#bear dad just want’s to find his superstar
kitzu99 · 1 year
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Bruh imagine meeting Freddy without knowing he’s a friendly (IF he is friendly in the game that is-) but also not knowing that he knows Gregory.
Ensue the confusion of Cassie.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 4 months
Can I request a Christian Cage x Female!Copeland!Reader where Christian is married to Adam’s younger sister and they have their own little family together and she’s Christian’s Valet on screen when Adam arrives it causes a riff because (on screen) he’s trying to get his baby sister away from who he believes is her manipulative piece of shit husband but behind the scenes he’s the most caring and loving big brother and uncle and best friend?
Love Hate and Kayfabe
Warnings: Mentions of toxic relationships, hitting, violence, swearing, generic warnings of all sorts
Word Count: 4k
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Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
When I was approached by Tony, Adam and Christian about this new storyline idea I didn’t like it. Not because Christian and I would have to act like a toxic couple who hated each other but the fact that our children would be involved. As an entertainer,  I’ll admit I was intrigued with the concept but as a parent, I wanted to protect my children. The twins were too young to understand that it wasn’t real. It didn't matter how I would explain it if they saw Mom and Dad yelling at each other they would think it was real. Except in this case, it would be much more than yelling, you have to keep the Kayfabe alive. 
Spending the past 20 years in the wrestling industry I was all too familiar with the issues many children with wrestler parents had. Christian and I knew this, that’s why we waited so long to have children, we wanted to make sure to be there when they grew up but sometimes an opportunity that’s too good to pass up shows up. The next thing you knew Christian and I were out of retirement and helped to create All Elite Wrestling. 
When I found out my older brother Adam Copeland would be joining AEW for some reason I was angry. I mean don’t get me wrong I loved him but I wasn’t as happy as I thought I would be. All Elite Wrestling was MY show, I didn’t need my older brother to steal my spotlight once again. Although my run in WWE during the divas era was quite successful, I was still always viewed as ‘Edge’s little sister’. I hated it.
 Adam and I were never close growing up, since he was 10 years older than me. He was always protective over me, too protective. I could never do anything without my big brother being there. When I told him I wanted to wrestle he shut down the idea immediately, he couldn't bear to see his little sister do such an extreme sport, it made me sick. Just because our dad died when we were young doesn't mean he can start acting like mine. It was his best friend Christian Cage that made Adam change his mind. Christian secretly trained me and vowed to keep it a secret from Adam despite the possibility of it ruining their friendship. Adam would find out about our secret when he went to a local indy show to support one of Christian’s friends on their debut match. What Adam didn’t know was that Christian’s ‘friend’ was me. Of course, Adam was mad at first but once he saw what I could do he had no choice but to allow it. 
Since that day I have engraved myself as one of the best female wrestlers of my generation, without the help of my brother. I did it myself, or I guess with Christian. Christian was there from the very start, he taught me everything I knew, he was there for every match, and every injury, and he even supported me when I asked for my WWE release. I knew I had to wrestle in a promotion without the famous rated R superstar to be taken seriously. During that time Christian and I had developed feelings for each other. After years of sexual tension between the two of us that my brother obviously never noticed we bit the bullet and slept together. When Adam first found out about our relationship he was furious, not because I was sleeping with his best friend but how we hid it for a year without him noticing it. But to be fair it was supposed to be a one-time thing, but of course that’s never how it works. A one-night stand turned into booty calls, to friends with benefits, then fast forward 15 years here we are. Christian and I have been married for the past 10 and have 5-year-old twins, a boy and a girl who we named Isla and Carter. Who currently sat with us in Tony Khans office as we went over everything. 
It was simple really, I had been Christians ‘valet’ ever since he joined AEW as I retired after having the kids so the fans already knew our relationship. That part was done, the only thing left to do was use the debut of Adam Copeland to create a rift in our relationship. 
“FORMER best friend. You of all people should know what it feels like to have him steal all the spotlight from you. Now you better fix this problem because there is no way in hell I will let him take the spotlight away from us again”  Christian said this time in a condescending tone. 
I did exactly what Christian said, next week I would interrupt a backstage interview with Adam and attempt to ‘fix’ this problem. During the segment, Christian, Luuchasaurus and our newly adopted son Nick Wayne would attack him from behind. This would begin not only the rivalry between Christian and Adam but also between me and Christian since he would accidentally injure me, slowly creating that rift.   
“So Adam, everyone is dying to know why you decided to join All Elite Wrestling?” Renee Paquette asked 
“Well Renee, I decided to join AEW so I could finish my career with the man I started with. I want to end my career with my best friend Christian Cage” Adam said 
“Christian did not seem too happy when you made your debut at WrestleDream, he claimed that you were here to steal the spotlight from him. How do you feel about that?” 
“Well Renee, first off-” I cut Adam off before he could finish his sentence 
“Well Well, look who it is. It’s the rated R superstar Adam Copeland” I yelled in a cocky tone as I entered the scene, grabbing a chair to sit between Adam and Renee. “What’s wrong Adam? You seem…. On Edge? Renee, you should be asking why he really joined AEW, you and I both know that was a bull shit answer he gave you. The real reason you joined AEW was because you couldn’t bear to see your little sister in the spotlight. I’m not some kid anymore, I have become twice the star you ever were. People should be referring to you as Y/n’s older obnoxious brother who can’t stand to accept the fact that I am better than you. You can’t just walk into MY company and expect the golden treatment because of who you USED to be. I think it’s quite funny how you referred to Christian as your best friend. If you were really his best friend you would have called on his birthday, Christmas, New Year’s, fuck you would have been at his wedding. You left him hanging at our wedding day after you promised you would be his best man. You never called when I gave birth, never made the attempt to meet your niece and nephew, you never even called to see how I was doing after I NEARLY DIED after carrying this industry on my back for the past 20 years!” Just then on cue, Christian and the boys jumped Adam from behind and began the attack. 
The backstage area had become pure chaos, chairs, tables, and everything that was not nailed down was being thrown. Adam and Christian started pummeling each other, security tried to pull the pair away but was unsuccessful. Just then Christian threw a chair at Adam’s head which he ducked, hitting me in the head instead. As my body hit the floor everyone went quiet as reality set in, Christian ran to my side to see if I was okay but Adam pushed him out of the way, so he could check on me. “Get away from her!” He yelled at Christian. You could see the regret on Christians face knowing that he took things too far. 
A few weeks  had passed since our segment and the ratings had skyrocketed. We had to move faster with this story that we had originally planned because the people were just too interested in it. This week after playing with Adam for weeks he would get a TNT title opportunity. In order to get his title shot at Full Gear he would have to wrestle Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne in a two on one handicap match. Adam would win the match and I would get blame me for it all, claiming that it was still my fault for Adam’s debut in the first place. I paced nervously around the backstage area as I wanted for our que to begin the match. Sure Christian and I had argued in ring and real life on many occasions but this time was different. After this match Christian and I would have to fully commit to the act. That meant no more wedding rings, no more traveling together, we couldn't be spotted together. Christian noticed me toying with my ring and came up to me giving me a big hug. “You know we will still be married right?” he told me softly before placing a delicate kiss on my forehead. “Yeah I know. It’s just weird. Whatever I say tonight I’m telling you right now I won’t mean” I told him as I held him closer. “I know, and I’ll apologize in advance for my actions” Christian told me. 
“Alright you love birds, you're on in 60 seconds” one of the producer’s yelled. 
Christian and I exchanged I love you’s and a kiss before we heeded hand in hand to the ring for the last time. 
Christian sat on commentary and I was ringside supporting my boys. On multiple occasions I interfered when the ref wasn’t looking, but even with my tricks Adam still had the upper hand. I went under the ring and grabbed a steel chair, I handed it to Nick and distracted the ref. Unfortunately Adam countered and hit Nick on the crown of his head with the chair, busting him open. 1..2..3..it was over. 
Christian stormed down to the ring and the two of us began to argue. Although he didn’t have a mic it was still loud enough to be heard. “This is all YOUR fault. I told you to take care of this and instead you made things worse!” Christian yelled. Adam sat on the floor on one of the ring corners, listening to our argument. I tried to get some words in but it was no use. I just kept saying I was sorry but he didn’t care. Christian was angry, with every word he got closer, we were soon chest to chest. The way Christian towered over me made me feel small, I felt like I had been teleported to my youth, I forgot this wasn’t real. “You are worthless, you are nothing” Christian said through gritted teeth. I could feel the tears fall, I was crying. I pushed Christian away, so hard he almost fell. Big mistake, SMACK. He hit me, he actually hit me. My cheek stung and the arena went silent, you could hear a pin drop. I couldn't control my emotions, I was a mess. Looking back at the footage I cringed at the way I looked like a big baby, for god sakes I’m a forty old woman who was having a toddler meltdown on tv. Out of instinct, I hit Christian back, I don’t know why I did but I did, I didn’t stop. Adam quickly got up and separated us. He pulled me away as I screamed. “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I’m sick of your shit Christian, I’M DONE!” I yelled as Adam pulled me out of the ring. I took off my wedding ring and placed it on the ring apron before Adam picked me up, throwing me on his shoulder, carrying me backstage. 
Christian and I sat in our private lockerroom alone and in silence for what felt like forever. We were the main event of the night and Rampage has just been filmed. We had been here at least an hour. I couldn't comprehend what happened, Christian hit me. I know this was all part of the story but I didn’t think he would hit me. He never hit me before, not in any way. It took me a while to calm down after the incident, I couldn't stop crying. Several of the female talent comforted me as I cried. I hated how vulnerable I was, many of those girls looked up to me as a mentor now they had to take care of me as I took my own story too far. I was distracted from my thoughts when I felt Christian gently place his hand on mine. I pulled away fast, still on edge from earlier.                    
“I’m sorry Y/n. I don’t know what came over me, you know I would never hurt you” Christian said softly. I said nothing, I didn’t look at him, I didn’t even move. “Can you atleast look at me?” Christian asked. I turned to face him and noticed his eyes were red as well, he was crying. He reached into his pocket and pulled out my ring, the large diamond shinned in the light. “You dropped this'' he said as I let him slip it back on my finger. “I’m sorry” I whispered as I could feel the tears reforming in my eyes “I’m sorry I hit you” I told him. “No, honey I’m sorry. I'm so sorry, it was right for you to hit me. Your poor face” Christian said as he gently cupped my face, brushing his thumb at the bruise that started to form on the side of my face. “I can’t believe I did that to you. I don’t know what I was thinking. Why did I do it so hard?” He said mostly to himself. “It’s okay” I told him “Can I give you a hug?” Christian asked, scared he would hurt me. I nodded and returned the hug. I was scared, so scared. What have I gotten myself into? What if all of this became real? 
