#bea is best sister to allister
darkmatter-nebula · 6 months
Allister gets cuddled by his sister
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Drabble: Her Precious Baby Brother
It was a quiet evening in Unova. Allister and Bea, who were both exchange students at the Blueberry Academy, were spending time in the Fighting Type Gym Leader's dorm room. Bea couldn't hold herself back and pulled Allister into a tight yet soft hug.
"My precious baby brother." Bea whispered softly as she placed soft and loving sisterly kisses all over the shy and kindhearted little boy's adorable face. Bea loved her little brother so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so incredible much!
Allister meant the world to her. The eight years old Ghost Type Gym Leader was the best little brother she could've asked for! Allister felt so warm and cozy that he drifted off to sleep in Bea's arms. The strong girl tightened the embrace and kissed lovingly the small boy's forehead. "Sweet dreams, Alli."
Zoey felt her heart swell as she witnessed the unbreakable bond between Allister and Bea. The female Hisuian Zoroark knew how much Allister and Bea loved and adored each other.
The End
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echantedtoon · 10 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch39 Pasio Adventures P2
(This is just a compilation of the events that happened with most everyone on Pasio Island in Pokemon Masters EX with all the substories I can remember. If I miss any I apologize. Will be labeled with time skips and Months to keep track of time. The time everyone's away is one year. If I get any of Pasio's city or landscape described wrong in this story I apologize.)
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Leon had arrived. 
That's why there had been such a big fuss this morning, everyone on this side of the region was leaving their homes in waves towards thee docks and Pasio's Star Arena to await the arrival of the famous unbeatable Champion. You had arrived a month earlier in January along with Bea and the guys at Leon's insistance. He had to prepare a few things before he left and didn't want his brothers and sister to be running around Pasio by themselves or Allister for that matter and you agreed since it meant keeping these guys out of trouble as well. So he had quickly gotten you a passport and cruise ticket, made sure you were fully packed, explained everything to your boss, helped set up your rotomi phone with your new rotom you decided to name 'Sparky', given you his phone number, and had sent you on your way with Hop and the twins. Sonia wasn't too far behind and you had met up with Bea and Allister at the Hulbury docks, and one seasick cruise later arrived in Pasio where you were set up in one of the hotel's and Allister was handed over to you to start watching over for the next ten months you'd be here. ....Sigh. How did you get yourself into these things. A few things had happened while Leon was gone. You ran into Bede as he finished chasing off a couple weird people with masks when walking around with Allister. Team Break if you recalled it right. You were more surprised Bede was picked to come here without Opal. Then again he did make it very far in the Battle Tower, it must've impressed Prince Lear enough to invite him along. Gloria and Victor started training together and had ran into Raihan and Gordie for a battle before Nessa and Melony decided to jump in and spar a three on three boys vs girls battle. Hop and Victor went hanging out with that boy Scottie they seemed to become quick friends with. And Gloria met Scottie's twin Bettie, while training in the Pasio woods not too far from the hotel you all were staying at. Having two pairs of scottish twins made it a bit much but you were glad they were making friends, meanwhile you were keeping an eye on Allister and helping the shy boy navigate the crowds. Until the news that Leon had arrived with Piers and Marnie that is. Gloria had practically busted down your doors and immediately demanded you get up and meet them at the stadium while she went off to fetch him. ..Which lead to you now sitting in the arena stadium with Allister sitting to your left nervously looking around at the crowd and Hop and Victor to your right who were excitedly cheering on the exhibition matches at hand. You were used to big crowds by now and only watched with a smile as they played. But they sure made you wait long enough, they had to unpack and get situated with Sync Stones before they could even get to the arena. So it went. Gloria vs Alder and her winning. Marnie vs Karen from the Johto Elite Four, Karen winning. It seemed Piers chose to not fight, and then it was Leon vs another Region's Champion, Blue. When it was all over you knew it'd be a while before Leon even got away from the crowds so you decided it would just be best to take Allister to get some lunch away from the big crowds to help with his anxiety. You expected Allister to cling to you as you both left the stadium but what you weren't expecting was Sparky to come flying out of your pocket with a buzzing sound and incoming call.
"*PZZZT* Incoming call from Leon! Do you wish to Accept or Decline?," the rotom asked with your phone ringing.
Leon was calling you from the middle of the arena? Holding Allister's hand you smiled. "Accept call, Sparky."
Soon enough a familiar voice came through the phone. "Hello? Y/N!?"
"Hi, Leon," you answered back with a smile and there was a relieved sigh through the other side. "Oh thank goodness I can here your voice. Where are you? I can't find you in the crowd."
"Allister needed some food." Said boy was holding your hand and excitedly pointing at a nearby hot chocolate stand, being January it was still fairly chilly outside so it made sense he'd want some. "And I think he was overwhelmed in there so I wanted to give him some space."
"O-Oh," the voice now sounded a bit sad. "Oh I understand. Did uh-...D-Did you see me win?"
"Of course I did! Great job out there by the way! I think you did a great job getting the crowds excited."
"Thanks! I think so too....Hey. Listen. There's a few things I need to do here as a part of my deal to come here with Prince Lear so it's going to be a little bit before I can actually see you again."
That stung a bit, after all you all hadn't really had time to see one another for almost a month by this point but you understood it was just his duties as a Champion. "Hey. No worries. I have my own hands fully taking care of Allister. Just do what you have to, and you can always call me."
He again sighed relieved. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I promise I'll try to get everything finished as soon as possible. When we get back together I have a surprise for you!"
"Yeah. There's someone I want you to meet. But I can't tell you because it's a surprise."
A surprise huh? And he wanted to introduce you to someone? Well guess you were going to have to wait and find out who exactly it was. Well almost four weeks went by again and you still didn't see him. Gloria made more friends with two girls called May and Leaf, and Leon made sure to keep in touch by calling you and making sure everything was going ok and kept you in the loop of what had been going on. He got lost on his way to a pokemon center and got seperated from Charizard, luckily he ran into Scottie who helped him out. Scottie ran into him again battling a different Champion, Steven Stone, and the two almost caused a rock slide with their battles and almost getting lost again trying to find the Pasio woods. You facepalmed twice at that. And then he did a few promotional things for Galar, probably for the Chairwoman to help straighten out Galar's good name. And he got into a debate with two other Champions, Lance and Mr. Stone again, over...Capes?? You shook your head at that one and had to assure him his cape was in fact very dapper on him. Which made him super happy. Then February came and the holiday called 'Palentine's Day' arrived. It was essentially a Pasio holiday similar to Valentine's Day but it was less heavy on the romance aspect and was more about showing love towards your friends and family. So you received a few Palentine's Day treats from the trio and a couple wild flowers from Allister he picked for you and Bea. In the mean time you busied yourself with just caring for Allister and met a couple other people from Pasio and different Regions, some you remembered from the previous games you met some you didn't. Cynthia was very nice when you ran into her at a local ice cream shop and Allister bumped into her legs...Oh. There was also a couple villains chased off the islands. Giovanni was one of them. Yeah. After all your adventures, you weren't surprised in the least that one of the game villains was here. Unfortunately it meant pushing some plans for the Master's League. Sigh. Luckily by the time the end of February came around you were FINALLY able to meet up with Leon when he called you and asked to meet him at a cafe close by to the current hotel you were staying at. Quickly agreeing you gathered Allister and made for the cafe that he mentioned. The stone streets flew with your quick steps, holding Allister's hand to keep up pace until you came to the small cafe called 'The Lazy Rockruff' and walked on in. Already the cafe was PACKED with locals and trainers alike chattering and eating food and there you spotted Leon when he stood beaming that smile and waved over towards you both! Two people were next to him. One was Hop who looked as excited to see you as Lee was, and across from then was a girl who looked to be around the same age as Leon.
"Beauty! Over here," he called out beckoning you to come over.
Smiling you headed on over with Allister and the first thing you did upon reaching Leon was embrace him fully throwing your arms around his neck and felt him practically crush you with how close he pressed you to himself.
"Oh thank Arceus." He breathed relieved with a sigh and smile. "I missed you so much! I'm finally able to see you again."
"Hey!" You spoke back beaming pulling away from him. "I missed you too. I hope you don't mind me bringing Allister along."
"Of course not!," he quickly clarified shooting a smile to the boy holding onto your pants leg and he perked up seeing a familiar face. "Hey, Al! It's so good to see you again! Are you hungry?" Allister quickly nodded making the Champion chuckle, "Then you're in luck! This cafe happens to have some of the best food in Pasio! Oh! That reminds me." Smiling back to you Leon stepped aside and threw a hand at the woman sitting there smiling at Leon amused. "Y/n. I want you to meet someone special to me. This is our cousin, Iris. She's the champion from the Unova Region. She's here competing in the Masters League too!"
His cousin!? You blinked surprised over to her and were surprised to see how similar this woman looked to Hop and Leon. She had her hair up in a styled ponytail that was a darker shade of purple than Leon's, but her skin tone was the same. Her eyes though were a dark brown instead of that shiny gold that all of Leon's other family had. On her head was a small golden crest with green emeralds and she wore a pretty pink and white Nessa would've loved. 
"Your cousin?," you asked surprised before smiling. "Um. Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n!"
"Oh I know," Iris said happily glancing at Leon, "I've heard all about you. Mostly because someone wouldn't stop gushing about you the entire time." Leon froze...before his face lit up a red and he rubbed his neck making his cousin chuckle. "I swear you're such a kid! You haven't changed one bit since I last saw you."
"H-Hey! I was just twelve then! I'm much better than I was-"
"You still get lost on your way to the bathroom!," she stated back more amused making Leon squawk an embarrassed noise before she turned to Hop and reached up to pat her younger cousin on the head. "But not you! Look at you all grown up saving Galar and becoming a professor!" She cooed making Hop groan. "But when are you gonna stop really being a kid and ask that Gloria girl out already?"
And it was Hop's turn to light up red face. "IRIS!? DON'T SAY THAT OUT LOUD!! SOMEONE MIGHT HEAR!!"
"So you're a Champion too huh?" You asked catching her attention, which was your plan to give these two boys a break. "Wow. I knew Lee and Hop would have impressive positions but I didn't know it ran in the family."
She shrugged at your compliment but still smiled. "It wasn't just handed to me so you know. I had to work for it same as them, but I don't think you're here to compete either right?"
You shook your head gesturing to Allister climbing on a chair. "I was hired to be Al's caretaker since he's too young to be by himself."
"Oh, how cute!" She gushed at Allister who sat down and looked at you expectantly. Oh right. He was hungry. "How are you enjoying Pasio so far?"
"It's a beautiful region," you answered sitting down by Allister and picking up a menu, "I've been having a fun time meeting all the different people and seeing so many pokemon!" You handed the menu to Allister so he could read over it to see what he wanted. "Some of the mini events the Prince put on have been entertaining too-"
"Oh wait!," Leon interrupted you two, making you look at him as he fumbled with something in his pockets, before pulling out a small pink box and shoving it towards you with a nervous smile. "H-Happy Belated Valentine's Day, Y/n!! I-I-I know it's late b-b-but I don't know when I'll see you again with the events coming up and I wanted to make it up to you for missing the holiday! I-I hope you like chocolate."
You blinked at his gift for a moment before smiling pink cheeked and taking it. "I do...Thank you."
Leon smiled. "Anything for you Beauty!"
"Beauty..You called me that twice. Is that your new nickname for me?"
He nodded. "Of course! Because you're beautiful to me.~"
Now it was your turn to light up red faced at his woods, but a small slam of Iris's hands against the table startled you both and Hop and Allister into looking at her determined face as she inhaled and pointed at you two. 
"OK! SPILL! I want details on these two! Tell me all about your traveling and how you two got together! And don't leave out a single detail! I need to know how you two got together so I can help Hop overcome his dating crisis!!"
Well to say Iris was excited to meet you was an understatement. She was a lot like Hop in some ways and Leon in others with her own personality slipped in. Oh well. At least Allister was able to get something to eat. And Leon wasn't lying when he said he was going to be busy for a while either. There was going to be a Festival of Champions, a.k.a all the Champions coming together to entertain the masses until the actual major events could happen taking place later this March. Leon wanted to take this chance to be with you and introduce you to some more of his family before you both had to part again. Can't say you didn't enjoy the time...but it was funny to see both the brothers get flustered by their cousin's antics.
It was fairly warm now and things were starting to pick up this month especially with all the events scheduled in the next two and a half months. Leon was training hard after the Champion event to train with Raihan for the Time Trials. You managed to convince Allister to join a couple harmless but fun events like a fun little easter egg hunt and a small Tea Party held by these two Twin Subway bosses running into Marnie and Sonia there. You also ran into Gloria battling Bettie in her old dojo suit from the Isle of Armor, apparently she had been wired the urshifu to care for a little bit and she wanted to try her luck with battling with it. Then there was the New Stars of Pasio Tournament and the Friendiversy surprise Raihan and Leon planned for the Prince who was busy running around planning the main event and trying to control everything. You didn't blame the two for trying to get the Prince to relax. Seemed Lear had a lot on his plate as it was with all this planning for the end of the year with the few villains pushing everything back by two months and spontaneously coming up with these smaller events to keep everyone entertained in the meantime...But you were glad he wasn't pestering you like he did at the party. But SOMETHING happened halfway through June. The Time Trials event had just ended and you thought you'd be able to see Leon after he took a break from the events, but that wasn't meant to be. Imagine sleeping in the middle of the night and feeling the entire earth suddenly shake with an earthquake under your feet. It was so hard you fell off your bed and onto the floor with a loud yelp and cry of pain as the ground continued to shake and the fair off cry of multiple loud dynamaxed pokemon reached your ears-...Making your eyes pop open in panick because the only other time this happened here was because those goons were forcibly dynamaxing pokemon. But...THIS COULDN'T BE HAPPENING HERE!! There wasn't any natural dynamax particles in Pasio! And no one brought their dynamax bands with them on the trip over here. You had just gotten up as the shaking stopped, the distant sounds of giant pokemon getting more distant ready to go see just what the heck was going on but those plans were dashed when your door was suddenly thrown open and in ran Allister who immediately ran straight for your legs throwing his arms around you and burying his face into your pants leg.
"Y-Y/N!!," he wailed clearly terrified and shaking, "What's going on!?"
"I don't know." You flinched and turned your head towards the ceiling as a far away pokemon cry was heard. "...But let's just stay inside until everything calms down, ok?"
Safe to say neither of you got a wink of sleep that night staying awake for the rest of the night and waiting for morning to come before daring to venture outside again at all and when you did everything seemed-....Normal?? Well normal-ish. There was lots of other people walking around confused and looking around at seemingly nothing. There wasn't any signs of giant pokemon anywhere and after a couple hours most everyone just went back to their normal lives and seemed to shrug off last night's events. But you and Allister were still on edge. Was there another villain visit? What even HAPPENED last night? You tried calling Leon to no avail and you couldn't find Hop or the twins anywhere you searched! You were getting worried at this point asking around but it seemed like no one saw any of your friends or boyfriend. You got your answer later that day when the sun was just going down and Sparky again alerted you to something.
"*PZZZT* Incoming call from Leon!", he called out flying from your pocket, "Do you wish to Accept or Decline?"
"Accept!," you answered immediately and Sparky accepted the call to which you rose a brow at. "LEON!! I've been trying to get ahold of you all day! Did you feel that shaking last night?! I can't find anyone anywhere!"
There was silence from Leon's end of the line before he finally answered. "U-Um...Eeeeh. Oh. Uh-...YYyyeaaaahh. About that-.." He started out in a low tone making you raise your brows. He sounded EXTREMELY nervous and stuttered as he spoke. "Um...I-Is Allister with you?''
You glanced to the little boy who was currently holding you hand with one hand and drinking a soda with the other watching a nearby pokemon battle (probably because one of the battling pokemon was a Haunter-) and not paying attention to you at all. "Of course he is...Why do you ask?"
"Could you meet Bea at the Lazy Rockruff cafe so she can watch him for a b-bit?" Your brow rose higher.
"I- Uh-...G-Got something important to show you. Can you meet me by Pasio's woods? Please? I promise I can explain everything!"
Your brow rose higher? What was this so about? And so close to the end of the day. Well can't say you didn't want answers and Leon did ask you. Sigh. The things you got yourself into for the people you cared about. Well you did drop off Allister with Bea who thankfully took him before you made your way for he woods...Except Leon didn't say WHERE in the blasted forest to meet at!! By the time you even got there in was dark and you spent twenty mintues now just walking around shouting his name and straining your eyes to search for him in the growing dark-
"Y/N!!" You screamed and whipped around arm swinging on instinct and Leon ducked at JUST the right moment your fist went flying over his head but knocking his hat off and onto the ground with a thud. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Cease fire!" He quickly snapped back up holding his hands with a panicked expression. "It's just me!!"
You froze arm still raised staring at Leon...before sighing in relief. And slowly lowering your hands. "ARCEUS LEE!! DONT. DO. THAT!!" The man chuckled nervously as you frowned and crossed your arms. "Where have you been!? I've been looking for you all over this creepy forest! And what are you even doing here in the middle of the night?! It's creepy out here!"
"Uh-...Ye-Yeah. Um-..." His hand rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, Y/n. Do you remember when you met Iris?"....Your brows furrowed more as he slowly and shakily reached down to pick up his hat and smile nervously. "W-Well-...I want you to meet someone else, but I know a lot of people would freak s-s-so I asked ya to meet me here."
"....I'm sorry. You lost me there. Can you start from the beginning?"
He opened his mouth and closed it multiple times, moving his hands around as he gestured at nothing and anything and went between fiddling with his hat and rubbing his neck between those gestures as he went between stuttering and silently opening his mouth seeming to try and form words. Meanwhile you stared at him harder trying to figure out what the heck he was trying to say before he just froze...Like literally just froze as if someone pressed pause on him. Gold eyes going wide and going behind you panickily, sweat forming on his face. What was- You froze as a breath of warm air suddenly hit the back of your body and a shadow blocked out the moonlight behind you. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end feeling the presence behind you as something VERY large towered over you-...and every SO SLOWLY you turned your head to look behind your shoulder. And your jaw dropped in a silent terrified scream!! Standing above you was a MONSTER!! A glowing black and red reptile snake skeleton thing floated just above you taking a few curious sniffs at your iced form. It made some kind of rumble grunt noise before tilting it's head at you curiously like a curious yamper. Meanwhile Leon continued to sweat furiously and smile even more nervously. 
"U-Um...So! Uh-..S-Surprise! Ahaha! Um. Y-Y/n, you remember Eternatus right? Wo-Would you believe he crash landed here on Pasio!? HAHA!! F-Funny coincidence right!?"
You continued to stare at the thing above you before you took the deepest and loudest inhale of air you ever took, and slowly turned back to your boyfriend. "Leon." Leon flinched. "You have exactly ten seconds to explain what the frick frack snick snack in Arceus's name is going on before I lose my crap and scream!"
