#bear deer racoon
alrauna · 7 months
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Sarah Lynne (@foxinwoodland)
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toxooz · 7 months
random question, sorry, but does ollie eat vegetables? like, based on his (visible) teeth, he looks like he eats mostly meat, but IS he primarily carnivorous or does he have a more balanced diet? also, what would his favourite vegetable be?
Yup Ollie eats his veggies! His diet is mainly carnivorous hence his teeth and his stomach acid is really acidic and well designed to digest raw meat and anything that may come with it, bones n all. Unlike Ponti who almost strictly eats meat if not junk food and typically can't stand veggies (or does the whole 'i tried it one (1) time and it was gross😤 ') , Ollie doesn't mind vegetables and will cook them with the meat dish if he can. As a kid he was often the lil spice and veggie gatherer if he wasn't hunting so he's no stranger to veggies but I feel like if he was in his orc community still, he would rely on meat a whole lot more and his body would still be well adapt for it 👍 recently i picture Ollie to be more like a panther or something if he were to be associated with an animal bc while he is large as fuck and can throw his weight around he can also be terrifyingly silent since he is considered a carnivore and needs to be able to successfully hunt, same with agility bc how else would his big ass be so good at skateboarding lmfao BUT since he's in "America but more annoying" basically and doesn't really hunt for food anymore since it's at stores so his food palette is pretty diverse. Sometimes he'll still just eat the meat raw though just bc he can and he likes the taste sksksk his bloodthrist is too ingrained into him
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freak-fox0003 · 1 year
Cottagecore Emojis: animals pt. 1
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sotwk · 1 year
Food and Agriculture in Thranduil's Kingdom
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It's unfortunate that Thorin's Company was welcomed as dinner guests in Rivendell but imprisoned as invaders in Mirkwood. Had Thorin just shown King Thranduil just a little bit more respect, they could have been fed a whole lot better by the Silvans. And there would most definitely have been meat!
While the Rivendell elves seem to lean vegetarian, and Lothlorien's culinary specialty is the "one bite" lembas, the elves of Greenwood know more than a thing or two about indulgent feasting. These elves consider themselves permanent residents of their land, and with that outlook comes an attitude of celebrating Middle-earth's bounties.
The Silvans of the Woodland Realm have always been fond of feasting, merry-making, and community and family traditions centered around food. Furthermore, they are ruled by a King and royal family who whole-heartedly support this culture, participate in it themselves, and encourage trade that allows the realm to access food from other lands.
When it comes to food, the Greenwood elves are actually more alike Dwarves and Hobbits than they are the lofty High Elves.
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Below the cut are SotWK headcanons regarding Food and Agriculture in the Woodland Realm:
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Food, Cuisine, and Agriculture in the Woodland Realm
Prior to the establishment of the Woodland Realm and in the early reign of King Oropher (c. SA 700), the Silvan Elves populating Greenwood lived in smaller communities spread throughout the vast forest, but predominantly in the southwest, closer to their kin in Lorinand. Limited subsistence farming was practiced by a few, but by far most food at this time was obtained through hunting and gathering. The rich and bountiful Greenwood had always provided more than enough resources for its dwellers.
Greenwood Elves happily spend most of their immortal lives within Eryn Galen and the lands of Rhovanion, so they are accustomed to living off solely what the forest produces, and their diet is influenced largely by it.
The most commonly foraged edibles are:
Nuts: hazelnut, pecan, walnut, hickory, beechnut, chestnut
Fruit: plum, apple, grape, persimmon
Berries: mulberry, blackberry, currant, elderberry, raspberry
Wild garlic and ramps
Fungi: mushrooms and truffles of many varieties
Eggs: from various wild birds
Herbs and Spices: fennel, corn mint, dandelions, ground elder, pigweed, cicely, sorrel, hogweed, stinging nettle, watercress, wild carrot, rowan, wood avens, sneezewort
Maple: sourced for sugar and syrup
There are also hundreds of plant species native only to Greenwood and Rhovanion that are valued for their uses in healing. However, the Silvan herbalists of Greenwood are usually the only ones able to effectively extract the curative properties of these plants, indicating a connection between Elves and homeland may be necessary for the healing to work.
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Art from Fantasy Flight Games
Greenwood Elves are expert hunters and trackers, with unparalleled mastery within their forest and the lands that surround its borders. With careful consideration and instinctual knowledge of the forest ecosystem, they select their prey according to what's most populous, and rotate as necessary to balance out conservation levels.
Among the animals they hunt regularly for meat consumption are rabbit, squirrel, duck, turkey, quail, weasel, racoon, boar, deer, wild oxen, and elk. On rare or special occasions, they hunt less common game such as lion and bear. They also obtain fish and freshwater mussels, clams, and snails from the Forest River and various streams.
It is illegal in Greenwood to hunt or kill specific animals that are declared a protected species, including the King's Elk (the breed of Thranduil's war elk), the silverwolf, and all species of eagle or falcon.
Any fauna or fauna may also be temporarily decreed off-limits for hunting or gathering, by order of the Elvenking and his council.
