#because I love lore I'd way explore his background
marobones · 2 years
I want to build a better Memphis Tennessee
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And Solaris deserves an anthro form smh
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mistress-of-vos · 7 months
For the ask game Ra'sTim (yes predictable I know but I just adore how you write them to the point where I want more information)
SHIP IT!!! 💚💚💚
Okay yeah I'm very loud about them but I'm still so so happy you asked about Ra'sTim! I'd talk about them all day. This is probably gonna be long 😅
P.S. Thank you! I'm happy you enjoy my work ❤️
1. What made you ship it?
Okay this is such an easy yet complex question. I have looked back and realized I was writing past/implied Ra'sTim on my fic notebook back on 2014 (give or take) when I was newly done reading Red Robin. I'm unsure exactly *how* is started because before 2020 I had been on an extreme Transformers fixation, and my memories are fuzzy. I believe I was shipping Ra'sTim as a background ship without fully realizing I was doing it (it should also be noted I started as a KonTim religious fan, and grew into a JayTim girlie). I actually read two of my fav Ra'sTim fics back in those years (around 2014-2015), which were in Spanish, but they had a Ra'sTim portrayal that would mark my views, as the characters make the dynamic very different to the most popular ships in fanfom.
It was at the beginning of 2020 when I went back to DC, and funnily enough climbed quickly from JayTim to BruTim and started writing an ongoing fic. While doing so, I re read past fics I remembered I used to love, and went back to read comics as well. Suddenly, after reading Red Robin again, I was looking at Ra'sTim through different glasses. And it was something happening to me in many levels, as I was also getting a bit away from Kon & Jason and more into characters as Babs & Jean-Paul. I wondered what *more* there could be to Ra'sTim, and started reading more of Ra's. As I read and explored Tim in my writing, I realized I wanted them together.
I'm unsure about how to call it. The feeling was almost of enlightenment, like suddenly seeing something that has always been there yet for some reason you couldn't distinguish its shape. Perhaps being a Megatron/Starscream shipper helped, because I saw the potential of Ra'sTim and decided to explore the possibilities and their tones of gray.
At first Ra'sTim wasn't my main ship (although I was already writing it), but as I explored them, the more I felt it was a dynamic that came naturally to me, and scenarios I found more enjoyable.
The more I read their comics and explored them in my writing, the more they felt *right*. Perhaps it was meant to happen, as I can admit they fall a lot more into my tastes in fiction. Ra's as a character drives me insane with his potential and lore, and Tim stays as my favorite bat boy and who I believe changed the Batman mythos.
And yet, everything was born from a simple panel. "You are a very dangerous young man."
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Oh, this is a tricky one!
I like their dynamic a lot, as I'm an open immortal/mortal sucker. And that does play a huge thing in my view of them and why I come back to Ra'sTim again and again despite having other fixations. The fact that Ra's has such a complex background and is not your usual western interpretation of an immortal (let's say a vampire) is also a fav thing of mine, as I think it allows stories with him to leave usual storytelling and challenge beliefs about good & evil. The fact that he believes he's *good* and a hero is particularly tasty as well, and mixed with Tim's need for helping others and guilt when he's not useful to the world (and Batman), gives a wonderful meal.
Their size difference is extremely hot too.
Aaaaand having a canon mutual interest where they are connected in a mysterious, unavoidable way, it's a cherry on top.
Lastly, I adore their contrast as characters and how they will allow the other to win a little battle in order to win another. It's a game of cat and mouse.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I have unpopular opinions on most characters and ships. Some of them I feel comfortable expressing and others... Not much.
With Ra'sTim I have many of them, but mostly, it's that I loathe how other ship fandoms use Ra's as a random villain to hurt Tim and prop up another ship. For me, that's almost insulting, as Ra's is already a hurt character broken by many writers at DC. For me Ra'sTim it's never about "evil, mean Ra's hurting Tim because villains do that" and even less would I do it for another ship. I enjoy dark Ra'sTim, but never to hurt the characters.
My unpopular opinion then would be about the characters, perhaps. I don't see Ra's being cruel to Tim without reason, because in my mind, Ra's feels *love* and he cares for Tim. And Tim loves him back. They are just messy and won't communicate well, but that doesn't mean Ra's will go full evil and that Tim is a damsel in distress needing saving.
I don't see Ra's as an abuser. Neither do I see Tim as a helpless victim. And I believe this narrative hurts all characters involved without real motive besides wanting to prop up someone else and being too lazy as to read a less known villain or writing an original one.
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artknifeandglue · 2 months
Fanfic ask game, if you would like to answer: D, E and F ❤️
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
Always is! A whole bunch of my fic titles are song titles/lyrics themselves, sometimes changed or edited slightly for for grammar/vibes. Usually, I've been listening to the song on repeat obsessively while I write the fic itself. See examples: the song that gave shadows, shadows its title; the song that yielded both you could have at least wished to live and what's left is merely sentiment; the inspiration for if i reached out my hand, could i catch you? in both format and content; the song where premise and lyrics and vibes came together to become the behemoth that is as shattered stars shine.
I'm not in the habit of making playlists much, though. It's an art form I never really picked up.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
Honestly, most of my fics are complete as is (save for shadows, shadows, which I've been working on at a glacial pace ^^;), but if I had to pick one, I'd probably write something for as shattered stars shine. The adventures of Mephistopheles, I guess?
In a not-Kingsman-related answer, I've toyed with the idea of writing spin-offs of even so, someday, surely. There's so much lore in that universe that didn't make the final cut or is only just hinted at, and I'd love to explore that.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Blargh okay I'm going to cheat on this and put up two contenders! Both are from shadows, shadows, but one is in chapter 2 and the other is currently sitting in my drafts. Cut for brevity:
Excerpt #1: Chapter 2
“Bugger off, Harry, I’m not done with Merlin yet. You’ll get your turn.” Percival glares at Merlin, his side profile visible on camera, and it’s a miracle Merlin doesn’t shrivel up or catch fire, because that glare could kill. “No, it wouldn’t fucking have, but you don’t think we would have appreciated knowing that information earlier? What, did you not trust your agents?”
“If you really want an answer, Percival,” Merlin bites out, “then yes. I didn’t know if it was yet safe to inform you, and perhaps the world at large, that Harry wasn’t dead. If you want to make this about trust, then be my guest.”
“Of course it’s about trust, you bastard!” Percival roars, slamming his hand onto the Round Table. The loud noise makes Gareth jump, jostling the feed, and he fires off a quick message to Tristan through the glasses. Well, shit. “It’s always been about trust, that’s why we make every candidate shoot their fucking dog-”
The three-way argument between Harry, Merlin, and Percival! I think it does a pretty good job of establishing Harry's, Merlin's, and Percival's characters all at once by having them play off one another and also piss each other off. We also get Percival having a soft spot for Eggsy and looking out for him, which, hey, win!
Excerpt #2: Yet-unpublished chapter
"How are you feeling?”
“Great, Aish, thanks for asking. Maybe warn a bloke next time.”
“I told you the suit was flame-resistant! It’s not my fault you forgot!”
“It ain’t mine either!”
“Be that as it may,” Merlin rubs at the back of his neck, looking like he would rather be anywhere else, “kindly avoid a repeat in future.”
“Oh, yeah, I’ll ask a bunch of torture-happy mobsters to hold off the kerosene, that’ll stop them!” Eggsy splutters.
