#bc i know i look fine and i see other fat people and think they look fine
the-best-bagel · 2 years
Being fat sucks
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k3n-dyll · 3 months
maybe because not everyone has to cater to black and brown readers? if i feel excluded then talk to ur black and brown writers bc why tf would (for ex.) white writers write black readers when…when they aren’t?? yall aren’t victims write ur own shit if u care so much like idk what to tell u but not everyone has to bow down and write the way you want them too.
The fact that this is what you got from me saying that POC feel excluded from fandom is...insane.
I hesitate to even answer this because you sound stupid as hell, but since I think other people need to get this shit through their skulls as well:
If you are a writer, and you claim to be writing an "x reader" fanfic for a character you like, the general consensus is that "reader" in this situation should be neutral for the most part. Sure, there's different versions of that ( "x fem reader", "x masc reader", etc.") , but generally, the idea is that "reader" in this situation could be anyone, yes? A lot of writers on this app and others, write "reader" as if tiny white women are the default.
And you know what?
If you wanna write that way, fine, but say that. If you so desprately want to write about Abby Anderson fucking a 5ft nothing white girl with blonde hair and green eyes - write that. But don't call that shit an "x reader" when you know its a self insert meant to exclude everybody that doesnt look like you. Dont claim to be a safe place for all readers if when POC say they feel excluded from the things you write, you say stupid shit like what this anon just did. If your shit is labeled "x reader" with no other warnings, one should be able to assume that they arent going to see any specifics about body type, hair textures, skin color or eye color - but no. Thats not the case.
I swear, every time we bring this shit up you bitches act like we killed your fucking grandma. If you dont wanna write in a way that everyone can consume, fine, but dont make it seem as if petite white girls are just the default human in every scenario. Theres a content warning over every fic, if you dont want to see how problematic it is to write as if whiteness is the default then the least you could do it leave a big fat warning in that little "CW" section to let us know that you didnt write this with the existence of people that dont look like you in mind.
Oh, and I do write my own stuff btw. Don't ever come in my inbox with this bullshit again. Pissing me off first thing in the morning😒
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luveline · 10 months
first of all, congratulations on 40k! ur so very talented and all of ur stories r so amazing!
𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 + 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐨𝐤
can i request fat!reader with hotch? maybe the reader is super anxious about meeting the rest of the team (maybe she’s already met rossi or spence or somebody) because shes worried that they’ll think she isn’t good enough for aaron so they push off them meeting for a while but then aaron gets shot (like in the shoulder or something, nothing major) and the doctors call her bc she’s on his emergency contact?
tysm babe!
There are people crowding Aaron's hospital bed. You can name them all from the photos you've seen alone; Morgan, muscled, his skin a deep sable; Reid, startlingly pale and with hair to his shoulders; and Rossi, or Dave, an older member of the team standing by the door. 
Knowing them by looks isn't going to make this easier. Maybe because you know that how you look is the very first thing any of them will notice. You aren't like Aaron's previous partners, but you're here, and you'd really like to see him. 
"Hello?" you ask, elbowing open the door.
Aaron looks up, sees it's you with a furrowed brow. "Did someone call you?" 
Which is honestly the worst thing he could say. You know you don't look like anything special, but when you get a call from the hospital that your boyfriend's been shot in the shoulder, you rush. "I'm your emergency contact?" you say, unsure. 
He frowns. "I didn't want them to call you and scare you. I'm fine."
"If there's ever a time for understating things, now isn't it," says Rossi, extending a hand to you. "David Rossi, nice to meet you."
You smile though acid twists in your stomach. "Hello." 
"Derek Morgan," Derek says, offering his swiftly after. 
"I'm Spencer, but I don't shake," Spencer says.
It's just as well. You don't have much patience left for shaking hands, easing past the men and their welcoming smiles to your grey boyfriend. You hesitate for a moment before giving in and touching his face. "I really would like to be called, you know, in the future." You kiss his cheek. "Even if it's scary." 
"Sorry you had to introduce yourself," he says under his breath. 
"Where's Emily?" you ask. You already know Emily, and she'd been so nice to you, you almost wish you'd met her outside of Aaron so that you could be friends. 
"Fighting a losing battle with the coffee machine," Rossi says. 
You straighten up and hold your hands behind your back. Then, self-conscious, you fold them in front of you. You know what you look like and don't usually worry when you're with the people who love you, but meeting new people brings old wounds to light. What are they thinking? you wonder. Do they think Aaron's settling? And that you're the wrong girl for him? 
"I can see why Hotch hasn't introduced us sooner," Derek says. Your heart plummets through your stomach, but he winks and smiles, continuing, "He'd have competition." 
(You can't know this, but they've all noticed your insecure shifting. Hotch wouldn't usually love such blatant flirtation between you and another man, but this instance gets a pass.)
"You can all go home now," Aaron says, reaching for you with the hand that isn't forcibly incapacitated. 
"Aw, boss," Emily says, elbowing open the door with a blonde behind her, "what fun would that be?" She sees you standing by the monitors and grins. "Hey! I wish we were seeing each other again under different circumstances, but it's so good to see you, oh my god!"
Aaron nudges you forward secretly, his fingers at the small of your back. You step forward without more instruction to give Emily a hug. Over her shoulder, the blonde girl smiles. It's an acute relief that she's not skinny, either. 
"Hey, mama, you get anything for me?" Derek asks her. 
"I did, but now this beauty is here, you'll have to wait! Hi, I'm Penelope." 
She's exceedingly eager to hug you as Emily had. 
(Hotch doesn't even care that his shoulder feels like someone poured hot casting iron in the wound, or that he'd really like for you to be hugging him right now rather than Garcia. It's nice to see something he knew was worrying you go smoothly. Nicer still to receive the smile you shoot back over your shoulder as JJ opens the door and his room becomes somehow more overcrowded. 
"She's just as cute as you said," Dave says with an approving nod. "You've still got it, Aaron. There's hope for all us old timers yet."
Hotch had called you cute, but you're a hell of a lot more than that. Definitely still got it, he thinks.) 
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sugarpopss · 3 months
Twelve Years and Counting
So. I watched Wonka. And it awoke something within me. Like we all knew Keegan-Michael Key is hot but somehow. Seeing him in a pretty good fat suit made me insane. I want to be his wife.
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Warnings: it's porn and I love corrupt police (kidding)
Not tagging ANYONE bc who tf wants this. Hiiiii Wonka fandom how are ya'll. How ya'll doing. Actually no i gave @bucknastysbabe a play by play of this movie so. Also Hugh Grant killed a cleric I think??
You can’t be married to a man for twelve years without figuring out what he’ll do for some decent chocolate. 
And by god, you knew what your husband would do for chocolate. 
To be entirely fair, a lot of people would do a lot of things for chocolate; it practically ran the city. A truffle was far more powerful than a silver sovereign. 
Chocolate was exchanged and hidden and fought over in the halls of power all over the city, and the precinct was no exception. You’d known that for years. 
You also knew that the chief of police had been taking minor bribes from the chocolate magnates for years. The fine truffles and bon-bons didn’t just appear in the cupboards by magic. You’d never really had a problem with your husbands mild corruption, either. He sometimes saved the bon-bons filled with cherry or peach compote for you, and he wasn’t really hurting anyone. The chocolate magnates had the entire city in their pocket-what was one more official looking the other way? 
That was before, though. You were sure they had upped your husbands ‘payment’ or enlisted him in some new scheme, because the amount of chocolate boxes crowding your cupboards and counter had exploded. You knew they were in his car, too, because you’d seen the little paper wrappers littering the seats. 
The amount of payment wasn’t the only thing that had exploded recently, either. 
You loved your husband, truly and honestly-you would’ve married a politician or a restauranteur if you didn’t. But you couldn’t deny that his chocolate habit was finally beginning to have an effect. 
Well…’beginning’ was a bit of a misnomer. The effect was very clear-your beloved police chief had absolutely blown up. He had gone up two whole sizes-which you knew because you were the one who took his clothes to the laundry-and your poor bed frame creaked like an old dog toy when he laid down. You could hear the stairs creaking, too, ensuring that you’d never again sleep through your husband coming home late. 
You weren’t complaining. Oh, far from it, actually. You had no interest in knowing the details of this ‘blood chocolate’ he seemed to be receiving, and your husband was less than forthcoming with information. You like your plausible deniability very much, thank you. But you also rather liked the way the bribes showed up on him. 
