#bc people expect me to speak and are not very accepting of the fact that today's best may not be the same as tomorrow's and sometimes
sevenstevearmy · 2 months
... Guess who learned about cluttering and disorganized speech today... Guess who was struggling with those symptoms this whole time... Guess who has comorbid disorders... Guess who's not happy about learning new things about themself...
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zoeykallus · 10 months
heya! I'm not sure if your requests are closed, and by no means do I hope to overwhelm you further with more requests :'D feel free to ignore this especially bc it's more of a negative request aaa
so as context: sometimes I zone out and due to my childhood I will flinch if I see a movement coming at me which at the time I thought was understandable/normal but my bf has already expressed his disappointment every time I flinched or denied physical affection and left me being the one who apologizes for a reflex and I was wondering how the batch (platonically) would react to the reader (preferably female) telling them that story if the reader was the batch's bffs or smth? :'D (plus Cody if that's okay!) I'd be curious to know if they would just try to calm me down or if they would try to encourage me to get that specific thing fixed maybe?
argh I'm so sorry for the long ass text cRIES
again no pressure whatsoever with this waaah
Aloha! 😊
Interesting question. Personally, I think personal space should always be respected, no matter how close we are with someone. In a relationship, most people tend to loving physical contact in many different forms, and I see how this reaction can be surprising or off-putting for some. But with a little empathy and patience, that really shouldn't be a problem for a partner to get used to and accept. If my partner is jumpy with such reflex reactions, I should be able to adjust. There is a reason for this reaction and I think you shouldn't be, or feel pressured to apologize for it. All in all, communication (and an understanding, open mind) is key, as it almost always is. Then there is also the option to try and get that out of your system, so to speak. Therapy might help, it's worth a try or two. After all, it would possibly make things easier for you as well, giving you more comfort in everyday life. Easier said than done, I know. But that's just my two cents. Either way, I'm wishing you all the best 😊 Let's see...
The Bad Batch/Cody x Reader HCs - The Flinch
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Warnings: Implied Trauma / Traumatic Reflex Reaction
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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It can happen casually, maybe he doesn't really think about it, just wants your attention for a moment, but you are busy, and your mind is elsewhere. A brief touch on the shoulder, innocent, gentle, without ulterior motives. Still, you flinch and turn around so quickly, startled, that he flinches briefly himself.
Hunter in no way intended to scare you or offend you, he would never do that consciously. Of course, he apologizes, you are close friends, he knows your past that you confided in him.
"I should have known better, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"
He is patient, gentle and forgiving. Hunter tries his best to be sensitive to you and respect your boundaries. He is careful in his interactions with you, considerate.
The first time it happens, he is so startled by your reaction that he backs away and looks at his hand as if he expects to see it red-hot, or spiked. He blinks a few times, then says, "Sorry, did I scare you?"
Whether you confide in him or not, Echo will never hold it against you. He can understand that your reaction has a background, and he can respect that you don't want to share it with him. This does not change the fact that he will take it into consideration.
He sometimes seems strict and so serious, but he has an antenna for the sensitivities of others. It is in his nature to be considerate.
He is a bit impetuous and very affectionate. Scaring you or triggering a reaction is never his intention, but it can still happen quite a few times. You can speak openly with Wrecker, he is happy to listen to you, he is understanding even if you don't tell him everything.
He will always apologize if it still happens accidentally, and he will never blame you for these reactions. He will rather make sure that others around you respect your personal space as well.
He is not a particularly physical guy. On the contrary, Tech values his personal space and usually respects that of others around him. In combat, this may not be possible at times, but in general everyday life, Tech tends to keep a polite distance.
If he does trigger that automatic flight or defensive reaction, he apologizes immediately, and you can assume it won't happen again. He himself is not a fan of surprising touches, which is why he doesn't like Wreckers' little nudges at all and usually lets them pass with rolling eyes or critically furrowed brows.
As almost always, his first reaction is a bit grumpy. He doesn't immediately understand what's going on, but he's a good observer and a bright guy. Of course, he notices that you have these reactions more often, even with other people.
Crosshair reads your body language and realizes that this is a learned, habitual reflex reaction. He understands that there is a real, possibly deep-seated reason behind it. Of course, he adapts, even if he doesn't like to admit it, he can be considerate and very understanding.
So you don't have to worry about him. He certainly doesn't respect or appreciate you less than before because of that. In fact, it awakens a certain protective instinct in him.
At first, he is surprised, but he is neither offended nor annoyed. But he is attentive. As a soldier, he's learned to read body language, to interpret reactions, and even though you might not say anything about it, Cody understands pretty quickly what makes you tick.
You can count on him to pay attention to that in the future. You don't have to apologize to him, you can just be yourself and relax. Cody is always a safe haven.
He also won't let other people maybe cause you problems because of it. Anyone who teases you about it or makes fun of you should be prepared to get in trouble.
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
Am I the only one who actually likes Marcus in the beginning? Like I thought "oh he seems like a nice dude I want Simon to be with wille but this isn't so bad ig" and then when Simon tried breaking up with him his response????? Was so WEIRD? like it just felt off to me that he refused to hear Simon and just went on saying that they should still be together and brought up his dad. Like that was weird as hell. Maybe I'm wrong but if someone's breaking up with you you should just ... Accept it? And let them? It's one thing to try and convince them to stay bc you're so heartbroken, which is acceptable, but with Marcus it felt like different, like he was lowkey being manipulative. It felt like he wasn't listening to Simon at all. And I mean I'm not blaming him for Simon cheating on him with wille but dude you know this guy doesn't really wanna be with you lmao what did you expect
hello anon i love you. 
Trust me, you are NOT alone! This was literally my exact reaction as well. I actually kind of like Marcus at the start, and then during that argument my opinion completely flipped. Because you are very right: it was pretty manipulative of Marcus, and it wasn’t the only time he exhibited that behavior either. 
For the sake of “I’m not here to start drama”: I’m going to speak from personal experience and about my personal opinion on Marcus. I am always open to hearing other peoples thoughts on this as well, if you agree or disagree, just please be respectful about it. I have been witness to two different, incredibly manipulative relationships. I’ve done quite a bit of research because of this. So that’s where I’m coming from. 
Now, you sent me this right before my first rewatch of s2 which means i was paying lots of attention to Marcus when i watched it and I definitely took notes for this so let’s go!
Episode 1 (around 37:00): my first red flag in Marcus’ behavior was how he was pretty instantly overly-friendly and familiar with Simon despite the fact they’d only had 2 interactions. He greeted him with a hug, kept getting very close to him, and was hanging off of him during karaoke. Which isn’t always a red flag, because sometimes people are just Like That, but I still think it’s worth noting considering his later behavior. It just rubs me the wrong way that he is putting himself into Simon’s space so quickly. 
