#beard had a breaking point and it was reached and he got mean. like a dog.
coachbeards · 2 months
anyone else think about how beard comforted ted in 1.02 with “remember what you said to me our first day coaching at Wichita state? relax…they’re just kids.” and when he got angry at ted in the 1.09 he said “i understood this mission when we were in Kansas, but those were kids and these are professionals and winning does matter to them! and it matters to me!” Bc i do
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olivermorningstar · 24 days
First Shave
Was originally going to be a comic, but I figured a fic would be easier...
When Oliver woke up, he didn't feel different at all. The day carried on like normal - he got up, he got dressed, and he was starting to head for the bathroom. When he walked by the mirror, he stopped dead in his tracks before realizing what he saw was himself.
Along the curve of his jaw and under his lip, patchy black lines had started to form where his first beard was starting to come in. In awe, he ran his hand along and felt the bumpy surface, confirming it was real and he wasn't still dreaming. He clicked his tongue, as excited as he was about it, the hair was patchy and uneven. There was no way this was going to grow into a nice beard, but still... The fact that it grew in at all was amazing.
His excitement quickly died down as he realized something... unfortunate. He didn't have a razor, which meant he was going to have to brave the dining hall where majority of the members of Crown would be gathered for breakfast. Would they be happy for him too? Indifferent?
Oliver's heart was pounding in his chest as he tried to carry on with his morning routine, but his eyes kept drifting back to the hairs on his chin.
Soon it was time to brave the dining hall. He took a deep breath and walked in, trying to act like nothing had changed and that everything was business as usual, but that act fell apart the moment everyone's eyes were on him.
"Wow!" Liam chirped, being the first to break the silence. "Roger's treatment worked well, huh?"
Jude scoffed. "You're not keeping that, right?" He asked. "It's growing in all weird."
"Well, would you look at that." Roger said as he motioned for Oliver to come over. He did comply and Roger grabbed his chin to turn his head, giving a low whistle. "Jude's right though, if you want an actual beard, you're gonna have to shave that off and try again."
"I mean, I would like to have one at some point, it's just..." Oliver trailed off. Liam then perked up.
"Oh, right, you didn't have any use for a razor prior, uh?" He asked. "Well, sounds like you need one now."
"Yeah, I guess I'll have to look into one." Oliver sighed. For now, he would sit down and join them for breakfast. Not much was said about his facial hair after that.
As the day went on, Oliver found himself bouncing from task to task. First, Victor (after doting on Oliver's facial hair for a brief moment and congratulating him on another milestone reached in his transition) needed some packages picked up. Oliver thought he could go shopping while he was out, but one thing lead to another and he found himself helping Jude out at the docks.
After that, it was time to go back to the forest to clear his traps to make sure there was nothing left to the wild animals there and he was short some good furs. After the traps were reset and cleared up, he had to take care of what he did find to make sure the furs were good to sell.
Of course, then there was the meat from those hunts, and Oliver hated to see good meat go to waste. Some went back to the castle, the rest he was able to give off to others who needed the meat more.
By the time he made his back to the castle, it was already dusk. Mentally cursing himself for not shopping while he was out, Oliver retired to his room. As he opened the door, he noticed that there was a package on his bed. He tilted his head as he approached to pick it up.
The package was tied neatly in a simple cloth that was easily undone. Inside was a box that Oliver opened. He could see a razor, some shaving cream, some facial towels, but there was no note nor anything else to indicate who left it. He glanced around just in case it was Liam and he was just invisible, waiting for Oliver to find the gift before showing himself, but no, there was nobody.
"Huh." He said before setting the gift down on his nightstand. Strange, maybe he would figure out who left it tomorrow.
The next day he joined everyone again at the dining hall, but as their meal ended, he approached Roger. Roger glanced up at him with a curious look, but allowed Oliver to speak first. "Hey," he said, "do you know how left the razor in my room?"
"First I'm hearing of it, lad." Roger said with a shrug. "I have my guesses as to who would do that, but I don't know for sure."
"Oh, I thought maybe..." No, this wasn't something Roger would do, would it? "Never mind."
Roger just shrugged, allowing the moment to pass. "Do you even know how to use a razor?" He asked Oliver, who shook his head. "Well, I'm due for a shave as well." He said as he ran his hand along his chin. Oliver could hear how the hair scratched against his hand. "How about you come with me and I can show you some tricks so I don't have to patch you up later?"
"I'd like that actually." Oliver said. "Meet you in your bathroom?"
"See you there."
Oliver arrived first with the gift he received. He laid it on the counter space as he waited for Roger to arrive. Strange, why did he feel nervous about this? His head flicked towards the door as it opened and Roger walked in.
"Ah, good, you did show up." Roger moved to pull his supplies out as well before he plugged and filled the sink. "Now, you're going to follow my steps, alright, lad?"
Oliver watched as Roger rinsed his face, applied his cream, and started to shave. He mirrored exactly what he saw and began to shave along side him. It was soothing in a way. There was something thrilling about how mundane this all was. It was just a part of his life now. As Oliver thought about that, he ended up stopping.
Roger paused as well to glance over. "You alright? Did you nick yourself?" He asked. Oliver gasped before continued.
"No, I'm just... I think I'm happy." He said in a more quiet voice. Roger had to laugh. Of course Oliver was happy, this was a huge step for him.
"The novelty will wear off soon enough." He reassured. "But hey, we're all happy for you. You looked scared yesterday, but after breakfast, you started to hold your head up a little higher."
"Did I...?" Oliver asked. "Huh, didn't notice."
"Yep, it's true, you can ask anyone about it. Now, focus on your shave there, you're not used it and you don't want to walk around with half of your face bandaged, right?"
With his face freshly shaven, Oliver made his way to the library. There were some books he wanted to grab. William had spoken to him about the prospect of going back to school and suggested some topics for him to look into for something that caught his eye. It was time to put some hours into research.
As he entered, he could see it was just Jude who was there. He looked up from the book he was reading before closing it. "Ah, much better." He said. "I see you used that gift, huh?"
Oliver stopped dead. "It was you?" He asked. "Why?"
"I told you, that beard looked like shit. I'm doing you a favor helping you shave it back for now. Don't worry, we can talk payment later." There was that usual smirk on his face as Oliver shook his head.
"Regardless, thanks, Jude."
"Oi, oi, didn't you hear me? It was because I didn't want to see that patchy look. The hell are you thanking me for?" Jude scoffed. "Ah, right, I forgot how you work." Oliver snickered. "Well, don't worry, the next time you see me with a beard, it'll be full and even."
Jude rolled his eyes. "Do what you want." He then left Oliver alone to his studies. Oliver couldn't help but smile as he worked. Even Jude seemed to find his own ways to support him, and that made him feel even happier.
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alltheirdamn · 3 months
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Dark!Preacher!Joel x f!reader
Summary: You indulge in the voice of the Devil for one fateful night. Rating: 18+ Explicit MDNI Caution/TW: DUBIOUS CONSENT Word Count: 3.6k Warnings: NONCON ELEMENTS, no outbreak AU, undisclosed age gap (joel is 56 and reader is in her late 20's), infidelity, religion!kink, degredation!kink, humiliation!kink, praise!kink, choking, slapping, forced oral (m receiving), deepthroating, rough hair pulling, boot licking, light fingering, pain!kink, noncon unprotected piv sex, pet names (little one, good girl), degrading terms (bitch, whore, slut), dirty/filthy language, rough sex, forced orgasm, noncon creampie, no aftercare A/N: this is WAYYY out of my comfort zone to write, but something about the idea of Preacher!Joel just did it for me. I figured I'd test out the waters & see where it gets me... anyway, enjoy and PLEASE READ THE TAGS/WARNINGS
You weren’t oblivious to Preacher Joel's sidelong glances and lingering stares. Every Sunday, you sat in the second row of the church, watching him preach the Lord’s gospel with a baleful smile only meant for you, while your husband, Adam, sat beside you blissfully unaware. So, when you proposed the idea of taking a pie over to his home—alone—Adam didn’t even bat an eye. 
“Are you taking over a cherry pie?” Adam had asked from the living room. 
You were bent over the oven, pulling the hot pie dish onto a trivet with shaky hands. Sunday service that morning had been your breaking point; the communion dish made its rounds through the pews, and you found Joel’s eyes tracking your mouth as you brought the grape wine to your lips. Your resolve snapped, and the desire to feed into temptation blurred any and all judgment you had since maintained. 
“Do you think he’ll like it?” You hollered back at Adam, wrapping the pie in a terrycloth. 
“I’m sure he will, honey.”
Untieing the canvas apron from around your waist, you smoothed down your white church dress and shuffled the pie dish into your arms. Crossing into the living room, you kissed the crown of Adam’s head softly before saying goodbye. He didn’t look up once. 
The benefit of living in a small town was that all the homes were fairly close together, meaning it was a short walk to the preacher’s home, which resided behind the town’s church. It was far past supper time, and most of the town had tucked into bed by now, leaving you alone with the wind between the trees and a man who could be your undoing. The only sounds echoing around you were your feet crunching along the dirt road and the howls of stray dogs in the distance. Clutching the pie closer to your chest, you continued walking toward his home with the Devil on your shoulder. 
Preacher Joel’s home was modest and small; the white paint on the wood structure chipped away from years of weathering. His black pickup truck was parked on the side of the house, the wheels dirty and the paint smeared with mud. The closer you got to his front porch steps, the more rapidly your heart pounded inside your chest. You didn’t know what to expect, but you knew every muscle drawing your body closer to his home was being fueled by the Devil. Under the flickering front porch light, you brushed your knuckles against the door and held your breath. 
Heavy footfall sounded on the other side of the door before it opened, revealing the man that plagued every thought in your mind. Joel stood before you with his dress shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest, exposing the dark chest hair that spattered across his tan chest. His patchy grey beard was well-trimmed as if he had just refreshed it, and a lascivious grin broke across his face as his eyes raked over you. 
“This is a mighty nice surprise,” he whistled. 
“I—I wanted to bring over a pie,” you stuttered. “As a thank you.”
“For what?” He quirked a thick eyebrow, his piercing brown eyes staring down at you. 
“It was just on my heart to do something nice,” you lied. 
Joel reached out for the pie dish, his warm hands brushing over yours as he took it. You weren’t sure what to do with your empty hands, so you found yourself fidgeting with the gold cross dangling around your neck. 
“Come in,” he said, sidestepping to welcome you in. 
The second your feet walked over the threshold, you knew temptation had sunk its teeth into you. 
“This is a lovely home,” you commented, following him to the kitchen. 
The living room was surrounded by dark wooden walls, with a beige loveseat in the center and a TV box pressed against the opposite wall. There were remnants of him in every corner of the room: a half-drank glass of whiskey, a newspaper folded on the coffee table, and his black leather Bible resting on the arm of the sofa. The kitchen was just as simple, with a gas stove and small white fridge nestled against wooden cabinetry. 
Joel set the pie dish on the granite countertop, turning to the cabinets to retrieve a small plate, a fork, and a knife. You fixated on the way he worked at rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, the veins in his forearms flexing with each fold of the fabric. He let out a small chuckle, forcing your eyes to tear away from his hands and back to his deep brown eyes. 
“Y’make this yourself?” He asked, cutting himself a slice. 
“I did,” you nodded. “It’s cherry.”
“Mmhm, my favorite,” he hummed. 
He dug his fork into the pie, the crust crumbling onto the plate as he lifted it to his mouth. You watched as his mouth wrapped around the utensil, a low groan escaping his throat as he tasted the cherry filling you had made by scratch. Under thick eyebrows, his eyes closed while he savored the taste, and you felt the swell of pride stirring inside you. 
“It’s good?” You asked. 
“S’delicious,” he mumbled, digging into it for a second bite. 
Instead of bringing the next bite to his lips, he offered it to you, urging you to lean over the countertop and meet him halfway. How were you to deny the preacher of something he wanted? Opening your mouth, you welcomed the sweet taste onto your tongue, meeting his eyes as you wrapped your lips around the fork. 
“Delicious, ain’t it?” 
“Yes,” you whispered as he pulled the fork from your mouth. 
Joel’s eyes dilated with a surge of lust. You never saw that look on your husband, but it was unmistakable when you looked into those dark eyes now. A sudden thrum of warmth ran through your body the longer studied you, forcing you to squirm in place. He must have taken notice of it when he decided to round the countertop and swarm you with his broad frame. His finger curled under the chain of your necklace, tugging at it until you lifted your eyes to his. 
“You’re a temptation, little one,” he drawled. “Just look at you.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me during your sermons,” you confessed.
He cocked his head to the side in amusement; his plush lips quirked up in a smile. His finger coiled around the chain tighter, pulling you a step closer. You inhaled the scent of whiskey and smoke that lingered on his shirt as it brushed against your chest. The thin fabric of your dress wasn’t enough to hide the shiver that ran over your spine. Joel tucked a stray hair behind your ear, bending down to brush his lips over the shell of your ear. 
“Y’sure you ain’t seein’ the Devil?”
His hand released your necklace, only to wrap around your throat in a tight grasp. You struggled for air under his grip, your nails raking down his bare forearms. There was an uncanny wildness lighting up his eyes as he watched you gasping under the forceful pressure of his fingers.
“Just a naughty thing lookin’ for corruption.”
“Please,” you choked.
“Ain’t this what you wanted, little one? Look at you, just drippin’ in sin,” he whispered.
“I—I can’t breathe,” you thrashed against him, tears pooling in your eyes.
He shoved you backward until you were doubled over and heaving for air. There was a deep laugh swirling through your fogged mind, and you blinked back tears before you attempted to make eye contact again. Something about this felt wrong. 
Joel stood with his arms folded over his chest, waiting for you to recompose yourself. You staggered back, your body hitting the wall of the kitchen, and you coughed violently, trying to grasp back onto reality. He curled a finger to beckon you forward, and despite your reluctance, your body moved on its own accord. With a fist full of your hair, he forced you to your knees, making you cry out at the impact of your knees hitting the tile floor. 
“I should make you pray for forgiveness before I ruin you,” he growled. 
You whimpered, humiliated at the way arousal pooled between your legs with every word he said. Adam never spoke to you in such a vile way; he only ever took you in the marital way, with you on your back and him above you. But something told you that the preacher would be far from that familiarity, and it electrified you. You wanted to know how far you could take it and how rough he could be. If the Devil was beckoning you, who were you to deny him the pleasure?
With defiance in your eyes and a proud grin on your face, you started to mouth a prayer to the Lord, knowing He wouldn’t be listening. Whatever you did in this small home was between you and the preacher. 
“Louder,” he ordered. 
You repeated the prayer, never breaking eye contact with him as his jaw clenched with each word you spoke. His hand was still twisted into your hair at the roots, holding you firmly in place. Your eyes traveled down his broad torso, settling on the growing bulge beneath his trousers. You wet your lips, imagining what his cock looked like and how it feel inside of you. Joel must have taken notice of your fixation and brought his other hand down to deliver a sharp slap against your cheek. Your head whipped to the side, the sting of his hand lingering on your face as you gathered your bearings. 
“Filthy lil thing just beggin’ to be fucked, huh?” 
You worked your jaw open and closed, trying to relieve the pain that radiated down your neck. 
“Answer me, little one,” he snapped. 
“Y–Yes,” you muttered.
Another jarring hit came across your face, your ears ringing from the impact. 
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir,” you whispered.
Satisfied with your answer, he worked at undoing his belt buckle, tugging his trousers and underwear down his hips. Your mouth went dry at the sight of his cock; the thickness of it was enough to wrack your already shaking nerves. Adam never asked you to pleasure him this way, but your body reacted differently when you were kneeling at the feet of a corrupt preacher. 
His fingers wrapped around the shaft of his cock, his hand pumping it slowly as it grazed over your parted lips. You wanted to take the plunge and wrap your lips around it; you wanted to savor every inch of it and watch him fall apart. 
“Droolin’ like a bitch in heat, fucking pathetic,” he taunted. 
He smacked the weeping head of his cock against your lips, precum smearing across your mouth and chin. You obediently opened your mouth for him, the immediate salty taste falling against your tongue. He gave you a moment to stretch your jaw to adjust to the girth of his cock before rocking deeper into your mouth. The tip of his cock tapped the back of your throat, forcing you to sputter around him. Tears soaked your cheeks as he picked up a steady pace, each thrust reaching your soft palate. 
“That’s it, little one,” he groaned. “Takin’ my cock so fuckin’ well. Can’t cry out for God when you're full of me.”
You moaned around him, the vibration sending him into a frenzy as he brutalized your throat. You could only bare your weight against the floor and take every inch he gave, the drool and tears mixing together as they rolled down your chin. Joel’s head tilted back, his eyes fixated on the ceiling as you dragged your tongue along the underside of his cock. Your gag reflex kicked in as he struck the back of your throat before he pulled out and leveled you with a heavy stare. 
“Such a good girl,” he praised, tapping your cheek lightly before unwinding his fingers from your scalp. 
He gathered the drool dripping from your chin and smeared it over your face, the taste of him invading your nostrils with each swipe of his hand. It was dehumanizing and disgusting…but some fucked up part of you loved it. 
“Thank you, sir,” you preened, smiling through the mess he had made of you. 
“Don’t go thankin’ me yet, little one. Better clean your drool off my fuckin’ boots.”
