#i heard it before i saw it
theonetrueyeet · 5 months
spider ramble... particularly about false widows
in a Mood™ abt spiders currently, ESPECIALLY false widows. been going back over my arachnid section of the invertebrate module bc i have exams soon and its late and im frustrated abt how false widows get portrayed by the media and percieved by the british public... this is gonna be long and rambly and probably not make much sense and go off in a million and one diff directions sorry i just feel like talking abt spiders. this also came about bc of the big fuckoff house spider that was in my room last night on the top of my door frame but since it was late (like. midnight) and also out of my reach i went eh. ill deal with it in the morning. and then i woke up in the morning and no more spider to deal with! which i should be more stressed about i feel but im so exhausted from the run up to exams and other life stuff that im just like ok cool thats Around somewhere now ig. im guessing it was a female from the size but i cant be sure... anyway without further ado onto the main show.
so here in the uk we arent exactly known for our venomous animals. we have some but they're nothing really that dangerous (to us as humans at least. im not going into venom-prey specificity rn ive had ENOUGH of that recently). we have the european adder (which is also percieved as terrifying bc its a venomous snake but it poses very little risk to us as humans bc they are very shy and i have a lot to say abt adders but thats for another day), wasps, bees, some venomous fish (didnt know this until i found one rockpooling they r pretty neat), even some stinging jellyfish and siphonophores like the portuguese man o war. and then we have the spiders. all species of spider are venomous (minus the uloboridae family, aka the cribellate orb weavers which im not too sure off the top of my head if we have those in the uk... we might have one or two species?? idk but they arent venomous and i think theres another family that has some non venomous spiders BUT THE POINT IM MAKING IS PRETTY MUCH ALL SPIDERS ARE VENOMOUS). there are 650ish spp of spider in the uk and of those VERY FEW are at all medically significant. of these few are the rabbit hutch spider, the cupboard spider, and... the noble false widow. these 3 spiders are all known as false widow spiders. we also occasionally get the meditterreanean false widow, but to my knowledge these only arrive on imports and dont have a population within the uk.
belonging to the genus steatoda, false widows are usually seen as these terrifying death spiders that will kill you just for looking at them when really... they arent actually that dangerous. most cases of bites being severe are either a) a result of an allergy or b) it was actually caused by something other than the bite itself (such as a bacterial infection in the bite, or the "bite" not actually being a bite) or even c) greatly exaggerated by the tabloids (shocker)... like ok we dont have many scary animals in the uk but. we dont need to overexaggerate the ones that really arent as bad as people think! badgers probably pose more of a threat to you than a false widow does. have you seen a badger?! they look so cute but they are VICIOUS those things will FUCK YOU UP and give you TB on top of getting absolutely mauled. a false widow will, at most, just make you feel a bit ill for a couple of days. me personally i would take a falsie over the badger. false widows also only bite in defense! most of the time they bite because you didn't see them and happened to be a very big thing up in their personal space! tbh i would bite too
false widow bites are, to most people, no more harmful than a wasp sting. so its not exactly a fun time but its not exactly the limb destroying death bite that the british media loves to make it out to be. most bites are probably dry bites or have near neglible amounts of venom, so won't cause anything more than a bit of pain. when venom does get involved it gets a bit more complicated bc it depends on how ur body reacts to it. as i said before, most ppl its not much worse than a wasp sting but it can cause things like muscle spasms, sweating, and a raised temperature. it rarely gets worse than that. of course you can be allergic to it which will cause anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency, but this is an exceptional circumstance. most ppl bitten by a false widow will not experience that. the panic over false widows in the uk is a mixture of media-driven mass hysteria and arachnophobia.
anyway in conclusion shoutout brandon collier who did an amazing talk abt false widows during the bhs venom day both at the 2022 and 2023 events both of which i was lucky enough to attend. if i cant go to venom day this year you will see me on the news.
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dieinct · 15 days
groupchat was talking about that antipsych institution in japan (bethel house) going around yesterday, specifically about how good the "funniest delusion" contest was, and pip offhandedly mentioned a hallucination it had as a teenager of a man's voice saying "riboflavin"
and i lost my mind
because i, also, hallucinate a man's voice saying riboflavin,
and have since i was a teenager, and still do, on a regular basis (whenever i am trying to swallow my riboflavin, usually, because someone smash bro style announcing RIBOFLAVIN directly behind you is the most helpful thing in the world when you're trying to swallow many horse pills at once)
which is absolutely the most specific overlapping hallucination i have ever heard.
anyway i am mostly posting this because 1. death to the hat man it's riboflavin man time 2. HOW COMMON IS THIS????
