#beautiful disaster fic
superkickme · 3 days
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wip preview of a drawing I did for the next chapter of my fic
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lunarriviera · 5 months
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HAPPY BDAY HEI-YE MY HOT MESS OF A LOVE, if i'd known you were celebrating today i would have written you a fic. this weekend, i promise. you're my most favorite.
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ashleyfanfic · 10 months
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Chapters: 3/36 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Tracey Davis (Harry Potter), Daphne Greengrass, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Original Characters Additional Tags: Veela Draco Malfoy, Veela Lucius Malfoy, omega verse tropes, Mates, Jealousy, Enemies to Lovers, quick but slow burn, Rewrite, Draco has a good relationship with his parents, Lucius and Narcissa are relationship goals, Harry and Ginny are relationship goals, Draco and Hermione are relationship goals - eventually, Romance, Smut, Fluff, Violence, Character Death, Prophecy, Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter), Sneak attacks, Mate bonds, feeling through bonds, Christmas, ministry raids, students but legal, Students, Head Boy Draco Malfoy, Eventual Happy Ending, Other tags to be added, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, not really Weasley friendly at the beginning, ron has a redemption arc Summary:
Draco comes from a long line of Veelas on his father's side. The discovery of his mate leads him and his family in a completely new direction.
  See A/N in chapter 1 to explain why this is happening
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Something Thursday
(what IS the Thursday tag game called anyway?)
Today I'm sharing my new podfic of Blame It On the Alcohol/Halloween Candy/Mistletoe/Etc. by HMSLusitania - thank you, Hayley, for giving blanket permission to podfic 😍
Here is a tiny taste
And you can listen to the whole story on AO3
I was tagged by @devirnis, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @try-set-me-on-fire, @exhuastedpigeon, @tizniz, @diazsdimples, @buckaroosheart and @acountrygirlsfun over the last days - thank you all so much❣️
tagging @hmslusitania, @shitouttabuck, @henswilsons, @captain-hen, @lover-of-mine, @housewifebuck or anyone else who'd like to share their work on this lovely day🤗
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mrs-bluemarine · 4 months
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HIIIII. DID ANYONE ORDER SOME BEN AND TARA CONTENT?? This won a poll like eons ago but I finally finished it!!! Just a little silly thing. Content warning for some language and a little spat with some meanies. I had his BR: SPIDERMAN design in mind :3c
Five years on the West Coast was nowhere near enough to make Tara feel homesick. She didn't jump at the opportunity to come back to New York, coming back to it left a bad taste in her mouth, but she could admit, the city had a charm to it when it was seen at night.
Her watch read twenty after ten. Her precious boyfriend was nowhere to be seen, like most nights. But something didn't sit right in her brain, and Tara was smart enough to trust her mind. Ben promised he'd be back by nine. So where the heck was he?
Tara in her signature red was illuminated by street lamps as she walked her way over to the Daily Grind, the place Ben was working at. It wasn't too far from their apartment, she was glad for that. She didn't have a clue where he could be, but surely the Grind would be a decent place to start? They had good coffee, anyway. What time did they close? Maybe she could get some before then.
Her ears picked up on something. Footsteps, the soft sound of crackling gravel.
Tara tried to focus in on them without daring a look behind her. One set of feet, no, maybe two. They came out of nowhere, when did they start to follow her?
Coffee could wait. She made an extra turn she didn't need. Then one more, checking to see if she was being trailed, or if her paranoia was getting the best of her. And as her luck would have it, she was right.
As always the brunette's feet are moving before her own brain does. Always her downfall. She turns around on her heel, looking back at the men tailing her with an unamused look. She has her hands on her hips, subconsciously puffing out her chest to appear more imposing. It doesn't work, of course. There's two of them. Even the scrawny one was still a head taller than her. The other guy was stronger than the first. They both wore baggy clothes, the hands on the bigger one were hiding in his hoodie pocket. A sure place to be keeping something.