Well you took the news that not only did Eternatus survive but was now a permanent member of Leon's team well-.....Eventually. He had to explain everything and then had to have Hop and Gloria RE-explain just so you could wrap your head around it. Oh and apparently Steven Stone had requaza so Leon said there was nothing to worry about because if one Champion had a legendary pokemon then surely he could handle it. You however took a while to come to terms with that fact and decided to keep your distance from the thing for now. Of all the luck in the world right? Sigh.
How did these things keep happening to You of all people?
Leon begged you to give it a chance and that he'd make sure it was kept in safe hands and to not hate him for this. Sigh. You could argue with the puppy eyes he was giving you and agreed but said he had better keep a close eye on it. He couldn't stop hugging you and thanking you for over an hour. Sigh. Oh well. At least the thing was contained by the strongest trainer you knew. There was comfort in that at least. In the meantime you had others things to keep you busy. Taking care of Allister 24/7 was one of those things. He had a tendency to wonder off in the middle of the night to search for ghost pokemon so you had to keep an extra close eye on him. But today seemed like a normal day. You were able to see Leon for a bit before he had to leave since he agreed to meet up with some trainers that day to practice some battles before you gave him a kiss good bye on the cheek and going on your way. Everyone you knew was busy this day. Marnie and Gloria were running some kind of beach cafe stand with some new summer outfits Nessa slapped together for them and asked to borrow Silver for one of their games, Victor was training with Nessa for the Masters League, and you were pretty sure Hop was collecting some fur samples from some native Pasio pokemon for Sonia today. Everyone else was doing something else or competing in the new mini event the prince announced over the TV today. It was called The Battle of Gold or something like that, you were too busy taking care of Allister to pay much attention to it. So it was just you, Allister, and Zen after he finally decided to not sleep in and follow you around today. After seeing Leon at the center you got some breakfast, and decided to go on a walk to the woods today. It was the last month of summer and it'd be a good idea to get some fresh air and enjoy the nice weather before it got too cold. Plus it was a nice way to let Allister play around without bumping into a whole lot of people or lose him in the big crowds. Which was why you were smiling and watching as Allister ran in front of you zigzagging between a couple trees in a mix of tag and hide and seek with his Gengar who harmlessly chased after the boy popping in and out of the shadows making him let off rare high pitched laughs you otherwise wouldn't hear out of him. You were expecting him to have fun. What you weren't expecting was to run into someone while out here while you were just watching Allister and turned hearing the sound of something rustling through the brush, only to blink when a head of fluffy white hair and familiar pink coat came walking out of the woods and seemed just as surprised to see you standing there too. Before he gave his usual huff and frown.
"Hmph. It's just you." Turning his head he looked off to the side, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm taking Allister out for the day," you answered brow raising, "What are you doing in the middle of the woods?"
"Training for the Masters League of course! What else would I being with my time?," he stated matter of factly making Allister pause and look over towards the both of you for a moment...before his gengar tagged him making him squeal and give chase again. "I have to practice if I'm going to challenge Leon and every other champion here with my superior fairy types! Is it a crime to want to train where I won't be disturbed?"
"No. I was just surprised to see you out here is all."...You gave a smile before holding out your hand to him to shake which seemed to startle him making him flinch and blink at your smile. "Congratulations on making it into the competition! You did a great job battling back in the Star Tournament and the Battle Tower."
He still continued to stare at you dumbfounded before huffing again keeping his hands in his pockets. "Hmph. Not good enough. I still didn't win-"
"It doesn't matter if you win or lose, Bede," you interrupted him making him blink at your firm frown, "You can't expect to win every battle. Not even the Champions expect to win every battle they have. Even Leon lost some. But it doesn't matter who's the strongest or has the better pokemon. All that matters is that you try your best." He blinked when your hand patted his shoulder with a smile. "You're better at me with battling, and you were good enough to catch Prince Lear's attention to come here and compete. So don't be so hard on yourself. You're going to become strong, but at your own pace."
Bede's purple eyes continued to get wider and wider until he looked away embarrassed. "...I-I see. ...W-Well then I suppose one's own pace would best for d-discovering one's strength."
You smiled wider. "There you go. Don't worry about it too much. Just go at your own pace and everything will be ok."
While you talked to him Allister's gengar disappeared behind a giant bush and of course the little boy pushed some branches out of the way to follow him before he paused, masked eyes blinking at something behind the bush, before he excitedly hurried his way through the bush disappearing to the other side after the thing he saw. Meanwhile Bede hesitated when you pulled your hand away from him and looked back forward before looking back up and blurtin something out.
You blinked at him. "...What?"
"I-I-I s-said-," he stuttered before clearing his throat and taking a breath. "I said. T-Thank you. For-...Blocking Oleana from me. I never got to thank you so I-I'm saying it now because I hate owing people things and I no longer w-want to owe you a thank you!"
You still stared at him for a moment but smiled as he embarrassedly looked away. "Hey. No problem." Your head turned back to Allister, but froze when you saw he was no longer in your line of sight. "ALLISTER!?" You suddenly shouted startling Bede and making Zen look up from the random tree he was sharpening his claws on. A spike of panic and fear spearing into your brain and down your spine-
"O-Over here." A small voice called and you heads turned to a movement in a bush before the limbs moved and a masked head timidly poked it's head out revealing Allister. ..He timidly waved at Bede. "H-Hi."
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Allister, don't run off like that. You scared me for a second....What are you even doing inside that bush?" You assumed playing hide and seek with his gengar.
He perked up and motioned for you to follow him. "Come see! I-I found something fun."
He disappeared back into the bush and you and Bede exchanged a look before following him, pushing through the giant bush and knocking off a few leaves before coming out the other sides. On the other side was Allister and his gengar, who was holding a giant yellow ball. The gengar was having fun throwing the giant yellow ball up and down in the air and laughing as it easily bounced on the ground. It looked like ones of those giant exercise balls you'd see yoga instructors use. Again you and Bede looked at each other in a confused manner. Well THIS was strange. What was a giant toy ball doing in the middle of the woods? Your head looked around the woods, but there wasn't anyone else around so where did this ball come from?
"I-Isn't it cool?," Allister asked happy to have found such a neat thing in the middle of the woods. His Gengar chuckled and softly bounced the giant ball to Allister who stumbled one or two steps catching it considering it was bigger than him, but he only giggled and easily held up the light weighted toy up. Giving you a hopeful look. "C-Can I keep it?"
"Well-..." You again looked around seeing no signs of anyone between the trees other than you three. Until eventually you shook your head no. "We better not. It doesn't belong to us and someone's probably going to come back looking for it."
"O-Oh..." He sadly shuffled his shoulders before looking back up. "C-Can I still play with it?"
"Sure. Just remember we have to put it back before we leave."
Allister nodded. "Ok! I will!" You smiled at how cute he was and Bede half way rolled his eyes before something large and yellow was softly rolled into his legs. Bede blinked at it before following the golden thing to Allister who nervously shuffled half way behind it. "U-Um...D-Do you wanna pl-play with me?"
The question shocked the both of you staring at Allister stunned before Bede blinked. "W-Well I-..*ahem* Well that's certainly a question. I-..'' He glanced between you and Allister looking lost. "I-I-I suppose... so?"
Allister seemed as surprised as you before he perked up. "R-Really?! Ok!" Before Bede could say anything Allister grabbed the golden ball and began pushing it towards a small opening in the trees within your eye sight. "C-C'mon! Y-You can watch Gengar juggle me and the ball!"
Bede blinked before a half alarmed look came over him. "Did you say 'juggle you'? Now wait a minute! Don't you consider that unsafe?" He quickly walked after the boy holding up a hand. "Let's not do that! We can play catch instead! A nice safe game without heights!"
You laughed at the sudden worry on Bede's face and decided to stand there and watch the two play around. There was just something so amusing about watching Bede fumble about to try and be gentle with Allister, and you laughed when the gengar spooked him by popping out of Bede's shadow. But to your surprise Bede didn't go off on any rants or say anything that might've made Allister feel bad. The two seemed to be getting along pretty decently. Opal did a good job with getting Bede out of that negative mindset Rose put him in. Yeah. He'd be alright. You stood there for a good twenty five minutes watching the two interact before something caught your attention. Hey. Wait a second. Where was Zen? You turned back to the bush before looking back at the two kids, they were both currently softly rolling the ball back and forth between them. It'll only take a moment to pop back through the bush and see where your zangoose went. Everything should be alright. So you turned and stepped back through the bush for just a second looking around-...And sighing when you spotted the zangoose lazily laying by the now clawed up tree from earlier in a patch of sun, but he did look up to you upon hearing the bush rustling. A smile graced your face seeing your boy yawn showing his large fangs off- and then a shriek pierced the air making you freeze and Zen immediately jump to his feet fur bristling down his back-
"Y/N!! Y/N!!! Y/N!!", Allister's usually meek voice wailed like he was on fire splitting the air open like a knife.
Your body moved on it's own on instinct at this point being used to protecting kids from danger and your instincts were on high alert as you literally came flying through the bush on the other side and stopped in your tracks at what slapped your vision. A stranger with black and white hair was standing there. A VERY tall man that would've even towered over Leon if he was here, he was staring at Bede eyes narrowed, and he was wearing some kind of weird red samurai suit that made clacking noises when his body moved. In front of him Allister was crying into his Gengar's side as the poor pokemon patted his back in a poor attempt to console him and Bede narrowed his eyes right back pointing at the strange man and yelling at him, and you understood why when you spotted a familiar golden ball held over the man's head.
"Listen here you uncouth fiend!," Bede hissed at the man, "You give that toy back this instant or else! Who are you to even take from a tiny child!? At least have the decency to battle him for it first!"
The man gave a grunt before leaning over Bede making his purple eyes shrink just as he now realized the major height disadvantage. "And who're you, lil punk? I bet yer part of Diantha's team aren't'cha? Tryin' to keep the sphere for your team I bet!"
"I-I-I-...W-What on earth are you even talking about!?" Bede shook his head and made an attempt to look threatening back. "Now see here! T-That toy doesn't even belong to you!"
"Oh yeah? Well it does now. What're you goin' to do about it, Cottonee Brain?"
Bede looked lost again staring up at this man and visibly gulped under his menacing form-
"HEY!!" Both looked over as you felt your anger rising. Your hands balled into fists and your face twisted into a scowl as you marched up to the man who stared not expecting another person to be there either. "WHAT IN ARCEUS'S NAME IS GOING ON HERE- OOF!!" You stopped almost tripped when Allister snapped from wailing into his gengar's side to hugging your pants leg instead stiff sniffing.
A shaky hand pointed up at the man. "H-H-He- *HIC*" Your heart broke at the small broken voice. "H-He took the b-ball."
..Well- Your broken heart was quickly replaced with anger as your face snapped back to the man with a scowl of hatred faster than a pokemon's quick attack. "What the heck is your problem, Man!? What grown butt adult steals toys from a little kid!?"
The man blinked before slowly standing back up to his full hieght. Well Bede immediately retreated from his spot to behind you glancing from the safety of behind your back. "Yeah? And who're you to butt in!? Mind your own business, Girly!"
"It IS my business if you're scaring my kids!?," you blurted back out not even backing down from him looking at you, "And who the heck are you!?"
"I'm the big bad boss that beats you down and beats you down-", he spoke up narrowing his eyes more lowering to glare you in the eyes, "-and never let's up! I'm destruction in human form! And if you think I'm lettin' you and a couple little punks walk away with my victory then you're in for a bad time!"
...You rose a brow and looked at Allister who still hiccuped clinging to you. Then over your shoulder at Bede who looked scared. Then you inhaled and looked back to this man. "Ok. I'm only going to say this once. Give us back the toy and I won't tear you to shreds."
The man blinked...before he threw his head back and laughed loudly. A smug smile on his face as you rose a brow. Oh well. Can't say you didn't warn him. Casually you bent down and picked up Allister. Bede yelped as you suddenly turned to him and practically shoved the boy into his arms.
"Here. Hold him. I want you to take the ball and just go over a little bit and play ok?" You smiled at both of them. "This shouldn't take too long."
"Take the ball? HA!," he spoke coming down from his laughing fit and smirking. "That's a good one! I'd like to see you do that. Why don't you do us a favor and go window shoppin' or sniffing flowers or somethin' girls like. That kid needs to learn to share anyways."
Bede's purple eyes widened before he glanced at your silent form. "....Oh no."
The man rose a brow-....
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey! What are ya doin' with that stick- AH!!"
Meanwhile in a different part of the forest two full teams of purple stood facing one another in silence waiting for one of the team's leader to return. Some wore fancy costumes for the occasion some didn't, some had their pokemon out already to begin battling. Each team having two giant golden spheres to guard. ....Eventually the awkward silence got to them and someone spoke.
"*ahem* So...I do not suppose your team has seen Guzma yet?," a woman in silver armor asked.
Another woman on the other team shook her head. "Sorry, Diantha. But I'm sure he'll be back any minute now!"
"Where on earth did he go?," Diantha questioned raising a brow. "We're supposed to battle to decide the winning team since no one can find the fifth sphere."
"That's just the thing. We don't know. He said he had to get something important and that he'd be right back....But it's been nearly an hour now."
Diantha hummed. Well that was odd. She didn't know Guzma well but she knew well enough to know this was strange for him. He couldn't be planning an ambush on her team, if he was he would've done it an hour ago, and they couldn't battle to decide the winner unless both teams had all their members. So where in the world could he have gone-
Almost everyone flinched when a loud man's yell pierced the air and made everyone jump as flying type pokemon scattered into the air at the high pitched yell. Making everyone look up at the sky.
"What was-"
"THAT'S GUZMA'S VOICE!!," someone cried looking horrified. "He must be in trouble! What if he's being attacked by a wild pokemon!?"
"EVERYONE REMAIN CALM!!," Diantha shouted before pointing to the ground and swiveling her body towards the direction of the scream. "I'll handle this! Stay here and guard the spheres!" 
Her armor clanked as she sprinted off into the wooded trees and vegetation. Guzma must well be in trouble, but she wouldn't risk it being some kind of trick to get them to abandon their sphere for the other team to take. But she had to make sure he wasn't harmed in any way. As the Kalos champion disappeared into the brush the other team members looked at one another unsure of what to do without either of their team leaders until someone spoke up.
"So...Anyone know what's going on?"
Diantha's heart pounded in her chest, footfalls heavy as she ran towards the sounds of the yells of pain. That was most definitely Guzma's voice. She wasn't sure what was going on but she knew Guzma must've needed help! Her right hand squeezed her fateful partner's pokeball ready if need be-
There he was! Just behind that giant bush up ahead! Picking up her pace, Diantha launched herself through the bush and raised her hand ready to throw the ball-....And stopped. 
Diantha slowly blinked...before slowly lowering her arm and staring at the strange sight in front of her. Guzma was there alright....On the ground stomach first. With a woman on his back. The woman looked absolutely furious sitting on his back and forcibly pulling one of his arms behind him to keep him painfully on the ground with one of her feet braced against his shoulder blades in a way to make it impossible for him to reach around to yank her off him. No amount of kicking or rocking his body was able to throw her off either. Leaving him with no other choice but to cry out for help. His face was twisted in pain but turned desperate when he saw her.
"DIANTHA!!," he cried out his free hand banging the ground over and over, "GET THIS RABBID AIPOM OFF O' ME!! OW!!"
"M' SORRY OK!! M'SORRY!! NOW GET OFF!!" You did let go at that point- He gave off a squeal when you suddenly lurched forward and both hands slammed themselves next to his head as he stared sideways at you from the ground. Eyes going wide as you scowled down at him from his back holding him down.
"If you ever try doing something like that again, I'll make sure to make you cry more than Allister did! This is going to be the only time I warn you about this."
Guzma said nothing as you got up, dusted yourself off, gave a curious look over at Diantha...before giving Guzma another scowl and walking off. Both team leaders stood there in silence as you walked off and disappeared through the brush, and still continued sitting in silence until Diantha looked at Guzma. His red suit made a couple clacking noises as he slowly sat himself up onto his behind rubbing his sore arm just-...silently staring at the direction where you disappeared off into. Before Diantha sighed, pocketing her pokeball and walked over to him.
"Honestly Mr. Guzma, what were you doing? Is this where you've been this whole time? We've been waiting for you for over an hour!"...She rose a brow when he said nothing. "Guzma? Are you alright? Your face is red."
"....I think m' in love."
Meanwhile you jogged and managed to catch up with both Bede and Allister who had by now calmed down completely and continued playing pass the ball back and forth with Bede, Zen trailing behind you. Your anger melted away to smile at the two and Allister perked up seeing you again. 
"Y/n!" He ran up and you smiled sweetly as he hugged your legs. "D-Did you make him go away?"
You nodded. "Yep. I talked to the bad man and he said he's not going to bully anyone anymore." You patted his head. "And he's not going to take your ball again."
The purple eyes behind the mask widened. "MY BALL!?"
You nodded. "Yep. I don't think anyone else is going to try and take it so you can keep it."
"YAY!!" Allister through up his hands and you couldn't help but chuckle at him and the relieved look Bede gave you.
In the end Allister got to keep the giant golden bouncy ball and he seemed really happy to get ice cream afterwards when it got too dark and you walked both boys home. Allister happily rolling the golden ball next to you back to the hotel although it would be a bit of a struggle to fit it through the door, you were sure you could squeeze it in. You had JUST gotten back to the hotel when you ran into a certain lavender haired man. Making you smile widely at the Champion. 
The champion perked up before turning around, wet hair plastered to his face before he lit up beaming seeing you there walking towards him. "Y/N! Hey! Where have you been?"
"Babysitting and talking sense into a bully, but everything's alright now."
"I found a ball!," Allister spoke up happily holding up the giant golden ball to Leon, "Y/n said I can keep it! I can't wait to show Bea tomorrow!"
"You did!?" Leon smiled happily spitting a few grains of beach sand out of his mouth. "That's great! Sounds like you had an amazing day."
"Hey, Lee." he turned to you with a hum. "...Why are you all soaked? I'm pretty sure it didn't rain today."
"Huh? Oh. I got lost and ended up on the ocean floor so I had to swim up onto the beach. Just my luck the people I was battling today was right there so it all worked out in the end! So no worries!"
You stared at him. ".....How did you end up walking out of the ocean!?"
