpha command from working. You were free from his influence.
Crosshair suddenly realized his one fatal mistake… you had been trained… by Echo. 
He watched you cut down his men like they were nothing more than canon fodder. It was shocking. More of his men came flooding into the blood bath hearing the commotion. 
You snarled at them flipping yourself through the air using your boots and beskar armor to bash them down into the durasteel floor with a harshness you were unaware you carried. When you reached down to grab a discarded blaster, Crosshair’s second raised her blaster aiming at you. 
“Do. Not. Kill. Her!” Crosshair pushed her weapon to the side watching the plasma bolt burrow into the side of the ship. You watched her miss, and you turned on them, aiming your own gun and pulling the trigger. They both dodged out of the way in time, but you unleashed your training on the other unsuspecting troopers. 
“I’ve never seen an omega do that!” You heard his second yell over the bangs. 
“She’s no average omega.” Crosshair pressed himself into the crate keeping himself out of your range, “Set it to stun.”
He peeked his head out from behind the crate to find you heaving, covered in crimson blood, taking a trooper down into a flurry on the ground. Hunter’s blade had gotten knocked from your hands in the fight but that didn’t stop you. 
If Crosshair wasn’t so set on his mission to detain you, he would have stopped to admire your work. He guessed all those months with his brothers, you had changed. No longer were you the meek little republic medic, but you had turned into a warrior. 
“She’s going to kill the whole company if we wait any longer.” His second, Wren looked anxious. She was the best solder coming out of the imperial military academy. She was specifically selected for this very delicate mission which seemed to go in a direction neither of them had anticipated. 
“We can’t hurt her,” Crosshair drilled into the two of them, “Nothing can hurt her!” 
“I got that, but she’s fucking feral!” Wren scrunched back against the crate as a bloody helmet went flying by, “She’s going to tear apart the ship.” 
And just like you had with Echo, it was like you got a whisper in your ear and you knew exactly what Crosshair had planned to do. He was between you and the cockpit of the ship. Mate or not, you were getting to that damn cockpit even if you had to kill the bastard to get there. 
Just as you sensed him and the female trooper emerge from behind the crates, you spun, grabbing one of the flailing troopers by the collar, using him as a human shield for Crosshair’s stun ray. The young trooper dropped like dead weight and you watched as the woman pulled her trigger in your direction. You just stepped out of the way letting the stun ray fly right past you into a trooper behind you. 
You used your boot to kick a discarded riffle up into your hands flicking off the safety. 
Wren and Crosshair aimed for a second shot, but you beat them to it. It was like your body was moving on its own accord. Like something took over you… 
You momentarily wondered if this is what it’s like being Crosshair. If so, you felt powerful. It was like nothing you’d ever experienced before. There was such cool collectedness. Such pure concentration.
Raising the weapon up and tucking it into your arm, you unloaded onto their crates missing Crosshair by, well, a hair. You heard him curse and duck while Wren threw herself down onto the ground to duck for cover. 
“You’re going to take me back to Bracca now!” You snarled with a voice that didn’t even sound like your own. It was something silvery and wicked. 
Crosshair’s voice was breathier than usual, “Learn some new tricks huh, omega?” 
“You have no fucking idea.” You fired a few more bullets reminding him you still had the gun. 
“I can’t take you back, Pip.” He said grabbing one of his plasma reflectors. He tossed it onto the wall watching you through the reflection. 
You crept closer stepping over the gargling troopers who had fallen victim to your blade. 
“Fine.” You smiled viciously, “Then I’ll kill youm and take the ship back myself.” 
“You can’t do that mesh’la.” He sounded cocky, “You forget… you’ll die too.” 
You smiled devilishly, “That’s no longer a concern.” 
He furrowed his brow as he very slowly reached for fire puncher. Wren watched him anxiously clenching her own blaster. What the hell did you mean by that?
“Our bond has been severed, alpha.” You taunted. 
Crosshair’s stomach knotted… what did you just say? 
“Notice how your commands no longer work on me?” You kicked one of the destroyed helmets forward making Wren flinch. Never had she ever seen an omega like you. 
You chuckled, “Your brothers made sure I’d be severed from you.” Bending down, you picked up the bloody knife holding it in your free hand. It was like Crosshair’s base instincts were flooding your entire being. It was thrilling. Having a peek inside his brain was like being dowsed in chilled spring water.
“Thats not possible.” He bit out watching you raise your weapon.
“But it is sweetheart.” You noticed the curve of his second’s back bowing out from behind the crate carelessly. 
You locked onto your target hoping to roust her out of her hiding spot to get a clean shot. 
Crosshair had to time his shot perfectly, or it would just be you and him. And while he was confident he could take you in hand to hand, you may not let it get to that point if you keep acting like a fucking ARC trooper. Fucking Echo maker kark it. 
He watched you tighten your grip and peer down the scope, “What? Nothing to say?” 
He remained silent, focusing on aiming his own shot perfectly through the reflector. Right as he sensed you squeeze the trigger, he quickly pulled his own. He heard both you and Wren shriek, as your bullet graze Wren’s back, while his bullet knocked the gun from your hands. He stood up in an instant ready to stun you when you threw Hunter’s knife with all your force, watching it soar through the air rotating at the speed of light. Crosshair just barely stepped out of the way to made his shot while the tip of the blade sliced through the side of his skull just missing his ear.
He watched you collapse into the puddle of blood with a thump as he pressed his palm to the side of his head feeling the blood pour.
He did it. 
He made the shot. 
Wren whined in pain and he set down his riffle to check on his second. He flipped her over seeing the angry red canyon you’d carved through her back all the way to her opposite rib. That was definitely going to leave a scar. The alpha screamed in agony as Crosshair maneuvered her to keep her off her back. 
Then he ran over to you. Your stunned body lay amongst your victims. He almost couldn’t believe the brutality in which you killed them. It was like you had been trained your entire life in combat. There was no way Echo could have conditioned you that quickly. He was stunned. He looked around at the ship seeing all the blood splatters and stray bullets. It looked like a butcher was in here. He just couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Has the target been detained?” The pilots asked from the cockpit.
Crosshair radioed back, “Yeah, but let command know we’re going to need a clean up team.” 
He stared down at your limp figure, you were covered head to toe in his men’s blood. He shook his head still shocked you had caused so much violence, Wren’s pained cries echos off the durasteel walls drawing his attention away from the slaughter. 
Crosshair had taken extra precaution and used a pair of binders to keep your wrists detained as he slung your body over his shoulder. You dangled limply as the landing ramp opened up to the comfortable warm Nabooan air. 
On the tarmac, a team of hazmat troopers arrived to carry away the deceased, and a squad of medics came to help Wren while the remaining two pilots exited the ship with Crosshair. He didn’t miss the way the entire garrison stared in absolute abject horror at the tiny bloody omega on his shoulder. 
He heard their murmurs and knew that they were discussing his infamous mate. 
You had become quite the conversation after Tarkin made it his upmost top priority to track you down and retrieve you with no expense spared. 
Crosshair had also torn apart the base when he first felt the bond sever. He knew his outburst had reached every corner of the imperial base with gossip. Of course everyone was beginning wondering who this important omega was, and why she was so important to Tarkin’s favorite soldier and the empire itself. 
Crosshair heard the whispers and the gasps at seeing you and the damage you had caused on the way over here. 
“Is that her?” 
“An omega did that?” 
“Is that her blood?” 
“Did he do that to her?”
The hushed comments continued as Crosshair crossed the landing pad carrying you inside. Tarkin was alerted immediately that you had been found and brought back to Naboo upon entry to Nabooan airspace. 
“Is this her?” Tarkin asked approaching the sniper curiously. 
“Yes.” Crosshair replied coldly. 
“What happened?” Tarkin observed the dripping blood on his pristine floors from your bound finger tips. 
“She killed the entire squadron.” Crosshair adjusted his grip on you. 
“Alone?” The admiral questioned. His skepticism was evident. 
“Yes.” Crosshair said plainly, “It appears my batch mates have been training her in close quarter combat.” 
“How many of your men?” 
“All of them. She nearly had the captain too.” Crosshair watched Tarkin circle the two of you looking very pleased, “She killed the medic that treated her on Bracca, but he insisted I get her to a bacta tank. She fell nearly two stories during an explosion.”
The admiral hummed in displeasure. He gestured for another medic who came running over to them, “Get a medical team prepared to treat her. She must make a full recovery.” Tarkin ordered. 
Crosshair watched the medic leave and return with a stretcher which Crosshair carefully set your body down on. The sniper and the admiral keeping a close pace behind the medic as he pushed you towards the medical wing. 
“Has she always been vicious?” Tarkin questioned bending down to get a look at your face. 
Crosshair noticed a small audience gathering in the halls trying to get a peak at his mate, “I’ve heard stories of her past, but I haven’t witnessed it myself until today.” Crosshair said, “Her violence had been instinctual… protecting pups.” 
“Very good.” Tarkin approved, “I want you to take good care of her. She’s a remarkable specimen. She must remain in optimal health.” 
“Sir?” Crosshair questioned. 
Tarkin gave him a tight lipped smile, “I want you to retire being a soldier and be her… Alpha. You may keep her, as I am sure you desire that now that you know she is in fact alive” 
“Just so I’m clear, you don’t wish for me to serve the empire any longer?” Crosshair was confused. Tarkin didn’t want him to be a sniper anymore?
Tarkin gestured for Crosshair to enter into the medical lab before him. 
“You will continue to serve the empire but you have a new purpose.” Tarkin explained as the two of them trailed towards the new residential sector. “Your mate is a very rare variant lupine. She is not to leave this facility as she is integral to our new project. She’s a very unique specimen indeed.” 
“Rare variant?” He questioned, watching the beta scientists carefully lift your limp body up into the bacta tank. They removed the binders and started peeling off your boots and outer layers before beginning the sequence to drop you in. 
Tarkin watched the process as well, “Her kind is not bound by monogamy like the rest of us. I was skeptical at first, I don’t believe she knows what she is either. Most of her kind have been hunted into extinction.” 
“May I ask what you need her for?” Crosshair felt a tinge of anxiety simmer in his stomach. His alpha instincts weren’t liking this. He just got you back, he wasn’t letting anyone take you from him. Not now.
Tarkin explained, “We are looking for the most effective way to replenish our military. Sure, mandatory conscription is convenient, but it has been made very obvious to us that the clones were and are superior soldiers. We wish to bring forward another generation of warriors made from clone DNA and…” He gestured to your limp body. Crosshair tensed and bit back a snarl.
Tarkin continued, “However, we understand that the omega picks her mates, as she has with you and other clones we discovered through some… interrogations.” 
Crosshair knew he was referring to Captain Howzer. His fists tightened slightly. The jealousy he tried so hard to repress was rearing its ugly head. 
“She has a natural disposition for attraction to clones, she’s extremely intelligent, and as we have now learned, she has a calling to violence. She’s the perfect candidate for our program, and due to her very rare genetic variation she isn’t bound to monogamy, which means more pups… my head scientists believes that she will be a remarkable specimen for a new cloning program.” Tarkin clasped his hands behind his back. 
Crosshair forced himself to take a silent breath. 
Tarkin wishes to clone you? 
He watched the blood caked to your skin dissolve in the bacta solution as you floated peacefully.  
Crosshair looked sideways at the Admiral, “You wish to clone her, then breed her clones with other clones?” Crosshair was trying to follow along. The empire wanted to create an entire generation of clone offspring… using you…
“Precisely.” Tarkin nodded curtly. 
Crosshair turned and looked to the admiral waiting for the catch. 