“Not the fire,” Merlin says pointedly, “the jumping into rivers in midwinter.”
“Again, I was on fire.” Eggsy throws his hands up in the air. “What part of that wasn’t clear?
Still unpolished, but I like the idea of Eggsy continuing the Galahad tradition of giving Merlin stress headaches. That, and I love being able to set up little background characters for everyone to interact with so we see just how much chaos the Kingsmen get up to (and that they're not the only ones doing this).
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tirions · 6 months
I would really like to know more about your OCs. They are too interesting and I'd like to know more about what kind of relationship they have with the canon characters.
AHHH this is so sweet🥹🫶🏼 i’m still working on the specifics of my ocs’ relationships with the canon characters and am currently writing out their stories (at a snail pace), but without giving too much away…
zareen is a pure blood vampire who is part of vampire aristocracy.
i wanted to make a character whose story mostly takes place in pre-modern times and in the demon realm, before the sakamakis were born.
most of her story will revolve around her relationship with beatrix, which i’ll get more into soon! it’s very much of a “right person, wrong time” kind of relationship though. i did write something vague about them here, but have a lot more to cover.
as for other characters… she hates karlheinz and richter and doesn’t interact too much with christa.
cordelia and zareen do have some kind of half-baked relationship going on, but it centres on drowning out their own sorrows in each other, even if they hate each other’s guts. it’s toxic on both ends and unsustainable, but it goes on for much longer than it should because, in a way, they’re both in the same boat.
she’s only consistently interacted with beatrix’s sons, but has met all the sakamaki boys. she hasn’t seen them since they were kids though, and she didn’t much care about them in the first place (yeah she’s real swell💀💀😭)
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tirion is just an ordinary human,
i’m still working on her and her relationships with the canon characters, but i wanted to create a character who was hardened by her life experiences and very different from the boys/ what the boys would desire. she’s from a very average but hard background, and was financially independent prior to joining ryoutei due to sheer hard work.
she seems apathetic on the surface and has a very practical and more masculine-leaning appearance, but i also wanted to display through her character how difficult it can be, for a teenage girl especially, to hide your emotions through an uncaring facade. even more so when on the inside you’re uncertain and insecure about everything about yourself and the things around you.
i’m still piecing together a lot of her lore, but i think she’ll interact with most of the boys since they all go to the same school.
what i can say though, is that she’ll probably be involved with laito a lot. it might be because i think he’s the most interesting to write about and analyse, but also because he’s such a manipulative person. he can break down tirion’s walls in three seconds, and i guess that’s what i want to convey. as much as she can school her features to stay blank and act like she is all logic and reason, she’s still just a foolish lamb in his immortal eyes. it’s almost too easy for him to point aim at her tender heart.
i’m not sure if i’ll give her a romance yet. i’m not sure who she’d be a good pair with, but if you guys have any ideas, i’d love to know and explore them!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Laurence for the soulsborne bingo! :D
Wowww 🤯 Someone finally figured that I like Laurence and would love to talk about him? 🤯🤯
Sorry it's been 84 years and you are the only mutual with enough Insight to catch on HHHHHAAAA
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Laurence is a strange case of a Soulsborne character that sorta writes himself... but actually doesn't? Like, there is some coherent direction you can go at with 'corrupt cleric' route, but at the same time he is not JUST Bloodborne!Aldrich, you feel? You can have your way around with the IMPLICATIONS that unlike that.... OTHER Soulsborne fallen Cleric, Laurence tried to HEAL the humanity from its vices by messing with the forbidden, rather than saying 'fuck this doomed world I'm out', yet at the same time, lore states that Laurence have fallen and failed! There is so much about it...
I think that his boss battle is so awesome, and says so much about the character without even any dialogue. The way he 'activates' for as soon as we give him his own skull, and fails to regain his humanity as a result, but instead helplessly struggles while losing his legs? Fromsoft are just so great about this stuff... His design is a complicated issue, as it counts more on the fandom than canon. In canon, his design is just retextured Cleric Beast that is also on fire; fandomry stuff, though? It is very hard to find a BAD design of Laurence, they ALL are very good. It is like every artist, regardless of skill or taste, tries to give their best to their Laurence. He is basically the free prompt of 'create the most beautiful yet the most tragically-villanous man you can get!' There is always some semblance of what the creator think is 'beauty' to designs of Laurence, be it more conventionally-attractive archetype or more 'weird' one! And I think this is pretty great!
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^^^ It is in relevance to how I'd change his questline. Maybe it is a bit simplifying, but like... honestly, I'd LOVE to get to talk with Laurence all whereas he doesn't even understand that he is a beast, nor he remembers that something went very wrong. That he simply speaks with us in that... blissful unawareness, and if addressed, he would be like "Wait, what do you mean I am not human? D: I don't understand you". All only to see him LOSE it when he sees his own human skull and it HITS him what ACTUALLY happened to him! Not that finding him already all lost in his current state did not strike hard enough... But finding him him in the state where he was coping (willingly or not) and just Not Knowing, only to ruin the 'illusion', would've hit harder I think....?
And I just LOVE how much there is to work on with this character. He had good intentions and pawed his road down to Hell, he had to do a lot of terrible things because 'ends justify the means'. His very boss theme feels self-explanatory as it is, as it tells the most story, but to just... WRITE all this, you know? To EXPLORE all this. It hits differently. His charisma, the fact that he charmed several men to do his bidding and offer their loyalty in life AND death to him, what he thought was worth it for the 'greater goal', how he had lost his objective... I have plenty of ideas on his backstory and mysterious Loran + Cainhurst background, too.
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There are more things, I could be here all day. But yes, Laurence DOES, in fact, activate a lot of my braincells.
In general, I think that this character is fucking AWESOME. He hits the perfect balance between 'giving us enough to work with' vs 'giving us enough room for imagination'. It is just the way I love the under-written characters, who have so much to work with, yet will always need an impact of the person! Like I love to say, there are only three kinds of Laurence interpretations: 1) a man you find hot 2) a 'shadow' of your personality you hope no one will notice and 3) both at once. 😔
My only gripes with the fandom are..... Either, you make your Laurence just a twink!Aldrich, OR you just export Micolash's quirks onto him! Like!!!!!! Yes, for sure, he is a corrupt cleric, but we already have an evil corrupt cannibal antics for Aldrich! Leave some tragedy for Laurence! And whereas Laurence, indeed, summoned the Bloodmoon, but this is what it was - a summon. One and gone thing! Works for aesthetic masterpieces of fanart, but not as a gimmick. Meanwhile, School of Mensis is BUILT around the theme of HOLDING the Bloodmoon down! Like, PERMANENTLY! Red moon works as Micolash's aesthetic so much more! Every single red 'Moon' Rune you find is associated with Mensis! Laurence / Healing Church work better with 'pale' Moon - white (like Communion rune), pale blue (like Gehrman's Quickening mist, Arcane that Church Servants use and glowing that beastly Skull of Laurence has) or turquoise (Ludwig's Moonlight Guidance)! And don't get me started on theme of eyes and insanity being re-attributed to Laurence, when Micolash had this sexyman feature gimmic for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I guess this is what Micolash gets for being Dark Academia king instead of Cleric.... dfjfhdshf
Like ok ok, I also sexualize Catholics HARD, but not to the point of replacing one blorbo with another! But yeah now we know that if Micolash had cleric garb, there would be NO survivors....
