#bc she's not 'queer enough' if she's bisexual
Once again I refrain from the discourse even if I can feel myself developing an ulcer bc some people are too stupid for words.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
tbh its not entirely fair to paint all blatant rep as poor in comparison to queercoding (altho i do love some good queercoding). i think the reason so much blatant rep is Like That, while queercoded stuff feels so much more meaningful and real, is because the blatant rep we often experience is made to Market To The Queers. while it may have queer creatives working on it, the reason its created is to make money off of queers. its trendy. so just write a fairly surface level fluffy movie about white queer teens and get some cash! its blatant, which means it will be treated as a groundbreaking queer media especially by liberals.
while queercoded media on the other hand (intentional or not) cant or wont just slap two conventionally attractive teens on screen and make them kiss and get those rainbow dollars. its an expression of queer silencing, the quiet thats left when you arent allowed to say what you desperately want to. when you cant spoon-feed your audience queerness you have to. yknow. actually think about what it means and how to express that artistically. you have to show and not tell.
thats all to say, there is blatant queer rep that is good. but you probably aren't gonna find it on amazon prime. that kind of rep is being made by queer artists making indie films. i promise you its not either "blatant queerness that feels shallow" or "deep queerness thats not allowed to be blatant". theres a secret third option and its "capitalism will never liberate you and you need to actually support indie queer artists and actively reject queer capitalism to experience the breadth and width of what queer art is capable of being and doing."
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So about the season 4 finale shenanigans, where rg and the cast had no idea it was coming, so the rest of the cast was texting rg like “ARE YOU LEAVING THE SHOW???” and he was going “NO, IDK WHAT’S GOING ON EITHER!!!” and him texting Tim asking if he was being fired. And then we got Tim saying that Eddie was too pretty to die. I just told my homophobic mother all of this. Her response? She asked me if Tim was gay😭😭
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itsbrucey · 9 months
wanna draw the dad's bullying my OC Dulcie. Not in an actually mean way but the way they treated Doug. Because that's fun
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maschotch · 2 years
I've gone a little deeper about Emily's past in my fic 'Unrequited' and 'As It Was'. I'm just obsessed with her character and the backstory both she and Hotch have. And I just finish reading the little backstory you did about Emily and I loved it!!
i’m really not much of a jemily fan (partly because i think fanon characterizations of jj are completely delusional, partly because i think fanon characterizations of emily are beyond insulting, and mostly because i cannot fucking fathom what anyone could possibly like about jj), but i went ahead and read those two pieces because i figured you came into my inbox already knowing that. it’s just… not how i see either of those characters. not even necessarily the shipping aspect, even ignoring my reservations about jj, but because of the way i think emily approaches relationships
this sounds hypocritical after writing about emily + family, but i feel like emily doesn’t really care about her biological family anymore. at least i’d like to. i’d like to think she’s accepted that she’ll never be what her mother wants and that she’ll never get what she wants from her mother. she’s 36 when she joins the bau—surely that’s enough time to realize she can’t hold onto those childish fantasies anymore. not that i disagree with what i wrote, i just think it's given her a complex ab family rather than it actually being something she truly craves. it was a setup for her life: she wasn't meant to be with others, which is something she eventually tries to change about herself
i’m a big fan of low-empathy emily, so i feel like she has to put active effort into caring about relationships. as a child raised by an extremely distant parent, she probably chalked it up to never having connections growing up, so she never learned how to make connections in the future. it’s easier to assume she’s broken, and it’s easier to blame her mom for it
but really, i don’t think there’s anything wrong with her, she’s just different. at some point i think she had to wrestle with that: it’s hard to think she fell into the job best suited for her personality just by coincidence. being a spy requires that cold, calculating observation and analysis of relationship dynamics. she can view things objectively because she isn’t naturally inclined to get emotionally attached. she can witness unfathomable horrors without a flinch—things that would rock jj to her core, things that would perturb the unflappable hotch. she knows she’s better equipped to handle those types of experiences because having empathy was never really a priority. (it's part of why i think she was the only one who could've walked through hotch's apartment that day: she wouldn't get distracted)  