Tarkin just smiled and looked up at his favorite sniper, “Keep her happy and healthy, those are yournew orders.” 
Crosshair nodded. This has to be the strangest set of orders he’s ever received. He watched Tarkin spin on his heel and head for the door.
The Admiral was about to leave the medical bay before he angled his head looking over his shoulder back to Crosshair, “and I expect you to complete the mate bond, and pup her, as soon as possible.” Tarkin paused waiting for Crosshair’s response. 
Crosshair just nodded, trying to make himself speak “Yes, sir.” 
Tarkin gave a satisfied huff as he marched out of the facility. Crosshair just stared blankly at the empty walk-way trying to even begin to understand all the information he just received. 
This just got a lot more complicated. 
The sharp taste of bacta coated your mouth making you smack your lips together trying to clear it. Your mouth was unbearably dry and when you tried to open your eyes, you felt like they had been welded shut. You groaned rubbing at them trying to will your eye lids to obey but they were heavy.
When you were able to finally crack them open, you blinked a few times trying to adjust to the lights. You then realized you were perched on a squishy bed under a thick duvet cover. Never in your life had you ever felt such soft sheets. You ran your hand over the white cottons before forcing yourself to sit up. 
The disorientation came to a screeching halt when you noticed the looming dark figure in the corner of the room. 
There lay Crosshair, still as a statue, seemingly asleep upright in a lounge chair. 
You sucked in a breath going entirely still. You were suddenly afraid your movements would wake him. 
You couldn’t remember much, but all you knew was that you needed to get the hell out of here… where ever here is…
Slowly, you shimmied your legs out from under the duvet before hopping down onto the plushest carpet you’d ever felt. You realized you were in nothing but a silk slip as your bare legs were now exposed to the comfortable air. Nothing about this was making any sense, what the hell is this place?
You crept forwards keeping your feet light and a concentrated eye on Crosshair’s form. He hadn’t moved one bit as you crossed the massive bedroom. 
Just as you were about to open the door…
“Omega.” His voice made you freeze in place. 
He still hadn’t moved, nor opened his eyes. You could hear your heart beating in your ears feeling like a little prey animal under his predatory aura. 
“Go back to bed.” He said lowly. 
You remained frozen trying to weigh your options. Run and pray, or comply and wait. Neither were good. And this was Crosshair, he was abnormally agile like his brothers. He’d snatch you up like a nexu. 
When he realized you weren’t going to listen, he opened his eyes without moving a muscle. You felt yourself bite back a whimper as fear suddenly started to ebb its way into your nervous system. 
You watched him stretch as he stood up loosing up the tight muscles from sleeping in that padded chair. 
You backed up a step determined to run if he made any sudden movements. You also realized he wasn’t in his military kit either, he was wearing a loose black t-shirt and a pair of matching joggers. His feet were bare too. You hadn’t ever really seen him like this outside of your apartment. You suddenly began to wonder if you were back on Coruscant? 
Well, this was certainly no apartment of yours… 
“You need to rest omega.” He very slowly approached you. 
You shook your head starring to feel like a disobedient child the way he was scowling at you. 
“Y/N.” He snarled, “Wanna do it the hard way? Fine.” In a flash, he lunged at you and you scurried out of the way narrowly dodging his grasp. You screamed running from him as you crossed the room. 
“Omega!” He yelled chasing after you, swiping for your ankle as you jumped across the massive king size bed and took off running on the other side of the room flinging yourself into the adjoining closet before locking the door behind you. He might be significantly taller than you, but you were speedier. 
He growled pounding on the metal trying to figure out a way to open it. You quickly dismantled the locking mechanism giving yourself some time before he came barreling in. 
Your heart was racing as you looked around trying to figure out a way out of this before he inevitably came to retrieve you. 
“Be a good girl and open this fucking door omega.” You heard him from the other side of the door. 
Looking up, you tried finding an air vent or something that could help you but you couldn’t find anything. 
Remembering what Tech always said, you got down on all fours crawling around the clothes in the closet looking for a vent on the floor. When you noticed a difference in the wall, you pushed the clothes back revealing a grated vent. 
“Yes.” You sighed crawling forwards to rip it from the wall. But to your dismay, it seems someone had already thought two steps ahead of you. The vent just led to a smaller one that no human could crawl through. 
You heard the door panel whoosh open and spun around to see Crosshair marching towards you. 
You stood up, ripping the clothes from the rail and started throwing them at him. He just batted them away unbothered by your attempt to stop him. 
“Alpha please!” You whined backing up into the clothes clearly frightened. 
Something in him switched and he stopped in his tracks. Maybe it was the sound of your voice warbling with fright, or how small you looked in the sea of black clothes, but he came to a total stop staring at you. 
You were a lot less intimidating outside of the beskar his brothers adorned you with. You looked too small suddenly, not like the fierce warrior that took out his entire garrison with your rage just a few mere days ago. The owlish eyes that frantically searched for an out, made his skin crawl. You shouldn’t be reacting like this to him… he’s your alpha for kriff sake. 
“Please.” You whispered the beg seeming like you were searching for something in him.
He sighed, “You can’t be up running around yet. You fractured two ribs and your pelvis from the fall.” He was the one now pleading with you, “Please, go back to bed.” 
You took a deep breath trying to read him. Was this a trap? You couldn’t really tell, but you knew he wasn’t lying about your ribs. You could feel the ache with every breath. 
Slowly, you stood inching towards him. He didn’t move a muscle, instead he allowed you to pass him before he followed you out of his closet and into the main sleeping quarters. 
You saw him following you from the corner of your eye as you very tentatively crawled back up onto the bed settling back in the middle like you had beed previously. You kelt on the mattress watching him stand at the foot of the bed crossing his arms. 
He stared at you intensely making your squirm in the silence.
“How did you do it?” He asked sounding pissed. Your heart began to patter. 
You stared at him trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. 
He narrows his eyes, “The bond.” 
You looked down at your hands fiddling with the sheets, “I was dying. You brothers took me to a planet where force sensitive wolves severed the bond to save me.” 
He remained stoic as ever. It was unsettling.
“I thought you died.” He bit out harshly, “Nearly killed me.” 
You whined quietly with guilt. 
He bit at his lip missing his toothpick, “How are you fine right now? It feels fucking empty in here!” He jabbed a finger into his chest, “it’s torture!” 
You just stared at his chest feeling your heart break for the alpha. You had thought about the kind of pain he might be feeling, those dreams kept you up at night. The others tried to convince you he’d be fine and that he probably didn’t feel much of anything, but you knew deep down it was so much worse. 
His confirmation only made you feel more guilty. You studied his face better in the day light. He was skinnier than you remembered. It had been months running around the galaxy with your pack, while you had bulked up with muscles, your alpha across from you looked like he had been dragged through bantha shit for months on end. Even his hair was longer and mused from sleep. He looked so different.
He sighed seeming exhausted. 
He reached forward to touch your ankle but you flinched drawing your limb closer to yourself. The look in his eyes nearly made you cry on the spot. He looked… horrified? Guilty? Disgusted?
“Omega.” That wasn’t the reaction he wanted from you. He also seemed guilty?
You were about to open your mouth to say something… anything… when the door to the apartments chimed open and a small army of medical droids floated inside. 
He stood upright putting himself between you and the imperial doctor walking inside. The small beta man approached with his glasses and a data pad kind-of resembling Tech. You watched him hesitate in the doorway seeing Crosshair puff out his chest and cross his arms with a raised brow waiting for an explanation. There was no chance this man was stepping one more foot inside this room without Crosshair’s explicit permission.
Clearly, entering an alpha’s bedroom with his omega in bed wasn’t the smartest decision. 
You instantly recognized the uniform which only meant one thing… you were in imperial custody. That also meant that whatever this place was, it was also imperial.
You peeked out from behind Crosshair getting the doctor’s attention he looked at you before looking back at the alpha towering over him. 
You needed to start to devise a plan to get out of here. 
 “I-I uh, I uhm need to get new scans. If t-that’s okay?” The technician stuttered as Crosshair’s aura intimidated the hell out of the poor kid. 
You realized Crosshair had made some kind of reputation within this new empire… and it clearly wasn’t one of rainbows and butterflies.
You smiled suddenly realizing you could definitely use this to your advantage…You were his omega after all. The kid noticed your grin as you suddenly settled back into the thick covers. 
He slightly narrows his eyes watching your mischievous face turn sickly sweet as you opened your mouth to speak, “Alpha?” The tone of your voice was like a soft caress to Crosshair’s ears. You suddenly looked up at him mustering the most nervous look you could. 
When he turned his attention to you, you squirmed uncomfortably making worried eyes at the medical technician. Crosshair’s protectiveness kicked into hyperdrive and he turned back to the beta, “Get out.” 
“B-but!” He tried to explain. 
“Now.” Crosshair stepped forwards making all the droids and the medical tech nervously back out of the room.
You smiled and waved at the technician making the kid sputter as he darted out of the apartment. 
“The next person to walk in here without permission will not walk out, do I make myself clear?” Crosshair growled menacingly, locking the main door behind the kid. 
When he returned you were leaning against the headboard watching him cross the massive bedroom. He gave you a knowing look, like he knew exactly the game you were playing with him. You crossed your arms over your chest pushing up your breasts watching him approach the end of the bed once again. 
“You’re far more manipulative than the last time I had seen you.” He snipped and crossed his arms to match yours. 
You eyed him, “A lot has changed.” 
“Clearly.” He retorted. 
You steeled yourself, “You tried to kill me.” 
He stilled, taking a quick calming breath, “You defied direct orders.” 
“I am your mate Crosshair!” You snarled leaning forwards on the bed unable to keep your voice from raising. 
“Are you?” He narrowed his eyes. 
You took a breath trying to calm the anger raging inside. 
Maybe he didn’t view you as a mate anymore, not after the bond was severed. That thought hadn’t crossed your mind until now.
“Why am I here?” You lifted your chin trying to mimic his coolness. 
“You are, or were, my mate. I serve the empire. You are to remain here with me, as it should be.” He replied coldly. 
“And if we no longer have a bond?” You raised a brow. 
He blinked slowly, “You are to remain here under imperial custody.” 
“What do they want with me? They wouldn’t allow one soldier to send an entire garrison for one measly omega, now would they?” 
“You’re not just some measly omega now are you.” He pointed a finger at you, “You have some explaining to do, cyra’ika.” 
“I don’t have to explain anything.” You growled. 
He scoffed changing the subject, “Where are they?” 
You just stared at him. There’s no way you’d sell out his brothers to the empire. 
“Do they know?” He raised a brow, he was referring to your special designation, “I’d presume so, you begged them to fuck you all the same.” 
You felt your cheeks redden. 
“I bet they kept fucking you too, huh sweetheart?” He leaned forwards placing one hand menacingly on the bed started to crawl closer, “Once they thought I was gone and out of the picture, they had you all to themselves.” The jealousy in his tone was evident. You knew he never liked to share. 
“Did you know? All this time?” He was hovering over your covered legs making your heart race. The last time he looked at you like that, you had your nose pressed to his belly as you had taken him greedily down your throat. 
You felt a sudden rush of heat flow through you at the memory. 
“Know what?” You whispered. 
He smirked, “What you are?” 
“What am I, Crosshair?” You laid back on your back as he hovered over you keeping you pinned to the mattress beneath him. 
He watched you swallow and noticed the unmarred glad still in tact. He smiled wolfishly down at you. He knew what you were, after Tarkin was explained, all the pieces fit together perfectly. However, he couldn’t help but indulge his jealousy, “You’re mine.” 