Just like I said it became real. After the incident I filmed a backstage clip of me dragging Christian and I’s children out of the arena. Renee tried to ask me a few questions but I was trying to get out of there as fast as I could. I held Isla in one arm and Carter held my hand. “Y/n, can you tell us what you’re feeling after the actions that just took place in the ring moments ago?” Renee asked “I’m done, I’m fucking done. Don’t you dare come near me or my children. We are over and I WILL be getting full custody” and with that I left the arena. Once that clip aired the following week my phone was going crazy. People all over the world had been talking about the story, people bought it, I bought it. I actually ended up falling into a depression, I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't get myself to go to work. I couldn't look at Christian. 
Full gear was soon approaching and Christian and Adam had continued the storyline without me. Adam went on his weekly rants on how Christian had been manipulating me for years, how he didn’t deserve me, how toxic we were behind closed doors. Christian denied everything, he claimed that Adam was the one who was manipulating me. I mean, it was when he came to AEW we started to drift apart. Adam was just making me believe Christian was the bay guy. The crowd was divided, people on both sides of the story, so invested on what would happen at Full Gear. I, however, felt nothing but numbness. It didn’t matter how much Christian praised me behind closed doors, how many gifts he bought me to cheer me up, I coudn’t get it out of my head. I knew he loved me, I loved him but when you're so deep into a story it’s hard to get out.
It was now Full Gear weekend and it would be the first time I went to work after the whole fight. Christian and I arrived separately and stayed at separate hotels. It had been a whole week since I saw Christian last and when I saw him he was different. “Hi my love!” He said as he came up to me, holding me tight and kissing me. That was my Christian, not Christian Cage. “Have you been smoking again?” Christian asked me. I may or may not have taken up smoking again due to the stress of this storyline. “Maybe” Christian said nothing, he just laughed. “Why are you so happy?” I asked him “I’m just happy to see you. I missed you and I was talking to the boss and Cope, they think you should turn on him” "Turn on who?” “Adam, we can make it seem like the whole argument between us was just a work to get closer to Adam. Now we know his plans, now we can end him for good!” I liked this idea, did it make total sense, no, but I hated arguing with Christian more. 
I helped Christian get ready for his match and went over everything. I would accompany Adam to the ring and ‘help’ him during the match while I was actually helping Christian. Some started to catch onto my tricks. They were little things, throwing weapons in the ring to benefit Christian, distracting the ref so Adam couldn't get the pin, feeding Nick instructions to attack Adam. Soon I was feeling better, I felt like myself. I was finally able to get out of my head. The end of the match was soon approaching and this would be the finali. Just as Adam would get the three I would pull the ref out of the ring. The crowd went wild and by the look on Adam’s face I could tell he was shocked, oops. Just then I climbed in the ring and listened to Adam begging for answers. Why did I do it? Why would I do it? How could I do it? It was easy, I couldn't let him steal my spotlight once again. I then gave Adam a low blow and Christian gave him a conchairto. It was over. I pulled the lifeless ref back into the ring and listened to the painfully slow count 1….2….3… It was over. It was finally over, we won, I won. Christian and I passionately made out in the center of the ring as we drank in the boos. 
I went over to grab a microphone and made sure I got the final word. “You stupid, stupid old man. You really thought I was on your side. You’re pathetic, you see this whole thing was a trap and you fell right into it. You really thought you could split us up? I’ll give it to you, you got close but not close enough. If you thought a little argument would split us up you are sadly mistaken. Christian could put me through a flaming table and we would make up in time for dinner. You wanted to know why? Why I did it, it’s easy. It’s revenge. Revenge for making my life miserable, now it’s your time to live in my shadow, and if you think it’s over between us, that’s cute. This is only the beginning” 
Christian and I laughed, leaving Adam’s lifeless body in the ring, heading backstage to grab a few drinks, making sure to leave one for Adam. Sure I hate his guts but at the end of the day he is my brother. Christian and I might hate Adam on screen but behind closed doors we still love each other. Always have always will. I mean he is my brother, whether I like it or not. 
An: Sorry the ending is a bit rushed but I didn't want to make it too long or make a second part
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soaps-mohawk · 1 month
Ghost is gonna find out about the cameras I just know it I can feel it in my soul somehow (I know ur boutta hit me with the gif too)
tbh I rly want that family reunion to happen bc in my mind I feel like reader’s older brothers probably really cared for her bc SHES THEYRE LITTLE SIS 🥹 just wanna see a big bear hug and four massive brothers squeezing their lil sis so tight bc THEY WERE WORRIED ABOJT HER probs very upset with their dad about his behavior that day (but not able to call him out on it bc he’s pack alpha?? Do family dynamic packs still have a pack alpha? I assume so)
you are amazing and perfect and just a fucking superstar for coming out with these chaps despite everything going on in ur life we are so grateful for u. Keep up the great work and focus on urself babe!!!
— 🌘 !
Aww thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
Hehe, you'll just have to wait and see what happens in that regard!! No spoilers from me!! 🤐
The way that I have so much written up about the reader's family and them growing up and where they are now 🫣 That's kind of why I put that idea out there as a possibility just to see what everyone thought about it being added to the fic potentially. Just so many ideas I don't want to go to waste.
Yes!! Family packs do have a pack alpha, when they involve alphas. Usually the oldest alpha takes that title, for example the reader's father would be considered the pack alpha in her family pack. In packs made up of betas, there's not a pack alpha and they tend to approach things more as a balanced pair than with a hierarchical system that alphas tend to naturally keep.
Thank you, love. This week was rough and honestly for a bit there I didn't think I was even going to get the chapter done this week, but things kind of settled by yesterday and I managed to get it done and ready to go. 💚
(And just because you mentioned it)
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i find it kinda funny how different my gender goals and such are. like i wanna be someone’s angsty teenage older brother in a 2000s movie who dresses in all black (save for maybe a generic skull t shirt) and plays the silly in-universe green day parody’s music way too loud. i wanna be in a shitty garage band with my friends and we sing about whatever’s got us down. but then i also have a heart of goal and can do the right thing if i so desire, especially if my loved ones are on the line on the other hand i wanna be someone’s big soft bear dad, great at hugs and great at listening. i want people to want me and fish to fear me, but i also want to live off of warm tea in the mornings. i want to be able to grill a mean burger, but i also wanna be there, because the most manly thing a dad can do is love his kids on my secret third hand, i want to simply be a cartoon character. if i get hurt, i’m all better in the next scene. the world’s bouncy and colorful and so am i. there’s background music everywhere, it never feels empty, and when it changes i know something’s coming. not only that, but i can make the people watching in happy! maybe they’re kids being amused by my antics, maybe they’re teens and grownups seeking comfort in one of the last places teens and grownups expect to, maybe it’s just someone watching for the sake of it! and maybe, on my side of the screen, i can feel their happiness too i want to sound like frank sinatra and george thorogood and murray head in jesus christ superstar and spike slawson allll at once
gender is weird and funny
Submitted April 8, 2023
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angelofrainfrogs · 9 months
Spend the Night: Ch. 25
~Coauthored by @zeitghest~
Fandom(s): Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
Description: The familiar melody of Grandfather’s Clock chimes through the echoing halls of the Pizzaplex…
Charlie wakes up in her Puppet’s vessel yet again with one goal in mind: to stop William Afton’s reign of terror for good. She enlists the help of Glamrock Freddy, the emphatic leader of the newest iteration of the Fazbear Band. But there seems to be more to this bear than meets the eye—and the same goes for the mysteriously familiar kid the duo find tinkering with animatronics down in Parts & Service.
With some help from friends new and old, Charlie’s journey into the bowels of the Pizzaplex will unravel mysteries none of them ever expected. 
Rating: T
Read on Ao3
Too late to hide away Too soon for one to repay Why don't you see what's comin’? I cannot stop what's comin’ There is no point in tryin’ Please read my mind, can't decide when I'm broken Every whisper is turning to voices That I only begin to discern in noises
Somebody save
Somebody save
Somebody save me
~Save Me by DHuesta, Chris Commisso~
While Michael and Charlie traveled down to Fazerblast, Gregory and Freddy were looking around the arcade in Bonnie Bowl. It was just a tiny room of random games, none of which seemed to be the one they were searching for.
“I am sorry, superstar—I do not see Princess Quest,” Freddy admitted, using his height advantage to scour the game titles in search of the aforementioned console.
Figures that they wouldn’t find it. With Freddy’s apologetic nature, Gregory couldn’t blame the bear even if he wanted to.
“We’ll find it eventually,” he replied, giving the entirety of the room another visual once-over before shrugging his shoulders. “We could bowl a little! You know, before Mr. Afton and Ms. Emily get back.”
Gregory’s tone was mocking, excited to pick on his siblings now that they weren’t here to defend themselves and retaliate. He glanced up to Freddy, eyes wide with hope that the bear would agree to hang out with him a little and do something normal. The two of them barely got to relax together since starting their quest, and if Freddy was indeed destined to be Gregory’s dad the kid wanted to spend some quality time with his ursine caretaker.
“That is a wonderful plan!” Freddy praised, grinning down at his son as he ruffled his hair. Michael and Charlie had told them to stay put unless they called after all, and Freddy saw no need to go against their suggestion.
Until now, respite was only found in Freddy’s room or the security offices that Gregory chose to nap inside of. If he could offer Gregory another place to associate with comfort, Freddy would jump at the chance.
The staff being in a tizzy over all the crazy stuff happening elsewhere in the Pizzaplex worked to their benefit, for there was no one wandering around the uninteresting bowling alley to bother them. It was completely empty save for the S.T.A.F.F. bots behind the food counter, ready to serve up some unhealthy concoction at Gregory's whim. Freddy was glad for the chance to spend time with his son without worrying about any watchful eyes, and this infectious happiness showed when he suddenly grasped Gregory under the shoulders and threw him into the air. He grinned at the boy's surprised shriek as he was subsequently caught in Freddy's safe, waiting arms.
“To the bowling lane we go!” the bear exclaimed, settling Gregory on his hip as they made their way towards the first available lane.
Gregory’s surprise toss in the air reminded him just how fast and strong his dad was. Thankfully he only had Gregory’s best interests at heart and wasn’t using that strength to try and rip his guts out. After the yelp, he devolved into a mess of giggles before holding onto his father for support that he seemingly didn’t even need.