Your smile faded as your eyes flicked between him and his shoes, which were visibly covered in a pool of your saliva. You shook your head in protest, but he was quick to shove you down toward the floor. You thrashed against his grip on the back of your neck, your nose brushing against the worn work boots adorning his feet. 
“Lick,” he demanded. “Clean your fuckin’ mess.”
You swallowed thickly before you allowed your tongue to dart out and lap up the remnants of your saliva. You held back a retch as your tongue grazed over the leather material, the dryness under your mess painful against your throbbing tongue. You peered up at him in hopes that he was satisfied, but you were only met with a cocked brow and an unamused stare. 
“Missed a spot,” he huffed, toeing his boot against your mouth. 
You cringed as you continued working your tongue over his other shoe, the taste of it unbearable. He was shamelessly minimizing you down into the worst version of yourself, and there was no one to blame but you and your naivety. 
Joel slammed his shoe back against the tile with pursed lips, and he tsked at you. 
“Pathetic,” he mumbled.  “Bedroom s’down the hall. I want you in there and spread out on my bed.”
You nodded and wiped away the tears bursting from your eyes. A firm hand gripped your shoulder as you tried to rise to your feet, forcing you back down. You gave him a weary look, waiting for his next command. Crouching down to eye level, Joel took your chin into his hand with a forceful grip. 
“Crawl,” he ordered. “Go on.”
He straightened to his full height and loomed over you as you planted yourself on all fours. Turning toward the walkway of the kitchen, you started crawling, the heat of his stare on your backside enough to ignite another wave of pleasure inside your stomach. You could feel your dress hiking up over your thighs, putting your cotton underwear on display for him with each progressive move you made. The heat of his stare lingered on you as you scrapped your knees across the carpet, the bedroom door at the end of the hallway calling out to you through the voice of the Devil. He reached over your body to open the door, guiding you into the dark room. There was a wooden wardrobe propped against the wall and a matching side table next to the large bed that sat in the center. Flipping on the overhead light, he pointed to the bed, silently instructing you to climb onto the flannel bedspread. 
You laid back on the bed, your white dress pooled around your body as he crawled over you. Caging you between his muscular biceps, he dipped his head into the crook of your neck and dragged his tongue against the pulse throbbing under your skin. The need growing between your legs was becoming too unbearable to handle, but you were afraid to beg him for release. He had made it apparent he controlled every second of this interaction, from how much you breathed to the way you moved. 
“Let’s see how soaked these pretty lil panties are,” he whispered, snaking his hand down your abdomen. 
Flipping your dress up, his fingers delved under the waistband of your cotton underwear, a hum of approval rumbling his chest as he found your thighs slick with arousal. Thick fingers worked their way through your wet folds, teasing your entrance before he plunged two fingers in without warning. You arched into his touch, the curl of his fingers against the soft spot inside you jolting you upwards. 
“Fuck!” You cried, your fingers digging into his arms. 
His free hand shot out to cover your mouth as he pressed his forehead to yours, rage simmering in his brown eyes as he stared you down. 
“Watch your fuckin’ mouth, little one,” he warned. “I don’t wanna hear a fuckin’ peep, you understand?”
Your response was muffled under his hand, and he shifted his weight so that his fingers dug further inside you. You swallowed back pitiful moans as he worked his fingers in and out of you. A slow-burning sensation rolled through your stomach, pushing you closer and closer to the edge of your climax. You were fluttering around him as it bubbled to the surface, only to be met by the absence of his fingers as he pulled them away at the last second. You wailed in protest, feeling a hollowness inside of you without them there. 
Ripping your underwear down your legs, Joel hauled you onto your stomach, positioning your hips upward in the way he desired. You had no choice but to take anything he gave you. The clanking sound of the belt around his pants was the only warning you were granted before wedged between your thinks and sunk into you. Your vision faded out at the blinding pain of him stretching you open, every inch of him tearing you apart beyond compare. 
“It’s too much. I—I can’t. It hurts!” you cried. 
His only response was to grind his hips harder against yours, the pain radiating up your spine. 
“Shut up,” he bit out, pulling out and driving back into you. “You’re gonna take my cock like the filthy lil slut I know you are, and you’re gonna thank me. Understand?”
Your face fell into the pillows as you muffled a scream. His hand wound around your neck, yanking you from the bed and forcing you to bend back and meet his vicious stare. With his teeth barred and cock buried inside you, there was nothing to do but give yourself fully to him. 
“Yes, sir!" You wailed. “ Thank you, sir.”
“Good fuckin’ girl,” he crooned. 
He set a steady pace, the lewd sound of his hips smacking against yours echoing throughout the room. He was brutalizing you, defiling you, completely ruining you into oblivion. The voice of temptation had led you here, and now you were paying the price for your sins. No amount of prayer or forgiveness could wash you clean. 
“Such a perfect and obedient whore,” he grunted with his fingers bruising your hipbones. “You fuckin’ love havin’ this tight cunt wrecked by the preacher—shit—just dyin’ to have my cum inside you.”
The sobs wracked through your body as the need to climax tore you apart. He yanked your hips even higher, pistoning his cock into you at an angle that set your body alight. You had no control over the pleasure burning deep within you, and suddenly you were tensing around his cock with the name of God falling off your lips. 
“God can’t save you now, little one. This unholy cunt is mine.”
Fizzles of your ebbing climax simmered through your body, carrying you back down to the present, only to be met by another onslaught of violent thrusts from the man behind you. He was relentless as he took…and took…and took. By the time he was done with you, there would be nothing left. 
“Please—stop!” The words left your mouth broken and strained. 
You were clawing at the bedsheets, begging for him to release you. He only laughed at each one of your protests, his pace unrelenting and forceful with every drive of his cock inside you. His fingers flexed against your skin, and you felt the shift in his rhythm, alerting you that he was about to climax. 
“Don’t—God—please don’t!” You begged. 
“Quiet,” he snarled, pulling you by the throat so that you were flush against his chest. 
“Please,” you sobbed, barely choking out the word. 
“Gonna send you back to your husband with my cum leakin’ out of you,” he snarled. 
Before you could even attempt to escape his hold, Joel was slamming into you one final time, a carnal groan deafening your ears as he filled you with his release. He tossed you back onto the bed carelessly, leaving you aching and stretched open on the ruined sheets. You lay there motionless, staring at the chipping paint along the doors of his wardrobe. Joel rolled off the bed, muttering a slew of derogatory words your way, before vanishing into the bathroom down the hall. The silence swirling around you was the only comfort in the aftermath, the pain radiating inside you fading away the longer you sunk into the mattress. 
The sound of footsteps flooded the room, and you flinched away as Joel’s hand roamed up your bare thigh. His fingers prodded against your throbbing entrance, teasing you until you squirmed out of reach. 
“Take yourself home, little one,” he instructed. 
You winced as you rose from the bed, not daring to make eye contact as you gathered your underwear and fled down the hallway. The slap of the cross necklace against your chest was a burning reminder of the sins you had committed. You staggered out the front door, barely making it down the first step of the porch before you burst into tears. Joel’s presence loomed behind you, and you looked back one final time to see him watching you leave with a sinister smile breaking across his face. With scuffed knees and his cum trickling down your thighs, you barreled home, knowing you had just met the Devil.
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cositapreciosa · 5 months
Serve, love & protect
Bodyguard!Gilbert 'Gilly' Lopez x reader, the usual for the show, 1584 words
a/n : bodyguard au cause we love them tropes
Tagging my Gilly people @narcolini @drabbles-mc <3
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‘’ You lied to me. ‘’
‘’ I did. ‘’
‘’ Are you even dating me or is this all a big joke too? ‘’
He sighs, and suddenly the big SUV feels too small for the both of them. The cracked glass across the windshield makes it hard to see, the busted window in the back letting the wind whistle between his ears.
‘’ I… ‘’
His tongue rolls in his mouth, he doesn’t know what to say. On one side, he shouldn’t tell you, admit that he likes you, not when your dad had been clear about that in the contract. All means necessary, don’t fall in love. On the other, how couldn’t he, when you had been so kind, so charming since the beginning, why wouldn’t he want to date you?
‘’ Don’t. ‘’ You answer back, sinking into your seat. ‘’ I don’t want to know. ‘’
He had done lots of business with your dad before, a strong man with piercing eyes, sharp suits. That is where the offer came from, between gun trades and small talk. Got a babysitting job for you, Gilly, easy work, easy cash. More like a bodyguard job, a dumbass bodyguard job with actual danger, guns and wounds. Your dad had told him you wouldn’t be easily convinced, that to ensure your safety he would have to be less traditional, less leather and handgun, more friend, even closer if needed. And he did, even if he knew it wasn’t part of the plan, letting you run your fingers through his beard, sharing the same side of the bed, he just couldn’t say no.
‘’ Listen, baby, I- ‘’
‘’ Don’t- oh my god, Gilly what the fuck is wrong with you?! ‘’
Your hands are tight, gripping the door handle as he takes a sharp left. You turn to face him.
‘’ Stop it, it’s over! Don’t ‘baby’ me, don’t… ‘’ you gesticulate around, hands flying, ‘’ Just stop. ‘’
You raise your palms to your eyes, pressing, muttering things he can’t understand. He can sense your distress, he knows you now, better than anyone, more than your father would like him to probably. It has been months since you two had been together now, good months, the best ones for him this year. It was an easy job at first too, simply because you never were a primary target, just one that they would try to hit if deals went wrong. Being the child of a gun lord usually came with a fair share of barrels pointing back, and, from what he had seen from you when bullets eventually started flying, staying low and away from the windows, this whole routine was old news to you.
‘’ Please don’t be mad, I can explain. ‘’ He tries again.
You scoff, and he watches as you squint your eyes at him. It makes him feel small in his seat.
‘’ I don’t think you can, Gilly. Save your breath. ‘’
The car is colder now that the sun has gone down and he watches the wind wrap around your hair, lets the breeze bring goosebumps to his arms. He knows the two of you are too exposed, in this beat-up car, bullet holes on each side. It pains him that he knows the only place you will truly be safe is at your dad’s house, and he has to bring you there, not the club, not his house, not anywhere else. Drop you off, collect his hazard pay and leave. Leave you and hope you will answer his texts, even if he something tells him you probably won't.
He takes a left turn, fast, into a poorly lit backstreet, almost propelling you against your window side. The breaks get pressed just as fast, and you have to brace yourself with your hands on the dash.
‘’ Have you gone mad?! Did they hit you on the head or something?! ‘’
Gilly turns off the car and pivotes to you, bringing his arm up to wrap the back of your seat, caging you in.
‘’ I can explain. ‘’ Let me, please.
He is observing you, the frown between your brows, the anger in your eyes, the dried blood on the side of your face. It is superficial, really, barely a scratch, but he has to hold himself back from reaching out, move your chin to the side so he can get a better look. He breathes your name as the overhead lights dim out, leaving the two of you in the dark, pleading. He can smell your perfume, hear the shakiness in your breath.
‘’ Okay, whatever. ‘’
You cross your arms around your chest. Even in the darkness, he knows you are watching him, waiting.
‘’ I like you, I do. ‘’ He starts, ‘’ I wasn’t supposed to, though, we just needed to be friends, you know? So I could make sure you were safe. ‘’ But I failed.
‘’ My dad hired you. ‘’
‘’ He did. ‘’
Your shadow moves, moving to the side to lay your head on the headrest. Your voice is soft, going through the motions, exhausted. You must be tired, the rest of the adrenaline dripping out of you in waves.
‘’ Do you work for him, selling the guns and stuff? ‘’
‘’ More like with him, I’m in a motorcycle club. ‘’
We buy them, he could have said, sell some back if they ever come across a nice shipment from god knows where, but he doesn’t. You are smart, you get it.
‘’ You’re used to getting shot a lot. ‘’ It is not a question, more like a fact, piecing the information together.
‘’ You could say that. ‘’
He holds his free hand out, and you take it, his warm fingers taking in your cold ones. He can tell you have softened up, put down the axe.
‘’ You really like me? ‘’
‘’ I do, very much. ‘’
You squeeze his hand, gently, even though he can’t see, he knows you are pursing your lips, biting the inside of your cheek. You move gently, twisting between your seat and the cup holder, leaning down and pressing your cheek on his shoulder. He can feel your body relax into his.
‘’ Can we go home now? I want a hot shower. ‘’
‘’ I know you do, baby, we’ll be there soon. ‘’
He lets you nuzzle into in shirt, caressing your hair with his free hand. He starts the car, driving back up to the main street. He doesn’t have the guts to tell you you are going home alone tonight, that there is no way in hell your dad will let you sleep somewhere else.
To his surprise, you don’t put much of a fight when you notice the gates around your dad’s house, or when he says your name into the intercom so you can be let in, but you are a smart one, of course, you picked it up. The nuances, the conflict inside of him, how he couldn’t get out of the car at first, couldn’t let go of your arm when people started pouring out the house. I’m good, Gilly, you whispered to him, thank you. And so he listens, he lets go, picks up his cash and leaves.
A week passes, a long one, of mindless thinking, passing time, putting cars on the lift and then bringing them down. He hears about you at Templo one morning, barely a sentence, something about your dad catching the guys, how business between him and the Mayans has been booming since then. Thanks, Gilly. Good job, man. The military training finally paying off, uh? He nods and smiles, but he doesn’t ask about you. He tries to play it low, make it seem like he is not taking the biggest hit of his life.
When he gets home that afternoon, something is different, maybe it is the way the grass is bent where it usually isn’t, how the doormat is slightly crooked, but it is you sitting at the diner table that makes him stop in his tracks.
His hand is still on the gun at the back of his waist, his other tight on the door handle when you wave at him, a small smile on your lips. Your hair is slightly shorter, different, and you are wearing too many layers for the California heat. You speak first.
‘’ Hey, baby… ‘’
Gilly lets go of the handle at his back and closes the door behind him. Baby. Baby. You stand up before he can talk back, nervously taking a few steps towards him.
‘’ We were on lockdown, I couldn’t call, I couldn’t leave. ‘’ Your fingers are pulling at threads on your jeans pocket. ‘’ I’m sorry, Gilly. ‘’
He melts, there is nothing else he can do. His arms find their way naturally around you, one hand on your head, pushing your cheek against his chest. He knows you can feel his heart beating in your ear, hear the relief that comes out of him with a sigh. There is no hesitation when you hug back, warm fingers griping at his cut.
‘’ I will never lie again, I swear. ‘’
You laugh, and it makes him squeeze tighter.
‘’ It’s alright, only for good reasons from now on, okay? ‘’
Okay, he will. Protecting you will be a full-time job now, maybe not the small contract he thought he was going into, something different, something warm and meaningful—soft, loved.
The most pleasant job in the world.
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sachiko1309 · 2 months
Dont look at me like that
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Summary: Cory and Spock retreat into his meditation room after a very stressful day. Taking slow steps, both are equally surprised with the sudden need for intimate affection
Word count: 6011
Warnings: smut, rough smut, fluff, teasing, slight Dom! Spock, fingering, minors DNI this contains adult content!
If you are interested: @mystery-star 😉
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Later, Spock and I were in his meditation room. I had stopped by my quarters and changed into loose pants and a loose shirt after I showered. Spock wore a new set of uniform, but his hair was a bit messed up and still slightly damp. Meditating this time seemed to be easier, and I managed to calmly reflect over the events of the day. I had to break out several moments, but I was able to find my way back in without Spock needing to really assist me.
I don’t know how long we had been in here, but I felt much calmer afterwards. Leaning against the wall, I waited for Spock to finish his meditation. It was fascinating to see him this calm and focused while vulnerable and relaxed at the same time. His breathing was slow and steady, the back rigid and straight, while he sat cross-legged on the floor. I took the time I had, taking in his features. The high brows giving his calm expression a touch of thoughtfulness. He looked beautiful, like a painting, the dim light accentuating the dark beard shadow perfectly.
“You are staring.” He suddenly said and I nearly shat my pants. My heartbeat quickened to the point where I could feel it thrumming against my ribs, as my hand flew to my chest. “Fuck me…” I breathed out, slowly calming down from the shock. He raised an eyebrow, a smug smile twitching in the corners of his lips. “Careful of your requests, t’hy’la.”
Looking at him with wide eyes, I tried to figure out how to take his words, but his poker face made it impossible for me to read his thoughts. Sighting I gave in: “What?”
“Careful of your requests, t’hy’la.” He simply repeated without changing his expression or the way he said it.  I threw my hands in the air. “I heard what you said. I wanted to know why.” To this he hummed, opening his legs and stretching his body. “Because I can.”
“This is not helpful at all.” I groaned, scowling at him, which made his grin growing even more. “I know.” He said. I grabbed a pillow throwing it at him. “You are an asshole.” He caught the pillow with ease, putting it aside, looking me up and down. I could feel how his eyes scanned the curves beneath my shirt and I got painfully aware that I had not put on a bra.
Slightly changing my position to hide it, I took a deep breath. “What does it even mean? The word you used to I believe address me?” His eyes snapped back up to my face, the pupils widened, as he thought for a second. “It is a pet name in Vulcan. It means something like lover, darling, sometimes friend.” He answered and I nodded. “Say it again. It sounds beautiful.”