Any animal taken in as an elf's pet or familiar may also not be killed, so long as it has been properly tamed and does not pose a risk to others.
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Throughout the Second Age, the Woodland Realm's population steadily increased under the wise rule of King Oropher and his court. As the communities and villages that made up the kingdom grew larger and more numerous, the practice of agriculture became more widespread to bolster the realm's food supply.
In the Woodland Realm, farming would always remain secondary to hunting and gathering due to the preference of Silvans for wild game and native vegetation. Farmed products serve primarily to enhance cuisine, supplement large feasts, provide reserves in case of war or famine, and as goods for trade with other realms.
Tracts of community farmlands were gradually cultivated in the arable fields between Greenwood's western borders (near the capital of Amon Lanc) and the Anduin River.
In order of output, the food crops most commonly grown are: wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, and peas.
Fiber crops grown for cloth, paper, and rope include: flax, hemp, and cotton.
Domesticated animals are raised in small numbers solely for their by-products and not their meat. In order of importance, livestock that are raised are:
Sheep: source of wool and milk
Chickens: source of eggs
Cows: source of milk and for birthing calves
Animals raised for labor include:
Horses: highly valued and raised exclusively for transport and mounted cavalry
Oxen: used as beasts of burden (large-scale/community work)
Donkeys: used as beasts of burden (small-scale/family work)
When Prince Thranduil built his own palace of Bar Lasgalen just south of the Old Forest Road (which would later become the new capital upon his ascension to the throne), he helped the Silvans residing in the valleys of the Emyn Duir to initiate small-scale agriculture, which encouraged further migration into that area and northward towards the Grey Mountains.
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Elvish historians refer to the first millennium of the Third Age as the "Golden Age of the Woodland Realm". During these years, the kingdom enjoyed an unbroken peace under a wise King and Queen who also had five sons actively involved in the governance of the realm.
Departing from his father's more isolationist leanings, Thranduil encouraged trade with realms across Middle-earth. It included all the races except for Hobbits, since the Shire did not yet exist prior to the darkening of Greenwood.
Sadly, most trade came to a stop by the end of the Third Age, with the exception of the nearby Dale, due to the struggles with Dol Guldur. However, after Erebor was reestablished by King Thorin, trade gradually resumed with the Dwarves. After the War of the Ring and the Cleansing of Dol Guldur, Eryn Lasgalen once again thrived with renewed relations with their trade partners--finally including the Shire!
The Woodland Realm's three most valuable exported agricultural products are:
Rare spices
Mushrooms and truffles
Medicinal herbs (extremely valuable but highly controlled to prevent misuse)
Imported goods are considered luxuries and not necessities, and are brought in seasonally for community feasts and celebrations (of which there are many). Everything is meant for the consumption of all the kingdom's citizens, regardless of status; there is never anything reserved as "special" for the royals or nobles.
The top agricultural imports, usually from realms/communities of Men, are:
Textiles (silk, cotton)
Exposure to outside realms and cultures also resulted in an expansion of the culinary arts within Thranduil's kingdom. Cooking and baking became full-blown, respected and sought-after professions instead of tasks done within individual households. With the King's support, talented Elves were sent to other realms to learn their culinary practices; chefs from other kingdoms were invited to Greenwood as royal guests to do the same.
A few culinary feats and innovations the Woodland Elves became known for:
Use of offal (innards) in recipes that actually taste fantastic, thanks to seasonings and skilled cookery
Using literally every single part of a butchered animal with zero waste
Aphrodisiacs in common food recipes, using plant ingredients (partly responsible for their marriage and birth rates and large families)
Salted game meat (jerky) that is highly nourishing and excellent for travel; essentially a meat version of lembas
The use of whipped egg whites to make essentially a type of meringue--which opened up an entire category of desserts that became staples at feasts
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Bonus Fun Headcanons! (as a thank you for reading this far)
Mealtimes in Thranduil's Family
No one can beat Ada in drinking contests, ever; it has been attempted hundreds of times--usually with Dorwinion wine--and Thranduil has never been dethroned by his sons.
The King and every single one of the Princes are all heavy eaters, and everyone, including the Queen, eats meat.
While they all observe formal manners at the table, the Princes can get rowdy when not in the presence of their mother--especially when there's drinking involved. (Not quite as bad as Thorin's Company, but close.)
Breakfast: Taken individually in their own rooms, according to each one's schedule/leisure
Lunch: The most commonly skipped meal; usually taken "on the go", and oftentimes with people outside of the family (e.g. business lunches, lunch with friends)
Dinner: The family meal. Everyone is expected to sit down and eat dinner with the rest of the family, unless traveling or there is a prior commitment that takes precedence.
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Random Fun Food Facts with the Thranduilions
The Princes regularly compete to see who can eat the most exotic/"disgusting" food items. Turhir remains champion at this (able and willing to eat literally everything), with Legolas frequently trying (and constantly failing) to unseat him.
They have also competed to see who can eat the riskiest (aka poisonous) food items. Arvellas has somehow proven to be the most impervious to natural poisons, much to Gelir's frustration.
