#bc i’m losing my mind i’m so pissed abt it
mars-ipan · 2 years
oh my fucking god i hate having an anxiety disorder
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kissitbttr · 5 months
how would frat!mig be in a huge argument w his girl?? idk a part of me feels like he’d be lowk immature abt it. of course he makes up to her un the end bc i cant stand angst 👎👎🧌
oh very
“so that’s it? you’re not even going to talk to me?” miguel stares at your moving figure, who’s hastily picking up a fresh shirt from the dryer. “never realized i’m actually dating a child” he scoffs when you don’t answer to him,
before the two of you started dating, you already knew how many girls miguel had swept off their feet. the ex-girlfriends, the jealous glares, the talking in between groups. it does brings the greatest displeasure in you to witness all of that. but miguel’s top priority is to ease your worries, and he doesn’t want to lose you over something that’s not worth to be talked about.
but the thing is, miguel sometimes forget how to set boundaries. almost like he’s not even trying anymore.
like today during practice. when you were practicing your tumblings and routines whilst miguel did his football drills. your eyes fell upon a familiar blonde girl from the volleyball team making her way towards your boyfriend.
it’s not like you don’t allow miguel to talk with other girls, you’re not as insane. letting a girl touch and feel his biceps is another story. you don’t need a damn book to know what the girl’s intentions are. obviously she was being flirty. blinking her eyes up at him, subtly biting her lip though knowing he’s taken.
the girl was previously known to be acting like a total slut. not that you’re shaming her when it really is a fact. prances herself around other guys even though their taken. you and gloria shares the same mutual dislike towards her when she had told you how the blonde kept trying to get into beck’s pants. thankfully, beck knows how to handle it.
so you waited. waited and watched at how your boyfriend would respond. instead he did nothing. nothing but a smile on his face without brushing the girl’s touch. they carried on a small talk
it broke your heart. and to some, it may sound a little bit too exaggerated but they wouldn’t know for sure until their partner was being felt up by other people and them not doing anything about it.
you were about to make your way towards the two of them, wanting nothing but to rip that girl’s hair off of him but stopping when your coach calls you to inform the practice is starting soon,
your mind wasn’t at ease for one bit during practice.
“i’m a child for wanting to communicate over what happened today? yeah, sure. talk your fucking shit, o’hara” you reply to him, rolling your eyes as you furiously toss your other belongings into a bag. “a real keeper you are”
the sound of his last name falls upon your lips doesn’t feel right to him. sure, you may have called him that in a fun manner but he knows that this time you’re actually pissed.
and miguel is not an expert at expressing his feelings and emotions. he’s got a lot to learn. the only way he knows how it to use anger and frustrations, which is something that he should control. especially when he’s talking to you.
“por el amor de dios! are you serious? we’re still on about that?! get over it, muñeca. it’s not a big of a deal!” he exclaims, removing his shirt before throwing it away on the nearest chair of his room,
“not a big of a deal?!” your tone rising as you walk out of the bathroom to see him. “you let another girl felt you up, letting her get close to you and you said that it was nothing?! are you out of your mind!”
“veronica and i were just talking! am i not allowed to talk to other girls simply because i’m dating you? that’s quite ridiculous, baby” he chuckles but there’s no humor in it, almost like he’s mocking you. receiving a baffled look from you.
“stop putting words in my mouth, that’s not what i said! you missed the part where i said you were letting another girl touching you, when you already have a girlfriend!” you point at him, trying to get him to understand but it seems like it’s no use. seeing him only roll his eyes and dismissing your words with a wave of his hand. it furthers your already broken heart to more pieces,
“fucking immature little shit” you spit, going back to zip up your bag,
he laughs loudly at that, shaking his head. “look who’s talking!” he turns around to face you. “i can’t control the people that like me, sweetheart. what am i supposed to do with that?”
“you really are entitled and narcissistic” you laugh sadly, “maybe try setting up boundaries between people especially girls? ever thought of that?”
“ever thought about not being insecure and jealous all the time? may come off handy”
and that does it. the words just pierced right through your heart, making you stop your movements all together.
never thought in your life that miguel would be the one person to say all of that to you. is that how he views you as? a insecure girl?
is it wrong that you love your boyfriend so much that you want him all to himself and for him to learn how to listen to you?
“if that’s how you feel, then maybe we should just end it here” your eyes turning glossy, trying not to break down in front of him. “if you missed being flirted by other girls or flirting back to your flings, then i am not stopping you. so instead of making me feel like shit, calling me insecure, we should just see other people”
that’s not what miguel had expected you to say. his blood runs cold, face faltering at your suggestion because that is not what he wants. not at all.
hearing what he just said to you makes him want to crawl into a hole and let himself die. he didn’t mean it! he didn’t mean what he said, he’s just grown tired of this argument that he wanted nothing but to end it. yet instead of making you feel secured and listen to you, he chooses the latter.
holy fuck, o’hara what have you done?!
“wh—n-no! muñeca, I didn’t mean what i said, i did—“ he stutters, walking closer towards you only for you to step back. “baby please i wasn’t thinking—“
“exactly! you weren’t!” you yell, picking up your bag and getting ready to walk out of his room, the frat house and his life for good. “i’m giving you, your freedom card from now on”
this can’t be it, right? fuck, no, no, no
“you’re not leaving” he says while trailing you from behind, hands shaking at mind in scrambles at the thought of you walking out of him for good. “y/n please—please don’t leave me—i’m sorry—i—i cut off every girls on campus if you want me to, just stay—please” he tries to reach out to you but your pace is quicker while walking down the stairs, ignoring the looks from some of his frat brothers,
shaking your head, you try to ignore the pain in his voice. part of you wants to hug him and tell him that you won’t be going anywhere. but part of you realize that this time, you need to put yourself first. because as much as you love him, you love yourself more,
this is going to be painful.
“that’s not what i want you to do, i just— i can’t do this, miguel. at least not now” your head shaking, voice lowering to prevent the eavesdropping ears from the kitchen. “i—i need to think, for a while. competition is coming up and exams are too—everything is just so overwhelming. i think we need a break. i think you need a break”
“a break?! I don’t need a break. i need you” his voice cracking, tears welling up in his eyes as he gathers your hands quickly and pull them into his chest. “i love you, muñeca—please—i’m so sorry—i’ll do better i promise. just stay, por favor”
his eyes are pleading at you, staring intently into your eyes as his grip tighten around your smaller hands. for just one second, you almost cave in.
you smile sadly, “just give it a week or two, okay? and we’ll see after that”
but miguel doesn’t need a week or two. he doesn’t need to see after. he knows who he wants to spend the rest of his life with. he knows who he wants to marry. he knows who he wants to have his kids with.
and it’s always going to be you, no one else.