Thank you for the ask!
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icharchivist · 7 months
Ironically the Dragon Knights could also enjoy tabletop roleplaying games to varying degrees
I think Siegfried would try his best. It doesn't come naturally to him, but he makes an effort, even if he doesn't immediately understand the rules
Lancelot might actually get really into it
Vane is open for anything as long as everyone's having a good time. Also he brings snacks
Percy might complain a bit, but he can see the value in roleplaying since it allows you to consider other POVs
They just would struggle with creating a balanced party, but at least they won't constantly try to torpedo the DMs best efforts
oh god you're right.
Siegfried would be the one who stumble the most into it too because his definitions of "low efforts" would also be high effort for everyone else (re: how he can take down an army of 100 all by himself without cracking a sweat), so sometimes he ends up seeing he rolled low and he will say "so i'm taking on 50 people" and the DM has to explain to him that, this is, not how it works.
Lancelot and Vane would both be really into it. They probably grew up playing DND as kids as a training to be good knights, so they know all the obscure lore and details and also all the most obscure loophole you can imagine. If they're both players, they will come up with plans without even concerting one another taking the other's strength into account. Unstoppable unit.
Percival would be really against it at first until he sees it as an opportunity to explore scenarios and situations that he could have to tackle as a future king. But from that point on he becomes obsessed with the rules. Like he would read all of the books and really academically approach any situations. He'd be irritated by the way Siegfried never grasp them and the way Lancelot and Vane twist them around, but he knows instead he has to work around with them, not against them.
Vane could wrap up the Chickadee into playing because they'd love to share anything their captains would be playing. None of them really played DND before, so it's really about helping the kids through and not being too hard on them.
Arthur is constantly trying to solve things with kindness but ends up rolling low so everytime Mordred has to make sure his turns are made to protect Arthur from what he's done. He's constantly lecturing him somewhat. Tornelio has picked to be a healer and he's always so cautious about what he does, he never takes any risks. Cruz is mostly quiet and analytic and he doesn't take many initiative for himself except when he has to cover for Arthur or Mordred. And if Henry comes to join them he'd try to boast and make the most cracked background character but would constantly be rolling critical fails which embarasses him so much.
Aglovale could find it interesting, on the same wavelength as Percival, because it would be a way to analyse everyone's thoughtprocess into dire but fictional situations. In fact he might actually create problems on purpose to try to see how the group would try to approach those problems.
if Tor is playing as well, you have a very kind player who somehow comes up with the most convoluted plans everytime the DM put them into some trouble, and he seems like a reliable ally, if not for the fact that everytime Aglovale causes problems on purpose they share one look and you know that Tor is going to use his planning specifically to support his Lord and justify why his character would help Aglovale. And so now you have two manipulators causing warfare sabotaging the DnD group at once.
if Lamorak would get to play... on the angst side i'd see him play a healer if only because fantasy would make it possible, for once, that he can actually help someone with his magic. Only his siblings really understand the weight of that choice since he smiles through it all. Eventually everyone start to forget though because he also ends up causing problems on purpose, but unlike Aglovale who does that to test how people are going to get out of this one, Lamorak does it only for fun. Lamorak would also be the player who will add elements to the game only to see if it can help anyone around the table work through their trauma with their player character. The only one who sees through him is Dindrane and maybe Florence.
Speaking of Dindrane i think she wouldn't want to be involved nor play with anyone around this table, so she just is watching what Lamorak is doing while glaring daggers at everyone else. At best she'll """accidentally"" stumble on the table to force the dice to change where it landed to help out but that's it.
Gawain would refuse to participate to something this childish until Lamorak says that he's a coward and Gawain does everything to prove him wrong. He builds the ultimate self indulgent OP Tank character he can imagine. He also completely sucks at Roleplaying so it's really just his own Gawainsona. This is Gawain, his personality is whatever Gawain will reply when asked, and he's going to fuck you up. The only reason he doesn't yell that the dice doesn't count because he KNOWS he can take the enemies down is because Florence is hushering him on the side.
(if Bertilak joins the party he will do exactly the same but therefore with less violence, but Gawain would suddenly try to behave like a rolemodel for the kid and pretend that he never misbehaved while playing DnD. everyone is sighing at him).
Florence meanwhile would probably insist to DM i feel, because what interests her the most is creating scary situations to put her players through (like when she made the horror maze in her Halloween FE), and she's more interested with playing enemies of the party, wicked witches and stuff, which she can play better as DMPCs. As a DM also if she catches what Lamorak is doing about the trauma exploration, she will add to it because, let's be real, her cursing Gawain to have an armor that would slowly kill him unless he made good deeds, all while roleplaying as an evil witch, was her already being a DM to have him roleplay being a nice person for once before it backfire on their head.
....... i may have gotten a little carried away there but you catch my drift,
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ohgoditssnek · 1 year
It's this time of the month when snek complains about bungo stray dogs.
However, this time it is not entirely about bsd and more about general portrail of Lovecraft inspired characters in media. But since im too busy working on my diploma to write an actual paper about this topic, i will default to just being disappointed in bsd writing. And bsd Lovecraft is a good example.
So, anyways. Lovecraft is boring af as a character. I assume there is a piece of media that managed to make him fun that i missed, but bsd Lovecraft is nothing. So most of the others. And the reason is that they aren't based on the writer himself, but rather on one of his works. His nothing but a shallow Call of Cthulhu reference. Silly eldritch tentacle monster. In bsd his just a prop, standing there, being...tired. Yeah, yeah, Cthulhu sleeping in the depths of the ocean. I get it.
I assume Lovecraft as a person isn't very exciting. But the idea of making him into tentacle critter is even less exciting. That's the first thing that comes to mind and it's boring and unimaginative. That sort of interpretation just tells me that you don't know anything about the author really. It's the same thing as basing Lewis Carroll character ENTIRELY on Alice in wonderland.
If you want to make Lovecraft character based on his work at least choose less obvious one. Call of Cthulhu isn't even good. Lovecraft has much more interesting compelling works than this one. I know. I read all of them. I had a hypefixation moment, that's why I care about Lovecraft do much. I know too much information about him.
And H. P. Lovecraft is an IDIOT. He's STUPID. He's such a prick not like other girls hikka that it's hilarious. This man roleplayed with his panpals, he was talking about food SO MUCH in his letters, he kinned every 18-19 century poet and writer, he was an Edgar Allan Poe fangirl. Lovecraft was such a mess, I'd like to talk to him really. He wouldn't like me probably, because I'm not American and not even western European. And we both have such horrible social anxiety, we'd just sit in awkward silence and then I'd infodump about bees and dsmp lore and break him like a victorian child, unless he'd actually find concept of Minecraft roleplay interesting... BUT ANYWAYS BACK TO THE TOPIC.
Bsd Lovecraft is nothing but a plot device. He's there to be big scary monster for soukoku to fight. Nothing wrong with big scary monster to fight it's just. He has no personality, there's nothing exciting about him, no interesting thoughts or interpretations. Just an eldritch monster.
But you can make him so much more than that. He could be so out of touch with reality because his only source of information about society were old literature book, just like real life Lovecraft grew up petty much in isolation with a company of century old stories. Make him complain about humans, make him obsessed fashion, because he wants to look like a real gentlemen, but then he misses the point entirely. Just like real Lovecraft did. You can make his reason for helping Fitzgerald not some shady contract, but his own will to do something for a noble cause. There's so much more that you can do with him, instead of making him into apathetic wall with do a scary button.