Legolas can go the longest without eating food, but no one really cares to try to beat his record.
Mirion is the heaviest eater, but is also the fastest, and because he has flawless table manners no one really notices.
Gelir can find truffles just using his sense of smell--yes, like a truffle pig. He has successfully trained other similarly gifted Elves to do the same.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @quickslvxr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @klytemnestra13 @creativity-of-death @heilith @fizzyxcustard @absentmindeduniverse @lathalea @tamurilofrivendell @jordie-your-local-halfling @ladyk8tie @scyllas-revenge @asianbutnotjapanese @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @ratsys @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @freshalmondpandadonut
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the-occult-lounge · 4 months
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> Before we adopted the Latin name for our second month, Old English used much more vibrant names to describe the month now known as February. The most common Old English name was Solmonath, which literally means “mud month.” (https://www.dictionary.com/e/february/)
> A lesser-used term was Kale-monath, which meant “cabbage month.” Perhaps, the medieval English were eating a lot of cabbage in February? Strange. (https://www.dictionary.com/e/february/)
Once February became an official month its name was changed. It was derived from the Roman festival of purification called Februa. In funny fashion the festival also gave birth to the Roman deity Februus. What is also interesting to note is that January and February were added months. Originally the calendar year was only 10 months but in 700BCE they were added by the second king of Rome to make the year match up more with how long it takes the Earth to complete it's rotation around the sun.
𝔽𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕪 ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤
⚘ Animals: otter, unicorn, dragon, groundhog, deer, sheep, hares, rabbits
⚘ Birds: eagle, chicadee, robin
⚘ Celebrations: Imbolc (Feb 2), Candlemas (Feb 2), Disablot (Feb 2), Februa (Feb 15), Valisblot (Feb 9), Lupercalia (Feb 15), Parentalia (Feb 13-21), Quirinalia (Feb 17), Equirria (Feb 27), Fornicalia (Feb 17)
⚘ Colors: light blue, violet, pale green, black, red, pink
⚘ Deities: Alhrodite, Juno, Mars, Brighid, Kuan Yin, Diana, Demeter, Persephone, Sjofn, Apollo, Boann, Chang-O, Parvati, Venus, Shakti, Bast, Selene, Hebe, Eros, Pan, Branwen
⚘ Element: air, water
⚘ Flowers: balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage, spikenard, primrose, viola, snowdrop
⚘ Gender: neutral
⚘ Herbs: cypress, cinnamon, lavender, patchouli, lemon, orange, sandalwood, rose, jasmine, ginger, clove, frankincense, ylang ylang, palma rosa, bay, mint, nettles, rosemary, thyme, oregano, balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage and basil.
⚘ Magick Areas: purification, growth, healing, energy, self-love, accepting responsibility, self-forgiveness, making future plans, astral realm, banishing, beginning, empowerment, fertility
⚘ Moons: Snow Moon (Dakota), Racoon Moon (Dakota), Eagle Moon (Cree), Bear Moon (Ojibwe), Black Bear Moon (Tlingit), Groundhog Moon (Algonquin), Goose Moon (Haida), Bony Moon (Cherokee), Hungry Moon (Cherokee)
⚘ Sabbat: Imbolc (Feb 1-2)
⚘ Scents: wisteria, heliotrope
⚘ Spirits: house faeries (home and house plants)
⚘ Stones: amethyst, ammolite, angelite, garnet, jasper, imperial topaz, onyx, aquamarine, fluorite, turquoise, ruby, bloodstone, moonstone, obsidian, pearl and quartz
⚘ Trees: rowan, myrtle, laurel, cedar, cypress
⚘ Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
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cirolik · 6 months
Meats I've had: squirrel, rabbit, pheasant, grouse, deer, elk, bear, cougar, racoon, beaver, nutria, marmet, possum, ummm, probably a lot more
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rhytmrocket · 8 months
hi um
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i like aminal
hav some tengoku amnial
uhh each listed from right to left in top to bottom rows
karate joe as a grolar bear (Ursus arctos / Ursus maritimus hybrid)
air batter as, whatever space umpire is
ojou-chan as a white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
dr. cutlery/dr. virus as a tanuki/japanese racoon dog (Nyctereutes viverrinus)
the wandering samurai as a crested eagle (Morphnus guianensis)
play-yan as a white-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda
mahou tsukai as a great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
q. maou as a walia ibex (Capra walie)
ok bybye *dies and disintegrates and starts homework*
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intj-writer · 8 months
How would you represent the 16 personality types as animals?
