#bc i definitely talked about it in several dms
frostbeees · 7 months
“because i’m a child and i’m allergic”
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route-to-eutopia-if · 4 months
so the president don't like V and D? I thought he favors them seeing the relationship description in the dossiers.
Hi Anon! for this question I have two versions of explanations for you (I tend to ramble more than I need to so forgive me lol you can just read the short ver. and call it a day!)
Short version
Doesn't want to see his child form an intimate relationship with an Alter or the rising star of the empire differs from generally seeing them in a positive light, considering it is two different matters completely.
Both V and D work for/with Bastien in a way, and while giving them a nod of approval as someone he may allow to exist in MC's lonely childhood, for them to start a whole another form of bond with his kid is another topic in which he most likely doesn't want to even begin to imagine about.
Long version
We will need to take it in context here that Bastien tries to keep MC's existence, and anything related to them, behind closed doors as much as possible. If, let's say, MC somehow falls for D, who has to be in public spotlights all the time. You will start to understand his aversion towards them being in a relationship, right? And we don't need to mention about V bc we all well aware of how taboo/forbidden a romance between Alter and Stargazer is in society. So it's automatically a big no-no for him as well.
It's not like the idea of S being in a relationship with MC will soothe his arching headache more than the other two, but put Eutopia's standard into contexts; choosing S as a partner who has so many powerful strings to pull from for MC's protection is way worth than risking MC's secrets from spilling by entrusting them to a couple of kids (in his pov).
I tried to avoid asks about relationships (even they are the most asked topic currently in my dm) bcuz not only there are several contexts missing in the game as of right now, there are so many more of its nature hidden behind the future updates of each RO's storyline. It's not like I don't plan to answer (will def get back to it once the story progresses a bit more) It is just not something I can talk about lightly so I hope people understand when I somehow sidestep and outright ignore a certain question, however, if it's not too spoilery I will definitely answer. ((As much as I can anyway.))
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
I saw this tiktok and it made me swoon over the idea of modernpilot!Eddie bc this whole thing feels so eddie coded (not necessarily a request I just needed someone to gush over this with)
- @gaylittlenerdsblog 💗
clickable link
oh my GOOOD, this story has popped up all over my fyp and you're right - it is so eddie 😭genuinely it's so sweet and i literally adore the idea. and the fact that i headcanon eddie as more of a cat person makes the entire thought so much sweeter 😭
like imagine him stumbling upon you posting about your current situation, obviously very sad and devastated, and the man sees it and he just can't seem to scroll past it. he doesn't even like dogs that much - he prefers his temperamental cat at home far more than any dog he's ever met - but he can see how much you love your dog and he knows he can help. and it's an insane idea, one that he tries to ignore for several nights, but he just can't stop thinking about it. he'd be pacing his apartment thinking about it until he finally takes the plunge and dms you about it. finds himself a nervous wreck until you respond so kindly and excitedly, brimming with gratitude as the two of you work out how to put his spontaneous plan into actual action. obviously you two would be talking quite a bit in the days leading up and well- he can't tell if he's warming up to your dog from the sweet videos and photos you send, or if he's warming up to the sound of your giggles and 'pet voice' you use in the background of said videos. and don't even get me started on his reaction to finally meeting and how he'd make an absolute fool of himself in front of you that morning when you meet up to do what he'd previously thought might be impossible or just be such a stupid idea. fumbling over himself, stuttering, blushing at all your kind words that pour out. watching you love on your dog in real time. he never stood a chance, and suddenly, he's got a damn crush on this stranger from the internet and he's actually liking your damn dog which is just ridiculous but god is it the dog who's cute as hell or is it just you.
anyways when your dog meets his cat and they actually get along he nearly faints from the cuteness and realizes he's never letting you go. 😭 lord give me the strength because eddie munson is a softie at his core and his whole 'gathering up sheepies' definitely extends well past just the high schoolers he took under his wing - apparently, it'll even extend to a four-legged yapper and his gorgeous owner with a heart of gold.
(this is one of those posts that went to the drafts graveyard for some reason and i am truly offended. i want everyone to think of pilot!eddie. what the hell tumblr.)
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crippleprophet · 1 year
Hello! Do you or your followers have any tips for attending an academic conference with chronic pain and mobility disability?