He reached forwards gently making contact with your gland with his bare hand. Like a taught rubber band, you felt something snap violently into place making the two of you gasp violently and writhe on the mattress as an unbearable current zapped through your entire system like a lightening strike. 
“Kriff!” He grunted trying to keep himself up and not crush you as he gripped at his sternum. 
You wheezed pushing up at him suddenly feeling claustrophobic. You needed to get away. 
Forcing yourself up from under the covers, you weakly crawled to the side of the bed wobbling on your feet suddenly overcome with the sensation of Crosshair everywhere. 
His scent, his energy, his emotions… it was suffocating. You felt like there were two people inside you as you let out a cry feeling it all come to a freezing halt. 
You clutched the wall trying to catch your breath. You spun around to face him as he hunched over the mattress. He looked at you wildly. 
“The bond.” You breathed. It was intact. 
Then came the burning desire. 
You were suddenly possessed with the need to mate with your alpha.
You crossed the room practically jumping up into the bed crawling to him as he pulled you closer. You sighed feeling his skin against yours once again and you realized just now much you missed his touch. 
You wiggled underneath him yanking at his shirt, pulling it over his head revealing his chest and a spattering of new scars you didn’t recognize. You also didn’t care. All you wanted was him inside you. 
Like he could hear your thoughts, he smirked, nipping at your neck sending your nerves into overdrive. You were flustered everywhere and it was sending aching tingles down into the base of your belly. 
You used your feet to push the waist band of his joggers down revealing the lack of boxers. You smiled and reached greedily for his cock starting to pump him rhythmically. He thrust into your hand as his breathing deepened clearly desperate for your touch. 
“Omega.” He sighed almost silently. 
He pawed at your silk covered tits before frustratingly tearing the straps to get access to you. 
He kissed south, ignoring your squirming as he left your warm palm to lick and suck at your hardening nipples. 
You cried out as he latched on with his warm mouth making you start to drip between your thighs. 
“I’m still mad at you.” You whined pushing your chest up into his mouth. 
“I know.” He tore the slip dress even further until it was fully off your body. His free hand slithered down between your thighs. You parted them eagerly as his fingers traced tight circles around your clit. You mewled grinding your hips into his hand as he worked you open. 
You growled frustratedly wanting more, “Just fuck me Crosshair!”
He withdrew his hand and sat back on his heels before gripping your hips and flipping you over. He brought down a harsh slap against your ass making you scream. 
“So, fucking bossy these days.” He teased rubbing the reddening area, “My vod let you get away with that, huh?”
You pushed your ass up into him ignoring his comments. 
“Who died and made you empress?” He laughed sardonically. 
You huffed as he brought down another harsh slap. You inched up the mattress crying out at the sting. You felt him nudge up behind you, pressing his thighs into yours, then you felt the tip of his cock brush against your dripping cunt teasing you with his warmth. 
“Are you going to behave? Or are you going to be a little brat?” He spat at you pinching your welting ass making you squeal. 
You snarled and whipped your head around to see his evil smirk as he trust forward in one fell swoop wiping that nasty look off your face in an instant. 
You felt like the air was punched from your lungs as he filled you to the absolute brim. The stretch hurt, making you squirm, but Crosshair was merciless. He gripped your hips in a bruisingly tight hold as he pulled you back against his thrusts. You couldn’t recover from his brutal thrusts, all you could do was go limp and take what he was giving you. 
“Give up so soon?” He mocked. 
You could only relax, feeling yourself adjust to his presence while he abused your dripping pussy. 
Your moans reverberated off the walls as his powerful thrusts rocked the king size bed against the wall. You clawed at the mattress trying to find purchase and push back against his onslaught. He chucked at your weak attempt as he leaned forwards to grasp the back of your neck in his hand, pressing you to the mattress keeping you pinned beneath him. 
This felt so wrong but so damn good. Ugh. You mewled as he hit that perfect spot inside you, and suddenly the room was filled with the sound of your squelching cunt and his thighs smacking against yours. You couldn’t believe this was happening right now. It almost felt like a fever dream. 
You reached your hand down between your thighs wanting to cum so badly but Crosshair knocked your hand out of the way to replace it with his own. 
He rubbed soft circles edging you as he continued to thrust. You cried out feeling your climax approach and you squirmed around in his grasp trying to throw yourself over the edge. 
You felt your end coming when Crosshair fully stilled inside you. 
You let out a defeated whine feeling your climax slip further and further away. 
“No!” You cried trying to push his hand out of the way and finish yourself off yourself, but he wouldn’t budge. 
He leaned forwards pressing his mouth to your ear, “Where are they?” 
Your body thrummed with arousal and anxiety… so this was how he was going to torture the information out of you. 
He was seriously going to deny your orgasm until you cracked?
You whined pinching your eyes closed. 
You heard him chuckle as he straightened back up continuing to thrust with a slower pace keeping you just idling on the edge. 
You cried out desperately trying to push yourself back on him but he held you still. 
“You don’t get to cum until you tell me adi’ka.” He smirked. 
“Why?” You sobbed into the mattress. 
He continued to stroke you just right making you shake. Your orgasm was starting to ebb into your field again and he seemed to sense it through the bond bringing himself to stop. You let out a deflated grunt as your joints shook with the need for release. 
“Please Crosshair!” You begged. 
He remained stoically still. 
You felt tears pooling in your eyes, “Please let me cum alpha! Please!” You were on the brink of insanity. 
“You know the rules sweetheart.” He reminded petting the raised welt of his hand on your ass, “Tell me what I want to know, and I’ll give you as many orgasms as you can take.” He lightly toyed with your clit making you shudder.
You sniffled gripping into the covers. 
“I can feel you resisting.” He sounded curious, “I can feel it in the bond. Poor thing, you want to cum so badly don’t you little one?
You huffed trying to gather yourself. 
“I know you’re a stubborn one.” He smiled nipping at your shoulder, “Good thing I’m stubborn too.” 
You were karked. You were karked because you knew he wasn’t going to like your answer regardless. 
“Please.” You whispered rubbing your face into the bed. 
“Tell me little one, and I’ll make you cum.” He promised. 
“You won’t like my answer.” You whined clenching around his hardness. He rewarded you with a little slow thrust trying to egg you on. 
You sighed, “I don’t know where they are.” 
He hummed speeding up his thrusts slightly giving you a small taste of relief. 
“You know them alpha, they’re never anywhere too long.” You cried feeling him start to rub your under stimulated clit, “T-They were taking mercenary jobs for money. We were never anywhere longer than a day or two at most!” 
“Why were you on Bracca?” He started to rub faster making you moan. 
You stuttered, “T-the chips.” You sighed as he picked up this thrusts, “Wrecker’s chip was hurting him and I took them all out.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He slowed and you whined.
“I needed real surgical equipment. The old republic ships all had them!” You admitted. You were careful to leave Rex out of this. There was no reason for the empire to know he was alive and rescuing clone prisoners. 
“Good girl.” He praised bringing his pace back up to the brutal pace you craved, “Now, was that so hard?” He couldn’t help but tease you. 
You just groaned finally feeling your climax approach as he rewarded you for your confession. His skilled fingers brought you to the edge and swiftly threw you over and you came with a deafening scream. It was so powerful your entire body shuddered and convulsed as his thrusts got a little sloppy too before he came with a grunt. 
He continued thrusting through his orgasm until he couldn’t take the stimulation anymore and pulled out watching as your cunt fluttered and his spend oozed out of you in creamy droplets. He watched mesmerized as you collapsed onto the bed totally worn out. The edging had been rough on you, and he realized he probably should have been a little softer on you since you were supposed to be in recovery. 
He tried his best to catch his breath as he slid off the bed to hunt down a wash cloth. He came back to clean you up and then himself before he disappeared into the bathroom again. You curled up on your side pulling the sheets over you trying to still come down from your high. Your brain was laden with pleasure as you felt yourself drift off into peaceful sleep. 
You sighed, escaping Crosshair and this place would have to come later. 
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These next few chapters are going to be fucked ngl, dirty Crosshair smut to come, and angstttttt
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Taglist: @substantial-exposure
51 notes · View notes
shankhachil · 3 months
Countdown to JEE (Main): Week 2/33
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I've done a lot this week! Hit almost all the topics I wanted to. You'll notice that there are some topics I've covered but not solved questions for — these are the ones I studied for the first time and/or made notes for.
Other than that, I have my school unit tests from next Wednesday, so there's that. Sadness.....
Test results:
Test at physics tuition center: 116/120, rank 1/67! Yay!
Aryabhatta National Mathematics Competition: score unknown, result expected on 10/07/2024.
Topics covered:
Physics: Potential and Capacitance; Electromagnetic Waves, Waves on a String; Modern Physics; Gravitation; Electromagnetic Induction (6/3)
Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics; Atomic Structure; Chemical Equilibrium; Halogen Derivatives; Solid State (5/3)
Mathematics: Differential Equations; Area Under a Curve; Applications of Derivatives; Determinants; Complex Numbers; Ellipses; Hyperbola; Binomial Theorem; Functions (9/3)
Questions solved:
Physics: - FIITJEE Electrostatics* module, Assignment section — 56 questions, 52 correct - Allen Potential and Capacitance module, O1 and O2 — 88 questions, 77 correct -FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Electromagnetic Waves — 12 questions, 10 correct - Allen Waves on a String module, O1 and O2 — 67 questions, 59 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Modern Physics — 40 questions, 34 correct - Allen Gravitation module, O1 and O2 — 61 questions, 55 correct Total: 383/60 questions, 287 correct *FIITJEE includes Potential and Capacitance under Electrostatics, while Allen does not.
Chemistry: - Allen Chemical Thermodynamics module, S1 and S2 — 40 questions, 37 correct - R. N. Sarin, Atomic Structure — 18 questions, 18 correct - R. N. Sarin, Chemical Equilibrium — 11 questions, 11 correct - Allen Halogen Derivatives module, JEE (Advanced) archives — 24 questions, 22 correct Total: 93/60 questions, 88 correct
Mathematics: - Allen Differential Equations module, O1 — 30 questions, 25 correct - Allen Area Under a Curve module, Do Yourself 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and O2 — 51 questions, 46 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Applications of Derivatives — 45 questions, 39 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Determinants — 22 questions, 17 correct - Yellow Book, Complex Numbers, single-choice questions — 20 questions, 17 correct - Pink Book, Ellipses, single-choice questions — 16 questions, 14 correct - Yellow Book, Binomial Theorem, single-choice questions — 15 questions, 12 correct - Pink Book, Hyperbolas, single-choice questions — 21 questions, 18 correct - Allen Functions module, O1 and JEE (Main) archives — 48 questions, 44 correct Total: 268/60 questions, 232 correct
GRAND TOTAL: 744/400 questions, 607 correct
Upcoming tests:
23/06/2024 (next Sunday) — Allen monthly test. Topics: Kinetic Theory of Gases; Physical Thermodynamics; Electrostatics; Potential and Capacitance; Current Electricity; Electromagnetic Induction; Alternating Current; Electromagnetic Waves; Waves on a String; Sound Waves; Ray Optics; Wave Optics; Circle; Functions; Differentiation; Applications of Derivatives; Indefinite Integrals; Definite Integrals; Area Under a Curve; Differential Equations; Matrices; Silicates; Molecules That Do Not Exist; Coordination Chemistry; Metallurgy; Electronic Displacement Effects; Halogen Derivatives; Atomic Structure; Chemical Equilibrium; Solid State; Solutions; Chemical Kinetics; Chemical Thermodynamics. Yeah. I've no idea how I'm going to finish the syllabus in time, since I haven't even started Coordination Chemistry, Metallurgy or Alternating Current — they finished the classes in Allen before I even joined the batch. Anyway, let's see.