"Can I help you boys?" Tara asked keeping calm.
The smaller one's smile was all teeth, and Tara was sure then that she wasn't going to trust them. His voice as he spoke was whiney and irritating, grating on her ears like nails on a chalkboard.
"Me an' my friend here are strapped f'r cash! We jus' need a couple bucks for a bottle of liquor at the shop around the bend."
Tara hesitated for a moment. The answer sounded genuine. Slowly, she responded. "...Sorry, would love to help, but I don't have anything to give you."
"Oh, we weren't askin'."
Figures she was right, curse the bleeding heart. Always trust your gut, that's what she always told herself.
Her eyes flickered to the bulkier man and the item he pulled out of his hoodie pocket that reflected the light of the street lamp behind Tara- a knife, of course it was a knife -then they traveled back to the shorter one, that smile from before the same, although somehow even more menacing. "We're just lookin' for the wallet, nothing else, and you're free to leave."
Tara stood her ground. "I told you, I don't even have my wallet. I just came out here looking for someone."
The blond cooed, "Couldn't find 'em, huh? Well, don't worry! We'll keep you safe, sugar!"
Tara's collar was violently yanked forward; she tripped over her feet, forced on her toe tips by her assailant. Her nose was pressed to his, she could smell the stale alcohol on his breath, and it made her stomach turn. "But it's gonna cost ya."
Now the blond holding her had the knife, and he was tracing the side of her cheek with the back of the blade. Instinctively, she tilted her head as far away as she could. It wasn't much. Her assailant could still easily cut open her face if she wasn't careful. "Our protection ain't free, so if you don't have a wallet, then we're jus' gonna have to use somethin' else."
Tara could fight. Maybe not win, but she could book it and race to somewhere safe before they knew what hit them. Scenes like this weren't unfamiliar. A quick kick between the legs was helpful enough. But that second guy... He was a problem. If he got a hand on Tara, it looked like he was strong enough to break her little noodle arm with just a flex. He was strong, but maybe she was faster. The Grind was probably closed by now, the apartment was still a couple blocks away. She'd lived in NYC before, but never the queens side. Tara couldn't think of anywhere else to go!..
A noise got her attention. A solid Thwump! of meat hitting the ground roughly. The blond holding Tara looked away for a split second, from over his shoulder she saw his accomplice in the road, unconscious.
"The fuck?"
He's barely allowed to finish before a glass bottle is thrown at his head. He drops Tara on the ground, folding into himself, cursing in pain, but he was still awake. He swung around violently, threatening open air with his knife, eyes flailing looking for whoever attacked him as Tara stumbled backwards and away, eyes glued to what was happening. Instinct told her to book it, but the show was too extreme. She wanted to see just what the hell was happening.
The thief kept cursing. Taunting whatever threat he was facing. That was when the hero showed himself, jumping out from the shadows of an alley to Tara's left, wailing on the blond with a clean sucker punch to his jaw, taking him out easily. The thief didn't stand a chance; the guy in scarlet red towered over the weasel, clearly just as strong as his unconscious friend, with coursing muscles stretching against a skin tight suit. It wasn't a bad sight. Not bad at all.
He was breathing heavy, he didn't make a move while he stood towering over the two lumps in the road. Even when Tara stood up, running over to the man known as Spiderman, he didn't so much as flinch when she threw her arms over his shoulders, her body melting against his in a half-assed hug.
"Oh, thank you, Spiderman! Surely, I would be a goner without your help!"
His head slowly turns to the side. Tara can't meet his eyes due to the mask, but she can feel his soft irritation and the skepticism underneath it all. "Don't tell me you came out here just to get my attention by getting yourself in trouble." He finally spoke.
"Of course not! I'm out here looking for someone, actually." The Spider begun to walk off, Tara followed close by. He was returning to the same alleyway he made his entrance from. "Maybe you'd know him? About yey-tall, blond hair. The most beautiful brown eyes."
"Not ringing a bell." She could hear the smirk in his voice.