“What? T’hy’la?” He put a slight drawl to it, dragging out the second syllable. I hummed in pleasure, crawling closer to him, stopping between his legs and sitting back on my knees. Instantly he reached out for me, his hands landing on my hips pulling me closer to him. I gave in to his demand, letting him drag me over his lap. Now I was sitting very close to him, my knees left and right from his hips, while he leaned against the wall. My breathing went faster, and I felt hotness wash over my body.
He didn’t move. Just held me in place with his big hands, while his eyes took me in. “Du nam-tor vaksurik. Ni vaksurik.” He mumbled, before he pulled me in, pressing his lips onto mine. His hand wandered to my neck, holding me in place, while the other stroked the lower side of my back, fingers slipping under my shirt every now and then. Out of reflex, I arched my back, pressing my chest against his. Completely dwelling in the warmth his body was radiating.
My hands wandered to his shoulders, fisting the fabric of his shirt between my fingers, trying to pull me even closer. When he realized, I was completely giving in to his touches, he became bolder, letting his left hand completely slide under my shirt, resting it against the upper part of my waist. His boldness made me shiver, causing me to shift on his lap. And when my core rubbed over his, he let out a low animalistic growl. The grip of his hands grew harder, and I moaned into the kiss. That was it for Spock. Without letting go of me, he flipped us over, burying me underneath his tall frame.
Then he broke the kiss, leaning on both of his elbows, while he looked down on me. I just stared into his dark eyes. In the dim light of the room his blown pupils made his eyes look almost black. He stopped what he was doing, silently searching my eyes for any discomfort, but I pulled him down again. Capturing his lips with mine, while I let my hands run along his body, fiddling his shirt out of his pants. Slowly I pulled it upwards, giving him time to stop my actions, but he didn’t. Instead, he broke the kiss, pulling the shirt over his head himself.
I stopped, taking in, what I was seeing. Like I already expected in our sparring session, he was lean and toned. His chest rising and falling in heavy breaths, the muscles in his arms and chest twitching as he moved his body around. “Lord have mercy…” I mumbled openly staring at him. His eyes snapped back to mine, a sly smile on his lips. Turning away under his strong gaze, I felt myself blush. “Don’t look at me like that.” I whispered, which made him chuckle. “You were the one staring.” He retorted, leaning back on his heels.
Letting his hands wander over my thighs, he shifted our position. I was still laying on my back, but he sat there pulling our hips flush against each other, wrapping my legs around his hip, while he spread his legs apart. His hands began to wander, slowly exploring my body, watching me twitch, when he reached sensitive areas. He stroked my thighs, my sides, over my stomach, grabbing my hips. Over time he pushed my shirt higher, expanding the region of naked skin he touched.
I let my eyes fall shut, relishing in his soft strokes and the goose bumps emitting over my body. Suddenly his fingers stopped at my ribcage and I opened my eyes again. “May I?” He asked and I nodded, lifting my upper body a bit for him to take off my shirt and reaching for a pillow for my head.
His gaze was now fixated on my chest, his jaw tightening. “You are so beautiful, t’hy’la.” He groaned, carefully letting his hands touch my breasts. I watched him, how he took in every curve of them, gripping them, feeling their weight. But when his thumbs stroked over my nipples, I let out a moan, arching my back slightly to not lose connection to his hands. Me moaning made his gaze snap up. “Do it again.” He growled, stroking over my nipple again, this time also adding more pressure.
“Fuck…” I moaned, closing my eyes. My mind started to get foggy and I wanted him to do more. Without thinking twice, I was already speaking: “Please, Commander… I want more.” The hands on my body stilled and I ripped my eyes open to reveal Spock staring at me with a mixture of stunned confusion and desire. “Commander…” He repeated. “Is that why you call me by my title when you tease me? Because you find it… find it arousing for me to have it?” I turned my head to the side, but a hand on my chin, turned it back, forcing me to look at him. “Yes… Kinda.” I answered, making him even more intrigued. “Explain it to me then.” He demanded.
“Its difficult to explain.” I started, letting my eyes wander everywhere but to the half naked Vulcan staring at me. “Its partly because it is funny to see you tense, when I call you by your title and partly because I want you to act when I do. Whenever you use that commanding voice… I don’t know it kinda gets to me. And then I imagine what it would be like, if you would use it in a different setting.”
“You want me to order you around?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Partly. Yes.” I whispered, feeling the blush creep up my cheeks again.
“What else?” He pressed on.
“I have a thing for men in uniform. Powerful and dominant men. I like it when they are rough with me.” I confessed, my voice getting quieter and quieter the more I said.
But Spock understood me nonetheless, the look in his eyes changing rapidly. When at first, he seemed confused and taken aback, he was now slowly getting the hang of what I meant, a wicked smile forming on his lips. “Who would have known the mean Lieutenant Cory Monroe needs a man to put her in place…” He mused and I tried to hit him, but he caught my fist entwining it completely with his big hand. Clicking his tongue, he tilted his head. “Careful, t’hy’la.” His voice was thick with tease and lust, sending shivers down my spine.
“Make me.” I said, challenging him with a confident look in my eyes. In hindsight I maybe shouldn’t have said that, because the second I spoke the words, he moved. To quick for me to fully comprehend what was going on, he flipped me over onto my stomach, kneeling above me. His thighs caging in my smaller frame, while he leaned on his forearms, his head inches away from mine.
“Are you testing me, ashayam?” He growled next to my ear and I let out a sound that was something between a moan and a squeal. The body heat he was radiating was enormous and I couldn’t help but press up against his chest, humming at the warm feeling spreading through my body. He got the hint, forcing me down with his whole body. As soon as his chest pressed me down, I relaxed, turning my head and closing my eyes, when his lips wandered across my neck.
He started to kiss down my back, letting his fingers glide along my sides, sending shivers down my spine and I bucked my hips against his. He hissed and stilled his movements, while pressing me down on the small of my back. Immediately I submitted to his hand, fighting the tingly feeling his fingers triggered so close to my waistband. “Please, Commander.” I whined wriggling underneath his hold. And as soon as the words left my mouth, he sprung back to action, shifting his position between my legs, he turned me around, looking at me with hungry eyes. “Are you sure, t’hy’la?” He asked, his voice strained with restraint. “Absolutely.” I nodded, looking him deep into the eyes.
Not wasting any more time, he simply grabbed my pants and pulled them down, regarding them to the side. Now I was completely naked before him, the weight of the situation slowly creeping into my mind. I swallowed hard, trying to fight down the stress and fear I felt. One look at my face and Spocks demeanor changed. He leaned back over me, capturing my lips with his. “Don’t fear me, ashayam. I wont hurt you, I promise.” He mumbled against my lips and I couldn’t help myself but cockily ask: “And what if I want you to?”
“Then you will learn what it means to tease your Commander, little one.” He growled into my ear. His rough voice sent shivers of ecstasy down my body, collecting between my legs. “Yes please…” I moaned, spreading my legs subconsciously. He chuckled kissing down my neck. “You are already so needy, and I haven’t even started, yet. How do you think you will survive me actually doing something to you?” His hot breath fanned over my breasts, a short lick of his tongue on my nipple following soon.
A jolt of pleasure ruptured through my body and I hummed, while my hands flew to his shoulders holding onto him. He sucked my nipple back into his mouth, while he started to toy with my other breast. The sensation he sent through my body was marvelous. Pure bliss and lust started to burn in my body and pool between my legs, to a point, where I became uncomfortably aware of my horniness. I tried to press my thighs together for some friction, but his hip between them stopped me from getting my release. So, I just wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer. He didn’t expect my move, so his hips pressed against my core.
At the contact both of us let out a moan and I couldn’t help myself but roll my hips against his thigh. Instantly, his hand wandered from my breast to my hip, stilling my movement, which let me cry out desperately. “Shush, little girl.” But I wasn’t happy with it. Huffing I let out a breathy: “Please, Commander.” To which he finally gave in. Leaning his body weight onto one arm, he let the fingers of his right hand slide across my hipbone until he reached my core.
Looking me deep into the eyes, he let two fingers slide between my folds, a cocky smile spreading over his lips, when he realized how wet I already was for him. Spreading my slick around, he slowly began to insert one finger, watching intently, how I fought against my eyes falling shut. My body was in sensory overload. The marvelous feeling of finally gaining some release mixed with the anticipation of what was about to happen and the deep desire in his eyes.
“Oh God yes…” I whimpered, my knees falling apart. Slowly he added another finger, stretching my walls with soft little thrusts. Soon his thumb found my clit, just sitting on top of it not moving at all. “Open your eyes, ashayam.” He gritted out and I complied. His gaze was strong, teeth clenched and it took me a while to realize, that him fingering me was probably more intense for him as for human men. To test my theory, I clenched around his digits, pulling a string of Vulcan curses from his lips. 
Of course, he realized why I did it, his gaze immediately changing from lustful to hungry. He shifted his weight a little bit, until his mouth was directly on top of my nipple. Looking me deep into the eyes, he sucked it into his mouth simultaneously circling his thumb over my clit. I couldn’t help myself but let out the most sinful moan I had ever produced, instantly clasping a hand in front of my mouth, eyes darting at the door.
But Spock didn’t seem to spend one thought on our surroundings. He completely focused on me, changing the rhythm of his fingers massaging me to fit the soft circles his thumb painted onto my clit, while he gently sucked on my nipple.
The feelings rising in my core didn’t take long to overtake my brain and I gave up fighting against the pull in my core. All I wanted was Spock to touch me, to fuck me. And I grew desperate for his cock. “Spock please…” I whined, rolling my hips against his hand, but he just chuckled: “Don’t worry, ashayam. We will get there. But for now, I want to feel you around my fingers. See how good I make you feel.”
I cried out in a mixture of frustration and lust washing through my body at his sinful words. Slowly I could feel the tension in my core tightening, my body losing control more and more, giving in to his touches. My breathing went irregular, interrupted by moans and desperate attempts to form straight sentence. But there was no winning this fight. Spock knew far to well how to play my body. His long and skillful fingers mercilessly dragging me towards my orgasm.
He let go of my nipple, leaning upwards and capturing my lips in a heated kiss. It felt like he put all his desire and love into it, because it was so passionate and demanding, that I didn’t think twice, submitting to him immediately. My body relaxed under his presence and that’s when it suddenly hit me. With a force I wasn’t anticipating, my orgasm crashed into me. I clenched around his fingers, my back arching, while his name fell in a moan from my lips. It felt like I was losing control over all my muscles, because my legs and lower stomach started to twitch uncontrollably.
In the back of my head, I noticed him slowing his movements and slightly leaning back, but it took me several seconds to start to calm down and get control over my brain again. And when I looked up, I was met with the most loving eyes a man has ever looked at me with. My hands flew to his neck, pulling him down and hooking my legs around his waist. He pulled his fingers out of my core and I reached for his hand, guiding it towards my lips. Looking him deep in the eyes, I sucked them into my mouth, letting my tongue circle around his digits, licking my slick from them. He looked at me, like he was about to fall apart, so I didn’t stop, until he started to shiver above me and closing his eyes in slow blinks.
And then suddenly he tensed up, a low growl rolling through his chest, followed by several Vulcan curses. His fingers inside my mouth clenched, forcing me to slightly gag, but I just moaned at the feeling of him shoving them down deeper into my throat. Then he opened his eyes again, pulling his fingers out of my mouth with a slight plop. He leaned back on his knees, his head falling backwards, chest rising in rigid breaths. “That felt… intense…” He mumbled after a while and I raised an eyebrow. “Intense? I didn’t do anything.” I wondered, to which he let out a sharp breath, looking at me with a sarcastic smile.
“Nothing? You sucked on my fingers. Practically giving me a blowjob after I fingerfucked you.” He groaned, still trying to gain control over himself again. I stared at him speechless: “I… What?” He just nodded. “Its exactly what I said. You were not the only one coming, ashayam.” I gasped, a smile creeping onto my cheeks. “That’s… that’s fucking hot. And interesting to know.” Then my smile grew teasing. “Even though I am kinda bummed to hear I wont get you railing me ruthlessly into the floor.”
At my words his eyes snapped open, a cocky smile forming on his lips. “Give me a few minutes and I will show you how I will fuck you into the floor.”
I looked at him stunned to hear him use such filthy words, but he didn’t give me any time to completely react to his words. Instead, he grabbed my right ankle, flipping me onto my stomach once more. He forced himself between my legs, pressing me down with his body. “You are my little girl.” He whispered into my ear, sinking his lips onto the pulse point underneath my ear. Pressing soft kisses onto my neck, he rolled his hips against my ass, making me buck against him.
Blindly I felt for his hands, letting his big hand entwine mine. He leaned on his elbows, pinning my hands to the floor, while he caged me in with his hot body. Suddenly he bit down on my sweet spot, growling when I squeaked his name breathlessly. I realized the more intimate it got, the more he changed. There was not much human and collectiveness in his behavior. His behavior became more primal, instinctual maybe even possessive.
“Tell me, if I am too much, ashayam.” He gritted out, voice cracking several times. I just gripped his fingers tighter: “As if that would ever be possible. You are perfect.”
“I could still hurt you. I am so much stronger than you and the longer I am this close to you, the harder it gets for me to control my urges.” He sounded desperately, as if he really needed to hold back something. I tried to turn around, but he didn’t let go of me. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “You sound like you are in pain.”
“I am not in pain.” He argued back.
“What is it then? Tell me, maybe I can help.” I pressed on, stopping my fight to turn around, as he clearly didn’t want me to see something.
“Its…” He started but stopped, taking a deep breath. “Vulcans have not always been this collected. Many centuries ago, we were one of the most brutal and animalistic races. Only the strong will to submit to control and logic saved us from going instinct. Those instincts however are said to be coming back when we are intimate with our partners. I never believed it before, as I have never been this… overwhelmed by my partner.” He stopped, letting out a deep growl. I used that time to ask: “I overwhelm you? With what?”
“You overwhelm me very much. It is nearly impossible for me to describe what I am currently feeling let alone control me. It’s the way you feel, the way you submit to me, how you react to me. I feel like you are calling out to a deeply buried need inside me, I wasn’t even aware I had.” He tried to explain and I thought about it for a moment: “Is that a bad thing to happen?”
“I don’t know.” Came his honest answer. “It feels right, but at the same time, I fear I might hurt you in the process of letting go.”
“You wont hurt me.” I argued, but he interrupted me: “You don’t know that!”
“Neither do you know that holding back is the right thing!” I snapped back. “I can make my own decisions and I promise I will tell you, if its too much, or if you hurt me.”
“But what if I cant stop myself?” He asked, his voice now soft and weak.
“Then I will. There is nothing you need to fear, okay? We are a team. You help me control my emotions and I will help you let out yours. We can do it together. I trust you and I love you.” I answered as softly, trying my best to make him understand I was there for him. “Besides, I already told you, I like my man rough and dominant.” I teased, bucking my hips upwards.
That seemed to snap him out of his worried state. “Don’t say things like that.” He growled, the warning clear in his words. But I was far to needy, not caring about the consequences. I whined out arching my back against him, but he just moved back, holding me down with his hip and hands. “Are we a bit greedy, ashayam?”
“Stop playing with me, Spock.” I breathed out, shuffling even more, trying my best to get some sort of body contact. But he didn’t move one bit. Instead, he flipped me around again, holding my hands with one hand pinned above my head. “Beg.” Was all he said, a sly smile spreading in the corners of his mouth. I froze in shock, having troubles processing what he just said.
“Beg, or I am stopping it right now.” He repeated, his voice now sharper, the smile changing from cocky to demanding. My eyes widened even more and I opened my mouth, only to close it again not really having the brain capacity to think clearly. “What if somebody walks down the hallway? They are going to hear us.” I finally let out. Spock just tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. “They will hear a whole other things coming out of your mouth, when your Commander is fucking you. And you have already proven to be a screamer.” He teased me, reminding me of the conversation we had fighting Nero.
The sheer confidence he hold himself with, made my head reel with desire and I couldn’t help myself but to play into his game: “Make me.” Those two words send him and I knew it by the way his eyes turned dark. He lost it right then and there. Not giving me any second to react, I found myself flipped around and roughly pressed into the ground. He had one hand on the back of my neck, the other holding my hands on my back. “You wanna play that game? You want me to stop being nice and treat you like a little disobeying girl?” He rasped, audibly holding himself together by nothing more than the last string of control he could muster.
“Yes, Commander.” I moaned, spreading my legs wider and raising my ass up in the air. He let out a rough chuckle: “Look at that. All it took me was a little force and you are begging me like a bitch in heat.”
“Please…” Was all I could whine, desperately searching for release.
“Do it better.”  He growled, giving me a slight shove.
“Please, Commander. I need you. Please fuck me.” I begged, not caring how desperate and needy I sounded. All I could think about was his cock and how he would take me.
“Finally…” He whispered, not loosening his grip. “Tell me, ashayam. Do you put up this act just to please me or do you really like me being so rough with you?” He asked, starting to press wet kisses on my shoulder. I moaned in response, pressing out a breathless answer: “I love it when you do it. I want you to be rough, need you to force me into submission. And honestly until now, no man was ever able to have me this fast on my knees and this desperate for his touches.”
“Good.” He growled. “Because from now on, there will be no other man ever in your life. You are my little girl. My t’hy’la. I will ruin you for every man to come, because I wont let anyone ever put a damn finger on you. You hear me? You are mine. Just mine.”
“Yes, Commander. Your girl only.” I mumbled brainlessly.