ENTJ - Lions & Tigers, proud but predatory and in charge, amazing sense of presence, easy to be in awe of even as they destroy and scare everyone in their path, often becomes a big target for others because everyone wants to say that they were able to “bring the fat cat down”
ENTP - Seals & Sealions, the clowns of the sea who are awkward, get into all sorts of trouble on land and the sea, but lovable, always barking never shutting up, until they do and then they are very sad (or are trying to find a way to break the silence and any other rule you imposed on them)
ENFJ - Horses, proud and strong and carries others, sometimes are independent stallions that cannot be tamed, sometimes can be your literal nightMARE, but also liable to be showhorses prancing around and DEMANDING attention from the audience
ENFP - Dogs, usually intelligent and generally loves people and are very protective of the “underdog” but ultimately enjoys having fun and doingt hings to get praise/pets and being affectionate towards those they love, comes in all sorts of sizes and colours like the rainbow beings they are
ESTJ - Rhinos & Bulls, generally BIG stubborn herbivores that could run you over if you get in their way of doing things, can be very loud, very gruff, and very in your territory trying to make it THEIR territory
ESTP - Racoons & Weasels, sneaky and adventurous, gets into all sorts of trouble but surprisingly tenacious and clever, you find them getting into garbage and things you thought you locked them out of, but there they are again, making a mess!
ESFJ - Bears, protective of those in their charge (mama bear!), generally very sweet and generous and maybe a bit “dumb”, but watch out when they are passionate about something! THEY GET VERY LOUD AND SCARY AND IN YOUR FACE!
ESFP - Birds, flighty and freewheeling, but often graceful and pretty, sometimes a bird of prey who can target and hunt targets with exacting vengeance, or can be sweet songbord hyping up the coming seasons.. or annoying woodpecker who won’t just shut the hale up
INTJ - Cats (housecats), often aloof and independent, but can be very curious and affectionate when you have gained their trust, liable to bite or swipe at someone with their claws if they try to get too familiar, often seen as very exact but sometimes you catch them in meme-like stumbles
INTP - Sea Anemonae, Cucumbers & Squirts, very cool but very weird and unclear if they belong with all the other animals, an ecosystem of their own inside their heads, fascinating creatures where you’re not sure how they stay alive
INFJ - Rodents, often small and hidden but are capable of digging through mud and human trash to make complex networks or extract the essences of humanity, intuitive sense of danger and doom (rats escaping a sinking ship), usually very cute but a lot of people are scared of them because they can be vicious (or suspected of carrying mystery pathogens)!
INFP - Deer & Other Pecora (like gazelles), seen as peaceful and gentle but are easily alarmed and may kill you by throwing their bodies into your moving vehicles out of nowhere (half the time because they think they are saving your life, the other half because they won’t listen or GO THE OTHER WAY when you’re honking at them), very funny but will tend to ghost you and run away due to anxious nature
ISTJ - Ants & Insects, hard working and industrious, creating complex systems that helps sustain their society even though maybe very boring seeming on an individual level, much stronger than they appear, quietly holding many burdens on top of their shoulders for the sake of a job well done
ISTP - Wolves & other solitary predators, often alone and solitary in spirit but can gather in packs and work in hierarchical systems, quiet and wary until they start howling or are on the sudden attack, very cool but can be very territorial or hang around the wrong packs out of group loyalty
ISFJ - Spiders, dutiful weavers who seem to be in the know of everything that’s going on, so quietly prepares self and ties up loose strings for everyone else, though often small, can be terrifying once you understand how big a web they can weave to tangle you into
ISFP - Snakes, sometimes cute, docile and harmless, other times clingy, suffocating and poisonous, mysterious and often mesmerizing in their artful grace, but once you see them really mobilize or seek to engulf something, it’s hard to not feel disgusted.
- Prax Nguyen (Quora)
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lillyarttoheart · 9 months
Gonna make a stupid au but
Pizza tower/antonblast/ sugary spire
But everyone can transform into animals at their will
Peppino - pig
Noise - racoon
Gustavo - rat
Mr. Stick - ferret
Vigilante - goat
Pepperman - Buffalo
Pizzaface - lion
Pizzahead - wolf
Noisette - bunny
Doughie jones - crow
Fake peppino - frog
Snick - human
Gerome - sheep
Evil peppino - boar
Mr. Orange - badger
King noyz - opossum
Burton - capybara
Pillar john - gorilla
Pizzelle - squirrel
Pizzano - bear
Rita - bear
The G - snake
Rosette - rabbit
Stinky - hedgehog
Painter - bull
Gumbob - penguin
The sheriff/applejim - cow
Anton - tasmanian devil
Annie - cheetah
Brulo - deer
Danton - crocodile
Nina - alligator
Satan - dragon
Think animorphs but with no plot(?)
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Theory: Characters who are directly representative of Irving and what they mean
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Box Guy in the Basement World
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REASONING: He literally turns into Irving when you use the angler effect. I don't know if it gets any more clear-cut than that. There's also a bunch of dust bunnies around, and bunnies in general tend to be one of Irving's symbols.
MEANING INTERPRETATION: This is an area pretty tucked-away from everything else (you have to solve a moving box puzzle to get here). Could be representative of how Irving sees himself -- he's hidden himself away in some dusty corner with a bed and a desk and doesn't want to be found.