Tara sighed, "That's a shame. Well, he's my BOYFRIEND, actually. And he PROMISED me he'd be back home at nine."
"Uh-huh." He made it to one side of the alley, twisting to rest his back against the brick. He crossed his arms over the spider symbol on his chest, listening to the civilian continue talking. "But, y'know. It's 10PM, and he's still not home. So he's broke his promise, and he's in very big trouble."
"How scary." Spiderman teased, and Tara frowned.
He suddenly jumped, using his superior strength and his climbing abilities to scale the wall opposite before Tara even realized. She let out a yelp of surprise, twisting her neck to watch him escape out of sight. "Hey– wait! I haven't even given you a proper "thank you", yet!"
"No need. It's my job to help."
It was like talking to a brick wall. Well, literally speaking, Tara was. His red suit was out of sight. Despite that, the brunette kept talking with the hero. "Aw, come on, you saved my life! I have to give you something in return!"
On the rooftop, the spider paused. He looked down at the tiny figure, still staring up, looking for him with wide eyes. Shaking his head, he uses his web fluid to gently lower himself yet again. He's upside down, her lips are level with his. He has ideas in mind, swinging like a mobile in a baby's crib, but he doesn't keep them all in mind for long. Instead he's asking the civilian; "What kind of something?"
She has a playful smile on her lips, the same smile he's fallen for time and time again, and he'll keep doing it. She comes a little closer, speaking easily. Her voice was sweet on his ear. "Oh, y'know, that kind of something all the superheroes want," Tara's fingers graze his mask, it takes everything in Ben not to shudder with delight. He loves her touch, loves feeling her tease his skin, but he can't show it yet. He's having too much fun.
She peels the mask down and up his face, allowing Tara to see the soft stubble around the hero's lips and freeing his nose with it. His lips are parted just a little bit, tempting her to break character too soon.
"And what about that boyfriend of yours, hmm?" He asks, not daring to look away from Tara for more than a second. It seems like any time he does, she always finds herself in trouble. A thief, purse snatcher, goddamn Kaine himself. "I'm sure he wouldn't want you acting like this around other men, would he?"
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Her thumb ghosts against lips, and he almost breaks. "Would you, Hun?"
Instead of responding, Ben's answer is a kiss. Finally. Thank God, he praises in his mind. Her hands move to cup his head in a gentle caress, pressing him closer as she opens her mouth to him. It's either her lips or the blood rushing to his head, Ben begins to feel dizzier the longer he stays like this. And every second is worth it.
His hands mirror her's; his mask spares him the horror of tussled hair, but Tara isn't as lucky. His fingers dig into her soft tresses, tugging at it. The both of them keep trying to press themselves closer to the other, but it's never enough.
Their lips part with a loud, cartoonish "smack". They're both lost for breath, using each other as leverage so neither falls. Tara dissolves into a fit of giggles, and Ben loves the sound of it.
He asked her, "You come out here, almost get mugged, and this is how you react?"
"Hey! I wouldn't be out here if YOU kept your promise. It's past ten, you said you were done for the day." Without the mask hiding the bottom half of his face, the brunette saw the easy smirk he wore. Listening to her speak, Ben was easily unhooked from his hanging web and standing on his two feet. He takes off the rest of his mask, allowing Tara to see the dyed blond hair, and those pretty brown eyes that she loved so much.
He encapsulates her in a hug, burrowing his nose in her neck. "'m sorry, baby. The whole late night vigilante routine comes with the suit, you know. It's my job. Can you forgive me?"
"I can manage it." Tara kissed the side of his head, enjoying the moment. "How's it hanging, anyway? Anything fun happen tonight?"
"Besides saving my own girlfriend from some street thugs..? Honestly, it's been nice. I guess everyone in the city decided to take the night off." Tara couldn't fight off that small shimmer of hope she felt in her chest. "Does that mean, maybe you can..?"