ooh okay this definitely isn’t universal bc the only conference i went to in person was fall 2019 & a huge biomedical engineering one, so both scale & the particular flavors of ableism may differ for you not to mention yk. covid. but here are my takeaways:
if you don’t have a motorized mobility aid you may want to rent one - i rented a mobility scooter for part of the time & immediately called to extend the rental for the full duration after getting there because the conference center was fucking massive. i definitely could not have physically walked it. so see if you can check the size ahead of time & plan accordingly - it sucks that disabled people have to put in so much effort but if it’s at a conference center calling the staff might help. if it’s at a university their access & accommodations office might have a relevant campus map
i stayed at the adjoining hotel also for access reasons (getting a mobility scooter into an uber is not my idea of a fun time) which was way more expensive than my colleagues who could share an air bnb. check with your department to see if they have conference funding! your university’s access & accommodations and/or financial aid offices also might have recommendations for funding options
if you’re doing a poster presentation & will be seated, a laser pointer might be helpful if you won’t be able to point at the top of the poster with your hand! someone also recommended i make little printed flyers with summaries, the main graphics, etc so i could talk to people directly more easily since i couldn’t present the “standard” way - your department should also be able to print that sort of thing for you if you’re interested
if the conference is at a university, check social media to see what disabled students are saying about access issues to anticipate etc
it’s gonna be ableist. again this is coming from my experience in BME which is super cure-oriented so it might not be universal, but however ableist you expect it to be, double that. i had at least two breakdowns over the 4 days about how hard it was to navigate the environment, how isolating it was, feeling like i wouldn’t be able to have a career in academia, etc. if at all possible, have a support system “on call” for you during this time - if you’re 18 or older & want to join my bitter cripple discord, feel free to dm me! i’d also think about learning about any disabled people in your field. & if you want some commiseration, i have several poems about my conference experience in my chapbook mountaintop (available free)
invest in a P100 respirator if you haven’t already! i have one of the kinda cyberpunk looking ones but people can be weird about it (moreso than they already are for masks they recognize), my gf uses the Flo Mask which is less obtrusive & really likes it
i hope that’s helpful! other folks feel free to add on, & please dm me or send another ask if you have more questions! i will leave you with two blessings, one from my first disability studies professor & the other from a longtime friend:
run people over.
take up space. take up more.
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jaggededges123 · 1 month
Wait wait wait can you do more Z
whats good? Whats up? whats on your mind? do you like to combine your current interests? like maybe start mapping character traits to other series characters or think about crossovers?
i am gonna be running two events later this year, niecest weekend (august 9-11) and eighthcest weekend (it’s looking like september 20-22) and they’re gonna be GREAT! we’re voting on prompts for niecest weekend right now (dm me for a link if you’d like to vote btw i gave them out in servers but i know not everyone’s in them) and they’re looking really fun tbh 👀👀👀 and we’re still in the suggestion phase for the eighthcest weekend prompts (that link is public and i’ll probably try to reblog it again a day or two before i close the form and switch to voting) but there have been so many absolute banger suggestions already, i’m really really excited for that one as well! i’m gonna do my best to write for them both if i can too because 💪 the main reason i run events is to also participate in them lmfao. tbh lowkey ship weeks/prompt weeks aren’t that hard to run, but it helps to start the ball rolling a bit early for me because i struggle a lot with fatigue and i have a number of memory issues, so i also try to keep reminders in my phone, like “make and spread x google form today” or “don’t forget to ask luna to make a graphic for me pretty pretty please”. speaking of luna XD she is so helpful tbh bc i don’t know colors and if i tried to make a graphic i’m sure it would be so dull for the first several years because i have not trained for an artistic eye at all but she can do something nice in like an hour and takes payment in kisses lol. i don’t remember where i was going with all of this i got distracted but it’s meant to be a ramble so 🤷 that’s fine. i’m really excited for them both and i’m definitely going to use my mod privilege to get a little head start on writing my fics for them lol. ah, i still need to make the collection for eighthcest weekend as well, and maybe an email to go with it just in case i would at some point like to pass the torch along… lots to think about lots to do, but it’s in little flurries of activity tbh and i have a million other things i need to do rn so like 😅 maybe next week if i can get enough done!
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one-winged-dreams · 6 months
Fucking LEAPS out of bed because I'm like 80% sure an actual old god just visited me in my dreams to try to romance me because I have NEVER felt that kind of love for someone in a dream EVER.
under cut for length
Like, in the dream, I was moving somewhere far away, to a different country, even, I think? And I went through the whole process of saying goodbye to my family, and then it cut to me looking around the, admittedly kind of spooky, new apartment complex I was living in. And I found a courtyard that was a liiitle bit neglected, but, like, in a maybe a couple months at the most kind of neglected.
There was this little vent-looking thing under the curb, and when I sat down on one of the benches for a while this black smoke started pouring out of it and a HORRIFIC fucking huge creature started pulling itself out, which looked very frantic because he was a BIG LONG MOTHERFUCKER.
He had like, a canine-ADJACENT (bc idk how to fuck to describe what kind of creature that skull looked like it was from) face, and then a fluffy mane with a couple eyes clustered around where the floof overtook the bone. And he was REALLY long. Like, not serpent-long but waaay longer than anything with that particular body shape should be. It was like a dragon body but with black fur of varying lengths. Also, he had a tail that was like, very out of focus in a really reality-warping sort of way, and eye-like shapes would flicker in and out.
And it was, by all means, the most terrifying sight I had ever seen in my goddamn life but there was no way I was gonna run past him so I just kind of sat there horrified and then like
He stopped thrashing about and started more DEXTROUSLY pulling himself out of the vent and telling me to not be scared, I was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen and there was no way he couldn't at least TRY to talk to me, seriously, I'm a god, don't you want to talk to a god?
But not at all in like a duplicitous or fae-trickery or anything way, it was legit like he was trying to rizz me up lmfao. And I was fucking STUNNED into being like "Are you serious?" "Absolutely, yes. Please, just sit with me for a little bit, I know I'm not easy on the eyes but you are SO beautiful."
And we talked and I was like "Oh my god he is actually really super hot, we are entering the monster fucker zone." and he was CUTE too. Definitely just some dude trying to slide into a pretty boy's dms. And then he went on about how he was just trying to see what sad motherfucker was making the vibes for his burial ground all mopey and then was like "WAHEY" and started trying to come onto me without even thinking about the semantics.
"Ohhh, I see how it is. You DEFINITELY already have a crush on me."