Well it turns out the Masters League was pushed back far enough that it wouldn't even take place until the very end of the year after Christmas. Sigh. So you were going to have to spend another two months here on Pasio. Well it wasn't all bad. Halloween was rapidly approaching which made Allister all excited because it was his favorite holiday! It was cute seeing him get all excited and happily say he was going to get the biggest bad of candy of all the kids trick or treating!! He was even more excited when Nessa one day showed up to take his measurements to make him his very own costume! So he was very much excited. When he wasn't excitedly seeing all the halloween decorations he was playing with the new ball he got or having Nessa come and take double measurements or showing him pictures of designs she had in mind or some fabric she wanted his opinion on. At one point he lost a few of his masks after the cleaning lady of the hotel misplaced them while cleaning his hotel room. Allister freaked out and what was worse was that it was Halloween and Bea wanted to take him for Prince Lear's plan for the Midnight Spookfest. Oh yeah. You remembered eyeing the Prince who showed up out of the blue to talk to Allister about being the surprise opponent to his haunted house attraction. You think Allister only agreed because he felt guilty about saying no...Well guess where all those masks ended up? YEP! Turns out someone from the hotel found the abundant of masks just sitting in the hallway and decided to use them to decorate one of the rooms in the Prince's manor where most of the festival's activities were taking place. It took you FOREVER to help his gengar remove all those masks from the walls to give them back to Allister. Luckily it seemed no one minded you were taking them down and handing them back to Allister or didn't want to approach you with the scowl you wore trying to carry all these masks at once all the way back to the hotel. Sigh. But on the bright side Allister seemed to enjoy himself for the night and was able to go trick or treating after the Prince's small battling event ended. Thank goodness he didn't try flirting with you again because he was so busy manhandling the event. By the time you got back to the hotel arms full of masks, Nessa had already dropped off his costume and it was absolutely ADORABLE!! He looked like a cute little pumpkaboo when he eventually put it on and hurried you out the door into the streets. There was already a lot of kids and teenagers in the streets going from house to house with bags full of candy, and you were surprised Allister was able to drag you around with one hand excitedly from house to house asking for candy and being followed by multiple ghosts pokemon giggling his head off. But you weren't complaining. Let him have a good time. You ran into Leon's cousin and Iris joined you both to trick or treat at a couple houses before saying good bye before complimenting Allister's Costume. All in all it was surely a Halloween you'd not soon forget for a while.
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A Champion Time For The Heart Ch39 Pasio Adventures P2
(This is just a compilation of the events that happened with most everyone on Pasio Island in Pokemon Masters EX with all the substories I can remember. If I miss any I apologize. Will be labeled with time skips and Months to keep track of time. The time everyone's away is one year. If I get any of Pasio's city or landscape described wrong in this story I apologize.)
Leon had arrived.
That's why there had been such a big fuss this morning, everyone on this side of the region was leaving their homes in waves towards thee docks and Pasio's Star Arena to await the arrival of the famous unbeatable Champion. You had arrived a month earlier in January along with Bea and the guys at Leon's insistance. He had to prepare a few things before he left and didn't want his brothers and sister to be running around Pasio by themselves or Allister for that matter and you agreed since it meant keeping these guys out of trouble as well. So he had quickly gotten you a passport and cruise ticket, made sure you were fully packed, explained everything to your boss, helped set up your rotomi phone with your new rotom you decided to name 'Sparky', given you his phone number, and had sent you on your way with Hop and the twins. Sonia wasn't too far behind and you had met up with Bea and Allister at the Hulbury docks, and one seasick cruise later arrived in Pasio where you were set up in one of the hotel's and Allister was handed over to you to start watching over for the next ten months you'd be here. ....Sigh. How did you get yourself into these things. A few things had happened while Leon was gone. You ran into Bede as he finished chasing off a couple weird people with masks when walking around with Allister. Team Break if you recalled it right. You were more surprised Bede was picked to come here without Opal. Then again he did make it very far in the Battle Tower, it must've impressed Prince Lear enough to invite him along. Gloria and Victor started training together and had ran into Raihan and Gordie for a battle before Nessa and Melony decided to jump in and spar a three on three boys vs girls battle. Hop and Victor went hanging out with that boy Scottie they seemed to become quick friends with. And Gloria met Scottie's twin Bettie, while training in the Pasio woods not too far from the hotel you all were staying at. Having two pairs of scottish twins made it a bit much but you were glad they were making friends, meanwhile you were keeping an eye on Allister and helping the shy boy navigate the crowds. Until the news that Leon had arrived with Piers and Marnie that is. Gloria had practically busted down your doors and immediately demanded you get up and meet them at the stadium while she went off to fetch him. ..Which lead to you now sitting in the arena stadium with Allister sitting to your left nervously looking around at the crowd and Hop and Victor to your right who were excitedly cheering on the exhibition matches at hand. You were used to big crowds by now and only watched with a smile as they played. But they sure made you wait long enough, they had to unpack and get situated with Sync Stones before they could even get to the arena. So it went. Gloria vs Alder and her winning. Marnie vs Karen from the Johto Elite Four, Karen winning. It seemed Piers chose to not fight, and then it was Leon vs another Region's Champion, Blue. When it was all over you knew it'd be a while before Leon even got away from the crowds so you decided it would just be best to take Allister to get some lunch away from the big crowds to help with his anxiety. You expected Allister to cling to you as you both left the stadium but what you weren't expecting was Sparky to come flying out of your pocket with a buzzing sound and incoming call.
"*PZZZT* Incoming call from Leon! Do you wish to Accept or Decline?," the rotom asked with your phone ringing.
Leon was calling you from the middle of the arena? Holding Allister's hand you smiled. "Accept call, Sparky."
Soon enough a familiar voice came through the phone. "Hello? Y/N!?"
"Hi, Leon," you answered back with a smile and there was a relieved sigh through the other side. "Oh thank goodness I can here your voice. Where are you? I can't find you in the crowd."
"Allister needed some food." Said boy was holding your hand and excitedly pointing at a nearby hot chocolate stand, being January it was still fairly chilly outside so it made sense he'd want some. "And I think he was overwhelmed in there so I wanted to give him some space."
"O-Oh," the voice now sounded a bit sad. "Oh I understand. Did uh-...D-Did you see me win?"
"Of course I did! Great job out there by the way! I think you did a great job getting the crowds excited."
"Thanks! I think so too....Hey. Listen. There's a few things I need to do here as a part of my deal to come here with Prince Lear so it's going to be a little bit before I can actually see you again."
That stung a bit, after all you all hadn't really had time to see one another for almost a month by this point but you understood it was just his duties as a Champion. "Hey. No worries. I have my own hands fully taking care of Allister. Just do what you have to, and you can always call me."
He again sighed relieved. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I promise I'll try to get everything finished as soon as possible. When we get back together I have a surprise for you!"
"Yeah. There's someone I want you to meet. But I can't tell you because it's a surprise."
A surprise huh? And he wanted to introduce you to someone? Well guess you were going to have to wait and find out who exactly it was. Well almost four weeks went by again and you still didn't see him. Gloria made more friends with two girls called May and Leaf, and Leon made sure to keep in touch by calling you and making sure everything was going ok and kept you in the loop of what had been going on. He got lost on his way to a pokemon center and got seperated from Charizard, luckily he ran into Scottie who helped him out. Scottie ran into him again battling a different Champion, Steven Stone, and the two almost caused a rock slide with their battles and almost getting lost again trying to find the Pasio woods. You facepalmed twice at that. And then he did a few promotional things for Galar, probably for the Chairwoman to help straighten out Galar's good name. And he got into a debate with two other Champions, Lance and Mr. Stone again, over...Capes?? You shook your head at that one and had to assure him his cape was in fact very dapper on him. Which made him super happy. Then February came and the holiday called 'Palentine's Day' arrived. It was essentially a Pasio holiday similar to Valentine's Day but it was less heavy on the romance aspect and was more about showing love towards your friends and family. So you received a few Palentine's Day treats from the trio and a couple wild flowers from Allister he picked for you and Bea. In the mean time you busied yourself with just caring for Allister and met a couple other people from Pasio and different Regions, some you remembered from the previous games you met some you didn't. Cynthia was very nice when you ran into her at a local ice cream shop and Allister bumped into her legs...Oh. There was also a couple villains chased off the islands. Giovanni was one of them. Yeah. After all your adventures, you weren't surprised in the least that one of the game villains was here. Unfortunately it meant pushing some plans for the Master's League. Sigh. Luckily by the time the end of February came around you were FINALLY able to meet up with Leon when he called you and asked to meet him at a cafe close by to the current hotel you were staying at. Quickly agreeing you gathered Allister and made for the cafe that he mentioned. The stone streets flew with your quick steps, holding Allister's hand to keep up pace until you came to the small cafe called 'The Lazy Rockruff' and walked on in. Already the cafe was PACKED with locals and trainers alike chattering and eating food and there you spotted Leon when he stood beaming that smile and waved over towards you both! Two people were next to him. One was Hop who looked as excited to see you as Lee was, and across from then was a girl who looked to be around the same age as Leon.
"Beauty! Over here," he called out beckoning you to come over.
Smiling you headed on over with Allister and the first thing you did upon reaching Leon was embrace him fully throwing your arms around his neck and felt him practically crush you with how close he pressed you to himself.
"Oh thank Arceus." He breathed relieved with a sigh and smile. "I missed you so much! I'm finally able to see you again."
"Hey!" You spoke back beaming pulling away from him. "I missed you too. I hope you don't mind me bringing Allister along."
"Of course not!," he quickly clarified shooting a smile to the boy holding onto your pants leg and he perked up seeing a familiar face. "Hey, Al! It's so good to see you again! Are you hungry?" Allister quickly nodded making the Champion chuckle, "Then you're in luck! This cafe happens to have some of the best food in Pasio! Oh! That reminds me." Smiling back to you Leon stepped aside and threw a hand at the woman sitting there smiling at Leon amused. "Y/n. I want you to meet someone special to me. This is our cousin, Iris. She's the champion from the Unova Region. She's here competing in the Masters League too!"
His cousin!? You blinked surprised over to her and were surprised to see how similar this woman looked to Hop and Leon. She had her hair up in a styled ponytail that was a darker shade of purple than Leon's, but her skin tone was the same. Her eyes though were a dark brown instead of that shiny gold that all of Leon's other family had. On her head was a small golden crest with green emeralds and she wore a pretty pink and white Nessa would've loved.
"Your cousin?," you asked surprised before smiling. "Um. Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n!"
"Oh I know," Iris said happily glancing at Leon, "I've heard all about you. Mostly because someone wouldn't stop gushing about you the entire time." Leon froze...before his face lit up a red and he rubbed his neck making his cousin chuckle. "I swear you're such a kid! You haven't changed one bit since I last saw you."
"H-Hey! I was just twelve then! I'm much better than I was-"
"You still get lost on your way to the bathroom!," she stated back more amused making Leon squawk an embarrassed noise before she turned to Hop and reached up to pat her younger cousin on the head. "But not you! Look at you all grown up saving Galar and becoming a professor!" She cooed making Hop groan. "But when are you gonna stop really being a kid and ask that Gloria girl out already?"
And it was Hop's turn to light up red face. "IRIS!? DON'T SAY THAT OUT LOUD!! SOMEONE MIGHT HEAR!!"
"So you're a Champion too huh?" You asked catching her attention, which was your plan to give these two boys a break. "Wow. I knew Lee and Hop would have impressive positions but I didn't know it ran in the family."
She shrugged at your compliment but still smiled. "It wasn't just handed to me so you know. I had to work for it same as them, but I don't think you're here to compete either right?"
You shook your head gesturing to Allister climbing on a chair. "I was hired to be Al's caretaker since he's too young to be by himself."
"Oh, how cute!" She gushed at Allister who sat down and looked at you expectantly. Oh right. He was hungry. "How are you enjoying Pasio so far?"
"It's a beautiful region," you answered sitting down by Allister and picking up a menu, "I've been having a fun time meeting all the different people and seeing so many pokemon!" You handed the menu to Allister so he could read over it to see what he wanted. "Some of the mini events the Prince put on have been entertaining too-"
"Oh wait!," Leon interrupted you two, making you look at him as he fumbled with something in his pockets, before pulling out a small pink box and shoving it towards you with a nervous smile. "H-Happy Belated Valentine's Day, Y/n!! I-I-I know it's late b-b-but I don't know when I'll see you again with the events coming up and I wanted to make it up to you for missing the holiday! I-I hope you like chocolate."
You blinked at his gift for a moment before smiling pink cheeked and taking it. "I do...Thank you."
Leon smiled. "Anything for you Beauty!"
"Beauty..You called me that twice. Is that your new nickname for me?"
He nodded. "Of course! Because you're beautiful to me.~"
Now it was your turn to light up red faced at his woods, but a small slam of Iris's hands against the table startled you both and Hop and Allister into looking at her determined face as she inhaled and pointed at you two.
"OK! SPILL! I want details on these two! Tell me all about your traveling and how you two got together! And don't leave out a single detail! I need to know how you two got together so I can help Hop overcome his dating crisis!!"
Well to say Iris was excited to meet you was an understatement. She was a lot like Hop in some ways and Leon in others with her own personality slipped in. Oh well. At least Allister was able to get something to eat. And Leon wasn't lying when he said he was going to be busy for a while either. There was going to be a Festival of Champions, a.k.a all the Champions coming together to entertain the masses until the actual major events could happen taking place later this March. Leon wanted to take this chance to be with you and introduce you to some more of his family before you both had to part again. Can't say you didn't enjoy the time...but it was funny to see both the brothers get flustered by their cousin's antics.
It was fairly warm now and things were starting to pick up this month especially with all the events scheduled in the next two and a half months. Leon was training hard after the Champion event to train with Raihan for the Time Trials. You managed to convince Allister to join a couple harmless but fun events like a fun little easter egg hunt and a small Tea Party held by these two Twin Subway bosses running into Marnie and Sonia there. You also ran into Gloria battling Bettie in her old dojo suit from the Isle of Armor, apparently she had been wired the urshifu to care for a little bit and she wanted to try her luck with battling with it. Then there was the New Stars of Pasio Tournament and the Friendiversy surprise Raihan and Leon planned for the Prince who was busy running around planning the main event and trying to control everything. You didn't blame the two for trying to get the Prince to relax. Seemed Lear had a lot on his plate as it was with all this planning for the end of the year with the few villains pushing everything back by two months and spontaneously coming up with these smaller events to keep everyone entertained in the meantime...But you were glad he wasn't pestering you like he did at the party. But SOMETHING happened halfway through June. The Time Trials event had just ended and you thought you'd be able to see Leon after he took a break from the events, but that wasn't meant to be. Imagine sleeping in the middle of the night and feeling the entire earth suddenly shake with an earthquake under your feet. It was so hard you fell off your bed and onto the floor with a loud yelp and cry of pain as the ground continued to shake and the fair off cry of multiple loud dynamaxed pokemon reached your ears-...Making your eyes pop open in panick because the only other time this happened here was because those goons were forcibly dynamaxing pokemon. But...THIS COULDN'T BE HAPPENING HERE!! There wasn't any natural dynamax particles in Pasio! And no one brought their dynamax bands with them on the trip over here. You had just gotten up as the shaking stopped, the distant sounds of giant pokemon getting more distant ready to go see just what the heck was going on but those plans were dashed when your door was suddenly thrown open and in ran Allister who immediately ran straight for your legs throwing his arms around you and burying his face into your pants leg.
"Y-Y/N!!," he wailed clearly terrified and shaking, "What's going on!?"
"I don't know." You flinched and turned your head towards the ceiling as a far away pokemon cry was heard. "...But let's just stay inside until everything calms down, ok?"
Safe to say neither of you got a wink of sleep that night staying awake for the rest of the night and waiting for morning to come before daring to venture outside again at all and when you did everything seemed-....Normal?? Well normal-ish. There was lots of other people walking around confused and looking around at seemingly nothing. There wasn't any signs of giant pokemon anywhere and after a couple hours most everyone just went back to their normal lives and seemed to shrug off last night's events. But you and Allister were still on edge. Was there another villain visit? What even HAPPENED last night? You tried calling Leon to no avail and you couldn't find Hop or the twins anywhere you searched! You were getting worried at this point asking around but it seemed like no one saw any of your friends or boyfriend. You got your answer later that day when the sun was just going down and Sparky again alerted you to something.
"*PZZZT* Incoming call from Leon!", he called out flying from your pocket, "Do you wish to Accept or Decline?"
"Accept!," you answered immediately and Sparky accepted the call to which you rose a brow at. "LEON!! I've been trying to get ahold of you all day! Did you feel that shaking last night?! I can't find anyone anywhere!"
There was silence from Leon's end of the line before he finally answered. "U-Um...Eeeeh. Oh. Uh-...YYyyeaaaahh. About that-.." He started out in a low tone making you raise your brows. He sounded EXTREMELY nervous and stuttered as he spoke. "Um...I-Is Allister with you?''
You glanced to the little boy who was currently holding you hand with one hand and drinking a soda with the other watching a nearby pokemon battle (probably because one of the battling pokemon was a Haunter-) and not paying attention to you at all. "Of course he is...Why do you ask?"
"Could you meet Bea at the Lazy Rockruff cafe so she can watch him for a b-bit?" Your brow rose higher.
"I- Uh-...G-Got something important to show you. Can you meet me by Pasio's woods? Please? I promise I can explain everything!"
Your brow rose higher? What was this so about? And so close to the end of the day. Well can't say you didn't want answers and Leon did ask you. Sigh. The things you got yourself into for the people you cared about. Well you did drop off Allister with Bea who thankfully took him before you made your way for he woods...Except Leon didn't say WHERE in the blasted forest to meet at!! By the time you even got there in was dark and you spent twenty mintues now just walking around shouting his name and straining your eyes to search for him in the growing dark-
"Y/N!!" You screamed and whipped around arm swinging on instinct and Leon ducked at JUST the right moment your fist went flying over his head but knocking his hat off and onto the ground with a thud. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Cease fire!" He quickly snapped back up holding his hands with a panicked expression. "It's just me!!"
You froze arm still raised staring at Leon...before sighing in relief. And slowly lowering your hands. "ARCEUS LEE!! DONT. DO. THAT!!" The man chuckled nervously as you frowned and crossed your arms. "Where have you been!? I've been looking for you all over this creepy forest! And what are you even doing here in the middle of the night?! It's creepy out here!"
"Uh-...Ye-Yeah. Um-..." His hand rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, Y/n. Do you remember when you met Iris?"....Your brows furrowed more as he slowly and shakily reached down to pick up his hat and smile nervously. "W-Well-...I want you to meet someone else, but I know a lot of people would freak s-s-so I asked ya to meet me here."
"....I'm sorry. You lost me there. Can you start from the beginning?"
He opened his mouth and closed it multiple times, moving his hands around as he gestured at nothing and anything and went between fiddling with his hat and rubbing his neck between those gestures as he went between stuttering and silently opening his mouth seeming to try and form words. Meanwhile you stared at him harder trying to figure out what the heck he was trying to say before he just froze...Like literally just froze as if someone pressed pause on him. Gold eyes going wide and going behind you panickily, sweat forming on his face. What was- You froze as a breath of warm air suddenly hit the back of your body and a shadow blocked out the moonlight behind you. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end feeling the presence behind you as something VERY large towered over you-...and every SO SLOWLY you turned your head to look behind your shoulder. And your jaw dropped in a silent terrified scream!! Standing above you was a MONSTER!! A glowing black and red reptile snake skeleton thing floated just above you taking a few curious sniffs at your iced form. It made some kind of rumble grunt noise before tilting it's head at you curiously like a curious yamper. Meanwhile Leon continued to sweat furiously and smile even more nervously.