that being said, i don’t think connections are impossible for her. the bau proves that, declan proves that. but i think that was a conscious choice on her part: she had seen enough—caused enough—pain and grief to realize that she should feel guilty for it. so i think she wakes up every day and decides to care. she decides to be a good person. eventually she confronts that she's tired of living a life she doesn't feel like she could be proud of
she’s not heartless, by any means. she just doesn’t become emotionally involved until she comes to the logical conclusion to do so. she has a soft spot for kids because they haven’t had a chance to truly know themselves and the world they live in. she loves the team because of how deeply connected they are to each other. so, when push comes to shove, she’s always willing to leave if it means keeping them together. it’s easy to make that choice because she loves them: in season 3 when the choice is between her and hotch and she knows hotch’s loss will devastate them; in season 6 when she’s making them potential targets for doyle’s vendetta; in season 7 when she feels the tension that never quite settled upon her return. i don’t know if any of the others would’ve made those decisions as easily, even if it was the best choice for them as a whole. not even hotch, who is terrified that his proximity is enough to hurt people he cares about. she’s detached in a way that can separate her from others, but she’s able to turn that into her strength: whether that means manipulating her way into terrorist organizations or walking away from the only chance at a family she's ever had just to keep them safe
i have my bits and pieces of evidence for it that i can scrounge into a semi-believable character analysis, but ultimately i think it’s so i can enjoy more of her character without getting irked by aspects of the archetypes she could fit that would typically annoy me. i’d like to think she’s above some of that: she’s too cool to have mommy issues, too badass to spend years pining over relationships, too self assured to be insecure about her decisions, too smart to let anyone see through her. 
i say all this as a hotch fan, who has traits very similar to these. but it suits him. it makes him more interesting, to know that there’s a vulnerability behind his stoic appearance. but with emily i think it’s far more admirable for her to choose to suffer because she wants to care. minimal loss is the perfect example of that: she makes the logical choice to put herself at risk because she wants to protect reid. she’s not running away from who she is anymore, and she’s not really fighting it either. she chooses to be a good person, not out of guilt or even love, but because it’s something she values. 
for me, emily is the cool brooding hero who could be a villain so easily. maybe, in an earlier time in her life, she was. but she’s done being selfish. she’s willing to make sacrifices for others because she decided that living by a code is better than living for nothing at all, even if it causes her pain. guilt and love—two burning sensations that were so opposite yet so intrinsically linked—were burdens she chose to bear so she wouldn’t feel so hollow anymore. and it does cause her pain. so, so much pain. to me, it makes her endlessly more fascinating. i’d rather her be a knife that dulls its edges than something soft chiseled to a jagged point. 
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the gaang, ranked in order of who got the best sex ed to the worst
1. katara. kanna taught her how to deliver a baby and also where babies come from and just generally gave her a thorough education. and if that wasn't enough, she then got trained as a healer. katara could teach sex ed, and she probably does.
2. suki. raised by a bunch of queer women on Bisexual Woman Island. she knows a Lot
3. aang. was taught the basics by the monks as a natural part of life, but monks don't have sex and he was 12 so he probably didn't get the full education
4. sokka. technically got the same level of education as katara but wasn't really paying attention bc he was still in his sexist phase. still knows WAY more than -
5. zuko. iroh tried to teach him but it was couched in metaphor and heteronormative so zuko barely understood it and wouldn't have found it useful even if he had. he knows some stuff from overhearing the sailors on his ship but that's not exactly an education. he knows to use a condom at the very most
6. toph. you KNOW the beifongs were like "our daughter is too delicate and fragile to learn about such things!" like zuko, toph probably overheard stuff (at earth rumble) but she's younger than him so she's had less time to learn. she's lucky she has katara and suki to be her older sisters. (i guess technically that means toph gets great sex ed but you know what i mean. before joining the gaang she had NOTHING)
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aysathenotsogreat · 10 months
hbomberguy posted a video and i have opinions about it
i never made the active choice to stop watching James Somerton's content but when i stopped having a job that'd let me listen to videos for hours straight, I slowly became interested in other creators. i remember finding a couple of his videos contradictory in their analysis and do remember being annoyed by the "white women/teenager girls" comments a lot. oh yeah and that TELOS PICTURES ALWAYS REEKED OF A SCAM. Hearing James describe himself as a business major first in the pitch video weirded me the hell out. I feel like not enough people are talking about this particular part of the story but the man crowdfunded $60k USD and has produced nothing but stock image posters in return after years.
