#be as wierd about this as you want IN YOUR OWN SPACE
positivelyghastly · 1 year
My last thought on the new ghouls: if I see anyone giving Chris Catalyst or Sophie Amalkin shit or harassing them it’s ON SIGHT
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skipppppy · 9 months
No offence but I feel like some people got a little too comfortable with telling people to touch grass and swung all the way round to just straight up shaming anyone who might have a less active social life than them to feel better about themselves. “She should be at the club” was a really funny meme until people started acting like fucking middle school bullies towards people who don’t go out with their friends a lot. All those drinking/drugs/sex milestone polls were fun to engage with until it became a wierd circlejerk making fun of people who haven’t done those things before. People on twitter are once again dogpiling someone for wanting queer social spaces that don’t revolve around alcohol or loud music and telling them it’s their own fault for not having friends.
Like I get that nightclubs and sex have strong ties to queer culture and are often the first targets in the hellscape of respectability politics. It’s important we remember our roots and protect these spaces from conservative scrutiny. I mean that. They are important. But just on a surface level it seems like people are starting to see having an inactive social life as some kind of moral failing which…it’s not. I feel like an insane person for feeling like I have to say this on the fucking queer autism website but like. You aren’t inherently a bad person if you don’t have friends. You aren’t “falling behind” if you haven’t had your first kiss in your 20s or never done drugs. The real world isn’t a movie. And if you see someone who doesn’t go out much and instinctually think “wow what a terminally online loser. I bet their social life sucks because they’re a sheltered creep and not because of systemic barriers beyond their control” you need to have a long hard look at why you feel that way.
There are very real barriers that prevent isolated people from finding community and connection. Do you think you’re superior for being able to breach them? Time, money, sobriety, accessibility, none of those factors were a problem for you, so it shouldn’t be for them, right? Right?
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
I'm trans nonbinary and I really kind of hate myself for it and feel like such a fucking freak and I don't even know why because I didn't even grow up around a lot of homophobia or anything. I let everyone assume I'm a (trans) man because in my head if someone found out I was nonbinary they would just think I'm so fucking wierd, even when I'm in spaces or with people I know for a fact wouldn't actually think any of that. I don't feel this way about anyone else, just me. I'm really sorry if this is too much of a vent kind of thing I totally get you deleting it or whatever, but any advice you have would be really great.
I want to preface this by emphatically saying: Nobody here (least of all myself!) are judging you. I am sure many trans people who are following this blog know how you feel intimately. It's a consequence of the world we live in, not an intrinsic failure of character. I want to make this clear because you were incredibly vulnerable and I don't want you to worry that your vulnerability is a bad thing. It takes a lot to open up like this, no matter if you're on anon or not.
I've talked about this before, but this is a process that takes... a long time to work through, if I'm honest. I've been out since I was a young teenager, and now as an adult I still fall into the trappings of feeling similarly to you. What helped for me is to generally avoid judging myself for when I do feel like this. I think trying to outright ignore how you feel is very inefficient - I have tended to be a person who needs to feel those awful feelings so that I can look back and notice exactly what went wrong. I wouldn't specifically recommend that you do this - I have had many years of combating internalized transphobia to feel this is effective for myself. But, regardless of where you are in your journey of internal acceptance, I will advise this: don't judge yourself for these feelings. It is easy to do, but you don't deserve to have even more feelings of shame, isolation, or overall feelings of hopelessness or helplessness.
Often, we won't know exactly "why" we feel these feelings of internalized transphobia. For me, I also didn't grow up with outright homophobia, but I did grow up with the idea that I would only be loved if I was cishet, so when I discovered I was neither, it was jarring. I thought I would never be loved. And years later, I became open to the idea that I might have been wrong because there were people along the way - friends, certain family, strangers, even - who showed the love I felt I surrendered when I realized who and what I was.
It has helped me to expose myself to other trans people, as well. It's a delicate balance, at times, because there are moments where I find myself growing envious of another trans person for the way I perceive their own transition. It's a natural response, I guess, a natural human response that is amplified when you are part of a group that is often maligned. But I have found that the pros outweigh the cons: I see trans people of all identities now, trans people who look like me, who have incredibly similar experiences, who taught me so much about what it actually means to love and be loved. It's funny, because I'm largely a trans man (with caveats), yet some of the people who have deeply impacted me forever weren't always the same as I am (in fact, one of the first true "I look up to this person" experiences was from a trans woman who I still to this day admire and look up to).
I'm not going to lie, this (how you're feeling) is an incredibly common, but sometimes devastating result of so many factors. While we all go about these feelings in different ways, it can be hard. Therefore, it's important that we support each other. I want to offer my support to you, and let you know that you aren't going to be looked at by others in the way you might fear. It's hard to even conceptualize, honestly, but I am being honest. I understand that some of what I might have said won't resonate with you now, or ever, and that's okay. When we have a community to talk about ideas as a way of support, we can start to have more resources that we might be able to utilize effectively.
Your vulnerability right now isn't going unnoticed. It took a lot to express this, and I hope you might read this and feel even slightly better. I wish nothing but good things for you, nothing but bountiful joy and understanding that you deserve so much from this world.
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omgcatboi · 2 years
( someone requested I put this in its own post to reblog )
A guide of do's and don'ts for male feedees interacting with female ( or any ) feeders , incase you aren't sure
( as an autistic man, I understand how to explain this to you as I also struggle with being social ) !!
Steer the conversation back to kink talk. If she's changing the subject, it's best to assume she isn't feeling the chat. So don't push it !! Spend a few minutes to chat like normal. You'll be surprised when you realize that these sweet feeders have a personality. You should show that you have one, too !!
Assume she owes you a response. Hey, guess what? People have lives !! Some feeder girls may be in uni / collage taking classes while also working two jobs. Or some may just have work, some may have kids, some may exist and have priorities and responsibilities !! She doesn't owe you a reply AT ALL !! Be patient and practice boundaries. You're acting co-dependant to a stranger and it's very off-putting ☹️ ( also you AREN'T ENTITLED TO KNOW WHY SHE DIDN'T REPLY!! That is no longer kink related and is asking about her personal private life. This is the internet!! For safety, she may not feel comfortable sharing that info. )
Dm her unsolicited pics, sexual dms, or fantasies! She may not be in the mood for that !! Or, she may not want to see that from you. Look, people can decide who they talk to and don't talk to. There's going to be a lot of people out there who don't wanna talk with you or don't vibe with you. It's life ! There's quite a few feeder blogs I've dmed and gotten no response from. It's life ! So what ! There's plenty of people to talk to on this site.
Immediately get sexual or flirty without consent ( also don't ask too early on ! It's kinda wierd and objectifying 😥 ) these are girls with whole ass feelings and emotions man.
Reach out with sexual intentions being your ONLY intentions. Again, this is a PERSON you're talking to. You wouldn't like it very much if some dude only dmed you for sex and didn't actually care about talking with you.
Block evade. If a feeder blocks you, don't make another tumblr account just to ask them why. If you don't know them, then they don't owe you a reason why. If you were very close to them, I know it's hard but you should let them go. If it's meant to be, they'll come back. Don't harass them.
Small talk ! Ask how they are, ask if they boil or fry their hotdogs ( and worship them for being right about fried being the superior option) ! Show actual interest in them !! You guys are MISSING OUT MAN ! Girls like these usually have so much personality it's addicting ! I mean you'd fall head over heels for these ladies, if you actually gave them a chance. Don't assume they're boring outside of kink !! ( Also by fall ' head over heels ' for them I mean you will adore them platonically ( with Maybe a crush ) do not expect dating out these girls. Most are taken and others probably get asked to online date by 10 other feeders a day. Just make some friends for once ! Not everything has to be about dating !!
Allow space for talk about hobbies outside of kink ! Into DND? What if she is, too!? Talk about it !
Give them space ! They get loads of dms a day, and also probably have limited free time for this place. So don't smother them !! You'll drain them if you act clingy, and make her want to leave.
Stay healthy. Don't be a negative Nancy. If things aren't going your way in the convo then don't guilt trip her. That's a dick move.
This was a pretty basic list and I'm as high as the cost of living still. So i probably forgot a lot. Anyway, this very Basic guide is a good tool to save and check if you need to. Drink your respect women juice.
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deep-sea-anemone · 3 months
I don't know you, I don't know who or what you ship, but my understanding of anti vs. pro means being anti vs. pro-shipping children with adults and if you think the majority opinion is that that is perfectly fine and normal, you need to go outside and touch grass.
I assume you're referring to my addition on that poll post. I'm happy to clear a few things up.
Firstly, Proship IS the default opinion and only in recent years has this anti-ship ideology come about (I have my own theories as to why that is, but that's its own can of worms and I specifically just want to adress this ask).
Any Pro vs Anti definitions were made up and forced on proshippers (again, because pro is the default and Antis are new). As such, Antis have skewed the meaning of proship into basically stating that "all proshippers like and endorse this content, and do not discriminate between content or judge the individuals who make it". This actually goes against what proshippers believe. The entire pro-ship philosophy can essentially be boiled down to "don't like, don't read".
There is a whole hoard of fiction that grosses me out. For instance I hate yandere and non-con, and find incest and minor/adult relationships incredibly gross. I even block the "age-gap" tag because even if they are both consenting, having that much of a power imbalance wiggs me out. I've unfollowed some of my favorite artists because they've posted dynamics and scenes that I don't like (Most recently I unfollowed a very popular artist because I found out they ship Sukufushi: a ship between a 16 year old and an ancient demon possessing another 16 year old. Since it's fiction and not reality, you get these wierd nuances that could never happen in the real world and it is up to the individual to decide what they are comfortable with).
A lot of proshippers actually WILL tell you that people who like pedophilic ships or other dark content (such as rape and snuff fics) ARE gross and sick in the head and that the people who think otherwise are delusional. That doesn't mean that I don't believe that they don't have a right to create that content. I just want them to keep it away from me. Hence why I have those tags blocked on tumblr and why I filter them out when I search for fics.