"U-Um...So! Uh-..S-Surprise! Ahaha! Um. Y-Y/n, you remember Eternatus right? Wo-Would you believe he crash landed here on Pasio!? HAHA!! F-Funny coincidence right!?"
You continued to stare at the thing above you before you took the deepest and loudest inhale of air you ever took, and slowly turned back to your boyfriend. "Leon." Leon flinched. "You have exactly ten seconds to explain what the frick frack snick snack in Arceus's name is going on before I lose my crap and scream!"
Well you took the news that not only did Eternatus survive but was now a permanent member of Leon's team well-.....Eventually. He had to explain everything and then had to have Hop and Gloria RE-explain just so you could wrap your head around it. Oh and apparently Steven Stone had requaza so Leon said there was nothing to worry about because if one Champion had a legendary pokemon then surely he could handle it. You however took a while to come to terms with that fact and decided to keep your distance from the thing for now. Of all the luck in the world right? Sigh.
How did these things keep happening to You of all people?
Leon begged you to give it a chance and that he'd make sure it was kept in safe hands and to not hate him for this. Sigh. You could argue with the puppy eyes he was giving you and agreed but said he had better keep a close eye on it. He couldn't stop hugging you and thanking you for over an hour. Sigh. Oh well. At least the thing was contained by the strongest trainer you knew. There was comfort in that at least. In the meantime you had others things to keep you busy. Taking care of Allister 24/7 was one of those things. He had a tendency to wonder off in the middle of the night to search for ghost pokemon so you had to keep an extra close eye on him. But today seemed like a normal day. You were able to see Leon for a bit before he had to leave since he agreed to meet up with some trainers that day to practice some battles before you gave him a kiss good bye on the cheek and going on your way. Everyone you knew was busy this day. Marnie and Gloria were running some kind of beach cafe stand with some new summer outfits Nessa slapped together for them and asked to borrow Silver for one of their games, Victor was training with Nessa for the Masters League, and you were pretty sure Hop was collecting some fur samples from some native Pasio pokemon for Sonia today. Everyone else was doing something else or competing in the new mini event the prince announced over the TV today. It was called The Battle of Gold or something like that, you were too busy taking care of Allister to pay much attention to it. So it was just you, Allister, and Zen after he finally decided to not sleep in and follow you around today. After seeing Leon at the center you got some breakfast, and decided to go on a walk to the woods today. It was the last month of summer and it'd be a good idea to get some fresh air and enjoy the nice weather before it got too cold. Plus it was a nice way to let Allister play around without bumping into a whole lot of people or lose him in the big crowds. Which was why you were smiling and watching as Allister ran in front of you zigzagging between a couple trees in a mix of tag and hide and seek with his Gengar who harmlessly chased after the boy popping in and out of the shadows making him let off rare high pitched laughs you otherwise wouldn't hear out of him. You were expecting him to have fun. What you weren't expecting was to run into someone while out here while you were just watching Allister and turned hearing the sound of something rustling through the brush, only to blink when a head of fluffy white hair and familiar pink coat came walking out of the woods and seemed just as surprised to see you standing there too. Before he gave his usual huff and frown.
"Hmph. It's just you." Turning his head he looked off to the side, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm taking Allister out for the day," you answered brow raising, "What are you doing in the middle of the woods?"
"Training for the Masters League of course! What else would I being with my time?," he stated matter of factly making Allister pause and look over towards the both of you for a moment...before his gengar tagged him making him squeal and give chase again. "I have to practice if I'm going to challenge Leon and every other champion here with my superior fairy types! Is it a crime to want to train where I won't be disturbed?"
"No. I was just surprised to see you out here is all."...You gave a smile before holding out your hand to him to shake which seemed to startle him making him flinch and blink at your smile. "Congratulations on making it into the competition! You did a great job battling back in the Star Tournament and the Battle Tower."
He still continued to stare at you dumbfounded before huffing again keeping his hands in his pockets. "Hmph. Not good enough. I still didn't win-"
"It doesn't matter if you win or lose, Bede," you interrupted him making him blink at your firm frown, "You can't expect to win every battle. Not even the Champions expect to win every battle they have. Even Leon lost some. But it doesn't matter who's the strongest or has the better pokemon. All that matters is that you try your best." He blinked when your hand patted his shoulder with a smile. "You're better at me with battling, and you were good enough to catch Prince Lear's attention to come here and compete. So don't be so hard on yourself. You're going to become strong, but at your own pace."
Bede's purple eyes continued to get wider and wider until he looked away embarrassed. "...I-I see. ...W-Well then I suppose one's own pace would best for d-discovering one's strength."
You smiled wider. "There you go. Don't worry about it too much. Just go at your own pace and everything will be ok."
While you talked to him Allister's gengar disappeared behind a giant bush and of course the little boy pushed some branches out of the way to follow him before he paused, masked eyes blinking at something behind the bush, before he excitedly hurried his way through the bush disappearing to the other side after the thing he saw. Meanwhile Bede hesitated when you pulled your hand away from him and looked back forward before looking back up and blurtin something out.
You blinked at him. "...What?"
"I-I-I s-said-," he stuttered before clearing his throat and taking a breath. "I said. T-Thank you. For-...Blocking Oleana from me. I never got to thank you so I-I'm saying it now because I hate owing people things and I no longer w-want to owe you a thank you!"
You still stared at him for a moment but smiled as he embarrassedly looked away. "Hey. No problem." Your head turned back to Allister, but froze when you saw he was no longer in your line of sight. "ALLISTER!?" You suddenly shouted startling Bede and making Zen look up from the random tree he was sharpening his claws on. A spike of panic and fear spearing into your brain and down your spine-
"O-Over here." A small voice called and you heads turned to a movement in a bush before the limbs moved and a masked head timidly poked it's head out revealing Allister. ..He timidly waved at Bede. "H-Hi."
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Allister, don't run off like that. You scared me for a second....What are you even doing inside that bush?" You assumed playing hide and seek with his gengar.
He perked up and motioned for you to follow him. "Come see! I-I found something fun."
He disappeared back into the bush and you and Bede exchanged a look before following him, pushing through the giant bush and knocking off a few leaves before coming out the other sides. On the other side was Allister and his gengar, who was holding a giant yellow ball. The gengar was having fun throwing the giant yellow ball up and down in the air and laughing as it easily bounced on the ground. It looked like ones of those giant exercise balls you'd see yoga instructors use. Again you and Bede looked at each other in a confused manner. Well THIS was strange. What was a giant toy ball doing in the middle of the woods? Your head looked around the woods, but there wasn't anyone else around so where did this ball come from?
"I-Isn't it cool?," Allister asked happy to have found such a neat thing in the middle of the woods. His Gengar chuckled and softly bounced the giant ball to Allister who stumbled one or two steps catching it considering it was bigger than him, but he only giggled and easily held up the light weighted toy up. Giving you a hopeful look. "C-Can I keep it?"
"Well-..." You again looked around seeing no signs of anyone between the trees other than you three. Until eventually you shook your head no. "We better not. It doesn't belong to us and someone's probably going to come back looking for it."
"O-Oh..." He sadly shuffled his shoulders before looking back up. "C-Can I still play with it?"
"Sure. Just remember we have to put it back before we leave."
Allister nodded. "Ok! I will!" You smiled at how cute he was and Bede half way rolled his eyes before something large and yellow was softly rolled into his legs. Bede blinked at it before following the golden thing to Allister who nervously shuffled half way behind it. "U-Um...D-Do you wanna pl-play with me?"
The question shocked the both of you staring at Allister stunned before Bede blinked. "W-Well I-..*ahem* Well that's certainly a question. I-..'' He glanced between you and Allister looking lost. "I-I-I suppose... so?"
Allister seemed as surprised as you before he perked up. "R-Really?! Ok!" Before Bede could say anything Allister grabbed the golden ball and began pushing it towards a small opening in the trees within your eye sight. "C-C'mon! Y-You can watch Gengar juggle me and the ball!"
Bede blinked before a half alarmed look came over him. "Did you say 'juggle you'? Now wait a minute! Don't you consider that unsafe?" He quickly walked after the boy holding up a hand. "Let's not do that! We can play catch instead! A nice safe game without heights!"
You laughed at the sudden worry on Bede's face and decided to stand there and watch the two play around. There was just something so amusing about watching Bede fumble about to try and be gentle with Allister, and you laughed when the gengar spooked him by popping out of Bede's shadow. But to your surprise Bede didn't go off on any rants or say anything that might've made Allister feel bad. The two seemed to be getting along pretty decently. Opal did a good job with getting Bede out of that negative mindset Rose put him in. Yeah. He'd be alright. You stood there for a good twenty five minutes watching the two interact before something caught your attention. Hey. Wait a second. Where was Zen? You turned back to the bush before looking back at the two kids, they were both currently softly rolling the ball back and forth between them. It'll only take a moment to pop back through the bush and see where your zangoose went. Everything should be alright. So you turned and stepped back through the bush for just a second looking around-...And sighing when you spotted the zangoose lazily laying by the now clawed up tree from earlier in a patch of sun, but he did look up to you upon hearing the bush rustling. A smile graced your face seeing your boy yawn showing his large fangs off- and then a shriek pierced the air making you freeze and Zen immediately jump to his feet fur bristling down his back-
"Y/N!! Y/N!!! Y/N!!", Allister's usually meek voice wailed like he was on fire splitting the air open like a knife.
Your body moved on it's own on instinct at this point being used to protecting kids from danger and your instincts were on high alert as you literally came flying through the bush on the other side and stopped in your tracks at what slapped your vision. A stranger with black and white hair was standing there. A VERY tall man that would've even towered over Leon if he was here, he was staring at Bede eyes narrowed, and he was wearing some kind of weird red samurai suit that made clacking noises when his body moved. In front of him Allister was crying into his Gengar's side as the poor pokemon patted his back in a poor attempt to console him and Bede narrowed his eyes right back pointing at the strange man and yelling at him, and you understood why when you spotted a familiar golden ball held over the man's head.
"Listen here you uncouth fiend!," Bede hissed at the man, "You give that toy back this instant or else! Who are you to even take from a tiny child!? At least have the decency to battle him for it first!"
The man gave a grunt before leaning over Bede making his purple eyes shrink just as he now realized the major height disadvantage. "And who're you, lil punk? I bet yer part of Diantha's team aren't'cha? Tryin' to keep the sphere for your team I bet!"
"I-I-I-...W-What on earth are you even talking about!?" Bede shook his head and made an attempt to look threatening back. "Now see here! T-That toy doesn't even belong to you!"
"Oh yeah? Well it does now. What're you goin' to do about it, Cottonee Brain?"
Bede looked lost again staring up at this man and visibly gulped under his menacing form-
"HEY!!" Both looked over as you felt your anger rising. Your hands balled into fists and your face twisted into a scowl as you marched up to the man who stared not expecting another person to be there either. "WHAT IN ARCEUS'S NAME IS GOING ON HERE- OOF!!" You stopped almost tripped when Allister snapped from wailing into his gengar's side to hugging your pants leg instead stiff sniffing.
A shaky hand pointed up at the man. "H-H-He- *HIC*" Your heart broke at the small broken voice. "H-He took the b-ball."
..Well- Your broken heart was quickly replaced with anger as your face snapped back to the man with a scowl of hatred faster than a pokemon's quick attack. "What the heck is your problem, Man!? What grown butt adult steals toys from a little kid!?"
The man blinked before slowly standing back up to his full hieght. Well Bede immediately retreated from his spot to behind you glancing from the safety of behind your back. "Yeah? And who're you to butt in!? Mind your own business, Girly!"
"It IS my business if you're scaring my kids!?," you blurted back out not even backing down from him looking at you, "And who the heck are you!?"
"I'm the big bad boss that beats you down and beats you down-", he spoke up narrowing his eyes more lowering to glare you in the eyes, "-and never let's up! I'm destruction in human form! And if you think I'm lettin' you and a couple little punks walk away with my victory then you're in for a bad time!"
...You rose a brow and looked at Allister who still hiccuped clinging to you. Then over your shoulder at Bede who looked scared. Then you inhaled and looked back to this man. "Ok. I'm only going to say this once. Give us back the toy and I won't tear you to shreds."
The man blinked...before he threw his head back and laughed loudly. A smug smile on his face as you rose a brow. Oh well. Can't say you didn't warn him. Casually you bent down and picked up Allister. Bede yelped as you suddenly turned to him and practically shoved the boy into his arms.
"Here. Hold him. I want you to take the ball and just go over a little bit and play ok?" You smiled at both of them. "This shouldn't take too long."
"Take the ball? HA!," he spoke coming down from his laughing fit and smirking. "That's a good one! I'd like to see you do that. Why don't you do us a favor and go window shoppin' or sniffing flowers or somethin' girls like. That kid needs to learn to share anyways."
Bede's purple eyes widened before he glanced at your silent form. "....Oh no."
The man rose a brow-....
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey! What are ya doin' with that stick- AH!!"
Meanwhile in a different part of the forest two full teams of purple stood facing one another in silence waiting for one of the team's leader to return. Some wore fancy costumes for the occasion some didn't, some had their pokemon out already to begin battling. Each team having two giant golden spheres to guard. ....Eventually the awkward silence got to them and someone spoke.
"*ahem* So...I do not suppose your team has seen Guzma yet?," a woman in silver armor asked.
Another woman on the other team shook her head. "Sorry, Diantha. But I'm sure he'll be back any minute now!"
"Where on earth did he go?," Diantha questioned raising a brow. "We're supposed to battle to decide the winning team since no one can find the fifth sphere."
"That's just the thing. We don't know. He said he had to get something important and that he'd be right back....But it's been nearly an hour now."
Diantha hummed. Well that was odd. She didn't know Guzma well but she knew well enough to know this was strange for him. He couldn't be planning an ambush on her team, if he was he would've done it an hour ago, and they couldn't battle to decide the winner unless both teams had all their members. So where in the world could he have gone-
Almost everyone flinched when a loud man's yell pierced the air and made everyone jump as flying type pokemon scattered into the air at the high pitched yell. Making everyone look up at the sky.
"What was-"
"THAT'S GUZMA'S VOICE!!," someone cried looking horrified. "He must be in trouble! What if he's being attacked by a wild pokemon!?"
"EVERYONE REMAIN CALM!!," Diantha shouted before pointing to the ground and swiveling her body towards the direction of the scream. "I'll handle this! Stay here and guard the spheres!"
Her armor clanked as she sprinted off into the wooded trees and vegetation. Guzma must well be in trouble, but she wouldn't risk it being some kind of trick to get them to abandon their sphere for the other team to take. But she had to make sure he wasn't harmed in any way. As the Kalos champion disappeared into the brush the other team members looked at one another unsure of what to do without either of their team leaders until someone spoke up.
"So...Anyone know what's going on?"
Diantha's heart pounded in her chest, footfalls heavy as she ran towards the sounds of the yells of pain. That was most definitely Guzma's voice. She wasn't sure what was going on but she knew Guzma must've needed help! Her right hand squeezed her fateful partner's pokeball ready if need be-
There he was! Just behind that giant bush up ahead! Picking up her pace, Diantha launched herself through the bush and raised her hand ready to throw the ball-....And stopped.
Diantha slowly blinked...before slowly lowering her arm and staring at the strange sight in front of her. Guzma was there alright....On the ground stomach first. With a woman on his back. The woman looked absolutely furious sitting on his back and forcibly pulling one of his arms behind him to keep him painfully on the ground with one of her feet braced against his shoulder blades in a way to make it impossible for him to reach around to yank her off him. No amount of kicking or rocking his body was able to throw her off either. Leaving him with no other choice but to cry out for help. His face was twisted in pain but turned desperate when he saw her.
"DIANTHA!!," he cried out his free hand banging the ground over and over, "GET THIS RABBID AIPOM OFF O' ME!! OW!!"
"M' SORRY OK!! M'SORRY!! NOW GET OFF!!" You did let go at that point- He gave off a squeal when you suddenly lurched forward and both hands slammed themselves next to his head as he stared sideways at you from the ground. Eyes going wide as you scowled down at him from his back holding him down.
"If you ever try doing something like that again, I'll make sure to make you cry more than Allister did! This is going to be the only time I warn you about this."
Guzma said nothing as you got up, dusted yourself off, gave a curious look over at Diantha...before giving Guzma another scowl and walking off. Both team leaders stood there in silence as you walked off and disappeared through the brush, and still continued sitting in silence until Diantha looked at Guzma. His red suit made a couple clacking noises as he slowly sat himself up onto his behind rubbing his sore arm just-...silently staring at the direction where you disappeared off into. Before Diantha sighed, pocketing her pokeball and walked over to him.
"Honestly Mr. Guzma, what were you doing? Is this where you've been this whole time? We've been waiting for you for over an hour!"...She rose a brow when he said nothing. "Guzma? Are you alright? Your face is red."
"....I think m' in love."
Meanwhile you jogged and managed to catch up with both Bede and Allister who had by now calmed down completely and continued playing pass the ball back and forth with Bede, Zen trailing behind you. Your anger melted away to smile at the two and Allister perked up seeing you again.
"Y/n!" He ran up and you smiled sweetly as he hugged your legs. "D-Did you make him go away?"
You nodded. "Yep. I talked to the bad man and he said he's not going to bully anyone anymore." You patted his head. "And he's not going to take your ball again."
The purple eyes behind the mask widened. "MY BALL!?"
You nodded. "Yep. I don't think anyone else is going to try and take it so you can keep it."
"YAY!!" Allister through up his hands and you couldn't help but chuckle at him and the relieved look Bede gave you.
In the end Allister got to keep the giant golden bouncy ball and he seemed really happy to get ice cream afterwards when it got too dark and you walked both boys home. Allister happily rolling the golden ball next to you back to the hotel although it would be a bit of a struggle to fit it through the door, you were sure you could squeeze it in. You had JUST gotten back to the hotel when you ran into a certain lavender haired man. Making you smile widely at the Champion.
The champion perked up before turning around, wet hair plastered to his face before he lit up beaming seeing you there walking towards him. "Y/N! Hey! Where have you been?"
"Babysitting and talking sense into a bully, but everything's alright now."
"I found a ball!," Allister spoke up happily holding up the giant golden ball to Leon, "Y/n said I can keep it! I can't wait to show Bea tomorrow!"
"You did!?" Leon smiled happily spitting a few grains of beach sand out of his mouth. "That's great! Sounds like you had an amazing day."
"Hey, Lee." he turned to you with a hum. "...Why are you all soaked? I'm pretty sure it didn't rain today."