this man saw his community as nothing but to steal from and profit off of and clearly sees himself above those voices he robs. the point in the video that broke me was right in the beginning in the james half was the Mulan section. the tactic of erasing Jes Tom's words and passing it off as a personal observation of the community instantly reminded me of all the times James has confidently talked on the experiences of trans, nb and all queer people of color throughout his career and the fucking similarity of the language. that moment made me pause and scream. it instantly put into scale that this wasn't just one of the first video essays he'd ever made, it was EVERYTHING.
I want to pretend the queer media I see is made from a place of genuine care of the community, all of us do. but we as a collective need to stop catering to the consumption of content sludge. we need to be more critical and more aware. any time james mispronounced a character or place's name, i would always brush it off as a bad voice take kept in because of the videos' length that wasn't fixed in production. no, that was because james didn't care enough to learn the principle facts of the topics he was covering. (him spelling "shonan" in that AoT script made lose it). he wanted our ad revenue and your patreon money and by stealing the work of actually talented queer people, he basically won.
hbomberguy, lovely chaos bisexual, did a service to our community by making sure millenial and zoomer queers will never let this mf try to grift his way into the entertainment industry again. i have more to say about this video, especially illuminaughii bc she's an especially abusive and toxic person who i also watched a fuck ton at my old job. i certainly need be a bit better about where i get my info from, especially if i'm going to be repeating it to someone else. in the age of tiktok and the speed of misinfo there being insane, i just beg us young queers to think a bit more critically before we post.
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johannestevans · 10 months
the thing about watching these trashy cop shows and medical dramas, as i do, is that casting directors always pick people who look "creepy" to them to be like, serial killers or Obvious Abusers
except that to them like. "creepy" just means people who are effete, queer, or clocky
so it's like, here's some dude and look how scary he's being… look how scary and creepy and weird this guy is…
and don't get me wrong, there's the close cousin of this trope which is like, "this person has autism, and is therefore scary", and that's not what i mean
it'll just be some actor who like, no matter how much they're in a str8 role, they're dykey or faggy - jane lynch gets it, but like, lori petty is a great example - she ids as straight, but bc she's got really dykey gender vibes, other straight people are unsettled by her
and i really love lori petty, but she's almost always put into either super hypersexualised roles and/or lesbian roles that are all about like. how Weird and Gross she is when it's just that casting directors rely HUGELY on cues for stuff like gender nonconformity
and so they're like "Oh this woman is capital W Weird (meaning we think she does gender Wrong, whether that means she's a lesbian or transmasc or just clocky in some other way)" and rely on people's bigotry to inform response to the character
james spader gets it all the time, bc he's got OCD and ppl can tell to look at him bc of how he moves and holds his hands and his body - bc there's a delicacy to him, str8 ppl will read him as a bit fruity, at least in comparison to other cis men
to the point that apart from often being cast in very sexy bisexual roles, he's even played a trans man now! (good for him i love james spader this is NOT a critique)
and similarly watching these shows they'll put a guy who is honestly just, to me, a fucking milquetoast white guy - BUT. he is JUST gender nonconforming enough or JUST is like. clocky enough as queer or trans or otherwise being "off" what str8 people want and expect
and they'd never be able to put their fingers on what it is. they'd say "oh you know, he's just a little creepy / weird / off" etc, it's often not just neurodivergence, it's like, facial structure, the movements of the face, the voice, etc. maybe some of it is intersex stuff
but it's the same stuff that to me would be like "hm, maybe he's one of us, maybe he's an SA victim, etc", but i wouldn't know that unless i talked to them more? they're POTENTIAL clues. whereas cishets will be like, oh, this means this person is Evil. then... casting directors
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uhmm something something, hornet character pride headcanons
Jay Merrick- trans gay man. this pretty much never changes. i love him so much. also polyamorous
Tim Wright- sometimes trans sometimes not, but pretty much always gay. he really identifies with the bear subcategory. also probably demisexual. also polyamorous
Alex Kralie- i like to mix it up with him. hes intersex. hes cis. hes a transman. shes a transwoman. shes nonbinary. hes literally just there. he doesnt have time for this bc hes got a movie to film. he doesnt have a label on his sexuality, kind of fluid between being gay and bi. just depends on his mood. also polyamorous
Brian Thomas- bisexual, i think its nice when hes trans as well. also polyamorous
Jessica Locke- this is the biggest trans lesbian woman i have ever fucking seen. shes autistic about her gender in the most femcel woman way ever. she acts like she gets no play but femmes flock to her like birds to seed. also polyamorous
Seth Wilson- queer and probably nonbinary. he thought he was a transwoman for a while but then realized he just likes being in between both. also polyamorous
Amy Walters- bi transwoman. its shrimple as that. also polyamorous
Sarah Reid- bisexual and polyamorous.