The proshipper philosophy isn't that problematic ideas/ships are good and should be celebrated, and everyone certaintly doesn't believe that it is "perfectly normal", we just think that if you don't like it then, rather than berating the "freaks" who do, simply block and move on and do your best to keep them out of your thoughts, because ultimately, as disgusting as it is, there is no actual harm in it.
Secondly, Antis seem to believe that we proshippers endorse gross/dark content in real life. I assure you that that is NOT the case. And if an individual does, in fact enact their ficticious-but-irl-illegal fantasies, then that is not an example of the pro-shipper caving in and acting out their sick desires in the real world. It is the case of a REAL LIFE pedophile (or whatever) coming into fandom spaces and then interacting with or creating dark content. Is it possible that this happens? Sure. That doesn't mean that it is the default or even common, and basically every proshipper is in agreement that they are disgusting individuals. Again, this is because proshippers believe that fiction should remain fiction. Any time that make-believe turns into real-world actions, it is no longer make-believe and is now a real danger. Antis refuse to see the difference between the two.
You also mentioned touching grass which I think is a little ironic. The proshipper philosophy is that as long as fiction remains fiction, it has no bearing on the real world. It is Antis that have a hard time recognizing that playing pretend isn't the same as physical wrongdoing. Hence, why proshippers use the term "touch grass": it's meant to remind people that there is more to life than fantasy and online discourse, That it's important to log off and go "touch grass" to remind yourself that there is a difference between the tangible real-world and the imaginary scenarios that people create in their heads.
If you (and others! This isn't meant to be a callout, just informative) have difficulty comprehending this, I encourage you to consider the following scenarios:
1) Murder Mysteries: just because someone writes someone getting murdered, does not mean that they would want to see it happen,and certainly not commit it in real life.
2) BDSM: no party that willingly engages in bdsm is truly getting hurt (except to the extent that they want to be). Smacking someone during sessions does not mean that that person would ever do it in real life, and certainly wouldn't support others doing it
3) rape fantasies: this sort of goes along with bdsm, but there is a large difference between having faith that your trusted partner would never hurt you and only acts out a scenario because you ask them to, and being forced against your will to engage in harmful and/degrading sex acts.
4) Shooter Games: For a long time, people believed that playing violent video games corrupted children's moral and made them crave violence and increased the likelihood that they would want to renact that violence and turn into school shooters. There was actually a study done a while ago examining the link between video game violence and real life consequences....and they found nothing. There was no correlation between committing fictional violence and real world impact.
Fiction =/= real life.
Secondly, Antis have a tendency to invade people's inboxes and leave hate comments everywhere. Sometimes this is just saying "this is gross", but often Antis start harassment campaigns, recruiting multiple individuals to scare and intimidate people whose content they don't like (One tactic is to dump hundreds of graphic, gory images into peoples inboxes. I'm sure you can see how that would be traumatizing). Antis also have a history of doxxing people and causing this ficticious content to cause real-life harm to come to people. This is especially concerning since one of the most common things Antis like to parrot is some variation of "kill yourself".
A lot of Antis actually ARE proshippers, they just don't realize it because they get so caught up with the Anti's hate philosophy that they believe that willingly not engaging with content that they don't like (rather than harassing and condemning people who do) is what proshippers stand against. This is why some proshippers use the terms "anti-harrasment" and "pro-censorship" rather than proshippers and antishippers because it helps to clarify what the pro-shipper philosophy ACTUALLY is.
*phew* that was a long post, wasn't it? Let's both go touch grass together 🤝
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hi! I read your hiei fic the other day it was really good ^_^!
Could I req a fem!former delinquent!sweetheart!reader with Kurama and Hiei (together is preferred but seperate is fine) thank youu!
also to go in detail - yusuke and kuwabara knew her and feared her (without knowing that she was a girl and actually pretty caring unless you wronged her) then yusuke wanted to fight her and they met up. eventually became a part of team urameshi!
thank you again!
.. reimi
Aw thank you! I'm always glad to see some yyh lovers on here <3
Also since this was like the 80s-90s, I think the 'never hit a woman' thing was even more relevant to them lol
If y'all want part two lemme know! <3
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 <3
Check out my kinktober!
𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐇𝐢𝐞𝐢 - 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭
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Can a girl not just be minding her business on the rooftop on her own, without being bothered? This had become your safe space, somewhere you could just forget about these losers that were just looking for a fight.
"Hey! Yuuri!"
That's not your name anymore, but okay.
"'s not my name, asshole."
Somehow people had never connected the dots that you weren't a man. It's a fucking mystery where that little gold nugget of gossip even came from. It's not like you were uniquely masculine looking, you were just very androgynous, and it's not your fault that men's clothes are smarter, more comfortable and made to last longer. Fuck women's clothes, seriously.
You have long hair, but you suppose that people just think you're a cute femboy, like that Shuichi kid from the next school over.
Thus, you had been dubbed "Yuuri", since the general public apparently couldn't be bothered to remember your real name.
Finally, long legs hidden by baggy men's suit pants in a deep black stretch out, knees cracking when you stand. Yusuke doesn't even flinch. Boy, what a trooper.
One would have to be living under a rock, under the ocean, and under another rock to not know who this infamous troublemaker is. This day was bound to come, this guy's probably been in bare-knuckle fist fights with grizzly bears, at this point.
Oh boy, you never know how they'll take the news you're about to break.
"You know, I'm not Yuuri anymore, right?"...
"Meet me in the parking lot in ten!"
"I have class in five minutes"
Your words are lost on him, and you sigh, knowing you're about to stand the poor guy up on what's probably his first date. Poor thing. There's no way in hell you're gonna meet that asshole. He just can't take a hint for the life of him. Just how long has Keiko had that crush on him for?
"Listen, I'm not "meeting up" with you. I'm not in the business of hurting people anymore-"
Let me have my character development arc, asshole.
Nothing more can be said as you walk straight past the little delinquent. Though, he does bristle in offence at your casual dismissal. Maybe you should've rejected him slowly... 'it's not you, it's me...'
Yeah, right.
The two of you do end up meeting anyway, curse you and your curiosity, and you now stand in front of Yusuke with the most unimpressed, 'look, you've got the wrong idea' expression.
Meanwhile, Yusuke is looking aweful proud of himself, and it seems he rolled up with the whole pussy patrol. Of course Shuichi is here, whom you know about because of various contacts that keep tabs on suspicious people for you. And oh, boy, is this redhead suspicious after he caught every single contact of yours with ease, and even more so now that he's groupied with Yusuke, of all people.
Kuwabara obviously wouldn't have missed this for the world, but the fourth guy is simply a mystery to you. Mystery short stack wears only black, like you even despite the school dress code, and as soon as you tilt your head in curiosity at him he immediately looks away. Wierd.
The matter at hand is that Yusuke Urameshi wants to fight you, yet you're not willing to go back to starting shit for no reason. It was just too much hassle, and the second your friends and family got dragged into it was when you called it quits.
"Look, whatever dick measuring contest you think this is, I'm not into it, man."
"Yeah, whatever, man! Come on over here and get your ass-kickin', that smug face a' yours says 'kick me' all over it!"
"You know I'm a woman, right?"
The shocked silence that follows is comical, really.
Yusuke and Kazuma had known of you for a while now, and heard of your feats through others that they had left as pulp on the ground, and were genuinely curious about you. Of course, they never knew the were picking a fight with a woman. As much as they like to promote equality, part of them still cringe at the thought of going against the one rule in the book. Never hit a woman.
Everywhere you look, eyes are wide like dinner plates. Everyone seems genuinely caught off guard, even Hiei and Kurama weren't expecting this. They had just come to see Yusuke get his ass handed to him.
"Why is this such a shock to you people?! Do I really look like a man to you?! Am I ugly?!"
"No- no! You- uh- well..."
Kuwabara steps in to save him, and fails miserably.
"We just thought you were one of those really pretty boys- l-like Kur- I mean- Shuichi..."
This is starting to fuck with you now. At the sight of what Yusuke now knows to be an upset woman in front of him, he cringes. Kuwabara's going on about how rude he is for making a girl cry, even though you're not crying, and like he didn't assume you were a man as well, but he's just background noise.
Somewhere in his head he connects the dots, thinking of every woman he knows and how unexpectedly violent they get when they're angry.
"Actually, that makes sense, you know."
After this turn of events you had actually forgiven this particular group, and the memory of when they all thought you were a man is now a long running joke between the four of you.
At some point, you'd pointed out to 'Useless Urameshi', as you had dubbed him, that he should talk to Keiko because she likes him, and it was getting a little painful to watch them dance around eachother like idiots.
You had grown especially close with Hiei and Kurama after being sucked into one of their demon-hunting escapades, and although the short tempered fire demon had been especially cold at first, it was nothing you hadn't dealt with before. He was just having trouble opening up to you. Kurama warned that it might take a while to get through to him.
Nonetheless, you had patience, or at least more than you did before you had stopped being a delinquent.
In reality, the group thought you were an absolute sweetheart, and even a bit of a doormat at times, but the second you lost your patience it took a while for them to convince you not to commit murder in the first degree. Even Hiei was genuinely surprised at how unnecessarily angry you could get for just an otherwise ordinary human girl, even despite your slight spiritual awareness.
Despite your temper, the group adored you, and you adored them. Kurama often joked that you were his favourite human because of the behemoth strength behind "such pretty eyes". Butterflies invaded your stomach when he said that and they never left.
The two demons especially took a liking to you, since you treated them so well, and it was obvious to everyone except you, that they were competing for you, ironically. It's like Yusuke and Keiko all over again. He's still haunted by the name you gave him. 'Useless Urameshi- What an ass.' he would think.
