#bc remember i said they bite in defense
theonetrueyeet · 5 months
spider ramble... particularly about false widows
in a Mood™ abt spiders currently, ESPECIALLY false widows. been going back over my arachnid section of the invertebrate module bc i have exams soon and its late and im frustrated abt how false widows get portrayed by the media and percieved by the british public... this is gonna be long and rambly and probably not make much sense and go off in a million and one diff directions sorry i just feel like talking abt spiders. this also came about bc of the big fuckoff house spider that was in my room last night on the top of my door frame but since it was late (like. midnight) and also out of my reach i went eh. ill deal with it in the morning. and then i woke up in the morning and no more spider to deal with! which i should be more stressed about i feel but im so exhausted from the run up to exams and other life stuff that im just like ok cool thats Around somewhere now ig. im guessing it was a female from the size but i cant be sure... anyway without further ado onto the main show.
so here in the uk we arent exactly known for our venomous animals. we have some but they're nothing really that dangerous (to us as humans at least. im not going into venom-prey specificity rn ive had ENOUGH of that recently). we have the european adder (which is also percieved as terrifying bc its a venomous snake but it poses very little risk to us as humans bc they are very shy and i have a lot to say abt adders but thats for another day), wasps, bees, some venomous fish (didnt know this until i found one rockpooling they r pretty neat), even some stinging jellyfish and siphonophores like the portuguese man o war. and then we have the spiders. all species of spider are venomous (minus the uloboridae family, aka the cribellate orb weavers which im not too sure off the top of my head if we have those in the uk... we might have one or two species?? idk but they arent venomous and i think theres another family that has some non venomous spiders BUT THE POINT IM MAKING IS PRETTY MUCH ALL SPIDERS ARE VENOMOUS). there are 650ish spp of spider in the uk and of those VERY FEW are at all medically significant. of these few are the rabbit hutch spider, the cupboard spider, and... the noble false widow. these 3 spiders are all known as false widow spiders. we also occasionally get the meditterreanean false widow, but to my knowledge these only arrive on imports and dont have a population within the uk.
belonging to the genus steatoda, false widows are usually seen as these terrifying death spiders that will kill you just for looking at them when really... they arent actually that dangerous. most cases of bites being severe are either a) a result of an allergy or b) it was actually caused by something other than the bite itself (such as a bacterial infection in the bite, or the "bite" not actually being a bite) or even c) greatly exaggerated by the tabloids (shocker)... like ok we dont have many scary animals in the uk but. we dont need to overexaggerate the ones that really arent as bad as people think! badgers probably pose more of a threat to you than a false widow does. have you seen a badger?! they look so cute but they are VICIOUS those things will FUCK YOU UP and give you TB on top of getting absolutely mauled. a false widow will, at most, just make you feel a bit ill for a couple of days. me personally i would take a falsie over the badger. false widows also only bite in defense! most of the time they bite because you didn't see them and happened to be a very big thing up in their personal space! tbh i would bite too
false widow bites are, to most people, no more harmful than a wasp sting. so its not exactly a fun time but its not exactly the limb destroying death bite that the british media loves to make it out to be. most bites are probably dry bites or have near neglible amounts of venom, so won't cause anything more than a bit of pain. when venom does get involved it gets a bit more complicated bc it depends on how ur body reacts to it. as i said before, most ppl its not much worse than a wasp sting but it can cause things like muscle spasms, sweating, and a raised temperature. it rarely gets worse than that. of course you can be allergic to it which will cause anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency, but this is an exceptional circumstance. most ppl bitten by a false widow will not experience that. the panic over false widows in the uk is a mixture of media-driven mass hysteria and arachnophobia.
anyway in conclusion shoutout brandon collier who did an amazing talk abt false widows during the bhs venom day both at the 2022 and 2023 events both of which i was lucky enough to attend. if i cant go to venom day this year you will see me on the news.
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ky-yk · 1 year
stand-in love (jwy x f!reader)
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genre: fluff, angst || word count: 1k
author’s note: had this wony x reader fic sitting in my drafts completely empty bc i lost the original idea but thanks to this amazing (AND GAY) episode of love bites suddenly i can write again
you were known for a lot of things.
approachable, charming, and kind, you were everyone’s friend.
you were also quite clever: near perfect test scores, a continuous slew exemplary outputs used by teachers as “examples” for others (not without the scowls of some), and the eloquence that even the brightest minds envied.
you were a rational person. every move you made was calculated.
but you could not, for the life of you, remember what the hell was going through your head when you asked your best friend to be your girlfriend.
for practice.
in your messed-up head, it made perfect sense! you'd never been with a girl before, so why not practice for the real thing? you'd hate to be anything less than the best -- even more so as a girlfriend.
that would just be embarrassing.
so one day, while you and wonyoung were hanging out after class, you decided to pop the question.
"do you wanna go out with me?"
"f--for practice!"
nice save, y/n.
you stumbled over your words and waved your hands around as you tried to explain. "i mean, i've never been with a girl in that way before, you know? i don't wanna mess it up!"
she continued to eye you inquisitively, putting her fork down and leaning back against her seat. "and you think that going on a practice date is gonna help you?"
"it sounds stupid, i know," you sighed, putting your own fork down and leaning back into your seat.
"no no, continue. i wanna know where you were going with this," she urged you with an amused smile.
"you think that me dying alone is funny, wony?! man, what friend you are," you rolled your eyes at the girl while crossing your arms.
she looked at you, eyes wide and jaw dropped in disbelief. "i--didn't even say that?! wah, the gall of this one." it was her turn to roll her eyes.
you shook your head in amusement. "well, i was just thinking that it wouldn't be a good idea to go into it blind, you know? it's like a test; you've gotta be prepared!" you reasoned out.
"you're never beating the overthinker allegations, are you?"
"hey, it's a valid concern!" you semi-yelled defensively.
"i didn't say it was! it's just..."
"a little overkill, don't you think? you can't just become the best girlfriend ever by studying or something -- it's not a test," she says.
you frown. "if you don't want to, you could've just said--"
"when did i say that, though?" she cuts you off.
"wait, so you would?"
"i mean, i don't see why not," she shrugs. "besides, you're paying, aren't you?" she asks cheekily.
"in your dreams, jang," you shot back.
"what date you are," she mumbled. you felt a small smile take over your features hearing the pout in her voice.
"anyways, just tell me when and where."
that was six months ago.
and now here you both were, cuddled up on the corner of your friend's couch while everyone else was seated around the coffee table playing some board game.
you looked over at your fake girlfriend, admiring her as she laughed at your friends' shenanigans before you poked her cheek. that seemed to catch her attention as she hums and looks at you like a puppy.
"i'm going to grab something from the kitchen, you want anything?"
"just a water, love," she replied.
"ne," you said taking the blanket that was covering you both off your lap and laying it on her.
once you were out of earshot, the group turned to wonyoung, faces ranging from confusion to surprise.
"love?" rei questioned.
"are you guys actually together, now?" leeseo asked excitedly, prompting gaeul to scoff.
"what do you mean, 'together'? i don't even like girls like that," wonyoung replied.
"sounded a lil too defensive, don't you think?" liz questioned.
"guys, let's stop ganging up on wony," yujin sighed. "that's for her to figure out."
"figure what out?" you asked as you walked into the living room, a glass of water in hand. "here you go, by the way."
"how this game works, y/n," liz chimed in, pulling a new board game out from under the coffee table.
"you wanted to play, wony?" you asked as you took a seat on the arm of the couch, looking down at her.
"nope, was just curious," she answered before she pulled you back into her lap by the waist. "besides, who's gonna keep you warm?" she continued, craning her neck to look up at you, prompting gaeul to fake vomit in the background.
you watched the girls play, unaware of your best friend's stare.
no way did they think we were actually together, did they? are we really that convincing of a couple? i mean, y/n is lovely, that's for sure. she takes care of me well, she's funny, and she's just so cuddly!
best friends think of each other this way, don't they?
slowly but surely, the girls started resigning and heading to their bedrooms for the night, leaving you and wonyoung in the living room.
"well, wanna head in for the night, wony?"
"no, i just wanna stay here for a while," she whispered. you leaned closer to hear her.
"why are you whispering, we're the only ones here," you whispered back. you note the proximity: breaths mingling with each other, noses barely touching, and her long eyelashes that you could individually count.
you also notice how her breathing seemingly quickened.
"no reason," she says, before leaning up and connecting your lips -- only for a second, though.
her eyes were hooded as she looked up at your wide eyes. that must've snapped her back to reality because her own eyes went wide as she moved to push you off her lap.
"wait wait, wony," you urged her but not before she pushed you away.
"i'm sorry, y/n," she whispered before going into her room and leaving you standing wondering what the hell just happened.
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fluffymaxsworld · 10 months
hii i just came across your blog and i love your theme!! it’s so cute :))))
can i request könig defending the reader from teasing? maybe she’s a new recruit for kortac and she’s very soft spoken and some other recruits are making fun of her b/c she’s so quiet!! könig overhears this and comes to readers defense!!
thank u bunches!!!
könig x gn!reader
(i changed it a bit so you’re soft spoken and a lil shy)
you’re someone new, like never ever been in the military and your first mission is no other than a undercover one!! you’re so so scared bc you know how hard for you is social interactions, especially talking with strangers, ESPECIALLY on an undercover mission that’s supposed to be your first. and its so uncomfortable bc everyone is so used to this type of missions but you :( so you decide to talk to a superior and share your problem. he’s so kind and doesn’t mind that you’re shy and he tells you it’s okay for you to stay at the base.
four are the people that aren’t picked for the mission, you, two men you barely talked to and this big, scary masked guy (lol guess who is!!).
you kinda feel that feeling of shame for not being in the mission, after all everyone knew that that was supposed to be your first one so you just sit there, staring at your lap and sometimes biting on your nails. that big scary guy (who you finally remembered was könig) just sat in front of you with legs spread and body relaxed.
after awhile the two other men approached you. at first they barely acknowledged your presence but then it seemed like they realized who you were and why you were there.
“you skipped the first mission?” one of them asked.
“and the undercover one, over all! it’s basically free buffet and a couple of trackers!” the other continued.
“i don’t like socializing that much…” you muttered, still glaring holes in your lap. your voice was soft and sweet, definitely not the voice of a military woman. they stared at you for a second and then one of them started laughing.
“that’s the fuckin’ weirdest excuse i’ve ever heard!” he said, looking at his friend.
“woman, you can just say you’re lazy, no need to make up a lie like that”
“it’s not a lie…” you replied, voice shaking. you could feel sweat forming on your forehead and lips trembling. you wanted to bury a hole and hide in it.
“it’s not a lie” someone repeated (woooh🫣). you stared up and saw the big, scary man behind the other two. he looked at them and they cheaply excused them self, saying something like “relax man, we were joking” or “you’re no fun…”.
as soon as the two men stepped out the room he turned around to face you.
“are you okay?” he asked, the eyes softening slightly.
“now i am, thank you” you said, catching up the breaths you lost in that hell of a minute.
“you’re the new recruit, aren’t ya?” he asked. you could tell he was from central europe, germany or austria, he had a very clear accent.
“yeah.” you presented yourself, smiling awkwardly at the situation.
“the captain told me ‘bout ya. can’t handle galas or parties?” he said genuinely. it felt like you could trust him, even if you barely knew his name.
“yes. i don’t like talking to strangers…” you answered.
“my cousin has the same problem, ya know? he doesn’t want to host a party, not even for his 18s” he chuckled.
you could help but smiling, his laugh was contagious.
“you must care a lot about him” i said, now enjoying really much his presence.
“yeah. he gets me. you don’t seem scared of me, though. does it mean i made a good first impression?” he asked with a grin on his face that was so oblivious even with the mask on.
you smiled and nodded.
“we’ll get along really well…”
a/n: my god this was so fun to write!! i have a latin exam tomorrow but i wanted to post it earlier, i hope it was okayy :33
i might do a pt.2 tho i wanna make em kiss😈
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Everlark (Mockingjay, Ch. 25-27)
peeta also being in the burn unit bc he was in the city circle
what i personally believe is that he's the one who tried to put out the fire that overwhelmed katniss, hence his own burnt hands and forehead
her using peeta's coping mechanism of pain to stay grounded in reality
when katniss talks about all the people she trusts being said, she highlights that there is peeta but he wouldn't know any more than her about 13's plans.
"we are both fire mutts now" - still a (broken) team
"those same blues" mentioned again
haymitch understanding katniss. the dad that stepped up. i love that he says "i'm with the mockingjay" instead of "yes"
katniss being our fave feral girl by literally biting into peeta's hand as he stops her from taking her nightlock
the fact that when she says "let me go", our baker boy with the beautiful words and the charm can only say "i can't"
just another instance where these can't let each other go. has anyone made a counter for these instances?
peeta is well and truly back. to do that. to know he can't let her go. that even when she bites him so hard he bleeds, he just looks into her eyes and lets her know he can't let her die
the fact that after the way katniss was used in the games and then in the rebellion, afterwards when she's damaged and broken and bruised and they have no more use for her, she's just sent off to 12
"there's no obstacle now to taking my life. but i seem to be waiting for something" - the same way peeta kept his hand open with the nightlock pill waiting for katniss to curl over his hand for him, katniss waits for peeta's permission to die
i love that she doesn't even mention peeta by name when she sees he's returned. we just know instinctively that he's the "him" that's back.
peeta says dr aurelius wouldn't let him leave the capitol til the day before which makes me think peeta had really been trying to be discharged to get back to katniss.
"his eyes have lost that clouded, tortured look"
katniss who understandably has fallen into physical disrepair over the last two chapters now feels "defensive" as peeta looks at her, frowning, and tries to push her hair out of her eyes somewhat. her relationship is SO different to the one she has with everyone else. and that's because it's really the only one where she's concerned with romance and her looks etc
peeta digging up and bringing her primrose. the boy with the bread is still here bringing gifts that can't have a price put on them. he is the sweetest most beautiful fictional boy
katniss is relieved that gale is in 2, far away. that era of her life is over, that friendship is over.
although she's still confusing right to end. why are you thinking about gale's lips kissing other lips. i think it's just like her finding closure but still.
katniss falling asleep on the sofa but waking up in her bed. we can guess who got her there
it's only after peeta comes back that katniss starts to hunt, find closure, grieve with others.
peeta bringing her a warm loaf of bread again.
them taking the family plant book and creating a new book to honour and remember the dead. her, peeta and haymitch creating their own makeshift family book. so tragic so beautiful
"peeta and i grow back together" - like it was inevitable.