however looking at the state of you now, miguel has no right to force you to do anything. he cares too deeply about you,
so he complies,
“o-okay” he nods and agrees with a heavy heart. “if that’s what you want—i’ll give you space, but just know that you’re the only one that i want. the only girl i want to have by my side. keep that in mind, okay?”
a small smile appears on your lips, as you reach up in your tippy toes and give him a soft kiss on his cheek before you turn around and open the door. giving him one last look and walk out of the house, carrying his heart as you do.
miguel breathes out a shaky sigh, watching the door closes. his tears are rolling down his cheeks without him realizing.
without you here right now, what else is he supposed to do?
don’t worry, i’ll make these two make up :)) i just think that miguel needs to be humbled rn lmao
also, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated xx
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it’s 3am I woke up from a nightmare time to post abt my isat fanfic
really this is just notes abt chapter 1 of ouroboros (a not-quite postmortem if you will)
[spoilers for isat and twohats below the cut]
So if you couldn’t tell/didn’t know this fic actually takes place in the version of twohats where you lose the battle against loop! I’ve always kind of liked this version better? I think the emotional impact of loop deciding, even after having siffrin’s life literally within their grasp, that they don’t want to kill them hits so much harder for me. Also, feels a bit more realistic in the context of this fic as a sick/recovery fic. Siffrin definitely did NOT have enough energy to take on a fully-charged and pissed off Loop in their condition.
I’ll probably make a larger post about siffrins physical condition in this fic later, but in the case of chapter 1 there’s a few fun things to note. One is that siffrin’s handle on pain is kinda fucked! “Not as bad as it could have been” is pretty literal in this case. I think they’re simultaneously very desensitized to recognizing and acknowledging their pain but also prone to being acutely aware of it when it’s in tandem with their shitty mental state. When they’re Being Normal it kind of fades into the background buzz, but when they’re spiraling and can feel how close they are to falling apart I imagine it’s a lot more overwhelming and obvious.
the stars and ocean connection to the forgotten island has been pointed out before but I’m being a little more heavy handed with this fic bc. In my mind the reverence for the stars goes hand in hand with the idea of an island where the ocean has a major impact on the daily life??? The idea of stars being used to guide sailors comes to mind, but also the idea of vastness, reflections, and a “void” feeling also feel right. A lot of naval navigation tools have a lot to do with physics, astronomy, and atmospheric stuff, and given the island’s technological and scientific method of displaying the universe I don’t think it’s too far fetched to extend that to the ocean as well!
CARRYING SIFFRIN. BRIDAL STYLE. Isabeau is so fun to write????? I don’t think I expected to enjoy his chapter as much as I did. Reaaaaly leaning into Freaksabeau energy but also. I think a lot about how Isa feels has such a strong protective and comforting personality? Throughout the game it’s expressed a lot, but the fact that it comes out of his deep childhood insecurities makes it feel all the more painful… not to mention that siffrin targeted these insecurities pretty harshly! Even if Isa forgives him, I imagine that it’s very hard for him not to internalize it. He’s a coward, and he knows it, but having someone acknowledge that and show how it can hurt others and himself is an entirely different beast. Hence why Isa ruminates a lot over it during his section.
Odile is THE #1 isafrin shipper. She’s also homophobic/j
Bonnie. Boniface. Bon Bon. My heart and soul. Writing them is so fun. I know a lot of people (me included) have trouble with them, bc writing kids can be hard. Still, I have such a deep respect for their characterization that I really spent a lot of time making sure they felt right. In this case, it was acknowledging that they are!!! NOSY!!! Like many kids are!!! But not maliciously, just out of worry and curiosity! They’re not dumb either! They know that siffrin’s whole situation is fucked- maybe not the fullest extent of understanding, yes, but they seem to grasp the seriousness, even if it is through the forever school metaphor. It was also kinda important for me to show that they take their role in the party as Tonic Carryer and Chef Cooker VERY SERIOUSLY. Odile complimenting them on their foresight is feels all the more genuine that way.
I think by now we all kinda realize that. The idea of camping out in the clock tower. Where siffrin spent countless sleepless nights mulling over their sins. While maybe marginally better than being forced to stay in the house, is…. An oversight, to say the least. See chapter 5 for more context on that. It’s better, yeah but only by proxy of not having hundreds of deaths associated with it.
I’m also gonna be focusing a lot on the inter-party dynamics outside of siffrin in this fic! Because!!! The friendships of the others mean a lot to me!!! Odile and Isabeau’s friendship comes up the most in this chapter; I think Odile has a bit of an inkling about Isabeau being a bit smarter than he lets on, and even if she spends a larger portion of their interactions in game teasing him for his crush, I also think that they have a pretty close bond for Odile to feel comfortable being the one that isabeau goes to about his feelings. So I thinks he has a better read on him as a whole, and does her best to keep him from spiraling.
Bonnie and Isa also come to mind- they aren’t talked about nearly as much as I think they should be???? Like, Bonnie sees Isa as a younger sibling (which. Stares in Middle-Child Isa Enjoyer), and Isa is the other person who uses Bon Bon, which is a pretty important nickname in the context of Bonnie’s character??? They have less interactions than the rest of the party but I like to think that Isa humors Bonnie a lot and also sees them like a younger sibling which makes their whole teasing and nagging dynamic all the more realistic to me!
ah, the Favor Tree Void Space. My sweet beloved. My magnum opus of imagery in this fic. In my mind, this represents Siffrin’s subconscious connection to The Universe and wishcraft, even after the loops. Favor Trees are obviously something culturally important for The Universe (given that the wishes it grants are so powerful and that the book detailing all wishcraft rituals has a favor tree on the cover), so I thought that it would be fitting to place it here. It’s simultaneously part of siffrin’s trauma from the loops, but also a safe space, a haven offered by Loop where they can simply just. Be. At least for a little while, anyways. Also drew back to the ocean/sky imagery with the ground having some kind of water qualities.
writing about the stars, I emphasize the idea of their??? Aliveness very often. As facets of the universe, thousands of granted and ungranted wishes, an audience and plot device in one. I can’t say much on them in this chapter, mainly bc I go a little more into it chapter 3 and onwards, but keep in mind the idea of music and the chorus of a theatre production, as well as a captive audience. That’s kinda the vibes.
anyhoo- I’m tired again. Gonna try and sleep a bit more before work! toodles!