Taylor (comics)- trans lesbian woman. also polyamorous (shes the only comic character i really know about. sorry i dont have anything on those boys she and jess hang out with)
Masky- strictly demisexual. doesnt know what gender fucking means. if he gets attached to someone and feels safe with them, then he'll be comfortable enough to be affectionate with them. they need to prove that they can protect him and keep him safe first though.
Hoody- hes just brian so. bisexual
Skully- nonbinary and fluid sexuality. jay fronts the most so typically they have an attraction mainly aimed at men. but theres like five people inside them so yk it changes. gender wise, they tend to use mirrorred pronouns and just reflect back whoever theyre talking to
The Operator- aroace. its a creature. it doesnt care about sex or romance. it wants to kill these fuckin film students
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akuzondotcom · 3 months
Obey me sexuality/gender hcs:
Note: Any poly HCs are usually bc the character has explicitly expressed poly interests in game. Despite being poly myself I tend to only see characters as poly if I have poly ships with them or if they are canonically poly. So don’t get mad I called your fav poly bc they probably canonically are at least a lil bit.
Also AMAC/AFAC is their assigned gender at Creation. Since they weren’t born it felt weird using AGAB language.
Lucifer: Cis-Man, He/Him. Bi No-lean.
Mammon: Cis He/Him. Bi Femme-lean.
Leviathan: Intersex and Genderfluid, any pronouns but primarily uses he/they. Pan.
Satan: Cis He/Him (always capitalised to rival god /j). DemiRo/Sexual. Open Polyamorous.
Asmo: AMAC Agender (He/she/they) Bi, open polyamorous. Also a shapeshifter who’s gender expression and appearance changes depending on their mood. Some days they’ll be a hot guy, others a beautiful girl, or a handsome girl, or a pretty boy, all depends on their vibe.
Beelzebub: Cis Man He/him. Pan, closed polyamorous.
Belphagor: AMAC Demiboy (he/they/it). Asexual PanRo no-lean. Closed Polyamorous.
Diavolo: Cis Man, He/Him. Pan. Though he enjoys expressing his gender in primarily Masc ways, he’s not against letting people do his makeup or him wearing dresses. In fact he’s super confident in his masculinity to express himself however he pleases.
Barbatos: Cis Man, doesn’t mind any pronouns but prefers he/him. Bisexual. Canonically an ex-dragqueen/dame too which not enough people bring up.
Mephistopheles: Cis Man He/him. Bi-curious Masc-Lean, thought he was gay till MC showed up (my MC is Any Gender so yeah. If your MC is a guy then he’s probs still confused lmao).
Thirteen: AMAC Trans-Femme Nonbinary (she/they/it), Bisexual (bc she has bisexual hair)
Simeon: Cis Man (He/Him) Bisexual Masc-Lean.
Luke: AFAC Trans boy (He/Him) unlabelled/questioning. (Bc we need to normalise kids being trans/queer in general)
Raphael: AMAC Agender (he/they) Asexual DemiRo.