And I was embarrassed and hiding my face and blushing and saying that he was cute and I couldn't help it and he was very much pleased with this, saying "Good luck getting rid of me now, I'll romance you if it's the last thing I do." and then left
And there were several montages of us just being together and getting to know each other.
In one of them, I got confused and tried to open the wrong apartment door, and some drunk lady in her mid-20s came out and started yelling at me, and then tried HITTING on me. But then I felt this arm around my shoulder and look up to see this OBSCENELY tall super handsome goth dude smirk and be like "He's taken, thanks," and spin me around and escort me back to my apartment.
And in time it took me to put my stuff away and be like "Are you serious? Thanks, though," he was lounging on the couch in this very monstrous, like, half-human-half-god-form appearance, and I was blushing SO hard over it.
"Of course, I wasn't gonna let that slide."
And then we started CUDDLING on the couch, and I was extremely flustered but SO happy, and that was the part where I had never felt so in love with someone in my dreams before, and I was talking to him like "I want to take a few more steps," and he looked at me and was like "You don't have enough life in you right now for that, you're gonna have to wait a little more." "Are you really pay walling me right now?" "Just think of it as one of those pay-to-read so much per day romance webtoons."
And then after I expressed my disappointment, I woke up.
I don't remember him ever SAYING his name, but I know for a fact that it was Akingraeux
Idk man, I'm STILL flustered over it. You ever meet an elder god so thirsty for you that you can't NOT fall in love with him?
i'll do something with this
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Just thinking thoughts just thinking things just having thoughts about things
Idk if you know what dimension 20 is but for anyone that doesn't it's a show where people play ttrpg games (mainly DnD but also other systems), and bc they have characters and storylines and arcs and seasons it's essentially a show but with a different format bc instead of actors or drawn characters it's people around a table. In one of the shows (Fantasy High: Freshman Year - there are different seasons of the same show bc it's so popular) there's a character Bill Seacaster. He's a pirate who took a deal with the government to be able to live on land free of being arrested if he promised not to pirate anymore, or only pirate as an adventurer (i.e, with the government's permission) though he's an anarchist and plays it pretty fast and loose. Honestly there are a lot of funny bits with him that really suit Buggy - he offers children drugs bc "when you have a guest in your home they are welcome to what is yours", he talks about there being two types of men and someone coughs and says women and he goes "that's on me" and starts talking about the people he's had on his ship who don't fit into man or woman such as a tornado who once "just helped". He also happens to be killed by his son (he asked him to do it tho so it's fine) and then takes over hell despite not being a devil.
But one of my fav bits is how he met his wife, which I feel fits more than just Buggy but any one of the pirates: Bill Seacaster has an eye patch, we assume that this is just because he's a pirate. Until he tells his son that he can learn to swordfight from his mother (who up until this point has been a very fancy rich wine milf and no one suspected otherwise bc she was rocking it). He explains how he met his wife when she fought him with her swords and with one swipe took out his eye and he dropped to his knee and told her to either marry him or kill him and she chose the first.
Who do you think this would best fit out of one piece characters? And what do you think each interaction was (like maybe they fell in love when they got beat but did they show it, and what did they get beat in?)
The tornado bit: https://youtu.be/Lu4WN5OmZTs?si=2_jh1jdkZkt47uPD
@sexc-snail you have my attention and I am actively listening intently.
As someone who has been playing D&D from childhood (my dad used to DM for my siblings and myself, we have an active campaign running {that we played last night}).
Critical Roll and Dimension 20 are very much in my radar in that sense. I admit I haven't watched anything not tabletop (apart from Vox Machina), so I'll have to add Fantasy High: Freshman Year to the list - but based on the character you described: I see Shanks, truthfully. Dangerous, playful, drunk is just the vibe.
The wife origins definitely fit Buggy, though. I love that so much.
Please continue to think your thoughts, fellow snail. You've got several ideas floating within my consciousness and my requests are currently open if you had any further thoughts ❤️
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bigstupiddummie · 5 months
making a post in the tags to “call out” a person is so dumb and childish and stupid, so i won’t put this in there. however, the admin of @wavehq is full lying on my name these days even though i haven’t talked to them or anyone else involved in there in like 6mos. and i rly want them to stop.
i don’t have my old discord account w ss. if anyone else has ss with me in them, u can add them to this post idc how ugly it makes me look. i talked a LOT of shit ( and pertaining to this story, about sel esp ) and called ppl some nasty names and any ss will incriminate me of that. so me talking shit isn’t a ‘gotcha’ anymore. i talked shit and called sel names, as well as k, and i know sel called me names, and im sure everyone else did too. whatevs.
yk what i never did ? i never made a “manifesto” about my ex friend, or priv-retweeted their personal ooc twitter account to mock them. i never helped create and work on an rpt blog, then went and consoled the person being mentioned in nasty messages in the blog on some “oh im so sorry this is happening to you ˙◠˙” shit when it was them the whole time. the worst i did was “fuck her, he’s a cunt, fuck them”, but dream, you lied to me a Lot!
and you’re lying in defending yourself by saying i “heavily hate” sid or anyone. i never have, never did, never will. the last thing i said to sid in like July was “hey, heres my ooc tiktok, im deleting discord. if i never hear from you again, take care.” and then i left rp and the rpc entirely. haven’t talked to or even perceived any of you in months.
you want to believe i’m “bringing this up now” to start stuff or something, but what stakes do i have in any of this? you and yours drove me out of the hobby i’ve loved since i was 12, used an rpt blog to force me to defend myself against your ugly claims at a time you Knew well and good i was absent and dealing with a family death ( and then came in my dms to comfort me ??? you and k both. ) . i lost all of my best friends of several years. trust me, i want no part of the rpc anymore. i don’t want back in. i don’t want to engage. this is a nothing tumblr account that ill never use again. consider, instead, that another person close to the situation and i shared similar experiences and realized there were too many untruths and inconsistencies to let it rest, rather than just ‘starting stuff’ to start stuff.