But his arms are there to comfort me. And eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that. So after, when he whispers, “You love me. Real or not real?” I tell him, “Real.”
i love how simple and matter of fact this whole passage is. she doesn't need to go into flowery descriptions or explanations. she's already done that for three books.
i just love this whole passage so much. so much hope. so much love. after all that's happened, katniss learns to live again, to hope again, to love again, to see goodness again. and peeta is a key to her achieving that. and it's so beautiful
as an adult, i now know that this scene is alluding to their first time having sex. the mentions of his arms that build to his lips that build to her hunger from the beach that night. "so after" is after that night, that moment in their relationship where things become elevated in a new way.
him whispering that is not him asking her to declare it or say it. he's asking her to confirm what he feels, has felt. that she loves him. and she knows now her answer forever. real.
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tpher · 9 months
scary girl analysis !
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something something the most clearly gimmicky gen 4 character we know. as your resident pahkitew island apologist, i dont care. it actually took me a bit to warm up to her and i figured id talk abt why that is
so her main thing is being creepy and sadistic for the sake of jokes. its not serious.. mostly. she does prove to actually be down to hurt others (such as when she got a hold of a jackhammer). but what about an instance where she wanted to hurt someone for actual reasons? when was that?
that was when priya went up to her to compliment her on doing a good job on the previous challenge. priya says that shes surprised by scary girl having done a good job.
scary girls response?
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a very defensive "oh, it surprised you that i was good? cuz you thought id do bad?"
and thats the thesis of this post
scary girl is very insecure
backing up for a moment, in ep 2 when the teams were on ships and attacking each other, she was the one who came up with the idea of sinking the other teams ship as an idea on what to do when they were out of ammo (? iirc). but no one else heard that, just zee
then in ep 3, ripper makes her go last in the relay race thing bc he didnt want her to "blow things" for the team. she reacts by trying to bite his finger. not with a funny creepy smile, but with genuine anger to her literal bite. and then during that challenge, she infamously grabs a bear by the arm and starts beating it up while saying "thats what you get for growling at me!!!". once shes done, she goes "byeee" and goes on like nothing happened. proving that if someone wrongs her, she can easily let it go.. so long as she gets to do something back. remember this for later
and here we come back to her interaction with priya. so far, scary girl has proven herself to be a pretty alright player and she herself knows that. so the notion of someone being SURPRISED she did well?? does not sit well with her at all. but the way that she harps on the wording, even before zee steps in to make it worse, is what gets to me. it just really adds an extra layer to her character that, well. ironically surprised me! for someone who always seems to be in her own world, so unconventional, so ill-fitting with everyone else to also be insecure in some capacity?
anyway she tries to hurt priya with a spoon but gets interrupted. later on, priya is still thinking abt their encounter and feels bad so she tries to make it up to scary girl by flattering her. namely by saying that scary girls question was smart.. and priya being her awkward self, only dug herself in a hole by making it seem like that was a smart question by scary girls standards
scary girl is speechless. baffled. mad beyond words
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it should be noted that scary girl looked offended when priya even started speaking. meaning that she also did not forget about their conversation that morning. she REALLY took it to heart. applying the bear logic here, had scary girl hurt her with the spoon earlier, would she be less mad? would she had considered each other even? and in that case, would this comment go over better or would it had simply restarted her need for revenge?
well. they dont interact for the rest of the episode up until the very end. after ripper used priya as a human shield, obviously injuring her
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scary girl tells her that rippers a jerk and that priya didnt deserve that. so she'll be voting to get ripper out. and calls priya her "friend".
(her face and tone makes me a bit suspicious if this was genuine. but thats probably just her being her offputting self so i'll ignore it.) ok so by scary girl logic, priya deserved to have SOMETHING bad coming her way after what she said to her.
but not this.
scary girl, who came here to "make friends and watch them get really hurt", was not okay with what ripper did to priya. perhaps she thinks that only she could be allowed to hurt priya to balance things out? personally giving priya her karma, perhaps?
but now she considers priya a "friend". who likely wants to see her get hurt. but in the fun way that scary girl likely sees most other contestants as, possibly? idk.
anyway after all of that, we can see just how insecure scary girl can get over unintentionally awkward phrasing. just how deeply it hurts her feelings to be underestimated like that
season 2 spoilers ahead !!!
in season 2, we see even less of her. but there is SO much to work with
normal girl is so fascinating to me
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by the time s2 starts, scary girl already has an all new look. shes trying to be "normal"
she admits in her confessional that some ppl thought she was too scary in the first season so thats why she changed her appearance and her everything. who were these ppl?
other than a dog as a joke, online forums, showing an interesting glimpse into the in-universe ""real world"" stepping into total drama. perhaps also a meta joke on the fandoms response to her but who knows. imagine unabashedly being yourself on tv and everyone is telling you to change. you are 16 and likely going through a weird phase. feeling a lot of heightened emotions already and ""knowing"" that this is who you are (at the moment). and if its not a phase? still 16 on international television getting lambasted by millions
and last but not least, her MOM??? her own mother. that just raises more questions abt how scary girl was before getting on td. was she NOT like this before? was she playing it up for the cameras? or did she just go unhinged without parental supervision? in any case the fact is that even her own mom wasnt okay with what makes her happy and how she presented herself.
so scary girls solution? to try her best to suppress anything that made her unique. to try to adhere to "societal norms", in her own words.
we dont see much of her in this ep other than her commenting on how shes normal and totally did not want to see someone get hurt. shes clearly struggling so bad. she knows that apparently what she likes isnt "right", therefore the opposite must be true, right?
she is simultaneously so immediately different that the others didnt even recognize her at first. yet still so "scary" that she cant fit in. she just doesnt know how no matter how hard she tries. if she were to stay longer, what can she do? this game is not only abt your skills in the challenges its also a social thing. how long until she snapped and went back to her old ways?
and then we get to the campfire ceremony. chef is about to call out whatever it was the she did wrong that day, but she interrupts him with a simple "no."
she cannot fathom being sent home, at least not this early. bc shes normal! she is sooo normal and she tried SO HARD to be normal! she read normal books and normal movies and studied normal people. she even taught herself to smile in a more acceptable way, which is so autistic coded to me. so she deserves to stay longer.
(getting flashbacks to my topher psychoanalysis and his entitlement being both a tragedy and his self-imposed downfall)
..but she studied "normal people" in her own not-normal way. while they werent looking. while they were sleeping. while they had no idea she was there.
so she got booted out for that. and she cannot believe it.
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when she says that she "didnt even try to hurt anyone this time", she is mad. that was her ""fun"" and she managed to control it 100% only to get eliminated??? shes fed up!
but when she talks about how she taught herself how to smile in a "less-creepy" way?
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she softens up and looks genuinely hurt.
she tried so hard. she saw all those horrible comments from people judging her based on like 5 episodes on a reality show. her own mother didnt accept her. her insecurity won and she aimed to change and repress everything that made her unique
and it still wasnt enough
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gold-rhine · 2 years
Sub afab! Kaeya x GN Dom! Reader
Repost bc my previous blog got shadowbanned.  Part two of this fic, can be read as standalone, but follows the emotional arc from the first part, so I think it’ll feel more rewarding to read them in order. But you do you, ofc.
Warnings: nsfw, bondage, fingering, oral (character receiving), vaginal and anal sex, overstim, graphic description of a panic attack. It’s a bit intense and angsty at one point, but it gets better, I promise
Wordcount: 4k
Trust me/ You can be sure
You kiss him, enjoying the languid and sensual way his tongue moves against yours, low sweet hum deep inside his throat. His hands are tied to the bedframe above his head, and his body is completely in your power when you slide down, pepper him with kisses, he’s beautiful and silken and arching under you.You suck on his clit briefly and then slide your tongue into his cunt, and his hips lift under your mouth, his legs shuddering and falling apart in pleasure, but his voice is still cocky and ironic, if just a little breathless
“I’m so sorry, I’m afraid that’s a wrong hole. I thought we wanted to try the other one.”
“And I think someone wants to get his smart mouth gagged.”
“You won’t,” he says with an arrogant smirk. “You like hearing me talk.”
He’s gotten more used to the compliments, but that only means he now sounds smug when fishing for them instead of bitterly sarcastic. You still can’t help but indulge him.
“I do,” you smile, straighten up to sprawl next to him, catch his chin in your hand to bring his face next to yours. “But there are ways to shut you up for a few moments without a gag.”
“Oh, you mean with a kiss?” he grins wolfishly, reaches up for you despite the cocky tone. “That’s chea…”
Holding his gaze, you slide two fingers into his cunt and watch him choke on his words, then smile wider and start caressing him in a way you know can drive him crazy in seconds, - thumb roughly at his clit, fingers hooked deep inside him, stroking his sweet spot with slow, methodic pressure.
“I would never cheat like that,” you tell him and you can feel his face heating up in a blush from how close you are. “Not when your mouth looks so pretty gasping for air.”
He blushes brighter and bites his lip harshly to stop himself from gasping, but can’t stop his body from betraying his desire, how he clenches around your fingers, turns from glistening to soaking wet so fast. It’s a different kind of powerlessness from just being tied, helplessness from how well you know him, how precisely you can break him, and he loves that you know it, care to remember it, even if he'll never admit it.
You can tell from experience when he’s about to come, when the thrusts of his hips first turn frantic, then his entire body arches up, desperately lifting off the bed, tense legs spread at the bent knees and breath held. You slide your fingers out before he can finish and he crashes down, glaring at you indignitally and catching his breath before he can speak.
“Oh, sorry, you said something about a wrong hole? I’ll leave it alone then,” you say with a feigned innocence. “Anything you want, as always.”
He groans, rolling his eyes.
“You were not such an insufferable tease when we first met.”
“I’ve learned from the best”, you grin and kiss the corner of his scowling mouth.
You use both lube and his own slick from his throbbing, soaked cunt to coat your fingers, then slide them down and start massaging the tight ring of his asshole.
“Babe,” you tell him softly, “remember, we’re just experimenting for fun. If it doesn’t feel good, tell me, we’ll do something else.”
He flushes, looks away and drawls with pointed irritation.
“Ugh, I wouldn’t tell you I haven’t tried it if I knew you'd make such a big deal out of it. It’s fine.”
Here’s the thing, you know sometimes he tries to hide his own discomfort if he thinks it’ll disappoint you, and also that he only gets so rudely defensive when you hit his sore spot. You can hear his heart racing in his chest even as his voice is confident. The time to be most gentle with Kaeya is when he tries his damnest to be the most unpleasant.
“Okay, just don’t hesitate to say something if it changes,” you bring your mouth to his ear and whisper quietly. “You are more than enough as it is, baby..”
He takes a shaky breath, still refusing to meet your eyes. You don’t pressure him, draw a trail of sloppy wet kisses down his neck, then on his fast rising chest, tense stomach, until covering his swollen clit with your mouth. It doesn’t take long of playing with it to make both of his holes twitch, pulsing open. You press one finger inside and he clenches around it immediately, his entire body tensing up. You glance up to see him arching, his chest with hardened peaks of nipples rising up feverishly in quick frantic breaths.
“Baby, are you okay?”
“Yes, don’t stop,” he says, sounding strangled, and then you catch a barely audible, tiny “please…”
You grin against his pulsing flesh and get to eating him out, with your finger slowly moving inside his tight, tense ass. When you start picking up the rhythm, he moans, hips bucking up to meet your lips, knees shaking and falling apart, toes scraping at the bedsheets.
“So you *do* like it,” you smile, actually relieved at this undeniable display of pleasure, no longer needing to worry that he tries to hide his discomfort for your sake.
“Can you…” he swallows harshly, still doesn’t look at you, even though his hips are rising eagerly to meet your movements. “I want you in my cunt too…”
You smirk and slide your thumb into his wet, trembling entrance, suck on his puffy clit. He lets out a choked noise, something between the strangled moan and a needy whine, his pussy clenches, gushing with wetness. Hiis legs jerk up to press his knees to his chest and offer himself better to you, toes curling in the air.
“Oh, so you *really* like it, hah?” you smile, move your tongue along his beautiful quivering folds and sliding another finger into his ass, eliciting another moan, his legs raising even higher up to expose himself. It’s humiliating, but he can’t help it, wants to be open for you, loves this feeling of being filled by you, wants even more, wants you in his mouth too, even if he’s too proud to admit it, having already openly asked for too much.
But you see him lick his lips and bite them, gasp, opening his mouth wider than he had to. You slide two fingers of your free hand into his mouth, and he shudders, tenses up, looking up at you paralyzed, like a deer caught in headlights. Before this moment, he didn’t know he wanted this so badly, but now it takes over him, how good it feels to be so open, all of him in your disposal, all of his holes, and how you still look at him with such a hunger, like you want even more, like you want all of him  
“Fuck, look at you. You’re so beautiful. And you’re mine,” you fuck into him, his cunt, his ass, and his mouth, and he trembles and arches, eyelashes fluttering helplessly. “Everything you have, I’ll take you whole.”
He comes harder than he’s ever had before, scream muffled by your fingers in his throat, cunt squirting on your hand, his mind completely black and blank, nothing but the waves of pleasure. You let him ride through orgasm until he goes limp, slide your fingers out and move to untie his hands, but he arches up into you feverishly, closes his legs around you.
“No, please, don’t stop yet,” part of him is embarrassed of how quickly he came, even larger part wants more of this thoughtless bliss, but there’s an unspoken, shameful undercurrent that aches to be held, can’t stand the thought of losing the feeling of being wanted so completely. (you offer him aftercare after every session and he shrugs it off, too proud of being in control, confusing genuine care for pity, because despite being brilliantly smart, he is sometimes a complete idiot) “I want more. I want you to fuck both of my holes, hard.”
“Are you sure you can take it right now?” you pause, looming over him. “It seemed pretty intense for you, baby. We can always try it next time.”
“No, let’s do it now.” He smiles seductively, his voice turning into a purr, but with a wry edge. “Come on, don’t you want me? Haven’t you promised me so many times, “anything for you”?”
You do want him, especially because he’s begging, so openly needy, arching and rubbing against you, without any irony or performative flirting. Here’s another thing. You think he has experience and knows his limits, so you can trust him when he says he can take it, and he thinks that being traumatized in other areas somehow makes him tougher in this one. This is, of course, not how it works.