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thought-42 · 6 months
It gets harder every year
Star Wars, 2050 words, Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger Luke has acquired a Mandalorian and is maybe panicking a little. It's fine. He nows a guy. Set in a universe where Ezra wound up in the Chiss Ascendancy post-Rebels and eventually he and Luke became like. Space internet friends. Don't worry about it. *
Luke Skywalker, pinnacle of Jedi calm and patience, only does four laps around the school while he waits for his comm signal to work its way through seven layers of encryption and a long string of relay nodes stretching across lightyears, vast and unknowable, between his current location and his target.
“No,” Laezra says as soon as he picks up. His little hologram is blurry and half a second out of sync with the audio, but Luke can still see the way his hair is flattened on one side and standing straight up on the other, and he's holding the comm in such a way that his (probably bare) chest is out of frame. There is, perhaps, a timezone issue Luke should have taken into account.
“You're so rude,” Luke says. “This could be an emergency.”
“Is it?”
“The point is that it could be. And you, my only peer, my only fellow Force user, you who stand in brotherhood with me against a harsh and uncaring universe–”
“Your sister exists and is literally a princess”
“What value does the royal title hold within the forced diaspora, really? Also the last time I asked if she wanted to meditate she threatened to tell someone I don't pay taxes.”
“That's an actual criminal crime, for the record. What kind of example are you setting for your students?”
“I have two students,” Luke says. “One of whom I'm related to. Besides, didn't you meet your master in the middle of a criminal crime?”
“It's not a crime if it pisses off the Empire,” Laezra says automatically, then, “Luke, please. I am so tired. There was a whole... thing. I haven't slept in my own bed for three weeks. My student had to use her lightsaber in actual combat for the first time. I had to side with my commanding officer against my mentor, even though the asshole was absolutely in the right, and I'm feeling some kinda way about it. Sometimes preemptive action is good, actually, but don’t tell anybody I said that.”
“Sorry,” says Luke. “Is she ok? Your student, I mean.” Laezra still refuses to tell Luke the name of his or his fellow Navigator Jedi's student, and wierd trust issues aside, it makes conversation grammatically difficult sometimes.
“Yeah. We're ok. We were both doing twelve hour shifts on the way home, though, because I guess ‘we aren’t Sky Walkers’ doesn’t mean ‘we aren’t Sky Walkers’ when the ship’s actual Sky Walker is made of germs and fever and barf. Then it becomes ‘jump-by-jump is so inefficient, this information is so critical, everybody’s so tired. Have you ever had the experience of getting nosebleed blood crusted in your beard? BecauseI don’t recommend it.”
Between Leia and Laezra, Luke knows enough classified information to sink two major governments. Or at least inconvenience them a lot. 
"Ok, ok, ok," Luke decides he's going to sit down on the grass,and only realises it’s still wet from the afternoon rainstorm once his pants are already soaked. “So. Listen. You know things.”
“Wild,” Laezra says flatly. “Is this how you write report cards at your school?”
Luke glares down at the little hologram. “You know things about Mandalorians,” he clarifies. He decides he's gonna stand back up, and while he's at it he may as well do a few more laps.
“I-- Luke. Luke you can't tell me I'm the only person you know who knows a Mandalorian. Who I am, just so we're super clear, still on pretty shaky footing with, given my whole... everything.”
Luke waves this off. He is very over Laezra having fucked off on actual Purrgils, never to return, less than a year before Luke discovered he was a space wizard and could have really desperately used some support in that from someone who wasn't a hundred years old and a friend of his father's. It's so fine. He definitely doesn't lie awake imagining being one half of a pair of Jedi, back when the Rebellion had felt huge and overwhelming and kind of terrifying. Some people blow up a massive space station/doomsday weapon full of living beings (twice) and hold their evil dad in their arms while he dies. Some people ride away in a burst of martyrdom on their bffs the legendary space whales. Some people live alone but for two little kids in the ruins of a temple that they call a school, desperately trying to rebuild an entire religious and cultural institution from barely legible texts and ghosts. Some people live in another galaxy and embark on exciting new projects for an alien government where they get to research brand new Force techniques and go on adventures and live in an apartment where they can just walk across the street and buy fresh pastries whenever they want to.
Jedi do not feel envy. Jedi do not feel resentment. Jedi are always well aware that the grass is perpetually greener.
“I have a Mandalorian now,” Luke says, instead of any of this.
“Like, you... have obtained one? Are you feeding them? They need so much exercise, I cannot emphasise this enough.”
Luke puts his comm on the ground so he can drop his face into his hands. “He gave me? His kid? But also I think he's the king of the Mandalorians, and he keeps stopping by for visits, and I don't want to mess up.”
“This is so much,” Laezra says. “This is so much. Luke Skywalker, are you crushing on the Mand’alor?”
“Calling you was a mistake,” Luke says.
“Calling me was the opposite of a mistake, oh my God. What House? What Clan? I ask like the answer will mean anything to me, but like..... it might.”
“His name's Din,” Luke says. “I don't know if I'm supposed to tell people that.”
“And have you and Din..... you know?”
“He doesn't take his helmet off,” Luke says, helplessly. “Except once, and I think that was... not ideal. For him.”
“But was it ideal for you– sorry, sorry. Ok. Was he an Academy kid?”
“I don't think so,” Luke says. “He barely knew anything about the war. He didn't know who I was. He has a lightsaber that he really doesn't want to have, though.”
“Wait. Wait. So he's like.... the real deal. You're having sexy parent/teacher interviews with the legit Mand’alor.”
“I'm not having sexy anything with anybody,” Luke says.
“That's so sad, my guy. But hey, keep on trucking. I bet you can seduce him with your farmboy charms.”
“His son eats frogs,” says Luke. “I caught him a whole bucket full to take with him last time Din came to take him on a trip.”
“You just. ...handed the Mand’alor a bucket of frogs and his kid? ‘Have a good time, gang!’ You’re my very favourite little guy, Luke.”
“I think most of them escaped inside his ship,” Luke admits. “Which, actually, let me tell you about his kriffing ship–”
“Why am I perpetually surrounded by pilots? Luke, look at me. Look me in the eye. I don't care about his ship. Tell me about his cute kid or his dick or the actual ass Darksaber. Do not tell me about his ship.”
“It's very bad, though. It’s a bad ship and he should feel bad about it, he lets his child ride around in it, and I know for a fact his fuel injectors were recalled–”
“So were you hoping I'd... know the Mando dating cheat codes, or something?” Laezra says loudly.
Luke frowns. “I want to get to know him as a person. I'm his son's teacher. It'd be inappropriate for me to ... do anything. I'm just hoping I can maybe be a bit more culturally sensitive.”
Luke's only ever seen one propper, full-colour picture of Laezra that isn't a blue light holocall; there’s a holo on General Syndulla’s desk of a grinning teenager, limbs gawky and eyes that reminded Luke of the feral tookas he was never allowed to take home during trips into town as a kid. Even so, it's easy for Luke to picture the other man sitting in the dark of his bedroom, shoving his hands back through his hair as he groans. Luke wonders if he's the kind of person who needs to have everything unpacked and in its place when he comes home from a mission, or if he's more the 'dump bag and clothes on floor, fall face first onto nearest flat surface' type. It's probably a weird thing to wonder, but it's the sort of thing Luke knows about all his other friends.
“Ok. Luke.” He drops his hands from his hair and leans in close to his comm, so the top half of his face is all Luke sees, weird and disproportionate as the camera tries to compensate. “I bet you've probably been reading a bunch of old Jedi books or scrolls or cave paintings about the danger of attachment. Maybe your ghosts have lectured you. But that's what they are. Ghosts and old writings. You're starting something new. And-- Kanan. My Master. He loved somebody very much, and she loved him back. And he was the best Jedi I can imagine.”
“You can just say it was General Syndulla,” says Luke, who has only ever seen one mention of attachments in the documents he’s recovered, but doesn’t want to devalue what Laezra is trying to tell him.
“Ok, yeah. They loved each other so much, and I never once saw it interfere with Kanan’s dedication to helping others. To making the galaxy a safer, kinder place. If anything I think she made him better. And vice-versa.”
“I just meant,” Luke says carefully, “that I wouldn't want to risk things not working out and Din not wanting to leave his son here anymore. There's nobody else who will train him. But I’ll keep the other stuff in mind.”
“I have so many things I definitely  don't actually want to say to Ahsoka,” Laezra mutters. “But oh boy am I thinking them.”
Luke presses his lips together. He doesn't know if Laezra knows who Vader was when he was a Jedi. Doesn't know if it'd mean anything to him even if he did know. “She's got some pretty compelling reasons for the choices she makes, he says. "I don’t agree with her, but… I mean. Anybody can become dangerous if attachment gets possessive, but you've gotta admit Force users are especially risky.”
“People just keep making bigger guns,” Laezra points out. “How are they any less dangerous?”
“A gun can't get inside your head and change how you feel. It can't make you do things you wouldn't normally do.”
“Ahahaha,” says Laezra, and his hands go back over his face as he leans away from the camera. “You don't need The Force for that one, either.”
Luke winces. “Anyway,” he says, because he knows most people don't actually want to talk about their feelings, even if that seems super counter-intuitive. Whatever. “How do I become friends with the Mand'alor?”
“You keep saying it and it doesn't get any less unhinged. I don't know. You're already taking care of his kid, and you value family. You're highly skilled in combat. There's really no secret trick to it, just... be a person.”
“I've tried that,” Luke says. “I'm so bad at being a person around him though.”
“Does he like art?” Laezra asks, with a sudden burst of gleeful intensity. “Luke does he like art, this is important. I can tell you so much about art. Do you want to know which chemical combinations are the best for neon colours and also timed explosions? Do you want to know about historical graffiti culture throughout the Outer Rim? Do you want to know how to use the remaining art from the various Mandalorian factions to construct a sociopolitical thesis on their people with a focus on military tactics?”