“I’ve never bowled before! You just knock the pins down, right?” Gregory asked. The game sounded straightforward. Only two chances to knock every pin down, then it’s onto the next person.
Gregory already liked this attraction. The first plus was that it was quiet; the other being that there wasn’t anything lurking around trying to tear the boy apart. He was safe here during the day with his favorite animatronic at his side.
“Correct,” Freddy agreed, setting Gregory down when they reached the lane. “There are a few techniques to help knock down the ultimate number of pins, which I can show you. I will put our names into the scoreboard so it can keep track; how about you pick out a bowling ball?” He gestured to the rack of colorful balls nearby, all with different faces of various Pizzaplex animatronics printed on them along with numbers to indicate their weight. “Try to find one that is easy for you to pick up, but not too light.”
As Gregory did as instructed, Freddy situated himself in the bolted-down plastic chair in front of the lane computer. He plugged in his name first so he’d be able to show Gregory an example of how to bowl, and once the monitor hanging from the ceiling lit up ready for the game to start he met the boy at the rack.
“Any luck, superstar?” Freddy asked kindly, reaching over Gregory’s head to pick out a heavily-weighted ball. He casually tossed this in the air and caught it one-handed as if the thing weighed no more than a cotton swab.
Gregory had been feeling out the weight on many of the bowling balls while Freddy set up their game. But it was increasingly more and more obvious that the kid was… not very strong. The 10 pound, deep purple glitter ball wasn’t the heaviest, but it wasn’t the smallest weight they carried so Gregory saw that as a victory.
He flashed a smile to his dad, showing off the ball. When he caught Freddy oh-so gracefully tossing one up with such gentle cadence, Gregory looked impressed. He needed to get way stronger, or Freddy and the other bots were going to smoke him at bowling!
“Got one!” Gregory announced with a smile. It’d be fun to play with him, regardless.
“Excellent!” With a gentle touch to Gregory’s shoulder, Freddy urged him towards the lane itself. “Now, the basic things you should keep in mind are to line up your shot and try not to twist your wrist as you release the ball to ensure it travels in a straight line.”
Freddy demonstrated this, holding the sparkling red ball to his chest as he lined up the angle. He cocked his arm back, the ball hooked by the tips of his bright blue claws, then simultaneously took a step forward and released in one smooth motion. It sailed down the lane and smacked into the pins with a satisfying crack, knocking over all but a cluster of 3 standing on the leftmost side.
“You get two chances per turn to knock down all the pins, unless you hit them all in one go and cause a strike,” Freddy explained as he waited for his ball to shoot out of the return track.
Gregory was mimicking Freddy, all but letting go of the purple orb to watch Freddy expertly down seven of the pins. The screen over the alley showed exactly which ones remained as the track cleared the fallen pins away.
“Easy!” Gregory scoffed, figuring the game was fairly straightforward. It also seemed relaxed and casual, unlike the competitive streak he and Michael had earlier in the East Arcade.
Discretely, while Freddy was lining up his second shot Gregory reached into one of the roomier pockets. He’d rolled up the monster slice of pizza as to not stain his cargo pants with grease, and munched upon it as he watched the bear concentrate.
Another perfectly-angled throw, and the last three pins were down.
“Spare!” Freddy cheered, throwing his fists in the air as he watched the cheesy animation play out on the monitor above their heads. He turned to Gregory, his grin faltering into a mild look of confusion as he caught him chowing down on the pizza slice. It wasn’t a great leap in logic to figure out where it’d come from, and despite the questionable hygiene of eating pocket-pizza, Freddy opted to let it go this time. If anything about that hefty slice of topping-laden dough were to make Gregory sick, it wasn’t going to be the way it was transported…
“When you are ready, it is your turn,” Freddy said, stepping aside and gesturing for Gregory to take his place in front of the lane. Gregory was quick to abandon the pizza, sure it’d still be waiting for him on the tabletop when he got back. 
“Okay... So, keep your wrist straight—” Gregory aimed down the alley and hurled the ball as hard as he could.
It sure did go!
…And it continued, veering left before finding itself loudly clanging into the gutter. Gregory's jaw hung open, blinking as the ball passed every single pin to go straight for the return. When Gregory turned to glance back at his father, he gave the robot a thumbs-up.
“Now I know what not to do,” he said, trying not to be a sore loser.
“It may take a little practice, but I am sure you will get your skills up in no time!” Freddy said reassuringly, giving the boy a smile. He didn't feel the need to point out that his AI was designed to excel at games like this, nor that he just so happened to be the second best animatronic at bowling, beaten only by the rabbit the attraction was themed after. Their friendly bowling rivalry had been a major aspect of their relationship, and despite how worked up the usually-composed bunny could get when he lost, Freddy always knew it was in good fun.
Sparing a glance towards the closed, star-studded curtain by the food counter, Freddy allowed a wistful smile to cross his face. What he wouldn't give to have those days back again, before Bonnie went “missing” and this horrible virus infested the very building they called home...
Freddy flicked his gaze back to Gregory, who was watching him closely. The bear let out a huffing laugh, stepping forward to ruffle his hair. He really was too observant for his own good sometimes—although in the current circumstances, it didn't hurt to be overly cautious. Before Gregory could ask what was wrong, Freddy let him know:
“I am alright, superstar—just reminiscing. You still have one more try before your turn ends!”
He was sad about Bonnie...
Gregory could tell in the forlorn glance Freddy sent to the stage. They were made to be best friends, and that friendship was taken away in the blink of an eye so that one man could have a disguise. If the Glamrock bear hadn’t been gifted such realistic emotion, the secondhand hurt might not’ve felt so bad.
Even so, Gregory knew when not to meddle, instead leaning into his father's wholesome head-pats to try cheering him up instead. “Okay, watch me, Dad! I'm gonna knock 'em aaaall down this time!”
Today was their fun day, after all! And despite the fact he couldn't stop his siblings from crying earlier, Gregory may be able to at least keep Freddy from feeling any worse. Besides, Gregory was confident in the future after all the reassurances Charlie had drilled into the group.
They were going to beat William. And when they did, Bonnie would be back! Back on his stage, back beside Freddy and the Glamrocks, together again.
Gregory… couldn't relate. The only good friends he had were all right here, under this roof.
He thought about how close they’d all gotten while chucking the ball down its lane. The orb once again veered left, managing to take out a pin in its spinning whirlwind of destruction. Gregory would still celebrate this with a fist pump. Even the small victory was still a win to him.
“Well done, Gregory!” Freddy exclaimed, giving the boy a high-five as he moved past to switch places. A bit of an exaggerated celebration for one pin, but Freddy couldn't help it—he was more so cheering for the fact that his son was genuinely having a good time. As Freddy got into position, he gave Gregory some additional instruction. “See those little triangular markers on the lane in front of where you stand? Try and line up your shot with those—carry your arm through as straight as you can, and the ball should go in the direction you intend.”
With another well-positioned throw, Freddy's ball rolled forward in a rush of red sparkle. This time, he hit the pins square in the center, knocking them all down at once. The monitor proclaimed he'd gotten a STRIKE! in overly-animated, exaggerated text.
Gregory was a little jealous, but mostly impressed. He stood with his arms crossed as he watched his dad's technique. He'd have to hurry it up; Freddy was too good and was going to wipe the floor with him and this whole game soon enough. When Freddy explained the meaning of the triangular markers, Gregory sounded out a long: “Ooooh. That makes sense,” as he catalogued the tip away.
When Gregory's ball came back he had patiently waited for Freddy's turn to be over before lining up his shot. Every bit of advice from Papa Bear helped—this time Gregory's shot had hit the pins dead on! Though his throw did need some work, as he’d only put enough force behind the throw to knock down five out of ten.
“See? You are getting better already!” Freddy hummed softly as the boy waited eagerly at the ball return. “I wonder if Michael and Charlie are any good at bowling...”
Surely the pair had spent their fair share of days in a bowling alley back in their youth, though that didn't mean much for their current states. Still, it put another grin on Freddy's face to think of them joining their brother for a game, staring a friendly competition between the group that he had a feeling Mike and Gregory would get way too into before the day was over.
Michael and Gregory were sure to butt heads during a little friendly competition. Then while they’d be distracted trying to one up the other in the scoreboards, Charlie or Freddy would gain a leg up over the both of them. It was bound to happen, and Gregory could see himself falling into that trap.
“Guess we'll have to see when they're done!” Gregory remarked, looking towards the entrance as his voice took on a jaded affect. “I hope they didn't get stuck at Fazerblast. That was a freaking nightmare.”
“I am sure they are just fine,” Freddy reassured, willing the statement to be true. He handed Gregory the glittering purple sphere once it rolled back to them. “Your turn again, superstar—good luck!”
At that moment, three things happened simultaneously: Gregory's bowling ball struck down the remaining five pins, earning him a spare and ardent praise from Freddy; Michael finally completed the last area in Princess Quest III, freeing the princess from the glitching, shrieking rabbits; and Vanessa jolted upright in bed with a gasp as if she'd been submerged underwater for a very long time.
The night guard had been trapped in a nightmare—a strange, 8-bit style world where she was a little princess made of yellow blocks having to fend off purple rabbits that snapped at her everywhere she went. She'd had these dreams before, though this was the first time she remembered them. Usually she'd just wake up screaming, sweat drenching her pajamas and sheets as her heart hammered against her ribcage. She never knew what scared her until this moment, and while most of the memories were still vague and floating just out of reach, she was sure of one thing: she'd done something bad.
“Oh fuck...,” she breathed, pressing a hand over her mouth as a few memories made it through in flashes: a strange rabbit standing in an old Pizzeria—
No, it was virtual. Not a real location—at least, not the one she’d seen.
Vanessa used to be a beta tester. She... something went wrong, and she... she got infected.
Since then, she'd never been herself—she saw things through a purple lens, all false happiness and the need to bring a certain “family” back together, though at the moment she couldn't recall any names. And to do that, she'd been commanded to capture children, and—
Vanessa bolted out of bed, rushing to bathroom and promptly throwing up the contents of her stomach into the toilet. Groaning from the physical and mental weight suddenly thrust upon her, she coughed out a faint cry.
“O-Oh god... what the fuck have I done...”
“I did it!” Michael exclaimed, the furrowed lines of concentration on his brow relaxing as the console played a victorious jingle. This was quickly covered by an inhuman screech of pure rage that made him and Charlie flinch back, before the screen flashed ERROR in bright red text three times before shutting off completely. Glancing at Charlie out of the corner of his eye, Mike gulped. “I... hope that was a good thing.”