You get the harness that lets you add a strap in addition to the first starp\cock. He’s on his knees in front of you, tied arms bent at the elbows, back arched and ass high in the air, exposing his soaked cunt. You cup it with your hand and stroke his swollen, pulsing clit, and he bites back a needy moan, rubs against your palm desperately, the slick petals of his folds visibly trembling open.
“Just fuck me already.”
“You can’t blame me for enjoying the sight. It’s not every day I see you begging to be used.”
“You could be,” he says quietly after a small pause.
You raise an eyebrow and make a mental note to bring it up later. You haven’t discussed many terms outside of the bedroom, and from his independent and flirty attitude you’ve assumed he wouldn’t want to be exclusive. He still didn’t tell you that he hasn't slept with anyone else, for which he has completely rational reasons, such as why would he go try some untested swivel when he already has a source of delicious wine, it makes complete sense without bringing feelings into this. And also all of the time that you’re not fucking him, he’s very glad that you don’t ask him to be yours, because that’s just more convinient for everyone involved, and the fact that he feels like dying if you don’t say it when you’re inside him is just. Hormones. Or kink. Or both, but who cares, it doesn’t matter.  
For now, you align the heads of both cocks against his entrances and carefully press into him. He shudders, gasping, an unfamiliar overwhelming sensation of both of his holes being stretched at the same time. You move slowly, give him time to adjust before every thrust, run your hand soothingly over the tense muscles of his back. He’s usually not very loud, but now he moans with every movement, tied hands clawing at the bedsheets. He feels so full, like there’s no way he could take any more and yet every time you push deeper, until both of your cocks are buried inside him to the hilt.
You lean down, gently move away the long strand of midnight blue hair to kiss his stiff shoulder, whisper into his ear, sweet and dirty. His forehead, damp from sweat, is pressed to the sheets, eyes squeezed shut, mouth opening silently in gasps for air. You hold him from behind, your chest against his back, one of your hands caresses his throat and then trails down to play with his nipples, another hand slides in between his thighs to stroke his swollen clit. He turns his head abruptly to catch your mouth in an characteristically clumsy, awkward kiss, his entire body writhing against you with needy abandon, his mind too far gone in pleasure to be concerned with pride. He comes like that, just from the feeling of you all around him and filling him up.
It’s so rare to see him unraveled so completely for longer than a fleeting moment after which his defenses go up again. You want to fuck him so badly, he’s so pliant in your arms, sweet and wet and open, but you contain yourself to ask
“Hey, baby, are you okay? Do you want more?”
“Yes,” he says immediately. He’s dizzy and breathless, but all he knows through the fog of pleasure is that it feels so good and he doesn’t want it to stop, doesn’t want you to let go of him. “Don’t stop.”
You don’t need anymore encouragement, start fucking him, slow at first and then raising the pace. He screams, choked and so unlike himself that you’d be worried he’s in pain if he wasn’t screaming “Yes” and “Please”. You dig your fingers into his hips, enjoy the obscene sounds of skin slapping on skin, of his gushing wet cunt being fucked.
It doesn’t feel like usual orgasm for him, not the tight knot in the pit of the stomach, but lightning bright currents rolling through his entire aching body, turning him raw and overwhelmed, like he doesn’t even belong to himself anymore, filled and used so deeply by you. After a little while, he loses both his mind and control completely, his mouth going slack and his eyes rolling, his body trembling and shaking helplessly under you. He almost blacks out when he comes, his screams turning more and more desperate until you stop, slide out of him.
You only move away for a minute to take off the harness, thinking he’s too far gone to care. He doesn’t exactly come to his senses, but the deep-ridden survival instinct urges him to take control. His mind is still blank and dizzy, black rings under his eyelids and heart drumming in his ears, and all he knows is that he’s alone and weak, so weak and helpless and TIED, he can’t move, so he struggles, pulls at his ties, but can’t break free and he’s horrified.
You turn back at the high clinking sound and see the icy crystalyne shield forming around him.  It looks fragile like cut glass, but the thought of forcefully smashing it, while he’s curled inside, scared and desperately trying to break free, is sickening. He’s weirdly quiet, he screamed in pleasure while you held him, but now he’s biting his lip and struggling silently, his eyes shut, his heart beating way too fast and his ears ringing, like he’s so sure he has no no one to help if he calls.
“Kaeya, it’s me, it’s okay, baby,” you touch the shield and it freezes your fingertips, but you don’t move away. “You need to drop your shield, darling, it’ll be okay, please, my love, you have to let go...”
You keep talking and gradually it gets through the ringing in his ears, he still can barely understand the words, but he can recognize that it’s you. All of his survival instincts scream to not trust you, not trust anything you say, because anyone can turn on him at any time, so he can never let his guard down. …but it’s your voice asking him to let you in.
He chokes on the breath, his arms tense and wringed in the ties, and drops the shield.
You move immediately, scoop him close to your chest, hold his shivering body with one arm, and clumsily try to untie his hands with the other. It’s not easy, but you’re afraid to let him go, and he’s shaking against you. You finally manage to free him and he curls against you, only now starting to sob. His wrists have deep red marks from the ties from where he pulled too harshly on them, trying to wring them out. You gently kiss the sensitive bruised skin of his inner wrists and keep telling him that it’s okay, he’s safe, you’ve got him.
He actually comes to his senses some time after, and the first thing he thinks of is how embarrassing this is. There’s a difference between being seductively helpless and horribly pathetic and he never intended to cross that line. He pushes you away, stands up, determined, if a little wobbly, and stumbles his way to the bathroom, holding onto the walls.
“I’m fine,” he snaps when you try to help him, but it’s hard to be pissed at his tone when he’s still so visibly weak and disoriented. You help him settle in the bathtub as the warm water fills up to cover him when the subject comes to him leaving after this.
“Are you kidding me? You cannot leave like that,” you say incredulously, and his gaze suddenly sharpens, turns cold blue.
“Why? You think you can actually order me around?” he drawls, voice dripping with sarcasm, but you don’t take the bait. You cover his hand with your own, look him in the eye and say slowly
“Kaeya, don’t be ridiculous. I won’t let you go alone in this state,” he visibly bristles, tensing under your hand and you continue calmly, “You can sleep on the sofa and never talk to me again after this if you want, but I won’t leave you alone like that.”
He looks away and tenses up, quiet for a long time, until he finally says “Okay, fine. Can you leave me be for a little while here at least?”
“Of course,” you squeeze his hand and stand up, fighting the urge to kiss him when he’s so obviously closed off. He still doesn’t look at you when you walk out of the bathroom.
You prepare the sofa for him and go to bed. He appears on the threshold of the bathroom sometime after, wearing your oversized t-shirt. Kaeya is someone who can make a potato sack look good, quite literally. Illuminated by the orange light from behind, ruffled hair and long slender legs and just a little of a curve of his ass visible under the baggy shirt, he looks incredibly hot.
He turns the bathroom light off and walks out to the other room with the sofa. He lingers at the threshold, glancing briefly back at you. You’re not sure if asking him to come to you will help or only spook him away, so you keep silent. After some hesitation, he walks out of the room and vanishes out of sight. You sigh and close your eyes.
Few minutes later, you look up at the quiet sound of the steps. He walks up to your bed slowly, a silvery silhouette, illuminated by the moonlight, but his eyes are invisible in the shadows.
“I thought if I’m staying at your place, I might as well enjoy the best sheets, which you will obviously have at your own bed,” his voice is confident, even cavalier, but he wavers in front of your bed, uncertain of your response.
“Of course. It’s the least I can offer you,” you smile at him in reassurance. He gives you a small, barely noticeable in the dark smirk, and finally climbs into the bed. Despite his arrogant tone, he freezes at the very edge of the bed, his back to you, visibly trying to take as little space as possible. His silhouette is sharp and tense in the moonlight and he pulls just enough of covers to put over his waist, laying exposed otherwise. It breaks your heart for some reason you can’t quite articulate at the moment, how lonely and guarded he looks just next to you, and you want to just reach out and pull him closer, but remember the cold crystalline shield and don’t do it. Instead, you carefully pull the bed cover onto him. After a few minutes, when you close your eyes and start to adjust to the cool air without the covers, he scoots over to you, bringing the sheets back to cover both of you.
You smile and softly kiss the back of his neck. He doesn’t say anything, but leans back against you, so you throw an arm over his waist and fall asleep, holding him close.
When you wake up the next morning and start stirring, the first thing you see is him looking up at you sharply, like he’s reading your reaction to seeing him. He only relaxes when you smile and say “Oh hey there, gorgeous.”
He grins and presses against you, sprawled at your side, catches your mouth in a kiss. He’s eager to prove to you that yesterday was just a fluke, that he can compensate for all the trouble, that he’s certainly, undoubtedly worth it.
He has nothing under his shirt and when you slide your hand up his thigh, it rides up, exposing his naked ass. He throws his leg over you, grinds against you a little too aggressively, when through the fog of morning sleepiness and lust you finally remember what happened last night and stop moving.
“Wait, I think you should rest up for at least a day, baby, let’s wait.”
“Ugh, I’m fine, don’t be such a bore.”
“You said you were fine yesterday and then almost gave me a heart attack. Sorry, I’m not risking it again.”
You say it in a light tone, so you don’t expect his response to be heated, but he abruptly moves away and glares at you, tensing up.
“So what, you’re just going to throw me out like that? Fine, I’ll go and finally fuck someone else then.”
“Kaeya, what the fuck are you talking about? Of course I won’t throw you out.“ He still stares at you incredulously so you throw an arm around his shoulders and pull him down on the bed next to you. “Come here. It’s way too early for this, babe.”
He freezes up against you, staring at the ceiling, your arm that’s holding him close burning him like a hot iron, but he can’t move. The sprouts of tenderness crawl under his collarbones, insidious and unwanted, his calculating mind frantically searching for any motives that aren't caring about him for you. He watches dust dance in early rays of slanted sunrise and wills himself to move away, to leave, but can’t. Fine then, if he can’t bring himself to leave, it’s not like being left instead was ever hard for him to achieve.
You start dozing off, your cheek pressed against his soft hair, when the thought of what he meant when he said finally fuck someone else crosses your mind. But before you can think about it any deeper, he plants his arm across your face.
You catch his wrist and gently move it away, squinting at him.
“Kaeya, are you trying to be annoying enough to make me throw you out to prove a point?”’
“No,” he grins pleasantly, his voice sweet. “I’m trying to find out “how” annoying I have to be to make you throw me out.”
“I won’t ever throw you out,” you tell him almost solemnly, holding his gaze, that is anxious under bravado if you know him well enough. Then you smirk at him. “But I might be forced to whack you with a pillow if you keep this up.”
He looks over you intently, his eyes searching, questioning if you really meant it, but then he grins back.
“Then I have to warn you that I’m ruthlessly proficient at pillow fighting, being an undisputed champion at the dawn winery except for the five months after Diluc hit the growth sprout first and his strategy of falling down like a cut tree log was paying off due to the sheer size advantage.”
“Hmm, it doesn’t sound like you’ve been winning due to skill then, maybe you’ve just never met a worthy opponent.”’
“Well, now I’ll have to defend the honor of my doofus brother. I can call him useless, but other people can’t.”
“I need to take your threats seriously then,” you catch his chin and gently rub under it in a way you know makes him melt. Then you kiss him and reach around to steal his pillow while he’s distracted. “So I better make sure you’re disarmed.”
He gasps in exaggerated dismay, not even trying to hide a grin at the same time.
“I cannot believe you’ve backstabbed me like that,” he says, sounding delighted, and breaks into laughter. It strikes you that you’ve never seen him laugh so carefree and openly, without reservations, not just a wry chuckle or a smirk, and how lovely and happy he looks like that. “I hope you understand that you leave me no choice but to retaliate just as ruthlessly.”
You smile at him, hoarding both of your pillows behind your back.
“Of course. Anything you want, as always.”
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sunfyresrider · 2 years
Valentines w Aegon
Summary: Aegon forgot what day it was and now has to spend the entire day proving he is better than Aemond.
pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Reader warning: little bit of smut, little bit of fluff, lil bit of Aegon being an idiot, a whole lotta redemption word count: 2,000+ note: not my best smut bc I added it on at the last minute
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Aegon didn't wake up early that day. In fact, he woke up around noon as he usually did. You had been married for a few years now and it still perplexed you how he so easily forgot holidays. You weren’t furious, he was always the most forgetful man you met. Actually, you doubted if he even remembered the days of the week.
He finally showed up to come see you for his very late breakfast. “Good morrow, love.” Aegon placed a quick kiss on your cheek and took the seat across from you. “It’s past noon, love.” You didn’t mean for your words to leak so much venom, but it was too late. Mayhaps you were angrier than you originally thought.
"I know, I'm sorry." He sighed, "I overslept again. Are you angry?" No, you never cared that he overslept. You overslept half the time anyway. You were upset he forgot a holiday that was made for couples. “I am not angry.” You said in defense before taking a bite of your food.
Aegon knew you like the back of his hand or well cock. He knew his cock much better than his hand at this point. Every time you lied you avoided eye contact, and your voice lost all emotion. What the hell did he do this time? Aegon hadn’t drank lately and he definitely wasn’t sleeping with other women. Did he forget something again?
You ate your meal in awkward silence. Aegon spent most of the time lost in his head trying to figure what he had done wrong. Normally he would ask but the quote “don’t poke the bear,” kept repeating in his head. He watched you get up and leave without saying goodbye. That stung more than he cared to admit. What the hell did he do?
Aegon wandered the halls aimlessly trying to figure out what he had done when he noticed his brother. Aemond was carrying flowers and a box of something. Did he forget someone’s birthday? “Brother, what are you doing?” Aegon called out to Aemond. He stopped in his tracks and eyed him up and down. “What does it look like I’m doing,” he spoke.
Aegon didn't understand the attitude his brother had either. "Why are you bringing these here?" He could tell by the way Aemond looked at him that he was judging him. “I’m taking these to mother… Are you even aware what day it is? No, he obviously wasn’t aware. “Shit! I thought her birthday wasn’t for another moon.” His brother scoffed at him.
“It’s Valentine’s Day, wastrel.” The realization dawned on him. He had forgotten another holiday. “Oh.” Aemond rolled his eyes, “I pity your wife.” He walked off, probably thinking that he would be a better husband. It drove Aegon insane the superiority complex Aemond held. “I pity you! You don’t even have a wife.” His brother didn’t even turn around and instead chuckled in the distance. Fuck, what was he supposed to do now?