“You know what," says Luke, "I think I hear the kids calling me.”
“Coward,” Laezra says immediately
“Go back to bed; say hi to your student for me; may The Force be with you bye.”
Laezra is still swearing at him, laughing,when Luke clicks the channel closed.
Luke, with all the dignity befitting the last Jedi Master, opens his notebook and writes 'Ask if he likes art.'
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yandere-plague · 2 years
[Yandere Borderlands Characters]
What they are like before and after kidnapping you part 4
// SPOILERS for the entirety of New TFTB , obsession , forced relationships , kidnapping
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Apologies if the NTFTB characters are wierd, they are so fucking hard to write for and are honestly useless at everything. I used the colour purple ALOT bruh.
Borderlands 1
For this you are a girl sos.
After Atlas tricked her into killing her sister, I feel like she would have some sort of resentment to other women.
If you look anything like her sister she'll feel obligated to keep you safe. Following you around like a lost puppy.
Best way of knocking you out?
This can go two ways.
She'll ask the Vault Hunters to kidnap you.
They don't question it, after all all they want is loot, and getting paid.
If this takes place before that, she'll make a small hideout for you both.
She doesn't know why she wants to protect you, maybe you look like her sister? Or are you too weak to survive on your own?
She coddles you relentlessly, never letting you out of her sight.
She may be cold, but that doesn't stop her from caring.
If you're trying to and or escaped?
She's trained to handle escapees, mostly with execution mind you, but doesn't mean she can't knock you out easily.
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The Bandit who kills Bandits!
Nisha Kadam
She isnt shown to really care about people, but deep down, she does.
She hired a deputy a gun-point, through the messages listed by him he's goddamn afraid of her.
You either meet her during B2 as the sherrif of Lynchwood, or before / during the Pre-Sequel.
Because of space I'm only writing for Borderlands 2, send a request if you want me to do the pre sequel :)
You came to Lynchwood to survive. The only way to survive on Pandora is to become the very thing that tries to kill you. Bandits.
Lynchwood seemed just the place for you. Enough to survive and the hint of still humanity with it.
Best way of knocking you out?
Knocking you out? Nonono you're seriously denying the best thing of your life?
All she has to do is point a gun at you, and anyone will do what she says.
What? You still don't want to?
Well then, hope you enjoyed being whipped until you pass out from the pain!
"Hehe, you're cute. Real cute. Now come on, I'm making you my Under-sherrif. Now don't worry about working or anything, just make sure your face is still pretty, and everything is going to be fine."
If you're trying to and or escaped?
How. The. Fuck.
She always keeps an eye on you.
But let's say you slip through the cracks.
Some ex-vault hunters want to kill Nisha, you want to get out of here.
Win win.
After the whole eridium train, the bank bust, she is pissed at them. (and you)
A show down at dawn
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Obsessive + delusional
A woman who puts life before her very own.
Best way of knocking you out? She abhors any sort of violence, but if its for your own safety she will have to knock you out, either hitting you with the device or other, much cruel methods.
If it takes place up on the Atlas base, she physically can't do anything.
Thank god that Rhys is there, honestly your only hope is that he can fire that bitch.
If it takes place on prometha, ohh boy, you are staying with her or the group. Mostly in Frans Frogurt.
If you're trying to and or escaped?
at the end of the game, everyone has acheive their dreams, Anu is moving to Eden-6. Octavio has his own show, and Fran... just runs her shop.
But you? This entire time all you've thought about was freedom. It was everything you wanted.
Every exploit, every opportunity is spent trying to kill or get away from her. Even trying to work with Tediore.
But Susan doesn't care, sort of.
She cares about getting the shard, but as soon as she does she turns on you.
Instead of Octavio, she uses the shard on you.
Dead Alive Dead Alive Dead Alive...
Suddenly you awake in a cell, nobody around except Tediore guards.
Susan betrayed you, you betrayed the group. Is there any hope for you now?
After the whole shard inside her thing you except her to be semi-mad like the others, but she isnt.
"I- I'm sorry for being so protective of you, but we need you in this group, let's put this behind us yes?"
Very wierd for her, you don't trust her, yet.
You had a stupid idea at the end, taking the shards for your own.
You grabbed the shard out of Susan's hand as she tried to use it on herself.
"What are you doing?!" Susan yelled, now only holding the red shard, dropping in onto the floor instantly.
"Im getting out of here, even if it kills me in the process of whatever the hell is going to happen."
You stabbed yourself in the heart with the shard, the nearby veins turning green before fading to its natural hue.
"Give me my other half." 'You' demanded.
"Why do you want to kill them?" A wierd voice in your head.
"Because she's kidnapped me several times, she murdered, or hired contracts on people who have even just spoken to me! She's insane."
"But that does protect life, your life, above all others."
"What the fuck?! Do you even listen to yourself? -elves?"
"I cannot alow this."
The shard exited your body, you fell to the floor in complete and utterly agony.
You were alive, but not free...
If it takes place on Atlas. You're fine! Rhys will help! Probably.
"Uh, sir? (Y/n) has not shown up to work again."
"What? Gosh dangit, send them in."
You walk in, looking at Anu with fear.
"Uh, Sir?"
"You feeling alright (y/n)? Whats up?"
"Can we talk about this, privately? Without Doctor Dhar? I mean, no offence, uh."
"Absolutely not-"
"I adhere to employee privacy, please doctor Dhar, leave immediately."
"Im going to keep you with me, somehow." She muttered under her breath, before leaving.
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Obsessive + delusional
His friends are the key, and his lock.
This kid wants to be on Dirty 30, the best (and most popular) echonet issue ever!
You'd either have to be in Dirty 30 or know someone in it, like Bivington Bradwick.
Or realistically for him, some promethan nobody.
Best way of knocking you out? His friends, Diamond Danielle can either put a tranquilliser dart in her sniper or Radon can 'carefully' explore nearby you to make you pass out.
When he has you, he had like no idea what to do next. He doesn't plan that far does he?
If you're trying to and or escaped?
Escape... from what? I fucking hate this guy I give up wiwbwiw
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cerberusthenking3 · 6 months
Duel Soaring Snacks
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Sorry if the two images are annoying but I couldn't find an official picture with both of them
Warning this story contains soft,safe vore,fearplay,half-size,apologetic preds,aftercare
Baipā POV.
My spines twitch in anticipation as me and Supāku watch the two lost humans wander around our territory.My eyes flick and look over them as drool fills my mouth,I turn to look at my brother and he whispers"Not yet,they could be armed"I sigh but he knows best about this kind of thing and I'll get one of them anyways so waiting a few more minutes isn't the end of the world.He bristles his fur up before leaping to the next branch and I follow with a swift leap and grab onto the branch when I hear a loud roar and tense up.I snarl before saying"Rathalos,he's gonna try to steal our meals,should we grab them?"He nods and says,"Be cautious and leave them if they have weapons or the rathalos attacks,"I bark in agreement before we leap at them in unison and take down the humans simultaneously.I hear the rathalos getting closer so we swiftly pull them into the foliage,I place a spine to the humans neck while Supāku puts his teeth around the other ones head.The rathalos slams down outside our hiding spot and smells the ground where the humans were before taking off and dissapearing into the distance.I'm about to stand up when the human under me starts convulsing and making wierd gasping sounds.I look down confusedly when I hear Supāku grunt in pain and the other small human suddenly runs into my vision and leans down before smacking me in the leg a few times.Cautiously,I step off the human but keep a close eye on them while his.....friend?brother?Whatever,rolls the convulsing human onto his side and begins pulling off his outer layers of closing and undoing some of his comrades buttons.He takes his own jacket and places it and the other removed jacket under his head while kneeling next to him.
Supāku POV.
The other human has finally stopped twitching on the ground, and his companion is currently checking him over for injuries.I look at Baipā and he says, "I swear didn't hurt the human,he just started convulsing under me"The human looks up at me and my brother,who is nervously watching before saying flatly"You need to let him leave,he already had one seizure and who knows if he'll have another,he banged his head on the ground when that one knocked him down"I shake my head,neither of them are leaving.My brother pipes up and says"M-maybe we should let them leave,I d-dont want to hurt anyone"I stare down at the human before he says"Fine,but at least take me somewhere so I can keep a better eye on him"I walk over to pick him up as he swats my nose away and I shake my head a few times,he gives me a glare and says"Nevermind,leaving him with one of you could lead to another head injury,I can take care of him here"I snort with a bit of annoyance as the human pull his bag off his back and looks into the pouch before pulling out a strange blue block and putting it on the other humans head.While we sit there the human looks up and says"Thank goodness,took you long enough,Omo"A blast of scolding air hits me from behind and I hear a low growl before I begin shaking and look out Baipā staring with a fearful look behind me and I shakily turn around and see the rathalos from earlier glaring daggers at me before stepping past me and towards the humans,he leans down and scoops up the unconscious human in his mouth and swallowing him down smoothly and holding out his open mouth for the other one who shakes his head"You've got him and I don't want to take up the surrounding space,his clothes are loose and your crop should be soft enough that if he has another seizure he won't hurt himself,but if he does have another seizure try to get him to the doctor and out as quickly as possible,plus I still want to see if I can find the lost hunter before I go home"The rathalos named Omo nods before snarling at me he says with a venomous voice"How 'bout you help Naru,cause you caused him and Nanui so much trouble while they were doing their jobs,I think it's fair because I have graciously decided not to kill ya and all,but you can just leave,fair warning though because after you leave I think I'll start craving Kadachi and go after you two once I get Nanui to the-"I cut him off with a shaky nod and stutter out"Y-y-yes sir,w-we'll help h-him"He huffs at me with a burst of steam before licking up my muzzle and flying off.I feel my legs collapse under me as I take a burst of deep breaths and realize that I stopped breathing while he was talking.
Baipā POV.