A deep sigh, came from his chest. “Do you even know what you do to me? The hold you already have on me is insane. I should be able to control myself, take care of you, make sure you are loved and know how much I care for you. But here I am… Giving in to my urges, pinning you down on the floor, while I am about to sleep with you the first time.”
I shrugged. “I don’t care, Spock. I want this. Want you. I need you to be rough with me and you being instinctually driven to do so, just plays into my wishes.”
He growled one last time, before he let go of me, I assumed he would take of his pants, so I turned around and what I saw made me gasp in shock. He was changed to say the least. The normal controlled expression on his face was taken over by pure dark lust. He stared me down the whole time, ridding himself from his pants, sinking to his knees and crawling back to me. Out of reflex, I opened my legs to let him in. He stopped for a second, taking a deep breath, forcing him to calm down. “I know, Jim probably shouldn’t have told me this, but I know you had a hysterectomy done. Are you okey with going further? If not, we can stop.”
I reached for his face. “I don’t want to stop. And don’t feel bad for knowing or asking. There would have been a point of talking about contraceptives anyway, so this just makes it easier.” He relaxed at my words, leaning down to kiss me. Then I could feel him stroking his cock through my folds, spreading my slick carefully onto his length. Looking at me with loving eyes, he slowly pushed into me, careful not to hurt me. But I was so riled up, that he had nearly no resistance gliding into me. When he bottomed out, he stopped his movements, jaw clenched desperately.
Then he finally started to move. Rolling his hips forward and pressing me down even further, my eyes fell shut. “Fuck…” He hissed above me, intertwining one hand again with mine. “Look at me, little girl. Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours.” Following his command, I opened my eyes. Getting locked up in his deep brown eyes, now nearly blown black from lust. Slowly he picked up the speed, not letting go of me. He was now hitting my sweet spot deep inside me at a steady rhythmical pace, that I let out another suppressed moan. “Don’t hold back. Let me hear you. Show me how good I make you feel.” Once again, his whole demeanor shifted. Had he been rough commanding just seconds ago, he was now as soft and loving as he could be. Letting go of my hand, he started to caress and stroke my body with feather light brushes. Just ever so slightly that it had me yearning for more.
The way his movements, his thrusts and touches played with my body was pure bliss. I was riding on a hot wave of love and lust toward my abyss. “Oh god…” A loud moan forced itself past my lips, much to the pleasure of Spock. He apparently liked, when I was severely reacting to him. He started humming, bending down to kiss me. Giving me a lovely start, but underneath his well-kept gentleman attitude I could feel the need to possess me starting to boil. Him openly holding himself back, to fully commit to my pleasure, send so much love and lust through my body, that I couldn’t help but grip his upper arms tightly.
The knot in my stomach started to grow immeasurably. This mixed with Spock treating my so softly, pushed my emotionally agitated self over the edge. With tears running down my cheeks, I called out for him, now finally not caring about others maybe being able to hear us. He answered my call with burying me underneath him, while pressing down my hands with his bigger ones. “Its alright, ashayam. I am right here. You can let go.” He whispered against my ear. “You are doing so good. Such a good little girl. Taking me so well, so obedient. Go on. Come for me. Make a mess on my cock, I know you want to.”
A loud cry on my lips, I came hard. The wall of my orgasm hitting me with pure force. Dragging me over the cliff without any resistance. I was now in a free fall of blissfulness. Slipping in and out of reality, only being grounded by Spocks low, raspy voice praising me. Bucking against his body I shakily came back to senses, to then get my breath knocked out of my lungs by his hungry kiss. He slowed his movements, letting me regain my stance, giving me a chance of further consent or to stop him from moving on. That’s what has struck me deeply. No matter what, he was always focused on me giving my consent, to never step over any barrier I had.
“You can let go, Spock. Its okey. You wont break me.” I said, my voice still shaky from my orgasm. Pushing the hair out of my eyes, he asked: “Are you sure about that? You don’t have to...” I interrupted him, before he could get caught up in his thoughts too much: “Yes, I am sure. I can feel how you want to go rough with me. Take me. Make me feel good. Make me yours.” Instantly changing his demeanor, he pushed himself up. “I want to hear you. Don’t you dare hold back, understood?” His voice didn’t let any room for discussion, so I obediently answered: “Yes, Commander.”
“Good girl.”  He rasped, gripping my hips with both hands to get a better hold of me. Then he picked up a ruthless pace. His fast pace had me forget any dignity that might have been left inside my body. Hitting my sweet spot with every thrust, now stretching me deeper than before, had me yelping and moaning out in pure pleasure. The lush sounds he was drawing from my body, mixed with my heavy breathing and his low groans. I could feel my juices from my previous orgasm running down my thigh, getting smeared around with every of his moves.
This right now was far away from the soft, sweet way he had thrusted into me before. He was now railing me without mercy, using me to his full pleasure. But that’s exactly how I wanted him to treat me. As an answer to his behavior, I twitched around his cock, implying my next upcoming orgasm. He looked at me with dark eyes, jaw clenched. “You ask before you come, you hear me?” He growled. Voice strained in sharp control over his inner needs.
“Yes.” I whimpered, not thinking about the consequences of not addressing him with his title.
“Yes what?” He snarled.
“Yes, Commander.” I cried out, again tears pricking in my eyes.
“Good girl.” He praised, actively rolling the r a bit to hard. “Promise me to never hide from me. I want you to trust me and let me in, ashayam.”
“I will, Commander. Please…” I begged, squeezing him with my throbbing pussy, not daring to speak the words to beg for another orgasm. “As you should. Does a good girl disobey her Commander?” He pressed on further.
“No, Commander. Please. I am close… I cant…” My cries were getting more and more desperate. I couldn’t hold back for much longer, silently praying he would release me. But it was Spock we were speaking about. The king of sass and teasing. “Then what makes you think you get to have another orgasm? Havent I already given you enough? And yet here you are, begging to give you a second one.” I could hear the pure pride of having me at his mercy.
“Please, Spock. I cant… I am too close. Let me come, please Commander.” I squealed, holding myself together by nothing more than a thread and pure willpower. Luckily, he knew how close I was, be whoever made Vulcans touch telepaths blessed, because he leaned down, letting go of my hipsl, wrapping his cold arms around my body. “Come, ashayam. Let go for me.” And that I did. Relaxing into his hold, I let the second wave hit me with all the force and turbulences it brought with it. Far away I could hear myself, moan or much more cry out his name, clawing my fingers to his arms, to gain at least some stability. Only a few moments later, I could feel his cock twitch against the shuddering walls of my core. Spilling his cold seed deep inside of me.
We stayed like that for several minutes, entangled in each others arms, collecting our breathes and dwelling in the aftermath of coming down from our highs. “Nash-veh ashaya du.” He whispered quietly, repeating the words in English: “I love you.” I clung to him even closer. “I love you too, Spock.” Spock had helped me back to my quarters offering to stay as long as I wanted him to, but I ushered him out the door, arguing he needed to sleep as well. As quick as I could, I showered and got ready for bed, nearly falling asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
I didn't hear a single word you said with a hug that lasts a second too long when (gn! or fem! as you like) reader and sirius aren't together yet please? <3
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Hey Stranger
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Sirius Black x fem! reader
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Summary: Y/n and Sirius never seem to have enough time, but when they meet again after 5 years apart, will they let it all slip between their fingers again?
Warnings: swearing, old friends to lovers, first kiss, mutual pining, mentions of drinking, alcohol, being drunk and feeling sick, light angst, cute drunk remus, pregnant Lily and baby harry being adorable
A/n: 1.5k words, it says fem reader but I don't think there are any pronouns used for them x I love this so I hope you enjoy!
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist | Celebration
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“Finally” Sirius lets out a chuckle, Hogwarts reunion and you hadn’t managed to get one moment with your best friend the entire night
“I know right” you shake your head “5 years ago you couldn’t keep us apart” you smile, as does he, neither of you knowing your hearts ached in time
Everyone, including yourself and Sirius, believed you would eventually get together, but that blind hope was fatal in the end. With neither of you ever making a move life happened, school finished, you both graduated and ended up at opposite ends of the country, weekly letters turned monthly, and monthly ones turned into only on holidays and birthdays...
...but your hearts never stopped yearning for the other
“Funny how time just...flies” he says, shoulder finding the wall beside him in the little hideaway you both had sought refuge from the masses in
You do the same, head leaning on the wall as you admired your friend the way you always scandalously did, not knowing he was doing the same
“Very. Merlin, I mean you've got a big boy beard and everything now” you giggle, lightening the moon as you hand reaches out to scratch his chin ever so gently
He groans in the best way at that “You approve?” he asks, secretly hoping you do whilst hiding his disappointment as your hand drops back down
“Course, you look rather dashing” you say in a teasing manner yet hope he find the truth in your words “Almost like a grown up” you add to actually tease him
“You take that back” he points “I am as childish as ever” he disagrees
“Oh really?” you swat away his hand, moving a little closer as does he
“You doubt me?” he gasps, hand to his heart
You shrug, earning the cutest pout before shaking your head “Never” your eyes meet his, finding they sparkle…or maybe that was from the disco ball Marlene had enchanted to fly around
You both jump, being brought out of your little pining bubble to see James looking thankful he's finally found Sirius and then he spots you and smiles
“Oh hey there!” he gives you a wave “Long time no see”
“Hey” you wave back “I know its been so long! You’re a dad now!”
“I know! Scary stuff they actually let me have one though" he jokes before bobing his head "…well actually it’ll be two soon” he tells you with a sweet laugh while you nod about to say you spoke to Lily earlier when Sirius cuts in
“What’s up?” he asks, looking at James a bit funny
James doesn’t seem to clock it though “Remus may or may not have have realised the hot chocolate was boozy…oh and Harry pit up” he turns to show the damage on his back, earning a giggle from you followed by a quick sorry which James just waves off
“Okay...but what’s any of that got to do with me Prongs?” Sirius wonders, eyeing him 
“Oh. Ya see Remus was our driver and with me having a drink and Lily’s being too big to...” he explains before cutting himself off and frantically looking around “Not that she is in anyway large…merlin ya know I may have had one too many myself but you know what I mean she’s too…fuck it” he eventually gives up, cringing like crazy as he scolds himself while you try not to laugh too hard considering Lily said the same thing about herself earlier
Sirius nods smiling but inside his heart breaks “Okay. You go get Red, little Harry and Moons. I’ll meet you at the car in a few” he tells him, nodding towards you and giving his friend a way more obvious scolding look 
James resists the cringe again as he must realise and nods “Thanks Pads, nice to see you again y/n” he flashes you that famous James Potter smile before heading back into the party
You and Sirius turn back to one another “Short reunion” he says but lets the sadness seep through this time
“Yeah” you nod with a similar tone
“I’ll write more” he promises
“Ditto” you return it “Hug before you go?” you open your arms
He nods "Course" he smiles, resisting the urge to scoop you up and take you with him as he steps forward and into your embrace
Your arms slide around his waist while his wrap around your shoulders, fitting perfectly just like they always did. The hug should have lasted a few seconds but you and he only held each other closer as time ticked on, your nose nudging into his neck while his, your hair. Soaking up the feeling of each others arms for as long as the moment would allow
Technically neither of you end it, a third party does in the form of a drunk classmate bumping into you both “Sorry mate” he holds his hands up before staggering on his merry way
Your hands hold the other but your chests part, chuckling together at the drunken boy before your eyes meet. A million things could be said but as always they weren't, and instead yours and his eyes bared them all at once
“They’ll be waiting” is all he says, smiling sadly
You nod, returning it with a downturned smile
“I’ll write more” you repeat his promise from earlier, fingers griping his jacket harder for a moment before you release them, trying to just prolong the moment a second longer
“Ditto” he does the same, leaning down to place a lingering kiss to your forehead and suddenly it feels like a goodbye, a real one this time, one your younger selves never understood, nor got in the end
When his lips leave your skin you part, hands finding the others until he walks away and you both let go. No more words. Neither one of you can bare the word ‘goodbye’ so you smile at one another before turning away
Sirius moves through the crowd, not looking back because it's too hard. Exiting the venue he sees the car and observes Remus trying to get in it, the sight amusing yet he can’t truly enjoy it. Getting in himself he inserts the key into the ignition but not doesn’t turn it. He felt sick, throat closing up as he felt like he was leaving his world behind
“You alright?” James asks as his hand finds Sirius’ shoulder causing Sirius to look at him, eyes glassy
James’ eyebrows furrow but before he can say anything Sirius unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door, darting out with a quick “I’ll be back”
The three adults watch him run back in, staring out the window intently, Remus, in fact, does so much he hits his head, earning laughs, even from Harry who lets out a little squeal of one
“Prongs” Remus slurs as he finally stops blinking from the impact
James leans back, looking at him through the gap in the seats “Yeah Moony?”
“Y-you owe me” he manages to get out
James looks at him in shock before turning back to his wife “He can barely function yet he can remember a bet we made ten years ago”
Lily giggles about to say ‘mans got his priories in order’ when her eyes widen “Jamie lower your window” she points at you, running out and sighing as you see the car hasn't left
“Hi” you approach the car, leaning on the car window as it opens “Wait” your eyes search “Where’s Siri?”
“He went back in” Lily reply, giving you a smile
You light up“He did?” you turn to Remus, and then James, although you do a double take on Remus who looks more than plastered but wears a gleeful grin
“Yeah” James gives you a smile as he confirms it, then his eyes wander behind you, smile widening “Behind you” his eyes return, gifting you a wink
Your heart flutters as you push off the door, turning to find a rather disheartened Sirius coming out, thinking he missed you and his chance again until you call out
“Hey stranger”
His head shoots up at your voice “Hey stranger” he sighs out in almost a laugh, his face brightening as he realises you went after him
You both just look at each other for a moment, eyes asking that all important question and when you nod he makes his way over to you, wasting no time in bringing your lips to meet his in a long overdue kiss while your friends cheered you on…well Lily and Remus did, James squealed with Harry who clapped with joy as he had been lifted out of his seat for a better view
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Thank you for reading ♡
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lolathestoryteller · 2 months
Hi! If accepting prompts/drabble ideas, I have a prompt.
Alive!Jily(with Harry in the background):
“I must you look dashing today, Mr.Potter.”
“Not as stunning as you, Mrs.Potter”
“Ugh.. mum, dad, it’s strange enough you two do PDOA. Do you really have do it home as well?”
Hi Anon! Your ask made me so happy — and it’s the perfect excuse to take a break from editing (or rather failing to) my cv and admission form for work! I hope you’ll like it! (btw not me having to google „what does PDOA mean?“ LoL)
public display of affection
Lily smiles as she spots James, already waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs.
She can’t wait to see where he’ll take her out tonight! Though, she rather hopes it isn’t the leaky cauldron again…last time, well, she might’ve gotten a little too tipsy…she still can’t smell Firewhiskey, even though it’s been months — and she definitely blames Sirius for it.
Come on, Lil, since when did you become such a lightweight? — she’s never been good at admitting defeat, especially not to Sirius Black.
It had not ended well…for either of them.
Tonight though, it’s only going to be James and her. Date night.
„Hello there, gorgeous.“ James grins as she descends the staircase.
Lily notices with delight that he’s wearing his new robes — the ones they‘d picked out together, on their last visit to Diagon Alley.
God, he looks fit.
„I must say, you look very dashing today, Mr. Potter.“ she says, still so utterly besotted with him, even after all these years together.
He takes her hand as she reaches him, kissing it gallantly. „Not nearly as stunning as you, Mrs. Potter.“ he replies. „You look absolutely radiant in that dress.“
Lily‘s stomach flutters with a million butterflies as they look into each others eyes, so tenderly, and for a moment everything around them seems to fade away—
„Ugh…Mum, Dad!“
And…then the moment‘s over.
„—it’s strange enough you two do PDOA, like, all the time. Do you really have do it at home as well?”
Lily sighs, just a breath away from James‘ perfectly kissable lips.
This kid somehow always has the worst possible timing.
„Do you really have to be such a teenager all the time?“ she retorts teasingly, turning around to regard their intruder with a pointed look.
„Just saying,“ Harry shrugs. His cheeks are about as red as Gryffindor‘s crest. „I already know how I got here…you don’t have to keep on reminding me.“
„Harry James!“ Lily scolds as she stares at her son, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. „James, did you hear— James?“
„…what by Merlin’s beard is a PDOA?“
(background; Harry cracking up at his Dad‘s thoroughly confused expression)
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ezlebe · 8 months
VAMPIRE AU - Halloween
Kyle lifts his hands, stumbling away from the twitching, bloody remains beneath him. He tries to make eye contact, but the hall is too dark, and Price plainly cannot see him entirely in it. “John – ”
Price grunts lowly while gesturing vaguely down with the gun, not exactly threatening, but certainly bewildered in a bad way. “I better not be seeing what I think I’m bloody seeing.”
“Because you’ll shoot me?” Kyle asks, wincing at the hissing, lisping quality of his voice – the bloody teeth always in the way.
Price sputters somewhat, reaching out and scrambling at the wall, soon revealed to be for a lightswitch. “Because it’s fucking disgusting!”
“But you’re not going to shoot me?” Kyle asks, glancing to and away from the pistol steadily pointed in his direction. “With my own weapon?”