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
heyyy, i’m back!! i hope u’ve been doing welll🥰
so, i saw a post the other day about dark! ghoap, and now i’m curious as to what UR thoughts abt this couple would be. because it’s vampire! soap and slasher! ghost 🌞, and since you’re basically a walking prodigy when it comes to intense cod content (which i absolutely adore btw💕💕), i figured ur input would rlly help broaden my perspective on it and allat— especially since i kind of wanna make a fic surrounding this particular ship. ignore if this makes uncomfy pls!!
omg hey, tysm babe!!! ily!!! i can't tell if you're asking two questions here or not, but im a yapper so i'll answer both just in case :)
vampire soap and slasher ghost is actually sooooo fascinating to me bc it's kinda like a provider dynamic to the 100th power. pls pls let me know if you write/post this!
i'd love to see maybe baby vampire soap, who's still not used to his power and his hunger and has a very bad habit of mutilating his victims and leaving them for the police, together with experienced serial killer ghost who's pissed another killed has moved into his territory. could do something a little funny with ghost finally finding soap and being like... a cannibal? while soap is losing his mind over this guy finding out he's a vampire
could also do something where ghost kills for soap (bc he doesn't want his boy's hands getting dirty <3) but takes the bodies back for soap to drain and glut himself on. very much like a knight killing for his king dynamic, but it also keeps soap reliant on ghost for his meals
my thoughts about dark ghoap are a lot more broad lmao. i think ghost and soap are intense but in polar opposite ways - ghost is the unmovable object to soap's unstoppable force. in a ghoap/reader, i think that manifests in a really overwhelming way. but in just regular ol' ghoap, it's just two fucked up people both trying to dominate their relationship, and one of them is coming out on top - for me, that'll always be ghost.
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genuine question since you've spent so much time thinking about jujutsu kaisen – how do you think jujutsu kaisen should end? what would be your ideal ending to the series?
WAHHHHHH THIS IS THE TOUGHEST QUESTION EVER ANON :(((((((((((( i’ve thought abt it a bit but… it’s kind of hard to visualize……..
(jjk spoilers under the cut obviously)
OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL. if akutami doesn’t bring back gojo + nobara + kenny i will Genuinely be upset :)))) i feel like leaving nobara’s death undisclosed forever is like …. Unforgivable from a writing standpoint yk?? kenny and gojo aren’t as bad in that regard but with those two my issue is that their deaths feel SO unsatisfying. i don’t think gojo is Actually Dead at all but i think kenny might be and that pisses me off bc ???? he has SO much potential as a character that’s been hinted at but not explored ?????? so that would just suck. in general i really love akutami’s writing but!!! i need my girls back.
BUT YEAH SORRY TANGENT ASIDE …… when it comes to the Actual Ending i . honestly don’t have many thoughts??? i can’t tell where the story is going 😭 i definitely think yuji or megumi will die, and. honestly….. i think yuji dying would be a good ending. I LOVE HIM I PROMISE 😔😔 he’s my baby i just think it would objectively be kind of cool. considering his death was planned from the very start and him escaping death has led to misfortune for the people around him. so it feels fitting for yuji to chose death himself at the end ….. but at the same time it still doesn’t feel quite right? i really can’t picture all first years + gojo surviving, so maybe megumi will die after all…? he def has the biggest death flag in the cast rn </3
on the other hand, maybe both megumi and yuji will survive, and the series will end on a more hopeful note…? :’3 i think the ending will be hopeful either way and that’s what i’d prefer. jjk has always been a hopeful series even though it’s so dark and cynical at times….. the first volume literally ends with ”love” defeating ”justice”, i don’t think for a second that akutami would go against all that just to be contrarian or whatnot!! so i def have high hopes for the ending but i can’t really visualize it at all 😭😭
WAITT one more thing. my personal theory is that gojo will come back to life at the cost of his six eyes, and i think that could lead to the balance of the world being ”restored” (since it was his birth and power that led to curses growing so much stronger)… with that in mind one ending could be gojo surviving but losing considerable power, which would be the happiest ending for him too. he’d get the chance to exist as satoru gojo instead of the strongest, and he’d be able to lean on all his students and comrades!!! so that’s the kind of ending i’d prefer. :3 as long as gojo survives i’m happy!!!!
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i520u · 11 months
PREVIOUS ANON HERE… CHAT I WAS NAWT LYING WHEN I SAID ID WRITE THAT ESSAY 🔥🔥 jk it’s like a paragraph but nobody gets gyuvin like i do fr bc when he said “i missed us” that was so… like yeah yk… like lil bro fr missed his friends and had to settle w MISOGYNISTIC MEN!… but now they’re back together and i’m so 😢😢 like it’s so refreshing bc when star crossed finished i was like NOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOO and ngl i fr cried… like Tears went down my cheeks. IN FACT I POSTED TO MY INSTA SPAM ABT HOW I JUST READ THIS FIRE STORY THAT MADE ME CRY AND SOMEONE SLID UP AND WAS LIKE OH WHAT BOOK LIKE HOW FO I SAY IT WAS A FANFIC! That’s how yk that shit good 💯💯 anyways ricky and gunwook being so genuinely distraught over losing gyuvin was so insanely heartbreaking to me bc it’s like. had it not been for the miscommunications!!!!!! BUT now they’re back like WE R SOOOOO BACK!!!!!! and yujin who is the realest is back in forever contact w gyuvin like everything is coming back together for gyuvin slowly jm 😢 so 💧💧 happy 😭😭 for 😓😓 him 🥹….. But also sungchan is abt to PISS ME TF OFFFFF i need gyuvin to get the facts straight w y/n bc sungchan is not abt to ruin end game rn… BUT ALSO im a Wee bit excited to see how it’s gonna play out when ricky’s y/n finds out / meets sanfran y/n LIKE WHATS SHE GONNA DO HOWS SHE GONNA ACT… WHAG HAPPENS WHEN GANG GETS TOGETHER LIKEEEE idk. idk. but these 2 fics r literally mind bogglingly good Pls never stop writing I will KISS ur fanfics Like u deserve the biggest kiss on the cheek for these 🔥🔥 Erm but Yeah! That’s the essay u may have been Waiting for 😊😊😊
also… i have bad news… currently i don’t have any intention for ricky y/n to meet gyuvin y/n solely because it might be confusing to write and i’d have to give the two y/ns actual character depths and it wouldn’t be much of a reader insert anymore 💔
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attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
i’m on fire w/ these mfking garroth posts
but in the long post i mentioned how garte would scold garroth and vylad if they interacted w/ each other when they got older and i wna elaborate a bit on that just for self-indulgence
garte’s someone who values his family image a lot, it’s why after vylad was born, he rarely let zianna out nor vylad. and he’d refuse to let them both out at the same time. for zianna it was also a punishment for cheating on him, she ruined his perfect family plans and so now, to keep her from seeing anyone else, he made sure that he knew the movement of anyone who interacts with her. when other’s would ask abt zianna he’d just mention that she’s sick and suffering from depression after the death of her third child (yes, vylad is pronounced dead bc ppl would immediately figure out vylad was not their child if anyone saw). with vylad, it’s pretty self explanatory why he won’t let vylad out, and also he’s prone to get sick easily.