He decided to go to his sister for help. “Hel… could you help?” He awkwardly asked from inside the door frame. She peered up from her embroidery and pursed her lips together. “You forgot, huh?” Her voice was soft as she spoke. He felt his face burn with embarrassment. Aegon shrugged, "Mayhaps." He stood there silently waiting for her to say anything else. Helaena hummed as she took her time to reply. “I suppose I can.”
“Thanks Hel.” He smiled nervously. She was always the most dependable sibling. Even though they had nothing in common she treated him better than the others. Obviously, she judged him internally but didn’t show it. “You should go to the gardens. She really enjoys the roses there.” He knew that his wife always used rose oils after bathing. “Also, a present. You can find chocolates and jewelry in the markets.” He nodded intently. “Mmm… take her some place special like a restaurant.”
Aegon ran over and kissed Helaena on the cheek which caused her to flinch back. She always hated affection. “You’re a godsend, Hel.” With newfound confidence he took off down the hallway.
The day went by slowly for Aegon. He managed to pick a handful of perfect flowers for her or what he considered perfect. Then he had to sneak out to go to the markets and track down what he needed. He kept repeating chocolates and jewelry in his head over and over. He felt like an idiot. Why couldn't he just remember?
He grotesquely underestimated the sheer number of different kinds of jewelry and candies. Why were there so many fucking options? How do you know what kind to pick? Aegon didn't want to overspend either, but he wanted to surprise his wife and make her happy.
An idea of his own finally dawned on him. He should just get her a necklace made of Valyrian steel. It perfectly showcased his heritage, and it was super rare. He had faith it would be a hit.
Aegon didn’t expect the bargaining he had to do with the shop owner to buy it. It costed an entire arm and leg. The owner didn’t even care he was a prince, fucking bastard. After he got his hands on it, he made his way to the chocolates once more. At first, he only bought one box, but he ended up buying five. It was too hard to figure out which ones she would like and now she would have enough to last at least a month. That’s what he told himself to make him feel better about the money he was spending.
Alas, he went home feeling relieved. He was going to give his wife a gift worth remembering. She deserved it, after all this time, she still loved him unconditionally and he appreciated that. But once he got home, he was greeted with the most despicable sight. “What are those.” You turned your head and glanced at your husband. “I was spending time with your mother and Aemond, he gave me these.” It was a disgusting bouquet of red roses. Aegon was going to kill him. He scoffed, “Roses are so basic.” He ignored the fact that he had his own hidden in the other room.
You felt hurt at his words. These were your favorites and you always smelled like them. You thought he loved roses on you. “At least he remembered.” Aegon didn’t bother replying. He stomped out of the room like a child throwing a tantrum. Fucking Aemond, he had to show him up now. It was always a game of who was better even on holidays. You sat there mildly offended and confused at his attitude. Normally he would at least apologize.
Aegon’s mission quickly changed from trying to get his wife to forgive him to proving he was better than Aemond. “Ser Erryk, I need you to kidnap my wife.” The guard's stoic expression contorted in confusion. “Excuse me, My Prince?” Aegon was in a rather shit mood. “I need you to kidnap my wife and take her here.” He pointed to a place on the map. Erryk knew better than to question a prince but what could he be plotting. “No questions asked, just do it at sunset and be swift.” The prince stormed off and Erryk stood there in confusion. He thought he was finally improving since he was wed.
Aemond was sat in his room reading a book. He was rather proud of today to say the least. He spent time with his mother and sister-in-law. He gave them both gifts since their husbands were worse than rubbish. Normally, he spent time with Helaena but not after she got betrothed. Her husband actually cared about her feelings and spending time with her.
To be clear, if he wanted Aegon’s wife he would have had her years ago. She was his friend before she was his brother's lover. But neither had any interest in each other. He simply wanted to show her that she was appreciated by someone just like he did with his mother. Internally he knew that would drive his brother crazy, but he was happy about it. Maybe, the threat of someone stealing her away would make him get his act together.
What Aemond didn’t expect was a knock at his door and the sounds of feet scurrying away. He peered out his door and noticed a bundle of flowers crushed up on the floor beneath him. Along with a note in terrible handwriting.
“I can take care of my wife, thank you very much.”
He was related to the biggest idiot in the seven kingdoms. Aemond peered further out his door and saw Aegon’s shadow dip behind the wall. In his infamous judgmental voice he spoke, “Aegon.” He shook his head and shut the door.
You were wandering the keep in search for the wastrel you married. At this point you were beyond pissed. His brother took the time out of his day to do something nice and Aegon couldn’t be bothered. After all this time you assumed he was better. Obviously, he was the same ass you married.
Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk watched you from the corner, hidden by the darkness. They gave each other nervous glances before they pounced. Neither understood what exactly they were doing but it was a demand. God, the Targaryens were so odd.
A bag went over your head, and everything went dark. Before you could scream a hand was placed over your mouth. The adrenaline kicked in at an unpresented rate and you flailing your arms and kicking your legs in every direction. Of course, you were being taken prisoner today. You couldn’t be blessed with one good fucking day. Another set of arms grabbed your legs, and they began moving in unison.
You didn’t give up on your attacks, but they seemed to be absolutely useless. Underneath the bag you could feel the tears welling in your eyes. This was supposed to be a celebration. Something to look forward to. Instead, you were kidnapped and tied up. Another gift from the gods to keep you down.
Your heart was beating faster and faster as the hands kept carrying you. The air and sounds changed around you changed quickly. You were definitely outside near the city because the scent of cow shit filled your nose. Next you could hear the sounds of peasants going about their daily lives. Was this how you die?
After what seemed like a century you were gently placed on your feet. The sound of boots clomping on the dirt made you freeze. You heard three sets of men speaking in low tones. One was a man with a deep baritone voice. He spoke with a hint of anger and frustration. “I’m really sorry, princess.”
You knew that voice. Before you could turn around and demand answers your hood was ripped off and you were shoved into a building. The door quickly shut behind you and you fell to the ground.
“Happy Valentines Day, My love.” You peered up at your husband standing over you with a smug look. You quickly rose to your feet and took in your surroundings. The room was decorated nicely with a table for two in the center. There was food laid out and what seemed like… presents in the center. The floor was decorated with roses as was the bed in the corner of the room. A giant window facing the sea shone brightly. The sunset was undeniably beautiful.
“Aegon. What the fuck was that?” He scurried over and grabbed your hands. “I wanted to surprise you!” You furrowed your eyebrows and your mouth hung agape. “Surprise me? Why would you kidnap me and tie me up?” Your eyes widened as he pulled you close and kissed you. “I didn’t know how else to be discreet.” You were still high on adrenaline, but you had to admit it was a nice surprise. “You remembered?”
“Of course, I remembered. I only acted like I didn’t so you would have no clue what I had planned.” He was lying but you would never be able to tell. After he got over raging about Aemond’s gift he decided to go a step further. He found an inn with a perfect view of the ocean and sunset which you loved. Then he had them prepare all of your favorite foods… He had to ask Helaena what they were but that’s beside the point. Aegon even went out of his way to tear apart the roses he got you to use as decoration. Truly, he completely outdid himself and he couldn’t hide the smugness on his face. Although maybe the kidnapping was a bit much, but he didn’t realize they were going to tie you up and drag you here.
“I didn’t realize you were capable of being this thoughtful.” You glanced around the room and your anger slowly disappeared. Of course, he could have just taken you outside like normal, but he went about about things in odd ways sometimes. You let out a giggle as you looked at the gifts. Each one was wrapped up in a different color of red. “I made them prepare your favorites. Only the best for my wife.” You smiled genuinely as he led you over to the table.
Aegon pulled out your chair and pushed you back in. He poured a glass of wine for himself and then one for you. You nearly chuckled at the sudden gentleman act he was putting on. “A toast, to us and our love.” He spoke and raised his glass. You followed suit and drank the red liquid. It was sweet and fruity and not too strong. Perfect for your taste buds. He even remembered you preferred sweet wine over bitter. “To us and our love.” You echoed him.
The rest of the dinner passed by peacefully. You enjoyed your meal and the company of your husband. It felt good to celebrate Valentines Day with someone who cared so much about you. As the sun began its descent over the horizon, he pushed the gifts towards you and impatiently waited for you to open them. He was extremely fucking proud of himself for pulling this all off. You unwrapped the five boxes of candies first and laughed. “Are you trying to fatten me up for winter?” You teased.
“I wanted to give you an array of options.” He said with a grin. You broke off a piece of one and ate it. It tasted like chocolate but there was also a distinct citrus flavor that stood out. These were definitely from Essos… which were the most expensive kind. You couldn’t hide the smile on your face when you finished.
The gold box with the red ribbon. His eyes lit up as you opened it. Inside was a dress. A dark black gown made from silk. It was decorated with red and gold which were his houses colors. On top was a black necklace with a dragon dangling at the center. “It’s Valyrian steel… It’s like a piece of me is always with you.”
Your eyes widened and you stared at the necklace. You picked it up and admired it. The dragon was beautiful, and it was crafted with such detail. It was the most precious thing you owned now. “Thank you so much, baby.” You stood up and walked over to him. You took your seat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight.
“I know I don’t deserve you, but I will do everything I can to make you happy.” Your eyes almost began to water out of joy, and you pressed a deep kiss to his lips. “You’re the best husband I could have asked for.”
He nuzzled your neck and his hand wandered down your body. It wasn’t long before you were undressed and making use of the bed. He deserved some reward for everything he did tonight. He was so generous, thoughtful, and loving. You couldn't help but fall more in love with him every day.
You quickly pushed him off and climbed on top to straddle him. You pressed your lips roughly into his own. Aegon ran his hands under your dress and squeezed your ass. You moaned into his mouth as you grinded against his cock. You slowly slid yourself down along his hardness. 
Aegon’s breathing grew heavier until he grabbed your hips and held onto them tightly. You let out a gasp as he filled you completely. His cock was average in length but thick as hell. You both moved together perfectly as you rocked your hips. “I love you,” you whispered breathlessly.
“And I love you, my queen.” Aegon growled as you leaned forward and bit his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. He picked up his speed and began thrusting himself inside of you vigorously. Your moans were muffled in his shoulders, He slid his hand under you and rubbed your clit while still pounding away.
His pace quickened and soon your cunt was clenching around his cock. He was close too; you could tell by how fast his strokes became erratic. Aegon’s cock repeatedly pounded into your sweet spot, and you couldn’t control yourself anymore. Your orgasm washed over you and sent a wave of pleasure through your body. 
Aegon’s smile grew wide as he watched you come undone on top of him. A pleasant reward for all the trouble he went through today. He sat up in the bed, so you were still straddling him. You grabbed his arms and removed them from your hips, it was your turn to make him feel good. Your movements started slowing but the small whines that came from his mouth encouragement you needed to pick up your pace. You bounced on his cock while he did his best to suck your nipples in between moans.
Aegon spilt his seed inside you for the first time, but it was far from the last. You spent the entire night in bed with him, only taking short breaks to regain your energy. 
The fruits of his labor that day paid off nine months later when a baby boy came. Your very own Valentine’s Day baby… truly a better gift than anyone could ever give you. 
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
Valjean is SO FUNNY in the Thenardier/Gorbeau House ambush scene. Thenardier keeps going on these long incoherent rants about revenge while Valjean just stands there calmly and tells Thenardier bald-faced lies with a straight face as he tries to Gaslight his way right out of the whole situation. Valjean is described as tranquil and serene as he continues to politely pretend “I don’t know you :). I’m just a random poor gentleman. :)” And Thenardier tries to act unbothered by this but (as a proud petty man desperate for recognition) he’s clearly losing his mind over it.
Anyway here are some of my Top Favorite Funny Valjean Lying Moments
“So you do not recognize me?”
M. Leblanc looked him full in the face, and replied:—
Then Jondrette advanced to the table. He leaned across the candle, crossing his arms, putting his angular and ferocious jaw close to M. Leblanc’s calm face, and advancing as far as possible without forcing M. Leblanc to retreat, and, in this posture of a wild beast who is about to bite, he exclaimed:—
“My name is not Fabantou, my name is not Jondrette, my name is Thénardier. I am the inn-keeper of Montfermeil! Do you understand? Thénardier! Now do you know me?”
An almost imperceptible flush crossed M. Leblanc’s brow, and he replied with a voice which neither trembled nor rose above its ordinary level, with his accustomed placidity:—
“No more than before.”
M. Leblanc did not interrupt him, but said to him when he paused:—
“I do not know what you mean to say. You are mistaken in me. I am a very poor man, and anything but a millionnaire. I do not know you. You are mistaking me for some other person.”
“Ah!” roared Thénardier hoarsely, “a pretty lie! You stick to that pleasantry, do you! You’re floundering, my old buck! Ah! You don’t remember! You don’t see who I am?”
“Excuse me, sir,” said M. Leblanc with a politeness of accent, which at that moment seemed peculiarly strange and powerful, “I see that you are a villain!”
I love how he finds a way to insult him “politely.”
“Who?” asked M. Leblanc.
“Parbleu!” cried Thénardier, “the little one, the Lark.”
M. Leblanc replied without the slightest apparent emotion:—
“I do not know what you mean.”
But my absolute favorite small detail is that the false address Valjean gives the Thenardiers takes them to
“Rue Saint-Dominique-D’Enfer, No. 17.”
“Enfer” means “hell”— Valjean found a way to politely tell them all to go to hell XD.
I also love how, throughout the scene, Marius seems to fall for every one of Valjean’s lies; he seems to genuinely think he’s telling the truth when he behaves confused about “The Lark.” What a noodle.
But yeah, it’s fascinating how Valjean uses polite lies as a weapon for self-defense. As I mentioned before, Thenardier wants to have the skills that Valjean has, and one of his most valuable skills is his ability to politely lie his way around violent authority figures. This ability was clearly something he needed to adopt to survive nineteen years in prison, and years on the run; it’s an ability he’s cultivated for a long time. Meanwhile Thenardier also tries to “act polite” and lie in order to manipulate Valjean, but the difference is that Thenardier is generally pretty awful at it. He needs to take notes bc this is what real lying looks like.