Episode 3 (around 22:40): the actual argument that you mentioned
Like you, I was perfectly fine with Marcus until this scene. I got bad feelings pretty early on.
Simon tells Marcus that he “isn’t ready for anything serious” and Marcus tells him that it’s okay, but then proceeds to immediately twist the situation in his favor. He pretends to accept what Simon says to begin with so that Simon won’t just shut down, but he does still put up arguments.
“I’m not like [Wille] … I won’t hurt you.” Bad Sign Bad Sign Bad Sign. Saying that he isn’t like Wille to catch Simon’s attention and to build trust. Simon’s trust in Wille is broken, and Marcus seems to understand that, so he’s using Wille as a gateway to establish a trust that he would otherwise have to earn. 
Simon basically telling him “that’s not what it’s about, it’s not about you, I just can’t do this now” was another chance for Marcus to step back, but instead he continues to push the issue. 
Him bringing up Micke was a trick as well. Telling Simon that he doesn’t really understand how relationships should look gives him free wiggle room. Because it makes Simon lose trust in his own judgment, and now he will look to Marcus to see if what they are doing is good and healthy. 
TOUCHING HIS NECK during the conversation made me furious actually. It built a connection between them, something intimate, again to build Simon’s trust. 
Reinforced by hugging him as well. 
“I know you don’t want to destroy something this beautiful” is also a very bad sign. Because now he’s telling Simon that what they have is healthy and good, piggybacking off of the doubt he created earlier in Simon’s judgment. 
“Let’s just take it slow” now he’s repeating this, telling Simon what his own terms are while actively ignoring Simon’s decision to end it. 
And finally for this scene, he gives a “reward” for Simon’s agreement. He offers to go cheer Simon on at the competition. 
Episode 4 (around 7:45): he expresses no interest in going to the ball, which is fine on it’s own, but it’s him shutting down what Simon wants immediately followed by proposing what he wants instead, to go to his house. 
Also Episode 4 (around 36:00): last one, this one also is a huge thing imo. “[Wille] seems nice. He’s not at all stuck-up like when he was shooting with Felice.” this is a direct attempt to paint Wille in a bad light. It’s an attempt to make Simon believe that Wille was only nice to Marcus because Simon was there, and that he is entirely different - even rude - when Simon isn’t there to impress. 
This is all to say that, whether it was intentional or not, I think Marcus was absolutely trying to manipulate Simon. So much of his behavior can kind of be waved away (“oh some people are just overly-friendly” “maybe Simon needed to hear that” “Wille did hurt Simon” etc) but also one of the major aspects of manipulation like this is that it can be easy to wave away. The person who is being manipulative doesn’t want to be clocked manipulating someone, it’s not supposed to be overt and noticeable. But it’s still there. In many little things and sometimes in a few bigger ones. 
This was something I noticed on my first watch, and the rewatch only further cemented it in my mind. Do I think Marcus was all bad? No, absolutely not! But then again, neither are most manipulators. I did enjoy him as a character as well, and the actor did a wonderful job. But yeah. I don’t think he did Simon any good. 
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khaosrealms · 8 months
I love the Syzoth X Princess!Reader so much I can't even- ❤️❤️❤️ Is it alright if I request something similar but with the Lin Kuei trio? Syzoth falling in love with Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Smoke's younger sister? I imagine her joining the Outworld investigation bc "Lord Liu Kang, you're sending two of the least stealthiest people in our group for a covert op? With all respect, why in the world did you think this was a good idea?" Basically pressuring the local demi-god into letting her tag along, and the mission going to hell anyway. Super-ninja be damned, the chaos cannot be contained. I also imagine Johnny isn't going to let that fact go anytime soon.
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a/n: of course it is alright to ask for such a request, that is why i’m here! thank you so much for sending the ask— i am happy to respond 💚
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- Perhaps it comes with the territory of being the sole sister of a family of boys. A sense of responsibility likened to that of a mother coordinating a group of toddlers. Younger than your brothers you may be, but hardly inept and hardly easily swayed enough to be told by your Lord when your presence is unneeded. What else was he to expect, when you spent the many of your living years upon Outworld’s soil doing everything in your power to prevent your brothers from slaughtering one another where they stood? If there was anyone more capable of investigating Outworld with discretion, it is you.
“Look at them, my Lord.” You utter, gazing upon his champions. A cabbage farmer, a former yakuza, a deadbeat stage fool. Men who can hardly so much as breathe before taking a bite at one another’s necks. Well, at the very least— with Kung Lao, it was more to take a nip at your own. Easier to control. “If it is recognition you fear, you know you may trust me to remain hidden much better than these… Earthrealmers you have chosen.” You do not miss the gasp of insult that escapes Johnny’s lips; rather, you choose ignorance. Searching for answers in Liu Kang’s glowing eyes. Yet nothing speaks, so it is words you are forced to accept. Words that come in what you imagine is a form of sigh from your Lord’s lips. “No one is to know that you are Lin Kuei.”
- And also, perhaps, you should have simply chosen to let the Earthrealmers suffer their own given fate. The bickering, the clumsy coordination, Tarkat, Shang Tsung, by god, Kenshi’s own eyes. By the time that you awake in a cell, dank and filthy with the smell of corpses and gore, you feel as if that day, you’d been better suited to remaining at home. Continuing your daily training as you’d had for years on end. But instead, waking with an ache in your head so deep it rushes to your spine and forces you up, you realize you no longer had that privilege. Here, instead, you were residing within Shang Tsung’s true laboratory— soon to be faced with the horror of being taken apart and made into whatever greeted your eyes through the cell’s bars.
- You’d been the second in the cell to awake, after Kenshi, woken by virtue of true and utter pain, gouged of his sight; and Baraka, awake since his capture, there to fill the hours alongside you both while you stew in your fate. You’d learned from the former merchant that your jailer had passed prior to your awakening. And now, all five of you await for his return, well— some of you. Johnny and Kung Lao were deep sleepers, it seemed. For now, the ones in the waking world, Baraka, Kenshi, and yourself, filled the rancid air with words. Jailer, you wondered. A chance to flee, bars wide enough to wrench a hand through, threaten for freedom. Options, all waiting for you to spring upon the man who chose to align himself with Shang Tsung and would die for his choice.