“Not unless you’re – ” Price pauses while his eyes sharply narrow, “Not Kyle?”
“I am!” Kyle says, hurriedly, licking reflexively at his lip against a wet slide at the side of his mouth.
Price narrows an eye with a twitchy curl of his lips. “Prove it.”
Kyle reaches up and scratches at his scar while he exhales a grumbling scoff. “And how?”
Price lifts his brows with a pointed jerk of his chin.
Kyle only needs to think for an instant on what Price might be most convinced by him knowing about him. “Two summers ago you had some kind of thrush in your beard –”
“It wasn’t –” Price closes his mouth with a deep breath through his nose, as he rolls his lips together. “I might shoot you, since I’ve got some suspicion it would do so much fuck all as falling out of all them helos. I told you it was fucking dermatitis.”
Kyle tips his head back and forth with a weak laugh.
Price relaxes the gun and spins it to offer to Kyle, using his other hand to press a finger and thumb into his eyes. “I’m not doing the bloody Twilight thing.”
“Alright,” Kyle says, licking the front of his teeth, as the second set sink back into his jaw. He reaches out and takes the gun, reflexively checking the safety, but seems it’s already on. “Really funny that you’ve seen it, though.”
“Read it,” Price grumbles, now scrubbing both hands through his hair in an unmistakable show of discomposure. “You know what deployment is like.”
“Unfortunately,” Kyle says, swapping the pistol between his hands with a drop of his chin. “Not technically that sort, anyhow.”
“Outside the obvious going on,” Price says, exhaling a harsh cough, then dropping his head to look down at the body on the floor. “Did you check for ID?”
Kyle shakes his head with a flat grimace. “He, uh – He startled me coming out of the loo.”
Price narrows a dubious eye. “No one’s ever startled you like that before.”
Kyle exhales quietly through his nose. “Not that you know about.”
“Bloody hell,” Price mutters, closing his eyes while inhaling a deep breath.
Kyle cocks his head with a flat press of his lips.
“Don’t tell me you been – ” Price clears his throat, jerking a hand down at the body. “Literally preying on the enemy.”
“Can’t, boss,” Kyle admits, then looks up with a reluctant twist at the edge of his mouth. “Not often?”
Kyle flinches a bit, somewhat startled that Price would start in on name calling inside ten minutes.
“No, fucking hell,” Price says, scrubbing at his face, shaking his head, then gesturing out in front of himself with both hands in a cyclical gesture. “I mean I thought they been calling me that, but it’s been you.”
“Oh,” Kyle intones, raising his brows, then furrowing them tight with a look at the body. “What’s that in Arabic, or – uh, Russian?”
“It’s the same as it is in bloody English,” Price says, brows lifting, a brief, gravelly scoff breaking from his throat. “People eating demon.”
Kyle blinks slowly, “You thought they was calling you that?”
“I thought it was a barmy insult,” Price says, reaching up, tapping at his own sternum with a pointed widening of an eye, then gesturing outward with the same hand to Kyle. “Wasn’t working under the clue my own partner were out here actually doing it.
“No,” Kyle allows, wincing, looking down at the body, then up at the ceiling. “Right.”
“Fucking hell, Ghost and Soap’ll be back,” Price says, exhaling a harsh breath, as his eyes markedly drop below Kyle’s chin. “And your shirt is a right mess.”
Kyle blinks while he looks down with a weak cough. His vest is probably gone past the point of no return.
“You still…?” Price awkwardly clears his throat, eyes pointedly dropping between them. “Hungry, then?”
Kyle feels his mouth press. “I’m not a monster.”
Price rolls his eyes back up while he exhales harshly through his nose. “That’s not what I asked, is it?”
Kyle suffers an ache spike up in his gut. “Yeah.”
“I’m going to – ” Price gestures over his shoulder, as he takes a step back, the light clicking off over their heads. “Recoup.”
Kyle watches Price go for a beat, taking advantage of the dark to gawk at bare muscle, then lowers his eyes to the actual meal. He pulls his teeth while dropping to a kneel, feeling unrushed for perhaps the first time in memory – with this sort of meal.
He leaves the body in place, as Price reappears, some minutes later, while familiar voices approach the main door to the safehouse flat. It’s easy enough then to peel off his messy vest and boxers, quickly scrub the stain from his skin in the shower while he catches Price starting in telling tales.
Kyle slips around the group altogether into his unofficial barrack, then tilts his ear to the door, as he straightens the shirt over his chest.
“– Even if it was just house breaking…”
“A knife?” Soap interrupts, voice lifting to a pitch that is probably just as audible to any neighbors they’ve got around, as it is to Kyle.
Ghost goes quiet, then grunts, then when he speaks his voice is physically lower, like he’s closer to the body.“This… don’t look like a knife.”
“…Dog?” Soap suggests, uncertainly, then harshly clears his throat.
“We don’t have –” Price scoffs, his hands on his hips all but visible through the door. “Don’t look like a knife, so it’s a dog, Sergeant?”
Kyle thinks Price might be laying it on a bit thick, but he does tend to do that without any need to lie.
“No dog, neither,” Ghost mutters, slowly click his tongue.
Kyle slowly wets his lower lip with a slight wince down at his feet. He reaches out, grabbing a sock and balancing on the door while tugging it on, then the other, curious if he’ll be expected to expand on this story.
“Don’t matter what it was,” Price barks, as he takes a few steps that resound down the hall. “Get the bastard out of here.”
Soap grunts a low protest, “What about – ?”
Price interrupts with a pointed grunt. “Gaz did most of the bloody work, he did, so you’re doing the rest.”
Soap grumbles loudly, but there’s a telling scuffle. “Aye, Cap.”
Ghost answers with an even less enthusiastic mutter.
“And 0415 for the exfil,” Price says, “I notified Laswell of our guest here, so she’s bumped it up.”
Soap mutters something incomprehensibly Scots under his breath, his footsteps fading further down the hall. He seems to pause, tongue clicking, “Do we got bleach and that?”
“You might have to open a door or two in the kitchen, Sergeant.”
Ghost does snort at that, though it’s impossible to really know if he’s relaxed at all without seeing him.
Kyle takes a step back, as footsteps near the door. He feels a curve at his lips, as it opens, and promptly rolls it between his teeth. The fresh blood is getting to him – everything a bit more stimulating, just slightly more hair-raising.
“Eavesdropping?” Price asks, as he closes the door behind him.
Kyle rolls his head back and forth, briefly playing the fool, then he raises his brows. “Catch on quick, boss.”
Price huffs lightly through his nose, as he settles his back to the door. “Go ahead, then,” he says, with a pointed lift of his chin. “Let’s see them.”
Kyle sighs and rubs his face, then flexes his teeth out from his gums in the way that always makes him feel a bit like a cat.
Price thankfully reins his reaction to a blink, brow furrowing in tight, then takes a slow step forward.
Kyle immediately feels his face begin to heat, blinking slow at the ceiling while Price openly stares at his mouth.
“How’s it work, then?”
“I don’t know,” Kyle says, relaxing his lips, and peeking down while feeling his brow furrow. “What part?”
“The blood part,” Price says, raising his own brow, gesturing a bit needlessly at his neck. “You need something in it? I’ve seen you eat. A lot.”
“Oh,” Kyle intones, exhaling a slight scoff – he’s pretty sure Price has no clue how his kCals work. “I just… I don’t know, exactly? I get ill, if I don’t in a long while. Can’t go outside.”
Price hums a low gravel, then he’s even closer, touching Kyle to tilt his chin up with a tut with a knuckle. “The teeth just live up there?”
“I’d guess,” Kyle says, closing his eyes, using every ounce of his self control not to dig his chin further into Price’s lax palm. “Don’t have x-rays.”
“How?” Price says, his voice lifting in disbelief.
“Break the machine, somehow,” Kyle says, tilting his head some with a flat sort of smirk. “Makes the film all funny.”
“And they’ve just let that go on?”
Kyle hums a pair of notes, pitching his voice up. “Don’t get injured much, do I?”
Price offers a low grunt of assent.
Kyle feels a tap of a dull nail tap against one of his teeth, and opens his eyes slightly to glare, only to abruptly smell the heady scent of blood, fresh and right under his nose. He squeezes his eyes back shut in an instant, feeling his mouth dry and swallowing hard in reflex.
He hears a grumble faintly through the haze of instinct. “Fuck, sharp.”  
Kyle manages to peek his eyes open, only to see Price sticking his bleeding thumb between his lips. Fucking hell. He swallows hard, tongue pressing to the roof of his mouth, and trying very hard not to think about sticking it in Price’s mouth, which is so much a mundane problem at this particular moment that it’s almost comparatively a comfort.
“It’s not stopping,” Price grouses, pulling his hand back to scowls down at his thumb.
“Sort of the point,” Kyle says, roughly, as his mouth vexingly starts to water.
“That’s shite,” Price says, even as he squeezes just under the cut and increases the flow.
“Not usually,” Kyle says, swallowing tightly, finding his eyes fixed on the slow stream of blood off the cut; he watches it slowly well up, then roll in a fat droplet down the bend of Price’s knuckle, and feels his tongue peek between his lips.
“Do you…?” Price says, offering the blood with a turn of his hand, as the droplet streams further down his wrist. “Look at that.”
Kyle suffers a rush of burning heat into his ears, behind his eyes, and hurriedly shakes his head. “Pass,” he lies, tightly, wishing he could take a deep breath.
Price hums lowly, dubious, “You seen my blood before and not looked half batty.”
“It’s never been from sticking your hand in my mouth,” Kyle says, sharply, then exhales a harsh, hissing breath between his front fangs. “Don’t call me batty, fucks’ sake.”
Price shifts his uninjured hand and pokes at Kyle’s cheek, just under his eye, with a grunt. “Meant it soundly literal.”
Kyle grasps at his own ear with a start, mortified to feel it over-sized and jutting out from his head. “I, uh,” he intones, heat worsening under his skin, realizing late it might actually be magic, not a flush, “Fucking –” He clears his throat, rubbing at his ear until he feels it go back round. “I haven’t done this since I was a teenager, swear down.”
“Shouldn’t have said so, then,” Price says, a taunting smirk at the edge of his lips, as he wags his brows, eyes sparkling with a taunt. “I wouldn’t have known any different.”
“Git,” Kyle mutters, rubbing at the back of his neck.
Price tuts a low, light sort of scold, and abruptly smears the stream of blood down inside his palm.
“You were serious?” Kyle asks, embarrassed at the rasp at the back of his throat; he doesn’t even bother to check his ears, now knowing any composure he had is long gone.
“Wouldn’t have said anything, otherwise,” Price says, continuing to reroute the blood with a telling cock of his head.
It’s becoming clear that Price may have meant to cut himself, just a little, and Kyle doesn’t know what to think. He barely has the mental room to, really, everything in him fixating at the dull sheen of wet blood; it’s now such a blatant trap that he near laughs about it.
“You know I don’t got any sort of restraint,” Price says, lower, plainly picking up that Kyle’s likely figured him out. He holds his hand out, red staining dark on his palm and threatening to slip along his fingers. “You carved through that bastard’s underarmor like it was butter – with your teeth.”
Kyle swallows and could swears he hears his throat click.
“Go to waste, otherwise,” Price interrupts, squeezing his thumb and only coercing more blood up. “Know how I feel about that.”
Kyle is taking Price’s hand before he can work up to attempt another excuse, try to talk himself out of it, as avid instinct overcomes rational sense. He wraps his mouth carefully around the fleshy part of Price’s upturned palm, eagerly devouring the thin pool of blood. He glances up, then exhales a shuddering of breath, quickly shutting his eyes at the heavy look in Price’s eyes, as he uses all his self control to keep from biting down and worsening the problem. He still tastes jealously, drags his tongue up and around the mess on Price’s fingers, face burning, then down to the stain on his wrist, reflexively tugging Price closer with every pass.
He allows himself a brief, indulgent nip at the opening of the cut itself, widening it just enough for blood to flood his mouth, then laves high at the flat of his tongue, licking it just as clean. He feels the wound seal under his will in a manner he’s out of practice, thankful that it was only small. He keeps his lips pressed at the spot for a few stolen seconds, eyes closed, savoring the simple beat of the pulse under the thumb.
“Don’t seem squeamish,” Price says, voice noticeably rough, as Kyle pulls back a few more centimeters from him. He stretches his hand wide, as Kyle lets him go, then closes it back up into a fist, before doing it all over, again, “Me not being dead, and all that.”
“Always been the best way to get blood back home is from a volunteer,” Kyle says, pulling his teeth back with a lick up behind his lips to catch any taste and swallows back a disappointed grumble, as iron and salt too quickly begin to fade. “Less waste in that, too.”
“Sure, sure,” Price says, rubbing at his jaw through the beard with a pinch and flattening of his lips. “Don’t have to worry about a suspicious sort of evidence in the streets.”
“No,” Kyle says, exhaling a weak huff, looking down while he scratches at a bit of nothing to the side of his mouth.
He feels a bit dumb for it. He’s known Price years now and they’ve done far, far worse than opened wounds. He’s plainly the only one feeling… fidgety about it, though he can admit to himself that it’s the usual sort of way, where he’s the only one ever feeling anything about Price looking at him so close, and nothing really to do with the bloodletting.
Price tuts with a pointed jerk of a thumb. “Or in the field?”
Kyle glances up from under his brows with a start, realization finally making its way beyond the bloodlust and satisfaction. “That was – ” He frowns hard with a jerk of his head. “It weren’t hunger.”
“Didn’t say it were,” Price says, turning his palm over, clean as it is, and running a pair of fingers over the closed cut. “Just… an idea.”
Kyle exhales a stunned, rasping sputter. It’s been only hours since Price even found out bloodsuckers exist – he hasn’t even napped on it, let alone slept – and he’s already volunteering to be regularly bled. It speaks to a… No, fuck, Kyle can’t even really think about it without some sizable bias. He can feel the hysterical snicker at the back of his throat, already building, while heat threatens to turn again to magic.
“I need you at your full potential,” Price says, a bit loud, all of a sudden, while tapping Kyle on the elbow. He holds his hand there a beat, then raises his brows with a cock of his head. “All times.”
Kyle suffers a prompt tick of disappointment at the back of his mind, but manages to ignore it, as he offers a tight, wry smile.
Price drops his hand, curling it at his side, while a buzzing reminder alert starts up throughout the flat.
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netherzon · 6 months
Chapter 1 of Bear Jail
Exactly what it sounds like. Kuma gets put in Polar Bear Jail.
(note, there are no Hetalia characters other than Kuma in this chapter, but there will be in the next one I promise!)
Rating: T for language
Content Warnings: discussions of animal abuse and the exotic pets black market.
It was around 2pm when their hotline went off.
“Hello, hello! You have reached the emergency Polar Bear B Gone hotline.” Riley snorts from her desk across the room.
It was an unconventional hotline. There were only 900 people in this town anyway, and most of them had interacted with their team before. It was probably fine.
Yup. “That’s me.”
“Aha, I thought it sounded like you. It’s me, Bob? You answered the phone two weeks ago when that other rascal got caught by the fire hall while we were celebrating my niece’s engagement party?”
“Uh huh?”
“They’ve broken up now, by the way. I heard her say you were pretty cute at the engagement party, should’ve seen the end coming really. Are you single by any chance?”
“You called because you saw a polar bear right?” Caleb quickly changes the subject, “There’s a fine if you called this hotline for non polar bear purposes.” He wasn't actually sure if there was a fine, but it felt like there should be.
It has the effect of getting Bob back on track anyway, “Yes! Right, I live in Zone 2, and there’s a bear sniffing around my shed.”
Caleb gestures towards Riley that she should start mobilizing their capture team, “Any identifiable traits? Can you see a tracking collar”
“No to both.”
“Adult or juvenile?”
“Looks like an adult to me.”
“Does it seem hungry?”
“Well, yes, but not the way I think you mean.”
Caleb frowns, “What does that mean?”
Bob clears his throat on the other end of the line, “Well, it’s just— it’s just sitting by the door to the shed. Like a dog. It looks like a healthy weight. It hasn’t tried to break in, but I think I also saw it trying to open the door with its mouth?? Like it was biting the door handle and trying to turn it. But other than that it hasn’t gotten very, uh, physical? But I think it can see me too, if that makes sense? It looks at me sometimes. Like it's waiting for me to open the door for it.” Bob’s voice gets lower with each word, like he’s afraid the bear will hear him,”It’s very creepy. Never seen a bear act that way in all my life. And I’ve lived in the Polar Bear Capital of the World for 50 odd years now, so that’s really saying something!”
Caleb gets stuck on the idea of the bear trying to open doors, especially in a way so obviously learned from humans. The goal of their work was to make cohabitation safer for humans and bears by minimizing interactions between them. By maintaining a healthy feeling of caution on both sides. Humans stay away from bears. Bears stay away from humans. Nobody gets into any trouble.
If this bear had already learned how to open doors though…. If it was so familiar with this already that it really didn’t bother just trying to knock the door down, something it could probably do easily if it's an adult.....
Caleb is knocked out of his thoughts by Bob’s staticy voice over the phone, “Yeah, yeah, I’m here. We’re on our way over, alright?”
The rest of the team are almost finished getting dressed when Caleb enters the garage.
Dereck looks over at him, everything he says underscored by the sound of his long, graying beard scratching the waterproof material of their jackets, “Details?”