But why bother writing all that for a background character who's only on screen for half an hour?
Why bother including him at all? I'm sure there's a way to do a soukoku moment without him in the narrative. Bsd has do many characters it won't make a difference if you remove someone of them. What's the point of forcing in a character if you not interested in making them fun or exploring them.
It's the whole premise of bungo stray dogs, isn't it? You come to see cool autor interpretation. Bsd is borne out of love for literature and writers, but then some of the characters get so much less attention and care then others. And it's not even that hard to write a good character when you have a real person as a reference. How'd come so many bsd characters are nothing but blank pages and troupes? If not for literature, half of the people won't be interested in the story.
Bsd is very strange media to consume. You have to wach anime, read manga, read novells to understand the characters and setting, and then you have to read autors' works and biographies to understand the meta (and because people will bully you on the internet if you don't). But then. Then you look at it as a whole and. It feels like a fever dream. It rushes to tell you all the cool stuff, but then it's either not enough stuff or too much stuff and you have to go do homework to understand what that was about. It almost can't pick want it wants to be.
Bsd is just one big fanfiction that just wants to play with all those cool characters and doesn't want to do boring storytelling stuff.
And idk.
What was i talking about by the way? Ah yes, Lovecraft. Please stop making him into Cthulhu. That's boring.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, i will now proceed to write logistic strategy for a small game development studio in Poland.
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v-for-verity · 11 months
[FxM] Cyberpunk 2077 [literate/adv literate/novella]
literate / novella / advanced literate | writing-focused | MxF preferred / rarely MxM | fandom | dead dove: do not eat | writer, artist, and enjoyer of unconventional things
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✦ ۰ — hi. i am 21f and go by graves/auron. I am a writing-focused roleplayer and generally favor other writers that place emphasis on maintaining a consistent and gramatically sound style.
Whether it's angst, romance, heavy content, or mature topics, I'm pretty open to exploring all sorts of things. I'm very strongly back in my cyberpunk 2077 obsession which has been taking up a huge chunk of my few remaining braincells since release- so I'd love to get to write for it a little.
I'll go ahead and include a few more important bits regarding roleplaying with me;
✦ ۰ — I have no triggers and will never judge a partner for whatever they may bring up, so communicating with me is very much a safe space. On the other hand, i'd like to know of any topics that may make you uncomfortable.
i'm aware that i'm looking for pairings that are likely hard to find, especially some of these cases - but i can promise that i'lll try to incorporate as many of your own preferences as well so this works for the both of us. admittedly, this is very different from anything i've posted for in the past.
✦ ۰ — 3rd person / past or present tense preferred in writing.
✦ ۰ — enjoyer of ooc chatting, discussion, analysis and headcanoning.
✦ ۰ — though i have no issues with various irp content, no ooc flirting is tolerated. please respect my wishes regarding this.
The main pairings i'm currently looking for are;
- Johnny Silverhand x Female V (op)
I haven't quite gotten the chance to write as Fem V much, and though the chances are slim that I'll find anyone interested, i at least wanted to try.
I'd like to play V as a complex, hashed out character with her own background, quirks, and personality traits. I can promise that all my depictions have depth and will not be delivered flatly. I'll also do my best to make sure the character doesn't come off as dislikeable to you.
I've got information/lore for her, but as a very brief description;
"V" as in short for Verity. She's a conflicted nomad with a martyr complex- self-sacrificing to the core and often suffers because of it. It's a downright toxic trait that she largely cannot help- which contrasts strongly with her newly evolving traits of nihilism and cynicism brought on by Night City and even more so by Johnny's personality seeping into her own. A desire to be hopeful that often is hard to realistically maintain.
She has a slight obsession regarding old-school stuff. Ranging from tech, to media, to music. She's an avid enjoyer of punk music and rock from way before she was even born.
Part of her misses her life as a nomad, while the other part knows she doesn't truly belong there, feels that maybe she never did.
- Jackie Welles and Female V (op)
This one is a maybe. I'd be interested, but it's not at the top of my list. Everything I've said before pretty much carries over onto here. I just adore and miss Jackie a lot, so I wouldn't mind expanding on him a little.
- (op) Johnny Silverhand x Female V
I do have extensive experience with this specific pairing and with myself playing as Johnny. In this case though, I'd like an engaging V to play against.
I can promise canon-accuracy and complex characterization on my part as well.
✦ ۰ — anyway, ik I may sound a little intimidating or even pedantic through my posts, but I tend to be very relaxed and talkative through chat. so feel free to hit me up if you're interested in discussing a little.
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writingmysanity · 1 year
Oh please tell me about the Eskel and Haldir fics!! 8k!! I can’t imagine writing so much 😭 that’s awesome!
When we were gods
This one is the story of eskel x kit! Starting somewhat at the beginning, right behind my two piece jaskier fic "take me to church"
So it'll explore how they met (again), all of their trials, and tribulations, their time on the path and how they fall in love!
I have a teaser part if anyone is interested. Though I am not ready to start posting the actual story. It's a very very in depth piece I'm pouring a lot into.
Any specific questions I'd love to answer though!
Whispers of stars
This story has several names at the moment, this is just the one I've used on tumblr since you asked and I didn't wanna be like uhhhhh *breaks out wheel with options and spins dramatically* (okay I kinda did)
Others being "the way the stars whisper" "written in the stars" and "the stories stars can tell"
For background information, as I've learned many people didn't know, elves (like penguins and many other birds!) Essentially mate for life. They have one love, and if that love passes for any reason- they do not remarry. They also don't sleep around (according to Tolkien since I know this is common in fics and no hate! I am just going by what he says specifically because I WANT TO) because for elves sex = marriage. And they marry for both life AND death.
I believe this story is going to be 100% OC, as i haven't even decided if I'll be sharing it online online, as of yet. I have let others read it. The only one who has completely caught up to where I am currently at is @thehistoriangirl 😂💜 she's waiting (im)patiently for me to continue.
This is the story of Haldir and his love, where she is taken from him (kidnapped) and how she gets brought back after she's found, how they heal together, and conquer all adversity together. He does go to Helms Deep, but he doesn't die, ans comes home and they deal with the fall out of everything else coming about.
That is as vague as I can make it (not because I want to) as to not lose completely everything in my explanations. So if you'd like to know more, or anything specific I would be more than happy to share!
As a writer, I can speak for many of us here, we LOVE talking about our pieces simply because we have so much that goes into it. Lore that doesn't make it into the final product but gives explanation. Pieces we had to cut due to fluidity. Alternative routes not taken, and why!
We love our characters and we want you to love them, too. We just don't get the same sort of audience wanting to see bit and pieces of our WIPs as artists do (mainly because they're not quite as interesting as artists WIPs as it's hard to get a full picture from a few sentences)
I am really so very excited about your interest 💜 please, I love interaction with you guys! If you ever have any questions about any pieces I'm working on, I'd gladly make a whole list of every piece I have for you to ask questions about
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Maybe this is just me, but if it ever happens I think FB4 should be set in 43, and include the events surrounding the Chamber of Secrets. Or shift the timeline slightly and have it in 45 and in FB5. I know we complain about shoehorning in Hogwarts, but this is actually a major event for Dumbledore and I think it would be interesting to see Albus juggle it alongside the Grindelwald war - torn in every direction, so to speak. It could also be an easy tie-in for Nagini and/or Newt, what with the basilisk and all. Also Newt and Hagrid could be an interesting dynamic. Hell, having Tom in the picture could potentially even give them an easy way to connect to Ilvermorny, with all the Slytherin stuff. Not to mention contrasting Tom and Grindelwald and Albus' approach to both and how one influences the other. What I'm trying to say is they have a free Voldemort and I feel like there's quite a lot they could do with him, even as a sideplot, that is relevant to the story and not forced, and I think they should use him.