- Nearly, you do it. When Johnny finally rouses, stumbling to Kenshi’s side, your jailer appears. Dressed in green, red fabric tied around his bicep, and a tattooed arm that reaches in just enough to be held and twisted around. But it is Baraka who makes the first move, his word that gives you enough pause to listen and discover the true nature of your jailer. Not a herald for Shang Tsung’s cause— a slave to it. His family in the clutches of a man who would slaughter them if so much as a whisper of betrayal left him. A shapeshifter, a Zaterran. Syzoth, a name you only learn due to Shang Tsung’s arrival after fighting the hoards of his creations. A sorcerer who revealed your jailer’s only purpose for remaining in enslavement was a lie. His family dead “many moons ago”. Suffering for no cause but for Shang Tsung’s cruel ambition. Here to die alongside the five of you; suffocating in toxins.
“I should’ve simply stayed with my brothers.” You can’t seem to get the rancid smell of Shang Tsung’s labratory out from your lungs; no matter how hard you breathe in the air of Outerworld. Johnny cackling out a laugh. And too, that smell sitting in the newfound companion of Syzoth. But rather, more so— the scent of despair. Enough to give you pause; to bite back Bi-Han’s insults and instead lean towards Kuai Liang’s guidance. “…He will get what he is due.” A momentary sentiment, but you can see his eyes flicker. Heard, even in the abyss of his mourning. “I am sorry, for your grave loss.” For a moment, he reminds you of Tomas. A sort of kindness in a place where it should have no place coexisting. “Thank you.” “Thank me once we get what you are owed.”
- From that time forth, an agreement formed between you both. To seize the moment, to make Shang Tsung fear the hour for which his own actions would smite him, and you would be there— to assist in that vengeance. A blood pact, almost; shaken hands on even. A source of comedy for Johnny, who found nothing but delight of the thought of the ‘big bad serious ninja’ actually shaking someone’s hand. Syzoth simply shared in your confusion. A mutual link of attitude towards the odd Earthrealmer. If a bit more lenient of his callousness than yourself.
- In Syzoth, you suppose what you find is a… reasoning for balance. You’d cared for your family, always, yes— but you never considered what truly was at stake had someone taken them away. If, like your father, all those you loved were slaughtered. Would you still find the determination to keep going once they were gone? Would you still fair with that kindness he holds when the two of you speak during the night? Still passionate about living beyond vengeance against Shang Tsung— enough to laugh with the Earthrealmers where you failed to join. Too set in Lin Kuei ways; the silence of it, the tight grip of it that these days Bi-Han holds over it as grandmaster. You’d never considered it before. That it was possible you could be swayed. That it would be a Zaterran who would make you question the way of the Lin Kuei as it was.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
I have a question about the abandonment of the Linnaean taxonomy, please. Under the clades system, do we still use genus and species? You know, for nomenclature and such?
Sorry to be one of the ignorant people asking what is probably an obvious question.
you're fine! I don't mind honest questions. It's when people assume they know things and try to correct me in my notes that drives me up the wall.
in my master's degree, I took multiple classes about all of this, including one where we discussed different species concepts and whether or not species are even real. fun fact, they are not - they are us trying to describe nature in ways we can all understand. but they're still us putting boxes around that which cannot be boxed.
Genus and Species are sticking around primarily bc they're THE names we have for organisms. if we got rid of them, we'd have no way to talk about anything.
in an ideal world, we would redefine species to be the smallest independent evolutionary unit. but we don't live in an ideal world.
in living organisms, animals you'd never expect are able to hybridize, completely fucking up reproductive isolation as a way to figure out independent evolutionary units. plants are constantly cross pollenizing, birds and mammals have extensive hybrid zones, and then there's whatever the fuck ray finned fish can do.
bacteria ruin everything even more with horizontal gene transfer, essentially preventing us from being sure we know their lineage at all
then, when we look at the vast majority of species that have existed - ie, everything that is extinct - we can't even figure out reproductive isolation to any degree because they are very, very, very dead. if a species is older than 2.5 million years - so, most species - we don't even have DNA to look at. so we have to use their shapes, which can often lead to us not realizing a species is actually a juvenile form of another (see dracorex and pachycephalosaurus), or that they're different sexes of the same species (see what we thought moa were before we could sequence their genomes - the size disparity between male and female moa lead to them being considered separate species). Morphology and context behind it is all we have, but it's like using a 1990s computer today - good enough, but we know we're missing a lot.
so, yeah. genus and species are staying around purely because we need them, but species are being defined as clades. genera... look, I'd love for genera to be clades, but then that means that nothing ever leaves them, right? so everyone's classification would just be lists of genera. but having them be paraphyletic feels weird. I don't know. we'd have to come up with a whole new naming system. At least for the other linnaean ranks, we can just determine which are real clades and assign those names to those clades, and throw the other names out. but with this... we either have to accept paraphyly, or come up with a new system. or make them be clades, and suddenly genera names are like last names in Spanish-speaking countries...
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girlwithamissingpearl · 10 months
Here we go again. The criticism of SH’s Sassanach Gin tour is as expected. Not everyone has to like what he does. That’s fair. But that continuing narrative that he takes advantage of his fans? Sorry, but that’s a hard no for me.
Personally I don’t know how the actual fuck he does it. Ten years in and he is still gracious and accommodating to all his fans, even those that cross every line. How is unsolicited groping ever acceptable? I think he is far too affable. But the he’s taking advantage of his fans continues. If all he wanted to do was was an Outlander pump and dump cash grab, not only is he doing it all wrong, he’s working far to hard. Rather than invest his own money and produce a craft product, he could have purchased a house brand equivalent of whisky and gin, and concentrate on labels. Imagine limited edition pumpkin spice, thanksgiving, Christmas, new year’s, Valentine’s Day, shirtless-you get the idea- SH limited edition bottles. I think he’s looking beyond that and trying to build a brand.
There’s also been a lot written about the individual appearances and signings. I would never camp out at midnight to get a place in line, but a 6-8 hour wait? There are a small group of gals that I follow and Dm with, that I would gladly grab a lawn chair and sunscreen and happily take my place in line with. Not sure if they would be as keen, but @khccbc1745, @kiaora45, @harriethattie, @caldineens, @collectido, @ maryofboston, @ Stargazer74 , @andorra97 and many more, who take the time to not only comment, but call me out when I get things wrong(which I have been known to do) you know who you are- I’d wait in line, with any of these women, in a heartbeat. Even though we range in age-40-80- I don’t think we would have a single second of silence. With a group, you take turns getting coffee, snacks, lunch…quick SH selfie, hotel nap, dinner and drinks. I think that’s the part people don’t get when they see the long lines. It’s not for everyone, but it’s also for most a once in a lifetime thing. Go ahead and laugh, a couple of years ago I was the first to make fun of people like me, but scrolling through the fandom has become one of my favourite things to do, and something I don’t have to share with other family and friends that will never understand the joy of all things Outlander and SH😊. The other thing that most people don’t get is that, and I think I can speak not only for myself but the other amazing women in the fandom, we really don’t take each other that seriously. This is fun, and for me definitely a guilty pleasure bc🥸I’m so happy that I have these like minded people I can commiserate with because I just watched the last mid season episode of season 7. How dare they say…to be continued next year. Next year? Ffs.