Solomon: Cis (He/Him) Bi. Closed Polyamorous (obviously- fucker has 700 wives in the bible so like… yeah. Feels bizarre to imagine any character based on Solomon being entirely Monogamous. Probs the only character I HC as poly without any canon implications of such.)
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zestylemonsz · 3 months
bc it's almost the last day of pride (my time) I'm now going to give you all my pride hc for bsd characters whether you like it or not.
also their names are either first name/ last name or last name/ first name
also I don't use neos and don't know how they work. so there isn't many neo mentions.
no I don't stick to these all the time!! thoughts and opinions change.
and silly ™ for the characters at pride
for some reason the TM doesn't work anymore (no storage probably) so I'll probably just use TM instead lmao
Fukuzawa Yukichi/
asexual. panromantic. cisgender. #1 dad hugs at pride™
Osamu Dazai/
he/they. she/her when silly. bisexual. genderfluid (bigender or trigender specifically). at pride just to argue with the pride protestors. wears heels and dresses to make the homophobes angry™
Kunikida Doppo/
he/she/they. (< in that order) his preferred pronouns change a lot. asexual. demiromantic. biromantic. also genderfluid.
screams about how queer and trans rights are human rights, very proud, wears a bunch of pins™
Ranpo Edogawa/
he/him. gay. cisgender. goes to pride with poe just to hold hands with them the whole time TM
Yosano Akiko/
she/her. lesbian. cisgender. probably in a corner at pride drinking wine™
Atsushi Nakajima/
he/they. biromantic. asexual. doesn't know much about pride. sitting with a group of queer people, getting taught about sexualities and genders™
Junichiro Tanizaki/
he/him. questioning his sexuality, but doesn't have a preference. transgender. sitting far from the people, because it's too loud and is too crowded™
Naomi Tanizaki/
she/her. pansexual. cisgender. sitting with Junichiro to calm him down, also giving out bracelets to others TM
Kenji Miyazawa/
he/him. unlabled. dresses androgynous. goes to pride to learn about sexualities and genders (also everyone loves him) TM
Kyouka Izumi/
she/they. considers using neopronouns (fae/faer), but so far doesn't use them. unlabled. dresses feminine. goes to pride to make new friends and get bracelets TM
Kirako Haruno/
she/her. acearo. cisgender. goes to pride with Naomi, Yosano, or Kyouka to hang out
Katai Tayama/
he/they. gay. bigender. also gender goals. only goes to pride with Kunikida because they make him go TM
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PM: (did not include everyone bc uhm. idk enough about some characters. also mori makes me uncomfy)
Chuuya Nakahara/
he/they. pansexual. transgender. goes to pride and drinks wine, also yells at homophobes and transphobes with Dazai TM
Kouyou Ozaki/
she/they. lesbian. cisgender. drinking wine with Yosano TM
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa/
he/him. gay. cisgender. sitting with Atsushi and learning TM
Higuchi Ichiyo/
she/they. bisexual. so many bi panics. transgender. hanging out with gin and admiring others and telling people how beautiful they are TM
Gin Akutagawa/
she/they. asexual. acespec. transgender. hanging out with Higuchi, occasionally with (ryuu) Akutagawa TM
Tachihara Michizo/
he/him. transgender. questioning sexuality. hanging out with Higuchi and Gin. staring at the pride protestors just to scare them TM
Yumeno Kyuusaku/
they/them. unlabled sexuality. non-binary. goes to pride and scares off the homophobic and transphobic protestors TM
Oda Sakunosuke/
he/they. gay. never told anyone his gender so who knows. just an icon TM
Ango Sakaguchi/
he/they. maybe she. gay. doesn't care about gender, but aligns with male. just a loser TM
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The Guild: (not everyone because I don't write for a lot of the characters)
he/they/she. genderfluid. gay. brings Karl and everyone loves him TM
they/them. he/him whenever they feels like it. non-binary. likes men. asexual. dresses androgynous and masculine. just an eldritch horror beyond your comprehension TM
John Steinbeck/
he/him. gay. male aligned but doesn't care about gender. hanging out with his eldritch horror partner TM
she/they/he. genderfluid. panromantic. asexual, probably cupiosexual. hanging out with Poe and playing with Karl TM
she/they. unlabled gender. pansexual. very anxious and probably hiding in a corner with other people TM
Mark Twain/
he/they. transgender. transition goals btw. just a cool guy TM
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any pronouns. gay. terrorizing everyone with his clown behavior TM
he/they/she. unknown labels. he doesn't tell anyone anything. showing people his fangs because people are interested in them TM
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ccrisntok · 1 year
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bonus shitty ace doodle i did in ms paint like ages ago:
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and horse
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Danganronpa gay time (happy pride month)
Edit: a few of these are canonically wrong now, but these were made before any characters other than Whit (and kinda Eden) had cannon sexualities.