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fangswbenefits · 10 months
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Thank you, Stephanie, for creating such a work of art 🩷
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chirpsythismorning · 4 months
El being *12 hours earlier* than the Cali timeline when she arrives at Nina. Will saying ‘it’s been 9 hrs’ in the scene following his monologue in the van.
We know that at some point their timelines merged when they arrived to save her…
But we don’t know when exactly those alignments took place when they were still apart… which just makes you wonder…
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onesidedradiostatic · 4 months
I'm gonna be real the first time I watched episode 6 and saw the part where adam said he named vaggie after the best thing ever I thought he said "veggie" and thought the gag was that adam really liked vegetables
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sergle · 6 months
what I was talking abt earlier. we have fully looped back around and away from feminism, societally, whereas before it was very Feminism 101 to acknowledge that many parts of existing as a woman in a misogynistic society are painful and upsetting. not that being a woman is Inherently Negative in a bubble. but that living on this earth, in the conditions we're living in, is hostile to women. and that gender is a performance. that many of the Staples Of Femininity as accepted by society are things that you have to create and perform and mold artificially and aren't inherent, that COMPLAINING about day to day difficulties of existing as a woman is something that you're allowed to do. acknowledging these basic, again, feminism 101 things, that something tied to womanhood is more time consuming or more expensive or more dangerous Because Of The Problems. does not CREATE the problems. that when women complain about having to perform femininity, they are not, in fact, oppressing themselves. the call does not come from inside the fucking house. saying that you HAVE suffered does not fucking equate that you believe you SHOULD have suffered.
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like I could talk about this for hours. how braindead and one-dimensional the Takes are getting. "being a woman is looking in the mirror and going fuck yeah i'm a woman" damn. I guess any negative experiences you have by living in a misogynistic world... are your fault if you are anything but positive? "you don't actually want liberation" we've fully gone back to telling feminists "you WANT to be oppressed" when anything negative about our society is pointed out. it's not real until I say it out loud, I guess, and then I'm actually the one who caused it. if anybody expresses any unhappiness with how they're treated or the status quo or the language and culture surrounding womanhood and femininity. they've created it, right that second. they invented it just now. it wasn't a problem before somebody complained, right? also trans women aren't braindead zombies who just follow the flow of whatever cis women around them say. I am pretty fucking sure they are very much aware of pain, and are MORE than aware of the swirling torrent of misogyny and standards of femininity than anybody else. actually. and I am pretty sure someone complaining on tumblr that being a woman means always putting on a performance is going to make someone change their mind about transitioning. also "performing femininity" as a necessity to being treated well as a woman is not fucking NEWS to your Local Trans Woman. I AM PRETTY SURE SHE GETS THE CONCEPT. using trans women as a scapegoat for this braindead perspective on gender politics is spineless, meritless, and pathetic.
#how I feel about my gender is not the same as how I feel about the living conditions of my gender#when I saw that post I screenshotted here I literally sat w my mouth open for a minute#sent it to my friends and was like am I fucking crazy. is this what we're doing now#Forced Positivity and that there is no war in ba sing se and actually#you're ruining children's lives if you complain about misogyny on twitter#I don't HAVE to tell little girls about the downsides because they are already being mistreated#before they have even heard the word 'misogyny' let alone know what it means#you do not have to be fucking happy all the time about the cards you're dealt.#you don't live in a bubble where it's just you and your mirror and your pretty dress and nothing bad has ever happened to you#unfortunately bitch. we will have negative experiences that are in fact. part of the package of being a woman#and IGNORING them doesn't make them not exist. actually they will continue to remain status quo unless acknowledged#sergle.txt#I see so much rhetoric that is JUST old-fashioned gender ideals being presented with liberal language on tiktok#that is just telling women that womanhood is just being a girllll and loving pretty things and being kind and gentleeeee and nurturing#and not working and just like being wholesome and being happy and being a light in ppl's lives and just LOVING LOVING LOVING being a woman#so if for even one second. you don't love it. you are actually failing at being a woman#if you complain about the standards for shaving or putting on makeup. which used to be Baby's First Feminism online#that's actually just you creating problems. you're not supposed to acknowledge it. you're supposed to shut up and smile into the mirror.
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coatl-cuddles · 11 months
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Afkd/Fell asleep in home too long and woke up to some of my previous eden mothies jumping me
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neechees · 8 months
Settlers & zionists trying to discredit Native American solidarity with Palestine by still calling Palestinians "not actually Indigenous" & "invaders" like motherfuckers you're just repeating the same shit the settlers on Turtle Island tell US (which just reinforces Palestinians ARE Indigenous), your stupid comments don't sway us. We deal with that bullshit on the regular so there's no use in trying
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lunar-years · 1 year
There are wayyy too many “Roy would NEVER say that, how ooc!!!” and inversely, “Roy Kent is now #canceled and I never want him to so much as look at Keeley ever again” takes and not nearly enough:
“Roy is a flawed human person whose insecurities have always plagued him and tonight they got the better of him once again. He has a lot of apologies to make but hey, tomorrow is another chance at greatness. Also, he should really really go to therapy :)” takes!