On a final note, a fun fact. If we didn’t have tickets for tennis, I definitely would have gone to the Scottish festival in Fergus Ontario to see our very own hometown boy CV, and RR and for once be able to post some original pics. Not far from home, I’ve been to the festival in the past- definitely have Scots in the family tree including a competitive bagpiper- and its always fun. I’ve really enjoyed CV as WR in the first part of season 7 and really looking forward to watching his story unfold. But having to wait until next year to watch the second half of season 7, and who knows how long before season 8 airs. Don’t even get me started about DG, and the timeline for the release of book 10. Seriously considering a class action lawsuit for the cruel and unusual punishment inflicted by DG when she said Jamie’s ghost story would be revealed in the last page of book 10. Why DG? Why? On the other hand, I can take my time scrolling, commenting and posting about season 7. If I was a patient person, which I’m not. So for now I’ll make due with the ongoing commentary of how people around the world refer to the “pineapple swim trunks” SH sports in an upcoming episode of MIK 2. Something budgies….🦜🏊‍♂️🩲…
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faegoblenn · 2 months
It’s also crazy the amount of people who are offended that people have brought up the fact that they love to preach paying artists or workers in general for work & that no one should be overworked/exploited but are simultaneously scoffing or upset at the amount of people employed at Watcher & suddenly want Watcher to downsize aka fire people literally only so that the audience isn’t asked to pay to watch(consume).
This is also the same group of people who love to say they believe people should be paid fairly & trust me when i say paying properly for the skills it takes to make a single production let alone multiple throughout the year is very very expensive. So like which is it??? The amount of labor that has to go into writing, designing, shooting, & editing most of the things seen in media everyday is not small. It’s ignorant & exploitative-minded to expect, let alone borderline demand that only a few people are hired (& also paid bc those are absolutely not always the same thing) to make those things. The amount of unpaid internships (that yall allegedly hate so much) people accept to get their start in production is immense but yall are mad that an independent company is providing paid positions to “too many” workers to do things you have no concept as to the involvement level of to be speaking on it let alone complaining about how many people it takes???? It can’t be both ways, & when it is somebody isn’t being paid so which one do yall want? Whichever one you can be mad at in the moment.
The amount of work/people it takes to make things, especially at a certain production value level, isn’t supposed to magically reduce from the standard or be less compensationable just because you don’t want to have to help contribute to the cost it takes to make the thing you are consuming. That is not how transactions work. That is not how product consumption works. Everything is not supposed to be free. Suddenly when you’re asked, not required, to put a coin in the piggy bank for the thing you apparently over consume (to be this upset), it’s “over-produced” & you “never asked for it.” But when it was all receive & no give you didn’t have a problem with it being the way it is or it even being made at all. Gtfoh
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oratoful · 1 month
did someone say hatoful oc
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This is Ulrich Althaus! A 22 year old Hawk Party member who primarily does internal operations regarding programming and technology in general. Me and my friend actually have an entire AU dedicated to expanding on the tensions between the Hawk and Dove party and the internal corruption of the Dove party. I'd adore infodumping about it once we have it more wrapped up and cohesive.
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Spoiler stuff regarding general hatoful world-lore and things of the like. I wanna be safe soOOOOOOOOOO
Ulrich became a hawk operative when he was around 13 years of age. Having an interest in tech from a young age, he was placed in advanced courses within his school. Very cool and good, I know. His father was a liaison within Europe and was killed by the Human Liberation Force due to a miscommunication between parties. As a result, Ulrich learns to despise humans. He's visited by a hawk researcher (Raphael, who I will make a post about) who offers him a position within their junior programming division. He claims there are benefits and that Ulrich could do with not hauling himself in his and his mother's home due to his father's death. His mother, begrudgingly, accepts the offer, realizing that not only will the facility offer him higher education for his intelligence, but it will actively watch over him.
Unbeknownst to her, of course, Ulrich becomes ensnared in Hawk activities. He's an overly prideful man who feels the need to avenge his father's name/live up to his family's expectations. Of course, he doesn't realize that in this universe, his father would absolutely loathe what he's done. He would hate the man his son has become. He’s completely tarnishing the efforts faust made toward human and bird peace in an attempt to bring a vengeance his father would’ve never wanted.
Hatoful Ulrich seeks to make it known that he doesn't cut corners and that he wants to get back at humans for their assumed atrocities (he has a biased viewpoint bc those are fun). I imagine he's absolutely made spyware with the sole purpose of information gauging and getting data for the hawk party. He covers his tracks pretty well while also leaving annoying damage for the doves to fix.
As a little fun side thing, I like to imagine the Programming and Technical department he works for is a subsidiary for SecOps. They bleed into each other very often. As a result, this rude little man butts heads with Tohri SO OFTEN before Tohri ends up pursuing other work. (in mine and nick's au he stays in the lab for longer)
Would love to get more into him sometime he's so in depth UGHHH.
for some fun facts with him:
He uses a mobility aid! He's my cane rep
He hates being helped. It makes him feel like he's being looked down on. One of my other researchers often hovers over him due to how often he tries to push his physical limitations. Ulrich has flogged him. Twice.
autistic. He's so crude/judgmental in speech. He also doesn't care to drop formality and say when he doesn't like someone.
He often works from home and doesn't enjoy coming into the lab for work.
Ulrich is genuinely painfully vindictive and efficient though. I feel like if he had the motivation to back something like the hawk party, he'd leave destruction in his wake. I also think that motherfucker would tamper with machinery to make it fail on researchers he doesn't like
He trips people with his tail if they make him angry enough. He's a little PRICK
speaking of little he actually stands smaller than most other peafowl
Him and Tohri have a WEIRD relationship. They're the best of friends one day and they're trying to kill each other the next day. It's impossible to tell what they actually feel about each other.
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yakultii · 20 days
(disclaimer: these are only deep contemplations of mine, I have no intention to perform reckless acts)
I've spent a majority of my life wondering if there's something inherently wrong with me in terms of my ability to interact with other people. This is particularly apparent when it comes to (a majority of) my romantic endeavors.