The belly had come first, of course, straining the belt of his uniform and giving him a proper ‘policemans paunch’. You had thought it was cute and paid plenty of loving attention to your husbands little potbelly. The weight had absolutely not stopped there, though. From a little pudgy to properly fat in a startlingly short amount of time, and all because whatever scheme he was involved in evidently paid very well. Soon you were settling into bed next to a man double-maybe triple by now-his former weight, all soft flesh and radiating warmth. 
It wasn’t terrible at all. Your husband cleaned the chocolate stains off his hands before touching you, although he didn’t seem to notice his wedding ring digging into his thick finger. He remained intimate with you, so you weren’t at all concerned that he was unfaithful. If he was unfaithful as well as corrupt, he did an excellent job at hiding it. You finally understood why your friends had raved about sleeping with men so large-it was amazing. Watching your husband heave himself on top of you, feeling his weight and warmth nearly crushing the air out of your lungs. The sheer effort of fucking into you, his arms shaking from holding his weight up, sweat beading on his skin after a few thrusts, his soft lower belly completely covering your view of where the two of you were joined. You’d nearly climaxed on the spot just from watching him have to lift his belly to get his cock positioned. 
It was the very best sex you’d had in twelve years of marriage. You’d tried to wrap your legs around his waist, but any vestige of your husbands ‘waist’ was now long gone. The best you could do was press your knees into the thick rolls of fat on his sides, but it brought you a little closer nonetheless. What made him moan, though, was when you gently palmed his heavy chest, grown so fat you couldn’t even feel the bone of his sternum. You groped his breasts like he’d done to you so many times before, taking your cues from his blissful expression strained gasps. 
And it was almost as good after the climax, when your husband first collapsed on top of you, crushing the breath right out of you. He was sweaty and overheated and so heavy, and he seemed to realize your lungs were struggling with him on top of you fairly quickly. When he’d rolled off and settled into his significant dent in the mattress, caught his breath and popped a chocolate from the bedside drawer into his mouth, it was your turn to snuggle up. You pressed close to his side, though not quite as close as lovestick teens trying to crawl into each others skin may have. It was soothing in a way, the rhythm of your husbands breathing and the crinkle of chocolate wrappers. 
You knew that when you shimmied away to your side of the bed to sleep-a necessary thing to do, because of both the heat your husband radiated and the disturbance of him getting up in the middle of the night for his 3am bon-bons-he’d quickly fall asleep with both hands resting on the crest of his swollen belly, and snore like an engine to top it off. You’d learned to tune it out, along with the creaking of the mattress springs and bed frame when he shifted or got up. 
There were much worse habits for a man to be caught in-but chocolate seemed to be the most popular. You knew much more women whose husbands hid sweets in their offices or closets than who gambled or smoked. And the effects were certainly not unappreciated, at least not by you. 
A big, powerful man, and all yours. Surely nothing would ever spoil this.
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auckie · 2 months
wild that kendrick might actually be held responsible if ugms threats are real
I think it’s just a rumor, I mean if they are mediating they’re probably just demanding Kendrick cease and desist, which means little since cease and deists letters are meaningless, and Kendrick’s music is distributed through a subsidiary (interscope) afaik, but he’s technically independent.
To clarify, a rumor that they’re trying to meddle legally speaking. Bc I’m sure theyre pushing any other way.
Drake is signed to UMG, tho, and like. With how they responded with the Diddy situation i wouldn’t be surprised. Kendrick would absolutely have ground to stand on tho bc you could say the claims that’s he’s a wife beater and his kid is actually Dave frees are just as defamatory as him claiming drakes slept with underage girls. Maybe not in the scope of ‘public opinion and morality’ yeah, but I think libel goes out the window with diss tracks when both party’s are firing back and forth.
Like in the heart part 6 drake says he fed Kendrick false information, which is stupid as hell, but also…like I’m no expert obviously, and Im sure google wouldn’t give me a cut and dry answer, but im imagining that using that in court would just make everything bunk. if you’re suing someone for libel but they have the equivalent of ‘yeah I had my people feed this information to the defendant’ on record? As the plaintiff that seems. Stupid. But I don’t know.
He’s probably fine but I guess we’ll see. The shooting outside of drakes mansion is funny timing. Verdicts not out if it’s related. His latest track is so fucking cheesy too tho look at this shit
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Like shut up you dick head Jesus Christ. Are you gonna call Rick Ross fat again? Are you gonna point out that Whitney’s mixed? Okay.
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Do you have any works or links to other works that are related to mobility issues? Bc tbh it's one of my fave tropes out there, especially coupled with waddling and heavy, labored breathing 🥵🥵🥵
Also for your consideration: Bucky is gaining weight at a good steady pace, but Steve is always just ahead of the curve (multiple curves, and big ones, if you know what I mean), always ready with new clothes and more reinforced furniture. So he and Bucky don't really even notice much, how quickly Bucky is gaining, nor how much
Until one day he wakes up and gets ready for his day of doing nothing, only for him and Steve to have to go to the store. Which is fine, in fact it's kind of hot, seeing all the things they buy and knowing all of it will be gone within a week, two at best. But when he starts the long trek from their apartment to the car, Bucky notices how awkward moving is. It must be bc he just woke up tho and everything is still waking up and settling, right? Yeah, exactly
But then they get to the store (after struggling to squeeze Bucky's fatass into the car) and he finds walking even harder than it was earlier. He's never needed a scooter before, and he and Steve both drew that line when they started this, that he wouldn't get to the point where he needed one, but, well... He tries to tough it out but eventually he has to go back for a scooter, waddling heavily, moving his legs a conscious effort for the first time in his life
He and Steve aren't expecting how hard it is for him, nor are they expecting how hot it is. When they get home, Bucky gets settled on the couch as he usually does, and Steve tries to broach the topic gently about easing off, maybe focusing on weight training to help with mobility, but Bucky interrupts him and demands Steve stuff him full. That was the hottest thing that's ever happened to him, and he wants more. He wants to notice that struggle when he gets up every morning, wants to feel his body struggle more and more each day under the weight of his weak will and gluttonous nature
It doesn't take much for Steve to agree and start stuffing him. By this time the following month, Bucky has an even harder time getting around as he practices walking around the apartment for the first time in weeks. He's breathing so heavy and leaning against walls that for a moment Steve is actually concerned, but then Bucky moans and says between heaving breaths "this... Is so... hot... I want more... Stevie... Please..."
(half a year later and Bucky is close to being immobile, if not there already)
Sorry this has been sitting for so long, I promise I didn't forget about your ask 🫣
Okay, let's start with those recommendations for mobility issues and/or immobility...
First, @achubbydumpling has a wonderful list of their own recommendations on this very topic. Find it here.
Chunky secret service agent Steve has problems moving around when stuffed
Buddha shaped Bucky
Pre-serum Steve wider than he's tall
Pre-serum Steve is getting taken care of
Steve getting his belly fat fucked
A huge Bucky that's immobile
Werewolf Steve gets very bloated until he can't move
Puppy Steve gets too bloated to move
Stucky ft. Stuckage
Bucky's rapid weight gain curse
Bucky being humiliated for getting so big
Bucky gains weight on a cruise
I think those are all the drabbles that I've written that involve immobility or mobility issues! However, you can also look through my blog under the "immobility" tag to find other people's writing/maybe some of my own that I forgot accidentally.
Also, I don't write a lot about heavy breathing (mostly because I don't think about it too often lol), but you're so right 😮‍💨😵‍💫😵‍💫 it's so hot!
As for that idea you left me... 🥵
Okay, first off, I love the idea of them deciding, yes, this is what we want to do. This is the life we want to have, so we're going to prepare for it. All the furniture will be reinforced, all of Bucky's clothes will be sized up, etc. It's all ready to go. Literally building a life they can grow into (Bucky growing literally, Steve not-so-literally) 🥴
So, yeah, they just enjoy life as normal, without noticing too much. Bucky is gaining, but there's no rush. They're just having fun. Taking pleasure in the slow move toward total gluttony and the most hedonistic lifestyle possible. Other than the exception of immobility. They'll stop when they get there 👀 
So. They don't notice all those changes. That is, until they have to do something out of the ordinary. It sneaks up on them. All the weight Bucky has piled on. 
I imagine Bucky doesn't leave the house a lot, he never did before, and he definitely doesn't leave the house all that much once he's intentionally gaining. Why waste all those calories moving so much, y’know? 