That'll be all till next week — see you again!
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spidermaninlove · 2 years
Tomdaya Timeline vol. 5
Links to vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, and vol. 6
November 6, 2022
Tom and Z visited Petra.  link link2
December 7, 2022
Tom allegedly spotted at In-N-Out in Northridge.  
December 9 and 11, 2022
Multiple sightings of Tom and Z together in California. 
December 11, 2022
Tom and Z attended RDJ’s Netflix documentary, “Sr”, screening event in LA.  link  Tom and Z spotted at the Sunset Tower Hotel attending RDJ’s after-party.  link2  
Z and Tom got their nails done by her manicurist.  link3
December 14, 2022
Tom with Z at her former school, Oakland School of the Arts (OSA), for an impromptu master class.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8 link9 link10 link11 link12 link13 link14 link15 link16 link17 link18 link19 link20 link21 link22 link23 link24
They were also spotted at Batch & Brine in Lafayette, CA.  link link2 link3
December 15, 2022
Tom and Z at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.  link link2 link3 link4 link5
Tom allegedly called Z his butterfly.  link
December 16, 2022
Tom and Z in San Francisco.  link  While there, they visited the Golden Gate Bridge.  link2
They were also spotted eating ice cream in Sausalito.  link
December 18, 2022
Tom and Z allegedly paid for customers in line behind them at Starbucks.  link
December 30, 2022
Tom spotted at Heathrow (below) and arriving at LAX (link).
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January 2023 Month-Long Caribbean TomdayaMoon
Alleged Tomdaya Caribbean destinations include Turks and Caicos, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia (confirmed -- see photo below), and Antigua and Barbuda.  link
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Tom and Z in St. Lucia
January 1 - 2, 2023
Tom and Z were allegedly spotted on a flight from LAX to MIA (Miami).  link
Tom and Z allegedly spotted having brunch on Brickell Key (Miami).  link
January 3, 2023
Tom and Z allegedly spotted at the Amanyara Resort on Turks and Caicos.  link
January 4, 2023
Z posted the story below from the Caribbean.
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Somewhere in the Caribbean
January 5, 2023
Tom and Z spotted at the beach in the Caribbean.  link link2
January 11, 2023
Tom and Z allegedly spotted in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  link
January 22, 2023
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According to a credible source, he met Tom and Z on a boat in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  link
January 23, 2023
Tom and Z were spotted hiking in St. Lucia.  link link2
February 1, 2023
An airport employee allegedly met Tom and Z in Antigua and Barbuda.  link  
February 2-4, 2023
After a month-long baecation, Z returned to LA and Tom returned to London.  link
February 2023
Z was papped working in Menton, France on February 14, and photographed with a fan in Monaco on February 15.  Tom and Z were spotted at the airport together in Nice, France on February 15.  link link2  They were both spotted dining together in Monte-Carlo, Monaco.  link3
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March 2023
Tom and Z out and about in Kingston.  link
March 8, 2023
Tom and Z spotted buying hot beverages while on a “family walk” in Richmond Park.  link  Dom confirmed the “family walk”  link2 , and Tessa and Noon accompanied them.  link3
March 11, 2023
Tom and Z were spotted holding hands while walking in Richmond.  link  They were also spotted having lunch while they were there.  link2
March 11, 2023
Tom and Z were spotted at Chiltern Firehouse in London.  link
March 12, 2023
Tom and Z spotted at Richmond Park again today along with Tom’s parents, and their dogs Tessa and Noon.  link link2 link3 link4
Z spotted watching Tom play padel.  link
March 15, 2023
Tom and Z photographed grocery shopping at Waitrose.  link link2 link3
March 18, 2023
A London-based manicurist made a housecall to do Z’s nails.  In the manicurist’s Instagram stories, Z is wearing a TH, ZH, or T/Z H/C signet ring and the Loewe shirt Tom wore to the Louvre.  link
March 21, 2023
Tom and Z spotted grabbing coffee. link
Tom and Z along with Tuwaine and Noon were photographed taking a walk.  link link2 link3
March 25-26, 2023
Tom and Z spotted shopping at John Lewis & Partners.  link
March 27, 2023
Tom and Z dined at Jamavar, a Michelin Star restaurant link and they were spotted out and about on New Bond Street in London.  link2
March 28, 2023
Tom and Z were shopping for antiques, and then spotted at a play and cuddling at a nearby bar/restaurant.  link link2 link3 link4 link5
Tom and Z in Mumbai.  link
March 31, 2023
Tom and Zendaya arrive in Mumbai for the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) grand opening.  link link2 link3
April 1, 2023
Tom and Z yachting in Mumbai. link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7
TZ sightseeing in Mumbai.  link
Zendaya and Tom at the NMACC.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8
TZ leaving the NMACC.  link link2
April 2, 2023
Tom and Z spotted arriving at their hotel in Mumbia after brunch with the Ambanis.  link
TZ spotted leaving their hotel in Mumbia.  link
Tom and Z were holding hands while arriving at the NMACC.  link
TZ at the NMACC and out and about in Mumbai.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6
Tom and Z sighting at the Mumbai airport.  link
April 3, 2023
Tom and Z departed Mumbai.  link
Noon stayed with Tom’s parents while TZ were in Mumbai.  link
April 7, 2023
Tom and Z spotted walking in Richmond Park.  link
Zendaya and Tom explored Hampton Court Palace after hours today.  link link2 link3
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Hampton Court Palace
April 9, 2023
Tom picked up a chocolate hazelnut frappe for Z on his way home from golfing.  link
April 13, 2023
Tom and Z spotted at Windsor Castle.  link
April 14, 2023
TZ spotted by a fan in Kingston.  link
April 15, 2023
Tom and Z were spotted by a fans in Kingston.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6
April 17, 2023
TZ were spotted getting coffee this morning.  link
Las Vegas
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Tom and Z in Las Vegas
April 26, 2023
Zendaya and Tom at an Usher concert in Las Vegas.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8 (Tom wraps his arms around Z) link9 link10 link11 link12 link13 link14 link15 (Tom holding Z from behind while dancing together) link16 link17 link18 link19 link20 link21 link22
Z posted a story ft. Tom at the Usher concert in Las Vegas.  link 
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May 1, 2023
Tom and Z at a Thai restaurant in Malibu.  link link2 link3 link4 link5
May 4, 2023
Zendaya and Tom in San Francisco at the Golden State Warriors game.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8 link9 link10 (holding hands) link11 link12 link13 (Z shielding Tom from the camera) link14 link15 link16 (Tom caressing Z’s arm) link17 link18 link19 link20 link21 link22 link23 link24
May 5 or 6, 2023
TZ returned to London.  link
May 13, 2023
Tom and Z allegedly saw Guardians of the Galazy Vol. 3 at a Kingston cinema.  link
May 13 or 14, 2023
TZ spotted in Notting Hill.  link
May 15, 2023
Tom with Z in Venice.  link link2
Tom and Z were spotted hugging and kissing, on a boat, and with Noon in Venice and nearby Murano.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8 link9 link10
May 16, 2023
Tom and Z allegedly spotted having lunch in Venice at the Gritti Palace Hotel.  link 
TZ photographed leaving The Gritti Palace Hotel in Venice.  link
TZ out and about in Venice.  link link2 link3 link4
May 17, 2023
Tom and Z departed Venice.  link link2 link3 link4
May 31, 2023
During an interview, Tom called Z a saint for putting up with his hair while he was filming TCR.  link
According to Sunrise, Tom wants to spend a bit more time away from the spotlight with his mate and his girlfriend, Zendaya. link
June 2023
Tom liked a Most Beautiful Woman in the World fan post of Z.  link
June 1, 2023, Tom’s birthday and TCR red carpet premiere
TZ shared some Caribbean vacation (tomdayamoon) memories on Instagram.  link link2 link3
Z liked and commented on a video Nikki shared of baby Tom.  link
Z also posted the poster for TCR to her story.  link
During a TCR interview, the interviewer asked Tom, “What is the most important experience in your life that has shaped you into the person you are today, if you could say one?”  Tom responded, “I think the most important experience I would like to keep private because it has to do with someone very special.”  link
June 4, 2023
While answering BuzzFeed’s 30 questions, Tom said, “I’m locked up, so I’m happy and in love.”  link  During the interview, he also mentioned Z was his childhood crush, and that “they” want to go back to his dream vacation spot -- a beach location they visited this year.  link2
During Tom’s UNILAD interview, he confirmed tomdaya 1.0.  link
June 8, 2023
During a podcast, Tom mentioned he’s lucky he has Z in his life.  link
June 9, 2023
Z reposted Tom’s TCR post to her story.  link
June 14, 2023
Tom and Z attended her Challengers costar’s play in London, and exited the theater holding hands.  link link2
June 16, 2023
Tom and Z photographed on an intimate walk in a London park.  link link2 link3 link4 link5
June 24, 2023
TZ spotted at a local golf resort.  link link2
Z had her nails manicured at Tom’s house.  link
June 27, 2023
Zendaya and Tom at the Beyonce Renaissance World Tour in Warsaw, Poland.  Tom is wearing Z’s leather jacket.  
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TZ serenading each other to Love On Top at Beyonce’s concert.  link link2 link3 link4  
TZ lovingly looking into one another’s eyes and Z caressing Tom’s face during Beyonce’s Love on Top performance.  link
June 28, 2023
TZ returned to London.  link
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An introduction to VR locomotives, part 4/7: the Dr16
The locomotive known both as Iso vaalee (The Big Blonde) but also Iso vaikee (The Big Difficult). The last locomotive series to be built in Finland. The butch lesbian of our fleet. The Dr16 mainline locomotive.
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These bulky ladies are another class that you have to know where to travel to see them in action, as they have only ever operated in the north and east of the country on the last major non-electrified routes. With a top speed of 140 km/h, power output of 1 677 kW and tractive effort of 270 kN, they are decidedly mainline locomotives (though using one as a shunter was tried. it didn't work out).
The reclusive big blondes were built in two batches: a four-locomotive prototype series in 1985-86 by Valmet, followed by the 19 production series locos from Transtech in 1990-92 (Valmet had, in the interim, closed down their locomotive production). The white ladies were the first locomotives to be given our then-new white, red and black Intercity livery. Two have been painted in the current write and green livery in the 2010s.
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Unfortunately for us, the ladies have also been temperamental from the start. They were our first diesel-electric transmission and the first to rely heavily on computer control. And let me tell you, these took a long time to get working properly. Originally, Valmet had designed an electric locomotive based on the same modular design, but with the problems of the big ladies these were never ordered.
Due to the fast electrification and the persisting problems of the Dr16, no less than 11 of the 23 locomotives built have been scrapped. It seems likely that the rest will follow their sisters to the scrapyard as more of the new Dr19 locos will be delivered in the coming years.
If you want to see the bulky ladies in action, your best bet is to take the night train to Kolari, which is usually hauled by a Dr16 on the final non-electrified stretch of track. They also commonly haul freight trains to and from Kokkola and Joensuu.