"Huh? Oh. I got lost and ended up on the ocean floor so I had to swim up onto the beach. Just my luck the people I was battling today was right there so it all worked out in the end! So no worries!"
You stared at him. ".....How did you end up walking out of the ocean!?"
Well it turns out the Masters League was pushed back far enough that it wouldn't even take place until the very end of the year after Christmas. Sigh. So you were going to have to spend another two months here on Pasio. Well it wasn't all bad. Halloween was rapidly approaching which made Allister all excited because it was his favorite holiday! It was cute seeing him get all excited and happily say he was going to get the biggest bad of candy of all the kids trick or treating!! He was even more excited when Nessa one day showed up to take his measurements to make him his very own costume! So he was very much excited. When he wasn't excitedly seeing all the halloween decorations he was playing with the new ball he got or having Nessa come and take double measurements or showing him pictures of designs she had in mind or some fabric she wanted his opinion on. At one point he lost a few of his masks after the cleaning lady of the hotel misplaced them while cleaning his hotel room. Allister freaked out and what was worse was that it was Halloween and Bea wanted to take him for Prince Lear's plan for the Midnight Spookfest. Oh yeah. You remembered eyeing the Prince who showed up out of the blue to talk to Allister about being the surprise opponent to his haunted house attraction. You think Allister only agreed because he felt guilty about saying no...Well guess where all those masks ended up? YEP! Turns out someone from the hotel found the abundant of masks just sitting in the hallway and decided to use them to decorate one of the rooms in the Prince's manor where most of the festival's activities were taking place. It took you FOREVER to help his gengar remove all those masks from the walls to give them back to Allister. Luckily it seemed no one minded you were taking them down and handing them back to Allister or didn't want to approach you with the scowl you wore trying to carry all these masks at once all the way back to the hotel. Sigh. But on the bright side Allister seemed to enjoy himself for the night and was able to go trick or treating after the Prince's small battling event ended. Thank goodness he didn't try flirting with you again because he was so busy manhandling the event. By the time you got back to the hotel arms full of masks, Nessa had already dropped off his costume and it was absolutely ADORABLE!! He looked like a cute little pumpkaboo when he eventually put it on and hurried you out the door into the streets. There was already a lot of kids and teenagers in the streets going from house to house with bags full of candy, and you were surprised Allister was able to drag you around with one hand excitedly from house to house asking for candy and being followed by multiple ghosts pokemon giggling his head off. But you weren't complaining. Let him have a good time. You ran into Leon's cousin and Iris joined you both to trick or treat at a couple houses before saying good bye before complimenting Allister's Costume. All in all it was surely a Halloween you'd not soon forget for a while.
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pegasus-parfait · 2 years
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Allister Relationship Chart
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This one will be a HUGE one. Galar has a lot of significant characters, but only a few of them are truly important for Allister:
Milo: Allister feels safe and comfortable around Milo. He understands the pressure the boy put on himself due to several past traumas and Milo reassures him everything will be fine. He never feel judged around Milo and wants to be like him someday, a person that lives his life without thinking about what others think. 
Nessa: Allister doesn’t interact much with her, but Nessa always treated him kindly. 
Bea: She is like a sister-figure for him. When Chairman Rose and Oleana told her about sharing Stow-on-Side Stadium with him, Bea didn’t like it at first. However, she quickly changed her mind when she first saw that shy and scared boy trying his best to introduce himself. Since then, she considers Allister her little brother and she does everything to protect him and make him feel safe around her. Besides his grandmother, she was the first person that saw his face after he started wearing masks. 
Kabu: [This was heavily influenced by interactions with @hibanakabu] Allister considers Kabu a strong and kind person. No matter the result of his battles, Kabu will always be respectful towards his opponents and his Pokémon. Allister considers him a role model and wants to be like him someday. He admires Kabu’s persistence a lot. He trusts him a LOT and he is also one of the few people that Allister felt comfortable to show his face.
Opal and Melony: Both of them scares Allister a LOT. Melony is very competitive and doesn’t tolerate Allister very much, considering him weak for being nervous all the time. She considers Opal scary because she can be quite curious and ask Allister a lot of questions that he doesn’t want to answer... He likes her cookies, though. 
Gordie and Raiham: Their competitiveness makes Allister feel very uncomfortable near them. The loud personality of Raiham also makes him feel out of place. 
Piers: Allister didn’t interact too much with him to have an opinion about him. He isn’t a huge fan of his musics, but something about him makes Allister reminds of himself. 
Chairman Rose and Oleana: Allister felt betrayed after the whole Eternatus scheme. Rose was the one that approached Allister and offered the position of Gym Leader. He remembers him and Oleana saying that he isn’t weird and that his connection with Ghost-type Pokémon made him different and special. He trusted them a lot and now he wonders if everything they said about him was just some kind of manipulation. In reality, he is afraid of meeting them again because he doesn’t know how he’ll react. 
Sordward and Shielbert: All the incidents they provoked by making Pokémon rampage really scared Allister. When they attacked Stow-on-Side, he helped Bea protect the Stadium. He will never forget them for using Pokémon for their own selfish purposes. When they appear during the Galarian Star Tournament, Allister avoids meeting them. 
Professor Magnolia and Sonia: Allister respects both of them for being important figures in the research field of Galar. Magnolia is also an old friend of Allister’s grandmother and they spent some time together when Magnolia was checking if Allister’s connection to the Spirit World would bring him some harm. Allister likes Sonia’s Yamper and thinks he is very funny.
Hop and Marnie: Allister doesn’t have much to think about them. Hop challenged Allister once and he won his match. He never interacted with Marnie before the Galarian Star Tournament, but the girl always treats him respectfully.
Bede and Team Yell: They make Allister VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!! Allister doesn’t like Bede for being arrogant (and because he destroyed one of Allister’s favorite places in Stow-on-Side). He doesn’t understand why Opal chose him as her successor. Team Yell is just a bunch of loud people that makes Allister feel annoyed. He prefers the silence while they... like to yell about everything. 
Victor/Gloria (Game verse): Allister wasn’t too fond of battles. Most of the trainers that came to challenge him, Allister didn’t feel a connection between them and their Pokémon. When Victor/Gloria appeared, Allister immediately saw the difference and how much they cared about their Pokémon, considering them as friends instead of tools to win. The defeat against lit a fire inside Allister, making him a little bit competitive. He desires to win against them during the Galarian Star Tournament. If they are paired together, Allister pays a lot of attention to study their tactics in battle and does his best to not get in their way. 
Ash and Pikachu / Goh (Anime verse): Allister feels very comfortable around them. They are really friendly and Allister can see how much they care about their Pokémon. Allister truly respects Ash for treating Gengar very well. He knows how much Gengar suffered before and how much he loves being with Ash. By meeting them, Allister started to consider about going on a journey himself to know more about the world. 
Leon: [This was heavily influenced by interactions with @thedesignatedheroes​​] Allister feels safe around Leon. He trusts the former Champion a lot and goes to him when something is troubling him. Despite having a big and loud personality, Leon also has a big heart and does everything to make Allister feel comfortable. Allister likes how respectful Leon is with his Pokémon and likes watching him battle. [Anime verse: He feels the same vibes coming from Ash/Pikachu and Leon/Charizard. During the finals of Pokémon World Coronation Series, he was cheering for Ash to win. He got very excited with their battle and he wishes to have a fight like that with both of them someday.... But not now, he still isn’t ready for this kind of thing.]  
Mustard/Klara/Avery/Peony: Allister never interacted with them before the Galarian Star Tournament, so he doesn’t have a lot to say about them. He thinks Klara and Avery are a bit too loud, but he doesn’t consider them a treat. Peony makes him a little bit uncomfortable due to his resemblance to Rose, but Allister knows that he is a good person and doesn’t let this kind of thought ruin his image. 
Fantina and Shauntal: Two important people that Allister will meet during his journey around the world. Allister likes Shauntal’s books and always read them to his Pokémon and Ghost-type friends. 
Parents and Grandmother: Allister lost both of his parents during a car accident when he was little. He doesn’t remember much about them. He has vague memories of his father playing with him and his mother nursing him to sleep and singing. He now lives with his grandmother. She says that he looks a lot like his mother and Allister truly doesn’t know how to feel about this. Wearing a mask also make him not think much about his mother. He misses them a lot. His Gengar previously belonged to his father. 
“Rumor has it that its gigantic mouth leads not into its body, but instead directly to the afterlife. If you stand in front of its mouth, you'll hear your loved ones' voices calling out to you.” Allister already heard quite some times his father and his mother calling him during battles when Gengar enters his Gigantamax Form. When he heard them the first time, he was frightened. Now, he doesn’t mind hearing their voices.
Phew... Galar really has a LOT OF CHARACTERS!!! I just realized that when I was searching everyone to make this. The last part is highly influenced by events during Pokémon Adventures (especially PASS13). I will explore more about his relationship with Fantina and Shauntal when the time comes. Just a little clue: Allister’s full name already tells a lot of what I’m planning for him XD
I hope you all like it and thanks for taking your time to read this if you read everything. I really appreciate it. 
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Quick explanation-Family Tree
So before I introduce my OC for SWSH I want to explain why Kabu and so far three of the other gym leaders have the same last name but are from different regions.
Kabu adopted them basically. My OC is Raihan's twin sister so they were adopted at the same time in Alola, like 3 days after they were born. Bea was 6 when she was adopted from her foster parents in the Isle of Armor. Allister was in a box on the street in Kalos when he was 3 so Kabu kinda just took him.
Kabu never wanted to get married but he still wanted a family so he built a family of different cultures. He tried to keep them in touch with who they are. The twins know their birth family and they go visit sometimes. Allister wanted to learn french, so everyone in the house started learning together. Bea had no interest in her past or her parents and she uses that resentment as fuel for her training.
Kabu is best dad and he just hopes he did well by his kids.
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #262: Selfie Battle (Pokemon Sword & Shield)
Raihan: (Filming himself in front of his phone) Yoo! What's happening, Galar Region! Your boi, Raihan here is about to compete- ('Heh') Scratch that. I'm about to take home the Selfie Challenge!!!!
Crowds of Raihan Fans: (Roaring in Cheers Right Behind Him)
Gordie: (Look Towards Raihan as he's Filming himself in front of his phone) ('Scoffs') Please. Like he could actually be me in a Selfie Challenge. (Starts Acting Smug like) Everyone knows that I already reign supreme when comes to these kinds of challenges. Am I right, people?!
Crowds of Gordie Fans: (Roaring in Cheers Right Behind Him)
Nessa: (Watching All of this Madness Unfolds) .............Milo, what am I looking at here?
Milo: Oh they're just competing to see who can make the most selfies within the week.
Nessa: (Rolled Her Eyes) Is this seriously their way to boost their own ego status?
Milo: (Chuckles Lightly) You can say that. But I dunno....It kinda looks fun in retrospect.
Nessa: I'm not too sure about that, Milo. I mean taking some selfies is fine every once in a while, but making a whole contest over it for whatever reason is just plain ignorance. ('Sigh') Surely this couldn't get any dumber than this....
Three Days Later.....
Raihan and Gordie continuously take multiple outlandish selfies as both of their respective fans are cheering them on the background.
Nessa: I was wrong......This actually got way more dumber than I thought it would be.....
Milo: I'm surprised they still have more Gigabytes after all the pictures they've taken those days ago....You know I'm actually supposed to be their semi-judge in all of this, right?
Nessa: Really?
Milo: Yep. No one else was interested in to doing it. So I was practically the last person they'd come to.
Nessa: (Place a hand on Milo's Shoulder) I wish you the best of luck in this, big guy.
Milo: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks, Nessa.
Two Days Later......
Raihan: (Clap his Hands) Alright, Milo my man! Let's see those results!
Gordie: (Smiles Confidently and Smugly) I'm not the one brag or anything but I say I'd take the win flawless.
Raihan: (Starts Glaring at Gordie) Don't get your hopes too high there, Rock boy. Cuz the only person who's have any chance of winning this thing is yours truly!
Gordie: (Glares back at Raihan) Keep telling yourself that, Dragon boy!
And with that, the two Gym Leaders began to clash heads with one another....that is until Nessa manage to smack both of their heads.
Nessa: (Extremely Annoyed) Would you two just knock it off and let Milo read the results already?!
Raihan/Gordie: (In Pain) Yes ma'am...... We're sorry.......
Nessa: (Turns to Milo with a smile) Go ahead, big guy.
Milo: (Smiles Softly at Nessa) Thanks a million, Nessa. (Turn back towards the computer and look up some selfies) Now let's see here......By the looks of it, you two have took some pretty impressive selfies so far....(Saw a few Pictures of a clearly Embarrassed Gordie taking a selfies with his loving mother, Melony) Aww, Gordie....I didn't know you would take selfies with your ma.
Gordie: ?!!!
Nessa: (Saw the pictures herself) Aww... That is precious.
Raihan: (Smirks at Gordie) Guess you really are a Momma's Boy after all, huh, Gordster?
Gordie: (Blushes Even Harder) Yeah?! Well at the very least it worth something!! (Turns Away while mumbling silently) And besides....I was only trying to make my mom happy with those posts....
Nessa: (Smiles Softly) And that's very sweet of you, Gordie. (Smack Raihan on the shoulder) Stop making him feel bad, Raihan!
Raihan: Alright! Alright! (Turns to Gordie) Sorry, man.
Gordie: ('Sigh') It's fine I suppose....
Milo: (Chuckles Lightly as he pulls up pictures from Raihan, most of which involves him and Leon just hanging out) You know, for rivals, you and Leon sure do hangout a lot lately.
Nessa: (Saw the photos herself) No kidding. How the hell were you guys able to afford a freaking yacht?!
Gordie: (Starts Smirking At Raihan) So, Raihan, is there any particular reason you would hang out with your fierce rival so very often? Any reason at all?
Raihan: (Starts Blushing while turning away) We're not a couple if that's what you think!
Gordie: (Smirk even wider) Never said you were.
Raihan: I- ('Heavily Sigh') Look, man, we're just two bros, hanging out with each other. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Milo: (Smiles Softly at Raihan) That's perfectly okay with us, Raihan.
Nessa: (Smiles as well) Yeah. We have no room to judge. (Glares at Gordie Menacingly) Isn't that right, Gordie?
Gordie: (Completely Terrified by Nessa's Glare) R-Right! There's absolutely nothing with that at all.
Raihan: (Smiles Brightly) Thank, you guys. You too, Gordie. It really means a lot..... (Went back to Smirking) Still gonna beat you in this challenge, though.
Gordie: (Glaring Back at Raihan) We'll see about that, Dragon boy!!
Nessa: Annnnnd they're back .....(Turn to Milo) You think you could wrap this up so we can go home?
Milo: Sure thing. (Tallying up the votes from Pokemon fan viewers) And now....the winner of the First annual Selfie Battle is.............(Check the results)........huh.
Raihan: What is it, Milo?
Gordie: Did it said who won?
Milo: Well...... according to the votes, it said that....neither of you won the challenge.
Raihan/Gordie: WHAT?!
Nessa: So...if neither of these guys won, then who did?
Milo: You guys aren't gonna believe this....buuut...the actual winner of the challenge of the whole thing.....is Alli.
Raihan/Gordie: ALLI?!
Nessa: Huh. I.... honestly didn't see that one coming...
Raihan: But that doesn't even make any sense!
Gordie: How was Allister able to beat both of us?!
Milo: You guys remember those paparazzi that usually follow us sometimes?
Gordie/Raihan: (Slowly Nodded his head) Yeah......
Milo: And remember how we all agreed that Alli is the most precious being in our lives?
Nessa: Yeah. Alli's such a peach.
Milo: Yeah well.... apparently everyone on the internet thinks so as well. (Shows the gang pictures of Allister being completely camera shy as he starts sprinting away) It seems like these were taken for awhile.....(Shows pictures of Bea punching the day lights out of the photographers) Up until Bea stops them, of course.
Nessa: (Smiles Softly) I'm glad she's being a good sister to the boy.
Milo: (Smiles Softly) Me too.
Gordie: You know....In all honesty, (Smiles a little) I'm actually happy for the little guy winning the contest.
Raihan: (Smiles Brightly) Me too, man. I'm more than happy to take 2nd Place anytime.
Gordie: (Slowly Turn towards Raihan) I'm sorry. Since did you get to decide who gets 2nd Place or not?
Raihan: Since now. (Shrugged while acting Smug like) I mean, With all due respect, Gordie, but I believe my selfies are clearly superior to yours in every single way.
Gordie: (Glares up to Raihan yet again) In your dreams, Dragon boy!! The only one who truly that runner-up spot is me!!
Raihan: (Glares up at Gordie) Yeah right! Like you had any chance to beat me in the first place!
Nessa: (Watching Gordie and Raihan argument unfolds) I'm getting tired of this....(Place a hand of Milo's Shoulder) Hey, Milo, let's ditch these guys and go out to eat somewhere. I'll pay for the both of us on the way there.
Milo: (Happily Accepts Nessa's offer as he got up from the chair and walk away with her) D'okay!
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quite-a-sketchione · 5 years
Premise: A series of short stories centering around the Stow-on-Side gym leaders, Bea and her adoptive brother Allister!
Allister is anxious and unsure of his place in the world, and Bea has trouble emoting properly because of her parent’s strictness, but they’ll always have each other to fall back on. Right?
Part 1 of this story series is done for now, enjoy the fluff and feels ^_^
(They’re actually the sweetest siblings don’t @me, gamefreak why are they exclusive you broke my heart)
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I recently read one of your posts about what the gym leaders dislike the most about each other, so I want to request a post about what they like the most about each other :)
Hell yeah, spread positivity.
-Nessa: Her confidence. Milo admires the way she seems to never let anyone get her down.
-Kabu: His advice. Kabu always seems to know what to say, and Milo really appreciates that.
-Bea: Her care for her pokemon. For as strong as she gets, and as hard as she trains her team, she always makes sure to keep her pokemon healthy and happy.
-Allister: His individuality. Milo knows Allister the least, but the fact that he stands out unapologetically is something Milo can appreciate.
-Opal: Her tea. Milo loves visiting Opal because she gives great tea and snacks. Visits are very pleasant.
-Gordie: His jokes. Milo and Gordie share very similar humor.
-Melony: Her cooking. Milo loves a good home cooked meal and Melony’s dishes are welcome in the middle of the Circhester cold.
-Piers: His ambition. Piers was scary to Milo at first, but once they got to know each other, Milo began to realize that Piers has a lot of goals, most of which are to benefit others.
-Raihan: The way he treats his fans. Raihan seems like the type to brag and boast, but Raihan is a really cool dude. Milo can’t stand people who flaunt things too much, so the fact that Raihan could and doesn’t is appreciated.
-Leon: The way he cares about other people. Leon is always looking out for other people, and he always strives to help others around him.
-Milo: The way he supports his friends. Milo does a lot for his friends and supports them no matter what.