anyway- MY POINT IS! garte would rather make up some stories, prevent his own family’s happiness than lose the image of a caring husband and his family who seem to love him so much. (i’d explain why lying about zianna explains this but it’ll throw me off topic im sorry uiefgweu)
it doesn’t matter if the people he’s showing this image to is the workers in the castle or passerby’s, he refuses to lose this image, to lose all his hard work as the a powerful lord in control. THAT’S ANOTHER THING. he loves control, and seeing other people go against him just makes him lose his fucking mind
but YEAH- when garte sees his favorite son, his prized possesion even, interact with a child that isn’t even his own yet freeloading in his castle, it pisses him off. he doesn’t like it!! he tries to break it up and makes sure they do not interact.
i think this is why garroth and vylad split apart around this time. garroth feels guilty for interacting with vylad bc everytime he does, he reminds garte that vylad exists and tries to make vylad’s life impossible. i’m sure that garte even does this on purpose, to hit garroth’s weakness just to separate them, to keep them from interacting with each other.
i think this fuels kinda.. vylad’s sort of jealousy? garroth’s the golden child of the family, because of garte’s attitude towards him, both zane and vylad never get the attention they want from their parents. in turn, zane feels the need to impress garte more, to hopefully one day get his approval (which garte takes advantage of) and vylad just starts to hate garte as well, wishing he were dead and shit
and that’s............... all i have again- im literally making no sense bc im just spilling out all the thoughts in my brain- i feel like i was making a point then got derailed by another thought and then derailed again- it happens too many time im so soz
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lilicohirukoma · 2 years
Dead Meat Horror Awards liveblog cuz why not
- fuck yeah production budget, love the ghostface intro
- masters of scare-monies lmaooo
- fr the movies this year were sooo good and agreed horror needs more recognition
- i am fucking this cheeseburger UP Chef Slowik would be proud
- yay for the montage, i got lots of movie recs with it last year
- which also means nay for not naming the movies in the montage like they did last year
- but yeah hoping for at least one award for Black Phone, The Menu and Orphan (Nope and X too)
- damn he lost an ear????
- I don't understand a lot abt stunts so no strong opinions, shout out to all nominees
- admitting to a horror sin: I don't like Scream
- we are only on the second category and I finished my food 😔 shouldve listened to the guide and gotten some popcorn
- again idk a lot abt digital effects so shout out to all the nominess
- shout out to all the nominees in general it's just that I have stronger opinions on other categories
- I want to watch Werewolf by Night now
- Yup Nope deserved it, didn't consider Gordy as a digital effect so makes sense in hindsight
- Girl I hauled ass downstairs and back to put away my empty plate. My roommates probably thought I was getting chased by a demon
- I almost voted for X bc Dutch people were involved lol
- Understandable win, congrats Mad God
- Are these awards only for movies? If no why no Chucky noms?
- Art the Clown-Bolton
- Is that Pete Davidson?
- Love The Menu but their kills were a bit meh
- But yeah Jeremy vs Star Lasso for me
- DAVE GROHL??? I need to watch Studio 666 now
- Deserved win
- Love me a crazy cult leader, wouldn't mind seeing Slowik win
- I voted for Pearl bc she is more likely to win (and would deserve the win) but god please Esther
- Grabber was slay too but not the best of the year imo
- Mia Goth's voice takes me out every time it's so unexpected
- Girl what........ what..... seriously?
- No shade to everyone involved w Art but... what the fuck really?
- Put me in the In Memoriam I'm pissed
- Didn't know some of these people died, for all: Rest in Peace/May their memory be a blessing
- when are we getting a podcast episode on AHS
- oh damn this category is getting tough already
- yeah I'm okay with anyone winning good job y'all
- oh damn we are already 45 minutes in
- congrats Rory
- Ok y'all can make it right give it to Mia
- Barbara Krampton ❤️
- Hearing the word Creepypasta in 2023 snatched my soul out of my body I need a moment
- Oooo I'm gonna have to watch Sissy
- I love Regina Hall so might have to watch Master too
- Mia or Amber OR ELSE /j
- I love Keke tho!!
- I am SO curious to see what Jordan Peele is going to do next
- Hope it goes to Ti West tho
- Okay yeah Jordan deserves it too
- We already got this horror needs to be appreciated speech
- Idk of I like this long list of nominees, I find myself losing interest a lot and that is a disservice to the nominees
- Istg if it's Halloween Ends-
- Aren't all of these movies American? Why are they now suddenly mentioning nationalities?
- But yeah Orphan isn't going to win but I want it to
- Pearl's dad deserved better
- Chad's Revenge looks really fun I'm gonna have to watch this one too
- Not Scream Not Scream Not Scream
- Oh he did actually stop. My power 💅
- Pearl is just that girl!!
- Love Mike Flanagan 💜
- I hope the Black Phone wins, this movie had me in awe in the cinema
- Yeah idk Fresh just doesn't interest me
- Considering Nope won fan I hope it won't win
- DUTCH?? Alright I'll watch Speak No Evil
- Are you.... for real?? Way to end the ceremony on a low note
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commaclear · 2 years
hello there!!!! i stayed up all night last night reading all of htid and breakup algebra and for that i say fuck you and also thank you so much bc this is now one of my favorite fics ever!!!!!
(interestingly enough another notable time i read a fic in this manner it was ALSO an extremely gay single dad au in which the dad falls in love w the kid’s teacher. fic from a completely unrelated small fandom)
i have many thoughts and comments that i will share once they are actually coherent, it for now i have a question (feel free to ignore for spoilers’ sake): does q know about wil cheating on sally? bc it kinda seems like something that would come up after sally told funny everything in the hospital. did he actually cheat on sally or was there some kind of misunderstanding bc so far we’ve only heard sally’s version of this part of the story??? (and it seems like every time we learn something about wil and sally’s relationship/divorce we then learn more information from the other perspective)
(also kinda wondering how wil’s cheating may or may not relate to his being gay, wil not fully understanding that side of why his relationship w sally wasn’t working and then realizing (on some level) that it was probably more to do with him and women than with sally in particular…)
also he mentioned that he knows he did stuff that pissed her off, so i wonder if his cheating was a way of (subconsciously) trying to bring about the end of things with her…
ok this was super long but the brainrot is REAL
thanks so much for your hard work on this fic it’s SOOOOOO good!!!!!
- 🌈 (i’m new to your blog but it’s likely i’ll continue losing my mind over your fics in your askbox if you’re ok with that)
Hello!!!!! Welcome to the blog/brainrot zone, very nice to have you here, please make yourself at home and try not to trip over the foreshadowing
In short, yes Wilbur did cheat (mostly to hurt Sally bc he was so miserable, though he was also trying to feel less broken abt sex in general) and it's something he is deeply ashamed of. Quackity doesn't know about it, and I seriously doubt Wilbur would ever willingly admit to it
Please do fill my inbox with anything you want to talk abt, the whole reason I have this blog is to share in the brainrot bc I have it just as bad (if not worse) as all of yall <3 <3 <3
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leossmoonn · 3 years
hello, i had this thought earlier about being with matt and foggy and you know, the gang, when the power goes out. you don't know about his abilities, but when you hear some sound that makes you jump, you subconciously reach for matt and he just tries to act like it's not a big deal but inside he's losing his mind that you got scared and instantly wanted to be protected by him of all people
Yes yes yes yes yes
Just the thought of protecting you makes Matt so happy and giddy on the inside.