The past two years for me have been spent wondering if everything I've done to follow in the footsteps of those who came before me have been all for naught. The more time goes by, the more it seems to hold true. We're not really meant to conform to society as it is now.
I believe that a majority of us have never truly experienced the raw sensations which are meant to accompany being human, and emptiness is no stranger to those of us who are attempting to navigate this world rather than be pulled along by the tide; it all seems to be superficial, and I rarely encounter people who are brave enough to admit their entire life has been a lie.
Perhaps it could just be the ramblings of someone who is so far removed from normality, but I often think (and have thought so before, in my teens) that my views are abnormal and that it would be better for me to speak less than say what I really feel about the world and others around me.
I have been awaiting someone who may understand and accept for me for who I am. I've found what I thought to be true love many times, and it has made me a much better person, but I often think about if things would be better if I were someone else.
you know, I could obviously be wrong (just kidding I’m literally god) but to me, every point you made is a part the human experience itself - personally I’ve come to accept that yes there is something inherently wrong with me - in terms of the norms that have been socially constructed within the society I live in, but that doesn’t actually mean it’s wrong (language and concepts, rights & wrongs etc are all socially constructed too).. it doesn’t make the longing to feel “right” any easier, but there’s a little less pain in accepting “it is what it is”…but at the same time, while you may never feel understood (at least I haven’t yet either and have come to accept maybe I never will), you’re still a human! (despite maybe not feeling like it at times?) so there’s a commonality there that literally can’t be taken away from you..also feel understood in knowing there are others out there who feel so incredibly misunderstood too, maybe in different ways but the feeling is still the same..FEELING IS ALWAYS THE SAME despite being expressed and described in different ways (so very human!) ….another thing I’ve learned is that socialisation takes a lot of practice and consistency combined with again acceptance that maybe you won’t feel understood, sometimes understanding yourself can be enough and sometimes understanding yourself can be too much, so know that just “being” is all that was ever required of you while you’re here.
I don’t think we’re meant to “do anything” really, I don’t think we should be trying to “be anything” unless it brings us fulfilment in some way (and sometimes this fulfilment is false due to conforming to a certain expectation which is a whole other can of worms but regardless it’s fulfilment in some form)..
idk I feel like I could go on forever but for the sake of not writing an entire thesis I’m just gonna say whether we believe anything to be superficial or “real” ..it is. We can easily say everything is superficial OR everything is real or some things are superficial and some things are real and all theories are as true as each other. Language has been created and used to once again construct concepts within society but at the end of the day everything we think we know is all manmade - like, we genuinely could all conclude our entire life is a lie bc literally what the fuck is this??? like idk why I’m here or if existence on earth is even real.. and like the fact we are just here for a bit and then we’re gone like the fuck is up with that?? :,)
also, if you feel this way I’m assuming ur neurodiverse and if this is the case then pls remember that while ur views may seem/feel abnormal etc. maybe it’s just the way you express them? maybe it’s just the way you think about them? maybe it’s the way others don’t think about them in the same way you do? maybe it’s the way others don’t express them in the same way you do? none of this means that you have entirely different views.. in fact probably many ppl, particularly neurodiverse ppl have come to similar conclusions, but y’all are never going to feel as though you relate bc ur minds are so particular about the ways in which you perceive, interpret and express things that nothing anyone says is ever going to feel right/just like how you percieve and express things - ikr kinda brutal that not even neurodiverse ppl can relate to each other half the time, leaving us to feel even more isolated than we already do…
anyways this is just from my experiences/understandings of the world and obvs it might not click with you (and it also takes practice to rewire ur thinking… and also my way of thinking is not right or wrong and is also everchanging) - but also pls don’t try to be someone else (u can try out different identities bc identities are socially constructed also and are an ongoing performance but don’t try any that don’t feel right for you) , you wouldn’t have been born if the world requested someone else at that particular time, life is about learning and experiencing and taking our own unique path so try ur very best to not compare urs to others and try to find confidence in urself as you are first (Ik easier said than done but practice liteeally fake it at first if u need) and im sure you’ll find that more ppl then start to find confidence in you too <33 maybe oneday you’ll feel understood, but there are glimpses of light in the meantime, promise!
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
some ppl do too much w making eddie v traditionally smart/knowledgeable or w having steve say that eddie is one of the smartest people he knows (as though steve's best friends are not robin and dustin). i have also seen ppl make steve say that eddie is the smartest person he knows which,,, okay. sure. we're all a little delusional sometimes ig. then use this as a springboard for him just not trying in school or w/e bc he doesn't care despite him clearly caring enough to repeat senior year three times instead of just getting his ged. this also works against what i find most appealing about eddie - like some ppl want him to be a bad boy played straight who is super smart and competent and i do not understand that. i like that eddie is a drug dealer that just can't graduate high school obsessed w his nerdy interests who is not cool and also not v competent outside of his specific interests, particularly in the intense survival situation he finds himself in. that's what makes eddie fun to me and it's also why any fics or aus that make him hyper successful/famous/competent/badass/etc never feel authentic to him as a character imo. they just rarely let the fact that he is a soft-hearted, nervous person at heart shine and that is what i like most about him. also ppl don't appreciate the way steddie defies expectation enough - like when it comes to dealing w the weird, scary world of the upside down you expect eddie to thrive and steve to flounder when steve is actually the borderline hypercompetent one in those situations, even at the very start. that's what makes the pairing fun and so few ppl appreciate that bc they just want to force them into overplayed archetypes.
oh it pisses me off when people try to make eddie scholarly. boy is on his third attempt of senior year. like, he’s clearly trying to pass, but he can’t. and that speaks to trouble with class more than eddie just not trying, or teachers purposely holding him back, which i’ve also seen in fics and just doesn’t really make sense to me. i feel like a drug dealer is the kinda student you would want to leave high school lmao
eddie is definitely not the smartest person steve’s knows, and that’s not a bad thing! no one has any trouble making steve out to be the biggest idiot alive, but for some reason people have a hard time making eddie seem dumb. like, i think i’ve mentioned this before but i saw one fic that said steve only passed high school because his dad paid the school or something? to try and make it seem like eddie was better in school and it’s so stupid! there’s nothing wrong with being bad at school, but so many people just can’t seem to accept that eddie is bad at school, and steve was slightly better, considering he passed the first time.
and yeah! eddie’s a pathetic loser, and i love that about him! he’s a 19/20 year old still in school, obsessed with d&d. people who take that loserness away from him ruin his character.