Caleb grabs a sweater and starts listing:
“Zone 2,” dress warmly, bring cracker shells.
“Large, probably an adult,” pack regular dose tranq darts.
Dereck nods along with each point, “Way ahead of you.” He gestures for everyone to get in their trucks.
Caleb hesitates pulling on his gloves, and Dereck notices.
“Is there anything else, kid?” Dereck asks.
He considers mentioning the behavior Bob described, but, “Nah, nothing ‘bout the bear,” he raises his voice to be heard over the noise of multiple engines starting, “Just thought everyone should know it's Joey’s cousin again!”
He hears someone in the third truck groan loudly. The window starts rolling down, but Joey’s head is already poking out when it's only halfway, “Bobby?!”
Caleb only has to grin for Joey to go off again, “The bear’s sniffing around his shed too, ain’t it?!” Joey leans further out the window, “You know, he told me he was going ice fishing a few days ago. That moron left the fish guts in his shed again, I’d bet money on it!”
“Alright, that’s enough chit chat,” Dereck admonishes, “you can rip your cousin a new asshole after we’ve scared off the bear who wants to do it for you, Joey.”
He gives Caleb his own disappointed father look, before climbing into the first truck.
“Remind me which cousin this is, and do they live on Airport Lane or Airport Road?”
Caleb looks at Riley in the driver’s seat, leaning forward so the end of her braid doesn’t press uncomfortably into her back, “Airport Road, close to where it changes into Lake Road and Farnworth Road.”
“Got it,” Riley says. Her voice is low and smooth. He always prefers riding over with her.
On the way over he sends the message he always sends to his wife before every job like this: “
“You were acting strange in the garage,” Riley says, and Caleb flinches. It’s no use denying it. Riley is too perceptive, and now he’s stuck in a confined space with her.
“Bobby told me the bear was acting strange.”
“Strange how? Is it injured or something?” Riley asks, confused. An injured bear would be a completely different task for them. Caleb would’ve mentioned it to the team if that were the case.
“No, it seems…” he pauses, “I don’t know.”
Riley presses again, “Seems what?”
Caleb collects his thoughts, and then cautiously asks, “Hey, do you think it's possible polar bears are still going through the black market as pets?”
Riley snorts with derision this time, “Do I think its possible? Not only possible, I’d be surprised if they’re not. I know its hard for us to understand how anybody could do that, but I wouldn’t put anything past someone with enough money to get away with it.”
“Okay, so, what if somebody released that pet polar bear up here?”
Riley frowns outright. Her grip on the steering tightens, “You think it was a pet?”
“Bobby told me,” Caleb says cautiously, “that the bear tried to open a door the way a human would. By using the knob. That it wanted to get into his shed, but it didn’t just break down the door, it tried to turn the knob.”
Riley blows a lock of graying hair out of her eyes as she considers this. After a moment, her shoulders slump, and she speaks with a new sadness, “It must’ve seen humans do that a lot.”
Caleb sighs, sinking with the weight of it, “Yeah.”
When they arrive, the bear is still sitting patiently by the door of the shed. The only sign that it's moved is the circle of snow packed down around the shed’s perimeter.
He sees Derek and the rest of the crew speaking to Bobby through the door of his house about 7 meters away. They are all facing the bear, but they shoot disturbed looks at Riley and Caleb when their truck pulls up.
“What’s going on?” Riley asks, taking in their tense stances.
“Nothing!” Joey whisper-shouts, wide eyes still fixed on the polar bear, “Nothing is going on! It just sits there!”
Derek shakes his head in warning and begins shifting down the porch stairs towards them. “What’s up with this bear, Caleb?” he asks. His tone is deadly serious.
He decides to keep it short. “We think it didn’t come here from the wild. That it used to be someone’s pet.”
Riley nods. Derek’s eyes widen with understanding, before he curses. They all eye the bear. The Bear stares back at them. Now that the team is aware of it, all its other behaviors fall into place. It’s not starving even in the off season because somebody’s been feeding it. It doesn’t break the door down because food has always been given to it. It stares at them expectantly now because it’s always been humans giving it that food.
It doesn’t fundamentally change the mission, but it does change a lot about the mechanics of it. They still don’t know where it came from, if somebody dropped it off here or if it escaped from somewhere. It might be easier to convince it to get into one of their transport tubes, but it could also be harder. People could convince themselves they could turn a bear into a tame house pet, but it was always a roll of the dice. Plus, they weren’t trained on how to interact with the bears this way. They’re entire goal was to make sure the bears didn’t get familiar with humans or associate them with food. It seemed like they’d already lost that battle here.
“Alright,” Derek starts, ready now to give them directions, “we probably won’t be able to scare it away from town like we’d usually do. If it was a pet it will probably just come back to where the people are anyway, and if it doesn’t know how to hunt on its own it won’t survive out there either. Our best bet is to get it in a transport tube, bring it back to the center for further assessment, and if it can’t live in the wild we’ll just have to find a zoo or sanctuary or something that can take him in. Understood? This has turned into a capture mission.”
The team give a chorus of “Understood!” In response. While they are apprehensive, it’s all they really can do. The bear can’t stay here.
Their usual techniques are ineffective though. Nothing they do shakes it. The bear watches them bang pots and pans and set off firecrackers with total passivity. They turn on the engines of their car and rev them as loud as they can with no response. They can’t use tranq rounds cause they wouldn’t be able to bring it to the transport tube on their own. They try for 20 minutes, edging closer and closer. The bear just refuses to move.
Out of sheer desperation, Caleb does possibly the stupidest thing he’s ever done.
He decides to talk to it.
With shaking hands, he calls out, “Hey!” It’s a small test. Just wanting to see how the bear reacts.
His team shoot him deadly looks, warning him not to do what he’s about to do.
The bear though, the bear responds by looking directly at him. It doesn’t charge him, or growl, or display any other signs of aggression. Caleb forges on.
“Are ya hungry?” He asks. To all of their shock the bear almost looks like it nods. Its attention is focused even more on Caleb now.
“Do you wanna eat?” His voice shakes with fear. Not me, he wants to add. He knows if the bear decides that’s what it was hungry for, though, there’d be nothing he could do about it.
This time, the bear heaves itself up on all fours. The rest of his team clutch their tranq guns nervously as they all watch the bear walk towards Caleb. Caleb also watches nervously, but he doesn’t raise his own gun. Scenes from How to Train Your Dragon flash through his mind, and he comes to the irrational conclusion that he also needs to lay down his weapons to gain the beast’s trust.
The bear doesn’t seem to notice or care either way. It walks right up to Caleb, leans in. Caleb can smell it’s bad breath as the bear sniffs him once, twice, and then obediently sits back down in front of him. Caleb stares into its deep, dark eyes —something he’s pretty sure you’re not supposed to do with bears— and imagines he can hear its thoughts. Do you have food for me, human?
“Y-yes,” Caleb whimpers, ”I have food. Food for you.”
The bear huffs once. The burst ruffles Caleb’s hair. Show me, he swears he can hear it speaking.
“Okay,” on shaky legs Caleb backs away, loath to turn his back on the bear, “I’ll show you where you can get some food.”
He walks backwards, like that would give him a fighting chance if the bear lunged. The size of polar bears up close has never stopped being impressive to him, but he’s never been so close to one that’s awake. They try to make it clear to the bears that there’s nothing of interest to them when it comes to humans. There’s nothing to be curious about, nothing to gain from coming towards human towns other than a month spent in a very, very boring room. That’s why people are allowed to visit their center, but they never show anyone any actual bears, and employees only ever interact closely with the bears that are injured or sick.
His work has never been without danger, but he’s never tempted it so much. The Bear follows him closely. His coworkers follow behind them from a great distance. He can see they are alarmed by how close the Bear is, but they won’t say anything. He knows they won’t want to risk startling or provoking it, in case it does decide to attack him.
He leads it to the closest transport tube. They bait all of them with seal meat. Once the bait is pulled on, the other door to the tube falls down. Trapped bear, ready to be taken in. Simple.
The bear comes up beside him and regards the tube. He gestures towards it encouragingly. The bear shakes its head, but complies. Miraculously, it walks by Caleb without incident, so close that for a second he can’t see anything but it’s white-yellow fur. It walks easily into the tube, grabs the seal meat, and yanks. The door at the other end falls down. The Bear walks back to look at them through the bars. Now what? it seems to ask.
Caleb’s knees buckle underneath him. The rest of the team runs up to him, yelling and crying in equal measure. He’s the youngest of all of them, so they’ve always babied him a little. Right now, it’s just comforting. He can tell they’re angry, but when Riley pulls him to his feet they surround him in a hug. He can hear her admonishing him with motherly concern, “Don’t ever do that as again, understand me? Don’t ever do that again!”
He eyes the Bear over Joey’s shoulder. It tilts its head at them. I wasn’t going to eat you. I can tell you wouldn’t taste good anyway.
Derek recovers more quickly than the rest of them. He sniffles, wipes a few tears of relief off his cheeks, before turning to the Bear. He keeps one hand firmly on Caleb’s shoulder. His mouth is set in a grim line.
“We’ll take it back to the center now, and I’ll call an old friend of mine from when I worked at the zoo and see what he thinks about this.”
More Notes!
This fic was inspired by the the Polar Bear Holding Facility in Churchill, Manitoba, otherwise known as "the Polar Bear Capital of the World". The holding facility was established in 1982 as an alternative to what they'd been doing before if a bear got too close to town, which was just killing it. It is colloquially called "polar bear jail". They'll try to scare bears out of town first, but bears that walk into town repeatedly or begin breaking into buildings get put in "polar bear jail", where they are given water, but no food to avoid creating an association between humans and food. After some time, or after the Bay freezes over again, the bears are re-released outside of town.
You can read more about it on Atlas Obscura here:
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
You're an Android HC
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Male Reader (FTM Friendly) x Hank Anderson
Fluff/long/Short Headcannon (Jimmy's pretty ooc, but it'll be fine. It's for plot purposes) Detroit Become Human
CW: There's like one hint of Hank being horny for you when he's drunk but that's abt it
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With new laws being made for Android rights, Detroit was taking a turn for the better
It was rough, but it was improving
You felt safe for once as a 'Deviant'.
You freed yourself from your last 'owners', able to roam around detroit without being chased down and possibly killed.
Life free of being told what to do meant change and new hobbies.
and to pass time, you found yourself enjoying books
romance ones to be exact
Sometimes they're silly, sometimes they're absolutely entruiging
The feelings of betrayal, attraction, the pulling, the back and forth "Should I or should I not?" between the characters just pulls you in
On your new adventure as a free Android, you had to find a job.
Luckily, a bar owner who happened to feel pity on you and also found you a little bit amusing took you in
as long as you work at the bar of course
Jimmy's bar
It was your first night working there and you had just excelled the art of bartending.
You kept information of the new faces that came in and out of the bar, each of their stories being vastly different.
Soon, day became night, and Jimmy was ready to take his lunch break. The bell of the entrance door rang followed by heavy wind and a cold breeze that had entered the bar, and in comes two customers. Jimmy huffed, "[Name], you've got this one, right?"
I nodded, taking a towel and wiping away a stain I caught before the two new customers could sit down.
One of them was an older man, grey hair that reaches to his jaw, a rough beard, and blue eyes. He wore a black jacket and a blue scarf, snow already melting and wetting his clothes.
The other was an Android (RK800 #313 248 317 - 51). He wore normal clothes, not the presets given, but real clothes. Finally, a deviant of the night. You don't see deviants here since Androids don't find food or drinks necessary for everyday living.
"Look who finally got himself an Android worker!" The blue-eyed man chuckled, making Jimmy roll his eyes
"I'm on break meaning I'm not getting paid to talk to you right now"
Hank, now pleased with Jimmy's reaction, turns his attention back on me. "Scotch, Neat – served in a rocks glass at room temperature with no ice."
I nod, turning to the Android who gives me a knowing look. Right.
I get to work, preparing the drink, but I feel eyes on me. Aware, I side-eye the direction where I assume the starer is watching me from. Hank.
Connor got distracted, walking over to Jimmy, seemingly asking him innocent questions. I remember:
"This job comes with chit chat. Customer's talk, and they might wanna talk to you, so you gotta be on your feet. Listen to them, don't tell them things they don't wanna hear if you want them back here" Jimmy noted as I followed behind him
I finish the drink quickly, placing it in front of Hank. Knowing that the other customer's are minding their business on a slow day, I direct my attention to him
"Is there something you'd like to say?" I asked
Hank's eyes widened a bit before he chuckled softly and taking a sip from his drink, "Sorry I forgot you guys do that whole--" He pauses, pointing his fingers to my eyes, "scanning thing for people's emotions and stuff"
I smiled, leaning my body on the counter while I wait for Hank to keep talking, copying Jimmy's moves when he does this to customers. Hank looked over to Connor then back to me,
"So what's your story?"
Since then, you learned plenty of things about Hank
He's got a dog named Sumo, he's a lieutenant of Detroit City's Police Department, and he's so so-- attractive.
is this what those characters feel in those books? Because if it is, let's sign you up
Whenever he stops by, you feel this certain way for him
You get a little sad when he leaves, but knowing he'll come back is what drives you to wait for the next day
Jimmy and Connor also notice
Jimmy teases, poking light fun at how much you look like puppy around him
Connor on the other hand is a little more helpful, giving you details about Hank on Do's and Don'ts
Eventually, Hank notices the small things you do that indicate you have a crush on him
Like the light hand touching
The attention to him compared to others
the 'looking around when you think he's disappeared'
The excitement for him
And honestly? He doesn't hate it
for a guy who isn't a fan of affection from people, you seem to be an exception
I walked into work, seeing Jimmy already pouring a couple of glasses.
"Well well, if it isn't loverboy [Name]!" Jimmy announced teasingly, "We were just talking about you"
I shift my gaze over to see the people Jimmy's attending, and there he is- Hank Anderson, once again.
"What were you guys talking about?" I asked, waving at Hank. Hank on the other hand, looked panicked.
My led flashed a bright yellow at this or in 'Feeling' terms, there was a worried feeling at the pit of my stomach began to churn.
Hank glared at Jimmy, but Jimmy seemed too amused by this conversation, shrugging it off.
"Tell us, loverboy, how do you feel about Human-Robot relationships?" Jimmy smiled while Hank shook his head in defeat while Connor had his hand on Hank's shoulder
"I think," I glanced over to Hank before starting my thoughts on it, "that it isn't... wrong. It's a little strange seeing it since for the majority of the time, we didn't really get a choice in whether or not we could be in relationships or not, but for me? Personally, I wouldn't mind dating a human." I shrugged, looking over at Hank at that last part.
Hank was caught a little off guard by it before clearing his throat with a noticeable change in his features. He softened his eyes, his fingers stopped tapping the wooden counter, his attention fully on me...
Ever since then, the teasing went both ways
But when it came to the other's expense, it was a little funny.
Finishing a late shift, I was about to lock down Jimmy's place. The only customer in here being left was Hank.
Hank, by the day, was seeming more nervous and flirty at the same time. He would tell me pick up lines while not expecting me to give one back almost every time. I notice his silly grin and soft looks at me, and when he's really drunk, I sometimes catch looks of desire.
"So, it's just us now..." Hank muttered
"Yeah, and I'm supposed to close up shop soon" I sighed, grabbing the now-clean cups I had washed. Hank started to slip on his jacket as I walked away from the counter and over to him
"Where are you headed out to now?" Hank asked
"Home, my apartment is just a block down from here." I said, "How about you?"
"Well, I was going to do the same but I stayed late here to ask you something, actually"
"Oh? And that is?" I hummed, sliding my jacket on and smiling down/up at him. Hank froze, his hand fidgeting. I thought at first he wanted to grab something, but his hand backed away while the words weren't spilling.
Hank looked down/up at me, having collected his remaining courage to kiss me right then and there.
I didn't move away though, instead I tugged at his jacket, pulling him closer as I let out a small sound of approval. We stood in front of Jimmy's Bar entrance, kissing in the snowy night while the streets were bare. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol stick, but I don't hate it. Knowing the taste, feeling his warmth... Maybe those silly romance books were right.
With time, Hank finally inched back and his uncertainties melted right off as he saw how happy I was. Hank smiled softly, his hands still in mine while we stood there.
Android or not, we still would've ended up in this very spot. The future has yet to be written for us.
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lollahazadi · 1 year
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Zeb x Y/N (Your Name)
"I already told you…" you whisper to the lasat beside you "there's no one here!" he spoke in a low, squeaky voice. "Relax there, I know what I'm doing" Zeb said looking from side to side with the communicator in his hand. " The only thing you know how to do right now is holding that communicator and making us walk in circles…." you said without putting much faith in the path they were taking through the city. The communicator beeps and reveals Kanan's call with a worried and impatient tone of voice: "Zeb where are you two?" Zeb, his face creased in lost but unadmitted, gazes at the outskirts of the city. You, in desperation to get to the meeting place soon, take Zeb's giant fist and shout "HE MADE US GET LOST!" snorted, Zeb looked at you irritated and snapped "What do you think you're doing, girl???" . Kanan, on the other side of the frequency, asked what that complaint had been and Zeb took possession of the communicator, undoing the thesis of his friend next to him: "It was nothing, it's her drama" He explained glaring at you while you just shake your head slowly in a (no) and meaning (you're completely wrong) "Me and y/n at the rendezvous point. Where are you?"