I wouldn't want FB4 to be set in '43. I definitely want The Chamber of Secrets to be addressed, but I don't want to see too much of it. Frankly, I don't want to see a lot of Tom and I don't want the movies to explore his connection to Isolt.
It's not that I don't find the lore fascinating or that I don't love Tom's character. My issue is that we have two movies left and the plot is PACKED. We have many main characters, there will probably be a few more faces (because in CoG Nicholas Flamel was searching through an entire book of possible contacts before ending up finding Lally, and I doubt she'll be the only one from that network that will play a role), and we haven't even gotten into the Global Wizarding War.
Personally, I feel like we know enough about what happened with the chamber back then and we have had more than enough about Tom throughout 7 books. I want to see a nod to the fact that Grindelwald and the politics of the time affected him and I think that in '43 the Chamber would have been important to Albus' storyline, having the threat of blood supremacist attacks inside Hogwarts' walls, and one of the main reasons that his hands will be tied. But I think we should only see it in the context of the politics, of Albus' emotional state, and as you said, of him being torn in different directions. We should also have a small nod to his future connection to Nagini. But this can happen in a very contained way and, other than that, I'd rather Tom stays in the background because we already know how Albus handles him and we already know how he ends up compared to Gellert. Not to mention that overall, he wasn't important to the main conflict that was happening in the wider Wizarding World at the time and that's where this franchise's emphasis is.
I'd start FB4 in '40 to show the start of the war and Grindelwald's rise to power, not to mention that the breaking of WWII will be essential to his increasing following. I'm firm about '40, '43 and '45 all being essential years and I hope that the two upcoming films will manage to touch upon all of them.
I actually like your ideas, but not for this story. I'd love seeing them in another spin-off. It' s just a personal opinion, but I'm just much more interested in exploring Gellert and Albus' love and conflict (both in the present and in the past), the rest of the characters I've come to love, Gellert's followers (if we are ever graced with more substantial writing when it comes to them) and the war, which is far worse than anything we saw in HP, instead of losing a lot of the barely sufficient screentime to a character that has been developed extensively.
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Hi,love your work and thoughts behind them.I was wondering if you would answer a few questions.You can skip any if your uncomfortable.
1: Favorite cliche or scenario to write for.
2:What got you into Twst.
3:Any other fandoms your involved with.
4:Who do you hope to voice any character in the upcoming Twst anime.
5:Is there any topic you want to write for ,but don't have the you can pull it off well
6: Thoughts on Grim.
7:Any things you want more of.
8:Are you into the Obey Me fandom
9:If so are you excited about season 4.
10: favorite flower.
That is all have a good day.
I don't know, 10 questions seems like more than "a few" to me--
My responses get a little lengthy, so I'll slap them under a cut!
1. I don't have anything specific in mind, but what I enjoy writing the most are character-focused pieces where the conflict is one's inner turmoil or coming to terms with one's own emotions instead of something physical. (To clarify, I do NOT mean pining or anything romantic here, I mean just a character growing and changing over time from impactful life experiences like Overblotting or losing a friend.) I feel like self reflection is very important, and something that's not often explored because it's abstract and doesn't have a clear answer or a definitive ending. Personally, I really like the open-endedness of these kinds of pieces, as they help me really analyze and understand the characters on a deeper level.
2. I wouldn't consider myself a Disney fan, but I do really enjoy Toboso-sensei's art style and storytelling! I had heard rumors online that she was working on a new project with Disney (which turned out to be Twisted Wonderland), and I've been following it since.
3. I play some other gacha games (since it helps curb the temptation to impulse pull in TWST), and I enjoy various shows/anime and manga/books, but I'm not actually that involved in other fandoms. I'm generally a casual fan that just sits and quietly enjoys content from the sidelines.
4. I mean, I thought the current VAs would just be reprising their roles for the anime? I don't really care to remember or to follow VAs (or celebrities in general), so I don't have anything to add.
5. I think that with enough time and research, I could write anything if I was interested enough in the concept. However, there are certain topics that I would like to avoid writing at all costs (not because I think I can't write them well, but because they are personally triggering). You can find a list of them in my writing request rules.
6. Honestly, I don't know why people find him to be so annoying (well, maybe except for his voice). The only reasonable explanation I can think of is maybe players are annoyed that Grim "steals the spotlight" from MC/Yuu, but I don't mind that because I think it's pretty funny. I really enjoy Grim's snark. He's not as mean-spirited as Ace, but he knows what he wants and how he's going to get it, even if it sometimes backfires on him. Grim is basically my first companion in Twisted Wonderland; he's been with me through it all, the good and the bad. He's really the one I truly consider to be my friend, not Malleus. In fact, I'm way more attached to Grim than I am to Malleus 😂 Grim being a cute, fluffy cat also helps his case, since I really like cats!
7. I'm always hungry for more TWST world and family lore! I'd really like a "parent-teacher conference" event where we get to meet each of the boys' parents and siblings! It would be super interesting to see what the students' dynamics with the family members are like, and how their families would react to hearing about how they're performing in school. It would really help to highlight the differences in each boy's upbringing and background, from healthy relationships to unhealthy and even toxic ones. Also, it'd be hilarious to see Lilia pull up as Silver's guardian--
8. I tried out Obey Me when it first came out, and it... well, it wasn't for me. That's not to say the game is bad, but it just wasn't to my tastes. I was expecting Obey Me to be something that it wasn't, so of course I was disappointed when it didn't meet those expectations. More power to you if you enjoy it, though! I can definitely see why it appeals to a certain demographic or why it's good as just some nonsensical fun. Here are my general thoughts on Obey Me:
The characterization and the jokes seemed repetitive. There's only so many times they can joke about Mammon being "the dumb one" or Beel eating so much before it loses its magic. There's also the problem of each boy being defined almost entirely by their "sin" or really basic character tropes (like Asmodeus's narcissism) rather than having any character outside of that.
In my opinion Barbatos, Simeon, Luke, Solomon, Diavolo, etc. are much better characters than the 7 brothers, because they don't have a single sin to rely on to be their entire personality. I stopped playing before those guys became "playable", so I'm a little sad that I never got to grab them.
I feel extremely weird about the plot twist about who the MC really is, and how all the brothers continue to aggressively hit on the MC despite knowing their true identity. Besides that, I felt like the main story and the events never took themselves seriously. I would have preferred it more if there was something more at stake instead of being 98% fluff.
If you hadn't told me the characters were demons, I'd have thought they were just generic pretty boy designs. Like... nothing about Asmodeus's looks screams "lust" to me, nothing about Satan's looks screams "wrath", etc. Meanwhile, you can take one look at Idia's gloomy face and stooped pose and immediately guess what type of personality he has. I felt like there was so much potential with the characters being angels and demons, but it was never capitalized on and therefore went to waste.