My spines slowly lower as I watch the rathalos soft away with the injured human,and I can't help but feel a small weight off my chest, knowing that the human will be okay.The only human left,Naru I think,begins to the nearby tree's and pulling out a small device before attaching it to his wrist and stepping to the edge.My brother jerks forwards and says"We need to help him"I look at him confusedly as he say"Don't,don't ask,just,just help him find the hunter he's looking for"I nod and walk to the human who looking at the ground nervously before nudging him and watch him flinch before turning to me.I lean down and offer him a ride which he gives a sigh of relief to and climbs on gently.He places his hands around my neck and hold on tightly as I sprint towards the cliff face and leap off the trees and wall rotating between the two before I reach the ground with a flick of the membranes between my fore and hind legs,swiftly gliding down and landing with a thump.The human slides off me when I hear a yelp of pain and soft thud and I quickly snap around and see the human holding one of my spines before saying faintly"Ow"And collapsing.Panic shoots through my body,no no no,I didn't mean to,I softly whimper before my stomach growling snaps me out of it,I swiftly push my jaws over his unconscious form when Supāku says"Wait,Baipā,if that rathalos catches you,he'll kill you"I try to ignore him,my brothers right,as always,but I can't just let him die because I didn't think to retract my spines.I'll theaten humans with them but I don't want to use them unless absolutely necessity and I do have a counter incase I sting people that I didn't want to.My tongue slides over his face as I swallow him quickly,my snake-like jaw easily engulfing the human fully.I don't bother tasting him as thoroughly as I could bit I still taste the delicious,light and fluffy flavor,like a cloud made out of berry juice.It takes two quicks swallows to send him down into my pouch before I feel him get packed into the tight organ.I ready up to leap when I hear someone yelling out with a cracking voice.
Supāku POV.
I turn to where the yelling noise is coming from and jump up to one of the over hanging trees before leaping across the branches and looking down to see a human stuck under a fallen tree with his weapon lying a few feet infront of him."This is the human that the kid was looking for."I hear my brother comment behind me,so I give a dark smile and say."Alright,I'll get him out."Before jumping off the tree and landing in front of the human who looks at me with a look of panic,I shoot down and send the tree flying off the humans back and watch as he scambles up.I open my mouth widely and leap at the human before engulfing his head and swallowing at such a pace that he can't react as I feel him fill up my pouch and burp contently.I look down proudly at my bulging chest,I can easily fit a fully grown human in there without a single problem and I did.I hold my head up high and push my chest out to show off my wonderful meal before walking back to my brother and easily scaling the trees back to him.I look over at him and see him cuddling against his chest with his head,he looks up at me and I hear his purring from where I am,wait a damn minute,I start laughing out loud and says"Wait,I've never heard you actually purr from a meal,is he that good?"Baipā glares at me and sticks his tongue out before asking with a vibrating voice."Did you get the other human?"I nod and stick my chest out proudly.He rolls his eyes but stands up and says"Lets take them to our nest for the night and take them home tomorrow. "I nod, and we begin off through the canopy of trees and arrive at our nest in two minutes flat.When we get there I lay down on my chest and force a few more stuggles out of the human and slowly fall asleep.
Naru POV.
My eyes snap open as I feel my entire body ache while I look around and see that I seem to be in something's stomach, and I don't know if it's safe.I look around and try to move but it's so tight that I can't even struggle when I hear a soft clicking sound and feel the walls vibrating while they gently squeeze me.Some liquid is filling the pouch halfway but it doesn't seem to be acids because it's only bubbling and not even my clothes are damaged.I look at the hole in arm and notice that a black liquid is floating out of it.I smile tiredly and mutter"Thank you"before snuggling into the walls of the organ and going back to sleep.
Baipā POV.
My nose twitches as I smell smoke, and a large burst of heat hits me.My eyes slowly open as I adjust to the light and see a large scaled head right in front of me.My front claws shoot out as I flop off the ground grapple to a tree,bristling my spines and pushing my head down as a shield for my chest.The rathalos snarls and says in a furious voice"SPIT HIM OUT,IF HE'S HURT I'LL RIP YOU FUCKING THROAT OUT"My spines slowly lower as I slide down the tree and mutter"Chill man,he's fine,just in my pouch and no,he's asleep"I shake myself off and start preening myself as I hear Supāku begin hacking out the other human who is unconscious but otherwise uninjured as the rathalos looks at it fleetingly before turning back to me and I see an actually nervous look an his face hidden behind frustration so I give him a gentler answer"I'll let him out when he wants out,okay?"The wyvern gets a slightly more relaxed look before looking over at my brother and saying,"You two,come with me back to our village so we can check them for injuries"I shrug and stand up before I hear a soft voice behind me ask"E-excuse me,but is my brother okay?"I turn around and see the human I knocked to the ground yesterday standing there.I nod and open my mouth in front of him. He smiles and asks,"Is there enough space?"I release the muscles holding his brother so it relaxes,they'll be pushed together, but there is enough space, so I nod.He places his hands in my mouth, and I gently swallow him down,being careful with my teeth and sending the fragile little human to be with his brother.He arrives in my pouch and I position it to gently squeeze them together before turning to the rathalos"Okay,there both alright,let's go"in a tone sort of buzzing from purrs.The rathalos sighs but gives a small smile and turns to lead us to their home.
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eudaemoniasystem · 11 months
Hi there! If you're reading this you have made it to the Eudaemonia Archives, a place in which we put our brain stuff in one place and hopefully make some new system/respectful singlet friends.
About us/BYF
Refer to us collectively as Dae, They/Them pronouns
Collective identity is Queer, Genderfluid-flux, Asexual-spec, Abrosexual/Abroromantic. Headmate identities vary, ask if curious/unsure
We are a polyfragmented DID system, Bodily an adult. We do suffer with extreme time-loss, so forgive us for our lack of consistency
We are neurodivergent
We do suffer with other mental health issues, which we will not disclose, please respect our privacy
We will not participate in syscourse, and if brought to our page, will result in instantly blocking.
There will likely be vent posts on this account, we will do our best to tag all major triggers. Please do not ask us to warn for things that will not affect a lot of people, thats just a hassle for us and, in the nicest way possible, you should remove yourself from our page if it triggers you. Yes, this is a safe space, but we will not limit our own freedom to say what we want.
Speaking of the content of this blog, there will be a range, from system experiences, to just wierd thoughts, to random infodumping, anything and everything will go here
Feel free to ask anything, or even just have a chat! We love hearing about other people's interests and hobbies! Feel free to infodump!
We do not always sign off, but our pronouns will always be listed somewhere
We swear, like a lot, and it will not be tagged, if you don't like that, dont follow.
Feel free to correct us on anything as long as you do so respectfully and informatively (example: If we accidentally use a slur, please explain to us why it's a slur or direct us to a resource where we can read up on it)
DNI List
Racist, Xenophobic, ect ect
Homophobic, Transphobic, Enbyphobic
The above includes people who hate one/think neopronouns & xenogenders are cringe, let people exist please
People who create thier own "systems", it fucking sucks to share a body sometimes, why would you want that. (Goes double if you use the word Tulpa, because afaik thats cultural appropriation) (if you "created" your own "system", imo, you're roleplaying, im sorry, thats just how most of us see it)
Dont think introjects are real/Valid
Invalidate fictive heavy systems
To be honest, any kind of fakeclaiming, gtfo this page
Dissing our special interests
Asking about our trauma, We do not owe you anything
Think people are problematic for liking problematic content (when they are aware and dislike that its problematic. Example: We enjoy the harry potter series, We still consume the media because it was nostalgic for us, WE DO NOT agree with JK Rowlings views and accept that parts of the story are an awful representation to certain groups of people)
Call people cringe in a non-jokey manner
All that being said, once again, welcome, and enjoy your time here should you choose to stay
Here are some tags we may use
#Eudaemonia Intros - Headmate intro posts
#Eudaemonia Gen - Random thoughts, General stuff
#Eudaemonia Chaos - Silly posts, Memes, Incorrect/Actual quotes
#Eudaemonia Vents - Self explanatory, these will have a warning for content if needed, then a read more bar
#Eudaemonia Info-Central - Infodumps. will have a read more bar after the subject matter
#Eudaemonia Appreciation - Gushing, Appreciation and stuff along those lines
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wiredlyrelatable · 2 years
RISHAB, outside a marriage hall which was full of people happily enjoying the marriage of his best friend DHRUV, keeps walking from here and there rehearsing something. KASHISH walking towards him asks,
One of KASHISH'S friend, calls her when she holds RISHAB'S hand and takes him inside when, on the way he says,
RISHAB holding both her hands says,
Her jaw dropped, she all of a sudden, sat there on the platform near the entrance itself surrounded by the plants, didn't say anything when RISHAB sitting down on his knees, in front of her holding her hands, wipes her tears saying,
She still looks down, not looking into his eyes, keeps wiping her tears when he says,
KASHISH pulls her hands off his and starts walking away from him when he coming in front of him says,
RISHAB hugs her tight, on the path way, saying, 
RISHAB looking into her eyes, kissed on her cheek when her tears rolled down again. He wipes them and goes close to give her a sweet kiss on the lip when she pushing him away, turns back and wiping her tears says,
RISHAB holds her cheeks making her look into his eyes, says,
She saying this sits near the plants, holding her head and crying, when RISHAB sitting beside her, placing his head on her shoulder by giving her a side hug and pulling her close says,
RISHAB takes a pause for few seconds, making her stand, holds her waist, pulls her close, looks straight into her eyes and with a lot of intensity, says,
She hugs him saying,
RISHAB kissing her on her forehead says,
When they still continue their hug RISHAB says,
He still holding her through her waist, looks into her eyes and says,
KASHISH smiles and feels happy that he without hiding his mistake from her, to make her, artificially happy, confessed it and is sorry about it. Her tears drop further, in happiness, looking at him, when he looking at those tears, drops few of his as well. Both of them have a long hug after the confession, which is when the crackers burst, in the sky and the marriage music starts showcasing that the couple on the stage are puting garlands on eachother and tying a knot together.