Charlie approached the console with a hand outstretched. She jiggled the joystick, pressed the start button. Suddenly the air became thick with a tension she only felt when William was around—specifically when he was angry or upset.
And yet, they were completely and totally alone in the neon attraction.
“Uhhh...” Charlie blinked, her brows furrowed at the now powered-down arcade game. “I... I don't know if that did anything...”
That wasn't what she expected to happen. Then again, what should’ve happened? Some blinding flash of light, or a sudden message from Vanessa thanking them for helping her?
When it became just their reflections staring back against an infinitely black backdrop of the game screen, Charlie moved away. Shuffling about the messy office instead, Charlie looked at the various notes on Vanessa's desk before grasping a yellow post-it. This had a list of passwords on it, something they needed to gain control of Fazerblast with.
“We totally left Sophie down there way too long,” Charlie pointed out. She twitched her head towards the exit, silently suggesting they leave.
“Yeah… time to go,” Michael agreed, grabbing her arm as grounding reassurance to both of them as they exited the watchtower. From their vantage point, he scanned the arena for any sign of pissed-off purple rabbits, and upon finding nothing quickly ushered Charlie down and back to the room where Sophie awaited them.
“Sorry—that office was a mess,” Michael said as way of an excuse when they arrived at the guard’s side once again. “We found the password, though.”
Before entering the game's lobby Charlie made sure to let go of Mike, still trying keep up the professional illusion. However, she was sure to give her best friend a reaffirming pat between the shoulders before parting ways to walk alongside him. Sophie raised a bushy brow at the pair, accepting their excuse of having to navigate the messy room easily.
“That reminds me—I should email Ness and tell her to straighten out the offices tonight,” Sophie thought aloud, taking the password from Charlie's silent but helpful fingers. “It's the least she could do for leaving us with all this other junk to clean up.”
It was probably how she ended up getting hurt, tripping over the cans and piled trash inside her office space. Plus it was always so dark in the Fazerblast location Ness seemed to favor... What the night guard saw in that tiny space was anyone’s guess.
“Yes—good idea.” Charlie pretended to know exactly what email was in order to give Sophie a nod. “Unfortunately, Mr. Afton and I have to make a run back to Bonnie Bowl and pick up his little cousin. Thank you for your help today, Sophie.”
“Yep—” Sophie turned, her attention now focused on logging into the terminal. She could just email Vanessa from there. “—I'll catch you guys later!”
“We’ll check that elevator damage on the way out,” Michael added over his shoulder, not wanting Sophie to think he and Charlie forgot the reason they’d gone to Fazerblast in the first place. By the time the androids trekked to the elevator in question Sophie managed to log into the computer and disable the attraction, letting it run on backup lighting and eerie silence. As they approached, the doors slid open a bit jerkily.
“Oof… they definitely can’t buff that out,” Mike commented with a grimace, examining what he could see of the dents and scrapes left by his last frantic escape with Gregory. He didn’t realize he’d caused that much damage—they’d need to replace the entire doors at this point.
Oh well… just another thing for maintenance to add to their list.
“I hope the other two are having fun, at least,” he said, pressing the button to take them up to the lobby once they were inside the elevator. He smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looked at Charlie. “Do you think Freddy’s bowling fair and square, or do you think he’s letting Gregory win?”
Charlie had to take a moment to appreciate how Michael massacred the elevator doors. It would do well to remind Charlie that the same logic still applied from when he was a scrappy teen—never pick a fight with him. He was akin to a trapped animal in a battle, personified with his previous disguise as Foxy.
Charlie stepped into the lift after her friend and replied with a shrug. “Who’s to say he’s not beating Freddy? After all, he kicked your butt at Faz-Fighters.”
She may not ever feel inclined to enact physical violent on Michael (anymore), but sometimes it was too hard to resist poking fun at her best friend. Thinking on it, Charlie remembered Gregory saying that he desperately wanted to play at any of the attractions. The poor kid likely didn’t have much experience to against someone designed to be good at the themed games.
Charlie shook her head and replied seriously this time. “I’m sure Freddy’s going easy on him! Ooh—” Her eyes lit up with intrigue and a bright smile graced her features. “—I forgot Bonnie Bowl was where we got that pizza slushee! How do you feel about stealing another one with me?”
“Hell yes!” Michael readily agreed, eyes lighting up at the thought of yet another pizza-themed monstrosity. “Man, I’m so glad we can finally taste things again… I don’t know how I would’ve carried on knowing there was such a nasty drink just out of reach.”
Michael gave a dramatic sigh, doing his best to distract from the heavy air in the arena that faded with every foot the elevator climbed. They were soon deposited in the winner’s lobby, which hadn’t yet been replenished with a new Fazerblaster. It was unfortunate Mike hadn’t thought to snatch their old one from Foxy’s chest after he’d switched bodies… but then again, he’d have immediately shot at Ennard when they busted through that basement door, so it was probably for the best overall.
As much as Michael was loathe to admit, Ennard had been nothing but helpful this whole time. Creepy as hell… but helpful nonetheless.
A short walk and a few more elevator rides later, the sound of bowling ball impacting pins echoed through the air as Michael and Charlie slipped under the metal gate to Bonnie Bowl. Freddy and Gregory stood at the farthest lane, and Mike felt a smile tug at his lips at the sight of them. It was a weird sensation to see family that he actually loved after all his time of self-isolation—and he wasn’t ever going to give that up again.
“Hey, guys!” he greeted with a wave. “How’s the game going?”
Gregory was sitting on the bright plastic bench, turning around and gripping the backrest as he smiled to them.
“I suck at bowling!” he replied with a laugh. “It's been pretty fun though!”
“Glad you're having fun! I'm going to grab a drink, then I'll join!” Charlie said, ruffling his hair with a grin. Then she skipped over to the snack counter in search of the pizza slushee dispenser she found yesterday, ignoring the S.T.A.F.F. bot incessantly reminding her that customers weren’t allowed in the back.
“Bet—I got to find a bathroom,” Gregory announced, ready to wander off on his own for a moment. With things going so well, he’d gained a sense of ease that he knew would be sorely missing during night shift. Gregory was determined to take advantage of it, even for something as simple as a trip to the bathroom without worrying about being snatched by murder-rabbits. He opened his Fazwatch and glanced at the map, cross-checking the closest restroom on the bright interface as he began to walk.
“Gregory—” Freddy began, reaching a hand out towards him instinctively. He didn't like the thought of the boy wandering anywhere by himself, dayshift or not. Their overarching threat was far from gone, and it made Freddy uneasy to think of Gregory defenseless and alone without any of his family to help should something go wrong.
“I'll tail him,” Mike promised, immediately understanding the bear's distress. He echoed Freddy's unspoken sentiments to a tee, and though he figured Gregory might appreciate two seconds of peace without someone fretting over him, Michael wasn't quite ready to let him have that either. Still, he didn't have to stick close—just trail behind Gregory at a casual pace and keep watch.
“Let Charlie know we'll be right back, okay?” Michael told Freddy, giving him a reassuring pat on the back. He flashed the bear a grin and began lazily strolling after Gregory as the boy rounded a corner, for once feeling like he wasn't in rush to complete some potentially-traumatizing mission.
There was a customer's bathroom on the total opposite end from where they’d been bowling. It was closer to the counter, but Charlie had apparently decided to be nosy and snoop around the back out of sight. Shrugging to himself, Gregory pushed open the door with a Freddy silhouette and entered the boy’s room. He shot a cursory glance around, eying each stall as he passed—just in the spirit of being careful when Gregory perceived himself to be alone.
But then, he spotted it.
Sitting on the corner of the farthest sink, tucked against a long mirror was a plushie. Not just any plush random one that could be found in the Pizzaplex, either. No, this doll was clearly special.
The color scheme was different to any of the normal Glamrocks. This particular Freddy's satin was a pretty golden hue, accent stripes a vibrant purple instead of blue. Its shape differed as well, looking heavier with a sagging body like it was filled with more cumbersome stuffing. The sight of it had distracted Gregory from what he came in to do, all attention pulled to the toy.
It was odd—certainly out of place as well. When its eyes followed Gregory ever so slightly, he blinked and stopped in front of the sink.
No way is this an animatronic, Gregory thought. It was far too small. Though down the opposite trail of thinking, DJ Music Man shouldn't logically exist either.
“Uh… hello?” Gregory asked, hoping for the small robot to respond kindly if it even had a voice box.
Michael had parked himself just outside the restroom, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as many a parent did when waiting for their kid. He wasn't worried about following Gregory inside, as there was only door and he doubted there was anyone waiting in there that aimed to do his little brother harm.
And there he waited, completely unaware of Gregory's discovery and what was about to happen.
The little plushie was tracking Gregory's movements, having eagerly awaited his arrival. It wasn't quite an animatronic—at least, not one with full, working limbs. It had some moving parts, but those weren't supposed to be revealed yet; not until the time was just right. The best it could do for now was swivel its eyes back and forth, which was enough to get its target's attention. It couldn't even open its mouth to simulate talking, the plastered on smile remaining still as a voice responded:
The voice was... strange. Like someone trying to intentionally pitch themselves higher, and also putting on a weird accent. Or maybe trying to hide their original one? Either way, it was enough to keep Gregory's attention, and as the boy's eyes widened the bear beckoned him closer.
“I'm Fredbear! Do you wanna be friends?”
Oh, Gregory thought, taking a step closer. Not an animatronic in the traditional Freddy's sense, meant to sing and dance upon a stage. It was consumer grade—so small and harmless that a child could pick one up and bring it home with them. Probably even operated on double-A batteries. It was cute.
This must be the prototype, Gregory thought as he cocked his head to the side while listening to it. Its voice box left much to be desired, and he couldn’t help but wonder with a pang of sadness why this little guy was left alone in a gross bathroom of all places.
“Heh. I don't know,” Gregory replied with a smirk. “I've already got one Freddy to deal with... But I don't have a Fredbear.”
Even if the moniker was simply a nickname for his favorite bear, they were surely different. Still, he hesitated in picking it up. What if he was stealing this from some poor kid who lost their toy in the bathroom?
…He probably shouldn't have left it in there to begin with, then, Gregory concluded in his mind. He snatched the toy, holding it out at arm’s length to inspect it.
“Sure! Let's be friends, Fredbear!”
And this was the trigger the little toy needed.