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stilespeters · 2 years
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SALVATION (series)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
pairing: colin zabel x reader
words: 3047
A/N: i told myself i was gonna make the chapters shorter but its still somehow 3k🥲, anyway i hope its not boring. lmk what u think bc feedback is always appreciated. also, im still working on the requests, im having a bit of trouble atm with writing the smut but it’ll be alright. Should mosy likely be posted this week.
summary: after some drama at home, a detective saves your life. Later, an invitation is in your mail.
warnings: swearing, hallucinations
part 2: the invitation
“I’m home!” You yelled as you placed your bag next to the counter and you walked to the kitchen with your car keys where Zoe stood. She looked up from her phone and she smiled when she saw you. She waited for you to give her the car keys so she could drive herself to her internship.
“Did everything go alright?” she asked and you nodded as you leaned against the counter.
“Yeah, I got a new psychiatrist. His name is Rudy Vincent.” Zoe had a smug look on her face when she heard it was a male, and before you could protest, she already spoke.
“Is he cute?”
“He’s too old for you.” you retorted.
“I wasn't talking for me, I was talking for you.”
You gave her a knowing look and you raised your eyebrow at her, making her raise her hands up in defense.
“You’ve been single since what? The stone age?”
You huffed at that and crossed your arms. “Come on now, I’m 23. I’m not that old.”
Zoe rolled her eyes in a playful manner with a scoff. “Can’t believe that I, as a 17 year old, have more sexual experience than you, my 23 year old sister.”
“Zoe, that’s not… I don’t want to talk about this right now. I have 99 problems to think about and sex isn't one of them.” She chuckled, and this time you were the one who rolled your eyes.
“What about you? Seeing anyone interesting? A certain blonde maybe?”
She turned red and looked away and you gave her a smirk. You remembered a blonde boy that came by now and then and then Zoe would go with him. You never asked about it since you were always busy with something in the house, but now you were curious. “I thought he was the mailman first until I saw the letters KLG on his shirt. He’s a frat boy?” You scanned Zoe’s face and you couldn't help but laugh when you saw her biting her lip. “You like him.”
Zoe looked everywhere but your eyes, and you immediately knew the answer. Lately you had noticed that she was much more glowy. It was visible in her face but it was also noticeable in the way she acted. She was much more on her phone lately and she kept smiling behind her screen.
“And I think his school is close to your internship so that means you’ll get to see him even more.” You winked at her and she bit her lip while looking at her feet. “How do you even know him?”
“I met him at a frat party where Madison dragged me to a week ago.”
“Cute, you should show me a picture sometime, I haven't seen his face yet.” you respond. “Oh, and to answer your first question, Vincent seems nice but I’d like to just keep him as my psychiatrist. I have no interest in dating at the moment. For now I have my hands full with two teenagers,” you froze, your face turning into irritation. “Speaking of which, where is Violet?”
“She's upstairs, but Y/n… maybe it’s not the best idea if you-” but before she could finish her sentence, you had already moved to the stairs. You spun around to face Zoe one more time and she caught your car keys before you walked upstairs.
In the hallway you walked to the door on the right with a board that said “Do not disturb”, but you opened the door anyway and immediately stepped into a t- shirt on the ground.
When you looked up, you saw Violet with headphones next to the window with her head resting on her palms, and a cigarette between her fingers.
“Violet!” you tried but the music in her headphones were too loud for her to hear you. So you walked inside and stood next to her with your arms crossed and your eyebrow raised.
“Violet!” This time she looked up a you and placed the headphones around her neck. “What.”
“Don’t give me ‘what’” you sighed. “I got a call from school. You’ve been skipping classes, seriously Violet?”
“Skipping one class isn't gonna hurt me, Y/n.”
“This isn’t just one class, it’s four days. You’ve been skipping school for 4 days. Where the hell have you been? How do you even get cigarettes?” you eyed it in her hands with disgust.
She rolled her eyes and looked back outside. “You’re not my mother, I don't have to tell you,”
“No that's right, but as long as Cordelia is in France, you’re my responsibility. And as long as you're my responsibility you do as I say.” You closed your eyes while sighing and you rubbed your temples. “All I ask from you is to just go to school and not smoke in the house.”
She didn't seem fazed, and as a means to annoy you even more, she brought the cigarette back between her lips and made eye contact. That’s when you plucked it out of her mouth and threw it out of the window, and you could hear her protest as she watched it fall into the grass.
“You’re such a bitch.” she snarled and you rolled your eyes. “No smoking in the house, you're free to do whatever you want as long as you obey those rules.”
You sighed again, and you turned around to leave the room. You stopped however when you heard her mumble something.
“You're not even my real sister.” it was as quiet as a whisper but to you it was like a gunshot next to your ear. You slowly turned around and scanned her for any sort of hesitation on her face. All you could read was irritation that you threw her cigarette out of the window. You tried not to show her how hurt you were by her words, but your jaw clenched and your eyebrows were knitted together.
“You know what, I cannot deal with this right now, I’m gonna clear my head,” you sighed and turned around to leave the room. “We’ll talk about it later when I get back.”
When you walked downstairs, Zoe was still in the kitchen and she looked up at you once you walked over to her. You leaned against the counter.
“What am I gonna do with her.” you groaned and you covered your face with your hands. You had always been patient with Violet, especially since you saw so much of your younger self in her, but lately with everything going on, you felt like you were failing as a sister. Sisters were supposed to support each other and have fun with each other. They aren't supposed to disagree with everything and fight about everything. You hated that you kept acting like her mother, but in cases of skipping school, you had to.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and you slowly looked up to see Zoe look at you with an understanding smile. “You're doing great, Y/n. Don't beat yourself up. She'll come around, I know she will.”
“Yeah,” you whispered and you looked outside into the garden. “I think I’m gonna go for some fresh air, maybe get some coffee. I need to clear my head.”
“Alright, I’m going to my internship,” she walked to the door but paused. “You’ve got mail by the way.” She pointed at the stack of posts on the table. “I’ll check them later.” You said and you walked over to the coatrack.
After you sat down at a table with coffee in your hands you couldn't stop thinking about what Violet said. It was like a knife to your chest, and you hated that you and her didn't have a bond as tight as it was before. Yes, you weren't her sister biologically, but you didn't care that you weren't blood related to the Goode family. Violet was still legally your sister whether she liked it or not.
And although you knew it was probably just her moody teenage self, it still hurt.
You loved her unconditionally and part of you felt like that love wasn't fully returned.
You bit the inside of your cheek and before you knew it, thoughts consumed you. Most of them were about you and violet. You didn't even realize that half an hour had passed.
That’s when you looked up, and came face to face with your worst nightmare.
Kai Anderson.
It was so sudden that your smile immediately disappeared. It felt like the air got sucked from your lungs, and your mind stopped working. As if the wheels in your head stopped spinning, and the world around you froze.
He was casually standing on the other side of the crosswalk with his hands in his pockets, a neutral expression on his face and his lips in a thin line. When you made eye contact, his lips curled upwards in somewhat of a mocking smile and you analyzed him cautiously. His blue hair was shoulder length as always, he wore a black jacket and black trousers, and he had a dark blue beanie on his head.
Even from a distance he looked menacing.
Your eyes narrowed at him, and your knuckles turned white as you squeezed your coffee cup. It was a wonder that you didn’t squish it, but luckily it didn’t since the coat you were wearing was Zoe’s. She’d kill you if you stained it since it was one of her favorites. One time when you stole her scarf for a day and stained it with cola, she didn’t talk to you for the rest of the day. Which is funny since she wasn't the most fond of fashion.
After a few seconds of recollection, your grip loosened on the cup and your mouth that hung slightly open, closed. You remembered what Vincent said.
“If you see him again, I want you to try and convince yourself that he isn’t real.”
So you closed your eyes, and let out a deep sigh while repeating the same sentence over and over again.
you are not real, you are not real, you are not real.
You were sure that if bystanders were to see you chant this, they would absolutely think you were batshit crazy, but you didn't care. They already thought you were. All you wanted was for this fucker to go away and rot in hell, not in your dreams or in your daily life. And if making yourself look like a fool was the solution to get him away, you would gladly do it.
After minutes passed, you sucked in one deep breath, and when you opened your eyes part of you expected for him to be gone.
Yet again, you were met with the same terrifying eyes of Kai.
Fear began to creep back in, and your muscles that loosened a while ago now tensed again. Why wasn’t he going away? Why was he still standing there like time hadn’t passed? How did he look so real?
Your eyes blinked rapidly, like there was something in your eye that wouldn’t go away. But no matter what you did, he just didn’t go away. He was like a fly in the room at night who kept zooming in your ear. Like, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try to swat it away, it just keeps zooming like a nuclear alarm. It was the most infuriating thing ever.
Suddenly you had the urge to kick him as hard as possible. You downed the last remaining bits of coffee down your throat, clenched your jaws shut together and your clammy hands turned into fists. Suddenly all the fear and confusion started to morph into anger.
It morphed into pure rage.
He had taken control over your life for 7 years.
He wasn't gonna take more.
So you did something that might be the smartest or dumbest thing you had ever done.
You stood up, threw 5 dollars out of your purse on the table for your coffee, and you started making your way to the other side of the crossroad. People around you didn’t notice the way you marched in one line straight to Kai, except for the people you pushed away. They glared.
But you didn't give a flying fuck. For years you had made yourself a victim, trying to ignore your problems until they eventually went away, only to recur again. But right now, you wanted to face your problem, in the hopes of finally overcoming your fear. In the hopes of finally being able to breathe without feeling paranoid. You finally decided to not cower or run away.
You almost reached the pedestrian cross, when you suddenly got pulled out of your thoughts as someone roughly pulled your coat, making you let out a yelp. Your body got tugged backwards just as a car screeched down the road, and you nearly tripped as your heel got stuck in front of the trottoir. Your eyes went wide as the car honked, and if it weren't for two hands holding you steady, you would've fallen down due to the momentum.
“It’s a pedestrian crossing, are you blind?!” A man shouted. He held your arms firmly, afraid that you’d fall if he didn't and his voice was filled with worry. “I got you.” His voice was gentle and you stared at his chest in shock. You didn't realize that your inner monologue made you not watch your surroundings. It almost got you run over. A few people who were now crossing the road, looked up at the two of you and you couldn't feel more embarrassed.
His eyes were still focused on the car that moved around the corner. Your eyes were still wide and your heart was rapidly beating as adrenaline flooded through your body. Your arms were clutched to your chest and your mouth hung slightly agape. You looked like a lost child who just lost their parents.
“Hey, are you okay?” You snapped back into reality and your head tilted to look at the man who saved your life. “Yeah.” You managed to get out in a voice crack and you gulped harshly. He gave you a soft smile and let go of your arms carefully. His hands went into his pockets and you scanned his face. He had dimples, dark brown eyes and dark brown hair.
“You saved my life, thank you.”
“It’s nothing. That asshole should’ve seen that it was a pedestrian crossing. There are children walking around here.” He looked at two kids eating ice cream a few meters away from you before looking back at me again.
“Are you okay, truly? Cause that must've been quite the scare. I hope I didn't grab your arm too harshly.”
“Yeah I’m fine, really. Thank you again for pulling me back. I owe you.”
There was a short silence and you both exchanged shy glances. You had never seen this man before, but he had somewhat of a familiar face. You swore you had seen him somewhere before but you couldn't quite place it from where you had seen him. It was probably just one of those faces that looked similar.
After you got out of your trance, you looked at the spot where Kai stood, and now he was nowhere to be seen.
“Fuck,” you said as you stared at the empty spot, and the man raised his eyebrows.
“I’m sorry, I just…” you began and the man looked at the spot where you were previously staring at. “Never mind.”
You looked back at him and after a short glance, he raised his hand for you to shake. “I’m Colin by the way.”
His hands were big compared to yours. “Y/n.”
His smile faded and his eyes widened. “Holy shit, you’re the girl from the Anderson case,” he could faintly remember your features from the girl in the court video. You looked identical, only older.
You slowly nodded while kissing the back of your teeth and he immediately shook his head. “I’m sorry, you must be tired from hearing that all the time, I’m new to the area here for work.”
That’s when the wheels for you began to click. “Wait, you’re that one detective guy, the one who solved that one cold case and the one who solved that one case in Pennsylvania.”
“Yup.” he placed emphasis on the p and you smiled. Funny how you two both recognized each other.
“That’s really impressive, are you here for the recent killings?”
“Yeah, I was on my way to the station actually, you?”
“I was uhmm… just about to head home, I’m sorry for holding you up,” you referred to his previous answer. “Thanks for saving me, again I’m really grateful.”
“It’s alright.” He said and as you looked up at him, he was contemplating whether or not to continue the conversation, but before he could speak, you had already walked away.
He cursed himself for not talking to you more because he really felt something when he touched you. He knew it was silly, but as he watched you walk away, he felt kind of… drawn to you.
When you got home you had placed yourself on the couch with your mail at hand. Most of it wasn't that special. Bills, insurance, advertisements… You scanned through it all, until one envelope caught your attention.
It was sealed with red marking and on the center of the envelope was your name written in elegant calligraphy.
You carefully opened the envelope to not damage the paper, and when it opened, a card slid out of it. The paper felt thick and expensive, and when you read the words, you knitted your eyebrows together.
Dear Miss Goode, it has been a while since we last spoke. I hope you’re doing well in these times of despair, and I hope to get our status up as acquaintances after all these years. Thereby I am most delighted to invite you to the opening of the Hotel Cortez. Saturday at 8pm. You can bring a plus one if you’d like. It would be delightful if you were to attend.
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danieyells · 3 months
I asked bc some people are touchy with baby trap! Hshs either way I was thinking. VERY likely it's ooc but it's a thot
The mc manages to be freed by the curse but for some reason the matches don't work so darkwick is already like 'sure, finish studying here but you have to go on missions' I'm imagining that something like the Jiro dubcon fic happens but with some changes
like rather than just touching over their clothes he gets bold enough to slide inside them, and that the anesthesia is strong enough for the reader to barely remember it as a wet dream if at all. He ends up cumming inside thinking it would be alright bc he can give you some anomalous b plan pill, but during the while it takes the reader to wake up he warms up to the idea lightly, he wouldn't mind having to take care of your prenatal care. Maybe you could teach him how families work and feel
A few weeks later the reader is in a check up because of general sickness and soreness and Yuri notices something weird in their blood work like hCG so he questions them like "are you sexually active and you didn't think it was important to disclose?" "Mh? Nope since I came to the academy I didn't do anything" but Yuri doubts them bc that only means pregnancy!! So he tells them away and bitches to it with Jiro
"i'm the closest thing they have to a doctor, can you believe they lie about things like that?"