(ok so. this is technically a 1/2 repost bc I posted half of these images a few days ago, but i deleted the post bc i forgot tags and thought it was kinda dumb to split up the pics so. lets all hope this one goes better. Thats also why the styles a little inconstient, bc I made half of these two weeks ago and half of these yesterday.) (also Teruko was drawn was before everyone else, and in a different context, so that's why she looks so different lol.)
I am here to present to the drdt tumblr fandom: me and my friend's humble queer hcs for the drdt cast, with a few cannon exceptions. lots of bisexuals. bc i am bisexual. wild.
These took me longer to draw than you'd think. i hope you enjoy them <3
...so i didnt realize that after you put images into a post you cant move text on top of them so. and i don't wanna transfer all of the images below this so. this feels out of order. bc it is. I'm very new to tumblr can you tell.
also if anyone wants to use these as pfps i give full permission, just credit me. somewhere. and tell me you did it so i can see it and be happy :) anyway time for enough tags to give me a stroke
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c-horror-angel · 1 year
I’ve HAD ENOUGH, here are my queer pasta headcanons
(Based entirely off of the vibes and my own personal canons tbh (although I want to try to keep it as accurate as possible))
Slenderman: aroace (man is too Esoteric for human relationships)
Jeff: bi (I don’t think I need to explain this one, if u get it u get it. He might also be giving demisexuality))
Jane: gay (this isn’t a hc) and transfemme
Toby: ngl I’m not really too sure abt this one, like he’s screaming ALLLYYYY but I wouldn’t be adversed to him also being queer in some way
BEN: gay (just makes sense)
EJ: non descript grayro/graysexual (also just makes sense, I can’t really see him having much of an interest in romance or traditional labels)
Clockwork: bi with masc lean, transfemme (she is so important to me)
LJ: fucking weirdo
Nina: pansexual (totally uses she/they pronouns too)
Masky: something queer is afoot but I can’t pinpoint it
Hoodie: bisexual as FUCK (fem leaning)
Sally: silly billy! (Prob a huge ally tbh)
I feel like I’ve missed a few pastas but uhhh it’s either bc I have dementia or I just havNT CARED TO READ OTHERS,,,,,
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jackwhiteprophetic · 3 months
My controversial 9-1-1 opinion is that Buck is one of the least interesting characters on the show. Don’t get me wrong, he is complex and interesting but the type of character he is and oftentimes reduced to (sunshine golden retriever boy, abandonment issues, humour to cope and uses false confidence and cockiness to hide the fact he’s deeply insecure) is common and you can find at least one character in almost any media who pretty much matches that description. Usually those characters are also a fandom favourite and you can never escape them.
The clear favouritism for Buck in the fandom also undermines a lot of the incredible things this show has done for representation. “Omg the white guy kissed another white guy! This is revolutionary and the greatest thing to happen on the show!” (Ik I’m simplifying it).
That’s cool, personally I think one of the greatest things to happen on the show is the representation of an abusive relationship and how that trauma impacts a person for years and isn’t fixed in a night after finding the perfect guy. I also think representing postpartum depression was also quite revolutionary and made my mum feel comfortable enough to open up to me about how she had postpartum depression after my sister was born. Like my mum is 50 years old and this silly firefighter show made her feel seen. THAT’S what representation is for.