Gregory had been so distracted by its novelty, he hadn't noticed the seam running straight down the center of the bear's golden torso. The squeeze to the plushie's sides upon being picked up spurred the internal mechanisms to action, which first prompted two sharp pincers to grasp the inside fabric of the bear's tummy and rip it apart, popping the seam’s stitches in less than a second. Before Gregory had time to react, the main function of the plushie was revealed.
It wasn't a toy at all—merely a device to serve another of William's twisted goals, as evidenced by the hypodermic needle full of glowing purple that shot out of the bear's stomach cavity and straight towards Gregory. The syringe immediately went through the boy's shirt and implanted itself painfully in the center of his chest. Not giving him time to struggle free, one of the metal pincers whipped out of the bear's torso and depressed the plunger, sending the Remnant directly into Gregory's body.
The long, medically sharpened tool had pierced through Gregory's sternum, beveled hole stabbing straight through towards his heart like a shot of adrenaline.
Gregory was forced back as the air involuntarily left his lungs. There wasn't even time to scream as the fluid from the hollow sharp emptied its contents inside his torso. It didn't take long for a reaction to happen after that.
Gregory's back hit the tiled wall and he fell onto the seat of his pants, silently grappling with the shooting pain throughout his body. Unable to move save for involuntary twitches and desperate gasps, Gregory met his own gaze in the mirror and watched as he floundered for air on the ground. He sucked in painful lungfuls, but the oxygen only seemed to set his body ablaze in a paralyzing burn.
Was this what dying was like? And did he really have to die alone on the bathroom floor…?
It was a moment before the needle slowly extracted from his chest. As Gregory slouched over, finally able to abandon his grip on the bear to now clutch the minute hole in his body, he ground his teeth down hard. The kid closed his eyes, trying to get a hold of himself and the pain that felt like it was ripping his very cells apart. After a bit longer, he could finally stand to breathe normally again. With painful tears pricking the corners of his eyes he opened them—only to find steely, devoid, silver irises staring back at him in his reflection.
This wasn't him.
At least, not the way he used to be.
Previous Chapter ~~ Next Chapter (Coming soon)
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lylawrites · 1 year
Five Nights at Freddy's 
Here you can find all my FNAF fanfictions! (Click the title for the link)
Thank You, Superstar (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Freddy misses Bonnie terribly but doesn't want to admit it to himself. Hopefully, a late-night conversation will help him come to terms. And maybe spark something new.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy (hinted)
Happy For You (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Bonnie is happy for them. He truly is but he can't discover that due to the hurt in his heart. But maybe a little soul searching is just what he needs.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy, (Past) Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica/Roxanne Wolf
DJ Matchmaker (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: DJ Music Man is all about making beats but seeing that a love-sick wolf and a love bird need his help, maybe his beats can be used for something other than partying. Well...maybe a little partying towards the end.
Relationship(s): Glamrock Chica/Roxanne Wolf
The Sun and Moon (Two Shot; Completed)
Summary: A day in the life of our favorite daycare attendants.
Relationship(s): Moon & Sun (Brotherly)
Thinking Out Loud (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Freddy wants to do something special for his and Bonnie's one-year anniversary. Maybe a trip down memory line and a confession will work.
Relationship(s): Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy
Monty's Terrible(ish) Night (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Monty just wanted to have a calm night in his room. He never should have agreed to babysit an asshole kid.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy. Glamrock Freddy & Gregory, Montgomery Gator & Gregory
Nurse Monty (Squeal to Monty's Terrible(ish) Night; One Shot; Completed)
Summary:  Where Gregory is a little shit even sick, Freddy is a worried dad, and Monty did not sign up for this bs.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy. Glamrock Freddy & Gregory, Montgomery Gator & Gregory
Goodluck Monty (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: In which Gregory is a baby, Monty is a bad babysitter, Freddy is a Filipino mom, and Chica, Roxy, and Bonnie make bets.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy. Glamrock Freddy & Gregory, Glamrock Chica/Roxanne Wolf
Brother Bear (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: A fic in which Freddy has a brother and everyone is confused expect for Bonnie.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy
Meant To Be Mines (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Freddy only wanted to be his friend. He didn't want this.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy
Forever (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Freddy falls down deeper in the rabbit hole that is Monty's love.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy
Obsession (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Monty only wanted to love him and protect him. He promises.
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy
Love and Leashes (One-Shot; Completed)
Summary: it's finally time for some possessive Freddy.
Relationships(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy
Calming Blue (One-shot; Completed)
Summary: Where Monty is a fucking dumbass but at least he got a boyfriend out of it
Relationship(s): Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Freddy
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the1trueanon · 2 years
Idea 4: Vanny comes back
I'm gonna be honest, this one is my personal favorite, and I am quite surprised that it hasn't been done yet.* Think of the angst potential!
*This is no longer true
Imagine it's been a few weeks since the 3 star ending and the 3 goobers are getting more acclimated to living with each other. Gregory is getting used to the fact that he has 2 adult figures that actually care about him. Vanessa’s nightmares are starting to become less severe. Freddy’s head was reattached to his body, and he now remotely controls a child-size bear doll (like a Lonely Freddy but not evil) so he can still easily be with Gregory when he isn't at the pizzaplex.
The day would start like any other: everyone wakes up, goes through their morning routines, and eats some breakfast. Gregory finishes first and gets up to go and wash off his plate in the sink. That is when it happens, Vanessa starts to feel a little off, like she is moving slower than normal. At first, she brushes it off as her still waking up. Then she hears a voice… a voice she only hears in her worst nightmares… VANNYS voice. Vanessa would then discover that she could no longer move or speak. She could only watch as she felt herself get up from her chair, and pick up a knife from off of the counter. The reason that she still has any knives at all is for Gregory to use to spread various condiments on his school sandwiches when he makes them.
Meanwhile, Gregory and Freddy are near the sink, having a conversation about Freddy's obsession with dad jokes or something (You are the Morbest superstar!) They turn around, preparing to return to Gregory's room to get ready for school, and they see Vanessa, holding a knife. Gregory would feel a sharp twinge of betrayal before looking at Vanessa's face to see that her calm green eyes, ones that had reassured him after many a nightmare, were now glowing a sickly purple. Freddy and Gregory would realize that the person in front of them was no longer Vanessa, but Vanny.
Vanny raises her arm, Gregory is looking for a way out. He is also preparing for the possibility of being killed, and he doesn't want to give Vanny the satisfaction of being scared if that happens. Through all this, Vanessa is trying desperately to retake control, all the while Vanny mocks her efforts, making sure that Vanessa won't be able to mentally look away from her worst fear, the death of her savior by her own hands. Freddy is preparing to try and jump in front of Gregory at the last second to try and cushion the blow of the knife using his plush form.
Just before Vanny is able to deliver the killing blow, she disappears. No warning at all, like a true glitch, Freddy and Gregory watch as Vanessa's eyes flicker from purple back to green, drops the knife and collapses to the floor, hugs herself and sits in complete silence for a few seconds before bursting into hysterical tears.
That is where I will leave it, what happens next is for y'all to decide!
On one hand, I do believe that the virus is currently gone from Nessa now, and that in order to trigger it, she'd need another exposure (....more angst potential, perhaps 👀 >:3 her getting caught by those affected and brainwashed again >:D). HOWEVER, the idea of her having to deal with it again is just mmmmmm especially if she thinks that maybe she got away without the exposure doing anything to her?? Yessssssssssssssss >:DDD Also, if the Princess Quest games can't free her anymore? If they have to find a new way to save her?? If she has to relive that horror without being able to ever take control of it??? Delicious. Delicious angst
I also really love the idea of plushie Freddy pal for Gregory -w- Freddy is now Gregory's comfort tiny and father figure all at once XD
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hexyz09 · 2 years
Idea 4: Vanny comes back
I'm gonna be honest, this one is my personal favorite, and I am quite surprised that it hasn't been done yet.* Think of the angst potential!
*This is no longer true
Imagine it's been a few weeks since the 3 star ending and the 3 goobers are getting more acclimated to living with each other. Gregory is getting used to the fact that he has 2 adult figures that actually care about him. Vanessa’s nightmares are starting to become less severe. Freddy’s head was reattached to his body, and he now remotely controls a child-size bear doll (like a Lonely Freddy but not evil) so he can still easily be with Gregory when he isn't at the pizzaplex.
The day would start like any other: everyone wakes up, goes through their morning routines, and eats some breakfast. Gregory finishes first and gets up to go and wash off his plate in the sink. That is when it happens, Vanessa starts to feel a little off, like she is moving slower than normal. At first, she brushes it off as her still waking up. Then she hears a voice… a voice she only hears in her worst nightmares… VANNYS voice. Vanessa would then discover that she could no longer move or speak. She could only watch as she felt herself get up from her chair, and pick up a knife from off of the counter. The reason that she still has any knives at all is for Gregory to use to spread various condiments on his school sandwiches when he makes them.
Meanwhile, Gregory and Freddy are near the sink, having a conversation about Freddy's obsession with dad jokes or something (You are the Morbest superstar!) They turn around, preparing to return to Gregory's room to get ready for school, and they see Vanessa, holding a knife. Gregory would feel a sharp twinge of betrayal before looking at Vanessa's face to see that her calm green eyes, ones that had reassured him after many a nightmare, were now glowing a sickly purple. Freddy and Gregory would realize that the person in front of them was no longer Vanessa, but Vanny.
Vanny raises her arm, Gregory is looking for a way out. He is also preparing for the possibility of being killed, and he doesn't want to give Vanny the satisfaction of being scared if that happens. Through all this, Vanessa is trying desperately to retake control, all the while Vanny mocks her efforts, making sure that Vanessa won't be able to mentally look away from her worst fear, the death of her savior by her own hands. Freddy is preparing to try and jump in front of Gregory at the last second to try and cushion the blow of the knife using his plush form.
Just before Vanny is able to deliver the killing blow, she disappears. No warning at all, like a true glitch, Freddy and Gregory watch as Vanessa's eyes flicker from purple back to green, drops the knife and collapses to the floor, hugs herself and sits in complete silence for a few seconds before bursting into hysterical tears.
That is where I will leave it, what happens next is for y'all to decide!
Bah. Vanny. Just stay dead! I figured that those stupid Princess Quest games were meant to cut the connection between Vanessa and Glitchtrap!! And as interesting as it sounds, I'm personally more a fan of fluff than death. XP
Though I do find that the possibility is there, especially if something prompts a reconnection, though considering the time spent away from it, and her body healing from the...mind fuckery she suffered, I don't think it'd be as strong as before.