Okay but yes, so you’re at the office and suddenly the power goes out. You’re like
“What the hell? Now I can’t microwave my burrito.”
Lmao and foggy is also pissed bc now he can’t play the google dinosaur game on his computer. Karen is pissed bc she can’t read articles she was reading for research and Matt is just like 🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻‍♂️ tryna figure out what was the source of the power outage
You’re trying to walk into Matt’s office bc you’re lowk scared of the dark lol. You keep running into things (same), but then you hear this like, crash right down the hall. That’s when you reach out for Matt’s hand.
“Matt? Matt? Where are you?” You ask, your voice shaking with fear.
“I-I’m right here.” He walks over to you no problem and you immediately slip your hand into his. You wrap your arms around his arm, hugging him close. “Sorry. I’m kind of afraid of the dark.”
Ugh and as cute as you are rn, he’s freaking the hell out. He’s like pretty girl is holding my hand. Pretty girl is holding my hand. PRETTY GIRL IS HOLDING MY HAND!!!!!!!!!!
Omg and since you’re so close to him, he can smell your perfume and shampoo which also drive him insane. And your hand fits perfectly with his and your skin is so soft and warm. He just wants to hold you and try to ease your anxiety.
UGH but he also is freaking out bc you wanted to be protected by him. Like out of all people, him. And you don’t even know abt him enhanced abilities and martial arts background, so it’s even more of a surprise to him. But ahhh he’s literally screaming into the void in his mind bc he can’t believe you feel safe with him. Like literallt that’s all he ever wants if for you to feel safe and protected, and if he gives you that feeling, then he doesn’t need anything else in this world
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nirvanai · 2 years
Would you rather Tearer has half of Ryuki's brother's face instead of a grey carapace? Or Ryuki's brother having never existed and Ryuki is suffering some severe Mandela Effect?
not gonna lie I saw a fanart of tearer with half of ryuki’s brother’s face on twitter a while ago and that au concept has lived rent free in my mind ever since (can’t find the link rn but if anyone can pls leave it in a reply bc its Great and ppl should get to see it). Its the absolutely perfect delightfully fucked up sort of angst that I think could be really fun. the idea of his brother having never actually existed is an interesting one, but I feel like it’d end up sorta removing some of the impact of a lot of his motivation and stuff, if that makes sense? He’s living for the memory of his brother, so having that all fake would be kinda less interesting to me.
with that first concept though. oh man. oh boy. it could be So much. given the resources that naix had, it’s not impossible to conceptualize, just. extremely super fucked up. (which... fits Naix pretty well considering the shit chikara and tokiko were willing to do lmao stealing half the face of a dead teen wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility for those two).
(it got long again so the rest under a cut. also edit: found the tweet i was thinking about! cw eye horror/alcohol in the link)
like first of all. just imagine a version of ryuki’s confrontation with tearer 6 years ago at the cathedral where he found that out. he shoots at tearer and breaks half of his mask- the opposite half that date shoots. and you see ryuki’s own face. like. that would Ruin Him even before hitting him with the EM waves to take tama out.
Or alternatively, that confrontation goes the same, but rather than date and bibi seeing “Jin’s” face, they see “Ryuki’s” face- especially considering we literally just saw ryuki and tearer talking face to face, it’d be... the exact sort of wild insane plot twist i would not put past Uchikoshi lmao.
so while the player is just absolutely losing their mind over “what the fuck did ryuki’s twin survive somehow” the story keeps moving on, and then you find the half a body in the cathedral, and its “ryuki”. so there’s that moment of “WHAT THE FUCK NO-” before you realize its uru and great googly moogly its all gone to shit.
shoutouts to that meaning ryuki would basically have to see his brother’s dead body. Again. but this time its his face being worn by a serial killer, the exact sort of person Yukuto wanted to Stop. that would be, uh, deeply upsetting to someone like him! I will say, if anything, I feel like it’d make Ryuki just hate Tearer even more- like, he already hates criminals. Knowing that a very dangerous and violent criminal had literally stolen his brother’s face? Oh Man would that piss him off.
It’d also be very interesting to see how that could further play around with Amame and Ryuki’s relationship and parallels- how she views him and thinks of him, having killed someone with half a face that looked just like his. Would she hate him for thinking he’d related to Tearer? Or would she freak out a bit more, feeling like she’s being haunted by the person she killed? Plenty of interesting options. 
Also I just. would Desperately hope that the epilogue would include more talk between ryuki and the mizukis and them like... checking in to make sure he’s ok. like. christ that’s some additional trauma to add to the trauma pile. it’d be a very interesting way to link Ryuki back to Horadori more though.
Honestly if we get a DLC or a third game I’m very curious if Uchikoshi has any more plans to expand upon Ryuki’s past. the fact that he’s suggested a name for his twin but hasn’t actually committed to one (and specifically stated its not Canon), plus a handful of older twitter replies abt ppls thoughts on ryuki, makes me hope so. I’d really love to see more about him he’s so interesting. 
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
eren would be such a brat abt it too. “i’ve been a good boy i deserve it. i need it. you said you’d give me whatever i wanted. you promised. you promised.” his eyes are crazed
why u want someone to piss on you so bad eren. calm down. literally near tears bc of it. locking his legs around u even if he knows he’ll get in trouble for it later. you told him to wait but he cant or he wont. “please. show me i’m yours c’mon please please please” so mindless over this LMAO pls eren ur pathetic is showing n its so cute
i want to desperately pretend i answered this normally but when i tell you i sat in my bed and stared at this ask for like . minutes long periods trying to control my reaction. im losing my mind. this has NO business making me feel like that. but you've framed it in such a way that it's making me itchy
it's. i have 100% sadism on my bdsm score and degrader so seeing this felt like getting my ass kicked. feels like getting my nuts crushed in a hydraulic press for empty soda cans. i want him so bad im going to fucking die
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
to anyone else reading this ofc Bako would love you and he honestly could care less abt looks but in my personal opinion, you would be the prettiest paring CAl omfgggg. the skin tones and brunette with his spiky blonde and your glasses... dear god he would LOSE HIS FUCKIN MIND call you a nerd to tease you but when he's fucking into you he admits its the cutest thing and your the most precious thing alive, and he fucks you and coos when your glasses slip off.
can you.... *holds the mic out* can you say it louder for me...
im actually... i had the urge to hoard this.... and keep it in my pocket... maybe make it my phone background if i'm feeling frisky... but this.... this made me... viscerally horny goodbye.
no bc... im going to think about this until i die.... bakugou bullying the fuck out of me and teasing me because he likes me so much, gets me stuffed on his big cock n coos at me when i cry. tells me that he thinks im so pretty n that i'm so cute that it pisses him off. that he just had to fuck me, couldn't wait to get me on his dick....
sobbing into my cereal. this has been devastating... why isn't he real....