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shewhoeatssand · 2 days
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New Kanekis for the TG Anime Exposition!
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oreo102 · 3 months
Hi, do you wanna know what shows up when I search for the definition of queerbaiting? Of course you do!!
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That. That is what queerbaiting is. It is a marketing technique “oh, these two characters act really romantic and have more tension than the canon ships but it’s up to the fans! Their sexuality is ambiguous!”
Jemily is queerbaiting esp with s16 having them basically not interact at all because it feels a lot like the creators just didn’t wanna deal with the mess they made
That one supernatural ship is queerbaiting, swanqueen is queerbaiting, that one Merlin ship is queer baiting, the referenced Holmes and Watson is queerbaiting.
THASMIN ISNT!!! Yaz is confirmed to like women, she’s confirmed to like the doctor! The doctor is confirmed to like yaz (seriously. What else could “if it were anyone, it’d be you” about DATING mean?!), they are confirmed to like each other and they talk about it!! They’re mutually aware of their attraction and mutually aware that it can’t happen! Thats not fucking queerbaiting!
It’s not implying or suggesting or insinuating or subtext. It’s not even that SUBTLE! No, they don’t don’t look you in the eye, hold your hand and say “yes, I am attracted to women and in love with her” but they don’t need to!! “Have you told her?” “She likes you, y’know” “if it were anyone, it’d be you.” “Not a bad date, am I?” “No.” How else are you supposed to take those scenes?!
I can’t decide if people who say thasmin is queerbaiting are just fucking stupid or maliciously ignorant but damn I’m getting tired of it. Like I’ve only been in this fandom for like 6 months, if that, how have y’all dealt with this for YEARS???
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lukasadss · 9 months
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Something from EP 23 now that it's out for everyone :)
Malthus seeing Hilda in every woman he passes, especially the mother, did something to me
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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heartorbit · 3 months
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THATS ME!!!!! i didn't mean to just give them to pjsk fans help but i severely underestimated how many i should've made and cut out .. so i just ended up giving them to cosplayers or people who said hi to me .... T_T
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#again WAS NOT MY BIRTHDAY. MIKUEXPO TORONTO FELL ON TSUKASAS BIRTHDAY IN JAPAN TIME. SORRY TO EVERYONE WHO SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.#i love your icon cause i saw a garf miku cosplayer at mikuexpo toronto too IT WAS SO AWESOME#i saw snother tsukasa cosplayer in hid school outfit and they had cute star glasses i Need some.#in the future n for cons i think i'll just order stickers to hand out .. cutting them out by hand was so much .....#especially when i did the whole pjsk cast. 10 or so of each of them. my best friend helped and it still took like 2 hours#<- I DID THAT FOR ANIME NORTH I MEAN i think i forgot to post about it here. anyways#i dont plan on tabling at cons or snything cause i just like attending them so much. but#In the future i think i'll just pay to get Nice little prints or stickers made and shipped to me to hand out ...#Sorry they arent actual stickers they're just laminated with tape i did them the night before while crunching for the con the week after.#alliellama#ask#sorry to go on but mikuexpo really was such a good time#when we first got there i was in the merch line w my friends and skmeone came up and said can you do the tsukasa laugh right here right now#but everything we said echo and i was like T_T no im shy ...#and then 2 hours later i heard there was a saki cosplayer there and started running around the venue shouting SAKI. SAKIII. SAKI.#WE FOUND HER IT TOOK ME LIKE 20 MINS which is impressive because there were a lot of people. by god.#it was so fun. we had such a good time i could go on. everyone was so FREAKING NICE. AND GAVE SO MANY FREEBIES. AND COMPLIMENTS.#but i literally only had like ..30 mikus. to hand out. i felt SO BAD. CONSERVING THEM.
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batcavescolony · 1 year
At this point, I think Young Justice traded their ageing ability for something because the only one to be maybe 20+ is Bart Allen, who had a messed-up ageing ability to begin with. Now the question is, what did they trade it for? 
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I was today years old when I finally realized that the reason the principal accidentally hired a ballet instructor was because "ballet-bu" (ballet club) and the way "volleyball" is pronounced sound so similar he couldn't tell the words apart.....
"Hey, we need a volleyball advisor."
"A ballet club advisor? Sure, why not!"
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