"Mh-hm." He smiled, pecking her cheek. "Time to clock out." The mask is pulled back on, his hand slides down to Tara's waist, walking her out of the alley. "Excited to have Thee Spiderman walk you home, sweetness?"
"I had a better idea; wanna swing home instead?"
"Not a bad one. You think you can handle it?"
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abandonedaccount1234 · 2 months
Just saw the quotes/spoilers about Eddie's character being headed towards a beautiful disaster.
Imagine if Eddie's character is made canonically queer and the first person he comes out to is the ghost of Shannon...👀
Like he's with his family and they're asking him when is he gonna get married again or give Christopher a mother. Just a huge catholic guilt trip. And he has to fight for Shannon who can't defend herself.
He's been working through his grief, through understanding he loved her but maybe was never in love with her because he just couldn't be. And there's this moment of clarity, or realization.
She tells him it's okay. That they were complicated and young but she still loves him. She wants what's best for him.
She tells him he's allowed to open his eyes and accept himself for all of who he is. That he will have people who love and care for him no matter what.
I hate myself for writing this.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
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5ivebyfive · 8 months
whumptober day 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.” fandom: power rangers (2017) ship: trimberly note: Set vaguely in the universe of such a beautiful disaster. You don't have to read it to follow this, but you should! (and I'm gonna work on updating it) tw: drug use mention, super angst Kim had good days and bad days. Then she had very bad days. She was over the withdrawal of the drugs, but her mental health wasn’t good. It was like everything she had suppressed with cocaine was finally rising from the water. Trini could handle it all though. She loved Kim and anything Kim brought, Trini was there. But the very bad days were hard for her. It was like there was nothing she could do to console her girlfriend, and it angered her. She wasn’t angered at Kim, but at the whole situation. 
Kim going through withdrawal and starting life without drugs had taken a toll on Trini. She tried so hard to be strong for Kim, but some nights, when Kim was able to fall into a deep sleep, Trini cried. She mourned for ther Kim before the drugs, and she mourned for how broken Kim was still. But she powered through it, kept it to herself, and kept going.
Trini was sitting on the couch in the living room. Kim was taking an afternoon nap, and as much as Trini wanted to join her, she just needed a break. So she called Zack and listened to the phone ring.
“Yo, Trini,” he answered.
“Yo,” Trini replied with little energy.
“You okay?”
“I don’t know,” she said. She didn’t often talk about everything with Zack because it was Kim’s business. But sometimes she needed to let some of it out, and she couldn’t with Kim. So Zack it was.
“What’s up?” He asked in concern.
“I’m just…tired,” she said with a sigh.
“Are you sleeping?”
“It’s hard to sleep. I lay there and worry about her, and…it’s like, if I sleep and something happens…”
“You gotta take care of yourself, too,” Zack said.
“I don’t know,” Trini said. “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.”
“I say again, take care of yourself.”
“Yeah,” she said distantly. Then she jumped because suddenly Kim was in the room, and she didn’t look happy. “I gotta go,” she told Zack. She hung up and looked at Kim. “You okay?”
“I’m a burden on you,” Kim said softly. “You don’t sleep because of me.” Trini closed her eyes. Kim wasn’t supposed to hear that.
“Princess, you’re not a burden. Never.”
“You just told Zack I am,” Kim said with a stubborn tone.
“I didn’t.” Trini got up and walked towards Kim to take her in her arms, but Kim pulled away. “I don’t care if I never sleep again,” she said. “As long as I’m taking care of you.”
“Yeah,” Kim huffed. “Then you’ll pass out or something and it’ll be my fault. Just…forget about me, okay?” She turned on her heel and went back into the bedroom to slam the door shut behind her. Trini immediately followed and tried to turn the knob on the door, but it was locked. She started to panic. A locked door was bad. She knew Kim was clean and was working hard to stay that way, but a locked door scared Trini. She had no idea what was going on behind it.