Body and mind getting Resistence and all that. Especially when it comes from something traumatic. XP
A spiraling slope of depression~
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sourapplesauces · 2 years
Bot Boy Idea 4: Vanny comes back
I'm gonna be honest, this one is my personal favorite, and I am quite surprised that it hasn't been done yet. Think of the angst potential! (this is no longer true)
Imagine it's been a few weeks since the 3 star ending and the 3 goobers are getting more acclimated to living with each other. Gregory is getting used to the fact that he has 2 adult figures that actually care about him. Vanessa’s nightmares are starting to become less severe. Freddy’s head was reattached to his body, and he now remotely controls a child-size bear doll (like a Lonely Freddy but not evil) so he can still easily be with Gregory when he isn't at the pizzaplex.
The day would start like any other: everyone wakes up, goes through their morning routines, and eats some breakfast. Gregory finishes first and gets up to go and wash off his plate in the sink. That is when it happens, Vanessa starts to feel a little off, like she is moving slower than normal. At first, she brushes it off as her still waking up. Then she hears a voice… a voice she only hears in her worst nightmares… VANNYS voice. Vanessa would then discover that she could no longer move or speak. She could only watch as she felt herself get up from her chair, and pick up a knife from off of the counter. The reason that she still has any knives at all is for Gregory to use to spread various condiments on his school sandwiches when he makes them.
Meanwhile, Gregory and Freddy are near the sink, having a conversation about Freddy's obsession with dad jokes or something (You are the Morbest superstar!) They turn around, preparing to return to Gregory's room to get ready for school, and they see Vanessa, holding a knife. Gregory would feel a sharp twinge of betrayal before looking at Vanessa's face to see that her calm green eyes, ones that had reassured him after many a nightmare, were now glowing a sickly purple. Freddy and Gregory would realize that the person in front of them was no longer Vanessa, but Vanny.
Vanny raises her arm, Gregory is looking for a way out. He is also preparing for the possibility of being killed, and he doesn't want to give Vanny the satisfaction of being scared if that happens. Through all this, Vanessa is trying desperately to retake control, all the while Vanny mocks her efforts, making sure that Vanessa won't be able to mentally look away from her worst fear, the death of her savior by her own hands. Freddy is preparing to try and jump in front of Gregory at the last second to try and cushion the blow of the knife using his plush form.
Just before Vanny is able to deliver the killing blow, she disappears. No warning at all, like a true glitch, Freddy and Gregory watch as Vanessa's eyes flicker from purple back to green, drops the knife and collapses to the floor, hugs herself and sits in complete silence for a few seconds before bursting into hysterical tears.
Nooooo....... you're gonna bring me to tears first! No offense but this has to be my least favorite so far! Im sure you can see why though ;_;
I imagine they confront that soon after though, they cant live in peace knowing that Vanny and the virus is still a threat! I wonder how Glitchtrap/Vanny (?) managed to infiltrate Vanessa's mind again though, in the 3-star ending Burntrap's body is still (slightly) intact so i imagine Glitchtrap/Vanny is just planning something- but of course he/she cannot do anything without someone's (Vanessa's) assistance. Somehow he/she managed to find a breakthrough of sorts after being kicked out from her mind? Or he/she wasn't kicked out and just dormant. Either way another interesting concept!
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shatteredrabbit · 2 years
Idea 4: Vanny comes back
I'm gonna be honest, this one is my personal favorite, and I am quite surprised that it hasn't been done yet.* Think of the angst potential!
*This is no longer true
Imagine it's been a few weeks since the 3 star ending and the 3 goobers are getting more acclimated to living with each other. Gregory is getting used to the fact that he has 2 adult figures that actually care about him. Vanessa’s nightmares are starting to become less severe. Freddy’s head was reattached to his body, and he now remotely controls a child-size bear doll (like a Lonely Freddy but not evil) so he can still easily be with Gregory when he isn't at the pizzaplex.
The day would start like any other: everyone wakes up, goes through their morning routines, and eats some breakfast. Gregory finishes first and gets up to go and wash off his plate in the sink. That is when it happens, Vanessa starts to feel a little off, like she is moving slower than normal. At first, she brushes it off as her still waking up. Then she hears a voice… a voice she only hears in her worst nightmares… VANNYS voice. Vanessa would then discover that she could no longer move or speak. She could only watch as she felt herself get up from her chair, and pick up a knife from off of the counter. The reason that she still has any knives at all is for Gregory to use to spread various condiments on his school sandwiches when he makes them.
Meanwhile, Gregory and Freddy are near the sink, having a conversation about Freddy's obsession with dad jokes or something (You are the Morbest superstar!) They turn around, preparing to return to Gregory's room to get ready for school, and they see Vanessa, holding a knife. Gregory would feel a sharp twinge of betrayal before looking at Vanessa's face to see that her calm green eyes, ones that had reassured him after many a nightmare, were now glowing a sickly purple. Freddy and Gregory would realize that the person in front of them was no longer Vanessa, but Vanny.
Vanny raises her arm, Gregory is looking for a way out. He is also preparing for the possibility of being killed, and he doesn't want to give Vanny the satisfaction of being scared if that happens. Through all this, Vanessa is trying desperately to retake control, all the while Vanny mocks her efforts, making sure that Vanessa won't be able to mentally look away from her worst fear, the death of her savior by her own hands. Freddy is preparing to try and jump in front of Gregory at the last second to try and cushion the blow of the knife using his plush form.
Just before Vanny is able to deliver the killing blow, she disappears. No warning at all, like a true glitch, Freddy and Gregory watch as Vanessa's eyes flicker from purple back to green, drops the knife and collapses to the floor, hugs herself and sits in complete silence for a few seconds before bursting into hysterical tears.
That is where I will leave it, what happens next is for y'all to decide!
OUH,,, my demiling actually wrote a post-vanny fanfic hold on I'll send it next post when i find it because it's awesome (not exactly the return of vanny but still!! something you might enjoy :])
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theromanticscrooge · 11 months
Thinking About Writing a Sims Retrospective...
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I started playing The Sims when I was 11 years old. The original game was at the end of its run. So, I had access to pretty much all of the packs and gameplay. Rosebud was a godsend for unlocking the fun gameplay immediately. I remember having little pixel people making out on a bear rug in a log cabin while nervously looking over my shoulder to make sure my dad wasn’t watching. There was another time when I used an external editing program to try and recreate the Teen Titans from the 2003 animated series with a horrible air-brushed, MS Paint-esque result. Of course I showed my friends because I was proud of my jerry-rigged custom content. Beast Boy ate turkey because “there weren’t many vegetarian options.” Every meal option, outside of some buffet options, Makin’ Magic spells, pizza, or microwaved Hungry Man looking lasagna, was salad. A very pathetic looking salad.
The most in-depth game play I really remember doing was trying to work a Sim up the celebrity star ranks in Superstar. When I revisited this expansion 20 years later, I seriously questioned how much patience I had for certain aspects of this game when I was younger. In the most recent go I had at a celebrity Sim, I managed to get him as far as 3.5 stars before I went “fuck it” and started grinding for the materials needed to achieve the Instant 5 star celebrity Makin’ Magic spell. Within the next day, my Sim was decked out in a cowboy-inspired fit with gaudy tassels on his coat and the coveted star floating above his head.
I’m nostalgic for this game. And when I can actually get the original Sims to work, I embrace how janky some elements are and engage with gameplay as if it’s still the early aughts.
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I’m an older Sims fan. I only play Sims, Sims 2, and Sims 3. There’s been a few Sims 4 packs that seriously tempted me, especially the Paranormal one. So...I have this ridiculous itch to see how a Reigen Arataka Sim would handle a Bonehilda that’s more interested in finding a booty call than housework. But I’m not so tempted that I’ll overlook EA’s list of scummy, money-grubbing moves: making a DLC that requires DLC, divvying up gameplay into smaller and smaller game packs than any previous iterations, releasing content day 1 riddled with bugs to the point its unplayable and refusing to fix anything. 
After seeing Reckowski make a retrospective and news about Project Rene, I’ve been debating whether or not I want to make my own retrospective video on The Sims. It’s either a Sims retrospective that’ll resurrect my YouTube shenanigans or a “Is Reigen Arataka sexy?” video and the latter has been harder for me to write anything other than an unfinished essay for thus far, hahah. And honestly, I think retrospectives from older Simmers are a good idea period. Younger players deserve the depth and variety of gameplay that older Sims games hinted at having. It’s more than possible now. I have good reason for being cautiously optimistic about Life by You and the development around Paralives.
Granted, I’m also hoping Sims 5 crashes in a fiery, spectacular mess similar to what Sim City did in 2013. So, I’m not sure if I’m the best person to make that kind of starry-eyed, rose-tinted glasses video when I also just want to carve up EA’s micro-transaction nonsense like a crazy person carving up a turkey with a chainsaw.
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sdr2lovemail · 2 years
Is it okay to ask for continuations of requests that aren’t yours? (I’ll come off anon to prove I’m not the same person but I just really like the idea) Bc if so, gn!Technician reader housing the animatronics for a while was such a good concept and kinda comforting in a way??
Anyway I wanted to request the reader being sick either from exhaustion or just regularly sick and their new found family cares for them. Mostly self indulgent as I get over being sick myself. Thank you!
Hello Anon! I'm sorry to hear you're sick, I hope you feel better soon! And yes, you could ask for continuations even if you aren't the original asker. I'm so happy you guys enjoy this silly story I wrote.
In my last fic, I don't feel I put Sun's full personality there. With this one I think I did a better job. I'm also hoping to incorporate Moon into one of these stories. I just haven't figured out a storyline yet.
I hope you enjoy your request Anon!
The animatronics are the world’s okayest technician babysitters!
“Are you okay Superstar? You seem to be coughing quite a bit.” Freddy gives you a worried glance.
It was soon before the Glamrocks had to head to the Pizza Plex. In just a few days, you would be able to have peace in your house again. With all of the robotic mishaps going on, you almost forgot the reason they came here.
Seated in your workstation, Freddy sits patiently as you look in his chest cavity. You’ve already taken a look at Roxy and Monty. Then after Freddy, it’ll be Chica, and finally Sun and Moon’s turn. You decided to save them for last as he didn’t need much maintenance. You look up at the bear, filled with an odd warmth. He kinda reminded you of a dad.
“Oh, I’m fine Freddy. It might just be my allergies. Changing seasons and all that.” You close up his chest and stretch out your back. “I’ll just finish you guys up and head to bed. Sleep off whatever’s going on.”
You did not sleep it off.
Waking up was a chore, bleary eyes and a throbbing head kept you down. Maybe you could just lay down again. Sleep just for a little longer.
