#bathing is weird
sleepyhighslvt · 1 month
Rub a dubdub ❤️
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❤️ Fuck me in the tub
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benevolenterrancy · 4 months
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I'm reading bk6 and have just met ghostfire!Hua Cheng. i am enamoured...
feng xin and mu qing are trying to be supportive of xie lian's bizarre new castle but they're drawing the line at the evil little fire demon that seems to hate absolutely everyone except xie lian
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etrevil · 10 months
Fyolai has been thriving this year 😭💅
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worstloki · 4 months
love the idea of the Avengers adding new members but being stingy about rooms so the OG Avengers each get their own but Bucky and Loki are forced to share one under the guise of it being 'healthy interaction'
#Bucky and Loki being friends but in a weird way and now Thor is concerned like 'i don't recognise my brother anymore T-T'#and Steve is grimacing and sighing like 'my chemical romance isn't that bad Thor you just have to acquire the taste'#Bucky and Loki bunking in a room together and people just forgot to give them a second bed but it's ok because they both sleep on the floor#they wake each other up from nightmares and when it's done/conscious they look at each other in slight alarm and just give '👍❓❗' '👍👍❓'#aggressive thumbs up before returning to bed still communicating with thumbs up like 'all good??' 'all good??' 'all good!' 'go sleep?!?'#they both are convinced that oily hair is a way to keep it healthy and dandruff free and like they're not WRONG bc it works for them#but people also hate listening to them corroborate such experiences with each other#like you can't deny their hair is healthy and silky when they wash up and get dressed for something. BUT. STOP TALKING LIKE THAT.#they talk about how the bath they share is so comfortable for two people and it's driving people up a wall#Natasha opens the door and sees Bucky in the dark propped against a wall looking half dead with earphones in#(he is watching a nature documentary Loki recommended)#they bond over times they were being controlled and/or suicidal in Tony's lab and Tony who was working nods along absently long used to it#Tony: ah yeah I have PTSD but im managing it okay for now with meds#Bucky and Loki: *making faces* boo 👎
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care666bear · 2 months
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pink bath water 🎀
lil 🩷 shape bruise
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saintshigaraki · 10 months
siberian tiger sukuna whos more muscle than man who looms over you, twirling your smaller tail that’s decorated with a ribbon and a bell with a clawed finger. he enjoys the look of uncomfortable humiliation on your face that there are no words he can say. instead sukuna lets the smugness on his features speak for itself and finds himself tugging at your tail to hear you yelp
ohhh my god . and of course after tugging your tail you immediately turn on him, hissing and clawing at his face. perhaps even managing to land a swipe on him, adding to the growing collection of still healing marks on his face, all from you. he lives to provoke you, as soon as you reach an arm out at him he's tugging you down in the dirt, roughhousing with you. and it ends how it always does, with you pinned beneath him and sukuna grinning above you before he bends down to lick a stripe up your cheek with his rough tongue :/
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gasstationclown · 4 months
is this anything
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standard practice
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bubble bath for torbek, stupid hawaiian shirt for torbek (i didnt draw a pattern you just have to imagine), bow in hair for torbek
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working hard
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and the full thing
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baylardian-1 · 5 months
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i wonder who she gets her fussiness from
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pixelatedraindrops · 11 days
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Yuma Month: Day 27: Relax
Nothing like taking a nice dip with your suspicious masked captor in his jacuzzi hot tub after almost perishing~🎵
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Blood bath.
Still thinks the lighting on his face looks a bit weird but I pleased with how this came out.
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mylifeinwindows · 5 months
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
Take it, baby, it’s okay.
Eddie lets out a small whimper, his fingers tightening on Steve’s skin, and he presses his face into Steve’s neck.
Steve runs his fingers through his curls again, tugs at the roots and scratches at his scalp, closing his eyes and inhaling as Eddie’s hands slide across his scars. He plays with his hair for a while. Until the fire burns away, leaving glowing embers and the occasional soft snap.
“Have an idea,” Steve says softly, tilting his head so he’s murmuring right in Eddie’s ear, twisting the ends of his curls around his finger. “Can you wait here for a minute?”
Eddie sighs softly, nodding.
“I guess.”
Steve smiles, pressing a kiss to his temple before he gently detaches them and tugs the blanket tighter around Eddie. He kisses his forehead.
Upstairs, he flicks on lights to find his parents’ room, his eyes skimming past their untouched bed and furniture to their bathroom. They have the best bathtub, wide and deep and surrounded by pale pink tiles. Steve sits on the edge of it while he holds his hand under the running water. When it’s hot enough he plugs the bath and finds a towel.
“Hey,” he says softly when he gets back to the living room. Eddie’s eyes flutter open and he looks up as as Steve kneels in front of him, gazing up at him. “Come with me.”