“sid says steph crops screenshots to make them look incriminating” aye , but i definitely gave my entire discord login out, more than once, and encouraged my friend at the time to go ahead and look for themselves ( they declined at the time. i can still give the login i really do not care. though idk if the login will work anymore bc the accounts been deactivated for, uh, 6 months.) i cropped ss where earthp members were telling me how K is making them uncomfortable and how they were worried lenny was being dragged around by K, that i did do. and i STILL let k know that that’s what they were saying. i can’t stress enough ive got Nothing here that im fighting for i just think its ugly to lie for so long to everyone
“steph heavily hates sid” i do not. note the last thing i said to sid, up there ^. we did follow each other on tiktok then, and then we didn’t speak for 6 months. as of this morning, we are no longer tiktok mutuals - so it goes. sid never owed me anything. i don’t hate them. they know ( and yk what, so do my irl work managers!!! bc this shit affected my actual real mental health!!! ) that the day things went down, i left work early sobbing full blown emotional episode, writing paragraphs in desperation, to the point of overwhelming them and myself. i loved them dearly, called them my ‘spouse’ and best friend everyday, etc. though i don’t know now if they knew more about you than they let on. anyway……. please don’t just be declaring shit about me like it’s fact ?? i don’t hate anyone. not even you dream! just stop lyinggggg i hate that
ye all made me feel like i was crazy and losing myself in my own paranoia omg??? and ye were in your private chats afterward going “well deserved!!!” who even are you what did i do to you omgggg are we not in our late 20s with lives and careers ?????
if this is all bc of heddie/reddie and avengefm ? its ships dude it’s dolls it’s not real and to commit so much energy and emotion to lying to protect ur ships/rps is troubling at best. and if its not about heddie/reddie, then i haven’t a NOTION bc you and i, even when we were friendly w each other, were not close enough to create a bond to break??? i didnt do anything to you but welcome you into my writing spaces and engage in yours to the best of my ability. i was transparent with you when my activity struggled or i needed a break for mental health reasons… but what you had done with your friends is what ruined my mental health ?… go figure ….
i know who was behind that blog because they came clean and told me your connection to it as well. i know sel said nasty things about me too - we’re human and humans love talking shit. but no one else ever took it as far as you did, dream.
i don’t want anything from you! just stop lying on my name i don’t “heavily hate” anyone. outside of my shit talking from 6mos ago, i haven’t said a word against anyone but yourself; i’ve called you a liar, here in this post, because that is what i believe you are.
nobody in my entire life brings up what happened in everwell more than you and k. i owned up to every part i had ( whether directly or by my unavailability, all of it ), i deplatformed and cut out my two best friends ( people i had had in my HOME and had met IRL they were real people to me!!!!! ) and apologized personally to everyone affected, while picking out a funeral outfit and consoling my crying family. these are all my cards on table. you don’t have to respond either. just omg quit lying about me and the way i feel and what my intentions are - if a mf wants to know what im thinking and feeling, they can just Ask me.
and k i don’t want anything from you either! your names in this post because you were involved, and you know your involvement with that blog and how you also came to console me after. outside of that, i do not think of you and do not care what you think of me.
sid, i don’t want anything from u all either and i meant it when i said if i never hear from you again, take care bc i did care for u lots and also invited you into my home bc you were a real person to me. just know for a fact that anything dream says i’m saying about you or feeling toward you is just pulled out of thin air for whatever reason.
i always thought ye all were great writers!!! and so did snags and lex, way back when it was about writing for the love of writing. i would say all the time “omg dream is so funny” “omg k is cracking me up”, and they’d agree. hell if they’re at all in the rpc anymore and see this - hey guys! sorry shit got so ugly. you’ll never guess who was behind it.
i left the rpc and got mental help. i hope ye can get some help too.
* this is dream bringing sel into the Issues and tying her directly to k, btw. you keep saying you didn’t bring sel into the k stuff, but “they’re besties” “she and sel” “they want peach to drop eddie so sel can pick up eddie” this is where we’re getting that from, bc you keep saying you only referenced sel’s activity and didn’t connect her to k at all. i cropped out sids response. i can add it if need be but it’s just sid believing you.
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this is where i’m pulling what im referencing in this post from. the second half is censored bc it doesn’t have to do with me.
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this is me texting my irl work manager on the day sid and i last spoke. i was distraught and emotional and crying but ok yeah i “heavily hate” sid when the way everything went down broke me to bits OKAYYY
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the censored names are the names of my irl managers like it was So Serious so don’t try putting words in my mouth about sid.