-Kabu: His passion. Kabu very clearly cares about his career, and not much holds him back. Nessa is inspired by that.
-Bea: Her strength. Nessa appreciates that Bea is super strong and doesn’t let the fact that she’s a girl hold her back. Nessa’s all about girl power.
-Allister: His humor. Not many people hear Allister tell jokes, but Nessa gets to hear pretty frequently, and he’s funny.
-Opal: Her stories. Every times Nessa sees Opal, she has another exciting story to tell about when she was younger.
-Gordie: How he stands up for himself. Nessa is on Gordie’s side when it comes to the fight with Melony. The fact that Gordie keeps going with rock types no matter is really cool.
-Melony: The way she’s a mom to everyone. Melony takes care of people no matter what, and Nessa appreciates that. Melony proves that you can be kind and strong.
-Piers: The way he does music. Nessa knows how hard it is to be a model and a gym leader at the same time. She understands how much work Piers puts in to do music and pokemon training, even when no one sees it.
-Raihan: His personality. Raihan is a lot of fun to hang out with. He and Nessa have similar personalities, so they get along well.
-Leon: The way he looks out for the rest of the league. Leon is the reason Rose never got the chance to pass a rule to stop the Gym Leaders from doing outside work. Leon protected Nessa’s modeling career, despite all the trouble it put him through.
-Milo: His commitment. Milo always follows through on promises and agreements. Kabu really appreciates that.
-Nessa: Nessa’s work ethic. Nessa puts in a lot of work to do all the things she wants to do. Kabu knows that not everyone would be able to do that.
-Bea: How hard she works. Bea is always training. Kabu always admires those who work hard to get stronger.
-Allister: How advanced he is. Allister is the youngest gym leader Galar has ever seen. Kabu is very impressed.
-Opal: Her attitude. She’s always sarcastic and sassy, and Kabu thinks it’s funny.
-Gordie: The way he looks after Piers. Kabu has known Gordie since he was very young, and he knows that Piers is his best friend. Gordie has always been there to support Piers when he needs it, and it reminds Kabu of his friendship with Melony.
-Melony: She’s a good friend. Kabu and Melony have been best friends for a very long time. And despite how long it’s been, Melony and Kabu are still as close as ever.
-Piers: How hard he works. Not everyone sees it, but Piers puts everything he has into taking care of Spikemuth and following his own ambitions.
-Raihan: His passion. Kabu relates to and admires Raihan’s commitment to becoming stronger than Leon.
-Leon: His strength. Leon is so strong it’s unreal, and yet he’s still very humble. It’s a source of inspiration.
-Milo: His physical strength. Bea loves to spar, and Milo is a formidable match.
-Nessa: Her involvement. Nessa is always seen doing something for her community. Bea teaches martial arts, so seeing Nessa teaching swimming is something they bond over.
-Kabu: His desire to better himself. Kabu and Bea train together relatively often.
-Allister: His childishness. No one knows Allister as well as Bea, and it’s refreshing to see him act like a kid.
-Opal: Her stories. Opal was very strong and chaotic when she was younger. Bea loves to hear about it.
-Gordie: His type specialty. Bea loves to train her pokemon against Gordie’s because of how tough they are.
-Melony: Her kindness. Melony is very strong, but she’s also very kind and generous. Bea always loves seeing her fellow female gym leaders proving their strength.
-Piers: His advocacy for his pokemon. Bea knows that Dark Type pokemon have a huge stigma, and she appreciates that Piers works to change that.
-Raihan: His drive. He’s great to train with because he wants to get stronger so badly.
-Leon: His generosity. Bea would understand if Leon refused to help the gym leaders so he could stay stronger, but Leon is always happy to help the gym leaders train.
-Milo: His food. Milo always has something tasty to share with Allister.
-Nessa: How nice she is. Nessa is always thoughtful and kind to Allister. She laughs at all his jokes, so it makes him feel confident.
-Kabu: His stories from Hoenn. Kabu visits Hoenn pretty often and brings snacks and other things back for Allister. And his stories are interesting.
-Bea: Her care. Bea is usually seen as strong and cold, but Allister knows that she takes care of him. He thinks of her as an older sister.
-Opal: Visiting her. Visiting Opal is very nice. The visits are always peaceful and quiet. Opal gives him good snacks, and she seems to understand him.
-Gordie: His gifts. Gordie loves to give material gifts for any occasion he can. Gordie is a really good gift giver, too. Allister doesn’t know Gordie well enough to think of something better.
-Melony: How she takes care of him. Melony is very understanding and accommodating for Allister. She also takes care of Bea, which makes Allister feel better.
-Piers: He accommodates for Allister. Allister used to think Piers was loud and scary, but he’s actually really calm and quiet. Piers is able to take Allister somewhere quiet and keep people away when he’s overwhelmed.
-Raihan: His love of books. Allister likes to read, and Raihan is a good person to talk to about books. Raihan also lends Allister really good books.
-Leon: His understanding. Leon is very loud and energetic. He knows he’s a lot for Allister. He just really appreciates that Leon doesn’t get offended when Allister gets too overwhelmed.
-Milo: His connection to nature. Milo gets plants, and bonds with Opal over the forests around Ballonlea.
-Nessa: Her advocacy for strong women. Opal grew up in a really sexist time. She really appreciates Nessa encouraging girls to be strong.
-Kabu: His humor. Opal thinks Kabu’s humor is hilarious. She gets along will with him and Melony.
-Bea: Her care for Allister. Opal thinks it’s fascinating that Bea cares so gently for Allister while she’s still so stoic and strong.
-Allister: His mystery. Opal relates to him more than anyone else. How different he is from others is endearing.
-Gordie: His kindness. Gordie is really supportive and kind to everyone, especially his friends. Gordie takes a lot of time to make sure his friends are okay.
-Melony: Her stories. Opal likes to tell stories, but she loves to hear about when Melony was young and wild.
-Piers: His resilience. Opal can tell that Piers is a survivor. He adapts to everything and has achieved success despite everything he’s been through.
-Raihan: His history knowledge. Raihan likes to ask questions about events that Opal lived through and Opal likes to share those stories with him.
-Leon: His care for Hop. Opal’s favorite side of Leon is the caring brother side. She knows how happy it makes Hop when Leon is with him. It’s heartwarming.
-Milo: His humor. Gordie likes to crack jokes with Milo because they always seem to land.
-Nessa: Her attitude. To Gordie, nothing is funnier than watching Nessa put someone down for being a jerk.
-Kabu: His involvement. Kabu is a close friend of his mother, so Gordie saw him a lot when he was a child. Kabu is like a father figure to Gordie in a way.
-Bea: Her eagerness to fight. Gordie loves pokemon battles against her because she understands rock types really well.
-Allister: His ambition. Gordie knows that Allister has goals for his future, and he can admire that.
-Opal: Her gossip. Gordie gets to hear juicy secrets, either from Opal herself or from Melony, who heard it from the source herself.
-Melony: Her love. No matter how much they fight, Gordie knows Melony was a good mother to him. He can’t hate her ever.
-Piers: His supportiveness. Piers has been Gordie’s best friend since they were children. Piers puts his entire self into being a good friend and helping Gordie. Piers has done a lot for Gordie, especially with the fight going on.
-Raihan: His energy. It’s tough to keep up with Raihan, but it’s an adrenaline rush to hang out because of how much always seems to happen.
-Leon: His involvement with the rest of the league. Leon could be some greater presence, but he isn’t. He’s a friend to the gym leaders, and stands up for them when they need. Gordie really appreciates it.
-Milo: The way he takes care of his Pokémon. His flock of Wooloo are well loved and it shows.
-Nessa: Her unwavering determination. Melony admires the way Nessa sticks to her choices and hardly ever budges for other people.
-Kabu: His sense of adventure. Especially when he was younger, Kabu would take Melony on plenty of exciting adventures. Even now that they’re older, her best friend is still a lot of fun.
-Bea: Her care for Allister. Melony is one of the few who knows how kind Bea is to Allister. All they have is each other in essence. And Melony is glad Allister has a solid person to stick to.
-Allister: His childlike curiosity. Melony adores kids, and Allister is no exception. She loves that he asks so many questions and it always learning.
-Opal: Her wisdom. Melony is hardly ever caught off guard or at a loss, but when she is, Opal always knows what to say.
-Gordie: His independence. Even though Melony doesn’t like that Gordie doesn’t train Ice Types, she has to admit that he does well for himself. He’s a big presence without riding the traditions of his family, and he built that himself.
-Piers: The way he cares for Marnie. Melony has known Piers and Marnie since they were kids. Melony is grateful that Piers is such a good caretaker for Marnie, even though the fact that they’re in this position breaks her heart.
-Raihan: His generosity. Raihan is very famous and rich, so he’s always donating things or giving to the people around him. Melony thinks that’s a good attitude for someone like Raihan.
-Leon: His humbleness. Melony remembered when Leon first became champion. He’d been a little arrogant at the time, but he’s humbled himself a lot. She’s glad for it.
-Milo: His open mindedness. Piers knows Milo was afraid of him at first, so he was surprised when Milo tried to get to know him. He’s glad for it.
-Nessa: Her confidence. Nessa never lets hurtful comments get her down. That’s something Piers admires and is a little jealous of.
-Kabu: His patience. Kabu and Piers aren’t the closest, but Kabu was there for Piers when he needed him. Piers had been a lot of trouble for Kabu to deal with then, but Kabu never lost his temper with him and was patient the whole time.
-Bea: Her relationship with Allister. Piers know what it’s like to be a kid responsible for an even younger kid. Bea’s not exactly in the same situation he was in, but he still admires her resilience.
-Allister: That he’s introverted. Piers relates to Allister not wanting to be around people. Allister also gives Piers and excuse to get to a quieter place to rest in big events.
-Opal: Her ability to read people. That skill has saved Opal and the people around her a few times. Piers included.
-Gordie: His consistency. Gordie has always been a safe haven for Piers. He’s always been sturdy and supportive and hardly ever wavers when Piers needs him.
-Melony: Her care. Melony is the closest thing to a mom Piers has ever had. He doesn’t know where he’d be if she didn’t insist on taking care of him any way she could.
-Raihan: The fact that he’s extroverted. Raihan can be a chore to deal with sometimes, but Piers also appreciates him because he takes the lead. It’s refreshing to just be dragged around and not have to make any decisions.
-Leon: His understanding. Leon has always been someone who wants to understand and accommodate people. He’s saved Piers’ hide many times because he made the attempt to understand Piers.
-Milo: His laid back view of training. Milo is a strong trainer, but he’s friendly about it. Milo makes for a good relaxing warm up or wind down battle.
-Nessa: Her attitude. Raihan and Nessa are a force to be reckoned with when they’re together. Nessa makes Raihan feel even stronger.
-Kabu: His passion. Kabu is an intense trainer because he wants to better himself. This is a trait they both share.
-Bea: Her intensity. Raihan loves training with her because it’s so difficult to keep up. Certainly, a welcome challenge.
-Allister: His mystery. Understanding Allister the way Raihan does makes him feel exclusive. Also, they talk about books a lot, and that’s fun.
-Opal: Her gossiping. Raihan loves to be in the know, and he’s glad Opal is willing to share with him.
-Gordie: Hanging out with him. Gordie is a fun person to hang out with casually. He always seems to know someone or have something to do.
-Melony: Her cooking. Raihan is a sucker for home cooked meals made with love. When he’s in the area, he always wants to stop by for dinner.
-Piers: His reliability. Piers puts up with a lot, but he always follows through on his promises. He may not seem like it at first, but Piers is a very trustworthy person.
-Leon: His strength. Raihan always looks up to Leon. He worries that if he ever does surpass him, he’ll be without a goal and start to decline.
-Milo: His love of kids. Milo is an old friend of Leon’s, since they used to live so close together. Milo was always there to help out with Hop when Leon needed, and he taught Hop a lot of important things.
-Nessa: Her dedication. Leon knows she models and trains Pokémon at the same time. She works hard to do her best with both.
-Kabu: His want to be better. Kabu is always working hard, and it pays off. Leon cares a lot about people who want to be stronger.
-Bea: Her training. Bea throws everything into being a Pokémon trainer, and Leon looks up to her for that.
-Allister: He’s a prodigy. Allister is the youngest gym leader Galar has ever seen. He’s also very strong at the same time. Leon has high hopes for his future.
-Opal: Her experience. When Leon has a problem, Opal always knows how to help. She’s gotten him through a lot.
-Gordie: He’s fun. Whenever Leon needs to go out casually, Gordie knows how to help. Hanging out with Gordie is a good stress reliever.
-Melony: She cares about him and Hop. Melony is very sweet, and Leon knows that she took care of him when he was first settling into the league. He was very grateful, but not surprised, to know that she did the same for Hop later on.
-Piers: His dedication. Piers juggles a lot of things. Being a gym leader, his music, taking care of Marnie and Spikemuth. It’s a lot for one person, but Piers perseveres. Leon doesn’t know if he’d be able to handle all that.
-Raihan: His rivalry. Raihan is always at Leon’s heels. He inspires Leon to keep working hard for himself and the people around him. He knows how important he is for Raihan, too.
I tried to do my best but for some reason it took me three days to get through this.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
We've mentioned princes. If you'd like to do another ask, what types of princess would Marnie, Bea, Nessa, Opal, and Melony be?
Marnie: Not many now of Piers sister, with the exception of her kingdom of course. She doesn't mind, much. Keeps the attention away. Marnie sees everything. The way her kingdom is treated. The way her people suffer under terrible circumstances. The way her brother seems to almost let it happen. The way her brother suffers alone trying to make things right. It angers her. Boils her blood, that it does. She's going to figure this all out. She's going to save her kingdom. She's going to save her beloved brother. She's going to or die trying.
Bea: An aloof child, the type to turn heads whenever she walks into court. While going against the grain, many admire Bea for embracing her femininity. She doesn't care what they think, she wasn't raised to be a diplomat. She was raised to be a warrior. Days upon days of training honing her skills to perfection. Her parents are watching, she has too. Though, and this is rare, she relaxes. Some of the maids her age would sneak her some sweets and they would just talk and gossip together. Bea would try and teach them some moves for self defense. It always ends in quiet laughter. She tells herself that she's to bring Allister with her next time slowly, of course.
Nessa: Princess Nessa is best known for her beauty, often being compared to a beautiful mermaid that swim in the depth below. Sadly that's all people ever talk about and it pisses her to no end. She knows she's pretty, duh, but she has other qualities too! Her kingdom had the best fishing economy there is! Not to mention there boats! They're boats are the best! But noooo, it's always the ' ever beautiful Nessa' blah blah blah. Milo has those muscles and no one else boils him down to that. It's his kind nature, or his farming skills, or- or... whatever! It's just infuriating to hear it all the time, breaking her back for her kingdom. The only thing that comes out of it that more people are willing to negotiate with her....even if it's for trivial reasons. Oh, and Sonia do visit often. That's always a plus. ( Sometimes she wonder what pirate life is like. Is it as freeing as they say? Would people finally respect her then?)
Opal: Queen of the Fae, probably more untouchable than Leon. Is Marnie sees everything then she knows it- not that she would tell you of course. Many of the kingdoms both respect and fear her for her capabilities, as well as her, er, eccentric nature. For someone so old, it's very hard to keep up. It doesn't help with all her riddles and questions. Though, above all else, she is to be admired. She's been a ruler for a kingdom more ancient than she is ( don't tell her that) and if she wanted to , would very easily overpower all of the known kingdoms. This is why it's always good to be on her good side ( even if it's hard to tell). She seems to have a fondness for the younger generation, and rumor has it she's stepping down for her successor. Ask her about it, if you can even make it, and she'll give you a riddle. Or a curse. Or a curse in a form of a riddle. It really depends on her mood.
Melony: The Ice Queen. She's known for being like a mother bear: brutal and cold to her enemies, but loving and warm to those she loves. At least she tries to be. After a fight between her son, which could have very well lead to a civil war, her kingdom was quite literally divided. Half belongs to her, and half belongs to her son . For a while, she was angry. How dare he throw away what she has set up for him. After all the love and support! If he never wanted to see her again, so be it. But it wasn't soon after she realized the pain she caused. All her son wanted was to try something new, something that could probably help there kingdom, and she refused. She made him feel insignificant, like his choice didn't matters, and she never wanted that, ever. Then there's the rest of her children, missing their older brother, wishing he was home. Their kingdom, their people. Those who took sides and are angry at the other. Those who didn't and are now stuck with the consequences. They didn't deserve that. She- she messed up. She messed up bad. She wants to make it right, she has to. She just doesn't now how. Not yet.
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Nervous Confessions
Fandom: Pokemon
Characters: Piers/Raihan
A/N: Probably a little ooc, but I’m out of practice for writing and want to pick it up again. A potential start to my au for these boys but yeah. Enjoy!
Summary: Raihan has a confession to tell Piers that could threaten their relationship.
Warning(?): Talk of sexuality and romance terribly explained by yours truly because..... emotions? Yeah um.... hi I’m a single, ace being. If curious about some of the mentioned sexualities and romantic identifications please look up meanings for yourself. 
With summer approaching, a new season was about to beginning. Spirits were high, children from across Galar already selected and fitted for their official uniforms. Stakes were high and excitement was booming. The energy within Motostoke stadium was almost intoxicating, dizzying a familiar goth as he stood in one of the many entry ways down to the bleachers. 
Piers held the door frame to steady himself as he gazed upon the crowd. It was amazing what could change in four years. Leon stood proudly, presenting the Galar league to the children participating and the audience; despite the whole region knowing their names. 
Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Allister, Bea, Bede, Melony, Gordie, his own sister; he paused when he caught sight of Marnie. She looked so happy, smiling ear to ear as she held Morpeko in her arms. The two of them were waving to the roaring crowd, only to be pulled into another gym leader. Piers rolled his eyes as Raihan snagged her for a quick selfie with all the trainers in the background. 
There were just some things time didn’t change.
Standing to the side of the stadium, Piers let out a smokey sigh as he exhaled from his previously inhaled drag. His cigarette glowed brightly before he gave it a flick, sending the newly born phoenix to an ashy grave by his feet for the wind to blow away. “There you are,” a familiar voice boomed. Icy, blue eyes glanced up from their daze as tacky shoes appeared before him. “‘Bout time,” Peris sighed softly as he clipped the burning stick of paper and tobacco. Raihan made a face at the smell but approached the other none-the-less. “Ah, sorry to keep you waiting, love. Wanted to see how Leon was doing and take a quick selfie with Sword. She’s getting so big,” he stated like an aging parent. 
“Marnie too,” Piers hummed as he stood up and tried to crack his neck a bit. Raihan laughed a bit. “How long ‘til she’s your height now?” Piers paused after a soft crack was heard before shooting him a glare. “Ah, I’m just Joshin’ ya.” The taller finally latched his arms around the smaller and nuzzled into the messily bunned hair. “How was work,” Raihan asked as he continued to hold his partner of three years. “Took the day off to catch up with all the excitement,” Piers hummed as he nuzzled into the other’s scent. 