He stumbles slightly when he stands, clutching Steve’s hand, his other hand holding the blanket tightly as Steve leads him to the bathroom.
“I thought— I thought it would help you warm up.
Eddie drops the blanket wordlessly, squeezing his hand, and Steve exhales, smiling at him.
“You want help?”
Eddie nods. Steve smiles brighter, stepping in front of him and gently, tenderly, pulling the hem of his hoodie up, but it comes up with the sweaters, and they get tangled as Steve tries to pull them off. He can hear Eddie’s muffled giggling under the layers of fabric, and he laughs, carefully untangling him. When he appears, his nose is scrunched and his eyes are squeezed shut, his hair messy.
“There you are,” Steve says softly, tossing the clothes onto the counter. “Alright?”
“Cold.” He shivers. Steve rubs his arms before he reaches for the drawstring of his sweatpants. Eddie’s hands find Steve’s shoulders as he pushes them down with his boxers, as Eddie toes his socks off. Steve holds his hand to help him step into the water, and Eddie lets out a soft groan that Steve can feel under his skin. He kneels by the tub, running a hand through Eddie’s hair again.
“Feel good?”
“Christ. Yeah.” Eddie’s eyes are glassy.
“I’m gonna put your clothes in the dryer,” Steve says softly, his fingers gracing Eddie’s cheek. He has a scar there, rough and mangled from the teeth of demobats. “So it’s all nice and warm for you.”
“Come back,” Eddie whispers, tilting his head.
It takes him a moment in the laundry room to pull apart the sweaters and hoodie, the fabric stuck with static, but as soon as the dryer is running, he’s headed back to Eddie, who’s leaned against the back of the tub and slid down until his chin is in the water.
“Hey,” Steve says, kneeling by the tub and touching his face again. “How do you feel?”
“I’d feel better if you were in here with me,” Eddie says quietly.
Steve blinks, raising his eyebrows, his hand pausing on Eddie’s cheek.
“Are you sure?”
“Please, Steve,” Eddie breathes. “Need you closer.”
Steve pauses for a moment, his chest aching, before he says a soft Okay and stands, tugging his shirt off. Eddie’s eyes trail over his chest. Over the scars that cover his sides, his upper arms, his neck. Steve doesn’t even want to hide.
When he’s naked he steps into the bath, the water sloshing in the silent room, distorting their bodies. Eddie reaches out to him, his hand sliding over his arm.
“Come here.”
Steve moves closer.
Their legs wrap around each other again, and Steve closes his eyes, sighing.
“I missed you so much,” Steve breathes.
“Yeah?” Eddie says quietly. Steve can hear his smile. “You cry for me, Harrington?”
“Only every night.”
Eddie is quiet, and Steve finally opens his eyes to find him staring. His eyes are shining like he might cry, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“I cried too.”
Steve nods, swallowing thickly.
“Can you touch me, please?” Eddie asks weakly, and Steve reaches out, sliding his hands over his arms, his shoulders, over his chest and waist and stomach and back. The water is warm, and Eddie’s eyes are closed, and he’s swaying with the way Steve’s hands are pushing him around gently, and he lets out a soft, broken noise that’s almost a moan.
“You feel so good,” Eddie says softly, his hands finding Steve’s legs under the water, sliding over his skin slowly.
“Yeah?” Steve breathes, sliding a hand to the front of Eddie’s neck, his palm to his throat. Eddie hums, whimpering, his expression shifting into an almost-frown, like he’s going to cry.
“Steve,” he chokes. “Say it again.”
Steve squeezes his throat gently, watching Eddie’s lips part as he gasps. He leans closer, until their noses are almost brushing.
“Baby,” he breathes. He smiles when Eddie’s lip trembles and his cheeks flush pink. “Is that what you want?” he whispers. Eddie’s breaths are echoing around the room with the quiet slosh of the water as Eddie’s hands slide up Steve’s sides, over his scars. “You wanna be my baby?”
Eddie nods, his lip trembling again.
“I want that too,” Steve whispers. “Want you to be mine.”
Eddie takes a soft gasping breath, and a tear escapes his eye as he nods again. Steve smiles, wiping it away, but he just makes his cheek more wet with the bath water.
“Yes,” Eddie says softly, crying. “Yes, please.”
Steve kisses him.
It’s a short kiss, hard and lingering, and Steve’s fingers tighten on his neck. Eddie gasps when they part, his eyes opening, glassy and tear-filled, and Steve smiles at him, nodding. Eddie stares for a moment, his lips spreading into a slow smile, and he lets out a tearful laugh.
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, laughing softly. “Holy shit.”