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jewist · 1 year
How’s culinary school??? What is your Review™️ so far? (For the longest time I wanted to be a chef bc my dad is a chef— we moved to Poughkeepsie when I was a kid bc he taught at CIA. So this is so random that I’m following your blog just as you start culinary school lol) Also most importantly— how are the knife skills coming? Did you get your own set yet 🤓 ? I’m rooting for you!
that’s so cool that your dad is a chef, and even cooler that he taught at the CIA! i have major respect for anyone who has gone to that school.
i absolutely love culinary school!! i’ve never been great at school, but i’m actually excelling at this and i have straight A’s for the first time in my life lmao. it’s really amazing that i’ve finally found my passion, but really i’ve been cooking for several years it just took me a long time to realize it was what i wanted to do with my life. that and not believing that i was actually good at it regardless of what other people were telling me. anyways, it’s been an absolute blast being able to learn from some serious pros! and i’m really looking forward to what’s to come. don’t get me wrong though, it’s a LOT of work. i have a lot of work outside of class and lab times too. but i’ve made some really great friends, seriously improved my skills and i think i’m really starting to blossom in this.
and yes i do have my own knife set! we were given one at the beginning of the semester that we’ll use throughout the ~2 years we’re in school. i have my own personal knives at home too though that i’ve acquired over time. i did take an online knife skills course last summer so i had actually already gotten pretty comfy with it. school has definitely still helped a lot though! and i’m by no means perfect.
thanks for rooting for me! feel free to dm me anytime. i really love talking about this 🥰
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xyloophones · 2 years
Hey Cher, seen you posting abt dimension 20 a bit, and yeah I could Google it but it looks very cool and I'd rather hear it from you if it's that cool 💜
helloooo my beloved pal <333 yes yes lemme talk about dimension 20 !!
dimension 20 is an actual play dnd show (theres also an audio only version if you prefer podcasts !) !! there are several campaigns, some with wildly different settings & different players, most of them DM'd by brennan lee mulligan who is an INCREDIBLE storyteller. d20 has a diverse cast & really memorable characters and i've kind of passively watched for a while but i recently finished watching one of their campaigns and Fell In Love
i'm just gonna list the campaigns ive seen so far in order of my favorites:
fantasy high. 6 teens go to a high school that like. specializes in adventuring parties, found family and shenanigans ensue. everyone is gay and neurodivergent. i'm very attached to the characters and their dynamics with each other AND the npcs <33 season one is on youtube for free, however season 2 is my favorite bc it contains probably my fav dnd npc to ever exist (i am an ayda aguefort stan until i DIE). i'm making my way through The Seven right now, which is a spin-off of another adventuring party that are friends with the original 6 in seasons 1 & 2.
a starstruck odyssey. fun campy space romp feat. more found family. this one is has the same players and dm as fantasy high! it has a sci-fi spacey setting and the party is the crew of a spaceship that looks like a giant hotdog. the fights in this one are absolutely wild.
the unsleeping city. an urban magic setting in new york city! another one with the main player cast and dm and once again the party dynamics and character relationships are just !!! so good !!! you will cry over a rat man !!!!! i think these two seasons definitely made me the most emotional. i aspire to get to this level of world building in my own writing.
a court of fey & flowers. ok this one is still ongoing but !!!!!! the only reason it's not number one on this list is because it's not done yet but hsajkf holy shit it's so good?? it's dm'd by aabria iyengar and it's basically using dnd in a regency fey setting to play around with high society gossip and court expectations and AAAAA i have never been so invested in wanting someone to roll well when sending shady letters to other members in the court. it's so good.
there are a ton more campaigns + one shots but i'm still making my way through them! unfortunately, most of it is only available with a dropout subscription so i'd recommend watching the first season of fantasy high on youtube to see if you like it before diving in!
if anyone else has any questions about dimension 20 feel free to send me an ask!! i could probably talk for hours about my favorite characters and details but i'll leave it here <33
real quick edit: if anyone needs trigger/content warnings for things please send me an ask !! every episode has content warnings in the description, but some campaigns in general have darker themes so let me know if you need warnings !)
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dare-to-dm · 2 years
hi! i’m a relatively new follower but i was wondering if you took asks about dnd campaigns?
I’m kinda in a shorty spot rn. I’ve played dnd a lot but i never took it that seriously. i’ve moved several states away from home to go to college and my highschool friends back home wanted to start playing! i was pretty excited and i sorta dedicated myself to try and be better and 1) get into my character and 2) invest myself in my fellow players characters because i have been pretty bad at both of those. the guy dming hasn’t done it before so we did a short one shot last saturday (which went fine!) and another yesterday, bc we want him to be confident. between those two sessions i kinda redid my character just cause i didn’t like some stuff from the previous week. yesterday was very very bad.
part of the reason why the session yesterday sucked was cause i’m the only one online, i call in through discord and i have a hard time hearing them (although they can hear me well cause of a bluetooth) and i can’t see them cause our dm points the camera at the map. my character is a grumpy old guy and i’m trying really hard to roleplay that but it’s so hard when they can’t see me do physical mannerisms and i can’t interact with my friends. overall the session for me sucked because i struggled to hear people and it felt like i want actually there. then one my my friends characters killed my wolf that i had just tamed. so i quit and said i had to leave and left the call.