Also… you're totally right. It is hot to see how much Bucky is going to plow through within the next week or two. The cashier at the checkout even cracks a joke about how they must be stocking up for this month (and maybe the next, too), huh? 
That sends a shiver down Steve's and Bucky's spines… Yeah, haha, the whole month 😅😮‍💨 they definitely won't be back next week for more food. No… no way. 
I love the idea of the struggle the whole way! The slow snowball of becoming more and more aware all the way from the apartment to the store and back. I really do. 
However, also CONSIDER:
Bucky doesn't notice how hard - and even awkward - it is to move his fattened body while in the store. How could he? He is too excited to go with Steve and get to pick out everything he wanted in whatever quantities he wanted. He likes what Steve buys, of course, but seeing all the options is fun, too. 
Plus, they say never to go shopping hungry, but, well, Bucky is always hungry. 
So, Bucky is distracted, not paying attention to his own body, because he's occupied in the store munching on a few snacks they're gonna buy anyway and tiding himself over until dinner which is really just an endless number of plates going down Bucky's throat until they run out of food or until Bucky finally calls "uncle" and admits to being too full to continue. Impossibly bloated under his thick layer of fat.
So, with the distractions, it's not until they're out of the store, carting their groceries to the car that Bucky realizes how he feels. 
His body. 
He's heavy. 
He's lumbering. 
His, uh, everything is jiggling. 
He's sweating. Has he been sweating the entire time? 
He's breathing hard. How was he eating and breathing at the same time in the store when he's having a hard time just walking?
And, God, has it felt like this the entire time, and he was just too consumed by the snacks he was stuffing down, by the food he was eagerly grabbing and piling in the cart? 
Oof, is the car really that far from the front of the store? 
Maybe he… maybe he needs to sit here, on the bench at the front of the store, to catch his breath while Steve gets the car and brings it around. 
Bucky plops his wide, plush ass down on the bench, panting, and looking up at Steve with begging eyes. (He doesn't know it, but there are crumbs on his sweet, round face from eating so passionately in public - he just can't help it.) 
Steve teases him, patting his massive tummy where it now rounds out hugely in his lap, "I didn't think you ate that many snacks! They're really weighing you down, though, huh?" 
Even just the gentle, semi-public appropriate tap tap makes Bucky's belly wobble. Not just his belly, though. Bucky can feel it jiggle his love handles around his fat waist and chubby back as well as he can feel it in his puffy tits and wide, blubbery thighs. 
Fuck, he's fat. 
"It's… not… just… the… snacks…" Bucky pants around his fat tummy. Because it isn't. He's so heavy. Not from eating. He's still starving. He could eat so much more and weigh himself down so much more. He's fat. He's accumulated so much weight that he's having a hard time moving. He never thought he would get here. It's. It's so hot, though.  
"Mmm," Steve hums, tilting his head to the side and evaluating the situation. Steve's biceps flex as he grips the handle of the piled-up shopping cart tighter. "No, it's not just those snacks," he licks his lips, eyes locked onto Bucky as he lowers his voice, "a couple of snacks wouldn't make you blow up like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon." 
Bucky feels himself turn redder. Not a result of excursion. It's just arousal. 
Steve peers around, making sure there's no one within earshot before he says, low and growling, "I'll go get the car then, fatass. You sit here and try to catch your breath." He winks, "I don't think you'll be able to, not with this in the way," Steve grabs his belly hard and heaves it up and down hard enough that Bucky can do nothing but grab the heavy rolls around his sides and groan. It feels good, but it also makes him burp. He might not be full, but his stomach is huge at this point. Not being full doesn't mean there isn't a lot of stuff inside him. 
(Now, back to your idea with some modifications because I love immobility so much I couldn't resist 👀)
The issues with just getting Bucky into the car… waddling out of the apartment and to the parking lot. It takes them three or four times longer to leave than Steve leaving when he's by himself. 
There are rest breaks.
There are slower, heavier, almost waddling steps. Then, they have to wedge Bucky into the car. (At that point they find out that it's a damn good thing Steve bought that seat belt extender months and months ago because there's no way in hell the belt would reach around Bucky's girth otherwise.) Bucky makes Steve shut the door for him, making a show out of sucking in and holding his belly out of the way - he's not so fat that he needs to do all that, not yet, but the action of squishing his blubber in just to fit leaves them both breathless. 
When they actually get to the shop… Bucky has to rock himself again and again to get enough momentum to make it up. Steve has to help. The car rocks under Bucky's heft. He's so heavy he might as well be multiple people getting out of the car at once - the car's poor suspension and chassis.
T h e n 
Bucky's steps are even more shuffling between the car and store than they were between the apartment and car. Bucky's lungs are having more trouble now. He's panting. He's holding hands with Steve, but quickly Steve has to hold him by the elbow, steadying his slow, rocking waddle that undoes Steve as much as a strip tease would - his boy is big. 
They've already decided by the time they get to the doors of the store that Bucky is gonna need a scooter. (I enjoy the denial element you added but I also really like the idea that there's no fucking way they can not. Bucky's just too damn big. 😮‍💨) Bucky wonders out loud about weight limits on them and Steve jams a finger into his plush side, telling him there's no way he's that fat… not yet. 
Maybe eventually. Because they can't stop.
Bucky doesn't want to stop.
Steve doesn't want to stop. 
Bucky enjoys the scooter an embarrassing amount. It's so easy compared to walking. He doesn't have to feel his thighs rubbing together constantly, legs pouring into one another heavily. He doesn't have to feel his arms rubbing against the stacked up rolls on his sides. He doesn't have to feel the bottom of his belly hit his thighs with every step, thick, jiggly, heavy. Well, he can feel all of his body still. But there's not as much friction. And it's easier on his joints. He can catch his breath. He really likes the scooter. 
Steve really likes seeing him in the scooter. He looks so big. His ass fills the seat. His belly dominates his lap - spilling over his thighs with his tits crowning that huge amount of flab.
They can hardly keep their hands to themselves through the store 🥴🥴🥴
The ride home is dangerous, more so than it needs to be, all because Steve doesn't want to tear his eyes away from his big, big boyfriend. He doesn't want to take his hand away from where he's placed it… squished between Bucky's soft, fat thigh and the overhang of his massive tummy. He's so soft. So heavy. And so hot. 
Literally. He's hot as a fire with all his insulatiom, and he's so hot because they're both perverts 😮‍💨😮‍💨.
Steve is hard the whole way home. Actually, he's throbbing. But. He can be responsible. He can talk to Bucky like an adult. He can ask if Bucky is alright - that was really intense, and they didn't plan to ever go so far, so is… is this what he wants? Does he want to slow down? Does he need to slow down? Does he want to lose any weight? 
Bucky shuts him the. fuck. up. 
Well, first, his gut does it for him.  
Bucky's gut growls. 
Steve has just let go of him, letting him drop back down onto the reinforced sofa (which he might break otherwise because, as is, the slats creeeeak under all that weight). It took twice as long to get back into the apartment. Steve "helped" a lot more this time. Groping Bucky and whispering in his ear, practically kissing and breathing down his neck, as he shuffled inside. So, now, Bucky is lying back on the sofa. Even reclined, head pointed toward the ceiling, Bucky's double chin is thick and puffy. Even reclined his belly bulges out in front of him. Round. And growling. Loud and angry. Over the sound of his heaving breaths. 
Bucky moans in complaint. His fat fingers stretch out in front of his ballooned body, wiggling his digits along with the rest of his arms (and his bingo wings 😳) as he whines, "foood." 
Steve twitches uncontrollably. Oh, God. He can't - he can't possibly be about to beg for more food, right? He can't be that greedy. Right?!
"I… I don't… want… want to stop. I don't… don't wanna stop. I want, ah, I want food. I want you to feed m-me," Bucky swallows, moaning the rest of his greedy, breathless words, "this… is so… hot… I want more… Stevie… please."
Steve can't scurry back to the kitchen fast enough. He's breathing hard now, too. 