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eurydicees · 3 years
theatre club au time!!! i’m back with the romeo and juliet edition of “eurydicees just write the fucking fic instead of daydreaming about it” 
theatre club au hcs are also here: part one and part two!! 
disclaimer: there was absolutely no editing nor proofreading here, i’m watching romeo + juliet and haven’t read the real script in years, and i really don’t know what i’m talking about
so. for the fall show, one year, they decide to do romeo and juliet, because obviously, you know? 
renge directs, kyoya is her stage manager
hikaru is romeo, haruhi is juliet; tamaki is mercutio, kaoru is benvolio; idk about the rest of the cast, let’s pretend they don’t matter for the sake of this list (filing the rest of the cast list under: problems for when i actually write this stupid fic) 
honey is on lighting, mori is on set and stage combat, mei is on props and costumes, kasanoda is on sound 
so in the ouran theatre club, there’s not really a big rivalry between techies and actors because there’s only a few of them, so they all switch between roles so often (ex. kaoru is 50% actor and 50% costumes; tamaki is 50% actor, 50% director) 
HOWEVER. then, right before the fall production of r&j, hikaru says some dumbass comment about actors having more work to do than techies, and being more important, etc. etc. some bullshit like that
and this causes a HUGE rift in between the techies and the actors for this show specifically— they’re all mad at each other bc of this comment; kaoru is pissed at his brother, kyoya thinks that tamaki endorsed said comment, hikaru isn’t sure why he said it in the first place, haruhi thinks this is all ridiculous but kaoru is being an asshole about it and so they’re mad at him; etc. etc. 
so this show is uh. not coming together very well, because no half wants to work with the other half, and none of them are talking to each other 
then. THEN. THEN. THEN. 
tamaki and kyoya fall in love. 
they start a secret affair together, telling no one, because they know that everyone in the club is mad at everyone else, and saying that they’re dating is just gonna add fuel to the fire, especially bc it’s an actor/sm relationship, which is a bit weird (it’s high school, though, so whatever. once this all blows over, they’ll be a #powercouple) 
things come to a head during one rehearsal, where they’re doing mercutio’s death scene 
so tamaki is acting. he’s going all out. like. he’s giving this speech as if it’s the last performance he’ll ever give. it’s brilliant. beautiful. stan. 
and when he’s done, mei makes some comment about it “needing lights to make it look any good,” as if he can’t make it good on his own, and tamaki is so hurt by this. like. so hurt. 
renge calls for the end of rehearsal, bc hikaru is abt to like. go to war in defense of tamaki’s acting, and kaoru is just mad at hikaru, so he’s also ready to argue (bc they’re at a good enough place in their relationship to do that!!!) 
kyoya, in an attempt to cheer him up, brings tamaki out for dinner, but they have to be discreet, so they go to some commoner place. this is where all the pining Hits. then they finally, finally, actually start dating. 
as we go through the rehearsal and production meeting process, the scenes that they rehearse are interspersed with fluffy scenes of tamakyo falling in love, idk how all that would get worked in right, but it would make it in there because fuck it, yk? 
the rivalry was kind of simmering for a while, but then they doing their stop and go rehearsal, which is always an rip, but here it’s the first time in a hot sec that the entire production team and the actors are in the same room 
the actors keep goofing off and moving around, so honey can’t get things quite where he needs them; the actors are talking loudly, so kasanoda is fucked (but too shy to say something abt it, until mori tells honey, who tells renge, who stands up for them all)
and a (verbal) fight breaks out— kyoya, the eversuffering sm is losing his mind over here. 
he is done with this shit 
so he calls hold, and renge gives a speech about cooperation, and then everyone kind of shuts down. no on is having fun with being in theatre anymore. kasanoda is two insults away from quitting. mei is two broken seams away from physically fighting someone. 
things are not going well 
after rehearsal, tamaki and kyoya have their standing secret date night at some commoner’s place, idk where yet, we’ll figure that out when this actually gets written as a fic, and then. that’s when they get caught. 
it’s renge who finds them— and she’s angry. she goes on this whole rant about professionalism. the stage manager cannot be dating an actor. it’s a conflict of interest. it’s unprofessional. it’s scandalous. she will not have it in her theatre. 
then tamaki points out. that she is here on a date with haruhi. 
fuckin’ hypocrite. 
the four of them have a cute double date bc fuck it. i make the rules now. and they realize that this is bullshit and they’re never going to pull together a show if they keep on arguing like this
but they don’t really know how to fix it???? 
it eventually kind resolves itself when renge, who cannot keep a secret for the life of her, accidentally reveals that she and haruhi are dating— they’re in the dressing room, and renge just kisses them, not realizing that kaoru and mei are arguing over kaoru’s costume in there
everyone is very upset for a moment, until they crack because kaoru and mei are both kinda hopeless romantics, and a star-crossed love is exactly what they needed to make the show come together
meanwhile, tamaki and hikaru are practicing mercutio’s queen mab monologue (for the #drama of the moment), and kyoya is taking notes or w/e, and when they pause, hikaru asks abt tamaki’s inspiration for his acting and what feelings he’s drawing on 
and tamaki is just like *looks at kyoya* “i have my own love” 
i’m gonna be honest i super worked myself into a hole here and i have absolutely no idea how to end this
unlike shakespeare, i cannot kill off all the characters in order to have a resolution to my work 
taking suggestions for an ending i guess. anything would be better than whatever this mess is rn
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asterekmess · 4 years
honestly, my fury at the lack of werewolf culture/history/worldbuilding is worthy of its own post. Let me know if by some ungodly chance, you actually wanna hear my thoughts on it // Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
ohmygod yes, pls, enable me.
I think I mentioned b4 that Teen Wolf hates werewolves.