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Poll #70
Character 208: What a fucking guy. He was on-page in this 9 (soon to be 10, maybe 11) (12 if you count book 8.5) book series for like... three lines. He's a twelfth grader who dedicates a good chunk of his life hating on the twelve year old in his (twelfth grade) class. His only outfit ever mentioned is a shirt that says "LOOK OUT, I'M GONNA FART!" He's especially bitter about said twelve year old because she got into Yale (despite being twelve) (she was in the news and everything) and he did not. That's literally it. He's a bitter little bitch and honestly the whole fandom loves him for it
Character 209: He's got daddy issues. He got fire powers. He's got rage. He's a villain that became a protagonist. He's popularly shipped with the female lead character but they don't get together in canon. He's got a red and black colour scheme. (NOTE: This is a duplicate description with another character who will be in a later batch. This character was the second one submitted with this description. I checked with the submitter, and yes, they are separate characters.)
Character 210: She used to be a YouTuber and now she’s dating a podcaster. She tried to kill her boss.
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shellsweet · 1 year
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★ Each print is 11 x 17 inches. Both Matte and Holographic finishes are $25 for either version.
★ At this time there are only 50 Matte and 50 Holographic copies. 100 in total. (There will be a 2nd pass of 100 more copies later this year.)
★ Total goal of this limited print run is 200 copies and that is it.
★ Please be courteous and keep each print order per person (If you like to order an additional print for another person upon your original order, that is allowed. Shipped together or separately.)
★ Shipping will be used primarily by the United States Postal Service. (USPS) (First class shipping for the US is $5.99, International shipping rates might vary depending where it’s going, at this point UK shipment rates for first class is roughly $18.99)
★ Prints will be inserted in a plastic sleeve, with a business card, rolled up into a poster tube for its safe journey to you. Once it is delivered, place the print in a dry and flat area with something heavy on top (books, boxes, ect) for a few days to completely flatten. (Or if you have a frame ready for it, that will flatten it out as well.)
★ Orders are going in 15 quantity batches per week, please be patient and understanding as these are being shipped out privately by myself and will need time between part time work hours and post office hours to complete your mail orders. Once prints are shipped, you will be provided with a tracking number to track your print order.
(To get you started!)
***Please sent your print inquiries to [email protected]***
Title your email as "2K3 TMNT PRINT ORDER"
NAME: (How you'd like to be addressed) + USERNAME (Include Platform)
PRINT ORDER: List which copy you would like: Matte or Holograph.
MAILING ADDRESS: Enter which mailing address works best for the print to be shipped to. Make sure there are no typos. Be sure to let me know if this is going to a US or International Address.
PAYMENT: Payments will be done through Paypal, be sure to include the email that you would like to use and be ready for further instructions.
ORDER: Confirm your order based on the request form.
PAYMENT: Both print cost and shipping cost will be charged through Paypal. Once the money goes through, your order will begin being packed and prepped for shipping.
SHIPMENT: Once your print is shipped, you will have a responding email with your tracking number.
DELIVERY: Wait for your delivery and enjoy once it arrives! If you want to post pictures of your print, please feel free to tag me in any of these socials! I’d be thrilled to see your reactions!
★ Twitter: @sweetscribbler
★ Instagram: @shellsweetscribbler
★ Tumblr: @Shellsweet
If a print is damaged during transit, please notify me and send pictures of the damage. A replacement will be sent as soon as possible.
If your print gets sent back to the returning address, you will be notified and we will reconfirm your address for another shipment.
For any other questions or concerns, please send a message to [email protected]
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intellectual6666 · 4 months
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Since when did my handwriting became so dirty 😭😭😭
I have to write it all over again 😭😭😭
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged in the 20 Questions game by @the-little-moment and @kybercrystals94! It was fun to read both of your answers too! :D
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
15, although one of them is a collection containing multiple short stories :)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
160,403. That's 3x 30k multi-chapter fics and the rest short stories :)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, The Bad Batch. I have fond attachment to older stories for Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, and Iron Kingdoms as well.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1/ System Upgrade The Kaminoans upgrade Echo's cybernetics before he is cleared to join the Batch, and then he has to bond with his new squad. 2/ A Fair Price To Pay Crosshair is determined to break Omega out of Tantiss. Along the way, she saves him too. 3/ Test Subject Originally a one-shot, now the prequel/first part of System Upgrade. Echo being experimented on by the Kaminoans. 4/ Beach Days & Hair Braiding Nothing but sweet, tooth-rotting, brotherly fluff. Hunter, Omega and Crosshair on Pabu. 5/ Phobia 300 words, Omega helps the Batch deal with an unwelcome 8-legged guest ;)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I'm an inherently social creature. I always want you to know how much your comment means to me, and it's even better when we get a conversation going.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, this is probably a draw between Soup Of The Day and Presumed Dead. Definitely no positive outlook at the end of those.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Another toss-up between Beach Days & Hair Braiding and Human Weapon aka. the Birthday Cake Fic. Both set with everyone living happily on Pabu and both end with Hunter and Crosshair starting to regain some of their old brotherly closeness :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't yet, apart from getting caught up in the AO3 bot comment fiasco!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do ;) My flavour is more to do with the emotional connection and closeness between two people who trust each other very much, M rather than E rating. I love a love story :')
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No but I get to brainstorm them all the time with @ninjadeathblade! The craziest one? There's been so many! But I want to say The Bad Batch/Mamma Mia crossover. Nobody was finding out who Omega's dad was in that because all the clones have the same DNA XD
11. (Question 11 was missing! So I wrote my own!) Which fic are you proud of but wish had gotten a bigger response from your readers?
Welcome To The Outpost got off to a slow start, and I wonder if it's because for half of the story it didn't include a single main character from the show? But the people who did read left such wonderful comments so I shall continue to consider this fic my underrated gem!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Adrenaline Crash by the fabulous @tech-o-mania
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
None of my published ones, but I literally spent my teen years writing fic by passing notes back and forth in class, me and my friends taking it in turns to add a few lines to the story!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't think I have one? I am fairly open to reading anything and know how to use the back button if I don't like it. It's less about the characters involved and more about reading the same idiots-to-lovers trope in as many different ways possible.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well it would be lovely to finish all my Iron Kingdoms inspired stories because I'm so attached to them, but it's also so sprawling and I have only me to motivate myself so... I guess that's not happening ^^;
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think it's the occasional absolutely devastating heart-breaking descriptive prose that sneaks its way into my writing :P
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Over-punctuation ^^; I tend to add punctuation every time I pause for thought, which means at times, there really isn't a lot of flow, to my writing, because the little reset counter in my head, forgets when the last time I stopped for a proper break is. Then I have to go back and edit it into sensible length sentences!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have only used fantasy languages, but in Iron Kingdoms a large part of my main character's drive was her heritage so language played a significant part in that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Final Fantasy 8! Oh so long ago and sad to have lost it in many computer transfers since then. I think everyone should keep the fics they wrote when they were 14. I worked so hard on that story ;_;
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have a lot of favourites but my number one is probably Adrenaline Crash. I am feral for Feral Hunter.
Tagging if you'd like to play! :- @royallykt @theproblemwithstardust @lifblogs @holdingonforheaven @tech-o-mania @fanfoolishness and anyone else who fancies copying the questions and letting me know about your writing ^_^
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There's been a lot of discussion about Splatoon 3's content updates, and the quality of Splatoon 3's content updates, in the community recently, so I thought I'd give my two cents on this as well.
I think people view Splatoon 2's updates, which through the first year saw one weapon or stage release every single week, through very rose-tinted glasses? There was certainly excitement in knowing you had something to look forward to every single weekend, but since it was only a single weapon a week it kind of intrinsically meant that most of the community got something they didn't care for, most often than not. Something like an alternate Glooga kit is very fun for Glooga players, but most people aren't Glooga players, and as such they waited for nothing. I think it's very indicative that Nintendo swapped away from weekly updates almost immediately after Octo Expansion dropped in favour of dropping weapons in monthly batches with the Kensa and Sheldon's Picks.
Also, I don't think people remember just how bare-bones Splatoon 2 was on release? There wasn't a single Brella in the game at launch, despite them being shown off in the Direct. Actually, that's a lie, because you could play Brella in Hero Mode, but it took them three weeks to add Splat Brella to multiplayer despite it being in the game since the beginning. In fact, out of Splatoon 1's 33 Main weapons, 9 weren't available on the release of the game, meaning that in 2017 most updates were main weapons that were just straight up missing from the game.
There's also the matter of Salmon Run. Aside from the monthly gear and new stages (of which there were three in Splatoon 2's two year of content updates), Salmon Run got nothing new added to it post-launch. With the launch of Sizzle Season we'll have as many Salmon Run stages in 3 after nine months as Splatoon 2 did after twenty-four.
Splatoon 2 only got three major content updates through its live period between 2017 to 2019, a number we're within days of matching within a period of nine months, and we're going to get at least five more of them. I think more than anything the real source of discontent is that three months is a lot of time to wait, and it feels even longer if you've been unlucky enough not to get a new weapon you like yet, but in terms of overall content quality there is not a doubt in my mind that Splatoon 3 is doing better than Splatoon 2 did, and is going to keep doing better for a lot longer.
That is not to say that Splatoon 3's content updates have been perfect. If there's one thing I agree with the critics on, it's that the way they've handled new kits so far has been less than ideal. The problem is both a question of quantity as well as variety. Fresh Season and Sizzle Season both added 11 kits each, and I really feel that 12 should be the bare minimum, and if anything it should be 2-3 more. That said, the real problem is what weapon classes have been getting (or not getting, as the case may be) those new kits. There's been 36 new weapons added post-launch, including Sizzle season weapons as well as the new main weapons, and out of those, 13 have been Shooters. meanwhile, there's only been a single Brella and a single Splatana, and not a single new Stringer kit yet. Couple this with the fact that Shooters are by far the weapon class where the main weapons play the most similarly to each other, and I think that this is what leads, more than anything else, to updates feeling lacking.
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escherstrange-ffxiv · 14 days
#11: Surrogate
Escher skimmed the proposal, "So what you're saying is that a thaumaturge that only casts ice can be just on par with one who casts only fire."
"Y-yes, but I feel a catalyst is required to boost its power to match it." The powder-white Au Ra wringed his hands, "A corrupted crystal would be too volatile and inconsistent for this purpose, unfortunately."
Teacher looked student in the eyes. "You want a soul crystal?"
If Au Ra tails had fur, Sirolimus's tail would have puffed up. "N-n-no! I-it doesn't have to go that far!"
Escher seemed to look through the papers rather than at it. "Tural has many things we haven't quite discovered. Perhaps we may find something that can aid you in this." He pulled out a sheet of parchment from a drawer under his desk and started writing.
"Oh, that's right. I hadn't thought of Tural! Though the fare is more than my scholarship can afford, perhaps if the Studium approves we can use some of the grant-"
"No need." Escher signed the bottom of the parchment, "I've got an idea." He got up and around his desk and clapped his hands at the students entering the lecture hall. "Class, I cannot teach Advanced Theoretical Thaumaturgy this summer as I need to be in Tural for an emergency."
The class buzzed with concerned murmurs.
Sirolimus blinked. "You can't?"
The hyur clapped a hand on Sirolimus's shoulder as he announced to the class, "Instead, Sirolimus Jules will take over for the duration. He graduated in the top ten in Thaumaturgy for his batch, you will be in good hands." He picked up a pile of papers, handing off a few sheets at a time to Sirolimus. "Here's the syllabus, the questions, the assignments, and the lesson plan. Modify and adapt to your schedule as you please as long as it generally follows the plan."
"Eh? Ehh?!" Panic was creeping up his face. "Professor Coli, wha-"
"Look, you're brilliant and this could get you halfway to your Archon mark. But you need to brush up on your public speaking skills to defend your thesis and I want to follow Adrian to Tural. We save grant money for other things and we all get what we want. Win-win situation." He gives his student two thumbs up before doing a little flourish and skip out the door. "You got this, Jules."