And when he realizes that the groceries are all still in the car, he groans in fucking frustration. He is going to fucking rush through bringing everything in, sorting it, and making something for Bucky to eat. First, though, they'll plow through the snacks. Pre-packaged things Bucky can eat now before his belly starts howling in hunger. Then, Steve will have real food ready for Bucky. He's going to feed Bucky that food. He's going to keep going when Bucky's heavy, thick arms get tired of shoveling food into his mouth. He's going to keep going until it's all gone. Then he's going to get more food and keep going. He's going to give Bucky more. He's going to blow him up for real now. He's never going to let Bucky get off the couch again if he doesn't want to. He doesn't need to walk. He doesn't need to do anything but eat and feel packed full - more food and fullness than man, stretched around what he's gorged himself on. He's going to feed him until his hips brush up against each side of the sofa. As wide as it is long. Meant for three or four people. But. Just Bucky. Fat, fat Bucky. So large that he can't heave himself up over the huge, heavy boulder of his gut. Endlessly soft because his stuffed, hard belly is entirely hidden under impossibly thick blubber. A kept glutton.
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omgcatboi · 1 month
I love being in a feedist relationship, but it is always a thing where the partner feels like they are almost humoring me? Albeit, they have always been enthusiastic to "let themselves go" and be spoiled with food, but it would be nice to find someone who gets sexually excited over the overindulgence and gaining (especially when I love to cook and haven't had a relationship yet where my partner hasn't gained over 100 pounds in a matter of months).
I am once again giving my feedee insight that no one asked for away for free.
I've been seeking a feedism relationship for quite some time now. But it's hard to find someone who has a hot dynamic with me who doesn't live ten billion light-years away. I gotta have somethin irl lol. And admittedly, it takes a good chunk of getting to know one another before I even consider someone a relationship option.
Or worse, someone on meet up apps that just want to ' feed and fuck ' me. As if I'd ever meet up with anyone for the first time with sexual intentions when I'm demi / ace and only have sex with people I know and connect with on a personal level.
I currently live with someone who totally understands feedism, but we aren't in a relationship. It's more developed into a friendship. I met them mere months ago, and I'm glad things are workin out so well.
So I get you. I'm kind of? In a simulator situation?
In the since of " these are both feedism related things that are good but on a more platonic level "
So I currently relate in my own way lol.
I guess it really comes down to what you want. Do you want a relationship where there isn't sexual excitement coming from the other person in relation to your ( assumably ) main kink / life style ?
Because look, I'm gonna level with ya, only one of my relationships had feedism elements. And tho I was super asexual / sex repulsed at the time, it was still the most memorable relationship I've had to this day. Infact, it was so fun because of that aspect, that I downright refuse to date someone who isn't a feeder, or at the very least, a fat admirer. It was just too fun goin' on fast food runs at 2 AM and piggin' out together while they rubbed my belly.
Once I get a lil taste of heaven, I refuse anything else. Once I know I can have something I want, I make it for myself. So to me, the patience is worth it. I've been single for what feels like forever, but that's what happens when you're picky lol.
By all means, if you love this person, and you think they are worth keeping, then do that if ya want. If you're monogamous, then it's your decision to make.
If your relationship is non monogamous, however, I don't see any problem at all except that yer missin' a feedee in the equasian.
Remember to not settle while also keeping a realistic mindset on what you want. It's possible to do both. I hope your situation gets more favorable in terms of figuring out a romantic/ sexual outlet for feedism.
Bc you're right to imply the difference between a chubby person eating Because they're in a relationship where it's ok to " let urself go " and a feedee who genuinely loves every aspect of gaining, not just the free pass to eat whatever we want. Because we do that regardless, we don't feel the need to have permission to indulge and allow our frames to wear the result as a trophy.
Two totally different vibes. Two completely different dynamics.
This is a common thing I've seen with feedism friends, and I don't really understand how it's so common. But feeders / feedees be gettin in relationships with normies. Which is fine, but at the same time... Ya know what ya want.
It's exactly why I refuse to date someone who isn't also passionate about this life style. Especially since I'm going to end up being immobile and will need a caretaker at some point.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
okay so fat/chubby darling and playboy yan get together, people think that just bc darling is fat/chubby that they could steal playboy yan from them. like since a lot of ppl has fucked them/ want to fuck them or caught feelings, darling would get some nasty ass stares. (so stupid how this happens irl like arent fat ppl lovable lmao?)
instead of shying away darling would either glare at them ir cling to yan more imo
YEEESSSSSSS people who find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that fat ppl exist and are loveable !!!!!! ppl who say shit like "well, if YOU can bag THAT, then there's hope for me after all!!" and the second darling complains about it or anything or god forbid playboy overhears, playboy is smashing an unopened champagne bottle over SOMEONES head and they don't care whos!!!!
and playboy yan who worships fat darling, covering them in jewelry and fine clothes, constantly posting them on social media, showing them off everywhere, loving their curves, their roles, their chubby cheeks, their double chin, the fat hanging from their arms, their cellulite, all of it drives playboy yan insane <3 and god, if your weight fluctuates a lot, playboy is just gonna like you even more because they means they have an excuse to update your wardrobe everytime you gain or lose weight!
and playboy yans favorite thing is showing you off at parties, eyes practically forming hearts when you wear the outfit and jewelry they bought you and eat the lil finger foods with your manicured hands and if anyone makes any negative or passive aggressive comment, playboy will throw a fit. yelling, throwing things, etc etc, blah blah, playboy is a bit of a brat!
speaking of, i love imagining darling in a silk dress with a big fluffy boa with playboy kneeling by their side, head resting on their hip, a beautiful and expensive collar around their throat with a leash resting right in darlings hand <3 so cute! darling, despite playboys whining, probably wouldn't do this at a party out of embarrassment but the collar would probably stay, maybe just as a more subtle piece of jewelry and if darlings dominance is threatened? if their relationship with playboy is questioned? darling will just call for their lil piggie bank to come over and with a bat of their eyelashes and a tiny pout, playboy hands over their wallet and tells them to get whatever they want <3
i can also see playboy calling places ahead of time and demanding good chairs. none of those tiny little ones (and god fucking forbid the creaky fragile ones (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) ) and dw, you won't have a "special" chair that draws attention to you, everyone will get a nice comfortable chair that doesn't creak, doesn't dig into your hips or sides and is just nice <3
and i just KNOW playboy would have a thing for hand feeding you. even if you don't eat much, it's so so hard to say no to that face when they hold up a macaroon to your lips and look like they just need you to eat it and gently kiss their thumb afterwards <3 and they'll INSIST on you sitting either on their jacket or in their lap wherever you go, refusing to let your beautiful butt (even if you don't have one) touch a surface anyone else has touched and if you sit in their lap, theyll spend the entire time hugging you, holding you close, gently kissing your neck and shoulders and god, it's so hard not to feel gorgeous and wanted when they act like that <333
and a fat darling who is so confident in their relationship and who they are and in their body that they don't feel bad when ppl stare or make comments, they just turn to their yandere, give them a kiss mid convo with some other uber rich and important person and grins when playboy loses their train of thought mid sentence and just sighs with pleasure as they look at darling, handing over their credit card with a "i don't care how much money you spend as long as you keep kissing me like that" and it wasn't anything special, just a peck and just <3333 it's so nice feeling loved so much
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autismvampyre · 2 months
sorry imma vent abt my ed recovery so tw and all that
i was anorexic/bulimic for about a year when i was 14/15. i recovered on my own without therapy or relly any kind of support and somehow got better. im actually quite good with intuitive eating now and i wanna start working out cause i wanna be strong but i haven't found the time nor courage to do so but thats besides the point. im recovered, for the most part
anyway, important context is that im fat. i've always been "bigger than other kids", and i've always been insecure about it but held the belief that one day i'd get skinny and thus conventionally attractive and then my life would be good because fatphobia. i developed an eating disorder due to many factors including some shit w/ my abusers bc it was the same time i was beginning to actually leave and escape which is a whole mess i can't get into now. anyway a main reason is my mom used to be super fucking skinny and was always kinda fatphobic towards me and body shmed me a lot. combine that witch puberty and an investigation into my dad nd stepmoms treatment of me by social services and you got the perfect breeding ground for an ed
im 18 now, i've been ed free since 2021 and i feel good. however i've noticed my perception of myself is warped. dont wanna get into numbers too much, but im currently about 30-40kg heavier than i was when i was the sickest which is bigger than i've ever been and i've noticed i feel ugly. i used to bodycheck constantly but the last 3 years its been a struggle to take a selfie and its because of my size. i did a play the other day and im watching the filming of the performance and just seeing how big i look makes me feel fucking gross. it made me realized im not recovered, bc i still hate my body and how it looks which isn't good for me.
i've realised im still fatphobic. i think fat people are beautiful but i can't accept my own fatness and it's a problem
i'm fat. i've been scared to say that my whole life bc my stepmother is fat and i was always so much smaller than her but i haven't seen her since i started recovering. i'm fat. and i don't feel beautiful and it's a problem bc i know that i am. i guess it's just hard to adjust to seeing myself as both big and beautiful, and im not there yet but i really want to be. admitting that im fat is a big part of it i think. i'm tired of saying "big" or "curvy" or "thick" im just fucking fat and thats fine. i'm fat. i can be beautiful - i will learn to be fat and still feel beautiful not in spite of it but because
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
9 Anti LO Asks
1. I know nothing about this, I just stumbled onto your blog and started reading, but I saw a post where (presumably) the author said that Aphrodite and Persephone... weren't skinny? They're tiny??? Wtf
2. I love long-haired men so much I never thought I would consider a long-haired man ugly. But goddamn, Hades still looks ugly even with long hair, even to me. That's impressive... are you, like, alive, btw?