Pan Flute Player in Boiling Water World (Bestiary Entry #12)
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REASONING: In the Curtain Den, if you interact with the racoon dog when you have the wendigo effect equipped, the racoon dog will rapidly switch between forms, switching to the monster at Junction Space and the Pan Flute Player before stopping alltogether. If we follow the logic that the racoon dog is trying to copy Irving, then any forms it switches to are extensions of Irving himself.
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There's also the fact that when you go to Lucky's stand with the deer effect equipped, she remarks "A deer, of course..." Her unsurprised response would imply Irving has some sort of history with deer, though what exactly that isn't really the focus of this post (and is also very confusing).
MEANING INTERPRETATION: ???????????????? As previously stated, Irving's relationship with deer is very confusing!! I'll probably tackle it in its own post eventually. Maybe this means that Irving played the pan flute at some point though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Pan Flute Player has an interesting reaction to the wendigo effect though. They stop playing music and have a shadow cast over their face.
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The Monster at Junction Space (Bestiary Entry #3)
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REASONING: Same as the Pan Flute Player -- the racoon dog in the Curtain Den transforms into the monster when copying Irving.
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MEANING INTERPRETATION: The monster is one of the only chasers in the game, and the only one who chases you unprovoked, but the bestiary makes note of the fact that it's protecting something rather than lashing out in rage. This means that between the chaser and the skeleton key lock, Irving is subconsciously REALLY trying to keep himself away from Junction Space and whatever it represents (which, again, is extremely confusing and not really the focus of this post, though I do have a theory post about that half-drafted). The whole "Am I even in my own dream?" comment from the Bestiary might have something to do with it...
The Shadow from the Incomprehensible Event (Bestiary Entry #22)
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REASONING: The incomprehensible event shows a looming figure saying some "incomprehensible words" (though most of them are either symbols of sleep or nothingness, so it's not all that incomprehensible). The person on the left dissolves when the speaking figure utters the character "无" meaning "nothing" or "negative." This resembles ending #1 of Oversomnia in a LOT of ways. The looming figure on the right bears a striking resemblance to the pillars in the Dreaming Serpents World (a resemblance that's somehow even more visually obvious in older versions of the game, as seen in the image on the far right) and the sleep-related symbols also align with the idea of a DREAMING serpent. Ending #1 also shows Irving drowning/dissolving in a green river at the very end before vanishing from reality, which would also align with the event here where the figure on the left dissolves.
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MEANING INTERPRETATION: The serpents are a Lot to handle. What they want, where they came from, how real they are and their influence on reality are all questions at the core of Oversomnia's mysteries. To quote the bestiary though, whatever they want, it's probably not good. Either way -- how I see the event is that either the monster approached Irving, or Irving approached it, and the monster ended up meddling in Irving's affairs with the end result of him possibly vanishing. How real this vanishing is and how "real" ending #1 is are up for debate -- the fact you "wake up" after ending #1, get a menu theme, and can then go chat with Lucky about Irving's worries are suggests that ending #1 might just be another dream. Alternatively, maybe Irving DID vanish from reality and the rest of the game is a dream in the afterlife. Or maybe he's been dreaming this whole time and nothing was real, etc etc. Ending #1 and the serpents have a dedicated post coming later too. Anyways, the only reason I hesitate to say with 100% certainty that the dissolving figure IS Irving is because we know for a fact some of his friends are also caught up in this whole serpent business. Lucky's the obvious one given her presence beyond the gate at the very north of the Dreaming Serpents World, but the figure depicted here doesn't resemble her too much (no skirt, no coat, no clover). There's also Irving's friend in Junction Space (bestiary entry #4) who goes through a door adorned with distinctly serpentine iconography. So the dissolving figure could be Irving as seen in ending #1, or it could be one of his friends.
Pallid Beings in the Emergency Room (Bestiary Entry #31)
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REASONING: A lot of my logic in this is based on two assumptions. Firstly, that the monster protecting Junction Space IS in fact Irving, as I argued earlier in this post. Secondly, that the pallid creatures are sick versions of the monsters from junction space. My reasoning behind that second point is based on an earlier post I made noting that the monster and the pallid creatures have a lot of visual similarities -- primarily white in color, big heads and bodies but small legs and arms, melty, have horns (only present in some pallid creatures), and have black circles around their eyes with black rings around their necks (only present in the pallid creatures still capable of walking). Additionally, the monster at Junction Space will send you to the Emergency Room if you get caught by it.
MEANING INTERPRETATION: Irving might be sick in some way, or had some sort of serious illness before. Could also be a dream-sickness? The monsters are melty, and Irving does dissolve in ending #1. Could be representative of that. There's also this sprite in the left of Irving's bathroom that could be a pill bottle, but it could also just be his laundry detergent -- it's too small to say definitively either way.
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Oversomnia does, in general though, have a decent number of "sickly"/"guarding someone" type events. There's obviously the emergency room and the nurse here, but there's also the bat creature protecting the sickly person who you get vampirism from (bestiary entry #6) as well as the monster guarding the wilting flower in the garden center basement (bestiary entry #37) so even if you don't buy this exact comparison, there is some other possible evidence for the broader Irving Illness Theory.