"Professor Coli? PROFESSOR COLI?! Uh- good-good morning class?!"
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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IMAGES: F-35B fighters in "beast mode" aboard HMS Prince of Wales
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/26/2023 - 11:00am in Military
On board the deck of the British aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales, on the east coast of the U.S., a fully loaded F-35B, to the fullest, is helping the Royal Navy's attack force develop Lightning capability.
The F-35 armed with the maximum capacity of weapons is known in aviation jargon as "bow mode": each pillar occupied by a weapon and the internal compartment of crowded bombs.
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Fully charged, the F-35B can provide 22,000 pounds of destructive and defensive power: air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles and conventional and laser-guided bombs.
If you are trying to imagine a payload of 22,000 pounds... it is the equivalent of the heaviest bomb carried by a World War II Lancaster bomber (the Grand Slam or "earthquake" bomb).
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And it is almost three times more than the last attack plane embarked on a UK aircraft carrier, the Harrier GR9, more than a decade ago.
In this case, the specially modified F-35B of the U.S. Navy Integrated Test Force was loaded with a combination of 500-pound Paveway IV laser-guided inert bombs and 1,000-pound inert Paveways in the weapons compartment.
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To date, the F-35 have detaculated from the 350-foot mark on deck (approximately aligned with the end of the front island).
Depending on a number of factors (including weather, wind on deck, humidity), a fully charged Lightning may need a full run to the ski jump to take off... which means starting all the way back at the 850-foot mark... not far from the rear end of the cockpit.
It is the first time that a complete preparation has been tested on any of the aircraft carriers. And it is also the first bomb (although inert, practical models) to be launched by aircraft launched from HMS Prince of Wales.
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The Captain of Flight Deck Pet Officer 1 John Etherington - who has experience in deck operations on American Nimitz-class aircraft carriers - was the sailor who gave the authorization to the pilots.
"It was impressive to launch the jet, all full of bombs, from the back of the cockpit," he said. “It's exciting to see us pushing the boundaries of UK naval aviation.”
In control of the F-35 in beast mode were the pilots of the U.S. Marine Corps, Major Paul Gucwa, and Lieutenant Colonel Mike Lippert.
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This is the fourth time the latter has worked with the UK aircraft carrier force - three times helping HMS Queen Elizabeth develop its Lightning capability, now with the Prince of Wales.
“It is a pleasure to see the continuous progress in operational capacity – there has been undeniable growth and progress,” he said.
“Major Gucwa and I had great pleasure in continuing to expand the combat capability of Britain's largest warship. We were a small part of an immense multifunctional and integrated team that covered every corner of the ship, the mission control rooms of the F-35 ITF and our worldwide partnership with the F-35 Lightning II - all focused on increasing the interoperability and lethality of our frontline fighter."
Then, the tests of the F-35 ship off the US will carry out continuous landings (instead of standard verticals), first without armaments, then with.
Tags: Military AviationHMS Prince of WalesLockheed Martin F-35B Lightning IIRN - Royal Navy/Royal Navy
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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jedi-hawkins · 6 months
The Bad Batch Season 3 Ep. 10 & 11 Watch Thoughts
Spoilers (duh)
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Ep. 10 "Identity Crisis"
Cursed child? Jedi child? Jedi child.
Oh Emerie… you job snatching-
Difference between the vault and the stasis chambers?
I saw a theory the vault has the corpses of the Jedi killed in Order 66? Nope. It's worse. Younglings, high m-count (no adults because all the Jedi were KILLED)
Hopefully a child will be the one to “save” Emorie from the Empire
Class 1 bounty hunter. Has to be Bane. Spurs? Definitely Bane
A crate?? You mother fu- oh it’s a bassinet
Kidnapping children now Bane? That’s chill
THREE troopers??? It’s a child.
“They don’t belong here.” SHE SAID IT!
The dilemma of ‘do I quit because this is wrong, or do I stay and contribute but help as much as I can’
Ah she’s staying
Man the VA for Hemlock does so well at the calm cool restrained voice that just makes your skin crawl
CID?!?! That weaselly lil- she sold Phee out
Emerie sobered up real quick with Project Necromancer, not that bright eyed and bushy tailed anymore. Yeah now you know the cost of all this bitc- oh. “Identity Crisis”
Aw she kept the straw Lula
And giving it to Eva?!?!
Ep. 11 "Point of No Return"
Oh this episode is going to hurt.
Oh she’s good. Love the vibro sword
Oh he’s gonna find Pabu 😭
Aw poor Wecker
Aw the clones from ep 2
the symbolism of her leaving Lula behind 😭 like she’s ‘no longer a child’
The cave…
Oh Hunter is so good. I’m calling he’s sensing Tech’s EM signature
Ugh noooooo
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No we are losing the Marauder 😭😭
He tried to save Gonky 😭
Ugh seeing the drop ships makes me reminisce TCW
Ugh Batcher 😭
Ugh Hunter is so hot
“Crosshair is that Hunter” “Eh huh”
I love that they’re a SQUAD here
Omega is all grown up 😭 she’s making the calls
“Focus on the bigger mission” oh she’s so good
Hunter’s gonna be pissed
WET HUNTER!!!!!!!!
Come on Crosshair 😭
Noooo ugh that’s gonna sting. The guilt he's going to feel...
We don’t even see Hunter or Wrecker’s reaction 😭 oh they’re going to hate Crosshair for this 😭
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My brain is literally so discombobulated. I woke up to watch at the drop and now I don't know if I'll be able to get back to sleep. My notes are so choppy and disconnected I can't even. Just PAIN. We got wet Hunter... but at what cost. We didn't even get the reveal we all hoped was coming. Jen, Brad, and Filoni are watching us and they know all the ways to play us like a fiddle.
And don't think I didn't miss the "Plan 99" theme there, Kiner bros. That was so not chill
11/10 OUCHIE
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Sorry, Wrong Comms! : Hunter x Medic!Reader [Chapter 11]
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Warnings and Information: Intended audience is 13+ (18 if you squint). Should know the drill on my use of Mando'a, italics and my headcanons by now if you've been following along with the AU series this far. Star Wars and real-world swearing. Can you call it a road trip if there's no cars in Star Wars? Who knows, who cares. Batch and Medic!Reader go on a road trip back to that mining planet so the brothers can have a nice little day to use their skill sets in peace and quiet away from the Empire. More domestic(-ish) moments. Only days into dating Hunter and basically like one of the family, lucky lucky you. If you don't try to embarrass your siblings in front of their significant others, are you really even siblings? Someone figured out where to make a "nap nest" in the Marauder to escape the heat? Sure why not, we don't know the exact layout of the attack shuttle so fuck it we vibe. ❤️✌️ Couple of suggestive lines but overall this is just me finding excuses for fluff/soft content. Batchers need a break and so do you. 
Word-count: 5,479
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Scraping wet food out of the can, [____] glances down at the light-furred critter winding eagerly around her feet, the sound of the Tooka's curved nails tip-tipping against the floor as she prances and paces in tight circles. "I'm going as fast as I can without making a mess, silly!"
Rorw! M'oww!
She sets the plate down along with the ceramic bowl with water just as there's a knock at the door. The hour, exactly on the dot, Hunter said he'd be by to walk her to the shipyards. "Spoon, you be good for me, okay girl? I'll be home before dinner. Sounds like that's him." Straightening out the hem of an older, comfortable shirt she won't mind getting dirty, she plucks the emergency medkit off the counter as she walks past it. "Be right there!"
Hunter doesn't hide the visual head-to-toe sweep when she opens the door to him, the dark ink that makes up his tattoo of the half-skull making it very easy to notice when he starts to smile at the sight of her. "Hey… Good morning." He looks bright-eyed in a way beyond possibly being awake for an hour or two longer than the medic. She'd slept in pretty late - compared to the days she was working at least - since she'd gone home late after dinner. It was difficult to say no to Omega's suggestion to watch a holofilm once the leftovers were tucked away in the cold-unit and dishes were washed up.
Besides, more excuses to remain close to one another and enjoy the company, the chance to hold one another close while she laid out her thoughts for how to spend tomorrow? (Distract themselves from the collective thoughts of the Imperial at her health practice.) Would they really have passed that up?
She smiles back, threading her arm in the offered space to walk arm in arm once she's locked the door. "G'morning, Hunter." She realizes he's clean-shaven when he moves in close to peck her cheek with a sweet little sound. "Sleep well, mesh'la?"
"Mhm. You?" she asks.
"Probably better than Wrecker and Crosshair…" Hunter chuckles, sighing just slightly. "They were pretty excited, y'know. They have a chance to show off, so there's a chance they'll get a bit competitive like the old days." he warns her; not that [____] needed the reminder that his brothers' habit of competition had survived the war.
"Still a little confused how exactly they competed with such different skill sets at times." [____] admits and laughs softly under her breath as they pass one of the management-personnel of the shipyards, the top fin of the Marauder easy to spot, "But siblings always find a way, don't they? So I suppose that's enough of an explanation."
Ducking under the wing of another ship just before they get to the Omicron-class ship, the two of them are greeted by the sight of his brothers waiting for them, and Omega breaks away from helping Tech with last-minute supply checks to greet her friend. "[____]!" Ordinarily someone would be warning her for forgetting (once again) that shipyards were no place to be running around, but she doesn't go too far before the medic catches her with a laugh and hoists her up in her arms.
"Good morning to you too, sweetie! Looks like someone's excited for today!"
"Yeah, we get to spend it with you!" Omega giggles, lacing her arms around the grown woman's neck and shoulders. Tech was pointedly looking away to conceal a grimace of annoyance, likely having lost track of what he was counting within a very full crate. Oh dear. Lowering the youngster, [____] kindly reminds the girl she was in the middle of helping one of her brothers with a wink and loving ruffle of her hair.
"And as much as I love a good hug from the galaxy's cutest little heat-seeking missile, you were helping your brother count something important from the look of things before you ran off." The crate was marked "SNACKS" in bold, sloppy Aurebesh, but something told her the contents inside were most definitely not bursting with flavor.
Omega's hands wring and twist the hem of her shirt. "Ri-right, sorry Tech! I just got excited."
"It's fine Omega, I understand..." Tech smiles softly, finally nodding in greeting in [____]'s direction to be polite, "I just lost track of how many I've already count-"
"Twenty-four!" Omega declares confidently, swinging off [____]'s wrist with a slight laugh.
"Oh, excellent, I was only one off. Twenty-five, six… twenty-eight. Perfect. Full crate." Lid latched tightly, the container is pawned off to Wrecker, excitedly prancing in place, so he can haul it up the ramp into the shuttle. "Awh right! Can't wait!"
[____] gives Hunter a questioning and amused look. Did Wrecker really have twenty-eight explosives in that crate? "Don't worry, those snacks aren't any spicier than the way Cross likes his fruit and spice-dough pastries." he assures her, nudging Tech and Omega to get into the ship and get things running now that Echo's called from the cockpit that the shipyard crew has given them the go-ahead to lift-off with the rest of the morning rush. They ought to hurry before the skyway was choked with ships.
Crosshair scoffed lazily, collecting his case for the 773 Firepuncher with a lifted brow and a gentle shoulder slugging. "Big words for the guy who didn't make the cut for galaxy's number one cutest heat-seeking missile."
"I'm okay with that." Hunter retorts in a gruffer voice, returning the slug with a touch more effort. He's the last up the ramp after the medic, so he hits the proper button on the panel to draw in the ramp. "I'll gladly settle for being number two." he adds with a smug, confident expression. Oh Maker, her face feels warm, suddenly. Something about Hunter's moments of confidence in himself could be so attractive.