i was really upset about it this morning and so i was texting one of my friends and he said that it sucked for them because i wasn’t doing enough interaction , i kept being grumpy and not talking. and that i shouldn’t have tamed the wolf cause the other player had called dibs on it for meat (which i didn’t hear) ig from there perspective i was really rude during rp sections (i wasn’t trying to be, my character is an old guy and i was trying to play that. clearly not well)
and then there’s the combat. i’m pretty good at constructing characters and so i was consistently dealing more damage than other players and bc combat is my favorite part of the game, i tried to get really into and describe my attacks. last session our dm described our attacks and i was like hey! this my character i wanna say what he does! but i don’t actually know if that’s standard
anywya my friend told me that everyone was a little tired of my descriptions cause i would describe them vividly and take too long and that it kinda seemed like i was making myself the star of the show
idk where i’m going with this. i feel like maybe i should just quit and not come back for another session. i can’t be there in person anywya and obviously as things stands i’m making it less fun. i’m upset at myself and i feel bad for the way i acted cause i didn’t even realize it came across that way. i think i’ve been expecting too much of everyone involved and i know i should try and make it better by playing again but idk how to do that without sacrificing a character im really proud of and parts of the game i really love.
idk if these are the kinds of asks you usually get. you don’t have to answer if it’s not up your alley. i’m sorry for the really long message
Hey there! I do take asks, and I can definitely sympathize with your situation. I've been there before.
You've brought up several issues, any one of which would not be too hard to work out with your friends. But the combination of all of them is a doozy. Personally, I think being the only remote player is the toughest thing to deal with. It's very easy to feel isolated from your friends and like you can't actually get immersed in the role play, no matter how hard you try. In my experience, in order to make this work, you need to have one friend in particular really be your advocate to make sure you are heard and that you aren't missing anything. But even then, playing remotely might just not be fun for you. I know it isn't for me. When I was in this situation, I ended up bowing out of that particular group and finding a new group where I could play in person. That was tough, because the first group were people I had known for a long time, and finding a new group meant having to reach out to strangers. But it ended up being worth it, and I made some new friends.
As for the issue of you being rude, it sounds like if you were, it was unintentional not entirely unreasonable. After all, in some groups you would fit right in with vivid descriptions of your actions during combat. In fact, some would consider that a strength. While others might see it as grandstanding or slowing down the action. Personally, I would be cool with it, but if others are critical, that's fine as long as they give their feedback politely. I once had another player ask me to tone down my descriptions because they said it made them picture the gore too much, which was unpleasant for them. I didn't mind adjusting my style to their preference since they asked politely.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience! Rest assured that it's mostly not your fault. Honestly, you should probably seek a new group to play with. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but I hope it doesn't make you want to give up on this hobby.
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butchviking · 1 year
Hey I hope this isn't an inappropriate ask to send but I'm having a crisis. I've 100% "peaked" and there's absolutely no going back now but I'm still really put off by the demonizing of all transsexuals in radfem spaces, "dysphoria is completely unnatural", anti-transition shit and a lot of the other takes they have. All my friends are definitely not suitable to talk about this stuff with, and I feel very alone and don't know where to unload all this energy. I like your blog and takes a lot, you're a wise person I think- do you have any advice? No pressure to respond.
the thing u have to remember is there are stupid people in any movement. there are radfems who say gross shit abt trans ppl & there are ppl who call themselves radfems who i dont think are feminists at all and are literally just here to be nasty abt trans ppl. those categories exist there’s no denying them but u can just ignore them & say i am not affiliated w those people. bc there are also plenty of redfems/feminists who are understanding & compassionate to trans ppl & happy to work together on common goals. so u just gotta find the ppl u are comfortable with and try to ignore the others i guess. honestly ive always felt like ive got one foot either side of the line on “the trangender issue” nd most radfems have been understanding abt that & been curious rather than offended when i say smthn that sounds totally out of left field to them, & i’ve had a lot of good conversations w radfems both online & irl abt trans issues, trans rights, feminism, gender criticism/abolition, & how they can all tie together. so if u want ppl to talk to abt this then there are definitely women willing to talk, if u just uhh step around the severely anti-trans ladies. might b worth u making a sideblog or smthn? but i advise u do NOT get roped into radblr it is so silly here. but then i guess it is silly everywhere on the internet.
my heart goes out to u btw, esp if u and/or most of ur friend group is trans cause i remember how hard that shit is when ur starting to re-evaluate where u stand politically. i was trans when i made this blog n it was a v isolated time feeling like i couldnt talk 2 any of my irl friends abt any of this fr a long while, feeling like i had no support w my dysphoria bc one half of ppl thought i should just transition & it’d b all fixed and the other half thought if u transition u are betraying feminism & womankind. whatever ur situation, if u wanna chat my dms are always open! (im not always good at replying 2 them. but i do my best 😔)
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dundeelemonade · 2 years
first impression: wow this person is super cool and has really good meta and opinions about Jonah and JFan and Barnabas! very potent Friend Envy, i was like "i want to know and talk to you but also i am slightly intimidated bc i think you're cool" so then i decided to try to be slightly insane in your dms for a bit and see if that worked (and it totally did!)
current opinion: extremely good and cool opinions about most things and also very fun to talk to. intimidation quotient definitely dropped severely tho. excellent taste in accessories as well as blorbos.
you’re right i have VERY good opinions about regency fuckboys, but the idea that i could actually be intimidatingly cool?? it is to laugh. i am so immensely glad you decided to be insane in my dms, i treasure our mutual insanity over Things and Stuff immensely.
also, i have acquired even more Accessories since the last time i showed off my collection, i must collect all my new bits and bobs to display again.