3. You know, in the new currently fast pass chapter... Kronos takes over Hades and makes him say stuff to Thanatos? Right, but then he goes, "What's wrong, don't want Persephone to be your new mommy?" Which is terrible writing enough on it's own but then you HAVE to consider that PERSEPHONE HERSELF IS YOUNGER THAN THANATOS, SOMEONES WHOSE MEANT TO BE HADES' SURROGATE SON (who he treats like shit). Like, Hades is more than old enough to be a father but Persephone only JUST turned old enough to maybe be a mother! Which really makes you realize, Hades isn't old enough to be her dad, he's old enough to be her grandpa. Disgusting. Like, there can't be any defense for this 💀
4. tbh i think eris is a shit character and a hamfisted plot device. she could have been added so much better.
5. My personal criticism with LO has mostly to do with the art style. Like yes the writings kinda trashy but trashy can still be good if its coupled with great visuals and characters. The problem is that the arts just pathetically inconsistent. You can't even blame webtoon for it since she has a few assistants. I'm an artist myself and even tho I don't draw for a living, I know it's fairly easy to create simple character charts and reference sheets. Some people say it's not that bad but god the inconsistency in the characters appearances can ruin chapters for me.
For example, the fact that Persephone sometimes has siren eyes, doe eyes, full lips, no lips, extra body fat, less body fat, a button nose, or a longer nose is ridiculous. It drives me nuts when people call the art amazing, because it's just not. And it seems like all of her aesthetic details (IE wardrobe and colors) are all very surface level, aside from Minthe/Persephone and Hades contrasts.
Demeter being green and purple makes some sense, but then her daughter being neon pink ONLY is weird. Hades being blue and winter-esq makes some sense since there's no sun in the underworld, but the ENTIRE underworld being the same blue and black is just ugly. Zeus being a royal purple? Makes sense. Hera being gold? That too. They're the only color pallets that actually correspond with personality, yet they're wasted with basic wardrobes and character development.   Ares being gold makes sense GENETICALLY, but not in practicality. Same with Hermes being red. Plus, she seems to assign colors to characters at random without even seeing how they build off of each other, let alone their own personalities.
I don't think people really get how important color and wardrobe are in stories, especially visual ones. You should be able to look at a character and immediately understand what they're about, even if it's subconsciously. But Persephone is often in bright happy colors and tight clothing even in times of stress or depression. Artemis is always in workout gear or her uniform. Minthe is more in "sexy" clothing, which is fine, but her colors don't change with her mental state.
Another problem I have is again with Persephone. Her wardrobe isn't even picked out by her, it's always by others/magic. She never really gets to visually tell us how she feels other than her glaringly obvious vines and eyes. Like, I could deal with a visual crutch if the writing was good or vise versa, but when they're both lacking it just sucks.
I see a lot of people say the same things I wanted to, like how creepy Perse and Hades are, how Apollo wasn't handled well, yada yada yada. Anyway Hades is creepy and Hera, Minthe, and Demeter deserve the world ✌🏼
6. It's really funny bc I've been reading some of the scenes of Hades' problematic action (esp the latest fast pass) and he literally talks like my abusive dad and my ex groomer. Like hm maybe your male lead having the same verbal manipulation tactics as actual abusers isn't the best. But oh my bad Hades is still a perfect man /s
7. something that makes me angry about demeter is that we are supposed to see her as an abusive or controlling mother ( i know that controlling mothers is an obviously bad thing ) but all her reasons are a good part of the time valid?
She doesn't want her child dating a 40y + man who she knows for like 11 days +++ someone who was literally a horrible person with her until the point she cried .
And lets not forget about the slaver owner thing 🥺 demeter knows hades more time  than persephone, obviously. It's not something bad if you dont want your TEENAGER daughter next to a grown old man who the only thing he thinks about its her "small petite thicc pink body" 😁
8. i just wanted to say that i really love your blog, like whenever i look at it i feel better. idk if thats kinda weird since its an anti blog but it just kinda brings me euphoria. ty!
From OP: Thank you so much! I’m glad my blog can be beneficial for you. /pos
-----FP Spoiler-----
9. 220 spoiler: full fuckin disrespect, we all know Kronos wants Persephone rather than Hera as his “golden traitor”, because fuck every other god/goddess, the only ones that matter are Hades and Persephone!!
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katya45kg · 8 months
Weightloss tips u may not know about or do but don’t know the science behind them 🩷🫶🏻
1. After a 48hr fast your dopamine receptors reset. For example: a mars bar gives u a dopamine hit? Gone. Try eating fruit now, it will taste better, sweeter & its more healthy for u. - source “Fast like a girl by Dr Mindy Peltz”
2. The reasons why people can’t stop themselves from binging is because of sugar and flour. Eating those foods or food containing them MAKE u hungry. The best way to satisfy yourself after a meal is to cut those products out. I eat only fruits and vegetables and i find that after lets say 2 tomatoes or a banana, i feel satisfied. Some days all i eat is a piece of fruit for snack and a salad for dinner & im fine. - source “Bright line eating by Susan Peirce Thompson”
3. After 3 days of fasting, the hunger goes away. Push through it & you’ll notice it gets easier. When u break your fast ALWAYS do it with something healthy like fruits or vegetables. Going back to like ice cream will ruin the dopamine receptors and you will crave unhealthy foods again. - source I can’t remember but ive heard it heaps on YT videos & ive tried it and can vouch for that tip.
4. After 2mins of running or high intensity exercise, your body runs out of energy & begins to fuel you by producing cortisol to keep u going. High amounts of cortisol results in your body storing BELLY FAT. So if u happen to notice that u store belly fat mainly, that could be the reason. Source - Autumn Bates on YT (i forgot which vid but i think maybe it was a tik tok, sorry.)
5. Starvation mode is a myth. Look at prisoners of war for example. They are so emaciated due to lack of food, if “starvation mode” was true, they wouldn’t end up like that. Maybe u may not loose for a few days but that is your body holding water or possibly gaining muscle, if it prolongs further than this see my next tip. Source - i forgot im so sorry, possibly a podcast?
6. Your body has a natural rhythm known as the circadian rhythm. This in short like an internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle and other bodily functions. It helps us feel awake during the day and sleepy at night. It's influenced by factors like light exposure, hormones, and daily routines. It means that your body doesn’t digest food the same at night, if at all. It isn’t supposed to. If u feed yourself after 6-8pm, the digestion process is slower, much slower. This can cause to hormones being released at the wrong time, storing fat, keeping u awake etc. It is best to not eat after 6pm (if u heard this tip from ur mother growing up, it is actually science backed, its not so u “eat less & that makes u loose weight” its because u stop eating after a certain time. It is actually because your body isn’t designed to digest food late in the night and so u loose fat easier.) Source - “Change your schedule, change your life by Dr Suhas Kshirsagar”
7. Birth-control whacks out your hormones. If u are on BC & find u have all these cravings & can’t seem to restrict, thats most likely the reason why. A lot of doctors will tell u “its just water weight” but thats not the case. The constant stream of synthetic hormones keeps your body in a state that similarly reflects how u feel the week before your period (bloated, craving, tired etc) and u feel this way continuously. Im not saying go off birth-control but if you are puzzled as to why u may feel like this & u are on BC this may be the reason. Source “Your brain on birth control by Sarah Hill”
8. Also on the topic of hormones, if u aren’t loosing weight no matter what u do or its very slow progress, it can be due to a hormonal imbalance. Exactly which one im not sure, it depends on you and your body. U can see which hormones are out of balance via online tests (idk what to google i read it in a book). Completing tests online can give u a rough idea of which hormones may be unbalanced and then u can go to your doctor and request certain tests to medically check. Your dr can then advise you on what to do to balance them. You may also have hyperthyroidism which can make u constantly tired, unable to loose weight and sensitive to stress. Source - “Hormone repair manual by Lara Briden”.