"I can take them next time"
"why do you care? " He starts leaving when Yuri figures something "jiro... Were you two alone two months ago???"
Either way next check up the mc is given a bs explanation about a wild mosquito anomaly that causes pregnancy when biting two people back to back and Jiro being bitten too. Nobody could believe it other than the mc hshshha
re: dubcon jiro fic
That's fair! Like I said, I have no squicks or triggers worth noting, so i just 'p' at just about any thought hahaha
DAMN ANON I DIG THAT the reason Jiro didn't go further in the fic was ultimately because that was part of anon's idea haha and i wanted it to have more of a dubcon and dubious feeling where it was kind of ambiguous if he actually did anything or not, but I feel like I definitely failed to give it the proper feeling of blurred reality lol. . .I think i was in too much of a rush to get the ideas in my head out and in the end I didn't entirely make what i wanted lolol
I think the matches not working could plausibly be explained away by the ring. Just a side effect of its defenses--it tried to protect them earlier after all! It wouldn't want the champion's memories altered further!
But yeah I. I like that a lot lol. . .it's a lot softer and less cruel than I usually like my babytrapping, but it kind of fits Jiro I think(or the Jiro in this fic anyway--)
(sort of kind of in and out writing and musing under the cut. It's like 1am as i write this, don't expect much--also doesn't entirely meet the idea but. /shrug) no written smut in this one.)
The curse is something mundane and silly that they already have the cure for. But they need to be put to sleep for it to work--maybe it's a simple curse where their body won't be able to sleep without outside interference, at which point the curse ends after a good night's rest once something puts them to sleep. Something utterly simple. But they're completely unconscious, at most a faint awareness of being touched that may not even be real. So unconscious that they couldn't wake up from the feeling of their cunt being broken into if they thought it was real. If they were even aware of more than pleasurable pressure at most. It's just a dream like many others. If they had a dream at all. By the time they wake up again it's just fuzzy, blurry, bubble-like thoughts, floating up and popping out before they can really be analyzed. They feel an ache in their abdomen, but they're aching all over and haven't eaten in a day due to the treatment. They can stand, they can walk, they can return to the Cathédrale Terminale. And they can sleep properly and don't feel anything but the ache of a particularly difficult mission, meaning the minor curse they experienced was gone. The days go by as usual, training with anomalous tools to be more useful on missions and studying various fields to help each house.
Jiro almost forgot about it when they come in one day feeling nauseous. It'd been weeks. Yuri had scolded him after reading the detailed medical log. But he, too, was too curious about the results to suggest they cancel his little "experiment" before he was caught.
They both agreed that sometimes ethics weren't worth considering when it came to experiments--or one's own strongest desires.
The anomalous emergency contraceptive he had considered administering after his rather untoward act of unprofessionalism had been placed back in its cabinet.
Injected along with medication to discourage side effects of the curse's healing, was an experiment of Yuri's that had been tested on several anomalies, increasing fertility and successfully allowing for some otherwise unnatural breeding patterns.
He'd drugged them and raped them and cleaned them. And after that, he'd all but guaranteed their pregnancy.
He couldn't imagine being like Yuri and being granted the privilege of acting like a spoiled child.
Perhaps the best way for him to experience 'family' would be to have his own.
That was the real reason the inspector had arrived, nauseous, to Mortkranken. But they weren't going to tell them that. Yuri scolded them for unsafe sexual practices, which they insisted with tears in their eyes they hadn't done despite the presence of hCG in their blood and urine. They had no idea how they could have become pregnant--surely there was an explanation? Yuri clicked his tongue in irritation, as though he suspected they were truly lying. Perhaps still somewhat annoyed by Jiro's misdeed, he said that they couldn't have simply been assaulted in the night by some scoundrel.
Jiro resisted the urge to snort.
In the end an explanation had been concluded--one rooted in some myth but hard to prove or disprove.
There supposedly existed a type of demon called a concubus. These demons feed on sexual energies and fluids. While they might typically seduce humans into feeding them, others were more 'shy' and would do so in the night while one slept. However many were infertile and these were able to impregnate humans using borrowed human sperm, as doing so provided them greater sexual pleasure and thus a more satisfying meal.
A female concubus(typically called a succubus) would have sex with a male human, take the semen, and have sex with a male concubus(typically called an incubus) who would absorb the semen from within the succubus, before impregnating another human with it. While the resulting child would still be human, as they were made only using the genetic material of human parents, the humans need not engage in intercourse to reproduce as a result.
Aside from the circumstances through which the conception occurred, it was an otherwise normal pregnancy with little to be studied.
Although such a horrifying conclusion shook them, they vaguely remembered wincing as Ritsu recited Japan's laws relating to abortion to a sobbing student some time before--surely this counted as rape and the pregnancy could be terminated? But with the way the ghouls were treated and restricted, something told them they wouldn't be allowed to leave campus for such a thing without reporting whoever had harmed them as proof.
And they'd been in Mortkraken long enough to know that no medical procedure would be normal here.
"You have some time to think about it." Is what everyone told them. Ritsu in particular gave them the exact amount of weeks.
Two things convinced them to carry the child to term.
The first was the realization that perhaps these demons would return to the scene of their crime--if they could be captured, the knowledge gained could help a great deal of people, especially the ghouls. Especially Luca, searching for his brother, and ghouls like Kaito, Haku, and Rui, who wanted to return to being human.
The second was the way Jiro placed a strong and heavy hand on their tummy, stoic expression somewhat curious. The way he looked at them and offered to help them. He didn't know much about babies or families or family planning, and he was a little scared to do more harm than good with his freakish strength and tendency to break fragile things--but it would be helpful to have a doctor nearby, right? And to not go at this alone?
"Even if it's not anomalous, a baby is sort of like an infectious disease." Was his comment that made them laugh for the first time the whole day.
(Yuri protested that Jiro handle this, as Yuri insisted he was the only real doctor present. Jiro managed to reassure him that surely an ordinary pregnancy would be uninteresting and unremarkable, and that the inspector wouldn't be willing to have their fetus subject to Yuri's experiments. If anything of interest or concern were to happen, Yuri would be the first to know besides Jiro. But surely he had more interesting subjects to examine?)
A matter of weeks later and the real shock came(for the scholarship student, although Jiro had forgotten, himself) when they ran a paternity test--Jiro had been 'struck by the demons' as well, and his sperm had been used to father the child.
". . .Huh." He was far worse of an actor than Yuri. Fortunately he wasn't one for big reactions to begin with. ". . .I guess that explains how I woke up a while back."
"Do you. . .still wanna help with it?" They asked in an uncertain whisper. "I understand if not. If you'd rather I not keep it. . . ."
"I kind of want it more." Jiro shrugged, continuing to mill about their checkup. "Is that weird? It's mine, so I don't think that's weird. Especially since it's with you."
They gripped their patient gown in their fists, feeling their face heat up from embarrassment. It was a bit of a stretch, and perhaps it was the sensitivity from the pregnancy talking, but that felt as close to a confession as they'd ever gotten from Jiro.
Perhaps these demons weren't all bad. Perhaps they were simply trying to help what they saw as a pair of lovers who needed a little push.
Maybe being a parent with Jiro wouldn't be so hard.
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Why the Maple Leafs went off the board to select "Cowboy" Easton Cowan
Treliving was working the phones & did try to trade down bc they knew they were picking this projected 2nd-rounder high but no bites. But i suppose in turn it puts a nice spotlight on a swell fella we should get to know
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the cowboys've got The Passion™️
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farmboy, loves naz, AND ✨stylin✨ has more than got the goods to fit right in w mitchy & auston
full article about cowboy:
Moments after he first met Dale Hunter, the longtime Knights head coach gave Easton Cowan a nickname that stuck.
Born in Strathroy, Ont., Cowan comes from a farm in nearby Mount Brydges where his family farms cash crops like wheat, corn and soybeans. When the pandemic hit in 2020 and Cowan’s time in high school classes became limited, he began working on the farm from 6:30 in the morning till 9 at night during the busy farming seasons of spring and fall, driving a tractor beside the massive combine his father Chris uses to transfer crops.
“It’s the time you have to put in to succeed in the cash crop business of farming,” Chris told The Athletic.
That time on the farm helped instill a work ethic, as well as good ol’ farm strength, that Cowan has made his hallmark as a Knight. Ahead of the draft, Clark was clear: The Leafs wanted players who had intelligence, competitiveness and who could “influence winning hockey.”
Clark and the team’s scouting staff appear to have found a player who ticks those boxes.
“It’s a great picture of what (Cowan) could be in the NHL,” Knights associate general manager Rob Simpson said. “His motor and his engine on the ice, he is relentless and never stops working. And he’s the type of player that if you want him to play higher in your lineup with skilled guys and bring competitiveness and forechecking and skill, he can do that. If you want him to play a defensive game and play the penalty kill, he can do those things.”
That versatility was evident as the Knights went to the OHL final this season. During that playoff run that Simpson called “impactful,” Cowan’s game shone. The Leafs valued how he played in the playoffs, lapping up the spotlight and the pressure while leading all OHL rookies in playoff scoring with 21 points in 20 games.
It was his hockey sense, which shined with quick passing in the offensive zone, that popped in the playoffs. That hints at his potential for producing offence as he continues to develop.
Even though his smallish frame may remind some of past Leafs picks, it’s the fact that he’s become known as a “puck hound” according to Simpson that might well separate him from those picks. His competitiveness is well-established.
Cowan grew up a Leafs fan and said he models his game after Nazem Kadri.
Simpsons remembers games this year where Cowan would pinball from one defenceman to the other on the forecheck. He wouldn’t stop there. He chased after the puck wherever it went.
“He’s just relentless all over the ice at trying to get the puck and when he has it, he doesn’t want to give it up,” Simpson said.
He also appears pretty comfortable in his own skin.
“How’s it goin’?” Cowan, wearing black suede shoes with no socks, said as he took a seat in front of more cameras and reporters he’s likely ever faced.
Cowan beamed when he described FaceTiming with Mitch Marner.
“Happy you’re part of the Buds,” was what Cowan remembered hearing from Marner.
“That was pretty cool,” Cowan said. “(Marner) competes all over the ice. He’s a great player and a great guy. You look up to that.”
Cowan listed Knights equipment managers and trainers as people who helped propel him being an unlikely first-round pick.
Before leaving a table at the end of his media availability, he asked politely if he could take a box of Biosteel sitting in front of him.
“He’s so kind to everyone around him,” Cowan’s father said. “Not a lot of people know that about him.”
The long-term projection:
Cowan can play both centre and the wing but the Leafs likely see him more as a wing in the pros. While it’s remarkably early to start forecasting where Cowan might fit in an NHL lineup, it is fair to say the Leafs valued his sharp progression this past season and believe that he may just be scratching the surface of what type of player he can be.
His standout playoff performance especially, fueled by that tenacity, may have really struck a chord.
“The biggest thing that’s going to translate the best is his motor, his engine and competitiveness,” Simpson said. “You look at the NHL playoffs, you have to have players like that to be able to win these days.”
Cowan, who just turned 18 in May, will likely begin his time in the Leafs organization at the team’s development camp, set to begin July 3. It feels likely that Cowan will return to the Knights, not just next season, but for multiple seasons. He’s already intent on adding the kind of strength to his frame that will be necessary for him to one day join the Leafs in the NHL. That and improving his shot.
The Leafs appear comfortable making Cowan a long-term play for the organization.
“We’re trying to take the best player available, not today or tomorrow, we’re looking at the long run,” Clark said ahead of the draft.
But what Cowan could become in the long run is intriguing enough for the Leafs to have made perhaps the most surprising pick on day one of the draft.
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Pre fight dialogue with dnd!Wilbur go brrrr (sorry if it sounds ooc it’s been a bit since I wrote him but I wanted to write how deranged he was; also there is really no context for this bc I haven’t thought through what happened to lead to this I just wanted to write something HDJDDJDJ)
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Wilbur said with a hum as he walked along the remains of the old kingdom. Fundy was keeping a close eye on him, his crossbow ready in case he did something. The smell of gunpowder and decay filled the area as the king walked around like it was a playground. These old ruins were untouched yet here they were.
A soft hum of his anthem escaping his lips as he soon turned to look at the little party.
“I mean- of course it’s beautiful after all.” He said with a laugh, grinning wide, “Sometimes beauty can be found in the destruction of something- or someone.” His eyes flicked towards Dream as he said that and Dream visibly tensed up, clenching his fists.
Fundy soon spoke, his anger masking the anxiety that was in him,
“Wilbur— you need to stop. We know god damn what you’re doing.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes and scoffed, tilting his head far too much to the side like a bored teenager,
“Do you? Do you really know what’s going on? For as long as I remember and raised you, you never had a damn idea what the hell was going on.”
Cala soon spoke up and walked forward in front of Fundy defensively, but Spooky dragged her back and shook her head a bit.
It was too late though as his eyes landed on Cala.
“Ah-! The little Paladin!” He said with an excited hum, “You know- I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Something that I think someone of your experience can answer only.”
Cala tensed up, biting her tongue as she heard Fundy and Spooky say simultaneously
“Cala no—“
“Don’t answer he’s baiting you.”
But Cala ignored them and she huffed, her hand axe raised towards him as she replied.
“…what is it?”
Wilbur perked up and cooed at her attempt to intimidate before he paced back and forth, beginning to talk,
“Well! I’ve always wanted to know this- but paladins take an oath correct? An oath that is sworn under by someone. For example, Sam is sworn by king Quackity, Schlatt well— he swore under his father before well… everything, and then there’s you with.. Eret.”
He held back a smirk as he saw Cala glare a bit more but let him continue.
“Well! Here’s my question! Are you devoted to your Queen or your Oath?”
Cala blinked, her brow furrowed in confusion.
“Oh you know! You can only go so far until the one who is calling the shots wants you to do something else— til your own oath prevents you from serving the one you swore to protect. I just want to know if it came down to it- who would you choose.”
Cala gripped her handaxe, gulping hard as he was staring right through her.
“Because I feel like I know who you would choose no matter what.” He replied, his tone more serious as he stared at Dream, Spooky and Fundy.
“Loyal like a dog expecting a treat- it’s pitiful really—“
Dream spoke up, more annoyed than ever, “Wilbur you need to keep your mouth shut before I make sure you never speak again.”
Wilbur made a noise in excitement at that threat and laughed, spinning his heels to look at him.