Trini’s whole identity had become taking care of Kim. She was on sabbatical from work so she could be there 24/7. And all that time together often led to fights. At least, on Kim’s end. Trini tried to acquiesce and not fight back. She didn’t want to fight with Kim. She didn’t want to make things worse for Kim. So she felt like she was disappearing. Everything that made her her was gone, because all she was, was Kim’s keeper. And she wanted it that way, but it was difficult. She was overtired, burned out, and depressed. She just didn’t let that show in front of Kim.
“Kim,” she called through the door. “Open up. We can talk.”
“I don’t want to talk!” Kim shouted back.
“I need to talk to you.”
“To talk about what a burden I am?” Kim said with a growl.
“You’re not a burden!” Trini shouted, losing the control she tried so hard to have around Kim. The door swung open and Kim glared at Trini.
“Yeah, it’s my fault you’re not sleeping.”
“No, it’s my fault,” Trini argued. “I’m the one who makes myself stay awake as much as I can. I’m the one who’s in control of that. I’m the one who decides to do that.” Kim looked at the floor, crossing her arms. Trini tried to approach her again. She put a hand on Kim’s arm and looked at her, even though Kim didn’t look back. “I love you. So much. I just…can’t help worrying about you.” Kim kicked the floor with the toes of her foot and her frown deepened.
“I don’t want you to worry about me so much,” she said quietly.
“Well…I do,” Trini said.
“You don’t have to,” Kim said. “I can go stay somewhere else and you can sleep and…not think about me.”
“You’re not leaving,” Trini said thickly.
“You can’t make me stay,” Kim replied. “I’m an adult.”
“You want to leave me?” Trini asked, sad fear in her voice. Kim looked up, her gaze clouded.
“Wouldn’t it be better for you if I did?”
“No! You can’t…would you really do that?” Trini asked. Her brows furrowed and she shook her head. Kim didn’t say anything. “After everything I’ve been doing for you?” Trini was starting to get mad. 
“You deserve a break from me.” Kim glanced up.
“I don’t need a break from you. But I do need you to stop assuming what I need.”
“You’re doing too much,” Kim murmured. “I’m draining you.” Trini sighed and nodded.
“Yeah, you are. But I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m tired of being…like this,” Kim said, her eyes welling with tears. “I want us to go back to normal. Before…everything.”
“So do I,” Trini said. “But you still need time.”
“I need time…away,” Kim said, looking away again.
“You’re still in a place where you could relapse,” Trini said.
“I won’t.”
“How will I make sure of that?”
“You don’t have to,” Kim said. “I can take care of myself. I’ll stay with my parents.”
“Kim…” Trini felt hopeless and her heart was breaking. “What…what does that mean for us?”
“It means…we need a break. I need a break. And I think you do, too.”
“I don’t!”
“I’m going to go pack and call my mom,” Kim said, turning to the bedroom door.
“Kim!” Trini moved closer to grab her, but Kim pushed her off. Then Kim went into the bedroom and closed and locked the door. Trini deflated. She stumbled over to the couch and fell onto it. A break? She couldn’t handle a break. She couldn’t handle how much she was going to worry with Kim so far away. She leaned her head back on the cushion and closed her eyes as silent tears fell down the sides of her face. She loved Kim more than anything else in the world. She didn’t care what happened to herself if she could just take care of her. But it was difficult. It was draining. Loving Kim in this period of their lives felt…like she was being pulled in multiple directions while her tooth was being pulled. It was killing Trini. She knew it, but she couldn’t say it. She didn’t want to say it. Kim was going through so much and Trini couldn’t fix it. She often felt like she was drowning. Like she couldn’t breathe. She walked on eggshells around Kim, hoping not to upset her or guide her into falling back into drugs. It was so hard. It was straining their relationship. It felt impossible.
But Trini didn’t care. She would let Kim grind her down into nothing, as long as she could be there. And Kim wasn’t letting her. Kim was shutting her out again. Trini shifted and laid down across the couch, eyes still closed. She curled into a ball and cried. She cried for all the fear and pain she had been through with Kim ever since everything had been off while Kim secretly did drugs. She cried for not being a good enough caretaker which was pushing Kim out the door.