That is all i can think of rn. I have read all books i have sited & many many more. There is definitely a huge science to weight loss and i may make another post in the future stating what i have learnt. Most books are written by drs or people of similar qualifications. I applied all these to my life and loose weight continuously. My mother is also a certified nutritionist, personal trainer and life coach & she also follows all these things & has read the same if not more books. She is almost 50 & bmi 18.3 & has consistently been this way for my whole 21yrs of living even after having 3 kids. She doesn’t loose weight due to her high calorie intake (like 3k cals a day) but she also doesn’t gain weight so if u follow these examples by restricting u will see major weightloss. I also have lost 5kg in 8 days from following these tips this relapse & last relapse i lost 30kg in 4ish months from these tips.
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
you do not have to answer this!! I'm using you to confess my dubious feelings for the Percy Jackson series bc you also expressed like some weird feelings about it, and I kind of thought the series was untouchable bc of how much everyone I see fawns over it, and I have GOT to get this off my chest to someone who might get what I'm saying. But I have major issues with the writing/premise/series bc it's just feels so deeply colonized and it's bothered me since it FIRST came out and everyone in middle school and high school was reading it and teachers were assigning it. Like the whole premise for the Greek gods being in the US is that they follow Western "progress" and it completely disregards all the amazing things Indigenous did and our way of life, and also removes the importance of place-based culture for both Greek stories and Native peoples (like okay all the Greek stuff moved to the U.S. but wth happened to all our spiritual figures?? The story completelya cts like Native people weren't here and didn't have complex beliefs and ways of life connected to the land, and the gods were just free to take over here with no issues). As a mixed Indigenous kid it just rubs me wrong in all the worst ways and the academic systems love affair with Greek and Roman stuff and Rick Riordan's sheer popularity has been forcing this stuff in my face foreveeeerrrr 😭😭 I was surprised to see your tags about the fandom being weird before too tho since I don't interact with it, so I hope you don't mind this ask and just know I kinda feel the same way!! Ok thanks bye sorry for the rant.
I THINK IF HEARD ABOUT THIS ACTUALLY. but you explained it way better. like when i first read percy jackson ok fine i was 11, i obviously caught onto the ableism and such but i did not catch onto this until i thought about it when i got older. you're super right. the whole thing about ww2 being caused by demigods was the weirdest shit ever i literally did not remember reading it until i read lightning thief again last year. why did hitler need to be child of hades. THAT IS QUITE LITERALLY HOW PERCY DESCRIBES HADES WHEN HE SEES HIM. LOOKING LIKE HITLER. then what you're saying how they move with the places that are the most progressive and basically take over..... like it's just ..... incredibly misplaced and insensitive.
but about the fandom being weird (its literally encouraged by riordan's book tbh), in heroes of olympus, hazel is a black girl from lousiana in the 1930s?? or 40s idk anyways i think she dies and then nico brings her back. whatever, everyone draws her lightskin and with orange hair, and super skinny, (which she's from louisana. shes darkskin and does not have "caramel" hair i hate white men sometimes.) and shes like 13 btw and in a relationship with frank whos like 16. weird as hell and everyone thinks theyre so sweet. and also rick cannot write meaningful young women. and especially not girls of color. like its WEIRD how piper is portrayed as some pick me girl she constantly feels the need to express shes not like the Aphrodite girls. and rick had to make it weird with aphrodite anyway by making them a whole stereotype of snobby boys and girls who love putting on makeup. they had drew, an asian girl & counselor of aphrodite, straight up mean to piper bc she likes jason. like for no other reason. drew only wants to participate and go on the quest because of jason. and other stereotypes like making leo, latine, be super flirty.
and lets really talk about how annoying annabeth was about the blondes are dumb stereotype because, girl we can talk about misogyny and people not letting you do things because of it, but lets also talk about how you are TWELVE, and the blonde stereotype is tired. i never liked annabeth, she was really tone deaf as someone whos half black. OH AND FRANK. they had this weird ass arc where they implied he was fat because of lack of confidence? like when he got confident he, lost weight... because of a blessing of mars? i dont even know.
like as i get older its more and more annoying to see it. i literally rolled my eyes when i saw rick talking about colorblind casting when people got mad about annabeth. he could of said anything else. how this could reconceptualize annabeth's arc around misogyny and now racism. and purposely alter her character to fit this new black annabeth. but no. people treat colorblind casting as a pinnacle of progressiveness.
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Ohhh I'm curious what kind of "might be the end times" N/J are living in? And how did that relationship weight happen/when did they individually notice it happening?
they are living in the “we’re nearing the final prediction of an apocalypse theory that has accurately predicted a bunch of other stuff so far” kind of end times! it’s alt-2016 and there are weird signals coming in from space and nobody really knows what’s going on but given the apocalypse theory … it probably isn’t good! N is kind of resigned to it, like, whatever happens happens. if the world ends he’s off the hook for student loans. J is having a much more difficult time with it. he is very much in the camp of “how am I supposed to keep doing my silly little job and my silly little tasks when the WORLD might be ENDING?” he is also learning that he has an anxiety disorder but that’s a different story.
(not that it’s abnormal to be anxious when all manner of apocalyptic bullshit is going on! I myself am anxious All The Time! but he’s realizing as all this stuff is happening that perhaps his massive uncontrollable spirals about it are not … normal?? I honestly think he might eat about that too but rn we are focusing on the happy stuff!!)
but anyway, N and J have been together for 2-3 years at this point. J was a little chubby when they got together, but he also wasn’t much for cooking so a lot of times in the pre-N era he would just make himself a packet of ramen and call it a day. but once he and N move in together, there is So Much Food all the time. N isn’t just making something for dinner, he’s making an entree and sides and bread and dessert and he’s making a little cheese plate for J to snack on while he finishes up work or watches N cook. N also buys a lot of snacks and J is the kind of person who will just eat if there’s food around whether he’s hungry or not, so it, uh, doesn’t take long.
putting the rest under a cut as it got … long … but pls feel free to ask more oc questions!!
J is a very empirical evidence kind of guy so when his pants start getting harder to button and his waistbands start folding under his belly and his shirts start getting tight around his upper arms, he starts paying attention. it’s not a huge shock given how much he’s been eating, but he’s still kind of surprised by how fast his jeans go from “a little snug but wearable” to “I have to unbutton these if I want to sit comfortably at my desk.” (never mind the always-surprising “even my sweats are getting tight now?”) so he finally takes stock and is like, “welp, time to size up!” bc there is no way he’s giving up or cutting back on N’s cooking. could he exercise? sure. is he realistically gonna get up at 5am to accompany N on his morning run? absolutely not. he’ll just buy new clothes.
N notices that J is putting on weight first though. he’s been on the lookout since the first time he cooked dinner for J and J ate three helpings and was like, “oh man, I’m going to get so fat if you cook like this all the time.” to which N was like, “... that’s … fine!” while internally combusting. he enjoys cooking and baking for the actual activity, but he also likes having an excuse to shower people with food for … reasons. when they first started dating he was very “oh no 😇 I accidentally 😇 made 4 dozen cookies 😇 whatever will i do with them 😇?” he notices first that J’s belly is starting to press against his t-shirt and that he can see a couple stretch marks beginning to bloom down his sides. N is taller so he doesn’t have many excuses to ask J to get stuff off high shelves but J likes to do big stretches after a long day of hunching over in his desk chair, so N gets some good looks at how his stomach is starting to shelf over his waistbands. little by little he watches J’s belly button indent emerge beneath his t-shirts. J gains enough in his hips and thighs that N can tell he’s filling out their kitchen chairs a little more. the backs of his thighs are starting to dimple and his upper arms are getting so perfectly, squeezably chubby and it’s taking everything he’s got not to get too handsy and give himself away. he wants to FEEL IT! he wants to EXPLORE! especially since the bulk of J’s gain is from food HE COOKED. he wants the hands-on experience of how much he’s helped J overindulge!