This is a show about werewolves like, yeah, sure, they do other plots and stuff. But the main character is a werewolf. The vast majority of the cast are werewolves (at least in the first half of the show). But think about it. What do we actually know about werewolves? They uhh, they shift on the full moon. But like, what about the full moon? Cus’ Scott gets handcuffed to a radiator and he doesn’t shift and break out until the moon comes out from behind the clouds and he screams like it’s excruciatingly painful for him. But then Derek and his Betas are underground during their full moon, and they shift like it’s all fine and dandy (they’re furious, but there’s no pain) and it doesn’t matter whether they can see the moon or not. They, uhh, they’re allergic to wolfsbane/it’s poisonous to them (btw it’s poisonous to literally everyone, just the scent of it is enough to cause seizures and hallucinations in humans. It’s a whole other frustration that they won’t make up their fucking minds abt it. It’s one thing to say that this is some parallel universe where wolfsbane doesn’t poison humans (bc lydia makes them hallucinate with the punch but injesting that much wolfsbane should kill you, and Stiles straight pulls a plant out of the ground; should’ve caused itching, burning, a cough, nausea, fever, headache and More hallucinations) and yet Jackson has to see a doctor and gets told he’s got Aconite Poisoning. So WHAT IS THE TRUTH?) but apparently not enough for Derek not to be able to plant a wolfsbane plant and massive cord of roots (which he would’ve had to tie together himself) in a revenge spiral around Laura’s body. But just being around it causes wolves to lose control. But also there’s supposed to be different strains that do different things? And also sometimes you burn the wolfsbane and it becomes the cure, or you have to burn it out of them or you just cut it out of them? Make UP Your MIND or at least ACKNOWLEDGE that different strains do different things. They get stronger on a full moon. But does that mean they get infinitely stronger with every full moon they experience? Does that mean they get weaker during new moons? They’re stronger in packs. Okay, but they never establish what the fuck a pack is. Is it an agreement? Is it a magical bond? Scott just sort of says people are in his pack. Does that mean they are? Do the humans he knows make him stronger? Just how strong is this bond? Derek makes a claim that “You have your own pack now” so is that a joke, was he mocking scott? Or is he saying that there’s no need for an Alpha and just being a beta with some friends counts as a pack? Apparently they have some kind of...animal magnetism or mind control? Derek uses a funny voice and a guy wakes up from a near coma to look at him with seemingly no control. Peter can force Scott to shift up. Derek forces Isaac to shift down. Derek has an insane amount of control over dogs and makes one lose its fucking mind from like a hundred feet away? Scott makes one calm down, but derek sends attack dogs running with their tails between their legs. Is it actual control or is it just a persuasion? Is it just intimidation? I haven’t even gotten to culture. You’re telling me that we get an entire episode of Allison discovering the entire story behind the Argent clan’s origins as werewolf hunters, why they started, how her name means Silver and apparently that’s where the entire myth of silver hurting werewolves comes from, but we don’t get to know anything about the first werewolves? Where they come from? If they’re a form of evolution or just straight magic or if it’s a curse or a gift from the gods? There’s an entire hidden werewolf population with packs all over the world, but somehow there’s literally no wolf culture? No moon worship? No specific terminology (Alpha, Beta, and Omega are terms used by a really fucking stupid biologist who studied frantic wolves in captivity and cast aspersions on the entire species. He’s been disproven a Thousand Times. NONE of that Alpha, Beta, Omega shit is right. Packs aren’t Hierarchies of Dominance. They’re families. They’re led by two wolves, yes, an “alpha pair” that’s literally JUST THE PARENTS. THE ‘BETAS’ ARE THEIR KIDS. This terminology makes sense if used by HUNTERS who consider werewolves to be mindless dumb animals. WHY THE FUCK would werewolves use it to DESCRIBE THEMSELVES?) besides the absolute minimum of ‘I caught a scent?’ Are you serious? Then there’s werewolf ages. Oh my god that was so fucking lazy. Saying that werewolves don’t age like humans, but that Cora is seventeen “by human standards” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I’ve seen theories that go so many different ways. The idea that Werewolves live really long lives because of the superhealing. The idea that they live really short lives because their healing just burns through their body really quickly. The idea that their lifespan is directly correlated to the amount of damage they take because they can only heal so much, so wolves who get hurt a lot age faster than wolves who don’t. There’s NO explanation! You’d think it might be an interesting point for Scott to find out that he’s gonna live to fucking 200 years old. (How old is Satomi again?) That sounds like something a Teenager would be daunted by. We see them make fun of Stiles a few times because he believes werewolf myths about silver, and then because he believes Peter when Peter tells him he lives in a series of underground caves. But like...why not? THESE ARE WEREWOLVES why did you just make them humans with extra facial hair? Where are the traditional mating rituals (or even the concept of a mate/life partner, can you imagine how interesting that would’ve been? If Scott found out Allison was his mate? Or if he suddenly had all these weird urges around her, like rubbing their foreheads together or cuddling her way too much or wanting to bring her food? That would’ve been fascinating and hilarious as subplots for their romance!) where are the full moon runs or pack get-togethers? Where are the aversions to perfumes or cologne? Where are literally any animal behaviors besides AGGRESSION? Where is the den-making? Can werewolves eat fast food or does the grease bug them? Talia was a famous Alpha bc she could full shift. Does anyone know why she could do that? “Evolution” is a bullshit answer, let’s be real. It’s shitty writing and it put Derek through so much more than he deserved. THEY ACCIDENTALLY ESTABLISHED that ALL HALES can full-shift! IT’s NOT EVOLUTION. It’s BIRTHRIGHT. Talia fullshifted. Peter full-shifted (though his was distorted into the monster thingy. That wasn’t anything like Deucalion’s shift. It was a FULL SHIFT) Laura could full shift bc she did it after she died. No other werewolves on the show turned into full wolves after death, even if they died with wolfsbane in their system? MALIA could full-shift into a coyote. LITERALLY EVERY HALE except Cora and that’s bc she got booted back to South America COuld FULL SHIFT (and it never happened after they lost all of their wolf powers, that coud’ve been an interesting plot if they didn’t FUCK IT UP.) But still there’s no explanation, or even just acknowledgement? You don’t have to spell it out for us, but at least SAY “Hey, so the Hale family is really powerful and all of us can full-shift. Not sure why, but it’s neat.) I’m still stuck on rituals. Routines. Werewolf mores. Social cues. Are there certain smells they’re supposed to ignore? Is it polite to pretend you don’t hear someone coming up to your house until they knock? Do they have rules about waiting until the Alpha eats before they start eating (much like how lots of traditional households wait for the father to dig in, or whoever is head of household)? Is it tradition to homeschool werewolves for the first few years until they learn control? Are there seriously no rules about biting humans? You don’t have to talk to their parents or have a specific conversation with them? And if werewolves are so dominance/hierarchy based, then you’re telling me there’s no “second-in-command” or respectful greetings that are supposed to be used for an Alpha? There’s absolutely no form of werewolf government or ancient laws or anything except a big spiral that is universally recognized as a sign you’re gonna kill people? What was the wolfsbane around Laura’s body for? Why make the spiral out of that instead of just drawing in the dirt or something? We make a lot of jokes about Derek being bad with his words, but so is Peter and so is Cora. And they’re the only born wolves we interact with (except Satomi who ALSO isn’t a chatterbox) What if that’s