She heard Kim come out of the bedroom and didn’t look at her. The air was thick between them. Trini just wanted Kim to go already. She couldn’t take it. Then, she felt Kim climb onto the couch behind her. Kim’s arm went around Trini and pulled her back against her chest. Trini wanted to pull away. She was sad and angry about Kim leaving. But Kim hadn’t held her in so long. Trini leaned back into Kim. Kim kissed her neck.
“I love you,” Kim whispered. “I’ll be back.”
“Don’t,” Trini begged.
“Ssh,” Kim hushed. She curled into Trini. Trini couldn’t fight it anymore. She stayed silent and sniffed, her face itchy from drying tears. She squeezed her eyes shut and just let herself be in the moment. Kim pressed her lips to Trini’s shoulder and held them there. They lay there silently for a long time, Kim just holding Trini, until eventually, Trini fell into a deep sleep.
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nuwildcat · 4 months
Spending the day pathetically refreshing ao3 to see when the second chap of your new fic is up. You’ve got me hooked already 🥰 thank you for always giving the fandom top notch stories 🙏
Boy nonny do I have good news for you! Chapter 2 is up and waiting for your viewing pleasure. 💜💜💜
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jenni3penny · 1 year
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An O’Hara AU, set current day. Eleanor tries to convince Zoey to come help her run a likely doomed A&E. Multi-chapter. An absolute love song for EB characters, their love interests, and (most especially) Arthur O’Hara. 
(Give me O’Hara & Zoey side by side once more or give me death. 
Or, rather, give me nothing and I’ll just do it myself.)
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superkickme · 2 months
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Title: Beautiful Disaster | Part 1: The Legacy Era (part 1 , 2 & 3) Reality Show/Kayfabe AU Rating: M (eventual E) Pairings: Randy/Cody, Ted/Cody, Mentions of Past Shawn Spears/Cody, Eventual Seth/Cody, and others Tags: not rpf, meet ugly, hurt/comfort, canon compliant, angst, character study, canon companion, soulmates, kayfabe as reality, non-explicit sex, eventual explicit sex, more to be added Warnings: emotional/psychological abuse, emotional manipulation, unhealthy/toxic relationships, canon-typical violence, canon-typical intimate partner/domestic violence, discussion of intimate partner/domestic violence, infidelity (kind of), more to be added Chapters: 14/? Current Word Count: 92k
"Wrestling is a love story” - Cody Rhodes, Apr 2, 2022
Cody tries so hard to do a good job and be a good wrestler, to climb up the ladder to the top of that mountain but he can never gain a good footing. When he does get some traction it never lasts and he just falls right back down to the bottom. He’s never good enough and it tears him apart. Throughout his whole life, everyone said he was made for this business, born to do it, a Prince destined for a King’s throne- it’s all he’s ever wanted to do. He just keeps trying and failing over and over to make everyone proud, to live up to their expectations, he does it for nearly a decade and he gives it everything he has. It’s just not enough.
Or: A canon based exploration of Cody Rhodes' character through his life and career, and the relationships he has.
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ashleyfanfic · 10 months
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Chapters: 2/36 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Tracey Davis (Harry Potter), Daphne Greengrass, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Original Characters Additional Tags: Veela Draco Malfoy, Veela Lucius Malfoy, omega verse tropes, Mates, Jealousy, Enemies to Lovers, quick but slow burn, Rewrite, Draco has a good relationship with his parents, Lucius and Narcissa are relationship goals, Harry and Ginny are relationship goals, Draco and Hermione are relationship goals - eventually, Romance, Smut, Fluff, Violence, Character Death, Prophecy, Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter), Sneak attacks, Mate bonds, feeling through bonds, Christmas, ministry raids, students but legal, Students, Head Boy Draco Malfoy, Eventual Happy Ending, Other tags to be added, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, not really Weasley friendly at the beginning, ron has a redemption arc Summary:
Draco comes from a long line of Veelas on his father's side. The discovery of his mate leads him and his family in a completely new direction.