you would expect eddie to really find himself in a real life d&d game, become a badass, but instead he flounders. he can’t handle it. which is a fun contrast to our other geeky characters. and people that try to make eddie the saviour and steve the one that totally looks up to him, is weird. the fun of steddie is that eddie starts out expecting steve to be a douchebag, and yet he ends up as someone he wants to emulate and become. eddie finds out steve is the epitome of a hero, rather than an asshole jock. (and though i don’t doubt that eddie has traits that steve would love, he’s not gonna be really looking up to him as a genius. because that’s just not who eddie is)
(also, this is kinda irrelevant, but it made me think about kas!eddie, and how people always make him super badass and brutal, and i think it would be funny if he was just a failure at that too. like, not very good at fighting, just treats this shit like a d&d game. literally just a hinderance to vecna. not on purpose to help the others. he’s just shit at it lol)
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cherienymphe · 2 months
i think it’s mostly new people that are coming here and getting their feelings hurt tbh. while i haven’t been here since 2019 i’ve been here long enough to know what is and what isn’t acceptable. sarcasm is a form of passive aggression and you’ve already expressed that you’re well aware and that you’ve even gotten that in the past. i do find your persona on here sarcastic and curt at times and i think it’s foolish for people to expect something different when you’ve never presented yourself otherwise. to me you just seem like someone who simply isn’t in the business of people pleasing or mincing their words. i think the anonymity emboldens people to “tell you about yourself” which is ironic because that’s them being passive. it’s simple really. don’t like it? leave. it bothers you so bad? unfollow. this isn’t me saying you’re above critique. it’s okay to enjoy and be a fan of someone’s work but not the person they seem to be. hp and tlou fans do it daily. just show your support and go (though it sounds like they don’t properly do that anyway so i guess…just go.) and for the people who keep asking about bt or any other wip, find something else to care about. there are plenty of other writers/stories on here and elsewhere to entertain yourself with. hell, pick up a hobby in your real life, something. anything other than coming on here to throw a tantrum and waste your time being disrespectful. this was long ik. woke up with it on my mind.
Maybe that's where my disconnect lies when someone called me passive aggressive bc i associate passive aggression with people who are afraid of confrontation and who throw stones and then hide their hands and that couldn't be more opposite of me 😭
right like at the end of the day I think it's kind of silly to harass someone bc they aren't as nice as you think they should be. Just leave 🧍🏾‍♀️this is my home after all and I've said before that some people think any kind of tone less than gentle and hand holding is "mean" when...it's not. I've argued with people who just don't know wtf mean actually is and this is why I have the friends I do irl bc I don't need someone asking me every single day if I'm mad at them just because I'm not babying them and speaking to them in a gentle voice. That's just not who I am. I'm a very matter of fact and straight to the point kind of person and some people don't like that personality type which is valid but idk why it's becoming my problem
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stellaeviventem · 11 months
looking forward to the document. i looked up to 🍉 since the pastel asriel days and im negl the truth is fucked up 💀😭 i literally feel bad for the ppl that she has affected :( i feel bad for believing she was completely innocent too uh 😭…
idk if this is a bad idea, but if i may share smth as witness, i remember in one of her recent streams, abt a month ago i think, there was this older man who started chatting in the chat section and showing interest in her, as well as putting his discord tag in the chat for other ppl to add him and stuff, and i know damn well a handful of her fanbase is minors
and the creep offered mel discord nitro or smth (idk i don’t use disc too much but im assuming it’s nitro) and yk what she did? she accepted his offer and actually expected to get it from him. the entire thing felt off, bc mel, who is almost an adult, should instead be rushing to protect the minors in her fanbase instead of just fuckin around. 💀‼️ the fact that she chose nitro over protecting minors says smth in my personal opinion but idk. like you can get nitro somewhere else girlie be so fr, remove the guy from your stream and ignore what he has to say… protect the damn minors dude. 😰
THANKFULLY it supposedly ended up being a troll, but even still, the entire thing just felt off, risky, and immature. i get that her streams are like a hang out thing where she chills with her fans n stuff so in her eyes it was prob just shits n giggles while trying to get discord nitro from a supposed older creep, but yeaa it’s a no for me. like i was on her side at that time thinking she was innocent and that STILL felt wrong 😭 thing is, there were like 2 other ppl there who thought it was wrong too, making me feel like “yea i’m not tripping this is kinda weird, the majority of ppl watching are prob teens or even younger (?) and you’re just gonna allow a creep to be here for a bit bc you want nitro???”
SO YEA, idk if this is exaggerated or if i am overreacting BUT i felt that every single thing might count. like, it’s good that the supposed creep was supposedly just a troll, but, like, still, no…
but one last small thing before i leave this for u, i admire that you and other people are speaking up about this. it’s wonderful that you’re standing up for other ppl who are being harassed by mel’s fans too (from what i’ve seen i think) so yea i think it’s very strong and courageous of you and the others. i wish you the best of luck /gen bc um yea, i think we all know by now how her and her fanbase can be… 💀😓
i appreciate you telling your story, anon <3 that's super creepy and i'm sorry that you had to witness that
your praise means the world to me :) i've heard that she's been shittalking me in her streams which is extremely funny to me. they've been off to me for a while now but since i was a fan for so long (like you), i didn't say anything because i didn't want anything bad to happen like me getting doxxed or something. her raging 100k+ fanbase of 12 year olds is highly amusing to me personally, but that doesn't mean that what they say can't hurt (pekoepeach.)
also, the fact that these 12 year olds STILL haven't come into my askbox tells me so much. they know i'm right, atp, they're just too scared to admit it.
to anyone who's struggled with feeling like you're going to get attacked by mel's fanbase, i see you. i know how it feels to be scared like that, and you don't deserve that. if you'd like to reach out anonymously, please, feel free! i am an open book and you are safe here unlike w mel <3
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culminada · 3 months
scrolling autistic Tumblr and not relating to anything anymore.
Even though I know I'm autistic. It's all sensory sensitivity, anxiety, inability to be authentic, difficulties unmasking, experiencing ableism, unusual connection to animals (?), "stop saying autistic people have never had sex", etc.
Autistic people ARE more likely to be asexual, and I'm one of them! It feels invalidating when people complain abt other people's headcanons of autistic people never having had sex. I'm autistic and I've never had sex.
I was raised in an accepting home and homeschooled. I have never experienced someone invalidating my autism when I come out. I have never experienced someone not believing me about an autistic symptom. I have always been encouraged to be myself and express myself authentically. I don't struggle with anxiety. I feel like I can express myself authentically with my friends (autistic and neurotypical). I don't avoid social situations with them, in fact I seek them out.