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asksidon · 1 year
okay, so i have a personal headcannon that with the zora, bathing together is pretty normal, especially among friends. its pretty much just like hanging out for them sense they're prolly desensitized to nudity for most part. at least within their race. here's the idea / request ~
the prince and his dear friend / crush hang out n bathe in a lake after a little adventure leaves the reader scraped up. maybe he has questions about hylian anatomy, or maybe the reader has a couple scars hidden under their shirt.
i know this might sound like a weird request but i promise it doesn't come from a weird place, i just think it would be fluffy and cute. 100% okay if it's to weird for you though 😎 but you can't argue that it's not canon.
fem or non binary reader if you're willing to do it though please n thank you <3
"Well, I'm sure we'll get a glimpse of the Lord of the Mountain one of these days," Sidon says as he takes your hand to guide you through the piles of leaves and twigs littering the ground. You're headed toward a lake at the base of the mountain. Both of you are dirty after taking on a lynel that haunts the area, the result of one too many wrong turns trying to find the best route up the mountain. The two of you reenact your favorite moments from the battle and chit-chat occasionally along the way, the sparse silences between you comfortable and warm.
When you arrive, both of you dip your toes into the pristine water. It is surprisingly warm and inviting. Sidon lets go of your hand and starts to remove his armor without hesitation. You watch him for a few moments before realizing you're staring at him, and you turn your gaze elsewhere, hoping your cheeks aren't as red as they feel. You can't resist one last glance at his backside before it is submerged in the water. You quickly look away again as he turns to give you a smile, calling to you to join him. And here you thought you'd be taking turns, backs turned while guarding the other's personal belongings.
Shrugging, you disrobe too. Given his nonchalance about stripping in front of you, and your reassurance that you are wonderfully alone, why not?
You don't feel so weird about watching him when you realize he's doing the same to you. It's not in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you can tell he doesn't feel the need to rip his eyes away from your form as you did with him. For him, it seems the most natural thing in the world.
You hear the tinkling sound of the water as he pulls one of his hands out and gestures to his own chest. "You have a lot of scratches. Right around here."
You look down at yourself. He's right -- you had vaguely noticed the burning sensation there but it hadn't been first on your mind. "Huh. I guess the lynel did do some damage," you say.
He chuckles. "You say that like it's something that happens to you every day."
You wade into the water until it is up to your waist, splashing some onto your face and hair. "It's mostly thanks to you that it didn't do more," you say.
"You're kidding, right? You were absolutely fierce and marvelous, Y/N. A born warrior." You don't have time to reply before he goes underwater, doing some fancy Zora swimming moves before emerging closer to you. His gaze drops but quickly returns to your face. "Do all Hylians have . . . er, I'm sorry, I forget the name . . ."
You look at where he's gesturing and note the difference between the two of you. "Nipples?" you supply, blushing again at the word. "Yes."
He nods and looks contemplatively into the distance. "As a boy, I once saw a Hylian woman in the village with her hatchling to her chest. People were acting a bit strangely about what she was doing, but it involved her . . . her nipple. Muzu told me that I shouldn't stare, that that's how they feed their young. I suppose it makes a bit more sense, now that I see one up close."
You smile at the word hatchling. Things are different for the Zora, but in several ways, they are the same given the anatomy you've just observed on the prince himself.
Without thinking first, you find yourself blurting out, "Hylians don't normally bathe together, unless." You stall by splashing water on your face again. You didn't mean to end the sentence there, but you worry about how he might respond to the idea that it's more a romantic or intimate gesture among Hylians. You don't want him to think you're interpreting this incorrectly, because you know it does not mean the same thing to the Zora.
"Unless?" he prompts you.
"It's, um, more of a romantic thing, if we do it together. Not we, as in you and I, I mean." You bite your lip to resist the urge to babble.
"How curious! So it is a ritual of courtship among Hylians, then." Recognition flashes in his gaze. You haven't the heart to correct him by mentioning that it typically takes place well after courtship has been well established. "Oh. But I do hope this isn't uncomfortable for you with me. Now I understand why you hesitated at first."
Shaking your head, you reply, "It's refreshing, really. The Zora ways. I wish Hylians didn't view things like nudity or breastfeeding with so much shame. So much need for hiding and secrecy, like these things don't exist or there's something wrong with them. Not that I want everyone to walk around naked or anything, but I mean . . ." Now you're babbling. You giggle, close your mouth and submerge yourself entirely under the water before launching toward the deeper end of the lake. You surface several feet away from Sidon and float on your back, looking up at the clouds.