0 notes
florchuvila22 · 3 years
malia tate x shy reader where reader is in heat ?
Oh yeah, I love Malia, and also love lesbians so hope you like it and stay slutty my friend.
Also, I'm sorry it took me so long to post this shot, but I had a writer's block and with the school I hadn't time to finish it. Buuuuut I'm working on more shots (Stiles *cough* Lydia *cough, cough*).
The heat helper | Malia Tate/Hale.
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Requests are open
Who I write for, what I write, taglists, masterlists.
Summary: you are in heat, and although you try to hide it, Malia discovers it and helps you alleviate your desire to be dominated.
Warning: smut, lesbian relationship, oral sex, prise kink, shy!sub!reader, use of toys, fingering, scissoring, thigh riding, pet names, spanking.
You've been feeling weird all day. You were hot and you didn't even know why. The only thing that you could think about was in the feeling of being dominated, you needed someone.
The bell rang and you went to your next class. You sat down and without thinking you cross your legs. A moan almost scape from your mouth at that friction. Then you realize what was happening, you were horny. But why? That was weird in you, you didn't get turned on out of nowhere.
During class you were as quiet as possible and from time to time you involuntarily clenched your thighs in to have a bit of friction.
"Are you okay?" Malia was in the sit next to yours. "You smell... wierd" she whispered.
"No... not really" it would be stupid hide it from her, she was a were-coyote, she could smell it. "I feel weird and I don't even know why" your breath was already heavy. Malia chuckled.
"You are in your heat" you looked at her confused, "you can't control it because it's your first time, it's normal. After this class go to your home and try to relieve it on your own. The heat lasts three days" she whispered to you.
"Thanks" you thanked at her for the information. So female werewolves and female were-coyotes had a 'heat'.
The class ended and you went to your locker to leave your thing there. You wanted to go home, but you weren't sure if drive like this was good idea, you could loose control on a cobbled street. You needed someone to take you home, thanks God one of your friends knew and understood what were going through.
"Malia" you call her standing right next to her.
"Why are you still here? I told you to go home" she frowned, "trust me, you don't wanna be here in your heat"
"Y-yeah, I know, I don't really wanna be here. But I need a favor", she did a 'what?' Nod, "could you take me home, please? I-I can't drive being like this. It's dangerous"
She looked at you for a while and then she talked, "okay. Anyway, my next class Is math, I wouldn't mind skipping it" she took your wrist and started walking to your car. Right there she asked for the keys, "gimme the car keys"
"Oh, yeah" you took them out of your backpack and gave them to her. She opened the door and the both of you got in.
The wetness between your legs -which you just noticed you had- was getting bigger and bigger. Your hands squeezed the sides of the sit and your legs were clenched together. Your breath was heavy and were pretty sure that Malia could smell your exitation.
"God. You know, I'm trying to keep calm, but that smell and that breath are not helping" she said while driving.
"Sorry..." you groaned. "I can't help it, it's getting stronger"
Without realizing it, she went over a donkey hill too fast, making you jump in place. A moan escaped from your mouth and you hand placed on the space between your legs involuntarily, so your wet core rubbed against your arm.
She sighed, "fuck it". She parked the car aggressively and pulled her sit as far back as it would go. "Come here"
"What?" You were confused.
"I've been trying to control myself, but your smell is making it very hard. So come here and let me help you". You didn't move. You wanted to do it, you needed to do it, but you weren't sure.
Malia noticed that so she grabbed your nape and pulled you forward to her, stamping your lips together. Her tongue slipped inside your mouth, making you moan softly, moan which she swallowed up.
"Come on" she whispered, "I know you want it, I can smell it" she grabbed your waist and sat you up on her lap. Her hands went to your ass and squeezed it. Pulled you even forward, starting to move you.
"Malia..." you moaned in a whisper. She shut you up with a kiss and moved you a bit faster.
"Ride me, babygirl" she whispered in your ear. You started to ride her thigh slowly. "Good girl"
You started moving a bit faster. Sighs and moans escaping out from your lips. Malia groaned and kissed you wildly again. Your hands rested on her shoulders, "fuck- this feels so good", your eyes rolled back while her lips went down to your neck, kissing, licking and sucking it.
She spank you, making you moan in surprise and exitation, and squeezed her shoulders. "Did you like that?" she smirked on your neck. You nodded, "naughty girl, huh?". She spank the other cheek of your ass. "Move faster, babe"
"If I go faster imma cum" you said. You were ashamed to cum on her leg, but you really wanted it, "can I cum on your leg?"
"Of course you can", you move your hips faster, "cum all over me, babe", and with that, you threw your head back, your legs shook in anticipation and you came moaning loud. If someone had passed biside the car at that moment, they probably had heard you. But you didn't really care.
"God, that felt too good" you said, but you still felt horny, even when there was a lake between your legs and your pants were soaked in your fluids.
"Felt? Baby this just has begun", you gulped. "Sit down on the co-driver sit, I'll make you scream my name when we arrive"
You nodded and did what she said. The desire of being dominated for her was strong, really, really strong. You wanted to have her on top of you, feeling her tongue sucking your clit, and her fingers getting deep in your entrance.
The ride seemed longer than what it really was -of course it seemed long as fuck if you were hot as hell-, but finally you arrived. You got out the car fast and went to the door with Malia behind you. With your hand shaking you opened the door and closed it when you were in.
Malia took your hand and pulled you to your room. She closed the door with a kick and kissed you again, pushing you slowly to the bed. She grabbed the t-shirt edge and stripped it out from you, then doing the same with your bra. You move your lips apart from hers and covered your tits with your arms.
"Hey, what's up? Don't be shy" she grabbed you by your chin and made you look her in the eyes, "don't cover them. They are beautiful". She took your wrists softly and waited to you to move them. When you did it she instantly licked de valey between your breasts. Your head fell back and a groan scaped from your throat.
"Shit- Malia, just fuck me!", she was teasing you on purpose, so when you exploded she just smiled and pushed you onto the bed. She got on top of you, one of her legs were between your legs and one of yours between hers. She started grinding her hips against yours, in a soft and fast way.
You grabbed her shirt and stripped it out desperate, her bra with it. Her hands were on your ass, but yours were squeezing her boobs. They were soft and fluffy, and you loved it. Your hands went to the bottom of her jeans and unbuttoned it.
She stood up and took them off, giving you a show you will remember. You sat to watch her better. While you watched her, your hand went to your soaking pussy automatically. Without any patience you took your jeans and panties off. With you and Malia completely naked, she laid on top of you one more time.
The contact of skin to skin felt so good. You could feel the heat emanate from her skin. She accommodated herself like before and started grinding again, this time harder and the speed was varying. Her pussy rubbed against your leg and hers against your clit.
You didn't even care about holding your moans, and neither Malia. Her mouth went to yours. Tongues swirling, teeth crashing, and each of you were swallowing each other's moans. Her kisses made a way down to your neck and then to your left tit.
"Ahh! Fuck, Malia! Don't stop, that feels so fucking good!" You screamed in pleasure. She sat to move easier and faster. At her increase in speed your eyes rolled back. Her moans were like music to you, your new favorite melody.
"Oh, fuck-" her hands squeezed your breasts. "I want you to be on top of me, what do you think about it?" She groaned breathlessly.
"Mh hmh" you nodded and she rolled the both of you, letting you on top. You didn't doubt and continued the movements. Your hands rested on her stomach and hers on your legs, caressing and squeezing them gently. But now you weren't rubbing onto her leg, but onto her pussy. And it was so much better than before.
You looked down and what you saw was the best picture of your life. The pussy of both being stimulated at the same time against each other's. You sped up, making her moan loud.
"Am I... doing it g-great?" I barely could talk for the exitation.
"Oh, hell yeah!", she spoke out in a high-pitched moan.
"Fuck, I'm coming!" You shouted moving your hips faster than before. Both of you cum hard moaning loudly, you moved a bit more, slowly, riding out your orgasm. Your breath was heavy, but you still wanted more.
You squirmed into place when you felt the heat between your legs again. You already had two orgasms, you didn't understand how your body could keep being horny. Malia noticed that and smirked, she knew that that wasn't enough to you, at least not in your heat season.
She got on top of you leaving a way of kisses down your body. Getting to your pussy, "what are you-" your own moan interrupted you. Her tongue got deep inside your entrance, making you tangle your legs over her shoulders and grab her hair with one hand.
She sucked on your clit, making you shake under her mouth. She started moving her mouth like if she was making out with your pussy. You moaned and frowned in ecstasy. Your grip tightened and your hips moved unconsciously. While her tongue was concentrating on your clit, her hand stroked your thigh lightly going upper and upper to your pussy. Her middle finger sunk into you making you squirm. She noticed that and started moaning against you to send vibrations through your nerves.
Her ring finger got into you too. Moving back and forth and curling to touch your g-spot. Her other hand was on your hip keeping you still on your place and squeezing from time to time.
"Malia... another please... finger- one more" you even couldn't make coherent sentences with her there down making out with your vagina. She did what you wanted and sunk her index finger inside your core moving them faster.
Your nerves twitched, your grip tightened even more and you got worried that you could hurt her. But she didn't stop, instead she moved her tongue faster, sucked harder and sunk deeper. This was the most perfect feeling ever.
Her touch was lovely and she was trying her best to not to hurt you, making you feel good and letting you hear those beautiful moans of hers. Bu it was also rude and deep, setting your skin on fire with every touch, like if she was guiding you straight to hell.
And with a loud, deep moan you came onto her fingers, and instantly felt her tongue ran all along your entrance, licking your cum.
"Malia- shit! Don't do that, you're turning me on again" you complained pulling off her hair. "I'm not sure if I can take another orgasm"
"Why don't we found it out together, huh?", she let you sat properly, "come on, what do you want?"