I was a later teenager before I ever had to mask. I speedran 'learning to mask' in 3 years in a hostile environment (hostile meaning cliquish and normal (derogatory)) and now? Honestly it doesn't feel like masking anymore? It can be hard to initiate interaction with someone I don't know and I usually avoid it, but social cues? Just feels like learning another language. But I CAN learn it. It's a complex set of rules to be learned. I used to not be able to recognize people I'd talked to before. Now I can do it fine, no problem. I'm much better with names, too. Interaction with other autistic people feels easier, but it's still interaction.
With my neurotypical friends and family I'm very relaxed and I don't worry about masking unless it's an emotionally-charged situation (and even then, I DO want to show support and I know how, it just feels like translating what I want to communicate into a language that they'll understand and feel. It's an act of love and care for me, not a burden or smth I'm anxious about.) Social interaction doesn't cause me stress like it used to. (And how much of that was the cliquishness of the place I was at?)
And I'm not struggling to fit in a world that wasn't built for me. Neither I nor my family nor my culture expects me to get a job. The last time somebody asked if I was graduated yet or what grade I was in, and I tried to explain the convoluted mess for the umpteenth time, my mom just shrugged and casually declared me graduated. Ig I graduated in some random person's kitchen one Sunday afternoon. I'm not going to college and I don't need a job. I don't have to stress about half the things my autistic peers do.
I don't experience sensory sensitivity, like I've said.
I hyperfocus so hard I DONT notice all the little things; distracting sounds, etc. that even neurotypicals notice.
Sometimes I feel like I have the opposite of all the autistic symptoms.
What ARE my symptoms then?
Inability to start and stop tasks. Special interests. Stimming. Rigid thinking. Missing social cues. Lower empathy. Caffeine doesnt effect me. Hyposensitivity. Greater need of sleep. Distress when things change. Difficulty adjusting my expectations when circumstances change. Missing the bigger picture (esp in social situations). Needing to re-hash every social interaction in my head after the fact.
And those symptoms are mild, too, in the sense that they don't impact my life a whole lot. Maybe I just have kind friends who don't mind the occasional missed social cue or oversharing? Executive dysfunction is the worst symptom (in the sense of negatively impacting my life), and maybe oversleeping compared to neurotypicals. Am I even autistic??
I don't know, AM I masking and don't realize it? Bc I definitely used to have major social trouble.
My friend who is autistic is very sure that I'm autistic, but idk if that's just because I can speak the autistic language easily? I remember before I knew I was autistic and she told me she was, and I mentally switched my script from 'normal people (derogatory)' to 'autistic person (yay, less complex!)'
At the time, I saw it as just another script. An easier one for sure, one I understood (even just from seeing posts online. There's just one rule: be straightforward. And maybe let her info dump sometimes. And be aware of potential sensory difficulties.). It felt more natural; like the way I always communicated at home. like I could stop masking.
But I don't have any scripts at all now. I don't mask. I just interact. I know how my autistic friend interacts. I know how my neurotypical friends interact. And I just DO! The interaction!
What do yall think? Is this masking?? Aaaaahcjskfjskfjd
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valittlecorner · 1 year
☆ Mixed opinions abt BB's new Artstyle...
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-Heyyy I'll go straight to the point. The freshly announced new season of Black Butler is causing controversy amongst fans thanks to the new artstyle!! Many says its 'ugly' and a 'downgrade', and trust me I kind of agree, but also disagree. Its complicated so let's talk about it!
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☆ The good and the ugly
-First of all, lets check out the actual images seen in the trailer. Its quite short and doesn't have that much to talk about, its basically just Ciel and Sebastian. We'll just work with what we have and talk about both their new looks.
- Starting with Ciel, I absolutely ADORE how Ciel looks in this artstyle. He looks way cuter and overall much more soft/delicate, which I appreciate a lot! It makes him look like a doll. He was already doll-like before but the new artstyle emphasizes that more. Supposing every kid character (like Lizzy for example!) will look like this means a serious upgrade from the previous artstyle!!
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For Sebastian... He's the one making us rethink life choices. What happened to him??😭😭 Its not that he looks ugly or something, it just feels off.
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- Many other fans agreed saying he looks a little weird. While many can't really pin point whats up with him that makes them feel like its a downgrade, I might have an answer to that! Lets compare both old and new artstyles to ring whats up.
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☆ "But he doesn't look that diff-" shut up (aka explaining why does he feel off)
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-Okay! Lets compare these two. First off, old artstyle had black lineart all the way. Notice his eyelids? Even those small details are colored with a strong black instead of a softer color that would've mixed better. The hair was made with pretty strong, straight lines as well. And the colors were leaning to a muted tone, as you can see in Sebas' dead corpse skin (sorry for the sudden slander lmao). Now new Sebas! Hair is made with more curves than straight lines and appears to look a bit messier? Lineart is now the same color as the coloring, if you look at the skin, it has a brown-ish outline to fit his now not so dead corpse skin, and the eyelids I mentioned before are the same color! Speaking of which, colors seem a bit more alive than before. And lastly, eyes are significantly smaller and way too far from each other for some reason. That FREAKS ME OUT. I strongly believe the main point that turned off viewers are the eyes ngl... Cause overall, its not even that bad. Its just the eyes that are... Questionable. Honestly, if every adult character looks like this, that can be an issue, at least for me (this analysis made me unable to see the eyes the same way).
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☆ The "ikemen" grip
Ikemen: That one male character found in anime that's MADE for fanservice and/or being attractive. Examples may include Dazai from BSD and Vanitas from VNC.
- Now, most BB fans are mad st Sebas' change mostly bc he's THE ikemen from BB and we've had TWO SEASONS + MANY OVAS + A MOVIE with the same artstyle, so you can't really expect everyone to accept that sudden change without complaints. I understand being upset, I mean I'm upset too! And made a whole ass post about it! But I also understand people telling us to shut up and just enjoy the announcement of a new season when 99.9% of the fandom had already lost hope. By understanding both sides, I've decided to take a more neutral/pacifist (?) approach to this. I think its good for people to raise their concerns and complaints about the new artstyle, its not like everyone and their moms have to like the new artstyle, not liking it is completely fine! Also is thinking we deserve better! But completely overshadowing the happy and very awaited announcement of a new season with overwhelming negativity towards the artstyle is ridiculous. You can openly dislike it, just remember to be grateful for the fact we got a new season in the first place. Its not like endlessly complaining will get the animators to animate everything since the beginning just to make us stop complaining. This is just my opinion though, feel free to share yours below!!