“Oh? Oh you’re really telling me that? I thought you enjoyed a monologue back in the day.”
Dream paused before he rolled his eyes,
“Yeah- if I was the one doing it. You’re just annoying if you do it.”
Fundy shot a glare at Dream to silently tell him to shut up, but Dream replied back with a sly smile filled with spite.
Wilbur soon sighed some at that.
“Alright then— I’ll make it more interesting.”
He took out an orange glass sphere from the tattered trenchcoat he wore, messing with it in his hands.
Spooky squinted some, trying to figure out what it was as he spoke again:
“You know after that explosion. After well… that whole mess you so beautifully ‘created’ Dream, I came back a bit different! A bit well… let’s just say more resilient and even indifferent to something that I have enjoyed long ago. “
Spooky’s eyes lit up in panic as she realized what it was and he said his final words before throwing the orb down in front of them,
“Allow me to show you.”
Spooky with full instinct and force pushed Cala and Fundy away as the sphere shattered, an intense fireball forming and exploding the area.
And Wilbur was in the middle of the destruction.
And he just smiled as they scrambled to not get engulfed in the carnage.
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namelysane · 1 year
Hi.Since hellspawn is created the same way spinjitsu brothers are,shouldn't she age slower and/or be semi-immortal?Are Oni interested in her,because she looks human, has Oni blood,but also Dragon aura or smth bc she is created by the golden power?Also,how does she take Nya's departure in Seabound?
I would say she ages like Lloyd did but is semi-immortal just like him — well, the latter is what he hopes. (He's not planning on outliving her because of his fucked up heritage) He's still learning what traits his powers managed to give her that day, but genetically, she's all Lloyd.
So far, the only actual Oni she's ever spent time with was Mystake — and that wasn't even for very long or under good circumstances. All she got from that tea addict during S9 was that 'she's a curious case' — whatever that means. Lloyd doesn't get it either but he's too exhausted being the emotionally drained character in Hunted to ask.
Her quarter demon grandfather smelled that she was part Oni in Hunted at some point while holding her captive, but she didn't understand what the heck was going on other than this was her Grandpa who she hadn't seen in...a while. And he now looked weird too.
She didn't interact with any full-blooded Oni in MoTo, unfortunately. :(
She has some dragon traits too though — the frequent chewing on Lloyd's hair and any attempt to eat any object within distance is the dragon side speaking. And Lloyd remembers having the urge to purr while holding her when she was a baby—and actually doing it on one occasion. Now, he's not sure if that was from the Oni or Dragon...or just him. Sensei G never said anything about doing it when he was younger. And Lloyd never blurted out the question either—in his defense, he thought it was weird at that time.
And in not Sensei G's defense, he was passing by Lloyd's room when it happened so of course he knew what was happening—only, he didn't say anything. Just smiled and remembered the moments a much younger him used to soothe his newborn son that way.
Nya's departure doesn't feel real to hellspawn until after they've had her memorial. That's when it truly sinks in that her Aunt Ni's really gone. It's quite odd for her to think about—Nya's always been so untouchable.
But then she finds out Nya isn't actually dead and just...left. She left but they're holding a memorial. She left but they're acting like she's gone for good and will never come back. They're mourning her.
Well, a while after that she realizes the difference between dead and gone for good. Aunt Ni's still out there but she's never coming back. She can't come back. Whatever she did to save Ninjago won't let her walk through the monastery doors and get everyone to stop being sad. She'll never be in the hangar bay working on something with Aunt Pix & Uncle Zane or hoard all the coffee with Kai. She'll never be in the kitchen helping Jay fix something that's perfectly fine or dance-training with him in the courtyard. She'll never be seen painting Cole's sketches and showing them to him. She'll never firmly tell her dad to get some sleep or sit with him when he can't again.
She'll never be in front of her listening to her talk or take her for another swim. She'll never come back.
She's not coming back.
Hellspawn becomes very quiet in the months after that. Lloyd notices it and has a talk with her even though he knows he isn't fine himself. But all hellspawn does is nod and bite her lip at whatever he says.
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dangraccoon · 1 year
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Hell's Comin' With Me
Request for @error6gendernotfound
The Bad Batch (post-order 66) & You
“I'm thinking bad batch angst and eventual fluff (bc I have fragile feelings) with 12 and 28 from the prompt list. One of the batch finds something out about the reader (sickness, past coming back to bite them in the ass, idk) and tries to get them to tell the rest of the batch. Tysm!! I love your writing!”
12. “Just…just don’t upset them. Not now.” 28. “Do they know?” “I don’t know how to tell them.”
Summary: It took years to push your past behind you, but when a new mission leads the Bad Batch back to your old stomping grounds, you're forced to confront your past.
Warnings: past abuse, violence, TW: religious trauma/abuse, TW: poor living conditions, revenge, canon-typical explosions, non-canon-typical murder (I believe I got the worst of it, but please, please, let me know if there's something you feel I should add!!!)
Author's Note: @error6gendernotfound, Garden, darling, thank you so so so much for requesting this! It was an incredible journey to write and I'm so glad that this was my first request! I also want to thank all of you for your continued support; it really means the world to me 💛
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It had been a long time since I left “home”. The little outer rim moon I was born on was dry, dusty, and dilapidated. It took 18 standard years to get off that damn rock, and I didn’t exactly leave on good terms with the people of my settlement. 
But that didn’t matter; I was off on adventures with a ragtag crew of rogue clones that had taken me in. We all had the same goals: stay away from the empire, and eventually disappear. That was all fine and dandy, until Cid gave us a new mission. 
“You’re goin’ to Vel,” she rasped. “There’s a little village called Tirra where you’ll touch down. Pick up the goods and bring them back here.”
“V-vel?” I stammered, doing everything I could not to look as frazzled as I felt. 
“It is a moon in the outer rim; part of the Regasta system,” Tech informed, barely looking up from his data pad. “It is not the most…advanced society.”
“That’s nice, Goggles, now shut it,” Cid scowled at him. 
The rest of the briefing flew by, and I barely caught anything. We were going to Vel. And worse, we were going to Tirra. 
It had been years since I’d left, and I wanted - no, I needed to keep it that way. I just couldn’t go back. 
“Oh, I forgot,” I mumbled as the Batch and I began making our way to the Marauder. “I have another mission to take care of.” 
The squad stopped in the tracks to look at me. 
“Another mission?” Omega asked, quirking up an eyebrow. I hated that I was lying, especially to her. 
“You didn’t tell us you were taking solos from Cid again,” Echo questioned, obvious concern crossing his face. Kriff, I should’ve known they’d remember that part of my history. 
“Th-that’s because it isn’t for Cid,” I blurted out. Idiot, I thought to myself. 
Hunter stepped toward me now. “You’re going behind Cid’s back?” His voice was full of the skepticism that was shown on his face. “You’re not one to make stupid decisions like that.”
“Tough times,” I said through gritted teeth. 
“Must be,” he replied, stepping away from me, but squinting his eyes a little, the way he usually did while using his other senses. 
He could hear my heart hammering against my ribcage, I know he could. 
“Yours have a deadline?” Hunter asked after what felt like a lifetime. 
“Well, no, but I need to-”
“You need to assist this squad, like you said you would.”
I glanced around at the others, hoping for some hint of support. Most weren’t looking at me, save for Omega, who was showing her usual curious look, only now it was mixed with something unfamiliar. Her family was uncomfortable, and she was certainly picking up on it. 
I could feel the anger rising in my chest, first at the way Hunter was ordering me around, rather than just talking to me, but then it was mainly as a defense mechanism; I was scared but I couldn’t- no, I wouldn’t show that. Not to them. 
“Fine,” I spat, hating the feel of venom on my tongue as I brushed past all of them to board the ship. 
The entire journey through hyperspace would take nearly a week, and about four days in, I had hardly said a word to anyone that wasn’t Omega. I couldn’t deny her my attention; she was simply too sweet. 
“Why don’t you want to go to Vel?” she asked one day, having just entered the gunner's-nest-turned-bedroom, that she liked to let me sit in when I needed to be away from her brothers. 
I didn’t know what to say aside from the truth. Omega was fairly mature for her age, but she was naive and innocent and still a child. I couldn’t lie to her.
“Because I was born there. I was born in Tirra, on Vel.” The words felt like gravel pouring out of my mouth, rough, jagged, difficult, but once they were out, once that fact was fully revealed, I did feel lighter. 
“What?” Omega nearly shouted, causing me to wince. “That’s amazing! You’ll be able to show us around, and we can meet your family and see where you grew up!”
I shuddered at the thought, and Omega, observant to a fault, noticed. 
“Aren’t you excited to go home?” she wondered, the excited smile beginning to fade from her face. 
“I…wouldn’t exactly call it ‘home’,” I started, feeling, but not becoming fully aware of the way my fist clenched, pressing my fingernails into the meat of my palms. 
Omega didn’t respond, just scooted closer to my side. 
I took a deep breath. I’d gotten this far, I might as well tell her the rest. 
“I didn’t have the best childhood,” I explained. “My parents died not too long after I was born, so I was sent to an orphanage - um, that’s a place where they take care of all the kids who don’t have any family anymore.
“It was bad; everything was dirty, the beds, the rooms, the clothes, us. And the food was worse than ration bars, when there was any. The grown-ups in charge claimed to be righteous, holy people, but they didn’t care about us. Some kind-hearted people would give money to try and help us, but it would just go right into his pockets.
“When I was a few years older than you are now, he noticed me. He’d hold me up as this example of a disgusting sinner even though I never did anything wrong. He had this…this power over people, and even though I was just a kid, they believed him.
“18 long years of being beaten and spat upon by the people of that town. I had enough. I told that man that I was leaving and he had the town stone me and he banished me from ever returning. I went to Indus, the capital of the whole moon, because finally I was old enough to book passage off-world for myself.”
Omega was quiet for a long time after my shaky words had tapered off. Silent tears were rolling down both of our faces, something I worried Hunter could sense. 
“Do they know?” she asked, the sorrow evident in her voice. She was such an empathetic child and the weight of the guilt I felt for unloading on her like I had? It was suffocating. 
“No, Omega,” I answered. “I don’t know how to tell them.”
“But they can help,” she scowled at the floor, her belief in her brothers shining through. “They can protect you.”
I took another breath. “I know you trust your brothers, and I trust them too, but I don’t think they trust me. I don’t think they even really like me.” I left out the part of how they probably only tolerated me because of my skill set and Omega’s affection for me.
“They do like you!” Omega protested, having no intention of allowing the idea that her friend and her family weren’t friends as well. 
“I’m sure they trust you. You should trust them.”
Omega left me on my own, climbing down the ladder. 
“I wish I could,” I whispered to the streaking lights of hyperspace racing past in the window. 
Day six was finally coming to an end. I needed to get off of this ship, even if that meant stepping foot in Tirra again. 
The moments before I’d left for Indus were replaying constantly in my mind. The way the townsfolk had cornered me, hurtling rocks, bricks, insults. What I’d told them, my rage taking over my brain in the moment. 
I shook my head. None of that mattered right now. There was a mission to complete. 
“Entering the atmosphere,” Tech called from the cockpit. 
I could feel my nerves rising again, and I clenched my fists, forcing myself to breathe calmly. 
We touched down without incident, kicking up a few swirls of dust. Some of the townspeople walking around looked towards us, but ultimately decided to mind their own business. 
As we all stepped off the ship, taking in our surroundings, Omega appeared beside me, pulling at my sleeve so I’d bend down towards her. 
“Did you tell them?” she whispered as softly as she could, side eyeing Hunter. 
I shook my head. Hunter was watching us, suspicion across his face. 
Omega scowled at me a little, which despite causing a bubble of guilt to rise into my chest, did little to make me want to talk to her brothers. 
“You should tell them,” she said, walking away from me to go ask Tech questions about the moon. 
“Tell us what?” Echo asked, suddenly right behind me. 
“It’s nothing,” I muttered. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. 
The look on his face was heartbreaking; he was so worried about me. “Taking jobs from someone other than Cid? Keeping secrets? It’s not like you.”
Part of me felt touched. He was right, the lies I’d been telling weren’t like me. I preferred to be somewhat of an open book to those around me, especially those I trusted, like the Bad Batch. 
“I know, and I want to tell you, it’s just…really hard,” I breathed, the tiniest bit of relief dripping into my brain. At least that wasn’t another lie. 
Echo didn’t reply, but his expression of worry didn’t disappear either. 
We set out to the rendezvous point where we’d meet with Cid’s contact, walking the edge of the town. 
Wait, the edge of town?
“We have to stop,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. Four helmeted heads turned back towards me. I could see the confusion on Omega’s face, but I could practically feel it on the rest of them. 
“This is the fastest route to the rendezvous,” Tech explained, lifting his data pad to my view. 
“I know, but if we go this way then we’ll-”
I clamped my mouth shut. Damnit.
“‘We’ll’ what?” Hunter pressed. I could tell he was fed up with my antics. 
I could feel myself shaking and my heart hammering in my chest. I opened my mouth, hoping that more explanation would come tumbling out, but nothing did. 
Omega stepped towards me, taking my hand in hers. She beamed up at me, her smile supportive as she nodded. 
I took a long, deep, shaking breath in and out. “If we go this way, we’ll have to pass the preacher’s house. If he’s there, and he sees us, he will start trouble. That’s not trouble you want. If we double back and take the main road, the townsfolk will alert him to our presence if they didn’t already when we landed. We need to go up into the woods along the northern side of town. The woods are thick, but easy to navigate. It’ll take a little extra time, so we’ll have to pick up the pace.”
There were four sets of eyes on me, and even though I could only see Tech’s, I knew they all reflected the same thing; full confusion. 
They looked between me, Omega - who was smiling kindly at me, hand still in mine - and each other. 
Omega, with a slightly irritated tone I’d rarely heard from her, tugged at my hand. “We have to go quickly, right?”
I nodded.
“Lead the way,” she smiled again. A took a deep breath, eyes scanning her brothers’ helmets again, before putting on what I hoped was a determined expression, and turning to lead the group on the alternative route. 
Omega eventually let go of my hand as we walked, giving it a supportive squeeze before she did. 
As I’d told them, the woods were thick, but I knew them well. 
“You going to tell us how you know so much about this place?” Hunter asked slightly behind me.
“That is simple; this is where they were raised as a child,” Tech called from the back of the group. I froze in my tracks, the rest of the group stopping behind me.