Regarding LGBTQ+ representation, I think the HAPPILY MARRIED BLACK LESBIAN COUPLE WITH CHILDREN (Mara we’re getting you home) is something never seen in mainstream media, firstly because there are hardly any sapphic relationships and secondly because those sapphic relationships hardly include women of colour.
This is an ensemble and I feel like a lot of people forget that. I’m also still annoyed that when Buck was confirmed bisexual, major article companies acted like this was the first time 9-1-1 had established 1) a queer character and 2) a queer couple.
Henren ran so BT could stumble around and fall flat on its face.
Interesting... We definitely share some of the same views on things, but I do find Buck really interesting as a character now!!! I find Buck and Eddie soooo interesting mainly because I have read probably millions of words of character study on them. Also when I first watched I didn't find Buck suuuper interesting up until the saviour baby arc, which adds so many layers of complexity to his behaviour across all seasons!!!
I really hope there is a greater focus on Maddie next season!!!! Also I think one of the major flaws with S7, because it was written very quickly and they knew they would have to move scenes across episodes is that they didn't really mix storylines massively, so it wasn't very cohesive and we didn't really get to see the 118 as a whole family properly. The pairings we had were Buck and Eddie, Henren and Madney and Bobby and Athena, and that was kind of consistent throughout. Next season I'm really hoping that they can switch up dynamics at least for a few storylines, BC I miss when we would see scenes of like Buck and Chim, or Athena and Hen, which they stopped doing as much once Bathena happened, because they no longer needed Hen as a link between Athena and the 118. WHICH IS SO SAD! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
ALSO SORRY THIS ISNT VERY WELL STRUCTURED BUT CAN THEY LET HENREN BE HAPPY PLEASE!!!! Kind of sick of their storylines being "oh no someone is threatening our family" because it just paints their family as unstable and they don't deserve that!!! I want silly storylines PLEASE!
But yes the centering of Buck (and sometimes the other guy who I will not name BC I don't wanna piss ppl off) by SOME people in the fandom ANGERS ME GREATLY. ESPECIALLY with the whole Gerrard thing, where the comments on the IG post were FLOODED with people talking about Tommy (named him here oh well). And people talking about how everyone is gonna defend Buck because if Gerrard even looks at Buck they're gonna throw hands! I'M SORRY WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU MORE DEFENSIVE OVER BUCK THAN CHIMNEY OR HEN, WHO HAVE ALREADY BOTH BEEN TARGETED AND HARASSED AND BULLIED BY GERRARD? WHY ARE YOU MORE DEFENSIVE OVER TOMMY THAN CHIM OR HEN? It fucking disgusts me. The way that Tommy literally was introduced in S2 as a PLOT DEVICE to show how 'bystanders' (he was barely a bystander, more an active participant) in workplace racism and bullying are still so fucking dangerous and disgusting and wrong. And he was so fucking disgusting to both Hen and Chim, bear in mind they have a fucking dangerous job, if CHIM had been in that building Tommy would have absolutely left him to die. WORKPLACE RACISM IN LIFE OR DEATH JOBS LEADS TO PEOPLE BEING FUCKING LEFT TO DIE. And people are more defensive over Tommy being potentially harassed by Gerrard and than they ever were over Hen or Chim. As a white person I am so fucking sorry, this fandom has not lately been a safe space for pocs and the fucking lengths people go to to justify both the character and the actor are so fucking strange. White queer people should do fucking better than this. It is the bare fucking minimum to not be racist or not have been publicly racist in the past. Why not ask for a better fucking standard? ALSO with the actor, if you're trying to fucking argue that he's not like that any more, SHOW ME that he is a fucking anti racist and that he is fucking defending minority groups and that he understands the weight of his actions. SHOW ME how he understands his privilege and uses his platform and the money he is given to donate to and fund the protection of these groups. It is fucking sickening that people have decided they can defend or ignore or tolerate this man and it DISGUSTS ME that they have happily created an environment where people can't feel fucking safe or supported or heard.
The focus on that character is so fucking weird given the lack of screen time he has had, I'm really gonna stop talking about him at all soon because it gives him way too much weight. But it's disgusting. The way some people have to find a way to write Eddie and Chris out of Buck's life and rewrite over canon to bring more focus onto this man astounds me.