Person on the Pink Beach (Bestiary Entry #9)
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REASONING: This theory requires you to believe all the other comparisons I've made up until this point. The only way you get to the Pink Beach is through meeting the ghost in the emergency room by using the tuning fork. If the emergency room and the pallid creatures are already representative of Irving, then anything connecting to them probably is too. Additionally, the figure on the beach is wearing a bone mask, like the Pan Flute Player is, except the Pink Beach figure is covering their whole face. Additionally, both the Pink Beach and Boiling Water World are EXTREMELY pink areas with a focus on water. ALSO the Pink Beach's music is the same as the Title Screen of Oversomnia, which could indicate that the Pink Beach is more important and more broadly emblematic of Irving and his dreams than it initially lets on.
MEANING INTERPRETATION: The bestiary entry for this area reads "Hidden away in a place where it had been forgotten was a beach made of pink sand. The only person on the beach had also been forgotten…" You COULD possibly interpret "the only person on the beach" to mean Irving in this context which could indicate that his friends have forgotten about him, OR he's worried about being forgotten. 50/50 shot on that one, if you believe it at all. Alternatively, it could be representative of something Irving's forgotten about himself. This IS where you get the skeleton key effect after all, and the skeleton key is all about unlocking hidden dreams and hidden memories!!
This post ended up being way longer than I expected. Thanks for reading this far.
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Twilight giving the group animal nicknames?? More likely than you think.
We already know about Time calling Twilight pup (baby wolf), and Twi calling Wild cub (baby fox)
But just. What other names has Twilight given out? Things that sprung to his lips and just stuck. He doesn't necessarily have a reason for them though some he does, just. Things that to him mean something special even if the others don't understand.
Wild: As stated above he gets called cub. But also I could see Twilight calling him a "Crazy Reynard" (Reynard is a name for a male fox but also a myth. I'm going off of it as a gendered term though)
Wind: In Bareit2000's What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor they have Twilight call him Kid as in a baby goat and god damn that is precious and lives rent free in my head. This fic made my cry so hard I will forever hype it. But also getting called something akin to a Racoon when he's being sticky fingered gremlin is also very good.
Sky: Pen (female swan) maybe it's after the first time they get to see Skyloft. Or him listening to sky talk about Crimson and missing home, but it's also definitely paired with Twilight getting to see Sky's skills blend with the rage he keeps buried. It just rolls off his tounge one day after Sky gets hurt and he's fretting and boy does it confuse the skyloftian but he can't quite bring himself to question it. Most of the group assume it's because Sky writes home so often, but it's More something akin to a beautiful and terrifying compliment. (Tiercel -Male Eagle- would also be good but also a mouthful when you're trying to be soft)
Legend: Buck/Little doe depending on how annoying hes being to make Legend smile. Most people would assume this has something to do with deer and be confused. But no. These are also terms for Rabbits!! When they're alone and Twilight it comforting Legend He will straight up just call him Bunny. But he knows Legend doesn't want the others to know so he wouldn't ever comprise that. Legend 100% does not know about that being the terms for Male/Female rabbits so he's just as confused as the others.
Time: Timber (Makenzie valley/Timber wolves are the largest wolf breed). Time doesn't know about the heroes shade/how own wolf form. The rest of the group probably associates him with protective bear if anything and Twi definitely will tease him with the "Papa bear" title. But Timber/Old Timber is Twilight's name for him. Easy to assume he's just calling Time a tree seeing as he makes enough jokes about being raised by one. So it's all the more fitting even if Twi is the only one who actually knows the meaning behind the name.
Warriors: Tom (as in Tom cat) but also Rooster when he's being annoying. Cats (and I mean this in the most loving of ways) can come off as vain little assholes. And him and Twilight definitely rub each other the wrong way frequently. But all the cats Twilight met on his journey were also friendly and helpful and kind. And he knows a village of cats, he loves cats, and knows that they're also absolutely helpless dumbasses that get themselves into stupid situations even though they're quite smart and resourceful. But when Wars won't shut up he very much gets called Rooster. The group is really only confused about Twilight randomly calling him Tom until the day he straight up just calls Wars a "Feral Tomcat"
Hyrule: little Hob / Kit (Male or baby Ferret). Hyrule is resourceful but also tricky and mysterious. He has tons of energy and a wild side that gets him into interesting situations. Hob is also a term for Gremlin/Hobgoblin and other similar fae creatures.
Four: Mouse/Pinky/Mischief after learning about his tiny form and and the Picori/Minish he just can't help it! He finds it adorable and he means it in the best of ways. A lot of people might think he's making fun, but Four takes it as a compliment because he loves being small and he loves the Minish! Being called Pinky confused him the first time because most would assume that would be Legend. But it was more something that slipped out when Twilight saw that his eyes has turned that light shade of red because he was upset, and Twi does actually explain that so it makes sense.
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timothy-haye · 24 days
Section 7 / Continent: South America
General Layout:
Section 7 is set up in a dense jungle with large rivers cutting through it. The majority of the section is enclosed due the its density, and the few clearings that the section has are used for buildings.