"Your're not at the rendezvous point , because i'm at the rendezvous point. Y/n is right." Kanan laughed "You really got lost!". Zeb turned his gaze to the right where you were standing and he could see you raise your left eyebrow in a (I told you big guy) "I told you big guy" you warned smiling in the corner. That voluntary movement that you made made Zeb glazed over you, he saw that as a charm that you carried with you and that from time to time he reproduced whenever he had the opportunity. You were a piece of perfection that made him want to bite, but so tiny that he was even sorry to break you. His voice echoed as he looked at her, it was trying to bring him back to the real world, Rebellion, Empire, Buckheads with guns and the rendezvous….. you called it. "Zeb…Zeb…ZEB!!!" Until he heard the last call of his name and was able to return to the reality in which they found themselves: "Huh? What?" Zeb woke up. "Ask Kanan, where should we go" he Asked you pointing to the big purple hand holding the communicator. Confused and silly, Zeb clears his doubts: "Uh, where's the rendezvous point again ? Kanan had said over and over again that it was in the alley and in a market, but even so, the duo could not reach the predicted location. Zeb smiled mischievously: "Well, I am in an alley" while watching StormTroopers overwhelm an ugnaught merchant. Kanan said that the one who was in the right place was himself and that it was another alley. You intervened nervously: "My God in heaven, this is a city, with many fairs, with thousands of alleys, it could have given a better reference point, no ???" and you put both hands on his cheeks until they slid and his face was like a hutt's. Then you can look at the poor ugnaught trying to talk to the empire troopers in order to avoid his arrest and you looked at Zeb waiting for him to do something and shook his swollen biceps and brindled dark purple. "Look there! They're going to arrest him!" Pointing worriedly at the small humanoid, you notice that Zeb contorts his joints, neck and shoulders. Yes, in addition to realizing how masculine and altruistic that was, you realized that he was about to pick a fight with a fist in the face and possible broken limbs. the Lasat smiling in satisfaction at having to feel the crash of those men's helmets going against his fists said to Kanan:
"Yeah, there's a lot of alleys in this town" The only thing you could do was bring both hands together and snap your fingers stretching them out in front of your body. You were no brute, although, you liked this big brute, with the goatee and side beard, big green eyes that you enjoy looking at for a while while you guys talk about sabacc, podracer or wrestling that goes through the holonet. Just as the two stormtroopers were about to arrest the small, porcine creature, Zeb's large hands came out on either side and brought the two troopers' heads together to collide with each other like two marbles, knocking them unconscious to the ground. Job well done, Zeb wipes both of his hands as the little creature looks on that he's just been saved by a lasat. You laughed at the two men who easily succumbed to Zeb's blow and congratulated him by clapping his hands "You make it look so easy, you crumpled them like one who crumples paper" Zeb looked at her cheekily and bragged "It was nothing honey, you can also crumple those heads of potty". You asked suggestively approaching him "Perhaps some private lessons on how to delete a trooper…" "Oh stop y/n, you don't need lessons, you blow these guys away with that flexible, energetic little body of yours, it's pretty easy for you to do a surprise attack." Zeb spurred you on as he looked deep at him. You were flattered and slightly blushing "If that's what it says.." but he insisted "Hey hey girl, stop now, I don't even need to say this, look at you, you have a body to envy, look at that hair, that eyebrow, those eyes and… besides, I'm not just talking because you're pretty , but also because you are incredible and skilled in battle". Now you turned into a cherry tomato because your cheeks changed color because of the things he said to you "Oh, but…you don't have to say those things to me Zeb…" laughed "You're not bad either, your physique is too a kind I like and admire…." WAIT! WHAT ??? No, you shouldn't have said you like his physique!! Now he's going to think you're an idiot!! But Zeb seemed to laugh heartily in his thick, husky voice, finding you amusing.
"Y/N you really are the kind of person everyone would like to be around" He looked at you and you repeated the look of complicity, you on your tiptoes trying to reach Zeb's face to stare at him closer and closer deep, but had to cease as Kanan was still online asking if they would come to the meeting or not. Before you could even respond, dozens of soldiers in white armor came towards you shouting: "Hey! you guys, stop". Zeb looks at you and says: "You spoke too soon when you said I made everything look too easy, girl." "Yeah, I think I overdid it a bit…" You said, shrugging your shoulders and bracing yourself for what was to come. Zeb sighs and tells Kanan that you would be a little late, making Kanan complain that you were already late and start running from the stormtroopers in pursuit. Zeb gives his hand for you to take and run together, but you were so desperate to escape the oppression that you ended up overtaking Zeb, making him look silly and perplexed, but they ran together until they reached a dead end, you screamed : "Look there! What did I say! This town doesn't have a point of reference that isn't a damn alley." But in the alley there was a TIE fighter and a pilot beside it, when he saw them, he warned that it was a restricted area, but you didn't care, you just wanted to escape or fight. Zeb warned Kanan in a humorous tone; "Right. So we are definitely going to be late" . And you started to fight to the sound of Kanan scolding both "Late-er.Late-er!" . The lasat bravely punched the pilot who kept the fighter, climbed into the ship and jumped into a huddle of soldiers, surrendering and hitting them one by one. You with your two hands disarmed a trooper, broke his wrist and kicked him away with your boot. The next one who was shooting you dodged to one side and did a backflip and landed on the ground with one hand and the other raised and your legs well positioned on the ground, one of your legs slipped on the soldier's ankles, knocking him over for once. A trooper coming from behind, you can reflexively elbow him. While you fought, Zeb watched her from afar, admiringly and with a full look, thinking "Karabast. Look at these moves, I like this" and stretched his rifle, transforming it into an electric baton, ascending it at each end.
"Wait, you and y/n are fighting stormtroopers??" Kanan wanted to know without being able to see anything, just hear the mess made. Zeb positioning his Lasat weapon asked feigning innocence: "What makes you say that ?" and attacks his imperial opponents, electrocuting anyone he can.
"I heard blaster fire." Kanan justified every hit Zeb landed on the troopers, making one of them scream in pain "And Screaming". Kanan continued and Zeb not caring said calmly "there may be more screaming" but Kanan does not forgive the delay and continued to scream "Oh thats great. You get lost in the middle of a mission for you two to be sneaking out in any alley and decide to start your own battle with y/n again". You hear it from afar and defend yourself by yelling as you grab a trooper and kick him with your knee in his groin " I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS NO KANAN, I told you, he made us lose!" you accuse Zeb " Go on As for me, I was just as focused on getting to the reunion as you are."
Zeb also defends himself to Kanan while also defending himself against enemies in "Didn't Decide." a soldier jumps on Zeb's back as if they were playing football " It just happened. " Zeb put his back against his leg in the TIE fighter to shoot the guy on his back and wrapped his rifle around him and threw him to take down the soldiers who came.Kanan asks on the call "So you two…?" "This time . And NO! I didn't plan to be alone with y/n and I didn't make us both get lost, nothing happened, Just happened I mean because we couldn't get to the rendezvous. He looked at her and they both gasped after a good fight and were interrupted by the LS-607 pilot who called desperately for help when he saw a lasat of 2.10 with his back to him. The communication asks how many opponents there were, Zeb was joking looking at himself, looking at you, around and pointing at him even " One", but you intervened " Stop being brazen, you fought alone, did you? Two" You leaned on Zeb like he was a doorframe as you watched the terrified pilot.
Zeb gets the idea to climb the TIE while the poor pilot miserably shoots Zeb, but Zeb hides. Seeing that he didn't see the lasat, he approached the vehicle terrified, but he was suddenly lifted by the humanoid's prehensile feet and fell hard to the ground. You with your machine gun blaster shot at the trooper reinforcements that came and took down as many as you could, shooting, disarming, striking each man until some of them passed out at your feet. When your ammunition ran out, without a second thought, with the machine gun itself, with the weight of it, you howled and beat your opponents in the head, in the ribs, in the back until you were sure that their bones were broken enough to fight back. Zeb half kneeling on top of the TIE looked at her as if he saw the doors of Ashla's paradise, as if it were the most beautiful, most beautiful and most exciting thing to waste his hours and hours watching. Kanan on the line asked feigning embarrassment "Oh, Zeb. Are you embarrassing the imperials again". Zeb taking the device off his belt, said satisfied "No, y/n is doing a beautiful job for me and honestly, Kanan. Its hard not to. She is learning from the best." He smiled proudly as he watched you beat up the idiots. That was better than watching a Miss Universe show that airs every year on the holonet.
But just an empty blaster wasn't going to stop the reinforcements that arrived more and more. Then Zeb had an idea as they tried to shoot him, Zeb crawled behind the vehicle until he was upside down and the shots were all concentrated on the TIE, causing it to leak fuel. You run for cover behind the TIE and see Zeb who is clinging to the TIE like a spider: "These guys are too many!" You say. He notices that the liquid was coming out of the vehicle and advises you as he looks at you "I think you better run and fast." You look down and immediately see the reason and connect it to the shots focused on the ship and worriedly ask: " And you ?!" "I can handle it, run to the alley!" You, even though you don't want to, decide you need to get out and fast. "Alright, back to the alley!" Said frustrated while running "Always the alley, this city is full of alleys!" you complain leaving the field of view of the troopers who shoot.
Orrelios watching the ship leak, head over heels dodging the blasters quickly, he laments jokingly: "Well, thats not good". Kanan blindly, apprehensively asks: "Whats not good? whats not good?" And suddenly, a big explosion devastates that scene, spreading debris from the TIE and you protecting yourself as you can under a tent. After the impact, you can come out of hiding and together with the ugnaught that appeared with his droid carrying a basket of fruits, they could see all the soldiers knocked out on the ground in the middle of the explosive fog. You search with your eyes where that crazy lasat is that risked to be able to blow up those bucket heads, until you saw him coming out of the smoke screen as if nothing had happened to him. Unceremoniously you run up to him and jump into a tight, reassuring embrace, he holding you behind your back and you wrapping your legs around his wide hips, "You crazy !" You scream in congratulations drowning your face in his shoulder "It could have been in pieces, are you sure it's in one piece?" You wanted to know as you felt around Zeb's strong shoulders, his full biceps, every part of his body making sure he wasn't scratched, he was intact. You accidentally end up touching his ears too, a sensitive and intimate part of a lasat's body, making Zeb shiver at the sweet touch and growl affectionately. You noticed that you went too far and stopped immediately, because you remembered that his species' ears cannot be easily touched "It was bad Big, it escaped me, I did it on impulse" You still hid your face in his shoulders. Zeb even though he liked the soft touch of her little hands, he replied calmly "It's okay, it was nothing, as you can see, I'm fine, girl, are you hurt maybe? Those toilet-headed men weren't kidding with you" He questions while touching her back with his hands and then sliding down to her spine to see if she hadn't been compromised and accidentally groping her waist, squeezing it slightly and going down to her behind, but realizing that it was a precious female part being touched, the Lasat he gasped and his cheeks went from purple to burgundy and he placed his hands under his thighs, stilling himself. You ask "okay big guy? I heard choking" you took your face from his shoulder to face your purple friend who looked you in the eyes, he replied nervously " Yes yes, it was no big deal, you're fine, I'm fine, we're all fine he he " He laughed awkwardly at the situation and hoped she hadn't noticed the touch on her buttock. You answer mischievously looking at him "Don't worry, no trooper kicked my ass, I kicked theirs" leaving Zeb blushing and clearing his throat with nervousness and that he was still holding her but was afraid of being disrespectful, but the two looked good . "Look y/n, I just… I didn't mean to touch her the way you think…." You cover your big lips " Shshsh, it's ok Zeb, I know you, you're not the perverted type, that's even.. cute Zeb" you laughed red and you both looked at each other not knowing what to do next. The communication device still left Kanan on: "Zeb ! Y/N! I see smoke . Was that? was that a TIE fighter exploding?"
Instantly, the two of you pull apart as if Kanan was able to see the scene. Zeb gently releases you to the ground and you reach down and stroke your right arm like you're cold. The ugnaught offers its credits as a way of gratitude to both of you, but you decline and prefer something you can eat. Zeb takes a piece of fruit from the stallholder's basket and offers it to you first, you gladly accept it, wipe it off on your clothes and take a bite. Zeb takes his fruit and denies coughing to Kanan that there was no explosion: "No" but then he saw that there was no reason to lie and admitted "Okay. Yes" and bites the fruit. Excited Kanan says "Nice". Zeb thinks out loud "I thought so". As you two follow the course to leave, more stormtroopers appear as Kanan says "Okay, stay put. I'll follow the smoke and pic you two up" You and Zeb look at each other knowingly, as he stretches for a second round, you steal a gun from a fallen trooper, ready to fight again. the lasat rebel stretches his bo rifle like an electric baton saying defiantly "We'll be here".
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shirtlesssammy · 1 year
The Winchesters 1x11: Bullet Point Rambles
Dean: What we do at the crossroads………..is make a prequel!
John shows up in dramatic fashion (Boris: idonotfeelbadforjohnwinchester idonotfeelbadforjohnwinchester) and announces his predicament
We learn that Maggie had a bracelet that makes people tell the truth. Also Maggie was MYSTERIOUS about it. At this point, we’ve mentioned Maggie so often I have to stroke my beard and contemplate what she means to the show
Today is written and directed by women! Nice.
Carlos and Lata investigate Maggie’s room and contemplate the Akrida’s master plan. They continue to be adorable besties and I love them
John and Mary pack up in DAYLIGHT BABIES PLEASE. They’re confronted by Betty who “has been following them for weeks.” Boris: Creeper
John gives himself up dramatically. Betty is probably pretty sad that she can’t haul in Mary Campbell as well. 
Lata finds the bracelet in a hidden snack hiding place. She reaches towards the bracelet and it flies up and attaches itself around her wrist. Not good! Even more NOT GOOD is when the mysterious shadows fly up and blow out the lights
Lata and Carlos try to figure out if the ghosty thing was a lurking monster or bracelet-generated
Back at the Clubhouse, Millie and Mary try to break open John’s case. Mary drowns in guilt. Wherps.
Millie wants to trust Betty with Monster Club. Boris and I both think this is a TERRIBLE IDEA. (But it would make some fun soapy drama, I suppose)
At the precinct, John gets interrogated by a chuckling cop. I tell him to get an attorney but my advice goes unheard. Chuckles the Cop reveals that he’s the Akrida WHO KILLED KYLE. *mustache twirl mustache twirl*
Mr. Akrida sets out a photo of DEAN WINCHESTER (we flail silently) and demands info in exchange for his freedom. Boris: Every time this photo shows up, my brain vibrates at a high level
(Info update: John was a PoW???)
Lata digs into the bracelet further - the shadows will consume anyone who wears the bracelet and has a dark secret. Carlos is like YOU???? just before he’s taken by the monsters! ‘FESS UP GIRL!!!
Carlos gets zapped into a creepy crypt bedroom place? Is this like a ghost bedroom? They can hear each other. Is he in a parallel dimension like that witch from the second episode?
Millie proudly shows Betty the Clubhouse. It’s time for Monster Skool! Millie tries to convince Betty that it’s all real. Come on, don’t you have some handy monsters hanging out? It goes…poorly. Mary shouts after her about the 3 marks on the back of her neck, as Betty storms off
Fake!Maggie and Lata reminisce. Maggie told her everything, and now Fake!Maggie wants Lata to tell her everything. Lata gets zapped to the cold room, and Carlos! WILL we finally learn Lata’s SECRET? Why the family estrangement, etc? Honestly, I’m surprised to learn this so soon, since I assumed Lata’s Dark Secret TM would be part of season 2
Lata lights a lantern as Carlos feels the creeping approach of DOOM. We learn that the dark room was a part of Lata’s old home
Meanwhile, Mary plans a good old fashioned jailbreak. Boris: John’s sons got out of the deepest darkest prison the Feds have to offer so…John can bust out too. Or did they get out because of their mom? Things to contemplate…
Carlos and Lata confront her dark secret. She weeps over it and Carlos begs for her to confess. Lata brings up her backstory. After a family dinner, Lata brought food to share with her family’s housekeeper Sonya. Her dad beat her housekeeper for it and Lata struck him with the lamp. 
Mary rings the Campbell residence for a little Lata/Carlos backup. Sorry, Millie! Nobody here but us shadow creatures!
Lata was shamed by both her parents for sticking up for the housekeeper. She ran away from home. In retaliation, her dad locked the housekeeper in the room and Sonya froze to death. (Boris: Seems like your asshole father’s problem, and not yours, girl.)
Guilt rises from Lata and Carlos and they find themselves back in the kitchen. “I guess the truth really does set you free,” Carlos notes. LOL. Millie runs in and seriously ruins the mood. Uh, go team!
John gets taken away. Mary and Betty confront each other. It’s a punching fight!!! Boris: TAKE HER OUT, MARY, SHE’S HALF YOUR SIZE
The team confronts Betty and Carlos “Drugs Should Be Legalized” Cervantez holds her while Lata chunks on the truth telling slap bracelet
Team Scooby Gang beat up all the cops and John runs. What’s the plan? RUN! That’s…that’s the plan. Betty’s gonna be their source on the inside. Mrow cat fight, etc.