  See A/N in chapter 1 to explain why this is happening
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scottxlogan · 2 years
WIP Game
I'm very curious about Retirement. And Beautiful Disaster.
LOL since you are curious and you've asked you shall receive :) I have some really strange titles, but here's a tease of them. Thanks for the asks! I hope you enjoy the answers :)
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Retired (You're getting a very small tease because it's a very small start of a WIP about Steve after he 'retired' from being Captain America lol) Retirement hadn’t been what Steve had imagined it to be. After his journey through time and back again he’d found himself ready for a change, but change just wasn’t what he’d expected or anticipated.
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Beautiful Disaster (This one has been sitting in WIP for a while too as a Scott/Tony story, but here you are! )
“Scott, you didn’t tell me you hired on extra help around the garage,” Mrs. Wilson approached Scott after he’d returned from his trip to pick Nathan up from school. After his father had made other plans for the afternoon and his grandmother was occupied, it was up to Scott to honor his promise to see to it that his son found his way home from school. In the middle of a busy run at the garage it seemed that Scott would have to take a time out to pick up his son as promised, but before he was forced to close for the day, Tony had stepped up to the plate offering to pick up the slack for him.
“You sure you’ve got this?” Scott had asked of Tony when he’d skipped out on the line-up that they had waiting for them.
“Piece of cake,” Tony had given him a thumb’s up sign from beneath the hood of a car revealing nothing more beyond his desire to get his hands dirty and work on the cars that had been brought in for tune ups and repair for the afternoon.
True to Scott’s word they were swamped in the garage having more business for the day than Scott had anticipated, but Tony took it in stride, never complaining about getting down in the grease and going to work as a mechanic impressing Scott in ways that he seldom took the time to appreciate.
“Oh, he’s not…” Scott began to shake his thoughts attempting to explain his new arrival to his longtime customer.
“He’s incredible,” Mrs. Wilson gushed as Tony was able to lay out the charm in ways that Scott often admired and envied in how easy it came for the billionaire playboy who had the world eating out of his palm in a matter of moments upon meeting them.
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themoostking · 2 years
Seven Sentence Sunday
You'll never believe it, but @goldenretrieverfirefighters tagged me in SSS again. Luckily for everyone, they remembered that I actually wrote this week. So y'all get to see raw footage from the best idea I've ever had in my life.
There was a shift to their left and an ominous scuttling noise echoed through the abandoned mall. Eddie stiffened beside him, gaze darting toward the sound, his eyes narrowed. The scuttling came again. 
Thwink, thwink. 
Thwink, thwink. 
It sounded like cheap plastic hitting poorly carpeted concrete floors. Harsh and muffled. 
Thwink, thwink.
Twhink, thwink. 
This time the scuttling came from behind them, and Buck whipped around, squinting in the dark at half-filled boxes and overturned trash bins. 
Thwink, Thwink. 
He spotted a glint of light as something darted across the floor. Swallowing harshly, he tugged on Eddie’s arm, nodding his head towards where he saw the movement. 
Thwink, thwink. 
It was getting closer. Eddie slowly lifted his flashlight in question. Buck nodded. The beam filtered through the dingy air, passing over broken glass, scattered toys, a pair of kids light up shoes, and a tennis ball. One of the toys moved, its eyes blinking lazily. Buck shifted toward it, catching a familiar glint of light. 
“Holy shit.” 
“Is that?” Eddie inched closer
“Yeah its a-'' Buck was interrupted as the toy launched itself forward with a rapid Thwink thwink. He and Eddie shuffled back, as the toy opened its mouth, releasing an awful robotic yell.
They turned and ran. 