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
people have a right to be upset at them and almost every atiny I have seen on twt is not dropping them, simply wanting to let them know how problematic that song is (even though they really should know given how racist the lyrics are) so don’t know why you’re acting like people can’t be upset & disappointed, especially since the vast majority is not dropping them at all
where the fuck did i make it seem like people can't be upset and disappointed ??? get off anon and face me coward ass bitch, let's get things straight face to face
i saw desitinys being affected and ofc i want them to bave justice. but the rest of twtiny are acting on their hero complex and started this mob mentality, demanding shit not only from kq and ateez but also from other atinys. now i get that boundaries are blurred through technology, but i personally don't like how entitled they all sound. the most upset people in the app were not even desi and that should say something. you do know that those people said that those who are going to the fansign in taiwan should give their time to address the issues directly to the boys but when a statement or apology comes, they shouldn't comment on it. now i understand the not accepting the apology if you're not desi part but to actually want to intentionally cause distress to the boys esp san in the middle of tour ??? wow. i'll explain my logic if anyone don't understand why i said causing distress in the middle of tour.
and pertaining to the song, i didn't know it was culturally insensitive by looking at the lyrics and i read, speak, and understand korean. It took me EXTENSIVE research to understand what was wrong and i made that realization in the middle of another kpop idol's controversy over the same song. so even to the broad public, this is not common knowledge bc i don't see people who fawn over norazo's music much and i don't go around everyday searching "racist thing people do today", i literally got better things to do. not to mention, this is not a big news in korea so ofc not everyone remembers or knows or understand what's going on. what they know is that due to modernization and advancement of technology, they are being demanded in the worst possible way to accept, understand, acknowledge, and automatically know about every single culture in this world but is not being given the help or understanding or even time to adjust. and what do you expect from a homogenous society ??? do you think in a fast-paced, no fucks given country everyone is atuned to every single cultural issue in this world ??? are YOU aware that malaysians claimed that some indonesian heritage belong to them and even got singapore to say the same in middle school textbooks ? Even I had just found this out not 2 months ago because i was engaging in the context of the issue. my point is that even you are unaware of cultural issues despite it hurting me because it's not your job to instantly know, it's my job to let you know i'm hurt and explain why. difference is, you're a coward son of a bitch hiding behind anon so i can't even start to create awareness of what hurr me. i'm not excusing anyone's behaviour bc ofc if people are hurt, the party who caused said hurt should definitely apologize and take action. but circumstances need to be seen too.
san is now being called racist or doing racist behaviour, people are demanding ateez to halt any and all activities to apologize, they're demanding other atinys to shut up but follow along. like i have a problem with the way the issue is addressed but not with the fact that the issue itself exisr. i have NEVER said no one should be upset, literally where even the fuck ???? but as you are expecting them to be more open and understanding, you too must be open and understanding that things slipped their minds, there are not much available resources in korea and people who seem so very keen on "educating" does not seem to want to educate in korean which would've been better since it bridges communication and can maybe achieve something. it's hard work trying to make people more aware but it's even harder when it's done in anger and entitlement.
Even after kq released an apology and acknowledgement of the situation, tw"tinys" still demand apology and it's up to 3 members now. who the fuck is even the other one, i don't fuckimg know but you see how this now seem like a fucking witch hunt ? It's not even about the awareness anymore.
I can go on about why this shit happens, i still have A LOT of points i can make. let me know and i'll educate you both in reading comprehension and about the issue.
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vbee-miya · 1 year
helloo!!! could i get a matchup for bnha?? :0 (this is the first time im requesting something sorry if i say anything wrong msfnsnnd) im 18 (i turned 18 only some days ago lol), i use he/they pronouns (im a trans boy:]) and im gay mdmfms im an isfp and a hufflepuff if that matters!!! im v introverted and shy at first and im not someone who likes to go out because i have trouble with loud noises n too much people, but whenever i go out im the kind of person who talks too much (when im w friends) and is a literal clown, although i still cant talk with people outside my circle so other people have to often speak up for me (esp when i want to buy stuff mssmfmsmdlmao), as for my traits, ig im kind of pessimist when it comes to myself? but super optimistic when it comes to others, im also v anxious, protective towards ppl i like and very, very blunt, because i speak without thinking,,, i also daydream a lot and get distracted even more, i have a lot of energy too but i just dont show it so thats that!! as for hobbies im a writer and an artist! (daydreaming helps a lot for some reason), i like playing videogames and that stuff, and i also love researching things such as bugs (i love them but if you put a bug Infront of me i'd cry) and human behavior:], ii also have a lisp so how i speak in every single Language sounds funny,, im basically what would happen if you combined a nerd, anxiety, a clown and too much coffee (i cant even drink coffee bc of my adhd tho since it makes me very sleepy) hehebw i hope that information is good!! sorry for rambling too much again aa
༺❀༻ matchup ༺❀༻
i don't see why not, here ya go.
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hop in on the adventures of tintin. 
he doesn’t mind going out to places that are quiet, or places that have little to no interaction with people. so probably like hanging around his dormitory or if given the chance when the school is on break he’d invite you to his place or if you ever offer, then you guys could hang around at your place. 
mirio to me is the type of guy who can easily warm up to people and usually knows what to say and do. i mean after all, what do you expect from someone in the big three? so even hanging out that random silence of awkwardness would cease to exist. the more you both start getting to know each other and start creating that good rapport he’d be able to talk about anything and everything. and let's say there’s a topic you love talking about that isn’t within his knowledge, then no worries he’d be more than willing to learn and listen about it. 
when you guys are outside, potentially to go out eating and or to buy things, mirio is your man, your buddy. you bet he’d be the one doing all the talking. i mean you can’t really shut him up. anyways when you guys go out to buy stuff he’d actually buy anything you’d want and that’s a fact. he’s generous. 
pessimism is natural, anyone can feel those doubts and it’s so easy seeing things negatively. especially about oneself. but as optimistic as mirio can be he’d understand where you’re coming from and rather than saying haphazardly things like “don’t think like that” “don’t say that'' he'd be more than willing to hear you out and encourage the hell out of you. because no one deserves to be thought about like that especially from us. 
your bluntness in my headcanon is something that catches him off guard sometimes, though he’d appreciate the bluntness. he’s most definitely the type to accept critical criticism or just anything about him. in terms of self-improvement. 
every time you have that burst of energy mirio would think that it’s cute. and sometimes if not most times would be highly fascinated with your daydreams and would actually give great writing ideas to write about as they’re not too complex and can be worked around rather quickly. 
there’s a funny little headcanon i have where he doesn’t mean to put a bug at your face, he just thought the stick bug was really cool and knew to some degree you’d research about them potentially. 
he’d wouldn’t even notice your lisp and would actually say that he doesn’t hear it. but till one day he really notices it and his world opened anew.
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