he grinds his teeth and tries to be normal about it until J brings it up, which sort of backfires but also sort of works out because J has his own theories that N likes it and starts making offhanded comments about his gut getting bigger and “maybe I should start hitting the gym” to smoke him out. (J is a queer computer nerd who almost certainly had a traumatic time in middle school PE, he is not going to the gym.) N comes clean and J is very chill with it. he’s gonna keep enjoying N’s food anyway, he might as well have fun teasing him while he does it! he gets a lot of mileage out of it. ate too much at a work function? he can tease N by telling him how much he ate while getting a belly rub and “forgetting” to stifle his burps. got weighed at a doctor’s appointment? he’s gonna whisper that number into N’s ear while they’re making out later. out of breath bc the work elevator is broken and he had to take the stairs? might as well leave N a voicemail so he can hear how out of shape he is. tipsy after drinks with his coworkers? the only cure is cuddling with N and asking him to feed him the pizza J impulse-ordered on his way home. had a big meal and now all of his pants are a little too tight on his belly? time to sprawl on the couch and let his belly hang out unencumbered while he groans and whines about how he knew he was overdoing it, but it was too good to stop. helping N in the kitchen? his belly’s so heavy, guess he’ll have to just rest it on the countertop. none of it is kinky for him but he’s having a GREAT time nonetheless. turning N on is the real reward. (N is in feedist hell but also feedist heaven. never in his wildest dreams could he have hoped for a boyfriend who’s not only cool about his kinks, but is also so enthusiastic about indulging them.)
J puts on 60-70 pounds over the course of their first year together — the first half go on pretty quickly and the second half more gradually — and retires his outgrown t-shirts to wear around the house for N to appreciate. he plateaus around there for the most part but slowly gains a little more as their relationship progresses, and he always gets a little heavier around the holidays while N tests out recipes and bakes a metric fuckload of cookies for everyone they know. at family gatherings J tells everyone who makes a comment about his weight or aims a pointed look at his belly that N is such a great cook and is keeping him so well-fed and gives his belly a little pat or a jiggle. it gives N the vapors. (later J shows him some pictures from college and casually drops that he’s gained almost a hundred pounds since then. N is going to think about that for a LONG time.)
he grinds his teeth and tries to be normal about it until J brings it up, which sort of backfires but also sort of works out because J has his own theories that N likes it and starts making offhanded comments about his gut getting bigger and “maybe I should start hitting the gym” to smoke him out. (J is a queer computer nerd who almost certainly had a traumatic time in middle school PE, he is not going to the gym.) N comes clean and J is very chill with it. he’s gonna keep enjoying N’s food anyway, he might as well have fun teasing him while he does it! he gets a lot of mileage out of it. ate too much at a work function? he can tease N by telling him how much he ate while getting a belly rub and “forgetting” to stifle his burps. got weighed at a doctor’s appointment? he’s gonna whisper that number into N’s ear while they’re making out later. out of breath bc the work elevator is broken and he had to take the stairs? might as well leave N a voicemail so he can hear how out of shape he is. tipsy after drinks with his coworkers? the only cure is cuddling with N and asking him to feed him the pizza J impulse-ordered on his way home. had a big meal and now all of his pants are a little too tight on his belly? time to sprawl on the couch and let his belly hang out unencumbered while he groans and whines about how he knew he was overdoing it, but it was too good to stop. helping N in the kitchen? his belly’s so heavy, guess he’ll have to just rest it on the countertop. it isn’t kinky for him but he’s having a GREAT time nonetheless. turning N on is the real reward. (N is in feedist hell but also feedist heaven. never in his wildest dreams could he have hoped for a boyfriend who’s not only cool about his kinks, but is also so enthusiastic about indulging them.)
J puts on 60-70 pounds over the course of their first year together — the first half go on pretty quickly and the second half more gradually — and retires his outgrown t-shirts to wear around the house for N to appreciate. he plateaus around there for the most part but slowly gains a little more as their relationship progresses, and he always gets a little heavier around the holidays while N tests out recipes and bakes a metric fuckload of cookies for everyone they know. at family gatherings J tells everyone who makes a comment about his weight or aims a pointed look at his belly that N is such a great cook and is keeping him so well-fed and gives his belly a little pat or a jiggle. it gives N the vapors. (later J shows him some pictures from college and casually drops that he’s gained almost a hundred pounds since then. N is going to think about that for a LONG time.)
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mur-art · 2 years
For Texas x Alaska:
Pre relationship: 2, 4
General: 5, 7, 8
Love: 2, 4, 10
TexSka, let's goooooooo
What was their first impression of each other?
October 18, 1867: (Texas:) "580,000 acres? Thirty-nine cents per acre? Pfft, acres of what? It's just snow and ice up there; no use will ever come of it. I heard he's a real strange kid, anyway. Those Russians can keep him for all I care."
1899: "Okay, so there's a lot of gold up there. So what? What's the big deal? If anything, it's just going to make the kid as obnoxious as California is. God forbid."
January 3, 1959: "So what, Alaska's a state now? The biggest state? No, no, It's fine. It's all just snow and ice up there, anyway. In terms of actual useful land, I'm still the biggest! And I don't have any polar bears! That's a plus..."
Alaska: "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Big Guy."
(Meanwhile, from the beginning Alaska thinks Texas is way too full of himself for no reason. He sees Texas as a deeply insecure person with delusions of grandeur. He thinks it's hilarious. )
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Texas definitely misunderstands his feelings and has trouble expressing them, so they manifest as negative emotions. Alaska is definitely not romantic in a traditional way but I can see him doing something "sweet" for Texas in his own way and Texas being all *heart eyes*. Examples may include: letting him borrow one of his parkas during Winterpocalypse '21 and checking in on him to make sure he's staying warm, giving him half of a deer he's hunted because "you looked hungry and I just shot this," and introducing him to Fat Bear Week which Texas is now obsessed with and watches religiously.
What's their height difference? Age difference?
I HC Texas as being tall, but within the realm of "normal," around 6'3 or 6'4. Alaska, on the other hand, is pushing the limits of being "abnormally" tall. He's around 6'8 or 6'9. He towers above most people, not quite basketball player tall, but definitely tall enough to get stares and feel uncomfortable in small spaces. (My partner is super tall and there's lots of things he experiences differently bc of it.)
It's kinda "canon" that states are the continuation of their territories (at least in Florida's case- "remember when I was a Spanish colony for like 200 years? That was weird, right?") So with that logic, Texas is *pretty damn old*. I don't think any of them have much memory of their earliest years, but Texas as a European colonial construct is definitely pushing 350 years old. Alaska is harder to pin down, but assuming the same "rules" you could argue he's around 200-250ish. You know Texas uses the "I'm older!" excuse with Alaska, even though in many cases, he's the less mature one... and Alaska just laughs.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Texas 100%. Texas is Alaska’s adopted extravert. (Every introvert needs one.) Texas can make friends literally anywhere; like they’ll be shopping at a Home Depot and Texas will disappear for awhile, leaving Alaska standing in the middle of the aisle absent-mindedly staring at lightbulbs. When he goes looking for Texas, he’s standing in the paint aisle with three new best friends and an invitation to the bar later. 
Who gets jealous easier?
Texas for sure. Alaska is much more secure in himself and in the relationship. Texas is a very insecure person, even though he will never admit it. Sometimes he’ll see Alaska in his element being a total badass and have a brief panic like “what does he see in me?” 
What are their primary love languages?
Alaska’s are Acts of Service and Quality Time. He shows affection by doing *things* for people, helping them out and making sure they’re safe. He also enjoys just spending time being in the same space with Texas, even if he doesn’t say a word. (It’s okay, Texas does enough talking for both of them). Texas’ are Quality Time and Physical Touch. He understands that Alaska doesn’t say much, or openly express his feelings, but it’s okay; he has other ways of showing it. 
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
They don’t really do PDA, but in private they like to cuddle a lot. Alaska is just a massive bear of a man so I imagine he’s pretty cuddly. Their temperature dynamic is interesting too. When Texas gets too hot, he gets close to Alaska to cool down. Vice versa, Alaska always appreciates how warm and sunny Texas is, especially in the middle of winter. 
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? 
As mentioned earlier, Texas is the talker of the two. But he understands that Alaska doesn’t really do verbal affection, showing his love in other ways. 