“This is your home?” Wrecker asked, lifting his helmet to look at me. My mouth formed a tight line as I fought the tears threatening to pour down my cheeks.
“This is where they were born,” Tech corrected. “However, given the lengths they have gone to trying to avoid this very conversation, I would say their memories of living here are rather unpleasant.”
Echo stepped towards me, lifting his helmet from his head. “Is that true?” 
He placed a gentle touch on my shoulder and I was done for. A few tears slipped down my cheeks and Echo’s expression softened. 
No. No, we had a mission. I couldn’t do this right now.
I pulled away from Echo, turning my face.
“We’ll be late if we don’t get going,” I explained, beginning to continue our trek, walking briskly.
The rest of the mission blurred by without incident. Wrecker heaved the cargo container up from the ground, and Tech turned to me. “Shall we return the way we came?” 
I nodded, unable to really say anything. My nerves were still keyed up, and I had a terrible feeling in my gut. My fists clenched into tight balls as we began our walk back to the ship.
The walk back was uneventful, Tech occasionally looking over his shoulder at me to confirm that we were still on the right path.
“Stop,” Hunter ordered as the town started to come into view.
He pulled a pair of binocs out, looking over the town square we’d have to pass through.
He grunted, passing the binocs to Tech and Echo. 
“It’s a trap,” Echo concluded.
“Someone’s not happy we’re here,” Hunter agreed.
“Perhaps it is the religious figure you mentioned before,” Tech added, turning to look at me. The rest of the group’s eyes fell on me as well.
“I don’t know your history with this place, or with this preacher, but you need to tell us what we’re walking into,” Hunter said, his voice quiet. There was less bite in it than there had been before.
“He- He’s powerful. He’s got some kind of dark magic.”
“Like the Sith the Jedi would mention during the war?” Echo asked.
I shook my head. “I don’t think so. He’s never had one of those weapons they all have.”
“What’s his problem with ya anyhow? We like ya just fine,” Wrecker told me, warming my heart a little.
I never knew the answer to his question of course, not when I was kid. I could feel myself falling into my memory of that last day.
“You pathetic child,” the preacher spat. “The weight of your sins will follow you all your days, but you are no longer welcome on Vel. Leave Tirra once its people are done with you, and never return.”
That’s when the rocks began flying. Most of them missed me, or only grazed me, at least at first. But then a chunk of brick caught me straight in the gut. I tried to back away, but the alleyway they’d cornered me in had no alternative exit. I was trapped. Insults were hurled in my direction, hitting almost as hard as the rocks and trash that bruised and bloodied my skin.
I had fallen into a heap on the ground, barely able to keep myself conscious, let alone protected.
As I lay there, the people began to grow bored, only the preacher’s inner-circle lackeys remained.
I gathered my strength as they laughed, pulling myself to my knees, wiping the dirt, blood, and tears from my face. 
“You’re going straight to Hell,” said the preacher, rejoining his henchmen.
“I’ll be back,” I warned, my voice shaky. “I’ll come back one day, you’ll never see me coming. You’re gonna regret this, cause I promise you, when I come back, Hell’s coming with me.”
My attention snapped to the present as Echo called my name, his hand and scomp on my shoulders.
A firefight with the locals had broken out, and it wasn’t going well. Wrecker was hit and knocked out on the ground with Omega kneeling over him. Hunter and Tech were behind the cover of the trees, peeking out to fire back on the townsfolk. And Echo was in front of me, holding my shoulders tightly, gently shaking me back to reality.
“You need to get your head back right,” he instructed me, his words coming out more worried than upset. “You almost walked into the line of fire.”
“I- I didn’t- I wasn’t-” I stuttered.
“I know, but we need you,” Echo insisted.
I took a steading breath, wiping away the tears I hadn’t realized were flowing. “Right, right.”
“We need a diversion,” Tech called. 
“We need Wrecker to get back up,” Omega responded.
“Stop firing and stay out of sight,” I ordered over the comms. “Don’t make a sound.”
They hesitated, but ultimately did as I told them. After a few moments, the enemy blasterfire slowed, and then stopped altogether. Wrecker was slowly coming back to consciousness, much to all of our relief.
“Wreck,” I whispered. “I need you to do what you do best; we’re going to need a big boom.”
His face split into the grin of a menace and he nodded, clearly fighting the urge to shout his excitement.
“They’ll be coming up to look for our bodies any minute now; the rest of you need to sneak back to the Marauder. Split up and loop around, Wrecker will meet you there once he’s done helping me.”
“What about you?” Omega worried. 
“I’m the diversion. The townspeople might not have recognized me when we landed, but I know he will.”
“Are you sure?” Hunter asked, and despite his mask I could feel his eyes staring into mine.
“Yes. It’s going to work,” I assured him. Hunter nodded at me, and then again at the rest of the squad. I watched them disperse, as Wrecker began rigging together what he had in his kit.
The end result was a tangle of wires and explosives. “Good work, Wrecker,” I nodded to him. “Set this on the east side of the town - there should hardly be anyone there - I’ll tell you when to set it off. Now get back to the others, tell Tech to get the ship running as soon as I get into the square.”
Wrecker nodded, dashing off into the trees. I unholstered my blaster as I heard a few townies begin to make their way into the thick forest. I spared a glance around the tree I was using for cover. Just two men were stalking up towards me. 
I quickly fired off two shots, hitting each of them square in the center of their chests.
With the coast clear, I moved down the hill towards the town, pausing behind a tree just at the edge. I could hear another man - one of the preacher’s lackeys - shouting after the two who were now laying dead in the middle of the woods. 
I could see him. He was still dressed in her overly-ornate robes. He’d gained weight since I last saw him; unsurprising given how skinny the orphans likely were.
I knew I should have waited just a moment longer, but my anger, my hatred of this man was overpowering, and I ran into the middle of the square.
“They said to start the ship now,” I heard Wrecker breathlessly instruct Tech.
“Well, well, well,” the preacher said, stepping towards me. He dropped my name into the dirt beneath his feet. “I believe I told you all those years ago that you’d overstayed your welcome in this town.”
I said nothing, my jaw clenching and my grip tightening around my blaster. 
“Still a disgusting delinquent I see,” he mused, looking me over. “I’m certain you still haven’t cleansed yourself of your wickedness.”
I began slowly walking sideways towards the large tree that grew in the center of the square, the townspeople watching in repulsion.
“If you think you’re going to make it out of here alive, you’re an even bigger fool than I thought.”
I lowered my blaster, bringing one hand up to my comm device, “Now, Wrecker!” I shouted, and perfectly on cue, a giant ball of flame burst from behind me, smoke, ash, and debris flooding the streets and square. I used the distraction to climb as high as I could into that big old tree.
I felt myself losing my tight grip on my control, and suddenly it was like I was watching my actions from outside of myself.
I attached the grappling extension to my blaster, and held it up, aiming it at that damned preacher. I fired and it hit, plunging half way into his chest. I used the branches of the tree to steady myself as my grappler began to reel itself in. I wrapped the end of my extension to a sturdy branch, ensuring that the corrupt, evil man would hang before the town.
I jumped down from the tree, surveying the town. The people were at their knees, screaming, crying, begging for mercy.
“I promised I’d bring Hell with me,” I snarled. “But I’ll show you the mercy you never gave me.”
I walked towards the Marauder, not followed, simply watched. I could feel my fingernails digging into my palms but I didn’t move them, longing to feel anything but the rage that was coursing through my veins.
From the moment I boarded the ship until the jump into hyperdrive, it was deathly silent. No one uttered a single word, not even Wrecker and Omega were boasting about the successful mission.
I tucked myself away into a corner in the cargo bay. I felt hot tears streaming down my face, cutting through the dust and grime that coated my face, but I did nothing to stop them now. I let my mind wander away a little, only coming back to myself as I heard talking nearby.
“Omega, where are they?” Hunter asked, seemingly again, his voice filled with paternal scolding. 
“I don’t think they want to talk to anyone right now,” Omega replied, her voice firm. 
“We just want to help,” Echo pleaded, his voice a little louder so he knew I could hear him.
“Fine,” Omega relented. “Just…just don’t upset them. Not now.”
I expected Hunter and Echo to come across me now, but was surprised to see the whole Batch before me, waiting patiently.
“Are you okay?” Wrecker asked, his voice softer than I’d ever heard it before. He had his little tooka doll in hand, and was offering her to me.
I accepted Lula, pulling her tight against my body.
“A lot happened back there,” Echo started.
Tech continued “We will fully understand if our presence here makes you uncomfortable.”
“We’ll leave if you tell us to,” Hunter added. “But you’re part of this squad.”
“This family,” Omega corrected, scooting close to you.
“We’re here for you, if you want to talk about it,” Wrecker finished.
They all looked at me, somewhat expectantly, Omega, placing her hand on my arm.
A fresh flood began to pour from my eyes as I gasped and panted. “I-I’m so-sorry,” I managed between sobs.
Before I knew it, Wrecker scooped me up into a tight hug, Omega joining it as well, standing on a crate to reach around my shoulder. I felt her send looks towards her other brothers, who relented, coming into the group hug as well.
The warmth and pure familial love that surrounded me now was overwhelming in the best possible way. Eventually it had to come to an end, but for now, all I could do was let myself be swept up in the fraternal display of outright affection.“You do still have a family,” Omega whispered. “We’ll always be your family.”
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
(More no marriage angst bc I can)
Kerry flinched at another thunderclap, staring out his stupidly large windows. He had always hated thunderstorms, flinching through them like no tomorrow. It was impossible to try and distract him as well, he always heard it, always knew.
He felt 25 again, smoking a blunt in the floor with a guitar in his lap. The only thing missing was Johnny hanging off the bed sound asleep. His heart ached, and for a moment he felt angry again. He had been so close to having him back-
A security alert popped up. Who the fuck was here at this hour?
Kerry huffed, putting his guitar aside and the blunt in the ashtray as he stood up, really not wanting to deal with people. But when did he ever?
“V?” When he had opened the door, a soaking wet V had his back turned like he was walking away from the door. He heard a swore before he turned. “The fuck are you doing?”
V didn’t answer immediately, weighing his options in his head before choosing to just shrug.
“Get inside, you’re soaked-“ and reeked of booze. “Are you drunk?”
“No some jackass at the Afterlife tried to fight someone and I got caught in the fire.” V muttered numbly, taking his hood off in the safety of Kerry’s villa. “Not allowed to drink anyway.”
Kerry didn’t question him and just walked upstairs to find him some clothes. V was right behind him, silent as always. It was unsettling sometimes, especially remembering how he used to be. It wasn’t fair to V to think like that, the poor man had been through enough.
Kerry left him upstairs with warm clothes and a towel, telling him he could shower downstairs while Kerry sat in the living room, resuming his smoke session and strumming.
While V showered, Kerry’s mind wandered. The two had a shared dream that he couldn’t shake. One of them, together. Happy. Married even. It was odd they both had the same dream, but neither wanted to talk about it. Or at least, Kerry didn’t.
He didn’t want to give V the hope that they had a chance.
V walked out not long later, apologizing about some bullshit of wasting water. Kerry stared at him, as if trying to remind him that ‘wasting water’ wasn’t a thing in this house. Instead, he offered his blunt to Vax.
V took it and sat on the couch behind him, tilting his head back to blow out the smoke. Fuck, Kerry wanted to bite him- no. Stop it.
“Why’d you come here? It’s raining if you didn’t notice. Oh and also, normal people don’t show up to other people’s houses at 2am.”
“Normal people also don’t get high and play the guitar either. But look at you.”
“Answer the question, kid.”
Vax shrugged again, seemingly wanting to avoid talking about why he was here. But Kerry wasn’t having it.
“Tell me. Or I’m going to bed.” Kerry knew that wasn’t true, he’d lay in bed until he broke and invited V up to join him.
“Had a nightmare. I don’t sleep well by myself. Judy’s not in town, River isn’t talking to me, neither is Panam. Wanted you.” V muttered, blowing out more smoke as he talked, it was way hotter than it needed to be.
“Mmmm so I was your last choice?” Wouldn’t be the first time Kerry had been a last choice.
“No, you were my first. I just didn’t wanna bother you. I thought you were asleep in my defense.”
“I’m serious, Ker.” He hated when V called him that. Too much like Johnny.
“You remember what I said, right?” Kerry asked after a moment.
“‘Course I do…” V whispered, and once again made Kerry feel like Johnny all over again. Constantly reminding V they weren’t, and never would be together.
But his dream self, the one that accepted it all, loved V. Proposed to V, took care of him. Kerry would never do that. Not to V.
“Let’s get you to bed. You look exhausted.” Like Kerry was any better.
“Yeah… I’ll be outta here before you wake up.” V said as if that was reassuring to Kerry as they headed up to the bedroom.
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babieken · 1 year
I meant to send this yesterday but I deleted it on accident bc I’m an idiot and couldn’t remember what I wrote 🤦🏻‍♀️ Anyway… I completely agree with your Wonho ‘leaving’ poll explanation. Not that changes in music/choreography/styling/general vibes is necessarily a bad thing but there definitely has been changes since then and imo it hasn’t all been positive… (ofc i still love them and will continue to support them/all of their solo careers tho!!) That said, Wonho being made into an outcast is like a black cloud that keeps following them (through no fault of their own). I mean I still get pissed seeing him erased from basically all archival content that’s shown now and the remaining members having to act like he never existed. That whole situation is and will always be a fucking outrage and I hope every single piece of trash person that contributed both directly and indirectly has karma bite them in the ass :)
Also if we could go back to 2019 and go full on dramarama to stop this from happening, hopefully we could get rid of ashy too bc lbr that guy has done more harm than good…
goddd i agree so much!!! I've actually seen this topic being brought up a lot on twt (how mx's music has changed over the years) and I think it was brought up after a few 'unpopular opinions' ppl have shared abt 'Monsta x losing their sound' or something like that and tbh I never got offended over that bc their music has changed and so has the whole kpop. to some ppl it's 'evolved' and to others it's 'downgraded' depending on their tastes. but some mbbs get so defensive and try to make insane arguments against them. like who cares? I wholeheartedly believe if wonho hadn't left I would've liked monsta x' music a lot more. like in some of their recent music u can feel something lacking and I think that's wonho's artistic touches and impact. the wonho erasure pisses me off so much... like that video from a few weeks back (monsta x' most iconic MVs) and it was all post-2019... i was outraged.
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