A stream of light seeps into the room. Cracking open your tired eyes, there stands Gregory in the doorway. He has his body halfway through the door. Seeing you still in bed, he speaks in a hushed tone.
“Good morning. I know it’s kinda early…but I was wondering if we could have breakfast together.” Gregory whispers. His words getting lost in a foggy void.
“Huh? Oh Gregory, hi. Yeah…I can make us some food. Just…Just give me a minute to get up.” He gives you a small nod, leaving the door ajar to let some light in.
It takes 30 minutes to get up and dressed. On shaky legs, you unsteadily make your way to the kitchen. Chica, Sun, and Gregory are there. You can’t seem to find the others. Sun perks up once they hear your footsteps. He does a full 180 in the chair. Bent in a contorted fashion, he starts to give you a cheery greeting.
“He~ello! Good to see you up and- AUGH! Why do you look like that?! It looks like you haven’t had sleepy time in AGES!” Sun practically falls from their chair and clambers up to you. Gripping your shoulders, he brings his face close to yours. Their erratic movement was making your headache worse. “Maybe you got hurt? Oh, that would be bad bad bad! We should bring you to a medical station. DO you have a medical station? We should bring you to it.”
“We don’t have a medical area Sun…I don’t think any house would.” You say before breaking into a quick coughing fit. “I’ll be fine. I’m just a little sick. I’ll just take some medicine or something.” You pull away from his hold to walk to the fridge. You had promised Gregory breakfast after all. You were about to grab the handle before you were picked up off the ground.
Pressed against their metallic chest, Sun begins to sway you side to side. Similar to a parent rocking their baby, yet more fast and jittery. “OH NO! If there’s no medical station, how will you get better?! Will you DIE?!”
“I know! Humans get lots of rest and it makes them feel better. I guess it’s like recharging.” Chica’s voice calls, muffled from her mouth being stuffed. It looks like she’s eating a frozen pizza. Box and all. You’re so tired you can’t even scold her.
“Rest! Right! They just need to recharge!” And with that, Sun bolts away to your room. He tucks you into the bed tightly. Fluffing your pillows and giving you the commemorative, three-foot Roxy plush you got instead of a raise. “Sweet dreams, Sunshine.” They flick on your lamp and close the curtains before scrambling out of the room.
Back in the kitchen, Gregory has just brought the rest of the animatronics up to date with your condition. Despite having such an advanced AI, none of them know what human sickness entails. Freddy lets out a sad sigh.
“I knew something was off. Gregory is there anything we could do to help them?”
“It would be so lame of them to be stuck in bed for the rest of our stay!” Monty chimes in.
“Will they DIE?! I would be SO SO sad if my favorite techie died!” Sun dramatically brings their hands to their face.
“Uh well, no they won’t. Usually, when we’re sick we eat soup. But, I’m sure you guys don’t know how to cook. I could just go out and get some…Hope they don’t mind me borrowing their card.” Gregory explained.
“What? PSH! How hard could cooking be? I’m sure I could pick it up real easy.” Roxy picks up a used pot from the sink. “You just need one of these…and uh…it makes soup!” The rest of the animatronics cheer in agreement. Walking to different parts of the kitchen, they fail to notice Gregory walking out the front door.
“Okay, I grabbed everything that I think goes in a soup. I’ve seen them cook at least twice so I believe I know what I’m doing.” Chica didn’t know what she was doing. In her arms were random condiments and other ingredients that wouldn’t be found in a soup. Seconds after she set them onto the counter, Sun begins to organize them by size.
“Ah yes, I’ve seen them put this in their food.” Freddy pulls out a bottle of black pepper. He goes to pour some in the pot of water before it’s ripped out his hands.
“Why should you get to do it, Fazbear?” Monty guards the pepper. “You don’t get to do everything just because you’re the lead singer.”
“Monty, please, this isn’t the time for this.” Freddy tries to grab the bottle but Monty jerks it away. Doing so, the bottle slips out of Monty’s hand and onto the floor, spilling pepper everywhere.
“AH! Oh NO! What a mess! Must clean, clean!” Dropping down to his knees, Sun begins scooping up pepper with their hands.
Not seeing the daycare attendant on the ground, Chica trips and falls over. The stuff in her arms fell and spilled onto the ground, sending Sun into another frenzy.
“Ugh! Look what you did, Fazbear!.”
“I am truly sorry, Monty. I didn’t mean to cause this.”
“Hmmm, If I turn the fire all the way up it’ll cook faster! Such a genius as always Roxy!” She reaches her hand and cranks the burner to high heat.
The kitchen dives into further chaos as time goes on. The animatronics keep dropping things, with Sun trying to clean between them. The pot has begun boiling over and spilling onto the floor. Monty and Roxy are fighting about something. Chica is eating random food scraps. And Freddy is just trying to fix everything.
The noise suddenly comes to a halt as Gregory walks through the front door. He pauses when he sees the mess of the kitchen. Setting his shopping bag onto the counter, Gregory walks over to shut the burner off. Pinching his nose bridge, he lets out a sign.
“Can…Can you guys just go to the living room? I need to heat this up.” Out of the bag, he pulls out a takeout bowl of soup.
Shuffling out with their tails between their legs, literally and metaphorically, the animatronics slink into the living room. Stepping over trash and other unidentifiable stains, Gregory heats up your soup and brings it to your room. He knocks on the door before entering.
“I went out to get you some soup. I had to borrow your card to buy it, I’m sorry. And the animatronics kiiiinda destroyed your kitchen. But don’t worry I’ll make sure they clean it up. You just need to focus on getting better.” He then sets the bowl of soup in your lap.
You drank some of the soup, the warm liquid instantly soothing your scratchy throat. “Thank you, Gregory. I really appreciate this. I’m sorry about not eating breakfast with you. When I’m feeling better I’ll make you anything you like.” You were interrupted by a cough. “You should go on now, I don’t need you getting sick too.” You patted him on the head before gently shoving him towards your door.
With a nod, Gregory walks out and gently shuts your door. Now with that done, he had some singing robots to scold
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Post game security breach true ending hc’s that i might never draw so i’m writing it here
also be aware I don’t really know fnaf lore all that much, i just wanted to share my hurt comfort hcs. dont take this too seriously please
-after escaping the pizzaplex, Gregory and Freddy went walking around finding somewhere to stay. freddy would walk in gas station stores and ask if he could get any comfortable items for gregory, keeping his fame as the pizza rockstar bear in mind. meanwhile gregory is waiting outside with a map he got from the front desk, figuring out where they should go next.
-long story short, they decide they want to hang around a small town off the map or something. somewhere far away from the pizzaplex where no one can recognise freddy.
-they just kinda walk there, stopping by a gas station every few hours to recharge freddy (he just sticks his claws in the socket, much to the staff’s shock).
-on their journey, gregory insists he doesn’t need sleep, but always ends up on the verge of collapsing. 
-freddy lets him sleep in his chest cavity, putting in a pillow he got from a store employee for extra comfort. 
-at some point they reach the little town, and try to rent a house. which luckily is fairly easy since its a small town, and rent is cheap (freddy gets a job, despite the initial hesitance from the shock of the whole robot thing)
-the house isn’t really much, but they fill it up slowly slowly, and eventually gregory gets a good quality bed.
-gregory really wanted to get a job too, but freddy insisted that he stay at home and work on getting a list on what should be in the house, since its mostly his human needs that have to be met. he also wanted to enrol gregory at school at some point.
-before the school year starts and in the period that gregory’s left alone at home a lot, he becomes a little bitter and upset. its mostly because he hasn’t confronted the trauma of what happened at the pizzaplex , and also a mixture of how lonely he feels at home when freddy isn’t here for most of the day, and how he’s trying to adapt to the abrupt new changes in his life.
-freddy gets his first dad test when he comes home one day to gregory looking really upset.
-when freddy asks if he’s okay, he shrugs him off a little harshly and insists he’s fine. when gregory is having dinner, freddy begins talking about how lonely he must be at home, which almost immediately sets gregory off.
-when gregory’s emotional, its mostly all bark and no bite. he shouts a lot, and gets extremely angry and bitter for most of the breakdown period, but soon after he just starts crying.
-he only got pissed about being left alone and being anxious about his changing environment, the pizzaplex problems show up only later.
-freddy’s a bit shocked, but he manages to deal with gregory’s first breakdown really well. (mostly because he's equipped with dealing with child breakdowns from his experience at the pizzaplex, but he still has a lot to learn. he's also worse at it because its harder for him to deal with someone breaking down thats inherently close to him)
-speaking of cooking, freddy and gregory learn to cook together, starting of with simple recipes like omlettes or pasta. freddy gets extra easy to make snacks just in case the recipe doesnt work.
-after gregory broke down, freddy made an effort to do fulfilling activities with gregory when he gets back from work to make up for the loneliness.
-freddy continues to call gregory ‘superstar’, and collects more dad nicknames along the way like ‘champ’ and ‘bud’, from the other dad’s he sees around town.
-theres a mechanic in town that fixes freddy’s battery capacity so he doesn’t need to charge every second. not only that, but they fix his efficiency so it doesn’t have to take so long and take so much electricity.
-when the first day of school starts, gregory shows a more aloof and reserved side to him, much to freddy’s suprise.
-gregory most definitely comes back from school with bruises. 
-some kid had seen freddy drop gregory off and had decided it was a good idea to come up to the new weird kid and insult his robot dad. 
-after a record minute of attempting to be patient, gregory decides that he’s had enough and gives the kid a hard punch in the face, (the kid was being a real dick. it wasnt just light teasing). which then of course caused the first fight of the school year, and also painted gregory a not so ideal reputation.
-if you’re counting who escaped with the most hits and least damage, gregory definitely won, but its not like he ended up unharmed or anything by the end of it.
-he did not explain what happened at school to freddy. later freddy had a chat to him about trusting him enough to confide things to him.
-gregory is a really bright kid, but doesn’t really fit well in the school system, and thus struggles a lot and argues with a lot of the teachers.
-the bullies try to stir him up, and everyone else is kinda scared of him.
-he’s a little lonely and aloof, but he’s introverted, so he’s quite okay with being alone at recess for a number of days.
-he most definitely thinks everyone in the school hates him, but he doesnt let himself get down about it.
-he often gets into physical fights with the school bullies, surprise surprise. he loses most of the altercations he gets into, but only because its 4-5 against one (they learned to get backup from the first time they fought him). gregory may be feisty, but he’s not superhuman. at the very least he gets a lot of really good hits in.