I never understood why everyone thought Lucifer was so hot? Maybe I just have shit taste--
Gameplay-wise, the events and new cards were too frequent. It was a very "pay to win" model, which required constant attention without allowing you enough time to properly save or to plan for new card drops if you didn't spend a cent on the game.
I'm not a fan of the general art style, but those little shadow demon dudes are super cute!
It's hilarious that the anime adaptation depicts the MC as a sheep ashdasidasibdagofuyabsdais;basd--
9. I don't know what "season 4" means, sorry!
10. Lilacs, gardenias, jasmine, and peonies are my favorites smell-wise, but I like all flowers. They're very pretty and calming to look at.
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
Hi, I'm new here but I have explored the cockles lore pretty vigorously and in a very little time, mostly to get over my skepticism but also bcz they are my serotonin boost... anyway I needed to ask if you know about the time Misha accidentally spoke about how he woke up alone in Jensen's room (I think it accompanied the night where j2m wrestled while talking about politics) and Misha became flustered and Rob's reaction in the background was enough to tell me that yes cockles is 100% real...but he said he woke up alone and missed his flight, so what... Jensen just left him there sleeping? Left him to wake up all confused? That doesn't seem very couple-y...I swear I'd just accept any thoughts you have that doesn't include Jensen abandoning Misha in a hotel room...btw I love your blog..very funny answers
honestly i think he probably realised he fucked up by talking about that and changed the story on the spot. i think either jensen was taking a shower or getting breakfast and maybe he did miss his flight but i doubt it was because jensen just fucked off and left him in that room. even if they were just coworkers or friends, that is a pretty weird thing to do (especially if you know that the other person might miss his flight that way). either that or jensen tried to wake him up and left him a note or texted him or something (it could be they had seperate flights and he couldn't miss his own flight and misha was too drunk to wake up lmao)
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dogcopter · 5 years
In the midst of all this pink angst I'd like to know what your take is on onion
ONION: Clearly deep lore. Clearly cursed. I believe pretty firmly that he can perceive the astral plane somehow, and I think his ability to teleport is not just a gag for the movie but canon. (possibly travel via mindscape? I’m not sure how he’s bringing his physical body along) He may know about Steven’s mom’s ghost? 
Takeaways from reviewing Onion appearances that add up to that: Onion can understand written and spoken English, but only speaks mwah mwah and usually to people other than Steven. He likes to hang out inside a vending machine in Funland Arcade. There’s a running joke that he does criminal things and is a chaotic force - he’s been shown with a crowbar, stealing, destroying things, and entering other people’s places. Sometimes he breaks into Steven’s house and hides in his cabinets. He seems to adore Steven.
This got REALLY REALLY long so I’m putting it under a cut, but heres my pre finale Weird Deep Onion Lore Summary, if anyone cracks the onion lore I’d love to know.
He’s tried to convince Steven to kill an animal at least twice, and each time after Steven spares the animal, Onion shows him it’s still safe at the end. In Onion Trade, he demonstrates an ability to haggle for what he wants and then tricks Steven into giving him a magic artifact by trading Steven his own Ranger Guy toy. He steals Baby Melon. In Rising Tides/Crashing Skies, Ronaldo says, “You can’t keep quiet forever!” and Onion seems to dislike Ronaldo. He appears to recognize Steven in Lars’ body in The New Lars. He has no problem openly committing crime in Beach City, but won’t take credit for someone else’s crime in Doug Out.
Sometimes their surroundings go dim when Steven’s with him (sinister trade face in Onion Trade, the multiple power outages in Onion Friend when Steven is in Onion’s home, whistling to summon friends in Onion Gang) and I think this may have to do with astral lore somehow, not simply dramatic effect from Steven’s POV. His office seems to have Rose Quartz symbolism: it’s hidden behind a poster that says THE DOOR, down a dark vent/tunnel. It’s a warmly lit private room with a massive angelic portrait of Onion, on a blue background surrounded by white and pink bubbles and yellow and white stars (diamond colors). There’s a rug, some string lights, and a blue chest full of bubbled gems collectible figurines from the arcade machine he lives in at Funland. He offers Steven the coveted Rose Quartz Explorer Gal as a gift, and shows off a psychic ghost Invisible Gal to him as well.
Lore sidenote in case it’s relevant: in Monster Buddies we know someone can be teleported inside of a bubble and then break out if conscious; as of Gem Drill we know the consciousness - of both Steven and Cluster fragments - can create a bubble from within the mindscape that is also somehow in the physical world, bubbles seem to bridge the gap between astral lore and physical world. the bubbles are somewhat fragile and match the color of the gem who created it. In Kindergarten Kid (I think?) Peridot’s bubble goes somewhere other than the Temple, explained as “home”. So the creator of the bubble has something to do with the location it goes to, it’s not a property of the bubble itself. It’s possible “home” isn’t the only destination. Steven also sees a similar star when astral projecting in Escapism as appears on Onion’s portrait. Maybe this tells us something about how he teleports?
He seems genuinely afraid when Aquamarine and Topaz are hunting down Steven’s friends. His office is referenced again when he goes missing and Sour Cream is putting up posters. He talks to Topaz, and if mwah mwah language works the same way as the watermelon language (sometimes they have actual dialogue written and Zach is imitating the same syllables with mwahs, kinda like Pikachu’s voice actor) I think he might be saying “Topaz, help”? He says a Mwahmwah that really sounds like the way Aquamarine said Topaz a moment before. He’s frightened or startled to hear Aquamarine mention the Onion on Steven’s list. He has an odd look on his face when they enter the gem ship and seems calm but books it ASAP once they’re free.
And (support for possible teleporting Onion) at the end of I Am My Mom, he disappears into thin air at some point while Steven is giving himself up. (He’s not shown in the reaction shots with everyone)
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He has a couple cameos where he looks directly at the camera; I know he does it in Raising the Barn and What’s Your Problem. In Reunited he points out the Diamond ships arriving on Earth and he looks neutral while everyone around him looks afraid, despite his fear during the Aqua/Topaz debacle. In Change Your Mind while Lion (Rose) is looking up at the Diamonds, Onion is looking up but in the opposite direction. In the movie ofc he teleports around. He also cries out to Lion for help and Lion rushes over to help him when the town is falling apart. 
In Future he has still been weird and appeared in a lot of episodes. In Guidance, Smoky somehow misses him when getting everyone off the rollercoaster in slow-mo, but he’s riding in it again while it floats in the sea. He’s funny and weird during the acting bits of AVSE, including the “NEVER LEAVE” collage, his psychic waving doll (ROSE QUARTZ?) and pied-piper whistling a bunch of LH Gems off a cliff. There’s some kinda message there but I’m not high enough to understand anything related to Onion in a coherent way. He showed up in Steven’s dream in In Dreams, too. Back in the first series, he’s strangely realistic in Rose’s Room - legit, all this spooky Onion stuff put together HAS to mean he’s related to the astral projection mindscape bullshit right???
Here’s my most galaxy brain pre-finale Onion headcanon: The reason Onion showed Steven his tape in Onion Friend is because Onion has seen Steven’s tape from Rose Quartz or knows about it from her. It sounds like an explicit birth video but is labeled “Happy Birthday Onion” kinda like Steven’s is “For Steven”, and ofc Onion can read, so my headcanon is he didn’t receive that tape from Vidalia but found it himself, following Steven’s example.