Sidon allows your silence and the distraction for a while and busies himself with doing laps around the lake. You feel an unspoken tension between the two of you. You turn to tread water again when you feel him beside you. "I apologize if my curiosity made you uncomfortable," he says softly. "If there is ever anything you want to know about me or . . . my body, or the Zora, I hope you know I am an open book, Y/N."
"You didn't make me uncomfortable," you say quickly. "And I appreciate that. I think I will, some time." You want to tell him you're enjoying this, that you hope to do this more often, but your conditioning toward awkwardness about these things makes it difficult to speak your mind.
His expression relaxes a bit. "Shall we start back for the Domain? I think we ought to get your scratches looked at, just in case."
You nod even though you wish the moment could last longer. "Only if you promise we can do this again some time. Um, maybe just the two of us, though. I don't know if I'm ready to be naked in front of a crowd yet. Hylian conditioning and all that," you say.
He takes your hand once you reach the shore and gives it a little squeeze. "Understood. And, I promise."
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thebramblewood · 9 months
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Meanwhile, at Vatore Manor... Part II
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Transcript under the cut.
Caleb: I’m not looking! I’m not looking!
Lilith: For God’s sake, it’s just skin! I’m almost impressed how prudish you still are after all this time.
Caleb: It’s not the skin that bothers me so much as the blood.
Lilith: [scoffs] Spare me the sanctimonious good vampire speech. You should know by now it’s not going to work. I can’t even fathom how you survive sucking on nothing but those disgusting little plasma packs.
Caleb: [vaguely annoyed] Why are you back already? You’re not usually so hasty with your… dinner.
Lilith: Would you believe me if I said I just wanted to spend more time with my beloved baby brother?
Caleb: [snorts] Hardly.
Lilith: Fair enough. Let’s just say I’ve had an unexpected change of plans.
Caleb: You missed a spot.
Lilith: Thought you weren’t looking, perv.
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fallstreakfeathers · 1 year
Human as you are
When you tell him you want to demat his hair, you're met with a scoff
"It'd have to be cut. All of it. Make me uglier than I already am" he snarls
You disagree, and sweetly push, reassure, promise
He rolls his eyes, fights, tries to intimidate
Mumbles a sarcastic "only if you're naked, too"
He hopes it shuts you up. Embarrasses. Deflects your horrible insistence
To his shock, terror, you agree.
You sit behind him, nude in water a little too warm for your liking, muscles undoubtedly to cramp in the small space of a tub not meant for two people, but that's okay
It's claustrophobic, suffocating
But that's okay, too, because he's letting you close to him
Letting himself be vulnerable
An honor even his sister rarely sees, you're aware, even if he's mostly hidden himself from you by the ridiculous amount of soap bubbles that surround your bodies like snowfall
Even if he refuses to let his weary eyes meet yours
Gentle hands soak his gnarled, broken strands with conditioner and detanglers
He flinches under your touch
Your touch, which has never hurt him, would never, could never
But the world has, the world will, the world takes wicked joy in it, and that is enough to justify the tenseness of his shoulders and the bobbing of his throat as he swallows, forcing himself to still
To trust his judgement
To trust you
You pretend not to notice, preserve his pride, devour your own
He swears it burns where your flesh touches his, wonders if you think him as diseased as everyone else does, wonders if you even care
Wonders if Daki allowed you this time away from scrubbing floors to spoil her dear brother
Wonders how you stand the stench, human as you are, of the blood and gore and the decomposing filth that may as well take up as much of his head as his dark locks do
A bladed comb cuts through the worst of it, straightening the rest as much as his hair allows
He watches your reflection in the water, watches your tongue poke through your lips as you concentrate on a particularly stubborn mat, watches you smile as you massage the falling suds into the spots on his shoulders- not to erase but to soothe
You would never hurt him
You work long, and pull so many unsavable chunks from his head he fears you really might cut him bald
You work hard, and resist the urge to playfully squish the inky dots below the corners of his mouth
There's no pain in your work, not enough for an Oni of his strength to notice, but you apologize every time the brush catches his knots anyway 
It's cute
You're cute, he thinks
Eventually, slowly, he allows himself to lean into you
Relaxes in the warmth surrounding him
He tells himself it's only so you don't have to stretch so far to reach him
Wouldn't want you to hurt your weak human arms
Ignores the inner voice that snickers with the knowledge that if he weren't so ugly, prideful, scared, he may have even allowed himself to smile
And when you leave, finally, to let him to wash his lower half without the threat of you, and he's left to sit in cooling water, eyes wide in the confusion that someone dares to care for him in such a way, like he's not disgusting, like he's not a monster, like he's a person, he pretends the tears threatening to fall is just the water left from his hair.
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nightmare-chaser · 1 month
Honestly i can see why yall imprinted so heavily on our good friend johnathan i think I'd fight a bear for our silly little guy
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