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lampfaced · 6 months
man I sure love getting a photo album compilation of myself through the years for Christmas from my parents (they did it for all us kids) and then having to see how I look Now at the end of it, and in the candid photos they tried to snap of us
like... I'm generally fine with how I look when I look in the mirror. I can recognize I've aged and am not in my early 20s anymore and it's fine.
but the second I see myself in photos, let alone photos where I'm next to other people... it's a whole different story.
I will start by saying I've always had body issues. always. even outside of gender issues. I've always looked at myself in photos and had dysmorphic issues and felt like I looked amorphous and Too Big, even though i look at those photos now and am shocked at how different I perceive them now versus back then. I was fine. I was in the ideal weight range for my height. I looked pretty much the same from the second I went through puberty at 13 through my mid-to-late 20s.
my family has always instilled this notion of Having To Look A Certain Way through constant diet talk and gossip of other family that has "let themselves go". even my 20-something-year-old brothers, who are gym bros, worry about being "fat". my sister has always had these "teeny tiny" nicknames because of how small she has always been, and she's almost always been a size zero. I got my dad's genes where I'm stocky instead.
I think part of why I recoil so badly when I see myself in photos is how much I now look like my father, and also my grandfather. who are short stocky people, and that's not a bad thing! I actively look at people who are also short and stocky to remind myself that they are beautiful and I have that same body type, and that it's okay. and yet... aside from my dad Nobody Else Looks Like That in the photos when I see them. everyone else has borderline magazine-quality bodies, proportioned in all the expected ways. and then there's me, notably thicker and doughier and not photogenic to begin with.
I'm not even that big!!! I'm not small by any means, either. my BMI is like... 27. I don't know my exact weight at any given moment bc I avoid obsessively weighing myself, but it's anywhere between 154 and 157 lbs. I'm 5'3" or so. I am a vet tech so I am on my feet and do a fair amount of physical labor daily.
I can't tell if the way I see myself in photos now is just more of that body dysmorphia nonsense, but I can definitely see that I am bigger and the number I see on the scale now vs. five-ish years ago reflects that. I don't like that the clothes I've had for so many years are tighter now or just don't fit anymore. I don't like that even if I do make myself miserable with dieting (I've tried and failed a few times now; between living in a place where fresh food is a) expensive and b) the "fast food" options have VERY little variety and c) I'm so worked-to-death that I have a very hard time prepping things on a regular basis it's very difficult.) or exercise (once again, I work at least ten-hour workdays and I am very tired and sore after work a lot so trying to find the time to exercise in the 3-4 hours after I get home to when I go to bed is not very feasible, and not even taking into account how horribly self-conscious I am about being perceived exercising even by my own spouse. I could flail around in the tiny living area for however long making gross physical exertion noises when it was Just Me but when there's another human being around, nope. can't do it.)
in the past I would get on the scale sometimes, see a certain number, and dial back on this or that and get back to where I wanted it. but now that I live where I do, versus before where I was minutes away from numerous options for grocery shopping and fresh healthy take-out any any moment's notice; not to mention how much more time I had in a day to myself... I don't think I can.
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iloveslllycatss · 1 year
the songs that remind u of them< not rlly a rant
btw every paragraph is talking ab someone new
we all know conan gray right? ok great. well yk that one song “the cut that always bleeds”? or “heather”? those 2 songs remind me of my first ever crush from last year. who I changed myself to try and make like me, this crush only lasted for about 2-3 weeks and I ended up being rejected bc he had a girlfriend I didn’t know about. those songs remind me of him because I used to listen to them the 3 times I cried about him. it wasn’t a bad crush but I definitely needed to work on my standards. 3/10.
okay next is money by the drums and afraid by the neighborhood. those 2 songs were songs I’d listen to as i think about him while I was in art class. this dude was fine and funny and taller then me and all of that. problem is: i BARELY knew him. so I confessed by having my friend text him on discord and do it FOR ME (i was too pussy to do it). then it got awkward between us. fast foreword a year and last semester i had pe with him. since he was friends with one of my close friends i got to talk to him and we slowly became ‘friends’. i gained a crush on him again and since then I still do JSSKSKSK. this dude used to chase me in pe and throw dodgeballs at me and make me laugh and stuff so I DEF HAD A REASON. he made me smile and all of that cheesy romance stuff… i HAVENT seen him in like 6 months due to me doing online school now………. i still habe a crush on him. 8/10
okay these songs are first love/late spring and francis forever and bag of bones by mitski. last year I was SUCH A BIG mitski fan it’s actually crazy. okay so me and this dude were in a class together around the end of last year and we actually became best friends! me and him would text on the daily and all of that and we use to ft and make fun of each other and all of that and it was honestly such a good friendship (we had a pet rock together. we used to play fight in the class and I would send him outfits for me to wear out places and he’d help me choose and all of that). i had a crush on him since before the friendship started and so I gained a BIG FAT crush on this dude and it didn’t go away. so fast foreword like 2 months and he tells me he has a crush on my friend! (It was not good I cried for like a week listening to mitski the whole time). and so we went through all of that normal “omg DONT b a pussy and confess to her!” (while i stay quiet ab my crush ab him 💀). and then after like 2 more months I tell him and I’m like “hey i just want to lyk i have a crush on u and IK u aren’t looking for a relationship and I’m not either but I just want to let u know so it doesn’t get in the way of our friendship and I hope u see me the same”. he didn’t really care and we stayed friends. THEN AFTER LIKE A MONTH HE STARTED ACTING ALL WEIRD LIKE “goodnight 💗” AND LET ME SLEEP ON HIS SHOULDER ON THE BUS AND LIKE DID ALL THIS STUFF THAT MADE ME THINK HE LIKED ME (told me how pretty i was, send me hearts, hearts next to my contact name and so on.). this goes on until I find out he does it to like 4 other girls. I CRIED SO HARD U DONT UNDERSTAND. and so after thwt he gets kinda distant and I’m still trying to salvage our friendship and he keeps getting more and more distant until the new school year starts. OKAY SO NEW YEAR NEW ME NEW CRUSH RIGHT? no. WRONG! i still had a crush on this dude after like 6 and a half months and it just keeps going. so me and him keep talking (him kinda being distant but kinda back to normal) and then he starts getting HELLA distant. so then after that I go to my schools fb game and he happens to be there. this dude acts like he doesn’t know who i am until i pull out my bag of chips and I’m sharing with people. so after this I’m still trying to get his attention so I air smack him and turns out. THUS DUMB HOE DOESNT FLINCH. so I ended up smacking him REAL hard right in the face and breaking his glasses. (this happens again like 2 minutes after the first time…) and so he knows I was sorry and joking and I gave my bag of chips and fixed his glasses (they weren’t super broken like u could pop them back into place) and we r good. until he goes back to acting like i don’t exist. that right there was the moment I realized I  have lost feelings for this dude so I leave the game and I go home right and all is good. until like a whole semester later and it’s been like months since I didn’t like him anymore and all of that. and so after I go online and I get grounded for 6 months I get on my snapchat and I go onto this groupchwr I’m in with him and I say “hi everyone” and all of that and everyone says hi and then they decide to prank me and say “oh btw _____(him) is dating ______(my friend he used to like)” and I’m like “omg congrats for u guys” yada yada yada and then after an hour (I still believe it bc nb told me it was a joke) I start CRYING AB IT. and I’m so confused I’m like ‘why am I crying I don’t even like him?’ and then I vent to my cousin and she’s like “u still like him ur just not admitting it and that’s why ur sad” and I just keep denying it and everything. then in the end I throw away my feelings and replace them with hate and dislike and now I FR don’t fw him and I don’t like him and I don’t even want to breathe in his direction. this crush was a 2/10 because although I cried most of it and I was sad like the whole time we still had some good times and we still had those fun days and stuff and I don’t want those to go to waste so 2/10. (he didn’t go to my school this year btw)
(IK 99% of u mfs didn’t read half of that LMFAOSOAOSO)
okok next is poco loco from coco. ur ab to call me a homie hopper but… this dude is the last dudes best friend. okay basically I had a crush on him the mid-end of first semester bc he was just so… perfect? okay so me and this dude were kinda friends. we were in the same gc together and alla that so we talked. this dude was tall and nice to look at and funny and goofy. LITERALLY MY TYPE. so I had a crush on him and we slowly became more friends ever since my friend (a dif friend) broke up w him… so me and him are friends and nothing really happens between us tbh.. poco loco reminds me of him bc he’s a spanish speaker and he would like send me the lyrics of it sometimes and he would just b making fun of it and stuff. we also played a lot of imsg games… 4/10
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