Tech calls a final warning from the cockpit as the engines rumble and burst to life. "Ready for lift-off! Strap in, this will not be very smooth, I'm afraid!"
Finding a crash seat for herself, [____] gets her medkit secured and carefully straps in. Hunter joins her shortly after, having helped Omega get settled in in the cockpit's seats. (Until she was a little more acclimated to a bumpier than average take-off, she could get airsick being further back in the ship.) Crosshair takes a seat directly across from his brother, a devious smirk washing over every feature.
Oh boy, here comes trouble. Hunter senses it too, preliminarily rolling his eyes after securing the shoulder harness. "What is it, Cross?" He's certain he's going to wish he hadn't asked, so he chooses a non-Basic language to get this over with and spare [____] the potential for embarrassment. "Out with it."
Adopting the same language, Cross purrs delicately around the toothpick with a mirthful smile. "Shame you can't act out that bunkroom fantasy you had as a cadet, Hunter." He only groans regretfully, ignoring the provocative grins from the sniper and the strongman once he's gotten seated. "And I shouldn't have asked…"
She looks sideways at him and across the ship at his brothers, and her later reply only makes Wrecker laugh harder. Hunter's mortified because forgot she understands this language thanks to the time she was employed at her first of two health centers. That smirk tells Hunter he should have worried about himself being embarrassed.
"Now, now, Crosshair. We both know he'd want a door he can lock before anything else." [____] croons in a salacious voice.
Hunter sinks further into the seat in a way that has nothing to do with the spacecraft picking up speed once hitting clear skies.
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"That looks like a mining town." Omega marvels, pointing to something she sees out of the viewport.
"That's because it is," Echo replies, reaching overhead to hit some control as part of the landing sequence, "that's the mountain [____] fell down, actually. Thank the Force she wasn't badly hurt at least." Omega shudders, shrinking back against her seat until the landing struts have made contact with the surface of the desert planet. "I know that she said it was more of an uncontrolled slide than a fall after she slipped on loose shale, but still… That must've been scary…"
[____] and Hunter briefly glanced at one another by chance as they gathered their things. The twisting expression of torment in his face when his eyes found that fading evidence of her partially unsuccessful exploit left no doubt in [____]'s mind that Hunter had some really strong what if? thoughts surging right now. Maybe the very same ones she'd had that day when making her way home.
What if she'd hit her head and ended up severely concussed? If she'd been badly hurt, would the wildlife here pose a threat to her? (What wildlife was out here, actually? She didn't know; hopefully no big carnivores.) How quickly would help have come to her if she'd given Echo the SOS; that unfortunately yes, their "favorite medic" had gotten herself hurt?
Was Echo serious about that… is she really their favorite medic?
"Wow. Hardly a cloud in the sky…" Wrecker rumbles with wonder as he's the first to step off the Havoc Marauder. "Good thing we brought so much water and stuff for shade! But first, needa put on all the sun-stuff before someone ends up lookin' like a roasted porg again; c'mere you!" He plucks his sister off her feet with frightening ease as she tries to skip past him after Tech, who'd wandered off ahead to inspect the desert vegetation. She giggles and struggles in mild protest, swearing she can put the protective lotion on herself without any help. "Nuh-uh, we're not repeatin' last time, Omega. Fried the back of your poor neck 'cause you forgot."
"But what about Te-!" she tries asking, gasping when Wrecker accidentally tickles her by moving her hair off the back of her neck to apply the sun protectant. He apologizes, large fingers making quick work of the application process before she's thoroughly covered and she can take it from there. "Awh, someone'll drag him back eventually if he's not coming back on his own. Y'know how Techie is."
"Don't be stingy on the lotion, sweetie," [____] encourages her, "I brought plenty."
Echo laughs, taking one of the many bottles from the crate she and Hunter had collected from her clinic last night as part of the preparation for today with a grateful smile. "Benefits of knowing a damn good medic." He tosses his head in a nodding motion at Cross, "Mind helping me out? Goes a lot faster with two hands." Both chuckle when Echo whirrs the scomplink attachment once for good measure to emphasize his point.
"Sure thing."
"Hey… uh-uh." [____] chides Hunter softly for quickly smearing the sun cream across his face before reaching behind his head to apply it to his neck, "Come here. I want to make sure that nice tattoo of yours is properly covered so it stays nicer longer." Her fingertips carefully paint a thin layer of the lotion over the dark ink of the half-skull on the left side of his face, glazing it in a coat of white before tenderly massaging it into his face so it absorbs into the skin. The whole ordeal, Hunter's keen eyes are trained on her, watching her with rapt attention. She'd become the galaxy's most interesting spectacle to Hunter since freeing himself from refraining from expressing how he realized he felt about her. Becoming braver, bolder, to watch her with adoration, without much shame if she caught him staring.
Her kindness, her compassion, her soothing, nurturing nature that served as the groundwork for her inner and outer beauty had him so enamored shortly from the start, perhaps.
And she… she's wearing the Nabooian pendant.
How in the stars did he miss that? It looked so beautiful in the sunlight. She looked so beautiful in the sunlight. "Something on my face, or…?" she asks softly, teasingly as she takes the container again and carefully applies some to her own face. "Am I missing something?"
"Mm-m." he confirms shortly and leans in to pepper her in sweet little kisses, feeling bold, daring, in this moment.
"Ew," Omega giggles brightly behind them when Hunter grimaces reflexively after hitting a patch of lotion, "I bet that didn't taste very good."
"No… Definitely went a lot better in my head…" he murmurs in answer, pulling on the collar of his civvies to clean the opaque residue from his lips. "Sorry."
She chuckles sympathetically, watching as Wrecker tramped up the gangplank and said he was gonna start getting the charges ready once he had them out of the ship, "Someone better ask Techie if there's a safe place to set these bad boys off! Don't want any serious debris comin' our way!" She agrees to go ask, taking the lotion with her to gently interrupt Tech's deep analysis if she can. He's hunched over in a squat, studying the roots of the shrub-tree now, muttering scientific names from the sound of things.
Recognizing her by the shadow she casts, Tech greets her with an enthusiastic question. "Aren't these fascinating, [____]?"
"Gotta know what I'm looking at, Tech," she laughs lightly, trading his datapad for the bottle of lotion, "and after you put this on, Wrecker wants your input on where he can safely plant the explosives to get the day kicked off with a bang." He takes the lotion with a sheepish smile. He’d gotten so ahead of himself he forgot to explain what he was looking at first. "Ah, of course-'' Tech murmurs apologetically, "These are ucca brevifolia - common name “shu'ah tree”. They have thick, waxy leaves that are capable of retaining critical moisture through prolonged drought that are protected against herbivores with a mild, serrated, outer edge. It serves as a deterrent to grazers.”
“Oh yeah? Is that an adaptation to grazing wildlife or something they’ve always had?” [____] asks with genuine interest as she walks with him back to the ship. Tech grinned appreciatively, a little relieved, as always, when someone wanted to know what was currently of-interest to him without brushing him off. (When he’d given Hunter’s letter a final read-through to catch any errors Hunter worried there being, he was surprised by some of the additional observations his brother had made about [____]’s friendship with him.) “I haven’t gotten that far in the reading I was doing, but I can determine such a thing once I’ve assisted Wrecker.” he admits with an offering, carefully lifting his goggles so someone can help him apply everything without squinting in the sunlight.
Wrecker looks from Tech to [____] with a curious smile, settling the crate at his feet to wait while she helps his brother carefully distribute the protective coverage around his eyes as Hunter helps out by holding Tech’s goggles for the time being. “Whatcha talking about?”
“Oh, Techie was telling me those trees out there,” she pointed over Tech’s shoulder with a free hand to indicate to everyone what their brother had wandered off to inspect, “the ones that have the shaggy-looking trunks and those red-tipped, blade-like leaves. I think they’re kinda pretty, in a way.”
Adding with a nod, Tech turns his face to the left to speak with Wrecker, “Which, once I’ve helped you, Wrecker, I can return to researching to answer her question once we’ve gotten the day ‘kicked off with a bang’. Ack, that tickles…” Wrecker chortles alongside Hunter, stitching his arms across his chest with a warm smile.
This was gonna be a fun day for everyone.
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“HAHAHA! That last one could bring down the whole mountain!” Wrecker whooped, caught up in the excitement of planting the last of his charges at the foothills of the mountain the mining town is perched on as he gleefully jogs back to the safety zone.
Tech shakes his head as he ducks back into the ship. “Seems like a gross exaggeration for the amount of-”
“Hah! Dumb ol’ mining town deserves it!” Wrecker declares decidedly, tossing his head at Hunter knowingly, which only makes him chuckle and shake his head with a sigh, “Wrecker… Are you going to try to teach a whole mountain a lesson for hurting [____] when she slipped?”
“Nah,” Wrecker laughs, idly tossing and catching the primer, “not unless you want to.”
[____] and Omega exchange glances and shake their heads softly for more or less the same reason. "Boys…" they agree with a knowing sigh. The explosive charge wasn't going to be enough to bring down a boomtown mountain even if it was riddled with hollowed-out passageways and tunnels, but it wouldn't stop the brothers from arguing - playfully - if it would or not. The idea of showing an inanimate object who's boss after her mistake of not minding her footing was at least a little endearing and nothing she was stranger to either. The first time the medic had been invited to the Batcher's housing, she'd knocked on the door in the middle of Wrecker's tirade against a chair Omega had tripped over.
"Think you can get away with hurtin' MY sister, HUH?! You think you're tough?!"
"Hi... Did I come at a bad time, Hunter?"
"Er, no, it's just- You're fine. H-he's yelling at a chair Omega tripped over to try to cheer her up; make her laugh.”
“Aw, that’s nice of him. Is she hurt?”
Hunter shook his head, perhaps for the fifth time at Wrecker’s insistent offering. “No, really, I- I’m good, Wreck. Kind of you to offer, but it’s not really my thing. You can ask someone else.” He was more interested in just watching his brothers have fun, relax, and do their own things. More interested in listening to Tech rattle off a parts list inside the ship as he worked on repairing something, expressing terse disinterest to Wrecker. More interested in hearing the languid sweep of a cleaning cloth over a trusty 773 Firepuncher as Crosshair made sure sand didn’t settle into the grooves and crevices in the weaponry. Comforted by the aroma of sun-warmed cotton and skin from a pace away where Echo sat, happily soaking in the sun for some much-desired phototherapy. Amused by Wrecker’s delight in this opportunity to blow something up that was coming to a close as soon as he found someone to take him up on his offer. Entertained by Omega and [____] trailing their fingers in the sand of the desert planet, an endless, completely reusable canvas for their creativity together.
Stolen, precious memories the Empire could never take from him no matter how hard they tried. Acts of resistance in their own right. A refusal to be stifled, to be silenced, to comply blindly.
Man, someone in the Empire would hate knowing a stolen crate of their precious bombs were being used to blow craters in the desert sand for the hell of it. That Wrecker had scoffed over the fancy, intimidating exteriors and pulled them apart to scrutinize some sap’s work.
“Hah, that’s pathetic. I’ve made better bombs with half as many wires that I secured so much better than that under pressure! Tech, look!”
“... pathetic. Their wiring is so sloppy.”
“Tha’s what I said!!”