I’m suspicious he might have a connection to the pyramid temple story (just bc that mural is the last unexplained bit of astral lore, who knows if it’s gonna come up in Steven’s story at all, there’s not much time left) but have very little to base that on. Onion is a big fat mystery and I’d love to know what ideas people have about him.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
because blorbos are for the girlies and waifus are for smelly men... or something like that idk
i just dont really like how some people convinced themselves their way of enjoying characters is better than that of others
i'd even go as far as to say some of thrm are just as shallow in their treatment of the charas they claim to treat better but thats another story
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Hmmm... Very good take, anon. You nailed it. Poor Maria is basically a mascot of more shallow and toxic type of fans - they will think that "unlike us filthy misogynists" they AAAAACTUAAAAALY respect her... only to completely ignore her nuances as a complicated and tragic character and simplify her to angry, rude, badass woman that enjoys killing and being a bitch to all men but girlies are good. Like, okay, if all you can say about the character is how much she loves women and murder, and all you can draw for her is her smooching Adeline with a lesbian flag background - sorry, but this is ALSO pretty simple. This is ALSO one-dimensional, same as some gamer bros drooling about how much of a 'waifu' she is and not being able to draw anything of her besides horny fanart with her clothes being skin-tight so we all can see her boobies and oddly thin waist or something.
And yes, when you figure that the ONLY rebuttal they can use against the accusation of being simple AS WELL with their vision is 'well but [demographics] is not oppressed and horny gamers from reddit are worse just because they're cis het men lmaoooo 😭😭😭' - you also figure the problem. That they make it about ideology and some sort of activism, revealing that they do not care about "respecting the complexity of the character". They are very much okay with character being simplified and not explored past like 1 trait (2 if they are feeling REALLY generous)... but only as long as the way to simplify the character itself matches THEIR tastes. Reducing character's entire personality to masculinity and sexuality good!!! Reducing character's entire personality to being a potentially good gf/wife and sexual appeal bad!!!
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No, you are not "respecting the character". You are doing feminism activism in front of my salad the fandom, which is a place for ALL types of fans to go to, and ALL takes to be shared. The only requirement to be part of the fandom is to be a fan of the source material - in it's entirety or a part of it!
At the end of the day, there is nothing criminal in simplifying the characters. I am not a fan of one-dimensional takes myself - I like to deep dive and analyse the characters, I like seeing every single corner of their life and personality and purpose in overall lore! I like complexity and various aspects of the characters shown, not only one side of them! I can be bitter in my own autistic way, but it is about preference, there is no point to be made about who is "right" and who is "wrong" in how they treat fictional characters. They are not real and do exist for our entertainment and happiness FIRST of all - whatever makes the person happy. Just like how I get sorta bitter when people draw Malenia with huge honkers and thin build - but I will also be bitter if Micolash is prettyfied (I mean the ingame status quo, he could have looked prettier when he was healthier). But do I also think artists are allowed to invest their time and effort in what they personally enjoy, without hassling over "respecting canon"? Of course!
The sentiments can coexist. They SHOULD coexist, in fact. Not having an opinion and preference and equally liking everything is probably not a good sign... unless you are a fan of a character so rarely acknowledged that you do love anything at ALL about them, ahahahah. Someone's way of enjoying the character is not "better" only by the virtue of being more representative or canon-accurate - objectively. It comes down to preference. What I love about us Mico simps a lot, actually, is that those of us that prefer canon Micolash in all his ugly, hideous, sickly glory is that we do not make it out to be some loud political statement, accusing artists of "lookism" or "ableism" or literally... anything you could pull out of the fact that a dude that looks like a corpse got a makeover fsdhfsdh Get creative! Maria fans can get creative with seeing "misogyny" and "dyke-hating" in the places where it doesn't exist! So, let's also use our imagination.... NOT!!!
We just pout and say 'you are not REAL fan' as a joke. It is always. just. a joke. The more avid fans of iconic female Soulsborne characters should learn from us to own up for their subjective preferences instead of starting weird ideological fight over whatever lady they claimed THIS time.
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sally-mun · 5 years
I know it's been said but I'd love to know how the story would have gone for you if there wasn't any limits like following the canon sequence of events for all of the stuff Mortori did. Do you think writing everything out like this has sparked new concepts for stories and AUs you'd like to write?
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I suppose one could argue that I actually didn’t have any limits as it is, since I have the authority to cut things out whenever I want. My goal when I initially put together “The Brotherhood Rundown” was partly to get an idea of what sort of person each member of the BH was like (since the comic gave us nothing) and partly to use those personalities to bring some logic to what I considered the core events of the backstory (since the comic honestly doesn’t make much sense).
If I really wanted to, could’ve changed the BH background even more just to suit my own tastes – which I am prone to doing, since RPing is my happy fun sandbox time – but at the same time I recognize that not everything can be happy at all times. Horrible things need to happen to legitimize Moritori Rex as a threat. BH members need to have flaws in order to grow as people. Conflicts need to occur in order for characters and groups to struggle and overcome adversity.
Having said that, I think it’s important to emphasize that each member of the BH has developed over a long period of time even for me. I didn’t suss out a lot of detail for each character when I started this, so back in the beginning it was easy to say things like “and then Janelle-Li dies” without thinking much about. It’s not until years down the line, when I understand just how much of a family man Thunderhawk is, and when I understand just how strong and confident Janelle is, and when I grasp the sort of symbol she was to her people, that having kept that event really upsets me. As you get to know the characters more and more, it’s impossible not to feel more for them as well. When I began weeding out the BH lore, I wanted to find a way for Locke’s actions to seem reasonable from his point of view even if we as readers still disagree with him. I never anticipated that I’d come to be SO incredibly fond of the person he started as, which in turn has made his fall so much more heart-wrenching than it ever used to be.
Could I have re-edited “The Brotherhood Rundown” to reduce the elements that I hate having to read/write about? Of course. But if I had, would it still be anywhere near as compelling of a story? I highly doubt it. You need peaks to appreciate the valleys, but you also need valleys to appreciate the peaks. The only thing that limits the way I constructed my retelling of the Brotherhood is an interest in making sure that the story makes sense, that the characters are compelling, and that the narrative is soundly constructed. The canon events don’t really limit me because, in this context, I decide for myself what is and isn’t canon in order to serve those goals.
As far as having been inspired for AUs goes, I don’t know that I necessarily have plot ideas so much as I wish I could just explore each member of the BH in greater detail DURING the events of the Rundown. To reiterate, none of the events of The Brotherhood were actually RP’d at any point; this is all purely backstory that was agreed upon, in very general discussions, between myself and my partner. Neither one of us have ever RP’d our BH characters during any of the times covered by this series. It’s part of the reason I occasionally attempt to add them as characters in other AUs, but even then none of them have ever been protagonists. They’re always supporting characters at best.
I suppose it’s possible that stuff like this might get explored sometime if my partner is up for it (since he does read this blog and will inevitably see this post) or if I ever take up the mad practice of doing writing commissions again (tho at this point I don’t know how I’ll get people to pay me anymore now that I’ve written over 100 pages for free). I never rule anything out, but as of this moment it’s not something I have plans or brainstorms for.