A bit musty from sweat that had cooled over the course of the day mixed with some of his favorite smelling cologne. It was soothing, comforting. “Ah, really? I’ve been trying to get you to break for months now but this is what gets your head outta that song book?” Peris shot him a glare from his chest; which from Raihan’s perspective just looked like a puppy pout. Before either the gym leader or musician could say anything, there was a low grumble heard from between the two. Raihan blushed a bit as Piers’ glare broke into a small smile. “Dinner,” Piers asked. 
“Walk and dine,” Raihan added to the offer. “It’s a gorgeous night.” Piers hummed. “Yeah, but the palace will probably be crawling with eager trainers.” Raihan hummed. “Alright, how about over by Hammerlocke, yeah? Kids can’t get in without all three gym badges and right now, the pokemon over there are probably too intense, right?” Piers gave a small nod after a moment of thought. “Well, let’s go then,” he said softly, attempting to lead the other off; but to no avail. “Actually, I was thinking we call a cab and enjoy the night sky from above before hitting it from below?” Piers gave a small nod of agreement as a small breeze caused him to move a bit closer as Raihan tinkered away with his phone to alert a flying taxi of their location for a pick up. 
The taller man merely pulled his lover in a bit closer before submitting the request and quickly striking a pose for a date-night selfie. It irked Piers, but he just hid his face in the other. His face was all over Raihan’s Pokegram, so what if he ducked away this time? Raihan clearly didn’t care. He never forced Piers to smile or pose anymore, just would take a bunch of pictures and post the most flattering of the two of them. 
“Date night with a babe,” Raihan said softly as he typed. “Don’t you dare,” Piers protested, only to squeak from a small squeeze to his side. Turning to look at the offending touch’s origin, Raihan’s hand merely rested against his side once more. He turned with a pout towards the other before gently, but firmly jabbing him in the ribs. Raihan jolted slightly before smirking. “Is that a challenge?” Oh hell no. “Not in public,” Piers hissed as he put his hands up as Raihan moved to pounce for the kill. The panic was soon killed as wind came crashing down on the two of them, a cab landing behind Piers. Looking up, the two were greeted with a friendly smile and wave. “Gym leader! Piers as well. Are you both looking for a ride,” the pleasant taxi driver asked. Piers blushed a bit and started to fiddle with his bangs, social anxiety getting to him. 
Raihan wrapped an arm around him with a thumbs up and a wink. “Yep! Taking the Mr. here on a nice date night. Any chance you could help with that?” Piers gently smacked at Raihan’s stomach. He was so open about everything! Raihan merely laughed as the cab driver hopped down to get the door. “Absolutely. It’s a beautiful night tonight. Where are you two looking to go?” “Eh, just over to Hammerlocke. But maybe, you could give a bit more of a scenic route?” Piers blushed a bit more, leaning more into the hold. “Why are you doing this,” he hissed out. “I said it was a special date night, right? Come on babe, you love looking at stars! “ He wasn’t wrong. 
With darkened cheeks and his head down, Piers headed for the cab. A hand was offered to help him up that he took hesitantly. “Thank you,” he uttered to the sweet older man who merely gave him a wink before seeing Raihan in. Shutting the door behind them, he looked back to the ordering customer. “Scenic route back to Hammerlocke, yeah? How about just a nice scenic route over Galar?” Raihan smiled. “Yeah, that would be awesome!” Piers merely leaned into his shoulder, moving his arm away from his side to get closer. “Alrighty then. You boys take it easy now. Corviknight and I’ll show you two the sites.” With that, he climbed back onto his pokemon leaving the couple be. 
As he departed, Raihan looked over the male snuggled into his side and merely held him closer with a smile. His stomach churned and heart tugged as his mind reminded him the point of all this. This was becoming a serious relationship. They were three years in to it, four years into a strong friendship. Both were built off of emotional trust and openness. He felt guilty hiding something like this from Piers but was scared of the outcome it would bring. “How was your day,” Piers asked sleepily as he took in the aforementioned soothing scent. “Ah, pretty dull. Not much going on besides the opening ceremony so I gave my pokemon a day to breathe.” “And your pupils?” Raihan nodded. “They had the option to train or rest today. I’ll check in with them tomorrow. It’s going to be crazy busy soon.” Piers nodded, remembering the chaos from his own gym leader days. 
“Wonder if any one will steal the crown from Sword,” he muttered. “Eh, we’ll see. Frankly, I’d like to take another crack at battling her.” Piers rolled his eyes. “Of course,” he muttered, snaking an arm around to gently hold Raihan. It was going to be quite a while before they got to do something like this again. Their only interactions would probably be rushed between making sure Marnie was taking care of herself and making sure this one was doing alright. “Hey, you don’t think I have a chance,” Raihan laughed. “No, you do. Just wish you’d ease up on your obsession with battle.” Raihan looked confused. “Huh?” Piers paused before sitting up some and shaking his head. “Ah… you just kind of go off about battling some times. Like when you tried to befriend me, all you did was keep dragging me into battles and complimenting me.” Raihan scoffed. “We hung out too!” “After said battles or because you wanted to battle me.” The taller pouted before rolling his eyes. “Fine, less battle talk and asking. Better?” Piers shook his head with a sigh. “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing,” Raihan moved closer to hold him again. 
“Just, you get a little to into battle sometimes and that’s all that seems to exist to you.” Piers gently rubbed Raihan’s cheek as the taller man nuzzled into him. “Trying to defeat Leon for ten years only to be bested by a ten-year-old really shatters a guy, ya know?” Piers paused. Oh. He hadn’t thought about it that way. “Sorry,” he said softly as he was pulled in closer. “Don’t be. I do get a bit carried away in battle, I’ll admit it. But it’s my life, you know? I’ve come so close to beating Leon so many times in mandatory battles and off hand ones, but with Sword…. Hah, she puts up a challenge.
“He’s training her into quite the champion. I’ll give him that.” Piers looked up a bit confused by the last part but didn’t question it too much. “He’s a good chairman. Glad he’s treating Sword like a real kid, not a star child.” Raihan looked at him a bit confused before laughing. “Yeah, because you and Sonia scared him shitless his first day.” What? “How did we scare him,” Piers asked sitting up some to readjust. “Huh? Don’t you remember storming up to him and telling him off?” Piers thought a moment. “I’ve told him off a few times.” “Ah, well, allow me to jog your memory,” he said rather dorkily. Story time. 
“Basically, you and Sonia jumped on him about not making the same mistakes Rose did. About letting Sword come home and be part of a functional family and remembering she’s a child….. Not a walking advertisement as you said.” Piers thought a moment before nodding. “Ah, right. Thought he’d just brush me off though. Wasn’t he seeing Sonia at the time? Thought that’s what drove the point home.” Raihan made a face. “Yeah, not yet. But no, you both scared him. They started seeing each other a few months after. They lasted maybe a year? Not sure. She’s been with Nessa ever since.” Piers blinked. Normally Raihan told him all of media and regional gossip. Had he tuned this part out?
Probably, Piers didn’t care much for gossip. “As long as she and Nessa are happy, all that matters there.” Raihan nodded. “You didn’t think it was odd I kept inviting him to hang out with us,” he then inquired. “Not really. Your said to be rare rivals and best friends, right? Or at least th4e closest he got to a friend under that whack job’s rein.” Raihan made a face before nodding. “Yeah, well, you know…. wanted him to be happy too.” This was weird. “Why are you randomly bringing this stuff up?” 
Raihan froze. Should he tell him now? Probably not a good time considering their trapped in a small cabin. Piers can’t just leave. That would be so uncool to do to him. “Hey you two, the clouds are opening up. Take a look at the sky.” Ah, the voice of his savior. Raihan let out a sigh of relief as Piers glanced out the window. Raihan leaned forward eagerly. “Sure is beautiful,” he commented. “You bet,” the kind man said back. Piers merely smiled at the sight. Raihan moved closer to the smaller as they gazed into the brightly lit sky together. 
“There’s something just so soothin’ about the stars.” Raihan nodded as he moved in to cuddle again. Piers didn’t resist. He leaned back into the affectionate touch. “Babe,” Raihan said softly. “Hm,” Piers responded. “Do you like Leon? I mean I should have asked after I brought him around year two but….. are you alright with him?” Piers made a face as he turned to look at the other. “What’s with the Leon talk? Something wrong?” Raihan quickly shook his head. “No, no. Nothing’s wrong just….. curious, you know? I know you had some mixed feelings about him as a brother to Hop and his ego and all that but after getting to know him?” Piers shrugged. “It’s not like we hang out without you. What you see, I see.” 
Raihan sighed. “But do you like what you see?” Weird wording. Piers made a face. “I… guess? He’s always pretty nice to me and the kids so yeah. He’s alright. Wish he’d stop taking the problems of the region as if they're his alone to deal with but that’s something for him to work on.” Raihan smiled a bit too wide. “What?” The tallr froze. Whoops. “Ah, nothing. Just happy to hear you do like him.” “I would have told you if I didn’t,” Piers retorted as he looked back out the window. He smiled as he looked down over Turrfeild. Milo herding the Wooloo to bed with the help of his brother and some of his pupils. 
“Probably gonna stop by Milo’s tomorrow,” Piers commented off handedly. “Yeah,” Raihan asked, dying to just rip the bandage off right now. “Yeah. Might bring him dinner. He’s the first gym leader after all. Curry should be enough for him and his pupils right?” Piers turned, seriously asking Raihan his opinion. The other nodded. “Yeah but it’s supposed to be hot tomorrow. Maybe nothing too spicy?” Piers nodded. “Thanks,” he said softly. “Yeah.”
The rest of the ride was pretty quiet, just two dorky lovers staring in pleasant silence at the sky; cuddled into each other. It had been about an hour before they finally landed, Piers nearly being asleep. Raihan smiled before draping his hoodie over the smaller’s shoulders as the door opened to the cab. Piers once more took the kind, older man’s hand as he stepped down, thanking him once more. Raihan thanked him, taking a selfie with the three to compose for the night’s date. Piers felt it was over stepping but the pilot assured them it was fine. 
Finally stopping somewhere to get dinner, Raihan spotted a familiar figure. His window of time was coming closer to an end. Leon smiled, waving to the two of them before Sword dragged him off for their hotel to share the food with their pokemon. “He’s really her big brother now,” Piers commented as they stood in the pick up line. “Huh,” Raihan asked in panic before registering the words. “Oh. Yeah,” he laughed. Piers made a face. “Your doing it again,” he grumbled. “Doing what?” “Acting weird. Can you just tell me what’s going on already?” Raihan made a face before humming. “Maybe we could head back to my place rather than take that walk?” Piers nodded, just wanting the other to be honest with him already. 
The walk back was quiet, apart from Piers thanking Raihan for his meal. Entering the familiar home, Piers set his food on the counter before moving back to the door to hang the hoodie and his coat along with removing his shoes. He was dressed in a loose, thin, simple black stank sop and loose, dark shorts to match. He crashed on Raihan’s couch, taking his food with him as the other went to check on his beloved pokemon. His own were home, enjoying their day off. He made sure to feed them before he left. 
“You can turn on the television,” Raihan said, reaching for the clicker. “I want to talk first,” Piers stated, looking at him like an upset parent. Raihan retracted his hand before sighing. “Right, right.” “What’s been bothering you all night. Did you have a fight with Leon?” Raihan shook his head. How to say this without killing their relationship. “Um…. I’ve discovered somethings about myself over the last few years.” ‘Good start’, he thought, ‘weak delivery’. “You know, as we people do. We evolve and change with time.” Piers quirked a brow. “Why are you nervously stalling?” Raihan froze before feeling his eyes start to water. “Look, just give me a tick would ya? This is scary.” Piers sat up, placing his food down to face the other. 
Not once had the idea of them breaking up crossed his mind so far, just fear of the other’s well being. They had a relationship built on emotion and openness, so if Raihan couldn’t be truthful and open with him…. he felt maybe he, himself had done something to hurt Raihan. “Is…. this about my battle comment? I’m sorry Rai, I didn’t mean it like that,” Piers started to apologize. Raihan laughed, tearing up more. “No, no. Just, give me a minute. I can do this.” Piers nodded but offered a hand to hold nonetheless. The other shyly took it, rubbing his thumb across Piers’ boney knuckles soothingly. 
“So, I know you don’t look into, like…. sexuality and romantic terms but…. there is more than like gay, pan, bi, ace and straight. Like you are romantically gay but sexually ace.” Piers gave a weird look. “Basically you are romantically, or emotionally interested in a significant other but…. you aren’t looking to have intercourse with them. Like we’ve only really done fluffy, soft stuff for the last three years and it’s been great.” Piers narrowed his eyes. “So…. is there a problem with that or?” Raihan held his hand lovingly and shook his head. “No, no, no! Just…. Okay Raihan,” he sighed to himself. “Your being super uncool. Just rip the bandage off.” Piers cocked his head before seeing more tears form.
Damn it. 
He moved closer and just held the taller. “Whatever it is, it’s nothing we can't handle. Please, just calm down.” Raihan froze. The smaller held him firmly, hovering over his lap as he nuzzled closer into his scent. “I love you no matter what you identify as, if that's the issue. Just relax. You act like you haven’t told me about more personal things like bathroom problems.” Way to kill the moment. Raihan snorted, tears coming down his face. Piers frowned before reaching up to gently wipe the away before gently kissing each eyelid. 
Darker arms wrapped around his petite torso. Piers was trapped, Raihan’s face buried into his clothed torso. “Arceus, I don’t deserve you,” he whimpered. This caught Piers off guard. He gently started toying with Raihan's dreadlocks, humming and shushing soothingly as the other cried into him. Gently, he reached his free hand from Raihan’s shoulder and moved his hand down to the of the uniform he wore. Pulling it up, he watched as the shaking skin grew slightly bumpy from the new air hitting it. He played with the dark locks of hair for a little longer before moving the hand to hold up the shirt back and gently tracing his nails up and down the taller’s back. 
Raihan jumped slightly before nuzzling into Piers more, sniffles subsiding slightly. ‘This is super uncool of you Raihan! You act like you’ve never dated before! Man up, stop crying like a Sobble and just tell him!’ He shivered from the touch before mewling slightly. ‘But what if he leaves me? What if he takes this wrong?’ “Shhhh,” Piers uttered soothingly as he dragged his nails gently up and down the spine once more. “Just relax,” he cooed. ‘Well, I’ll just have to explain it so that Piers can understand!’ Raihan’s brain was racing back and forth as his stomach churned slightly with fear. 
As the sniffles stopped and Raihan lay motionless against him, Piers sighed. He moved to lower himself down to be level with the other for a proper hug. “Rai, relax,” Piers cooed again as he nuzzled into his neck. His nails gently traced up the back for the end, kissing the skin softly. Raihan was pulled out of his thoughts as his nerves reacted to the touch. His head popped out, letting out a sequel. Piers froze in alert before looking up at the other. He then smirked before filed nails started tickling his lower sides. Raihan screamed out before shaking his head squirming helplessly. 
“Ah, P-Piers sthahahaop it!” Piers smiled moving closer to his ear, easing the touch to hold him still for just a moment. “No more tears, yeah,” he asked softly, fingers moving slowly under his shirt, walking up his sides slowly to his ribs. Raihan squeaked, nodding as his face shifted to one of a smile with excitement. His stomach churns turned slowly to butterflies as his face heated up. “B-Babe,” he giggled. “Hm,” Piers hummed softly with a small smile. “Ah, ah wait. Hey,” Raihan giggled as his hands gently moved up to hold Piers around his waist. “Okay, okay,” he whimpered before bursting into soft, broken streams of giggles. “Nhahaope,” Riahan giggled out as he collapsed into Piers’ shoulder, just giggling his head off as Piers started scratching at his lower ribs. Piers just rolled his eyes, giggling softly himself. 
“Dork,” Piers commented lovingly as he started to slowly move his nails up each rib’s bump. Raihan jumped and jolted with squeaks and yelps off and on, just holding him. “You want me to stop,” Piers asked as Raihan seemed much calmer now. “A-Ah….. Not yet,” Raihan giggled out. “Yeah? Alright. Piers stopped for a moment before sitting on the far side of the couch and patting his lap. Raihan felt his face heat up more before he slowly, sheepishly moved to place his feet on the other’s lap. Piers looked a bit surprised. “You sure?” Raihan awkwardly nodded. “Okay.” He left the socks on, gently dragging his nails up and down his soles of each foot, watching as Raihan struggled not to rip his feet back. 
He held a pillow tightly to his chest, shaking his head frantically as he dug his heels into Peris’ thighs. “Shahahit,” Raihan squealed. The smaller winced slightly before sighing. “You alright,” he asked as the harsh pressure was starting to hurt. “Y-Yeheheheah! Ah, P-Piers,” Raihan squealed as the smaller grabbed the balls of his feet and started to scratch up and down a little harsher. The free foot quickly moved off of him to kick at the air as Raihan shrieked, jerking around in his seat. “Pheheheirs! Pheheheheirs! Ok-Okay! Whahahahit! Eeek!” The other stopped quickly, smiling softly. 
“Alright?” Raihan nodded, taking his foot back, laughing slightly still as he moved away from the other. “Thanks,” Raihan muttered softly as he curled up, slightly embarrassed. Peris smiled, moving to poke at his side. “Oh? Who said I was done?” Raihan’s blue eyes widened before he curled into the arm of his couch more. “Wait? What?!” He was giggling nervously as Piers smirked at hims playfully. “You heard me.” Oh shit. No, no, no! 
Raihan squealed before he jumped up. “Okay, I’m ready to talk,” he squealed out. Oh, right. Piers sighed as he stood down, giving a nod of truce before patting the cushion next to him. Raihan nervously took a seat, still holding his cousin before leaning into the other. Piers cleared the other’s face from tears before kissing his cheek softly. “What’s going on?” The other frowned before feeling his stomach churn again and eyes start to water a bit once more. 
“So, there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about,” he started again. “Okay,” Piers said calmly. “Do you know what like polygamy or polyamorous means?” Piers thought for a moment before slowly shaking his head. “I don’t think so? Why, what is it?” Okay, big reveal. Don’t be dumb, don’t be dumb! “I…. so I’m pansexual and romantic right? Well I’m also polyamorous.” Piers blinked. “What’s pan mean again,” he asked quietly. Raihan laughed. “Basically gender means nothing. I have no preference of genders, if I like you, I like you. Or that’s at least how I explain it.” Piers gave a nod. 
“So… polyamorous?” Raihan sighed. “I am capable of loving more than one person romantically at a time.” He watched as the life drained from Piers’ face. Quickly moving into damage control, he put his hands up. “Let me explain, let me explain! It’s not like that. I still love you! Hold on, hold on.” Piers gave him a look as if to say “get to the point”. “So there are relationships that exist that are composed of more than two people. Like a legit love circle type deal. I just… okay I don’t know how to explain this. One moment.” Piers crossed his arms and quirked a brow. “Are you…. leaving me or?” Raihan shook his head. 