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phantom-does-a-thing · 9 months
do you have any current plans to continue/write a sequel to “Like a muzzled hound I'm tied and bound”?
I fucking love your writing and that one specifically has been living Rent Free for a while now HDKANDJKSK
especially like… even once they’re on the ship, they’re still not safe. hell, even if they leave whatever island they’re on there’s still the paranoia price will find them anyway— he did it once, after all. that, plus i imagine theres an immediate clash between what the crew, worried and trying to help, wants and what price has trained into chip. they ask him what happened but he’s not allowed to speak he can’t tell them he can’t speak—
idk I just. A combination of Further Whump Effects and the crews best attempts to help and all that yknow?? do they just Let him dissociate til he comes back down (even if it takes a long long time), do they try and get him to talk Now (maybe even accidentally pulling those same strings price installed doing so?) YKNOW!!!!!!
I’m just a little brainrot-y rn and I wanted to share HFKSNDJJS either way, I hope you have a great week!!!
Tbh, not any CURRENT plans like within the next month or so to continue onto this fic or add another chapter like I said I might. I am currently working on a pretty big project and am doing the jrwi big bang event which is also probably gonna take up a lot of my attention. So there’s no plans right now to add to it but possibly in the future if I remember that this fic exists (bc my main problem is I forget they do)
Ehe but I’m glad that you like it! This is definitely one of the fics I’m more proud of so I’m super glad that you like it so much. There was a lot of conversation that happened in DMs behind that fic that came up with the entire idea, I think I’ve had several conversations with two different people about Chip and price funny enough.
And you’re right, they aren’t safe even when they get away, and Chip would know that. Even if jay and Gill don’t know that, they can definitely get some hints just by the way Chip was acting that this dude is no good. Because Chip, as HARD as he tried to be casual and subtle about it, was very obvious about it. Jay noticed something was wrong the second that price told him to shut up and Chip clammed up like he’s never known how to speak.
I think that as soon as Chip gets to the ship, he immediately, if not with a bit of delay, breaks down, which would subsequently make things worse (he’s not allowed to cry). He would isolate himself from the crew as much as he could, maybe hiding in the storage room or somewhere that no one would find him. He wouldn’t speak to them because he’s not allowed to and I think this would go on a few days maybe. I do think jay and gill, in an attempt to help him, would accidentally play into the things Price taught him and end up making it worse (they don’t notice it’s worse) before it gets better.
There’s a ton of stuff I could write after they get back to the ship, I just don’t have a ton of time to work on that right now when I got some big projects going on. But thank you for the ask! I’m super glad you like the fic and it made my morning to see all your thoughts.
Feel free to shoot another ask if there’s anything else you wanted to mention, I’m always open to talk! You have a great week as well.
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dungeonsandblorbos · 1 year
out of context campaign notes part II
featuring some of my favorite lines from the first three sessions of Curse of Strahd (campaign intro here), in which the party meets each other for the first time, gets tricked into entering trapping themselves in Barovia, and naturally ends up in the Death House almost immediately. we do manage to clear the Death House, though, and finish up the third session by meeting Ismark and Ireena!
[content warnings for CoS typical body horror undead monsters, implied harm to children, and harm to a cat, but the cat is okay, don't worry. unfortunately cannot say the same for the children this time. read more cuts off before any of that starts, however]
god said shut up you idiots
~just cleric things~
i have been mistaken for a server
a drenched man in brightly colored clothes is standing there, dripping everywhere
i raise my hand, but the dude ignores me
i’ve heard werewolves don’t like eating in the rain
Shalden has worm brain
the half-orc house [at a gambling table] sparks up a conversation with him, asking him where he’s staying tonight and why he’s so cool with giving up gold
Shalden gets the vibe that maybe this guy wants to rob him
also, they’re speaking orcish, which kinda sounds like scooby-doo talk
traveling altar boy
it’s a beautiful sunny day, but there’s mud and shit and fallen branches everywhere and all that jazz
dope: it’s what’s for breakfast
just to be clear, the stable boy is a 40-year-old man
Shalden: I’m gonna squat and pray
50lbs of dead horse
we aren’t in kansas anymore
there isn’t a town, but there is the overwhelming stench of death
there was no horse, or, at least, not anymore. Arrigal likes to think he makes a good horse impression though
i call him a dick. the other people at the table laugh
i ask if there’s a way to get home. he’s all “this is home” and I’m like “nah bro” and he’s like “it is now, bitch, deal with it”
there is no sun, hence everyone’s lovely complexions
the woman next door is called Mad Mary, and she’ll probably forget about us in five minutes and be back to screaming again
we head west and start snooping at the most disheveled looking house
out of every hole and shadowy place pours hundreds of mangy rats
this is the only well-oiled gate in the village
we roll initiative. nothing happens.
the suits come alive and attack us. what a surprise
something crawls out of the walls and puts itself in front of the elf
it looks like a slug or an octopus at first but, uh, well, “logically, if there’s a bare skeleton, something must have happened to the fleshy part”
it’s the fleshy part.
it’s wearing a butler’s uniform.