The section is marked with pathways, and there are stairs, escalators, elevators that take you up into the trees and bridges that take you across. Guests can also get around the section riding up and down the rivers in small boats.
There's also a wide variety of restaurants, gift shops, and amenities, within the section, including guided jungle expeditions, outdoor rope courses, and wild cat cafes.
The Animals:
Amphibians: Frogs.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals: Capybaras, Elephant Seas, Otters, Sea Lions
Birds: Boobies, Caracaras, Doves, Egrets, Finches, Flamingos, Hawks, Herons, Kiskadees, Lapwings, Owls, Parrots, Sparrows, Spoonbills, Swans, Toucans, and Vultures
Fish: Angelfish, Butterflyfish, Damselfish, Eels, Morays, Parrotfish, Pufferfish, Seahorses, Surgeonfish, Tangs, and Trumpetfish.
Insects: Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Grasshoppers, and Mantises.
Misc. Carnivores Animals: Anteaters, Bats, Jaguars, Jaguarundis, Mountain Lions, and Ocelots.
Misc. Herbivorous Animals: Agoutis, Coypus, Deer, Guanacos, Guinea Pigs, Kinkajou, Llamas, Maras, Pacas, Porcupines, Sloths, Tapirs, and Vicuñas, and Viscachas.
Misc. Omnivorous Animals: Alpacas, Armadillos, Bears, Coatis, Foxes, Maned Wolves, Opossums, Peccaries, Racoons, Skunks, Squirrels, and Tayras.
Primates: Capuchins, Howler Monkeys, Marmoset, Squirrel Monkeys, Tamarins, Titis, and Woolly Monkeys.
Reptiles: Caimans, Lizards, Snakes, and Turtles.
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floatingcamel23 · 4 months
categorizing mobs pt 2
welp. saddle up cus this will be a long one. if you havent seen the first part, go check it out. basicly i categorize mobs based on what they are, how they act and why they are here. this will add scrapped mobs, mobs from the spinoffs and more. ready. lets do this.
lets start with the very long one. animals. imma make a post dividing all the animals into there speices. but for now lets categorize animals in general. animals: axolotl, bat, camel, cat, cow, chicken, cod, frog, donkey, squid, glow squid, horse, mooshroom, pig, mule, donkey, ocelot, parrot, pufferfish, rabbit, salmon, sheep, skeleton horse, sniffer, strider, tadpole, tropical fish, turtle, bee, cave spider, spider, dolphins, fox, goat, llama, panda, polar bear, trader llama, wolf, guardian. elder guardians, hoglin, phantom, ravager, shulker, silverfish, zoglin, ender dragon, armadillo, killer bunny, zombie horse, diamond chicken, "horse", mars, moon cow, "pony", redstone bug, red dragon, alpaca, barnacle, the great hunger, chinese crocodile, golden monkey, pink river dolphin, white lipped deer, fox pet, (these are the chinese exclusive mobs. i know these cus my chinese friend plays the chinese version.) crab, penguin, endermite, badger, butterfly, dragonfly, marmot, big beak, brilliant beetle, regal tiger, lava launcher, warboar, ancient hoglin, rainbow sheep, jeb_ sheep, clam, piggy bank, wooly cow, enchanted sheep, enchanted cow, dairy cow, piebald pig, sooty pig, baby glow squid, ghast, baby ghast, cinnamon ferret, cluckshroom, duck, dark goat, emperor penguin, fancy chicken, golden parrot, hedgehog, mole, red phantom, racoon, royal penguin, red panda, raven, ruby turtle, skunk, ferret, spotted pig,toucan, vested rabbit, toast, grumm/dinnerbone animals, zombie baby pig, moobloom, moolip, eponymous glow squid, black ocelot, black wolf, monkey, (these three are mentioned in the weapons of minecraft dungeouns) Dried Muddy Pig, Mottled Pig, Muddy Pig, Pale Pig, Pink Footed Pig, Spotted Pig, Flecked Sheep, Fuzzy Sheep, Inky Sheep, Long Nose Sheep, Patched Sheep, Rocky Sheep, White Sheep, Albino Cow, Ashen Cow, Cookie Cow, Cream Cow, Pinto Cow, Sunset Cow, Umbra Cow, Amber Chicken, Bronzed Chicken, Gold Crested Chicken, Midnight Chicken, Skewbald Chicken, Stormy Chicken, Bold Striped Rabbit, Desert Rabbit, Freckled Rabbit, Harelequin Rabbit, Jumbo Rabbit, Muddy Foot Rabbit, bone spider, skeleton wolf, dyed cat, fish in chaps, (what) (its a fish with pants what-) hyper rabbit, magma cow, mooboom, mossy sheep, otter, web spider, teacup pig, horned sheep, meerkat, ostritch, vulture, wooloo, finally, zombie rabbit.
ok some of these mobs are a bit absurd. cus they are. most are minecraft earth mobs like the fish in chaps, (it looks so funny-) mooboom and more. u might not know them cus they are scrapped mobs.
next are insects and arthropods. you know how it works.
insects and arthropods: spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, redstone bug, firefly (rip), web spider, giant cave spider, endermite, creeder, icy spider, prison cave spider, prison spider, butterfly, dragonfly, brilliant beetle, termite and bone spider.
finally, amphibians! lets do this.
amphibians: frog, axolotl, tadpole, strider (?) fearless frog.
thats it. see if you can guess which minecraft spinoff game games these mobs came from! pt 3: idk.