You thought about it for a moment. You knew what you wanted. You wanted to see her face while coming hard, trembling and whimpering. Thinking about that made you get wet again.
"I have two vibrators in a box in my wardrobe, I want you to use one of them and I'll use the other. They both have controls, you'll have mine and I'll have yours" you explained and a lustful look sink in her eyes, looking you up and down, "what do you think 'bout it?" You groan.
"I think that that's a pretty good idea" she praised and stood up searching for the toys. You took advantage to look her tits in movement, those beautiful legs and that perfect ass of hers.
When she came back with the toys you tried to take one to sink it into you. But she moved them back. "I'll put yours" she said and without having to be told you open your legs to her one more time. She didn't even need to lubricate it, because your juices were dripping and moistening the sheets.
After she sunk the toy through your wet folds, you knelt with your legs open to be more comfortable. "Now's my turn". You grabbed the other one and she spread her legs open to you.
You took a mental picture of this moment: Malia wide open and totally exposed to you, with a wet pussy and biting her lip while you push the vibrator slowly into her to tease her a little. She sat in the same way as you were.
She took the control of your toy, "let's begin with the lowest setting" she said turning it on in the first speed, which wasn't too low but it wasn't high. It was just a teasing.
But of the five different speeds they had, you turned hers on in the third speed. As she didn't waited per that she jump for the feeling and the surprise. Her legs shaking, one of her arms at her side to handle her weight and the other on her breast, squeezing it and stoking it. When she could calm a little she took your control and set it in the speed three too.
Your pulsing core twitched at it and you straightened your back whit a shiver passing through your spine. You approached to her and sat over her thigh so your core was against her leg, but you didn't want to be the only one rubbing herself against the other, so you grabbed Malia's waist and pulled her towards you, so you were knelt but don't sit and the both of you could throb yourselves against the other one. Which Malia didn't hesitate to do.
"What about more speed?" She asked grabbing your waist with one hand to pull you even forward to her -like if that was possible-, you nodded and as she took the control and started increasing the vibrations in your core slowly since it got to speed five, when the speed stopped increasing, then you could breathe again. You didn't understand how could you stay knelt and don't fall over you ass because of the weakness that the stimulation creates on your legs.
You took the control of hers and unlike she did, you increase the speed without hesitation. Her head fell onto your shoulder and you had to grab her waist so that she didn't fall. Her hips were moving as her legs trembled. You were used to this fast speed, but she was obviously not. And you loved it.
Watching her melt on your body. Now you didn't want to be dominated, you wanted to be the dominant. You wanted to be her dominant.
You sat down and her was humping your thigh like you did it in your car before. Your hands helping her to move against your leg, stimulating her in two ways.
Her mouth was wide open and loud moans escape from this one. "Fuck! This is too much, slow it down please!" She moaned-yelled. Her legs shook harder, she was close, and also you were.
"Oh, no baby. You can do it, cum for me". Your hands left her waist and rested on the bed behind you to handle your weight, as she moved to rub her clit, she rubbed yours with her leg too.
With a loud moan she came, with her legs shaking hard and her chest raising up and down. You came right before her, with whimpers and moans falling from your mouth.
You took both controls and turned them off. Then, you could calm your breath. You helped Malia to get on her knees, letting you see all her milky and creamy cum dripping from her pussy and some of it on your thigh. You hypnotized yourself watching it.
"Sorry..." she sighed throwing her head back and closing her eyes. You chuckled and ran two finger between her folds, making her twitch. She looked at you as you took her creamy cum and licked it from your fingers. "Fuck... don't do that" she sighed again ashamed.
"Why not? I like the way you taste" you teased making her lough. "I think I'm done" she frowned at me, "with the heat season, I'm not horny anymore"
"While now. With an hour and will be just like before. But don't worry, I'll be here to help you" she grabbed your cheeks and kissed you lovely. You grabbed her hips and stroked them.
"I'm such a lucky girl"
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kai-rax · 3 years
Viktor x Borrower!Reader Headcannons + Drabble
What is a borrower?
Borrowers are tiny people who live secretly in the walls and floors of a house and "borrow" household items and small bits of food from the big people in order to survive. If something is mysteriously missing, you may have a borrower in your home.
A/N: This is a concept I came up with in an arcane discord server run by @inkinflux after discussing Miyazaki’s Secret World of Arrietty. A movie about a Borrower girl who befriends a young boy who is sick. I thought it would be really cute to have Viktor have a borrower in his home that he eventually find and falls for! Hope y’all like this! It’s my first Headcannon post!
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-For years the Piltovian apartment you occupied had been empty leaving you to roam as you please, having the whole place to yourself. You liked not having to hide but you did get lonely.
-That all changed when you heard talks through the walls about a new resident taking interests in the space you occupied
- You we’re both stressed and exited to find this out.
-After moving into his new apartment in Piltover as a young adult Viktor starts noticing small bits of his inventions and materials going missing. He had a suspicion something wierd was going on.
- He grew up on hearing stories of borrowers as a kid and was always intrigued by the idea.
-You first meet Viktor one night wile going out on a mission to find supplies around the house. You thought all the humans were asleep but he was up late tinkering. You gave yourself away when you accidentally knocked something over on his nightstand.
-Once you both meet eyes he is intrigued and you are terrified.
-He notices this and quickly assures you he is not a threat and over the next few days he makes many attempts to find you and befriend you.
-It’s against the rules for borrowers to interact with humans. But you have always been fond of them and their habits so you, the temptation is too much and you give in one night, appearing at his work desk and offering to be friends.
-Viktor asks you a ton of questions, from your biology to your everyday life, he wants to know all about it.
- He keeps a special journal of both questions to ask you and what you’re answers are. In the very back he keeps a daily log of all the stuff you did that day (along side some affectionate notes he would never let you see)
-He loves making tiny plates of food for when he cooks his own meals. He kind of feels bad that you’ve been living on of scraps your whole life and wants to change that.
-He makes you a little bed on his nightstand for you to stay over whenever you like
-You keep very good company and Viktor always looks forward to your visits. It makes him feel less alone
-Your his “little secret”
-He calls you little lady/man/one
-Sometimes you sleep in his hair
-He likes to put you in his shirt pocket when he dose things around the house
-Viktor is super protective of you, he always get worried when he hasn’t seen you in a few days, he’s afraid of you getting hurt or eaten by an animal. So he tries to make his home as safe as possible for you to roam.
- Likes to make little outfits for you to ware when your old ones rip
- Sometimes he lets you sleep on his chest. The feeling of his heart beat and his breathing beneath you rocks you to into the best night sleep you’ve ever had
- You help him tinker with his inventions, often crawling inside of them to assists with tasks his fingers might be too big to handle
- He loves hearing all about your adventures. Weather it be taming a mouse you met in the garden or scaling furniture through the house, he loves all of it.
And now for a lil fluff Drabble I made for @silkygal2210 who inspired me to make this!
You visit him on a day that he is stuck in bed. He’s super lonely and when he sees you sneak in he gets super excited to see you. Immediately after you get up to his nightstand he scoops you up and rubs your little head with his thumb. Afterwards you both sit an talk the day away and becomes nightfall you end up staying the night in the little bed he made you.
Upon not be able to sleep he asks if you would be okay to sleep on his pillow with him. You blush but agree and crawl over across his chest to the other side and make yourself comfy. He brings your blanket over to you and wraps you up in it before you both fall asleep. In the middle of the night you feel something touch your back and wake up. You turn to see the he has you cupped your against his hand and scoots you a little closer to his face. By this point you are right up against his nose and with a smile you give it the tiniest kiss ever. He smiles in his sleep and his thumb comes down to gently rub your head as you both fall back asleep yet again.
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evaroze · 3 years
Sanchez family headcanons:
Our rick was actuelly an incredible father. He was always there for his Beth and Diane. He loved them and wouldn't replace them for the multiverse. He would give up science and everything for them.
He always wanted to be a dad.
He wanted more children, bc he didn't want Beth to grow up with no siblings like he did.
The going out for ice cream tradition was a thing that Diane came up with
Beth didn't have many friends as a kid and most kids didn't wanna play with her, so Diane and Rick often had the most fun and imaginative plays with her. They would dress up in the most ridiculous home made costumes and rick would make space guns that shoots glitter and they would play for hours!! And diane and Rick were basically acting like kids. They took it seriously. They would act, jump around, and the house would look like a mess when play time was over and after that They would go out for ice cream. Beth absulutely loved it!!
Rick: little space ranger girl!! I need your help for a dangerous intergalactic quest!
But beware of the huge space monster! She will bite your toes off if she catches you! *whispers: don't worry. there is no monster... It's just mommy in an octopus costume*
Beth: *chuckles* I know, dad.
They would watch alot of cartoons together as a family
Their house always smelled like baked goods bc of Diane's baking... She owned the most ridiculous aprons but Beth loved them.
They don't have any contact to any grandparent or any other family member... They just have their own thing and that's okay..
Rick was the one who told bedtime stories. Sometimes he would play music on his guitar for her.
Diane absulutely loved the attention rick gave Beth. he was such a loving and good father for her. What wife and mother doesn't love that?!? Big turn on... She was always like "im gonna suck his dixk when Beth goes to sleep. Bc that's what this king deserves.
Rick wasn't the best when it came to handling emotional stuff so that's where Diane often stepped in.
Beth and Diane connected alot when it came to being creative and about "girl stuff" Beth would often go and try on Diane's make up... She wanted to be as pretty and loving as her mommy one day.
Beth grew up with aliens and quickly learned some of their languages too from their visits.
Since this Beth grew up in a healthy household she didn't have wierd or violent tendencies. She was a sweet and good girl.
She absolutely loved everything spacey and pink! And horses. She often daydreamed about riding on a magical horse through time and space.