I'm tagging anyone who wants to participate <3
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mrs-bluemarine · 4 months
✨ or 🌙!! for anyone
I read the prompt for the moon and immediately got this idea for Ben... He deserves everything good and well in life. He deserves a kiss and love and
(warning for alcohol consumption, this is short but I like it !!!)
🌙 - a moment of serenity.
"Hey." Ben twisted to see Tara in the den, illuminated by the moonlight in front of him. She glowed unearthly, in a too-big shirt of his, a white one with just the tiniest hints of coffee stains on the chest.
"Hey." She stepped out on the apartment balcony, sitting down next to him. The shirt rides up and her bare thigh gets squished against his, as does her cheek against his shoulder. "It's late." He says before taking a sip from his can. "You should be in bed."
"So should you." Tara shot back with a quirked brow. Ben smirked in return, "Yeah, well. You know me. The Scarlet Spider can't sleep. Not when Spider-Man is outta town."
Tara was drawing random symbols into Ben's free hand that was propping him up. She doesn't look up from her fidgeting while she speaks. "The Scarlet Spider deserves a break just as much as Spider-Man, y'know."
"Maybe. But not tonight."
They stayed silent for a while, the TV in the back, tuned to the news channel, mixed in with the distant sound of late night traffic, breathing in the smell of city air.
Despite what he said, Ben never tore away from Tara. The news spouted the same old same old, nothing about any symbiote attacks or men or women in silly outfits. It seemed like finally, just this once, the world allowed him to relax, just for the night.
"Drink?" He offered his can with a little shake. Tara took it, sniffing at the opening, "Beer? I didn't think you drank?"
"I don't." She didn't get the answer she wanted, and she didn't pry for one.
Tara didn't drink either; she was a lightweight, and liquor always burned her throat in the worst way.
She shot back the can anyway, taking in a deep, fresh breath to counteract the stinging pain on her tongue.
Just as she thought. It was gross. She gave it back to Ben, and he took another swig.
"Hey, Ben?" "Yeah?" He looked her in the eye.
"Is everything okay?"
He paused for a minute, wondering what brought that up. He answered truthfully. "Yeah, everything's good."
"Good." Tara added a small peck on his bicep, nuzzling a little closer. "Y'know I'm always here for you, babe."
"I know." Ben smiled, one she didn't get to see. "In fact," His arm snuck around her shoulders, he gave Tara a kiss on top of her head, nuzzling her back.
"Things couldn't be better."
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
What’s one thing in a Smut fic you love reading which you feel you can’t write/isn’t canon for Kacy and what’s one thing you love reading that you feel has worked well for your Kacy writing/you’re looking forward to writing?
Can't write/isn't canon: Threesomes. But since I've talked about that a bit post 2x03, I'll give you another one: Pain/Rough sex.
My biggest ships are Root/Shaw and Villaneve. They're all chaotic, deadly characters who enjoy inflicting pain on others. So canon sex for them gets rough (or can get rough, cause lots of Villaneve writers like to make things soft & that's a reason why I've barely read any Villaneve fic cause that doesn't work for me) and they get off on consensually hurting their partner during sex.
That wouldn't work with Kacy. I do write them as enjoying a bit of pain: getting hair pulled during oral, nails bruising/scratching their backs when fucking with the strap, all the biting and slapping in Best Seat in the House.... But in my mind, they aren't really going too hard with that stuff. So it hurts, but it doesn't HURT. And crucially the person inflicting the pain isn't getting off on it and might not even be aware that they are causing it, cause they're getting it so good they are on a different plane of existence and have no idea that their nails are marking up a back or their fingers are tugging hair a bit too hard.
The closest I've maybe come to writing actual HURT for Kacy is in Throw Pillows when Lucy destroyed her fingers. But that was her doing the hurting to herself & it she wasn't getting off on it. She was getting off on having to stay quiet.
Love reading/Looking forward to writing for Kacy: Strap-ons. I love them. In fic. In real life. So much fun. And Kacy use them. I'm certain. So it's very canon and I'm always excited to write that for them.
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