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rorykillmore · 6 years
and i'd love to hear about any aus you've been thinking about/working on!
okay so lately i’ve been getting nostalgic about charmed, as sometimes happens with me,
but i’ve always loved the idea of playing with charmed aus because the universe is so extensive! you can get so creative with translating character concepts into it! and it’s just really fun in general?? so i’ve been thinking about building on that more often buuut for lack of a core concept to center anything around rn, i thought i’d just talk a little bit about the ideas i have for my characters! some might be subject to change depending on how much i keep developing this, but
okay so lucille i think would probably be some kind of darker, underworld-aligned species. i’ll just say a demon to make it easier. lucille is some species of demon, but probably with some human blood in her background. human traits probably initially manifested more in her brother, thomas, than they did her, but after he died she started struggling and succumbing more and more to grief and guilt (which full-blooded demons can’t typically experience) and probably ends up trying to explore that and grow from it at some point?
to reflect the redemption arc she went through on denny i even like the idea of her eventually making a deal similar to the one drake made, where he got to be human for a year but then had to die at the end of it. i mean,, that’s really sad but i also feel it’d be kind of rewarding for lucille in a charmed au. she’d really get to experience life properly for the first time and learn shit about herself and it’d have all the more meaning for her if there was some kind of time limit on it.
siobhan -- easy one, she’d be a banshee!
...actually charmed banshee lore isn’t toooo different from siobhan’s family curse, save for the fact that banshees in this universe essentially ‘infect’ each other (if you’re a witch who’s stagnated in deep grief or pain and you hear a banshee’s scream, you slowly begin to transform into one). so yeah siobhan starts out a witch, gets turned into a banshee at some point and loses her humanity, is a pretty spooky villain for awhile. maybe at some point there’d be hope of turning her back though?? like whatever involvement rocket or red would have in this au, maybe they’re the ones to do it.
sara.... i dunno, i’ve considered a few aus where she’s a witch, but she could also potentially make for a very interesting whitelighter? a sassy damaged whitelighter who kinda stumbles her way through helping people sometimes but can also be very good at it; kind of paige-esque. because sara’s death in her canon is like, an infamous event, and sure characters die and come back all the time on charmed. but with how much sara’s death changed and transformed her (and how she has to leave her old life behind afterwards), i think it’s appropriate to bring her back as a whitelighter, and have her get assigned to watch over a group of ragtag, time traveling witches who are supposed to save the world. you get the picture!
i’m keeping heather a witch because i really like the ideas you’ve already come up with re: her, duke, and mcnamara kind of being this buffy-esque teenage demon fighting trio!! and then like meeting/joining up with veronica later on and stuff. one little twist i was considering adding in (appropriate to heather’s character,) is maybe making her a witch/demon hybrid? which... isn’t a fact she’s keen to disclose because if revealing you’re a witch is dangerous in normal society, revealing you have demon blood is dangerous even in magical societies. she has a slightly more aggressive nature and more destructive powers because of it, but is by and large pretty firm about defining who she is and what she wants to be.
okay and for madeline, i’ve kind of fallen in love with (no pun intended,) the idea of her being a cupid! i love. charmed’s cupid lore. a cupid is essentially a like a whitelighter where after you die, if you were a good person in life, you get offered a ‘higher calling’, except instead of being a guardian angel you’re essentially just... an angelic matchmaker??  you spread love, help people fix their relationships, etc. i feel this is something madeline would be genuinely good at, but also like, i can think of nothing more appropriate than giving her a job where she literally has to meddle in people’s relationship bullshit. she’d LOVE it.
trish would be a witch who i’d kind of envision playing a role similar to prue where she’s like, a really headstrong, formidable, slightly obsessive force of nature in the magical community who has a pretty established reputation for taking down demons. i’m not sure what her active power would be... maybe one of the elemental powers?? or maybe something like molecular combustion like piper has. it’d be something pretty in your face, much more offensive than defensive.
i also had the the thought that an interesting thing to throw into trish’s arc is to have her... join up with the avatars at some point?? or be strongly tempted to. because in this au, trish is still... trish, she still struggles a lot with wanting to save people and wanting to save herself and not wanting to be helpless. so this organization offering her a shitton of power and also the opportunity to save the world would be IMMENSELY tempting for her, and of course if you remember anything about the avatars, things would spiral into disaster from there,
dolores... man i still haven’t settled on a strong idea for her, i feel like, because there are so many different directions i kind of want to go in. one thing i do feel strongly about is she would be a GREAT character to demonstrate like, what absolute assholes the elders can be in service of the “greater good”. the elders seem like a good standin for the park engineers in this context because like, both are all-powerful forces (in their respective settings) who oversee things and have no moral qualms with manipulating events as they feel they need to.
so one idea i’m playing with is dolores being a witch (or possibly a witch/whitelighter hybrid?) who has some kind of Big Destiny she’s involved in that the elders are Very concerned with. but it kind of fucks with her life a lot and puts immense responsibility on her, so at some point she kind of just decides to fuck off and break free onto her own path
...but the elders don’t like that, and reset her memory so they can train her for their purposes from scratch
so you’d still get those same elements of like, her trying to figure out who she really is and what’s really true and trying to break free from something really huge and complicated?? yeah i think i like this
sophie-anne, of course, would be a vampire! easy one! i honestly can’t remember if much is known about charmed vampires except for that a) they’re considered outcasts even in the underworld,  b) they live in clans and are run by queens, c) are actually mostly women (with some exceptions i remember) for some reason. basically i’m pretty sure that charmed vampires are a bunch of gay demon ladies who decided they were fed up with the underworld’s bullshit. so that all translates pretty well for sophie! she’s the queen of one of the more prominent clans and basically just likes to chill. and flirt with witches sometimes, which exasperates her advisers constantly because don’t draw their attention, sophie!!! maybe she also turns cloud at some point, depending on whether you’d want to translate that aspect into a charmed au for him
as for camille... i think she’d either start out a normal human, or some kind of witch with pretty chill powers who doesn’t usually get involved in the witch/demonic conflicts. camille just wants to live a quiet life, basically. BUT in this au she does have a ~destiny~ as a future whitelighter, but it’s evident to like. basically all of the powers that be that she has a lot of shit to work out before she’s ready for that. so camille would basically be the character in this au who gets ASSIGNED a whitelighter to try to help her through things as my opportunity to explore that. i’m not sure who it would be yet but i just feel that is the best way to translate some of her pre-existing character stuff and play with some really interesting growth. camille with a guardian angel would be a disaster. but she’s also so unwaveringly kind and resilient as a character that i think she’d ultimately make a good whitelighter herself if she had someone to work through some things with. so. 
i wasn’t sure what concept to settle on for sly. maybe he’d be a wizard... ? i remember wizards kind of being this like, offshoot branches of witches who are kind of mischievous and sometimes untrustworthy (and also they’re almost entirely extinct and the remaining survivors seem to have a lot of issues with that, which... is fitting for poor sly...). do you remember that wizard who wanted to become the source of all evil so he could use the power to revive his entire species? yeah i feel like sly in this au would ultimately go up against that kind of well-meaning  but very dangerous villain and really struggle with it
alternatively maybe he’d be a werewolf or something, to express the fact that he’s a furry, but i don’t have as much of a developed idea for that,
delia is both easy and difficult to fit into this au. obviously she’d be a witch of some kind, but i’d have to figure out some kind of extra edge to express the whole supreme thing. maybe she comes from an especially powerful bloodline like the halliwells, or maybe she’s some kind of demigoddess... ? idk i’ll think of something interesting
and honestly i feel like some of my cats would actually work very well as familiars, especially if i could figure out some interesting characters to pair them with
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