DM: it’s like a scarf of flesh that’s slowly squeezing on you
they murder it to death, and it flumps on the floor next to the skeleton
it leads to some stairs going up. at the top, there’s three rooms. one is a storage room with mysterious piles covered in cloth that might be corpses, and things in the walls that are definitely corpses. one is a storage room that’s not filled with corpses, and the third is a children's room
there’s a missing bone from one of the skeletons [of the children whose ghosts we are trying to put to rest]. you look over and see Snowflake [a cat] gnawing on it
i cast light on my hammer bc, as a human, i cannot see in the dark
the corpse room was originally gonna be a playroom, but then, ya know . . .
i don’t like that
apparently, Gricks sometimes eat metal
bad vibes from the dust people
there’s a severed hand running along his arm now
you are about to get punched in the face by a disembodied hand
none of the figures are aggressive, but they are ominously chanting: blood shed for life, blood shed from death, blood for the blood god, blood something something blood something
the alcove is just an alcove, with a pile of bodies and a hole up at the top
hypothesis: will bleeding give us a way out?
does this mean our own blood, or do we have to stab the baby corpses?
Valessha decides to slice their palm over the altar to see if that helps
it does not
Shalden decides to stab a baby corpse
it also does not help
Snowflake is moving a lot
noooooo we don’t have to kill the cat, do we?
let’s try stabbing Eliza!
she doesn’t react to Valessha trying to stab her, she just kinda stares
the chants are becoming faster and more frantic, and by now it’s basically just “blood”
well, the timer has run out
there’s a familiar sucking sound, and then corpse pieces fall into the water around us, and begin dragging themselves towards the alcove, where they all join together into a writhing mound of bodies
sounds crunchy!
it’s wailing, and at the center is the two babes
it’s gonna go for you [Shalden]; you’re big and meaty
advantage all over it
you are trapped in a giant ball of people meat
Shalden: i fork a chunk out of it, like you fork a ham steak
you fish Gustav out of it!
i’m knocked out, and fail my first death save
fortunately, i landed face up, so i don’t have to roll to avoid drowning!
Shalden luckily lands the final blow just then, the thing melts, the pool fills with blood, and the illusion begins to fade. everything is on fire now
the mansion goes up in flames, but we manage to get out mostly intact. Shalden does get hit by basically every single piece of falling debris tho
there’s a voice behind us
it’s a lightly accented masculine voice
it's the dude from the cult figurine!
he’s suave and hot and has dark shoulder-length curly hair 
he brushes Shalden’s cheek and he instantly regains 10hp
useless lesbian, new 5e background option
it’s strahd! he’d like to welcome us to barovia
he’s having a bit of a . . . party . . . at his “humble abode” and would like to invite us
i’m gonna take that invitation like “yes sir”
strahd also wants me to hand over my bag, which has the cat in it
he gives Snowflake some scritches while explaining how he doesn’t like cats
and then he throws my bag into the middle of the house fire!
[don't worry Snowflake escaped the bag]
he [Snowflake] is running, on fire, through a town built out of very flammable materials
poor mister Snowflake, who i am carrying like a baby
we are able to find the burgermeister’s house to deliver his body
it looks like someone has climbed over the wall and walked through the roses, repeatedly
the door of the mansion is closed
should we knock? maybe they’re friendly and will let us stay with them for the night
i bet that flesh creature felt like this piece of brie
he opens the door, looks at us, then looks at the body, and goes, “ah. again." this is apparently the fourth time his father's body has gone missing.
he is called Ismark, Ismark the Lesser
we deposit the body in a coffin in the office
Ismark: do you drink? / Cerris: yes. please.
Ismark goes to get us a 25 year vintage
as we’re chilling, a dagger flies at Shalden from the hallway
a woman comes running down the hall accusing him of working with Strahd bc, ya know, inhuman
why are you purple?
oh my god karen, you can’t just ask someone why they’re purple
this is racist
Ismark: these aren’t Strahd’s men; they’re half dead! he wouldn’t send people this incompentent. besides, they brought Father back
Ireena is Uncertain about us
come on, he’s only a half-orc, that means he’s only half-stupid
this has been out of context campaign notes part II.
~thank you~
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TW: Death, Existential dread, depression, school shooting (only one mention), police brutality (only one mention)
I guess this is more for me than anything else bc I'll just spiral if I don't talk about it
I've been feeling the weight of my mortality lately and definitely feeling very cynical about life, like is it even worth it to keep going?
With every life changing event, every restricting law, every police brutality, every school shooting, I feel less inclined to participate in anything..which is not good, not only for me, but for my daughter.
Truly I've been pushing for her. I live for her now but this isn't the world I want her to live in. There's so many beautiful things in this world I want her to see and experience but I'm watching them fade before my eyes. For fuck sake, I can't even guarantee her safety. I should at least feel like I can do that but I can't.
I often have horrible dreams of the future and the things I would have to do during those times. I've had plans to live off the grid, be self sustaining, to vanish completely with or without my family. I've planned what countries to flee to that would be even semi safe for me and my family. Hell I've planned for a nuclear war, depending on how severe it was and if there is even a safe zone.
Honestly, I think I'm mentally preparing.... preparing to say goodbye. To my family, friends, and myself, my true self, the one I will probably have to sacrifice to make it through the future I see. I can feel myself detach and I really hope that this is just the seasonal depression talking. God I need it to be just the seasonal depression hitting kinda hard right now bc the alternative is not a good sign
Sorry for such a downer post. I just really need to get this out here. If anyone decides to see this and wants to send me comforting DMs, I would greatly appreciate it. Just know that I don't come on here too much (mainly bc of the depression thing) so I might not see it right away
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