-gregory is not at all a violent or aggressive person, he's just still in the survival mind frame of: fight, run or think your way out. and in his head these kids are threatening his robo dad. i also think gregory just inst used to people his age, so he doesnt exactly know how hes supposed to react either way.
-when parent teacher interviews rolled in, parents were really curious to see who gregory’s guardian was. some of the bullies’ parent’s wanted to give him a piece of their mind, but immediately decided not to when a giant mild mannered robot bear walked in, claiming he was responsible for gregory, and asking if he was in the right place. 
-the kids who came with their parents are now slightly more scared of gregory than before. the bullies however are only scared of freddy specifically, and all silently agreed not to mess with greg while freddy was around. 
-the parents don’t even get a chance to be afraid or sceptical of freddy, because he sits next to them and asks them parenting advice in the most polite way possible, immediately earning a budding friendship with about every parent there.
-the parents don’t dare ask about gregory.
-ironically they don’t even need to, because freddy surprisingly goes off about his reserved traumatised child like theres nothing inherently wrong or suspicious about him.
-gregory gets friends eventually when they were doing group projects and discovered that gregory was really cool albeit a little unaware of how to act around people his age.
-just when things were starting to calm down for the two, gregory began to get constant nightmares about what happened in the plex. y'know, murderous animatronic stuff, plus maybe occasionally a nightmare about freddy not being in his life (surprisingly, those hurt the most for him)
-the first time it happened, gregory's immediate instinct was to go over to freddy and hide in his chest cavity, which has just become his projection of ultimate safety at this point.
-when freddy had noticed, Gregory was already asleep, though breathing a bit heavily.
-freddy goes into rest mode at night just to make gregory feel as if he's more human, since he technically doesnt need to sleep
thats it for now idk if ill add more later
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thefoldedbird · 2 years
OMG i loved your Monty reaction, can you do more Monty headcanon stuff? maybe Freddy too? me and one of my friends are simping hard for them.
Hell yeah, I’d love to. Sorry it’s soooo late, been hella busy recovering these past few days.
Montgomery Gator
Is an emotional mess in the sense that he doesn’t really know how to handle them. He’s focused so hard on this “cool guy” persona it’s begun getting in his way.
All that to say, he was a lot more chill before taking Bonnie’s spot in the band. The emotional stuff became a problem once the pressure of preforming well got to him.
He still has that softer side in him, he just doesn’t let his guard down like that very often. It mostly comes out on days where he’s just responsible for Gator Golf. This mech loves watching kids enjoy the game.
I don’t think he killed Bonnie. Not on his own. I think Afton took control of Gator Boy and used him to attack Bonnie. And poor Monty doesn’t remember a damn thing.
Is an ace golf player. Can get a hole in one on every hole when he really wants to.
Even your hole if you ask politely.
If he takes a particular liking to an employee or guest sometimes he’ll gift them a special edition golf ball/club with his face on it.
If he’s exceptionally close to someone he’ll let them run their hands through his mohawk. He actually fucking adores this. Just laying on top of someone’s chest as they mess with his hair.
If a kid seems chill sometimes he’ll gift them his plushie by chucking it at them full speed. High fives all around if they catch it.
Despite the tough guy persona he’s never been above apologizing for his actions. He’s just very gruff about it. The employee responsible for fixing up his room has been given about a hundred of them.
He’s waterproof/buoyant and swims in the gator golf canals to search for golf balls the skimmers miss. Also just for fun sometimes. He finds it relaxing.
No one but him knows, but if you score a perfect game in gator golf there’s a special “golden golfball” he gets to hand out. No one’s ever gotten close.
Freddy Fazbear
Is a dad. A whole unit of dad.
Will gently scold you for using foul language.
Will harshly scold foul language around children.
Can often be found humming when roaming around.
Has a very special shell that’s got fluffy fur instead of just metal. However it only gets used on special occasions because of how difficult it is to clean.
His fuzzy shell has the little stubby bear tail that the metal shell does not.
Actually doesn’t mind getting maintenanced at all. He likens it to a “bath time”.
Used to go bowling with Bonnie a lot. Despite this, he’s not even close to a decent score.
Despite that, he holds the FazerBlast record by a long shot, hence why he scolds Gregory for cheating if he tries to bring him inside.
Absolutely LOVES to dance. He makes regular visits to DJ MM to do so. Chica teases him about how into it he gets.
When I say ‘into it’, I mean calling his name is useless. You’ll have to physically snap him out of his dance fever 90% of the time.
For some reason, he very susceptible to cutesy compliments.
Call him sexy and he’ll just awkwardly laugh it off. Call him a big ole’ cutie pie and his ears will do a shy little wiggle as he grins.
Will 1000% call you superstar.
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fell-into-silence · 2 years
Pfft alright superstars I got some more shenanigans for ya.
(Based on the au I posted about, which I still need to think up a name whoops Edit: is now called Shooting Stars Au)
Gregory having a blast watching papa bear perform (he has a vip ‘all star’ pass that grants him access a number of places throughout the plaza and that’s his dad so :p) everything is awesome since he can actually enjoy a full show without any interruptions this time around so he really gets the full experience with a front row seat. Every so often as Freddy sings he glances over at Gregory to make sure he’s safe and having a good time along with flashing him a grin or a playful wink. Pfft Freddy would totally want to look cool in front of his cub so he’d pull off some cool dance moves-all of which Gregory would laugh and think is so cheesy but he’d love it.
The day is going smoothly and the show was a hit with fans eagerly bouncing up and down asking for autographs and wanting to speak with the band. Freddy gets caught up in a group of kids asking him all sorts of questions which Gregory would understand, afterall he knows how cool his papa bear is. He leaves him a message through the fazwatch that he’s going to grab a slice of pizza and wait for him back at his dad’s show room but as he makes his way through the plaza he sees a tall scruffy looking man talking to a little kid-he doesn’t think much at first but stops and notices that something doesn’t seem right; they don’t look anything like each other and the man decides to hold out a plush Roxy just out of the little girls reach when Gregory rushes over to her and casually pretends he knows her. As you can imagine the man tries to play it off like he’s the kids dad but Gregory asks and she shakes her head then the man getting frustrated and saying he didn’t mean any harm but it escalates to the jerk trying to use his size to intimidate Gregory and then is surprised when his shins get kicked in and ends up on the floor 😆
Man becomes mad, curses and threatens them but unfortunately for him those words are followed by a large shadow falling over his figure and a much more threatening growl coming from a very protective animatronic papa bear who grabs the guy from the scuff of his trench coat and lifts him off the ground with ease. Let’s just say there was a need for a clean up and mean scary man had a lot of explaining to do outside in a police car with the glamrocks intensely staring with murder intent from the entrance. On a lighter note Gregory helps the little girl find her worried mom with Roxy’s help (so the girl feels comfortable and happy) and make sure she’s safe.
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missmitchieg · 2 years
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Imagine if instead of the music just starting to play while Julynn were walking to the rally and the girls already surrounding Carrie, we saw the actual beginning of the performance with Carrie just standing there alone waiting for the music to start. Now imagine if she was the main character of the show and it was written like Glee so we got a whole internal monologue from Carrie about being a wannabe pop star with loving fans.
"Whew. Alright, here we go, Carrie. No biggie. It's just another performance in front of the entire student body. Nothing we haven't done a million times before. I can do this. I have to do this. It's for my fans. And they deserve nothing but the absolute best. My fans love me. I just couldn't bear to disappoint them. And I won't. I'm going to wow everyone in this room. I'm going to continue to earn their applause and their love. Because if there's one thing I've learned about love, it's that it has to be earned. It always has to be earned, over and over again. Well, you better believe this little superstar is going to earn it today. Just like I always do. It's in my blood. Literally. My dad is rock star Trevor Wilson. Sure, he's had his fair share of weird, embarrassing, awkward dad moments, but he's still a rock star, and he's still my dad. And you better believe I'm going to make my friends and my dad proud today. Just like I always do."
*cue music*
Woah, woah... Woah, woah... See 'em look Hear 'em "Ooh! Aah!" Hands up, throw back, boo-yah! We're the best, no doubt Check it out! Yeah, we make em say "Wow!"
"Sure, dad might not always tag along to my gigs to watch me wow my audience, in fact, he never does, but he does splurge and get me and my girls the cutest costumes, and amazing choreographers. The perks of having a rich dad."
Made moves On the rise now Run stuff, get a piece of that pie now We're the best, no doubt Check it out! Yeah, we make em say "Wow!" Yeah, we're going sky-high and we never gonna settle Living in the fast lane, pedal to the metal We see it, we want it We get it, we got it Everybody lose control We came to play, where you at? We're going hard Just like that, yeah We're the bomb, chain react Blow their minds and watch them...
"I guess I can't complain too much, though. I don't want to make it sound like I'm ungrateful for everything dad's done for me, because I really am grateful. Dad's not like my fans, constantly demanding that I put on these amazing shows with exceptional choreography and fancy costumes and a cool light show. He loves me, without the conditions. That's not something you find easily. For some, it's not something you find at all."
Woah, woah... Woah, woah...
See em look Hear em "Ooh! Aah!" Hands up, throw back, boo-yah! We're the best, no doubt Check it out! Yeah, we make 'em say "Wow!"
Made moves On the rise now Run stuff, get a piece of that pie now We're the best, no doubt Check it out! Yeah, we make em say "Wow!"
"I do sort of feel like a performing monkey sometimes, but it's far from the worst thing in the world. Besides, I at least know I'm a good performing monkey. I put on only the best shows for the best fans."
Come follow me, we're gon' make history Cause we are the champions like Freddie Mercury Yeah, we gonna rock you, never gonna not, too Always making headlines, yeah, we're the hot news
"I'm not like my ex-friend, Julie, who stopped singing at all after losing her mom a year ago. I lost mine at the same time and I didn't stop singing for a second. Though, I didn't have a choice. I had to keep earning the love. I had to still have it in me to earn the love of my fans. And I do."
See 'em look Hear 'em "Ooh! Aah!" Hands up, throw back, boo-yah! We're the best, no doubt Check it out! Yeah, we make 'em say "Wow!"
Wow! Wow! Wow! Check it out! Yeah, we make 'em say "Wow!"
"Ahh, there it is! The beautiful sound of cheers and applause. And it's all for me and my girls. We did it. I did it. I earned their love again. I impressed them. Another win for me. All feels right in the world when I hear that sound. I couldn't imagine how crushing it would be to ever lose this. But I guess that's not something I'll ever have to worry about, because it's something that will never happen. Because I won't let it happen."
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