Betty and Mary reconnoiter later. AND THEY HUG. Or…Betty apologizes. John gives Betty the plans for an Akrida-tattoo, and John and Mary head out ONCE AGAIN in broad daylight
In the clubhouse, I am desperate to own Carlo’s coat, and Lata tells Carlos that she wants to be more open with him. Her parents aren’t dead (they are just dead to HER). Aw, Carlos tells her that her parents are dead to him too! Besties! Carlos reassures her that everyone loves her because they DO
Mary and John drive and look disconsolate. They plot revenge, and plan to find DEAN WINCHESTER OUR BEST BOY
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Pairing: Obi wan x reader
Contents: Obi wan wants to meet you to have blue milk ice cream.
Warnings: none, recently watched North and South and wanted to write something soft like Thornton haha
Word Count: 830
He’s leaning on the counter as you pass him a cup full of blue milk ice cream. He never volunteered to leave work to accompany you anywhere but today, he wanted a break and called for you. The midafternoon sunlight illuminated the lounge where you settled into the sofa with your own cup of ice cream. He sat down next to you, swirling the spoon to soften the dessert. His knee touched yours and as though it had caused a burn he moved it away instantly. Something was different today almost like the air held an invisible component. Must be the pollen you think and put the thought away.
The first few minutes pass by in silence but then he asks about your day, through which you knew something was off. He never made small talk. Now he wouldn’t even look at you. He was the one who wanted this in the first place. You stick your spoon into your bowl and turn to him.
“Why are you acting weird?”, you ask
“I’m not.”, he says but looks away. His eyelashes lush and thick as they catch the light. He was beautiful and you knew that he knew about it. “You are.”, you turn to face him completely, as you pull up your feet on to the cushions. “It’s a lovely day out don’t you think so?”, he looks outside. “When was the last time you spoke of the weather, Obi wan?”, you ask and his blue eyes pin you down. “Always.”, his eyes turned dark with an intensity. The very same with which he was telling lies.
You wanted to expose it but instead shoved a spoonful of dessert and turned away. If he wanted to meticulously waste the time he could spend with you, then so be it. The questions pestered you and you possessed the flair to ask them as they were formed.
“Were you forced to be here?”, you ask with renewed passive aggression.
“No”, he says as though he was shocked. “Why would you think that?”, his question sounded stupid. “Cause we’re arguing.”, you shove another spoonful in anger, your bowl close to completion. “Well sorry, I’m dealing with a personal matter.”, his voice was raised. A personal matter? You knew about it all. So what was this issue he was talking about. “What is this ‘personal matter’?”, you ask and he remains quiet.
The gall. The audacity. Having been best friends for so long, how could he now keep you away. “I’m allowed to have secrets you know.”, he says softly without looking at you and your heart turned to stone then a while later,  crumbled. “So that’s how it is.”, you say quietly scraping the last of the cream from the sides of your bowl feeling deflated
“I was going to tell you today.”, he begins to speak but you cut him off. “Its about that girl you’ve taken under your wing. I’ve heard the rumors.”, you look at him to find that his eyes were already on you. The edge of his mouth curving up in an almost hidden smirk. You catch sight of it. He was finding this funny. “What’s so amusing?”, you lose your nerve and his gaze falls to your lips. You feel the rush of warmth to your cheeks.
“Always jumping to conclusions.”, he smiles and you felt annoyed. “What do you mean?”, you fold your arms and he gets a little closer. “You’ve been upset over this rumor.”, he raises his eyebrow. “No I haven’t.”, you wanted to run and hide. “Yes, you are.”, he laughed. You catch his gaze again and knew there was nothing left to do other than to admit defeat. “Alright, fine. A little.”, you huff. He nods, like he already knew everything. He then points to the corner of your lips.
 “You’ve got something there.”, he mentions and your eyes go wide in embarrassment. “Why didn’t tell me sooner?”, you ask as you reach to wipe it but he catches your wrist. Stopping you before your fingers could wipe it away. “So I can do this.”, he leans in and your heart rate tripled. His lips find yours, the edge of his beard giving you a satisfying burn. His hands snake around your waist and pulls you in. “I’ve only been able to think of you and nothing else for the past few days. So I wanted to come tell you.”, he says as he breaks for air. You kiss him back, slowly and surely, you thought he was lost forever. So this surprise was welcome. You nudge his nose with yours before you lean back, "Stars, you're so beautiful.", you whisper gazing into his eyes at such a close proximity. But seeing his smile, you all to suddenly feel a little shy. "Not that it means anything. I know a lot of people tell you the same.", You place your hands on his chest to push him away but he only holds you closer. "I only want to hear it for you.", he whispers and you knew if you didn't do something with all the adrenaline that flowed through you, your heart would combust. But sensing your expression, almost as if he could read your thoughts, he kisses you. Slow and steady, like he had planned on being here, so full of surety. That it was only ever you.
He pauses for a second, to look at you, his chest rising and falling. “Blue milk ice cream tastes much better this way.”, he gives you a mischievous smile and you were, like you had always been, lost in his electric charm.
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 year
The Legend of Vox Machina: The Sunken Tomb (2x03)
Liam O'Brien, how dare you...
This isn't really a con, so much as a point of confusion... where did Kash and Zahra go at the end of the episode? They seemed to find Purvan's tomb and wander down it, but then Percy also found the tomb? So they're in the wrong place? It just felt strange that they ended up somewhere else with no resolution or cliffhanger for those characters. I guess we'll find out in episode four?
Such a good blend of tone in this episode. So many funny moments, and then mixed with such abject tragedy... the basic structure of the plot is just that the gang goes on a journey to find the Deathwalker's Ward, which is the first Vestige of Divergence they've been told about. Along the way they banter, they fight weird fish people monsters, they have a not-so-friendly rivalry going with Zahra and Kash...
There are lot of moments I could shout out here, but a few of my favorite comedy beats include when Kash tells them about Purvan, they all start laughing and making stupid jokes, and then Kash just says "wow, you guys suck." In that same scene, I loved Grog celebrating his new beard, and when Kash is dismissive of it, Grog gets furious and in his face. Kash... immediately backs down and says it's really cool.
Zahra and Vex... perfection. This vibe between them started up in episode two, but this episode we really got to see it in action. They're totally playing it like they're bitter exes who still find each other sexy and I am living for it. Such good energy, and a natural extrapolation from the vibe they had on the original stream. I  loved when they were fighting over who got to be the hero and save the other one. And Vex's exasperation when she realized Zahra had run off was so funny.
The whole fight sequence was good fun, everyone teaming up and being bad-ass. Kash falling off of Scanlan's hand made me laugh too. The only hint of real worry in these scenes is Grog, whose bloodlust seems to be a little more intense than it should be, as he's using that hungry, hungry talking sword... Pike seems to pick up that something isn't quite right, but she can't figure out what's up just yet. Also, as I said, we finally got our bearded Grog! I've been waiting for that guy to turn up.
A couple other details: Pike has a vision to check in on Emon, and sees Thordak ruling the roost, demanding tribute and burning humans alive when they run out of shiny things to give him. So that's not great. Also, in Trinket news, he actually got to be useful in a fight for once, which was exciting to see!
And then there's the stuff with the twins. I mean. Where to even begin with all of this. It was so good. Pitch perfect. Liam and Laura fucking knocked it out of the park. The episode has flashbacks showing them younger, during an incident in which their father yelled at Vex for breaking a tiara, calling them worthless because of their status as half human. Vax decides they should storm off, and they do, but it's clear Vex didn't really want to leave. She gets mad at him for always trying to protect her and tell her what to do, and then we cut to later, where Vax is sobbing because his sister has left him. Vax says that it's not that Vex needs him, it's that he needs her.
Just. If you know where this is going it's just... just... the perfect distillation of the whole thing with the twins. They were so cute and squishy as little baby half-elves, and their dad sucks so hard.
The episode also cleverly builds up the fact that the Matron of Ravens' temple is full of traps. We see Grog discover one, we see Vax checking ahead to be sure, we see Trinket sniffing out a hidden latch in the floor that raises up a tomb... it's all very treacherous. Obviously I knew this was coming, so every time Vax insisted that everyone wait and be cautious, I was getting more and more tense. It happens so suddenly, so unceremoniously. Percy reaches in to take the Deathwalker's Ward, and it sets off a trap. Vex is caught in it. She falls to the ground. Dead.
Again, just... LIAM. With the full on SOBBING. I cannot deal. It's so raw and real and I'm beyond excited for the consequences of this one moment to follow us through to the very end of the show. It's gonna hurt so good.
So yeah. This episode was fantastic. I'm eagerly awaiting more, and can't believe I have to wait a full week to see it resolved. Even knowing how it all turns out isn't enough to calm me down. This was excellent TV; I continue to be so happy and so blown away by what these folks have managed to pull off with this adaptation. Can't wait for more!
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the-acid-pear · 8 months
Holy shit did I sleep tonight. Lots of dreams. First half was the actual dream then I woke up and I wanted to get up from bed but I was sooooo eepy so I just started thinking of what I'd post here when I woke up as to not forget and that became me talking to my old childhood friend about the dream. Which had both school and family aspects to it. I remember my godfather looked like this cool texan man w big grey beard and big shiny belt and big cowboy white hat and sunglasses and a blue shirt and pants and he had beef w this Mrs. Coomer (there was a Mr. Coomer too btw but I forgot what was up w him) because she deemed he was too rich to be around here and was just pretending to be lower class like the rest of us that he denied. I remember a party where a fight was breaking out because this very same issue right next to me as I looked down and played on my phone. One of the girls I guess Mrs. Coomer's daughter (around my height, chubby, glasses, crosseyed; all things one would deem ugly but I went on a tangent on how I found her pretty <- it was my teen years in dream so I was down bad for whatever woman who spoke w me) was talking w her friends about the difference between the word potence and impotence and she had the meanings mixed up so I clarified it and despite our families quarrel (that she started w an offhand commentary btw and led to the adults fighting) she was like wow thanks! 😁 extremely genuinely.
The rest I didn't get to see twice so it's rather blurry but I remember being in a classroom, but we were also camping. I guess this is where I was w my friend, telling him the story. I remember trying to tidy up the place and finding below the long tables a lot of ppl would sit on little blue pieces of a puzzle. I wanted to find the rest and it led me to a more classroom like place where a guy I also knew from around when I knew my other friend was on his desk with his papers and a different puzzle, whites and oranges it looked like a port, Italy perhaps. I put a leg over him to try reach the other pieces and I did but I also knocked off part of his puzzle and he got rightfully upset. Worth mentioning too this guy wasn't a friend he was the "weird kid" because he had some sort of mental disability so raised as we were we all just thought he was weird Because. He also had poor hygiene that put a handful of ppl off too. Anyway point is seeing him in my dream was strange. His name is Federico, also. This is only for me to remember.
After that I don't remember much. I have this image of an argonian facing back w a big beautiful tail and I remember standing before this huge goddess who was offering me immortality in the form of never aging or never taking damage and I don't remember which one I picked but she pulled a thing at the side of her chest revealing a tiny human like tit (w 3 nipples tho, purple-ish blue pale skin and three dark dots) and so I climbed into her back and layed on her shoulder to her confusion. Then I woke up.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
46 - Family Holiday
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Part 47
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @queenieala @samsgirl93
Yes I wrote a fourth of July chapter even though it's December and getting close to Christmas. It's just what came to mind 😊
A few months later
Sitting on the couch I was reading over information that my sister sent over about the merge. Footsteps entered the room where I saw my husband and my daughter coming back from their morning wolf run that had become a regular thing for them. "There's my favorite daughter."
"Mom…I'm your only daughter." Nikola grumbled still smiling the whole time as I embraced her in a hug.
She squeezed me tightly, still happy when we broke the hug. "That doesn't mean you still can't be my favorite, little wolf."
"What I'm no longer your favorite. I'm hurt Maddie." Klaus pretended to be dramatic placing a hand over his heart leaning in the doorframe.
Breaking the hug with our daughter I slowly stride up to my husband draping my arms over his shoulders. It wasn't that I didn't wish I could have given her a sibling. But apparently the supernatural universe didn't agree. "Of course you're still my favorite. She's just a mini version of you so she gets bonus points."
"That was Josie. They are setting up stuff at the school. They just asked us to get the fireworks." Nikola entered the room holding up her phone. "Oh and mom Uncle Ric says he wants to see you at the high school. He says he's got some news to tell you."
Removing my arms from around Nik's neck he snagged an arm around my waist kissing my forehead before grabbing his coat and leaving. "Have fun at the high school. I'll see you later tonight love."
Shrugging my black jacket over a red shirt and leggings. Tying light brown boots that reached almost to my ankles. Grabbing my car keys instead of just vamping to the school. Closing a door behind me I entered the principal's office seeing Alaric sit up in his chair smiling at me. "Hey Maddie, I'm glad you were able to make it."
"What's this chat about, Ric?" I asked pulling out a chair sitting in front of his desk. After Klaus gave me Nikola's blood and healed me from the bullet I learned that Ric had given the information to Triad. That everything they knew that could hurt us was because of him. So the Salvatore school was looking for a new headmaster and that's how he ended up back working at Mystic Falls High School.
He intertwined his hands together on the desk, sighing avoiding my gaze for a few minutes. He had also grown a beard in the time away. "It's about my position at the Salvatore School. The kids voted me out but I thought you would like to know their choice…you."
"I'm sorry, what now?" I blurted out whipping my head forward not hearing him the first time.
Alaric cleared his throat staring straight into my eyes slowly saying the words over again. "Maddie, they voted you to become the new headmaster  - uh correction headmistress of the school."
Gripping the edge of the desk I sucked in a breath not expecting him to be giving me the news. It was crazy to think the kids chose me. I am not entirely sure I would be good at running a school like my twin sister. "Ric, are you serious right now..me. For real me. I mean I'm honored but I don't believe it. Why me?"
"Their notes were basically that you and Klaus understood them better. That you fight alongside them well and that you tell the truth." He explained running his fingers through his hair before he looked at a clock behind my head heading for the door. "I'll walk you out."
Exiting the door my vampire hearing picked up on two heartbeats. One human separate from Ric and another supernatural. Turning my head in that direction I recognized a young boy talking with a girl that has brown hair checking out a janitor's closet for some reason. "Aren't you a little short for a janitor? It's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to hide out on the first day of school." The boy replied simply.
"Oh, no, I-I wasn't hiding. I-I was, um, uh, I was looking for the principal's office." The girl explained to him sounding sort of familiar for some reason.
Leaning closer to Alaric's ear as we walked towards them I whispered curiously. "Who is that girl and boy anyway?"
"Well that's Ethan Machado. His mother is the new sheriff since Matt left. And she's…huh I'm not sure. I've actually never seen her before. Have you?" He raised a brow in confusion.
Shaking my I focused closely listening in on their conversation again. "Well, you're in luck. I'm new, too, but I'm pretty sure that's him right behind you."
"Hi. I'm Principal Saltzman. Who are you?" Alaric stepped forward looking at the girl with brown hair who seemed surprised to see him.
She stuttered out, moving her gaze from him to me. "Oh I'm - uh Hope - Hope Marshall."
Tilting my head to the side I looked down at the bracelet that I was wearing that matches the one my daughter wears. She said it had the initials H. M. But I couldn't place where I felt like I knew this girl from. Like I somehow had a connection with her. I just couldn't put my finger on how exactly. "Hi I'm Maddie. It's nice to meet you, Hope." Turning on my heels I headed towards the exit waving bye to the two. "Bye Ric I'll see you later."
Getting back to the school I saw that there were lights, drinks and food set out. We decided to set up the little family event in the woods outside the back of the Salvatore school. "Hey aunt Maddie. How does everything look? Lizzie and I set it up."
"It looks amazing Josie." I beamed hearing the car door be shut with Nik carrying the fireworks with a random guy walking behind him.
Walking up to my husband I whispered up to him knowing that he was told to go get fireworks. "Care to explain why you brought fireworks and clearly a random human to the party?"
"I simply compelled this manager to come set up the fireworks so I could spend my time under the stars with you and our girls." He smirked, intertwining his hands behind his back.
Shaking my head I heard Nikola and Landon laughing while the manager was setting up the fireworks to shoot off in a few minutes. Klaus tugs me down to sit on the ground wrapping his arms around me while I sit in between his legs. "I love you, Mads." He mumbled kissing the crown of my head, feeling me lean into his embrace.
Nikola and Landon were about to kiss in front of us until the fireworks went off suddenly. The worker screamed falling back where I lifted my head up seeing Lizzie was holding the remote and had set off the fireworks smiling. "Lizzie!"
"Sorry auntie Mads. But he was being slow about it." She replied when I shook my head snuggling up in Klaus's embrace.
Meanwhile Hope walked into Alaric's office in the high school coming from the parry she saw from the school. "
Um, my name's not Hope Marshall. It's Hope Mikaelson. I'm Klaus and Maddie's daughter." Alaric rose to his feet not believing it to be possible that they had a kid they didn't remember.
"And I know you don't remember this, but, um you're the closest thing I have to a father now." Her voice broke as she started crying. Wishing that Malivoire didn't have to completely take away the memory of her. "And the entire world has forgotten that I exist, including my twin sister and…basically my entire family, so I have absolutely no idea what to do next."
He moves forward wrapping his arms around her shaking body. "It's okay. We'll figure it out together." She clings onto him, missing her family more than ever.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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