Omega lifts her head from her current work of art in the sand, brows lifted in question when [____] waves down the offer. “Can I set off the last charges?” Initially, Hunter wasn’t sure he liked that idea. Omega understood perfectly well that the vode didn’t mess with bombs of any sort that Wrecker or Tech cobbled together, and her first experience trying to disable a smoke bomb nearly a year ago with Wrecker’s tutelage had ended in, well, a smokeshow on Bracca.
“You let the kid try to disarm a bomb…? That has to be one of your dumbest-”
“C’mon, I’m not an idiot, Crosshair… I’m not gonna let her train with a live explosive. And would you stop calling her ‘the kid’ already? Omega has a name, just like you.”
“No, not whatever-”
“Hunter, don’t! Enough fighting, you two! We all just got our chips out for kriff sake!”
Omega looks to Hunter for permission when Wrecker hesitates. Deferring to the leader. But he wasn’t just their leader anymore, he was their brother. He was trying to be their brother more than a low-ranking commanding officer. They didn’t need his permission for every little thing, but it was so habitual. For all of them.
Good soldiers…
“Hunter, can I?” Omega asks softly.
“I’ll leave that up to Wrecker to decide.” he gives Wrecker a slow nod. I trust you, it says.
… follow orders.
“I’d feel better if we did it together, Omega. Jus’ to be safe, y’know. C’mere.” Omega took Wrecker’s outstretched hand and walked forward to get in-range of the charge with the primer, listening to his instructions intently as they walked a few paces closer to the old mountain mining town. Crosshair called over his shoulder into the Marauder that Tech might wanna watch this one, carefully laying aside his rifle. Echo sat up and climbed out of his low seat to move back towards their ship out of an abundance of caution. Hunter and [____] scooched closer together on the old blanket now that Omega had gotten up, leaning comfortably against one another. Hands finding the other’s, clasped comfortably.
“This oughta be good.” she murmurs fondly, head against his shoulder.    
“THREE!” Wrecker called; the signal for all spectators to brace themselves for the noise to come. Three seconds to detonation and total, momentary chaos.
Cross calls them rib-rattlers. She can understand why. A thick plume of dust, debris and spent powder smoke shoots high into the blue expanse of the sky above the seven of them. They can feel the shockwave through the ground below their feet and booming into their chest cavities. Omega shrieks with delighted laughter alongside Wrecker, both of them whooping on their way back to the ship to watch as the dust cloud begins to disperse and dissipate with the gentle breeze that’s picked up across the arid plain.
“Not bad,” Cross approves, nodding to Wrecker and Omega as they get closer to the ship, approvingly before glancing around at his datapad for the time, “think I’ll go sneak a quick break from the heat. Then I hope you’re up for a- Hunter?”
Hunter’s suddenly on his feet in a flash, instinctually and visibly bristling at the sight of a second plume building and rising into the sky from the side of the mountain. The blast in the foothills has one last trick to play; one of the buildings nestled in the winding, serpentine road that had been worked into the stony surface of the natural formation has been knocked from its crumbling foundation and has become mobile. The entire structure is slowly sliding down the slope. It looks like a tiny, very old-fashioned and simple prison house; probably would have held no more than four cells for the roughest and rowdiest in a boomtown.
“Hunter, it’s okay.” [____] says soothingly as she too sees the little building coming down the mountain. “It’s coming to a stop on the next level of the switch-back. We’re not in any danger so far away.” she reminds him, putting a comforting hand on his back, his shoulder. “It’s okay. We’re okay. We’re safe. Right?”
It’s about a moment before he’s satisfied that the little structure sliding down the mountainside is in fact not going to move again before he settles himself down, softening his stance, feeling the fine hairs on the back of his neck lay flat once more the longer [____] keeps her hands on him, the longer her heartbeat remains so steady. “R-right…”
Crosshair cautiously utters under his breath to avoid breaking this newly established sense of calm for his brother that he’s going to find a snap-activated cold pack and hide out from the heat for roughly twenty minutes, and they’d front row seats to another impressive spectacle.
Twenty minutes of calm would do them all some good.
Well, calm as “calm” could be with his brothers. But, Crosshair supposed he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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It was just a simple snap-pack and he couldn’t find the blasted thing, Hunter could hear Crosshair tramping through the whole of the Marauder, opening the odd cabinet here and there in his search. Just like he couldn’t find the spare blankets or pillows. Or the misplaced tool when the box tipped over as he helped Tech shift everything outside.
"Hunterrrr… I can't find it!"
He sighs heavily, finally and reluctantly pushing himself off the edge of the old blanket for the third time to assist his brother. "Do I seriously have to find everything around here?" He just wants to spend a little time in the sun, dammit. Some time to settle his head after that last detonation, and the ear-splitting clatter of tools after Tech had tripped over his own toolbox after moving everything so people could escape the heat in peace. (“Apologies! Don’t worry: I’m not hurt!”)
Tech was now working on his project in the shadow cast by the bulk of the Marauder's body, a long cable snaking out of the cockpit plugged into some radio-like device so he could continue listening along to an educational program about the insectoid Yalbec species. (No, she didn't want to know what happened on Yalbec Prime apparently.)
Echo just chuckles softly as his younger brother begrudgingly trudges past him to the ship for the fifth time in as many minutes. "Hey, I'd ask for help finding something from an expert tracker too." Poor guy just sighs, trotting up the steps to the side-ramp a little faster now after asking Tech to turn down the radio a notch. "Shut up…"
"You're a good brother, Hunter!" the ARC calls after him. Sometimes, try as he might, it was harder than other days to turn off that part of his conditioning to lead and look out for his brothers all the time. While letting go of leadership and rank was getting better with practice, it was that gnawing, almost screaming urge to constantly be on high alert and let his brothers mind themselves that was harder to wrangle.
What was it Crosshair had teased Hunter for once? Something about being paternal?
She wasn't quite sure what that remark was off the top of her head while she was more concerned with making sure she had a proper eye on Wrecker while he was moving heavy stones out in the dry heat of the desert. Thank the stars they brought so much water, no one would run the risk of being dehydrated at least, she thought as she watched Wrecker take another pull from his hydro pack. (Her bigger concern was heatstroke or overexertion.) Looked like he was crafting a makeshift bench for the targets and novelty props Cross had brought with them so he could show off his sharpshooting skills; the whole reason [____] had hinted to Hunter she could think of a good excuse to stay away from her clinic today last night over dinner.
(She thought of that letter often, and had read it last night before going to sleep as a way of warding away any dreams of the Imperial forces at her clinic.)
Wrecker sat down under the shade of a low shrub-tree after she flashed him a flat palm that morphed into a cupping motion with a turn of the wrist.
"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh," [____] chuckles softly behind that same raised hand to stifle her laughter, "but is Crosshair getting whiny?" She's no stranger to the often high and nasally whines of a tired tot or a fussy baby thanks to her professional experience, and the hint of impatience in Cross's voice is enough to remind her of the little ones she's treated over the years since completing medical training.
Echo just chuckles before adjusting his sun shades. Omega glances at the medic's time device on her wrist. "It's around the time Crosshair naps at home some days. He sleeps in bursts." Her voice drops into that timid, nervous whisper when she’s afraid someone will hear one of her inner observations that might not be taken so well if said out loud. “He can get… a little cranky in the heat, too…”
“Ahh…” she replies, understanding now, “I see. But hey, he’s got the right idea to escape the heat. Wouldn’t be a bad idea at all to do the same thing. Oh kriff, that’s right; should I tell ‘em they’re not gonna find any snap-packs in there, or do you wanna do it?” [____] had told them while they were traveling and hadn’t quite reached the planet that she was going to add the packs she found in their tiny infirmary aboard the attack shuttle to her medbag so they’d be in easy reach. (She couldn’t blame them for forgetting she did that when she’d done it herself until Echo diligently touched up his UV coverage with more lotion just a moment ago.)
“You better,” Omega tells the medic with a smile, “I’m gonna go get Wrecker. He looks tired.”
[____] nods. “Good idea.” Climbing up the ramp a step at a time, she’s got two snap-activated packs in her opposite hand that are a very welcome sight for the sniper.
“Oh, Maker, forgot they wouldn’t be on the ship. Thanks, doc.”
“I forgot too, sorry boys.” [____] offers an apologetic smile, peering around the marksman and tracker at a mess on the floor between all the sleeping racks near the back of the ship and gunner’s mount. “What’s all that?” It looked like a rumpled nest of blankets and pillows on the cool durasteel floor.
“Omega calls them ‘nap nests’,” Crosshair offers, biting down a yawn (Hunter less successfully) and thanking her for the rapidly chilling pack, “or, somethin’ like that… And how come you’re suddenly tired, vod?” Hunter shrugs. He’d truly slept fine last night, but he felt pretty tired being in the ship, suddenly. Admitted to feeling a little lightheaded, too. Neither [____] or Cross liked the sound of that. “That doesn’t sound good, vod.”
“Have you been drinking enough water?” [____] asks, patting down her pockets. Blast, she’d finished off the last of her hydro pack. “Shiiiit.” the medic hissed, mentally rattling off symptoms. “Are you also feeling like it’s difficult to concentrate?”
Omega and Wrecker poked their heads into the ship before climbing in, a hydro pack, unopened, in her hands. “Hunter accidentally let himself get dehydrated didn’t he? I-I found this where he was sitting.”
“I’ve had at least one pack,” Hunter tried thinking back, feeling that wave of guilt washing over him when his siblings, his… could he call her that, yet? “Girlfriend”? (Would she prefer something else?) “I think I just got distracted and forgot to open the next one. I’m sor-”
“Some water is better than none, could be worse.” [____] conceded with a tender smile, allowing Omega to take a seat next to her in the middle of the “nap nest” when Crosshair suggested Hunter better lay down and he’d climb into a sleeping rack instead, popping in a pair of ear-jammers so he could sleep while sister and friend teamed up to take care of his brother. “Here, bandana comes off, and we’ll give you the second cold pack while you slowly nurse this…” The scarlet bandana was pawned to Omega, and once it was carefully laid aside in a neat fold, she watched with interest (and confusion) as her little brother’s eyes fluttered reflexively at the first pass of [____]’s hand through his hair once his head was propped up with one of the pillows from the nap nest in the back of the ship, but not her’s. That was strange. How’d she do that? What did Omega do differently than the medic?
“Here, try it like this.” the grown woman offered kindly, noticing the girl’s cute pout of confusion. She tried encouraging Omega to give it another shot when it didn’t work as expected. “You’ll get it, sweetie. Just try again. He’s not going anywhere until I feel he’s properly hydrated again.” [____] laughed lightly at Hunter’s mumbled apology for making her play medic when she was supposed to have the day off, again, just to take care of him when he wasn’t being proactive about his safety and health.
Before bending forward to kiss Hunter, [____] playfully rolled her eyes in his line of vision before closing the distance. “Oh, hush, handsome. Like I told Captain Rex, you guys just keep my job interesting for me. And I don’t mind a bit.”
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Taglist: @dragonrider9905 @ladytano420​ @the-hexfiles @ilovethosebrowneyes9904
Note from Frost: The "shu'ah" trees Tech described for you are space!Joshua trees (I just tried to creatively modify the name and description a bit). The mining town is heavily inspired by Jerome, Arizona, which is what inspired the beginning and opening location of this fic even though it wasn't described in detail until now. Threw in a vague reference to Sliding Jail for funsies. As a born-and-raised desert dweller, this chapter felt like writing about home for me as much as it's about your more domestic/everyday-flavored moments with Hunter and his siblings. Start thinking now if you wanna be added to the all-encompassing SW fic taglist (sans OC stories, most likely) while I get the last chapter all nice and purdy!  🩷 
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