“Look, I…. I don’t know how to explain this properly, so…. Hear me out,” he asked softly. Piers gave him a nod. “I’ve had a crush on Leon for…. a while.” Oh? Oh. Piers hummed, leaning forward. “So…. you wanted him to join our relationship which is why you’ve been bringing him around since him and Sonia split?” Yes and no. “I mean that wasn’t the idea but…. I can see why you’d think that but…. Yeah.” Piers sighed. “So you're asking to open the relationship or add to it?” “Add,” Raihan said, gripping the pillow tighter. He was so nervous. Piers made a face before sighing. “I don’t feel that way about Leon, and I doubt he feels that way about me but…. if you want, I don’t mind going on a date or two to just see how it goes.” Raihan gave a silent nod as he sheepishly looked over at the other. 
“Are you sure,” he asked Piers. “If your uncomfortable with this, I won’t pursue it.” Piers shrugged. “You’ve dragged him around with us often enough, it’s not much different.” He wasn’t upset, but was just trying to picture if he could develop feelings for the purple haired man. “Are you upset?” Piers shook his head. “Thinking,” Piers stated, reaching for his food off the coffee table again. “Now eat your food, it’s getting cold,” he muttered with a mouthful of food. Raihan smiled softly before receiving the clicker and moving to allow the other into his side. Piers moved close, snuggling into him as they turned on a cheesy movie to make fun of.
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askgalartop3 · 3 years
All joking aside, would you three rate all gym leaders' (plus Leon, Piers, Opal, and Sonia) appearances on a scale of 0-10? The kids of course don't have to be judged on attractiveness 😂
7.5/10 very cute and very buff 😘
mm...think I agree with that. 7/10
I'll put him at a 7 too. He's cute, but not exactly my type of cute.
10/10 best waifu 😘 I'm kidding. Still a 10 but because she really is so stinking pretty!
9/10 shes pretty
Also a 9.5. She really is certified pretty, lol.
Oooh, the dilf of the league~ 8/10
not my type 6/10
6.5/10. He was quite handsome when he was younger and still is. But the age difference is a little...
She's cute when she smiles 😂 6/10 on the cute kid scale
seems okay. 6.5/10
I'm with you two, 6/10.
10/10 a very adorable shy bean! 🥰
8/10. cute
7.5/10, he's hard to resist, as much as he would like you too.
10/10 😘😘 I respect my elders!
-4/10 no thanks I do not want to Play Rough
2/10... I respect her, but I am not into women who are older than my grandmother...
Eh he's not completely rotten so 5/10
5/10 for the same reason
6/10 if only because he's trying to make things up with Hop.
9/10! I feel like in a few years he'll be coming for my status as most handsome gym leader and I for one look forward to the sexual tension! 😘
stop feedin the fanart! 8.5/10 he's not bad
Hm... I think I'll go with 8/10. He's got the looks, but he hasn't quite got the confidence yet.
10/10 absolutely gorgeous mama! 😘
8/10 shes not bad
8/10 as well. Even with her being older, time has been kind to her.
11/10 cutest former gym leader 😘
10/10, you really are beautiful, you know that?
He's blushing again 🤣
8/10 a good kid!
15/10 best sister
8/10, she's sweet.
eh. 3/10
How generous of you. 1/10.
🥺🥺🥺 Why tho...?
messin with you. 10/10
Yeah! 10/10 I wasn't joking when I said you were a handsome man.
Aaww you do care!! 🥰🧡🥰
11/10 step on me, Daddy 😘
Never. Say. That. Again.
10/10 your handsome too
Thanks Piers. I appreciate that.
She's cute! 8/10
Definitely cute! 9.5/10!
cute is fair. 8/10
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darkmatter-nebula · 10 months
Allister go to see Bea during her training session.
Greetings! Thank you for the request!
I apologize for not writing it earlier. My brother's second daughter is there for a visit. Two little girls are definitely a hand full. 😅
This drabble takes place shortly after Allister was sent to Hisui. He misses his beloved big sister and thinks about her.
Drabble: Dearest Big Sister
It was a quiet afternoon in Hisui. Only a few hours ago, Allister officially became a member of the Survey Corps. The eight years old little boy was thinking about his beloved big sister Bea. He hoped that she was alright.
Allister painfully missed Bea. The Ghost Type Gym Leader often watched her doing her training. She was so incredible strong! In Allister's opinion, she was the best big sister in the entire Universe. "Bea..." Allister whispered.
"Who is Bea, if I may ask?" Cyllene chimed in. "She is my big sister, Ma'am." Allister answered timidly. Cyllene looked at him sympathetically. The young woman could sense that the shy and kindhearted ghostboy missed Bea.
The End
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sneakymalou · 4 years
Wait, wait, if you write best friend hcs can I please ask for hcs of being best friends with Allister and Bea? They're both my favourite Gym Leaders and tbh they seem like they'd be great friends!
They are so cute I love them both as well ! ❤ And yeah, of course I can do best friends HCs ! 🥰
Allister x Bea x Reader HCs
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Bea && Allister. Two babes, like your brother and your sister. Bro & Sis of your soul.
Same age, same dreams : becoming a respectful trainer.
For Bea, fighting type is the best ; for Allister ghost type is the best... as for you, fairy type happened to be your very dreamy one.
The young man became the very first gym leader of you three. At a tender young age, even if it was a lot of pressure for him. You couldn’t help yourself but to care about his well-being, and asked Bea to look after him when you wouldn’t be around.
Allister wasn’t the only one to need your help. Even if Bea would never ask for this but you both knew her far too well to understand how she felt. That’s how you discovered she had troubles with her family. Allister took his courage in hand and talked to her parents, when you welcomed her at home. To cheer her up, you organized a pajama party, with all accessories ; Allister wore a Gengar one, Bea a Machamp one and you... a Wigglytuff one, in honor of all your first pokémons. You three stuffed yourself with candies, and laughed about all kinds of stuff. Needless to say, you all needed this. Bea confessed being annoyed by the demeanor of her own father, and that’s why you proposed her to live here, with you and your mom - who already agreed to it. You already knew how difficult her life was, and all you wanted was to see her smile. “You want a kiss ?” Allister offered with his usual soft voice. Bea and you both melted totally before his very cute face.
Important detail : Allister always takes off his mask when you three are together, with no other witness. He only trust his best friends about it.
Bea and Allister are now two incredible gym leaders, who help a lot of trainers and challengers, but you are not without doing anything ; you always had been more of a researcher. You happened to help Chairman Rose on several occasions, before he introduced you to the galarian champion and the Professor Magnolia. That’s how you wanted to live your life, and to help as many pokémon as you possibly could.
With your new different roles, you three feared that you wouldn’t be able to see each other as many times as in the past... but every night, you had your little routine ; to take a Corviknight taxi and to meet each other for a meal. That way, you had every opportunity, every occasion to tell how your day went, what you had in mind for the week ahead...
For each rendez-vous you had, Allister brought candies, and Bea cakes. As for you... you cooked the main course. Like when you were just little kids and were discovering how to use the kitchen with your parents.
Birthdays and Christmas ? Not without Bea and Allister, N-E-V-E-R ! These occasions were reason enough to buy the best possible gifts, and to make your best friends smile.
Bonus : each time Allister happened to be sad... you made a rescue mission with Bea to cheer him up, with his favorite candies and other surprises... with the help of his ghost-type team !
(Gifs by me 🧸)
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pokemontrashfics · 5 years
Do you have any backstories for the gym leaders like thier parents and such?
Grew up on a farm his parents owned. 
When they retired, they passed the farm on to him. 
They still live in Turffield, they rented a little house and Milo’s father still has a garden in the back yard. 
They have one pet wooloo but they don’t raise them anymore. 
Milo had a really loving childhood, his parents had wanted kids really bad and struggled to have one so when Milo came along, they considered him a gift and a blessing. 
It’s canon that Nessa’s father is a fisherman and her mother works in the marketplace in Hulbury. 
Her mother would often bring home interesting things she had traded for in the market.
Her father was always tired after a long day fishing, its very strenuous work and he always came home smelling like fish and saltwater. As a kid, nessa would tease him to ‘go take a bath’ 
Her mother is the best cook in Hulbury. She has access to all the best ingredients for the best prices and her food is even better than the Captains table. 
Her dad has a really big friendly smile. He gave her her first water pokemon when she was a toddler 
From Lavaridge town in Hoenn (surprise surprise) 
Flannery is actually his cousin, and they battle every time he goes home to visit. 
His mom was the nurse in the pokemon center and his dad was one of the clerks in the pokemart 
They’re both still alive, but they’re retired. They’re both about 100 years old now, they’re in their last few years
He goes back to visit them every Christmas (or Pokemon universe equivalent) 
He has two little sisters who have kids and he loves to babysit his nieces and nephews 
It’s canon that Bea’s parents are really really strict 
They probably started training her in martial arts right when she was old enough to walk
They also push her to do really well in school
They love her, but they have a hard time demonstrating it. They likely had very strict upbringings too and it impacting their ability to express themselves
I hc that her father is the regional judo champion and her mother teaches karate
They both wish they could see her smile more
I hc that his parents had a ghastly that helped baby sit him, so he grew an affinity for ghost pokemon at a very early age.
I don’t think he can really see dead ghost pokemon, I think he can sense them and his living ghost pokemon definitely can see them. So he’s ‘seeing’ them in the sense that he’s perceiving them. metaphorical, not literal.
As for the accident that caused him to be able to perceive dead pokemon, I think it was likely a near death experience. Possibly an illness? And he was able to see both dead pokemon and dead humans while he was very very sick. When he was healthy again, he retained the ability to sense dead ghost pokemon. He isn’t able to sense human ghosts anymore though. 
His parents were very worried when he developed this ability, needless to say. They were also worried about how a near death experience when he was that young would impact him. So, he’s been seeing a therapist since he was very young. 
His parents care about him a lot and worry about him. They’re the only ones who get to see his face on a regular basis. 
His father works in the market place and his mother researches fossils.
It’s canon that she took over the gym from her mother 70 years ago
Her childhood was much different than modern day life. She grew up while there was a war going on (the equivalent of world war two?) so things like food and fabric were really strictly rationed 
She remembers things like her mother’s ration stamp book and her father teaching her how to sew and mend her clothes
Both of her parents were really young when they had her, her father was still studying at the university and her mother had already become the gym leader 
She was an only child, her parents weren’t able to have any more kids, but she has fond memories of playing with her first pokemon, a togepi she found freshly hatched. 
Her mother taught her how to cook, and she’s still amazing at it. 
Her parents died about five years after she took over the gym. 
We know his mom is melony, and that they had a fight. All of that is canon. 
Now what they had a fight about, I have no idea. Probably some old family drama I feel like everyone has at least a little. 
He still cares about his mom a lot, and his other mom (I hc that melony is married to another woman) tries to keep the peace between them. 
Melony’s wife (who Gordie has always called ‘mama’) works at the restaurant in Chirchester. She’s an amazing cook.
He still goes home every Christmas but he still finds it hard to talk to his mom 
He gets along really well with his other brothers and sisters though. 
Her parents were originally from Spikemuth, her generally soft demeanor stands out against them pretty starkly
Even though they look scary, her parents raised her to be kind and loving which are things she still values. 
They moved to Circhester from Spikemuth when Melony was a baby, her mother got a job there. 
Her father was an ice fisher and her mother was a psychologist. 
They’re both still alive-they’re in their 90s- but when they retired, they decided they wanted to live somewhere warmer so they moved to Motostoke. 
When her kids were still little, Melony and her wife would take them to visit her parents every Christmas. 
He and Marnie were abandoned outside Spikemuth when Piers was seven and Marnie was still a baby. 
Team yell has always been in Spikemuth - they were supporting the current gym leader - and they took him and Marnie in and took care of them.
They gave Piers his first pokemon and taught him how to sing and write music.
He’s always felt like more of a father figure than an older brother to Marnie. They have a bit of a mix between a parent child and a sibling sibling dynamic. “You’re not my dad.” “I still changed your diapers.” “That doesn’t count!”
Piers is young but he’s really emotionally intelligent and responsible. 
Music helped him cope with a very uncertain childhood and he used to sing Marnie to sleep when she was a toddler. 
He’s lived in Hammerlocke his whole life
His first Pokemon was an Applin that followed him home from the wild area and his mom caught it for him 
His dad was the Hammerlocke gym leader before passing it down to Raihan. His mom worked at the hair salon. 
They’re in their 60s now so they’re retired. 
Raihan inherited the gym after Leon beat him in the semifinals in their gym challenge. 
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pikachu78109 · 5 years
If requests are still open, what would Leon and the rest of the gym leaders do with a short s/o? Short enough that they need to stand on the counter to reach stuff. Who teases them, who finds it adorable, who uses the s/o as an armrest? I'm short so this would make me so happy. Thank you!
I’m short too!
-Seriously, he’s the best bf because he doesn’t judge their height.
-Milo would most likely pick up their s/o to give them a piggyback ride.
-Since his s/o is short, cuddling has been upgraded!
-Will defend his s/o if anyone teases them.
-Will occasionally tease, but finds them to be super cute!
-Will swim in the shallow end just to hang out with them.
-Gives them floaties just to tease.
-If anyone tries to pick on them, Nessa will defend s/o by having her Drednaw blast them away.
-Finds them to be adorable!
-Helps by handing them things that are out of their reach.
-If anyone makes fun of his s/o, they will be burned.
-Doesn’t baby his s/o, but trusts in them and believes in their own strength.
-Omg, someone who he can relate to!
-Allister becomes a lot more protective.
-Will remove his mask only to s/o.
-Extra hugs and cuddles all day!
-Allister doesn’t like it when people make fun of his partner, so he will lead his s/o away to avoid any conflict.
-A person who she can protect at all costs.
-Isn’t lovey dovey all the time, but will secretly gush on how much she loves them.
-Helps them out, if they need it.
-Believes they can handle things on their own yet has her doubts.
-No one is allowed to bully her s/o, or else she will kick their ass.
-Secretly loves to cuddle.
-Teases, but it’s all in good fun.
-Actually thinks their s/o is adorable when they are trying to get things that are out of their reach.
-Very protective!
-Doesn’t cuddle much, but appreciates it when he needs it most.
-Does trust their s/o, but at times, he can’t help but try to step in.
-Sometimes he teases, but it’s not much.
-They remind him of his sister, Marnie.
-Another smol bean to protect.
-Piers will always defend his s/o from being teased by other people. Obstagoon will be involved.
-Not much of a cuddler, but will cuddle s/o if they ask.
-Snom levels of adorableness!
-If anyone teases them, Melony will freeze them right into place.
-Melony loves to give s/o hugs on a daily basis.
-Can’t help but baby most of the time!
-Teases all the time, but will stop eventually.
-Will protect s/o, but trusts them to handle things on their own.
-Will worry sometimes though.
-Loves to pick them up all the time!
-Oh god! They are too cute!
-Raihan will sometimes tease by holding objects over their head. But it’s all in good fun!
-Very protective, always picking them up!
-Selfie of their s/o fill up his phone; the man is such a dork!
-The baby Dratini of his heart!
-Precious smol bean!
-Won’t tease, but will jokingly put things on a higher place to mess with them.
-Loves to cover s/o with his cape!
-Cuddles for days!
-Very protective; bullies go away!
-Loves picking them up all the time!
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adrianasunderworld · 4 years
More Swsh playing new horizons
Part 1
Saved up to buy the animal crossing switch when it was first announced. It matches her favorite nail polish, she had too.
Loves Audie. Even if everyone says she looks like her fursona.
QR code queen. Always looking up and saving codes for all sorts of clothes and decor.
The most aesthetic screenshots.
First thing she does everyday is check out the able sisters.
All dog villagers are good villagers.
Looks forward to seeing Leif every week.
Likes playing with his younger brother when he has time.
Views island planning like planning out a garden. So his island is very pretty. Flower gardens everywhere and a whole orchard of fruit trees.
Has his favorite bugs all over his house as pets.
Likes the sheep villagers. Is oddly fond of Muffy. When one of the baby wooloo was born shiny, he named her after the character.
Always watering plants. Has to always make watering cans two at a time.
To no ones surprise, is always fishing. Has the most fish in the museum aquarium. Is always in that section admiring her work.
So much sea shell decor. Her whole island has a very beachy/ mermaid theme.
Has at least three turtles in her house. They have their own room full of toys.
Timmy and Tommy are her baby boys. Loves that they follow her around the shop.
Likes hunting for villagers on mystery islands. As a result shes attached to Wilbur and Orville as well.
Live streams game play. Plays with Raihan a lot as a result.
Really good at terraforming. His map looks amazing.
Made his own little mountain for his house to sit on.
Likes hunting down rare/popular villagers.
Has to always mediate and help his younger siblings because the kids share a switch and sometimes has trouble sharing.
Cat villagers. Cat villagers everywhere.
Thinks Kicks is adorable.
Piers is really good at custom designs so shes constantly asking him to make her something.
Some members of Team Yell also play and they are constantly going to each others islands and helping one another out.
Overall has a pretty cute island but then you find spots like the graveyard behind her house.
What is planning? Hop plopped houses everywhere he could fit or seemed like a good spot. Build and decorated around them. 
Raihan showed him how to put memes in the game. They're everywhere.
Gets attached to almost all of his villagers and hardly ever tells them to move.
Loves digging up fossils and collecting creatures for the museum. Then walking through it to see his progress. He was so excited when he finally collected all the fossils.
Was very reluctant to play. Eventually relented to the hype. No one saw him the rest of the week.
Has to get that 5 star rating. His island has to be pristine at all times.
Will diligently save his money for the next house upgrade, but has been known to splurge large amounts of it on cool decorations.
Was the first to get gold Rose's and must flex everytime someone comes to his island.
So far his favorite villager he has is Julian.
Has the best luck with villagers. Somehow always gets the more popular ones quickly. Like they'll pop up in the campsite or be on her second mystery island. Everyone both fears and envys her power.
Her favorite villager Is Merengue. Because she loves sweets, and because shes a rhino, an animal not known for being cute. Which makes Bea love her more.
Is always playing with Alister. They give each other gifts all the time. 
Does not know how to terraform no matter how many videos she watches. Shes doing her best.
named it Spookyville. Bea helped him get all the villagers he wanted like Lucky,muffy, and Ankha.
Is always excited to see wisp. Coco is his girl.
Heard about Redds paintings being haunted. Proceed to buy as many fakes as possible. Has not donated any art to the museum.
Always plays with Bea, but also likes to play with Marnie. Piers is one of the few people he'll make custom designs for.
Cant decorate to save his life, but no ones says anything because he's having fun. 
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