As a (lesbian? Idk not currently sure but kinda) queer person, Henren are such beautiful representation and I love them so much and ALSO the foundation of the whole show is basically found family. If you want to only focus on Buck then that's fine I guess, but it is literally written into canon that the family around him mean FUCKING EVERYTHING TO HIM so it's weird that people barely fucking look at it at all.
Anyway sorry I greatly appreciated your message and idk if all of this is related or relevant and it is not well structured but I was just feeling ranty and was inspired by you! I love you and I hope you have a brilliant day!
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This is a genuine question, but idk if I just follow good people or don't scroll through the critrole tag enough, but where are you finding biphobia? Or I guess, if I could phrase it another way, in regards to what are people being biphobic? I'm not looking to start shit, I just haven't seen any or am horrifyingly ignorant on how it's presented
I just open the tags or, more often, finding a blog that was reblogged by a blog in my activity. Stuff that I've seen this month alone have included:
referred to Chet, who has flirted with people who are not women on multiple occasions, as the token straight
insisted that Imogen and Laudna are specifically lesbians / assumed that Imogen and Laudna are, by default, lesbians — some people get real aggressive if you mention interpreting Imogen or Laudna as bisexual but a lot of it is subtler than that
surprised that a woman who is married to a man can roleplay a woman who is pining for a woman in a meaningful way, as if the two are exclusive to one another
acted like Laura has never played a queer character before when Vex is bisexual
dismissed Vex as not counting bc she ultimately married a man
"joked" that Fearne is wasted on men
referred to Fearne as a lesbian (this is uncommon, but it usually happens in "jokes")
referred to Allura as a lesbian
refused to count Liam as playing a queer PC every campaign
This is not even the most egregious stuff historically, but this is some of what I've seen in the past month.
The biphobia problem is recurrent in this space—just as it's recurrent in any other space I've been in. A lot of it is outright dismissal of queer characters when they're attracted to other genders or downplaying that attraction, acting like that attraction is not as important, or even erasing that attraction to other genders. There's a lot of diminishing characters who are attracted to other genders as being not as important or as good / shiny / meaningful, sometimes outright dismissing them as not counting or framing them as placeholders for "more real" queer characters. The idea that wlw are by default lesbians and mlm are by default gay men is a big but subtle one. That's all just to name a few things.
A lot of it is more indirect than people expect, but it is pervasive in most fandom spaces, and this fandom space is no exception despite the number of bisexual characters.
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lastoneout · 9 months
I gotta tell you. You are out here fighting god's biggest battles with reminding people that James Somerton was POINTEDLY BIPHOBIC. CANNOT thank you enough for it. the irony of people forgetting biphobia while dunking on James for his queer erasure is... sure a thing that's happening! Not here to dunk on those people forgetting, i'm sure it's not intentional, not worth infighting about when we've got the james somertons of the world to deal with, but... Bisexuals see and appreciate you for speaking up about it!
I am more than glad to fight the battle bcs ngl the Becky Albertalli thing was bad enough(tbh I'm still fucking mad about the way she got treated over Love, Simon) but just hearing him call Valkyrie a lesbian made me want to rip a building apart with my bare fucking hands. I could chew glass. And like I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt when I got to that part of Todd's video bcs I'm a fool and I get that he clearly does less than 0 research for anything but like I KNOW explicitly erasing her sexuality is a Choice He Made On Purpose bcs I fucking checked and every single article and fanwiki page and shit that I could find calls her bisexual. It is impossible to look up information about this character without her bisexuality coming up front and center. So either he stole from someone who did that on purpose(which is bad bcs stealing and also not fact-checking) or he did it on purpose bcs he has really fucking weird opinions about bisexual women. Maybe both!
Anyway, I am just one angry bisexual but I will not stop pointing this out bcs I know how tempting it is for the queer community to act like bi people are only hated for being gay lite or w/e and I'm not gonna sit by and let it keep happening. Biphobia, or like bigotry against multisexual people in general bcs pan and omni people are in the same boat as us here, is real and it's fucking insidious and we MUST combat it when we see it.
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