Daddy's lil girl... She was spoiled. Rick even made a small space ship for her.
Rick would often stargaze with Beth and tell her that each star have their own unique little story. And when we die we might become a star too
He would tell her everything about anything.
He was so blessed that Beth got her mother's beauty and his brain. He would cry if Beth was just as ugly as him...
Beth died at the age of 6...
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nkogneatho · 4 years
hiii could i please request a langa x fem reader? basically one where they have a fight and langa says something rude by accident, the prompt can be "stop being so clingy" if that makes it easier :) but yah can it be intense angst to fluff? thank you <3
"Stop being so clingy"- Langa Hasegawa x gn!reader.
•A/n: I made it gn!reader if you don't mind | The header is made by me so do not use without permission.
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You know there was something wierd going on when Reki wasn't the first one to arrive at your usual spot. Plus, your boyfriend was acting weird since last night.
"Langa?", you asked but his attention wasn't on you. You tried calling Reki but seemed like he was busy.
"Langa call Reki. Where this boy has gone? He is always the first one to arrive."
"I can't. He won't pick up", his eyes wander at the ground, watching his footsteps.
"Is there anything wrong? Did something happen between you two?", you questioned the blue haired but he seemed to be ignoring them.
"Langa I asked you something. Atleast answer me. I am really worried about you".
"No y/n there is nothing wrong. Even if there is, you can't solve anything about it so the least you can do now is atleast shut that annoying mouth of yours."
"B-bu-", your words seemed to stutter but you were still honestly worried about him.
"No. What did I just say? Stop being so clingy", your heart sank at how he can say such hurtful words so easily with a platonic expression.
You sprinted your skateboard and headed back home abandoning him there.
Were you really this clingy that it pushed his buttons? You didn't know how to feel about this because somewhere you were so busy caring about him that you didn't see this coming.
The next day you arrived at S. Everyone quite shocked to see SNOW and Y/N arriving separately and the Red haired one not tagging along with you guys.
Langa was still pretty much depressed about Reki so he didn't know how to face you. Well not that you care now because it did hurt. You were not in the wrong but maybe your care for him came out differently than you thought.
Let it be a dark night, but you never fazed once from your skateboarding but seems like tonight you were quite unstable. You stumbled upon the skateboard trying to pull of a move but you failed.
"Anything done in rush and frustration, doesn't produce good results y/n", Cherry knew there was something going on. After all his mother instincts are pretty strong.
"I wasn't really frustrated"
"Dare lie to me?"
"Alright. A little bit frustrated maybe", you gave up trying to argue sighing.
"Y/n are you okay?", Langa arrived in a rush but you ignored him completely and walked limp past him.
He approached you and tried to held your wrist but you still snatched away.
"What is your problem?", you hissed at him
"What do you mean? You're hurt", he was confused cause you know how dense he can be sometimes. Not knowing when to give space and when not.
"None of your business. I can take care of myself", you continue trying to walk away from him.
He approached and wrapped your left arm around his shoulder.
"Wha- what are you doing?", you struggle to get away but this time his grip was tight.
"Trying to help my babe but they clearly don't want it so maybe I'll have to use force"
"You don't have to. I don't want it. Stop being so clingy", you didn't mean to taunt him but he did stumble for a minute.
He realised how some words are just more than words when he got a taste of his own medicine.
"I am just going to take you home safely. After we do that, you can taunt me all you want", his gaze was avoiding you.
"I wasn't really taunting. It just slipped out of my mouth". You waited but there was no reply. You tried to sneak your eyes at his face just then you saw drop falling down.
"Langa. Are you crying?, you ask.
"I-I am so sorry. You were just- worried- about me. But I- I still called you clingy and- pushed you away", is this how bad he cries?, you thought.
You pulled him into a hug.
"It's okay. I am not that mad. Please don't cry baby.", you stroked his back.
"I am really sorry. I love you so much. I was so scared that you might leave me so I didn't face you.", so that's the reason why he was ignoring you.
"I am not going to leave you Langa. I could never", you cupped his cheek stroking his tears away. Honestly? Seeing him like this, face tomato red from the crying did bring tears to your eyes too.
"Let's go to the medical and buy some pain relief spray. And then..."
"Then?", you asked.
"We will stop by the ramen shop and I will tell you everything that's going on between me and Reki", the fact that he was ready to open up to you now, relieved you.
"Umm...Okay. Your treat since you hurted me today".
"Well I was hurt too but alright", he agreed to your order.
"And by the way, I am ordering the most expensive one", you whispered in his ears purposely.
"You're gonna make me go broke, aren't ya?"
"Yup", you giggled.
"Well it's worth it if that brings a smile on your face", See? How can he say such romantic things without even like blushing and all?
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rotshop · 3 years
Heyo ✌🏻! ik know this request can be kinda wierd but...How would the madcom main trio + (anyone you'd like to add) react to a Half-dragon!reader who can actually transforms into a dragon when angry? thx! ~🦉anon
dw its not weird!!! /gen its a rlly neat idea and i am looking so intently,,,also i hope u dont mind i just went w/ tha main trio wyduesdc,,
theres a good title right here i promise
-this man is so so curious about you its insane. the amount of time you'll just be sitting down reading or watching something and he'll just. come up behind you and quietly ask permission before he jut like. traces your wings / horns really carefully
-he still wont ever like. FIGHT fight with you but he kinda likes to just see what you can do??? if you seem kinda clueless or lost in that field then he definitely tries to help (please consider ; his calloused hands over your own while he readjusts your grip on some weapon, the little pleased hum and quick compliment he gives when you get it right) you out. also if you ever kinda like. headbutt him or something bc of your horns during these he just laughs and its rlly nice :]
-messes with ur claws a lot too, whenever u guys hold hands its a guarantee that he's gonna fidget with them a little. he just thinks they are Neat. also he's like sheriff (/derogatory) in the way that he kinda blanks whenever he sees your sharp teeth. if you ever kind of. use them in fights against grunts or agents he just stares. it makes him go head empty no thoughts
-unfortunately it is VERY hard to carry him when flying so you don't really get that option unless ur pissed :[
-SPEAKING OF, whenever he sees you shift during missions or something he does his best to give you a little space so you don't have to worry abt accidentally hitting him. also he thinks you're fucking legendary with how you can rip and tear through enemies
-after the fights over tho he'll usually just kinda place his hands on either side of your face and lean his forehead against you to try and calm you back down
-fire starter x fire starter what could go wrong!!! <33333 you breathe little huffs of smoke whenever you're upset and sometimes he'll just imitate you with his own smoke lmao
-also very very curious about all ur nonhuman features !! he likes messing with your wings a lot whenever you two cuddle and he'll just kinda. 'does this hurt / can you feel it???' as he messes w/ em. does the same thing with ur horns too (if urs are able to like. shed and regrow then mercy on him because he'll just be like. pulling on em a lil out of curiousity when its around shedding time and they'll just. snap off. you can see all the blood leave his face. IMMEDIATELY starts panicking and freaking out,,,pls reassure him you aren't in pain and that this is normal he's GOING To start crying if you dont)
-luckily for u!! it's a little easier for you to carry him around than with hank. really loves it when you do it even tho he was super scared at first you were gonna drop him. sometimes u'll just kinda be. flying home from a mission or sumn and he'll just fall asleep laying on ur back because he feels so at peace,,
-ur claws scare him a little bit tbh BUT,,he relates to the sharp teeth thing, you shake hands on it :] . but also he kind of. chuckles a little when you guys kiss sometimes because he's still not super used to someone other than him having sharp teeth like him
-n e ways!! whnever you shift he admittedly gets pretty nervous abt it,,he'll steer clear too just to be sure but the entire time he's fighting other agents his gaze keeps flicking over to you. he just!! really worries abt u :[ but also he is impressed by ur ability to turn agents to dust and stains in seconds it makes him go 'awooga' under his concerns lol
-whenever its over he always just come over to you and does that gentle little 'hey, hey' before holding ur face in his hands. most times it ends with you resting your head on his lap while he kinda. pets you and reassures you everythings alright and that ur both safe and fine until you feel properly calm enough to go back to ur normal form. he gets a little emo abt it because he genuinely does worry so much abt u pushing yourself too far or someone doing serious damage to you that you couldn't take if you were to shift back
-he gets deimos' and sheriff's 'people who can crush me' thing a lot more after he meets you lol. like. at first you might not be super intimidating but after the first few times he sees you fight?? he's gone. done for. 110%.
-admires u all the time, you'll just be chilling or maybe you're talking to deimos about something and the entire time he's jut off to the side with a little smile on his face. if someone points it out to him he just kinda goes blank and gives some really weak excuse, awkwardly stuck between his normal tough facade and relaxing a little.
-you two are a fucking MENACE when you're put together on missions. you both clear through rooms way too fast its crazy, what the fuck is an agent supposed to do when some half-dragon is charging at it with bared teeth and claws while their boyfriend chokes out one of his co-workers while shooting another. what the fuck.
-also traces ur features a lot but he usually only really does it when he thinks ur asleep. he's a little too embarassed to ask if he can touch them when ur awake so he resigns to very carefully brushing his hands over your tail and horns. (if you have any scratches or dents in your horns though he totally asks about them and the stories behind em, he's just rlly curious abt you in general and like. who in their right mind would pass up an opportunity to hear abt their sick-ass dragon s/o about a possible fight they won???)
-but also he gets nervous whenever you shift too. he's afraid of you getting hurt or the possible emotional tolls that it has on you mentally and he brings it up to you sometime after the first few shifts he sees. he's just real concerned about you :[
-very similar to deimos in how he comforts you, he doesn't like leaving unless you've calmed back down, both because he wants to make sure there's no real wounds on you and because he doesn't wanna risk any other agents seeing you and trying their luck. if you're exhausted afterwards then he'll usually carry you, mumbles little words of assurance and praise to you while he does so
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