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qrevo · 1 month
yeah i made a cat fursona because they're cool. but i also want to make a racoon fursona because they're cool. and i also want to make a deer fursona because they're cool. same for hyena fursonas. and possum fursonas. and wolf sonas. and bear sonas. and horse sonas and fox sonas and moose sonas and lion sonas and tigers and zebras and otters and rabbits and lizards and dragons rats elephants panthers ducks hawks seals whales alligators protogens martens goats pandas and- and-- and-- *explodes*
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kinsey3furry300 · 2 months
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squids0daz · 7 months
Synapsic Info
History / Interactions with Humans
Synapsics are an alien race that first descended to earth near the beginning of the Meghalayan age. Their numbers were scarce with only around 50 or lower being alive at a given time. They stayed under the radar for many years, only being found as a separate species in the year 1612. Their low numbers continued to dwindle despite human intervention. In 2604, a second generation descended and the population was saved. Synapsics were recognized as intelligent beings in 2637. Before being discovered by humans, Synapsics would live in small groups in the wild. If they looked humanoid enough they might’ve dwelled in unsuspecting towns or cities. Most had little to no contact with humans, being neither hostile nor friendly. In later years, especially after 2637 and the years following, Synapsics lived alongside humans. Upon being introduced into human society, Synapsics began to attend schools and work at jobs. Many housed with and continue to house with humans in apartments or houses. Human/Synapsic marriage and dating was a highly controversial topic that never really got resolved before the extinction of humans.
Diet / Behaviour
Synapsics are purely carnivorous. Their bodies change to mimic the attributes of its prey whether that be rodents, livestock, or even humans. Their name comes from their main diet being made up of mammals of the Synapsida clade. When a Synapsic hunts for the first time, it will eat whatever it catches for the rest of its life. Due to mostly mimicking mammals, Synapsics are viviparous; meaning live bearing opposed to oviparous which is egg laying. Synapsics rarely reproduce due to their long lifespans of around 150-200 years or by simply having a lack of desire in the act. Some can even live up to 500 years under the right conditions. When they do reproduce however they experience the same gestation period and any other factors that the organism their mimicking would experience.
As Synapsics eat the same prey over and over again, they will develop attributes similar to their meal (Ears, Tail, Fur, Etc.). Subspecies have been given to each morph based on the family, superfamily, or suborder of the mimicked prey.
Tenreform (Tenrecomorpha Suborder | Tenrecs, Shrews)
Caniform (Canidae family | Dogs, Foxes, Wolves)
Ursiform (Ursidae family | Bears)
Mustelform (Musteloidea superfamily | Skunks, Badgers, Weasels, Otters, Racoons, Etc.)
Pinniform (Pinniped clade | Walruses, Seals, Sea lions)
Feliform (Felidae family | Cats (Domestic + Wild)
Vivierrform (Vivierridae family | civets, genets, oyans)
Herpeform (Herpestoidea superfamily | Hyenas, Mongooses, Euplerids)
Tyloform ( Tylopoda suborder | Camels)
Suinaform (Suina suborder | Pigs, Hogs, Peccaries)
Whippoform (Whippomorpha suborder | Hippos, Whales, Dolphins, Etc.)
Rumiform (Ruminantia suborder | Deer, Giraffes, Mooses, Buffalo, Antelope, Gazelle, Sheep, Etc.)
Chiroform (Chiroptera order | Bats)
Cingulaform (Cingulata order | Armadillos)
Didelform (Didelphidae family | Opossums)
Diproform (Diprotodontia order | Kangaroos, Wallabies, Possums, Koalas, Wombats)
Lagoform (Lagomorpha order | Rabbits, Hares, Pikas)
Monotreform (Monotremata order | Platypus, Echidnas)
Perissoform (Perissodactyla order | Horses, Rhinos, Tapirs)
Piloform (Pilosa order | Sloths, Anteaters)
Hominiform (Hominidae family | Humans, Chimps, Gorillas, Etc.)
Strepsiform (Strepsirrhini suborder | Lemurs, Bushbabies, Galagos, Lorises)
Elephform (Elephantidae family | Elephants)
Castoriform (Castorimorpha suborder | Beavers, Gophers, Pocket Mice)
Myoform (Myomorpha suborder | Jerboas, Mice, Voles, Rats, Hamsters)
Sciuroform (Sciuromorpha suborder | Dormice, Squirrels)
Scandentiform (Scandentia order | Treeshrews)
Sireform (Sirenia order | Dugongs, Manatees)
Orycteroform (Orycteropodidae family | Aardvarks)
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