not just because they’re all traumatized and cranky? What if they’re just speaking on a different level? Scents and body language are integral to wolf interaction. Like how we say that Peter has that conversation with Derek’s eyebrows? What if Derek’s so fucking pissed all the time because he hates talking to Scott because SCott ISN”T LISTENING to his body language and scent and chemosignals? He tells Scott to use all his senses, and Scott does it fucking once to say that Peter felt “Angry” and never again. What if Derek is Talking PLENTY (with his body and movements and reactions) but Scott just isn’t paying attention? Isaac seems to understand Derek just fine. Erica and Boyd never complain that Derek is lying to them or ‘keeping something’ from them? What if the reason Scott always thinks Derek’s hiding something is because he isn’t reading the rest of Derek’s conversation and he assumes that the empty feeling is Derek lying. Even STILES seems to understand Derek. He’s human, but he goes totally wolfy. He already uses body language a lot and while he gets mad at Derek he never has to ask what the fuck derek is saying or what he’s holding back. I digress. I wanna know why no other packs came to help Derek and Laura after their family died. I wanna know why Emissaries and Druids are so incredibly important to the supernatural/werewolf world but Derek barely knew they existed (Especially when it’s established that he know tons of lore about other species.) and even though every single pack should have an emissary, they never handle who is the emissary for Derek’s pack or for Scott’s pack (Once again, is an emissary bound to their pack somehow or is it just an agreement?). I wanna know why Derek knew Satomi and trusted her but for some reason never felt like he could ask her for help? Centuries of hiding and living amongst humans with almost no wolf behavior to their name, but none of these packs interact? There’s Druid Vets and Hunter cops and Emissary counselors. But no werewolf doctors? No werewolf teachers? Absolutely no werewolf society? If Derek was worried about Paige not accepting that he was a werewolf unless she became one, what does that say about his experience with humans? He says “there were people in my family that were perfectly ordinary in that house” who died in the fire. But wouldn’t he talk to a human pack member about his worries, if he had one? Or even a bitten pack member? He admits he doesn’t know how to train a Bitten wolf. He’s never been called out by a human pack member for using phrases like ‘caught a scent’ or for reacting to things he shouldn’t. Does this mean Derek’s family was entirely werewolves? No humans in the know? No bitten wolves? He has a huge thing about keeping the secret and never letting anyone in on it unless they get dragged into it. Did Derek’s pack have some kind of prejudice against humans? Was Derek raised to believe humans were weak or cowardly or something, that he thought this beautiful girl would automatically hate him and expose him if she were to discover the supernatural without being forced into silence by self-preservation.
Lots of times, it’s easy to forget in this fandom that so much is missing, because we’ve been filling in the gaps for so long that some stuff is practically canon. It’s generally assumed that the Hales were homeschooled before high school. It’s generally assumed that there’s some kind of bond that marks people as pack. We instinctively add in mentions of Scent and the use of the shift (growling, claws, a hint of fang, flashing eyes) as part of the casual communication between characters. We add in scent-marking and territory boundaries and specific roles in the pack. We do all of that and never think twice because it’s already in all the fic. But we did that. The show gave us nothing. It spent an entire season talking about the nogitsune and the oni and how they’re summoned and what kitsune fox tails are for, but we never got to find out why wolves can do the pain-drain (or even if it dissipates the pain or just transfers it to the wolf doing the draining) or if Derek Hale EVEN HAS A DAD.
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dolokhoded · 4 years
javid headcanons would be super cool if ur up for that 👉👈
YES JAVID full disclosure i used to not get this dynamic at a l l but my friend loved it and it slowly grew on me and now i just uGHHH THEM
imma do high school au because i was talking abt that with said friend a couple days ago,,
davey transferred to jack's school in their junior year
(along with sarah obviously but this ain't about her)
and they started out,,,,,,,,,,,,, they certainly started out :)))
they were these two kids that would always fight in history class and im rlly pissed that not all of your schools do philosophy in america bc they do here and having experienced these lessons these two would THROW HANDS during philosophy
it gets like pretty intense, they don't like,,,,, punch each other or anything but they'll like get up from their seats and everything and because this isn't the real world the teacher's just like 'hm yea discussion im not gonna stop this :)'
and they're convinced that the other hates them just bc they happened to have a history class together
so they're kind of at each other's throats at first
of course they're also kinda pushed together because al and sarah are rlly close
(i'll get more into this POWER FRIENDSHIP some other time)
and most of the guys take a liking to davey so they have to be near each other sometimes
and thEN,,,,,,
jack had taken part in this portrait competition because he loved to draw portraits it was basically all he did and at the LAST MINUTE just as he was about to sit down and start painting he was just,,,,, so out of inspiration
and he was so pissed
so he cried a little and then he just kinda let himself go and,,,,, just kinda vibe with it, let his mind help him through it
and you KNOW this bitch drew davey without even REALIZING
he's like ",,,,,,,oh no" because that's also kinda the moment he realizes he has the gay for him........ but he also has to submit something in the next like three hours and to be frank it's looking pretty amazing
so he just,,, goes ahead and submits his accidental davey portrait
and it wins first place
and obviously since it won first place davey kinda notices and he's all like
"you,,,,,,,,,,,, you drew me?"
"shit, i didn't mean to, i know this might be creepy, look, i'm sorry about it-”
“no i mean- it's actually kinda sweet”
and davey didn't stop talking about it for like a month
sarah was like oh my god would you SHUT UP
and davey has like a moment where he's like ",,,, wait im gay?"
"i mean, i know im gay, but like,,,,,,, im jack gay?"
sarah needs a break she can't deal with this she calls albert to bring her weed
and davey panics for a moment and then absolutely loses his shit and he sprints to jack's house
and jack just opens the window and he's not sure if he's high on paint fumes and having hallucinations because davey's just yelling
"JACK!!!!!!! IM GAY!!!!!!!!!"
and jack's like
"i.........havent we been over this?"
but davey's just like "NO JACK,,,"
"I'M GAY." intense gesturing between them
",,,,,,,,oH, YOU'RE- YOU'RE LIKE ME GAY?"
(side note that crutchie, race, romeo and jack are medda's adopted sons in this so the other three are just like standing outside the door like "is jack literally having a stroke should we check on him?")
they kith
by some miracle it doesn't take them a billion years of miscommunication until they start dating
and like everyone saw it coming but they're also kinda like what the fuck
this happened when
although davey loves all his friends and his boyfriend,,,,,,,,,,,, he doesn't want them breaking his perfectly normal siblings
he will NOT allow jack alone with les anymore because the moment davey's gone he proceeds to teach this INNOCENT KID some QUESTIONABLE stuff
knowledge that he should NOT HAVE
one of jack's favorite davey moments is when he got a voice message from him at three in the morning being just like
"jack tell your twink brother to come collect that dumbass ginger he's encouraging my sister to shave her head.”
he laughed at that for ten minutes
we woke up race just to inform him that not only had davey just used the word 'twink' but he did it to refer to him
davey actually likes albert and doesn't really care if sarah shaved her head he just wanted them to shut the fuck up so he could sleep
jack is literally the definition of "aw babe you had a crush on me? that's embarrassing"
he's lucky davey loves him otherwise he would be so done with his crap
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